~.,~. J :~... .fMafiie:::~it~ell~get~ce: l'ocurnvßiAlP +al _t4. • f ,'"•• Nair Yong, Peh - 9, Anlvediahipßaxich; irtim - Havre." - L - •.• -,Roavos, Neb. bark Phebri,,oflrsiuottilii from Ibarafer burg, was totallylast near ,• • NORPCIIA,' Feb 9: The Ear T B Preach, of Rappahariatck, pat In here - lasting - , j- • " —Be b 9.' Arrived; shipi4o - rieph Keeler, from New. Yorkl Aeh. laktdi.lrem: , frostonf, barks': Breatide, - from New , York; Brilllanti F frorießrietorti, „,.-: ; BtratishiP,,Tirgialli,ailly, - 401%PlilladelPhie; sailed from Richmond 6th intfa , ';':•'' 4 - alt: Thole llrPerkini !spite, was at Liverpooi 274 - 41t:1 -""44 410 /PlinSSt‘ i _' , ' :Ship l'amerlanilltarstow. line adverthied'at Liverpool 284 • Ship Bered. - Cerishi for„Liverponl, was towed to the bar belOwleivikltifins iboablet • • .• " , 131i1p - Vinimedo, Thu storr,for Bataidland - New York, salledfreirir • • • •- Ship flehoht,'Dayi fcrStinglier; cal* from Bangkok ShiriCiarir'giibiiett,dbandleicfrora Cardiff for BlictZ , gailora,•arati spo!ma Nov 28,15 t 120 8, long 1910 W. - Ship Panama; trod - Caireaton for Llyarpooli tint off ,Rattertia Slat ulti" • ,-, '„ , ati ' Bark . Juliette, Jeutiert from Ditikirk; Iced" - for Philidelphli;_arrivid at Rochelle I,9gt tilt: • ' - Bark Jacob eferrilliPariar, from Orleatisi'arrlved "atlibir Toik yeatiorday:` ,, ,Thirklielable.e, Packakd, from Ilt• strived at N 1'6 11061A otioktti, Xmi - Yor k ire tarttly• for'eardonut " L ' '". - Bahr (threa•muted) Pardella, from Palermo >, arriveditt New,,Yorinyelterdiw: ' • . Bahr Addiso n OMI4, Smith, from Rotterdam for Bo ton, pat into Papal 14th ult, with loeeof head of fora• mast, - ,ilbbobin ; stile , ke", lead cargo shifted . flohr,Volors o; hence 'for Bauhaieu, at New L 'radon 6th 'net: - - - „ IiatITALB AT. TEkTRINOITAIs Up o kaut:o'9Looi yin ■osanra -GIRARD,ROIIIIIHNitestont street. below Ninth., L K LipnineoH;Phila D James, Batt •B, JThEint Maurice , iaman, PA • ' ' - , - WR Mauce, fit L o de A RI/enable:on, 8t Louis .- , .N Hackett,N 0.- Yrijoblet.'N 0 ' = W Spetioar& la, Tenn Richmond = J W Hughes. Ohio A Hiitadge. Amami ,„ _ Jae Adams, Boston ilebtatr, ik is Pp' Hiss Itchier, Pe, = • • Nestor sslateriila -"'' A: 8 iddrehead,:Poilintille Jos Puittik,'N - .7.'4:- Pollett; •,W , lt Gray; Oil WP [mange, salt,' -.1 - Get: Thomas, N , it N Parr - iris, Bogland JJaaksoo,'N , alliatila. bi Y. A Cciwen, NY. - - Mile Plooolbuilnl party, - PI Whitehead, Penns y • • , -J n tiggs,Ata ,• , J Brosdboui, Balk t• - .T PVleUs i ,Bostott Shepard,,N Y W A Ilan wife, N Y bits Kirkham, NY . ' ' • - A Kirkham; NY. It:Mew, , • : rA Roberts, Biston - R'W trench, Boston- W Murphy,, -Trenton HoOallough, Louisville It 8 Anderson, Louisville T Berry, Louisville, : ; Knott, Loatavllle SPRea,,li 0 = .;• WOO 1011; N'O • 3 31Williavoe, PI 0 D 'Hanley, N R Lilly, NC • Pal Steiner, Oa L L Southmsyd, N '. - Waohoson, N Y B J Pox, Beaton' Pa - Mies Fox, Poston; Po JW Hughes; Ohm; 0' - A J enamor, Oinn. 0 ,• Mr Johnson, °inn, 0 tdrWilson i llinu, 0 N P-Irosack, . J L Morris, N-Y T W Brown, N ' "Jil N Y - , Wlirmstoney Penns - 3 PXyaus, N.Y J - Jaßichardium'Boston ". G D'Applaton, St Lotil P Rblobrairj.; Pt T Sidgwlok, N Y • O A Phelps,' N Gliimpson, - Va W e idollaster, N Y _ WHanimond & la; N I B Potter, Nesark - . N J M Dreg, Stafford „ I 8 D Boner, Prov, RI Hutshino,.Pkov, 11 R Gat dnir, Tenn. -, ' 11 - Washington, Tenn - /mei& B Ocrpelacd,'Tern . Hon It 1111enman, Kona:li Xil Taylor, Jr Hy , ', B W Bra ton Maas ll' Plamtner,N Y - D Pheitahlinghitopton T,Tbomse, N.Y..,11 . Hughes, N N Butler, Kir P 8 Vanderpool, N Y D lii;ioer, - N ''" C St Louts Miss Ketchum, N ' Nektir Knox, St LOUIS RP llama. bllf_Pratt, Boston _ , W, ItßrovraAlalt R Johnson, Va ; ; W James la, Pa N Coidierel; Neahirille - W A'Benson,-Nashville'.' • P P IdcWhertat, Tenn _ Rutland, Nashville G LAbishaii, Balt ,: W. Lang & la, - Boston • &NOW, N Y - , 7-118tewart,,Ya ; _ l'H Gintry .B , Batt , Burr, Geo Bryan, Va " Atkins N Y 0 P Royer, St Louis: - , isiilkner, a Thai W Clortir, - Va 7"A Kelley, Ohio B T.Varian *ifs; N . B Gibson: tela,•N r;la Walker, Alit• -_ _ - . DEltewitrtibitioit JD Morten, Ditroit J Halty and lady N Y : 0 H Runt, Columbia, 8 B 1 It gaits, Neahville Pastier - , Nashville A Smy the , G• W Young, Bait . 0 - eo Ferguson, Tt - 8 N Bredley„N John W Hudson, N Y 8 A Eldridge tc la Boston J D Wilkittac44 la, Boatoriliirs.o Tooker, Min Thomnsou; N Y Geo 0 Warring. - Y Sir - Balliblady; Pi Y' - °Keller, Pittlbarg - , . AMERICAN HOTEI,-,Oheetnut street, above Fifth. DJ Nevin, ft Y • :oho A Norio, NY W, Goodwin, , Diner, N .14 8,1116e1q - N • ' W 2 X trfilohile ; N A:191 le; X 0 • Siring ,_Beading _Reading X' 0 Beaumont, Olarkeville Mrs H B Itnimbein, Pe J Landlir,lnectlitee ~;-+ •,- tlstenkine,Thili , - Chan Vateasteri , f'if 0 MeV; Litieuter J Ponta, Lancaster Ise Ofoidey: N J - Alex Weiss, Easton' - Et-Wo.if Petersbwg,„Va Allief - Peterebtirl, EMoore,PetetsburglVa, InirMenn;Williamaport • J Hutobinson, WY, Geritrilinithwieki Mexloo L D Goddard, N 0 HCrump, NO, - MrErayer,;ll..rriebtuyi JOOll9. Balt • - r De Moines, West Chester Joo A'Farainfoith;?•W,ch , r Solomon Perry Vt 8 P Morrielt,:•Ps. • • ThoeWhytei- Augusta; Oa P H wyelroff; - 144 - Marston:Boston F W Meretoo,' Boston :Jot Merrelleld; Balt • -Geo H Morrtion 2 ll 811 Itent . ty; 0 `lttilllGH/GITIPHoTBLYourti - sk.. below Arch,: W Oltadilot, Pittelonric Jno Peeblei, Pltteburg, A o,Pelikkana; St . LCuLts - alt Anderson, St Louis T Reef, MO 0 Nash Or, Williamsport .1, T Boekefellav,,o flrCis -,,_ .3 Shall, dr, Orwlttiburit Idles B L Torrey; Pa • W W Hobert„Beeton Mies It H Hobert, Bostow { ,3llsi KB Hobert, Boliton Mies Has, ,Plitsburg 4 Jersey City GDe r: -- Gen J-Koqsif,', Pa E Walsh., 8 0 MiLyneltjanotster Jos D ysart, Pa , . "ZoluslY Dwell; Mobile. - A /MU, ". Iron It a Rot. • D W Wows. 014e-8040 -' J T Pellbwa, gide; Park) HIE Hoyt, W ilkeobarie. T 11. - Wiedth; Ohio 80 W Ilea; Bernie G IllaCkttnel, Ata. ILlntuar, N Y ' , W Herd, 'X Y "' W H Byrd, Atilt - Debi; 911 G-Davie , X .1" " Orabb,Lonlevllle- - H H Godfrey& la; Brooklyn 0 HOloott, St Louts J 0 Bland; Ptah ' _,J Buchanan, Et Louts ' J " - JP.ldlddlecoff, 'Cleveland 0 0 Stnelfter; lowa ' EuG `69 Smellier, Md P Z•erkina. - lows Mrs Burdit, Hartford Mies A. - 0 Hough, Hartford. , Theo Steelier, Hatisburs .FRANKLIN HOLUM,. ,Oheirtint street, sboye Third I alfrebob;N Y • ..,L flitch k la,Del ', Dia G W Marton'. hilifora,Dei - EN litateentairg, Del , Wm Byins, Brooklyn, , N,Owen, - Braolripn Wm Kelley, • - : NP Breen; Nashville , • H 117 Mimes, Albany ' ID Hammerer; Pittston' J Brow#, Tr,ov,Rl- Wood, LP- N Carsotir, , J.W Tones. Washington J B Beadel,'N Brans, Washington 0,0 ?ellapP4largh NJ u. - UNION ROTXl.—aria et.. abort Thirdo„ , W Olinger; Jersey Shore , Sayre `Minh Onuok J-Ragera d;la Ohto II RemptonENßedfcad p X Tot-a le 11. ONO " arDachPr. VettatOWU R , a it DAWC:Ddaware: X D Draper, Maronfillien: , 1 Virginia NS -UNOP L W z, --, 11.‘1 - Praetor, & Mies nice, dincinnatt, Newoombri ilea W Upton,Nowir, Tenn . , RATIONAL TIOTIEL,,BI4O6' -meet, above Third it 0 'Peter, Pa • 0:W BIDIWP) Bott"'e I) hi Smith; New Outlei '6 W Gieger, Pottev , a RR Siegfried, Easton'-''Joshua, Coml.". Pa . - Headier, Pettestlie` J'Y Prechter & son,-Pa Oben Hateteeker; Pa P Anderson; it eaten 001 W Hawkins; Pa ':. JustileiTlV Joa6learlotr. - Pi tie Cam Pa • ' D A Mark. nits &SLoomls, p, Harrisburg BLACK BE AK - Lfilf::-Pflth aid fdarchint strode. fll Wash, Chealer Pdivendoo, Chester co ado Yocum, Dr4orlasa L B No. pee, Phils R Bursae. Dolton, Del N Smith, Delaware Pearion, East Bradford P A Btalcfort, , Plifla L ittcharda, Banta , 0,-f,,Bilheora& la, Preachtlim W QRarcba, Muter co ,"J DSharpleu ,Ohafter oo: GP-Thornton, Indiana J B XVILOS gL, Is, Rs Wei PlSible cikeeler Co : -W B Pieroai West Chester B Powell & la, Ohistar co ^ Mita H M Phipps, Pa Was B H PhcsoaaPs • 140 a B H Powell , Pd B tlibbetd, Chester - to T H Powell, Chester to II Powell, Cheater to , J D Worth; Wrestler oo B. Bedpan, New tendon D Z Trainer, Delaware to A Bunting, Delaware to Jelin - Mats, Jersey Bhore RAMON 1/0111114aalid st: below Arab J o h n Ri &D ,,Ny • Baltimore 'W T Lawtence. bial7land.„ R B Pzesman, Pbils B Fenton, Pittsbuzg MOUNT 'VERNON •110121.—Aeiond et:, above Arab, W D }mbar. lliiiitsbari 'John Wood,' Pa C Gorden. °Margo:Cl T Gordon, Chicago, CI W Make . , Mimed A Meeltntock,Pltrebure Mrs J D ()rimer. -Wpm; De l Ms! K 9 P r moos* lc is ' ' BLAHS BIIAB HOTBL—TbIrd et.`, ib: Oallowhill. Jarrell, Binseer,•Pa J &Watery, Pa 7 B Zlelmob,Fremoul, Pi P Bendrlate, Fremont, Pa J Snyerr.Pa ,fhalturfght.,Pia A Focht; Pa . yokel, -Berke J Clerbird,',Bati a Fidler, Satinjlkill eo B Buffington, Daus.* Ittlefrman, Datiphln 60,, D Bealttekpa - H Maurer, Pa , Hoover. ttrading Hi Spangler. Beading . W Brusbalt, Towanda G Johnsen ; Mori Jersey - „ BALD NAGLIL—Tika; mania, above Cleilowklß. • Ohm Mason, Ps, oDergar,Dblo ' R B Brown, Bethlekein A Balla, Reeding 7 , WateS. Bethlehem : • Joke O Reedjltaiks ae "-•-• Obm P Weak, Vorristaam L EL"?bßlipaii Doylestown ISAAL.ISTJS4.I4/ gIiTZU-Peiaitatieet t below This Irguaton, Btroadebarg - 30 Bohr; Maack Mani ' Parker, N Y nuelus co Geo Pickering, Ps • Monis Owed, Pucks co Win P Tarantulas), Bucksreo Uougb, Pond plea. ant X Ohio ~., .a~iariciaQc~. ; 'On- the 7th instant, by Bey. John Thompson, Mr. MMS" 4: ROW; to Mae MART Mali BOILLINii, both of thin - • * On fationd day, 24 lionth; pa, tiyrilendiewremoky, in presanair of Mayor Henry, - GEORG& ,W.,LIINDY to MAMIE' }MIMEO, both of * JUL sion, In the 78d year of bis age -- - , Bteruateifrfinda are 3 twined, to attend hie funeral, from"' hie;', late ,rosideneef 606 Tine street' oxi Friday morales, the 11th ILO- - ** ,on the afternoon • ot. V's 6th Instauty - Mrs, ANN , BOREN, relict of the /ate John Noreri in the 72d year, The „relative : a' and 'Mende of the,fisinilY are invited to attend ibe, funeral, front her late, reaidenoe, - No, North. Tetith„strast, , this ( flureday)eiltdrntion, at 2 ofeloek, without farther notlee.•--, attddenlyi cutthe Othlust,, agion 10111!II,11r., in the 'flat year of ids age. „ r- t•- - The relatives and:Wendt arereepenifully invited to attend' the funeral, from hie late residence, No. 224 North „Bourtit strent,,-,this (Tharsday) afternoon, at l o'clock: •• "-- "_•• , .„ * - - 'on the 'MI - hitt Mit: - o4vwfiqi HAIIICTONi In the 27th year hit kg. • '" ' - -The relatives and „Mende ate' respejitillly invited to attend•thelvinersi; from - the residence of ter huabent Johnthubiltcro,;lo2o, 'South - litevOntir,Atireet; this` CrAcknOsiyYtntimitigoit'in - * Sfit itiirtVLONINS ANIS/4W; wfifti:o7;Wm.: Sarneer,in the Sed yaitr; Of her 000 -- • •_• - Tho ftlemaeleig•relettreit v oilhOtfatittie 'our:x*000ot: fatly - invited to - attest - tithe' fanerali from the reddens* of her Nushand, ,Ilreasettreeit,;*bnie r Thompaori, thiti (Thunder) Movithilt,,at o'olottl i ~ -26 pressed td aura;ffioutgorte • ' On the. 7th- MoDONALD,"InIhee kith loot othlsnof. , - The relatives end: friendej • invited to sltssimi• , ol*-,i'rulttiii,%fioui Itti':rforitattioe, ,, No.2oo2 Oalloodull; street, - this (Thurtlty):lnorning,': at 'lO otolootelvithehtfartheirtotioist • siMAXiii, •of Xeillimzioi Its, tjae,virfu 40406 iiitillogN4V4 3 ;01 1 / 1 71117H. TatraßDAYWljkippOsnltillsloB,lebiturri, /14414;i0 , vq:,l • , v - gol44t* ry-V. Unalopasse,d •Mtniattara,rnotostraphe in Water Colo*, unrivalled LlA•iihe Photographs =lmo made M 1110111BRI8 VIIOTQCIRAPHIO Gate LIMY; SECOND Street. Mare Dram.- ' I:l7Rev. W. A. Barnes, returned from Pales ; no last May,- will lecture on the" Holy Lend and Egypt, n at the Hall of the PHILADELPHIA CITY INET/TUTILE B corder Chestnut and Eighteenth strata, on TRUER/AY and FRIDAY, 10th and llth lest, o'clock, Illustrating lecture by Panorama Paintings of 4 . &snub' the Life of the Saviour," and endoae speoimeen from Palestine and Egypt; also, Maps 40. Tickets, 26 mote, for Well. W. corner Eighteenth and Oheatnut, and dreg store, corner Broad and Chest nut; add at the door.. • felo.2tie Astronomical Lep!Ureii by RrOtessor 0. M.MITOTIEII.. , ', The second lecture of this deeply_ interesting course, 'for the benefit of - the .it.ltormg Men's OhrlatimiAeso• illation," will be delivered 'TIIIB EVENING, at 8 o'cloc, at JAYNE'B RAM - Subject—" Is the Grist Architect of the Hnivorse the God of the Hebrew Bible V , 1 " ', •' . Single tickets for the coarse ' • " $1 00 Tickets admitting Cientlemenundtwogaidies ...... 2 00 Tickets for single lecture • 50 Tiokete for singie lecture to the galleries 25 Bor sale at the istineipal bookstores, rooms of the As sociation, and at the hall, Doom open at 7 o'oloek. Itir frrOffice of the Reliance Mutual Insurance 008IPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, February 9, At an Election, held on the lih hat . the following named gentlemen were daly elected Mar:MOAB of this Company to serve for the - ensuing year, Ads : Clem Tingley, • Samuel Bischem, ' William B. Thompson, Robert Steen, , Frederick Brown, William Blamer, Carnelian Bterenon, Benjamin W. Tiogley, , - John R. Worrell,' ; Marshall Bill, H. L. Carson, Z. Lothrop, Robert Toland, Charles Leland, Frederick Lennie, ' Jacob T. Bunting, Charles B. Wood, Smith BMW), Janne B.,Wrodward, - John Bissell, - Pittsburg. - And at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, CLEM TINGLY_ was unanimously reelected President. - B. M. BINOBMAN, fen that'll fit Beoretary. Noonday Prayer Meeting, Sansom-st. ORIIROII, 12 to 1 o'clock. There will be a Prayer Meeting In the Lecture Room, as well as In the upper part of the Church. from this date. Let all who can spare a fewrolnutee 'pond them in there delightful exercises. fop-tf The Third Anniversary of the Union TEMPORARY HOME FOR 4IIILDREN will be held at the HOME, northeast eorner Sixteenth and Poplar streets, on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, 10th ion', at Islf•past 8 o'clock -Addresses may be ex pected from Rev. KINGSTON GODDARD, Rev. Dr. FURNES, and others. -The Mende, , patrons of the - Institution, sod publics, are Invited to attend - Gera to Eleventh And Poplar, thrums by - oninlbuicto the House. fe9 2Mf* jj7The Wegner Free 'natant° of Science Lectures for the week ending the 12th of Feb- ruery - MONDAY, 7 P. M.—Hygeln• and Mater la Subjects—"" Amnia." MONDAY, 8 P M.—Paohiteature- 46 Romanesque.” TUESDAY, I P. 81.—Geology— ,, Submarine Volca. nom , ' . TUESDAY. 8 P. M.—Elocution—cc Readings from Elbaluspeare." WEDNESDAY, 7 P. M.—Natural Philosophy— , Elsotro Magnetism." WEDNESDAY, BP. M.—Zoology—J. Artienlata." THURSDAY, 7 P. M.—Anatomy and Physiology— ,The Brain.", ' THURSDAY. 8 P. 11.—Rhetoric—s, , Elocisnee." FRIDAY, 7 P. h3.- - 4tineralogy and Atining- 4, Mc: ale." • PRIMLY,-8 P. M.—English 14terainss--" English Poets),- SATURDAY, 7 P. M:—Soelal Bele:nee- 1 c Money?) BATIIEDLY, 8 P. M —Ohemletry- , Potessinn). ), Admiesnon free. Lanes invited. feB4f OCT. Inoursoce Comp say of - the State of PENNeYLVASIA.—PaILLIMILYEIA, Yebnatty 2, The Directors hire THIS DAY declared a Dividend Or SIX PER OSNT., or, TWELVE DOLLARS per shore, out of the prattle of the Company, payable to the stock boldera, or their legal repreeentatires,demand. ' 1e3.10t ' WILLIAM HARPER; Secretary. D W. 6 *lb t..t g . ts CUBE, M Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia county, aB-ly Q. Office Pcnosylvaula Railroad Company, PHILADELPHIA, January 15, MO.—NOTICE TO STIMEHOLDEIISI —The Annual Sleeting of the Stock- holders oi Ads Company will be held on MONDAY, the 7th day ofebruary, 1660, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the H BANSOM STREET ALL: - The Annual -Election for Dlreitore will be held on MONDAY,' the 7th dey of March, 1860, at the of of the Company, No. 28 8. TRIBE Street ' Jal74 • - - 'EDMUND SMITE. Secretary. DTGirard Bank—Philadelphia, January 81,1869.=A special meatier of the Stockholders of this Rank will be held on THURSDAY, the UM March next, at 11 o'clock M., at the BANKING HOIJOB, for the purpose of accepting or refection-a oertala act at Assembly. entitled An Act to Consolidate the Stock of the Girard Bank," approved the Roth day of Jana cry, 1869. By this Act it is propoerd to change the value of the Shares of Stook of said Bank from the pre sent par value of twelve dollars and fifty cents per share to fifty dollars per share, by cancelling the pre- sent certificates of stock, and Issuing new ones, upon the ratio'of one to four so that, hereafter, the par value of said stook shall be Bitty Dollars per share." And, also, for the purpose of determining the amount of the Bond required for the Cashier, at provided for In A' Supplement to an Aotregrilating Banks," approved the 7th day of May, A, D. 7.855. fel-dtmbil W. L. SOHAVIIRR, Gadder. P: Netlee.-4 Committee of the Managers of the Complimentary Ball to the Philadelphia will sit at the .ARNORY of the Philadelphia Grays, every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND SATUR DAY EVENINGS, for tip delivery and settlement of tickets, until the 46th. O. P. DEJ3ROND, Aeoretary. ,[grJayneta Hall Prayer Blieretinia—Notice.— Owing to a previoui engagement of the Hell, the .B ISINEEIB MBN , B UNION PRAYER HIBTINO will 'be held until farther notice, in the BANBOH.I3PREIBT 0111780 11 , (rear of the new hotel.) - All are cordially invited to attend, end the meeting le open for all to take part whom members of any gyangelloal Ohuroh. d2O-tf A/ISOciNTIOIL Central High 113 1301100 L.—The fierenteenth Annual Address win be delivered by JOHN D WATSON. Ent, at the MUSICAL ;CND HALL, on THURSDAY BYRNING, 'the 10th lint., at 7 o'clock. Introductory Admen by Prof. A. D. RAMIS Tickets may be procured of Geo. I. Biotite, Esq., 423 Walnut Bt., or of Dr. Atkin. son, 216 Spruce St.. Misinsas OT TON ASSOCIATION may procure tickets for the commegosgssr by applying to the Treasurer, ILITINGSION hidOAY, Fan., No. 427 ,WALNU2 - fez-ittie fir office' Shamokin Valley and PottsviIIe;PHILADILP RAILRIdOAJanuD COMPANY, 309 WALNUT St.— ary 27, 1859. The Coupons of the first Mortgage Ronde of the Phila. delphia and Sunbury Railroad Compaq, due the let of -February, 1859, and the outstanding Coupons, due Ist August, 1658, will be Paid on presentation, at the BANK OF COMBIRROS, Philadelphia, on and after :the let FEBRUARY. JAMES B. DIDDLE, ja2B-difelAthetetu-2w President. arThe Ninth Annual Dinner of the Six teenth Graduating Oleas of the Central High School Will be given at MaGOWANB SALOON, Broad and Walnut streets, on SATURDAY. February 12th. at BP. M. Tickets may be obtained from HENRY Ho " OHBA, 228 South Thud street. fob-tnthtcr-Bt* Woodland Menet 11.3" lowing Managers and for the year 1869 : President—EL/ X.' NAOS. John 0. Praia. , Wilham.W. Keen, John o.•liflicbelll , , • lierdinand J. Dreer, William H. Moors, - John S. McMullin, John Lindsay, Isaac Seen:tory, and Trois:wen—JOSEPH B. TOWNSEND. The managers have passed &resolution requiring both lot•holdere and rt Mere to present tickets at the en trance for ,admiasion - to the Cemetery. 'lilt:hats maybe had at the Canoe of the Company, '6lB MR Street, or or any or the Managers. . fegam ery Vornpany.—Tbe fol— . ()Moore hays been elected tliAolitztp. .OARRYL 8t BRO., CURTAIN • STORE, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT Street, below Eighth, Philadelphia 2,0.0 WINDOW SHADES, Painted and Gold Borders, .in store and for sale at the following prices, Whir good Fixtures complete for each Shade : Gilt Bordered Window Shades and Fixtures, $l.OO. Gilt Bordered Shades and Fixturee, $146. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, $1 60. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, $1.76. Gold Bordered Shade, and Fixtures, $2 00. Gold Bordered' Shades and Fixtures, $2.25. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, $2.60. Gold Bordered Shade, and Fixturee 22.76. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixture', $B.OO. ' Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, $3 26. • Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, $8.60. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, $3.76. Cold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, $4.00. ' Gold Bordered Shades and eixturee, $4 26 - Geld Bordered Shades and Fixtures, $4 60. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, $4.76. -Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, $5.00. Grid Bordered Shades and Fixtures, $O.OO. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, 111.60. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, $9.00. • Gold Bordered Shaded and Mixtures, $lO.OO. , Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures,- $l2 60. Gold Bordered Shades made to order, any style or size. - EMBROIDERED LACE CURTAINS. • , Lace Curtains, $3.00 a pair. - Lace Curtains, $4.10 a pair. Lace Curtain', $4.50 a pair. Lace Cartains, $5 00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $O.OO a pair. Lee Ourtaine,l7 00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $1.60 a pair. Laos Curtains, $B.OO a pair. • Lane Durtainsf.sB.so a pair. Laoe Curtains, $9.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $9 50 a pair. Lace Curtains, $lO.OO ili -.Lace Curtains, $l2 00 a pair. . Lace Curtains, $l4 00 a pair. Laos Curtains, $l6 00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $lO 00 a pair. Lace Codeine, $lB.OO a pair. - Lace Crtrtaini, $3O 00 a pair. • Lace Curtains, $26.00 a pair. I set Curtains, $50.00 a pair. Lace Curtains, $lO 00 a pair. Lana Curtains, 152.00 a pair. ' MUSLIN .OIIBTAINEI, $l.OO .A PAIR. . Muslin Curtains, $2 00 a pair. Muslin Curtains, $2 60 a pair. ' Muslin Curtains, $3 00 a pair. Mueller Ourtainsi 88 60 a pair. , Mullin Curtains, $4 60 a pair. Muslin Ourtaine, 45.00 a pair. - Muslin Curtains, $8 00 a pair. • 'Malik' Cartons, $7 00 a pair. Mrtslin Curtains, $3.00 a pair. • Muslin Curtains, 83 10 a pair. ~. Muslin Curtains, $lO.OO a pair. Gilt Cornices, 60 cent, each. Gilt Corinees, 76 cents each. Gilt Cornices, $t 00 each, Gilt Cornices, $1.50 each. • Gilt Cornices, $2.00 each. Gilt Cornices, $3 00 each. - Gilt Cornices, $4.00 Sash. - Gilt Cornices, $6.00 each. - Gilt Cornices, $7.60 each. Curtain histrinals of emery description, and Trim mings to Match - W. N. OARRYL & BRO., - CURTAIN STORE, MASONIC HALL, 710 ORES 7NUT Bt,, below Eighth, rbilad'a, felo-th&a2t - - FOR -RIORPIOND, - VIA. NOR - " YOLK AND OITY - POINT.--BPRING AL, AnsiVlcatitiT—TWlOE A WASH.-17tionOtearanbip Corapanyln,..Line -Btaacnahlyn—To nail ZVEBY NVDDIXDSDAY, and OiIIIIIDAY, at 8 42 , 010015 A.M., Until farther notice... • ,NIIIGINIA, Captain Kelly. ..PINNSYLVANIA: Captain D. Teal CITY OP RICHMOND, Captain Z. Mitchell. These fine steamehips will sail sa above. They are handsomely fitted up for passengers, having saloons on deok, are provided With Framis's Patent Maisano Life Boats; Life Preservers,ho.. and no pains or expense ended for the comfort or [gaiety of paseengere and the protection of good This line offers t quitted, cheapest, and moat com fortable route for passengers, and is , in advance of any otberfor deepuoh•e.nd etionomy for freight to the in terior of:VirginfaiNorth Carolina, and Tennessee. trandapment by this Hue. Bungs to Richmond or Petersburg sB;meala included. DO: - folk SS: meals ine.eeed, , • 11:10KA8 WEBEITIIII,, Ja . General Agent 4 f010.2m - • 14 North WHARVES. "200 BBLS. No. 2 ROSIN in store and for Rae Pr Q. O. VAN AHRINGIO, JR., tOIO.O . 104 North WHAIVVIIO: `3AIII3BLS. PALE No. 1 ROSIN in store tot, and for We by G. 0. VAN AMIUNGE, "i 41041 - 104 North WHARVES fin . .I3BLS. SPIRITS TURPENTINE In 1 .11- , store sod, for sole by • • Cf. O. vex Alamos', JR., 40 6 IfOOIIIVBARYLI. Nan ,publitationo. WOROBSTER's QUARTO DICTIONARY PROPOSALS OP HICKLING, SWAN, & BREWER, BOSTON, MR PUBLISHING BY BUBSORIPTION A DICTIONARY THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, Dr JOSEPH E,IATORCEBTER, Ma. D., One Volume, Quarto, Library Edition We propose to publish a library edition of Woaona- Tia'S (WIRT° DIOTIONASY for subscribers. It will be printed on extra line paper, with large margin, as For speolinen copy, which may be aeon at our counting room. - The work le now rapidly approaching completion, and we hope to-publish it Ln May, 1860. It will be com prised in about eighteen hundred pages, and will con- tain a full vocabulary or the worde now need in Litera ture, Art, and Balance, together with each local and 'obsolete Jenne as are likely to bi mat with in writings that are now much read. In Oaraocournr, the work will represent the beet 'sage, both in this country and In England. The Peotineorartou or all the iorde will be exhibited by*, system of notation which will be easily understood and with regard to words of various, doubtful, or dis puted pronunciation, the beat authorities for the diffe rent modes will be given. In the department of ETTKOLOOT, this Dictionary will be found to be more complete and satisfactory than any other work of the kind;-giving, In a brief form, the resulti of the investigations of the beet writere on this subject. The DEPOSITIONS will be fully and accurately dis criminated, and distinguished by numbers, and exem plified, whenever practicable, by citations from the beet authors. In the selection of examples, the aim has been to take such as should be valuable for the thought or sentiment they express, so that this Dictionary will present, in a convenient form for reference, a rich col lotion of the maxims and gems of the language. The treatment of SYNONYMS will form a very valuable feature of the work. Very few, even of the beet speakers and writers, become so thoroughly masters of their sus tire language as never to experience embarrassment in discriminating between several expressions nearly re lated. It is to help In overcoming this difficulty that Dr. Worcester has prepared, in connection with those words which seem most to require It, a notice of the synonymous terms, showing, at a glance, the distinctions to be observed in choosing among them. The grammatical forms and inflection(' of words will be given more fully than ever before in any English Dictionary, and brief critical notes on the orthography, the pronunciation, the grammatical form and conetruc tion, and on the peculiar technical, local, provincial, and American noon of words, will be found scattered throughout the volume. The Ittuerairlone by wood mail, of which there will be about twelve hundred, beautifully executed, will form another novel and useful feature of this Diction ary. There are many terms, the verbal explanation of which, however carefully made, wilt convey a much 'lees correct idea of their meaning than a pietorial re presentation, and aoccrdingly it Is proposed to adopt thin method of exemplifying the definitions In all such cases as seem to require It. Much important and useful matter will be given In the Introduction on the following enbjecte : The Prin ciples of Pronunciation; Orthography; English GraMmar; the Origin, Formation, and Etymology of the English Language; Archaisms, Provincial isms, and Americanisms; and the History of Eng- • lisp Lexicography; with a notice of English Or thee piste, and a Catalogue of English Dictionaries of the Various Arts and Sciences, Encyclopedias, ft. In an Appendix will be added Walker's Key to the Pronunciation of Classical and Scripture Proper Names, much enlarged and improved; a P rano one iv Vocabulary of Modern Geographical Names; a Col lection of Phrases and Quotations from Foreign Languages [Abbreviations used in Writing and Print ing, je. The price of the library edition, on extra fine paper, will be ST 60, which will be the retail prioe for the com mon edition. Perron oubscriblng will therefore geonre the library edition at the Caine price that they would be obliged to pay for the common edition after its pub lication. Those pain= who .desire to become estwarlhers to the work will please send their names to. — JAMBS B. SMITH& CO. - No. MO OSESTNIIT STREET, , PHILADELPHIA.. feblo•th6t NEW BOOKS—NOW READY. NEW SCHOOL TALE. ERIC; Oa, LITTLE BY LITTLE A TALE OF ROSLYN BOMEIL, By Patna molt W. PARRIIit, (Yellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.) 1 vol., /2mo, Mullin. Price El. Prom the London Literary Gazette '• It is pleasant to preface our notice of this work by a genuine conviction that It is one of the most @harming and touching of books that it has ever been our lot to read. No book, since the advent of ' Tom Brown's fichool Days at Bugby, , has given sada as Admirable picture of inner pokool life," SXOONP. NIUL AIMBTED , O NOVEL 3 OIITHWOLD; A 000IErT NOVEL. By Mrs. LILL= DIVEIBOXADISTED. One volutne,l2mo, Mae!ln..% Price $l. 1, flouthwold lea fiction of mph more than ordinary merit. It has power enough to make the fortune of balba•dosen fashionable novels. The diction Is strong and nervous; the society of which it treats Is anato raised with Infinite skill; each Secret wing of its action Is retailed, and Its skeleton is stripped, one by one, of Ito (aloe coverings, which form the brilliant and fascinating outside put forth to the world. as a society novel, ft hi, with hardly an exception, one of the mcst consummately.managod and alluring books which we have ever read ,) ***These books are mold bye"' Booksellers, and sent by mill, lousier) fres, to any part of the United [Estee, on receipt of the price, by BUDD & OARLNTON, Publishers and Booksellers, No. 180 GRAND /Brest, near Broadway, 410-thstu tf - New York, EDICAL, DENTAL, and SCIENTIFIC PRRIODIOALB FOR no READY THIS DAY- THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN lIBDIOO-011I RURGIOAL REVIEW, or Quarterly Journal of Freon cal Medicine and Surgery. No. 45, for January, 1850. London Edition for $5 per annum. THE LONDON QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF DEN TAL bOISNOB. No. 8, for January, 1859. Terme—sl per number. TIM LONDON QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MI ORO4OOPIOAL BOIBNOB. Beautifully illustrated. Terms-45 per annum. JUST PUBLUHIND— BANNING'S IIii.F.YNAHL AIiBTRAOT OF Tffil MEDICAL SOINNOES. No. 28, for January, 1859. Terms- 42 per annum. TaiimEßfonti JOURNAL OF DENTAL SOIENOIS, for January, 1559. Published quarterly, 25 per annum. fly All American Medical and Scientific Periodicals supplied. FORNION JOURNALS imported to order. ;LINDSAY k SLAKDITON, Publishers and Booksellers, Selo 25 South SIXTR Street, above Obeetnnt, IFE OF JOHN HAWKINS.—LIFE OJ .I_A JOHN H. W. HAWEINO. ilomplled by his son, Pm. William George Ilawilins, A. M. 12mo BLIND BARTIME118; Or, The flightless Sinner. By the Bey. W. J. Hoge. THE lIIINRITRY OF LIFE. By the author or The Ministering Children. THE LAIRD OF NORLAW. By Mrs. Oliphant. Tlll9 LAN•• AND TRH BOON. With many Illus trations. By the Hey. W. SI Thomson. 2 vols., 12mo. THE NOON PRAYER MBBTINg. By the Rev. Tetbot W. Chambers, D. D. I2mo. /or sale st low priors by WILLIAM 8. A, AINPLED.MARTIEN, 1010 No. 800 011E8TNIIT Street, Pbilade. BEADS, BEADS, BEADS.—Wax Beads, Satin, Hollow, Embroidering, Bracelet, Bugle, Out Glare, seed, and othor Beede , In all colon and sizes. W. TILLER, Importer, felo.6t 21 South YOURTH Street, SPRING GOODS The eubecribere reepectfully ask the attention of heir friends, and all OAST( AND SHORT—TIME BUYER'S TO TIIIIIR STOCK OF GOODS, Believing It to be unsurpassed by any in this market They are constantly reeelving desirable styled of DRESS &RUFFS Prom New York and otbor Imam. FRANCIS LOUISE Jr. CO., 235 MARKET Street, NATIONAL HOTEL, CORTLANDT J.. 1 Street, near Broadway, New York. THOMAS S. WSBB, (formerly of the "Union." Philadelphte,) hereby announces to hie Philadelphia friends and former patrons that he has taken the above named Hotel, and will be pleased to receive the patron age of the travelling public. The House and Purinture have been thoroughly re— novated and much Improved, which makes it a pleasant and desirable stopping place for the blinineee communi ty who are visiting New York. The undersigned would be happy to one bin former friends and prtrons at the " NA TIONAL," where, he feels confident, they will find a pleasant home doting their stay in Gotham, felo-tit WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, - LINEN HIM'S, MARSEILLES QUILTS, PIQUE BASQUEINOS, LAPPET SKIRTINGS, R(vLLED JACONETS, CHAMBREY GINGITAMS, &0., Imported for the present eeason and offered on roe oonable term, to the Wholesale Tra de, by SENAT BROTHERS & CO., 238 CHESTNUT STREET, Je t mar 11 PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1359. - fOrg elbobo Commitioion 11)0T113C0. ' DUNDEE AND SOOTCIH LINENS. CONRAD & SERRILL, 206 CHESTNUT STREET.• A Lucre Assortment of the well-known styles— BAXTER'S CROWN DUCKS, EDWARDS' PADDINGS, , GILROY'S BURLAPS, THOMPSON'S HEMP CARPETS, eto., BARNSLEYABBEETINGS, BLEACHED AND BROWN DAMASKS, LINEN AND UNION TABLE CLOTHS, DIAPERS, TOWELS, BUCKS, ao., RUSSIA CRASH, AO. fable th f to lm JOSEPH LEA. DOMESTIC COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, No. 128 and 180 OffEBTNIIT STRIET, COTTON, LINEN, WOOLLEN AND PRINTED 0 Invites Southern and Western buyers to examine a large and desirable assortment of ()AUNTS, Including many new patterns not before offered, via: WOOL AND WORSTED, OOTTON-WARP, BUPERPINE, DIMON, INGRAIN, Ice., ELLINGTON BRUSEELLS, Carefully SELECTED in the Rams, WARRANTED of uniform quality from end to end, and. being made chiefly to this ♦iaioity, pan be sold on more favorable terms, and by the UNEQUALLED RAILWAY NACU LITIES of our city, sent to all Western points at lees elpenee than from any other market. fa24-2mlf JOHN B. CARSON, 7J13:"2" cagoms COMMISSION MERCHANT, 49 MAIN STREET, SAINT L 013.10, Mo. B:rOonelsmenia respectfully Noßelted. - 2NFXR IA PHILADELPHIA TO Caleb Cope, Beq., M. L. Hallowell & 00., Trodlot, Blokes, it 00., Lind Brother & Co., Howell. Smith, & 00., Prioe, Perris, & 00. feb7-13t* SPRING -TRADE, 1859. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HTITOHINSON, 112 CHESTNUT STREET, Are now opening a large and varied etook of LAWNS, OHALLIES, PRINTS, and other - DRESS GOODS, To which the attention of the trade le inidted Also, DOMESTIC GOODS, Oomprieing Pairhill, Osnaburge, Woodward Deakins, Brown Sheeting* and Shirtings, Mariners , Stripes, Blue Mlle, Vest Paddinge, tee., /co. ®AOKFISH SHEETINGS—Jtiet received 131 , end for sale by 81i UMW, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, 112 Chestnut street. BISCHOPPB celebrated Cloths and Dea- Alm, together with other deelrible mama of German Woollen's, just received and for 'Warty BHIPLI ➢ Y, fiIIIPLRY, HAZARD, k 1111T011114130N, feb4-8n 112 Chestnut street. STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. Curing removed from our old geed, 45 South Stoma street, to 725 CHESTNUT STREET, BITWEIN 1111YENVII AND 111/6'IITH, We ere now prepared to exhibit to our satun•rons pa trons a COMPLETE STOCK or STRAW EATS, BONNETS, MISSES' and CHILDREN'S HATS, BLOOMERS, OAPB. too., FANCY OBAPE BONNETS, FRENCH FLOWERS RIBBONS, LAdEB, EVOKES, , Embracing In all an assortment unequalled in this elty, and we respectfully invite the attention of merchants to our Spring Reek. Ruh and short•time buyers will Sod It specially their Inter/et to give no a call. LINCOLN, WOOD, 3; NICHOLS. feb9-11m HATS, rußis, STRAW GOODS, ARTIFICIAL, FLOWERS, RUCHES, do. I-10 OP.ES - 21AEUWAOTORZE9 AND DEALERS Nos. 19 and 21 South Fourth Street, (up Mato ' ) MILATMPUIA, Have on hand a complete stock of the above goody, laid hi for Orah, to which the attention of baron is invited. CHAS. HALLOWELL, late of the arm of Ohm. Hal lowell & 00., long known to the trade, would be pleased to see hie friends at the warerooms of hi . Hoopes & Davis. feb9-2m FRENCH FLOWERS, Just landed sad for sale by 0. ADAMS, JNO. G. FALCONER, & CO., DEWIRS IN 1:L113330N13, SILKS, AND MILLINERY lams, No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. feb7-Im BURNETT, SEXTON & SWEARINGEN Are now opening at their Store, No. 409 MARKET STREET, Above Fourth, North Side, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OP NEW SPRING STYLES or FANCY DRY GOODS, OP THR/R OWN IMPORTATION And selection, 'which they offer for sale to twine from all parts of the United Statee, on the most liberal term.. feb9.Bm J . WILCOX & CO's MODEL SKIRTS. PATENT EXTENSION, WITH ADJUSTABLE BUSTLE, maim . WITHOUT SEWING, ACKNOWLEDGED HT THE LAME TO HE THE BEST SKIRT YET PRODUCED, AND AT NO HIGHER COST Than the Ordinary Skil. tw. These Skirts ere for sale by moat of the prominent Jobbing Houses. felotl.Lm BRITISH GOODS. MORTON, GRINNELL, & CO., 63, 66, and 67 Park Place, New York, INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR LARGE AND ATTRAO- PRINTED °RALLIES, DE LAINES, ENGLISH PRINTS, JAOONETS, GINGHAM, ROBES, &c., Additions to which will be made by Steamors SHADRAOH lIV,L, 26 $3 .41. IsT 32r. E 3 'X' IR. NI V. 2 . , NEEDLES, ELASTIC GOODS isold under Goodyear , e Patent, and Fele Agent for Jason Hull's celebrated Gold Inlaid Needles. ja3T•tb a tul in - 3,1108 13. WIIII3II HENRY D. NELL, CLOTH STORE. Noe. 4 and 6 NORTII BEOOND STREET, Fineoetwor to G. M. 00ATEB & 00., MOTHS, OASSIMERES, and VESTINQS IVROLEBALE AND RETAIL, feb34441.T CARPETINGS, Milliner!) Goan FRENCH FLOWERS, FRENCH FLOWERS, 201 dIiIIROR ALLAY Sang). larn tz,oobo. TIVZ SPOOR OP and Packets to arrive IBIPORTIM o➢' PEARL BUTIONS, ELASTIC WEBBING, BRAIDS, OORDS, &o Retail gin qs crabs: jOITVIN'B BLACK KID GLOVES, &c Jast landed froM steaMer 'ArigoiL• Jonvin , s Laolesißlark Bid Gloves, patent fastenings Theverdn's Ladles' Blank Kid Gloves,* Thevenln's Ladles Lead Hid Gloves,* (*blade only for the best Parte traded Blackllld Finish Bilk Gloves, , Black Bordered Rem'd Cambric Hann% Bleak Filled Lace Mime, Black Grape Liss. Veils, Berlin Iron Broaches, new styles. Imported by BESSON & SON. MOURNIXVG STORE, No.-808 ORESTNIIT STREET, fitilo.lt GBEAT BARGAINS IN TRIMMINGS, ZEPHYRS, and SKIRTS, at MAXWELL'S Store and Raotory, ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT. N0.12t OPENING. THOMAS W. EVANS & CO., , ARE NOW OPENING FIRST IMPORTATION SPRING GOODS, CONSISTING OP SILKS, SHAWLS, FOULARDS, THIN GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, do They will continue to rOOBITI additions to the Stook on the arrival of every Butopoan Steamer. 818 and 820 OHEBTNUT STREET feb Z tf • : t t • .• ' • I Ws have received, direct from the Manufacturers, OUR MOT SPRING IMPORTATION Olf /RUH LINENS. . . . 4.4 fine Fronting Linen. 4-4 medium Fronting Linen. 4-4 Family Linens. 4.4 superior strong Family Linen. PILLOW OABE, BOLSTER CABE, AND SHEETING LINENS. Birdsye and Diaper Linens. Table Damask Llaene Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, &c., &e. Butcher Linens Strainer Linens, (l i me Line* ko. We have had a great sun on LINEN Very fine Handkerchiefs for a levy. Every other quality of Ladies', Children's, .and Gent& do. We keep a large stock of STITCHED LINEN BOBOMB, made espreesly to order, of oar own Linen. We can particularly recommend them. Also, WOVEN BOSOMS. We keep one of the beet Stocks of ' DOMEBTIO MUOLINB in Phlladelphls. THORNLEY & lorthesat Corner DienTli & 'WRING GARDEN c. WE BUY AND BELL DOE CABH AND HAVE BUT ONE 1 . 1L10N. ,, fes-tf CVEI9ING OF NE SPRING GOODS A. , AT FRIENDS' CENTRAL DRY-GOODS STORE ; EIGHTH AND ARON LITIONITI. New and abaft Myles Dinah. New and choice styles Poll de Change. New and choice Scotch Ginghame.l New and choice Friendly do New and choice 4-4 Rainbow Ohintses. New and choice linglieh and Merrimac Prints, New and choice French Brilllantes. New and choice Mantes and Detainee. New Black sips, Alpacas, Madonnas, Dwell's, Mohair', Debrge, Haytileres, &a , Ao. The season will Ile 001211121000td at Teri low prices. WINTER ROODS CLOSING OUT AT BACIRIPICIED GOOD BLANKETS, a still greater reduotion. Do. Brooke Shawls, " " Do. Blanket " 14 And all other goods passing out of !meson. FURNISHING STOOK, A complete 'variety. Beet make Flannels, Mullins, Linens, Table Linens, Napkins, Neck Ties, tc0.,,k0. OHARLES ADAMS, EIGHTH and AEON Streets. tes.B to th•tt ZEAL LACE COLLARS AND SETS.— Point Walenoon i Point Applique lloniton end Valenciennes fabrics. Constantly reoeiving sato Thread Veils; Barbee; Coiffures. BRAUPLIIBOI BROTHERS, ja27 011ESTNUT and BIGHTII. IiCtALMORAL SKlRTS.—Varions quail= ties and style. of BAYADERB SHIRTS. SHARYLESS BROTHERS, ja27 00.BSTNIIT and BIeIITH. ESQUIMAU% BEAVER OLOAKS, FOR COLD WEATHER, jugre - nitoktylD, a LOW PRIr "I I, TO OLOBN TRH SAWN. iold at - J. W. P R OCTOR ec 00., ja2o 708 OBEBTEUT STREET. B L ANSETS.—A Mil assortment, English and American. all sides, at MOOR ko waft RATIOS than heretofore. 000PRR & OONAR D, fel B. E. nomer NINTR & MARRBT acs. fIIsEIS/MERES, SATTLNETS, MOTHS, V AND VBATINGB.—Nea's awl Boys'irear. Also, Oooda exolustrely for BOYS' WEAR. COOPER & OONARD, fel - S. E. corner NINTH and SIARENT. !'CLOAK AND SHAWL HOWL—Balance 11.9 of our Cloaks, ooroprielog a broken assortment we will dispose of at a GREAT REDUCTION. liroshe Shawls at first coat. Woollen Shawls particularly cheap. 000PEtt & CONARD, fel 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. Deals anti Oboes B WILLIAMS & CO.. WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, No. 18 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. febs.2m JOB. 1-3.2"1-101s4PSON WHOLESALE BOOT ItND SHOE WAREHOUSE', No. 814 MARKET STREET. EU* A large and general assortment of Eastern and Oity.mede Shoes oenetantly on hand. febl.3m SPRING STYLES, 1869. J. Br M. ELAATINTrai3I3.I3, WHOLESALE DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS STRAW BONNETS AND HATS, BOOTS, E HOES, &0., &o. Being prepared to offer es great inducements to buyers se Jobbers in any other market, invite an ex amination of their stock. No. 84 NORTH FOURTH STREET, tel-2in 'fear the Merchants , Hotel, Philadelphia LEVIOK„ RASIN, & 00., BOOT AND SHOE WAIMILOUBE AnD AILNUFAOTODY, No. 525 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. We hare now on hand an extensive stook of Soots and Shoes, of all descriptions, of our own and Bantam Manufacture, to which we invite the attention of Southern and Western buyers. tebl-Sni alattljea, ileunlrg, &.'r JAMES WATSON, IMPORTER OP WATCHES, JEWELRY, &a., No. 325 MARKET 6TREET. °maws*ly on hand a full assortment of Yachts= and Constantin Walla. fel-em BAILEY & CO., POMMY BAILEY & KITOBEN, HIM removed to their new lire-proof ; White Pdorble store, 819 011.14STNUT STREET, NORTH BIDN, BELOW THE GIRARD HOWL Now opening their.lell Stook of IMPORTJD JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND BANDY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of the public. SILT/LB-WARR' , WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND VELRLB, AT WEOLIBALN AND 11TM attl7M tf E S. WHELEN & CO., • ILLNKING, STOOK, and NUMMI OFFTOII, No 800 WALNUT Street. STOOKS and LOAM, of ell deeoriptione bought and sold on Oommitudon in the principal cities of the United States or Durope. L'articular attention given to the safe investment of money. 100 Ina re NJOTIOE TO DEALERS IN OURTA.IN PIXTIIIOII3.—I have appointed BLABON & SMITH Bole Agents for the mai° of my Curtain Ina tome In Philadelphia. The Trade will be supplied at facdery prises, freight added. B. d. PUTNaAI. paten, gel/rear, / I Hop. IGO* larn ~ .crobs Jobbrre. DRY GOODS OPENING, SPRING OF 1859 JOSHUA L. _DAILY, Hering completed hie NEW STONE, No. 213 MARKET STREET, WILL OPEN THIS DAY A Large and General Stook of AMERICAN AND FOREIGN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, SELECTED FOR THE SPRING TRADE, To which he invites the attention of EIS CUSTOMERS AND BUYEEtS GENERALLY I have many 'dries of iloode, made to my own order, and received direct from the manufacturers, without gloom:talon to agents, which will be sold BELOW MARKET PRIOEB MANY CONFINED STYLES CHOICE GOODS. CASH BUYERS PROMPT SHORT CREDIT BUYERS, PROM ALL SECTIONS, Will find the /Hook well worthy their examination EVERY DAY JOSHUA L. BAILY, _ No. 213 MARKET STREET, feb9•lf tf 11ns/trance Companies. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY No. 1 MOORGATE STREET, LONDON FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE, AT ROWS AAND ABROAD Established in 1838—Incorporaled by Special Aot of Parliament OAPITAL L 1,259,760. $6,298,800 Pidd np Oapttal and Sur plun 1438 f 22 4 1 82,191 111 02 Annual Revenue 166,746 16 8 938,784 12 FIRE DEPARTMENT This Company insures against loss or damage by fire almost every description of Property. The rates of pre mium are moderate, and thicoaditions of Insurance ue framed with the greatest liberality. the Policies of this Company are not only guaranteed by a large Capital, but also by the unlimited personal responsibility of nearly one thousand shareholders ID- Losses promptly adjusted and paid without re (arenas to London._tl LIPS DEPARTMENT , All the advantages of a Mutual Assoelation are united with the securit r of a Proprietary Company. Tyre Mayas op Paa&iuw are based upon the safest and most approved date, and may be made payable to suit the oonvenience of the Assured. • • . Proepeotusei, Tables of Rates, Applications, tco., may be obtained at the Office Examination for Life Insurance daily, at 12 o'clock M WILLIAM WITTY, Agent, No. 87 South Third Street. AseEßENoxs IN PIIILADELPIIIA lasers. Atuart & Brother, No 18 Bank street. Offers. Olaghorn. & Co , 282 lterket greet. " Wm. McKee &Co, 22 Booth Front street ~ N. B. Thompson & Co, 45 N Water street. 4, Joe. B. Mitchell, Bag., Pres. Meek. Bank. " James Dunlap. Ban., Pree!dent Union Bank. Non Wm. A. Porter, 623 Walnut street, late Jule Supreme Court. falss-a to th truj6 EASTERN INSURANCE COMPANY.— , 0117103 No. 6 EXCHANGE. AtITHOMIND OATIVAL 311.00 X SBOO,OOO Climax, Eroox BUSBORISZD 100,000 0 P . FIRS RISKS on Merchandise and Bolding'. MARINO ROHS on Yeseslc Cargoes and Freights. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Goods iper Railroads, Canals, and Steamboats, taken on favorable term. The Board of Directors On order to guard against any serious calamity, and thus afford greater security to the insuredSlTO resoleed to take no more than Vise mt A mend Dal re on any one risk All LOWS I be promptly and llberallytettled. DIRLOTORN. Andrew Cothran, Robert B. Walker, William Ingram Brown, Jacob Lake=, Richard G. gtotefibury, George Cookalan, Peter D. Epos!, Charlet Thom. Shaw, - --- - MOO SAW, - Robert P. Taylor, , W. 0. litotembury. ANDBRW 0001111 AN, President. WII. Inoaset Blow Vice President tea-tr NOTIGE.—TRE PRESENT CAPITAL 1 of TDB lINTBRPRISE INSDRANCE COMPANY (5100,000) hating been paid in cash, notice is hereby given that an increase of the same, .to the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, has been authorised by the Stockholders, and that the subscription book will be opened on the first day of March next, at the Office of the Company, where it will remain open until the In creased amount lam been subscribed OUARIJS W. 00X11, Secretary Philadelphia, 29 Jaaaary, 1859. 1 4 1NTERPR ISE INSURANCE COM- A 4 PANS% (8188 INSURANON EXCLUSIVELY.) DIRECTORS. P. Ratchford Starr, Mordeosi L. Dawson, William M'Kee, George R. Stuart, Nalbro 'ruler, John If Brown,' John M. Atwo o d, B. H. lialmeatcsk, lienj. T Tredlok, Andrew D. Ouh, . Henry Wharton, J. Liringoiton Effinger. P. MITOTIC/10RD STARR, Praddent. ORABLES W. 00XE, Elearetary. Temporary Ottice,lls2 South ROUSTS Street. jail-Marl rp VULTON's INSURANCE, ADJUSTING, .1: AND COLLECTING OPPICIB, No. GOB ORESINUT STREET, PHILAMILPELL The undersigned having been practically engaged for • number of year' in different capacities of the Insu rance business—for several yearn in &Outing looses exclunively for the Insurance Oompsailee—now offers his services to thous enstaining Loss or Damage by /tire to property insured, in making out, their proofs of ouch loss or damage in full compliance with the intricate and cunning conditions of Policies of Insufsnee, In such • manner as to obviate plea or time for Mutton or litigation by companion no inclined, or others. lie is 'Mated by the best legal wagtail in Philadel phia, and will give particular attention to the Odle°. icon of Claims against Insuranee Companies. It is known by many who have sustained 1081 by lire to property insured, and it has also been the experience of the undersigned. that policies are frequently declared partially or entirely void at a certain time after a fire ocean, in consequence of carelessness or mismanage ment In effecting the infiaranoson for some other cause, which, although an important hot, is seemly ever dis covered or thought of, until It is too late. In order to avoid such disastrous occurrences, the undersigned will also effect Insurance in any Companiee desired, and examine policies effected by others (in most asses) free of extra charge. Parties sustaining loss or damage b,y tire, an above, will find it to their interest to consult the undersigned as soon after the Ire as peisible. iL72.2mlf. JAMES PULTON. Oaning ,ffunbo. WRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO -011T? OP PHILADELPHIA. 01800, No. 881 North THIRD Street, (Oonno'Mutton Bank Building ) °GARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE Of PENN. Deposits received in sums of One Dol!aria upwards, and repaid in aim, without notice, with /IVO PEEL ORNT.II.IIIIRZST from the-dap of deposit till with drawn. A responsible and reliable Baling' Institation has long been needed In the Northern part of the city, and The Spring Garden Saving Nrmd Society» was char tered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers, in organising and locating it, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommo date the business interests and wants of the very large and enterprlsingnopulation by which it is surrounded. OFYION OPEN DAILY, Prom 9 to 2% o'clock ,• also, on MONDAY and Tunas. nag from S mall 8 o'clock in the evening. MANAGIIRS Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P. Levy, Hon H. R Strong, Daniel Trudedroner, F rederiek iltaake, Francis Hart, Joseph P. LaOlen, John Hessler, Jr., George Hassid, James B. Pringle, Jacob Dook, Joseph II Cowell, Hon. Wm. Mil!weird, George Woelpper, Geo. T. Thorn Peter o.2llmaker, Robert B. Davidson. JAMB B. PRINGLE, President. PsASOIB HAIL!, Secretary. Ja2o4.f If Ni tites. SPECIAL NOTIOE.—D ealors in Goodyear's Fatentfor Vulcwalsed Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Web', and another Fabrics' and articles made by combin. log fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcan ised rubber are notified that unless the mimesis properly 'tamped or labelled with my name, and by my authori ty, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States Merchant* and dealers are invited to examine specimens now In store, and to give their orders for the Spring Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWN. ER OP THE TITLES AND BXCLUEDVS RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for these goods, which embrace AU the styles heretofore mannfootured or imported, and many others. ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL —and the Terms--may be obtained on application to me at No. 23 COURTLANDT Street, N. Y. n 24-17 HORACE H. DAY. L.YONns PURE CATAWBA BRANDY .11-1 AND 11. B WIRE-GROWERS 00. OINOIN NA TI SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE. We have lust received a fresh supply of both the above articles which we guarantee to be perfeely pure, and particularly adapted to the me of Invalids, as well as a pleasant and Invigorating beverage for those In health. We would tail the attention of Balls and Parties to this artiole'of Champagne. It will be found much superior, and folly as low as any good wine In the market. Per sale by A. F. HAZARD & 00., No. 108 MARKET Bt. BRYANT & STRATTON" , NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia, B. B. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Chicago. Inc in. formation, call or gland for Catalogue. fe9-tf CABINET CHAMPAGNE.—Just received, 50 oases Cabinet Obaropa.ne, pint bottles, in store and for sale by N. P. IkIIDDLETON & SRO te9.6t No. 6 North PRONT St., Philada. THE SECOND TERM of tho Session in PENN INSTITUTE will commence February lat. Apply at the Rome, B. E. corner THIRTEENTH and FILBERT. ft. isTAWAitT, Ptinetjaa. 41181-tt AMEE;IOAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— The PROHRUADIII CORONET and GRAND BALL, in aid of the Pala for insuring the Building end Properties, to improve the fdeoltanisni of the Stage, and to furnish additional Roeneu; foo., will take plate in the building, on BROAD and LOOUST Streets, ON THURSDAY HYBNING. The under the patronage of the following TAMES, who have consented to aid' the undertaking b 7 their pre. eence and influence: Mrs. J Rhea Barton. Mrs. L. B. ICeeeker s A.B. Boris, - " J. L. Latltte, G. H. Baker, . 1 P. Lennig, * " I. B. Budd, . " W. D. Lewis, " That. Cadwallader, ." John Lindsay r " G. Chapman, " Edwin Mitchell.. " John Cadwallader, " Harry MAW, 4, T. Cochran. ee Lugo Norris, " Heyward Drayton, " Francis Peter, " John Hallett, " P; 8. Pepper, - -" Henry. Drayton, " Jas. W. Paul, ~ J. P. Fraser, " I. P. Steiner, ', J. H. Fry " A. Murray Stewart " H. D. Gilpin, " Nathan Taylor, - U. ';i}n11:011. ~ Henry 'Mtge, " George! rott, _ " Oliver Hopldnilen, " Fairman Rogers, " James Hazelhuret, " Wm S. Taus, " W. B. Hart, " I. 8. Waterman, - " R M Hooper, " 1 ( Wm. Whitney. The following gentlemen have also consented to give their auistanee: J. Rhea Barton, V de Amarelll, A.R. Boric J. R. Wry, H. D. Gilpin J. P. Fraser, • Thos. Cadwallader, P. O. Pepper, Isaac Norris, Wm. Whitney, John Cadwallader, W. 8. Faux, Oliver Hopkinson, W. B. Hueltine, Harry McCall, . It. IL Hooper, Francis Peters,' W. B. Hart, L.I. Lem S. 0. Pugnet, J. L. Laatte P. J. Dreer, Y. Lend& S. Branson N. Taylor, J. O. Blurb' H. Tits°, W. S. Stewart, George Trott, Francis Lewis, , Fairman Rogers, G. F. Presbury, Isaac B. Waterman, Henry Budd, Brans Rogers, 0 1. Gross, George B. Pepper, IL R. Hutchinson, Brandi MeMortrie, James Traquair, Frederick Graff, L. D. Baugh W. 0. Ludwig. John W. Grigg, John Lindsay, . , James B. Caldwell, 0. Schweitening, P. P.Steel, H. L. Elder, 0. P. Lanni& Jr., I. B. Caldwell, G. J Weaver, It. P. Gratz, T. B. Peterson, P. B. DeSilvar, George Bent, A. Denson, Jr., L. B. Moocher, I. P. Tobias, .Tamrs Haselhorst, J.,ho 0414.ar, John Belida, A. Filler B. Murray Stewart, B. W. Bailey, Edwin Mitelrell, Johall. Brown, Crawford Arnold. J. L. Mose, G. W. Page, P. F. Wolgamuth, B. ff. Muddy, Prank Carpenter. G. H. Horstman, John Cadwallader, T. W. Forney, Heyward Drayton, , Wm. 8. Smith, W. D. Lewis, Robert Smith, S. W. Grose, Thomas Sparks, Henry Drayton, John Notman, J. B. Budd, J. H. Orne, G. H. Bober ' . A. H. Denckla, Jae. W. Paul, James allierdice, • 0. Gulllou, Travis Cochran, Mayer Steroberger. The stage will be arranged in Ball Drapery, a bunt!: fill scene presented in the background, with distribu tion of Statuary and Shrubbery. Doors open at 8 o'clock, Mud° oomxnenoing at 8„ljc. and Dancing at 9X. No seats secured. Gentlemen not admitted , with canes or overcoats, nor Ladles with bonnets, on the Ball Boom floor, during the dancing. Cards of Admission, $3 each, for Gentlemen ; $2 each for Ladies , which can be obtained of the Gentlemen above named, as also by a committee at the Academy, &vim; the day and evening of the Seventeenth of February. - . PHILADELPHIA - - - - • George 8. Pepper, James Traqualr, John B. Budd, Prederle Graff, !airman Bowe, Nathan Taylor, Eamnal Brannon. je,2127f 8,1,10.1 f FDARTNER WANTED—Either - Special or Active, with a oapital of from Ten to Twenty Thousand Dollar., in a .Yobblisg norm, doing a oafs and profitable bushtees, of many yews , standing. All oom mootostions strictly eordidential. Address Box 1141, P. o. felo litit NIVANTED—A BOY, aged about 16, to learn Woad Engraving. Addreu ENGRAVER, Press Office It* VW - ANTED—In a Wholesale Straw-Goods and Boot and Shoe Home, a LAD, I 6 or 17 pars of age. to moist in the Counting Home, mating bale, ke. Must write a fair hand. Address, in writing of a 5500 pplicant, Box 1778, Poet Office. !Wary drat - I year ' 1* gtA im - mi —WANTED—A PARTNER, Ei72..rfasrp:Valn in r d L., Press Me. felo-44/ WANTED—A MAN with a good TRADE, as s SALESMAN in a Wholesale Clothing Store. The bees of reference required. Apply et 1111TD2R & GRUBB4I. No. 219 Si North THIRD St. 49-21;* AGARDENER, with Borne knowledge of finite and Flowers, t, take charge of a large Vegetable Gsrden—a Married Men, for whom a Home on tke spot Is ready. Reference regalred. Address FRGETABLI GARDZIN,t , Blood's Despatch Of fide. feiltltte 83,000• —WANTED—A PARTNER, • with this amount, to goIIST. Ad dress (Immediately) , 1113BOHLNT,"• at this Ofßoe. ts9.llt* ohi OP ATH .T. 0 PHYSICIAN WANTED, in the interior of Pennsylvania. Apply to J. M. MaALLIEITNE, hi. D , lee Bt* 268 North ELEVENTH It WANTED—A SALESMAN in a Whole male Oloth Store. In Market Street, who can in fluence a Oath and 81x•Montka Trade. One from Ken. reeky or Tennessee preferred. Address « Box 629, Pouts Office..' fag 01* DARTNER WANTED—An active Bnei nese Man, with from $lO,OOO to $B,OOO, in a good and substantial Manufacturing business. competition light; profits large. Address, with real name and place or interview, PARTNER, at this Oilloe. (OWN* A YO mr.AN-Z-AetTh rate salary Beet of reference can be giv aa d en. a t eutivrema CY, at this Office. feT-4t* fiIWANTED FOR TH 6 UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No man haying a wife.or child, will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at No. 817 MARKET Street, above Eighth, north side. I. N. MOORE, apl7-tf hat Lieut. let Dragoons, Recruiting Officer. TWO FINELY-FURNISHED ROOMS, with BOARD, can be had by Gentlemen of standing, In an sgreeable and bighly-respectable family. Ad dream • TH02d19110N, 21 Press Office. feB.st* $l5OO O —FOR SALE—A superior • GROUND MINT of Nine Hundred Dollars per annum, secured on Chestnut-street pro perty, centrally situated. Apply to E. R. JONES, Oonveyanoer, N 0.129 Booth 81191114TH Street above Walnut. lt* PROVISION AND PRODUCE DEAL EBB.—TO LET—An airy and dry MILLAR, in a good location for the above or most any other Moline's. Also, Second and Third Stories. Inquire at No 355 North SECOND Street, below Oallowhill. felo.3t• FOB, SALE OR TO LET—A valuable Bidd, Property, No 270 South POURTH Street, suita ble either for Business or Residence. Apply on the prorate's. ltie AIL FOR SALE-A SCHOONER, two MEM years old, carries 180 tone—very light draught. Terms easy. Apply, for 4 days, to DANIEL IfoGARRY, WEST PHILADELPHIA LIME-KILNS, feo-2t4: ' West end of Market•etreet bridge. BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE.-Apply at the N.M. corner of =TB and 01:1113TNIIT Streets. 1.68-8 t eig TO CABINET-MAKERS.—TO RENT, CABINET WARIROOMS, with FACTORY at tutted, situate No 486 [(PRIME Street, above Fourth. This is an old-setab ll ehed .tand for the sale of fine Cabinet ware, fancy Chairs, and UpbCEeivi7. It was formerly occupied by Mr. eo. J. Renkele a recently by Reuter & Kauffman in the fancy Cabinet intsiatiell. It has a huge Factory immediately in the rear, and to good stand for the business. To a good tenant it will be rented low for a term of years. To a person of small capital a goad opening is offered. Apply to GEO. W. CARPENTER, 737 Street. fee-ate an FOR SALE OR RENT—The splendid BEL REBIDNNOR et the B. W. corner of JUNIERIt and V/NH Streets. Lot 33 by 10; floe side yard, grapery, and every modern Improvement. Bent eO5O Apply ate% 8 SIXTH Street, (aeeond story.) fee et AFARM OF 820 ACRES FOR $80.00. Miami Lands sold, entered, and located from 12% etc to 82 60 per acre. Office, N. Z. corner TI7TH and CHSSTNUT Streets. fe3-Im* PAPER MILL TO RENT.—The Paper Mill known aa HARWELL MILL, situated on the Wissahickon Oreek, and one mile from Chestnut 11111 Railroad Station. This Mill is adapted to make fine Book Papers. It has three engines, one four machine, el inches wide, and e,ll the appurtenances for the coo °meal manufacture of paper. Possession siren imme diately. Apply to, or address. GEORGE H. LEVIS, - d.29-tf No. 80 South SIXTH Street. an FOR RENT—The DWELLING No. JIMAIB LOOI/ST Street, (or Washington Square,) from the let of January, 1859. The house is three stories high, with basement, back building, tee. now maple& by J. W. Forney. Apply at the olloe of , The Press or at the house. n023-tf TO RENT.—On the Int January next, the Yet 7 superior and extensive ROOMS, (24., lid, 4th and 6th floors, each 24 feet by 146) of the NEW STORM!, 688 KARAM Street. The building is one of the fine Improvements on the upper Bide, between IfLITH and SIXTH Streets, haring two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good cartage way 20 feet Into BIRTH Street. Apply on the premises. nol-tf EDWARD G. WHITMAN & CO. Manufacturers of pure Druggras , and framily Amongst which are lioluble Gum Drops, Mom Paste, Pectoral Pule, Medicated Lozenges, superior Creamer Strawberries, Dates, Dream, BONBONS AND HIEISAS, Oar/mental, Chocolate Propuations, of all kinds; CRYSTALIZED 1/RIIITS, &O For We, Wholesale and Beth!, at fa-mnfet BZOOND and OHREITNIIT Btreeta VONNEROIAL AND TRAVELLING 11l CREDITS &Tellable hi all parte of tke world, opened with the house of Messrs, esosem PEABODY & CO., of London. Apply to GAW, IdAOALESTER, & CO., fe24f 815 WALNUT Street. • $509000 TO LOAN, in awns to snit applicant', upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Manhandle°, Laotians, &a., on mode rate terms . , by JONES & DO., Brokers, N. W. corner THIRD and GASKILL Streets, below Lombard. Is tablished for the hat 86 years. OMce hours from 7A. H. to 7P. M. 1211100 ND-HAND GOLD and SILVER WATOIESS, by eminent makers, warranted genuine, for male sheep—at ono-loaf Ike original WO. POW U ' glmnetntento. 00KWITTE1 or DIZIOSORO 113 ante. i3oarbing. Soy Bale an) to Kat. JOHN J. VINAI, Proprietor. Confettionern. OONFEOTIONS, Peers, Pesebee, Pine Apples, .te., do., eco Domestro and Imported Along. gllnata=Uf. • - - - AIEBB,IOAN - A.OADLIMOr /07131(7. . THURSDAY HYERHHH:iatillitY 10, aliralnd Wk " even, far the Ina Ram, Doviiii4e Opera of in which DON PASQUALI6 : PIOOOLORINI - will appear in her eelebratal role of sedated by NORM, PLORENZA. LORINI,MAGOIOROTTI. After the Opera of «Dom Pasquale? will be giros; a Scout in Yaßltah by Mlle PIOOOLOMINI, "THII YOUNG 11.110SITIT? The prim of admission has been Axed at ONA DOLLAR TO ANY PART OP THR AOADMILY; Beata may be leered Parinette, Parquatta Olreler Balcony, Family Oicale, and Amphitheatre, WITHOUT - ANY MYRA CHARGE. - The sale of seats comments.' on MONDAY, Debra- Pi t• Mlle. PIOOOLOMINI iterate on Ninny los New York, where she appears on the game evening, and then leaves for Albany, Troy, 11104104er, Buffalo, Toronto, and the West, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUBIO. The GRAND BALL and Promenade Concert willtakm plsoe In the Building. on THURSDAY EVENESEL February 17. Doom open at 8 dolook—Kaido oceamenoing at half put 8, and deeming at 9%. M. IMMO, /floor Mana ger. Carriages set down on Broad street, heeding month—tab up, heading north. Doors on LOCUST' "treat, open for exit only, heading east,' The Cloak rooms will be arranged to prevent lam or andhsion. Tickets of admission $3 each, for Gentlemen; _SE sick for Ladles Children under fourteen years adnatted aa Ladles' tickets, at $2 each. All tickets to be delivered at the doors. They can be obtained of the genital= whose names have been heretofore published, who will sates Managers of the Ball ;• also to be had at BECK & LAWTON'S, No. WI Chestaut eked. LEE & WALKER'S, No. ?Id Chestnut street. (1. ANDRE, No. HOS Chestnut street. • Also, at the Baoretar3's 01Roe 108 South Fourth' street ; the Girard, St Lawrence , Lad LaMar* Notele t and at the Academy Ofiloe, on the day and evening or the 17th of February. GEORGE B. PEPPER, I TRAGITLIB, :OHS B BUDD FREDERIC GRAFF, FAIRMAN ROG.BB , NATHAN TAYLOR, SAIIIIEL BRANSON, felo-12-18 if Ooraudtteo of Direetori QIGNORSLITZ'a Performances at the AS USABLY BUILDINGS ere, In consequence of • maims engagement. postponed until MONDAY Bye• silim next, Ifebruery M, when he will 10. rerommente hts entertainments. , feBt S IGNOR BLITZ performs at the - TOWN HALL, Germantown, for aka benefit of IBANEZ= NLRB COMPANY, Afternoons and Itvenfoge of Min, au 10.11. and 12. - fa3o.2te • NATIONAL OIROIIB.—,ZONI'LLICEN -4. TART BENNTIT TO L: B. MINT, ' - ON ST. VALINTINWS BM, • (MONDAY, - Tabraary 14th, 1M9.) - Upon which swealon , • AN IMBIBNBE BILL WILL BB OPPSIBIII. Wv - The Box Book is now open. N. 11.—Personsparchaelngtickats of any of the Ckszt mitts., Mends or attiwthes of the National are informed that they can secure timir seats by applying (with the tickets) at the Box Office. - • falekt W WALNUT-STREET THEATRE, CORNER NINTH AND WALNUT STREETS. Acting and Stage Manager 4.lfr. B. P. Resell. THUG alturseday)E GAMESTER . svatinle. isbrua4.lo,lB6o, HI E • Beverly, Barry Sullivan; Blakely, Mr. Young;- /ar yls, Mr. Thayer ; Mn. Beverly, Mn. s DaMeld. To conclude with OLD HONESTY. - ' Pecos of windedon-Eweond Tier,and Earnl# Clirakto • and Third Tier, S 6 con* Terepect; .37)1 esavc Dress Oirele, 60 ciente; html.r. Boxes, eocording to their locale, and Ilingte Seats in Orokeetra and Mull Dozer, 16 amis. Doors open at half past 0 Want f Gartaln riles al r o'clock. :VITELNATLEY & OLARKS's AROH-UN TERATJUL-4MbimMtimp4WWw,Mamind 81 mhimeger. THIS (Thursday) lIVILFIIIIBI. Februssylo, 1869, 0131) ABLIBIOAN COUSIN. Asa Trenoba-d, oar Amerlaw Oaiudn, Er. I. E. Clarke ; Lord Dandissay, Er. Wheatley. To conclude with ALADDIN ; • OR, TEI WONDIBJUL LAMP I - Admbrion, WI eta. &oared bats in Dress awls, BM its; Orchestra Btalls, 50 Ws; Beats in Prints Boxia, II cis; Chillery, lists ; Gallaryfor OcikandParsons,_lldsl Private Box in Gallery for' Colossi Pirsoes, Re DWI Whole Prints Box, $ll. - - Boors open at half pact 8 Vika; smarm Ut I t prooisaly. , IVATIOILS-L MOUS, WALNUT ST" above EIGHTH—LIIWIS B. LINT. TWO OIROIIINS AND A lIIINAG II Mr THIS 'Thursday) -IIVININO. 111_10, MP, VAN AMBLING/VS MINAS/MUM Of Lions, Tiring, Leopards and Tantalus, sad the Gl ' gentle Basin. TIPPOO BAIN. . Ninestzisn, OpmesaUs - sod Aerobatle ham. somas 01 011018. Dress Ofreleaad Tallman* N sis* Mane& under tea pears of age • so family Oirele .30 rr • Doom open et qvuuter to Oda*. Foramina§ will oononenoe •t TX. noWNOUGH's GALETLE= zui RAZE BTUIT. • Mica BLIZA THNILMAN, the Queen of Bog.- : BAM SHABPLZY end BILLY THOMAS, the Greet Comedian. In the Three Manteca, Spirit Wapping' The Barbee.. The only complete land in the eity of F.THIOPIAN EGIRIENADERg. • BM LONG, Jester - and Comte Veasßet. - Mlle MATILDA& ..1103INA. • YULTON MYBBB. the Jig Daum OLN BULL MYIBB the great Tielinist. llr. wiLututs, The beet and moat pleasing Neiladirt inYbiledelphle. Medlle. MARIE, the fillaufill DnilfeiPie• • Admittence,lo and 16 cents.. fe9 “0B BUTT.” B GRAND CIONORRT AT 311TME'8 BALD, FRIDAY, lfelosaryll. The following Artists have kindly volunteered their valuable services to aid in the purchase of nob* DOR EIIITT and his family from slavery : BEDGWICIII, )1/83 ALMOND, BdAllllO,-(43010.11.-- -- - MB. 3. D. 0117/, PROP. GONZAL, end other eminent talent Tickets, 25 3ents. Iteaarved Beata, 60 omits. Doori open at 7 ; Concert commeaces at 6 o'clock. 7•13.4 t PROF. TAVERNER'S READINGS FROM SEILUPEARN, AP ASSEMBLY BUILD MS. Tkiusday,Peb 10 KING HURT' THE PISTIL Friday, Feb 11 MACBETH. Saturday, Feb 12 • MBBOHANT OP PANIO.II. After Macbeth. au Friday, will be given BUMP OTLEBB.A.TILD TAM CP2HANTEII. Ticket', 50 mote. A limited amber of came tickets, $1 25, at Meters. Clary /r. Hart's, and at Kerins. Beck & LlllllOll% and at the door. To commence at 8 o'clock. An early attendant* is solicited. • flB-dt* J. W. Tamtairsa—Drut Sta : The undersigned, ea oared of the high importance of the general culture of a correct elocution, and believing that A praotical Rho. tuition from you of this noble art would do much to elevate the pub:lo taste, rearm:trolly invite gal to favor this community . with a series of Publie Readings, such as those with which you have Instructed and de lighted other cities: M. A. De Wolf Howe, D.D.I Bey. Alfred Nevin, D D.. J. P. B Wilmer, D. D., Bev. 0. Wadaweoth, D. D., Prof 11. Ooppee, Bey. W. P.: Breed, Ron. David Paul Brown. Rev. T. Stork, D. D., Prof. Chic. D. Cleveland, Rev. L. Cheeseman, D. D. Rer. John Jenkins Rev. Frauds D. Ladd, , Bev. John Chambers. QIILLY'S TEN PAINTINGS, ILLUS TRATIVB OF ROBINSON ORIBOI. Now on Exhibition at BASLE'S GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT Street. Picture I—Ornsoe Shipwrecked. 2—Oriteoe on hie raft. ii—Orusos preparing his habitation. 4--Ornsoe at work Labia MTV. " 6—He emote= the print of a toot. it 6—He Brat seea awl moon. Friday. 1--Oriaos and Friday making a boat B—Ornexie rescues a apaalarl and irklay'd father st 9—Drums moues the English invests'. 10—Orusoe leaves Ws Island for England. These Onuses form a menu 'hi& have °coupled the leisure moments of our dlstisicalahed townsman. THOMAS SULLY, during the last Bre yearn. 'ADMISSION 23 Cents. SEASON TIOSETB 30 fib& st* BARTHOLOMEW's SLITUE PARADISE LOST, EVE REPENTANT. STATUE IN MARBLE, BY yin LATE AMERIOAN SOMPTOR. EDWARD S. RARTROLONEW. PENNSYLVANIA AOADIHY ON TH FINE ARTS, Cannon Eram, snow Burrirrx 8001A0, ON MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 811!, FROM 9 O'CLOCK TO 5 O'CLOCK P. M. AND PROM I TO 10 P. M. RXHIIIITED NOR THE HINIFIT OF TH3 MO• THEE OP THE ARTIST Single admlsaion, 55 dents. Children under 12 years half price. Semen Tlekote, 60 ante. Jds•lna 9PHOKEUE" VARIETIES I— Cate Man .& tant ,) nor th west corm' of MYTH and CHEST. NUT Streets. MISCELLANEOUS CONCERTS ItIGHTLT, From IX ton o'clock. T. AYBECKET, lienspr. fe4r6t* TELPENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY' OW ii Wel ARTS, No. 1026 ORESTNIIT STRUT, IS ORIN MIN (Sundays wonted) from 0 A. M. till 6 P. M. Admission 46 cent,. Children 12 contd. nuts of Moth, entitling the holder's trandag to ad. minion ai all tiassa, vox dt•tt MUSIOAL FUND HALL.--TIIN GER means OHOMISTRA will eommenee their Public; IiZEBANSALS ou SAATIRDAT neat, Nov. 20th. Single Tickets 25 cents; a peoleare of eight tickets for $l, which reay be obtained at Andre's, no 4 Chestnut street; Beek & Lawton's, earner of Boreal h and Chestnut, and at e door of the Sall. The per tormaaca aamaasnaea at 81/ *Wank P. 11. e4ll-1,/ Common litmus. JB. VALENTINE & 00., • 00MXIEZION MEROHANTS TOR TIM MS OP . AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No. M COMMON FITSBIT, NEW ORLEANS. Caudal attention given to Collecting andßemitting ixohange. .. d213-31n* LINENS FOR MEN'S WEAR. American Linen Company's superior style Brown Linen Coatings, % and %, various glades , , Brown mid Bleached Linen Anclks, various styles Brown Linen Drills. A *bolos sasortment of the aline Goods now on sample, and for sale by JOBBPII LBA, - 128 and 180 011B82121:Pr Strait. , IQRYSON 7S PRINTING HOUSE, 2 North BIXTIE Streit. PHILLMILPHIA. lebrnari 7,1869. FOR THE SPRING TRADE. A splendid lot of BILL-HEAD' PAPER, ruled with the DIAMOND TEN, can be furnieleed from Wto 210 per ream, the finest article In this market, prepared expressly for U. Alto, Cards; Oiroulms, and general JOS PRINTING, brought up to the highest style of the art, and at greatly reload primer. JAMES H. BRYSON, N 0.2 North SIXTH Strut. OMCUM.—A large stock of best American 'Ur Navy and Navy f . knm on band and for into In lota to anit on- by WCAVBEL, PITGER, W ) No, 7,3 North WATh.latatohary; St/Icl* WPitilia.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers