,„--, ...' ,, fi tic i ,, , ,,A, ' 441"feart, ~,.:„, ''. V4'442lJa • V IA . - ":" ' : :1M! ,a 4 . -'-'4l4.4otrio t ol l ilv do • , o-dirr,rAf' :::41,-.3.-- - _ , ,„,*4 1 ; .. . , „,,„ . woo .wirii.V; 'lt_ c' ''',, ovititf;`" tirao r •,-,,:7!•,41,012.11%,14,.'-f, ~ ,,,-' - i 4 4. „tit 1,10% - ~- ::_, - A77,743:1'0vitr - ' t •.4-.5-=lo4o' - , • q 4 ' Mijuitia,____lg rit'" gea NOIIIIIIDAI O I7 7 -. AnlSlgmmir ,`l2ol•Alla7l,aolltolitriirlit""", AtineaXa TailliFetlii.a'., Abeilitm . - Arrilm_ it : , a fpZIAT.IStaii, iti; • MP_ ,t,.._ Ala . n°l , , la 1[11•401114”- T.' , , triad VW* - AnGliirdiliC?t U4rei° lii" ',...iisier - A-- , Manal - - tliretOeda.,4,llo 1 4150. 004 4.,..ary ,Aroidslo ...- 11 10uP ' Beek 1 yith *h uol „w•r 2.6/4411060" m 4 votwil ities..„:::- 0 , 14 , 0 rioakloi - l*t• '-- ,x:; "...........Li..11.... . . Nue,Al,,,, a p - , ;..., 0.. „ ,-5 - 1 -Bold lti niro , 152=704..V1 -KO- • 4iti ' "i l l 1 - 2:111111tU Zarr 'it, ''' 1 InPidtllowfilsi-, , - ..13 dow if 414,- 11004 - ifiliro*, 4s;:ikifll.- /.:^*9!, a '"'' .'lia4maiitiagalati p ta' i ' ''= N i fi l tl , :lifietai-1,1" ".;1 0111 1145 fu' * Sigivis,eirlitttfl" ' r , r. 7 11kleiltir 1 ,--' ~ I=4 , ~,:t. i1,....„,a1iti!„,..f, iTh.iii,.... 3 - ..,i- ~.,.1„,4#409.10.1,-, He 1M.1,' , j /IMPILE,I4I4I "Stalk V p ,rail=. , i k Tio tt ,,, ..:g, Tfr - ~ cry V l4 :11p9.,.., JA Z, - - i-'-'15•414, 1 5 , - 1 , _ .). • • , -111 - V liisetitiisiiiif!!, , ' 7 ; 7 IISSA -*W 7 OI, • 4. '' , f . C 2 -iii.V.: o/104 rNit 7 1 ...:t ...:... vs.o, •••"!t i 1 f ", 11 ,2! '," -' - I';',:lVißßielif ,' . isnpronVpilkarovip s,,- tt , ,i , -. si S. -, ; , f.'„.1 . "- ~- loses , llolsl2' iatont ll4l44"ta Alo : 4- 111. 114.14 , 118 X 1 fi ' Illio.ll l.lKir trll.S l' # 7 :i * Meise - 4 1000se. Isis B`lloerr- A•141:14,20 *WAE',-r-,, si ~ '4,Hr iiiiikA.:', l ,llonl.llStil w4 :, '14441149;e110041111,Vir_.; &SWAT *-i?t. DiV ait trrsas a „ ''.' t isottOliii„K ,'.. 11.,-- - 1 , -- --- - liott.atss iiralC! --- 'as A - L .4 ' lOW A .040-Wits,eocilA -; .;.-, vpitoratiatud4ll-kikei94 - 1 141.(* - _-: quas. , - 1-,- ' , ' ' 1 ? 76 - firsikAm ;Wes 0 /Wesson '0 10414$ '6III6IA.IIVC , ~;.., . - ' ;I,l'. 1aii,1144/ xe oysTsoßsonll,l-4.,,,,,,paug0i uni,....,.«. Ossh Biente N-, ' JossOtommtioeiVetaistOn..!Vhse' IN -:-Vittralfirtstierli, ; :4l l • *' - 11 4.9 1- .3-ti -:1,,,_,- ,- - ' , .. , ,VakildiriCia o PLAirmit . 0 '44 , - ---olitiaattium r , :PLalliMiNAkin W , f,re It ...'; ,, ,, ,, t - .; . imam , Kor -, --" - Aosaboatittt.lwst **IF .1111 4 4 1 1:' ,t ', -.- : - ,ollollAitsra i1i54,11900411 - 3A.ara•-Awims A. it-i -=altariick/001111,7 'ili .• ji f f. arniusst r lite:o44o.o4v ' , Sri , ': 'r-CnsAßl:igejsmONW ~ 15.;*.cyss‘Ppc ~,, , OlUila 1 1 ti A 1 1 ; Jain alt all .S 1 °A r t ".1 ' ~'. :.- ?:, 01010 . 10 4 1 tA l ta +10•010 0 4 4 4 - ,4; 4 , 04 1 i'll01 1 , 1 ;a: . , QUA Mos Bats , Meg Oink ',... Matt bath A.- -8..: ORB .i AniteSti - dr l ' ilt il loo , 4 l tWii - fiV,•,,_,_.,V.eirs, : : • .;„„ Oalsiissilisothe'r-IllnsibssyJSA.o kW* /ITS: - :Ooolltiliss Usti Ksoineds 815 . ' . Smith essts t A , , , ,--; orewtostlAßPit;iinsielsirniteinliatortii! . --,- • onsstssisnif,l43 - 411W1:4VAX. 1 0110#4 , Asiii• - : ' . • asalittillathiViitiVsyttailialks4Nleilliak laii - A:,ve evaiDllolololo-- , 400500 IlawN-.80100160140., , - ' :' Walt Marys Pt klltinusimOstlesp,Alinttkliss X, ~) , 0414. a Mist V . , loin loolste- , „..,4;:10174111304T.,! , , VOttrniliKelliTgtrie 'aitalN=l774MtZli; •.,.::, tie ~.." 'Wi t le,n - i.abgt... sip ;,,,I,esumsfeto.:-.,. <tiV6 Atobwmibiothigilk. ,Ite - ,;4.,,,4 -,..'-,. viii;Futuieludaioutorwout A T . A.::1.; - . ' " Ceiba ' ',04-1101.10ar.xow - 4 163 0 1 1 ,1 . -BF, dt "---,'-' -‘ 011 ; Oisital iineßAW;ol66ool4Statiii, to , .04 1 d shli -: .:, Lewis ilts% - . , Bustisikoe,‘.. 4, - , " . __1114113.1,-.;-,,Bessrett-Ilsrpit-S DM Iliss01011,::-IrLYsiiisii iiii it 34 1014,03M885.A ' 8'41=2 Elllo4ll.lloBile-ABirlselliiss elaft., - , ,•., -, l!sy_ _ Ti , lifiles,Bor,•=f i T, - - pausesittiih ...qr. Lwow usawl-w ~.4kk - 4' ; r, AMitklAilla 1/4f.ii“iese air _m-Aipaipii ,;- I , . - ;" •-.• ''-inakieliciiii 0 orillteolimarresAii -, Tituniukillirst .4 iiiiiitatee',AlicestkilLiilAV,, ,- "' 010iBisisiniketiBeeterediss Ai.TOWAIAM• 4I .. 3 I • - ;- IHROS l llllliiseussiels ti r :,,.., ssess Bunet. i ,i .2-, -, , • mist l'itstitinivetns A igi 4_ oirliellit it,e , :, :I L ._. . MIMS o , 4lll•Ainshiln A-V., 1 441105 s TB. f. 0104000~Swaltsiesionesst At li44.ostststlill-Li , , , -t. ir w ilMent - if -151100401/0116 A i,tvf7,lVmssapy st,„,,i ; I,..s.l.:akiratime•P,A-• Wangs Nr i •, i ,,,,...".. r•;orksAMlMmosii - Mille,s•M*lfmic ma: V •' ' -,- lit4lttiiigun in Ufa atit'r.w Wm** m Ww•Atrain_ visia:4kaii it a- , -.. ....imeiroatiadi,i4 , ,Wokata Au* * : :! --- ' E 1112t ."1- ilisithiai - Mir -AWN Nrame 84E:4 . f. , 1111101111115044nsA , B0soleilltshaBbev0, , , , -.... ,-- ~ :Mot 2-, - ,-licierliimcmeillVallt , AUsabai,l .. , IsoliSMOssw , ..'"-z - : ' /.0,:',;% , -...Wensehz es, z si i, //eiNflAisel ikfai', Jlllol,l7 , (vMsts4seikkiesi Imlsylinsisk% '-,.lisribl i N ll ta 1 , .- Nails ansflell - -f Part elig_T*-' l7 :;mariii*.i4,ll.4,:;witudgA r tg -z - - , ' , • , '.., .voiiiiktiat w " lir, ."....„ 8 . 4. t., :. ,-. ~ : roweilintiwpii!' iii # 4 .!!..1C-JWV4Maqi 24 i.4,-.- ,- ~,:- Pititioilme• ;le sr E .,,,__:Woodiellfri id - ' :' , /a l l.ll.4o l Mtl.:ii-Nalkii. V.P:PA,' - ''Wrida Mra 7 , Nkomo looniMoli, a 3,4-- . .1-11r 'Moan' Ann Tost4t,Ssisk., , ~'.' Bleio.-r , -,, , , W Ens Elio IresselitigieS,J ";1 1 Ksklikslkli„l-Nilogirsai4.-- ,0 ' , . p orn agp o vrwiii 'Mx' aeltola 1 -7 - - WiLksseilii,ll 4 . , 7' - iii4ith*,-liire jittliiiirsiiii.tl:4';:scQuisil .thit-, , i ..; . *Santis ligt*- . 3 ' War itele: L y,tl. ) Aq11441,411 YOO • . ,- , - iel, jii,,Lv_l,--:.ite l it t igwv:_:. i i , ,yeaksaya ox . - 0 ibbir Bahia X- itorakOirstimallarst , Man , - Osiiin tolls Ann . VCllo4,lo , lim p t i tirlacYtt. -"M <Waft illia-- - 7 , ;T-la ' Mrs I, • . ' -- eiIACAMOA - .4:4041110 . ;1 - .eil ,-, ' , ... ,- n,•,, , ,„ ;"Araillso LA it ColllsS fiso l / 4 1- 3 . ,roiret4:o,sija o f -12-,116114 Weeo4:'?•=lliddiegiiiir lq , ' shieditair . ~, 4.14;:w1v.i.. , ..-.„,...,,T5 „ ;, 44 .;,: v e t i o . e . 044: 0, i-di i r.aillfgraoaltgo , i \ tt- , ,..,' Ott* ticinikly: Vi , '..4.-' ll 4 o Zlti!took ~, ..,,. • etgroi itt,,,-, , 5.,.. - - tu , mtseilll V, tt 4 fissi t tn_rn is , ! . ' • 'A Plitt ',. . COtibliiiiil4 ''' VA, 7 e afs* .. ' ,- ;:iliVarkinator'iNitiir - dolle 11 --,- -TIM pia o- . - Aus. a a --koootwriromew3;ltialidawarei; • , .. i. ; r t.l , o4_47go is a4:::. ~. , .Haiktodc 0 1i,.. s; fr. , --(4 `,..,er 4 5 4 lnrYsiM'CA•llonsic.v ' ---- 1/ 11 + wliniT4,l7C-44 grit:tv:-"PistilatsM;c - -.• Rgaillteipte - w,,-, -- ,•-, -', Maim ,o.,w_._ with 0.1 - - -ia i 41spasku TB , - , uogohwii:q/ggilgin - - 001.60..tfi10;'Y 4 : i ,W4V ..' " '-. ... • .. 11 -rill4 4 4 ;i i i r e , .-,414 . 4"... St ) , enures. { Obis 13..., , ''" •".e....,- ..._,_-1t!:"1 - .I•!aecl'gr,iti-t't,ins - - -- ,-I -- "7 - 7 —, , hook '''''' , wank. ?_:•t:, 4 - e , 9ol4ftsi inmo L., , , , ,i„,,M0rke011M 0 AI tomitlA' L ly-.l , ,tiOublust liii: - .11611kalia4bwalit -minstaii4 ass . CoaDo e tiglos " Ils,T.Obso /I• . r•:; 7OSO4PYI•O Wv/rebt3411 1 .431‘,D0 - , -;• Bawl Sony, SM10111301,W„ , tto 3 0,4130 n, Ablikli. ,t,,,MartIADV, , o, _ „ Aloolloon John .: - .5 AgroVoll 31134 %,4-,,, , M00m00 Jou 1 • ..,y , LArtgaAwAtaarj - 10 Attli-0 1 $0- -L , -Rauh R • N - - ' laWilte -i niVa r 4 7 f itifi t atg l 7 l lirt- i 07 1 4 9 -11t4, 9 1 t iixt l itere 4 .-P ~ ' ' ''' kapliCk: ? tißll, - ;: ',,'“ . 4 I A Illoilelarif .' ' V VW , - ''''lliAtroilllo ' - I 'lisidido)bA4r.,.. - , ~14000,* „,... ,TDilts .11 X 14.., , f i bilillltlitbia, ! lit r at* s l' lliV l' ''' ' SClfTlrr '''!" :' ,_ l ' ai r i r.: ll . 3Y 6* " "iflCet3 t f'' i Vt_ 4_,. Xi „Ir. ef"4l&-W.,i Kfi Ai II '" . '''"'' rihrlis Ose 4 ' - 'HallKlLal.4_, /inkorlsoa P,,,.„ RsAttwk Jaa4 --AlloOntio oar " J 21 1 04 0../00-& Divlall" &ffippli!klY__WWX.to, N`Cto a .ign - wge s z id ick, , A.O 4 , ~,,- f , ' it .., . i , Darttooon 4Co ' Dolororyto Mono , Hart Byron V. , j , -;130mtIO - Do 13oramoll goodnoo:1 Thom P -Bator 800 W Do Armatol- - , Dorm 4 P ," S ' Xsztor !1.2* * _ROgn2lllrt'd A lisi 2 / 1 1 " ' 1 lIIIItIeY go, 7 , ovary aII ', - -13mosySoo , , Dorn** 2' II Delany &mild - limwool Wm 13 - !, Ifison John ,„p/Shota 1011,,IorDonli V Doolllio StMMTDMMIDO MAO ‘i.3 Motwood ZIA D , D0100v71134%%t,-Apottli ,a34,1r / aura J ' - ''' MINIM %I. if ,7 % '''' ' 'IWO ra sr - Virtley Gee 1 - Y ~ _ _ ~rittipilliamlNsir4....A.6”n,•: :Her r,4 H.;_ na.grao• jno WV „.. Ay _ ,Dluomook,7o3 2, , Hatt i ik,,Co Wm • j Dewier siticf - Pa 3 .-I,tiktiiiiit-W T. ” "Marv- Dothan Booboo 0 S Dicky y W W ,„; Motbision nod* r 0 II Infiltetnaliii w ''''' llosoloroos 0 - - ca. /VIItorDIM3I•O43MIII , ,, ofon@oisoltooll ' ' tam 7.1111 ''''"iwiii im - Met 04011' &oil Aim . --`41 , 1 V iiitersi4 —..1 iihe ik' iz i r..m i rj , _SWUM W' 4,/4% s, ,•&*(2811.-0 Jar. -0 !t i1r00 1 7,0 1 10 r- , -, 'DM& W V*CO -wyrsarlifetset - /NTH Oho • ' - Milk* r/ 211L)" Nr IC qrt e l t lel n ' Mount V il k li'lM ° 23loXga' qlll. 1 , roll:4 4l 'g (0 1110 . 4 k.vt AlikAttilos wrr:c f issesaw - lam . , ; „atetor uiro , 2 . 2100a.m . lc 1„„ kio,ki e rw .r<.. afraid aftr a • ', S(0-10.,- „M 44130.14 „, ( soy 1 1 . 01 . , ........,•-- ..,--t Normitollio '' Mat& A DeerMorit 11i% , . , r41141101y cow ws -,, % _ .lierboto/o- , ,% , - , , , ....-Dovol-Do-BLD - - 1 1 1 11-Drladoon 0 i Sloirms Jai OA 4 0 11 0 7. 44 t.'.1. ,111 4 ,14011 T3•`: rl I 00,4140 . Z.- - PPLIVIO a'' latiiiiAlbitrt % 1 ' .114010,XLMg; - „...-Aullw•R l ,t 9,,, ligin a tt 'T 2' i •wownsan wn ,'.li,litgi4 -:-.- • Id lair , tort L'llon 2 “'''Detoispliiiiiit'Pl. Km; Soo -, 4 - , gowns, 1 - it ,` Dopoirtlionolk= MID Pp ~ I I Donee Ttr Ton Witair)l•l!". , ?WNW ler" 1 - Hostimunc.L,Nalliptrpit:(4•; ZMO.A.Domiialoic."! lorine W 42 ., O, _ mao1)111 "; ...eTTPIT • :•.,- ilkatio.ek glio , ' VS , a''' - ,4 oiMileity '.'„, dradli wi n Al - Wiiteg 4 / 1 4n1 ' Moe T A. W D Doi Sl' .1A03 1 7' Vl,OO o‘, 1 , .., - -74 tri44 WdlO IsAlosikg 606u - erns D .a. • ~ . - ALL . ' ~1096 k time -Al nittlat 0.1)1 a siil ~.,, 0..,..,..1,,,,w_ iruittl Mei*, wim , - - 41147rj e 7711147,07tt't t :ti'lloptleilI Aped . 4- •' ,, lh:raoirl'll - '•,loralfiti T ', AsilmilD4olll,77 01111014 WM ~ 1 I:ll"tielt u f4l4s-' , 1%P 14 0,01• i ' l li l lt; , 'il*;;V - t ° 16 1 , 9 = l o l l, 6 illi ll44#V 16104163 i fl i -- jorwnr iner , , : . • , ~, ,- , Aninittuva 717 , WV . ' utoldnoon Igo I --: - 4 11. , gW-o , tfoe i' ~ J 4ltysot Inca -• ' i Netire-" --, ";;;1111141#1, ,fai",,. • " - Irairriwigniooo,oixl ,trist a a:, . 4 ,i Ar' 14 4. 5 4.1%-A-- 1 1771/. kVA Tithit Dmitri a kii . 178 , 111114 07 ::I'l 4 1N11; ' 1 047,0, , ..51anta1ki14..,z44 IP , to ei I sworlapan z 4 iinikui m aro 'Wooly Pi :L.: illattellJMOJKOtOn atag frr - 41/ an 40:Ve-te ,, ,, A. A irv4 . 444o , A4abc; lf'lxosiiiity hil,,, ,- „•- onion A/4 . 1, ty,h c , ~ - a ;.''.,_ . ~... diogaloesraioa ~, t 1 44Attlk,- , ,,,, , . PPTipSr OW., ~.I.,TWiarWir., ,- 0/MilthiCk ' ' - - . - :/1111000 . 0 A.•,;" -, 14(t0r /Maw '',' 1 / "PiWpca_Dr Ju .atkort, M011e , ..10,1ti00-Mlool lot - ismootur '''Ali g ,- ii - ) 311143' it ,c/,VntilATld .106 ~., t , slokivi4 t imoosJno i IlsolSomulDg ' Sid - 1 - 1 -4 4Mhiaoo Psi 3111111; W w - • Pioh 11 - ,-I•alm AA. '• . ' ziotiat-1 4, t i n d wasiaktwaiis - ' 1124 4rt - o,figik , - Aparrsomo, j ai t .. fikAltitt, 119404 4 , 4 ' , '' ' tr'l_, ' P 2.41 41 1114 *.i,1411 . 0111113 lt: P _ r ."'MPr aaficfferaroblr ir /Pik' • i -'.-.. , '• wittaiiiiiieW4,, , *API - 421 4 4;dre t irre 1 LTA - Ilitiall's‘ 4 "1:401, , -, i 1 o 011 Joh It % '-'• - , , '/- outdo nom3sSiollooll Jog R Joolor Dim(' : t ' ---"-- ', ' OlsoWtakitel'Yt Otamitig2324/247t Wiii,ao ~. 1 , - ' PIW ,NW_ . 4011k 01 tiP*w_ , AffliJabialiwilinlis o w,- ; I - -*PIPTI lj om a fw , til- .. I .4IWWQ , - , ...,; ~ i ,, ,e snyegt~.." PW.,_` , .1; . 1 ,40 • it42 l •', , 7 ' , ...-", aft*PkWeew . ANWilmn W. , ' - "‘ 1 . 4 `"?• ' • •' 7 .„,..; P A W.,tirikUitiatiask :101101/411) i....t. 1 -, , , - L ' Sr -- ' ib 1 A i- J I ,iI.ONOV/PFlL,44." , csPitliPul . - , i , ,?-, , , ,•,, , , lor „, ,„. _ Trosiotiy*., ,i,,,.. Jolrius,.. s .1,1 k• ~.....Wertne•PiP - 767ns irobi 1 „.--) ' I 'Pik* Was , IVonnIieJDOW 4 PMOMI MOM' ' HIP--.W - i11i#6 , 4, 7 1:zr; 1' Xlitilla * , N" „_,..' , , _L-4 1 0,1:7;•, Are,10.6 -.,,., ~,,,, • `',, , Iy - ` , ,,, , ;'''''''72o , :a r 'P - i: . 418 1% ' r - Jon :'%e- 1 ' 4 % 1 ik ij Mei' /,.'( „ /vmb i igicigimoti- awl Wed , ~.- ..,! • _lcf,,, t iktp ,, IPV. , :r.EPOP.Thog, T i ~..,„,....Alrit, Ito-, (row a** k mane dy A , , Idinble WO3 It I Womileitildobt,,7 J i IlsTiefeoti •", 1 Wil*P6l7 k ,.''' t 1 7x7111,6eiR P :-=^ itemb , Litioripor , 'z e 4 :• , t ' Atom, 184 : ~,...• ~... „ tuAfkA,jk,lir:si 1:4-#itttl „ .-q . 'tisistil' 'i rig •lititi iiiiiktAC '' ,glei h ip. . '',' ') Il i A, ''' '.',l3teolClOn. ,•''' t.• fW,24.1 -4 • i - : NtibtlrvilloveT aVi - A • -, 0; ' % Men lir . v. ralk.Lt 'l. li- .4 4 ' Millais* - AGA , , - dnitor,f4.PVidtettos chtf*Atottoatordli 1..M.44 . 01X05P TV 11= 1 E 0 1 .-Jetilidldit sl A silt 1 , luaill , viii*W P Pam fit 1 n if 4,4 4 ,0 0 6 at , ril4ollFir-- , - , 44/01,-1,6---.- --Stover/Ma . lavrolbat At , _ elle/4 4 M _- =4.14 4 74 ,4 0304 ir., , 'Llama IlLiPi , - - ,WIVA#IOk4OCt it: 13 tOSA ',rink it I tan i Wiee,-tylt. Plattil3k42l,- ' Mii61 06466 • , .W4%1 u% 4:41114113."14 L ,- ' ' gtranp pm 2' "'" Lit Buldfittiti ,46282411 , 4:9!..!"!, -Strains Danl. , proltort .. , ' - diarriO i , .: , - lililles Jos 02 D alktt,:friPattefa J 4 ~; <f • -.: VemiutSe 3 ; .;:-' 420"144 / 1 1;:ririV '''', ' Attar ' '.: ' 6 Pf6,1 4 :17,,:••40 1 2era1 v it ~' Sta i ttl e i2 kr sn '''' t Teo t:•,l•l2lineis.Tßains i n' s "/' &',Br; ~ ' ,illta,Wf Of• 6 0 efemill , ' plitlYlT.,,i. , , .., - , too ,„ `,,,`,. Stood ThOo 4 „ 4 prditodlAAPol,Poiroot:l ' L a Sillim,bidir GI -', , 'L l ens lf ,- ..Palot I 0 , Manion Jab /mob ii, , l, Yettqn, &buil ‘., ' ,'..'Stitef_Peteir . - - ' f Paisivpliff sitiOnWiti -1" AUTO'S"' NRit MOOT trod: r , IP.' 4,Pitti Ow% ~,, litiheartAl - t I.owe,J4eliih,,v...iPelifer 12,-, - L ,Sloillor,Vre -. , " Itinie , Clibrfle* 14 , 01- a; -1 : „sty l i - Atom y _.' •Lbwesuent C att ~,, Pipe Heat , ~IiA,A A A kp A , 4 , 13 ;Min A. l -4:-".Plornit Ilse kJ, Madden/ Ansi*. • , T,,,nhmm to: Plummer P ' Shiny N'W 141%f i V . /I.,..q''' l 'MVlTliiitra l fs . D . Tifapt ~ s afTll4lkr PM :PiplitiNfialat', ~ Swims We, ; i.; „•; „ thee lietiblt ~,i tt , - .Polliohly.lh .1 • Dinh•Howard ' ; LididniftWi - . , 1 .;;;Petil Dr John R , Swift Robert- , 41piiklaityt3bitiCA'• IftieetAi' ,„!.•-.: •,•• *Sweeney, Rotten- Areddillibli:A' , It L, ' Priest Utah 4 II 11016.1, rant, & I_"l.B.4illif Priest Jim Co 1.100 k; n t -362 6 - - .3TillOo Dula .-, Tapley R Capt 04, - w o 321 - _• - ,petirt AD, . " .. , ,Tayler Timm A - Minting NO iii•-••-• Puma-, i„; -, 'Taylor Chao. 'BltilidelphialP , Prline & Woolttoy; Taokabouy P. lookup* Nt• ;v.-Prager 0 -, ? , t , - Taylor Saml 1 oetollisneW 'ii` ;Pries Iftlinklin t. Taylor Tbos I , othielabilleAlax , Tratt Is ..,",,' .1.... .• Tao ik. Bril , •oilanafThoil'' • Vrcierd A -: Taylor John B 60,10 rtd /to Plisnuoy - d • ' '-• -."-lTilltia B Carl II offloan"wrali , - Raymond -X - ,_-,•.-Thomplion•Jos _ MtoborOoi Wto II 2 Ba - *MAW .1. W & Thayer Cud 2 . Steleirmont WL • Oo 2.1„,f L. • i•-• ; ',' Thiess V WoOlsialTru2 -Ratty Henry. ' Thomis Bath 0 - Idulitillin ince, , llimids, 4u, 1. -ThrimPson V, -. Rettliiriffestli ) ', ItakiO3, - ' - ' ' ' ' '' 'lntense X' lieliberes"; a' ~ I tisaßwilas --, Thohiai aß' ,- fe Ne t 11 0 lulu 141 ~ ~,..„ Tbumu Jobu 0 411‘,11 - ditli:7Uoh. Lanai: ' • .. Thtimplion Wm LBO 40 "' • 'Rankin Wm Jr- - Thempbbe WB -‘ 0 eitit',":' Ildrl It' 'Q 2 ' TkOrtile X X De- Xfait*, ~ • 'Reynolds Wl3 Thomas lowa P Beffitillasi Dant Read OZi Thomall Z 0 iteitbity,P•itib' 2,'''fredpith'lD. ''• Thomas B 1. , tßr libillaeltin 0 W E, -Redmond Rush - , Tpcoupson if 1 RoWhinner WA Reed Barr -A • • "'Thompson Jul? ReligiateoTil, ~" BUM V . , "... Trion:Run, Jth 00 bitTliehmorWri' . lies 411-1 Y ~-, ' , 1.% Thol2ooll 'Thal' lioitueGli ;id; , A , ltiftioblto Odiet ' i Thayerft IT - ' ~l iiitimileut Biter A , GlMnt a, , „ . ~,,h ida tiLif ~ Fiarilt=N"i'ilitterir4fti:di 1! ,, ',•••• it ar o 96l l l P a Cii , A , ••••; ~, -..-, l ttsletiVl)• , ' A Tub - Orilla* 2 Ifoljoin'lM , l- - , _, .' Biotite -.- • .• ,ITournlero StemltfilUA , Itnalltich lai If -. ' , Todd„ 3117 H 2 WidtPLISI x , • filtable Geo ' , , Tinid•W Ti Itsyritoll RUM• - WO gee • • , Tyson Jae 1., 1AAAry,,,,,•,, 1 t „Itmourde oit -I Townsend It 8 140Sb/13111e Ridley Jasob Tooth Richard When Plvrail i.T ol6 bridild JJr ,-, 9XIX6r Remy sithitstlituf VOWS N' • • • - Tibia J. , --• . raat:l4l*AV i.t 'Kuehl, -•, ' ' • ,AlTorm J ,, ~ brit bra, bethenstAbigais Wm •P ' , Toner•Thos • Abiefileffll tilt Ilteirlisti•A3ll` - : 1 •Tcntson J tr.. &WOW RUM -,' Rotes B ' Tatter St 800 4dsvilif DV 0 K Itoboilion ‘ A W " . •Tweed Ails W hinfliimifislieVlßibliini T D ,' - Whitheref to bristhii#J.Ttur . • - „lbo o bnitin A W •WayJosepa f r itga l 4r• ' ' ,'3 . l l.4erli tril l - ' :Tr:Ter i' ' XL& - 244Liiii 04 W Roberta id If Water —. NenaLTAWlti - • '7 ".11bdiirs & Rail "Wallermen & itfarlieurfilf 11- , ultivirlud AP ' --, Bragg kfiketitoo/. /Aiwa' P.etii tfor - `.' wird . ratt Moffitt miptA • :- -, nobingoo Jno r., wird 00 : '• • MaystiOlis , -" , - 0 .-Robb Bit , I Ward Pli Ci; ~ • lifillikon'inci•;A , -Rysin Jobe •', Vaid JAC , D isftlbskieditl2'",ltulbieNo IL'.'a Wayne 2:8 Ilißtlibmllllllltobidl Woe Wria 11 , !1- , -4 Wei& 403 'ALumisairqDrOsiteolpivirm' A - Veirivil• Rani • • Allier Benj tsiso , looll-' s 4 ••Wilood John • . Intenlish Getitimitiersooti & Co Wenier Ernst ,Itilllet , liana 2 '., 'lllirtne nP. Col Wort N Rev RD 11111HW-A it Ell. i'llaiiiideris Than Welr Jas ..- 1 6 1ilgiall r- reejoious. 0 V Wardell 41' P 413111er "hut "' , , Sisitnipshire Jan -- Wheeler J • n = J , f ettuesilten to 0 'Magee illonW • ~ Wolob•W fit Dr BLOW EttioL' - ' '' 'Moll Allen Ri A ,WetherilL T I Alillor Obi."•, '• BehottB , D,•Dt• , 'Webb IV •p , , Una Reilty ,, • '.'l.3ohtoldt H D Webbl'as , Killer Thos ' tiolmoldt RD Re , Webetet Intl R ; rialtos Jno I - '73 Sialfited AX - ,&orWeiiiriir,lason Monte BMA P ''' - :lfinitlford & Bros coifhitted John' , Mogi WY 0 C -, banyitility , I - 'Whitmen Te A. , elosre Dr - _ 3l :',Beerell'Obse " • •Whltsiter it N lioudy - Dp,llatoi• llediwielt P 0 , - , z , Whoelar ;US 'Revak laird ,- '•"• l lleimaiii Thu/ • Whitely dad al 6.621 e A , - - resits .1 It &1b . .; P - Ivbitso Too • Ileitonflalisl; t AlD:Open Robt. ' '-•Whitti Jab • Rooth Jiin 3 '_• l 2bairlfrimele• '' White,Thos K NoulgOoirry PCI Shirred',,lno ST' '" Witiebetterr 1 , ilimitaiit4 L ,4 kihuonin Daniel ''• 'Wilson Dr S, , Woiriebei ;lieu ''' „: filinboil W A ". ', Mikhail( R Pier Wrt* VOOlllO.lO Shortie Jatiti I. Williabis W n microbygo , , 'sslteDiati e.brani ' •Widew or Reim' hintiree'Obas AII Sham Tbos ' of W 'II Noble, Rellensimiz I , -" - Milt Audw of London 00, oitiaWhlntrAr , `Bhotpirdl•L Di--- 'itst • i ',' '- •IffkoirlosP2 .1 , 8004stil.• , Wawa Bev ifysre Wm. ..' ' ," Shippen & Russia Wilton 311 . . Myers Relay 11 2 Willistu ,I Bro & More *lt: '.'• -112itelds Rumen•-- -Co,- • - Nuellor•J ,' k,i Shipbard•Danl P' , WilooA 700 Worry Dositio - • Showell-04o' " 'Williams 2 1 • Mitins3no , „ • - ,l Shaw•Jas • .. t , tWlbion 3fl 24 D Ifitssoti Jos - ShawJobn J,W , ; Willie Pint fliMidiy &OTT A.Sheltuati J Capts Wilson. BOCIIIihe Niroemi Seal A Shearon Itiobul iMiloy.P J ' Neal'. Jt , k--- , - ,, lttorooss II Oopt ..Wilberhein I' . NattaiL P" .., Aped Wm , WllltuLl Nair Nichuals Wm 7 --• ••etatailikuo ,' i ' i , -Wait 13 A ortli•Wm 2 :.-Simpson .1 0 Wilcox/A - ...audLnillit__ Wilcox-)• 0 Nixon W 0 , - edur eJ• .. "7 . 1211.......... __ - Needham) , Blemish jai ,Ifilkirot2 ha -- • Needled W W "Slasher T A 'if ilthient.J 'V • Metals I N Slum Frank Wi114411 M - - lifetion , Dol , tt ,', Ektierhoe 1„ , •Wileon Ales Returner Dr D ,Szolibillonotoon. Wilpor J 2, Neteo Dr Rlt ''lliiiitli Owen X- ' Woodieerd W, ' yap% V **, Smith JR &Co , W,Scillibise J Wilbidiaieurf . Sealth'bsild'•- - Woitrii ~ MAW Rudolph "2„ Smith RO" .• - :! - Woodruff RA • It Newbury Bar 2 brobh ON Dr 2, ~ Word 7.0 [ 0 , Nixon Weibull Smith Jab' . ‘' Wood TV°, B ' Ruttish 0 0 ° zsmith Ohms '• ' Witaht`if W Copt , Nesbitt Michael -Soilib Iff , ' ,Wsigilfjsa W ~, Newell Dr WII Binithik BrO "•! 2Wyeetdr•P 22 ,01arp pwis R, Smith 11 iii &Co TAnder ,•• o , 43ennor OW.- 'Smith Imo if•Doinieliti ..17tIenane If Eir - Vri in H J 2 15Csroie _ ,iineseluteeh Nor. Quick 0 OltphwtJu ' skt,Ooneseisto °Orford itni X ileV:',Vinoldirt' 8 Obbey, Ohne P Bpnuelile • Bpiiii - OldeviEt• - Vend lt Arlen 7 .. .., - , llpplar &Dodge. Tanderelok O'Brien Dr • Spooner:lt X - lianobete DD. Oliver Bobt' Waal*, Oliver-tined 120'Yarringdon D Zimmer Area Paine FY .-_ , —Biookurn 0 0 Tenni, C OIDION - M WS9T9OT C, 8; 3f. 7 PASSEPIGEAS SAILED. ittainiship BLit', at Basannah.4ohn IS iart; - PAI Balaban and lady 0L 11 Widen, S It Pornian ) ,D L Harries; John Kellar, Mrs } Hallman * 0 P Gordon, attrarbarr, W Gibson, Vld Neal, Miss 0 ` Nand , Bev Dr Van Pan and lady, Miss VIM Pelt., G. A Abarcrornblei aboesnalsor, P Id Maine, Waktiitiatt-Nrrttii,eiltitifltisa Bohwerin, and VA in - the steerage, ateamiblif 11181,81queStati, teemlaston-,-7ohn hatriaou, 8 Ikaioit, 848 lob 'And elsogbXer,l7lBB 78118 9/oNB , l77 . , rili,Fload 44, 7 881aa, anti 18 In geom.. PEUZADMI,fIII . d ;WNW. ON 41tADR. 1313W111. V. 211AEltlai, I - P. K. Cora , coutztelen or rum M= g THOMAS Jr., , %~= t;f~iarifie3~ntellige~tce:' PORT OP PRILADELpRIA, Feb. Rd 1859 ar Strr i e w 9E Ar a ilw. seETO 9 as 9 43 ARRIVED,_ • , ifenlifilihithyatOne State, tdirelnUan: in home , toomflitariestinvwith , nottrin,-ricei &a "MA Heron, Jr. Ottplunds7,Morpdog, off Phiettli plan ,d Passed an tin' 113100i1 ant brig in; bitgLodi; from fhirlie use, offi.tho, Ittandytittepi andbark . OltagliPPottltney, from New °duos, off the Pcrarteantoot bank. Bteetuslifp Oity Tett' ,Elehmond,•4l.ltohell, from alch mond.,,visi NOrfolki hOuft..witit rodeo and passengers M Thomas Webster, Jr; - At P M 26th Mat, 20 smile oir'9 ll o , lLenlopeorspoke brig, Benith,,front Oar. reliffirlitilidiliddi;ll days etit, ^" B tealushilritoftoraellow,"24ltottroilrom New - York, with mdse and posaengstet , to Tas .411derdioe; • 4 i ' Brig John' Welsh. Pifield, 14 days from Trinidad do Cubs, with !agars. mollsies to B & W Welsh. Balled to eomfany With bark Eery Gibbs, fOr Now York; brig Ida Parole, for ThiMdelphla, and Fehr Quickstep, for Portland.. -Left beir Efunithi, brigs ()tooled, P La. 0044 Sod Isuth e , for New. York; &J O Gilmore, for BOdlohriliOdeiVivrtgil rft Nevintand Edinburg; (Becht; solar 'gladder, ids of New York. ~,pl#l.l3lo4o.4,PlOr.ti s to,l64sz e from Mayagues, PE, with lingirand molaesed to J6hu Italon Co. Brig Sank Elisabeth, Rsynns , B dart from Cardenas With sodiseses to fltswart, i Carsonik. , , ' - • ' • • Brig Jas Davis, &Motes, from Cardenas. 7 days to the oakwherrith sugar end molasses t, B do W welsh, Mgontar—Osse,l6 daya_front ..Wilmlogtod, NO, W thgagru,to illowlendshtmener & Co.. , - • • ' fledoiirldihne,"YoUng; Vflaja [MIA Esilfai, with ash to .1 Palmer & Co, ~.. • , Bohr Jamoilifelloon,'Eurt - ,S-days from' Taunton, via Newport; with mu* to Twells & Co. jugg,u:kumigairif aveniti;Greeofield, 4 days from New Under', with oil to litimber, Banking & Co. , Bohr Altira.r-Brecinati, 2 ,day's frooi-New York, With mdse to Crowell & Collins. Behr Vanquish, iloplchisi/3 days from Laurel, Del, with lumber to J W Dacron k Co. Bohr Beal Shepherd, 14,140 h, 6 days from laurel, Del, with lubabor"tirW Bacon & Ci r o. - 0 ARID; Whtegaship fliatoairtifOree.; Cianbilf doratmoh. Alex Aston, .. _ Bteattuddp Boston, ''''''''''''''' Pork, JO Aliderdkif. Bark Monmouth, Smith, hitiseillee, (second clear gage,- hatlog repaired), Demon &BrO,). — i'llafkltof,lllMinbinf:l4 - Critinxii. Pettit, Martin & Co, -.Bohr J A Bawl, Higbee. Wilmington, NC), J Baker.. '...gghplifuilfeury - ,Pansaptia; Aletandrfa, T Webster, Jr Behr Alvarado, Payee, ftiobaiond, . do erdirlE. Thieflteird; Bradley, Washington, DO; "'do' Steamer>l Woling,Claypool, Baltimore A Groves, Jr. •,,. ThcMil soil) Inimeniihip Stine of tfleorgic for Bann sih, sailed it 10 A. M on eaturdsy, with & full freight .I m 4 & V4)4m11,41)&ii&001101N, ) si;primpi,4,9ll Was Philsilelpl3lo Diabango.) , D 61., 26_, AMt Aid, Warman . I, , lidaWyer,iiatorlharjekkaadlatty, Nliarratt, W ash bitten, JohnqUinott annipterWLASY Ohurnh, W II Asetan, I.o.Baxter t a °Waring, slooP- viinlatne, fsvehieborosi D o or rtrro Mts. ilia 4liceirt sehooherrare Dorf in the iondstad! It-snowed gaits hard all day yesterday, and Is sti l l Rt, with the wind strong rein the eastward. Tatum, dm - ,WM, Id. LUDEMAN. [coreespeadonee of the Philadelphia Axebulge.]) 002..Ieteiu. Web. 27, 5 P A burr ild titres herrn brigs left the Breakwater thp, morning, and prceseadad.up...!Kwo,berke end two brigs are r idw'oWtlela persto: boiled 'The steamship Keystone elate, from Oharleoton, pealed 11D about 11 °retook this forenooe t eitel,Wltt 04/!A.DlDtiby the tug At. Untie witifettriitelf: ' Wind IW—weather fine. Pours, tit THOS . B. kIUGHIIB. • 14,1A0.1tAND.4 Iltaiimafifii'LabanoMkrii) OraCJOr Livorpooi;olesrod attliarrNort 26th het. , • - IPreitmpripPuld. Teal, from. Liverpool for 416114t1; rfaapoten 6th tont, fat 61 N long 6 W.' Bhip Milltower % ol6atfla4, ,. olearad at 'Swoon 26th hum for eau Praoolc6or - • - Bhip liTaltniesi Friibdi,:dteared York lippi 1A4;4,141104 I • . r . Balk "ilpfhla, (lupin, mired at New York : 6t h for Philadelphia. Bard Gamener., (Brem)_feilreiia, from Lirerpoel, At Galroeton 15th iut " - SOhr 'Wm H Mseller , Crowell, cleared at Doefon 25th flat for Philadelphia. .00tir itteido, fromtforburjpOitibf"Phtladel pbStwWat spoken 25th ipet:ln"Vipeyard Pound. Bahr Martha Wrightington, Wrightlngton, hence at Tall River 24th Inet„ , , . talitiarmi lto .Tdok , „A' 91 .5 41 411 , !Itte , ' /this nibs Traintslll4llC -7111,,4011131T J rhOkiosoix4Wiluiton, ,, fer PhlJadelptila, ilslled frolliNewort Uth fun. Fero Grange Pales, Nickerson, from Pro':Mende for Philadelphia, and UolotOp s 4 1 5.110 r, from New Bedford for di,, sailed from Newport /ttli hat, Bohr dam Ctds<rell l Leverton, kerma at Alexandria 24th MM. rAssizsozies lotkilit; - "&v:Vz lAMES'AVATSON; -- A -; • ' or • WATCHES, lEitELR3t', • ; Ro. 326 MARKET STREET. :Clonitantly' On bards full assortment of Poolteron tf.,dijOiiitiOilitritiAioii. l4 •r. , fa-Om • - - , Iptl .te A/LEY 6o4' ' 7.1011.14.11Lf 'BAILEY & gsroitEN, - pejo reitoYed to thefi ifew:rre.;prool t White Marne OtOto, ' ' 819 tiniiiitri'sTßEtr, NORTH NM, 8N1.915: THE Gplopnotroi, Now opening Weir Nall EltOok'of IAI2O.IO,III4OV , XLRY; . PLATDD WADED, AND WANOY GOODS, To width tkej S ths;D:,:liame• hHasra, wtotailia:ain Balm, aulT.ir tr PRATT .&-,-BEATS, 124POILTEN8 AND WHOLESALE DEALINI3 WATCHES op ALL HESOHtPTIONS, • PLATED WARES AND FANCY GOODS, AND suaetkotriaslea 07 7.. . J,-h . 8717., . • Dolton. :NIA attention of Noidorii from every eeetlon to if3tooir unrriipasaid lii,extoiOtyto; or "olieivive:s." 'l' /33/P3/00e. Poling. , Wl-10LESALE. a. xx.a..7t3x.x.t*apt Ag 8 0 DT * SAS - faliB.lllT 141113111 i, sookiiust'doranot or roman mini; Mr for We, te) The mat LIBERAL TERMS, A now end entnnolve Met of SPRING AND SUNKEN OLVITING, Aziinsti To rEcr 8017THPAN AND WATERN TRAM, so wrzoit THBY INV/TA TitlCATTitill'lON 01 BIIVIIRS. CILOTHING. The ffainooribere now offer at 428 wid 428 BLatiffET , ! ( or ermie,) ' 'ir44 ogiiißletlisioak of " • • ahB #igllipt;'OLOTTlTNGi' r grader, made tp in reriwuperier hieturar' to eta the , 80IIT8[iiTiel sadIiOIiTITWUTERN 1114.111113T8, Will ie t to their *ld oustamers, aid pomp mins Merahratt marshy; anal - ' LEON 'BERG: & aO. LIPPINPOTT, )1,!1:1 TER, 890TT, sokkrels - ant Jobbers . 1 0k ~,„. COMMON, atinvm, , AND VINE Otell - BUNG.. We tn,,yite epeiudetteet*ie era 'poinplete lino of ),LI:94INX ,MANUFAIITURIED GOON, lembradoi • Ofoth, Alpsea, Dwak, and Oug me. Posto ; itediVejlte. ' • Ho.424MARKET STMT. : febl-lm A. T. LANE; ' • ' WHOLESALE CLOTHING WARE,ROOMS, No. '419 MARKET STREET, fttiValn TitlLAlslllLilitA. 'Lica and/Caps. & 00., HATS, CAPS; AND STRAW GOODS, omi-AND ASTItIOIAIs'ILOWE - 118; lORES, ace 816' MARKET STREET, Roaq.oziE;E44,- J o u..a.10w.E.N- & 00., MAPIPACITIMIttI ARID lynioLzwz MAIMS ILATS; CAPS,' FURS. BILK AND STRANNONNETS AND STRAW GOODS, Aramox.ta, nolnalsAinnB, Rtloll3B, No. 0 00 e 1 , 602 JaRICET STREET, =TENS/n :4 g 14 .Cra t i o ' I I i EITI' L TER/1/S, .401VE#7,1*.ZOBS. . • 1859. -SPRING STYLES. 1859. IttilAiiti'& co.; 82i1A11,42141.4T ratite - the atteiltioia'of Dorms to an lINTIII.I 191 W, and soxoro . to stook of - -' EtTS, QAPS I -STRAW GOODS, &a., Wen) Vark_prg gob* §oneriy SPRING TRADE NOTICt IM.VOItTANi EVERY DRY GOODS IidEROHANT IN THE UNION bE FOREST,i. & Co. , . • ARMSTRONG Are now receiving their spring importations, and are exhibiting at their SALES-400MA, • DO AND lAA OttAILDERS STILDET, N. Y.,' The most extenilvi, eteg►nt, ceded, and complete istock,ot • • FOREIGN apn DOMESTIC O,OODS BBFORg OSTBRED For sale by them, and 'presenting attractions and ad vantages rt) the trade' generally, and from all parts, such as are -to be met with in veiiiwjAsoos ' Their extensive stores on Chambers street, whichthey occupy entire, enable them to appropriate to loos duo of roods ,a separate 'department, and to base, in feat, so ininf diatinet'stiato in - their watatoOnig, slat of which will be complete, afltboat specifying the artioles em. braced, they mould name the departments, vie.: DRESS GOODS,' • SILKS, WHITE GOODS AND LINENS, orargs. AND ;HASSIMERES, • FLANNELS, SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, YANNEE. NOTIONS, - DRESS TRIMMINGS, PARASOLS;' • - ' DOMESTICS AND PRINTS. To their Domestic and' Print pepartmont they call particular attention t embracing all the leading makes entrance, which will be sold at the very leweet rates. They have the entire production of the WARREN, PRINTS, A print whleh has done more good to the ratifiers through the country, the la at season,,thtn perhaps any other low•pr10s , print. Their ISerrimac, Ooeheco, Snrainte; Garner, Donnell, and vAtirio AMARANTH PRINTS, are of the very beet sehlettone. CLINTON, GLASGOW, LANCASTER, AND SCOTCH GlNctu,am, la Glary vaulty. Their ' DOMESTICS embrace the following btande W.A.IIBIITTAB, Tula, , IdabitiPAOTIIIIIIIIF CO. BATES' MILLS, KEW YOU MILLS , ) SfERRIIIAC, LONSDAIM; ' AnswnyanT, POOASSET, ' PATTERSON, PEPPERILL, WHITE' SOCK, , OPIOTT, IMAMOSA, LAWRENCE, All the irell•known makes of TICKS, SPARES, and DENIMS, each se York, liandlton„Pemberton, Soliciting trade on liberal terms, they incite notice tdtheir Ilettee—ctreet and nuiaboiee eibere. it,24-bn CHANGE OF KNOMaggllg . PLACE osi DEPARTURE OP Navy If WM. LINES. " Ok. and after'TOESDAY; ;Ifireb, the Apema n fdidtfdon'ivill lenvei Witlnut-street vr4art *t 8 A; ftf end the Evening Mail at OP. hr., Viii, ( 4 B iden. Trenton, and Jersey City. . The 10 A: 24.. tine hill leave Vjilndb:hireet **Seri, atfallubdat to Taony, thence by earn'te Jersey City. ' '214 Eel! York 8M A.,ht, and CM P. M. Line* from Mtl2o4pizt Depot be 'dfloonibausil atter Monday, fba diftb Lgstant. je7J..ot; Mbi4.I:EATZMER, Agent. . 42RAND,. ?AA 22d OF: - FEBRITAII.T. PIIILAVELPRIAL WASIIINGTON MONVEDINT ASSOOLMON. will- •hpld ,n -Fair, commencing on Vee khi.of:genruargto 'continue tno weehs—at the NA TIONAL_ HALL, HARKS'S Street, below. THIS- T,NR,NTFLASSSAN pvernito-TroNe Proposes to boll!". a atothlin'ent to WASAAVVPQN thin city, feiS.Sw 8 44 ' mortment or;Ball sixO Hank" fiffirie; inuoifeetared and for dale by WILMER, k 00., NO. 23 NOrtb. yiwrint kilo as North 024 =4l-;PRE.P -," HIL ;' AD EL ( P ,, , M, '-‘ A; MONDAY. - -F E-, BR V :, AR - - Y- , r, 28 ; . , 1850. Wo-RCE§T4 l , l 's DIVTIONARIES It will be seen, by the following certificate, that VOROXSTEP.,I SERIES OP DICTIONARIES have been introdnoed by the Board of Gontrollere, to be need in all the Public Schools, or the city,of Plelladelpb.is : OfflOV 00 TEM CONTROLVERR 0/ Plllll,lO Sande Le, FIRST DISTRICT OF PIINNBYLVANis, , • " • RHILADSLPIrtA, February_9,lB49. At S meeting of ,the Odatiollers of FubliO.-1101tools, First. Distrlet of peansylvsnis t held st the Controllers' Chamber, on Tuesday, February 8, 1869, the following resolution use adopted : Tbat WOII.OIII3TEIVB,BBRIEES OF DIO - Introduifed . , to bo need lnthe Public Schools of tide Dimblot. WORCESTER'S SERIES OP DICTIONARIES, •. ' _ 1.-THE 80.1100 L DMTIONARYi • 11.-TIIE ELVONTARy WTlOll.ll,l', Itt —TUE coifeliEuzzisivklithi.loicutt AOADIMIO DICTIONARY, V.-TAE CRITIOAL DiOTIONARY, oonstantly advancing in popular favor. The books have been introdnood, by. authority, into the PubM. 80i0oli of Beaten, Nolv:Stork, Philadelphia, Baltintoie Weahingtou, D C., St. Louie, Ohicago 4 9...tid.Rioot the principal places of ,the United States. They represent the Orthography and Pronunelation used by the scoot eminent scholars, both in England and America.. "The definitions are oonotsely expressed, and seldom learn &aril:atm to be &died. Nor all Scheel purpeaes they are the best Dictionaries extant. They need only to be examined to be nuivereally adopted. REA , THE FOLLOWINCI:TESTIMONIALB Lion. Edward J 3 verett,sa,vs I have made constant nee of Mr. Worcester's Thotionaries since their first publication. His orthography and pronunciation rapt& aent, fie far se I am aware, the most approved usage of our language. ilia definitions seldom leave anything to desire." William H. PreStott s ' LL.D:, Bays:—" I have long alone learned to app-eolste your valuable labors, which have done BO muoh to establish the aconießy of pie. annotation, while affording the reader, by the °Dation of authorities, the means of determining for hinuelf.al Diaarihiustenlrvingi LL.D , sayer—'t As far as I have hat time to examine the ,Pronouncing, tsplarratory, and Aynonymone bletionary, it given me great matfett. tien t and appears to me to be wall a illOtatttt4 to fulfil tire ye:pc:ill for *Mob It profested to tie intended—to Supply the wants of Common ilabools, and to be a awn. eieut manual for schools of a higher:rirdor.” ton. Josiah Quincy, LL.D , late President of Harvard iirollege, says :-- l'he public have long, since pursed ilidgment on Joni baliticatioris, and, he Wee - of many years has confirmed its earliest deeldiotte:a' , ,Itev 4 Edward Elltehcook, D.D., late President of Ant- I ;heist ,College, pays :—alllaring been' in' the habit of itisitig the' 'Universal acid' Oritleal " Dictionary, almost enelnalvely, foreeveral years, I abet welcome the now one with its improvements{ and 'additions a' HOU. John Blelrran, LL. D. 4 BIWA Ever eine° the ;publioation - of your large Dictionary. I have halt near ape In my library, ant oneof the smeller editions I have ,alwayrt had on my table, at every pli:Oewhete my peblie duties call me.” , • • . . Rev. Slightlet Nott,i D; Vreablent of Unbin Col lege, lays With the Large pork (the Universal and OrWeal) t have long been familiars and tan theeridlly bear tettlmonite its great nterite. It le at once a mOl3ll - to the bonnier its author, and to the country thus eignallised by hie Prof. 0. 0. Felton', IL D', of Rorie:id College, sere : —tg the Inguerase of your works to rapidly extending, in spite of Opioeltlonoirid I em very sure that your great Dictionary will become the etandr.rd everyvrtiers. ,, , Rev. William li,D. L .Priild,ent of Anthers!, College, stye I have already looked into it (the Academic Dictionary) onfliale oily:to see that It is a great Impioiemint on your former work, Which, to 'say of any wink of the kind, Ss, the' greatest probs.' , Rev. OliarlenG. Pinney, Prealdontor Oberlin College, elya :—. l It Is, and timely,a highly Important took. It is needed . in nearly every Welly, and will be tenth value:thy the reader.) , ' ' Rev. Women Walker, D.D., Picsitlent of Renard Col- lege, says It (the Aoadetnle) Is, beyond gnettlon, the mOst oonseulentlnenouary for the study table, and for eoiamon Use, which I base yet eeen.” - Ron. Theo. Frolinghuyeen, LL.D., President of Rat- gore College, rays I shell prize it as a meet vain• able help In all its departments."' Bee. Dsniel Kirkwood, LL D', Prealdent of Delaware College, says :—" I regard the work as one of great morit;admirsbly sAapterl.to Abe .111011 for which It is designed.) , Rev. Tames D. Dodd, President of Traneylvszia WHOLEBALI DZALBRO :wevetiv.,....,ii_WArAlte_parposes of eonvenient con sultetion, by lladers at ervr, by the: student who would gain * critical, a practical, end an atterntiVe acilulantance with the Dngliah and American language, n u eedled, there is no Dictionary equal to tills: , Rev.l3eulaudn Hale, DJ/ , Prisident of Reheat Free College, ease :•:- 11 1 have used your Diationari , for many ream, with great satisfaction, cud your manor one f have been halhe habit of recommending fotithe use of Rev. C. Collins, D D. President of Dickinson College. flays :—,, I take pleasure in saying that it (the Aca desnio) seems to me to fulfil the conditions of summon reference Dictionary snore perfettiy than any one now before the grails." Rev. William A. ,fimith, D D., President of Randolph Macon College, says I am hippy to state that your additions to the plan usually pursued to works of the kind are decided Improvements, greatly iscrestslag the practical value of a dictionary: , 8. U. Taylor, LL.D., Prinelpal of Phillips Academy, Andover, eels :--,, The Dictionary seems to me to corn bine unusual exoelleneies, and as ti Manuel for general nee, and for high isehools mad colleges, it has no sops- Bev. bierk sopkine , D.D., President of Wi College, asps The work seems to 'Me' to be very complete, and as well adapted for the purpose intended as anything tan well be. I have year large edition in constant me?' Rev Leonard Woods, D.D., President of Bowdoin College, eaye I assure you that I have found no oomtalon to alter the favorable opinion I long ago formed of your Dictionaries, in comparieon with any others which I have hadainUpportinity to' elamine." Prof. Arthur id. I'erry, A. M., 1911.1 lands College, sayif:=:" I do net heiltate to pronounce it eminently adapted to high schools did ,sesdemise." Prof. Bainnell. grcilth, 'A. M., Waterville College, says It in, in my judgment, the most convenient and valuable Diction 24 for the we'd! thine for MUM, tt to espeelalty designed*with which I aMiequoluted," Rev. Alonso iPetter, D. D., Bishop of Pennsylvania, lays:—" Tont larger Diotleriary has been my principal resoaree ever since it was published," Rev. It. E. Pattison, D.D.. Preeideht of Waterville College, flays It is manifestly 'parlor to any other work of the same general design.", Prof. B. O. Brown, A. IL, Dartmouth 'College, [aye. —"lt seems to me by far the most comprehensive end valuable manual that I am acquainted with." Prof. li. U Barney, A. hi , Cotinniesloner of Public &hoots in Ohio, Bays :—" I regard Worcvster's Rte. mantazy and Comprehensive Dletionarfee se the best school dictionariesuxtant." AILTOn Willtsma, linivCreity of Ohio, says It is undoubtedly the heat standard which-we have, ao to orthography and pronanolatlon.” lion, Horace Mann, LL D., Prevident of Antioch Col lege, says all my writing, speaking, and teaching, I have endeavored to conform to the rules for-ortho graphy and pronunciation an contained la NomeU.oa Dictionary.”. , _ _ • Prof. Francis Whet, LL D., South Carolina College, esys I consider it the beet of all American diction aries of the Sughsh languagedi - Rev. John Wheeler, D D President of University of Vermont, says:-...tt / have neat Worcester s Universal and Critical It otionary in preferenoe to any otter, for Constant referenbe.tt Ilon. Oharles Hamner, United States Senator, sant s— « The Universal Dictionary Phase used contently, and ttimoet daily, since its publication. I have ho hesitation In calling it the beet practical diotionary of nu/English language?, Prof. William 11. Wells, Superintendent of Sohoole, Chicago, III.; nays As a standard of orthostagby and pronunciation, the conciStation pf Mr. Woresster le far in adrenoe of all other works of lie chum" Prof. James T. Champlin', 'Waterville College, imp:: —"Asa Medium dictionary for common, everyday use, I know or nothing equal to it. ,, • Ron. George Bancroft, DIJ D says On questions or orthography, 1 shall make it my :standard, allowing myself rare deviations, orperhaps no deviations what. 01(10 , • Horace Webster, LL D!, Principe,' Free Academy, Nevi York, eaya : Wercestees Dlottonary of the Dullish Language has beau in nee In this institution from Its commencement, and la considered it standard work. The present edition, °entail:ling the avower/in Of the language, Id mush superior to any former one, and possesses A high degree of excellence." ,Prof. E. A. Johnson, Ilniversity of Oily of New York, says The fulness IF.d constat,e of the vocabulary, the minute and careful attention bestowed upon the itirbjeet of orthoepy, the propriety of the orthography, the clearness and exactions of the definitions, together with the nice Critical' notes on unauthorized words, provinolal usage, ,to., irhich are found throughout the volume, are excellencies which distingalsh this above any other dictionary Within ,iny knOwledge.' , John 8. hart, Principal of the Nigh School, Philadelphia, says The work of; Dr. Worcester is, in my opinion, one,af uncommon eioelienee. As a pronouncing DictionSry, its value is very great. The principles of °dhow adopted by the author are sound and conservative, aat hie method of notation at ones complete and simple The ekhibition of authorities, iq the case of dispriteil or doubtful pronuneiatton, is a Sonny of great satitfaetion to the Inquirer, giving the means or au Intelltent opinion with very little labor. But, independently Of its merits as a pranouttelng thinavjr,"Dr, IVOreeSier , s work Lee a high valie as a comprehenelve and learned vocabulary or the langnage, replete with Intorsiiition, and marked throughout with the logical features bf the author's mind?' " We might 'fill a volume with similar extrude, but the tordsolog win s rufgeo to show that WorneeteVe Dia Wearies are regarded by the literary into o t the morn• try as the standard works of the goglish language. WORCIBTEWS QUARTO Is rapidly iipproeidilng coMplotien, and we hope to pub lish it In Nay seif. We are preparing an editicrator: subserlbers at ttia low price of $7 . 50 per copy. It will be Printed on ex is tine paper, with large margin, as per, specimen copy, fßich may be seen at the book store of J. B. SMITH & CO., • • • #.To. 610 CHESTNUT STREET, • Tab THILADRUHLa. NOT,II-)E.-PLUMBIN4: AND GAS-FIV TllOl lona In a wink manlike manner, at v,ry tri , IVATTON, N. W. inor TWELFTH tat SPIVINCI GABDRN. /1.-I)oniatty work promptly wttowied to. tor2o4m* ~mew, . lublicatianu. PHILADELPHIA. "ROHM J. HEMPHILL, Booretary." New publicatiks. IIIST PUBLIS'ITBD— Pr 'PRIAM or A PUDLIO,BIiIti.EVAOTOR. ee I.LLUSSIUTTID VIM MBCIOVIMY OF .ISTUERIZATION. bswieome 4n pp. Price $l. ILLTISTRATISD ling 7101 AS STEM. EXGRAMIN4B , , , irOpeied under the redorgtdendstlon of the follow ing Physic:dens and Surgeons, forming the )liettntive Committee for raising -a- National Testimonial for the discoverer of eneseibeels • JOHN We.TSON; M OTIRDON BUCK, M. D. WILLARD PANKEII.H.D., JAMBS S. WOOD, M. D., JOHN W. DRANOIS.H.D., VALENTINE DIOTTOLD. - JOSEPH. W. SMITH, A ND* DIFITODY AND DIOGRAPITY, ,one Volume, PLITINkY k 111380. ELL, have JUSt published a new Enid highly futetemting voluble entitled the TareLs OP A PII.ULIO BUNNYA.LITOR, - DP N. P. &FM M. D. 7.2m0., 472 pp. Pries One Dollar. - TO TflEI G,ENETtAL ItZa.Dlat, seeking for information or entertainment, it will be a volume that will amply reward his.perneal The whole ground is ne'rei, and of the hlehtst interest. TO .01VeNTINIS and Mime who nen Invontione, thlenairdttee of the lessee and trials, under the most appalling diecourage meets, of one ' o .4 o se dineorery has made the world hie debtracil will have an unusual attraction. , •TO . THEM MSDIOAL „PROVESBION It 1'46011404. of permanent wilcio; Indispensable an s bintory, and inspiring in the lessons of patience, sod oorsevoranoo, and indomitable energy, which are not ferth'inAlite Biography of Dr Win. T. 4. Morton, the dlieoverer of the ananthotio propecties of n11)1'111.10 ether, TO TII3 MEN . who have coffered or may coffer the torturee of a mug-- oat operation, tilt,' wltl chow how it may be endur.el without pain; and TO THE WCIRRN, „ who, in wonian , e_honr of sorest need; would pass from agony to peatieful slumber, ,this Work will postaiSe or engrossing 'caveat. The OIRCLIBILOOUTION OPTION, et Washington, andlit who have dealings with it, awl whoever is en gaged in the ptu stilt of Juetice under difficulties, amid the moose of Ooogreesional COnitritttieS of Govern— meat officials; in short, whoever would MOW HOW TO DO IT AND How NOT TO DO IT, should read this Book. Bent by mail, postage free, to any patter the United States, on the receipt of $l. Ey , DUDNEY & RIISSALL, Publishers; ' No 79 JOHN Street, N. Y. Tor Sale by J. B. LIPPINCOTT h 00., Philadelphia. fele-wfmat The' Trade Supplied. . . NEW' BOOKS! NEW BOORS! - - A BIOGRAPBICIAL TI&MOIR OP ST. A.UGUB TIND By B,eit Ida Bailie, Author. or "Life o Adelaide L Newton." MENDIP ANNALS; Or, A. Narrative of the Merits ble Labors of Hannah and. Martha Moro. Edited by Arthur Roberto, M A. EDDY ELLZEHLTE ; .or, Old. Friends with New Paces. A. L.P. T.., anthorere of "The Adopted SW! " Young Pilgrim, ,, Re. WILSON'S NEW fIISTOUP OF THE CONQUEST OF 1113.XIOO: • • TRIO MOTHER'S MISSION ; Or; Sketchsiof Dieu Day Life. By the author of " Objeot or Mo." 16too PALIdn, The Huguenot Potter: 106 too. Yet isle at lon prioea by, - WILLIAM B. & ALININD MiATIEN, felt' 606 OLIESTNUT Street, Philada. JUST PU , LISUED— I. ' °ARBY'S SOCIAL SOIENON : The Principles of Social Salesice. By R. 0 Omey. In three vole , Bro. Vol. 111. tide day published. Pride $2.50 per vol. - THE WAYS AND MEANS OF PAYMENT : A FULL ANALYSIS OF THE CREDIT SYSTEM, 1 WIIM ITS VARIOUS f,20D88 OF ANIGSTAIENT. - BY STEPIIEN COLWELL. covin u l,;;;;: Teestaes on Blondy of Account, Money, Colon. Bullion and Brun o . Esnks the Credit System, with its various deviees of Books of meonut. Yramie-. wary Notes, Bills of Nutmeg., Batik Notes, Bank DO posits, Credits in Account; the Payments of thollonv =moist Fairs, inclndlogpoopiciui notices of thellsiks of England. Boatload, and the United States ; Clearing Rouses, end the relations of these aubjecte to Interest, Prices, and the, Public PaymentS One vol., Bvo, 660 pp. Price $2.50. 111. OPPORTUNITIES FOR INDUSTRY Awl THE SAYE INVESTMENT 0 CAPITAL; on. A THOUSAND CHANCES TO MARE MONEY. PEEP/WED 111 LETTRIM To a Viotim of the Late Panto, on, Is sloney,Getting a Lost Art? How Fortunea were made in/m.ooot Times ; Flow Fortunes have been Made in Enders Times; Row to oat the Pint Thousand Dollars, which treats of 110 E. 'o ItiboeProlltably, ankin to at Consists the Art of .esnomv. With an APPENDIX containing VALUABLE SECRETE AND MANUFACTURING RECEIPTS, Collated from Reliable Sources, and including setae that, it Is said; have been sold, at various times for, considerable sums. , One vol., 12roo. • Price $1 26. J. B. LIPPINCOTT dr: CO , 22 and 24 North FOURTH Street. 'DARE, SINGULAR, AND VALUABLE Bono boiaght, cold, and exchanged by J. BASIN, - Ye Antique Rook Stn . re, fel7 27 Haab PIXTEI Street. IIttEAUTIFUL NICAILAGITA. I PAly, -IL/ DISH OP THE INDIES!' PUOLTSEIED. A WORK.OI? kXTBAORDINAAY INTEREST. NICARAGUA : PASS, Pastiest., earn Porous;de scription of it' Inhabitants. Customs, Alines. litirtersts, Forty History, Modern Ellibneterism, Proposed Liter 00eatd0 Canal, and Manifest, Destiny. Dy Persil F. ISTOtI4, - leg , late Tice-Consul. 872 pp., 12cio, cloth. Price $1.9.5. For sale by itookeellers and Nara Agents generally, or sent by mall : postage paid, op, redelpt of the prioe. re , tr u---- e , ii -,2:mum R. PER Publisher, . del ,le, Pa. ST A A I N I D 4 I O I I D is ELEGANT, AND YAW, RUH' ISSIIRD: WILSON'S IllsW HISTORY OP THE CONQUEST OF HESCH3O. Cloth, .52. 50 ; Sheep, 452 ; CUM CI 50. OSBORN'S g , PALESTINE, PAST AND PRESENT." OWN $ 43 . 50 1 Sho#P, SI: Half Celt, $4.50; Turkey ullt,Ss. Hum Turkey gilt or AUtique, 55.50. BARCLAY'S "CITY OP. THE ORE&T RING." Prices same as Palestine, Past and Present , ' The above works are uniform, sod are indispensable Works for reference and for the library. Peet-pail on the receipt of the rated price. OtIitLIANN & EON, No. '25 South 13IXTEI Street, Philadelphia. . 41.1)irta nub etueelmactre. 1859 QUEENSWARE. 1859 BOYD & Br2l-I,OIYD, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Have now on hand a complete gook of FRENCH AND ENGLISH MINA, GLASSWARE, AND QUEENSWARE, (At their out stand) No. 32 NORTH FOURTH STREET, . (Toes doors below !Serebentel Hotel,) To which they Invite the attention of WHOLEBALE BUYERS. fe2l-3m TURNBULL, ALLEN, & CO., TAIDIATERS AND WIZIOLESALD DEALVDB tN CHINA 8c QUEENS WARE,. .Nod. 23 and 23 S. FOURTH STREET. Between Market and Otiontnut., ERMADDLPIII A. 1 . 17' GLOM AID; oleo or by the pooknge. folo-1m far Sale and ta.Ett LURIE FOR SALE—Of A Imndrod and sixty-two, torts, two miles from Veltot. Station, on the Delaware Railroad. Improvement° consist of a good • frame Dwelling _Muse, two 'tortes high, eighteen by forty feet Terms ealif. Inquire of J 11. PM:ETU/DRY, Jo ,•116 'North SEIOONW Strout, or of W. R. 0 WENS, Jo., at the Newkirk it 01:00, That of ARM' Street fe22•6t* is • FOR SALE—A FOUR-STORY BRICK MILDIVELLIbiId,I4o. 2116 ARM Street, throe-story back intliding parlor; dining room end kitchen on the first floor. House built In the beet manner, with all the modern improvemente•, in complete order. Poe- Belden green about the 10th of April. Apple to J. IL CALDIVnt, fels-1m ' 022 011SENNUT Street. A I'‘AFOIL OF 820 AGLIBR FUR $80.00. .t.l„ Missouri Lands sold, entered, and located from 12% sta. to $250 per sere. Oftlae, N. 79, corner HIS I 0 and OUTISTNUT Streets. Islam* 'DIAPER MILL TO' RENT.—The Paper JL MIN known as lIANNVIILL MILL, situated on the Wissahickon Creek, and one mile from Ohestnnt Hill Railroad Station, Thin Mill is adapted to make lino /took Papers. It has three engines, one four :machine, 62 inches wide, and all the appurtenances for the sea ceesful manufacture of paper. Possession even_ Imme diately. Apply to, or address, mown U. LEVIS, No:80 South SIXTH Street. RUNT.—On the let January next, the -11. 4 very superior and extensive 'ROOMS, (24, Bd, dth and bth floors, each .21 feet by 148) of the NEW STORE, 603 MARKET Street. The building 1. ono of the fine improvemente on the upper side, between TIIITII and SIXTH Streets; having two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good cartage way 20 feet into SIXTH Street. Apply on the premisee. Oikw-Ware. TEIE OLDEST BYLVIT;II., TVA.R7II IVT-4,3!“3Ir.A_CU'OnY UNITED STATES E*TABLISHED 1812. Southern and Western morahante are Invited to examine our large assortment or SILVER TEA SETS, PORES, SPOONS, LADLES, Ac., Ac MI of our din manufacture, and warrinted of the highest standard of silver. l'Orepue having orders for promiuMß for AGRICULTCTRAL FAIRS Treated on the moat liberal terms, and vallafaction guaranteed. WHOLESALE AB WELL AS RETAIL Orders promptly attended to WM. WILSON & SON, S. W. 00R. FIFTH AND MERRY BTS fe4l•lui .1.4111, E NO 11. BOOTMAKER.—ALTGIMIT lIICKRIt t No. 166 North I:01MM Strett, re spectfully Worms tha Dahlia. nod l' , .ol.lfillatN . and WBSTERZI IIIVROZIANTS perticularly, that he con tinues to manufaclatre l'aehtonahlo Poets and noes to order; assuring those who petroulze him, that he will guarantee that hie work will lice satisfaction. both as reptile superier dniah and excellence of material. Prices ressowale. fet6 Am AOKEREL.-463 Bbis. Cton. 1,2, and 8 Mackerel, whole, halt, and quarter bble. s orlgitutl packages, for sale by 0. C. PAMPA ts fall .41;01; Eitreet, 21 float alsnre Frea. bless Pork, of Now • blessSersay, OLIO, and lhiltdVppll for by ( 3, stVa Eel! 4.401.1 Otreet, 24 door abpve larg efoonba. 11111GJNAL - ARON-ST: LINEN STORE =Established In 1812 Just opened, , invoices' of iliChardron, Sons. & owe den Duabar, - Dlektion, & 00., Gihon & 00., .and B&IRTING .AND PRON*ING LINENS, 'By the piece or yard. Marseilles Quilts; Pillow Li nens, Table Meng, Oletba and Napkins, Towelling, are Uird-eye r;laner, Nursery Diaper, &O. Wauregan, New;rork Mille and'other !drain:ls.' While Marseilles, tarprted, for shirt fronts. ,Printed, do, do. 'Shirting Prints, in variety. NM DRESS GOODS. Printed Brilliants, in white ground, 12,tis. Otialliee cud Moue de Laines at I 2 yo. Plaid Silk-finish Cotton Poulards,l2Xo. SOO pieces Merrimack and liinglieh Printe. Scotch and Blanchester Gingbaine. .Dneals and Poll de °horns. New Black Silks. • • " ' bilk Layellas, Mohair's, sad Alpacas, • SHAWLS! BRAWLS Broglie and IllanketAtella Shawhi. Priends , do.. Ingrerrt variety. • Winter Goode closed very cheap. CHARLES ADAMS, EIGITII and ARCM Streets, fell wfm tt WOOLLEN DRUGGETS AND CRUMB OLODIS.--.llnet opened, a fresh saaortment of 1.11.4, 12 4, and 164 Drogo i ta. Ala°, large and ertia largo Bordered Moths. Small and medium - • do. fold-tf rpHREE-Plir OARPETS.- - -A - large lot of A- new styles, this dal opened, at low prices. DAILY & leo: 920 OHNSTNUT gtregt. HL_A.OWELL CARPETS AT 75 CENTS.—.- Jost opened, e,. large lot of floe Lowell Ingrain airoete ' new patterns , to be sold BEVIONTT•FIVE unwrsA YARD. - BALLY - & - BROTHER; ' , - N0.92/3 CHESTNUT Street. 6 CIROSIEVB" ENGLISH. TAPES , ILI TRIEB,—We srenew reeelsl Odor Opsiog stock of slob Carpetings, which we shall sell at the lowest 'lash ptloes. • BOXY k BROTHER, • fel3•tf No 020 011E8TNUT Sheet. JANKETS, 7 —A full armortment, English " L ddd ill eisis. n at . 'MOH LOWER It2allB them henteore. fp00431% A 0011ARD, , fel • ' O. E. iorierNlNTll*. HADA= CIASSIMERES, SATTINETS, CLOTHS, AND "VSBVINGS.—Nana and Days' wear. Alio, Goods exoltudeoly for ' • " • BOYS' WEAR. - - ' • - COOPER & oorrsn,ii ral. S.: N. *Aar NINTH' and NADNWS. • VLOAS, AND 'SHAWL ROOK.—Balanoe of our Cloaks, oomprislngu, : brolsen assortment sra 'All diocese of at " ' GIINAT RED9:01101t. Broth* Shawls at dratcOrr. - Woollen Bhopal' partionlarlyalleap. ' COOPHit'lc CONdltD, ' 101 8:E. corner NINTH and MARKET: 2lnsurante Companies. THE .MUTUAL ' LIFE 'INSURANCE COMPANY OP'NEW, YORK, ASSETS OVER $5,300,009, The whole of which lithe property of the hewed. thia Company le %now prepared to Liana iolielea en LIVES OP CHILDREN, payable at the age of eighteen, twenty-one. or twenty doe years, either with or with= out the RETURN OP THE TOTAL PREMIUM PAID, ~,-, we the party mated doer' not attain the apeeiltd age. " Eor rated and other partiontartl, app!! to F. RATCHFORB C'pANR; Agent, /62, 8013TH POpRTH STABET, • fe24 , lna ; -ruiLiptvelite. ENTERPRISE This Coriipsny insures Bindings, Pnrolture, and mendouldise generally. against lads or damage by fire. The pollutes of this Companynapvessly provide that :when assigned as coliateral stoi4rity, they shall not be Alf/EOTeD Br ADIT Age of the owner of the property In cured.. Entire security-is thus extended to the holders of 6110011 D Reeve and MOICtOe.OII3, notwithstanding re ',cent decisions of the 'Oporto of IPm • -- • Ground Rents, bitirtgagee, ffiechanies , Liens, and 'other deohritiee on Real Rotate, will ale° ba epeolally marred if desired.' DIREOTOIIB P. Entebrotd Btu; Uerieent L. Dannon, Diem *Men, , • George H. Stuart, Nilbro Trailer, John U. Dineen, Jobn M. Atwood, ' D. A. Fehnestook, Bdoi. T. Tredlei, Andrew D. Oneh, Henry Wharton, i. Livieeieton Irrlnger. • P. R.A.Tottvono STADE, Preeldent oametta W. 00%D, Seeiettry. TEMPOpAnT OPPIOE: ' • 152 SOUTH EOtIRTEI STREET. febrian AFEOUARD INSURANCE COMPANY, k. 3 •B. N. Corner of FIFPH and WALNUT Street, Pbiladelphla. Oseltal paid lo wanly forested) • $200,000 Surplus 131,430 This Company having been thorougly reorganised, le new ready to make Ineurarme upon .kinds of pro perty, merchandise. tte , veinal LOSS or DAJLAGB BY NLRB ONLY, upon' favorable tense.. —AIRBOTOBS. • hoot. K . Resler, ---- ncer.-M-D..ea ao& Francis Blackburn , Cbales V. Wltrotia, Robert P. Ring, itliku I. Baldwin, II • B. English; I. A. H. Hasbrouck, George II Levis, • 'Aaron Close, Joaepb N. Stbifold ' lobo U. Beach, John Prentice, Matthew alley, Edward Villa, ' , Alex. O. wrens P. B. Birelthead, , Alfred Olapp, Henry R. !Mote, • Wea.lll. Forbes. .IAOOB,N. ENZLIdt, President, Haar R. Poor., Seeretary. PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 23d, 1868 MOTU:IE.—THE PRESENT OAPITA4, of THE XNTARFRISE, INSURADOE COMPANT 0100,000) haying been paid in, cash, notice is keret,' Risen that an increase of the same, to the Awn of Tito Hundred Thousand Dollars, bar been anthorLted by the Stockholders, and that the subscription book will •be opened on the Stet day of /larch next, at the Office of the Oompany, where it will remain open until the in creased amount has been eubsoribed. 21t19.9.1.119 W. 430832, Beoretary Phile.delfhla, 29 atualmry, 1959. V It T ER P R I S F. LtTSURANCE COM .&A PANT. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) DIBNOTOBB. P. Ratehford Starr,.Mordecai L. Dawson, William HOCee, George H. Stuart, Netbro Frasier, John H. Brown, John M. Atwood, D. H. Vahneatoek, Benj. T Tradlak, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, J: Livingston Stringer. . Y. RATCHFORD STARR, President. CHARLES-W. COXE, Searetiry, - Temporary Otlice,l62 South FOURTH Street. - _ jaBl-tmart rp VULTON's INSURANCE, ADJUSTING, AND COLLECTING OPPION, No. OOS ONISINET STAIT, PUILA.DILPIIIA, The undersigned having been praeffnally engaged for number of , years' indifferent capacities of .the Insu rance 'business—for several years fn adjaatlng losses exclusively for the Insurimee Companies—now offore his Berries'', to those sustaining Lou or Damage by Fire to property Insured, in making out thairproofe or each loos ordamage in full compliance with the intricate and cunning conditione of Policies of Insurance, in such a manner as to obviate plea or women for reduction or litigation by companies so inclined, on others. . Be will give particular attention to the Collection of Claims, against Insurance Companies, Portion sustaining lota or damage by Are, as, alms, will and it to their interest to consult the nuderahluell as, seen after the fits as possible. fe 22-7 wilt* Jiang VtILTON. GREAT WESTERN INSIMANOVAND TRUST COMPANY. OPP/UP, IN COMPANY'S BUILDING, 408 WALNUT STREIT. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. 11274268 OS. Insures against TARS or Damage by PLUM, MARINA, CARGO, and INLAND INEIVIteIqOII. DI0.110T01:03 : Charles 0. Lathrop, William Darling, Alexander Whithflu, N. Truly, John 0. Muster, James B. Smith, Isaac Gasleburst, ;lam It. Yodges, J. R. Mollardy, Thomas Potter, Thos. L. Gillespie, Charles Harlan, Daniel L. Collier Jonathan J. Slocum. 0. 0. L TIIROP, President. WM . DARLING, Vies President. JAMB WRIGUT, See'y and Treasurer dBO-d&Wti .ffertililero. AMERICAN GUANO, JARVIS ISLAND We take pleasure in tutormiog Farmers, Dotard, and thupublie generally, that, having been appointed by the ANIERIOAN GUANO COMPANY SOLE AGENTS For the mile of this valuabl* fertilizer, in Philadelphia, we are prepared, to furnish it lu any quantity, from the single bag or barrel to a ship's cargo, at the scale of Frieda adopted by the Clompany, via.: FROM $BO TO $4O PER 2240 POUNDS, Acoordlog to the amount purchased. Experiments made with JaltWIS ISLAND and PE. HUME 01:141.N0P,' upon all kinds of soil, have, to every in■tande, remitted to fxvor of the former, and we are nnw enabled to congratulate the agricultural com munity upou having within 10 20140 h, GENUINE GUANO, REASONABLE PRIOR The ship .11EYNARD wlil shortly arrive et this port, direct from the lolanda, We are prepared to take orders for delivery from her • cargo, or (mom those of the " White }Swallow" and " Plying Eagle." ALLEN NEEDLES, 42 S. RBLAWARE AVENUE!, and No. 41 S. WATER STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Bole Agents for the States of • Pertaylrarda, New Jersey, and Delaware fel24enw Set PHOSPHATIC GUANO, SOMBRERO ISLAND, W. I J3mesnrao IsLaren, or BOOK, lies about 120 miles N. E. of St. Thomas, ant le of volcano formation. It is found by analysis to contain eighty per cont. of DIVE PHOSPHATE OF 1,11113, and is nearly fifty per cent. richer in Done Phosphate titan ground bones. The Eoelt is ground, and applied to land like Plaster. This Guano is .for sale by the quantity, or cargo, to dealers, either ground or unground Lalso, to Farmers, in bags or barrels, at ISO per ton of 2,000 Tbs., by JON. B:HANSON 8c CO., 100 N. Mamma Avenue and 101fi,:Water lit , Sole Agents for Philadelphia N. D.—Pamphlets and Circulars furnished gratis by the 14onti, telatrm li t 21a in THOMAS & 'SONS, lei • Res.lB9 and 141,1esona VOUP.PII: irm'moriv ems; EIT 610'80,1 • ' LABOR RAI OP IDEAL AIiT4T/1,4193 ' = 2 . I7B3DaTNSIXT. Pamphlet satalognes now ready - , containing fall descriptiOns of all tbe'propeiUes to be "sold on Telef.. day next, let Marsh, with a flat of sales Bth, 16th , and 226 MaTch, comprising a.very lar g e amount of pro petty, to be sold petemptbrilY. Oats Irg %actin.. TRADE BALD TO BOOKULLERS The Biltpseeond Yhrlatlelphlet . Trade - Bale books, stfitionery, tce. • commence on Monday, Met Match. Oatelognee In prim, containing - Invoices from' the prifickpel pnblishere throughout the 'United States. BERING BALBB—STOOIS.B APO> 131 M I. 33 Ta. 7111, second Spethg Sale, let Marob. EWAN.IIa ready. Third Spring sale, Bth March. Plinth Spring No. 16th Naroh. Fifth Spring Eale, 22d March. ID" Part of tho haintbille for each of the above idle now real". . . 'STOOKS, &c. On Tuesday Erening, !Starch let. at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Bs change, will be sold— - For account of whom ft may concern— ed shams Censolidatoi Insurance Company—par 550, full paid. • -10 abares City Bank stook—par 1460 - . '51,0007 percent. loan West Philadelphia Passenger Railroad Company. 20 new abases (1. old) San Premise° Lend AM): elation. 400 shares Chatham Cobalt Mining Company. ' 2 second mortgage bonds, 51,000 each, Camden and Ailabtle Railroad Company. , • 9016 parip•ot the Delaware Mutual Safety Ins. CO. 1 share in the Point Breese Park Association. • 1 I ilPhtlada. Library Co. 1 .e It .r , Sr.gegeinfto Library Co. 11 bonds t 7 ,per at.; 1 )91;6161mo Improvement and Railroad Co., pnr WO. Executor's Sale. 60 shares Bohemian Mining Company. • REAL ESTATE BALE- MARam Ist. Will lnolnds •BSDDNEES' PEREMPTORY BALE—THE SPLEN DID . DANKIN4•HOUBE, CHESTNUT STREET, be tween Fourth and Fifth street, eroded for the Bank of Pennsylvania, will be positively sold, without reserve or limitation. 11 Full descriptions In handbills et the auction MOWN. ID It may tempt' from 11 to 2 o'clock ovary day intviona to gale. • " • - IRREDEEMABLE GROUND-RENT *7,686- a year; well deemed on thirteen brick dwellinge; with insurance for $6,000 which will be Included be We ails, _ NEAT. MODERN YOUR-STORY BRICK DWELL. - ING—No:I4S North Twentieth street, between Cherry and Race streets, at the oorner of Tolend street Iteentoes Sale—Estate "of Gen. David Miller, I waged. - TAVERN AND DWELLING—North Errol street / drat honse north of Race attest west nide. ELEGANT WALNUT STREET RESIDENCE.— Also, the superior reeidenoe; N 0.1821 Walnut street, between Thirteenth and Broad, 26' feet front, 235 feet in depth, to George street, with stable and coach house. : To Capitalists, l3tO4ders. &o —Trustee's Sale. ' LARGE AND VALUABLE 'LOT, 198 ST. GROAT ON SPRUCE STREET.—AII that large and valuable lot of ground, situate on the Southwest earner of Spruce and Twenty. first etreete,-198 feet on Sprnee street, 161 feet On Twenty-Bret street, and 198 feet on Granville street, three fronts. lir Clear of all ineumbranee. Orphans' Court Side—Estate of James hi. Breban,'Do• VALVABLB STABLE AND 00A011410BSE, West moreland street, between Simms and Locust, end Broad andllfteenth streets, adjolnlnn the Atidemy of Music. Same Estate.—LAßdlii - - AND 1 7ALVAIL)11" CLAY -LOT, southweat :side of Clark's-lane, lifoyamensing, containing over eight acres- _ Fame Entate.—LAßGE LOT, WRFC 133( ACRES, 'northwest aide of Gray's Perry mad, near the U. 8. Ar tonal. with a large front on the River Belulkill. dame Estates—POUß BRICK DWELLINGS, north E a c t e street, between Third and Fourth, and Spruce and Pine a . Same Estate.-.1/liitzprony BRION DWELLING. ,weet aide of North fief enth , Relate --GROUND-RETIT;I%" street, above Wood street. 'A TEAR, ilia fi]g out Oi lot of•groundsonthlfeet Twenty. :that and George streets. „, - • Bute hetrite.-- G ROUNIi-RBNT, 148 16.10 A,1....!_ 13 ‘ Issulog out or of ground eouth; aide of Plefttga Out, west of Twenty-that s tr eet. • Same•Ketste.-I,ARGE- AND - - frattranva LOT, 48 ACRES, Gray's lens, Rabbit lane. and Philadelphia end , ' 'Brandywine turnpike (late Bloekley township), Twen-, ty• fourth ward, West Philadelphia. . - .Orphans' Court Bale.—Estate of John T Smith', Deed: STONEDWELLING,PASOHALL VILLAGE, TWZN TY,4OI3IATIA WARD.—Twoutory stone dwelling and 'frame *table, North street, Paschall Village, ,Twenty fourth ward, near the Blue , TWO vAarantE nunDiRG LOTS, north Ode of , Locust street, west of Fifteenth sheet; opptesite"" Ord vary Church . _ MODERN DWRLLING, WITH BIDE YARD, No. Siti Franklin street, north of Poplar attest. - SERGEANT STRISET —Neat dwelling, No. 914 Ser geant street, between Ninth and Tenth. and Race and Vine Streets.7' Immediate possession, Orphans , Conn ale.—Estate of Bsyes Newcomb, Deeld. GROUND-IMT OF 3P37.60 A TEAR, alesr of taxes, secured on a lot of grouod north side of Goatee street, eut of Nineteenth street. - Peremptory Sale. Eetate - of Peter Wright. Doomed, __.---- _ _ VALUABLE MARKET AM:77OOIESIEBOE STREET. STOBE4.—The fire-story brick store, No., 606 Market street, and substantial flue-story brick ware- , IrOnse in the rear, Denting on Commerce street, and the lot of ground on 'Whin they are erected, 28 feet fronton both streets, and 000 feet Co depth. Cr $20,000 may remain on mortgage. 1.17* sale absolute. -- - • Peremptory Sale. Same Estate.—VALUABLE STORE, No. 600 MAR KET STREET.—The well-built eta-story brick atore, with ornamental iron front, N0..609 Market street, 20 • feet front, 103 feet deep, with all modern conveniences. /17 - Subject to a yearly ground-rent of $6OO. Sale sboolute. , TWO-AND-A-NALP '13T4011? FRAME STORE, No. 1109 North Second street, south of Edward street. TWO PRAIRE DWELLINGS on a 15 feet wide alley, .between Front and Second streets, and Germantown 'Road and. Edward street. :„.,112INEE•fiTORT BRICK nwutrsef. No. 1322 Lew is streat, -- mmem o ‘mos on s treet between Tenth and Eitove nth street VALUABLE MEADOW LANDS, Stracte4,w.-4,...-' dwellings, T.bompson , e Point, on the Delaware river, Gloucester county, Nett` Jersey, about 24 miles from Philadelphia. SERGEANT STBERT—Neat Dwelling, No. 914. Se rgeant etreet, between 9th and 10th, and. Rene and Vine streets. Immediate possession, VALUABLE YBrirATE LIBRARY LOP A OIINTLE MAN GOING TO SIIIIOPS. On Tuesday Evening, March Ist, commencing et 6)( o'clock, lathe auction store, will be sold' the valnabie 'private library-of a gentleman going to Europe. Included are a number of desirable works on Interesting subjects. WI" For particulars see catalogues and the books, which will be arranged for examination on Monday morning, Bale at Noe. 12,9 and 141 Booth Fourth Street _ . SUPERIOR SININITtatt, SIA.NO-SOSTIZIS, SINN FRENCH PLATE MANORS, BRUBEINLO OAR PETS, . On Thunday Morning, ' At 9 o'clock; at the auction store, an extensive aßsortment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant pianofortes, fins mirrors, carpets, eta., from tamales declining housekeeping, removed to the store for con reliance of ego. HANDSOME FURNITURE, ROffEWOOD PIANO, PIER CARPETS, BOOKCASES, ..to. On Thursday Morning, Also, the entire elegant drawing-room, dining-room, and chamber furniture, china, fine xceeltood piano made by Schoemaker de Co , of a gentleman declining houeekeeping. irr The satire furniture waa mad* to order, and ben been in rum but a short time. AT PRIVATE SALE. .11 handsome residence, with stable coach-holm, aad large lot, Mein street, Burlington, Neer Jersey. g3Y OffiLLIAI4 R. WrZE,B,, ciEIiZBAL AUCTION AND CONN/MOON 13TORN, No. Crt North EIGHTH Skeet,. below Arch. " 4. A. NLII3ON. Auetioneer. • Mr" Cons%temente of devr and second-band bOttle• hold funaltdre, piano-fortis, eisrpets, watches, jewelry, fie., respectfully solicited, on which liberal cash ad vances will be made if required. Oat-door sales attended to promptly. (Margo as moderate as any other house inthis city. it caul till:Airco. IN TEE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR Tag OITY AND COUNTY Or YIILLADEL DMA. In_tlse matter or the eisigsea matatoqAyiltam 98IT as FASSIT & 00., and as an Individual. The Auditor &Permuted by the (tout to audit; settle, and adeut the account of intxrem. J. OH &PLAIN, Asiguee of Alfred lasskt, as remelt & and as an individual; and to mat distribution of the halal/es in lila hands, attend to the duties of Ids appointment on WILDNRSIDLY, March 9, HD, at 4 o'clock P. hi , at hie Office, No. 113 Eionth FILTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. fe2s:frow 6t W. E. WHITMAN, Auditor TOY, COE & CO.'S ap ADVERTISING AND COMMISSION AGENOY, 489 0111:3T NUT St., 24 floor, Philadelphia, and Tribune Buildings, Now York. JOY, COE, & CO, are the Agent' for the most in fluential and largely eiroulating Newepapera in the United Statee and the Canadea. They axe anthorlied to reel:eye advertisements end enbearlptlone at the loweat retm, iter..fm&w-rD.Sra TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE I N CITY AND 0017NTY 01 WiILkDELPILIA. Ratite of JAMES blOftiiii,deieseed.. Notice Is hereby given that fdalltiAßST MO ADAM, widow of the said decedent, hit died in said court her petition end an apprsisement of property elected tube retained by her out of said estate, under the providon a of the act of 14th April. 1861, and that unless excep tions thereto are presented on or before FRIDAY, !larch 4th, 1859, the tame will be approved and con firmed. EMI:). A. LutEr, mw 4tti Attorney for the Widow. 'IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE OITY AND-COTINTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate or briBAN N. -AR6I-011:..deie;sed - • • • • • • . The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit; nettle, and adjust the account of Joseph Eastbnra ISlitchelt and Andrew T. floodruan, Naecutors of the lett Bill of SUSAN N. ABHOR, and to rep3rt - disttibutien of the Infante. pill meet the parties Interested on TUBB. DAY, March let, 1859, at 4 o'clock I'. 111., at his Office, N 0.411. ODESThIIT Street. felS-fmtv 6t WM. D. KILLEY, Auditor. abiPPing. FOR THE SOUTH-OHARLEF.. TON,SAVANNAH, and HAVANA STEAM. MUSS. KEYSTONE STATE, Cantata 0. P. Hershman. ST_ATR OP GEORGIA, Captain John J. Gatlin, ISABEL, Captain Wm. Rollins. FOR CHARLESTON, S 0. The U. S. Mail !Baronet:Nip KEYSTONE STATE, Captain Mandan:lan, through in 48 to 60 hours, will sail on Friday, March Sth, at 10 A. hi, FOR SAVANNAH, Ge. The U. 5. ma Staunchly STATE OP GEORGIA., Captain John J. Garvin, will sail on We inesday, March oth, at 10 A. M. - The eplendid first-chum side-wheel Steamships 'KEY STONE SPATS lied STATE OF GEORGIA now run aa above every ten days, shoe forming a. five-day ma munteation with the South and Southwest. ID' Goode received and bills of lading signed every day. Ai both Charleston and Savannah these chips con moat with steamers for Florida ' and with railroads, Ac., for all plates In the Booth and Southwest, and with the Stessontilp ISABEL, for Havana, on -the 9th And 10th of every month. ' , FREIGHT REDUCED. ' Heavy Freight at an average of 15 per cent, below New York steamship rates. INSURANCE. Freight and Insurance on &largeproportion of Goode shipped South will be found to be . )ovrer by these &lupe than by sailing Teasels. Osibin Passage to Charlettout and Savannah 516 00 Steerage a << ' 0 8 00 Esourston Tioketl, good for the present year.... 80 00 Tickets to Havana, 66 00 Through Tickets to New Orleans 89 60 Do Mobile 35 00 Do Montgomery 28 tO Do Albany, Gs, 24 00 Do Columbus, Ga 23 00 Do Atlaata, Go 23 03' Do Macon, (2* 21 00 Do Palatka, Els 22 00 Do Ploolats, lila 23 00 Do Jackionville, Fla 21 00 Do Fernandina, Pia. 14 oo No billet of lading signed after the ship bag sailed No,froight received on the day of Batting For freight or passage apply to A. HERON, 7r , Southwest corner FOURTH and CHESTNUT. Agents, fn Oharleeton, T. 8. & T. la. BUDD. gibiaamab, 9. it, ttßliaSit A QIN lialto bp' laitiirri. ONNIECY Ec SONS, 0 • itHAL ESTATE AVOTIONNVIS, - No: 520 VALNVI' MOW: NEST SPRING SALE. On Thursday Erening, Mareh 13d, at o ' clock, At - the Philadelphia El. obtoge,'Will be Estate of Dr. John R. kiltithell, Deed. THE VAIXADLE BESIDENGE AND LOT OF - GROUND, southweercoreler of Walnut and Eleventh Streets, tot 28 feet on Walnut, by 146 feet_ deep orr Eleventh street to 011U111118 - fared, with an elfseilent. stable on the rear. This la a very valuable property,. 'being in a central losation, and having fronts on trot, desirable streets, is well-built,uad,fusnialled With all` the modern convonienies. Estate of 3, Deed. , .rniumeroimicaunr. D ,VELLENG. eolith aide of - Farmer Street, 62 feet out of Seventh atroetibetween- Market and Arch streets; lotl6..teetlront by 41 deep. Subject to a ground-renenf £t Ito. ' Same Notate —THREE-STORY BRION.DWELL - 00, south side of Farmer street, adjoining the above on the emit. lot 15 feet front by - 40 fret deep. TRACT OP 384 ACRES Of stitgrardit TIMBER - AND HARM LAND, - with the larproveraenti,2ltuate in Middle Smithfield township. Monroe county, Fb. . about miles-north of Stroudsburs, and one mile f . rrirk , the Delaware and Lackawanna 12.11 road. The timber , i pnnolpally oak and chestnut; there is also on the trail* a splendid rad-atone - quarry; is convenient to mills, tanneries. Mores, & e., end in everv.way desirable. rotreA , rouir maim kvatopsex, 'etch all the modern convenience/I, northwest corner of Eleventh and Graff 'streets, below 'Vine street. • alum:my & so hold regular mien of Roof Ettot:.`l3tool"like°2::"'iloovins g 3c44eitpld. furniture/4 KUL 7.8TAT21 AV PRIVATE BALM. - • ewe On our glints Pre Register Will Always be found 4 101 y large' anzevist of real estate, -Inoladirg every deaariptlaa of city end aozatry property. - J. at. aunimav".t. ROM, z- • -Seal Istate Brokonk 620 WM tPr 611~, below BRIN.LAY, b 00L., - ' N o . 29 MARKET sTRINB 4AJA Og Lab . 17 1ID' AND DOBIEST/0 DRY GOODS. - ''r Mornin. M arch let, at 10 °D o' I 634 cl u ock, tra n at al Morning, on Ow-months Panaj and maple inr. , credit, 400 pelages and lots , no mprielng a genetal ported and domestic dry goodlli - - assortment. nine a sale ' Samples and catalogues Beau On BANDY PRINTS. On Tuesday Morning, 6 04600 fancy prints. - •iU9 . • ALVAOA' LT/STEMS-AND! ORNOIL 0 411/1 8 oases 6.4 flee black alpaca Itzstast. 8 eases 4 4 sheet galleons. - PRINTED DR LAINES. cases fanny Printwide 4-4 AND 5-4 WHITE MATTING. - On 'Tneaday Adorning, 150 pieces 4-4 super quality matting. 60 do -6 4 de do , do: LONDON VELVET BUOS. —Wes London velvet rugs..' - - - bales tapestry door mats. BLACK SATIN VESTII(118 AND SILK - 8110,4ES: - An invoice of super black satin. resting* and SLY organ. - ' MACE ORM DE RHINE CRAVATS. 24 X4D rich super black 'erne del-Bine cravats. ' BLaCIL CLOTHS. pieces T-4 caper Preach 61ack Sloths. - - 15 CASES LONDON 9.8 PRINTED LAWNS, etc. • On Tuesday Morning, " 15 canes Liindon 9-8 minted lawns, new styles. 2 cues fancy robes a lee. - PARIS STELLA SHAWLS. - On• Tuesday Morning. 60 lota 12.4 and 14-4 super quality , Earls Stalin chaste, &MM. And round mailers. PRINTED DASHMERE' SHAWLS- - 2,000124 and 14-4 'London' new ells printed/ mere ataxic • 12-4 fine Stetlq shai7s. • 12-4:do do dn, =nod "eurriers: LINEN'ESILLINOS AND LONDIMMELTINGS. 4 cases side bands linendriUs, ' • ' ' 2 raiieslondou wettings' - • ' - 2 cases London black and white ahecki. ' POLL DE ' 011E411E4, DUOLLB, AND' ALPAOAS. 6 oases tine plaid poll de cheeses, -•- 6 de •do do ducat. 4 do 6 4 London black alpacas.'•• - NEW STYLE PRINTED RAYADER.II - AND Man ~ WOOL BANEGEI3. .4' eassi- new' styli' bayadere strips and fancy Wool all choice colon and *tenni T.IS HUBBARD & Oa, ADOTIONESIII ggn MADENTAITABIET. AND TRIED STREETS, -• if".g,iii"7 .: 6 l ,srii g t,,7 AND STAPLE- NOON; On Tueidii; ,M ,l-r an , bet fold— , t w itionfre.Commenaing at lc&clock, andplagoodt;sety,„a general amort..ntoffklzea writable for present isles; orimprishig lambs-wool shirts and drawera r do, cotton'"'""'"" • • ,•• cotton milk - fists, ladles , and rabies , milkvinerino, ads hose, gents , silk, merino. and gotten ball boa*, 111Z -a. and gents , colored silk, Merino, lisle Dusted; and Gotta:- gloves, back mitts and gauntlets. Pats kld gloves,' • ." - BILLET - MITTS ' Also, an excellent assortment of SUet.mittl,leng and elort, of reennt irophrtation ' - • _ , DRESS TBIIIMINOS, LACES, &0 Alen, silk deseabuttona, lift bindings, braids, fringes, bed laces, &a. • Also, an assortment of glib, thread, blonde, and Cot ten laces, sad edgings, in. EMBBOIDEBIBE AND MILLINERY GOODS. Aldo, an invoice of Branch and Septets embroidering cud millinery Il goods, consisting of linen.enteabrin -- and' jtconet 'sets, manotugs, insertings, Bless and - jai:tonne wallas, book mills, &a. - ' Also, white - and colored bonnet- sating And sprbig aoloystalf.ta 'ribbons. grenadine's, liennoes, AA.- ' TAILORING 00008. - Mani , — pineal French and English doeskins and ear.. al meres t eattinsti, tweeda, cashmerettes, Marsei ll e* ernathigi and vesting'', 4.4 linen dock, ha. - - ' • le/NAM WARES. - • Also, a valuable assortment of email wares, armpits.' log linen - And cotton - tires. bobbluete, stay , liindirts,• silk and cotton Oboe leeire: Byron and stalsiing aollwa - French lain and silk enavits, razor stings, - Gamble . , but 4-. tone; /to . together with a general variety' of nano* suitable for city and ionntry trade. • - •." • er Catalogues ready early on morning earls: P111.411' FORD,. /4.I3OTIONEER,--Nct." .630 BaBILIIT SMUT, botwiwit IZITH 1, SIXTH. sontb'side - 9ALIC - Oi 06$,PiTg Olt: 91% MONTIEUP''e,'RlillIt " On Tuesday Morning. - • — Bilutrr lo 4,- , ..a-Td_otolock nroolnely, we will self, kiN catalogue, on 'eStrs, supernal', and 'medium qualities. ingrain,. Toni tian, and cottage carpets .of tan last' nit y Inaaireao.' 'totes, to whioh the Wait:lon of purchaaeta ja SALE OP BOOTS AND SHOES ON ma MONTHS' • On Thursday Morning, March Si, at 10 olabaelt; will be sold by eafietirm, on 4 months , credit. about - TOO cases boobs. aloes; and brogans, conelatlng of the tumal assortment of city and Eastern , manufacture, to - which the ,attention 'of the trade, and buyers generally, is partionlarly ZOOTT, Jr.; AUOTIONEER, N 0.431 Ale 011B8TN1JT !STRUT, - oppoafter 'the thastout House, between 101311TH'snd I+IItTEI Street., . . BALE 01 SINE -OIL PAINTING'S, TEEN OOLLZO. TION OP A PRIVATE ONNTLEMAIE, Thle nth instant, commeheing at 10X 'Oelosk, will be'sold by catalogue, 260 oil paintings, many or them oriairalls of great value, having been solvated by s merchant Of Glasgow, for his, rivets': gallely. - The collection wtll be torrid to centaur choice and "laming ptatures ripen the folhiwing subjeebi: eeotth, Engtieh, , and elassical, la v dsoapee, marine Time", ;interiors &c battle pieces, fancy and sporting menet!, tke., on carmen, copper, end panel. Also, many eery fine fancy stet oteg and landscapes on cairns, attached to glass.. The whole collection is now arranged tor ouroluatioc, to which thei attention of the ladles and *gentlemen of the city' and vicinity is reepentfully Invited.' yam , SPRING ELLE OW EMBROIDERERS, PBXNOIL .41.0WERf3. , MILLINERY GOODS, deo. On Wedneeday Morning, ill &rola 2d, caMtlenoing at 10 o'clock; :will be 6 , 311, by catalogue, 500 lord /French embroideries, ho,, oom. licielog a full aleortment„ yin PRESTO' imtmoronnes. ranch embroidered double cambric Wiese and seta. Do do muslin- do • do. Do • do jaconet dO do.' Do • do Peouo do do. White and black real Moncton, and Maltese thread lace, °oilers, Su. - VIIILS LAOS POINTS, AND PIANTISIN. Superior Yvacelv blank lace guipure "and Aleacon veils of newest:and beet designs. Slack lace point/I'lv mantles of new anCrlcli Ales, Spring Styles Prdne9 uttaielat flonure, 4-4 White =line tulle. - FILLET MITTS AHD GLOVES French black Bilk fillet mitts, Parte make taffeta gloves. Also, Franclt steel spring hoop. skirt'. FIRST LARGI3 PIeILaIO2I:ORY. SPRINCI BALX 01. 400 PIECES OF 0411PFITB. - On Friday Morning, March 4th, will be sold at the sales-room. Oheatont rarest, by catalogue, oorametteing at 10 o' look ina a liberal credit, a large and Taxied earaortenent of 'Super heavy three ply, Fenitian, ingrain, Carpets. Hag, and list 0,7 Samples and catalogues ready early on the morning of sale. .N r rAUUTiati.E.Eig AND COMMISSION MIERIANT, - 13. SISTA end SAWS Streets. ORZAT PUBLIO ACCOMMODATION. MONEY! MONEY ! ! MONEY ! I I ' Money liberally advanced in Large or small smount9, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver plate,' diamonds, watches, jewelry,, fowling-p ' laces nutalaal- Instruments, furniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries, Mort, hardware, cutlery, books; horses, vehicles, har ness, and all artioles of onloo, for any length of time agreed on, at Nathan' Principal EsterbiisArnsat, southeastoorner of Otitis and hare streets.• . . PROM:JEWRY NOTES, with oollateral, discounted st the lowest market rates. NIVEWE BIVIMAINB IN WATOIIEB, JEWELItY, tco., AT PRIVATE &UAL atNATHANB:PRINCIFia, EBPABLIBIIIIIENT, 8. E Corner of BIXTE and MOM' Streets.—The following articles will be sold for less lima half the usual store prices: Pine gold .English patent full jeweled and plain, of the most approved and beet mate, in hunting caste and donlde bottomed. Fine, gold eseapement lever and' lepine watches, in hunting' case and open face, some o x them extra full jeweled and: beat make? Meer _English patent lever watches, ea-. cape:tient lever and lepine, in hunting nine and open. rasa, some very superior : English, twits ' French, and. QaOrriOr watches; line gold vest, fob, nook, and children's Chains; fine gold pencil cases and pens,. bracelets, breastpins, linger-rings, ear-rings, ends, me dallions, end jewelry generally. Bnperlor navanacigare at 81d per thousand, in boxes of -WO eachwill be sold. by single box or quantties to snit pnrebsaera. morons fancy articles, Zee., d.c., &a. etZtttita. GOOD (4100ERIE3 AT IrAra PAIOIS!! ! OECA'S. H. IZATTSON, SOUTHWEST COItqAF. TENTH AND ARM STS., ffaaMt head. and figenerally raceiviog, THE BEST • I OF GROCERIES, which be will sell at the most Rs2l4" SONABLII.TRIOES FOR OUR, Having s..LAIIGIS and MIMI ASSORTMENT of MACK and GEESE :r TEAS, he la couddeut of being able to suit, both.li • ituilicy and 'price, all persona In want of the - article, in • eastaitiee of: from one paned to the.halt cheat. Illa general assortment embraces everything In the 'uay of FINE GEOU.ERLES, and.r.o would respeelfally Invite all in want or good articles to ere him a call:.lt will 1. worth:Ma _. • .„ nolQtans Mistolutiotto attb efrpartnetshipsy4 rVOTIOI3.-4. D. 1100VER (late 11. B.r, L C Marshal For the Dietriet of Columbia) has Rasp.' otate4 htm.elf with.WALTSB. - D. DAVIDGD, Coun sellor At Law. Business before the U. D. Supreme zn4 Circuit Courts. the Court of , Clatma, :maths ExeenCro Departments promptly attended to., Addrees D ATIDGX & uO aVER, 1013.L1,L.R.NA. Avenue, WesMagton J.14,4f Ohs ! -4so- '' -- nasst.- - AND W2ST-184. • The PIMA DNLIILIA;WIL:sIINGTON, AND BAL.' TIMOR6 RAILBOA.DOOMP.ANT now offers Thnattgit• Veneta to Wilmington, 1 , 12 0.; Charleston; a. 0. ; An; Frusta, Atlanta, and Dalton, _Ot. ; Nutntrthe• 'Naqt 4 , vale, Chattanooga , G rand.Tonetton, and Memphis, Tenn.; Rantsville, Ala..; and New Orions. AIM), to the lase distant Southern atlas, and to all prominent Western•prtinte, as heretofore. - The steamship ISABEL rashes Sesal.hlonthly 'tripe between CHARLESTON and RA VANA, and ,ffers A very desirable ron'e to passengers. for the latter gent, winkling Capallattetee Ter tleireta. or farther infotrastinn, apply at N. St. aornor dIX tn. and OEIIIBTbiIIT Ma., or at Depot, BROAD and PZEiIS Sta., Philadelphia. 0. M. riilitOtt; Predda Wr2/420 PD. Let ; P/44.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers