- Handel’s JffßSßUlKMElifir 'oelebrated oratorio TrlU bS piirr<irmfl;i«tiMuji(i«t; jfana fliill, on lusidiy eTeulngj»« J iij:,l!i»H»s , i'* “ d flildn Boolety r »hiob now buddred WelX-fiXUlod voices. Thej»atidi«)'il»''4oi>pon«4 by th* fnllstrengthof tha The leaded for’the bccaslonwill Phil./RoVr) of-the/societj! .long and care ful preparation bestowed upontfais pro miiedmueieaT feaat/ when'wVoOnaldw the abnityiof cahoot. arievenlng’* as .we, mW’/weJlifeeVfrea.to recommend ell loTera.'Of'goodjc&Mlbto attend/'-.:-:' ■ \ J 'j t Aki —A' coiicorfcwlli be given by.lhe membertbf St.Gaorge’s Sabbath School Ibis evening'.- Their programme is Tallormusicel gems fromtbe _yarioim^departmrotA!of'ij^Cfedf*od' , iecuJ&r marie.' inadethe mesfc careful preparation they will no doubt be able to afford an, evening of unafe loyed enjoyment to-'the number* who;itia expected, wIU throng the “ bid Hlvev’’ ;i Wci'hfuat ihla 'effort on the pa~t of our juvenile friends, to sustain the interest* of their sohoolj will prove, in every reaped, eminently successful.’ 1 '' * *&>*'* ] ' ;• '/ v • We take pjenauriin saylngthat thopricaof Oarpet-sweepers {and 'especially Herrick’s) haabeen materiall/redttcea''- :: If to make vntce pre sent) call at 439 Chestnut‘street,seoond story, and get oqe. They are eo'd here atwholesale and retail. ' All who may. favor Messrs. GaxqaA Skydbr, 680 Arch street, with' their .orders for Win®® for the Lo)jdiys, will, surely obtain a genuine, artlclo. Their stock of brandies and liquors is unequalled for purity. GnAmr.pHOTOGBAPiirc Panorama.—A moguifi* oent exhibition of dissolving views will be given at the K&zsrelh.Bl. E, Church, Thirteenth,.below.Tine, this, evening, for the benefit of the Sabbath. School attach ed to the .church,. The object is snob, as to, secure a orowded attendance.. A' Joke.—Daring a late flro, while the “ma-, chines 0 were discharging their contents upon the roof and Sides of ahcdie.tho-inaciiptton upon'a sign be*, came nearly obliterated. “By my sowl,” exclaimed a witty Irishman, in the crowd, • ‘ this a queer time fora joke.” “And'who la joking!”growled a fireman.’ “ Why don’t-ye'see, man,' how/ya’rs playing upon words We are not going to p’ay apon worda, but •simply ieil ouf readers that the beat cut,' dOßt'Cashion* ableandelegantatTleolothingjlfl'at'the“Old Frank lin Hall Olothlag/Smpoj;ium”of E. H.Ediidga, No,: 821 Chestnut street, , SciEXTivio Amdsbment.—lt will be remember ed that’thV combination; of beautiful' experiments'by ; Dis Boynton, wilt'be glven to-n!ght : at;! Joyce’s Hall.- To a thorough mastery of bis subjeots Dr, B. combines -thehapplast faculty in renderinghi* themesontertain ingand instructive.: M' , . . Equal Rights.—ltia refleot that Granville Btokes ? with a liberality which does him' , Infinite credit, Js now prepared to furnish,tq,the world, “ and thereat ot the-cheapeat coats, pants, vests, overcoats, and all kinds of clothing, which are. to be /mnd In the city,At 607 Chestnut streoti" He de- J monrirateethese'trutts In a manner which. is. self-evi dent, and which convinces all men that they are created equal in their ability to buy of Btokeiat the cheapest rates, ano that thelrright* are inalienable.to wear ele gant and faahlonab’e clothing, gotten up by this great at a cost which places them within the reach of all. ’/. ] .fh•: •: CnssiNUT ’Street Tin a Blaze street waa in a perfect blase of light last'nlght.., ykll the rotaUator«t werel)tiUlantiy lighted, and some of them hedges jets flaming'outside their The street was crowded with people who were unanimoos in the opinion cio bultdlng mbrebiatelxcbuld 5 ba. found upon »the line tborourhfare, than, the Brown Stone' Clothing Hall orßcekhiU A 'Wilson, Noa. 603 and 605Ohe*teut steeet, above Bixth. -The fame of .the garments for gentlemen'and youthS soid at 'this tcels braied'store is too well establlehed to need eommenC. ’ handles,' arranged'lh'finc rosewood cases,-witti.sifvered name plates, etc. AAIio; plated 'tea, dessert, and fruit knives,-'arranged iti sepsrato 'casM, Bnltible for pre sents, are sold at Carryl's . 714 nntstreet. r. ' - -• Full-Bbeakfast; Dinner, afidTea sets, of fine Table Cutler/, 1 withTpearl, ivory and'metal handles of every, desirable style and shape, an sold by JB; W. Carryl, 714 Chestnut street. ■' . ‘ .TdT&sl^;s%^Atthlsseasoitof the year the question'!* OfUnkekedy y When shall we purchase our we arehot judges of the «rticle, : And there Is shall Bur' answer Is,’ go to Oakford’s, Hp;i street,- who have.iha Jugest andbMtsUKflrinriie city", and are able'lo . sell cheaper, than any other.eatablish ment, ? theyuß«prba, f of jpnrmoney.^v^/.N^V Y'*-J: j 7--6t \ , fßeportedfor the Pr*ss,l'- 5 3.;.-, >'_V- /. . v ; TDBEfiVlbhA9X^SriV-.IdaST-6440,bushels salt fi A - PEHNAMBUCO-irig; Agnes, Abbott-8323 bags 18 cs sugars Welafofd A Willsonr^.. 810 SMOND—Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal—l4o bxs 55 cs tobacco BohairA.'Tjvitt: $32 bxs 55 qi.ff jt»bls V bale do 6b*gS ft?alt)ffb«s pbbl' ifeed'.T;,Webster, Jrj "419 bxs 20oa , tobaccpBuefa6r.Tfc0anfmoA Oo; - 43 bxs dO Mercer A Wardle llB Afotx z A land; 21 do'B BuliockAfiocst‘;B io'liJ bags peas OH Oumxaisgs; 93 balti dotnesties Wellicr. Ooffio A Co: 160 bags frultknllen ArCo;v269 doTustln 256 W-Wainwri*ht; 27 doStevinsondrFaiT'elljTdo GW Tobias; sSedMCiler ABro; 84 . do i-B BiuAler; bb'Afiour Butter/lfyiWhcll'd; . Oo; 18 bb)soysters OaptTeal:’ 68 empWc'vsks Engel A Wolfe; AO do 4b€o; lra do 800'his fruit to order-- *. - -if»; iDßteun.hlp'Kej.loae BfoUi, front Smnuh—Otpt ~Jas v -Hewitt, BUEdmondi,, B.YZeUertMr,; Riwell; Mr .^l>pnay*rd,^mßC»rDsiii>fnnd42;lntbo*toeragU)^y OF TRAPI.. -John RrPtnrsosuy 7 - ~~ • - " , 8. V. MSBRIOK, . ; ICoibnTTHO* thi’Moxth. c: B.O,rKjn<ra&jcrtt} , ' .* , AI tiu iariiauta’ Bzckemgt, PMUdtlykim. . .Barque Conrad, 8&] ihury, Rio d e J»d e lro, soOn Barque' Hamlitw. Jeokaon.;,,.*...HarMi,toon Mujj.H ‘Kendail, Shankland. Barque Meta, Paifohe^ M f.,.;.;;.9t Xagode Cuba,- soon ~ ,Bwqae-Thom*» BaßetWD U. . . Brig racpJWritefrHiftrtj iji <* *'« *»» •»% «#• Bt.’Barfx, soon r BHg Oanima; *r,.rU-„v«*Mayegttes{ soon Brig Calf ert,,Willar.., West Ooaat of Africa, JDee SO v i ßrig^ychq* I ;Zaid<yHHaqj..,..;.:. < ~;'; < I < opgoa; soon InttUiflßtue. i FORT OF’, PHILADELPHIA) Bee* Sf .iBIB; ~OUH 818»C.7777. .7 25 fBUH*B»XB7,iiW.V.*BS H£GHWAT*B.... f , ÜBM hman,, bom Savannah, £6 hoqra,,wftli'.ißdse and pusengers to .'Alex Heron,Tr. ..I-/. . * “ . Norfolk; 80. hour*; with,jodpe and. passengers to'Tbos Web»t«r, Jr. 2 PM.2Biioit,'loinUes-.soati of. Cape Henlopeu. fppkeißr.jbrig Mercury,”for Philadelphia; passed* ship at anchor below Bombay Hook. * eteanuhlp BCBtoa', Sellew, 24 hofenfrtm New York, -with shdse and paisetiger* to JamesTAH*errdice» paused b«rqaes Charm; from-Hcw: Orleana;off Bombay-Hook; TJoion; from Pernambuoo. offuMotrie tiieton’e, and Br brig Mercury oitOhester, bound up. \ -Barque* Elizabeth. (Brora) Sarnia, from Bremerbaren Oct S 2, with mdse four births op the p*s»age. On the 18th lost. lat 85, long 63 BO t spo|epchr s PUoV4;Bjidef,fromilew York for Klode Janeiro v-*' ’ •- .... ' Br Brig XdVijWilllamai 12 daTS/fromfTurkslalend with saltt'cSA W Welsh - • <--• - ~j g , Brig AgnMj(Br) Abbott, 26 days from Pernambuco, with sugar towolsTOrd A'Willson,/" h .' - £ehr-'S ARdgerSj’llogerafO days fromßoetoh'. lubal- *“.'<?..?*> yr\ty. iir 2 if 1&-- - Bohr Ontario, yangllder,. Adajmfttnh IVehißODd,'with grain to J.t» Lancaster -w" -*7*v« , >■ -Sebr J6hti 'Ai'Hsssard; Ea'wila days "fro in, AlUford, Bel, with bark -and com to'Blohardsoo A Orinqabf j r sßebtlt J'MereerrßobfntfiijfforajNewYoiki »*•* / VBebr WO- Bartlett.'Connelly, from Boston. >».* \ j‘ -i . Sebr BoUanflli&ri, BmUh, from Frorldenco/ Schr £ieotsror,l£Uey; from Bquan Beach,, - * ■; CLEARED ‘ ‘‘ :W - ' .'"'7; , Steamship City of. New York, Howea.rßqaton, ffcnry- Winsor - «- • • - .«»{ Ship Grey B&gle, Haghes, Blo.de Jehelroyßutterl Newhall &’Oo, . Barqtte Bhenrood,Dawson, St. Catharines, Workman .& 00, ” . - _ v Br Barque Oribe, Crispin, BUogrtoh/ Jam, * A Bon der tc C o»<,“ ; t, 4 , - Barqoe Caroline Illems, Ellesyi.New OzleansrD.B VBtatson&'Co'.T/y-j V S'ifirj+J ? BwqaeOak,B/derjrß<ttten,Twelli ACo > . 1 i , Brfg Bmma,rBaker, Boston, N Slurterant A 00. - 7ißebr ftiwlh.Bwd, Chtpman.-Boeton.ido /. -?i> t 1 Sebr G’A Tlttley Adams, Mobile, Pettit, Martin &Go< .--Bohr RQHflHan, fc Co3ri«? . Bohr R J Mercer, Bob!naonVBavanhah,Xß White.' i Bohr W & Bartlett, fbanellt, Charleston, 0 Miller. -A-00,-'"- - ,'r~i \ Bohr Montofeyjr Amnts/Barbpdoed, Thos WattetnVA Boos. 7 Schr Rhoda A Benlab, Hoifaian, Cardenas, sonA-C0... , .. l.C^r^l / A Roger«, NO, D 8 Schr Monnbtin Rtrer, Car-, its A Hind.' , . .. 1 . Schr SHzt Frincie; Caftll# Woroester, Nob’e,, Ham matt A Caldwell. . 5 ; Schr Excelsior, RJleJVßiohmondi Slbnicksoh A Glorec Btr R.WUHsg,' Jtt ‘ £ of tlurFjiilaiie r lphie Y xchange.] > 7.‘ j; \-LBWJS3, Del.. Deo23. . . Tfcfl'sbips Boltin: for Bhtngh'ie; DelflhaTen, for New f Orleans, ,: barquea Gem, for Boston;. Cordelia. for Per nambuco: brie Ada Fartes.fot TrinidaddeCuba,-and to sea yeaterda*. A bilg is npwvgoing to sea. Nothing at harbor. Wind BWyAfld moderate *«•: v ; p WM. M. HICKMAN. ; , * "V ‘7/‘ [BT.tiLSOilAra TO THB PBBflS.] ’7 e '-7 1 ' V 't :*'/• - \/7v7 ' THiMrrohßoXDS.DeoSi,. ‘ ahlpgfcar King, 63.; day* front Callao, .7 7 - - ' ;;■ 7 ' : : ‘r .* 7;, ' Nkw.OaiEAKS, Deo. 24. Arrived; shlps’Qallogo; from Bid; Athene, fm Cadis.. r„ J!he Ban Francisco papers of the CthJnst, received hr >: the Quaker Oity,report the arrival jthere of th*ehip Silver£»r, from Nej Yoik. '. 7^'7 ,/ , S ; r " •“MB»bBAHDA.':-Tv' ,; - f - ! Steamship Kfdslngtonv^Balter,'Sailed from Boston . 23.tjnrt. for.Neir York,/ ’ Steamship Washlogtoni-Wellh, cleared at New York yesterday for San Pranclaoo. . - " ■-•7‘, Steamers Japanese; from jNewTork, nod Manjoor, from Boston, arrived,;at .Amopr Biter no date—both g - ' went out undercanvwfil.!, /.7; , r , * i ;; Ship, ~B 1 Walsh, Torif/ from Qaebto. at London W: J 7784fiat.’,7., . - -- ‘ f Ship Charles & Jane, Bowker,from Ttfeilo* atrlfed - at New, York yesterday. j Ship Boch‘amheah;ironi Nettf.prleane for Havre, wad s\ ' off Qua Key 15th sosf,v-- r .Bingr -Callaghan, flen, ; .Franpisoo; *? - cleared at New;York yesterday. jg*- jf Sombrero;arrived at V Bhtp idmistoa'flfothere.Kirk; from" Liverpool,* at 1 , BaVannab.Sratlnst- ; ’4' '.7 Tri:eitf t -cleared>t N York H'oiejireuj ft : York', for :BW Fraoeiseo, waaaitf k#o NOt.fiOj'Jat4 dfig' long 8603 s / ' j fli \Sc< Tacker, C!pn^46n ? for DajUo, cleared at -,York '-k':V.;V'-A. s % W 1 * * Barone olnakiieyv Irtmßiefimobd, waag^t- jUtt «»:• •' *** v '’"' Berque Fides, Bose, for Melbourne, oloared at New iTork2Bd fnefcr' .•«>: - ‘ •''■'*■*■ w :\ ~Barque "Myrtle; Botsford, for Hong Kong, cleared at Ban Franolsoo 20th nit. . Barque Ithuriel, (Br) of Liverpool. Bajng, arrived at New Tork2Bd inst. from Bio.de Janeiro Nov 16. Passed Pernambuco.2oth. Nov 18, lat 20 20 8, : long BT3o/slg nalised barque WhistUng wind, Havlin. from Feroau dina, Fla/ataudf&g to theSW; Nov 29, cfTOliuda,passed in American ship, io tow of a steam-tttg, going towards Pernambuco, with loss of mainmast head, topgallant masts, Ac: showed Marryatt’s signals, 8d dlst peadant, 716 the last figure not certain; Nor 80, lat 6 20 N, long 84 40;. signalled an American barque standiogß, show,- in’ga white flag with red cross under ensign. ’-Barque' Belle, Byder, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 23d inst. - . -' Brlg Hory H, Kelly, from Boston-for Baltimore, at Hyann!s2lstlQet. Brig Mvr*V Faller; hence for Boston; Billed from Newport Kd in’t. {.B:lgBsgluaw','Case, Cleared atlfew York 23d Inst, for Laguayra.;' 'r ' 1 : Brlg Eppo Hendrik, Sohut (so supposed, repotted the “Hlppolanderio o )-hence'Oct SO-for London, at Deal 6th lust; ‘ -' - - - ' ‘ • Brig -AmezonV (Brem) Tlein, hence,'was discharging at Barbadoes 4th inst—arrived Ist. Pchrs Aid,- English, and B H Sharp, Mayhew, hence, arrived at New ork 23d inst. v 'Bchr Marla Flemiog, Shaw, fo'r.NewYork, sailed from Wilmicgtoo. Del, 24th inst ’ • - * ■ Schr J 0 Baxter, Babcock, hence, arrived at Charles ton 22d inst. •''' - ' ■ ... > Bohr J P Wetherill, O.obb, for Oharlestou, cleared at Boston 2Sd Inst Bohr A Cordery, Allen, hence, arrived at Charleston 22d inst. " . Behr Alice Lea, Foster, for Philadelphia, went t j sea from .Charleston 22d inst. ~ Schrs H Blackman. Sherman, from Georgetown, SO; J K 'Btohoback, Blsley, from Hamilton, NO, and Mil lard Fillmore, Tuttle, from Baltimore, arrived at New York yesterday. . . , Sehra Jane, Bowen, and Kodron, Sheppard, cleared at New York-yeaterday for Philadelphia. Sohr H P Cushing, Friend, cleared at New York yes tord&y for Bagua la Grande Schr 'leaao Blch, Smith,' hence, arrived at Boston 23d inst. Schr Mary P Stevens, Buow, for Baltimore, sailed from Wilmington, Drl, 23d inst. BohrsM J Gauee, Smith, light, and Mary JBlTeu, with moulding sand, arrived at Wilmington Dei,'24th inst. Sobr Southerner, BhoUon, hence at Barbadoes 4th lost—arrived 26th ult. ‘ Schr M Marcy, hence at New Haven 22d inst. Schr L Bobextson,‘Davis, hence for Somerset, at New London 21st inat. Schr E J Pickup, Pickup, cleared at New York yes terday for Philadelphia. - Sebnr Boston, Brower; .Charger, Kelly; Maty Eliza beth. Deary, and S W Ponder, Gorman, hence at New York yesterday. ...Bobrs Mary Price, Blizzard, and 0 0 Smith, Smith, from Wilmington,Del,' at New York yesterday. • Schr Compromise, Andrea, at New York yesterday from Odessa, Del. ; „ • Bohr Wauponsa, Morris, from Smyrna, Del, at N York yesterday.-' ' - ■~ ■ - ' - - 1 Bohr B Borden, Ireland, hence for Fall River, at New York yesterday. * Bohr Hickman, Dickerson,' at Now York -yeaterday. from Lewes.-Del. Steamer Liberty, for repairs, arrived at Wilmington, ; Del, 23d Inat - Propeller Anthracite, Jones, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. The cargo of the barque B K Kane, before reported abandoned, was valued at about 830,000, and Is insured in New York. ‘ NOTICE TO MARINERS. ' - The Light Ship ou Cross Ledge (Delaware Bay) will be removed froth her station for the v inter season on or about the 80th Inst, or as soon as the foe is the bsyqiay reader it necessary. ' ■ -■ By order of the Light House Board. H. 8. ST&LLWAGGBN,Commander XS, B. N. Lighthouse Inspector’s Office, - - . Philadelphia, Deo. 22d, 1858. de 26 8t ; marriages. On the 21st Instant, by Rev. E. W. Hotter, Mr. ISAAC bOHAEFFEB, of West Earl, to Miss GASO LINE SORMVXLY, of - Upper Leaoock, Lancaster county. *■ On the 231 instant, by the Rev. E. W. Hatter. Mr. GEORGE BBNDBK, of West Earl, to Miss BARBARA ANN GROFF, of Earl,-Lancaster county. . * On the 22d instant/ by the Rev. Henry Day, Mr. JOHN H. RIOHABDAON to Mies .ELEANOR P. TAY LOR, all or this city. .* Onthe 22d instant, by the Rev. W. Kenney- NA .THANIEL W. LAWSON, or Lewes. Del., to JULIA A. BLLEGOOD, of this olty. * Ujeatbs. On Thursday night, 28d instant. In tho eighty-seventh rear of his Age. OTIS AMMIDON, .Eeq., Treasurer of he Lehigh O at and Navigation Company,,.. _ The male friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited : to attend -his fnueral, without farther notice, ou Monday afternoon, 27th instant, at 2 o’clock; from his late residence,-No. 411-. South Third street. The funeral services will take place in the Seventh Presby terian Church. Broad stroet, above Chestnut, South Penn Square, at half-past 2 o’clock. *# ' On the Bth ultimo, at Bodega Port. Cal., (where he was established iu business,) HERMAN O. COPE, late of this city, aged 87 years. " * On the 23d instant/ WILLIAM OREM, ia his 65th year. . 111 The funeral to proceed to Horsham, to-morrow, (Sun day.) at 8 o’clock, from his late residence, No. 840 Lawrence street. - # v* On the 22d instant, ROBERT MITOIULL, in the 28d year of hie age. His relatives and friends!’ and those of the family, also the Sunday School of Mount Zion M. B.Ohnroh, and.tbe members;of Manayunk Division, No. 64, Sons ofTemperahce, jure respeetrdlly invited io attend the funeral, from his late residence; Green lano, above Wood, street., Manayuuk,. to-morrow (Sunday)- after noon." *t2 o’clock, * i . On tho 2M In»Unt, EDWARD ROBBET3, of Frank ford,'inthe 63dyearof hlsage. ' The'relativeS'and. friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late re -sideoce, Orthodox street, on Monday afternoon, at 1 o’clock., To proceed to Cedar Hill Cemetery.' \** Ou tho 23d Instant, .CATHARINE FRANCES CAL WELL, relict of the late; Chew Oalwell, in'the67.th year of her age; .. ' The : relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the fnneral. from the residence of her soni Cbarles.Brower, No 133 Queen street, above Frankford .road, 18th ward; late Kensington,-to-mor row (Sunday) morning, at 9 o’clock. 'To proceed to Odd Fellows* Cemetery.* 11 .“ J ' 4 -. s - # On the 22d instant l pANIEL LO3HABY, aged 28 years. * • -■Yhe- relatives, and Jtfeud*' of iho'fmnilyarcT Invited 1 to Atteridthe funerai/from the residence of his‘mother, No. 1856' Washington street, - First ward, to-morroW (Suoday) at 1)4 o’clook . ; * -• iOn the 28d instant, SARAH■ MoOOY, aged 4 yews. - • The relatives and friends. are invited; to attesd tbe funeral, from the residence of h«r mother, Mrs. Eliza beth Logne; No, 9 Reed’s Courts Fifth-street, below Ohriatisn, to-morrow; (Sunday) afternoon,' at 2 o’clock, . On the 231' instant,. MARY .ANN, daughter of John and'Aon Hzckin, aged 12 months apd 4 days., The relatives andfriends'of the family are respect fully invited .to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents. No. 47 Maiden street. ', between , Frank fork road and Front street.- Kensington, to-morrow ;(Sunday) afternoon, at l.o’olock, without further no tice. -To proceed to Cathedral Cemetex7. • - .*' .. - On'theiut ingtant; ELIZABETH SNYDER, aged 88 years. ’ - -Her relatives-and,-friends of Gxe family are r^speet full/lnvited to attend the farieral, from the reslaeoce of -her daughter,. Elisabeth Kensll, Hanover-street, abbvw; JBedford, Eighteenth ward, late Kensington, to jawrrow,(Sunday) afternoon,-at 1 o’clock. # -On.the 22d instant, Mr. JOHN G. SMITH, sou of Daoiel and' Catharine - Smith, -aged 28 years and six months. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELB, UP TO on O'CLOCK TBlfl NOBBIXO. GIRARD I HOUSE—-Chestnut street, below Ninth. 'P S Mitchell, Va • ' M Welker, Ale HConnor,Ale . P Gardner. NT G McTaggart.N Y HA Wilder, Boston F S Avelin, Fort,Wayne J-A Graham, Indiana ,3 puppies, _BtLoafs ’ PH Smith, N Y A P HJonee, Reading . Miss Blopared, Del W Wilson, Hr VJ Henderson,*Lancaster co AThayer, Jr, N T - '• JP Roman,'Hd 5 ' RW Ktrg * lady, NY . Hoa W M Helm, Beading ©MoOoy, Baltimore - f -’- A B Nlnloger, St Paul FSHoppin, Providence, BI JM Jordan, California' Mrs AE Jordan; California' J S Marsh & la, Lewlsbnrg Miss Herndon, Hr 0 D Gibson, N Y • A Hamilton,N.Y, ; 7as 8 L Bowman, NY ‘ ' Tboi Chalmers, NT WmT Deris,Mass MHBerrie.NY Miss Venib’e, Va •' A R Tenable, St Louis H B'Walklns, BtLouls • 'Jas Berner, Baltimore W W Hayt, Corntog. NY JW Merefort/Olocinnatl.O ADWIMimsfNY ' ' Mlm L 0 Pitch, N Y Geo & Lemmons, Va 3 K Oarleton, N Y CotnßWfieed. USN BUnderhUl, N Y GLHeight, NY f ' W Paine, Chicago JW PC uohtwanger,' N Y B H Hanford, N Y "M Tlghe, NT’* H W Davidson. N Y Thos Armstrong, Chicago S Manning, Cincinnati, 0 BobtLOolUer A la,' Davenport ' AMERICAN HOTBIi-Oheihmt it..'above Fifth. '-Wm-P'MomsrHent, Md ■--< HO Johnson^Wilmington Jos H Galry, Kent, Md -• H Johnson, Wilmington D Coon, Pa * t GeoPrke;N Y -K BOcohran, Bel. W C &eates, 2>el OfW.Broaman, N*Yf. / P White Sc la.Xcnador .WHBengs, Boston ..-BP, Taylor, New Bedford . Jno W; WUllams, NT, - , Jos Corson tc la,. Pa ./•Henderson* Lancaster co ©has H Hobart, Phila Aflss J J HP Jones A la, Chester cO .MlM'Hejfiburni Pa' .. .-» ~H A Hoff, Beading Jchn N Y *. .3 Editor, Westchester J J&keMihey A la,Md D,N Grabb, Pa FRANKLIN; nODSE-Ohestbut street,-above Third Easton - Levi 8 Boulden, Md ' . S Gsddares,Worcester,Mesa TGeorge A wife, Va AK-LaridU*NJ Walter Lawton, N Y A B‘Maier r N J HA Arrmarle, N J JaaWtlsonflll •- B F T Zeller. Phila J Haldeman, N Y ' - MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth sWbelow A rob. I) C Mn'ge A fa. Et LoalS • Bev J Allen, Osnnonshg HrsAldeff, Oannonebnrg W L Alden, Oanoonshg MrS-LlTingstoii.Cannonsb’g Jno Plm, Ohio rJacobPJm Ohio - - ; w W Anderson, Mass :Jrß Griffin' OoetesrlUe, 6on BY Bell, Blair co il» CaseiNewarkj O ' ' J L Withrow, Princeton ; W P Loyd, Trenton, N J • 8 Wadhames, Luzerne ee L D Shoemaker, Pa J 4« M Brown, Ark A D Marfcley, Mont’g co ' '-A Humphrey, Clearfield oo L Motion A wife, Phil T W Markley, Phila AltKeyn6l<l«,P4 - ZGWlosor; Michigan ... UNION HOTEL—Arab street,bolcnrFourth., ; J-OBaxtresser, Pa 1 -- ~ B B Smith &Bon,Tatnaq. G Baxtresser, P* . OP Fleming A fim, Pa Henry Gleb, Pa' W H Patter, Flemiogton B Thomas jr, Hokendaq GeoPluraer, Wooster •- 0 R Borer Ala.-Ba'.tH ffifce, Rochester, N Y B J Hyde A fem, Mass B Hul; Hagerstown. Md J Fitzpatrick, Hazleton Miss M Rcof, Easton MOUNT VRRNGN HOTEL—Second st., above Arch. O A Coryell.’OW& ill IM Sharp, West Point J Warner,„ WUmln g to n ', M Thompson, Pa ' Wm Morris, Montg’y co ■> • Thos M.Moore, Odessa,Del A B Hoff, Reading _ , . . ;;; ; ... MApifiONHOUSß—Secondst., below Aroh. 0 B Kane,. 0 Sloan, York, Pa LMQkenever, Harrisburg ORKiy, NJ . . D M'Jacobs,.Trenton , - ■ A T-Davis Trenton R 8 Bardrick, Milford,Del John Johnson A la, Pa D H Lamburn, Balt Jos J Ray, NY NATIONAL HOTEL—Race* street, above Third. W R Starkweather, N Y 8 JHolllnshead. gtroudahg W Myers, Lebanon D M Bhuey, Lebanon H-SRiukiLebanoa - G Baugh,' Illinois' , 0 H-Voute, Bch Haven . *-W H Sherbley, Lane W Rarth, Lano, W Millcor, Lano r H' W A J NR Starkweather, N Y F M Blanfass, Trapp, Pa John Shea, Pottsrille H J Hendter, PottavlUe J V Wallace, Pa - BLACK BBAR INN—Fifth and Merchant Sts. j'j Haldeman,Del co' . GBpeakmui.Deloo ; A Banting. Del oo v J Griswell, Del co J.Jackson, Pa J Til od A la. Pa MinsM B Jackson, Pa . JR Leris, Blkton, Md J VandersUce, Pa BfP Byers, Pa B F Sbant*. Doylestown W G Pennypacker. Del S A la, Chest co D Prick, PhcenlxviHe BLACK BEAR. HOTEL—Third st., ab. Callowhill. -John Large, Doylestown ' O P Shntt, Washington 8 Gamer, New Britain « ’ B Hogeland,“Byberrf W Nndamaker, Germant’n. V Roads and lady, Pa 0 Zetty, Pa - W R Grim, Boyerston BARLEY SHEAF street, below Vine. J Ootufor, Bucks 06 ’ 7 Bartholomew and la, Pa T Miller, Bucks co - f Wm Vanhorn, Bucks eo B W MeL*y and l«dy. Pa Thos Kelly, Harteyllla John Davis, Cheltenham lease Tobert, Pa Alex Gettiiari, Newtown' 1 Jaff Hill, Pa D-Wbolman, Pa , ’• B H Wilson, N J AdamGeist, Laneuter Jos P Harvey, Pa W Rvans.vPa - ' - Ja< Paul, Pa j JBUckhouse; Pa P K Pretz, Doylestown BALD EAGLE—Third street, ;aboveOallowhlU. HTfOxsllTSelJefsirsTUre ■ PBTroxelle 4 ,BsllersflUe 'ATroxMlifiellerßTiUd D Bartholomew, Pa ~ DirPT Arndt, EMt^n Ballad singing'and guitar.- T: BISHOP, 1262 FILBERT Street. d25-lm* Family school, for small boys, at Olaymont, Delaware. * Number llmitod. This Home Bohool is beautifully situated in a high and- healthy*, position on the Baltimore railroad, one hour’s ride from Philadelphia. •- . - - The Principal having decided to enlarge the number of his Pupils, thore are a few vacancies. >j ■ For oireulars, or more particular information, apply to JOHN B OLBM3ON, D. D.». d25-6t/ ' ‘ • Olaymont, Delaware. Gentlemen would do well by calling on BILKS A KBNBIL, 139 North NINTH Street, above Cherry, and havo their old Garments made to look equal to new, by cleansing or dyeing and repairing. . ■' .r- 1 ■ ■ • d26-2t*> LEFT HIS HOME—Joseph Massoy, a lad . thirteen years old, on Friday last, the 17th inst. He has a scar about half an inch long between tiis eye brows, and his left arm is stiff and crooked from being broken Any information of his whereabouts yrill be gladly received by his parents, at No; 146 Twentieth stroet, or 34 South Ninth street. ‘ It LOST— on. Friday evening, the 24th inst., either on Fifth street between Parrish and Coates,- or on Coates street between Fifth and Eighth,-a lady’s Velvet Olroular, lined with cherry-colored silk; The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at No. 555 North Fifth street, opposite Parrish. It* npEREAPINS AND OYSTERS.—2O doz. A extra large, and 25 doz. medium BALT WATER TERRAPINS;from the Chesapeake Bay. 60,000 OYBTHR3, various grades, part superior. • Our arrangements for obtaining a constant supply of the above luxuries, direct from the .salt waters in larg e quantities, enable ua to offer extraordinary inducements to dealers and families. Orders filled with promptness and fidelity. W.H FAIRBANK & CO., Commission Produce Dealers, . , Adjoining E . Lane’s Coach Faotoxy, d2s2t* Market and 3Ut sts., .West Philad. d ANGS OF RlGGlNG.—Manufactured and for sale by WEAVER, FIYLER & C0...N0. 23 North Water street, and 22 North Wharves. d 26. rriO\Y LINES, AND BOW AND STERN , A LlNES—Manufactured and for Bale by WEAVER, FITLER,& 00., No. 23 North Water Street, and 22 North Wharves. - d 25 Jg* " CONSIGNEES OF GOODS PER Sslsßromen bark Sannur. master, will pleffße send their permits on board, at Oattol’s Wharf, above Market street, or to F. H HARJEB; 288outhTHIBD Street. All goods not permitted within five days will be sent to the PubUo Stores. * d25-4t* ARCHITECTURE. — A Gentleman, an edu cated Architect, who by travel has become ac quainted with most of the world-renowned Edifices of ancient and modern times, wishes .to cany through a Professional Oourae'a-limited number of gentlemen who have a taste for, and are desirous of acquiring a thorough'and practical knowledge of his Profession. For particulars, oddre s “ A. 0. o.’’ office of this pa per. j d24-3t» BRUSHES. —All in want of these arti cles, at wholesale or retail, will find it to their interest to bay them at OLINTON’S BRUBH EMPO RIUM, No 909 CHESTNUT Street, above NINTH, for the same quality, styles, and variety cannot be found elsewhere for the aame .money. All who have bought there will testify to the above. d 24 Ct EDWIN CLINTON. A CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT. DR. BOYNTON will give one GRAND EXHI BITION OF BRILLIANT AND AMUSING EXPERI MENTS in Natural Philosophy, Ohemistry, Electricity, and Electro-Magnetism, at DR. JAYNE’S HALL. SATURDAY EVENING, December 25. With a complete set of apparatus, he will show the form, motion, end situation of the Heavenly Bodies. Prove the Earth a Magnet, Charge and Discharge Flag nets. Show why the Magnetic Needle points North. Suspend a Bod of Iron in the Air on nothmg. Suspend a Boy by Bleotricity. Give a series of brilliant Experi ments in Electro-Galvanism with his immense IRON-GALVANIC BATTERY! ~ load a small Cannon with Water, and fire it off with anlcible. Set Water oh Fire, and make a Bonfire of Ice. Show how the English were to blow up the Bhips at Sebastopol, Ac. The whole to conclude with a beau tiful . BALLOON ASOENBION, With a Net and Oar attached. Dr. B. will endeavor to combine rational amusement with valuable instruc tion. ' - ~ Tickets only 26 cents, to all parts of the Hall For sale at Hazzard’s Bookstore, No. 724 Chestnut streot. and'at Jayne’s Hall during the day and evening; ana at Concert Hall daring the day. N. B —The Geology Tickets will not admit to this entertainment. -Doors open at 6#. Experiments to commence at 7)4 o’clock. d 23 Fulton* insurance, adjusting, AND COLLECTING OFFICE, . . No, 608 CHESTNUT STREET, Phjudxlphu. The undersigned having been praotically engaged for a number of years in different capacities of the Insu rance business—for several years in adjusting losses exclusively for tho Insurance Compa* iea—now offers his services to those sustaining Loss or Damage by Fire to property insured in making out their proofs of such loss or damage in full compliance witi the intricate and cunning conditions,'of Policies of Insurance, in such a manner as to obviate plea or excuse for redaction or litigation by companies so inclined, or others. Re is assisted by the beat legal counsel in Philadel phia, andwiil give particular attention to the Collec tion of Claims against Jnsarauce Companies. ' It is known by many who have sustained loss by Fire to property insured, end it has also been the experience of,tho undersigned, that policies are frequently declared -partially or entirely void at a certain time after a fire occurs, in cmsrquenoe-of carelessness or mismanage ment in effecting the Insurance, or for some other oauso, which, although an important fact, is scarcely ever dis covered or thought of,'until it is too late. Iu order to avoid such disastrous occurrences, the undersigned will also effect Insurance in reliable Companies only, and examine polioles effected by others (In moat cases) free of extra charge Parties sustaining loss or damage by fire, as above, will find it to thelrlntereat to consult the undersigned as soon after the fire as pessible. d22-lmif» JAMES FULTON. JMPORTANT NOTlCE.—Whereas Letters Patent of the United States hare been granted, to the ondfiMigoed, bearing date March Oth, 1858, for BLACK’S mode of *< Generating a vapor orgu for me. irjeotlng into a editable heated vessel or generator a mixture of atmospheric air and wato%” notice is hereb/ glren that any Infringement upon said patent will be dealt With according to law. ' ' BCOTT, TODD; & CO , 023 MARKJST Street. , COUNTRY PHYSlClANS,—Advertiser* 1 who wish to reach COUNTRY PHYSICIANS, es pecially atthe South and West, 4a the best possible manner, oan do so through the MEDICAL AND SUR GICAL REPORTER, published waiKLT, In this city. Subscription price, $3 per annum,' in advance. Also, A LARGE OIIY CIRCULATION. Address the EDITOR, 701 ABOH Street, Phlladel phla. , - dlO-f«tuth-8t» ETC, M-r 600 lbs - Oil Peppermint; 200 do. Bassafras; Car raway, Hemp,.Fennel, and Canary Seeds: Oarb. Am monia, Cream Tartar: Bi-Oarb. Soda. For eale, as wanted, by WILSON A MERRITT, dlTlf 208 MARKET. fILEOTRO-MAGNETIC and MAGNETO- J ELKOTRIO MAOHINEB, for Helical tue. menu, factored and for rale, at No. 3X South SEVENTH Btreet. by W. 0 ft J NEFF. d22-4t* ©ana, JJuiols, &t, GUN STOKE. ‘ ,l PHILIF YVILSON & 00., 433 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW FIFTH, i WILL OPSW , 'MdNDAY, NOVEMBER 93, An assortment of F'INE GUNS OP THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, THOSE OP THE MOST. CELEBRATED MAKERS IN EUROPE. ' The Attention of BPORTOUSN ] Is requested, to .tiielr Stock, whioh they can pr SHALL NOT BE SURPASSED ' By any in the United States. RIFLES, PISTOLS, PLASKB, POWDER, BHOT, &o. - GUN FURNITURE IN ALL VARIETY. n018.3m ; • ' ‘ . Battings iTmtfr*. Lancaster savings • institu tion.—The undersigned, appointed.by the,Court of Common Piece of Lancaster County, auditors to dls. tribute to and among those legally entitled thereto, the balance of money in the hands of T. L.' Roberta, assignee of the Lancaster Savings Institution, as ap pears by his first account filed in the office of tho Pro thonotary of eaid Court, hereby give notice that they will meet for tbe purposes of their appointment at the Babkiog House'of the Institution on WEDNESBAYt February oth, 1860, at 10 o’olock, A. M., when and where all parties interested are hereby notified to at tend. . . JAMES L REYNOLDS, JUNIUS B. KAUFMAN, WM. AUG. AT LEE. t OIX-FENNY SAVING FUND, coinor of k 5 WALNUT and FIFTH Streets. Open every DAY rom 9 to 8 o’clock, and on TURBDAY and {FRIDAY EVENINGS until 7 o’clock. Large or small sums re ceived and returned on demand, -with interest JOHN THOMSON, President, • J. Bkrmav Hoboklst, Bee, & Treasurer. d 23 Ira | IDissointtons an b <EoDartncrGl)i}J3 The firm oe quintin Campbell, JR., tc CO . having been dissolved by the death of QUINTIN OAMPBBLL, Jn , the business 0 r the late firm will be settled by H A. 81IAOKRLPOR D, or hie attorney, W. H. INSKBKP, Philadelphia, r by SHACKELFORD, HAGAN, & KTTLA, No. 17 MUII RAY fit eet, New York H. ALLSTON BHAOKELPORD. , ~ • ’ Surviving Partner. , Pbiladblpbia, Nov. 80,1858. The Sabscribere have this day associated themnelven, for the transaction of the Jobbing of FaNOY GOODS, at No. 17 MURRAY Street, New York, under the firm of SHACKELFORD, HAGEN, & KTTLA. H. ALLBTON bHAOKELFORD, MATT T. HAGEN, * DAVID R. BTTLA. PUTLADILPSIA, Deo. let. 1868. dl-lm Bcunug Marlines. ©EWING MACHINES! SEWING MA £9 CHINES!—AII Colors snd Nos of Silk, three-cord linen Threads for Sewing Machines, at wholesale and retail, to be had at No 80 North THIRD Street. LAING, MAGINNIS, & BROWN. . Also, a great variety of Machine Needles. It* ‘ CHEWING'MACHINES. SAVAGE’S PATENT.' *na MOST BIMPLS—MOST PBBIKOT. No. 722 OHE3TNUT STREET, > The most desirable Sewing Machines for Families vet made (18 Iraif* , ®aobs. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR GEN TLEMEN.—Dressing Gowns of new and beautiful ¥7j7RAPPERS.—New and beautiful wrap- V v pers are being constantly furnished at W. W. KNIGHT’S 609 ARCH Street, wheie the largest and best (ssortment can always be had. Also, just opened, anew lot of Gentlemen’s Scarfs, Neck Ties, Mafilers, &0. , d2O 6t ; |J|OLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT. R. O. WALBORN & 00., (Now) Nos. fi and T North SIXTH Street, ’ Hate now in Store a most complete and varied-stock 0f “ GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODB, j SUITABLE FOR ' OHKtSTMIS PRESENTS. Thev beg to inform tho public in general, and the Ladles* in particular, that their line of GENTLEMEN’S DRESSING GOWNS Is unequalled in this city, dll-lmif THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1858. BOOKS. LITTLE, BROWN, <s= CO:, 112 WASHINOTON street Bolton. PUBLISH THIS DAY, A BISTORT OP NEW ENGLAND, By John Gorhau Palvrby, LL. D. Vol. 1. 8 vo.‘Maps. Cloth, $2.25. (t Dr. Palfrey has written the History of New England as it haß never "been written before. HU official po sition, formerly Secretary of the State of Massachnsette, and his researches in all soits of historical repositories abroad, have brought before him all the original docu ments which are the primary materials of history. His fidelity, accuracy, thoroughness, and candor in investi gation, the niceness of his learning and the breadth of his general culture, are qualities of the highest service in his undertaking. There is a freshness in the flow of his narrative, a terse sagacity in his cursory expressions of opinion, and a judicial summing up on points dis puted or perplexed; which engage alike the liveliest In terest and the fullest confidence of his readers.”—[Bos ton Daily Advertiser. “ This is a noble theme j and it is fortunate that its treatment has fallen into the hands of a scholar of pro found learning, elegant culture, and varied experience We have had an opportunity to know something of the extent and minuteness of Dr. Palfrey’s inquiries; of the conscientious fidelity with which ho la pursuing hie labors| of his untiring pains to attain to that basis merit in a historian—without whioh a superstructure will be valueless—accuracy j and of his earnest desire to get at tho fountain of New England institutions and to trace the springs of its progreß«. He is doing this epn amors; and hence the publio will have no piece of job work, but such a production as labor and time and the closost reflection only can produce.”—[Boston Post. ENGLISH AND SCOTCH BALLADS, Selected and Edited by Professor F. J. CHILD. Yols. 5, (1,7,8. lGmo. Uniform with the British Pacts, Cloth ,$3, JAMES .MONTGOMERY, WITH A-UKMOIR. In 5 vols. 10mo. Uniform with the British Poets. Cloth $3 75. BRITISH POETS AND ESSAYISTS. LITTLE BROWN <SS CO.’S A COMPLETE COLLECTION OF THE BRITISH PORTS, from Chaucer to Wordsworth, embracing the whole works of the most distinguished authors, with selections from the minor poets; accompanied with Biographical, Historical, and Critical Notices. BACH WORE IS SOLD BY ITSELF. The following volumes are'already issued : Vols. . Vols. Aken5Me,......., 1 Milton* 8 Ballads... 8 Montgomery 6 Beattie. .1 Moore. 0 8ut1er...................2 ParpeU & TickeU ......I Campbell .1 Pope 3 Cbattertou 2 Prior 2 Churchill 8 Scott., 9 Coleridge 8 Shakspeare .1 Collins' 1 PhelJey.,... 3 Oowper .8 Skelton'. 3 Donne I Sponoer 6 Dryden.. 5 Surrey 1 Falconer .1 Swift ~,..,,....8 Gay 2 Thomson ...» 2 Goldsmith Vaughan 1 Gray 1 Watts...,..' 1 Herbert 1 White 1 Herriok 2 Wordsworth 7 Hood 4 Wyatt 1 Keats 1 Young S Marvell 1 lOmo. Price In Cloth pervol. 75 cents. Half Calf, $1.60' Full Calf, $1.75. “ This series of tho British Poets is by far the best collection we have anywhere met with.”—[N. ,Y. Times “ We cannot speak too highly in praise of this edi tion—the only one that deserves the name of * com plete’—of the British Poets.”—[Boston Daily Adver tiser. “This edition should grace every library, pub lie and private; and he that may own it may not have cause to envy any one the possession of any other edition.’*— [Louisville Journal. “ A fairer printed, a more tasteful or more valuable set of books cannot be placed in any library,”—[New YorkOourier and Enquirer. “ The best, the most permanently valuable, the' most convenient, and the cheapest edition of tho standard poetical literatme of Great Britain ever published Home Journal. “ We regard It as tho most beautiful and convenient library edition of the British Poets yet published.”— [Philadelphia Evening Bulletin' “It is incomparably the best edition of the British Poets ever offered to the publio, and'should be over looked by none collectng a library.[Southern Post.. “ We warmly oommend It. and wish it a tucoeis pro portioned to its merits.”—[Brownion’s Review. “ We cannot too warmly commend the series to our readers.”—[{Southern Literary Gazette, “The advantage of this edit'oq la, beaidee ite me chanical beauty add convenient shape, the judgment and taste manifest in the editorahip.”—[N. Y. Eve. Post, BRITISH ESSAYISTS. THB BRITISH ESSAYISTS. With Prefaces, Histori cal and Biographical. By A. Chalmers, F B. A. Vols. The Tatter. 4 The Idler.. The Spectator 8 The Mirror, The Guardian...,..,.,..3 The Lounger.., The Rambler 3 The Observer.., The Adventurer....*....3 Thq Looker-on. The World 8 Index Tho Connoisseur 2 Etch work is sold by itself, 10mo. Price in cloth ner rol. 76e Half Calf, $1 60. Full Calf, $1.75. “ These works, the flower of the best English litera tnre for a century, merit a place in every library. They have borne g large office In the culture of mind and style for put generations, and for oar elders now upon the sttge; ana we can wish fe r those entering active or literary life, screw to no phrer, or more copious, or more st mulatlng fountains of thought, sentiment and motive, than are here.”—(N. A. Review “ For school and family libraries, these books are just what is nsedid; they are of convenient size, and at> traot.vo outward appearance [ Boston Transcript. “ It issnperfinoua to praise the essays,—they are by genera! consent esteemed models of pure English stylo, and are full of entertainment, knowledge of the world! and moral instruction,—^they will be read with pleasure as long as the English langnajfe lives.”—[N. Y. Com mercial Advertiser. : No greater Bervlcc can be done in the oauße of good letters tnan tbe extensive dissemination of these stau. dard compositions. They embrace the best models of style In the English language.”—[Boston Dally Ad* vertiser. ‘•Aseries of standardwoika,the value and popu larity of which hare only increased with time.fN. ,Y. Times. “ No more desirable edition has ever been published.” —[N. Y. Evening Post. d25-s.lu-th-3t if JJARPER’3 NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR JANUARY. 005T8XTS. THE PANAMA RAILROAD. Illustrated by Twenty Engravings and Eight Portraits- THE PEOPLE OP THE RED RIVER. Illustrated by Ten Engravings. QUEBEC. 6 6 lUustTitedby Twenty-seven Engraviuga. ONLY A WOMAN’S HAIR.. OUR OHRIdTMAS PARTY. HINTS ON SELF-OULTURB THI? RANSO&J OF A HERITAGE. FOUND DEAD. AN AMERICAN IN JAPAN IN 1858. THE MOUNTAIN ROAD. By LcufUS CniNDLBH Moulton A BONG FOR NEW YEAIVB EVE. By William . Cullen Bryant. . THE VIRGINIANS. By W. M. TiacKKRAr. Illustrations.—A Presentation to Madame Es mond—a Young Reprobate—Four.Head-Pieoes. Chapter LIII. Where we remain at the Court 'End of the Town. , CfliPTsaHV, During which Harry sits smoking his Pipe at Home. Chapter LV. Betwoen Brothers. CnaPran LVI. Ariadne. •MONTHLY nEOOBD OF CURRENT .EVENTS. LITERARY NOTICE. EDITOR’S TABLE. EDITOR’S EASY CHAIR. EDITOR’S DRAWRK. EXPKRIENOKB OF A DRAMATIC AUTHOR. Illustrations —The Play completed—Author droauH tbat it Is accepted—That he is called before the Curtain—Almost MiffocaUd with Roquets— Embraced by tho Manager—Receives Presents from Actors—Applauded by nupes—And Feted by Critics —But, Play is hissed—Author, ditto—Pelted with Eggs—And carried home in disgrace. fashions for January. Illustrations.—Sortie du Bal and Morning Toilet—Young Ladles Evening Dress Under- Sleeves. One Copy for One Year. $3 00 Two Copits for One Year 6 00 Three or more Copies for One Year (each).... 200 And an Extra Copy, gratis, forever/ Club or ten Sub scribers. Uarpei’s Magazine and Harper’s Weekly, together, one year, $4 The Postage upon “HARPER’S MAGAZINE ” must be paid at tbe office where It is received. The Postage Is Thirty.six Conisayear. It HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers. HOLIDAY BOOKS, Portfolios, Writing D?BkB, Bibles. Piayor Books, Annuals, Albums, Pon Knivoa, &0., selling as cheap as the cheapest, at ALLEN’S, 611 Spring Garden street. d24-2t* ]Vf ANUFAOTUKERS, MERCHANTS, and IvA all Business Persons who may desire a list of the Retail Storekeeper in Philadelphia, (In order to ad dress Circulars, &o ,) will find the same arranged, both by streets and classification of goods, in the LADIES’ PHILADELPHIA SHOPPING GUIDE FOR 1859. Prije 25 cents. For sale by Parry A MoMillan, Ha zard Bros., Wm. S. AA-M&rticn, Wm. B. Zleber, at the Stand in the Girard House, and at the Post Office. d!8-12t The valley star is the very BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM In Cumberland county. Business men, consult your interests. Address J.M. MILLER, Newville, Pa. d22-6t* Drills & sheetings for export. BROWN, BLEACHED, A BLUE DRILLS. HEAVY A LIGHT SHEETINGS, Suitable for Export, for sale bv FROTHINGHAM A WELLS, 24 South FRONT ST., $• 86 LETITIA. ST. oolb-ly W. W. KNIGHT, 606 AROH Street. SECRETARY AND BOOK-CASES, in great variety, at manufactory, 259 Pouth THIRD Street. 'IftTARDROBES OF ELEGANT STYLES, v v for sale cheap, at manufactory, 259 South THIRD Street. Extension tables, suitable for ships, steamboats, hotels; and dwellings, for sale cheap, at manufactory, No. 259 South THIRD Street. dlB-lm WHEAT, WHISKEY.—2OO cases of Pure Wheat Whiskey in store, and for "ale by E. P. MIDDLETON tc BRO., 6 North FRONT Street. d2O-6t New jjJnbhtotiohs '' '_" THE POETICAL WORKS EDITIONS BRITISH POETS. tUljoUoale ibrg ©ooiia. 'J’IHE MOST .POPULAR writer op THB DAY FOB BOYS AND GIRLS, WALTER AIMWELL His stories, of which one has been issued eaoh year since he began the series, have steadily Increased in merit and popularity, until now the announcement of “ A new Aimwell Story” excites the same lively Inter- est among the young folks that a new novel by Dickens dees among the old ones. Six volumes, including “ Jessie,” the last and best, have already been issued, They are bound in blue, red, green, maroon, Ac., and put up in seta, la elegant boxes made for the purpose. These are the leading titles of ’THE LA-IMTWTDXjIj stories, ELLA, SIT VoLUMKS, ’ BOX WHISTLER, $8 76, or 93 otß. Besides these admirable Stories, Mr. Aimwell has this year tried his skill at inventing a New Game for the Holidays, and thousands who have already purchased the Game oaa attealjila success in this new line. It is named PETER CODDLE’S . TRIP TO NEW YORK. THREE GAMES IN ONE. I. A Game of Transformations. 11. Literary Patch work. 111. A Literary Puzzle. In foot,,the purchaser gets thru distinct games for the prlceP of one. Any number of‘boys and girls can play the game, and every time it Is played the fun changes) while the laugh comes in all the time. It Is played with Cards, which, together with the Story, are put up in beautiful little Boxes, Prloo 37 1-8 Oen'E FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. PUBLISHED BY GOULD & LINCOLN, 69 WASHINGTON Street Boston. d25-satuAthtjl Retail HDru @ooba. & LANDELL HAVE REDUCED THEIR FINE STOCK DB Y GOODS HOLIDAY PRESENTS. QHRISTMAS. THOS. W. EVANS & 00. ARB SELLING THB BALANCE OF THEIR FALL AND WINTER STOCK, EMBRACING BILKS. rr.,. >' * SHAWLS, -* CLOAKS, DRESS GOODB, EMBROIDERIES, Ac., GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. d2O-tf Heavy reduction for the HOLIDAYS. MOB AN’S UNEQUALLED SKIRTS, AT *2 00, Price elsewhere. $2 60. J. Q MiXff ELL Ac SON. ZEPHYR AND TRIMMINGS SI'OBB AND FAOTOBY d2o»6t 8. E. cor. ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT. Tl/INTER BTOOK REDUCED. v T Ladles* Beaver Cloths. Pine Black Qlotha. Boys’ Wear—Oasslmeres. Satmetts, and Vestlßgs. All at WHOLESALE -BATES. DBESS GOODS. Heavy Valencias, 18# to 46 cents. 26 eent Delaines at 17 cents. Merrimack Prints at 11 oents. Merinoes—Colors —Vine Bines and Bl&ofcs. CLOAK BOOM. Elegant Beaver Cloaks and Raglans. Very handsome Garments at nmeh less than nsoal prices for same quality. $lO. $l2. and $l6 Cloaks are UNSURPASSED. BBOCHB SHAWLS. A very large rtock also or Woollen Shawls. REDUCTION Will commence on thelBth DECEMBER. N. B.—No deviation from price. COOPER A CONARD, dlB 8. E. corner NINTH A MARKET Bts. Holidays. BHARPLSBB BROTBERS Will sell throughout this month— HANDSOME PANOY SILKS. EMBROIDERIES acd LAOS SETS. NEW WINTER PABBIOS. At a great redno'ion from the nsnal prices. dls if OHEBTNUT and EIGHTH. CHEAP SHAWLS. LONG BLANKET SHAWLS, $3 60 to |5. REVERSIBLE BHAWLB. BROOHK SHAWLS. BRENOH WOOLLEN SHAWLS. TRAVELLING MAUDS. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. CLOTHS, BEAVERS, Testings, Satinetts, and Tailors’ Trimmings. LADIES* CLOAK CLOTHS. All of the most reliable makes at reduced prlces,'at the Cloth Store of JOS. A WM a. WOOD, No. 8 North SECOND Street. n2T-stothJal CLOAKS,, RAGLANS, AND OIRCU \J LARS—McELROY respectfully Invites tha La* dies to call and examine his stock, embracing many elegant styles not to be fonod elsewhere. As there were a number of oar customers unable to be salted last week, in consequence of our assortment being di minished, we hare pat on an extra quantity of hands, and hope that we will be able to supply all who favor us with a call. LONG AND SQUARE BROOHE BHAWLB, of superior styles and fabrics, all shades and colors, at greatly reduced prices. Long and Square Blanket Shawls, of eholeo colors, decided bargains. MoELROY, No. 11 South Ninth street. 125 yards Bayadere Poplins at 25, usual price 40 cts. The cheapest Black Silks in the olty. A largo assort meutof French Merinoosat $l, cost to import $1.25 ; 2,000 yards of figured and plain Merinoes, at 60, 66, 65, and 76 cents. 2,000 yards Cloth, fresh from auotlon, for Ladles’, Gents’, and Boys’ wear, from 76 cents to $2.60, deci dedly the greatest bargains in the city. 600 yards Oasslmere, at 44, cheap at 76 cents. 6 bales of Blankets, from $2.25 to $lO. 600 Undershirts ana Drawers, at 60 cts ; usual price $l. The largest and cheapest assortment of Velvet Ribbons in the olty, from 10 oents to $1.76. warranted all silk. Embroideries and Blbbons, Gloves, Hosiery. Trimmings, Fringes, and Linen Oambrio Hdkfs.. a full assortment, at the renowoed McELBOY’S. n27-s tu th No. 11 South Ninth street. fXRY GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. %J —OLOSING OUT OF WINTER DRESS GOODB. OQABLES ADAMS, EIGHTH and AROH Streets, Has made extensive preparations for the encourage ment of useful Holiday Gifts. Blaok Lustrous Bilks, every grade. Plaids, all wool and part cotton. Delaines, plain and gar colors. French Black Oloth for Ladles’ Cloaks. Alpacas, Paramattas and Lava 11 as. roll de Ohenes, Valencias, and Saxons. Batin Travers, Ginghams, and Ohtntzefl. GLOBING OUT OF FURNISHING GOODS. Marseilles Counterpanes; Flannels, Muslins, and Tickings; Bureau, Table, and Plano Covers; Towellings of every description : Table Cloths, Napkins, and Doylies ; Blankets CLOSING OUI OF SHAWLS. Broohe Long and Square Shawls, French Blanket Bhawls, Thibet and Mode Shawls, Reversible Shawls, Misses’ Long Shawls, Round Corner Bhawls. OLOSING OUT OF MEN’S GOODS. Men’s Kid Gloves, double and Bingle stitch ; bleo’s Blaok SilkOravate: Men’s an! Bovs' Neck Tieß, cheapest to be found, Men’s Mauds, different styles: Men’s Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY, MITS, GLOVES, of various descriptions. Jaconets, Nainsooks Dimity, Oambrio and Swiss Muslin, &o , Act, all of which we are determined to reduce qni-balp before taking stock. d2l*tu th sa*tf CHRISTMAS DINNER EXTENSION TABLES, good and cheap, at manufactory, 269 South THIRD Street. ADVICE FOR THE COMING HOLI -nL days Gents, do you -wish to bay a Rood HAT OR CAP ? • GO TO OAKPORD’S. Or a Far Cap, Collar, or Gloves ? GOTO OARFORD’S. Or a handsome Fur Robe? GOTO O-A-KFOIIID’S. Or a beautiful Oane or Silk Umbrella? GOTO O-A-TCFORD'S. L&dierf, do you wish to purchase a handsome set of Fora that you can depend upon as being what they are represented, and CHEAP? GOTO OAKFORD’S. Or a Fancy Bat or Oap for yonr children ? GOTO OAKFORD’S. Or a beautiful Far Hood, Far Gloves, or Foot Muff? GO TO OAKFORD’S. Or a splendid Silk Umbrella made expressly for Ladles? GOTO OAKFORD’S. In fact, all who want to purchase any of the above articles, will find them good and OHEAP AT OAKFORD’S, d2l-5t No 624 CHESTNUT, below Seventh. CLINTON, MAROUS, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR PRE BENTS. Call at 116 South EIGHTH Street, and examine our stock of Paint Boxes, Drawing Books, best Eoglish Oil Colors, Studies, plain and colored Pictures for framing, &0., &o. You will find cheap prices and a large variety of other suitable presents. ' SOHOLZ & JANENTZKY, d2I-6t 115 South EIGHTH Street. STEREOSCOPES AND STEREOSCOPIC >3 VIEWS.—A large and beautiful assortment of Stereosooplo pictures. Stereoscopes from $1 upwards McAllister to brother, 728 CHESTNUT Street. OLD HAND AND NOSE SPEOTA- X OLES in great vai iety , very suitable for Christ* mas Gifts. MCALLISTER to BROTHER. 728 CHESTNUT Street. ■pOLYORAMAS OF VARIOUS SIZES.— JL An appropriate present. MCALLISTER 4 BROTHER, 728 CHESTNUT Street. Kaleidoscopes, microscopes. SPY GLASSES, &0.,40.,&0. MoALLISTER’S, 728 CHESTNUT Street. THERMOMETERS FOR THE MANTEL, JL bronzed, of beautiful patterns. MCALLISTER & BROTHER, 728 CHESTNUT Street, d!8-8t if nearly opposite Masonic Hall. Jpl AN 0 Y GOODS holitdatts. T. H. PETEBS & CO., 716 CHESTNUT STREET, Have just received a large variety of Articles suitable for Presents, which they are offering at very low prices. Being actloles of their own importation, they can afford to sell them at reasonable prices. Fart of their stock consists of— WRITING DESKS, ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY and PAPIER MAOHE, CHEBB TABLES, BOARDS and MEN, LADIES and GENTS’ DRESSING OASES, PARIAN, BISQUE and BRONZE FIGURES, LADIES’ HAIR FINS and HEAD DRESSES. TRAVELLING BAGS, PORTE MONNAIBB, CARD OASES, GLOVE and HPKP. BOXES, ODOR OASES and BOTTLES, VASES, TOILET BOTTLES, CARD PLATES and BASKETS, FANS, PEARL, IVORY and PARTY FANS, OPERA GLASSES, JEWEL BOXES, INK BTAND3, CIGAR GABES, Together with a large variety or Gilt Fancy Goods and other articles, suitable for Ohrlstmas Presents. T. H. PETEBS & CO., PERFUMERS AND IMPORTERS t 710 CHESTNUT STREET, dl4-l2t Opposite Masokio Hill. Fancy goods FOB CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS, W. D. GLENN, NO. 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Offers at low prices a large variety of new goods of his own importation, consisting In part of— LADIES’ TRAVELLING BAGB AND CABAS, PAPIER MAOHE WORK-BOXES, DESKS &o„ TOILET BOTTLES, Richly Gilt and Deoorated. PORTEMONNAIES AND POCKET-BOOKS, In great variety. FANCY INKSTANDS, - In Bronte, Porcelain, Glass, Ac. CARD OASES, CIGAR OASES, CIGAR STANDS, In Rosewood and Ebony. DRESSING GASES AND PORTABLE DESKS. MEMORANDUM AND BALL TABLETS. ODOR BOXES AND GLOVE BOXES. MEDALLIONS IN PLASTIO IVORY. SCOTCH WOOD FANCY ARTIOLE3, SNUFF BOXES, Ao. CHESSMEN, BACKGAMMON BOARDS. Together with many other artloles, to all of whleh th attention of dealers and the publio is invited. dlO-tjal-if JFor Bale atrtr to £et. rjp 0 LET TUB FIRST FLOOD AND BASEMENT GIR-AJSJTTE FYKDJSTX 1 STORE, No. 237 CHESTNUT STREET, INQUIRE ON THE PREMISES saFOS RENT .-—THE BELLEVUE Btil BOUBS, In Columbia, Pa., corner of Front and Walnut streets, formerly kept by Francis Boggs, John Barr, and Mrs. SARAH HAINES. There is hydrant water and gas throughout the House, and a Restaurant In the basement The House is partly furnished. Pos session can be had on or before the 20th of Maroh next. For further particulars apply to JOHN BOGGB, Ageot, dll*sAw*6t residing In Marietta, Pa. FOR SALE.—A splendid farm of 157 acres In Chester county, convenient to the Penn’a Cen tral and Chester Valley t ß*ilroads, and within 1)$ hour’s ride of Philadelphia. Inquire of D. B TAYLOR, A GO., OOATES-Straet Wharf. d2l-tn th sa.lOt* ®FOR RENT. —A desirable store-room, No. 1020 Chestnut street. WM. S. CAMPBELL A CO , d22>6t* St Lawrence Hotel. TO LET—Third and Fourth Stories of Store No 416 COMMERCE Btreet. Apply cn the premises. d22-0t STO RENT.—The store No. 19 Straw- BERRY Street, with the 2d, 3d, and 4th stories, 21 feet front by 133 feet to Second street well lighted throughout; would be suitable for a Dry Woods Import ing or Commission House Apply to ROBERT MA GREGOR, 233 South THISD Street. d2O-12t* ©ORPHANS* COURT SALE.—Estate of JAMES MORROW, deceased. OASSIMERES, THOMAS & SONS, Three-atary BRICK DWELLING. Owen street, north of South street, between Thirteenth and Broad streets. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans’ Court, for the city and county of Philadelphia, will be sold at publio sale, on TUESDAY. January 4th, 1859, at 7 o’clock in the evening, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described property, late of James Morrow, deceased, vis : All that lot of ground, with the 8 three-story brick messuages thoreon, situate on the north side of Oloveer street, 120 feet east of Broad street, north of South street, containing in front, on Owen street, 17 feet, and extending in depth, northward of the same breadth, 94 feet. Bounded on the east by ground granted on ground rent to John McCoy, and on the west partly by ground now or late of Samuel Orr, and partly by the head of a three-feet wide alley, with common use and privilege of said alley. Snbject to a yearly ground rent of $42 60. By the Court, NIMROD WOOLKRY, Clerk O. C. ANN MORROW, ) JOHN MORROW, 5 AdrainiBtrators - M. THOMAS & SONB, Auctioneers, 139 and 141— formerly 67 and 69—South Fourth street. Philadelphia, Deo. 11, 1863. dl6-25&ja4 (Egress Companies. Philadelphia local express will give particular attection to the delivery of HOLIDAY PREBENTB throughout the city. Office 28 South FIFTH Street. OAKMAN A CO., Proprietors. d.B7t# wrHOLIDAY PRESENTS. The ADAMS! XPREBBCOM PANY will give particular attention and c&ro to the forwarding of HOLIDAY PRESENTS Intended for re sidents of other cities. The articles should be well packed, »nd addressed with the name of atreetand number of dwelling. When the delivery is desired on a particular date. It shonld be noted on the package Philadelphia, Decembers. JOHN BINGHAM, Snpt., dlO-dtJal-if Penn Division. A LADY HAVING TAKEN A HOUSE, No 1417 Locust street, Is now ready to accommo dato a few Boarders with communicating or single rooms, d92-6t* JJi)otograpl)i3, &t, FREE ADMlSSlON.—Beautiful Photo-* graphs of all all sizes, finished in the highest style of art; also, those gems of art, the Daguerreotype and Ambrotvpe, Crayon style, will bo made at the lowest prices for the hoUdays. at the ROOT Gallery, 620 OHESINUTSt., and corner of FIFTH and CHEST NUT. dIS-ntuthtf CG. CRANE*® PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, • (Formerly VAN LOAN’S,) 632 ARCH Street All the various styles and sizesof Pictures, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypea, Photographs, and Ivorytypes are taken, and at moderate prioea. d7-Sm* ' PRIVATE LESSONS IN DANCING, * MUSIC and ENGLISH BRANCHES.—A Lady, experienced (n instruction, is desirous of obtaining pupils In the above accomplishments. Olassoß meeting at each other’s residence received on tho most favorable terms. All the fashionable Dances taught in Twelve Lessons. Address “ Visiting Governess,” Blood’s Di ipatch, AMMu-lf Qoliiiag (Scobs, * FOR THE VERT DESIRABLE Heal (Estate. Auctioneers, SoarMnfl. JHatuing C3atct)eg, Jemelrg, #r. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Am JACOB BANGS DORF, importer and Manufacturer, Nos. 6 and 7 Nnrth FOURTH Street, above Market, east side ok™ w! entire stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and P?a£d Ware, Spectacles, Porte-monnalea, Ac., for retail ontu the 16th day of January. 1860, at wholesale prices and Invites his friends and the public In general to call and examine his splendid stock, as he feels confident they will be astonished at the low prices he is disposed to sell at daring the time mentioned. Particular atten tion given to Repairing ot "Watches and Jewelry, dzoot CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 1 CHBIST &2&MAB PRESENTS! '—Fine Witches, Gold Jewel rv, silverware, and Fanoy Goods, Gold and Silver Ame rican Watches, Vest, and Chatelaine Chains, Band Bracelets, Necklaces, Studs, and Sleeve Buttons, Fancy Gilt Hair Pina and Combs, Ac., at ' WM.B. ELTONHEAD’S, 810 South SECOND street, between Pine and Union. dlB-7t# U OLID AY THOMAS C. GARRETT, NO. 326 CHESTNUT STREET, Invites the attention of the puhUo to hie lugs an! Fashionable Stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, AID SILVERWARE, Laid In at low prloes for Cash, whleh will he Bold cor respondingly low. dlOtfid £JHRISTHAS PRESENTS. SAMUEL W. PEPPER, (SOCOKSSOB TO BBNRT J. FBPFBB t SOU) WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE. 714 OHESTNUT ST., OPPOSITE THE MASOKIO HALL. Enjoying every faollity appertaining to the Soilness, and having an excellent looatien at a LIGHT BENT, He is enabled to sell the same Maas of Goods at an advance fully ONE-TBIRD LESS Than any of his competitors. WATCaSB CAREFULLY REPAIRED. d15t0251f CHRISTMAS PRESENTS OF As Al& FINE JEWELRY, jgQj At low prices. Just received Coral, Lava, Came*, and Gold Jewelry in sets. Also, Scarf Plm, Seal Rings, Shirt Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Bracelets, Chains, Ao. English, French, and American Watobes, at G. RUSSELL, d4-lm ' 22 North Sixth street. DAILEY & 00 M -D foamiLT BAILEY * KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Fire-proof, White Marble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUOB. Now opening their fall rtook of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To whleh they Invite the attention of thepubUe. SILVER-WARE, WATOHEB, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, if WXOLXBkLB AID MfiXb. aolT-iftf MEADOWS & COm ITA Miwuraoxuasaa or STERLING SILVER WARE. No. 810 CHESTNUT Street. An extensive assortment of Holiday Gifts constantly on hand. d7-lm (Eonfertionerji. £JHRISTMAS PRESENTS. S. HENRION’S OLD ESTABLISHED TRENCH CONYSOTIONERY, No. 712 MARKET STREET, ABOVE SEVENTH. JUST ESOEIVKD, a rich and varied assortment of PAKrCY -AJRTIOLES, Of the newest PARISIAN styles, suitable for CHRISTMAS AND NSW 1 EAR’S PRESENTS, COK3ISTIKQ 07 BONBONNIERES. CORBEILLEB, BASKETS, RICH SACS, AND ‘ CORNETS. Together with a complete assortment of FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, Of every description, manufactured of THE BEST MATERIALS. jpiRESH CONFECTIONERY. EDWARD .A.. HEINTZ, (Late of Henrlon’s of 712 Market street,) IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER of FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, B. W. Comer NINTH and ARCH Sts., Has just received from Paris the ‘' MOST DESIRABLE STOCK OF CONFECTIONERY, FANCY BON-BONS, BOXES, BASKETS, SACKS, CORNUCOPIAS, OUPID3, SUGAR TOYS, &c. That has ever been offered to the Philadelphia publio. Peraons wishing to purchase Fresh and Choioe Con fectionery would do well to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. cUB-7t iSloneji. dh FA AAA TO LOAN, in sums to suit OptF"/jvPvJV/applleants, upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Gone, Merchandise, Clothing. &o , on mode rate tonne, by JONEB A CO;, Brokers, N. W- corner THIRD and GABKKLL Streets, below Lombard. Es tablished for the last 36 years. Office hours from 7A. M to 7 P.M. dIT-lm If FARGO, & CO., 400 CHESTNUT STREET, Purchase the Interest COUPONS STATS OF CALIFORNIA dT-tjal JHintefc iflcat. MI NO E D MEAT.—The subscriber has commenced manufacturing his NB PLUS ULTRA MINCED MEAT, which he offers to bis customers in large or smalt quan tities Orders through Blood’s Dispatch will be punc tually attended to. JOSHUA WRIGHT, SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN Sts., dO-lm-lf Philadelphia. Emooala. [NOTICE.—IThe 1 The office of The West Phila - Ll dilyhio Passenger Railway Company ha%been removed to tha Depot, N W corner of HAVERFORD Road end LOGAN btreet, Twenty-fourth ward dl4-12t gKIttOTAL. SAMUEL H. MATTSON. MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS REMOVED TO No. 1120 CHESTNUT STREET, THIRD SOOB BELOV TWELFTH. South 81de, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line, having on hand a fall supply of GOODS for men’s wear. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, nM-Sm-lt No. 1126 CHESTNUT Street. Dr. e. moolella.n, Removed to No. 1441 WALNUT Street, dlO'lm Northeast corner of Fifteenth street ffltrmnnaaicrn ponses. JB. VALENTINE & GO.. • OSMMIBbION MERCHANTS FOR THB SALE OP AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No. 61 COMMON STREET, J NEW ORLEANS. Special attention given to Collecting and Remitting Exchange. d23-3m* Linens for men»s wear. American Linen Company’s superior style Brown Linen Coatings, # and #, various shades: Brown and Bleached Liuen Duoka. various styles; Brown Linen Drills. A choice assortment of the above Goods now on sample, and for sale bj JOSEPH LEA, dl6-tf 128 and 130 CHESTNUT Btreet. A TJOTION, COMMISSION, AND GENE* Jt% BALAGHNOY BUSINESS—P. WELLINGTON having permanently located himself at Pensacola, Fla., informs the publlo in general that he has opened on PALAFOX Btreet, nearly opposite the Market House, a general Auction. Commission, and Agenoy Business, and would respectfully solicit consignments qf all kinds of goods and merchandise for Anotlon, or on Comrnls* plop, 49'jaw&f2tt&W2iA COanls. A GENTLEMAN. OP CONSIDERABLE business experience, with a capital of Five Thou sand Dollars, desires an interest'in some eatabliihed business. He is perfectly competent to'attend to the financial department. Please address “Spencer” at the office of this paper. d25-2ts OOn —WANTED—A Partner with SEJ/n oj $3,(00 capital, in a cash and ahort 2Si!Lif J Gcods 'Jobbing House. One with experience jwdwell acquainted with Dry Goods, and city and near fcT «*We connection by addressing yj. i .*• at this office. d24-Bt* • TyANTED.—$10,000 for three years, in an-< interest Hopse, for which 8 per cent. referencea*wni 9 security and satisfactory jewences will be given. Address “H. E.G.” at thfa : d24-3t* ' T°J?SLS°? D3 JOBBERS.—An active o'“: Addt «" ““ office of TAe - d23-Bt# ANTED—A second-hand Standine Press, Stewart’, or Erace’e Patent. Addrefe " U.j" JrTtss ciflce. . - • d2B-8t A GRADUATE OF CRITTENDEN’S Commercial College desires a Situation as Book keeper. Address“T.P.-,”Blood’s' Dispatch. d22-6t* A FIRST-CLASS BOOK-KEEPER, with first-rate city references, will be at' liberty to accept an engagement to tike effect on or after the Ist of January, 1869. Address “Journal.” at this office. <l2l-61# - WfANTED—A SITUATION AS BOOK * v keeper in a Wholesale or Commission House, by a middle aged man from Western- Pennsylvania, by whom a liberal share of trade could be ihfiuenoed. For references inquire at this office.. dllmftßtjl# ANTED—-By the Ist of January, an en gagemeut fig sales man in a fint-class Dry Goods Jobbing House, wan experienced salesman who can »?m tt ®2. ce « I SL *** onßt or near cash trade. ' Address T.afflc,” QgafcW Th* Press. d2O-6t* WAA~i®M U& THE UNITED STATi S ' ?i - fT A^^“,AWa ‘ bodied >_ unmarried men, w wnom will be given good w ’board, olothing, and medietl attendance. Pay from *l3 to CO per month. ?° if *• MMpted. Apply fw MOUNIJU) BABVXOA at No. SIT MAB&aTfltwS? above JUghth, north side. • * I. N. HOOKE, Ist Lieut, lat Dragoons, Beeruiting Officer. S&mnsemenXß A GRAND PHOTOGRAPHIC PANO - RAMA of STEREOSCOPIC and DISSOLV ING VIEWS will 1)9 exhibited for the benefit of the Sabbath School, at the Nazareth M. E Church, THIR TEENTH street, belowTlne, THIS (Saturday) EVE NING, at 7* o’clock. + This magnificent exhibition Is designed to surpasi anything of the kind previously seen in this city. It will consist of » choice selection of the most beautiful soenery in Europe and America,- besides copies of the beet productions of the most celebrated painters and soalptors, magnified to coTer more than 50 square feet of canvas. Cards of admission, 25 cents. Children, 10 cents. . {D* Persons will not be able to obtain cards of ad mission at the door if the limited number to be sold has been previously secured. A few may yet be obtained at the store ot Ur George Qulen, northeast corner of Thirteenth and Vine streets, d25-lt* f'tONCERT, THIS (Christmas) EVENING, by the Members of ST. GEORGE’S SABBATH SCHOOL. FOURTH street, below Vine A choice and varied selection of Anthems, Chants, Hymns, Glees, Four-part Bongs, with Solos, Duets, and Quartets, will be sung. k Doors open at 0; Concert to commence at 7. Admis sion, 15 cents. , v A superior-toned Organ - Harmonium, from J. E. Gould’s, Seventh and Ohestnat, presided over by Prof John H. Eastman, will furnish the accompaniment. It* T|/|RS. D * BOWERS’ B WALNUT-ST. l'A THEATRE, comer of NINTH and WALNUT Streets LAST APPEARANCE OF HISS J. H. DAVENPORT. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Deoember 25,1859, ADRIENNE, THE ACTRESS. Adrienne Lecouvreur, Uiss Davenport; Duke d’Au mont, Ur Toung; Maurice, Hr. Perry; Ulchonet. Riohings; Princess de Bouillon, Miss Etchings. • BONNIE FISH WIFE. ' ' Prices of admission-second Tier and. Family Circle, and Third Tier, 25 cents; parquet* 87# cents: Dress Circle, 50 cents; Private Boxes, according to their locale, and 55; Single Belts In Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 oents. Doors open at half past 0 o’clock; Curtain' rises it T o’clook. TATHEATLBT A CLARKE’ 8 AROH-ST* v v THEATRE.—'Williams. Fredericks,Aotlngand Stage Manager.' THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON, Dee. 25, OUR AMERICAN COUSIN and &PEOTBS BRIDE GROOM. THIS (Saturday) IVSNOiQ, Decambr 25, 2868, OUH AMBRIOAN*OOUfIIN. " - '« Am Trenehard, our Ameriaan Cooiln, Ur. J. S. Clark: Lord Dundreary, Hr. WketUey. BOBINgOtf OBUSOa. Admiasion, 25 ot*. Secured Beats La Dress Circle, 87# cts; Orchestra Stalls, 60eta; SeatsinPrivateßoxes,.6 ctej Gallery, 18 cte ; Gallery for Colored! eiwjna,26 eti; Private^Box In Gallery for Colored, Person*. 88 eta; Whole Private Box, $B. r *‘ ‘ * Door* open at half pant 8 o’aloek; eoauaenee at 7, precisely IVATIONAL CIRCUS, WALNUT ST., X V above EIGHTH—LEWIS B. LENT, Manager. ' THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON and EVENING.' THREE GREAT SHOWS, \ Morning, at 10#; Afternoon, at 2# j Evening, at 7V o’clock. ' * EQUESTRIAN FEATS, . - GYMNABTIO FEA*B, By all the Company. SCALE OP PRICES.' ' - v ; Dreaa Circle and-Parquette..4o bants Children under ten years of age..i..20 ‘‘ Family Circle.....* .20 « Doers open at quarter to f o’clock. Performance* will commence at 7#. ID* Performances on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons, “WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. If FAREWELL BENEFIT OP MR. AND MRS. F. B. CONWAY. REAPPEARANCE OF MRS. D. P. BOWERS. First, and only appearance, of MISS VIOLA CROCKER. MONDAY EVENING ■ Dee. 27 th> 1858, Will be performed the powerful and popular Drama, five acta, written by Tom Taylor, entitled, THE KING’S RIVAL; on, THE COURT AND THE STAGE. King Charlesll ..Mr. H. A. Perry. Duke of Richmond Mr F. B. Conway* Misa Stewart. Mrs. D. P. Bowers. Nell Gwynne Mrs. F. B. Conway. Supported by the strength of the Company: Marseillaise Miss Caroline Biehings. Pas Seul Misa Christine Lndlam. To conclude with (Ist time in Philadelphia) the da* llghtfal Comedy, in two acts, entitle 1 !, THE LITTLE TREASURE. C&pt. Walter Majdenblush Mrs. F. B. Conway. Gertrude (the little treasure).....Utes Viola Crocker. Box Boos now open. d24-3t cjaengebbund vocal society *3 Will give » GRIND CONOERT AND BALL on MONDAY EVENING, Deo 27th. lit the Hell of the NA -IIONAL GUARDS, RACE Street, below SIXTH. Prof. KARL GAERTNER has prepared a very choice Programme for the occasion, and selected the best musical talent for the Orchestra, in order to maket it one of the very beat entertainments of the season. Tickets, at fl. can be obtained at the door of the Hall on the evening of the Concert and Ball. d24-St* A SbEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND A CHESTNUT Streets. Immense attraction. New Novelties. Change of Programme each Exhibition. Tbe LEARNED CA NARY BIRDS and SPIRIT RAPPING. Go and see SIGNOR BLITZ. The great Ventriloquist and wonderful Magielan. Performance every Evening during the week, at half-past) o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons at 3. Admission 26 cents; Children 13 cents. n025-lm* Dr. valentine IN HIS INIMITA BLE PARLOR ENTERTAINMENTS, CONOERT HALL, CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS NIGHT. The Doctor says there are three muscles to draw the mouth up, and only one to draw it down, which signifies that we are to laugh three times as much as we cry, These ENTERTAINMENTS have always beau at tended by full and fashionable audiences. Tiokets 25 cents. To be procured at the Hall during the day. . Doors open at quarter before 7 o’clock. jQn'ertain ments to commence at quarter before 8. d23-3t* CHRISTMAS DAY.—FOUR GRAND PERFORMANCES—Commencing at 10 A. H., 12#, 3, and 7# P. every AFTERNOON and EVENING during the Holidays, at 3 end 7# o’clock. SIGNOR BLITZ. At the ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT streets The LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Ventriloquism, Magic, and tbe Wonderful Automatou Rope Dancer, who surprises and delights. Admission, 25 cents j Children, IS cents. 4J3-lm# ORATORIO —“ THE MESSIAH”—THIS celebrated Oratorio, by the immortal Handel, will be produced at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING, Dec. 28th, lost., by the HAN DEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY, numbering nearly 200 voices, supported by the fall strength of the GER MANIA ORCHESTRA. Leader, OaRL LENTZ. The whole under the direction of Prof. PHIL. ROHR, Conductor of the Society. Subscriptions for .the series of tbree Concerts $3, entitling subscribers to three tickets for each Concert. To be obtained at BECK <fc L AWTON’S, Seventh and Chestnut streets. d22-6t* THOMEUF’S VARIETIES!—(Cafe Cban tant,} N. W. corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT streets. CROWDED HOUSES! DELIGHTED AUDIENCES! Second week of JULIA BARTON !! THREE PERFORMANCES ON CHRISTMAS! Vis: Morning, 10# ; Afternoon. 2#; Evening, 7#. THIS, and EVERY EVENING until farther notice, will be presented.the successful Olio, from the Opera of THE BOHEMIAN GIRL. .Miss JULIA BARTON. Other characters by Mies Moreley, Miss Jolla Price, Messrs. Beckett, Moyer, &o , &o. Gipsy Dance by Mia. VALLEE. To be preceded and followed with a grand MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT, in which Miss Julia Bar ton, aided by the entire vocal corps, will sing (In char acter) several gems of Opera, amoDgst which “ Prance Adoree,” from The Child of the Regiment, in which part she really has no superior. Tho entertainment will be interspersed with danoes by Miss Yallee, and Ethiopian eccentricities by J. Wambold. Commencing at 7tf. Admission 10 cents. Orchestra seats, 16 cents. d2O 6t T. A’BEOKET, Stage Manager and Conductor. mHE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF A THE PINE ARTS, No. 1026 CHESTNUT STREET. 18 OPEN DAILY (Bnndays exoepted) from 9 A. M. till 0 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children 12 cents. Shares of Sioch, entitling the holder’s family to ad mission at all times, $3O. dT-tf CJANFOBD’S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, adjoining the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. „ . GREAT BILL For the patrons of SANFORD’S OPERA HOUBI. THIS EVENING, Will be presented Sanford’s ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON, The Christmas Pantomime. EVERY EVENING New Songs, Glees, Chornies, Refrains, Ac., with Danoing by the BANPORD CHILDREN. Admission 25 cents; Children 12# cents. d4-tf IVffUSIOAL FUND HALL THE GER- XtJl MANIA ORCHESTRA will oommenoe their Public REHEARSALS on SATURDAY next. Nov. 20th. Single Tickets 25 cents; a package of tight tickets for $l, which may be obtained at Andre’s, ltQ4 Chestnut street; Beck A Lawton’s, ooroer of Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. The per formance commences at o’elockP. M. nolf-tf JUilliiwrs ISooiia. TO THE LADIES.— Opening of DREaS CAPS ana HEAD DRESSES, at No 718 ARCH Street, below Eighih. Tne subscriber will open, TUESDAY, 2’st instant, a choice lot of Drees -Gaps and Head Dresses for the Season, and will commence this day selling off his rich stock of Winter Bonnets, French Flowers and Ribbons, without regard to oost, to make room for Spring manu facturing. THOMAS MORGAN. - <m-Mt 718 ARCH Street, below Eighth,
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