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' /.z :,.., A--,,,,.. ~ .lri!.!--„,- ,‘.' , r,- '6 -,,fi`iXbrgs-mt•-r- '.4 ''',P,V*.tlF.A.,4`-lt?-'-'''''. - v '-''- ta.,-f - 1 .- '''-, .F...:4:414 ~,t , •' .l ,ith I ci,..5":1 , ,,..: ,:::•, • ,;-.. ,i...,,,,0„ti„,w4,—.4„ vet ~...zr,„„,..„: 4 ~,,,,- ~....- -' ;..., z ~,.z.s ::,---.4 -.4..,,,wftk .1):-;,...ti:r,i,Ds,';',, , =I- -, y Sit ~ i'- ) 2T , , v,,, „ --:.;.:f!.:.li; ' ,fii.;ci..\--,,,,ZyKki ! krv• - .:,' .101 ' ', , i11tr431,014. 'lnik7 r 101,1!,-....-14t_',1,-, , ')--- ;.. - -: - '-c -!.- 11,,k;A t t.:faribt ~ '..-vi.-zi.6 Y!_ ,!. --`, • - 1 ' ,,, q ,,, 7evi. , ..-47.: -, , ..,-1- • ~ % ,, , ,, , ,,,,,x,,,..%, • - 4 Ifo- ,14.2"Na` 'IMPORTERS AND - 4 . II R!SER S BAIV it; kit* itOit,' GXE k A N - AND i'dIPSAWAN 289 AND 241' NORTH " THIRD STREET, Alms ilia: itrest. _ for • " • 7' .1719:XelD8 Pints giaelm;, ' • ' so: Wrier. J4?fpatiltalb` k . acHitAN D: L Sag a .itit4E , BAIRDA Se CO, 11 ,_ .41111caa,-LA , • , -'44o — nbittlY AND JOBBERS" -N0.•••47-N9ILIIRTEIRD STREET, Litni • • • • SPRit4it4 :STC‘O,IK Bitfrtiw earedAdolOydt ita ibioris,nifti.,Alwi ready tor aiiditililejnon -1•60 . of 441 1 1 4thi1 . - 01)iiiitiod - to 'ion aid ow ti , • ' ntable•im :•AI%I§PAP. GO.; WSOLEItiALE p*taigns : D ; THIRD 'STREET, 44340444 E edrint TIO; ihd Ahem; eta:,) Trroblel ; PRING *POR:01/0ii - S, /859. • • Atbzrortf; 41VOODRUPP, STS SUMMIT STREET, F afore o,einspiete aid SPLEN.ISID- STOOK ' or not owl'olioloir styles /kniatIMMIC ROOS Alas; - tor sAusitie, ari VOLT, Sec, A lltOVllS t rice Boktisyx!sitlMMl, SARIS MITTS, issrAyas quolitioi,ikniud Corner, Squiro, Stella PAAII- VA gbsAoll./o/V S!.atiUM, ROW and 'nenrinto Appeo,•&c,'&o., MinsiMiontlOn ot 'bums to - onr ranied Stook, AraitlkonSdifit MHO yon - mak odor Indnoomonts that `w Rpm, istatietow /14 onellook . exaMinoo D o me of IS* doMnobloloodo now In *AM& tobli:Mn • • "IVY = M oo ,. AL k:IARPET: ,HOUSE. Novo muffed !foto Ito. 1411ANE iltrist to No`. - 608-QHFSTNUT STREET;, - . -- • - 'OPPOOTI TBIUAT*-HOQbl S r l ti k ° EK)'IODS. she ettbeendbere rtiO''ettetty sale the attention of ‘ thillrlitende;sad '4,'018 AND 13110AT-TININ 130 S,-, 1 V04 .f.,i)Dqi •liplininifttq.btakuiq any InALle marl at, ,1,,T4e7; fitsfiotdisihear*,dliay*ste styles et RE$ STuFriku is= iiiwiarkiind other eattrees. ,- ' FRANCIS LASER 'BO 00, „ • 36 MARKS! 6tmmt ==E SPAINEF (31- 1.858. Y. • O'V tt4 AND VEST/NAB, tsiiittoitioo of BU JBS is !art& .161 : • I , iNDJ'ArtarGostiDs. ABBOTT,;JOHNES , & CIO.. 839'IAE ET STREET. ' Allll 7 Oll pietored to car • lane venu.przre,orooir; - , vile"; thai tits .stmaltrzom or BVYKRO. . 6 0* • CAMPBELL: & , Imp ead:Wkoholas pedal", '•Tiß,Y'catpopst, GO4II, OLoTHI3; - • oassnools, 11 , 0181 lit, to No - ; 304 ,M.A1911 7 7011 1 •8E:T., -, • =3lll , co. 'AID-AMIIRIOAN AtilOopp AND cIARRUTS, it Atioillor, tad eola, low for ClAsi ) lY T 7741107 Q 7 PAOKAGN, - '3I I S, lILARPIT BTREET; Pgrlatil,p'SLA. • FITHIAN, JONES, & CO., W 1191,1101.1111 DIALERS T.OREI4S4AIII' PORRSTI9 "VEY GOODS, R/CRRALT STREET, lose doom betoi; Tkh'l, South olds, •:_r • Jr/#oiVilii . 4 l6 Jon= Ar . _ AND-DONCESTIO DRY 'GOODS, - 21$ _ !IAN:TEST STREET usw,aoo.4o;s4,!prg every dor for -,„ • ' • I#l4ll - CITY sop BEAiI imams. gobiAiTT,OCk;.GRANT,-* 00„ ' ,Iss,Odes sad Wllsdessle Degas , • • TABTINGS, and STREET, - - awed,) ' ;Rid-3d; • IP,lsSidelpids. J . • . • ~ oxf . i ,, pxtowN & . (70.. :•••_._••....,-- ...,, iIIiDEEED.B ADD JOBBER) . • •- : 1 OR"! i G.N . ,AND 0611LESTiO PRY,. GOODS, • ,i.:,/(4).''ait"-14A8E.8...T STREET ::- ~.1., . , -, ,mortie ride, iirove,Third Street; ' , ;O&M 1 ' . PHILADELPHIA. off - • „ACP IIitiVATA.TIONS 1859 at., "wrzEmmet, outt 6WoolollB.oltstroot, 11111ii,ADSZPRIA, _ 1- ri• allPol4llB :AND JOBBERS • istzar.aasT2)*A.pif crr zikoorms, eosipletit stalk, to *Web th•yfo -04401P , f.b1401 IP -.OUST ',P;ll.lallitiltP, ATTOBNEY ,JIT-IAW, 816 WALNUT iltfeet, above 2aSighz4* aeba. • 1859• NEW ' ' 1859 • — ft R G,0,0 HOUS THOMPSON & JENTcrists. 528 BIA.RgET 8 . 211 PET, , • Invite tie attention of buyers to their 'Webers stook of linlisst straw and= 881 e Bonnets, Misses' Plate and Itio4fe,' BONI lina ,O,hildreii'llitAdi gran- Wed Plower, , Trlnvaidap, exolneively engaged in this branch 'of bniiitiess, pitchsser will find it G. gads interest' to *web ono ',NAIL before ipicrealudng. - THOB. P. NUM , (formerly. of Mirror, Rogers, Pales;) now enkotiod; , :rth - the above hones, toilette from, f4e°slll :an bietninatlon or the stock of Itteem. Thc 4 oLii /a Yankton. • ' febWk,n •• MILLINERY AND' STRAW GOODS.: A MOAT OOMP!AITLANDCHOIOR AB/1011T1WMNT RIBBONS of pie* atinniption, ' , ,• BONNET SILKS AND` ORATES, - • AlduitiAL BLOWERS, RUCHES, ' -• ' And other Millinery Goode. MIMI ,s !rlt A 44.9 s 6D Si, Or BURY 002101IYABLI TARIM, 31inow open for emalnatlon by, taidfiele to, '; OMNI AN!? PROMPT SHORT-TM Itanß3, At lenteA Ydvaco. upon Ant Goo t. Time - dislatto of Noting money in their Finland should glee les an owls all. • , ROSENRELK, BROOKS,,& CO., I 431 iIf..A.BEET 'EfrIiJUKT, I (Ls* of No, 83 South Iketotel H ADS; 'FURS. GOODS. 1 . AUTIFIOIAL, , FLOWEIIS, RU011318,,ao; 15. - 0 OPES & DAVIS, ' , litelilliWACTUßß* 'DIIALBRiII Noe. 19 and 21 South Fourth Street, (up stairs,) - - 7731LADIMPULA, Hays on hand ari entirely now and complete stock at the litmus goods, laid in for CASH, to which the atteutipn of 'buyers is invited. ; 001416:iiliLOWILL; late of the firm of Obas. tie., long known to the trade, would he pleased to' See his Mends at the sienonems of *l44* Hoopes • , fobit•dtu FALCONER & CO., DEA-Wall IN , Al'33 73 0 N 13, . t RILES, IND MILLINERY GOODS, N0..727 .OHESTNIIT leblam . . 7 STRAW AND MILLINERYGOODS. Hiving removed from our stand, 45 south Beeind str•et, to • ",-; -• ' • 725 CHESTNUT STREET, •1111TWIIIM 811Y1INTE ICD 1111071 TI, Wears now prepared to exhibit to our nuatorouri pa , COMPLETE STOCK ov siquiv BONalliTli, 111133E8 , eed-011ILDR1tfila 14,002d1ft9, - OAPS, &c. akeitiOY AND,OBANI BONNITB, • - ' - • PRIINOR /LOWERS, . • RIBBONS, 14.0i8, ,- • ' lioo/1.118, Ice ' accortinent unecinalled in OW city, end We respectfully invite the atteetion of , merchants to our ihrtiog gtock.. Ossal end abort.time Sums Will fled it specially their interest to five us a call. LINCOLN, WOOD, lc NICHOLS. .J , lIILLBORN JONES. Importer, and ,Mannfoottirer SILK AND_ STRAW- BONNETS, LENHONN slid PANAMA NAM • e: ANTIPIIMAL PLOWENiI NOCAPA,AI.. MARKET Below II 7T II lifoots anb Eiliete. HENDRY & HARRIS, IibNIII/AO7IIIIERB AND ,WHOLIBALS DNALIIIIII BOOTS AND SHOES, N. W. COB. THIRD AND ARON 13TRBETO, PHITADILIIIIA WHELAN & 00., •- ' waciLasum Dimwit; IA B a,ci T S , • SHOES; . • AND STRAW GOODS No. 515 MARKET STREET fe2l-2m BOOTS AND SHOES. . • • The Eittbseribere hiMe completed their . SPR - IN , G STOCK . _ or . , 'BOOTS AND SHOES, Which they ere premed to offer at the lowest plies% on their wrest term.. VAN DUSEN, SMITH, & CO., 403 MARKET STREET, febltram 'Above Fourth, op Moire. B . P. WILLIA.MS & CO., WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, No. 18 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. opba.am JOB.*.TM-101...V1 7, 18ca5T arc 0.,. WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WABKIOUBB, No. 314 MARKET STREET. ' A large end general assortment of Neetern and Olt. -made Slim conotantly on hand. fobldne SPRING STYLES, 1869. iT. & ZVI. 849.1:T1W7511115, WIIOLEBALkk DE#LEBB AND metruweantaiss STRAW BeNNETS AND HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, &0., &o. Being prepared to. offer am great inducements to Mayen! as Jobbers in any other market, Invite an ex amination of their 'toot, Np. 84 NORTH FOURTH STREET, fel-2m Near the Merchants' Metal, Philadelphia. LEVIA:3, RABIN. & Ob., BOOT AND SNOB WABSIIMB MANUFACTORY, No. 525 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. Weirave now an hand an extensive stock of Boots a Shoes, of all descriptions, of OUT own and Eastern Itenntsottare," to whloh We Write the attention of Southern and Western buyers. . Caniagts. CARRIAGES Of TWO MANTIOCITVaI Of WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, 1009 OREST,NUT STREET 1011 febl6.4lm 200 SBLS. No. 2 ROSIN in store and fo sale by • ft. o.vAl4ildttiNGl 4404 NoFt4 WRAIRTit PML.ADELPIIIA4;-'I,FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 25. 1859. LAING &, MAGI • • - No. 80 - NORTH 'THIRD , . .tovortooo or, and Dealers La SHOE 11fAIVITPAOtOEEES' And all Iran& or Shot). 1 UPPIALbid PAitt4 BOOT TB (HUMPING- MACHINA& LEATUBR icoopmf SAWING-AIAORIKI odLIKO,' THREADS, slid Na' . . . ENGLISH, IRISH, and ADIERIGAN SHOE lala-tniarla SHOE FINDINGS. - • • ISAAC BARTON & 85 SOUTH SECOND STRE IMPORTERS- OF 'AND DEAL OS IN FRENCH AND ENGLISH LASTING SILK AND UNION GALLOONS, LAMB, - FRENCH . KID, PATENT LEATHEIW ELASTICS, BOOT, WEB, LINEN !MEETINGS, DRILLINGS, t f ,ota. feb3.lmo EDWIN W. PAYNE. - Importer -A.4 Dealer `tl • • BOOT, BEIOE, sad GAITIIIIC HATII ILU - Trost Batiding, ilr:eorierlEOH and TOVBk LABTINGB, ,BABBOO.OI' • ' T.ltiffll, #Brafli,B4D, •• • PATEN? .• na: , OONERZSB WEE, TOILET SLIPPER UP! , tefoil-3EiJr BROX THESAINS, 'BMW, EVE- ;JOHNS & SON, (Bueoeesor to the Tote Joe. T. Johnej 'importers' sad" Waters IN - BROM BTUTPR Rad TRIMMING% LAGTING% GemLooNe, 'LAOBTI3, wte.; . " - - AT .Tlll4- OLD.. STAND' Northeast earner of lrottßill and AROli Bat febl-Iny 'mug Ma ecrobe. SPEING TRADE. " - H. DUBBING & CO., Noe. 28 and 28 NORTH FOURTH 8T14,110111, /TM jut opened thele recent IIif4OIITAT/ONS i -ENG L I 2 H AND GE E .211'.0 HOSIERY, • GLOVES, AND SMALL Ni!AE'ES,-ii, And 59itett an ityspectlon of their comigete 54 TOL ' autorted *tack, - ' '- I #-. . . ISPICIALLY ADOPTED, TIN ; SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRAM: febb-1 • " ' ... g; . BI7R NE TT, SEXTON; & ,SWEARINGRN Are now opening et their gtore, -, No. 409 MARKET STREET[' Above Fourth, North Bide, A HANDSOMI AffSORTMENT OY j, NEW SPRING STY.pE or • FANCY DRY .o•o6Dgy : OY THEIR Offff IMPORTATION And ealeotion, which they offer for silo to troyetiVioto all partner the United State,, on the mom Itbotal Woe, feb9.Boi - 31Sittiks, sc'ruaißidtf IMPORTIII4 AND DEALBILS 111 110 BIXBY, GLOVXB, and tio:11:1101till ':BELOW TflE iIdffhOOLIITS' itOrffb, Offer for isle the moat otettplete stoat efitorkte ' la their Mee to bit feu* in the TINITIDSTATEd, , • . • • Clani(Wing of 1108LICIal of every 0. rade, • . • • GLOVES for men, women, and caldron, coin** . g sidassortment of over 000 kinds, 17NDIRatI8TE1 and DILLWICRI, • • 141,, LADI.II3 new &algae, with , an Guinea variety of Notions; to which they invite the attention of WINAT-OLADS WAIVER)! AND BOUTNINN • • BUYERS. • j. MOOAULEY,BROTHER,A BRRWSTER, 23 NORTH SOUTH STREET ) , gave just opened an entire NEW SPRING STOOK er HOELERY, GLOVES, and ' RANGY GOODS, alto which they invite the attention of eret.olege bore. Oar stook to patileulatly adopted to the SOUTHERN TRADE. SCHAFFER & ROBERIS. 429 MARKET STRUT, • IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS . or • MOBIRRI, GLOVES, SMALL WARES, COMBS, ti .131SIISHES, LOOKING•GIAMIS, GERMAN Ass TRENCH PARGYGOODS; MID TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. . fel-Sm SITES, VAN &TUN, & GLASS, 1 IMPORTERS° WHOLESALE DEALERS 1108111 BY, QLOYEI3, SAVOY GOODS, V NO. 423 MARKET STREET, hllOlll VOl7llllll, PIIILADILM Umbrellas anti Parasols SLEEPER & FENNER, Wholesale Manufseturers UMBRELLAS AND PARASOL 888 MAIMXT BTR.IIIIT, PRILATOILPfiIit, • Are now making more then one hundred dirty different varieties of Umbrellas, of every else, n 73 to a 0 inches ; Their assortment of PARASOLS is alto verrge, and for variety of design, styles, &dell, and prii ex ceeds that of any previous 509.110/1. Buyers who have not had S. k mete Goods drill tind their time well spent in looking over Well made stook, which inolndes MANY NOlfilihTf - Nat SO 00 mar with auwhere. fain Elreso trimmings. EVANS & HASSALL, , 61 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, , IMPONTEBB AND WHOLNNALN MOM DRESS AND MANTILLA TRESIMaS, Invite the attention of Ong MID BILORT-TIMELIte, NEW AND SUPERB STOC OILOIOR NOTBLTIMii VOll7BO „. 14, IMT GI 0 L a'a. ES C AND POMIONNETTE TRIDEEL CHENILLE DROP-NOTTONO, DOUBT SIUNGES, Ao., Joh BARLIAVEPLITES, 'WETLAND WOOL NEW STELE CLASPED SKIRTS TUB 'FINEST IN TILE MARK] _ J it A. KEMPER. e 83 SOUTH Tomas STREET Importers and Whohula Deniers In LADIES' DRESS TRIMIRIN Oalt the perUoular attention of the Tra their splendid assortment ,ot ➢BENCH POINNTTE, and ANIIIIIO AN .111130HIA BALL TANGO, BUN PINDANT BUTTONS, &o. We are lamed to execute large orders h end jgarerdllee isingei, Teasels, Cords, Button/9i our oftflotory, illonep.. re.ONMEROIAL ilable ND partsTRAVNG MINDITA avaAln all of mid, opened with the house of Messrs, OLCIIIWOODY ec. 00., of London. Apply to • cfov•, suchummxn,l, 316 1YALIIISI; eit't :Ittss FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1859. Impressions of Washington--No. 7. It hash been mentioned onto the writer of these " impressions of Washington," which have branched out into discussiens about men and things in other Cities and climes, that some readers may desire to know a little more than be has yet mentioned of the difference between n the Cabinet" in the United States and in England. To' hear is to obey. The Cabinet in this colintry consists, as every one knows, of five Secretaries, <of 1t IttA S t ihh e no t a tae r ndtt l cosv o hlottr r t io i, Treas ury , at: ) oesarti o bpt hh.foonee particular eor t nov h ts e tt i oeeawhiitanhdi W tio.lte Postma ster :itnr u oe: ptame,p,aenh. sometimes 2lleun h as Bivoim u otlo G eo.na tttiN sometimes an, e g e n a a lTnia v e hnryu particular d a e l England, a d n d th o e f the i.n: i personal reb but i i nominated le e t e m his at6si b 1 1 btacei pres sure(ly.a.s flea of the whole American Cabinet tunennt to $66,000, without official residences, or re tiring pensions. The Cabinet, for tlitAtd pert, 4.41,17 OWL -.44.. - • 1...x.0 - Awl. ;row/ 'President.- %Ens :is the voice potential, it is believed, in Connell. - ' • : ' ' • In England, a Change of Administration becomes riecessirin by the defeat of tho Mi nistry, by the, resignation of one or more leading members of the Cabinet,• or by ;the death of, one of its leading members. Por example, when the Mouse of Commons pasted a vote, condemning policy of the Palmerston Cabinet, in the negotiation and Correspondence 'with Prance, arising out of Onann's attempt to assassinate the Emperor NAPOLEQN, and thus publicly censured Lord Pamunterou, for 'truckling to the inscrutable Man of bestinperbo reigns in the Tuileries; every person' who , teed the Parliamentary Debate, in the neitt 7 inorning's newspapers; and saw what majority was against Patstias. you; knew that he must resign, as indeed he ' did 'resign in:the course of the day.. Ten months before, a Parliamentary -vote had con demned Rum:rearms for rashly plunging into an unproVeited war. with China, and he had then icappealed to the country," as it is called; by dissolving' Parliament and having a General Election, the result of which was a great majority in the. Commons—a majority which melted away, like a snow-wreath, early: in the following Session of 1858. So, when the- Retorm-Dill Ministry of Earl Gaut was weakened, in the . Session •of 1884, ;by :the secession of four ~ important mem. hers, (Duke of Itiontroxo, Earl of Mrpos, Sir JAMES' GRAILS( ' and Mr. Srentsr,) who objected to the threatened "spoliation of the Irish Church," Lord GREY bad to resign,'rind the Cabinet Was reconstructed, with Lord MELBOURNE as Premier. Again, on the ha-' tunusination of Mr. Sresesa Psnervin, Priine Minister, in 1812, the Cabinet underwent SR , viral Changes, and Lord LiViarooll Was made, Premier. , ~. ..., DUO. [ fULIADO The Sovereign has a right' of changing his Ministers, one or all, without reason assignud: Such instances aro rare, but I remember three. In 1782, when 'Lord MELBoURNE sac needed Lord RoonrsonAn, as Prinie Minister,' a vacant Secretaryship of State was filled up, without CUARLES JAMES Fox, a pew- Ortui am! popular Minister, having been consulted. He told tasones the Third s in: a huff, that: ho supposed his Majesty ceuld dispense with his services I The King replied, it eertainly,'sir, if you feel them the least irksome," and the next day, the ont joakeyed statesman deiivered up the seals:of ogice., Again, inDecember, 1788, when Fox was'eiglin in offlceorlth Lord Monett as acel. FANOY -NOY/ONO, .whieh had Air; ana - rur known to be considered with great dislike and distrust by the King, was lost in the }Tense of Lords by a Majority of 19. Immediately, and aliaott . heforti they could realise the consequences of this defeat, Pox and Lord NORTH recelyed perotiaptory messages from ancient tit , intimating that lie lied' tie further occasion for their services, and re questing that their seals of office should be delivered to him, by the under-secretaries of State—the strongest possible way of intima ting his personal dislike and disapprobation. Immediately after, the younger I l irmmest.Parr was placed at the bead of the Government, which position he retained during the fol• lowing seventeen years. Again, when Lord Tutranow could not agree with Prrr, the Premier, the King resolved to dismiss him, and sent Lord MELVILLE to demand the sur render of the Great Seal, confided to him as Lord Chancellor. He gave it up, of course, but strongly complained of the conduct of the King," whe t ", be said, if has treated me in a way in which no gentlemin has a right to treat another." Tho British Cabinet occupies an anomalous position. No record is kept of its resolutions or meetings, nor has any act ofParliament ever recognised its existence. The names of the noblemen and gentlemen composing it are never officially announced to the public. The law of England has no knowledge of the Cabi net. Yet, what power it is I Compared with the Cabinet, the Crown itself seems unimpor tant. Indeed, while it lasts, the Cabinet ex ercises the royal authority: VICTORIA, as Queen, has very little power,—scarcely any but that of veto upon acts of Parliament, which has not been exercised for over - one hundred and fifty years. The'number of per sons who are removed from office by a change of ministry is four times more than the 'num ber of those who form the Cabinet., There are seldom more than fifteen or less than ten Cabinet Ministers. Lord LIVERPOOL'S Cabi. net consisted of ten, Pen's, RUSSELL'S, ABER DEEN'S, and PALMERSTON'S alternated be tween fourteen and fifteen. Tho present Derby-Disraeli Cabinet numbers thirteen. Custom has ordained that each Cabinet shall include the First Lord of the Treasury, Ibex' Secretaries of State, Lord Chancellor, Lord President of the Council, Chancellor of the Exchequer, First Lord of the Admiralty, and Lord Privy Seal. In the present Cabinet there are also, the Indian 'Secretary, the President of the Board of Trade, and the First Commissioner of Public Works. There also are other high offices, the occupants of which sometimes sit in the Cabinet, viz : Chancellor of the Ducby of Lancaster, Secretary at War, Paymaster General of the Forces, Master of the Mint, Postmaster General, Master General of the Ordnance, Irish Secretary, and the• Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench has been a Cabinet Minister. Against $56,000 paid away in annual salaries to the Cabinet of the United States, we have to place §287,500 per annum, received by the members of the present Derby Ministry. Be sides this, the Prime Minister, First Lord of the Admiralty, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and one or'two other Ministers, have official, residences, though they rarely occupy them. Moreover, the Lord Chancellor, whose salary is $50,000 a-year, receives a life•pension of $25,000, on leaving office—an equivalent for having abandoned a lucrative profession to accept the Chancellorship, on the uncertain tenure of the political ascendancy of his party'; for the rule is imperative, in Great Britain, that he who has once sat as Judge shall never go back to the bar—shall never descend, as it is considered, to plead, where he once wore the ermine and the coif. Largo as aro the salaries of English officials, the money-consideration is the very last thing thought of In connection ' with place. The vast Majority of aspirants to highest office in England, are men of great wealth. In the present Derby Ministry are 'only three men not largely wealthy. These are DiSRAELI, WALPOLE, and Lord Jong MANNERS; and the poorest of these has at least $26'000 a-year private property, over and above his official income. England, which pays her placemen so well, does not neglect them when gi used up," but has appropriated a large awn to be annually paid away a m or; retired Ministers, after a certain ditrati , n hi 'office, on their own application that tin it peetmisyy circumstances require such assii•!. 'ance. For example, whenever Mr. Difitiam has served two years as Cabinet Migist r (which term he will have completed in a k w months), he can claim $10,000,a year for 'as pension. • Literally, he has scarcely an in. coma of his own, his wife being the owner ( , f large property. Bheuld he again be placed in office, the pension would drop while thus em ployed and paid, and lin resumed on his re.. turn to the position of, a private person. We had nearly 'forgotten to state that, on Some few occasions, eminent statesmen haVe been Cabinet, Ministers, without holding office. The lets Duke of WELLIIIGTON and the present Marquis of LANZIDOWNS are instances. Differing In remuneration, duties, and re. sponsibillties as' the American and British Cabinets do, they differ yet more remark. ably in what is called Executive position and practice. in America, the Chief Magis trate is, the , Executivof in England, the Cab!: net, who preside over the Administration of public affair's. IL America,, the President can suggest or recommend certain things to be done, certain laws to be passed' by the Legis nonssatorati intrieltuse a Goferment measure into either House, nor defend it . when under considera tion. It strikes nioiwith - all respect for ;the high flinctionarlesin question, that, apart fl am the discharge tifi ordinary business of their respective departmenta r thi-Amerlean cpbi: riot are little more than Clerkei—eprresponding with the political , under-Secretaries of great departments abroadi „ ' ' , • No practical inconvenience; but the reverie, has been experienced in Europe by Govern ment .measures being introduced; defended, 'altered by 'high -Government - offielals—more pfutictilarly as this brings them directly before the Legislature, and subjects them to the personal -responsibility. of being •catechlied, assailed,- vindicated, exposed,• badgered, and so on by. Opposition or Independent members. • Again, when information upon any • point is required, there site the Government , Mikis' who is bound to supply it—on the spot, if possible. , • . • But, in connection with thin, is the draw• back of European officials actually' voting, with i all the influence of their position, upon their own measures. When PALMERSTON was subjected to votes of censure, in the years 185/ and 1858, he and all his - colleagues in the House of Commons voted for their -own acquittal. Now, be it remembered that more than one bundled Government • officers and their near connections have-seats and votes in the House of Commons—that, ,though there 'are eiz- hundred and fifty-eight members of that House, not more than one half that num ber -attend and vote, ;except upon most .extraordinary occasions.—that the one hundred Government men are always on hand, to vote as the Administration .ffietates—and fudge what a difficult thing It must be to overthrow any Ministry, by a hostile vote. • . ' One point of Parliamentarrlleform, now wholly unconsidered, must eventually be con; ceded—namely, that Ministers, or -Heads of great Erepartments, shall ex-officio have seats in the Legislature; to introduce public Mee =Par And defend or explain their policy, but that no GoVernment officer shall have a vote upon any question. Onppose that our own "practice eventually ,became modified somewhat in -this manner, how exciting I..tild it be to have General Cass and Mr. Conn. (HOWELL, not Srrivanne,) Mr. FLOYD and Mr. Tquoat, Mr. THOMPSON and Postmaster Baena, and Attorney-General Br.aok, seated in Ow Senate or the House, in troducing .Government measures, defending Presidential pollez and-severally mining the gauntlet, ,thtotigh a double-file, of crose.hack, would be most tried, or the public mos , amused. Shall we ever live to see it t . R. S. M. iegielatlVe Corruption. In the report of the meeting held on Wed nesday night at the County Court-house, pub. Ittihad in Tan Paass of yesterday, the remarks of EDWARD G. WEBB, Esq., were omitted. We insert theta, below, and take pleasure in expressing our admiration of the manly and ,fearless spirit which marks them. Mr. WEBB has proposed a remedy for the complaints of the community, which, if fitithfillly followed, will prove effietive • Mr. R. G. Webb rose and said : Mr. Chairman : In rising to offer the shdrt preamble and resolu- Hone which I now-hold In My hand, it may be pro per in advance to say that I have no immediate or prospective connection with any of the passenger railways no* In existence, or those Which may with propriety be considered in process of, incu bation. The resolatious are mild, but determined in thole tone, bookie* they are neither intended for bombast, nor designed to be Inoperative In their effect upOn those who have temporarily been en trusted with the public welfare. Rumors, widish appear to have for their beau darting facts, have reached the ears of almost every Intelligent citizen of Philadelphia, tending greatly to impeach the in tegrity of members of the Legislature, and expoaing a system of demoralization, so potent in its charac teristics as to strike at the very existence of free dom and all social morality. TMs state of things results from the want of attention to the nomine tone for the Legislature on the part of those citizens who have some stake in society. Intelli gence Is a thing now rarely looked for In a Repea sentative, and integrity is a cubjeot of melees consideration. This was not always the cage. During the former generation, weight of charm• ter had a controlling influence in all elective offices Who are to blame for this altered condi tion of affairs? The very men I now see around me, who are either, so much engaged With their own private affairs or restrained by their plea sures, that the public, weal is only Monett of when some overpowering corruption is made Ma nifest and dangerous. For years past, the most objectionable men are they who strive with the greatest seal to fill legislative positions. They are encouraged to this -by the frequent success which attends their efforts, under party discipline, which is too often the blind monster that ruins whole communities. If this system of endorsement continues, what aloe eau be looked for but the rule of ruffians, through wretched imbeciles or their own degraded associates? Formerly Philadelphia was represented at Harrisburg by gentlemen of unquestioned ability and patriotic devotion to her character who were as unapproachable for Improper motives 'as the highest names of anti. qulty. It gives mo pleasure to say that we still have many such representatives in the Legisla ture, but their efforts for good are restrained by the licentious course - of an equal !Lim ber of ignorant and profligate stipendiaries, 'whose habits and necessities make them Pro per subjects for the sottish and designing. The standard for a. legislator, in some of the legislative districts, is now as low as it can get, and any change must be for the better. Driveling idiocy and impudent degradation should hereafter be prohibited in our legislative halls, by the unanimous determination of our citizens at the polls, no matter by what political party nomi nated, or by what influence sustained. But, at the same time, ,the character of a legislator should not be destroyed upon mere rumor. Character is too sacred a thing to be lightly dealt with. If any citizen in this large assemblage has a tangible fact which impeaches the conduct of any member of the Legislature from this City in reference to passenger railroads, or any other public mea sure, he will have an opportunity of disclosing that to the committee which the resolutions provide for. MASQUESADZES Ix 3itLWAIIKEN.— A great masquerade ball was given in Milwaukee about a week ago. The News of that oily, In the oourse of an article desoribing it, says: , f One gentle- man fell in love with hie own Mater, while another man denim& talked, and promenaded with a gen. tleman in woman's dress three hours, in the vain hope of finding out who the dear oreature was. One young man took his mother to the supper, and great was the surprise of both on learning how matters stood. One of our leading merchants gave Ills ring to a young lady If abe would raise her mask that he might see her features, when it was his own sister, who he supposed was at home with the toothache Two gentlemen got in a warm die pate as to who a certain lady, with a blank domino was, and after making s wager of two bottles of champagne', found out the young lady was the younger and misoblevous brother of the losing party." A Lammas Loam—The following story, which wo have from a New York friend recently from Paris, la none the worse for being true : " Lord Cowley, the British minister in Paris, has oceselonal annoyanoes. Lord Mittonn (a gentle. man whom nature failed to provide with legs) wished to be presented at oourt with his wife and daughter. The morning of the day on which the presentation was to take place; the Emperor sent word to Lord Cowley that he could not receive Lord Miltoun as be heard be had no legs, and that he must sit while the Emperor stood. Lord Cowley was mush vexed, but sent an attaohb to con vey the diaag.reeable news to Lord Minoan. Mean while the Drake de Bassano came .himself to Lord Cowley to tell him that Lord Miltoun's chair had arrived at the Tuileries ; that it must be instantly taken away, and that its legless owner could not be received ;This was rather mortifying to the British minister, but the Emperor was inliegible." TWO:, TS Letter. front New .York. ALOPEE'II MAGAMNS 1.01 MAXON V MAX WUTIRS'"" ~GOZAT scrim - fr rir 11111,P511111111.110 BIIIINNIS —PUBLIC( WORSHIP OP '?HI DELP AIM OMB. - talOtrealO•OtiOi r df !ho Pram.] ' • - - Nsw You Feb. 28,1150. Warpa's lifairazimy fr Moab, will b., hewed on Driday or Elatarday. The opeelag paper , tly B•3•1011 J. Lotting, to a disc:4MM of d joirpimagelo Ski home and tomb of Waablepoi, mblab inn attend %Wart on ammtint of the iddeatarsarmiteads by the Natal Yer noe heeplatioebeed,flon. 3dward »rett to Yana , * It. , Rwshut'itdmerYPtito W B F4 I . Min 4 2 owe: and ani paella"), Soled to deplatlng this apt of Pr ffonal Intelsat. -As i eurkrei thilmaretanary Wale :sand the bonsealWaelitairton, I eapittut fal lowing kandblll, wkleb Mr. Ladle spa wee handed to him on board the beat : V - Itite your lakeitera Win at the Tomb of the rather eft& Golmtry. • ' ' •• • sy Waltman We commented spot eam iatermed that they coo have their lituomeese tan in attfal aM durable - &alum. with the tomb or Illigtom for a bask-ground, and delivered them on the retort trip of this boat, for the aim mice that alllkaueos without the tomb would cod Uttadrede of Maltearbsee bees delighted with Shim Gems of Art luring the lest year, and not a single one has expressed the kart illetatie beam. The article ii ambsßLhed With &Ms landlinadly sa graHep, Vp Neon bag ;mini paints of Intend. dt Monet Vernon, and alai. with as appeal In behalf of MS biotin% Tacna LowoistiOs.- CitotosWata. Sad lea Inhabitants" le, by. Ate. W. O. plum, the author of Taut Lae to licytp jai le, am mar bliafinsell /Cow the title, revelation of loir:ausey walla wawa snakes,' eiralkiw Is a " - , Ida tenwAiiadelesil4",ardefandry ethos.," Wimple" with nine eqiisitiolan Weed. 'by Silk* lindow, to a. Melt • scieurost 91s isbfeit al totioitissoi maw Awe- . " Tana da t le/hos," the dinerwee of the 'untie; llcide • Malabo Is Yr. 1. T. flinger, wt. , Secretary of the litst• of New York, , secdisithoe of the Ellionid Notintainer a Woric winch gained him cone. datable isputatiot: The ideintwir% Mares sad paw esesee, aims mod bowsaw, mu well diploid Is tile shin *eh*, „" . . PailliglOP,La by MC ; D. It. 0•1111*.ose llinsinchu• gotta Yankee, and is a Oleadsentetah id' the life and 'adventures, of le ciork•hoine - child, Who tun oat to belong' to si noble Frenele!finilly. The eineeptionof Ildleh Detain Is true to life. sad the .toy to de word. c• awe" , pr e *mans „vs? by. the let. 8. Osgood, D. D came hints as to the Influence Of neture, society; opinion 114 chute, upon celibley in this country, whist' sonerding to statistics, is isereeeing every year, Phi imbjeet fe. ably inestedi wed I. near mend it to the perusal of all old inside and keidielicce who are grumbling at their lot. It will eke, theralmt they are mudi better - than they 'think deemedue: "What Wee It Meetpeninatinal, diabidiced stay, a wood deal in tie Mtn .11. Poe style; and porpoise tab* • description of au Wtdbie moister oneurek.byeue opitun.eitter. "A Matter of Life and Dineth,i'fiy Nord. Bolt, L a - endow, collocakine of daddies of imtmde, giving the regions Thy numb, distinguished - Penne killed themselves. aiming ethane is mentioned the cue of the lloglialonan, who committed suicide basun be was tired of buttoning , and unbuttoning his dollies Mr. Sharply Again le one of *shalt 'stied*. of the number.. Mr. filnisply , e impedance on ihe Bait. road; sad reileationsthareaa, will be multihued by the readers of The present paper anuptisee grumbling'. on various erubjectte, and wilt beappmaisted by thee. fond , of,!pciet humor. The, Whoiteles i s winds up the number, and here you have Ito contents. and the contributors. ' "- The Harpers And it Impossible to publlsk_but very few of , the many waifs they item reedy.' the *is. The demand for their etandartand other hoOks,aiready publisbed;ll nu large and eteo#.lVtet tuo:T are unable to keep vie with It. Immedletelya ft er the destrietlon of their OliVitseet premiaasty fire; they ordered thirty Adams , prowls, on* Of ,which :was .sernpleted 3q slx weeks. after the..girloil of the ord's'', 11 0 om " 1 0 0 mo t month thereafter until the thirty were delivered. Since then they addeat . i4tn other premier, =stink a . total - offotty, all of whieli-arerept eenstantly U work rand now they are putting hp six more of Adause's. 'shoves that with these they will be able to . meet Alm public ragrarenuotts. Indeed, publistawit mem everywhere on the increase; if one may Judge from the iatlvity of the manufacturers of preens: I know'ssitheirbuily Hoe & Co. Or - A: 'B. Taylor *.llte. - Maybe, but Ido know that last week a party &wiring, to parelime; for cash, an Adams pram, was thldby,the anthem th4they could not posslbli deliver - one under rure"years, as ft would tate all that tithe to @Santa Orders already sr mired. . - - On Banday afternoon, happening to be in the neigh *WOO of at. Anne's Church ".or deaf Mutes, I had the callosity to enter and viltaese the mode of tion. , deeding the aemloes.' It vial certainly intereettng.' Only thirty or forty peewees was tYleeent; all mates eno.' aspens the olgolating elingaenytheltm. Mr. a%Usa det, and myself., The swine lethal at the. Zahmemtel Ohara. The clergyman commenced readlegthe uses. teems" theni: cc The Lord It in ids holy te mple;" and completed the tedlitat:teggiMtlei ell narrow Intl. AM' Isagaige ; and In et ,IMUMM a law:words at the I namir r rtent: at. iiitirliArav Performance •of the &melee'. In reading the 'Psalter: the clergyman read the fiat verse,,phile the amt wee repeated in signs by an intelligent. lor.klng gentleman, on one side of the, chancel; and so on , through the' whole. One thing wit particularly noticeable—the stillnees. .Itera could ham kennithe dropping of a pin. It wan Alm* audible." There as. to the cities of Neir York, Brookline, Wit lianaitaitg, sqd Jemmy mtg. about one kindred and forty mutes connected with the 'pariah, which vie !banded abroad ax 'purl ego. It Is a doe dumb, and fe intiported entirely by iroleuttem of fering, The motor, Me. diallandet, it • nary Intelli gent, estimable genfleman. ;his wife la • unitej and his manner while mediating the union is singularly graceful and impressive. THE 'COURTS. YVITAIXDAY . 6 PROCZEDIXOS [Reported for The Press 3 Non Tame—Judge Strong.—ln the ems of Gallen ve. Ruch, an action of trover and conversion to recover poceeselon of certain homes, e•rri.ges, &s., be fore reported, the incv returned for the defendant. MOINTII. W. L. Hint and D.N. O. Morris for plaintiff; Parton for defendant: - Peter llkler u - John Sanderson. An notion on a check given by the de'endent to plaintiff in payment of certain distillery slop foe the fending of hogs Betimes payment and met off. jary ant. James B. Gowen for plaintiff ; Parsons for defendant. Surma= Coml.—Judges Lowrie, Wood. ward. Thompson, and Bead. —The following canes were &redid - J4tter vs Pallowes, The Nerchents , Icusaranes Company vs; Aimee Given, to the use of Dougherty, Woods, & Co 'troy to the District Coast Richard N. Johnson :Ts. dames Heckman. ♦n ac tion on a foreign &Nicht:lent. Error to the District Coast , Durrawr Como--,ltidgegare.—ln the case -of .White se. the Ameriesaa - Inensanee Oompany--an . aotion' to' recover the poseersiou of some bonds and etoek; before reposted—the Jere retooled verdict for the plaintiff for 1.5 829 05. G. W. Biddle for plainti.T; &remiss. Briggs & Howard for defendant. In the ease of John _Lowry:re Sarah B. Vanayetal— an action for serticea as janitor at Hieing ban Hotel, before repertedg—tbe jury returned a eindlet for p* sin tiff of $ll6 D. W. O'Brien for plaistlir; 1. N. Barton" for defendant. Thomas Henry vs Benjamin Pine. An Wien of trove! and oonversion to recover palmation of MAME lumber used hy ehalrmakers. This case olumpled the court the whole day. Jury out. Brine for jpiaintlff P: J. Oleoton for defendant.. Nathaniel Burt ea Bobt P Smith.' An aotion for a alleged to have been caused - to :the plUdstliTe, strTry,alterstionn made by the defendant. from „whom he leaves The - premised are situate in Miller street, running boots to ,Nsfitet street, • and It le alleged that the light to totally excluded by the alterations. fury out . hissers. , Lowber and Stewerdson for plaintlif • MoMnrtrle for defendant. . QUARTSA SISIPHON4--Judge Lndlow.—The court was occupied in hearing sues unit for publication. The degsrlion Will will be taken up to•aerrow. Tax Bfitennuous OAST 121 TRIG SIXTH WARD.—WO - gave the particulars, yesterday, of the strange conduct of an insane man who had been taken to the Sixth-ward station house. It seems that on Mon day. afternoon, he took passage, with his wife and chil dren, for New York.. When the train reached `c Nor ris Platform," about nine miles above Camden,, he sprang from a car while in motion, The conductor see ing the movement, backed the train, ant the iniane man geeing it approaching, ran off Into the country oat cf re toh. He was next noticed at Camden; where he wan seen by the o ffi cers of the West Jersey ri m , Com pany to throw aemething into the dock. Rs then cams to the city, where he was arrested for. his buns con duet in the streets. During the day, at low water, search was made in the dock, and the watch of the insane man, and his money belt, containing two hundred and forty-two dollen' in gold, were found. The money was deposited lath Camden Blink to await the claim' of those who are en titled to' Its ctigtodj. The baggage of the unfortunate family had bean checked through from Cincinnati to New York, and the cheeks were found span his person. Information of this foot bag been telegraphed to New York, so that the wife may learn of her huebsodAa whereabouts when she claims the baggage at the office of tho Railroad Company. SIIIOIDII.—We alluded yesterday to the ;sud den death of a man named Jacob Wine at the 'station house in Southwark Hall. The parliMilaM ogis - death, so far as we can learn them, are as follows: On Wed nesday evening he Jumped into the Delsware at Cathe rine-street wharf, for the prirpoee of deetroyug self. H. was seen and rescued with difficulty , and was taken to the station house, where Isis wet' clothes were dried, and tlo man appeared to be comfortable. in the 000110 of the evening kei was taken with seams, and at half past 9 o'clock he died. . It wan evident that his death was not caused by his having been in the river, and Coroner Penner directed Dr 8. P. Brown to make a postmortem examination of the body. The reach was the dbmovezy of a mineral poison. supposed to be er as:lln, in the bowels: Lverdict of Death ford salelyle by wallowing poison" war rendered. Before he died, the decesslei admitted that he had taken poison. and tbat domestic trouble had instigated the mt. Wale was about thhly•amen years of age. He left a wife. war at one time a ealeeman in a dote In Market street. Of late he has bean addicted to habits of In temperance. RI-ARBgeTSD.—Two nototiOnsthieeee, who era known as " Big Chnelm" and "Whitehead Bob," Were arrested at a late hour on Wednesday evening, on the charge of having been concerned in the robbery of Mr. Gibson - L.,Nelson, of klorenee, N. 2:4 about tot deys slue. The meals gerroted- Nelsen s t goarth and B6ippen streets, end robbed him of &voluble watch, seaWl, and money. , The victim of the ontolgo_Wdsti-, B Ohneke" as Wing been engaged la the rnhhall, and the defendants were committed to sourer. DEATH OP A lizAfßlll - 01 TILE STATS LlOlll - W.. Wood, SIR., a 'member of the State Legislatore from the Ninth reprieentatire district of Philadelphia, died at hie reddens., in the Twelfth ward, at an early hour, yesterday morning. The de ceased was but twenty. two yearn of age. ffil was the* 1140 of Allan Wood, lei, ■ottvs 41NP WIN limr s = . 11 r, 17 ; t "im"itilk• aim* Est 1 7Pegras h iihmi NI at wai Tads Ist 4•llwr SINN 141P61 Mkt am* liffriii44Bo/11.4 1111; 164 "iidm fitisimme goimpdasek ev NM* IN% lOssfrO. big to tie .p mar. •. rs.io - - - 4COILvtt.. - 8101, 111 Attrited . ~"*6044, yes. tordsystskiim: 71so life woo sport LW Waif j—pit*; tildifOlaig addstsths Clot toodstosi tostiiod *ft *tioitattasttod*lt" mot homiest or is•litiiiiiitt**4 6 gab. dittssi - of • maw at isgaimery Vitae le **lt sot sabotame;mitally trat.utcatlbs l e hn s tla Coo apatiaG lb. roolattoso mow Mhos* artdc-Itaatt. 7, Ft7t of Ittlifted, ihstason pt tbs ltsilmas easett- I - fila ?haw imaluakm oam tlamtakmayp isfeniny wwlatisals we ati- ma abliaystio aMlialafro iliaof . opiou. At twain &slack tha atio:dai PiajMiiietbia was smiasaami, aad was may larapatiittiolst We' Mtn, laabutuag Wo gals- The primes sal oiareMbi mai by wattrosalima nII ports./ tits matty.sed woes porttualstly babel of man GM maim 1.010411. Hoye %a day sat apart So oasis, pram in WWII of lb. •TC9 ll #6 men Lt 011 reenifri a OWN 41444144. wire rupiah:444 for Oath dem isanammea . 0110. MOW rsopoadot to Cm moist for pipit to bit* of tirowd Ailbisasiosesilita by pro 'tom** faidsLa, sad the Zoo.- Ktoonsi tiollant mitt s most stoeuto omit• siaroa litarot of the aosisiaa—it Wog Me tasitfila Our 11.' parttoissis—tio _ sessiSsiS got" th• disseritsa et taw susistkows 'odd - 14 .- 110 •06 1 . KwtssaiKT tsietwilles r Kis ssateinK,WKKl . to is:7lll,l*d IWO wu - wise 'TM : Usithijr: Se - 1314 .:srusw loss& eit.waril w*filiesirvegairea r :--ie whist Mum ZspOssi,MOSusissoit Kai Sts bus 'of PAKlnalso, 4awl belga . lllll- to la. souse at Whisk g 514.1 wow: Ulow Kr.lrapipm, of Brootlyik, Nut mu put 40104,411 alty*Kasa by a1n 4441 1 ( Ohs 9.0.1 Pr9SOKIK,U,KKIISKMP. tinis obis as tie Ilibteal. asifurnath . %Kw USW Ott 48 7 to P**l", ' / 111141431 1• 46 4 5 1 L L-, Pailliabstkolg iwalhis Kiss !dgek - Ws *Ws tossdb,lUSisiUk—, aaiir *HAW- susadkois wars woo, tent-titan •opc Whoa Owls* essolutkis up; . ste. ussuit lisselikny vis tossiSfutly tEi dm% sad , taisktbsyslissid isolowwassessuld spas It, as *a potato lowOlsltia.ll reslium imptaisat, wilt ho won ssit Sa Kis,wbals t ballimslll tiswato • spas ok Kiss•K; xtrnett?" colowstietk distlyrisok kin it Ids swam* ispitati his Ku/ as iss'alsr lb. OeiissiKas, when Kr. Lassloset outwit! Wise& ItithisalwirK is fuer et tb• resointtss. Ikiaodal assails - of a iospekr, lio;i: Dr. MMus vas than bidtol towline. tlieNenvoStiosi apes the eibjest of Sehltatts-arhaeht, shish ha did la araini tams. Dr. • Nostra himostr. het his env birth is -a bud sif-, school, and then tad bees row Sundays fromithat day to this that had nob toast Ida is theint*tifoloboill He was an spat3and.ont sassiy.ishoodr*Add Worn taiga Ids seat be iateithumml • linoadoitodi ocArata add inforination .nuit.odd,64:llol . own said dill: ?data; lira otter chisels/ilk** ate. bra Wastsits 'eke ObjetaitiOil Desk ton: Ma had temishitael that IlistorwadbWobott to. pso einnslidnontiti ' ll 7 Um Sander. Kidd .astartutoit? Itiloiiiaa }lefsed hit (Eaptlall aa dopitadoolly lionollittoli; and ses6 a• to Pli°4 ookffbft lostrOO; *ids , ova wheal. 'rho San* ,rzat eat Miented* Mar data had nottdititat tt *Mar wort lOoiroo liWiddian- Mr. 01 4, 10101 .0 141 t.0f 'sir! fairpssNe.odeof bstaresktet Armes" eadjeati' tabloillotilionla wort exandhigly. - • • -'' • At the side at this Sprialdliai isiatiks . itasmo nn for eloped* ColasaLWW; O. *4* thin say, hoped Vat; no, MILI resodetioe- SairaS•teSestoit, world roostra_Mus Adman stestn - lisetaMel lonsairbsoe In testes* to, isis ismodlota.MA•drd leibiliihro thy Oonvestfon, Suer tlecrotfOrod aceedbasiteterso with imarty nsuuthnitr., - , • . • Thimariiin g 'liintitesea; thatosiveatidas; we* M» Moomi4d; Thai tie reaMisisithaitbhi,ihnue&aas a wholooto els* ars sae a less#,' toM •1411011• ly tooduatra to sithairtist the bait inoldliMilialit - dar-aelsosst lisedsoulat: Ilarbest -tuaet Sab bath wheal aalladant - ) -.- • Baßbrial,. Troia ; ea, airesis odluz peers and Boadoo-soldel ationeidadeats Ihrdidooddld Malted adds. Oa reaktiesratol a tions Miseeettetrallodinassos .tionfto thsdr:rertsottol the rarilasa esereabiat . s e ususemay. - - Thattt risoossiss 'ksteatis,ashosaMsline Isisesterant-es-emorso the velum dual. Questioos novientle ikat dilation ; eilee In ininitni Untionidiedillittandi titillty of pablioldag alroollito O.aalatarx so lbw Lily llooloo• turd ; also, thali or a woo Paid . ardettiooll Itawdendi:Thatirs rosisesion Mot Siulthido Sabliatk tostusol, ons surnast is..doessi and is. dlifM Il ty to MIMI ad Ma *OM, at Ilintielsol sod . 1 - 4 ^ - e tairiitaliecootr,' , '..i mow. uairent • .oldarti rolhobtSW odds • larlbso.sestdr,poodommeesela la Misr of tlito bektuildriets - Add li n _ Ora tessitsd theAellbersdisosef this Goarialtie•;:prijovs• offered-by Rev: Yr. Sullied: A dlemiiimmest ensued upois tine .ub td psdillAthittlis „psemsollogs - of Um Cloissuatioas, wldaltseutltoll is s lodides: lo publish. The folkOlier reaolatissi was slmi afippd : aioutmilitai,oumilitiagedommrsot Pollock; Arr. Do.-Aireicos; es-Myer Iheiberti Rev.. Mr. lferoley, Kr. /odd •W. eat Oa art, Appointed to maw sitoieds pouted addrme. to be published II ocomeetkis with Um „lisHoltitteas ma midst from this Cameros. '"- . - - • The Cognation 111:11,111181111441d the evening, and utters snake of anima sad aka/Gement nine* la the free interchange of Sabbetheeirool sen timents; • Sinaloa prayeamestlag 'iii eommereen, preview tewlekk e however, - the - duly of mating the fareiell spersehler the GelegatiednolvollaPoli the -Thr7r Dr. Braise:l, and his anti wee elogneatij performed. The cies* umeneate j j e st bane the du sionzn. ment, were occiptinla passiag, inn* rienatioar of tbanki to the Executive tkeineritme; ter linGonenor Politick; for the able us/impart el name to which he had melded over the Onoruntion, and other: This nosing prayer meeting was bald with Miseln re femme to the members of the. Coarvention, who Were about to leave the city for their homer The meting was kept up wail after 10 joeledr., and was exceed luny it:areal\ :11 in Hi chamber. - Thus closed, is Pialadelpirla, thitrit National Mr bath-selool Convent-los, the internee of whin, we doubt, not, kill be attended with the happiest main ,0117) . - - liiilli*D3r.Titang.—ln this branch of business, ssi iiisseal - otters; as iretly boast eakenithreine • 'Adak, reseal — aplehisaw . ,4 ere un equalled to any others city Jar the Unies. , your. Ds, dotal* lid; Asper/levet beering threwelfthe lut toenail house of lima., • fikether, Cea, 629 Market '.ittirt; sad , unuu et, epee roarmined Obi gratified with" whir 'retie teed. throughout the Delon we eoeld Lolly say eaything 'nersaug thi beilitlee of this heron that is notilreedy Nowa, from. the facto that it ht of erne teeny-an years staid sotthat its proprietors, from the eremeemeeinet, here been aroma the oust live and eateipeletag of our mercheate, and barefooted neither money not pains to make their bagnees known threugleon the Vane, which, web may add,_ had Mee ao anaatage to the general interest of thitinen.Tidielleiphia. Their inonenali dereormtelalag ell Ida irincisein twenty gie feet trent, within depth of trier two laming feet, nookedn it ion ii, with abostatelj ettelOtOing— both firings and doznestio—bnonging to the hardware busi ness, is really a great estraniehment. king ither lea. tares of spend Bete, in erne stows a speeiseen of pre servlog ease, (Ctilmore's patent,)• of ceded they have the exoluelee right to rrenafeeten mad well la this miricet—tbat are certain/ the most complete, both for security -and azuvemlvarre that es Nue ever examined, end ye recommend theta to the special atten tion of buyers. In this tronnection, also, we miry spook in deservedly strong terms of one of the - oldestestablished ho uses in 'he hardwire trade in this 'catycre inn to that of Mears. Moore, Tieurney, & Co., Noe. 427 Market street and 416 Commerce street. Thin gentlemen also offer to the trades splendid steek of. goose, - end their facilities far exhibiting them with gets= and convenience to buyers are worthy of special remark. Their. large er .tabillinnent is completely filled from cellar to loft; yet, by a ,erniHingenzion and butiness-like onsets mint, buyers can make their entire selections on the first floor, from the fact that wimple. of all the multi. taboos articles they keep are rysteseatifelly dis played In this room, the entire grit story Wag devoted to samples ' with the exceptionn Na samples, is oesupledwith ihrevstlety and other eliellOoods of the . . . more redly order. , LIATNED :ADD SHOUTNDUrall.—Under this head velure two prominent establishment' tilt were mei. dernallynottted in on article ion" Third Street," • few dayeager-we anode to the homes of News. Laing &. Meer^ it No. 30 North Third street, and their shxt door neighbori,lisecrs. Muratori itliattell, at No. 32. Theltrtmer of these, & 112., Offer a noel of wonderful completions ineeerything pertaining to the Shot/riding basinese, Including all the, Implements, tools, and various meatiermy um empirical in the nunufacture of boots and oboes. The Unearned hen s --Menu. (Members iitattell—is said by our largest boot and thoerairahante and anaufacterara here, (who ought to know,) to be the most extensive outs clan in this county. It is emphatically a leaner establisA meni i leather - of all kinds, colors, capacities, and ono plexicsa, including kid, calf, country kip, and every others 'conenvable variety that the skin of the present orders of hidewearisg ealmala adroit of; and ae—in the language of a distiogaished friend of oars, who," twee his faith, by his works"—" in all *l.' world there, zaikieg like isalkst, whether it's pegged or need to gether," the est a blishment here referred to may be set down as ref gerteris, and well worthy the attention of the trade. A " LABr Slaw" AntOorkrzow.—There ie g rLaut Mann Aemotetion to Ma city whisk owes a model Of revenue' cotter that ti to Demme the property of the mitiving member of the sioadettoo. itteekisg of /*MU, i11n411116 . sweets the feet that the beet oat irararrete In this city are these made at the Brawn Inoue OlOthing gall of Rochhill & Wilson, Noe. 03 end 603 Ohooteat street, above 81ettr.7— Inott Masi," faith-ffint# Theatre, &win tannins* ei71421. tithe awed set, to se, 49id rrAikthivon 341 OiNtiaf :wet, obit: th. Deist trenendooe applause. ' One Widen &Ott tits this Wet, and cLll on Mind IldeddiocwDO will Do dellgiDed to dmerthenk his elegant sasertnent =of Detonable road T-made elotiting,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers