Ss&v^Y/' :: '- ;\ri^oS4i^^gJf^Mf®®^®ff«>» t jfiff i p]6'i&} TmentlontbodateoftheList: -}l r y ~^ M''/ ,' Opeii' oiiß^»^rtoinJXi l i«;?)( »!*l’9«J;4jf>'» I^.*; to B&.W£& ?,"•>->'K<i '■?’ fSBi-'l::» H?,!t'J’ ; -,I" C • ;-".KtiDMB 1 -MBT.44t. Atkinson Jauei H'-Gillesple’Adel’efMirtyßosiipA' :> Ashton Nancy,, -' Gllltexß ACraUsmiLMfa-UllliioS l #JBSrl|s)l<rrliOb Mary . - Adolphas BarshKGres'nlA'ary-.Mlss -MorrlS'Elit.'- *«; . Armbmster JIT'" Hole MlHamB.- ’’Moony L M.d-'f f Adams Mra ; ,' : HoMlngß"*! “’Moore* OMfS .*■ Atwobd Algal c a Hetakell NDMrs Mon'aghwi'Kilon 1 ’ Alias Adella O HartmanJ Mra . Monrt M’BMrs a Amis Jnitß*Mrs Haines M»tg'ta'. , S'M6s*onß6lll6 ■ Allen'Aß Mrs '-HerringtonSß Morria Oath 'ey- Allen XOTirs'f-HejaflarUin A. ulia Barber BaMet-.vfHatdiWßacbel-*. * -nr 1 \ Barrett Maty Maning Me- Is ■ Morris R Mrs Baker *. JMm i Heuh MJf Miss Norman B Mrs x Binder BMW ; HerMrSßoMtmeNewlailB Mrs; 'Til Barnet Isabella Haalai Baraß ?i IgorrlaM-B ktra , Bannain H RMS. Harris Bobsocai Njland Man-, Beobtrl lffie . HendeTSepbla -; Nasi MsEtha.My. Basket Caroline ' HaleyßUen Nlleon Jane Mrs_-, BernerMtty HStiowayvKA! r ; -/Nickle» Mwjitcis Bab^&ckEmel’eAHecbertUriUin^/Noel.E^HMJMjl* ’ Baebe Elisa 0 jaHemUton B:Mr»i iQ'JUra Jjtllwfw . Bell Mary Mrsri-Harslnpß Uri :lt ' OBtelUwfcMra-i . Brioklßß Sarah jiflarrls Bi. Mrs .i e : Be’llngi Ann K•; Hanroy Mary PrJoMfff'M'« JUbhdf HIU Ja»e ' Brown Oath’s Bllthd'Lntltla _ Mrs , BowmarA-Mt«rflo|lieaßUen BojiAh-S o’mm V Bridliy Mar HnAwW^ai^^W^SSiAv' .^SS3SSKltrla^;^i^-r:: ' OoUeitB«n»llftftis)oh«aoo.KUi'b(h, Roner Alfola ;>■ . OasoaMaty A . Johneoi Mary Reese Nlrsboth ■ Oirp hter Aonle James MarysAi ("Buggies Ollrla • : ClaipoleSN .Indton Alary ■ Bodney H110n,,..... Oleyenger H A .rJanyler Jf D Mra (Bailey. Aim ' i' QiarkMerelne Ketchen-a Mrs. RnslellAnn '-'Gllff'-rd data - v Knagp Jahe 0 .:/;Rj»n Bridget . Glare LUWMfHt «eUjj.Amel|a ''YittoTjlMon BioKel-. Olajton MI T • Keenan Maty BiiwrElis. , . .... .Connor Mary (KeuedyAony .■ BoblnifaM-Mrs Co dln*»M«r v s \ Gole Satin P . Kenny Biddy: v rStejeaDerger li , Conner Oath Kt*ft<l Jlita^r Senadera Sarah ' •= “CflStwaFi&jiie"' , ColllnrMarg’t^’"-Keen Jm Mra Sewjer 321 U - Caminingt SUen\'Ktne Bridget t,,.Sheph*rt L Mra, CoultjMLjigiufcAilt*\ >■' Sheldaa ffturah r ,V. Odifela jlyla4»ss?Xtynch : joath S a.-3 M-. Cr»‘g 1) ■ Marjr M, Bnarltbwn K Oopplen SUence Kete.Y, AMI»a' Ljm*n-|f laMw BleelflrBarah A . ■ Mra ; Oonnor oath - lawefryMarg’t > . OorneyJdarjltii r . BnejdMarr-. a: ssamir. . Daft JaiiK w B j .Sinjth JullaMrl-; Dally. AndlMlawi litwleAUryA ,-. Smith AnnaMre s Daherty-BridgatriJ-ockhartM .0,8 -.Bpenee.girah 1 ’ , DonoentfMaryiSisiake'Marr A .'j- BteereßAlre:; BoyleßUsaMlU rltnm'BmUy- .C' - BolomaoLydla,.-, Dunn Mary.Mlsa hWwlaMary Jai- : ; Steyen»Hannah Ely BeUy Mrar lawlet Annie- j. SpslTordMary. - BUm - " - Stelameli Blisa i EJwird lennio LahrehcoHi' Barery K B Bldridge Maygt O I.niky Miry A . ‘ Thomaa E Mrs Oerol’e B Thomta Theresa - ' Btnhree Heb f & Land Sami Mtg vTpyrera W H,-Mni . Svard Kenrj Line BHdget Tajlof 8 Mrs ' yitzreraldfl A v Tracer Margt Yotheffl Sirah J;? Loyd'A;B Mra - - Taylor A M H J ~ * • Freeman Margt i Braßigt^Atui I '' .'Thompeon MJ FJaherEllen Mra v Mc*menB,Mi;e , FfetcherNMiM-'McOintfHilra ’ TafrlofrKliubeth littgdrild Mary McOUT Ann .’iThorp Bliaihath - ' Freovay Henry • Tnbba Ma*gt ToXSinhMra .MdAttoaMSA • WataMartaK ESbe/fil^ik^mMSuSwll'A 4 ~ PiOkShsibath', McLumly A Mra IT&taon Kate Baffin OelUia ' \ MQPlni«7>'U i 'Bi Welli Mary Mra Pickie - White Ella M Daly 0 ilr7 laabeF Walker Mrs PaltryJiKM?”;:Mqf*ttMargti .I'"^^•taon * ’" r Parida H Mrs MoAnnUy Kiiz ,Warring.tonE 8-- Dlllln Sarah Ann McGrath MMra Wdterbany Nel Parle Emma McCarthy Mra ‘ Ward Mra Pavla JallaMlaa Mafhews Snead' r iWhlte’M A Mrs - PavlaAnnaMlaa Mackßachel WilsonMargJ PiM Henrietta Meson Elisabeth Wfla»n Ellx Mr* Payldaon Lucy A Massy L E Miss' Willson M V Mrs Pouey Memira'-vMay M Mrs., - v Ahtrt PonudiOA M«ry ' * iWUHaInB L'Mriß 2 YaganJßUen. ’ Jtora Catharine Wlldron M W I Eraley AnnaC Marehalll MraS Wrlght Saltia , Frits Caroline .-';.Mankawleoa‘, D WoodM Mrs " ' Eoeht Fiihet B J Mrs - Mailer Elisabeth,Wolfe ElliMta Frances Jnlie A • 'MlbffltnS'Mra'Qnl«l»y E 8 -2 Gamble H K M’S Mnlloh Isabella ~,Vaaller B H Mra Gabby Phrcbe -n MHfdrllK.Mrai-fVeraeyH: :’ Gregory Llra'e Jliller M J.Alrs Vogt Inlian Mrt Grayson Sarah 'Mliler GeoD AfraTlorelllolle D" OUlertThffibe ' Miller 8 3 Mils'". Zimmerman Mat Grit com Kmsl-e'-Miller.Mary E Zeehenter Mrs - * aarlaeiH.Mgfet.MJUpyiEHsaheth,,,.. , , • LIST. , Adama Henry’ ColelonirVßaton"Bassltlueo B A Knew llobert K Cooper Fredk" *" HarllaonChiH . AlbrightPB, r ColllneJGs-.t.ciHardaereWm . Allen Jno B * i;,W i N.B Adams Henry 8 CoorerßlV. .., Batch. Horace Dr. Aleton 8.W...C0we1) HB:',‘;;Haiklii« AH , rHaytThoißOapt Alken-B T ' vOoebam?Tbb*. ? Hajr fno B Allen Robert 3 : CdfchSstt Wm, .• Ifiydock * Eldler AlrdoMH-. . Coitllld'Jno. HarperßAi". Abbot 80. cdw.GnrA;;;. igatrlaAW',, Aldrlck &. Back- Cojio.danllj , . Hardy Jao 1 - ■ lay -'V. ;'Coi . Hart war ' , Adair IT ;';.,CpMbV6I W !r l l.»!wrt»a».", Allen Julian B- -‘oßlkttS Co WH• Aten Edw-e 0 - CaeSllorNA .i Merer ' Allan Wm = OrooksWroß Hayden; SO , Agent Martnor 'C.njtlsiß.eC-rP'; HayWmG *, Lins Onlbert«onW;M,HdndlerllJ. . Ap-borpHO . ■<- CraJgW'H . HelmtoM L W Arhornscyds ~ Croiby J E Hencond vho \ Arkinstnrt Jos '/ HetiySenry, " , Avery Ohss D ' ,f!CriiYfdrd Ho?.t Hedkepntt'J- Pr Anderson JB-, „ . Alhtonßem'i ZP* AngnatlnJaa '- .Da»U-ir.BDr ;.: ' .Healey' .’ ArlnJno, ' ’' DarlsjAfiet'n'rHeman.Jno. Axe' WG/V -i Dayis Jaodb Z- ;; Heckert V.' .- , AppleehelUerJ C BarroW A.Bro K Henlng Edm Rsy -Atwood ACo JW Dary Jno :;, 1 .; Herbert. Jae A' "' B«kerObeH2® ;? Dardeii J.H ' ‘Hendereon’t Co: Barnett Joi -* DmrotthJen]‘|:; f B«VIV,-.v Baker HOapt- D*irfd Obs' J ,' HeU Jno B ' • Babb Geoift.Colrt'iDieia EW'j'A'i -Blncklay Jaa F B 'nkbtad’B’Ai Dr Dan'ilrlotCß oj- oHlokmaa Jno Fjo' Barrett Wm A Denutt BB 8 HlUOhaai J - Barfo-d Baml„, i cßoy(al f Pred P i. .HoUlnaworth Jaa . Baird .'-'KH ■ . DarrlsShliltAlJ > -Daedhbji W'&- HollowsyTWdM" HaawallGDZ LeLanrgeM Holman J , . , Baner,Wm .' DeVereAOoM HonltonKotl BarlflwACd>lit^aferWoi;: B<m*htonMr/ ' - Balter D'H--; Dentdn Jno Howell Geo G ' Bacon B B '-S” yfo DdrUln PB' Ben' Howe Jno 0 BakonJO;,, . .Derlitt K Holbrook,, . A ■, Barrowlnrll. DelaneyW.A „i^ e bV Ba-emanThoa :: Ileana Jaa B 1 HogwltsP'Dr - Batleyj ‘ Dlikaoh Thos J , Hotter,Jaoob-W ... BaHisareJoo.DlokWmP,,.,.Hooperßobt , 'BellaanoTßH ‘ Blokeraoii ACo HoloombeJS Beerwaid.D. BodgaGeoH . Horton WG Bettedfct JaaH' ' DoolimgjnoX ' HowardGao H' Berry Bam ' Ilonally.lgDatlnS' Hoittoko Jaoob . Bennett.QGProtl Downtttg Jno 0 ’ Horner Roger ‘• ■ Boiu’oTirtM P ' Bdr'eey Bicord' '.--.-Hoyt D W ■ BeckffWr;-'~‘ DpßiMgfflTHngh HudapnGtDr Bechtel!JnoDbiaGao -“-’•,''HhttonTBaac'.'''‘ ; Bee«aam ? lf ? Knirofi Wit?J* 6 Hng*ee'GeoS H 3eardM«ylKso'“'DSik,“DlTte,& = Butphlnaon G H . Barry Geo'■ - ' Steele •V'v Htflttt’Mlchier " Bellows Geo \ Drtunmond E Jaclsdn JMDr ■' Bell Thos S. - Dudley N-V "; L Jenklhk 3 B ter Bsonstt ACo - PanoanWm. - P Jacobs Is%ao BlddlsßSOol PaanalFOhaa ' 7»y tfslsbn ’ Bishop J ¥ Rev Pyssrt Jno W’’ Jewell p BiddlftJrTUa PhfaUH FDr ’‘ Jennings C/ADr. B.roblsGasper PjSiri Jas• .rJaarorßt;-- f’ 'C- BlsckmßcnGeo ~ PntianWmK ‘7icdb«GSo,P Bledroe W BKer Pundhc'diint r J»i>iiey'Jdo i BluitooJooß Pathim W'J’H" Tenks HsnryO , wßlsynM'Me„. Palin'H Joaks O'Fcfl - • BoUforiF Jno ' l JsokaonWm A, Boizdz&tt Jahtaon’Efl Jv r W Wmi J6nSWgt Oiso ; Bowen Geo W, . ,'- > JoW»onirnb“ Booker 3o» 2^'' lldriltfp OhM ’ - Jbhneonß. BoyntwPk" ' r ' > Edwi.rai j B -7drleit Jaa,G Lt■ Bookerß HOspt EUes BTp;,*8 T p;,*v r; ,-:.Jo'nM'Jno v M v Bolden/J?Rer . , Jofeph"Siißoh Boy land f zlik < }Slsedbtia < Wbt .JonesEdwßa Boyd W'S Tfios 4 • JolfnihA Mona 5 Boagbmiller.Pa ; t *BirtnrCW^:'. i 'WhA J«ii!L - * . BoU*rkey K , 'o’ "/ :;.3Tai»Vhi A'O-Ber BoydJ J&f* iflontfla? J Brown BqbfE . . Fsrh KDxd Jones Mr;.- Brown-ftßiardl,' FaTfbajjks JH ' /' Johnson & 06;J' Brown Albert"/ r Jrarren MlcHael 1 Johnson'Ohrntle' - • Jdiu%»nM4*B - BrowoTffe^^r'lEarregH.CspW' J obn«>S H ahy^O. Brown;Wa:>:; tf Brewater Chmi Tine AHien L 2 “'Kenbfc/y Mat .rKpjsKobtK.. \ Brooks SCspt ' Tlnaa J N * Keenan A Brooks CO ~ Fondfey Jao'K> Kelley/as Briscoo A-t- - • < Fleldsuhail Kelly Jno- Brooke Benj . fcaokiltJCo o \ : • Broadhead Jno WyerjoaK '. ‘ Kelly Brewster/8 FrealOwenSi, a Kjese J*s,N., Breetoa Jas " ‘itbyittFr&ttk J Jaa H . , iFrederfeE J L ;: OCe t «ret'F " ' - 5 Bryant MY ' YordJ A.r,>, Kennedy - Brittain Wm P.ejaom O H’'Kendefly/ho'''' J Braharo M , FeH/a/> : r KleetwtfgU W'' :• SSSißiK*' --- ■ . Bradley Wra Frazier Thoa. Kilgore Daniel ' v jßnttZ Dr , . FxnlautLPM-Rer -Knaa,W,B.. ■ Bradford Jno A Gartdni/no ;~ l 'linox-Warren P . Barton JP .e-.-iGaliagberJno,-. ]Krinj,Wra r . - •> Barn# Sami 6 GlrableEdwdx, Knight Jos Back IS L . , . Gamble Danlw KilfieJoo T Brimao k Bro Garteerpa# T a Back D Q- Girltandß r ’ TKufght & Co R T Barter W L Garland J CJP« 4 Byers Alex v' Kobn J*i . Bondar ffm . Gerhard? fW Pi tinsdale Hr Rev JBS&tt '■ Burton HIT . GibersonN Inughlngkouoo ® BallJaol:. / GleonSH B 2 Jiurtmrgttii ' -'oriajtHwwo nwMfra«"irN Bummgho Wm '-.Gilbert B»raU /i'Udtfum it CUBS' W J v;~ Gle»ran Fst’k . L.WSOD Jao : Barohill jGlbadirj'aa F 2 ; , Ltgaerenne'E 2 Bymgton Wmfc-fGbWWm^* 1 ' LotifeLonth v a . Bdaseil OB’ i GermiGf HeW' Lamb Rebt W . ..OaWwnn HT metfrohai,-;. -Be*h>?graoH Dr SIP ,- Lancaster Jfo • / ’• •- Cade.Jfi 2. . < ' tSifflM* &Aflt4i'/lAwi?endd**dw' 8 - OamplSll 7SS-i Bo#’n / f XanS4fiterVO B ; -"- :'C**ejM ' • Carter TT^^siwv,s<Jof^dfib^>'WachVßd*;, - f Cantry, Alfred Griffith fl'V'iO. Peary Wei B * * , Carr Hoßis'.',: OhSe: 1 Leky N n • ! 0 ’ , * heonyenA PV. ; /no -iLindfey-Edw < : sSSSJ^Sfefe'"" ?«apfe^SSfS ' . . ; - fcav* 4 ! A'i't’ ■ N0.110. -r ParkßW,.,. Mioerra, No 224 Pawuo Wm«?Mi'-fSpaace Albert Star of - lietble- -Palmer Jos ■ . ,‘Bperry J- J ' If! bemjNol9#re Psttercilll'Wmß"SparrowJno .- ~ jVlgUant,' rjjajpeFraok , ; ’Bploer.John DDf - • H°P‘w.k> Ko lA dPaJmerOhaaS. . . Pprsgno John J t Uatoonyot Eree. Paljnor O,D-,,. BplcariW.Sf. r .. r aoAAo Malfms Parker BB- ..Btepbens JM; a . ‘WoCiner jQhn Parker BA, . - -Stockman J A C- r Jtobonald N-B ParrrP T Oapt , Btondermier NA, ScOnrd'y J R'DDiiPaiteiiob J.W’ if Bttnley'Jcssa- . ; tWopongU.Giß Parr ChasH o- ißtoyar Barnard • HoO intock Bobt Patterson R 2 ! ; :.Strntbors Bobt •ScOhurcb'Dcyld Wm '----StonoaJno O - , SpOorWo Jaa R'-ParkerJß L A Coßtephsns H A , ;HM}uffy.W 4,06 .’PanlGeo WACo Stark Jaa tlcAycyMlchael' Palker'Samuel Btlllp Alfred M ’McHurdy Alex .....Prettaaßobt T... St-pbeoson B : ia^D Mclntfrto»B Pearson Wm B Swlft-Wm PHllaffa'Commer-lußiVan John . Tho/'' cial 4dr - ‘ ' SwanWilsenPr ■ P-Dr> > PlainlFraa • 1 Sultar J' ,;' •' - Pippatt Reoj “ BwenSaml RPr >' tttcfferraH'Jdhxi;'T-dlardßobt,' Battdo B P G ttfoLines /J 1 " f 'i Porter Sn U Sri Bummers AT •- Jas PeltfteßE >.< gwathßeoj { cMoLeeaßß-' I ''Porter JB- -< TatoeeACoJas Sfdlrath'Rflf Powell Thos TaylorPW 0 McSirreyHpgh 'Pollak^PL s> , iTerryJN ; MoNeit Ohaa" ' Potter JM ' * r Taylor J 8 11 •' ■ McTaddenTheo'' Price Thos'C - ' Tapplo Ohaa S ZVIcLcanTJ & Son Price thbS L' '• Tasker A Clark ' Thoa L TerrllLHßev , MeLboghlln Pat Price Jno 8’ Tatbi'J R J i Mcpblgaa' & .. / Thomnaon IW o‘Kala-'! -/ -Patnam A' 1 Thrash J>B -< : MoXamae J«s 2 i vßawaon Wm 8 <. r - - r McWhlnney, ajßhoades Ohaa • Thompson P M Haro A-Oo i- Rahler Arch Dr ?: Thompson's B - McXelUThoa E Bandolph LO - -Thompson Jas % Mace WG, . - ,;RamseyBaml P - TJlmaoOhas' Maguire Eras.. Rady: J Henry ' Thompson Jno -Reynolds Joel 0 Taylor A BouT Magalre Jobn. . v/Rellly J»< ? k - - .Tomashich A • Matoey Wm H .BheyJaS W- Todd Jno. Mattingly Sami _-.Beppard Aaron ■ -Tremper Jno Maooolmi&Bro i.BeyQoldaß L > Trar J J ~ - -Maytin Fraa.° . BeidThoeß Tothlll Alfred Matlaok H H ; B€dway, Abbot, A Tresor EDr Manb.'JosW' r €o- - 1 TysonBl Mathews H t- - .Beilley Jas A ’ Tosta T B 'Migle John .2 Reiss Geo •; : - Turner John Haney, John Rhoads. Abm - Turner E F.. Marley-Praa \ '■ 4 _ Beiley ! Jho > * Tarner B H UawrleMicbael i BeihleH'B - ’ WataenßßS --- Marpotug tt W ‘ ‘Blfqae-P W - Waits BeojH - Dr 2 ’j':. - ?r . -RivlerA’i Watson laraol UarHneEß . rßibelWmU WaddlllJM RUey Philip -Walker 01 Marre-Blg- - - Ridgeway JW - WardOL2 Mar<Ufl'Rjch T d A lUtcble'GeoVT* ."WalshMichael Martin Edw ;< Rose/A.. -.? WarrinerHß MathlM Oh P. - ;j W*llla E4w. v •Mead Jaa P"' Romol Jacob Wallace JBF Opt Methau P Bobbins « F - -Warrin J H 2 Mea»s;JoDaW- :ißodcheJa4'A_ tWagnerJaa'D Conrad .• - Ron©/Jaa B. - Walsh Rich Rot Uedbera Wash' , Bobertß Wm M Warren A L Dr. ;MeehUof Jab:/.-. Rogers Jaa HBr Wallace J W . - Afeher Thoe, Boob Wm O Walker Z 1 Meeser, Coyle, A Rogers Chas J - WallasMr .*:Cq , ?-'} v % rßpdes WR r /. Warrtn.Mr . . Hegee'J.W *' - Rodgers Thoe . Warden David MeEbiter-Hagh.. RodmeUProf .-Walker A Bro B. Mitchell Sdw-r ,Bodgeri At: , .. Walker/. Miller John E, '-Rowland Wm WakeflSldß Miller H-N- - - - Rodgers H Capt —Webeterß ' ‘MitoheHPrank,G RoaoheJno,, WelchHff - -AllodeU G/ '- Reach'd Jho ’'WelU EW Dr ’ ‘ Milnoniek W ‘. . ' Boffin Geo Welsh ADr . >Miller John E' 1 Rnf Gbaa - Wetmore AGo G Mitchell John .Byno Wm H West 0 Moon 8 ~ . Bnff. Jacob WestOlementL Morrieon Walter Ryan Jai‘' White J A Moore Jas B ’ -fialoe Benedict White EdW MosesTW A Son 'PaxidlPedro N/’ White Lesley . AfostGeo' • r, -'SaboldThos'- WhltoeyPH Alontgomery P Sadlor Brad White M W MoaldlogWm fiaylor JosM- Wblte G V.Oapt B Bawyer M Oapt Whiting Gao •Woore H.D _ r , . Sohoolman 0 P . White A Swope . Monk Edw . Sainabary W. J Whitney Jas 0 3f)rris A/. Smsser Afills.W White JW SlooreßlchdM- -SchmidtPH. - WhltmanWW Alorgan Geo D' ~ Sammons Henry Wickmlre J L Moriorthy I'atk-. Scottß D Wilson J W Morgan Jtdwin'A handemah J G Willis W W Malian Peter. ' iSekTO WO Witbent J G Mutrhead Henry Seely J Wilson B .MaUlnfP' '; ' SeverM H;'•' ’ Wilson Jasß ' ri l Seal J P. , Winsloe Isaac Morphy Richtrd Beewald Henry - Winder Jacob M MarphyDW--—Bereeeon Heniy WllUams Hiram MuUinsP f - f..BeallphnAdam' ■ Wilson J; r ' t , ‘ Mulcahy M *• Segtoa AJ - , WUsbnTJBDr Math CASpef. " 'SearleTfm S \ WJl«oh L MorphyWalter LSeelockO' L Wilson.RT M^rgitroydeGeo, Sherman WraK, WilkinsOW : Myers Lawrendsr "BneVrod Eagene ‘ Williams J B. Nancrede Dr and Sherera-ii Jos ,• .- Wilson War B Wrs Bamuel',:' Bhaw Jno " WlthamGW Neblett 6ADr ’ 'Shaw Thos 8 Woods OB NealJJ /:-. , Shepherd Job . Wood.Edw 2 Nichplas John 8 Shissler Louie. Worthmore H W Newtown John W Bbartle Jno WoilHn Wm A Norvell CD,. Shartle Jacob Wood Wro r Nicols Wm H : ; fihive O - “ 1 Wood’J S Nicolas Nicola Shepherd D P Woods Lewis A Neal Sr Sibley Jas- Go Messrs N ernes K Blnclair Bieh’d * WoVley Bracher A Nevis Jos Simpson J Mathias Nichdlsonß H,,, Simons J.M Dr, Wright I Nickels JHBev J BimonJasK : - Wright Chas NighUs John Bines Ohaa 8 . ' Wright Alex M Nicholson T 8 'nre'John TJnderwood Hen NattilWmDr, Blmonsqn Jno. Ulasted I.T Rev Noctqn John A - -'Slughter John G- Valentine B K ' Nonrs Henry B .Bmlth Horace A .CrsoAlexr NiobolsonH WDSmith-BP'' ■' YanLidr Jho' Neldhardt Oh«s Smith Jno Varolok G L NlghJingile G Oi Bmlth Wilson P, -.Qoigg Patk Noble Wm 8 Bmlth Jonathan Van Dyke'A Bro Nanlt P A Smith Joy GU Newkirk AB Dr Smith Owen' ' Young Hiram ’ o'Connor Jos. Smith Israels YerkesJos 0 James - Smith:James -Young Jos'; • pweq Wm H * Smith A Gilbert Zimmerman G O’Rourke Wm ~- ls Messrs,, . - , , Osborne Edwin? -Small H'D \ - GIDEON G/ WEBTC M, geial^olices, IN! THE ORPECANSI COUBT FOR .THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. ;//Estate ot JOHN;KBATING, deceased. >. The Auditor appointed by the Oourt to audit. ad]ost, and settle.the account of WM. Yf K £ &TINO t Execator, and to retnrt'dißtrtbution'rwiU meet', the. partiee inter- TUBSDAYj the 14th or>Deoember, 1668, at 11 >o?clMk A. M hie WALNUT Street: *- M • ;.dl-V frAmSt /: y' r Tap WAS BaL OH %. Auditor. : I ONG^rSPBINGGARDENACADEMY, JLAN B,'corner EIGHTH add BUTTONWOOD Sts. 'ailits varioui' forms j-iprepanng Students thoroughly for situations in any .branch of business; Plain and. Or. * namestai Writing: CommerdalCalottlattonfl iCorrespondenceNo institution-in .the United State* gires'a mot* thorough.mVfrdtUtaVwmo. In this' department mteaohlngisdone, in classes, and la open DAYknd EVENING.'} Time unUmited • * ? ■ MATHISMATIGAL.AND ‘CLASSICAL L3SPABT MBNjT—(Separate from the above.)—Yottng Men end ' Bojs are prepared for anj. grade of ta.Sodiiawd OUs* ■leal Sdacetloh, vis:Spelling, Beading, Writing. Grim* ■ur. Geography, Arithmetic, JPhiloeopfey, Ac., Ancient "end Modem Lsngnsgee, with all the higher Collegiate BtmUjw;~B«Mloni or,five months commence September Ist, and BebmarJ’ l*t.;T?opils received at anytime be. drifter these dates aha charged accordingly. Cata* loguoe foMlehedgratis. r : ¥: PONLEAVY LONG, Principal B i .’'ttlTTEND®'” eai * AD jB'~L FHXA Ai/ 0011USB01AL COLLEGE. eorthwwt , comer of CHESTNUT and BBVBNTH Btreet*... _ ■ r vAn} Institution designed to fit jcnuut men for AOS TIVB BUSINESS. v • - 1 - BOABD Of TaUBTDS. fi.B|Oouegyf, ~ franoifßoakta*. jGeprge.ll, Btsart, r ••’i- DeTidMilne, , - , JqhttSpwlnwS; 3>a?idS,,Bn>wn, Lmm Hooker, A.vTrftfemi, .P/Bj Hinxoan, ■» ’■■* r rredtrtok Brown, •J «•**■ ,v - JoehnaLippincott** • • BOBBING SESSIONS afterßeptember 18th. ; JK&bh Student has • isbmnuAb nrsTßConos Jatthls A' Diploma from here Is the best re commendation a young hare, for obtaining a good,oltaation. - -- • - - CATALOGUES may be had on application at the College. . «8-tf HfljONS. A. F. ROSAT, . . i-TJU TEACHER OP FENCING, , i BURJII’B GYMNASIUM, - ■ MARKET Street. above Eighth. BRFANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OF {NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. FJU ladelphla .College, .Southeaet corner, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Street*. For Information, sail or' sand for otronlar. J<IS-tf ■ EVENING SESSIONS HAVE COMMENCED. Piano Jotuo. fcCS=ara PIANO FORTES! ' USrIJ-. J “* *» elegant atoo* of RAVEN, RaOPN, i 00 m NUNNS A CLARK, HALLET.DA , VIS A 00., and GALE k 00. B PIANOS. MEI6dE -ONB of *#rt quality, it v J. X. GOULD’B* * mjj B * ** °° rnw B*WBJTH and QHSSTNtJT oto. ■afTSSBa ENOEIiLENT. 'WARRANTED rrrfTlNBW YOBK PIANOS; colabratodfor tono, touch, dnranilitj, and tiatj appearance. 70ctarei, PLaJN and LOUIS XIV; Pearl inlaid,"and 'Pearl kerl, foreple, from *lBO upward*.; .Al«o, PIANOS to rent' .'JAMES BELLAK, 279 Sonth JIPTH Street, ahore Spruce,cola agent for Gumming* k Oanfield, and J k ,0. Fjeoher. ' " ' ' • " • nol3-lfa* ohickering & sons, Manu- M H.I I * factnrera of GRAND, PARLOR-GRAND, SQUARE, and UPRIGHT PIANO-PORTER. Thle lathe largeßt and oldest manofeetorr In tha .United Statea, having been „? i ESTABLISHED, IN 1823; •• Since which time ye lure ' '' MADE AND! gOLttvffiWBNTY THOUSAND TWO ! HONORED PIANOS, And h»TO nralred u testimonial. of tkelr SUPERI ORITY-onrolWothoWj UJOeld, II; Siltir, nnd A Brotfzt MtiaU. ~ • ’ .. ~ JO” Pianos to Rent, Toned, 1 and Repaired, „'RRANOII HOUSE In PHILADELPHIA 1> nt 1607 CHESTNUT Street. . aeC-3m J3polit)inMno« PERRY’S BLANK BOOK { . AND STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT, } S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND BAOB. : PREMIUM AWARDED By the PRANKLIN INBTITUTE for Manufacturing ' . . --. , Superior Acoount Books FIRMS intending to open heir Books'on the first of the Year, can select from a gbod stock on hand, Or bare *tyle in ft superior manner. - POpK-^IKPING v of .every. description executed in the finest and moat aubafattlal menner. at loir prices MAGAZINES bound fromCO ota, : to S 2 60 per Tolutne bound In a new and handsbme uijle, from $1 OLP, YAHILY BIBLES re bo nnd. to look and wear eaualto nbWi ' t x ! : PERRY’S BOOK-BINDERY, : ' : • .'EOUBTH aid BAOB. ' Oldest established Bindery in Philadelphia. n 2- 2m «BSDFOBD SPHXKGS.—THIS well-known and delightftil Summer Resort wIU be otened for the reception of Visiters on the 16th of .lhne« and kept open until the Ist ef October'. 1 i new and spacious Buildings erected last year are sow Tolly completed, and the whole establishment has J W* a i furnished in superior style, and the aocommoda- not excelled in any.part,of under the management of Mr. A. w hose experience, courteous manners, and toeanh of^aocCffl, it is deeded bfM c .°?f > °y 1i ?io .m>d° oitonalTO arraugemonts to SS f ?& iSS 1 «?iMMduaJ.witt I ‘ Bodford wator 1 . i” bottla., at tho following .. Carboy, 10 gallon. , u BoHtoß,lJ< P II ‘ t i por-doaen. jm> s : fh, bnrnto-KO-ea»faUj;:prWijod, to that pur lifrjßijn^may'afflM)mxm rOoolTtng'tho’ Wator MU ~ All oommonloations ehculd'ba Addronwd to ... . ; THE b*j?»orp, minibal bpbingboo., < :s . . ■ ■ .UoAfOM.QonDtn. Pt.; Boxes superior quality of. * Herkimer- oonhty OHEE3R, jnflt receired; find fcdtkAUhy .= •or 0. BaPLER A CO., -Jiff | ~ a " ' W,|Mj»n4doot Belownoat,.'. r -6alleß'bß' &attion. Iff -THOHAB-i SONS, ITJ . Use. 189 Mia 141 SOpTH FOHHTH STBOT i . (Formerlr No«. 07 »nd B8.)' ' BIOOKS. LOANS, BEAL E3TATK, &c TUESDAY ' next. : i ■ -Pamphlet eataloguea now ready, containing fnU description; of all tha property to bo sold on Tnos taylnoxt, TUnlnMant, with a list of sales'G4th ' and Isf, and of Beal Estate at prirats sale, comprising a largo amount of Tnlu&blo . . - CARD. —EXECUTORS’ SALE PRIVATE STOCK EXTRA FINE MADEIRA WISES -2». MtoJlwSd IMF " a ,K>n or pn*»te,stock or ihe lste Joseph Qrsls, "*W »wUI do Sold tt'ouf anotlott rooins.on' Wednesday December 16th,.by order of tho executors. . 03* Catalogues now te&dy. 1 *• * ' TRIIsTBKB’ SALE—“JONKS’ HOTEL,” CHESTNUT STREET. Oar Ale 2lst De&tbber: will Include' the valuable property, south side of Chestnut street, between Sixth and Seventh'streeta, known as 1 “ Jones’ Hotel 7 ’ —6o feet 0 inches front on Chestnut street, 236 feet in depth to George street, having two valuable fronts. IL/“ Particulars in handbills - and, future advertise* meats. EBA.L EBTATJI,i£STOOKB, &«. -Publie, Sales atthe Philadelphia Exohange every tacaday Evening. ------ / jmauidbiUs oreaeh'property issued separately, in addition to whioh wo publish on- tbe Saturday preriotui 14 each ftMe. one thousand catalogues In pamphlet form, giving fall descriptions of all the property tp he sold on the following Tuesday. ’ ‘ ! FALL .8 ALHB—STOCKS AND BEAL ESTATE ' Twentieth Fall Sale, 7th Deoember at the Exchange, .Twenty-first Fall Bale, 14th December, at the Ex change. 1 i 5 .... Twenty-second Fall Bale, 2lat December, at the Ex change. • OJ* Fart of the handbills of the above sales now ready. PRIVATE BALE REGISTER. E7* Beal Estate entered on our Private Bale Re gister, and advertised occasionally In our Public Bale Abstracts, (of whloh 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) tree of ohane * REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. O- We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Bale, inolndlng every ’description*of Olty and country property.' Printed Lists may be had at the auction store. " - BTOOKB, LOANS, Ac. On Tuesday Evening, ;; December 7th, ; at To’ the Philadelphia Ex change, will be sold, without reserve, for aooount of whom it may oonoern— -2 bonds, $l,OOO eaob, County of Lawrence, Penha., itoubd to the Pittsburg and Erie Railroad Company. Also, for aooount of .whom it may concern— . * $600,6 per cent, coupon bond, Wyoming Coal and iron! Company. 6 Shares (new) West Chester Railroad Company 8 percent.," preferred Stock; ' 1 -* -- • - 1 'r -4 shares Camden and Atlantio Railroad Company par $5O. 1 share Havre de Grace Bteam Tow-boat Company. 80'shares West Philadelphia Railroad, par s6o—s4o “ J paid. , ' t • 50: do • do' ' do ' do do full paid 6 shares American Academy of' Music. Shares Mercantile Library and Philadelphia Athe naeum. f Pew No. 141, south (dale, St. James’ Church, Seventh street, below Arbh street. - 017* Sale absolute. - - 1 share Philadelphia .and Savannah Steam Naviga tion ; Administrator’s Peremptory Bale. 1 share Point Breeze Park Association. ; fiOchtres common stock new West Chester Railroad Company, par $5O. . . 284 shares Carbon RunTmprovement and Coal Com pany. " j TWENTIETH FALL SALE—DECEMBER 7th. Will, inclnde— Peremptory Sale —WALNUT STREET —Two hand-' some modern residences, Nos., 1020 and 1031 Walnut street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. ’ £J7* Im mediate possession of No. 1031. ■ Executors’ Sale—Estate of Henry Rlhl, Dec’d. BUSINESS STAND.—Three-story brick store and dwelling, No. 822 North Beoond street, between Brtwn and Poplar streets. - , - Same Estate.—TWO-STORY STABLE in the rear of above. No. 825 St John street. VERY VALUABLE FARM AND MILL PROPERTY, over 02 sores,'with sitesfor country seats, opposite the fonr-mile atone on the Lancaster turnpike, west Phila delphia;.. OTT Lithographic, plans may be had at the the auction store. _. Peremptory Bale.—TWO* BUILDING LOTS, west side of Seventh, street, north, of Venango street, to gether 40 by 100 feet; , V TINS BTBKET,NEAK LOGAN BQUAHB.—Neat modern three-story brick dwelling, with baok buildings And- all modern’ conveniences. No. 1510 Vine street, west bf Fifteenth street.' £3* Immediate possession. Keys at No 1520 State street, in'the rear. - VALUABLE FARM AND COUNTRY BBAT, 60 AGRE9; oh the River Delaware, known as the u Belle-*- vne Farm,” lS mlles from Philadelphia, and 1 mile from Schenck’s Station, on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, Bucks county, Pa. TWO TWO AND A HALF-STORY BRICK DWELL- No. 1219 Mifflin street, between Pine and Lorn bard, and above Twelfth street. THREE-STORY BRICK. DWELLING, No. 3 Har mony! street, east of Fonrth street, above Catharine street, with a two-story frame dwelling in tbe rear. NORTH SIXTH STREET.—Two three-story brick dwellings,.Nos, 1748. and 1760 North Sixth street, be low Montgomery. BPRUOE BTREET—Valuable residence, south side of Spruce street, west of Twelfth street, 21 feet front. 120 feet deep. £7* $7,000 may remala on mortgage or ground-rent. VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND fire story brick store, with iron front, northwest eornor of Arch and Frontstreets. Two valuable fronts. $12,000 may remain on mortgage. TWENTY-FIRST FALL SALE—DEOEMBER 14th. WiU include—, - Sale by order of Court of Common Pleas—Estate of - r Alexander Osbourn—a lunatic. THREE-BTORY BHIORDWELLING,southwest cor ner of Eighth ahd Wharton streets, late Southwark. Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Charles W.' Bacon, * - , ' Deceased. •- NE AT MODERN RESIDENCE, with side yard, Green street, between Seventh and Eighth streets. Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Hugh Clark,' Deoeased. store and dwelling, northwest corner of Tenth and 'Spruce streets. Same Estate.—LAßGE LOT OF GROUND, east side bf:Broad street, aouth of McKean street. First ward, 40 feet Ikont, 265 feet deep. 4 Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Theodore B. Witmer, * i Deceased. LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT OF GROUND, WHARF,,AND BOOK, fronting on Duncan street, Wharf street, Pierce street, and Frankfort creek, Twenty-third ward, four fronts. £7? The improve ments consist of two wharves and a dock. HAND3OMB MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 021 North Eighth street. a bore Poplar street, with Bide yard doa hie beck and modem improvements. Imme diate, possession. Beys at No ?1& North Tenth street. $6,000 mar remain on mortgaged . TWO WELL-BKOURED OLD IRREDEEMABLE GbOUND-RENTS of sl7# (sB4#) a year, secured on property Nos. 622 and 62# Booth street T THREE-STORY BRIOK DWELLING, No. 330 Cal lowMll street; west of Third street THBBH-BTOBY BRIOK DWELLING, No. 1826 Pop lar street,west of Thirteenth street. Immediate pos session. Key at the aootlon store. ' Peremptory Sate.-POUB LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS OP GROUND, Washington and Oak streets, above Rose street, late West'Phila., 200 feet front, 214# feet deep., BALE OP VALUABLE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BOOKS—ON VARIOUS BUBJEOTB, ILLUSTRATED WORKS, Ac, . This Ironing, . December. Oth, at the Auction store, a collection of valuable English and American books, illustrated works, &e., suitable for prosents. |p* For particulars s6e catalogues. Bale No. 621 Walnut Street. ELEGANT CABINET FURNITURE—STOCK 07 GEO.J.HBNKELS. On'Tuesday Morning, December 6th, at 10 o’oloak, at the Waxerooms, No. 624 Walnut street, byeatalOgus, the stock of elegant cabinet furniture, /comprising a general assortment of rosewood, walrint, and mahogany parlor furniture, in richaud various coverings ; a general assortment of dining-room furniture; elegant rosewood, walnut, and mahogany chamber furniture, all manufactured by Mr. Henkrls, expressly for his wareroom sales, aud war ranted iu ere'ry respect. tCT" UatalogueS-wHI be ready three days previous to Sale.; Furniture now. ready for examination. Bale at Nos.* 189 an<Tl4l South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO-FORTE, VIMI FRENCH FLATS MIBBOB3, BRUSSELS CAB PETS. ScO. ■ - On Thursday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, aa extensive assortment of exoellent second-hand furniture, elegant piano-fortes, fine mirrors, carpets, etc., from private Camilles demining housekeeping, removed 'to the store for convenience of sale, r . - - .... TO CAPITALISTS. BUILDERS. *fI.~LABGB AND VALUABLE LOT AT PRIVATE SALE, LOCUST St. South side, between Broad and Fifteenth streets, 119 feet front on Locust street, by 178 feet In depth to a 10 feetalley. ' J MOSES NATHAWB, AUCTIONEER if A AND'OOMMISSION MERCHANT, 8. 1. comer HXTH and RACE Streets. NATHANS’ GREAT SALE OP FORFEITED OODLA LATBRALy—OVER TWO THOUSAND LOTS OF FORFEITED GOODS. On Tuesday Morning, December 14th, at 10 o’clock precisely, at Moses Na thans’ auction store, southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets,' in the second story salesroom—entrance thereto from Race street, consisting in part of orer coatrf, raglans, dress and frock coats, business coats, cloaks, fine Frenoh and other caeelmere pants,sUk-Tel yet, pllk, satin, cloth, and other tests; coat, pant, and test ‘patterns { gents’ shawls, silk handkerchiefs, fine black and other silk dresses and dress patterns; merino, cashmere, silk, woollen, plaid delaine, debege, chints, and pther drosses and dress patterns, silk, morlno, delaine, and other fckirts; sUk-relret, satin, silk, me rino.'and oloth circulars, baeques. capes, and lnatiilas,* brocne, Stella, Canton orape, satin, silk, merino, Day State, and heavy woollen lqng and eqoare shawls: la dies'.wearingapparelgenerally; boots, shoes, 1 umbrel las, parasols, books, biblea, elegantly bound and highly illustrated, voUios, accordeons, flutidas, guitars, Frenoh horns, bassoons, a very firm lever silver-keyed fldte—lined with rtlth solid silver,'a fine toned melo deen In rosewood made'by Ckrhart and Needham, superior second-hand piano forte. FURNITURE, looking-glasses, clocks, time pieces, lace curtains, feather beds,'bolsters and pillows, quilts, comfortables, spreads, blankets, sheets, dry goods, fine Havana cigars,daguerreotype camera,large size: do complote, with all tbe’ncccessAry articles required for an opeartor, superior doable barrel fowling-pieces, Sharp’s pistols, Colt’s revolvers, dub line pistole,- &c. TO MILITARY COMPANIES —A large and superior tent/with tent table; choirs, and velvet carpets,' the whole made expressly for a General’ in the Russian ser vice.' They were uaad at Sebastopol, but are in perfect order. Also, a very heavy cloth military cloak, with fur collar; also a cose containing tho necessary china, glass; silver-plated ware, table cutlery, &0., for said tent; also, a superior large site microscope incase; also, a set of medicine so«les aud weights, tea box, work box; a magnificent portable dressing case and valise, containing the most costly fixtures, the tops of which are solid sterling silver—coat $150; surveying instru ments, furgical and dental instruments, sewing ma chines, and numerous other articles. fTT** The whole will be numbered and open for ex amination on Monday, previous to tho sale. CJAKUBL NATHANS, . AUCTIONEER, © . and MONEY LOAN OFFIOB, No. 224 Booth THIRD Street; below Walnut, opposite Pear at,, only eightdoore below the Exchange.' Honrs ,of business from T o’olock, A. M., anti! 10 o’clock In the even leg.' Ont-door sales,' ana sales at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000:. Ettabliihc&fcr, iht last TMrtf Tver*. Advances made from onA dollar to thousands on Dia monds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer’ ehandue, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every deecrlptlon.- AU goods eah iemala any .length ol time'agreed pool All advances, from one hundred dollars and will be charged 2 per oent. per month; $6OO and over, Ute lowest market rate. * •• - ' I-..- Thts Store Hofue having a depth of 120 feet, haslarg* ftreand thief-proof vaults te store all valuables, andpri| rate 'watchman for the.;premisea; also, a heavy inseg ranoi effected for the benefit of aJI persons having goods, Wtog r an unlimited capital, this oiled U prepared to make advances on more satt* factory asd : accommodating' terms, than any other In to the poor, In small amounts, wlteS «‘*w<'v AT mTAnBALa . _ ? Gold P.tMit ftnd oth»t.W»to!i**i Irw.Br, Ut4 Olothlnt »UI L. .old it redns-duridM. >sl-lY t PHRENOLOGICAL BXAMINA TIONB, with written descriptions of oharacter, including advice in Reference to business, health, self-icuproTement. Ac., are.made dajr and eve ning at' FOWLER, WELLS, k CO.’B, 1 Families visited when requested, and a liberal dis onnt msde to olnbs. #niBa .; 922 Ohwtnut it., Philadelphia. -iv ' l T«E MpJVpAY,:, .6, 185,9, Bfolil li’a SfcSrtwn. ETUTENESS, BRIKLEY, & GO., !• ; - No. 429 HARKBT STREBIT. SALE OF'FBBNOH GOODS. On Tuesday ]\lornmg, Deo. 7th, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, ou 0 months’ credit— .... 400 packages and lots of fancy and staple imported drygoods. 07" Samples and oat&logueYearly on the morning of sale NEEDLEWORK KUBROIDHIUK O —JUST LANDBD FROM STBAMBR AFRICA. On Tuesday Morning, 100 lota,, now st/lo needlework embroideries, consist ing of— r Fine to extra rich embroidered book sets. Fine to extra rich, embroidered book sets with small collars. - Pin© to extra rich embroidered book sets trimmed with ribbons. Pine to extra rloh small else embroidered book collars, do new shape .do do do, 5° ■do embroidered jaconet sets. Do do jaoooet collars. . w PLAID WOOL LONG SHAWLS. 100 London all*'wool, plaid long: shawls. ; LYONS MANTILLA SILK-VELVETS. 84,inch heavy Lyons blsokmantilla silk-velvets. ... . WHITNEY BLANKETS. 2 bales 10 4 and 18-4 superior Whitney blankets. PBmTBD BORDER,CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. 400 dozen men’sprinted border cambric hankerohiefs. BSOOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 481 • ' CHESTNUT STREET, opposite the Gas tom House, between FOURTH and FIFTH Streets; * LARGE AND ATTTRAOTIVE SALE OF FURS. . ' This Morning,’ ~ ’ Deo 6th, by catalogue, a valuable stock or fanoy fora for ladles’ wear, comprising sets of capes, mulls, and ouffs to match, rlctonnea and' cnffs, boas and ool&,'0f mink, martin, squirrel, fitch, Ao LADIES’ CLOAKS THIS MORNING. Also, included in oursale, ladles’ fine black "French cloth, beaver doth and gray cloth costs,; cloaks, and Raglans, from, best Paris manufactory. !D" Catalogues early onthe mbrnisg of sale, when the ladies, and purchasers generally, are respectfully invited to attend. - - - feALB OF EMBROIDBBtSS, RIBBONS, Ao. : On Wednesday Morning; > December Bth, by catalogue, on a credit, 500 lots, comprising, viz— ' ' i . EMBROIDERIES. Cambric and jiconet collars, and setts, with collars and .sloeves to match, Swiss collars and sets, bands, bonnoings, Ac. s - RIBBONS. Bonnet ribbons, dress .trimmings, velvet ribbons, velvet trimming ribbons, s lk dreesß fringes, Ac. • HOSIERY.. Ladies’ and gents*' merino and cotton hose,’white and gray merino half hose, undershirts, drawers, la*, dies’merino vests, Ac. . SALESROOM* v * V 7 ’ 222 MARKET STREET, BETWEEN BEOOND AND THIRD F.'G. WOLBBRT, Auorlonra. FURBALE. This Morning, Commencing at 10# o’clock, we will sell a < valuable stock of fnrs for ladies’, gents’, and misses’ wear, sleigh and carriage robes, AO. 017* May be examined with'catelogues prior to sale. ‘ ! On Tuesday Morning. --- - Will be sold, without reserve, A large and general as sortment of staple and fancy fall and winter goods. . Also, men’s lamb wool and merino shirts and drawers, knitjwool cricket jaokets, wool comforts and scarfs. ’ Also, men’s and women’s cotton and wool hose ahd half jhose, doth and buck gloves, merino de., Berlin lined do. ; ; - > SILK VELVET RIBBONS. Also, 50 cartons black silk velvet ribbons, regular edge. also, embroideries, linen hdks, silk ties, sowing silks, with' a general variety of notions worthy the attention of the trade and purchasers generally. ' On Thursday Morning, From the shelves will be-sold a general 'variety, of staple and fanoy goods, worthy the attention" oir re tailers. 1 On Friday Morning. Sale of ready-made clothing, tailoring goods. BY WILLIAM H. STERR, GENERAL . AtJOTION AND-COMMISSION STORE. No.' 46 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. ‘. J. A.‘ELISON, Auctioneer. * Bale at,the Auction Store.. Oh Tuesday Mernlng, LADIES’ FANOY FURS, GENTLEMEN’S DRIVING GLOVES, CAPS, MUFFLERS, GAUNTLETS, Ac. By patalogue, commenting at 10 o’olook, will be sold a handsome assortment of ladies’ and gentlemen’s furs, comprising silver martin, French sable, mnsk, and fitch mantillas, capes, victories and caffs, black fnr gloves, caps, mufflers, gauntlets, Ao. GERMAN AND SWISS TOYS. FANCY GOODS, ALA BASTER VASE B, GLASSWARE, Ao. By catalogue, commencing at 10 o’clock, will be sold’ a large assortment of toys, fanoy goods, Ao., to whloh we invite the attention of the trade. Sale in Wert Philadelphia. THE ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF A GENTLEMAN DECLINING HOUSEKEEPING, ' On Friday Morning, Commencing at 10 o’olock. In Garden street, first house above Thirty-sixth. Will be sold the entire household furniture, carpets, mirrors, housekeeping articles, Ac. On Saturday Morning, At the Auction store, commencing at 10 ofolock, the usual assortment of superior household furniture/-julr* rors, carpets, plated ware, Ac. . CjT Conslgnnfenta of new and second-hand house hold furniture, piano-fortes, carpets, watches, Jewelry, Ac., respectfully solicited, on whloh liberal cash ad vances will be made lr required. ■ 117 Oat-door sales attended to promptly. 1 , Charges as moderate'as any other house In this olty. Philip ford, auctioneer, no. ■ 630 MARKET STREET, between FITTS and SIXTH, south side SALE OF READY-MADE CLOTHING. ; On Tuesday Morning, ‘ 7th instant, at 10 o’clock precisely, we will sell by catalogue. 200 lots of men’s youths* and boys’ ready made clothing, consisting of seal and beaver overcoats and rsglane, casaimere and sattinet pants, velvet, silk, plash, and casaimere vests, doeskin, casaimere, and sattinet pants, Ao;, to which the attention of dealers Is requested. JM. GUMMEY & SONS, / e REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS,/ v No. 620 WALNUT STREET. . CARD.—J. M. Gommey A Sons, auctioneers, will hold-regular sales of Real Estate, Stocks, Ao. Also, household famitare at dwellings. ...... BEAL ESTATE AT,PRIVATE SALE. On our Private Bale Register will always be found a very large amount of real estate, including every description of city and country property. •* , 3. it. guaimey-« sons, Beal Estate Brokers, 620 WALNUT Street, below Sixth. SSross attir Qtfjemicals. ROBERT SHOEMAKER k 00,, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Manufacturers and Dealer PAINTS, VARNISHES, •cd WINDOW GLASS, Northeast corner FOURTH and •AOE Streets, Philadelphia. Sole. Agents for the sale of i the celebrated Yloreffe Plate Glass. mhtt-tf. Ir is NOT A DYE! JEROME’S HAIR COLOR RESTORER will re store Gray Hair to its original color in from ten to twelvo days, and restore the Hair where it has fallen off and beoome thin. It may be used as freely as water, and is the mostbeau tlfal Dressing far the H&lr now in use. Thotuandsln different parte of the Union have testi fied to its wonderful virtues, and all who have Used It join In their praise of It. Sold, Wholesale and Detail. hr Ur. BWAYN3 ft SON. No. 8 North SEVENTH Street, above MARKET. Soli Agents for Philadelphia. Trade anpplled. ooli-8m DETERSIVE SOAP.—Timo, labor; and money saved. In using it, clothes do not require any boiling or robbing on washboard One. pouisd will go as far as three pounds common Roain Soap. War ranted to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded It Is; decidedly the cheapest and beat washing Soap ever'offered to the pnbuo. Manufactured only by VAN HAAGEN ft MoKEONB. for sale by all re spectable Grocers in the city, and wholesale only by ; _ ' THAIN ft MoKEONB, S 3 South Wharves npAW h BEERS' A LUBRICATING GBEABEi the best and cheapest compound for greasing the axles of OMNIBUSKS, CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and WAQONS, and HEAVY machinery. Bor sale in tin cans, kegs, and barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS la the dty and&e MANUKACTURBRB, 1 '«184ro Wo 1R SOUTH .WATHR fltmet TIS OF THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE A for-every one to know where they will get the most for their money, especially such tunes as; these. ZIEGLER A SMITH, wholesale Druggists, corner of SECOND and GREEN Streets, are disposing of their White Lead, Ground Paints, of all Colors, and Window Glass, all or the best quality, at prices which will be pleasing to buyers. . «x>U SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers in Goodyear’s Patentfor Vulcanised Rubber Suspooders, Braids, Webfl.and all other Fabrics atd articles made by combin ing fibrous substances with threads or sheets of IVulcan ised rubber are notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my author!* ty, they cannot be legally disposed of in tho United Btates Merchants and dealers are Invited to Examine specimens now in store, and to give their order*fbr tho Spring Trade to the undersigned; EXCLUSIVE OWN. Eft OP THE TITLES AND KXCLUMVfI RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for these goods,'which embrace alt the styles heretofore manufactured or imported, and manTotbers. . /■»>-- ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to roe at No. 23 COURTLANDT Street, N Y n24-ly HORACE H. DAY ’ nno NEWSPAPER PROPRIETQES.— A NATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC NEWS AGENCY. —CARR & JOHNSON announce to the Press through out the United States that they are completing ar rangements on a most liberal scale, for a system of TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS, which has never before been equalled in this country. They pledge themsolves to furnish the earliest and most reliable re- Sorts of all the stirring and important events of the ay, at a price which cannot fail to be advantageous to* the Press generally. All letters and communications to be addressed to CARR k JOHNSON, National Telegraph News Reporters, South THIRD Street, opposite Exchange, Philada. ' j B.W. CARR, ; G.W.L. JOHNSON. Geo. W. L. Johnson, 29 Wall at.. New York City. John T. Smith, Merchants’ Exchange, Boston. John Wills, corner South and Baltimore streets, Bal timore. v For experience and reliability In the business, we would refer to: Morton McMiohael, North .American and U.S Gazette; Swain & Abell, Publio: Ledger; Jesper Harding k floir, Pennsylvania Inquirer; John W. Forney, The Preßs; Cummings k Peacock,Evening Bulletin{ F. W. Grayson Sc. Co., Evening Journal: Jo seph Sevpras, Evening Argus; Joseph R. Flanlgen, Dally News:' WUUam Rice, Pennsylvanian;' Lawlor, Everett, Sc Hincken, Sunday Dispatch; Magiu k Jones, Sunday Mercury j Jno. S. Jackson, Sunday Transcript. oc2o-tf Notice —Philadelphia and read ing RAILROAD.—The “DOWN FREIGHT” Depot of ihe Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com paoy, has been removed from No. 226 to Nos. 242 and 248 BROAD, above Bsco streets - All the “ THROUGH FREIGHT ” business of the Company, both OUTWARD and INWARD' will be transacted at this Depot. . JNO. T. BEATY, v no4 1m 1 General Agent. BAILY a BROTHER’S CARPET WAREHOUSE. No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, WE SHALL OPEN TO-DAY ANOTHER INVOICE TAPESTRY “ OROSSLEY’S” CELEBRATED MAKE, ' ONE DOLLAR A YARD. * CAp.t bn,«r. will find onr'stock fall Bad of fre.h styles, and PRICES VERY LOW, noB-tf GIN. —30 Pipes (Dutch Company’s) la bond,and for sals tqWM. H. YSATON, 318 8 PSONTSi. 006 On Thursday Morning, IT IS NOT A DTE! Jffolitca. Carotins*. OF ENGLIBH BRUSSELS, \ Battings 4Ttmds. FJVHE; STATE SAVINGS FUND, HO. 341 DOCK BTBHST, NEXT DOOIt TO THE POST OMIOI. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. Money receivddDiiLT, and every MONDAY EVENING, OX DXfOSIT, IN SUMS LABOR AND SMALL, ARD VAin JBAVK VAILJ, FROM 0 O’CLOCK A. M. TO 8 O’CLOCK P. M oiroaiToas cam dsa w THgia mokbt er ohkokb, as IX BAKE, it DISIXXD. GKO. H. HART, Prmldent. OHAB. G. lUIiAT, Treunrer. J.HJSNBYHAYEB. Teller. The spring garden saving ! FUND. ' (Okaaraaan by *n Luoiblatum or f jraxamrainA.) ; .. PERPETUAL CHARTER. VIVAPER OENT. Interest allowed to Depositors,“ i * and all Moneys paid back On Demana. > ,OFFICE, 881 NORTH THIRD STREET,'' (00B6OL1DA7IOX Bimk Boildiko.) , This Institution Is now open for the transaction of bus in ms, and Is the only Chartered Saving Fund located la the northern part of the city. The Office will be open (daily) from 8 to 3)4 o’clock, and also on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, from 6 until 8 o’clock in tke Evening. MANAGERS, Frederick Klett, John Kessler, Jr., Stbpken Smith, - Fames S. Pringle, John P LCvy, Jacob Dock, Hon. Henry K. Strong, Joseph M. Cowell, Daniel Underkofier, J. Wesley Bray, Hon. Wm. Millward, Robert B. Davidson, Frederick Staake, P. 0. EUmaker, Francis Hart, John P. Vorwfc 4 Joseph P. LeOlero, . George Kneeht. ■ - President, JAMES 8. PRINGLE. Secretary, GEORGE T; THORN:' apffl-lftf CJAVING FUND—FIVE PER DENT. IN TERKST-NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY.—WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-WEST OOBNIB 0? *HIRD, PHILADELPHIA. > liooxroxani) bt thb Statb or PnraaTLvaxu. - Money is received In anvetun. large er small, and in- VeresVpaid from the day of deposit to the day of with ' The office is opes every , day from Oo’oiock in the morning till fi o’cloax in. the evening, andon Monday aad/Thiirsday evenings till 8 o’olook. t ' 1 f > ‘ HON. HENRY L. BSNNBB,' President, . ROBERT SELFRIDGEj Vice President. WE. J. Bus,'Secretary.-- • . <>. DIBSOfOMS Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brevrctei, ' Edward L. Carter,. Joseph B. Ban , Robert Selfridge, Francis Lbt», 'i Sami. K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, 0. Landreth Manns, Henry Diffenderffer, Money la received and payments made daily. The investments are made in conformity with .the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORT GAGES, GROUND BENTS, andsttoh firat'class securi ties as will always Insure perfect security, to the deposi tors, And whioh-cannot fail to! give permanency ana sta bjllty to this institution. aul-ly CAVING - FUND.-r-UNITED -STATES K 3 TRUST COMPANY, comer of THIBD and CHEST NUT Streets. • Large «nd small stuns received, and paid took on da mand, without notice. with FIVE PBR CENT' INTBR B3T from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Offlod hours, froni 9 nntil 6 o’clock every day. and on HONDA? BVBNINQB from T nntll 9 o’clock. 'DRAFTS for sale on Bngland, Ireland, and Scotland) from £1 upwards. President—BTßPlHN B. OBAWIOBD. Treasurer—PLlHY FISK. Teller—JAHlB B. HUNTBB doufertionern. Kris kringle headquarters We have just received our French Confectionery, and *re manuf«cturing a superior article of Marsh Mel low Gum Drops, Bon Bona, Cream Bate*, Sc o. Call aod supply yourselves with -the best Confectionery in this city, at JEFFRIES Sc EVANS’, , nol6-3m No. 718 MARKET ,Bt., bet. 7th and Bth. dobatro. SFUGUET & SONS, • Importers of HAVANA CIGARS, ■•2B . . 216 South FRONT Street. Figaro, cabanas and partagas SBGABS.—A oholoe invoice of these celebrated brandi on board brig “New Bra,” daily expected from Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES TBTE, r (New) 188 Walnut atreet, below Second, w) Reennd Rtorv i GERMAN CIGARS. 300,000, various X brand, in store and for aale by WM. H. YEATON 6 South FRONT Bt. no 6 Stones. SOMETHING NEW.—GAS BUR .fI KING COOK STOVE.—I would respectful lycaU •AHA tbie attention of the public to one of the greatest improvements ever introduced in Cooklug Stores and Rtngea—the burning of the gas arising from the ooal, by whleh means is savedt 60 per cent, in fuel and also more intense heat thrown to,the bottom of the oven. We effect the burning of the gases by msaos of a hollow centre-piece, perforated on the under side,>whieh admits the air In a h*ated state to mingle with the Sees, thus adding its combustion, and causing a flame pass around the oven equal to a wood Ore. This Im- Srovement also preserves the centre pieoe from sinking own on the fire, thereby saving the expense of repairs One of the Stoves CAN BE BEEN' IN OPERATION «t 1116 MARKET Street. -Manufactured by JAMES SPEAR, Inventor and Patentee, (late North, Ohase Sc North,) 1116 MAR SET Street *ept29-Bmo JU.ANILA AND JUTE v 4 HOPE, OORDS, TWINES, Elo. Manufactured and for'sale at the lowest New York prioee, by WEAVER. PITJLER & CO., No. 93 N. WATER Str«<t, »nd 99 N. WHARVES. nolT-2m AND CLAMPS. HANDBORUBSt No, 1. esxo.perdbk. No; 8.6113 per den. . 2. 7fio. “ 6; 186 1 8. 87c. “ T. 160 «• 4.100 c. “ 8. 176 “ CLAMPS. 6 Row, f 1.26 per oxen. 7 Bow, $1.75 perdosen. 880w,.52.25 perdosen. HENRY O. BOKBTBIM, ralt ISNnrtb Tsiat, gtract PhlUdelohfe ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS- ACADIA HREESTONB, Now lauding, and shortly to arrlro, 1,000 tons of this beautiful Stone, both of the BLUE. GRAY, AND BUFF TINTS, the former of which, for softness and delicaoy of color, is unrivalled For the character of this stone please examine the following buildings: Jos. Harrison’s, Eighteenth street and Rlttenbouse Square. . Harrison’s Building', Locust street, between Seven teenth and Eighteenth. Bamuel Smith’s West stroet and Bittenhonie square. Mrs. Peterson’s No. 1219 Walnut Btreet. A. K. Worarath’a,4ls Arch street. gamuel Simes’, Twelfth and Chestnut streets. . T. K. J. Fassitt, Seventeenth and Locust streets, and others. ARNOLD & WILSON, Agents, PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, 1010 OHBBTNUT STREET Ual6-8m B. M. FBLTWXLL, 8 Anew and valuable discov ery. DR. HAM’S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT-. IT STIMULATES, BXHILEItATKS, INVIGORATES, BUT WILL,NOT INTOXICATE OR BTUPIFY. This delicious Beverage Is superior to all invigorating Cordials. Bchnappa, Nervines, &o. in use for the cure of Dyspepsia. Nervousness, Heart-burn, Drows ness, Kid ney Complaint, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, fto , as It Wijf invigorate and strengthen, but will not in toxicate or stupify.- Persons who htTe become habitu ated to the excessive use of Tobacco. Opium, and Sp'rit uous Liquors, will find speedy ana permanent relief from a desire to use these destroying agents, by taking a bottle or two of this DELICIOUS MEDICAL BEVERAGE! Weak and slokly Females will find Dr. RAM’S IN VIGORATING SPIRIT a quick and sure euro, it being a Regenerator as well as a btreogthenor of the Human fjystem- Each complaint that the AROMATIC INVI GORATING CORDIAL Is calculated to cure Is named npou the wrappers accompanying each bottle, and full directions for uso are also minutely given. ' PRICE OSB DOLLAR PBR BOTTLE. Prepared by DARIUS HAM, Principal office, No. 48 WATER fit., N. York. Fo# sale by . T. W. DYOTT & BuNB. n25-3m 218 N. SECOND Street, Philadelphia. fTNITED STATES GOVERNMENT U LAND LOCATING AGENCY. ' CHICAGO, ILL. The subscriber, baying had much practical experl* enoe in selecting and locating lands in the various Land Districts in the Western States, has unusual facilities for making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OR OABH> Having Surveyors constantly tn the Jitli to make Jiersonal examinations, he can always make the moat udiolous locations. Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of elimata, near the line of railroads, may now be In lOWA AND WIBCONBIN. Satisfactory references given when required. ID* Money invested In Kansas’ and Nebraska, and any of the western States. iylft-flm 8. SALISBURY, 46 CLARKE Street, Chicago. First premium, franklin insti tute, 1858, to ORARx’B PATENT BRICK MACHINE and DIIIOK KILN. They are nov offered, with full guarantee to perform In a Tory .uperior wayas regards cost,-quality, ahd quantity. Andress J W, OR ART, care of I. P. MORRIS * CO., Port Richmond Iron Works, Philadelphia, N. B.—l will take an interest with any one who wishes to engage in the manufacture of Brick in Philadelphia, and guarantee that Brick can be made at oue half the oostof the common process. n023-3w* J. W 0. ORNAMENTAL and COLORED GLASS. We hare just received a comprehensive and vft* rled fltook of this truly beautiful and arohltootural ap pendage to Churches Vestibules, Conservatories, and other buildings, where it Is deemed necessary to embel lish, or to give a chasto and elegant appearance. Any oolor may be bad, either plain or ornameqtal, elabo rately or In relief. ZIEGLER A BMITII, Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Glass Dealers, ce3B-dtf nor Raonmi and Groan ste PLASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD— SPECIAL NOTICE TO PHYSIOIANB.-The above offers a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to dis eased surfaces, whloh combines the following advanta ges : A good and. unvarying consistence, easily w'ashed off with water, dissolves all substances that are solu ble In water, hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and (foes net get rancid. The last property alone renders It an invaluable acquisition to the practitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail, at BIMJSB'fI Laboratory and Pharmacy, mho' ' twelfth and Obestnnt street HEIDSIOK & CO.’S CHAMPAGNE.—A cooetanf supply of the original genuine brand, In bond uttd in store, for sale bv WILLIAM H. YBATON. sole agent for Pennsylvania, No. 216 Bonth FRONT Street noS UAIvUM. A Mi go Jtock of Navy and American Na>y Oakum on hand and for salo by WEAVER, PITLER A 00., n 026 No. 23 N. Water it., and N. Wharves. Jnanrant* fflcmsmms. OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE MU - TUAL SAFETY INt URANOB COMPANY, , Philadelphia,November 10, 1858. The following Statement of the affairs of the Com pan/ is published In conformity with a provision of its Charter: • Premiohb xeoelved from November lj 1857, to Oote ber 31,1868: On Marine and Inland 8i5k5....5361 803 62 On Fire Bisks 118,414 17 5170,217 79 Fubmioms on Policies not markod off Novem ber 1, 1857 Premiums marked off au barked, from Ist of Novem ber, 1357, to October 31, 1868: On Marine and Inland hi eke... .$390,641 76 OnPlre Blake.,. 123,011 68 . $518,553 43 Interest, fee , received during came period... « Losses, Expenses, Ac., daring the year as above— Marine and Inland Navigation Los«es... ~......*216,170 15 Vlro Losses 41,289 21 Return Premiums, 41,758 14 Reinsurances, Commissions to /gouts, Taxes, Ac.... .48,428 09 Expenses, Salaries, Rents, Sta tionery, &0.. ; 18,007.82 - -$395,249 00 ' Surplus ' ~.......$147,954 66 wsg-tluil ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 1,1858 Par. Market Value, 103,050.. Philadelphia Olty.slx per cent. Loan ;...|106,144 00 .89,000.. Pennsylvania State five per cent.' . L0an..,....; 88,015 00 21,000.. Pennsylvania Btate six per cent. Loan.., 1 21,210 00 80,000. .United States Treasury 4# per cent Notes.,-,............"... 80,112 60 -60,000.. Pennsylvania Railroad 2d Mort- Sage six per cent 80nd5.,,.* 46,876 00 brth'Peiwsylvania Railroad Mort ■ gage six per can t.8tra15.....’ 12,000 00 16,000..300 shares Stock'Germantown Gas 1 Company, Interest’and principal guarantee! by the City of Phila delphia , 14,025 00 6,000..100 shares Pennsylvania Baliroad Company.4,B3T 50 5,000..100 shares North Pennsylvania .. Railroad Company, 860 00 1.200..80 shares Philadelphia Ice Boat and Steam Tag C0mpany......... 1,200 00 • 1,000. shares PhiladelpblaandSavannah Steam Navigation Company..,,... 260. .6 shares Philadelphia and Havre de Grace Steam, Tow-boat .Com pany 200..2 shares Philadelphia’ Exchange i . C0mpany..............,.,;...,... 130 00 840,700 Cost $318,297; Market value, $319,199 <0 Bonds and Mortgagee...... 10,000 00 Beal Estate, office building... 61,863 35 Bills receivable for Insurances made....... 201,66656 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Ma rine Policies recently issued—and other debts due the Company Bcrip and Stock of sandry Insurance Com panies 3 250 00 Cash on deposit in Banks. 42 067 85 The Board of Director! hare this day declared a Di vidend of SIX PER GENT. In Cash, on tho original Capital Stock, and MX PER CENT, on the Scrip of the Company, payable on and after the let proximo. 7 hoy have also.deolaied a Scrip Dividend of TWEN TY-FIVE PER CENT, on the original Stock 'and on the Earned Premiums for the year, ending October 31, 1858, certificates for which will be issued to the parties entitled to the same, on and after the 4at of December next. ID* Preamble and Resolution adopted bp the Board. Whereas .The increased means of the Company aris ing from Profits, and which will be derived from the Increased Capital Stock under the lato amendments to the Act of Incorporation, render, the further continu ance of the Guarantee Capital unnecessary, therefore That the Guarantee Capital be discon tinued, and the notes representing the same be deliv ered up to the makers thereof, as. soon as the Bisks taken during ihe period embraced In said notes shall have determined. DIRECTORS. Wiliiam Martin, James D. Hand, Edmund A. Bonder, Edward Darlington, Theophllus Paulding, H. Jones Brooke, John R. Penrose, Spencer M’llvalne, John 0. Davis, Thomas 0. Hand, • James Traqular, Samuel E. Stokes, William Ejre, Jr., J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Robert Burton, Joseph B. Seal. JacobP Jones, Dr. It. M. Huston, James B. M’Parland, George G helper, Joshua P. Eyre, Wm 0 Ludwig, John B Semple, PlttaVh Hugh Craig, 1 D. T. Morgan, “ Charles Kelley, - J.V. Logan. “ WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOS.O. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLBtJRN, Secretary. nolS*4w INSURANCE OOJTPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—-FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 EXOHANGS BUILDINGS. Chartered in 17M— Capital $200,000 —Assets, Janu ary 1,1858, $347,448.60-100. All invested in sound ana available securities—eontl flue to ihttire on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks of .Merchandise. Ac., on liberal terms. DIRECTORS: Henry D. Bherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalesto, Tobias Wagner, William 8. Bmlth, Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Budd, Henry G. Freeman, William KWhite, Charles 8. Lewis, • George 0. Carson. MeKRY t>. SUfiRRERD, President. William Hiiraa, Secretary. THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY. ONIOI 408 WALNUT StREUT, PHItADELMHA.—CAPITAL mnj SURPLUS $277- 685.85.—Insures against LOSS or DAMAGE BY VIBE and the PERILS OF TUB SEA, INLAND NAVIGA TION and TRANSPORTATION. U 7“ TEN per cent, in caah returned on the earned premiums of Opah Inland Policies. OFFICERS. President—GEOßGE H. HART. Vice President—B. P. BOSS. Secretary and Treasurer—H R.COQGBHALL. Assistant Secretary—B. H. BUTLER. DIRECTORS. Geo. H. Hart, X. W. Biller B P. Ross, Andrew R. Chambers, A. G. Catlett, i, L, Pomeroy, Joseph Edwards, Charles G. Imlay, John G. Bale. H. Jt. tiogtf shall, Poster 8. Perkins, Sami. Jones, H. D., Hon. H.M. Fuller. se2l.y Attest, H. B. COQGBHALL, Seo’y. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., £%. INCORPORATED ISIO-C HARTER PER PETDAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia Oaf Ing a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus Invested In sound and available Securities, continue 1 1 insure on Dwellings, Btores, Furniture, merchandise. Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and other Persons! Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. George Abbott, - John T. Lewis, . John Welsh, Caspar W. Morris. Samuel O. Morton* James R. Campbell, Patriok Brady, Edmund G. Dutilh. Charles W. Poultney. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS B, MARIB. Secretary. ja23-ylf CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 Bouth FOURTH Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital *200,000. Organised 1861. Privileged to insure Houses, annually or perpetually; Personal Property, annually, or for a less period; take Marlue, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks; receive De posits: hold Trusts and grant annuities ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. O. TYLER, Vloe President. J. W. Minyiiw, Secretary. 9IXKOVOXB. Alfred Weeks, Hon. W. D. Kelley, B. 0. Tyler, J, W. Forney, J. W. Bonder, P. B. Mingle, C. R. Picking, James Watson, J. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthow*, J. W. Stokes, William Curtis, je!B-ly G. F. Turner. Life insurance and trust com- PANT .-The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and BOOK Streets. Capital, *613,726.08. INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term'of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases life Interests in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel B. Btokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard 8. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Boston, Samuel 0. Huey, Theophilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmond A. Bonder, . Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodolphos Kent, John W. Hornor, William H. Carr, Ellis S. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, • Joseph M. Thomas, Warner H. Basin, John G. Brenner, P. B. Kichler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. . SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Pros’!. Join W. HoxtfOx. Secretary. ’ nlB-ly COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE ov vxb STATU 07 PENNSYLVANIA. 07FI0B, NORTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT BTBJITB,>BLrxjA. ibiarlbed Capital, 1600,060. Paid op Capital, *200,000 Bxxiaroas. Dr. D. Jayne, Thoa. 8. Stewart, H. L. Benner, J. M. Butler, J. J. K. Walker. Edw. 0. Knight, M. R. Wendell, K. Lewis, Jr., , B.K.Hoxsie. DAVID JAYNE, M.D., President. THOMAS B. STEWART. Vice Pres’t. fIAMUBL 8. Moon, Secretary. Ja29-y OlttiS AND INLAND RISKS.—JfAME * INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital IXOO,OOO. (Organised under tho Aot of Assembly relatlie to la carenee Companies, passed April 2d, I 860.) GEORGE W. DAY, President. THOMAS 8. MARTIN, Vice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, BeoreUry. Offloe 411 CHESTNUT Bt., Philadelphia. MHIOTOBB. Jacob K. Vaughan, Henry Lewie, Jr., D. B. Birr jy, John W. Ev"«rmin, A. H. Bo'onheiin, M. Stern. George W. Day. William W. Walters, Oharloß Itiohardnoc, Barclay Llpplncott, Job. R Ilrogaard, Ohas. Stoked, fe24«y TtfSURANOE COMPANY.— Ali OFFICE No. 6 KXCHANGK. Avtbohizbd Btook Oapital, fIOO.OOO. Cbabtri Pbrpbtoal. Fire Bisks on Merchandise and Buildings. Marine Bisks on Vessels Cargoes and Froights. Inland Transports ion Bisks on Goods per Railroads, Canals, and .Steamboats taken on favorable tortus DIREOTOBB. George A. Wright, Thomas Sbaw, George Cookm&n, Charles Btoy, Jacob Heed, W. 0. btotesbury. _ ANDREW COCHRAN, Tresidant William I, Brown, Vice»Pre*ldent niMJ Andrew Cochran, William I lirown, Richard G. BtolCBburj, Peter D. Mjers, Robert D Walker, Jacob Lukena, Howard fire and marine insu- RANCH COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. Thos. L. Ludpra, Wm. 7. Leeoh, J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Trttltt, M. W. Baldwin, John H. Dlohl, John 0. James, Wm. K. Hamlin, A. J. Bncknor, 11. H. Shillingford, John W Sexton, 0. K. Spangler, William Rniguel, N.II. Houston, Edwin Booth, Wm. H. T.nvo, John Garrison, Charles P. Norton, E. 8. Warne, Isaao Myer. President—TOOMAS L. LUDBRS. Vice President—E. S, WARNS. Secretary—OHAßLES A. BUY. eel6«tf u w -&&& PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND -BALTI - , MORE RAILROAD, Pimman M!*!: Saturday; December 4,1868, rSS H TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA At bah., li: M., (Eipre«a,)«nJ ■ Vnl «„ 3 A. M., 1,3.30, and 11 P M. f£{B&2KSSS!l 80 P. M , V FOil PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 880 a at /& • aoi 6.40 P. m“ * W A * U, » ( Bl P r «**i) 12 noon, SA 1 ? P.M WUmington ** 720 “ 4 U « A. H., 2,26 an P. L M TOIi ° W C,sU, *‘ 046 “” d U. 12 A.M., and 8.06 Leare Middletown at 10.20 A. M., and 080 P M - I*l7B Joter at 9.20 A. M.. and 4 3SP/M Leara Seafotd at 7.46 A. M., and 1 46 P M TRAINS POU BALTIMORE hem Wilmington at 9.10 A. M., 1 66 P. M., and 12.1 t SUNDAYS only at II P. M. from Philadelphia to Eal- .....826,184 02 $795,401 81 29,650 22 $543,203 66 61,288 14 $693,804 70 November 10.1868. DiaiOToaa. nvsysis. COMPANY Railroad £ineo. Do do 5.40 P. M. from Baltimore to Phila delphia. freight Train, with Pauenger Oar attached, will im as follows: - Leave Philadelphia for Perr/vllle and Intermediate places at 5 00 P. H Leave Wilmington for do 5 do do 065 P. M Leave Baltimore for Havre de <3race do 600 P. M no 2 ' 8. M. FELTON, President sqifqmty. TfiE feBITISH AND NORTH !»WftAMHBICAK ROYAL MAIL BTBAM SnUro. • 'M* «w Tonn io timrooi. • BMond Oabln Feaege t» **o* *oato* tc uTiarooi Chief Cabin Faaeage...... ...1110 Beoond Cabin Paasage..... , ■ ■ gg d»oot. T Js“ “JV ft® m Bo * ton eau at HadUax.* ’ ®fP*- JcdHn*. I CANADA, Oaot. tan*. abA a*? aliAnA P n.?f SLAQARA.Oapt.Bvrie. AFRICA, Cant. Shannon. RUROPA, bapf. 3. Leitch. ®S7» 0l, “ *Mte light at roast-head: P. ?, .?, . t V b<> * r<lbow i r «den port low. < ’ learea Boaton, Wedneedaj, Deo. 1. Ktrww*’ S r h ?fa on ’ “ y °' k > Wedneaiay, Deo. 8 i:F;?.si. > Leitch, ’ “ Boston, Wednesday; Leo. IS a J t H dklna > “ N - York, Wednesday, Dec. 22 ia Bton *» “Boston, Wednesday. Dec. 29 n»MAn?Y *' N York > Wednesday, Jan 6 T£ofJPa A< ,F* D *’ Boston, Wednesday Jan-12. A*«iOA, Shannon, “ N York, Wednesday. Jan 19.- Berths not seonred until paid for. , An experienced Surgeon on board. - The owners of these Ships will net be accountable fo Bullion, Specie. Jewelry, Precious Stones or Motels, unless bills of lading are signed therefor ani the value thereof therein expressed. Tor freight or passage apply to POl-J B. OUNABD, 4 Bowling Green. jg* STEAM TO GLASGOW, LlVER £g£g POOL, .BELFAST* DUBLIN,’ AND LONDON DERRY, without delay, for $3O. ; Return tickets, good for six months, to either or the above.places, by any'steamer of the line, $5O for the round trip, out and back.' MOM SKW 70UK. Edinburgh, Gamming, Wednesday, Deo22, lfro’elock M Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday, Jan 22,12 o’clock M FROM QLABOOWV Glasgow, Thomson, Wednesday, December 22d. Edinburgh, Cummiog, Saturday, January 22d. RATES OF PASSAGE. FROM GLASGOW. Pirst 01a5i...... ,16 niiiiBU Steerage, found wth cooked provisions.... 8 •* FROM HEW TOSS. Virst’Ol&ea ; ; qq Steerage, found with cooked provieiona........ jjo 00 • Children under 14 years of age, half fare: Infante In Steerage,free. Bfctorn tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this line. First Glass $l4O Bteerage .....$6O An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer.’ For freight or pusige apply to WORKMAN 4c 00., 120 WALNOT Street, Philadel phia. ROBERT ORAIG, 17 Broadvr&j, New Tork. HALE & LOWRY, Buchanan’s Whuff. Baltimore. no'27 . , , , , .-.a* FOR CHARLESTON. S. C Heron’s VW LINE—ONLY RfGULAR LINE—GOODS BE -OEIYED AND. BILLS. LADING SIGNED EYIRI DAY.—Freight and insurance at less than sailing ves sel rates, by the steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. 0. P. Marshman, to sail on MONDAY; December 6th. at 4 o’clock P; M., from second wharf above-Yins st. For farther particulars please see advertisement of Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, in this paper. For freight or passage apply to A. HERON, J*.. n2O 828 North Wharves. FOR CHARLESTON AND SA aHh YANNAH —HERON’S LINI. GOODS DECEIVED AND BILLS Of LADING SIGNED - i J EVERY DAY. •- The splendid firat4laasoide.irheel Steamships KEYSTONE STATE and STATE Of GEORGIA, ’Not form a weekly lice.for the-■ Sonth and Southwest one of them i shine sailing ererr SATURDAY at 1< e’olook A. H., alternately for Obarlacton and Ba vannahe Until the steamship State of Georgia has received her new boilers, the Steamship Keystone State, in order to accommodate passengers and the trade, will make Weekly Trips, alternately to Charleston and Savannah. Shippers will pleaso send down their goods on fiatnr day, fOR CHARLESTON The steamship KBYBTONB STATB, Captain O.F. Harshman, will commence lotting bn THURSDAY December 2d, and ttulon MONDAY, December Oth, at 4 o’clock, P. M. POB SAVANNAH. The steamship Keystone state. Captain Charles P Marshtnan, will sail on SATURDAY, December lUh, at 10 o’olcckA..M.- . . -v, At both Charleston and Barannah, these shlpseoimeo. irith steamera for Florida and Havana, and with rail roads, Ao., for all plaeesln the South and Southwest. JPRSmHTS BIDUOXD. ' Heary Freight at an average efU per oent.beloe New. York steamship rate*., 1 _ iksubjikob; FRXIGHTand X on a large proportion of goods shipped South will Be found to be lower to these ship# thin by eaiUngTeweli. .7 Cabin pa5ea£«4«»...............ftt 00 Steerage do 80S Excursion Tiekets,good for the present jeer* 80 00 Bo bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed. • tat fr«l*St or punt, opplj to . . / A. HIBON. Jr., Ho. 335 { latfl 81) North WfcvrM. Aguta»t Olmltrton, a . „ . Agents in Barannik. 0. A. OBXINIB & 00. , lor Tlorida, front Charleston, steamer QABOLUfAt •rery Tuesday. \ Tor TlorM*. from Barannab, steamersßT. HABTB and ST. JOHNS, erery Tuesday and Saturday. Tor Harafta. from Charleston, steamer IHABIL. os the 4th and 19th of erery xoohtH. _ jell 1858. MEMPHIS ANDNBW ORLEANS UNITEDBTATES MAIL PACKET LINE.—.The splendid Boats of this old and popular LINE will leave Memphis and New Orleans, as heretofore, on MONDAYS; WEDNESDAYS, A FRIDAYS. MONDAY PACKETS. NEBRASKA A. R. IRVIN. BEN FRANKLIN .....Oapt. J. D. CLARK. WEDNESDAY PAOKETB. JOHN BIHONDS. INQOMA.R... Oft) ««oapv ibiday packets. BELFAST H.B. W. HILL.... ' UJ* These Boats connect at Memphis with the Bail* roads from'that point, also wfth regular Packets for St. Lonis,, Louisville, Cincinnati, and Nashville, on their respective days Leave Memphis Immediately on the arrival of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Oars. PasaengerS can arrange'their arrival so as to avoid delay at Memphis longer than business or plea Bare may require. For information. Inquire of J. J. KAWUNGB, At Webb A Rawlings’, 816'Main Bt, Memphis . 8. H. Shook, Adr. Agent. ocl2-2m flutfmxw*. Philadelphia warming and •VENTILATING. WAREHOUSE. ASKOLD A WILSON, suoonssons re a. a. hajkkibox. We have reraorM from our old stand in Walnut street to the LABOR STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the St. Lawrence Hotel, where oar old friends and the public are respectfully invited to examine our extensive stock of Warm Air Fnrnaoes, Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Registers. Enameled Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Orates, Ac., Ac. We are now manufacturing OHILSON’S CELEBRATED PAT. ENT NEW COAL GAB CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economical Heater ever invented, and suited to all classes of buildings. Also, new and beantifnl patterns ot Low Do Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all sizes and pattern 0 We have also oommenoed the manufacture 0. ENAMELED STONE * MANTELS from Penn eylvania St on*. Theso Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL PJIEMIUM atth < late Fair and Exhi bition of the franklin Institute of this city. They represent all the rare and boantifnl Ahtiquh mahblis, are not Injured by Smoke, Coal Gas, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Retail, at much. Lai priu fhan Marble. Cull and tee them. ARNOLD A'WILSON. * BENJ.M. FSLTWBLL, Superintendent. Philadelphia. April. IftAS—apO* It ‘ . Hardware. —too subscribers, com- MISSION MERCHANTS tor the sale of FOREIGN ‘AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, would respectfully sail tiie attention of the' trade to theEr stock, which they are offering at lowest rates. Our assortment con sists in part of— Ohains, of all kinds—'Trace, Log, Halter, Breast, Ox, Oow, Fifth, Back. Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Lock, Ship, Mine, and Coil Ohains. The celebrated “L“ Hone Nails; Stone and Sledge Hammers. “Wright’ ” and other Anvils; Solid Box and other Floes. Short and long handle Fry Pans; round and oval Sake Pans. “Martin’s” superior Files and Rasps; Bed Screws. “Excelsior” Safety Fuse: Blasting Tubes. Corn, Grass, and Brier Bcytnoa j Hay, Corn, and Straw waives. Hay, Manor®, Tanners’, and Spading Yorks. Bikes and Hoes; 8h orels and Spades, of ail kinds. Tacks, Brads, Shoe, Clout, and Finishing Nails.. Oast and Wrought Butt Hinges, Screws, Locke of all tdndi; Cutlery, Rams and Pumps, Axes, Hatchets, Ham* uers. Planes, and other Tools. &0., Ac. w. e. Lewis & son, No. 411 OOMMBBOE Street. fouls <m& fUsicmrcwts. Arcade hotel, CUEBTNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. CONDDOTED OH THE EDBOPBAH PLAH. A new lease Tor a term of years having been obtained for this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, it will con tinue to be conducted as heretofore, on the-European plan, and the prices remain unchanged, vis: Room Pbr Day 600. Dinner 6Qo. Bbbakpast an© Tea, baoh, 37#0. The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every thing done to make guests comfortable. The chambers are heated in winter by means of Steam Pipes, for which no extrA charge Is made. There is no bar kept in the house to be a source of annoyance to guests. The accommodations are designed wholly for business men—hence no ladies Are received. JE7“ This house is never closed day or Ooe-3m «'■ PE VOPNQ 1 , JONES HOUSE, HARBIBBOH9, Pi., (Erected In 1867, ELEGANTLY PORNIBIIEE. KOW OPEN TO VIBITOBS. „ WELLS COTEBLY, Proprietor DE LANEY’S SALOON AND RESTAU RANT, N. E. corner THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. no2-3roo WM. A DE LANBY, Proprietor. J PROSSER’S RESTAURANT, No. • 808 MARKET Street, four doors above EIGHTH, South side, Philadelphia. Oysters Stewed, Boasted, Fried, Pickled, &0., &o , for Home Consumption ana Transportation. N. B.—Dinner from twelve to three rf’clook. 0c22-tf AJiiAWDIiSS.—“ Pinot Gastillon,” Marett, JL# uid other Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter caaks i Pellevolsin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, half oaaks, and one*eighth casks. Imported and for sale br . HENRY. BOHLSN A 00., mb Ml «n 4 339 Bouti foortt Itmt. JVOT. 29,1858.—CHANGE OF HOOK— • ' n PENNSYLVANIA- • : - »Imv O o?,X T i?RAILROAD BTWJBBMvn.ra, I ? l O^Kr*?2’ , CINCINNATI?’ CRIO Aflo’ .LOniBVILL», C BTOirTN’»TOM ' KANSAg; AND NEBE^^, UBI > PMaangera to of Pittaborgh, Whaelta. OtarelMd ani (Swathne hire cboioa of rate, raqaeated to make a aeleetbm before appljing f “uJJ* THBia THROUGH TRAINS LBAVJI CTITT.tT.»T PHIA DAILY. POB.I'HE WEST:, (Mail Train and PastUne, Sundays Excepted.)' TRAINS LBATB PRILADIIa-IZETORNING BBAOH J>fllLA w„ .PHIA. , J;..,.. . DBLpBIA Mailtralnat... .7 80 A. M. f Mail train at..U.OQ night. Tart line ,4 00 P M. Tart line 8.30 ATm. lHnraaainaU..Zl.QOftlgfet j Express mail.. 6.00P.M.' Tnsmxiltraln stops atallthestatioiis be tween Phil** delphia and Pittsburgh. _ A t_ TEAU,a MATT* WAT TRAITS ARUTS. Hamiburg ao- Hanisfmvg ao* eommodatton.l.oop. M.' commodatlon.T.l6 P.M. Lancaster and Lancaster and fe,C01umbia,.,..4.?0 P.M. C01umbia....1220 P.M,. (Sundays Excepted )‘ , Pa«W n g«B for SUHBCET. WILLIAMSPORT, EL «vI»^”,IIF,FirAI,O» AND NIAGaBA FALLS. -leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A;M., and 4P. M. ,* - The ears leave tne Pennsylvania Bailroad Passenger Station, southeast corner of ELEVENTH and M ABKJS7 rtreets, entnnee on Eleventh street,-where through tickets to all pointsWert can be obtained. at an/time dering tbeday, No oharge for hindling baggage. ' - ■Per further information, apply at the SUtkm. be ;ffeentheboora of 030 A.M.,'and 31P B 1 <- THOMAS MOORE, , AgentPaon’a R. Co. PHILADELPHIA, CrEKMAWTOWN , HORBIBTO WNBAD ROAD.—WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. r OH AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER IS, IMS. , FOR GERMANTOWN, Leave Phl'a-lelpbia6,‘ 40 mln., !<v,IOV,UX A. M.l, 2, 3,4, 6,6, l\ 8,9,10,11 J 4 P. M. 1 Leave Germantown 6, 7. 7E, 8, 8 10 min.. 10 E, 11 1< A.M.,L10.min.j2.8,4,6.?,7,8,»,101i P. JL on'sundaysJ- , Leave Philadelphia 9.20 mln. J A. M..'2, Leave Germantown ff.2omin.-A'. M., 1.10 min., 6 V P. M. -v.- -- v.> - 1 ™ .•UHESTSUT HILL RAILROAD. " 4 Leave Philadelphia 6,7J4, 840 min., It* A. M., 2, ’LeavejlhMtont Hill 7:10 mtn , IX6 min., 8.60 min., 11.10 A. M., 12.60, 3 10, 6.40,7 40 min. P. M. , ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.29 mlo. A. M., 2,6 V P. M. Leave Ohertnot Hill 5 A.M., 32.60 0.20 mio P.M i'oit cONaHonocKEN and koemmown. leave Philadelphia OJSf. 9, 11 A. A5..105 min., 810 min , 4H, 5.60 min , ll* p! M, Norriatonn 8,7, 0,11 A. Afl, »J 4, 6.49 ala. LHre Philadelphia 9 A M. and 3 P. M Loare Norristown 7 A M. and S P. M. POR MANAYUNK Leiva Philadelphia 6*, J 35 min., 9, 11 A. M.,105 min . 2 05, 8.10 min ; 4V, 5.60, T. 45 min ,11V P. H.,B*, 9* ,11* A.M.,l*, 8,4, 6.10 min , 8 45 p. M SUNDAYS SAMti AS NORRISTOWN.. CHESTER VALLEY RMI ROAD FOR. DOWNING- Leava Philadelphia 6# A. M. and 9.10 ®in. P. M. Leave Dowoingtown A. M aod IP. M ' H; &. SMITH. General Superintendent. nol3 . DEPOT, NINTHand GttBEN Sts. T>HUiAJ>JS£jf*HiA AJSIi £JLMIKA KXIL JT ROAD LINEQUIORKST KOUTE'to 'Elmira, Wilkeebarre, Buffalo, Chicago; Bdei latent.’ Niagara Falls,- Milwaukee, Burlington, MontfSSf; St. Psniff, ‘ Detroit, Dunlieth, and St* Louis - r Passenger, trains will leave the -FhlisMphia and Reading Railroad Depot, eomer BROAD ,99* YIN# Streets, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows : - T. 30 A. H.‘ DAY BXPBRSB, For. Elmira, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Chicago', Milwaukee, Rock Island, Galena. St. Pauls,' Burlington,' and St. Louis. - . / 8.80 P. H. NIGHT EXPRESS, For Ehnlra, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Island, Galena, St. Pauls, Darlington, and St. Louts. • • The 7.80 A. M. train runs through to HABRI9BUEG, stopping-at all 'Stations on the Lebanon JYalley Branch of the Philadeiphiaanit Ttoa^jng • ’ ' AK>" At Rupert, for Wllkesharre, Plttstos,’ Scranton,and all stations on the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMBBURB RAILROAD. Baggage cheeked to Elmira, Buffalo', axfd 'Suspension Bridge/--' - - “ ’ TieketsLcan he procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line's Ticket Office, Northwest corner of SIXTH and OHESTNUTStreato/andat the Fas ssnger Depot, cornerof BROAD'and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS --FREIGHT - TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below-'Vine, dally, excepted,) for all points West and North, at 6 Freights must be delivered before 3 P. M. to Insure their going the same day. ¥ « further information apply at Freight Depot, Broad, below Vine. Or to OKAS. S. -TAPPER. General Agent, * N. W. oor.Sixth andChestautStfeete, - odl-tf s Philadelphia. New yokk unes.—i\he uaall>e.n AND AMBOY IIAII.DOAD AND DIIILADKLPIIIA AND TRRNTON RAILROAD COJIPANY’B LINE?. FROM PHILADJLPHIA 10 NNWYORK, AND WAY FLAOXB. , . liMTOMfoHoV«)TII. Aid A. M. t Tia Camden and Amboy.-Accommoda tion...... .......i';. * U At 6 A. M., Tia Camden and Jersey City, N.J.Ao- _ e0mm0dati0n...,....Y......... ••'•-2 Sft At 8 ; A. M.j Tia Camden and .Jersey City. Morning At 10 A. M.,-by,Steamboat JohrißeU*on,yla ny and Jersey City, Horning JCxpreas..B 00 At 2 P. M., Tia Camden and Amboy, 0„ and A. Ax* presf.... 8 00 At 5 F. U. ria Camden and Jersey City, Srenins Mail At BP. tf., via Camden and Amboy. Aooommoda* tion, Ist Class S 25 At 8 P. M.« via Camden aad Amboy. Aeoommoda-' tion, 2nd 01m5......... 1 60 At ft F. M., Tia Camden and Ambay, Acoonunoda tion,lat C1a55...... 8 2ft At ft P/M.» Tia Camden and Amboy,' Aoooxnmoda* v tlon, 2nd Glass., 11ft The6P. M. line ram dally, all other* Bnndeyie:- eepted At 11# P.M., from Kensington Depot, Tia Jersey City, Hail, Saturdays excepted***.*.,•«•••....B2 26 Sspreai lanes stop at the principal nations only. - Jot Belridero, futon, fiemisgtoa., Asa., at 6A. M and 2X F. M. from .Walnut. street wharf. Por Water Cap, Stroudsburg. Scranton, WiUteebaxxe, Montrose. Great Bead; &0., m 6A; M., Tie Delaware, Lackawanna at Western Ballroad.- •»- . for freehold, at ft A.'M. and 2 P.M. for Mount Holly at 0 A. H., and2K and 6 f. M. WAT lINM : 1859. Vox Bristol, Trenton, Ao., at 2)f and. 4 P.M., - For Palmyra, Banoocas, Bmtlr. Burlington, Bordea town A'o., at 8 P.M. Steamboat Richard Stockton for Bordentowa, and In termediate places, at 2M P. M. Steamboat John Neilson, for Taoony, at 10 and 11M A. M , and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. H. All lines exceptl!# P. M, leave Walnut street wharf. pounds of baggage onlj allowed each pas •enger. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage bat their wearing apparel. All bag gage over'flfty pounds to be paid for extra. The Com pany limit their responsibility to one dollar per pound) and will not be liable for any amount be pond JlOO, except by special contract.. . WM. H. GATZMKk Agent aal-ly O. A A. B. B. 00 .Oapt. JAB. F. SMITH, »t BURDBXK PARIB ‘.Gapt. WH.WBAY. H. NEWELL. l?g Mill HI 111 Ml AOKTB FEtfNSlJL flßgllEggSffi! VANIA RAILROAD. FALL ARRANGEMENT. For BETHLEHEM. DOYLIBTOWN, Ae., and by dose railroad connections for Easton, Catawisaa, . New York city, Allentown, Williamsport, Water Gap, Hauoh Chunky Elmira, WUkesbarre, Hasleton, Niagara Falls, Scranton. On and after WEDNESDAY, August 25th, >B6B, Pas senger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, as follows For Bethlehem, Easton, WUkesbarre, Water Gap, Scranton, Ac., {Express,} at 6.16 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Williams* port, Elmira, ana the' West^(Express,) at 2.16 F. M, Forßoylestown, {Accommodation,) at 8.46 A. M. and For Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at 8.46 A. M. andOP.U. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem (Express,) at 9 A. M. and & P.M. Leave Doylestown (Accommodation) at T A.M.and 8.80 PM. Leave Fort Washington (Accommodation) at 7.10 A. M. and2.BOP.M. Doylestown Trains ran daily. Other Trains daUr, Sundays excepted. All Passenger trains (exoept Sunday Trains) connect at Chatham street with Fifth end Bixth Street Passen ger Railroad. • Fare to Bethlehem... si 60 11 Mauch Chunk. 2 60 <f Easton 1 60 u Doylestown. go FOR SOHOOLRY’SMOUNTAIN—B) 6.16 A M. train to Easton, tkenco by N. J. 0. RR. ana D. L. A W. RR. to Washington, thence by stage, arriving at the Moun tains at IP. M. Fare s3.l©? «025 tf BLLIB CLARE, Agent ZOLLICOFFBK’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC CORDIAL is the only preparation ever placed be fore the public that h*a performed ee many MIRAOULOUS oures INFLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. The most prominent and influential citizens bear wit ness of its efficacy. The abaudant evidence from all parts of the country Is enough to warrant us in pro nouncing that it is the greatest wonder of the age It is an internal remedy that s rikea at the root of the disease, and thus eradicates it entirely from the system. Prepared by THEODORE DILKS, Chemist, Northeast comer or Pine and Sixth streets. oc7-Sm Philadelphia rf'HK GREAT STANDARD REMEDY OF X THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE FOR PURIFY INO.THE BLOOD AND STRENGTHENING. THE WHOLE SYSTEM. The Imperial Depurative, prepared by Dr. Louns* berry A Co., is now acknowledged as the principal Family Medicine for the cure of Caxcebods affections and ScaoFULOos diseases generally. The success which attends its use in these inveterate diseases has no equal. It is now used in these disease* with complete success, where all other moans have failed. Two or three bot tles will satisfy any one of it* great curative propert es. Hip Diseass and White Swsi.likq, Ui.cekations of the Bonks, Mouth, Throat, Ac. Its beneficial and healiDg characteristics are soon observed in these com plaints. No matter of how long standing they may have been, they will yield to the proper use of the IMPE RIAL DEPURATIVE in a short time. Tetter and Bcald Head wilt as certainly yield to this medicine as it is used. Diseases of tho Skin and all eruptive complaints generally canrtut long remain after using a few bottles of tho Imperial Depurative. Its Tonic properties, as well aa Alterative, render it valuable to weak and delicate females. The great purity, strength, and value of this Family Medicine is unequalled in the cure of all diseases origi nating in an impure condition of the blood. It expels all tho virus or diseased matter from the blood and re invigorates the system. Those using the Imperial Depurative and wishing ad vice in their case, will reoeive every attention by etter or otherwise. Prepared and sold by Dr. LOUNSBERRY A CO., No. 60 North FIFTH Street, below Arch, Philadelphia. For sale also by J. F. Long A Co«, Lancaster, Pa. J, H. Baser and S. 8. Stevens, Reading, Pa. Holman A Co., 'Harrisburg, Pa. 0. iV. Epting, Pottsvillo, Pa. T A C. W. McClintock, Easton, Pa. James Given, Westchester, Pa. Schmidt A Co., Allentown, p 6. Bimon Rau, Bethlehem, Pa, Dr. H. W. Leslie, Bristol. P» . and Druggists gonontllv »oil-m -w^r M SALAMANDER SAFES. A largo Assortment of EVANS & WATSON'S PHI LA D IIP 4 a lAM A NU.PAOTUBBD SALAMANDER SAFES, • * « - - . VAULT DOOBS, Forßanks and Stores. BANK LOCKS, ‘ Equal to any now in use. IRON UpORS, SHUTTERS. &0., On as good term* as any other 'eatahuahment In the ' United States, by EVANS & ’WATSON, No. 36 South FOURTH Street, fkiladelphia, fta&tf, EUABE CH7E 08 A OAU, Kailnmii Cinest. f f >■; * PN BUNDAYB. illebicinal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers