-x-', *. . i -MW.,‘j - Thb"»ppro.aMDg holM.ya, in connection- the . „ B t /we.thkr.'eomblaed pihiVe' 'uauul coarM oftailnese eery Tn.terleHy'thiiiVeeb; and mar kMCS'tti, lnMbr«Sni jlt^UV 1 ontdianjiiiEilos.JploflriuidMaalßoUaloitij.liatOorn hiebeeniareqaeflt, Ocal isflrm.but quiet, the ehlp ,>lU£*e«t>n;b(lSg neftly uref |s.wfiuted »t full . ya^' r aloq u le ti. Co t toll—T her e ia*.|ti»dj:tra(iedoinj .tformer'flgures. ,Pißh ere'flrro. jfiriCil a<)» and:BUea-s.Ho chuk>'. Tb.lfiu market ‘ia Arm, bet Trithont actlrity. Xeid ooptEaaaQdJta iSTanja^jtaatiac— change. ;ium -1 pr i ')“?st'aT<irr,limtt«Vl. jfoaoiry. -. Naval Stores, come toxwm .lowly,* and rorßplritaof.Turpentlnt prioei »» batter. Llnaead Oil bda improved ,■ but ether kiod. rfl third Mpien but'a limited bnaineM doing. Blcata unobaupad. - itset id pln^>''^efaapdTp. bieiobonttuiie iiiaat aoiftd:,7ffiii,M.arfiubatWr ta- WoblcontfijuM ’to meet• good-inquiry. ’•’Vyb I** 1 ** - bey.ie, dull, .ndprbJe.pretlierilo.wejr., In Dry Goods the trhaepri/onte a<j a«.£/»»tiu» j »fp»bpntbe r n and ■ stdatam' bnwa »id,l“f« , ’P , V > mnd 9 rder * fr °Bt U>o» «o tioaaarumorei^n^Mbeu~; gene rally belpg ) _bari 'ol"u9®ft!', B!?lrt tnpa Bleach** Goode moa*r»Uly;ictive,.. tat? pricarfate flroj Bjid theetoek Ught. stfl es are to'ArriTft [kb dlii ee t-yi tbre ady safes. at, fall r»tefl-;:?TIokfl, Checker and Btribal aie bald firmly.’ Bta pleWoollea* are oh" the edivabae,* with a firm htulriess dbibgitt'Bnpii}fj i «tJ’lwr»t ( v /. f 1 markat -for - aU-Jttoda has .beetf nearly *lcasy : ibUWeek, with-* limited ejptfrt (V denjandrbo*ever,f6t Ploar to note.nnd only iboat havefoubilmjeriAt t6jl2)j[©s;26_for stan- • decl fend grtot iUMiBBB/ss,B7jf for selected lota, and ■ss 60a8.26 bbl for extraa, c «coordtj)gi!i quality t 'the' .retatteta *ndb*keT* here been-bnyingwrlthln'tbrErae 1 Ifevge' of for 'common to better brands and, <«X\rM|-and |d &007.60 for fanoylotei aa to' qaelfty.- Tho receipts and -stocks.are moderate ~lor the season, and the'. market dull at the close. - Oorn Meal is firm,: wltbllgbtteceJpis, and sales of Pennsylvania Meal at: $5.2} bbli,hye Plonr Isnotlnciulred .for, and dull • at bbl, there being several sellers at the 1 formerrato. Bactwheat Meal ranges at $2.0002.76 the> lOOlbsr w .x-’ «-*; The foUowfag atw the inspections of Flour and Meal; for theweelrendlng- Thwsday.-December 23/1858 Half Barrels of Snpsrfine.**. ~,,, 483 Barrels of Superfine./,, i ;.Q .15.0&7: ■ • - 12, Middlings - 21* - .Cora&jeSU,,*, 950 3)0. .. 00a1emcie4.».».,.. .108 i 1 . 1 { •’ - t0&;A..;.. > OffHH A?T.—T he reoeipiS mlight, hut the demaruTTa .'limited, the milter* pnrohaslnff to'supply their ■ dUte wante onlyjand prices lure uneettled—Alee Include £9,909 fcnsseb Southern and tteuosylretile} nag* l ) 'leg froAvlSQ tolSSe for eonunod to prime r ed} ‘and 189 , :to liOo for whit*". Bye ia la demand-foe die tilling) and 2,0C0 bushel* were disposed of at 78a80e, the- latter for Peno*f]v*hie;/Cora Is-instead/ reqnest,Vand about; -25,000 ihaahela, i‘TaoBtly : neW'.'Bouthem.yeUoe.'; sold < at es> to dryness jjr64oi for ! white, ana Sics r Bso fdr.'old yellow aflodtana'in: stare.-, Oats—The ds* ' .mand hajrjallentoffj'audprice* are rathir lower, with salt* oriO.OOO bushel* at*449dfio/for Southern. acd -45®4dc -for 4?etmsylTetda;:"A- tale ■ of-Barley malt -wa» made afcC6C,aad mill feed |Vf2O forbran; ! ahd £27 per '-tonforahoita.;!!:. , -w?.* : *?. •.« ■-* , PBOVIBIORB.—Tha ; market'generally U> dolt, and*] • buyers aMT/oldlng off; fialeS’ of MesaPotk have'been I -'nu4 ftksl7olB'sKbbl;‘tis*h andtlme; Bogs are'oomlng j in more freely, and command fiXalXa. > City packed - ’Metf BeeT'wlHn * email way' for ihlpS’itores at sl6® 16 #) & bbl. Bacon—The stock ia unusually light: but thedemand ia limited* and pricbfi ard no'mitui f we quote Hameat Iool2c 'Biae*atloc. and Shouldersat7Uc. J ‘ Balk of- greeh-Hamslxmve ‘been’re-1 celled from the/, Wrist* .arid; *old.'at! OXc~ori~tlme i of Sides andßhculdei* the* market'is nearly ’Safe,-, with ' email skies of the latter-aWo/Lard le &&*-there is J ,V4?y.lsttle coming forward: sales of bbls at 11 vteUJijc, • • ana tags lOgd. -Butter meats with.* limited inqfciry trill'sells at,fe®lBc.* Jtollfi picked' is dbll at' 10ffil2o. Cheeee j ’ Wmmahds :B®Scv --Igfc* *ari -kearie," and worth S4c & *■4-Ivlj M BTALS:—The "Iron market!* firm/but the drimtnd forPif Metal is limited, arid thA sales confined to Set , 400 tons Anthracite, In lots, at 123, $2l: and $2O & ton i for the thteri. numbers, *oq time..Jtootoh Pig is held at . $26 4P\tonV ;<Charcoal Blooms ere held 'at . $82006, six ; months, wltb llmitrid salei.' No change. In Bar or But- | . . lerXcon, ; jand the tales of.theformer .moderate;' Bead ' Isqulet. and trehiar bf nb'Ealfathfs week' to alter . j>ricea..:.Conpercontlnue*dull, and.asmtlt'buslness I doing at 21e, aix months, wj-7/. ] r B^akT^e^iVTewllHVeJoqnirytftt/QMhMtton, • arid sales a*elimited at ton, attrhloh rate- first No. 1 Is freely receipts, are moderate', and „ Jhe ere reported at * . &XSBWAX is firm, with sirisll sales of Yellow to note at 82083 s per lh.* f -j: *yy j ? OAffDLlS,—Prices affirm at the lateadvance; with farther sales orclty.made,'Adamantlne’iat- 2i©B2c v per lb. whlth rates Are -'now refused.' - Sperm and Tallow Caodles continue as U«ta iht<d, ahddull; ' <. ■'* [ \ . odit:—the demand ikmoaerate both lo go Esstand for Abe home tride; prices ‘ are. ’firm'.' 'Cargo - rates are , $3 40q8J0 period lor Bed Ash, $8 lfioS.pOfor While Ash ands 2 6003 for Che&t®uton,board at. Hlchmond. • yeuels aiA'scatce and iii demand at full rites/*. / 1 . _4SOKJBE.--vChextocfcharb9en .lnoreased.by.the: late t, M*« W«t for Addling, fair ; 40«!i ly chiefly of the uitdaicriptlon caah, .Incinding' aimplea at llßaUKcp.r,Bs ::v'. ;„■ ; The following ie 'V statement; of the. movement alnoe ; E«p''ember "li with' thepreviods /tytffi’’'’*'- ' "M» : IMT£ ' 'IMS.. MBS', K.o't.it Ports.'::':i;iBe,ooff -832 poo 1.201.000 1,252,000 *l. toG- 8rit»1n,....M6 MK) .283P00 J XS7 J p00;,4f6,(100 ' Sr.’ toTrtnde:.l3oB,o6o V 80,000 110,000 156,CM. .-JtX.iontherP.P„ 85 MO 60,0C0... 68,000 ,108.000 Total export..ir.7Boooo., 4J8,000-«8.000 , 670,000 BtookonMna.. ’f.V,600»00”483,0M.>10!600 Wooo Of which'duri^'ttiepMtWek.idcladed.lo.tbe^&OTe: • Pof: 144,000 ’B(nafi'BT' s - :> fi*cirFTSrrlcareue at. .the'-ports, com pand with'lBs6 £ ExporiiS-Idcrease to Great Britalo, 21,000. bales; increase to Prance, 62,000; decrease toother ports, 22,000. Total vineceaae'in'experfe,'6l.ooobales: ‘ - 'stocks brfdrtfgn arr i!ght«Sod Bonob '.Raldosare' iu\dsmuid at Z2.t2ka‘i.is .per Box; and lß'ori'tlnier “DomestlQ'.Pruit' la dull; ' bSS ¥ t 1 ; FeaeheeOol2o.for. anptrea, dhd 14017. for pared; CTran . PEATHfiRS ;««, autl, .with. flmaU aatei of }: good le^lßlteA. "lllfeilmxUi.lfjif/<!in''Bl6re. onlirxt 810 60 torll, 815 60 Tot 8«, riLJule'of fickle? VHerring-'-was-maddoa terms -kept private; '-we quote . '£ them At $3 5608:60 & htt*' Codfish .commands $3,600 - 37&iha 100lb» T#-- »?. fM- .'r.V'r'l ' , is a.yessel- on theVberth foi llTarpbsl.oat nofartherqngsgdmente haye'.been r&- ..^porijKt.i ./omeialpajeqt*-,are. maklbg to'.QaUforrifa at gotr Wekt lridla'. rrV.ghts'oontlnue'ia last quot»d;.« yesiel ,^waa-’6haTtered6ut aril nek at 40a - for -.go gar.- from ,:the north /pert chargee ptid—arid tfig south Aide at42a Tp < - Boston there £sr- '. raw are 2^,/or Plaar/doja for shufn ft ftrfceiuiure» - * l meritJpjdrfe,4nds3for Oolliersere In good . reqaeetj the rates to Boston art:s26o: New.Tork. 6O Providence, $1 03; . ► 'SHdgei)oH;:sl New Bedftrd« $1.80: Washington, ; ' <■ Kidhmohd-si:6o : l . ' GINSENG.—TKe/idaiket'lß nearly bare of both crude aod'elahfl*d; wiihea*es of .the former at ft. . V here'll nothing doing, end no ehaiigtln - prieta-whota^^^^ -t-. • - * BBMPis txoeedioglyqalet a»d w:tborit sales; sq - .imnort'ofjalt'has Arrived andYematns unsold. ] : -rSlßßßarAwmwed* and all the recent arrivals hart St il)/022.c' for Oaraias. and forjPhrto >. Oabe)lo;6n tbe uiael time; the lattir^to go oat of r the market. ! Aops.are haJd.'wlttt mere flrmrieas, but &e demand ;.is limited :-gde*of Eastern endWesternal -12010 c . ■*: "■ LBATbEB stoek Of- Spaalah and-slanghter ls ■ light; arid prides tend upward, wlth a good demand. {o dall/ahd prlces remaln without change. A ; - end, some jelto'w iap boards have -been aold at $19016 >■ are seaTCe arid high. -» - - . MOLABSAB eoptinnes, qplot, and no sales-of Cuba '-kavtf.beentnido public; 1 some smUl‘sales of New Or - • leans are reported at 8703:14 months;’' - ' , «KAVAIi XTOBBS arp'irisoHTs,,witri bgt little doing ’ 4n iitbsr Boilhi Tar, Or '-Pitch/ and no sales Worthy of 8' notice hare beeu reported • - Spirits .of Tarptntlna is in >' betUr Wq'uest.'and stock light,' with sales of 160 bbls - : inl6tsxt6oe6lo ; . ~, OILS —^LloatedOil continues 1 on the advance,with r .saleS'ht:62oo6s^^Mlion.'-tbo'former without the ' package!* J6O 000 fts. palm 011 sold on terms kept prf* r OUe are r held firmly,' with a small business . doing. Oil la held at 660, with a light SUxSKtri operate in. *> r • - . 1 Pl/AOTEB.—None arriving, and the last sale of soft tr Xh. .tack le Ilgkt end price ttcxlr, Irnttbp to limited, wiih Sales of 160 casks, ip lots, at owb andtjme.r ; - ■■ f_■> l t Is uhduriged.-and a Cargo of r Tutk f s Aland has \ hot made ..... . - Z ! f j- SEBPs,7rto{oxcrseed l - r is, |n eteady demand: Sre- awJighf j and, priesa. are firmer, .sales of / 4,800 boa fair, and pthne at $516006.76 briS,.lhG»riot ...at:4§ 12)406 37k t aad/rscleaned seed at $0 basl .Timqtby 4*r »o*?s 11®2 Homes tic •MM Mo 1.65 bas.; ~No «alci| of<Jalcatta lire 1 c-hUGjlit finaywitii salesof.2oo hhds Porto demand has been htodeAu, with ealssof Ghlo, bbls at ; *&&{& b'ujnt, 'ud ol< jr -■ TEACar? t drmiy r held, With a small business doinx in .. VfflN*?, «c;, arm..|Uil fn.-.Bmtuidr, I Port, there h.s , Men {(iiiiiiJejehle moteineot «t 60a020, oh time, ■■ _, lceoohjpMaflj th go BMt'imi - prices arh gradually stifiehiogand thp/Etocks here’ sre .. light (ortho SeesoD, Sod saleS comprise about ibS. 3f to per'lbji OaahVthe i#tter for Extra ' fine fleSce, the bulk is iogoEast. / j I - HIQBRB H ATHA AttOMOKIiJIB A^OOMMODATION. 5 ' ■ ! *i««riasis C lwi;haiaw«6fea» t ry»k«,i, o r,Bir T fiM.»;h,r! any -length of time on, southeast oornerOfSirtti and Ktceitreets**'- 1 - , ■ e«?. PBOSUBBOHX Npm/iMh'Oollfttttifc dlwotmtal «t the lowest market rates. - ' ; NATHANS* B. B. COBNBB OP PIXTH AND BAOJB i Where tdofi*y#ltt be liberally advanced on gold and ' rllver plate, jewelry, fowling* £L«ees. dry goods, dothiiigfVgr&jerioi, llquotaVcljiara, amtroM; painting*; C .engravings,'unuioal^Jfisjtnuaente/faraitare, beddlog, , ’ C*.' : OHT-i)Odjß BALBS; "" * "? 1 Personal attend on giren t* aUUout-ddor at prlvatedweUinga, stores, or elsewhere,- and- charges - i -'- ••:■-■ -^'; '■ - ; V' X'jrendbj tat >. ' : .: V,' .«£ ■.' ;*RDBBKB! GMuli»»i(*iioh,f(i»OhlMrtn. ? , 4 ' ” ?? DB ?® B! ;\.V a “ ; I Y a °- i 'l«adlM. Ti ! : Bnpportef Bracts r SoMlittiiMotilari Bolttf-Bftfn-: adapted to p«e: ;AlW,or fodrant I InemM; ’ Jr»richP«HsilBil ;-ißrMat;Pu m p, s'. InTanta’ ;B■}»mw T WEEf TH Ah* BA©» ‘, £ t*#i**; "**«( ftw, t, ; & .‘.MKOHINBi i.WHIGp' y. JEc andtfemj^rtbßpUy , ,jn«iiw ‘froth •'-4hethihraWibciuJuidpir'hfiui'. -ftofrAwl - ;la . ; MB.-,?P'iUbnW f r«braVTJM. IMS, ',frtf©J the PaWUt/VlB it, - 3.’ Known to \>** the only pructtcs! one in use/ Ad drfM O. OABNELL, Qemonkiwn xood, above fifth ; |lmt r piaiik4«ijhiii/ jUt-taM lIV'S .-,- r : above,: ‘ 1 •' tor - ■ . ' ; , /piiiiE HOLIDA Y s:. I ILLUSTBATED BOOK , I . .. i or* 1 r * /:NATUBAE HISTORY, I I.T' CORTAiNIKd r“ 8 LARGE EK&IiAYINGS OF BIRDS, PBINTED IN OIL DOLORS, j - L \vit)i 10 pagee of totteNpreM, _ I EOYAL QUARTO, HANDBOMELY BOUND IN UT-TMi'! J• ; : ;C L OTU. ! - .. ~ . I ,r 1 ... I QEORQB SX., ABOVE ELEVENTH. FOB ’ BALE AT ALL, THE BOOKBTOBBS. aia-iot ~ , , - - .^OLIDAJ r GIFTS, •tfh Would at thU time putlculerly layitc attention to oar Torrlcwe craortment of - -- - - • BUPBBBLY BOUND. BOOKS, ' \ ealteble for Preeentc during the Holiday,, embracing, ALL THE NOVELTIKS 08 THE BEABON. TINBIJf JLLUOTRATBD BOOK?, . . , THEOLOGICAL, BBLIGIOUS. JUVENILE, AND ~ , , r . T SIaNDABD.WOBKS. . ■ Alro, a largo and unrivalled collection cf ■ - BIBLEB, | HYMN BOOKS, - - - II -I f'l. IPRAYEBBOOKS. Of every elee, style, and dcEcrlptlon, In ornamental binding, both English and American editions, all of I whloh are offered at the loweßt prices. ' 1 - - ‘' I tVILLIAM 8. fc ALFRED MARTIEN, I .its: Phbllsla'eni, Booksellers, and Importers, i I No 808 OBBTNUT Street, • I d24.2t * Philadalpbla. Holiday presents i .5 > V BOOKSGET THE BEST 1” ... • NEW TBBTAMkNT. Becetyedversion l ,ln Paregfaph form, rylth all the Marginal Readings. Many Btyles, some in oases... Prldse'tdrtltkE. Nr INDEXES TO THE NEW TESTAMENT, ohiefly compiled from Towksisd. HORNE -AND ITBEGELLE’S INTRODUCTIONS to all the Book, of tbs Row Testament. . . BTUDENI’S .MEMORANDUM, with two pages for each chapter of this New Testament . • ; No eqcal to the above set. Leading papers (New York Observer, Independent, Ae r i7 style them “ Admi rable, 11 “Excellent, 13 “Invaluable, 33 “ The best. 33 “ The very beat mod 1 moat' delightful, 33 “By far the handsomest, most convenient, must attractive ever lipnbllshed'l'io What m-re certW'they say? ,' | STOCKTON’S SEBMONS YOB THE PEOPLE. 6th I edition. Cloth $1: half mor., $1.60. . . “STAND UP YOB JBrUS, 33 with Biographical Sketch. of. Bor, D. A. Tvng, .tie Christian Ballad, plates, Mnsid, Sc. Bestioopies.lgUt, 88 oehts. MBS. EVANS 3 POEMS. Cloth, plain, 76 cents; **TbS BLESSING j A Good' Book tor Good Children. Steal .Engraving. 26 cents. ~ . Also, a v&ety of other books: Offlct opin'at ntght during Iht Holiday,. Western Oltlsens thus aooom. I.xoodatod, '‘-r-.j ~ , TDST OUT, 1 for 'gratuitous' distribution; 1 %> 14 Circu lars with list of bobkaV ctyleB, pric«B, &0., an& an Address to the' « BIBLK-BBADING PUBLIC. *» Call I orsfind forUi i , : ,T. H. BTBOKTON, • | iS. W. corner BBOAD A OBEErNUTSta., I d24-Bt#-r’a .. Philadelphia,Pa. . A SPIiEIfDIO/BOOK 1/jL - _ roa TH E H O LID A Y.S . . , A wonderful History of Mahon the Ocean, with hla thrilling achlOTements.—Pfesbjteriaa. • GOODRICH'S MAN UPbN THE SEA; A HIBTORY _ OF MARITIME' ADVENTURB . Ann . ‘ ' DISCOVERY. Prom the earliest the. present time; giving detailed accounts of remarkable Voyages of Jx* , , elorttiou in all eges ol the world. . BY PRANK B.‘GOODRICH*. Author of the«( Court of Napoleon, ll Ac. Illustrated with 160 Engravings One yol.v8vo« In various styles of Binding., The subject of'the’volume i» one' of the most intor- Mtiog.—N •O.'Picayttne.'ix ,■>*■<l - r* - - • - . i Vetytoterakting. comprising the Achievements of all , the great navigators and .dlaoovererfl. —N. 0. Delta. ; A book of unusual interest end value.—Nashville Patriot. -. -sj r *. - • -< ■ _ „ , j Truly interesting arid instructive.—Norfolk Argus. ... .We know, of no werk more satisfactory to the reader of cultivated mind, and at the same time more intelligi* ble to the unlearned.—North Amerfcari. *'* *• ' ( : The pub* icatiori of this work is a substantial addition i to the stiDdirdUteratrire'ofthe timeSj-that can hardly fail to be amply repaid 1 by the pnblio of both hemis pheres.—Washington star ' .. J. B. liIPPINCOTX & 00., ’ d23-4t 22 A 24 N. gOPRTH Street, Phito. Q.ALLEBY OF FAMOUS POETS- A U A G N lif I O b’N'T VOLUME This to admitted to he one of the moet volttmee, in .11 It. pnbllahed in America. It to the first attempt to present atebl iUnatiatione upon lie same page with the letter press, thus Interweaving Poetry end Art. . ~ . ... . ~ . AOALLKBY OF FAMOUS ENGLISH AND AMEBI. oAn poets, with an Ess.y by 1 Viot. nnir Oopr»B, Protester.©! English, Literature'to* the. University ol .... Pennsylvania. .Comprising selections from Thomsoh—CoLtiNB—Gray—Qolesw.th—beatti* Oowphii—Bueka— Rooms— Woubswortu— Soott-L Colsbidob—Softest—Ciu3lbs Horaob Smith—Moors— j Mostqombbt—Hbbee— Gaahame—Sirs Whitb—Btboh—Mbs, feontnaT— Jons Kbmbls—Shsllbt-—Mbs:' Hbuahb—Keatb— Hood—ftlOTHßßWßfcL-r-MAOACLiT—BKOWKIKO—T*U ; btsos-»-Bbta»t—Hallbob— Willis— Losqvbllow —Holmis—Poe—Mobbib—Bokbb— Simmb--Pbbhtici CoHBAD ahd Ooxu, ' , ‘GofrgpbiUljMlldatretedyrUb upwards of ONE HUN DRED ENGRAVINGS on steel. After desgoa by the following artists : - Hamilton, Bctimolse, Gilbert, De vereux, Lawrence, Turner,-Vasari, Leslie, Schueiaele, Richmond, Warren, Fletcher, Severn, Boharf, Franklin, and others. - Richly bound in Turkey morocoo antique. Price $l2. FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. .. .Publiahed to-day by. E. H. BUTLER & CO., • 137 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. jttMV /1 REV. PR. OUJUMLN'S LIFE OF MRS. HOFFMAN, with a Portrait. . . ~ PUBLIBBBD IHIB t)AY. iTHKLIFBOr MRS.VIRGINIA HALE BOFFMAN, Tate of the Protestant Episoopal Miaiion to Western Africa. Dytbeßev. George D. -Cummins, 'D.D., Be©- tor or St. Peteria Church, Baltimore. Wltha.beautlful engraved Portrait „ Ose volume, 16mo, Price in plain doth, 75 cts In full gilt, $l 00. ' « •; "/AZ6O, JUST PUBLISHED PALESTINE: PAST AND PRESENT. A work of enduriogyalue by the Rev. HenryS. Osborn, D.D. Ele gantly lUoatratedby steel Engravings, Chromegraphs in colors, numerous wood cuts, and & new Map of Pales tine Royal octavo. 'V' * -r-'V ■.*' * n. DR. MoOANDLISH’S LIFE IN A RIBEN SAVIOUR. An elegantly gilt edition, and with » beantlful Frontia pleoe, engraved on steel. Price $1 50. Also, an edl ,tlon in plain.oloth. Price $l.. . "■ m ' A BLUE AND GOLD EDITION OF, WATSON’S OAUP,;piRES OF. THE AMERIOAN REVOLUTION. With numerous lUuatratiohs Price $2. < - / it. •' - - , /SUNSHINE; Or, KATE-VINTON. By Hiss Har riet Price 76 oents. Plain gUt $1; QUAINT SAYINGS'AND DOINdS' CONCERNING LUTHER. Collected and arranged By the Rev. John G. Morris, D. D-, author ot “,The Blind Girl of Wit tenberg,” Ac., Ac Price 76 cents. Plain gilt $l. VI. DR. STORK’S CHRISTMAS BOOK FOR. CHIL DREN. With a beautifully Colored Frontispiece and numerous other Illustrations.. A small 4to. volume. Price 60 cents. ' ' * LINDSAY & BLAKIBTON, . , Publishers and Booksellers, 428 26 South 'SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. ' Anew .year’? gift for every YOUNO MAN. Thla D.r J. Published, MATERIALS FOR THOUGHT; ' Designed FOR YOUNG. MEN. • 1 Vo!. 16mo. Price 60 Cents. This 'volume Is* intended ib a. New Year’s Gift, to std Ybung Men eid other* to begin the year wall; A.':Yonnf! Med havean Important pert to *ot in the benign end /glorious enterprise of winning souls to .Christ; All neve something to do for the glory of God, end the good of man. Let eaoh one, then, be up end doing, working while the dey lesteth, seeing the night of death will soon come, when no man can work, f from the Yrtsfcytetien.] —An excellent little volume,- The selections of which Jt la composed r ,are judicious, practical, end vgorous, arid e L e adapted to meke a salutary Impression It will be ah appropriate New Year’s gift for young men. r . v ' [From the Christian Observer.] . This volume contains a series of well-written articles, bn'topic*'orgeneraT interest, from various souroes, which olelm the attention of young men.' #£,* A copy will be sent by mall, post-paid, on re ceipt ortho price; ; ; : ! WILIXAM 8. & AtPRBB MARTI BN, PubHih.rt, Ucoksalidrs, and Importer.. d33-tr Wo. eo» OBBBTWJT Street, Phllada. , rpo LOVEKS OF ART MIL E S._ STAN DISH ILLUBTR4TBD. ' - JUST, PUBLISHED,, ; (With express pennieaionand approbation of the author) *VOX/C73VtB3 Oir , .I>'BCOCrQ&TbA-T > 118, * Yrom origTnal drawings by John yf l Ebnlcger. Jllustia* tire of LONGfJBLLpW’i NBW^TOJBM, f , The COUETS&IP oi ; MILES STANDISH. The work contains eight large highly finished Photo! graphs, executed by BRADY, the eminent Photo grapher, Whose name alone will attest their superiority'. The special peculiarity of these' Illustrations is, that they are Photographed on a fenced scale from the ori ginal drawings,' which "are . thus 're^pfCdUced ; even in the minute it torches? And hiVe all thd delicaoy of the * PalotlngSupon Dr?sden China,, Jrhtse Im* preeatons are pasted upon heavy plate paper, with inter secting cre&m-colered leaves, containing the descriptive text*, the whole bound in large quarto massive Turkey morocco covers, with beveled g nt edges. ,1?BIOS,BIX DOLLARS. . * ‘ ' Also, flow ready, \ ALDRIOH’S NSW VOLUME." 5 THE BAGLAI), OF BABIE BEI.I, tvif.; r?-. - Poeins. ' „f. ;, B? AtDBIOH., ...... Mu.llu, p.'tca7octs. ■ ' d«Uwl*.jutil wnutrite book, lot WWbibed, IntW. oouotir. yofO.B.MMj exacnUen, tin, taper,’and printing are .old by all Bookß.UfSn.aii4 .ientbV ra.ll. peMage free. to anj part of the United Biifiiyfi'aWlpt Ihe;'prlce, br imDD & OARtK TON;Pabl!.he;.iad No. 810 SBOABWA7, TUSTSTEPIirXT 'AttEJf’S CHEAP ■*«« BOOKS In all styleß, selling to»loir»rtnrtt«, at ALHBN’B, HI Spring Garden ME PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1858. flitt' fflabHtatiattg. " ' f CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE % YEAR —-Now.lsthe time to boy prevents for your friends and,relations. A'bsudssmff BOOK is the most acceptable presentVto mate to a charl&hed' friend,- and yiU be best appreciated. Thelargest stock of Books in the United Statovand cheapest prioes, is to be found at , / BVANB’ GIFT 1-OOKBTORE, No, 439 Chestnut street. Besides the Book, every purchaser receives a valua ble GIFT, cents to $lO.O, thus getting two valuable presents for the price of one. ANNUALS AND ILLUSTRATED BOOKS FOR THE . - -HOLIDAYS. -LOOK'AT THE LIST.' ’ Bopk of Bsauty Oriental Annual. Borne Memories Heroines,'Shakspeare Lad its Souvenir’ Souvenir' Gallery Poets of lßth Century. World-Noted Women Christian fouvenlr Women of Beauty Keepsake Republican Court Leaflets of Memory ' •' Oourt of Napoleon Diadem- atratfordGallery Winter Wwath , - Berlin Gallery Atlantic Eouveoir . . Dresden Gallery Josephine Gallery . Slunioh Gallery Book of'the Boudoir Gallery of Famous Poeta Floral Keepsake Amaranth American Soenery • Lady’s Wreath L»dy’s ( Book of Flowers Keepsake pf Frlenquup Poetry of Flowers , . Floral Wreath Casket Lady’s Wreath Forget Be Not • 1 Hoaßßose FHendahip’a Offering 1 FhUopoona . Friendship’s Token Freemason’s Annual Friendship’s Gift Magnolia Gift of Afleotion' Passion .Flower Lady’s -Wreath Token Lady’s Sorao Book Emblem Mommy’s .Gift* . Garland - Gem Annual Christian Keepsake SnowFUko Religious Souvenir \ Coronet Token of Friendship . .THE ANCIENT AND MODERN POETS, IN CALF, • . r - ANTIQUE. r LALLA ROOKH MILTON LADY. OF THE LAKE SPENSER * BYRON CHAUCER SCOTT MRS. HEMANS MOORE MRS .NORTON . DBYDJBN LONGFELLOW \POPJS ' TENNYSON BURNB .. • OOWPER * LEIGH HUNT • WHITTIER . MBS. BIGOUBNEY DANTE _ ROGER* • Ej.W. ELLSWORTH SOUTHEY' \ - . HOOD ■ H.KXAK WHITE . . TAPPER TASSO GOLDBMITH *-MRB. JAMIESON WORDSWORTH --ALICE CABBY; SHELLEY , KEATB MONTGOMERY EDGAR A. .POE BRYANT We have the above in all styles of binding, from plain 1 doth to the finest Calf and Antique, to salt all closes of purchasers!. We sell these ohesperthsn any other, house in the olty,-besides the additional advantage of a gift. , Works by the most popular authors, living and dead, 1 in all styles, from the most recherche and costly to the 1 plain And substantial, at astonishingly lowprices, Bayard Taylor’s Travels Works of Thoa. JeHeißoa Works .of -J. Fennimore “ Ohas Biokens Cooper “ Mrs. Southworth Works of J. T. Headley « Mrs. Bents . , '«» Frank Forrester Mrs. Sedgwick , i< Hugh Miller Works of Virginia Town <i Oapt. Mayne Reid send <« Charlotte Bronte Works of S. M. Smucker Works of Washington Irr- 11 T. S. Arthur i D g “ J. A Ward Works of-Grace AgUlUr ‘‘ A. S.-Boe it Rev. C. H. flpargeon “D. P. Thompson m Capt.Msryatt “ SamßUok it Borer Parley {< Jane Austin »» Mrs. Moodle il Marion Harland u gmol et “ Mary Howitt , , « Fielding “ Cbas. Lamb '<• 'Lawrence Sterne “ Edward Everett Waverly Novels “ Lorenxo Dow Works of BenJ Franklin “ Lord Bacon HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY BY THE MOST OBLB i ; PRATED AUTHORS. Hume > Bancroft Macaulay Russell Prescott Ferguson Gibbon RolHn Robertson Lord Headley . Sparks And a host of others. Call and examine and satisfy yourself, that EVANS has a gmter ; variety of Books, and. will sell cheaper than any other house. in the olty. Do not forget that a valuable’ Glfttwhich will make a weleome Christmas Box* is presented ■ to you, fr*e]o t charge, at EVANS 3. besides getting your Books cheaper than you can get them elsewhere. •' ALBUMS FOB THE LADIES. Albums of all sixes and all stylos of binding te suit all tastes.. Profusely illustrated with magnificent Steel Engravings. ' _ „ Pet Album Leaves of Affection Message Bird Album PhUopasoa Album Sunbeam Album Token of Love Gem Album Album of the Heart Rosebud Album Landscape Album Gift Album Forget-me-not Album Album of Lore • Album <f Memory' Album of Remembrance ’ Souvenir Album Leaves of Friendship | Friendship Album AndhttUrstoo numerous 'o mention. BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, AND HYMN c . • BOOKS. • „ „ t M.thodlrt Hymn Book! |Bpl«cop»l Pr.y.r Booh. Baptist HymnHook* ‘ |0»ttaollo Prayer Books Lutheran Hymn Books 1 Presbyterisa Hymn Books • Of’all- sires, sod bound In all styles, Arabeiqne, Turkey Morocoo, Antique, VelTet, Arc., sritb ond with out clasps. t'j , i ■ < FAMILY BIBLS3.—A Urge assortment ot Family Blblee, of, ,11. descriptions aed all prices, from *1 to $5O, Hustrated-with fine engravings, printed with large typo, on stood paper, and ;ln varloua styles or binding, from the simplest’to the most Ornamental. Also, Pulpit Bibles,- m various styles. * ‘A very large assortment of JUVENILE, BOOKB, to suite all ages and tastes. We have a larger variety of Children’s Books, at lower rates than any other house in the city, besides the. additional advantage of a gift, gratis,'for the little ones. *• What the eye sees the heart believes.” Any one who wishes to examine for himself Is invited to call at EVANS’S and verify the abovestatement. Wears con fident that he will go away satisfied that EVANS has themost variety; EVANS’S U the cheapest place. EVANS gives more for the money than any other. Our gifts oonslst of gold and silver Watches,, gold Vest, Fob, Chatelaine and Guard Chains, gold Brace lets : Cameo, Mosaic, Coral, Garnet, and Engraved and Plain Binds, Gold Miniature Lockets,Gold pencils and Pens. Ladies’ Seta.oT Coral, Lava, Cameo, Garnet, Mo saic, and Jet Ear-drops,, with BreastplnK to match. Gold Bings with Stone Bettings, Gold,Bosom Stnds and Sleeve Buttons, Pocket Knlvei/Portemonttales, Gift ! Book*, Silver Plated Oaks' Baskets, Water Pitchers. ; Napkin Rings; Bats of Teaspoons, Butter. Knives, and I a great variety of useful,- ornamental, and handsome gifts pr intrinsic value, suitable for Holiday Presents, will be distributed among purchasers of Books, at the GIFT BOOK STOBB EMPORIUM, 439 CHESTNUT Street. *- G« G. EVANS. N. B. Persons who are dissatisfied with-their Gifts, eanhave them exchanged for others of the same value. Classified Catalogues free to all. d2l fit jp. ADDITION TO THE NEVT BOOKS WHICH HAVA BBSS IBBPISO From the Press AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, Every Saturday Mornings Sinoe the first of September, There will be publishod during the month of Decern, her, as follows: ’ Saturday, December 4th. JENNY AND»THE INSECTS. Beautifully illustrated with colored engravings. Large 16mo. elegantly bound in extra English cloth, gilt, and gilt edges. Saturday, December 11th MEAT EATERS, with some account of their haunts and'habits. By the author of *< Irish Amy,” etc. Twenty beautiful engravings. 12rao. cloth. Saturday, December 18th. THE LOST KEY. By the author of the ’’Little Water-crew Sellers.” 18mo. doth. Illustrated. Saturday, December 25th. THE SNOW STORM. 18mo. . cloth. Illustrated. ' Making a large and beautiful assortment of new and elegantly illustrated books for the family and the school. * They are all put up In handsome gilt bindings, suita ble for presents. • Otjer books are In preparation, and will Boon be pub lished by the , AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, NO. 1122 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. No. 876 Broadway, New York. And for sale by all Booksellers. dll-eodtJl A MAGNIFICENT HOLIDAY GIFT . BOOK. Messrs. JAMRB OHALLEN A SON, No. 26 South SIXTH Street. pubiish this day— PALESTINE PAST AND PRESENT. By Bev. Henry 8. Osborn. ■ Superbly illustrated'by Steel En gravings, Obronographio-Illamfnations in Oil Colors, and the most exqalslte wood engravings. It is without exception the most elegant work os Palestine ever issued. 'Edition in cloth now ready.'s3 60. Also, new editions fot the Holidays, of The City of the Great King, uniform with above, doth, $3 60. For gilt $6. Turkey Antique $6.60. Hadgi in Byrla, Turkey $2; doth gUtsl; cloth 7fio. ’ In aad Aroaad OonstintJnople $126. Chailen’s Juvenile Library. 30 vole. 26c pervol., or $6 per sett. Oavo of Machpelab, doth, full gilt, $1: cloth 750. FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. dl6-12t IMLAY & 810 KNELL’S ~ BANK NOTE REPORTER, The oldest and ablest on the Continent. The cheap est and most reliable in the World. Per annum $2, weekly; $1.25 semi-monthly 576 oeots monthly. Single copies 6 cento, and always ready. Subscriptions may be sent. Office No.' 112 South THIRD Street, Bulletin Buildings. no!8-8m THE AMERICAN SUNBAT-SCHOOI. DNIOK yUBUWBQ VOM THAW OKU VBOOBAKO OHOIOB ILLUSTRATED BOOKS FOB CHILDREN AND YOUTH, Being the Largest Collection in the Country. THIY ABB now PDSLIBEIHQ A NEW BOOK EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. Elegantly illustrated Catalogues may he had without charge, by addressing . THE AMBRIOAN BUND AY-BOHOOL UNION, 1122 OHEBTNUT Street, Philadelphia. A large assortment of IMblefl, together with the de votional books . used .in the various Evangelical Ohnrohes j always kept on hand. 0011-tl VERY CURIOUS, SCARCE, RARE, AND OLD BOOKS bought by JOHN CAMPBELL, Yourtli and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. Highest price paid. Orders attended to in every State of the Union. Books imported from Europe. ulfi-Rm JiAND WARRANTS LOST.—Notico is JLi hereby given, that after the publication of this notice, once a wtek for six successive weeks, application will be made to the Commlssionerof Pensions, at Wash ington Oity, for the issue of Duplicates of Land War T*nt No. 47 878, for 80 acres, issued under the aot o March Bd, 1855, .to Ann, widow of John M. Hays, de ceased! and of Land Warrant No. 46,106, for 80 acres, la ued* under the same aot to Philip Prater \ the same having been assigned In blank, and lost by us in Phils* on tho 29th day of September last, between the Post Office and our BankingHouae, and Caveats against the issue of Patents having been entered In the Gene ral Land Office. OBONISB Sc CO. December 11th, 3869. dH*s6t H/lEN’S WAXED AND 'W’ATER-PRWP Itt BOOTS, WOMSS’S'OAL FSKIN BOOTS, wifh heels, suitable for the Country Trade.' Best city ma&u* factored.' Low prices at DUTTON’S, 3 No. IU North 6EOOND Street, (oast side,) above Arch 1 . " “SIGN OF THE BED BOOT.” n2fi ? th&tu-ow* NS. LAWRENCE • PAPER PRINTERS’ CARDS. AND ENVELOPE - WAREHOUSE. : No. 406 COMMERCE STREET. FIS Of* THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE for every one to know where they will get the emstfortheir money, especially such times as these. ZIEGLER Sc SMITH, wholesale Druggists, corner of SECOND and GREEN Streets, are disposing of their White Lead. Ground Paints, of all Colors, and Window Glass, all or the best quality, at prices which will be pleasing to buyers, pell [MT THOMAB arSONS, JJ* Res. 189 and-,141 SOUTH FOURTH BTBMT ’ "*(FormerlyNos:«7indM.)‘ ,v - ViLL SALES—STOCKS AND BEAL E-TATE Twenty-fourth Fall Sale, 28th December, at the Jx* Twenty-fifiix Tall Sale. 4tK January, tit the Exchange. Twenty-sixth Fall Bale, 11th January, at the Ex change. 07* Fart of the handbill* of the abore sales now ready.. BBAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &e. . , Fublio Bate* at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Eveniag.. 07* Handbill* of each property leaned separately,' tfl addition, to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each'sale, one thousand pamphlet form, living foil descriptions of all the property to be aold on he folloWlngTaesday. ' v ’ : YRIVAt* BAU ESSIBTBa. ■ jp" Beal Estate entered on our .Private Bale Be cuter) and advertised'occasionally in our Public o*le Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies, are printed weekly,) free of charge. «- • - |T7* We have n large amount of Beal Estate, at W* rata Sale, including every description of City add country property. Printed Lists may he had at the auction store. Executors* Peremptory' Sale—Estate of Jacob Kora deffer. Deceased.' 1 BANK BTOOKO, P»WS, Ac. , Oh Tuesday Evening, January 4th, at 7-o’olock, at the Philadelphia' Ex change, without reserve— . 9 shares Pennsylvania B&Uroad Company. 16 shares Little Schuylkill Navigation and Eailroad Company. ' 4 shares Southwark Railroad Company. ' 4 shares Delaware and Bchuylklll Canal Company. 6, shares Olty.Bank >tock,' 1 share Mercantile Library Company. •$7OO Pennsylvania State’S per cent loan. ' sl36' in' no.es of the Pennsylvania Bank, marked good. February 4th, 2855. $lBB.ll check, marked good, on the Bank of Pennsyl vania. Also, for other accounts-r- ’ 20 new shares (1 old share) Baa .Francisco Land As sociation. ’ ’ Also, without reserve, 4 ah&reß Herre-do*Oraee Steam. Tow-Boat Company, Also, PeWlfo. 61, middle aisle. Central Presbyterian Charon, southeast co*ner of Eighth and Cherry streets —cost $4OO. ' 1 ’ Pew No. 46, middle aisle, St. .Andrew’s Church coat $BOO. 60 shares farmers’ and Mechanics* Bank ofOamden, N.J. Por acoount of whom it may concern— -465 shares Mill Creek and Mine Hill Navigation and Bailroad Company-par $26.' 16 1 hares weit Philadelphia Passenger Ballway Com* pany—full paid, ; BEAL ESTATE SALE, January 4th; Will include— Orphans’ Court • Bale-Batata of Samuel Miller, TWO VALUABLE LOTS, with atone andfrsme dwel-i lings, Gray>a lane, wait of the Darby plank-road,, Twenty-foarthTwalrd. f. Orphans 1 QmrtSale—Estate of James Morrow, deeM.l -THREE TH KBE-BICRY BRIOK DWELLINGS, Owen' street, between Thirteenth and Broad and Lombard' and South streets. Assignee’s Peremptory Sale. TRACT 0? LAND, 1477 85 100 acres, supposed to be woodland, situate lo Montrose county, Arkansas. Same Estate—FlVE TOWN 'LOTS, South Covington,, Kenton coufitf* ffy.\ . Same Estate—TßACT OF LAND, 160 acres, situate In Benton county, lowa. Same Estate—TßACT OF LAND, 80 aores, situate in Dubuque Land District, lowa. - . , . Same Estate— TßAOTJ OF LAND, 280 aores, situate in Lewis oonnty, Missouri. Same Estate—FAßM of 680 acres, part woodland, with two-story brick dwelling, Jog and frame barn. IC7* Fall particulars of each of the above in band* bills. UNITED STATES HOTEL. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. —The rery valuable property known as the ‘ United States Hotel,” Atlantic City, N. J The house Is 60 feet front by 40 feet deep,- with a wing 40 by 240 feet; Is four stories high, with 140 large sleeping apartments, Bitnate on a square of ground, 850 feet front os the rail* road by 500 Test deep, with a square of ground laid out as a park, SSQieet front by.6ooleet deep to the ocean. ContolniOg'l2 bores. - - < - Execotor’e Peremptory Bale—Estate of Jacob £orn- VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND—Three-*tory brick ■tore and dwelling. No. 913 South Second street, south ef Obrietlan street Same Estate—VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND— Three-story brick store and dwelling (with granite front two stories) adjoining the above,being No. 915 South Beoond street' * * ' • ‘ ••• • i Same Estate—BUSINESS STAND—Two-story frame store and dwelling, adjoining the above, being No. 917 Booth Second street. Same Estate—BEVEN FRAME DWELLlNGS—Chris tian street, between Second and Third streets. Samo Estate—TWO FRAME DWELLINGS. China street, between Front and Second streets, /Southwark } A FIRST MORTGAGE for $1 300, secured by two thrse-story brick dwellings, Brown street, (Nineteenth ward,), The title papers may be seen at the Auction Rooms. THREE-BTORY BBICK STORE AND DWELLING, No, 1219 Little Washington street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth and Prime and Federal streets, with a frame Stable in the rear. GROUND BENT $6O A YEAR—A well-secured yearly ground rent of $OO a year, olear of taxes. GROUND RENT $4B A YEAR—A well.jecnred yearly ground rent of $4B a year, clear of taxes. VALUABLE PROPERTY Stores, dwellings, Ac , Nos. 1746 and 1748 Market street, southeast corner of Eighteenth street, opposite the Media Railroad Depot; and Nos 6,7. and 9 South Eighteenth street, below Mar* ket street. To be sold together -BUSINESS STANDS—’Three-story brick tavern and dwelling, southeast comer of Second and Shippen streets. BAKERY AND DWELLING Three-story briok bakery and dwellicg, Shippen street- adjoining the above. > Will Include— MARKET STREET.—First-rate Business Location, —Building lot, north side of Market street, between Delaware Fifth and Blxth streets, ti be sold peremp* torlly. The building formerly on it was burned. THREE BTORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, northwest corner of Eleventh and Christian streets. Peremptory Sale —THRBK-STORY BRICK DWEL* LING, No. 617 South Seventh street, with tbree-atory brick dwelling in the rear. Orphans* Court Bale—Estate of Joseph Parvis, Dec’d. THIUE-BTOBY BRIOK DWELLING, No. 927 North Tenth street, Above Poplar. game Estate.—FOUß BUILDING LOTS, 80 feet front, southeast side of Duke street northeast of Som erset street. Richmond near the Reading Railroad. LOMBARD STREET.— T hree-story brick dwelling and brick shop, Ne. 643 Lombard street, east of Seventh. ' HANDBOME MODERN FOUR-STORY BRIOK RE SIDENCE, southwest corner of Sprute and Twentieth streets. SALE OF POPULAR AND INTERESTING MISCEL LANEOUS BOOKS. BIBLES AND PRATER BOOKS, JUVENILE WORKB,&O. \ On Tuesday Evening, Bee. 28, *t the auction at--re, an assortment of mis cellaneous works, blbles aud prayer books, juvenile works, Ac. IT?" For particulars see catalogues. SUPERIOR MIOROSOOPE. At 8 o’clock, a valuable ml'crotoope from 20 to 600 diameters. Philip ford, auctioneer, no. 680 MARKET STREET, between FIFTH and SIXTH, south side LARGE SALE OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, OABBIMBRBB, Ac. On Tuesday Morning, 28th instant, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, will be sold about 206 lota of ready made clothing, -pleoe goods. Ac. LARGE SALE OF BOOTB, SHOES, OUUB, Ac Will bo sold, by catalogue, about 800 {eases boots, shoes, gum tbocs. &o„ to which the attention of pur chasers la requested. BSOOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 481 e -OHEBTNUT STREET, opposite the Custom Moose, between FOURTH and FIFTH Streets. GREAT BALE, AT AUCTION, OF A LARGE AND VALUABLE OOLLEOTION OF EUROPEAN OIL PAINTINGS. On Monday Morning, December 27th, at 10# o’clook, at the sales-room. No. 481 Chestnut street. . . This fine collection embraces nearly two hundred specimens, mostly originals, by celebrated artiste. Among the subjects, of which there is a*great variety, will be found beautiful landscapes, marine views, inte riors, exteriors,'compositions of animals, figure pieces, &e , all of which are finished in the finest style of art. Thare are also several fine copies of originals after the “ old masters, copied with great fidelity. . All the picture! have been framed in rich gold gilt frames, made in the beat manner, after the newest de signs, and all beirg in perfect order, all fit ornaments w thwhioh to adorn the parlor,-gallery, or drawing room. JET** The pictures will be open for examination, with catalogues, ail day, and in the oven'ng until 9 o’clock, on Thursday aha Friday preceding tbs sale, and the ladies and' gentlemen of Philadelphia and violnity are invited to examine them prior to the sale. Sale positive. ■ flj* Parties from a distance can have their pictures packed on the spot, so as to be sent with perfect safety. /COMMERCIAL SALESROOM, \J 222 MARKET STREET, BETWEEN BEOOND AND THIRD STREETS. F. G. WOLBKRT, Auorrovsaa BIOBNESS, BRINTIEY. & 00.. E 1 No. *39 MARKET* STREET. , SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, ICS and MONEY LOAN. .OFFICE, No. 254 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., only eight doors below the Ixohangs, - Hours of business from T o’clock, A. hi., until 10 O’clock in the evening. 1 Out-doer sales, and sales at the Auction House, as - upon the ims^gtafaMn term*. JSttablitkidfor th* last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands oa Dla*> monds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Meri ehandue, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every description.' All goods can remain any length of time agreed pon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upward*! will bp charged 2 per cent, per month j $6OO and over* Ike lowest market rate. PHILADELPHIA. ThU Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has large fire and thief-prooftraults to store all valuables, end prig fate watchmen for the premise*; also, a heavy ln*»J ranoe effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon. N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office Is prepared to make advances on more satis factory end accommodating term* than any other in this city. - - ' ■ Money advanoed to the poor, la small Amounts, with] out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, aad Clothing will be sold at reduced crises. aul-lv BY WILLIAM H. STEHK; general AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE, No. 46 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. J. A. ELISON. Auotloneer. E Consignments of new, and second-hand house rniture, piano-fortes, Carpets, watches, Jewelry, &0., respectfully Solicited, bn which liberal eash ad vances will be made it required. JJ7* Out-door sale* attended to promptly. Charges as moderate as any .other house in this city. JU. GUMMEY & SONS, • REAL ESTATE. AUCTIONEERS, , No. 520 WALNUT STREET, CARD.—J - . ST. Gu&mey it Sons, auctioneers, will hold regular sales of Real Estate, Stocks, Ac. Also, household furniture at dwellings. BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE, rn* On our Private Sale Register will always be found a very laTge amount of real estate, including every description of city and country properly. 3. M. GUMMEY St SONS, „„ __ Real Estate Brokers, 520 WALNUT Street, below Sixth. IT IS NOT A DYEJ JEROME’S HAIR COLOR RESTORER will re store Gray Hair to Its original color in from ten to twolve days, and restore the Hair whefe it has fallen off and become thin. IT IS NOT A DYE! It may be used as freely ae water, and Is the most beau* tlful Dressing for ihe Hair now In use.. Thousaodsln different parts of the Union have testi fied to its wonderibl virtue*, and all who have used it join in their praise of It. ' Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dr. BWAYNB 4 BON. No. 8 North BEVENTH Street, above MARKET, Bolt Agents for Philadtlphia. .Train supplied ©«l4-8m BUTTER. —59 tubs Goshen Batter just re velved, and for sale by O. C. SADLER. & 00., 49 ABOH St., second door below Front. Sake bg Action, REAL'ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. daffer, deoeased REAL ESTATE SALE—JANUARY 11th. tjjolibag (Snobs. I for tke HOLIDAYS. MABT.IN & QUAYLE'S STATIONBEY, TOY, * YANOY OOODS EUFOBIUM, No. 103 S WALNUT STREET, (BELOW ELEVENTH.) A oho ce and elegant assortment of Goods suited to the coming HOLIDAYS, comprising articles of utility, taste, aad ornament, selected from the latest importa tions expressly for the City Retail Trade. M. & Q.’s Btock embraces every variety of Dolls, Wax, Crying, and Sleeping, &o.» together with a large variety of - PAPER DOLLS, WRITING DESKS, PORT FOLIOS, HERBARIUMS, SCRAP BOOKS, PORT-HONNAIBS, &0. - ' With a large assortment of Games, Fancy Boxes, Juvenile Books, Doll Furniture, Theatres, Stables. Warehouses, with a general assortment of Toy and Fanoy Articles. PANS! PANS! PAHS! fitvla Van., in Bilk, Orftpe, asd Idnen. AIM, Orloket Bata. BaUfl. »od WlokeU. - nolO-tlll & CO.. I PERFUMERS AND IMPORTERS, Being now arranged In their new location, No. 45 SOUTH FOURTH 6TREBT, are offering a' superior assortment of DRUGGISTS’ ARTICLES AVD FANOY GOODS. Consisting in part of Frenck and English FANOY BO APB. Foreign EXTRACTS and POUAD tfl. TOILET BOTTLES, in Glaas and China. POBTEMONNAIES. PURSES and POOKBT-BOOKS. DBEESING OASES and ODOR BOXES. Hair, Todtb, Nail, and Shaving BRUSHES, &d.» *O. To which th»y call the attention of Druggists and the public, as thelt prices defy oompetlt.on. Als-dtja7 Confectioners For the holidays. CHOICE MIXED SUGAR PLUMB. MARSEILLES SUGAR ALMONDS. JORDAN SUGAR ALMONDS. A VARIETY OF CREAM BONBONS. SUPERIOR BURNT ALMONDS FINE CHOCOLATE,PREPARATIONS NEW VARIETY OF FINE CONFECTIONS. JAPANESE STRAWBERRIES. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BKLKOTED FRENCH BONBONS. A VARIETY OF FINE PARIS BOXES AND 00RN E T S FRENOHSUGARTOYS ANDFRENCH NICK NAOSB. . STEPHEN -P WHITMAN. MANUFACTURER OF FINE CONFECTIONERY* Ne. 1210 MARKET STREET, d4*td29 • Wait of TWELFTH Btreet. Kris kßinglk headquarters.— • We havejuat received our French Confectionery, and are manutteturing a superior artiole of Marsh Mel low Gum Drupe* Bon Bona, Oream D%te«, A o'. Oall and supply youraelves with the best Confectionery in this city, at JfeFFRIEB & EVANS’, no!6-8m No. 718 MARKET St., bet. 7th and Bth. tlmbrclias. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. william a. dbown * 00., 246 MARKET BTRHBT, MOW BBADY THBIR USUAL LAKBK ASSORT. MENT OT HAMDSOMBLY FINISHED SILK UMBRELLAS. To vhloh they larlte tho attintioa of BOXERS Jnrs, &t. jpMJRS FOR LADIES. A LABSB ASSOBTMINT IB OYYBBBD OF BLEOANT AND FASHIONABLE FUKS. CONSISTING OF BBAL SABLE, MARTIN, MINK, PITCH, AND CHINCHILLA, A.T VERY LOW PRICES, sr DAVID H. SOLIS. [NO. m ABOH STBKBT, ABOVJ SIXTH. SlO-U OsnUmtn’H ynrnißl)ittg ®oob«. QKHILEMEN’S J’TTR3XTXBKCI3SrC3- GOODS. The largest asaortment in the city, and comprising the newest styles of— FANOY SOARFS. | MUFFLERS, NEOKVriKS, SHAWLS, GLOVeS, DRESSING GOWNS, HANDKERCHIEFS, | SMOKING CAPS, &o. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Also, every de’criptlon of Shirts, Collar!, Under shirts, Drawers, Half-Hose, Suspenders, Ac., will be fohnd at SPENCER’S, NO. 839 CHESTNUT BTREET, ADJOINING THE QIHABD HOUSE. WINCHESTER A 00., GENTLEMEN’S W FUBNIBHINO STORE PATENT BHOULDBR SEAM SHIRT MANUFAC- TORY, AtU>. Old Stun!, No. 706 CHESTNUT STREET, oppo llto the Houw. • A. WINCHESTER wlllrire, u heretofore, hl« per tonal supervision to the Gutting and Manufacturing department!. Orders for his celebrated style of Shirts and Collars filled at the shortest notice. Wholesale trade supplied on liberal terms. jy24-ly JW. SCOTT, (late of the firm of Wur » osxsnn & Sootv.) GENTLEMEN’S FURNISH ING STOBB and SHIRT MANUPAOTORY, 814 OUEBTNUT Street, (nearly opposite theGirard House,) Philadelphia, J. W. sTwould respeotfuliy call the attention of his former patrons and friends to hti new Store, and is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notloe. A perfeot fit guarantied. COUNTRY TBAD9 supplied with FINS BHIBTB and COLLARS. jy!9*tf Cabinet iMare. fJIHJS LARGEST DESS bepot in the UNION.- HOGUET. & HUTTON, (Suoceuor. to J. T. Hunmltt,) MANUFACTURERS OF A. L. ADAMS’ IMPROVED DESK RACK. No. 268 South THIRD Btrwt, Philadelphia. OFFICE, SANK, hid SCHOOL FURNITURE. EXTENSION TABLES, BOOKOABES, ' WARDROBES, AO. dS-Sm ©roeerttß, GROOERIBSh— C. DONOGHUE, 15 S. WATER Btreet, offers for sale, to roduoehis fltock during this month, at reduced prices for Cash. Philadelphia and New York Steam Refined fiogar and Bjrup of various grades, Prime Coffee. Cuba and New Crop New Orleans Molasses, Sifted Pepper, and Ada mantine Candles d&-lm* QOOD GROCERIES, AT PAIR PRIORS!!I OHAS. H. MATTSON, Bouthwest corner TENTH and ABOQ Btreeta, Hu on hand, and is generally receiving TUB BUST 09 GROCERIES, -which be will eell at the most SEASON ABLE FRIOB3 FOB OABE Having a LARGE and OHOIOE ASSORTMENT.'of BLAOK and GREEN TEAS, he Is confident of being able to suit* both In quality ana price, all persons in want of the article, In quantities of from one pound to the half cheat. Ills general assort ment embraces everything in the way of FINE GRO CERIES, and he would respectfully invite all in want of good articles to give him a cpll. It.willbe worth the trial. cBQ-ltno Car})elinjjo. 13A1L7 h BROTHER’S 13 CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. MO CHESTNUT STREET. WE SHALL OPEN TO-DAY ANOTHER INVOICE 07 BNGLIBH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, “ OROBBLEY’S” CELEBRATED MAKE, ONE DOLLAR A YARD. Carpet buyers will find our atook fall and of freak styles, and PRICES VERY LOW. noB-tf rjpHE WAREHOUSING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORS. PATRICK BRADY. PLINY FISK, ALEXANDER HENRY, QUO. L. HARRISON A J. PLBASONTON, WILLIAM NJSILBON. WM. H. STEWART, 3. R. CRAWFORD. PATRICK BRApY, Prealdent. 8. R. CRAWFORD, Vice President. WILLIAM NSILSON, Secretary. CLIFFORD 8. PHILLIPS, Warehouse Keeper. THE WAREHOUSING’ COMPANY OP PHILAD’A Alia PRBFARBD fO RECEIVE GOOD 3 ON STORAGE, Whether la Bend or Duty Free, at Carrent Hates, and will laettft teoelpte or warrants therefor. Application may bo made nt their OFFIOE, IN LAUREL STREET, Lately oocuple&bj the United states Custom House, or At their premises, better known as the TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, DOCK STREET. itegal Natitts. IVOTICE is hereby given that the under- J.* signed am made application for the renewal of Oertifloats No. 137. for Fire Shares of the Capital Stock of the Philadelphia Exchange Company, also for re newal of Certificate No. 648, for Five Shares of the O&p'til Stock-of the Schuylkill Navigation Compary,' both standing in the name of BIOH&RD PAXBON on 'the hooks of the aforesaid Companies, the original Car ificates having been lost or mislaid. mOUAKD PAXBON, Administrator. 613-mithBt* : N THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS j THE city AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL- BBYNOLp3 vs REYNOLDS—Bab Divorce. March Term, 1858,N0 28 _ And now December 18th, 1858, on motion of J. DRIOE, Esq.. Attorney for Libellant, the Ceurt grant a rule on the Respondent to show reuse why a decree of Divorce should not be en tered. In above case. Returnable on BATDBDAY, January Ist, 1859, at 10 o’clock A. U Sib—You will please take notloe of above rule. To-Mr. EDWARD J. REYNOLDS, Respondent, <. M . .... - J.SERGEANT PRICE, d2l-tu&th2w Attorney for Libellant. CJPEOIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers m Goodyear’s Pateptfor Vulcanised Rubber Buspenders, Braids. Webs.and all other Fabrics and articles made by combin ing fibroussabstanoeawlth threads or sheets of vulcan lied rubber are notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authori ty, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States" Merchants and dealers are invited to examine specimens now in store, and to give their orders for the Spring Trade to the undersigned. EXCLUSIVE OWN' SR OF THE TITLES AND EXCLUaIVB'BIGHTS IN THE PATENT for these goods, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or imported, and many others. ' ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to me at No; 23 COUBTLANDT Street, N Y. n24-ly HORACE H. DAY. Sot Bale attb to £et. £JOTTAGE LOTS WOODBURY, 3ST. J. SHERIFF’S SALE ON CHRISTMAS DAY, At 1 o’clock, at the HOTEL, of 12# ACRES, at WOODBURY, Eligibly situated for Bollding Purposes. alB-ot* fjto IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, TO LET, The Five-story BROWN-STONE WAREHOUSE, No. 45 South SECOND Street, NEAR CHESTNUT STREET, Suitable for the PACKAGE, OR OTHER BUSINESS. BUNT 10W—For » Term of Yeen. Possession given January Ist APPLY ON THB PREMISES. 43-lm ABg FOR SALE—A handsome, new threes ■History BRIOK DWELLING, with three.s*ory back buildings, is finished throughout in first-claw style, and has all the modern improvements. Located on TWEN TIETH Street, above Race. And will be sold a bar gala. Apply.to BURTON A LANING, No. 602 ARCH Street. dIS-tf ®FOR RENT.—The second and third floors of the new marble building, Nos. 19 and 21 South FOURTH Street, 26 feet freat and 90 feet deep. Apply on the premises to dVt Jal TEMPLE, BARKER, A 00. MFOR RENT—The DWELLING No. 616 LOOUBT Street, (or Washington Bquare,) from the Ist of January, 1859. The house is three stories high, with basement, back building, Ac , now occupied by J. W. Forney. Apply at the office of The Press , or at the house. n023-tf XO LET —The large, well lighted, and eligible BTORE, NO. 83 -oath SECOND Btreet, which will be vaeated by the undersigned on the first of January. Rent very moderate. Apply to nol6-tf A. H. ROSENHEIM A BROOKS, as above. TO BENT.—On the Ist January next, the ' very superior and extensive ROOMS, (2d, Bd, 4th and CttfSoore, each 24feet by 146) of the NEW STORE, 583 MARKET Street. The building is one of the fine improvements on the upper aide, between FIFTH and SIXTH Streets, having two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good cartage way 20 feet into SIXTH Street. Apply on the premises. nol-tf «TO BENT, a STORE on DELAWARE Avenue, below VINE Street, running through to Water Street, 148 feet deep. Also.the Double STORE, corner of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of the best leoations for large Business in Phila delphia. Also, STABLE and OOAOH-HOUBB in O&JSRRY Street, above SEVENTH, in rear of Ash land House, Apply at 278 South FOURTH Street. se29-8m« Semina JHacijineo. |_fARRIS’ B BOUDOIR SEWING MA CHINE is offered to the publle as the most re liable low-prloed Sewing Machine in use. It will sew from six to sixty stitches to an inch, oa all hinds of goods, from coarsest bagging to the finest cambrics. It Is, without exception, the simplest in lu mcohacicai construction ever made, andean be run and kept in order by a child of twelve years of sge. The durability of this machine, and the quality o»,W8 woes, are war ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per mi nute. The thread media taken directly from the spools, without THi tsoobXjß of rxwindikg. Infaet,itiaa machine that is wanted by every family in the land, and the low price of THIRTY DOLLARS, at whioh they are sold, brings them within the reach ol almost every one 8. D. BAKER, Agent, d2Q d6m W-eOW-6m 28 South EIGHTH Street. 'YyHBELKR & WILSON^ SEWING MACHINES, REDUCED PRICES. NEW STYLE $69. All the former patterns $26 less on each Machine. A NEW TENSION. NO WINDING OF UPPER THREAD. A HBMMER WHICH TURNS ANY WIDTH OF HEM OR FELL, orrioia $2B CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, No. T WSBT BTATE Btreat, Trento it. J. Ho. HAST OAT Street, Weet Gkeeter, P«. oeT-tt)3o. JOSEPH GILLOTT Respeotfally invites the attention of the Pabllo to the followiog numbers of hie PATENT METALLIC PENS, which, for quality or material, freedom of aotlon, and great durability, will Insure universal preference. FOR LADIES* USE. For fine neat writing, eepeoielly on thick and highlyi finished paper, Nos. 1,170, 803, 893, Q 94. In extra-fine points. FOR GENERAL USE. Nos. 2,161,166, 168,634. Io fine points. FOR GENTLEMEN’S USB. For large, tree, bold writing: The Black Swan Quill, large Barrel Pen. No. 806, (on cards and in boxes.) FOR GENERAL WRITING. No. £63. Extnufine and fine points. No. 202 Eagle Pen. ' No. 840. The Autograph Pen. FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. The celebrated Correspondence Pens, Nos. 882 and 41T. The Publlo Pen, No. 292. “ « -with Bead, N 0.404 Small Barrel Feus, fine and free. Nos. 892 and 816. VOB SAL* TO TBB TBADS AT THE MANUFACTURER’S WAREHOUSE, NO. 91 JOQN BTRSKT, NSW TORE. HENRY OWEN, Agont. 617 Htalw NEWLAND & CO., LOOKING-GLASS AMD PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An Extensive Stock of OIL PAINTINQB, WATER-OOLOB DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, All at very Low Prices, 694 ARCH ST., ABOVE SIXTH, PHILA. dT-Sm ANIL A AND JUTE HOPE. OORDS, TWIKTEJS, EIO.' Hurareotnrel. end for;«»le «t the lomat Not Tork price, by WEAVER, FITLER & CO., No. S 3 N. WATBB Street, »n<l 39 N. WHAUVEB, nolT.Jm BURST PREMIUM AWARDED ST TOT IRANKLIN INSTITUTE, NOVEMBER, IB9S, TO TBS WEST PHILADELPHIA STARCH-MANUFACTURING COMPANY VOB THBIR USHIVALLBD PEARL STARCH AND CORN FARINA. THOMPSON, CLARKE, A YOUNG, 130 and 132 Booth FRONT Street, n27-tf Agents for the Company jJANDBORUBS AND CLAMPS. HANDSCRUBS, No. 1. 62jf c. per dos* Ne. 6. $1 12 per dot* 2. 760. " 6. 1 26 * 8. BTo. « 7. 1 60 «• 4.100 fl» « 8. 1 76 « OLAMPS. 8 Row, $1.26 per osen. . 7 Row, $1.76 per dosep. 6 Row, $2.26 per doten, HENRY C. EOKBTEIN, Ml 9 f» North ®BIRD Stmt FfcU*d«lpU« Uneineaa QLarta CJAMUEL HEPBURN, has transferred his Law Office from Oarlisle, Penna,, to No. Til HAN SOM Street, (between Obestout aod Walnat.) Phila delphia. He will attend to any business entrusted to bis care, in the Courts of Philadelphia or in the in terior of tho State. Philadelphia, November 24, 1858. nJ4-8m ' ISAAC T. BEDFORD, BRICKLAYER A .No. 211 PEAR Street, back of 21* -WALNU T St. near the Exchange: residence 821 NOBLE Street. Rangers and Heaters buttt and repaired, and all kinds of Brick Work done. ’ Orders by Despatch Post promptly attends* to. Best of reference, , nol6-2m* • THE ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFICE, 'B2O CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARQXLB, PACKAGES. . MERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by its own LINES, or In connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the priartnal TOWNS and OITIRB of the United states. , E. S. SANDFOBD. a«t«nl goTMvfatanftMtS A LEX. MCKINNEY, X3L ATTORNEY AT LAW, OBSENBBUBG, PA. . Will practice in Westmoreland, Armstrong and In liana counties. sell-tf ' ». f. ABKAUB. A BEAMS & MAYBE, A' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . 1 LOOKHATON,*!., Will attend promptly to all professional business en trusted to them. Special attention given to the oolleo tlon of claims. BBrKIBSOEO Got. Wm. F.Packer,Harrisburg, Pa.:L. A. Mackey, President Look Haven Bank: General D. K. Jackman, a A Haven; Hon. A. White, Simon hock Haven: Bullitt A Fairtherne, Phll&del- McFarland, Evans, A Co., Philadelphia: Evan* k Wataon, Philadelphia; Phillip AI. Price, Philadel phia; Hon., A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia: Williamson, Taylor, A Co.,.Philadelphia: Tener A Baris, Phila delohiai flon. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J. W. ifrugglo, Emi., Philadelphia, * Jyao-tf C . TETE > COMMISSION MEB- V* , fcU ? Importer of HAVANA SEGALS, .New) 138 Walnut street, second story, snl -ly T AUMA N sTraBOKG— " *55“' t ®GL* nd Wholesale Dealers in WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY Ll* QUORB. No. 101 T MARKET Street, between Tenth and Vla-venvh streets. Jelß-tf 9 ONG’S SPRING GARDEN* ACADEMY, JL A N. E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Sts. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Book-keeping in all its various forms; preparing. Students thoroughly for situations in any branch of business: Plain and Or namental Writing; Commercial Calculations; Daw and Correspondence. No institution in the United States gives a more thorough and practical.course. In this department no teaching is done in classes, and is open DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT—(Separate ho m the above.)—Young Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an EDglith and Olas-, sical Education, vis: Spelling; Reading, writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, Ac., Ancient and Modern Languages, with til the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of five months commence September, Ist, and February Ist. Pnpils received at anytime be fore or after these dates and oharged accordingly. Cata-’ logues furnished gratis. mhSS-tf F. DOKLBAVY LONG, Principal ; /^HITTENDEN ,fl I \J COMMERCIAL OOLI CHESTNUT and BBYENT] HILADELPHIA ®GE, northeast eoraer of I Streets. An Institution designed to fit young men for AOS TIVB BBSINSBB. - ' BO ABB OF TBUBTIB3. B. B. Comma, < fnncia Hoikloa, George H. Stuart, Darid Milne, John Bparhavk, Dtridg. Brava, Isaac Hacker, At y. Panto nj, O, B. Hlnmin, Prederiok Brava, JosTau* Lipplneott. EVENING SESSIONS after September 16th. . Each Student has isditidual IaBTBOOtiOH Jat this Institution, and a Diploma from here is the nostro commendation a young man can have, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOGUES mar he -had os application at the College. seS-tf Mons. a. f. rosat, TEACHER OF FENCING, BARRETT’S GTHNASIUM, QcT6-d2m« MARKET Btfwt, »boT» Eights. BRTANT & STRATTON’S CHAIN OP NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Jil Udelphls College, Southeast ooroer SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Stroete. For information, call or send for tirml&r. * jeltof EVENING- SESSIONS HAVE COMMENCED. SSNYDEE LEIDY—JAS. M. LEUDY, • Principal* of LBIDY BROTHERS* ACADEMY,' Nos. 14S and 160 SIXTH STREET, near Race, where a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING, and ARITHMETIC I* made certain to every pupil that may enter, ACADEMY open day and erasing. Stooea. A SOMETHING- JHEiW GAS BUB fggy.NINQ COOK STOVE.—I would respectfully call ■Mgl the attention of the public to one or the greatest improvements ever Introduced la Cooking Stoves and Benges—the, burping .of the gas arising from the eo*l, by which means is saved 60 per cent, in fuel and also more intense heat thrown to the bottom of the oven. We effect tile burning of the gases by means of a hollow centre-piece, perforated on the ander side, which admits the air in a heated state to mingle with the gases, thus siding its combustion, and causing a Sams to pass around the oven equal to a wood fire. This ten- Srovement also preserves the centre piece from finking own on the Are, thereby saving the expense of repairs. One or the Stoves CAN BE SEEN IN OPERATION it 1110 MARKET Street. Manufactured by JAMES BPEAR, Inventor and Patentee, (late North, Chase & North,) 1119 MARKET Street. septiß-Smo Housekeepers, look to tour INTEREST.—Great Reduction in the price of COAL. Cheapest and. best.. The subscriber having mode contracts for his supply ol Coal, is enabled to offer very superior Family Ooal at the following re duced prices: Broken Egg and Stove... ...$4 00 per ton Costing 87& “ “ Large Nut 860 k < “ BmallNut.. 825 »« « Warranted to give satisfaction and fall weight is all cases at Kick’s Old Central Vard, S. 2S. cor. MARSHALL and WILLOW Streets. dtWJm pRESSWELL h WILLIAMS, No. 20G WALNUT Street, are prepared to supply ship pers and consumers with superior Broad Top Coal from Lancaster Mines. oo4tf El (EKING, FOX, & GO., wholesale and J. retail dealers in LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL COAL. Lebigk yard—THIRD street and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill yard—RACE and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Ooal from the mopt approved mines, under cover, and pr*- fared ext>r***lvfor familvuse. f«A-y (Carriages ISAAC P. BRANIN, A LIGHT COACH Sc. CARRIAGE BUILDER, PRANKPORD, PA. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Orders res pectfully solicited oo)0-3m* siano loxiit. fgggm PIANO FORTES. Trrm Just received, an elegant stock of RAVEN, bacon, a 00., nunns & olark, hallet, da- VIB Sc CO., and GALE a 00. 8 PIANOS., MBLODE ONB of best quality, at J. B. GOULD’S, 8. fl. oorusr SEVENTH and CHESTNUT to, mhlß-f. OHICKERING & SONS, Mann* TTTYV fuoturer# of GRAND, PARLOR-GRAND, SQUARE, and UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES. This is the largest and oldest manufactory In the United States, having bees ESTABLISHED IN 1823, Since whioh time we have MADE AND BOLD TWENTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED PIANOS, And have received as testimonials of their SUPERI ORITY over *U others, H Gold, 18 Silver, and 4 Bronx* Mtdalt. QJ* Pianos to Rent, Tuned, and Repaired. BRANCH HOUSE in PHILADELPHIA Is at ISOT CHESTNUT Street. o«5-8m COitttfl and Jtitjttow. pHESTNUT GROVE WHISKEY.—A do ’L/filreto lesson the consumption of impure spirits, knowing their Injurious ’ effects upon the constitution, has induced the offering to the public of an article which the analytation of Professor Chilton, Analytical | Chemist, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, & Oamao, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all question, to be the most pure and consequently least injurious spirits ever offered the American publlo. CERTIFICATE OF DR JAS.R CHILTON. I have analysed a sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, received from Mr. CHARLES. WHARTON, J*.; of Philadelphia, -and having carefully tested 1 it, I am pleastd to State that it is entirely free from poisonous or deloteriooa substances. It is an unusually pure and fine flavored quality of Whiskey. JAMES B. CHILTON, M. D., Near York, Sept. 8,1658. Analytical Chemist. PhlLJldxlvbxa, Sept. 0,1868. Dm Sin: We have carefully tasted the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey which you sent ua } and find that it 000 tains nene of the poisonous substance known {as Fttsio Oil. which is the characteristic and injurious ngredlent or the Whiskeys in'general use. Very respectfully, BOOTH, GARRETT, A OAMAO, Analytical Chemists. ToCBiXLIS WSIXTOX,Jr., No 116 WALNUT St, Philadelphia. oeS&dtJaSl SCOTCH ALE, LONDON PORTER, AND K? BROWN BTOUT. R Youngera* Ale, Bt Ann’s Brewery, Sdinbnrgh, in atone pints. Muir lb Sons’ Ale, Edinburgh, In stone pts Final Sc Williams’London Brown Stout in glass pts. do do Porter, in glass pts. F. Bleed Sc Co.’s Dublin Stout, Iq stone pts. In store and for sale by WILLIAM H. YEATON, 21S Boath FRONT Street. WCNIDER’S OLD WINE STORE," now CABBY’S. Old No. 76, new 828 WALNUT Street. Snider’s Wines were always pronounced by good Judges to be unsurpassed) and were in reality superior to any In the market. Part of the • old stock I have vet on hand, whioh consumers would do well to try, now that the market is overstocked with adulterated liquors for to sell during the Christmas Holidays. Wines and Liquors sold by me, if unsatisfactory, can heroturned. JuHN CASEY, jaA d4-lm Successor to J. V, Snidef. T>RANDIES.-~“ Pinet QnstiHoß,” Morett, ■*-E nnd other Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quartercaskp: Pelieroiain Rochelle Brandiu. pale and day*, In half pipes, half casks, and caa-eigktfe oasks. Imported and for sale by _ HENRY BOHLEN Sb 00., Mot 261 and 8M Rontli Vtmrth itM«t IMPROVED BURNING FLUID—We are now manufacturing, and are prepared to sell, a Burning Fftiid much less liable to. explode than the common article, and we can confidently recommend Jt as being much safer. * YARNALL 6s OGDEN, ocl6-tjalo 472 N. THIRD Street, abovo Nobu £3%, PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TIONS, with written descriptions of character, \tj including advice in reference to business, health, /_ \ selfdaiproTomept, &<j.. ate made day and eye* ningat FOWhtfß, WELLS. & CO.’S, Families visited when requested, and a liberal dis ount made to cluba. OM dbiutrat «1 . PMlnS.loMe V^ISH.— 686 Barrels Nos. 1,2, and 8 Macke- A wl. 80 do and tierces Sa.mon. 40 do Sea *>had. 240 do MacXina-p Flab. 487 d) B&Uiaxftad Esstport Herring. 660 Poxes Scaled Herring. Also. 630 Quintals Ground Bank Codfish, O O BABLS&&OO., A.RCIT Pt.. second door above FrflO NO. I WINTER LARD OIL—2O barrels Jors»)ebr R.W. P. ALLEN, 14 Scttlh DBLA.- WARE A.enm dIS-Qt POKE —109 barrels New Mess Pork for Hl« by 0. 0. BAULEB & CO , I ARCH St., eeoooit tar tulo. Front, Saoittijs fatOis. “A little, bat often/fljjgthe Parrel Having pond—, *- Mo. Mfi'South POHBTH Streat batwun S“oo“ d eXt Utl “"‘“Pto.’w. H Thli Company deem ElTety boitar than Jarre profits, coDfleqaent],fffU ran no ria*w°th?e poll W money, bnthnre it Aten time.,,*?, to return wUh6 par cent, interest to the owner .•Sspe'/ded" 6 Females, married or single, and Minora can deposit in their own right, and such deposits can be. withdrawn o*J.tby their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State or Pennsylvania/ with authority to receive mo ney t am trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open doily fromp to 3 o'clock, and on Wednesday evening, until 8 o’clock. t «. DIRECTORS. r fihonnon, Cyrus OadwaUader. George Russell, - Edward T. Hyatt, Henry Delsny, - ' - Nathan Soediey, Jos. H. Bathe rthwaiie, Ephraim Blanchard. JMeph W. L'ppincott _ JACOBS. SHANNON,President, | Onu. Oadwallab-.b, Treaanrer ) dlß.y , 0. A. K*TU. u A Dollar saved in tirioe earned >* fJiHE STATE SAVINGS FUND, Ko. ft4l DOCK &TBBBT, NEXT DOOB TO THE POST OFJIOI, INTEREST FIVB PER OB NI Money MoetTed Daily , enfi ersry MONDAY EYEHIRG, IK BUUB LAB&1 AMD SMALL, PAID BACK BAILY, lEOM S O’CLOCK A. M. TO 3 O’CLOCK P. fit. Dsrosiiom. «as draw insin KOSIT nr chcokb, as J. HSNBY HAYES. TaUer. The spring garden saving mm (Uunni Wmotitmu,) PERPETUAL QUARTER. FIVJB PER CENT. Interest Allowed to Depositor*, and *ll Hoagf ■ PaW backoir Demand, QryiOE, 881 NOBTH TBIED BTKSXT. , (OolfpußVKox Bute Bdildixo.) ' TWb Institution is noV op«n fot the tnnuetso& of bnsin&w, tod la tb« only Chirtswd Saying fond located Is the' northern part oftha city. ' Tho Ofieo will bo opan (dolly} from-ft to 3X o'clock, and alao on MONDAYS and' THURSDAYS, from 6 anti] 8 o'clock in tk« Xyaning. ' _ lUffAglBS. ’ - yxederieh Klett, > Bteplxea Smith, John/P Levy. Eon. Henry K. Strong, IHniel Unaerkofler, - Hon. 'Wm. MlUwara, Irederiok Btaake, , Brands But, • Joseph P.lieOtm, Preald< Secretary, GIQBGB T. CJAYING, FTOtt-rFIVB PER GENT. IN. ♦3 TSBBST—NATIONAL BA9BTT 7HUBT COM PANYi-iWAUTDT STBBBT. SOUTH-WUST GOBBI* OB THIBD, PHILADELPHIA; . ' ttCOVOJUT»D BT *fi* fifiJS 09 POTSWrABU. Money. U received In nay sum, large fr small, and fas* U the day of deposit to the day of with _ ,The,often Is .open every .day from Do’eloek In the morning till £ in'the ' evanirijr, end on Monday Ud Thursday evafiingrtiH $ o’eldik? ' ■ ' HON. HBHBY'L. BXNHIB. PrwSdeat, BOBNST JNLVfilPai. *3# Presidert, WN. J. b» ) ,B«zete7. , iKUdHsjs ‘ 1 Hon. Henry L. Benner, 1. Carroll Brewrie*,' 1 Bdward h, Garter, - Joseph B. Barr , BohertSelMdge, Brands Le*, - • Baml. K. Ashton, Joseph'Yerkes, 0. Laa&reth Manns, - - - Henry DiffenderCar. Money la received and pcymestn jnade dally. The Investments are made in conformity irith the provisions of the Charter. in-HBAL BBTATB MOBT & AGBB, ©BOUND BXNTB, and saeh first data iecurl« ties aa vrtil abraya Insure perfect security to the dew*!-, tom. and vhich cannot fall to hive permanency uulih<- felltty to this Institution. ■' aal«ly CAVING FUND.-—UNITED STATES K? TRUST OOKPAWT. eoraw af TBTBD mriOT HUSßtrwti. . . Z*rg« tad email nuocn«*lT«d,Kad mU «ad« airtd, witioat notion, wi*li PITS JPBB OSNT Txy— 13T from thdd*j©f deposit to tbe daj rfwfttdrtirar; Offloe hours, from 9 until 5 o’olock eterr dir, tad oa Hv}»l>A7 3VSN2H&B DBAITB for - m3* oat ’■«gT»pj Ireliad.iad febttaad. (f tax £1 upwards; President—STXPniN B. OBIWVOIB.- Treasurer-*PLINY PIBK. , Teller—JAMßS B. HOWTB& PERRY'S BLANK BOOK ~ AND STATIONS*? uftT vftT.TftTnrwy, , 8. W. CORNBR TOTJUTH AND BAOI. PREMIUM AWARDED - By the FEANKLIN INSTITUTE for Mftanfaetttrfßg Superior Account Books 7IBUS Intending toopenne# Books on thftflrstof the Year, eon select from ft good stock on hand, or have them nudein any desired style. !o ft superior manner* BOOK-BINBINQ of every description' executed in’ the finest and most substantial ota&ei, *t lev price*. MAG AZINBS bound from 10 cts. to 13 60 per volume. . KUaiO bound in ft ne«r end handsome sijle, from *1 to $O. _ ~ OLD FAMILY BXBIiM reboond. to look and wear equal to nrg, V. ' ' r PERRt>B BOOK-BINDBRY, ' JOUBTQ a*d BAGS. Oldest established-Bindery la Philadelphia. 1 n2B*2m eoUta anft feeawmtanU Aroade hotel, CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE SIXTH, <-P HXL A DEip.H t AV‘ '” ' COHDOOTSD OH TBB - EOBOMAM PRAM. A new lease for a term of yean having been obtained for this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, it will oon tinneto be conducted- as heretofore; on the Bnxopean plan, and the prices remain ttachAngedJrls: - Room Pan Dat 500. Dissbr &Do. BasAxrAA* I*d Tia/hao*,- BTJfc. * The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every thing dose to make guests comfortable. The chamber are heated in winter by means of Steam Pipes, for which no extra charge is mode. There is no bar -kept in the house to he a source of annoyance to geests ~ --- * The accommodation* are designed wholly for bnaineai men—hence no ladies are received. CT" This house is ncTer closed day or night, J. D. BROWN, R.S3.YOUKQ, JONES house; UAXtassatm, p*.. (hfected ia IUT.J . utoASTii'r nmKiBHJD. HOW OPHht XO VIBITOBB. nraa-jt wills coviblt. Proprietor DE LANJST'S saloon and bestad lUNT. K. S comer THIBTEKNTH end OHKBTNOT Street., Philrdelphle. noa-amo . WM. APB LAKBY. Proprietor. JPROSSEB’S RESTAURANT, No. • 808 MABKBT Street, four-doom above EIGHTH South aids, Philedelphie. Optere Steered, Soeßted Pried, Pickled, Ac., ftc, for Home Coniemption en Treuiportetjon. N. B Dinner born twehre to thro o'clock. , ocQ2.tf ©rags anb ®l) emirate. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., WHOLIBAU PBTJGOIBTB, Ifenntectorers end Peeler PAMTB, TABNIBHM, *od WINDOW GLASS, Northeeat corner POURTH and U.t» Btreeta, Philadelphia. Bole Agent. for the aala of the calehratad PJnrsPa Plata 81m. rah93-tf Detersive soap —Time, labor, a »d monej cited. In ruing it, elothea do not require anp boiling or robbing on washboard One pound rrlll go aa far aa three pounds eommon Roain Soap. War. ranted to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded, i*decidedly the cheapest and best washing Soap ???*?£ J? public. Manufactured only by MoKKONE, lot sale by all re •pectable Grocers in the olty, and wholesale only by „ __ THAJN & MoKEONE, «®Mm \ fl 2 Bouth WharVe*. rpAW & BEERS' LUBRICATING GREASE, the best and cheapest componnd for greasing the axles nf OMNIBUSES, CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and WAGONS, and BEATY MACHINERY. For 1 sale in tin cans, kegs, and barrels, by all the DRUBGISTB la the city and the MANUFACTURERS, Mg-dw Wo IBSOTTTIT WATSR RbtMt JgJwi SALAMANDER SAFES. (SB) A ***B* assortment of EVANS A WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES. VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores. BANK BOOKS, Equal to any now in use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS. Ao., Oh M good terms as any other establishment In the United States, by EVANS A WATSON, No. 2d South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia. aalß-tf PfcBABB GIVS T3B A CALL E* A. TREGO, HEAL ESTATE AGENT • AND CONVEYANCER, BIDGR AVENUE, first door "below Thirteenth r.tr. et, attends to the parctssa and sale of Real Estate, Negotiating Seeoritlea, Besting Houses, and Collection of House and Ground Bents, and Interest Monies. Satisfactory references given. m? R». OOBBON. • BEAL ESTATE BROKER. * Money Luaoed oa Bond and Mortgage, OolleoUonß promptly wade. NORRISTOWN, PA AUGUST BELMONT, Cm. BANKER, T 6 BEATER STREET, m Tomx, -Issues Letters of Credit, available to Travellers. on ell parts of the world. jc3&-6m ptRONISE,* CO., U epxaiß and exchange beosim, No. 40 Boath THIRD Streat, * HHADSIfRtA. JUfer to tfca ling and Baonig of PhlMdaipkU. TTNITED STATES GOVERNMENT U LAND LOCATING AGENCY, t CHICAGO, ILL. The subscriber, having had much practical experi ence in selecting and locating lands is the various T.nwfl Dietriots in the Western States, has unusual facilities for making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OB CASH. Having Surveyors constantly in the field to make pereou&l examinations, he can always male the most judicious locations. , % Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now ho In lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references given when required. ID- Money Invested In Kansas and Nebraska, and any of the western States. ©EGARS. —600,00 ft Havana Segura, cfcoiee £5 brands by late arrivals, in bond and ktore. for sale by A. HEBIWO, 110 South TOONX Btnet. tfQ OX DEPOSIT, zx bask, ir nssuxt). GSO. H. HAST, President. OHAB. 11. IJfLAY, Treasurer. •eSJMJftfil Jofett Seeder, 3r. t 7uau 6. Pringle,. Jacob Dock, Joseph ll.CoweU, J . Wesley Bray. - Boberi B. DaTidsoa> »P. 0. Biljnaker, . Johfi P.7orr6e, George Kneeht. -JAMBS 8: PBINGLS. BOBH._ . apZl-lffcJ Itooltbinbing. Site {knot Safes. Srakrrs. S. SALISBURY, 19 CLARKE Street, Obi ra*o.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers