/ t'^aagfSßßT ««Tigtßt-witua— Tin axtenlTcud, .SJ/^bfi^^ywwUW^^^oj.mduMdiy * ryotfe** Hot«i* f«6t ■-':' 0 iaebtc famt'enOhwtoat itmt, 285 fe«t indepthto ' rtrfaf fall dMerlptloiu of»U tk« property to lj« «14;b»' &»fai(mUilTimd»y. ;" •; : .- • • ,i:t-,T%{ , TALL 8 AL1&—8TOOKB AJSD BiAL'I*BTAT»: : ■, TirentittoTrildo, 7thD<mmb«r >t to* B«hu»- Tw*ntj7flto faill d*,.14t0 pVcoi«!U,«t too *x- B»i*i thsßi* ■ - ' "'U'' \CF JUri2tatn*n*u«l • on -our- W* Jjj! **? <>t< MEi l iM»*«»*y ■ nr vfumllarge amount;o&Bahl Bstats at Prt vato trery description of City and - $?!?: PIANO-FOMlT t 'fIBH;»BOO» OHIBTB< BLARGE AND BUPEBIOB BOOKO&8B8VBRUS8BL8, IMPE- AND OTHBR OABPKTB,VIG-„ ' . liwomao/id. 5 * ' r this--morning,. ,at; the auction. ' iwra^inll^domprlM)''besides 800 -lots;of excellent . aeeoad,tiiuad£fafalture s > chandeliers,, elegant -roaewpod > Schorr pianb*fort^flargeandanperlorTioUQo9llo l 8 fire* . proof aafei/8 large Andsuperior bookcases—gaas-doots, Brussels.''lmperial,ingrain, Venltian carpets,-Ohina • v and bedding;* &e.f forming an at traewe amoirtnient,'worthy the attention of ladles and *\ Othersdedrtmabfpurchasing. ~ ; ICT Cataloguss now ready, and the articles arranged 'for ' V ,T_ v; .T r : . LOANS, Aclv Vf'/T' OnTueeday Evening, December 7 thj»t 7 o’elookt atttePhlladelphla R<. ' change, wIU be reserve, for account of whomitnay.eQneernV r ,; i >-v^^.'r.- \ 8 bonds,' $l,OOO each, County -of Lawrence, Penns, liflued to the Pittsburg and Brie Railroad Company. Also, ofwhona it may ooncern—? . c* - oent. coupon bond, ■ Wyoming Coal and. Iron Company, : - --•> TWENTIETH TALL BALE—DBOIHBBR 7th. ■ •-■-■ Peremptory SaIe.—WALNUT BTBEET.—Two hand some modsra'residenMs, Nos. 1029 and IQfll'Walnut street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. Uj~ Im medi*Wl>CM»seesl6^or^r67^lWlr*-"p‘ ,-,7;” , T'. Executors 1 of Henry Bihl, Dec’d; BUSINESS , STAND.— store and *fcmt P S.uS^WO-BtoWa*^ l^-of above, No? Street, YEI&Y VALUABLEPABHAND MILL PSCfcBBTY, over §8 acres, with sites fobebuntiyAeattf, opposite the' four-mile stone on the Lancaster turnpike, west Phila delphia.'-; U7* Lithographic ’ plans' taay be had at the ti»eauotidnatere^-*'‘->^--'*“- :^.t.'’-v..'^: i-'^-;.7/ : -: Peremptoryi* Sale.—TWO BUILDING-. LOTS; west aide of SeVenth street, north of Venango street,- to gether Aoby 100 feet. -•» »■*>-*» v-• :-v- VINI-STRIIT, NBAB XOGAN modenrthresstOry brlek dwelling,'with back buildings' and all modern conveniences, No. 1610-Vine street, west of-FifWehth stteefc* ETtltmuedlate*. poeeeealon.v Keys at NoXCaO State Street,* in-tho rear; ‘ .;" * : ' IOOUNTBY SEAT,; 80 AOBUaai. theßiyer Delaware, known as the (i Belie vue from PhiUdelphia; and 1 mile from Bchenek , tBtati6p > ;'dn'rthe''Phllaaelpniaand.Trentou IROB/KoViaiSMlAlltiVrtMOt.'LitirMn Pin. ind’* bud, and ‘abow Twelfth". ?w«~* , »- THBBT-SlOaT BBtOK DWELLING.' Ho. S Hu-’ mony street, rof Yourth street; abore' OathaHne atwo-Story fratnedwellinginthe rear; :d NORTH SIXTH (STREET’Two three-story , brick low Hdnttomery.'; Vi !^( : \ BPBUOE residence, Muth side of Spruee htreet.wast or Twelfth street,' 21 feet front,'l2o - feet deep. ;fn»'BT,oo6;inikT remaia on 'mortgage or fround.rent. v - VALUABLE; BUSINESS - four story brick Utore,, with ironfront, northwest corner of Arch and Front itieeta Xwo raloable fronts-. ’ $lB,OOO. snay remainbh.mortgage. .* JWSNTY-rasr PiLLBALB-DKOEMBEBiuSg wminclude— .• - gale by order-of Court'of'.Common Plea*—PstaCeo* ' Al«i4tt2(e)pO*booh»-i.ilin*tio f , . ... JHBM-STORY BRICK DWELLING, tor-; aer of Eighth and Wharton ■traetii’idto Sottthwaikf Orphans* Court, Sale—EiUtp. of Charles W.Bacon, i- /‘ - 1 - NEATMODEBN RESIDE *CB,witii side yard, Green fltreet t Eighth rttfseta. - .. Orphan* Court of-Hugh Clark,Deceased, ■tore northweat- corner "of -Tenth and Spruce (treats.'- * v & O7;GROUND, east aide of Braid Pimirard, <0 feet frtmt.SMreetdeep.'’^ :^ f..- I^ , '-'r’ .; v*;- Orphani* Court-84W—B*t4te 'of Thtodbrirß i : Wibaer, •t K ‘ ’'‘DecOised^i-'* LARGE AND LolJ s> 01 GROUND, frosting on Duncan street; Wharf street, And fraakford creek.' Twentv-thlrd ward,'four front*.' HAHD3OHB;MODNBNfaB»IDBNOB;NoY»2I.North ElghtbTstreet, above Poplar street/wHhalde yard don-* ble back bhitdlogS,’and modern' Improvements!.' ? diate North Tenth street. 11,000 may'remain on mortgage. 1 -1 TWO, WNLL-BKOURBD,, OLD .’IRREDEEMABLE . GROUND-RESTS of j, a yeari woured on propex^r.Noerd22 Booth street,’" X, ;..<V Me at Noe. 189. and 141. Bonth Fourth stmt._ ' PIANO •POEM/ P IN 1 YBRNCH»PLATJIUIA[U}BB/DmJBSiI»BOAB* PNTB. AO.’T J . *■//- - - r s _ y ./ -i-* .r v , Atoo’elo«k,.et .the.auetion.store; an extensive assortmepfrpf expOUent farttltore, elegant hpßMfceeplng:, removed. tothe More Bmt convenienceor,sale. , ' Allots, large land superior violinoelloY-cost H 26. ;... ■ Alspj 2jire-proof eaieg.. ' . . Al*o,ltalian marble group. “ - Morning,'-^;Ti‘u’ ‘ At 10 o’clock .In. the' second' story, the entire funtU t«n, superior -Bbherr pialuo',\fine dlnnerjohina elegant" walnut bedstead, fine mattreisea/Ac.. removed to the store for conyeulenee of sale.-’V" *•' VALUABLE^MISOELLANEOUffBOOXS. • ,- ■ ’ ■ .Thia s Evewhg; December 3d, ? at,the sactlon store, a eoHsotion of Standard and Interesting; miseellaneona books. - lET for partleulan seecataloguek. • v • vSxemtex’s Sal*—No. 1238 Spruce Street: - t‘‘ AKTIQUA lURNITORB, CANTON CHINA, GLASS. - ' } WABB^OABPBTB; - OnJTrlday Morning, , Piwmbtr Bd/ at 10 o’clock, at No. 1228 Spruce street, bf order of exeautozcj the surplus ■ furniture, oomprfc inf a,number, of 'eery antique tables, bookcases, *c., large Oantondlhner set; glassware, oarpets, &o. - R3T Maybe eimnlhqdat 8 o’clock on the morning of •" ' '•{ 1 “aii* xibiiaV.' , Friday.JSvtning, ,7 1 7 . (ffPieamtar*- Sd; at \ ttio, attctfoV. stpra, • the - valoablb pirate library of a gantlemandeflUninff, houtekeeping, wkl«)r indlndM many talaable. and interesting authors a nnmber of them' fine London bei'eadyi andthe hooks arranged far ajanHhatlwl on morning. kCTStowTXKd*AKP ? PB»gPt BOOKS PROM A ' ‘ .1' ' - "LIBRARY. 'On Saturday Evening, 4 f /•-- ' * MDeoembeg 4th t at Uio/aacUop, store, ft collection of books few a library; on various subjects. Particulars ineatiloguei,': ' BalelW/624’W*lnatfltre«t. • 1 — XXJKtAKT OABIHKT7UBHITURB-STOOK OF . GBOr;J;H£NKBL&.' - ' ; > - » ' On Tnwdejr Motnlng:,‘ - ;: r : . XMemoerdth, ht lOVclockJatthe Wsreropm*, No.’ HA' street, f by caUlogUß, the stock of elegant, . cabinet /mhiitai'er comprising a’ general assortment of nikhoganj parlor furniture, in - general assortment of 4 tafpg-wwm farnltqre j - elegant "rosewood, walnut, and' ,: Henkelß. expreaslrfor:hls Trareroom-ffales, and war- 1 fy#;! 'j.' ‘ .. SO diwTAkBTB, BUIIiDBBSi fti."—LAEQI AND TALOABL, U>T, ATPJtIVATH SALS, LOC&STSt; »o«tk' rt 4», brt*i»B BroU ki4 »Ifhwnth ttmta. 118 . tmt »trwt, by XTB fwt to depth to »la i AUCTIONEER. t ftalM aVtbe; Auction HodM, ftfr> ' js?* • im . -• tkt'lauTkiilf 'font; . '£ Advftbeei/niadefrgm oßedgUar to thousands oa Dl*. mimSrsMfHTlto&iU&vtylVwttrrt Hardware, M*r’ thiftdlW, o&&lflg|>grnitare, Beddtngf Qigtfi,'Mciioal I»»t«im«tr,rQnns,'JKcrse«,:<}arrfagc*,~and Goods ■of •verydescription.';: -■ -; . lefegtr of tta« agreed <mi hotwired doiMitfkni upwards* asssSjaa£^s^js%^ TMaßtoaHoaea luring adepth of laSteetjhaalarga' t» lad thlet-proofrauKaTo atora all Taluablea.ahd pBB VfMdMeNiWn fdt the.prenileaet alto/ a .heaVjr inaul ncM enacted forth# basest of all peraoaa haring good! btflkead IMtfJ S'.*'" ,*Ji. .->!>:.) .-ij.yo":; H. B.—On.aooonntof: haring aa nnUralted capital, thla MMfopnpgred to make adrancee on tun >att« foet^ditd-aoeormnodattogfor^ttan-apy.otherla lathe poor, is emiliamosn t», fith} •ntaagefcarga. e -y... i *«s«&**JieSM 'HUB BABAr - A. ttoM Battat Lerer and other Watcher, Aetrelrr, and Ofapfln*j»m:be aold ,at redeoed srtaaa.--- ’,, : tnl-lr - J%*&GOMMET~&iSONSy UttvSe ■ XBTATB AUOTIONKBBB. , ; te , - Soi RM WAiNDI BTBM®. a *& jj * Bone,; anctfoneerr; will ■ ■ IC!lt.«fa. r 0”,B«»”t° tjafoltogltMif.twllb always be •". ■ : -Wif/ ■ i-' <*’-?¥?.g’ tinJENBSS, BBIKLET, & 00., i UKo.: 489 MABKOT STREET. : ' ; A if ON PBBNOH GOODS.-’ • Morning, 'i_sB2‘ I *t -?' oy. catalogue; ‘ on' 0 months* Credit— *' r , , a -i.-'i and lota of fkhoy and fctaple imported >BkiBROIDBRZB^TtST, LANDED . * ; t( |SIOO lota eohslst -/§Jne tQ OXfea rich embfoidered book BeU."' , . Pine to extta , rifch v eihbroidertd book sets irtth imali collars; * -°‘ { ' A; '' vt - -Pine »to- extra’ richi embroidered bopk sets trimmed .with’ '■ -‘r* •'<: -;' v ■ ' • Vine to extra rich small Bice embroidered book collars. V' Do? / do>3 l new - - do do.’ ir Do; : do 'l embroidered jaconet sets. , Do. do:ojaconetdollar*.:: s , - 5i t - PLAID WOOL LONG SHAWLS. 'llOO Londonall-wool plaMblongshawls.-' - '!■ . ( :". •A Inch hoary Lyons biaok mantilla sllk-velveta. , * • i: >? -tOTirfIBY:BJ.ABKMB.r *. , 2 baits I<M and 25«4 superior Whitney blankets. PRINtBDBORDBR OAMBRIO HANDKEROHIEPS. t _4OQ doien men’s printed border oambriohankerohlefs. ;SAXiB9EOOMa - 222 MARkBT BTRBBT.V . - BBTWBBN BKOOND AND THIRD BTBBBTB. .at - P. G. WOt-BBRT/AtJOtidnm, : \r - SALK THIBDAY.-.-—. NOUYBAUTBB. DB YANKBBDOM, SHIRTING MUS LINS, BOOTS ANDI SHOBS, HARDWARE—TO 'BAO.OO,&o. • •' *. ; > ‘ v invite the particular attention of. buy ers to the poeltire sale of 63 oases; bales, and packages, containing SOQ pie6es ‘4*4' bleached shirting mualin, cotton'yarn, 4 ''" ” v . >409 dosb'n spool; cotton", wtton bobbins, men , S and bbya* kip"boots; men’s buffalo orersboefl, women’s kip boots, children’s patent leather gaiterSj misses' brown' .straw flats,,black felthVts, straw liaie, palm leaf hate. Aisd.S'Mxes . • ' t -’Also, Uollids» ; axes, v Sondder’s axes,- Warreh Hunt’s axes, ‘hatchetsTsoytheSi iron iwheels. Iron screws and •bolts. * washers, f 8 rolls wire, glass jars, cotton laps, Ao., to -.bo (Thursday) Wornfng, commencing at 10 o’clock! for accouoi of those concerned. ■ -’ V HOBIBBY' GOODS. Also, 200 dosen men's’white 'and' pray mixed lambs wqol, and-merino shirta;asd' drawers, 600dosen men’s and w‘om6n’scbrown and ; white:cotton hose and* half hose, msh’awoolerieketr jackets, wool comforts, wool. gloTei,-with a:generai,,variety,of inotions and other, desirable goods. • ; r * ; BALK PROWL THE SHELVES. &<->!■, This, Morning, v'-- V ‘ - ~ A valuable stock from the'shelves, worthy the atten tion of blty.retailers aod country purchasers. bale op rvAdy made olothing, ao.^ | —„ ... On Friday Horning, : ;1 Consisting of— . , ' SSlr" , • • ~ , Topcoats. , - ✓ , . . . Business coats, uade of the best materials for men’s Prock Coats, and boys’wear. Dreas Coats, ; . ‘ K\.- ’ ‘ ’ Pants, and Yeats. . . '• ''m. , ! rAILOEING GOODS',.*?. Also, a general assortment of tallonnx goodsj men’s wool jackets, suspenders, cravats, eomfOru^Ao. VALUABLE PUS i WEAI ; , Oi 6th)-oomm< large! andvaluable gents’, and childre: Ermine, ... . .) Mink, sable, | Bohemian fitch, Btond martin, In seta, capes, pelerines, mots, BilTer martin, v : cloafcs, euffii, tippets. fro., made .Canada fltoh, in the most fashionable mannor, Siberian squirrel, for ladles’ and misses’ wear, Hudson Bay Com ' w>i ,'T vpanj’s sable, a “ fro 1 , fro .fro, , - *jfcso, 25 large slei tU7* Thb whole early on the mornln tlemen of this city s .to attend. .tw«: Bi SQQTTj;Jr.i AUCTIONEER, No. 48 L _• - CHESTNUT BTRSET, opposite the Custom House,/between FOUBTH end FIFTH Streets, i .>SALB or FASHIONABLE FURS,ROBES, Ao. i This Morning, i. December 2d, eommencug u IQ# o’clock, by eata logut, s large stock of elegant" and fashionable furs for.ladles’, wear, comprising. sets. of. martin, fitch, mink, sable, squirrel, fte,, with capes, mnffß,and cuffs tomStch. ' iD“ o»talogtte* esrly on the morning of sale, when the ladles, and purchasers generally, are inTited to at tend. -• . ~ . , - r ROBBS., Also, 60 superior buffalo and fanoy carriage robes. SPECIAL SALE OF QERMAHTOWNiQOODg.TO r.r- : 2 On Friday Morning, December 3d,-by catalogue, on a.credit, 600 lots of woallen'goods; comprising.-.vis : 1 v • „ BASQUES,. SHAWLS, Ac. ' w , Ladles! tephyr knit abaw}4, ladies’.and children’s sepbjr.basoaes and Jackets, wool talmas, Ao/ HOODS,.RIGGOLET6, Ac. Zephyr; knit; hpods for.ladieaVand children’s wear, aephjr jiggolets. open hoods'; nubia sodrfa; Ac. , , ; ' GAUNTLETS, LEGGINGS, Ac. Ladies’ and "children’s 7 wool sleeves, gauntlets, and legging*;-- ' ’ , %; U? - V;:* « -SOABFS. . * n Gents’ large else' zephyr scarfs, gents’ fanoy boas and oomforts. ’* ' ' * ~ 1 / • - i jg '-v? i . HOSIERY.. ..Cadies’ merino and woOl hose, wool and merino half hose,'children’sfsnoywoolhose, Ao. o r : UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, . ;-Merinol undershirts and drawers/ ladies’ merino vcrts/Ao..' y - C7"’ Bamplea and catalogue! early on the moruing of PHILIP.iFOED, AUOTIOKBEE, No. KSSO MARKET.STREET, between FIFTH and ,BlXTH.jmtbslde.-. /. . s - 'CABD.y-Thb/attentlottof the boot and shoe'trade, and.dealers generally/ ~isrequested to our. sale, this (Thursday) /morning,; commencing, atlO o’clock, pre cisely,. " ’ '* fCT” Bainplesnow arranged .for examination, with catalogue*. u : - • COTTAGE, RAG, AND LIST CARPETS. ’ - Also, included in catalogue, 80 pleo*B'cottage, rag, and fist to which the attention of the trade and purchaser* is inTited. fly Sale peremptory. LARGE POSITIVE'SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES/ BRO ~li i - GANS, rubbers; &o. •'* J ..... -On Thursday Morning, *• December jld,, will be sola, by catalogue, 600 lots of boots, i shoes uhrogans, Buffalo overshoes and rubbers, adapted to.present aaiesj to which the special atten tion of purchasers Is requested. • " early on.the'rnorhingbf sale. . . BY ,WILLIAM STERR, GENERAL AUOTION,AND OOMUZSfitON STORE. No: 46 North EIGHTH Street; below Aroh. - /,J. Auctioneer. * ' ,, ny* Consfgnmentyof new and second-hand' house-' holdftarniture, piano-fortes, carpets, watches, jewelry, hco.j respectfully solicited, oh which liberal cash ad vances will be made if required; - \\&r- Out-door salmiatteodbdi to promptly. Charges ah moderate as any /Other, honse in this city. Si FUGUET A SONS, '. a Importeraof HAVANA OIGARB, ■' e<23 • ‘ SIS Bonth FBONT Street. OABANAB AND-PABTAGAB A BEG ABB.—A eholee inrotoe of there, celebrated brand. on board brig “Hen. Bra,” daUr expeotedfrom Htrtnt, and tor aala low, by CHARLES ISTI. . . . " (He*) IBS Walnut itreat, beloir Eeoond, - - .at - ■ , fUeone.Btorr CEGARS.—A LARGE ASSORTMENT $3: constantly on hand, and for Halo at reduoed prices. Presh invoices monthly* direct from Havana.* f ■ ,1 J . B. D. SCOFIELD, : No. 837 CHESTNUT Street, under Girard House. >:uo?*lu*p _, . ' “ ' ' : EBMAN OIGAE3. 800,0<i0, various “ brand, in store and for sale by WM. H. YEATON ,Sl6Boutb FRONT Bt, ,• tmfi, r£lo AROHXTEOTB AND BUILDBKS. -, Nov landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tons of this beaotifulßtonji both of the ,;.. ) ■ ; * ? BLUE. GRAY, AND BUPY TINTS, . the former of which, for softness and delicacy of color, is unrivalled " Por the eharaoter of this stone please examine the following buildings: ‘ - - Jos. Harrison's, Eighteenth street and XUttcnhouse Square. - - ■ - - "Harrison's Bonding, Locust street, between Seven teenth and Eighteenth.' Samuel Smith’s West street and Blttenhonse square. Mrs. Peterson’s No. 1219 Walnut street. ' A. K. Womrath’s, 415 Arch street. • Samuel Aimes’. Twelfth and Ohestnut streets. T. E. J. Fasti tt; Seventeenth and Locust streets, and others. ARNOLD & WILSON, Agents, PHILADELPHIA WARMXNO AND VENTILATING 'WAREHOUSE, 1010 OSI9TNSI BTBBET Ula-Sm - B.M. JBLTWBLL, 8 Anew and valuable discov er*. , . . _ ? 1 vjl. hau>b - ; f • i AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. IT STIMULATES, BXHILRBATJSB, INVIGORATES. ~ iBUT WILL NOT INTOXICATE, QR STUPIFY. phis delicious Beverage fa superior toall invigorating Cordials. Sohoappa, Norrises, «o. Is use for the cure or Djspepsfa, NerTOturaesa,' Heartburn, Drows'ness,"Kid nay Complaint, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, &c., 'as it will Invigorate* and' strengthen, -but will not In toxicate nr.*taplfy.~ Parsons who bars become habitu-. ated to the excessive me ot r Tobacco. Opium, and Spirit nous Liquors, will and permanent’relief from a desire to use these destroying agents, by taking' A bottle or two of this - ' t. ! DELICIOUS MEDICAL BEVERAGE! Weak and sickly Females wiirflbd Dr. HAM’S IN VIGORATING SPIRIT a quick and sure cure, it being a Regenerator as well as afitrengtheuer of the Human System. Eaoh Complaint that the AROMATIC INVI GORATING CORDIAL is calculated to oure is named upon the wrappers accompanying each bottle, and full directions for use are also minutely given. ” pmos oss~dollar pan bottle. Prepared by • j DABVUS HAM, } Principal office, No. 48 WATER St., N. York. For sale by T. W.DYOIT & BUNS, D26-8m 218 N/BBOONP Street, Philadelphia; UJANILA OOHDB, ' r t Manufactured and for'sale at the lowest New York . | Reaver, fitter & co„ I N 0.93 N. WATJB»nd32N. WHARVES. ;holY-2mT'" TJtfJTED-STATES GOVERNMENT: LAND LOCATING AGENCY, i • * j * V- *! n • * >CHWAQO> ILL . i The subscriber, having had mnoh practical expert locating lands In tbe various Land Districts in the western States; has unusual facilities for making valuable selections for ! rr , land warrants or cash. , i Having-B*ryei/org constantly in tht field to make »• **•*» , f orfMUm r ot .oil »nd ««lubrlt» bf dims to, near the line of rallroade, ma, noir bo ] : ‘iOIOWA(iAND'WIBOONBIH. •• , f Satlefactor, references given .hen required. I ID* Money lnreited in Kuiaa and Nebraska, and juyof the WMtorn Btatea. ■ ’ jylMro % • C K 4, StAftKE etiMt.'Sitilio. T7IIBST PREMIUMj-fBANHXIN.INSTI [X 1 TOTE, 1868. to CBABf'fl PATENT BBIOS iMAOHINBand BBIOK oKH.N.‘ -They.are coir offered, With full guarantee .to pertormln a very superior way as fr'taaxds cost, quality, and quantity* Address J, W, jOBABY, Care of i:.Pj MORBIff A 00., Port Richmond flttta Works, Philadelphia. | ’ take*n,interest with spy one who wishes [to. ebgagtf nfthdtnanhfdeture bf Brick JnPhlladelpbia, rand guarantee that Brick oan be made at one half the do«t of the common process. no2B-Bw# J. W. k oi Saha/be a.n/ticn. : - tS-FOR tLADIEB’ AND^GBNTS’ B, SLEIGH ROBES, Ao. in Monday Morning, encingat 10 K o’clock, will be sol<r^ e stock of elegant fare, for ladles’, m’s wear, consisting of— u* Ighand carriage, robes, ■; - -- may. be examined with catalogues lg of sale, when the: ladles and gen and vicinity are respeotfuily invited , ®obact£r. ACADIA. FREESTONE. AND JUTE ROPE. is. KTo. - ' prices, by ggpi^ajfanag. FJHE STATE SAVINGS POND, Mo. 3.1 BOOK STBBBT, ■ NBXT 8008 TO THE POST onion. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. Money received Dear, and every MONDAY SYENINCt, OR DIPOBIT, IN BUMB LABCtB AND SMALL, PAID BACK DAILY, PROM 9 O’CLOCK.A. M. TO.B O’CLOCK P. M, LITOSITOBB 01* SU* JHJOB KOHBV BY CJHBOBB, IB a Bin, » DBBIBBD. QEO. H. HART, President. , OHAB. O. IMLAY, Treaearer. J. HBNRY HAYEB. Teller. wM-Winl IJI HE SPRING. GARDEN SAVING (Ouinuo bt ni Lioisunu of PmsuTDRAt) ' PERPETUAL CHARTER. VIVE PER CENT. Interest allowed to Depositors, r * and all Moneys Paid hack on Demand. „■ OFFICE, 881, NORTH THIRD STREET, (Ooßsoiiinavibx Baxußoiluiho.) •' This Institution is now open for .the transaction of business, and lithe only Chartered Saving Fond located (nthe'northern part or the city. The Offloe will he open (daily) from 9 to o’clock, aad aIBO on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, from 6 until 8 o’clock in the DrcnJa^^^^,: Frederick Klett/ - ' John Kessler, Fr., Stephen Smith, Fames 8. Pringle, John P. Levy, - Jacob Dock,.— n Hod. Henry K. Btrtng, Joseph M. Cowell, Daniel Unuerkpfler, J. Wesley Bray, », Hon. Wai Millward, Robert B/Davidson, Frederick fltaake, F. O. SUmaker, ' Francis Hart, John P. Vorreb, - v . Joseph P. LeOlero, 1 George Knecht. . ' President, JAMES 8. PRINGLE. SscTcura &EORGB t. thorn; h apg-iftf CAVING FUND—FIVE PER OENT. IN © TBREBT—NATIONAL BATITT TRUST ! COM PANT.—WALNUT BTRfiBT. 80UTH-WRBTOORNSB Of THIRD, THILADELPUTA. • ißOOArojiTm bt iai B»iTi o» InniLTUii. * Money la rewired In inj mm, lug* « mill, ml ln l*n*t paid froiothe d*j of deposit to tae dtp of with" dfAVfil. .-i A '. ) •? VT' ' > 1 1 - . Vh.6 oftM ii own erary day from 9 o’clock in u« naming tmto’olooxln the evening, eadonMoaiiJ .and Thor*<Uv area Inga tUI 8 o’aloek, : fflaNBY_L. Broaldent, ’ , aOBBBT BBLfMSaaV TIM PimMbA, W*. ». S*»Dj BMKtMy. siasnOMi.; < Son. Henry L. Benner, f. Carroll Brewster, Rdward It. Carter,, Joseph B. Barr , Robert S«lfridge,r , , Brands Le*. , - B«nl.-K—Ashton, — Joseph-Yerkes, O. Randreth Manns, Henry iDUMnderffer. . Honey la reoehred Mid payment* made dally,j , t the inrestments are made in oonEaraity_ with the 'woTiSlons of tho Charter, in RBAXi jBSTATR SORT &AGBB,GROUND RRNTo,andsueh firstclasaseoari ttefl as will always insure perfect security to the deposi tors) and which cannot fall to give permanency and eta* bililjr to thin Institution.— - anl-ly Having’“fund—united states )3 TBUBTCOMPANY,eornerof THHIDandOHXBT NUTBtreet*. Large and small sums reoelved, and paid haok on da jttind, without notice, with PIVJf PUB OBNT INZltt AST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 nntilfi o’olook erery day, and oa HOtrDAY B7BNINGB from T until 9 o’clock. ; PBAPTB for sals on Nngland, Ireland, and BooUand, £ Si i <-. r President—STJPllHN B.O&AWfORD. Treasurer—PLlNY ffISK. Teller—JAHßB B. HUNTBB; Metannol. rjrOLLIGOFFER’S ANTI-EHETTMATIO \ 00Rt)IAL is theonly preparation ever placed be fore the public that has performed se many 1 MIRACULOUS CUBES - INFLAMMATORY AN* CHBOHIO RHEUMATIBM. The most prominent andinfluential eltlsens bear wit ness'of its efileaoy. The abundant STidenee from all parts of, the counfay Is enough' to warrant us in pro nouncing: that it is the neatest,wonder of the age.: It is an Internal remedy that sirikeiat the root of the disease, and thus eradioates it entirely from the system. Prepared by" ; THEODORE DILKS, Chemist, 1 Northeastoorner of Pine and Sixth streets,. •' poT-Sm - . • Philadelphia. rip HE liIYBB MW YI GOB AT 08, JL : . PBBriBBD BT SB. SIHVOBS, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY PROM GUMS, Is one or the boat Pargatire and Liter Medicinal now before the public, that acta as a CafAarlfe,, easier, mildery and more effectual than, any other medloine known. It iinotonly a Catkartic t hut a Livsr reme dy) noting first on the Livtr to eject ite morbid matter, then on the atom&oh and bowels to earnr'off that matj ter, thus accomplishing two pnrpoiea effectually, with out any of the painful feelings experienced in the ope rations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the sys tem at the same time that It purges it, and, when taken dally in moderate.doseS) will strengthen and build It np with unusual fapiditr The LlTßKUoneorthe human body; and when It well, the powers of, the oped. The stomach le el on the health/ action of performance of its fanc le at fanlt.the bowels are system suffers in conse- Llver—having cessed .to eases of that organ, one made it hla stud/, in a years, to find some reme act the many derange* ble; ■ “ ' ■ To prove that this re- Krson troubled with Li i forms, has bat to trye certain. r These Gams remove all the i system, supplying in of bile, invigorating the digest well, purifying the health to the whole ma cause of the disease—er . Bilious attacks .are ter,jtrgvent6d by the oo- XSTIOOBATOS. . One dose, after eating, itomach'aud prevent the one dose, taken NioHncana/ ' - ■ ' Only one dose, taken at gently, and cores Oos ' One dose, - token after raraiA. J JE7* One dose of 'two relieve Bfox Hsinicns. One bottle taken for fe ‘ the cause of the disease, Only one dose Immedi while one dose, often re- Oholsba Mobbds, and a / ID"Only one bottle is system the effects of me ’’ness. J'j* One bottle taken owhess or unnatural One dose taken a short vigor to the appetite, and One dose, often repeat hbcka in ita worst forms, complaint* '/laid almost One or tiro doses cure in children} there Is no remedy in the world, as it ID-A fyw bottles core absorbents. We take pleasure In re- commending this medi cine as a preventive far Fhvhb and Aoua, Chill Istsb, and aUFrrßtsof a Bilious Trra. ‘ It ope rates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful ‘ virtues. ■Alt toko vtt it art giving t Mir unanimous tutfmonf in its favor, !D* Mix Wattrin tht moutk utlk tht Invigor a tor, and nialloiM both together. TUB LIVER INTCGOBATOB Is a Boisartirio Üboioax. Disooyxbt, and la daily work ing cures, almost too great to believe, It cures afl if by magic, seen tkt first dost giving bettsfit, and seldom more than one'bottle is required to cure any kind of LITER Oomplalnt, from the worst Jaundice or Dys* yepsia to a common HtadacAe. all of which are the re sult Of a DISEASED LIVER* PRICE ONE DOLLAR FSB BOTTLE, Dr, SANFORD, Proprietor. 846 Broadway, Now York. -- Agents for Philidelphla.T. W. DYOXT&SONS, 318 North fleoond Street. . , Detailed br ail Druggists. Sold also by SAMUEL BIMEB, Twelfth and Ohestnnt streets, and F. BROWN, Fifth and Ohestnnt streets Philada. anlB tn th s-ly DEBUyiAN SYRUp, M.' -' r ■ • cm PROTECTED SOLUTION OF PROTOXIDE OF IBOE Having successfully passed the ordeal to which new dlfr core Hot In the Materia Mediea are subjected, most son be received as an established medicine. Its effleaey is oaring' ” DYSPEPSIA, Affections of* the Liver, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Bronohltb and Consumptive tendencies, Disordered State of thi Blood, Boils, Seurry, the Prostrating Effects of Lead ca Mercury, General Debility, and *ll Diseases vrhioh re quire a Tonic and Alterative Medicine, is beyond ques non. . ■ .i . Ik® proof* effleaey are so na, f # irsgV merous,* so weU authenticated, and of peculiar character, that sufferaa reasonably hesitate to reoelv* I eB lSBaal; rlthe proffered aid. , . , , #/ The Peruvian Syrup does not protoi to'be a cnre-ell, but its range is exteo giYQ ' because many diseases, appareatl} unlike, are intimately related, and proceeding from os* cause, may be cored by one remedy. ... •The class of diseases for which the Syrup provides!. cure Is precisely that which has So~ often Baffled th« highest order of medical skill. The facts are tangible.' the witnesses accessible, and the safety and effleaey o> the Syrup incontrovertible. Those persons who may wish for an opinion from dl» interested persons respecting the character of the Byrnp oannot fail to be satisfied with the following, among ce merona testimonials, in the hands of the Agents. Th» signatures are those of .gentlemen well known In tfct comm unity, and of the highest respectability, The undersigned having experienced the beneficial ef fects of the “ Peruvian Syrup,” do not hesitate to ifr commend it tothe attention of the public ;From onr own experience, as well as from the test) uony of others, whose Intelligence and integrity are a) together unquestionable, we have no doubt of its efflcft cj in cases of Incipient Diseases of the Lungs and Brow ehial Passages, Dyspepsia, Liver Oomplalnt, Dropsy, Neuralgia, £o. Indeed, its effeots would be Incredible, but from the high character of those who have wit nessed them, and have volunteered their testlmonjfj if we do ours, to its restorative power/ Rav. JOHN ’ PtERPONT, THOMAS A. DEXTER. 0. H/HENDALL, M. D., , SAMUEL MAY, - : THOMAS O. AMORT, - PETER HARVEY. JAMES 0. DUNN/ Rxt. THOB. WHITTBMOBE) CERTIFICATE OF DB. HAYES. It Is well known that the medicinal effects of Protok* ide of Iron is lost by even ft very brief exposure to air, end that to maintain a, solution of Protoxide of lias, witbOat farther oxidation', has been deemed impossible. In the Peruvian Byrup, this desirable point Is at tained by combination in a way before unknown, an! this solution may replace all the proto carbonates, *£ {rates, and tartrates or the Materia Mediea. i A. A.HAYEB, M. D.. 1 Assayer to the State of Mauaohusttfe, jlB Boylston street, Boston. BOLD BY N. L. CLARK A 00*, Proprietors, No. 5 WATER Street, Boston. F. BROWN,. ’ ‘ FIFTH and OHEBTNUT Streets, HASBAED-& DO., * TWELFTH and CHESTNUT Stmts, JelS-tu th sat*6m wBm ( Agent* for Philadelphia. VnEESSWELI, & WILLIAM 3,; No. 206 Xj WALlJU®'Street, we prepeiei to iuppljr ehtp pers and consumers with superior Broad Top Oo*l from Lancaster Mines*'' " ' *' ; FOX, k 00., wholesale.and >JL retell dealers In LEHIGH end gOHUYLKILL GOAL. Lehigh ymrd-JrHIBD «tr W t wd GERMAN TOWN ROAD, Behujlldll jnrd—RACE sod BBOAD streets, Philadelphia.. Keep constantly Oh hand Coal from the most, approved mines, under sorer, and pre- HWdeijwiilyferftjnflrttw, , 1 *i»j THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 2, 1858. District court. june term, 1868. No. 682. Nev. Pa. BUIBT & MoOUBDY os. WILLIAM HIGGETT. All that certain three-fltory brick • messuage or tene ment with two-story brick bsek boildings, and lot or cartilage thereto belonging, situate on the southeast corner of Twenty-third ana Looast streets, Philadel phia j the said lot being in front fourteen feet, and ex tending in depth tone hundred feet to G street, the main baildlog being fourteen feet in front, and in depth twenty-six feet,.and back buildings being about twenty seven feet in depth. N B —The lot of ground above described, ROBERT MoOUBDY, by indenture of 13th August. 1857, reoorded in deed-book B 0 W, No. 148, page 118, granted to WILLIAM HIGGBTT in fee, reserving thereout a yearly ground rent of $69, payable first of March and September, to which It Is still"subject. 'Seised and taken in execution as tboproperty of William. Miggett. - Thet Auditor appointed to distribute'the proceeds of Sheriff’s sale of the above property,.paid ioto Court, will hold a meeting for that purpose at the office of EDWARD WALN. Eeq., No. 702 WALNUT‘Street, south Side, second house west of Washington Square, at 4 o’clock P. M. of FRIDAY. Deoember 10,1858, when And where all persons are required to make their olalms before, the Auditor, or bo debarred from oominginon said fund, . , n2§.lQt IN -THE ; DISTRICT COURT FOR . THE OITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. - ROBINS POWELL tc 00. vs. JACOB L. WEN DELL’ 'Vend Term, 1868/ No. 88. The' Auditor appointed to make distribution of the fund in Court, arising from the sale by the Sheriff un der the above writ of “all that certain cottage build ing, stable, and ooach house, with shed appurtenant thereto, and the- lot ■ ofjground -whereon the same are erected, suituate on the south side of Baring street, at the distance of -120 feeteaatwaid from the east side of Thirty-sixth street, is, the Twenty-.fourth ward of the City of Philadelphia, containing in front on Baring street,7o feet, ana in depth 103 feet, to the middle of a thirty-feet-wide street, extending from Thirty.ftfth to Thirty-seventh street,” will attend to his duties oh TUESDAY, the 7th day of December, A. D. 1868,‘ at 4 o’clook P. M., at bis office No. 630. WALNUT Street, [in the oity of Philadelphia, when and where all parties in interest are required to present their olalms or else be debarred from coming iu upon the said fund. n023-10t THOMAB J. DIEHL, Auditor. IN, THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE - OITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. ' -Estate of CHARLES WRIGHT, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the aocount of WILLIAM P. BHERMAN, Administrator, e. t a.,'to the Estate of OH*RLEB WRIGHT, deceased, filed by JAMES J. SHERMAN, Administrator of WILLIAM P. BHEBMAN, aforesaid, who is also lately deceased, and report distribution of the balance, will meet the parties interests at his office, on the southwest corner of SIXTH and OHE&TNUT Streets, 2d floor, in the oity of Philadelphia, on the 9th day of DEOEMBER, A. D. 1868. At 4 o’clock P. M. ' GEOkGE H. EARLE, ' n026-ebd6t# Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of HENRY M. NIXON, deceased. - The. Auditor appointed by the said Court to audit, settle, and adjust the' aocount of MARTIN 'NIXON, Executor of the estate of the said Henry M. Nixon, de ceased, and report distribution of the balance,in the hands of the said accountant, will meet the parties In interest, on TUESDAY, 14th December. 1868. at 4 o’clook, P. M., at his office, No • 411~ CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. GEO. A COFFEY, no2B-Btuth*6t Auditor. IN. THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the Etate ot SAMUEL M. LEIPER, deceased. . , - , . The Auditor appointed by the Oourt to audit, settle, and adjust the second account of MARY B. LEIPER, surviving Executrix of SAMUEL M. LEtPEB, de ceased,and report distribution' of the balance in the hands of said acoountant, will meetthe parties inter ested for the purposes of his appointment, on MON DAY, December Oth, 185*, at four o’clock P M., at his office, Law Buildings, No. 118 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. 0. M. HUSBANDS, nflseod6t , Auditor. IN; THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA In the matter ef the aooonnt of SAMUEL H. BUSH, Assignee of IBAAO K. BHEETZ and FRANKLIN P. SELTZER, late co-partner's .trading as SHBETZ A SELTZER, the Auditor appointed by the said Oourt to audit, settle, and adjust the said account of the said Assignee, and to report distribution of the balanoo In his hands, will meet the several parties in interest on MONDAY, 13th December, 1858, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office, 411 OHKSTNUT Street, Philadelphia. - n2T*B tu tb6t GEO. A. COFFEY, Auditor. |\JOTICE. —Letters of Administration of the il ; Estate of MARY WELIS. Deceased, have been granted to the undenigoed. Ail persons indebted to said Estate will please make payment; and those hav ing claims or demands will make known the same with out delay to SAMUEL 6TEVENSON, noll-thflt* 611 North FRONT Street. Estate of thomas f. ourtis, Sr., deceased. Letters of Administration to the estate of THOMAS F. OURTIS, Senior, having been grantee to JOHN- M. OUBTIB, all persons indebted to said estate will make payment, and those having claims will make the same known to . IFM. D. KELLS Y, . Attorney of Administrator, no4-th-Bt# N 0.411 CHESTNUT St. CJPEOIAL NOTICE.-—Dealers in Goodyear’s PatentforVulcanised Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Webs, and all other Fabrios and articles made by combin ing fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcan ised rubber are notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my author!- ty, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States Merchants and dealers are invited to examine specimens now in store, and to give their orders for the Spring Trade to the undersigned, BXOLUBIVE OWN ER OF THE TITLES AND EXCLUetVS RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for these goods, which ombrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or imported, and many others. principal regulatorsofthe performs id functions system are fully . devel moei entirely, dependent the Liver for the proper tions; when the stomach at fault, and the whole auenoe of one do its doty. - Bor the'dis of .the.proprietors has praotioe of more than 80 ay wherewith to counter ments to which it is lia ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL —and the Termfl—may he obtained on application to me at No. 23 COUBTLANDT Btreet, N. Y , n24»ly HoRAOE H DAY. medy U at last fonnd, any vxa CoupLAiVTjinanyof bottle, and eonriotion Is TO NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS.— NATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC NEWS AGENCY, —CARR & JOHNSON announce to the Press through out' the United Btatei that they are completing ar -raneements on a most liberal scale, for a system of TELJfiUHAirztacnvii>wb nßrcnßo. -auw.hu nAvar before been equalled in this country. Tha/pi-s** themselves to furnish the earliest and most reliable re- Sorts of all the stirring and important events of the ay, at a prico which cannot fail to be advantageous to the Press generally. Ail letters and communications to bo addressed to OARR A JOHNSON, National Telegraph News Reporters, South THIRD Btreat, opposite Exchange, Phllada. 9. W. CARR, G.W.L. JOHNBON, Geo. W. L. Johnson, 23 Wall ft., New York Oity. John T. Smith, Merchants’Exchange, Boston. John Wills, corner South and Baltimore streets, Bal timore. For experience and reliability in the business, we would refer to; Morton McMichael, North American M>d U. 8. Quetta; Swain fc Abell, Publlo ledger; JesperHarding tc Bon,Pennsylvania Inquirer; John W. Forney* The Press; Cummings A Peacock, Evening Bulletin: F. W. Grayson tc 00., Evening Journal: Jo seph Severns, Evening Argus; Joseph R. Flamgen, Daily News: William Rice. Pennsylvanian s Lawlor, Everett, tc ilincken, Sunday Dispatch; Magill tc Jones, Bunday Mercury; Jno. 8. Jaokson, Sunday Transcript. 0020-tf morbid or bad matter bom their plaoe a healthy flow stomach, causing food"to blood, tone and ohinery, removing the bceng m twllml mm. - cured, and, what is hot casional ass of the Lives is sufficient to relieve the food from xislag and sour- before retiring, prevents night, loosens the bowels TITSKBSa., each meal, will cure Drs< teaspoonfol* will always male obstruction removes and makes a perfect cure, ate!/ relieves Obolio, peated, is a sure cure for preventive of Oaonaaa. needed to throwout of the ditine after. a long sick for Jauxuios removes all color from the skin. time before eating gives makes food digest well, ed; cares Ounono Dram while Sousan and Bowxn to the first dose. Notice.— plans for the im- PBOVBMBNT OF FAIR MOUNT PARK (Le mon Hill and Bedgely Estates) are hereby invited, und.er the authority of an ordinance of the City Coun cils A premium of 3500 will .be awarded to the au thor of the plan which ,1s seleotid, and $2OO will be Said to the author of the plan next In excellence. very plan must be .accompanied by an estimate, and most be sent to this Offce.on or before February 15, 1659. The selection will he made by the Committee on City Property. Those who desire to compete are In vited to call at this where farther information will be furnished. attacks caused by Womcb surer, safer, or speedier ntvtrfaiit. Daorsr, by exoltlng the no234uthslm TVOTIOE. —PHILADELPHIA and READ iI ING RAILROAD.—The “DOWN 'FREIGHT” Depot of the Philadelphia and'Readlng Railroad Com paoy, has been removed from No. 325 to Nos 342 and 248 BROAD, above Race streets. . „ . All the “THROUGH FREIGHT 5 ’ business of the Company, both OUTWARD and INWARD wilt be transacted at this Depot. JNO. T. BEATY, no 4 Ira . General Agent. HEELER & WILSON* 0 AU the former patterns $26 less on each Maohlne, A NEW TENSION. NO WINDING OF UPPER THREAD. A HEMMER WEIGH TURNS ANY WIDTH OF HEM OR PELL. ovmoxb 028 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. No. ,T WEST STATE Street, Trento N. J. No. 7 BAST GAY Street, West Chester, Pa. ©O7-tD2«. Harris* 0 boudoir sewing ma chine Is offered-to the public as the most rolls ble low-prloed Sewing Machine in use. It will sew from six to sixty stitches to an inch, on all kinds of goods, from coarsest- bagging to the finest'cambrics.- It l* r Without exception, the simplest in Its mechanical con struction ever made, and can be run and kept In order bya child of twelve years of age. The ppbibilitx of this tnaohine, and the qoilitt oir its wobx, are war ranted to be nnsorpassed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread used is taken directly from the spools, without VHI tbouiulb or mwibdibq. In fact, It Is a machine that Is Wanted by overy family In the land, asd the low Pfioo of FORTY DOLLARS, at whloh they sold, brings them within the reaoh ol almost ereryone • S. D. BAKER, Agent, JelS-dfim wkyeowfim 30 South EIGHTH Street. PERRY'S BLANK BOOK AND STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT, 8. W. CORNER FOURTH AND RACE. premium: awarded By the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE for Manufacturing Saperior Account Books. : FIRMS intending to open new Books on the first of the Year, can seleot from b good stock on hand, or hare them made In any desired style, in a superior manner. ’BOPK'BINDING- of every description executed in the finest and mofct substantial manned at low prices. MAGAZINES bound from 10 cts. to $2 50 per volume. MUBIO bound in a new and handsome stylo, from %\ to $3. t OLD FAMILY BIBLES rebound, to look and wear equal to new. PERRY'S BOOK-BINDERY, FOURTH sod RACE. OldeflteiUbliihedßLndery in Philadelphia. n2B-2m lUiralt T. tftft»loK. ' /. TAtlOltf MBftBtOV, ' william *. unxiax. OOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, ►3 . JUTH AND WASHINGTON STBBITB. ; PHILADULFBIA. . HEBBIOK & SONS, INGINBJ3BB AND MAOHImBTB, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, lot Land, Biter, and Marina service. , _ ! Boilers, Gasometers, Tanka, iron Boats, Ac., Cast logs of all kinds, either Iron or Brass, i Iron ftabie roots for Gas Works, Workshops, Bailroad Stations. Ac. i Be torts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. ! Every description of Plantation machinery, each as Sugar, Saw. and Grist Mills, Yacuom Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Billers, Pumping Engines, Ac. Sole Agents, tor N. BiUioux’s Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer: J. p Boss’,Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and' Steam Pomps. - ■ , Superintendent—B.H. BABTGL. auS>v BSLMON.-4& 'pierces andSTßoxeTHalp IKS fu Btlmoil. lot Mil b» o. 0. BADLSR &00 , M 8 - IMABOHSStm*. Iffotteeß Notices. ]. M. CHRISTOPHER, Oommlssloner Pity Prepetty. Sensing i&arijineo. SEWING MACHINES, REDUCED PRICKS, NEW STYLE |5O, bookbinding Madjitwru and iron. <simratUmol. gr QNG’S.SPRING garden academy, JUNE, corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Sts. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT.—Book-keeping iu all its various-forms; preparing 'Students thoroughly for situations in any branch of cosiness: Plain and Or namuntal Writing: Commercial Calculations: Law and Correspondence. No Institution in the United Btales gives a more thorough and practical course. In this department no teaohing is done In classes, and is open DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT.—(Separate from the above.)—'Young Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an EnglLh and Clas sical EduoatlQn, vis: Spelling, Reading, Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, tea.. Ancient and Modem Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Stadias. - Sessions er five months commence September Ist, and February Ist.: Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dates ana charged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. mhU-tf .. ... F.DONLBAVYLONG,PrincipaI UXjjADELFHIA SGE, northeast comer ot fStreets. rmiTTENDEN'a F \J COMMERCIAL OOLU CHESTNUT and SEVENTH An Inatitntioii designed TIVB BUSINESS. BOARD OV TRUSTEES, B. B-Oomegra, Brands Hoskins, George H. Stoart, David Milne, John Sparhawk, DavidS. Brown, laaao Hacker, A. V. Parsons, D. B. Binman, Frederick Brown, Joshua Llpplneott. EVENING BESBIONB after September 16th. • Each Student has rsDmmuL instbuotiob ]at this Institution, and a Diploma from hero is the best re commendation & young man ean have, for obtaining a godd situation. . CATALOGUES may be had on application at the , College. ' soS-tf to fit young men for AOS Bryant & steatton’s chain or NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Por information} oall or send for circular. > * • jel6*tf EVENING SESSIONS HAVE COMMENCED. (|/|ONS. A. F.ROSAT, ITA , TBACHER'OP FENCING, V • BARRETT’S GYMNASIUM, 0e25-d2m#, MARKET Street, above Eighth. Drags anil QEljemicals. ’ [WON EXPLOSIVE BURNING FLUID.— il ' ffe are now manufacturing, and are prepared to sell, a BURNING FLUID, which will not explode in the ordinary use of the article. It has been expert* menterd upon, and subjected to the severest tests before .the beat chemical talont In this city, without a single failnrt; and we now offer it to the publio, feeling confi dent that a great desideratum has been attained. ’. ’ < YARNALL & OGDEN. **lo-d3m 472 N. THIRD Street, above Noble. jgGBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., . WHOLEBALE DRUGGISTS, lUnubetnrers PAINTS, VARNISHES, and WINDOW GLASS, Northeast corner FOURTH and &AOE Streets, Philadelphia. . .Sole Agents for the sale of the oelebrated Florelfe PlateGlaaa. ’ mh2B*tf r IS WOT A DTE I JEROME'S HAIR COLOR RESTORER wIU re .tore Gray Hair to ill original color in from ten to twelve days, and restore the Hair when it has fallen off and hoeome thin, IT 18 NOT A DYE I - It may be used as freely aa water, and la the moat beau tiful Dressing for the Hair now in use. Thousaudaln different parts of the Union have testi fied to its wonderful virtues, and all who have used it join in their praise of it. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, bj Dr. BWAYNB & SON, No. 8 North SEVENTH Street, above MARKET, Sole Agents for Philadelphia, Trade supplied DETERSIVE SOAP.—Time, labor, and ; money saved. In uilsgit, clothes do not require any boiling or robbing on washboard One pound will go as far as three pounds common Rosin Soap. War* rantod to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. It is ideoiaedly the cheapest and best washing Soap ever offered to the public. Manufactured only by VAN HAAGEN A MoKEONB. For sale by all re* ipeotable Grocers In the city, and wholesale only by I THAIN & MoKEONB, , oc2-Bra, S 3 South Wharves. Taw & beers' 1 LUBRICATING GREASE, the best and cheapest oompound for greasing the axles of OMNIBUBEB, CARRIAGES, CARTS, PRATS and WAGONS, and HEAVY MACHINERY. For sale in tin cans, kegs, and barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS in the city andthe MANUFACTURERS, WlSUflra Ho 18 SOUTH WATBR Rtmat IT IS OF THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE for every one to know where they wiU got the most for their money, especially suoh times as these. ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Brngglsta, oorner of BBGOND and GREEN Streets, are disposing of their White Lead, Ground Paints, or all Colors, and Window Glass, all of the best qualify, at prices which will be pleasing to bnyers. oell PLASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD.— fIEEOIAL NOTICE TO PHYSIOIANB.—The above offers a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to dls* eased surfaces, which combines the following advanta* ges: A good and unvarying consistence, easily washed off with water, dicselves all substances that are solu* ble In water, hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and doss not get rancid . The last property alone renders it an invaluable acquisition to the practitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail, at BIHXS’S Laboratory and Pharmacy, mho Twelfth and Jlhestnut street Stouee. j, INQUIRE FOR THE ROYAL, OR «SSa SEA SHELL PATENT GAS-BURNING COOK |Hn INO &TOYEB—They are economical, consuming the gas and smoke that are usually wasted; dura ble ,1 by having double instead of single plates; and con venient, having large ovens and being ready bakm. Our new patented DOUBLE-OVEN STOVE Is the best eons tr noted up-draft stove ever invented. It will best a large boiler of water, boil two dinner pots, broil a beef steak, bake bread and pies, and roaet meat, all at the same tlmo ana with a single fire. Invalids, and ell persons who appreciate the influence of ventilated apartments upon health, will be pleased with our PORTABLE GRATES and MODEL FRANK LIIf.HTpYEJ, which are of beautiful and ornamental « *“ a r«u r Axuin -fire, and thorough ventilation. Strict economists will be satisfied with oar SILVER’S GAB-CONSUMING PARLOR STOVES. Many of the so-called gas-burning stoves introduce cold air to the top of the fire, the effect of which is to cool the stove and waste the fuel, precisely as if a stove door was opened above the fire. In a true gas-baming stove, the air should be heated, in a hot-air chamber, to a tempera ture sufficient to ignite the gases, on the same principle ae Is adopted In oar gas-burning cooking stoves. In addition to the above, a large assortment of Parlor Cooking Stoves, Parlor Btoves, for coal or wood, Hall StoVes, Portable Heaters, Cooking Stoves, of every de scription, Gas Ovens, Stove Fixtures. and Repairs may be found, in every variety, at onr warerooms, No. 209 North SECOND Street, above Race. 6clQ-tf NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH. SOMETHING NEW.—GAS BOB fSqg NINO OOOE BTOVE.—I would respectfully call |Bn the attention of the publio to one or the greatest WI - Improvements ever introduced in Cooking Stores and Binges—the burning of the gas arising from the cool, by which means Is eared 50 per cent, in fuel and also more Intense heat thrown to the bottom of the OTen. We effcot the burning of the gases by means of a hollow centre-piece, perforated on the under side, whloh admits the air in a heated state to mingle with the gases, thus aiding its combustion, and causing a flame to pass around the oren equal to a wood fire. This iiu- Srovement also preserves the centre piece from sinking own on the Are, thereby saving the expense of repairs. One of the Stoves CAN BE BEEN IN OPERATION. it 1110 MARKET Street. Manufactured by JAMES SPEAR, Inventor and Patentee, (late North, Chase & Norths 111& MARKET Street. septft-Smo fiur&ujoM. HARDWARE. —The subscribers, COM MISSION MERCHANTS for the sale of TORSION AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, would respectfully oall the attention of the trade to their stoox, which they aro offering at lowest rates. Our assortment con sists In partof— Chains, of all kinds— I Trace, Log, Halter, Breast, Ox, Oov, Fifth, Back. Wagon. Btage, Tongue, Lock, Ship, Mine, and Coil Chains. The oelebrated “L” Horse Nalls; Stone and Sledge Hammers. “Wright’ ” and other Anvils; Solid Box and oilier flees. Short and long handle Pry Pans: round and oral take Pans. “Martin's” superior Files and Rasps; Bed Screws. (C EXcelslor n Safety Fuse: Blasting Tubes. Corn, Grass, and Brier Scythes; Hay, Corn, and Straw knives. ' Hay, Manure, Tanners’.and Spading Porks. ; Bakes and Hoes; Shorels and Spades, of all kinds. Tasks, Brads, Shoe, Oloat, and Punishing Nails. Oast Mid Wrought Butt Hinges, Screws, Looks of all hinds; Ontlery, Bams and Pomps, Axes, Hatchets, Ham men, Planes, and other Tools, &0., &o. W. G. LBWIB Jfc BON, No. 411 OOHMBROB Street. Philadelphia warming and VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. ARNOLD A WILSON) auooxsßoaa to b. a. haxxiboi. We have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No. 10X0 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the St. Lawrence Hotel, where onr old friends and the nnblio Mrs respectfully invited to examine onr extensive stock of warm Air Furnaces, Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Registers, Enameled Stone Mantels. Parlor Coal Grates, Ac., Ac. - We are now manufacturing OHILSON’fI CELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAB CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economical Heater ever invented, and suited to all classes of buildings. Also, new and beautiful patterns ot Low Bo Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all slses and pattern* We have also commenced the manufacture o. ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Pina tylvania Sions, These Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at the late frsir and Exki• bitionoftke franklin ■ Institute of this city. They represent all the rare and beautiful Awriqui Maxblbs, are not injured b 7 Smohe.Coal Gas, Oil or Acids. and are sold .Wholesale ana Retail, at much less priee f&Bft Marble. Call and see them. , v _ ARNOLD A WILSON. BIN?. M. VILTWRLL, Superintendent, Philadelphia, April, 18S8—ap24 ly JNtur -foru*. PIANO FORTES. nTn» Just received, an elegant stook of RAVEN, BACON, A OOm NUNNS A GLARE. HALLBT, DA VIS A 00., and GALE A 00, B PIANOS. MBL&DI - of best quality, at j. B. GOULD’S, S. S. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT efe, mhlfl-r EXCELLENT, WARRANTED »7», f flffEW YORK PIANOS} celebrated for tone, touch, duraomty, and tasty appearance. 7 Octaves, PLAIN and LOUIS XIV, Pearl inlaid, and Pearl keys! for sale, fro in $lOO upwards. Also. PIANOS to rout! ; JAMBS BELLAK, 279 Bouth FIFTH Street, above Spruce, sole agent for Cummings A Canfield, and J A U. Fischer. nolS-lm# gCagM OHIOKERING & SONS, Manu mnTF facturers or GRAND, PARLOR-GRAND, SQUARE, mid UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES. This is the largest and oldest manufactory in the United States, having been ESTABLISHED IN 18M, Since which time e, have MADE AND SOLD TWENTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED PIANOS, And have received ae testimonials or their SUPERI ORITY over all others, 11 Hold, 18 Silver, and 4 Bronze Jdedale. ’ I!7* Plados to Rent, Toned, and Repaired. , BRANCH HOUBS in PHILADELPHIA is at 1801 CHESTNUT Street. oct-Sm Safes. SALAMANDER safes. ISiHk A lAr 8® assortment of „ EVANS A WATSON’S PHILADEHPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES, „ VAULT DOORS. ?o; Banka and Stores. RANK LOOKS, Equal to any now in use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, <fcc.. On as good terms as any other establishment In the United States, by EVANS A WATSON, No. 26 South FOURTH Street. , PLEASE GIVE t? 0 A CALL, *“*«!»* Inearonte QTamgcmue, OFFICE OF* THE DELAWARE MU TUAL BAPJSTY INfcURANOB COMPANY. PBiLiUßLpau, November 10.1858. The following Statement of the affairs of the Com p&nr la published fa conformity with a provision of its Charter: PnsMiuifa received from November 1,1867, to Oot#* bar 81,1868: On Marine and Inland Risks....s36l 803 02 On JLra Risks 118.41417 5470,217 70 PasuiuMs on. Policies not marked off Novem ber 1, 1867 VBSMtvna marked off as baensd, from Ist of NoTSm ber, 1857, to October 81. 1858 : On Marine and Inland Bisks $390,641 76 On Fire Risks, , 128,01168 —J 1613,663 43 Interest, &o , received during aarne period " t „ „ $643,203 66 LOBBKB, Expbnbss, &0., daring the year aa above— Marine and Inland Navigation Losses $246,370 16 Fire Losses 41,289 21 Return .Premiums 41,768 14 Re'insnranoea, Commissions to Agents, Taxos, &c 48.428 68 Expenses, Balarios, Rents. Bta tionery, &o .. Surplus.,., ASSETS OP THE COMPANY. „ November 1,3858, £«'• Market Value . 103,050. .Philadelphia City six per cent. Loan 5105,144 00 89,000.. Pennsylvania State five per cent. Loan 88,216 00 21,000.. Pennsylvania State six per cent. Loan .... 80,000.. United States Treasury 4# per cent Notes 80,112 50 50,000. .Pennsylvania Railroad 2d Mort gage six per cent Bonds 46,375 00 20,000. .North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort gage six per cent. Bonis 12,000 00 15,000. .800 shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal guaranteed by the Oity of Phila delphia 6,000. .100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company. . 5,000. .100 shares North Pennsylvania B&Uroad C0mpany................ 850 00 '1.200. .80 shareb Philadelphia Ice Boat and Steam Tug Company 1,200 00 1,000.. 2 shares Philadelphia ana Savannah Steam Navigation Company 200 00 250.. 6 shares Philadelphia and Havre db Grace Steam Tow-boat Com -200.. 2 scares Philadelphia Exchange Company. 130 00 340,700 Cost $318,297. Market value, $319,199 (0 Bonds and Mortgages * 10,000 00 Beal EBtate, office building 61,309 85 Bills racelvable for Insurances made.. 201,666 36 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Ma rine Policies recently issued—and other debts due the Company 61.288 14 Scrip and Stook of sundry Insurance Com* panles. Cash on dopoait in Banks.. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Di vidend of SIX PER GENT. In Gash, on the original Capital Stocky and bIX PER CENT, on the Scrip of the Company, payable On and after the Ist proximo. They have also declared a Scrip Dividend of TWEN TY-FIVE PER CENT, on the original Stock and on the Earned Premiums for the year, ending October 31, 1868, certificates for which will be issued to the parties entitled to the same, on and after the 4st of December next. * ITT" Preamble and Resolution adopted by the Board. Whereas, The increased means of the Company aris ing from Profits, and which will be derived from the Increased Capital Stock under the late amendments to the Act of Incorporation, render the farther continu ance of the Guarantee Capital unnecessary, therefore Resolved, That the Guarantee Capital be discon tinued, and the notes representing the same be deliv ered up to the makers thereof, as soon as the Sisks taken daring the period embraced In said notes shall have determined. DIRECTORS. William Martin, ' James D. Hand, Edmund A. Bonder, Edward Darlington, Theophilua Paulding, H. Jones Broo>e, John R. Penrose, Spencer M’lWalne, John 0. Davis, Thomas 0. Hand, James Traqular, Samuel E. Stokes, WUUam Eyre, Jr., 5 F.Peniaton, Henry Sloan, Robert Barton, Joseph H. Seal, Jacob P Jones, Dr. K" M. Huston, James B. M’Parland, George G. Lelper, Joshua P. Eyre, Wm. 0 Ludwig, John B. Semple, Pittab’h Hugh Craig, D. T. Morgan, i( Charles Kelley, J. V. Logan, “ WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOtf. 0. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLBUBN, Secretary. pol3-4w eastern insurance company.— JLU OraOß No. 6 EXCHANGE. Authorised Btook Capital, $500,000. Chartbr Pbrpbtual. Fire Blake on Merchandise and Buildings. Marine Risks on Vessels. Cargoes and Freights. Inland Transportation Risks on Goods per Railroads, Canals, and Steamboats, taken on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. George A. Wright, Thomas Bbaw, George Cookman, Charles Btoy, Jacob Reed, W. 0. Btotesbary. ANDREW COCHRAN, President. WILLIAM I. Brows, Vice-President. n3-tf Andrew Cochran, William I. Brown. Richard Q. Btotesoory, Peter D. Myers, Robert B. walker, Jacob Lnkena, THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE 408 WALNUT BTBBET, PHILADELPHIA.—CAPITAL and SURPLUS $277,- 006.86.—Insures against LOSS or DAMAGE BY FIRE and the PERILB OF THE SEA. INLAND NAVIGA TION and TRANSPORTATION. [pF» TEN per cent, in cash returned on the earned premiams of Open Inland Policies. OFFICERS. . .President—GEOßGE H. HART. vice'rtMta.mt-- as. p, xvoso. - - - Secretary and Treasurer—H R.COGGSHALLT Assistant Secretary—B. H. BUTLER. Goo. H. Hart, S. W. Bailer B P. Bosh, Andrew R. Chambers, A. G. Oattell, J. L. Pomeroy, Joseph Edwards, Charles G. Imlay, John G. Bale. H. R. Coggshall, Poster 8. Perkins. Sami. Jones, M. D., Hon. H. M. Poller. aeai-y Attest, H. R. COGGSHALL, Beo’y. Howard fire and marine insu rance COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. John H. Diehl, Wm. F. Leech. J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, M. W. Baldwin, Thos. L. Luders, John O. James, Wm. K. Hamlin, A. J. Bucknor, H. H. Shillinglord, John W. Soxton, O.E. Spangler, William R&iguel, H.H. Houston, Edwin Booth, Wm. H. Love, John Garrison, OharlesF. Norton, E. S. Warne, - Isaac Myer. President—JOHN H. DIEHL, Vice President—E. S. WARNS. Secretary—CHAßLES A. PUT. ae!6«tf AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., /A INCORPORATED 1810 —CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third. Philadelphia Having a largo paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus Invested in sound and available Securities, continue to Insure'on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in Port ana their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIUOTOXB. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, Caspar W. Morris. Bamuel 0. Morton, James R. Campbell, Patrick Brady, Edmund G. Dutilh. Charles W. Poultney. GEORGS ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIS. Secretary. ja23-ylf CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No, 110 South FOURTH Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital. .$300,000. Organised 1861. Privileged to insure Houses, annually or perpetually; Personal Property, annually, or, for a less period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks; receive De- posits : hold Trusts and grantannuities - ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. Mikfiia, Secretary. DIIXOTOIB. Alfred Weeks, Hon. W. D. Kelley, B. 0. Tyler. J. W. Forney, J.W. Bonder, P.B. Mingle, C. Bioking, James Watson, J. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthews, J. W. Stokes, William Curtis, jelB-ly G. F. Turner. Life insurance and trust com- PANT.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Northeast Corner of THIRD and POOR Btreets. Capital, $612,726.08. INSUREB LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur oh uses life interests in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of'ttfe. They act as Executors, Administrators, Aeslgntes, Trustees, and Guardians. ffnußTaas. Daniel L. Miller, Stmuel B. Stokes, Benjamin Ooates, William Martin, Riohard 8. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Hooker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Easton, Samuel 0. Huey, Theophilns Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A. Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Bodolphus Kent, John W. Hornor, William H. Carr, Ellis B. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Bebertaoa. Joseph M. Thomas, Werner M. Rm in, John G. Brenner, P. 8. Michler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. BAMUEL S. STOKES, Vice Pres’t. Jon W. Hoxxox, Secretary. n!3-ly /COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE, NORTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS, rxiz.iDßi.raiA. tubsarlbed Capital, £*OO,WO. Paid op Capita), 6260,000 Bixiofoxa. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. B. Stewart, H. L. Benner, J. M. Butler, I. J. K. Walker. Edw. 0. Knight, M. R. Wendell, H. Lewis, Jr., 8. K. Howie. DAVID JAYNE, U. D., President. THOMAS 8. STEWART, Vice Prei’l. SJUttniL 8. Moos, Secretary. Ja29-j TORE AND INLAND RISKS.—FAME JP INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £lOO,OOO. (Organised under the Aot of Assembly relative to In Sorance Companies, passed April 2d, 1856.) GEORGE W. DAY, President. THOMAS 8. MARTIN, Vice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHABD, Secretary. Office 411 OHEBTftUT St., Philadelphia, DIRECTORS. George W. Day, Jacob K. Vaughan, William W. Walter*, Henry Lewie, Jr., Charles Richardson, D.B.Birrjy, Barclay Lippincott, John W. Everman, Jos. R. Brognard, ' A. H. Rosenheim, Oh&fl. Stokes, fe24-y M. Stern. UDentietrs- vfgggfc Dr. W. ti. MoILHENNEY,DentiBt, CTfm would inform his friends that he has resumed practice fit No. 1848 CHESTNUT Street, second door •boys the V. 8. Mint sepl-Sm CUBA SUGAR. —250 Boxes prime Yellow Havana Inßtore and for salo by A. MERINO, <w26 140 Booth FRONT Btwet. APPLES.— A small consignment of Con necticut Russets. For sale by 0,0. SADLERA 00., BOS 108ABOH8tW«t, PJOY, 29,1868—CHANGE OF HOUR— L , „ „ PENNSYLVANIA Jf 4 L bailroad wnppfflS mhi - T 0 PITTSBURGH, "oMuife'- IN^»- “mwuh 1 ST - PATIt3 ' ohio miohi BAN, wisson’bin, Minnesotaffilinm® „ KANSAS, AND NEBbHj? BBOt,BI » Puiengeni to points,west ol Plttsbureti, whaallnt. Cleveland and Oreatlma bare oholoa of?tm’tea fJd «a Mjnaatad to mats a aeleotlon bafoia applyf^'^Sokt THRU THROUGH TRAINB LBAVJI PHILaDBI. PHI A DAILY, w POR THE WiST: (Mail Train and Past Lin?, Sundays Exempted ) THAIHS LKAYH PHILADIL- | RKTOEHINO RKAOH PHILA- 326,184 02 $795,401 81 MIA. , DELPHI!. Mail trainat....7.Bo A. M. | Mall train at. .11.00 nisrht Fast line.. 4 00P.M. I Post lino B.BOATM*. express mai1..11.00 sight. | Express mail.. 6.00 P.M. The mail train stops at all the stations between Phila delphia and Pittsburgh, WAY TBAI&S LIATa. WAY YBAIVB AXKtYI. Harrisburg a<s- Harrisburg ac oommodation.l.OOP. M. oommodation.7.l6 P.M. Lancaster and Lancaster and ....4.30 P.M. Columbia....l22oP.M, (Sundays Excepted ) ■ Passengers for BUNBC&Y, WILLIAMSPORT, EL MIRA, BUFFALO, AND NIAGARA PALLS, leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M., and 4 P. M. The cars leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station, southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET afcreote, entrance on Eleventh street, where through tickets to all points West can be obtained. Baggage will bo received at any time dr ring the day. No charge for handling baggage. For fnttber Information, apply at the Station, be tween the hours of 630 A. M., and 11P M THOMAS MOORE, Agent Penn’a R. do. 18,007 82 •$395,219 00 .$147,954 66 21,210 00 PHILADELPHIA, GKHHAHTOWN SIIUNQEm 8 T 0 W N winter ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1858. _ „ FOR. GERMANTOWN, Leave Phi’adelphia 6, 7#, 840 tain., QU, IOJf 11 \£ A. M , 12, 8,4, 5,0, 7*, 8?9,10.11* P.fi?.’ *' "* Leave Germantown 6,7, 7#, 8, 9 10 min.. lOltf 11 V A. M., 1.10 min., 2. 8,4, 6,6, 7,8, 9,10# P. JIT * „ ON SUNDAYS, wave Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. M.. 2, C# P. M Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. M., 1.10 min., 5# 14,926 00 CHBBTSUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,7#, 8.40 min., 11# A. M., 2, 4,6, 9P. M> Leave Chestnut Hill 7.10 min., 7.85 min., 8.50 min.. 11.10 A. M., 12.60, 3 40. 6.40, 7.4omin. P. k. ON SUNDAYB, Leave Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. M., 2, 6# P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill 8 A. M., 12.60, 5.20 min. P. M. FOB OONSHOHOOKKN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6#, 9, HA. M., 105 min., 3.10 min., 4#, 6.50 mm , 11# P. M, Norristown 6,7, 9,11 A. M., 1, 3#, 6.40 min. ON SUNDAYS. ' Leave Philadelphia 0 A. M. and 3 P, M. Leave Norristown 7 A. M. and 6 P. M. FOR MANAIUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6#, 7 85 min., 9, 11 A. M., 1.05 min . 2 05, 8.10 min . 4#, 5.60, 7.45 min ,11# P. M. r,TT^.mSS NDAYS SAME AS noreibtown. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD FOB DOWNING- 8,220 00 42.007 86 $093,804 70 November 10.1858. „ TOWN. Leave Philadelphia G* A. M. and 3.10 min. P. M. Leave Downingtown IX A. M. and 1 P. M H. K..SMITH, General Superintendent. DEPOT, NINTH and GEBEN Sts. no!3 v PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIBA BAIL* M. ROAD LINE.—QUICKEST BOUTS to Bliaira. Wllkesbarre, Buffalo, Chicago, Book Island, Niagaia falls, Milwaukee, Burlington, Montreal, St. Pauls, Detroit, Dunlieth, and St, Lonu. Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia aid Beading Railroad Depot, oomer BROAD and TIBS Streets, dally, (Sundays exoopted.) as follows: „ _ 7.80 A. M. DAT EXPRESS, for Elmira, Niagara Palls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Book Island, Galena, St. Pauls. Burlington and St. Louis. 8.9) P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS, fox Elmira, Niagara falls. Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago. Milwaukee, Bock Island, Galena..Bt. Pauls, Burlington, and St. Louis. The 7.80 A. M. train runs through to HARRISBURG, (stopping at all TStatlons on the Lebanon Talley Branch of the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad. AHD At Rupert, for Wllkesbarre, Pittaion, Scranton, and all stations on the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOHSBURG RAILROAD. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. . • U7* Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line’s Ticket Office, Northwest corner of BIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the pas* sengerDopot, comerof BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Yine, dally, excepted,) for all points West and North, at 6 freights must be delivered before 3 P. M. to Insure their going the same day. , Per further information apply at freight Depot, Broad, below Tine, Or to GHAS. 8« TAPPEN, General Agent, N. W. cor. Sixth and Chestnut Streets, 001-g Philadelphia. [WEW YORK IiINJSS.—THE OAMDEH L Y AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD OOMPANY’B LIHEH. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WAY LO*T6 *3 follow*, Til: At 6 A. H., via G&auien and Amboy, Accoamoda- Hon 2 25 At 6A. M., Tia,Camden and Jersey City, N. J. Ao» - eomjnodation , 2 25 At 8 A. M.t Tia Oamden and Jersey City, Morning M»U : 8 00 At 10 A. M.| by Steamboat John Neilson.Tia Taco ny and Jersey City, Morning Express... 8 00 At 2 P. M., Tia Oamden and Amboy, O. and A. )X* press 8 00 At 5 P. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Broniny 3 <0 At 3p. 11. } yia Camden and Amboy. Acoommoda* tion, Ist Class.. 2 25 At 8 p. M., Tia Camden and Amboy, Aoccmmoda* tion, 2nd Class. l 50 At 6 p. M., Tia Oamden and Amber, Aecommoda* . ti0n,1atC1A55.,,..,..,., 2 26 At & P. M., Tia Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, 2nd Class .1 T 5 The 6P. K. lias rnns daily, all others SondtyS e: - eapted '* _ At^ ll% P. M., from Kensington Depot, Tia Jrfsey City, Mail, Saturdays excepted,......;..,,,,.. $2 25 ■ Express Lines stop at the principal stations only. Tor BeWidere, Easton, Plemington, *o., at 6A. M and 2tf P, M. from Walnut street wharf. Por Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkeabane, Montrose. Great Bend, Ac.. at 6 A.M., Tia Delaware Lackawanna at Western Railroad. Por Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Mount Holly at 6 A. M., and 2* and 6 ?. fi£. - WAT U&BB Tor Brlrtol, Trantoa, *«., at 2# ud 4 P. M., For P«]mji.,BanoooM, Boru-ly, Burlington, Botfej. to*m4<i., atBP. M. Steamboat Richard Stockton for Bordentown, and In termediate places, at 2 W P. M. Steamboat John Nellson, for Tacony, at 10 and 11V A. M , and for Burlington and Bristol at. 4 P. M. Altfines oxceptUX P. hi , leave Walnut street wharf ID~Ftit7 pounds of baggage only allowed each pas senger. Passengers aro prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All bag gage over fifty pounds to be paid For extra.- The Com pany limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will cot be liable for any amount be yond £lOO, exoept by special contract. „ „ WM. H. GATZMXB, Agent HMf 0. A A. B. B. CO, FALL ARRANGEMENT. For BETHLEHEM. DOYLIBTOWN, AO., and by cloae railroad connections for Easton, Oatawisaa, New York oity, Allentown, Williamsport, Water Gap, Mauoh Chunk, Elmira, Wilkesbarre, Hazleton, Niagara Falls, Scranton. On and after WEDNESDAY, August 26th, 1868, Pas senger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, as follows: ’ For Bethlehem, Easton, Wilkesbarre, Water Gap, Scranton, Ac., (Express,) at 6.16 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allootown, Maueh Chunk, Williams port, Elmira, and the West, (Express,) at 2.15 P. M. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 8.45 A. M. and 4 P. M, For Port Washington, (Accommodation,) at 0.46 A. M. and 6 P: M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem (Express,) at 0 A. M. and 6 P.M. Leave Doylestown (Aooommodation) at 7 A.M.and 3.30 P.M. Leave Fort Washington (Accommodation) at TJQ A. M. and2.BOP.M. Doylestown Trains run daily. Other Trains dally, Sundays excepted. ' All Passenger trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Chatham street with Fifth and Sixth Street Passen ger Railroad. Fare to Bethlehem ...•,,♦**,,♦,***,ll 60 f< Mauoh Chunk.,,,, a6O “ Easton i 60 “ Doylestown go FOR BOHOOLEY’S MOUNTAIN—By 6.16 A. M. train to Easton, thence by N. J. 0. RR. ana D. L. A W. RB. to Washington, thence by stage, arriving at the Moon tainsatlP.M. Fare $3.10? au26 tf ’ | ELLIS OLABK, Agent PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE JS. GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At lantio Cities with Western. North-western, and|South western /States, by.a continuous Railway direst. Thit Road also connects at‘Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all ports on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Bteunora to all ports ot the Noitiuwsstern Lakes s rnaVjpg the most DIRECT CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTE by which Prelgb ean >e forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. BATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITT BURGH. Fixer, oiaqs—Boot?, Shoes, Hnts, and Caps, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxes bales and tranks),Dross, (in boxes and balos) feathers, Furs.Ae 0900 so Class—Domes tie Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales), Drags (in casks), Hardware, Leather, Liquor, (in casks,) Walt Paper, Wool, ana Sheep Pelts, Eastward, Ac. Ac....... 75c. per 100 lb. Taian Class—An rils, Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted, (loose or In sacks), Painte. (dry and la ell.) Oils, (except lard and r05in).,,.,, 650, per 100 lb Fonn Class—Coffee, Fish, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in eiska or box»« eastward), Lard andLardOll, Ka3J>, Soda Ash, Gorman Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Steel, Mauaraettrsd To bacco, Bos In Oil, Queensware, Sugar, (hhda., bbi*., and boxes,) fco., Ao.,6oc. per 100 lb, Flour—sl 00 per bbl., until further notice, Qraix— #sq. per 100 lbs., until farther notioe Oottoh—s2 per bale, not exceeding 600 lbs.'wefvhi Until farther notice “ In shipping Goods from wy point * M t 0 f PlillUcl phi*, bo portioulftr " Ha Ptnnsyhaaia lio./romi.’’ AU Goodo eonstawd to too Agonjo of this V ™l«i6lplii» or Pittsburgh] will lio forward without detention. Febiohi Aghotb.— Olarlco A Co.. Chicago: Packer & * Oo a UomphLa, Tenn.; tt. F. Bam *t Co., St. Louis, Mo.; P.G. O’Riloy A; Co., Evansville,lndiana; Wtu Bingham, Loulsvula, Kentucky.; R. 0. Meldnun Madison, Indiana; H.W. Brown A Go., and Athet' & Hibbard, Cincinnati: 11. fl. Pierce & go. Zaneuville Ohio; Leech 1b Co., No. 64 Kilbystreet, Bouton; Leech & Co., No. 2 Actor Hosias, New York, No. 1 William at. New York; B. J. Snoeder, Philadelphia: Hagrsw A Koonf, Baltimore; P. A Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. D. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMBAIBT, <l«9- General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. Kris kringle headquarters.— We hare just received our Prench Confectionery, and are manuf«cturing a superior article of Marsh Mel’ low Gum Drops, Bon Bona, Cream Dates, &o. Call and supply yourselves with the best Confectionery in this city, at JJCFFRIEB & EVANS*, n016»3m No. 718 MARKET St., bet. 7th and Bth. HITMA N’*> SUPERIOR CONFECTIONERY, FINE MIXED SUGAR PLUMS, FINE MIXED BONBONS, Manufactured, and for sale Wholesale and Retail, by STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, No. mo market steeet, Mt Wort 9t tWMUta tt Mints. PLACES. 90, per 100 lb. donfertioners. FINE MIXED CANDIES, HatJrjffdarSiriea. ®B4B w SSS&* B PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND . BALTI MOBE RAILROAD. ' ' ■ ' 11. avJlVS'i M ° n <l*r, November 29,18*8,. - ~ PASBBNQEB TBAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8 A.M., IP. M., (Eipren,) and For Wilmington, at BA. M., 1,8.30, and 11P M. For New Castle, at BA. and 1 4 M For Middletowwit BA. M and 1 P M For Dover, at 8 A’, M., and 1 P. SI ' For Seaford at BA. M., and IP. M " _ TBAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA, aa?6 V «IP M mOro “ 8 30 A -“-. (Biprese,) 12 noon, 8 66 |’ re M '™ mIn ® ton Bt 7.20 and 11.40 A. M., 2.26 an Leave New Castle at 11.12 A. M., and B.OS P. M. Leave Middletown at 10.20 A. M., and 6.80 P. M Leare Dover at 9.20 A. M., and 4.35 P. M. Leave Seaford at 7.45 A. M., and 1.45 P. M. TBAINS FOB BALTIMOBB. All** Wilmington at 9.10 A. M., 1 66 P. M., and 12.16 SUNDAYS only at UP, SI. from PhlladelpMa to Bal- timore. ®° *o 5.40 P. H. from BaMmer# to Phi!*- wiUl Pumogw C« Attached, will ran L8 pl« e f“ lad9lpU * fra *«**“»• •»» Lbrtb Wilmington for do do !!!»'s' L “5! Biltlm ° re for H»™ da Grace do 600 p! M aoi B- M. SUWON, President. ' Shipping. THE BRITISH AND NORTH BOYAI. MAIL BHAM non KBIT YOKE TO LIVERPOOL, OWef Cabin Second Cabin Puflage.,,,, 7t FBOM 803508 fO LIVERPOOL Chief Cabin Second Cabin ••••••*#*•,««*.. 60 i The ships from Boston call at Halifax, PERSIA, Oapt, Judkins. . CANADA, Oapt. Lie*. ARABIA, Oe.pt- J. Stone. AMEBIQA, Oapt.Wickman ASIA, Capt. B. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Oapt. Byrie. - AFRICA, Oapt. Shannon. BUBOPA, Gapf. J. LeHeh. These reseels carry a dear white light at mast-head: rreen on starboard bow; red en port bow. CANADA, Lang, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Dec. 1. AFRICA, Shannon, 41 N. York, Wednesday, Dec. 8. BUBO ''A, Leitch, Boston, Wednesday, Deo. 26. PERSIA, Judkins, “N. York, Wednesday, Deo. 22. ARABIA, Stone, - “ Beaton, Wednesday, Dec, 29. ASIA, Lott, “ N York, - Wednesday, Jang. CANADA, Lang,' Boston, Wednesday, - Jin 12. AFRICA, Shannon, “ N York, Wednesday, Jan 19. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon oa board. nJS 0 ™? 51 ®",?*™] 1 ®* 6 will.net be accountable for Sold, SUrer, Bullion Specie. Jewelry, Preoioua Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are timed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed, lor freight or passage apply to pol -y B. OUNABP. 4 Bowling Green. STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER -2gg£PooL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDON DERRY, without delay, for $3O. ’ Return tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, $6O for the round trip, oat and back. FROM HBW TORE. Edinburgh, Camming, Wednesday, Dee 22,12 o’olockM Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday, Jan 22, 12 o'clock M J*BGM GLA6COW. Glasgow, Thomson, Wednesday, December 22d. Edinburgh, Camming, Saturday, January 22d. RATES OF PASSAGE. FROM GLASGOW. First Olasi Steerage, found with cooked provisions. FROM asw TORE. First Class qq Steerage, found with cooked provisions . &0 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fire: Infants In Bteerage.free. * . » - Return tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this line. ’ J * First Class $l4O Steerage $6O An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For freight or passage apply to WORKMAN & 00., 123 WALNCT Street, Philadel phia , . . ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. HALL & LON BY, Buchanan’s Wharf, Baltimore. n 027 FOR CHARLESTON, S. C.—Heron’s mffi LINE—ONLY REGULAR LINK—GOODS RE CEIVED AND BILLS LADING SIGNED EVERY DAY.—Freight and insurance at less than sailing ves sel rates, by the steamship KEYeTONB STATE, Capt. 0. P Mirshman, to ssil on MONDAY,,December Otb, at 4 o’clock P. M., from second wharf above Vine St.. For farther particulars please see advertisement of Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, in this paper. - * For freight or passage apply to jg&fa FOR CHARLESTON AND SA- SwflgWfc VANNAH —HERON’S LINE. GOODS RECEIVED AND BILLS OF LADING SIGNED - EVERYDAY; ' The splendid first-class side-wheel Steamships - -> KEYSTONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA, Now form & weekly line for the South and Southwest, one of these ships sailing every SATURDAY at 10 o’clock A. U., alternately for Charleston and Sa vannah. Until the steamship State of Georgia bias received her new boilers, the Steamship Keystone State, in order, to accommodate passengers and the trade, will make Weekly Trips, alternately to Charleston and Savannah.- Shippers will please send down their goods- on Satur day. FOR CHARLESTON, The steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Captain O.P. Marsh man, trill commence loading on THURSDAY. December 2d, and sail on MONDAY, December 6th. at i o'elook.P.M. - , ' FOR SAVANNAH, The steamship Keystone State, Captain Charles P. Harshmao, will sail on SATURDAY. December Uth,' at 10 o'clock A. H. ’ • ’ At both Charleston and Savannah,these shiMsonneot irith ate&mara for Ilorid* and Havana, and with r*U roads, As., for all plaopsin the Booth and Southwest. FREIGHTS RSDUOBD. Scary Freight at an average 0f35 m? Mai. below New York steamship rates. . INSURANCE. FREIGHT and INBtTBANOB oa % large proportion of goods shipped South ■trill bo found to bo lower by these ships than by sailing vessels. Oabla passage,,,qq Steerage do .....0..,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,;, g 00 Excursion Tickets,good forth* present yea r. 80 00 Ho hills of lading signed after the chip has eailsft. For freight or pawago. apply to „ ' A. H3SOK, Jr., Ho. 833 (lato 81) North Whms, ' -Agents at Charleston, T. 8. & T. G. BUDS. • Agents In Savannah. O. A. GREINER * CO. For Florida, from Charleston, steamer CAROLINA, •very Tuesday. * . For Florida, from Bavannahj steamers ST. SfABYB and BT. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havana, from Charleston, steamer ISABEL, oa the 4th .and lfiih of every montfr. 1858. -*dEfi' 1859. MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET LINE.—Tho splendid-Boats of this old and popular LINE will leave Memphis and 'New Orleans, as heretofore, on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, A FRIDAYS, MONDAY PACKETS. Gapt. A. B. IBYIK. ♦.. .Oapt. J. J). CLABK. NEBRASKA BEN FRANKLIN WEDNESDAY PACKETS. JOHN BIMONDS Ospt. JAB. F. SMITH. INGOMAR ....Capt. BURDETT PARIS. FRIDAY PACKETS. BELFAST H.R. W. HILL.,.. ID* These Boats connect at Memphis with the Rail roads from that point, also with regular Paokets for St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, and Nashville, on their respective days. Leave Memphis immediately on the arrival of the Memphis and Charleston WaHroM Cara. Passengers can arrange their arrival so as to avoid delay at Memphis longer than business or plea sure may require. For Information, inquire of J. J. RAWLINGS, At Webb A Rawlings l ,BlB Main St, Memphis. 8> H. Shook, Adv. Agent. oolS-Sm tt)in£o and Siflrttors. GROVE WHISKEY.—A de sire to lessen the consumption of impure spirits, knowing their injurious effects upon the constitution, has induced the offering to the publio of an article which the analysation of Professor Chilton, Analytical Chemist, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, it Oamac, of Philadelphia, proves, heydhd all question, to be the most pure and consequently least Injurious spirits ever offered the American publio. * CERTIFICATE OP DR. JAB. B CHILTON. I have analyzed a sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, received from Mr. Charles WHARTON, Jn.. of Philadelphia, and having carefully tested it, I am pleased to state that it is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances. It is an unusually pure fine flavored quality of Whiskey. JAMES B. CHILTON, H. D., New York, Sept. 8,1868. Analytical Chemist* Philadelphia, Bept. 8, 1888. Dsas Sin: We have carefully tested the sample of Cheatmit-Grove Whiskey which you sent us, and find that it contains nene of the poisonous substance known las Fusic Oil, which is the characteristic and injurious ingredient or the WhUkeys in general use. ‘ Very respectfully, BOOTH, GARRETT, A OAHAO, Analytical Chemists. To Chajiles Wka*to», Jr., No. 23 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. 0c22-dtja2l BRANDIES—" Finet Oastillon,” Karett, and other Oognaea of various vintages, in hair pipes and quarter casiL: Pollevoiain Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, half casks, and one-eighth casks. Imported and for sale by HXNRx BOHLEN A 00., 0C23 221 and 223 South Fourth street* HEIDSICK & CO.’S CHAMPAGNE—A constant supply of the original genuine brand, in bond and in store, for sale by WILLIAM. H. YEATON, sole agent for Pennsylvania, No. 216 South FRONT Street. BO ?, GIN. —80 Pipes (Dutch Company’s) in bond, and for sale by WM. H. YEATON. 216 S. FBONT St. ‘ no6a QoUls and Restaurant*. Arcade hotel, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH. PHILADELPHIA. * v COSDUOTBD OB THIS EOHOPEAK PiA», A new lease for a term of years having been obtained lor this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, it will con tisue to be conducted as- heretofore, on the European plan, and the prices remain unchanged, vis: Room Pee Dat 500. Dinxsr 500. Breakfast and Tba, eaod, 37#0. The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every thing done to make guests comfortable. The chambers are heated in winter by means of Steam Pipes, for which no extra charge is made. There is no bar kept in the house to be a source of annoyance to guests. The accommodations arc designed wholly for business men—hence no ladies are received. Thiß house is never closed day or night J. D. BROWN, 3. DB YOUNO, JONES HOUSE, HABBISBUEB, Pi., • SLEQANTLY STJRNISjSS!* 44 HOW OPEN TO VIBITOBB. WELLS OOVIELY, Proprietor. DE LANEY’S SALOON AND REST.au _J l . ANT - N - E. corner THIRTEENTH soj UUESTNUT Btroots, .Philadelphia, no2-3mo WM. A DE LAKEY, Proprietor. J PROSSER’S RESTAURANT, No. • 808 MARKET Street, four doors above EIGHTH, Sooth side, Philadelphia. Oysters Stewed, Roasted, Fried, Pickled, &0., &o-, for Dome Consumption and Transportation. N. B.—Dinner from twelve to three o’olock. 0c22-tf AND CLAMPS, HANDSORTJB3, No. 1. 62#0. per do*, 2. 760. « $, 87c. (t 4. 1000. « CLAMPS. 6 Row, $1.25 per dozen. 7 Bow, $1.76 per dozen. 8 Bow, $2.25 per dozen. HENRY C. EOKSTJUf; ' nh Hn«tk l aia»stmt Vku«Mfu« .15 guineas. , 8 •« A. HEBOS, Ja.,. 838 North WharTSf. .CftPt. WM.WBAY. NEWELL. Ne. 5. fl 12 par dos, 0. 1 25 < 7. 1 00 <- 8. 1 75 «
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers