erOitildit peal, for* iipgroliVialithotion‘to'restribilhi Berlin& aturAbiidatreetiPilsear ' C om p any isompapy_ai grade,,:„The bill I'liflineohhililitaiddi sate.. Oh AA...the Reading Rath, roid Co Parobreied ifooasidin,ablejsiii - a large - amount -of Whirtpkopert7switieli - hilibernisinoe Improved . ; that , the'.besittem-Tot,thr.oomtady will be materialitinter ,.nlited,vrich if the defandatite , inni allowed pi, Mose the '--.)riert of the - complainants - in:the manner proprieeili. 4 The. theright of the dennatilitam OrGallibi tract, that if- they havelthat they sindr'ihe'reduired to sive -- amen itecurity-for-aufdainage that may result fronein-bla , argnment,' referred to ileolithititrorandge- Woodward;„ in the - matter of the Boitabie:RAiltaielPrlPtie `,,r-roatiCromirinyile watch &similar appiteationivatmade r whichitelobsdlthe defendants. to give'seinirlty in $lO,- , . „Alai for any _ damages:that might came. Df - ,f;• Me. `-liougliesdi fa , bibiLit. OE ithOdiffindiixto :lien led that. itir et Wier: , inC'erosslug the-track-of the Reading' ~ v,fiMaltroadOempanyi; ie iheAndittindliated, waewhat Mr.', 3i - Ciernibellrepresentedit to inf. • It'said that -liiihmond' travel till'tioies the-day. and VILA - viKtliii:daiigetuld. be ; bow was itithat seek' , rit, frequent , , ocotirrenee 1 Mr. Leigh' - -, , referredjo theiset of lneorgoration - of • the howpsoh :to •,---"slicir-t-Satthiefitoont,aad Third-streets Railroad nom: , hal - ithe• right do -lay,:ii - track- beyond Abitt -along ' - Which the track of the Reading Railroad COmpany rtmei' and to - croiethiftreeit'id the at grade. The omntheld,iite metier tinder advisement. ; - The eamenonsaleg:es.c,Ther,fireen earl , Coates -simete Faimingerliallivey,Onaginy. an application fora. . atii niustileti to restrain the defendants from Glossing the track of the railroad itt•Fearl and Fairmount etreets "-at the grade. of thieirdi:gediread, Argued by idioms ' Mereditivand Campbell for the complainants; and by C., -f! , Itik4 4 #o * 4 ' • 'the Awl* ot,JoiVideiCeiriri;:filed:od Thuiedey oil the ..ohargtioradd' friedidernilldieregardlog hit '"'Outtearisini'-iiterni_, -- of - the "October electi on ,' the jury rs t '''verdieircif , tullty.- - Sentence wes Peter McGee, - l'itelleivolfleire at the election poll with yesterday-pat •on his trial on the Aide Wt. - Wilfully and fresiduleolly disrega rding hill • t dutlissia -ine - officer of the 'election There were two' bills bt indieteienV pet- before the leryiline charging - the retie f a men - r ho give mime - of John Mo.' ;Pen eriai irdefet4lt freri ohar)ipie arlthont the admin - • ' t'leit'et,thirttliulred oath ; ethe otter that-the vote or a imianallingbriairelf Farina Smith was' locales& la voralikresidniii4: The testimony inlide cafe , was similer that - lathe caned - blundereepre. - minted the defendant.): 4 : - - charged 1161' cronspiring - with Jog, x'- . otoitk to dined& David an Loan, was on Thursday I .reatrid - on'..,teLbstiohl*rarimit and yesterday bootiPist se* the' dock Judges;, Thei p psqn.:—.4'he - .oiiisorel/I"Voice. etyma In; tide cage, and the libellant not heiog,ousepetent or prepared Ptre'4lllo l oeviltelary retumi d for the defendant: Thou armee whieh temps thieeinonthe 1 i?sigo.causeid greet nothilrity.'Minare,Parruins and grown .the. Plaintiff i-Ateesti. D 15,02. tAd Stmpeon for the - attendant;e,„, , ThoiiiseLoud TaiTheMtiiipat,prid Society. -Bofors reported In Mini cite ther , ,Ory returned a verdict. for • the p,tatacur of PS a week, wttla,interset, the aggregate ' amo unt to be settled ~ b y the ',opinion of the court, with •-„&h• consent 'of tire -,cionnsal. ,, on both aides ,Wm: L. Theodore Cuyler for deleadant. •,‘" ' P-131_ ciiilte_:Attte!lisplce,,_,. , , - • , etre retina, t Web Attiseil.,.ship „Slalom"; , &OM .New Oryinie; barque Pampbslia, froso.Oatdenu;l:.o sourbit, Feb. 44. •+++ The barque 1110 ff ., froniCayeimi for Salim, anohdred onthwilght of - , the 2d tuattiorthe breakout of Swamp- ; where thnerew, abandoned her 4,15 he wee: subsea - iptentlf boarded bythibernten sad brought to this pott. - • .1 ". , 4,3lll.lloStaliDt.-.7 , 7au Rap George Peaboay:Nmertottaelled , from Barn. - more Sit truMfor Atumpolie finish hisdinki# isSha pseuto,,, • 2 , , Ship Sir It Peel, (Elmo) Jurfene, cleared at New York' - ,yesterday forßomborgi - • - • + Ships Witch of the Wave,;from Callao for New-York; Advance; Santee, do deg.. Admiral, from City Point for Awls-John Nana, barks Vying Ciond,.ohanti -44.111f,'Noin Riche:end frit UMW, antall of the' • , --:•!tirtaabontad vessels, mated frouillamptdriNeadi lit lost. Ship; eallejoiWolfi, , forßtb , ,de - tateattia andla,tntr.T letroleareat allielr:011811111 - 2 4 ttrigt 1 :4" 7 ' , _wai towed to from 11.. w Orleans 16tli • + • - ,Barklactsy ; Novice; Ofuarisd s, New Ifork,yuctorear. • !, Ifeidfia; aril*** at Ifoetint. +B6+lfietlesttnB teidi yi-ba . n nk been on theoloer Brew- - arse : id BoaWn $A : `== :,. Y.: - .- ' - Bchrl ;Sttii4el 7.oekwood ;' tri~{ tt, froa , .,Clitan , idii; Del, niamacriliMerson;lioillstre•V-Beli - llueti; gni Mall H Utlio; MNttn, frofeyfuitklinl', 7 Multi* at N ;York Bohr Worth Stone `eleifedifilisiYOrk iesteriaj for ~ '• Bohr ++Bobble - ,W Ninon, Warts; for ifitceilli'cienreq+ at Portland 21.1Mit ".•••' t Sobs Georgelldwaid ) Anker..hetaoe,-artieedlat lioaton 111/B.Walesi•Noffmalijoi,thiladelphiaii at Wtlintentou; NO, Sit [Y ::: • -- BLACK BIVXYS4 Jam-i 0 putteheons rain 21.1pristes:, flogs r `- Y4 btila itapjar'll'd9joQ trije 201totot`Aompoti:, tton 20 bags cc gee 017,00 ptim9nt92B4 tooiffogiroid D it Iffetstis 10' 4 30, , , , • • • EIP.ItO 01E91.0,0LOCK;11111111,1101W114.,, • - ;ftgotl - ieralf,3Rniii"^ - a x'worviiitimule - cowl', Bt ansephis 4 : 1 71 Mason &la, Yt , --.W.D.Wilerm,ltelisynocc Glenn, N at Louis -„ 7 W -Bltsitrn.n, -JO/1 1 1.7t. Di 10.92. 03 1, Mallory, Gin B Wood; Poston. ' Albert Gilley, Kansas 5, '' ••• • W B Narper,-N 7 Y4 • _-_;;.• . • J-0- MsOlelland, ,Tarin ; , • - 1 / 1 8•0M1w 1 45 1 wi 1 • Driver.& la. Oin': °tint .7_ 7 4,00rr;17 0A oD J Dismukes, Nashville GB Wright, Gs, -; • .., o:lsJoinison, savannah 4IFW Brent, Va" J Atwood, Yoe - twills - TainmaYorki N7/-5 - -5" ' GWeisent, Wetmore' lillervey;ltichacoad • lire J 0 Booker, 4-=Ltllindelph, Nashville O W Duesbsn7, Vs , :It L Ate:Wand •'OO Diriftso,7Bartini MissAns,%Pworind, N Y • It W Townsilltd;N - ' • Thoi Whitson, L I litH Boiningtod, isT'lloliambisia;VitsJ 7 B Gintlechim, lair city : Jos NaLannook,Btonliiston Braeman,"Jr,Thnisklyn Mrs B...Weiman, Brooklyn DI Blrglity, •.• , Mrs Wrigley, Vit , • :Dims o,,Oordan, Vs . 'Ursa tipther,'Va . Gordan, Na, - -•7 al Weveris, NIT , Brorkii, Vs • • , • ; •-littlardnyvd,lN X , , • 7_o Um emerge, ' 7 1 A Payson, Boston Caleb Lyon, N Y , • ~ , vr-Wright,ltiutford L D Hantingdon, N , O Van Benselaeri R J J Lansslon,,Xlmirs . • , .. - JIX /Gator, Harrisburg • R., Mi ll er," Hisriabnit G Rose, liairlabing_Montgomery, Harriabl roster Gebr,„lltilvlsbure.„l., a lit Thompson, Rarrhiblis •• Me/tensie.-M.Y 7 ,- - Lamour, -Balt • • . klofilt, Balt - A Smlgh, '• `7ll Danforth; 2f Y's • :' •.,"••;-= R Boot, Hartford, 01 Jrage,ool‘.Bt UMW, 7' 77 ' - • Henry MachlitiN V .- " • , Betts; Charleston J Mendmiluill VBA A. - 7 - Y Inman, Nashville : 77 " A Campbell, Nashville • T Ambition; Nit" ,-, Dr N Y• - • ' • M , llO wite, -- A Ondllti, Nantniket - Drank Pm, N Y •- • ,•; C.Joliciron,litrmlngpam Hobart, Balton - O H • Varney; Xtirituoky,' • Harper,-Vit • • Mee; Belton" Ice thillerdeld, , • , - - .,12:21 Dinsmore, N.Y -, -..."; 5 :;," Vanrestook,-Bait • W B Brooks & la, Balt - , - John Brown "'faun I- •' Semi Pitteltirlti Tenn -- NU:Harper, lkashingtllli • ArStisktiniej7, X • 'o'aincora. Alabama Thoi-B r itita• = Btridford & Plain , '.:".7Addiari allostmi Itsj6r. N ' • "=;-W Wahine; NY = ..• 5' , Andrew Iterr,flootland •0 B Layton, Deti •"i """ Non. a W Nonstop, Del Qad W B Abbott; Nashville Them B Merits, Ye It Magi N • 7301 wibtiabld,OtTl f N naleeli - JousicliatirDrlitang "75 .7 -57'11 - Deyo - thla, N Y ' 80 Wiyuiritt IlfeumoreiN V ‘• • Oriobrane, - 8y,• 7 ; • •' , "-,•Mlaa MOM:Et V itett.,--Mishigan - • • lailebardeOhimige ., Hamm Harrisburg '• , •17isporir7- Harrisburg ,•- • '' 7, 4Andstfw Gregg, Hoeg: 01/ L. tummy , lancytetemg , , 111.111431411T5 , it.. below Arel? , • W_B ard mut 'At Vim IN,PrOokiltr, N York , WN,l44l,floria R 8 Butisner, Lonindits 5 01 17 0enter,V8 1111,1081,01 Nevensafortolk , V 4 811•004 Idlly,,lllauch;Obunk! - • floixtbmajd r .PLai BrOirn,,LbSayetyt ; Wavirflat.diArt.Destaw Gm, New castle N Roost ! BsdkiWic;rlil.• 0011tesiit, - Baltimore: - StrB Di:4lla fr.:BBTlfit Drownellererwilaus A B Joni; 11,4 ~' 3ot Boyd. ?kilo - - DNelswasgeb Pm J Darnbargh;Pa • N T 14188 1 0 D, MV1418),, , Orodenic It 8 bare ; lat.:agar - W 'Minn St iti Loils " Ooki, OmcitFAiti,o ; . r ., 4oB,Woodrist Dorton IFF--f9!•7s (4 84 i 5 So, • - VgI9N belie" Porqth T Waraeif Bahl 'eo, Pi - D.Thittibt;lionud Brook 4 30.113011Le1i t .1911-1341iirrer, , Brost, Wooster, 0 if, Gem ; Venslngton P.likekitirrel./AutizVq -7sitex Leslie; Bslirtsitt , Ttlid ear,6ll4.riV •• -•-• Pal. Pottit, Vairrisbnii U 0 Beaton, = ' A VDeltosp, ZacafarlDe • Itobt Bogden A Rooky Mil "aeo A Ihnitb,yl o ga s ys Stynioni - Albsiy, N Y yrederlik,Mitlt. , 42.18820AN : HOTIIi-oberteet at:, atiore:Ptith.: " Jettu Thienpeontaneaster ,Wra D Rieke & lady, ri Jae tr,fluntaer a iltaatea "ea mt , Zotkareav,Yhtla Readj.,2l.l , Jae Chatmer. Alatnum. , —A Itt1y011;7 , D.Ohase,,N , ' B flext.on, Oosiaarri Y D.Lutio , twit et Hagerty ' ', Balt J Beate. bait R Galley; Telln ; H Heading - TItolt; Beadiag , ' . ._. • . 110IISB- 7 01teatritik street; above ' , NelleN4 o sll - BIY, All/Antis, Newark, N `:- Mr(XlUogdldy N'l2, 0 4 , Wheae Souses; TelciA 8188 Prlee, Nilt • ' Jsunet klinumbiG lP ae Interns; N • - IliirtriNßreoklpi, N Y -Bronson, W °beater Mortar, N , - ,W-Watker, Dover,' Del 'Dime Iliefeaton, Belt Bartbmseni Belt ,41teeteed Steeling, Aid `A,Loret,d - I,Yetney' ' Jr, itd • 'NB Bullock fad , 2- - - - • HHTHId.-Hccip etreoN-sibori 1,166, 3 ' 0 - ROldietriti4 1Mo:ills, Idootectown owl,' - Ailabough, Mob teeva ,D /3 Aikido. LazernO ' „ , H . Swots: J.Heidler;Pottrtille• Hatey - igOttivllle 6 WallUon &,a, Eloalra W H Darleti-BAUMOTO idd'd H &Swami, Tameacter , -.113 nivi4,eol4 . street , below The. - Ptak,. doceil,Pliila - ":.-,n0144/61,174 7,7 Scultor4„yllils' Bilikit moierroni Hague dor ;51 Jeise,Vomfort, Attlabciro 3 • fr ;DI:AMP : BackCco blkidletowirr.,.J: 0 1 lltsplec, - Bicik co ' 8 - D Tomlltdoq & Ys i Pa Keletif P4, - ; • titilipiaresnoks ack'lmarestattOlifoi.. eer 0:,';.-1,P , X.Pretg;:DOileattqflt - •01411iptlyb• immthAtoliou. Buss co liarDirinectin,Ohiltechim. HarbOr.f -, B ;,8ai1it01003164,10,v -#loolo4Boaks co. - - 1 . y.10111A relic; Bucks co Bliss SiTk{?hwrltel * pa<?s" --;;Nt• • ;:- blerohisit Mode. WltiliDlpte'r' .e.43 - 14C41,liti - Vccirc4P...lll4 l .. 0n10pt04.1.14 ' , - I ,%;nH NAM ~, ,,A.Aktel.cgerrork'cci: FHlMlCiiitt,'Hil . - Hol3,!lycti - OttOter „ - • '• r , • a Feud it„r4jahicK•l3l4644 - 11-yl,4 l, l4osaiitn stiosti; .i.irif , 4lloPoktorVittarlieolty_r44_l4N39Pfistatirtlt Oirtarli,lfi Arai.; leriland r Haven , Y, J; 6gnixea Noifolk , Pe- _ J Rldgely, N Y JW ,W httf old N On the lit instant, bi Bev. Jolutirelly, Mr. JOBBPII. 11/X/I.So Mho 11. ROBINSON, both, of this city., if On the 26th ultimo, - by Rev. J.. B. Belem, JOHN B. OOLLINB,"of Oolnmbla, Pa.; to ,seamoo. SWIIIII, of this- On the 9th 'hy the Bor. W. G. Mann, bfr. JORN"G. TRUDIOM to On OMOIBTIANd. F. 00011, both otAhle city.c - * . Bd instent ) -. by Rey. tr. Brown, Mr. 'FRANOTIt'pARXPIR: of Phtlideipttla, to Mine ILLBN MARKB,-yonneopt daughter of Simnel Mulls, of Oam. 'dens N • leatbe: • - Onthe 4th instant, WILLIAM PAtIiER, eon of Ed- Ward and.blary Jane Gideon, aged 8 mouths. The funeral will take place, from the residence of hie Darras,- No. 710 North TWenty,fourth street, this af ternoon, at 8 o'clock At Preakford,,on the 2d instant, PETER ELLIOTT, in the 64thyear of his etc. - 2i - Maritally's 'of the family and hie male friends are reenectfally invited to attend the finial, fimm the residence of-his brOther, leriel - S. Elliott; Franklin 'streak between HnitY, and' Selleic, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at '2' Welock. Te - proosed Cedar Hill , • On the 8d Instant; IJATILAnINE vALARAN, in the 88th year of her age. '.- - : - ' The relatives and 'Mende and thoee of the family are respeCtfully invited to attend the funeral, from the re sidence of her son-in4aW, Obadiah Belly, in Holmes burg, ta•lnoriow'(l3unday) morning, at 10 o'clock. * On the 3d !natant. EVELYN, dangbier of Josephine „lathe late Frederick E. Buckles; aged? years. -Her friends and three of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, earlier of , Main-and Oxford streets, Prankford, on Monday morning, at 10 o'olock, Funeral to proceed to Cedar Htli Cemeteryr = 5* On the 3d instant, aged 25 yes" SOPHIA WELSH. The relitlites arid friends of the family ere respectfully: invited to attend - UM funeral, from the residence of'her ,mother, No. 129 .onis - street,: New Market. between 'Brown and Clilit411;110-1110fPw -(Sunday) afternoon, at 1 oettleck. - To proceed to Oathidnd Cemetery. On the 81 instant, aged 8 years, MARY MODEM LOUGH COTlRTNltY,,adopted daughter of Robt. and Elisabeth Courtney. Her relatlies rind friends and those of the family are 'resp_eolfully invited to attend the funeral, from the re 'Siderite of her ;taints, No, 1212 'Hancock street "above Girard ayeune,,this. (Saturday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock, without further notice. - • On the 84 instant; SALLIE 0,, daughter of Dennis and Emma Sullivan, sged - 4 yeari and 4 months: The relatives and triende are invited to attend bar funeral, from -the residence eyhis parents, No. 985 Randolph street, this (Salady) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. 'To proceed tee Odd Hallows' Cemetery. On the 2d instant, 30115 W. PARKER, in the 89th year of hie age..- • The relatives nd frien dee Of tie family are ?event fully Welted to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, Upper Rising Sun Pillage; to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at 1 o'ctook. Coakman will pieabh in Green -BT. M.,, E. ORUNCEI, BAHLIATH MOANING', at log o'clock, A ',oolleettoomill. be lifted. la , aid o f the Dorcas Society of Ude Church. , 'l.l* lame. George' W. -- Studley, Of Kentucky, .11,3 will' "'teach -on SABBATH Mt RNINGt,',At 10N, and EVANINII at 7,)j °lola*, In NATIONAL' HALL, 'Market] &boys Twelfth. BAligteras 'Native]. continued. Beath free. .All are invited to hear thin moat eloquent of preeohers, ; . It • 077W1'Messiah's Chnroh.=—Rou. J. T. laming as Ulf ghth an .11pd Bu ttonwood AmidrenoklO,MOßßOW at 10x , mad 7 "Oda*, archurch the Mte , Tentandent..—T. H• STOOKTOW Peetof.;L=BBSBUBLY , BUILDING, ,oath, below ObeetatttchAßßATH, 1O) A. M. and IN P. U. flablnet—nlsfe and InoworteMy) , Beate . free. • Oolleatione for:expenees. <-14 mer.ted.' lttt 1 'il:he' Ehlarch , .of the covenant.—Servlee& In. COMISES 'llALlA,l,Cheeteati above Teeltth, 1 l, 1 RYBRY MTh DAY, at 10J4 A. hl., and 7)i P. M., by the Rev.lelfllB .PRIIT.r. Rector, 1t church of elt Alulthing s 8; E. corner o f ~ liltieteentb.sed North streets, (below Costes)• , .StINLRY. lob , 6---M.ORNING garlic° at 10,g 'o'clock' by Rev./. W. BOBTELI—EVANItie at o'clock, by 1.,per,1074 11019,B:„..' . -.,-, - . . , lt d IRMO' Objectloni A gdinst the Bible.t , 11:3 - p—The Rev W- CATHCART on Cite subject TO= KuttßOW HVBNING; as , 7 &cloak, in the Chtwoh, New Itwketiabove - Poplar. - - lt* ' Erßey Geartgc ot Ity., wi ll deltver sermon TO•MOBROW (Bab biro) AYTIAHNOON,Iit 3Woole.k: ha 'JAYNE'S HALL, atter which iiiielleotion will betaken to all the “Home ogionary ralebion to the vier Led Rick. • r" TlieS. , T. MASON, „ • lt* 0 Sairmsn Cob mittee Public lilectiogs. B. &. °Briton, Rector of the Church 113 orthelateroessor will preach la the AthlEkf 1./AN lakOaxsiesvii.A. l' .-I,:coroes Zenith and George streets, TO•IRORJLOW {Sabbath) ASTERNOON, at 8,46 ololookr , rt• -,` - - • . • . 1 The Npreud.,of the Gospel and Relief OP TOD POBEt.”—ltor. J.-LS.7IIMM. D. D., xui preach in the - ROVRTIC BAPTIST ORUROR, oor., Putkar3d Buttonwood ;traits, T0.11.01110W (Bebbeth) ATENINGr,st ovoak. - After the sermon • colleo tionJOß bi taken, to - aid the gifioroe Dfleelonery 80.- 'O l- 1 1 .9 ) ran ephitual and teetioral food to the worth) the rdek, and poor. • ,• - „ , , 213011A13 T. MA - It* otatttnanatonttotttee Public Ideetinge , 'By Request of the 81orthweotern Young Men's Ohne*,lan: Association, PETER uLela t ofidetthuidi the troll known aid ohw hunt advotede 9f, ".Totol Abithienee.. l ' will deliver 'lewd use on .the:!4 Duties sidDespooslbilitiee of Young in the ,flitar M. T. OENOR, corner Eleventh end idrOdd striae:l, - on AIONDATEVENINO, 7th hut 'et Ty, o'clook:-,t Altars otnnhally hieltot foe-2t* L: -W, LATTIEOP, It 8. g3=a Giarießierrs, ait Rev 'York, will preach TO-Mo BROW, st the HALL. B. R. aOr. Spring laden and Ninth streets, - at Weida; MORNING, and 7 RVENING.,,The pnblle are itrited. ltlb Biitioon 'to 'Young Men. —By request mg. of 'the Young • Men's, Christian Association, the Rev. EL DJ SOHWAINITZ wlll mach &sermon to Yonnekten, .by Milne priclaslon, an SABBATH vlittlNG, gob.Attl , at-half-past seven o'clock, fa the' TIRSP tdORATI&H_OHURCH, S. W. corner "Tanklin sod ?real ammo ; ,Baste " c arved for young men. Medial !Rodents In. ' ' , Med to sttetol. - - Siiiitnalinet."—Netwithstanding the Jeers of the ignorant, and the recantations of lsapos., tors, national Ordritualism is moving on, numbering among its adherentamen and women of all Masses, who ere rams to TIIISIX for themselves .: . • , . . . 6.111114 N OHMIC_ atiOtito, tall lecture at BAN. • SOM-6T. HALE, on_ SUNDAY, at M., and 7) ;P.M • Adtatailoa cent,s,' • lt*, The; Lectuier on Prophecy, 11,3' Ran. Dr. FIT fB, of Tennessee: will prenon OLIN- DaY;Fibrunipth, 19A o'cloek A. If, and 7g o'olook P- In the - M. indos ontmou, Pourta otraet, below Arch. - its - , peaerallylAdealtted' that Ltlecslze ' , - Photograplts lkt 011 ate Infallible likenesses, and mach finer Ploturee than Oil Palotlngs,_ if made at ,TtEllitlilt , 3 GAIL& IVY, 8100 ND St., above Clvemc, Mottce,;—A. stated meeting of the Phila. li.elphisAtcsoclatlort of 'Prletdoele`,of Public ttancole wilt be held it the " Old Model School Bull l ing:, MIMEO street, at tea o'clock TIM MORN -4N6, [lt*)•' JAMBE Et.• BARNWELL, C. B Alumni Association Central High [ toilooL —Tho setni•snariid beeineie tetetiog of the Association will be , held Ai the High log, (Broth sad eteB/11 etieeted on WZDHNSOAY 1 Watch-, PREDIHirOIt. ILN7BR, Pteildent. JAIIIS LITTLII, Boorotory. • f06,11* H. _ la theßenevolent.—Grand Aftetneon And 11/JIBING .PerforMatme :for the Benefit of the Oontliwink Soup &misty: , et JA4N.WB BALL, 1105/DAV;ilib 7thi•at B , lAilock, and BVIENI(SI4 At 13i, conaleti , g of Big: Bliss and fistiford'e Opera Troupe; Songs by J. T. Reilly, sod Beading sod Recitations by /1. Ilitedicih far evening 'perfortosnoe; And Manor Bills, sad' songs; with Dinette, by , J. T.-Reilly, J T. BalloWay,l. T. , '{cello and , Beeltationaby - 13. , 1i. Mar doch,ior afternoon performance.. r Tickete , for' each performance, •25 mote; Children half price.. - 1.5.21* TrAdjourned Stated Meeting of Lot Bold ,_ ER of theBNIONi BURIAL GROUND SO- W. STY, of the Olty and County of Phliadimphia.—en, adjourned stated meeting of the Society will he held et (second story,) SIDI: and ~Washlottivi.streeil, on, MONDAY EVENING, February 7,J814, at 7 &block, to ant on the following Resolution, offered at -the last annual meeting of the Society: Resolved, That the Board of ~Dlreetors be authorised and. eropoweved to obtain additional Legislation, that will alter the Constitution so as to empower the So ciety, to ,purchsse an additional. plot of Ground ,for Hartal purpoots;- • - KUGLER, - feb.2vg , Secretary. ocys Anatial Meeting of the Board of Trade: -The Annual- Meeting of the AeBOO2ATION of toe WAND 01 TRADE will be held et the Kamm' of the Board{ Nci,los' ONNETKIT Street, on MON DAY, February 7th, et •iji o'clock, evening. • The election of the following Getters of the Awards lion will then tats ,piece, vie: President. three Vice- Presldente, Secretary, Treasurer, and an- Naoalltive Connell oftwenty-one 'nowhere. „ , A general attendance of members - hi regoested. fel.2l' ' LORIN BLODGMT, Secretary. [WStatement el lbw VnlouDank as required hy the flecond.Bectlon of the Act of the Gene. rateesemhly of this Commonwealth, approved the 13th day of October, A. - D,..1851. ,Amount of Loans and Discounts 8220.542.81 Rm. Specie • 138 8/1.71 Do. Duo. from other Bantu 15,412 86 - Do. , of Notes In circubttlen 88,820.00 Do. Deposits. Including balances due to other Backe " 210,545.88 Derttamet.pura; leebrusre 4,1869. ' CITY, Off PUILADELPIIIA, u —I, James Lesley, Cashier ey - therlDnoalisek, being lam dePoto sod say;.4hat the alcove statement is correct , the beet of my kuturtedgeaod I ellef. • - • • , J AMES' L'itSLE , Cashier. Sworn before ate .this [Math day of iebruary, A. D. 18. p. „ O.I3SAZIER. Alderman. [l:rtittittihee', Compini et the' State of '.P.ENtleYLVtaill.=—Puttinsuraa,rebreksty 2, The Directors have THIS DAY declared a Dividend of BEE PER ONIVT., or TWELYLDOLLaR3 per abate s ont of the Fritts of the Ocnnpexty,,payable to the stock holden, or their legal repreaentatives, on demand. f03.10t WILLIAII.,IIARPER, Beeretarj. Horace `Greeley, Vlll . lecture nt the 311:1810AL POND HALL,. on TtIEBDAT HVBW- I NO, February Bth, 1868. at quarter befoteB o'clock. Subject- 4, Reforms end' Referniers," The proeeeds for a benavolentallsot: Tlebeta to be had at the door, sod at the followleg denote board Co., N. W. ear. of ',Chestnut and Twelfth street, C. H. Needles, 8. W. ear. Twelfth and Bowe streets. Dane Kll,-N; eor. Ara and Eleventh streets, - Thereat 8. Wiegand o H. nor. of Sane and l'lfteentlx streets Caleb Sy. Etienoif,N. "' eor.- of droll and Sixteenth etreete: - 06Ortio 0 , Boiror,'N.,ll. - or. Vine and 131Xtb elreeta. .11intry,A. ; Sone; 214 • corner of Green and Sixth etreets • " - William -Pe'et, H : H. cor.' - of Eprlag Garden and Twelfth streets.. r . ; . • - , T. W. Clothier & 00., litotirtb street ; below Arch. W.-P. Ilesard,' 72t Chestnut street. E: B. Itant,l4. W. ear. Wile end Chestnut, Leleenring & Aleop. N. )0. - eor. or Arch and Bit h et Palma &14Carty 3lightb, Abort. Chestnut street. telAltlF vr. Dr. Wader's Chestnut Springs Water qtrc.c,, P t chestnut, gall, Vbil_adelphia county, 0 ittia"Liatiniyfriania Railroad Company, Dnicaan.raxa, d'aattary 10,149.—N0T10N TO BTioOIIIOI,DEHEI r—The dannal Sleeting - of the Stook -holdetanf.thit Oorafany will be held on MONDAY, the 7th Sayer- ifebrnaryllso, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the HANSOM STERN? RAW , : ThnAntffial Diection for Direotors will 'be held on MONDAY, the 7th day of Ma-ch, nag, at - the office of `the CeMo474,No;liffit El:- THIRD Street. j9J.ts , APiiIINTO BMUS. Neorstarr, um Astronomical Lectureslby rififeallOi Oa muctßuLL, at /ANNE'S HALL. - This distinguished and eloquent gentleman has kindly consented to deliver a coarse of roue lectures on behalf of the Young Men's °brisket' Association of Phlledel phlar on the "Astronomical Allusions found in the Hebrew Scriptures, examined under the Light of Mo dern Science," on TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATUR DAY, and TUESDAY EVENINGS, th e Bth, 10th, lgth, and 15th bast., at B °Week, JAYNEN3 HALL. 'Pickets for a single lecture 150 . Tickets for the Murree 81 00 Tickets for the Mune, admitting a Gentleman and two Ladles 2 00 Ilowblll. ktgomery eo 01011 le, Lebanon !gown allowhill. macron w Britain' rberry, o thamp 'a )anboro ampton Dlyerrrllle Yor sate at PARRY & IdoIIILLAII , I3, car. Fourth and Oheetnut et. W. 8.4 t, A. MARTIEN'B, 608 Obestuut street. W. P. HAZARD, 124 Ohestuut street. EVANGELICAL ,RtiOWLIDGB BOOKSTORE, 1224 • Chestnut" street. I t SNDRESON do Co., N. W. cor. 'Fifth and Aroh ROOMS OR WIN ASSOCIATION, 1009 and 1011 Chest ., not street ' The members of the Asenelation can procure Robots at half price, to be had at the Rooms only, from 0 to 7 P. fd. • Bar . ly application for tioltets will be necesiary, as the number will be strictly limited to the capacity of the flail. The platform bag been recently so improved, that with the etrong (dear voice and distinot enunche Won of.Protercor Mitchell, he can readily be heard in any part of the Manse. ' . By order of the Leann Committee. [cr. Woodland Vernet lowing Ilanaigers and for the year 1859 : • President—EL John 0 Ptchin, Jain 0. Mitchell, William H. Moore, John Lindaay, Secretary and I Treaanter—. The managers have passed lot-holdets and 'hitters to trance for admission to the 4 had at the omen of the Comp of any of the Managers Mistetionl Lectures on the Groat Rep- OF„ IRODERN CIVILIZ TION.—The underaigned citizens of Philadelphia. re memberirg with pleaeure the Lectures which the Rev. JOHN LORD has, at different times, given in this city, hereby request hlin to deliver his new Conroe, on "Representative Men," given met winter before the Lowell Institute, in Boston; designed to present the succetelve developments of European Civilization. _ Hon. Joel Jones, - Eli It Price, Reg., Prof. Z. B. Dart, , Rev. C. Wadsworth, D. D., Rev. J. IL Jones, lasso Maxelhurat, Xaq., Caleb Oope, Esq rimy J. Williams, Hon. W. D. Malley. Hon. Chas. J. 'Digerati.% Matthew Baldwin, Elq , Rey. AA. Willits, Rev. H. W..Dacachet, D.P. W. J. W. Ruschenberger, W. B. Page, .111.'D, C. Dexter Cleveland, Rev L Coleman, DA), game. L Claghorn, ThestiLecturee will commence In CONCERT HALL, MONDAY, February 7th, at quarter to 8 o'clock, and be oontiuned on the following evenings i• LIOTORI9. SUBJBOTd. . . . . . _ 1 - Feb. 7-ooLtmilimi Meritime Discoveries: 2 Feb. .10-141torresz. Ationo...Rostoration of Art. 8. Feb. 14—iiiSmaL60 Science. 4. Feb. 17—Bc3ett Philosophy. 6. Feb. 21—Bionstastr Absolutism. 6. Feb. 28—Coomwsta. Constitutional Liberty. Tickets tor the Course t 6 to Tickets for tyro persons ' 260 .• three pergol - a;3 00 Schools 1 00 Single tickets' ' • , 60 Two tickets will admit a Gentleman and two Ladies. Pot sale- at Renard's. and ail of the Principal Book storea ; also, at Concert Hall during the day. Doors open at 7 o'clock: Commence qua ter before 8. fet.Bt • Arch-street Theatre.—The annual meet tog of the Stockholders of the Areh-street Thea tre 'will be held on MONDAY AFTERNOON. February 7th, at 8); o'el.ok, at the EMI of the nada Rose Company SANS Street, above Seventh, north elde. A DIVIDEND of 587 on snob share has been deolared, payable then Sy order of the Board of -Agents arLaw Department—Unlverslty of Penn- BYLVANfA.—The Second Term commenced January 31.1859, and continues four inukithe. ' flop. 4330R1111 BHARBWOOD—Oonstitutional Law. , Prates:tor'', AloOkLL—Pleading and Priv:Mae at Law. Professor R. /3?ENOS.II MILLIIII,-Oonrayanolng.' ' " fe2-88 • EFOffice Shamokin Vali ep and Pottsville RAILRoAD 0051PANY. 809 WALNUT St.— Paltausteita, 'January ET, 1059. The Coupons of the first Mortg‘geßOnds of the Phila delphia and &tansy' Railroad Compivy, due the let of February, 1859, and the outstanding clowns, due let Anguat, 1858; will be paid• rn presentation, at the BANK' OF 005IMEROB, Philadelphia, on and after B the let FEBRUARY. '' FAMES B. BIDDLE, ja2B , d‘feyothaktu-2 President. If:re, Ghana -Bank—Philadelphia, January 81,1869.—A epeclel nicotine of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held on THUBSDAY. the ad of March nest. at IR &clock M , at the BASHING HOME ; for the purpose or accepting or rejecting a certain act of Assembli. entitled "Au Act to Coneolidate the Stock of the Girard Beak," approved the 26th day of Janu ary, 1869. By this Act it ie propmrd t• to change the value or the Shares of Stock of said Bank from the re gent par value of twelve dollars and fifty cents per share to fifty dollars per awe, by cancelling the pre sent certificates of stock, and Semite new onee, upon the ratio of one to four, Co that, hereafter, the par•valtte of said stock shall be Fifty Dollars per share." And', alto, for the purpose of determining the amount of the Bond required for the Carder, as provided for in "A Supplement to an Act regulating Banks," approved the 7th day of May, A. D. 1865.. fel.dtmhB W. L. 13011" AMR, Cashier. The Wegier Free Institute' of Science Leotures for the ;week ending the 16th of Feb... ruuy MONDAY 7 P. IA -Tygelne and Maeda Modica. Subjeets-=. lodine and Arsenio." . MONDAY, 81. IC—Areldterture—.. Roman." TUESDAY, 7 P. M.—Geology—"" Pompeii." 'TUESDAY • 8 1., 111:=Elonation—.. Orthello." WEDNESDAY, 7 M. —Natural Light." 14.8DNESDAY, BP. M.—Zoology- 4, Articolata." THURSDAY, 7 P. M.—Anatomy and Physiology— .. Cranium." THURSDAY. 8 P. IL—Rhetoric—" Orltiolem. ll FRIDAY, 7 P. M.—Mineralogy and Alining—..olleml- Cal Ohtraotere... FRIDAY, 8 P. M.—Xnglish Literature—.. English Poets SATURDAY, 7 P.M.—axial Selenne—.. Commerce." SATURDAY, 8 P. M —Chemistry—•• lodine." Admission free. Ladies invited. fixnrernen‘s and e th er, [ talon Prayer the - altsptpee 01( the ItOgisTa:I4I3IVS , OIIIGISTTAX .ASSOOIATION. ON- gdEBA.TU APTEUNOONS, United gtatei Engine, Wood, below Orown It., horn 4 tea. &block. Penneylranla Ifotm,Elghth at., below Green, from 8X to 4N o'clock, United Hose, Brown et., below Twelfth, from 4X to 5X o'clock. ,'Tatted States Bose, Buttonwood, below Filth, 4 to b. ON FIitIiETATH, al . 14 . P, 14: *Diligent Bcgtno, comer of 1 ouch and Filbert eta. Delaware Engine, South st., above Nineteenth at. - Vigilant Hose, Eighth gimlet, above Wharton. • ON TUESDAY, at IN P. M. AnteriesEnglee, Buttonwood, below Third st. Philadelphia Engine, Seventeenth, below Chestnut. Hobert Morris Hose, Lombard at., above Eighth at. Suhuylaill /lose. Locust at., below Thirteenth. Moyamsnsing House of Industry. Cellar of Bulletin Building 6N to 6. ON. WEDNESDAY, at 7N P. M. Independence Engine, Spring Garden, near 2Ath at. „ Southwark Engine, S. Third, above Washington at. ON THURSDAY, at 7N P. M. Greenway School Howe , Eingsessing, Darby road. N. Libertyllose, New Market, abovo,Coates at. Naval Asylum, Gray's Perry road. Fairmount Engine. Ridge avenue above Wood at. Good Will Roes, Wood et , below Twenty-third. • Fairmount /lose, Pleasant strew', above Eleventh. Diligent Hose, Madison, above Raced. Humane Hose, Wood corset, below Third. Western Engine, Oallowhill, below Sixteenth at. Club ROOM, c. roe' Fifteenth and Filbert streets. United Statee foss. 035• FRIDAY, at IN P. M. Western Hole, Twentieth at., above Lombard at. Warren Hose, Barker, above Eighteenth at. Spring Garden Hose Parrish, near Eleventh at. .Ia Geller of Bulletin Building Third Delon' Chest nut street, from 5 to 8 o'clock P. M. • DAILY. * Diligent Engine,corner Tenth and Filbert eta., from 6 to 6 P. 61. Medtom Student mcottng, every morning, from 8 to quarter befor 011 0 e 9 88 o'eloo t k, at room of the Association lON and l Enn Lodi e a and Oitriatian friends are afleetionately Invited o attend. • • By order of the Executive Committee of Young blen , s Christian Association. • islG•eat tf Committee of the Managers of the Complimentary Dell to the Philadelphia Grays will Mt at the ARMORY of the Philadelphia Grays, every MONDAY, 'WEDNESDAY, AND SATI:Itt. E DAY TENIN(IB, for the delivery and settlement of tickets, until the 96th. C. P. DESMOND, jalB-26t Beoretary. OT - Jayne's Hall Prayer Meetings—Notice Owinft to a previous engagement of the Hell, the B iiINEBE MEN'S UNION PRATER MEETING will be held until further notice, in the BANBOM-BTREET OHIIROII, (rear of the new hotel,) AU are cordially invited to attend, and the meeting ,le open for all to take pert who are membere of any Evangelical Church. The Semi-annual Examination of Can. Mates for adnussion as poplin of the NORMAL 80 OOL will be commenced on MONDAY, Pebrnery 7th, it 9o&clock A. M. To be admitted the candidate must be at least tfteen yearn of age, and peas a satisfactory exainination in Orthography, Definition Of Words, Heading, Nngllsh Grammar Hietoryy, of the United Staten,' Geography, Aslthmetio, and Penmanship. , Tbe'NORMAL SCHOOL is designed to qualify fe males to become teachers In the Public Schools • and, prerlone to /12AMINATION, erery candidate count make an explicit declaration that her object _in entering the school Is to qualify harrier to become a" teacher, and that the intends to omega In teaching in the MELD) i3OIIOOLB OP THE CITY OP PHILADELPHIA. Examiaation on MONDAY in Theoretics% Arithme tic and Orthography, and Definition of Worth', TUESDAY-13181=er and Geography. WEDNESDAN—Prectierd Arithmetic and Ilistory. ja2T-tfe7, P.. A. °UNGAR Principal. SEWING -MACHINE SILK-IXL Super BSWING•MAQHINO BlLK—Garners Celebrated tBSVING-DIABBINS BlLK—Ohlamoni , e Beet SEWING-MMMMA I INE I .raltn&D-3 Cord 14EWINCVM &QUI NE 00 TON —l3 , lit make ERWIN 4•24%0111NE NIIFDLRI3.—The Best, The above OILRB and TEIRICADS can be had all Colors and Nos , Wholesale and Retail, at No. BO North THIRD Street LAING h MMUNNIE. fed. 8 M. In HAY AND FODDER CUTTERS.- We beg leave to call the attention of Bannerol, Stable-keepers, Omnibus Proprietors, Beltway Com panies, and ail others interested, to our large stock of Fodder Orating Afeebines, o anprtsleg the best in Penn - rylvenia, at prices varying from $5 to 300. D. LANDftEITII & SON, Agricultural and Ifortioaltural Warehouse, Nee. 21 and 23 tooth SIXTH Street, ' It* between Market and Obeainnt streets. Ifis LANDRETIPs WARRANTED GAR DEN OBEDB.—arcedeuere and others dealroua of procuring early hot-bed Seeds, of genuine quality, should call at D. LANDRETIT & SON'S, Agricultural and horticultural Warehouse, Nee. 21 and 23 South SIXTH Street, lt* between Market and Chestnut greets. lINE OLD WINES FOR FAMILY USE. —The following grades of fine old 'Wines have long been In store; Doe, Gordon, & Ca.'s Pale Sherry, brown do.. gold do , cabinet do., imperial do., Amontil lado do., Port Wines, Brasil Port, Morton's superior do. , old Requano do., Al to Douro do., old Oporto do., pore juice, vintage 1882 ; Madeira Wines, old East lolls Madeira, very peculiar do., (yellow seal.) Ander son'a aoutbeide do., constitution do. Also, the follow ing brands of Champagne: Creme de Bottray, Brum's imperial, Piper Ueldsiek, Oldster d: Co Moette & Ohandon, and Cabinet, (In ,l( bottles.) Imported and for sale by E. P. MIDDLETON to PRO , fes•Bt No. 5 North FRONT Etreet. GENTLEMEN WOULD DO WELL by kjr" calling on BILKS & KENSIL, 189 N. NINTH, above Cherry, end bare their old Garmente nada to look equal to new, by Oleamong or Dyeing and He pall* g. - quintals Grand Bank God I. Flsh. 160 half b6le White Fish. 600 bble. Mackerel, in whole, halves, quarters, and Eighths. Ha'mon, In tierces and bbls. 60 bble. Pickled lfaddock. 400 do. do. : Herrin . For sale by.' Herring. 0. BADiER & 00., tea ABOY4 litreit, 24 door above treat, PRESS.-PHILADELPMA. SA r I'URDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1859. T" PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID—NEW EDITION—ILLUbTRATIOD. TEM PRINCE OP THE HOUSE OP DAVID; Or, Three Team In the Holy Oity; Being a Borten of Let t. re of Mine, a Jeweee of Alexandria, enppoeed to be Mourning ln Jamesloin in the day; of Herod, addreened to her father, a wealthy Jew in Egypt, and relating, en if by en eyeLwitaaeo, all the Scenes and Wonderful Ineutents in the Life et • Jesus or Nazareth, from his Deptlfm to bis Oruo'Baton. By Bev: J. H A new and revised edition, greedy enlarged end bent!• fully illustrated: Just published and for eale by G. G. EVAN 9, Original Gift-Book Store, 439 CHESTNUT Street. Purchesees receive a gift:north from 10 eta. to ;100 .with each Book bold. NOW READY—THE HOUSE j A Pocket II Manual of Rural Arebitecture, or How to Build Country . Houses and Out-Buddinge.' tmbraoing the art of House Building, Planning, Style, and Con. strnotion designs and deeeriptiors of Cottages, Farm Houses, and Villas in the different styles of white°. tore, &0., &o.,with numerous original plans, designed by B. F. Grafi Architect, and others. By the author of " The Garden," t , The Farm," "Domestic Ant &o. Fowler & Wells, Publishers. No bander or person designing to build should fail to proanre this comprehensive little work. Price, by mall, post-paid; 60 cents. A liberal deduction to the trade. JOHN L. OAPRN, fc6.Bt WBt , 922 OHNIITNVT Street, Phflada. ery ConlYnnY.—T be la . Oineerobare been eleated K. PRIOR Witham W. glen, Ferdinand J. Dreer, John S. McMuffin, Isaac Dillon. NOTIOE.-LETTERS TESTAMENTARY `n on the legate of the late WILLTANI BIINTE, deceased, haying been granted to the subscriber by the Register of Wills of the city of Philadelphia, all per. sonaindebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands to pre sent them without delay to J'AidEß B. FREEMAN, Monter, Corner of SIXTH and NORTB. Streets. alPhiladelphia, Feb. 6,1869 fe5.136t :JOBBPSI B. TOWNBUIIIa. d a resolution requiring both ) present tickets at the en- Cemetery. -Tickets maybe ,any, 818 ARCM Street, or le4•lm WM. P. WILSTACH 8c CO. ESIPCifiTEIR, [1:f" Sign of THE GOLDNN sruntop. [feb3-1m YARD, GILLNIORE 8c CO., Nos. 40 and 42 NORTH THIRD STREET, ItiPORTERB AND DEALERS /N , SILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, LACES, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &c. TIOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS & SHAWLS. T • A. Tc - NMPER, •.• 33 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS; MD the perticiilar attention of the Trade to their splendid assortment of PEENOII POMPONNETTE, and AUX MAX FIISCHIA BALL TEIII6IIO2IS I BING PENDANT BUTTONS, ke. We are prepared to execute large orders for PlLt and Marseilles Fringes, Tends; Cords, Bottoms, ho , at our own Factory, a feb2 2to Tarp el:robs Commission gams SPRING TRADE, 1859. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, 112 CHESTNUT STREET, Are now opening a large and varied stock of LAWNS, °HAUTES, PRINTS, and other DRENS GOODS, To which the attention of the trade ix invited Moo, DOMESTIC GOODS, Comprising gairhill, Oestaborgs, Woodward Doeskins, Drown Sheeting, and t hirtinge, Mariam' Stripe's, Dine Drills, Vest Padding., it 0., he. ROOKFISEI SHEETINGS—Just received and for tele by alums; HAZARD, & HUTOHINBON, • 112 Chestnut street. nISOHOFF's celebrated Olathe and Doe iogetber velth other deeireble makes of (term an Woollens, Jure received and for sale by • SHIPLEY , Ii.AZARD.•do lIIITOIIINSON,f • fel4-3,n • • - -. 112 Ohestnut street, JOSEPH LEA. DOMESTIC COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, COTTON, LINEN, WOOLLEN AND PRINTED Invites Southern and Western buyers to examine a large and desirable assortment of GARPRIA Including tunny new patterns not borate waved, VENITIAN, WOOL AND WORRIED, OOTTON-WARP, SUPERVINE, INGRAIN, to., ELLINGTON DIIIISSELLS, Carefully SELECTED In the looms, WARRANTED of uniform quality from 'end to end, and being made chiefly in this vicinity, can be sold on more favorable terms, and by the UNEQUALLED RAILWAY PAOI - of our city, eent b all Western points at lea, expense than from any other market. laSt-Smif CARFETINGS AUBURN THREE PLYS, SUPERFINES, AND JOSIAH BARBSIt, With all grades of WOOL, WOOL AND COTTON, in MANUFAOTURIETIB' AGENTS, ja3l-8m ! 609 MARKET STREET QBAMEN'S SAVING FUND.—Offlce of the Seamen's Paving Fund Sooloty of PblleAelphia, N. W. corner of WALNUT and SECOND Streets, BerietlatßT 1, A 859. The underaigned baling been appointed Auditors, in compliance with the ()barter of the Seamen's Saving Fond Society of Philadelphia, to audit the &manta of the said Society, having first been duly morn or af.. firmed, according to law, report that they have care fully attended to the duty assigned them, and find—. The Seamen's Saving Fond Satiety of Philadelphia have received from the first day of December, 1857, to the thirtieth day of November, 1658 From Depositors the sum of $893,917 03 From Investments and Interest 61,318 63 Cosh on hand from previous year........... 2,263 IA 6447,604 67 The Society have paid during the same Pme— To Depositors $885,92t 03 For Investments. 29,970 80 Interest to D•positare, Office Ex pense', Beata, ,to 8,744 27. Cash on band Nov. 80, 1858 $2 ,868 Of The President of the Society also repotted and ex hibited to the Auditors Certificates of Stock and Loans, Mortgages, and other evidences of eeonrittee fur moneys invested and pot out at interest, amounting, together with cash on hand, as above stated, to the SUM of $lBO,OlO 40 which cart States, securities, and cash agree in amount with the bcoks of the Society. HENRY SIMONS, 7. DAROLAY HARDING., fe5.31 EDGAR E. PETIT. PRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO GUPY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, No. 331 North TRIAD Street, (Coneolidation Beek Building ) CHARTERED BY THE LEG IeLATIIRE OF PENN SYLVANIA Deposits reeelved in sums of One Dollar and upwards, and repaid in Geld, without notice, with FIVE PER GENT. INTEREST from the day of doping till with drawn. A responsible awl reliable Savings Institution has long been needed in the Northern part of the city, Ind "The Epilog Garden baring Pond Society" was char tered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity The Managers, in organising and locating It, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommo date the business interests and wants of the very large and enterprising population by which it Is ennounded. 0111011 OPEN DAILY, From S to 2% 0 , 0100wc; also, on Moans? and Tonna- DAT from 6 until 8 o'clock in the evening. MANAGERS. Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P. Levy, Ron 11. K Strong, • Daniel Underkoiler, Eroded* Staake, Francis Witt, Joseph P LeClero, John Kessler, Jr., George Knecht, James S Pringle, Jacob Dock, Joseph At Hon. Win. Mlllward, George Woelpper, O. o. T. Thorn, Pater O. Rllmaker, Robert B. Davidson. JAMES S. PRUIRLEI 2 President. FRANCIS itAßT.fiearatary. la7A.tflt NOTICE TO DEALERS IN CURTAIN FIXTURIIB.—I have appointed BLABON & Brom Sole Agents for the sale of my Curtain Fix tures In Philadelphia. The Trade will be supplied at !suety rhea, freight added. 8. 8. PUTNAM. Boston, February 1, 1859 fe4.2in E - S. WHELEN CO., • BANKING, STOOK, arid EXCHANGE OFF/OE, No 869 WALNUT Street. STOOKS and Loe MI, or all descriptione, bought and sold on Commission In the principal °Wee of the United States or Europe. Particular attention given to the WO investment of money. lm tp LOFT- CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT of BANK OF NORTH AMERIOA, No. 88O t dated December 14 1868 In favor of BUSRBRIIB HER. i Ne RD, for $2,600 d lost or mislead. All persona Are cautioned against reeelnme the same, payment having been stopped. peIISSIA AND ANERIOAN TARRED .h-ho Conine. assorted aims, umonthoturectand for sale by MIATNB, FUGER, Cr. , No, 28 North WATER NUM, 884 222fortit Vq2A , 8 1 7/821. 1864,1 :New fliblitatioits. Legal Notices EinZtttlern i)arbuiart. MANUFACTURER, DEALER SAID' , LAC ELY HARDWARE, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, HARNESS MOUNTINGS, I'o. 88 NORTH THIRD STREET, Between Market and Arob, PIIILADELPHIA THE LARGEST,STOO.B IN MB CITY. arp, 41 , ciatis 3obbers. alms (trimming° Nos. US and 180 OLIEBTNIIT STREET, CARPETINGS. Qtarpetinge AGSNOY OP TEE VENETIANS, MAIITI/J.CITURED 112 ALL.COMON INGRAINS. ATWOOD, RALSTON, & 00., Baying Annbo. itetaipOrn ec‘abs. (\PEN ING OF NEW SPRING GOODS Iv AT ONNTIUL DDT-GOODSIVORD, EIGHTH AND Ana STIINSTEI. New cod choice styles Dunk. New and choice Myles Poll de Cheney. New and dada, Scotch Gingham. New and choice Briopdly do New and choice 44 ftslubow Obintzea. New and choice NogDohand Merrimac New and choice Prim* Brilliantes. New and choice Ohalliee and Detains!. New Black Bilks, Alpacas, Madonnas, Lavelle, Mohalre, Debege, Bayslares e &n dco. The sewn will be commenced at verilaw WINTER GOODS OLOSING OUT AT NAONIFIUND, RATICS. -GOOD BLANKETS, a etill greater reduction. Do. Broche Shawls, " ( 6 Do. Blanket " " Aid all other geode pissing ont of season. IBTOOff, A complete variety. Beat make PlanneleOduellos, Linens, Table Llama, Napkins, Neck Ties, .ko., /co. CHARLES ADAMS, fee..a to th-tf BIIGHTB. and ABOII Btreete. MBE RIGHT PLAGE TO BUY LINENS I We bare received, direot from the Mamtfaatttreie, OUR lIRBT SPRING IMPORTATION OP IRIM LINENS. • 4.4 fine Fronting Linen. 4-4 medium Fronting Linen. - 4-4 Family, Linens. 4 4 superior etrong Family Linen. PILLOW CASE, BOLSTER OASE, AND SHEETING LINENS. Dirdeyo and Diaper Linens. Table Damask Linens Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, &e., &o. Butcher Linens Strainer Linens, Glass Mew, &o. Ws have had a great ran on LINEN HMS. Very fine Handkerchiefs for a levy. , Every other quality of Ladiesi, Children's, and Conte' do. We keep a largo stock of STITCHED LINEN BOSOMS, made exprosely to order, of our own Linen. We can particularly recommend them. Also, WOVEN' BOSOM. We keep one of the beet Stooks of DOMESTIC SHISLINE In Philadelphia. THORNLEY k 0R18M , 4, Northeast Corner NIGHTII & SPRING GARDEN " WE BUY AND BELL POE CASH AND HAVE BUT ONE PRICE." fah-tf DEAL LAOS COLLARS AND SETS.— Point d'alencon; Point Applique Mutton land Valenciennes fabrics. Constantly receiving solo Thread Voile; Barbes; Coiffures. SHARPLINSB BROTHERS, Ja27 ' CHESTNUT and BIGHTH. f o t ALMORAL SKlRTS.—Marione quail. ,ties and styles or BAY ABEAM SHIRTS. t , EHAIMEEsS BROTHERS, JaRY OHBBDNUT and EIGHTH. .ESQUINAUX BEAVER CLOAKS, FOR COLD WEATHER, JCR' REOSIVED, And will be sold at LOW PRIORS, TO OLObE THE BEeBON. .7. W. PROCTOR & 00., ja2o 708 CHESTNUT STREET.. BLANSETS.—,-A full assortment, English and Americtui, all Ones, at ISIIIOII. LOWE& RdTVB ilizeiteretofore. 000 PER & CONAR D, fel 8. H. corner NINTH & blidtllllT but. CASSIMERES, SATTINETS, MOTES, AND VEBTIN GR.—Alen , * and Boyer wear. Also, Goode onolusteely for Bow WEAN. COOPER & OONAItD, fel H. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. CLOAK AND SHAWL ROOM.—Balance of our Monks, comprising a broken assortment we dispose of at • GREAT . REDUCTION. Broche Shawls at first cost. WOollen Shawls particularly cheap. & CONARD, fel S. N. corner NINTH and MARKET. HEAVY. STOOK OF BLANKE TS—Re duoed in price before taking stook Cradle and Crib Blanked 51 25 to 2 25 8 , 4 Bea Blankets 900 to 2 50 104 do. do. 260 to 900 114 do. do. ' 4 00 to 5 00 12-4 do. do. , 4 60 to 760 18-4 do. do. 7 00 to 10 50 14-4 Bata do. 12 60 These Blankets are of superior quality, and at least twenty per cent. less than regular priori. 0116,11,1,E13 ADAMS, - ja9•etuth St EIGHTH and ARCH Otreets. Boots anb Olnyto B . P. WILLIAMS & CO., 4 1300 T AND SHOE IVAREHOUSE, No. 18 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. feb3.2M JOB. 13. T.l-XOMPSOIsT ex CO-, WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE • WAREIIOUSH, . No. 814 MARKET SVREET. Er A large and genoral assortment of &astern and O:ty•made Oboes constantly on hand. tebi•dm SPRING STYLES, 1859. S. Ztx Ibd. IS.A.T.TINWMRB, WHOLESALE DEALERS AND MANUFAOTUREBB OP STRAW BONNETS AND HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, &0., &O. Being prepared to offer as great inducements to buyers as Jobbers to any other market, incite an ex. aminatton of their etock. No. 34 NORTH FOURTH STREET, tel-2111 Near the Merchant' , Hotel, PhiladelPhts. LEVICK„ RASIN, & CO., BOOT AND SLIOE WAREHOUSE AND MANUFACTORY, No. 525 MARKET STREET, PhiladelpMs. We have now on hand an extensive stook of Boots and Shoes, of all description, of oar own and }futon Manufacture, to which we Invite the attention of Southern and Western buyers. tebl-3m cabinet Ware, THE LARGEST DESK DEPOT IN THE UNION. " HOGIIET A BUTTON, (Stmeeasom to J. T. Hammitt,' MANTIPAOTHRERS 01 A. L. ADAMS' IMPROVED DESK RAOK. No. 269 Booth TIIIIID Street, Philadelphia. 01110 E, BANK, and SCHOOL FURNITURE: EXTENSION TABLES, BOOKCASES, WARDROBES, &a. dB-8m CABINET FURNITURE AND BILLIARD TABUS. MOORE & CAMPION, No. fel 8017TH fiROONDMEET, In connection with their extensive Clabinetihminees, are now mannfactarlog a superior article of BILLIARD TABLEB, and have now on hand a full supply, Belched with MOORE .t CIAhIPION , B IMPROVED 011811ION8, which are pronounced by all who have used them to be superior to ail others. For the quality and Batch of theme Tebles the 133111311- reamers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. 1a1441m $424,686 60 1 2 1 PINE STREET, NEW YORE, Fob. , 1869. The undersigned respectfully Inform their friends that they have assoolated themeelvee at the above ad dress, under the firm of SCOTT dc WOOD, for the millions of transacting bnainem as NEGOTIA TORS, DEALERS, and DRtiKERB In Foreign and Domestio EXODIANGISS, 0061AIBROIAL PAPER, and other Securities. With an Influential and extensive acquaintance, they can offer most desirable facilitiee to parties who will favor them with choir business. DAVID LOOTT, (Late of the firm of Wm 11. Scott tc Boned JBIIN WOOD. Advances made on good business paper. feCittes COMMEROLAL AN D TRAVELLING 011 EDITS available in all ports of tho world, opened with the home of Mourn. GEORGE PEABODY & 00., of London. Apply to RAW, fa/LUAU:STEIL & 00 , half 815 WALNUT Street. 850000 TO LOAN' en ,in sums to snit appllcts, upon Diamonds , Watches, Jewelry, Dune, Merchandise. Uloth &0., on mode rate tonne, by JONI'S & OD., Brokers, N. W. corner THIRD end DARKSIAL Streets, below Lambent. Be tablisbed for the Jul 85 yearn. Office hours from 7A. M to 7P M. BROON DAUM) QOLD and SILVER WATCERS, by eminent makers, warranted genuine, for Hale albite—at one-half the original coat. ja2olm if Confertionern. EDWARD G. WHITMAN & CO Manufacturers dI pure Druggfets i and /amity CONFECTIONS, Amongst which are Fobable, QUM Drops, Moss Paste, Pectoral Paete, Medicated Lozenges, superior Oroamof Strawberries, Dates, Oraegen, Pears, Peaches, Pine Apples, DONB-ONB AND KIDDED, Caron:9lles, Chocolate Preparations, of all kinds; Domeetio and Imported CRYSTALIZED FRUITS, &O For isle, Wholesale and Retell, at SECOND and CHESTNUT Streets THE SECOND TERM of the Session In PSNN INSTITUTII will commence February Ist. Apply lathe Boerne, H. E. corner TIIIRTHIONTU and B. liIPPIWART, Principal. ,isB/-tf WHOLESALE Stionen. ko., ko., ko Insurante. ercnitpanikts. NORTHERN ASSITRANOE COMPANY, No. 1 MOORGATE STREET, LONDON FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE, Al' ROJO AND ABROAD lotabliohed In 1888--Incorporated by Special Aot of Parliament £1,269,760. $6,298,800 OAPIT AL Paid up Capital and Sur. pilau L 438 In 4 1 $2,191111 02 Annual'Revenue 180,740 16 0 938,134 12 YIRE DEPLIMIINT This Company !mune against lose or damage by fire almost every deeoription of Property. The rates of pre mium are moderate, and Vile conditions of Ineuranoe are framed sylth the greatest liberality. the Policia of this Company are not only guaranteed by a large Capital, but also by the unlimited pm Ilona' reaponeibility of nearly one thousand shareholders. • !E Losses promptly adjusted and paid without re ference to LIFE DEPARTMENT All the advantages of a Mutual Association are united with the seeerltr of a Proprietary Company. Tan RATES OF Panfuls( are based upon the safest end most approved` data, and may be made payable to suit the convenience of the Assured. . . , Prospectuses, Tables of Rates, Applieationii, &e., may be obtained at the Office Examination for Life Insomnia° daily, at 12 o'clock EL WILLIAM GETTY, Agent, No. 37 South Third Streot. BEFERNNOIB IN PNILADILLPIIIA. Messrs. Stuart & Brother, No 13 Bank street. Myers. elaghorn, & Co , 232 Matket greet. ‘: Wm McKee &Co, 22 South Front street N. B. Thompson k Oo , 46 N Water street. Toe. B. Mitchell, Eno., Pres. Mech. Bank. James Dunlap, Fen., President Union Dank. Hon Wm. A. Porter, 023 Walnut street, late 7a'ge Supreme Court, tabs4l to-th tiny() EASTERN INSITRANOE CIOMPANY.— OVPIOE No. 6 EXCHANGE. Attruontsin Cartratearmal $300,000 CAPITAL Broog SUBSCRIBED: 100,000 MAARTES PiRPITUAL • • IFIRR RISKS on Morehead's° and Buildings. SIARINN RISKS on Vessels. Cargoes and /MOIL INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Goods per Railroads, Canals, and Steamboats, taken os favorable terms. The Board of Directors fin order to guard against any serious calamity, and thus afford greater security to the Insured) hare resolved to take no more than Five Thousand Dollars on say one risk. dll losses will beTromptly and liberally settled, DIRIOTORS. Andrew Cochran, Robert B. Walker, William Ingram Brown, lamb Lukene, Iticluusi G. Stotesbary, George Coot:Man, Peter D. !dyers, Charles Stoy, Thomas Shaw, Jacob HHee eedd Hobert F. Taylor,W. C. Indfilibury. NDBEIVT GOOLEILAN, President. Wm. Inonix Bitown. Vice President , fefi-tf NOTICE.—THE PRESENT CAPITAL I. of THE RISTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY ($100,000) having been paid in oasb, notice Is hereby given that an increase of the same, to the sum of Two iinndred Thousand Dollars, has been authorised by ths Stockholders, and that the subscription book will' be opened on the first day of March next, at the Office of the Company, where it will remain open until the in creased amount has been subscribed CHABLIS W. OOZE, Secretary Philadelphia, 29 January, 1869. 1 4 1 N TERPRISE INSURANCE COM PANY. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLITSIVELY.) DIRIIO7ORB. P. Ratchford Starr, .0" Mordecai L. Dawson, - William WIWI, °serge H. Stuart, lestbro Prosier, john H Brown, john H. Atwood, B. H. Yabnestook, Benj. T Trediola, Andrew D. Cada, Henry Wharton, J. Ltrinpton Brenner. F. RATORPORD STARR, President. CHARLES W. COKE, Secretory. Offles,ls2. South FOURTH Street, jaBl-tmarl rp OFFICE OF THE QUAKER. CITY IN. BORANON COMPANY, 408 WALNUT STREET,' —Pattensmarta, January 6th, 1859. The third acnual statement of the tamineas and con dition of " Quaker City Insurance Company" as pre sented to Its Stockholders January 4th, 1860: Capital stook $200,000 00 Surplus January Ist, 1858 77,679 87 Premiums for mauranee in 1858 228,696 88 Intermit mount • 12,614 80 Salvage and reinsurance acal.. 22,216 11 $541,006 95 LOSSES, EXPENSES. &o. Losses paid In 1869 $122,986 11 Dividend,'Oommlssions to agent!, Taxes 'Morales Printing, Ad vertising, Office Rent, and Ex penses 60,899 07 Reinsurance and return premi en:lß 27,622 18 Salaries paid In 1868 • 5,815 18 • -------- ASSETS. 2216,765 54 .... . . Ronde, Mortgagee, Stooks, Cou pon Bonds, Dune on Collateral and on call $184,558 60 Bills Receivable 87,170 60 Oath due from agents and out standing premiums 24,842 49 Cash in bank and oa hand 28,984 93 -- $224,261 42 Ait 11 meeting of the Stockholdere, held the 4th inst., the following °dicers and directors were unanimously elected: OFFICERS. Pros!dont—GlOßGl! IL HART. Woe Preetdant—R. P. 8088. Secretary and Treasurer—R R. COOMMALL. Assistant Secretary--S. R. SUTLER. DIRECTORS. • Geo. IL Hart, N. W. Halley • Jit "P. Roes, Andrew R. Chamber'', A. O. Cattail, J. L. Pomeroy, John Palo, R. R. Coggahall, Folder 8. Parklno, Saml. Jonee, Ron. R. H. Roller, ~ Chorloa G. Imlay. 510.the&M•lmil H. B. COGGESHALL, Reey VULTON IO INSURANCE, ADJUSTING, AND COLLECTING OPPICE, • No. 608 08218INTIT BTBNET, PHILADILPHIA, The undersigned having been practically engaged for a number of yearn in different capacities of the Insu rance basinesa—for several yearn la adjuatlng losses exclusively for the Insurance Companies—now offer,/ bin services to those enstainlng Loss or Damage by Hire to property thawed, in making out their pronto of each loss ordamage In full compliance with the Intricate and canning conditions of Policies of Insurance, in each a Manner as to obviate plea or excuse for redaction or litigation)), Companies no inclined, or othere. lie Is assisted by the best legal counsel in Philadel phia, and will give particular attention to the Callao- Mon of Claim* against Insurance Companies. It is known by many who have 'sustained loss by lire to property Insured, and it has also been the experience of the undereigned, that pension are frequently declared partially or entirely void at a certain Urns after a fire oconrs, in consequence of carelessness or mismanage ment in effecting the ineuranoe, or for flume other canoe, whiehi although an important fact, is scarcely ever dis covered or thought of, until It le tat late. In order to avoid snob diasstrona occurrencee, the undersigned will also effect Insurance in any Companies desired. and examine policies effected by others (in most cases) free of extra charge. Parties sustaining lose or damage by fire, ea above, will find it to their interest to consult the undersigned as soon after the fire as passible. d22.2m1f1s JAMES PULTOfI. tUatcbea, Jetnelrp, &c. JAMES WATSON, IMPORTER Of . WATCHES, JEWELRY, &0., No. 325 MARKET STREET. Constantly on hand a fall assortment of Tacheron and Constantin Watches. 114-6 en BAILEY & CO., :mammy BAILEY & KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Fire-proof, White Marble Storey 819 011ESTNIIT STREET, NORTH BIDE, BELOW TEE GIBAAD HOUSE, Now opening theiryall Stook .t IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY 000D3, To which they Invite the attention of the pnblio. SILVER-WARE, WATCHED, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WHOLBEILLII AND 11TA1L. t..une, tlietols, S't. NEW OIIN STORE PH/LIP WILSON SCOO., 4132 CHESTNUT STREET, Ask the attention of Merchants, Gunsmiths, said Sports• men, to tho very SOPNRIOR Bowling pieces, UMW, &o. of their own manufacture, which are not surpassed by the beet imported Gime in quality and finish. The 811 , 10 TING QI7ALITIIIB of each Gun manufactured by them will be fully guarantied. They see also regularly re ceiving, direct from the makers, a full assortment of the DEBT CLASS OP PNGLIBH AND PRENOH GUNS, Of the celebrated etampe of Watley Itleharde, Moore k Harris, Purdy, Dean & Adams Greener, Pondevau4k. T uley, ,Ir.o , together with a complete stook or the cheaper style of English and Belgian Gurus which will be sold at the lowest market rates. ALL VARLSTY Or GUNSMITHS , TRIMMINGS, such as Barrels, Stooks, Rods, Mountings, Fluke, Gun Bage,_Locks, and Look Furniture, Niers Cara, Car: tridges, &0., on thy:neat favorable terms to the trade. jal2-tielB Gas "Warm. ELLIS S. ARCHER. WIS. F. 1103101 Y, 1010WOJD P. WARYKR i WY. 0. H. /11101141.. ARCHER, WARNER, MISKEY, & CO., MANUFACTURERS OP GASALIERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, FITTINGS, AND ALL HINDS OF GAS AND LAMP-WORK, DIRANDOLES, Jzo No. 718 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA WARNER, & CO., No. 376 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 11Y Buildings fitted with Gas Pipes, and all kinds of altering and repairing of Gas Work. feb2.ot RS. STEEL'S WHOLESALE AND RE ILL TAIL CORSET AND SKIRT WAREHOUSE, in TENTH. second door above Cheetnut street, eeat side. lam, 989 t 3 RINQ OARDNN street. ftB-9t* Wants. AVANTED—OHEOSS, OERT.T_FICATES OP DEPORT, and NOTES of the BANK OP PENNSYLVANIA, for which the highest market rate will be paid, by ' OAMBLOS asora:Bß, ' No. 47 South TRIED Street, fe6•emw6tit • east side, above Ohestant.' WANTE D— A SITUATION, by "a MAN who Understands the limitary Hardware and Coach Furnishing Business. Witl make himaell generally ins Pri3.7tal. - Can influence conic trade. Add it* reas A , B. 0., Otaoo. AN EXPERIENCED AND PRACTICAL BOOR-RERPRR desires an engagement. Re ferences unexceptionable. Address 4, A. 5" ,, at tble Office. fe6.stts WANTED—In a Wholesale Book and Stationery Bowe, a competent YOUNG MAN. with a knowledge of the business. None other need apply, Address, In handwriting of applicant, Box 1810, Poet Office: fed-tt WANTED—AIi act ye YOUNG MAR, as BALICBMAN, In a Fancy DryOooda Jobbing House. One halting aeqnsintanoe with - goad city and near trade can apply, Box 2042, Posit Mee. fe4.1410 WANTED—A first-class' SALESMAN, lo a Wholesale Olothlog Moose: to whom a goOd Wary will be paid. Address PRUBBVRIUMOB, Office of Tha Press. fe4-800 IR/ANTED-4 SITITATIOJW, in.& Drtig • Btore, to loarn.tbe badness, by a Lad *years of age. Address T. 8., °Mee 'of We paper, led-4W %A/ANTED—A competent person to take V V charge of a large Cypress Shingle and Stave MITI in Virginia.; who can furnish 82,600 in cash. A liberal salary will - be given. Address , MU, at this Office, with real name and where an interview can be bad. feB.4t* $4,000 ssoo—Wanted $4,000 to be secured by Bret mortgage on Real He. hste worth POMO; oleo, $5OO to be secured by Bret mortgage on Beal Bidet. worth at least $5,000 - For further, particulars Juanita of J. M. HOLCOMB, At torney-at-Law, No, 429 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. , fe2-wicß4tß tVANTED—By a reliable young Man,!a •• v SITUATION as Light PORTER, in a Ater* or otherwise. Is a goal Penman and Accountant; well posted in double•entry Book-keeping. Unexceptiona ble city ra'erences can be given from last employers. Address I. D., Press Oglee. feit4t*, r[lo CAPITALISTS.—SPECIAL PART NER WANTED, with $lO,OOO, in a safe and pro fitable Wholesale and Retail Trade. The business bee been eerfablfsbed flys years, and has grown from a small to fa large trade. It has the advantage of one of the bast locations on Chestnut greet with low expenses. and a Held for profitably increasing both retell and wholesale brestobea—the wholesale to almost any qgsa tent. Satisfactory, reference 491. _particulars Referees 6. TRADE , " Office of the N. diner:can mid U. S. Gazette, ' fel-5t • iWANTED FOR THE UNITED STATES GAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, timearried mem, to who ' will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No man having a wife or child, will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED fiERVIOD at No. en MANX= Street, above Eighth, north aide.' '•• I. N. 3100R1i, t . apl7-tf lit Lieut. let Dragoon, Recruiting Officer. 33aavbi2t~. 1.10ARL11NG,..,-A back Parlor and second .l.2 story front Chamber vacant, In WALNUT, near Thirteenth. Address P. O. T., Blood's Dispatch. fel-at* /or 150$ anb Ya JUL gm FOR SALE OR RENT—The splendid RESIDENOE at the S W. corner or JUNIPER and PINE Streets. Lot 33 by 10; tine aide yard; grapery, and every modern Improvement.. Bast 6650, Apply at 6X 8 SIXTH Street viewed story.) -tab et BOILERS FOR SALE.-8 _ Plain Cylinder Itoflan, 80 in. diameter, 80 feet long with fire front and connections complete. Also, 2 Plain Oyllnder Boilers, 861 n. diameter, 20 feet long, with heaters tin. der. Both sate In complete order, and for eale low. /tri ply to WEAVER, FITLER, fea.6t if No 82 N. WATER and 22 N. IntenvEs. A FARM OF 820 AORES FOR $80.00. 4 - 34- allasonti Lands told, entered,' and located from 12) eta. to $250 per awe. mew, N. M. owner VIVIS and ORESTNtrT Streets. -fea-lm* FOR SALE—A FARM, containing 180 Acres of Land. Altuated near Alkton, Cecil county, - Maryland, within 800 yards of the Depot of the Bhp+. delphia, Wilmington, & Baltimore itaikoad, two litltUe . ride trim the oily of Philadelphia,' The land Is all in Drat-rate condition ;it is well im proved and rich i it is high and rollitg. The land has all been lima over within 8 years.' it • le all under the beet of fencing The improvements consist In part Of a new brick Dwelling, a new double. deck Barn that cost $2 000 three Years since. The farm will be sold for less than value, sod pay ment' made MU. IP or further particulars call upon or address • t el.otw B. R. MAY, ELKTON, ?dd. dia TO RENT—THE STORE,- N0a.,11 Dia and 18 STRAWBERRY Street; well lighted front and book, oleo by sky-light Possession given at once. Apply at No, 8, nearly opposite. felAntbent 4t VOR SALE—THE 'STOCK, FIXTURES, .11- . and GOOD.WLLI. of a weltestablisned Wholesa'e DRIIQ STORE, eligibly situated in this city, splaying a fine trade. Address 4, 11111111)II&Y,i , at this °Mee. fel-dt* • STORE TO RENT. A H&NDBOMB STORM. No. 528 AMOR Street Neatly fitted up with Wall Oases, Marble Counters, and Marble floor, ,citable for Jeweller and 811reramith, or anyo, fancy blunnees. Bent, $OOO. Als ' A WILL.LIGWVED YOURTH, BTOTAY ROOM, ?NV by Thirty Peet, ON NORTH STREIT. Apply to 70NYM, & MoCIIRDIr. ja6-102 - -No. - 52a AROH-Street. PPAPER, - MILL TO EENT.— = The Papal. Mltl known as NANWELL MILL, situated on the Wiesaidekon Oreek, and. one mile from.Oheatontlilll Railroad Station. This Mill ts adapted to make fins Book 'Payers. If hie thialinthieli.'oarfiainiachine, 62 inches wide, and all the appurtenatwes for .the Eno meld manufacture of paper. Poweeelon given 11111:11•• ditto's'. Apply to, of address. GE 11. LIVIB, , d29-tf No. 80 So GEOR uth SIXTH Street. 411 T • FOR RENT—The DWELLING No. 123.616 LOOUST Street, (or Washington Sqire,) from the let of January, 1889. The house is three stories high, with basement, back building, &a., now occupied by J. W. Forney. Apply at the °Zoe of Tlia Press, or at the house . • , n 02341 TO RENT.—On the let January next, the 1 very superior and extensive ROOMS, (241, lid, 4th and sth Boors, each 24feet by 146) of the NEW EITOBB, li&T MARKET Street. The building Is one of the fine Improvements on the upper aide, between NINTH and SUITE Streets, having two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good cartage way 'AO feet into SIXTH Street. Apply on the premises. nol-tt laissolutiimo anb Copartnerstyli3o DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The Hun of WEAVER PIT WE, Os CO., is this day dissolved, GEORGE I WEAVER retiring. GEORGE I. WEAVER, EDWIN 11. PITLER, IVUOICABI. WEAVER. TUB BUSINESS beiesitor will be conducted by the undersigned, under the firm or WEAVER. F/TLBB, & 00. EDWIN U.NITLIR AVBAVBIk_, CONRAD B.OLOTRIBR. February 1,1859. fels-6t ►IIHE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore ex -5- luting between the aubseribers, under the firm of BOWMAN dr, LOC/AN, is this day dissolved, by ant. teal comma. The business of the late firm will be settled by JONAB BOWMAN, who will centinue the Wholesale (tracery Dulness, at the aame place. JONAB BOWMAN, JOGS/ LOGAN. January 1, 1859. fes•Bt THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore ex 'sting between WILtIAM P M. HANCOCK and THADDSIIB NORRIS Is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The business will be settled and eontleued by W. P. Al. HANCOCK, at the Store, 712 MUST NUT Street. W. P HANCOCK, THADDBIIB NORRIS. Philadelphia, Pebruery let, 1859 fetSt COPARTNERSHIP. -0. &0. P. WAR NSA have this day stsoelatsal with them JOSEPH BEYDEL, under the firm of 0. & 0. P. WARNER & 00., for the purpose of continuing the Watch-Case Manufacturing Business, WARNER, CHARLES the obi stand, B. W. Gomm of PUTS and M B INOR treets, sto. 011 MBE= CHARLES P. WARNER, JOSEPH BEYDEL. Philadelphia, Veltraary let, 1859. fe4.l3t* COPARTNERSHIP. -D. M. ROBINSON bee this day associated with him his brother, E. J. ROBINSON, and eon, 0. A ROBINSON, under the Arm of D. M. ROBINSON & COMPANY, for the pnr. pose of continuing, as heretofore, the Stock Commis. Mon Business. D. hI. ROBINSON, B. J. ROBINSON, 0. A. ROBINSON. Office, 1138 South THIRD Street. February let, 1859. tel-6t* rVOTIOE.—J. D. HOOVER (late U. S. LI Harald for the District of Columbia) has asso ciated Itimolf with WALTER D. DAVIDGE, Come. eellor at Law. Business before the U. 8. Supreme and Circuit Clouds, the Court of Olsime, and the Executive Departments promptly attended to. Address DAVIDGE IP HOOVER, LOUISIANA Avenue, Washington City. jsl44 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.—The Sub millers hereby give notice that they hare entered into a Limited Partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania re lating to Limited Partnerships. That the name or Arm under which said partnership is to be tondueted le "R. WOOD, MARSH, tc HAY WARD." That the general nature of the Business intended to be transuded is the Dry Goods Jobbing and Clothing Business. That the names of all the general and 'Taal part. nera interested therein, are BENJAMIN V. MARSH (general partner), LEWIS W. HAYWARD (general partner), EDWARD Y. TOWNSEND (general partner), HENRY HENDERSON (general partner), RICHARD WOOD (general partner), ALFRED H. FOSTER (gene ; sal partner), RICHARD D. WOOD (special partner), and JOSIAH BACON (special putnerl, and all of them the said partners, general and special, reside in the City of Philadelphia. That the aggregate amount of the capital contributed by the special partners to the Common Block, is Two hundred thousand dollars, of which One hundred thousand dollars, In rash,-has been so contributed, by the said RICHARD D. WOOD, special partner, and of which, One hundred thousand dollars, in cash, has been so contributed, by the said JOSIAH BACON, ape dal pmrtner. That the period at which the said partnership is to commence, is the thirty-first day of December, A.D. 1858, 'lathe period at which it will -terminates is the thirty-and day of December, A.D. 1883. RICHARD D. WOOD, Spatial Partner. JOSIAH BACON, Special Partner. BENJN. V. MARSH, L W. HAYWARD. EDWD. Y. TOWNSEND. HENRY HENDERSON. RICHARD WOOD. ALFRED H. POSTER. Philada., Deo. 81,1858. jai-ew WF.BARBERBkOO 4 ' • No. 23 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Collections made on all points in the Went, through their Western Office, at DAVENPORT, lowa. Taxes paid for non-residents In lOWA and MISSOURI. Land Warrants located. Defective Land Ws:Tanta corrected. Dopllcates of loot Land Warrants obtained from Government. Caveat. an d m a ip a men4 correetly drawn. REVERENCES. B D. Comegya, beg rhtil.selphia Bank. Menem. Boyd & Bates. Herrin & JoLes & 00. .g Tmrley, English. & Co. fe3 St CIDER AND POTATOBS.—Pure, fine Ommeotiout Older. la bble. and Mule a lot of very choice wlatte 51.rcere Potatoen from 5D to 80 otn. per ba ; Roll Hatter,, era Rue. recelvtd fresh every Tneedny and Friday. W P WIN KY, 143 Ed ARK= Street. fr 4 21,* 2 doors below asoond street, north MO, %muzetnenta. pa/MARAEOMO ,SOMETX•r: SECOND CONORIVP Tali SEASON. The mangers beg leave to annonnoe thet their SE COND CONCERT will take place en W.VDNESDAY EVENING, Sairiery /ALTAIR% BALL, ORESTIINT STRUT, . and they take pleature to inform their imbieribers and the pubic that they hare at • very hesey outlay, made an• arrangement with her. B. ULLMAN for his peat OPERA TROUPE, consisting of Brum es: - momnii; - ald the following Artiste - ' - Mad. mos!, BiLdIENZ.4, Big. Dolutir, • • ' • • MS.CNIIEROTTI, - . Mr. PERRINO, (Boas) Tenor ) Leider and Condottor Big. mum. A limited number of subscriptions will be taken for the remaining flaccerls, if applied for at Baal Lsw ton% corner of Seventh and Ohestuut streets, and at Shomacker's Piano Stors,lo2l Chestnut street Single Tickets for Concert; with 'Reserved 00 for Gallery 60 - No "Extra Charge , ' fok Prorcerdien Boxes, which can ; had upon application as above; ' • • - The Renegers will alt roe the delivery of reketion Tuesday afternoon, from 8 till 0 o'clock, einCon Wed nesday from_ 10 Al M. till 6 P at , Beck & Lawtoa'e Menlo Sten, Seventh and Okestunt litareets. • fait . • •• _ NE W WALNUT-STREET THEATRE, 101 HoHNIut HINES AND WALNUT RUBIS. Acting and Stage Manager THIB (Saturday) EVENING, liebrnart 5, 1559, • - fillabeth, Darr, fialliven; Mudd!, Kr. It A. Parry ; Lady Micbetb, Mrs. Duffield ; Yleanoe Mtn Park:, TINWARBANTABLK Prime of adnikudon--13econd Tier and family and Third Tieri 96 cents; Parquet, 117.35. cents;--Dresa Circle, 50 tun* Private anus" _aceordng to their locale; fin and 55; Stipp Slats In Ureikestru and Private Boxes, 76 cents. - • . Doors egotist half part efieifac; o'clock. • • - • - ~THEATLEY & AROH-ST. Ts3eTBl William Proprleksait,ll end Stage Mssisicer. - - • - TRIB - • (astardaY) EPTNING. ireimiary 5,1555, OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. - Ass Treacka-d, our Amerlosn Cosidny Mr: , 7. 5. Clarke; 'Cord Duadreary, Mr; Wheatley. To cool* with ; : • • - :• AZADDIN ; • OR, NMI WONDS3PUL LAMP I Admindon, 25 els.. Secured Seats in Dream owe, 1111 eta; Orthestni Stalls, 50 eta; &Mita Yriirate Saws, 76 eta; 13 eta; Calkiry for Colored Personsl4 eta; Private Box in Gallery for Oolarekßersons h illiostis Whole Private Box, $3. • - • . Doors open at half Dusk Oslo* ; scrounenee at T. ‘Predsskr. , MAT/ONAL. - OIRCIIIS, :lITALhTUTt -BT., i. - stows lIIGIITII—IBWII3 B. '721 . ][ anaget Two 0711,07/3.115 AND A NINAN 229q2 i Saturday) 111112/Ne. Fatituary 5,1960, VAN, AM8011411 1 13 MANAGE= 0! ISom, Tigers, Leopards sod Tautii.aoli and Vie Co , , loud Beast, TIPPOO 13A-DE" .- • lguestilaii, fintttlo. awl - Acilitostio Teats.- - PER/02MAX ON THEDI - 17TEDNOON. - BOMA ON P 7110712. • Drool Oho% an& Pomba, - . ' 4O mitt ChM/1m woke ten years of age 20 CA Family Chola .20 if Doors Opel at goal* to 7 oyook. Parforookaaea trill corataanoo at 73L. - , . • Roßinsog 'ORIISOE • Will open for Exhibllaonas mi.A.zmu=s 818 CHEEB=M On. MONDAY' NEXT, 7th instant, THE sintres OP TIN PAINTIERGIV BY BILLY, - 7.l.listratlni the Elletory and Adveatures of ' 'ROBINSON ' 08.1350i. , •-• ADMITTAN'OE ' 23 Cent' BEASON 2.104222 • "• 50. ieb3.2%* _ , BAR'T,HOLOMEW', B ,!TA . TII,X OP „ PARADISE -LOST, EVE REPENTANT. . STATTIE IN *AUDI'S, BY Tag: LLTB - .I.IO3.RYCLUT 801:21143111 EDWARD, 8, BARTHOLOMEW, PHPIZ4BYLVANLA AOA.MIIktY c 1 7 .11111 IfINSI ARM CHEMPRIT STIIIIT, BILOW NUMMI{ SUM, ON MONDAY MORNING, ... JANUARY = 319?, PROM 9 . O'CLOCK TO 6 CrOLOOR P. M. NXIMBITBD BOB' TRB BIWIT OP , TEM MO ` PEER OP THE ARTthr. Bin& admission, 26 tents: Ohl/dron under ISt years half pries. Season Tickets, SO , js29.lm fuoDONOUGEP9 - LTA -z • - '134-BAOI STRUT. 0110WDED AND DILTGITSHAUDDINOBS SECANDLNY mid THOMAS, ' Lather TO. Polltlin, Bellows Solo, Banjo Solo JOHN WILLIAMS, Ballad.; lit ; OLIS BULL- HIBBS and Troupe ;- SAM LONG, Combo Voe,allat . ; mATImi ; and MIia,BOSA MARIE, In beautiful Daninisf; STILTON H!- Bin, Negro Danseuse. The parrollllllDelk wilfeotalude with OH! HUSH! ii which la all the Company ap pear. Admittance 10 and 15 Gents. .Bllilltd Saloon open, day and evening: Datertaltunalat oagnmeneta precisely. Pint „Appeal's=; Shis-Arreolzig - of- Rise ELiZA,TRISILAUNi 10110ROFESSOR-IVINiZeTANORAiIk OF • 8121LE01030Pia AND t masolorimPyrimrs, tor tbe benefit erthe , Weetelia 'Presbyterian Sunday Sehool;.at the alty.lnetttuteosorthouteotati.NlGN, TUNT/ratei CELESTNIIT - alneete:ganfliONDAY lathy, February L. 11169,. at 13( ; Ticket. 25 cents ; Children 10 mate' tel-tritbe AMERICAN APADEItY, Q JILUSICI.- ' DENDriT Of MUM. - PIODOLOMIN.T, - ; 21113139 D A LY livening, February 10. - Mr. Unman respeotfally Announces that Mile. MOO. LOMINI being entitled to a benefit in Philadelphia, he bee engaged, fur this pupae, the Anadenty ofiduelo only for TI3I3IISDAY WiltifiNG, February 10, When will be given; for the find time, DonizattPe admired Opera at ' DON POW:TALI, Mlle. PNOOLOMIMI telll appear In her celebrated role of . NORINA, twisted by ' BLOBENZt. LORIttI. MAXIGIOROTTI After the Opera or Don Peagnale," will be amen, for the flrat time in Philadelphia, the celebrated gtmartli Act of Danisetti'a grand Opera of -- , KARTIB,4 Mile PioaoLostrtu will Aug the pert of Pauline. By and with the cormant of hiIIe.PICOOLOM WI, the price of admission has been fixed at ONE DOLLAR TO ANY PART OP TUB ACADEMY. Beats may be secured in Paninette,Porgnette Circle, Balcony, Family Circle, end Amphitheatre, WITHOUT ANY =nu. °HAREM. The sale of melte eommences on MADLY, Febra. 'ars?. Mlle. PIOOOLOILINI departs on Friday for Neer York, where she appears on the same evening, and then borne for Albany, Trot, Rochester, Buffalo, Toronto, and the Welt. fel•tf 11/1/ENNERCHOR ("THE OLO") VO LTA. OM oocrwrris TWELFTH ANNUAL GRAND F &NUT DB.Bsi3 BALL will tete place on TUNSDAY EVENINO, February Bth, . 111159, et the American AOSABBIY OP MUSIC. Previous tothe Bell will be performed, in full eesernee, the celebrated, "OATH. AND BLS/SING OP TUN POIGNADDS). . . (Morasses from Afeyerbeer's irand opera "THE EttratiliffotB, ,, Accompanied by a ssileot orchestra of 40 performers, ander the leadership of - - - - - • cunt - GBRTIZIER, Erg. The bell orchestra, wader the erection of the Messrs. ITAIMRS. Floor Manager—Profeasors J. - MARTIN AND 111 }IL &88:O. Tiskets, by entwoription. admitting a mitten= and two ladles, ja 50, can be Obtained from the following Managers: G. Dufour, R. iron Ram, M. R. Mackie, 0. Ulbrich. Dr. G. &Menet!char, J. Hochasperger, L. Herbert, Charles Dommig, J. PrefT,W. Gelber; H. Tile, 0. &Mamie, Col. Pitageraid, A. Laßue, 0. lietterllen, A. H. Roeenkeim, 0: Wolff, H. Vollmer H. Woiendonk. 0. Lindner, Schwemmer, 0. histtlialt, Prof. Martin, Prof. Bleak°, 8. &Moss, Jot. Grimm, A. Getty, 0. A. Thedium. Prof. 80338, P C. Schmidt, P. Threes, L. Benitert, H. 0. Oamp. Schick. Z. B Jones, N. D., P. Batts, C.:Herring. M. D., G. Vollmer, G. Gramonan, Caspar iltakert, M. Venting, A. Relostins, deatipit Neff, Liodeameyer, J. P. Steiner, Matk Healer, Jacob Kemper, Henry Pox, lends Gebhardt, Professor Carl Omrtner, Prof Ph. Rohr, B. H. ilulismann, John A. Batter John Penner, A. B. Reichentsols. Mohr, Joe. Drexel Prod. Steeb, Poster, John Thornier, ltmli llarorlit, P. L. Jobe, Vogel, G. Bergner, P. Ladner, A. Pass, Paul Weber, Albrecht, David Rosenholm. Also, from the members and the Committee. Ph. Donato, J. A. Holtes, Geo Goebe l, Geo. P. Benkert, A. Kemper, E. Bohoening, P. Romberg, J. P. Permit. Performance to commence at 8 o'clock preeisaly. Chu rives sill set down heals month sad take up heads north. HOISEITE's VARIETIES !—(Cale Chan -Itrthweet corner at MOTH and °HUT NLIANNOUS CIONONIVIN NIGHTLY, From TX to 11 o'clock. T. AGIEONET, Manager.' fediltle SIGNOR BLITZ.—ASSEMBLY BUILD INGS, 'TENTH and 0118STNI7T Streets. COME AND LAUGH. Come and Bee the Tommy Blitz, the Araus;og Nita, the 'Remarkable Slits, the Laughing Mita, the Popnlarßllts, the Blitz who makes all happy PERFORMANCE EVERY - EVENING, THELTEEHEIDE at 73 i o'clock, and WEDNESDAY and SA TURDAY AY TNIINOONS at 3 o'clock. CONSISTING of WONDERFUL METAMORPHOSES, astonishing MIEN in Te0H110(101m, the Learned Ca nary Birds, and the Extraordinary Ital.sibition of the Rope Dancer.' Admission 28 cents. Children 13 - sante. ANPORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street. between Market and Chestont. OPEN FOE THE SEASON. By the LargestTrompe of MINSrDELS IN THE WORLD. SANFORD% OPERA HOLM. AMP THE SANFORD CHILDREN. Admittance 28 cents. 9111 E PENNSYLVANIA AOADENY OP .1. THE BINE ARTS, No. 1025 CELEBTNIIT STREET, 113 OPEN DAILY (Smalls excepted) from P A. M. till 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children 12 cents. Shares or Stock, entitling the holder's family to ad mission at all times, $3O. MUSIOAL FUND RALL.-TRE GER MANIA OBOHEBTRA will conneno• their Pablie RN11NA112.619 on SATURDAY' nest Nor. 26th. Single Tioketa 26 ovate; a package of sigh 1 tiokete for $l, which may be obtsined at Andres, 110 4 011estnat atm*: i Deck Lawton's, corner of &month and Cheat:nut. and at the door of the Hatt. The per formancce mummer," at 33{ cOolook P. M. aortas SHibRACH BILL, 26 33 .A.ST It BTXLMET, IMPOSTER OP NEEDLES, PEARL BU TONE, ELASTIC WEBBING, DICAIDS, ELOTIO GOODS soli note: Goodyear's Patent and Sole Agent fir Jason BIG ■ celebrated Gold Inlaid Needles. ia2t•th II tat. Ut CIWS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers