'ltailooolll, tint P971(4. • /rat NarAcptaff 7 - /siiiiiciivit*wipik„talliio'4.l . 4,9,et : ! 4 ,l74l 4 .l. rittlrtk,:.::::: . .,:111016111 ' ; im /*l"' :,;,__ , = : -;-:' , f ,- :,s: .i.,.'=,_,, '' .:•: -„ --,-' -'- ' ' ' « - . -:; ' : - -. ,-..P . = : : , Th ,1 -.,......,E 0 . i a, i . 4 . P „ i -tiv i o i it Po l i * i,A rr j Y t7-i,:-lil T : 9f , tK ,! , ;,o'r4r-11., 1 -k 7 ii, -eT l :ylae- Ms s-i,r-„vi,i'a-4,t,-`,-•i-t• 1 ' -1 3 - i 4 f t 4 --,rt':-, t i; a t4 Ti 4x u , ou, 1! T 4 ,0.! ? 1 .. 69.-.:". , - 0.41 tta,,lit-- / 91,1 W7;-,:::"-,-:_iltiqi•-;, K,_&----,_,v,,,,,;-.,,.,i,av-rxatkolvo'l-iitiiiik'4.;-4,--i.-.-.1,0 19' -.'`!.-,:i'•tis-ti7=41A;;i4.0_,14412,1-11,np.igegtjawia,‘..44,025, '4ot*.stittos€.-17- .. ,--, 4, - .i;,faifirior,P , - :: , :,--':;' , :2--•"::-: , ;-At,104.4v.„.....,,,rtifimr-r, , iiiiiiia,„,4„l,„,,,,.x ... . . .. . ...., . ... -...1i."- .9r-b ,, ,,....,,, , ,,:h,...,..,, * 4 l- 1 , ”- 0 , - - --77-7.,,^ :4ll ' '' * l l , " 'M - L itsioNtakilAki-°,,,,--11!!::- . -:-;',...7,7 4. lr t,*. Ma irk4ilik , iiid,l9Utataaalk. . 11 m , :e . A . V., g a ,11 6: 4 0 . , .2 -:i'-„,,.. %'::=!:.41Er, -Itielatilib#l 4.oo :l4 ol" u li ,- Z b a yin d Okirlw '-:. ''-3-gd:;-,:iti Tut-iii%;Traqvllite..e!q-,;!•,, ,-,•::::::;.,..$.- :buthoi*- 7, ft& s,>OlbeatllWOint- -- -,-,- - . -,-1 114 6 a410 ,1111 4n! , • '- t tronwiwp orc4'-:`,:"-" .- T-'.'•''lriniittonmosar.,fueffp ..„ ._..,„ . Apart " . ate PPRIOUPIIThraantEPHEA; March it,169% .-iMkt.i.% 414 Oaf Wit - 5_46 ' 41, c!. 4 2 X.,? 4 Oltjor Matt:: feint -Utah -110624TiiiltotrolkOttkovait4ionkluater,. endy.wangoreto • Ikea 1i,_44.1.1...0.,trarti01ik ilor,cc,ttivr,tasif -.. - - - pabraviomofirkerAisiggaii Isq , bff 111,iimitios b Baud itilftiits•Newlfort; Iritioptitotair4 WOO". -ta."sio• Oklibilfopwith , • tagOti,. Alltattia*Alciablikriht4 atm; ityrOtkisto oti swift Kai; •IPJ any; *l 44 liOwltylkiotrA 2!A•—• ••: Bpesgse,-14 ,trons *anvil; .- '-litik11401• 1 100 atomizkt:goa - • tiia` Arkiintint. s•foC - • - • 114 1ic4 1 .1 , f0r..4b0r. 121. 1 -N B uttn l 'r a " -s ot4 l 4t, c 7t A 0; aatiue •-,:" • Wite-St#o o :Witett-t, 11 0441 - 7.i f oi'DSltigia", l lo. 14 : , • - , tsar X Xylfprolitil l • lisehauact , :( I *** lol, Not, - - • mat& tokit.,#;v - ititNosiablioG , tThero' xa E' 7weWf Mit to, Hi irokte 44.4,W aiiriXtikttOri Ig i telL s o4 -9 4% (at Ylntli7faisik. Avi l 17'46 NA:I.*: tid and, , , Reid., _ tkaos• Ittltb;,fikr Pliqva pa, 2.11, VdiNelsat;bofe.: blot tkrnmAokit'Cilocill,r eported "Pbkio. '' .."4{44;16 1 13 t1 21 1` - " OstfiAdabi edMuir 064 1 9; ,litil"nar. nv:.• "44,1** i 2 ,zuklia 2 l4 - tiaWilteaviscimi if , 100 1 4: fr i f i 14 1 4 1 1 g L-fi .sna cigfr . , staa, LlllTlLtCarrßeitf,44' 41. mcpwroto u4A. - , •: ff 2 4-1 811 -4. 4,11 " 44 ,0 • Thtfbath : . -- miihitikton - - , Zlitohtsri, - from - Jameyfrom"Bte ee Janeiro; ,liarriet frOto ; pert iOstia;woli?Bollo.,.tioloAostg,t,,zikii.t-rte884 4 ,. water. c,TOmmAkitteltr. salt, lute*, B and strel. miktiOiS6SOM: labia 'with''went to sea i #43 ‘ ,YA881158.3 k, ' tOtiitlhis with iriOsawgillts".-"O* at k' f",.... 1 " '&4160 las, „mw..500:4.0114....T-Tfa PP(41,7"-gimaplitio • • yeaw,ef ripev4),o% ;; ;‘, ;NY.= " t rikilyaht: ‘ ,AtikF,4t,lskg, 4 As: - " • Thiii; !mt. - -"sir ' , Vat v.aan l ot ` Wants, litealil44lDeiiwarolco? - Mace, arrived 4 . , 41 (1,, Torkw4 , o2:- - - " - aturawrirntirig-rAftr."r,-- 1, !? - toc ,tro Toisli,t . 0 ,*,4 1 ,k 43 2trg ttil isse lk - 1 abet frl " Ortis' l ta4 4 2. .Bth› • 164 - lHultter;/P IIO A. 7 . 3 fAieititterikat'aa the -$6th,,,,11_, - „. • 80per got ,la.tikfm4ll.l - 't."62.11•k; id* wars fi'om • pea' .41iFsiVet IIL/Inlnp'=„lt'ilSiltriiikii4 iiatt.. . 1661'1914' ni •P lit7a . $0 19 iiit'',[ 10 " hi * ,7,ea . ' wit vitt bOklll,4"vaterlinibilßliitiAlkin"'ilaT Doratteifef,,,,* ad: . 1 1 41.1.41 1' lkitt l i- ng-V..1 1 ,..i.- - °rat* Sark E ra litlf IP"t oGaid "1.-& eye Taal; , 31bioni, - pain = helm* Xrespri,ath liar! !!.• - Mara 1,-.Seeiii Will*, y, 'pla p1e*.. 0 . 1 . 7 71 Wake Sati-4/48174 , ne. at - deka 44 1 itnienlii C 044 4- / I c4tit -' l , 104 !!1 : ?! . ;' ilWdiaoO - - ' Behr .1 , • f. - • Behr ;dui Jrilgid ' ,iikoki-idtDitoli iilaud id r:Thitolt ~,:itierbareeesitikefrisoramdelmattiwatialy;vrikaget ;Or aa - Uili-11Wirf,tkonV ii l-40 0, - i:, 4 f tat i 4 , 3, ! , 74- - - 44 ; apoe tio ,„ At m* ose i to: . • ,-610,-,?4, Wllf;` ,l ;Zr,Vli- • - • 7 zattookart'' - vrdo • tl) l l . ,t i p 746‘CilHOLB aria4l:' "ffr6TND,lThi,to I i TTSTREh i j )„= .1 1 .1 1110164 , % LieSSAILI.,, , • ; ;',= :? ;,--., , -, ~, ~ s• -, isT Rs **T;: s ,' '''''-"? . xi. **TOYIt , ...,, ~,, : , _,....5.,,,... . - -. - kiv:(l ...!„ - :• i L ' ,- , 2 - : - C'• ' -'- 2 :-i7 j - 1 t --14 .'C:-;,.w''''l 'ji a'l:47l,h i e,ri*2C4 * 7'”„,,? ;): ', ,7 -,-'-:-'-j-.,--,-i,;.„' '6:, 'e A” A44"f,ie4N'tA,o-P,X, , '°' - ' r ''64l*i'4ll,A ,:- V P -,.. I " .- I , , - - ,';'• -"-;-Y. • ,.. '. ,- rls.A . -f- -- 41*- ' 5 ;--- . - -).:, :, ,-- t •-miessomAs GAT*4I3 -__,. • -,-; ._ ' • =V-, l. .i. •-' - Fl*l '.00',"'":" j-ionl4w,a s 7 :-: '•' ' • --,-, s-q-1113111.- P 99.1 •••:41.1, • • 1410,10341i4LA1N rantß*lllll4ll,, ,- somtsomtv•itwitof ,corg ! lwipFplesiT4TEßglgot Daiwiigas *-1140#901140 #4,4 - 01410* E A ~1 • , t ~.itiiiri,:litolfr it ',: 4 4:04 :-: 7 • 4 ,1 - In,: '•;:,,,),- Noi ~ • 0" .. '''. 1 ,-; gliquirkpei.,'„;4•;*-`,,, , . ~,,,;-.. - --f• , ~ ...11,TiA„.4.74.,,, ,‘,;, , •-:;''''':*% 111 4 41 0 10 1 1 . 1 0' , afilL l-4 1rt ; ew -, , ;.' , O- - 1_,,:,, i'' , '`'.'' Canal - • . • 4 ,'44z , "tr•v i.T.- , - 1 , - 1:. -4. _illib• - , i,_Xi "" ,I. . ....: kw itialcoOkaghoN • - 1 - Alhapbalki;,.' ',- ',! , _ Ndr#l l V v,' ,14*.r:,., '--- 1 11•1"11)CICBRaii,•,',,74 ':•:.' , . 7, • 4, guinineiviitini-winistreakiiiik biref's::',--,' , ;' ___ ,“:1111.1%114LATZUWANN4i- 1tt1..: 14- IC SS TIMPIryllt004:11nr• - .Tinto,'Op Anoin t ) • ' ' - - ciissiti*iiithaotametitlifi — ,stei *tab commtanoigleAnOws___,ETlP thin "r •z R riri,(AirtWireiPOtairedget. s • • - - • •,,,, .e=.• ='; , •'t 0te484. - . - • ,- • • :91 # 1014 # 00-114144111Viglirtn*4-r.17 - - s:-:,-.;:11101111*YANA-131GALMELLY:':- . Dixoty.YAttlll4-iitifstiti*iitOW-‘ ElEoY4ijitf-,131110Y.AL I H.- • " *3 4 .t. 7 • - • ):. 4 ): .e; — k., , hillillidrlSllDD;ph. 9.I3LIPTOPT ,) ; • " they - thin week remove -their. pleat, of ,bevlneeir, "tot irlarga 'browsq-free-atose- Mrs; yi!osp SA,ttfsbrairearms_*4ltwori bLAP t t . l • Vnt. Mori' convenient, nleli IPselOne . soootoruosta• ;WO: oh Ahiii first - floor; facilitate their- keeping opt liana supplyuot only of -their own p,ublleitlone butisboraileta,atteir:t3rerhiliglit the Alepartroeni of ittennntnr. f -71 • - - , lit.pdfAr . 80440111, a ' Pia 04181 fdmeriesn Ilbbits;'ilgu o i t .' and. i) , i7ibig in large: qanlitt9e, tololl *leers et Publishers) Prteei. - V , *6o,lkiekentlern Aineglent ttoi flan , etiV iillordera..vlll,be propptly-Aawk.,erio!.oo447 at. • ' Vo:whord_lgierni dledorn4e , will Jne r4ht i r t'or,ottr 4 ` ,lllt --.. , :`,',..'!, HMO .11NT411B — L1 - 11.1 — TfORS: -.. . - '-`6II 104TAND1d11111Vitrdiod —-. IA 00 - Al ICIUIOOII tor-usuAlutrn ' 'lan ; 3._ 00 SAII&41.1.11:---By-Ti-S,d1drieli , ` 75 800K10114W81.019/UOITI&K - 4;,,' ' 125 rt,liO`efl,. S : • ... - 801F11W,01 , D , ,:.117.1.11110",Dtrerstallpiatid.;,..11,00 ZR t...0i, tATUNItv,LITTLEI~: XT 111,134,01/1LI1131: *litre west - " 1 00, Itinpio!urattgrAk ,B r ifri. a. H. G10ver...." 1 . 00 * i ii!'. 'l,liiee.inioe ire iold - biall poidceellere, end will b. 24.11 ili. 1 ) pi1440,1/I* - t to - I,:ki t itAt 0! ,t ke 'United litemelien reeel . lie,. 61,..7.10 litieei. 57 , ~,.‘',.,. ; ~.. -, - ,-i. - ; - ~ '-',..f . .-- n'illiD, & oAarorrox, :.' i ' ;:.: :•„-,. '.- .....- -...,' ' -, ,F ri SI Leh. re and Book eel lere ,' ' '.''. ~. .7::',' No:;180' GRAND Street, coiner Binedway, - vinr...:B-thetu.,tt -.- . • ' . _, . New Yerk. 4 :•.1•011.1RNE.17: - 'TO:::EITROPE 1. B Y—TRE BTERTO2COPII .„ ~ • • ....Alperson can lake' a journey' trlnrOps, visiting the vocrA importint ;lona' ititop.,sll olantriae. through The ;Weal:gen tt , thieliteraoseoPe. - Veva - are •to' be hattz'of tb e Ifollowhop countries,. ranging - in price from 22.50 to SS pordc ape, t Theie,rhurir.,:_when seen' thieve': the , Stereoscope, ..beter.tbobanno appearance to the eye as ttlue tiwallerwere on the spot : - - ' • . piL 1 Ahlrle"6ovleWS. "." ^'; Dttlitin 25 slaws. - . Ed bdellii' 2 . 2, didwej 'i • : Wales , 'loo views. ." - lb Ithins, lOriviews. '',"- Wrench' Provinces, ' 100 'II ,OW vletii.: - P .:-.• ^ views. ••,• ' - , Pus irland,^loo views,. • Rolland •50 views. 140614 - 60 yield: - :!' —. ', Atiatiro, 25"riefe. 6154,ti5d;150 *Simi: ..-,, . ilystii4dOso - r tors. lelj len Lanai 100 Views.- . • r Wales, - 50 viewl. ; hint, 50ibeas,7"! - ; ,',.... Germany, 103 viewil. 10 014'40 ilews. ' de... - Adee' , ,ifieiwit , to our Con!;trr of Niagara, Trenton WhltiMouptahis, ho., leo; theueesd liint7'onet wooden; to be seen through the tereogrope cannot be deseritrol In Akelin?..l ta of an Alvuttlierattit'6 „ ~ater,froo, p la Rome, may, be „bed front4l pp to DSO, .pAoll impelling to, the kind of looses and 101"/Attg-IMAt-Ole, boX $5 *II Bend by ex. prte.„,,..lnatointut tittle deems elldett, put. hinds. oirenlarimontehiliui a Bet of vlewirind intim, to. .getbar . withafull deeerlptlon of the Btereoneopei may be Onuf, on l hpilleallon . 10 the..auteerlbere, enoloelng a - - , APPLITOR 00,,,Pahltatere, ^ 818 And 848 BROADWAY, DC'tole Agents for the tt:lfiStereoneople 00. riENIIIINIX DE ! , LA., RILE, PAPERS: • • ittafs 4 ,juat , reicettred an !molds of theie'osle bratatipaperS,sralOaretwl.vereally ackilowledged to be the, linen Ctplaildl.istter Papatkiti, the world; The corciPiliee all the differentviallties Of WIISDSOR.POURT JAIL! LITTIIR:, 7 • . . DAItIABS WOVE. • - . ,„ VXTftA -1 1001Y11411 Tll.lolri z " • TALLIIkt .210T/11; of earlobe !dads and qualities. - The, atteotiiitiof these wishing to procure the Sued Note 4d Letter Papers ls ,eitled-to this aciortmebt. • 41 •...THRIOSOOPES 40:hringtoscorro_ VIEWS, • , 11isaPtoit hdad.and coustautip fcceiviog additions. *STANDARtin&ND hillSOßLlii MMUS BOORS. , PIIII:LINBOUSIVAND PL&INLY.BOUND 'BOONS. IfiNI44 4 CLIII -1101TIONS AND Tll6 .winhrser itigantNelnirrioNs: . 'BIRDER• AND: YR&V.Sit BOONS. Attio BLialte , vooKa STATIONERY. ' ' &LI; Tilt 'NEW "BOOKS is fait tif,lsstted,,aad, tSa fast; **kits salsa iii Ilie•flooleatid•Stationtry or Yid. *tura line, v. Opt on hapiLlud for We st.tow PMOSS • li&Z &AD & BROTHERS, , • ishB4L • 724, pallEffNUT Street, 'ItIIBLISHErt:' • • "rAsr; ViIIIOENT, AND ' FUTURN : ' , • '01101i1P1 1 037.0., 4tlllllllllbnedicOendoptio; Ittaet, fdinerale, Ludy taw lifocera.Vilihuaterbm, Propoeed.la.: - 7 1 % 7 ;, ter-ticeenhs Canal, sad Maul.' - . . '," • feat eather. Bp.PET.DB, V STOWE . Late - .l3nltsd s - Vice•Consol Jie Vies-Conint /drAtont had =lomat - Nellitles for 'becoming acquainted with the productions of the coon. lg the character of ite p.ople, and the political affairs 01 tilt,- and-ad.l9lPlog Metes: -. He MAW, moat of the dentril Aniericit.-"foreial and Ores • htalaPy of the ribbiPtere with • r graphic but truthitil Mid, impartial pen;. , lllle b o ok will Deceit* throw mach llichtiefAhogrett- Central' American problem now - ca. leaning* sttontlial otitateemenqind Others in' our " Br 2 paies, ~ .„Tor ssiihyllooksallereNovo A gooti"=-gmiszally; or sent by mallepostpaid, oiiteceipt the pries. TOOT&13 PubUeber BANBONL Street, Pailedelpltie Ps RARE;'SINGiTteIt,' - Alib' . VALUABLE , zOoxs,bou6s,,scil4, and exchanged J. RUIN, Ye ,Antique Beak Riot*, ; , 27 Sonata SIXTH anat. - pPHOSPHATIC GUANO _ - • ritou - , CARIBBEAN SEA. Arialyais 14 Dr. Oblates Blekell, Baltimore:, ..Bogs-Phoephatator Lime ' - 84.78 Prsttaining of Phosphoric Acid 38.82." : • illairrldo of Calcium; 2.64 tiarbandte of Limo.; `-"- ' ' " ' ' 5.135 s • • ; 8 .Water,-Ad '6' ; ' '4.88 dinar/ higheintaii of Phosphate of abated, ficounnenda, Sae article at once `l4.ooo6loiPioaphatii Amami> ^ANlMAL _ FERTILIZER. SUPER . FROSORATE-OF'LME; -• • • ;,, r - .. - ..ritle.iNgtv_, --- m!sEy .. kt.4.N . oFAcTpitiNe CO.', 4. 644ls4Lifirylielltiviiiilehig, Practical lad ' Analytical Ohemlati". ' • ' Thilaphite Of ;Little • " -; " 20 81411atirot.Libi0 • - 10. 0 egarde Matter yielding Airunimla . 45' Anuttordvelialts..„ - ;;.:' 7 ruattsr. ... -.4, ... . .8 ildlnt46:6 - B.l,ltii,Chlor;alo Balph; - . _06e13444 - • 10 ..7rat!!- ltd 1 1."4 4- I"tr. , • • _ _ 3 6 f t. 44 2411111;14iIa 4440 . 4,1fewi . a.011i0P1i, I; 100 0, `tiffal, - and ise 4 l6 - IwOW. , L ..- •-, 6 - reri 'oste - of our atitc ‘ nuirs • haitiainiurid our manure 'What we yepreient it to,be—adapted to every soil and n er:cll.4we'iiciiilei.i ft ,ve.th the fullest confidence. 850 `to 400 lksjwv - attri have s freqneitly laaremed the yield ' • _? -- Alsoi:00110nntAll;i0PP•COL - uklutitri, and Aidslo.. 14 - 14TBI) C,OLODIBIAN 011003.; , • • • All or the aboie - YEBTILIZERS,Inhags and barrels. 6., prom $2O to $45 per 2,600 end 2,240 The, according to ;4161autItysunthirul . -„, , • RIORARDS A MLLL3CIC,• •;" ; ••- 011,PNr13t., 1 ;i0toli W:olNti . r, , marl-111th 2m Bala Agents Philadelphia, j •ilf.Vl GOB, - 47ctit,. miircipatiTY , ' COMPZIFINDED ENTI,RELY „ GUMS, • !iota' of , the Nit Polgattie ant - 14mm Ifedicinex now. Wont tie' Wabild;l4mt,acti2so 11 . Caadriie t Orceporu effectual thin - anyt'other medicine kaolin.' ;Nit notonly,aVolkarty, buts Liver remi t , dp, acting kirkon the'Lirei 19 e,iett matter' than orithiratentudi'ind bowels ;to carry Mt .thit'inst; t,? than rowiniplichinittio'ptirpomil'eficettially,"with iatt any of•the palatal felling( 'ekperhineed la the opt. Wham of 'moot' Crighartier otringthens" the , ep .tein nkthl Mate tank that purges it; and, whin taken dallylitiOdefeterdateeiwill atrengthan and build it rep - 0136,0trA1l primipairegalaf math konaribpdt ; andcrhes lt, Performi` ite .1 n o tioor Areli,:the powers of the • ardent, ere, fully derel, sped. The stoatackla al- • most 4,ntirely dependent an,tilichialthy cationpf %slicer for the proper performcnim of Att-flino; • !four; when.theitomaah li et fault:Um aiiireleart at, ,fattit,And the :whole Ante* afters *Anew, le t Wag% otane organ--the - 34,too.kacciocmcnowi3o do ite duty', 'North° 44- essetAlligt t impcs,Vonei e.."Y of the', proprietors •h as ,*84,;, , 'cam' away ; * _7. practice of ,ocore thanO. teazle . E 4: ',lntent* te counter-if mr t , ww-Acits!tic: --• Plow td width it li!kt •- • .' f.S. Y . .. ~~. To prove that rhle're pktio* hienttlettrith t torp t Asitula., . , - -1400.414rdrime44,1# ,the ?Flom, eepplying ti; bUitPertgerhi , tho Algyettratartfyle(the lOW tArtittrithele mei= se of the tt.terttel-fit, 1e ,..4114t0tte htltidte aro ,;`Provesied ps .".- tirnioamtoi „,* One noel;' after Ming, whweishilet prevent the ' L l taiy oak dase, taken OnlrOne dol e ientir r IS& 'Oois. Oni deri,t4,l'll:44 Aria. , 0111 P tame or Awe name Wet Masai/Lour. . One bottle token for fi ts* 41U110oUtheah*SiS, esti dose Liusiedl.. :whiles,* datut(etten re. ' ' Ottothel4lteteett.seit AMMO - ate betas is 01119 .0 0 yrj i r ii Cie r botile.tsken 'Orunnetteal • One &attain, short • to the appetite - and Onidedipdiftertessiil siuseinitwvewsCtsw**4 eamphanto 1141 e le One or two dew tank In ohlbtreta reels kilo' temettyin the*Wolittoni Err bettiel!,l,nee +enti:V", , *, !7=eS _storbentif;'>;.; e fali*OlNrue. tete- , = idieseeplieg Alai • lase. 'eine U. a ptoirsidNelok =bill sod Aso!. aitiri4.• firacJabtritativaimior 'cope. Attila trith sirttintri Solit ate willing to tot if to wers,ll9 vitiate. ' 44 l , titi)siOssitt tiOthissiSioriOiit:*!smirsous testimony : ,: at igYi - wish sks rstieet,wiltsik , fogegAity„ , , ' • • Tallitil4"l7.looPlATOß ' ttiptyttillissiel3: b istrove V, eitvi Waspy work-- Ins'eriveoiltadst tdo r itSart to belies's. It bpres as Obi, Ybsglej oSseth,OatePtists , sioting beeefit, skid seldom just. ,tltsirl oil. be tide isfsgottod tem.' oby tied of - tlVnt-1301001thst;Stomfibe -wont , Jasstlies or Dre. jieffid to 1 oemeion Reasaelsei ell et Vdeh are the ro• 01 1 t0 a DifiSAgen -- " BM; - seCigtoutwa,Kzraw - Yoili: & EONS, 21i "birth 116004 - r, AedtliturTtediitittli. , told ~ thct"trt OAlll3lli liiitimopattgistionot.#ool 7. BRowN frOtit AmliVakiiirb r ilitsfirooriCrbilidi ‘Auglact twot-iy 2. grOnitable ' - , )1,1 ,!! ' - gf ! ' Aram:via - Nissans, 31.;•.*ABOA190 , 00 0 0 Prt JAMMU mid, .•,? ,8 0 7 A101trioolailblii 1 4 4 / 9 ,41Q 4 . , K 4 x 7 ' 1.414, 2 '44,044tmipi!"41 - .011••#}01,04 More*. *ll-011; 11,41# .• - -" * .- c 11 scxiil i{cx~. ~tl ttinat: wady In it lent found; any ygn 001471411 K, we pwwiation is nnnigg piing mattes from *nig glans e, Uzi ihrann • stainmeti, enuring fond ,t 0 Joon, and Colt i n • ry, refnoilpitAb. feeling 'a railed ware. mod, what iz bat• wi t of the LITIII ill Whiling ti o 0444 tali ! food how Ming ailli before lath*, prevent, night, Imam/ the loweli Mmes. -" isieh tioal ; win oars Du lakapominala int Alava male obabliation Mumma mot Malmo sported oars. as taltavag. 0 o aro; pasto4 le. rare'onre for prarmitiVa'ortMomila. moods* to tlirowout of the divine altar a pits, ifeli- 7 forliondbma remoial an color nom ikin; ' • lime baton eating' glrea maker food digest wan. ad; carol( OtMeme DiAll% whna Stramla Fnd nCrins . , tolki Ott dose: = sneaks caoso4 bin v o23lo, aanat or _ap,mallor tielarfal/s. , , • Moral , biraio!tirry: the elluerAl/aric: TEE siL'3:it' 'alJuvirlrA.4:Yrort.y ,UNITED EITATEB ESTABLISHED .1812: `Southern and- Wo,pivx rperolqiuta luylted to . exeiptne our-large asoortment , - • .• ; EILVER;.TEA : SETBi , FORKS,- . SPOONS, . LADLES; '&o.,' &O. • 2„AirOf Onr, - Uinnfacitnre, and warranted of the Itlgheit standaid allyer:' Perilous havlsig order's for premiums for , :AGRIOULTVR,AL FAIRS Trestad,on the,ranot paanst termm, and aatlafaation irimalintaa.d; . WAOLFSALSCAS WELL AS 11,ETAIL attended to. „ M. WILSON 8: SON, 8: W. 00R.* IiitTH , A.ND OFIEB.RY STB fe2l-7.ca ~llllJtttdtmb, Queeneware, 1859 ,=_} quggprsvrAß. 1859 . . „ STROUD, _ -111PORT,HRB AND JOBBERS, Hain now, on Band a aoinititentook of , EKENOIi AND ENGLISH • = Ett.;ASSWARE, AND Q,LIBBNSWARE, - . - (At their old stand) No. - 82 xowrp.,ro.llßT,}l STREET,' (Ponedoeis holow iterohante , Hotel,) • - ,To whloh they invite the attention of • • : WHOLESALE BUYERS:' th2l-3nt frURNBULL, , ALLEN, & CO., 7-7- JL• ,J•^. . • , , • - . IMPORTERS AND WHOLZSALII DRALRES CHINA & QUEENSWARE Noe. 23 and 23 S. FOURTH STREET Between Market and Oheitnut, PHILADELPHIA 11:7•GLABSWARE, open or by the package. fel.9 lre Goabo • - OPENING ' •' • - PAILIS SPRING itIiI.A.NTIELAS. L. J:.L,EVY , WILL, OPEN, TRH DAY, WEDNESDAY, THE 9ru INSTANT, TUEIR PIRST - lePORTATION OP MANTILLAS, Seeded at the botitee of the beet repute for taste in Paris. NEW DRESS GOODS OPENING DAILY. `' 809 & 811 OWT.IIIIT, STREET. rubit.3t ' RAPSON'S, • • ' No. 132 NORTH 'EIGHTH STREET, . Are now opening, and Will continue to twelve, NM AND 11EAuTOui, Btm.V3 or -LA.DIVS' DRESS TRIMMINGS, :loft :run ?POMO. BALM R A E" S , O N S LADIEeDIONiTaIIdBUNGB and APIWIL STORI, mar7.2ln CORNER NIGHTN -AND OLLCARY. 1859." O I Pin j gOO R II ga r i AZ141859. BIIIIMICit 111 A N L A S , TOR VIM , - WROLESALa TRADE, To which we invite the attention of Bouragati AND WESTERN - INERORANTS. J. W. PROOTOR & CO., • •" 708 O,IIERTNT.I2 Street IV EW aItING,GOODS I . • THORNLEY Ir. MUSH, ISIGHTN AND SPRING GARDRN, Are daily receiving New Goode,. , BOUGHT CHEAP NOR OASII, And whieh, to maintain their far;ramed reputation for BELLINGNERN CHEAP, r . They are deterthined to sell fox' SMALL .p.Koairst Rich Fancy Sa . ke, - ' Beat Blank Silk., _, • . - . Good Plain Silkaii ...... Handsome evader. Silk., ;-- '• - Hamlin - a and Florence Silk., Satin Ohallies, Slowly Valencia., Chenne Rostoria, &o. ratio or , , . Ver y An Immi T e- tT NeWind IllehßattAnue /WENCH AND ENGLISH onnurize. ' Best Fronting and PamilT . LINENS, or-our own direct impulition. - Cloth., Oaselmercr, Muslin., Flannel., to., &o. T.11011,241,EY a - 0.11.(13Bi, N. E. Corner EIGHTH & SPRING GARDEN, folk ""SELL' NOR CASH, AND BUT ONE PRIOR ” (VEXING}' OF NEW' SPRING GOODS AT FIIIINDlit; , - •- , . OINT.II *L • - • - DRY-GOODS NIGHTIE AND ABOR STRIETS. • New and choice styles Now width*. styles Poll de Cheese. New and obolce Sootsh Hingham. New and choice Friendly do New and choice 4.4 Rainbow Chintzes. New and choke English and Merrimac Printa. "New andeholce French Brilliantee. ' , New and chola Ohillies and Detainee New Bleak Silks, - Alptieiv - Madonnas, Lavellas, Mohair', Debege, Beysteres, .11.;) tool. - - The season will be eemmeoced at very low prices. WINTER GOODS CLOSING.OIIT , AT SAORIFIOID RATES. • • GOOD BLANKIITS, a still Areatey reduction. _ Do. Brooke Shawle, It 64 Do. Blanket r .. 46 , cg • And ail other goods pauing out of season; _ ruatipalua STOOK, ' A complete variety. But make Flannels, Muslim, Linea', Table Linens, Napkins, Nook Ties, No.,Sco ' - -CHARLES ADAMS, BIGHTH and AllOll istreete. to th-irr TBE QUESTION THAT ARISES_ IN. : the mind of the public is, Where can "we epeifd oar money to the beet advantage t :The answer that we would give-them ie,,At iIogLROYM, Where you can !Ind everything in our ,line the lowest possible BPRINQ 4114)0D8 IN ENDLESS NARIETY. Pail de Ohevres, Delaine;: Valenotas, 811 k Foulards, of various styles and superior qualities." 'A beautiful asiortinenVef Flea flake at low prices - A large lot of hfareelllee had Alendale Counterpanes from luau .to ;Lao: - An extensive assortment of Olothe, ciaseimerep, and Satioete, very sheep, Teble t Inca, Toweling, Marling Linens, Chintsee, he., A large lot of Coitus and Infante' Waists below regu; lar prices. . Stella, Broobt. and Shetland Shaine very cheap. A large lot the celebrated Trincemi Royal Hooped Skirts, warranted 'the beet article' of "the kind ever manniaottiredi at Old and si•n7N • , • MoRLR01"0, feke-tburtivtf " No r :II/South NINTH Btreet. LINEN. FURNISHING GOODS. - Irish Shirting Linens; if beet utanniketure. •-• . Barnsley and Irish Linen Shootings:- r , • ;Table Damasks, and all alms of Table Olott s. Hnekabsoks 11lid•eyeg, and fouls Diapers, . I Damask bordered and Minted Towels. • • (Ham Clothe, Burlaps. and Orequillos; ' • . Stair Droggets, and Linen Flonr Cloths. • • ' Buff, Blue, and Orton Holland,' for shades. Damask Napkins, medium and extra alma. - - • Colored•borderod and White Lineal:loom r: " •-• SHABPLBEIS BIIO2IIBRS, inko-lf • • ) and BIGHTH Street* •vINENS DA/ JI-4, Arnerionsainerietinallades superionstyle Brown Linen Oostings, X and X, +redone shades ; Brown and Blenched Linen Anoka, serious Styles; Brown Linen Drills. A cholas assortment of the above Goods now and- Nissan -• ' • 128 and 130 OHEBTNUT Street VPRINO OHINTZES ..Seventy-nine new atylaa British and Merrimack Prints, 12,E ots. Vim 4-4 Baglialt end Fronatilntaae. • ;"- 004 and 4,4 neat end fancy Shirting'', 12)6 and 1.4 etc • COOPR h & uoShltD, , inhl 0:1. earner NINTH and MARKET. jPJEN 1674. Datnßek, Table Jai Clothe, good at 11.10. • liteahfast Cloths, 87 to $1.21.. • reed borderadlitiok Wired. Pine Thaeltabiak and'lnaper Toweling. • Tiekingel Sheeting*, lithlrtingo. • gins and Medlnm Jfrinting • P .83711 .44 1 -' by '1111'1."6.-"' COOPE 01 It MED , 0:5. eomar NINTH and aIitIIEST. B— MIXED POPLINS. JP", And brd:Mteed, fast orien?td, o Jorge lot at 18%c Deet POWde °hawse from *motion, - at 16 cts. .one lot new Robe 'Wool Detethee: One lot new Henn P,lald Robe Sumas ' , OOOPER & OONARD, mbl - . 8. R. corner NINTH & MARKET km antritiinfote tiIIESTICCIT' GROVE W.IIISICEY.—A de. ' 9 1.;/ tire to lessen the consumption of Impure spirits, Mewing theirinisadoucelfectswporr the cogetitutiou has induced, the offering to the patio ot an artleii Which thaimilyiration of Profeiffor Chilton, Analytical, 'Chartist, of New York, 11544 Nimes. Booth Gsrrett,'&' Cromio, of Didisdalphia,gdave,s, beyond aft epeatloni tq be the inoitginie eonsequenilY P a d B Pifltf ever *tared the American Imbue. - - OHNTIPWAy.I OP DR: JAH.,R 'ONLT,TON. ~hare analysed searopla Chestnut-Grose Whiikey, ieceljed from, gr.. CllkittNil WWIELTON, Ja.. of Philsdelphii; and listing', iffirefarlosted it, I' am pleased to date that It - is entirely free'from poisonous of deietorimid pabafarebte.' It It alanntulually pubs sal, nne niters& pislitrof Whisiog. - • ' ' '31.100 li;OntisTON, D., • Neir Yak, Sept."11,"1818. _Analytical °hamlet. •' - Pallablaritta; Aept.,9085 8 .. DeAsAiii; haTi; morally tested the sample of Cheethet-Grove :Whisker *MO ye@ Bent clit s end Lid that It aantatta *tine of the palianona aahatanoa blown fee 011,`*htoh le the ohersieterhAto end itkjarley ingredient et th(tWpjekeyo ingeneralaee.. : Vary.Fwtlly, ; - eem a-catteci. , • • , Analytioal.Ohamlefa, , To Clieeuee Wikezeoi, - Jr., No. 116 wm . ,Ntpr Phlladelehhe. - - • •oaskitspzi: 11411.111.4D155.—" rinet Amen ILJP.and ,other Copsea of ration vintage", in belt pip*, end cnesteresslin 1 Pellevoisin Basket% gumbo pile skit dark, In half pipes, kelt mks, and ode-tighe (make. ,Impoteed and Image bp • ninntir Bohlen , cro.,'"' -" 1111 .34 21. stegest • tr i AHD-18 8 bble. No, 1 Leaf - La foriale by ' 0, I:I2I3e'DLIR - k (10,, PEE ,A4Qa fltrost, 24 Am aboyell!zott, ' THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 10,. 1559. WOROESTER'@• QUARTO .151CTIOTARY. PUOl'Ol4l.B Ot iIIOICLINCih 'SWAN, BREW!R, YOH YUBLISHING BY BUBBORIPTION or THE ENGLISH LAN'GUA.GE, BY JDEIDPH EL WOROBBTBR,,LL• D„ One Quarto, Library Edition Wa prince.; to Publish p library edition of WouOze- Wee 'QUARTO DIOTION T for aubamibera. It will be printed Oa extra flue, Paper; with large ,marilo, aa per 'madmen copy, which may be Been at our meeting•- The work is now rapidly approaching complaion, and We hope to.pnbllsh it in May, 1859. It will be Com prised In about eighteen hundred pages, end will con tain a full vocabulary or the'words new need In' asters• tare, Art, and sclenoe, together with such local and 'obsolete tekres itS are likely to be ,ruet with In wri tinge that are now much read. • , • • ',ln Dammeriargr, the work will xeprmieet the best nsage, both in itdoconntry and is England. .The PiONUNCIIATION oioli r the Words will be exhibited bye system of notation which will be esallynnderstood and vilth regard to wade of various, doilbrui, or die puled pronunciation, the heel autborit en for the diffe rent modes will be given: departtosnt of Irrunoar; this Dictionary Will be found to be more complete and eatiefactorrthan coy other work of the .kind,' giving, to a -brief form', the results of the invindigations of the beet irritate on thin aulkisot. The -Danurrieue will be fully aud accurately die eriminated, and distlngaished by numberai and exem plified, whenever prieticeble, by citatione from the beat authors. In the eelectlon of exampled, tfie aim has been' to take each AC should be valuable for the thought or sentiment they °sprees, no that this Dictionary will proem; In a convenient form for reference, a rick cot= !salon of the maximal and, gems of the language. - Thaireatment tit:PS[4OIIMS will form a`very valuable feature of the work. Very few, even of the beet spankers and writers, become So thoroughly mestere of their ma tive language as never to experience embarrassment in diecrimleatiog between several expressions 'nearly re. toted: It le to help in overcoming 'We dlfliculty.tbat Dr. WorMeiter has prepared, is connection with those words which mem most to 'require' lt,ra notice of the . synonymous terms, showing, eta glance ) the die tinotlons to be observed in catcalling among them. The grammatical forms and inflections of words Witl be given mere folly than ever before In any finglish Dictionary, and brief critical notse on the orthography, the pronunciation, the grammatical form and construe- Don, and on the peculiar technical, local, provincial, and 6=111106D uses of words, will be found twittered throughdut the volume: ' Thepamensarrona by wood outs, of which there will be about twelve hundred, beautifully executed, will form another novel and useful feature of this Diction. cry. Theis are many terms, the varbol explanation of which, however carefully mode, will convey a much lees correct ides of their Meaning than aplotorial re presentation, and accerdingly it is proposed tq adopt this method of exemplifying the definitions in-all such Wee seam to require it. , , Much' !important and useful mistier 'will ha given in the Introduction on the following subjects t The I ?ht. ciples of Pronunciation; Orthoihaphy ; English Grainntor ; the Origin, Formation, and Etymology of the English Language; , Archaisms, Provincial isms, and Americanisms; and the Elistory of Eng lish Lexicography; with a notion of English Oithoe lasts, and a Catalogue of English, Dictionaries - of the Volum Arts and Sciences, Encyclopeediai, In an Appendix will be added Walkers4ey to the Primunciation of Classical and Scripture Proper Names, much enlarged and unproved; a Pronouncing Vocabulary of Modern Geographical Names; (70/- lotion of Phrases and 'Quotations from Foreign Langltages; Abbreviations used in Writing and Print ing, r. The price of the library edition, on extol fine paper, will be $7 60, which will be the retail peon for the nom inee edition. Persons itubscriblngwildthcretoieiactip the library edition at the same trice that they would: be obliged to pay for the common C iidition n Its pub= Halation. Those persona who desiro to become .subscribers to the work will please send their nimes to JAMBS B. SMITII & CO. No. 61.0 ORES MTV STREET, NTILADELPRIA. teblo•thlt , FOE. THE ~ 01/TH—. OH;ARLES ''e 'f• ~ TON, SAVANNAH, and HAVANA STEAM- M" PS. RBYBTONN STATE; Captain 0... P. Marehinan, - STATE OP GEORGIA, Captain John 3. Garvin. • ISABEL, Captain Wm. Rollins. - . 2•01" CHARLESTON S.O. The U. S. Hail liteaniebip • xErs'arorra. STATE, Captain Hershman, through In, 48 to 50 hours, will mil on Tuesday, Horeb 18th, at 10 A. M. ~ SOle SAVANNAH, Ga: • The U. B. Mail Steamship STATE OP GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin, willi ea!' on Thursday, Maroh 10th, at 10 A. M. The splendid Sret-elass side-wheel Steamships REY' STONE SPATE ey)d STATE OF GEORGIA now' run tas above every We days, time 'forming' a Hve-day com munication with the South and Southwest. Ur Goods received and bills of *ling signed every dax''. . . .A both Charleston- and` Savannah them chips con nect with steamers forPlcuidd, and with ralliot 4s, &a., for all piece. In the South and Southwest, and with the Steamship ISAREL, for Havana, On' the 4th and 19th of every month., - PERIOLIT 'REDUCED. • - Heavy Preigltt at AO ,ayerage 0f,15 per sent. below. New York steamship rates. INSURANCE. Freight and Ineuracco on a large proportion of Goode shipped South wlll be found to be lower by these ships than b; Wing' ssm e i i i '''' Cabin Passage to Charleston and Savannah 91100 Stesrago ii "i I. ..,,,, .g op Excursion Tickets, good for the present year.... 80 00' Tickets to Havana. 55 00 Through Tickets to, New Orleans '• 89 50 Do Mobile ... - VP ..• ' PdOutgomery" il °° 00 Do At MAU, PIP 24 MI Do Columbus, Gs 23 00 Do Atianta.Ve , 25 00 Do Macon, Gs - - ' 21 00 Do - Palatka, Fla. 23 00 Do Pleolate, Pia 23 00 e pp JacksonvilleiF* 21 00 Fernandina, lc It 00 No bills of lading signed after t e ship bee sailed. No freight received on the day'of sailing. ' Far freight or passage apply to A. HERON, Jr., Southwest corner FOURTH and CHEST NUT. ' Aleuts in Charleston. T. 8. & T. G. RUDD. Savannah. 0 A GRIMES & CO salST,E4id STO blidtStiOW, LIVER POOL, BBLIABT, DUBLIN, MID LONDON DERBY, wltheist delay, for $3O. ' Return tickets , got for six month., to either of the aboTe placer, by any steamer of the line, 400 for the round trip, out and back. ;21.41304319, Thornaor j Battirday, Mardi 19th,•it 12 o , oloot noon. IDINBUJItig t Cumming, - Wo4loodv, April lath ovt. 12 Woloot noon 0LA1340W,, Thomson, 6liturday,Vsyl4th, st.l2 o>olook noon. , • , elOit 0144100 W, • EDINBURGH Damming, Saluda", March 10th. G LASO OW, Thomaou, We _Mealy, April 211th. , . RDINBURGH, Cumming, Saturday. May sth HATES 43 op PASSAGE, yaw inaetiow: view sew "yew. lint Clue 16 guineas first Claw. 6 00 biteerage;found 'With , • 8 eerage, found with r cooked provielona 8 a cooked prorieltum. 80 00 Children under 12 years of age, hell' fare • Infanta in Steerage , 4•ee: Return' tickets available within s i x months, by any steamer of this line.. ' • '"- First Claes 5140 Steerage 580 An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For freight or Paine UP I " WOItRIA &, LiN 00., 1 1 ALEUT Street, Pbliadel- Phi*. ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York; HALL & LOEWY, Buchman's Wharf, Baltimore. mbr FOR 41(1.144f0N1), VIA NOR, FOLK AND CITY POINT.—SPRING AR,- RAMONA( WON A WAlRK.—rinion RtuonlAbin Company's Lino of 'fiteemshilse—To aail xyßay WEDNEBDAYAnd B.I7.IIRDAY, at 8 o'elock A. id., until further notioe. VIRGINIA, Captain J. R. Kelly. PRNNS.YLYANIA, Captain D. Teal 'CITY OP RICIKAIOND, Captain Z. Mitchell. - These /Ice etetunshipa will Fall as above They are hatniscenvly fitted up for paseenqra, haying saloons on duel, are provides with Brawls Patent Metallic Life Bolts, Life Preservers, /co,. and no paine or expense soared for the comfort or eefety of passengers and the protection of goods. This line offers the quickest, cheapest, and moat com fortable route for paseengere, and ie• in advance of any other for .despatch Sod snoopy for freight to NG In terior of V Deeds, North Carolina; and Tennessee. No transhipment by this line. Paseago to Riebmiund or Petersburg 88, meals included. Do. • Norfolk EL mesh lite tided. , TINIteI4O,,WEBBUR;Ja . Gageral a goat, felt -gm Noxth Wl4.&p.v.ts ilARRIg's BOUDOIR BE WING °BINE Is adored' to the public as the mosti*. liable low-priced awning Machine In see. It will saw from six to sixty stitches to an inch, oa all kinds or goods, from ',earliest baggiuglo the finest cambrics It Is, Without, exception, the simplest In its Meehanisal ddintideltdd orerplade, and can be run and kapt [Doran by a obild of twelve years of age. -The ntraisitlet Of this Machine, and the Q 174147 or ice IfOit, are MU:, ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. IM speed ringed from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per ml. cute. The thread needle taken directly from the spools, wvt,acrr ins TROLIBLB isirientie. In fact, it Is Meade., that is Wanted by every Wails; In the land, arid the law price of ' TIfIRTyDbXLAR9, • et which they are told, bilego 'Meet 'HAW the yen.% of alzooeit ovary one a. D. DAKAR, Agent, .111;d6ra IV-sow-cm, , /2 1 ? ADOU OTDDDr. 101114I011,MASING MAOII.i.NE, *Klan IL/li makes the arida asuitluiper tbe der, makea from DO to throe thousand per hour. Upwards of thirty In nee. Patented Yebrnarp 8d,1868. Machine* and rick* for side, °wroth*, or one-fourth of the rioteni a - win be Mid. • Vows to be the only praothial one in nce,,,Thfol• dress ;0, illakINELIc; iliannantoarm rant, above 41ftb NMI) - ; • 41.11001 d Bdai'ox, ,A 'DICTIONARY i s b l ß 4 lttli , =i3=3 Vetoing -ittatittis. - tit? 111011,4itilis: WORCESTER'S DICTIONARIES PHILADELPHIA It will be seen, hy the following certificate, that IFORODSTER'S anr4Es OF DICTIONARIES have Usti ittioditeid dig th'e 130" lard tf 06ntrolIets, to be toed lu ell the PARC Schools of the city of OFFWO OF 11/111 CoNFROLLERS OF POBLIO SOFIOOI.O, ; • 1 4 /FBTlltBmaton Or PANSYLVAIitA.' PFULKDELPIITA., February 9, 1859. At a niecting,of the , gootrollers of. Public Schools, Firet EchitricV of Penneyliah'ici, held at the Coarellers , cluirober, on Tuoeday, February 80859, the following resolution waic 'adopted: • - iS lit:solved, That WORCESTER'S SERIES OF DIC TIONARIES be Introduesd, to bo not in the Public Schools of this District, ROBERT T. Soorets6ry." IVORCESTEW SERIES OF DICTIONARIES, ocainmim OR I—THE SCHOOL DICTIONARY, II —THE ELEMENTARY DICTIONARY, 111 -TIIE COHIPREHENBIVE DIOTIOkIARY, IV.-THE AOADMAIIO tIipTIONAELY, DIOTION,A4Y, Ia eonatantly advancing in popular favor. The books haye been introduced, by authority, into the Patine Betioole of Boston, blew Ynrk, Philadelphia, Baltimore Washington, p.c.,"st. tow's, ghleage, end meet of the principsitplaceifof, the United States. They represent the Ortbrgrapby anePrehnri r clation need by the moat eminent scholars, both in England and America. The definitions are concisely expressed, end seldom leave anything to be desired. Por Cohool purpoese'they. are the beet Dictionaries extant. They need only to bit, examined to be univareally adopted. - READ, TIIE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS Lion. Edward Everett says:—" I have nada constant use of Mr. Worcester's Dietionaries since their draft pAlication. Hte orthography and pronunolation repre sent, as fa; as I out aware, the most approved uaage of our language. Els definitions seldom leave anything to desire William 11, Prescott, LL.D., gays I have long einee learned to apPreolite your valuable labors, which have done eo much to eatablish the accuracy of pro. nunciation, while affording tho,reader, by the citation of ,anthoritlis; the Means of deterinining for himself." Watthington Irving , LL _D. saye:.—" As far as I have bad time to examine the Pronouncing, Explanatory, and Synonymous ligotiontiryilt given me greateatiefac. lien, and appears, to me to be well'a adulated to fulfil the ptirpoee for hich it professes to be Intended—to supply the waote of Common Cahoots, and to boa oat •olont menus' for schools of a higher order." Inn Josiah Quincy, LL.D., late President of Canard College, says : The ptiblio have long slime plumed judgment on your qualifications, and the lapse of many plata has oonflemedite earliest declaioni. 2l Rev. Edward 1141Mpolt, President of Am herst College; Says Iffivititr been in the balit of using the Universal atid Critical Dietionary, almost exclusively, for several years, I khan welcome the new one, with Ito humovemente and additions "' Bon ,JohnlfeCeen,"Ta, D sue Ever sines the publication of yealt large D.etionary, I have bad it near_ me In my library, and ono of the smaller editions I have always bad on my table, at every plane where my pnblid duties cal me.).. • Nev. Ellphalet Nott, D D Peeeident of Union Col• logo, rays With the large work (the Univereal and Nrltleal) hate long been - familiar, and can obeerfu;ly beer testimony to its great merits. It Is at ono° ainoon ment to thp honor of Ito Uulhor, and to the country thus elgnalized by his labors er , Prof. 0. 0. Paton, LL D , of liarvard College, says : —" The iefloOnce of your works le rapidly extending, in spite of opposition, and j em very cure that your great Dictionary will become the steodard everywhere.” ,Itev. William Memo, D D., President of Amherst College: stye I have already 'looked Into it (the Academic DiCtionary)euffielently to eee that it la a great Imp oiement on your 'ormer work, which, to sal of any work of the kind, is the greatest praise." Der Oherlee Q. Finney, Presitieut of Oberlin College, Rays It Is; end timely, a highly important book. It Is needed in pearly every family, and will be mach valued by the reader." Rey. :eines Walker, P.D., President of Ifarvard Col lege, says pt (the Academie) is, beyond question, the most convenient Dictionary for the toady table, and for common nee, which I have yet aeon " Ron. Theo. Frelingbuysen, DI, D., President of Rut gers College, says I shall prize it as a meet valu able help in all its department's," Bay. Dude] Kirkwood, I,L.D , President of Delaware, College, says I regard the work as one of greitt noYfit, aimirably adapted;` to MO uses for which It is designed."• • Rev. dames B. Dodd, President of Transylvania llal vemlty, says For the purposea of convenient con saltation, by readers OT every mass, and more especially liy the atudent who yronid gal oiltioal, spractioal, SO4 an extensive aequalntanen with the English and -Atari= Impale, mutated, there is no Dictionary equal to this." - - Bev. Benjamin Hale; D.D , President of Hobart Free Qollege; Bays;—'. I have need yotti Dictionary for many years, with great satisfatition, and yam. eriialler one I brie been In the habit of recommending for the nee of pupils." • 17...7 C. Collins, D President of Dickinson Oellege, says I take pleasure in seylng that It (the Aca docile) seems tome to fulfil ilsoconditione of a common reference Dictionary more perfet4:y than any one now he'ore the pnbila." Bev. William A Smith, D D., President of Randolph Mateo College, says I am happy to state that your additions to the plan usually pursued in troche of the kind are decided Improvements, greatly increasing the pritotical value of a dictionary." 8; 11. Taylor, 1474.4., Principal of Phillips Acadentyl Andover, says The Dictionary seems to me to com bine unusual egaellencles, and as a mongol for general uses sod for high sohools and colleges, it has no cope. tsar." Ray. bleak Hopkins, ,‘President of William's College, says:4st The work memo to me to be very complete, and as well adapted for the purpose intended ap Anything can well be. T hove your large edition k constant nee." Dar losonard Woods, D.D., President of Bowdoln college, says:—'• I'Assure_yon that'l have found no occasion to alter the favorable opinion Ilong ago formed of your Dictionaries, in comparison with any others which T have had an opportunity to examine " Prof. Arthur 'ld . Perry, AL: M., Willisol'a College, Bays: Tdo not hesitate to proncunce it eminently adapted to high gobbets and academies." prof. Samuel Smith, 4. 11., Waterville pottage, saya:-:-"It is, in my judgment, the moot convenient and valuable Dictionary for the use of thosefor whom it is espe , cially designed with which T am acquainted." BST. A10:150 Petter,,l/ D., Biebop or , Penneylvauta, eays:—" Your larger Dictionary has been my principal resoime ever Rinse it was published." Pattison,,D D , Prealdent of Waterville pollege, mays It is manifestly superior to any other work of the same general dee'gp " Prof. B. G. Brown, A. hl , Dertmueoth College, says: it seems to me by far the most comprehensive and valuable manual that T ant aviasin'iul with." - Prof:II II Barney, 4 DI , Commissioner of rublio Schools in gni.), says regard Worcester's mcotary and Comprehensive Gtotiousrles as the beet Imbedl dictionaries eztant." Prof. Aaron Williams, 4. AL, pniversity of Ohio, It le undouhtirlly the bpat etanderd which we timq, as to orthography and pronunciation? , Mon. Horace Mann, LL Free(dent of Antioch Ool• says all my writing, sp 4ilting, and teaching, I bap) endeavored to conform to the rules for ortho graphy an{} pronunciation no contained in_Wereester , s Dictionary?, Piot. Francis Lieber, LT, 1 - .1., Routh Cainllea College says:—J! I consider it the beet of alt American elation arias of the English language.), ter. John 'Wheeler, D.D Preaident of Mil reran, of Vermont, I hays need Worcieter a Universal and Prato} p otlonary in preference to any other, for COWS ltkt . . refeeenpo.” 1Ion; Charted Sumner, United Slates Senator, nays :- 4, Te.a Unlversal Dictionary I have used constantly, and almost daily, since its ptiblication. I hive no hesitation in piling it the best practical dictionary of the ilogliah langnage. ll prof. William 4. Welts, Soperintendent of Schools, Chicago, 111., rays:—""As a standard of orthography and pronunciation, the compliat'on of Mr. 'Worcester la far to advance of • ll other node Oita class." • prof. Jame.: T. Obarupliti, Waterville College, 'lays —u 4s a uiedlem diatlonari for common, every-day use know or nothing equal to 1t.,, Uon. George Baneroft, 14, , says Qu questions of otthograpby, j shall roolFic jt qv standard, allowing myself rare deviations; or perhaps po deviations what ever." llorace Webeter, LL li., Principal _Free Academy, New York, eays i• Worcester's Dictionory of the Nnglleh Language bre been in nee In tble Institution f r om its commencement, end is considered a elandard work'. The present edition, eontaining the gynonyme of the language, is mooch impeder to any former one, end possesses a high degree of excellence" • Prof. E. A. Johnson, traivereity of City of New York, nye The fulness add compare of the vocabulary, the minute and - careful _attention beatowed upon the subfeet of ortheepy, the propriety of the orthography, the rilearneee and exaetnese of the definitions, together .with Alio nice critical notes on hoonthorixed wordy, provinolal name, he , which are found throughout the volutes, are excellencies which diatinguletr thin ebovi may other dictionary within my knowledge." John B. Hwt, LL. D., Trineipat of the • ltiglt School, Philadelphia, 'aye The work of Dr. Worcester in, i n my opinion, one of uncommon exaelleuee. Au a pronormelag Dictionary, Its value to very great. The n01:04108 of orthoepy adopted by the author are aimed and conservative, 4od b,e method of notation'at once • complete and ample. The exhibition of authorities, in the case of disputed or doubtful pronunciat on, Je a mires of great satisfaction to the inquirer, giving the wane of an Intelligent opinfou with very little labor. mitt r.d o p on apetly of Ste meylts aa a pronouncing Die• tionirry, Dr. Wotoeeter t e work has a high value ea a conipiehettalve and learned vocabulary of the language, replete'with Information, and marked thrarigh:ut with the lOgioalfeatureepf the author's mind." We Might nil a volume with eimilar„ extraota,but the foregoing will suedes to ebow that Worceateria Die. Urinates are regarded by the literary men of the coon. try an the standard works of the English language. • WOROMITEWO QUARTO DICTiON ANY Is rapidly approaching completion, and we hope to pub lish it In' May next. • We are preparing an edition for subscribers at the low price of $7.00 per copy. It will be printed on extra duo paper t - with large margin, super ap„lMfin copy , w hich maybe seen at the book store of J. SMMTI & CO,, No. 610 0111.1STNUT B'lllE T, I'B2o PUILADF,LnurA. lOTICE TO DEALERS_IN 'CURTAIN RIXTLIBES.—I have appointed BLABON' Bid Sole egoate for the este of 'my Cartels Plx. tura Philadelphia. The Tsai% will be supplied At tutor/ vane, freight safted.. N. a. jeuTN&6l. Bo*, wormy 1, /86V jtlf‘tifOltfi, 4f.4t9P1391i.c9. FIRE INSURANCE::: - ATNA INRAANO.I3 0031PANY, of „ Cash Asaots, Jan, I, 1863......M1 . 907,320 oS MASIIATrAIi PhiS 'iffSIIRAI4O.I3 ' " '" " COMPANY, of New York. , : , 0,,,Rk ABIUM, Jan. '1,4359 .-,. r t ' '373,939 09 SPRINCPIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. — ' ':=,' ' - - Cash!Asisets, 5an.'1,1859 NORTH , AMERICAN FIRE. INBU• o _RANCE COBIPANYY of Hartford. °ash Amato, Jan.'l',lBs9 - ' 366,860 96 IRVING FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY-,'ol New York. • Oath Amota, Jan. 1 . 1 F 60 ••• • • MERCHANCEI , FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of lisirtrad 'Oaah dasete,',7an, 1, 1859 - 239,079 83 Policies issued, and bases equitably adjusted and promptly paid, at his Agency, by • BOSWELL t WILSON, Agents, feb2B4( No. 218 WALNUT STREET THE MUTUAL LIFE Mitt s :FLANGE COMPANY - ' OF NEW YOE.X.- • ' ASSiT4 0VEit.43,300;01i0, The whole of withal is the property of the insured.. This Company le now prepared to hens Poholes en, LIVES OF CHILDREN, payable at the age oteigMeen, twenty one, Cr twenty. five years, either, with or with- Mat the RETURN OF THE TOTAL PiItIEHIXCH PAID, In resettle party assured does not attain the 61)60188o age. ' _ For raise and otherparilaulare, apply to -F. RATCHFORD 'STANII, Agent, - N0../b2 SOUTH FOURTH STREET; fe24-lin - ' PHILADELPHIA. ENTERPRISE" . IN7SURAN•cS . m Gbi,.al=;.A.lNrsz- thetrieri BAMingo, Furniture, and merchandise generally, against loss or damage by Ore. The policies Of , this CloinpaniexOresslr provide that when,asslime.d . ,gs Fplicturai scantily, they shall,not be AFFEOSND BY ANY ACIT of the owner of the property in sured. Entire secutity Is thus extended to the holders or 011.017 ND Bears add MSHTGAIIIISOISTIYITMTWEIIt TS cer4 decla (M kini of the arfa of ' Oronnd Rents, Mortgagesi Meahanicol Liens, and other Securities on Bgal Estate, will also be specially insured if desired. • • - 1/111110T41BEc. P. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, William M 2 Kre, Nworge li. Stuart, • Nalbro /railer, John H. Brown, John M. Atwood, B. A. Bahnestock,. DenJ. T. Tredick, Andrew D-Oash, - Henry Wharton, J. Liriniston Errlngcr. F. 8.A.T01180118 STARR, President. OBARLEB W. 00XE, Secretary. , TIEBPOII4BII ..0)710E: , . . ' 152 SOUTH FOURTH ;STREET. feb77•Snt . , FrHE QUAKER CITY INSURA.NOR I. COMPANY. . PHILADR LPUIA, Pi. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS. lie. 403 WALECT Street . . CRAMER PERPETUAL. - ' • • ' Paid up Capital and Surplus $224,051 42 Chartered Capital. . 600,000 00 Insures against Wei Or damage by 'Fire and the paella of the Sea. Inland Navigation and Tranaportation on the most favorable terms.. Looses promptly e4jaoted and paid.. ~ ruisouoße. George H.E . art; ' ' "I W. Ballet' , - EP. Roil,' , .' -' Andrew R. Chambers, A. C. CAttell, . . Charles G. Imlay, John t. Dale, IL It. Coggshall, Foster l: Perkins, Samuel Jones, Ilan. H, M. Faller. . . . • ~ 01110111111. -, - , - GEORGE U. , HART; Pritaidant. - E. P. HORS, Yiee President. U. R. 0013W3HALL. Secretary and Treasurer. 8. IL BUTLER, ABA Secretary. mkt. VULTON's INSURANCE, ADJUSTING, 11.1 AND COLLEOTINa °MOB, No. 608 OIIEBIINUT STRUT, '• PRiLliaLeatk. The undersigned having been praotleally engaged for a number of yeare in- different capacities of the, Lieu , canoe basinessi-fOr several years' to adjuiiting lowa exclusively far the Insuratem Companies—noW offers his services to those sustaining Iron or Damage by Fire to property Insured, in making out their proofs of such loss or damage in fall compliance with the intricate and cunning conditions of Policies of Insurance, in such a manner as to obviate plea .or imago for reduction or litigation by companies ao inclined, or others. Us will give particular attention to the Collection of Claims agauist Inanranee Conipanies. • • • Parties sustaining. loss or damage by are, as above, will find it to their interval to ;consult the undersigned as soon after the Aroma passible. fe 22•Imif* ' • JAMES FULTON. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COUPANY No. 1 MOOROATV STRUT, LONDON. VIDE AND LIFE ASSURANCE. HOMEIAND spsop Esimbnaked in WM—lncorporated by Special Aoro, Parliament CAPITA' 41,244,,780. $6,298,801? Paid up Capital and Sur Oa° 4436122 4 1 62421 111 02 Annual Revenue 186,146 16 0 933,764 12 BIKE DEPAILTMICNT This Company lathes against loss or damage by fire almost every description of Property.. The rates of pre. Millll3 are moderate, and the conditions of Insurance are framed with the greatest liberality. • '• the Policies of this Company are not only guaranteed by a large Capital, bat also by the unlimited pa , sonal responsibility of nearly one thousand sharaholdere. irr Losses promptly adjuated_ and paid without re ference to London.,al .. . LIFE DEPARTMENT All the advantages of a Mutual Aisooletion are nutted with the seenrit., of a Ilcoprletaig Oompeoy. The 11. se Psturoltarehesed upon the safest and moat approved data, and" may be made payable to unit the convenience of the Assured. Prospectuses, Tablettof Batas, Applications, &e., may be obtained at the Ocoee Examination for Life insurance daily, at 1.2 ololookhl WILLIAM GETTY, Agent, No. 37 South Third Street. REYBRBNO.7B IN PHILADELPHIA, Messrs. Ph g 4 & Brother, No 10 Bank street. •` Myers. Olashorn, & Co.. 232 Market street. a Wm McKee ICo, 22 Booth Front street " N. B. Thompson &C 0,46 N. Water street. " Joe. B. Mitchell, Seq. , Tres. Meet. Bank. James Lindep, Itso , president Union Pei*. Non Win. A. Foittr, 623„ Walnut street, late Julie Supreme Coval: • febb-0 to th imp§ Pimps, SUPERIOR - PIANOS. WILLIAM KRAUS & CO., PIANO.POR rB MANIIPAOTURS.Ri, Nos. 1,8, 6, and 7'North BIITATh Street, hod NO. 201, BALTIMORE Street, between Charles and Light streets, Baltimore, ' Have always on hand a large assortment of their superior rhinos, reoommendsd by certilicatee from B. Thalberg. Strakmah, and other celebrated performers to be equal, if not superior, to any made in this country. The durability of their Pianos will h e warranted for the years, and a privilege of exchange gritted within six months, ahonid they not give entire satisfaction. Manufaottiring Iwgoly, we will Bell wholratle and re tall, at the moat reasonable pricee r. - WILLIAM NNABE Messrs LBR dr, WALKER, No. In OEIBEIThIIT Street Philadelphia, are our autherised Agents, ,itnd will keep conateutly on hand and sell our Pianos at mardifeaturer's prim. MU-6m OHIOURING & SONS, 14AN0TA071129143 Or GRAND, SQUARE, AND 'UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES, WAREIROOIdd 3307 OIIRSTNUT IITRRRT, Donatantly in store a large stock of our BEAUTIIIIL and UN EQUALLND INSTRUSIENTB. We bare been awerded,at the different Nahlbition In thin country and %S lope, truLD AND BILVIIR IIRBM-01488 MEDALS. ja213.1y FRpto PIANO FORTES. ,Tact ilsoolvod, qn elogiuttistook of RAVIN 8400 N, & CO., MINNA. & BALLET, DA Vl.B & 00., and GALE & 00. 8 PIANOS. ;MORI 0118 of but quality, at. • 7. Z. 110131.0 1 8, B.'. no-um SEVENTH and 0111118TfitrY sulalLy SAMUEL W 4113034(51 7 8 / 1 0. D. EMOST GROOME 6i EMORY, JOAb DEALERS. LIIIIIGII .AND 8011IIYLKILL 00AL, Prepared expressly for Family use. YARD, No. 114 BRQAD Street, below ltaoa. Orders left at OH AS. ShIORY, & CO.'S, Bankers, No 16 South THIRD, Street, or Rent through D'epatch or Post Office, will receive prompt attention. jal7•Sma` ITOUSEKEEPERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST.—areat Beduetlon in the price of 00AL. Cheapest and best. The subscriber having made contracts for Ms- supply of Coal, is enabled to offer very superior /amity Coal at the following re duced prlcoj ; Broken Bgg and Wove $4 00 per ton Cooking. 876 IS IS Large Nut 360 • SS Small Nut..B 25 It SI WIIIVILIted to give satisfaction an full weight-in ell oases alllick's Old Central Yard, B. B. env fd AIONIAI L and WILLOW Stranta. NoWoo. QPEOI4L NOTlOg.—Deeictra Goo4yeta's Patentfor Vulcanised Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Webs, and another Pabrise and *Moles made bycombin• lag gbrons auLatancea witir thread' or eheets of iftlioll2., feed rubber are notified that unless the some are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and, brmy subbed ty, they rutrinet be legally disposed of in the United - States Merchants and dealers are invited to mulling; specimens now In store, and to give their orders for the Spring ..Trade to the :undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWN. ER OF TRH TITLES ANsi EXCLUeIVII EIGHTS. IN THE PATEN f for these goods, eihieh embrace ell the styles heretofore manufactured or Imported, and many others. „ ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to me at No. ai CODETLANDT Street, N. Y. 414., noluo a DI DAY. Contlinpoion ijonsts. 1 B. VALENTINE & . OOMMISaION- MICROEIATO FOR TUN BALK OP ' AMER• No 151 00hf IO ADi MAN UFA INT,CTUREO, edON fiTHE NEW ORLEANS. Special attention glyen to Collecting and Remitting gambling.) dgg•gm• IIrAISItTS.--800 boxes new crop, prime ILL order, Lnyerii. Monet', Olnetore, in store and far pL hv ♦. 14111111411 PADIOS OF RIGGING, mode to order by wEsvga. V tr.. ITLER 00., Nn 78 N W *7'CH ond 22 N. WHARVIEB. mt 4 RUSSIA REMY AND YARNS Toi male byy WB&YER, NITLNR, & CO., No ;a North iga+NYNN and WATAjc Nt. r roh4 _ • ‘. 5R46,4 Atitt,flt_ NI THOMAS ,& LTA • MM. 189 aril 141 MTH NODE= DTI 'MT, : Arorniarly ;fee. BY,' scilB93 • '- B&t} , SUPARIOII.I mum CIRX,: MITOWItUr = • P.TANO-9011:811,11ARNST83 Sce,. •,- 0A11.1): Our sale this 112011:01V , St . the, anotl9o store, will bompyjaWmidoszS,C9,-,-Jots-, or naoellant second-hand furnture, pianii-foi4,,:inialfel 'mirrors, in gilt frames, trench, China, arid gilt dinner and tea seta, bagatelle table, with balls and ones complete, Su parlor towing machine, in order, fine velvat, 13111 , 001 C and other carpore, China and ginsaware, beds..awl - bsd*.. ding, Sm., forming an attractive assnriment, worthy ' the , attention of ladled , and, °Mars datironl or pur , &main, Catalogues now ready lard the artioles - stranged 1 for examination. , - 446,754 85 ' TRADE &LLB TO .1100SEBLYMO3 . fir The Hifty•second Philadelphia', Trade - Sale of books, stationery, {to., will, ominous* on Model., klet March'. Catalogues' now ready', containing invokes from the - pyincipal piplighero 'ttirongkout the United ptatei. . „ , . -. . , 241,064 81 81SIING,8EL/$B-BTOOII.B AND.itilith B TATS. Riatth4rifig Bale, 15th Match. Fifth B.glag Haley 22d March. Sixth Spring See,.. 29th March." - , - Seventh gpring Salo, sth April. _ . • ...: . ll,ghth Spring Sale, 12th April. • M . ' Sart Vr the, handbills for each of the above ,selea now ready: - . . ' ", .. . .. wrocncs,'sonkli, PEN, &o. , . *AO .-_ On Tuesday korezong,, • s' March /sth, at 7g (Ala*, at the fhlladelphis 21 cbgbge, NON be gold— ' s , , . . - . $26 gorip Delaware - MI/teal Ingo/once' Company., Pew, No: 41, (middle block; aide aisle, )' Chgroh h the Nolphmiy. '' ' - . . . 1 share Philadelphia Athenienm. . . , IfOI3RTII SPRING PALM-111.1t0t1 15th Will include— , . 'Ornbanif (Joust Bale. • Estate or Itobert7Olunion, Deceased. THEEE.STORY 1381011., DWELLING. ho. 1E37 Ad dison street, west of,l4l2teenth street, between_ Pine and Lombard atreete, near Etteenhonsa Square. ELEGANT AND VALUABLE:PARE. ANO, COUN TRY BEAT. 160 'scree, _with- aperlorf improvimeuts, known as," Brookfield Penn?? in tower Merlon town blontgomerk county, Pa, about coo .mile from Depot or the Beading Railroad and the Norristown Railroad at CloneYobooken. Immediate piesonsiou'. . . • - Peremptory Bale COUNTRY SEAT; GERSIANTO WN—Vabiable coon. try twat, lichool street, (formerly,Elehoolhouse lane,) Germantown, 90 feet front and 45 feet deep. Immo: dlate poeselaion, • , • - Executor'e Pare-Estate of Abraham Millar, DeCdteed. TUE oeupwrubr. STREET , . POTTERY ,AND FIRE BRICK MARTI !FACTORY, Callowhlll - street, between Thirteenth, and Broad stree'o, 105 "feet front, 140 feet deep—two fronts, ' . 11," Fall particulere hadbilla. VALUABLE BUSI.NIESS STAND—The large and valuable store,' No 13 North, Eighth- street, above Market street, with hobstantiel warehouse in the rear, 21 feet front, 132 feet deep. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No, 706 Pine otreet,. - betwaen Seventh' and Eighth streets, 22 feet front, 183 feet deep, to a fifty feet wide ,street. Imme diate emersion. - BUMP TRACTS LAND IN MINNESOTA-603 16 000 soros, situate In Pine county,. Minnesota, CO milett,north of St. Paul. Title Indisputable. try'rol/ particulars in linndbllls. Executor's Sale =Estate of William Ss'iery, 1 *loomed. VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND—Three-start' brick store and dwelling, N Arott street, Nest of fiesoud HANDSOME MODERN BESIDENOE, with large kilde yard, N. W. oornernf Franklin and Brown streets,- late Spring Garden. • Immediate poseeradan. NORTH FIFTEENTH STREET—Two and a hail story briek.dWelling, No. 221 North Fifteenth street, above Race: - - , BUSINESS STANILI-Two - :and a haltstory Inlet store and' dw elling, No. 223 North, Fifteenth 'Treat,- above Race. ' LABOR AND VALUABLE LOT, David stied and river, Seboylkill , near Vine greet, 140 feet front and :BO feetdeep, to the Over. : GREEN STRlOST—Moderit fon.r•atory_ brick tent dance, 8 W corner Oren and Eighteenth streets. BPRETOP: STAR/IT—Three atory brick dwelling, No. 019 Spruce street, near Tenth atreet. .Inuneditte pos. seetion, NORTH TW.NLPTH STREET—Nest mOdern three story, brick dwelllog, No. 931 North Twelfth street, Weer Popl4r street. TWNNTY-fiECOND BTNEET—Two three-story beet dwel asp, Nos. a2l sad t 23 North Tweitty-second street, aboveYtoe._- ODATNS STREkt—Three-stery•brlck dwelling, No. 1210 Oestes street, west of Twelfth.• PRATT SIRNET—Eight three-story brick Swel lings, Pratt street, east - of Istrmortat street, Pif tenth Ware - - PENN ETREEP—Three three•story brlok dwellings, N01E1209,'1211, sod 1218 Penn street, west of Tweifth street, between Coates and Melon streets. V AMIABLE :BUSINSES LOD ATlON=Valuabie lot east side Of Elsth street, above Market street. . . . Peremptory Sale, - SOUTH AMITE STREET ThreeAstory brink dwelling and large stable; No. 818Sopth Eighth street, above Ohnirtisn stmt. Pei r Flory Sala. COTTAGES, WEST PEILLADELPHI&—Two • two.. story stone cottages, Haverford Street, adjoining the Pennsylvania Hospital Amanda, West Philadelphia: ' BUSINESS SPAND —Three story Mot store and dwelling, N W. corner Ninth and" Buttonwood targets, Into Spring Garden street. - - MO.-STORY BRICK DWELLING—No. 1603'Werd street, south et Carpenter street, and west of ,Eigh. teenth sheet VERY VALII&BLD Tint AND MILL PR:OPICRTY, over 92 acids nitli elten for country tnal. oppointO the tole-mils stone, Lanowter turepite. Bede at Nom. 189 'and 141 South Fourth Street. FRENCH PLATE. MIRROIII3, an& P.E2l‘, . it& Morning . At 9 o'clock, it 'the anation — dare, an albumin assortment of excellent second-band furniture, elegant piano-fortes, One mlrrore, carpets, , etc., from families declining housekeeping, removed to the store fornon- Venial:lee Of 11610. ' Also, a bagatelle table, with balls and' cues com plete... - Also, a standing press. SIIPUTOR FIIRNITIIRH YftLY&T OARPITB, 41'0 • Thle Morning. Thir entire farniture. by order of the Eiteehtore. 'Dm NOW reedy for exendnetion with ostalopen. . . . MkRl43l STATITART, MONUMENTS, POll/1- - • TAINPi , &c. _ On Monday Morning, . . 14th instant, at 11 o'clock, at the auction store, ae., coed story, a choice collection of One, tallan marble statuary, monuments, fountaine;mantele, just received Or bark Pennsylvania. , f p- Now ready for exanitnation. Executor's Sala—No. 1034 0 a1401414,1LL Street. Estate of Abraham Miller, decease I. STOOK Ow A POTTEBY, VIRE 11810 E, TI LE, STOVE: DTINTIST PURNAOSS, OLAY, MA ointinty, HOB WAGONS, - do. • Oci Friday Morning, leth Met , at 10 o'clock, at No. 1034 Callowldil St., the entire stock of the late Abraham Miller, deceased. By order of Executors.' - HYell partiCalarain catalogises now, ready. - Peremptory Pale. VALIIkELE ORIGINAL car..parsTwas, J AMES S. EARLS & BOIVEI GMT SPRING BALE OP OIL PAINTISIG3, WATEII„coLon 'DRAWINOS, acc•AQ. , Orr Friday Morning, • 18th inataat, at . . 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue, without reaerre at the suction store, South Fourth street. a collection of The moat valaable and highest clue pictures ever offered at public male They are seleetione from Messrs, Earlefe gareriee, of the. productions -.of the moat celebrated Ear - peen schools, of their own impartation, with additions of the reoent worke of the most distinguished American artists. In the collection will he found epeo , mens of Item mom, ISchiggenay, BO Otroux,Etevens Robbie, Teukate, Baumgartner, Englehar. Schmidt, Van Starkenborgh, Horace Vernal, Soden Plaraot, Laurent de Metz; Verhoeckhoven, Jaeckell, Flints, Simpson, 0 0. - Bingham, Weber, 0. 0. La nbdin, Becharde, led.Dfonen, Beaten°, Louie Lang, Sonatas, !to ; /to. We • The paintings will be ready for exhibition, with catalogues, five days previous to the sale. gale at No. OM Poplar street. STOCK AND MIXTURES OP A PAPAR .14AN - WO ZOTABLIBIIIdE,NP. On Wednesday Morning, 23d instant, at 10 o'oloolr, at No. 042 Poplar street, the entire stock and fliturea ol_g4 paper banging estab eh went, 117 May be examined on tbe mornlng• of sale, at Wel oat. • AT PRIVATE' BALE. A handsome residence, with stable, coaoh- house, and large lot, Main street , Harlington, Re* Jersey. lar -WILLIAM R. STERR; GENERAL .11. JV AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORM,. No. 0 North'EIGHTII /Bred. below Arab.' 1. A;ELISON. Auctioneer , - . THREE BILLIABD TABLES, WITIE MARBLE 'BEDS AND PATENT CIISFITONI3,IIALL CUES, 901:1N. TEES, OpE RACKS, POOL:BALLS; " Ou Saturday Morning, At the auction store. tat 11 o'clock, will be sold 3 billiard tables, with marble bade, patent cushions, Ao., balls and own. V" Consignments of new and second-hand house hold furniture, piano-fortes, carpets, watches, Jewelry, !to., respectfully sollolted, on which liberal cash A - ,1111066 will be mode if rtepernd. frr Out-door Vaal attended to promptiy. Charges as moderate as any other house In this city. 1211.1110 EL NATHAN AUOTIONSEN, ) , J and KONJY WAN 0011011, No. 224 South raraD , Btreet, beloW Walnut, °poodle *Peas, M., °alp sight dims below the Nuehangs. Holds of badmen from 1 &Moak, A. N., aratil 10. olelock in the evening. Out-d6or4aler, and salsa at the Adelloa Hesse, at *Med upon the moat satisfactory terms. - OAPIPAL 000,000. • Barsblislact for Ms Mat Thar," - NUM. adins.nees made from one dollar to thousands on DU etends, Sara Plate Watches, Jewolry,'Rald "are, Most eltendiso, Cllothhic Ponaltaro, Bedding, Mors, Alaska/ Instruments, Clans, Roma, Oarrisgas, and' Ncods of every deaniptiori. - All goods eta r remain any _Mora , or time sigma Poll• Ail 4411186511, from one bundrsd dollars and upward,' will ho charged 2 per ma. per month ; $l4O and over, the lowest market, rate. - This Store House having a depth of 120 feel, hit lugs ire and thief.proofnaulte to More all ralttablea, and pig vale ,watohmen for the premises • she, a heavy input ranee eVeated for the benefit- of all persons hav ing pap ; advanced Upon. - ' • . , N. aellhant of baring an unlimited capitol,' this care Is prepared to. make adnandral on more Wiz • Calton, and.encommodating terms than any other to this ; - Money adraneed toUhe poor, In small amount", with; mil Any, °ham.. AT nuvialt Quid 'Patent Corer sod otter Wattt.o r t. isiorgr, 100 linthlmr till ha anlel nt .Maned hriNa3, aatgr MOSES-NATRANis t AITOTIONEEN ALL AND COMMON SOIROILANT, B. B. (army SIXTH and4Ao7 Attitets, ,I.IIINATE BALL. . „ wide, evlrtfue 'hieltioof third, 4 feet high - by 3 fee Also 'witches en 4 jewelry of orrery description ' M O ET TO LOAN. Ilfoitev - 0 /ban, in large or sm9ll a wownrs, on mPr 'elibodloolforiatally, and on all articles of aloe -AN sum ober one Awn* d dorars two per eerie. par Matta, Including storage, s a e.t Nattians' Prinoipal Establishment. 8 N. cora° r of Mill and RACE 2.a. GEEAT PUBLIO ACCOMMODATION. • MONEY! MONEY ! ! MONEY ! ! ! ' . Honey liberally advanced in large or email amounts, - ertn one dollar to thousands, on gold andailver plate, diamonds, watches, Jewelry, fowling-pieces, musical k e d i m e isets, furniture, dry gooda, clothing, groceries, olgars, hardware cutlery,. books, bonnie, vehicles, har ness, and all &elates of value, for any length of Linn agreed on, at Nat/tans , Principe/ Estabiishnant, eontheinit corner of Sixth and Mica streets:. PROMISSORY NOTES, with collateral, discounted e.a the lowest market rates. onEaT BARGAINS IN WATCHES. INWELRY, &M., AT PRIV ATE BAIA. atNATIIANEP PRINCIPAL ESVABLIBEINENT, 8,1 Corner of SIXTH and RAON Streete.—The following articles will be field for less than half the num! store prime : Nine gold English patent fall jeweled and plain, of - the moat approred and best make, in hunting mmes and double bottomed. Fine gold escapemerit laver and ,spine watehee, in hunting mute and open face, some of them extra full Jeweled and best make. Sliver Riiglieh patent lever watches, en cotoement lever and lepinea, in hunting also and open TACO, some very eupetior : English, Swiss, French, and Heartier watches; floe gold vest, fob, neck, and children's chains ; fine gold pencil cases' and pens, braceleta, bresatptne, huger-tinge, ear-rings, studs me dallions, and Jewelry generally. Superior Havana cigars at $lO per thoueand, In boxes of 200 each, will be sold by single box or quautltlea to snit purchasers.' Bak inert:oils fanny articles, do., do., de. nit E F5 1 3, - .--A3U, Boxes .ilerkirtler ounty - IV Chem to to and for male by . ' 0. 0. OALDLICO k 00., fa Aiwa Mont, do 'tont, er4., ecirrio-Vriatilikesitig... Executor's We L{ LIURNESS, ce. f , - • • No. 499 mettinornalwr- , "FIRST '84L91 OP PENNON : On Maar NOKnbni,,' - -Yorahllth, at 10 WaloalsAyoatalognoi on 8 matins' COM 000 Pf) 4 4:a 4 * and 1 0 11, Skr fancy in:Wavle French dry geode, reaelre b. 7 -E. :Z. santples eatalognes early 00118 **sag of Sale. A - ' rioo CARTONS 'WOW STYLE , BONICET RIBBONS, 'OP' THB IMPOBTATION " ()TIMMS: CRAB. -PATEN & 00. - - ~ - • _ On BridayAorrdnr, ' March 1,1th„.600 - cutstons new itils Pahl Plain, strip, r , pla'd;bind§e, dinbre peatt - da mole henna ribbons, oorsprislng I larle,,,awylni t enl, et 4esirabla - styles. EXTRA. ILIOII PAWS PRINTED,OIiSSAYILeiII3 AND": , • . . Just landel4rom *lumens. On krithiy Moining; A large insoles of. Extra rich Yacht pyintkiicinadbssi. - • - SUPER QUATITY PAEIST-PRINTED'.. BAREGJIS , AND ORENADINES,"R-04Y44, LIIIBFIAANOED, • AND DOUBLY. IBEX' - = - .Also, an invoice or. - „ - Splendid -4 1,nality - Pirteprinten grenraines. - „. _ - ?Three-flounces double jape and a lea robes. , , • Paris printed bar/ie. 203.01LANTILLY BLACK Laoll MANTILLAS. Alec, 200 super (Nall ty high coat chantilly black lace mantillas, new styles:: HUNTED OASllslllltif 'AIiD.BROCLIE.BORDERED STELLA SHAWLS. • Pridayliloming, - 1 200 124.. rich plated Osshmers atabroelte.benlared Stella shawls. "• , An frivolo° at black & k and lace - mantillas. -13140. K. ALPAVAII AND,LAWNSI ft canna 4 Ali') blank' alpacas. _ 8 came 9-8 ,Londonfanoy lawns. - - BALI. Of: BRITISH ' I INRIiaIt,I,a.NO.i.II.BRIOAN Oo Tuosdar- Morning, - March IS,. a' 10 o'clock; lon°Montle . " 4111 imekagea and lots of fano - y_aad_etaple . impaited and domestic. dry godda. Baniplea and analogues Merlyn - it the morning of - sale. DRILIP - EORD, AUCTIONEER, gkr. 11 530 MARKET Wain,' between FIPTII and EILICTII. month aide. 82.1. X. OF BOOTd AND BEfolld ON YOUR MONTHS' • ' , This Morning, - - " - Merck 10t15, at .10 o'cloedr; sill be sold by es'alogne, on 4 months' credit. 700 *.V18(119 bootai , shoes e bro— gans, slippers;-dat, of etty and Beater's manufacture.' comprising a -large and desirable assortment - for the present trade. - - . GOODS, ItIBISON3; MILLIN.IIOI7 000D8, SKIRTS, PittlOY 000D1, ISTBLIa. BRAWLS, &c. • . " On Friday Morning, • hlarch - .llth, it 10 o'clock-precisely, will be gold, by catalogue. about 100 , cases straw bonnets, of , latest spring styles. man's and boys' straw hate, &a. - P0.10).M..DE LODI Mao, 4CO cartons latest-styles Paris posit de sole bon• net ribbons, jest lauded, a allots° and desirable line GI the richest styles.— - &TIMM SPRING ' &SIM* FANCY 060D8, &o. Also, 203 - lots BteUm shawls, fancy goads, skirts, &a, B 800TT, Jr., A 1J01101 , 11:Elt; -140. 481 ORESTNET-,Elf REEF, opposite the Diatom _Mouse, between 1)0011111 and FIFTEI Bonet,- &Alp,: OF OAEPETEC ON- SIX MONTHS! plaNDIr. On Mani Evenrng, ilth lust, tojiesold a largeassortmentAM Venetian. and ingrain harpeter...,_ _ El:r. Catalogues ea r l y on that morning. On Irrbiay Morning, . - The sale will sompriselha intuit assortment or- Heavy three plyi. • - high colon Venetian; High colors rograia,, Rag and List : .1 • Prom well-known minniaolorlea, and :frill ha 'found w,ll worthy the attention of city and country buyers. BALE OF V ALrian - r.e. n.. " LB 011 VALUABLE OIL I.AINITROB ppOm, GALLI, RY op hiltssllß: R. R. -DIESALDORPP , CO., BROARWAV,III YORK. On Mornieg. inst., by catilogne, cOnimencing at 10X ,o'clock,, will be sold a Only collection of oil paintings, from the gallery of tbe'above Well known firm. Particular Attention is Wilted to this sale, which Will be found, to contain - may exhaust nictnyee of grant, vaioa, tigetber with - , copies by celebrated artiste of Worts of acknOwledged merit, Also, Ancluded, fine 'colored iltliographe, pastel drawings, rich china vuulil, brorzt statuettes, &c. - - The whole wiliba arranged for exsniinatiouititia estalognes some - days provibua to the sale. I. M. tir — J. • - .1:1111BLE & SONS, ..- READ ESTATEILTOTIONHERS" No: 620 WADE/3T STREW. SECOND SPRING„SALE. - On -Thursday, , ' - March fhb ,1850, crieludis— - ' Orphans , Court Sale—Estate of John Man% Deceased. TWO-STORY STORE-AND Dwitunick, Sixth a., above Arch, east Bide, lot/5 by 45 feet. • HANDSOME, DOUBLE TIIREE STORY RESOMINOS, witht side yard, northeast -earner of Race sod Thir teenth streets; lot 60 feet - frimt, .with a tbree-Mory brink dwelling iu the reef. YeaIIABLE STORE PROPERTY, finished with the modern conveniences, situate - Nis 512 : Market' street ; lot /7 feet S Mabee by lat feet deep,- - Estate of Dr. John E. Mitchell, Repassed." - VALUABLE LOP OF GROVtiffitheTr'side of Mar, ket street, west. of Twenty.aret street, 06 feet front by /26 feet deep to Missile!, i., - HANDSOME COTTAGE RESIDENCE, eupplied with all' the modern, eonvenMiDasei, - .northwest - earner of Pine and Till _streets, - Weal Th 1134.1014; Jot 100 by 175'feet. 11AND90.1111 Pol7R,sloaritssrparicna, Anisette front,) with two-story double biter - "millin er s and ve randah blot, and •furnlebed' with all the wedeln con veniences, leo. 155 North Fifteenth' street lot 18 feet by NV feet deep to Rendtoe' street. " - -_- VALUABLE LOT Or GROUND, and the buildings thereon erected, southwest corner of Market and For- V. - third streetS,loo feet front by-114 feet deep to Oak Wed LANG/2 - FAOTORY; 'TEN.' BRIM -Dit/lIDT Lilies, AND Twilmvz- Amara' OP LAND,- with' sal 4 . l . 4 regogramay-mit-buildiugli k rurl built in Ilse mast sub stantial manner,' situate In the borough of Cbgafer; Delaware county, Psi, the Intild'ng ate - eleren cast- Don stills, kith six condensing tuba, containing' elates oopper worma all the reqUisite undeitirourattnbe;' , iron tante.' shafting, largo water pampa - three oil' pumps, eight , bleaching kettles, and all theketannary appartue for manufacturing' oil on the moat' eaten's:we sate. The ;wharf on - the'balaware,'tretroutotthe premtgeg, is 900 feet long, and will seeettfiripilsts,ves-' Isola drawing rterien fuet":“.- 1):7 - Further particulaia and handbills min Ittihad at the office - HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, three-litoty, with two-story beck buildings, and furnished with all the modern eOnVanienals, , aittuto No. 403 Plea street; lot 18 feet by 81 feet deep to a bark outlet. .- TLUBD SURING SALE. 'Ci Tht t ieday, , •. - - - .- March Slit, 1869, an the pmulase_-, . ~ ELEGANT BUILDING . SITES of every desirable ale,. on the Townihip I.lne Road, Obalton , Avenue and Lime Mtn Tatiplie, near Gainsantowis. Er Lithographs can be had et the dice, Efuuuney & Bona, anctioneerp, *LI/ ltok regular odes of Real Ratite, SWAN, &o. Mao. boufiehold furniture at diraffinp. ELUL ,IfiTtall PRIVAti SALE.,. . Er On our Private We &Oster arree be Nand s verj large =oink of real estate, - tooled's./ crag deseriptlorr of CMS likezantr7- PrOPert r - , i „ & 130 ;11, Real Estate Brokers, . i20,..WA1 NOT Street, below - • fialltoitb- Lines R ag 1174 ;zrilip .Fo4 3 l;ll l E Bt9. s 0 UT ft The PIIILADALPRIA, WILMINGTON, AND DAY, TIMOR& RAILROAD COMPANY now offers Through- Tickets to Wilmington; N. 0. • Charleston, 8: C. IS'An r gnats, Atlanta, and Dalton, ' Gs. i•Hnomwille, aata• :mile, Chattanooga, "Grttud :unction, and - Memphis, Tenn.; Tinntsville;;Ala.; and - New Orleans. Also, to the leas distant &Atte= aitieninnd to all - prominent Western point'', es heretofore. - The ataamselp 18ADSL melon Perot-Monthly Tripe betwen Cliditi.NBTON and HAVANA, :and tilers a very desirable none to, imegangere for the tatter . gOrt, avoiding Cape Holleran . _ For tickets, iSr further information, apply at N. W. eorner-BIXTH and CHESTNUT 810., or at Depot s BROAD and PRIM Ste , Philadalphta. • - B. M. ;M/LTON I Preside. faa.dain f.,b. 1it.1969 _ NOTIOE.--OBBSTER VA I,L2T ,DAIIBOAD SENDER TRSINA POR DQWNINGTOWN AND IN TRADED'S TE aTATIONB,—On and after Ist 'Jaen 'au. DM, the' Passenger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN, will start hoot the Passenger Depot of the Phlisdel phia and Reading Railroad OtimPany. oorner of BROAD and VIM; Streets 41ORNINI1 TRAIN for Downingtown Tea at T.lO, .ABTERN'OON TRAIN for Downingtoirn, : loaves at 8.80 P M. DAILY Oundays ixoerded.) By ordur of the Board of Managers of thenodal , la and !Wading Railroad Company datt W EL MoILHENNRY, Beeretiuy. , . tunings Sitnhi: little, but often, fills the Pares." I'RANKLIN -SAVING FIIND-1- No. 138 "Routh POUR= Street, bate I Oheetnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pip all Idepoalte on demand. - Depoeltara , money SlMOtati by (Immanent, State, - and City- Loans; Groand Llibmi gages', &o. This Company deems" toasty better than large profits,Consequently will -rqn no risk kith posits' money, but have it at all times ready to rot= with 6 per Cant intereetto the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended; Poneles, married or single, and Minors can deposit in their own-right, and each deposits can be irlthdrawn oetor by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive mo ney f can trustees and exeintore.-- • • • -.- LARGE AND SMALL SUMS REDNIVED. Onice open daily from 9• to 8 &cloak, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 8 &elk. • :DIRECTORS,. Jacob D. Shannon, Cyrue Cadwallader, John Bhiodler , . George Russell, Malachi W. Sloan, - Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Rrwmbluzar, Henry 'Delany, Nicholas Eittenhopee, Nathan Smedley, Joe. H. Satherthwalle, Ephraim Blanchard, loaeph W. Lippineota. JACOB B. SHANNON, Prenident, CITRUS CADWALLAIIS A , - Treanure4.. - - A Do ar caved is twice came QAVING FUND.—IINITED STATER 'FILM COMPANY, corder of THIRD and MM. HUT Streets. - Large sal sma2l sow received, and paid back on de SO4m, without notice - with Y/VIL OliUdT INTIM HST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. boors from 0 ontli 5 o'clock every day, sod oei MONDAY .119NISIIGS from! =Ail 9 o'clock. DWI'S for sale oti leashed, Ireland, nod born .161 ware* ; . Presidont—STlPUlß OItiMPOUD. Treasurer—PLUM, SUM Ifeller--lAMIlft le. =wax §aA.VING, VIII4D—FIFE PER OENV. inautn—NitllotlAL HATATY TRMT PANT.,-WALITOT-13T11Ithi ,T 1101 1THA?RSTOORNEYA OP THIRD, PRILADIGPRIA. - /WORTOSAV2D fly UM BIAIWor PIMIIVIMVAWA Honey it reolTed in enj anti, lone or amallieetd in. threat paid Montle day ed dwelt to the day of with. drawl. - - no Oho is evil may day fl:om 9cOnieelrla vke morning Mil a Walt* In the evening, and on hrne,iny VAR Thrtradly evening.s MI 8 o'olnek. • no UMW 1.. BXNWAR, rreoldent, WO x. RRY 81/.7/1114111, 1710, President. Wlc. 8. **llll, avniterf. ==ll Hen. Henry L. Banner, P. (turall Drawees, Edweni L. Harter, Swept B. 3 !Robert SeMidge, - Immols lA., ' Otani. N. Sallies, 2 rolinh - Beate ' H. Landreth !num, - Henry Hltrende'vy. e t . Honey is remised and pimento made'darily„ • The Investments are made in cloaniniity with lb* Stoslsions of the libeller, In REAL ISTATA MOUT SAHZB, GROIIND HINTS, and sunk And slats soenil, ties es sill always Insure Aortal warily to the deyoae. tore and which tumult fan to give potitantnoy sad later Wily to tile lastitatloa. • • • - - 1.11 A mS,II.)ES, AND SHOULDERF AA. 100 la dry salt Jost reeetved *Or:limas by 0. C: Ba.DUSIC areq, .• inhs BO et4t; 2d dotty above Thont. ACKEREL.-463 Etbls. Nos. 1,2, and - 3 /Li Mackeiel, 'whole, belt, and vial-fp-311es . original itabagea; foy sale by CI. C. fliDLlCaik te24 AMU Gtr_ ,1 1 fkoobOre hql
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers