• '-'2,lr,Z,Sft ZIA Zi2L'o,l/P 4 , ~ Caffperthislaiibf t .:An enstlam - for damages -dori'd, - . e " eleledlien -13storef - -reforted.s - 1/etinse. thet the b'n)lslogyiittnoeproperliyunatrueted,and. that in lionb`ieffenaoltofirlffli artek'edi 'and the diniage Com plained or iusbed= trial:;_ 1131,Breiralerund,Ilen. ton fpe p),lntltrUltleeleoll.feederaftdant: - - Nf01 ,44 Netritt 6114-443b — efRionsylseilla`fiallioad Company„,T, The spurt igiuulted 'a rule on the'defeniants to ekofi eithee'nbrau order - of eciuraabbeld not be made refit thCderengaglii: tii,profftiee upon the trial "of., this eise all the hilauto:b . Ok's geoid company, contain.' leg the„tesnsacelons of Cie .bar - ot,direotors, thereof' " 1 ' 416 15 ?5, z , ififfe:10522 7 430111227 - 45iditO,Sha*Cff4: 1 4522C hheihame Claire/Cozen , is = = ffianklin 'An` aetion.hiiceuesei oey'silleged te; be ir(tbidefeudenVe hands, eilad."Lrittic py,:erbleh' haredlleeted - ba a bag- Eleat'S22lo3 - liflindint alleged Painient'• Vatdiet for the plaintiffs for.o42,ss. ,, ,Wrla.ltarshallibriffa!ntlif; Briggd -": '- Jacob Markley , Jr; = figiab• Cilia'. An, itetlorOtin a pronalesote Wote. Thikdotendent' alleges that;she is" - not ketiboimible Ace tbii nt - thiimite =- `'ithe T X. Clayton fernlalutlff; A. Mil for;delendsnt. DistquOr • Sty - oaii,R6bdit: Galbeaktly Ts: • John Deloic reported. Au astion to reeoier dareages for suloOlegid irover and eoararilcur.: - Yerdiet for; the'idalittli for- 02 gents. Graeft Neill for defendant, ,-•-• C • J::llnrriCss.ls . ugh McDonald an others,- triding,"&o:' AA - IWO 0. :Man promissory note. Verdiet tor the plaintlC $255_, 25. .alblions , fur .plaintiff ; Orabbe andTtlall'fofdefend.nt.' ' - Thomas' it.,:flanuanAandlohn 11.,06nnon,",eseetatora ' of the hit - will 'gotta tement - of Georgo•F. Hetes, de. Ceased.- AirtiotiOn on a cheek;_ Verdict, for- the pleiln, tiny for 1191 ~, M elattyre,fof4he.plaintlife Bonlom for defenditate.`' - - 2. ' IC Witham's.. An - girdle* to rec over kroker: age forth° sale - of, eonie fear estate: The deforms was that thelsile ftad hetet been • consummated. - -The ter mliattpaof this case afforded considerable" anineement to ,tbe members of the bar and the . court: ~'Mr, .ooyler was making a speech,',Whieh 'WWI; kr turtle: ammonia. tive,eloonent, incoresssire4-nay, almost pathetic—when he was paed,Spddelllly tape by the point-blank tines- Mott' pit by theveiy inatter.of.`aet foreman of the jury: ever 'ea:Minded 1! , asked - In a tone, whickledicated,ln'the dearest .porsible manner, that if It Cobla notbea6iWeiedin'the atitricatlieithe cues- - alaaar Ma* aaleaat that ht intended to do: - Mr, Cop, ler. addreving the court, said th+t If the feel lig of the jury wet' to• hattitibited bfAhti - gentlimatee questioni be`hiat •lietterlye"thaughtlike a non-salt' attmee, to whi.th the - oceirtYintlintried Its?,ituelesoenee In' Mich * ai , tv,a l TOK;Auoulkt; tog: laugh all 'round, Thu wait non4tiltedimArdingly. Coy. I Jr raf fitaititiff rLei for defindibt:- '- Qaaannii 'Snas4on9- - -JudgeB Thompson and Raines, alias 'lslll.l4m Bruner,. wee charged - With - the 'larceny of, some ,wrarlng-, apparel,. valued at 12 60, conelatiog of some shirts, node rlhirt s, and.tyyqbandkeeclitafa., Verdict jpalltY., ffentenced to six months triAni „ , zatialt 80anatt7. , 0241054 - 41a; trith-tha'Asieeer of a,' knit.jacket,:the -- property; of,lifrZ - G-eisler. The len:- darit pleaded guilty to the charge. Boatel:toed , to nix months, to Miaooultty,P,r,inon - • - - 4aFauel - Blikylaiad,guatila the of's. .pair of ahnet;:ltiliteneel,tiiMainonthe ' • Richard PallaTher.iiei ohaired;witli usault and bat., tory, On,Obrietoht :Verdielptilty. - . ..flentenced to anal:CO*lla ekrLb 3 t. aaTa. Wlllitor - tiprey wit - charged wink aseanit anohattery by the.kente4grameeator... Verdict, aunty: , Sentenced to oixtttek.e ' , • Ellen:Johnion was aaarted with aulaultana battery en.jatutelotuterh: The' pidaetrittor triit•-marked with a atinabWiar, icau , a;:whlch he alleged.were caused by bleale Nei' the :defenptat.,Terdlat guilty., Beatineelto --. • • - .:,- 1311zeIrlot,Waeoonylotbd of the larceny ai,obildrenha olothek: she lean idd'offindir, and wan sentenced to nine months. • : ' ; , William "Dorig`asiliwidi , ironylekadjof - the larceny of roma block - tin. the ' . property of Mr. BbarPleee, 4 4, 1 Trent street. Sentenced to", one. year :fa. thetounty - Prison, . • - CITY- -ITEMS. Nodic•Dav iritereat in the soeit,dayPeayerteetlaptat kaastaiiltseet chaseh Is 'Orti" end it le quite ,piobible, from precenaludisallotiOhat, , in this respect, they willioon. exceed< the iemartable - period in titer existesee up to this , time. -Abe meetiuy tber - e yesterday filled the Mimi ioom "addition Wiehich largete,etare roost weials.) orowd;alL ; • , Tei~ YAcni`AirspicA=ad exclusively, national' aa - aifate!io Magi - V:11;440i, sod Prioress; or tbe ebipmister Wm treat to ' ; Paris "atter - bnekitheat onkes4 Is being rebuilt In lenal!md,'l'BelPiii):e - eilenicil ofher decay as caused bf_tbe. - poorititure of Illmerlean'oak Eipeeking of trees: • „ , The Oleselaad•lieraht has discovered 'that Elb ak. spears, whet - Le !no, of 'tongues in trees; - referied to wa gon tongue,' not iliOse Unit liagealily advice livell.b o4 9-49. but, Pielt,Clothes,pt Goneille 'Stokes, the great clothier, No; 60T Cit./strati street. Tint AnLaw4len.-,Tal*Pll,e2rmanl-..,We learn that the Dow/ o,f:PirecOrl of the, P o lllltryula Baf-„ r° B 4 o ,44.bBie,. l o l 4Binfotiter, 4 11 4 lined the Aim, Hon of a terndinas. . understand it, the bloke' already laWiflllitekneed, - and pingsengers will be taken direct th :0h:41144 i*elcaikete Sixth, 7orheie 803 and' 805 • they find' thhArOwai: Stone OloWng Hall a itoeldimi - ,ifetioiii.sile - gitit. teirnlnns;:iilleta all i erho.ara bent upon:Fel:oring 'Stewed ! and feahloni:-• ble garmenkri ban' 'eappltia . therairink:` Ax W) Quaain jiepileinaa, - a ft ei listening tan Nertheiilbreiti,e7tithe priranbig bad habit. of the era; anise in his placefind - said “:11 thou wonld , st avoid bad habitef then eiiouldlit be carefulto wear those only that are- gotten na at tha Irranhlin Hall Clothing Emporium,' kept ',BY' fete* Iciiitaieoici 5210heatnet :`,3miirojr:totions. (Deported fir the ' - • CHAELBBtON-4itiniiialifp'rECYStone StateAdarsb-' man-189 Ulm cotion'lt Elam & BorirlBs D Balemonflic Der 52 do Dr-eitakaristeVoltbran '&l4ticaellt'32? do I half , do rice 9 bales cotton '1 Palmer& 0e;- 957' do order; .9 nacho feathers Parker &-Tolandp',2 he f tea 1 bbl Ere DrsyMiq 23 , efapty.bbio Massey; Dollies AVM- 6 pkgs R Oaessy;- 1 box D o,Levy ; . : l Peteram - Eirmf-1 bol I' 0 Reimer; 6 pulleys Merrick & Sens; 1 can Ilepper A Co; A W Ilrirldob; /Lang deMfers4 , l 0 Ellis & Co; 1 A D imam; 1 11. W 9cott; 1 P H Mitchell; 1 X Banta; 1 bbl H 33 Ryott; - 3 Mitikell.rAlleta &, 00; 10 Hopk ins son; 14 tolls leather Knott, Nece & 04i; 02 Seeks frcut B Mayer & 00; 10 bales domestics A Rlfrancisene; :10 A Whildim 46 Day eclideDeelht; 19 Ws paper - D 11 Elm. merman; 9 half 9 qe bbia L - - Palmeri 61 half 4 qr do En gle& Wolfe; 10 pkg* mthe eider., • NEW DELEANI3—Bark Wm Henry; Young,-360hbds sugar liteirart;' Canon &Celt 504 bble molasses C P Reif; 41 bra tuft," A J Hasped; / bbl do Merrick & Bon; 110 empty- limbo,. Ell -Phil lipr & 00 NEW OBLEANB—DarkLizsle Boggs Dlier-342 hhda auger T. A Neivhall.&Bons;" , l32 do lohardson A Co; 49 de P.Relf; -80 do • Taylor, Gil lespie & 0o; 99 tible melanins ,Harris; Iteptic , P,o; AID doristewort. Carom & Co; 90 do J Palmer& 341 pkgt 43 clothing. 061 Chas Thorne; 4 Ow mdseld Itackhonsaq - 30 bales cot ton W -201 tibia molasses 1 1 tiehardeon & Co. P4M,F;ItifiERII 'AjOtiVEil;' Io ateatnehle HaiiLine Diatepfiom.OharloetOn=A Mordecai, A Waldron, P H Mitchell, A 0 Mitchell, W A Zarratt,,i litzgibbons, A W Ctates, A, D Yates, and. Ova in the etcnage: , 11 04 0114 : ronr..oy : ontpkx,ritilis:,,reti., 9, 1138... MN' TtIM OUT! ARTS' - 5 0 5 30 'l3 8 M. steiniablpKeystont n_ tutu, 00 bone Train Oharietton, with oottoo r rice. Jao to A Baron , Jr. Saturday. lb P Si, off. Owe Hoznaln.Panted- steamship, Plotida, boind li ktaitusay,li A M . , 35, Milei of. /hy ing Pan, Pawed przpiller litentkOmery, boned ft; 1 Atty . _ pulsed stearrohlplaa Adger,kound 31.,3 P M, 24 milt% S of Chincoteague; paired a sunken- tiebr, lower mot ile:4 8.014 00114 1 1`, auetopmuts stabdinit a 30 PM, 3 wilesif 'Of whitirgnailor 'WIT* tali a bark/tabore t panted:Haat atMarently; lately , gone ni; spars all etaudtegt royal yards ifirroas;" quarter boat hoiated up, DurlOg .1M? pmlne'lgotlooord ,heary,wealber from the rum, . , r - , Steamship NensingtonOdiker,4l house from Bottiori, with =dee , an&plueseagars Paksed the" bark Neindeer;ThiOltY Polnt,fielow Bombs, }Toole_ etotimilup ftenueboo,lland, o 0 Lours from New York,' with laded add piesessorOtolemas ,Allderdies. "Sawa, berm brig badly, ogronalpii tyre upper end of the Lodge, and paned four . tieeply.leOin Faun below New Castle, bound up." ' . Bark Wm dleury,lfoung, 92 daya from New Orleans, *with sugar:end molests's to' Taylor; OUleoPle k Oo— ttwed up by tug Atlantle. , Bark,Llule.tiogge, Disor, 15 days from New Orleans, with sugarllnqsaaes, and cotton to T A Newhall & dione. ' Etas two : min fu irons for Malloy. Towel up by Sark Ostr, ftxdoc, 03,1tys, frota ,110094, vitt! mdse to Twells 14. co. • " • Rohr .I.B'fitottker,'lrolwarda, 8, eitpl frOi! Now York, with miss to Das/d...cooper.- , - Mesmer .111ohittd:11 hours from Baltimore; withmdso snd passengers to A:Strov.e , , Jr , • , . • CILIARND, fittenteldp iffy of Now York, Mimes, Bolton, Henri Wlneor. ; - 13teauiebip City of .11,1eliciond, Too210;41ohmond, 1 , Webster, Jr. • • Steamship Bolton; Bellew; New York. Jae Aliderdice. Bark DaTlCKlmball, 2,tonell. b lew 'Orleaod, j Baker. Kona Oommeree, Bathed; Pernambuco, J Idmon k Co. Steamer B. Willing, claypool, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr; jaor,riipontletyie tp, t ,thit Plibutelphis Ilzabiingej - ~ , 08, 8 18bsits, Feb, 8,6 P H. Thtt ship Island QUeopi from Providence, went up this forenoon. Nothing Seetigoicg, out . NV sad NNS—oloady. PAP!, ;,- TIMM. n. 141tiattlit. 70,wnd , _ , tionroti, Pelt Arrlirt, brig Newsboy; 22days from ilayali.sobr Jere nie Morton, 2.2 days Item - caulenas, with new niolattes. HARMS ROADS. Feb The sbinlitactinsier,”"froni`tivertitiol.lionsidlii Bel I= more, with a valuable cane, pat to bere today - - , tie., Web 7. Arrived, Aldo Nicholas Biddle, from Boston, and Al b/Areal. Amin LiTerpool: . ' ' • Yeti B:—Arrived, ship:Monterey.and , bark Intrhislo, from Liverpool; brig, TabitiOttem Genoa.. ' - • ; Nair'Vabsaxs. Feb 7. Arrived, Win( Thaman doffprood,,Mtian, - Exorlator, Yr6pla, and- tutees from 19tar - fork; IC' DI Hayti and Wlndarninii; frond' LioerpOok `.ll`danini Raiford Ilyman; and lifitrdpollo; fromllovred borks $' A edeveonon, frcim Rio de - Jrnadrortlicholle Obroln, iiont New York , , mEttoßma att'amihip: Bavaria, for New;Orleane, sailed from Queen/fawn 18th • • - • Stornihlp Itangaron, Jeffrey; front Livirpool, at New Pork 7tk bet - .• 2. ,- • - - Steamship pet:mare, Idopas,ltenee, arrived at New York, yesterday.: f•• . • - • • Steamship IrArnllo, BrOW12111;11, tor:Nisillau and illiTa. Sc s sleeved at New Pork yeiteiday • Stetapahip Black Warrior, Smith, from New York r via naval:laid 112114 stared at Sew Orleans 7th Suet.. , • Ship, Frigate Bird, Oope, , remained at Hoeg, Kong Nov Ship im'l',li r orrie, - Jaelson, !rein iiiiii - Vriitintimo; an Hong „Hong- Nov 26; dim:nested, having. encountered, a heavy gale Nov 14th—remained -•„ , Ship Jameii,,Brown, Qrlbtree, remained at Hong Hong Ships Crondidaibily,foilkierpnol,rind Paneyiern,, Hussey, fat Hafte,"e tared At Charleston 511, lost, Ship Wni Ourinlegailphia, train' Elegem°, arrived at =•• •• • = .• • MOP Idereinetlghi, - dfihnsinti, aatC Caleutts:Dee,4:= ' • -. titan flariulnah, arrived at • Lt; . 46001 ITtivid,Cianitentettdd9thleloato return.- Ship ,llnderariter f ,Roborts, from Borannah,' arrived at LlyerpOol - •-,•=" •-•-•;" Stilpif-dtobtirtjfoUyipiriltow, and inter 'or tine Went, Menitraotair,lfimin Savannah: 4d Liitrpoid diet ult.- 11hIritIONdtildvittiiiiisri vain Bavaa to - saUtd"from Liven:loll6th - • ; • ; etrip"!SPll.lmitii Ctn, , intilliiWc• for NOP yeti, cleared - at Liverpool - - - - itdifi",palt*ore for Diemen, was off Portlend,,,jkSittl, Ship ElOtton Plan ,ter' from' Nor Orleansi sr- - rived at qilitifikitiMcitittitt. , - • tram' lifidiaiona, arrived at Barre lath - • - , _ Staphetfilfoiiiiiiliiiigissa; from *tate; arrived :St • '-• •- 7 • NbrinfiAlinsoni' rOT:9?:larlentinin, nailed:66in "" -I " • - • nailed frojitilloriAltan tiot shijr - R9tierTkirtttrii• - paii,atil, for Datailcsalied from, ^Pr • Ethip Spark of the Oaeon, Drummond, for "Leridou, •; Mad tpliit /391017 9000 • - - fr o m Diniiiii , Shin 4 ElLsa, Boyles ; for London, laded, , 1 1 akin Samitel Pelee, Young; for" Liverpool, called from Bombay Deo 22. - - . , -i Ship Harriot Erving, Manning, from Boston for Osl o:Mt/ was in the roads at Madras Den Di. ' ,a llh a ik ti ftht o olite; Stewart, front . Lipirpool, arrived , at 'Ship BMUS, Janvrin, from Boston, arrived at Cal- 1 ',Mitts Dee S. ' ;Ship - Western Continent, Reed, from San Francisco, arrived at Hong Kong Nov 21. - Ship Joshua Bates, McCallum, for Shanghai), sailed from Hong Kong Nor 27. ' , • - .._ ;Ship Eureka, Lane, for New. York, sailed from Shang hie Nov 20. '- • Ship Sumatra, Abbott, for New York, sailed from '.'3l &Milo Nov 9: - '. - - Ship Napier,. Kennedy, - for Shangbie,' galled from Hong Kong Nov 19 - ' " ' - - Ship Wm V Kent, Vi'lloox, from Charleston, at liver ,phot loth nit.' " • • ' - ,Shifit 10. Metcalf ; - Stetson, for Philadelphia, entered oldwardnt Literpthil 10th nit ' , 'nark' Speed nen, Howes, for Rio de Janeiro, steered at Beaten 7th inst. - ~. • !Bark Algonquin, Gibbs. for Liverp ool ,; ' cleared at Mo bile,-2d' lost. - with 1902 bales ofcotton, valued at $118,400 62. ' • •- - - - , = -Bark lone -- litsr, Dlier,'was towed to meet from New Orleans 214 ult. -•-- - .‘, Bark Aeolis, Davis, from Bonaire, arrived at N York yesterdai. ' :- - ' Bark fella; Ryder, hence, via New Castle, Del, ar. 'rived at Banton 9th inst... ' - - `Bark Palermo, Inghi,m, from New York, was at Mar 'millet 19th rat, just arrived. - %Bark James Cook, Young, hence, remained at Mar seilles 10th ult.' • Bark Thomas Alhbone, 1 hompson; from Rio de h. intro, at New Orleans 7th lost. ' - ' Derk Albion Lincoln, pinkham, from Cardenas, at :portion , ' Ilk !list. ' -- : ' ; Bork Jennet, Barclay,' for Sydney and Newcastle, N BW, sailed from Singapore Nov 27.. ' -- Bark Early Bird, Cook, from San, Francisco, arrived at Hong Hong Nov 24.: ' Bohr Robbie - "W' Dillon, Marts, rot: ligament, sidled from Portland 6th inst. „ ' Behr Sarah, MoAlmon, hence, via Hyannis, at Port land 6th Met. , Behr Edwin Reed, Ohiptuan, for Philadelplua, olearid at Boston 6th inst. 'Sobr ,Jutuata, Kenney, for Philadelphia, sailed from Portland 6th inst. -. , Bohr Mary,ll haulm, hence for Boston , put into Dutch Island Harbor 6th inst. '. tobr John Joann, Stephenson, front Brandywine, at New York yeaterdsy. - . : Bohr Anna Smith, Smith, for New York, sailed from Wilmington, Del, yeaterday. , . - i Bohr Julia Anna, 'Harding, for 'Philadelphia, cleared at Savannah 4th inst. : • Behr I, B Myers, Somers, fion Mobile, at Pass Oa vallo 18th ult. :schr Frank Herbert. Mayo from Boston for Philadel phia, passed by Ho meet Hole 6th inst. ;Bohr W A Hammond: Powell, from Boston for Phila. dellhia, at Dolmas , Hole oth inet, and salted again. • , Bohr Ono 0 Gibbs, Gibbs, from Charleston, at Mobile lOt inst. - Schr Three Williams, Edwards, hence, arrived at .Baltimore 7th Inst. .. -- • - 11thr Rosamond; Owen; for Pernambueo, cleared -at Balticeore 7th. inst. :Bohr P A Sanders, Ireland, hence at Wilmington, N 0, Oth fruit.• , Sohr J" A . Bayard; Higbee, for Philadelphia, went to ems from Wilmington, NO, 6th lest , SchrEllea _limit, Boman, for Matannu, went to sea from Wilmington, NO, 6th inst. Ships Adelaide, Wakeman, and Euterpe, Arey, from New York nOth 'Avg; ..Telisman, Thomas, from do 4th Sept,' Wandering/ow, lltacknole, from do Aug 6; .Ram bler;bler, Lathrop, tram do July 27; Superior, Soule, from di Aug 27; Orion, Libby, from Boston 9th Ang; Orom 'Well, Adman, from do 10th July; Chapin, hloOritlie, fm dd 18th Aug, and Memnon, Jenkton, from do 28th Aug; at San Francisco previous to 14th ult., l i3hlpa Sea Serpent, Whitney, from Hong Kong; Chats :worth, Soria, from Siam; !Lookout, Topbam, from Lon don, and Parmentler, Oberon, from Bordeaux, at Ben Francisco, previous to 14th af t - • - --- Passed Straits of Sunda Nov 13, Orpheus, Chase, from Manilla for NeW York; Boston, Potter, from do for Bor. ton; 16th; Crystal Palace, (Br) Shower), from Poo.ohoo for do; Esther Mary, Cook, Manilla for Boston; 19th, Northern Light, Doane, do for do; B R Talbot, Burge's, from do for New York 20th. /Master, Enquist, from 'Amoffer New York; 22 d, Lucy A Ninklos, Nickles, from do for do. Ship California -Packet, previously repotted con downed and sold at Pernambuco, realised Re 2,060. A portion or her cargo of lumber woo to be sold 4th ult. BPOKEN Deo lb. lat IT 17 N, long 72 80 B, bark Telegraph, Giles, from Batavia for Persian Gulf. • Dee 19, tat 810 N, long 26 10, brig Nankin, Hooky, from Soma Nov 18 for Montevideo. Dec 21, lat 5 40 N. long 27 10 W, ship Nate of • Maine, Humphrey, from Ignition Oct 14 for Cork. iftRIYA.LB IV THE PIiBOIPLL ROTEIR, OP .TO OKK _O'CLOCK WIWI 3101KILK6 GIRARD HOCISK , -Chestnut street, below Ninth. J Newell, Boston 0 II Tyler, N Thu Bell, N Y W 8 Ward, Marietta - B Campbell, Balt J Watson & N G WlVilson, Richmond Mrs W R Smith, N 0 Mins limitbiN 0' P J Smith, IS 0 J L Chambers, Washington R L Page, Martinsbling A wales, Penns Mies Wood, Penns (k W'Nortin; Wbeeling C O Egerton, Balt L B Magee, Corning " J D Winslow, N Y Max Stadler, Oinn, Ohio SP Page Milwaukee Miss Boardman, Mo, W Jones, Penn i " 0 Thatcher, N Y PEI Perkins. N Y ' DB lianfman, Pa " 0 M Mitchell, OM 0 Barbank ,Yt D L Bartlett& le N Y Miss P. Ai Anderson, N Y Joe D Di,ty N J M Owen, Mass Miss hi Owen ,ass Isaac Fenno& la, Boston ,Sidney 'Manley, Boston 11 Preemie,' biasa ‘'' I S Parrish, Rau P W Taylor, ,Va - 'l3 Willourbby & fani,NY Dean Smith Belt Lemuel Dobbs, N , Ju Boyce, Balt I Haldeman, Harrisburg in Slade; Upsilon " - W 0 Williams, Pittrburg • D McKnight, Reading A P Gamic & La, N Y G,eo W Savage, N Zahn Thritimon, Pa P Grove, Pa ' John Grove, Pa W Evans Mass Judge Donaldson, Potter'', N nettois) Jr, N Y Geo B Btotaon,Bridgew . ster T II Oonaly, N Y JWagstaff, N DI/ Wilson & wf, N Y ' J McFarlane & wf, N Y ,Burns I'Bell, N Y • Ise Kirklarid,Sprlnglield G Forbes, Boston • 0 Tower, Pottsville li B Turner. Kansas K Grainer, Paris P H N Whiting, N Y it M King, Albany gee A Freeman, N Y Win Foster, Ir , N Y .0 W Kearny, NY• Albert Day, Hartford II 0 Prescott & 11; Boston Win H Mesa, Tenn D A Boku, Brooklyn • —` RCM Hodges, Balt Silas 0, Day, Ind ace , 8 W Haseltine, Cincinnati D W Bell, St Louis ' X Howe, Mau Mrs Howe, Maes .• MBA Howe, Mass JV Davis, NO . - R Vaughan 051 K Edgerton, Ind B Dart, Jr, Y - Jan Beard, La - • .3 Stearns, Newburg 'A - Maynard i Boston Kverett, lowa -II A Denny, Rau Ben A Rtnitead, Maas , L W Inge, San Prancliteo T.ldialo' Bump. W U Broughton, Wu kt Dobbin, Balt BM Perini, Ala J Caldwell, Ala ' Chas 0 Reimers, St Louis John W Oampbell, Tenn Jan Dermal, Bait 8 G Israel, Bait' Oscar Monsartot, Balt Bawl II Scruggs, Ala Dr A S Cousin, Pbllel W B Jordan, Ve. - ' Platt Smith, Dubuntto Simi Masters. N 0 D Loognecker, Pa And Ballads, Pa ,finsetOILIATIP ITOT2l,—l:Ottrtb et.. below Anat. 7.ldictarlan,Toskanda ,J T carnagbam, Pa Allison; Sewickley D T•Lsrrson, Ohio D 0 Keller, Burnsville, 0 L Lindsay, Oonneleville P- Vierling, Evanavillo N 0 Dania, Beaver B A Myer, Pittabnrg A Birch, Silent, Ohio W - Gibson, Pittsburg W 0 Templeton N 0 X A Gilmore, Ike. ~. •JD Islam, Ohimbereborg M Myerti, Mt Joy Jae - I/Ray; N Y LH Greenfield, Ban G Payne, Lit Lochs D Bair, Lancaster Stewart Pittsburg .711 Robinson, Pad' - lion'Asa Packer. M Ohunk P MTrutaboeer, 0W & OR M M Rchwarts, Tamaqua A B Thompson. Tenni, D Darter Hempstead L Williams Louisville - J I Harbison, Loulstille W H Rhode, Balt : M McDonald, Portland AMERICAN ROTEL—Chestnut street. ) ibtere nth. P WRlally, Reading D I Mehl, N it InoAlthlo,N Y W Goodwin, le Larayette Draper,' N , 3 Bullock, N W Gacahua,-N Y N Nichola, N Y. A Wickle, N C J t Buell, Reading N Burnham, M OhUnk . T krazmu & la, Balt Lummua, N Y • R Gran, Boston— I B McCrea*, M OhUnk J Praaini , Ya W'Beterebig TT Whitman, reteraburd n 0 Nesbitt, Md Geo Brooke, Balton a Vann , . Md ' lull Ward Balt "A C R chardeon, Md .1 I/ Roo, Cheater co B J Dlokay, Cheater co Jiro B Obacerdoili Pa B Amman, Pa J B WarAeld & It, Pa Mona, N Y Robt II Ba re. Pa G cowperthwatt, N Y Betel Brockman, Tenn John P Gordon. N Y M Newell, N Y E J Borne, Delaware TINION,HOTHL-Areh 4.. above Third. .. - .1 C.Tldball, Va B Can Lunt, Oln, 0 REI Morgan, White Haven J Thetas, Om, 0 .1 L Hollinger, Lanetater N Wolf, Om, 0 H Collins, Peoria, 11l F Ullman, Oin, 0 F P Heller to lit, Heading 'T 0 Beek, pin, 0 L 0 Ramsey, N Y B /1 6/nlololol.k-la, Texas Dr Ilawley,Phreniaville Aaron Hill, Cin. 0 A Hayman, Wheeling, Va Col R Hatellit, Tamaqua W 13 Hensley, Phil* Thee Hoorn, Del A. I. Illebordoon,Del 0 Hampshire Pa • [ P Setts, Easton It 13 Ohidaey, Easton I Jacob Hai. Easton Banal Perm. Bath, Pa 0 W Walker; N Y • •'W .0 Guldin, Port Clinton J Crawford, Port Clinton, J 0 T.dball, Ohio L Bennett, Marietta, Oa B J Camp, Marietta, Oa II W York, Marietta, Oa HII Berner, Ohio FEI Ileott,,Ohlo A J est, Memphis, Tenn J Ohembere, 'Balt . FRANKLIN HOllBE—Oheatnut street, above Third 1111 Porter, Mt Holly J . D Kt looker, Lebanon I II Id Otto, Heading J Haldeman, N Y • D 0 E Brad, Va ' J U Mealtime, Phil* T,O Onlbreth, Dover II 0 Chandler, D 0 E E Clark, New Haven Geo II Levi,,Ohleago Mrs Enolea, N Y - Mies Emotes, N Y D L Wlenane, N Y 0 0 Hubbard. Ohio, 0 A M Belknap, Philo John Id Moore. N J It B blrdtblia. Pottaville . W Niles, N Y T navies; N Y W K Btorra, Oonn 13 II Bessione,-Brlatol, Coon J Yonkter, Je'Tenneasce , NATIONAL ROYAL—Rue street, above Third J Sharp, Pittston R M Helier and lady, Phlia Biteltera, N Y V B Stewart, N Y Ituntzinger, Potteville Mos K Levan, Lich Haven HllHonteiuger;Tamegaa Miss Roane, Yoh Raven John A Galan. Pottsville (1 0 'Wing, Lessem Jamie Klnsley,-Ya - Qeo Thomas, Del , 2 , 0 Yeager, Allentown 3 Kauffman, Reading 0 °slump, Oinainnatl, 0 le B hesson,N Y John Baker, Lancaster' • • T H Miller. Lancaster Lewis Royer, Baltuyik co I Snyder, Highland,Kaneas IL Buck, Ohio MOUNT VERNON ROTEL—Bacolod st,, above Arab CVO wilson, N Y Bawl Hulett ' Delaware Bawl /ones, N .1 Alex Jobason , Baltimore B MaL - nablist, Baltimore 0 Linn as la, N Y 7 boa Williams, N - ,7 Wml Waters, N J ' MADISON HOUSl—Second M., below Arab. J Battler, a Louis ~ A ,I,Martindala, N Y J P Borrougha, Phil& ' 'W P Ocop•r, Mil Mrs 0 W - Atvrood, Philo, D avid 8 Minnick, N Y Jacob V Myers, 'Vs- J Chamberlain, Chanter Co A B Willson, N 5 J L Anderson Dalt f Thomas D Murray, Belt - BLACK BEAR - HOTKL,—Third et.; ab„ Callouhm, '1) D Elder, Danphin t Pa -N Carl, 1111 for d, Win Earner, Pa . 0 Zetty, Plowertmen Wm:HErim, Boyertown - • L Tomlinson, Byberry . Win OttompsozclionaTllle H Degerhig, New Texas Levi Oaken, NY • • ' John K nut, Eadnlle Geo"Johneon, N Y " , Geo Stoner, Pa W-E Willman, Pa . - Nit/ NAGLI,-Third street, above 01010whlU. Wm Eateritu, Blair co J Ilollia, Blair co John Houser, Bucks Co T Überly, Northampton eo 1,8 Edmonds, Quakertown B Brown, Bhp& Hunmelwright, Bucks co A J Odenwilder, Allentin BARLEY MBA/ HOTEL—Second street, below Vine. D Feaster. Buoke co ' B Haugh, N J Lorton, Springfield A W Winder, Attleboro Win Steakhouse, Oaklord .7 Preston, Ohio 1 B ohnson, Ohio •' Jae C Weed e r, New Hope Solomon Ho lcombe, N J A J T Slicer, New Hope • John 0 Rieh, - Bnaks on J 0 Wetherill, Backe( co IreHogelen ea 8 Buckman, Newtown Baml Backman, Newtown. J Banner! ? Doylestown 0;FoX, Stoke co - • J Ferreni , Bucks co -A E Jarrett, Backs co • H Wright, Bloke co It Comfort: Bucks co T H Bedloe, Atlentic Oily Thom Ent; .11 N W White, Bucks co W ibitterthwett, Busks co D Setterthweit, Burks co T Ijonely, Trenton, N J W Davison, Trenton, N J BLAWT. BBkJ INN—Nl.th and Merchant dream. ,43 P V(lmer, Philo • John Garret, Delaware co McWarlin, Delaware co J Lancaster, Trenton T Thompson, Ohee er co J Blttehhonse , Pottstown jerome Heeler, Cheater co. Mothalough, Md H hhafer;Ohester , ao N Church lady, N J L Garrett. Chester co ..11 Biles, Cheater on :-Hilatehison, Pa ' Thiel Palma, - Pa Alex Hill, hid D Herr, Lance .ter W Bankin, Burlington, NI G Dickson, Cheater 02 Rolptar, Oheator co phoots, Cheater co Grover & Baker's Celebrate 4 Family Sewing *mania& A NOW STYLE—PH.ION 00. dIINSTIIIOI SMUT, PIXILADILrnI These blaoltinee sew froM tiro apct . ,bowiti forma seam of - unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, Which will won rip, e'en if every fourth stitch be out. They are unquestionably the beet in the market for family nae. ' Dole tr , (Cresigo sea A OMOULA.II. 4:0 Seamen's Saving_ Fund—Northwest Corner of SBOOND and WALNUT Streets. Depoeits received In small and large amounts, from all damn of the oomelanlty, and allows Interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum. . Money may be drawn by checks without loss of irate• rest. OMoe open daily, from 0 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 0 in the evening. Preeldent Franklin Fell; Treasurer and Secretary, Oharlee E. Morrie. One-Price Clothing of the Latest Styles, and made In the best manner, expressly for swum auras. We mark our lowest ceiling prices In ?LAM mousse on each article. All goods made to Order are warranted satiefactory, and our osolluon /TIMMY is strictly ad hared to. We believe this to be the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all are treated alike. JONES ac CO., 604 IIARKIIT Street. Illarriage%. In this city, on the Bth inst., by Rev. William E. Boh.nek, Mr. JOHN 0. WALLACE, of Doeheo. New York, to Miee DABBLE 0., HAMILTON, of Philadel phia. On the 16th ult., by Rev. N. B. Baldwin, Mr. BENJ. LYNDAL KIRK to MIAs LAVINIA MARIA HEN HEDY. all of this city. 'On the ad that., by Rev. J. B. Daley, Mr. 108. EL DER to Mite ELIZA JANE BALITE, both of this city. fleatbe. On Tne , day morning, the Bth inst , JOHN STONE, in the 73d year of hie age Ms male friends are invited to' attend his funeral, from hie late residence, 606 Pine street on Friday morning, the 11th inst., at 10 o'clock. *** On the afternoon of the 6th indent, Mrs. ANN RORER, relict of the late John Rorer, in the 72d year of her age. The relatives and Mende of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, No. 613 North Tenth street, on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 10th, at 2 o'clock, without farther notice. ** On Sunday morning, the 6th instant, after a short illness, /MEDI MERMEN, in the 624 year of his age. Rie friends and those of the family are invited to attend his funeral, without further notice , from his late residence . N. E corner N ghth and South streets, this (Wednesday) afternoon, the 9th inst., at 2 cOol , k.* On the 6th instant, JXIXI6MILIF BIZLEB, aged 46 years. The relatives and Mende of the family, and the members of the flood Will and Western Engine Coot. patties, are reepeotfully invited to attend his funeral, from the reeldenee of hte brother-10-law, Richard J. Potts, southwest corner of Twenty-first and Jefferson Areas, thisXWednesday) afternoon, at 1 &aloe& * Suddenly, on the oth inst., TAOOII KEYSER, Sr., in the 71st year of hie age. The relative!' and frlende are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 224 North Fourth etreet, on Thursday, oth Inst., at 1 o'clock P. M: - ** On the 7th last ' Mrs. OATHARINE HAMILTON, in the 27th year of her age. The relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence or her husband, John N. Hamilton, 1010 South Seventh street, on Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock. ** On the 7th lost , LOUISA BARNELT, wife of Wm. Earned, m the 135 year of her rge. The friends and relatives of the family are respect.. fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, Crease street, above Thompson, on Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock. To proceed to Beam's Church, Montgomery county. 8* On the 7th inst., EDMOND MCDONALD, in the 68th year of his age. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 2002 Oallowhtll attest, on Thursday morning, at o'clock, without further notice. **. ayßev. G. W Smiley, of Louisville, Ky., will preach in GUEEN-BT. K. E. MUREX THIS EVENINK, at 73 ololock lt* Ere filwon.daw Prayer bleating, tiansem.se. CHUFIVII, 12 to 1 o'clock. , There will bee Prayer Meeting in the Lecture Boom, u well al in the upper past of the Church, from this date. Let an who can spare a few minuted spend them In these delightful exerolcee. . te9•tf lirYou get Wet Made Llicene ssss s and you avoid the unpleasant repeated sittings, by get. gnu Life-etas Photographs ih Olt, at REIMER'S GAL LERY, 81100 ND ttreet, above Green. It* flylianuaker Instttnte.—A stated meeting will be held THIS (Wednesday) EVEN DM, at TX o'clock. gasbieu of importance. titJ. 0 WRITS, sr., Secretary. KrThe Third Anniversary of the Union TEMPORARY : HOME FOR CHILDREN will be held at the HOME, northeaet corner Sixteenth and Poplar - streets, on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, 10th lost , at half•paet 8 o'clock. Addresses may be ex pected from Rev. KINGSTON GODDARD, Rev. Dr. FURNESS, and others. The friends, patrons of the Institution, and public, are invited to attend Oars to Eleventh and Poplar, thence by omnibus to the Howe. fe9 Astronoildeal Leethres b 1 Professor 0. AL MITCHELL. The second lecture of the course wilt be delliere4 at JANNE% HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, the lett' lust, at 8 o'clock. Subject—" Is the Great Architect of the Universe the God of the Hebrew Soriptures?” Tickets to be heti at the principal bookstores, and at the ball on Thursday evening. fe0.201, ErNotice to the Voters of Third Ward,— The Tax•piyensimad Citizens of the Third ward, irrespective of party *ill ensemble at the house of P. tka.tLAIIHER, N. W. corner of Eighth and Catharine streets THIS EVENING, at 1y o clock , to express their d isapprobation of the action of the GUARDIANS OF THE POOR, In so summarily electing from their body our zealous, fearless, and truthful relvesentatlie, /Al9lB ABHBTRONG, the Guardian of this Ward, and to hear froul him a rubs 'manta of his ktewardship in that body. Come out In your might, and rebitke the foul minions Who disgrace the important trusts confided to their care! obert En/land I Francis Zeeman, Nicholas Walsh: Thos. P. Norman, John Hartland, Samuel P. Flood, John 0. Wall, M. D , Lewis Kugler, John Welsh, N. 0 Reid, M. D. ' Thee. R. Laugeton, Ed. 0. Dougherty,bf , H., John Hill, Aid. R T. Carter, - Daniel Martin, ' A. James B Mein, • - Luels B. Deign, John Ilenry, James Gallagher. litephtn Car, It* fryo Historical eethres ou the treat Rep- RESDNTATIVES OF MODSRN CIVILIZA TION, at CONCERT HALL, by the Rev. JOHN LORD. LtoiOnk.SUßJ , ECT .. S.. 1 Feb. 7--CoLtniises Maritime Disierieries. 2 Feb. 0--Itiontac•Arrest.o...Restoration of Art. 8. Feb. 14—Ilitam.316 Scienee. 4. Feb. 3.7Z—Batiou Philosophy. 5. Feb. 21—RIOHILIEll Absolutism. 6. Feb. 23-oaosiwsm. Constitutional Liberty. Tickets for the Course El 60 Tickets for two persons 2 60 " three persons 3 00 Scheele 1 00 Slagle tickete ~....5..4... 60 Two tickets will admit a Gentleman and the LORIN. Doom open at 1 o'clock. Commence quatter before IS. fe8.0,14,17,21,22,28 . . ry•• The 'Wagner 'Pm iinetltaste ollitnab 113 Leoturee for the week ending the 12th of Slob hwy. ktONbAY, 7 P. M —llygeine and Mated& Medina. Arsenic,” MONbAY; 8 P M.—krohlteottire—A Romaneeike.." TIIISIDAY, 7 P. hi.--((oology Nbnihrine Volta n TUESDAY. 8 P. M.--Eloctition—" Readings from Shakspeare.” WEDNESDAY, 7 P. DI. Natural Philosophy— .' kleotro tilagoatiem. ll WIDNIMDAY, 8 P. M.—Zoology—" Artionlata." TIIIIRBDAY, 7 P. M.—Anatomy and PhyanSlogy— " The Brains') THIIRBPAY. 8 P. M.—BhBtoric--4 , Eloitnenco.” NRIbAY, 7 P. M.—Mineralogy and Mthing-:•`. ate, talc" • • FRIDAY, 8 P. F.-11'1106h Literaize—lt Retithii Poets " ~., ~_ . .oeTprltpAy, t P. itl.--Bnotal Belenee—" Money." SATURDAY, 8 P.ll --Vheznietry—' , Potaesium." Admleaton free. Lailee Invited. . feB-tf 07. The Annual Meeting of the Contribu tor!' to "The Pennsylvania Tratultipßebool for Feeble-Minded Children," will be held a. 630 WAL NUT Street. on WEDNESDAY, February 9th, at 12 o'clock. [fe7.St] 'FRANKLIN TAYLOR. Secretary. a' Al mat Association Ventral High BOHOOI., —The zemi•snnusi Minoan' meeting or the Aineetstien will be held et the High Sohool Build ing, (Broad and Green streets, ) on WEDNESDA Y HYMNING, 9th MEL at 7% o'clock. PBEDBII.IOII. ILEYZR, President. JAMES H. LIMN, &watery. fe6.4t* Insurance Company of the State of PlliblaYLVANlA—FamausLeara, February 2, LL. The Directors have THIS DAY declared a Dividend of SIX PER OSNT., or TWELVE DOLLARS per share, out of the prrfita of the Company, payable to the stock holders, or their legal representatives. on demand. fe3-10t WILLIAM. HARPER, Secretary. glev Dr. Wader's Chestnut Springs Water Pa. CURE, at Chestnut Hill, ,Philadelphia county, rr. Witte Pennsylvania Railroad Company, PHILADELPHIA, January 16,1859.—N0T10N TO liTtio/111OLDERS —The Annual Meetlog of the Stock holders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, the 7th day of February, MO, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the SANS= STRICT HALL: The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the 7th day of March, 1859, •t the office of the Company, No. 234 8. THIRD Street. t EDMUND SMITH. Secretary. oc—ar Girard Dank—Philadelphia, January 81,1859, & epeeist meeting of the Stookholdere of this Bank will be hsld on TIIUBSDAY, the ed of March neat, at 15 Oolock M., at the BANKING 1101/13N, for the purpose of accepting or rejecting a Certain act of AsSembkr, entitled An Aot to Consolidate the Stock of the Girard Bank, ,, approved the 25th day of Janu ary, 1859. By this Act it Is proposed s• to change the valutof the Shares of Stook of said Bank from the pre mutt - par value of twelve dollars and fifty cents per Aare to fifty dollars per abase, by cancelling the pre sent certificates of stook, and Issuing new ones, upon the ratio arms to four, no that, hereafter, the par value of raid stock dull be Fifty Dollare per share.” And, also, for the purpose of determining tho amount of the Bond required for the flashier, as provided for in "A Supplement to an Act regulating Banks," approved the 7th day of May, A. D.lB. fel-dtmhB W. L. BOILAVIFER, Gadder. IT:Notice.—A Committee of the Managers of the Complimentary Dail to the Philadelphia will Mt at the ARMORY of the Philadelphia Gray,, every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND BATOR DAY EVENINGS, for the delivery and Battlement of Oaken', until the 25th. O. P. DE/MOND, ja13.25t Secretary. WJayne's Hall Prayer Meetings—Notice.— Owing to a previous engagement of the Hall, the 1NE1313 MEWS UNION PRAYER MEETING will be held until further notice, in the EASOSOM-IiTRBET CHURCH, (rear 'of the new hotel.) All are cordially Invited to attend, end the meeting le open for all to take part who are members of any Evangelical Church. d2o.tf ITAlumni Association—Central High 801100 L.—The Seventeenth Annual Address will be delivered by JOHN D WATSON. Ego , at the AtUSIO/kL FUND HALL on THURSDAY EVENING, the 10th Mat., at 7 o'clock. Introductory Address by Prof. A. D. DAME Tickets may be procured of Geo. I Richie, Esq., 423 Walnut St., or of Dr. Atkin son, 215 Spruce St. Mene' or THR Assootenon may procure tickets for the cousissonussr by applying to the Treasurer, B. KINGSTON kIoOAY, Eso , No. 427 WALKUP St. fe7.4t* oil _Hine of the iteliance M. Insurance COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA, January 16, 1869 —The • Annual Meeting. of the fitockholderil of this Company, will be held at their office, No. 308 WALNUT Btreet, on MONDAY, the 7th day of Pe brnary neat, at 12 o'clock, 61, and an election for Twenty Directors, to MVO for the ensuing year. will be held on the same day and at the came place, between the hours of 12 o'clock M. and 2 o'clock P. M. jat7•wmf-3w B. IL MINCH TIAN, Bearetary. lirSunbury and Erie Railroad —Notice.— The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the flnnbou and Erie Railroad Company will be held at the c face, No. 014 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the 14th day of February neat, at 10 oleic.* A, M. At thin meeting an elect.on will be held for ten Ma nagers of the Company to serve for one year. The Polls to close at 2 co , olcok, F.M. . W. EDWARD SPOPRORD_, Secretary. rhtladelphis, J. 24, 1859. Ja29-mtortfel.4 .PASS: -PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1869. DT, Woodland Vemetery ceMPID 2 7. — The la ' fowing Managers and °Mears hav,o_ been elected for the year 1869; ' . ' ' ' Presidentl-ELI X: SBION. John O. Peobin. WlMem W, Keen, . ' ' John O. Mitchell, INTO:mud J. Dreer, William H. xi rare, John 8: McMullin, John Lindsay, Imo Elliott. Secretary and Treasurer 088911 B: TOWNSEND. The managers have paned a resolution requiring both lot-holdora and via Hera to present tickets at the en trance for admiesion to the Cemetery. Tickets may be had at the office of the Company, 818 A.llOll Street, or of any of the Managers fesi-lm STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. Having removed from our old stead, 45 [Oath Second Nina, to 725 OHINTNDT MEET, DITIVERN ONVNNTV AND NIONTN, We are now prepared to exhibit to our =wrens pa trons a COMPLETE STOCK STRAW HATS, BONNETS, MISSES' and CHILDREN'S HATS, BLOOMERS, OAPS. - fr.o., PANOY OBAPI BONNETS, FRENCH FLOWERS RIBBONS, LAOIS, RUCHES, ko , Embracing in all an assortment unequalled in this city, and we respectfully invite the attention of merchants to our Spring Stock. Oaeh and short.time buyers will find it [specially their Interest to give ea a call. LINCOLN, WOOD, tez NICHOLS. feb9-3ra HATS, F_IIRS, STRAW GOODS, ARTIFICIAL, FLOWERS, RUCHES, R:o HOOPES & DAVIS, SIANUFACTDREES AND DEALERS Noe. 19 and 21 South Fourth Street, (up Maim) PHILADILPHIA, Have on hand a complete stock of the above goods, laid in for Cash, to which the attention of buyers is invited. OHAB. HALLOWELL, late of the firm of Ohm Hal lowell & 00., long known to the trade, would be pleased to see hla friends at the waretooma of MOOSTO. Hoopes & Davle:: feb9-2m FRENCH FLOWERS, Jot landed and for male by G: ADAMS, JNO. G. FALCONER & CO., , DEALERS IN P. I 33 33 0 MS 8 , SIMS, AND MILLINERY °ODDS, No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. febl-lm BURNETT, SEXTON & SWEARINGEN Are now opening at their Store, No. 409 MARKET STREET, Above Fourth, North Side, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF NEW' SPRING STYLES op FANCY DRY GOODS, OF THEIR OWN IMPORTATION And selection, 'which they offer for sale to Iniye:a from all parte of the United Staten, on the moat liberal terms. feb9 Ern WILCOX & CO's 0 , • • Z/103D3WIL ADJUSTABLE BUSTLE, Acknowledged by , he LADtBB to be the best /AM yet produced, and at no higher cost thou the ordinary Skirts. These Skirts are for sale by roost of the prominent Jobbing Houses. robe •lm WHITE GOODS, tstaßotatarts, Lamm IMP* MRSEILLES ILTS, PIQUE BASQU INOS, LAPPET SHIRTING S, BALLED JACONETS, OIIAMBREY QIN GRAMS, Ao., Imported for the present season, and offered on res. stumble terms to the Wholesale Tr ade, by SENAT BROTHERS 8,50;', 238 CHESTNUT STREET. ja26 t mar 3 Ir , BRITISH GOODS: CARTON, GRINNELL, & CO., 53, 55, and 67 Park Place, Now York, ATTENTION TO THEIR LARGE AND ATTIIAO 4 TIDE BTOOK OF PRINTED CHALLIES, DE LAMES, ENGLISH PRINTS, JACONETS, HINGHAM% RODSS, &c.., Additions to *hicb will be made by Stcaniors anti Packots tb tttrito. rebUti fga PEREMPTORY SALE—By order of EEL the Assignees of the Bank of Pennsylvania.— THOMAS do 80E8, Auctioneers, THE SPLENDID NEW DAN 4ING HOUSE, CREST NUT STREET, between Fourth and Filth istreets, ad joining the Earthen' and Mionhanios , Bank, and oppo site tbb United Stet: Custom Umise, with , greolts ik not, erected fqr t e pant, OP PENN6YI4VANIA Op TUESDAY, Mare 1, 1869, at .7 o'clock In the evoninr, will be wild at public sale, *illicit noserve, at th , e phtiadet ttta Illebange— All that splendid edifice and lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the north side of Chestnut street, between Fourth and Binh greets; the lot containing in front on Chestnut street 70 feet, and extending In depth of that width 178 feet, more or less, to ground of Rulings Covrperthwalt. The Banking House fronting on Chestnut street is of brick, with fine gainer Granite front, four strodes high, bead's the basement, 70 feet 4 inches front by 48 feet 10 Inches In depth. The other. attached thereto, fronting on the north, is three stories high beldam! the basement—fineopreeeed brick front and granite doorway-68 .feet 4 Inoheo front, wish a passage-way on each aide 8 feet wide, and extends in depth 104 feet. The whole built In the most substantial manner, and thoroughly fireproof In eve", part ; the floors are of marble and brown-stone tile, resting on rolled iron beams with brick arches, and all the partition!' of brick; the roof, an Iron frame, covered with heavy corruga ted copper, the cornices and gutters of stone end cop per; the theirs are of Iron the wall bases of marble and ; many of the door-joints of iron; the doors of heavy boiler iron and black walnut; the ehuttero of heavy boiler, Iron—the whole building thoroughly warmed with Morris, Tanker & Co.'s hot-water apps- rotas, and every room well ventilated by rooters near the ceilings, The basement story contains 18 rooms of various di mensions, frgm 88 feet 8 inches by 24 feet 6 inches, to 12 by 10 feet; ceilings 9 feet 6 inches high. AiSO, 4 water-closets and urinal. These rooms are all well lighted, and connected by a passage ra feet wide. The first story of the rear building has a large room, with an entrance fourteen feet wide from Chestnut street; lie dimensions are 67 feet by 64 feet, and ceil ing 45 feet high The aide walla cued with an Iron boas below to the height of the window cilia. The ceiling le of cast iron, handsomely decorated with panels and paintings ; in Its centre a cast-Iron eliptical skylight 25 by 18 feet ; the floors of brown-atone tile, the counter fronts of ornamental out iron, the counter and desks of tine black walnut. Also, a large, strong room of Yale's chilled iron, completely burgle. -proof,. Upon the same floor are six rooms, of various Mame- Mono, from 40 feet by 26 feet to 10 feet by 10 feet 8 inches, with ceilings 20 feet 6 inches and 18 feet high. These mine either open on Chestnut street or upon a corridor to Chestnut street, 14 feet wide. The seoond etory contains eix MOMS Of various di mensions, from 41 feet by 30 feet to 10 feet 4 Inches, by 10 feet 0 inches, with ceilings 17 feet high i also, 5 water-oloasts. The third story contains 6 rooms of various 'woolens, from 41 by 99 feet to 23 by 14 feet 6 Inchee, with collage 15 end 17 feet high. Also, 4 water• closets. The fourth story, on Chestnut street, may be readily divided into three rooms, from 39 by 26 feet to 28 by 16 feet, with ceilings 12 feet high. Also, 2 water-cloaets. The lash of the Oheetnutatreet front are in the building, and only require gluing—all the other sash are glued. Ihe total number of rooms is 84. Maybe examined on application to the auctioneers. Terms—sl6o,ooo of the purchase money may remain on this one property, secured by bond and mortgage; balance cash on the execution of the deed, say within sixty days from male, or the whole may be paid in cash at the option of the purchaser. I.Ep $2,600 of the oaelipayment to be paid at the time of sale. ELY" Sale peremptory, by order of Assignees. N. D. The vacant strip of ground in the rear, about 8 feet north and south, by 711 test east and west, is and will be sold, subject to an agreement between the Bank of Pennsylvania and said Hangs Clowperthwalt, dated December 26th, 18,0, recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 112, page 11, relative to the opening of a 40 feet street in the roar, to extend from Fourth to Fifth street, said strip of ground to fern, part of said street, if opened. The rights secured by acid agree ment will be sold end conveyed to the purchaser. It maybe seen at the Auction Booms any time previous to sate, M, TROId&S br, SONS, Auctioneers, It •189 and 141 South FOURTH Street LYON'"PURE CATAWBA BRANDY AND U. 8 WiNE-GROWSRB 00. OINOIN. NATI BPAIIKLING OIiMPAGNB. . . . We have luat.secelved a fresh supply or both the above articles which we guarantee to be perfeely pure, and particularly adapted to the use of Invalids, as well as a pleasant and invigorating beverage for those in health. We would call the attention of Balls and Parties to this artlaleof Champagne. It will be found much superior, and rally as low as any good wine In the market. For sale by A. F. HA ZAN D Ja CO., No. 606 MARKET at. nItYANT & BTRATTON'a NATIONAL Jl_Jr MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia, S. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Chicago. Por in formation, call or send for Catalogue. feß.tf AB WET CEIAMPAGNE.—Just received, C vanes Cabinet Champs no, X pint bottles, in atom awl for sale by E. P. MIDDLETON & fall-Ot No, 6 North 311WWR pt,, Phllaba, ETYiiiinerg eacibg FRENCH FLOWERS, FRENCH FLOWERS, 201 OIIIIROH ALLEY ,fancv ZOrp Goebs. PATENT EXTENSION, WITHOUT .SEWING, MIT Efoobe Jobbers. DRY GOODS' OPENING, SPRING of 1959 JOSHUA L. .BAILY, Having completed hie NEW STORE, No. 213 MARKET STREET, WILL OM TIM DAY A Large and General Stook of AMER/DAN AND FOREIGN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, SELEUND FOR TILE SPRING TRADE, To which he invites the attention of HIS DUMDUM AND BUYERS ONNBRALLY I have Mau styles of Goode, made to my own order, and received direct from the manufacturers, Without emutruslon to agents, which will be Bold BELOW MARKET PRICES ALSO, , MANY CONFINED STYLES CHOICE GOODS CASH BUYERS PROMPT SHORT CREDIT BUYERS, 1/11051 ALL 13EOTIONEI, Will find the Stook weal wordy theirlixaminstion JOSHUA L. BAILY, No. 213 MARKET STREET, , Retail Mtn qpoobe. (4,BEAT BARGAINS IN TRISIIKINGS, ZEPAIYItS, and SKIRTS, at MAXWELL'S Store and Xantory, EL SVENTII and 011EBT.N UT. fe9-12t SPRING GOODS. L. J. LEVY & CO. Rave received by the STEAMER ARAGO PRIM FIRST IMPORTATION OP - SPRING DRESS GOODS, Selected expressly for their retail trade, coneletie g of MOB CHINE SILKS, and ROBES, NEW DESIGN MOUSSELINE% PARIS ORGANDI ROBES, LAWNS, CHINTZES, BRILLIANTES, RICE BAREGES and MILANESE, With a variety of Now To:taros for • SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. 809 and 811 CHESTNUT STREET. febT.St OPENING. Tito.l4.oeS W. EVANS & CO., ARE NOW OPENING Testa FIRST IMPORTATION SPRING GOODS, CONSISTING OF • NUM SHAWLS, FOULARDS, THIN GOODS, • SkIDRGIDERIES, Ao. rime will continue to receive &Mittens to the Stook on the arrival or every luropean Steamer. 7 t Shr and 820 Clifstaztur tsztc r: fob 7 tI 'HE I'L/LOE TO BOY LINENS! A.' We bate received, dlreet from the itanufsettirers, OUR FIRST SPRINO IMPORTATION OP IRISH LINENS. 4.4 fins Printing Linen. 4-4 medichn Fronting Linen. 4-4 Hamill Linene. 4 4 superior strong Family Linen. - PILLOW °Aim, BOLSTER OASIS, AND SHEETING LINENS. . . Birder) and Diaper Lineue. Table Demist Linens Table Clothe, Napkins, Towels, Ac., Ac. Butcher Linens Strainer Linens, Him Linens, AIL We have bad a great ran on LINEN 11DKV8 • Very floe Ifindkerehiefe for a levy. Every other quality of Ladles', Children's, and Gents" do. We keep line stock of BTITOELED LINEN BOSOMS, made expressly to order, of our own Linen. We can particularly reeommend them. Also; WOVEN Bosoms. We keep one of the beet Btobka of DOIIIEB2IO MUSLIN In Philadelphia. IHORkbEt a OHJOM'b, Itort4eppt Donor 1111GEITH &. °ADMAN , " Wa BUY AND DDLX. POD OMNI AND HAVE BUT ON. PRICE." fed-4f REAL LACE COLLARS • SETS. Taint d'alencou i Point Applique Houiton and Valenciennes fabrics. Constantly receiving ago Thread Vale' Barbee; .901ftree. SHABPLBBB BEUTiIERS, jaw CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. UALMORAL SKlRTS.—Various quail- AAP tatie And dyke orO&Y &DERE Alia& aIIARPLPES,OROVIEtta, Jai 0/115TIOIT sod BIOLiTH. lESQUIMAUX BEAVER CLOAKS, NOR COLD. WEATHER, • JUST REORIVED, And will be sold at LOW PRICES, TO OLOblil TILE SEASON. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., ja2o 208 CHESTNUT STREET. BLANICETS.-A full assortment, English and American. ell atom at MUCH LOWER RATES than heretofore. 000 PER & OONAR D, fel S. E. toner NINTH & MARKET Ma. CASSIMERES, SATTINETS, MOTHS, AND PEETINGE.—Men's and Boys' wear. Also, Goode exclusively for BOYS' WEAR. COOPER IC OONARD, fol 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. _ CLOAK AND SHAWL ROOM.—Balance of our Cloaks, comprising a broken assortment we will dispose of at GREAT REDUCTION. Brodie Shawls at first cost. Woollen Shawls particularly ekesp. 000PIii. & CONARC. fel S. X. corner NINTH and MARRXT. girti egrobo tEommission gouges. JOHN B. CARSON, DRY GOODS MERCHANT, 49 MAIN STREET, SAINT LOUIS, Mo EU-Consignments rms.:tidily solicited, MINN IN PNItADNLPHII TO Caleb (lope, Beg , M. L Hallowell & 00., Trediok, Stokes, & 00., Lind Brother & Co., Howell, Smith, & 00., Price, Perrin, & Co. teb7.Bt* SPRING TRADE,-1859. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, 112 CHESTNUT STREET, Are now opening a large and varied stook of LAWNS, ()RALLIES, PRINTS, and other DRESS GOODS, To which the attention of the trade is Invited Ahio, DOMESTIC GOODS, Compri!'log Yairhill, Osnaburgs, Woodward Doeskins, Brown Sheeting% and ihirtings, Mariners' Stripes, Blue Drilie, Vest Padding's, .to., Ao. OOKFISH SHEETINGS—Just received -ILL and for sale be BURLEY, HAZARD, tt HUTCHINSON, 112 Chestnut street. nISOHOFF's celebrated Cloths and Doe .o skins, together with other desirable makes of German Woollens, just reeeived and for eale by 8111PLEY, EIAZAILD, & 11111 . 0111NBON, febd-3m 112 Ohestput street. MRS. STEEL'S WHOLESALE AND DE LTA. TAIL 00R8IT AND SKIRT WAREROUBN, In TENTH. second door above Chestnut street, east side. Also. SSP SPRING GARDSN Street. feS-Otit T'sOOND TEEM of the Session in PENN INSTITUTE will commence February let. Apply at the Ronnie, 13. E. corner THIRTEENTH and FILBERT. E. 13TIIWART, Principal. Ja3l-tf QOOTT I3 FASIONS.— BENJ. CRAW- L, FORD, No. BR7 MARILST Street, is Agent for SOOTT'S RSPORT OF FASHIONS , which Is now ready for Spring and Bnmmer,:lB69. 107.81* URYSON's PRINTING ROUSE, 2 North SIXTH Street. PHILAMILFIIIA, Bebraexy 7 t 1869. POR THE SPRING TRADE A splendid lot of BILL”NEAD PAPER, ruled with The 'MANKIND PEN, can be furnished from $0 to $lO per ream,the finest article in this market, prepared expressly for us. Alio, Cards, Circulars, and general JOB PRINTING, brought up to the highest style of the art, and at greatly reduced prices. JAMES H. SIMON, te74 a 1 No. North FAXTFI Ptteet, Boots an Oboes. Be P. WILLIAMS 8c CO., WHOLESALE BOOT AND BROE WAREHOUSE, No. 18 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. reb3.2ni Jos. le - . Txxcasapsora - as co., WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREIELOUBM, No. BM MARKET STREET. 11Y A largo and general aaaortment of Rut.= and Oitp.made hoe constantly on hand. febl•ani SPRING STYLES, 1559. J_ BL Alt_ 6AX.3I\IIDM/113, WHOLEBALD DNALEAS AND MANUVAO'D'UniItB STRAW BONNETS AND HATS, BOOTS, bHOES, &0., &a. Being prepared to offer u great Inducements to buyers as Jobbers in any other markit, invite an ex amination of their stock. No. 84 NORTH FOURTH STREET, fel.2m Near the Merchants' Hotel, Philadelphia LEVI° IC, RABIN, & CO., BOOT AND 131108 WARBHOUBB Ann hiANDWAOyOItIf No. 525 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. We have now on hand an extensive stook of Boota and Shoes, of all descriptions, of. our own and Eastern Bfaunfacture, to whist' we invite the attention of southern and Western buyers. feblm Insurance Campania. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LIVERPOOL STATV.IVOISWT OF ASSMTB. 8171480R181D CAPITAL, £1,850.100 89,280,500 PAID CAPITAL 278,415 1,392,075 INVESTMENTS, $3,081,445, AS FOLLOWS: Keel Estate 122,851 9 6 6114,266 Clash on hand in Bank 0,884 3 4 34,420 Osah in henda of dgenta.... 14,010 01 74,596 Lamson Bonds itflottgagea, 74,797 3 5 378,986 Losing on Life Policies 11,904 1 3 69,620 Btooka of the United litotes held in New York 34,800 18 3 171,050 New York State 6 par cent. stock and loans on State and city atoek held In New York 40,966 10 7 202,280 Lonna on Railway and other stooks in Client Britain... 385,167 0 5 1,925,850 Itsllway and other 5t00k..... 24,918 6 5 124,590 Total £610.289 2 8 8,081,445 PreallUoll received in the year 1857 - £176,049 4 8 1375,245 Loma paid in 1857 90,684 19 2 .. 462,920 Lomeli hot paid . 3,198 1 3 17,970 All other claims against the Company 10,370 13 7 . 50,850 PIIL►DELPDIA, January 25, 1859. GEORQE WOOD, Agent, 226 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA TIM COMPANY INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY TIRE, AND MARES INSURANOE ON LIVES ON FAVORABLE . TEEMS. REFERS TO C. H. Fleher,lbsq. Adolph S. Bo:le, Esq , Pres. Bank of Commerce. B. B. Comegys. Seq., Cashier Philadelphia Bank I. Pemberton Mitchinson, Seq. John Grigg, Esq. MUM. B. &. W. *Mali, .' Thomas & hnirtitc, " James, Mint, Santee, & CO., " David 8. Brown &Co • D. - Morris Aam cc-vo - ., ' .. N. Trotter & Co., " B. A. Yahneetoh k Co. Surveyor—SAMllSL COPELAND. Inspector—WM. A. BIMPSON. , Attending Phirsielan—Dr. W. W. GERHARD. Conettlting Physloldn—Dr. SAMUEL JACKSON. ieb4l m w Zw EASTERN .INSURANCE COMPANY,- 011101 No. 6 EXCHANGX. AIITIIOIIIIIIb OIPIT/LL • • 6500,000 CAPITAL BTOOE BOBBOBIngO 100,000 0 P3IIO.ETILtt TIRE RISKS on Merchandise and Bu.tidings. MARIND RISKS on Tousle. Oargoea and Vrafghte. /MAIM TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Goods per Railroad', OanSid, and etemnboate, taken on favorable terms The Board of Directors (In order to guard igainaS any serious calamity, and thus afford greater eecurity to the Insured) have received to take no more than Pive Thousand Dollars on any one rick Al! looses will be promptly and liberallysettled DIRROTORS. Andrew Coohran, Robert B. Walker, William Ingram Brown, Jamb Lukens, Richard G. Stotailmry, George Cookman, Peter D. Vent, Charles Stoy, Thom's' a Shin, Jacob Reed, lilibeft P. TAylot, W. O. Stotesbury. ANDABW doognAN, President. zwitax Baoitn, Tit% Preaddent INOTIOE.-THE PRESENT CAPITAL of THE lINTSRPRIBE INSURANCE COMPANY ($100,000) haring been paid in cash, notice is hereby given that an increase of the came, to the cam of Two Mildred Thotisand lioness, has been authorised by the Stockholders, and that the subscription book will be opened on the fast day of March nett, at the Ofdoe of the Company, where it will remain open until the in- Creased amount has been subscribed OBARIIII W. 00ER, Secretary. Fhiladelphis, 29 January, 1859. EN TER /IR ISE IMSURANCE COM PANY. (FIER INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) DIRECTORS. T. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, William M'Kee, George H. Stuart, Nalbro Frasier John Brown, John M. Atwo od, • B. H. Fahneatoa, Benj. T Tredick, Andrew D. Ouh, Henry Wharton, J. Livingston Brringer. F. RATCHFORD STARE, President. CHARLES W..OOXE, Secretary. Temporary Office, 152 South 10IIRTH Street. • ja3l-tmarl fp VIILTON' S /NSURANOE, ADJUSTING, Jlt: AND COLLEOTING OPPION, No. 008 OHNBI NUT BTENZT, • kan.AnicrolA. The undersigned having been practically engaged for a number of yeare in different capacities of the Inn ranee business—for several years in adjusting losses exclusively for the Insurance Companies—now offers his services to those sustaining Lou or Damage by Piro to property insured, in making out their proofs of such lOU or damage in full compliance with the intricate and cunning conditions of Policies of Insurance, in such • manner as to obviate plea or excuse for reduction or litigation by companion so Inclined, or others. Re le 'misted by the beet legal counsel in Philadel phia, and will give particular attention to the Collec tion of Claim against Insurance Companies. It is known by many who have sustained lose by sire to property Insured, and it has also been the eXperience of the undersigned, that palates are frequently declared partially or entirely told at • serial's time after a fire ocean, in consequence of carelessness or mismanage ment in effecting the insurance, er for some other cause, which, although an important hut, is scarcely ever din eovered or thought of, until it is too late. In order to avoid such disastrous occurrences, the undereigned will also effect Insurance in any Companies desired. and examine policies effected by others (in most oases) free of extra charge. Parties sustaining lose or damage by Bre, an above, will find it to their interest to consult the undersigned as moon after the Ere an peseible. 422 guilt* JAMES YOLTON. saving Snub° QPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO• ()TETT OP PHILADELPHIA. - Mice, No. 881 North THIRD Street, (Consolidation Bank Building ) OHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENN. SYLVANIA Deposits received in some of One Dollaraod upwarde, and repaid in Geld, without notice, with VIVII PER GENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit till with drawn. A responsible and reliable Savings Institution hue long been needed In the Northern part of the city, and "The Spring Garden Saving Fund Society" was char tered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to impply this necessity. The Managere, in organising and locating it, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommo date the business interests and wants of the very large and enterprising population by whioh it is surrounded. OFFION OPEN DAILY, Prom 8 to 2,4 cooloat ; also, on MONDAY and THORN. DAY from 6 until 8 o'clock In the evening. MANAGERS. Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P. Levy. Hon H. K Strong, Daniel Underkoller, Prederick Steak°, Brands Hirt, Joeeph P. LeOlero, John Kessler, Jr., George Knecht, James S Pringle, Jacob Dock Joseph id Dowell, Hon. Wm. Elillward, George Woelpper, (1, co. T. Thorn Peter O . Ellinaker, Robert B. Dav idson. JAMES B. MINGLE, President. BBANOIB KART, Secretary. je,2o-tf if UT E. BARBER & CO., •• • No. 23 13OUTH. THIRD STREET, - PHILADELPHIA. Collections made on all points in the Weet, through their Weetern Office, at DAVENPORT, lowa. Taxes paid for non-residents in lOWA and MISSOURI. Land Warrants located. Defective Land Warrants corrected. Duplicates of boat Land Warrants obtained from Hoveroment. Caveats and Assignments correctly drawn. REFERENCES. B. B. Comegys, Esq., Philadelphia Bank. Messrs. Boyd & Bates. 4, Morris & Jones & Co. 4, Tingley, English, & Co. fe3 et BED CORDS, PLOUGH LINES, &c., manufactured and for 131410 by WEAVER, FIT LIM, do 00 ., No. 23 North WATER and TA North yiLLARYN. fog tOants WA N T E D— A YOUNG MAN to go WIMP, who understands the DRUG MI NIM. Alldiew, "Box 1888,, P. 0.,. with refer - . . once..lt* , WANTED -A MAN with a good TRADE', as ASALISBNIAN tux Wholesale Clothing Store, The beat of 71)Mtellel) required. Apply et litrifDEß & GRLIBB43, No. 2194 North THIRD St. fe9-21* with some knowledge, of Irene and Flowers, to take. charge of a large Vegetable sgarden--a; Married Men, for whom a Haase on the spot Is ready., Meanies required. Addreee " VESIETABLI GABDEN,s 3 ,-Bloodis Despatch , Of— flee, - . " • • . feil4t* 13Onfi. ild - t • • L. - maisprfa.4 PART- I/IMIU.NEB; -with 'thta l it,rali i t ;f* g a t AST. Address (itemedistelY) "M E , , !teg.htit •- this Office. - --.. . _ • ~s, , .. OBICEOPATH/0 PHYSICIAN 11 WANTED, in the interior. of Ponnsylvants. Apply to S. M. MoAILIBTED, U. D feD St* 263 North ELEVENTH It. WANTED—A SALESMAN 1i elle Olottf Store. in Market Street, who can In fluence a thudi and 1311..1Konthe Trade. One from Ken tucky or Tennessee preferred. Addreei gi Box 629, Poet Office . CIO 61* DARTNEE, WANTED—An active Doi nese Man, with from $5,000 to gB,OOO, in a good and substantial tdanufaeturlog business. • Competition light; prate large. Address, with real name and plane of interview, PARTNNS, tattle Office . feB-gqt_ A YOIING MAN from , the Country, a -CM-Pupil of the High School, who hal had some ex perience In Baok-keeping, desires a SITUATION as Cntry Clerk or Assistant Boolkkeeper, in come well estabilehed business. Is an exultant and rapid writer, and can give the very beet of city references. Please addreze 8.-11.. W. Office of T4e Pew. leg 4to VirANTED-OHEOKS, OBETIFICATES ♦ r OF DEPOSIT, and NOTBB of the BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA, for which the biglbut market rate will be paid, by OAMSLOS 8613NOTHDR, No. 47 South THIRD Street, _ feb•emweta: east aide, above Chestnut. $4,0009 s soo—Wanted —s 4,ooo to be .soared by first mortgage on Beal Be tate worth S 16,000; also, $OOO to be gamed by area mortgage on Beal Estate worth at lead $B,OOO. For further particulars Inquire of J. M. HOLOOIII3, At torney-at-Law, No. 429 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. fe2.wita4t* A YOUNG MAN WANT. A IeITUA -1-3- TION at any respectable business and at mode rate saiary Best of reference can be given. Address PUNOTUALItY, at this Office. ' fe7-4t* LB. A GENTLEMAN is desirous of obtaining a SITUATION to :travel. Is well acquainted through this and adjoining States. Best of reference as to character, &a. Address "TOWN? at °face of The Press. 107•Stif I- WANTED FORTH! UNITED S rATES OAVALBY—AbIe-bodled, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board. clothing; and medical attedeanoe. Fay from $l2 to $22 per month. No man having a wife or child, will be accepted. Applj for 810IINTBD lIKRVIOR at No. 817 MARKET Street, above Eighth, north aide., . 1. N. MOORE, apl74f Ist Lieut. lit Dragoons, Recruiting Officer. ' pearbing. TWO FINES ' -FURNISRED ROOMS, with BOARD, oau be bad by Gentlemen of standing, In an agreeable and hlghly-reepeetable family. An dreae a• THOMPROG," Press Office. , - fel3-6t* BOARDING.—Any Gentleman and Wife swishing BOARD will Ilium address ti PE El - this Offioe, and no doubt they oan be satisfied. fe7-3t* • LOST—A PLAID SHAWL, (gentleman's,) in the cm, on Saturday, from Wilmington. Any one having the tame will be well rewarded by leaving it, or addressing No. 183 North THIRD. St., Phitsdel phis it* Sox Gals anb to £g IeiFOR SALE-A SOROONER, two years old, carries 180 tnne—rery light draught. Terms easy. Apply, for 4 days. to DANIEL MoGARR ,Y WEST PIRLADIELPRTA teo-ht! . West end of Mutat. etreet bridge. BBILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE.—Apply at the N. Z. comer of SIITH and. OHESTNIIT Street+. JOHN J. 'Mat, feB.Btlr • Proprietor. - fra TO CABINET-MAKERS.—TO RENT, OABINiT WACRICEOO6III, with FaCTORY' at tached, 'situate No 936 !SPRUCE Street, above Fourth. This is 'an old.establlshed stand for the sale of fine Cabinet ware, fancy Chairs, and Upholstery. It was formerly oocupied by Mr. Geo. 3. Renkele and recently by Reuter & Kauffman In the fancy Cabinet business. It has a large Factory immediately in the rear, awl is a good stand for the bnaness. Te a good tenant It will be rented low for a term of years. To a person of small capital a good openlog is offered. Apply to GXO. W. GASP/INTER, 787 MARK= Street. feB.l3tit FOR 'BALE.—ESTATE of ELIZABETH IMMEL and CATHARINE. OARHONY, Decietuaiti., All that valuable Lot and ive-Btorrlitore and Dwel.- ling erected thereon, situated at the northwest, corner THIRD and CHERRY Streets, containing on Third street eighteen feet, on Cherry attest seventrone feet six Inches, thence running northward. forming an L of ninety. feet, bask of stores ennead on Third street. //or further particulars inquire of. 8. SPARC, ISAAC ROSONS, w tam 148 North Third street. el. TO LET—Second, Third, and. Fourth 26.3. Stories. separately or together, of Store Hos. ou and 313 South PROST Street, with Hoisting Shaine; Om, dce. Well adopted for Offices or light Manufao taring baldness!. JOHN DUCHY. fe7-mwt lmW ' - gOTIOE.—The Proprietor, being engaged .1.1 In another fetal, wishes to dispose of his Interest id the MADISON ROOM, Non. 87.. and 89 North SBOOND Street, Philddelphis. The entire 'furniture and Pistnreo for wrzying on Madness, including the Saloon In the Woomera, will be ampo.a of to a mita• ble puteheaer on favorable terms. ,The Hotel contains near one hundred Chambers, sufficient to aoccumnodate one hundred and fifty persons. The whole ooneern is conveniently arranged, and in good order. fe74till 7. OT ?SHRINK, Proprietor. MODERN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT FOR SALE —The undersigned, Proprietor of JONES'S Ellicatatiom ROM and of the MADISON 1101785, will dispode of hie interest in the latter to a tenant approved by the owners of the property, and is authorised to say that the whole of the Furniture and Fixtures an be purchased of the owners at a liberal pride, and that the Hotel will be renovated. None but inch as can influence a good trade need apply. fe7,l3ta • JOHN OTPENICIBIC. dig FOR SALE OR RENT—The splendid JEL RESIDENCE at the S W. earner of JUNIPER and VINE Streets. Lot 38 by 70; Sue side yard, parry, sod every modern improvement. Bent $560 .apply at SIX Stret (eeeond story.) fah St 140111E4 FOR 5A.44.-8 Plain Cylinder Boilers, Es in. diametef, .51.7 feet long, with fire front and connections coniPlete.Alio, 2, Plain Cylinder Boilers, 36 in. diameter, 26 feet 10n.§,-liith ljaters ttn• der. Both seta In complete order, and for alp low. Ap ply to WEAVER, PITLER, k CO., fe3-6t if No 38 N. WATER and 22 N. WHARVER. A FARM OF 320 ACRES FOR $80.00;-- Missouri Lands sold, entered, and located from 12)4 eta, to $2 $0 per acre. °Mae, N. E. corner FIFTH and OHESTNUT Streets. • fe3.lm* P 2 MILL ,TO RENT.—The Paper Mill known as HANWSLL MILL, situated on the Wissahickon Oreek, and one mile from chestnut Hill Railroad Station. Thie Mill le adapted to make fine Beek Papers. It has three engines, one four machine, 62 inches wide, and all the appurtenances for the sue. <tetanal manufacture of paper. Pomewdon gtven imme diately. Apply to, or address. - GROWN H. LEVIS, d29-tf . No. SO South SIXTH Street WFOR RENT— Th e DWELLING No. 618 LOCUST Street, (or Washington Square) from the let of January, 186 D. The house is three arteries high ywlth basement, bank building, ko , now occupied by J. W. Forney. Apply at the Mike pf The Press, or at the house. n 023.1: TO BENT.—On the lat January neat, the very superior and extensive ROOMS, (2d, 4th and 6th Doom each 21 feet by 146) of the NEW STORB, 583 51ARIE1{T Street. The building is one of the Site improvements on the upper side, between NIPTH and SIXTH Streets, having two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good ftrtap way 20 feet into SIXTH Street. Apply on the premtaes. nol4f Caufcrtioncrp EDWARD G. - WHITMAN & CO. Manufacturers or pure Druggists' and Family OONFECIT/ONS, Amongst which ere Soluble Gum Drops, Moss Paste, Pectoral Paste, Medicated Lozenges, superior Oroom of Btravberrloo, Dstoo, Orono% Pears, Peaches, Pine Apples, ito., &0., &a BONBONS AND KISSMIS, CarameHee, Chocolate Preparations, of all kinds; Domestic and Imported CRYBTALIZND PRIIITO, &O Par sale, Wholesale and Entail, at le7•mwf6t BECOND and CHESTNUT Streets .filontp. fIOMMEROIAL AND TRAVELLING OREDITB &reliable in allTarte of the world, opened with the hotue of Mame. GEORGE PEABODY & CO., of London. Apply to GAW, MACALF.BTER. A CO., fe2..tf 816 WALNUT Street. 5(),000 TO LOAN, in sums to Snit applicants, upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Merchandise, Olothing, &0., on mode rate terms, by JONES & 00., Brokers, N. W. corner THIRD and GABILILL' Streets. below Lombard. Es tabllnhed for the last B+s years. Office hours from 7A. M.to7P.St. SECOND-HAND GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, by eminenlkmakers, warranted genuine, for tale cheap—at one.half the original cost. is2olm tr MMIMEMIII The following forty-one members of the Senate and House, via: Menem SHAEFFER. COFFEY, GREGG, MYER, SCOFIELD, RUTHERFORD, BALDWIN, PARKER, YARDLEY, of the Senate- and Messrs. THORN,. RAMERSLEY, GRATZ, WOOD, WALBORN. HARD ING, LITTER, NEALL, lIKEPPARD, FISHER, AB- Bort WILEY, hioDOWELL, IRISH, BRYSON, BREAD, KINNEY, BARLOW, FEARON, BIEHAF FEY , MILLER, ROUSE. WHITMAN. CAMPBELL, Mc: CLIME, PRICE, ELLMAKER, GREEN, REANAGY, ROSE, WILLISTON, and GLAT Z, of the House are sojourning for the,present seesion, at the JONES' HOUSE, erected In 1857, corner of MARKET SQUARE and SIARRET Street, HARRISBURG, Pa., where ample accommodations may be obtained at all times for their respective friends, and others having business with them. ja3l.mw&fr-2w JOY, COE & CO.' s ADVERTISING AND COMMISSIBN AGENCY, 439 OUBSTNIIT Bt., 2d floor, Philadelphhs, and Tribune Buildings, New York. JOY, COE, & CO. are the Agents for the most in ilnential sad largely circulating Newspaper" in the United States and the Caoadae. They are authorized to receive adrettisements and subscription at the lowest rates. Jal.4m&w-rp-lim .L - a. S. WHELEN & CO., JI-:de BANKING, KOOK, and XX.OHANOII 01IFIG11, No 809 WALNUT Street. STOOKS and LOANS, of alt deacriptione, bought and 'sold on Commission In the principal cities of the United States or Europe. Particular attention given to the Cafe investment of Anne), L 11129 9ttitnni W WALNUT-STREET THEATRE, 11 001INIER NLNIN,ANN, WALNUT IIBUTA. Acting ant Stage . .:.11e. B. L'DoW6I. LTRD3 (Wader:44w) INDID,-lebraery St, lgeti usin.NT.- ilardet, Din 7 Olewilse L Mr. Young; Oa , trade, Mrs. Dneleld ; 714. DlOllOOl., TIN MAD ABOUT TOWN. Prtoee of abairsion--Becand - Tiadiadf6lon4Clirelis end Third Tler, 26 cents; Tempe% ilk ems Drew (Mole 60 ego* Prints Both reettriag to the ft ic.cau:sa and.l63 Mae, Deets ki:obrek•Fintiagrthuse Bole,, DI amts. Door, open at halt pet B Wolock; Outgo steel ei - T Wolcott., „ „ ATILELic OLARKW• -A80R4117. itoldsrLdis. Maw sod Stags Mama. ' 313 W OF•dneolagr), bbresq 9, Ugh , OUlt AILIBIOAN oqualx. Ass. Trenobs7d,- our . Annifian Couda; tae. 3'. 3 : Clarke; Lord Donde*, ' • TO corollas 'with - ALADDIN; • OR, THU WONDU.M. LAMP I Admission, DS ots. Dosorfil ;NMI to Drag Ofrolo, iTJt tits; Mediates Stalls, SO Oat Bests in Print, Dazes, Ti ots; Gallory l lt eta_ wthinagtor Would Pmairalbeft PH*. Box.** Gamy, for lilaor"! 2041,0, 76'1114 Wtoilei !visits Doi; SS: - ' Doors oyes at" knit pat I *Week; sonsfset at 7, NATIONAL -- CIRCUS, , WALNUT BT., J. 1 above SIGHTII-I.IW/Ui. DIM • TWO 0160173.8 e AND A fiRNAGAI II V ar THIS iWodnesdavi uvulas*, YebruaiP'9, Magi .• TAN. AbilittßOlVA XIINAOBBLO , .. Of Lions, Tigers, Leopenis and Pastherv, an d_tlis cot,. pantie Beast, • .i - .T.ll O lOO LIAM. , EquViArianillyincuurtio sairAerolatie rviats.. - ' oamm oY rams, • -., '- ' • ~.. Drees °balsam:l Parqnstte " '' ' AT see k Citilldzen nudes ten petal of age • 20 ti .' Tandly Oirele '4..20 ' 11 Doors open at quarter to T Volga. rafoliml"" will commence at Tx, , , . MoDONOUGH's GAIETIES-- 224 BAGS STEMIT. Mile BLTZA TMOLLAIAN. the Queen of Boog. - - - BAH SHARPLNY and BILLY THOMAS, the Great Comedians, in the Three Hunters,' Spirit mappings, The Barber's. The , only complete 'Band in the fay Of ETHIOPIAN SEHMADERS. • SAM LONGS Jester and Comic Vocalist. - Was .11ATILDA HOUMA. FULTON mraas, the Jig Dancer - OLR NULL MYERS the trait Viellatst. gr. 70 - W fhe best and most pleasing Ballidlit in 4 P ol hilo/W S ' Mauna. MARIE, the graceful Danserste, - Admittance,lo and l 6 mutt cuItOB•BUTT." - OBAND 00NOBBT AT JArilig HALL, FRIDAY, Nehnussyll. The following Artiste have kindly volunteered their valuable - services to in the purchase of noble 808 BUTT and hie family from *Tarr : - ' Atita - Kw ALLiNz, • • , • ~ AIABIO ( OolUnid ) ' 1 - NB. OLD?, PROP.- GOBTAL, and other eminent talent. Tickets, 26 cents. Reserved Beata, 50 cents .7 Mari epee at 7; Concert commences at 8 o'clock. ' PROP. TAVERN ER'S READINGS BROM SEAKSPEABB, AT ASSEMBLY BUILD INGS. Tkureday, Heb. 10 " K 1 HibillrFMl FMB." Friday, Feb 11 Saturday. Yel‘l2 ' 11111t0HArrOF FFNIOII. _ After Macbeth: on Friday, will be given BURNS' O&LEBBATIID TAM - O'FHAZITZB,.. Tickets, 60 amts. A limited number or eonrae • tickets, 81.26, at Messrs. Clary & Hart's aad at Hewn: Beck & Lawton's, and at the door. To commence at 8 o'clock. An early attendance is solicited. " felLato QIILLV.S TEN: - PAINTINGS, SLUM TUTU& 011 6 11,0141E1101t „01113E,01. • Now on Exhibition at .11 - - BARLIPS GALL - UTE ' r. 2 (magnum street.. - , gratin* 1-0 - moot Shipwrecked. ' 1u 2—Ow on Ida raft. , • 66 B.—Orrwoo preparing Ida habitation. 66 4—Orruwa at work holds own. 66 6-110 diacoiera tiro .print of a fooC , - 64 first sees and resonea 64 7—Ornsoo and Priday making a boat 46 13-47rwea awned a Spaniard and /Allard I. 9—Crowe menu the English wean' ' 1 . 10—Onnoft lesiva his lewd for Thole &taros form a reneolaloh hani,orasptod the leisure moments 'of mai 'dletiortioluM townamai . i; THOMAS SULLY, daring the teat Are ADMISSION' ' - - -SA Coati. SEASON TIONATS SO febB f44# paiLaummoxic 3,901ETT. BECOND CONCERT OP TAN EINL9ON The map/leas begleive to announce that their az. COND CONOVET ertll take place en WRDNBeDLY Evi . r.FNUe6,. February Fib', JAYNE'S HALL; cazirrifirr name, and They take plasm* to inform their subeeribere and the pnble that they ham at a very - heavy outlay, made an arrangement with - Mr. - B:IILLDIAR for his greet OPERA TROUPE, emulating of - • • - ' MLLE PIOOOLOMIH4 and the following Artistes " Had. 0H10.% - gig. Big . LORltif, 84. MAGGIGEOM, - "- ."Mr„PXBRING, Oven Tenor ) Lea der and Condniter ' MUM. A limited number of subscriptions will be taken for the remaining Ommertedf applied for at Heck & Law; ton's, corner ,of ,Sintentir 'aM Militant artiste, and at Bhomeekee's Piano Btore,lo2l Chestnut street _• • - Single Tickets for Concert, with Reserved Bimistsl 00 tt ' " - ' - for Gallery ao 'No ' , Extra Charge , ' for Proscenium Boxer, whiffle can be had upon application al above., The Managers will Mt for the dellyerz of Tickets on Tomb; afternoon,licim 8 till 13 o'clock, and on Wed. needay from 10 L. M. till IS P. K., at Heck & fairtaa's Musk Store, Seventh and Okestnnt streets. - &bat BARTHOLOILEV S STATUE _- - PARADIB4OgTi EVE REPENTANT. STATUR IN MARBLE, BY VIE LATH iIdERIOAE 800LPUIR, EDWARD 8. BARTROLOIRW, .PENNSYLVANIA. MUMMY ON THE PINE ARTS, Osigantin 11:17a r 17, BELOW Urumqi EMI , ST, ON MONDAY MORNING,' JANUARY 3lsr, FROM 9 O'Ol,OOR 'lO b O'CLOCK P. M. AND PROM 7 TO 10 P. M. EXHIBITED" fOR 03311 BINDITT Of THE MO THER OP THE ARTIST. Slagle amistign, 26 cents. Ohildren Indoor 12 ran war prict. Season Tickets, 50 *ante, ""t AMERICAN ADADEKY OF MUSIC. BBNNITT OP MILD. PIOOOLOMINI, - THURSDAY 'livening, Yebrnary 20. - Mr. Ullman respectfully announces tkat Mlle. PICO- Lonna being entitled to a benefit In Philadelphia, he e m eegage ,z, ter this purpose, the, Academy of Made only for - - THURSDAY HVBRING. lebruari 10, when will be glee; i t .. the Ant time, Donizettili admired Opera of DON PASQUALIP, Mlle. PIOOOLOMINI will appear In ker celebrated role of NOBINA, • ed sedat by • PLORINZa. LORINI. MAGGIOBOTTI. Atter the Operant "Don Pargtutle,s , will begiven for the tint time in Philadelphia, the catenated .Ifeeeti Act of Donlzettl's grand Ograot I•MASTITM, In whit& s- Mlle. - PICOOLOBEINI will slog the part of Pauline. - Byand with the &meant of Mile. PICOOLOMIN/, the price of admisidon her been axed at" ONE DOLLAR TO ANY PART OF THE ACADEMY. Beata may be secured in Pam:Letts, Parquette Melo. Balcony, Family Circle, and Amphitheatre, WITHOUT ANY EXTRA. CHARGE. The sale of sesta commences on MONDAY, Yebrsp. ary 7. MU.. PIOOOLOMINI departs on Maly for New York, when she appears on the same evening, and then - leaves for Albany, Troy, Rocheater, Buffalo, Toronto, and the West. fel-tf 111ROREIM's VARIETIES !Cate Chan -s- tant,) northwest corner of FIFTH and CHESI'.. NUT Streets. • , - SHOCELLANECIIS CONCERTS NIGHTLY, From 73; to 11 o'clock. T...VBECKET, Blsnager.• fe4-6t* SIGNOR, BLITZ.—ASSEMBLY BUILD INGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. COME AND LAIIII. Come and see the Funny BUM, the Amusing Blitz, the Remarkable BMA. the Laughing Blitz, the Popular Blitz, the Blitz who makes all happy PERFORMANCE EVERY EVENING. commenting at 7M o'clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AF TERNOONS at 3 o'clock. CONSISTING of WONDERFUL METAMORPHOSES, astonlehing moss in Ventriloquism, the Learned Ca nary Binh, and the Extraordinary - Exhibition of the Hope Dancer. Admission 25 amts. Children 18 (Ants. _ PEPENNSYLVANIA MAMMY or TRA PINT ARTS No. 1025 011.4STATUT BMW, IN OPINDAILY (Sundays =opted) from a A. Y. MI6 P. W. Admission 25 omits. Children 12 rents. Shares of Stook, entitling the holder's family to ad. mission at ail times,llso. dl-tf 11 SIOAL FUND HALL.--TIEN GDR UILANIA OBORTATRA • will mommenee their Public BARSABSALS -on SATURDAY next, Nov. Sath. Single Tickets SS ciente; a psalms of eight Uchida for 11, which may be obtained at Andres 110 Chestnut etreet ; Beek & Lawton'a, corner of Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Rail. The per romance Gommendri at 8)( Weld* P. N. eall-11/ ttlatcbco, Jetocirg, a.r. JAMES WATSON, IMPORTER or WATCHES, JEWELRY, &0 ., No. 325 MARKET, STREET. Constantly on hand a full assortment of Vaeheron and Constantin Watches. fel-am BAILEY ty BAILEY & K/TOBEN, Hare remoreil to their new Nizoproor, Whits Marble 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH 8188, BELOW THE GIRARD noun, Now opening their call Stook of - - IMPORTED JBWILRY, PLATED WARES, AND /AHOY 00010, To which they invite the attention of the palate. BILW.III-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, •m7-If if JOIIEN vs. JUIJEN, 0. 0. P., E. T. 1868, IT, Divoree.—The Respondeni will please no tice Role to show c. 0.; • •by Dr.oree evtneulo marl. monli ebo4hl n, t d eed ret-r-able on SATURDAY, February 1d,18.0, at 10 A. M. M. J. MITORBOON, Attorney pro Yribellant. To CLAM §, PAW, Wombats flairrirt,
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