1 64 1. et Aleut "0 1,1 4FttlA 04 00-J- 11 , o!!l.t if t' - n i- - .`tiltrltri blittimei.:,4ola. - , .7,ott 41 1 Itl. Q. went to Menke sore weeks aito tut nAnor,o A ., 13? t, of the"-United,OttlikeVitemertilitt, to make ex ailloalin endspl i tis to.'the. true oonditiorktof partieetheire,.ool - liret, fillkilitolo sustain it self, end the,prop b qtriAtilidur: theztjusiek• Goyernment of thatßetirigle' It is sappos 4 Opt Mitre per b Wittikkmeti l bol . ,.t.eitelvid n in., kit at' mo orsittomepammtn'Asi 1 .04.14 1 P, V-Iklig 1 net home to hand Ito tar as .1 eaulles4,,,,Y, NM* littleidqubttkat,ittlifiLkuitteniViitsitit mall, and be followed AliitO Wilftibitighltion of the CkleiltAi r 4 ifsv ,t • ig ftisviinaintatcprowt , l ye dok t n ims t i..kfter . i, , ' ,ettrtiN ikkl ki tit ilf filly thoil .AA '!I #lC.l444T#qp i ltitr4 l ):, eluded footwi4,4t4ptsz lit rtpai, tair for theikkatl44443beithavi A Llex4,loait9 , 7Ji s adjournment.' Buob, at , he programme...kJ present, and It *illitbliblidoent unless some efinfuoikkilthielfluditrif bi'lintialpital at me twit' 1 .V." l V3l, tNTAP AIAW.I ta ,M.ltf %ite , a 7 ,1 6:.:irxirssiteritiiVtrgf4 ' t'tftia P td'ittriinoiaith i ( ralti*oli• lw:l tis tlr e iTirri ti th rNi resident for some time gee_ , - 1 l I eta. , 11.4 a itowAla rfit 4litittelt./IYAkkillunitr-_,_9l l t . ' statements in reward to his oese,,FM.l9firillitA were belkutially,:botreakalthrilttellitill would note 116 4libl'Aspirif bilitY- Of atintsle ;t(4 litlis l4 Np or n i ti iii i l l ettl i el 4 A isa it li tsi o tt t n 4 iLid 4o sm ip t lt es i. : , vo'kqcsi;illtio in.-1 efilti;of Ittii,t stWirpilili; ble4mumsto ci kitittkelaigi, A.„046114..xxi. t Forsylititolelomehim gu'uon.alf "oontl..?§b °suet Ofttiletillegainotalot 'Ulm OM& Mitee ujetOliflll-lifterhe'ol.‘boutepiniteadulftt ortustlyt nit e IWO CAlll,Watiendetilluni that, hit Olt* • • bstitivitt Attu *pet Presidga ktlt '',B . Yrl :." Itrs' sage :lA' jp "..,iiktis to , 6 % Iderloo., v ronetak iii% Cita' Milli° Bl . 4ll ""'Ergibt" 4 7'f.!l m -.....,' Aditl,Poroyllitkilwevaridid.zottoherlit *Boost tittitt~bittllletit'ss'AtinkielOssitoontlaued. to reoca r isi.Mnit„io4l„-nidnisterilwridisteratilied: to own A wrApt, : tijoAtbr nit,Ak l iwi.iii : sznisibiltitipepti . Omni ualAi? lit i l i t nut biin to return Is' posi;4o.;sloV4 kt' 4' potioilakterfitm.o 41 iaaonrseiMl2:lll4.olo4,ttlefattlittit. Vr i tgal tfilaiff tittitatid e liticlatiViiVello l 4, idte'' I yloototostliie.titnittylitit7 , hili hatuen•en, la.. ... OWildskilittePtit,,iblieentddenstlanv it w,, , it Mrentytibill &Bs .leteltilf . tideiltli the • ' • . . . .• , ..11indbalke" Utgaleelebr fousuoUittkUUCAlPPlSuit t Agf i trl, tisaatiteileeeturtmesktniltgoy,ti.p.44rAdr. , grinfillithiblllirrlthebautumbaktreoo 11%.,. Eltall dipilifiedwerful and influential enemiestto 4 : Adm . % , a ot t WffirdrfaK.,Vl?leigratroe. °I wi , = A11. 1 6 /6 4 ° ,,torp 111 , t,ga.,,rb7 it..J ~ .:".,, ~... ... i Interesiing:ika ultlititlieXelliee ilhoullboi.p.,firyttne of Feb iilj-t,,- ~" ~-. , -,,T,T By tiOiliiitosiebilW,_ttA„Witit, 4 4 3: l 4l.!, Beet% arrived. pestaftlay„frquCTanii6o,,,PrVet;thefik lowligidukTistkilli•oiliOlejii444l.' , A.ll:l o .l4- tkeiestiseived. otalur regent, angagempit„bitmak TleAtOde and "examen, ofutettlioh•foo mulch , hat unui,wr_worfcrox;tl , ,foymar thsiratry au- - co a t has reibliedVis 4 '"lkt - totthiestalanietif on tlpi ' 0Y3.4 thi l telliff OlfiattLilOPPolnel;antenre , muottittlitirtOrAptlonMend,t.6l kiirkittonis lite theii .ail s Broil , ntkfEtAiiryll•ktnit,itielifot ot•the p ni od,pnvitun q tr ii .,, .., .. 3 „ 4 1 • - ',` -4, ott - Teugqi;4o4i4 AliDmit 'i'Sikh . lll4o34V.l4 o .tii attest here from the interior ald'Vfirlf, 9-illik 'i" seems: that Begollinitiakimmiduni a severe lie alit', from 'Airationr 4 tind4hat thelatter is mirth ,.;xiplOtiviml,o,fitnirp,4llPbtosiptirprotmottbite- oft 'tplolti by -ilrillitierallorois under B l ail ii.,- - , -.--,..." - ; • , --....4 , 1.,.,:,„ Ittweinost.roade, primuors.pf I.,,yo:moti"endii", Desellado. This news is doubtless relltible,'..bat, ttk ffititori from Torn -Ores require oontlnnation. :This -*Wife( thilLgirrisonzart in te'disiffebiell stiforifiriofikkiinee of. the withhoiditg. of Ma pay 17_31m,qhli‘pko,..talp: 1 ,,the liests;shire ,tet ilmobu' stet 01Bierc., = ' 't,,, ~- _t_illei4==.:4 = $1 , 1,i , ,., ,flnelnikte anntfolies:44)4ltrife'dau:bptalionld hitramouobtalrksitatetlitetorlcoyer;Blonoo,,it le his intention to march hith'er and', gitirkini ,thin 'port. with a Teantionat74forcm, which WIWI - a the 1 nutane.of tifildhi fliiiiiiimuttiolulon or, the into- ' rti rti t i P t li a ., 7 o" C o e " Al l uatau,tuS, ut ge , 1 0..,4U; old : ' lc,=t-= 44 2,tul.i)r , . t.“‘ -- ; ,.: 1 - ; alitigrAiglitithifiirwoioDitiain - inside'', will • sell kenos for. your port fn c sieirOottn.;dtftys,", whenoitis•prohnble, we shall' bildiP some interest thAE . lltioal news to COMM O&M., I '-° ' ' ' i'rrortt 1 -Vit44: 0 '.., ',.'-= L•',..r ,/1_;:, - - 1 , ,- .- • j. itcsoiint49l47#l, , ' ol q 49 .od , rlATP* g e.4 At ' • M: 4 ,04 ; ; TtlosivskrATzaW.....:;-, : ..•.; .v,- forgisponaeVeliaitipiilit.Outtatiptibliolut.) "eritiaWat 66 6 3 ll,J a n 44i'186 9 . -- Thdve ,nothing impoitantWa ~Artr•• than that tinny have -airlyedisktsgettec,pWthnt the Authority of theYederitt mostaSsie , prerecrioa)mirylef *italic°. litithenmurderinonotherortmthat booster Oftltbe; puithdorkt t The Eforrnarainevieverything theirdifit: ITAT4,4l:dible intelaklure gloms& his cairn an& win, on urehelkididifyl'adjounni fOn'ff • die; far reason that t .thelawarrf....the Un.,Btatetelann 1' be smarted inAlibitVerritiityPOßKYOndifektfint oliffirlidsl7ollialdih will leave early next spring,' 'sagimp w litty 'elf preeenoe belgilderlipiffiabril ILS VI I I OITA ii ineieltrirotosVi:Wititt• Wiltillti tfitiii.4 . 4l: l o l l be iiiktillidir:A!nng Wailed, 61 iir if . setifneforthrtholi-4easnnif,`3h . detail. I herre„buet pAarefrit ohiniitai4jr . fenti in this TerriberyAnt amtnow more ever sails fled affttrillerelielhollart*Abfellevernment aul r 3 72 ll6iispib*OluidlihileAo a certain eite dy, a Asperrt to tir e mere forms of law, thertiliter r boleitiorkeepthl \i 2 tA'splt#,:M^Trit 'allow •of the ' GoVerrithelif,litti . • refer!prirtierr: lerly-tt the-judioisiy,): altilahenot 'Openly' it suite ,i 1 - Teel that they are .ter*Mleiss; tandfirre;• triallml;withillesifolintsapt!sartureert /WM Mike ' thelc t eltuanotnt anything but. Wnviable.`: Amor: m6a riftil•havif laiftlfplantra•Undercthe decreer die bilidtbriiiiieg r iliel 11440 Veld;•ifrkihrlirifr Satin or threateuingbat'liallnean;fiiibdoek and itiolemi, so peothamr.th:d.Wriarliaton. Judge tilnalate-Aru_si - f 4 A4 Mirduty- in- the • - pirlinlaile - noblYorltirn,wisitilead and dlsorlmina tlng:3iditin!ina•Cini earnest desire to deal Japer :J: with all , and a lrmnsistlit , iaxevenyit gt 4 *Rfkoininldnai in his efbiteVar lli ihtliws• tif..thiltdernibh - lhigrtt4i,iardb! hpldfillief.Aellitienoliff. ilPuri otintlf of 4 1 4911'4 At keeping, "teneekt4loo,4dr , StußlPirrbiAPinie; his position has been a most elloale end respell., elide WA, Arid; Itilrytitirnirrt his. erwitibe.bas•the nynrq,-13TerY ItoThinfts'lnetimantkti:t th is Ter- , ' t ool .'"•, - 40, 'TA . A.t.INri ~ ir:,. , ...... F .:L1 2. , , , p, F -S, .1.1 '- r Judge,OrridlifigitirelvisinnWhoseinetil,•hoth 84,A;inittlffrin:4*, junit; to of 4*oletir*ilpg. eTrdi,balli - Pnireft. linitAC'Oic-iltfq . .olirt_itnitincirs, , which it is not holineaoseary;to,lnentioni,o4 one, whataihrclught to-light some.oimumst_an9eet.a.boat ,iw.,t.tbtn;'th'e world will, in due" course of•time; be, mi l k ' V - krb r , W. , 7 : it:',l. r 1 t'Sl •-c.tv4try I.e.', .ri ,t. t" bi'ijalc,i4'Whiriliadd•Rile stirie;Of two; ag.g.k. . I.ooloPtlitir,,t#o.Wftt i, ,TNl;: 4 . ~. 1 1' ftrAlitl i i449 I tit'l 45 1 i5,": 11 91't , :ipodwro , * too 4 1 ,, , Je , yqu.rifPih.s. , Pd ,4, binind.iniaddiniilboli;,,fecdrutaio cri ,npera amt. are pripeemed, • and cannot anti except ,tirpinir, or eo t erAtir=ir t , 81111 , -,54:4- i '•ielotoiniiik•ibilibill alto cadet% higik reionel-' bility hi , lii.,,liimeeff tend'ithderifwbfli• h 0 -Plettge :SOW Oil ttli4lo4- 6 0, atuviVtiitt. whey tit Airy asides hen' voiAtt':lol 4)? oomm nod, - at i Will no all, s . ; prarogatker alattif inginlnilthaTli Whit - they hamlets Neatest _zhi l ibttilb g 46l ( o.l..i. ca i.r." - t rifl' --°' ~;:). iilig • The , •Legielitiiiii•Arbe , baellif sOniiiiii veirettoir several -. Weeks ; t il i rtry . ,kartsi Pfleti'l ,Ar b lii'huldz i t , • This aseplaean ,;,t,Miliarlt lb honipmild entirely of 'Mbizniiris ill chikoAdentfettalnk , ths , *rk 'as - always , out s and ' driectitkAt;Eklimcii - Ple great • Mnsid himself:44W rfc , i s rtrkticc,, , ,, 'I. - i 't - ---....Tb0 • Eostern , Stail)harl *ion arrived - it time for , Myelin', triptilirthe rayam it int•lattar plum, biting Irene liftesp.iolWany reitiji:degiA fOni;dritring - brielgi.4§ Pittliiiii . gft l 4l4ftbf*alrir a trail There are negrb Mlle 'bete wyerraMli. They are liberallyAniipAed ilAy - t lsotloforwion.met and , women-Aut not mairsilinently, by, a AA' Gen Wes. MOS l,Wimrerireeerd toletuopthenaMostal,L,Arr oszacreca ~r,,-, - 4, - ---•, ,- --- if.-c;t - tt ~,;', A3*;*:•ltitriiiA*ifitie r iNii24etitOtti; TemOerisi ,ortiiitlfai :cif :iftitipti*Olsii'Sung Iva ' remanded_ boo to jai l , an was mo w , mu t chited-byirerf athemniothet,"; and 'brothers,. 'Jai editor of ; thli .-RdprifiriArdie Yria'rtrieseriti-thirif ' soribee the painful meeting. As they entered s he' was dieccreoredlyiniupoiller bed, her face ' buried in her hande v yl erg g qpnribil,v49,Y, l Tlmpreeting •-•'.wirs plinfuejn that xtreamand , wile d'ecene that • Would have moved the, 'BOP obdurate heart, " She appeared before those to whom` she was bound by the amen tleeNdoWiffeliglisthiln - ht is condemned felon, oonvieblikotimmjpg l ingrikerp4 her own hilt band l 'Mrthat fond Wootton and earnest devo , tion,Widohlmelooblibnibetwitengratsnts and ithil-• 'dren was' Manifest, and it was some time before any wordiTaltilidatiOVlTheianglitlnf kissed emit - . of her family, and turning to her mother, bide her not weiptleAlt wllitiadWOuld l ati . ly m uh a i leler ill. `•siferMip-rad selpito , rin d irIVAL ll suffer,anero SU dergmethillictielt 4 11 1P§Ist• nea -which Should . denote trumfurners, that she - Witniuoidfitri.brithe Obithlitandir rsthePshef did , not limner lAir r bruibund h in, 4 440 p thtgallows size wordikdebififo'lliiidra4trote - Elhie nide that Ehinnmen • milart - Wald 11#6,1UlitlisiTiebilin which , woufd nairtain:her)itelaikielllilbitt4tkeffilt` a man,he waatddsll,the.tfutti,, , ,, re, She coma - slleakint , azidlaidist 'MY dynast ' Me whatever would ii tanker moy.•.Ahrthes declaration meals ' eicinitMEltallunsm•nrDnOnti thleremewal she: pr ; ,„ poured . w.Are compesed,...althouf, sttitnteePtlini,. " tlitlynkeor4MiliTlPPOle. laird l nireiV h r Nothilittef , (09. tny4 ll Pr 4. 138 ,Att A .A. ~..' most intuited , n ants o Able deep "' Antereatipg, -' - trial."