ENE ;370,0t,N, ~, .- crAs In .--•r-r= , ..410.;.if• f6 r. - vairki.r.t •- (- - - isbe,W - '• Wj • • -• fi 1•04'• i 4,1 - 91 :,.... ~.: •-•• _-.-_,„, , -.1 , ...- , L, A ... - 41 ' ',, • ;7•X",,,::,41:171 4 V431:1/1 - ii ii .047011.1c01,i,:i3,111 ;' i. '., k2'.' ; ''' ' • - il''' -' .. - • stP lTU l tiobt'i, ili7 — i . "' ',''' , -titi . 4 ',kit - 4 0 •4 • 1• VILA•Iut‘r,Vgif , IIKSA to .Y. , .^ 4 ,,t • * ,* 41 ..W; .I* :' , e - ', 44 '4R-Iftber,Z•V•l4.."Z !ilk'' , l• o k vait.„ ''- .-*;:: -- , °Pitg i lit l iti•-• 4 1 0, ••f•st " 1 00:04 , 44",„t•••• ,„•_W*ot!f'ottk*riieiioihOk - ipi4 ii.. 4 44 1;; ,, A ~,,A VEI 4 6 4 I 3: I 34 I 3O R•aVAL-i BITSQVAITAMte 2 2 - :: 4 V.: 4 t-t .; I ., "":4lloll4loiiiits,aelviza,au , • I ‘ , At.r - , , 14461111010116 Fr:" ' Withal* 'Neliiiiiiii4W ; e) g 011 " 4: 1 1164: roli#fet , ..., ..t t • ?, , . . ii , s Mefilbl7.P.c's O. -1 1 .11.1 Li' . • . - r' • , 01fflo,V, Qat ttrinitt.‘Oliwo.Pliim•_ - 0 '''' Arai on WpAR,49Ol:t. einbiiii44, bseeled •Vel*OPL.6O. Sent by mail, _ 3 ,,i st i 4 4OW um ,ao • .‘ Pi altAhth--tl-tih. - .14.4t..0v0.' ltN.,tiii :t -, . • - A'Voli t i Is l 4 ' 'ioeMa ll Ett i rTaa i W btlikAri ' - li t , 41 ":,* 004 4-'l 1 -i*l . 4 s 3ts'ti , Pk!tria % . 7 1 ) , 1% ~ .:4, , ..W.:46464llNalitLia,oo;;Ribilitowir,tt. ' ,'f )rpc.tAvfo::svoiwhm3qßtwrbodn 4 "rir4 341 t0 4 2.:610-4 :- ATattNo ,-, •A • larittkMktit.e. Attt t trim 't, - .o'i , S. Itirlprit4o ol .W4AYSlPOPOStokrof Akit aeithhALM 4l tiltil‘WiefpthilMAtei diklimilathe vol. umerpfebVtlyiniermblith l it WtAlee4 4,0;43„1,,1,1,-80 r....a.,....,...._ ,vrz -,.'--- .4'•v IttoviymatNing fiowtir if. voKkoo"' - - durgioohA /--, : ..4, ,g..'' ~-84iff" In titplittakroo t fy , °..- 7 7 - =‘,._,-" sneit .PW:7 1 .. , -$1 : - t ime , • tija k iK , Ale. el#l,lktil" ''o4l, 1 4 4 CglitkOM I L : • Am,rww , , . r.cl"' ' rtolemirTii,"l4- -thereg on. - tiditi_or,Cost- " , ' ,p ' tto, t ii 1 c orr 44774.1A0 operator d toi t 1, *** •' 7" e ver! o.4)inkisß, :1 ...:. TR ~-10 ' l'ilbfl.iir i - rviolow tc ri a . vi-4 iillityz tosEkt %.,x4tfrpy.,-,-4,"'-''. p. 74,. tdif 1 , - ‘2l, lrviicr,,Alui;,;[,;,'-i ..pt*t kat' a . 4 - ic bra.: ,fan Is• ik'surof „....„,,Ft.4l, i".-ii, 9 4 5, . r e b.et - .../i91;6"4.3' No. 28 44" • HEM ' —V OA 6 4,toitteitag 44 7. 0 0 v e j t • s enor t • Don ifthiatn_ Ated,Q*Mtunitel 111,'• woj i tial ito PririrodialreWncinithef - Sege nw maga or YI - eakftepotte on the Promo of MeitelloBlllo / tVO9tK °'OmV ttw,troK tqsoktß 4.4 irr-D.. u TlinindekeintoineVen* eipoeilekCCl. V lPkAutzlox. -1 0 ., k a4 "f kan k . i t lf B.44 ' 7Be 4 C llMOY- 4 imbru , es—, 1-Anatomy & Ptil 2lolo /17- 0 -,e*ker4l 2. Prattled. Medicine, Pa 4 - etiology, ii*cie.kaii- itivenutio Medicine and „„ 4,-Azoitoolegy. _ • 0-rrpowarging.j. s. Publie Hygiene. °Nutria *Naiad. ' 9. 0 /904146 0 M.,'e5,..t,i 6, reMologniti. GbiennliAtir poirecieUnis . ,,Osiike* vg9an .ni_ tame etiottott e MedkilJoarcels,orlels (huck'', "OP~d_ibq Watiaaltilgthlrfo l B l .B 0 . 141 r saateillTMAVAlii '11;1;1 47 , OfttriWilTsl l ),trf.ann ll 94 free portage to al , i t i rc ratlpk i .1f / 1 / 2 4 2 ,21. e r qiis feT 25 8.2.Mik n , 54X ~ : kkirotv• beam. -I?, n - VVYt i . ,4 3RAMP E RLO t9 r ,;%.1.! rz / 16 1 , t(PPAPOr I V '11:; .;:u; • t ifr:trilECX., l l•l7ll,l"SenY, "li.Vte : Agetit for 61'4 ADAG ' ,-'LA, 6;P1?at5',.,N9 . ,.,.:VWYW : 5 1 , " x • -*Allauk * --- -' plitik Iri iii.is.. e TEN - ANGELIXIXESSS/ ~, ~ .. , ~...., • GUAY.- NT, - TA P. -V' ' ' ' -1-. a . " 1. Pool Ihit , l a , „ i1n.... f . • Voirf o to l s. : i. Iti 6 j . , a ovz usahm-A ..... . T .t.... 11,. - - :.... -.. .. theB7Plkiil4lol""A,f2l2. ClODilakt arVaMisWrglwr i m J 4 =k 4 aa' * i rl l k ' 3lroo Vi V Vt*itlj 10 k'f9).l1 i tl Plijt"'l*i :T tnuirttiti: • liPiajitii iht , MAUR - '' Owen..._. ''' - -- --- **it ;4414 04 14 10 ,-- of TENWINNE', - COEIVIE_ A. .. ts 4__ _. ....,1_ , ANCIENT Noon ll_ vo. , • . - Iforsolialgirty vi.giou .. .1 i i i likl '' -.) l:W*TlMMlNA'ficiYt , i' --..,--, f - tk")110 • ll_ * t ot*? - fP•••S . 11.06 t o , lo sorlptione may beilfte,r, Alba TIMID Obed. BoU"in nMYAWP:* ATE ANTIQUE :BOOSE - AINEK • IVEI' ..,Yll - 0 - 4i:" ...I_ll_ ' . I;r8ADINALIVIONIII Of The exteil - • sh , . - -A _ i„,,.,,,...- Virtentßooks 1 4471.61. 1/W . vtjy . Al I A - Virgi *L7O1 45, PA ri ilan ti g;! ' 4 l law Iffl1 1 .44* tl .. 4 ;104, 1 -, 011r 0 P r 1 14 ,sBri l . _O, - N. , •usiattc.4 °9 4 1 4t. 108 NMI • 4 , (,;..., , 11 00 o_, • g:lit tr - i 0 ' 10% .i1.: PV.444:14 111 „14,314::4:4 TU_Eptiq t retli m le i tri ~,:-.-4, t=ow -. - '044,!..: ,:,-;_"=: - 4 , g10 ) ALti t oAlt i, -I, O IA .P.Air , 41.4.M.9, 11 pqR, f 0 r tA 0 4 1 43 , , , q ,- *4rM,ol`,l- 1 1 44 --A i. - -3- 44 f4 ,4-- '• Vi*4ltettigEr t iA t r lee ' • - 1.7 ) AND OLD_ DOD - r 4 44 4 :14 /1 29t-' s 'math And .ohestnat Wee ,-Philadelphia: : Highow illis pad. - Orden Atte:kW - 4o in 'every st.te or s Union, _ Thinlqi Immir4llk . pailhirtove i . ,- . _•--is the TBE - LAM% • :s AIIgIaPHILOWHOP PLUG QUID* -AND 440 gaiILICILIPEW 0014 P A N ". - PiatUIVIEMEtri ria Poe phi at till AlROjkat i tAND 4 hq9s.,79l:qoll. Isll-1m• ' B._ TALENT 0+ 4, - , - ;. • ll* AUMUMBIANTIV, ,RUM vis.corro,, Ali t y m t A 17 I , J „ lt e N' 11" W E A If 8 ; aPei; l oXl*Wittivrift*t4 09 1 4. 1 ANCAS t rittIn !IM* AIIantONIPEMIRMIONJANARSKSir savAessimwrignao,-y_ ,MIIWNGTOD IsvinarinknuunantlTlONAWlThliaelf at - PardAinola, p2Mtindrigla P nife. , 1 01/11 1 4 1 :44.f: DeP „P ir, A net bas!' I d =e l = l44- n i ggi , or-An MOD._ ". t WINE SfsrOEItipPETIFABOIIIIi - Li nut ‘"l4ileitift, 'rya, ftedi 3314 F f Brow -pus; DIM. A 2 1 1, 1 . 4 ka. 0b.,. Good. leant: on wale, .40111111EIMIC o.lff..itak 1490041187/40T8trosta7 QPECIAL NOTX • .. rAiretiOn Goodj'eat'd PstelitforTuloWeettlenbter iinenonde ' re I/Inittesl WitheNnOWIJOINITERION.WONskiu•' - 114 1 : 106 ft w filltheeneolweththroiee owthootsof enjonot ntenotittedthM*4 lB o4 l l4 2 e B 4.l4l7. otempnk or labelled VinvilleAleerionYlnlknit on - ) oannOthel diesteoCor itt , the Un ited Mateo :hierohante An Ware are, invited tOintitheek opeointens now In' itolelNONLiestrpthalteraers for the Bprinc,Trade to the nattirelppolivii4MONN-: ildririfireDA/AWWWWB), IN, T TAT or, pee geode; initiehonn 44, theMnlnt,d(tf4TranWilitlitin4 soi Ton agir m a cti ta,l47, —nod , T4trE w ., o taldiNdeKtlriplAktoNFro weeleoPM:. taltiMiltr . 4 , et 11.,44 - OM E. „ . n r, - I ' . t0w..1.; -4" ti wcp -o.StioT 6:47,11; `!.; URO rq.A' • 14 / 1 1444 s 3 MO3 . 10X. ,8 - ; :9R 9 "; • • . AskiiiiraiStribit44,l4.lolloo43 di tw the bad. gel 114 , wm • fitt, ,61.04.~,4 0 - rip% evicatiwa&b4,,tv: , th•- t ,O - 0 4 - . ixTri 7113:w But ActisitrOd,iitaiii*Atittlitimowtme;;, 4 7**0 4 ,0** 1 - 3 1 3 , 1 414" Alt 47 o•w-. GrOe ne i ., r sal; Rt e Es tcl gerSLllttAtri .i' l l k. idlikb. atln• lowest mar - Atoo ( ruck ai - 1146, t t i_ l_ ._Wa.O.. Irti ,”.XonitingjaAi Ouz n i36oAh , iittate,surovo ir ii Osr the _ . , shwts- ottimiroitowprttrltt • Atte-. - , ' • • z r i *gm., ' 4l. t 3b,:',..!!?:4-9e-,•.;i • 1 14.00 hk-t5.,47,6•,-{ (11 .11 1 1 " il i fYRIPW 140. WW, A. L. AffklikpMyßZPßiic:RAOlV No. 26$ BoutY THIRD . MiM=! Bcafl*TtniniTUßlAl * : *l l4 l lll iTg i tat i A i f i f 61 144 8 / : W.ILIWIMMES";4O.' - o=ll . ' CABINET i ss in#lsllll l AiiilLUAßD TABLII,- , „ IWYORE' - • - Wriintin 'Nitta ABooNtcsommitm„ in coormotteurlth.thelt-tOtteseize_oothet are simmonoteetttelog superior inoy 91 4 . 4.114 - - nog hiv - iinow on hied kflittiagrOlf nighed With 1300811 or=tyium * pi whir& iirogth euitio'have Ullamem to be Utterer* feint to . Abell., numema _ranee throughout tholgnippt .71010.1miliar*Itk - the detractor of their ' " --7, leaum expal . kikT l iirif a ilgtieffii, ~ .. .. . _ ..: toiAltiv4Segcv 44 -. • '' • •T_4#llt 11.1 .• : ~ : '.' . . Ot. O I4NNU . Tirrop. Th a r . e t i tti vffe ' " .01.1,90 ,0 • 148,, 00 it. ..-AruitiWAtiiintiOkiVDNUO,) 114/14Nmh• wills, aitinsic*Zolthiss • TODlkt.' 11 9 rt 14 ,4 - . eit..ollollllo. ' to ttai iiiktiotake Aahfa . )0411 , igkial t-, Wait* tiotataiaillatatoroe' 3 -..._ ~, -.-. .. - .,, .~ - ,c . ..Tilalltaallakitc-XO4l3Sr.i , mt.ifontbiy Tar "batiriten OIteRLEMPAAVV 'Y offers a t ao ..- varydealtible,tairv - onpila a detr, u t . tet , ,: r araiditt i t i paltattaile- '•,, -: ',- '• - . , r_ '-. , t" 'l77fir 1 , /,'ltr Vlirrhirohni4lo6rititerflittr:W.; 1 - - , :, - coisi _ COEISIITHIMEISiiI. °sirs% lkitati. 'ARO l lo # llV4iVll l l.o_ l 7loF,o4l .*-1 ~,,s ~.' Valtz.t.Vi` ,,,7 ti -- 0. , it, OLTON,-Proalde ~ '-'', ,-Qt ~ NI VIONAB & ININI4I ''' c ATAIB-91611.199„itnid141 SOUTItTOLUITII STRUM glikk l4l 4 l 74;_trA ir a . v42.,iiißii..i i • ur.vh.ittrgit i ouq, , ...,„.l. STVIET, bie ;lo.)tegoittilitent (fOrstr t itte i err o lar i ter th ibe t ß re ank r % ix 1- 01 1: 101%, 1 41 1 Virq i iitilinie u ;oirj'inii-, it., litiyiektre b 15 yikeinglesee - -,:' 11 : 3 "-" Mltilk_fiektplibir 4iligibilleAtithe' audible :4 ...• 1...1.. ( 11 - .U11; , 14 , I0 . 1 4 . , ,,j 14 11, I, ...:I , l' 1. ,o -I:. i11,11,4'/• 0 - -, ~ i , I , , f . a ,i':•,, • , , AWOrtilreltamt - rußraTtniE;'MANTlliA/ 11- 1.- svISINITABOIMOD ) !GIBB4 SAS" , •bllANDßLinitiii BRUSSELS ClARBElTShied.,..boxy , 1 •"1" = il• ,- : OARDA-Onnialntromfbrbwlnollane, at the 'notin. iettiiiilli nemyricellenddint , 9oo lotil comellentaecood, . aid ftnintrarCig niititelirolfrorliTik.gllt fratries;Aygilt 'tic, illillyeGiera, sewingg= ...edible, Bnifeele, ingratw,- 1 4 10 1arif lietTateizpili,lipt,Ana , g4Faxpiede and : .bed . formlarettrliati,e ,* irprthy s tatig adt , krireof :lamer+ and4Oth, ere aeirf Alf Pim . os o gyeg, , , , , ~ iyik.:0.14, , 1 I ~ , , . ...4,...,i) fit: fq. -4 A `.: Er Viiiloool now fewaiAnd the artiolee arranged, )! Vffiri t i m Fr ..ii L . : -.1:1j1 1 A. -`.' ii ;I. ,' i , &i• - •" , RieontbritracCAdminietratorA Bale.: -"'4 -43. ,Cli eRWSIBTOOES... , , ~ - fie ~ W V' 4 a voli Taliadry livening, y Titirtlitryllith - ,' 07:reflocity - at-the-Thiladelphla lg. yonabgeywill beiehblityierderoViirgeonwir-L '-_ ', ,-, . -' y 80 'eliareeilbrenortenandlfeclianioaT.Bant. of Whael: g leaf ti.y.oribyr ofsdridnbltrato .r.-c-i-• ; ~•,,,,, ; - . 90 WhirgePenneylrenla Itallroadllomptuiy. • . refer, OitY'Llind Menoistioni- , - - 1 libttit MilllintiLafid'AsetiolatiOlif. ". 7 ..... ',erwforeumoont of ',whom Ir may concern- . 10itherterAforint ,Yernon. f lea Light °employ, Ohio -160.,,iri0 ir ,, t r.';-, , ~= . 40 Muer& Wooster ilaiitioMpanyi Obio-par STS • •'' ~..... .; - BEAVEBTATII EII4-4101It1JARY 16th, , ~"' it C . , w i lltinoladia , ,-;o4 ..:.-.1. r.,,' • ,21., .' .. , • .1 1. , '-‘) , '' . r.. , ' - `23POSTPONIti.I4AI.II, , ,' '_ , IBMs= STALTDBMarni, TATIANTIO CITY. N. Y. ~ .I . The..verrywitlable plartyknowtkaa the ii United 1 Stateenllotel.PLAtbintio- ity. +No Yr.- •. -. _ ^'Eromptceryleie, by fordo at helm-414st* late of ai. '• ikaiiii - angraggatftoithi..t...i.f. gtitiriniil (MOAT tti.fillaltiabrolatet ' ' ' • lINNDSOIKEIRObERNIIIBIDENOII,iiith side yard, ; .MI nilitlilltilibt." %lOWVented et . ' NEAT MODEEN gliwimlitera , with all molten' con. r nietinife , bid. o- 0225:11ertlei Fifteenth et., forth of „_' Ara' iiii, " 'l ,, ier 'Vivi, l i o •T B.STOR 41 OK - D i t imast Nis. 911011gt98.5' . 111a193VOntallir sti',- , t:', arid 'llroistoits.,Bnlow Oirird'arinne. , , . ... _- ' THEELETORYO3IIIOIBSTOREI AND' 110101.LINGi southlianinernirinf Perrish , 'Lodi:y.l%ll[lln eta.; (late lii Wag Garden:l sr.?", .. -,-;.a, A IT , ' 1 WELGEROURED GROUND RENT OP S T6 YEAR; o ealbrtintibt, on lot of grotind, - Girard avenue, west of T wiebtitlii • it., bn *Moll le entotent a • four/story brick. A elinirbirii ~ Utile garden, too.; Psaitytint rosl,'Weet is and dwelling:, 1, --, a .. , .Plr,--,. i r.-. 1 •.: `4, ' ' .., 1 T , i TRUOK , GARDENIILI, , Ato-,0Y91t , 12 MMES. i 1 ARGIBLAND ' yALTIABLIPLOTitig& }arikeirtnd 98 1 oboes - )rith - two•titom beet- and two-etory, frame ABriniCitinifierWard.• l ?..1 7- - r r- , ' -i •-" r Laqx AND vApp . A.BLIIITABbid 411 afros; Kent (xi, lairiberob:ltiii. asaU - roed iletilLng from , timyrnit to Illigfon. •. TtnLmirrovtliAßOJE ~,TMTlVllMlneteenth . nt;otertlipt cii xt 0 Avenoe, -Tae oi .th_w.d . .... -,•. -13 3 W, PP o A? 3 oeri____Batitte.,Pf Zia llb / RILW.. /lviih 1 ,* r)' Sidle ' ' TTIRI: ' 4 Aiiii iDTS ' . 14v 1, .1 1 :- , ; Ot' VSD, nYrion,etree ~Nineteenth ward. - Sidi Re e ,'IIitTOK'DWALLIEG4 , BRAILE STA- B,l4Nliiiillt.:l ,o Ti-Eralikt9iik,UTitißte, near .0 catliflite • eitt..ferietetip ly ward,' _. i- VALUABLE • LOT, -SERVOS-STREET; - south etas, ii tweim Sixteinytty and- pirinteenth atreete, 44 feet I nt, 104 feet deep Only bße•tlitil cash. , 8013EEYOTK EMIR /Teat niodern rt r's enne,lfd.lll PAM TlientfithltrAbt below Mint-, tiittint.r' ' ' ''`", ,-,- '.' ._,.• ,-,-,-." t , ~ ....t, i .. y , .1 BIATESKTII fITTIRET .i=lliat Mid - ern resideno, No. nth Ilitienth stredf. l belcrii' Biirnon fotieet. , Both Are ftiarhiq. rilih,the,medern inprorementc, ' V a ND Silibit - k-three-liorYbilott dirdahli No 161 i ne tiiiiit 'bitileitiMmit int 136C1:1‘ Ild latest.' . `'' •' ~ ermittesiPeriniptclitlig lete TWIIIMOTSX/IMPROUNDrillintorrlitteet,.. north of greet. late Northorn.LiterLiee. ' TRREE-STORY BRIOK-'DWELLING, No 1628 m t l d tbiate of-leter Rtyrpti , 1 ondatritt,',94tweon Ylfbitifitkalid3 ll, ykeeuth 4 irma4 6 * terl L GBRAINNTOWEi.4 , ViItitinic , lot-en Chew Arent, ermintowd - -rl6oby 240 feet,- ,'r ', '-, • • •• 1 . 1.-0 .m44.`..IISTATS SALE-MAIIOII let. , - . . Wilnuolteia= , 1.11112D311111A8L8A80UN1ta11gT,47,550.-ga5616 &year:Weil itattredpn thirteen brick dwellings; with uranee for $5, 000.erlifairrill b 6 inelitdird la the Bale. 10810 itifierlafifinerßotithlfOuith:Strebt. NUANlTgaill.'•t PIO O.VORTBB 'knit= PLATA' M181500.,1 1011 103. 2 4- 0 "•• PHillotc.4 pm , / t :p i r:e.:PoThoreoo7.sl.oezfrOti lit;gt p oelt, • ist,the lattation, atm", en extenetys :Joulortmenfor-exoeflent sedond:hand furnittua, elegant AttalikePrtles , JIM ilaraigriattilitiOato.girifin ferellfilt aectieWkholulektilpinsPlaoTalkloittltstPA . forged, van sae" skqestatity of &Fulda end single iron halals/Wisp isonlettlaliksySktt I gnitable ••--• • • 011 KB qui; swalis,,:meatipsa, 'Jz: ! 9 1 , flImi!"? _Mornhg• 10th tnet.,,,at /0 4.'404, st.thicste. les. The street, est pt l'westy•third - street without mom, 10 Dino:. kin,4l,oeis4o,,losoitysliDeloonirono,:oidiron, an. r AtillifiditpittkNWra "60iffnit ' AND,atrit. 1111fifir1.8,1rYNER•41,q0pg0,c0.1110;tnn:' i". 'X'llnliddiy Xv.ening. , idyliniimip h coonntadnink6'o'aindkrat thit Siii on Attire; an'inniorlfdiiitif 4,fuir#4llt4:nenno, nandcd,'snd vei010.*a1t5,...,:::::....,".' "_;‘ 7 .!! ' :':,...."—: -- , " :. ItliN;k 00,1 Oolknir i liplipp.et ,inhm, pulpy _lto g,0 5 .04... 1 144r, ,5..;•:.: ,-; y : .;'±. . .. • . 4 11 Y P V e R l iI9A 4 4 •41 Pg liell . ; i ::'T? . ?l,Ft.triAirai PoWitt'iiiill4lllli: s ''' , t': m - , on3ilditi4viiedst. liohi* liticzoo l ekNk At6:o?at - irii ‘:...titkii,i4imr: a istoroi,.4lllll*(ipld alairla libisrf ,or , ' popilsr and tuabls - boolr,`lneludedlive:'inS4,'eh'olos authors Sal: terelltutg, latp9rtsoOtitrasefal'itibiletbl-z4 number thseekMoOtto:tilltlorue. 117! ustroilttbs )Ittli be vastly, and the books arrartzed r mats tlOti'on ritbur.nioroivg. ''' 1 ( 114;471' l , 4 It t;k; . t Molted - .- 4 ' maul tor , paconurof Mate's. t • (iriarti:OOTTODI OUTNINOS t pArw, ke.: -,' •--- - -. -. - :.ci 1511Addef,Norning, -„ • ,-. Yetir4tl2ttiV 14'10' ioadok;s4 - tbe suction . shire,' 1 .1 68 1 7 : kji: 0 11: 424. 6 k'ere l ey ibil en si t y tt: isc... ga,: l l: ll .7 7l 6s Ib ir edi;lr. bl ij it e s. , k ley, (S i r l iti go lLikak i b 6 l7 01ieth,,231. AB. . gr L ki ttith eil l" os 4 n a A 4141 Z ti 3.' alia s TaB2,llitiait:l3l .„,..4„,,bg.,,,„,F.,,,,,,.,b,,,..,,,,..„0, ~..„,,,,,,.....q„„„,__..„....„.„,.,..L.. f A dliiiitiatieettill . 51-No I, BB9 , Nottb‘ Twelfth Street.' 8 BBRIpt,"IIIIRNIVIIIIIVINIDROMNIVTAPESTRY .: .., nl, !,1,01 "OM:- ogyams..-it,..1 -•— +---, ,-, ~., • 1 - r , 08tIoistdeD8Stactlis ;',-- ', ' '''"' ;'n f:76, IA sth' ja AOC', e1"3.0 reelooB4 , liy 'eadlope,• the' slip. Yi :101:811,looki*S",itispsiktry - rniets,-Ao btyordei h' eqttii". it en.,lllroittire. ' -' ' - : "•' • 4* - z 0 ,4 . # 1.. .0 i 4i *044 if ,iiii; I.i. •:-."-, - ,, JH- 41..r-PliriTATB BALE." -.• , ' , A. cleirisonie -residents; With 'debts, ookob.house, - &Ed Illiralot„bletrralyebt, II attiogtont New Jersey. - • qu~~~ iLLISIMIBBeitti antSKT,' tfWRS , BECOND ANV:TUIRD ,Bwltiourra - Salta: '-'/Weiliart• ,thi.spealk4 "Ittotitioti' bt P l O . /Are :01 , ', ttitilteriteiptiii %ski Edn a " y"'sad"ftepte to toe pieB4'_t4td =Trill*. at 10.0410 n pre_oholy; .. .., .. 1 ) 3 740,1 - .9it.PTIPTALAtirPFA3!;; : 4110,, Tfilallorelo - t.p;cloliiliir , 9ll;,ll:r , ieSl,eltht , ;o ; . I , 4 4 l .al elPte t:otyct 0144llo4rIsirlri , e iambs wool a elAilleilitdrsen/ri,gt ekiellib, belleryi 9 ke. ' , 9 ' , tEII.tOROIDNIIICSS. .. ~- .., - - ir l v ier: - .;:eitottfekllkeeLltelsAtttAmd liffillr; callus 'Slid el .. 4te t -Oli t eSe, iniseeloge4,ConAefik,&F-C i f'.', .. , q r ec ti, , , M greekte - SlapOsatreei, .?3...... , ~ ; 7 ", ;:eie!lme yirlitt frlbbOnt , Nkelgel.' ~,',.,-.:ra,e., , Aleigli; ge „ leeral,ymiety,pf,Aotions, rateable - for oily 1 4 1 -551.1 1 StiPlide. :-'• 4 , i. i".",•_ ' •."- ~ ' ._. - , f. r t,.:l . !;: - 7 TlintigOOP, S.P . Be -.-. . . , z- cemeaespenOnt.-ofekelp•,, !Sue:lvo, Oatent . Are, 4 q-"Fej,ilie4Egtg.thl 3 k.: , ': _. -: .. . - ..- ... riIItrfICILLIRA STE 3 i4, GENERAL' - 1 4.:1 0 Tilm- ANA ,00 1 .1m438X 014,,0T085,, No. '46 Nortli MUTE Street, be ow Aioh. „ JV A. lILIBOIL Alietionear. .r P141(0.14, , 4.9q.8E10,LD 413.RNITUBM, 'te. This letornint, eo Slthe OW. tategeW,!;4lo,4 7 4loole, - ;bl:estalogate, we, wa lame aultdpelreble were, ment :of .well•insett lied - 4'l'4;mA,, parlor. , amber, see; *lag -44.1#A51.4;,c5rP90, RIM* P l ,oll l 7 , walis *O. __, ..„ .11,XIIIIIG BALES. ' , , :. - (On'llgoiday, Nednesday,.Thursday, and Saturday, ~.,, f :.• i .Consmenolcscat semis Witio ,; ok. - - , , pei,te, J pirSning of, OM above pilYe',,yre will eell from :the ''-,s elvesi'flisittif 'and- findifet 'cutlerl; ' cliterTicted• wererliiMatinsfig, geld jeweirvlsid' and shyer !Mabee, Britahniregrani, - clailli; hitchate,' liens; itincggoode, Sco. F • CaneiffnufMitf,respebtfnlly ifolicited. ' ' .., .oiiindsMinteliti of new and nseefeind-hesid ,Dad e ~If ferniture, lanci•fortee,tcarpets, 'lnhibits, jewelry, eollettediem-whdchliberal-esslrnti• rottei be made if .ryiquire4...,-. . , -,-; ~• - 44r:r Ont-door dales attendee to triMptty. Charges 4 moderate as any otherhonee in, is oily. - - - - - . . . ... ANEi I NAT : /LN : ,' ' AtidnOrzza U i t gi grllt imffsw g / Intlng, iekar.,ol I r below the lztZge. l % of Wards fioni f.,. oroloelc; , a. kJ,' seal 10 'Week In the mans, , es p o tipoor Wes, and ..eelee ,at Oho Auotloo now, o *Oath* mart'‘tialkotory tarsal. :j, CAPIT6I,IOOO,OOO. listatisitrafa,i aselasi•Thirty' Yaws. .. ta6 7anoes made from one dollar to thousands an . • , Silver BIM* Watehedigtearp; Ilaalware, More „sari , Ol p or s t . g, rrindluire, Bedding, Olgars, Mad • goods "ti' ma aagi rl:reele lf"ll :ney, length of ' " tit% °wal e agree it I. advanseadrom top belayed dollars end mama y AMbe aharpd 2 per cent, per month; $OOO sod' over loyroot ourkot,iroto. ~, . , r. Thii StOroltoose havilitg asiith a lit, int,kaalarg lit and Ildef.prooftwoolti to atom all yaluades, and pr , lis• watchmen foe lab preudsel I also, • • heavy afafor tko.booon of ou Poroosisibiring Pr i B.4giooottnt of Win oat unlimited, algal Mee Is prepared to mate admiliasimmeril delis all, t itrag NOPIIIM trXdi than any other s. 1. itnamid an its pOor, WNW' latottols; , • W Gimp. AT e -- AT PRIM'S PALL ..., • , ,Poitiat Lever and other Wateltae, Jewelry, tall boonlik at rataa•{l pita, aal4, 1 , t.if.. 4 i! colau3i'tc. do.;' - , 'HOUSE. - rioai . No; 80 Biala to N1ol:600 CHESTNUT STREET r.,OPPOSITB TRIPSTAT.XIIOIII3II. 3a27•im „Ir k - - ..,..: -. lK , g - ill4; ir ] .*'' iitir,E is , A , Y , 11 - . Y:1 2:;: ' '- - ; i , , ,: ' -- ', T A:I1, 0 , *9; -:, -, • 81: ind 881301;1T EU NIP TEE STREET, : , Ift: - ;',:t: fi^,C.:li, ,- A --. . , i • - ' . °' '''''' - oafs -Doli•iitoiia'aczwrithe ":I,'"': s '',• 1 'Mid 'Nide: ' '-- ' • ; 1 - oAttimpi-r., , A44TTso, • • • vto - 44.;.2.120:01116TNyT414 RUM ::..I,oentitriAnton snow. rwearra, Where helm prepared to dieenee nit orders In Me thin petogwhandtwtothenpply qt:CIOODS itor.Xtentle• =WO WOO. • 8 1 7 41;poblet: k*miwt.v.ma •••••••-• Sales It) %nction Funtross, Nn. 429 - 11dAltilitT STRUT BALD OF INPOF,TED AND DOMESTIC DRY cloonp. - 4 • q h M iei a.A.Bl9.rfatnif y • - at 10 eislable, by catalogue, on eniontbii?; credit -600 and lotcor-feacy.and staple Imported and domestic dry goods, comprising a desirable assort ment of eeasonable gords. Famkdka and oa t talßvaltie9riy op thn*prEting of BORTT, AUCIT/OA , TER/1„ No. 431 • ,011118TNIIT-liißtiTi optoettb the Hiiiitom ROUES, between FOURTH and FIFTH Streets. pp•Atroitio#kErt, 030 EtABIAIT between !UTE lilt Mt/ Oir , 80004,-;l34ollArA.Ntflißd i 4lNiCo On Thursday Morning, February. 10th. at 10 o'clock, precisely, we will sell, by catalogue, ,about 1,000 eases men's and youths' boots, shoes, and brogiltetr_also; Warden's and misses' Eastern and olty made oboe', gaiters, &0., comprising ! freak and desirable • goods from the beet manures. tgrera—enitsble for spring sales ti r, Busy* sorts, J' ' al • REAL ESTATE AIIOTIONEERS, No. 1520 WALNUT STREET. Orphans , Court Sete—Estate of George flergesbelmer, deothised On Thursday Afternoon, Fehrtiety 24th, 1859. et 8 &dock, will be sold, at public imago. no the.preralses— „ • THE YALEABLE 'PROPERTY AND' BUSINESS LOCATION; intaate on the easte.ly aide of Main Wed, ,op ghetto avenue, 'Germantown; lot 47 feet 'front byl66 , feet' deep; On' Which ;it eileted a doable three otory.,etone hooop,,rlth briok,front. • Within one minute's" walk of the davit. t rr Bale peremptory : ,. • ' 21._f 4ff,imer* Botp, eeetioneere,, will bold r_egabir 'sable dt•Resl'lretete, Make, &e. -Also, household feroLteseetilwelllnsi.; ; RILL,IBT.e.T4 AT.NITVATE BALL 02i.oni "Mite 'side 'Wester .1011' always be focurl ;eery n liege vaqunt,pt!real 43 00114 11 0 11 wberrlleatiptitidilf elty-Onteoubiry prope • ;,; aii/11..411ThildBY 801 , 18 i - Bell Rotate Brokers 670 WAi;irut tpi: ! l4lt, , .MOSE N'AV-H;A. its ..fitrOT/ONEZE - LTX AND 001011.13810 N - 2iLEBONANT: oornin . 11E244 t i,I3IBISIV AOOOMMODATION. ' MONEY " MONEY 11" - MONEY , 1 „ 'Honey liberally advanced in largo, or emelt qnonnts, fiUmi one dollar to thonsande, - on gold and silVer plate, diamonds, *etches, jewelry, foerling-pleeoe, milsical Jristrumente, furniture, dry goods, clothing, grolierhis, .cllll5, hardware, cutlery. books, horses vehicles, her p reed all artiolei Of 4ilpeilor peleigth of time on,, at • • bloihans',..p,riticipg ..Esh2s/isliment, sontheintdoiniiiihf Sixth' and =Race stiorne;'. TBo,sllll3l3o7trlegM, vitth collateral, d l sootwie4 at :e lowest market retell. GREttil INYWA'TOEIEBVJNIWAILItY; o.,,ATPRIVATE,EIALII,,atN&TITANW PRINCIPAL: NOTABLII§MdIiNt'; 13: E. Oorner of 81XT$1 and NAgN StreetiKulThe following artialeifirillbe`sbid foildesthaii lialfthetrumalestore;prioes vitlnoludd-Suglistrpatent• jeweled and plain, of the moat approved and beet Make, in htuitineckeis , and' delablu- bottomed. Fine gold escapement lever and lopine•watehes, in hunting case and open face, some of them extra full feweled and beet make: . 'Silver 'English Pitent‘ lever witobea, e¢ capement lever and !spume, ip hunting time and open face, some very superior : Sadie, French, end gnarlier watches; One gold vest, fob, nook, And children's chains ; fine - gold - pond!' eases and pens, 4 biicelets, breastpins, llnger.ripgs, ear-rings, studs, me- Mons, aridloweirigerterally-fluperiorliavticanigars a $l5 per thousand, in boxes of 200 each, will be sold by single box or quantties - to - sult purchasers. Nu merous fancy articles, Ice., km., &0..„ anb Qrapartnerabilis DISSOLUTION OF PARTIIERSAIP.— The -firm of , WE&VHB, YIP GBH, - & 00., is this 4y dleenleed; GEOIG.II I WIE4VER :GEORGE 7; -WEAVER,' ; • . .EDWIN H. NITLICH • .Ivlrontauvmar,it.' THE HIIIHNESS hereafter will be dendiseted" by the undersigned, under Ito 'ffrin .ot.WHAVER, , TITLEH, & CO., , HDWIN FlfiL WA, " •• - • hiroHiiHt;.HE/0,1rE,,R • ' 00k1HAH'I r .01,01:HLIgle. Februnry 1, 1869. ," ' " - . fe6.6t ' OTtOE.-4 - . MOYER; ;,( la te •S., • Marahal for the Dietrist'4o6inesnin) Am ammo-, , olated him, elf with WALTER P. 'DATIOGH; :sailor at Law. Business Utterer! the CH. Suptenie'an& Olratilt Ootutc7the Pourtnf Olaime, andtha Resontiver *apartments promptly attended tei Address At.4,IDGBt ROMP, IPPIPAYA Avenue, rtgepHte.o PAy• .4.IILiTED—PARTNERSHIP.—The sub ., 44 'earthen hereby. give notice that they ben entered ibtaaLtm led Partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the laws of the Commonwealth, of Fe F usylyaMp . ., 2:0,4 Wing to Limited Partnernthi. That the naritelor firm ' ander which/said parineligi ,is to be condwited le.B. WOCID,AIABBH n ; HAY , WAND../ , s I That the general Eldon of the Busliieec intake& to he transacted is. the Dry, Neat 'Jobbingaed - Olgething, 110 rinses. , That the names of all the general. and special part., ners interested therein, are BENJAMIN V. HARSH (general partner), LZWId W. IIAYWARD (general partuer), EDWARD Y. TOWN SIND (general partner), HENRY HENDERSON (generel partner),..RIOCIARD WOOD (general `fikileier), ALFRED VE,O3TER (gene rEl partner), RICHARD D. WOOD (apectal partner), and JOSIABAHLOON ( epecial partner), Ind all'of e said partners, general and Rumba, reside in the tty of Philadelphia. - • - , That the aggasgate,ampont of the capital oontrilmto by the'spettalpertdere to the' Common Stock, is Two hundred thensand dollare;:of Which One 'hundred [thousand dollar& in cash, has been so contributed, by the said RICHARD D.,,WOOD i special partner, and of Which, One bundled thousand' dialers, 'in oath, has been so contributed, by the said IOBIAIII BACON, spa clot partner. That the period at which the said partnership is to commence, is the thirtp.brat'day.of December,A.D. lath, and the period at which it will terminate , is the ; thirty-drat day of December, A.D. lees. " • t tiouenb tr. WOOD, Bpeetal Partner, •tA , rrzJOBIAHIBALION, Special Partner. DENJN. V. MARSH, , L W. HAYWARD, .ISD*4).T. HENRY HENDgRBOS.% - 1110HA.RD NVQOD.7 - • • ALYRBA 'NOSTEB., I Philad — a., Deo. al; 1858.' erigara ana 40batre. "I_l A.VANA OIdAR ' ' ‘ , II3O2IIVED'PER.L - A.Tii imulvAts. ,) 0000 Gailditzidi2iimlifindit; 1 . 7,800'd0 Loiidres, let' 00 ,4 1 2 00 4 4,609 X*BoiBdola.; - 0,000 do Minty Ooto =Theo ; 11,000 do Operas; 10,000 do 0°001013o; ,0,000, AirtalLLBnaToe. ; .4,700 do Imaladores;ll.ooothintiva 'Lonctrol ;04 .000 d0.1.00d 'olllndridtul., '8 OCO:Clafitabra. ,Lttodree • 500 do ,Oombhaa ;14.000 Loodiregi 22.000 ;Ebro do; 7,400 do do 8001 800 do 311110. r ; 4090111 Doradii Vdridien ;00 dodo doe; s,ooo4:spans Logree 6000 do'do doo ; 100 el rriocippo; Ohe• note l OO 0111441,1140perps ; 7,800 do huclti.Londres; 1(,000 do Relcalltidel Itey,;•ls,ooodoEntre•Actos;3 , 000, `Ad Ooqttetta ; • 7.o.oo„Teinds Stiejta Load iee,; . 10,000 'd# ptd s Nosi.lB,WoAo Xpt;to Aotod ; 9.000.d0 }1.ga14,000-,, eau* thaidta ; 8 800 do do Londres 6 800 do Zarzoem ; 11; 000 do blll4r,Loddres ; ~22,g00 x.,l B otGua r ds 'dies ;1,800 do .Intie Aotoe ; 11,000:do Ppersi,,• 'O,OOO do -,:q1,1,„L0dd1eit . ,23,000 Yrs( goraddloo 1 80,000 liebiju ' . n.14 . 8;16,000 'Ties tr . 10tOrIlul; do 8,700 .do.lllllnr.' afore 0 0 d 1 0 004 x and ,0810 by A, IttOBIIOOO,, 140' SoutllollloloT Strecd.... • *JA3I..tY .~ii FIIGITE't'ai 8010, P. 70 Importari of HAVANA (newts, 148 216 South PRONT,Btreet VIETARO, CABAIf AB AND PAWrAciAB . Ext Alla.--a• Attics :inirotas nT me; oalebiast kande oxi board brig 11 110101riS" dall7 exEllati4 trail Allivaasoad tor sale low, by - 011ABIAS . VOW) igil3Y lll 4o#o o l3ailOW Beyond, , ?"4 1 . • ••• , • • 4.0.04 !PM! g VEGARS.L4O 9 ,OOO Havana Segarbi choice attiiikhf, bOnd and stdre, tor We e WISING 140 Ekitith' )SONY fltroot ddd 'Photoglaill,' ,C G. ORAgE's PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS; ((Formerly VAN 10A N'l3,) bEd:Altblettrear. ; - 1611. the variona styles and "fiend 'Plot:tree, Dagnarreotypos, Ambrotype4 Photographs, - And Ivorrippoa ore Jalren, sad At WOO: rune Ptlool, ) d7-131n* - E. NEWW9,:& 99., • LOOKING-GLASS AND PIOTURLYELTdiI - • • , WHaEBAiall AND SISTAIL. Ali Ritonsive /Hook of OIL rAirtiiNcti, int4wnias -AND INGRAVINQB, i; All at very Low Prides, ' 004 ANTI BT., ABDVE. SIXTH, PHILA. ll „uss AND orf.eatrs. /IAZID807:7118. - !to. 1. 62Me. per dos. • No. 6, 81 12 per doe. • S. 760. • " 6. 176 I ' 8. 870. fl ' 7. 160 I. 41.100e. ‘ « 0..1 75 II eitow, $126 Per OSeD• 7 ROW, $1.76 per dozen. " • ••tt Sow; nab per dozen. • ' MINRY EOllll/124, ' ItTnts Btr.we Truitad.ietdp A NEW4aD'IIIiPORTANT DISCOVERY PEANTIBWEI ,WASEING AND SOOURINQ sor.iunozir. P.ATENTIi)) Atrigi 22, .1868. Thlslmportant discovery has just been 'patented by that:rutted States, and it is now confidently recommended to IlfatiufaCtitisheprOusekeepers, and others. It is a atelaelugpreParathni, and costs less than half of any other article known for cleansing purposes. While It eleendee;" tiliitene; z Ond purities Cotton, Linen, and Woollen goods of every desoriptlen, it will not injure the nieet delicate fabric. Certificates of its value have been given by come of the leading manufacturers of the country, 11,A . CW . 14i,as by many ;eligible honsekeepere Mannfiiiinred bj the Patentee, and for ale by GitAlsiT, Ja., & 180 0011TII WATER STREET, Jy22-tbtu 1 TRUSSES I—Gennino ,Frelich, of • Adtati. T upsESI tlenaine Prench, for Ohildzen. TRUSSES!, Ai);, , do. Ladles. TRUBSRIII. Approved /merino Styles: pupp or t er ;, Abdominal Delhi; Syrin ges, a s rlew,anS Improved self-Injecting article; specially adapted to ladles , nee. ..Also bath-room or. hydrant 240t13113 ' • PremoluTessariee,l Breast pnpippy Infanta 4 , Eareing.lll ohs ; Nipple . 13helle and Shield": inc mai OALSIIMI.NEEDLES;PhatinatientIet, ' 4 . and Practical adjtuitet of bletshanlealllemedlea, • L Wdeornee TWEIXTE and RAMO Sts.i Phila. Ladies , rooms—antrana• MaTeralfith street, next door IiceRICK-mAxibAl, MAO : E, W CH m 11.4 akee the Brioo and temper the (gay % mails from one to three thoneand per hour. Upwards of thirty In , tee. Patented F/41mtaly Bd. 1868. Machines and rly,hte for sale. Counties, or one-fonrth of the Patent, will be eo,d. Known to be the only practiced one In tem. •Ad dress O. OARNELL, Germantowo road, above Plitt Pialsdelptil• .116-thalo ITALIAN PACKING`ARN; manufac -IL tared and tot sale by NUN= PULER. & CO. ) Foe 98 lioNth WATOB street and 22 21.WHARV221. THE - PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1859: ' k VAStin 111 • ATtillEL.llEi7ltrlilf auto tranefthed his es", _Law °Mee from Clarllgle, Poona., too. 717 SAN- PhilrK Street, (between'. ;Oheatnntarel Italnut,) 'He will ettandlo any 'business entrusted `to his care. In the, Ports ofihiiedelphla. or in the in terior of the State: " " ' 1 Philadelphia, November 24. 18t8. n24-8m T2T EE ,EXPRAS§ 177,1,01 g, , 01116117114IITZSTIZERTrifohiliqe-1411/331L11, PAOSAGDS, N.MItOIIADIDIZE t BASK NOTIS and 11231011 e, either byiltetiehr-LINJOSi et in connection TOWNSother 11XPRMOB 0011PANI10, to all ;the rinoird TOWNS sod OIMILOOKITtiIted MAUL a. tiAftion,D, .."4-10 , ...I. •, 9.n.".0.43,, •.4 L. FOWLER, • AT TORttifY HOUSTON, Mania OottStriiTszAti..) Twenty years resident In Team, p-enThrattemiot pia 10 land Business. O}FRIR'OPPOMR TUB o.orroL: Europa To—Mesons, liaTl4.& ,Birney, P,tdladelphte .Le • ••• A L LEX,, aCKINiat t AVI I OItNIN AT LAW, eRIIRNBOIIItO, PAL , , • ' • • Will'irsotioe in Westmoreland, Armstrong and I. dlana oonntles.,„,„ , ~ • sell.tr • T. ABIANO. a. a. ULM. A l3llAl6.S,AliAlrEld,' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, W" • • ' ' LOCH. HAVEN, PC, ' ill attend promptly to all profeeAlonal business en trusted to them. Special attention given, to the oolleo 7 H on of claims. aapiassitiaa. Gov. Wm. If, Patkerdlarrislntrg, Pa: :` LI. A. Mackey, President Look Eleven Bank ; General D. E. Jackman, Look Haven ; Hon. A. White , Look Haven ; Si m on Scott, Look Haven ; Bullitt & Pairtherne, MoVarland, Evans, & Co. Philadelphia; livens s Watson,- Philadelphia; M. Price, Philadel phia; Hon. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, & Co., Philadelphly; Tenor f&;Dikvls, dolphin; Hon. Zanies Ininislde; Bellefonte, Pa.; T. W. Qnlggle, EN., Philadelphia. jy 28-tf CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER -011INT; 'll,32lortsr IiAVAAL BXGARS, (New) iaa Wedifit Ateik. alma Mori. - TIRE ONLY ARTICLE UNRIVALLED •-. • IN.MARICIIT,' EUEOPBAN DEMAND. ;The reason why, is that by Nature's °WU prooens 11 restores the natural color permanently' after the halt beromes gray; eupplitA. the riatntal &tide, and thus Makes ft grow ort bald heads, removes all dandruff, Itch. lig, and heat from the ecalp,. quiets and tones up the nerves, and thus °urea all nervous headache, and may be relied upon to cure all dins/lee of the scalp and hair; it *lll etpp and keep itfrorn filling off! ntellteett'soys, away, healthy, and bectuttfea, and if used by the unit two or threq timeweeki it' will never fall or come gran then readort, road the following , *adjudgeyourse lves; 3 • • '4 New Teat, jati. 8,1868. ' MILOBREI:gIi 19001) & I 10:, ' • Gentle - Men :Having heard a,good deal about Profeesca Wood's Hair Restorative, and my hair beingqnite My, made-up my mind to lay aside the prejudices whisk in oomm'on with a great many persons, had against all meaner of paint medicines, and a short time ago I oommentied wing your article, to test it for myself. , The result has teen so very satisfactory that I em very glad I did so, and injustice to you, as well as fin the encouragement of others who may be sa graype I was, but who having my prejudiee without my reasons; for setting it aside, are unwilling to give your Restore. Ave a trial till they have Maher proof, dud the best proof being ocular demonstration I write you this let ter, which yoltply .shotrAtiety sup, and also direct them tq ale for further proof, ivhd eta andbfit of the N Y. Wire Railing Establishment every dry. My hair is now its natural colar, and much improved in appearance every way, being gleseler and thicker. and much mdre healthy lookhig.tr-ara:-YOure Renault; i tally, HENRY JENKINS. I Corner Columbia and Carroll streets, Brooklyn. Livinoseme, Ala., Feb. 14.1868. Dior. roon— Deer /Dr s. Your flair ' Restoratlye hin done bide 'geed in' this pert of the' country. My hall :has been slightly diminishing for several years, caused. stinpose;' from it alight 'burn when I was quite an in ' feet. I have,been using yourllair Restorative for cla Weeks and I find that I have s' nee hdad of Define. enii after Wing naiad all Other remedies knoin no ern. I think it the most valuable remedy, now extant, and advise all who Mls - &filleted that way to ass your remedyrjouvini-pyiblish this ifyon ;think:pro per. Yours', 4ci:, • IL W. MIDDIRTON a t ,Irittileisat 4 lita.TOPC 2 ,lBBll PROT. Woos—Dear Bir :,Yorir Nair Restorative is provlng Reel(' lieriefliciall m o e!' The frobt, arid' lso the bailk Part ormyheed i ,stimeet lost, its °overlap-4as, in fact, Berm. I hatt oiled but 2 half Olt bottles of your thitrip'of my held Is well studded With a promising drop of young hair, and the [natio also receiving its benefit. I have tried-other Prepare: Hone withoutany benefit whatever. I think, from my .own personal recommendation, IMin induyadmeyogiera to try It. YoOrs, , D. R. THOMAS, M. D., No. 404 Vine street. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three eiaee. via : Large, medium, and smell; the small holds X pint, and retails for one dollar per _bottle ; "the medium holds at least twenty per coot more in proportion than' the small, retails for two dollars per bottle ; the hags holds s quart 40 per rent. more in, proportion, and re tills for $3 a bottle. `O. J. WOOD & 110.; Proprietors, 812 Broadway, New York, ([in the great N. Y. Wire Railingßatablishment,) and 114 Market greet, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Pansy Goods Des hrs. ' ;i nolermwfßm & eowhiwkrEm trim ,GREAT STANDARD REMEDY JL THE NtNETEENTR 'CENTURY. . . . MIN IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE FOR PERM' ING TUE BLOOD AND ETRENDTUENING-THE WHOLE SYSTEM. • ;The Imperial Dopurative, prepared by Dr. Lonna. berry &Co. is nob acknowledged as. the principal llamily Medicine for the cure of CANOSHOOS affections and Sonorototie diSeasesgenersily.. The enceeds*h ich attends Ito nee in these inveterate Mileages bee no equal. It Is now used In those diseasen with complete oneness, where all other means have filled. _.l`viro or three bot tles will satisfy any one of its great curative properties. DIEUSAAR and WRITEI,BWALLATC, ULCERATIONS UrBONES, 'MOUTH., TEROAT; &o . - MI beneficial and sling idutracteristice are soon observed In these coa titts_ _NnAnatens of lunrinnp.s...unn ovq , ham, L I, they will .yield to ..the proper rise of the / MYR BIAL DEPURATIVE In a short time. ,Prssima and.ilosamMaan will as certainly yield to thin medicine as it is used. Mimeses of the Skin and all einptliii edinplaints generally Cannel long irmain after tieing ti few bottles of theltePerial DePtirldiTe , , ;Ite Tohic properties; ae well , as Alterative, render it vsluable to weak and delicate females. The great purity, strength, and value'of this th Family Medicine Is unequalled in'e etre of all diseases origi inking in en impiire ecitditiou of the blood. It expels all the virus or dimmed matter ?Min thii blend and re , InVigorates the system. Those using the Imperial.Depurative and wishing ad 'vice in their case, will receive every attention by otter or otherwise. Prepared andleild by Dr. LOUNSBERBY & 00., No. 60 North FIFTH Street, below Arch, Philadelphia. For eels also by .1. F. Long & Co., Lancaster, Pa. J. II; Racer and S. S. Stetem, Reading, Pa. Holman & Co., Iliarriaburg, Pa. 0. W. Epting, Pottsville Pa. T. & C. W. MoOlintocki Eastoni Pa. Jame* Given, Westchester, Pa. Schmidt & do. Allentown, Pa. Simon Ran, Bethlehem, Pa. Di:II:W. Leslie, Bristol, Pa.. sod Drustristiftemandly. • • stall ociowteriatain A► NEW AND ALUABLE ,IP/BOOV dIERY. DR. HAM'S AROMATIC' INVIGORATING SPIRIT. IT STIMULATES, MXIIILERATES;INVIGIORATES, BUT WILL NOT INTOXICATE OR ISTUPIFY. This delloloas Beverage is superior to all invigorating Cordials, Schoapps; Rangoon, ar.,o. in nee for the cure of Dyspepsia, Nervonsoess, Heart - burn, Droweineen, Kid ney Complaint, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, Ao , aq it will invigorate land • otrehgthen, but Will not In. loxicate or stupify.. Persons who have become hattitn theltlgelbliVet pie, of Tobacce, Opium, and Spirit uous Liquors, will find speedy and permanent relief ,from a denire,h2use.thene;destroying agents, by taking & Pottle or two of this • DELICIOUS MEDICAL BEVERAGE! • Weak•andAdekly Ternalen Oird Dr. U&M'B IN. TIGORATING SPIRIT &quick and sure cure, it being • Regenerator arils:ell ass Strengthener of the human System.. ZweliCompbsint that the AROMATIC IN VI-, GORATING ;CORDIAL In caleillated to cure is named ~on the wrapper ' accompanying . each ,bettle, and, full ; directions for use are Coo aiindtely &en: 55101 olio D4l lt'ox morn'. Prepared by DARIUS NAM, Prloalpal office, No. 48 WATER St., N. York. For sale by . T. W. DYOTT & SUNS, 2126-8 m 218 N. SECOND Street: Pkilidelphia. rfOLLICKOFFER's ANTI-RHEUMATIC a r m CORDIAL is the only effectual remedy ever placed bo'ore the publio as a certai q and rcliable cure for /N. PLA.MBIATORY or OKRONIO' h=IIMATIBfir - ffhio preparation has cured thon.ands who-have been af flicted with Rherimatioth in its' moat painful form, and we are daily In'recelpt of letters and certificates of as: Aonielclng and remarkable cares. 'All who have tried the CORDIAL speak in the 'most laudable terms of Its efficacy. Pall directions and entire .istlefection given to the Rheumatio enfferers Prepared by 111E010Bit DILKB, Chemist, N.B. oar. PINE and SIXTH Streets, Philadelphia. - jal4-8m CMCKERING & SONS, ma2IIIIOOTOBINS Or (}RAND, SQUARE, AND UPRICHT PIANO•FORTES. , WAREROOMS 1307 CHESTNUT STREET Constantly in atom a large stock of our DEAUTI VUL and UNEQUALLED INnTEURIENTS. Wo have been awarded, at the different Exhibition in this country and Nutope, • 438 ()OLD AND SILVER YIRBT•OLA88 AINDALEI. ja'26.19 lIMIPIANO—FORTES. CORRECTLY TONED by 0. X. SARGENT. If atiettotron warren d:' Ordfirs left at No. 804*ONEEITNUT Stmt. TArrno, $l. Twelve,yeara , futory;experlonce .04.2m* PIANO FORTES. 1Y Ff Jut received, an elegant stank of RAVIN BACON tr. 00., NUNNS & CLAM, HALLIT, DA Via & CO., and GALS as 00; PIANOS, tiBLODI ONO of beat guilty, at ' O. D. oases 0119311 TE aprOIIIBTATUT sta. 'ILAN& ,BOOKS ,STATIONBRY. A.. DAVID 151..110GAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre paved at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, Imitable for Banks, Pnblie Offices, Merchants, and others, of the heat quality of Inglish or American P aper, And bound In 'Arians anion; in the most snletantim manner.' Orders for, .1011 i DIUNTING' of • every description. lame* and Lithographing "Wound with nestling and deirpatoh. A general assortment of Nngllsh, French and Munit ion Stationery. Concerning Mr. Hogan , s contribution to the Franklin Lastitate, the Oommittes eag-=‘ , This display'of _blank OMEN for banking and mercantile mien the best hi the Inhibition.. The selection of the material le gopd, the workmen:On jeost.excellent, and then dutch and re pearanee neat and aPpropinte.ii - nolo-11 T P. ROLLER, , er • FRENCH BOOT AND SHOE, MAKER, No. 27 South NXNTII; Street. third door above Cheat. nut, Philadelphia, Begs to Inform hie friends and the - public generally that:he has opened. huelnere on -hie own.account, above,. where he will alweye be happy, to teeelve s con, titillation of their favors, As the. senior partner of the late firm e Rowrat & Dortor, probsbly no. other guarantee le necesea to an appreciative public of hie entire ability to fill a ll orders in hie' line with the at. meat satisfaction., Remember, the .number: R 7 South NINTH Street, third door above Obepteat. JalB.2m* PRILADIMPII4 PLASIAA OR 'ARTIFICIAL "LARD: 1 -- BTNOIAL NOTION TO PHYSIOIANB.—The above olferifdleh(die for:theenhibitiOn' hS fereedbiti to, die, eased aurfaces, whish,oosabines the fol,lowing advanta ges:, A good and, unrarying,spisistence, saAly,webahed off with water, dissolves all eubstancua that fir" Phi bla in water, hence facilitating instead of obstruoting .their atoorption, ~wod den, turista., .The Asst, prolidrty Slane render Alt an'intalnahle anuteltion'to - Nie practitioner. Prepared and for Salo wholesale 'and' stall ;0' IVI ARAO A.IBO AND OA.RACOA BATS— .II.I Superior quality, knot bittded, and for lab by O. R. ROBERTS, Ne. 88 N. DELAWARE Avenue, and 87 N. WATER Street. 1i.28-12t* Maitette 2aticlets. vOth immetuus hoME • -efr a piano• into. Otationcrp, Vitftt DISTRYdr.VOURT' ^kOIe•THE • .a."crrirAND`corirryr OP' kitfaiffiltLPHlA. ' ADOLPH FONSTER.ye, JOHN SOEifF,DEN - lfeuditlont,,Expoode of Ilisetatiei TeraiosB,. No, 21. GEORGIE !8101I1481,,BRJQIIN,putuNVE,- Yenditlbni lixperias of - December Term, 1858, „d The &natter , alvehited by the Court - to rep,oft - distrl4 button• of the , Hind - .o9ert raised lay, the Sheriff's sale' ishOer,:the, ahexe ;writ of .pkat ttro storibrielc,mesettage or, tenerainit' ind.loVOr'idece of grimed Monte op 'the gig,* side of Iranklin street, at' the diehinch of fourteen 4et weeftiard' fren) the, eat side of Hope 'stiset,'ln Kensington, in' the connty'of Philadelphia aforesaid, containing' in front or breadth on the said Franklin street, feniteen feet: and extend- Hag in length or depth itorthward-oftbat,width at right angles *Rh the said Franklin , elfthif 'fifty-bat) feet six inches toe two feet etx inched wide, alley.—timanded on the east by ground granted to 'fitimge+ , 13:-Beed, on the north by the said two feet nix-inehea Wide alley, on the *est by ground granted mow Heyger, and- oh:the south by Franklin st•eet aforesaid. (being the. same premises whiciti'lakhard'Hosbieh et WC., by, Indenture dated January, 81), 1854, reeorded; in,Deed nook P If, No. 148, page 2.24,.&e., granted and eourejed note the said . 3 . °ha Schieber In fee.)—together itith the free use and -priillege of the said two feet ail .inehea wide alley leading front A Pot Miami lib;:iard street into end frbm Hope etteet, laid otit for the rise of thin and other lots, In common with Joseph W. Emarl, hie holm' and Aesigns, end withthe fie& him and priiiilege, in common with others,hf in 'lnlet or setter e•ghteen inches in diameter; to intersect it'the treat end 9f Raid alley, extending' Into the' common eerier in Howard etreet ; subject,boweeerifo a proportionable .part of the expenses of milking and keeping the cold inlet in goodbrder and repair,Sereverii.J.will meet- the parties Weeded for' the purposes . of ' bin appointment on WEDNESDAY. February 16th, 1 0 69. at It o'clock P. Not 630 WALNUT Street, Phila delphia, at which time and place all persona are re. (Inked TO niche their claims before said Auditor, or be debarredirOmnoining In upon said fund. fe4.lot JOHN H THOMAS, Auditor. , gOTlCE.—Estate of PATRICK M'CABE, t. deceased. 'Whereas, LETTERS TESTAMEN TARY on the above Estate haying been panted to 'the undersigned, all persons Indebted to geld Estate wilt please mike piyment, and those having elfnis thereon present the sit,pe,etcs our ,Attorney, ;WILLIAM, 11. (MABEE, 483 g WALNUT - Street, PhiladelPhlar. ' • ArAR Y A AMAMI, jal4-w6l.* JOHN MICAH.% 1N THE ORPHANS'' COURT 'FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY 01 PHILADELPHIA. ,Account of-the Peonsylvarda Company for In- Sara,Mes on Ltves, nod granting A nnuitlea, Trustees In account with the Eitete of ALLEN- ARMSTRONG, deceased. The auditor appointed to audit, settle, and &lust the 'said amount, and. to report distribution of the halehrh. will meet the Parties interested at hie office, No: 108 SANSOM Street, in the city of Philadelphia, on MONDAY,lFotirtiary 14tfi,1869, at 4 o'clock P. M. fe2.*fm4ltik J. 000ItIt LONGSPRIIITII, Auditor, ecntlentett's WINOVIt3TEIVA.OO:, GENTLEMEN'S PUBNISHIN4 BTOR.II AND P t &TINT SNOVLANR SEAM SHIRT HAM:MAU- L! the Old Stand, No. 706 CHESTNUT BTI.IIINT, oppo site the Washington House. WINCHESTER will gibe u heretofore, his per-. squill supervision td, the Cutting and Manufacturing departments. Orders for his celebrated style of Shirts sad Collars filled at the shortest notice. Whole Sale trade supplied on liberal terra. iY24417 ' I W. SOOTT, (late of the, firm of Wnt tr. Onastna & Boocr - ,) _ITENTLEMEN , B PURNIBH ENG STORE and SHIRT' IdANUFACTORY, 814 .ORESTNUT fittest, Nearlyoppoalte the Chard Honeed •. • W 8: would fespeatfilly Call the attention Of his former petronn end friends to his new Store, midis pre pared 4o 1111 , orders-for SHIRTS -short notice... A perhot Lit guarantied.- COUNTRY TRADE rotated with PINE 81TINTlinnd,COLliANS. ..• • .1,10-ti ' yin rOCCY~CS: GOOD GROOEAIES , ,AT FAIR PRIORS!!! 011AS.11...111ATTSON, EOUTRWESZ CORNER TENTH ANT/ ARCH BTE., Han on haud. , and in generally receliing,Ml BEST OF, (+HOC ERIHn, Which heyrill sell at the most RBA kONABLE PRICES FOR HASH, Hating a LARGIO MA . OIIOIOII 4.B6oltTif HST of IMAM -abd. GREBII TEAS, he is Confident of baling able to stilt, both in sod pribe, ell pbriona in want of the article, in qbantltles of from one pound to the half chest. Ell general assortment embraces eseiythiir in the , lnly of FINE GROOHRTSB, and he *Mild re etitfally invite all to want of good articles to ere hi a call. It will he worth the ; , •nodo-8m -••— - - ttlatclies, littuelrg t . a'r 11 N. OALDWELL ft 00., ••• • 822 CIESSTNIIT BtreBt. Have received, per steamers, new stylise! Jewelry, Chatelaine, Vest Chaim. Splendid Pane, Hair Pine. Prnit Stands, tingeollaidtets. ' Jet Goods and Plower Vases. Coral, Lava and Resale Sets. 'Sole Agents in Philadelphia for the eale of Charles Prodsham's LONDON TIME-KEEPERS. nov 8 ir S. JARDEN & BRO. SILVER-PLATED WARE No. 864 Cheatnnt Street, above Thin?, (up 'Ulm _ , . Philadelphia. VonitantlY on hand and fog lola to thi Trade; TEA SETIL,COhLMLINION ,i3ERVION•SETS, URNS 'PITCHERS, GOBLETS o ups, WAITERS; BAS KETS; MOTORS, KNIVES, SPOONS, Pomo, , • • • LADLES, taa., . 'Gilding and plating on all kinds of metal.- ee,2l) Ozzie dub slEbslngolo. ROBERT BROEILAZER & 'CO:, 111-- WROLMILLII DRLIGEFISTA; liannfattarern and Dealer 'PAINTO,VAIINIBMID, aed WINDOW GLABDi NoTtheait',ioiner FDIIBTH, and asus 13tTeeta, Pligadelphia. Bole agents for the sal* of the celebrated' Inorefe eistsBlttaii. - ' enh23-tt Contettionerp. (CRIS ICRINGLE HEADQUARTERS.— AS. We have juit iedelvdd our Prenelalonfectionery, and are manufacturing a superior article of Marsh Mel low Gum Drops, Don Boas, .oream Dates, k.o. Cell sad supply yourselves with the beet Confectionery in this city, at jrrnma & EVANS'. inol643ca No. 718 diABIINT et., bet. ithluad sth. LOOKING GLASSES JAMES S. EARLE & SON, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite the Girard Moms, IMPORTERS AND biANUPAOTUREBB Or LOOKING G - LASSESi PORTRAIT AND PICTURE, FRAMES OIL PAINTINGS, AND ENGRAVINGS: EARLE'S GALLERIES constantly open Jan ADAMANTINE CANDLES.- • 5,000 boxes DAVID TEilati & CO'S make, as sorted aloe, pet,up in every etyl.e of pain or !ahoy paper ; Mixes auttaole for any market. CHEMICAL SPERM ,CANDLES. 1,000 boxes olaln.and in faun: papers, assorted sites quality extra handsome, bard, and very white ORIENTAL DETEBSIVE SOAP. 1 000 boxes this Justly celebrated attlole, made only by VAN HAMMON dc MoHNONN, CHEMICAL 'OLIVE SOAP. 5,000 boxes VAN 13AKOEN • & I,IOREONE , B, fire quality, and a very superb article. 4 BROWN SOAP. 500 boxes hard and good; for a 'sale at a low price SLAIN. 5,1100 gallons-of it'll, superior article, which, for Woollen Goods Manufaeturers, has all. the Cleansing properties of Olive or Lard Oil. and is be per cent. cheaper. tor tale by. THAW & SOKKONE. Jele..bn 22 South WiIARVZEI QOHOLZ & JANENTZKY, L , 115 South RIGELTII Street; below Obeetout, IMPORTRRS AND •DEAIMRS IN ARTISTS' MA TESIAJA, 'Recommend to Artiste and the public in general their large stock of Juvenile Paint Boxes, Wieser & New ton and Geo. Rowney & Co , s Oil and Water Colors, Brushes, English and German Canvas, Whatman's Drawing Papers, Colored Crayons, Studies, Colored Pictures for framing, &a., ho. Discounts given so Teachers and flocaloarles. Coon ' Dealers supplied at trade prices. Ja.25.41h2 WE INVITE the special attention'of DRUG, PAINT, AND GLASS DEALERS to our present stook of DRUGS, WHITE LEAD, ZINO, COLORED PAINTB, PUTTY, .VARNISHES, GLASS, Ac., kc. CITY AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS who desire to purchase from a select Stook, and at acceptable prices, are respectfully requested to Inspect our goods. Pure Drugs and Patent Med•qines—A full supply. White Lead, In kege of 12X lbs , 25 1b5,50 lbs., 100 lbs.; or In packages of 150 lbs. to 1,000 lbs.—a full supply. Zino Paints—A full supply of different brands, su perior qusilt es, at prices astonishingly low. Putty, Putty—An extensive stock, prepared in pure Linseed Oil. Varnishes—Varnishes of approved qualitles—a full supply. - American Window Glass, of approved brands—Our assortment of sixes and qualities, is complete, and aquas any manufactured in this country. Send your orders direct to ZIEGLER fr. SMITH, • Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, fel-tf B. W. corner SEC OND and GREEN Ste. CHARLES MULLIKIN • I=l PLUMBERS' MATERIALS, AT NEW YORK PRIORS, /523 MINOR BTRYNT )alO•Sm GEORGE WHITELEY, No. 135 South FRONT Street, offers for sale, in Rood only— A. Soignette Brandy, 1857, Pale and Dark. Ades Robin Cognac, 1866 and 1817, • Union Proprietors , Cognso, 3854. Pinet, OsetOlfon. h Oo Cognac, 1850, 1857,1868. A. Omni Rochelle, 1557. Pellevoiein Rochelle, 1858, to arrive. Martell & 00. Cognac, 1865, 1851, 1848. Jamaica Bum, years on Bond. Ste wart's Pootch Whiskey. Burgundy Port Wine. Sicily Madeira Wine. lleldsloir Champagne, omen and pinta A full assortment of Claret Wine, in oases and musks, to arrive. Jals.3mit COCO 'MATTINGS, FOR OFFICES, for sale cheap by BAILY & BRQUIRE. COCO MATTINGS, FOR OHUROHES— A fresh' lot just received. DAILY h BRO rIIRR. 0000 MATTING, FOR HALLS, for sale lbw, by the piece, by DAILY dc, BROTHER. POO • MATTINGS, OF ALL WIDTHS, 1%-/ In good quality, by the pteco or hard, for eele,by 0000 MATTINGS-RAILROAD COM vv supplied on the test terms by DAILY & lINOTEMR, No. 920 ONESTNUT Street. fIAILY & BROTHER, CARPET WARE .III-P notroE, Zi0,020 OLLESTNUT Street. jeal-tt E AND - INIAOW Ell3llll-FAME LIRE COMPANY Capital " 5100000., (Organised noderthe dot or damnably relative to /n -utirenee Comtenies, passed don) 2d,1868.) ','Opus 411 OIIEBTNTI7I3t., Phfladeleila. DIRECTORS. • floury Lewis, Jr., B. Direly, Jobs W. Everman, A. M. Ittoitnbeirn, , Jobn B Ellison, -W.- W. Knight. lOE W.• DAY, President. 'etary. ja12.7 }Mantel Wright, William W. Walton, Charles Richardson, Jacob W. Stout, Barclay Lippincott,' George A. West, GEO: W I, BLANOII6BD, Boar, INSURANCE OOMPANY, OF THE 'STATE OFI , ENNSYLVANIA=FIREI AND MA RINE INSURANDE—No. 4 EXOIIANGE BIIILDINDE: Ohirtate4 id.l7WLOqpital s2o9,ooo—L•Aosets, Jam. ary 1,1858, $347,4U.66:10, del invested in sound and arallsbla stourilitis—oonti nue to Insure on Vessels and 'Cargoes, Buildings, nooks of Merohandise; ito., - sm liberal tetrad, •DIBSOTOBB Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, , Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles navaleatar, Tobias Wagner William 8, Smith, , Thomas B. Watteau, John B,Bruld, ' Mill G. Breen:mu, William It WhiSe, Charles S. Le* - 11, 'George O. Careen. - ' _ _ B.IIEBRERD, Presideak. Witaaix Eleoretari. jetl•wfrm.tf COMMON WEALTH INSURANOB COMPANY OP THE qTA.TN OP PENNSYLVANIA. - _ • DIEBOTORS. Dr. David Jayne, Tames S. Stewart. John EL Whiten, John M. Butler, Edward,o —Woight, T hoznu W. Beane, John K. Walker, . Henry Lewis, Jr., Lew Jeanine, . John Allen.' ' OFFICERS. " BpAVID JAYNS, President. .1011. N 61. - WIII.TALL, Vise' President. B. H. MOON, teetetsty. - • OFFICE • N. Iv corner 'WALNUT and'POURTH Litreets, PHILADELPHIA. AT-tr DELA.WARE MUTUAL -- SAFITY fraItAITOR CONTPANY. - INCORPORAT&D BY 7HE LEGISLATURE ' OF 'PENNSYLVANIA. . . . . 08BION 8. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, Phihulelphla. MARINE INBIIRANOR ON VESSELS, ' CARGO, To all parts or the Worn YREIGHT, INLAND INSURANCES On Goode, by River, Canals, Lateni and Land Windage, to al parte or the Union, FIR'H:INBURAN:OHO On Metthandlee,generally • ,• On Staten,. Dtrellink ABUTS OF TRH' COMPANY, • • Notetnbeel; 1866. Bondr, Mortgagee; and Real Notate • • $ 71,888 85 • hlladelphla Oar, atelotker Loans 207,058 80 Btook in Railroad,' and Insurance Ocatipaniee 25,362 60 Billenebeivable ' ' - - 201,888.38 Oaeh on hand , 42,067 86 BeLinbe In hands of Agents—Preminms on Bluing polteles recent!, leaned—and other -.debts he the Company - 61.288 14 DIRECTORS. James 0. Rand, Theoptillue Paulding) Zenon 'i'raqiialt, William Eyre, Jr., J. Y. Penlston, Joebut, P. Eyre, Banner R. Stokes, ' Henry Sloan Antes B. SVParland, Thomas o.. Hand, Robert Batten, Johnll.llemple, l'lttaVg D: T. 'Morgan, " l El ARTIE, President. HAND,'•Vioe President. ataxy: die& William Martin, Joseph II Beal, . 'Edmund A. Evader, John 0. Davie, John R. Penrose, George G, Le'per, Edward Darlington, Dr. R. M. Ruston, Wm. 0 Ludwig, Rugh - Oraigi. Spencer Wllvalne, (Merles Kelley, 11. , Jones , Brooke, Jacob P. Jones, WILLIA THOS. 0 HENRY LYLESTIEN. Sec QAFEGITARD INSURANCE CORY • Y, 409 WALRIIT Street, Philadelphia. Capital paid in (securely invested) 4200,000 Surplus 31,450 This Company having been thorongly reorganised, to new ready to make Insurance upon all kinds of pro party, • merchandise, dm against, LOdfi DAMitialt BY 8188 ONLY, upon favorable trms. DIBBC)T010).' . Hon. B. B. Oushios Charles Y. Watrous, J: Baldwin, T. A. H. Ilasbrouek, Aaron Close, John M. ill9/41, Matthew Kelley, Alex. 0. Lawrence Alfred Clapp, Win. B. Forbes. E88L.198, President, Jacob N. Eeeler, Prancie Xlackbarne, Behtxt P. Xing, - B B. Parish, cleorgh Lesht, Joseph . Stidfold John Prentice, Edward Wlier, P B. Itirekbeid, EL.Poote, MOOD Hazily B. rotife,Secire peo. 233 A MERIEAN FIRE . INSURAREE INCORPORATED 1810 4JHARTE.H. PRA ' PSTUAL. . • • • ' ••' - Noi 810• WALNUT: Street, above • Third, Philadelphia Mob* a large pald.op Gapilal, Mak And Ehxrplas Invested la gonad and avediebbi , Peeuritiesi coutbaneao, Sumo on Dwalliogai Stowe, Furniture, Merchandise, Yeesslain Port and- their Oargoba,land other Pomona) Property. All Lames liberally and •proinptlpadjustod. - Dlll/10/010. 114 00TV 0 Abbott, JOhn T. Lodi, John Webb, Caapoz W. Mon% Ulundi O. Horton, Tampa B. Campbell, Patriot Brady, Bdround Ci:Dutllk. Charles W. Pooltdy. ' • CROWN ABBOTT, Prodded. THOMAO B. ItAB.D3. Prearetary:. ' 1a23-1 if (TREAT WESTERN 'INSURANCE AND 'LA- ' . • TRUST:COMPANY. OFFICE IN COMPANY'S BUILDING, 403 WALNUT STREET. , CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 8270,258 GS. Imre" against Lose or Da;nage by TIRE, MARINE, CARGO, and INLAND INSURANCE. , ' DIRROTOBS : Charles b. Lothian, 1 William Darling, 1 Alexander Whilldin, N. Tracy, John o:Hunter, Junes B. Smith, 'Mao Haelelnirst, John R. Taigas, J. N. McCurdy, Thomas Potter, Thos. L. Gillesple, Charles Harlan, Daniel L. Collier, Jonathan J. Slocum. 0. 0. II THROP, Preeldent. • WM. DARLING, Vice President. JAMBS WRIGHT, Seo'y and Treasurer dBO-d&Wtf e CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. /10 NJ South NOURTH Street. . • •CHAIITIMI PERRETOM.,„ apital $200,000. Orgenleed 1861. Privileged to insure Houses, annually or perpetually Personal Property, ..annually, or for a less period; tate Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks; receive De poeltei hold Trusts and &Twit u.lt hint ALPIIMD W&likS;Preeident. B. 0. TYLER, Vine President. .If. W. Maurits, Secretary. ' DIZZOTOMS. Alfred Weeks, Eton. W. D. Kelley, , B. 0. Tyler, • j,„ W. Varney, , J.W. Sunder, P. B. Mingle 0. R. Pickling, Jennie Mahan, J. L. Mitchinson, Ltuthun Matthews, J. W. !Molten, Is/Milani JelB-ly G. Jr. caner. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST A-4COM PANY.—The PENN HIITTIAL LIFE INSURANCE OOMPANY:Northeaat• Oorner• of. THIRD and DOON, 'Meets. Capital, 1012,716.08; INSURES ISMS for 'short terms, or for the Whole tam of life—grants annuities and endoinnents—ptu , chases- life Interests in-Real Estate, and maims all eontraots depending butte contingendles af Life". • . They eat as Haeoatord,'Adminiatratora, Asataneap Tract:ma i awlquardlans. Daniel L. Minor, pasauel I. Brokai, Benjamin Costae, William Martin, Mahan' B. Newbold, James B. MO/aflame, William P. Itaokor, Joseph H. Trotter, William R. Kern, James Euston, . Samuel 0. Hue% Theophilne Paulding, Charles Halloreall, Edmund L. Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hntoltinion, Rodolphne Kent, John W. Humor, William 11. Carr, Mlle B. Areher, Edward T. Mott, Bimini J. Ohrietlaa, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Rada, John G. Brenner, P.O. Mohler, Easton. DAL L. MLLLAR, President. -., SAMUEL N. !MOH'S, Vies Pre4 , l. JOIN W. Hoe roe, Booretarp. nlB-ly 1110 WARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU a-IL RANCH COMPANY, No. 41.2 WALNUT Itreet, Phasdeligkle DIRECTORS. Thom. L. Ludera, Wm. If. Leech, J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, H. W. Baldwin, Wm. K. Hamlin, John 0. James, • 11. 11. fihillingfold, A. J. Bochum., 0. E. Spangler, John W. Sexton, It. H. Houston, William Ralguel, Wm. H. Lore, Edwin Booth, Charles F. Norton, John Harrison, laaao Myer. E. S. Warne, President—THOMAS L. WHIMS. Vice President—E. S. WARMS. Secretary—OHAßLES A. BUY. eelfetr elntational QT. MARIVB EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, LOOUBT, west or Bistacuth. The next Session begins on TUESDAY, February Ist, 1850. Information respecting the School may be obtained on application to Boy. J. ANDABWB FLUIDICS, is.24rtf Principal. ONG'S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, -BA N. B. corner SIGHTIT and BUTTONWOOD Ste. -••••••• . • • . • • - COMMERCIAL. DAPARTHENT.—tiook.keeping all its various forma; preparing Students thoroughly for situations in any branch of business ; Plain and Or nsruental Writing' Commercial Calculations ,• Lan and Correspondence. Fl o institution In the United States gives a more thorough and practical coarse. In this department no teaching is done in classes, and Is open DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT—(Separate from the above.)—Young Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an English and 014- steal Education, via : Spelling, Reading, Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, &o. Ancient and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of Ave months commence September Ist, and February ]at. Pupils received at any time be fore or after those dates and charged accordingly. Cata loger furnished gratis. mh2b-tf P. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal HILADELPHIA EGY, aortkessf, conaer of 4 Strode. fIEITTENDEN'ts OOHMEROIA_L OOLL: OHZETNIIT and BIIVINTE An WO:Hatton deetgued BUSHIEfiti. BOARD 01 TIMMS B. B. Gomegg iu4 Prenoia HoekWe, George H. Darin Milne, John Sparloark, Thaw Meeker, David 8. Brown, A. V. ransoms, D. B. Hinman, Itrodoziok Brown, Joehna L ppineett. to tit young men for AO EVENING SESSIONS aftgfieptember lath: Each Student hee IBDIYIDOIL 1N13781107101< tat this Institution and a Diploma from here is the beet re commendation a young man can have, for obtaining a good situation. OATALOGUES may be had on application at the College, net-If 10SNYDER' LEIDY—JAE. M. LELDY, . Principals of LEIDY BROTHERS' ACADEMY, • Noe. 14S and 160 SIXTH STREET, near Race, where a kuowledge of WRITING, BOOR-REETING, end ARITHMETIC to MAO certain to every pupil that may enter, ACADEMY open day and evening, Broktre. OKIE & CAPP, 228 DOCk Street, above Walnut, STOOK BROKERS, and dealers IC Mer• cantos Paper and securities generally. Attend the Brokers' Board daily, and all all orders for the pur chase or ado of STOOKS. BONDS, lc. ja7-ly R. O . OR SON, RBAL BBTATB ,BBOICEA. Mon Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. Co'Motions promptly made. NORMISTOWM, rA riRONISE & 00., . OPICILIC AND DXOIIANGI Bnoinum, No. 40 south THIRD attest, PIIILADNIMILL. • 114 /UM and Dlolll2llof PiWOMB, angimme- NNW TO IL ES. TUN OAMD2N„AND 7 AI2.DOW AND P.III,LAD IN SLy,A AND' TUNTON RAILROAD 00.4 LINKS PROM ?Bile DELPHI& TO tiRW TOLER • AND iTAY PLAOB2:„ _ 'WILL MIA'Sql roctowa vre : ' PROM KENSINGTON DEPOT. . pare from Keneg'n Depot to New York. At 8X A. M., Morning,Mall, Men, slogton and Jersey Oily* At 63‘ P. M., Evening Matl, Men alligforr and Jersey Oity AtllJj K., Night Mall, Kenriog ton and Jersey Oily 2 25 The 0% •Tivenii g I Mall,. Line rune The 11,51, Night Med, Ssturdays excptod The Oars or the girth and Sixth-street Olt Piseinger Railway Company will convey Passengers, to and from Kensington Depot. , PROM. WALNUT-BTRIMIT *MARV ' PAIS. At 6 A. s.l;Via Camden and Amboy, 0: & 41: Ac commodation 52 25 At 6 A. M ;via Camden 'and Jerre:ly - City, (New Jersey) Acoommodatlon 2 25 At 10 A. M. vla Camden and Jersey City, Morning Expresa • 300 At 2 P. M. vie. Camden end Amboy, O. & A. Es crow; 00 At 3 via Camden and Amboy, Aneown.d... 3 tionlet. Class - 2 25 At 3 P.M. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda- tion-2d Clasi 1 60 At 6X P Di. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda. hon—let Olson 2 25 At 6X P.M yla Camden and Amboy, Accommoda- ' tion2d Class ' 1,75 Express Lines atop at Principal Stations only. For Belvidere, Easton, Flemington, &c.. at 6 A. M. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkeebarre, Montrose, Great Bend, &0., at 0 A. rd ,yla Delaware, Lackawanna, andWestern,ltallread. _ For Freehold, at A. M. and 2P. M. For Meant at 6A. M ,8, and 6J P.M. WAY LINES . . . . „ For Bristol . , Trenton, dm.,-A1 BP. M. and 4X P. M. from Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Banoceas, Beverly, Burlington, Bar dontown; &c., at 8" and ISX P. 111. Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each passenger. Passengere are probilnted from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing appaiel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The company littiit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per,porind, and wits not be reliable for any amount beyond 8100, ox ceypt by special contract. - . . Itilanne7 11,1869. WM. E. d ATZMEEt. Agent. ORTH N 'ILAILROAD.-‘ . WIN -- eitrteriasm NT FOB BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, ka., and by railroad cotmectione for • • . Easton Oatawinsa, Allentown; , Williamsport, Manch Ohnnk, Elmira, "Hazleton, ' Niagara Falls. - . On and after WEDNESDAY, December 22,1862, Palk monger Tratne will leave FRONT and WILLOW streets, Philsdelphia, as follows: For Bethlehem, ' Easton, - Allentown, Manch Chunk, , Harleton. tba,, lExprese) at - 980 A M. 'Flisliengere forEindon binds line can spend two hours In Bethlehem, and, an hour andn half In Easton, and retina:CHl° same 'evening. For Bethlehem, Allentown,, Mooch Ohnok,. Williams. port,Elixtira, and the West, (Express) at-2,16 P. M. For Doylestown, (Accommodation) at 845 ' A. M. sad 4 P. - 31. For Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at, $098,804 70 6 P. M TRAINS FOR. PHILADELPHIA.. Leirreqlethlebem (Express) at 7 A. M. and IS P M. Leave Polleetortn (Accommodation) at 7 A. M. and 8.30 P. M. - Lea►e Fort Washington (Aocommodation) at 1.10 A UN SUNDAYS. .Philadelphia, for Fort Washington. at 9.80 A. M. Philadelphia, for Dopleatowo ' at 4 P. M. DtfyiestOwn, for Philadelphia, at 7 A. N. Fort Washington, for Philadelphia, at 2.40 P. M. All Passenger Tralta (except . &today, 'Prattle) maws" at Chathata street with Fifth and Sixth Btreets Passed. ger 'Railroad. - . • . . . Fare to 'Bethlehem, 61.. 50 ; to Mauch Chunk, II 00 to Easton, $l. 50 ; to Doylestown, 80 cents. BLLIS Agent; AN L g;LIEIIi,A. %ff.. ROAD Lillg.—Qintlitili3T - 11illitEr to ~lmin Wilkesbarre, -, Buffalo, Obisago; Boat Island, 'Niagara r&USj Milwattkee, Burlington,' Motittes4 St: 'Paula, - Detroit, Danlieth, and St. Louie. Paeeenger trains will , leave the Philadelphia and Reading. Railroad boot, 'aoraibr BROAD and V/NB Streets, daily, (Sundays easepted,) as rolloyre : "7.80 - A.ll. DAY =PRESS, Yor Nlmira, Niagara Yallti; Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Book Island, Galena St. Paula, Burlington, and St. roars. - . - - ) 8.80 P. M. NIGHT 11211180, /or limbs, Niagara Palls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Mliwaukee,Book bland, Stalens, Bt. Paula, Burlington, and St. LOW/. 'The 7.80 A. M. train runs through to NAIIMIMMIRG, stopping at all !Stations on the Lebanon Valley Branch of the Philadelphia and Beading Baßroad. AND At Rupert, for :Wilk/ob.:re, Bltteton, Borentoo, and ell etatlons on the LAOKAWANNA ABED BLOOMBRIMG RAILROAD: • Baggage dieeked ,, Itimira, Baialo, and Bueiennion 'Bridge,. it Tinketa CM be prbenred at thelbiladelphia and Elmira Railroad Line's Ticket Office.Eorthweet owner of BIRTH and OLIEBTNUT litreets, and at the Pas acmger Depot, eornerof BROAD an VINE— THROUGH EIXPRIA9B BIiIIICIHT TRAIN Leaves tile De - port bad street, beTow Vine, daily, (Sundays egoepted;) for all point/ West and North, at 6 Preigite most be .delivered before BP. M. to Ware their going the (mine day. 'her flutter information apply at - Freight Depot, Broad, below Vine,- (iv to 01IA8. 8. TAPPIN, General agent, • sor.tligth - and Chestnut Streeln ocklAt . Philadelphia. WINTER AR MOM ' BANGEMENT. PHILADELPHIA. WILIAINGTON, 'AND. BALTL., MORE RAILROAD. On and alter Saturday, December 4, 1868, Penarmaint , TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA Per Baltimore, 13 A. M., IP. M., (Expreas,) and 11 P.M. ' , Pot Wilmington, at SA. m., 1, 3:20, and 11 P M. - For New Castle, at 8 A. 14,, - and 1 and 3.80 P. For Middletown, at 8 A. , M„ and 1 P. M. For Dover, at 8 A. M., and 1 P. M. For Seaford at BA. M. and IP. M. ' TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA, Leave Baltimore at 8.80 A. M., (Expresti,) 12 noon, mid 6.40,P. M. , Lave 'Wllinington aL 7.20 and 31.40 A. M., 2.25 so 8.55 P. 56. , Leave NeW .omtle at 8.46 and 11.12 A.M., and 8.06 P.M. 'Leave Middletown at 70.20 A. M., and 6.80 P. M 'Leave Dover at 9,20 A. M. and 4.05 P.M. Leave Seaford at 7.46 A. M., and 1.45 P. M. TRAINP 2015 BALTIMOII.II. Lea9a Wiliolneon at 9.10 A. M.,1.56 P. U., and A. M. BUNDLIS only at U P. X. from Philadelphia to Bal. timore. - De do. 5.40 P. M. from Mt:imam to Phila delphia. Freight Train, with Paasenger Oar attached, will rem as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Fen-y.llle and intermediate places at_ 600 P.M. Leave Wilmington for do do do 865 P. Id Leave Baltimore for Ham de Grace do 000 P. M. not 8. M. FELTON. President. VOGLLADELYIIIA, GERMAN TOWN .1. AND NO Et RIB T WE ItAILEOAD.—WINTEIt ARRANGEMENTS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 18ft. NOR GERMANTOWN, Leers Pltradelphia 6,7 g, 8 40 min., 9,g, 10g ,IIN A.M., 1,2, 3,4, 6,8, 7,8, 9, 10, 11,X P. M. Leave Germantown 6,7, 7X, 8, 910 min.. 10X, 11X A. 51., 1.10 min., 2,8, 4,5, 8,7, 8,9, 10% P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. M., 2, 67( P. M. Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. M., 1.10 niin., 6% P. U. CHEBTIiIIT HILL RAILROAD Leave Philadelphia 5,7), 8.40 min., 11% A. M., 3, 4,6, 9 P.M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7.10 min., 7.85 min. ,8.50 11.10 A. 51., 12.50, 8.40; 6.40. 7..40 Min. P. M. ON SUNDAYS,. Leave Philadelphia 0.20 min. A. 67., 2,81 f P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill 8 A. M.. 12.10, 5.20 min. P. M. POE CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia GX, 9, 11 A. M.,4 06 min., 8.10 41r, 9.60 mm ,11i( P. 11, Leave Norristown 6,7, 9,11 A. M., 1, BN, 6.40 min. P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia S A. M. and 3 P.M Leave Norristown 7 A. M. and 5 P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6,16 735 min., 9 11 A. M., 1.05 min . 2 05, 8.10 min , 5.60, 7.45 min ,11,1( P. IC Leave Mansynnk BK, Tg, 8%, 9%, 11% A.. 51., 1%, 8,4, 8.10 min, 8.45 P.M. SUNDAYS SAME AB NORRISTOWN. FMITIICTVMMT7tMMifs MATO Philadelphia 63( A. M. and 8.10 min. P. DI 11. H. 8811TH, Gieneral Superintendent nolB DEPOT, NINTII and GItBNN Ste Oavings Sunbs "A little, but often, tills the Pace!, VRA.NBLIN SAVING FUND LL South FOURTH Street, between Oheetnut and Walnut, Yhtledelphla, pays all deposits on demand. Depoeitora , money secured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort- Thin Company deems safety better than large prelim, consequently will run no rink with de positore, money, but bare it at all times ready to return with b per cent. Internet to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended. . Percales, married or single, and Minors can deposit in their own right, and such deposit" can be withdrawn OXIX by their consent. Chatter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive mo ney bow trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL SUM REOEIVED. Office open daily from 9 to 3 o'clock, and on Wednesday and Saturday everting until 8 o'clk. Jitooto B Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, i John Shindies, George Russell, Malachi W. Sloan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewle Rrumbhaar, - Henry Delany, Nicholas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley, Jon. H.Satherthwatte, Ephraim Blanchard, Joseph W. Lippinoott. JACOB B. SHANNON, President, CYRUS 0/DRALLADIII, Treasurer " A Dollar eared Is twice earned." QAVING FUND.-UNITED STATEk TRUBT COMPANY, corner of THIRD and MET NUT Stroota. , Large and small Mina received, and paid back on di mand, Intl:tont notice, with IfITIO PRE O.BNT IMES WIT from the day of dapoeit to the day of withdrawal. °Bice hours, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on KaNDAY .11V.INING8 from T until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for Male on Ragland, Inland, tad pootiwd from LI upward,. Frooldent—STßPlEß4 R. CRAWFORD. Treasnrer—PUNY FIRE. Taller—JAMßS R. UUNPIU , SAVING •PUND—FIVE PER CENT.IE TiIIiiBT—TIATIONAL Wain" TRUST OONI rAeIr.—WALNUT STRAIT, SOUTH-WASTOOBNII Or THIRD, PHILADXLViira. INCIOZPOIATID HT T7l 13TAT7 AP PMEITLTAXII. Money Ie received in any min, terse er mall, and he tercet pal from the day of deposit to the day of with drawsl. 'l'lmages oOn every 4. 7 tract 0 o'clock in th morning till 6 cPalocuc in no eveoing, end en Monts, ao4 Tlliitinlev - evening% till 8 o'clock. EON. MINIM L. BNNNBIt, Preeldent, P.OHNAT Irloe l o rtaldent. J. 211g2D, Sumetary. Din n 010114: - lion. Cony L. Penner, P. Carroll Bremner, 'Edward L. Carter, • Joseph B. Parr , Robert Beltridts, Francis Lev, Baud. K. Ashton, Joseph Parkes, 0. Landreth lianas, Henry Diliendertior. Hone) is received and payments mad* daily. The Investments are !nada in conformity with tit rovisiong of the Oharte_ ,r in BAAL ABUT." MORT AR BOUND and such drat class $0011Zi• Item se gill always insnre perfect security to the depul. tore, and which cannot fail to give permanency midst' bility to this Institution. II SAM) P. BRANIN, A LIMIT 00A011 /a °ARMAGH BIJILDIaII, PRANK/011D, PA. Al work warranted to give eatlafaotion. Orders rea ileotralls solicited. nolo4trall, ' vs *oo 3 00 DIRECTORS 'Olatttapco. OHESTER _irAttlEY RAILROAD —PAS RENGER TRAINS FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TBRREDIATE,bTATIONB.—On end after letllmen ary. 1869, tlie Passenger Teeing for 191FNINEPTOWEe, -will Mart from the Passenger Depot 'of the - Phi - Wel- - phis auctllei4i.ollallroad Company, 691 11er. of:B4CLU) ant - FINN Streets - MOBNIA‘CCTRAI!.I 7.0 AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, 18aires at 8,30 P M. ' , • DAlLYlSitudays excipted y; t ' s " ' - Cy order of the Board of kiln:lagers of the philadrl; phia and Ilirading liallroad Company, _ d3O , Seomy.; • PRE FENN§YLITAArIa it Als ReILGOAD.- AriatELi : , -- 185 . . THE OarSOITY 14; TOlB ROaD 11141uAI; TO ANY IN THE COMCPRI,- THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PIIILADELPRIA , AND - -PITTSBURO, Connecting direst at Philadelphia with Through Trains ' (min Boaton,-New York and all points east, and at - the Union Depot at Pittabing with •Through.Tralas oinnitiON. Oleriand, °Mangy, Burlington, St. Pant's, IndienapolLei 7eoulatjW , New Orleans, and elf intermediate _points in 'Ohio. Indiana,- Illinois, Hen tucky„ Michigan, Wisconsin; atinnesota,Allenouri f Rau- ran, and Nebraska —thus fifralahing facilities - for the • ;traniportation of li!ssengero nakurpalakd fok speed and comfort by any other roof',- ' • , - Express.and Past 'Lines ifia . tbrobgh .to Pittsburg , without change of Cars, pr Vonductoka., - Smoking bars are attached beach :Train ; Woodruff's Sleeping oars to express and Nut Trains . The EX -PILES RUNS DAILY Mail cod mint Abtadays - excepted. _ :Men Train leaves philadelphfa it 7.30 A. M. - Past /dna ." • 400 P. M. &norm Train leaves • •' 11 00 P.M • WAY TRAINS LRAM SAS PO l -LOWS: llarriebnrg Adec,enme4ation,,Tia Oolmulda, 1.00 P. M. ":„" , 4:317 P. 31. Weat heater '" from Eighteenth and Mu " ket Streets,Virith elde,l 7.40 A; El.. and 3 P.M. Paasengere far ganbery,WilliamePort, Madre, Buf falo,' Niagara PAW, And intermediate, points leaving • Philadelphia at 7.30 and 4 . 00 P. M. go ' dilectlY through. Tickets Weltward may be obtained at the OMee of the Company. in Philadelphia, york, „Boston, or Baltimore; and Tickets Baatward at a.7v of the import ant 'Railroad Offices in the Went; also on board any 0 'the regular Line of. Steamers on the hllseNippt or Ohio Rivers. 117'. Fare always as low es any other Ron*. The completion of the Western connections of the l'ennselvanta Railroad. to Chicano, makes this the DIRECT LINE BHTWERN TEN Nut AND THN - ' • _ . _ GREAT NORTHWEST. - The iumueeting or tracks by She Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, aToidiog alldrayegeor.ferriege of Freight, together with the - saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by ahippere "of - freight and the Trarelling public.. ' FREIGHTS WESTWARD By thießente Freights of all desoriptiorut can be for warded from Philadelphia, New York,'Boaton, or Haiti. nine, to any point en the liailreedsof Ohio, KentackT, Indiana. Illinois; Wisconsin;',lnwe, or Missouri, by Railroad direct: ', The Pennsylvania Railroad also connects et l'ittststrif with Steamers, by which epode; care be forwarded to any pert on the Ohio, Muskingum,. Kentucky. Tennessee, Cumberland, Minas, Mississippi, Wisconsin...ldlest:MAl Repeat. Arkansas; and Rid linters; and at Cleveland, Sandusky, end Chicsgo with Steamers to all ports on the Northwestern Lakes. " Merchants and Shipperi entrusting the transports tion.of their Freight to this Company ; eau rely with confidence on its speedy transit. - TAE RATES Of PREDICT to any point in the Wost by the Pennsylvaota Railroad are at all times u favorable ' are charged by other Railroad COM. yentas. gr. lie particular to mark packages tt,via Penna. Railroad" • Merchants in the West ordering goods from the Zest, will do well to direct them to be shipped by tills Boats. Por-Preirht Contrasts or Phloping Directions, apply to, or address either Of 'the following 'agents of the Company D. I,;EYPSWARP,4ittableuw' ; Doyle & Co., iitenbenrille, 0.; B. Pierce & Zanesville, O.; J. J. Johnston, Itipley, 0 ; B. McNeely, Maysville, Hy.; Ormsby & Dropper. Portsmouth, 0. Paddock & Co., Jeffersonville; Indiwita - H. W . Brolin & Co;*, Cincinnati, 0.4 - Athern' &'ll:olterf., Oin- cinnatl, 0_ ; R. O. ateldrum, Madison, ; William Bingham, Louisville, By; (I & Co., vllle, Ind •, N 'W:Hrahem &. Co.l.oairo. 111. ; Baca, Bt. Lome, him; John 11. Warrie,Naeheille, Tehn.; warm & went, Memphis, Tenn.; Olarka& Co., Chi eago, 111 ; W. H. H. Koontz _ Alton, 11.14.1durphy /a' Waite, Dubuque, ; or to .Yreignt, Agents of Rail roads at different paints la the West. ' Parties attending to their own shipments from the Nast, will And it to thetrintereat to call on the Agent* of the Company at the following places before shipping• ; or lettere addressed to either of. them on the - alibied of freights. willmeet with prompt attention. 4 ' E. J. aNDEIDICR, Philadelphia. nucatew KooNBo3o Borth attest . , Baltimore. LEECH tr:00:, 2 Astor Hodee, on S. William at., N.Y. LSEOH & (10 60 Kilby street, Boston:. -EL a...HOUSTON, Genii Freight Am:Ayr/silo. • , L. L..ROUPT, Gael Ticket Agent, Phila. TIIOS. A. SCOTT, Cien'l 134't,-Altoona, Po. .143-17 Eibinnui c FOR THE HOTITH—OHARLES 'f/ TON;BAVANNAII, HAVAiId STEAM- BEYSTOXIS STATE, Captain C. P. Mershumn. ESTATE OF GEORGIA., Captain John J. Garrin. IBABEL, Captain Wm. Rollins. FOR CHARLESTON, 11 0. The U. S. Mall-Steamship KEYSTONE STAT.", Captain .Marahman, through in 48 to fa home, will sail In Fehtnary, 'Friday, lithi Watley, ,19th, /co , at 10 A. M. - • - NOR SAVANNAH, Ga. The U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OP GEORGIA, Captain John I. Garvin, will anti in Febrawy, Wednee. day 16th; Saturday, 26th, &0., at 10 A: M. • Tile splendid first-olass side-wheel Steamships 3BY. STONE STATE and STATE. OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten days, thus forming a five-day com munication with the Sontliand Southwest. fr.7'' Goods received and bills of lading signed every day. At both Charlsaton and Baia - mash Aimee shies con nect with steamers (or Florida ' and with railroads, &0. , . for all places in the Booth andSonthwest, and with the Steamship ISABEL, for Ravens, on the 4th and 19th of every month. FREIGHT REDUCED. IThavy Freight at as average of 15 per owl, below New York steamship rates. .TIODILaNOII. Freight and Tolerance on a large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to.be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels “--„.. Cabin Passage toCharleston and Savannah $20,00 Steerage . 11 8 00 itsearsion Tickets, good for the present year.... 80 00 Ticket!' to Havana—, 56 00 Through Tickets.to New Orleace 89 60 Do ' Mobile 35 00 Do . Montgomery 213 CO Do Albany, Ga 24 00 Do °oh:imbue, Ga 28 00 Do Atlanta. Ga 23 00 • Do Macon, Gs 21 00 Do Palatka, Fla. 23 00 Do Picolata, Fla 28 00 Do Jacksonville, Pis 21 00 Do Fernandina, Pia. 21 00 No bills of lading signed alter the ship has sailed. No freight received on the day of sliding. For freight or pass:ge apply to A. HERON, Jr, Southwest apron FOURTH and. CHESTNUT. Agents in Charleston. T. 13. &..T. 0 BUDD. Savannah, 13. A GRIMES & 00. For Florida, from•Oharleston, Steamer CallOLIN& •every Tuesday. For Florida. from Savannah, Steamers Stak MARY'S' and Sr. 401311 , 3 every Tuesday and Eato.y. feB gb.STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER POOL, BELVABT, DUBLIN, AND LONDON. DEBBY, without delay, for $3O. Botttrn tickets, good for sin months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of theline, $OO for the round trip, out and back. TOON WSW TORS. Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday, Jan 95,12 o'clock M Edinburgh, Gumming, Saturday, Irebl9. 12 o'clock M. Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday, March 19, 12 o'clock, M. • FROM GLASSOW. Edinburgh. Cumming, 4tutdiy, Jinuaziod Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday, February lg. Edinburgh, Oummiug. Saturday, March 19. BATES OF PASSAGE. ' PROW GLASGOW. First Clue Steerage, found with cooked provisions 7183( HEW TORE. Vint Ohm-. Steerage, found with cooked provisions 80 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fare l Infanta in Steerage, free. Return tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this line. Find Class $l4O Steerage $4O An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamier. For freight or passage apply to womatex & CO., I= WA_LNIIT Street, Philmiel phia. ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. HALL lc LONNY, Buchanan's Wharf, Baltimore. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERIOAN ROYAL MAIL BTRAM - FROM NEW YORE TO LiTsicrooL Chief Cabin Pomona Second Cabin Paa.age. FROM RosTON TO LITIRFOOL. Chief Cabin Paaeage Second Cabin Passage The ahips from Boston call at PERSIA, Oapt. Jaißns,l CANADA, Capt. Lana, _ ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Millar. ABTA, Capt. E. G. Lott, NIAGARA, Capt. finder. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon,son ;, EUROPA, Capt J. Leitch. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head ; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. NIAGARA, Lang, leaves Boston,WedueglAy, Jan 26. EIIRO-PA, Leitch, " N York,WednehelgYPeb. 2. ARABIA, Stone, " Boston, Wednesday, Feb. 9. ASIA., Lott, " fl York, Wednesday, Feb. 16. AMERICA, Millar, " Boston. Wednesday, Feb. 23. Bertha not secured until paid for. An experienced Surge3n on board. The owners of there ship will not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Spec.te, Jewelry, Precians Stones or Meta'a, unless bills of lading ate signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to ja22.tf E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green turmoil. 131111.4 ADE LPH lA. WARMING AND /I'L VENTILATING weiumoun. ARNOLD & WILSON, 511001880113 T El. A. 2.11018011 We have removed from our old stand In Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 CIEIRSTINIT street, a few doors below the St. Lawrence Hotel, where our old friends and the publle are res pe ctfully invited to examine oar extensive Moak of Warm Air Furnaces, Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Registers, Beameled Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Grates, &a., &e. We are now manufaotarhig ORILSON'I3 CELEBRATIN3 PAT. RNT NEW COAL GAS CONSUMING YURNACB, the most powerful and economies' Heater 'Ter invented, and suited to all classes of buildings. Also, new and beautiful patterns of Low Do Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of &liaise. and pattern' We have also commenced the manufacture cm ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Pane. tyltania Stone. These Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at ths fats Farr and ExAS billow of the Frank/in Institute of this city. Thei represent all the rare and beautiful ANTIQMI HJOUILII.II6 are not injured by Smote, Coal Oat, Oil or Acidly and are sold 'Wholesale and Retail, at mark lest pries than Marble. Call and tee them. ARNOLD k WILSON. BIN/. M. iILTWZLL, Superintendent. Philadelphia, April. 16.38—ap44 lv ITARDWARE.—The subscribers, CON- Li. MINION MNIICHANTS for the sale of ZORBIGN &ND DO3INSTIO EARDWADB, would respeetfal4 sail the attention of the trade to their dock, which they are offering at lowest rates. Our assortment con sists In partof— Clutha, of all kinds—Truce, Log Halter, Breast L flow, Fifth, Bach Wagon, BUM TOnffne) Look, hip, Hine, end Coil C hains. The celebrated ,4 10 , Hone Nano; Stone and 81ilds• Hammen. (€ Wright', » and other Armile; Pad DOS sod other View. Bhort and long harrll. Pry Pam; round and oval Nate rams; "Martin's"emperlor Wiles and Rasps; Bed Serene. Riceleior Safety Irma ; Blasting Tubes. Corn, Crass, and Brierßoyt6ea 1 Hay, Corn, and Straw Bay, Manure, Tanners , ' and Spading Yorks. Hakes and lloe ,s • Shovels and Spades, of all kindS. Tacker, Brads, Shoe, Gloat, and /Waking Nails. Oast and 'Wrought Butt Hinges, Serena, Locke of all kinds; entlery t Remand YnmpS,Arss,Ftitehets, Ham teem, Plume, and other Toole„.te. /to. W. G. It BON, No. 411 0011313002 Street. .16 guinea; . 8 .g
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