' A Utati ootrMpondant of .Ui. Timet ■ - warmljjiMonimend. tliatootmtry as 4 piomUlcg : field fbr aAStoteMTenterprisee-,' He Says: “Per haps one ielf'btttwa'Mnt population of the Ter ritory how UrajlkeAthelata, whilst tho remainder boast ofWTe|i«lo“i;“ l ' > l® hideous than the idola trous boileffofvbirbardua nations, and yet ho ef fort is made'io effeat a ohange. - Whilst thousands of dollsrs are epent annually intending mlssiona ,rls to peoples of different rapes, tongues and na> hero, in the midst of our own land. Is a' lapgo population of our own oountrymen on - tlrely ont off from 'the opportunities' of enjoying any of the privileges of the' Christian religion, Iter' the want of teaohors and guides- ;Here are 10,000- children growing.'np without a single Sunday, eohool, and yet, our earnest entreaties tothe.Oh’rls. tlan public have been made in vain In their be half. No 5 missionary, ho minister of the Gospel can he found bald-enough, eelf-saerifioUg eneugh to take his Bible In Us. bated and oomo to this people 'and expound ita truthful and 'simple doc trines. Nob field for missionary labors OTer pre sented such andnviUag ospeot as this one, for the people .nowwlll listen —end yet the Mormon lead ers are-allowed to boast that'the.‘priests’ of Christianity sire' afraid to encounter Mormonlem, and do not dare to combat against Its doctrines." CITY ITEMS. Lbcttobb this Evening —By an advertise*’ meat elsewhere, it will be seen that the Hon. Anson Burlingame',v«f Massachusetts, will deliver a lecture before the Literary .Oong'ess of this city, at Musical Fund Hall this evening. Besides being an accomplished Ipeiker, Mr. Burllogame ha* the merit of being com paratively a new men to a Philadelphia audience. His subjeot —which is eertain’y more euphonious than ex plicit in its terms—*lll be « Now and Then ” This also; the Rev. A A. Wiltits delivers his celebrated leoture on ” Menial Dyspepsia." This leo ture is a id to be one of the most Icgic&l and instructive of that popular leo+ure-board orator*! productions. - He will doubtless be greeted with aorowded audience. * This weblog, also, at 8. o’oiook, Professor Ooppeo will leotura at the University ot Pennsylvania on Eng lish Proee Fiction; Db. Boynton’s Scientific .Lectures.—Dr, Boynton oommenoesbis oourse of eclentiflo lectures to morrow evenleg,'at Concert Hall;' The same course will be given at Hwdel and Haydn .Hall, commeno't g next Monday evening. From the enthusiasm which has attended these lectures in other oltles. a rare treat may boexpected. "A fine display of palntingswili ao cDinpmj/them. ' AnsiVsksaby —The first, anniversary of the Yomu Men's Ohrletiant Association of West Philadel phia‘stubs held this evening, is the Baptist ohnrob, West Philadelphia. This is a young but flourishing h md, and we have no doubt, from the speakers en gaged. (Me*sri. Leybu-n, Jeffrey, and Oookmsn,) that the exercises will be specially good. We would adviee all to go. Creaker’s Cab-Brakb Operator.—Wo bavo Just examined a model of tbls valuable improvement to the safety of railroad ears, and It does seem as though •ramou sense and ordinary prudence should prompt its universal application; The plan Is to slip over.the present brake-shaft a drum, in which is colled a strong spirat sp log o' equal power to the brakeman; each of these spri.ii s is connected to the signal cord of the train by a short branch line The signal cord Is familiar to •very reader, and patiei through each oar to the engine. By means of this improvement, the eogluaar can, from his poit. ln ah- Instant of time, have ..every brake ap -plied before the brakeman can turn himself around. We do not see why the same Idea la not applicable to our eity ears, the'numerous orossinx* and the frequent nscess ty for quick stoppages demanding the use of the best possible sppllanC’s. The momentum of a. train of ears ia'a powerroleleinent to destruction in case of dan ger, and railroad officers should not hesitate to make themselves as secure as possible. This Improvement is extensively used elsewhere, and we shall be gratified to ohronloie Its adoption by some of the well-managed roads centring In Philadelphia. Rev. A. A. Willits will leoture on 5“ Mental Dyspepsia,” at Concert Hall, to-night. Friends of church extension should attend. Admission 25 oents. HaVh tor sbbk thru ?—That superb engraving “ The.TiUage Blacksmith” and tie beautiful Art Jour nsl, whleharefnrnUhed to snhtcribersof the Cosmo politan-Art can now * eseen at X. H. Hunt's, northwest comerof FlfthmdChestnut, for a short ilmebnly, - v _,n29-06 Bleioeisr—Fioin present Indications,. ere long onr ears wilt Jingle to the' music of the merry sleigh bells. .Thefleeoy (floods, as they hang apparently pend ant in the etherlai vault above,, ssem pregnant with the flaky-material so essential to a good sleighing frolic. We adrise our friends who hope to, participate in the* fuu, to take time by the forelock, and pay an early visit to tbe fashiooable Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 607 Chestnut street, and lay in a stock of apparel rul table for the season. Housxksbpsbs, and those preparing to com mence hoßiekeepisg) will find It to their advantage to ealt and examine the extensive stock of Housekeeping articles at the new store', W. corner of Second anl Bock streets, near the Exchange. . A New Style cr Dress Hat, recently appear ing otf the Boulevards and other fashionable promenades of * Fails, his attracted much attention, as well by its tftaingtt* air and gentlemanly character, as by Its being diamet'icslly opposite in shape to-the wide-spreading' beU-crown Bat of the Autumn. Several American gen tlemen,'of acksowledsed taste .in matters of dress, re cently returned from Paris; haring' brought over this sew style, are in osnsequence, eentrrs of attrae’ioa in their dYmclrclei/and ttriT “Admired of dll admirers” at'Urge.,: Warburton, our enterprising Hatter of 430 Chestnut street, being desirous at *ll times to present to bis pa trons, it the earliest possible moment, every new variety of headgear) whether of American or foreign origin, has leproduced this new Trench style in hie usual ex cellent and aeenrate manner. A formal opening has been arranged to tike pises on Saturdays xt, December 4, at which time he trill also Introduce-a general Hit _for the . winter season Tils letter st/le will be.foond exo»edlogly becoming, and quite approjpriite to the use Intended .' We trust that W.rburtdn’sefforts maybe favored With.-thejust appreciation and patronage they so welldeierre.V -<■ , A hbaett titroa to-night will be good for those trended with' tie/D,» spepkla. Rev A A. Willi ts will be aore t* pleato,et ConeertHall, to night; he lectures oa ** JlentaiD/epepala^ l - # Sals ofAlababter Fiqdres, Vases, Ac.—• Yiti sale of elrgaut marble and alabaster vaiei, urns, tosses, Parian ware, bronzes, choice Paririan fancy goods, Ac., tokos place this (Thursday) evening, at 7 % o’clock, at thilr woreroms, No. 030 Arch street, below Seventh. '••What wb Look for bbbb abb Measures,' rot Wav 7 -~Ai the candidate said when he entered tbe tailor shop. -We look for both mfnand*metsuns when we ent r the fashionable portals of lhe “ OM Franklin Hall Olothlßg'Xmporium” of B. H. Eldridge, No. 331 Chestnut street. The Morpht TißiikojitAi..—The subscribers to the getUng upA testimonial to.the'greatohssi champion, Morphy; are much exercised to 'decide whs* shape the testimonial shaUassumei' Borne talk about a mother-of-pearl chess-board, inlaid with emeralds and rubles, and with chsks men made of dlamonde, sapphires, and gold Aligns work.- Others (gain go forsomethtog that frill be at once elegant practically useful, and with tbleobjpbt\<n yiew they suggest a fint-clas* suit from the Brown jitone Clothing Dali of Bockhlll A Wi> son, Nos 003 and BOBChestnut street,' above Sixth. LETTER BAGS 4* tt« JGwsAm**’ Szckemgi, PkOadslfkim, Ba-queJ HObadbooroa, McKee.,.../....80aari0, socn Barque OkUKein; Ohittio, Montevideo, Ba:qua/emes Maxwell, Parts.LagUarya, Ac, soon Brig Delhi Kenney..Port aa Prince, soon Bnem* Ayres, end Rosario. .soon Brig Oelawarei 0aker...,., Barbadoes, soon Brig GeraU., soon Bobrßdeu Bush, Bomers,..*..«.„„.,.ttatanaaa l soon PBTf AOBLPHIA BOARDS! TRADE. , WM. B TsoUiß 1 ’ w o Kikuqli, S OOKMtrm or tbs Moktb, Joan 8. Aooroxa, i Mftnrin* - JnUllifienrp. PiRT OF PHILADELPHIA;. Pec. lBlB. BOIf 18 | sun SETS... 4 42 HIGBWATBB... 11 10 ABBIYBD. Btotmthlp Boston, Bella*, 32 hours from yew York, rwithadee and’passer gars to /ernes Allderdiee. Off thjfrdg'i, passed the barque Cordelia; off the Buoy on tue Middle, passed the'oarque Elm; from Boston; pass* •d a berm brig and a British schooner at anchor off Reedy Island, bound up; also ebrig agrouodat Morris Liston 7 * v , ~ ‘ v Brig Oritava, Shuts, from Newport bchr Metaosas, Matthews; 7 days from Yelk, Me, with mdse to saptafo ychf Bridges, 7 days from Prankfort, Me With mdse to B A Bonder A Co Bchr Everglade',- Watts, 0 days from NOwburyport. wl'h ice tq Thomas B Cahill •• Bchr Montereu, ffslklnburg, from Breton Fehr WHAudenrstd, Hewitt, fio* Boston Bohr L Bturtovaot, Corson, from Boston . Bchr Bva, Bmlth, from Providence Sohr P Saunders, Nayior,. from PaU River Bdhr A Henderson, Godfrey, from New Haven . Bo tor H B Basoom, Burke, from. New York Bchr 8 Irrck*ood. Castoer, from Camden Pear B YanX-F/i nk," from Bralou Bohr Prank fort, Tilton, from Newport Bchr J B Johnson, Johnson, from Boston Bchr Charles Moore; togsrSoll, from Bridgeport Bebr Bided. Dayton, fruin NewYoik - BcbrSaml Castoer; Garwood. from Provldenoi Bchr i H BUbey r fioicOf from Providence . Bchr A H BrOwn.'Bndloott, from Providence Sobr J Rrgers.-Btliolt, from Provldeood Bohr Almira T Qaady, from Providence ' CLEARED. Brig WmO Clark) Wall, Pensacola, Tyler, Stone A Oo - - - -- Bohr Mary Haley, Haley, Boston, Baum, Ogle A Co Bchr Et Butke, Now York, Yanduaen, Hor ton A CO,- , j ' Bchr 8 tookwood, Castoer, Sing Bing do * ech? R Yaax; Prink, Boston, Ch m Miller AOo . Behe iißturtovant,-Corson; New-York, Noble, Ham jnlllACo' * ■ • ~ „ . FobrP A Bsuaders, Naylor, New .York, Brcwn A Obarin, Whitemore, Boston, L Bothermel - Bohr Empire, Hutohlns, Boxbuiy, Bommell, Putts A ° Schr AlmiraT, Gandy, Provldeno#, Tyler, Stone - A Ttaniport. Tiltdn, Stamford, Tiverton Coal -Oo ‘ ' . ' 1 ■ • - ■ Bohr Bva,BmltU t Providence, . - do. Bchr 3 B Johnsoo, Jihuson, Norwich, . do - BihrJ HBleley,Bolce,Norwlob, - Ban Bohr Ohai Moore, Bridgeport, Yanduseu, N &shr Hufen M»r, Tottle.Wuhlogt-n to ’ Rehr M6nt»T*u,’ ,»lk«ntim*i W» Wngioa, ao ■ Behr A.H«iawtoi l i Qodfr.T, KeF.Toik, ■ to . fobiitanil C.ntow; Qvirooi, Bigbton, . to loht.M H Uiffllo, Melvin, N Beeiord, H»rei 4.-Qod **fcht W O Audenretd 1 He'wHt, Cfttrleeton, ,i;jrio p<l«dlkge«, Ki'iott, troTidecce. t AodtuUdA a h Brown £ , 110 4 ;|H4i **->-** & w W B Mayer, lumber to John 0»lgi P« Dk >Wler , Hl end Mary B, coal to Delaware Olty. • The water wUI tee teien out orooreaoalon the 16th Inlt. No boete wIU be cleared after the lotn. (OorreepouJeoee^TteePreM^ . 1,1858. Tha (bllowtoir bote, {torn the Union Oanal, passed lam thrßehorikm ohia laden and consigned as Follows: r Mitt Jan*, lumber to Nororotf A Sheets: Bobfc J Bose frdlebt to Iffm Kupp; Sami McY&te. bar iron to E J Siting; Uoiden Uate,Bßflllls to E Penna BR Oo 1 |IT TILESXAn.I ObablxSton, Dec. 1. Ar bark Matthias, Vineyard, from New 101 k; Hoi laoder, Speedwell, and Kate Brlngham from Boston. r Brlge Hayward, from Jamaica; and John K Rhodes, from Aux Oayea, bound to Boston in leaking condition. Hampton Roads. Deo 1. The ship Esther, from Philadelphia, bound to Oity Point is reported; out twenty days Ar at Norfolk, British brig Mary, from Halifax Newport, R I, Deo 1. Ar brigTsola, from Salem, for Philadelphia Bohr william Doane, of PhUa4olp*)ia, is ashore on the west side of Beavertall. She has a cargo of flour* No particulars have been received. 1 (Oonreepondenoe of the Philadelphia Oira Island, Deo 1,62.6 P M. Several Soheonera to to-day. No reMele at the Breakwater or 1 > the hay, outward bound. Wind N W. Weather clear andooel tmnnw- Yonre, fco, ®HOB. B. HUQBN . New Yoa*. Deo 1. ■The Western Port sailed for Paraguay thle aflernoon. w Ar chip Jane Patkerfrom Liverpool; brige Matilda liron. Porto Bleo (with lose of topmaete and meet or ttee orew disabled), and Hidalgo from Neuvltjj; sohr J w Deeriog, from 6t Martin’s Below brig RUsabeth from Turk's Island Naw Orlsabs, Deo 1. Ar ships Oonlldecee, Augustus, and Beliwocd, from New York, OlaraAon RIsU, and Oaitlne and Mkrgaret Pollock from Liverpool PORT OF PBILADBBPHIA. List of forelgu and coastwise arrivals at the Port of Philadelphia for the month of November; 1868: Bbips 1 { Brigs 10 Baibas* 10 | Schooners.. 0 Total 27 COASTWISE. fihlps 1 SlOjps 209 Barques 7 'learners 63 Brigs..., 18 Barges 620 teheonecß. ,433 Boats • ,1806 Total... 2982 See Holwei* Hole Steamship Virginia Kelly, for Philadelphia, sailed from Rtohmnnd 20th ult. Steamship Bavaria, Traube for, Hamburg, sailed from New Yorkyeeterdiy ' Steamship Delaware, Oopes, hence, arrived at New Yo-k yesterday . , . UhipT'Dby 3 Perley, York, forffan Francisco, oleared at New York vesterday , . Ships R H Dixey and American Union, for Philadel phia. were loading at Liverpool 20th ult Ship Naples, kaitman. from Trapani, for Beverly was oel>w Salem 2uth ult Bbip Isaac Jeanes, Ohipmmn, uno, was at Shanghie Sent 20 Hblp Mandarin, Perrltt, remained at Bbanghae Sept 20uacertaln Ship Kathay. Btoddart, for New York, was nearly ready at Poo Onow, Bept 17th Ship Tartar, Alx, uncertain, remained at Maoao Bept 27 th - Ship Sportsman, Thompson, for New York, sailed from Leghorn, Oo* 21st Ship Holyhead, (not Holyyoke) Cole, from London for Calcutta was at Buenos Ayres Oot 12th Ship Ohampion, Lamsen, for New York went to sea fr<im caugorOot Ist Bark Azelia, Davis, for St Croix via Brandywiue oleared at New York, 80 h alt Bark Mary F Hade, Orowell, remained at Bhanghae, Bept 20th Bark David G Wilson, Petooek, remained at Holmes’ Hole vOth ult Batk Wiadflre, Campbell, from Vera Onts, arrived at New-York yesterday Bark Gem. Hammond, for Philadelphia, sailed from Boston 80th ult Brig Ohtcooeo, Howes, hence for Boston, passed HigbUnd Light, 4PM 80th ult cohrs Ontario, Vangltder, and W 8 Triplett, Pritch ett, hence arrived at Richmond 20th ult Bohr Eiixa Frances, Bamidell, for Philadelphia sailed from Calais 6th ult Bchr W H Hagyird,- Larsen from Wilmington, NO, nrrivsd at Falmouth, Ja 17th Oet Schr Geo L Green, Green hence arrived at Boston 80th u't : ebr S L Tay. Lake, oleared at Bavaunah 27th ult, for this port—l6s ba'es ootton, 41 do waste, 46 do yam, 80 casks rice, 468 saoks wheat, 280 baga fruit, 47 bags feathers, 76 bbis flour/ 80,484 feet of plank and 20 pkgs mdse SshrStar, Orowell, oleared at Boston 80th ult for this port Schr Charles A Heeksher. Stubbs, hence at Salem 29th ult Schr J Olark, Scull, hence at Fall River 27 th ult . Bohr Minerva, Brooks, sailed from Fall River 291 h ult, tor this port - Schr Almoa Races, Williams, hence at Hartford 27 th ultimo 1 Schr HWQa'dner, Bcume, for Mobile, went to sea from < hariestoQ, 29ih ult Schr Black Fiah, Bhoids. for Jacksonville went to aea from Obftrieston 29th ult saafrom Charleston 2it i ult Stbamer o U Alger, Jthuson, hence arrived at Hait forc 30th ult Schr—, (name not given) from Boston for this jort, wss spoken night of 281 ult, In Ist 88 60, lon 69 €0 >y the big Santiago, at Boston, with alt her sails #d it and blown away, having nothing set but flying 3 b The 8 offered t > supply her wlih main staysail, jit*, Ac, bat they deolinea sending a bo.t for them, there being a heavy sea at the time 8.8. Faxbon A Oo Ar 11th, ult, at Key West, sohr H W Morse, Phillips Bay Port, and Bid for N York 23d—Arsohr Black Squall, Brown, N York; sloop Fairfield, Biwood. N York 24 h—Ar sobr Mary, Bwift, Plymouth 28th—Ar bark Geo Thomas, —. New York. Bid ■hipAhn Washburn, Merrymaa, New Orleans uOLttßb’dHOLb, Nov 29 —Wind NNB toNNW. Sailed sohs Union, loriuclblo. Elisha T Bmlth, O H Hale, MaryßPierce, Oregon (Raynes.) andGFWil llaae(Br.) Sailed yesterday, schr General Scott. B£Jth—No arrivals - Bailed cobrFredooia. ’ In port at 8 AM, calm, barques Harmon, Ella, B P Chase: Maine, RB Walke'j bngrAdvance, JcdgeWhit min, Virginia, P R Htlchborn, Obas Heath, 0 Rogers, David JDuffeU, At*, BabAn tJylas, Uenlea, and Northern Betle; schr- Niger, 3 Ltneaster, Anne hlis&beth, Lodhshia, Z Btratten, Harriet A Sarah. Paugassett, Augusta, Medfo:d, carafe Bemtoe, Ocean Herald, Almi ra Ann,- Lewis Gbester, B H Wilson, Juliet, Mary Pleteher, Prances Batterly, A M Aldridge. J P Oliver, Benj P Reeves, Qa ckitep, Damon, L Andearied, Mary Pstterson, BenJ : L Berry, Pcquondook, Oregon, Llzsle ’W Dj«r, Cottage, Marfa L Davis. John alliott, Dr Rogers, Everglade, Vendovi, Hydrangea. Anna Gardner, SOEutlm, Volpbln,if*'&h&loore l Roberts Bril, Glen ro>-, A Oordery, Mary Ann Magee, Saunders, Oonneo tiout, and Jew,' - Ar at Honolulu, Oct 0, ahlps Skylark, Pollamsbee, from Ban Francisco, arßept 10, for Now pedf rd, log; West Wind, Baxter, from do; ar Sept 10, for New Bed ford, Idg; E F Willetts, Holmes, from do; ar Bept 16, for New London, do; and others as before At Caldera Oot'6, sfetps Magellan, Walden, United States, ldg; Crusader. Jtaton, lor Baltimore, do; James Choston, Bryan, for do ' Habibs Los‘Kb fob Notbubsb —The New York Cou rier and inquirer, publishes th» u«ual table of marine losses for the psst month, showing an aggregate of for tjr-oue rowels, of which seven were ships. ouo a barqao ten we # e brigs, and twenty threeaohoouer*. Thetotil value of property l r at wae $868,60!). This is Ihe value of the property totally lost, exclusive of damage to vessels sot amounting to a total loss and of partial loses of cargo ‘ The Teasel* reported in the list are chiefly American, although some foreign are iooloded. when botud to or from an Doited htates port, or known to be insured in this country Vessels, < Value, ToUJ JOMW for Juznvj,.........1b $148,600 Do , February.* 83 1,182,800 Do March.. 83 818,606 Do April 83 951 010 Do May 83 714 OJ ‘Do Ju->e.... 22 814,401 Do July 22 610.700 ( Do August. 18 260 760 Do September 20 1,128 200 Do October 80 683 600 Do Norember 41 603 600 Total for eleven month?..,. 300 $s 045 891 Seme period la 1867..,......0.6 $ 0 <6O 600 - BLEY WB&T, Kor. 25—The ebip Ann Washburn i« port'd on the 21st. sails to day hr New Or leans Her esse hie been tried before the Admiralty Court; emitmt of salvage decreed' $6000; expends *s6oo; shole amount of fXpeuees at this poit. about $570.) The Court has allowed the steamer Matagorda, for aialstance mdered the ship Otieontbe last August, $lOO The bark Lyra, seised some time ago fer complicity in the tfl*ve Trade, ia forfaited to the United fctatea The french bark Oarquent and materials has been sold by the U 6 Marshal tor 4200 Not'oa la hereby given. ’hat Spar Buoys have been pUced at Spring Point Ledge, atd Stanford’s Ledge fcr the winter, and rmu buoys removed By order of the i.igbthonse Board. TflfcO P GREENB. Lighthouse Inspector, Ist Bist. Fortlan d, Me, Nov 29,1868 ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. GIRARD HOUBE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. GBarslo. Pittsburg L P L&ngiey, Chicago W F Reynolds; Lafayette J Nesbitt, 11110 ole Q Brians £ la, W Chaste.* Mrs Johnson Sc dan. Pa O BHnton, West Cheater L A Atterborough Jr, NT T J Yorke, N J G Rodeson, Boi ont> B jf Herb rt, Va J H Ledgerwood, rrT H N Thomas. NT • J Dane Sc la. Baltimore W D Wilson Sc. la, PittaVg Mies Baris, Baltimore N Hun'er, Pa Miss H Browne. Boston Mis Young, Pa J 8 Kalloch. Boston Tho« Jameson. Boston B Ten Broeck Sc wl, N T Mrs Spooner. New Bedford Miss Gardner, N Bedford Wm U UHUken, Balt J W Stearns & wife, N Y G J Jordon, N Y John H Beale/. Bel K h l acker, Balt Win J Morrell Sc. wf, Mobile Dr Hedges, Ya James Erane, Lancaster Dr Tbomas Jbwf.W Chester Miss Thomas, W Chester GtoT Olmsteai John HHall. N Y S if Lambturn, Wash*ton 0 Weodell, Washington PMVokler&la NY ' Col Napier, Beading R R Fowler, Alexandria, Ya A B Wiggin * dau, N Y A 8 Foster. NY. M Gol.ins, StLouis G 8 Partridge, Jr, NY 0 # Bacon, N Y Mr MoGinness. PoltoriUe Kobt Poole, Balt J D Osborn & la, Ky M 8 Charlock, Mobile Got W A Barstow M J Williamson, N Y E B KUny, NY W A Pembrook & la, N Y F street, NY J H Whisler, N Y D Perkins, NY B Haight, N Y Jas Haslehorst, NY 0 8 Sbenehon. N Y CbaeJ Dixon, NY D B Dexter,Rl M Wether-head, RI EL Blanchard, Y B A Kelley, Phlla H J Darlson* la, N Y Mr Morrell Sc la. N J OB Whitney, Boston P E Dors?y & la. N Y Geo T Curtis. Boston J H Upton, NY W S Belonooff, N Y M Stern Sc la, N Y John H Briggs, N Y T Corey, Boston Hon M Bos Hen, N 0 Miss Boji lien, N 0 UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. J PiUfDg.Del BO Kimball, Ohio Q H Roby, Ohio G Martin, Allegheny City B Falrman, Allegheny City W Semper, Allegheny City J Burgraff, Allegheny Olty H 0 Grimes, Cleveland 00l B Ratcliff, Tamaqua G V Jgglns, Pa J Hallan, Tamtqaa 3 SUliman, Pottsville . A 8, tong. ■ 3 8 Eddy & la, Boston T L Pesbring, Jersey Shore P R Laogbly, Jersey Shore B Wamiley, Easton A Stratton, Brldgton, N J W S Bowen; Brldgton, N J A Van Beaten, New Fork D Stiles.’Pa , J D Proctor, Maas H Bartllng, Baltimore H Bowman, Pa 3 3 B Hileman, Altoona, Pa MEBOHANTB* HOTEL—Fourth at., below Aroh. 3 M Beil, Pa . 0 T Broughton, Ind B F Brown, Reading Mire J Kennedy, N 3 W Rhoads, Beading Miss'lit Kennedy, N J Isaac’ Latham, Mass T B Wood & lady, N J P J Risenberry, Phlla S Off ay den, Oal I Swartz, Fork,Pa . H Grim, Fork. Pa D J Byler, Wayneeboro G R Cboj.at, N 7 SGlveton, N Y , H Pleasant, Pofaville A J Palmer, NJ Miss E Fulmer, N J j H Johnson. Bast Bend, NO T H Leary, Jr, Easton Matter T H Leary, fcaaton Mister D W Leary. Easton D Stiles, Weatherlyr Pa r G L Stone, Montrose, Pa 3 G Baldwin, Qoqu „ J P Hargle, Md hW MoLtao, Skippedshorg - W Fruier, Pittsburg ’ MEMORANDA. DOHX&'A i-O PORTS FOREIGN PORTS. MARINS MISCELLANY NOTICE TO MABINBBB. UP TO OHS O’CLOCK THIS XOBtHKQ, AMBBIOAN HOTEL—Ubeatnnt itraBt,.Wvo liftte. J HmjJle Jr, Euton 0 BFiler, N Y J M’Olnskey, Phils W L eanderson 4 N Y •TohuW Truman, N Y Boston J FlMntnv,Mfts« Ohas Flitoraft, Balt W Williams, Balt R Rehun. Balt J 8 Young, Albany Rev T 8 Baynold, Plttsb’g T H Bintoo, Uheater CO 8 Remogg. titrauabnrg D D Kennedy, Pa Joseph Hall. Btraaburg WmKerner.Pa WJ Lyon, Pa Wm Polk, Del J Q Lofland * la. Del Thos M Moore, Del . E A Packer, NY A J Gillett. Hartford J F Whitney, N \ G W Edmonds, Boston Wm Borbeek, N \ W H Flitcraft, Boston J Hsrabuigar, N \ L 8 Levy. NY EF Strong A la, NY Ohas Pallard, NY W Hart, NY W Corliss, NY H Trenor, N Y H Vacexen, Canada J Tipping, Va A B Richardson, Dover, Del FRANKLIN HOUSE—Chestnut street, above Third. 61 Davis, Easton ThoaJ Stevenson, Plttab J Donaldson, Tamaqna G Kelson, Boston W P Cole. Belt B V Carroll, N O TT Fortune, New York Bfi*s Fo irler, N Y W Backus, Obicago GII Bass. Boston B Whitney, N J O K Fletcher, Ohio SMNewman.Conn M O-rry, Allentown H Fooht, Pottsvil'e J F Whitney, N York D Harrower, N York O Pratt, New York E M Shelton, Conn H N Lookwool, N York Wm Hamilton, N York John W Garthwait, N Y 3 8 Williams, N York H R Foote, New York Thos Hammond, N York J B Rand, N H N J Haines, New York Mr Flake A la, N York J D Uszell, New York NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. J J Easton, Lebanon J M Sheldon, Leldystown E H Rauch, M Chunk ¥ H Marshall. Toronto W Brock, OW J Brunner, Lebanon 8 Kramer, PhoeaixviUe Jno Brunner, Jr, Lebanon Edwin Olark, Lanoister G Zeller, Lebanon G W Atkins, Bethlehem' H J Hendler, Pottsvllle W H Hoffmi n Allentown R D Enm r, Allentown Jos J Green, Doylestown Chas Eckert, Allentown J N Meteger, Lancaster John L Siater, Lancaster H Po ts, Pa E A De Pew, Easton W Lindemnth, Pa MADIBON HOUSE—Second st, belew Arch. O M Adams, Delaware J Atkinson, Washington J Bulsh.n, Phila J M Gallagher, Pa Wm Temple, Reading John Ruddock, Lancaster B Young, Raiding Wm Welsh, NJ W D H .mel Dover, Del Thos H Moore. Delaware Mr Kinney, Delaware T T Thompson, Delaware >- ami S Jamiteoo, N Y John T James, N Y H W Oorning, N J W H Williams, N J John Moneqne, Pa MOUNT VERNON HOTEL-Second at., above Arch. John Darragh. Pa BRoberts, NY JMoithe’B Delaware N BBookmaster, Delaware O tteet,NY R»Por>er. NJ T M Moore, Odeeea, Del 0 Hornbeck, N Y BARLEY BHBAP HOTEL—Second street, below Vine John Rich. Pa WmF Angell. Providence V O Woodward, Pa BA Woodward, Conn J Comfort, Pa Thos Ent. N J J H Stackhonsw, Pa Miss Blosker, Pa O Dupree. Hoorestown A G Hines, Willow Grove Benj Mather, Pa John Bry«n, Philadelphia Wm 8 Linton. Newburn O B Linton, California P Hogeland, Pa BLAOK BEAR INN-Fifth and Merchant streets. RH Pratt. Va H T Evans Ohesterco A R Pennington, Del Thos P Packet:, Obesterco L°wls f*hee, Ohester co Goo Pyle oo John Louderbaugh, Pa J Dsvoe, West Chester BLAOK BEAR HOTEL—Third st, ab. OallowhUl. A Buckrran, Pa O W Cooper, Allentown FHartzell, Pa Ohas Boetlgei, Lehigh co W M Bookman, Pa JosObold, P* W fiMsamsn Pnmneytown Tsra Greaimer, Oley HM-iuror, BeohM ville Levi Reinhart, Berks co . i/avid Re nhart, Berks co BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhlll, E Doster, Bethlehem J Bleokner. Pa F Young, Pa £ OKleokner.Pa D Siegfried. Bath, Pa J Lowrisht, Pa J Varney, Hamburg M Yost, 'Reading M Obler, Frenobtown, N J Miss Schooh, Pennaburg JAQnioby, NJ W B Benslnger, Tama qua marriages. On the 2"d ult., by Rev. Ohtrles J. Thompson. Mr* ADOLPHUS G HaLLOWKLL to Miss SaLLIE A. FORBES, of West Philadelphia. November 24tb, 1863, by tee Rev. John PattoQ, Mr. WILLIAM H. BALEd to Miss EUNICE R. SUTTON, all of this o«ty. * On'the 17th of November, by Rev. D. Megllt, of the Union Presbyterian Ohuroh, Mr. JOHN GREEN to 6llss CATHARINE DAILY, both of this olty. November 30th, by Rev. William Douglass, Mr JOHN ELLIS VAN BRARLE, of Santa Crus, to Miss MARIA L., daughter of 8. Sewell, Philadelphia. dJeatlja. On Monday, the 29kh ult., Mr. THOMAS ILLMAN, President of the Sunday Institute, in the 07th year or his age HU friends and the members of the Snnday Institute are respeotfoily requested to attend his funeral, from the N. E. corner Areh and Ninth streets, on Thursday moroing, at H o’clock, when Mr. Joseph Barker will deliver some appropriate remarks # On Wednesday morning, December Ist, ISAAC HES TON. Jr., in tho 16th year of his »g». The relatives and friends of the frmily are Invited to attend his funeral from the residence of hii father. Isaao Heaton, in Hestonville, Twenty-fourth ward, on Friday, the 8d inst, at cne o’clock, without farther notion. ## On the 30th ult., Mr. WM. B. GARRET. In the 25th year of his age. His friends and those of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his node, John: Oonway, 312 South Second itreot, this ( Thursday) morning, at 11 o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Lanrel Hill. * On the 30th ult., DANIEL H., eon or Charles and Catharine Miller, in the 9th year o his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the reeidenoe of his parents, No. & Snyder’s avenue, Twenty-third street, between Race and Vine, this (Thursday) after noon. at 2 o’olock, without farther notice. # On the 29th ult., Mrs. CATHARINE FUST, wife or Thomas Flint, aged 59 years The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funoral, from the residence o! her bus band, No. 14 Providence court, north from Sergeant street, tbis (Thursday; afternoon, at 2 o’clock. w On the 80-h ult, Mr. JOHN HOPE, aged 5T years. The relatives and friends are Invited to attord the faoeral, from his late residence, 1807 South Tenth street this (Thursday) afternoon, at 8 o’clock. To proceed to Philanthropic Cemetery. On the 29th william M. WICK&K3HXM. in the BSth year of h-.s age. The male relatives and friends of the family are In vited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No, 619 Oharry street, on Friday at 2 o’olock, without farther notice. To proceed to Woodlands Ce metery. * On the 21th ultimo, STEPHEN BELKNAP, In the 68th year of hie age The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 013 Melon street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without farther nvtloe. * On the 28th ult., EDMUND WETHEBBY, la the 424 rear cfhis age. His relatives and friends are refipectroliy Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, 927 Ship* pan street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at two o’clock, withoutfu-tber j.oilce. Adam Lodge, I 0. O F., also Montgomery Lodge, No. 19, A. Y. M., are particularly invited to attenl -• * "5“ Professor Coppee will deliver the Second ■*3 Lectute ot hlaCourse.on *• Kt>glinbProseFlotkn nine Century, in the Hall of the Univer s ly »*t 8 n*clnck THIS EVENING. It o.i v«isuy ot Peiiiieyivunia---Dcpnrf • J? MENT Ot WINES, ARTS, AND MANUFAC TUBES—The lotrodaotory Lectures in this Depart ment will he delivered as fol'owa : Prof. J. F. FR*ZER. Mechauics and Chemistry, THrHdDAY, December 2, at 4 P. M. Prof. F. ROGERS, Civ 1 Engineering. THURSDAY, December 2, at 6. P.M. Prof. 0. B. TBKGO Geology and Mineralogy, FRIDAY. December 3. at 4 P. U. At the UNIVERSITY, NINTH Btreet. d2-2t IV-3** Anniversary of Young Men’i Christian ASSOCIATION of West Philadelphia, The First AoniVd. s*ry of this Association will be held TUTS (Thursday) EVENING at 7# o’clock, in the BAPTIoT CHURCH. on Ohe-tnut treat, West I'hiU delphia. Vtry interesting exercises a e expect* d. Ad dress* sby Messrs. Leybnrn, Jeffrey, and Oookman. A cordial invitation is extended to all to be present. It 1 * ry'brJ* At a Meeting of tbe Committee of Ar- RANGBMRNT3 of No lb. it was unanimously - msolved, That the thauka ot the Committee he re turned to Mr. M BHOKMAKEtt, (of the Bath Hotel.) for tbe superior manner in which he provided the su; - per for us on the 16th ultimo Rtsotvtd, That we ohevrfnlly recommend him as “The Caterer” to all those wbo hunger and thirst after the good things of this life. Htsolved. That the abi/ve card be published in the Frets and Public Ledger. By order of the Committee, It* K. HALLOWKL .. Beu. Life-size Pfiottgruphs In Uii, b uuiuui Pioturts and infallible Likness. Ambrotypes, ah sizes and prices are made at BEIMEB’S GaLLKRY, SECOND Street, above Green. it* t i-cpa Department of Highways—Office of 3 CHIEF COMMISSIONER, southwest oornerof he tout and Fifth streets, December Ist, 1858 NO l lOE TO CONTRACTORS.—SeaIed proposals will be received by the underaig-ed at the office until twelve o’oock M.) of Deoember 19th, 1866. tor ihe co< alruc tion of Two Brick Culverts, one on Girard avenue, from Ninth to Franklin streets, and tbence along Fra* kiln to Thompson street, and one on Eli venth atroit, com menoing96 feet north of Jefferson, and extending io Thompson street. And all bidders ore invited to be present at thgapening of proposals offered, ou said day atfouro’clocFp. M. 0. B. ANDRESS, Chief Commissioner of Highways. Specifications may bo obtained at the Department cf Surveys, d 2 law-Stv Y”Spi Lectures on Geology. —Dr. Iloynton re- Js3 fipeotlQily Announces. that, .In compliance wuh tbe invitation of ft number of distinguished citi zens of PhllAdelpbls, be will giro hie Course of EIGHT ILLUBTR ATBp LBCTURBa ON GEOLOGY, AT CONCERT HALL. COMMEVCINO FRIDAY EVENING. DEO. 3d, And continued two evenings p*r week till oksed. The same Course will be given at HaNdkl and Haydn bald, COMMEAGINCt MONDAY EVENING, DEO Oik, And continued two evenings per week. PaooEAMMB.—MKOQANIOAL ASTRONOMY, Illus trated by Experiments in Natural Philosophy Proofs of\fre igneous condition of the interior of the Earth Composition of Bocks—Gold Deposits. First Created Animal Life Ooal Beds, and how formed. The Bep* tllosaod Monsters of the Pre-Adamite World* Warm Blooded Animals. The Present order of Animals, and the Human Bace. Harmony of Geology and the Uible. Each of the above subjects will bo illustrated by a senes of PAINTINGS, oorrring the entire end of tho Hall, and which wete executed at a coat of more than $l,O 0. These paintings, whloh will be changed every evening, form a very beautiful and attractive Exhlbi tien. and aid greatly inth* simplification of the subject. Tiokttt for the Course, $l. Teachers and Btudents, 76 eta. Single Adm ssion, 26 cts. For sale at Hazard’s Bookstore, at Btackhouse’s Drug Store, corner of Eighth and Green streets, and at the door. Doors open at 6#, To commence at 7# o’clock, d2-2t ryg* Hon. Anson Burlingame will deliver L-7 the Third Lecture before the Literary Congress, at MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY FVEN ING, December 2. Subject— ,{ NOW’ AND THEN.” Single Tickets 26 cents; Tickets for the remaining five Lecture* reduced to 76 cents; for salo at the Bookstores and at the Hall. Doors open at 7; Lecturo to com mence at 8. dl-2t* fY"-v= Tbr Ladlei’ Fair, (or the sale of Fuucy Lk3 and Useful ARTIOLBB, for the benefit of the Italian Chapel In Marriott street, east of Eighth, is now open in JEFFERSON HALL, corner of SIXTH and CHRISTIAN Streets. dl-4t* (Y’-jr 1- The Rev. R, A. Carden will deliver a 1)3 Lecture on ‘•Novels,” on JHUBSDAY EVEN ING, December 2d. at CENTRAL M. E CHURCH, VINE Street, below Thirteenth, at 8 o’clock. Proceeds for the benefit of the Young Men’s Chris tian Association In connection with this Church. Tickets 25 cts.; to be had at Thoroley A Chism’s, N. E. corner Eighth and Spring Garden Streets; w £ j Neills, No. 16 South Ninth Street, and at the door on the evening of the Lecture. dl-2t# ry-=» Notice.—Howard Fire and Marine Insu llg RANGE COMPANY —At a meeting of tin Board held this day, THOMAS L LUDERB, Esq., was uuanimous'y elected President of the Company, in the place of John H. Diehl, Eeq., resigned. OHAS. A. DUY, Secretary, PHiLADStrau, Nor 80, 1858. d’-Stif Hall Prayer Meeting.—AH will IL g be |lad to learn that until farther notice the BUSINESS MEN’S UNION PRAYER MEETING will be held again in Jayne's Hall, daily, from 12 to 1 o’clock. This is the miwt central and convenient lo cution, and THOUSANDS can be accommodated. All are cordially Invited to attend, and the meeting is open for all to take part who are members of any Evangelical Church. a24-tf THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1858. Tliu Clinic cl the Female Medical Col. ILS hKQB, N 0.627 ABOH Btieat, I.open regular, lyou WEDNBSDAY and BATOBDAV, from ll to 1 o’eloclc. ladles vll aliray. bo found to attendance to examine and prescribe for patient.., al ' lm nr=a. Fo.t Office, Philadelphia, November 30, If 3 1853.—The through Mall from Chicago, Bt. Lome, Olnolnnatl Pittibnrgh, and the West generally, that has been received heretofore at half-past one in the afternoon, arrives at this office now at nine o olook in the morning, and will be delivered from the boxes and by the carriers immenistely after its arrival. • dl-3t GIDEON G WKBTCOTT, Postmaster. Office Philadelphia Gaa Worka, Wot. LLS 26th, 1868. Proposals will be reoeived at this office until noon of the 30th December next, for the Bale of Stock or the Germantown Gas Company, and, also, of the Richmond Gas Company, to the Trnstees or the Philadelphia Gas Works, as an investment to the Binklng Fund of said works. nS6-td3o. W. FENNELL, Oashler. rr=?=» 81,000 Reward.—One Thousand Dollura UJ^reward will be -iven bv the WASHINGTON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, of Gloucester, New Jersoy, for information whfrh will load to the arrest and oonvrbUon or the person or persona who by 4 In fernal Contrivances " have on several occasions at tempted the life of tho Superintendent of the Mills. t)3<MuUj&t,Gl* JOHN RODMAN PAUL, Troas’r. ry-r=ai Philadelphia Exchange Company, Wor, ILV 29,1868.—A gener«l meeting of the Stockholders of the Philadelphia Bichange Company will he held on MONDAY next, December fl. at the EXCHANGE, for the Election of NI6B MANAGERS to serve for the ensulnu sear, and for the transaction of other business. nf9-«t W. 8. GRANT, Secretary. . nr=m Second and Third-street Possengerßall [[3 WAY —on and after MONDAY, the 29th Inst., the OAKS on tbls Road will run from Rlohmond and Kensington, to Mifflin street, (Southwark ) The Second Htreet line of Omnibuses will run North from street Passengers going np Becond street will be fur nished with omnibus Tiokots by the Conductors of the Oars. Parents and others are particularly requeste 1 to pre vent children from running with or hanging on the Oars. nSO-6t JAMES VERRRB. President. ry» Masonic Notice.—The members of Mont- UJ? GOMERY LODGE, No. 19. A Y. M ; the officers snl of the GRAND LODGE, ana the Order generally, are partiontaily invited to meet at the MA SONIC HALL, on THURSDAY next, DeoeraberZ, at 1# o’olook P. M . to attend the funeral of their late Bro ther EDMUND WETHERBY. By order of the W. M. cBO-3t* J. T. THOMAS, Secretary. cy-ss» Have yon seen them?—That superb Kn- IL3 gravirg, * THE VILLAGE B*>ACK3MITH” and the b?autlfnl ART JOURNAL, which are furnished to subBoribers of the Cosmopolitan Art Association, can now be seen at K H Hunt’s, northwest corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT, for a short time onty. n 29 6t rv-r=» Have you seen them ? - That superb En [l3 graving, “ THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH” and tb» beautifnl ART JOURNAL, which are famished 10 subscribers of tho ’ Osmopolitan Art Aesoolation, osn now be ae«n at £ H Hunt’s, northw«st comer FIBTH, and CHESTNUT, for a short time only. n 29 61 ry~=a» Corn Exchange Bank, Philadelphia, LL_5 November 26,1868 —At tbo Annas! Election, held 16th lost, the following gentlemen were duly elected Director* of the Bank: A G. Cattell, O.J Hoffman, Jamos Stvel, Sinmel Bolton, Hugh Craig, Robert K. Neff, William IJ. Gilpin, B B. Orayeroft. Dell Noblit. Jr , Alexander Whilldin, Edmund A. Pouder, Jao b T. Alborger, Stmnel T Caoby. Ani at a meeting of the Board of Directors, by a noaQim' US vote, A G OATTELL, Esq was eleoted President, R K. NEFF, vice President, and J W. TORRKY, Cashier. n027-10t ysaa Two Courses ef Lectures on Geology, the IL ? one in ihe Afternoon and the other in tbe Even ing, are now in progress ot delivery In ’he SCIENTIFIC AND OLA?siuAL INBTIIUTB, CHESTNOT Street, Northwest corner of Twelf'h, by J. ENNIS Principal of the Institute. The lectur e are Illustrated hy ala* grams, specimens of recks, and geological excursions in the environs of onr city. n29-6t ry~-=» Have you seen them I— That superb En il3 proving, *‘ THE VILLAGE BLAOKSMITH” and tbe beautiful ART JOURNAL, which are fnmisbod to subscribers of tbe Cosmopolitan Art Association can now bo setn at R. H. Bunt’s, northwest corner FIFTH and Ot KSTNUT, for a short time only ' n 29 6t The East Muh&noy Kallroad Company. LLS The undersigned Uommissioners (being two of those named m tbe Act of Incorporation of said Com pany) do hereby appoint the Eighth day of December, A. D. 1868, between the hours of II A. M. and 2 P. M. of said day, at No. 407 LIBRARY Street, above Fourth Btreet, in said city, for tho Subscribers to the Stock of said Company to meet to organise the Company, and to elect, as provided by law, a President and Twelve Di rectors, to serve according to law. ROWLAND JONEB, F. N. BUOK. Philadelphia, Nov. 22,1868. no2B-d2fr (V-==» Home for Invalids with Affections of IkJ THE CHEST. d. W. comer PARKE and CHESTNUT Streets. n22*lm West Philadelphia. » FURS NOW OPEN, The largest and brat assortment In the City, of RICH SABLE MARTEN, MINK MARTEN, *BTONE MARTEN, ' BIBEIUAN SQUIRREL, FITCH, AC., AO. Also, a choioe selection of CARRIAGE ROBE 3, FOOT MUFFS, FUR COLLARS, GLOVES, Ao , AU of which will be sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. CHARLES OAKFOUD & SON, Importers and Manufacturing Furriers, dfl-thsAtuGl No. 62i CHESTNUT Street. jp_A H R a - LITHOGRAPH, SIZED, OR NOT SIZED, OP SUPERIOR QUALITY, MADS TO ORDER, And for sale at Manufacturers’ Prices, by E. 0. & P. H. WARREN, AH orders addressed to us, PmLAOzLrina P. 0., will receive prompt attention fegal Notice. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate rf LLOY‘> WHARTON BICKLBY, deceased The AadLor a- pointed by the Court to audit settio, and adjustthe a count of LLOYD W. BIC-KI-EY, Ad rainimratnr of Llojd Wharton Bickley, deceased, and to rep-rt distribution < f the balance in the hands ol the accruntiut. will meat the parlies in’erwated, at his office, No. 81) Arob street on TUESDAY, December Uib. 1863 at 4 o’clock P. M. d2-tbstu-6t .OStPH P. BRINTON, Auditor LOST OR MISLAID—a certificate of Stock for two nhr-res in the Third St. George Benefit Boi'ding Awociation, drawn In my nsmo Ail persons are hereby cautioned not to negotiate the same. THOMAS NUITALL Philadelphia, December Ist, 1868. It* gNGRAVINGS. JAMES S. EARLE A SON, nixejußt opened a new and extensive assortment of ENGRAVINGS Colored and plain, Line, Mezzotints. Lithograph—Also,a very choice selection VOR GREOTAN PAINTING All the work* of LANDSEER HERRING, TURNER, AUa. SCHEFFER, DELA ROOHB, HOhAOE VER* NBR COSTUMES, FANCY DRESSES, LANUBOAPKB. OBROMO LITHOGRAPHS. F«c-f>imlles of Original Drawings. PHOTOGRAPHS from Original Pictures, and effeote of SunandOlouds LOOKING-QLAB3 WAREROOWR AND GALLERY OF PAIN TINGS. d 2 810 CHESTNUT Street. - QARD. I will sell atpnhllo eale all my FINISHED FURNITURE, Comprising a full assortment of PARLOR, CHAMBER, DININGROOM, HALL, and LIBRARY FURNITURE, Of the newest patterns in ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, OAK, ZEBRA WOOD, and MAHOGANY. This furniture was all mads by me for fall sales, but the demand not equaling my expectations, I hare con* eluded to redace my stock by selling at public sale, deeming,thiß better than to discharge my workmen The goods are all equal in quality to any I hare ever made, and are warranted the same as If bought at pri* rate sale This sale will be positive. GEO J HENKBLB, 624 WALNUT St. PniLADSLrnu, Not 80,1858. dl*Bt M THOMAB Sc. 80NB, Auctioneers. C< SNTDEB LEIJDT— JAS. AT. LEIDT, Cj# Principals of LEIDY BROTHERS’ ACADEMY, Nos 143 and 150 SIXTH STREET, near Race, where a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING, and ARITHMETIC is made oertain to every pupil that may enter. ACADEMY open day and evening. n 022 DU. M. GALKIN'S HAS RETURNED to the City, and may be consulted at bis office and residence, No. 247 North NINTH Street. Honrs from 7 to 10 A U., and 4 te 7 P. M. n24<l2t* D'J. SIoALLiSTER, having returned to the city, has resumed the practice of his profession with Dr. Ganlioue, at 253 Nor'li ELEVENTH Street, bplow Vino. Office hours 7t09 A. M., and otoB P. M. n27-BUf* MEN'S WAXED AND WATER-PROOF BOOTS, WOMEN’S CAL FSKIN BOOTS, with heels, suitable for tbo Country Trade. B*at «ity manu factured. Low prices at DUTTON’S, No. 11l North BECOND Street, (oast side,} above Arch. »< SIGN OF THE RED BOOT.” n25-th&tu-Bw* GV_ HORSES TAKEN TO WINTER.— Stablingand hnygood, with plenty of 11 tier. Springy Meadows if deaired, on ple.Bant day..' Ternm low. Inquire of Mr. t. JANNEY, No. 826 MARKET Street, ot Dr. tOIIOLFIKLD, 822 South FIFTH Street, And The Press oSlce. n24.18t* Mackerel.— 767 bms nos. i, 2, & s MACKEREL, In Aeßorted Packages. Foreale by 0.0. SADLER he 00., 002 108 ABOH Street. PROVISIONS. —2,400 pieces City Smoked SL Shouldera, 1,800 pieces Oity Smoked Hams For sale by 0. O. SADLER, * 00., 1 nn9 in'! AKOH street. TMONONGAHELA WHISKEY 60 BblH. I"A pare Hye Whiskey. In etore and for sale by WM. H YKATON. 210 Bomb FRONT Ht imS WHITE-FISH.— A very Superior Article of “ Mackinaw” In Half Bbls , just reoeiyedin Store, and for sale by 0. 0, SADLER,* co., nodi ' IM AROH stmt. FANCY SILKS whloh have been sold during the Fall at *1 are now 76 cents; $1 60 qualities to $1 and $1.12. AU descriptions of WINTER DRESS GOODS are marked down below the cost of importation. SHAWLS, CLOAKS, MOUBBLINB DB LAINEB, CASHMERES, MERINOBB, PLAIDS, SATIN DB OHENE3, ENGLISH, and FRENCH CHINTZES, Will all be reduced in proportion to the Goods enu merated above. REDUCTION JJANK OF PENNSYLVANIA FARGO, & CU., AND «I,76O.—MORTGAGES these amounts, well secured, for sale. Apply to J 8. HUBER, n 27 206 Bouth Fourth street. Ann—A CHOICE MORTGAGE IjpfLVAJU of this amount for sale. J. 8. HUBER, n 27 200 South Fourth street. gILK AND GINGHAM BOOK, NEWS, CJAMUEL W. GROOMS, dealer in LEHIGH and 80EUYLKILL GOAL, prepared expressly for family use Office No. B,Fxrqnhar Building. WALNUT below Third, Philadelphia dl-6t# Bituminous coal.—The undersigned Is prepared to furnish the citizens of Philadel phia with a superior a'tlole of BITUMINOUS COAL, suitable forhnrnloglo parlors or lioraries; makiog a cheerfal and pleasant fire AU orders left at the office, No 42J£ South BOURTH Street, will oe promptly at tended to. DUNLAP McLAUGHLIN. PaiLADBLPHii, November 29,1858. dl-12t* PHILADELPHIA, TO LUMBER DEALERS. L. D. DAVI3 & 00*9 Commission Lumber Yard, BKOAD street, between Race and Vine 60 O iO feet 6*4, 6 4, and 8 4 White Pine seasoned. 30,C00 '• V atid 4 4 Poplar Boards 27,000 “ Delaware Oak Plank 3,4,8, and 6 In. thlok. Also, just received, 21,000 feet Poplar ard Set tee Plank—a superior lot. 100 Hickory sticks suitable for axles. n2B-tDeo 10 El A. TREGO, REAL ESTATE AGENT « • AND CONVEYANCER, RIDGE AVENUE, first door below Thirteenth ftr ot, attend* to the purchase and sale of heal Estate, Negotiating Securities, Henring Hoaxes, »r,d Oolleotiou of lloaso and Ground Kents, and Interest Monies. Satisfactory references given. ocl9-3in* 50,000 PEACH TREES; X 20,000 GRAPE VINES Bor sale by O. B ROGERS, 027-01* No. 11l MARKET Street. r'IOOD GROCERIES, AT PAIR PRICES!!! CHAS. H. MATTSON, Has on hand, and 1* generally reorivlngTUß BHBT OP GROCERIES, which he wilt sell at the most REASON. ABLE PRICES FOR OASH Having a LARGE and rHOICK ASSORTMENT of BLACK and GREEN TEA*, he is confident of being ab’e to suit both in quality and price, all persons In want of the artiole, in quantities of from one pound to the half chest. His general assort - meot embraces everything in the way of PINE GRO OERIPB, and he would respectfully invite all in want of good articles to give him a call. ItjWill be worth the trial. n39-lmo Retail ffiJru ©oa&s. qreat reduction IN FRIGES Ot FANCY DB Y aOODS, Tj, J. umvY & 00. Announce to the publio their intention to reduce the prices of their Fall Importations and Purchases of FANCY DRY GOODS, Including all tbeir Aaotlon Furohaaes, to less THAN THE COST OF IMPORTATION, the sales to commence on FfiIDAY next, and continue throughout the MONTH OF DKOKBIBBB. Their object > is to sell ont as nearly as possible the FALL AND WINTER GOODS which remain in stock, and to accomplish It they offer to the publio and their oustomers the inducement of VERY LOW PRICES. FRENCH EMBROIDERIES AND liAOEB Are very much reduced in price, many to half their original cost. 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Street, THOS. W. EVANS kOO., WILI. OFFER TO-DAY BAYADERE VALENCIAS, SATIN FOIL DE OHEYBEB, SATIS OTTOMANS, IMPERIAL FOULARDS, As., At tho Greatly Reduced Prloc of 26 ceuta per yard. SIS and 620 CHESTNUT Street. iUotug. NOTES AND CHECKS BOUGHT AT THE HIGHEST PRICE, R. F. RALEY, Banker, <l2-th sJfctuQt# No. 42 Bouth THIRD Street. 400 CHESTNUT STREET, Purchase the Interest COUPONS STATE OF CALIFORNIA ilwbrel'as, UMBRELLAS, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, roa 01LR, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, TT. A. DKUWN St 00., JIB MARKET STREET, £nmber. Broker*. StsriniUnral. Southwest corner TENTH and AROH Streots. pnRST PREMIUM AWARDED ' BT TUB FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, NOVEMBER, IB3S, TO TUB WEST PHILADELPHIA STARCH MANUFACTURING COMPANY FOR THEIR UNRIVALLED PEARL STARCH AND CORN FARINA, THOMPSON, CLARKE, A YOUNG, 130 anil 132 South tfBONT Street, n27-tf Agents for the Company. pU R E DOUBLE BURNING FLUID, MANUFACTURED and for sale, la barrels and half barrels, by THOMAS A CORFIELD, n27-7t#if 120 NORTH WHARVES. SCOTCH ALE, LONDON PORTER, AND BROWN BTOUT. R Youngers* Ale, 8t Ann’s Brewery, Edinburgh, In stone pinto. Mnir A Sons* Sparkling Ale, Edinburgh, in stone pts. Finzi A Williams 1 London Browu Stout, in glass pts. do do Porter, iu glass pts. F Bleed A Co.’s Dublin Stout, in stofce pts. In store and for sale by WILLTAM H. YEATON, nSO-tf 216 South FRONT Street. xggN PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TIONS, with written descriptions of character, yy, T including advice in reference to business, health, / self-improvement, Ao., are made day and eve nlng at FOWLER, WELLS, A CO.’S, Families visited when requested, and a liberal dis count made to elubs. sell-Bn>ir 992 Chestnut «t., Philadelphia ORNAMENTAL and COLORED GLASS. w We have just reoelved a comprehensive and va ried stock of this truly beautiful and architectural ap pendage to Churches, Vestibules, Conservatories, and other buildings, where It Is deemed neoesaary to embel lish, or to give a chaste and elegant appearanoe. Any eolor maybe had, either plain or ornamental, elabo -ately or in relief. . ZIEGLER A SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Gla a a Dealers, ■aM-dtf rvir H«w»nd and OrMn ate BALE ROPE AND TWINE, msnttfao tured and lor sale by WEAVER, FITLEU A CO., , n 026 No. 28 ft ■ Water st.. and 22 N. Wharves. GOSHEN BUTTER.—29 Tubs Prime Goshen Butter, For Sale by 0. 0. SADLER, A CO., 198 ARCH stmt. QLOAK CLOTHS. BLACK AND COLORED BEAVERS, LADIES’ CLOAKS AND RAGLANS. Just received, and for sale cheap at dl«6t No. 62 South SECOND St., above Oheatnut, Fine stock c DRY GOODS AT FA FIRST-CLASS Si Irish Popllcß, Flannels, Fancy Silks. B'ankets, Lupin’s Merlnoes, Counterpanes, Broche Shawls, Table Linens, New style Cloaks Napkins, Woollen Shawls, Table Covers, Cloak Cloths. - Sheetings, Wool Plaids, Shirtings, Valencia Travers, Drageets, Figured Merinoes, Towellings, Mous De Laines, Muslins, &o. CASTOR BEAVER CLOTHS, FOR LA DIES’ CLOAKS. BIBBED TRIOO CLOTHS. RIBB»D BEAVER CLOTHS. PLAIN BLACK CLOTHS. CLOTH CLOAKS, RAQLANS, &0., tcQ. EYRE & LANDELL, n2B FOURTH AND ARCH BTRBBTB. [VEW CLOAKS II OPENING EVERY DAY AT TUB . PARTS MANTILLA AND CLOAK EMPORIUM. TINE BRAVES OLOAKB, RICH VELVET CLOAKS. MOURNING- CLOCKS. MISSES’ OLOAKS, OPERA CLOAKS. MIX’D BEAVER OLQAKB, The Largest Assortment in the City. AT TH* PARIS MANTILLA & OLOAK EMPORIUM. 708 CHESTNUT STREET, J. W. PR OOTO E k 0 0. &2S LADIES’ OLOAK CLOTHS. Black Bearer Cloths. Blaok Habit Cloths. Pilots and Feltings. COOPER A CONARD, n 32 8. E.corner NINTH A MABKBT Sts. LACK MOHATr For ttimmlntr Cloaks. B -own aad Gray do Black T7n!o j oloths $1 25. Blaok Habit Cloths. St 87 to S 3 50 COOPER fc CONARD, &23 S. F. corner NINTH ft MARKET Sts. OVERCOAT CLOTHS. Tine Blaok D-'eekins. Side Band Cass!meres. Fancy Casslmeres. Boys’ Oaselmeres Sattinets from 40 to 82# cents. Velvet, BUk, and other Testings. COOPER ft CONARD, n 22 8. E corner NINTH A MARKET Bta. SALE OF BROOHE SHAWLS \Jt AND CLOAKB !! I Unprecedented Bargain*! We’ve had a perfeot rush! Wo’re selling an immensity of Goods! Our trade’s increasing! Onr Mode of doing business seems to meet with gene* ral approval!! Namely— « To Have But One Price.” *• T» sell Cheip for Cash.” «Never to misrepresent Goods in order TO E??ECT SALES.” “ To deal fairly and justly, and wait upon all enito. men with attention and politeness.” “ Thus to gain their confidence, and keep It by oon tinning to do right ” THORNLBY A OHISM. We have now on hand Excellent Long Broohe Phawla for $B. still better quality for f 10, $ll, $l2, $lB, $l4, $lB, $lB, $2O, $23 and $26. Square Broche Bhaws from $5 up to s’l. Long and Square Blanket Shawls in every variety. Children’s, Blisses, and Gentleu on’s Shawls, Ac. Goo I Blaok Cloth QL aka for $3. Everyother quality and Style forsB up to $lB. A JOB LOT OF OLOAK* FROM LAST SEASON AT HALF PRIOE! Best B’ack Silks for 60c. to $1.60 per yard. Rich Fancy Silks really beautiful. Every variety of DREsS GOODS. CLOTHS! OASSIMEBEBM BATTINETTB, Ae.!!! Heavy Black Beaver Cloths, fine French do., Ao. } Ao. Blankets Flannels, Linens, and Mnsllna. la fact no better stock of general Dry Goods can be found than at THORNLBY A OHISM’B, Northeast Oozner EIGHTH A SPRING GARDEN. nol3‘tf Great central shawl and me rino DEPOT. NEW AND DESIRABLE LOTS JUST OPENED. GAY, MEDIUM, AND PLAIN STYLES. Blanket Long Shawls from $4 upwards. Mis*es’ do do. 10 different styles Men’s do. Plain Bhawls fer Fneuds, bound and unbound. A splendid atcck Broohe Long and Bquare Shawls, mostly of the better qualities. Super Lyons Black and B'own 811 x Velvet. Soper Beaver and French Lady Olo’hs. LUPIN’S FRENCH MERINOS AND CASHMERES. Crib and Bed Blankets in variety. 60 styles Mous de Laines, 10 cents. Fall and Winter Dress Goods In great variety, reduced In price in order to close In season. X handsome assortment of Nesk Ties. New style Cashmeres. Gents’ Mufflers, cheapest in the city. MKRRIMAO PRINTS. A fine stock Family Goods. Welsh and other nnsbrinkable Flannels. Soft*finish Wamsntta Muslins, at 9 cts. - wn* atook IS replenished daily, and the prices bear •omparlsuu witn any in tho city. d27-i tath tf CLOAKS,, HAGLANS, AND OIBOU LARS.—MoBLBOY respectfully invites the La dies to call and examine his stock, embracing many elegant styles not to be found elsewhere. As there were a number of our customers unable to be suited last week, in consequence of our assortment being di minished, we have put on aa extra quantity of hands, and hope that we will he able to supply all who favor uswl b a call. LONG AND SQUARE BROOHE SHAWLS, of superior styles and faeries, all shades and colors, at greatly reduced prices. Long and Square Blanket Shawls, of choice colors, derided bargains. MoELROY, No. 11 South Ninth street. 125 yards Bayadere Pop'ins at 25, usual price 40 eta. The cheapest Black SUka in the olty. A Urge assort ment uf B'rench Merinoes at $l, coat to import $1.26; 2 000 yards of figured and plain Merinoes, at 60, 66, 66, and 76 cents. 2 000 yards Cloth, fresh f om auction, for Ladies’, Gents’, and Boys’wear, from 76 cents to $2.60, deci dedly the greatest bargains in the city. 6GO yards Cassimere, at 41. cheap at 76 cents. 6 bales of Blankets, from $2 26 to $lO. 600 Undershirts and Drawers, at 60 cts ; usual price $t The largest and cheapest assortment of Velvet Ribbons in the city, from 10 cents to $l 76 warranted all silk. Kmbroiderhs and Ribbons, Gloves, Hosie/y, Trimmings, Fringes, and Linen Cambric Hdkfs. a lull assortment, al the renowned McELftOY'S n27-stuth No. 11 South Ninth street. r'IREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS.— VJf B. V. R. HUNTER Has REMOVED from No. 80 to No. 40 Bouth SECOND Street, where he Is now prepared to furnish the Ladies with a fresh and well-selected stock of DBJS S 8 GOODS, To which be lavl > s thnlr attention, being determined to sell at exceedingly LOW PRIORS. N. B —A large assortment of Broohe, Stella, and Trench Blanket Shawls Also, a variety of Silk and Cloth Circulars Constantly on band, at the “ OLOAR EMPORIUM,” No. 40 South SECOND Street. BLACK FRENCH OA^SJMERES.—Best Manufacture* of t Do«*skins and Oaa'imere* in* eluding extra quvl(ti«s of Blsohoff’s. Also, Black French Dress Clotba and Ci 'tine* &HARPLE3* BROTHEBB. 033 OHKHVNUT & EIGHTH Fancy dress goods. We have cow in store a large assortment of Autumn and Winter fllks, the prices of which hare been much reduced, intruding New Lyons Styles of Me* dium, Plain, and Rich designs, of this season’s Impor tation Also, Doable Jupe, Double-flounce, and Robe a*Les, In Heavy Silks; Black Fane* Silks, and extra quality Black Taffetas. BH*RPMS«B BROTHER-. n 26 CHESTNUT A EIGHTH. CLOTHS, BEAVERS, OA6BIMEREB, Vestings, Fatlnetta, and Tailors’ Trimmings. LADIES’ CLOAK CLOTHS. All of the most reliable makes at reduced prices, at the Cloth Store of JOS. & WM E. WOOD, n27*stuth jal No. 8 North SECOND Street. REMOVAL. CLAGHORN & FRYER NO. 100 OHESTNUT STREET, DISTILLED JJEMOVAL. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS REMOVED TO No. 1126 CHESTNUT BTREET, THIRD DOOR BBLOW TWELFTH. South Hide, Where he is prepared to execute all orders In his line, having on hand a fall supply of GOODS for Gentle* men’s wear. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, n26-Bm-if No 1120 CHESTNUT Street. JUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, BULLING OUT CHEAP, RAPSOIf’S TRIMMING AND ZEPHYR STORE, N. W. Oornar EIGHTH and CHERRY Streets STAPLE AND FANCY DRESS TRIMMINGS. OROCHET AND OTHER CLOAK FRINGES. A VARIETY OP CLOAK TASSELS VELVET AND OTHER CLOAK BINDINGS. NEW PATTERNS PANOY TRIMMINGS AND FRINGES' SMALL BLEEVE TASSELS, ALL COLORS. BINGLK, DOUBLE, ANB SPLIT ZEPHYRS, OF THE CELEBRATED MAKERS, HERTZ A WEGENER, BERLIN TAPESTRY, WOBSTED, AND WOOLLEN YARN. AU goods of the bast quality Bold at the Lowest Prioes. R A P S 0 N ’ S , I bSS-Stt N.WOor. EIGHTH and CHERRY 3t>. Retail SDrg (2>00&3. BIBBED AND PLAIN SNODGRASS AND BTEBLMAN'S, OP ■ SEASONABLE LIB PRIDES, adapted to SALES, RETAIL. EYRE & LAWDELL, lOURTH AND ABOK STREETS. CHARLES ADAMS, EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. Uemoimls. BATE RKUOYKD TO ABOVE FRONT, LOWER EIDB. ©viminingo, &c tOatUi. situ J tion in an Exchange or the biuineas, and caogj,, thVb*,t oTreterenMfC to character and qualification,.. Add™. ■< Eanrael,"“hi. offlca - d2-4t» j WANTED— An experienced Salesman in the Wholesale Yarlet, Goode bsalncss. Annie to»F Parson,” No. 60t Market atrect. d2-at* A GENTLEMAN WITH $12,000 OR $16,000 and an extensive business connection wishes a Partner with the same amount of capital and good business habits, to establish a Commission House. Address with real name, which will be confidential. W.0.P., at this office. dl-flt* TENANTED— *By a Lad, 19 years old, a *7 Situation as Clerk In a store or manufactory out of the city; is well educated and a good Penman. Address G. A. L., Blood’s Despatch. dl-2t# ANTED TO RENT—A neat residence V v in the southern section of the city. Bent not to exceed $176, Address STOCKTON, this office. dl-4t# \JU ANTED—By the Ist of January, a ** situa«on in a Wholesale Jobbing DRY GOODS HOUSE, as SALESMAN. Can influence a moderate waount of near trade. Address SELBY, office of The dl»Bt# XIU ANTED TO EXCHANGE FOR C TY . "Jf, PROPERTY—I 62 acres of good F* RM LAND, in Gloucester County, N J ,20 miles from the city in a tapialy.improving seotlon. Address JERSEY office of this paper. dl-6t* ’ WANTED —A Situation as Assistant Book keeper, by the Advertiser, a young mar ried mm. Go«d reference will be given. Add*ess “ Industry,” office of this paper. nSO-4t* WANTED— As Agent or Collector of Rents, &c. Good reference, and eecurlty given if required. Address 11 Collector,” office of 2kt Vnu. nBQ-6l* ITIfANTED— A Smart, Active Boy, who is * v qulnkfet figures, and writes a fair hand. No High School graduate need apply. Addte s T L. at this office n3O-3t* HARDWARE. —A Salesman and General Assistsnt in a Wholesale Hardware Store wanted. Apply to NRWLIN, MARSHALL, it 00. n29*4t ANTED—A situation as Salesman in 8 * v first-class Wholesale House, by ayouogmanwho has had five years experience in the retail trade. Ad dress u WEST,” this office. n2T-6t# X&7 ANTED—By a young married man, a T Y situation In a Backing House, having had six years experlecce in the business. B’st o f city refer ences given. Address 4 ‘ STOCKS ” this offioe. no3Wf* ANTED—To Rent, for the winter sea v v son, with Immediate possession, a Furnished house of moderate site, with modern Improvements, west of Tenth street. Address A. M., office of this paper. 004 XjtT ANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES » V CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, t c whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, tad medical attendance. Pay from $l3 to $23 per month No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Anph for MOUNTED BSRVIGZ at No 817 MABBLST Street above Eighth, north side. I, Si. MOORE, Ist Lieut. Ist Dragoons, %pl7-tf Recruiting Officer. Sax dale anb to £et. fj\o IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. TO LET, The Fits-story BROWN-fTONB WAREHOUSE, No. 46 Sooth BEOOND Street, Near Chestnut street. Suitable for the PACKAGE, OR OTHER BUSINESS. RENT LOW—For a Term of Years. Possession given January Ist APPLY ON THE PREMISES. d2-lm jja FOR SALE—The very pleasant ThreeS fiiSSTORY BRICK DWELLING HODBE. No. 217 South NINTH Street, below Walnut street. It has very lately been putln complete repair, and has nearly all the modern conveniences. A portion of the purchase money may remain on the property. Apply to L-W. GLENN, next door, or to GLEaN it 00., 725 Chest nut atreet, up stairs. d2-2t* MTO LET —A small neat house, No. 50 BE K’S Street, nor’h of Christian, and east of Front street. Bent $7 a month. Apply at 619 VINE Street d3-2t* FOR SALE- Fifty Albany and Portland SLEIGHS. The belt assortment in the city At less than Auction prices. WM JACK, It# 410 LIBRARY Street, MTO LET A. STORE AND. DWEL LING IN HESTONVILLB, Twenty-fourth ward, large yard and stable Inquire of E. H. COGGINS Engraver and Printer, dl-St* SO North EIGHTH Street. FOR -RENT—The DWELLING No. BHaffie LOOUBT Street, (or Washington Square,) from the Ist of January, 1869 The house Is three stories high, with basement, back building, Ao , now occupied by J. W. Forney. Apply at the office of The Press, or at the house. no2B tf jsg TO LET—The large, well lighted, and EuLellglble STORE, No. 88 -oath SECOND Street, which will be vacated by the undersigned on the first of January. Rent very moderate. Apply to npl6'tf A. H. ROSENHEIM A BROOKS, as above. TO RENT. —On the Ist January next, the very superior and extensive ROOMS, (3d, Bd. 4th and fitVfioora, oaoh 34 feet by 146) of the NEW STORE, 683 MARKET Btreet. The building is one of the fine improvements on the upper side, between FIFTH and SIXTH Streets, haring two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good cartage way 30 feet Into SIXTH Btreet. Apply on the premises. nol-tf ga TO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE £§& Avenue, below VINE Street, running through to WaterBtreet. 148 feet deep. Also, the Double BTORB, ooroer of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of the best locations for large Business in Phila delphia. Also, STABLE and OOAOH*HOUSE in OHERRY Street, above SEVENTH, In rear of Ash* land House. Apply at 278 South FOURTH Street. se2SWJm* Hoarding. BOARDING.— Several highly respected persons will And desirable boatd in a reap ctable private'family. References given and required Location central. Addre»s“A A.,” office of TAe Prtss. It# BOARDING. —A few gentleman can be accommodated with good boarding. Location wl'.hin a minute's walk or the Exchange. For adlro«a apply at tbli office. 42 3 * JJOARDING —A Gentleman and his Wife wish to obtain good Boarding, in a central loca tion, for whioh a liberal price will be paid nSO-Bt# UJatdjes, Jetoelro, sfo WATCHES. Jjj tiia We have now in Store oeal A FULL ASSORTMENT O? ENGLISH AND SWISS GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Of our own direot Importation, a* vory low prices. As we have each Watch thoroughly examined by a competent workman we are enabled to guarantee our customers aoimsscT time-plrce. FARR Sc TH- iJVTPSON, Importers of Watches, Ac., 874 CHESTNUT STREET, BBLOW FOURTH. nitf-tbß&ta-lkt AUJSIY & coll fOkMXXLT BAILEY A KITCHEN, Hare removed to their new Fire-proof, Whit® Marble 818 OHESTNUT BTHEET, NORTH SIDE, BBLOW THE GIRARD HOCOB. Now opening their fall stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, ANB FANCY GOODS, To whleh they Invite the attention of the pubUe. SILVER-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PBABLB, AT WIOMBALB AMD MTAIL. (Stans, pistols, GUN STORE. PHILIP WILSON & CO., 489 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW FIFTH, WILL OFSff MONDAY, NOVEMBER 33, An assortment of FINE GUNS OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, THOSE OF THE MOST CELEBRATED MAKERB IN EUROPE. The attention of BPORTBHBN Is requested to their Stock, which they can pr SHALL NOT BE SURPASSED By any in the United States. TUPLES, PIBTOLB, FLASKS, POWDER, SHOT, Ac. GUN FURNITURE IN ALL VARIETY. no!8-tf ©billing: 1000 BOYS 5 CLOTHING. Jf. A. HOYT & BROTHER Have Just received, FROM NEW YORK, A lot o! BOYS’AND CHILDREN’S OVERCOATS SUPERIOR STYLES AND FINISH, Whioh they offer te the Public at. GREATLY BEBUOED PBIOEB. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH & OHESTNUT STREETS. BM-lStlf A NOTHER OPPORTUNITY WILL BE A offered to the public TO-NIGHT, at the AR H STREET THEATRE, of.seeing the “AMERICAN GOU&IN,” and also one of the most amusing after* pieces. it# or music.— . - THE BUNGE FESTIVAL.' _ A PABEWELL CONCERT to Mr. GUSTAVUB BUNGE, prior to hi. departure for Europe, - will b« gtren at the AOADEMY OP MUSIC on .. o , TIIUBBDAY EVENING, December 21, *> So’clock. Door, open at T o’clock. Pmy °/ nt “ a *' h i to he hafi at the principal ,oa th< ‘ ,Teatas of PBOGBAMJiB. 1 n _ a . PABT MendelMolm-BArtlxsldr 2 S! Btpa .» wwlw leadership of Oar 1 Sent*. 2 ‘ wSh^S^ 8 « DM WaldTageleln»..mu Scheller. Satolr? 1 U ° obligato weompinlßMnt/ by J. B. 8. Symphony No. 2..*..,, .a. Allegro con brio. b. L&rgtretto. e. Bcherio. d. Pinale Allegro molte. Poll O'chestra 1. Orerturt — 11 Zauberflote’ ’ (Mag'o Plate)....Mos&rt Fall Orchestra 2. Chora*—'‘‘Die Kapelie * (The Chapel).... Kreatter. German Auocisted Bmglog Societies, led by J. Flammer. • 8. Plano Bole ....Ctrl Wolfwbo. 4 Genn«n Song... MUi Soheiler. 6. Grand March; from the Opera of •* The Pr0phet1*.............. phet 1 *.............. ..................Meyerbeer. „ Fall Orohestra 6. Ohorns—.« farewell”.... Barthold?. German Asßooiated Staging Societies and Orches tra. del*2t IMBS. D. P. BOWERS’® WALNUT-StfT Bte»Bt« THaA ™’ of NH,TB “* WAIHTJT THIS (Tlmndij) HVEHINO. Daerabm 2,18J8,, HIB LAST LIOB. O’Oallaghtn John Dtow. TEBBENOB O’COaNOB. r«»Hf» O’Ooonor... j olm Dnw THE OMNIBTJB. Pat Rooney j.%,- . admisaion—Second T?er ma uu,’ and Third Tier, 26 eentaj Parqust, 07 « oeott, Drees Circle, 60 centsj Prlrate Boxes, according to th*t» locale, 08 and |6j Single Beats in dreheetre and Prirate Boxes, 76 cents. Doors open at half past 0 o’clock: Ottrtain rises at T o’clock WfHEATLEY & OLABK£*» ABOB-STa -7 * TJUATUU-WlllbaS. fxeddrlokf.'AeHiig oa Bt*«e Maoseer THIS EVENING, December a, ISM, OUS AMKBIOAN CBUSltf. • ,Aw Treueh&rd, our American Cousin, Mr. J. 8 Olark; Lord Dundreary, Mr Wheatley. CHARLES 11. CaptainCopp, Mr. Gilbert; Mary Copp,Mr*. Draw. Admission, 26 eta.'-Secured Beat* lo Drw»Uir«i«' 4,* eta; Orchestra3tails, 6o cts; Best* io Private Basis, 7l eti j Gallery, 18 «t§ j Gallery tor Oolored P*reonevBs etai Private Box in Gallery for Oolored Persons, SB ets{ Whole Private Box, $B. - t 1 Boors open at half past 6 o’clock; T, precisely * National circus, walnut st.j above EIGHTH—LBWIB B LSNf. 51ana**r. TBJB (Thursday) bVEtilt>Q Dumber S 1858. THIS CONBAD BHOTHEBB. ‘ ' KQUBiTRIAN VttATB. THE BTATUE BBIDS, To oonolndo with the Speotecle of - DOa JUAN. BCALB 0? VBIOBB. Dress CircleandParqaette.... •■••••••40 oexits. Children under ten years of age.••••,.,,. ..,80 l * Faoilj Circle.. .♦,•♦.30 •< Do.ra open at quarter to 7 o’clock. Perftnnaoeea will commence at 7, an* terminate at 10jf. precisely. UJ~ Performances on Wednesiajr and Saturday Af ternoons. . , cjhaksfeabe concert saloon; aorthwesv comer of SIXTH and CBEfirMJT Streets Entrant* on Kith street The above establishment, having been effeetu lty re~ novated In every particular. newly papered, painted, ornamented and beautified, is now 'open to the pnbl>e, and will recommend itself to all gentlemen fond of the popular amusements of the present day It's the in tention of the managers to establ ah a high-toned place of entertainment, and to which gentlemen may resort, either day or evening, for refreshments. 4c. The manager, Ur. J. H. ROBINSON, is well knows throughout the Union as a finished Comedian, a supe rior Comic Vocalist, and admirab a delineator of tha Burlesque,' under whose superior judgment the Com pany has been selected. The lessee !e Ur. ANDREW SCOTT, for a long series of y-ars associated with the press and printing business in this eity. ... They both expect numerous calls from their old' friends, and the public generally. The Company will be composed of the following pop ular favorites, and new Importations of beauty and talent; Mlbb CAROLINE DUBUQUE, Mi U AURALINS GILLOHBIBT. Miss LAURA. LB OLAIR. LAJOLXJB AD*LBj_ The Magnificent Petite Drome, Ur. W- BLOOMER, Hr. B- BBEPPABD. Mr. J. BOBBON, TheUnequalled English Eoeentriclty, Mr.J.H ROBINSON, . - HEBR TOUBT, tad ether#. Professor THIODON. ..Musical Director. The Saloon will be open during the day, f Bhß OP OHARQE. In the Evening, the price of admiißlon wilt be TJjN CENTS . r The management, relying upon the character of the Eerformascea, the excellent appointments of the eeta lishment, their determination to eater in a popvtor manner to the tastes of a judicious public, respectfully' inriteaTirit. - - . * . . The entertainment of the evening trill coxaraenoe At 7.45: terminating at 11 o’cUck. NOTICE .—Gentlemen mil observe an Intermlfslon of three minutes between each act, during which they will please make their eallsfor refreshments no2T*6t Assembly buildings, tenth and CHESTNUT Streets. Immense attraction. New Novelties, Ghasgeof Programme each' Exhibition. The LXARHJS2) CA NARY BIBOS and BPIRIT RAPPING. Go and sea SIGNOR BLITZ. The great Yentriloq,nifltand wonderful Magician. Performance every Evening during. the week,-. ad half-past? o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoon* at 8. Admission. 35 cents; Children, 18 oenta. n^2A-lm» IfUSIOAL FUND HALL.—THE GEE* J.VJL MANIA ORCHESTRA will commence their Publio REHEARSALS on SATURDAY next.- Nov, 20th. Single Tickets 25 cents; a package or eight tickets for SL, which may be obtained at Andre's, I>o4 Chestnut street; Beck A Lawton’s, corner of rerahih and Chestnut, and at ihe door of the Hall. The per* romance commences at 3)4 o'clock P.M. nol7*lf STANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, adjoining the Penniylran!#" Railroad Depot. GREAT BILL For the patrons of BANFOBD’B OPERA HOUSE. THIS EVENING, Will be presented Sanford’s true version of UNCLE TOM’S CABIN. The largest Company of MINBTRELB IN THE WORLD. EVERY EVENING New Songs, Glees, Choruses. Refrains, Ac., with Danebig by the SANFORD CHILDREN . Admission 26 cents; Children ' ID" On Thanksgiving D*y THREE Performances, vis: 10)4,2)4, end 7* o’clock In the evening nol-lnx* 3)uuraivce Ccmjmniea. Great western insurance and TRU3T COMPANY. OFFIOK IN COMPANY’S BUILDING. 403 WALNUT S’RRKF STATEMENT OP RUdI~E34 BOR YBAB SHDUffc OCTOBER 31, 1855 .sl*3 600 CO 61.453 OS $376 «6S 03 Received for Premiums 01 5 6 45 “ « luteres:, Rents, ftc 7 826 10 S9?BCON Paid Losses Expense Conemls elon*, re Batura ed Premiums. i 0..-......... $70,688 00 Al-SS7B. Real Estate, Bonds tied Mort gage sin si'- oo gto k» 47 DIS 00 Bills HeceivobJe 6«.g&6 58 Unsettl-d Premiums and other di-b s dae Company.. 17,823 02 Cash ou hand, and in the hands of Agents 8,389 98 srs m os At a meeting of the Stockholders, convened on the 16th la«t, th- fallowing persons were elected DIBSC TORS for the ensuiog year, >is: OHABLE3 0 LATHBOP. 1423 Walnut street. ALEX WBILLDIN, •> erchint. 18 N. Front Street. Wil DARLIbG. 1888 Pine street. 18aaO HAZLEBUBBT. Solictor. JOHN 0. HUNTER. firm of Wright. Hunter, ft.Oo. Jfi. TRAOEj Arm of E. Traoy ft 00., Goldsmith's Hall. JOHN R. MoOURDY, firm of Jones, White, ft Mo* Ourdy. THOri. L. GILLESPIE, firm of GUleipte ft Zeller. JAB. B. BMI , ’H firm of J B Smita ft Oo JOHN R. VOGDLS, cor Bevemh and S&oiomsts. DANIEL L. COLLIER, firm of 0. H Grant ft Co. THOMAS POTTER. 929 Arch street OBABLBS HAhLAN, cor. Walnnt and Sixth streets. JONATHAN J, SLOCUM 16 - S Fourth street At a subsequent meeting of the Board CHARLES CL LATH BOP was unanimously re-elected Preside at, And Hon. WM. DARLING Vice President. JAMES WRIGHT. Secretary. This Company has DIBCON TINUBD MARINE HULL RISKS. FIRE, INLAND, and MARINE CARGO RISKS ootu tlnue to he taken on theloweit terms. n2T*dfc Wtf HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL—THE GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Chemist. Bottles 12#, 26 and 60 cents. - ...... THE GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL SCIENCE! M HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL should he kept In all families, in ease of accidents or sudden sickness. HARTSHORNS’S CURB-ALL cures Rheumatism. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Cramps, Cholic, . Pains in the Stomach or Bowels. HARTSHORNE’S OURB-ALL oures Pains In th* Limbs, SHe. Back and Breast. _ HARTBHORNE’S CURE-ALL oures Sprains, Bruises, °HAMBHORNE S S CURE-ALL cures Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness in the Joints. HARTSHORNE’S OURE-ALL cures Cholera, Diar rhoea and all Pain HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL oures Bar Ache and Deafness from a cold. HARTSHOBNE’S CURE-ALL cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion ; also,' O&nkor and Sora.Mouth and Sore Throat. * HARTSHORtyE’S OURE-ALL oures all Spinal Affec tions and Weakness In Limbs. HARTSHORNE’S OURE-ALL Is a great tonic to Weak Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digestion. ffT* As the frequent changes of tne weather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs and Body; also, Stiff Neck—every person should get a bottle. It acts upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinew*, Blood ana Bones: and, by Its warming electro-magnetio e *‘ pels all pain from the system. Go* a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at its happyeffects. N. B. If you have a Oeogh, use HARTdHORNE 3 Pectoral Syrap of Wild Cherry, it il i * t^ 0 b t ! Bt . I S°J I sh Vyon RTTVrnTTH PILLS They act upon the Liver, Btomach Boxes, 26 ceni Jj 0 25 EIGHTH Street, Botween Market and Chestnut Btreet*. Simes’ Stores, Chestnut and Market streets. Oftrritrues’, Tenth and Coates streets. Wagner’s. Tenth and Lombard sts. anlß-th stndfcf If 1002 ISAAC P- BEAN IN, LIGHT COACH ft CARRIAGE BUILDER, FRANKFORD. PA. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Orders re** pectfnlly solicited. nolQ-8»* £jAKKLfI.(iES. WM. D. ROGERS, COACH AND OIG-HT-CARRIABB BUXLDBB 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET,. PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from sll pMt» of the world executed with promptaeu, end MtUfeettoa jßK»att«4, i wW-Smlt ,BaethoTes. QYMH4STIO f&lTB. iUcinrinal. Carriasea.
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