'-' .? 1,,- 14 ,4 " ,, t , t , .4, As.. A- . ..... . .- ". - ' ' -' e ''.- l ' : '.- .. iii,,,ima Pk ItuThAter thf. Wa t er. _ .5.:,,-1,1*A1,....""."..' ,,-...,''',,,,,,,,,i4g,;111'...,,te , .-. Vity.t.es r 4 -----ri''.-=7, • . 7 ..-r , - 13, Q 2, a , th e bag A>.-PV..?:,- ~,-MNT-Ita.WMIPF4 -1 7 -1!"= .,- ,' - , „blot' et ) &leaven& la f Arai hat.),tt , i, , nra , merlin . ,P.1. '11.42, -,_.fh. ,_I - k - " 4.01 ' , ' -, ltrghtlatak.,''':4o4le4 it bm bee 4 Ilibliel r 661" ...t 6 i?t,,1 kiiiiicifote'Lf7 -ii k ' Z'' ''' ' :- ch ''i lElL.,._,'' '' etV ,:: ' ' -' `,:o;iiiiiiki;ll46lll4l4-71,103,44-400' aiT ,7 c is!torli P f " or a ti t e l t rue 4e . Ail e a t !_•o , l o,l * . m., l47.. ' oi t z -, :::: . :l b t ut i. „, „ ..i q--V4:.410111.41‘k .'-` ' r6.e.u .. Itellirt carg°. ty a tie eraaltfaa I'S* on'' —477 • II '' ,liiStikteee.4. 4, - sa it;49lt ia'r"" - prtritork pa& A" , ' - - -- 'tii4iitittlinr h1 1 1.!•"°r h i ° ism ' T ` ',..r{;:fi::,g+,-al 'Alp* ' 41 . * . -:7,,, i ' ' ++ - n+ 1 ,?3. , ':-.. ++,' 1- -,+ I:llUniq'TOlldkee.,l*;- 611'`.."ntakti likkgkiatic ‘-', . 2 t'W , -' 4 :4l l4„ rilisiiftdAildnv'l 34 4‘liltho,lt . ; U Y- 1941 ' r t '1) - 4quiirtia of . the ''. '''' :'- lihirCtrkiiii4l4l7' ..e'4'4".";dik.''' fas" -"a' "ii." ' ''.l4 ' at th. t 'New York. Bar *a * . ''. '''''' 2-‘l-t- tiitanoCtliffrefilrooniNi4-.Tarkf4 .A.'dinitovr.rer, No. 11 ANN 13trot , , tatr ,vik -; - .l;ra ll f trad 6 ,--.0 6 ...=‘L- ~.--' 4,- 4044,,,0r , - ~ ' 't.i., ,. i ir !,f i s - .+l , s + +-0 , 1 , ' i 3 0 , 1„, „-, , d 6 1. , hihwiellahia.,hr,Z. t t4 osr.l4DE t i ir k it rk ( Ja c o Dr. , ,_-,,, ~ a holiirul - ~,..;. -,-, ~, (Third mod We Ont 1 tee ~ . , ~ __ liwitmit ,• • C ':: datlarYtiltr a t ,-, Vt , -' 4 "'' layorg, eire44 at bli':flotithshttesed Wileato nAs$AlO.l) 4uv , to C -'' alic4 -"" ' llilthlar ltte ,, .-.c ' - ';- '' r a.,,ita Yweliih,) sad mins ,ottrana... ' ' + - it :I:l2 ogie:l=Ziarigke o4s2 P# 4 °W °o4l4iel i. ' + .l ''' - ithtirriYhtkpistorday: ~ r.,....,..._. _ _. 4 ;...?- .. :, , f',1- -j i, z ;,—,ia.k . r ~ -, MP larhah - ltetatbli4 k••••"'"'""'s,r .2r ~ , -,,, -, ' 4 ' nathid triair En* Franonkar letk • udt - .--` , -+ r,- , ~,:„__,-___ _ - 1 r_'. ' Slitp , Tiliinraa,Vkalfitlli,4l ll l, 4 h° 03, `;_ 13 7 1 .' - .77 . 7, , • 3.0,h ult. far rtiolairOlil )n... - 144;;6c:iiijohileit iltlltr• } , - Ship Oatattrig9l94-= 3..... .. - , 'r - - -,..;,. -~.;,. A'' ' lived tit Itaitits* oo " - 8 ' 4 ii - --' ; ie.*. 'll/4 . " 10 ' 4 I Ship afrattek,erawtiki JP, ,S, A" w, ,,, . ).-• at Sae Ifrothitttletb= lol , \ -i,i - e l t o , r B f,, ', fra u d° , Ship Bia,-,40.40k. t ..11, 7 ...,..?„„.., :,,,, . .... ~ ~ .. ci rzt1uvr ,,ii„,,,, , kr,,, , ,,,,...„,,,,,,,,, 10 ,,,_ ; ,i,.,,,,,,, ...,, Ded„ , ,m5tizi, ,, ,,,i,„......14,,,,1 : 9,kymt. , • .414G.....37 i._.., , ....,,,.---,,,,,ii,;,,iu g t0n, . Brig MiiirMolt". ' avu T':' e '77 5 . .- - ~, , - --- ""I" r if" ' Rile4Rl irat i kin 'kitten atlNeikinOna - ' , I +,. Behr nto +lSallahan, „ ,_ „ r ~. , ....,. , ~. ' - atlt Iptt..:t X.,-n-i4ill''''' ior-likthiletilttaseit r,' Edit' es° ^ ^ - ‘ .B 2 sil - -, '... , - = ;" g am " .V- 23 16 45 trariti friaitiaatoiaoi I ; hpi, lt - *II rt 1 ' - ~. ~ = , ..-,- ~ , dePiNk i X# l .l4 4l4 7-*OUlr ° i' li t ' 11+,A i iiiiter , ,^ - .846 innyminfiloW". lo o l ~„' *lv - ? - tardny_fot Pkilf 4o o ll + .` ' ' *Sli ra d'' a t, Portland +, Nvir , Ninn,iiit `g 6 - iii i . , l , lio 4 - 10 - 1 -'-'+, „. :- - ' . Btn+laat% • ? .'ll.-%. ...--j 4 ++- -- - , :+ t if,r dra w° , 80161130+, ,". pchie Pibiliallagi; l 4,tto , t°t .62 ra d, al obarloaton+ - 11•01, OsndYi.lo.V.,#)"47ll'`, ..-' ' ' ZIA lust .1 -, , , iii im lli:64,4,,a v iags, pm, ,gobe liVil'irloottag. , gooni 6 8 1.1-, i . tonlkndins, was At Zoltdoa. .... r l . .. erziai goad . Bo hr Jr er-Vio}a,- - itetket,.,Rer 44101 p i fro, NOY NAdford Sib Inq,„,, - +;,,-,. . , iIItPQRTATIO,Nd. • ", • ZaadidLE3TOW-.IArDII/torskon:-:4lllalikeeotton g Win .B:*therii Col ITO do ratitio*Ugriallitosfoiox •,:,1.!,k,c0; ; • GCS* teat. ' llintifijibtflat:lllimew*L., , pyrf , A; #1:.161M173',:1:1 - - 01.NABIPJUNBI "Ill••=talotaielitraetlialsorillbrih . • W NVOMitt, 14.-0114. oOr Geo L'ochraa, Brooklyn W N Sivitgr,lll% - ' ,- ' A A Wight:Wm, NY' t ' ' :'K Beralaittsar &it I, 'Wail , ".•'", 0 :tr• 8 atemi oaten, Us= S . . - ,Yhoo J Atrrood,.l , ottaellitit tlll'Pratoly4•ll Y ' , Wm m Shoat, - Petsitalmil,tll ft Bowrom A, la , _Y....° 01 ....„ 10 (`-"''''' l''''`•-eli ' , "4 s .71.',1 lyla ,--,. •1 , ' ' ''' " .... 2 Oiptprnr - v.! , ., ', - -, - u AarbOriy, Paorlattere ' .-- V li. A a '4l' vr.; Nalt ~,t I -I.l•3thibita Logai. Ts WW • huß B4 4-4 - ",YW.; ° - 2. • , ..t.l as . 0 soigoa.; Pi Y, • , ' tip INNaigGwaste,",!,r.;,-ap.„e_ Vllisautn, BaltiMare • • ": C ; 0 Pipreglai N•4:- , '''' '.- '', ';," L'lliir Keeler &•la; Nubile ,i eaatod:gaigkw,Blobiw-1 - '4, - ,116 -, WfigraarN Y' • ' '' ltlAkiirehos. - 111` , •-•.,-,7,-Ihri. 1.4 13 ,, ff q, •, • 40b4 1 1.008144•1111•4, - ;"• • •;"3ts wiz - tato; godan ' ';'..,, , ,w a: wawiki vao 2 - -3-.. - -4-1441. ono, va. • 41 a'llierata,'"Tta ••••;, • .) , ...5-hliltobbloo;lirfaciossla , • W wipLoaarDairtos?-" , :.;. - 1 • Wro Al Saltdrord & la, NY, r: ChM Irsakii A ion, II Y": - .. D"Araditaol'New Alexi= t s:Teter .., EsnithLOtoolr a tatt, :- Copt II Tplar, N-Y ' ' .' Jam .8 11rietrill - J 2 7 '2,1 •':- - "•`• It Deeever •Dapitod ." -• " ..• W 0180114aetle. -. -",-,•,,, - - ,Thoa - Pt Veldt, Waage, ~.`• • 1 t. Wrt. 'kW/W.; 2 - ( '.... - 3‘ tatlele; Pb :5 - :- ,- war litkPal • X- 4,4 ,ea.Okikialkettiodlo t - Ark , - 4• • ' 4360J0r1ftwir-1r1t:.64-"‘",:.tW, PBO " -t • .• 18 Walheilitiehloitaidi e Ya f ,,Asilejototik,tll Y , - lter 111 Tattle; PIXt-• trl-..,;", , ,,YriLtollakti.ll,le .7 Ilf Paris; £l. , - 1--" , - , 2. , "'"4 OiOWO7 Jr Plti , ' . B CI ithadet& -Tat IN 1 ii °1 •1 - 4, -..W'Bi rbuoy Balt ' .-, •:`' „ • A. 8 Saolord;phesout 1101.. HD• &aim 1", - • ~ • ' • . Ortot Dammm a, N Y - i 7.1 ‘'.• I. bspoilfilpassiso . Crte 8 Italy Bet -,, -• f... _;., ',. It HAberaromble. Hard 1 1. Jones Yolk: N.. 1 •', . •••• Itobt A Sroitlial ll' r , .. •• ' Jai A eltits,'N,Y" :••• ; l,•,- • B - B.lloffotti Ire -, ' • 011 Witheririiiqiiiv , -..:vi Pi II Itiogar,' II 0 N L Matt al ' ri ;•;,t, '.. Pt Adlialliiitaniool, 0- - ' ' N N•Johriaorc, TOXIN .."... •.`" !II 0 &Wit Bo , " ` , Dttaatortlt N ••••••• J.,•.. •;:•• ~.• tillarraal 11ItY .••,..,,,"!,: •': t T Itiobarda, St Lbohr " '".O P Paay, Del •,-.: t - 'Jllall. & litilitY•t" , i rt. -t.'..' Wisa lites,'N Y -•-• . ` ' It P =am, Parrtualrati'lli.• B Coates &,da,N Y, ••:.. • • - -a al Coate tr - T . . - • - 'A ' WAI MoLlatert CM ' 0 11)141.141.71(a1igam, , GA • t•'' N - Wanner, Pi °Y -t• t - ••,-; : • N - stoaaft,',la, NAN; ~- .'",- ":llept I,Darla .N Y'. •-• I 1 Moit,4.'r - _. - ~, -- . 1 1- , - ,1 1.- 1 1Oriro1114.1eagit ' , : --- ~ • •tt'•• ,4= l ;--. ' • • -I . r-'' 0111011110 . 18111-;•AriM si.,'abaire Third; ' `•;7 NateD;:tilleilkery,ibitr:: , W Rhoulaillrbar 'ia," 0 • ,L 8-36 - 14cogizoo,i- t -,-, ..=,--. la Al giadars &• la; Ohio ' ° 11 II Meer,Yettnobtaill4 , ', Wlt Peke; N t'' • , ' -- ' a D'Elttalletltutiltai •'• ' 3 ` 7 -1) It Oiswforti . P4 ;" '' : ItltattlloN,ltaltdlim ; 2 , ''',`':. 7 U nits"; Pottarilli;' • `• - I P Otratli,Dttaibriage; 0 '-• W 111 , 0h - rfatotan, Pa • Arr L I Illoppe A la, Pa - Ittoa 8 A Hippo', bid - - D YetteWeata•t. ''- °" , L7 Beeratter, lowa • 08 DeglioUterville,. 0 It It Zolution.ll. D,lte • W -11 guilt- Baltg , '- -, Was 'Leckie, NY . ' ..-'• ht tiAt, I. ,48' lubbmow,ing Al Libanttea,e a -'. 8 eaergaritabol , t •,. - - , -. 1 ,••11 Blistaftlettbhirkb, yt. _ -SEW alielatLisokt,„:-:L , - ''',.' Dillatik,llat ton Pa ' .7A: aCtiithalo'YWitt: ‘• , B, r Zanie; penes, ./41010/144M1L-41atti • itrait)4thitve 1111r1: • t. lolar,"YrieterltYtOirC.o - - ,, , ,.1=01! Otarrir,..ra , -, loultiwal - Xgraik.ta ; - --usary Gerwig, Pa . -, " ' 1 / Ilt a° 44 r l " . ; • t -- -q‘o , ‘• • :' , :laDeprearrit t leo ' ..,- ".• ; ,II B Allaiti ao°:".; - ,W.,::: • ,.0, • ;";, '•..lobirooalt,-.pa ~,, A p_fataapkWY:Tt-11-.4,, , ,i--11.ritaloitat . ./temlimr ''.'" • JoaWhitiltorliii.tOltri:A T, 4lliir 0 Park, Phibr •- 'Tea 'IIW/4 1 MM ';,:t-t • '-' - I:; , ltir 1.18-Icarati - ra ' --.,-. Jos Hardy, rib ', ' , ---:, -4 Woodi Itllltaa, Pa • -•-• 1:100NT YIKUNON,4IIITIOV-11.mood at:. above Arch. Baati -Duprey; NtY-• -.........„ •/I 8 lifoore,' , Ps _a..- A $ /16 1 P , Pta - 12- ' ! , . 4 ;' , • ' ..t,'-•- ' .. ' tf 1 It tLi aogi Ba : lt • • ° PAOataglata,Ph•atC-.', . 'lM__l o Maras ROV/1.-Irula at. -Mow Ant. ;oho Wilt, lirtarm, rit4 ladt.tllW Hubbard. No lolmi'L,Oleyfttar, litm.:Lt°,:t.',. 4.ll.oltityfire,Mo .' 'Mai 111,4*94 aifilints, 44 :44111raltarit, N Gerdes, 0 I D Briggs, Nast i4iiiboiqo : Man Ei 11,sto, Ey - • '. • • ", B flatlymtip.ilhaeletta.l.--.. I. V floolitara, Sy t':, ' , - '"D. 0 111 Watcher) & la, leta",J,COrertou A la,Utokmas • / 1 B Plitioe • iltrgeWtor•l"-, '• • Joan It Ireglap t " a Liotrty , Wm 71 illoora":4411= Bar,11".1 , 0111e0altblna, N 0 • h.: rApt*liridatiatill t ",.,ilarity: ltrioe,-Nawarlt pi/ II tlratarplAi artfampre- ,tt Int - Johamon, /1•11!„.: ...-.,3, '.. J litioluiaott, 2 ll 0:. .' :-- ,:".p It Neal ;X o.- --.: ~r .. '-' 1 P 118arearmai zaiiroi:w-y:a'afloamtai rfc4;--- , ; 7 W-Kapite - s . 0.011g;141 ~960,1121151111"-N J` :•,,,,, .- , - 34 , 1 ;Y.e4 0r -,;•. • .i.VitiwlttraP 42 -ttl' •:,--.° is44fo • Jo • ai ..r.".,,-2 ;11aorpareys Ill't " ' 32 ° 4 Jti lairkala , 0-4-.PWoAirda,• B,A;2i - , 0 Ira 11 - Cormatip;XML' , .. '.."..-.„,0 p iiipsoi lad .., ', • r •,•'•, 1, , ft I Wilts, TWOOri - 1;6•'11Xt (Make; Ili Louie ,• • • ': W- O - ataratti via, ..,,,.;;;.o.alahaatoa.Obk) • ---• ~.. Jobs ,gleg ,W.tig ,- . - ... --- : - --_,`A fin Dinahl. Tian t: . -,.. ' B t Yiktatyaelirtl. r itt-tt. :r WllllooProlerk 7170 , _ .. •, 4 Pitie, lolstOplaii. :,;- it. tag it; itawsliog.:Va ', , ,"A W Cook ,)iii 2 ' ' PB It atahmstati;lol ' It .taeltsop,lx,4;:y. --; , -!, 1, - •,• Intilaipt Chopr.r,' Ind •,..'," •;• • 71411iilisiTePil LI." ", 4 ,lfsailliOit-Tann ~ 0 ••• ! W-Balla;Yttow .. t- - ;;• . - 8 K.ltsrder,(Tdair- -- . • L P 01.1514, Taan - - -"L'.,"; ,2, NI potairat,‘Tor4 .; • . -,,::, 8.11 alirthelm,Nteti •,, '..--!,-.,- I•W alart'Alll i - , -1 A g l i k l erl,. .., ..f.. s ': ~ .earVolcusin, leint P litOr : o*, ~t, ...Jlllll 041decs Ark I Duarart,' it lie •° i - - i•••;,.", • ;',4 • 4" . .1" Hathaway, Ark - ItitalstisiAllfr ,-:',-..--, :.,- -,,,,: '-' -. , , ;-• - ... , , , , ; isis***)*lmitint itite_ii. aliiiieiitili• - ,7 0 4 ,01 1 191frItaitsV 4 '!,.-1- 7 , 19 1: Irogeabold, St, too Lit • W Mg* ,-- coliame,- ..:. W4otto, Benton ',..•,?, .- " • 14 PaWittrilliatoss - •t••:-. •,- . 4,ltipidiriost, Pa . A Palmeri PleitYort7 et; .:011tattittlektmei Nee York D 0 Buhl, Fa . , -• . ;7.r - - - ' sll,lleitts, India= • - ‘ 1 UradaMocYlihatars '' .. - : • 14A•Velor, Lemma • '.. .1 hieWlDlol=ll.,. l /#,_ • ~ -","--.,.",W it Ilseter,'„ltykomsas - ' Al %%mope= & • 1•,064.11 :• ••.. Mime Joltrumm, Baltimore _ ' It XX Porthaltt Ya. ;. ••••-:‘,•^•'.. I ClWllkeraou & Is, N 0- ; J 1 mt,..4,,J1.,,21.0.-„," 3 ;,". _0 k IlstrlapTriost I, ; , t,' - ~, • t Cid I Darroagli.l/4.• '.:..ittr-till o.:t_lterrlond,,Kentstemr, A I,Boo}eri,.*.gifildbri ; , ..,_oollrpeoteti.liewArp7k: , ,, • II /I Wavd, New York -,- - ,Ir N. 1 : 1 414.43 BP, fien'' - .' ' x•a twpcva,,, , ...-,Ti , „---..,- , ........-,K1iu010n,146 ~,-.., -../. ~ Ppf t. 5111.,.4,V`i - 73.;-f. ~..:.- is Bagooak.lle= •-• h,- ,' PG 0 01_, *ft Well_ talls •° ""t‘o - r I.llObarm to .layx:d , - .i. - Wino nelliVreilrga , 3„ :: •-!",,T IP Walton,"N 0 t: 0; ,-- *NW 66 0/ , I . II Z Ilk 1,-,V.ir;", - ;•..TIE Biummaktp N., ,-;. ~ ~.,• s We Wil p4a4 , , Martreere I. _- I Pwasimutt,"ol%, ,-,- ~, • a A Briar, Nr- ~ • ..- U T BallormidThie ,--- • .., A. T Oepoppar, Val- ~.." ~ , A .EtitrooD; Waohltiglen,l) I 0 AWilitoseilr.Y., , p. •,•,..• ;" • ' , DB Holder* N • 0" ' ..- • Z 11.0=a1amt,'N,1X. , ...',4,, t :,.,C V- Blot eartseunthjY* I W - Joarm Va .. ' „ • W to n es /lloh i. •• - '''' a olgati_Ja 0 titePthq° 'Dit I . BAY &Jet 4 4 ,•• '• ! 1 11 N "at v.-- - F , :•-• ~ - 4 Oltfaka, NU ,' -- ' iiiiiiiiNjilliiitl ' il:ti3Oiikm;hili: -TobitaTeroll4s;lalto, oC;',. Opprrt, Warrington ' - - 11ra,g_rgirtiWgratagrga ":,*telWtsw/Tert' • Betirlotoort . i raw-Da is • ''..--.- -A ' Sup Mathieu= , = - W WllimairimajJeektaloona DW. Lowy, : faueott. - .. • .t. Wall 1100,. ADettorra , .- S Lillian, Die rim" 7- • r, a lbacbiltai - ii ---, -, AIR gollowly., NI ~ • :.- F . Lnk.rtiffts , . 44 1 4 0 . 1 :04 . "1. 1 . 11 0,,0Ar40 , 1i'009,q0i1int. -,',, ~",,,..,;,;:,,,,- e d-iei. 4s , :r,E.',7 `,,,'--,,-,- ''' '''-''N7' BiOjatitrilftThrilitrisie' ithilistisaawitUP = 4 ',, • - lipiocsi!aaooB,so; - :1* -41.Loteeilitararetown •-•'-', 0 1 1 0 '1144 0 440014164itAtv ,1, 4,41titilotwer011stoa, L PA -r : • 21411 44 0 _,_,r••'XINItigtt.r*:' , 'Itaara ,4 1aaaariatastos -, Pa 211--t aa,l 4-/: rtaay .--f-ra.--, Mime StoPPl'Aihmtpttoir• •ti- -- ..... , ,,ir 4 , -, ... - f...... - ....' ..• 'A:: . '. -- sotaiatualtAitt.!tnigi•tritit. stars nixtb;' It Brmireillaltit ..4.,. ..• -..,,, -.... 0 Ashes - coon ,-- - , 1- 1 AII Pawnee:a, Oinei q .. - .14._kl ,- eitlitte; Ya••. -' • Watt( Nosi,lol.l . ~ , ..W.Graitglyi Batt : ; '•t • I 0 IlerovioreaolWOrtt°t.ti - Gtoraltists: bill '• ,•"4 - - .V II et laltaela, N 11%.* '-.. - f."--,' , 1 0 orgas, pa' ---.- " Wo47;alee'" , l".Pv.k•a'.l l- :(• 1 1/P•Xliterit'InialfIlete- - t - Edirtloittre-PAt r;•-•-•tc,,,1"44:AtiliMant .- -...t • . _ . .7 D smith - Mire-2 '4' • ",:-'--7'.. - :""lris - oaidaakicr' -..- A wovelia,,• wy.4 . ,!1,--i,.,''...ii, saw., Magi 0 4 ' " .-- it A. Smith, ea- t•.:tl:4 - . 1 ••f. fa:O,B4W, i • Al& II S. Illoorner;Ta • , ',..,•:`,•;,, -•1• ,:i _ . irßanitriAtc*Ottotiiiii6;t:sho',. Tiitit.:' -w Potaga4k: PG MU g 1,.., 1: , _,I , • WO IL g.widtpild, .r.: 11 at Id Domani PottarUlli;;It•Woo*,•11 0 Dtv moore;D•1;.-,--A74", • a X Mt.*, De -' '' • . -J Vettlttoo,"Vri • .„, 1 ;',, ,1 1. , ,1„..--1/11? Sawyer. Mew • , N.hto'fi Watatt 0188,''''g•t:.-- r ill.w Deortrl4. 4 It * - Jr NialWitii,'T'a• ••••••''' • " 4° 3 -4 -10ertitei laiamtrt Va ' B J LestirAla • ' :71- . . - 4,920-giaici,qoo,,, .• _ - • •8 D Lair Al r - _. ...7, - , 4 ;v- - .lw:Vollayi` _Wathtegtrai;. • a laniar l irWiliNiattile ~,,zelr B 00.VW$01ifteuu ; • •••-•-t - .# , le•=7(•.t ~ ,Ftfe, L .- , - -.- "...-:',--1,-. , lo . --..-,... t,- • iiiittairt ipitUttlelltii:- 1 - toiks , 4irtivert, beatr-Y,lare. Jabtall - d&Ortere*PnOlas.l , lolknialiwli•Yll ' • ." "°•-• '.'' "VitilthirritSpltaatra";_t• WAWA itirkto 'Dolostoirn , • °*i o l -10 4 10 .i'm ~, , , 6 ,-- .Vqsatritir al4rl.ltia' - - - " Ira 8 ylejipat9jortaheart' ,^,- 4 4,44.-S, ".!•11,...c!, , ._-'.,.. .. 'l,-.- .101104 -",,,,,.::,--...%::, - 11.A01 VOC.4lltif.igalltfroliiiiCitriati. I] 11. Sett LerMoa Pa ' 3 lllllloroa, Midti, Pa' - Amos Bafeedr; o llll ,,, • ~ ' 2at(Ttiorga,Oheattr DO Robtlts 1 014616 P ir -:'',' z_ .1,,a toWtrar. NY -, ." Joomlaikaut , „.lll4 , ;.,!.. . .t...• • .111V„ZIliott,•111,. c-_-.: , .,- .Du Pratt, Nottrtsit.,7l‘ ' , ..,' , Ohaillartleat NY - '•. - N W Nolatetiaqj impo#VJl•D'll(7o9o; pa • Zobt V Chsla,:-Ttcl. -4 '.. '''r)l447l6p•ritot.to • Wrarloltairof,the tittf,lta - NI thralitai. Chester itio t . - - lit Ara Clittooollol44 ao .:,, , ,•t--,t•-•:t ...• • .„-- -. „ - , -`" o. 4l:2lAN'coax-pile.- co t ; • c , --„ , <•,...;11-s ifitirilidigitatinirovou 'ad iii2llitAoTo!it - " Z-44:4',A*Gaistiriliti81142T; inatititillioHito r aitiiel . WALE otbefriotineSTlVlVot ItOBIMIritrADSIOIII4 - 14.001V.indiltOtaWrifirS141tr:Silitiltit' to the 11 0614 tr , b 1111 0 1 0it*I 04 1tt 0/14.1 1 Iglittirgva, stikk w V/ (010 to 1;1, umi littfrifyikifilfiftWt 11;41(CetWar 401051.1t0i1 - qiteiy, • 11101171f104*.i.- ' • • "A' • 11103014 1 . and ioDoamitrfo. aor• of -- .14141140,7 it. rt.% gut Iron are respectfully Invited to ealf and exam. ISM the NEW EITEfiIfaVot,ENTE, for 9eitalemen, pre. paled by the undeislgniSdj'apfMailY:fot Sprier wear. Wlfl., r.lirAktsuarott; HATTER, tutao,ot 430 OntsThur Omef , litend the evidence eg„ttst.eld In. re tc 14°0FL/imp's bialtldale 111.FrESS, the only acknowledged remedy, for the wire of dyeperois, iher contileint . niiiiiong debility, &r';'l ,Dtriainzarnia, Dec. 8, Idea. 01. 0. 1t1.23/danon to to cottlf7 that I was vary moon *petal wiiittlyapepela ;and liver' .coinplalat for Foor?,eaii,liad.:.. tried 'nosily of ; the most ,InillattelPh4,-skti." little or no from them, My disease was:accompanied with imat_prostratimi - of: the .nerioni iyaterri ilddinese, mamma of tbnainaialr;Wiialthess, - Pilneril debllity, he. I ireeinduced bj a fiikit : to Ali itiiifißtiittlPS 4lt.R 1114,,1tITEERW; and, 1. do'riot;,hesifitte-to state'that Waafthe mein of . teetering' , rue ,talitealihkand . also iRiMy ok - 2 friende,lii7 . W.liotn I4edinaitoended it. I leksiCthise'llitters, soi the best remedy for the above 411essei isse;:iot excepting the proscriptions of odr bee} have'elapied dace my - cnieoind. I had little . or, none* the symptoms • - T. T "AZPIIii, ' _ .N0. ' 5 . ,24,8inth Third Street. medfeir; is rot. sate, #ingelatit is the V , hiAnd and at _the'tnenitfaetter, No. 418 ARCH A Cliaritish" Article for , the Our lady filendh, whose biati maiincline to fall Off, or be; oomeharib and dry, baia only halm JALEi HAMM'S EAU tUSTRaI4I HAIR -RENOVATORortiI all peridaseatljuiroat its tallboy , dettay,-glre ft h althy toni; riadeilt-beautifully oeft'and'oloray, haellue h to , etirl, wad .impart to lt:the iireiteat odor.- fold by all draggle : to. -stud ,by JULES .HAUEL & 00.; No. 704 10IIIISTNUT Iltroot; ' , - -mb7.ot .Tackeen - • Printer.' JAORSON PRINTER. JACIR.B9N PEUiTRIte ' ORREES‘ AND oAul)s, , , . rIiNT.I9) - pK • , • ,I,k9zsoN. Yutiiixts:..,.BlFTH and atiERTNIIT PRINTING. 0111T.1110..V..F/Fra OIIRRTNIJT" Cartier is Biker's' C4le4aiiid Fumih Sawing Sry4l7-:;PILiOE $5O. Fbi bleehirie Sews ,from two Spools, M purehea ifl from ,the' Sore, requiring no rewinding of thread ; ft fterns, Yells,;,Osibeie, nod Stitches inn superior style, dilliting each_ swim' by its - own operation, without re eciurse lo the hand•neeille, as le required by other rfie obines; It will • do' bettei , lind eheipei 'sewing thrn a seamstress oan, even it the works for one sent houi. 11:7911tili YOB-OIROULAR.,49 New Article. • .A Neir,erticie.. 