..Y#EClOVOirethaitlataf inittienagrkkair4ove givereitlint,jiliffbitsl*lniefly,:vrith i.hero.pmenre, , , „-,- • other. to rsoulLose herself and fen e efittr.,,oi;gleni,fin.e.4tPr4944l - weft IllepitirlawWereping ty 17;1,1 heattitrow xei 2 .4,1141, thrfirey, to in• thipforputOPlVlOTl'llyakitlL,B ,- -141 d •'''' ~ 4 ,ig r lll4Bt • . ' 4 •- - • 1 i'4 ..., r cia ' -11, yiketADmogiiott,-..pni,,0:5„,,,,„. . , n'i afidreElliAitlE,GiftlihilliiiliA v .110144 ildrea r alLorwirom-rateliniferaiaterinnit Arre•AbilltblAtt-Mini Ohba riAbliVultatrrivlithbeil, • EfeeklYnitiettudaYttraeraininflitetV.wert . Mistrial. - in" eetiatorgitailited, on. Thardayihtternden:` h it: eal....„er,ifik ' thittAloyfiat remained ' noose .46 fIA_ III; ,WO i 16711fSitviVk ,11 7 , 41 . 1 41.4f4 ' 'T.1 1 •41&..' ' cliotdrOtigli*k. inel 4 ka t i ti46 . ; p l e 8 iikiagliCOCXoie: As ' ' _______,_____ __. ' " • fritienalyabirrob,, 'whirlth - ellurteratinlyr•tartner. • Mr. Bookwelli, , ,pri.lim; - OpptreL,.Prlbyterfan :Ohnrchi it ele,dbYteltaidd littilkalikr delivered a ' fiellakhileariffer te . rein ;,- 7} ,orowlied to ern •. , V i i * - h 0r 0 m .,, , § 'pathlsed dee ' , ld r oda, wet; r , av Alsso/ordoP. 'MK Eararte "I • tileil*ainit 't e ' " Viiinwill b e t Auri bit ''''' " It helms bui9t ` Yiehia'gr !Ilje_. the riflidliW N.fele9U#tePt! 4; 1 0 kin gll4) 4,p prdolaw! , all nhe•eirn The,anivanto dhu tbresilihe ittratittorlter: , Ift t rA d d ii id Ins- time he was llttiOgglid pgaciir ;W l4 ilii i tOi r7 ! ' 4 ',ll , 4lkulitt Kiaatrlouci bha United kP~frp.) 171 : 01 -1 g211 .. ..Qt 4 TaisrsTAGaltao ttnißeg ELI ;with .„ , _ , 4111 , 1,110#1,711,itit fa , ..49141-10 - • , , , SAMI °O OW WOWOONALOTEAMEIf". lkliFilt-l°l2#o,Wllo. 14iNrcgi . ..6P 9 ' 1 ' 4';,.. :.,11fitgit 0; 1 1 . 4.1 ' 1"- 4 . ,Now-Vnik..er•Torti,...: ..... :..Yoblit -14.1".p6jj W. , . , '#.:Orkeit:Ale.ilepOol ' ' t.'.',Fable, ira i rOig;'Sytee YbekV:kbictoe! '„ ~,,,-.; 4 , .•;Fe,h 112, 1 e.t te,n• , : , t - _., 13 . 1 .1 , 11 01 ,a 4 i , br.. 1 : , j MIPS ,1 1 :?: 1 ,!'fli9111, Te ' l 4l.o*' '' 11:11)111 jlldklibtlii:T..:l:lll' 11804II'lliWtOili '' - ' Yeei, 23 iiaii.-. t-u--, , ImPoiiipleoilaqiid ' - van 26 ' Witialatiii" ''''' "TaitirlietiMpoefort::', ; . .. t ..;;;Jeoh9 . Itebsoon' , m .Ltverpooll,,,New Yerk . ..:,,::,';'yJet .. ,99. ?rine° Albt#A...•.tiol'iro) .. .tagew York ' , ~• Yetr b , remon.v.----I,A tl ' Vocrooki..New Y0rk.:„...; ..... Fob';s often•A..'hOttthet9o64..Nele York:W. ~ . T:.Feb' 9 Lucia, •amo , ;(91itgo _Now yozk,.'.V.4. .... . Vtb 19 trp- &tip T is traik Marl ateam s ere eall4lora , Ner York on tlie; anaitt(br eaelitedetWrtY n: 0 , :17- TbeiriVetti; ado r ers leave New -York; en the 12d, vtit,tettralpiffii, 271h0f eaeladOlith j i indOlterlea- C:1 1; aO, oVtligh aid loth. When ehe'll 4thth AIM on' Sunday; 'tko ;steamer etileflN: ,y •• kt from Nov Orinonod !, Canine, gLruig. 10 ; 1859 * 13UN Rtalli::". 4 X :%. - 1,6119 I BUN 1J..T8: - ' ''' . :' 4 .f.. 5 11 WRI V # , .-.174 . 1,' ' , „.. ~ . ,1;; - •;' ,- ; ..... . '...; .7 tO - 1 .. ABB.;VAD. Blesonehtp DeisiiikiiA.ooprs, 19 boars *OM New WOrh; ith mdse and papengerelpe . James Aliderikei.' Passed 'the stdamer Rennitftakt fOr qew York, off peed, Adand;' ark le,a r d in . d h e , e p r i ,. 1 1 6401 a,A ty4 ii.i. j Oirit iro o m fft r b r o o ll Ti l d o4 p o t zt p h; M N e l n v ; Quinn, in tow,ol , *itintn4ng. The brikieportedkishore A the upper'etikerthtledre got off.Teisterdar (Wei-', esday) moroing,,and wentio sea. Bohr Ohatiotte.'"Willikma (bolding, 541nyi frbniWil: Gernston. NO, crathihhogreeto Norcross is Bheeta. , - • . B:hr W P Phillips,..' Brotth, 2 days fromlteir.York:. Mitts mho to Ormrid.lll , OoMns.• I • Behr Banenet,iNderkW,-3,days from New YOCkOO4I.. ~.mdse to Orowell lEV ql lllite."' '-' Bohr Josephderic" *CO; - Connelly, 15 day * from Ohe-, lapeake, with titioil . ti? 4?aptstn. •. , . ... . , ~r ~--•,.. , ~:.....Q.... , , • gbikaND. Bobs Lissle IThiu•lestsoi l D /3 • Stet & • •••''''•• • Nowberni NO, Cadmus . .• . Sam leDWOOlibi;polany,liohmtbd, Tbomsa•Wo ••• b= •tor.TS. d•- • Bohr Dital*VlniiNeinibrt, New York, J Dobei. • • .• (ChirreepotulenbW`of the 'Ph il adelphia inohlware. ) . • 7 " 4- ' '''',.,!'"lallWEß. Del.. Yabl."B e' Mt !AI Her r brigs attshoat *only samara are at harbar: mong the Ist - far - are - the Jahr B PonderVlDOrider, r, Atwood,-Bollter,`Ayß Terry, Martha Wright.. gton, W Hart, and Until:ant woke: Therereine'eritter Forward ieraioob here, ring retnralid'iataidiftrom a long 'cad :aradoliii • • lee, bat reportirtiOthing of note. Tile tog 'LLmarioa" till remainio. 4oncH, ern: - •1 • ME, It;',"I4OKMAH: (Correspondence otitis "Philadelphielticchlinge,r. f • - • 43:RIDEIN , RUN, OhineoteagUeOreb 7. • 1 The bark Ditirds'HellylOapt Corson, rroinTraw Or.' issue, of and for(Thfladiliihts, mane adhere 'off -..thhi blue on Sunday nintihniiast, and despite every effert I r get her atinat t rn 'atill ieaces. Her ouzo, whiehWa ste at 416,hlidaranOt ;221 '.bates cotton, 390 bbli Inch' sues, 200 empty'lbtds,find 10 carboys, Is at k in!•good der, and a portion of It *Attie landed in a day or tiro, ,in °retort* ehable the r yiesenobe got off.: - , ~ • ._. - t ;1;-L -,!....;: r 4,0 ,i / . ,,,,.-_-,3.1: d ~„, non 1,.,--wygy ; 1' 1 14 / 4,1,61 1 2 r; 4 r+ •t r : ] !il ie 'Pk i lMel _ P o l loo li tr x .ll, Vitt: , No , iroodali sivo , bOio tibiorfo4:lpwalng ikl or OM O. tkii, ,, Yrrictieit ,. .k! s.l ,;1;4. , , i 1 .yO3l. , ~, I, 1 , : i -,... • i ..! .:„:':Pt:_. , v , m, cIamoBAKDA • •1. 2 : .: i • . r ... -- . _ • ~..; ship 3 P Wheeler, Robinson, *ea loading at Colaratta ea 8 for PhlladeltliDlP , K '',> .i.; 1 rt* , , , Bhip-itiorithieldittti Joh,gon for-. Philadelphia, Wail roceeding down thirtiver from Calcutta Doti 6,.• 66( 1 4, 4 ,17 ibitblilrOltili)nin, for New York soon,' wits tßh Noe 110,22 .1 ,. . , .. ,, ''..," ' i 411 - aitlltiblittilifgliTohns, was-loadiag at Calcutta th Deo for Philadelphia- it, ~. , Ship, Belvidere, Jachlor, olsared st Boston Sth lost, Oil a ti sP ili 4=6;Degood 1 • it'irifisr'Yori, w . as loading tatithiottio4,26thrNoVr .. '0 1- , ' 1 , . , .. , 1 'ffhlpiltettion 43.10ver, Whoa, sailed front Bangor Nov' BA, rob itottontilmnr ,t L. "-, ..' . ' • ' '''` .. . 1 /Wit 401111 Trucks, thidsay, for kiktlidelphlaortal lloadlog it Calcutta Dec 8. . ; i I ,ffhip , fifoogoofi; lakcp Iron? ,Rallao, arrlvad,,at,Baltl„; yabre,34h,inet: ',- * " - i f Ablp"1" W'Biurid, latals, froot HaTioVit Oharleit tof rTth fuel. t I ' r 3 11 P'Y 'ImA 'a.. !.0 fl i !' iq / WM t°i ' ,T9 i lo t. f lai * Aet k eei t YpiteratM, , , ritlireptiring at hianipit abtp 3 64 epli TesiM7y, l Weindu, was at Malaita, Nov i AutO-Askob. Baxter, for ' New, York, NM _leading at' ihhtfthie , .i _ A s" , i • '''. , 1 ... bra pit; loot(! ,• roam, ?rot • Arcadia, Wade, ;mete alb filaosoftorge,lato- „, _ , 1 BhiPtf,Daring, Simonson, for New York, idg; Tartar, Vim, trom Wong Kong, for do do; Don Ctutaote, Halt, t fointild, tdi dodo; Bogle, Vi , illions',undi Uncowalf, RI-, ' l O7 7:o47"ffing.Bonthido; Winged /3aoar, Baatttbrook, frakdoi so tioir 13, do; wore at WhontP oB,l46 7 79** ',-''.' Ship -We Yaokeeti't'horndiket for Daiwa, wu at lithrlai.BeSoloti. Hait i .° t 0 i Dotqffoodbltta, for New Torlsoaattidtallogo, Burdett, 7or, Boston, yens •tosdifig , t BlatapotiaDoo It.i ~,, f` s.A I , - ~ .-, ,•- .v. ~, -. ,bblp Napolthm,,Oaablog ) for BOaton, pailed,Doutibtil 1 , 110,16_,: •ott ,:;,) ,s•u• •• , ~, .... Poochow '" • e Skittadtrad Rill, Nagel, Was loading at i Nov 6 -tori IiosVP.J.. , ~ - „ -,,,,, .- _ . .„.. i Ably:Root . iteadoraoa,ll3r) ODOM, salted front 'do', tottotr Nov 26 tontrooy‘to fi nish loodheirfor New-York: luiladritanok onAbe,Heto P.Y Peer/ re *allied one day, get ff without damage and proceeded as above. ••• , rilkipaßetolak - Briahse Maskar imitithinaxa, Barnet, kt.l.rPril 014/4gar N,QT. 4 38 tor Boston. nip ,Ciini ;140114, - ,o6,Nir York peel: rema i ned , at ahtuntbso Nov,22:' ,* •_, • ..* • • " ~, ~ Dhrp_lVDd Eoter,,Clit s iolllfrant Callao , 'Ft YlainPton. Batuisotrttit , paobj arrtred at,Bolt•oiorti Bth kat. • 3,14,../triatldsa, ; (oMu) Bundoqberg, cleared it New yoris3ll7A7nst4tor tiordesiat. ffaOr;4l3hilles, liptddion, clearod At dharholOn ~O,th' net, forXotterdam. wittitaall bats :viand ebtton. Buis :Blia,Morqueet,. cleared et Boston Bth inst. for Lirettfoatitot'Arriza`.. . ft", 1 . ,", g ~ , ,4 . 'Brig sect ,44to,si litobols, claartkat,geottaCola mith t; fOraPlitOn. , t • - ~ I ,t , I , I i ',_, , 1: ‘. 1 .., •, ' ' II ri gatoorolgbt,ll6ll,roinsaaod at Patumoroaio 'not. iiriordheettliasehor, , Eninhatini,oloareil at -7.icksooSlLle th alt, for Rio dit Janeiro.' . -- , -- 1 /Me o.,t..s.lrririnki -- Litrinmr.5Waii............,.... tint' arrived•itßotitnithrinst: , '''' '",,, .-- , t , 'l 1 Belli Betriblitt•Witiejlrom Baltimore, arrived At Pock. nvelle 29th nit, •,c , ' -' , •-• i -•:ii', • ' % 4 ' Behr - 8i1.7 - #7430,n Dailey, hence, arrayed at; L Char lul l ti 7th inst. • - _ , nObernitvbetotc Dentist(' fiom Baw !pi*, 'arrived • t OttarlistOn7th fast.' • • • •=" ' ' ,' -- •• tiottr ;Mr/ la rart4l, Cole %or • Lyrae& cleared - at: d j p 8 Permards 29th TOL.; '' Dithr 0 ilibtolier, - dlien,lor *labor° NO , cleared at New Yale sth lain. ' Behr, John Si' Allen; Dabcoelc, frOMJllallOnvnle for hiladelphla;witlii, rsigo of loather, put intO Baran all 6th loot. leaking badly,: ~i, Solar Billie T Chartte,;Chartre,' admired at Charleston th Inet.-for - Phlladialphili, with 293 bales upland itot, ten; 671Ainth eAkaii;924 , bare old' ratlroakriron, and 60 nipty tible. l l: ~..,, i ' i t rlr• ~ , ~ . -Ails, Vatlx v ritak i tor Pray' 'deice!, went to ms remit , Citinrieetodiddi fwt. TilktilB3 bats upland eottonnnTlloo bathe!' bran: , ---•••••-•" • - Bohr Yrnok Herbert,/1 two; IromßOeton for Philadel • phis, at New York eth• . inet.--; -•• - brlg Lbrzie blilL, Wottorti from Trinidad. of and for BostwotiomeWon a .04, gloat. 60 - milleoffro.l Romps' oomph/do BoAdo,AOtioati,l44lllo o ”o44.l,oobborot asl2lo.T.,Opc.b9tipm. vis , b,adknuis4o4ol l, 44 o ;l 4o,olo . loft AqtlintJaiee.7 l VtlYkd ankle it• Teti , P* o 47, Opt •WI hedsope to foso.,Nistat4pqeiplit it wpa 09004 whetkorlho'Vrig Goma be omftriestod: T °Woof .Tos-. oh( noknOwty.iplA mtliose nom, It . laqhm, WO; of. the Ltillit MIL,. and Mid rAmpto 104E4. • ,roalentlirDeeB4Thn.Amariesn-ehip 01Wot which nrrimxthem trov.2o from Liverpool, grouoddd'on ptoulyer, but it(ocippooodlo hare roottrod mO ibi . • -- 4t44,... 4 . 04 ,1 Po° r,..l4,lll,3g9.4.ii..Y,nriert.W.h.itmal?t ...NYS_•_ La, __ _ ~. _ W i higler,y, ..-...,_ roiiiitietpoid - AO 27. "aildee`4,rtiim . BospbOrds, Cot , rell, , froat London, ar Deo 2; :Vision: Hearse, from Los loit,,artfoi,2o; Sheppard linapp - ,' , Shlrley,lfdr 311fOrk; ldg; Oltx of Mohll ,e Marshall, Wm! Trade, Storer, Web• foot,:latedgei met Bdutis florreitidor,dd, dir ;Shirley, Af- IlePtAratiakof.r, 411 bot, Lkivoll Ois P a ' DAT 1, - Oiaok' nit, Op ds; ifndiunted,Jfreorean,, ;see .G ordon;, Oxon, 414.1,11090, firannindoetin, Jape, Wi item ' tar. Ensirlsvoyereaqles4fmy,.Trituountaln,, Dudley, MARI tOf.oes; kle,Vy, Unnri Bite*,` Pendleton, and Ad ainine War, Nadir,. fet.,Boaton, ldg; John flardie. Wand . 34dik.fBleielngfon;PYrntole, , 'for do“Eate; flOse; Burke% Or dow.fiyfolai Snuff, for Sign Jtraii., soovhishbotoni:grooker, for 'Judds; Odolawiatti;o, : . Pazton,ll Q lAdstna, Lewis, Brutus, Janina, George BurweateheldercOhanprillard, John Land, Boasaa,„ t : : HaanirPantkiat,Hannatt,: MatUiPan,L HAllialti: HeliosißloOartaar,.netps, hteLanshlol , Hiallie4 3 .lmP,! . ., , r4.1,--4 Onto; Atwooditabgm Eno!, Pomr."Sferetry, ,: tabhard, ,Mandhaa , Ho,lo.;4lßm4, genaar s thaOaaan, WOW" 5. 430. 411044770affr,uifi:b.04, - / 1 4 1 ?C 446 , 1 ' 4000 4 aU 4 f/A•t; i. -..) ...;^ :- • , ~, „ ...„ M Bren -CAC VRY:& 2I) .; 'ablPs,P6,o l 64; gtoierli;irq nafrgls; Ranam,Hare,lnEldalßonisia; Torrent ,AoTe„ , • posltor, flu 4, Boston Adght; :Browell,: for: Pin, 4 P 4° C; e rgni a r.42f MO•14 1 / 1 42M 4 iStmor. pens, Imp adi fp, Stred l awidli *ever, Snalth . ,, lelf.'! Hkay„.; H hinny ~107sreinr, ifuephg4rlgatil ; r4,loope, iruniii-P: Sae,'lnginiso‘ Ili Golden _State, , ePhnntUlliOn.rifikdr,‘ Kate ,Uoupek, Jib nanni , Leonia ; • i ...WlNama,, Malay, Wilonmb, i Mtanatilaha;-7Bannii •bams, NeptonetalOgr; :Forbea,lNeatortan, finadhue onions. Idaht.. - .lDoani,,itaostlionnda-ZdaDonousb;:l pidasloher". HadiloyarlAiainsj Welters; Oontintati • larae - .lxnflßortjailaaltann,-aa4 Wm - Bp e,,-Bow,- .nr; - drid; 'bake 0 B non; Illited, , tor Ban BliniaLtao, . emit rtaidnEamanglan; (Dutch/ Mnßak. fordo; Bush , 1 8idaMtilloojnoo;.1thoitto;Plerod ind Mari' t BLit" ) , ...Igriohre Jame !Harahan; Elloniunh,lind Bielita, ii - Oit Boleof;f8; blip' s 4:nninitt, r'' heeler, i!'hanpoa 'lt 1 40 1 ef.a'i Osnlfranolico.'" - ''•” - " - • ,:- 0 " ...„ mormommimmoonnowrinemeneolrieme _ „ ... FW, NAP OP ALL - TRE4.2ITERACITE , tu gatig n ' t ZtUN„lft,YLV: ll4 . l A, nos, befog Oa novoNt‘p.gtjae tTie 141111ty 01,4 y; Colllerj In ' • "it,ioeat . bil'amoiO z abl • pliad .frOro s piraticollle4 In It gf l iaTtirehaallti ofticiat rent 'from tra'ry mloe la Iti s sa the name of every operator la Coal. al tvat , tbe rtabilP7oraft4 Woe:Low/lee: - . 1 ...;• 4 ,- Aft WM:mod ocaspleta 004 atattatloal table ever abltakedisad la , favalttable• se a referent) e to all tool eames. ; ..:,- = ; ...; ,5..4,, ; .:„- -....-: t I , • ~. , • flan beheA or ,-, ''. ''' .;_.;_ : !;13 , , i , ., BAltNitti, -, • dall-et,,, ~::.;- ' 131$TH Street, above °hear:mt.; —.....-„ "ARLEY'e ILLUSTRA,TED . COOPER:. Pumas/pp, Aipm39,niPTloN, k(PIND:VQLUX/T S o 1-r 1•T 406 WALNUT STREET, ie the Agaqt for it . FILAY & BIORNELL'S t. ,, , , BANKIiOTHHUIPOBTIII. . • I The soldentsuidmbliurtbd tha,Clontiventimultnost. re liable In the World. Per annum $1460; send-monthly 8 4 1 i i kir e ldietifilentiltelLoimey4, Sub imilpticms mly sent, glee co, fkitt h BIRD Wet , Bun° s4l‘W d iteidb.t!;lo, fl llO / B ' Bll2 ATE. ANTIQUE EPORE • STORE, 27 5. Bt ._l3ABMppliniltreoelvtd,ii cantingne oythe,exten ,4ll,o oolleistion of Ophindid Aire, and la portant Books 1 -t-the,libreg theJete n ifr , ,R , PAßlLlllH. r oonsprOiog tologenlia vairlety liebt every Devitt• set of Llteratoyo, but,eepecielyto History, Anti qultha, oyagerandliavlt; Bnttal History, Bibli 'ography Harty R.ilittax ,Books, Pine Arta. Iptortrated Boots,' Olauldet Pintetisd, Hooke , retatidg to' Amdrioa ,and General Literature, _ the, coat of colleetlon being +originally orer g 20,000.•-: t°P? • ' 7. The whole to b 0 Cold at anotioe, In New, York, on TURBDAWAIsreIi et/ s • • 4 lffß6hltitltiltattend.ttiorlitle,' ant - make radium for gentlemen who Cannot sttend, ja27 V ta , R z 0 1 laZ0118; - ROME, ;,- B r E 'Atitoot KaAtokoitlly o `o4,Sit UL 6 heiltfilt otivatel,Philtid/1410ixigle .. pef ' (1:i ario-thafiSdof to: . -, thre lit!tte otth thd";,.. /4 °P ' 4WVillfr ,1 4 ••' • - - ' 40.. - 91 1 4 lirIMIES!PRILADELPHIA SII(3 P _lOl4 u gyipi, - 4.#,Dhuouoals..B4A i 914 00M. . oinNts, , • Evopp kik Rotitto.oi: # iieeWidvgYc''o & # o T +, Z116,"& 1 1364 HigilthWATEß - sit) ; - 2 Sorel; 1101ARtIlti. r JAI, 148_, 9:,', - : , : srffie ,PRESS.4;PMLADMITIA,;I' THURSDAY,' ,4BEI3II.IARYii 141; ', '180: Salto bit gtit4olfil.:i i , N i t THONAS*I3ONB i V '' • -•-" i• 11 ILL. • Nat. 1110.. ind 141. 13017 TR FOURTH STREET'' ' ilsnienlarli-Nes.ll7 ind eg.V . ', P A ' LE OP SUPERIOR FURNITURE MANTEL MIR RORS. BLUGAtsT GILT-OAS OHANDELIERB, BRUSSELS CARPETS, &0., &o. oAll.ll6,VerTadle-.lthis nlorirng : at' tthil Attetion !store, *III eoinfirTs4:"besidba - 600 IbtleXoellent edeood iband furniture. 2.roactel, mirrors in gilt frames, 4 gilt /gas chandeliers, `at,Ving riikobine, idrussalS, Ingrain , , and Tenitian carpote, r Obina , and, glasawaro, beds and bedding, &0., forming in attraotirevassortment, worthy the attention ofladi:aaan othordeLnrousof per. ebulug .t' <: . ti. i ,irrotftigu..ord : ,ath : .rileariangel {for examination - , -+; RI ii P . -t - ' V , ,!, if, Exeoutorts end Adeidut,te° " STool{B.'B46. „ On, Tneeday Xeening, • iebrtuttYldtkitt 7 to'olool f , at the Philadelphia Bx chain°, will be sold by order of executor— , 80 phases Merchesibs 3 lind Meahigelos',,Benk of Wheel ing, Ye. !Also, by order of adipleistrator— - 90 sharoliPenneybisaila , liallroad Company. • 1 share City Land Association. Inhere MlBllia 'Lind iikesaaittkon: 1 • • • Also. for account of whom It may concern -10 awes, Mount VeroOra Alght Oopipany, Ohio— .par $6O. 40 Dilates Wooster Gas Company Qhfo,par $26. REAL ESTATE BALE—yEnntieuy 10th, :will include- - .; • PaiITPANADALIA. UNITED ATAIIB,II.OTSL, ATLAIITIO OITY. lc J. —The very valuable "pioPerty Ictidirtiati the " 'United States Hotel, ,, Atlantic City, N.,J Peremptory filale.by 'cram( of 'heles—Bitate late of Jo. sepi Murray, deed. VALUABLE BUSINEIMI STAND, northeast corner of Eighth ataanodrM Ch err m y ate. B iroih cf eolute. NHN V thStMOßlTeAwaDatiq t wo 41de yard, NEAT MODERN DWELLING, with all modern con 'enigma, No. I,..F.Gc4rFplArNtoont,4 at., south of Jltiles at . • • POUR TUREE-131 ORY BRIGS DWELLINGS, Nos. 931, Oita, 935 and 987 Ontialo -at., between 18th And Broad de., below Girard avenue. TiIRELSTQWPCIBION. STORE AND , DW ; ELLING, southeast Caner , of -Parrieh'uod' Prenklln eta., (late Spring Garden.) WELL-SECURED GROUND RENT OP $75 A YEAR, clear of taxes on lot of ground, Girard avenue; west or Thirteenth pt , eroded, a four-story brick store aid dwelling: , - '" - " ' ' • • - - TO TRUOIE-GARDBNEIIB, ece.—OVNit 12 ACRES. LARGE AND ,TALUABLIS ,LOT; 121( acres and 28 ; perches, with two-story brick and two-story frame werbjt birn Puck 8 11 r4our P9l mk r994Ve9t 're pre et:,"Eirst Ward. LARGE AND VALUABLE PARK, 427 acres, Kent co, iDelaware, on the main road leading from timyriniti 18111111)8ton. 2“ 1 F THRNI•EITODI DBIONJDWILLINN, Nineteenth street, mirth-sr Girard steam, Ts entleth ward. iOrphasut , ' Conft Sale--Ratate of Randolph W. Evans, Deceased. TWO. ItEAMN ,DWRLLINGB AND, LOTS,- OP 1411tOtitiDoWaterloo urea, Ninetadnkh.war& r - • Barns Zetats.—BßlOlC DMILLING, FRAME STA !ISLE, AM:O'I4IMM LOTilPrealqonl7AtAripilte, near . . VALUABLE LOT,,,OBRUON STREET, south side, between' lbrteemth. and Seventeenth streets,. 44 "-het frivet,l,Or rest deep. Only one Thlut east. ROUTE TWENTIETH. STREET.—Feat modern re• "eldeuee, No. 117 Beath - Twentieth street, below Cheat mut street.-- . sjyrron l i ISTMEIT.—Pfeat modem;esidaaae, 40, •Bostth' 131iteentli belc4 tipetide street:' Both pauses are &limbed with the meOerp,lmproxementa. VINE N 0 . 13.08 ;Vise street. between Front end Bebond street. Fitzeontoes Peremptory Sale—Estate of Peter Itumpf TWO :LOTS _,DE, liMPUND(citrkton. Oreet ; north of Eater Wed, Ifortherii Ltbeitles. TBREE-STORV'BRIOK"DWILLING, No 1528 Wood atreet, between ?fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. GERMANTOWN. .: , Taltitible lob Obeli !Watt, Eermantown, 150 by 240 feet.., ._21114L 8/.1.12.1410H lot Will ' ASSIGNEES , PIiftEMPTOILY SALE—PLII liAtilUNG.llol3lllp, OLLEATNOT STRBATi be- Fiftlestreetobroated- for the-Beat of TenniWirania, eili bt, poilittrely mild,. without - reserve pr limitation. Bull descriptions in• handbills at the auction r9dtas• • „ • • TitittliElP9LUsia GIiiNIND•RICNT 87,886,44016 ti,y,eitr, Well iieentedwn thirteen ,Irrith dwellings, wi th Inetirinseellir 85,000 which will he Inchided_ in the, sale. .NEAT" SOD*llll ‘ XOVII-5T911.74 Tfiningethsirest,,tietireen berry, end Wnee etreele, Al, th e enrol' OtToland'etrent:' • TAyERN AND „DWELlaNG:—Nortit'Eroad greet Zeit bbehanotth'of Bade ittieb: West bide— ELEGANT WALNUT STREET ItEIUDEDIOE.— Also, the superide'reildettea,'Ffil. 1321 Walnut street. between Thirteenth end Ilreact, 24 >feet front, 2115 fait In depth, to., Geprge etreet,, , walt: stable end • (Meek- '' Sale at Nos. 189 and 141Bonth lentils Street. - , SUPERIOR PURNITUtIit, 'PIANO-PORT_ ,ES PERM TRESOII "'PURE "ATIRROBS,'BItUSORDS OAR , • • ' - • Thiel:torah* '. . At 9 o'clock, at] the :auetlon store, an extensive assortment of,eseelleat mmend-hand fulnlture, elegant plauto;fortes; She' mirrors, carpets, eta., from fam i lies housekeeping, removed to the store for con tenlellee of ,eale. - , • Also, a quantity°, double Anil single Iron bedstemß4 iron habracgs; suitable far hotels. .• 4, • , Also,`lt• Woloot precisely sr quintity or, new and seordtd-liaad type,-lnlotii to sail purchninirs. • ' :001SOARS, BLEIO,IIB, , , O'clock, • . ;10th !net:, at 10 - oicloi3k, - at• the • stablen, Plop street, 'meet of Tirenty-thlrd Streit:Without reserve, 10,otrinl husei; 6 sleighs, lot of wheels, harness, old An. (iienitaciELLANitotts. 101100 L, AND Juirm: Nirus AND_DDA , ,iiND °Rip, re.o.:, - , • • This •Everling A ' iehnsarylOth,'Sionnrienchient d eolOck; Lion store, an luuntMent et P#i*ol:l66Puts64o94ro eolteotion:Uttill*et, al* copper . ' 00 1Fa; ritg4 of them of east 'iiirity" 4 • particulars see catalogues. f PRIViI% raß,Biack. • 'Febeneizi 11th, efonfinenolog est o , elook, at the sue lion etore,:elll be aolds'frivaOolthiai,:o - mrotar - and :valuable books; are many choice authenro on loteroldluS, Important; and' useful auldeota —a number of them London editiona. Oatalogneewill inad3cMilithe booini orionted for examination on Vida, morning. Sale for aeoeunt of United Statea.f. • • WOOLLIIN‘erm 0021'94 011T.T.171(18, LEATI10Bi&o. 'I, Zeturdaflokorning, . Yebrnary 12th, at'lo 6 1 010ek,. et the inetloa store, 10,0671bs elfyhhiekerseyealtlng4lo.l66 The'dark Mao, Icersey, 688 lbel dart blde Oloth, 281, Itol grey cloth' 96 Tbi tanteeii Covering, 618 The 'white 082 WI blue' fleenelit 4,084' The cotton.' 67 The block m9e1114 116 The W rite . 3 636 „Mel Hoot; 2,001 The Ilet,-1,882 lbe . teht;lBB The Oil cloth, 980 The taleltyll piper, 0982 ibe trope', 8 1 780 The sole bather,' 80 , 161 Mbfoooo, - • • " " Advolnlstrstoes 629 , North Twelfth Artist, BII2.19141011,,FOBNITURE:"BOOKOASI, TAPEIS . TRY Otat.NTlSi &a. On Tneedsy-Morning. 10th Indent, - et 10 ,o'oionki-by natelogne, the nee , floe tarnifere, bookcase, tapestry carpets, too , by,orOer Of the stlminintrstor, ;. - Alto, thelltigten 111rnittuvi, , fi tp-r. Iteiniped on the morning of eel', at 8 o doe' AT ,P.IIViATB BALE. A handsome 'resldenee; , with stable, oosoh-housa, and large lot, Maln'stree ;Ili:Arlington; Slew Jersey. , !virmus HUBBARD & AIICTIONAISAN No. 222 MARKET STREW; T V BRTWERN SHOONVAND THIRD STURM ' . , OABD. —We 'mite the special attenUon-of pur shhaeerr. to, the perempinsp nide - ,or farm and staple goads, to be' 'made this monde& et 10 o'cloek BY • WILLLS.M. E. SURE, GENERAL AUOTION AND acinutastriON BTO/111, NO. 46 NortL EIGHT attest, belaW Arch. i • !, !!! • •'•, 7. 'A: BLIBON, Atiotionaer.• " !lIVBNINOF BALES. ' • ' "- ! On lilandal t Wednesday. Thawiday!, a6d Saluda , • . anuneneing at' omen o'clock.' • • On the a:Tel:log of the above daysora will Nell train table''an4" pocket '"antlerrivalliannlate4 were, stationeryi gold Jewelry; g6l4'in6 Alm watches; alocka,litabotal saws! fancy gno4s,.&b. trY . oanslitaTenti roil:4)1:4NA; ' • Clonnignotents ot new - and -wood-band -house hold furcdture;_plano-fortes, baspets, watches, Jewelry, respesUallp-sollelted:on -which liberal! eash -nnoekwill Maude If required:— , irr Outdoor sales attended. to prempti. , Charges ea moderate as sprother house, in this oily: VAILITEL ,,, NATHANB, AIIOTIONBER, ; a.7 -;•i' and - tiozorr 011101' NO: 'SW tenth BUS•N•beleir -* Walnut;r , A•ia,:!etllt'leter fits Only eight`dotre belandhe Inthenger. - • • •- 4 • 1 %Homy' oT bunines" frivnt ' T Weibel • A 1,11d,'; 101t1 otaklokin the attioxig; - !: • • • - • Otitzdifior - sates;-and 'Wee 'dike knoti t ei ldwuse, •10pdal upon the most satisfa*"7 torten; " ' 1 • • 7- ••• 7 - o,&Prina; t000_001)„ -I ,2rsteattlbliettfor UNE Mil Thirty-Yaw ' " Advancesmade from one dollar' d thodinurla on DU; 'mondi, Wetahee, Jewelry, Hardware; Meg iehandise; OlothingOratattre, Heading; `lnstruments , psarstres, and mods oi Artery description.- • • •••• • •- • - • goodivean molar any -length-of time - agreed pli• • • , • -•• •, , • = All'ativaneet, bait '44iilpazarti Aollsre 4 0 40m , r4,4 will be 'barged pep • oltkisermonth ;,filfikinnd trier; dim lowest marker rate; • ••••, • •• • ""/ 1 Tkit Mere el* deptla of 30"4,11,1Lialazia IA sant thieflweetmenitorto .to a ll ValuableeintuA Vets watchmen for threlialees ;' Woo, Al hoary in isnie'effeeted fpi the benefit_ of aftermslaying alrariWd e • • • , •141 1 1.-40 n sonotust of living an delimited espihth this ogee is prepared to ,oaks advances on more Jails thetorthlsbrand owoonanodiktymig temis . ;' "asty's , lliorfa, -Money savanna baths poor, harm:tall suicaute, rolthi "t, kn rl ll ,M 4 ' - " '•'-‘ • • • • • - 7_ • - , PIIIVATII SAM • , rib% • ratent'Lever and Other Waking, .Jewelry, ow! plothilitt win bib "old It reduced minim • • -as -1Y . • , lempols. MoO4.LLIIM , & 'CO., CARPET HOUSE. , , //eve remeett from No. SO B4NIS. Street to (o. 609 . QIIESTNIIT STREET, OPPOB/Tl9 TUN BTATE•HODBH Jp,27-1m W)!OvAL y DOHERTY, TAILORS, Here removed - to 81 and 88 801:1T0 ROTH MEW, -001D4i0 - 1c ABOTI '01111!1110nr, Aid Bide. 14411r.F7 7p1,1.1369, EXO V . . I 8 . kisittrgr, MATTSON.' IitZROIIANT"TAILOX.,• EFIXPIISC TiNo. VA CHESTNUT piltm, F ,t!rap.'poci l t:p.overisitrit. . . - Whekell,prepared to execute ell O Morders In hleline iturrlig nor. hq,314 ; /Ong, ripply of GOODS for Gentle motes Iraq. • 7 egom E. MATTSONi• • . , No.,USS oyspptior . r BtresL 1r P. ROLLER; , -7 •! - • • • • FRENCH - 1300T AND SHOP - MAICBrt, NO: 2! South NINP - 11. Street.,thint door , above , r.• • . ‘ ,- ntiti Philadephia , Begs. to' inform highlands' and the public generally that . he hair opened •hualtiese • on lye own acootintitip above, where he will alwe'pe -be' happy to receive 'a 'con tinuation their "favors, , - Aa ;Vile senior pattner - of latOtirbi 'titlter gtiarantee to aboebeary to an appreelative publie of his entire abilitj all'Ordere in hie line with the lit. nuittistieraotion. • , Remember the number t li9 Bbdth NINTH Street, third door above Chestout. 41,18-2D3* 13alto bp 'Miami. 5 ..IJA3 813,,4ARMET,t En. 429 SWRIIRT STREET ,HALM OP IMPOIty3IIW RcodElsTT.,q nwy ,%),,oDo lath,' at I.o.',Velooli, hy-oatahigasi on titrionthal bee rouge's and lot s ' o t fancy and titaPle: itnpoyted and domestio dry goods: ocenprlsing a detirible meat of sesevillNe goede. , „ , • YliCr' Sample's Ind oatalopies early on the' morning of male. 'BS ",ICOTT, 31.:,.110TIONEE11', 'N4Y: 481 e ORESTNICIT BTRNBT, tipeelie' the' distein House, between I'OURTEL and BIRTH Otteets.,„ FORD,- J _'AUCITIOIOEER;' 'Na. 1 630 MARKET STRUT, betweatollNTlV and 'SIXTH. with side SALA, Off 800 :180114 AND. itlioGaNS. Tilde bfo ng, February lOtti. sit 10 o , elebk,^preeteeli; we will fell, ,!by, catalogue, abent I,ooo,oaeoe men'e and youths' rboots,nhoei, and brogans illoorbnietee' arid ' mteus' lEetetern and City made Idiom gaiters, &e.isoomprislog fresh and desirable goods from the best mannfso• tukanf-lanitable for spring seise. • T - 74.;i vmmgr tc, SONS, ,air • REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, - No; 520 WALNUT BFREAT. Orphans , Court Bale—Estate of ileiirge Ifertreehelmer,"‘ deceased. On Thursday Afternoon, February 24th, 1869, at 8 o'clock, will be Cold, at 'public) auction. on the premises-- THE VALUABLE, PROPERTY exp BUSINESS `LOCATION, althiste on t h e easteily aide of Main street , loppcmito °heft= avenue, ' Germantown ; lot 47 feet !front by 155 feet deep, on which Is erected a doable ;three story atone brisk front. Within one minute's walk or the depot. 117' Bale peremptory. OARD.-4. M. latunmey & Bons aualoneers ' will hold regular sales of Real Relate, Bons, &e. Also, household furniture at dealings. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. Eji" On our Private Sale' Register will always be found a very large amount of real GUM estate, inoluding every delnption of city. and country pro & perty HEY ONS,' Real Estate Brokers, HO :Pi:ALEUT_ Street, below Sixth. 3/110 SE 13 NA TO A .Ncs, AIIOTIONEER o.ta. AND COMMIBBION ;IDIROIIANV, a. X. earner 'SIXTH and RAGA Stresta. ORE AT '7DODLIO ACCOMMODATION MONEY ! MONEY-1—! MONEY ! • ! I Money liberally advanced *charge or , socall ainonnts, Itom one dollar taithtntatinds, on gold 'and silver plate, 'diamonds, watoltee„jewelry, fowling -pieces, tocalcal InStrnmetlft: ftittiturei' dry sonde; blottlibig, ',cigars, hardware; cutlery, hooka, horses,' vehicles, har ness, and all articles of vain°, for any length of time *greed on, at :Nohow! ',Prilticipta` - Rsaublfshment, *itheast corner of Sixth and Race Aroma. , PROMISSORY NOTES, with collateral, discounted at the lowest market rates.- GREAT, BARGAINS IN 'WATCHES, ao.;AT PRIVATE SALE, at NATHANS , PRTNCIP AL ICEITABLISHMENT, B. B. Corner of SIXTH and RAUB Streets.—The following aitiolea Will be,eold for lees than half the anal More prices : Pine :gold MINA patent foil jeweled and plain, of the moot Approted end best Imake, In hunting , oases and double bottomed. Pine gold. escepentent lever and 'made watabea, in 'Minting male and open fees, some of them extra full jeweled and' hest make. Silver English patent lever watotes, en. espement lever and lepines, in hunting ciee,ard open face, some very superior: English, Swiss, Vrendi, and Sjuartler watches; fine gold Teat, fob, neck, and phildran>a chains ;, fine gold pencil cases and pens, iracelets, breastpins ' fluger.rings, ear-ridge, atods, anions, and jewelrygenerelly. HoperiorHavaaa cigars t $l5 per thousand, in boxes of 200 eacli,‘vrill be cold single box or quantitimi to milt iirObasera.. Nu. morons fancy articles, &0., &0., , ilDitsealutione ,itrtnerfOipe. riISSOLITTIOWOF rARTNERSHIP.- -)11-• The firm of Wlll.ll/21t, BIT & CO., is this day Ji*olred, (MAGI I WE AVER retiring. GEORGE W.S&V1111,1 - , „ EDWIN H. RULER, MOH/UM wileyEA. • VII 9 8U81N.1784 hereafter will be conducted by the nrideralgued, under the firm of WEAVER. R.l.Ttant, "" BDIVIN bEIOHABL.WHONER, 2 POriltdD .4. OLOTIIL&R Yebruaryl,lBl9. b.et • D. HOOVER (late 17.• S. 4.1 Marshal for the Dietriot of Columbia) bee also 'elated Mundt' with WALT= D. , DA.VIDGB, Conn pallor at Law. Business before the U. d: Supreme had Circuit Courts, the Court of Olaime, and the Executive !Bepartmentit promptly attended to. Addresa DLVIDG ILO YVBEt, LOUISIANA Avenue, Waeh'ngton City. .1.144 f • • - ' LA IMItED PARTNVRSHIP.—The Sub scribers hereby give notice that they have entered lite it Limited Partnership, agreeably to the provlsione of the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania re 'biting to Limited Parthersialpe. '• That the name or firm under ,whieh said partnership is to be conducted ls B. WOOD, IdARIM, & HAY WARD.. That the general nature of •the StalioollB intended to be tranesoted la the Dry Goode Jobbing and olb/thing' linsinesd. • That the names of all the general and special part ners interested therein, are BENJAMIN V. MARSH i(general -partner), JAMS W. HAYWARD (general partner), EDWARD Y. TOWNSEND . (general partner), astuty MENEEKBON': (general' partner),( 111.01ILDD WOOD (general partner), LURED H , INTER (gene. , sal partner), ,RIMIARD D. WOOD (special partner), !and JOSIAH BACON (special partneri, and all et them :the mild-partners, general and- special, reside In tke City of Philadelphle..• • - That the aggregate amount of the capital oontrlbrited IT the .epeolal-partners to the Common Block, ilt - TWO hundred thousand dollar ' of which . One hundred ithonaand br.casii; - h as been co contributed, by Itbe said BIORARD D. - WOOD, spoilt( partner, and of ;which, One hundred- thoneend.. dollars in cash, has been pontributedi bttlie Reid TODIAiiiIinOON, ape. •elni partner. • ,comm 2 1 That the period at wh e'- ich thUlig r trt...=l) ence int t griod at which it wilt terminate:hi - the ,thirty.flret day of. December, A.D. 1863. RIOIIARD D. WOOD, Special Partner. aoarAtt BACON, Speelal Partner, BENIN. V: MARSH. • 1., W. IfATWAILD. DDWD,I Y. VOW,MOIND HEERVRENDEDEON. .BIOHABIe WOOD. • • op:tsp. H.' FOOTIZ, Dee,,81,18581 .-- ' ' ll . . elliiitet Ware. THE LARGEST'DESE. DEPOT IN THE UNION. HOGUET 21s' ItITTTOI4; (Baooessors to' J. T. Miami%) biA.NUSSATS - 1108 OP A. L. ADAMS' IMPROVED DESK RAOK. No; 2.69 ' Briiii Tidal) Street, • 11;08101a. OPpIOI,,BANK - ack4 8011001,11193,711jrt11.; 311X1'.liESION 1'A8111137, - 8061041119 WARDROBES, &a. iOABINET FURNITURE AND BILLIARD TABUN. MOORE &, CAMPION, No. 281 SOUTH SECOND BCRIBT, in OonoooDoo'with polrNexteksive oobinetDvOnees 3 are noif xitatufataling 'xiinifiertot &Aldo of BILLIARD TABLES, ;and kiLve now ou'hood a full 'apply, ilnialted with 810011E4 "CAMPION'S IMPROVED OIIMIIONS, `,which are pronounced by all who have used them to be 'auppriar to all others; .Por'the quality hod finish of them) Table's the mann ,facturere refer to their numerous patron throughout 'the Union, who are familiar with the character of their , work. jaldfim ipliatofirapbo, &a. I C• 'G. bßkitlt's PtiOT TRAP: • (Formerly VAN LOAN'S,) • 682 ARCH Street. All the yarbrus etylee and Mime M Picture'', Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Photographs, and Irorytypes are taken, and It mod rate prices. '• dl.Brn* re. NEWLAND & 00., • M LOOKING. LABS AND PIOTURNI-YRAMM , • , • , • MAITUFACPpip,B, • WHOINOALS AML RETAIL 1 An Al:connive Monk of On PAINTINGS, WATER-00108 DRAWINGS 1 AND SNORAVINGS, All at 'very L'Oir Phone, e • 6O ABGVII SIXTH, PIULA. A7-em' " 4'414 II"' iIIANDSORUBS AND OLAMPS. xt. ‘ ilopoAuss, • . No. 7. 62Y0. per dol. 64.6. 81 /2 per dog. 2. 760. " O. 128 8. 870. , ig • •7.1 60 , I. 100 a. I' "'l5. 176 I' °LANNI. 6 Row, $1.25 per osee 7 Row, $1.76 per doeep a R0w,.52.26 per dcraen mut ay p. Earsiaritm, 111 North TURD Rtrodit PblhA.lobl MNI.9 ••• FOR ,THE SOUTH . • AND WEST—Hde. i 'The PHIGAD bPILIA, WILMINGTON, AND DAL ,TIIKORE RAILROAD COMPANY now offers Throe gh iTlekete toWllmington,-N. ; Charleston, ; 'plata; Atlanta, and Dalton, G.. ; Knoxville. Nash. :vine, Chattanooga, .Grand Junction', and Memphis, Tenn.; Huntarille,'Ala„..and New Orleans. Also, to '.the lees distant Soothern . eitles, and-to all prominent ;Western points, ea heretofore: • ; The steamship ISABEL makes Femi-Monthly Tripe .between CHARLESTON and HAYANA, and offers a very desirable ron'i to posilipers for the latter port, avoiding Cape Hatteras. For Hoke% or farther Informaticn, apply at N. W. 'corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT or at Depot, ',BROAD and PRIME Ste.; Philadelphia: S. M. FELTON, Preside eb. Ist, 109.. , . 71000 MATTINGS, FOR OFFICES, for V sale cheap by BALZA' & BROTITaII. 1000 MATTINGS, FOR CHURCHES A fret& lot moat received. 'JULY & BRO MICA VOOO MATTINOS, HALLS,' for 11l eel* low, by the pleas; by h AMY /r, BROTHVIL ,001:70 MATTINGS, OF ALLWIDTHS, I good quality, py the piece oryard, for emlo by SAHA' & BROTIIZIL 0000 MATTINQS--,RAILROAD COM PANLIS ettilitleS on 'the .beet BSILy & BEDTIME, 020 IMESTEDT Street. npAILY &BROTHEit; CARPET WARE- JuP HOME; No. 920 CILBEITNUT Street. jell-ti TRUS EFp 1-431cuanino French, of Aduitet. 1111 .!qY1181105181 , Oeuttine Prenek, for Children. TRUBBNB t do. dq. LAWN. TBDOBBIi Approved Atherlcan Styles. Bripporter Bram; ; ,Betgllehuthdrorktisaihielts ; Syrin ged, a new and Improved seltAnJwiting artlole, specially adopted to Ladiee nee. Issth-room or hydrant lemmas; Arenalt-Pealaries•, Breast Primpo ; Infontar Nutting - I'l4km ; Nipplortlbella roe iSle • •i ey,s.bgagy.,.:•:Clii_BDlAltleßharynacetildat i axa Practicia gittiterrof Xichsoloal Bemedleo, di W. aor.ziqr , ,TW g 14,41. to - lugs Stiti Phila. monwertintrittros tto TWaitth otreat, mit door intrwra XtACHINE, WHIGH !IPS - snakes the Bricks and temper ,the clay, makes from One fo threelhoatand' per hour; Upianla of "thirty In new' 'Patented Yebinto 8a1r18584 Machines and rights for "Oottntlee, or one•fonrth of the Patent, will be wt." zoowo to to the only practicalado In Ad. dread 'O. 'CIAIWELL, Gennantorki road, t above , Fink atreretilrlaladelphia. tt tf dartMllo Arias SAMITEL HEPBURN hair ittsinsteirod/.hig Law °Mee from °arilsli,l , entta., to No. 711 SAN , BON Street ( between Chestnut and Valaut.) Phila. delphla,lip attend tO ans4lsldenueptrg4ted to his care. the Court), of Philadelphia or'in the in 'tenor of the State. Philadelphia, Norember 24, 1858. n24-8m orroyA, 1` H2O atus NU t STREET, fortrarde TAROSILS, PAOKAG.IIO,-,ARTRANDIERI,, D4 NK NOTEB and SPECIE, ettlibr 15 - RAI crwti LINES; 'or connection with other XVII HS 0 015.1PANIES, to all the prloolpel otikwltottedEtates:' ' • -• • A LEX. IlfollINNEy; 7 •.•1 , , 1:- , t ATTORNNY AT-LAW ) GRHENEOrtraG;P.t. Will priwttos •111;;Weatiz,,134, 41 . ?istrong !lad in diana oountiss. ' -0011-tf Ir. !. inatma. A A BRA.IIIB ,DIATER, ATTORNEYS T LAW, ' LOOICHAVAN; PA., Will ettrirl promptly to all professiona l bila4loB7 an trusted to them :- Spatial attontloi glion to bad itolloo. tips of claltis . . , Goy. Wm. F. Packer, rf arrlstrarg, Pa. ; L. A. Iflockey, Preeldent Lock Elayen Bank ,• General D. K. Jackman, Look Haven; Hoof A: White, Look ; Simon Scott, Look Haven; Bullltt & Pairtherne, Philadel phia; Alollarland r Evans, it tlo. Philadelphia t Evans & Watear,'Philadelphia; Phillip M: Price, Philattel phis.; lion: A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, doP.hiledelphid r:Tener• tk, Davis, Phila delphia • Hou. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa. • J. W. Quiggie, Philadelphia . - • " .13"26,tf - CHARLES TETE, , OOMMISSION HER ki CHANT and Importer of HAVANA llleGAltil, (New) 188 Wilittliattegpleara ROT?. ita-17 THE LIVER IIstVIGONA.TOR, Taineattittrar Da. sartemin,, comporrNDED, ENTIRELY EliOM In one of the beetTeirgative and Liver Medicines now before the. publitt,' that 'acts ac a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than , arty other medicine known. It is not drtly a Entilattie, but a•Livsr reme dy, soting prat on the Liner to °PO Its morbid matter, tenon the 'efemicli and bowele to carry off that mat, ter. thus accoMplishing two purport)), effectually, with °Taney of the painful feelings erperienema in the ope rations of most , Cathartics. It etrongthens the sys tens at.the came time that it purges it, and, when 'taken ;daily in moderate doses, will strengthen and bup4 it Up : with unites]. rapidity. ' ' ptineipatreittaillteOfttio human body; and when it performs lice fftihOLibdd6, 'well, the powers. of.the system Are fully devel oped. The stomach teal; moat - entirely dependent on the healthy aotion,of the Litter for the , proper 'performance of its Mao. Lions; when the stomach is at fault the bowele are • at 'fault,' and the whole system enders In 0011/10- g mamma of one organ—the Liverhaving beared tb do its duty. For the die ,estaes of that organ; one Q of the proprietor's's Made it hie study, ins practice of, more than 20 ,years, to and adinerelaq.' Wherefrith to counter act the Many derange. meats to which it le lilt 'ble. ' To prove that this re. pernon troubled with Id its forms, has but to try a certain. These Game rem o ve all the system, supplying in of bile; intigorating the digest well, purifyinglhe healthAo the whole ma canoe of the disease-of ' BILIOUS Ali . +AO/eS are ter,‘priticateti by the 00. ISTIGOSATO..- One doe", ecteT 4 eeting, etomserand'prevent the Only one does, taken Only one dose, taken at gently, and, ewes 000- 011 e dose,. taken atter PCPBIA. „ 1D One ;idea of two relieve Stow lisuisome. One bottle taken for fe the catietat the disuse, Only one dOse intmedl: while °nodose, often re- OROL6RA: Manaus, atid'a IrjOnly one bottle le oviform tke effects of me- Er ini • L i ne o bo r at tar for removee all .. al ri4 f color from the akin. One,dose taken a short 0 time before, eating gives 'rigor to the appetite, and ' makes food digest well., One dose, often repeat- cr. ed, urea OHOONIO Dias. MUSA In its wont forms, while 801AMEE and Down. complaints yield, almoet Z to.the drat dose. One or two dose, cure attacks caused by Worms in children ; there ls AO ,d surer, &lifer,' or itrieedier retools I n the world, it nee'e r aboo rbents tqwbotgrp oars Y) DEpreY, ,by eXciting the .I• • I We take pleasure lore- , comm ending thin medi cine on a preventive far Finis and, Aron, Ouiti.. raven, and allYinsse of a llintoue Inn. It ope. retire with certainty, end , thousanda are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All to ho 11 8? it are gilmog their unantmows testimony in in./ever. 11 ,-- Mix Water is the mouth with the Invigorator, end Eteallose both tagethit. • ' TILE LIVER INVIQORWT OR Is • SOITATIPICI MEDICAL DlsoorilaY, Sad is daily work ing sores, almost too pent to belieTe.Xt cores as If by , magio, even tits first does, giving bepiefii, and seldom 'more than 'one bottle ferequifed to cure any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the worst Jnondics or DYs pepsin to • common Headache, all *that Ire the re sult of a DISDASED ' • PRIOE cqiig DOLI PER BOTTLE. Dr. SANFORD; Proprietor; 846 'Broadway, New York. Agenta (or Philadelphia, T. Ti r ..DYOTT,4r, BONG, 218 North Beoond Btroet.• Betelled by all Drage:its. Bold also by SAMUEL BIDES, Twelfth end Oheetnnt streets, and Y. BROWN, ?fifth and Oheateeestreete Phil:isle. cola to 1.4 .1-19 A NEW AROMATIO ' INVI6ORATIPO ' IT STIMULATES, EXUILERATES, INVIGORATES, BUT WILL NOT INTOXIOATN OR STUSIFY. Tlihrdeßigots BeVerage In superior tool( invigorating Cordials Sclutappe, Nervinee, ha. in nee for the more of Dyspepsia Narrowness, Heart-barn, Drowsiness, Kid ney Complaint, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, am., AAA will invigorate apd strengthen,, but will not in toxicate Or 6tuplfy. Tenons Who have bbeime habitu ated to the eaceseive floe of Tobacco, Opium, and Spirit ' none *loom, will find speedy and permanent relief from a desire to nee thesis destroying agents, by taking a bottle or two of this DELICIOUS MEDICAL BEVERAGE! Week and sickly Female,' will find - Dr:LAWS IN , 7IGORAT.ING SPIRIT a quick and sure cure, It being a Regenerator ao well an a btrengthener of the Roman Spoleto. Rath hompletintihat the AROStA,TIO INYI 'OORATING CORDIAL is calculated to cure is named upon the wrappers accompanying each bottle, and full dlreetiona for use are also minutely given. • 'mum OMB DOLLAR Pelt BOTTLII. Prepared by DARIUS RAM, Principal office No 48 WATER St.,N. York. For ;ale by e---- ' T. W. DYOTT' & n 26.3 1 .1 2 , 218 if, BEOOND Street. Philadelphia. •VOLLIOICOFFAIpq ANTI-RHEUMA.TIp OJ CORDIAL 1s the only effectual remedy over plated before the public ai a collate and reliable oure forIN. /LAS:OUTCRY or OIIRONIO RIIEUSIATISSI This .preparation bee cured •thourands , who hare been et- Noted with Rheumatism In WI -moat painful form, and ,we are daily in'rbeelpt'of letters and certificate's of as tonishing aneremarkable cures. • All whrohare tried ,the CORD (LL speak in the meet laudable Urals of efficaoj. /till directions and entire satisfeotion given :to the Rheumatic sufferers Prepared by TIIEOLORIS Chebtiet, N.E. tor. PINS And SIXTEI 81geets, ,Philadelphia. lal4-Brn ORCOMERING & SONS, - ' iinoriorbasita OT GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT ' PIANO•iORTES. ' wArtmogs• 130 i OIIESTNDT STREET. Constantly In store n large kook of oar BEAUTIFUL and UNEguALLND IMMIX/A MNTS. We have been Awarded, at the different BM:Onion In this 0at:10.4 and Europe, i : 3B GOLD AND SILVER FIRST-01488 MEDALS. ja26.17 liOOM *1 PIANO-FORTES CORRECTLY TUDIRD by 0. N.43.&11.(100T. patisfaction warranted. Orden( left at Pfd .'BO4 OREBTNUT Street. ,Terma,sl. Twelve years , factory exportence ja4-2m* PIANO:I'ORM " - • • Just received, an elegant toot of RAVIIIe HAMM & 00., NUNN* & UALLaire, DA & 00., and'GALll & 00; fr PIANOS. MELODI Olia of beet quality, at 7. IC. 00111.13 , 8, Q. A. corner Sionorta aid. adtl2-7 yin utto, pie,tplo s .!irs NEW GUN STORE PHILIP WILSON Bc - 00., 492 011EBT NUT BTREET, 'Ask the attention of blerchantd, 46wmithe, and leporte. 'nen, to the very IMPHICIOIL Fowling pieces, Bien, &o. of their own manufacture, whtoh are not surpaxaed by the beat imported Guns In quality and finish. The 811307100 quattriss of each Gun manufactured by them be fully guarantied. 'Phe'y' ire 'regularly re ceiving, direct from the makers, a full aaamtment of the DEBT OLAM3 OF BNOI,IBII AND if RENOM DUNA, Of the celebrated etamps of Moore h Herne, Dena A; Adam, Yondoveuxpc Juesy, !tog Wontley Riohardn, Purdy, Greener, - 'together with a complete stock of the cheaper style of 'English and Belgian Guns, which will be sold at the lowest market rates. ,• ALL YARINTY OF GUNSMITHS ) TRIMMINGS, each as .Barrele, Stooks, 'Rods, Itlonntinge, Flasks, Gunßage, Locke, and Lock Furniture, Elope Gaps, Oar; tridges, Wads, fro., 'on'tho:titost 'favorable terms to the trade. Jal2.l.felk ;LANK BOOKS AINTI> STATIONERY DAVID M 110(1AN, Blank Book Manufacturer, tationer awl Prhiter, No. 100 WALNUT Street, in pre. 'pared st a3l tinael to furnish, Anther from the Mal reo or make to Older, BOOM of every description, suitable for Banks S .PnblfeAfncas Blerchants, awl others, of the bent quality 'Shelf& Or American raper, and bound in various styleo, lit the molt subiAtanttai meaner. Ordell -for JOB ' PAINTING of I)vet^y desaripthm. Sagraving sod Lttboaraphing exeorttad with neatness 101 deapstah. - ' - A general assortment of Nualloh, Prcuelt and Amyl. 'NM Stationery. Concerning Mr. floffan'a contrOullou to the Rranktin 'lnstitute, tho ()Unwritten:A say—maim display of blank 'bona for banking and mercantile use to the beet in the aeleation'of the Ouiterinriii . g6sdo.ll4 !workmanship moot excellent, and their finish and ap. psaranoa nest and approppleta,” no2o-If 1341.110 CL W CIZOOMM. MCC , . D. MIMI? GitOOME & EMORY, °QAT, DEALERB. IJDNION AND 80IIUYLKILL 00AL Prepared expresely for Family um YARD, No. 154 BROAD Street, below Ram' Orders left at mina, BAIORY 00. 2 8, Deokers, No. 15 South THIRD Street, t' or sent threugh Diepatch or Post OfElee, wlll.ree'ePterprOmpt attention:' jal7..3m* • 1400EKEEPERS, LOOK TO YOUR Rsl '/NTEREST.—Grest Reduction in the price of COAL. Cheapest and best. The subscriber having wade contracts for hie supidp of Odd, hi ennblet to Offer very superior PaWly coal or, the foliewing ra ducad penult' , % •• ' , Brokeri Egg and Stove ....... • • .•2•4 00 per ton Cooking..• 3 Large Nut a 50 Small Nut 3 25 ti • Warranted to give eatinfaatiou and full weight in all annoy sa n WeVe Me Central Yard, 8.8. onr. 31MISUAIT. and WITLOW BirOntn. d9-3m S Av-in. Superior quality, i..st landed, and fpr sale by 0. IL 11013HRTS,' No. 33' N."O2,LAIYARIS Avenue, and, OT N. WATS.% iitreet, 11424.1200 ti!eAt.J .11)A.,i, Ml= :~ari~~b~e;' .t~g~ic#iia~t:' medy le at !eat fonnd, any TEA OOMPLAINTOO any Of bottle, and_oonviotion ie morbid or bad matterfroin , their place a healthyflow stained:lV, ceasing food to blood, giving tone and ohlnery, removing the footing a radical core,, , cured, and', Mho/ is bat cantonal use of the LITER IS etitdotent to roller, the food Moil thdod-ehd Boor- before retiring, promote night, locieenalh'o . bowel, TITA6IIBB. , • • eacilt,mo4l;loll afire pre teaspoonhill will always male obstruction romans! and makek A perfeot cure. ately relieves Onour a, peated, is a sore cure for preventive Of anokeitA. needed to throwout of the dielne'atter a' long sick- VALUABLE DI§COV DU. HAM'S piano -fonts. atationern. - tend Noticeg. TN THE DISTRICT CO U RT . 1 0 01 i "THE X CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA." - .- ADOLPIT FORSTER mi, - J.OIIN, BOTHEISER. • 'Yebditintif - Homes of December Terto.'lBsB,' No. 21. 08011 Git N lIINBLEIt vs. JOON 801IIEBER. Venditioni Esparto of December Term, 18 8 8 , No 228, The Auditor appointed by the Cutlet to report distri bution of the fond in Court rallied by the Sheriff's Sale under the above writ of .i all that certain two story brick unteenage or, tenement and lot or piece of 'ground aitaate on the monthlies of Franklin street, at the distance of fourteen feet westward from the west 'side of Hope street, In Remington. , in the county of Philadelphia aforesaid, containing In front or breadth on the said Franklin street fourteen feet, and attend ing in length or depth northward of that width at right angles with the said Franklin Wed flfty-ode feet MI :inches to a ten feet six Inches wide alley—bounded on the met by Milo r d grantedlo George 8. Dean, on the 'north by the said t oe d feeVall Inches' wide alley, on the west by ground granted to Aaron Keyser, and on the 'mouth by Franklin street aforesaid. Hieing the same .premises which Echhard Hosbach et sit , by indenture 'dated Jenuary 80, )864,., recorded In Deed Hook P 1 : 1 1 .NO. 128, Page 224, he., granted and conveyed unto the 'mild John dohleber In fee.)—together with the free .use and privilege of the said two feet eix inches wide alley leading train a point near Howard street into and , from Hope street, laid out for the use of this and other lots, in common with Joseph Yr.rnery, his helot and ;assigns, and also with the free nee and privilege, in noranOu with others, of an inlet or Newer eighteen 'iriblies In diameter. to intersecit at the west end of said Alley, attending Into the common sewer in Howard street ; subjedt, however, to a proportionable part of the expeneea of making and heaping the said inlet in good order and repair forever' , —Will meet the parties ,Inivieted fad the ''3;luipioefea of 'hie Appointment , on 'iIr.SDNESDAY, February Nth, VD. •at 8 Wino& P. .lif , at bit office, No. 630 WALNUT Street, rhibt 'dflphls, at 'tibial' time and place all venom Are "re quired to make their claims before said Auditor, or be debarred from comingl n upon mild fund. livi.loe - ,:. 'JOHN N. THOHAE, Auditor. C~itYtleinett'sit~rii~yittg Dube WiiTORESTEEC CO,GENTLEMSN'S V Jmnrupuict stolt* , "PATINT SHOULDIIII, SRAM BEIBT NANI77AO— •. it the Old I , tand, No. Tee 011EBTNUT STREIT, oppo site the Washington HOTIAO. A. Wlbics4s'rEft will Rive ee heretofore, hie par lous' etipenition to the Cutting and Manufacturing departments: •Ordere for hie celebrated style of 811trta sod Collar e filled at ,the shortest notice. Wholesale trade inipplied on liberal 'terms. i 12441 I W. SCOTT, (late of the firm of Wm ., • OHMPrfii oin SOOTT,) GENTIARHEEPS FURNISH. ENG • BTOBBI and. APIIIPAPTOItY, 814 'OII4BTNIIT Street, ( nearly opposite AS nut Girard House,) -•- • • respeotfully call the ,attention of his formertrons and friends to his new Otore and is pre. pared - toBll ordifiti for /*HURTS at - shor t notice. A perfbot fit guarantied. ClailVtitY TBADJI supplied `with AlitlitTA and C0L1A.338. OSlT;terzro, GOOD GROCERIES AT YAM PRICES:: I CHAS. H. MATTSON, IiOETHIVEBT CORNER, TENTH, AND ARCH BTB Has on hand. and is generally receiving, THE BEST OP GE °OPIUM, which he*lll sell at the most REk hOtcaßLE PRIO RS POE 04911. mating a LARGE and 01I01011.ASSORT3INNT of PLACE and GREEN TEAS, he is confident of being able to snit , both in fidelity and price;allperiens in want of the artible, fn quantities of from one: pound to the half chest. Els general assortment embraces everything in the way of PINE GROOERIES, and he would respectfully Invite all itewant of. good, articles to give hint a call. It will be worth the trial. n030.8m illatrhes, Jewelry, &r y E. CIALDYTELL tc,OQ., ai• 822 CUBSTNUT Street. - Hare reoelved, per Itehtnera nal, style* , Jewelry, Chatelaine, Vest ' OhaW. 13plendld Fans, Hair Phut.' /mit Stands, Bogor Bohai. Jet Goode and Flower Penes, Coral, Lava and Mosaic, Beta. Sole Agents in Philadelphia for the sale of Charles Frodshani , ,s LONDON TIME-fCSIESEBB. now S.. JARDER & BRO. ALURINAOTONNAD AND IX?O ITIII OP SIVVER;PLATED WARE, No, 804 Obaetuut Street, above Third, (tip date, Tlona4alibla. Cronataatly on bond and for oafe to the I.lAde, TEA SZTI3, 00111AIIINION SERVICE! BETS, URNS TITOURRS, GOBLETS 011 PS, WAITERS, RAS RENO, OASTORS, KNIVES, 8200$0, ROM, LADLRS, , Gllciipgamt plating on all kinds of metal. aeall'y 4q,b falipitualtf. " Chu ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., , . WaOL ALE DRtI(U IBT , tranifaorarera aWI nostril . PAINII3,,VAIMIBUBB y 1 , 04 WINDOW; GLABB;•Northeaat cornir Enna% owl "%WM 4reeto,rlllwleloltla. 8010 Agoras for 10 nL of tkii Morass Mite Glair. mlßB•tf Catnap:o. I SAM) P. MAXIM, LIGHT COACH OARRIAGN BUILDS% PRAKKRORD, ,PA. 'AI' - work werrinied to . give satisfaction : Orders res. sitataliv otollaited. onlo.4lm* Contettionerp.. RIS KRINGLE HEADQUARTERS.— We have jnet received our french oOnfectionery, and are manufaeturing a euperlor article of Manila Mel low Gem Drop., Don Bone, Cream Date., &e. Call and supply yourselves with the beet Confectionery la Mee Gay, at .711.1t1RIER & /NANO', nolB-Ihn No_ 718 MARKET Bt., bet. 7th end. Bth. LOOKING GLASSES JAMES S. EARLE .4 SON, 818 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite the Girard Roue, imronnu MID MANUFACTUREBB LOOKING GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE YRAIINS OIL PAINTINGS, AND ENGRAVINGS. EARLE'S GALLERIES constantly open .FREE. i t DAMANTINE CANDLES.- 11 boxes DAVID THAIIf A 00 , 8 make, w eeded sizes, put up In every etyle of plain or fancy 1,0131M1 BYE M CAND ES. paper; boxes e o ult j a! l e loran l i mar ,_ . mar k et. _ . 1,000 box plain and In fancy mans, snorted sixes quality eatra•handeonte: bard, and 'very white ORIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP. ' 2 000 boxes Ole justly celebrated artf ale, made only by VAN IiAAONN c MOKEONN. CHEMICAL' OLIVE SOAP. b,OOO boxes VAN .I:UM:MN, it 11oICEONB13, first quality, mad a very superb arttole. BROWN SOAP. 500 boxes hard and good, sale at a low prlae. ELGIN, - 6,000 gallons of this superior artlele v which, for Woollen (locals Manufacturers, has all the oleanslog properties of Olive or Lard 011. and lo 50 per cent. cheaper. Percale by TUAIN h MoKEONE. lal9-1m 22 South WHARVES OHOLZ & J&NENTZKY, 115 South RIGIITEI Street, below Oheetuut, IMPORTERS AND DRALIIIII3 IN ARTISTS' MA TEMA LB, Recommend to Artlets and the public in general their large stook of Juvenile Pant Boxes, Wineor & New ton and Geo. Rownoy & Co 'is 011 end Water Colors, Brushes, Englieh and German Canvas, Whatman , s Drawing Papens, Colored Crayons, Bindles, Colored Pictures for framing, &a., &c. Diseounte given to Teachers and Bettiluarles. Conn- Dealers supplied at trade Deices. ja2s-flut - . ' WE, INVITE the special attention or DRAM, PAINT, AND GLASS DEALERS to oar present stock of DRUGS, wurytin LEAD, ZENO, COLORED PAINTS, PUTTY, VAENDRIES, GLASS Sco '' • CITI AND COUNTRY biEROIIANTS who dealt° to ',niches° from a select Stook,, and at acceptable 'prices, aro respectfully requested to Inspect our goods. Pure Drugs and Patent Afediebies—A fall supply. White Lead, in kegs of 12) lbs ,26 lbs 60 lbs., 100 - lbs.; or in paokagee of 110 lbs. to 1,000 lbs.—a full supply. Zino Paints—A full supply of different brands, su perior teslit 1311, at prices astonishingly low. Putty, Putty—An extensive stock, prepared in pare Linseed OIL Varnishes—Varnishes of approved qualities—a full supply. American Window Glees, of approved brands—Our assortment of Maas and qualitles, in complete, and equals any inanufaetured in this country. Send your orders dlreet to MEGLUII & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Glass Dealers, fel-tf B. W. corner tiItOOND and GREEN Ste, CHARLES MULLIKIN DnALISIL 1.1( PLUMBERS' MATERIALS, AT NEW YORK PRICES, 628 MINOR 13TRNIAT J4lO-3m CIEORGE WIIITELEY, No. 186 South AX FRONT Street, offera for sale, in Bard only— " A. Uttlgouttri Brandy, 1817, Pale and Dark. Jules Robin Cognac, 1866 and 1857. Union Proprlatura' Cognac, 1661. Float, Otuddlion. o Orr Cognac, 1860, 1857, 1808. A. Camas Rochelle, 1867. Pellevoisin Rochelle, 1856, to arrive. Martell Co. Oognac,lB6s, 1851, 1848. Jamaica Burn, I yeara in Dont Stoaart'l Scotch IVhiakey, Burgundy Port Wine. Molly Madeira Wine. ileldrilok Champagne, quarts and pinta. A full assortment of Claret Wine, in oases and onakr, to arrive. Jail-3m* ANEW AnD IMPORTANT DISCOVERY ~. PERNTIBS'O WASHING AND SCOURING SOLUTION. PATENTED TUNE V, 1858 This important disoovery has just been patented by the United States, and It Is now confidently recommended to Manufaaturern, housekeepers, and others. It in a labor-saving preparation, and coats less than half of any other article known for cleansing purposes. While it cleanses, whitona, and purifies Cotton, Linen, sad Woollen goods of every description, it will not injure the most delicate fabric. Certificates of its value have been glvou by dome of the leading manufacturers of the country, an well an by many reliable housekeepers and eitinens. ' bittatthrtured by the Patentee, and for ate by SAMUEL QRANT, Js., 8c: 00., 189 BORTH WATRR STREET, PBILIDELPB7I jy224lktn 1 "Asylums Qrxringanii 0. SIRE . AND iNLA.ND . ELSEEFAME • • .181:11tANO.1 0011EPANT• - - ‘ • ' -' • Ospital '• ' - gletr,ooo: • (Ohlrentsed tinder the Ad of Assembly relative to 123- IMMO Chmotailes, passed April SC MO.) ' Moe el CHESTNUT St, Philadelphia. . ' --- DIRECTORS. - - ' Simnel Wright, 1 , ileurrLeirle, Jr., • William W. Waltero, I -D. B. Dirsrly, Charles Biehardson, - John W. Brennan, Jacob W. }Rout, A. H. at:188'11)Am, Barclay Lipolneott, • John B Ellison, George A. West, . W. W. Knight. GZOB.GE W. DAY, President. ' WI. BLASI/IE6RD, Secrete/Y. 3a12.y tiONAIONW,E,ALTH INBoRANGE oomptan. OP THE OTATH OP , PENNSYLVANIA.. , - lIIIHNITORB. ' Dr. David Jayne, ' Themes B. Stewart. John H. Whits% Mtn H. Baler, Edward 0 Knight, Thomas W. A 'rang, John K. Walker, s. Henry Lewis, .7J%, Dead Teams, John Alien: ' 0 FPI ERE. DAVID JANNE, President. ,JOHN M. WH(TALL. Vice Presidee: 8. 8. MOON, Secretor/. OPPIOE ' • N. W. corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Ja7-tf rnELAIYARE MUTUAL ,SAFETY IN- In.-• OUITAIWE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY 7HE .LEGUSLATUIE OP PENNSYLVANIA.. OFFICE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT i Streets, Philadelphia. MARINA -INSCRANOR 1 ON 9.70021.9 i( I CARGO, To all parte of the World. FREIGHT,. - .•- , • ' INLAND INSURANCES, . . On Goods, by lkirer, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage, to al parte of the Guinn. , - „ VIRE INEIVRANOMB On Merchandise generally. On (Mores, Dwelling Houses, ko. • ARUM OF- VIM COMPANY, Notembdri, 1858. • Sonde, Memos, and Real Nate° $ 71,563 85 :Philadelphia Cite, and other Loan■ .297,066 60 Stook in Railroads and Inenrance Companies 26,1162 60 ,Dille llecolTab:e 261,666 36 Oast onlan4 Instance in buds of Agents—Premiums on Marine pulielee recently iffeeod—and other debte due the Company' 61.288 14 TORS. James 0. Band, Theoptiltus Paulding, James Vanualr, Witham Byre, Jr., J. P. Penieton, Joshua P. Byre, fsamuet E. Stokes, Henry Sloan, James B. Wearland, Thomas o.. Hand, Bohan Burton, John B: Semple, Pittab'g D. T. ?lorgau, J. T. Logan. MARTIN, President. HAND, Vine President. ,tart'. • dl6..tr 'William Martin, losepli D. Beal, 'Edinuod. A. Bonder, John 0. Dilliat IJobn.A. Pemba,. 'George 4 . lelper, sEtlward Darlington, Dr. K. M. Boston, Wm 0. Ludwig, Craig. Spencer , „Charlea Kelley, 111. Jones Brooke, 'Jacob P. Jones, WILLIA TIJOe C • HENRY LYLBITAN, Bc QAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY, 400 WALNUT Street, OaPital paid in (securely Invested) 5200,000 Butplas• 81,450 'Shia Company haling been thorougly reorican'ved. la now ready to make Insurance . upon all kinds of pro perty, merchandise, , splint LOSS or DAMAOK 'BY SIRE ONLP, dpon favorable terma. ITIRBOTOBIL Mon. S. B. Cushing Chaise V. Wstrons, .10Iihn J. Baldwin, 11.'Haebronok, Aaron Olotre John M. Be a ch, Matthew Kelley, Alex. O. Lawrence Alfred Clapp, Wm. N.Forbea. KBBIJIB, Prealdent, Jacob N. , Reeler, Prsues Bisokbvirne, Bobkrt P. King, B B. Bzigliell, George H. Levis Joseph B. Stldyold John Prentice, Edward Mier, P: Henry B. boots, JACOB Rama! R Foora,Beoret PHILADELPHIA, Doci 231 AA itERICAN IrIIBE INSURANCE ()O n .C3o_ INCORPORATED 1010 CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 810 WALNBT Street, above Third, Philadelphia Having a large pald.up Capital Stock and Surplus Invested in sound and &Sellable Securities, continual° 'lmmo on Dwellings, Stores, Sarni:tare, Merchandise, Vessels in Port and; their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. • All Lows liberally and promptly adjusted. DaZOTOIII. George Abbott, John T. Lewis!, John Welsh, Caspar W. Mort% Samuel 0. Morton, James R. Campbell, -Patrick Brady, Idmund ta. Dank. ' Charles W.' Poultney. 9l0011(111 Anon, President. THOMAS B. IdADIS. Secretszy. • - ia23-y it if ITY ISIBLIII.BIIOkIOhLVANY, No. 110 {V Eolith FOURTH Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital 91200,000. Organised HU. Privileged to insure .1101111011, annually or perpetar lly ; Personal Property, annually, or for a less period; tate Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks; receive Da poettsp Trusts and grantannuitles. LURED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. Merlin, ileoretsty. ninsoTORS.. Alfral Weeks, bon. W. D. Kelley, B. 0. Tiler, J.W.Forney, J. W. Bonder, P. B. Mingle, ' C.D. Dieting, Mimes Wsteon, J. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthews, 3. W. Stokes,. Wi Usm Canty, jeltlay G. F. tuner. ' I ff INSURANUF;ILND TRUST 003,- relcr.--The YVNIMITUAL LINO IABIIRANCiI COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD end .390 X Otreets. Capital tiol2,7gCog. INEWERB LIV ES fon short terms, or for the whole term of life--grante annuities and endowments—pur chases life interests in Real latate and team: ell *entracte depending on the contingencies of Life. They act se Aseouters. Administrators, Stepan) Tratitra, awl dwardlana. • ..- . . 171172111. Daniel L. Millar, ' Samuel H. Slots., llenjaniln Cloatai, William Mertin, Richard B. Newbold, Jambe B. Morarland, William P: Witcher, Toeeph U. Trotter, William 11. Bern, ,Tamee Banton; Eticatel o.,Etuey, TheOphilos Finials& 'natio Hallowell, Ramona A; Bonner, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. lintehiumsa, itodolphos Kent, John Walornor, William U. Our, Ma 11, &oboe, - Mdward T. Mott„ Samuel J. Ohrbillan, :William Bebertson, Joseph M. Thorona, Warner M. Illibt; John G. Brander, r. S. bitchier, baton. . DANIEL L. MILLRU, President. SAMUEL )1, OTOECND, Tice Pres'l. loan W. Eiospol, Secretary. , . nl3-ly aWARD' FIRE AND MARINE INSII - 1 - RANCII 001i12ANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street Philadelphia, . DIRECTORS. Thos. L. Luders, Wm_ T. Leech J. Edgar Thomson, EWA. W. D: Truitt, M. W. Baldwin,' • Win. K. Hamlin, John 0. James, H. G.,Bbittingtord, A. J. Buoknor, 0. E. Spangler, John W. Sentoin, - H.R. Houston, William Tiaignel, Wm. 11. Lore, Edwin Booth, Oherlee B. Norton, John Garrison, Immo Myer. • E. S. Warne, President—TßOMAH L. LIIDERS. The Preaideat—E. B. WARNA. Eiteretsfy—OHAßLEB A. DTIY. sel6-tt eburationel Q.T. MARK'S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, LOCUST, west of Sixteenth. The next Boston begins on TUESDAY, Pabrtimy Ist, 1859. Information respecting the Sabool may be obtained on application to Iter..l. ANDREWS SAUDIS, ja24- ti - Principal, ONG'S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY 1-1 N. E. comer BIONTIE and BUTTONWOOD Bta 00)1hIEECIA1 DlPARTMENT.—Sook•kesping in all its various formal preparing Students thoroughly for situations in any branch of businese ; Plain and Cr momenta' Writing ,• Commercial Calculations ,• Law and Correspondence. No institution in the United States gives a more thorough and practical course. In this department no teaching is done In classes, and is open DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited MATIIEMATIOAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT—(Separate from the above.)—Young Men end Boys are prepared for any grade of an En Lich and Clas sical Education, via : Spelling Reading, Writing, Gram mar, laeogriphy, Arithmetic, Philosophy, he., Ancient and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of live months commence September lid, and February let. Pupils received at any time be fore or after then° dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. , , mh2b.tf P. , DOIVLEAVY LONG, Principal VRITTESTDEN' 4 . PHIJaiDELP73Id ‘.l CIOMMIIROIAL COLLZGX, 'mahout Darrow of ORESTNI7T .111 SHVELYTH Streets. An [natantlou declgned WI'S BUSINESS. BOARD OW TRUSTEES. B. D. Oomegya, Pranede Elosidos, George U. Stuart, David Milne, John Sparhawk, David S. Brown, luso Backer, A. T. Pareons, D. B. Hinman, Trederiek Brown, iodate, L pplarott. EVENING SESSIONS after September 15th. Each Student hes INDIVIDUAL nisTatrorion let this Institution and a Diploma from here , is the beet re commendation a young man can bare, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOGUES may be had on application at the College. colt-tf Aig SNYDER, LEIDY—JAL?. M. LEIDY /..70 Principals of LEIDY BROTHERS , ACADEMY, Noa 148 and 150 RIXTII STREET, near Race, where a knowledge of WRITING, BQOK-AREPING, and ARITHMETIC Is made curtain to ovary pupil that may enter, ACADEMY open day andevenlug, tkoistre. OIE Sc. CAPP, 223 DOOK Streot, above Walnut, BTOOK BROKERB, and dealers In Mer cantile Paper and securities generally. Attend the Brekors , Board daily, and all all orders for the pur chase or adc of STOOKS, BONDS, lto. jai-ly R R. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. Oolleollone promptly EL2Me. NORli/BTOWN, PA CILONISE & 00., Bram AND NXOHANON lIBDIUNU3, No. SO Bouth 'MUDD atroat, PUILADDIJIILI• ilia HAVES sod Danvinto of Plane/I.loth 0 Cigna nub Orobaccor. I.I . AVANA • "RECEIVED PER LATE ARRIVALS." 0000 Garai:dead.. Preneandos ,• 7,800 do Londree, let and 2de ; 4,500 Ella Ea Zarreela; 6,000 do Millar Corn manes; 11,000 do Operas; 1 0.000 do Col:whites ; 5,000 Amelia Zoom.; 4,700 do Imitladores ; 11.000 Canaria Londrea ; 4 000 do Lond Oillndradas •, 000 Cantabra Londree; 7 600 do Conchae; 14 000 Calliope Londree; 22,000 El Ebro do; 7,600 do do lice; 2 600 do Millar; 4,80251 Dorado ',cadres ; 4,600 do do Sae; 0,000 Repams Li:Ores ; 6,000 dodo floe; 100 01 Principes; Matilda Che roots; 10000 Estrella Operas; 7 800 do buelta Londree; 11,000 do Regalia del Rey ; 16,000 do Entre lidos ;18,000 do Cagnetta; 7 600 Vgleala Snell& Larches ; 10,000 do Galance ,• 10,000 do Entre Actos ; 9 000 do Regalia Con gress° ebonite.; 800 do do Lon dree 5 800 do Zeranela ; 11,000 do Millar Londree; 22 000 Light Ottarde Lon dree ; 7.600 do Entre Acton • 11,000 do Opera ,• 5,000 do Mill Londree ; 25,000 Fra?Clerondlos ; 80,000 Nebajas Landons; 16,000 Tres Viotories, do; 8,700 do Millar. /a store and bond, and for sale by A. MERINO, 140 South 1 / 1 1101T Street 0131-tf FIIGUET & SONS, bo. Importers of ItAVAltd. CIGARS, eo2B =6 South FRONT Street PI - GARO, OABANAS AND PART AGA 8 SNGAIIB.--A diction invoice of theca aelebratid brhadli on board brig "New Nes,' deal), owe:wird IN= Evraza, bad for t,tile low, by ONASI,NS MTN, - (New) 1M Wenn'hoot, relow seoomk . Panmid ),ter ) QEGARB.-400,000 Havana Bogus, choice brasrlo. Iv late oxrivils, in bond and store, far. sm. by A. minso, 240 poutk IBONT 6traat. d2O 1 4 TOTION:=4). EZSTER sagyisjEß-VALLRY RAILROAD —PAS SENGER TRAINS TOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE STATIONS —Ott and after let Janu ary. 1859, the Pammagor Trains for DOWNINGTOWN, will Blatt from the Passenger Depot of the Philadel phia and Reading Ilallmad Company. corm' oT MOAB and VINE Etteets • ' MORNING T.RAIN lor,Downlnglown, leaves at T. 20 AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, iellToll at 3.30 P DAILY (Sandayeexcapted By order of the Board of Managers of the Planadel.." phis and Reading Railroad Company dBO W. H. MoIIdIRRNEY, Seeretary. THE PENNSYLVANIA or. T L RAILROAD. • . 1859. Ma 1859. THE CAPACITY OP THIB 'ROAD HI EiWAL TO . ANY IN, THE coeNtior. - - - THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA - AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direct at Philadelphia With Throigh Trains from Boston. New York and all points east, and st the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains for Gin airmail, St , Louis. Cleviand, Chicago. Burlington, St. ParPe, Indianapolis, Louisville; New Orleans, and all intermediate points in Ohio. Indiana, Illinois, Ken tucky, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota. Ren nes, and Nebras ka—thus furnishing; facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and eomfort by any, otker route., - „ - Express and Fist Lines ran through to Pittsburg L id . ..bent change of Care or Conductors. rating Care are attached - to each"Tiain ; Woodruff's Bie . pL cg cars to Express and Past. Trains. The EX pugs, ‘DNS DAILY: Mail - stud Put linen, Sundays , i.i ez i ee it 7 T te r i an • issues Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M. - 4 00 P. M. Past Line 'area 4, 11 00 P. M Express Train h. [NS LEAVE POLLOWS : WAY TEA. .a Harrisburg Aocomne. ,lotion' via 00l mtda, 1.00 P. 2d. CoColumbia sa 4o West ob at e i, - - ?nor Bightontit and Mar ket Streets, (south si. • le )f4O A. R .. sod 11 P.M. va t , m B a r. Passengers for Sunbury Ik.l`"ak' saini r e i 1' • Tale, Niagara Balls, and interrOldia; e ,"h t ° l 4 d inc l ann u g y Philadelphia at 7.30 A. n and 4.00 ' through. - the Office of Tickets Westward may be obtained st B a d ° . or the Company in Philadelphia, New York, . Baltimore; and Tickets Eastward at any ofth. ant Railroad Offices in the West; also on bosh. or or the regular Line of Steamers on the tlfisaissip Ohio Rivers. 42,067 136 lEr Pare &brave as low ea any other Route.. The completion of the Western coeneotlone of Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, makes thin the DIRECT LINE DETWREN THE EAST AND THE GREAT NORTHWEST. $098,804 70 . . . The conlieating of traeke by the Railroad Bridge at Plttabarg,avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the swing of time, are advantages readily appreelated by iihipieid of Freight and the Travelling Public. FREIGHTS, WESTWARD . _ . . By this Route Pre*lite of all descriptions Gan be for.- warded from Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Balti c tone, to any point en the Railroads of Ohio, Rentuckre Indiana, liffnola, .Wisconsis, Railroad direct. - /owe, or Missouri, byt The Penneylvan% Railroad Mao connects at Pittaborg. with liteament, by ythich tioodet pan be forwarded to any' port on the Ohio, ldrulkingum, Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland, Illinois, lillsolosippl, Wisconsin, Missouri, Hannan, Arkansas, and It ed Rive's; and at Cleveland, Sandi:oder, and Chicago with Bt amen to all porta on the northwestern Lakes. - Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transports tios of thelrFrolght to title Company,. can DOT will , coutldiTce on its epeedv transit. 'tax RATES OF FREIGHT to any point in the Wog by the Penro7lvauhe Railroad are at all times as favorable - are charged by other Railroad Com• posies. 1117 - Be_ particular to mark lonkagee ,g tin Pnlilio Railroad " Metohanta in the NINA orderingtOodn from the Stet, will do - welt to direct them to be eh Pped by thin Bout& 'For Fteltht Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following agents of ties Company:' • D. i.-BTEVIWIT - & Doyle & Co., Steubenville . * Co. F Zanesville, 0.; J. J. Johnston , . H. eren Ripley, 0; B. McNeely, Maysville, By.; Ormsby & Cropper. Portsmouth, C l / 4 '; Paddock & Co.„ Jeffenionville; Indians; H. W. Brown & Co., Cincinnati, 0. ; Athern & Hilbert, Oin cinnati,,o. ; K. 0. Meldrum , Madison,lnd ,• William Bingham, Louisville, Ky.; P. Q (Miley &Co Evans ville, Ind ; N W.liirattem Jc Vo., Cairo, •, B. P. Saes, Bt. Leas, Mo.; Johnll. Harriii,Nuhville, Tenn.; Harris & Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke & Chi cago, 11l ; •W. H. H. Ennuis. Alton, Ill.; Murphy & Walle, Dubuque, 111 ; or to Freight 'Agents' of Bail roadsat di ff erent points in the West. - Bartle@ attending 'to their own Malpunimhs from the But, will and it to their Interest to calt,ealthe Agent' of the Company it the following places beton , OhiPpintg or letters addressed' to either of them on 1,110 =Diem of freights. will meetwith prompt attention. R. 7. ettszuss, Philadelphia. ' " ' MAGRAW & BOONS; SO North street; Binimere: LARCH & 00.4 Astor House, oa S. WLOiam 5t.,11.17' BRUM & CO:: 64 Kllby street, Boston. " H. H. HOUSTON Henn Freight Agent Phlla. T 110.9. A. fICOTT, 4edl Palon t Altoona, Pa. j4B-I.y T (T IIATTLEENgUmTIitt"-A--=ILEES- N° antra.. ARTEMIDE& STATE, °hotels; 0. P. Hershman STATE OF, GEORGIA, Oeptain John J. Garvin. ISA ORI., Oaotein Win. Rollins. FOR ORMIL.EBTO6 I , 8 O. The U 8. Mail Steamship - KEYSTONE STAVE, Captain Marshman, through in 48 to 60 hours, 'will sail in February, Friday, 11th; ,Bhturday, 19th, do , at 10 A. - - ..- FOR SAVANNAII, Ga. The G. 8. Mail. Soramardp STATE OP GEORGIA, Ciaptain John J Garth,, will sail in Febnivy, Wednes day, lilth; Saturday, 26tb, &e.. at 30 A. fd, The splendid first-Masa aide-wheel Steamships KEY STOMA. ST ATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as IibOTO every ten days, thus forming - a five-day IMII. manication with the South and Southwest. lirr Goode received end bills of lading signed every day. _ _ At both Charleston and Savannah these ships con nect with steamers for Florida, and with railroads, att., for all planes in the South and Southwest, sad with the Steamship ISAIINL, for Havana, on the 9th and 19th of every month: ' FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an avenge of 15 per oent, behiw New York steamship rates: - INSIIRANGS. Freight and loaarance on a large_proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels. Cabin wesseou_to ctundmiton '°— '— and Savannah... "- Steerage " . Excursion Tickets, good for the present year. Tickets to Havana Through Tickets to New °flame .. Do Mobile Do Montgomery Do Albany, Ga Do Columbus,Ga. - Do Atlanta. is Do - Macon, Ga - Do Palatka, Fla -Do Picolata, Fla. __ _ Do Jacksonville, Fla 21 00 Do Fernandina, Fla. 21 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship bap sailed. No freight received on the day of eailing. - For freight or passage apply to A. HERON, dr, Southwest Corner FOURTH and "OfIESTNur. Agents in Charleston, I'. 3. A T. G. BUDD. ' " • , Savannah, O. A GRINNER 1-CO. For Florida, from Charleston, Steamer CAROLINA every Tneeday. For Florida, from Savannah, fawners ST. MART'S and ST. JOHN'S every Tuesday and Saturday, feß aISTEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDON DERRY, without delay, for $3O. Return tickets, good for six moothe, to either of the abore 'places, by any steamer of the line, sdo for the round trip, out and back. igo.ll NEW TORN. (Mangey, Thomson aatiirday, lan 2,12 o'clock M Edinburgh, Cumming, Saturday, Yebl9.l2o'olock M. Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday March 19,12 Welook, 11. FRO( OLABOOIf • Edinburgh, Cumming, Saturday, January 22d. Olaagow, Thomson, Saturday, February 10. Edinburgh, Cumming, Saturday, idarahlo. BATES OF PASSAGE. FROM GLASGOW- Pint Olaf 16 Emblem Steerage, found with cooked proettiona.... 8 .( First Olaes FS 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions . . ... 80 00 Children under 14 years of age, halt fare ; Intents in Steerage, free. Return tickets available withlll eix months ; by any steamer of this line. Pint Wass $l4O Steerage $BO An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. tor freight or passage ply to WORKMAN k i 2 WALNUT Arent, Philadel phia. ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New Yorlt. BALL /a LORRY, Bnehanan'e "Aharl, Baltimore. jaw ptt: THE BRITISH AND NORTH EILIOAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM. PROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Yeauge 5130 Second Cabin Female. Tb PROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage $llO Second Cabin Passage BO The ahipe from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. Judkum, CANADA, Capt. Lane, ARABIA, Oapt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Millar. ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott, NIAGARA, Capt. Ander- AFRICA., Capt. Shannon, HOD, EUROPA, Capt J....Leitch. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head ; green on etarboard bow; red on port bow. NIAGARA, Lang, leaves Boston, Wednedgy, Jon 26. EIIIIO , A, Leitch, " N York, WednestlTY, Feb. 2. ARABIA, Stone, "Beaton, Wednesday, Feb 0. ASIA. Lott, "N York, Wednesday, Feb 10. AMERICA, Millar, " Boston, Wednesday, Feb. 21. Bertha not secured until paid for. ' An experienced Surgeon on hoard. The owners of these ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Preoiene Stones or Metals, unless btlis of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to Jall.tf to ftt yonott men fot AU DIM, A D LPH IA W.A.8.111N1 AND VANTILATING WARE HOME. We have removed from our obi stand in Walnut street Ps the LARGE STORM, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, s fe-g doors below the Et. Lawrence Hotel. where our old friends and the public are respectfully invited to oxamfue our extensire shxY of Wenn Air Fermium!, Cooking, Ranges, Beth. Defiers, Registers, Znameled Steno Kanteln, Parlor Coal _Crates ese., ,&.c. We are row mapefaeturlig otinsows C kLKBRATRD PAT ENT NEW COAL GAS CONSUMING PURNACE, the more powerful and economical Heater GTEr_ inrented, and Suited to all clams of buildings. Also, new and beautiful patterns of Low Do Grates, and Parlor Coal armee of all ahem and patterns, We have also commenced the manufacture or EN4.III,EL KO STONE MANTELS from Pena sytvetleili Simte. These Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL P ILEMIVM at the late Farr and Exhi Wien of eke Rankiire Institute of this oily. Thai represent ulltdie tare and beautiful Amigos Ideauvra ere net injured by Smoke, Coal Gas, Oil or Acidly end &resold Wholesale and Retail, at meek less reios au & Marbly. Call aid see Mem. AILKOLD & WILSOK 131N3. M. R.IBLTWRIAr t Rapeentand#nt. phitanwhia, April, IY6B-apt 1R iIARDWARE.—The subscribers, 0011- MISSEEJN IiiBIWIIANTEI for the sale of /011.111tIN AND DBMISTIO IFARDWARB, would respeotfully call the attention of the trade to their stook, which they are offering at lowest rata. Oar assortment cen obite In part of— Ohaine, of all'hinde—Trace, Loy, flatter, Breaat, Oa, Dow, Fifth , Back. Wagon, Stage, Team, Le*, eavalp, ktine, ar.d eulehreted "L " nem Balla; Eton and Madge Efeinrcere. "'WHOP " and other Anvils; Solid P#o74 and attar E":sM=== "Mailau'a anfoilor }lles aid BLIP; Bea &QUI. it ziolsinr ~ Safety Fame; Muting Tem. Corn, Grass, and Brier Scythes; Rah Corn, awl Straw Ilsy, Manure, Tariners> and Spading teat. . ilekea and noes ;,Shovels /ad BP/1.104, of all kinds. Wets, Bfide, Shoe, Olont, and Phalan' Nails. (Jail and Wrotight Itntt Hintoa, Screwy, Locks ot all idadat i Dude?, Wine and Pixope, dime, Hateheta, tnen Maslen and other Tools,goo., &a. W. G. LYN'S &11021, 411 001dME8031 htreol. ~a~l~o.'aD~~~iute~: PittablFg; L, fit;nl Ticket irent, 9lopping X, CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green NaTZIWOrt. ASIIPL.D WURON, 00400860 AS TO 0. A. HAIRIBOT, ....US DO 800 ... 55 00 ~. SO SO 35 00 26 CO .....94 OD 23 00 23 DO .... 21 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers