ling.. , - • vr a 'r.:Tat 6 • ft \ m ikoli t ityffitki,firk ago . that the fable gong ad astiglitiii,"AtOial.ol4iiiiipti3ifir the ; lif , to their dirtiest depths' 'O l 4 - • kidO'fi aayeiter a,,distingbished , Afrioan T h Poild; eater -40 A . n rg h ' , dt‘9laP: paintede holiliiiKforthelita , pulpit stage, oreked"fh P:fl df k jifb v °,lol, A tt i t tweet). two venerable esti, was oroweed ) witk,ilie colored 'heralds orilkalidligelielonging to "de Dieriedist 'PlsoopaLohurolt.'4 1t t t ihrirotuia it fay-`ir - , ilafknessz•wkielt - like, - that ' of Egyp t,, ' betn, fta'prt add/nano' at, emelt. or e opening prayer y a y,epera. preartherjttponorlassr.blicir. sconce the whit ,lilYVpatot r,4o4;liefir, L AlStVa'Yriiiiig r 4tig; letie , negrivarith. , face , shifiCniCliked pohahod ebiny, and theorisp j short burr of thewool o nly to be • eeeii ' ltile ' 4. l 4 *G o ll iti ' ll4 l ;44# l4 ,l t ' & the:prdpit'deskl , evidentlyteltAhitt h,e rame ' gone '''l l / 1 4 is 4 ll6'` r ioblied Ova:, thattAttaky maee l , nov .abilebek 4P; ;Alt : rip lenee at t his pprenoe. - The sable 'Ohre " 814m -it ' iii4 l;4° P o ied bl i: o4 * ll46ll # 94loi, sortottint andietrong , thiengit ivory gatewayof • the whliese*th:thiCetetepeeed for.f the (143,Mig: ,, 81Q/113t1f14*4)1Z4I'li:r , r l l Viad dinar kaid straw be fouhdt in de sixth verse of dt prince's.' —ln a most glotting ertiri v litlmi s he plalited the nitelminMilhowordiminces eslfa'vlig refereume iido n )profige prinece of die world; f or ," sa id he, :-..'"dote are but_twe kinds of great 460.W.,;0 1 9Y, , ,i1i01i — det are 'Moritiedia—lttily prinete , and prefeoP •'Prio , l4 B . 4 , .laltL' briadderili dor world; plat ~ ne,bber put its trust-. Why "f Bilosilke„diAr.l l (aXi ' illivO,beoor l 4,leorrupted, on de yearthZ.intd..ldey heti no' faith. f Dere win Eatiaital,,Ona of do, giiniebeginerabrandlirinoce datebei libbedinat tide of ntnoilaild a ' 6l Prod pusseti , at , tiat. Why, 'lime told-he understood! - den nn' dat ebbei' Jibbed before or sinoe. Nana dat man. He lqed"at de,y, l shook drir frounant z hien, and hg dnd his soldiers , walk :right' obeVem easy as nuffin. BaCtieboVVitlldPiit;aiiiiiith,iit Min . ; ,lierelMaigd, ehl'Miyhody as seen as .6 got aiao'oei when dalndignint Oarthaffeillanirigat a muss.round his home, .I),a i tnok •lodlutef la blit,dlspair. den whore was all, his glory, when de Lord:drink. hem , s down ? Oh,' my" „brad dere was no whar. And dere vras Julius Oreser . after whom I'Me sorry to say so, many niggers lave- been nailed, ono of as 4nitoat. br He dtatainp ofwhose•feat - maks 40=104 yeartli to sti ' hbt4 lJWlt i f uglit , b,o o .os ,i,fri:and of, de - PeoPletidA El4CiOlailz.+o , uftliEr,e/41. 8 1 1 0 4 ) . He was ' - perlidenti+ 4 atheist witliout de heert,' as one oftlie c ,l44leatilltiliqThiilltitP , vAna HMV' did its ,T.da eral t dakawful, gro,an , ,ditk went up' frqm de foot'of+Parnpay'i statue anima dit'cinaikion,*lialitn'tiqial r aadrnita,qiqy ae d 3 sweet swan of itoOrteings;. - • 4 - Oweer , e, blool ITP to don:elbow : m. s " 41 4nd/den, coming down to dello Mere modern tikes, dere was C+ineral - Taylor, dai Amen oarrprinakdat'gr!int hero - , wbo wade rotate deep in b100d.,,0n grenician A, 1 1(110%/dii , msait disorntai)f war de President of , die great 'nits tiorOlinabiatteart'syrell and ;11t1 klabooginliesiat;,ilen,lie saiii nOt_ 0 - 0 3# great 13 v alylentl dat' I havebullded ?'" Ow,- any ' bruddern' t oonjii da'peaphi 644 ? appinted cippliettiits fir office, tO tiflovi an reed Ebert tang,, and gi.6 , eos rad' ling, answer dat,pregnaniiitestion , • fiokifia 4,10, - XfOrd, serve him ? In all his pride ofplaoe,rowerfrillis die here oak - dat strata. itsliaionv and spreads its leafy pride' above entr,hiteds, die Man, dat Santa Anna oouldti:t kril l was killed by de contemptible instrument of'too • much cherries and 'milk. David kill de great, golly. giant Goliath mid do shnple atone ,froni de leithern sling of,de 'illy David, and dekativ kill din ers! Taylor by .a commons bellyache, fo# taopit g h eaten of cher ries and tailk.".-- , . _ _ _ „ , ~, The - Sabine's.. Perilt=Grfitihle - ; DeseriV „, ~...- tlen,,o,c.:the.tormc ~, ..,.., • ,!e+.l,;.t •, , .1, I , • Brßina t b t Tuesday .11 - -"- . A'18,c1.4 - = - ' - Yoq'wlil lear'n cd. kir Jnigdiai*fara you raieive - this lite,er - ..-'49a - Were iiiknigtila 4 andAvredayelnii .03 , 6161ii1y Of,. bliatlifir linitionne;,initYlailifi It ; ',,,- 0 I !the' tYptioonlif ihe'lndiaii ' Ocean i'Lave-, ` the y ! only,blowiedtkvielencie ferfrent *reales ]in ure;; l 4 and ours only, idnitid , AtChours it One._ if 'andi three at'another:'..daririg, one - ,hutiaVnd‘ wiltV 1 fortY!, hours f The forirasirnt erg:44l4*c' ' strit - tpone end. twen ty-stahours re:4l;l6W yo andaro 1 . woro blown on our by the' fordo of the; ' idgbes b poitii , d , Oriruei ffiefore , andli 4 haltleatirs,l ' - during which - Wiled flew,seialrhat:tongV - stertit; etay-lifilibitirted inejr,?initbeth Miter- Oa/ and: oneltiehlimnitokriallskliket.genWallis : Of, ti“.'brial)l 'Varied Id .tbe water. i.-,You may tioneelve tlieptiWeri ' "... of the blest'whioh could holdlthos in.: the , :water; • (huller a table-cloth and twii_naplthis for -all 5a.,141 . . 7 .,....kb;AC....+4 .2:U1i5.4.1.150 Ap..41--r--- - r-If o -Afitt,:nt . pS r per,B.l•l4)l4o434,ollp, 91,:y!omiiriii , ~4 d rawlegt.wentyttlube reet,:andavlottbwellt.V A O4 l , . feet,'froidbilr:li(ii9V,X tha ;: .litnniffocit.raili,:o t ofl *Ater t - •`-; - --:,:; ,- --,:t.. ,, ... - -ii'.1';' , . - ...; - 4.1' , .._; , :i--.;.1 :_stir.: - ! tii ' . :- I ' ' .; ' "f ha th e 'iiefibioLapiel,6n/ZtittepArourportivl,l 'andytt needed ';-nervfriooirineiti, and '-. . -• ,' , i r graaVrar dleal , skill,ti-rigOnthe:gon,deoleiaiirol , illter(likes l that - eanycOniterVie#2. , oonhodi# s ,eabin,l , iitktatilegi*kidf 4 c4lticir tiilP by..; The, o to-- -• -xedire.'iks'ea - ;Ae , i fatlerdeohl'dnring - the; -.-.. worst:fear ' anri. -, jaaptain;Adaml-44.994‘t !be; manoeuvres,'and the;oToerttexeented every order ! with the.,oaltaness.of.a.religipus,oerein'onyi, - The; barometer, had. llen Trom.f 80,16 16 , 21;i.540 aril , wouldknot rise.• -The. starboard; -boatii.'2were• loin '. lavitly,'and'oskatedaftts;;*irlifiletefirsliditri',briak,; : Virzi' latil,tlitipaltthe. : Incitingtit,WfiVint;.. - .l9ei • chipped - a see ire one. boiri itlitate . Pub,thrreoetil men, ntojtosnital jfit-li „free tares, which itire",,thej ' -- beart'oneof,fhteibiretopmastrniyeail-.-a sputa tri-, , , ;initialer"; itornveeilplngt:nay.betweiriqha foiefor, and "this'beiiafirlO-iehieb 'lli - thine& ileyrn'.like, ai, .-'-', -, Web.bandbox restrong-oakinvohest on Ltheiforecasi • - -, :',,tle, 'andaiarrled - frOnt - the foremast aft tho nils- , son..mast our - artilini-stonpeiAlreh,)„,weigldng ono' -• -' ' hiiiihred - fnia'fOrty'Poride.:-. Thottitelee.were nit, ,-; ~'. b4tened , dolvn . - - wl Olt .lertuintirWaad "jabs naiiedi aotund,the edges : . , - - Now optiefily,e the's ip ikt • pestiqm 14 ,11 A. ' '' AL . ,: Monday,. (26th,) afte r,hree!and „teltalf, days, " 4.0 f ‘horriotine, therrlnd howling like.ten thousand; - -dbicordant .deinons; withontin.• eapfltonastat; the! ...- .' watei frothing anti hissing - Minna as like,tl f e. rt. ',Jrninediately beneath ; Niagara Malik thriAlfe 'at! -an anglit'et 46° . , hithiheit inittene'driloW4ilicis at) s out, tons of water rushing through the closed' Ili -*Witt Wary frireliclatul .Ithen'imeginefanitiMere - AthiollYt entering .; the: commodores trabln - rirbeat 1i :mas'-ohatthigi with; him; ...and f. touching , his; hat,, - - ,roakfakthi, following oblervadon;. ~ flonftnodore, q‘Pliiii - Ildtiiii desired Me - to, tell yOu that the: - - 'N'iliii i hitt perked sleosS'ins;: Mi tthird:rinirn ;Wad .-,- - tlitiY`aie.tryhig. to ` tight tt.i'- - „The next ,moment,`; ...:_thump, theinp,- thutip,lbe - inddlii, meekest', and, we at the mew of the water - mountains . , - Fortai .- ciastelyiPtho.apanker'hal: boon' Whoa 'to7 the ',lee • . --- mlieen rigging—tied inch by-inalite.-the last& of ; -:-' ,}theehieude;whiote-kipblierheadtoithe.wind a ant bueetlielratigtf of the sea: --". - ~ : ' :-. ,',,-, '' 'i , ,'A...wooden;looust, tiller 'was fret:,. - got; up, - - __lmannekinjefe'.lieure..',Thtinirthnnty, thump, like, hobommader in 'i Doti Juant'!.,.•.l3Ome, puff • - - knew of an iron 't frealamdder-',' down below. It: •• Was found;;Weighing nine. hundred' Vounde, and. .. tnbant twelve feet , long: , To get IV up" from -, the 'hold; toblap It in the ?adder bead, , tfielg taoklese crettof-tookles,,pnrohasek by ,whiolt, 'lt-might' be , - „UAW - dewa ancetill, kepi lo thebYo' Of the rod-. • ~,devo waa 5- the....,wqr,k ' , of some; Awe!, hours; J,whloh ; l'a 4 filna;Aniniltilae tit' ,- .li , Irak ill raliatja fina'a verY:iitititraliespoiteabowttneSs .3116,,00nnounaN .• '-, ,:dfiteritY of.these seitormonlwltit-ropeti whic h : - ',.%',llt.theit handrqbeeante afroanyf berooonstrielois in -- . 4 'grafip - Ltind• flexibility; oe with' thif tilley -levers to „-•--., Afftlhe earth. ::;IV,hen'all!the ikil fe nd ;' that einuninuriattehoolneas and'undatin dt:iself;rellenee ' are einployedi•sitaltir and witly•-tbv Vgaittletif A -;4 9 / 4 1 / 1 40 kealfriti:put..otl/4v,Y,Sones!_lookeri yeuraddmiration becomes enthnslastlopqt,,f: - ,..-A i The teraniotioreland7Oftleees never displayed ej - - lam or a wrinkle of alarta."...„Rot Aveliniusfiwhtl t d .0116. lay ,uponl.hor , ,,Witfialftliptight-'khe intuit go — .but tutted _in-theie.enette 'Sad ,pf.Aatai.4l9e.a - -as ' there Wilrib:ni,‘datfgof.,-,4 , ..1i,44' tfoidatielltirsia.; home of suspensilit all. • I Was hrseed*iferthe first; ' blit!NyhelV after :a doesivlng. lull ' of three „ „. l hourspit name, On to blow . stronger ,-. I rather lost my temper a, c ' .: .. 4 . , 4 , 1 h...... - - , . - -.-;, - ',. ''-'1:. -='..."' 4, I • - -.- -In - the- iadawettdondij , rilght = ,:l..6o A. m. ' '' ' :.i th°, 4 l/19 - tritii; the fang; the. dinnt and flf - ' . o hitab4 -, artite.ti;4t but': - four ofthe 9rtir,"l9 I • ,g - tem4nee *eta in the] g planes. •, j'hO.Aia.,etiolijle'wo • IllttiotrandllmiliClfiOliool`•entingulsimdr-, - ,Thla _ • - alarm onlY-diftturlflnkine,by wahlug'4l) of the first sloop I had had for sixty honia.. I L' was not court , -- Piffittlelb - tbicdietitliy, tit`tlitilrekinitiddfirT lint there wore pletitYbitt briiiid whom it bifTherflor ' ' • Oath° third quarter of thesixth day thefgale ' --. abated; with- heayyJalivaquenei i The barometer .. -- crept ap Warmed 4129.08 ; the tiller-ropes of the :41silfsellvtitiolcal 3 down through the deoltUtbd lend `;---"' make-shift; , the lashings were loosened whloit,h •,, kept It jarnMed, hard,,down-fos-, Oc-anany paint bourn; and , wedieeF, 16nebsoatrot- relief an thankfulness for 'a more - mireofflone wasp.. oft 64 --:" i , souls Omni eier_sawireoorded - , - - gmthe same spot, ' . - 44-, , in 1782, the - ii i mmoh 406 C -foundered in a simile ' .„ - the':gale - :( 4 lnlifi N'llle ile"l'arit, , l2o gas, wen . , -- . down withal). bands. r,q ' ' - - --. ip.P1.01. - neakdzsza4aryoy-w4madsla.74PomuOtike Orliftee Amer/4:l'la the, 'atilft ' reported - .-,-..; ,damaged to proomod ( Jrith iirety on her voyage . .-- The'rudder nevet_wonld have- etotatfuxdbengale , wi.hild - four --il handred,aud,ten, apemen and Miller on beard; and, vitt alt. thiCpreniies.s of nautical. ..aturettattatiggertite if, thel4<was.not 4. soul whiholtfin.ilmOnp .e.' hurricane , and partia. t or e tit ._. larixano . of„auch long .dttraffon. • All its '- feature; - . , offered thorough denfithilitleil cir fbii`law of olroulok storms. During the two hale I.merdioned We had . - the honoi of being, In ' the 're eittiii 'ef , this dtivlre - ''' 'waits ; and,-as we , Sunned' from one ring ., and eanie out filetthit'idbor, ' lt 'took us ,a , groine, aq. ,O..runritt , . I think it . will horny - last German.= Nsta.rottrAkefr. 'Pit 3::`5.!7:'; , , , g1i , , .1' '-'.'"--', • I . f ' 7454 f 41 ?# 4 : - , „ tAitPEAY2WW,4IOO:i• WV • • - -7?-77 ' 7' C -- .-I °littitATliTj#AKl! j . ...,. , .„,. o,sB,..nymtttip , '-' .' ''' 1"-'' ' '' k.1.V1 irri/tAIIO ,T V3 , '-,.. :.,,,, ,:t;i4., heal : = y73-144,5<ci ~,,-,4 4 , 14,*,444. - ,74. .t, ... ° , -- ,,`t - i ai vi o f ' ' 1 ; - ' t-^ '•01*U1-' , 1;1141 6 # - 9- T-.- 1.4- 4 ,-,,, -- rbuyekt w.A.1.6,...., ampe , .i.• ,, Lt.,5. ,, ..i-i‘4, , ,5 , ;:=_.. , ;,, , .., ; . i .,,-„, .. „,,., 44;r1t - t, — , . 15Fot ,:, _..t.r. bit 4 ...,;,. .r - t _'d - 44'''' '---..1b61471,481/041 •41,70. ' :,'..1`:•749,1#P1 *Atv -Ire :-4.7,--14,4' ' , lts. , ' f';''O* Scletalt,,WAOPlV ,,`Erilli,:"Al,.g 1,-....--. ' •-.?,--„.4.--- ett tett :*--11hVilt4;'- 14"4 tot 11.4. # 41 . 4 ,4 1 6.2117rattl , „ N. WI r omit, La r is grWTARTN. -Plet- 7 77 , p9IT . _ ~.., ~x_~ . ~C( :L^.ty era, <•t,x c~` _._ ~.~x';. ....;:r `~~_.',... ~:1~'S?i^::s"✓".r ~zf..F,~, Y au' ~_ v r;xve, 1:.!!,[1. 1 .04 O i lles t !bk4 ll ;tiolt .! 1),V4, $74140. AO, „ "a../U? Gil /0 scam. !rotrall,B;RuzaT7 , =NI ,- - 1 ,-, o lifi e cilistted. at Lint 69 .1 1 40 5 :":--.2001 - trpOs , SAI;A "privATs'• oaz UTAK 1143:144,r,—Tf i e extopoy. kind yeti save. nor,ppr sat o.tpek r 1,1 1 4 Totiptc Orstz,:geri will morajme Dgfti3itianliitlif " -" ----- 1131 AV Et3TATJOTBTOOPLP . f;. 440118 t gala's atlthi*Phllltdelphla - ixhhange muri rueoduL , 3sToinnt,..u..;.ll .43 tolditiot% t s <.%s db b i l i lfge . 1511th : nuS-2:Bl 4 42:7l t r e giotui la to each We one thonsoud eatalogues In pamphlet form, k i,d,, x ltoptenripttpus of itarthl mooprpf, to be 'sold ou iht•faibitiftelsuaidor.:'<'• • .1, ') s ,- 7, rip; EILIMEI-41Totaa Atm ESTAiN t i ptiteteitnth soe., spoi, trorp:oir, Twentieth MI Bale,ith Decetitber a 6 the IgicittOgi. s Torentk:llrat rat Bale, 14th 'Decembar t at the .Ix _ ' the anyer WWI nor' i l quilir - a' t "F'..:: . . - .1,111:i S. Y/..) .:"- • . ‘"i''.. s- ':.- ~ ' - , , l'E-i - , !'`` - ::iiktiiTz smasseviiiit,:'' !'' ' "•-'- l i ' ,t,',VAlkti"lptztltre4) on oo: rAly#so liiiiti;; • I' s . 0 " 4 .41 12 110 ° , WMWhen: itl,,el4 . PnbDe SO a' - - 10.f.:W ' 01-a„Xianl°.sl.44lllPV,liteekiri?' !!if . re &argil.. ~, ' " '' -..ata&14:181441 tt" PitiliTigilli: ":'' ' Oro: wohlie)ilusi siaoptit-o lidil,Bitite ii Trl-• inite, s *&,;,,lnattidltilL'irfery_leiotlption :Of bay ;ma selon ' t4"froorty.:iftutif , elletil,titay be w at tko' W O o ,.. ll l;AliDDltdDriittLlol4, - p rplf 3TOOHB, -T-,•. -"-AND.LEANS:.''-'--• i . , - On Tuesday Evening, • '''t I - Niiiesiibir 80th, at "I, cecina, at the PhOodeleble*l 'obinkel:- ' ''' - • - ~:- .-.4 _ _,.,'. ' • ' ; 'tote Pip'.' .18' to . 648 Inchselfei",eelitleVq, 4,60 Diet,: iPteodlandS - Oeinetery. .z - ... " '''' '`" -' '., ' 2 - shiree itroh-street Theatre steek . ,pith ttoket.w " 1 1 share Irermenla Peered *tulle poclety {organ loan). 1 trio amel.bitive: ,-- : ... -_ ,k,L.' t qEstate - of - Tohn 8Ulle; Deceased. - - ".. -.. ~. Pew N0. , 7i middle alele, Tenth Presbyterian Olinrob, Dr Boardman. Parrirri - 121cuilddleniele.8t:'Andrew , e Church. -, Peroniptory Bale NO' '92, Middle:stale. Church of ;Abe Atonement,. acoolui from front. with furniture, aridallfreight-persona:.d •";• 1 , thharaldercantile Library Company. , lobar+, rbiladelphia - Athenmum. sPaiilierkg ;iniddlA, &falai St: Luke's Church'. • ,A &attires Union Stab:Me/1u Company, • 2 shares Thlbigalphia and - tlavannahiliteim'kfariga , , tionticenpany.-par.s6oo, - 14 Bharat (nter) , SVekt , Ohniter „Railroad SNOMpany 8 percents preferred stoak—par 100. - • , • :811ahares Northumberland Coal Oompant.o 10 shares - Weld Philadelphia Railroad—PO paid. de, °doo.::'>do...c do 0 836 paid. 1 6 abates American Academy or Musk., with, cocoon ticket.- , - V 1: NE:rI4FATII. ?Air ,04LE—NOITEMBVilt Nth. ; „ inollage , ::-7 . , O bane' riouir fiale—fatate of Abbe Trace. IOC& ~' LOT”- AND -DWELLINGS,. ,North aide. of Spate street: Rant - of TwentPeeeond street. Peremptory Elale.-1411(121 AND VALUAIILD LOT 'OP ; PlLOVND;',l9o(...reet,nn. Trintieth attest; 125, (eat:oilAamiltori atr9,:et,l2p feet on ',s , mmix , lvanta wee: - nue, three Mute: " ' ' '• ' Peremptory- Bale.—PIVR _ THIIRR-BTORY BRICK DWRl74l,;?Nfißfteenttil .street, ',betireen, .11.1iodfoa atre — et, "-, , qoar - B,RION.`IOSIZINIE'DiviIs street, ellittthlereroralist - 'Thirteenth' atreot ? ,Twentieth nerthirdat" cot; ner of Thirteenth And Arah" itoktel; nabbed with mo darn improvlments sod convenienoes;and' 'nerfoot orderjlet,'2s feethr'4B ‘ feat. Ery Immediate poiniee • . . Vu.A,t-MODDR4,DWILLING —Your.storw brink Awaking, No.loo aoutli y 'IMMO; Mate poreetaion. , , •-- VALUABLE BITBINRBB' STAND, WARM' ST.— fOurVatorybilok 927" WALT= atraatZaixiid Third iti6etl• -hrben•atooeoBlei.buildins. 5 7fANDSOUR6 - R.RSIDSNOB,. southeast ~ , 0 0nzer, , or -Dighteauth•and R&M striate. , • , , • 111:1861ESS STAND ..— Three - story brick store: api dwjbllOgjgfiglitat , OUr street; trrtb t of Soph street: Two:thrift:4'l4o •: , Lrlot Oval. iifig.moa3Bl.B.led : : • irloft;gioat.: , l J` , "'• IGEFUT:VERBR JUtf. IytDWAILINiaIf, Pratt•streot, want of `• -, POUR ;.L'AitG . :UN , LOTS OP -GROUNDreoidltraldeßif • eat Aztendiog 'tth•O' tigk!ta Ip4a; 290 %foot front by-214% feet•deep. • , • ••# 0 13T.419,11T ct•Thrlpl , stoiy brieftsidli4 528 ,1 0hrialiiii , strel3kitpatweeli giftle_taiNT miztiota • • - .l* • LARGR-LOr OP GROUND; Northweat aldwo low, street: , 00rtbeast of Larrleon atroati Pronkford; Twenty'-third ward.: • , - =NM v Iy ti IanrII,RALLFOALP-IREOHBOaft 7th . . . Perethoo7-Bide =WALNUT, STIIIIIIT —Two hatid- Oome4wooderntreeldenete, Noe: 1020 and•lo3l Welent etreet;betwenw Tenth and Eleveoth streets: 117" Im llle of Nov 1031. . ABlLikatOra'a4lo-.altitte of henry I-Ne'd. : •.) • 1-111381NT , 88 ATA ND.!--Tbreeetory,' „back; store.end No1:822 North Second street, between Ilrt.wa and Poplar etreete. o , B4lntastsfa: - . , ..TW04T0RY STABLE_ in the rear of aboreMo, 8208b.lohn - -"VERY VALII&BLE PARK AND MILL PROPERTY, Vier 03 itereepwllh Mellor &dam assts, tippoelte the tone-mile atone on the Lancaster turnpike, West Phila. delpbtiP. 'tirrlalthographle piste: hut et the theauteonetere... „:. , nr, ; Peremptoty Sale.—TWO sldif titßiventh' attest, north of Volans° West, to gether 40 brine feet. . - 7 • VINE STRREr f ,REAR -LOGAN' SQUAB S . Nea 'sancta's three stars.-brisk dwell's*, with bank buildings, and all. modern convenieneOs AO; •7.161.0 Von street, weat'utitifteenth•*treetv. frjl'lnimedlate poiseselon. 'Kees at No - 1020 State 'trees; In the rear.- • - • "1-.VALUAILLI9 ,;RA.RId.• AND,,,OOIIRTIOY (BRAT, ,80 ACIIREIinn the RtverMitewarlis knows', ai one Vara:o.l6 najleikomPhlladiditds, ind 1 mile train Schenck's iltittion,,..on Abel khllndokidds And TropyT Railroad: - • Z; • --- 'VALI7.&III.II -. B . I7SININS 'STAND —Nialakble four.: etdry, Wick tiorthwegf, { ; din er :Arabi lind - Pewit . ..... _ P&UUFATRBET , 4TefnabIe residents; sonth tilde or ElprOde itslioti.rcestrtTwellth street,.:2l feet front µ2O 1 = ' WO TWO7AND4I.I4LP-STORY2BIIIOK DWELL.' -INGlitiiNo.l2l9 Mifflin ..otreetihetsieu Plop:and 'Lem.: bard: sod ebovelvelfth street, - • vann-wroar,Barait DicautaNG;!iro. Her.' lhoilyhfroet s 'l: eget- of,, Fourth street,' above Vetbtrine street with sctoootorylcsme dwelUng In the rear. ~, • ' ' 74(irmi, jairapiworrEk -..agptara,,pAppuli,.?)`. -.-T4IF Day,. ;. - & 4 ..,tioireniliii,2Bth XI , at , ooloolf, noon, lOC be eal a d n without reserie, at the Philadelphia r - 13oreipeizieentli of - the - sehboser Charles Parker. ll i She was built at Pihked -IttriirOrew Jersey, hi 1848.1 ller dimeruilons are as follows via : Length Id feet; ;braadths26 Oat itSP# I .3OM fP ' Ol . 17 . 3 11- 9 6 gietes-+ }Ante; 064 id' dtthe'tisie Of gIXTEttEIIVAIr.AND;VALt/ABLIO ITattleßY: e-Thtrildorolnu • • ; ,VOY.'2oth,lo:lo, l geleolt, - be, uold at,,the:atiettero, roornailouth Fourth etreet, , . withentroserve,, by order . Amaignee s &very largo and linkable private Ilbrary,f comprising many rare, =clone, and valuable works ha' every deparnurna o(Attoraturo,r , r. fix The sale will be oontinuot In the afternoon and evening,} „ ;`,r3y, ; •- ; IrrOat4i)g#Atill be rjuidy, and the books arranged ,tor ettanialktlim a *ark previone to' sale. • ' . Sale at No. l e2d Green Street. (lON:mgr.. =NURNITURE,—naussELB °maws; • On - Tuesday lifornmg, 133tk instant, at 10 &atonic, at No. 1828 Green street; the genteel fuinititie; Bruisels 'eargetei feather bade, &o • oleo, the kitchen furniture. lir May be ,oxamtned rat o'clock on the morning rriftlialyTr!!trrm ALM RETOR ' PREECE PLATE. MAN . TEL, PIER, AND CONTRA MIRRORS; ELEGANT GA.B ORANDELIKES - •'FINS ' TAPESTRY , OAR .' ‘Oz Wednesday Morning,, , ,if December let; 10 o , ollick;bicatalogne by order of executors; betsBpoilon flirnitute,Prench plate mantel; pier, and 'conies. Miners; elegant 'chandeliers andlaa tiaturoe. thiartapektry cirtisub snit of drawinprooni fur.: nitore covered with brimeonVneh, &o. pOrr'May be exenoined at 8 o'olocis on'the' morning of sale. Oalo at Hod.lateantlf/al'Oontn Vainliatroet.' MIPHRIOII.ITIANITIIItIk PIANO-PORTZ, PINM 1/11.14N01r 'IIIRIIOIIII, ‘l4ttiallll,B • OAR PMTS.,' Ad. '" • ` • • • • - - • On; Tharsaly Morning, 4 " ' • , At 9 .1 00100 i • tit , the Almon 'store, an • extentlY6 aasortaiseht nononC , band fturatttirisi elegant Plano-rortibi, Roo fatrior s o; taineta, -oto:, from private dealLilog blinsokoopoir, terOotott to the store tor taniyanterintot aMa. - ''.•' , Oata 14:15 , 24 - Walant Street'. . . PLE4TAPtT'IOA.OINIIP EIRNITURE--SpOOK OP • , t • GE0. , 7 lEENKELB. - s, On -.Tuseday fillondng, lledeniber B th, 10 - oroloolc, at the Warerooms, No, 6214 'atreetj% IT-eats : oooC thh'idoek ofi.elegant -ashinetArnitttre; comprialag a. general aallertmantof rosewood, walnut, end mahogany parlor, furniture, in rich arid sarlons, °oval:lnge p ,a, geoeral assOrtineat o diiiiiivroonartrimitrfre ; elegant•rosewood, walnut, and malsaganroliansber farnitara s - alt• manufactured byjltfri nenkels, rimpreerly for his werarooro Reis s , ,tod , minted in every respect. '" ' - i rfArnalatalognes el tbeaeady.threedays previ9tql. to noitYeadp-Torexitighattoli.‘ - - , doDAP,ITALIBTB, DIIILDNIID, Ica. —LA4I6II AND LDC Z ii VALDABLOT AT TRIVATntati , LOODSTI3t ; South - aide, between•Drond end Fifteenth atreeta t lll "feet front oq Doetuit shirt, by 178 feet in depth to pie feetitiey: • • - • „ _ siIICATRARSo': CABOTIONEER •aliditlilo4lll lAAN, 07/1(114,No. tollth sightdcioniteloir the Illishanga. oars or businewe l torn T. solo*, ,Wou lo o , elock4n,lhaevarking, 94:440r salmi end Wee at the Auction House, at, , 1 1 m.w 10 0 -8141 41VgIsnwei: " gnal,oo„, -if Obi r/wifes Thirty , Ao l Vi Ar nces Made from one dollar l bc thoneande oq=Blai woods, Oilier Watelia, 7ewelry,'Hanlwarelhier, ehandise,, (Nothing, Ttuniture, Bedding,Oigare, hinaleal lenitinricenterOnn; Horses, Clarriagaa, and 'of everydeeerlpidon, , • , A11 , 4 - atob can _runlet • my. length - or time agreed - AU avulses, from one handfed dollars and ApWardal will' be tharned 2 per lent., kerpontb ; $lOO sad= over ,the lowest market , ' • This Btore Eloise having a depth of 120 feet, bas large Ire and thiatlfrootainita tdatile allialuablea, and prfl ;Tater le,hielhmen fotAkkaatembilis; =also, a hem ,irwai rindsweated ref the bentilloralf potions having solidi advanced upon. " 1 B.—On account or having an unlimited capital, -Able Moe ii.MWpited to make advindeenn more sane faotory , and aimmumodating.terme tamp, other woof It Money advanced to thmim,,ln n emall aosoants, 704 at any „ haw. • . , . = Al_ raven" BALI. ' , • ".`ool.l , Tifeiii. User and-other Vatehee, aiWalry, sae Mothlna will be sold at vetlorelyelees. ally 'Oa - litiitidd'atii:' ' . oY .s rti TOYS! TO XS !—The otainpoit .TOYS, and beet 'iutioitroeut. Felting at lowect reduced rabbi. pAtt,ottrif to steeare the obVlmp orotee. TILLIIIIter„ No. 24 South BOUM% StrCat.t ttIOIOE GOOpS•for ttio lioLIDAys„. *lt -T & Q.II YLE'S • • ~ ', ,, ,rATio,t9inT, - 41ii3Df33.11PORIUM 1 - l ' = " x "ion 'w.:ir,Nur, ST:III'ST, • 7 - " 6 . 'ITC7;I 4 WA e , (l3,ntotr afarestrin) ,j , • , 4 , obteeti Ittirittoinntliaiiirtment of Goodieuited thaeoseineifOtif MtYa;oentotteing artioiee of tittitti, iteete,' telt &Militant; selectedtram the liteat ,Itnp,oAta. Wei ihtfitinaly feialeOlq *tit '..ilifii&gepfitolir c enaltooi every , roof , of -WiLd-C 114 0 11 5 , r, 40:1 1 tPli t ,g'i .t?;; t°g°th!lr with a Mode , -• • • • • r. i *1414*, Ig'filaj) • „., 3„ ":•= ,71 PORT llOLlOdfilfi#B , ll4l4oBo - &d. - , ' , With - a', large ,aesartment attile f utee,..Rpsy -floFeaf. reatreYrn °f `{p "elide iv elidninarleitti'artriramf° l t i 3l At" a 4rili g rouj e - po ,-,04,74 ho i 41N8 I "ANS I PANS l t"" 'Latest Atria lane, in Silk, thane, and true. po ) o;lokitliatii s salt IXpl 19/0 1 0. p9/9414 pa!:kif ME" ---- PRESS.—P ' ELPHIA' oalitizbi) e2uitidn:' BAINLEY; tiO., amity intel(ht2MV.UNizat7airimeitkvfi, AT 10 0 , 0L00.K. A OARD.—Theqsttention of :the trade, is requested to our 'fele of 400 lots. this (Friday) morning, November 26th, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on six mouths , credit, comprising a , geters' seorttnent or. fanoy and staple dry goods. NOTlO!..—To p Retallere. Xn side-this mOrning.44 ; ';" "': _f. ), 16012.4 colored centres :aria brocho Num shrill. 350 coloredoentreaFerle nod Tlenual;og ohawls. . 160 gala plaid'and all wool long shawls. 200 Whitney and Macsklnaw blankets. , ' 60 tine railway liPlibelkits blankets'. • • 80 natio plaid and bayadere valentine. - 10 mantilla silk volvekso...l Gloves, gauntlets ' embroideries, shirting 1/1203118, do. NOTIOE ,, -Tolhsalere in Ribbons.. -„. . '4O 'piece/ Scarlet and high 'colored plaid 'silk bonnet Velvet's. 60 lota colored and black/0110 e r' tirinpuipgg. I 90 lots No. 1 and 20'steambolit andorolin brand black pilk velvet ribbons of the beet quality, Imported. SALE ounisNou Doom. Till's Morning, ' Nov. 20th, , at,lo o'clock, by catalogue, on months , credit— -400 packages and lota of fancy and staple Frenoh dry goode. 117* Samples and catalogues early on the morning of stale. 700 PARIS - AND, VIENNA. BROOLIE LONG, AND SQUARE , EIIIAWLI,COLORED -CENTRES, 'OF A CELEBRATED MANUBAOTITRE. 260 12.4 coldreCientiee - broche egitarh'shitwle. 400 colored centres broche long ehawie, of now de 'signs and superior cidorlnge. - • • 8.1 , 14A11110XT AND CROWN littAND 'BLACK Mg. VELVET RIBIIONS—TRE BEST QUALITY 151- : FORTED:,sI. "I A full_line of genuine _steamboat brand_blook silk-, velvet rihbons„ „ Atoll line' of 'genuine crOWn brand black silk ielvet 'rlbbone. - - RICH PIGURRD TRIMMING GALLOONS. An invoice of ideb,tlguted tdro b iWanoon . 0 . PARIS 14,A1 DaBONN WM'S. 40 pleoea tiolt plaid bonnet aft/ vela BILI dIAYADRRE SATIN.FAORD . . 11132133123 2 cues epparpr, 811 k. plaid andbayadaya satiu.laued valeaciaa. LY0174A011,14 &NT ILL & .v.stvE r 82 aud inch heavy Ljonli‘ k val uate, ; t) ARAWLfI. 200 new itylo plaid wool long shawls. RIB BON- BO P 2iD.WRIT.N.ITY ..13.LA MOLTS. 2 bales 10.4 and 18-4 imperlor Whitney blankets. 1 bale Mackinaw blanks a , RAIL' .AY LAP 'IILANKRTA. 2 bales superior fancy railroad lap blankets. Also. Aoulll.4 l o ,l4 4illing 100 dozen fin-kick linen buck gloves and gauntlets An invoice of high coat velvet and cloth mantillas COMMBROIAL SALESROOM, 222 MARICHT STREET, BETWIENN WWI/NA AND THIRD summys. F. G. WOLHHET, &narrowest. CLOTHING SALE. 0A.8R..+-w4 Invite Gip ettention of . parchaaers to the positive gale of ready made - alothinr, for merle and boys' wear. tailoring goods, wool jackete, lambs-Wool and-merino shirts and -drawara, to be made thin morn ing.. at 10 o'clock. BALE pp ,READY ; BIACH, CLOTHING, &a: •, Tbb Morning, ot—' „ • • Raglans, Simko, Overaoata, Frock Coats, for inon &n& boya> wear. Dress One% -„ , „ „ Pants, and. ” • • v e . tai TAWAINPI:GOODO, &o, Also, a generel• • Wrwlotgrof billorliv goods. 1110 P SOCITTar, 6 ,4,OOIIO,IgER,,, No. 481 Le CHESTNUT STREET, opposite Custoit Honie, between,FOUßTG, and PIETTI Stioetet. " ''S#ECILL'EkLII of CLOTHING. . . . " 4 - I:" Thlei-btotting, •-- • • ' November 2Gtb, at 10 o'clock. a largo assortment of gents' readj-cla4e 4419tb10g, comprising% a full ambrt ment or_ well;niade and.lleatUnaby, 'goods; well 'worthy UM attention of tbeLtradm-• •-•- ' • • • ~.../lublUded•in lala.pllt be found:—c ... .. Gent , ' havryigiAteri now skini and Ono cloth over emits, black Apd colored cloth 4aaa and baslnesa coats t,id RANTS AND 4iFEBT9. . . Allic4iiinltiot (*Andy 'digitises panto, block cualmere and docakin doi fancy allk, and cashmere vests, miner and mitten atoekrie Made sod trimmed in the beet miner, and suited to best city eaten. • • - ' Samples and catalognee early on tho morning or aelo. vition'tho.trato 191t.flud. it to Atkeir !Merest to at.. tend. , SPEOIAL SAL; p l ustAtaToW N GOODS. OA 0 11 0 V. 4111.09:” trow,27o.s.,byecodkap, «meg,• ogat 10 o'olock, 000 lots of Germantown goods a . _CI wool knit bmcines, hoods, rlpletc. A leo, I,MO dozen mcrino.hoso t an 100 dozen merino undephirted, .•, e merino vests, ito. a On • Hatordagllforgiggi. The sale will comprise Import en ato i lowing deelrabln goods • " , ' • and AND 130 ; Wien' and &Dalton's zephyr knit poodle, basguea and ehawis,,iko , ,,,of colors aid qualities, salted to' beet oily inlet. • NUBIA%) PODS alka Alio, a,iumnior. article of yr zepb' mobiles, rigoleta, open hoods. children's Reboot hodde, - - • • GAUNTLETS , AND' GAITERS... , • •' Ladies' and'ctrildren's zephyri gattero, gaup : Gels, and . . . . ... •.. BoAnat. , - ~t. , . , ~., Goints'; and,boys! seiddf, scarfs, _ abildren's boas and tippets.,,__: . ,', , ,„' ‘, , . , - Limo imp; IdIiItIISIYHOSIERY. Also, 1,000 dossombito sod_gray merlncr hose and ball: boss. , , -,,,, , - "HEMS AMEBA - heavy . awl Alas merino undershirts and Itorntlairit ..figatt,co! paßrigißATiLli to lt ro U t lta th !. RCH R O, &a: !spec.'s= large stook, of 'elegant end fistnonable fare for ladled- wear', ..eimfir Slog. .seti Dr.-martin, ' atch mink, liable, against, with capecionnds, and engin tomedal. 0 V' Catalogues early on the morning of sale, when; the ladles, and purchasers generally,are Invited to at-', tend. • ' ROIIRa. Aleoi 50 superior butralo and fancy carriage robes. FORD,:: AUCTIONEER, No.l JL 631111AEJIBT STRUM, betwelin 71.1 TH and, •,, ; - • BY IfItiLIAMIV STEER, - GENERAL; ArtOTION'ANII,OOIIII36,4tON. STORE, No. VW; North MUM 44trpekkleltar Arch. Sale at the kuitlOO'Storis. SUPERIOR , V,ELL•MADEU. ROLTSDHOLD BURNT TURD, PAINTIN6B. E NGRAVINGS, MIRRORS,' OLRPWIR, OROGERNPAND GLASSWARR. . t On SaturloyElforning, Oommencing at 10 o'clock, at the smitten etore, by; catalogue, will be sold i superior assortment of rose wood; milogany,:sed walnut , furniture, ,paintings, °spacings, , carpets , ;mirrors, crockery and, 'glassware.' ' J. A. ELIESON, Auctioneer. ; U",oouslgnments of new and second-hand house.; hold furniture, plebe-fortes, carpete; , watehes, Jewelry,l &c., respectfully solicited, on 'which liberal each ad-, TIMM will be made If required. irr Out-door sisleastteaded proMptly. Oharges! sa moderate as any other house in,thts any. T Bt. 4CrillitY'Ss •56116,-. 1 713 •/• -ALMA!. IISTATII•1130TIONBRUS, y9.S2O t WALIIITT hrEIEKT OARD.—i, thininlip to, Sons, anetioneers will hold regater "sales of Ifeal'Edtafe, thocks;;ko. ' Alao, household furniture at dwellinge: • ; „ , REAL ESTATWAT PRIVATE BALE Ezi— On our Privets Bale Register will always be hue& a Tem large, amount of real estate Including every sloectiption, 0 eit7 aucriealltleoPerlis _ ~ J. W.111:ilille &Re B,', . 4' Real'Eetatellrokert, . ..,• '.'. 620 .1yTAT,Err Street,ledow BIM. ( y 5 A,Nd T ti,•AIIOTIONESII, LY.M.-41DCHIMBINSION htllll,ollAliT, 1. 1: owner SIXTH and ItAOll Streets. .r GAMS' • , ,PIIFBLIO .11.00611110PATION. „ MONEY I .. 'I4IIIIPZ I MONEY! ! ! gonO,Y.liberaltdvatmed hige o r epten amounts,' from one dollar. Um:tonsils, op gold find 'Allier Ade digmond°7, l l4lo l6 g;i 6 w o l l 7 , tow/Inii-pia4op, teethed Instrtiruants,l4ollnre, dry goods,: alothlng, groceries, sigari, hardware, efitlery,looks; horses; rebieles, har netts, andillOrtJeles of Talne,lor. any length Of time Agreed :on,. at ;Nathans) ../3stab/ishotens, Vait Pros oorner filitliand Thine streets. -• • missory of nteg,..stjth' eolleteral, dlioounted et the lowest - • - NAMIANAI , PRI - Mt:VAR lISTADIdIIintdICNT, _ _ .„___ , 001tNEK 13IXT1r AND RAC'S 13TIIIIETS, Where money will bo liberally &denuded oh gold end, sliver plittO,dlenipp 4 4, watches, jewelry, fowling piece., dry goodS; 41641144, , groeerles, liquors, cigars, :hard ware, cutlery, , feney- artioles, Mirror' painting. en, (ravings, ; mutest ' I nstruments , - furniture, beddi ng, horses, sehtelesOlnineee, Stooks, end all other Bit los °friths*. ": • _ . . '': , 01:11 . -A00Th SALIM Personal attention given to ail oat-dein , ilea, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere, and aurae wanonolly low. inebuinal. , NEW: AND` VAXAVABLiE IERY. DR. ,11A111 1 8 . ' • • AUWiIaTIO INVICIORATINO,SPIRIT. IT STIMULATISB. IeXtIILIIRATEB, INVIDORATHP, BUT WILL NOT JIITOPOATIORCEITUPIFY. Thiedeilcieue Boverisge stispylor,toall Invigorating Cordele; Wimple, ffervines, dc, in nee Tor the cure of Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Ileart-burn,.Drows gees, Hid, ney Complaint, Delirium Tremens, Intimperanes, as it will invigorate and strengthen, but will not in taxioate or elppify. , Persons who have booome habitu ated to the excessive use of!robstico, Opium, and 131p,r1t none Liquors, will dad speedy. and permanent relief from a desire jo use.thesedestroying agents, by taking a bottle or two of this ' ' • - ' • .D.E.GAGIO US 111E7IG , AL, 13 EVER AG E ! • •Weak'idid etokty Pomales":witilltpi Drill - AIIT IN YIGORATINO SPlRlT.ainloleand,Oure sure, St befog a Regenerator aa well to aTtrengthener of the Unman Byatent. Each complaint' that the 'AROMATIC IN VI.; DORATING CORDIAL la calculated to cure to named upon the rrapperriacoompanylag each bottle, and full dlreittoba for nap are also' tumutely given. •-- •P_llloi . - Prepared by.• ' • DARIUB RAM, Prlnelpal office No 98 WATER Bt., N. TOOL , For este by " T. W: DYOTT & BUNS. WIS-frat 218 Ni DYMOND Street., Philadelphia. rjr OLLICOrPER'I3, - .-40171-RgEUMATIO IIL4I CORDIAL is the ) onty preparation everplaeed be fore the public that hag performed. sif many ACULOUS MUNRO or INFLAMMATORY AND °morn° The inestrotainentandinfluentlal citisens,bear nese of Ra efficacy. The atioddinVerldenee from All parte of the country leoshangh to , warrant no In pro, flouncing that it le the greatest wonder of the age. It le an internal 'tbat et rikeo at theloot of the Marla°, and 'Ming eridleater It Mitirelj fund the system'. Prepared by ITILEODOSS DfLKS, Chemist, Nertheaideorne'r or Pine' and Sixth streets; _ Philadelphia ► .Y► :l Q • .1' IM AOADIA FREESTONE. Now lending, ind shortly ieriie, 1,000 lons of this beautiful Stoill,:hoth of- . BLUE, StRAN,,AND RUMP. TINTS, the fernier of which, for enflame and delletrey of dolor, ie-uurtrelled - t - ` For Ole obroltefof , thin atone - please .. saeelna the frdlowinOnlinings ' toe. Harrison's, Eighteenth street and Rittenhouse Square. Harrison's Building; Locust "street, between Seven teenth wad Eighteent Samuel Smith's West street and Rittenhouse square. ~..fdra,— D etarsou's Na. 1219;Wdlialat drain.; A. K. Wddirathle,4lsAroh street. Samuel filmes% Twelfth and Chestnut streets. -,T, rugitt i fleyon!witymd „poeurd, arrests, and 'others: ARNOLD & WILSON, Ajente, I PHILADELPHIA WARMINO AND wENTILATINO WAREHOUSE, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET nalitdim E. M. FELTWELL. S ; V n aiti atirti l / 4 1 SaTZ N 7 Slate, of all sizes, and at very low rates, keptoon.: itentltinOneelieWernedithetiteACti 107.411064, GIEHANTOWN ROAD and THIRD street. N. B. Slater Boole pot on in the but menu, and re. SION IMMO 0 141 AU Well" InPietell, bba ' " ( j ll-2. .!t :-Kkgal Notitztu -LI ;f4 ',= 1 /*AMR i 1 A ITDI,TO,R'S .NO3O4:—IXT. 1'31,E ,PIS, ....-izerct coutur 'zit Tini OITY—AND' COUR: TY in nil, Anitutr44::, - --• .... 7 01IN PA Liorr• ye -11110111ilIALu'WRIOLIT and i , OIIN MUG ilTktrtuliniati A Zik, ,If Weight: -' :.',: Testatum Yenditiont ,Zspense . to/Lancaster cOunty. September Term, 1858. NO. 151 ''' ' ' Tho Auditor arrointecterepott distribution of the fund in Out raised ttnde,preceedingninthe,abowelef- tittedluse by Sheriff , * sal, of , a.l lo t ee ,traots;or pieoes 'Of Land, with the ,Bulidiwi pe acei,aad - improve-: menta thereon erected,, crown.; 2tha=„t3RAWNER IRON WORKS, situate* the borough of Oolubibia, in the county of Lances*. aled State-of, Penneylrarday and also of l certain: otheci , ole .ofland:llltltet4i itt': the aid borough of Ooluinbi and , Odlunibia.egtended, itf he county and State • wieldy arldiplirtionlarly 18,1 scribed in the said writ, souse the property.of theaeld. defendents or of one of thqua, Will wend se hlti.datleib on Tt liISDAY, tho3Oth okrofi November, A.. 11..1858ii at 4 o'olook 2 : IC, at Mel i(o: 204 ,South Y,IPTU. parties in the city of Phillede his, when aintlrhere all parties in interest are, requ Ad to present andTroye {heir claims, Or aloe be deberrki from • limning in - uporu he said fund. ' GESRON W. BIDDLEIp , ,, n01740t -., , ,s ''',' •r. s;.• t • • ,-, " ..a: ~,i - i - Molitor: .i ', THE ; EISTRIOT . itoußti FOR! .THE' ' , 'OrrY 4ND COUNTY OVPII,IIiAXIRLVIIIAI7...:„ife . ROBINS PO WILL & , CO:tys,,'4l: 10.1;/- '• ..1• : . IDELL Vend Ex,l' fiepternb :' , Terisi(.l ` ,, 1161..:11.e , The - ttitidttof• tipptileted;tot ake'dlitrt tre,' ; , i 11 fund In Court, arising from sale brth L.!, ,77: • ~, der the above writ of (tall' iierClin • Z ~ .., : .., 4 Ing, stable, and ooeett bo4l4rltttl,shed , ro !ri'A':.. 1 pereto;aektfie lotror '}rWidtirlibieek, the:* 7:P., ::;! erected, suitoste 011 the south eidO efllfirlag I, .f:, . ' ahe dlatanae of 120 feet sutra- d from they , --;,'-': .•-4 ,Thlrty-alath street, t n . the, liplietitY-fciitrtlfifit j'''. .. Oity_p_C Philedelphis;'codtelning lei frt• Uri Bering LtielitlO fait, andlin dettll'ilil.feet,.:to tie middle ot a 'thirty feet-wide etroot,. exte nding from Phil ty.fifth :to Tbbety-seventklstreet,ll ill attend to hie'dotieslon IP Cilitin AY i the 'At, day oflDeetnaller,A.ll:l66B, •at 4-o'clock P. M., et Ida oboe 10. SW rWALNCT , Street, In the city of Philedelphis, shah 1614+AI:ire all partial, In Internet are reqqlrcal to present- tbdr claims or else be debark' from coming In open the sold land.' n023-10t . - TROMOI 41-DIIIIIL -Auditor. ; IN THE , DISTRIOTAOOPET FOR THE ';.15„ CITY AND COUNTY OP - PUILADIMPIIIA. Bard vs. Bard. Pl. fa. B. 68. Pie. 238 g N ancrovs. Id. " • " " 967.. Moto vs , Id • • " " rr " it 248. ' annet vs Id. " n rt a • '4l 263; , rc r, cs ti , - The AioltOf afplateldb* the Court tit rep d hart. ',button of the fund ar,irdagfrom,t,be sale, by the Pheriff t ;ttiddie , thi above' Arita of - the peieonelAiroperty of the said defeedant,4lll . ineef the parties fotertuted therein' !at MeNoms34 nth voirwrtWiipplietto Tit! 'hevify WNDNELISIAY;ctIuiIins; gay of,Dapasg, bar next, at 4. oh3lArk P. fd ,ivhen atelmbere all periods :are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming In upon raid fend. unlB-10t • • , W , NI. A. TWIN &Al, Andlton 53,t0ve0. Ai_INQUIRE FOR — TIIE AOYAI,, OR SBA ISITELU PA'tIOII.OIB.3IORNING COOK ING. hrOVEEI—They are eeabilikei, conga:bins the gas and ergot o that are umnYff'wasted; dura baying double inatead of einsie plates; and con venient, naving large ovone and bei ready bakers: , Our torfrputented DOI7I4,IE•OVEN TOVII le the best donstrnoted iipotraftvetove ever Inve nted. It will beat a large boiler of water, boll twodinnel pots, broil a beef steak, bake bread and plea. and mist meat, all at the same time ann with a eluglihre. Invallai;landrdifteraona.who iippiwilite the Influence Of TPrillated apartments). upon , belle be pleased Stith ourVOIttAIITAI GRATES anti ODELIIRANIC , LTN ST OVE 4 ; which are' ofsleuttliel and, ornamental patterns, and give a sheetlul, opet Are, and thorough ventilation. ' , . Eltriat ecebonsista will be ratiefiedwith our fiaLV,RIVII GAB-00NfitIMINO PARLOR STOLSB; Many of , the so-called gas-blaming etovis introSies Cold"sir' to the top*of ,the fire; the effect' of :whisk Is to cool theatove , and weete the fuel, precisely a; if a stove door was Opened above the fire. In a true gal-burning etove;the air should be boated, in shotAir.gumber, to etetspera• tune eufficient to ignite the gears, of thp nate° principle ati is adopted 'onr giushurning sorting etoves. - In addition to the above,,alarge essortment of Parlor. Cooking fltoVes, Parlor Stoves, for oust or viood; Halt Stoves, Portable Iteatere i Cooklugiltimee, of every de scription; Gap Ovens. fitove,Figtun ,s and Repairs, may be found in every *amity, at qpr Pireieroonis, No. 200 North BROOND Street, above Roos. oclo-tf ' PIORTIL.011173R,"&"NORTII: 41 SOMETHING NEV.-GAS - BEI; NINGI COOK STOVN,-4 weald respectfully call the attention Of the "pnblie:o one of the greatest ithprovements ever introdniedin'Ooolting Stoves 041:71ingas.--the Verptifir or therarlaing from the SOO; by which-Inman ishaved' GO er oent: to fuel , and alto more faience 'beet thtown , the Imago). of Ihp oven. We effect the burning of th)gaaaa by meana of a bollow - oentre-Adeoe, perforated on hounder side, which admits - the air in a heated atati to mingle with the gases, thin' aiding Its combustion, and cawing a Hanle to peal around the oven equal to "Weed Ore. This Im provement also preserves the nets piece from sinking down on the Ore, thereby laving tie expense of, repairs Mika' the StareaCAN , BN HESS AN: OSERATftiN it lll& MAICHNT ' Street • = Miunitestured ' by JAMBS SPUR; Inientor and Patehteej (Me North, Chose & North,)lll4 WREST 4treet: - 1 , ' sept29-11mo, tfollette" %at VIE ONLY :ARTICLES UNRIVALLED IN, • with igoveftect pots •, , • . - 1 DEMAND Theyeason why, is that hi bture's own process it restores the natural 'oolor permanently after the heir bfromes gray; ~applies, the astral—Holds, and, thus snakes it grow on bald hads, rem yes all dandruff, itch log, and heat from the ace* octets snd tones up the nerves; and thus cures alt nervpae headache s and rosy be relied upon to core all dlsaiiesot the scalp and hair It will step andlreep it from falling off' makes is soft: glossy, healthy, and beautiful; aid It need by the young two or three times a eel; It will never fall or beoomegray; the ?reel; reader& read the following, and judge for yourselves:, • , • blievr,Yl a 19.dd deal ibodt Yrefeamor, allot *min . :. Raving heard a ' Wood's Eair Itristoratlve, and talhair ti,olog quite a fty, a - ago I I made up anyminf,tq lay,asidatea •preludlces in common' mitts a greet, daapy yez' oon i b a d i a r t ur i rnionrr,of patent medieleee, and•*eiloittirri oommenned using roar arttele,- to test Irtor in salt The result lass been. so vet,. eatieract. ••9 that I am trey glad I did Ituttickto Yon, 1, 4 ~r on is for the ,enoonragement of Other,' whd maybe eatrea r l--Lir wet,, but who having my prejuditle withlut my "'Masons for netting It aside, are uoviiiiirri to girt your Restora tive a trial tillthey hero further proof, and the best proof being ocular delocinstrattoli I write you this let ter, which , yoo natty, shop to any such, and Ms° direct Item to me for furthor proof, vho am in and Wit O f tip, Y. Wire Rai Ing Establishment every der. , My hatr le now its natural color, and much Improved in appearance every way, beingilowler and thicker, and mach more healthy looking.- an, Yours Respect fully, IBIENItY. JENRINR. Corner Columbia and Carroll sfteeto, 'Brooklyn. „ A Limos ton, A's., Yeb 14, 2868. rip/. WOOD—Dear Sir: Your Hair Restorative has done much good in this pert of the country. My hair ball been sifghtly diminishing for aslant yearn, caused, I nuppoaei (from *slight burn III& was quit, an in rant. I have been using your gini Restorative' for six weeks, and I Sad that I have a due head of hair now gr .tri!.g after baying ueed ail other remedies known to no effsot. I think It the mestrvatuable remedy now extant, and advice all who are atillcted•that way to uee your remedy. You can publiel this if yon thick pro per. , , Your", &o„ -- ,IEI.-19.,1111DDLITON Drutifigt Mut. Sept 9,1861, Peor. Woon—Dear Sir: Your 'flair Restorative la proving Itself beneficial to M. The front, and also the back part of my headjalinost Met Ito covering—woo, in fact, LALD. I have used but S half pint bottles of your Restorative, and now the top if my head is well studded with a promising crop of yoang, hair, and the front ill also receiving its benefit.' I lave trial other prepate- Mons without any benefit whatever I think, from my own personal racoir,meudatloo.! 01111pduee many others to try it. Yours, D. S. YEOMAN' ? 1)., No. , 46loVine street., The Restorative is put tp In bottles of three sloes, vii: Large, 'medium:MA knell; the Imalibulds N pint, and retails for one dollar par bottle; the Medium holds at lout ttienty per cot snore in I.ropOttion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart 90 per conVmore in- prqportioa; and re tails for 88 *bottle. ' f 0. 3. WOOD & 00.4Priptletors, 810 Broadway, New YOrk, in the 'greet N. Y..Wireltailingßatabilpliment,) andll4 Market .treat, ElLLonle, And sold by all good Angeline and Raney Gitods Dea lent 'tnol4-niwfain eowintiky-Om N q ibinbinq: PERRY'S BLANK BOOK,' AND-STATIONERY lISTAILIOUSIENT, • B. W. CORNER If MATO AND NAIN4 PREMIUM-AWARDED Hy the FRANKLIN INSTITLPFEtor Idanntioturlui t"2 Bupetipr Atteatint Botta - VIEWS Intending to open oeve NRoke on 'Limpet of, the Tear, cap !elect from a good Mork on hand, or. have them made in hey_ desired style in a ouperfor manner. BOOK•DINDIXDIef every deeerlptlon eieented in the finest and most substattlal manimr. at low plum. Id so:U.7,IMM honed from to ore. ti 52 60 per velume.! MUSIC bound Ina new and haudieme style, from Sl to P. OLD FAMILY BIBLES toboutioi to look and wear equal to new. .! • - - 13001C-DINDK6Y, 91 - dest ost,bliahod Bindery in 2° P r il l jelp a tl i e RAp lit .° fOOKBINAING.—The andersigned,:res poottally Write the attention of lovers of hooks to their unequalled facilit es - for binding boo e 111141- parlor manner. 'their work Las bean subm a ieties of years to the examination mottod. , celebrated oonnolmeure In the wall y. It has received :the moat flattering encomiums: and won for the nhder algae a reputation whiok'they are iletennind to Maintain'. ' ' Hverrpp Apo of Binding executed, from the plain half-bOnd” volume for the aaltolarla table to - tthe wet argotic garnitore of rarities for the collactioit of the Ilibllomaulito: Brdman' of style and'workmaitship will be oheer fullyabove to thaw who will call upon • PAWBON:to NIOIIOI.IION, Bookbinders, 7, 619 MINOR btreet,, ' se99-9m* HAIWOOD Market and (Mordant Streets. mut /two ' •-.V. , i ...11...,,,. : ._ 1. 0 i'ORTSS, : • ` .; UV l & 'la' , , Ilog i r it i 1 1 ;1 ttr i litOnott i R A WIN V,li ' it do., mi.tiim.m & 00. o Jeiszlos.4 '11' 1) 114 ItiSt. DIS ORR of b 3. 9 O 0 S r , R atV I • N TH In d 8 0 . 1 U / O D B ,N L U I Tm d:, follo-1 , ,;1 - - tfligtq ''. E OE LLENT, WAREAfktITER . , tip,VPIVQSK PIANOS; celebrated tor .topb, usli,ldurabtlly, and tasty appearance. I OctavoS, 114 ~ tti and LOllB *IV, Pearl inlaid, and Pearl }soyS, for elifi ' from fIOO upwards. Also, PIANOS to vent. i J,041613 DELItiK,- 279 •fieutti ,PIPTII Street, abovp Skase, solpagtSt for Ountmlngs &. Oanfteld,, and J I 0. Flasher.— - . ~. ~, , . „. nolo-I.ln* . 0110KERING & BONE4' Mann= fetti °NAND, 'PARLOR-ON:IND, and PRIGUT PIANO-YORS. This is the est: and oldest manuraotory in thq thdtgd ,OtAteponv tug been 13TABLISIIND IN 1829, - elope will& theme have . • - MADE :AND BOLD TWENTY TWOUSAND TWO lIIIINDRED PIANOS ; And h 'Ye 'rowed 'as testimonials or theirSUP&RI OItITY over 11 others, 11 (lola, 18 Silva?, and B roma Mestai. Frl t e i c Rent,, Toned, and Iteptdunl. • mai tong IrrjoNll,4l4lfPNl.B, test 1801 0 NUN sot; ' ' . - ' flonfettionen. •• , p QUARTAI r ta.— _ . - ‘ w r fp,b,rvijuAt reeelyed our frOneh Clo'nfeettimory, end Me ratnittetertinis enp'eflor &dial° of Marah Mel low ,Quat'DrOS, Bon, Bons, Oteeht 'BOK -&o. Gall and molt pr,reetveswlth 4 l o lt iv e y ' i tet'poiriatto.e r y Able, city, t ES & EVANS!, - Voio.n_d Jo. 718 IsfAIiKET Bt., 'bet : 7th and Bth IT M A N,DI X“,(:qt, IO . O NYTO O T XTD BUG It PLUMB, ' ' - . rDIE MIXED BONBONBf 2.. . FiNE - MIXDI DANDIER, ' 0 4 ‘. 2 4T ( 0.0 4 * 110 4 - 4 1 .00 , 4 0 , 4 1 1 1!1" "' - '"6 . 1 No. 1210 MARKET STBRET, not W•ot of TWXLITH Otreo. i‘b.fn atilt taiDAL -- -NOUMBgit - 1858. -4VAL SEtTA.I.II a"B8. biolny tosind o'n Bond and ollßotfooa PrOmiti i l r oi t g a g e • '! •9. 14' N p BElate.dfire' • • • 75:Amy.= BTABET, NWT TOBX, Wires Lettere of dreillt, refillable to Trerellere on all parte Of t 11.1) w0r1d.... -.• , - jes &sm, CRONISE "01*/11 , 0D EIXQBANGB . BIIOIIIBS, ' • p?.`49 - 80ttiti THIRD eked, ' • • ranapitpinuk.' Bork' tcr the 10129 fa and 'Bsoalls of Philadelphia. ON.O.RUNLRY. i , , , N. BROWN., • W. NAMILIT, .111. LNLEY,i BROWN, & CO., 4NK:-NOTEr STOOK,' ' AND zatonprai • - BROKER?: ti'Vf'.'neiner of TRIND and cHIOSTbIyT Streets, 'PEMA.Deterna. . . . Dollaatidna, made; and Drafia drawn on all arta of the united &Mee and the Oinadasi on the moat favorable Cle)leetiorinnadif and 'putts drain onlengland and Ilneurrent sink Woks bought. Land . Warrants Diaterpin Spools and Bunton.. Loans Time Papeynegottated.• - • hhookaLodi§ bought and eold on' Commission at Board:l4 Brokers In philadelpbia and New York. fell•nni , • • EDWARD R : PARRY, - RICHARD B..PARRY, , NOtery.Ptiblia for Minnesota. Commissioner for Penosylvanis and :,, , 4 ..: -: % , - ; ' Now Jersey. • 131ti'ltl' ' B-R O'T E ;:BBOICICIS:k; NINNItAL LAND AGENTS and DDNVEYANDENB,' .FRONT' STljilen abive 'HICHORY, t MA!II.A T O; NINNEI3OtA, ' ?ay : partienlav Attention to loaning and investing 'Stoney for pon4esidentS,and' others, and eolleotting Drafts, NOtoe. 'Any iottein of anouitv or win mill connive proinpi attention.- to ' Wood' Dawn, alici.,'Philidelphia. :bale, ltoae ; Dttiladelphia. 13harp,flattlea, & Philadelphia, "giailard , Ohatlee Ellie & 'ram & "Randolph, Piiitedelotda. my2.l-6m* 4,14 1 , 11 A*AMW—:,;thR"..„ sDbinrlbcre; IL MISSION MERCHANTS for the lialeiof YORSION . &ND DOMESTIC HARDWARE; would. reapretfully esll the Attention of the trade to their stook, which• the!, ire *tiering it lowed ratan. -Our suortment con -1131.11 In pa/tor— , chains, of an kinds--Trans, tog, Mater, Bretuit, Os Clow, Fifth, Baok, Wagon, Stage,Torigno, Lora, Bbilp, Illue, OollOhatne. The celebrated, 3 ) Horse Nails Stone and Sledge flatamers., . Wright , 1, and,ether Anvils; itolld' Boz end other , Short sad 'long joildle ; round sod oval flertiu'S l( r, Sties end ; Bpd Suers. tilixo,o)olor 9 Safety Vase;, Blasting Tubes. , Coin, O rise, ay/Briar Seithok; Hoy, Corn, ITO, Straw Ifer;lfanere, Taseters ) , and:Spading itoilro. ag00.q9 , 1 Goes Shovels sod Spados, of 01l Moss.. Taotre,,Brads, Shoe, Olout, and Sleighing Nano. :Soot and Wreeght Batt llinges.;Berewe Leeks of all *lode; Olitldry, Items and Pampa, Axes,flittehete Sm.; mars, Planes, asd other Tools, • • • W. G.-LEWIS to SON, valo „ No. 411- 00b1 . 2KEIROSI Street.. pHII t ADE WARMING AND Y 1 N 114. T C WAR 8110138.13. " ARNOLD & WILSON, etloollDeOall Te. 8. •. HMIII3OI/. - - . We hove removed from our old Maud lit Walnut street to the IiaftOSI,WPORS, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few down below the St. Lawrence 'Hotel, where our Odfiriende end the public are reepectfully Invited to examine our extensive,. stook of Warm Air Ifurnaeco, pocking Ranges, Oath Dollen', Registers, Estimated Stenos Mantels, Parlor d oal Orates, &a., AL - We are now mantifactusing WILLSON% OELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW 40. EL GAG CONSUMING .YORNAOE, the eie# Pewertul and acaltentleal Heater ever thventect, and suited fallacie s * of balldlage.. Alve s . new and beautiful patterns of Low Do Orates, and Parloiooal Orate' of all elms and pattern* We have " also commenced' the manufacture 0. ENAMELED srems MANTELS from Pmts. ',lnertia Brom.. These' Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL 'PREMIUM at the lat. Fttfr and Exhi bition of the. Ranklin inviting' of this pity. They represent all the rare and beautiful ANTI Qui BlientsB, Ire Kct (*grad by Smop; Cool Gas Oft , or Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Itetall, 'winch, loss part !kris Marpti. Cell and sic dem. . ARNOLD k WILSON. 'GEN/ . M. PHILTWIttt, Superintendent. April. IRO—ADS( IT I -.ONG'S SPRING GARDEN A.OAbE Y; N E.mornxr and BUTTONWOOD Ste. . . COMMERCIAL DAPARTAIENP.—hook keeping In aD Ito Miami • forms • preparing Hindman thoroughly for situations In earb . ranoh of buttneel ; Plain and Or namental Writing ; Commercial Calcuintione ; Law and Correspondence. No inatitution in .the United States giros a more thorough and practical come°. In this department no teaching is dour in °lessee, and is open DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited MATHEMATICAL AND , CLASSICAL DEPART MENT—(Separate from the above F--Young Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an English and Olas shied Education, yin t Hpelltng, Reading, Writing, Cram mer, tleography; Arithmetic, Philosophy, &e., Ancient and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of Ave months commence September let, end February let. Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. , • roh264f v. pONLRAVY LONE, Principal PAITTENDEN IO A." 00811dEROIAL OOLLI OHRSTRIPS and Ontawrii Au Institution des*Red TIVR 8118114888. ' BOARD Ql' TRUSTIIB. B. D. Comma, IkWiliApoktPle George H. Stuart, • Davla'anae, John Sparhawk; David 8. Brown,• Luso Hacker, Pareone, D. D. Hinman, . ' - Frederick Broom, - , 'Rahn& L ppincott. after September 15th. Each eat nenrytutta...,„„ varromon lat this Inetitution and a Diploma from here I s the beet re commendation a young man can have, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOOHES may be had on application at tha. IZMM BRYANT & N'S CH STNATTOAIN OF 'NATIONAL 'AINROANTILE COLLE .litteilatp Collo*, k ..... li,_ i mgj r - mtormatlon, call or send for okapis?. 1e164t EV.VNING UNIONS' RAVI COMBIBNOED. NIONS: A. E. ROBAT, TBACTiAII 08 ITINOING, ILAURZTVB. Istc'464l2ns* MARKET Street, above Eighth Drags anti Chemicals NON EXPLOSIVE BURNING FLUID.— / We are now nianufacturing, and are prepared to 8011, a BUNNING FUND), which will not ex lode la the ordinary use or the article. It has been expert. mented tipou, and subjected to the severest testa before the beet obentical talent in this oity, without a single failure; and we now offer It to the public, feeling oozed dent that a great deelderaturn has been attained. YAD.NALL & OGDEN, 6018-dSm 472N'. THIRD Street, above Noble. ROBERT STIOEILWARt Opts .ilannfectiarent and Dealer PAINTS, VARNISHES and WINDOW GLASS, Nortbeaet corner FOURTH and RADIO Streets, Philadelphia. Sole Agents for the male of the celebrated Ploreffe Plata Olen. mb2841 IN IS NOT A -DYE I .L JEROME'S HAIR COLOR RESTORER will re. store Gray Hair to lia original color lu from ton to twelve days, and restore the Italr niters it bee fallen off and became thin. IT IS NOT A DYE! Umsy be used as freely u water, and Is the most heel!. Weil Dressing for the Hair now In use. Thousands in different parts of the Delon have testi cle to Its wonderfnl Tirtnes, and all who have Ted it Join in their prefer, of It: Hold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dr. SWAYNH & SON, No. 8 North SIRVSNTII Street, above MARKET, Sol, Agents for PA ilactsipitict Trade DETERSIVE. SOAP.—Time, labor, and money genii. In using it, olgtOpo dptoo,{ relight, 'any balling or rubbing on'enehbriard One pound will go surfer as three pounds common Roan Reap. 'War ranted to give perfect satistaatlan or money refunded It in decidedly the cheepeet and beet washing Soap ever offered to the public. Manufactured only by VAN HAAGEN & fiIicKEONH, Vor sale by all .re speotable Orocere in the city, and wholesale only by TRAIN & MO% BONK, 22 Booth Whorl's* PAW BEERS' . IftIBBIOATINO GREASE, 4he beet and cheapest &impound for greasing the axles of OMNIBUSES, OARRIMIES, OMITS, DRAYS and WAGONS and -1111AVY hfAOIIINBRY. _For ma atukegs 504 harrAle,by all the DRIMOISTS In the cit y the MATILIFAUTUREIta, x•l7-am ,Fin la ROUTH W Wrial Htreat IT IS OB THE }UGLIEST IMPORTANCE - for every one to know where the i r will get the most for their Money;erclally such t mos ao these. ZINGI,H4,k bolesale Druggists, corner of BNOOND and fitreets, are disposing of their White Lead, Ground Paints, of all Colors, and Window Glue, of the best quality, at prices which will be pleasing to buyers. 001 l IFILASMI 011: ARTIFICIAL LARD.— * ti}',KOIAL NOTION TO PHY9IOIANB.—The above °gem a vehiple for the eghibition of remedies to die. slued surfaces, which combines the following advanta. goo: A good act unvarying con.letence, easily washed My with water, dissolve,' ail substancee that are solu ble in water, hence facilitating instead of obstructlic a their absorption, and does not get rancid. The last property-alone rende-s it au invaluable aoqmsltion to the prootitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail at 011,1319'$ Laboratory and Phan:ahoy, Twelfth and Chnitinntefroat CsSALAMANDER SAFES. A largo assortment or EVANS .4 WATSON'S e u 1 L A p stiatat i areAp jl.t. ()TURBID V• 1 0, VAULT DOORS, Tor Danko sad Mom+, DANK LOOKS, Nnual to any now lo IRON 3)00118, SHUTTERS. So., 'On as good term an any other eat,bllehment to MS PLIAlir. GIVE US A CALL UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AGENC 40 Y', IJ, VII /C. 0, - ILL. The subseriber, having had ninth practical expo* once hieelopting iend locating lands in the ration' Land "Dietrich' in the Western States, has ,urom us l N e rnst., for making valuable selectiOnit for LAND WARRANTS OR OAS I. " Having Surveyors constant/9 ix Ito field to make personal eximinatione, he can always Make the most judicious locations. •Lande unsurpaseed tor fartility of eon and salubrity Y f ollmate, dear the line of railroads, may now be Plattarsetory refeteneee given when required. ' B:r Money invested in lianas and Nebraska, and tiny of the Western States. • •.• ' Ba SALISBURY, . Jylo.Gm 49 OLAuKE Btraet, °blew. 1114NAMEZITAL ,and COLORED GLASS. V We have net received a comprehensive and vs tied stook of Able truly beautiful and architectural ap. pendage to Ohurnhesi Vestibules, tloneervatorles, and `other buildings, where it Is deemed necessary tb orlogive a chaste add elegant appearance. Any boloitrilAY be kid, either plain or ornamental, elabo. -Moly or in relief. ZIEaLEIt & SMITH , • • Wholuale Drug, Paint, and alarm Dealers s Oft Poutior* oor. Pool sivi Etreq4l4 414r7)133ari. ebunttional. 11ILIADELFILIA BEM, aorthead corner of I.otrotfo. to- At 'young men for AO. WROLLIAIM Odes Ite4 States, by EVANS Jr. WATSON, No. 20 South FOURTH Street Philadelphia. ettlUtt lOWA AND WIBOONSIN Ittsuranca ~ampah o. TIDAL -..0F , 1 TEE - tiErc - A - ArAME MU 0,. SAFETY ANbURANCIE COMPANY. Phdenkirnte, Noiember . 10.1853: ThefolloWing Statement of the affairs of the Corn pony is published in conformity with a provision of Ste Charter:. Familia` received tidal November 1,185-1, to Cote - . bsr 31, 1858 : • ' t - On Marine and Inland Ri5k5...4351 803 62 On lire Risks 118,414 11 ----$110,21/ 79 Pasuirms on Policies not marked off Novara ber 1, 1857; • ' 825,184 02 PBEIIITBAB ILIARICBD 01 , 7 AB ELBAID, frOMISf of NOYOM. ber, 1857, an d 81, 1858 f • ' • Oa Marine and InlamS .$890,541 75 On Piro Rieke 123,011 88 --$513,553 43 latereek,' kA , received daring , same period LOSBIIB, EXPENSWEI, to., during $612,203 66 • the year as above— Marine' and Inland Navigation Loves $245,170 16 Pim Losses 41,289 21 Batumi Premiums 41,768 14 Ite-instmances, Commissions to ' • Agents, Taxes. .to 48,428 88 'Expenses, Salaries, Rents, Sta tionery, tee 18,607 82 . . Surplus ASSETS OP TRH COMPANY. November 1, 1858. Par. Market Value. 103,050—Philadelphia City six per cent. Loan 5105,144 00 89,000.. Pennsylvania State five per cent. ' Loan 83,215 00 21,000—Penneylvanla State six per cent. Loan 80,000-11nited States Treamary 4,ti per cent Notes - • • 80,112 60 50,000::Pennsylvania Railroad- 2d Mort . gage sic per cent Bonds 45,875 00 20,000—North genneylianisitaitroad Mort -- gage six per cent. Boole 12,000 00 16,000..800 shares,Stock.Oetmantown Oas Company, interest' and principal - • gnaranteed by the City of Phila delphia " '1.4,926 00' 5 000-100 sharps Pennsylvania 'Railroad • Company ' 4,88160 1400-100 ' shares • North "permaylvania ' Railroad Company - 850 00 1.203-80 shares' Philadelphia The Boat and Stettin Tug Company • • - 1,200 00 1,000:.2 abares Philadelphia and Savannah' Steen' SteadNavlgition 'Company " - 200 00 250-5 shares Philadelphia and 'Haire do Orace Steam Tow-boat Com pany 200-2 0o a m h p s an tee y Phil • ,itti . elphla Exohange 130 00 310,700 Cost $318,297. Market value; $319,190 0 Bonds and Mortgages 10,000 00 Beal Estate, office building 61,363 85 Bills meltable for Insurances made — ' 201,666 30 Balances dne at Agencles=premiums on Ma rine' PoHideo recently issued—and other debts due the Company Beep and , Btock of sundry Insurance Com panlei 8,2 A 00 Cash on deposit in Banks 42,067 86 `Thelloardnf Directors have this r day declared a Di vidend 'of SIX PERCENT. in Cimh, on the original Capital 'Stock,' and bIX PER O E NT: on the Scrip of the Company,' payable on Ad after the let proximo. '1 hey have also deolated a Scrip Dividend of TWEN TY-FIVE PER CENT. on the original Stock and on the Earned Frei:dim for the year ending October 31, 1858; certificates for which will be issued to the parties entitled to the came, on and after the 4st of December next: ' - • V' Preamble and Resolution adopted by the poord.'' Wheivas;' Tiro increased means of the Oompany aria, log from Prate. and which will be derived (rent the Inereased Capital Stock anger the late emendtnente to the hot of Incorpriratioit, render the further continu ance of the Quarantee Capital unneeemery, therefore be it " Resolved, That the Guarantee Capital be dieedn• tinned, and the notes representing the came be deliv ered up to the makers thereof, as Boon as the Blake taken during the period embraced in Bald notes shall have deterinined. DIRROTORS. . , William Martin, Jarmo, D. Hand, Edmund A.-Sander, , Edward Darlington, Theophilwr Paulding, H. Jones Brooke, . John R. Penrose, fipeneer APllvaine, John 0: Davis, - Thomas O. Rand, James Traqular, Samuel E. Stokes, William Eyre, Jr., J P;Peniston, Henry Sloan, ' Robert Burton, Joseph H. Beal, - Jacob P Jones, De. R. H. Huston, James R. IPParlitud, % amp 0 Leiper, Josbna"P. Eyre, m 0 Ludwig, John 11. Semple, PUMA Hugh Craig, D. T. Morgan, Charles Kegley, - J: Y. TOM, '," ' - WILLIA MARTIN President. . - ' T1108. , 0.-HAND, Plea President.. HENRY LYLBURN, Bearetary. - - n013.4w TiffoiVATYTATrffir. twits STATE OF PENNBYLVANIA=_FIRE_ E—No 4EX RINK INSURANO . BDIALVINMEN. Ohartered in 11114-ospltal s2oo,ooo—Assets, Minn. aryl, 1858, $347,446.60.100, - • • - • AU invoeted in nound and aviclible eaeuritles—conti one to insure on Teesels and Carves, Buildings, Roots of Merchandise, Ire., on Moral terms. _ • :1 DITUIUTOBB -• Henry D. Sherrerd, . George H. Stuart, filtneon Toby,• Samuel grant, Jr., Oharlea Macalester, Tobise Wagner, William S. Smith, z Thomas B. ,Wattson, John B. Budd, • • Menry,O. 'freeman, William B White Charles 8. Lewis, riorge o..oareon. BY D. MIXRREDD, President. WiLLT/111 lyotrin, ilieretaTy. Oapings Snubs. THE STATE SAVINGS FUND, No. 041 DOOR BMW, NEXT DOOR TO THE POET MIMI INTERREM'FIVB PER 0-13-14 r 1 Money rectelvedDeux and every '''' lll/11111 ---1 - 1 41:1 - girLARGB AND SMALL',' PAID TACX DAILY, PROM 9 VOLOOIt A.A. TO 8 O'OLOOK P. ht D1r0811 . 0113 OAI p11.. 4 1f rann no t9Tl l l y 143001, 110 13 BASE, 111 , D3BIRID. OHM. 0. IMLAY, Treasurer. • 'Z. MINIM 114TES. Teller. se2B-tlani rip HE - SPRING GARDEN , SAVING A. . _ (0 RID pryal.Lllollll4l97/11 01 PIITIMMAIIO/..) PRIIPETW. 011414T4/.11. " writ PIK Intarost ollowed"th DOpo4oolll, - to_4o_llp4d back on Dem And. 0/8108, 881 NORTH THIRD STRAIT, ; glossobtosmon OA/IN B0114)1119.) • Thle Itatltutton to now open for the transaction of baelness, and Otto only Oluatered Baying Vaud located to the northern part of the city. The Otlntriwlll be open - (dally) from 8 to 23 o'clock, and also on MOIMAYB cad TIIIINDK9II, from until 9 &Week In the Myopia'. • MANAGIBS. robn Ressler, Jr., James 8. Pringle, Jacob TN* • Joseph H. Cowell, I. Watley Bray, Robert B. Davldeon, I'. 0. Ellinaker, Johri P. Terre., Reorge Rneaht. t JAMB 8. PItINGLA. etfrourt. ap2l-111.1 'Mort* Klett, Stephen Smith, '7ohn P 'Levy, 'Lion. Usury S. Strong, Daniel Underkoder, Hon. Win. ktillward ) Frederick Steaks, Trench' Hart, - Joseph P. LoOlere, Preelde Siorstary,llllollMl T. CAVING ruND-FrvE E'ER TIRMEIM:-NATIONAb MEW TROST 00M- EiIrif.—WA.LNIJT STROM_ ,T i3OI:ITH-WOST MORRIS OP THIRD, pnuttimt.rni4. /MOORronnfn HT 10 1374T1, Op PIIIIIITLYAMIA. Money te teeelved to toy MU% latge er small, and in- West paid from the day of deposit to tka day of with , The oMos is open, enrOf y dey front 0 o;alook In The awning tillo &aloof In the, Oyeolnly, and on Monday end Thursda y esenhiga till q o'clock. • " 1110N..U1pNItY 4. DINNIO; President, ' RORIIRT SkILTALORM, Ylos President. WIG Basin,, flearetary. , • - niantmondt " - Ilion.,llaroy L. 81141907, F. Carroll Brewster, MdWard L. Carter, Joeoph B. Ban , . Robert delfridips, /ramie Lon . , Blunt .11,,Ashloti, Imesph Yukon, 0. Landreth Manus, ~ Henry Biffendirttar. . Money le unwired and pyments made daily. ,The hweetorenta trained° c lzt conformity with the provisions of the °battery in HEAL BBTATO MOUT CAGES, °BOUND BENTS, and nosh drat elan arenr6 ties as will always insure perfect security to the depoaL tore and which cannot fall to give permanency and eta- MCC/ to this Institution. • aut.ln, IAVING PIIND.—UNITtII STATES TRUST COMPANY, earner of TILLED and MIST; NUT Streets. • •• ~ . Isola sml small soma tangoed awl ;mid beak on de mind, withoutnatioa, with VW]) VAN 011 NT INTNII NY from the day of deposit to tha day of withdrawal: , Oflibe hontd from 9 until 5 °WOO% aoery day, sad of MONDAY DVDNINGB from 1 until 9 &Moak. • DRAFTS for We on .11ngLond, Ireland, sad &Oland .f.l upwards: . President—RlTE= 11. 011AW/011.D. Trosanrer-LPLLNT PICK. r. Teller--JAMIB 11.MONTalt 53grOing itlat4ince WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MAOHINES, REDUCED PRIORS. NEW STILE $6O. AU the former ritterne $26 teen on seat Machine A NEW TENSION. NO WINDING OS UPPED THREAD A REIMMXR wracn TURNS ANY WIDTU OP MU OA BELL OFFIVriI 028 011NOTNITT Eltroot, Phllidelphic No. I WISP STATtI Street, Tteoto. N. J. No. 7 NAST GAY 2troot,l4'ent. Mentor, Pa 001-tD2O: A1tk4.113 41 SF, WIN(. RA. LA MUNE le Offered to the pubilo aa the most relic ble low-priced Bowing Machine in use. It will sew from eta to sixty Stitches to an Inch, on all kinds of geode: front - coarsest bagging to the Onset cambric:is. It Is, Without exception, the shnplest In its MechiniCal coo. itrootf on evor made, and can be ran and kopt in'order by a child of twelve years of age. The DIMUSILITY of Ude machine, and the QUA.LITY or ITS WO*, are war. ranted to be uwatitPseaed b MAY Othor. Itn speed ranges from three hundred to Attach hundred stitches per min. ate. The thread Used li taken directly from the 'Tools, 'firma:4 vice Tani:moan er:iawlintne. In teat, it to • machine that le rioted by every family in the land, cad the low Floe of , • • NORTY 'DOLLARS, et which they eotit kings them within the reach of cluteet !copycats ' S. D. BARER, Agent, jelßdtlin mks 4lowihn SO South EIGHTH Street. HANDSORABS.AND CLAMPS. HANDBORUI3a. No. 1. 112Xo. per dos 2.: 760. ic 8. 870. " 4.1000. tt ' CLAMPS. 0 Row, SW& per dozen. • Y Row; 51..715 - Vet Afton. • 1 a Rodg $2.25 Eei dozen. • ' LORRY O. EOESTRIN, •141 is Nom THIRD Ittilots N 1014,11414 NOV. 2 9'18158.01ELS.NG.V0F• 7 HOUR:.— - •- - - PRNNSTLVANIkI • 4 01 INTRAL'ILAILIMAD...:.• •• PROM PHILAIMILITILi TO PITTSRTIBAIM I HRELINGi INDIANAPOLIS " ' STMITIDOWILLS, 0 hillFZlAtiL i OINOINNATI 01110AO0 - ' • - • BIIELLN I GTON. ST. LOUIS, , r ST. PAULO, •-- HRH. ORLDAws, . • 7- -• ' • And all Intermediate Points INDIANA, ILLINOIS, HISNIMORY, - - GAN, WISCONSIN, MINNEBO_ ,TA •-• - LEANBAS, AND NERRASHAI. ' - ' Passengers to pointe,west of Pittaluirgh,'Wheelbsg, Cleveland and Oreetline hive choice of rental, enders' requested to nuke a seleethin before applying for Het.' ete. Man , THROUGH nurse LIAM! PHILADML FOB THE WEST: (Mail Train and Fast Line, EundeysDieepted.) TRAINS' MAT/ PAILAD2I.- REITZ/SING MUM • Pattl.- PHU. DILPHIA. Mail treinat....7.Bo A. M. Mall train at.. 11.00 night. Tad line 400 P. M. I Nest line • 8.80 A. M.' Mxpress m111:-.11.00 night.all Express mall.: 6.03 P, M. The mail train stops stthe stellate between delphii and Pittebnrgh, , WIT TRAUB LAM.- WIT Milli& 111111.' Merriam% ea , Harrisburg a.s. oommodAtion.lA P. if., commodation.7.l6 P.M. LarteAmtar ..and lantreater - ovoiumbilk 480 P. M. /2 - 20 P; (Sundays lixeipted ) 7 • • . , Passengers Lir a UNBORN, WILLIAIUPORT, . EL MIRAnBIIFYALO. AND • NIAGaltA_ "FALLS, leare Philadelphia at LBO Pl M. • 51 ' • The oars seats the -Pennsylvania Railroad ,Paellenger Station, sonthetipt oornerof RLDVENTE end MARKST. streets, entrance- on Dleventh street,' wherr . tbrougli tickets! to ell point! Vied canbe obtained. Baggage willbe received at Fly pute,derieg the day. No charge for berating liaggege. For further Information, apply it the Station, be tween the hours of 43 80 A. pB., and 31 P 31 THOMAS MOORS, Agent,Peno,ll. 00. 8795,401 81 22,660 22 -v5306 V 240 00 ::.1141,954 65 PRILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN' AND !PORED:4TO W N RAILROAD - . - -WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOMMEN 15,1858. . FOR GERMANTOWN, Leave Phredelphia 6, 7X,840 min., 5tg,,11:9‘,11% A.M , 2, 8,4, 6,6, 7,8, 9,10,11 X P.M. Leave Germantown 6, 7, - ,7%, 8, 910 min.. log ;lig A. M., 1.10 min., 2. 3,4, 5,6, 7; 8,9, 10X P. M. ON BUNDA.YB, " • ' Leave Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. M., 2,6 X P. Leave Germantown 8.20 - mid: A. 1. , 1.10 min., 5X P. M. , • i I OII2STNUT XIV, RAILROAD., '3 • - Leave Philadelphia, 7X 840 'mrn.' 11X A. M.; 2;' , .4, 0, 9 P. M.' Leave ohelittett Hill 7 iO,n n 7.96 min., 8 60 min., 11.10 A. M., 12.50, 8 40; 5.40, 7.40 . M. , ON SUNDAYS Lea-,e Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. MI, 2, 13,X*P. M. Leave,Oheitnut Rlll'B A. M. 12.50 5.20 min, P. M. FORIIONSHOHOOKSH AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia BX, 9,11 A. M.,106 min.,' 8.10 min" 4X, 5.50 min , 11 X P. DI, Leave Morelia:ma 8,7, 9, WA:M., 1,9 X, 6.40 min. P.M. „ , , „ ON SUNDAYS. s Leave Phlisilsiolds 9 A. M. and S P.M Leave Norristown 7 , A.: M. and 6 P. M. FOIL MANAYUNK. I 01,288 14 .. . . Leave Philadelphia kV, 735 min.i 9 , 11 1.05 min 05,1118 min .'4l( , 5.50, 7.46 min 321(P. M. Leave Manayunk 9x, UN 4A. IX, 8 4 8.10 min, 8 46 P. 51 • BIINDAYB AME AS NORAISTOWN. • PUNSTER :um:my RAII ROAD POR. , DOWNING, Leave Philadelphia 03( A. M. and 3.10 min. P. M. Leave Downingtown 73( and 1 P,v M-.,, 1i.,.K. BMITEI, General Patintendent. nol3 , DEPOT,,NINTII, and ra GAREN Sta. $003,804 70 November 10,1868 10111/7•ADEUMA AND railiniAllAlL-. .R. " ROAD LINE.:=QUICREST ROUTE to' Elmira, Wilkesbanii,..Bulfido; Chicago, 'Wok Iffagaia Falls, Milwa ukee, Burlington Montreal; Bt. 'Paula,- Detroit, Dunlieth, and St. Louis. "-"" ' - Passenger trains will - leave the Philadelphia art Reading 'Railroad Depot, corner BROAD' 'sod VINE Streets, daily (Sunday s testantod )as follOws :A. ' • • '1.40 A. ..DAF RiPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara alLs,..BulTalo, Detroit, Chicago , Milwaukee, Rook Island, flalemi, St Paula, Burlington, and St . Louis . 8.80. P. Id..NIGUT EXPRESS, = For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Buffalo , Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Bock Island, Galena, St. Pants, Burlington, and St. Louie. ; • The 7.80 A. N. train runs Mura to HARRIBBURG, stopping at L 1110400133 on - the L ebanon Valley Branch of the Philadelphia mail ILleding Railroad. Ann At Rupert, for Wilkasbarre, Pittston; Scranton, 'and all nations on the LAI/HAVANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalci,mnd ',Suspension Bridge ' li:r Tickets can be pro . ehred at the Philadelphia and Elmira 'Railroad Line's Ticket 011iCe;Northwest cornet of SIXTH and CURSTNIIT Streets, and at the Pas-, 'anger Depot, minim( BROAD and VINE. - THROUGH EXPRESS FIIBIGHT TRAIN Leares'the De pet, 'Broad etreet,' below Vine, daily. ' , Sundays excepted ,) for all points West and No rth,at 8 Preighta must be delivered before If P. M. to insure their going the same daY....-- • - - Per farther Information apply at Freight Depot, Broad, below Vine; Or to CRAB. B. TAPPER, General Agra, • • , ti, W. oor. Sixth and OheatontBtreota • • . Philedelpkia. • • rat w 'YORK: ILNPAS.—'Pith ' CAMDEN .L AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADBLPEILI AND TRENTON RAILROAD CoNrAN. vs LINES. FROM PIIILADOLPHWTO NEW YORIC,IND.Wia . PLACA. Leive as via: ' Pain. At OA. M., via Camden and Amboy, ,Acconsinadao, Men , 2115 At 13 A. H., via Camden and Semi City, N.J . Ad. eommislation / 26 At 8 A. M., via Oundenemid,Jersay.City, Morning Mail 00 At 10 A. IL, by Steamboat Johu Nellson,vla Taco ny and Jersey Oily, Morning Express ' •8 00 LISP. N., 'Ma Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex- a 60 A17; 1 .111. Tla Camden and- jersey Guy, Evening Malll u At 8 P. , 111.,,ria Camden suel'Amboy,- Aeoemmoda- tion, let Clams L.. 228 At B P. M., via Camden and -Amboy, Ateammods. tiori, 2nd Class. At 8 P. M., Camden and Moho Mori, 4 • 4Yl' 1 78 • • Sae rene„dilly, all Attars SFelays •• - At 11m. P. Mi,' from Henske*. pereervormlslo 0 Ity, Mail, tisturdayeeacipted - $226 msprimuLines atop at the principal stations only. . For Belvidere, ,Iseton, Flemington, to ., at BA. If and 2); P. M. from' Walnut street wharf. For Water Gap, aboodsbari, Sernaton, Wilke/thi rd,' Montrose. Montrose. Great Bond, /km, a t 0 A , .11.7., wit Delaware, Lackawanna atyjostrgi - ForFrethniA, at 4.14, and 2r, N. . -Nor Mount Celli at 8 A. N. 'and 2M and 6 t. 14." • WAY 'LIMNS , For Briatol,_Trinitohyks., at 2M and 4 P. , M. = Pot Palmyra, Ransoms, Beverly, Burlington, Mordent. town tre., at BP. If: . Steamboat lliolard Stockton ter ~ B Ordentein, ma In • termedlati places, at 2)CP: - • • - • Steamboat John, Neilson,lor -TWAT* at /0 and TIN A. M.,- and for Burlington and,Bristol atif P. 114 All lines exoeptll% P:M ;leave 'Vaunt street wharf 11:;e'Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each' pal seoger. Passengers are prohibited Min taking • any thing as baggage but their Wearing .appzel. All bag PP Ova aft, rounds to tko rag tor The Com puny limit their reeponsibility for baggsge to one dollar per pound, and will 'not be HOW for any amount be yond $lOO, except by special contract: ' " • TOL H. OAT7ddZE4_, Agent , an 1- -, -0, Ea A. B. It. CO. • BORTH i'ENFIBYL VANIA RAILROAD. • • NA L•ARRANGEMENT. Pei BETULEIIEM, DOYLESTOWN, &0., and by close railroad oonneotions for Easton, llatawissa, New York city, ' Allentown, Williamsport, Water asp, Manch Chunk, Elmira, Wilkaabsrre, Hazleton, Nksir Palls, Scranton. On and east WRANY y, August 25th, 18,58: Pas. se,r Trains will leave BORT and WILLOW Stresta, Philadelphia, as follows : - or Bethlehem, Easton, Wilkeabarra, Water Gap, Sonuxton, dce., (Express.) at 8.15 A. M. Par Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Olinak, Williams port, Elmira, and the West,,(Expresa,) at 2.15 P. M. Por Dsylestewn, (AooommmiStion,) at 845 A. M. and 4 P. M. For Port WWl'neon, (Aocoramodatioo,) M 9.46 A kl. Lod P, hi. THUM POP. PUILAIIIMPULA Lek TO ) a 9 A — M.lml 6 P _M. Doylestaiti(ACtionuliodation) at I A.M. and .80 P.M. LIMITS Port Washington (Accommodation) at T.lO A. I. and 1.80 P. M. - Doylestown Trains ran daily. Other Trains daily, Sundays excepted. - All Passenger trains (except firMday Trains) connect at Chatham street with Pitth and Blxth street Passen ger Railroad. Faro to Bethlehem $1 60 !dumb Munk 2 60 - Banton. 160 II Doylestown. 80 FOR 801:100L.RY'SMOTTNTAIN—b) 6.16 A M. train to Easton, thence by N. T. 0. RR. ano D. L. & W. RR. to Washington, thence by stage, militia' at the Moan tabut at IY. M. Nate, 14.10. att26 tf 'MIMI! °LARK, Agent. pENNSYLVAOL& RAILROAD.—Tiik GBRAT OZNTRAL ROUTE, eonneating The At untie Cities with Western. tiorth.wastern. andillonth Western States, by a ackatintioee Railway direct, Thla Road also connects at' Pittsburgh with daily line of demerit to all porta On the western Rivera, and at Olovelial and Sandusky with Steamers to all ports or the Iforth.western Lakes; making the moat DIRBOT ban and BBLIABLII ROLITX by which Yreigb can be forwarded to and from the inzeir WEST. BITWUN PIIILADRLPIIIA AND PITT BORON. Vim Okina—Boots, Shoes, Bata, and ORM pocks, Pry Goads, On boxes bales and trunks), Drags, (in boles and Weal Feathers, fers,fko SIOOID OLASa—DOlnaltiO Elneetina, Shirting and Ticking, (In original balm), letup (iambi), Hardwars. Loather, Liquor, (in saglis,) Wall Paper, • Wool, and. Recap Pena, lastoread, kd. dco 750. per 100 lb, Time cLies—Anrile, Hemp, Been and Pork Salted, (loom 'or in make), Paints, (dry and In ßile, (except lard and reels) 050. per 100 . 1 b 'MITA 01.11a1-0011 . 08 ' fish, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, - (In eaeas or boxer mtward ), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, • Soda Ash, aeramnOlay, Tar, Rosin, Steel, kfanntketurad To. • Immo, Roan Oil Queonlante, kanlar, (hhdr., labia., and brucee,) to., /to 500. per 100 lb. 1 , ,,v0n —Si 00 per bbl. until further notice. theux--ele. par 100 lbLeentil fartherera**. 13017011—52 per bale, not exceeding f.oo ' lbe, weight until further rouge,-. , In shipping Geed. from 'MY point Rest of Philadel phisibeparticular to malt paakages ado Pennsylvania Railroad) , oodi conelgood to the Agents of thin Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded withoat detention 'SUITORS AOnters.—Clarke & Co., Chicago; Packer A & Co.,' btemptiln, Tenn.; B. F. Bass & Co.. Bt. 1.,0u1a Mo.; P. G. °Miley & Dranaville, Indiana; Wm Bluliam, , Louisville, Kentucky.; It. 0, kleichnla ison, Indians; It. W. Drown &. 00., and Ather A Hibbard, Cincionati; IL B. pierce h Co, Zanesville Ohio ;•Leeeh & Co. , No. Ai Kilbystreet, Boston; Inset & 00., No. 2 Astor House, New York No. I WllltAm et. New Pork W. J. Bneeder, .Philadel i obia; Nagraw /Zoom, Baltimore; D. A Blewart, P ttebtagl. 11. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMBABBT, dee. General BOPerintendent, Altoona. Pa. 91M011. V. 11.111110 ILX. - Taxon', stsIIZIOT. WLLILY 11.11.1111110 L • SOUTHWARK. FOUNDRY, NIPTH AND WABIIINOTON IPPEDIEB, rIIILADELPKiI. IifERRIOIC & SOlktg, 111NOINNEB8 AND MAOI.IIIiIBTB, tominfsature Nigh - and tow Prennrellteam Engines, for Land, River, and Maisie Service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks , ' Iron Boats, Gast- Inge of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Works, Workshops, Rilhoose Mations, &o. Retorts and Gas Michinery of the latest and most Imposed eonstructlon. . :tk igyery description of Plantation machinery, mai* - Nagar. flaw, and Grist Milts, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam , Trail* Defeiktori, Titters; Puioping Engines, he. Bole Agents - for N. Ittilierot's Patent- Bogor -Boiling - AppsrattoirNaarnytkle Patent fiteszoJ Hammer; . P. ROW Patent Valve Notion for !Haat litaddaery and Steam Pumps. Ihrtlidow4eid.4l. U. BASTQL. No. 6. 91 12 per do O. 1 26 7. 160 . '• IL 1 76 " Sattrifizb •EittCiY: 90 par 100 lb itlat4inttg anb iron. FOR M &TANZ&S. - - - L-The fast;iailiste, Bctioonet ELLEN 131:1Oli, Socaeat, iciastaKhar- - fog tiro-th'rola of her cargo engagad.,wlC,PglairaT , on BATUUDdY, I'ozbalance oflrefght or plumage, app l y to' WM. •P: MCCANN& CO,. nolB-Bt, No. 408,hrouth wirATWES N k'iNo3lll IRON low wo , xx TO LrfERIVOL. Met Cabin Insane - ' - "'' •• . ' 'MO Obroud Olibin - Satulage - ,_ -1. -6 S-Ifacamparrak,to latraroor,i - -,' f'• ~ Chief Cabin Pandage '' '- " '' '•- ' ' ' -• I ' - $llO Second Cabin .Yaasegs . ' --- ' ' ' .- ' 'so , orks nips from. lkiettan call' at Halifax:" - ' • ' ' 1 PERSlA,Oepti,lndklns. • CANADA; Copt: Dant. , !, ARABIA; 020-'7. Stone. .EMEEDDlitrapt,Wleiman 01113L1., Capt.' Y. G. Lott. • , NIAGARA-, Cant: Ririe. ' BlBlCA;CaPP:Mtarezton: • lODOSAANIA. T. - Lettelt... Vheeavenselanarrywidear aeUgh; atlnittaead; - ;mean on starboard bow; red in port bow: . ICUBOYA, Leitak,' Daiwa Bolton, Widneedayi Noy. 3 EDEMA. Adkins, I. N.York, Wednesday- Now. 10. AMERICA; Mahican, •Bostoni•Wedinedny, N0v.17. ASIA, Lott, " N. York, Wednesday, Sept. El. NIACABA.. , AUDar, w Dostaa r Wednesday,- Deo., 1. ' APRIOA, Shannon, "N. York, Wedrweday;- - Den. ' 8. , : EURO .A.itch, " Itoston, 'Wednesday, Die. 15; PERSIA, Adkins, , it N,York;'nfedeteeday, Dec. 22. ARABIA, .tons,- - "Bruton, Wednesday:, ileo. 211!, 1 Berths not rawnred Until paid for. --- . ' 'An experienced Surseon'on board. - ',, - , ... ''1...... 3 ~,." ..- ..,.:-. , Tho owners of these MOPl.wal 3 4 Be debatims /v.. - Gold, S liver , Mi ll ion; Speo3 ,ie 'Jewelry, Yrealou Stowe ' • or. Metals, unless MIL of lading are eigned,tkerifor awl' the Value thereof therein's:preened.:' - Tor, freight,or laceage apply lii ' ''' -; - " ' ,- "nol-y "-- ' 'B. ODNARD. - d Bnyi.lkii Crean. ~.. FOR ti A N Ga--Heroti's LINE—ONLY .11FrailLAR LtHle-000133 ORIVED ANIrBILL6,,LAD/174" SIGNED - EVARI De Y.—Fralght and iatatanea 'at "bat' than sailing veil eel rates, ataitaahip,KßYATONN 816119, Cso. 0. P. himbinart to sail SATURDAY,' Rovembat 27th. at 6 01a64. P-.4141t0ta , 41.6011a wliatf alimta • For further partieulant pleasO advertisomesit of Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, in thisfilye t . Nor freight or passage . apply to - ' -A: ifitßON,___ ' n 26 ' " • -- 823 North Iv47er.- OR - .01111111/ESTON , AND BA VANNAH —HERON'S 000s8 BEORIVED AND BUIE OP :Lappte BIONID ' - EVERY - DAB''' ..• The-I%lmM fliet,olidis sidegwltelel Hteauntbrpe ICESSTONE MTH and ,EITATB 0.1? GROSOTA - , 'Now farm' a weekly lind'fok , ,gLe' flotitti and:Southwut, 'ono ortheso ship mating" aTcII7I3ATORDAY at 2O o'olook 'A: Mi olteinet4l.7 for 'llharlektioi 'and' as . • - • • • - NOTIOB: • ' Until the eteimshipfifate of Georgie' line received her new boilers, tee Steam - Alp Keystone state In older to accommodate - passengers and the trade. will make Weekly Tripe; alternately, to Charleston and Ilavantsals. NOS ats4lll,llBToB Tito steamehlp KWYSTONIF STATE, Clantaln Marehman, will commence loading ou 111UffitDAY: Deoainber 24, and'eatl onIATUDDAY, Deo; 4th; at 10 Golet', A. Id, . . . . -- • • ,701 t SAVANNAH. The rteamehlP • Keystone Batts, Captabi - 011utos Marsha:mu. will call „on ti AT,ORDAY lioyimbee Nth' • at 6 o'clock P. Si. - • ' • At both Charleston sod Elaranor.h, these shlpsoonriso with Steamers ter Niteidemer Havana' - and kith rail roadi,lrol, for all pinolf in'thOitotitirind Bodthirest. , YRIIIQUTI3 1116CUOJOD. - -Mary 'Freight &Via stormy tali{ yer t.)V9 New York steamship rates. . _ • • , . . /MIGHT and INSIIRAMINon a loge proportion" of gocrie Shipped South' - htelbasid . to be, lower by these 'hips than by tatting - Steerage do • - aDO laiettgiOnileicets; good for the present year. 2.) No bUIa or ladiugligaett after the ship him gaged. !or freight or paessgei apply to ' • - • lIMISOte • , • No. 831." Inca 61 ) North - N won, 2 . ♦ gen ? et IllhaileatonZir. B. /iT. G".•141 - 1)D. , - .Dawn z Agents In Savannah, . A. GSSINIS, & - For Morita, from Ohta•laaton, /tomer OABOLIttn, every Tnenday.' - Dor' Iforktn, from Savinnah, steamers B. EIARYB ind T. MINS, evary_Taudny and Satruday. - - ' • - , Zor MlTlLliamoixt iirleaton, 'stomper IBAB.L, on the 4th and 10th of suety month:l -, - jall • 1.858.•:; MEMPHIS ANDNEW OELEPlEltinvinaralli MAIL PACKET LI.Nr..-The' splendid 'Banta Of this old and popular LINE will - learn Memphis and New Orleang, se heretofore on' , - MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, do, VEIDAYS. - „• - • , • • '" MONDAY PAOEETB. • NEBRASKA'. ' 041:A. 11.111,1 TN BHli PRANKLIN ' Capt. L'D:CLA.Iit . W2DRE9 - DAY PACIEETI3 JOIR4 INgOAtAR - - Capt. JA.9. P. MOTH lIIIIMETT PARIS BEIDAY PAGKETB. .. Capt. WM. WHAT, .T. 11: NtWELL. HELVASP H. Tt.-W; I The,* lioattiintieet roads from 'that point; aleo — wilh' regular 'Pickets - Si St. Linde; Leahrville; ClicinhaU;`ateNtahvilli4 - mi their respective dg's. - Leave Memphis itardediately oa the arrival of the hiemphit_ awl „Charleston Railr oad Oars. Passengers arrange 'their. arrirairm as Jo syruld delay at Iffemphisiorige.thari h ithiniatheidelt Mire may moire_ ,-);;) t • Horinkrznatlon; At Webblic gdalsr Pa; Bem ac Hanrocnr, Ads, 4gentr- rants 'tl4l4l* CRESTNITT dm to lessen the minsumptton Win*** Willi; knowing their injurious effects Upoiiihereonatitution, hoe induced the offering to the public of an'aitiehi which the analyastion of Pioleesor Obilbob, -- gialvbfcid chemist, of New York, end Mesa'. Booth , eirrettidt 0•131110, of Philedelphia, proem beyendall bo the meetpure and am p spiting ever offer& on - u - rf PICATE OP DR JAB. R' CrlitiVatt. - -Thavnansilyaed a wimple of Chastadit-iffoaw—WKlabah received from Mr. CLIAP.LBR , WaguIifiN,.-4a. , 1-,Ne and liedneinkts DH , ' loe tlaNn Pleased to stele that it. se mwarißy fro og deloterieue intfiataneasX , lt ie an Whitehall IDA n A niNr_ a7ored,qiudity of Whiatey. • • • JAMES R. fll , Ellin New York, Sept. - B,lBbB.- " igiagml, gept. Bet:We have careful m ly eg tested lhe Chestnnttiroye Whiekey Whielt!reit seat Wand end that it contains IMO all° poisonous anbitimise kcgyia las x v Liugo which. la the ,obaraoterietio suet injoryine WOa tike Whisker! fiigenebill -nee: . Veay respectfully, -- ; - BOOTH, ' , I•I3MAD, 4 .- - - To CIiAIL3B WHARTON, No. IiRONT - - 121BANDIES:-.c 4 End: Clastilldif,ulWe% 1 - 1 and oftST Ovule of various ;pitting; in half PlR: 2 . l4.2llTtrinate • Pellevolonnitathel Brindles, dUkL ' a l alt inpoi t t i ed and' elt arateNt il i cks .t -41 ' r '' 11"1"1 ' sum - oat • 221 and 7211 South lorrth street illobarro. V. .MONET & SONS, - AV , Importers of IlA y Alqk OieAtlt, • • NAB • 216 Bogth VICONT9Streall r iElie V ia Raven s 43l l?t, S a;:d l L, '- sti l' ' T:a r ad :par brig "May Queen,” from Idavana, In, atom and for sale by WILLIA.AI . 2.1 ) - a024-tf No. 2l Bonth YRONT Ms , A." 1 14A40, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS AV_ BIGAIIB.—A tholes inyolbe of these celebrated Crude on board brig , 4 New Era," daily , expentan from EMU, and for sate low, by. O}l4lllAB TATA, - (New) 789 Wahsat street, below Seoood, 14.941011 Ptor • QEGARS.---A LARGE .ASSORTMENT con6tint): on hind, foi sale at ridueed Prooll InToio2o monthly, direct !MEL N. IL BCOVIELD, No. 837 ONES VNNT 84ieet, under Girard dense. no2-In 0 ERALLN CIGARS. 300,000, various 1, T braud. In stare and for aala bT WDf. H. THATON 2188.2%11,60NT St ' , oo flottla anb Tionaurants A ROADE HOTEL, 11l CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, ' PHILADELPHIA. CONDUCTED ON awn Sonora= PLAN. A new lease for a term of years having been obtained for this 'POPULAR ESTABLISHMENTOt will con tinue to be conduoted ea heretofore: on the European plan, and the prices remain unchmorad h als: - Keen PAR DAY 500. MANZI 500. Apreorasr AID • Tea, NAM, .! • " The bona boa been thormighly renoTited, - and every thing done to make guests comfortable. 'The chambers are heated In winter by means of Storm Pipes, for which no eatra charge is made. , There 14 no bar kept in the henna to be a tonne of annoyance to guests. ' The accommodation - a are okeeigned wholly for bagneta men-- h ence no ladies are vomited. - Title house It never closed day or niht. J. D. BROWN, oitt-em - - B. DE Youse, JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, ri. xleo _ te4 ism) ELEGANTLY /FURNISHED. • NOW OPEN, TO VISITORS. ' mylit-y WELLS °OVERLY, Proprietor. LAE L ANEY'S SALOON AND RESTAII ..L.Av RANT. N. torner THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia: - flo2-Smo - WAL:A:DS :LANEY, Proprietor. PROSSER'S RESTAURANT, No. J. SOSMARIE'S'S Street, four doors shore BIGHTS!, South tide; Philadelphia. Oysters Stewed, Boasted, Pried, Plokied, Oro., , for Homo' Consumption and Transportation. N. B.—Dinner from twelve to three o'clock. ' _ 0n23-tt Sumer Resorts. e a BEDFORD SPRINGS.—TATS weil•known and'delightrul Bummer Resort Will be opened for reception or Visitant on the 16th of June, and kept open until the Ist or °etcher. The 'neer and intermit Buildings 'erected last year are tow fall* Completed, and the whole eatablishineut has been tarnished in superior style, end the incommode. tlons will be of a charsotet not aliened in toy part Or the United States. The Hotel will be under the uuMagement of Mr. A. GIALL2N, wheat; experience, courteous manners, and attention to -hie guests, give the amplest seccrance 'of comfort and kind treatment. ' • - - .1n addition be the other Maine of aeons, it is deemed proper to state that passengers tan reach Bedford by a daylight ride from Chambereburg: , • - The Company have made extensive Srfangements to supply dealers and nidieldtude wltlr.. - Bedford Neter', by the . barrel eatboy, and in bottlegi at the followies prlees, at thefirings, vie: Vor a bane (mulbeir, ge 00 Do. oa k ) • - - 300 ' X Do. mulberry) - ' aOO )1 Do. - oak) - 200 (forboyilo g one „ 225 tottlen, 1X pint, per dosen 1 60 The barren are carefully 'prepared. so that par ithemore may depend upon receiving the Water Moab end sweet. - , . -.. . - All communication should be addressed to ' Ttili 1111'020HD 111N10141, filltilie3 00., ImilLl-1 , Radical' (Meats. Va. CEssivELL.,& WILLIAMS..,. NO. 206 WALNUT Street, are, prepareC to supply ship. pare and consnmeriirtt# eitpetlor naiad Top Uoal from Lancaster Mines. : : : - - 'oat( FOX, & CIO.; .whoiemile; and I- retail dealers in LEHIGH and DOIDITIMILL WAD. Lellloyard—THlßD ativat and GERMAN. TOWN ROAD. Rabuyildll yard=RA.ol and' BROAD ateeete,.Pldladelpldi: :Heap eonstantlr on hand Coal Iron the moat approyed mine, under mar, end pre. TaT. 4 4 °OF.elfq-Yr°o9 4l :Te!.l-. , t. N.---110 'Pipes (Dutch 4 - 14 l.llr Ost bond ) ar..l for We br WU. R. ISAT9N, 21e a. NWT wogs E===
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