MrraWM3 f..?1'1, 3 _ 7 .1.,"1,7 % .;','„ -;,.',1 . - •:j....'.--: . :, - , ,r 1 ,,.1. , . , :‘ , Z4W/6 - ,:.,=;:? ; .:41i,` , 45, , -.74,-; - ; .;-,•;">-- V-: - . 4 '...,- - - ; I , • ,ic_...-,*,N 01:„.0-,_4V„, ~4 . 7 . ,,• & ,,,,, , ~ ~. , -,,,--:.,!--_ 1 —„.-. 1 - ;,..,:.;.,.:;....,...,,. .r, ,t ~„, _ ( 7, 11'1f„ ^y : n -lUOai, ~, ..,....,, Vq . -';', --1 , 1 ,#'3%;.'.4:fi, i.:0'A. 1 4)/PHOr.lilkiViWlNAr. f•: , 0 . g.tonte4 - Viitoitjatiiiiitaittr. eWI, let''` ,..l =o , Vf . tN 7 - *`-fig t " - . ''' ...' '' '''' '' .l '' 1 Z 7 1':";,..-t7 / ';', cx S .44*Miliiiiviiil kiiSiNkifiii S'Ct;' , c;* . - I. iV;O:imagetiVAbilirSOg o ttiligt'' iftl i ait6tr -, .. - - - Vqnc- , --f':,tircomilisrtiNfeit • - ridge TN i ••-•-•-•,-,- ts ,, ,c , poLs..3treg mw ass itrisomsubly la 24 ' ~m ei dt...-4,, e ,-...,....• --.. Immo, e«..• , ..t otike 91tiat t oll i ' Deg•'. ''' -'4 f0 15 4 41 417PL 1 AP 44 0jt - , AC3 _ -‘ -. ... : ' :- ' - --•:i , o , :ii.kiY"'iilt 'n. r i_4AlF,-A-044.1P,;;;I r-V , c.: ,,, :`'` . ." -. !,-,"- -7 _ -,-. Al* Ilrisetur i'aus *lli es rout' to, 'llabieribm r by_ ~. -2. lit Emirtut9l).!l.., -- .tt. ............. Aliiiii 0414111..Df1y4v , Itt 44. •" :-. ...,-. ~ • _ ~ -4 a 1.., ' 40,-.: -- - , , , . .ch6,i a , ,..0. . .. - .7..F.;-: 8 00 'I, 10 - _;=;.; - ,4 e l,4 of.sakiils i 7 41,0 - 4-7 '' t VlOLlk* * XWalitrr#4lo 2 ‘4 4 o.4 . o9 o /Wilirall bi- s ao 1 : 0 eatif io no 1•041191061 th a Tyr., ~ . , i •• . - 4 : , 0. areeolithiiiierki*Nigetia tb'imit'idi hints ioi 4 111 1_,X4Paritrifk - ,=: - ::-'.,_ . . - .J.,--", ,' l '7' :, CALErO/64W *EO: -4 1141 ' ' "a' .4 16 1 1 iVeiliifigaitil0t; W*, .thOA billreilda *oWitibberiT &Zs' ANTAii -7, tre 43(3;4 r , 40_181114 Icy 44 • t r . , • - .4:._14CR1! lutlixixtr d, *fr:' 23 :: ll olVgliqtalaDlintiET. - *AO 9t - 14 10 %, t? PDX tg-itrot4 Vi l e i l t4 APßOtti''A YlVAIttO.l !4,!tictivo , 44 it all WAY. • 859. ii • • P:olliOlitSiE - ' ;( 003.444 ''• • --,C, IFORERW - V1A4010,4* - .';oo.onSi! *Wei -i *it i4 sitliPi****4M-Jailir•lllikou. *isitiookfiirolt, tit'otiti,oo,Derthir ounitia" AO orders will M szseatid pramigfivole, usyylifeeloaile_**o_, fa -tin • • • QPRING IMPORTATIONS. 64 - ": • • , i- ‘ „ (.2= ' 1)01-00191nrraiindOiLAWE8293144 rs' 'tittmlintifik; AAA tlyltiVlA, "<t) fal,A*6T, e GILLMOTIE ild-040/iT/J71310 MEET, \*ll ' l4 olt.,ft #004: - ,441:gffro - ls . 1 z • 1 . 1 11 001328214[WOU,014*•00,fi: 2 moms, - o.4BBllolira, visOos, 011AZIAILLY-Ap ANT!WEAR, ;. . . . . . . the iitatiCip: Vlll . if eastoseire, 4411.41 n SITE &co - " - • " ' ' „- ;•_ - "'"-= ' • - I , `-; .4t,AXik 9 g4g&q4PTkrfl l iKkDK7 ENT: . , A'‘ 'l4-0 - • s ••..- • :7 : 4 1.',•; , • 0:1 Alrolt: -4 0 1 ' 11 "*'- Esteielow: —PS4 • _ STlAPtglitEat , RUIBIE IdINANO , *ligticgtlerition.) smirooro completion War /fier '1614.,,,;:t, cr , • . A - wbf.',.l,4;' , BlltilVikr - fie CO . • : Ars Nvirlasiriffillitilaintodifroatidimintally selected . Ikrr 2 AI4WzAMNBIOVI 'DRY' etooH, 110,44°A1,-,4110,0411.Attir, 41101.1 o • , 4ifilleiei4lit 41' TR It - - • .• ; ,:r-WW: 4 00:001:v ,' . ;.E; k 14 . 0 - . A. TS - 0 T! I 0 iSr. ft`bi•_*, - .__ ._ _, ~ ~TO/jOi;M Ot _ z..t a-; . '.. .. . I , Vir - - Are **NIT ' • t lto:' MAiwNlMlNNitibldow Y'.• 004P4 `n : l44t l t: c : zaircrivii • , - - 's It k r; _ 4-141)346 - iictB 2; a 2 k n i trClf,IT/44,11q-dsit for OITT : l111). INBAS'lsikii; 39%4KT4 i-GRANT, , a.OO, < _ 1)!#1 - • .;" X 11 ! 114 * 18 ; '114.'' 1100•ASTUI6imINGEI - • .• • • o d a . ad• 1 .4' -4.-ifl4-iidtvN a ck) -- ; -0 4 it A.Atri.2 l, l:i 0414 title = Y ,1 4 31. 4)11V- t af C)ODEL 7 - '4- .Y• , " ";:. ilf:s4o4l l ak'g A j t :St! *KT , 4 4-04 " :11411. 94 4"- ' ' ' '', '., ; 442 .7r . '= : '. Lrs ;'. -1, 1 1^ 1 . '; .A.,• T :-.. - 485 4 -'' ..2 . 1;: - ".' ,- 7. - : ., IIViIIekVORPA,; i 'l:f 9 - - --'''''''' 44 lh 4 :4 ;k V ~,A ' 4 4 0;.;.):.;/,,,i., ..,-,i , ..- K. ,r,,, ... ,4,0r;,,,:r4.-01:44x40, 1ethrt,44040,440,t4-44-ii., :tlyoit4wo o lit-tutin.-1:0, , :m440,,, - , k , r4,3,- r ,„_,0,,,..,1,,,_,...„_,,,,•,„ ~ ~, _:: x }} ~~A{ -{u. a_i..~"i '~s Wit.({7 IMIM =ME : , ..-ArtiL - i34NO'; lit, ', rn 001 `.4•I:C.T.E!E, of , ERITISV.IrREITCH,. - GERRAN, 1.2713 'AMERICAN • 137-It - Y : —. 4;1"0 DS , 289 AND , .24 14121RTIL Tii/RD STREET , -:.11:T-$41A-iiii44 for I RTRILTRAR! b-ROONTIS r.toosißln, am., Wm. 8. B - AIIID D. B. Davin - M MOBIA, • ••BAIRD • & 00. •••• • - • , • r ii .: {I•i.W.P9RTERB — AND" - JOBBERS D P - 4 _ ,„ OAD. N 5i:147 , ,N OSTREET , ,?U LADaLMXA. } :SlW•it4 - f3f. l , .tiniiiropropliite alk .ilepartnunnt;; recdrlbr ' Bi/rt."!..P4' 6 BoDoalng merchants, from all parts ot the Vnten, ale:rtoMeollidli nollollad'lo* mill and MGM" 11 4 1 " (4 19 , 4 6 ia1fei1• . : MlB • - ' & co; •.• wROWALE . DEALSRI3 - -13107.- i .. (poittitreii don sir Third anilohnztit lON 3m;, ,811114DILPIEUA. Sr:Ritifir aiI'OATAPONS, 1869. SIBILBY 1N0LTR1V.:4:..M90 ,1 ) 11 , 17 PP, 326 DIADICBT STREET, • lame n s 9w in stareii Siapliais and" SPLiENDID STOCK ' milli slits, gemitioAtiek , _ ' swum Dian VOLCCES IN *ARUM, -,SIZENADINIIII; PARIBtORGAVIDI** 3 - JACONIT..te. &" lylwwt6l . llne IRNOT RißßdikrAitis irro OI.OVES; gaslities,„Ronod Copts; dquir,e, *toils Vonis s itie; ik,Ouktalph Isrs,nentillse, new end :t lS i TtitAr miCtl.; this apantionottetreri to Gwynedd OW*, figaint eoViarit *ALL atiforsindisbermfrots that Vilrilei.liallftetaryVittelki , lo.o4k6l6tikties some of tiluennwe deelzslds goods now In market.'- feblbam SERING .0k 1659: .„ B. Emasom .& SON% 465 MiIit:NUitREET, igOlitilas AND igOLEII44E Jopittwfor C LI:0;T:11 • VISTINGS, To whlckthe attention 0.11177.11313 is invited. 4 ifij-tUkt • • . • =ZEE sripcs: ; 4lTD rANor GOODS._ IABI3OTT, Are now p . ,temeMaiafor a buy ItIW`AND Atlliall'illfrOOK, ATTENTION - • OF -BUYirfto 91:21i 60. k e i . . •- • 1 . • - • , „ , „ . .1011BION AND.DOMESTIO ;Z4l? if - E=E T door's kolow•Tbied, got Nide, • -eiScroluv •WMH" - • ••• iw.;24 - F9I:4TH STREET, -"" - ' Attp;irsourewi -• ,77 14 - CTICCTC)OI3S , _ , 11. PXIIIIIII9IItY., '' • , • BRUORIS, ' - - • BUVBelpre~ ` larztnae, eta. Koji in elan, a Terj Iris wQ complete selOtlntent ' • . • '• ~.0471*Mbit:i:11 4 ha the line; awl aunt ': • 1 11%; 7 71iton ilea 'el buyers Is: respectfully solicited. flit - team low es thole of may lime is the txade f either iln thlkeity ar,Diew„Yerk. -•.fel4m :, VP3Viticnt auseL. jrs 11. 11431iNNEtt Br.• 00., NUOLNOALE insmanua PROVISIONS, , 4.4 eVIDA* of- - ; ‘ - d • HOICE , No. 41C 11.T . 911 At., and 969 and 966 N. 990NT135. . NHILNONLPIIIA. , - 96199139.91'; PORN.; ' LARO, and an aoloittnent of PROVISIONS gone:1011h Including ; llama, TONOUNO, ankONN9 of our,own satins, both Oity and Western, oonitantly bald BOYERS iirepartbudindylnoitedin call And examine onrotook. , , - 1023-Ston is ~atD~lttp~' ~drD~tia~r; j7O4:R3SVILSTACki & CO " ‘ 4 •'`iiiciltuftts : - • -PLANUPAOTUItEItS, sAbwawir nAitayvvArtac, ::;OURLiEkk TRIMMINGS, TAO MENSES MODSTIEGS, NORTH TRIED STREET, Between Market Asotk, •' XHE VARGEST_BTOOK , IN Tff CITY. " Cr Sign of Till GO L DEN STABEttr?. [fO fl VILE,ImiItfiERT DESK REPOT: IN THE VNION. 11/90.17112 41c BUTTON r.llimmitt,) • ' AuxuctoiumatH oF . , 4rp46 - vs"D BACH. - , ,Ekludelpbis. 0714011, WM, sad SCHOOL 71IIPSITUREI , • lIIISSIOIV/121418, BOOECIASIB, ' • , WAUDSOBRII: AUL" , , iL0.413A //MONET FURNITURE amp BILLIARD °ORE 'B6 CAMPION,' , " - P tor MOUTH PECOND SPRINT, • , In aotteeetioti withlbildrlextetaive .CalittatHashieta, uy nowiasinahatinriag a artartlorarthas of - CULLA/WT.OIIEL and Alma now oa brad a DIU with • • ,....°IIOOIISH CAMPION% ibiroArm CUSHIONS,' -11111441 IpP1101101:04 wild , haat,- oat Shwa' to ha ilialimkalp tU othatii,iii . hat Mao JIMA 01,,,thatie Tahlaa the. mann ii4tdoo'n",-Orikto, ,their iltdllllll3l/9 pplitTOOil Alla r ghollt are haillforwith 410 ohiitater after *OO, _ Jait-tha 4 , Vi,i.":._1.:. , , i.....,.tr.'i;- .. •.- ; - -.. i . , : ~:t,..:' - l i r : 1., Irl.' ' • :- ' ' ''.‘ ':t 1 1 ~ , - 4-1/4 , /,.- 1 ,-; .t•-.. .. ...,t rti ,, , , i 1 , ‘2,, 1 , ..' . - ,-•'-.. , ,,, - . 6 -, ,, ~-,,,, • .., 6 ...,,,„. ,„,:.. v ,,,•.„„ ~1 if 1 0 .. - - ,••- ‘•-• a l •..."'", . . . : e , ~- •^ , L - .; - : - :.. '' ::, ... W : - , . 02 1 1 ! ---, ~ . • ----- :— AM/ 1 i : ...00 ,4 YJ'''' 14:: .. ... t _ - . ' tr i F 4 - M.,,, , I , - 4TINt . .. :. .... —'l ..? ,'---5 , • 11 . I. iletom,,4' ;Sii:::i.;‘.%•,:••':'/. *-- - ), ;,•! - ; — .. 4 -.. : -,': r _ ._ ~ ,r , • 4:7 •._..„,...,,1110.1...R.-,',0•11.11111 : ~,•4./..„.„-_ ....,.--2,-,,• 3 11". , ,-• • - ••.• ...1, • ~,, L A - :,...• --..••;..;ak f ..'' ~ ,mii4jiii - ,',11' - •.f .• - • -i. ~-, :i ..- ~ I Oh , •.• '!' --- --..4. - -nir,.:l l .': :?f..=- , ..,- , . - . e...'".....- -iiCC. ',.;-;" • 4 - .-N -AA: ...ri•-•.,- .. X '''' •,'"'" ...: :' -- -, - ..,.$ :f. l 7A . ': , , ~- 1 --.: num ~.--, _1 ,il - 0. -•':--'.• • L t• •'`•••“•.; 4 1 • , :•'5• 2 ,..ft.•: • '", •• - ".• . ••.*-.• -• ' 4 !" • - •- , 4;. - ',"' 4.' . .i•••••, -.'• ...L..,., . ,--,"-- :. - ~••-•`.. ,•• --; - • .. \ .—,;•—"--.----•-,'; i •-.'.. . /1 ..z. ; ..'r • •• :":.' ' J . .. • •• • ,.,_---,' • • - • 1.. , .:• • . ..., . - 1. ..,.. i f i v., L.. . .._—=_-..- _.,,, . P L ~, , ' . + • . -,-, 1 7 ' , .,, ~- " ,'N c ,, ' Ti,:tt.,--- t , ---., , , , ,, A-4.." , .t. , :.,... J,: <'*t ;.1 , :ill ij , 11 , ,t . '.. - t: ,L 'r .$, 'a .—•.--' ; . . ;,.• - , " • ',,,,, ,_ _ _,• , ,__— To which they silt AND DIAIAND IN , PIIELADZiPKIA grabisit Ware. 1859 slaw , 1859 I..„P:TR Tr.,WO OBS HOUSE. . • THQMPSON 8o r JEN-WINS, Np. .528 ,MAILKNT STREET, Invite the attention of buyers to their extensive stook of Itedies , flitraw end Silk Bonnets, Milne Vats and }Boomers; Venial, BOW) and Ofilldniell Hate Stowers, Buttes, Trimmings, &e. Being exeltutively engaged in this branch of business, purchasers will find It to their interest to examine our stoekkefore - THOS, P. VELUM', (formerly of Wi(000k, Bogen, Traley,) now engaged with the above house, (toilette from hi. Mega an examination of the stook of Messrs.' Thompson & - isnkins. ' febl6-2.1 MILLINERY - AND STI37.A.W GOODS. 7 I •••••••-• ) ' MOST CIOMPLEU AND 0.140.10! •ILIBBONS of every desorlption, BONNET SILKS AND . (RAPES, , /ARTIFIOIALTLQWERB, RUCHES, • And other Millinery Goods. Anna or STR`AW - -GOODS, or EVilir CONCEIVADLICVtraIt, is now open for examination by, and rige to, • CAM AND PROMPT SHORT-TIMM Minna, At s *mall advanee upon fireboat. • , Those deitions of sAvlog money-in their nii . reltases should glVins,an • ' „ itOSE.tlAnf l • pßooKs, & C 0.,,, 4SrMABRNT STRIBT, • febltAm - (DMA or No, 38 Booth Second St.) HATS, FURS, 81 1 R AIT s,. , ARTIFICIAL, FLOWERS,-RUCHES, Ao. HOOPES, & DAVIS, MANIIPAOTUREES AND DIALIHI3 • NOEL 'l9 and 81 Baia Fonrth threat, stairs,) „ • Hpreon hand an entirelynew and complete stock of the above goods, laid in for OMB, to which the attention of buyers la invited._ . . - ' CHAS. HALOWILL, late of the firm of Obas. Hal lowell to Co., long knownto the trade, would be plosaud to see hie friends at the wareroorns'of Mehra. Hooges Darla. feb9-2m fa; Fig.CCTEEC& CO., 33 C 9 INT 8, 81LIE8, MILLINERY GOODS, No. 727,-OHESTNUT STREET. *febTam STRAW AND MTLI,INERY GOODS.' llsHog removed from our Old' stand, 46 South Second street, to • 725 011ESTNIIT STREET, i .111TW311131 8 / I *lllllll' AID 71101112, Ws are noir Mimed to exhibit to' our unmans pa. trona a• • • - • -" • -COMPLETE STOCK OF STRAW MATS, BONNETS,. • • , • MISSES' and- CHILDREN'S HATS, ' - - - BLOOMERS, OAPS, dco.,_• FANCY AND CRAPE BONNETS, • . • • TRENCH FLOWERS, ' • . , ,BIBBONS,R s oms,, Einbraolng in all an assortment unequalled In this olty, two o td we e reepeetr Stoo k. , ullydirrit• tko attootion of merchants Spring , . Olith and short-time biters *lll find lt specially their interest tq give net aall. - • - ' '• TaITOOLN, WOOD, bk, NICHOLS. tel442xi4. '-„ J. '-.H.11.1a30.1iN JONES, _ . lioporiar•sad Idanursotarer ET14.K.1,1.41,:/. f3TIOLIVIBOirI!TETI3, HATE, - , • 1- TO whit& tlis sticks:lga - of City wad Conntry'lialiffi ~~~ ~y- ,~ t ~~ ~ IBelow III? T Boots anb Skate'. REN".DRI7I 7-, & Mlol,l7 . o.oillitgli3 AND WHOLUAO DEALVEB BOOTS AND SHOES, N. W. COR. THIRD AND ARM STRBETS, PHILADLI,PIak WHELAN - & CO., • ' whopstima 'DUMB BOOTS, STRAW GOODS No. 518 MARKET STREET fe2l-222 130 KER 80 BROTHERS, WHOLESALE BOOTS AND SHOES, 482 , MARKET STREET, VP STAIRS DOTS AND SHOES The Ilttbsiribere hare completed their SP R G STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES, Which they are pripared to offer at the lowest price' ; on their usual term•. YAN 'DUSEN, SMITH, & CO., 403 MARKET STREET, AlTore Worth, Opetaira. B. P. WILLIAMS 8c CO., WEIOLESALU BOOT. AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, No. 18 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. fete4m 013.134"1"1-DDIVIPSCrisT ac CO., WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAIIEFLOUSE, • - No. 814 MARKET STREET. Er A large and general assortment of Eastern and Olt,-made Shoal; constantly on hand. febl.Bm SPRING STYLES, 1859. T. az M. p.A:crwziNxts, witchalenz DIIIALERS AND MANUPACTUBBRS STRAW BONNETS AND RATS, • BOOTS, SHOES, &0., &O. Being prepared to offer as great inducements •to buyers as Jobbers in any ,other market, invite an ex amination of their stook. No. 84'NORTD FOURTH STREET, fel-dm Near the hierehimte Betel, Philadelphia. LEVICK, RASIN, & CO., BOOT AND SHOD WARDROUBB AND MANUFACTORY, No. 62A MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, We have now on hand an extensive stock of Boots and Shoes, of all descriptions, of our own and Reeteru Manufactitre, to which we invite the attention of Southern and Western bnyere, febl4m RBLS. PALE No. 1 ROSIN In store 300 ; and for We by 0.0. VAN AM . told les Nivo. virrsivise JobOBEET- PALETIEORP, ,ATTORITET wr•Le.lo, de WALNUT Otreet, above Sigh% Dalt d gphia. 1•38.8 m ORME 111ARd.4 .1, '1859: Joe WO. LAING iSC IVI t n NZ No. 8Q NORTH MED ,11141. et Importers or, OTI„Ileslorm io, • SHOE .MANUFACTOWERS' GOODSY I 4 ILA all kinds of Shoe = UPPIELVS PATENT MOOTTAMA. .OEIMPING nitieturrEs.• , LEATHER ROOLIIIII,MILIST AIAGIITHE BlLg r - THREADS, and - - ENGLISH, HUSH, and AMEELOAN OWE TW - fel64marlS Mr., Broderick in California.' ;.,linTnit !non min or TT{ mosr DlSminanlenED Maw or,oararorntra. , ICorrespondence of The Preen.) . • SeonAunlsTo Cirr, (Oalt,) Feb. 8;1850. , DEAn Out : To•dayl has been .. consummated, by .the Legislature of this State, the moat glaring and Unheard-of iniquity. In aceordanee with Orders issued from the Federal Capital; reibletions benefi ting the Rod. D. C. Broderick for vining against the.adealssion of Raietus as a Kite; intn - 9/0 nnlop; linden a:. 'Constitution ~,repticliatod by, her people, 'has,' under the gag of the previews que'stion, been .forced through the Legislature. • .: = , no pretended ground molt of the resolutionsf as embodied in them,-is, that the Legislature of 'lB5B instructed Mr: Broderick to vote to admit, ;lianas Under 'the I, esromiden,Coluditutiosi;and that he, Iniving refused to obey; the In4inntion?, :_. iffie no "DOOLoOrat, and deserving of thee:94oe .cif the high 'it'd ltnyabll(1), ineIONIII -P., 51 , lA, . ~p. ~,,,,,,; I .llll4_,Kete,nt Legtelstnis., - Athe'rtilnitiffiihrge'iti an EDWIN' W. -PAYNgoili.ceryq,-,- Aintnith o % their face. Mr. Broderick did net -t,:,41, :receive his instructions until after he had east his Importer and Dertliii. , , „, - „,, ,, .'„4 !.- • Lv , ,• . •,. Note against the Lecompton iniquity, and; come .. u.' ' ~...tet, ...,. Auently, never disobeyed them. . BOOT, BROIL and GAITBII,I4 - rAT.ll:uov.,,- .!• • . „c., - _-., -This expo s ure of the basenesi of the bounds of Iron Building, N. W, corner ARCH saalOtilren pno., ~ . , ~, . . , , .... LASTINGS, •14 .3 : i) ,..., lie Administration, in c.nariping upon Mr. lir°. GALLOONS, - • ,1•, ! ,•.,j erick an offence he bad never been guilty of, did • 811EXTIN45, • . , ..V 4 -::41 -jet disturb their determination to vent their DRENCH RID,. 5 ,, -2? lipleen upon him; and, whippedon by Federal -of. FAilitiT Llil4TPilifv ;finials, they barked and bayed -as though, what 1 CONGRESS WED, TOILET SLIPPEIVUTPIR I P ;hey said was a virtue, and wo uld give them posi lebl-Bm] 'BUO.III THREADS, LAGEi,, PIO: - - '', 4 1 ' -- - t don and standing with - „ our worthy Chief Msg . 's- 1 -- , .. ~.11, ,d ate." ,- ..v ~, The contest in the Lecompton ort . uctis over the' Xesolations is reported to have been fierce, and ithat finally, oiler a hard-fought battle, and with ' 'lithe aid cf Federal influences that could by , f§rOught to boar, they passed by own majority. ' inos the passage of the resolutions through the /,,V,iegislatnre -under the gag, numbers of those who, ' 7 'V:hied for the -resolutions openly express their re- i 'feta and indignation that they had been so int - 4iTined upon by three who prepared the r n toiiitiona, il.', d forced them,' by whip and spur, to support . Throat of excommunication from the party, of ' itieoutive - eNpleasure, of lemoval of friends from - *floe, were the arguments used to convince the re ' taotOry.; with a few hints of suspicions of Repnb- Actinism; well directed to Northern men, who are : I , xions to be held es sound on the „ nigger ques .4," did this work, i willoh, it is supposed,. wit rle each and every one of them high in the esti- Oen of " the President." 'tom recollect, doubtless,, the letter of Senator r io, in -which be thanks Senator Broderick, .111z:having re-cleated him to the tinitea States letiate'; and in which he admits that; luit, for the *finance of Mr. 'B. and his friend!, he 'would tie been repudiated by the Legislature of 1856. ' i 4 Ithstanding ,alt this, the friends of Owl* *fele moat active. in timing through the rase ntone. _ , , . I.l :frn the Senate twentyrtwo votes wore oast for the iindutions; of this number flfieed are Southern our and seven •,. Northern 000lles." This may ,iota etramge -to you, that the South shonla bo [to .- salmons on the question; lout it is net so. They stil l ; koodreasona for 'it. In 1851 a conspiracy Mlformed, for the purpose of making California ;Islay° State. The plan was to Mal a Convention, •._ C aConstitntion adopting slavery,the Conran l-, adjourn, ,ho...—the same trick as attempted in f.tinceas, . and which Mr. .Buohanan not only ar..- ifor: ed and sanctioned, - but congratulates himself ~. ,n as the most glorious oat of his life. , ' .. i .gfr,s/troderiek penetrated the scheme ofredite ; eallfOrnia to slavery; and, being in the State tx, tpoiniiteorith one - blow demolished all their plain, " led to the people their designs, and amended - ' "constitution , requiring ' a Convention,. when tled frame a Constitution, to submit it to the :ido.lor ratification or 'rejection, thus saving ~ liar rand for free white' ', mud-Mile! for all uh.and.eatablishing in CiOlfoiniktpaprivinipt e , `l9 to z, . .f.. .. , 71th anti - Or two eseeptione, the entire prim of -itatedondeiuns this' Volans movement, and ,al , SHOE FINDINGS. . ' ' ISAAC, BM7k ON. & Ct 10 . 41 85 SOUTH SECOND STREET, IMPORTERS OF ANDr: ,, DEALEIOI* FRENCH AND ENGLISH.LASTINOS,I:,;',.? 4 Y SILK AND UNION GALLOONS, LAOETS, FRENCH KID, PATENT LUTHER,- ELASTICS, BOOT WEB, I LINEN SHERTINGS, DRILLINGS, ,b febB-I,m* fang] Eltv eaabs SPRING TRADE. H. DUHRING & 00. i Noe. 2 and 28 NORTH FOURTH UM Just opened their reoeeki /UPORTATIONB 'ENGLISH AND G1711,, f HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND SMALLWAENS, AM solicit an inapeotion of their complete maker* . 111. snorted stool( ) ESPECIALLY ADAPTEIti; SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN THAD I . febb•3m ft iIIIRNETT, SEXTON & SWEASINcrP r , •!-Aw Are nGW opening. itA their Store;' No. -408 MARKET ST.li4Ztp -' Above Fourth, North Side, - A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT 9P, NEW SPRIIVO.:STYX ! R'S, .":rli i orl FANCY DRY GOOPSi:"Ii , . or THEIR OWN LMPORTATION",. , : . "•-• :t AO Pleatlon, vhfoh they offer for sale to buyers !Wilt all porta of the United Staten, on the most liberelle - feb9:',Bm - ' • , •• --"•' MoOAULBY,BROTEEIi, & 2$ NORTH FOURTH STMET, nave just opened an entire . NEW SPRING „ STOOKO HOSIERY, GLOBS, and FANCY GOOD*'''7A. To wldch they invite the attention of first -olsasbnyerei Oar stook le partiottlarly utepted to the, , SOUTHERN TRADE. CHAFFER Sd ROBERTS 420 MAIIiET: STRZEIT, , IMPOSTERS AND: JOBBERS Zvi SOBIBRY, GLOVES, • , ' MALL VA11.18; . Batigliggi TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. Utibrzlias nub preasols.: SLEEPER & FENXER.: Wholesale Manufacturers UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS,' 830 MAT BT,RBET I PlttrADEt.rulA, Are now making more than one hundred and fifty different varieties of Umbrellas, of every aloe, from 22 to 40 inches. Their assortment of PARASOLS is also very large, and for variety of design, styles, finish, and prices, ex. ceede that of any previous 6838011. Buyers - who have not had 8. Ct. 41. make .of goods will And their tune well spent in looking over this well mule stook, whioh includes BUNT NOVTITIBB, art to be met with eisswhira. febl.ffm • reas'. trifpnings. •& A. KEMPER, 33 SOUTH FOURTH STREET,' Importers and Wholesale Dealers in LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, Call the particular attention of the Trade to their splendid assortment of FBBNOLI YOMFONNETTE, and AMISAMAN FUBOUTA BALL TRAMMING% BING' YBNDANT BUTTONS, ko. Wo are prepared to execute largo orders fur Silk end Marseilles Fris/en, Tassels, Cords, Buttons, AC., at our own Factory,. teb2..7ot VOL. J. UORSTMANN & 728 CHESTNUT Brost, MANUFACTURERS &ND 7.BIBOItTERS LADIES' DRE 99 TRIMMINGS, Are now prepared to offer to the VIVA &LARGE: end ErAtOtirr ateortmeut of LAMB' DRESS TRIMMED 9, ennoble for the HERING SHAWN: to which they tn. vita the attention of BUYERS. MANUFACTORY, FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. felLettith At* LEE & BEARE, 280 CHESTNUT ST i REET) Ave now offering their Spring Inaportatiooa of WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACE GOODS, &e,, AT YELP LOW PRICES. febl4.lot WM. J. HORSTKOIN & CO., 723 CIESSTNUT Straet; MANIIPAOTDRERS AND IMPORTERS LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, Aro now prepared to offer to the Trades !argil and dealtable assortment of LAMS' DR11913 slid DIAN TILL& TRIMMINGS, BELT RIBBONS, &a. l , &a. And would cell particular attention to 1311.8 FRINGED and? TRIMiIINGS, Orthefr own Manufacture. Also, 1311BTLAND WOOL, which they ere now ready to Supply in Large Quantities and at the Lowest Market Prtoe.. MANUFACTORY, feb23•l2t* FIFTII and OIIBRRY Streets •jarDwarr MOORE, HENSZEY & CO., Noe. 421 MaIIKETi and 418 OOMBIBROK Streets. PHILADELPHIA, Keep constantly on hand a largo Mock OF' HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, J6c., Which are offered to BUYERS or Liberal Tonne. feb23.Bnl TRUITT BROTHER 86 CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS ' IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, to., 629 MARKET STREET, 629 BELOW SIXTH, NORTH SIDE, rIIILIDELPHIA. fen am Stionep. (10311iIHROIAL AN D TRAVELLING OREDITB available in an parts of the world, opened with the home of Marna. GEORGE PEABODY & 00., of London. Apply to GAW, MAGALESTER, & CO., felt[ 816 WALNUT PPM. " 4 - `if i'!,lP..r.l`'-7 TUESDAY, MARCH -i, 1859. . . Tiro Droderick, and , alt-tiongh ‘bY7the se or itbuseof 'federal patronage, by ft/au:brand misrepresentation, the • enemies •of Demooracy achieved 'a triumph last fall, the ides of No -weber next trill shoe , that the people, who now understand the questions at issue, aro true to them= solves and their champions. A war is waging now moot fiercely between the Federal officials and the State Administration. Whether this war was declared at Washington or cot we have not :yet learned. Certain it is, the deetem house" party are determined to destroy John B Weller. Bills have ,been introduced to repeor elliaws which confer upon the Governor the power to fill certain offices, and as the Custom House has a, majority against Weller in both' branches, they will carry their point. We have no sympathy far Weller. Be was at first an ar dentloo-nglas man, but when be found that his Vrothei would be replotted from the Post office at Sin Francisco, be iheelhd Into lino and heoadie strong Administiatioh man.' To show the honesty and fairness of our Legis latirre in the resolutions concerning Brodorick, I will simply refer to the resolution passed last win. ter• instructing our Senators to oppose by all means the renewal of the contrast to transport the United States Mails with the Pacific Mail Stearits hip COmpany. In the face of thote retolu tioris ef Instructions, Mr. Gwin has introduced a bill Into the Senate of the United States, authori zing a contract to be made with that company to carry the mails to California once per month, or every twenty-four' daye, for the consideration of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars per annum. Tao Legislature is acquainted with all these foots, and yet - not one word of censure is heard, although it Is a known and aoknotrledged fact that the mail steamship company is, and alwayti has been, a great drawbaok on the prosperity of the State. Bat enough of these disgusting (Walla of a Califfirula Looompton Legislature. "tire refoloa to hoar of Douglaa's increasing popularity and strength. • The'people will honor those who serve them faithfully and honestly. California, is for Douglas to-day, and Will . bo Douglas all over in 1860. ". Yours, ,to , Magazines for Mareh. lisarrEn's Meoszter..—Messrs. Peterson le Bro thers have banded us the March number The leadiug article, from the pen, pencil, and graver of Mr. Benson Leasing, relates to "Mount Vernon as'i6s.,'s anti contains over thirty finely-executed wool engravings. There are many other Matra• ted papers, but this beats them all. "Vasco Nutlet do Balboa," is 'also worthy of special no tice, aa a historical picture, graphically drawn.. "The Virginians," aro not egial to the former sample. The chapter in which George Warring ton ;reai,la his tragedy is excessively dull. The Editor!S Table, Easy °hair, and Drawer are even better than usual. The heaVy writer, who sup plies didactic articles, by way of ballast, proses, vemoosily, on the subjeot of "Single Life among us."' The rhapsody, in imitation of Edgar A. Poe and William North, entitled " What was it? —.A Mystery," is at once inflated and wordy ; the most stupid paper of the month. By the way, we lave counted the number of engravings in Reaper, this month, and' find them 729. •These, set in Iso octavo pages of letter-press, for fifteen. cents. - What can be cheaper? EIIAUCTIO MAGAZINR.—The 'new number, for March, merits being called an Imperial Number, for it le enriched with the portraits of two Em presses, engraved by John Sartain. The first is Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria, in council with Prince Reunite, her prime minister. The other ie the Empress Eugenie, of France, from the famous picture by Winterhalter. These illustra tions are of a very superior olass—from the beauty of their execution and also from their authenti city. The letter-press contains twenty-seven ar ticles, mostly from British perioditials. The se lection has been juddalously made, and we notice, with satisfaction, that Mr. Bidwell, the amMm plished editor, has had the good sense to make his extracts alinioat wholly from periodicals less knOwn in this country than the four Reviews and Black wood repnblished here. The result la greater freshness and variety. We learn that an Index of the whole forty-live volumes of the Eclectic, for fifteen years; has been prepared, with copiousness, minuteness, and accuracy, and will speedily be published, ;losber, of south Third street, is agent for tie Eclectic. MYOTERIOUS V.LOLT.-Al. correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer at Jackson, Ohio, gives an amount of a subterranean vault disoovored there, - in which the air was so impure that it was imptisible for any one to go down into it. By meats of a, rake, human bones of gigantic sine have been rised, and a small chain of silver, with coins i attached to each end. The coins, though much defaced by time have the appearance of those, in up among the Romans in the days of Ci cero farleanus a though there were evident trues Of hieroglyphic (Wham that cannot be deciphered. Fouß KEN TO Dlt Hum—Peter Carle, Con vie ted of murder, la Baltimore, will be hung at the mme time, and on the same galiews, with Ciropps, and Btophens. he Tragedy,in•WashiAgton City. Vim the New York Times, of yeaterday ] ' The vulgar monotony of partisan phaeton's and [ politteal squabbles has been terribly broken in upon to-day. by an outburst of personal revenge, whielehas filled the any with horror and oonEt .r -nation—- cannot unfortunately' add, with abscili,te surprise. . 7 - . At quarter peat two o'olook to=day, Mr. Philp Barton Key, the United States' ttorney for the District of Colimbia,wal 'talking With-Mr. B it terviorth, of -Now Yoik; at the Corner of Penneyl. - veins avenue and Sliteenth street, near the north entrance .to -the '-Bxemitive Mansion, cud so io twenty yards from the club-house on President's square, when he was *misted by, the Hon. -MK, Siokles, of New York.- Mr, Sickles charged Ikr. Key with - destroying the honor of his with mad hie oWn hap - piness, and, drawing a revOlver; in etantly shot him • down. One ball, entering'- in at the left-eide,' peeled, completely through the body of Mr. Key ; m second leas lodged in, his thigh, anti a - Aird -Rimming inflicted a alight bruise. Me: key f ell , implor ing Mr. Sidles not. to 'kill Min, .and died - In a Very few Minutes. IFeementbs past the medal world of Waehingten,' always .ork, quiek Ao relish , tbe details of-prlvato scandal-as It is lax in. its lodgments of , those by ,whom snob sea dal May be caused, has been busy Twit& the nismai-. of Afra.likiklee and of Mi. Key., , LTheiteintitneeY was* that , Muttked and. 'peoul jar' ditialifinbh etieWsiftiotly well moist in the inno oenee of any absolute guilt—since, while: it ; w9q open to public observathen, it washardlyconeealed from Mr. S'ekles himself. who'havinir 'married his wife, Miss 'Eaglet', :of New York, - n her early youth, had always treated her-with extreme kind. ness and, tenderness, and doubtless looked open Aar rotenone with Mr- Key as the more expression of a girlish love of admiration, and of a vanity de lighting in the sense of power, oVer a' man of fine presence,-graceful address„ and a certain local re. pawn in'the District l'br high spirit, resolution, and gallantry. During the whole of the last session of ObrigreEs the tell flgarn 9f Mr. Key was constantly to be leen in President's-pqmste,"apposite Mr. Sickles's Washington residence; and-Mrs. • Sickleti has as constantly in his company at all places of - publio entertainment. In the interval of the Con gressional recess, Mr. Key Ulnae a short visit to New York, atilt withent exciting any absolute inis- Nolen of positive impropriety in the mind of Mr. Sioklos ; although other friends of the unhappy lady, and among them her, mother, repeatedly warned her of the fatal precipice on ,the brink of which she was permitting herself to trifle. It was hoped that the affair would come to an end of it- delf, and that one Sr both of the partles most nearly Implicated would perceive the real drift of their conduct in time to avoid its almost inevitable cOntiequencee. • -_. ' But, on the reassembling Of Congress, and. the rehire of Mrs. Sickles to Washington,-Mr. llejos attentions. and .the scandal consequent upon them, Were, received with greater ardor than before. Mr. Key was a particularly noticeable man, in point of personal appearance; tall, :well-formed, a, mesh more athletic man thawlllr. Sickles, and espeolallee find of exercise on horsebaok He rode op iron-gray horse ; and scarcely a day has passed piece the return of MIL Sickles to the capital, on which hie tall figure, his white riding-cap, well his:timed moustache, and iron grey bores, might not base been seen ' two or 'three times in the mime> of the morning on the 'oiroult of Presi dent's square, or at the door of Mr. Siokleree hinise, which stands quite alone op the north side of the square, anti is a very coneplonoue Vuildng . f white stnooo. It was but on Tuesday last, i ( so swift and. fearful a dream does the whole story stem,) that, on visiting lifil. Sickles, Tuesday 1 being her day of reception, I found liir key there, li horse waiting for him at the door.. The rooms wore filled with'a pleasant - company;, the 'soft miring sunlight poured in at the open windows; aid Mrs. - Siekles herself, in' her almost girlish beauty. wearing a-bouquet of irn, the first lings of the year, seemed the very incarnation of - spring- and' youth, and the beautiful promise of ,life.'-What is the twilight ;- whit the house that Wen was the_ synonym of hospitality, the most franke and generous, and easy ! - - ' ' ' • , ilii ills-early part of the week before lest, Mr. Sickles went on to New York. During his ab- I seinie, the busy spite; of society observed that the attendanheeif Mr. Key at his house was even more unremitting than usual. Mr. biracial returned to Washington on- the morning of the dny of the Herder bail; tind from that time up to Friday last, nothing occurred to make the matter of his wife's ?chiffons' with Mr. Key more than - ordinarily priominent in his mind. Se far was he from meat felting anything like inordinate or tyrannical ens- Aden, that be allowed Mr. Key to escort Airs.; Siekles as Wei 'on Pennsylvania avenue,. and I Sally theth, in Comtany with Mr Beery Wikoff, at tbp- theatre on Wedeeeday• night. On Thursday M , . and Mrs. Sickles ebtertaiued a large party ' at dinner. Over that gay and brilliant company how near and fearful a 01 - 09 W impended! On the next day "(the day before yesterday) Mr., tileklee re hived from some' isileahrof mankind an anonymous totter, stating with precision so minute mete make suspicion imperative; that Mr. Key had rented a house on Fifteenth street, above K street, frdm a negto women, and that he waiin'the habit trifiellAilitiat - Mittii e'.; , ••• - - . 't e .:. , tj e of the interview specified . :A ccompanied by a riend, Mr. Sickles went to thehouse designated l i in 'and' found every statement Of the anonymous writer corroborated. Mr: Kay bad taken the house; and he bad 'constantly met there a lady 'answering very closely in description to Mrs. Shibles. Mt. Blades ' still Clung to the hope that the, person who had stooped to the baseness of wilting suohoharges under the veil of secrecy, might have thoroughly deceived him, and that Mrs. Blades was not the lady in question. He accordingly requested his friend, Mr. George Wooibridge, of New York, to watch the place from the window of a house just opposite. On Saturday no meeting took place, and the woman in charge seems to - have stated that none had occurred since Wednesday. • On Saturday evening, Mr. Siokles, resolved no longer to play the spy upon his honor, determined to confront his wife directly with his terrible sus picions. At first Mrs. Sickles strongly denied her guilt ; but on her husband's asking her whether motile Wednesday previous, she had not entered the house on Fifteenth street, in _a certain par neuter-dress and concealed by a hood, she cried out, "I run beirard :and That f". and swooned away. Oa recovering her Widen, , she .admitted her guilt, and besought mercy and pardon. • Mr. Sickles calmly said ho would not injure her, since ho. believed her the victim of a scoundrel, but that be had a right to a full confession Two la dies in the house were sent for as witnesses, and in their presenee Mrs. Sickles made a full eon fts.ll9o in. writing, stating that her connection With Mr. Key bad cemmenced in Abril hot, nu der Mr. Slokies's roof, brit that Mr. Key had tiinee hired the house in Fifteenth street, in sehich they had constantly met. Mrs Sickles's confession was made in the midst of the bitterest contrition and misery. Her husband simply asked her to give him back her wedding-ring, and desired her to write to her mother to come and take her from his house forever. Mrs Sickles made no objections, admitting the justice of her punishment in the most affecting language Her mother will arrive hi morrow to remove ter from this fearful scene of gain, relnorse, and blood. Once having quitted the presence of his wife, Mri Mollies gave way to the most terrible emotion, and passed the night in a state bordering on dis traction—a feeling which' watt worked into mad ness this morning on seeing the cause of his 'misery, Mr. Key, With gay audacity pass optician° the window of his wife's min and wave his hand kerchief—the usual signal for assignation. Asking Mr. Butterworth, who was at his house, to follow Key and engage him in conversation, so that ho would not get out of sight, be rushed up stairs for his pistols, and quickly following, found Butterworth and Key together, at the corner of Sixteenth street, when the tragtirlyAook place. Oncoming up Sickles walked directly to Key, and said, " You have dishonored my bed and fam ily, yeti scoundrel—prepare to die !"—et the Saran time drawing his pistol. Minot simultaneously Key placed hie hand inside his treat, and drawing 'what appeared to be a pistol, but what was really an opera-glass, said, " Yon bad better not shoot !" Sickles at once fired, Key at the same time throwing his glass at him. This shot only grazed Key, slightly raising the skin of his side, and he immediately leaped behind a tree to avoid another shot. Sickles followed, and Key, catching his arm, endeavored to prevent him from firing, bat Sickles dimmed himself, and firing again, shot Key in the upper part of the right thigh, close to the main artery. Falling on his hip and suppOrting himself with his hand, he cried, "Murder! don't shoot!" Siokles still following, fired again, with his pistol close to Key, the ball through his-body be low the breast. In the meantim 'Monett of the pistol and Key's cries steel e hi the neighborhood. Mr. Thomas Martin, tt.Wlerk in the Treasury De partment, who happened at the moment to be leav ing the club, rushed book and calling out, "Key is murdered!" Mr. Doyle, Mr. Upshur, and Mr. Tidball, who were in the club at the time, pro ceeded hastily to the spot, when they found Mr. Skittles standing over the body of Mr. Key, with hie pistol presented at his head, and which he tried twice to discharge, but whlob snapped both times, and Mr. Butterworth standing by com posedly. On Mr. Doyle's touching Mr. Sickles on the shoulder, the latter nt once desisted, and, turn ing around, said e "Gentlemen, this man has dis honored my bed !" Upon this ho took Butler worth's arm, and, walking from the spot with the most perfect, self-peesession, proceeded to Attor ney-General Black's, and delivered himeelf Into onstody. 'On Mr. Siokles' leaving, Messrs. Doyle,.Tisbell, Upshur, and Martin, conveyed the body, which still held faint gasps of breathing, to the parlor of the club-house, when the Assistant-Surgeon Gene ral was at once in attendance, but Key was be yond all medical skill He breathed but twice after belt f liiid upon the floor. When Martin and Upehur raised Key from the ground. the former inquired if he had anything to say. Key made no. reply, and was evidently un conscious. In a few minutes the news spread over the city, and the streets became thronged with visiters to the mine of the terrible event, and groups were everywhere noticed engaged in excited discussion about it. The Club House was speedily sur rounded by an immense crowd, eager to view the body of the ill-fated Key. Many of the leading gentlemen of Washington drove up in their car riages, and in about a quarter of an hour the brother-in-law of the deceased, the Hon. Mr. Pen dleton. of Ohio, arrived. At about three, the coroner's Inquest was held in the parlor, where the body lay, when sulliedent fasts wore elicited to show that the deceased was killed by - Daniel E. Sickles, and a verdict was rendered ncoosiingly. While I write,. the 'body of Key is being re moved to his late residence on C street, nearly opposite Colonel Benton'e house. The parties involved in this sad story all lived within the immediate circle of our daily Washing ton life; two, at least, of them Wilk also as won Mo CENT& known in New York as inithe Federtd•Metropolic Key was about 42Years of age, taltinatetere. , abOut sir feet; With an easy and fashionabla' a ircbat hypo Mettle preptesessincin 'appearance Or otherwhle: His lime hada Laickiy hue;; and • be had been for some time suffering heart distate, or ima gined he was; lehlehgeti hiiii a mired and discon tented look:: Otherwise , he was extreinely.pop - u= tar, and those who,itaew him - beet said, his eccen tricities of manner covered it very kind and gene rous heart: 'Ms fither;:Pranerkt S. Hey, - was the author of the national, song,..the 4 SBtar , Spangled Banner.",,. He was a widower with four ohildren On his marriage he natrottly - esaaped a duel with, himY, who tioneeived thit he hid - Unfairly ousted from the affections of thedadywhO be- - came his wife, and.who was a hematite' andotterm lug woman: • ' Mr. Sickles,thmentbit - for the Thirddiet :of New York : a native et thiscity, end:Matted. ginally a printer 'by ; occupation. He, ie atilaw.of ',nearly forty yearrot egifi,:ef'gdod tirelienoi end graceful - manners.. aire'ember• - of' itisioState Senate,as well an in theHoustrofltepreaeatativer, he hadznade'himself remarked by a wane unusual-, coolness and celf-poettesslon, which gavihintgreat. advantages in debate, and had atiquiretforliM• wellqieserved.reputatien ,rm a rising young lender Or the Damao - WM' Pirey. In 1853; Mr. aiokies Was 'married- to Me. and-beirt broken, then a young girl .ifreak .fscuitheekebool life and reniarkable ,then.sta bowler consethitit: estiekally waft, levelY , lffidlotttbral 'lrithislYee liar very peculiar beauty.. ISt* ia end possesses *Hi the 4:talitta lustre and depth l of eye, united with a einguiateandor and delicacy of k ho d sem her ems' up item:child hood, „and:. was attached -to her With 'an almost idolatroult.effeetion. Shortly after their-marriage, Mr. Sickles wee - apPointed Secretary Or theAme riesn Legation at •London; in the householder lift: Buchanan, and.his beautiful bride - won universal admiration abroad, het more xy her elterme of. Person and:manner than by the gayety and Irmo cent joyousness of her character.: On their return to America they resided- for some, time; on -the, Bloomingdale Road; in a' charinhoghousi,over lookingthe _Hudson river; and on his election to Congress, Mr. Sickles took his presind housaMt President's-square. It faces directly ,theoCieb Hadar 'to which was brought in-day the corpse of the man, ho himaalf•hitd slain all that midst -this • life of that mansion , but a few days since , Set gay along the gayest `and, so hospitable among the most hospitable, of the hornet{ of Washington. ', Mrs. Sickles may be 22; and hartWo She is the daughter of Bagiali, ,the celebrated music -teacher, of Fourteenth street. Amid the general gloom which this - eat affair has east' over the city, many a sorrowing thought is cast towards her whose guilty surrender to the wiles of a vil. lain has - resulted, so tragicalff, for she ilflB been Minh liked, and those who have-''known-her will frre t r e r w eiy io a di t tehiie l ii i ne eea b a c i gr or . o g ale vi n l att n -i:i ip wi as n their way in polite society, tit to Cantribuirf more to its vivacity. - • • ' When Mr. Miklos surrendered bimetal: to Attorney,Oenertil Black he requested such dispo sition 'to b 6 made of 'Min as was proper. ' The Attorney General sent for a magistrate, who, with the chief of police, came speedily. Soon, Pater the Mayor arrived, announcing the - death of Hey, and Mr. Siekler was Conducted in a 'carriage to the jail, where he now is, awaiting. an .aaareination. I called upon him thin eveningand found him sur rounded by several Colleagues and 'other sympa thising friends. - Ho 1723 evidently laboring under strong. mental excitement: and hie hagg ard mum tebance'preseisted'marbed evident,. of the, fearful emOtione which have liarrOinid his very soul derine the ~last twenty-fol* hours, ! . Nervertheless; his manner was calm and collected, With his ,nerves steady. Of course, I did not question him rola. Cie to the affair., Hal volfmteered the 'remark, however, that it, waa unavoidable, and- that he cupid 'not. have dans otherwise._ He not : Satisfied mei was of' hiegtitit, we co we liv6 together upon the same planet'.' •L - ' - - ' Popular sympathy, eland in such oases, is al. - mbmt nnanimoußly with Mr. Slaktee,,the provocation being deemed - ample Itistitleatioa- far the deed, and when the facts, as yet unknown, come to be developed, this feeling will grow still stronger, and read a fearful lesson to those who;_may at tempt to invade' the 'honor and happiness of ano, thiir's home. - • Have few of Key's personal Mends profess to diabe- Have bi g conduct to have been aotually and.maintain that it was the result merely of in- - ordlnate..personal vanity wide!". led Ilui-to Seek the appearance of being a favorite with,the lady in 'question. " Their theory is utterly dleinpated, by the confession of the now heartbreiten.vioUm. • The Hon. Robert Walker and hiesars‹..Car lisle and Batelle have been retained4us his °pau sal. ;They will brie him' before Judge Crawford tomorrow, on a writ of %habeas• (tarp:Wand move his disobarge upon ball. There Is little, doubt. thatit' will be allowed - , and he be released from enitody. The general 'opinion-seems to no grand jury will ever indiot-him:; - Key left no property ? ribs family conneotiensit Is understood. are ahie, -and. Will - piviVide . .for hie children: Some of Keyes friends intimate threat's of summary vengeance -agalast• Blades .tf appears in public where they sits Yeallt him.: -.8.. GENERAL STEW noimusi Air.mnem-nstice.P.inton; of the Sev enteenth `ward, at Oineinnati,"Ohio, United in mar riage, last , Thuraday,aflat-boatinart—Devid BiOn-' ner—about fixty•six years old, to a girl--Oat rine Marsh just eigbteem Manner, on hie w ay, down the river, had laid up one night, on account of fog, about twolundred miles above hire, sad going or !hereto make some,pnrehasett in a settled district Of Ohio, he entered a rude, eabincef which Catharine'', father wailed!. proprietor: "-Al ter chatting for some Aime %with the old man, be turned to the daughter, who was very amiable, and aakod her if she would not like to go to (pole nati.. '• She, with an unexpected *promptness, said " 014. yes I've always wanted to see that big eity. • I've heard se much of." "If you'll go, marry you," Said" th e boatman; and after a few momenta 'she and her father consented, and as soon as 'they arrived here the twain were united by the paffis: trate. 'Monter had never been married but had " taken a fancy" to Catharine, who, notwfth standing the disparity of their ages, seems to like her husband greatly. A queer and not unroman tic' history this, while , t Bloating down the rivet on the Ohio?, A FIN& looking gentidmati marched' up" Broadway, in New York, last Friday. lavishly roottering gold dollars along the street. It is hard ly neoeSsary to say that a bilge- crowd followed him. 'An officer remonstrated, - and received shower of gold in his face. Unlike Danae the of floor refused to-aeoept this:token of a ff ection from the Broadway Jupiter, and put an end to the him rat gentleman's exploits by hand-Wang- him, and planing him on a cart and carrying, itina,to. the Tombs. -- • ' • " • • Axe GYMNABII7IIEXHIIIITION Monday night, a man named Brady caught a ring' suspended from the ceiling in his left hand, lifted himself upward until his shoulder and clenched hand were in a horizontal .llne tive times, and very nearly succeeded in Tierforming the feat a sixth time. " JOIIN LA MOTTATATR, of Troy, 14 047 York; is busily building the balloon bound to oroM the bil lowa to Britain by-and-by. Ho bas the miaistanoe of W ise. the patriarch of aeronauts. He intends first to take a trip of a tboutaad miles on this eon-. tinent. JACOB THOMPSON, .an aged resident of San bornton, New Hampshire, a outwitted sniolde last week, through fear of coming to want. He was possessed of considerable property, but lived alone, although he had a eon residing in his immediate neighborhood. A 4Eir OATS AGO it lawyer gave an insult to the judge of the Court of Common Pleas, at Logansport, Ohio, while on the beach, whereupon the judge got at once from hie teat, and, going into the bar, gave the chap a sound drubbing. IT Is STATEb that the body of a child some three or four years old, and considerably decayed, was recently found •in a bale of rage, at a paper mill, in Gardiner, Maine. The rage were imported from abroad. SEVEN years ago land could be bonght within six, eight, - And ten miles of St. Paul for one dollar and twenty-five cents an acre; now it is worth from one hundred to three hundred dollars per A I , lolm:tax, twenty4lv:e and a half Inches in length f fourteen in ohnumforenoo • and 'weighing five pounds, wee caught a few data eines in New• town, Conn. Two Thummaws bave started to go on foot to Pike's Peak, draiiing their provisions, ko,, after them in a contrivance of sheet iron, shaped like a stone boat. Ina° MOSES, Grand Worthy' Patriaioh of the Sons of Temperance of East Tennorsee, died at Knoxville on Monday last. - - . MRS. MARY TKrion., - of Leo,Massachnsefts, bad a surprise party of bar fifteen children, on her one hundredth birthday; lately. THE CITY. Comm.. of Ricbmond, Virginia, have reduced the tax on real estate from 100 to 80 cents on the $lOO. • • - tor Inn?? Sum, of large 'size, Is being built n Wilmington, Del., for Com. Vanderbilt. From Delaware. (Oorrespondenee of The eress.3 Mu. EDITOR: On this 20th day of January, A. D. 1859- the Legislature of the State of Dela ware, has, by solemn enactment, sold the State of Delaware to one Richard France, of the city of Bal timore, for the small and insignificant sum of seven hundred and twenty thousand dollars, payable in semi-annual instalments of 'eighteen' thousand dollars for twenty years, for the privilege of selling lottery tickets. Just to think! the State of Delaware for $720,000 ! and the neat move, to make this sum available for the purpose for which this lottery was granted, is to issue bonds on the credit of the State, payable in twenty years ; so that the dWerent projects mentioned in this bill, Just passed, ash have their quota of the money, BO as to nom menco, operation. It is to be hoped that when these bonds of the State of Delaware are put upon the market for sale, that the capitalists throughout the length and breadth of the country will point at them-with the finger of soomand contempt, ahould they succeed in passing an act authorising the bonds of the State to be issued, - the redemp tion of which is predicated upon the payment of this lottery money by Blehard Frame. - The people of the State will most assuredly re pudiate their payment, nine-tenths of the people being opposed to the lottery grant ; but opposition was passed by_unheeded ; and so intent were the I brilliant legislators on passing this bill, that they would not submit to a single amendment to per fect the bill, put passed it, and 1! is now a law of the State, and, as it now stands, one of the most ridiculous, imperfect, and disgraceful things that ever stained the statute-books of the State. The door is now open for twenty years, and all persons who want to gamble and spread ii..quity can nbw have a chance, if 'they apply soon the Legislature of DOillarßre before it adjourns. Donn, Del, Feb. 26, 1859. 6cisSons. 4-4 1 1 iLigif "srn,",-Ce sorrtorwo Folitusporavarq,* rintelrYli!", , ,!ir isdatikk• maac, i ;- ; eelaraludeition'iatit4reseletliti tumor the Itzttore-Istenileeto.temaret 7oivetthis hi the t riviiiikbrixithititstio.4.lofitaieet Aosta Inh mitten We Ain be fireet/isky* to oiattosoobtlorioy -isms owl other Sotto/ 100 l osoutiokas dam . the e An: - env seinf ei thettiy istheiir jpirtai as ramose attamiimmiltiehir filtitaeins, otpopulidlos, or WW I:Witgat 1 :Witgat 'la Do intend tog to !to goner tg 414-: En= THE • ovonunly tt Then:4 a tboCtocamonlio ., 7ozsydi rift.rtt-• • Nroir 4 eAurinre-liknzitlruarar.'.. r ~-A. Thib attino-. Andy' - , NATIONAL. 4raconh--" Dan - Griat-Ilhowm— "Lent's Ofivits Ofimpsorl—gt Ziguittiaa,Cl7mnaidas satt icrobstio testa." - 13oDoNotraVti = etninve244hootiotie Gems frquipper r ail, gantruisteef,Dassiati mad Zgoxmailpi ymt*LlF.-..g!MilfoalLineouj Anyetabg., manta." - - illimaiiitalignar. tOr ptrt-Gffiirifill iv - Coin:in tine' odigiimaiivi iii iirerls:4l2,thz - lier of hi . ;Meese' . aseetabieil Iliefieriehige,t4syneie Hal; in pneguseoe of ti provlotudy pabllehed sol o i, for the parpoee of Ok thepeemmittatittepetowardsdotegioneethlet; fr - idbiet to b.Otkir tOk-oorkiltkoi °LSO* dawatroddee. In- On matlothlkfr,. John Bubblier wall. oaliedi•in itlaW oltair, earl Edward Panhkaypented amatory, - Ad- - dream wore delivered Wilt; Mama, Dr. Thome. and Otherei mho eled i 7olveadod •the :came they IMO' larnit Alnif ed to the' adooldeana that Wheat; f i t aiiiiargitheirosstoarrhlyea to thialeadtespeaperkeeeer thoinetbeflanatry kudtwand t rpot There they conbnjoytbefrpoonlber tonere ant &ovine,: and We of right to worobliGod a 000tiil tEilhe di etetee of that owd.aeinediatelbo ndiana, the aboriginal of•the„oonntry. -were driven bleb, and teat; whila - .alt - akar ,olamme hare. been al lowed a home. ' thei'mkto • and yiirilegh Of *M aine, the' lndlaa = hen' been - reggae ed as an oulamc and._ 008 for whew notably. ass be doe to vendor. Mho liaed and.asefa eitteeti; 2 _lleiw, homey . - ier it I. nada, peed hot that thelialfan behitnraCitail 'eduisedri and mode eeeteehle teeseheteetoesetAefheepeakertheat alluded to tholfavajos'aMether tribal tlat have ohdliaed,-ind hies ehoiralbeir ospailty to be equal le futaiumvary peidflot4ittli - ss the quietism *hoar; the Yndian amid be reodered oapablo of orenpyingalOnla- -• blepooftica has been satlafartertly nott.lid,.. it only yew then/ now host to' work - etinistty - in'tbit ealsw,to " .bavo inef met bikes to boht anrAberfilattllonientlost in this otty, arnehtlngof reprosenlatiem front the es- • rione darlay,the - daniee enumer;M4 Mai ,bringingtheditteiont ztelbee" tedetb or, all porde.' coar consult and oakertaln abo hut methy l for balloting- - the design of the modation. „ , Th. e ttng =lt;=lZ=l attended' and allsweised tots deeply interested In the - ranee ; ..aa& as . the ob,Jtet-ls,* ,laudoblet one, a d one which shciald eziltet the energy and erropattryoVever, humane ei tlien,lie • halts no`doubt the cause win pros- - 'per, and thats int - sheet Woe. a huge -Amber 6I our': Odle nfb roots hi eta become quite thdona la .theds 'torte - to advance the happiness and Itoeperityot OICI rid brethren of the far wait, - , - :The following resolutioss• were enbedtteSt expires. el else o pted f the sense of thentietlng, end were unanimous , Resolred, That we: exttreetionitt: horror and doodad. 1 nation at the action of our. troope and borderpttlers in bruiting the homes of the Initialer, destieitret.their crops, onttsgine their Takers, indlaroadietteiralf aux- - slitrieg,reen, women, .-and children; rAnd.tere further deolare this iodisorimanate datteuetton of our aborts:- nee a diorites to oar osuotry sad to oielltistiorc ' '..??4solord, Thet we, de mare the 'ettistes orPhtle; dolphin present. do expressos, our belief that:the : In.' are eanceptittle of civilization. In euppert which, we leetattee the Navejos -of New Mutest. with other tribes, who live In:lMbps. witereAlealteta, .--. other fabrics, eulthrats,erops, ad raise vest herds of • 421•. p and eattle %Rase:rad, That your ementiftee teepee VILIFY ratio:ion a means teresable Ude organlietton to tolliL its benevolent ptuloosee ; that!. Christian' mhalstip or. America present to thirr Templets* eongregatlons the ' claims otthe Indlan;..sof WO; Dania all Anwar sant:- =. rellgi Oita associations to join us in thaltilort .te Tirsittot and elevate tills nnhapny - people. We espial to Oar preen" , . to lend as its. aid in better of thin souse - Puttee and humanity, Jet ell goad-mon andlitomen_ everywhere help es toy their syinpiitity and nrney ; end : by`thein means, with petition, to'Congresii; thn pans but noble Indian 'unmet be itaved.,- - : • - -.• insetted, That we- form. in thls-altrsee arganieas... tion tobslalied the a Militant 'Penn radian Intends lioolety,” the objeetal Which will be - the presentation; -- . from time to time, of 11110 h feels as will. conviatta-thie • public that the 'Aisne are-hotlawillistand AIM* *be educated, and : are capable of becoming rusatataitisane and that this incisty be appointed the Inatdline - the rights . and Interests of the - aborlened, to, ha**, charge of thelidian amercipriations, met "to and . thitf they may be expended in the erablialtment - of- - .hoot.' Pm ?median, writing. , :and erriculturat education ,• of beingseent for -wblekey, Instrument" °tires; and other temptations, which Indian agents east principled pistons vs__ conthamdly plateleg i beroze this people, ' . _ tiIIABDIANS OF iirk(Piioir.,= . 4lll4 body:hell a regular meeting yesterdaj Afternoon at, their MIS, - lie Seventh street, Kr, ; Send in ilk* • - _ The;seint of the has* tmliMitted n, repot, statist tborOmber in the bowie on Be`tirsiii7.2th;to alma time inet year " 812 G , . Decreite- -W1 The astral itnnber'of ipplloititme for relief, aasso.wat - calved and appropriately disposed of: _ - The sterwardli report stated that he - hat tollestek r. The ont;door anent repeirt;d tied he had ,nolleitiod BM 25 in bond mad aupporkeases, and 5520! entliran6 tj the month or clamant' ent:deos the month ending February 19th, withittehr nathityittf ng Inflows: GrEnnai. •403; Ireland, I,664Vinglestit, 140 ; Wales, -O. -Beetling', 26; Italy, It; -Ireatea, II; Unknown, fa ; trladelphla; OFT • • Penrial/saali, Z Il • ulted Ftales, - • - • • - ' • - Smith' submitted:Abe - Iterated; That the- steward .he Instrateted: to take charge of "all the Hour • arid- for tke'Alette,- order alien be rest/Ugly - • - Agreed to. Mr. Hoopes submitted the following: Received, That from this date all contracts AO edit! and wood be declared Mill aid void. Agreed to. - - . . On motion of Nr.H.amee,,lt wee resolved that the phy• - delta of the Almshotne aompany with the Alt. home committee; shall ;nuke an• examinettoit of••alt the papers, pal that all the ebithbedied youperato,dls. charged., • On motion of the Samigentlemau, it wsi resoltid thift all loafers be rejected forthwith from the -- Almshouse, as it is now customary fora certain elms orworthlase r idle Mows to loaf about the premises during the dew, and apply - for admlaticin at bight, -and' by ' this means secure comfortable quarters,. - •.• • •' Bills were reported by the secretary, amounting to $24,822 83. - The bills were approved of, and warrente ordered to , be drawn for their payment. Adjourned. , - _ - - THE Inniati itTirziy It has been miCertained that the. deranged- individual whc; via ofManed at the 13Ixth:ward is ..EdWeril *obey', He aid his witejzabilh MOTO" of the Emerlid tele,sid bare been in this eountry for Raven. teen years, the greater part of which" time they , have • resided. at Terre Rude, Wiwi*, He informed Mint. Bowers that him wife had a belt winch contained a gar., tion of the $1.,000 which halted been the owe•rof. The oMcer found the belt which - contained twentyfour gold-pieces.. Mrs. Fahey has also produced that potion' of the belt which her bullhead threw into the river, and which contains ten $7O gold-pieces; by which Means the money found atths West derseyslip, in amides, wad Identified. Nine hundred dollar! were deposited In Mel State Blink of Camden, and the balance hept to defray the travelling eapenses. .Itis now supposed that /they au ;only affected with temporary insanity, which had been occasioned by the possession of so large • soma money, lathe man seemed Nei al! relieved after It had - been deposited,- _ - • • . - • Jpranwntww- 001tDRAlOalTfte' &num.— Some two , weeks - eine*, the Ilona of St.. Cie/plat - through their trade easoodetion, made- a• movonmet for the purpose of obtaining an amnia in their waste.' It is well known that, during the late panto. the wages of.this (tethering demi. la common with those engaged in the other meohanleal breathes, ware mush reduced • - below the rey,uha.prices previonalrpsid. The object - of the present movement is to obtain an advance ads. taste to afford to this deserving clap a oompensa. Von that will - enable them -to support tbemeelvea end = those dependent upon them. tinder pr sent prices it is impossible for them to earn a livelihood without tolling from fifteen to...eighteen hours per day, - end even then the money earned affords them but a stinted - • living. Their cafe is a bard one,. awl earnestly in. vitae the sympathy of the platen.' Twenty:lire of the . largest employers have yielded to theirreesest. end have given the advance wages. and we trust that ethers • will see the propriety of yielding to the `• laborer the worth of his hire." ' COLLEGE COMMENCEIdEitTe. -- The Spitni Commenoements of the Philadelphia Medical &Imola are about to take place. • The Com:imminent of the' Ilomeopathte Medical College will take 41aes - at the Magical land Hall. on Thursday next. - The_ Wm. meneement of the Babnemennian Medical Inatlttite will take place the pry:lons evening - The commence ment exercises of the Philadelphia College of Medicine will take place at the Musical Sued Ball. out-teeth:4ex. day next. The commencement of the Penneyleania College of Dental Surgery will take place at the Marl.. cal Food Hall this evening.- MAD DOG KILLED.—Th 9 cry otraad dog 7. always creates an exeltement, let it be in mumble* town; and well it may, for no death la ' coffering so intense, as that occasioned by,the bite of mad dog. The citieerie residing in the vicinity of Kt- teen* and Market streets were startled, on Sunday af. ternooo, by the cry of mad dog, end quite a consterna.. Hon ensued. A. number of men immediately started in pursuit of the animal, and, after chasing him for some distance, summated In patting an end to his exist-ens% - - not, however, before he kad succeeded in 'Oast other dogs. Au IMPOSTOR. —Among all :the =lona modes resorted to for tabling the wind, one of the moat novel was praOthied a few days ego atiaermentawn by a colored Min named James Milford. - He enlisted - the eympathiee of the humane in thatavicinity by stating • that his mother Wee held in eatery In the State of Ira+ giuls, and appealed, to their generosity to fernhh him With means to assist in purchuing her feeedoin. Me bad succeeded in obtaining about twenty-die dollars in this way, when he wu suspected of being an impostor, and was arrested on tho charge of obtaining money from the chatitahle under false pretences. - ' - • OUTRAGEOUS I.3OEDUOT.—On Sunday evening, at the close of the mention at the 'Howard attest branch of the St. J ott1;0 s M. 13 church. on Howard street; above Norris, a party of youthful ruffians attempted to. forte their way into the prayer-meeting. Two of the oedema of the aburchorho were stationed at the door,_endea vored to resetiheir efforti , when they received heavy blows from sluagehots. The rowdies - =acceded ha making their escape. Twenty dollars reward is offered for their arrest. • Smarr Fiat.—LThe alarm' of' fire, about 7 o'clock hat ereetlielt, tree caused by the partial burning Of • bed mid •• quantity of clothing, at tha residence oC 0. Otto In Eleventh street, below Ogden 'The flre was entirely soctdental, having been wool by the flame of a, ladp coming is contaet with the (=talcs of • bed. A:rimPrnn Solana.—A young woman named Margaret Dougherty attempted to commit nal aide, about live o'clock yesterday afternoon, by jumping off the fifth wharf below Vine street, into the D.ltt. ware. The attempt wee fortunately witnessed by 05. car Freese who, with a great deal of difficulty, resorted her from Lowed , ng. Rum Ovan.—A little girl about ten years of age was run over by a home and' wagon, about Zen o'clock yesterday morning, at Water and Market streete, - The little girl fortunately eecaried severe Widen. - She , was taken to the reddened of her parents. . "FizeunrED,—Mr. John Niohole t -mien agent bltween thin city - and Harrisburg has resigned . his position, to take effeet to-day. We l leign that he hag lea d appointed superintendent et the Girard Mar Passenger Railway. . AR OviNEl4 luantity of wet &pitting, taken from several parties in the Second blot on Saturday night, is swiuttog. an owner at the office of Alderman Pemlegton. _ Swamis' Ilernaso.—A,woman was slightly tejured about nine 031ook yesterday .morning, by bs•ng nu over by a horse and wagon, at litstket p ttlet wbart. 15be au taken to her reatsaso• 4AlttleP.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers