. 4L 'iltt ' ii 3l':l !- -1:t- ' 4: ..-c,1 :51 :1 ' I.P.f . .. *:. 4 . '' ' c , :':T-,, ~ .- - '-i , P 6 + ~'...-:.," :--' ':: 44i023 6o*r - , T..,-TlV&i,,ii : :.e49 1 .,,e - N7r• i. 4 1,,', 1-- -,,..,... - 441 1 t, ~. --,. ~ I 110 -.,:,. ;‘,,,•--:• ..'; -- - u 4.: - 00V4' 4i .i" 41 7- 7-tiifikookt" - ,--'-' ' ;. - ----114441,-, 'W'Loiii*. -1-5.41 . 010- it'A -=' ~,. f New,, g7 ez Orh'll the .1.._ t• 9 .'l,':...iiinit 1,a,41k61A.,....v,ra.-lielY:,lol,„....!lligiti :40144 ,• ; .., '-,••••-z,,,,,' 41)4k-,,,,,,, rt,--ed-sein.ll ', i:''-:',1107Z-,-,l4o,olW!Witqs, 40i..,,h,F44rPt 1 '44 ta :‘r°1,"114%.110-41VOL)* tha :-• ''''' _ 749!°4*i,'" • .-..1 • '., ' , Sitik,,, - rMri,ilos.•..t: _. 4 :1 '' - ll ~.".4....--- -i t p ;ii*'.o o .)7.oooo,o. , -, e iiii-rfp t - .T. SO! V., -14110* 1 1: ''''' .14ttc*Itliti-‘,,,,41;k44t1ta1t 'fiii**PKlSAgit'4 ** - I ° V it , ''—' ,410.1 Vit t S a f ''---- '44.}.17%fi10aii....--`' - -.-. ,„- - too. ~„,i;kairm . .00,.411.2 ~*-•..,,,..,- oiiiicalt-I,9,,iiiiii m - jk : e, , 1 ~..___o4-7, ‘-- 101, _lo.llwit*7o4.l•;, -.,,,,441.rirt!' 11- - : -- - - - . ft,‘“o--1 itidoraiiii,.. ."---- tomi..,„fetv-,.....--iikopoo.,, O ti01P,:n.,06,„1,...t rii',.--:ttO-OPAolo'' '1404- -..24:,e15,,1TT: 77tiii.F.- 4140ritk!;,.. -b,ts(.i'A'.Vii-PirrhTi•.'_JaWil (11.1-. •:,:.kisi,"ll4iiithlrliiiii4l4l*l i f .l;6li m-18 4' 1 :;2`..•;--KL-':',414 iiL:jkorv!,01:1111fr• tiltit UTOMsiii.,liiit, ''' irlybit''''lre.'';*.lfklat` LY•4441-trtiX; . '-- ' '''. arili44l,AFOteigiii*flti-wt* 'Ol-inkt,,, . - i,i,a...i* 4Tnalii-14,t'lligoiii*X.I.W, -'*-.'---::''t'mAll*t'li,'.i'4,',...''''f.it-'.t:'t4:,..0.w.-tu-f'llo.„,'::Lh--' --1--.:':A7i ,:_-.-_40,4_,,,,,,,,-"i.oi4. ,„„,,,.": ___ '---",rneasji!M7-44**11P,77,-141i0,t5tf,- A,*446#. stott4tteL"t;NlAir-t4.4l*tli,; 7 ilb*,-11!,°46`7042,./.;;(14441141.4: k . • , - ''' bi ttiiiN"4lC--- 4V-iv*11444411`44*',; . ! !,--,,i'*••••••”' isidistd---"iiiiiii!: ~ -- -;•104•;!,h1.- I learn w-t•ii'atiso 1W..-iiitialtiO i tl a ....... - --,14' ', i •' - -...i....,4i . , .o.Atv:fitti - 1 r'' qoi4he trff!) 41.-- '"..- -, 1140 tl,*' ° ! ) / iii i i..;--0 4, !:$1,101.4iii's rif'' ,o , l ,o 7- 1 ?,--;„:r*:t,a:zriiigtki.... tf i rAl . :4iiiiitj2.lk,`l.Tqq t ti 4 .1i...,,, .."*Wliti 44,4#_11,4111i: 4-141.4 .4-04 k., ' 4,..as *it- ‘juiill4", ~ = 440-4ilb4 .-:, iallsa. - • 1 , , rite#l4l;4,_,F,,,'-ivAi *irk. -‘.1.441:, -1- -', koliiiovpr.., - ioo; sow -', iii , of (dl. , : :15.-I;:iiresrmlAi'- laii,:l s (4sliVt`talna.- , 7 , . ' --- /11,1,- 'qiVek,a s' `''' E1P;j14,t..1.4°' '',l - , At,lo-'444''&,- rl i . b Wa---Itend -' -- rlil*lS:rifr ilia" #lj•Tiii7:4l -7fli thiWttok of 00rit,,..e14:111-'"ltittin., - -u - the irlOic-s aignist",'•okiwiwkot m.,. Q.: tl>4llllll •,11'41,k01c1ipf1pit.....,9 ...,tie, foram-47'7 Aillkist,Pviiis Pl"ll47;xiiw i • cl' -• ' - AVSiiii -60 1 ) ...-- . ...‘, .' ga t h e r p„, r =•• .. ~,,, „,_• -, %, L I - - Il: 44i iki.'!"11:7771.64;;.;`'141114U":14ti: 1 1 - i ' .- =•-• iljiitko. ' --..-'::'foerttll*j=V.,_Cqit :et --.':, ,Z" 1417Zir*IA1411146,4,14:ittiamix,Ali,i": ' i l iti i i i &lo * . t. , * mei :4l , tii# - ..rtig l iu- r ge tt: , -,-,;tit*,;,ityiritiolf r:iglit, ---‘,-`oo____*!l;wiloliOilmA.4 lltittett---'" 'ail:, - - , 7°,lThroil-;•--P4114111M1Will,:itt:a9(1- 4 ,;/; the goiti-: ' • -- : - "li&Pativiii**4oiiiait,!T-iici aii-ii-it'' ' -,....iii4;44. --I:;e4faiii,_ _,__ L.. - -yO.OIOP.S-4,oionliall'a Agifi4;_..,4,kfix4,4*-Airalib a n d , ific cut' :%-- •: - • lo,moy,ri4,4,dfiu. c -- --:-‘: leftt ,4tze,thr."4.lriCitOr• *dhe , a d a o lore 4''''' *ri4:o"4ind 14-`*!,,,,1141,A,,„ ihoiso4 1 -4:llft- ,---' --..J- .10402114;, ,t, ...114 ~ t :Tr ~- ..-,- ~,,,, , I 44*jrat -":"A4,wiiiiiii. at'. 7T joiii-sPi---',,=' td 1 ''' OiliffSt.ftliftei!6*l)-Vli*afrfilii, jl4.',- -lutisiOßlA takiriekwitilliVistiff 144441 V: 41,110iiiitlaYik;-,riiikol'pYt 034,34., A* -= -, ~ vela 001,,liitliffi**.S- tis-.....iiitglartite,', • ' _S-- • cons"1:7"-TA-441..his,tobei fr,Tss , , islitalr 40Mt1ia4'141107 1 41041 monster! : '.' Nag ' ' achy i tlio .,4414•-•hte, fat" '' ray' cf_,:th%gait'llit. '.l.ta tp:i --"Aliwths, !tdiww,im leg*. it. bed f=ci.ipoqi:ti*, ositkextstatqlift '., • -_,,-,.. l i t i b -Atimit 7itiellVT,rll,yjl 7'. - - %11, ii,iii.'' ..-:',..1,1v.,...,4,tubrec odiii.:Aa,- . , 4 tib!k6ll,l-,:101;4011 • :- ! 2 , 1 -'7 i i 44.,1,f)?1' Zii.:4'„Of rdrilcePriii*k 4°. '. - ~ r; • 1 1 ,•,., ire illilirr 5.!,.iir tatdotor.; , -'..•---,-; 6,• _ ' ...iiiiits,o.,te-,k"'. _r,-%, ~,,14i7r.:b.tti1:,.....1.-Siiiig• , ..-, !.4„-,44t..-:,,,iiii4tAir.ili r . ,. , - - e 1.6*!4;...,1,...,,% '' : ' 't; -eiiiis frelailiiiiiiiii4krid"-4144Z• ',lpOiciil34rii-iti*4.lolt 114'clAi*V444oft'‘ :06.*;.;„:,..,4,7i. .:„tow-10*0r,f,„,-. -'-'-`ofilsolist."'"7,4 totaty',4o,-02,017-71',-,4---,-')--;,-, 'l6*-Y4ll,oirtU,; f';')';'M-'''' ."'lllOlll 4,' ;Yoh, 'till lit:g •;14-I"l" atertipo City, January 1 01 , --. • ~ , : 'A iiiiii.,47.. ~4"tea;#;li,"=iiiiigii*lt,. ' - '-' ,04-414"m4414*1"-liiiii#ll.o=l: • - ':- ' ,44oi.rikf*-0';74-44,4';-: --i-4,, 0 . 1, 40 , 1 q 11 itt‘%vairy Al'iii%iwvidia.4l.lt.-* itirittol, 14,144 ; . inatri0L . 1 , • .-.''_ -: ,14,4k5ii:i0i...71;;;;-,-_, pia* 11.7- iiheii***;i7774ll4.l4lf.'"' 6 inklilid-,,,!5- lii_,:itt 70.1*1 Pont 4 • . 1111***Ttlf • ~eit!itt "•,-`--• ,t.'affi4v4i*" - - - - , --,:-':: -• ~ -fc.;:f-i . - 4- f 7 , . - - Chelstion-Brooot ayi irttl”k' .- ' , 7 - --, •' -- " ' - ~ a • I R ' 'ea 'ltikittill7r l P-.9. 1 91!!..'Ar24-17 - - '. • .'i ' ',. A tk - 5111 .--•:-., ,, goirity- 9 , 1 44c , 4 : p ot ,-.. • bmittilied'e•tstr-:1911-kf,,r47,-- ~..1,-"'l4-144145.4.(01.17 _ , ;go: .2.liii ihriitli),.,.is:_,T,3mii,,i,iiiiii,-,v4i . :tb• isgoi)*4.3C4-1t ..Mrlt'• -'-'ii,41,6 owce„-.. •• . .' - ViiripPos 4 - 19 , ' - - . .---- ileetneollt t - -01 Y-- A , and bad: call(-- .' '- - igetbt ibOteiit'ot - lirlatibin. . . , 6 14 6' - ' --- ' - Ir tirtsi lte- 0:Ar:-144. - -4A'fri L- t -. 4 - -1.EL..-_4110,11...-14; Avairrtrirliket: ` ' dor - ,;;Whintithii.i.wits.'dt.... ;. • -..," : ...-A - ot - iikd - ifit'bi - fOriito9o, 4 .4"*Yt ' ll ,-° , . . - • th th e s t iiiio7 . ''' - ' l 4 - tilttko -- '''lti.. t e ;,#"•• - ,iliis':tif. 2410,4 16 .*A r r 0v ' gl , ‘--i- isnot . '' *--stii,stiii ike:ttlitifL.4t(it*t: v. 'P"iwltY- st--- ' .. ' - "'"Viii?stiiitrilisztiz r - tb °11;4144 2M,.. -ii - n ! :r ._,, t -- , - ..i.. - - 140410114. - .-1014 bltill*.---"rm7---"""-,-7- tii,,giiiiiiiiiiiii*!;,-, • -- - 2_2%6 awl lisittt:Pet - i4tAtt I !'' '-. refs 0- --;; a 1: '-iii iii- l'-sh oal,, -°#!,.it glis ti b i r6 74 •'- ' - siewlieWissit!-toictits,-, _ ,_, , , _ , .: "A. -1 --,,,,, t t" - i'-imeW .--- " - - - qUituiNP AO w,00.1 M - - I !Y i r dr , :;__ '--.-'- slid '4lugificia-4ifinehillici,44ll,r!!, ,-.-1114V'Ar-fler, '= a -!iiiiiettkip:illifaial'f --., ~ - • IA?" '_4ll''l*.ft_ 111 z - ;.i - itsiiiiiiii4wilisk• lie 4iltt'-vi'''..l,l4-7-u..",,-;;;i,,,oi6ofot.bTii-1,0*.w: = - '-- ik 11•-....4;-44.0-,4040:7#.4404:9,,.: 10 , `-iodoiiiiitifitgrailil,ttetL.,„ I' •::'14#4011- INlkkligKilZ4o4o#B9ttk-ta,% ,i'OrKil*Sii_Asi-I.*Wj-11#11..zatior "44-yile6444ldriii :p. i . ..: r::', ,:',,, i3ansien tro, . 111 . 11•4 "rixpr7/ --.7-- caii:Vies„laiap libiLitit,`Mtki-t#S-,,,,,,- - ,---' '' ft ii i . iiiili s t0 ...,:-‘.. ...,:-‘..- --: - • Inintf*liritlii •Mf!if.vj.s,e)4t‘ act ~!- .1 .‘ •,----;:. ,1.'.-: it.--?1-1,,...12-44S-1-k:.il:;iii,,a10.;ii,i,,ihai 4 ,,- , ..Tk i ti i r„„„ 4. 1 = 4 - 4 ib" , „l 4 - A -iot wt.. i f ,t,,, , . '' . .: 1 :,:-' 1 ' 'i-Ort-cWiii-tOrst-eitlatltO -.oiithiNirst4.,fri-tuVrtft prob - alligtist tatilli)ittleir ifiZipiziliwyt the 4 osl.4i,thof-r4..,kr v4i..,41 :z'- , !'g .;! :f!.. - '---; 7,; 1100.01144,,,i w triiirli-aiiiNtltt, .. "liAtt-X4llA°*-Atottit,stie44l.3loll-.. - - - ate toctilolk A SAl r r a .g.• '.- -•,-,-:' .ii Oil < R' - - '' ' tioa orolvOit',*4llol:i•P4ll!'arliltr,,a, IP-- - tiwitmais k y _ „made r'''' '%- abikr#o i r en--4 • - -,r,..d,----" Aloid= c-,: ' - ''11141,1rt4',‘,.-4,-,,,,,n,:-.. 0 4 -Vdtg.loo , i_ilkta i r iaid v , .. on ~,,•,..0 *.°o•49ic4 A, , k.'" , !''' r Jiktiiltititir.*Wr .t-,.. :..,..::iiiiifthelocal,o4,4',,il; -, lisailiiiit low , , ± ;,:: Ilia*, -. 11 **4 ) 11 . 1411 gA ? 11 . 9 ,„ .-_ -.- 4 Q p , i' - ' ' : :=. ' ffteiiiitlfilWita° ll6l *T;n-i '".•,' -;'-Y ,- ir,:iiii 1:;% :' . ' '7 4 1"11 1:6 Ile '&'' ail ita +limit* It it . • ~i':- , . , Y-10 4 * --- ' -41 ' - 6 ''.--- '. ,-,044.19r!-Nrin' E.,:•'•- • : • - ' t- : i i 1ii101 *. 10 •,... 41 1. I lr, •,„ ~, :,. ,;„ -_,:„:. 1., - , ~.1: -golifoovid.,4&'"4.ifam.4roik* .1= j.idoiJoitaavo = -; :'-' ' I°l-I!44 7irir j i r into o o aCtatotlior ':1004 04140: I''''''' -- -" " 441 MLe*iiitt!kletAtboYlai^/ •1 4 1 111 , 0 1*.T; ; 1 •'-:,' •' . . 1 . 0)1 . 11 •_:•.r- -itieiwiTit,;#4**3liKol44,- - ,' '.: •' 7, 21014 • . ,• • -t; -1 l ."' - •,'.-- :.4i3OlkkOf'• -5,„.-- •--41.iiii&iil*Orittio,athirit. 1 ' _-' • '' .."'%7•17•47.,„ tiiirirriOilelifiki4 & --; _ • i.. , s-, -, dikiilltit - ,-,777.-p -044,1‘,04:461,14 ',.•.•-,' -• .... -- Hritii :rivi, ,b7-1-,--,`,.:alra.iiesibiiiiiite;lo*. I L . ----..', -, , - : il'ilOttft,"4ll.l-ftft 7i; 7r,r..,i,/*;.0,'4.c.,vr.,..--e4.--', [•-, - = - , - "•Pi Tikw e '! e iliOvudsl'-iPTiii44lol44-**44tii_Y!"?-1 I '-'' '' YE':-;l'Ci!----WittiAlt" 'f41?.,411414ig ''iiiii°,' 441i4'.•';''',"'7-1e•!:,: -14-A--4- 4 c 44i...iffittei;tiiiiiitPi : ;- ----' 1.. . -: . - A lo o lloll k-# 1 1 5 1,.- 1 .--,,ifitiitfoitobtaiiital:_• :: ' ' - '!'ha - liiirtliii tia, t -,.' .• -, ~.- 4 ,- -4; eiffitAitimo•a-Oliir• ~Li_.,"--7F-7;'.144;;,••:1".7 1 , - . i •.-- aitiiiillift4!*-40604.0r,„""7,„. 0 ,4; 'Med 'Of 44114iir loakitiokADMP!!",t.7,fitiiA-'4.3-4lpita* z ,:'- _ " • . :7 ciiikokittiOciigona-la' on 7,,,"."1.w iw4iiig *A I, -,:':'(.:', -,-"•;- Thf-ClFtfiti,._64o`-4.i. ':'B4lagr'af7-Akkiiiiii#ll*;'• .:._. itoo4,fm*:,.', 7,7- !v. - g.;.T - ,i, , ,p, , ,,..-„..r ~ .--:.:,61.,,,1,:•:- ;-`,..,:.i.q4---'-'4,4,T,F.••?q-.-'-'-'ir:bli'e4taii:i, •-L-••", tc,#,Tfisi-'l(oritt„...ll_, Tr-7,-ialrisht"ftlitvi' :-, :. r . civic ~,N ATtAigif,lioitlirtitiir t ,:''', • 2.jf.,..10ir454111040t0tt1Y047,40- Fighwo --"tligtireVarOVOC4ljValts4 8114- '''';:":,:ltifA-6i1t,41§ Mir itiVroWLl** i :-,:-.. •;t:'-,.,: to' toStit "I , P ,thowiiomottitt". e re Tar . :m --, r'_•• ::--`,, t - 004k, _ •.•'•"-z::*1-73 : 14 :: ,.. 7-.-- , ,.,..if,'"- .- ,11 - :•!-_,:-.-, -1 .4e.i.,,,,::f.1014111:1t, . 1704 17W 1 . •, iiiiiii0t.ifi,*(**** '-•,'.--3,7t.A.,""u,t,-- i;ittiothiffi'throWtii,_iti44, -6::-,-:?:i,-;(4iifiicliii-ifeivarkki,ownwooliftieci„ . '-, ---'7.0,•;„---(4.--"-4,--010.-foiHNow*AVARt -.: ~ - - -,- i ~ , rzir - =w. r : . .4 oid- _ . 1 ow 31,?,-,5v40,0P11".-;'l4mF2'---,'=- 444414,404; $4l - ,.. ) # l o2,.t i t it t.A. tritil L4,4 6 „.-*l,. —, :t . .. , :,' , 2 , f';-,...4,,r,..: MEIN 'The Washington TseeedY. Piifntr Daimon Stay who met'his death cOetiday aftespeoti last lalt,he city of -Nash iesten, wia the only ittrilVi4aaa,cti l ipoi!N 4; Kay, author. of -tleStarf:SiOilea'Ann ,ber,” ,arid *Mt, coßneelikirt:th,:serne n Topth e Meat distingnish4. l .faintlidie lifthitticsaintry. I One of, his +lidera is married ,to the lion, Orsolow„Tadoraties' ' member , of Congress tuna - the Cincinnati district, and another Is A1k91.0t21-409_,AatnantiNi. tiant,nant. PLV NT J T 14 : 1111Y Is the un.: elan? and he' is 'connected with the 1 0000 2i~sicorze ' uf Maryland . ` Mr. Ssi Wiettet'litervi*an tbirtg=eii years of age, and the ptotiicit Ofteiggibti* death, Woe - tie - Witrittiebletodlo , President, dluito; ,, liiiatily died colon ftAir:Sam ago, iery, and left lour children:: There '.,raitylleitevibtsrgraees alike; of intellect and coilitit'ar:,"`tiiiM'iTor?f#, *id univereal andLeff#*-:-tilieciiii,,lioritiii in ithshiettabler dram:, the_ death ,of his wife liil liealil ►° bas beer ieifranch impaired u& hle . ipirite g reatly depressed +<,_; ', PiMsellinfi , Dairet -Storms is about the same`iiiiii,dit,itas.:,.'4eit4glip.eprogentatlve of e Third nletrict ` of set `York, and was. first elected itt - psa;io , !#'4l,6od)eity.o,ar, lie ib inteliect, iltid,.like the;:unfortunatikXxv i vossessed of uncommon eoeela!"diislitieA" y h`e.ie'ii Bile =speaker And ftehOlari', *hen.: quite Yonngitierai cheats:Oh the Legislature, of his 1 atititi*A;f#4 0 1 4°P of ilia - To*oinietlo linty for United-State. Senator. Il e 4f-r-Yt Secretary -'6l` ,- -Logation under Mr., - coissriiiet'ilid'eenit, of St. .sines for - two yeat.si end has sustained from Vint time a con retitial r elation tolfiell!resident. Some ten, Terre *lee .104.t0n flaqieari.datigitter Bacirom, an• eminent Xeschei of .itaitaimnsie stiVil'erk.::`,They bunt At :4 1 4t:Akeie,0 1 % tide infOrinnaie. occur rence, rSimitOlonited . fii*fikilt to a- Joni' , , career of `cifstitietion;'iutd`liel;iisPidly: conciliates the oenddeticeelf • peeple ! ' '• , - F.'„ We igrbeelr _: ill comments &Miles eiftlitelMaiiiialteli.:4agedyi leaving the vourts tfrniirivel the' mixterp It le brifjjrist, how e-vei; between lir. fixr and Wee iimicure, had been reniarked:in Washington , circles a year , had .heeri:thtf,necasiOn:of one , iiliegree. „ , Meet:intim Amities the parties: 'Daring 446 :, 11 0',.. 061 . 2 0 4 14; p a s sed 3 1 0 4k 1 bet*eitt. Mr;, tidesubject ; which 'Were followed by eompletil recenciliation, as, Venal et,',the house Of tirommire, Ifitilni dined with him at a large party is , r . ioie - tban ten days , age': : MPS, ,litet - fimisibiWitter,„!of this article saw itly.34o4kniiii4. , ,inir4ogether wit* some ten#lWilve I** so;klApkreitidaiice of the fOrmei*jthe,lady,lifikkelf:boilie..fresent,, with other company. A.,ToeVerit that has happened ir4thifOrintrY:fOr.'int4i:iliiite'villjoceaSien more wide spread "eieitement;...: youth of baant,7 , ,s4ld. 0 ,r 168 . e; Sicanu Omeratu(conneetients, political ,a 4 pillions:if of the:principakentort,und the feitifigliewiri which the 'circumstances ofthiect46 4- 1010 04 - to 14640, milt form the suhjectei, Comment for years to' Come. - 'SrOwniis: Is proverbially c r eel and collected, riot aptto be moved by Sudden passion; and is, 44 , i:iitii4ronsand'condding nature, devotedly ,alishke4ff4lite'fria*S and reedy 4 serve them -. , - -: 40.1!tiiith . iirlirkiii‘. -: , -.. 1 9 Tididliljniiiiiiiiiidieniininsn, who arrived , in t i !ti, l ool,t4e„ 9*.. 8 40 1 4', * efening: In nfinonnY' ; with iiri.Oon,thlitkinptiotOi, and editor of the /;''rish' :efmiriens,lrilfatr , Tot:1r; *of - Meeks/4' f'sflhe'llitird SlStieki t tii , Diiitist DOsonenst, Elft .; 74 101111L-1 1 74sivirsiti.Esq.,Dr• SIiZiTON Ifsnisitsne, and I;:fcw oilitiriontletioni ''Ho, .'-ititi,4o',iittliteSlO io:irsoisil an*, publii„ exial. `— lif cm; pajlig,thitt4dlooteittiol2 ;40 'Vlalitillg ', 1 , 1 . * 4) , 4 # 7.fii l t i ' aeleli' t?,, itiette.' , lhtluilf:i,c' , - 9,n iiitOil.,,yrittiA4fr:lOdtinge - Aoi . all its. groat liollifitid Ostats; OS 'nicle ind msriagori tit& of ItSffibitiiiniiejit;iind.piii pabitS;lniinnote, and 1 .-4.o_ll4k4.3oi4o4S,Cipnp_td . fition: , 11W added'. `ittit liStoidend:',iiifkirea',?; ""it*Tl,f,•:' itiVliiiii li l o4l l :l:ttit*iitK,;*44' , i - 16914_ upon , 'the -1;410;40 littierkiionlieSifia: miimitimeot of .ii;oiti/bll,4li,ilatitisttee-,-dsipiol,ntottirobi. 4,ll,iiiii_illitliit6Eisid „tieiterr reohlOeftleirlotly. ncknotyledge the : ( 041islityOUthe kindness which : bad hitherto !1414104111411',:.fillthet-,stiort' time be bad been J, 1 1"; 10 ,:c 11 4. 6. MOO,' illiOrask -IZeiiterdermorn lot AliArßsisi pstii sv;visit to• Tire , I"issa :.-0, , . /c 10 4111 ,.. 1 , „ ..„;*, 4,1,. ,10'.141011. be en making as 1 ti Rum :iinlm ciOnld under the Otrrt#itsriog*4*liikllll,ol4'4oC!2't hoped, '011) 11 1 .* ** , :inSitiShhilseltillSte acquaint :iStititt4:, thiladelphitt and its .heautifal • ,envi riiilfrbi,,lefti- yesterday , by, the WM ' O'clock' 0: ailitai;folisithn'. Pre, -Where he will -re -sn_ji ii,ior: -a 'day- or. two before --proceeding to , inktegy-Vttfitilitie , lSOitiitloiiot:ttiff Piviiii.tOimigieahiol,lessicori.:; -;'.., -; ',. ~..:11- " .4.4. 0 ~.., - ...,-. - --rr • . : - - - : "!, - `llll4'llititi l' 4l lhitio daja ageocourrispondent retreated no to .16ierniiibinc9.xwitethelialebent Walsh;- formerly , tedifsrent:the - Warteitai:anzerin", - -br Philadoi where` would,.' a 'otter And ,sr -- infeiieri - r: id the :sencorl. rolume,Of fiti****'lrifiakiPilitii, of American - Literature, ill -there found that Wt. Walsh wan residing in. .irtris.= , "The•Etiropean giail, which reached us yes ! ‘..tendaY[interind.ns of Mr;:. Waish'iddatt, at Patin, mirthelthlteltrawry. - •••• Meier,. Duyokinskin book we team that Mr. watbriri,at.--Baltbnore in 1784. '. father:wan Irbil/Pa Mother , a , reensylvanian '.110'; -, reettited jiving '..esitieation Catliollo 4oliniiiiin - ,1)0Bri - idie ant kioefgatiar*,..'Pratilled - iii=fturilid-ieturtilid; at tie age of twenty-five, mingled,-lwinde lawyer,, and, settled; dean in Stitiadelphia; did; .not long continue in- pima.; tine. 1800, being, thin twenty.4lv44 , years eld, lie' broke - grimed, as an:Sithoriin the _fortfplio) 491 C Wort Mt - 41ie Goierithent of Na poleon, Ives : , rip pigeived.in_tblii country, *O inn; through font. England, and wis Mitilined in the Rdiribur It's ener6.-_Two ears later, commenced the Amt. , witleh 'tie:is-note Only eight anerterly numbers appeared: niirformed "varldnii *Other literary Work before the, Plibibiatien "of his ", isp - peal from - 1 ‘ the iltstignanitti °tit/rest. Britain respeCting ,tbe ',United States ."- t was. a powerful vindlontion 'native lead 'against attackt Made by foreign :Writ4i...!: • • f. 4,810 rt Walsh beotime editdr of the'Wek, - o. o lnnt , 4 l dietieSt, new -triweekly, coon ,ohanged fern ardaii9-nctitsPilltnit- 11 1 41 1 104 1 104 1 7 rm. Pr" ailytidjUbiteilfalledinto n - position ler, WO he was extremely w eil.gnaliled . - HSscritioisms upon. And Art were admire ble, and gave great Wu* paper. While' thus clanged. Mr. Iralilf•joinhir miniCtor the Arita 1664 Ittizß6il , 64 of:Fc prien/pir, n(1400,11'0 Museum and Liiing Agrio :tau resigned !Ili share lit Oink editorship on reviving' his. own, Quarterly, .1111137, is The Amnion „Retnew. Re remained in charge of: thin Periodia,l still editing - the. Ara .41337, when be removed to Ps 4 =}t hing te WOrldPani- he left Philadel. phial two volumes of shielly_oonsist• log of artielenselest,d from a Multitude written during fifteen jentitiditeriet labor . - r - +iiisW;viesi - dociiil, at ; Paris for several igerii; end ; thiptre l , con irlinitrid highly Velnatd - fare' of,rWastilegton, and the JoiTirnatot" Cow tfewir,mAttt The n.oppppiella of Ameri -Catildtnratuie,q- which , has applied us with the ;above biographical fasts,- nye ,$ No American abroad has enjoyed more- intidetereletione with libejfivane and politician/ of Europe; or has traced with gritatein.ititerest„ the , progress of government nt ,/in6) , :r2 nye ' ' shit bt g ato. g ee 1141)iii0t#114it W . Vt . i gatetlr, bat honest fat loyal to Ayers eante inu that he Imposed. Ma riltireas style yren;islysr, strong, one aniennlinn, free :frosiististaent Una swishiest winds, anti therefore thy railed -tepOnistnii.the more amnire4 by indlnions 110,,wrstitL workmen nr.delitsge fra,n it end genre vi , kAi . hie; latch mum twerfittit in .donstrreatlnu, In * b ow -h .: 4 301 0o: hie manner - stittdellatttrei: lie .Slllthilld - orit the detnibier Of General liOrisn, 11 anti. ' Vint this city. and had hr her a tans molly - eltvebtlarysillie opened wife wan Mres. Steam, of this' U. also 1igt7 1,64 . 1 !: ' • , '*Triitah,;Uia In OS piii - leAr.itt the time of 11,teiS s, .Milburn' Lecture. :,"s“ nyenlitii,Mr.'Milburn; the .141#40.04-isit'.)olltatAvir'olleolute, hy *fit itp9if peruses of Aleatan• t.4,oiit#lollO r tlf.,ll o .faW in ., ' duelili th 6 hand of 2 :*0 . 4],1iirt,.. - ':Whiti leetute was lately* de. t?sed,ln some ,titirr,•tititt*44;-;potemm,*are' tirietTlt. Me; "*.ir inted,hin eomposition _igholarly; IVlrdelipti*eOliefali aM bit. °Ottumwa of len, write bls• /Nfe.: MU. Ositlnittish light from Atitinine)l , :ejtondd bit'Ona ~ of., 1111..niost eloquent, , iqitiOtia*F - Flaturerseoptihtion ientaikebte,. "mysteries of , medein Weettiri -"`"" • ' ' .-- Y MIDIVIGIIT Letter. from .WakhiPlOon. Isporresporidentia Of The Press.) ' 4 Waintedron, Feb. 28,1859. lortnnatedyfer this honor of tionntry, the Catania' beta bein shelved for this soden. The sentiment of the nation is unanimous agtilnat the occupancy of Cuba by any other fereign country than Spain, and nearly the entire -Democratic party, and mtany, members of, the- Opposition, would gladly hail the honorable Requisition of that island by the United States. If Spain were wil ling, to. sell, I. have little doubt that this nation Would be, prepared to ,purchase, if 'the price were` dt all a fair one; but 'the great' objec tion to Mr. illtielmean's proposition oonsistein its dishonorable nature. We. were warned in itd vanoe.that the people of Spain were opposed to the sale of Cuba. The Spanish Cortes, by a unanimous vote, indignantly rejected, the preposition of Mr Buchanan; the , Spanish ministers indignantly denied having given any countenance to it ; yet, in the faccef all this, an appropriation of , thirty -willies'', from an empty Treasury, was, asked for: If it had been granted, how could'it have been used to carry out the,avowed purpose of the Pre sident? In no other -way than:by attempting to bribe the ruling spirits of the Spanish Court;. and this, I learn, was actually contemplated, or, at 'isiest,' was the , basit(of the whole' polioy of the President; so far as he had a pokey beyond a mere `Buncombe ,agitation of the subject. Did you ever serionsly refieet, upon the exact mean ing 'of, : proposition like thie f ', at a time, when our -country is becoming deeply tainted: With, the odor of corruption—when American legislation. is . in the eyes of the world growing to be a purchasable commodity— when developments of the most frightful °Banc• ter ara.boing made' of. the Manner in which the biishiese 'Of.the nation is managed by the Pre. eident - and his Cabinet? ~ Tre were asked to berry abroad, upon- another continent, the same infamous system which is .praitleed upon our own corrupt legislator; to tiny up . 6anieli ministers to vielatetheinterests and righbi of their appetite eat's, alprefeesionel boron buy Up the-venal mem bers-of our-Own - Legislatures.- It was proposed to biroper with ; the integrity of those te, for the' time' being, the' honor and interests of the people ;ot *Spain were entrusted. as a man , might. tamper with si* dishonest lawyer to betray the interests of his client. The thirty millions Were demanded to bribe the ministers of Spain; in the name way that a' robber might at. tempt to bribe the cashier of; a bank to admit him into its vaults, at midnight; that be might plumler Us treasures. Befit as Mr. Buchatisn's policy lutd a 'meaning; this was its ohareiter ; and if the scheme been adopted, and the American petiple bad become fully acquainted 'with-its oluiraotet, they would hive recoiled from it with indignation and ding:tit CoMptirlions.'ween,lrettituted. between this thirty•Miilion proposition and the proposition made: by Mr. , Jefferson to , purchase Louisiana ; ,but did Mr. Jefferson bribe anybody? Was there any odor of corruption—any' taint of Orintinality--:, any, suspicion ,of ,inftdelity on the, part of the ruler of ..Franee to his country in that transaction? None. If the remotesteuspielon of snob a nature bid been'in any . way 'ootiteoted With - the tirineaa, Son; it is safe to Conebide„in Vie* of Ur. Jeer 'son's, high and unimpeachable anxious as heaves to pi/abase Louisiana, be would not -have ,employed any such - mesa. But, :;with -the fact staring: us in the face, that Spain indignantly rejected' our proposition; that the sentiment of her •people , is almost unanimous against •it that if any Of "her" .statesmen were, in favor of it, they dare not avow - such sentiments; but one opinion can "be formed of the manner in Willett Mr. Badman _lipped to purchase Cuba—if ho ever badatteh I .hope at , all-4nd that is by corrupt appeals to the lndtvidnal interests of partite who possess a eon trolling- power 'ln" Spain., Is, questionable - whether fliihulterism itself would not be a more honorable way of obtaining Cuba than a corrupt purchase inada from faithless 'Spanish officiate againet "the wishes' and interests of Abe people 01 Spain. " If there are any whn'thiuk differently, lot them reverse, the case; end suppose: for a ma. ,Mont, that liogland should psse a corruption bill to spend $30,000,000 in obtaining such legislation att:sho desired at Washington, by purchasing up BuChinen and the members of his Cabinet. and influential monikers of the Senate and Mute Of; Representatives; and that through such .agermiee "she should be' suoccestal in acquiring - territory from' us against the known whine, feel ings, and interests:of the entire body , of the American people,. would sot the unanimous ,of'ths Potion brand Snob - a Rheum *BA' the deep; est infainy? . ' , !crE s aiittig avv ll 7, - possing limey !". The death cr If dwirdll...Henzegan, at Bt. Louts, ravivetruany. reiolleotleas conneoted with,bis'neine: "I' knew hint well, Horatio." ' Boring the ,grest 'debate gtinv!ng out of tho Orogon'question, (lirranogan war leader ; of the nitre progressives); some of bid t speeobeS thrilled ile pilpurgiflftetat; torpeoistlr thit In irbioh'bo.tooft Colonel Benton to task: for dm:flaring In 'favor of the lino of 49 deg. and inst•.-that o A . , . a' r w r any man might balm envied. He was singularly well 'calculated:to arouse public, feeling; brit; like many of hie nature, he could not control his • passions and his appetites .and 'seine - two or three' years ago was tin. fortunate . enough. ,to : get into undid with a near relative, Whit& resulted In the death of the latter. , _ Slate-then be removed to St. Louis, but those who knew him say that ho woe about. broken man. The Mon who Bgured in those days have nearlyall departed : " tinter', Olay,'Calhoun, and Mrebater are-laid in their graves. Their co temporaries are prepared to - meet the summons of the dread destroyer. Whoehalltake their places? Mho, shall rise up to. grade and counsel the cone: ,try? Jam no Cassandra ; Shave full faith lathe perpetuity of this. Government ; but there can be no doubtthat the time Is at hand and rapidly ap• .proaching when- the country needs the aid of ail its patrietlo and distinguished sons. Corruption, like a slow poison, is circulating through the veins, and arteries of the Republic ; but, happily, the people are no longer indifferent. Their eyes are being daily opened , to' ,the 'enormities practised here,.ana with the indignation and inquiry now neriradlog all parts of the 'Union, I , cannot but hope that a thorough reform will be inaugurated, snob as will restore the ((decrement to its original - purity and recall our rulers to a sense of their duty. • Oar city has been plunged into 'deep gloom by the sad tragedy which occurred on yesterday atter noon. 'DM the eThabsorbtug topic of 'conversation In alledroles, and While deep regret is expressed for the untimely death of Mr. Key, who had many doveted friends, as the long train of circumstances connected with the ease became known, the course perinea by Mr:Bloktelficregaoo as a'nainral and inevitable one. ".. .• Promenn. The Bank of Pennsylvania. ' The sale of reel estate, stooks, so., by Messrs. Thomas, to be made at the Exchange this-evening, will bo unusually attraetivo, as, among the twerp., trainx important lots advertised, Is the now bank ing-house in‘Obestnut street, with iranite front, erected for - the Bank, of Pennsyl v ania, at a cost of $OO,OOO.- It haS seventy feet width, with a depth of one hundred and seventy.eight feet ; is entirely dro•Proof; heated by-hot water; has every room well ventilated, and is better, adapted for a bank that any ether building In the city. There leano. ther . purpose to which it might be applied. "Ds is taarkably good contraction, and its convenient 10-, oration, mark it, espeoltdiy, se suitable for °coups, tion py the'city as Record Mace. It contains nit. ty.fonr teems In all, many of which might also be Wed by public efiloials, who are now compelled to parry on their business in small pens—for we can. 'not call theta aloes. The sale this evening bps ramptsiry p the building, must 'go to the highest , g" We invite attention to the annonyeement elsewhere of Messrs. Reigned, Moore Co , Nos., 220 and 222 North Third street, whose stook Or Bilk and general dry, goods is one , of the 4rgest and moat complete it lies 'been:our privilege, to examine this season., We havf";,;pethaps, few dry goods bonitos in this country fulliAnal to this to the variety and completeness &its departments. The immense rooms, extending, in the basement, under two Urge atore•bouses, besides a capacious vault some fifteen feet in width, and rising five ate riot In height, are all literally filled with goods adapted to the Season, almost every room in the en. tire edifoe being devoted to some spode! depart. meat, and superintended by a compotenthead- Be• ing among the oldest and moat successful houses on this thoroughfare, It has, by its enterprise, eon. Whetted , largely to the business of Third Street. Notwithstandingthe bulk or the Sales of Messrs. Reigned, Moore, 1 Co.; to what Is known as the na,irtradd—ateis the sole with Third•atreet houses generally—yet their trade with the West and South has, of late years, been . , very..consider• able, and, from present indications, will this spring exoeed' any former season in amount and importance. , " - , Srtzmun .13Ain:1210 HetlaF, MADIEBTRTIIREI . &ODES, ELEGANT AND PLAIN ItEDIDIINONB, LARGE 'VDTs, GROOM) RANTS, BTOCEOI, ' &O.-860 Thomas & Sons'. peinphlet catalogue, comprising twenty six properties, to be Bola this evening. by order of assignees, exemitoro, - 9ipliarie' Court, .to. A large portian peremptory salee, ' Jonza's Mom —This favorite hotel has recent. ly undergone a thorough renovation, been furnished with new and elegant furniture, and will open this day for the reception of ghosts. - The proprietors, Ware, Molntostri Matthews, are gentlemen , of large experience as caterers, and cannot fall to meet the success their enterprise deserves. We cheerfully recommend them to the patronage of the pnbllo.. .EHOLIIIII PICTORIAL NISIVAPAPERO.—CaIIender Sontb.Tbird anti Walnut streets, have fa. voted ua with ponies of the Mush-fuel, London News and its extremely - impair rival The Illus trated Nein' of the World. ' These journals maintain their bold on public rotor. arld simulate 'Very largely in this country. THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH - 1,185 g. THE .LX`iIEST.,NE yitrg sir 4.E..-LiporIRAPH. TICE *TASitlisTflaoiT' „ , . PIPZOIAL bliliPlTog;TO ',BO rases.] ,Weaninction„ Nett, 9,1. ' - There are many ruining in eirenlationlin relatiOn to the late melaneltoly affair between Ron. DA&IIL B. firext.ssand PJULIP Env. Many of these state'; meats are Unfounded, sod moat of the details are exag gerated. I have been able to glean the following, as a fall ani reliable acanait of tlie matters °emulated with tills fearful tragedy' : 7 . Diet TharedaY evouive Mr.lilOgtagfecbiverrabuidlet 'of littera addressed iii himself. Anteng them woo en anonym:inns communication, which he either overlooked or did not open till Friday' morning. This letter charged Infidelity to her marriage ,vow on the part - of Mrs, Eltoxilm, and stated further that lir. Rey had hired a honse en lifteenth street, between R and L streets; that Mr. /DAY'S motive in hiring this dwell ing was for the purpose of 'meeting Mrs. EICILVEI ; and that Mrs. Stocixarwas in the habit of visiting Mr. RSV at ceelain hours in the day. Mr. 0100 L 10 WU, es naturally would be supposed, at first inclined to - treat the anonymous grelirend as the work of Malice. But the cironmetancee being detailed with such, precision, hie suspicions were aroused, and accordingly be requested Mr. GitoRCOM WOoLDltisoo; a mutual friend of himself and , his lady, to ascertain the troth or falsehood of these assertions, alitoting,as they did, hie own honor and that of hie family, Mr. WOOiLDRIDOEI undertook the mission, and visited the neighborhood indicated in the anonymous miseire,, to see whether such a bonen had been let loot summer, and under what cirounastanoes the lease h td been grant ed. He there 'learned that Mr liar had hired such a dwelling, - at the time alleged. The landlord woo a oolorei man named Jong Einar, who stated that he re. °dyed dtty dollars a month rent for hithottilei be bap. ` log farntehed it, &o. _Thehourre wee a two-storybrick ; no one else oocupted It Mr KEY commenciOlgolng , there with Mrs. &MVO in the month of January last._ Key generally entere t first ; and going up stairs, would Wet the first window over the door, and hang out a towel or a white handkerchief as a, signal to Mn.s &COMM that all wu clear. He then would leave the . door ajar, tor Mrs. EICSCLES to enter, The last : time Mro. (=Se and Her hd beenat this house was on Wednesday the 23d ultimo. On that be. maiden they entered In the back way, through an alley. trey leading from 'Sixteenth street. On this Wednesday night there came along a man ,alqf sly muffled in a shawl Ile asked a colored woman standing on the pavement whether the house was then °Coupled or not? it Yes sir; ti wu the rimpoone. " Very wall, that's all I want," the mysteriona gen tleman replied. sod turning around, walked away to the direction of K street. Ms was observed, however to hang around the ne4h. borhood for a good part of the wreak's. Eventually Liar wee seen to leave the dwelling, and the stringer muffling his fade atilt eloser, spoke a few words to Her end then hurried off, It is eupposed by many that lot wee the author of the anonymous letter. , , ilsOunss knew of an Intimacy existing between tdr. Ear aid his wife. tie supposed It simply as in: docent but Incautious flirtation, and, on aoconnt of the scandal that it excited in many circles, he remonstrated with bet.• She did not pay any heed to these entrea ties of her husband,r but continued uninterruptedly her singular, but (by her husband) unenepeoted course. Ear was known to be in the habit of attending •the theatre, opera, bolls, soirees, end other places - of gaiety and fashion, and was almost invariably mom panted by Mrs. 81081.18. Ifo, Indeed, followed her everywhere. It is said 'that KIM was accustomed to bout of hts attentions in this quarter, and that at the National Club lionsa,the criminal intercourse between himeelf and Mrs Blon* was weU known, and formed the to plc of consenation. Me. ESIONtag , dwelling was opposite the Club Mouse, - and EaY was accustomed to go nit - stairs to a window in the latter building, overlooking &vanes , house, and bang not signals to Mrs iiiroxtrit Re would also go in Lafayette square, wave his handkerobiet at her, throw oat kisses, and make profuse demonstrations of attach ment. • Before the fatal denouement of Ulla' unhallowed ito. tereenossOing had been time and again warned by hla friends that something dangerous wou'd grow from his criminal attashaient. He wu accustomed, however. tri treat these friendly admonitions with en air of Iltanal47 bravado. Be would !Wen to n 6 remonstrimes from our naartgo. Be had been known to boast of Ms 1113111t1,11 in sontaty, and it fa eatd that.4iq IgenteWad, below in , (Mule or Mr. Sztla chanoter, had Made Mtge Ma mhwal, and was only WlLltice to oeleoe ssuicemor, pre. clone to lending in the document to the Senate, when sle. Kai mot bin death. I vislt•d Stones to•nlght in the prison Ue.appvareit to bs ID good spirits, nod hiis been Visited tiering tito lay by many of his friend(' Mid Oongressfonalstelleagnes: lfa positively refuses, asiothat.,examination and de: stares his determination to somata id pillion -till the lay of trial. ffa mks no Wray; from the lat. A despatch Steil received today. from New York oftY; to the triads of ?Jr. Stotmts, 4 sympathlstog with In hi. sorrows. Publlo optoton to that Mt/ Is said to' Ittstain Dtr. Stoscime in his sanded. - - , hie, 4itOiculs' affetition _for- hie daughter rteighel ftearliritimu him. Heitman that hie hopes ate !digred, : , sed that his home is biekiM tip. . . , . 'fhimotbrr of Dire picielmii, (htri.Biotett,) and the' Mother of Mr Swains arrived in the ally, to night, drs:Baotott will take oharge of her darivbter, while the mother of Mr, tllcetiebUl take under her oharge his daughter. . : Public opinion is universally in favor of Mr Steatite. The counsel retained by him embsice the fallowing.: named, gentlemen : Measre. , 'Ettraineit,' Ilaieti IPSO. Ontivoi, Ma mum XII'. :140;40 -PAPZ44B,frI/4AM1,,, Or your oily, IS not retained, se has hettnyvported., The rsaLlitktif k - `7!.-t7r - ‘U This (matinee train brosghi many friends of MS: gtoiums from New York.' The greatest 'molten:lint still prevails I 0: TIIIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, After the trannettngrd tome untronortant business( Mr. Yuma. or blorida, from the Poet OBlea Committee, uported adversely to a large - number of memorials sulk. tag for new poet routes. - Committees of conference were appointed to meat similar committees of the name on the ',resistive and , executive, and consular sad diplomatio appropriation Dills. -• . • ‘, Ur. Peon, of Ohio, mowed to take up the homestead hill, but the Senate refuaed by a rote of yeas 29,, mays 29. se follows: , , YMAS-31.eri. Bell, Bayard. Broderick. Canteram,! Chandler, Clerk. DIXO4. Doolittle, Doirgits, - Riesecden. Root, Rooter, (t win. Namlin,' Marian, lolinaon "of. Tennessee, Vence, King, Pugh, 'Rico. Roward,,Bhielde, Simmong. Atn.rt, Trumbull,. Wade, and Wllenn. NAYS—Mea•rs. Bstea, Bayard, Biglgr. Brighlii. Brown, Chesnut, Clay, °Bowmen; Davie - , Fitch, Filet, Detrick, Green, Ilammond, LL , uston, Ilanter, Iverson,' Joharron of Arkansas, Mallory, Maven,Pe,sroe, Polk; Reid, Sebastian, Thomson of , New Jersey, Toombs,, Ward. Wright, and Hulse. Mr. Homo's, of Teske, made bfe pa mg spernh o closing bin politicateareer, reviewing and vindicating hie Congressional enorse. Mr. Holleran said that he hed been forty.afx years in, public life.. He would leave posterity determine bow he had spent it, and was oontent - to stand on the-tinteel dation Where it should -niece him. He embraeed occasion to rebut the calumnies by which heweg sailed, some of them secretly oirculated by penons mated by the deepest 'malignity. He especially cited the compliers of the Texas atinaree, Just, jaid ou hie desk cod was severe on the Rev. Dr Jamie H. Perry of New York. who had recently lectured on ilan• ditto. That person, who bad Joined the TeXauer Ire petriotisto, twee coanected with an attempt to self a. free yellow girl in - New Orleans. hie. Houstoti said he bad placed him on hid staff, but be (the Rev. Dr Perry) had beau, for the heat twelve yeare, engaged in defaming hie character. althongh.lt wen owing to (lionatonle) clemency that he was not ex. coated in Texas for holding oomnpauteation with the enema. Mr. Houston reviewed at considerable loostls life own military career, to defend - it from the invade, tits which his fiDeteibe recently reetifOd and oft. enlisted. Mr. Royston-concluded by saying that this was the lent time that his voice would be heard In that chamber. With the gentlemen who bad 'eueraealvely occupied the seats he bad ever attempted to cultivate friendly feellrga. He! knew their great abilities, and that they will exert them to give ntrangllt and stability, to the Union. His prayer will be that Pght. knowledge; and patriotism may, guide them, and that under their, influences and exertions peace and prosperity may be neared to the 'steed posterity. Or, motion of Mr. Home, of Virgin le, the Post 0$ floe appropriation bill, was taken up. Tblittret see - tide ttpereprfatee for -inland transportation of the $1.2 633 000; comeeneetion to postmeatere, $1,376 000 pesttinsrent Clerk", $060,001; chip, steamboat, and way-letters. SD3 OCO; alvertieing, $70,000; well baiter, 350,000 ;*printed blanks, $90000; wrappingtpaper 9(t0,- 030; ma 1 lecke, keys, seals, and furniture. $l6 00; nut depredations and epeeist , agents. $75,0'0; oatmeal !anemia payments, 1209000; poitsee Aimee wed etamped envelopes, $lOlOOO ; new edition of post offt laws and reauletione, $15,0D0 The eeeond notion appropriates for denalentime or re; vacua in Poet 061 e% for the year ending June 130th, no $3 833 700. Section three ennete that If the Peet (Mee raven - he shell be fueneletect t't della' , the appropriations I,of section first, the deflation:ly at the eaptratton,t f vet quarter of the fiscal year shall be paid from the Tent eurY. The total 'menet spproprtetei Is $10,500 06d. , 1 ' After mush alienation, extending tifi nice the third section was stricken out, aryl in Den thereof was Mulled a section providing that the emu of • Iltar, oto.ooo be appropriated irom ,he Treasury, to meet de -41310101ra for the fiscal year eernmenolos Jets let 185, , but that the Posmsater shalt in no . event eXimed.or, incur any liabilities whatever over- the appropriations; for the cur, out nasal year. Adopted. leg o , clock"P.MLAbont al; hoer. have new been speot In the dlsouseloo of the Post 0 Me appropriation': bill and its amendments. The debate has been ti do forestiav tqoush much !minden prevailed through. ' out the presoak ge An additional eectlon from the committee was adept , ed, lestroeting the Postmaster Otntral to report, et a; the commencement of the next session of Conroe,' what post.rontee have not p&d one•balf of their costL , Also, to report .1,1 what !tea a of the Department, genei`, the eXpensea may be reduced. dleo, an amend. Meat b. Mr Brodet/ob, mitten, the a Lary of the Op Ilforulemail agent tromp 000 toil eoo Mr Walton, of Maseschunett., amended the bill; by eutting'down most of the miscellaneous Item', such at advertising, mall bop, wrapping parer, end reat•ornee blankst-a total saving of over Ifeo 000. In r.f&onee to the blanks, be said he wee corninent of a cue where air. 11109, od der of the PsYnsy/ranien, bads contraot for printing Dislike, for $lO 000 tortleh oast Wm" Just' WOO, the profits being divided-• 60 per cent. to the Washington Union, 6 per cent to Mr., Appleton, Si m tarp of State, end II per cent, to a paper publiehed in the interest of a member of 00egrens. Mr. MABOII of Virginia, sold th ,t If the feettevre ao, it Is due to the Senate and to the country tally the information before them. Mr Wirmoit reiterated the statement, and saiti thf.t Mr. Rice himself had said en. and moreover, that tile arrangement was wile the cognisance or the Presiitenticf the Milted Stated. • Mr Oflialion said that the matter vies au netrlobe that everybody, except primp the' Senator Ire Vii ginia, must know all about It. Mr. Rise, until recently, weak creature of the Preddent'el but rectiot/7 they had a quarrel, And Mr. RIO 9 went about blattbMig about it Manoti. Did Mr. Rice tell the Senator Se f Mr liamanon,, The way to get tilts information Into appoint a committee of investigation,, or sue hie for Blander , end hat will bring the evidence, rato fa op nelble for all I say, here or elsewhere. •Jutit bring here Billy Rice and the President They knew}di ,about It, and I think my colleague knows sollretralng about it, too. ' M. r Mt, ' *••• Mee tell yr.- Mr. Mason. DIS Mr. Mae tell you to ? . Mr. CAnnnon Ido not plonk to Mr. Btce. Mr. MASON. Then, you briny here the hook and hearsay of tho country to mato thoro grace nhArfir or fraud. Me. Bieuen; or Penusylvaula, said tbst whatever i‘A, travigancs niere might be in the ytrinting" of filmic blanks, be could say that the whole was ez•eutod fuse conlanee vilth,the law. The price» were Sued by lita. g.. - Ogler then explained the details or the affelrottnl added that hie colleague was scarcely jaatithni in tikes° imputations of the Pcssident. Atr, Jonsson, of Arliansasdwhile conshloyirrg 'the aizzia t FieroWed, That A. D.Bearasti, late supertotend•tit of putrio prlattog, ben boa guilty of Impoopar nod Magnt prantteea to the dlieharge of hie oftlotat duty, a, d in eininiten of the provisiona of the eat,l approved the Seth day of elegant, 1862. isreatlag the ofOoe or gaper. Inteptlnot and defining the flatlet thereof.!". - • Iteeolved. Tbet the toetimeny in 'thee ciao be certified to by the ulerk of the nowt* of Itoorneenta• Uses, aid rent to the Dint:let Attorney for the Diotriot Wasnznovott, Feb. 28." AdjoerAdjourned.. of Colo nable.,, second Seeslon. MEM rebel! for printingg - these Mane toe tab, tunild not be, um the ;reputation east by the Senator from Nutmeg, Vent* ou the President. No datibt Ant the Senator hiruielthellevid4t,tut he (Mi.' Johnson) cou ld not . $ 17,9 it Credence, , Canner said int, to Chow ale sincerity, he Weald mete POP a otaineittoe of Inquiry. emendteent was then adopted. - ''.44r,.l.Valtaori, of Geargia.porried to add a datum to "tito , billtnatetsing the rate of postage front three to 4ififenite,-Sar the reason, ria he Mated, that the post nittn bills-to which was added a Monter previMee, is ad 'enigma - Ault bill, which the House. if it is averse to easing the rare. went let MU to the ground ; whereas they could not throw over this approp - istion toll. Lost —yekelo, nays 27. Hens on main of Mr. Green, lire Senate adjourned $B, noes 17.. HOUSE OF lIMPRBSENTATIVSS. - jjttllr. Reece,, of . Texas, made a personal explanation thlatiee to a dialogue between himself and Mr. Bryan, his colleague, invoiviog a question of veracity. After the Colloquy had been continued' for some time this * L eming, Lir. Bea* asked whether Mr Bryan inteoded to inapt* dishonorable prowling to him. If so, then they would kriow'wbete they Man - Mr. Henn, in reply, said, among other thlnge, if hie colleagneras aggrieved, be knew where he could right the wrong., , He should sot shelter himself under any atuatioctioral provision of bie State He wee respond hinter...Mid elsewhere for what he said. Mr. REAliati charged his coltexmle with baring sought to mace him in the light of not being a good Southern man; but te (Reagan) had alwaye professed to be a nationel 'men, repudiating all sectional heresies and fanatioiete. whether coming imm the North or the South. He Would ever 'fishtail violations of the moral or atatate low, to build up politioal orantional parties. He, had heee gone through the ordeal, awl wan ready again to meet the people of Tans on this Wee. [Much excitement prevailed in the House during this pothole : la The House took up the naval appropriation bill, and concurred in Mr Bh4riria,rs smandmvut relining the appropriation of $3 103,000 for repel re ' armament, equip ment, and fuel for the eteamere and h emp, to $1,00) 000, 40 be expended as Win's : $2OO 000 for hemp and Other Mated/dm, and $1,000,000 for repairs, with the proviso that 110 more' then $l,OOB shall be expended at any Davy you!. for repairs, unions the neoessity for such re pairs be demonstrated by the report of a board, coudat. Jog or net less than three naval °Hord. The vote on ...peeing to this amendment wee 122 yen to 06 nays An amendment reducing the appropr a' ion of $1,102,• .000 for the ten navy yitds to only $lBO 000 was con• -eorred In by 68 majority The hill wee then passed. Mr. Pnetre, of Missouri, front the 'Committee of Ways and Means, asked leave to report a bill to revive for two,yeara the eat authorising the Josue of treasury ,notes,C. Injections were made, and Mr. Pious moved a sus• 'acme of the rules. Tde mottos to suspend the rules was negatived—yeal to, ptypi 103. • ; Kr. Puttee of Ifiesouri, moved to go Into Committee the:WhOle on the state of the Union on the mlseel jsoeeni approrriatlon bill - lblelPo'ronsibe- fennsylvania. inquired whether it Would be in order to offer a tariff bill as an amendment to theitspropriailen bill Thalia...bar replied that the chairman of the Corn- Mlles of the Whole on the elate of the Union would hare to determine that question, ee it would come be fore hbn. • , urabalpe motion wee agreed to. : W.AIMBUSUCE, of wisonnein, moved to etrike out - 4 lied of 1230.000 for continuing the eurvey of the Atiantio and Gulf coast. Atter a debate the motion :was Noted, The nonce want into committee on the miscellene -44m. tpropriation bill, and, up to 11 °Weak P. Al., have pent about eight . hours in unprofitable debate on ta'rfns amendments. • Mr liettax, of Pennsylvania offered an amendment. whiok Was ruled out of order, retiring the tariff act of 1848. • AttwentY minutes after eleven o'clock the commit, tee dale, and - reported The bill, with amendments, to the Nouse. M. Uranus TAYLOR. of New York, from the commit. tee appointed to loventigate the accounts of the super inteadent of public printing, made a report. They eV that the booke are en negligently and loo sely kept [theta he itnnosaible to aprive at any definite knowledge of tke biasinees done In theaters. The accounts. to Rome inatencee, appear balanced, when such In not the case ; andemaiderable nume have been collected no the name undlr. the direction of the present superintendent. The me:Minster; le ned fur engraving and lithographing 'de dot agree with the amounts kept by the parties who did t he avert. They &VI fb4ed their books, end swore tit had been paid far all the work dove; the books 'abate' the amounts received by them, yet it appears Iliad aertifieates Ware ' honed to eoveral partite' for Meter amounts than nommen on their books. in one 'Meths dlakienee is $ 1 0,000; in another over o,ooo— being minion the Government, ,'. *he paper accounts do not - agree Several hundred :rialtos are unaccounted for The committee nay : din feat. there appears to have been a Singular Malley about the books and , garments connected with them matters. Yew oe them could be explained, and -none entirely asEefestorily." e..'-They-trianindonily report that the (sale Chow cced.; nittairely that there existed a comhinatioh for the oem. palling all eontrsaters to pay their way for collimate; .shot .this war the general belief among anntractura, "and the payment for contrite's, either In the way of a lira; +=minion, or per asntige, was general. • -Ahe L eontraotora found It neesroary to employ certain Wale at - Waehtußtnn to attend to thine. bushises, and MI them largely before they got iv +rk Ai a general 'thing, they ray they did not know that Seaman was in. throated in the matter, but it was certain that they gpt no workluct ) l after they employed particular par : r The contractors ware all led or a.raed to employ the game sonic although they had no previous acquain tance with theta. The raper contractors employed a . obqel,o4tter t,' pat ac thelragent, for whiati thew yard *boat three end a half per contend. The printer me. 'eloyrd a al-tk to do a little work at a yea ly ra'aiy of I¢l,looo, chile the printer received. for doing nothing, from $0 010 to s'o,ooo per canton Engravers and Mb , itigeeph.ta found it t.+ their interest to employ the put. die I tutor to set as agent t , look after their interests, - and received the money to be paid .Ti , e &enmities rop'ert that they traced between sBs'ooo and $lO 000 into ble halide, and some 010 000 in oth.ro, end about $lO 000 direct to Mr. Seaman, most a libleh telt gore was given by way of bo..ne, and in still ri m e i t i:: . liF ir. u a n t p , s . id a . re A ... o . m t V o l portion wee paid by con.: ~, The committee forted Iwo or three agreemente to Pay money dines foi• contrasts. two In favor of Mr. fietantim, and one In favor of the rioter, but found one ; 4tuainik the largest mem by resort of the refusal of atnehf the paper aniotratetors. . . telti a second nese, the money woe paid not to the prin. lklei,lrut to other puttee not known ,to the witneec Nte tprobo third contract for 00 per emtuto. on occident ,qllithograohing, - the 60,suittes could not ascertain Ahether it wee milder not. The combination referred 61 - - _,e.thited for all contract,' going through Sir. Peamsn'a A tinlesi eVeO I,OIM at t tee say. the testimony in the rase i'.. prase them to the conclualon _ tbat some Mlle:at , and .Aidenrhatretation,existed . between Mr: Naciamund lill T • prinfipal puttee invidiadl.irld'ilia' 'Wire not line; t! , ~,„ . the. action:end ltd .... • " ; t , ~ . ~ , PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. TIABRIEBURCI, Feb. 2S, .1880 BENA.TJS ?be Senate mot at $ P. M 3 The Fpeaker presented the annual reports of iie iloure of Refuge end . Northam Home for Friendleas Children. &Jr FISIRY introduced a bill relative to roles of real earitte by order of the Orpbana' Cootie., The bill wee totem up and parsed. • Mr. Poeornu.n t ft bill relative to publishing the opin ion of thoiguireme Court In certain eases. Mr. Thant', rue' relstve to challenging Jurors In °lllness!, - Tin following bills reefs pteeed : • TO incorporate tho Pert ICeunedy Itallroo4 of Mont goinory couoly • . - Ro 794{169 the number of eiTtotoit of the American leffitntl latursoot Companr of Philtdelphte. lkfter pelelog a number of privets bills the &mete aljourned., *he lions° met at 3 P 7 di: t beirg_cesltion day, a large number ware presented, tesans:lo VASA and HA unt:va presented retl2ollotraaoms against the pa esoze at the supplement to the German. two Passenger Rahway. - Metiers, Ignali, ' Titotttr. nod PWITII prisentolt iemort- Witanees against the Green mad /hates-streets topple. went. , -• • ' Sir. RAMtioriumr presented remonstrancea from dil -les reselltm in 'the Bevebth and ltighth Precinct'. of 1 i eVerehty. that ward, gt . gelcalt A change in the manner o electfog Orereoors of 'the Poor of said p_ ': ot}mr redittots. '', iM ,T orera,WOßN and nARDING •petittora for w tow pro migroos from coining into the State hlriCunnoti, from the Committee on Corporations, tportelf a tell, as committed, supplementary to the act nsollda leg the city of Philadelphia, r! Thin bill empowerg the Deceiver of rT axes to refund. attain money. • , A large number of bills were read in place. , . -.!.. The 'Motu., reoonsiderttd the resolution to-adjourn 'Sine due on the 15th of March:and:whilst the resole-, AOrt was again pending wit adjournment iraw Itti4. ' " ' • • ,^r - . • t General - CullotliN' ~ ,V iitii4INGTON, Feb. 28 —The aelect cotritnittoe, ext.• fitted at the tact eecciou to exconitie the Cocooned cod oduot of Gen. Co l'out; former clorkor the TIMISO, Olt him °fa.) , corruption or dishoneety'in the dincherge air bie duties .They hero repotted the facie cooneeted ,iirlat every thergo ott:totculaatioa, twee found worth y of attention. ha lotus cases the committee thought that more eytt tainht, hive(' boon exerolned, but itnto 'mounted to no eudro thotiii failure to Correct pee• lex:eting awes. The Nt earner I.l.laek,Warrif.4'. . _ • _ NM" Orir.• Yeit 21.—The steamer Blmok Warrior still Iles in an exposed situation, qud WVI.go, to, pieeetl A lame quantity or her serge wee brought ashore., yester day. at linotawny. , The holler abed to the siesta pumps on beard the mtetwor eWalnded yosteriv, dentolfehing the upper dealt and seriously injuring the engineer, • • ,Later front Kai, blier Tonic. Fel. 2 —divines r. qua. Rio de Janeiro hirre been receivpd to the 18th or rebruery, A. treaty hex been signet between Brazil, the Oriental Itrpubitt, end the Arptitire Confede , stion wbtch, it in cuppi.e,d. 1e to ear, only the Intrgrity e t the la.ter. enneequenily, o•ntemplaten ,the roototation or Buenos dyris thereto, by force of acme. Weather Reports. W4BIIINOTON, Feb 2 —The weather reports received to'd•y describe the weather as Meer end grringlike as for South es Wilmington, North Oa,oii From S9i2• mingtort to Mobile it 'swarm and olond.r. sod at wheel ing 1%.1 Oino'nn , ti eleer met cool The average tem perature in Hfty.three degrees, and the preventing wind 8 8 IL irroku ijavrinit. ' CEURLP.BIO,I. Vb. 28 — ) L'he steamship lanbel, from Havana, has arrived. Her mimes have bass satlolpa ted by yrevionn arrivals et Now York. The Black Warrior. Now Yonc, lleb 28.—The ateavashlp Black Witcrtor II reported to baya gono to Mooed. Burning of the Utica Theatre. ThereA, N. Y.. Feb 28 —The theatre Iraq destroyed by Ore lent night, taroWog a loss of $lB,OOO. New York Bank Statement. ' New 'Sloan Yeb 23 —Tbe Dark Atate , reot for the we•k ending Saturday aiblbits: A decrease in Loons IC Circulation Net deposits An litoreare In spools, Iklitikkets by Tdegragit. CHARIAOTraf, Feb. 28.—Cottou—Sales of 8,700 bales on Saturday ; the previous advance In prices WAN =de tained ft er-tanstr, Feb 28:—Cotton quiet but steady ;' 010 bales NON. Mob Mt, Bob 24. , •FrIdayfa Market—flairs of 2,000 bales at 1014 for middlinge. Soles of the week. 14,000 .bales. Receipts 19 000 bdes. against 22 809 bolos re 'calved the corm poodinir week lest year. Receipts thus tar ahead et latt 193,000 Wet in port 1r03,001 • &duffers Market —Sales of 7,001 bales at to'; ut Ilc There sea better feeling in the milted Beeriarems. Feb 28.—Flour unchanged —Wherfa Orm at St 021.60 for white. Corn buoyant at na.786 for white and yellow. Provneons Cud. Whiskey nu 011 411 11 00, Coffee Um at 11, 4 4 e for Rio °MCINNIS', Feb. 28 —Flou buoyant—there is an settee emulative demand ; Wes of 2 140 bbls to-day at 113 flOrs6 70. Whiskey in arm at 20,N0 Provisions quiet; Raoon—sales of it 0,000 the of aides at SX 49,0 Feb. 29.-9alos of 1,000 bales to-day at uncb fanged prices. Pa voNAAII , Fob, 08,—(lotion unchanged; 118161 of 1 860 bales. Augusta, Fob. 28 —Ocitea firm, sod adtacein. BURNING OF THE STEAMER "PRINCESS:, Two Hundred Persons Lost or lasing. A 14 - 6.11011 :NUMBER OF LADIF3 PAaSENOUS Ntimes.of.lloree of the Killed - _ tiner- Oat* :Peb. RB.—The steamer Pelmets, from Violtebuik, for New Orleans, exploded her boiler, and Wig burned to The water's edge, on panday morning, at onradia Point, near Baton Route. Four hundred peseengere were aboard, of which number about two hundred were either lost or are mfaelog: The paesengere were mosillf reeldenls of Louisiana and allrefeelppl. ' There wore a large number of ladles aboard, filling the Witte , and half of the geotlemen% cabin. - Amnrg the Wed are '•-• 7. W. Seymour, of Baton Rouge. Calhoun, of Maysville, IC,. U. B. Murphy, St Louis J. J. flodges, of bllssiesipPi. The pilot or the l• Pr noose? , • The assistant engineer of the lr Princess," and three persona whose names are unknown. • lfleBlleo. • • Charles Bauniseer and L. lloivard, Members of the State Lecielainre. from New Orleans. Joseph 0 ark, secant Clerk of the Princess. • Samuel Walton, of Virginia. , No other Northern or Emternnameshave yet been as. eeealned. A large number of the paesengers were b slily scalded, or &herniae id med. The hoot and her cargo are a total loss The "Princeee” was one of the finest steamers on the river. From Kansas—New Gold Discoveries. BT. Lours, Feb. 27.—The Leavenworth Times has rdvfeen from Denver City to the 2d Indent New and valuable dorooverles of gold are reported on the 17t,. goon Fork, ten miles from Denver. Claim ere being rapidly taken up. Large armelaions to the population are nonetantly flaming from California, Mat, and New , The winter baa been very mild. The Indians 'ere elemental, bat continue peaceable. Public Aniuseineuts.' WALNUT-111MT TITSAVis —Agnes Robertson ap peared here, last night, as Violet in BoreicanWe drama The Life of en doirese," In which the author-aotor , himself contained the part of Grimaldi. In.thle play, 'which le written with wonderful skill, and with every 'otte.ed word having a definite =lesion, Agnes Ro. 'bertson performs with such rttrprising tact and talent, 'that we sometimes almost th . oright hers woman of ge nius. She le mach better—she is a woman at sense, and shows It by the manner in which she performs Tier voice, though not strong, ,le clear, musieal, and thrilling; her action is never exaggerated her, pathos Is irresistible. No actor now on the board. could perform the' part of Grimaldi eo well as 'Boum'. earth. Ire Is an excellent French echolar, 'and bin stage.Prenchroan in portent. - The piece was very eneoessfal, and these two stare) who made it so may, confidently calculate upon crowded homier' during their engagement. That Mr. Reach ebould do amplest jus tice to the part of Lord Arthur, Is only what we ex pected tremble ability and intelligenee ; but we were agreeably surprised by Mr. Bascomb s s Selwyn, which *SS positively very good. Rim drunken scene was capital. ABOII4ITEUT Tdiaras.—Not being able to be " th two places at one time," like Sir Boyle Itoehe's bird s we d'd oot see ' , Macbeth" at this theatre last night. We aro Informed that Mr. and are: Walla , * played very well to a fall bonne. NATIONAL OIROCrO —Last night being the Awn of,Dan Rioe'e appearance, the National °irons was crowded from parquet to ceiling. 'Every seat was occupied, and a couple or hundred spectators had to put Up with standing places. A new work of fiction, including a series of original stories, from the pen of Dr. R. Shelton Maokenzie, the well-known author of various popular works, is announced as being nearly ready for publication. The numerous readers of his volumes will look for it with interest. —Now York Tribune. DAUPHIN AND Sosonaizaamt . Com. COMPANY Betz' to-day at 12 o'olook, M., at the Exchange, by M. Thomas & Bone, by order of the trustees. MEETING OP TEE BOARD ofTlzADE.—Tbis bad) , held a meeting last evening, at their room in Chestnut street, above Pifth. "In the absence of the president, Ur. Morton, 'Moe 'president, 'occupied the chair. . - 'The minutes of the last meetleg were read sod &looted, Thor" being on new business beforo the body, in so.' ewer to soma _questions .o? George ,Busby, , Esti, the' saeritary reported the program of the annual report of tie Board, which is now being published: One hundred and twenty pages hove been pripted It is anticipated that the report will show a much larger amount or foreign and coaster's oomnieree than banally credited t hut part. - „ Mr. Busby stated that it was the intention of connect mir Phdadelphis Importers to proceed to England, to endeavor to re.esteblish two Bummer* on • European line wish this port. - Thu Ides willbe tone& faeliGattel bi the publication of full 'Gaieties or the vast trade of the ter; of Ebiladelpsia. The Meeting sdlourned shortly before nine &Gluck. - RETURN or-A .Fuarrnrg.—llermante Lon genberger and Geiger are both Germans, Cud te. c , ntly ware employed together In a brewery in this city. Last Valey night, as is alleged. Germano "tole a portmonnale, containing $6123: from Geiger, and fled to Now Ton t with the money Ofiger followed in pri• snit, sod. on Sttsdar Mernieg. while on the look.out,' discovered the rusitiee tusking for a steamer lying in one of the docks vela by. Geiger followed .in parsult, and, raining an. alarm, eaneed lanigineberger to' be ar rested he Officer lierrlich. On the prieoner,wat found some $B6 of the supposed stolen money, In the portmon nate elalmed by Geiger The pHeoner protested hie Innocence, and expreped a willingness to return io Pnitenelphis.- se, wee accordingly- taken by Ottloer lierrltch, who yesterday' ccompanied him back to this city. .sos....brs.w.X.wornir. 4 -4;srlietiog- of the .aim of the.kbztesoth and Bfghteestb, words yras Lela Ist erevErgoari a -sr , aorta were rates for the formation of a !MR steam Elm engine onwpany The nt 'whine in to be locat•d some. whets in the eastern portion of the oily, - - krTis , ' HALL OF Tl l / 1 ,SO2lB _OW MALTA.--The noir hell of the Bons of Malts, at Tepth sod Obestont streots, aae, last'eweniog, throwiopett for - the losprkk tiou of the'poblio About five hundred of our °Mew toiled therneylaes of the opportunity of vapo,lipg the beauties of the hell, the greater part of whom were .Isdies. ifosexTer. airm.—A man named Patrick Pox was run over in Little wa.htegton e'reet, yeeter• day afternoon, and bad , hie right-arm fractured. Be wee taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. THE COURTS YESTZTIDAY'S Plioolllllll3llll ['Riposted for The Previa I.IPREIIO COURT—Chief - Jdande Lowrie, 3'i:tattoos Woodward, Thompson. and B..:rolf—ifilliou ,a. 'Wright Judgment affirmed and record remitted. --Belt v.. Ferguson. Error to - the Common Pleas of Philadelphia. Decree 'affirmed and retard remitted, .Tecr.b etlardas , a appeal from the Common Pleas of Philadelphia. Decree affirmed with costa of am): lent. Hank of the N. L., plaintilt in, error, vo. Thomas /leotard, to the use of Wm H. Blair, defendant to or r:,r. Error to the Mettle! of Philadelphia. Judgment all Dined Nisi Purirs-:Judge: 'case's:it Uhler re. Sanderson, before reported, was rimmed yea: torday muddies— thozght that it will mouppllOVll rat days yet: I r rr. cyr The esee'SVltetieltiß'lilleikeouileted tterroitat, We - e argiied oa s motion for new - trial , bet-re !Judges ThOmpeon and Ludlow, The. cosi, bell) the matter un. den at • _ . . . UNITED STATEN DISTRICT COURT—Judge Cytwalader..Jury brittle were commenced in this coati yrs terday.f The di e t ctiti take WO I hat! efl ohn Swath, Mate of the shifflehn Fraalee, charged wittrernelly beating James Campbell a seaman. This case was heard borers the Cnited,etatee clemptiltsioner, a short time slnne,when thecttentostereeeeor'ths sae were given. ' Campbell was in the -est of laLhing the foreaenttle, when the mate Cefile to him end asked biro what be wan picking bla teeth.rer. „Theaeanten,walved, a renly, which did not pleads the mete, when hotels - ad the man by the held and Wan to klekbgailmtheiseit: At the same time the mate's' dog caught the men, and leset•ated him severyly . In several parte 'of the body. apPaitrince -row, atter -the --lap.crof several ,week , ,, shows the L terrlble nature .ofithe:buthaar. &The' defense will be thetethe marestruch tbe Mate bah:melte' wee etruek - iguAkYkk SESSIONS—A:Iga istritlOWit—Thig morning Thomas W. North' P.citienk Oi nee eyi and'clutr:as Herten were &ton ititeirleitli . barge Of earaultirmCgdoes Itebinsim,mfAhleliatmrsi„ di 9 teat pore°. .The ofiLise 14111tIllgi quit oh r afternbon, he law the , "deresdeints et,d ‘Otbeni-in a mold M Peprth,44,l4 Bhlppen!kttept4 i end %lug druok kedfilsorderly, he ordSred tha etowd to disperse. Thee refriaed.tii go, and-North, better known-as'. Big phooks," mid, the pincer wee not.-nien eneugh to.tals him Th e 4hebrderly 'mod not POntinisirg - • arrested, " and the others attempted to rescue hint Hs was struck by Ninth, and the others pulled and dressed at hint_ getting him away:- , White, known or Whitehead Bob," nee afterwards arrested and talon from The . _ , New York Stock tosoix _)000 vilvitera , Ng 60 0 'rano ifx 'OO 00 10030 bilmnrl as Kg 0 Onnab P , Cd 4 Pacitla Moil Co 78X iOONY Oan It 650 s' l 100 do 104 000 do EOX :301 do 6CO Fox out) do 610 80x 400 do 63 80X 250 do 63 80% 100 Union R R 83 400 210riezo 66 Pad 40% 1 , 0 1110 h OMB 190 fog 160 do 180 62% 200 do 62x PHIL ADELPHI & OAT 2LE MARXIST, Feb. 28. The market for Beef 0-,ttle presents no new feature ; the arrivals continue moderate, in all about 195 head, all of which have boon diposed of at fatly previous prices. The following are the partloulare of the sales atthe differeat yards to.day 2.5 Masterson &. Ilershlre. at $9 50310 25. ' 13 J. Kauffman, Lancaster county, $9 25010 26. 10 Blase & On , Lano4ster county, 29010. 24 Pronto, Ohio WO. 52 .1. Sm th & Co., Virginia; $lO 60m11. 14 Read, Backe comity, $9 10 re 0 95 34 T. Strickland Virginia, $9OlO. 'lo J. Gann Ohio, SlOalti 25. :4 013.-k Ohio 0 , 00,20.50 so A Kennedy Oheatar county, 59010 50. 15 Coates & Trainor, Chaster county, 0801010. 4.1 J. Abrahams Ohio. 29010 17 0.91 Shier Otdo, 29010 70 Mooney, AL.Quald; & Co . Obbe, 29010.60. 16 Shelby, Coveter count', sBm9 25 . II 0 Baldwin, Cheater county $9 60010 50. 13 It Neely. Cheater county, 29010 60 04 G. Adams. Ohio, 29010. 29 Kimble & Kirk, Cheter county. $ l O3ll. 17 B. & L Chandler. Chatter county, $901076, 60 Soots & Kimble, Chester county, .29010 76 23'11. Witm.r, Lascaater county, ts 80010 10. 67 J 111 siiien, Chester counts, 19 60010 60. 14 W Alexander Cheater county, $9 50010 75 27 McCall & Cochran, Lancaster county. $9OlO. 50 McCall & Cochran. Virginia. 20010 50 95 J. Enox L =eater conuty. 200.0 25 44 0. Morally, Virginia. 60, Oen' extra. 10 A Graff, Lancaster county $5OlO 50. 40 8 31.11er. Lancaster county. $4OlO 25. 60 McClung. Virginia. 99;10 55 27 R. Seldomndge, Ohio, $9OOlO 26. Abaft 6 000 Sheep were offered sal soli at Wardellia at from 54 to $b each, as to condition, equal to 90.100 , 1P lb dressed. Cows and calves wore dull, and only about 209 have been sold at $B3 to $lO for feesh Cows; $2O to $3O for second quality do, and $l5 to $lO for dry Cows. . . • $1,810.00D , , , 10,0 0 •• • 820,000 „.. 125,000 Hoge—The arriTals at Phillips , were 1,050 fat Hoge, Rolling it froio $8 to $0 $p 100 lbe net, mall in pro portion. , EZIEMI 'rehange, Feb. 28. 1:4011i. i , :,s j A , 1 mSzLiCt, s Ciniud.'boo - 48k•- NO do : elO,-481( Vro do '4Bk 100 do 0 48% 100 Ohl° & R I R , 10 C2l( 200 do ' b3O '62l{ 60 Reading R 60 60 Panama It 117 176 do 117 k .800 do WO Mk [IRO Gal & Ohio It TON 100 do hno 70k 60 do eBO 70% 8(0 d , 71 9 f 00 Ole. & Tol R 80 200 do 000 83% 1101 do 90k FlNAsol4tio-ANIk, COMMERCIAL. The *ones Market. PHILA . 1)1441111, Bab. R 8,1869. , The linslnela at the Stook lxoted continues to be rery small,: and the iopsratione 'iteenalative stooks are chiefly ()endued to the brokers themselves Reading Railroad" shares opened at 24), and advanced to 29 tablet %Ina sold at X ; Little Boheylkill Railroad at 233 c; Lehigh Bodo at tB%; North Pennsylvania Rail road Stook at 9g, the six-per -cent. bonds at (Tx, and the ten-per-cent. bonds at trtg ; Pennsylvania fives at City sixes at 99X ; Pennsylvania Rallrnad Brat mortgage elgea at 101X3 Anion Canal sixes at sot ; Chicago construction Reverts at e 4; bUnebull Rail road, 99); ;„ileoond and Third-streets Passenger Rail road eevens at 9IX. m d o g i gglegvnornlP ils 4a 4platigat4 s sV.', ,i0g0, 4 4i71.4 fet qaPiqril g : : • : tr..? • r V W 6 RVoSPPPY , - 4 P o.ootig VolSoBo oo • . . m .... 1......(5,0a" 5pte . ..-....L ,, -* ~....wo-rta=CtaM.SlU rliritEErrsgFitli c iatfEltil wm.m 5 ...i,.....,:ttwgp A' g guilthsteggilWrE, .o,Apw.a.l.4coM 6,01. 1 I r gml..w.M.o.B....."gr=godi g . c.....-4,.........p.0 t-4,-45433-u -1 . R e 6-6- - --- 5° wg; .=, --......- Q.s.-..0N pomwox.weatV477,B2g '4 - g'mwnvgfsa;ftgeitha 1 • , 0 • - :4 .. .. .... ..ld ~1 1.2.00MA....62.30,.. , 5pi.c0pMp0 , .90p,..0.1.m.... .t 1 lii> Ifi: ';4l - Wwwerto -V, ...ge- t s....SIMVIBIII B e ... . ........ . . • The tank statement presents the following eomparl• eon in Re aggregitera with that of test Week ehowing a decrease in all the princip 4 Items : Feb 21: Feb. 28. Capital stook 211,589.469 $11,589,485..1n. 25 Leans 26 574,418 26,609,977.; De. 64,441 Specie • ' 6 107,668 5,982 201..1)e. 85.401 Dee fao other Bke. 1445,154 1,455.485..Trt. 10,331 Due to alumni.. 3,964,090 4 02 6 ,1151..1n. 122 Sal Deposits 16,129 610 16 . 0 1 2 , 7 65..De.116,845 Circulation 2,782,792 2,778,252.. De. 4,540 The weekly report of the bnaineas of the Philadel phia Clearing House, farniabed by George E. Arnold - , Esq., the manager, is SS follows • , , Clearings. We:tees paid. Feb. 21at 3 835 019 11 228,606 67 " 224 8 M 33,108.62 184,843 24 " 234 - 2 760.004 fel * 161.862 28 24th ' ' 2 922,984 fif . 182.222 11 ~ 25th 2.521,798 39 143,935 14 ~ 26th - 2442,997 85 190,093 73 $17,066,907.40 41,091,083 11 Statement of depoalta and coinage at The Mint of the Tinlted States, Philadelphia, daring the, month of Pe brnary,ll369 : , GOLD MILLION DEPOSITEp. TENS. - prom California " 861.778 46 Qther spousal ' 31,876 84 Total Gold deposits ' stuviva BULLION DIPOBI7SD, 'lncluding silver-purchases - sou& oo Spaniel' and Mexican fractions of a dollar received for exchange for new crate. Total Silver $77,(160.00 Copper isente tO B.) readied for 'melange - 70r now cents Total deposits 001NAGIBIXRCIIIVID GOLD. . benononation. ~ ' No. of Pietes. Yalu.... Battles " ' 8.398 fa 980 Timor. Dollars 9,381 28;173 Quarter Eights ' 24.513 ' 61.295 Dollars. 2163$ 24,585 Total $61,84.1 2141,983 Wale Dollars Qiisr;or D011ar...... .. ......$500,000 6127,000 COPPSA 2,700 OCO ASO/PITO AVON. Gold Coinage 201.242 , $347.983 Silver " 408,000 127 010 Copper " ' 2,700.000 27,000 Total 8167,842 The operations of the United States Bearish Mist in Bin Francisco, for the month of January, result as follows : Gold deposit', 020..86,944 20 .... e.... 5680.710 83 Gold coinage, p1ece5,,,50,040,.... Value.... 000,000 CO The exports of tree'ure from Ban Francisco, daring the month of January, this year, wino u follows : - • To New York - 22.101.679 To Boalend.... To 0ni05...... To New Orleans To Panama - ' 775 652 505 277 331 007 21171 Vi Sandwich Nude "Eltioites t!,-"e - z3teety;l64ii" Differeoce in favor of 1858 5180,822 According to the custom-house tables, the import en. tries at the port of New York . for the seven months of The crovent Treaeury year, to the Blot of January, 8109.087,000 10,23 e 802 swim:toted t 0.... add four wool's In Bo Tote] Knee July 1 $129,21.1..09 Fame time in 1858 118,891480 Increase Orme ;ul..i . 2 $10 . ,819 879 The met= house returns of the eipott ctaiienele or domestic produce sod miscellaneous gnode from New York, (lnoluling forelifd ertiolea re•ezported.) from July Ito Jan '3l ore -, ' 132,030 000 Aid four weeks to February 3 983,28 t . . Toil! shoo July 1 same time Met year..•• , Decrease this year $7,948,889 The same tables make Ole export cf apeole from New York to Jan 31 $14,947 000 e.d4 four weeks in Bely!Lary 2 840,02 Total since J uly 1 Same Um° last year Decrease since July We ere informed by telegraph that the f shish Itsßroad brouebt down lentils, weekending gigards7, evenlog,'tlati 26th Inst., 32,14 tons of Coal, asainst 6 64 6 tune for 1•e aorrestoondlog week. lest yeer ;,,belog an Increase this me •snit ; thus far, of 34 242 tone. Of the last montble, return of the Bank of-France, tbe;London Mitt remark's : " " " I “tTpe monthly balaueasheat of the Batik' of France, • . 'netblishad this morning, show' no material alteration In the bullion. which hen merely whetted a further decrease of ..£72,t00. The total now. held ,In a little tinder 121.000.000. The notes in circulation ha% de °missed, vast) op,- the , Treasury balances £228 600, the advances on renter 1074 000, end the advances on sharsurl2oo,ooo 'The dlicouats again ',bow milmOrpiule of 1915.000, and the deposits of the yobbo, which last mouth Increased £7,869,000, mereot a further angtoen• tation of £2,000,000." " ' • - PUILABALP.BIA :8T0 4 211 IeXCUANBIII .BALI?, , • •Ifebtuary 24 r 1650. , iti&telt; mow", & 007, iment.elove, /?opt, attettanOt neonate, )102141Willni Tian 4WD Ville7llll . STMTS. _ , 7/RBI . IIOARTi.: I !Maud - ft b 5 wit.2474 200— do - 247 300 .; 89 • ...05ah".2134 Ira _do - . 247 • 50 do 5 Cydpolidatloa 8k...28X' 13 do 4 do- .28X • -'6'l3otadoniealth 8k.22X 70 Lehigh Sorip 28X 32 Sum% Gum/ '3h; - 14 Littie Sett B - 28% '8 ' d 0.2.836" 82 la'oya: . It% .6 Phil Book Ul% 18 N.Peana ..... 1000 Penon,Sc. - , 8000 • 410 -07 • 111006 nortneky I'o3 16"miro 0be,t100.71 1000 N Penn& 6.1.....67g „loco do -07 kt 660 do 07.4 1030 Pennon Rding 0493 1010 do • 93 50017 PponentOe'obo4,4 600 2d di 8d St 147e..0131 10[0 Read 5id.. , 70,1350n83 -1100 Pt WkOhloOop7i• et 7014 do ' 64' 12 Penee.R, eati.43 0 do ....43 1 01 Lehigh Zino. ...• • • X 10 3 0 Leh vai eoeh.. 42 - I.olleid R. 65 24N , txrnit4 20 need R - ev018.247‘ 10 Snaerican Piro Ins. 85 , 8310017111 10p 0 'pennabs,croc0.65.£3 10Kr City 6s, .11...00th.991‘ 1400 do . 093( 500 do 991( 700 do In lots.llX 1000 Rob, Nov 6 9 e, 5 83 . 72x 3090 Read 1468 no 65 83 10 0 Perms/Ist ret6e 10t Jl 1001 do • 101,41 100.1 Union Oen Be .05.31)6 OLOIRIG P Bid. Asked. II 8 6'e '74 ,BOAADS. Bork. 45X YOOO PaVec.Chlo Cop . /B.dt - , o Girard 800k...-..121( 2N Penn. 1' 43 43 I do 48)( 2 MinehM B 119% 12 , 'do ' • • 59)( 15 °atom - 1m $ 6 300 do iSM 55 Oomre Bk lots,bs 22)( 011B—VIRId. Bid-Asked &311 Nay Imp. 65..76,1( 77 Bah Nay Stook... 10' do Pref 18% 19 Wcaapit Illna B. 9 '9% do 75160 mtg... 70 do 2d (6 Long bland 1l Girard Bank 12% 12% Wiens] .k.Nay...99% 61 Lehigh 8az1p.....28% 29 . N Penn& B 9% 9% do ea 67% New Creek X Catawius 1t.... 6 6% Lehigh IX Philo re 997( 997( do 8..... 997( 997{ do New.. 103 1037 Penne 8e.........92 9.: W reading B. 747 25 do ads '70..82W I 3 do Mtg 92W do do 1 80.72 W 73 Peron IL 48 48% do letm .. 1013 do 2dm 93 Mor 01 On Dv off 47,W 47W do Pref lub 105% &hull Nov 84'82.72% 73 Philadelphia Markets. rgEittfAßY ?8-Evening There is no change In the Flour market today, and holders are Arm in their views, with some little in. (miry for export. but the Saierl are =idly tom:tools the wants of the trade at VS for spondee, 06 dartil 60 for extra, and Val 60 for fancy brands, according to quell -1.1% most holders sating 60 for ateodard brands Corn Meal is dull, and Nuesylvania Meal to offered at $3.62g bbl. Rye Flour is he dat $1.20; brit little or none selling Wheat la coerce, but the demand le limited at the present high rates, with small Bales only to ro.te. at ladl6oc for red, and 160 ml7oo for white ; 1.200 bun of the former sold at a private bargain. Rye is wanted, and Pennsylvania is selling at 00n Corn is in good de maid, and about 2,600 bus yellow sold at 610, meetly afloat. Oats are in steady demand; 4 000 bat told at 63,4 o for Delaware, and 56c for Penne, the latter an advance. Pink is dull ; / Queroltron in held at $33 4' ton. Cotter is held firmly,,bat the demand is limited owing to Mb difference in the views of buyers and sellers. Groceries—Bugs! and Mellows are arriving more free• ly,, and theie is a moe.orete businese doing t preview' guotatioos; Coffee 1a scarce, and there is little or no st , ok in Oral bands, PIM 41`08 are held firmly, but there le very little doing in the way of sales. Seed's— Oloverseed is wanted at $0 60, bet holde•a ask more, and the only sale we bear of le 100 bushels recleaned good, from nand bandit, at 07 60 4' bushel. No Ishii of Timothy or Flaxseed. Whiskey Is unchanged ; 100 Reston bble sold at 270, Ohio 2Se, and drudge 26,4 a gallon, , MOM S .EIOI Tar PEastsfeireniC , MAiiii/ACTITEUreI Saponlaer, qr , Coneantrated Lfe, swam its reputation to its irodnefttg, in , opnieetton with grease, the very beat kind of fluips „ , , puled ihrougti. tempestuclul A brilliant, trembling Narthern Light; Throtigh after years beehives trim far, - aged, arteettiag Polar Stare. - Pointing unerringly to the ' l6 Old irinklin Hall Clothing Emporium , ' of EL H. Eldridge, No 1121. Chest. nut street. - • -1 • ' • • Lonn'g Bra letitnre of the mmiand 80111118 will be deliTered at Haidel and'Hayda Han, Ulla eve ning. Tee Cifiesuiseas of the'UntOd States Witte travails .coorpoos. ii,anufsatoso are sppreersted by everybody.' - They are preferred to these *Per _t!ii." A. P. - Ruud ',fc Co., tOS Market street,,ate the spats for it , Fos this year's Campaign, A. F. Hazard t CO., 608 Market street, have secured a large stock of genuine Catawba Brandy distilfed from grapes groan on the estate of Mi Lyon of Ohio. - AnurvAt, dicD DEPABTURO OT SUIT); O'BRISK.— Wm Smith O'Brien, the Irish patritt, arrived in this city on Sunday night lir O'Brien, with amodeety that does him credit, declined all offers of apablio reception preferring to travel In 11, private manner. The prineipti Wen of hie visit here Is nntierstood to be to prams for himself one of those famous suite, from the Brion Stone Clothing Hall of Brolibill & Wlleou , Nos. 608 and 603 Chestnut street, above Sixth. ,~ g Ca THE ITALIA' EXILNO, Sea by King Bomb& W . Americo, will soon irire. If they take our adritu they wilt at once settle .down quietly to 113024 metal ootupstion, content to wear the elegant and bi-. coming garments of Grenville SWIGS, the fsthlonsble elothier, No. 607 Chestnut street, and not aspire to become political lesdere and touchers of Republiosnisra In their newly .itidoptedu home. Soft, Glossy ' - Luxuriant Halo l—Oar fair 'readers who ctriets beautiful head of waving meets. should try PULES HAVEL'S EAU LIISTRALE HAIR RESTORER; Its nee eleanees the hair, imparts to it a delicate softness and brilliannY, inclines to curl, and yielda to it Hie delielotie fragrance of &were. Sold by - all' druggists, - and by JULES BAUM, CO., No. 701 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. fend: i r 4 ygl 5. . ~1 g F., C : • • compound of Cocos-mist 014 &e.; for dreaming the 'Mfr. Yor effionoy and &wealth/caw, fife Meant An aqua. It prevents the hair from fatting off. It promotes its healthy and oigOrosts growth. It is noescreasy or sticky. ' It leaves no disagreeable oder'. It softens the hair whets hard and dry. - It soothes the imitated Scalp skim it affords the richest /stake. It retrofits longest in effect. It costs fifty cents for a half pint bott/i. ET Masses. X. Bortgiev/t CO. t I cannot refuse to Mate the salutary great in myoWn aggravated ease of your excellent Hair 011- - -(oeoostiae.) r , - - - For many month, my hair had been falling off, until „ X was fearful of leak it entirely.. The skin -upon my - heed blooms gradually more and more inflamed; so that I could not touch it without pain. This Irritated as; dition I attributed to the me of various advertisedhair washes, which I have efface been'told *contain ealipleeee spirit. By the advise of my playsielan, to wham you had shown your process of purifying tie 011, I oommeneed its use the last week In June. The first applioatlonal. leyed the nothing and irritation • in three or four days the redness and tenderness dlsseeared,-thelialr ceased - to fall, end I have now I thick growth Of. new - I trust that othere, - attlisted, will be 4, 114 0. X o ilr7 tn 4 darns rer ll Y! • • Yours, Tay 'truly, 180,150 00 17,P116 00 8,216 oo 5281,096 00 anr. A 'lngle application readout the hair (two matter how dig and'dry) *oft and glossy for woveral days. 2 t to conceded by aU who have need it to be as boas sad cheapest Bair preseiNi its Ito World." • Prepared ly BIIRNIITT & CO., Barton. - ID - for ludo by dealan gensrally . at YlltY Bottle. jalf-dttol - Farrel, Herring, t c 0.," ' IRON BAPS WARNIIOUBI. Dr • D•otland , s Celebrated' GAIBMANRIPPERS, ?AHMED HY • D. O. M. SLCSIKM4',.•2IIXL&DELPEIIA, PA., MW9 WILL 131 , 3020 ALLY COB 3 - 1- • • • TIVP WORP)ENIA, JATINDION, 'Chronic or lyerepas Dep,iikty, - .llirsiares - op the Ara nsyst avid all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stcmach. to Uonetips• tton, lonia Piles, Bleu, or Blood to the Heed, Acidity of the Ina:Stoll. • Bfesittorn, Dirgdat for BoolA, Fulness or weight in the Stomach. BoarEttto tattoos, Btoktoir, or Flattering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming et the Bead, Berried sod de. Suitt Breathiog, fluttering atthe Heart, Choking or - Solt eat rig Sensations whentn • lying Poe istre„Dltssneo of Ttsion Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fero? and • Dull Pain, in the "Stead, Defloienoyin ration, Yellowness of the Skin and ,Ples, Pain the Side, Bask, Ohm*, Limbs, deo., Boddie' ifinebeinf Neat, - Barrens in the Plash, Con. allot Im.ginings of • Evil, and great Deprese'on or Spirits. A OLEIIII7-31ASPEI : .. $3B 048 284 4-4M,123 $18,287,8'2 80448092 The Rev. Thomas Winter, P 58400114 Bolbarrtigh ,-, :i Baptibt Church, adds Ills terilmooy to the etteloy of - that great remedy for Dysperais, Lifer Comglalst,- Nervona - Dobility, /to , HOOPLANIMGER3OS BIT- . WIN - Da. Id. 7Sorion,z.;Diar Sir : I Ail' due - to yore excellent priparation, /loolland+s fiermen Bitters, to edd my testimony to the demerved reputation it has 014faad. I lievb for `years, at'timeiyheen troubled with great dirmder io my bead and nervous eystom.', isms advised by a friend to try a bottle of your German Bitten!. I did se, and have experiesieta treat and eft expsetsd retirf, My health bier been very materially benefited. - I - confidently recommend the artielerwhen I - meet with cases similar to my own, and have been assured by many of their good effect!: Respeotfully yours, T: 'WINTER. The Bitters ea be had of Droaghita througluart the country, and of the proprietors. Dr. C. M. ;ACUSON & ARV fitreet;fitilsdelphia.!' fe2616.t-Wlt-' Sewing Machinee.—enynes Inapreeid VOUBLV.TIIIMAD, warranted equal to any one hnn.. dred•dollar machine In the market. PEICE TEtIIiTT DOLLAIIB. • No elle a...ked to purcbase until they are satiated to Its performance. - L. 8. RAYMOND., Agent, 001C0 at the Howie-faraithlikii store of John 4. Mar phey & Co., No. 92.2 CHESTNUT Street. fe23.l.ia A New Article. Phalan & Bon's 00001110 for the Ifni,. Pilelon & Son's Cot:due for the Hair. Phalan & Bon% Coooine for the Hair. Best and Cheapest Article Best and Cheapest Article For !heating, Beautifeing, Cleaning, For Dresalrg, Beautifying, Cleaning, For Proofing, Baantitying, Cleaning, Curling, Preserving, and -and /nautili for i'h4lork tc 8on!a Cocaine. Inquire failea k BOLI'd Cocaine. For sale by all Jobbers, Druggists, and Fanoy Goods In the emery part of the United States. Wholesale and Retail Depot, - Nos 517, 497, and 197 BROADWAY, New Yolk. T. B. PEI'BRZON & BROS., No. 808 DUMMY Street, Wholesale Agents. Sewing hischines.—All persons who have been induced to boy Sewing Machines which will not perform the work that purchasers expected theist to do, are Informed that BINOEII'B Id &CHI ~ , N 8 never fail to do any kind of work. No one lawyer disappointed in these hisoblnes. I. lif :BINGER & CO., ja27-Bux 602 OETSSTNI3T Street. Seamen's Saving Fond—Nerthwcat Corner of SEOOND and WALNUT Streets. Deposits received in small and large amounts, from all clams of the community, and allow' interest at the rate of Ave per cent. per annum. Money may be drawn by cheeks wither:4 lam of iota net. ONCe open daily, from 9 until b o'elock, and on Sion- . day and Saturday until CI In the evening. President, Franklin Pell; Treasurer and Secretary, eludes IL Morris. Sinter+■ Sewing Machines:—The new Famt -17 hewing Mulattos, at OD and 575, are attracting uni versal attention. In all essential good qualities they axe ninedi the beet bizobinea erer offend at a low pica T. M. SINGER & ggt nt4MTNIIT fittest. Sealing Machines --.Ps ants Patent Double- TIIREA D B&WINQ 6ROBINEB, herhog anew patent hammer attached, that tarns any else of ham or fell. P , lee from $26 to 595. For sale at wholesale or retail, at 922 OLINSTNUT Street, calmed flow. fel9 e w 8t 0. P, 00A113B, Agent. Opecial Notices. Burnett's Oneida*. BURNETT% 0009AINR BURNETT% 0000AINN Bu ten's O.cat*e. BDISN*TrB 0900A21t1 BURKS tl"B 0000.11 NE TESTIMNIAL. Bosltoir s Julyl9, 1867 Bram S. POPE Barnett'■ Vecoatue. • BITENZTVIS COCOLOS •BtritIiSTVE.COCCIAIDNII 'Ayr amino nits NO. 649 ORIETBUT STIESIT, (.7syne , s Mill.) Roxtiasoutut . Dee. 24,1868 A New At:N.:4i: Restoring the. Hair Restoring the Heir Restoring_the Hair • Beware or Counterfeits. Beware of Counterfeits Large Bottles, Fifty Cents. Small Bottles, Twenty-are Cents Small Bottles, Twenty.tivu Cents
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