3 ;' Phalan & Swale Cocoine for the I dr. Phelan &lion's cooing for-the Hair. Philon'te genre Cocaine far the Bair. .Beet and cilteininat Article Beet and'Obespeet Article • for Dressing, "Beautifying, Cleaning, for DtCSAing,,Beijkatlfying, Cleaning, Forßrosalcg, Beautifying, Cleaning, Curling, kroderrlng; , and • - :Bordering the.Halr: 'ectoring the Heir. , Restoring,the Heir. • rropiirefor balm & Boots Oecolor. Inquire for Thelo n & Smell Uoooinr flew - erg - of Ootteter,folte; Bortare of Counterfeits perge Bottles - Fifty - _ Bottles, Twenty-five Cents. ' Boleti Bottles; Tweitty4ti Oerits; sale by all Zolibere, Braggiste, sad Fancy Goirle Dealers ; , 747,tie every pert of United Stater', - 17tialineleoied Bet9ll - Pept, - , , Nos 917 4 497, and 797 nsotorrAY, New York: T. B. FETBRSON* - BNOS., No, SOO 13HEBTNIIT fel94f ;Item Ile g. Mack I.mo '.—lovelies Improved DOUBLE-VIRAAD, warranted equal to any one bun dled-A(4ler Madan* In the market. PRiOk Ti/LIVISt . SO; one,: eekedle parttime until thepare eatioded In tta performative, - • - • - RAYMOND; Agent;' !MActe) store of ; John A. gap. 067 A.., C10.,,f1c. 913,1141*A1X-10.1ietit.- reaa•Atia Shades-, - - •. • . --"- " ®OLD BORDNAB, - • - ~LANDBOA.PII3, , - • - ,./RIRENT•VINiArti, FLoWEß,trailtie s PLAIN CENTR p I3,,IVITH BORDE3B, SPIT, lIIIITEc',AND IINIIAPI• ROLLAND ,', AND iNIADN Prxrinvis. new,A;gl v•Aried:iiitigiorttpent, of Blondes, Lace, jiktd Madill, 'Curtains; Cinsidee, BAnde, Phut ()entree Labpd of. ell r - , ~.4 A tllirillie!oek aboreigriodisaltabyt for Spring tripe t , PATTIN, •- - 630 CII,E6TNITT street. Farrel l!eirriag,'fL VC, Zen aleitonus Tana ItION fiAT,I7:.W'AILEHOUBE 110 629 'OIIISTNIIT BTRNAT, tisine's Seaman's - fanytne Find-;Nerthwest Corner -of,fiflCOSlDliutd,WiLltilT Streets, Deposite received in- small and large innounts, 'from:ell daises- of the not:stiatieity,'-anCalloni 'interest at the rote of fire pet dent per ininint.' *Uttar may he drawn by ofietke without lose of into. . relit. tale opanlaili, , from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mori.' dry and 6atniday, OW S !n. the President, ~f ianic111(1611; Traiinter and Seeteiary, Oliarlaa N. • *WWinsf Fretiril.;Eriee Per Interest.— temorcti. SAFETY .T.lltl3T COMPANY, WALNUT litheet,', S. Ferries. ,THIBD, Philadelphia. 7 Money „ ,Orstiyedfre aiiy'fuinsijerin ;Franc, tied Intersist paid fionilthedarific :nepoeit.to', the day:of , withdrawal. thoolsrientid payments made /idly, without ;Tim' laiestments are made lu -.Reel Estate, *arteries, Orinnut 'Bente, and 'such Snit-ohms seenri tho as the charter requires. _Moe hours froir 9 o'clock in'thre,sciornlai'tintil 5 Ofelook hi tie afternoon; and us * 1 ?:4 1 ,Y amt Thursday +Sandpit until 8 Odsolt. fin 4dniio4l Rowing 'lllnehtnes.—The new Feral. •tylilewing Machines, ay and st 6, ere attracting noi• venal , atteatliia. , In all `essential 'good qualities they ire innoti the teat; dnottitasteres olt r esed at a low - pi:oa . 7, W • si. Ismozre & 00.,' 602 - 4311&13 . /NUT Btiest:. •awing' persona who' have beOn iodated to bay .-thnurlng Idadande which alit not , Fodor* the" Vroilethet, jatrehiateed eiiedted thini to do, inf 0 43 ,4 Wit OITIGERAI bAOBIbE6 never fell to dcysnylkin¢ of Work . 1.10 one is ever dtuipininted in these Yeehieee; „ I. M. BINGER & 004 602 blngirbtllT street.. oCtisLateatrutvei, and ,wide in tlitt'nostrillOUlPT, expropely for wrier'. sum Are mark our, tweet , selling prices in rx4nalflGolllo on'esou article. :AU goods noideto Order NO warranted ..dittlafiet a ryinati•onr-sne=raroa nen% in strletly ad. Aired tot 'Wk'bolieve tide to be the . only fair way of dealing; as tkereby all ue Suited • lONSB ft CO., • U*o - 1 •,- dirt4,l4AftliNT Strut. „ Th - er••-ik i iredzabiy . no disease Sistedi experienee hie icx amply. proved t o be remedis: ble by,theI.I O .IIAIITIAN ;WWI' ea Dysfepain. The inlet imeterite forms of this disease have been Ma , jole,tely cored 14 this inedleine, m ample testimony of mine of onr tint citizens prom. ' for fseic in this city by R. Brown, comer fifth and UhMtztat, and kissaird, -& ' , comer 'Twelfth spd Wheaten* - • pm /am eacrbo. ~rENTLEMEN'B'FIIRNISHING GOODS TAILORS': TRIMMINGS. V.E.A.ROIO, ' Rm. 9 Ketxrril ifoTivra sTREBT, - -- • ... Sire; *tot In staro - n- fall assortment in their line, to -,100/141:kiflisvite 'We, attention of theft onototooto Ili tnjars ofnooh gocitto. _ - f02.4.4tapl OS 4300 W,, ko., &o. .".lIABILEMOViD TO i4,, , istoaTll" kOIIIiTH StREET, 0111 ianli 151'07;14 the' aboveGoode. ALio, receiving . irblotx bash #n4 Short .firfte Boyere,okitioited., , mai:k2,at 1111111ENta TOILET- SOAP.—A superior fitttolik; msftiggietwitl by=Yan Hatton k m,gem e , iirasbiemistintly,iwholesabs, by THAW & MeittONS, -44204411,194eve55., - - • marZiew et ANS AND, SHOULDERS.-8,000 pieces . 11 Athoted name and Shoulders. :Aldo, 1,500 pieces Mitts' nagra4m6 Hamm , toe sale by • "O. O. OLDLER dc 00., 6' • - ARP Ptareet, 6411095 Awe F 5041, , • 00144 4,4 0.! - - On 0 - 31 of Ootober,r 1868, by r. tik ' e : . 4.leorgo 01.modler, Mr. , 014,1911, ,COttlt ,to Mlos ANNA R. OBIS.IISI. • -• 414eittla• Inei'Cittni"tlfherih'.lll"AniftYof' e t r zh, age, widower Andrew Getty,'Sr. in n iita th l, a wt ' h ter y a m lov o g r h il e i r . '-• light is from our household gone, - ' A plea° is vacant at our hearth ,-, A voice we loved Whieh - nertir can be filled: Age - title heart thafthrohbed but now With - tendernees and love, • Ilea,himehed its weary throbbing here, ' • , .To throb fu biles above., The'relatives and friends of the family are 'rented , fullY invited to attend the funeral, from her late reel denee,-.Pelmer street. beldw Frankford road, thin (Fri day) afterimonoit''2, &picot: -" DA Wednesday Morning the 9th instant, of inflamma tion of the larynx, JOSEPH L. SOHAIt.ER, wholesale Druggist., - • - relativea and friends, and those of the family', are respectfully , invited to attend his funeral, without further notice, this (Friday) afternoon, at, 3 o'clo'cit froth hie late residence, No. 1213 Arch street. To pm:sidle Laurel UM • • * At „her reederice, Linwood, near -Germantown. on Monday evening, the 701 'lnstant, Mrs.- CATHARINE! DAVENPORT TREIOHEL, wi dow of the late Dr. Oblides Traishel, of Philadelphia, aged 56 years, Her friends and thrum of her foully are Invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, without further notice this (rriday) -- afternoon, at 4 o'clock. To r recited to A. Luke's Choral'. GermantOwn. On Weinesdly mrniing, 9th instant, In Bristol, Pa , JOHN DUNGAN, Sr."; in the 71st year of his ago. The' ma o relatives and friends of the family 'are re:el:m.lMay invited to attend the immoral, this (Friday) morning, at Id o'clock, at the reeidence of hie eon-in law.. Leave by steamboat Edwin' Forrest arriving at Arch street, about half - past twelve o'cloc k, thence to Woodlands Cemetery. On the 9th instant; Mrs CATHARINE /MUM, in the 75t4y ear of liar age. The relativea and friends of the family are respect -oily invited to attend the funeral, from the 'residence of her eon.m.law, Mr. Charles Bard, In Mill street, Norristown; on Saturday afternoon, 12th instant, at 2 o'clock. On the ,9ih 'Mama, SAMUEL W. HINES, eon of Oh , latiatt and Elizabeth Hines, aged 21 years. Ole relatives and friends, Integrity Lodge, No. 187, A. Y, 51 , and Oriental Lodge, No 1,8 I. 0. of 0. P., are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from bin late residence, No. 126 Greenwich street, 'below Second, .on Sunday, afternoon, at 3 o'clock, without firther notice. Promeral to proceed - to Machpelah Come. tory. - se . On Wodeoedai, 9th - instant, Mrs. J. M. BULON, daughter of the late Jahn Megee, of N. Liberties. • - The relatives and. Claude or the, family Cr. reepect, frilly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her mother, Bohemia, Scattergood, No. 1328 Columbia Manus, below Broad street, no Saturday morning, at 10 o'olock, without further notice, To proceed to Monpment Cemetery. Hey. Mr. Lord, in Handel and Haydn HALL: on the " Great Lights of Oirlilzaelen." - The Fifth. Lecture of thin Course 'will be given on FRIDAY BYRNING, at quarter to 8 o'clock. aubjEot— 411ardlual de Richelieu, and the Develop tceate'or Absolutism in the Sevent eenth Century. ,, ,Tickets 21 cents. - ratill-2t Ur* gyo Church' of the Holy Trinity, Walnut otroot, wOO% of_ititteohcuse Square. .86LE OP. PEWS The Pews will be disposed of, In the Church, on TIAIRSDAY APIIIIINOUN, March 17th, Commencing at 4 olcdoek., -The Pews not publicly sold on that day, will - be held far 'private sale until the Ifllt3T OP APRIL, after which time they will be rented. 'A Committee of the Vestry will be In attendance et the Church on Tuesday, Thun day, and Saturday afternooes of each - week, from 4 to 6 o'clock, to gi re any informa tion that may be desired In relation to the method and terms of selling and renting Pews. Plans of the Church may be had at the same time and place. • Due notice of the opening of the Church for services will' be publicly given. - mbll•at To Ladle's—Ann Preston., M. D., will rig7give a Coerce of Six Lectures, to ladles, upon the t. Means of Preserving Health," at the ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS; Chestnut and Tenth streets. on TUES DAY, THURSDAY, And FRIDAY of nut week: and upon the same days of the week following, at 4 P. hi. Verdwo..ners , N AND BOS3EB —The the Reggae who hare MI wages: Ale,aere Miles & Bow, Mr: McMullin, Mr. Lauderdale, rouder, Blitroby, Mr. Bfigiot, I Mr. Broder, " - • Ur, Diekermeri, , Mr. Elsegood, Mr Zaiten, Mr Street, Mr. Sam, Mr. Becker, otlee—To Journeymen folloiring are the names of 3 DAY signed the bill of Mr. 8.0. Thompson, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Mutter, , Mr. Roller, Mr. Smith, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Gelber, Mr. Moyn, Mr. Rothschild, Mr. Dentin, Mr. Mate:metier, Mr. Monestler, Mr. Bleberlich. 5 Mr. Understadb - At the fdaso Meeting,- THIS 'AirrltleifiGll, It was moved and seeonded that a vote of thanks be given to Mr. goasar for his favorable report of our proceedings, which reeolutton was panned ntanimonaly. Itit MIAS WeII.KMAN, Beeratery. Seve...l7-e mind Anniversary of the Philadelphia Society for Alllvlating the Miseries of Public Fritterer will be held on TUESDAY oyzti- ING neat, March 16, at the N.USIOAL FUND BALL, at 8 o'olock. • Addresser will be delivered by the lion:, 'Alegander Henry, Icon. Wilms D. Holley, and Rev. A. A. Willis. 'rickets can be had of Mersin. iDitird 13r0e., 724 Oheetnut etreet. , •. - Perry er. No6tillan, 8. B. corner Vairth an 4 Chestnut Amts. Gee. H. Dargin,.Bl.D., MAT& street. Oho, Fills, 774 Maiket rarest. • bean Barton, 95 S. Eticond Area'. Bbarpleer Woe.. N. W. corner Eighth end Oheettnit. John J. Lytle, 8. iLeorner Seventh, and Spring Gar den. , 'Oliver Evans. 726 Spruce etreet mhl.l-4tif r ..,...' riiiessor SlatcrieWe Astrono aunt Leo- TUftliS AT TUE ACADEMY OP MllBl4l—The Committee take great pleasure In nunounotog a Course of three Lectures by th a ' 41,101nm/felted Astronomer and eloquent Lecturer, to be Klvon at the'AOADEMP OP 1111,10. on TilllitSDAY, YEIDAIt: and PATtlft, DAY,' thejOth, llth, and 19th' of March, at 8 otclook• Secured Seater for the Course ' - $1 GO Secured Bette for stogie lecture - 80 Course tigkete for fandly.cirote. ' ' 80 binateticketa for family circle, in sa Por rate at the Academy, and at Parry & Mollillen , r, Fourth and' Olteetnut. ltoons open at T. • Lecture to c6inmbnee at 8.. , , . . . , By order of the Comuuttee, wall:1.80r W&t. *FILSII, Secretary Misdealt& Jessie White Marto will de 1},3 liver a Lectute on Italy, and her Straggles for I , ieedorn," on IkIONDAYASVENING, Mach /40' 9 at 8' &Wok,. at BANBOBI.-OTIUBT BALL. Tickets, di cents. - To be obtained at the Booketores, and at, the dOor of the HAIL - Alllohut--Sketch Df Itaire preeent condition, end her efforts fo become free and independent. The Pa_ peer, and the Homan Republic. Life of heron Poerlo, and hie sittyfour companions, on their way from the dungeons of Naples to the United States. Attempt of Pleitenne and hie three hundred fo lowers to release the prisoners from the Matches of Ring Bombe. Italian organization for the nett Revolution. State of 'parties in Mfg. -The common 'elm of the Italians. Amnions for !loitering in their auceass: The proareds of Madame bIARIO , B Lentures are de voted to the Italian came. mblli•at Dr. Thomasls Lectures on India. fastest, PUNT HALL. ' Patuanntenza, rebrnary 23,1859. .DR. J. THOMAS—Dean BM : Aware teat you hare recently returned 'from the Sant, after havrog speak more than a year in Hindoetan daring the period when It was the amino of the most .thrilling and terrible evente, we would amino_ lova° you, on behalf of one fellow•eitiosna, to give a aerieeof leoturea on India •, believing, as we do, that everything In relation to that country mint pone's, at the present time, an minimal intireathir the thinking portion of Go community. Robley Dunglison,Tr. A. Boardman, , I Henry Yethake, Alex. R. 'Vinton. Chia. B Trego, , Charles D. Cleveland. Morton McMichael, . John Pennington, Zinn Yarnell, Charles Yarnell, ' Geo. B. Wood, Iterate Bioney, Jr. Put Lintmvnia, February 2b, 1869. GONTLYMR24 : r feel highly bonored,by the invitation you have ao kindly extended to me, and Abell be happy to amply with it. I propose to comprise in four he [urea all that I baye to say in relation to India. ' 111.111, gentlemen, very reepectfully your., J. TEIGINIAS. TEA. HIS, - PITORERS, Messrs. Dovglison, Vethake, Boardman, Vho'on, etc. GOBLETS, She first of the above.oamedseries of Lectures will OOPS, be given at MUSICAL pun' LULL, on MONDAY KNIVES. 4 EVINiNG, Mrt* .th. FORKS, Doom open a t ?t a dr.. Lecture to commence at 8. SPOONS, Lc., Single Tickets...-. 80 Ticketa, admittin 4 entleman and two Lodies..sl 00 On hand and male to order at the Manufsatort of Single Tickets lor t Course of four lectures ICO Tickets for a Oentlemim and two ladies for the MEADOWS & CO., Conn* 2 03 mar 10.1 m 310 CHESTNUT STBDIT. For sale at Hazard's Bookstore, Chestnut, 11.10 TO SiVeLltb; Parry Zr. Pourth and Chestnut; U. Hunt & Boaa, 62 North Fourth t at Henderson's . , Ylith and Arab. and at the door. mhB•tathad;m Pea- U.. Office et Nicer d find 'Third Streets /MX(I.ER RAILWAY COMPANY OP IaLPIIIA.—The fourth inatalmest of Lire dollars per share on the capital stock of this Company will be due and payable at the °Mee of the Company, 22Q WALNUT Street, on er before the first of April next. teMmurf tapl • 110litENT KELTON, Treasurer. firTo Ladles —A Ladies" Department has been opened in BR I'A.NT dr. STRATTON'S MEN. OANTILWOOLLR4E, R. 'corner SEVIONTH. and CURSTNUT Streets. for Instruction In Book-keeping, Penmanship, Oorrespondenco,•dco. The labor/ of the acmonatent are well suited to ladies. and: If oompe. tent, there term gaol reason erhy they Otonld not se. slime them They may be as thortughly queliatil as others, end that greatly increime the value of their .fierrlcee. Cell and eiamine so to fetillltler, eto mhlo.4t* Notice.—An Examination ofCandidates 1.1,..5 for the position of Profetscr of Natural Philwo. ph y and Chemistry, in the Central High School, will take pima. at the ORIN SCHOOL. corner Broad and Green Wrote, on FRIDAY next, the 11th inst., at 9 Woloak A. M. Salsry,lll,2.oo per annum. By order of the Committee on WO School WASIIINGTON' J. JACKSON, Oltsirman.. i.— i,l l -TtLir,(llB - 013°10:11; RAILROAD C F O ° " ITTIMITRO. February 25, 1858. . The Annual Meeting of the Stookholders in the r , Pittsburg Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railroad Com pany" will be held at the Rooms of the BOARD OP TRADE, in the city of Pittsburg, on TUESDAY, the 29th dy of •Maroh next, at 8 o'clock P Si ,at which the Report et the Directors for the year 1858 will be presented. 'The eleetion for fifteen Direeors to servo the en suing year will be held at the same place, on WEDNIIIB- DAV,the 80th prox,rao, at 10 o'clock A. H.. The Transfer Bootie will be cloned from the 2let to 89th March, both inclusive • and the holders of Stook la the Ohio nod -Peonsylvrinia, Ohio and Indiana, or Fott Wayne and Otecago Railroad Cloropeadert,,which bee not been converted into the gook of the new com, panv at that time, will not be entitled to vote at said eleotien. Stootholdere presenting their certificates of stook in thin Cornpany , to any Ticket Ageot on the line of the road, will be sold an Incursion Tioket from that Sta tion to Pittsburg, and return for One Faro the round trip, good from March 28th to April 2d, both Inclusive. , Sty order of the President, fe2b.dtmhBo ATIGUATIId lIRADLitY, Secretary. arDr. 'Wader's fTheatant Springs Watar CURE, ikt Ohattaat Hrll r Praladelphis oonuty, Pa 0:1101AMEI ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. (MEAT BOUTHEMN AND BOUTLIWEST.MIN X. PRUBS NEW AItIi&NON6IIANTa RATES RE.DtIOND The ADAMS EXPRESS CO , having completed sr. Tenements with the Norfolk and Pete sburg, Peters burg and 14noltburg, Mast Tenn., and Virginia Rail. roads, &e.. ha., are now prepared to give QUICK DESPATCH. at much REDUCED BATES, to goods destined forplanes in VIRGINIA, NORTH and SOUTH OAROLINA. GEORGIA, 'ALABAMA, and EAST and WEST TENNESSEE. • The eatabllahment of a THROUGH INL AND ROUTE from PHILADELPHIA tq BMW HIS, Tenn, lemma to Southern and Southwestern buyers a safe and reliable =dens of transportation at very r amenable rates, and avoids the risks of ocean navigation: Shippers preferring this Inland Route are requested to mark goods 4, 'VIA RICHMOND Those Relenting the ratite via Chesapeake Bay, at a LOVER RATH OP FRHISIIT. will mock packagos "VIA NORFOLK. , Dry Goode, Olothing, 'Mote and Shoes, Books, &e., or manhandle° generally, measuring ale feet to the 1® pounds, will be doomed and taken as Heavy Frerght. 117" LIMIT and Boum Goons taken at a reasonable advance on SPAVY FIIZIORT Bares. ary- The long-ostabilahed Line of Exprese to the South and Southwest, by Steamers to Oharleston- and Savannah, will be continued ea heretofore. r - uy - Por further information apply at the Otlloey Ito. OHESTRUT Street. , mlii•aut ADAI44 PRiIiZAS CO. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPIHA, FRIDAY, MARCH - 11. 1859. — A.7I A F 43„ : ps . , WE nAy4 NOW °PAN , - 1 -A TAHOE AND HANDSOME ASSORTMENT 0 - I[3 IA A -R S , IN NEW .' AND ./ .131041-I:TTIFTJI , r.rEIIEYICII`4I3. TEIOIIIAS W. EVANS C 0.,, 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. marll-8t fang iMrp (*lobo MARTINS, PEDDLE, & RABIRION INFORMERS AND DHAI,DRIS IH , HOMBRY, • No. 30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, • FIVE DOORS BELOW TB& HIEROHANTI3 , HOTEL, Offer for male the moot complete Mach or goods • ' in their Hue to be found in the , . UNITED STATES, t_ 'Consisting of HOSIERY of every grade, OLOVE'i for Men, women; and children, ooreprhilng an assortment of Over'3oo Made, - UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS,' LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS and 00I;LARS, LINEN CAMBRIO lIANDICEROHIEWS and SHIRT FRONTS. - LADIES ELASTIC' BELTS, with °Daps of entirely new desigrul,,with an endless variety of Netiona, to which they invite the attention of • , FIRST-OLASS WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. tei-2m - - Itp 0 80abe labbtro.. IV . S. STEWART & C4.,`;: 3 0 5 IEAR,KET S'iREETI; fuLKB, Ell tAYLO, oR&VATS, BO3II4ZINEB, DREES GOON, &0., &o . . , We are constantly reoebrirei New Ooode from 'New York and Philadelphia Auctions, to which we invite the attention of purchatiers. febltmyl' ' pARNUM. LARNED 80 Co. Now. 30 and 38 SOUTH FRONT ST.; AOZNTB FOR TIM GLASCIOIV op.'s GINGHAMS, Are constantly resolving new stylee above desirable Goods, vanish they offer to the trade en favorable terms. PIIILADELPIIIA, March 9, 1859. basx9o Otif " Warren's Corripoditiert Roofing." BY A BART) WOO BAN rnornu IT. In these our own United Rata— Land of the brave and free-L. None doubt that roofs should e'or he tight, Though men should never be. The crotualtsg virtue of a house Is, all aduilt, a roof, By WARREN'S COMPOSITION" re ado Both fire and warm proof. 'Neath each a TOW', when storms arise, A man may calmly rest, And though the rain descend, no drop Will fall upon his breast. If damn from some adjoining house Rise high as lofty apire, Nobranda that no hie roof may 1...1t Will set his home on fire. The dimes and tempest may unite, And both may wildly roar, But they'll expend their force in Thin On pebbles from the shore. The COMPOSITION 00EINO." then, bhould b 3 our Mot and pride ; It fire and water proof has proved, Whone'er it ben been tried. Another virtue Is its oath 111111 oh we to sight will bring, , Far cheaper than all other loots Is that of which we slog. Of merits we've not time to name The " BOOVESO" is possessed; Bnough for all to know that 'tie , cheapest mid the best f., All lesitationa, then, avoid ;., Their worthleasnees is known ; If you'd be cafe from Hre and flood Have WARNE:O4 roof alone. , Right opposite to the Ildehange,”. tile name is on the door— The Farquhar llctildlogs,” Walnut Attest, The dice Number. F..ur. ' • H. M. WARREN ,&• CO., wARREivs - • Daum rat AND WATER TROOP FELT &CEMENT ROOFS, AND .1100/ 1 /NG MATERIALS, 4 FARQUHAR. BUILD/NGS, 228 WALNUT STREET, OPPOSITE TUE ' EXOUATOE, mft 8t I'.IIIL ' AD EL Pali • SLOAT 15.1 CO.'S ELLIPTIC DOUBLE-THREAD FAIR-13TITCIIED SEWING-MACHINES. For airoplielty they haie no equal ; for daratility no superior • and for exactness of work they are unrivalled, making ieg. Werent stitches. , Instructions free., Machines guarantied. Plain hfaehinee, con3plete,,leo. , 11. G. SIIPLEE, Agent, marll.l2t 50e 011 it NUT 81116.11,T. AUSTIN BROWN, IVIIOLESALI4 DNAL'IR IN FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, TEfl I.ARG EST STOCK lti VII L 4DR LPHIA two. 16i NOIU 1L TIIIRD'SIREET, Inerll-kue 0 IV. corner or Bane, up 'Calm STERLING ' SILVERWARE, • AT MANIIYA.OTURERS , FILIOIIB SAFETY! COMFORT. axn ELEGANCE!! ABE INSURER BY WEABINCI DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD'S MATINEE SKIRT, vivrAotrAiThig HOOP FASTENING,— AND ADJUSTABLE BUSTLE. L'AFEI Y ! ! since it effectually obriates the danger arising from entangling the feet, or foreign snhatenees, in the hoops, COMO ORT ! ! because the muslin skirl can be in• stantaneously removed front the Spring by P SPENT .DETACIIMILI9 VASTENINI.IS, washed with other garments, and at no greater ear nee, and replaced on the hoops in a intrude! ELEGINOE ! because the scientific rut of the mus lin skirt, and the !Me material of Allah it Is composed, glee a graceful fall to the robe worn over It, and will, ighot weather, enable the wearer to dispense with any intermediate skirt. The MATINEE SKIRT has eleven hoops, weighs bat ten entices, IR STAMPED WITH TUE TEAMS MLITT Ot Mossra. DOUGLAS & SLIERWOOD, and is the best Skirt ever introduced to the pnblio, and quite India.. peusable to every lady who desires to °orgbins in her apparel SAFETY, COMFORT, and ELEGANCE I For sale at all the principal Mores in the I:halted States and Canada. reezlam 920. BAILY k BBOTBEII, 920 No. 920 CHESTNUT STN.HET, LARGE S.TOOB IMPORTED CARPETS, THE LAMM AND, MOH' DESIRLI3I9I 13TYLIN3 JOHN OROSSVEY & SIN'S VELVET AND TAPESTRIES, • 'XOC/ETIIKIL WITH. AN UNRIVALLED ASSORTMENT OF AMERICAN i'IIRE . E.PLYS ANI) INGRAINS 11.80, NNGLDDI AND ATILRIOAN OIL•OLOTII81 All of which will be sold AT THE LOWEL4 oAfifi mart-am LAW OFFICE OF , MIN= U. lEZEN.IO, SOO (OW No, "/62) WALNUT Street. mY6•itutla6w* • Phaidelpble. (*LOVES, and YANOY 'NOTIONB Importers =3 Dealers In EMTEO WILL OP)CN TO-DAY Conolotlog of Witl3 4 A New woir Dr. R. ShELTQPf EDITOR OE If ROOT es ABIBROIRANIE,” ETC.; ETC., TiIIERARY ADITOR OD FORNEY'S PRESS, TRESSILIAN 1-118 .rnx lc ra - ap PUBLISH/I) TDIEI DAY ' J. B. LIPRINCOTT_& 00., , 22' and 24 NORTH FOERTH STREET marl .6 J)ROF. MITORELL's LECTURES • AND Tat B.Pri3l AND ASTRONOMY. • LINDSAY In BLARISTON, • No. 25 South SIXTH Street, above Oheetnut, Have lately published-- TEE Blatt AND ASTRONOMY. An Exposition of the Biblical Ocemology, and its Relations to Natural Selene*. By John Henry Kurtz, D. D., Professor of Month History in the University of Dorgat. : Author of "A Manual V Baored History," ho. Translaied from the Third and Enlarged German Edition, by T. D. Simonton , , CONTNNIB. - Ohap.l. Theology and Natural Science. t' 2. The Deistic and Pantheietia Theerlei of the World. " B. A Universal History of tho Cosmos. " 4. The Biblical Theory of the Origin, Develop. moot, and CODErill motion of the Universe. ' " 5. Agtronomical Investigations and Results. ' ( t.' 6. Oonffiet and Harmony between the Bible end Aetronomy. To one volurne,l2mo, Price st.u. The author is partiontarly diatingniebeTTor his learn ing, hie orthodoxy, his -liberality, his piety; tind hie originality. Be writes with, great clearness and con densation, and presents in a brief campus a large amount of matter. His various works and partici,: lady his flistoriee, hare' received the highest endorse ment abroad in their popularity and multiplied ail-, Nous, and are commended in the. strougest terms by the most eminent divines. Cluerieke, Bruno, Linder, and - hudelbach. lend 'his ' Historic. in the strongest Orme, and the Evangelical Review. in, the United State!, has farnlsbed evidence of hie great meritt from turtlientid seamen =.Trtj. Mouth of Osityseurd. ' WWI 0.11051 THE •N. Y. COURIER & Tit al ISM PIKE Ole AUSTRIA; ITS RISE AND TRESIENT POWER. By JOON B C. ABBOTT. The Watery of • warts embraces a wide period, and the materials at the disposal of her historian are abuntant. As this country was either nearly or re. 'mutely connected with the great events which have taken place throughorlt 'Continental Europe, Mr. Ab. bott has availed himself of the vast field which was spread before him, indium produced a volume which M admirably adapted l.r popular reading . Thome who have read hie Iliatory of Napoleon know, that he pos sesses-the peculiar faculty of presenting .historical fasts in h mannerithich at ones arrests the attention of the majority of readers. Oboe student., and those whose literary testae are highly' calibrated, may find that his histories are not op to the staadard by which they think historical compositions should be Judged. To readers generally his works will be acceptable; and so long as he performs bit labors faithfully ; so long as he adheres to facts and 'does not indulge in fannies, he OM do much toward -cultivating among our people a 'taste for reading what' are termed solid works. The present history -is certainly s moat interesting one, ant the publishers have lamed it In s neat mar ner. It wilt be followed by a Dietary of the Empire of Russia, w:itten by Mr. Abbott." .• • • Crown Bso, 620 po Oloth. Price 51 50. Published by it •• 11I080N BROTBEIti, New York eilit aril IE4 Choobs Jobbers.— SPRING TRADE NOTICE 1859. RAIGUEL, MOORE, & CO. Are now receiving their Spring Xinportatione and . . exhibiting at their Salesrooms, 220 &, 222 N. THIRD ST., The meet extensive, elegant, and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DJMgSTIO DRY GOODS ever before offered by them, and presenting mould attractions to the trade generally. Their extensive stores having been remodelled ens, Wes them to appropriate to each elms of Goode a ups. rate department, via DOMESTICS, ' GINGHAM, raxturs, AND LAWNS, . „ SILKS, -; DRESS GOODS, ' WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS AND OASSIMERES, SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, 'HORD:RP, NOTInNS, & TRIMAIINOS, - "OARPSTS, , OIL CLOTHS, UMBRELLAS & PARASOLS, To all of whioh tho attention of CASE AND PROMPT SIX•MONTHS BUYERS • feb2B.2nk he solicited. 32 5 0 . :: ,11,ARR : ET STREET. - ' 325 .4k;, 'W. LITTLE 8c SEMIS, FANCY DRESS GOODS, RIBBONS, TRIALMINGS i GLOVES, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, EMBROIDERIES, Ao., Au. fo2l-3m filme Sinbings. WM. JOHNS do SON, (Soares:lor to the late Jos. T. Johns,) Importere and Dealers IN MOE Bruras e.nd TRIMMINGS, LAIITIIIOO, GALLOONR, L6OBTB &o. AT TILE OLD STAND, Northosat acorns: of FOURTH ind EROS Btreeti febl•aca LAING & MAGINNIS, No. 80 NORTH THIRD STREET, Importers of, and Deem in, SHOE' - MANUFACTURERS' GOODS, And all Muds of Shoo Toole. UPHELD'S PATENT BOOT TREES. . CRIMPING MACIIINIB. LEATIIRR ROOLING MILLS. 8R WING MAORINE SILKS, TILIMUDEI, and NEEDLES. ENO MU, MUM, Audi AMERIOAN SHOE Tarawa fal6•tmarl2 EDWIN W..PAYNE,'. Importer and Dealer BOOT, SHOE, anA GAITER MATERIALS, Iron Dullaing,N. W. oornor AROII snd YOURTH BG LABTINGB, GALLOONS, SHIIETINGS, IGINNOEt HID, PATENT LRATILER, coNams WEB, TOILET SLIPPER, TIPPERS, febi•Sm] BEOE THREADS, LAUB 5, wro. giats anb Qlapo C . R. GARDEN & CO., MAITMACTUREEEI AND WHOLEBALE MAMBA IX ' HATS. CAPS, FURS, SILK AND STRAW BONNETS AND STRAW GOODS, SUITISIOIAL 710WrIS,ZEIATMIBS, RUCHES, No. 600 and 602 MARKET STREET, Southwest &Ismer of SIXTH, EXTENSIVE STOCK, BEST TERMS, LOWEST PRICES. 1859. SPRING STYLES. 1859, AGARD4So CO., ' 828 MARKET STREET, Invite the attention of Buyers to an ENTIRB NNW and complete dock of HATS, OAPS, STRAW GOODS, so., Which they offer for gash or on the usual malt. febtl-anto SPRING TRADE,-1859. SHIPLEY, - HAZARD, & HIITCHINHOIS, 112 CHESTNUT STREET, - • ' Ar now opening a large mid varied stook of LAWNS, WALLIES, PRINTS, and other DREPS GOODS, To which the attention of the trade is invited Also, DOMESTIC GOODS, - Comprising Weirhill, Osnabnrgs, Woodward Doeskins, Brown Sheeting/ and E hirtings, Mariners , Stripes, Blue Drills, Vest Paddlngs, &0., &a. Qtabiat' tUart. CABINET FURNITURE AND BILLIARD TABUS. MOORE & CAMPION, Flo. 201 BOUTII 81WONDfRBET, in nounection with their extensive Cabinet HUMUS, are now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD 'SABLES, - and hare now on hand a fall supply, firgahad with • MOORE & CAMPION'S IMPS° VIM OUBUIONB, which are pranounoed by all who have need them to be superior to all others. For the quality and [Wish of that's 'Beiges the manu facturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their wort. ' . • • Aal4-em NOTIOE.-PLUMBING AND GAS-FIT- T.ING ie dono In a workmanlike manner, at very moderate °bargee, by WU. WATTON, N. W. corner TWELFTH an/ SPRING GARDEN. N. IL—Canary work promptly ottondect.to. fe2s.lmk, e i LEINE SOAP.—A constant supply of Yan Haagen lobicKeone'sOLHlNE OXIDN tOAP, warranted superior to soy Soap of that name in market For sale wsoleaale by TRAIN tr. DisICHONE, 22 South Wharves. • mar2w fin tit BISOIIOFI's celebrated Cloths and Doe- Ohm, together with other denirablo makes of Gilman Woollens, just received and for sale by ' 8111 MY, DAUM), dr. UUTOILINSON, fit.4.2ta 119 Oheatnut stmt. Area 'ark AO3lO ES. SPRING TRACE= NOTICE. IMPOittANT bv.ERY DRY•QOODS MEIWHANT IN TIIE DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, 8c v co. Are now receiving their enring importatione, and are exhibiting at their • _ . BALES-1300UB, BOUND 82CHAISIBERB STRENT, N. 1,, The most extensive, elegant, varied, and eomplete stock of FOREIGN Amu DOMESTIO GOODS EVER BEFORE OFFERED FOr sale by them,`and presenting attntctiOneand ad- vantages to the trade generally, and from all parts, such as are to be met with in very few plum: Their extensive stores on Chambers street, which they occupy edtire, enable them to appropriate' to 'each desire( goods - a separate department, and to have, in faot, so many distinct *tootle in their trateroanis, VEIL of whinh will be complete. Without specifying the articles am biaced, they would name the departments, vie.: - DRESS GOODS, , SILKS, • WHITE GOODS AND LINENS, CLOTHS AND OASSIMERES, • - - FLANNELS, SHAWLS'AND MANTILLAS . , • HOSIERY-'AND GLOVES, YANKEE NOTIONS, ' • ' DRESS TRIMMINGS, PARASOLS, ''— DOMESTICS AND PRINTS. • 'To their Domestio' and 'Print Department they call particular attention,umbracing all the leading makes and styles, which will be sold at the very lowest rates. They have the entire production of the WARREN PRINTS, A print whist% •Ima done more good to the retailera through the country, the het season, than perhaps any other loir•price print. Their Merrimac Cocheco, 'Spregne, Garner , Darnell , and PACIFIC AAARANTH PAINTS, are of the very beet ' ' CIANTON4ILABGOW. LANCASTER, AND SCOTCH GINGHAIIB,, in every variety. ;Their DOMESTICS einbraoe the following hrand: W.MISIITTA£4, HILL TOANUFACTURING CO BATES , MILLS, NEW YORK MILLS, MERRIMAO, LONSDALE, ARKWRIGIIT, POCASSET, NAITAIKMAG, PATTERSON, PEPPERILL, WIIITEMOOK, HEBRON. OABOTT, , METAMORA, LAWRENCE,' . ATLANTIC. All the well-known makes of TIOKS, STRIPES, and DENIbIS, ilnek - se York, Mimilton, Pemberthi, Re. Soßating trade on liberal terms, they invite notice to their House—street and number as above. 1024-Im ilttutlrP, JAMES WATSON. 11PORTER OR ' WATCHES, JEWELRY, No. 825 MARKET STREET. Constantly on hand a full assortment of Vadoseon and Constantin Watches. • BAILEY & CO., • TOBXERLY BAILEY & KITCHEN, gave reamed to their new Fire-proof, White Marble store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, , I:1011TH BIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE, Now opening their Fait Btoek of , MKPORTBD dBWBLRY, PLATBD. WABBB, AND ' PANOY goopz,‘ • To which Dor Write the attention of the ' 611.498 WARY , 'WATORDS, - DIAMONDS, AND DRAMA; .' ==! anl7•lf tr PRATT 45.1 REATH, IMPOBTERA AND wgpixtleir. DNALDRB • • . is • WATOIIES OF ALL DESOTPTIONfiI,' PLATED WADES AND FANCY GOODS, • AHD 31A501413411118110 itTk • Dollelt the attention of Dealers bola eters , seetlOn to s stool uneorpaesee in extent, style, or cheapness: alebl2-1m Exatbet anb 134oefinbInga. CHAMBERS & CATTELL, No. 8 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTERS V.FMT.TOI-1 o&x smcrivis, AND Manufaatutera of . , CITE OALB‘and Kit' SKINS, AWROCOO and LININGS, feb.2l-lat Oak and ReISOLE LEATHER iiljoltaale (Tlothing CLOTHING! - AT WHOLESALE. a. 13 R34zsT El 8S nBO , AM !SMOOT NUM, SOUTHEAST 0011211111 OP Noonan mu?, Offer for We, on the meet , LIBERAL TERMS, A now and entenihre Monk of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, ADAPTED 1 . 0 TEN SOUTHERN AND WESTERN TRADE, TO ITHIOE , TREY INVITE THE ATTENTION.OP lIIITZIIB. fob 1-2n2 T. LANE, WHOLESALE CLOTHING WAREBOOMS, No. 419 MARKIIT STRE23, PIIILADILPIIIA CHEWING TOBACCO, IMPORTANT 3MPROVEMENT FINE OUT CEEMMI7TIM'JC+ T033.ALC00,, Rae been adopted by bielers. OOODWIR & BRO., of Now Yong Omf.) TOBACCO, of the MST gOALITY, to seleated, neatly wrapped to TIN FOIL, and Patent Proceed. The great advantagee of this over other brands con sist in the 1117.11 of the packages, rendering it more con venient to carry in the pocket, and. by being PROBED SOLID it keeps - MOISP and MEM, and Improves in quality as It is used ; while in other brands, as soon as the package Is opened, the quality rapidly DBITSBIO BATES—the tobacco growing dry and littering the pocket, to the great annoyance of the consumer. The Drawing which the Pine Ont Tobieco undergoes In the process of manufactnre frees It from all grit or import- Bee es objectionable In the nee of Ping Tobacco. Ohew ere will do well to give the Patent Pressed a trial, and judge for themselves. For sale by Wholesale Blerohanta, who receive it di rect from the Manufacturers. . E. GOODWIN & BRO., 207 and 209 WATER'Street, New York febl7-latinir if Oaving futtbg. QPRING GARDEN SATING FUND SO OIETY OP PHILADELPHIA. Omen, No. 831 North THIRD Street, (Omisolidatlon Bank Building ) CHARTERED BY THE LEGIbLATURE OP PENN. SYLVANIA Depoelts received in stuns of One Dollerand upwards and repaid in Cold, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST from the del of depoelt till with drawn: -" • A -responsible and reliable Savings Institution his long been needed in the Northern part of the city, snd "The Spring Carden Sating Fund Society" was char- tered by the Legislature of Perumylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers, Cu -organising and locating it; have been gbverned wholly by a desire to /00011:=0. date the bazineee interests and wants of , the very large and enterpriaing FFICE populati on OPEN Dby which it in surrounded. OLY, From oto 2X o'clock ; also', on MONDAY and THURS DAY from until 8 Oolook in the evening. MANAGERS. Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P. Levy. Me H. if Strong, Daniel Undeikofter, rederlok Steaks, Fisamis Hut, — Joseph P Logie', John limier, Jr., (Wm" Knecht, James S Pringle, Jacob Dock, ;mph M Dowell, - lion. Wm. - Irlillward, George,Woelpper, G.o T. Thorn; Peter C. Blimaker, Robert B. Davidson. JAMES B. PRINGLE, president. iR/NISES HART. Secretary. , ; Ja2o..tftl AUGUST 131 - 11 MONT, ' JUNIUS% 78 Buevtat BTREET, Issues Letters of Credit for Travellers, availably In all parte of the world, through the Messrs. Rothehilds, of Paris, London, Pranktert, Naples, andSlenna. and their Correa',=dents. , nala-Om JUST BEOEIVED and in Custom-House dt stores, 1O a gets Beignette Rochelle BRANDY, to quarters and eighths, which we offer to the trail, at the very lowest market price. • • JOB. Y. TOSIAB er. 00., te211.121 00 0ad,5108 Nat& PJANT BS, thaws. ALADr or , ID EIVATION:,v wbo : lvtdd A be willing to assist wProilislosel pigment id bialoww, will please 'send' hei' Sumo 'aiet seeress to 1. IN., Press °Oise. - „ . rela/-214 lf*' MERCHANTS:j— A - Yotiiig; Mu ted Mra desires a El irtfaTION%as•BOONAINPIIII , or dasistint - Hai had Several years , ' exnerienee. But references given. _ Vessel 'add ,resi pill#ollANT 4 Carla. A SMART, ACTIVE ‘YOUNG-MAN , wan a a 8 alltATiON:iii PORTA!, itai Stop), or Coachman in • Waste huoily:'•• Beata ratateacia iI2o; quire at No. 518 OHeRRY Street. - - - • •:-14*•••• • CAENTLEMEN with Businem4tuilifitiations WANTBD loamoludely, to Main Subieribene to itdportat wdrke now in course of publication .1 Terms, Salary' OT CO , oltlittioll. LONDON SUBLIAIING 00., 11S South EIGHTH Street. -30 e - AliADY;iiho is inily competent, withea: n teobtatu,lemedtatelt a SITUATION as -BOUM ICEEPIN for a respeetaple fortis. Address Mrs. A: It: Flux Officer,: , rohlo.Bl* - iWANTED FOR TM UNITED STATES OAVALRY—Able4kidleiljairmiriied men, to'wbom will given good'per, tioirtrelothing, a n d medical attendant*: Pay. from ,41.2 ,t0422,per,m4.0111.. Pio man hiving a or child; will be accepted.' Applj for MOUNTIOD ismurrox at No. Si? lIIIAIMIT - Btre•P; above Eighth 'norWeide. '' ' ' - L N.- 1001:11, , ' .aprf-tt , Inalent. ;*Drigoonii, lionvntafitegiosi.: Onorbiq. B 0 ARDING.,—A few GENTLEMEN_ can have large, Shy Beeped and Thlrd.etory Commu nicating or Single opposites Public! 8 guars. Three minutes walk 'rare the State House. Adereu BOY 2038, Pott,Olhoe. - I LET 7 =-WITH_ .BOARD, 'unfur nished - Second dory - 1•OM8, front and beck; with Gas, Bath, &c . Apply at 1021 hlOl3liT 97E NON(former& Waehiagton) Street„ ,rah94f, Sot flaic anti to Set. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-4 large WARM, within a few ranee of the city, with *to k atd Warming Uteri:dbl. Apply No. Sb 2 NOV% /In% Street, below Vine: inhll-Stit. Boots' anD 'Acta pifiLA_DELPHIA ' 'EOOT A ND . SHOE . _.. , 'AI, A i,:11 . PA q o.lc, y. ,- , ~- - - S. - D. EIDSOrIsT , _47- , :00;,', '; NO. 14 ,NOR-TII ,i 3 Oiiiii.H:STANET, - Have DOW on band the finest ainortment of ladles', mimeo', and ohlldrenn ' ~. c '- = •' -- . BIOTB, -- s , . .r. .. , 5110.113,, .. . , AND GLITX.III, With, or witherit heels;to he torrid In the city, at the lowest cash prhuts.' - _ , ., ;• mb9.4m gats - anb Qrapo 'JIBE LLTEST ANNOIIPTOEMENT • 1 Tin VIWTFLATIED Dlitir-ADJUSTING HAT. GRAND OPENING;PATDRDAY, - Afar* CRAB. LAING 4c . 00. - ' , EP SING STILTS GENTS , ORNSI HAT, with the celebrated Vew Rated fielf:Adjaiting'. Attaahatent; palmated by Meters. SERB& & the well-known Ratters of New York, will be ready as above. CUI and see them before ventarlag an other hard wet. mitC.St N. H. cor. SIXTH and ORRiSTNGI.` Ate.; Ellissolntyme 4tiqk cova#qcobills. InTSSOLITTION AND. :COPARTNER -BIIIP —BROWN, HEWETT,. & WIUTR, Peg to announce that, Mr. WILLIAM .1111.OWN:bie pur. chased Mr. R. OLAIIIMI "WHlTll , llinteiest - in the TIICHERVILLE AND DIAMOND VAIN LOLLIIII IIIRS, and that the bnalnese bf Mining and Shlrptng Coat tom the said heneeforth be o.rrled on under the name of BROWN, 11EVVETT, dt BROWN, ,, who will settle the aromas of the late Wm. BROWN, lIRWITT, & WOMB. floaters P. 0.„ - RchoyIldll Co., Pa , 224. Pebrnary. 1859. mh2-mfm 4wo NOTICE. • 2 • ,- . - - iIiILADILPHIA, March 1, lUD. • Mr. ANDREW BOBS is this day aellootated with us In general copartnorehtp. •, PBILIP Y. KELLY /4 00., Bankers, s akhl-tf ' No. 16 South TRIED Street. Op ' CIFECTAMLES, ".. - P op - GOLD. ',l3lL'i,'_Eß, AND , ELS/n/0- ET.NEL FRAMER, pith Pebble and fine Plint Greeten. _ INSTRUMENTS - for liethemetics and Eurveylmr. - Thermometers; Bebool Apparatus. - - • IitIOROI3OOPED,, male and far sale low by - • JAMES W. QUERN dz. CO" , 93t CGEnTNUT Street,,Philadelphie. Priced , and Illustrated Catalogue/lent by well free of charge. mhi.3m ,fantp Goats. Wl\l. D. GLENN, , NO. 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, INIVITIZ AND WBOLSBII,IIDILLYAR'IM FANCY GOOD. - P.III.IIIIIMKRY, ER1781138, COMM, - _ ARTIOL3O, "Now In gots, a * Tii7,lnraa'snal eon 4et s - assortment :or the ' BPRING:TIiADR; [minding every indeablot article In tke Ilse, and many novelties. . . The atterktioo of buyers Is reepeetfully Solicited, Prices as low cut those of any house Lithe trade, - ettber in thin city or New tort - fel•2m Umbrellas to parasols SLEEPER& FENNER, Wholesale Meuturacturers UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS', 838 MARKET STREET, PIIILA.DELOHLA, Are now mashies more than one hundred and fifty different varieties of Unibrellu; of every else, from 22 to 40 inches. Their assortment or PARASOLS' is also very len°, and for variety of deal rn, styles, finish, and prises, ex oeeile that rd any previous season. Buyers who have not bad 8. ds make of goods will find their time well spent in looking over this well nude stock,.whioh includes MANY NOVELTIES, not so be roes lota elsewhere. febl-8m gEarnanze, GEORGE WATSON'S • CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, Nos. 1217, 1219, and - 1221 OHESTNIIIT STREET. mar3.3m CARRIAGES OP TELE MANDPAOTI7MII OP WILLIAM D; ROGERS. REPOSITORY, 1009 CHESTNUT STREET 1011 febl.B-4m 02bUrational. YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE of HAT FOllO,, re..—Samm r Fusion betlnn MONDAY, May 21. For Wrenlare raldrent , nl2lO lm* Ref 0 Ed. HAND, Drinalpal rrilE WEST tillt.STE a id C ADES k; WEST CHESTER, Pa , will commence Ha 10th BeArdliti, eater the charge of its present Principal, on the drat or Say next: The course of inatruetion - Is EXPENSIVE and TEOROI76II, designed and arranged to peepers bays and young men far Cargo or for the business requirements of active life. The SEEMAN and PEENOiI lahenages are taught by NATIVE, RE SIDENT TEACHERS of tact. talent, and experience. Average number of pupils 75, under the charge of 7 Teachera, including the Principal. For Catalogues and Mil information apply mh7.2ra WM. F. WYERI3, A. 111., Principal. lalom CObikEROIAL AND TRAVELLING CREDITS available in all Torte of the world, opened with the hones of Eleven. GEOSGI.P.MA.I3ODT & 00., of London. Apply to RAW, SIAUALESTSR. & CO, fe2-tf Slf. WALNUT Street. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER ! Those persons winhiog to radian Wall Paper will find it to their advantage to call at A: BUR TON'S, No 165 N. SIXTH Street, as be bull:tat re• calved a large assortment of the latest Foreign and American Patterns. mhlo taw CIEVE GE WHITELEY, No. 135 South I U9 FRONT Street, offers forusle, in Bead only— A. Seignette Brandy, 1837, Pale and Dark. Jules 'Whin Cognee, 1852 and 1887. Union Proprietors , Cognac, 1864. Pinet, Clastation. & Oo Cognae,lBso, 1867,1889. A. Camas Rochelle; 1857. Pellasaisin Rochelle, 1658, to arrive. Martell & Co. Cognac, /855, 1851, 1845. Jornatca Bran, 2 years 111 Bond. !Realist's Reach Whiskey. • Burgundy Port Wine. Melly Mediate Wine. ' - lleidelek Champagne, quirts and pinto. A full aseortment of Claret Wine, fn aaeaaand tub, to IniTe. - 11,154r0ik iroy, COE & CO.'s - - ADVEUTOHNO - AND COADITSSION AGENCY; 439 CHESTNUT 81., Zd floor,•Philadelphie, and Tribune Tannage, New York. - Mt, COE, & 00 are the'Agetits for,the most in fluential and largely circulating' Neon - oyers in the United &Itoe and the Oanadas. They are, authorised to ketones adiertiseinenta and intbaeriptiona at the lowed rates 1e.7-(mdrvi r -ro4lm ' eI . ONSHOHOCKEN AND PELINSYLVA NIA IRON WORKS AND ROLLING MILLS.'' - 7. WOOD k BROTHERS, Proprietors, Mi. 223 North SECOND, 145 and 147 ORAVEN Street Philadelphia, Hare constantly on head a full assortment of PLATE) AND BHISET IRON,' - Out to pattern, or of promisenons Mass, ertah is their Patent Glazed Imitation Bind% Sheet Iron rbest an nealed and double relined Oharmal Bloom and Roofing Sheet Jinn; from No 14 to 28, !ire ruse; also, drat and second-quality Pine, Tank, Oar, Boger mould, Pot, Pan, Shatter, Doo;,On_Srese, Shute and Gasometer, as well as all otherdescriptions of Iron, latch they respeotfully solioit the trade to call and ea mane, at the old stand, N 0.229 North SECOND Street, R above ace, Philadelphia. - - fellians LRON FOUNDRY CASTINGS, of aii di 4. thenalons. anoh as Girders, Railroad Gaglotto. Ma-, °binary, Grate Bars, to., on the best terms. Q. ant- NSW', GRTGIIANTOW. , tRoad, ab.l'dlb et. mhD.Sm ENUALTSTIO TILES for .177 A. ft ore. Ornamental Mammy Tops for ootteps; eirden Vases and Poor/tains. Vitrified ripe for drams a- d 'water conductors. Imported and for sale by B. A. HARRISON, fel6•tf 1110 OHLITNUT Prot% ' . INT - 04V-WiarittiTilltalre4= l l_ ,.. Collairrairlinnt , . . _ a , wiud i . -: . Actin sod Stow iltrapdrirkikilftple v - ; -_1... in ,._ Brittoers Miirmirro' - fro v ir -.- BdrilliillT Olt MllO UNL I ZIA. 14..., th 4 -' : UM Mae) 101011 , 430gaik . ~ .. .... f..! (~. I ' , OttalitOTtlr:COSDE4. - -- - ,-: 'BisrbirotLY, Mr...W.:H. Z i kw,.. . • - AP6OO;- ?t!"' Kradh; Chid-Torte Cordlike, _ _ __Xll.llla imotort .V . , ,;, '- !. , . ,63711T,CELICILOTM: 8.1110:4! 4. -, : :;72::.2:, - : major Tilley', Mr. J..1(:76eir. -- ' ' ... -, - .J , •:.. , i 1 , - Yoe./ gt.illemillivi _ lll l l lr.. a' , sal IldreTtitolll - isistgleisw; . Wrote, 60 eon* Pillar Bar=. ,to deli' ; loesila,fa awl $11; all 6 1 • 590 08 6 77 -711 0 hiril! Doily Ti esah.; .: . bona opt. at 4ituirie - JOY Ole* 1 thrtilla.ONO r,l, - NATIONAL - CI!ICT1S;. WALNUT - ST., J. abtove SIORTH. •- - • ••• • " thlesyyllTllllNie, , Marekll,3lllll , ;.;.l ,, " DAN NOR, the orteleal Ikereeriet. WILL TALK, and xXvEL 9 iO B , the HOTS" of raremehreMeats, WILL - TALL MIK Cefillq_Akitaags trill speak for themselves. Mime lIALLIE STICIIINKY will :pie bet free white steed wi th out saddle or helps; - • " , RION AND ALL TEN BTAIL3. 7 ILif APPIAIe; = - Oita of Adaiiesion—lireeiCiraiii SO cents Children soda nine yowl , Ole - .116 , " Nanalle-Chole • • - ' (Metre Private•Sozne- tees. - Lergry!irster BM , - &pail jrrint. Boxisla.f. , - ATLI'!" OLABIli:6 2 • - : 430/1 4 / 7 •: Nre,4l4lllft !AV liaiag•r; - - - - - _TAB IltridnyleVlNTNG:ll6!rf3hll,lllsl/, • - ;Weriisr ; Mr. Jr. W.lVii qiiwr; Mr. - Dolman ; Josephine; Mrs. - 7:lr:Watlack: • - „ WIDOW HIIBB/LND !- - -- - :!; Moos. de Wipro, Mr. 80l gm" i Malawi di Voijiro;' Bra. - • , . Adadoooi, 21 _ Breeiltbrolo;BYM *to; Orciroottaß 110 et, ;:flinery, ; for Cloioroifijoiooo l li Oaf Prlvoto Boit is Ballotyloi OoloooL ihrioßie,PF!nli IWholo,Privitto Bo; U. • - • - - ' Alamo open. u*Volk i oamosolooo i180E,8im,":.14 ; . , MHZ - " GRELT " SUCCESS ' OP ''" 01111.-:' .1. AFRICAN COWIN ~ AT - - - ' - ' ' , , MoDONOUGHIS GAINTIIIB .' :. Is In seknOtledgmont that Ws Ake ' '.: - ONLY ffORLIAWN - - - ' ' ' net him yet boon Iftlitin - ton IL '• ' - . - “.OUR AMNIOAN - 00 - fIINI -p - , All should see It.- Don't faille' do so. '- - , .e. -; A ; vocal 542 d inatensoni*, Oonoort:,preeidon tlko aCorwin " on each mast% oodineklaiftiltN 4:04.- CIRAND -CLOSXNG OF THE , W 4.1311. .T.NGTON MONUMPIT PALS, AT:.„ , -vrzezum-traLL; , • • MAlBlEET.Stiest;,belorr Thlitosittle. : The r 'for Artrelet to 'olime M int THIIIIIDAY SPENltitt,• by :the. Bala of all .art Wee on head 1; .2 rarDAY3IS9iNING: disia muidosil and Promenade , Concert, at half. pet 7 OVoyel!.., .414- • Minion, '25 cents: ' • • - • • - . 3. SATURDAY, AFTERNOON, &Dant aid low "' Attraction GILAND 3Liorsom of CIO Northwest , School Purls, at 8 o'clock - 4. SATURDAY ITSRING=PARIWIDL: occeelon,there wilt be a .00mbtoktion and oancemtritlow of the beet Muskat Talent in the city!: To Batik GRAND ' ' Admittance, l 0 cents. 6 ,oastif rilllOMElllr's VARIETIES !--(Ceti: Chan tent,) northwest cornek - itsf tura anot kiln Streets. , ' - ENT2ITAIRMINT lmit' TNT PEOPkT. S ' After a protracted absence inn" the etty, lleasininet" Mercy, the most fascinating behest of the lay, Iffir positively appear THIB BVZNIN&Ifr. Sobineon, -pomedlee ,-- of the Arai-street Tin itre.'.'end Mier irstthilksbieateei Yankee smiled' storyteller, Daneeme and poste iro.;! .. - agut; - ,ou'alitS appiaigifßlt'r Peraialli,lttlla'.Pylee; Thgiele EdweriPit '.llllnereficllkaries and eithe old Favorites' 'aenttnued::lii - the Airier the evening Penwell' wifl a ng, The (11p ly M 4. ! L ilo Wing by Jenny - LlneV , - La Coleses, 4B es stunt by ; Ti de sco sod Nuansrors,'(the..fivaoge Yu Aug by lasswega,” in 'fall Spanish' (lnettuni-- The per.' fcrmarkce Intl conclude with the farce LIN." 0 baract c ra by Henri. ktobleson, ldwerds,falt Wes Robb:woe. Commencing et - TX: Adediale", le and 15,cents. T.. ' , Becket, Biqa . Maii . iesi; 14404' PEIMSYLVAI O 3I4 ACIADEXTOr No, , ura OILIRMIT wriszT r • • A.M. Di P Da t um (Busdaya,4lApep!.44) WO AL. Admission *sin* : Ohudrtui . Mares "of Stook, Snaffling thi • .. ,Asidly in Sid. mission at all times M. - _ . _ W I LL SOON CLOSE,-_ BARTHOLONEWSESTSTISII. OT PAILSDIIB LOST ; OR,. ZVI REP= TAIT, iniI.SITING NOR TILII4ITPMPIT4O.S !Mk *15., VIER OP ,THE AITIBT, AT ; THE- - PENNSYLVANIA AOADZIIIt_ OP THE 11101:A1211 . , Cass:sus Prow, sato, lasivars avuan. Open from_ss, 2.1 to SP. and from Ito 10 1P:25.1: , &ogle &Omission, 9ireamots.. -0551itti3 sailor 1S T henries. Sown TielLtts, Oa posit. Sr ,BLITZ - .;-ASSIIMBL INHS, TENTH end OUSTS= Streets. - - • .klAr-w.aauraurawo. COMA AIM; L. , . . . .. - ;- AIIIIII. - .:l7onteAnall,nee :the. - 21uny Sling, the drown BlitinklaeliesuerkahLe .-211 tr. OW :. Laughin m g Milk the Popular:Ms, the Blitz whoo - makes all ha - •_-', - • '. 7 - • •' - - , PERVozwoR iiiillaYLBVICNiNe, at 7X o'clock, and WEDNlUlDA]tandadMilll=. !TB WOO SS at 8 o'clock. " CONSISTING of WONDSBRIIIIIITAMOSPROSISILi aitonlahlog scenes oi Yenta!! wirellt a Lcereed N.:. 't nary. Birds, sad the ' Uocadeltk. _ Hope Dancer. ..... Admission 28 cents.... Obilthee idkinnip.:,, - ,;. nnid4t i A MERICAN ACADEMY:OF IIDED).: D. L.ITARPENTERI rOCIRTNINTWANNITAL wr.ostrowinivia-: will tate plaea ea TlMSDAY,Apriflink: • Titheleicer:r only Two Donate, and to be bad of Joke Tliorslow; 31110keetilet street, of tkifiiiiireihrittr. shed D L. llerrotor, ' Webb/nem HAL The militerthere ariftheformed that - Ade tteketelli ready, for delivery, of which MOM than one half of-the limited tickets me already eapred. -- ..lbeerwiehisgth attend will please cell early for , the verdured tilik•bir which entities to one gentleman and two ladle§ -Afro* firefly; , Thlirleetiesi Wl/1 criit-rieal say afar Mite glum in this city The munination of the /dime•est Mestere for their medals comfy frost - eight third& put nine deleek. Ail will be milled netil the elithhie bare detailed theirpazioe deems At the eimmt of the , non the ladies end gentlemen - gill thee parthipatiarr: tit three o'clock In the morning.. - - _ The programme will be inch that all can wider them. selves throughout tee evening'. - The decorations of the plants, dowens. &a:, will Nor- = pus All Conner meadow. --A greed eat fttil orekahi will be ander the sapereiska of Professor-J. Widow UIISIOAL FUND HALL. , =TILIt GEE. INA IdANIA OBOHISTRA give Pithlie 87H110114' ALS every SATURDAY: — Single l'inkate 211 watt= s' package of tinkete for 11, which =sr but Alsfre's, Chestnut street; Beck A - 4,6*t0n% came of Seventh and obertoat, and - at the door of the Hall. The performance commitment Sti &elm& P. H. alT.tf caeßus DJALiI II PLIYMBM'ItS' MATEInTATA, AT NEW 70101:P$1018; i2ll MINOR mum. B uy VAN 34easzi & Itcl;EONE's ORIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP BEST AND ONNAPliiii , WASHING Neer made Is thle oosimtri• • All Grooera keeilt. : Wholesale lapot,- TRAIN: ik PIoSINNE, , ,22 81i7TH,WHABYII mart Irfm'6t HAIR JEWELRY. The newest end Urged assortment of Mir Jewelry, SCHMITT & BTURENRAUCH, _ 928 CHESTNUT; near Tenth at. feb26 Im* ONEY I MONEY 1 MONEY I MONEY I LIBERALLY LOOM), in mama to malt spplt; cants, on depositi of Wotan," Blanibods, Jawsh7, Elate. Guns, Mart&intilee,lo , no moderato .toisama, by JONES & CO.; Brokaw N W—ooratt TRIIIDEad t+ABRILL , Stmts., _Leo*, Lombas: 2,Eat s buip& o ,i 1824. - Ofilaithouta from 7 A: EL to 7R. M. _aolt2-71n. it 70LLIOKOFFER'e ANTI-RHEIIMATIO ALA CORDIAL fe the only effectual 'remedy ever placei before the public as • cartels and reliable dare for IN, ILAICHATORIT Or CHIRCINIO RIDIHMATISE - Thin preparation bee cured thourande= who have - been lit flioted,wltlk Rheumatism In Its mod palatal form, and we are dally in receipt of, letter! and certificataw of as tonishing and remarkable cures. All who have tried the CORDIAL spftk in the molt laudable terms of, its efileacy lull' directions and entire - eausOctlon given to the Rheumatic sufferers Prepared by THEODOR" DILE", Chemist, CR. eoi. PIRA and NORTH Streets, Philadelphia. J13440/.- WEBER & RUCH, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE D/ALSRB Th . . SUIRTB, COLLAB.4 3 BOSOMS. 'DRAWZR . N, OVEN • ' *LLB, - - - No -217' Oa BOH AUNT. To whichtheT Intrite The attention of purchasers. reha•dt - IVIANILA. ROPE, assorted sizes, mann- LT la factored and for este at lowest Nrw York pdoes by WEAVER, HITLER h CO., No. 23 N. WATER Street and 22 N. WITARVES. nibe DRILLS & SHEETINGS'FOR EXPORT. AJF BROWN, BLEAORED, & WYE DEMI& - HEAVY- & LIGHT SHEBTINOS, Suitable for= Ilsport, bj PROTHINGINILK & w i ng , Seutk FRONT ST., ft 93 LETITIA ST. - 0011-1, ROOK FlBll SHEETINGS --Just received sod for nab ter - ' SHIPLEY, HAZkRD, & HUTCHINSON, 112 Oheatuat otreet. IGNISEL-800 quintals Grand Bank Cod L Fish. ISO half bbls White rish IWO bbie. Mackerel, In whole, barely, truirbits, sad Eighths.. . , bsbnon, in times - ant bbla ' 00 bbls. Plaided Haddook.', : '-. . 400 do. do. 'Herring. Zor Jude by C. G. SADLER & 00., fa ARON KUHL ad dom. above Frotud. LIWBEET..PALETHORP, .ILTTOBNEY. AT-LANIT; , ea WALNUT Illtreeklabore Meath, P./ 11 10.4 4,16- * • V n O.U.OLZ & .T&NENTZKY, - 115 South ZIGEITti Street, below Obeatont, IMPORTERS AND DEALSRB IN ARTISTS , MA- , TEELCIA, Ricommend to Artists and the public to general their large atock of Juvenile Paint Boxes, Wineor & New ton and Gee. Rowney & Co.'s 011 and Water Colors, Brushes, English-and Osman -,oanvas, -Whatuisn's Drawing Papua, Colored, litisjons,* Btadlesi Colored Pictures for framing, &0., &c. Discounts gtvon-to Teachers and essidnaries. Conn. Daalers sunolled at trade iada-ihr• eiLD TON GIN, LONDON CORDIAL.-- L► &fall supply of.this impetter %Stele Lee bead recalled by the Lyttende Moy. For gale by D. YONGORAMP, 217 8. FRONT Iliresti'llede.iamadMd. d'he Old Tom Oin may be had at ell the Printed Drodeats sad Fashionable Ormaard.,, bIDES, AN t 8- ICO Wide., in diy fiat,ot zi4l‘B4i iidtbr tabby O. 0:11*.OLOR CC,. m hr, , ARCM gtrellightdipi WOW: V/pACICEREb.-4e43 - 3 scracbrsOlioi•at; gollgt i agt ‘ 1 "12 ° 4 3 ,"' ..34er Aim Prat. A DARANTLNE 16- && 00. , s auperiot dmallepreesed. D. se • - by TIMM & ISOM& - 4,42mfaelt Osmium, "' By. "Mindy 144 Mae
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers