' " ifilrk. , '')4. .Atkosito - 44 1 4. Atis - - Fr - T r- . tßepo slt kaaikellikr) - ' 4 , tiffilrific , MoudaY:evoting I),r..doors:S . Ltifr,. gr X ,A4ue,V.a.V.44 fri ?: ivi i 3- :YV; U ::l 1 t , t , Ds oft neyiestOWsk - lite Secretary and .20114, ' IfevernOr of, the TitillitY ,lif ,triivßfoxlio) tea Is_ remarkably Were!: ngspaper on the,PincbloelNl ona. - i - I,oiiro ; - ,f,tt M ... rr. '4flP I - After chewing that thd i rsdegt ailqaisitien of t ts' "territory or littlrlietioribaktitought a portion I Alkriiteriithitiliiiiiinitirgeptairil,lDaylirelat d` ; iiVolhtililberiadriklrlit:#l.ll%illo flairli :krt 0 *tiptiniartilef , the linoWledge.ll this singular Teo; I'. i'igt.,44l,'glikiLlelitililtiX tlte4)oAoA'll2l‘4B c ) asayoe ..Art.s a y0d....,:en5:11 , i a_i .1 .i A ..1.1 .1) , " a ,It ift lAA 'a7.lllN3Vieett, in tItiDQFPeoPin) t!" fat's inavuxiiniabblEue,644oendslesoidtpArtintn .,oo.l.l,ll4 tootoviakil , b tiounuol,„l, Y.; ~twte Ile ee. • tee-4,114i. Ilfge 7 ter !Kit OM qrfcik c ,'atloo.lotibitzbaPjue otibooPentrY- -- o -.1.1 7,. ,„ A k ,4 . l The treoparnumberhisfthree hundred Spaniarde " lindlaght I.o34,4_ctigkily ladisneotesombjed _et a oitw oi e w ile 1ptb1e444540, Vshoolsir,the stinfersiNifisXistarwil in - Tasilie"frifollAttingl Theto'Y • iihfedriviSterlenteselehtledeod.lteditity head of Eittbpissnedhli4Wl444 Intrallk"r Ibb i Pi fi' ? , At l i empnertof i thelsoldlirs'Ond to leoAßAtil t e r ' Ilg i nk4i olo 4.tille*Pl. llloo 4 ,ll6 19 100 I ' nlitill:',4l4lsll it d. 8 ,no,ipiwpait;`and after. , :Araidssehangingi to tie northeast Aber -mar i tita• :EP'•fir , AlftYinfts days' aver' , mountains , and a ss '. amortVartheeeed" , ef-Yhtera Oats r ~ t hey rear& a 441 1tiOW•fief , ivlsere - thelleik , llidlieell'`ltille I I '' Aeolltailled gavanyWases alleatiaoW n-natt at E - *IOW :between' high m6iiititne; "tile ,tOok tbe' ..4 1 ,grue,of,the -.province, and...another wise called : ,Tlififsflifike, 4rbiebnitalr.sthe thoetrlsiiilindi? iT se t,aatiorewe,itera4Aretatellibur stories ordinal', : ly, but tome:times six and seven.. and were ,ecle 150thiteat.61.1300011mt;.brielc.,4Ther‘iitslitsbitatts- 4ressed in' idneiltdridlidicilithf hid were more Vi h , viiteithricritelfgeliptitalntilitl B s l o ol6l . lol hitherto men. Tfaiittifeliblidie vb.; TOO _ ~,,, covered with a St.rosegys at ratitalillei'sliph „'' embroidered , witty • ,* "Aithoesso33s And was file :.,, ?Amman arouilds,the 'I 11674hey.martufaoturedi a ..; clihni ofeweliesee• , :of feethera, , LThe ,, women wore a ~,;' stiAnthreeepthelaboulderl futeded - iround the' ~ ,t teek;iindspassing under the'right atm.„ •The heir r ; PIP 001/014p bsb44 the eBIIII Albite of a whe t t` i ; ?yea oddbititete"dal Vetted.' Thor:italics f„ -. tu.maisemerm.arery short, and...the..eltiiretar d ~,i-MearllCle4rotthde,Stull o ..otte: containing:sit is esp.: isevenor eighthtindred-grains,• , - abet animaliWerre be:AVMs:4 PIMA-oat% lynxeir and vbeavera ;La ilhOlterqubliee Were found, bat - neither" gold nor • eilver.The nista* the ; pine, froefwire ocilleoted 'l l iad Oe a lPforf,fol/s ellike'milinnere Olullnisfornalef the people' were : differetkifrom any rue mit with • A.gatemarrieCtialy cpula,lAnd if Jaa r wife should • die lirees letlitie.PWltedfibliXtr eicgio the'remaln der of his daymele , i 3.? :', - ,,,5,,f,, , 1 i ' ~.,,e,.., The.,sWtonen, .ware. well s treatedo. hut =Awe toi - frthoinliteeee not allowed to , enter a•placoattheialne,„ tiasevatettehoonduet was , coneldered siorileglbes. '''' ' TheY Thad nbltilitleil 'Orialtleation; heittifr is. --olaneanortMenell,of uldere..- Their rellSion.Ya§ thought, to be a Lbritathiruf 110fAsteq, • swqrship• , ." Thiry,hed priests, who were seleoted fromAliong the aeoLlemlouroesseME , whoseirduties it wait° repaste the manner of living. They preached pherttiraditiedEitothellfolts:thee highest point:. ' in the trill , the people sitting around on the - ground filin4sifing(theireeetCprefound attention , ' They were a rueful and laborious people, and wrire.deddteSsivinfidisistlist hinidetbsels,'druar ' enness, or theft. 'Their houses contained vapar; 'imam Viridethey muleriteed the:ma/of:them. The ' OIRVIW T rirtf-t, S lintigk en l , " ilt omblooll ef Iseme. abaci 4 , e; Alsidi al ' with• them :the itepletiiinife4f their , trailca Mobs and an. .steinlidllitufs pros/Mood. the same sitittillirdhilltakti, " wire eupposed.te.eontain.foul"-thinisand4dim 3 ',-, To the above 'account,'whieh bee k'belitfoireyrt -- fiiiiirtialowediTsvilllddesitrVrthor t helVlPtioil from the lleVendlefter df"Mend tete 'a Alperoi, ; ' Cherles:V. ~ lie`Mates that the housee are bulls in lb rude manner of atone and mud, °Odelsting cd one lopsovell t prOhe two frontet °forbid time , ward'combats twenty feet' eddere, ionaralid by partitions. They were °ailed with• betties. The holism were, „entered , by 4 aseending a lady, der to a Atirlitie,-onal istrifral /houses made use, of the iatneladder. ahe,litstatory,was not More than six feet in_height, but the upper were nine.;; ,Itheloiefsidiy. wish lit apart for *Alf, aline theY lived lo t tbe pypeg,„ppes. t The peee were Idon•r ladWOValtiveVirlifiAltek , itountP for , puSposoi of '.. defence. „When the,warrlors went upon an expe anion. therliardwrishields and a, garment. of ,t , Erfehlorit hdlitterfl "gliteiriatWirMirill'ere.rlidittle stone toutahawlos, and other weapons et , wood ,' TheyiredueerXikeir , pritenerst tce , alavett.' Thor f6l iniglai melee, ,loam, and melons, ond . , a14e411 Nillirge minibirl'oP the h en s dietary, TheS llifildomfartPtAttdoalltiattrt , wb lol l 'they s h eared ; an Wove th e r fli I fi t trocenti, ...W Ttsfrilnen Irerterf temelketatureogat ;women fair add graoefol... s 44y-pbtainod salt Mesa riket, two diy4 jotaiy from' Waite They were fond eriqyllimdeieepid'alth their itiolse adocenpapicd thoe6 ..-...sitimplayed non dintrumentep. and thew: 61 8 0 Ilion -..,,..aompailed theiLdanaes with_songs and Maas. 4`- c.; ._" "Thu, linlPPlted.l 6 9oo, l Plrfili th01 411 ° • %4.,.,,...3..F.,,,,i1ey see firewood and collect it In Mheowentamlansemtheinseaten take for use In , 1 0,161,.i t eras e l..t TieyStegry the vapor , hathe whioh -'''.ddleuikri, syr 4 rAtsdrth - like courts etzthe•wiliest:l , t/EA ,Yanslimerostishtt isleterethid'ondes The roof . , itTO ssT . ,by 010 nstddloP Oa* of UM pine,: .FferV l'i.Pl4 ITI Nlible,v4iplisksguifilliff the 4 ~, a efjurepe., ~ ~,t e controls a jighte fur ,•s.lOnade,dnoihioh,whAndfeljn6:llssane ja• o6o n 4 lAntl/Y s , 1 -4thrownlOhdrwhiahleuffieee to loop wale hqat,, z---`e44liO4frjrtikbre•Wicratbittik the roof fie op a' ivllttiMolditTleild litkijaltriail large. t ii,ll 4 ' ll itrg PIM e - ,liqueg=fa,p,por - ries it. 4.4-4.2 , 1 Ilr , fig e s 014,p,aeswifigiverre, in ,4 1 - ClirwiTi,,, u Weed Von 0 13 itutil. 1 . 1 0i4Pftkell b 1%4 ;lr" "'WOW' l'imillAllimiquit her shoulders' .-sofe'llfitlf•dfit isittebecohiewhigtedml , - - The fusee spin and weave 3-ethe , iroilditsitike oltrilis,f -the etaldrei .Ilifitlek„Prirri s eloire' Tptb . 3 lll o so foitili,..that , le 4134 Od ot44,4llcif*ta.s.„...;gixiiori Abc, 4 1,-Bools4olla an covert -the , isnd the, mess • ''•oPrifighieltdereeatiCieahe'harinst ofitree year 'arei awerelemserven ;when they .bogie to, sow, the -t'nfiallhare stUl cov eredYn li-m aise IA:dol they ad ''i ieiedieYolither:--'O-,-...3AM1,.1$ ... , t' i6 %llcAaravatratitiimeoaeaieryneat . _he.is4esipspkdel dim hihnAneanother to $ ,:sfrfttbigraii; AiLl*& ll erort,and , Sontaiis a anme and three stones mada .faist inplasoiry. Three women-aft Acme before them stones; the first `cruising the:grain, the second Ways lt, end the, third;ridifeeliit'oristirelY:to powder. Peter* i . entering theietaltiC Off theirAtoes,ltiel their litar,l • cover their heeds, Mid 'shake their clothes., While. • they ere A,' make mon% tlealeiatAbtvloat, plays: , „ 1 orrtbe bagpipes, po that theyAorit keepipg dine ' I-Ps - IAV: Or% tin, three voices. ,They make.a ghat • deal of flour atMnoop.lo make: bread , they mix it with, warm water, dud melte a (*ugh which rearm: bled'the oakee eititsl. o l l l , 4 B , „They eolletit'a - gleat, quantity °flier ,' and when they2l.l'o quite dr ~ , tneymee,them all ilmyear in oo u o*inthetr food. ‘..Neether'fraltoCrhin. Oltenia's:. are seen in ;the, , v eeputryo They .havepreaoheiri; 'they are not orhel, -...„do,netonake.kaman-samitine,and are not antbro. pegNON-A - ,1,7, C. :1.?? , ... r i' ll'S 0... ,7 I ":•^ t arprediait , trualsli lit Zuhil whit:lran • 1682, Yee .. - - 'wleited-LbY &tante We* Fepijd,, , contains' about, one thousand- iuhabitante. ,Ansong the Milberg an"' ~ NI i,, . , • tiA li Atis,Ptioblo hs one whose` ', my i , ~ v , i s , ' ,tallitre•Pf the he ttid, iltooll. ,It The '-, en _pueblo - ..ther?sest itate of , preservation is et of woos, its .the northern part erase territory. 'r aniilleailhi 4l l4 l 6 s hyMiltite'Dm Pernandes ~, ,, , ,fti 4/rielitiegsfloci 121'40 - Adobe buildings,' at least ~ ‘ o , , e . kitildildrfeiPln length:Aid' one hundred. ~ „rullt flatfeet wide at rite base, sitiptteduram oppo-, • Bite{ side§ of !timid °reek, and in oldie times ware ..: prebably,eonneeted: bylv , - bridge. • They , are Ave stities ill , height, and as• mats upper , story recedes from the , onaliseloW3 struetures are thus for Med ••- - toritseell , from top to bittern. , 'The Several's:toffee ' aro divided into numerotsf trmalleouipartnieraa,lbh outer tier' lin round belts' lishted. by,yeludowe in • thilidesPiltirelhOnterlor`arelark and are used •,,,,, RlTAUtrtoptus• I, There ill no,manatunieation With " the interior on the ground floors. The entrance is t., 4 throngh a hole in MO- TOO; and you amend f l om .4-Attract/tact:mom lly otitside ladders,- Whieh are i , draw!, nib sca Aeassa_d .at night. , • At these two, 0 r-f , ' Ate Uri nearly , &thousand men, worain and • "df.* V ‘- - $, ,, ,i...t e P.; . ~. 4,-,,,),,TAidatory ot the reship, findlans _preelYste ~,,' maini , Poissii of intereetr not the least of , wldoll is 4 sthe latUgglOrbetlrean theavand the Spaniards ifcir A etqweettacy.,Mbeis the oombenions cud imbseqaent 1 .rfolle*ein of-noire 'eatilred,die,oountry, and also 1 , ,1 it c ; peciod , 1: , h.cisehtury' • later-when 'the first - lite pettleial ps were mide, the Indiana were a ,' ,'' strdisa.,,eitd, pnwesfer, isud,their village§were feh li nd , 1. li eYorrftellok , .. The Spanierde possessed.-thenit f- raelyes Of ,asountala and saleousel -, zeduoad that nr, • i bablicoiterfroba , ladepelidertee to a state if tdalvi-, I , : stud. ; thetpleafares of, thsferildu Tie sib:100 life . .weioht ini:eild affd in% fere - years Alley,leottme Ifivlere of wobdLehit drawers ot`viater for a new and blorlcrroviliii. - "Antorig other oonaltibtss impesat, efriere obliged toilve up 40)11111;10n of their datbervand embrace Reman.datholioinn, whieh they .nor ;had synspafh3" ,it feel,: They'eale their (plamn3 of lvdrehlis ) sl , teeloged#llllar filters des fed; tbilitionnishild gide _ -"broken into,plemse, aud_ overyllto.and oarenufey 1 --:, 1- 6T*4 1, IPPL. Mile Idrih'diathientliegat idthenf ..setillofitliallig-hatred toward the Spaniards -F* : * They -resolved = to' out. the, yoke of:slaver* fr l oni 'i tkeirlpetths, r' 4 E'A. , • 4 . l and only - awaltAl a fitting ' - opportilli) , WhYltriltes• the *low that war tit delis er , (wt., heargiiiinia.so , lnitptx Abe firee:oflrebellion' Al • fltLidPd.„llettlapd ,prudineo l only withheld , ..l a lprreltq" s , ApsPello SU Attempt was defeated. an 'Si I oflOgler , w4 l / 166 40: whiah oleo preved shorties ~.,„, opautlamossa4l4zot alsniay there. -tProm 1050 to 1680 they made several other attempts: That 4 , -3.41 the lathy , feetled tellisudiesedefiesult . Pope" -` , -' l . didieldiseedlcilliftibi of !tops:Wet Sand ahn, de 11 4 l l f g, kl iii ir tbe44 7o l 4l ll, *losintide _ fstes e , the pliscpda , oh . air:amber! of t ,„ 3 ,.. o iteilfedr, tip ,sent it to &lino •villages by - set ind" amity runners All the pueldes untied each a kneteaddrhas waits Shier•tadheronoetos --1- therplarrot inpurreetion.. A betrayal oil their in-' ,t 4 . tantifralAtdal"Aitent; :but "although Anna iraiter 411054 thefetteeeeded-in expelling the_- 'SPaelor tteWPAraisreated to „Si • Pins, a distance o , Besaydicsossocismi miles toi the loath aft Banta • Po, 111,1411 parts of thelifoontitry they celebrated' their vidtoryln tithe t l iellincs, dance reopened; their nsturefiYbd, etkrdefiv . it , was,ponlii i ble, obllts- 4 Pared every trace of the Christian rolls on. - : ...,- ,L - Tbo Absobtrof Olicb4 pach lo o ill new hiewl;; ~-70 8,1 i trthit tinte,t If twelody l eix, moot "of which are situatedin, dm, valley of tho Rto - 481 Vette. The' '4,PArratUs Vtligt ni"ObirMi , re than ten thdu , $ Mil% and'llie In commun ities entirely :di= 0. asset froup.ibeir Illexinen 4 neishborsi. with" their 3 ,, awnrlnenVetuderestinpd laws, Bash. village eon; stains au Estrtio, which is 'need bothlM , e, - ",''f.{, Om t ed - PliqiPr wmallill , Where they practise ,egek - o AI, coipere•ritee Ise ate Mitt obaerved ---- ca's — likt Ilk is'' 'rat , :i ti' , 2}t. , r i . , .1 1 11 y . amoora a, and: each 1. J oel lg. dependent Of,the others, without the ;`,l'i 1411 union betWeerethirrct.'.A hit:Jo/10°f J.:l , voliesdeblodeaftheileteetioh - of theWitillders at an .Vilidlillar eleetiebPA , allistair feitard,belleSing , to' *mite peoplelethat villri situate:l covers! hun •.--.n.sAiredlillleisi Apert s liar* digit dttoot comoncica 'llscil *peak the;same len hate; whibh"stiuld argue an Identity of origin , and a probable dlsPerekott PS',„-Prozottictslititz: 7; r , 4 , , zeblo Indiana are nomlnally Raman Oa- 1 ' &pilot, bet they otintitottasome of their heathen "cp o l o tee nidp and ua rt n i g g iLs Pa asan aeremoniea With' Christi an that they still worship the sun i_la secret, and etlerriforhintl tail the face to -`ward the east, in expeotation of the coming i of • - itonbmtiVitittiteiallOriddtrood In dome of the - vll-' loges.` In the summer of • 1665, w hew on a visit; to the weetern pattOf Slid • Territory Captain Date had an opPoriuntty of beholdin,g ' the god Ma , waspoftwas made of tanned deefokin, i n ea ' -, yelfsTirm, about ninminohee in height, a nd 'Mune indiateater 3 one half was painted gre , the . 3 .',424.10d, :e kTi0,tem woo boveredobiltilltiZttem .-' :1 4 : , 01/ I ro c tir24 l • T ra n 1424.6%. 0 14 41 ,...dit _Nora, rudely an matures. Two oblong emir. Agsetteyelfm a shape of right angled triantles ) ,*ith , the hum inward: represented the eyes—there was SO UM 3 a eiroular piece of leather fastened about voiaii aro,' efintlp ;,epPolio] the queer brAlle:•o9MovereAntended ';for, this Pam gethetapfivas'a small , Auft of leather, whir& was e.oreamentedwithlbathers when brought OuCto be' WqrS4lppfdini4ubliCiatrealgOniCi, In St dry time todit4rilitly iit vtlgtte; than it Is clerriedinto • theplykll'arid infoitterinfavar , of 'rain. gretthriel4dions,Mienfreelitid,nOnitivith:the teit'iiivirenoe rtlioy - kaele around' ie with -much-. devoutness -of-manner,: and while one re. liPtitekta lOinfbililrOdiclitnotifeeliffinkled ;upon nt white .powdera , -,Ther spoke of- it' with -, the , tatmost..teneratioup and one-of/them , told - me that Wie God end the brother of God. In thileon pollea7 11.11611Tiri$IttUrOketti** P1 3 90.0,: - Vilitah:ta' that A 0 langhegife 0 - 5 462*.py,thlr,taeritillitiikq Contain Ator f uieboxmoporgAtifi t,;3e,proicthrSn --,prene Being use of the Spent& word-, keyert-of:theaerviilageir spy, that Monte- , letrynoeiritotii! with Mgr Two *noblest Wee qhe 'woe , to express - .both 2 3 0, 114 /Iffrtifkinto -- , , t i. ogintioLof land, grad, to. it by ithel Gavernmente ;of Spain., and. anchsubsequently :by that .of thellnited - Aratee, - ”whibir.,,for- cultivation ;, isaparoalled - out aotbdgthe several families. Thermiltivate.loy, lrriatllll7;74-0;4"-fahlf.;(trotris-r-op p,, 66ifitating of ' W (1 1 4, yornzoesai beantOmoldee,Mher;Vagetables '4 11 4 - fruite,`,...lBo the'Peehhis hive vine • kerb,. exbillent.wine, and Aat.. l3 a l L-thacgrapeahr:a:ripe -state - 30..14e - Fe t c h , - - ,hornag Alen - lean --toWnso army- pay i consideraele attentiou-te goosing, and ,somenf tlfem own large' , -herdsaflortiestimses;nien, and sheep: de a class, woe_ arcatalnig4he Moit-ordinly and Useful pee- Territory._Tha3;are inclustrielia;lo4o: PaFrPaittliiienl,.ltva-knOtareiony. with f eaoh other,anifj, 14* onnpopniatioA.s Vitt:hail) no drangeninongitimml'eloh one tieing obligad-te,con -41-Ibute,:liAlilabor, the ' itealatthe oramnanity ktowhiohle-Belongs. ,-Their weapons are•the_ntw tend <arrowp?.lanoe; elitir; and ;''a fear :old guns; afld het_only defensive armor . they tuar in, pan t s,}. ; lade ahteld:moide,tif Aar They l dogg conlniEntionalir, MAI} disputes' arise±`.atriet4; mire talkit „ge - porally-, :1 1 9,1144 - ;:hY the:' , Garernov' , and. Comfolf,.:,::They - , ~ .ara,,AllrafOnaillYlignorant and -elinerstiticus,, and , ore.4lrm believers inc -witchcraft in 4111 , .. its case;name 3 under .my, own- in:mediate - obiervatien,`,Where; Vdelitt.'endl3.XeCtlfed; aatltig :up, all -the -114,01.4 1 4cfp • .stlatanutheehargeiwaa based u pon the testiate iaynal two Or-three:of their companions; who said :they hada seen the' abonsedeg the bon es; of the ohildreefropiqtieir mouths:-and nbres,Which' they Coald notThavedone :Maras, .theY lted. oaten . the pliable' of q;agnna .74,pring, Which the Indians ; w9nid net`tise 'before lhe..Attieridens - the water :boiled eip froia - undor,a sandbank; and their login I , Vas,ll,hatilivoirid not -behave Arrentribanner, if Tkeyara dogotaratiag „*attre'of 'their;ebniimikintermarriagein, the setae pueblo} as is every rare.tblajr for a young:man .te 1;614A.114.rib:1 a-neighboring --,TheY are haniat, 2 -indbit-littli slits to drunkenness." , ± This Valuable JMnerrelleota greidaredit ripen-HA author. Ile has, been het:less attentive as an 6b: :server of -the present conditional these -intotist ring iricrPleAhan le how been asaeoxiiicirer"ottliat qichlind'ilmait 'untended mine of archive's which lselieea oatiEttrlas mom/relating 'at 'Santa PC, is to be hoped thelecture Arkay he repeated. Weekly'RevieWof the Philadelphia :(Reported for The Press p: ;; ;: !qliftinaloiThPniaireb?4,o Bs 9. I Tlii ‘ prO d it - ekinarliala isra;hein".cifilj, 'ilea since otiileatfwelkly, notice, and -,praiidstuffs lullln the rMlicieperally..lfiour liktftn: ll 4 l 66ll44ilidaniii;., VPlour,,,tind Porn bleat PrlnetW , Quer e tt e buller_kle better:i Bye and Corn are I ? eff*lj r held, but there :has:been' gga irloev. - Cotton is insativa 41.1d.prioellare Mph jam prirlZuerate_ there lino been; Bider are winfoll, bit` 'there- 14 :Moe in Cray liandawMaggarallsmer.-This Iron milikel,ll flrmi" . • wllll'a dibiand , to hote for hiring 'dallvery:! , :4ati&tde or biltiffi' - cinallti la - much roranted ,41 1 ,pg.ind,prloee npVilth light gooks on sale "eroifeloni ire buoyant and active. - Bite la rim at the .advance: . Belt le" Iniohineted. Seed! tiniated '., nt a Turther:adrinan. Valetwin :114ner.1.tobiao4 `.ti dull pileiv, are, better. ; and Jot 'Woof the :lemand is on the Inareme, and Reloaaare well euitained ,end:l:lr#:'M,lntrAtry7GOcide bide kali exlAbltad InereSeed '" yoeic";":lohafeniLboyara are still coming in gqalii ite;ityj enivotit Wit - 10h . ere - F4,',l* tioittok up l 'tliiGltothnil Th foe e opening:t4prThsatkoar. - Cotton ,bn , Diown Sheeilngi and..ShirtlngicatiTh light supply and tlrm, .401ti;idiinee:2 1 111iiehilidiee'ndeltre iteo hi're r guest at full tat.e ; , Printkilotha brinithe 'advanoe,proeionalz rbetleed:A.::OfiPtintailbitaitiahavilieen lieley;and the Iteekleieet laigeforth'e seition ;tat verj full and dam: -plate, and , prieee - are -Arm. „Oettonaine, Denims,' and Striped 'move off lmizavaitetl;,,it fully foincerlincitatioal. Tlokygnd, Cbehlii"a t rif'"ritiohailged, and fair litteipeep ;.lobe.i...WCiolliniartelpoupdtirite 'supply... Clothe are orentedi:att miotatlone,. and -Cotton - Warpe 'are Nein*. Twee& and ,Irtiiiiif,Cientlineres'are -- ile6' firm, and for !Ain,* P.rletntirie, firm, a$ the atookliAbtor i :than venal. BlißAbairfFe -nentintiO:inaiitive at the advance, AO the hnikiee ofel; tr ihe , Ylotte . market is atUL the eating birstnie In the trade, and The trawl/n:4MM, troth fog aspinikod-homp 'oonkninption, - ; are limited. be _elealualueeithout;4,ooo bbis at $5.7506 IFY;bbi fol en . peaulk.ind *WI& for:inftra..and.axtra and 1 , Adddlthfl.,o4l3,76e ; iftaller* ,an dibatir a are 4 :Rotation:: far tempetd itpirene fgeitaeina •ett; „ f lbrtetolsier Antlitiy.:lye Bioar dinalr,vith atlea.tf 800 Able it st.l Of. .a a ~ g,01g141/inarket".la..liairrt •Lbare"," and only . .abont Itie,bble.PinoulylfinlaiOld 1k1i.751 50'S prThoheone: taut shifcenterma keiit 'private. , ; ~ 1 0e tolkimmg,arsithe inkpeadas of Plow and Meal trim 000414 iindlog r yebruair 8, 1848 : - 'Half harrelrot superfine 292 Per floe " • 11 358 -" Woe' ' • ` 1 101 - -Doi, -- •-• o ll,lddlingif • - - ' 99 "-Rye • • • 1..? ' ' 616 ' D0..2 •. Cern Meal " • , ' • ' 476 CCondemnedh-Ptuiehisone Coin Meal '","' , ' " " " "18 odf ." MURAT , is liraute4 at a` further &Armee, but the !Mgr/Obis poorly Supplied, bud 'the Wee are , onli in. -Metall lots, 'comprising about 12,000 'bushel/4 Itt 1800 'l4od fer com Men to good and prime red; and 159 to 1760 • for white, according to quality( ;the -latter .; for &vice 'Kentucky. -"Bye le steady, with gales 'of Prinneylvanla et 86a. Corn has been - weeettled - and "dull( and 000 4,561, 0, bushels°, Alow,only soldat- 14078eyeg, to eon'," ddian. - cloeing with more sellers than 'buyer% as,tb MC. • lay rate.-; ,Oats gra In stenty demand, ;wed 'abobttlo,oDo bdibeliPitifitiljaula fold at 600; ;ripe DelawarCare Ite~d at Pietraf , D aisle of p rime, New TOrk Mir; ley"viallabode , at 92,g0.1ind 6,000 boshals Barley Malt it • 970111lotYbeshal;gaeordligto qoality.?- ; , PROVISIIIN/1:-Th'e vogritet' tintiyant, , bet the high "ideiiii-of halderi", thanks business Sales of , 800 bble MesiCreirkaii reported at $lB 506218.15, now held, it $l9 dr bbtl -, City Meet Beef sells for chip( stor e s at 1115015.50 gr . ; btt r a sale of Beef Barna was Meta at Alad - &deeded : Bbaulders - are , ceiling at. 10e ) for /the formityaiii4l7)(sPla far the latter, now held 1( ex a higher: - 'Hams ire' 'Worth 110124 for p'ain and fancy clered:' , sll4./allted Meath' are wanted, and prince ;are advancing, with sales of fame in tsalt pickle at '9l(isloe, Sides at 8,1(m0,0, and flboulders at 11,4e7(a, ibeilrilitt tar tigheit'neetations. hard ..There is but little owning forWardimull plass are'bettif, - With sides o 6 table atideAde, godless at 134184 bbl ,'' as in quality, now he ld - at Butter is steady, andl for Roll there:is a fair hoptirj , :at '116206 for Penne and Ohio rGbeben. races at .from 22025 a ; ;solid packed Is veryrdnliiitt'lo6ll.2a ; about 100 kegs sold at 13m14e. Odeeeeeisitrorth Soda. Eggs, 17elna. - , 141WEA.1:4.-There lea goad deaviOd fimPig 'lron far gyring' delivery,,bat;lelderc generally are Indifferent ht ieillsiogg at the preeent 'retell 'the sales.forlm metilite deliveryOemptiee SOO tons No; 21.uthricite at .s22o23,4s9ab•lieutrB mr4, - and =Horde at $22, 8 Mei • :large sale !of. Mil is also reported at 128 60. on time ; rdeotali &vitt da7, l on Vine. Lead .=-The stool in Jill anted Brit hatide;'ind we bear of no sales. - Copper As - steady ab,loelforliheathlng, an 21a, 0 !nos, tor Tel. lore Metal, end but little soiling. •- • • „AU ILIC'-,QuoreltroA - comfit in ; slowly. and,,No. a Is wanted at 'B2l TY' ton': Tanners , B ark - Nothi n g dolng lia ptlo 4 • " " " - VM)SFSWAX:- . -SMIIM Saes of Yellow are reported at .'dge3Bo-4Plo- 5.0,414DL1111. 1 ,are. dull and settled with'esies of oily made Adamantine 4t 1 2102130; 0' mos. gper'm and Tallow Oinpesi , tairatti without change, and bat little ". 1 001,614=4ho'`niarket is unchanged and dull, and 'the rebelpte moderate for the dation, the demand bding mostly for - lionie,tise; within the range of. $ l / 8 4.50 for 'Schuylkill' and-Lehigh Cold. • ,- -0082.11111. , —Priceriliai and the demand iood; with sales of * about 2,600 trigs Bloc meetly at e 1136 e, on itime,ltreltialig, Sid - entire cargoes at ilia' former rate, the market °toilet bare in Bret bands: ~, -C OTTON,The reoelpte and stooks are moderate, but thedebiatidle .limited, and prices are hardly nviin liiiiedj,itlbe dime sales of about 1,100 uplands 'are reported '44.112ke-tiago fiff.. lb,tyi equal to cash, for Mid .2llng and middling, fair quali laeluding Mobil at )016 Isareplec „at 1,20 81! lb.. The following lathe arepkodremente &Mir the first g . eptarnber Solite latest - dates fo r the last foot , .1 , 4 1 -1 ,1 1859: 1 .1.858:' , 1867: , 1866. 1160 1 tfrat Porte;•":.2;288,00171,8720001;043.0001,008,0430 - '2423teWliritair:::::•.7o2 000 11 484,000 ' 418;0110' 718,000' ' ffiff. to • 299000 1 ,178200 0 105,1130 'lB2po bi Other 11.21..',1 198 GOO 110,000 .'. 18 t.00 1 3'177 009 Total exports.... :..1,199 000 777,000 802.0001,192,000 Mock an - hand: ',..*:-.1,4900,000 - 676000. 817.000' 866000 Of which diriog7thipatit'week; included in the above -Recite at Pali • 148,000 , 3.000 ,101.000 BEO3O Az. ,47,000 58,000 • :70,000' 112.,t0 France' - 19,000: 22,000 • 16,000 • 'Boro, Ba. other P. P 21,000 8,000 0,000 , -9,000 Metal 010Orte ' • 91.000 77,000, , 82,000 93,000' I ,DRIVISAND DYlll3.—There has been ',rather more doing this week, and Cochineal Cub% 'end Tarterio" Acid are held higher t , odes of Bode Ash are reported at 2X 03o.Bit:eating POWdets at 3)(0, Refined Borax 1919)10. 'lndigo 1460, and Lae Dye on toms not mode . I YEATREB2 are Mill, with Bales of good Western; at ..,.71111111ce,Tbe stook of Mackerel le light but ample for the demlnd, which is limited, the / ales being renafied la store late at ;Biala 60 for No 1,1116 :for Ne. 2, and :81.0.69 per bpldrotalo; 8., ,Plokied Herring are, selling tu'e r pay at 23 2508 60' per bbl.. • Codfish pre pa l ms, and prices range tram 28.60 to 84 the 100 lbs, . - r - 17.111EF1T... - -The Omar. sad Lemons which' arri ved last week kayo:most y.all been disposed,ofi from the swharf. , on terms kept sestet; two cargoes; .bowever, have just - got in....itaisitis have been very imam at the advance •, .wri.onote bunch at $2.60 quid layers at ><3;4lY cargo of these also bu Jot Arrived. Doi:nestle 'graltgederally're 'Moody; Dried Apples are worth pg ®9)(o, and Peaches at 9et12041 , lb for suiparedoilth lair isles (tithe former. - - , • FEEIGUIS Very'llall i and /20 erpagetnebte ire reported; toloritign puts She rites are nominal f:there is no vessel up for Ban Ivo:m[6o. +Mast - Indlafrirghts .liteliteadyi.s. vessel was chartered from the South side to-load tringsr, at 4001'100 lb., and a schooner to to Windward .afurretunr at a toned sum of $1 $OO. ;In 00s1 freights there It little or nething doing,'and tuitions arernsisettUal.' , , . . GIN 3111f07.4 , we heer' Of -nlyailee of either Orndj or Olarilled, cod bat little offerilig;.the former le wo}th 60065431, Itigll,; , " - ;.IIGAIe 0 is steady, with further soled of - Paelfio oaaan at $6l, and Sombiero.at 610 ton: Peruvian is steady in price. - ": nithiP,—Thetilit do' aloft - lit 'first hands Mid sales hUva - tritoSpirad,l, ,AILD,EA.”-Ateimpcirt of eiricke • 'led Puerto Oabelio has beSuld b , to arriYe,,auPposed at 226230, 6 mos MPS:, alas of . Slastern and 'Wsetenare matting at Wend* torn - Utility. , L NAT flit It'is wanted, pad prices are tending upward. Good stook inaoartie,, bat for ; other ;rinds there le not _The marketle quiet; ,YeGOW:iine hoard, are doll lit:61860, at;d-Sptlott foist at $(2.60018; a 'sale of rhippttirLuniSerVid Made at $l5 V, M. MOLASIBII6:Neir Orleans 'it wanted; teith. farther sates of 600 bble notedit 426430, 'fottr ruMithe, and on)Mill to arrive r.ti pslSata' terms.,, , 9. Small lot of Cuba Sold at 260, on time: ' • •,- - NAIrAfiIiPORES, •areltiearritii Was :of ; &tiro at 11 75:4P , bbl'lor eonamon, and $2600460 4fr ;,bbt for "soap; l'arbiwortli 62.26102 60: wrbol, P.toh sells In lots at52;22,16 ®2.26' The' demlnd" for Spirits of Tar; pantlne is utoreitetto6, and pr 1606 are better Witkialea In ltdiatble SOILS Olia are firmer, and there has been mgrs Attire in ?perm and Whale::-Lioseed Oil hue 'advanced, with sates at 65067 c, closing firm at the latter guo'a lion. Lard Oil is coerce, and selling at 100e103o, four pones. I 'tono at tbo•adir tido; wail Wee or 850 osoks to note et 3X teeit ow time. SALT Aetiooluingod; ;bd. ivo ihear.ot no orrlyali or salsa this week 'BRBD/3.—Oloverseel.is.vranted at a further advance. with sales of 2,5(0 bus fair and prime quality at 10.50 es $7.123‘,4P.ba5k155 sacks ro.oleanedaoldnn ‘ terme not insile TiOldthflei'wortie $2,12x-,.'an d demeiltio Flaxseed $L 75 41 , bus, and the latter very scarce. BPIRITS.—There hoe been a steady inquiry for Bran dyand Gin' at 4orineroratelf.---N.:15, Itnin.selle at flfise 380 Whiskey 1s firmer, but the demand is moderate, with sales of Ohio bbli at'2Be Pennsylvania do at 270; ,Ithde 20, god drudi, r 250 4p' gallon, Lade rather- am upward tendency, with very limited roceip's and otocke in Bret hand*; sal •a tomyrleo about 400 Itbds Nets` Orleans St IN oftri LSO tlmb;- T r , . ta.pLO . W.-Bftlen of city rendered at iox cue 4?' lb • .2:111:5 —Both illacke and tfieens are more active, and prices well maintained.. • TO BACQO'.‘'-But little inquiry` for either,lmatar mullactured"ind the market Is dull. 4 - > ' , W00D.,-Prices are Bray wlthz more doing to go Bast -etfntlp"former rate! among the, sales ne notice fine' at 60ed2g ; full blood 'at 88858 good ' cOarrien at 480 • 420 aitd unwashed at B2)feitticqr pi pet. , 3ttiliortigiOns. (Reported for the' Profit) , t; • •,,NEWCIAEITLLON.T.TI4B-13ark Vredtoloklietalari -105 ohaldrons coal 429 osake`foryStal ) soda 656 kegs 'bi .06r13 soda' 40 teal.sria white Morris Waln*Oo; 528 otake'orratal soda Isradericktecirig; • 171 grindstones H Mitchell; 141 casks cryetal'abdo order; 20 easel Garb sondem 46 blut calolned•do SH•WWeleh. - • RlCHMOND—Steamship City of Ittohmorolift easel; tobieeo Wardle & Sterenaint- 645 oases 621 boxes do , T Webster, Jr;•3 os 26 Ws do D.Lhart & Taltt; 18 bra do - A. H Armstrong; - 890 bra 16,0 i do Bucknor, MoCammon 06'061 'IB6 = INIS 40'ci do - Mercer & Autelo ; 186 bra do I 11 Bank & 0o; 10 ball:shooks 0 J Adana & 0o; 1000 bbla Sour I Mason tip 0o; .2 kers.pays Heaton & DOM*. 'a; 1 db , ltisaiimj.lhiek* Obi 23 biles yarn J•l3 Woodward & Eton; 8 bags toed 46 do fruit A: W Prettyman; 10 belch' rags Bervet'&ldarker; • 63 bags fruit Twain & Bhewell; .1 , do H Kellogg* Non; 11 do 0111 & Paul; 4 bble do N Hallingar,62 empty casks •Massay 3c Collins; 190 pkga sundries - ~:• • ••- •, • it•SHWTOJX.CITYIIrig Galveston-9000feet live oak naryyardi• - , •• ••, ; n ' ,BOSTON--Steamebip City of New ••York,lHowes -68 bkgs domestics - Fithian; Jones & 00; 63 Parnbam,Klik •bard * 00; 62 Little &Btokeir; 60 X Starr; Jr; 208 cases boots and oboes Hendry & Harris' 171 Conovai H Bro• 183 W.A• &.•L•Shrtmwayr 141 J 11. -' 'Phonipson'&3oo; 172 .Tlllinghast &•Doldeld; , 110'Verfole, Harlin & Co r 186 Hord; 180 BledeSbaolt Viledniaa; 42 iron axles MM. Baldwin* 00; 67 cues scales'"G 0614,803 o ;. 19 do - Indigo 8 Grant;'ar & 06; 85;bdis paper Mistime & clo; 21 pkgo glasolHrtady* Manton • 6ofra6 bides - Leech H .00;16 eases ink Weaken', 18 fralla'date4Jeanes & 'Beat: ,tergood; 36 bales omit Plume, Kent, Santee & 00;126 daseetacks W W - Knighe ' , tanhot k eap, BoAap•or RADE.. , F. IL OOP - • iturnit rim" to Rii morn' Tn'ox attt.. Zr ;: cputti BENOSIIN,MARSHALL, . LETTER.. .Thttiq At the Merchants , Exchange. Philadelphia. Phip Victoria Reed, Prehle Ifiwitmt, soon Brig Jiff Strout, Cole , „ Mayaguez, PH, coon Brig Blaok'Bquall, Burns ' ' St Isgo Cuba, sgon Bahr,Davltlyanit, Eloolander ' " Havana, ma I, , ,6ALLING OF .THE• OCEAN STEAMERS; TROT( TREIRATM9 STATE'S. , 8111 PB - LMAYE • FOB ' Arszo ' N York—llavre Arabia.:.........: ; ' ,TO ABILIVII diltro k =YOB • 'Om kangaroo • Llverpool..Now York • Jan 19 Edinburg •* .111aagov..biew York Jan 21 Asia Lirorgool..NOr York ' MIN 93toomela exit from, *Ow York on ttio 6th and 20th of omit month. • : D:.The Revu Bteanteralwive New York,e. on the. 24, INC, 'l2 tharth - , - sod 27th pf Oach'molitti, end Charles.. ton, 13.0,„ on the 4th'ithd' , , WhOn the ihovelates fall 'oil' Eintuitt l icthe oteemerd will sail t !idldowi4y, except frouiNq,W ele!Te. „Intellitente, - PORT OF,TRILADET4P}O[K,, Feb: '611859. ..6 65 I BUN /311T5 6 11 . e... .....g 41 BUN WRNS HIGH, WATIL.I. AMBIYAD. ,Stetunsltip Oltf ItichmOnd, Alitehol, from Rich. mend, vialiorfolk, 48 ho urs , with mdse and passengers to Thomas Webster, TY. ' " etextnshiP Oily of New York, frowes, 60 hours, from ttoston,,with; Indio and ,pasedigers to Henry Winsor. Thursday , 11 A DI, thick fog, 10 miles suet Of give-fa.: thorn Bank: eeik - a Bohr Gape May. with' deck load of Oftbu, bodndlci N To k; 6 P M, off the Ledge, -passed ateanlship 'Phfriesti ligsgue, foe' 'Boston. and for,New Pork, bound down; Friday, 9 A 81„below.Mtirons Hook, passeCbgrk Frederick KetaloS, frtenl3Dields, In:tow of tug 'J Ottleatle,,bound up; a so sakr W H Hauerd,"bount " • •'," Steamship Kennebec; Hand 'BO Mara from New York, with 'cods. swapaiseagerd to James'Allderdice. Steamship Delawsro;Oopes:26 Bouts from'New York,, with inlet and passengers to James'Allderdice. Pissed in the in i y , two topsail sokrs, apparently loaded,'upward boun d. Bai t Piederioli Notelet; (Prue) Fisher, 78 diva from Shields. silk cool and ehemloals to 8 Morris Wealo dl 00. Brig Galveston; Whitfield, 28 days from Berwick City, with lire oakto awry-yard. . •... Behr W IL allatta, Larsen, from MO& Rover Jam,, :Nov 8, Ma Charleston Jan '2d:where - she put in in die. tress, I{ll.4.mdse to D N Wetslor It Co. Bch Ann•Sickrell; Lowerton, 4 days from ?4 8 Pu O riai with mdseto Thos Webster, Jr. ' Saki Oforge - L Green, Green, from Boston, with mate to Twat' & Go. Hoe experienced detention from bead winds analog, , •.; &kr: buoy, Marston; a day from Brandywine, Del, with torn meal to Win Loa. Bahr lowa, Hilyard, 1: day from Newport, Del, with este to Wm Lea. - , OLEABID: " Steamship Hanritibeo; Hand, N YOtk, 1 Allderdice. Brig Ooean Isle,'Aerstrup; St t homey J P P easton.g Brig Union"; Smith, Halifax, iameo Gook. Bohr .-A Rogers, Godfrey, idoblle,'PettlX, Harlin Behr James Nelisod, Burt, Taunt:milli New GaStle, Dal, Twelis .fO Clo. • . . Btr 11. L Gror, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (joyrespondenee of the Philadelphia Bxehange;) • LIWZBi . DOI•JFeb - 8,1869 The bark Rowgzia, tor I'Lsgusyrs; wan, towed to sea yesterday:: The following:ramie are at harbor: goitre W Riley, BO A Wood,-, (8 mimed) A B Wetmore; and Henry (Joie, with toga America, Atlantic, and I &Pla fie. It rained all night, ,- Winctweat, arid cloudy. ' • - Yours, ke:. WM, IS. HIGAIIAN. ` MEMOVANDA • Memel - rip- Keyetone State, biarshman, bens, ar rivedat Oherlesto a 4 P M ild inet: • • • ...Bleamtkip _Bolton, Sellew.,•hanoe, arrived at N York Bblp iltrazoiellor, Borland, from Callao Nov 33, Till Livroptoo Roads' ' arrived at New York yeeterdaY• - Ship. Navy 0 Stevens, Neaps, from Baltimore, war disobargingat !Berra Leone Deo NI ar about 10th. . Ship J for Liverpool, went to awe from Charleston Ed (net— • _ • - . . Ship Martin Luther, Mellols from New 048111111 for Ltiereord, was woken 20th nit, p lat 26 20. bong 69 SO. ..13111p TrOpto, Loring, from Boston for Melbonrue,iwas spoken 27th nit, 46 j long 66 46. Illdpe Marcia 0 Day,'Oheas, end Wild Rover, Crowell, both- from: vii Hampton Roads, %or baltlmore, were off Ewan Point 86.1nat Bark liondamilk, Burgess, for Baltimore, was at Rio "de Janeiro Deo O. • • • • ' Dark Blue Wing, Burnham, ter Baltimore next day remained at Rio de Janeiro Deo 26. Bark Ocean Bride, Burgess, oleared at Boston &I last, for.Otenfilegrie. - • • - Bark Mar,an, Hugg, Jr, from Rio de Yaneiro Dee 25, with coffee s at 'Baltimore Eid loot Experienced heavy gales from NNE to NW, and on the 25th ult t lit 25 N, long 65, sprung cloak, but is kept free by the pampa. gid ip ct walk; tiark , llnntlogdon,'Hiudwin, and brig Harvard, both for New Orleans, Bark lease B,Divis. Hand, from Boston, remained at Rio de Janeiro Deo 25... 4 . c . , , Barque Gera, tot Belem, late of Boston) Johnson cleared at Salem 24 Inst. for Africa. Brig Temi•at Wood, for Bueeoa Ayroa, cleared at Pumicela 2:d ult. , Bahr Mum earttaire, Semen. cleared at Baltimore 8d Met. for Jacicsonyilie. , • 1p ,hfaydoirir,loadlag at India: wharf, Boston, for Ban Francisco, broke from her marriage right or 2d mgt. and zan,foal of. 'Ark, Koslow. The etip loacjib boom, and the birk had bulerarks store At Werra Leone, Africa, Deo 19, brigs Caroline, Wil •arniVfront Bosh/nor Mb; Ben; Oaropeli, (Br) Forreat, horn N York; Frederic, Julio, for Salem, lag; Booking. 92arn, Gillen, from Monrovia, ar 9th, for. Belem; Paull. us, Thutlow, for do, ldg; Timandra, Berry, sod Robert "Wing, Ashton. lice; schr Antelope, Clark, from Barton, via Cape Verd Islands, about 10th; and' preaseded B. At Rio de Janeiro Deo 95, ships Bea Lioa, from Boa. ton. Henry Kneeland, (whaler). rep Bruit, Preble, for ' Bodoni barks Adelfhe C Adams,`Hendogway, for a Gulf port; Geo Warren, Bentley, for Montevideo; Win 11 Newman, Garet, rine; -Panama , Ginvea, do; 'Vivi- Man, Lowry, do; Moseenger Bird Dnlee, fm Richmond via Pernambuco; Roanoke, Thomson, for New Orleans; Hannah Meoor,.,Chase, , from - London; Ann B Grant, Swain, line; Overman, sterling, do; Ocean Eagle, Lnoe, from Lomlott, no; Dolegate, Chase, from Malaga; Tala. Tees, Merrithew, from Boatont briga Eastern Star, dolt. erly, for a Gulf port;"T 'Pr Rowland; Rowland, froni Charleston; sabre Coat Pilot, Davis, taut; Fannie Cur rie Bieh, do; Castor; Harding do; lugger Yamos Paine, from nbleldsborough, sod others as before. auings Snubs. M=i,l==l VRANKLIN SAVING FUND—, No. /88.• South FOURTH-Street,• between Chestnut and Wilma, Philadelphia, pays all deposits on demand. - Depositori , money secured by government, State,' na' OltY Loan, , ,gintind .flente, Most gages, tee. This Company deems safety better than large profits, coneequently will run no risk with de. peattori , nioney, but hive It at all times ready to return with -6 per cent. Intereet to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never' suspended. • Penialee, married or 'single, : and Minors .eao deposit In' their own right, and such deposits can be withdrawn ,OALT by their consent. Oharterperpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive ma nay fomttrusteee and executors. LABOR AND SMALL BUMS RECEIVED: Oftice open daily from 9 to 8 o'clock, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings Until 8 o'olk. ,_DIRECTORS. Janet B.Bhainou, Cyrus Cadwallader, Johd Shlnd George Russell, MalachtirtSloan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewle Rrambhaar, . Henry Delany, Nloholdeatittentionse, Nathan Smedley, Joe. 11:Batherthwalte, Ephraim Blanchard, Joseph W. Lippincott. ' JACOB B. WAGGON, President, 01111113 OADMILLALDIR, A Dollaiested le twice earned?, 'RAVING FUND. -17EITED STATES TRUST COMPANY; aorair of =MD and OHM. CUT Street*. . ••tig4.l4 eunis received, and paid batik on de , without notice, with TIVMPSIB °TNT . INTIM frqia the day pf deposit to the day, of withdrawal. 'iollice.hisrue,' , froro 0 until 6. iWolookavery day, and as ONIIAY kVIDNINGS from T tuitU 0 o'clock. - • DISATTO for Miler -Bail/raid, Ireland, sod fleollerid, • m upWirdel ' •• - - Prealdent,oTTPTOlN B tIBAWIIOIII2. vtgosurer-aumviuK., Te/Iea—UMAS B. =NM. giarriagep. "SAAB P. BRANIN, • LIGHT COACH 4k. PRANISPORD, PA, All work warranted to give'iatiatitation. Orders rem peatinlly *MMUS min-Am* . FOR THE SOUTH MIS ' AND . WEST-18t9. • The PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BAL TIMORE RAILROADOOMPANY no* offers Through- Ticket' to Wilmington, N. O.; Oharleston, FL C. ; At:c anna, Atlanta, and Dalton,Gs.; Knoxville, Nash- Chattanooga, Grand Jnnebon, and Memphis, Tenn.; Huntsville. Ala.; and New Orleane. Also, to the less distant Southern cities, and to all' prominent Western points, as heretofore. The steatostdp ISABEL makes,Peml.Monthly Trips between orpm„Eirros and HAVANA, and offers a Ire ty desirable rowel to' kaassAgors for the latter port; avoiding Caper, Batten's. Hellcats, 'or Hunter Information, apply at N. W. ebene'r BIXTII'abd-011IttreNth , 844:, or at' Depot, BROAD and PRIME Ms : Philadelphia. Neb. lot S. M. EATON, President. , 1855. fe2-dBat TIVE PRESS.---PniUDELPMA, sATORDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 059. N,OW. TIM FIRM 4 V0L174918 OrAPPLETONS AIKBIII-; CAN OYOLOPEDIA:. • AN OBINTNAL WORK I 7-I(dAdNAN 'REPRINT This lions Of the Most valuable works 'of the ige. and for the plain reasoil'thst it hrof,pradical nee, contain ing informaticin needed by all classed of, petible, much of which eau be obtained from mother aource. - It comprehends allthet learned Men know on every subject, condensed and alphabetically arranged, so that 'the reader hat !natant lam! to a reliable solution of every legitimate Atiestion'that can arise, The know ledge that hal been acerninglor '4,000 years,'Sind Which would till thousands of milutries, and !Met millions of dollar!, is here sifted, arranged,. and condensed 'into lb volnmee, at $5 a volume. ; Dour- volumes appear 'every year, eo that $l - 1 month, a querteva,week,or 3N cents a day put aside while the work is appearing, is sufficient 'to purchdse the' - The old quarto °yob:Median were' dry; arid reading; flit& '!chielly with science!! algebra, and mathematics. This' work 'farnishee a living, breathing panorama of .the times. Ais at, tines a Blograpby—of the living, as well 6A bt ,the dead—i.Elizetteer, a Geography, and a illetory, - Nothing In nature, In science, in art, in coin e . trierce,but is placed in a clear light to'the merchant; the mechanic, the lawyer, the politician, the scholar, and the citizen at large' . ' The editors have performed their task with alsnal abi. lity and conceded impartiality, magnanimously Ignoring all predileotions, prejudices, and enmitlee, and thus farelehhir to the American people; and to the' world, the first really American Cyclopedia that has ever been published; and as the most valuable and useful work of the age, it is entitled to the moat liberal patronage. The Agent has the privilege et referring to more than two hundred of our first °Altana among.thorsi Who have subscribed to the, work, who folly eppreelate its merits and who conddently,commend is to the young,meo of Philadelphia, as at once,the'most economical and One trial mode of proeuring a complete library. , Many are frightened from subscribing to serial works by the chance of losing numbers, and the pros not of a heavy Mamie for binding when,,the work is com pleted. , There team in tble cue are grotandivis. Tho work is Period in ,pOGND VOLUMES ; is at once ready for use. • • •-•- The work will be pnblinhed by' subeiripticin; in 15 volswerat $B, end completed by 1881. Dour volnmea 'are now ready; and the eubeequeut volumes will be le aned at intervals of three months.' - D. APPLETON, & CO., • , • ' - • ' Pnbllehere. New Y'oric. JOHN MoBAREAN, Arcade Hotel, • - ;Chestnut, above Blxtb • , Loint Agett for Philadelphia. ' Sabeerlbere may have delivery of the four pub lished volninee at none, or 1 volume per month till they overtake the Woe. • ' LIBERAL TERM To Clips of 8, of 8., and of 10. _ • , • • . G. W, FURMAN, icamfqBl , Generalr ,thanveseincattent. DARLEY's.ILLUSTRA.TED COOP • R. •- x-x 3iq , , 406 WALNUT STREET, Is the Agent far it. fob4.Bt LINDSAY & BL&E.ISTON, • 2 P s u lV.V7.illrflll:ra n itZ=lt. A large assortment of .'• vispLocliggi, RIiLIGTOBB. '.4a11) MDMIEFA - hIIISICIST:eIIiVE B CEPCYPITO BOOKS . . ,• • .alwaym on baud.. • ID - -Rartleular a ttention paid to tilling mumellane . 'one orders for Books of all kinds - ' AVM .ad) 5 ...Feb 9 . . . NNW 8008 JIIST PUBLIEUND. ,Pmp4lll LA PLATA, The. Argentine Confederation nd.Parhitney. Illustrated. `DANTIVO NORTN - ANP WINTRAL..APRIOA. 01. R Completing. the vox*. - • MISS IPAUPONrB NPIBOpEfi Op.:PNENON 1118. ItINNYI4 MANUAL ,OF ONEPP. - ,0138 BRAmER% pATEINa.AND pAIIGHTIII , BUOKLANDII OIIRIOPITIELOrNATIIBAL LIM DRY. ',TEN AMERICAN ALMANAC 808 1859. • -ARAGOM BIOGRAPHY, OP SCIENTIPLC ALEN. - OIIALLBNIB CHRISTI AN MORALS. T ATT.'S .RIIROPE 'AND .MANNIRS. BARCLAY'S OILY or THE GRAT:S IVG. OSBORNE'S PALESTINE, , PAST AND , YRBSRNT, Lolt CUMMINS'S LIRE OF mar: HOPYMAN. fes IDAGE's 'LA• PLATA, AND •BARTH's ,Ariaaa, Tom AIIiaNTINE 00iIVEDrEtATION AHD PA Tu. 011 AP. Being s Nerreityst DI Explorations. By T. j. Pap, U.N. N With Maps and Rimravinmi:- Volume. 111 of BARTH - 1 TRAYKIE 4ND, DIB.. COVIDILESIN ,NORTH AND ' CENTRAL AFRICA. EPISODES IN .. 741MANON , HISTORY. Ditrlig Coosalste and First Empire. By Miss Psrdoe. 12mo. MEN ARAGO,'B BIOGRAPHIES OF DaSTINDODDIED LIPD AND LABOIIB, OY REV. DANIVL'ItAkEII, IDOLETTB BTAIILEY; or, The Beauty or -Disci .lioe. MATlllilitLff 808 THOUGHT. By tier. Griffith weo, WINES' COMMENTARIES ON THE. 'LAWS OE HE ANCIENT - HEBREWS. , Bro. poi sale at low prices tik WILLIAM S. ic ALFRED MARTIEN, 103 . - ,No •606 CHESTNUT Street, UNIFORM" W TH " sg WOMAN'S THS)II4HTS. ,, • JUST P17111.181111D, ME AFTERNOON Prom the lnot London Edition. It We rarely see a book inWhich strong common MOM and an attractive ekvie are so admirably combined in the treatment of an Interesting theme es in this remarkable volume. It is • work that cannot be too highly com mended, and', the author is entitled to , the warmest gratitude of her sisters for the candid expression other honest sentiments upon a subject that most necessarily Interest the sex in general." • 12mo:, ofOth Uniform with i 3 WOMAN'S TIIOUGUTB Primped!! of ?diddle Age—The Wish to Please—The Love of Power—Vanity—lxtlngol.hed Love—Self-Cen tred affections—The laws of Hope—A Phort Time Left—Many Kinds of Joy—The Happineasbf Love—ljn. aamonable Alfections-,-Leaving an, Old Some -,:Optdial Afannera--The Tyranny of Hashfon-"-Lualtry—An Ap. Sal to Memory—Thel,ove of God—The oone:dation we Neglect to Olalm—Singleand Married LlfeContrasted Happiness not Dependent on Circumstances—Women Conversant with Sorrow—Pleasures, of Memory—The Triumphs of Time. ***Bold by all Bookselleig'and sent bid's% postage Dos. to any part of the United States on receipt of prioe.„ , • RUDD & OARLIPPOU, Publishers and Booksellers, No. 810 DRO &DWAY, New York jal-tutb&satf TWO CAPITAL BOOKS JUST SHADY c , In Natiral Ilistory, ►s well as In other researches, It is too reach the prattles to copy facts and observe `lions from - .Anted- books, 'ttif 'volume of Nature her. , self being unOpened. Ii has been the sim of the author to search into this wonderful, book, to record foots which came under his min eyes, at the same time not neglecting the numerous works andlectures of celebra ted Naturalists ; and the book bdore us Is probably the mo.t complete collection of instructive anecdotal sketches upon the interesting subject of Natural Ills, tory which has ever appeared. " UCOND. m,ov - m-max.les. A New England Novel. By Mra. M. J. M. Sweat 12mo. muslin. Brice 81. (Prom the New York Evening Post ] "It Is In form an autobiography, containing, in a merles of love letters, the history of the growth of an earnest and Impetuous mind. The subject affords rare oppertnnities tor peychologioal analysts, the inanity which the writer possesses In an eminent degree. She evidently thoroughly tinderstande that fascinating toys. tery—tt woman's heart." These books are sold by all Booksellers, and sent by mail, postage Gee, to any part of the United States, on reoelpt of the price, by • • RUDD c OARLETON, Pubßuboes and Booksellers. No. 310 Broadway, New York. Ja27•th a tot[ TMLAI & BIOKirgLL'I3 ; DANA NOTE pkBPORTBR, . . • . - The oldest and ablest on the Continent, and most re. liable - in. the World, -Per annum 51,60; send-monthly 51 09. Single copies 10 cents, sod alwaye ready Sub soriptions may be sent. Office No. 112 South THIRD Street, Bulletin Buildings. nolB.Bm ATE ANTIQUE BOOLE STORE, 27 S SIXCH St .1. 'SABIN Inejnet received a catalogue of the exten. sive collection of Splendid, Bare, and Important Books —the library of {be late G. P. PARKER--aomprleing an immense variety of the beat works in every I)epart • ment of Literature, but especially in history, Anti. quities. Voyages and Travel', Natural Illstory, Bibli ography, Early Printed Books, Fine Arta, IDustra ted Books, Classics, Facetite, •Dooke reletiog to America end General Literiinre,'the coat of col`eattri .being originally over $20,000. .The whale to be mold at auction, in New Yell, on TUESDAY. March let. • . . J• Sabin eelll attend the ea!e, and make purchases for gentlemen who cannot attend, , VE R Y CURIOUS, SCAROE, ARE, AND OLD BOOKS 'bought by RAIN CAMPBELL, Fourth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. Digbeet prise paid. Orders attended to in every State or the Odom Raab Imported Sr.= Maven* ule-9m MILE LADIES' PHILADELPHIA SHOP ... PING GUIDE AND HOWIEKEEPRE. , DOH PANION. i " PRIOR 2S - OPNTS For sale atthe WOK STAND in POST .ovitox ' J.ll-1m MoOALLIIM & CO., CARPET HOUSE. Have 'removed from No. 80 BANK Street to No. 509 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE BTATE-110IIBE. ja27-1m REMOVAL. neve removed to January 7th, H 69 REMOVAL. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, MNROBANT HAS BEHOVED TO No. 1126 OFIESTNIIT STAUDT, TRIAD DOOR ORLON TWRLPTE. , • • South Side, Where he le prepared to execute all orders in hls haying on bend a full supply of GOODS for Gentle. teen's wear. SAMUEL H. 'MATTSON, 1326.8 m-if No 112.8'011IIRTNIIT street !MADAM° AND OARACIOA AA-TS— /IL Superior quality, juet landed, and for sale by 0. 11. ItOBERTd, Na. 38 DELAWARE Avenue, and 87 N. WATER, &net. j128.18t4 Nciu PUBLISHED BY,SUBSORIPTION, IN BONNII, VOLUMES UNMABBI F SIt LITZ, , A Oompoulon to A WOMAN'S THOGGEM ABOUT WOMEN ABOUT WOMEN." Prize EXTRACT ,FROU CONTENTS BIIcKTANDIEI OUBTOBITIgEI NATURAL "kIISTOIIIr. 12tuo. muslin, Illustrated Price $1.25. , (Prom the Loudon Edition j Removals. KBILLY DOILiRTY, TArLOREI, 81 and 33 BOUTiI BIRTH STRE&T, OMB DOO4 ABOTB ORBBTMOT, East Bide :*3 Atitiiim: THMAS lc SZTEI • tui • ypa.lo9 0 . 89 141 s O otrnx POulPru STREET: (rormerlY Non. eV and 60.),-- • 4 • ABBIGNEIB I PBRBMPTO,IIY MB—THE SPLEN DID, BANKING-NOME, 011F8TNUT 'STREET, ,ber tweep Fourth and Firth street, erested for the Bank of Pennsylvania, will , be + poeltively Bold„ without reserve or limitation, at the Philadelphia.Bachange, on Tues • day evening,"Maroh let, by order of the assignees 117” Bull descriptions in handbills at the auction rooms: - - Peremptory Sale. • - STOCKS, inn. On Tuesday Evening February Bth. at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex obloge, will be sold, without viwirre— For account or whom it may concern— . ffi old •abaree (120 new) Pan Francisco Land Man. ; , 100 aharins Went Philadelphia Mutual Baying Fund and Truet,Company. par sso—s4oo paid. 60 shares Mount Moriah Cemetery Company. 1 abara Philadelphia Library Company. $&0 eeeip Delaware Mutual Insurance Company. 1 ehare Bleroantile,Library Company. lasso Philadelphia Athemoum. Execntork; and Administrator's Sale. STOOKS. Be." On Tuesday livening, February 15th, at 7 o'olookoit the Philadelphia Par change, will be sold by order of executor -80 shares Sferohants , and Mechanics' Bank of Wheel leg, Va. Also, by order of administrator— '9o shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company. 1 ehare'Oltv Land Aesoalstion. 1 share Militia Land Association. REAL EBTATH BALE—PI BRIJARY 16th, will Include— . , • . POSTPONED BALE. ; UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATL.tETIO CITY. N.J. —The very valuable property }mown as the ,4 United States Hotel," Atlantic City, N. Peremptory Bole, by order or heirs—Estate late of Jo. eePh• Murray, &old, VALUABLE IILisINESS STAND, northeast corner of Eighth and Cherry eta. Sala absolute. BANDSOME, MODERN IESIDENOIII with Bide yard; No. BM north Fifth at. heldw Coates et NEAT MODERN DWELLING, with all modern con. +/coleuses, No. 1228 north Flit2enth et., eolith of Stiles at •• • • , , FOUR THREE•STORIt BRIM DWELLINGS, Noe. 931,933, 935 and 537 ()Mello et., between 13th and Brost eta , bnlow 0 iraid avenue_ THREE-STORY BSIOK STORE AND DWELLING, southeast corner of Parrish and Franklin ate., (late Spring Garden ) WELL.SNOURED GROUND RENT OF $75 A TEAR, clear of Woo on lot of ground, Girard avenue, west of, Thuteenth.sil., on, which Se erected a four-story brink store end dwelling. TO 'PROWL GARDENERS, &0.-OVo.R 12 ACRES. LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, 12% acres and 2a perches, with two-story brick and two-story frame dwel log, barn, truck garden, An., Pampa* road, west of Broad et PIM Ward. LARGE AND VALUABLE BARBI, 427 urea, Kent co, Delaware, on tlm main road loading from 11Mpria to MDR peon. : • ' • THREE.BTORIT BRICK DWELLINCE, Ninateenth street, north of Girard avence, Te entleth wanl. Orphans' Court hale—Estate of Randolph W. Evans, Dime/teed. TWO PR CUE DWILLINGS AND LOTS OP GROUND, Waterloo street, Nineteenth ward. Same Estate.—BßlOK DWELLING,•FRAME STA= BLE, AND LARGE LOT, Frankford turnpike, near Oleerileld'etreet, Nfneteenth ward, VALUABLE LOT, SPRUCE STREET, south side between Sixteenth and Seyenteenth strode, 44 fee front, 104 feet deep. Only , one-third Gash, SOOTH TWENTIETH MMES.—Nest modern re sidenee,, nth Twentieth street, below, Oheet nut street. ' - - /UNTRUTH STRBET.—Neat modern residenie, No. SotithlMiteenth etreet. 'below Spence etreet. Both bottles pre anlebed.wilh the modern improvements. VINt STEEN'S :—Thiee.story brick dwelling No. 106 Vine street between front and Second etreet. F.r.oontor?e .PefeeoptorTSolo,otate of PetOr, Rovapt TWO LOTS ,OF 11110thD,Olinton otroet, north of Baker street, late Northern Liberties. TEREB-STORY: :BRIM DWIILLING, No 1528 Wood street, between Fifteenth and Bixteenth street& VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY, AUTOGRAPH/a, OIL PAINTINGRODHOION PRINTB, ILL, OF THE LATE HENRY PENNINGTON, Eon. r • On Tuesday Afternoon, February Bth, commenoing at 2 o'clock, will be Bold,, lathe auction storertbe valuable private library of • the late Henry Perinlcron, Eta:. which liclades many rare, endow, aid intereeling books, on varibris sub jects, illustrated by printed and matinsorlpt inseitione. Also, a collection of rare autograph letters, valriable oil paintlogs, choice prints, ito. itr For particulars arm pit &gum which will be ready twodays previous to sale, end the booke,ke., qr. ranged for eaamination. ,Sate et Noe. ISO end 141. South oiirth Street, supiiifolt BIIRNITIIRS, 'PIANO-FORTES PINS FRENCH PLATS = MIRRORS,' DRUB/DMA OAR• ko, • • • , . On Thuraday Morning, At 9 iVatoct, at the auction store, an extensive alsortment of excellent second-bandfurniture, elegant plano-fortes, fine mirrore,.carpete, etc., from families declining housekeeping, removed to the store for con-. Tonle= of sale, Sale for seeennt of trotted States WOOLLHN Ann OOTTON OUTi'INOI3, LEATHER, On Saturdat Morning, February 12th,lit 10 o'clock, at the auction store, 10 687 lbs sky blue )(firmly cuttings, 10.756 lbe dark blue heresy, 633 The dark blneClollt, 24 lbe gray cloth, 95 The canteen Covering, 618 Ds white :linnet, 682 tbs blue flannel, 4;004 his cottots, 67 !be black myelin, 116 lbe alpaca ,638 lbel linen, 2,031 lbs Oat, 1.682 lbe tent, 188 lbs 01l cloth, 280 Ths baletug paper, 560 the rope, 8,780 lbs sole leather, 80 !be morocco. 117. Terms—oseh. AT PROIATN A handsome resldenee, with Menlo, coaoh- hoagie and large lot, Male street e llarllogtop, New 4erse7. BY :WILLIAM IL STERR, , GENERAL AUCTION AND coninneatozi STORK, No. 46 North EIGHTH fitreettelow Arch.- - .1. A. BLIRON. Auetioneer SUPERIOR ROUSEROLD FURNITURE. 0A R PSTR, MIRRORS, SILVNR-PLATED WARN, Ac. Tbie Morning, At the auction store, &LlO o'clock, by catalogue, will be sold the wmat large and desirable ateortment of rosewood and walnut parlor ' chamber, and dining room furniture, carpet', mirrors, silver-plated ware, Ac., ke. EVENING BALES. Commenoing •t seven ofelools On Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, sod Saturday, • - (Precisely at the above time.) We will hereafter hold regular Evening Sales or table andsooket cutlery, Britannia and silver p.ated ware, notions, clocks, watches, gold jewelry, hard inn, books, stationery, &o. &o. Cenn.—We would Witte the attention or dealers and others to on , evening Pelee,- an our ebelvee are etooked with desirable geode, and worthy their attention. Oonshruments of new and socond.hand house. hold furniture plano.fortes t carpets, wattles, Jewelry too., respectfu lly solicited, on which liberal *ash ad Tenses will be made if required. Ont-door Wee attended to promptly. Charges as moderate as any other house to title city. ' .A.III7EL. XATHANS, AUCTiatiEER, and MONEY LOAN MICR, No. 224 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., only efght'drers below the Inhume. • Hours •of businees from 7 o'clock, A. K., until 10 -o'dloe.k in the evening. • • , Out-door , duties, and wales at the Auction House, at. tended upon the . most satistaotog terms. CAPITAL 2200,000. . - .Erfablimtid for Me Tkfrry TOTS. JAMMU made from one dollar to thousands on Dia monds, Silver Plate, .Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Her ehandire, Clothing, Intnilltre, Bedding, Olgara,Murical fustamments, Gans, Hones, Carriages, and Goods.of every description. All goods can remain say length of time agreed pore. AlLadvaneee, from one hundred do ll ars sae upa ra rdal 'grill shamed 2 per cent. per month ; 11/00 and over, Ike lowest market rate. • This afore Howe having ikdepth of 120 feet, has largo lire and tbitif-proofvonolts to store all' valuables, and prll yste watchmen for the premises • also, a heavy Insni ranee effected for the benefit of amour's having goods advanced upon. N. B.—On 'aeootint of having en unlimited capital, this ofiteels prepared to make advances on more satin factory and etoonnnodating terms than any other in this ally. Money adenoid to the poor, in scull amonote, with; oat any *have. AT TItIVATZ BMA. Glld Patent Lever and other Wstoha, Jewelry, and Wahine .111 be mold at redneed oleo, sal-lv Contettionern. it RIS KRINGLE HEADQUARTERS.— ask We have just received our Stench Confectionery, and are roanat.oturing a superior article of Marsh Mel low Gum Drops, .134 Bone, Cream Date., &o. Call and eapply youreelvea with the beet Oonfeotionery in thie city, at, JUSPRIER & BVANS , , nol6-Stn No. 13111 MARRED St, bet. Tth Audi iltb. • iltatur ,amts. .OHICKERING & SONS, MAINUTAOTORIREI OF GRAND, SQUADS, AND UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES. WARRROOMA 1307 CHESTNUT STREET Constantly in store a large stook of our DEAMTIFITL and DODO ALLDD IMSTRUbIB37B We have been awarded, at the different Bahibi lion in this country and Bozo" 138 GOLD AND smvia:YIRST-OLABLI MEDALS. :ja2S•ly • , PIANO-FORTES CORRECTLY rUNNID by 0. E. SARGENT. f atistaction warranted. Orders left at No. 804 011E8TNIIT Street. Terms, 81. Twelve years' factory experience js4.2m* ELAN() FORTES. ;net reeetTed, an elegant stook of RATAN BeOON . , & 00., MINNS & °LASH, MILLET DA vLa & 00., and GAL'S & 00. PIANOS. MELODD ONO of beet quality, at Jl.l, GOULD'S, S. E. corner SEVENTH and OUDSTNUT WM./ LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON, 810 CHESTNUT STREET, Oppoelte the Girard House, /hIVORTEBB AND DIANDBAMURERB ' LOOKING GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES OIL PAINTINGS, AND ENGRAVINGS. EARLE'S GALLERIES constantly open ' falB FREE. FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED BY TUB FRANKLIN /NOTITUTE, NOVEMBER, MB, WEST PHILADELPHIA STA.ROH•MANUFACTURING COMPANY 101 MIR UNRITALLID PEARL STARCH aND CORN F.BRIN✓I THOMPSON, °LAREN, a YOUNG, 130 and 132 South PIIONT Street, &dente for the (lemma/ .'".- TRUSSES I—Gennino French, Sp Adults. 2' 17881031 Genuine French, for Children. TRIISSRS! do do. Ladles. TM:ref:MS! Approved American Stylea. Supporter Braces; Appr oved Abdominal Belle; Syrin ges, a new and improved self-injecting article, specially adapted to qadien* me Also, bath-room or hydrant lineman.; French Pessaries ; B reast Pumps = Infante Hurting PI eke; Nipple Shells and Shields. For sale :by CALEB If NEEDLES; Pharmaeentint, , and Practical adjuster of Mechanical Remedies, d. W tomer TWELFTH and RACE Ste., Phila. Ladies' rooms—outrun* on TIM Abut, next don, to Oars nell-lni Oda' bn %whom NESS,. BRINLEY,. & co., - No. 409 MARKET STREET FIRST SPRING- SALE OF FANNY AND STAPLE IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. • ,• - •• - -On •Ttiesdai , Morning, • Feb. Bth, at 10 &cloak, by catalogue, on 8 months , credit— 600 packages and lots of fanny and staple imported and domestic dry goods. Itr Samples and catalogues early on the morning of sale • • NEW STYLE Estenonsms-31:113T LANDED - FROM STEAMER JURA. ' On Tuesday Morning, , . 100 lots new style embroidered' collars, sleeves, and chemisets. BRILLIANTS AND BROWN LINEN DUMB, ON ACCOUNT OF UNDERWRITERS, FOR CASE On Tuesday Morning, At 10 o'clonk -2 cases 4.4 Londonvrhite brilliants. 1 ease 54 do do do. 8 cases brown linen dacha. 1 care white Marseilles for basques. VELVETS, PRINTED °RALLIES, SPANISH LIN ENS, IiRILLIANTs Es., TO BE SOLD FOR CASH, ON ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, BEING SLIGHTLY DAMAGED ON THE VOYAGE OF IMPORTATION, On Tuesday Morning, Feb. 841, at 10 Welook, for cash— London blank tabby velvets.. • I ondon rich printed challies. Spanish linens. London white brilliants. • • EXTRA RICH PARIS SATIN-PLAID DOUBLE-, • - JASPE BAREGE ROBES—Just landed. On Tuesday Morning. 400 extra rich real Paris satin-plaid double-Jaspe berme robes. . 200 entirely new style do. • • • N. ll.—The above are the newest styles of Paris goods, jest landed from steamer LONDON PRINTED ()RALLIES, LAMA CLOTHS, AND - VALENCIAR. 2 eases nent.printed London Lame cloths. sdo -do London new-style °halite& ' EP do de laine robes equine. 2 do ' satin-striped cross-over Valenelas. 1 do plaid Lama clothe. 2 do roil de che - me SHIRTING-LINENS. LINEN-DRILLS, AND DUDES. On Tuesday Morning, 6 niece 4-4 soft-finish Irish shirting Buena. 3 do X brown-linen drills. 3 -do X do • dunks • ENGLISH TAPESTRY RUGS AND DOOR-MATS. 200 super large ale° Eoglish Tapestry rugs. 150 ii• do do • door-mate. REAL PARIS PRINTED JACONETS—Just landed. 500 pieces extra rich Prude-printed jaconets, newest ntylea, just landed. - ' WILLIS HUBB ARD & 00., AUCTIONEERS' No. 222 MARKET STREET, BETWEEN,SROOND AND THIRD STREETS. , n SCOTT, Jr., , AUOTIONEEE, No. 481 .L.FO 011.ESTNIIT STREET, opposite the thurtora Ilense, between POMMEL end RUTH Streets. 10111HILIP FORTY, .AUOTIONEER, No. 5301ddRBBT ATRIUM, between YIP= and spc.Tll. adatß awe SALE OP BOOTS, SHOES, AND 'BROGANS. On Thursday Morning, by 10th. at 10 o'clock; precisely, we will sell, by catalogue, about 1.000 eases men's and youths' boots, shoes, and brogans ; also, women's and misses' Eastern and city made shoes. getters, dzo., comprising fresh-and desirable -goods from the beet =warms torers—enitable-for spring sales: JM. GUMMY. & SONS, • REAL ESTATE-AUCTIONEERS, ' No. 590 WALNUT S TREET, Orphans' &tut Bale—Estate of George Hergeshelmer, deceased On Thursday Afternoon, , February Bith, NM, at 3 o'clock, will be sold t at public auction on the premises— THE VALUABLE PROPERTY -AND 'RUMEN Loo4TlON,'situate on the easte.ly side of Main atreet, opposite MAW avenue, 'Germantown ; lot 47 feet front bylss feet deep, on which to erected a double three story stone house; with brick front. Within one minnte'e walk of the depot. Sale peremptory. Gummey. Sons, auotleoeers, will hold regular. sales of Real Ratite, Stooks, & e. Also; household fuililtua at direllhoge. • • • , • BRA.L BSTATH AT PRIVATN • . On our Private Sale Itegister altraTe be found a very large amount of real estate, 11 1010 1 qt every deeenpUon of city and country property, J. M. OIJAIMBY & SONS, • - Real Istate Brokers, • .. 526 WALNUT Street, beloviSlsth. Itry 0 BE 8 NATHAB ts, AUCTIONEER IVA AND OOKBIDEION 1131110HANT, O. IL Dorm OIXTEI and ItAOlll Btreeta. ' MOUT' PUBLIO AODOMUODATIOD. MONEY! ' MONEY ! I MONEY ! 1 Money llberally advanced in large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, 'aloha,. jewelry, fowling-pieta!, readmit loetruments, furniture, dry goals, clothing, groceries; 'ciginchardware, cutlery, books, horees, vehicles, har mers, and all articles of Value, for 'any length of time agreed on, at Nathass , Prtncipca Establishment, southeast corner of Sixth and Mace streets,. PROMISSORY NOTES, with collateral, dieoounted at the fewest market rates. GREAT BARGAINS IN WATCHES. JEWELRY &0., AT PRIV ATE SALE. at N &THAW PRINCIPAL ' ' ESTABLISHMENT, S. E Corner of SIX.TH and RACK Streets.—The following articles will be sold for less then half the usual store prices : Pine gold English patent full Jeweled and plain, of the most approved and beet make,. in hunting oases and double bottomed. Pine gold escapement lever and lepine, watahes, in hunting case and open face, some of them extra full jeweled and best make. Sliver English Patent lever watches, es capement lever and !opines. in hunting ono and open faro, some very superior: •Englieh, Swiss, French, and gnarlier watches) doe gold vest, fob, neck, and children's obelus f line gold pencil cases and- pens, bracelets, breastpins, nogenrings, ma...rings, studs, me. dallions, and Jewelry generally. Superior Havana cigars at 816 per thousand, in boxes of WO each, will be sold by mingle box or quanktien to suit purchasers. Nu merous fancy articles, to., so., &c. Legal 'Notices: TTHE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE AL. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.; 4 -. ADOLPH FORSTER vs. JOHN 80HI EDER. Venditioni EXponas of December Term. 1858, No. 21. GEORGE ki RIMER vs: JOHN SCHIERiIit Yenditioni Expenas of December Term,' MB: No 228 , The Auditor appointed by the Court to report dietri bution of the fund in Court raised by the 'Sheriff's sale under the • above writ of all that certain two story brick memanage or tenement and lot or piece of ground situate on the south Mae of Franklin street, at the distance of fourteen f.et westward from the west side of Hope st , eet, In zensington, in the county of Philadelphia aforesaid, containing in front or breadth on•the said Franklin street fourteen feet. atotextend. log in length or depttimottimatd of that width at right muesli with the said Franklin street fifty.oie:feet six inches to a two feet Nix inches wide alley—bounded on the east by ground granted to George 8. Dean; on the north by the said two feet six inches wide alley on the weet by ground granted to Aaron Herm, and on the month by Franklin st.eet aforesaid. (being 'the Same premises which Eckhard Hosbach et tin , by 'indenture dated January 80, 1854, recorded in Deed ?look P No. 128, page 224, do., granted end conveyed unto the said John Schteber in fee.)—together with the free use and privilege 6f the said two feet nix inches wide alley loading from a point near Howard street foto and. from Hope street, laid out for the use of this and other lots, in common with Joseph W. Emery, hie heirs and assigns. and also wi th the free nee and privilege, in common with others, of an islet or sewer ghteen inches in diameter. to intersectat the west end of said alley, extending into the common sewer in Howard street; subject, however, to a proportionable part of the expenses or making and keeping the sa , d inlet in good order and repair forever' , —will meet the partial interested for the purposes of hie appointment on WEDNESDAY. February 18th, 1 AL at 8 o'clock P. , his office, No. 530 WALNUT Street, Phila delphia, at which time and place all persons are re quired to make their claims before acid Auditori or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. feClOt JOHN 6I THOMAS, Auditor. A.N THE SUPREME COURT OF PENN SYLVANIA FOR THE EASTERN DISTRIOT. Valt DELUGE HOESTMAN, Treaeozer of the LA, FAYNVVE SAVING FUND - ASSOCIATION ye. FE LIX DONNELLY • January Term, 1858. Third Pin. Lev. Fa. No. 118. The Auditor appointed to distribute the fund in Court raised by the Sheriff's Bale under the above writ, of All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the north side of OSDAR Street. beginning at the distance of two hundred and thirty feet eastward from the east side of Schuylkill Fourth street, thence ex tending north parallel with the said Sohuylkill Fourth Street eighty feet, thence eastward by the eaaternmost moiety of the head of a certain four feet wide alley two feet, thence north six feet, thence eastward by another four feet wide alley fourteen feet, thence southward parallel with said Schuylkill Fourth fittest eighty-six feet to said Cedar ,Street, thence by said Cedar street westward sixteen feet to the place of beginning," will attend to the ditties of his appoint ment on MONDAY, the 7th day of February. 1869, at four o'clock P. U. at his °Moe, No. 626 WALNUT Street, in the city or Philadelphia, at which time and place all parties interested are required to make their claims before said Auditor, or be debarred from com ic in upon maid fund. JOEL JONSS, j‘26.dlOt Auditor. NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made to the Auditor General tor the re newal of two certificates of the Loan of the Common wealth of Pennsylvanis, created by an act of Assembly pawed the a xteenth day of April. Anne Domini 1846, bearing an interest of five per cent. per annum, and is arta to Nicholas Gevelot. One of the said cettifiestee is for three thousand dollars, No. 1814, and dated the 26th of October, 1847 ; and the other of the said cer tificates is for two thousand dollars, No. MP, and dated the 24th day of February, 1852, as the said cer tificates have been lost or mislaid, JOHN DICKSON, Admirdstuster of Nicholas Gavelot, jalhaftraes 1108 SPRUCE St. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the Estate of MARGARET G WOOD, deceased, baying been granted to the undersigned, all pertons indebted to said Estate will please make payment, and those having claims will present, them, without delay, to REDICOOA L. WOOD, Administratrix, 1019 VINE Street Or to her Attorney, A. Lltlff 18 BUITLE, JR23 e6t* 147 South FOURTH Street THE WAREHOUSING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. DIREOTORS. PATRICK BRADY, PLINY DISK ALEXANDER HENRY, GEO. L. HARRISO.I, A J. PLEASONTON, WILLIAM NEILSON, WM. B. STEWART, S. R. CRAWFORD. PATRICE BRADY, President. S. R. ORAWFORD, 'Vice President. WILLIAM DUNN, Treaaurer. WILLIAM NELSON, Seeretary. CLIFFORD 8. PHILLIPS, Warehonee Keeper THE WARMER/USING COMPANY OP PHLLAD'A RDONIVE GOODS ON STONAGH, Whether in Bend or Duty Pree, at Current Rates, and will lame recelpto or warranto therefor. Application may bo made at their OYDION, IN TUB TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, FRONT AND DOON 8 T E NEWLAND & DO., LOOKING-GLASS AND lANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL An IxtenolTe stook or On PAINTINGS, WATER-DOLOR DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, AU at very Low Prices, 604 ARCH BT., ABOVE SIXTH, PHILA. d7-13m zei d a g i t WINTER TOWING. The powerful eide•wheel Bteam-Mg and Ice 'Bolt g , ATLANTIC," Mason, master, is prepared to tow (during the Winter) vessels of all d.nariptions to and Irom sea, For further particulars apply to B. & J 61 FLANAGAN, ja4o42t* No. 828 Oooth DELAWLRI Avenue. 41Icbtititai. A NEW AND, VALUABLE ± l / 1 500V J-11 , /CRY. • • • , " "DR: 'S . ..A II,OII LITICrINVEGORA HAM TIEtiG - BP/MT. IT BTIMILLATES,ISICHILERATEB,,INVIOORATEB, iltiT WILL NOT INTOXICATE OR STUPIPY. This delicious Beverage is finperioi basil lasi/pirating Cordials, Schnapps, Narsinee, /co. in rule for the 'urea. 'Dyspepsia, Nersonaneei, Heart-barn, Drowsiness; Kid ney complaint, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, &d.; at it will invigorate and etrengthen, - buOvill not In toxicate or stupily: Persons who have become habits= ated to the excessive use of Tobacco, Opinni, and Spirit uous liquors, will find , speedy and 'permanent relief from a desire to use theme destroying agents, by taking • bottle or two or this • DELIOIgBIEIOAL BEVERAGE Weak and sickly Females will find Dr. MAWS IN. TIGORATING SPIRIT a quick and mare cure, it being a Regenerator ae well as p Strengthener of the Human System. Each complaint that the AROMATIC INVI— GORATING , CORDIAL is calculated M cure ie named upon the wrappers accompanying each bottle, and full directions for use are igen minutely given. Palos !mu DOLLAR. PR% 80741.1 Prepared by ' DARIUS PLAN, Principal °Moe, No: 48 WATER 81., N. York. For sale T. W. PFOTT k BONS, n26•edt 218 N. fiECIORD fibre.% Philadelphia,. 7OLLICKOFFER , B CORDIAL-Is the only effectual remedy ever placed before the public al a certain and lAlable cure for IN- PLAIRMATORY or CHRONIC RHEUMATISM This' preparation has cured .thouiands who have been af flicted with Rheumatism in Re 'reset painful form and we are daily in rec.dpt of lettere and'eartiticates , asz tonishine and remarkable came. 'All who have tried the CORDIAL speak in the moot landahle terms of its efficacy. Fall directions and entire .'satlsfrction - gfven to the Rheumatio sufferers Prepared by THEM. ORE' MKS, Chemist, N. E . nor. PINE Ifud SIXTH Streets' Philadelphia. - , • - jal4:Bal . . Gentlemen's Goobo, OHESTER & 00., GENTLEMEN'S VV GENTLEMEN'SIFURNIBILINQ BTORN . PATENT. SHOULDER BEAM Min MANUFAC— TORY, . lithe Old Stand, No. TOO CHESTNUT STREET, oppci- Ste the Washington House: - . . • A. WINCHESTER will give, im heretofore, his per, sonal - supervision to the Cut ti ng =and Manufacturing departments. 'Orders for his celebrated style of Shirte and Collars filled at the .shortest notice. Wholesale trade 'supplied on libezalterms. , il - - jy24.ly , if W. SCOTT, ;(late of 'Alio firm of WIN 0,. ommrza k Soma GENTLEMEN'S BURNISH LNG STORE and SIITILT MANIIPACTORY, 814 THESTNUT Street, (nearly opposite the Girard House,) Philadelphia. , , 4.-W. 8. would mopes:WV call the attention of his former patrons and friends to hie new Store, and is pre pared to orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A putted ilt guarantied. a n d C OL LAR S TRADE' supplied with 'mg SHIRTS and COLLARS. iyl94f 1 40 roegitte. GOOD GROCERIES AT PAIR PEIOBB! ! I pRAs. H. MATTBO,I,T, .EOIITgWEST CORNER TENTH ,AND ARCH STS , Has on hand. and is generally receiving, TUB BEST OP anoctßrns;whicslibe will Ct the moat REA RONABLE TRIOES.TOit CAS A. Ailvirig'n LABOR and 0)10i011 ASSORTMENT of BLACK and GRERN TEAS, be Is confldbut of train' able, to • sult;botli in qtality and price, all persons in wont hf the article, in quantities of • fronVone pound. to thh half cheat ' His general assortment embraces everything in the way of PINE .411t0OBRIE 4 , and he would respectfully invite. all is want of good artlides to,givifhlat a call.- It will be Worth the trial. noSo.Bnt . • Patches, 3 .-cm4 l: l SOL' & 00., . V • 892 ORISTIMIT street. • ,Hale reaelved, per Minima; new atyks _ JaiOalry, Chatelaine, Teat Mudna. - Opldadtd,Pana Rain rine. • • hult Ettanda, bur Baakata. , - Jot Goa& and dwer Vaud.. - Coral, tarn end Mosaic Bets. Bole *mute to Pkilaclelphla for the tali of Okada/ frodrham's LONDONVIME+NEEPEII3.. nov 8 • J - 13.• TANDEM & BRO. ° : EtntarL/TENTErV°7I Or • • O. SOA - Oneatnut :Street, above „Truro; (up !tare, , . . Philadelphia. Oorotantly on hand And for sale to the Trade; TEA SETS, COMMUNION SERVICE BETS, URNS : lITOILKES, GOBLETS, OOPS, WAITERS. BAB., REIS, CASTORS, lINIVES,BPOONIS,RONEB, LAMB, dre" &a Gilding and plating on an lands of metal. Coimitpimpn . :, toots-. B. VALENTINE - Bi. Co4' lir • COMMUION ALEACIIIANTB A - MERI - 04 11 rTATITFACITUBE8 - No. 61 006111 ON 13T1161ZT, NEW ORL-EANS. Special attention glean ao Collecting and Itemitting LINENS FOR MEN'S -WEAR: • Arderican Linen Company's superior style Brown Linen Coatings, X and X, various. shades ; 'Brown and Bleached Linen Ducks, various styles ;'Browaninen Drilla. A choice itssortuient of ,the `above floods now on sample, arid for sale by - JOSEPH LSA, and DSO CHESTNUT Street. - - pruii"itiO ¢Elirnitals ROBERT 431filkEvAKRR , &-004, wwOlaumis DRupoilirs, - • Ilansfaetereas and. Dealer ' PAINTS, VARNISH:SS, and WINDOW 'GUM, Nottheisit earner SMITH and Lull Streets, , 8010 Agents for the Ws of 'lke oolobTated Moults Plate Glum. - ' inh2B4f A DAMANTINE CANDLES.— ..CA. MOO bores DAVID. TRAIN lc C 0 713 make, an sorted , sizes. pat up in every style of plain or fanny, paper boxes suitable for any market. CHEMICAL SPERM CANDLES. 1,000 bones main' and in- fanny papers, aaaorted sited quality extra bandisome, bard, and very wbite • ORIENTAL DETEd SITE SOAP. ' 1 000 boxes this justly celebrated article, made ouly by VAN HAAGIOI & bIoNEONE, CHEMICAL OLIVE SoAp s 6,000 boxes VAN HAAGEN &- moicsoNal, first quality, and a Tory. superb artists. DRAWN -SOAP. 600 boxes hard +tad g6 .. .4, sale at a low Fiat OEM 5,000 galloon of this superlor'artlole, which, for Woollen Goode Manufacturers, hoe sal the cleansing. properties of Olive or Lard OIL. sod is 60 per cent. cheaper. Tor gale by TRAIN fr. MaRSON*, jalo.lm 22 Booth WIIARVES 0110 L Z & ,TANENTZKY, /lb South EIGHTH Street, below Chestnut, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ART/STIP M-A -TE Fild LS, Recommend to Artieta and the public in' general their large stock of Juvenile Paint Boxee,_Winsor _dr. New ton and Geo. _Rowney. & Co tit ,Oil and Water Colon!, Brushes, Englieh and Germap Canvas, whatman Drawing Papers, Colored Crayons, Studies, Colored Plotures for framipg, Dismounts given go Teachers and Seminaries. Coon- Beaten supplied at trade prices. ja2s.Bin 17 V E INVITE the special'attention of DRUG, PAINT, AND GLASS DEALERS to our present stock of DRUGS, WHITE LEAD, ZINO, COLORED PAINTS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, a SS, .4.0.,•tr0,. CI PY AND COUNTRY . MERCHANTS - who desire to purchase from a 'elect Moot; to at acceptable prices, are respectfully requested to inspect our goods. Pore Drugs and Patent Med clues—A full supply. White Lead in kegs of 12% lbs ,26 the , 50 lac, 100 lbs.; or In p ackages of 160 lbs. to 1,000 lbs.--a full supply. Zinc Paints—A fa supply of different brands, su perior quslit es, at prices astonishingly low. Putty, Putty—An extensive stock, prepared in pure Linseed Oil. Vernishes--Narnlehea of approved qualities—a foil supply. AmertMu Window elsee,, of approved brands—Our assortment of !dais and qualities, le Complete,' and equals any manufactured In Oils country: • head your orders direct to zrEinsit & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Point, and GIABI Dealers, remr E. W. corner 13E0OND and GREEN Ste, CHARLES MULLIKIN DEALER IN PLUMBERS' MATERIALS, AT NEW YORK PRIORS, 1523 MINDS BTBSST 9xlo-1m y F. ROLLFR, .41• FUNNOII BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, N 0.27 South NINTH Street. third door above Ghee not, Philadelphia, Begs to Inform his friends and the pnblie generally that he has opened boldness on his .own account, as above, where he will always be happy to receive a con. %intuition of their 'Croce. As the senior partner of the late firm of ROLLER k. Boom, probably no other guarantee is necsalary to an appreciative public of his entire ability to 811 all orders in his line with the ut most satisfaction. Remember the number: 27 South NINTH Street, third door above Chestnut. jal2-2m* 13LASRA. OR ARTIFIOLSI. LARD.— SPEOIAL NOTION TO PHYBIOL&I4B.—The above offers a rehlole for the exhibition of ran:odic:a to dia• eased enemas,. which combines the following advanta ges: A good and In:varying am:slate:pee, easily washed off with water, dissolves all a:bats:was that are solu ble in water, hence facilitating instead of obstrueting their absorption, and does wet get rancid. The last property alone renders it an invaluable acquisition to the practitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesale and ratan at A 1147 8 ,3 Laboratory and Pharmacy! GEORGE WHITELEY, No. 135 South FRONT Street, Mien for sale, in Bo- d only— A. Beignatte Brandy, 1857, Pale and Dark. Jules Robin Cognac, 1858 and 1867. Union Proprietors' Cognac, 185-t. Pinot, & Oo CogtiB ,1850, 1857, 1858. A. Camas Rochelle, DM Pellevolsin Bookclle, 1858, to arrive. Martell & 00, Cognac, 1865, 1851, 1818. Jamaica Bum, 2 years in Bond. - • Bterrart's Sco tch Whiskey. Burgundy Port Wine. • " Finny Madeira Wine. Meldsick Champagne, quarts and Blots. A full assortment of Claret Wine, in cases . and casks, to arrive. 3415.8m* 0000 NATTINQS, FOR OFFICES, for FRI 9 &Dap by BALMY & BROTH&R, 0000 MAPPINGS, FOR OEICTROKRa— Iv A froaklot jut received. BAILY h BHA ma. LOCO MAPPINGS, VOII MALLS, for Rale low, by the piece, by DAILY & lax°Tir:Rß. C OO O,MATT4N4 - B — , OF ALL 'WIDTHS, In good quality,by the piece or yard for ante by BAILT to BROTHER. 0000 MATTINGS-RAILROAD Can- PANDIS supplied ou the ►.est terms by DAILY & BROTIIIIII, No. 920 011.E8liNUT Street. DAILY & BROTHER; OARPET:-WARE -13 1101182, N 0.920 CUIRSTNIIT Street. je3l-tt FISH.-685 Barrels Ntla.l; 2, and 3 Macke rel. 50 do and tierces Salmon.' 40 do Bea Shad. , - do Mackinaw White Pleb. . 431 do Halifax and Eastport Herring. -680 Boxes Scaled Herring. Also, 630 Quintals Ground Hank Codfish, for eels by a o. NADLER& aO. &ROB NI., woad door iNcTo troO o=ll _tabs ,'tran'sfer' id his LaaiPt4e Peona. 3 to No.-Tit 0.101- 000M-Strett, (betweati3Oftes)iititand:Walitit,)_Phita delpktiC-Howill,attend to any bosinewentrostea to big cam. in thir , CALrt;Pldladelphia or is Olean terior of the Btite. - , - • „ proyember "i 1, 1 41 0 :, p24-8m 1111.11 t • A DAMS istraEss, 220 011.123TNUT lITHEBT, forwards MEROHANItfan_ _BANK NMI and s "` fiPXOI.I4" eititit' b 77 ite. own. this, Az in tantortion with other ISPREB3OOIIPANIEB, to all the prinetpal end liffT l / 1 1 of the United States. - - , 1.-13.41AND701 Fia,iarat Pun 11) . nintmasull . . „ ALEX. MoKINNEY;- • ; - - , AT - TOMMY AT - - - • • GRBBNB2I3IIO, PA - - WM practice in Westmoreland, Amide'. At and In- Mina counties. T. f.4.11/tAlito A BRAMS & " MAYER, ... :ATTORNEYS AT LAW W Ili , • - • LOOK HAYEK, PA., attend promptly 'Swan professional business e n . trusted to them.. Special attention given to the . . , Hov..Wm. F. Packer, Harrisburg,Pa. A. Mackey, President Look ,Haven Asa ; General D: K. Jackman, Lock Rayon • Hon. A. White,, Look Haven • , Simon deett ; : , ,Look: Haven ; BulUtt & Pairtloprne, Pkiladel plai_,a • klasudand, Evans, & Co. Philadelphia; 3iNmed k. Watson, Philadelphia; Phi ll ip :M.'Priee, Philadel ;. Hon. A. V. Parsom; Philadelphia; Williamson, Wailer,* Co., 'Philadelphia; !Tenet. & Davin,Phila.- Atiphia 'Ron. James Burnside, ilellarcodevPa.f7.-19. ,llniggle, Bag:, . 1 .17:2,6;ti CHARLES - T7TE;• CIORMISSION NER CHANT and Tinpostee of -HAVANA - ANGARA, (Nam) 1128 Walnut street' second stoiry anl47 9111141115.. _ _ FOR THE SOUTH--OHARLES TOll, SAVANNAH, Qa., and HA: VANA bTHAISISHIPS. , , - _ , 708. CHABLESTOMS 0. - The II S. Mail Steamship 1111Y8TONM STATI, Captain ,Charles P.Atiarshmap,, through-In 48 to 50 haute. - _ ;• lOU SAVANNAH. •- - : • • S. Hall Steamship STATE Or.GEORHIA, Ofintsin John J. Garvin, through Hi to 60 house • 117°.,Saliing days changed from every latardaY to every FIVE DAYS. ~Cfoods received and... bins Jading signed every day • - • The splendid Inn-clam aide-wheel Steimelaipa REV_ STONE STATE and STATE. OF•GEOROLL now San as above every ten daya,ahnsfoinning a flea-day oom murdostion with ,Oharleaton and Savannah, - and the South and Southwest. , - - , FOR HAVANA. - " - These ships eonneetwith the U. 8.. - Steamship ISABEL, Captain Rollins, leering Charleston and Sa vannah en the 4th And 10th et every month. • .., FOR CHARLEITON, S.C. The KEYSTONE ,STATE,wiII :sail in February, Tuesday, Bth; 'heti:m(l4Y," 1911 i in March Tuesday, Ist, ito., at 10 o'clock A. N: FOR SAVANNAH: Oa. — The STATE OF GEORGIA' 'will sail-on' Saturday, the 6th inst.; Monday, :11th, and Thursday, 24th, at 10 Wale& A - . 1C• ' " - At beth:Oliszleston and Sarinitith these ',hips con nect with steamers for Florida, and with zeilitrad . for affplamtwin'the Erctth'inel Sonthwelit.-. -- • FREIGHT 'REDMOND; - •", • ' - Heavy Freight' at - an airerige . of 10 per - lent. below York `" t - • - • isagaisor. - Freight and Irsuranoe on a hargtritOpttrtionnt Mode shipped Smith will be {mord to- be-lower by-these ships than ha sailing vessels Cabin Passage to Charleston and Saiirtnah $2O 00 Runge OO Excursion Tickets,ood for the preset year.... 20 00 Through Ticket, to g Havens. • • =" 66 00 Do New (Mesas, 89 60 Do . Mobile - - • 35 00 Do : Montgomery 20 CB , • Ihie - 'iltutoyiGh .. .. . 24 CO do Columbus, Ga. - - - - 13 00 Atlanta Ga 2BOO Do -' , - Makeit. Ga -* " -i.:. 21 00 ''No bills lad'ursigged atter the ship bas sailed. 'No freight received - on the day - of_ For Might or Visage apply to, • ALEX: HERCiN. Jr, Southwest earner "FOURTH and CHESTNUT. - Agatha in Charleston, T. - S; &T. fir. - 8UDD....:„.1 _ tt r . Savannah, 0.:41..GR1E88 & For Florida, from Charleston, Steamer - OAMLINA ".every Tuesday. - For Florida. from . eavattnah, Btesimers,B7.• MARY'S and BP; JOHN'S every Tuesday and Pistolslay: -jerk " ' ' 1 : 0 144 STEAM `-TO;. usoo.w,". LIVER POOL, 881.-VdST4'DllSkilc ANO:I4)2OON .OE'MIf, Without delay; for sacp.,.. _ Ritorn tlekets, - good for abtmontlui, to either of the above places, by any, stainer, of thollus, Sao for the 'round trip, out and bank, . • E - Pr4:Oll:4W TORS., G1A401,; TZiomion, /3ataiday, Jai 22,126 2 a10ck Idluburgh. Chumming, eaturdayu. lebl9. . bI Glasgow, Thorium, Siturday, March 19,12 IVOLWS , Ws_ =OM GLASGOW. - , Sdluburgh. Curomlng, Saturday, Janualy 22di Thomou,, Saturday, Nebruary 10., Edinburgh, Gumming.: Saturday, March 714 - BAUM OP PASSAGP. - . _ , _ - Tint Clam l6 guineas. Steerage, foindvrith.cooked.ptc4iii gg a,... g 1 1. 101( law TOIX.f, - First Olase 676 00 Steerage, found with - cooked provisions - 4- 80 00 Obfwmlil Under 2 i Jean of age, half foe; Infants in steerage. free. _ Return liable available within six months, by any steamer of this line. . - 7Nrat Oisee ' - 'l;l4o,'Steezage - $BO • An exserieneed Surgeon attached ta,imelriltearrier. For freighter passage apolv W ORII6I AN & CO., 123 WAL/11# -11‘:rel, — phis. - -ROBERT ORLI% IT Broadreay; Nor Torit: -- ' - HALL & LONIY, Buelarum , s, Wharf, Baltimore. THE `BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN BOYAL MAIL BTEAIM . • - snow surer Toon TO irrrarota., Chief Cabin Pawn. ..... ...: - - Second Oabfri Panseca. . , rarounorron TO - I.VPISPOOS. Cblef Cabin Passage Sarand Cabin Pomace The ships from Boston call at Halifax.._ _ PERSIA Capt. Judkum, ' CANA DA% fl Mono,- 'ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Copt. Miller. ASIA, Capt. B. C-. Lott, NIA(ARA, Copt' Ander. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, I son • -- - , -' . ' - " - si EllftelPA, Copt .7.Leitob. These vessels cama doer white - light at Maat-beed ; green on etarbosrd bow i red on port bow.. ' - NIAGARA, Lang, , leaves Boston - , Wednesday, Jan. 18. zugst.a, Leitch, . -., N York, ;Wednesday, Feb. 2. aladitla, Stone, ~,, Boaton, -Wednesday, Feb. 9. 43.1Ai Lott, ." . ii N York, Wednesday, Feb. 16. AMERICA, Millar, .".. ii Boston, Wednesday, Feb. 23. • Berths not secured - until-paid for. - - --- -- - An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for (told, Silver, Bullion, Speedo, Jewelry, , Preciens Stones or Metals. unless bills of lading are signed -therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or ;Image apply to- jo22.if B. 013NA.11D; 4 Boling Cburatirmal: ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, LOOl/BT, west at bixteenth. The next Session begins nal/7EO6X - , Web:riser Ist, /859. - , Informatlon respenting ibe'Sahool inakbe obtained on applicaton to Ley. J. ANDltllliril HARRIS, jr tr - Principal. .1 -/"G'S SPRING GARDEN AZILIVEIFY, N. .11. corner FUGATE eM BUTTONWOOD Sta. COMMERCIAL DAPARTMENT.—nook-keeping in all its various foram; preparing. Students thoroughly for interim), in any branch of buisineas ; Plain and Or namental Writing ; Commereill Calculations ; Law and Correspondence.. No Institution in the' United 'States gives a more thorough and practical .001111184 this department no teaching is done in dames, and Is open DAY and EVENING,: Time unlimited - MATICIMATICAL, AND CLASSICAL -lIEPAB.T -MENTSeparate trait the above.)-4Young , Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an English and Clas sical Education, Ws Spelling, Reading, Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, PhUosophy, dco. Anclant and Modern Languages, with all the' higher Collegheta Studies. Sessions of dye months oommencet September /at, and February Ist:. Pupils received at i ni z i hnue tore or after these dates and charged acco . Cate, logues furnished gratis. • - - . F..IXINLIAitICNG, PLSaoipaL VEITTENDEN" PHILADELPHIA IVJ COMMERCIAL cormm, aortheut comer a CHIETNUT and SEVENTH Streets. An Institution designed to At young men for AO TM DIMNESS. BOARD OP TRUSTHIB. D. B. Comen , hands Hoakina, -11 George•. David Milne, John Sperhawk, David S. Brown e Ingo Blokes, A. V. Partons a D. B. Hinman, Ertxteriek Brows e Joshua L pincott. • EVENING SESSIONS after Septembst lath, , • Each Student has INDIVIDUAL luttsooctou 11,4 this Institution, and a Diploma from here is tit e 'h ee t re man asp save, for . o h - w ales a eommendation &young gooll situation, , ate, . CATALOGUES may lig:Rad on Hea t f tet at the College. ''' sefi-tf IaRYANT & STRATTraws OHAIN OF 1.3 NATIONAL AIRWAY:IILN COLLIONI3. Phi ladelpida Odiaget Iknithr:aat corner BBVENTH and ONEBTNIIT Streati. :or information, tail or send for ulariNINQ .lel&tt f i :EZIONS.ILL4II 001411d2TiOND. SNYDER of .LEIDY—JAE. M. •LEIDY, e S Prinelpale LEIDY BROTHERS , A.CIADFACY,I Noe. ]43 and 130 SIXTH STREET, near Race, where a knowledge of • warrrtiu, BOOK-ICREPING. and ARITHMETIC Is made tertian - to every pupil that may enter. AOADXIdY open day and evening. Icgdicrs. SPECIAL NOTlOE.—Dealers to Goodyear's Patentfor Valcaglsed Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Webs, and another Plbrics and articles made by combin ing fibrous substances with threada tit sheets of micas. lied rubber are nbtided that unless the amnesty properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authori ty, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States Merchants and dealers are invited to examine specimens now 111 afore, and to giro their orders for th. Spring Traci; to the sider Signed, EXOLLISITE Orr" 4 ' ER OF TIIE TITLES AND EXOLITutV Itltv IN T.NE PATENT for these goods, which suite stio styles heretofore manufsctured or impo .,st a"L'i 41y there. I .L i LICIENSES TO hiANOTAOTOP" AND SELL —and the Terms—um be obtained ce' Ma at Nb . 23 COURTLANDT Street. aPP.esuon to n 2- , N. Y. ..JRAO.2I H. DAY. . eigars (tobacco. HAVANA Ci f i i .Aß S.— . .VED PER LATH ARRITALS.ii 90,4 Prensandoi; 7,800 do Londres, let an. 44° .1,7" Ella Es Zarsaels• 8,000 do Millar Com ranne,7l 4 0 do Operas; i O ,OOO do Conebitas ; 6 000 ,„A__ .. i0411 ,, 1 4 ' .aavos ; 4 700 do Imltiadores ; 11.000 Catitlra , 4,1141 .„y . .i; 4 000 do . Lood Cillndradas 8 OCO Centabra -1, !'"...es • 7 500 do Clocebas; 14 000 Calliope Loedrea; ,000 Ebro do; 7,500 do do floe ; 2 600 do Millar; 4,800 El Dorado Londres ; 4,600 do do Bne ; 5,000 Espana Londres ; 6,000 do do fine ;400M Prinelpes; Marti. la 0 b °- roots • 10 COO katrella Operas • 7.800 do buelta rondres; 11,000 do Regalia del Rep; 16,000 do Entre Aetna ; 13,010 do °Knelt& ; 7 500 Yglesla Eosins Londres ; - 10,Co0 do Colones; 16,000 do Entre*Aetos 79 000 do Regalia Con gress° Chanita ; 3 800 do do Loodres 5 800 doParatieis ;. 11,000 do Millar Londres ; 21,000 Light Guards Los dive • 7.800 do Entre Antos •, 11,000 do Opera • 6 000 do 61111 ' Londres ; 25,000 Prat Geri:indica ; 80,00 0 Nebajas Undone; 16,000 Tres Victoria, do; 8,700 do Millar. ha Mora and bond, and for sale by A. MERINO, 140 flotkth 'RANT, Street ; .431-tf SrOGITET &: SONS, • - - " . Importers of RAVANA CIGARS, .... . ; : Booth PhON'r Street IG:ARG,TIA:I3OTAB AND PAILTAGA - 820Yat.0.—a 'ob - oica itiTelell or these eabbrat , tl brands on board brig 4 . New iirs,n ens:o4db(; . m Sarin*, and for We low, by 0 TRU (Navl 188 Walnut street, to/ow &GOA Awned Ater y. ICE G S . —600,000 Havana Sagan, choice brands, by late arrivals, in bond and store, for sale by 8. PLUM, 140 Postik 7/49Wf Atfgt. 490 ' $lBO $llO ••• • It 60
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers