ague bg •' HawßMlf Iftif BtiPA 69.), a- - ■aSSpH»JEnMI STOCK iimMApScKA 3BBW —The exteoilToaml rfor Btrtiwitbois'ot 'the Mte'JoaertL Grflz fci mi tt'tfw eoilloe rooro«, on Wtduesdiy .-•■ TnnTnfnif T'aiiem&t J*lh..*y.o«<l« of the executors. U A • “?-p ***** - ’■ ■- - Mtl> December, »t the. El ■ ° h TwVntMfMia Fall gala, 2tHh December, on the pre- to*iiencs and fmoltura, No. 1821 ,W»1- -, ; *iU>'fl»leii2it'Decembeiv»t the Si -a■ •; ,rl>' ■»' ; ’ kl ol tlie llMdblUfl of th* alxw Mjeff now. 'gAM'i'P*' BOTBRIORSTbRSITORK.PIANO,• OARPKtS, io. ‘ ‘ ’ •V’ OARB « Bala to-morrow morning, at the auction . r.ftow*; will-' Oompriifl,, b&sjdes-60Q lota .’of - eiceHeot l a^^.haod’ jarniture L : Bupefi6r aecond-band pi*»o-, and ,'Veuitfan c*Tpete>9 w ‘ * Vna'-aad:'glas4' and bedding* &e.» forrotiig an ' attractive tbe- aitentlcn of lMiea, deaiiou# of-pufcbaslng - /, ? O? £ j 1 now arranged r.torexaiainaUoa.m- s-,*, j ; ... ; -StitsS Phllade’phla Bi-‘ «■» *MlM*»’"tod MecbantcpA.loßnnwiceCompaoy, <s»eb - S^*^«o*sre ,e * d «B In mortgage book 1» W, ■X^'^i!stvivjm r B.Wj --ti.Hb^rorta.coo, locMul In mortgagebook BDATj -0-lfo»*SBsWgo.s7v-t- j <' s i v '-• ■j•• \ yj'.iiKp.-dfforffitWO, recorded in mortgage book B D*W| Vi Nrt:2B, : p«ga3l.-. - . . ~V [ for $6.000, recorded in mortgage book R P,W, - - No. 23, page SI.- ■— j -'4 mortgagee -from the West Philadelphia Homestead Association to Daniel M» donee, each dated August lets 4.1865 r-i'/ 1 • -.*»., v ‘ \ for $3,000; recorded in. mortgage book ,R D Wj -<-Ho:18.p*ge«00. - ■ -• t t "■ ■< -Ko>Si for *3 OQO; recorded’ in mortgage book ROWj : ( >No.lBfpig*sU. * j ra h NoBnooo, recordtd in mortgage book R D YT, 826. r . ' ‘ ' vHo 4, fors2,oCo, recorded in mortgage book B 2) W, ?lHo.lB*pafeeB3r. **■ 1 - Executor** gale—Estate of K; Sellars, Deo’d , . bank: stocks. shares Farmers’ and Mechanics 1 Back. v 62 share* Back of /North, America* S-t 9 sbtfes Psnosyittnla. IWBNTY*SECOND FALL BALE—ON THE PRB , ' ? MIfiES. "-‘ V BaUat No/1831 Walnut Street. ,• ELEGANT BESIDENOB AND FURNITURE. r ■ r' .V: '.OAMotxUy Morning,-; - Deoember 20th, at 10 o’oloek, will be sold at publlo sale, on the premises; the elegant three-story brick ' stable and-ooach-houss in the roar, ‘MfOflB2lWalnut street;’2B feet-front, 335. feet deep • -to George street jhonse finished in modern stylo, with Aiso,"lmm*Jl*telyaftar the aale of theiaiidenco, will , ' besolo by catalogue, the entire ilagaut furmtttre, lu ' cludinjrsapotior roeewood plsno,lar((o Rod elegant ' - mantefand velvet car* nets.r H m&tin*«/elegnntchtaa, yicVcnt glassy to. , Jfnll particulars in handbills and catalogues, f twenty-third; iall; bale—deokmber aist*. -.Will Include— • . - f , 7 .j* Truitco’a Postponed Bale." : . ' 4 THE VALUABLE COAL LANDS Of the North Oar* ,' * bondale Coal Qompuiy, 558 acres, 80 perches, situate in ' -MeU-townahlpgXoaerne oounty,Pa. - m ' . - Trnstehs’ HOTEL,” CHESTNUT STREET.—The I Valuable property known as Jones] - - HnteL Chestnut Street, south slde..between Sixth anq • fenrSoth streets, 60 faet'fl inches front' on Ohesnut St.; 286 feet fn depth to Geciw* street, two valuable fronts. - ffST-FbU v ■ .J Executors** sale—Estate of* Col.'Mifflln Lewis, Dee’d, VALUABLE PKOPERTT. MANBION, HOTEL, ten; ant!a home, eniout-huildfageVani aorti/knonh at Spread Eagle'Statton.on; the „Pebn«,»nniu Railroad, UM ; mlles from , PhUi^dlpi 1 *,- - Pfrtleola rt ’ liThahdbnUir , •}’ ••" i r ‘. r j~ 1 ‘'LARGE-AND'VALUABLE FARM,'about 800 acres; near Leipslo station, Delaware Railroad; abbut 5 miles from Smyrna* There are two sets of bulla* loss Theaituatlon Is a desirable and healthy ohe; ; tD^Fallpartlcularsio handbills.... . J ' Executors* flele—Bstatif of Matthew Smith, Deceased. t; TWO BtltOK DWELLINGS, vlii:. Threp-atorybrick “dwelling, 1 NoilM* tomheid '»ttoet, with > three-nlof J brlok dwelling'ln’the.rear, ’ / ; HANDSOME RESIDENCE ' with extenalre grape . nursery, fruit trees,' ont.baUdiug*, Ad , with 0 sores of lind; dfsout Holly.Nsw Jersey NEAT MODERN.DWELLING. No. OJO OsllowhlU - street, west'of Third street. ID” Immediate possess Sion, ■ ■' ■ - ' Troatat’i Site.—XARQE AND VALUABLE LOT OF GROUND, OUrion;street, Loean,street, end » thirty? feetjot, Twenty-fourth fronts. ’ ' 1 A rrall-fcaohradGround Rentof *57 a year, (secured by a.three-story, trick dwelling,) and is punctually .. paid.- V . ' r 1! A OONBIONUENT..OF RARE, VALUABLE. AND . - BPLENfiTD,BOOKB,~DrKBOTIffiOM LONDON. ! Thla.Ereolng, ’ , . , i .and Thursday .;and Friday evenings, *•' ■ r 2 Dd. ember 16th, 16tb, and 17ih, , \ ' ''At the auction store,' will ,be sold an extensive and • Interesting collection of lAre, choice, and very valnsblp European. bopk*,' jqit , received v direofc Jrom , Londrn. /Included arc favprite authors op history, biography, ,v tbeudramu t V&*7* thwlogT, .natural and - inoral travel, botany .ana. uori cqltnre entomology,. ecolesiastlcat history; language, • jjollHija! economy, and .manjr other and Inteiy cstlbg * ’ V'! • j (t; : Atso, a hoe cbllecti'jh oTbeautlfnl pictorial and illus* - the fine Arts,highly,emheUlshed , wHK'engravings and'illuminations of;very { : ‘Z boolugtfb for,examination, :Vitnqatalogues/ ; r /y’., r ■ 1 'Executor’s Bale—Estate at. Joseph Grats, Erq , deo’d. * PBIVATB BTOOK; SUPERIOR MADEIRA \ -Q WINBB, Ac; • • '• ts :-^, l A‘\r= 5 Atm Day;-_/ f v; -Dacemherlfith at 12 by order of Executor*, r the entire privet* stock of ilia late Joseph Orals, Esq}, ‘ comprising 143 demijohnaof old Madeira of extra fine qualify';juso,a few., dehaljohas .flee Sherry and othejr * : "V’ “ ‘ '* f Catalogues giving date«,of..imporUDon, &c, / hadatthe auction rooms.: U ' v ] rtTPBBioB nmmTDRt,- eUNO-ro&TM, r xss 'TMKCH' tUH ! MIB.&0B8, JOUJgMttB OAK ’■•tftWßßt'l&W-'V: i-.<i .i : ■ ; - -vy? ’?•' -#■ On Thursday Morning* 1 •* X- *. Atl 9' o> eioek,' at ■' the' Motion store ;in axteasive aseortment'of excellent eooond-hand fomJtuyej'elegant HMo-(ort«l,‘flii*inlrro?ei «rp#ta,«t©., private deeHnlagkoasekeejilflfi removed to the store f ffflOWTf'iilhnt nf 'ff**’’"- 1 k '* — -•£ •- - i } .»plated'TiwttMo4ishW\and covers,r ~ • . : • ■, j . ! itle:4i.tbeU;B*'Awaoat t BHdeebarg. ' " } .SCRAP COPPER, BRASS, IRON, JMUBKB r LOOKS, ygi' AC.•=, •. .••-/ f . ■.-_y J .. On f 1 lfth,At/ll o’eloekj at the E., 8. Arsenal, fßridsibafg, without reserve, Ihofollowlng condemned ; -stores. Tixj ; l4,lt2,cvuik*t lack*, flint, new, la good .order;, ,14,113; musket ?breech 1 , screws; . 149.. musket ■ stockaand mounting* j. 137, musket. barrel?; 1,610 brsas: uewxnetaV; ®er*P copper, new ; 4,940 fts. icrap Iron; 3,180 Jbirbutt.end* r of musket . Alao, ilo&of IsumUtooia. /f;IC7 l ’ ? AfmpUBnu7.bffleeaatthe unction store, t l- \BAldB*df A VALUABLE AND INTERESTING > , \ : , PRIVAT3B LIBRARY.. s . ; «■-:> vi -iOn Monde/ and Tuesday Evenings, * •Deo. 2Gth and2lst,at tire auctionstora, No* 189 and South pourth atrcatvirUl ha,add a valuable collect . tion;ofi rare,rettdciisr.iTO',important books,'in the ’ v*rious.depirtmeats / t > oftlit«ralure i; ,formlng a choice interest-Many of the works, ate v v rendMed.donbJy; interesting by. the insertion of anto yXgrtpktiaitrtctt.apd newspaper etmings, _ ; ~ v commence evening at six ,-nS i’v 1 ! IDT- will be arranged for examination < { ?Jiree days previous to sale, , , | •a.. Pale No’,-2012 Chestnut street. RLRGANT DRAWING-ROOM ;AND CHAMBER PUft .<X; ; NITHRH.' - . : - •Ob Tuesday Morning. ' ' . v-Dee: 31st, at-lO'o’elock. at No. . 1012 Obestaut. street, . by catalogue, an elegant, assortment of rosewood and parJorandobawber ftarnitore, antique oak book eases, Ac., manufao'ared by A . Lejambre, In the belt manoer, for wareroom sale, add warranted. " Oatalognes will ;ba ready.and the furaltpre ar • ranged for exuolnatlon three days previous to sale. ■*. Sale, No. 1014 Ohestoufc street. * KLAUDBE DEGINTHER A CO >8 STOCK Op BLR. 1 ' - GANT OABISET RUBNITORK. ; On Thursday Morning, "• ” Deo. 23d,'atl0 o'clock, lOl4 Chest out street? . by estalogue, the bslsnee of the stock of elegant cabinet ‘ furoftaw of Messrs. , KUader, & On., de >elf iling.btisirift»l-*-eboiprttiog AJgenSral 'assortment of .rmiewood* walnut and mahogany parlor,'dining room, an 4 chamber: furnlturei all .manuractured in the beat .Vtuanneroanresalyfor private sales;arid warranted; , ff7* Catalogues will be r«dy three days previous to sale. ■ ,r-! ./ 'm X- Philip, /ord, auctioneer, wd. S3O lIAftK*I SI6MT, KITH Md sixth, south aide*-.' ■: / LARGE SALE OP BOOTS,' SHOES;, RUBBERS. Ac. '7' On^uradayMoroiog. D»e. 16, will nstAldgqs; at.lo o’clock pre cisely, about SfiOoiiCi bools, shoes, brogans/gum over , shoes, Ac;--'-''’'' 1 ' r vli/7 . LtaOS BAUS OS WATOHISB, JEWBLJIY, &o.; •' ' '■ -Oa-rrlitT Morning, ■ ■> . 3)©o. IT) bj-orclerof Administrator, will bo sold about 400 lots* cooeUtlofof -gold V&telird, jowetrjr, 1 tc,c. f to ifttataV Tfaoattflotioctdrth«tfadaandpurcbi.* mh g«aer*!ljri»tjte<iifoted to tkeabore ail*, as It ws’ ~bop«femptory>!C- y ' v ' i V ;■ Vt : IV|o:'S*B ! WAT HAW B.AUOTIOWEKB ,siting an*raqe stmt*; -.*v\ ~ , 1 ACCOMMODATION.- /• i MONBF' .ctMONBSTf ! •*, MONBF l! I ' - v Mons/liberallyedraQoed in. Urge or small amounts, y //par thousands, ougola andgllrerplete, • jewelry,fowling-pieces, - magical - Sastrninentf,'furniture, dr j goods. olothing, groceries, neflfraQ(f all-*r«eloeof r*lne,/or ear leogth of- time - 'i a^ffeed'loß',-'at tfdthans IPrincipal, 1 Principal, 'BitabUshmtnt. •rryioatbeMtooroWofSixthaodßiceafcreeta.^ -- FftOMXSgOBXMOMa, withcollaieral, discounted lit s>itbeidwo*t market rates*-- v’ -/■ . EBTABLXSBMBNI*. ■ 8. E. ft.-OF SIXTH AND BAOS STBJtKTd, iiViftWlitTKwWiey will be liberal!? Mracc*d on gold and < y. -watches,. Jewelry,-- fowling .'&>s&!**&***> ffdxia, dpthUffi,: groceries, Jlquora, cigars, yihardtrare,- outtery, faocyiirtieUs, mirrors, paintings, ye&giriYinfe, inus'cal l instruirfents, furniture, bedding, anises, vehicles,"harness'stocks, and ett other articles bales..* ' Sired Hall ontdoorsetes^eltlier y etores. or elaewbere,, and charges S'-#* pooe^al l^ > V,jf;;t . y i aqekt - ■:-W stftW&attend* to the purchase ' sale df JtMlEstate]li*gotiatlng Secaritieß.Eeniine y Oolleotfo&rotH6hiaihd OrOundßentj. and ' : ; . •: - BUOKXB. -V .' :■ : Jfivati onßondwia Morte»g.. . ~-? 5 -«p4SSS^^ijgSs*t;Oi * Jklft«o4^lff; li, ? pMiKj m:-1 ~' : . onlcs bjt Slncium. ETOBHESS, BBINLET, &. 00., ■- No. : 4fi9‘MARKET STREET SALE OF IMPORTED DRY GOODS. Ou.Fridiy Morning, ?' . . Deo. 17th, at 10 o’clock, bv cats'ogee, on 6 mmths* credit— -3UO paokages aod loie of'fancy and staple imported dry goods. _ _ .. ID* Samples and catalogues eirly on the morning of f -t On Friday-Morning, <Dfetf. 17, at 10 o’clock, otd'for the last time this eea* eon, a varyMcsirahle and choice line of PARIS AND VIENNA BROGUE LONG SHAWLS Also, new styles rich lslne. broche mantle tcngehawle: round corners', just landed. ' • N .B —The above Is composed, entirely of fine goods and in cboioe and desirable colors only, suitable to the best city trade; and Is the close of the season’s imports len.j! \i i i ’■. r 1 BLACK SILK VELVET TRIMMING GALLOONS. On Fridav Morning, 60 lots rich Parls blsck,Velvet Trimming Galloons. 6-4 FRENCH C.Ol’D CLOTHS FOR LADIES’ • '• CLOAKS. 20 pleces'o-4 sapec French mixed Oloths, for Oloaks. Commercial salesroom, 222-MARKET STREET,. - . . BETWEEN,SECOND AND THIRD STREETS. ' ‘ F, <J. WOLBERT. AuOuojnßO, . - f - .l :? BADE -FROMTHBUHELVES, On Thursday Morning, .-.Tfill be Bold from the .shelves, a general variety of staple and fancy fall and win tergoodß,'suited to pre sent sales, and worthy the : attention of purchasers. SALE OP READY MADE CLOTHING, Ac. , , ~ .On'Priday Morning, .. ’ Will he sold, without reierve, A general assortment of ready-made clothing,’ tailoring goods, Ac, 10* May be examined with cataTognes prior to sale. BJSOOTT, Jr., ACOMONEEK, No. 481 • CHESTNUT STREET, opposite tSo Custom Route, belWean FOURTH »od FIFTH Streets, OAIUV . - - , .The. attention ofjhe trade iijnvi|ed to the sale, tblsmorniog, which will comprise embroidered book and jaconet collars, book\aqtl jaobnfet sets, ribbon coUars and sets. rich honlton laeo collars and seta, high cost Infants 1 jiflotiotwaißta, very richly embroidered infects' 1 robes, embroidered linen-cambric handkerchiefs, plain aid hemstitched do do, Swiss muslins, velvet and but ton trrmnilDHS.JCordß 'and tassels, &c. j Catalogues now ready.’ ‘ * - SILK OF TBN ENTIRE GASES EMBROIDERIES :-.10,11 JUST HANDED. • y • -^r,This Morning, _ Desomber 'ifitb,- comdiencicg at 10 o’clock, by c&ter logos, ob a credit,; the, largest ( and most desirable lot of needlework goods offered this season, consisting In part ofi'Tl*— .• k , 'J . . /OOLLAUS.' ■ %\ From fioeto' very high cost embroideries, bexk and jaconet collars of newest etylfea, 5 Laving been re cently imported for beat city to tail sales. V HBTS, . COLLAItB> AND SLEEVES. Also, embroidered b3ok andjtcoset eotß, collars, an 4 aleevoa to matah; raugleg from medium to very fine qualities, to which the attention or olty retailers and J ibbers ia invited. . . A .... * . Pf.AIN AMD HANDKBROHIBPS; , ' ’Also, ladies’ And gents’ clear lawn handkerchiefs, la' dies’ embroidered do. U , BOHITOK LAOS QOODB. Also, a line of snserb bcniten lace_coljars and seta BIBBoNB AND FRINGES. Also, bonnet ribbons, rich veirst galloons, black ball, fringes, &o< ■ , r . BIBBON SETS. A-line of embroidered, nQfratylea, ilbbon seta ana eoUar£ ' 1 .. . * Also, white Swiss muslins. . INPANTS* WAISTS AND-ROBBS. French embroidered Infants’ jaconet waists and robe?. f .TBIMMINGB ANI) FBATHBRB. A Une rich velvet galloons, flllkjbutton trimming*) silk ooril and tassels, fancy and black ostrich feathers, GENTS' SHAWLS. Gent*’ heavy travelling ebairfa JJjp* The whole, comprising a full assortment of new style embroideries, will be arranged for examination') with catalogues, early on the morning of Bale. • - SALK OF FURS, ROBES, &o. " Oh Thursday Morning, ’ ! Deo 16, by catalogue, commencing at 10# o'clock, a large lot of-'fancy furs, in sets, for ladies' wear, oajws, ylotorines,’ and -boas, with muffs and cuffs to match, * of French:aable, .mink,' silver- martin, stone martin, squirrel, Ac. * ' FURS FOR GENTS' WEAR. For collan, caps,’ globes, gauntlets, of nntrla, bea* ver, seal, and otter. ROBES. Also, largo size buffalo and fancy robes. a > . 'SPECIAL RALE OF GERMANTOWN GOODS. - « On Friday Morning, December 17th. by catalogue, on a credit, 500 lots of Germtntown goods, sale commencing at 10 o’clock pre cisely. H ' BASQUES, SHAWL?/ TALMAS. Zephyr kcltbaeqpes for ladles and children’s wear, ladies’ and children’s talmas, zephyr shawls, Ac. -.HOODS, RIGGOLBTTES. Ladies’ wool hoods, children’s wool knit school hoods, zephyr knit, opera hoods, riggolettes, nubias, &C., Aot ’ - ** ) SCARFS, 'GAUNTLETS, LEGGINGS. ; .Gents’large sized zephyr‘beatfs. children s and la dies’fancy boat, and comforts,* fancy zephyr, gauntlets, leggings, &e ; HOSIERY, TJHDBRBHIRTB. Also, ladies wool and merino hose, gent’s wool and merino hose ymd -half hose,'children's fancy spot and plaid hose, heavy merino and drawers. BALE OF FRENCH AND GERMAN TOYS. j On Saturday Morning, , December 18th, by catalogue, commencing at 10jf o’clock, a large stock, ot French and German toy/ Consisting 1 In part of Swiss villages and farm yards!, Swiss cottages, rosewood end mahogany furniture, cloth animals and figures, mnsldat toys, ac. ' - i • Samples and catalogues early on the morning of sate. . *. - - i SALE OF 1,000 LOTS &IOH ,FA»OY GOODO. ■ ' - On Tuesday Morning,l * December 21st, will be sold at the salesroom, No 431 Qheatuut street,'by catalogue, commencing,at 30 o’clock, IjOOO lOtS'Of Hcb fancy goods, being the en tire balance. of stock of a first-class importing house. The sale, wilt inolnde some or the richest goods ever ottered in this city,'confuting in part of rich cat Bo hemian vait, high erst china vases wlih painted and blique figures, macbe and rosewood work and toilet-stands, bisque figures and gronps, together with a great variety of fancy articles, suited to the approacniog season. ; ’• CfAXUEI* .NATHANS* AUCTIONEER* >3 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 234 Booth THOU) Street, below Walnut, opposite, only eight doors below the Exchange.' Honrs of business from -7; o’clock, A. M., nntQ 10 o’clock In the! evening. , Out-door ealee, and. sale* at the Auction Howe, at tended upon the most satisfactory'terms. ; ‘ l ' * ' -CAPITAL fifthWO. MttmblUksdfor tU last Thirty Years. Adranoec made from one dollar to thousands on Dla ooads, Silver Plate .Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer? shahdlße,doth&g,Ynßiitnr»j Bedding, Oigarf, Musical Lastnunents, Guns, Horees, carriages, and Goods of mrr descripHou. - •*'•-*■* An goods can remain any length of time agreed ton; " * - ■ .. All advances, from one hundred dollars and will be charged? per oent. per month; 1500 and over, .the lowest market rate... This Store Home having a depth of 180 feet, hu large freandthlef-proofjvaults w store ell valuables, andpr'j ret* watchmen for the premises; also, e heavy fnnp raooe effected for the benefit of »U personshavlng goods advanced span. N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this olloe la prepared to make advances on more satis fiustorr aad -accommodating termA than viy 'other in tkUbltj.'A -f( - Hone/ advaooed to the poo?) In email amount#, with] out any charge. ... * • . AT PRIVATE BALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watohea, Jewelry, aa* (Hothlnff will be cold at redneed erloM. - ,*uj*l? GENERAL D AUCTION-AND-COMMISSION STORE, 80. 46 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. £* ' . ~ i, A. RLISON, Auctioneer. ■ NOTION.—-We - invite the attention of clothiers, tailors, and dealers In notions to our sale of trimmings, at the. auction store, oolWednesday morning. The assortment ia ; large. and worth/ their attention,'as erer/ lot will be sold without reserve, , , , .Assignee's Bile. i LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE AT TUB AUCTION STORK OP NOTIONS; TRIMMINGS, PANOY GOODS. Ac., AC.. TUJ3 ENTIRE BTOOK OP A WHOLESALE HOUSE, ‘ * - . This Morning, - 1 ' Gorhmwttclijg at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, comprising spool "cotton', pins, battens,"thread, hosier/, gloves, suspenders, combi,.brushes, shirts and drawers, &o. { ’ C7* Consignments of new and second-hand house hold furniture, piano-fortes, carpets, watches. Jewelry, &c,| respectfully solicited, on which liberal cash ad vanceswUl be made If repaired.. JfT* Oat-door sales attended 1 to promptly. Obergta ah moditaia as any other D jusa In this city, J & SONS, • . Beal estate auctioneers, . No. 620 WALNUT STRUT. CARD.*-! M. Qummey k Sons, auctioneers, will hold regular.'asles/of Real Estate, Stocks, Ao. Also, household furniture at dwellings. BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. UT* On our Private Sale Register will always be found a very large amount of real estate, including every description of oity and country property. ' J. M. GUMMEY A-SONS, ' • Beal Estate Brokers, 620 WALNUT Street, below Sixth., JHaiJmcat. P'HItAffBI.PHIA WAItMING AND MT VMtIUkTIKa -WABBHOtIBE. * ARNOLD A WILSON,V auooxsßoas ve b. a. haxxiso*. We have removed from ottr old'stand in Walnut street tothe LARGE BTOBB,, No’. %m CHESTNUT street, a few doors the - fit; Lawrence Hotel, when oar old friends and the phhlid are respectfully Invited to examine our extensive jstook'of Warm Air Furnace*. Cooking Ranges,' Rath Boilers, Registers. Enameled Stone Mantels,'Parlor Coal Grates,' &e.,"&0. We are now manufacturing CHILBON'fI CELEBRATED PAT ENT NSW COAL GAB CONSUMING FURNAOB, the most powetral and economical Heater ever invented, and suited Wall, classes,of buildings;, ’ r Also, new' And - beautiful'patterns ot Low Do Gratae, and Part Or Cod Grates of allsUea and pattern* We have' also ' commenced • the' manufacture o. BNAMB&BW BTONB MANTELS from Pin*. Stlcania Siam.' K These .Mantels were awarded <a PEOIAL ,PBBMIVM at tht Idtsßcrir and ExhU bitidnof tks TrankHn Institute of this city. They represent all the rare and beautiful Asvjqo* mar»l*s, are not Injured by Smoks* Coat Qas } Oil or 'Acids, and are sold Wholesale ana Retell, at muck' liss tkanMarpls, Celt and st 4 tkifrt. ' ‘ ‘ *« . ARNOLD k WILSON. BENI. K. PELTWELL, guperintendenl. Philadelphia.- April. IV HARDWARE.-— Thffgnbscrlberfl, COM MISSION KBROHANTB rortheegleof TORSION AND DOMNBSIO HARDWAM, »wdd reepeotfalir enll the attention of the trade to i&ffa rtdok, which they ero offering atloweat retee. Oar aeterlment eon . : Ohetne.of all kind*—Trace, Log, Balter, Brent, Oa, Cow, Mitt, BMk, Wagon, Btage, tongne,’ Look, ihij Mine, and Colt Ohaine.. - - ** (lelehrated «h ” Hone Nalle j Stone and Sledge “Wright 1 11 and other Abrila; Solid Box and other VlOttle .yc fk Bbor4'and long fcandlejftrr J?aa*j round and oral i MeKeVanf* - f(&Uvtiu*** f .mperlor Tile* add Hasps ; S*i .Screws, v ««ilcalsio* >» Safety Pose; BlastiogTube#. Corn, erw, and Briar Scythes $ Huy, Corn, and Straw ■*n!rae; '* , , Hay. Manure, Tanners’, and Spading fork*. BakraandHoea; BhOTali aiid Sped**] of-allklodi, i Tack*, Bndf.ShQ*, Gloat, andFinisWog Nails. , JVro tight JButt, Hinges, Scrawl, Locks of all ktodi; Cutlery, Bams and Btimpl,'Ales, Hatchets, Ham mer*, Blent#, and other Tools, Ac., *o o * - 4 r v w'a. towia * son, : No.*U GOMMBpOJS Btraet, UOTION, COMMISSION* AND GENE -BAJ. AGENCY BUSINESS -P. WELIiINGTON harlog permanently located himself at Pensacola, Pla,, Informs th« public In. general that he has opened ;cn PAtiAFOX. Street, nearly opposite the Market House, tt general Auction, Corntpisslon, -and Agency Bnsloosff. and would respectfully solicit cehsJgnmonts of all kinds, of.gopdeana'me'rijhsndjsh for Auction,or onCoramla-' d6-'mfr&r2mfcW2m<. | % MPJRO VEBK'B ijß isf IN G FL U ID—We : B/ r afeadf? rnafeafa'ctdriogv ad<J are prepared to sail, a , r Iftft'nlijV £lllls' much* I*M*lfAblO to explode than the,? ; 'Aomthoa.itttlcle.-end'we cQnddaQllj' recommend it ; OGDBNi . . **drtO'ijalQ : -4t2N. THIRD Street, abore Noble. Bale rope and twine manufac. turfid and for sate br> - ' mtßß AOO., ffi Ho,» H. Tfptsrirt.j Ml S 3 H. V&mtt, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1858. ifor Bnle anb itr iict! ’ JJIO IMPORTERS AND . COMMISSION MERCHANTS.- « TO LET, The FlTe etory BROWN-STONE WAREHOUSE, No. ii South SECOND Street, NEAR CHESTNUT STREET, Suitable for the PACHAHE; Oil OTHER BUSINESS. | BBNT LOW—-For a Term of Years. Possession given January Ist APPLY ON THH PREMISES. g| TO INSURANCE OFFICES. omos ROOMS TO LET. Three Beentiftil COUNTING BOOMS, In Grfffg’tf Fire-Proof Baildisffj os the Socood floorj front, No. 226 WALNUT Street, tuitabla forlnattrance, or any other Companies needing communicating rooms. JOHN GRIGG, 320 WALNUT Street. . dM2t-ir# A RAKE CHANCE.—For Sale,'tho Stock; Goodwill) and Business of a Wholesale and Be* tall Oil-Cloth and Window-Shade Store. It will be told to close an Estate,the proprietor hating deceased A rare opportunity la offered to ono seeking to Invest in a safe business already established Particulars will be given on application to the Administrator, at the Store, 403 MARKET Street. dl3 6t* mFOR SALE—A handsome, new three story BRICK DWELLING, with three-a’ory back buildings, Is finished throughout In first-class stylo, and has all the modern improvements. Located on TWEN TIETH Street, above Race. And will be sold a bar gain. Apply to BURTON & LANING, No. 602 ARCH Street * aIS-tf , WANTED TO RENT—A large Room with surface of from five thousand to eight thottf sand -couaretfeet, without obstructions, m a strong building, located between Thlrdand Tenth aodWaltint and Race streets., Address Box 1330,,Pp5t Office. 3t* 0*" • FOR “RENT.—The second and third Boors of the newmsrbio building, Nos. Iff and 21 South FOURTH Street, 23 feet frerifc and 00 feet deep; Apply on the premises to . ofi-t jal TEMPLE, BARKER, A 00. . WALNUT-STREET HOUSE FOR £iIiLsALE, Wo. 1223, north side, above TWELFTH, 24 teet front by 163 deep, with Urge Dining-room nur sery, and Kitchen, and every convooionco. $12,000 may remiin on mortgage. .Apply'to D. 8* Whalen Sc Co.{ 300 Walnut street.: . . , dO-diOt-rp < TO BE LET—The 2d,-Bd, and 4th stories of Store N. W.. corner SECOND and .MARKET Streets Apply on tho premises. ’ dO-Ot DO HADWAY & DODSON. WILL BE LET—If applied i'or soon— Tb 4 spacious, well lighted, and every way com motions Store, No. 221 MARKET Street, running through to Church allay." This Is one of the best ar ranged and handsomest Stores on the street; Is five stories high, with ornamental iron front, and is In one of the best business locations. The present occupants design moving to a larger store. Apply on tjie premi ses dS-ty & FOB RENT.—THE BELLEVUE BOUSE, In Columbia, Pa'., corner of Front and Walnut streets, formerly kept by Francis Boggs, John Barr, and Mia. SABAH UMNKS. There i» hydrant water and gas throughout tho Hooae, and a Beetauraot In the basement The House ifl partly furniflhed. Pot sofslon can be bid on or before the 20th of March For further partlculare apply to t JOHN BOGGS, Agent, - residing In Marietta, Pa. dll-B&w-Qt jfig TWO FARMS FOR SALE-5 miles IKrrora Alexandria, on the Mount Vernon road, Va., of 80 and 120 acres, superior anil for grain and £'&**» comfortable buildings: location favorable for dairjr and garden vegetables for the Alexandria and Wash* iugton Markets; will be sold loir* t Apply 1235 SPRING GARDEN Street. dllw&sBt i Mst FOR RENT—The DWELLING No. fPfllft LOOUBT Street, (or Washington Bftuare,) from the Ist of January, 1860. The house is three storied high, with basement, bade building, &o , now occupied by J. W. Voraey. ’ Apply at the office of The Press , or at the house. n 023 tf TO LET—Tho larger-well lighted, end HleligiMe"STOßE, No. S 3 outh BKOOND Street, which will be vacated by the undersigned on the first of January. Rent very moderate. Apply to nol&'tf A. H. ROSENHEIM & BROOKS, as above. TO -RENT.r-rOa tjio Ist' January next,: tba very superior cud extensive ROOMS, (3d, 3d, 4th and StWfleors, each 24 font by 148) NEW STORE, 583 MARKET Street. The budding is one of the fine improvements on the-upper side, between JsIPTH and BIRTH Streets, having Wo fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good cartage way 20 .foot Into OUP£H Street. Apply on the premises, 1 nol-u &' TO RENT, tt STOKE on DELAWARE Avenue, below VlNEBtraot, reanlno through to WatarStreet, 148 feat deep. Also, the Double BTOBB, oorner of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of the beat leeitlona for larg, Boelneee W Bblla delphie. Alao, jJTABLE and GOAOH-HOUBB In ODKRRY Street, above SEVENTH, In rear of Ash land Hone, Applr at 278 BonthTOURTH Street. eeJ9-*m* ®mtlr men's Jarnisfying Boob*. i jjQJ. EN’TLBMEN’S IFTTRJSrcSIIIISI-Q- GOODS. The largest ssaortmoat la the city, and oomprlfllag the newest styles of— , KANO? SOABFS,' I MDFfIEBB, NEOK-TIKB, SUAWIB, BLOVtS, ■ DBEBSINB GOWNS, HANDKBBOBIEFS, | SMOKING BABB, *O. BDITABLB JOB HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Alio, every description of Shirts, Oollara, Under shirts, Drawers, Half-Hoae, Bospeoders, Ac., will bp found at SPENCER’S, NO. 839 CHESTNUT STREET, ADJOININQ THE OIBABB HOUBB. A MEW THING— A CRAVAT STORES- Where gentlemen will find All BRDLEBS VARIETY OP OBAVATB, NBCK-TIKS, SOAR PS, *O., - 7 - To Belect,from. Oonatantly receiving from AGENTS IN PAMS AND N*W YORK, The most faebionable etylei, a» »oon aa Introduced Alao, ft lftrge eesortmenc of URN’S PDRNIdBING GOODS, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIOEB.. . E6HLE MAN’S, CHESTNUT Street, below gevonth, At the entrance of Jayne's Hall. Wholesale and Retail. ; n2B-lm M/INOHESTER k CO., fW PURNIBBING STORE AMD PATENT SHOULDER SB AM SHIRT MANDJAG- Attbe Old fUnd, Sol STBBET, oppo iltd tha WublngUm Hons®. . ~ A. WINCHESTER will giro. »» heretofore, bl« per» fouol enperrleloD to tho Cutting aui Manufacturing departments. Orders for Ms celebrated style of Shirt* »qA Collars filled at the shorteat notice. Wholesale trade supplied on liberal terms. Jjd4«ly J- W* SCOTT, (lato of tho firm of Wi»- • ob»b»* fc Booty.) GENTLEMEN’S FURNISH ING STORE, and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 OHEBTNDT Street, (nearly opposite the Girard House,) Philadelphia. J. W. 8. would respectfully call the attention of hfe former patrons apd friends to bis new Store, and la pro oared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE s applied With FIN* *nd COLLARS. Jylfr-tf <2sr6iinto. aROOERIES,— 0. -DONOGHUE, 15 S. WATER Street, om»rs for sale, to reduce hia stocE during this month, at reduced prices for Cash, Philadelph'a «nd New York Steam Refined Soger and Syrup or various grades, Prime Coffee. Cuba and New Crop New Orleans Molasses, Bitted Pepper, and Ada mantine Candles •' dQ-lm* . £JOOD GROCERIES, AT fAIR PRICES'!! CHAS. H# H‘ATTSOIT | Bouthweit corner TENTH and ARCH Streets. Has on hand, and Isgeoetally receiving TUB BRB’i OF GROCERIES- which ho will cell at the most REASON* ABI/E PBIOK3 FOR CASH. Having a LARGE and CHOICE ASSORTMENTS BLACK and G &RBN TEAS, he is confident of being; able to suit, bpth in quality ana firlea, aU person* in want of the article, In quantities of rom one pound to the half chest. His general assort ment embraces everything la the war of PINE GRO CERIES, and he would respectfully Invite all In vrsut of good articles toglrehim a oaH. It.wlil be worth the trial. ’ j - 080-lnio jJJANILA AND JUTE ROPE, 001*130, TWINES, ETC.' Manufactured, and for sale at the lowest New York prioes, by ' WEAVJER, FITTER & 00,, , No, 33 N, WATER Street, and 28 N. WHARVES,' nol7<2na J_JANDSORUBS AND CLAMPS. UANDSORUBS, No. 1, flStfo. per do*, 2. 760, “ 8. 870, “ 4.1000. *( ■ CLAMPS, 0 Row, 81.26 per osen* 7 Row, 81.76 per dosen. 8 Bow, 82.26 per dosen, HENRY 0. EOKBTIIN, 90 1» U North Tents Stye#* Philadelphia rjlO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. ACADIA FREESTONE. Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1 1,000 tons of this beautiful Stone, both of the BLUE, GUAY, AND BUFF TINTS, the former of. whlob, for softness and delicacy of color, le Unrivalled For the character of this stone please examine the following buildings: Jos. Harrison’s, Eighteenth street and Bittenhoose Square. , Harrison’s Building, Loonst street, between Seven teenth and Eighteenth. Samuel Smith’s West street and Blttenhonee square, Mrs. Peterson’s No. 1219 Walnut street. • A. K. Wdmrath’s,4l6 Arch street. :. gamuel Aimes’, Twelfth aud Chestnut streets. . . ‘T. K.. J. Fftssitt, Seventeenth and Looust streets,and others. ARNOLD A.WILSON, Agents, PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING . .WAREHOUSE, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET B. M; FELT WELL, 8 TTALI AN PACKING TARN MANtJFAC- A tured and for rale by by WEAVER, PITLER, A 00 , No. 28 North WATER Street, dll and 22 North WHARVES, AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL \J PHIA, BS.—THE COMMONWEALTH OP PENN SYLVANIA. To JOSEPHINE CLEUMONTEL, surviving Execu trix of JOSEPH PLEBIMING deceased, greeting: We command you, thatLyi-g aside a'l business and excuses whatsoever, .you bo end Appear, in your proper person before the Honorable, the Judges of our Or phans’ Oqurt. at a Court held on FBIDAY,tbe ITtli dafof 'December, a D 18&8, at 10 o’clock'of the forenoon, to show cause why your letters testamentary should not be vacatot on account of your romoval from the State of Pennsylwm'a, and why new lette a should not be granted, and further to abide the order ef the. Court in the premises ;’ add hereof 'ail not, under a penalty of one hundred pounds , , Witness OSWALD THOMPSON, Es« (Sbal of quire, at Philadelphia, tbo fifth day of tun Court.) November, in theyear of our Lord orb thousandelghthundred and fifty-eight. no9ws-12t . JOHN SHERRY, clexkO.O. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OP PHILADELPHIA. , i In the matter of the Assigned Esiateof THE NOR TIT AMERICAN COAL COMPANY. Notice, is hereby given that' the undersigned, ap pointed Auditor by the Court of poramou Pleas, to audit, ediost, aod settle the accounts of JOSEPH L, MOSS and JOHN 0 BULLITT, assignees of the North Americas Goal Company, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of s&ld Aseigneea, will attend .to the, duties of his appointment on TUESDAY, De -o‘tnber 21.1858, at 4 o’clock, at his office. No. t-38 WALNUT Street,,fn the city of Philadelphia when and where all por&ons interested therein are requited to attend. , ’ dB : wfm 5t . hi. RUSSELL THAYER, Auditor. LONG’S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, •N. E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Ste. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT.—Book-keeping in alt lie various forme; preparing Btudents thoroughly for situations in any branch of business; Plain and Or' .namental Writing: Commercial Calculations: Law and Correspondence. No institution in the Unitod States gives a more thorough and practical course. In this department no teaching is done in classes, and is open DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited > , MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART? MENT—(Separate from the above.) —Young Men and Boys are prepared for auy grade of an English and Clas sical Education, via: Spoiling, Reading, Writing. Gram mari Geography, Arithmetic, philosophy, Ao., Ancient and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of five'months commence September Ist, and February Ist.' Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. i . mh26-tf P. DpNLKAVY LONG, Principal CHITTENDEN’® . \J COMMERCIAL COLL) CHESTNUT and BEVKNTI] An Institution designed tivb business. BOARD or TRUSTEES. B, B. Ooracwyß, , , franeifl Hoskins, Qaorgo' H. Btdwt, DftTld Milno, John Sparhawk, DaTld 8. Drown, IsuollMker, A. V. Parsons, D, B. Uiuman, Frederick Brown, „ Josbhft Ltpplnoott. *' EVENING SESSIONS after September 16th. Each Student liaa individual inbveootion {at thll Institution, and a Diploma from, bore is the best re commendation a young man can hare, for obtaining a good situation. ' " CATALOGUES'may be had on application at the College. seS-tf MOWS. A,'F. ROSAT, TEACHES OP FENCING, B A'R RETT*S' GYMNASIUM. 0025.4gm* MARKET Btreet, above Eighth. BRYANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OF NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi l&delpbla College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. ' Pur information) oall or send for circular. jelfi-tf < EVENING SESSIONS HAVE COMMENCED. O SNYDER LEIDY—JAS. «.• LEIDY, !?• Principals of LEIDY BROTHERS* ACADEMY. Nos. 148 and 150 SIXTH STREET, near Race, where a knowledge of ’ WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING) and ARITHMETIC Is made certain to every pupil that may enter. AO4DBUY open day and evening. n 022 . PERRY'S BLANK BOOK , AND STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT) 0. W. CORNER FOURTH 'AND RACE. FREMIUM AWARDED By the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE for Manufacturing Superior Account Books FIRMS Intending to open new Books on the first of the Year, can adept from a good stock on hand) or bare them made In an? desired style, in a superior manner. BOOR-BINDING of erenr description executed in the finest and most flubsta' tial manner, at low prices. MAGAZINES bound from 50 eta. to $2 50 per volume. liUfllO bound in a new and handsome alyle, from $1 tq&. , . OLD yAMIJ,Y BjtflLKß rebound, to' look; nmfw.u equal to new. FERRY’S BOOK-BINDERY, FOURTH and RACE. Oldest ostabllahed Bindery in Philadelphia, d23.2m SALE OP VALUABLE BALTIMORE WHARF PROPERTY—WiItbe offerod at auction, on WEDNESDAY. 15th Pdeember, at 1 o’clock, at the MBROHANTB’ EXOIIANGK 9ALE3-ROOMB, No. 10 South GAY Street, Baltimore that valuable Wharf Property at Canton, known &h the PATAPeOO OANDLU FAOTOBY, With all it* extensive buildings and water privilege*,, Thin property front* 200 feet 09 Clinton street, about 970 feet on Second Ayeapo street, 209 feet on some of the deepest water in the harbor, and can bp extended 400 feet farther to the Port Warden’s line, making whole extent of the property 209 feet by nearly feet. There Is a large dwelling upon the premises,' beside extensive buildings in which have been stored at one time over 10 000 tons of guano'. An immense Coal business could be donfrou this pro- K, as with proper pier* 10 or 12 lsrgeysssels could idedat one time. The Northern Central Rail* ; road reaches nearly to the property, and a connection i w>th U could easily be made. ' • • ! v Terms, pnMbird cash, balance in six and twelve 1 montiie, with Interest.** •* w ‘ ' GIBSON £ OP., . A plan of the above rrjay be seen, and further partipu lars obtained, upon application to JAMES J. BOBBINS, J4B South Fourth street, op stairs. Housekeepers, look to tour INTEREST.—Great Reduolion In the piieeof COAL. Oheaprat and best. The enbseriber haring made eontraets for his supply oi~Coai, is enabled to offer very superior Family Goal at the following re duced prices *. ' Broken Egg and Store .....84 60 per ton C00king...... 376 “ “ Large Nat 360 •* “ Small Nut 325 “ “ Warranted to give satUfattion and full weight in all eases at Hick’s Old Central Yard, 8. E. cor. MARSHALL and WILLOW Streets. d9-3m k WILLIAMS, No. 206 Xj WALNUT Btreot, are prepared to supply ship pers and consumers with superior Broad Top Coal from Lancaster Minis. oPitf T7KERINO, FOX, & 00., wholesale and F retail dealers In LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL COAL. Lehigh yard—THIRD *atreet and GERMAN* TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill yard—RACE and BROAD •treat*, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Coal from the most approved mines, under eover, and pre ared exprenlv for famllv nee. ’ M-y tBNTLEME. jk BUR. NING COOK STOVE.—I would respectfully call |WH the attention of the public to one of the greatest XS&si improvements over introduced in Coogiug Stoves and Binges—the burning of {be gap arising from the Coal, by wbioh means Is saved fiO ppr Mint. in fjjel and also mpre intense heat thrown to the hflttyip of the oven. We effect the burning of tie gases by means ora hollow centre-piece, perforated on the under side, which admits the 'afr in a heated state to mingle with the gases, thus aiding Its combustion, and causing a flame to pays aroubd the oyen equal to a gre. This im> Srovement also preserves the centre jjlpop from sinking own on the Are, thereby saving the expanse of repairs. One or the Btoves CAN BE SEEN IN OPERATION at 1116 MARKET Street. Manufactured by JAMES SPEAR, Inventor and Patentee, (late North, Ohaio A North,) 1116 MARKET Street * aeptSO-Smo RD. SCOFIELD, IMPORTER OF HA • YANA OIGARS—La Norraandes, La Fire Flys, La BJtlcas, Figaros, Maria Antonleta, Pressed ; Vlor de Rio Seoo Regalias, Flor de La Pas, Joae Ma. Viobate, CampHmentoa, and many other brands of superior qua lity, at reduced prices, No 837 Chestnut street, under Girard House. d 9 lmgj Cl FUGT7ET k SOttS, 9* Importers of HAVANA OIGARS, «e2B 218 Bon{h Street. CABANAS AND PARTAGAS A? SEGARS.—A choice invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig “New Era,” dally expected bom Havana, and tor sale low, by CHARLES TXTI, (New) 288 Walnut street, below Second, *al (Uenud Rtorv /~1 ERMAN CIGARS. $OO,OOO, various IT brand,'Jtfstoi® and for sale byWtf.H, YX4TON aUSontli FBONT Bt. »n* ' TRUSSES I—Genuine Fyanoi, for TK088#8! Genuine French, for Children. TRUSSES! do dp. L«Ues. TRUSSES! Approved American Stylos. Supporter Braces; English Abdomfn&l Belts} Syrin ges, a new and improved self-injecting article, specially adapted to Ladles’use Also, bath-room or hj (Irani Enemas: French Pessaries; Breast Pumps; Infants’ Nutting Fl-sks; Nipple Shells and Shields. For sale by CALEB H NEEDLES, Pharmaceutist, aAd Practical adjuster of Mechanical Remedies, *. W wroer TWELFTH and BADE Sts., Phiia. Ladles' rooms—entrance on Twelfth street, next door In store oo!5. hi At an eleotioi of. tile Union Batik, 1 ber, the following genUeim ensuing year, ?iz: James Dunlap, John U Pomeroy, Petor Bloger, Vanst, Jacob W. Goff, Milton Cooper, Charles M. Pay, L. J. Lehormao, John If. Chambers, tools D Benat, WilHarn 8. Marties, Robert Kelton, Jsaao Barton. No. 6* |ll2 per doe. 6. 1 25 < , 7. 160 «■ 8. 1 76 “ And at a subsequent roei Duatip wa* elected Pres! Vice-President; Jams* Le Davie Bolloltor of the Dank 49 !3t SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers m Goodyear’s Patent for Vulcanised Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Webs, and all other Fabrics at>d articles made by combin ing Aprons substances with threads or sheets of Vulcan lied rubber aro notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with ray name, and by my authori ty, they cannot be legally disposedof in the United States Merchants and dealers are Invited to examine' specimens now in store, and,to give their orders for thp Spring Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWN BR OF THE TITLEB AND EXCLUrtIVf RIGHTS IN THE PATENT For these goods, which embrace all 'thestyles heretofore manufactured or Imported, and many others/ ALSO, &TOENSBSTO MANUFACTURE AND SELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to me at No. 23 COURTLANDT Street, N Y n2 My HoRAOB H DAY. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT land locating agency. , CHICAGO, ILL. The subscriber, having had much practical experi ence in selecting and locating lands in the various Land Districts in the Western States, has unusual,, facilities for making valnahlo selections for LAND WARRANTS. OB CASH. Having Survtyon constantly tn tht field to make personal examinations, he can always make the most Judicious locations. Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now be U lOWA AND WISCONSIN.' Satisfactory references given when required. n ID* Money invested in Kansas and Nebraska, aid any of the Western States. . . ttial aJotVua. Oirncationßl. PHILADELPHIA iXOB, sorthawt comer of Q Btraeta,, to 8t young men. for AOS Bookbinding. Ileal (Estate. StoU£o, (ffigata onb (Eoboccg. N FOR DIRECTORS held on the 16th of Norem* ten were elected to serve the seting of the Board, James ident; John M, Pomeroy, esley, Cashier, and 0. W. J. LESLEY, Cashier 8. BALIBWURY, 40 CLAUSE Street, Chicago, >' *■ 1 - ; Bnmnesn datbe SAMUEL HEPBURN has transferred his Iw Office from Carlisle, Penns.-, to No. Til SAN SOM Street, (between Ohratuut and Walnut.) Phils dfclpbin lie will attend to any business entrusted to hie care. In the Courts of Philadelphia or In the in terior of the State. Philadelphia, Noremher 24, 18p. n24-Sm |SAAO T. BEDFORD, BRICKLAYER JL. No. 311 PEAR Street, baok of 21* WALNUT St., near the Exchange: residence 8U NOBI/K Streot. Bangers and Heaters built and repairod, and all kinds of BrJok none. Orders by Despatch Post promptlyattendel to, Best of reference,, , , noio-3m* THE ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFIOE, ' WO CHESTNUT BTBBET, rorwarfa PARCELS, PACHAUM, MERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES and HPEOIE, either by ita own LINKS, or In oonneotlon with other JiXPBISS COMPANIES, to all the nrlnelpal TOWNS and OXTIEO of u>e United fetetea. B. B. BANDTOBD, f}*n«r«l Ban»rfnt«a4a*V Alex, hokinnet, ' ‘ ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' GRBENSBUBG, PA. Will practice in Westmoreland. Armstrong and In* liana counties. sell-tf t. T. ABBAMS. 0. A. MATH. 4 BEAMS & MATES. £%. . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOOK HAVBN, PA., Will attend promptly to all professional business en trusted to them*. Special attention given to the collec tion of claims. aßFHßßiroas. Gov. Wm.P.Packer,Harrisburg,Pa.: L.A.Mackey, President Look Haven Bank; General!). K. Jackman, Look Haven: Hoo. A. White, Look Haven: Simon Bcett, Look 'Haven: Bullitt A Palrtherne, Philadel phia: McFarland, Evans, & o®., Philadelphia: Evans Sc Watson, Philadelphia; Phillip M. Price, Philadel phia; Hon. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, A Co., Philadelphia: Tener & Davis, Phila delphia; Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonta, Pa. : J. W. Qniggle, Bag., Philadelphia. jy 36-tf S. L. FOWLER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, HOUSTON, Habbis Countt, Texas. Twenty years resident in Texas. J* ornpt attention paid to Land Business. Oh-PlOil OPPOSITE TUB OLD CAPITOL. Rbfhbs to—Mesora. Davlß A Birnoy, Philadelphia. tah3-w-ly CIHARLEB TETE, OOMMiNEION MER- J CHANT and Importer of HAVANA 88GABS, (New) 23d Walnut street, tieoond story. aal-Iy LAUMAN & RABORU— Importers and Wholesale Dealers In WINKS, BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY< LI (RJORS, No. 1017 MARKET Street, between Tenth and llerAnth Htrents telO-tf Pasta Jams. PIANO FORTES. it tTft Just rocairod, an eluant iU/.\h of RA VJtK BaCON, A 00., NUNNS A OLAHK* UALUKY, DA VIS A 00., and GALB A 00. 8 PIANOS. MJSLODB ONS of best quality, at J. JB. GOULD’S, 1 8. S. corner ftSYJRKTS and OHBBTNUT ets. mhlO-y . nefigaasa GHIGKERING & SONS, Mann ffrrrt facturora of GRAND, PARLOR-GRAND, SQU ARB, and UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES. . This is the largost and oldest manufactory in the United States, having been ESTABLISHED IN 1828, Since whloh time we have MADE AND SOLD TWENTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED PIANOS. And have received as testimonials or their SUPERI ORITY over all others, U Gold, 18 Silver. and 4 Bronze Medals. Jp* Pianos to Rent, Tuned, and Bepalred, BRANCH HOUSE In PHILADELPHIA Is at 18p7 OHEBTNUT Street. ocfi-Sm Sewing ittodjineo. & WILSON^ SEWING MACHINES, REDUCED PRICES. NEW STYLE {5O. AUt|ie former patterns f2{> lesson each Machine. A NEW TENSION. NO WINDING OP UPPER THREAD. A HBMMER WHICH TURNS ANY WIDTH QP um OR PELL. ojrpiOßS 028 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. No. T WEST STATE Street, Trento N. J. No. 7 BAST GAY Street, West Cheater, Pa oc7-tD2O. HARRIS’® BOUDOIR SEWING MA CHINE la offered to the publio as the most relie Me low-priced Sewing hfaohlpe in t»e. It will tew from six to sixty.etitohes to an Inch, op alt kinds of gopdt, from coarsest bagging to the finest eamhtips. It l|, without exception, the simplest in its mechanical eon stropriPh ever made, apd csn be run agd kept in order by a child of twelve years of age. The DoaiaiUTV of this machine, and the quality oy its woik, are war ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread used is taken directly from the spools, without van vxooclx or aswnfonra. In faet, It is • machine is wanted by every family in the land, and the low pfice of YQRTY at which they . sold, brings tyem wlfhlo the reach ol almost every ope 8. P. BA#S£, Agppt, felMOm eowfim 80 South EIGHTH Street. toilette Articles. IT IS A DYE, AND A PERMANENT ONS.—H. P. A W. O. TAYLOR’S FHIkETNBIRA- A complete HAIR DYX »Rd Pressing together, em bracing, In high' perfection, all that is requisite for Oqlorlng. Softening, and Beautifying the Hafr. To bf faailattbe principal Drog and Variety Storm, and o' the manufacturers, 041 North NINTH Street, Philadel phia. * JllO-lm TT IS JtTOT A DTE I J. JEROME’S BAIR CQLOR RESTORER wJR re •faro Qj»y Hrir to Ita original qolor In frqm ton to twelve days, end re*tore tfce U fcaa fallep ofl and beoome thin. IT 18 NQT A IRS J Itm&ybe used m freely wtfater, apdistho moatbeap tifol Dressing for the Hair now in use. Thousands in different parte of the Union hare toatl fled to its wonderful virtues, and all who haTe lt *Soif, Wli o£s eieem} Bet4i 1, by Dr. SI?iVN) 4; SON, No. 8 North SEVENTH Street, shore MARKET, Note Agents for PAiladiJpAia, Trade supplied. rpHE ONLY ARTICLE UNRIVALLED JL IN BIARKET with Immense HOME AND EUROPEAN DEMAND Tt?9 reason U that by Natpro's own it restores the natural color permanently attar the hair Jju’omealgr&y 5 supplies the natural and tblii majtesit Krow on bald heads, romores all 'dandruff, itbh* fas', and heat from the scalp, quiets and tones up the nems, and thus cutes all nerrcuf headache, and may b'e relied upon to cjjre all diseases of the scalp andhajrf IP urlll stop and keep It from falliog off: makes it soft, glossy, Aeaftfty, onrf be(tiitifvl % and If used b/ $e Btyo or three' times a week, it will noror iaU 6t a gray; then readers, read the following, and Judge for youreehrea N*w Toik, Jan. 8.1853. MKB3RB. 0. J. WOOD Sc Op., Gentlemen: leaving hesr4 a gooddeal about Professor Wood’s flair ft'eetoratjve, an 4 gray, I made up my minij to lay as|de the prejudices which I, Id wjth a gretyt raapy persons, bad agajnst a|l manner of patent and ft short time ago I flomipeubed ustpg yopr article, to jest it for myself Tb£ result has been so very satisfactory that lam yery glad I did so, and In Justice to you, as well as for the encouragement of others who may bo as gray a 3 T Wat, but who having iny prejudice without my nwson h for setting it aside, are quwiliiug to give your tiye& {rial tilt they have farther proof, nod tbo beat ppofif being ocular I wriroyou tli'rf let* ter, whlcn jetj may ehow to any such, and also <|ireat them to me for forthor proof, >yho am In aud out of the N Y. Wire Railing Establishment every d*y. My hair la now its natural cojpr, and much Improved in appearanoe every way, being gloxeier and tbloker, and muoh more healthy looking. I am, Yours Respect* oily, HENRY JENKINS. Corner Columbia and Carroll streets, Brooklyn. Lmsoaros, A’a., Peb. 14,1858. P*or. Wood—Dear Sir: Your Hair Restorative baa done maob good in this part of the country. My hair has beeu slightly diminishing Tor several years, caused, I suppose, from a slight burn when 1 wm quite an In fant. I have been using your Hair Restorative for six weeks, ab<l I hud that I have a fine head of hair now gr'Wi'.g after h&viug used all other remedies known to no effect. I think it the most valuable remedy now extaut, and advise all wild’are affi/ptftl that way to qss your remedy) You can publish this if you think pro* per. Yours, Ao,, r S. W. MIDDLETON 1 PniLiDiLpniA. Bept Q. 18&T. Ppor. Wood— Dear Bir: Your’Hair Regtoratiye Is nroviog itself heheflclal to me. The trout, and also the back part of my head, lost Its covering—was, in fact, qald. I haye used but 2 hair plqt bottles of your Restorative, and now the top of my head la well stqdded with a promising crop of young hair, and the front is also repairing its benefit, I have tried other nrepaxa. tioue without any benept whatever J think, from my owq personal yepommen/JatioD, I can Jnjiuce mapyothers to try it.' Yoprs. reap, ptfully. r |l. It:*HOMAB, M. D., .. No. 404 ylue street. The Reatoratlye Is ppt up in •bottles of three sites, vl?:,Large, medium, and small; small hold* a Pint, ana retails for oop dollar nsr bottle; theiopdiqm bold* at lout tireqty per cpnfc more in proportion than the Kqjftll, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart 40 par pant, more in proportion, aud re. tall, forth .bottl.. O.J WOOD & 00., Proprietors. 812 Broadway, New York, (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing Establishment,) and 114 Market street, St. Louts, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dea lers. nols*niwf3m Bc, eowinwky-Om OUnce and £iqttott. S^)TohTi^“u)M)oFporHr7ans BROWN STOUT. K Youngers’ Ale, St. Ann's Brewery, Kdlutargb, !a stone pints. Mujr & flone’ Sparkling Ale, Edinburgh, in stone pts, Fin*l Sc Williams* Jrondon Brown Stout in glass pta. „ , do Porter, in glass pta. F Bloal Sc Oo.'e Dublin Btout, {a stone nta. lo Btote and for sale bv WILLIAM H. YJSATON. 216 South FRONT Street. OLD WINE STORE,” V 3 NOW OABKY’B. Old No. 76, new 828 WALNUT Street. Bnlder’s Wines were always pronouuced by good Judges to be unsurpassed, and were la reality superior to any iu the market. Part or the old stock I hare yet on band, which comumora would do well to try, now that the market is overstocked with adulterated liquors for to sell during the Christmas Holidays. Wines and Liquors sold by rue, if unsatisfactory, can hdrHurned. JuDN OASKY, dj-lm Successor to J V. Bolder, BRANDIES.—" Pinet Castillos,” Mwett, and other Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks: Pellerolein Boohelle Brandies, pale and dark, In half pipes, half casks, and one-elthtl? casks. Imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLIN & 00,. oaSS - ■ Ml sod 93ft {tout* Vnurtb strMl. ( 'IN.—3O Pipes (Dutch Oompany’s) in V* bopd, and for «»!e br WM. H. VBATON, 216 8 »R**NV fit. ’ HEIDSICK & CO.’S CHAMPAGNE.—A constant supply of the original genuine brand, in bond and In store, for sale by WILLIAM U. YEATON sole agent for Pennsylvania, No. 216 Bouth FRONT S*™** noS ALLSOPP’S PALE ALE—ln' flhds —A constant supply on hand In Custom-house Stores for sal e by WILLIAM 11. YBATON, 506 South Street one I^ISH.— -686 Barrels Nob, 1,2, and 8 Maoke -*• rel. 80 do and tierces Saltaon. 40 do Bea-fhad. 246 do Maokinaw White Fish. 437 d? Halifax and Eastport Herring, 660 Boxes Scaled HerrlDg, Also, 630 Qalntalß Ground Bank Codfish, for Mfebj 0 O.BADLBBAOO.I AO ARCH Bt’, second door above Ffoq oa»i«fl6 iFntifto. STATE SAVINGS FUND, NO. 341 BOOK STBBST, NBXT DOOR TO THE POST OPPICB. INTEREST FIVE PEJR CENT, Money received Dailt, and every MONDAY STENING, on nxrosiT, IN SUMS LAUGH AND SMALL, AND PAID SACK DAILY, MOM e O’CLOCK A. M. TO 8 O’CLOCK P. M, DMroßiro as Oin tbkir Konf bt obsokb, ab IK **BK, IS DBBIBBD. GEO. H. HART, President. CHAB. G, IMLAY, Treasurer! 3. HENRY HAYES. Teller. T ?UND SPfiINQ QAHDBW saving (Okaxtsxvd >r ras Lmiblatokb ov Pbvkbylyabia 1 « ' PBBPETtTAL OHARTBR ' TIVI pan OJ2NT. Interest allowed to Depositor*. n« nd Moneys Paid fcaok on Demand? * OHIO!, 831 NORTH THIRD STRBST. _ . (OOXBOLIDiTIOtf Bask Builoiso.) Till Institution i* now open for tbe transaction of B ” iag 8 o’olook In the Ironing. t _ . . . MiNAaiBB. Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, JohnP Levy. Hon. Henry K. Strong, Daniel Underkofier, Hon. Wm. Millward, Frederick Staake, Francis Hart, Joseph P. LeOlerc, . John Kessler, Jr., James S. Pringle, Jaeob Book, Joseph M. dowel], J. Wesley Bray, Robert B. Davidson, P. 0. Bllmaker, John P.Vorree, George Kneobt. nt, JAMBS- 8. PRINGLB. THORN. apffl-iftf Preiifii Secretary, GBORGX T. CJATIWG FUND—FIVE PEE DEEP. IN. *3 TBBHQT—NATIONAL SAPBTY TRtJBT OOM »ANY .—WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-WEST OOHNBB Or TIIIRD, PHILADELPHIA. ItfooftroßArao or vaa Btatb o» FurasiXTiaiA. Money is received (n any mm, large or email, and In- Meant paid tecta the day of deposit to the day of with* drawal. The offoa la ossa every day from 9o'oloefc In tha morning till S o’olooh In the erenlug r and on Monday and Thursday evening! till 8 o'clock. HOW. HBNBT L. B*NNKB, President, ROBERT BSIdrRID&J, Tie* President fftf. 3. Rmd, Secrete ry, . fiMBOTOSiS Son. Henry L, Benner, W. Carroll Brewster, •Wward L, Carter, Joseph B. Barr , Robert BeUrldgfl, Pranole Lew. •. S?.wi K. Ashton, . Joaoph Torses, 0. Ltpdreth Matutf, Henry Diffenderffer. Honor is received and payments mode daily. The investments ore mode in oonformity with the provisions of the Charter, in BEAL ESTATE MOBT &AGRS,GROUND RENTS, and suoh first elassseouri- Use os will always insure oorfeot socurity to the deposi tors. and which cannot fau to give permanency and eta blUty tothis Jostitatlon. aul-ly CJAYINQ FUND.—UNITED- STATES k? TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and email soma received, and paldhaok on de mand, without notloe. with FIVE PER CENT INTBB IBT from the day of aepcpit to the day of withdrawal. Oflloe hoars, from 8 until 6 o’clock every day. and on MONDAY EVENINGS from T until 9 o’clock. DRAFTS for ea(e on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. • Presidont~3sEPniN.B. OB4OTOBD, Treasurer—BLlE? BISK. Teller—JAMlßß. HUNTEB Jfnssrfftiw domganua. THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, OPIIOS 408 WALNUT BTBEET, PHILADELPHIA.—CAPITAL and SURPLUS *277,- 665.86.—Insures against LOSS or DAMAGE BY PIEE and the PERILS OF THE SEA. INLAND NAVIGA TION and TRANSPORTATION. fp** TEN per cent, in cash returned on the earned praams of Open Inland PoUges. President—GßQßGE B. HAST. Vice President— B. P. RGB3. Secretoryand Treasurer—H ft.COGGBHALL. Asfllptont H. BUTLRR. nujcio^ia. Andrew |l. Chambers, J. L. Pomeroy, Oh tries G. Inilay, H. R. Coggshall, Sami. Jones, M.D., M- Palter. R. COGQSHALL, Sec’y. Gao. H. H*rt, A.Q.Bjttoll, Jpspph Etjwttrdfl, John G. Ifole. Foster 8. Parkins, Ban. H.. «31-y Attest, H AMERICAN FIRE mSORANCE 00., £% INCORPORATED lfilO VMASTER PER tfmh NUT Btreat, above Thlrd. Having a large paid-up Capital 8 toe* ans Surplus forested in spund afld available Securities, continue fa Jnsnrp on BwfUinn, Stores, furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in Pori ana their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. BitMfOtt. . . * George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John welsh, ' Cupar W. Morris. Samuel 0. Morton, James R. Campbell, Patrick Brady, Bdmirad Q. Dutilh. Charles W. Poultney. GBOBGI ABBOTT. President. THOMAS B, MABIfI. geqretarrT - • ....... .....ISflq,opo. „ PtlTilejSil fcijMWiilfoMW, apoiallv or pernetaallv( Personal Property, annually, or for slew period; taie Marine, Inland, and Life Insuranee Risksj receive Be* posits j hold Trusts and grant azuraities - ALPBBD WEEKS, President. B. O.iTTLRB, Vice President. J. W. Haiti**, Secretary. niaioroas. Alfred Weeks, Hon. W. 9. Relief, f.«fL . C.R. BieklM, James'Watson. J. L. Hutehfnsea, Lndlam Matthews. J. W. Stokes; William Curtis, G. ». Turnef. f IFE INSURANCE AITD TRUST OOM MJ PAN?.—TiePJaITOMDrUAtLIVJQIKSUBANOT COMPANY. Northewt Corner qF THIBD nail DOCK SfrMte. Cental. *#2,725.98. INBTJRXB ttvfcg fpr short terras, or for the whole term of life—greets ennuitlea end endowments—pur eheses life interests In' Seel Sstet?.' end mekes ell MtoMtadoproding on ft. oonUomnoiM «t Wf>. AH* 1 ■**&*&»&+** FBtfnsi. . ■ ✓ Daniel L. Hiller) / - Bamnel E. Btokes, Benjamin Ooatei, s . William Martin, Blohard 8. Newbold, , James B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Sem, James Easton, Bamnel 0. Huey, - Theophilus Paulding, Charles HaUowell, Edmund A. BoudiTj Henry 0. Townsend, D&aUl L. Hntefcinaoa, Rodolnhy Raul, John W.Hbrnor, WUllam H. Carr, Sill* 8. Archer, BdwartJ T. _ Samuel S'. Christian, William Joseph M. *?homaa, Warner X, Basin, JohnG. Brenner, P. 8. Hlebler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E- YloeFres’t. Joiw W. SedroUrf. ois-iy r'IREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND liW TBUBT COMPANY. OFFICE IN OOMPANY’S BUILDING, 403 WALNUT BTRKBT STATEMENT 0¥ BUSINESS EOR YEAR ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1858. Capital... Burpluu...,. Reoelyed for Preminma 91,620 45 “ Interest, Kent*, &o 7,826 49 $99,3,90 Q| Paid Losses, Expanse Gotumljj- Mona, l}etar s Premiums, 4p $70,383 00 ASSETS. Real Estate, Bonds and Mort gages tUt,B|l Q 0 Stocks d7,9i& (10 Bllla ReoeW&blo,.,,, 6y 886 18 Unsettled Premiums and other debtß due Company.... 17,823 02 Cash on band, and in the bands of Agents 8,389 23 • 5276,363 08 At ft meeting of the Stockholders, convened on the 16tb init., the follovlug persons were elected DIRBO TORB for the ensuing year, vis: CHARLES 0. LATHROP, 1423 Walnut street. - ALEX. WHILLDIN, trerohant, 18 N. Front street. WM DARLING, 1838 Pine street. ISAAO HAZLEUURST, Bolioitor. JOHN 0. HUNTER, firm of Wright, Hunter. & Co Arm of E. Trap/ <k Co., Goldsmith’s lOHn'r. HpOUJIDY, arm or Joneii, Wlito, 4. Mo- Curdy. TIIOS. L. QILLESPIE. firm of Oillespte * Zeller. JAS. B. BMITH, Arm of J. B. Smith A Co. JOHN R. VOOPKS, cor, BeventhapdSaasoDiats. DANIEL L< COLLIER, firm of 0. H. Grant A Co. THOMAS POTTER, 239 Arch street. CHARLES HARLAN, cor. Walnut and Sixth streets. JONATHAN J. SLOCUM, 1518. Fourth street. At a subsequent meeting of the Board CHARLES 0. LATHRQP was unanimously re-elected President, and Hon. WM. DARLING Vice President. JAMES WRIGHT, Becretaw. This Company has DISCONTINUED MARINE HULL RISES. MRH, ;NLAND, »nd MARINE OARQO BIBKB oon. tini)e to tie taken on the loireet terms. 027-dkWtf QOMMONWEALTH nrsmuiraa Of in WAT* 09 PENNSYLVANIA OFTIOA, RORTHWBST CO BN SB fOUBTH AND WALNUT STRUTS, KILUMLPKU. Bibl»lb*4 OaplUl, 1600,000. FUd BP O»pIUJ, 1200,000 snadfOM. Dt. D. Hyae, Tkoe. 0. Stewart* H. L. Benner. J. M. Butler, ~ J. M.Wbltan, J. K. Walker, X<Sw. 0. Knight, M. R. Wendell, H. Lewis, Jr., 8. K. Houle. BAVID JAYNI.M. D., President. THOMAS 8. BTBWABT, Vloe Prea’t. fiiXOiL 8. Uoox, Hearetarjr, j*2».y 17*astern insurance company.— J-i omos No. 6 exchange. Authorized Stock Capital, $300,000. Charter Perpetual. Fire Rirition Merchandise and Buildings. Marine Risks on Vessels. Cargoes and Freights. Inland Transporta'lon Risks on Goods'per Railroads. Oanalß, and Steamboats, taken on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. George A. Wright, Thomas Sbaw, Ge.orge Cookman, Charles Btoy, Jacob Reed, W- 0. btotesbnry. _ ANDREW COCHRAN, President. WiLLIAU I. Brow*, Vice-Preildent. n 3-tf Andrew Cochran, William I. Brown, Biohard Q-. Stoteabnry. Peter D, Myera, Bohert B. Walker, Jacob Lnkena, Howard fire and marine insu rance COMPANY, No. Hi WALNUT Stroot, PhltadelpbU ' DIRECTORS.. Thos. Ludera, Wm. ff, Leeoh, 3 . Edgar Thomson, Rohfc. W. D. Truitt, M. W. Baldwin, JohpH. Diehl, JohnO. James, Wm, K. Hamlin, A. J. Bueknor, H. H. fihillingford, John W. Sexton, O.E. Bpangler, William Ralguel, . H.H. Houston. Edwin Booth, Wm. H.Love, John Qarrison, Charles?. Norton, E.S.Warne, Isaac Myer. President—THOMAS L. LUDBR3. Tice President—£. 8. WARN*. Secretary—CHAßLES A. BUY. eal6*tf OR.NAMISNTAL and CuLOKJSO GLASS. . TVebave just received a comprehensive and va ried stock of this truly beautiful and architectural ap pendage to. Churches. Vestibules, Conservatories, and other DuUdings, whore It is deemed necessary to embel lish, or to give a chaste and elegant appearance. Any color maybe had, either plain or ornamental, elabo rately or In relief. ZIBGLEB & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Faint, and Glass Dealers, tt99-4tf' geeood and Green fa, PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN 5O W JTINTEE ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER IS, XBSB. r .„ .... , GERMANTOWN, tear. Phi adelphu 0, 7*, 8 40 miu., 9X, 10*, 11X A T l . l ,’ l v?’ s > 4 >, 6 > «. i. 8,9,10,11 X P. M. A L M TB ,^ rm f lto r. 6 . 7 < 7 x, 8 > »j« mI " • mx. iix A. M., 1.10 min., Da.TQ Philadelphia 9.20 min. A.’m., 2. 6V P. M. 8.20 min. A. l£, 1.10 min., 6J£ r CHESTROT HILL RAILROAD. 4, M T P P^ lladBl >’ IIU °J TX. 8.40 min., 11* A. M., 2, 1-M min 7.85 min., 8.50 min., 11.10 A. 51., 12.60, 5.40, 5.40 , 7.40 mia. P il ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. M., 2, eV p. m. l'“?e °s'» l ja£ HiU SA. 51.. 12.60. s!2O min. P. M. FOB OONBHOHOOKEN Ai4d NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia o*, 9,11 A. M., 105 min., 8.10 min., 4jf, 6,50 rain jlljJ'p. jtf, Leave Norristown 6,7, 0, HA. M.,1,3tf, 6.40 min. *e23-tJanl Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. Leave Norristown 7 A. M. and 5 P. M. POR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6jf, 7 85 min.. 9, 11 A. M., 1.06 min . 2 05, 8.10 min , 4V, 5.60,7.46 min , 11# P. M. BUNDAYBSAMB AS NORRISTOWN. CHESTER VALLEY RAIIROAD TOR BOWNINU- Lears Philadelphia 6jg A. M.'and 8,10 min. P. M. leave Downlngtown 7# A. M. and 1 P. M H. K 1 SHITH } General Superintendent. eoM DEPOT, MINTH andOBKKN Ste. piULADEIiPHIA. AND ELMIHA HAIL * MAD LINE.—QUICKEST BOUTS to Blnrira, _ e ' fl harre, Buflalo, Chicago, Book Island, Niagara Tails, Milwaukee, Burlington. Montreal, Bt. Pauls, Detroit, Dunlleth, and St. lonft. . x Passenger trains Trill leave the Philadelphia and “‘•f'oS.Ballrotul Depot, oorner BROAD and VISE Streets, dally, (Sandays excepted,) as follows: ' , 7-80 A. M. DAY B^PBSSS, Por Jlmlrs, Niagara Vails, Bnffalo, Dotrolt, Chicago, to4Bt a Jhrnta 00 a * l9 “>«•?»»!».Burlington, 8.80 P. U. NIGHT BXPBBBS, Por Blmlrs, Niagara Palls. BuSalo, Detroit, Chicago, MdSTirata “ 1 *“ 1 , «•*«>■, Burlington J The 7.80 A. M. train runa through to HARRISBURG, stopping at all Stations on the Lebanon Valley Branch of the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad. 7 AMD At Rupert) for Wllkeabarre, Pltteton. Bcnaton, and all LACKAWANNA AlfO BLOOMBBURG RAIuBQAU. B Baggage cheeked to Elmira, Buffalo,.and Suspension Tlekete can be procured at the Philadelphia and ®°ket Office, Northwest oorner of SIXTH and OHJSSTNUT Streets, and at the Paa lengerDepot, oornerof BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, dallr, jßundaya excepted,) for all points West and North, at 0 Freights must be dollrerad before 8 P. M. to Insure their going the same day. Per farther Information apply at n * „„. Freight Depot, Broad, below Vine, Or to OHA«. S. TAPPJBN, General Agent, N. W. cor. Sixth ana Chestnut Streets, °°l-tf Philadelphia. ]\TBW YORK LINES.—THE CAMDEN AVTk A^?^,“H Y BAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY’S LINES. VBOU PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WAY PLACES* Leave as follows, vis; Vaxi. At 0 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion a e At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, N. J. Ac* oommodatioa,,,,,. 3 26 At 8 a. M.. via Oamden and Jersey City, Morning MaU. 8 00 At 10 A. M., by Steamboat John Neilaon,via Taec ny and Jersey City, Morning Expre55,...,,,,,.. 800 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex* press 3 00 Ate p. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Evening ' Mall 3 10 Kt? M., via Camden and Amboy, Aoeommoda- Con, Ist Class.,3 26 At 8 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, 2nd Class. 1 B 0 & P. H., vl4 Camden and Amboy, Aecommoda* Non, let Class,,. 2 2| At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy. Accommoda tion, 2nd Class.', 1 7B 5 P. M. line sane dally, all others Bandaya d«rted #I . At *}X K’ ,¥•* 05a Kensington Depot, via Jersey City, Mail, Saturdays excepted,,o2 2$ Espre* Lines stop at the principal stations only, for Balvidere, Easton, Elemlngton, &0., attf A. X »nl I* P. M. fieom Walnut rt£?t wia£. ’ for Water Qap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, WUkesbarre, E£SX£S^?tiU A - D,l ‘ TO * : for Freehold, at 0 A.M. aqd a P. M. K*>S Mount Holly %% and 0 P. H For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 3# apd 4 p. M., loan ic B#T,rl J r » Burlington, fiordea* Bhumbeat John Nelinon, for Taeony, at 10 and UM A. M , and for Burlingten and Bristol at 4 P. M. AllftneifexceptllxP. M ,leaveWalnuta treatwharf IbrPifty pounds of baggage only allowed eeoh naa. •eager. Passengers an inhibited from teking anv thing aa baggage but their wearing apparel. AUbag. gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. Tisj Ora pany limit their responsibility for hunaM to one dollar KSS .I Bab!* nr any amonnt be ,3nd 8100, eioc>t hy ajinlal oontraot. ' „ . WM. H. GATZHM, Agent Wl-lT , O. dr A. B. S. GO itlll ,1 WM? - SOBS RAILROAD. _ On and after Batnrday, December 4,1868, PABBBNGBB TRAINS LBAVR- PHILADBLPHTA n *f r nt 8 A.M., IP. M., (Express,) and Jor Wilmington, at BA. M., 1,8.80, and U.p hi. Vor New Oaatle, at 8 A. M., and 1 aul VuQ P.II Vor Middletown, at BA.u’Sd f p. U. *** VorDpver.gtB4, Jl.,^4 an^6 T 4op‘M mOr “ ,JW A ‘ “ ■ «! ITO 4. . If”* VUWngtonat 7.%anJU40A.M.,a.a6 an Ogalie at ft.# and A.M., and ft.ft# LeiTO MWdletown at 10.20 A. M., and 8.80 P. M. Leave Dover at 9.20 A. M., and 4.86 P. M. Leave Beaford at 7.46 A. SI., and 1.46 p.u. TBAINB VOR lULTlliiaiSl LmT* Wllmlogten at 9.10 4. M., lT#s7and TOIJWvH only a) II P. M. frttm Philadelphia to Bal • tiiqore. do fi.<S P, U, from Beltlmere to PhlU delphle. Freight Train, wltii Passenger Oar Attached, will ran as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and Intermediate places at * B 00 P.IT Leave Wilmington for do do dp fig P. H Leare Baltimore for fgtaMOMBBHgi JNOKTH PENNSri »«®!wSe TANIA RAILROAD. 'TALL ARRANGEMENT. Ter BETHLEHEM, DOTLIBTQWN, *«., Mil b» close railroad fsr 1 Kftgtfip, CaJaHlwa, Heir York oltr, AHW“S?| wnitayiot*, Water « Ml M»a<* Sim n», WUkertarM,- «i>aua Palfe, Sctaufcm. Oa and after MONDAY, December 13th, 1863, Paa eenger Traine will leave PRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, aa folloirs; t W^f Q * P ' (APOomoiodstfon,) at 8.46 A. M. «&4 Ifor fort WMhingtoa, (Aoeammodrttoß,) 6 P. M. O3 *216.263 03 TRAINS TOR PHIIiAMIPHIA I<»« Butilehem (3»rt>»»,) »tP A. M. u« t P.M. „ wars Dnjrlmliipp (Awowmodatioa) at 1 A.M.and G. 30 u. WaaWngton (Aeoomnwsaattoa) at MO A. U. / Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at 4 P, M Philadelphia, Tor Port Washington, at 9.30 A. M. Boyleston, for Philadelphia, at 7 A. M. Port Washington,for Philadelphia, at 5.40 P. M. All Passenger trains (except Snnday Traina) oonneot at Chatham atreet with Pifth and Sixth Street Passen ger Railroad. fare to Bethlehem W ** Mauoh Chunk ..... aBO ** Slaton \6O ** Doylestown.., so WSI U BLTilfi 01<AHU, Ageot. [\JOV. 29, 1858.— CHANGE OF HOPE— PKNNBYLVANIA OUSTS*! RAILROAD TROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTBRCBGH. WHEELING, INDIANAPOLIS, STEUBENVILLE, OLEVELAai,! CINCINNATI. CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, BURLINGTON. BT. LOUIS, ST. PAULS, NSW ORLSANB, And all Intermediate Points in OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS. KENTUCKY, MICHI GAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, MIBS&UBI* KANSAS, AND * Pua»ng«ra to point.,went of Pittsburgh, Whesllng, Oltyiltfis and OreiUwe Lave choice of routes, and are requested to make a seleetioa before applying for tick* THRU THROUGH TRAINS LEAVE PHIIiADEJ PHIA DAILY, YOB TUB WBST: (Mall Train and Past Line, Sundays Excepted.} TAAIHS LEAVE PHILADtL-IBBTOSXISQ BEACH PfilLA .. PDU. | OELPHIA. Mail tra1nat...,7.30 A. M. ] Mall train at.. 11 .00 night. Fast 1ine..,..,,4 00P. M. [Pastline 8.83 A?M Express mall. .11.00 night. [Expressman,. 6.00 P. M. Tho mail train stops at all the stations between Phila delphia and Pittsburgh. WAT MIIKB L»1TI. WIT THUS ABAITB. Harrisborg ao- Harrisburg ac- - oommodation.l.oo P. M. eommodation.7.l6 P.M Lancaster and Lancaster and .., ,4.30 P. M. Columbia.... 12 20 P. M, (Sundays Excepted ) Passengers for SUNBURY, WILLIAMSPORT. EL MIRA, BOPY.ALO, AND NIAGARA FALLS, leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A. &£ , and 4 P. M. The oars leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Paasengei Station, sontheaßt eorner of ELEVENTH and MARKS! streets, entrance on Eleventh street, where throusri tickets to all points West can be obtained. Baggage will be received at any time dvring the da* No charge for handling baggage. " * For farther information, apply at tho Station, be tweoD the hour, of 630 A. I UP M THOMAS MOORS, - Agent Penn’s R. Co. OOUPAN*, Aroade hotel, CHEBTNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, „ fHUAPEiI‘HIA. * (JOHDUOTBD OX TUB EUROPEAN PLAN. , A for a terra of years having been obtained for this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, it will con iinue to be conducted as heretofore, on the European Wan, and the prices remain unchanged, vis * r Roou Pu Hat 500. Dik.vkb 6Do. breakfast and Tea, BAOff, 37#0. The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every, thing done to make guests comfortable. The chambers are heated in winter by means of Steam Pipes, for which no extra charge is made. There bar kept in the house to be a source of annoyance to guest*. The accommodations are designed whellyfor business men—hence noHdies are received. fLf~ This house is never closed day or night J. ». BROWN, E. HE YOU NO, JONES HOUSE, HABBIBBDKO, Pi., MIOANTLY PDBNMuId” 4 * 1 IMTJ HOW OPIN TO VIBITOKS. myW-y „ SAC^NAN»KESfAU. “ 02 - 3l “ 0 ia LAKBY, Proprietor. J. RESTAUSant, No. ft*' foar doorß EIGHTH, Sjjff sj?®\ Philadelphia. Ojrsters Stewed, Boasted, *° > f or Home Consumption end Trensportatlon. N. B.—Dinner from twelve to three flloo *» 0c24-tf DOKK—4OO batreja New Mess Pork for * s»l» by O. 0. 8 ADLER * 00., ' ■*9 ,AROH St., »pwaS dowbelojr front, ilailroad £inca. ON SUNDAYS, ON BUNDAYB, WELLS OOVanttT. Propria** Hoilroab tines. BAH.KOAD—THE lultleraaM*J , .^ [ S BAI, V> DM, conneeUng the At western Western. North-western. andlßnnthl load aIM * enntlnhona BaUway divert. This ateraenteS^hjl* Fi ««hargh with daUyllne of OtewSJi and *£!**■£? tll * Weetern Rivera, and at BMOa B *rWMN Fibbv Oz^»—Boots, Shoes, Hate, a&i - ; S»2KS33S,SS3;ftS - BbGOTD V« 6 iiig “--per 100 lh. 1 ‘ TicSdn F> (G» origins bales)) Drags (in easts), Hardware. Leather, Idauor, (In casks.) Wali gaper, .Wool, and. Sheep Pelts, Txiao Class—Aavili,-Hemp. Bacon * and Pork. Salted/ (looaa or in swksVPaich, (dry and In on,) «*•»« X «- li a “ h or brasa watward), Lard andLardOU, NaOa, German Clay, Tar. Piteha Bwta. Asm, Mana&Wil Hnwsr /mS” vv? Qaeenaware, *o S oi 6 “*-« “dboxaa,} ST®-S’»P«»lV,'‘ratii firtheV‘&e I I 6rloo ' ll>- sSaSSIfSS sgtfs&ssr 1 - A OMm.-J Blirke * Co.,oSJsw-o: Pwktr& * C ."'A Temi i B. I. Bui *&.. gi“£df Mo. , P. (J. O’iWey A; 00., UTtaarllla. Indium: Wm’ s£l&’T I 5f lmU fj Bentn< *y‘ B - Meldnun; Atkin tl Hftiird, Oinoinniti:. Q. g. Pforoo 4 00. Zinwrillo. 2*oo' MKllbyrtlMt, Bolton; Lows nj£+£v;W?* £. 0D! «. Non fork. No. 1 Will’iin it.. 2®* ~ • Boeader, PhilidtiaUai Uunv At Xooc*, Baltimor*; V. A rffcwttt, H. H. HOU&MN, Ganaral freight Agant, ' _ , „ ; U.J. fOMBAJfBT, Ssotii] Siptrinttadtot, Altoona, Pj, SDippma- STEAM TO GLASGOW', LIYEB -3SSPOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDON DKHKY, without deter, for $3O. Return ticket*, good for six months,'to either of the shove places, by ivy steamer of the line, $6O for the round trip, out and back. 1 „ , , MOJI irew TOBK, E-lloburgb, Oammlog, Saturday, Dee2s, ISo’ctoak M . Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday, Jan 22,120’c100k H _ WOUOLABQOW. Glasgow, Thomson, Wednesday, December 22d! Edinburgh, Cammlog, fatarday, January 22d, BATES OF PA?BA(iK. rsoM Glasgow, First Ola's 16 guineas, Steerage, found with cooked provisions.,,. 8 »< FBSM HKW TOSH. First OUuu ...$76 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions........ v £0 03 Children under 14 /ears of age, half fare: Infants In Beturn tickets available within sis months, tar any steamer of this Une. First CJaflfl $l4O SUwage. $6O An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For freight or pasatge apply to WORKMAN fc GO., 123 WAMfOT Street. PhUadel pWa ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. BALL k. LONJ3Y, Bnchanan’a Wharf. Baltimore. n 027 Jg* ' FOR SAVANNAH. Ga.—Heron’s »S MHE-OBW REGULAR LINE-GOODS RE CEIVED AND BILLS LADING SIGNED EVERY DAY.—Freight and Insnraue. at less than Balling tea eel rates, by the steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Csot. O. S sjarehtoan, to Ball on THURSDAY, Deo. 1», 13 o'clock A. M., .from aeoond wharf above Tine at. For farther particulars please Bee advertisement ed Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, In this paper. ■ For freight or passage apply to ■ ' , A. HERON,!*,* v _»*> ' BSB North Whuvee. . Mt FOR CHARLESTON AND SA SSBan VANNAH—HERON'S LINS. GOODS RECEIVED AND BILLS OF LADING SIGNED EVERY DAY. * The splendid flreLolaee aide-wheel Steamehlee KEYSTONE STATE and STATE OF SDOBOI*, Notr form a weekly line for the South end Bon'hwwt, one- of these -ships sailing nrery SATURDAY at Is e’olock A. M., alternately for OharlHton and Pa rsons,, Votil the steamship state of Georgia has received liar nev boilers, the Steamship KejstoceSUte, Id order to eooommodate passenger? aod the. trade, will make alternately to Charleston and Savannah JOtt OHABUIsrtOS. Tho steamship KSYBTONS BT&TB, Captain Oi P fcSarshman, will Jail on WEDNESDAY, Dcoembar 23. at 10 o’dook, A. M. ' - - 1 YOB SAVANNAH; The vteamefcip Kejslone State, Captain Charles P fifarobman. bavins baea detained br foe, will <sail on THURSDAY, December 16, at 10 o’clock A. M At both Charleston 9td Savannah. these abipaeonsaet with steamers for Ylsflda and Havana. and with rail roads, *«., far all places is the Sotrth and Southwest ' ? lalmTS - »»»«•• «ri» poreoat. til» New York steamship irate*. - ' " ’ - ' JENSOaANOI, opd iHflDßiiJOkoa a Idm proportion }*«"*{,*^P* 4 w W S * tU **, ,l »wl»ollower bf iklw t»w w««i». Btmpio s jfcmrakm TMkrt«, go°4 forth# nut ywr. 80 00 Ho MU. at tiding itgned .ft#r tho *l.t» ku uiiwl. ‘ Xoc(n)tin«}UMC*,t»!? %»* - - - - V m i HU **) tfdrti WWii. «♦ OSillMlon.T. Sr* 1. 8. 8888. mm® o.*. a«WHW fc 00. Bor Blorjd., from OMulMton, >ttuwr OAhOUHA. mar Tno«t«j. * B°£ *******»i **m*f BT. MABTB Old BT. JOHNS. «r«» ¥awd»7 tSTsOimUT. • ‘H** r! *‘J**> MiBJUi, on ™»ito wMWk of .Wry month". ' ■ j.u THE BRITISH AND HORT amseican botal mail bteau ,*1 '■’»*«* JtW TOiC fo ururoox., «Wm «MM Boa too Mil at Halifax. saafeiSsi.. saatssAgu. iwesiisi. tesasS&S Ik(M TMMIA cam- a J)*M tliite lK,t £ BMUMuI; w4aapart«V. ' 9>Wf> Boatoa, Wednaadar, Dm. I. BnilwV W“? oll i V, Wedncaday, Dm. 8. sSJ&*4>JBoston, Wednesday, Dm. 1». ababA’ i"." 111 ** N - lortWedoesday, Das. S 3. * Jr«®f A ! ®t°ne, 1 Boston, Wsdoesdkr, £ee. 80. nfwtw?** “ N Wsdnesdsjr. Jen 6. OANADA, ladSi *l Boston, V&ioetdAT ],■ 13 AWtlO/i, .l § Yoni, VrtZ SS&. j“ $! B«tikn not ssmred until paid /or. 4h «Xp*rieno«a Burgeon on fcoAtd. for freight orpaaigetpw to ,J- | Bowling Qreen. 4Usbumol. A AND . VALUABLE DISCOY- pa. HAM'S AROMATIC! INVIOORATINQ BPIBIT. IT BTIAH7I,ATEfI, BXUILSHATKa, INVIGORATES, BUT WJLL'nOT INTOXICATE’OB BTUPIFT. Thiadelicioos Beverage (a superior to all Invigorating Cordials, Behnappa, Nervines, &o. in nse for the core of D/apepsia, Nervousness, Beart-burn, Prows'ness, Kid ney Complaint, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, So , as it will invigorate and strengthen, but will not in toxicate or stuplfy. Persons who have become habitu ated to the excessive use of Tobacco. Opium, and Spirit uous Liquors, will find’speedy ana permanent relief from a desire to use these destroying agents, by taking a bottle or two of this _DELICIOUS MEDICAL BEVERAGE ! Weak and sickly Females tHU find hr. HAM’S IN YIGORATING SPIRIT a quick and aura cure, it being a Regenerator as well as a gtrengthener of the Human By*tem. Each complaint-that the AROMATIC INVI GORATING' CORDIAL is calculated to cure is named upon the wrappers accompanying each bottle, and full directions for use are also minutely given. PBIOB OHK DOLLAR PBR BOTTLE. Prepared by DARIUS HAM, Principal office, No. 48 WATER Bt., N. York. For sale by T. W. DYOTT & SUNS, n35-3m , 218 N. SECOND Street, Philadelphia. The great standard remedy op the NINETEENTH OENTUBY. THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE FOR PURIFY ING THE BLOOD AND STRENGTHENING THE WHOLE SYSTEM. The Imperial Depuratlve, prepared by Dr. Lonni berry & Co., is now acknowledged as the principal Family Medicine for the cure of Oamobrous affections and Scrofulous diseases generally. The success which attends its use in these inveterate diseases has no eq*oai. It Is now used in these diseases with complete success, where all other means have failed. Two or tles will satisfy any one of its great curative properties. Hip Diskasi and Whit* Sw*u.iho, Ulobbatioss or the Borks, Mouth, Throat, Ac. Its beneficial and healing characteristics are soon observed in these com plaints. No matter of how long standing they may nave been, they will yield to the proper use of the IMPE RIAL DEPURATIVE in a short time. Tbttbb and SOald Heap will as certainly yield to this medicine as it is used. Diseases of the Bkin and all eruptive complaints generally cannot long remain after using a few bottles of the Imperial Depuratlve Its Tome properties, as well as Alterative, Tender It valuable to weak and delicate females. The great purity, strength, and value of this Family' Medicine is unequalled in the cure of all dlaeaeesnrigl “Uw in an impure condition of the blood . It expels all the virus or diseased matter from the Mood and re invigorates the system. Thoseusjug the Imperial Depuratlve and wishing ad vice in their case, will receive every attention by etter or otherwise. ' «^ p £^KJjP ld Dr - 10UN8BERBT 4 CO., No. 60 North FIFTH Street, below Arch, Philadelphia. ' For aale also by J. F. Long & Co., Lancaster, Pa, J. H. Baser and S. 8. aterens, Reading,-Pa. Holman 4 Co.,lHarrlßburg, Pa. C. W. Epting, PotterHle, Pa. T. & C. W. McClintock, Easton, Pa. James o/roa, Westchester, Pa. Schmidt 4 Co.. Allentown, Pa. Slmdnßau,Bethlehem,Pa. Dr.H. W.Leslie,Bristol, Pa..andDrmfirl«ta Wo «raUr. anll-mwAmatflm 7 #IMjLICOO'JSK’S ANTI-KHJfiUMATIO ,* GORMAfc Ja tie on \j preparation ever placed be fore the pobhe that hat performed so many MIRACULOUS OURIS , ov inflammatory and ohronio _ RHEUMAffISU. Toe most prominent and influential citizens bear wit ness of its efficacy. The abamiant evidence from aU parts of the country is enough to ■warrant ub in pio nouncing that it is the greatest wonder of the sge It is an internal remedy that a rikegat the root or the disease, and thus eradicates it entirely from the system. Prepared by THEODORE DILKS, Chemist. Northeast corner of Pine and Sixth streets, Philadelphia. Drags anir ffiljetmcais. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., WHOLXSALX DBUCHJISTS, v Manufacturers and Dealer PAINTS, YARNISHXB, and WINDOW GLASS, Northeast corner, FOURTH and RACK Streets, Philadelphia. Sole Agents forth# sale of the oelebreted Florsfi'* Plate Glass. mh2&>tf Detersive soap —Time, üborTaSa money eared. In using it, clothes do not require any boiling or rubbing on washboard One pound will go as far as threo poinds common Bosln Soap. War ranted to giro perTeet satisfaction or money founded. It is decidedly the cheapest and best weahing Soap ‘.““JibUo. Manufactured oily bjr TAN AIoKI'.ONK, por sale by alt re spectable Grocers In the city, and wholesale rnfly by . . THAIN 4 MoKEONB, •“■“t - 32 South Whir res, »JIAVV fc BEEES' .. . _ LUBRICATING GBRABE, ue beat end cheapest eompoand for areas!utr the **!«* B luaouVfl%X^^^“S?fer«
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers