‘Moneys subjaot of - - oduoaUoii atd - - r-H/M ir - v.,-V- -■' r,z >*.'>.'', j - sln‘Ho v countryj .except our, own/lias Christian? beeu igoorod iu the system t>f commou-sohool «. - education- subject, you'ire'aware that tubcli hag\ Ti’rttten. JQtely id .. this)eUy, ’overthrow J?WQ,,aje'prociaimed;aseiieniies,of-tbQ Bible in the sohooleff and It iaassumed.that in all this we are aotuateCby a gwtuitous love of oppon sition and hostility itojwhafciß so inudieat'Qezned, by . our feUow-cltizehsi- is not ■'What . rl havd already said might sntisfyany onV that we cannot, in oonßoienoei' apprpve of any/system of eduoatiou in which is formally exoluded •from tho olemehts\,of I kn6n f iJO -. objection to’’tho" pr.esejcit ynj etem, 'so, far. as other denominations ore.cpheerned, ,but_for ourselves, ns members, of teach waS'given; c ind dn;whioh the obligation to preserve the faith- : and' even By do* mestio training; to'the ;.riBißg: geriofaUoV, we oari •never glvo.\tOdr approval,' ’ it ta'true that, in the oiroumßtftnoos .of oar^peopJo r „thore may baciiaes in whioh it may he less culpable for to . permit,.their children .’to?attend inch schools than to leave them to be prematuroly : in J strnoted in the vices and in the had tuition, ofthe • /’public atreetsj but ih mo' oase/woul&it bojawful . ; td, attend those-'sohiJolS)-If .we' h’ad;sohools,of our v ovrui in Bnfflolontiiumbers, and sufficiently provided, in, whioh children mii;htaHa'm eyo.n ft leas complete !&. '• 5 * ~ * "' : * • -» i u While w® recognise theßLble which tho'Churoh , puts la out lianda.aa a snSoienUy correct version ™>r ourown use,'and* reverence inspired ■written word of God, f “we .riooesaarlly .refuse any 1 yorsion of the .Bible .which, ihe Church:has. not apptcyed. ’thh reading of the B|bl.e : in. tho v sehb'oTs'prdduohthe happy results-that seem to ha . anticipated it produoo on the minds of Childrwn tha;harmony of religious-sentiment and . belrefdhAKwill.groW up into the good social fruits , to • which.’rbferenoo has'boeii made T If so, wo . - should hftvo.expcctcd that the two leathed'diyines, 1 ' instead of /being t ofj-difforont 'denominations, - ..should unite in tbefiinlple 5 doctrine of tho Bibio, and be of the samo -©rcedi-.Again,, ihoy Tocom-' . .meml'tiie'JjofdVPrayer as iji the'Bible. Now,it happens ’that » lhe . Lord’s, Prayer In the. Pro*, i-testant Bible has h whole sentence more than ./if-has cin • the; -Catholic Bible;’ and the Ca- . tholic child, ,'returning • homo- 2 from -school, wili have acquired the hnowledgo of two distinot • forms oflheLord’s Prayer, However) we have ' ceasid to war upon £system which the great via - • jority'ofonr eitizptis sttin, loapproye What re mains for all our d)sadva n tjiues, is to re* vive in oursolvea the perpetual spirit or the Catho* lie Church as a teaohor, and - under her sanction, '-.with the freedom to inculcate religious as well ns secular knowledge, to make tho best provision for our poor children that'*our poverty will, permit. Wo must leave it to time and te a,growing sense of : juatice amODg, those who Have,the control of these ' matters (o'suggest any rerriedy for our caso -rvhioh , they may think expedient. We must continue to , labor'and provide for Catholic-education as we : have labored, and with'’time and the blessing of J Almighty Cod,-wo may bo ablo to make still more ; amplo provisiou for iha- trainibg of .our .ebttdreu : . than We have'ye’tbbehable'to'aoooittplish. ’ Nothing • should turn our minds away from the prosecution of this most important subjact.?’. .«* < ; . . & HU'APSLPHfA.SOAKD Of TBABB . W. a. KsuiflLß, . SCoinufTßS.or tebMomtb. ‘ - JonhXl APbioKB, V, ' .-• LEXm , BAGS -pp* West Coisr cf Africa.—The brig Oalvert, O&pt ' Wiltarwill EsU.frota this poit on tbe 20th Inst, for tt e Wfst'Coistof A fries; . All letters and papers Intended = for;the American tqa&dion; or others, will be ; r edf if‘ left at Ihe' i’breipn Letter Ofllce, Philadelphia .J- Exchange,>n or before-t.he.above date. - - . JKaritte imellifleiu*.: POBT OF JPini.ADEI,PHIA, Dec. 15, ISAS. 50n'bim5.;...;...;..7 yc 35 IUGU WATA8...... 9 i 9 ARRIVED. Sobr Patriot. Wiley, 15 days from Bichmond, with shorts and dried peaches to J B Lancaster & &on. ' fcohf T .p McOolley. Deputy, 2 -days, from Afilford, with torn to J H McCollpy hehr WilUrd. Saulsbary, lindspn, 3 days from New r Totk, Snballhat tocaptaini UchT WC.fl«Kop,36n4lcott, from. Beaton. , Bcbr K H Atf ood/ from . _ r 1 . gchrj O Baxter, BiShocti, from Ooßtoa'. . Bobr W L Dayton, Babcock, from PloTldence, ' ; Bchr QaieUe,JSomers, fcom Pmlddaoe. - . . v < ; ';• ;"‘,;''V;.-\,‘ : (i£nabid.'' Bteamahlp Penfasylyanla, Toal, Bicnmoad, Ihomas "Wehat«r, 4 5r.' _V ••, > - Bchel) JfxtiStr'sloslkiider J Barabn»li' DgStetooaAOo. "Sobr WHan)aDary,lXddaoh;B?ston,N Startbraot& Oo .gobrßH Atwl>od, Atwcod, Boston,.-, ,■ do ? Echr J C Baxter, Babodck, Ohorleaton, flinniokton As Clover,, - . * - ; , Bohr W 0 Kelson,'Ettdicbtt, New .York, Noble, Bam * snettik Caldwell. '. J = .•' • ’'u • *. f - SchrWLDajrttm,Babcock,NYork. ! tlajea&(3oLhall; Bchr patolle, homexa, New York; Baum, Ogle & Uo.' fOorrespondeuMorihe'PhiladelpblaSxchjmge.l . -t VLWES. Del., The win'd belag from the South on Eatu-d*y, the fleet before reported nearly all left thehalbor, but a number of them (about fifty) returned yestetday, tbe wind bar>» tag ehe&ged.to' e*Bt.~ ’lt Is hoi? aO foggy tbat t -we ate noable.tosee theharbor; and Cannot report"the names. Wind aonthe&t: i" ‘.. 'V' 1 youWj'&a, ' ; rtxVTELKQRAruiO.THE PBESSj ' ■ < •- ' r ' ,CHARLa6TOK,‘DCd ,14 Anlved;ships' 'Bfelle OreolC,.from Bo*toH: J Baker, from New York, 7 ‘ -> • , . I .fiATA»KAH;GA M DeCI't. ; Arrived, ships Ann.Qr»y,fr'cm i Valencia; Grotto, from London; baruue Ellen Oliver, trom Plymoothy- • t ’ ; > New Oai.«m f J D«c; 13/; i Arrived.'shfps' Bn'vld Kimbali,' Mi'rcia, Bianchardj and OUftou,>Williams,'Boston; Mobroerille,from Rock land; G B Wright; from Searsport; G{B Pett|gVew P flohmidt,-from : lflverpbol; : Bar»h £'Morgan, from Portsmouth. - -- >*%.' • 1' 'MEMORANDA- Steamship- IlemcoODl*, - flchwenßen, for Hamburg, cleared at NewYorlryeaterday.'"- l -V'": Cf M 5 StatSeliip Pbinnw.Sprague, Matthews;'Bailed from BoWA'l4th for Philadelphia; S 5. ! , • Snip - Wild PJgeoa, Ma>hew } 'for"Vall>aratid,'oteared atNew V J : -v - Ship VrncoatecY Wood,'cleared at NewYorkyCßter day for Shtnghae? • ■“ ' ■; üblp Leacb,from' Ohanaraly Chili, atßM ton 18th ln»t ' - : V' T; V'V ; - V'- i'i i Shlpllewlabnrg,'Wfswelf; from BioJanefro,ar« rived afeNew OrIea»Bl8th Inst'.. . r v/ : - Ship from Xdverpool,'arrived,'at • Bavin nabyejrterdayr v ? •. ' : 8b Ip United Btatbajßlaricbard, from Valencia, arrived at Havaunah jeateedajv " ' v ' ‘ r ' * ;<’* gblp'B BiTetcalf/Btetson.clearecl at Savannah 10th icitf for Llyerpool,wftU 3580 bales tip’and cotton, - ■Shlp'Uemiiphere'. Taylorl oleared at Mobile 8t» in»t. for Batre, with 3368 bales eotton,Tald*dat $101,460, . Ship? W BaPy; Koopmin‘, tip at Kevv Orleans fthlnifc.y J'*' ‘ ‘ • Barque JacobMorrill) Park, hence,airifed at Mobile Pib Inst. I ,«' v ttarquo Argyle,WitTen * for 1110 Grande, with flour) aa’ileilfrotn Klcblnoni lSth snnt. ’’ , Barque Powhatan, filton&Da, for Philadelphia, vra* ai Palermo 12th tilt. _ . ; i.; : A. ~-■ Barque Magi, .o heaver, for PortjLoulß ami a market; cleared *t New York.jeflte'rdsj'. , ■. j . -Barque Mary Elisabeth, Hicbborn. lor Philadelphia. -Nfolidii!, Ellis, jailed fr;m Kingston* JAm,*#lh,aU, for for ootporls. r ' ’ - - • .Brg Orison Adams, York. henco. arrived at Portland nth lost;.v - - , r ., BrigOelavia, f hate,hioee.aTrivadat Boston Uhhlnet; . Brig Edwin, Geyer, hence, aryivod at Bpstonllihinst; . Brig Albserdina, (Batch) adelphis, wm fttfioiterdim'SlMalt.'/, flehr Meuntsla itogle,'Pendleton,\for.Philadelphia, elearekatNeir YoAyesterday. ' 7,' \ Blckey>Xjee, frow ■ #rfatol r Pa, arrived ;>:•;} Bobr, L SLaverlng, McLaughlin, bacoa, arrived at Charleston Jlth Init. , .'.% r - Behr Bra BelLTHton, cleared J at Chuleston Hth lnii.ior.BneksvUie t Xi - -•■ ‘ ■ fcchra fobnOlirar, Btaei; from Baltimore;. J L Bed* ner* XndlcoU; Caroline h Col liaoiel Mor*, >!•. ft'Kl»g, Andrew*. MrWeti at >V il ralnxtoti/D«rift.lii;(n«t: V: .- ‘^ch> v W;tf Jj4w»r4*£*r*eirj from Falmouth. Jam, ar*. rirod at KlogatdfliJjuo# 26^-ttlt...'- - , -, Bchr W (J tfarlfeU, CouDflHjyfroro BoMon tor Piiila? delphl*;>t NeWporfclfUh'ipft • Ih'dUtr6tt«'b*Tlo|f been in col Won'with an unknown Mhroa.Btp fust;:off Chat* -bam. ~Had.fcuU poop deck ateref main’ ■aiVtorjn 4«ay, main aheoud and backstay curried awari ’ and othVreUe iujared -,s - . ? ;t • ; -.v ,-,- i ; t ■ : . b Jaarta, IloUWut'and lt .O Bowel!; byDob, fr903,,f1t Marti4l| at- Mew. York ▼art«Td*ri.!^-'^.: . Echr w.C, Atwaterj Olty, at New Bedi PliliideJpUla, was loading . j * . ffchr GjGroepj W«ater, hsnaa, arrived at JSiaf Green* ;Wl©h llth.lnstj 1 a ,i\i :• •> • \ ’-, Bchv,L at Vowport .‘lttfe’ibits - 1 i* .i-i *» •!/'; < gob** for Norwlohj Vend Jonathan.Oon«, ; JjBßa9‘V* dq forjHartfor<J;w«re at New London i - t 1 Vi ; „, B;iiUMpn,-Orockori.bancoi arrived. at New, - I/ondbn llthiMvy'.vv•'„- ; » ?" . - ■■•'?- Bql% SmIUK from I 'Brand; vibe, at Naw . ficbys.J. and RD Mar^ - 1 ton, from Trenton; at J3tb inat., m- * v. j i Sabre, Alert, Obanplogy,3ielle;opnw<y; Dalany, : L\* / marine, Johnson, B'lreiandißaker* tad EMadj-pAr . \- tchrir-WxnM? Meroylßffck; 'Alroiia.TcG«ndy:,Sarah X,, 6mUb; Eva, Btnilb; John Bogart, Elliott; Joe Por ter, Vataa; * J)t M -Prencb; Piencbf ;d’fii>inph, Ariifc, W /Pirns- UtsoDj ,NotJh Oe«s; ifarei dttb, hence at Providence Jlth Inst, * , Vf }h» ; : . Bebr 3 obn -Faro urn, OroweMj BroyU deacelSthiashlj 'ci >'• { X f i; Pcbr i.iiile. Tajrlbr, Taylor, hence, arrived.'at-Pawi ’ tacketd2ih t, h-u u-c>, ;* , " L Ste* veha, Btudiey; H Moaltonj Town fMDd,hooce, arrived at. Boston lttthinat. r .vs'• -t j Behr -'JfcG{i»h_ey,*St*bbJii*, honeeJor .Hartford, at N fl jjdhdQt»lfith'iflßt. ■ w<• "---v", - - B<hr*i’ B'-plekinum, forPhlUdelpbia, raUel .from \-NaV«6ffcWtfcfdgtl- ; . Sciur Gs o>L’Gr ee n, Orson, cleared at Boston latn ihst for Philadolpbiaz-r;) ! 1 v '' .-• ' : • ■ Bataao Bt BQrddni McKay, cleared at New York 13th Inst, for Philadelphia;. "V- :, - , „ t r w / -:’A *' 1 . ; V 'ItiBIffI^MISOIXPANY. Slidlonfbf 'PbiUdelphUV/rbni'Wllimlag* ' tOnyNOyfoir yreot asboi© oil ilia Cth lovt. " ou ObatlesWwnvßetobyßli-bas bien of,Bails, , nggi?g;4ev»tjd It is nowf,%p€oted llf*t; «be will go to v pieces,'itfithe sfiilV l iiitting;k;clfiad s brwicb over. her'. I f {ft^ph^fl^§itfeaMfBp t oilunio. boubd . to thU p^f/SbV asßofe -yesterdaf' mpjw.ng.loff BLnflf -- Point, SMrJnd rtbttlh AdvertOSeV sspeak# urisknC«/;thodiptatn thinks rhe.wJll.be got offaftef ' tktgo, and does ’ J an^daP a B©-1P teßaei bn cargo2n/« j A^Mn&fotdi'Atri«Ar Manchester, -P ?5, ■V--' 2B, barque Ooatareiir/BiTOn, ‘■■tad mtmiftmiiwtaifiid ftyfwßk,.,,-: j Sorer, ,^kko^ stony idgjMQ*. 1.. :fiid Loin Quee.UhtovnlB\feult, hAmttfi PftVdrUo, p°^’ £ 2 Il Savanfiuh; , lflthi ship Albtui, Cohln, from London. I Sid from Maryport. E,lBlh ult, Br baiqn? Congress, 1 Llghtbody, Savannah. ~ . 5 I . aid from Plymouth, K, 19th tttt,ship El Dorado, Thimpson; (from.Oailaf»)'Lo»don. - ' ‘ Ar at Deal 10th ult, ah'p Southern Eagle; Treadwell, . Loudon for San Prarclsoo, and aid. •, At Lobdon '2oth .ult, ship Wild Ranger, Sears, char tered to load for Australia. , . 1 Kingston, Jaui, Nov 15— Ar, brig B G Oha loner, fThoiijptoß", Machias, and aid 25th for Morant Bay. Bid 13th. brlg-i A P .IJJuker, Paitrlflge, Attakapss; 14th; Abbottsfotd. Oo'jper, Nevassa: 20th'. barque David Ni bhola, ElU*.'N York; Another accodut says for outpbrts; 2Ut, brig Wm Hyde. (Br) New York. . „ , - Tn NorYO, ships Protector,'Stephenson, for Now Orloant; George West, Couch, from Newport, W, ar 23a, dlechg: brigs Lanoy, for N Yoik, idgj Sarah Peters,'Lordi ar 22d, for New. York; Chimborazo, Small, from Jacksonville, ar 10th, for Pensacola; schrs Frank lin Bell, Boblns6n, from JacksoSvllTo. arl6th, for New •York; AnoaHlnks } Phinney, ar 20th, for N York. ■ miYALS AT THE I'KINCIPAL H0TEI8; GIRARD street, below Ninth. E P / • W Garvattfl/Pa THilsen,?hna ; . A Jonefl.linglaud Jno at,Qiey,N T, y E D Jon.B tc la. lloston Mr Dodge * 1», Bo* 4 *” H G Kellonr, N G' J H Oppenhein»er» 8 C B Read; NY . • B JMnoßoo, Wllmgi NO Wm Brown, NJ JJ, Gatliner. 11l OHR JoB Brack. ’ Beni UoIUdaV. N Y w i[ BovWyir, N Y W N Tharatin* la,.N Y' Peter Higgins, Horton John Ohnse. Portsmouth , E£ Pica, Portsmouth. Mrs P Ten Brook, N Y J “JP?, 1 * 0 "’„ T , DJ <3 iregory.-Jt, Jersey City J I'TaHmin, Pror, RI ’ J D Slooom, Pros. RI tt W & V.’ ?. ,K John Nolen, Baltimore Miss M J CPeiroe, Balt , G P Whitaker, Md F T ylor. West Chester , S 8 Spencer, Lancaßter J M Paltto A- fam Ohio Miss Mucoin,‘Easton . 8 M Shoemaker, Balt S T Revno’ds. St Louis M HawklnSj Wilmg, N 0 iISautU,NY _ A Maurice, NY - W MB Hopkins. W*ah 0 HMellor, Cincinnati, 0 tV-D.WilflonA la, Va ' Jos B Dunn, Va J WilllunSv Va - . . Wm A Stanley, Balt J M Gould A wi, N Orleans Wm Scholefleld, EDgland GII Bvrd, Baltimore • Geo Baughman. Richmond Jos Pox, NY •• L D Holdein, Albany J Caldwell. 80' ’ -Wm Butnott. Dubuque Geo B Field, St Louis E G Booth, Va J 8 Em ey k li»* Va JaßDFrairy.NY Mrs J tf Browu, Va U P Bi'pwn & wl, Va B Laltin, NY. • Mr-Jones, NY. Wm A bhepnrd, N Y • John H Androwa, N Y J flrDaae. Boston -5 % -* Willey, Jr, Boston , Geo Wheatland, Salem, Mm 0 T.Livermore, N Y O O Talcott A la, Buffalo OIT West, NY_ .WmH Gilder, NY - J W Cochrane, N Y J S Weutworth, Fhila P Tsltman, lowa A Jonlm, Webster, Mass . J J Itohinßoo, Webster, BIS II W Richards AU. N Y N Randall A la. N Y .Geo W Deans, Boston J M Denel, NY H C Halbert, NY T R Briggs, Cincinnati J H White, Oinoionati II Daniels, RI 0 A Wildmab, Dsnhnry, Ot T 8 Tweedy, Danbury, Ofc 8N Bradley, NY • W Barry, Jr, England Wm M Mitohell, N Y MKROHANTB’ HOTEL—Fourth at, below Arch. El* Thompson, Schuylkill BWetberiUP* J l» Wetherill, Pa Geo G MolJen, Cal Thos Nicholson, Oal M L Graham. Conn Geo JI 0 Neal, Balt I Freese, Jr, Decatur, 111 C 8 bialr, Pittsburgh J> McConvJUe, Steobenvto J Braden, lowa 3 J Partlow. 11l B J Bauman, Pa C Yehe, Bethlehem 8 Thompson, NY- -W Jennison, Danville J Jackson, Reading U E Leman, Lane S K Kane, Pittsburgh . Jno Waylan A la, Lano lion J S Yost, Ppttstown J M Allen, Ohio Hon Asa Packer. Pa TVra fl Wells & la, Pa WmDeUavon } PA ' DNION HOTEL-Arch Btroet. below Fourth. AP Jenkn A la, 111 8 R Casper A Ja, 111 S Neel. Jefferson co J Rogers, N J T. Barton, N J - J Oortwright, I’a H Iverper A la, Reading Dr Yorkes, Pa Jlf Careon, Pa . JI P Muter A la, Pa Mrs J Wilson fcsn, Wrnh'n G P IlUlUra, Ohio E Webb, Middleton, Ot BO Kimball, Canton, 0, GC Loathe, NY ABIBRIOAN HOTEL—Chestnut at., above Fiflh. L Brinton, Cheater co P KnnU, N Y A May, Pa '- ' Pdw 8 Wondell, N n J Thompson, N Y- . Miss 8 Thompson. N Y R FHules, Brooklyn ' 8 W naulley, NO C Ranatead, Boston A II Fiskk Boston A W Reese, Ga - F Deats, Balt R K Braith, Middletown Levi B Mowry, Blass Dr H Yorkes. PhoenlXville 8 N Pottß, Muncy, Pa E P Wilber, M Chunk W Belford, M Chxmk J B Rogers, Tenn 0 Blall, Chester co. Pa ILB Fidderaau. Delaware . Mrs L Lee A chii, N Y John T Rowe, FraokfortjMe 0 Morgan, Newark Geo Hopkins, Newark FRANKLIN HOUSE—Chestnut street, above Third. M Davis, Ktßton A Ramsay, N J C 0 Sprague, N J 0 M AHnfond, Del F Barry,' Del v * MO Grier, Danville D Butterfield. Mass Geo 8 Oartis, Boston JssC Wells. NY .0 Potter, RI W J llall, NY . NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. 3 J’Bnstlii, Lebanon It Keller, Pa J Snyder, Bloomaburg < E L Snyder, Bioomburg >N Gemmnu<AUonWwn ' ‘ R Darllugtou, Chester co Wm Miller,'Pa J 3 W Power, Pa SMcKrauter, Dauphin co 0 0 Ihlitig, parksburg . John NBherer, Lebanon,-Pa-; - ' • BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. ' ROgdeb.Delco ‘ T 0 W.orthiogtot^Md JBteel, I>ancco ; * ' Joel Scarlet P AJarsweir, Chest co ' 'lt F Sctnllo, Va R H Strawbrfdge; Chest co BR H*mmond, W Oheat T T Wolleryi Chest co B Stratton, Pottstown A V Caster, Pottstown' ADByles, Pa J t P Biles, Chest co KP Howard, Md ij U McCulleugb', Md N A McCullough. Mi ; fJ Ii Lewis. Delco , - - W Agnew, ob£stbo i, • 'W Pyle, Oheiterco' - .DO Parker,' * ET Mercer,.Cheater,Pa ■ ’ V; 'BARLEY BHBAF HOTEL—Second street, below Vine. Attleboro - ' DM Selleyj Williamsport A 8 llhoada, Williamsport Jlo Gibbs, England A Horton, Lambertville Bobt Longshore, Fa JVfimltb.P* ' 3. JClrkbride. Attleboro Cbas Kirkbrlde, Attleboro J DilwortU; New Hop© RII Januey, New Hope ' Jos Oanby; Bensalem Owen Moon,’Bensalem t Benj Moon, Beusalera A Comfort.Pa' . Jib Palmer, Pa J Holcomb, N J ' ’ Z Lambert, N J A Corson, Bucks co 8 U Taylor A son, Bucks co Tom Linton, Newtown 8 Murray, Newtown J W Crowell, Pt Pleasant B W Slmpßon, F& - R'Y Linton, Newtown G Batterfchwait, Newtown W Davison, Cheltenham Thos Ent, Lomberfvllle ' 8 H Atkinson, N J WM.M.HIOKSUN. BLACK 1 BEAR HOTEL—Third fit, ab. CAllowhtll. H Dalby, 111 '* Win Harney: P* MrsDilby,!!! * - NH Kttinger, KlineflvlUe Win Thompson, Pa , W BUnck, Klinesville -D Woodring, Lehlgbco ' A 0 Kesßler, Easton Geo Wesner, Pa B SBtr*use. pa. GZ<y, Pa '■ W BrumVack, Exeter L Lary, N Y Aaron Kepp, Sumneytiwn ThosSteckeU,Allentown - ' . . EAGl.B—Third street. shore CsUowhlll. MKRegxn, Fa * 0 P Walk, Norristown Geo Mwfler ? Montg co, Pa II Harvey, Monty co, Pa -• MADISON HOUSE—Second at., below Arch. G W Cacrall, New Market 8 Allen, Richmond, Va B Curtis. PhiU Juo Blesson, Richm9nd,Va WJ Jackson, NT U May. Baltimore F Stocker, Baltimore B A Allen, Boiton Renj Miller & la, Button , Robt Mayo A: bod, Ohio Thos Robb, Wont Chester MOUNT VERNON HOTRL—Second at., above Aroh, P M Trorabowar, Pa Jno Kiblnn, Sbamokla Jno dark, Phlla Mina Clark, Phila 1 ' At the Parsousge of the M R. Marfner’x Rothel, No: 110 Almond street, October 01st, 1858, by the Rev. V. Grey, W. T, BKLL and MARY J, OABIRK, both of this city.-,'. * ' By the Rev. George Chandler, on the evening of the 11th instant, Mr. JOHN ELLIS to Mrs. ELIZA Mo* WILLIAMS. ; -l * On the 3l*t Attauet, by Bev. A. G. HcCalla, Mr. CIIAftLKS McORKKUiT to Bliss LSIITIA BIoOAJI RIQXLL, both'of this city. * rOn Tuesdsy morning,-December 14th, Mrs. MARY ANN, wife or Jacob W. Clark, la the 51st year of her ago. • «• f , , • Her acquaintances and ftiaoda are invited to attend hor funeral, on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock,irora the residence of her husband, No. 734 Coates street. -** * On Monday afternoon. 13th ln«taot, Mrs. MARY ENGLISH, relict of the late Thomas English, in the 87th year of her' age.' Tbe male friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her son, William English, 1012 Washington street, {Four teenth ward,) on Thursday, at 9 o'clock, without further notice. , -- , < i .** ' On' Sunday evening'December 12, Isss, OWJ3Y EVANS, la the 40th y«ar of his age. Bis inal»''frlemle ar6 invited to attend his funeral, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2’o’etork,' from his late the Darby Toad. Twenty-fourtb ward. To proceed to’the Woodlands Cemetery. . Suddenlri bn •,tbe ; morning of the IJMh instant, SARAH 1 ANN' BACON, widow of the. late George V.BSson. - 1 * ... HerfrienSs are Invited to attend her funeral from her )at«. residence,'oh Fifth day morning, next, . at. 10 o’clock- ' Interment at South Laurel lIIU. On the evening of the 12th' Instant, 1 .SUSAN H! EYRE, wife of Jonathan Wainwrlght: > - The relatives and frienin of the family ere particu larly invited to attend'the funeral, without further notice', from the residence of her husbandi corner of JBeach and Hanover streets,/late district of K»o*ing ton,} at'XO o’e ock.A, M ,j.eu,Thursday next. Decern* her 10th. To procoad to Laurel mil Cemeterv. ** On the Uth lost., Mrs. FRANCES STEVENSON LEETfIi. widow of the late Henry Leech, in the 02d >oar other age. * ' . ’ , . Her .relvivea and friends, andtfioseof the family 'arereSpJtctfully Invited ( tp attend her funeral, without .further notice* from ;he‘r’late residence; Market street, 'below'--the- Darby 1 road, 'Watt' PhiiadelphU, this ’Wednoslay) morning, ‘at 10 ‘o'clock.. To .proceed to <he vault of the AshnryM. E. Church. * , Suddenly, on the 11th Inst, MARGARET J.. wifo of Wm. II -Tearfion; and daughter of Mr. George Winslow. relatives and friends are Invited to attend,the funeral, .from the residence of her husband, N0.*421 N.'Slxth at., thln.( Wednesday), morning, atlO o’clook.# On the evening Of,the 12th instant, of consumption, Mrfi.’BARAHO., wiro .of Alexander imieir Murdock, and eldest daughter of Mr. P| Hj,vrkfns, in'the 25th year of hef age. ; :The relatlvfifi and friends of the family , are respect fully. invited-to attend the funeral,' from the resi dence'of her Oak stroot, west of William. West Philadelphia.' this' (Wednesday) afternoon, at o’clock - * - * - l ' . ' * Suddenly, on the jgth ins., Mr. SAMUEL WALKER, In the 52d year of his age. . . The.relatlvea ami, friends, a’so the members of the Silem M. E. OhnrcV, are respectfully invited to attend the fnberal. on Thursday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, frem ‘his IfttoreeldencS, 703 Hepburn street, below Shippen, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth. .. , # > On Saturday,-11th Instant, JACOB KtJLP CHARD] son c-nv Uliam Chard, in the22d year of his ago. His friends and the friends'of the family are invited to attend Ihe funeral, from tho 'residence of hia parents, in Bath,street, ahovo William, Biohmond, ou ThuiflJay morning, at 10 o’olook. • n p . ~Cu Monday morning. D*cember 13, in the 21st year ~bthls age, WILLIAM LEONARD WEST, third eon or George G, and MArtbft West. His relatives- L and friendsare invited to attend the fquenUi on Tftowday afternoon, at 2)4 o’clock, from tho residence of his.tather, N. E. corner of Third and .Christian streets, r ; * Seyjnort#—Uy reqdestof the Young Men's [L? Christian Association, the Rev, Dr. STILES.'of New fiafenr Conn:, will preach a sermon] by ; D»vine petmiftsion, on .TO-3I ’RBOW EVENING, 16th inat-V :athalf-past wren o'cicok, Jn Jayne’sHa]], All are in vited to attend.. , . , d!5-2t* KlfcUoa.—Penn Mutual Life insurance ILJTCOMPANY. - -An election for Nine Trustees, to,serve for throe years, will be held at the Office 6f the Oompanr, north east corner of-Thftd and Dock streets, on MONDAY, ths tjlrd.of January next between the bourn of 10 and 12 o’clock A-'-M. ,i JOHN W- HORNOIt. Sec’y. December 13,1858 dlfi waa fja3if » rywfi' Ala BlcrUpg of-the I.ndles of Philadel -LkiT/'phift,’'alUDdfag tho Ifctnres on Anatomy aud -l»hy*jology : by Mr*..BAIUH U. YOUNG, M. D..h«ld at the clone of the course', Saturday evening, December lltb,-thd following preamble and regulations were iinanifnoasly adpptedj anp-ordered to be.nobliHhed, via: We have enJdyert'thß privilege of attend ing ItlifcitAirfle oneatures'Un ! A'ffatomy and Physiology jiiv: Closed; MrfitB*»»h H-i Ydung.'M . D ♦ therefore - ?->. lfl’ testimony of our' appreciation of her effortslO infitructwoman in aknrwtedgeof herself, hWto become useful and capablo ef filling iier true po- BUion in by offer cur grateful «e/d of praieer tthd pracHcal lofitruc -'tiori> CottcbSdf'-iB and nuts, wlth’jpur earneltdesiro for aud Success in hernoble tnUelod, > , ■ Retained, That we respectfully urge the proprlotr of fepejiUnf the course to Ladies and Geatlemen, It# from Me- U? TO OHB"O'CLOCK THIS MOMIING. iOarriaae#. tEJcatljg, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBE ,y«bm (Ini mr-Sl/.o to tmbnl- ILg llak your Parlors, and got Ambrotypes for jour frtoirtSi At RBIMER’S Gallery, SECOND street, above Greon. fY— =» Ilofttors of AMegfifiiy L'oimtr nud VlUs- I g vbttTff- Bonds are requested to attend a meeting TlT?8 DAY, Dfcetuher 15, atl2o*clook, at room No. 24, third story of the EXCHANGE, to receive tbe re port of their Committee, aud to decide on immediate proopodlona olVocllngthelr Interests. J. R. FRY, . ‘, Chairman ot Committee. rv-==. _ John G. Jstixi*, Kan., of S’crmont, will |f j deliver tbe Fifth lecture before the Literary Con gress, In Musical Fund Hallj on THURSDAY EVEN ING, December 10th, at 8 o’clock. Subject—“ Love.” a humorous Poem. Tickets 25 cents. ’ For sale at the bo.kstores and at the Hall. dl4-3t# fyr=a*. Lectures, AcC.—The subscriber rrspoct |_Ls fully informs the managers and committees of Lyceums, Institutes, and Young Men's Associations, that notwithstanding bis occupation as Editor of * The Constellation,” it is by no meanehls intention to relin quish his profession (for many years followed) as a Public Lecturer; but that ho will, as heretofore, ac cept Invitations to doliver his Lectures, in Pxoso or Verse, on reasonable terms. Please addrent PARK BENJAMIN, d!4-3t 21 West .SEVENTEENTH at, N. York City. Anti-Slavery Convention.—A- Convention Uo? of the members and friends ofthe Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Bociety will be hold in the Banqueting Room of 8 ANSJM-jTBEET HALL, simultineocs y with the Anti-slavery Fair, on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS, the 15th, 16th, anl 17th inst., commencing at 3 and adjourning at 6 o’clock. The speakerswlU be Rev. l)r. Furness. Dr. J. B Smith, Wil liam Weils Brown, Lucretia 3lott, Robort Oollyer, Robert Purvis, Henry Grew, J. M. SlcKim. dT4-2t Office of the Hast Maimuoy llallrond lks COMPANY, N 0.407 LIBRARY Street—Phila delphia, December otb. 1868. Beale 1 ! nropossifl will be recolved at this office until one o’clock P. M , on WEDNESDAY, the Cth day of January, 3859, for excavating a Tunnel through the Broad Mountain, and tbe approaches to the same. A Map and Profile will be exhibited, and oil necessary Information given on application nt the Company’s office. , The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any and all proposals which may not be considered Batlßrac torv in all respects. JOHN ANDERSON, Engmeor. rvT?=» The Philadelphia, Wiluiiiitfton, and Bal (Jjj TIMORE RAILROAD COMPANY, Decem ber 10th, 1868 —The annual moating of the Stockhold ers of this Company will take place in WILMENG TONi at tho ofllce of tbe Company, on MONDAY, the 10th of January next, at 18# P M , for the eleolion of Directors to serve for tbe eoßUlug year, and for tbe transaction of such other bminoes as may legally como before tho meeting. dlO-fArmtjalQ ALFRED nORNER, Secretary. rv-s?a» University of Pennsylvania—Uepwrt- IXJ SIKNT OF ARTS. The examination of the College Classes, at the close ofthe First Term, will bo held in tbo followlugorder: Tdksdsv, Deceinb°r 14th.—From 9to 11 Beniors, by tbe Provost, (Political Economy.) and Sophomores, by •Prof. Fcsr.er, (SrunatolopyJ written. From 11 to I, Juniors, by Prof. Allen, (Theocritus.) WedjeK3pay, 16.—From 9 to 11, Seniors, by Prof. Kendall, (Analytical Geometry,) nnd Juniors, by tho Provofit, (Mental Philosophy,) written. From Uto 1, Sophomores, by Prof. Allen, (Thucydides ) Tjiussday, lfltb —From 0 to 11, Juniors, by Prof. Kendall, (Conic Sections,) and Freshmen, by Prof. Jackson, (Livv,) written. From 11 to 1, Seniors, by Prof Frazer, (Astronomy ) FrtiDAY, 17th —From 9 to il. Seniors, by Prof. Cop pee. (Bhaw’b EngUaU Literature,) and Freshmen, by Prof. Kendall, (Algebra,) written. From 11 to-l, Juniors, by Prof Fr*zer, (Statics ) Saturday, 38h.—From 9 to H. Seniors, by Prof. Jackßon, (the Aulalariaof Plautus ) ATowday. 20th—From 9 toll, Juniors, by Prof. Jackson, (Jnvenal,) and Sophomoros, by Prof. Cop,.ee, (Logic ) written. From 11 to 1, Seniors, by Prof. Al len, (Lucian ) Tukhiuy, 21at.—From 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Allen, (Xenophon's Grecian History ) From 11 to half pnetl, Sophomores, by Prof. Jackson, (Tacitna’sLife Of Agricnla.) Wronbsday, 22d.—From 9 to half-past 11, Bopho mtrcs. by Prof. Kendall, (Geometry.) ThorBitay, 23d.'—From 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Goppeo. ( Weber’e Universal History.) On THURSDAY EVENING, the23d, at 8 o’clock, an Exhibition of Declamation of original compositions will be held in the College nail. dl4-t23 GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary. rvs» liOillcs Fair.—A Fair for the complc- tlon of tho Free Chapel and Mission School House of Mount Airy, will be held in tbo German town Town Hal), on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, December 15th, 10th, 17th, and 18th lust. Useful and fancy articles or any kind are earnestly solicited, and will oe thankfully re ceired. ' They may be left at 1224 Chestnut Streot, and ‘in Germantown on Main street, second door below Tul pehocken street. • dll fit* rvr-itloyameusfng Soup Society —At the ILjf Annua! Meeting of the Contributors to tbo shore society, held at tho new bouse,' corner of Eighth and Marriott streets, on tho Evening of Decem ber 2nd, the following persons were eleoled as officers for tbo ensuing year: CUAS. KITOADS, President, 436 Walnut street. Rev. BASIL. DURBORROWy Vico President, 917 Lom bard street. , ROBT. GRAFFfcN. Treasurer, 537 Pine street. JAB. M. GIBSON, Focrotary, 922 Psssvuuk road, WM J. MULLEN, Fifth and Chestnut alreetsl SAML. MOORK, Seventh and Paul streots. OHAB. H. DINGEE, 145 South Front street. T. KgSrONDK HAUPErI South Ninth street. COLLINS WEST, 302 Kouth Second street J. B. bPRI.4GER, Fifth and Walnut streets. JNO.M.FISHEB. Donations in Caih, Rice. Flour, or Vegetables, will be thankfully received by any of tho above. 18AAO SMITH Is appointed to call on our friends in the city. dll-41 ryT=» Twenty-Third Pennsylvania Anil. IJJ? ANTI-6LAVBRV FAIR —This Fair will open ou TUESDAY EVENING, the 14tb inst., in BANBOM STRBST HALL, and will continue during the three following days.' A great variety of useful ami beautiful articles will bb offered for sale. Among them are ar ticles of Ladies’Dress, of silk and woollen fabrics; Children’s Clothing in etill greater variety; hand somely Embroidered Table Covers; Travelling Bags, Porte Alouuaies. Tazaas, Swiss Cottages, various Toys, and a few specimens of the beautiful and well-known Hingbam Wooden Ware. The. boptutabie/vWill present lU.-usual .supply, of: Books, a good wnortment of Stationery, Travelling Writing Cages, very 'beautiful, furnished with Do La Rue’s paper; Collections of Foros and Grasses, vain able tv botanists. Also, four Bea Pebbles, (paper weights,) painted by an American artist, ana pro nounced by connoisseurs,to be productions of nigh merit. Upon the tahloß of this Fair will bo found msuy ar ticies of household use and of apparel, and many suita ble for Christmas and New Year Gifts, which our citi zsnfl must purchase somewhere, and by procuring them Here they can substantially aid a philanthropic cause Without any extra outlay of money. The public is assured that the Managers of the Fair desire that purchasers shall receive au equivalent for their money, and therefore grjjat care Is taken In ad jostiug the prises of articles i>ot to exceed their market value. ' . Admittance, 28 cents. Season tickets, 25 cents, dell-ntu&wst Lebanon, tile Jordan, and the Head U 3 SEA —Copt. LYNCH, of tho United S’ales navy, will lecturoon the above subject, at Contra! M. E Church,.Vino street, bolow Thirteenth, on FRIDAY EVENING, 17th inst., at 8 o’clock. Proceeds for the benefit of tho Young Men’s Christian Association in connection with the Church Tickets 25 centu, to be had atThornleyJc Chinn's, N. K. corner of Eighth and Spring Gardon streets; W. As J Neill’s, No. IT south Ninth street, and at Ihe door on the evening of the lecture. dl3-5t r Y~Zr* Uommouwealth lusuimnce Company, of l 3 THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA —Cflico N. V. corner of FOURTH and WALNUT Streets.—Phila delphia, DecemberB, 1868. Notice in hereby given, to the Stockholders of this Company, that the-annual meeting, and an election for ten Direotots, to aerve the ensuing year, will take place at the oillce of the Company, on the first MONDAY (3d) of January next at 12o* clock M. d9-g&3 SAMUEL'S. MOON, Secretary. , y==» Jayne’s Hall Prayer Meeting-—All will bo «I»d to learn that until further notice tho BUSINESS MEN'S UNION PRAYER MEETING will he held again in Jayne’s Hall, dally, from 12 to 1 o’clock. This is the most central and couveuient lo cation, aod THOUSANDS can be accommodated. Ail Are cordially invtod to attend, and the meeting isopen for nil to tako part who are members of any EvAngolJcnl Churoh. n24-tf Office Philadelphia Gas Works, Nov. 25th,1868. Proposals will be received at this office until noon of tho 30th Deoember next, for the sale of Stock of the Germantown Gas Company, and. also, of the Richmond Gas Company, to the Trustees or the Philadelphia Gan Works, as an ioventireot to the Sinking Fund of said works. 826-td3o. W. PURNELL, Cttfibier. PT-=a» Commercial Mutual lusnrance Cam. jjj P ANY, rear of No. 218 WALNUT Street. . v A meeting of the Stockholders_of this Company VfIIP be held on MONDAY, December 20,1858. att«*n o’olccx A M., when an election for EIGHT DIRECTORS, to sorvo for the ensuing three years, will take place d 8 lgt JOHN MoCOLLOM, BecreUry TJie Clinic of the Female filcdfcal Col- LEGE, No. 627 ARCH Street, la open regular* y on WEDNESDAY and SATORDAY, from It tol o'clock. Ladiea will always bo found in attendance to examine and prescribe for p&tients. • dl«lm Home for Invalids with Affections •! THE OnEBT, S. W. oorner PARKE and CHESTNUT Streets. n224m . . West Philadelphia y«»' Commonwealth q! Peniiayivuiiiu. , ' ■ ' TnkABURT Dbpautmbnt, ) i HABBianosa, Dec. 2d, 1853 } At a meeting of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, bold this day, it was Hesolved, 1 That tho State Treasurer be authorized to issue proposals to buy, from tbe lowest biddor. One Hundred Thousand Dollars of State Fire Per Cent. Loans Notice Is therefore hereby given that sealed propo sals for tbe sale of tho whole or any part of SIOO,OCQ of Btate F.ve'Per Cent. Loans will receivod at the Treasury Department, at Harrisburg, till 2 o’o'ock l\ M of the 10th December, A D , 1858, the snmotoi-ct . for'H tbe amount offered and the price asked, aud to be endorsed, ** Proposals to,soli State Loans ” Tbe bids will do opened and allotments made to tho lowest bidders ou that day. Y*sr* Sufcgunrd Insurance Colnpnny of New YOUK and Pennsylvania.—Pun.ansi.niu, De cember 2d,1868. Notice is hereby given, that the annual election for Directors of this Company, for the ensuing j ear. will b'« held at their office, In Philadelphia, on MONDAY, tho 13th of December, Instant By order, / . HENRY R. FOOTE, - d3-dlot Secretary. JpiEATJIERS, BUTTER, &o. 5,000 Lbs. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS. 3>o Firkins “ SIOUNTAIN GLADE” BUTTER, Southern Pared and Unpared PEACHES, For sale, in Lots to snlt purchasers, by B. M. JOEE3 & CO., No. 312 MARKET Stroet. rriAXES ON MISSOURI LANDS—A JL member of the underfiignod linn will start, in a few days, for Missouri, for the purpose of paying taxes on lands of non-resfdehts. Persons owning lauds in that State, aud desirous oi having their taxes paid, without the risk of transmission by mail to County Treasurers, are invited to call at our office. Payment of Taxea in lOWA also attended to. City references given. W.E BARBER A CO., No 23 South THIRD Street, <ll5 | '■ . Philadelphia. BKXCK-MAKItfG MACHINE, WHICH makf s the Bricks and temper the clay, makes from one to threo thousfiud per boar. Upwards of thirty in übo» Patented February 3d, 1853. Machines and rights for sale. Counties, or one-fonrth of the Patent, will be bo d. Known to be the only praotical one in uho. Ad dress O. CARNELL, Germantown road, above Fifth street, Philadelphia. dlfMmrlO CHART'S CARPEr-SWEEPER. Rloaso ) Cali at 43D CHESTNUT Street, 7d story, and nee tho very latest editiou of Carpet-Sweepors This lit i« machine sweeps clean with a brush, and is adapted to Floors' Oi)-clo*h, and Straw Matting. The prico is only Three Dollars, which anyone can afford; and it will save t»e coat in a few mouths. Cut thin out and you will ho soro to remember the number—43Q CHEST NUT Street, 2d story. dls-6t# N'"OTIcC=EXOHANGE HOTEL, No. '77 DOOR, street,- Philadelphia, (lalo Ool{ R. B. Jowse.)—ffll be drea ad and ready to bo sirred, up THIS EVENING, 16th Instant, a finV largo BEAR. Persons wishing to indulge m tbat kind of fond, or se cure to theraaeives some of the fat or steaks,' otn lmvo aaopporuinltytodofio. ._ ; ' ... { - ?jr OTTBNKinK, of Madison n«nie,' 37 and 80 North SECOND atreot, Thomas Dvbs, Caterer. X’reprietor. N. B.~The skin for sale. Ueld It# JVT. TAVERUER, whoso original Philo • floptical system of Inntruction in ELOOOTION and GESTURE has received the most distinguished marks of approbation, offers hia services to tbe citizens ot Philadelphia and New York, and to Collegiate Insti tutions iu all parts of the United Ptutes. Ills instruc tion has beon received with enthusisatio expressions of gratification jninoetof the Colleges and Ladies’ Semi-, uariea North and South. HU private course of instruc tion (S lessous) on Proportion, Modulation, Force, Contrast, The Language of Qewrßj F? a * aionB, &c., has been highly commende4by »ev Dr. Chapin, New York: Rev. Dr. E N. Kirk, Boston; Rov. Dr. Wm. Bacon Stevens, Philadelphia: Rev. Dr. Bel lows, and Rev. Dr. Osgood, New York, and other d s-, .tinSulßhed Orators. , , . To Laths and Gentlemen in the private circle, who desltoto learn to read the works of Shakspearo and tne Poets, his peculiar Instruction in this department Is of B Tdd?OBS W^North'NINETEENTH Street, Philadel-- with the Testimonlale referred to, can bq obtained at Messrs. CAREY A HART’*, comer of .Fourth and Chestnut streets. dls-wt<xm-im , a ORPHANS’COURT SALE.—Eslato of JAME 9 MORROW, deceased. > THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers. Three-stery BRICK DWELLING, Owen street, north of South street, betwoen Thirteenth and Broad streets; Pursuant to an order of the Orphans’ Court, for the city and county of Philadelphia, will be sold at public sale on TUESDAY, January 4th, 1869, nt 7 o’clock in the evening, at tho PHILADELPHIA FXOHANGBj tbo following described property, lato of James Morrov } deceased, viz: .... All that lot of ground, with the 3 three-story brick meflsuages thereon, situate on the north side of Oloveer Street, 126 feet east of Broad street, north or South street, containing inlront, on Owen street, 17 feet, and extending in depth, northward of tho same breadth, 94 feet. Bounded on tho oast by ground grantedon ground rent to John McCoy, and on the west partly by ground now or late of Samuel Orr, and partly by tbo head of a three-feat wide alley, with common nso and privilege of said alley. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $42 GO, By the Court, NIMROD WOOLKRY, Olerk O. 0. , ANN MORROW, > Administrators JOHN MORROW, J AdmmiatrtttorS * M. TIIOMA3 A SONB, Auctioneers, 139 and 341 formerly 07 aud fi9—South Fourth street, Philadelphia, Dec, 11,1858. dl6-26Aj*4 1859. fob 1859. HIGHEST PREMIUM AWARDED. best quality blank books. Fuamimn iNsmuTK Exiiiuitiok, Novembor, 1858. Ot-Jors token for Merchants, Bankers, Immrauoa, and Manufacturing Cotupauies, at VERY LOW PRICKS. WM. F. MURPHY A SONS, Counting House Stationers, 320 onESTNUT Street, dIG-wfmfit Over Adams’ Express office. &mo nan wanted at ten per CENT —A number of Farmers in Ogto county jrilinois, desiro to borrow, in the sggregtto, $lOO,OOO, in sums of from $l,OOO to $5,000, for trom two to five years, at 10 percent, pec annum, payable in New York or Philadelphia funds. They offer for security Deod?of Trust upou their Improved farms. The property to be worth in the market, In overy caao, throe tunes the amount of tho loan. The applicants will pay the expenses of an agent from this city who maybe sent out for the purpose of ascertaining the Talno of tbe land. , Abstracts of title, andCortificatos of County Recorder against incumbrances famished, nnAall expenses of ne gotiation paid by the applicants, BfiFor further in’oriuatlou apply at tho office of ®* W. E. BARBER A CO., . No. 23 Bouth THIRD Streot, d!s.3t* Philadelphia. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED States percent. Treasury Notes for sale, in sums to suit purchasers O. D. INVILLIERB; gdJG-31* No. 35 Merchants’ Exchange, up stain. 'YyKI,LS, FARGO, St 00., Purchase tho Interest * STATE OF CALIFORNIA Bazaar— ninth and georgb STREETS. 100 LIGHT SLEIGHB AT AUCTION, On Saturday Morning, 18th instant, at 10 o’clock, at the Bisaar, will be sold without reserve— 109 Troy and Portland sleighs, finished in elegant ntyle, from the beat makers. NopoHtpouomentoD account of ibo weather. ALFRED M. HKKKNKBS, dl4-3t-if Auctioneer. Jg SCOTT, JR. f AUCTIONEER, SALT? OF TEN..QAB33 .NEEDLE-WORK «QPDB* On WEDNESDAY MORNING NEXT, 15th instant, commencing at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on credit, will be sold, the most desirable lot of EMBROIDKRIP.3 offered tills season. The early aud particular attention of the trado is invited to this sale, whioh will be found to comprise the following rich new-style goods, suited to present aud approaching Hftlea FINE NKW-STYLB BOOK AND JACONET COLLARS. VKRY HIGH COST « FINE BOOK AND JACONET SETS. EXTRA HIGH COST « SUPERB REAL HONITON LACE COLLARS. Superb real honiton lace sets. iADIKS’ PLAIN CLEAR LAWN IIDKFS. K3IBKOIDERED “ LADIES ROUND-CORNER FRENCH LACK VEILS. The whole will he arranged for examlnatiou early on the morning of Hale. dll 4tlf INTENSIVE PUBLIC SALE OP OMNI -RiJ BUfcRS. Will be sold atPublicSalo, on MONDAY MORNING, Daaember 20,1858, by iAMKSA. FREEMAN. Auc- tioneer, at the Depot of the Second and Third-street Passenger Railroad, in RICHMOND Btroet, above tbe Reading Railroad, Philadelphia, shunt Being the Stock of Messrs. Glenat, Lee, Roney, Fet ters, Vnuficiver, aud Doscharaps. Alco, With a number of extra Wheels, and a large quantity of Harness, of tho above Lines. Tha attention of Purchasers Is invited to tbe above sale, an it comprises the Slock of several of the largest lilies In the City of Philadelphia. BY ORDER OF JAMES VERBEE, Fresidont. dB-10t fflissolntions anti (ttonarliimliips. DTSSOLUTi ON.—Tho partnership hereto fore existing uuder the firm of SPRINGS. OAK, and AUMONT. is thia day dissolved by mutual con sent. The business of the firm will be settled by either of tbe paftnere. Philadelphia, December 8111,1858 IV. L SPRINGS, DAVID K OAK, JAMES P. E. AUAIONT, COPARTNERBIIIP.-JAMES P. E. AUMONT and DAVID E. OAK have thm day associated themselves, and will 'continue the bu«ino'fi at the old stand, 331 MARKET Street, under the firm of Auraout A Oak. ' Philadelphia, December Btli, ISSB JAMES P. B. AUMONT, dO-6t* DAVID E. OAK. NOTIOE. —William .T. McOammon Rob ert B. Fulemvlder, and Benjamin Qithena, ha VO thla day been admitted to an interest in our Business. Philadelphia. Pecemberll. 1868. ' ' d 3-6t* ABMONI' i OAK. rpilE FIRM OF QUI.NTIN OAMFRELL, A - Jit., & CO , having hean dissolved by the death of (IUINTIN OAJII'BKH,, Jn , tha business of the late llrm will be settled byU. A. SUAOKBhBOH D, or h'S attorney, W. H INBICKKP, Philadelphia, or by SIIAOKEbiJOItD, HAGAN, 4; EI'TI.A, No. 17 MUR. RAY fit out, New York ’ * ‘ ’ 11. AI.LSTON SHACKELFORD. „ ' Surviving Partner. PuiMDßi.rilU, Nov. 30, 3858. H. 8. MAGRA.W, State Trpjumr«r. The Subsoribors have thin d«y ansoclatod themselves, for the traneaction of the JobblDg of FaNOY GOODS. svtNo. 17 MURRAY Rtrent, New York, under the firm of SHACKELFORD, UAOEN, * BTTLA. 11. ALLBTON MIAOKELFORD, MATT T'HAGKN, DAVID R, MTPLA. Pnti.Anßi.vmA, Dec. Ist. 1858. . dl-lm jOSEPH gILLOTT’H™ ' the BLACK SWAN OUILL, A lYpfih supply of ihls jiist receired, ou cards and fa boxds of ono doxea. For sate to tho trade only, at the Manafaclaror’u Ware- Full supplies of all popular numbers now on hand. d!3m&w4w JPUKST UIIEMIUAI AWARDED FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, NOVEMBER, I*sB, TO TUB WEST rJIIEADELPIIIA STARCH-MANI)FAOTURING COMPANY FOR TItKIR UNRI VAt.LKD PEARL STARCH THOMPSON, CLARKE, * YOUNG, , 130 and 13U Sontu PBONT Strret, n27-H. ■’ Agents for the Company. BUTTER, —CJ tnlis Goslion Sntlt-r just re ceivej, aud for Male by O O. BADLKR, t tlO„ 49 AfiOU St., second door below Front, (ESiUiitioitiU. tlenl (Estate, fitationera iUonei). 400 CHESTNUT STREET, COUPONS Sales by 2U uttoa. 431 OUKSTNUT STRKKT, (Above Fourth Street.) Just Landed. so oansriisusKs, 4,0 SLEIGHS, E W PEE, No. BOLD AND RAPID WHITING IT HAS HO EQUAL, SPLENDID PEN house, IIENKY OWEN, Agent, 91, JOHN Street, NeV York, AND CORN FARINA . Jfctt) rjIHE BEST JUVENILES OF THE SEASON pooh and proud-, or, tiik roRTUNKa, of katy rEdburn. By-Omvkh Optio, author of tho “ Boat Club,” “All Abeard,’’ etc., etc. Olio volume. ZHusttated by Billings. Price, iu muslin, 02){ cents. We would confidently recommend thia bosk to the notice of all young peoplo. It is written lu a stylo which, is Intensely interesting, aud no one can com tneoce the book and lay it down unfinished. To parents we,would say, that the author’s long intercourse with children, aa a teacher, has 'given him an insight into tl child character,” which few writers of juvenile books ever acquire. 3he tendenoy of the book la to inonlcale Truth, Integrity, aud Perseverance j and no child can read the book without being amused, instructed, and benefited. Also, a new and beautiful-edition ot the author’s for mer books : *i The Boat Club,” ‘ f Ail Ab:atd,” ** Now or Never,” and “ Try Again.” Bach volume illnstra trated by Billings, Price G2X oents. WALTER BEYTON, a Btory of Virginia Lifo. Illus trated by Hoppia. 1 vol. Price 60 cents. KAItL KIB3LBR. A beautiful book for Boys and Girls. ' Illustrated by Iloppia. Price 60 cents. NEW PIDIIIONS OF THE KOLLO BOOKS. By Rev. jACtD AußqTr. Fourteen volumos. Illustrated. Iu neat box. Price $7. Tnii ROLLO STORY BOOKS By tho name Author. Twelve volumes—in box. Designed for younger chil dren. Price J 3. TnE 6UNNF-3IDB SERIES Comprising Father Brifihth''pes, Burcliffo, Last Leaf from Sunuy-Bido, Ironthoype, Tell-Tale, Hearts and Faces, City Sldo. The reputation of these Rooks is too well known to need any commendation, and ail who do not own them /will find no better books. VACATION STORY BOOKS. Comprising Minnie, Cheerful Heart Little Blossom’s Reward, Vio- Mot, Littlo Mary, Holiday at Chestnut HIM, Country Lifo, Augel Children, Daisy, Worth not Wealth, Charm and Great Rosy Diamoud. These books are written by the best writers of chil dren's books in the conntry. Gie&t care has been taken in the gettiog up of tho books Bach volume is beau tifully illustrated, and they are sold separately or to gether. Price, per volume, 60 coots Any’of the abovo books sent by mail, postpaid, upon lecaiptof price. THILLIPS, SAMPSON A CO., PUBLISHERS, d!6 18 24-3 t Boston, Miss. ASUPEItB stock op books. HAZARD BROTnRIW, 724 CHESTNUT Street, Have much pleasure this season in Inviting the ntten tlon of purchasers to tboir SPLENDID COLLECTION OF BOOKS, Nevor before, notwithstanding.the fine collections we have sold, have we had so large an assortment nor so great a variety of RICHLY BOUND AND ILLUSTRATED WORKS. Believing that the demand this season would warrant it, we h»ve for months past been gathering together, from all the . GREAT iiOOICMAUTS OF EUROPE AND AMERICA* all the choicest volumes acd rarest fine copies of curious .And beautiiul books that we thought desirable, and we believe we now offer for inspection and purchase the most splendid collection of beautiful books SYKR before for sale IN TBIB OITY,‘ and fully maintaining the reputation which wo have ever endeavored to obtain for our store viz , that of A FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, iu every particular Now, while our stock is full aud complete, wo believe we can supply the public with tho best and most DESIiUJJLK EDITIONS OF EVERY WELL-KNOWN - . AUTHOR, substantially and elegantly bound in balf.calf, or full calf, half or full morocco, tree-marbled calf, Ac. We invito inspection of our extensive and varied Btock, which iu now displayed in the retail department of our Btore upon long ranges of counters, and also bo licitpurch&ses, if ' THE PRICES ARE SATISFACTORY. which we guarantee shall he aa low as is consistent with the styleof the workmanship, and as the same can be had tor anywhere elso to this country. ©UK STOCK OF OXFORD, LONDON, AND AMERI- CAN MULES AND PRAYER BOOKB. Is certainty the richest ever before offered in this city, embracing many new patterns In morocco, and velvet, and pearl, and carved oak, with or without richly chssed and ornamented and heavily gilt riioe, clasps, and cor ner 3, from the smallest 48oio to the largest quarto. HAZARD BROTHERS, dls-0t 724 QIIKBTNUT Street, below Eighth. LADS AND LASSES I A *• NEW GAME TUAT WILL ALWAYS BB NEW! THIS DAY PDBUSUKD. PETER CODDLE’S TRIP TO NEW YORK! THREE GAMES IN ONE! COMPJUStKO A GAME OF TRANSFORMATION 11. LITERARY PATCHWORK. 111. . ...j ' A LITERARY PUZZLE, B Y^WALTER AIMWULL, Author of “ The AimweU Stories.” For tip iff'Tasteful Boxes, Those Gxtries hare been so Ingeniously arranged as to secure infinite variety and emlless amusement. Peter Coddle is made to toll bis story In fm thousand differ ent ways. A very merry Christinas and a happy New Year are In store for the Hoys acd Girls who shall get Peter to entertain them. GOULD & LINCOLN, dl3*3tmwf No 50 Washikotox St.jßobtok, 10 E S T lO K S ” —« DOESTICKS* ” 1/ NEW HUMOROUS HOOK. WITCHES OF NEW YORK, iS ENOOONTKRSD 117 Q. K. P. DOESTICKS, P. 8., 12m0., bound in Muslin. Price $1; A 1.80, FOURTH BOITtON 07 MRS. 0 11. GLOVER’S NOVEL, VERNON GROVEf Ob, II KAJt T 8 A 8 THEY ARK. 12mo , boaulifolly bound In Muslin. Price $l. “The best novel yet produced by an American lady.” [Southern Literary Messenger. “ It can scarcely fail to commend itself ” [New York Trlbnuo, “ Not surpassed by any modern novel ” [Now York Home Journal, Nbarlt Readt: MIL ALDRICU’d NEW VOLUME, -BABIE BELL , And oilier Poems. BY T. B. ALDRICH. 12mo , bound in Muslin. Price T 5 cents. “The moat delicate And exquisite book of verses which has ever been published In this country. The mechanical execution, type, papor, and printing are unsurpassed.” Bold by all Booksellers and sont by wail, post- Aon vhbk, to nuy part of the United Stalta upcu ro ce.pt of the price, l>y JtUDD A: CARLKTON, Publishers and Booksellers, no!8-tu th Bat tf No 310 BROADWAY, N. Y. “ Suddenly there came a tapping, “ As of some ono gently rapping, rapping at my cham her door, «* “’lissome visitor,” I muttered, ‘‘tapping at my cham ber door,” “Saying”— “BUY TIIIB BOOK, I? NOTHING MORE.” JUST PUBLISHED, I’OK’S POETICAL WORKS, Beautifully illustrated with more than ONI! HUNDRED ORIGINAL DESIGNS. By DARLEY, BIRKET FOSTER, I‘IOKBRSUILL, TKNNIEL, OROPSEY, SKELTON, MADOT, ROGERS, AO‘,&o. Andengravod in tjie finest style of wood engraving by LINTON, COOPER, KVANB, fc QO. Splendidly Bound, Price Six Doli.abs. “ << in Morocco, Ni»k Dollars. “ POE atandn as much alone Among Poets as SALVA TOR ROSA among Painters. (Spectator London ) J. S. RKDFIKLD, Agent, 31 Beckman st. lE/' Sent by mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of prico. n2Q-24,&27 of no, Jc de1,4,8,11,16,18,22,23, & 24-if US. DIGEST. • NEW VOLUME. LITTLE, BROWN, & 00. PUBLISH THIS DAY, THE UNITED STATES DIGEST! Containing a Digest of Decisions of the Courts of Common Law. Yqoltv, and Admiralty iu the United States and Kugland. Vol XVII, being volume XI of the Annual Digest (for 1867 ) By GEORGE B. HALE, Esq. Royal Bvo. Five Dol lais. " dl3«3tmwflf CJEWING MACHINES. ♦3 SAVAGE'S PATENT. TUB MOST 81MFLR—MOST PBRVKOT. , No 722 CHESTNUT STREET The most desirable Sewing Machines for Families vet made. d 8 lmif* gtiEIGHB, SLEIGHS. A large lot of all eir.es, fur sale by S. vr. JACOBS, dn.fr UiAwlOt 626 ARCn Street. « ftJO HOME WITHOUT A STEREO -11 SCOPE.” E . PARRISH, 800 AROn STREET, Offers an assortment of fine English and French STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, OF HIS OWN IMPORTATION. rfUIE STEREOSCOPE, in ovciy varioty, X for sale by JAMES W. QUEEN, dl4 024 CHEarNUT Street. milE MARRIAGE CEREMONY IN THE X Stereoscope, for sate by JAMES W. QT7MJSN, 024 CUKSTNUT Street. CG. CRANE 58 PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, » (Formerly VAN LOAN’S,) 6112 AROU Stroet All the various Btyles and nixes of Pictures, Daguerreotypes, Ainbrotypei, Photographs, nod Ivorvtypea are taken, and at moderate prices. d7-3m* Meadows & co. } MANDVAOTOnURH 0» STERLING SILVER WARE, No. 810 CHESTNUT Street. , An extensive assortment of Holiday Gifts constantly on hand. ’ <l7-lm CHEESE.— 600 Boxes Uoikimer Comity OUKESK, of superior quality, for sale by O. o. BADLKR, fc CO., d ABQH St., second door below Front. 15. 1858. JjOLIDAY PRESENTS. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, A larga variety of Good* suitable for Holiday Present*, suoh aa~ SILKS and SILK ROBBS, EMBROIDERIES, LACK ARTICLES, SIfAWLS, . CLOAKS, r VTNTER DRESS GOODS GENERALLY All the above artiolea are offered at prices below the cost or importation, to close out,.as nearly as possible before the New Year, tbo balance of L, J. LEVY A 00. Are now having manufactured for them In Europe a variety of NEW GOODS FOR THE SPRING TRADE, Which they will receive early in the Season. 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Street. d!5-3t pIINE BEAVER CLOTHS. JOHANNY CHINCHILLAS. JOHANNY CZARINEB, LA.T3I23S’ RAGLANS Just received, and for sale by LIPPINCOTT A PARRY, 115 2t if 8. W. cor SKCOND and MARKET Stfl. [JOUDAYS. SHARPLRBB BROTBERB Will sell throughout this month— HANDSOME FANCY SILKS EMBROIDERIES and LACE SETS. NEW WINTER FABRICS. At a great roduc ion from the usual prices. <ll6 if CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. PHEAP SHAWLS. V-? LONG BLANKET SHAWLS, |3 50 to $5. RKYERbIBLM SnAWIS. BKOOHR SHAWLS. FRENCH WOOLLEN SnAWLS. TRAVELLING MAUDS. , ' SIIARPLRSS BROTHERS, dig if CHESTNUT aod EIQIITH J-J“ O L I D A Y S . WB HAVU REDUCED TJII3 PRICES HANDSOME DRY GOODS, TO THOSE IN WANT OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Tl-lOS. W. EVANS & CO., 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. aia.tr RADIES’ CLOAKINGS. BLACK TWILLED BEAVERS. BLACK PLAIN BEAVERS, Just from anotton a large lot of cloths, at SI 26, SI 60, $1 76, and $7 par yard. OURWKN aTODDATIT & BROTHER, JjiRENCII, .Prior Cents, Of now and choice Styles, OURWEN STODDART fc BROTHER, 450,452, and 454 North SECOND Street, (Urn (Sod)* Jobbers. GOODS—REMOVAL. JOSHUA L. BAILY, Haviug removed to his NEW T OltE, NO. 213 MARKET BTRBKT, PHILADELPHIA, HAB HOW OPBK An entirely new and attractive STOCK of WINTER DRY GOODS, FOR SALK BY TIIK PIECE OR PACKAGE, TO CASH AND PROMPT SHORT-CREDIT BUYERS AT A GREAT REDUCTION FROST RECENT PRICES. dlO-12t A PPROPRIATE AND ' ACCEPTABLE Holiday Presents— Silk aud Gingham UMBRELLAS, handsomely finished. JOSEPH FUB3BLL. <ll4-31* N. TV. oorner FOURTH and MARKET. AMERICAN GINGHAM UM- X* BRELLAB, nicely finished, all axes Wholesale and retail. JOSEPH FUBSBLL, d!4-3t* No. 2 North FOURTH Bt.,Phll*. Brown, black, blub, and green Scotch Ginqham Umbrellas, all sixes, beautifully finished. Wholesale and retail. . JOSEPH FUPBBLL, N. W. cor. FOURTH and MARKET, d!4-3t* Philadelphia, PRESENTS FOR THE APPROACHING MT HOLIDAYS—Fox’fI Patent Paragon UMBREL LAS, Bllk and Gingham. JOSEPH FUBSKLL. dl4-3t* No. 2 North FOURTH St., Pfaila. jgENSIBLK PRESENTS. A choice assortment ofSilk and Gingham Umbrellas, von LADIES AND GENTLRMRN, Finished in superior style, for sale at prices to please. SIMON HEITER, N. W. corner THIRD aud MARKET Streets. dB-wf«fcui-tjal*if# •^jMBKEIiLAS WILLIAM A. DROWN A 00., HOW KKADY THEIR USUAL LARGE ASSORT- MBNT OP HANDSOMELY FINISHED To which they invite the attention of BUYERS. far CT am*wsg-]HOLIDAY PRESENTS. CitflX- CagagßSS TUo ADAMS J? XI’RESS COM PANY will give particular attention and care to the forwarding of HOLIDAY PRESENTS intended for re sidents of other cities. The artioles should be well peeked, end addressed with the name of street and number of dwelling. When the delivery Is desired on a particular date, it should be noted on the package Philadelphia, December 9. JOHN BINGHAM, Supt., dIO-dtjal-If Penn Division. BOARDING.— “Soveral gentlemen can ob tain good Board at KILLINGBWORTH, *o 41 North TKNTII Street. d9-6t* rriHE SELF-INKING HAND-PRINTING X press Patented Nov. 2.1868. By ZUERN tc REV AN. JAB SMITU & CO , Agents, NO. 43 South THIRD St., 2d floor, Philadelphia. Decidedly the beat and moat complete Hand P/esß now in use for Printing Cards, Circulars, Labels, En velopes. &c,, and considered indispensable by Banks, Railroads, and Insurance Offlcue—also. Merchants and other business men The public aro invited to call and see specimens, at the Ageucy, No 43 South THIRD Street, 2d lloor, whore Presses can be purchased. Also, WB " U “jAS. SMITH * 00. Wctuil CDtu t^co&a. L. J. LEVY & CO. Are now offering, at WINTER STOCK. Blues, Blacks, aud Mixtures. HEAVY BLACK BEAVERS, ENTIRE STOCK AND OFFER GREAT INDUCEMENTS BLACK TRICOT REAVERS, BLACK HEAVY BROADCLOTH, BLACK LIGHT BROADCLOTH 450, 452, aud 454 North SECOND Street, above Willow. ENGLISH, and AMERICAN BLANKET SHAWLS, above Willow, Umbrcl'iis, UMBRELLAS AT THE MANUFACTORY OF CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. 240 MARKET STREET, SILK UMBRELLAS, (Express QEompaiues. Bomtonfl. fjolibnu ffiooDa. jpiANCT GOODS FOR TUE IiOLIUA-S-S. T. I-I. PETERS & CO., 710 CHESTNUT STREET, Have Just received a large variety of Articles suitable for Presents, which they are offering at very low prices, 'Being articles of their own importation, tpey can afford to sail them at reasonable prices. Part of their stock consists of— WRITING DESKS, ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY and PAPIER MACHE, OHEBB TABLES, BOARDS And MEN, ' LADIES and GENTS* DRESSING CASES, PARIAN, BISQUE and BRONZE FIGURES, LADIES’ HAIR PINS and HEAD DRESSES, TRAVELLING BAGS, PORTE MOLNAIES, CARD CASES, GLOVE and HDKF. BOXES, ODOR OASES and BOTTLES, VASE 3, TOILET BOTTLES, CARD PLATES and BASKETS. FANS, PEARL, IVORY and PARTY FANS, OPERA GLASSES, JEWEL BOXES, INK STANDS, CIGAR OASES, Together with a large variety of Gilt Fancy Goods and other articles, suitable for Christmas Presents. T. H. PETERS & CO., PERFUMERS AND IMPORTERS, 710 CHESTNUT STREET, Opfositb Masonic Hall. Fancy goods TOR CHItrSTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS, W. r>. GLENN, NO. 20 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Offers at lew prices a large variety of new goods of hU own-importation, conalstiogln part of— LADUiS* TRAVELLING BAGS AND CABAS, PAPIER MAUHfi WOII K-BOXE3, DESKS Ao., TOILET BOTTLES, Richly Gilt and Decorated. PORTEMONNAIK3 AND POCKET-BOOKS, In great variety. FANCY INKSTANDS, In Bronze, Porcelain, Gloss, Ac. CARD CASES, CIGAR CASES, CIGAR STANDS, In Rosewood and Ebony. DRESSING CASES AND PORTABLE DESKS. ’ MEMORANDUM AND BALL TABLETS. ODOR BOXES AND GLOVE BOXES. MEDALLIONS IN PLASVIC IVORY. SCOTCH WOOD FANCY ARTICLES, SNUFF BOXE3, Ac. CHESSMEN, BACKGAMMON BOARDS Together with many other articles, to all of whioh th attention of dealers and the public is Invited. dlO-tjal-if , tUatrljes, Jen>£lr|>, #f, OIIRISTMAS IPHESEISTTS SAMUEL W. PEPPER, (SUCCESSOR TO HENRY 3. PEPPER t SOK) TJATCHBS, JEWELRY, AXD SILVER WARE, 714 CHESTNUT ST., OPPOSITE TIIE MASONIC lIALL* „ Enjoying every facility appertaining to the Business, and having an oxcellent ipcation at a LIGIIT RENT, He is enabled to sell the same claai of Goods at an advance fully ONE-THIRD LESS Than any of his competitors. WATCHES CAREFULLY REPAIRED. d15t0261f * CHRISTMAS PRESENTS OF Jg* FINE JEWELRY, l Atlow prices. Jmt received Coral, Lava, Cameo, and Gold Jewelry in sots. Also. Bcarf Pins, Seal Rings, fhirt Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Bracelets, Chains, &c. English, French, and American Watches, at • G-RUSSELL, d4-lm 22 North Sixth street. , BAILET& 00., fOMiULY BAILS? A KITCHEN, Have removed to their now Fire-proof, White Marble Btore, BIQ CHESTNUT, STREET, NORTH BIDH, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE. Now opening their fall stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARDS, AND FANCY GOODS, To whloh they Inrite the attention of the pnbUe a BILYIB-WAIUB, WATCHES, D.tAMONDB, AND PEARLS, AT WWOLISALU AID XXTAIL. Kwiouals. NOTICE. —The office of The West Phila delphia passenger Jtni/ioay Company baa been rvamved to the Depot, N W comer of HAVERFORD Road and LOGAN otreet, Twenty-fourth ward d1402t BSIOYAL. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, lIA> REMOVED TO No. 1126 CHESTNUT STREET, TUIUO 8008 BKLOW TWKtrrH. South Side, Where he is prepared to execute all orders Id his line, hating on hand a fall eapplyof GOODS for Gentle men’s wear. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, n25-3m-if“ No. 1126 CHESTNUT Street. DR. E. MoCLELLAN, Removed to No. 1411 WALNUT Street, dlO Ira Northeast corner of Fifteenth street. illiueci) ill eat. MI NC E D MEAT.—Tho subscriber bus commenced manufacturing hia NB PLUS ULTRA MINCED MEAT, which ho offers to hia customers iu large or small quan tities Orders through Blood’s Dispatch will be punc tually atteuded to. JOSHUA WRIGHT, SPRING GARDEN aud-FRANKLIN Sta., dd-lni if Philadelphia. Jiuurancu (ZrumjiantcH Market fire insurance go. OF THE 01TV OF NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL. SURPLUS TOTAL ASSETS... ..5375,300 DIRECTORS. BENJAMIN H. HOWELL, President. Phlletus H. Holt, of 236 Front street. Joseph P Wickham, late Wtakbam’s & Hutchinson Silas Davie, of A. B. & 8, Davis. Ollvor H. Shepard, of Shepard, nowe & 00. Henry Rowland, of Rowland Jc Banka. Alfred L. Rowe, of T. G. & A. L. Rowe. Win. P. Miller, of Wm. P. Miller & 00. Btephou W- Gainefl, of S. W. & R. A. Gaines. Elisha L. Walton, of Walton, Little, Jc Co. Nelson Sherwood, of Nelson Sherwood A 00. JfenryG Reeve, of H. G. Reeve Sc Qo. Daniel T. WiUets, of Pallets & Co. Albert L. Da Camp, of Baker Sc De Camp. John M. Bruce, Jr., of Bruce, Odell, fc Farnum, Stephen Liuington, of 216 Front street. Enoch Ketcham, of E. Kotcham & Co. Wm A. Cummings, of Beards A Cummings. Henry Lylea, Jr., of Lyles, Polhamus, Jt Co. Brewster Valentine, of Vnlentme Jc Bergen. Geo. B. Whitfield, of Q. Sc J Whitfield* 00, Albort Ilavemyer, (late Uavemyer Jc Moller.) Tennis W Quick, of Quick Jc l’Hommedleu. David M. Turnnre, of Edey & Turnnro. Jose T. Navarro, of Mora Brothers, Navarro A Co. Edward Bill, of 110 Broad street. Nathaniel W. Chater, of Poter V. King fc Co. Wiu. 11. Goodwin, of E. Goodwin Jc Brothor. John Frisble, (Freeland, Squires, & Co.) ASHER TAYLOR, Vice President. Insures on Buildings and Personal Property of every description against Loss or Damage by Fire, on the most favorable terms. HENRY P. FREEMAN, Secretary. INSURANCE IN THE ABOVE COMPANY OAN BE EFFECTED THROUGH STEWART & JOHNSON. No. 108 South FOURTH Street, oel-rrm&w33t-if Philadelphia. ©cutlcmen’a Jiiriiisljiufl ©cobs, rjOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT. AA r. c, waliTokn & CO., (Now) Nos. 6 and 7 North SIXTH Street, Have now in Store a most complete and varied Stock ° t— CENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, SUITABLE FOK CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. They beg to inform the public in general, and the Ladies in particular, that their lino of GENTLEMEN’S DRESSING GOWNS la unequalled In this city. dll-lmif (Dancing. PRIVATE LESSONS IN DANCING, MUSIO aud TtNQLISH BU4NOUBB—A Lady, experienced in instruction, is desirous of obtaining pupils in the above accomplishments. Classes meeting at each other’s residence received on the most, favorablQ terms. All tha faahionahlo Ca.icM t.iugl.tinT.Blva Lessons. Address " Visiting Goyoimss,” Woods Di spatch. dl °- ;lnwf CEnrriagcs ISAAC P. SKANIN, t. LIGHT COACH * a All work warranted to gWo satisfaction. Oraers res* peotfully soUclted. nolo*3ia* —A young-man wantsfatSftua ▼ v lion in a Shipping or Commission HqtiseJ.dr as an assistant JBook-keeper Address “ T.-BJ.” Press office, T7t/"ANTED —In a firat-ctaas Cloih Iniport v v ing and Jobbing Hones in New York, a.RALES- M AN who has been in a similar house in Philadelphia, and who is acquainted with and cm influence the trade of that city and of.the States of Kentucky* Tehneisee, and North and South Carolina, Address, with' refer ences, Bex 3108, Now York Poet Office. - dl4-3t* \\f ANTED—A situation by a young man v T that has been out of employment for some time, and having a family depending on him. - Any person iu vaut of a young man would ereatly oblige by address ing “William.” 742' MASTER Street. Reference given. - dH-2t* ANTED.—A man of considerable expe ▼ v ' rience in business is prepared to invest $20,000 fn some well-established Business that will yield a rea sonable profit for the amount invested. Address “Y. X,” afrthia office, Communications confidential dIS-Sfc^ TO IMPORTERS—The advertiser, a young Man, who speaks and writes the French and Spa nish languages fluently, desires an engagement in an Importing House as Clerk or Correspondent. Can fur nish unexceptionable references. Address “ K,” office of 7Ae Press. ' dl3-6t» VIZANTED—A SITUATION AS BOOK * v keeper in a Wholesale or Commission House, by a middle aged man from Western Pennsylvania, by whom a liberal share of trade could be influenced. For references inqnire at this office. t * dllmwafjt*' \\T ANTE D—By an unmarried man, a situa v T tion as Coachman or Servant, in a private family. Address “ Philip,” office of this paper. dlO-ftt* VV/ANTED—By an educated lady, a situa v v tion as Housekeeper or Governess, in a rospeota ble private family, where she will secure the comforts of a home. Good references given. Address “ Mason,” this office. dlO-fit* ANTED- A young, energetic business VV' Man is desirous of investing $12,000 jn a busi ness already established, that will yield a fair return for tbe capital. Address “F. D.” de.fit* XJ%T ANTED—To Rent, for-the winter sea- V T son, with Immediate possession, a Furnished house of moderate size, with modern Improvements, west of Tenth street. Address A. M., office of this paper. oc4 VV/-ANTED, FOR THE UNITED ST AT I B ▼ v CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, ro whom will be gives good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from fia to $22 per,jnoath. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at No. 817 MARKET Street, above Eighth, north able. TO RENT—The third and fourth stories of the Building, No. 609 CHESTNUT Street, op posite the State House. The Rooms are 25 feet by 170 feet—clear of obstructions and well lighted. Wanted—A Fire-proof Safe- Apply at No. 30 BANK Street. it* OOR SALE—A good ROUTE on a Daily *. Paper. Addren “W.H. S Frtss office: dl6-3t* (WATXOKAL CIRCUS.—The Commiftee L' of Arrangements appointed by A meeting of the citizens of Philadelph’a, held at the Franklin House, on Tuesday Evening, December 7th, hare the honor of acknowledging the acceptance of the liberal proposi tion nf L-B. LENT,;, who has placed the entire resources of the Nations! Circus at their 'disposal, for the purpose of giving'a . BENEFIT IN AID 05? A FUND, The ultimate object of which Is to erect A MONUMENT „ Over the remain* of the late GENERAL RUFUS WELCH. The entertainment will take place on TnimSDAY EVENING, December 36th, 1868. The entire Company of EQUESTRIANS, Associates, Ac., Ac., of the - NATIONAL CIRCUS Have volunteered, at-d the majority of the ■ c PHILADELPHIA PRESS Have graciously aided the object The followicg volunteers have given the Committee the right to announce their names, with the full assu rance that they wiU positively appear f Mr. HIRAM If. FRANKLIN. Mr. J. E. FISHER. WM. B. DONALDSON, Ethiopian Clown and Voca list THOMAS WATSON, the English Jester. WM. PASTOR, Equestrian and Gymnast. J. W. LANDIS, Darkie Clown and Comedian, assist ed by _ H. CONRAD, Negro Ring Master, By permission of William Long, of Long’s Varieties. Mr. and Mrs. E. WOODS, ■ Miss EMMA LESLIE, Vocalist, her first appearance for seven years. LA JOLIE ADELAIDE. By the kind courtesy of A. Srott, Esq.-, of the Shahs past© Concert Saloon Also, the THREE CONRAD BfiOTHERS, Who hare kindly remained’ in the city for the purpose or participating in the ceremonies. ‘ * ‘ ; to the great length of the programme and the care required in its arrangement, Mr. F . W. Boastbn cannot ifbuo It until Wednesday afternoon. The Committee hare agreed upon the following of pricer. Box Seats and Parqnetto Social Circle Private Boxes, lirst-01a*n................ 15 00 Private Boxes, second-class 8 00 Seats can be secured without extra charge. dels-2t A CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC Will -be-given at FIRST BAPTIST OIIUROH, N. W. corner of BROAD and ARCS STREETS, on THURSDAY.EVENING, December lGth, 1858, By the Choir of the Church, assisted by members of the Sacred Music Societies of the City. Professor Bishop, vocal director: Professor M. H. Cross, organ* ist. Choice selectionsTrom the Oratories, viz : Man* deissohu 7 * “ El'jah,” Handel's “ Messiah,” and Haydn’s “Creation” will be given, with concerted arrangements from'the works of other eminent com posers 8010 Voices— Professor Bi*hop< Mrs. E. S: Reed, iUifis Sue May, Mias E. Weatherly, Miss Helen Ray mond, Dr E. F. Drayton, and others. TICKETS for sale at Beck and Lawton’s; S BT- Hopper’s, No. 225 Ghestnutstreet .* Win. H. Coulaton’s, No 147 North Eighth street; 0. Meter's, No 722 A»eh street, and at the door on the evening of the Concert. Doors open at Xto 7; to commence at half past 7. de!s-2t* National circus, walnut st., above EIGHTH—LEWIS B. LENT, Mauager. * THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON and EVENING, - Deo. 16,1858 EQUESTRIAN FEATS. GYMNASTIC FEATS, GAMES OF THE CURRICULUM, By all the Company. The performance concluding with the Pantomime of THE COOPERS Principal characters by the Foster and Denier troupe. SOALE OF PRIORS. Dress Circle and Parqnette 40 cent* Children under ten years of age..,..........2® <i Family Circle 20 “ Doers open at quarter to 7 o’clock. Performance* will commence at 7#. j \j“ Performances on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons. \7SraEATLEY & CLARKE’ 3 ARCH-ST. V V TIHSATM WiUi.m B. yredmlolu,AiHiij ud Rtaee Man&gqr. THIS { Wednesday) EVENING, December 16, 1858, OUR AMERICAN 09U81N. Asa Trenchard, our American' Cousin, Mr. J. S. Clark; Lord Dundreary, Mr. Wheatley. STILL WATERS RUN DBSP. John Mildmay, Mr. Gilbert; Mrs. SternhoU, Mrs. Drew. Admission, 26 ots. Secured Seats in Dress Circle, t>7* <sts; Orchestra Stalls, 60 cts; Beats in Private Boxes,to ets; Gallery, 13 cts; Gallery for Colored Persons, 26ot«i Private Box iu Gallery for Colored Pardons, 88 cts; Whole Private Box, $3. * Doors open at half past 6 o’clock; commence at “, precisely _ n/IRS. D. P. BOWERS’ 8 WALNUT-ST. in THKATRB, corner of NINTH Mid WALNUT Streets THIS (Wednesday) EVKNrNCK December 16,1868, The Czarina, Mina J. M. Davenport; Olga, Miss lUehlngs; Peter the Great, Mr Conway POPPING THK QUESTION. Mr. Primrose, Mr.Th&yar, Mies Winterblossom, Mrs. 11. A. Perry. „ ' Prices o t admission—Becond Tier and Family Circle, and Third Tier, 25 cents; Parquet* 37X cents; Dree* Circle, 50 cents; Private Boxes, according to theli locale, $3 and $5; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. * „ . Doors open at hair past 0 o’clock ; Curtain rises at 7 o’clock, nnHE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF Jl TIIK PINK ARTS, No. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, IS OPEN DAILY (Sundaja excepted) from 9 A. M. till 0 P. M. Admission 25 coots. Children 12 cents. Sbarcß of Stock, entitling the holder’s family to ad mission at all times, $3O. d7-tf #200,000 78,800 SANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE, KLKVBNTU Btreet, adjoining the PeansylYMiU Railroad Depot. For the patrons ot _ BAN?ORD*B OPERA HOUSE. THIS EVENING, Will he presented Sanford’s true version of ANDY’S DREAM \ 08, THE MAGIC APPLE. The largest Company of MINBTBELS IN THE WORLD. EVERY EVENING New Songs, Glees, Chortles, Refrains. &0., with Dancing by the SANFORD CHILDREN. Admission 25 cents; Children cents. Assembly buildings, tenth and CHESTNUT Streets. Immense attraction. New Novelties. Change of Programme each Exhibition. The LEARNED OA NARY BIRDS and SPIRIT RAPPING. Go and oe* SIGNOR BLITZ. The great Ytutnloquistand wouflerFol Magician. Performance every Evening daring the week, at half-pasti o>clook and on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons at 8. . _ M Mdrai/wfon, 25 rente; Ch??<?ren. IS rente. n»25-Im* Musical fund hall.—the gek- MANIA ORCUKBTRA will commence their Publio REHEARSALS ou SATURDAY next. Nor. 20th. Single Tickets 2f» cents; a package of eight tickets for $l, which may be obtained at Andre’s. IKK Chestnut street; Beck It Lawton’s, corner of Seventh, and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. The per formance commences at 3# o’clock P.M. jiol t -tf Hartshornb’s cuke-all—the GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY POK DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Ohemiat. Bottles 12#, 25 and fiO cents. „ , THK GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL SOIKNOK ! HARTSHORNE’B CURE-ALL shoald be kept in all families, in case of accidents or sudden sickness. HARTSHOKKB’S OURE-ALL cares Rheumatism. HARTSIIORNE’S CURE-ALLcures Cramps,Cholic, Pains in the Btomach or Bowels. ... HARTSHORNE’B CURE-ALL cures Pains in the Limbs. Side, Backrand Breast. _ . ' . HARTSHOUNE’B CURE-ALL cures Sprains, Bruißes, CURE-ALL cures Neuralgia, 'TnrtthjicViß and Stiffness in the Joints. T HARTSHOItNE’S CUKE-ALL cures Cholera, Diar rham and all Pain. BARTSIIORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Ear Ache and Deafness from a cold. HARTdUORNE’S OURE-ALL cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion ; also, Canker and Sore Mouth and Sore Throat. HARTSHORNE’S OURE-ALL curC'i all Spinal Affec tions and Weakness in Limbs. f HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL is a great tonlo to IVeak Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digestion JO* As the frequent changes of the weather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain In the Limbs and Body; also. Stiff Neck—every person should getabottlo. It acts upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews, Blood and Ilone«; and, by its warming electro-magnetic power, ex pels all pain froln the system. Got a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at its happy N. B. If you have a Geugh, use HAUTSIIORNVB Pectoral Syrup of Wild Cherry, it is tb« beet Cough Byrup in the World. Bottles, 25 and 50 cents, and *l. U you are Billions, use ftARTSHORNR>S ANTI BILLIOUB PILLS. They rfetupon the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, carrying off all Bile and Foul Secretions. Boxes, 25 cents. Bold by R. H JENKINS, No, 25 SOUTH JSIUIITH. Street, • Betwi“*n Market and Cheetuiit Streets Bimes’ Stores, Chestnut and Market streets. GarrigueiT, Tenth aud Coates streets W*gaer’* Tenth And Lombard a tfl. außl-th s tudtf |( COaiU*. 1.8. MOORE, Ist Lieut. Ist Dragoons, Recruiting OfUCar. JFcr Sole on& to £et. thk czarina. GREAT BILL ilkMcmal.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers