- - ißsioated *OW P0 1 ) 11 ., latV )I . ;_§.• ,NORFOLlikiia,S,ra - ArintOn=-498 tibia far 6000 hat f blarks Oothaa4;4 l o4o ll Sallt*ul Dirle4cOtS Adams &Vd_r 1,14,4-41gPV2P3,Fr01f;1M,,.411,1g10- BOA . IID = '. -, =1 ; 73.3e 1 =•= 1,410 4:, #0:14171114 _. , ,- sx , 'lrmikßA.em. ,4sl 4 , , ".4'' Aiiii , -'' ' I tis likirsia*fe .g 2 h4M 1 :0;PA 4 4 1,1 4, N ,"26 .. , .._,, A MOPN r 101011' ItiltrOni ..........i.WMPOOI) ~.° . .. .7 0 1 -,-"' '" ~— . L agaitini ' I " A .< 2431,8a1que ft°wepa til l 3 l )lMn% . * Wililliateil, , ll , s: ,3 '• • ue °luul 14 11 ' I ' cr . ' s , 4, , .." , ~, ... 11oon. .. . aitibs kireetalka R ovirlair" ;•, ~1. 1 016:313i 11 "'' saripil litibsubbu - toe, bt2 ‘,... •,, '".:o6. ra ni, pr,46' Damn./ Mllsibltka,, Rolli!fr• • ,', .mout on , poop Blig.thlAwllt Il l ige tf ,, ,7.::::4.94rbsppei i * pun Brlg Her"' 14'..V.:1:..4,,4filliaMnsmIVIMMi' Relit Allell.PH 6 4 . m rera~Btrti?rA,;°_RoT:'f ss;~ IL~fB,l P AIX # Waltilt#4lo4;i' - E447 B " * " .' ''''' 45 - woo; Bohr illlooriainiCXllitinit,'„d deyll bridge, bullet Clate;Hecter Sass jtkiff,6 i Bo 1fe#Bootot; hal - to . , • % ' '.. lBB iffYletill; itakiftriOoahriii'&• , •flahr - O l A'Bteteon,lkibb;CilleSx(froePrevleotereini" irik untie to Geoitg••a: Wipe- •• , ' ••• • Bahr Jesse-. Pichkmveit,lr','..inneeiiii,4"doi, from nostiii; in ti':ll4isVt4i - inttidir,- , ;-.. - - diohr,„l , llistekiesi, Kidd, MIS frolic Herr Cloatte,'Bel, with wheat tolticliardaon Bohr, Aliae.Oatllatt.'from Providenoe ochr -ix Smit h fititlth;Afoxi'Bo l4 4lPoe•• • •• .• • '"'Behr Anna Breser,Browni , frecaProvidinio; . ;Bohr ril - Va,nce,Ennige;freniNCO.York:`„ ' Bch Paleatine,lbern, !tole - New Ifork.7 BOW lierinty,letemoic'froni New York. , . • ',Behr I..Cortlers,4Beki !roe Boston, •, •; • Behr.l9.o,ltertlatE r ßooley;Noin Boehm. SchryouisaVrey. Wocior", Bahr 8 ,,' 8 obig),,J3kilpw; riPmlifoilon• • Bahr PdiSeris, Adieus; from Dighton. - Bahr X.Pharti; Clavaler, front New Belford. - Iltdat *ltrlCreliitod. Pew, from Wthul! l lo 43 .:-"•• -• „" A.,r• - ••••;-`," '• . 1 . 11 0 , 11hiatechif Deliiwitc„ 0 ,ix 1110 Yeti; BteaniahlSpktg of New Yorkillowee," BOetoni Henry Ship Beianahi Reified, W/XeMoarc_iatoik ; A_ solider it- be. BehrWei'e:Blexcrixorias Oain, - ,Bonton; 0 Ylller &, • Bahr Bohr W %Bartlett, Coolest fliveton4o Andenried& Bohr Marla Plakup,'Plokiiii,"„Pewtocket,•, • • do ; Bahf;T 8 yktrbefonge, do' Rohe II V7Bherp, - idishow. - Boaton,' Tiler. Stone A Oa' • .1041 , 0104PrIti:Nielier; Boetoii, ; l6 ;piaci & Op, .• wiry , Bahr' Ohio-Barrell,Bettti,,Provldeoce, N, Sturtevant EO` Aniild Breviti - - ` erein - Prieriderice 'idizitakton & ' Glover': • - , , , , Bohr J Williameon, Jr.Wtolinora, Marlifehelul, da lschr,Blt Townecne,.!ttlfacke,•kest Osoitridge, Cain, 1348 v J - Ik;'Yance, iinrdie'; 06;leali*;V+411 `Roston & l : , - XohiP4ostia,ol4oo*Widlwiten; do ; :. fabr , lmety,Johnoe, ; & - Bahr pharo; f'illfi , ,Wiaiplitia; Noyes & Bed eck. Merit Phenix's, Shppr, , lrPaiiiii - , ' ithirtivrant Bohr, Polly Price, edam', Brbioi; Bepplier to Brn. - -Behr Chas Uatah, Dunham, Oreggatown,"llo, eaptaln, - J,ll fihrivor. Bathroom, A proved, Jr. - • areeleporelania of The Mae.) HAYBP, DltitlliAoß, Nov. 26i1858: The lilogetoit left ihie'snornickerAtjt, 6 ; boats, 'elan and exmaigned a Beloit: r••‘•. - - J J Begardue, lumber to Milan. 4 Taylor; Rebecca Ann, Frontier, .vor4sk Flower; and "P Weneak,- ooal to Delaware City (OoperpoOlehee or The Peels. iiiiii.ibilieeinivtieeteateta the 11 on .oinal, passed Into the ,Ilaßoylkill Amid; today, bound_ to Phlladel pldiOadealkad &ashy* as follow. : - ilia Mary, rain to B & floirpßlatler, 11,7oO• verAloloioheat to - JoeOcaVer ,Catharine pig kola to Aiken etlOef Aterrogsleee; lumber to Isaac Wolverton; °yin' 111,Trpmp Ir. Boo; MA Pal*, railroad Wye to-But BeitelylVanla ER Co. • toOireapiadaiiv;oettis titiitedelpidi - ixasinge:] ,LZWNS;:Dig.,'Not 24; 7 A , M. Mr toil' Maishali,=Pitot,landid lids morning and repotts the &Bowleg vessele as having-gone to sea Sea. - ietday; ilitin.lorloaster; for New Orleans; brigs Oareline A ,White, for,Pornimbneot Abby & Blisabeth, for.; Itio de Jingly; and Ohleapett; for Boston, in.oompany with ' quite a Beet or sehoonete.' - Threat seine left the harbor ltall,TOriaing; noissis,ts,ratisiitnieg Wind 8.. - WM. M. giosinkic = , -•- - . • 'lkOirosiiiiiii#l. 4 ,to the Philadelphia inetkinge.t • - - --; Cans Istakti; , NOV PM. ,The ~.13r1thdi:hilge Obi/ solcsd*Printja, from Nova eitotfik; ha'thts morning,- iiid4edialn it aiehin'olf Mae yladiLitperead,botink ftailitrosn'MW: - Tears; &A; , • - 7.Btearoshliiiteeton•Bettew,,cleared Its4 - Toric yae terday tor ' • dneetnehhitlavhate, tint*. front Utttitarito Tts South* areptazi Nor{ 6:airised`st, Nest.lrtirk yesterday. ittletealdp Sinplres - oity; Gridlia,;fue.ftsvazia awl New j r: e lea.rod . .at Na. Orleanil9th .Ihip.dalian,Altnilid. for Pidledelphli, to load fn. Ohlna; clewed at Boston 4th inst. - - Ship Harpnwell Storer, for" glassow, 'cleared at Bo:- ton*th lairs: for ,New Orleans::- !BMW Lord;Terkins;oleired at Na York yes. terday rot lisakyrattalsoe, „ Rid Grand", Dreyer, fot Barton, called from Banicr hip filmes, Mantua, for Baton, sailed from Bin for 28d a _—BhlpOptkere, Magary, for Boaeon,"salled,f,omn Raey • P•Pt w•• • Ship . Volga; Iltdc — ThrThrlfßifetheav;-.-- 4 -araw orb' pealed Blebtore Nos c c , • I BM, Mrs4o4,,llwainan, - , Ikons Spa linaolsraßld Jild Rine ni tralt_h, far Hong Kong, sailed fromilan r ltortensios llitlu r Ifivn j elessea t unarleiton Rild , Oin~ Colony, 4i 'days' from Nei York for San nth nit; lit 26 66, long 48 60: liaiepii Hirs) leastallith utt: t foiinflt-tg: I LP r • as4,4llabliteolisme. , • - • - 7. 2 .. 1 - - ,BiritualVaeltleiStott __Hatcher, Solitse, Milos at Rev •_• - • „, *foul Mama .B%n:fritto% Tarr, cleared it ,Bolloi 24th insteforNesOrleace. • • • , Barque Therflia, (Br) for Now York, erEett from S m ead Bolivar ath tam, „! ' • „,; • (Dtp) • FOrliow York , sailed from Olada7 - Brig Aiiitorlitaill, iiie;froairsteius, at Keeton 24111 hurt, lath loss of fore yard. - • stirmarston ',Waren; .Gsr eland' at W eratta Nitimorti, iitth hist _ Sobs Ohailais6;lcaltib,freal.pslavrareierrivettatN Raves Me beet, 0.14 • ... • Sabi. P,ArMitspAr,Tßl;Oleare,l'ar. Neer Turk peter tordierforlierf . sa r • • RaltHadifiiiiiiferd,heneff, :iri:ed:t aickinund Bar Barrows 0,016 k; °Mend it New York jolter. day for Charleston. • Bahr Joseph Ore, Room, from Rio di Janeiro Oat arrival at flew ork•yeaterday, Selir Adeline Townsend, Townsend, for flew - York, 'lined frOm Oharlettort hut,' Bebr John, Bo*, Hammond hence arrived at Baran , , Sebr Jonathan Cone, Mahaffey,' for Philadolphia, sailed from Hartford 2401 Inst. - Boar Geo. ai r bag, Nresreon', arrived at Bal. tiosore 240 t ' • Mohr -Deborah , Japer, Winomore, cleared at N York 24111 , • , • , logrAiremeGlrdbr, Paine, from Beaton lot Phliadel- BhifiAtlielf , Tork 24 th lest/ 8 ekr410404.71 APPletcor; Rears; arrived at Newport • Saw Sally. Wheaton, Tomlin, Renee, arrived at Pro. Sabre et parli;le, SS !Amore; Barton, Brower; Vol ts, Ostuti tenet, Cu t - and Eva, 15wIlt, gaged froot'Providesob inet:.for Phtlattelphat. Sob? Adele Follett' Corterltht; tonte;wes at anther la the bay, below Noll ittior, 2211 set. „ Bahr Rodgdoe, from' UAW. far Philadel. phis, rat Portland 2.141 tot, itunii - iaeouLitrt- - • - - l *strophic deetoichlionl Oalifointe; Thi - Niw Or: leans. Bes 20, 'Welk the ship , Mop - Oruthing, .11oilalyiatiorteitaila - Captain' Merritt one _Jo( the,boartrof .tindestsriteori aganui arrived tt - NtwANirle ot:Wedneedo evening, and sepcirte ; that- the- three sahooners 'whore on Deal Belch ern high and Orriugting .lini ',lltiehee, and are ill 'ln hellcat , • , / : - - ,l o.lutieruivrilf.• - —:. - •,, , .., AA Haig Jionii dept 11; cliiillnedirob. iiriri, widtiss ' leolgitt,f A, lottortronif Copt , Kirby 'report/ that ,biloi " Carol cm -vary dull; "ri' laritiLiast;iforoisalola .port, I. OW of *hi& hOd.hild - tharii.Ahroo iionthi;oncl many „ tf i thorni would' borobiigodlt.i; roman, thorn , as. - -musk , longer` for frojehto,A - Plooty,nr - ollir, int too to trio eonn. trr,Trnicia were not sliming, toile" nionght dotrattritil '- ' 'Vie treaty, was geWuNCkricl.Lichirid rosined.: , .. Aria tiltitor aliCtnll,lforipio Hata'l2lrindor,iirent ltiiiiii'loY gotta: ; - ' .-. , , • - 1 • - Bid - Ao.n.,oroultedeigo4,,tiar:4ll2:llaralt "L"Niraili, • lona; Cordon. -: .. - -- , -,,..;.„ , • , .„At -Antwerp. Sib test, _ship Glonci,"Liewtor; tor 'Ha. Tina sown Mary Ogden; Loveland, fordo 10thi;Aiihbar. ton, Bradfalt - ,-rpr do Nitiktothinyor. Hole, for Al ti*.9e - latoolgaiir LindO,Moldautio'. for do 10th. , - , Of kfigideriii . Aith nut, ship Hartford, McKay, •.• from • -. /MORE - Tor He* York, trith,loos of anchors and cables. - - Ar at 'broil 22.1 ult, barquojil • W . ..itionbidgo , Claicirtell, , lid from Deal liiil;ihrodia - ti brig duns, Piclandile; -- • (trion"N**Trirh) J 1101.,.. ,!•---...-. - .), , , • Ar litLltstionllo4tlil22l, s h ip latittr; OhorleOpt. (0 '1, ,, -r.'-' -;=- ' i tikliClSTlO PORTS - ' '''' "' - - NE W ,: 111114Ner 24.Ar, -- Unita rd Nonterao; Um - . i • Woad; BarhirAdetOsitp - AriliSiuniiod..'Petter . , Mobilo--; ~ ..- ,nniot ,- ,i200, - ,9ininpo•ll, - -Hollforp- tootairprise, ,Uririali, • buipalio l ai pahro, - -Yrititoirn, , Porkins, Ciuda Bolivar; NazoiCidoni Paltionr;Frornistlit,"2ll3; Ida De l la Torras ; . . noila,-.Honhorn, Ni); Lcotudiailarnali, Wan , - --, "- • -.. Utd; itiliskYOmtnoiftvrilbovillotrilorlinok *orris: , " -- torißilie, - ,liiir.: - Orjaanrl , bakflue Genf of, Ha liao ,11111.' ' - - 'll* h ittoUti4 hilithandtdproy, iitahba,2lB*llinhon, , -, :--,-, ,:, - Aticaid, otipo 41,:likigert;p1limiiraY; Iliiiitiziihr,cno.:' ~.otiLiticl6, - Iddldoor t el do blici - Alrinillidsr,-111d69 Portia,:- `,Bilio*i", Hondrilionino - Indiaio'Bella, ninny, otootip ; ,. .--- -: WO Indinntidatica, - !Cahoon`, lit John, NIP Orioliii! -','„ '-'- - -Wonifer; St'atibrw, -- 21/4 -- , - Thoe arrAir,Liali - Ainin; Cirrho Ow ~ -- ,A •,,:-, as; _Baltimore , Potter, tort, a:CP:ince; Ocean Witt ', A! ;imer, Ouraco.l. - _-/-s,. -,--,:,- o - --...-; , , - - -.3. - , - - -- i;j_ -.,• Aldo*, chip ItiChaid - kitop, ledm Antwerp, - • .fi:-X,6,-illotlod;sliip)l4ll;elOttilltfirliggi; Gatyestils,, ~, j .',110811,9,E1 or Nov ; -24- - =-Arj, ochfradi,W Pratt : Ntokii#Dp,: 'I ~,:-. 1 •1.111nopplt660P;Colifoof ()Motown, Api..ateArner i. -, i,:e. Jodi WbltatkgOorui - Naitlutorii„ ! ,--g„,, , ;,,,?..,„ „,,,,'.,.- , . ,-:. , -..".-at /grill, OrtinrilllkaliplaNi from Hi4HOX: i - . , -1- , ... -"--- W. i - 0 - ;Tifiti";:tloirrinaLhoiriosti,iolintitogoo, - ide• ' •', 1 - viitselioc ' ktiOttripllk - - - -42Lrildiar,,;,•210otuairiz - ,-Andoreri - -; ": , „-01,400Ni altawighW- (V ; sl4titty,aniter, l'i*tlasid, tcr . s . -- ` - ,, -- ,. - losd for,Onlist• lahrii AN Allen'. Mier/ jitichitiondi - , •:-.., i ":..-- ----,-; aiiter - nor* AitroCa vi qdlottatie7- , -,_ , -- -ii -., -J_ - ' -,'' .--, - "---- 0 TRNitilltr ' , -: oCto. et; '4. lo l ,o" mui ,•:, t; ,:lortoii„.• lilac- hisnonsla, , ,Harref --, * Wont. 1 ", f litaardi do; -*Cdidiirni,."-Inoolild . .Lirec-4 . ;‘,..PoolLkoma.akr4eß9kf N,140 - ,ATroNod49ni-biltlidd _ ." '.. 4 ,,,l l looonnilditil*.: o d.'.- ,- - ~ ..- i l-W, - .-'-n,--- , - i ,:i-- A ,-- - ,: ~---- _ mitiOsle4(lbolli , ;4oiXoy ,, 24-.ar • ‘oniii:Cirotonine ,' ' ' '-' ''. onoliiihiti4rokoo Pig.- -2c-- - o - s: ,- . t. ! , -- - . -----, .t . ! r,, ~--,,oidi l ithrhifor4h, -„Robiosoof,26l, NAB it r,,- A" , ' '-s,jdoitt;Hdit;Yorkll:fi- utootti Worth; *stop; ..A.ioado i f-';'-- -- :I' , ":il'lr . -‘ 31 , ,,14 ."- 1 ", - '.. 1 , ni t;?_ I PI I !! I A?, I *I 4 I 4 e , 7,, C4 h7 _., '+, r:",,,lngit.,:plitifA2l2„''''lti r ii • . *:„ 4- c . oiiitfiliihiitition' ';',._: - • - -",girigsliir;Livepoolijitriltiripia, Yrewohree-Bisoura; - me '.." '.(` - Ter-ihkgett:prm. 7 .lo 6 tp o 44.. ,. .* E ksb ire oltititsini, Lon.' ' ' ''''' ' ' '- . -- " , "ilorr ‘bigloiti , gew.l. ( l lo .,tis, S_Aiderlisprepaillif;Lelltul "„.-'--,HOrditir, upoopaii., r. dkr# 9mttoi:-..qttcrtoOotb - _-Bylitej s'-- , .:"- ,'_- -- AllortorliklinontliiArnisl4_... , a -, : ,,,, --.C --, .' , 4 -- --,- - ..---,, ,- .,,ii „ 1 Itaez"..-c*.tAill'ildpolijoropioirf,Tylirr,',lloatoni-It Robinson. Rd: ',.. 4 .. ,— .;lllll)llciii.td - mmii. orroneotuay xFportet aoooo_Wiati? - 'f ~ : 6;:. i iigteijoai 'ill,i' or 4lio - kbpsouty.lthatuloilj - -..Aninrp; :'• ''• :',''. i- tit Otottilliti4o l - B( lit li r!a no m -11 11 "lobd. i;- -I'-121,100.2elti&kil:fe;,Z4,---!',--, , ,- - ,--- ti -:',. , . t*l iktr : B rt 4. W `- 1 1 'qTIrkV f i r 2 ntPpo 4 i of l 'Voin i tirotr;trnt Path j Akitiki? It, "Towedtoeftleiiii%irt,iadcsnkeaiSouthOa '-- - 4 14#4 , KW4,11 - 2rl-W.,,1, _ni.!:4l,-M4l , BLACK BEAR INN—Firth and Merchant Waists Relit Redgaen, W 0 Ontnot, Wielder eo Wm Wettish, Del N Robinson ' Del A N Cleland, DM Wm $ Ootion,Del" Wm G Coulson, Pa, Bwetland, Ohio „ Y Rieder, Phlia J D Bhirpless, Pa J Thompson, Pa Lewis Seal dc la, Pa Bawbier, Lam co Ohas E Lewis, Md. Alvin Wiley, Del J 8 Namara, Pa 0 Matthew, Md J hl Harlan, Del Lewis Yencholt, Dal Wm 1,1 Wilson, Dal W Porter, N y Thee Dewees, Pa George POllllOO Pa John Winn, Pa MOIDIT VERNON 110T711.-"Second et., above droll H Boutbiard, Wlntsport II II Adams, Pa A Billinger, Oleirtiold, Pa Gage, Jefferson co, Pa If Overman, Panuatawny Mr Bustin, Baltimore Mrs Bustin & alder, Balt 7 McGann, Hoobeater Duos DRili GOTEl;—Third ab. Gallowhill . 0 - • - H Mow, Bolding • G W Lowing, ' OW Wolf; Danboro P Holeria; Lisoutar ao, Pa I Madera, Beading, Pa Jain Dale, Pa ' 8, Huns & LA, Danboro . 'BALD NiGLELThIii street, above Oallowblll. W 81nnersehlti, Pa N A Pellz, Beadlog , X a Manager, Easton -LE Moser, - Reading II Miller, Enna co, Pa 'EI Miller. Dinka co, Pa GIL' Robn, Pa , Bea) Rohn, Pa E K. Wambold doh Pa H Rosenberger & Is, Pa D Bowman, Lehightos - Min Everhart, Allentown E Addains; Reading - -X E Ziromerman;Pa MADISON-KOUSZ-Ifiecond et., below Arch PVibe, Pltt6nrih W Henry, Phil& , 13.Wial2tingal°A.P4: Wuhap., , Cared of 11Fpnchitts of teug OrANbifie. Punar'attiaLi k lits7 /7,1868. JAC-11filON Cordial; tI DIAN an ' dis Balsamic am now, of twit sereneu in the. throat which- has iliatfiesti Mire. Von may not "mow that t env Mainly de liendentlipou,wr, lave , Al leader of a choir for a nub eLetence. About eight 'mini first felt a -weak ness, in , the- throat,' whiell, as I supposed - Warms-hut temporary, gnie no unemlnees, But It Coon - became so painful as to inispacitite • tire, fora time, from titling my dilation:, I therefore desisted from all vooal exer cises, for a monthi.wluirf *4' thrOat Be. sinning regale, theraorairisireinnied With Incvelsied trio lonia. now hariieOurietoritedieel advice, and after irarde torseieral advertised' remedies; with but slight *Diet, Deirgaitiriribfa mirth relinquisbodmy gnostic*, and lied tumid, my„attentlon to other business, when oni of foui Oki:elms fell late myliande. I determined to,try the Cordial, and bought a bottle with that view. 1 could hot see that I wee any better, after taking it, yet - determined . to persist: I accordingly bought a second, and Boon after a third bottle, by which time I felt in much better, tbat, though I could scarcely afford it, determined to poiolume a half dozen. When I hed taken the sixth - bottle, I felt that I was mired, and I have taitenno more since. six months have parsed awry, and I have felt no return of the disease. I have ressintedvni old situatien, and the future looks bright before me: ion are entitled to. this certificate —it is at your service. -T. uly years,- ' - ' ' -C. S. GARRETT• l-i.reeirodonly by Dr. Cr: 11:,7A0880B, 41BArah street, Philadvighla, and for sale by - Druggists and Store keepers, throughout the ,United States and-Canada, Price t 6 t.nts per bottle. - It - Evans and Watson's Snlamander Safes.;-.A linwe inairfmeet now on hand, warranted equal to any made In the United Staten, which we, will sell at prices to salt the Umee, • . • - We hari'also- recond-hand Safes, made by Farrel, kierrlngdt CO . , taken In exchange, and we Invite oar Pldlsdelphia Merida to calf and examine their boasted Patent Ohamplon, which are comiletely eaten full st holes, and nearly worthless. A sample may be seen standing at the front of our store. - Ladles? Furs —Onkfords , s store Is crowded daltroith Ladies purchasing Fara, lie has the largest pad best assortment in the eitg, Ord Is selling them at fen! RnaiiiMber U20:24 • - ' — OANFOIEttqI, 024 Chestnut street. , oiieLpites customs it the Latent Styles, and nude in the beet manner, expressly for XIITA.II. BALM). We mark oar lowest seling prissein ststs gramme on iseh artipie, All goodi =ante oider ere Warranted sitisirsitory, and Our, ons-rnioz. invest le strictly ad hered to. We believe this to be the only fair way of dealing, ea thereby ell are treated alike. 'JONES & CO., sot timtzsT Street. Burnettts Cocoalne. A single applleetlon renders the bale—no matter how WIN and dry—soft and gloaey for several days. It is Tin( 014117 .4)110. ClUtittir )1111 DAMMING SY Till ' ,fIABBARD 00., Twelfth and Chestnut Ste. Sole Agents. Nor sale by dealers generally, at 60 eta per bottle. - nelo.tt E5O, $5O, $5O, $5O, $5O, $5O, $5O, sso. fif !WRVS SEWING, zionnita.—PßlO ß S BR DUOED.—A new and elegant Samily Sewing Ma chine for $6O, and :the general scale of pities greatly reduced. All who want a substantiel, doll°. and re liable Sewing Machine, which has an established repo. fiiticin !Or doing, the very heat work on every kind of material, are invited to' mill at orir cake and “Airline the, new machines, at the reduced prices. They can not Sift to be Satisfied. ,I: If. SINGES. & 00., no9•WfS No. fIOS OUISTIiiin Street. j Ilnytitit , > In .-- , vs ~,Pereinti , 111 Ni Elkiktr, TRUOV VpiPernt, • WALNUT Itiesti , B.lllt.aemnit ofTELIRD,-phtindelphis. Money reetyad in OW . , et - 4 tetra trr, - li and Intelsat paid t'iiiinlikriti, or deSoati• tetlis aita , of,wiihdrewsit. , :01101414 1 1gannivad Inatletitnente snide:olll nftkOnt notion. ""The iriveamenta ars +MO in lima letetn, C OntitnthiCaStind" /I , ,nntli,lint seen enst;elesa send 'll4l.o*Aiiiier lkiikOrfo l :,Osee binihri trpm ppteloo* - -11 $10 1 1; ON " se. .. 411,batittaptiaii- - ,,i4 0 , Ittildirisiil 'to** aititi 1 loi4O•i!., to ; #44414 6146 4 viAt rre l 464:46,:iii ;matte kijkLitrwoWeilipilt obi ;Rifigla*Sinroiiitill .toillWOlVAiiitlici oyi 44° 1 4 1 0-1 0 40 414 .t0-Iftiu Ow Valic t icear44l* , Vite ° - 014,t4 1 . 6 .e'*,10:4#4 't fri*l s i ONOW-Mt 1 0 it i i9Cizr-tai C ' A 1 - 01(.4 i ARRIVALB , At THE PINOIPAL ROTELI3, ;re to osiwy.oolF; mina, xosocute GlRWRORON4ltilltrinbilfreeti lBBol VNiqh , P Watherlll:Plilla Wetherell & eon. Yhili T W NrielPi'MYr , P D Tan Deventor, N W Bryant - ' 8 M Bowman; Oat 0 81rnmons:-.Vis , .L.lt Mitchell, Del • •,! , MbialliSehell,'Del • 1 Grinnell & lady, Mass 0 8 lj e ller,-Pletabnrgh N Thomas, Jr, Ba tt • • J.X Thomas, Balt • ,1" X Crane, Y' • • N Meyers, Bremen J W llibler, Boston'. Elalsdrigas & wife, Ottb Llorman, Ohio Mad Pole, Prance . 0 Leµgblin, Pails H IkaremwaU; N.Y : •:8 N Waaby, N Y.-, . , W Pains, X-Ity. = H G Uhler, Ga• • J:jamas & lady;RY.', • : axon , & lady. NY - IdeisOn_serk Y, A Pl2lllll • W O lohnson, NY— .H.I,-Hattleon b.lady, N - I , „.H;PHent kladyiN 7 Lancaster B Young and lady J Shollugtoz4 , Washington 0I; Grant and lady, NY, 4. B lAyster.Waahington , 0 R Morrison Washington TBlood,NY .q - a.Yarrott, Alex, Ya Y " n ehi id. 1 41 - • W.J Nntwhier,•Alex, Va 4,lB , lhatty, Pottsville • AllilypeurPottavllle ..11 Atwell, Albany.- G arson • •N O Abbot,' Open .- •Mr Oronss, N Y - • Mr Jacobson, N • . T Hammond & wife, Rd 'MlCroalt; N Y', D Williamson, Memphis 81,Edmundeon, ,Taan • - WrWoodville, Bait . B Burk and lady , N Y Miss N A Drummond, N Time OlarkiN.Y , • • A Oohbn &- lady, Memphis „ _ ` -MERCHANTS , HOTEL4Mirth it.,below Arch. - 8 D Palager,tibathibersberg Chu D BoserY, Pa ' HAdiums, Sd•filinbitre,'Pe‘ J W Younkbllfllkibtirg or Gatehus,iflfillobass W 8 Alio, Ta Jul( Hury;Mislreaspokt ,It 8 Wiring; Pittsburgh - Hayac Carlisle” , - H Sells, Columbus, 0: '0 0 Hunt, Bstmawiciti Me 'Milli Hunt, Me • ' R.T Lehman, Philo •••• " W•A Atwood, Cheater oi Son J Macey Jouefdtaari Ohu H Jonesilteading W Baird dr, lewTowanda , Geo W Bradley, N Y WDe Haven Mineraville 00l M J Thompson, Mo A - Prowentelt, Pittsburgh . J Ridgway, N I • O Ridgway, N 1 - 0 0 Billings, Va • • 0 P Merray &, le; Pa t-. • Him irstMurray, Pa • J D Moore do la, Washington J MdParland, Tyrone City NRANHLIN 1101,181L—Ohestuut street, above Third. N Y • • • Jos Johnson, NY 'W ELD,oble. NY • -, W B Mount, Trenton, N Grover; Trenton, N J VS` H Turnbull & la„Oonn 'a AI Smith, Saratoga, N Y W Haskine, Saratoga, N Y L Harrison do la, Del J Wild, Dover, Del ,D H &hock, N,.1 J Turner, Pa - A Elam, r '0 0 Bald?, Danville D'Roberts, N Y, J P Prayers, N Y 0 J jaeobs, N, , B Mills, Jersey City , Jambe Baynes . Battimore , Boyles, Pa . if A Besinett,Na" '1123 • , HOTBL—Arch street, below Fourth. XL Day, Regan M H Bayer, Va H Street; Del • Poorlriolc, Del , Wm Jones, hid . B Cooper, Pittston, Pa Wanton - , Pa Abel Mishler, Pa a 0 Puller, N,V . • 3' Nanely, kliddlatowif Miss Y?. Kau,4, Pa ~• . B P Kanely, Pa , B Cochran, Pa Jae Robinson, Pa Richard Irvma, Pa . ;Issao 'A Sheppord, Pa ' 7 ! O Yerlogtoit, Pit - W H Thompson, Pa Qulcksell, NY - L P Brim% Bedibrd, Pa D . o,Rodrock, • • , , AMERICAN HOTEL—Oheetonistreet, above Fifth. B Scott, Pa St Hunter, Washington W Johnson Washington John A Hunter, Pa Robt Riley. Ohio ' Comedy, Jersey Olty 7 Wins, N Y - • W P Summers, Ind P J Sanford, Ind - •• a 8 Griggs, Hasa M Oilkary &la, Ps " ' Miss Id .18 Moore, Ps W W Wilbur, NI Chunk B P Wilbur, la Chunk MIA Uhler; Lebanon-- , Thos Wilson, Carlisle- T Bliss, B I OPartridge, Boston 1 Sealy, St e - Newark,'N J :John J Taylor, Owego, N Y Richard Green, Ittl • • M Minh &la, Newark. NJ John ElWoodeoek, N Y '' - O Buckley, New Haven _ NATTONAIN HOTBL--Base street; above Third. Naliet,Lariesete' 0 d. - Eluiltl4 A Patteilion; Ohio ' Newtown - JJ Henry,- Berwick W B Hurts, St Clair litre P:Oiark dr, eon, Ps .7 W Hays, Williamsport lituitonp:Lebsnon Jos Whitaker, Ps John Alien, Albany , Orouee k ly, N Y SI Phillin, Pittston BAUM BIiNAT 110TEL—Seeond street, below Vine Addis to la, Pa , T V Smith, Books oo A II Bells & Is, Ohio Thos 0 Bashore, Oen J Davis, Danville W H Yerkes, Nortlstown Coleman, Maw• - --Wm Lanshe, N 0 W !Walton, Lamberv)o W Beak, Doylestown P Ruth, Doylestown' 7 - ' NErans,"Ps - Sang Hughes, Bs • - NVANB & WATSON, No. 26'Snutb Nonrthotreot BURNZTVB 0000EINN W. Henry Patten,MIIIIMISCtUrtIY of Window, BR &DSO, sod Impor ter of GOBTAIN and IIPHOL; BTERY ,lIMPBRIALI3 - LAOS and MUSLIN OUR:, BNOOATELLNS, SATIN DS LAIN an,7 WotistED, Dealaag,"Rard, MOREENS, PLUMBS,: Olen% TABOLO, Qum ooRNTORB and OUR-, TAMOBNANNNTS:- Gilt Wiridiiw Rhoda! wffli' all trimmings,ulOW: Ail 76 oorda Gaol.. ;Yu*: 'milted flOallioffoi lovOloo at .OurtLitis, which ,ari ligriied it the following unproodentO6 low prices:. - Oartalos, 00, worth -$8 00 • pair. . • $2 00, tp s4t 00 a 4, •, r . 11 #4 1 i 0 ,4r,4 041, " 53.00, "-tooo ci he." . a. , sin 00 Elegana riehEmbroidered; $lO 00, " • $2O 00 n - ,Nainisk Curtains kern 00 t 0,515 00 Per window, noMplete. ,Cartalna made and pnt yp at the shnrtegl iOtiaii by omnipotent workmen. , - trEERY'PATTEN, 680 CHESTNUT St., -• Oppealte Jayne , eNew Hall 7lalterjs Celebrated Fatally Sewing IVIAO/IINEEL - A NEW STYLE—PRION TOO Cinsersoy. draggy, Then - stir' from two spoOleoind form a seam of sluiennalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, which winger rig even if every forth eetbeb be out. They areurciiiestioziabljlhe best in the market for oele-tf otreAs - Cure - for.i Cough -and Cold:—As aeon-us there le the ellgliteatnneaelnese of the - Oheet, with difficulty of breathing, or indlastion of Cough; take during the dal' ' , ',few," Brow?* Bronchial Troches." Containing demulcent litiredleitta, 'they aliky PixhdondrY, , lrrita. Con. - Cold Wholesale and retail 'at P. BnOwn.e, corner of Chestnutand Fifth streets. nol6-ood•12t Bronchitis.—Many prevalent and fatally tend log Mamma are now comprehended under the term c. Bronchitis in all of them the membrane of the air piesagea In more or lees affectrd, They -resemble con eomptioxi to tiymPtema and fatality, and in many canes acitually end fa! , The PERUVIAN SYRUP Is signally beneflialal in such cases, and has matched many from premature graves. 'Nor aide in. thlsolty by, N. Brown, earner Ylfth and Oheetnut, and Hainard dr.' .00., corner. Twelfth and Chestnut. ' " • - . D2t-dacWtf Seamen's Saving Flinif—Northwest Corner of Seemed and Walnut, dr ee:e D•poelte received in - small and large amounts, from all classes of the eornmunity, and allows Interest at. the rate of five per emit. premium. Money may be drawn by obeoke without loos of Into real. Once open daily, froni 0 until 6 olalook, and on MU day and Saturday until 9 in thintening. Franklin Pant TilifilUrer and Saaratary, °hulas 11. gems , „ Thomas W. Bally, No. 622 Market Street, IMPorteiand Dealer in Tine Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Nare...Plretulass goods constantly on hand. The subscriber, paying cash for every article, la enabled to sell at a email advance. Those about purchasing would do well 'to Call. All goods warranted as repro. eoteed. se4.am . ,inarringes. By Rev; A. W. Milby, on the 2lat instant, Mr. GEO. W. BINNIX to Mies HARBIET R. WOOD, both or Manalunk , In the city of Burlington on the oth Instant, by Rev. ho S. Porter, JAMES STERLING to 'AMELIA L. PORTER, or Burlington, N J. In Burlington, on the 20th Instant, by Rev. J. Lewis, Mr. JOHN LEWIS HALLER, Eng., of Philadelphia, to Mies SALLIE STERLING, of Beverly, N. J., for merly of Philadelphia., On the 28d in-taut by Rev . Joseph 11. Kennard, Mr. SAMUEL B SHIVERS to ,Mine ABBY ALBERTSON, both of Haddonfield, N. J. On the Bth of March last, by Rev. Henry Darliug, Mr. OHM. D. SHAW 16 Mull MARY, 3, OABIPBELL, all of thle city. On the 224 indent, by.Trihn G. Wilson, T.D. hi, Mr JAB. THOMAS to Miss SARAif HOPES, both or this city. On. he 14th instant, by Rev. Robert H. Pattison, Mr. HENRY MERGER to Mice MARGARET S. MMUS, all of the Eighteenth ward, Philadelphia. iggatbe. On Wednesday 'evening, 24th !rodent, after a .llnger log illness fiIEORGE HENRY, onlyson of Joseph-P. and Marie k laughead, aged 2 years and 6 months. The friends of, the family are invited to attend the funeral, from hie father's residence, No. 268 South Fifth street, on Saturday morning, 22th instant, at 10 o'clock, without further notice. ** On the 28d Instant, CHARLOTTE HOIRYNOLDS, In the 24th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are reopeet fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, Anthony and Jane: Meßeynelds, No 1636 Pine Wed; this (FridayLmorning, at 9 o'clock. * •On the 28d instant, SARAH JANE, daughter of George and Hannah Burnley; aged one year and three menthe. The relatives and friends of the family are reaped fully invited W s attend the funeral, from the residence of her peasants, Upper Darby, Delaware county, this (Fri day) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. tk On the 23d instant, THOMAS G., only child of Thos. B. and Lucy Allen, in the 8d year of his age. - •The relatiree end friende of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his grandfather, Rev. Thome G. Allen, No. 926 Lombard street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, without further notice. On the 24th Instant, SABAH JANE,' daughter of David and Jane Canningham,aged twenty months. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence other parents, 1104 Carpenter street, above 812th, this (Friday) afternoon, - at 2 o'clock, without further notice.. On the 28d instant, JOIIN KEEL, in the 76th year of his age. The relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from hie late residence, No, 3228 South Second street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. tk On the , 28d instant, SUSAN MeRWEN, In the 88th year of her age, widow of the late Andrew MoEwen, of Londonderry. The relatives and friends are respeotfolly invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, No. 1121 Market street, between Eleventh and Twelfth, this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 n ' olook. • On the 24th Want, FRANCIS MoOONNELL, eon of Francis and Rosanna McConnell, aged 2 years, 10 months, and 18 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respect. fully invited to attend the funeral, from the reeldence of hie parents, corner Washington and Oxford streets, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. On the 284 instant, ELIZABETH CONDY, wife of chard Coady, late of Ltekeard, Cornwall, England, ip the 55th year of her age. - Her Mende and them of the family it, reepeotfally invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, No. 737 Bloater street, this (Friday) afternoon,at 1 o'clock. * -On the 2E4 instant, HMI WINN, aged 45 years. The relatives and friend" of the family are respeet fully invite! to attend the funeral, from his late reel. deuce, No 1016 Wilbert street, above Tenth, this (Friday) morning, at 8J o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. tk On the 24th Instant, MARCELLA, youngest 'daugh ter of Patrick and Eleanor Jane Kavanagh, aged si x months.- WHnee• Yon Seen the Villene-Blackansith4 On Free Exhibition fora few days only. HER RING'S GREAT PAINTING ! at It. IL . Hunt% north west corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. It card.—,We feel desirous, la justice to ourselves:to annonnania to the public' that, in tre e llt.Tfl InTitilt,TArearCi".dwit Committee we been rumble to Arrange for the trial of our Sewing Ma. chine with that of the pasty accepting our chatter ge of thel2th inst. -t o lv.a been ready ourselves to .most our cnmpett• men r,"tait i . , ttylre received their public announce delays, and conataiairPontrary, have asked for r, pasted for the teat of the Itlaehln; 24 l definite time them as withdrawing from.the content, an ent.iy state this to be the moo.- LADD, WEBLITIIIA-44 aci E2O 0/LEBTN_IIT Btrear Have. eu Seen the Tillage Blacksmith? On three Exhibition for few onyx only. HEN HI 'S GREAT PAINTING !at R. 11. Hunt's, north west corner of BIM( and CHESTNUT Streets. It Citizen Sangfroid, by John Drew, at the t WALNUT-81%1MT TIDIATRS TDB SVEN q , It* The Ladies , Fair for the Benefit of the 1.1.3 ITALIAN 011APSI., , in Marriott street. east of Xightit street. is now open In JNYIBERBON HALL. eor. of Birth and Ohriattaa atreata ft* Have You Seen the Village Blacksmith On Pres Pahlbaton for s few days only. HER RING'S GREAT PAINTING ! at E. U. Hunt's, north west corner FIRTH and ORNSTNUT Streets. It Mrs. D. P. Bowers in two fine Porte, THIS EVENING, at the WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. its oce, Rev. A. A. Willits will Lecture In BEDDING 0111IROH, SIXTEENTH and COATES Meets, FRIDAY FIVENIRtr, 20th inst., at 734 o'clock Subjeot—.. , How to make home boom , ' Tiaketsls cents. Ohl'dem 10 cents at the door. n24.3tik gye. Have Yon Seen the Village Blacksmith? On Free Exhibition for a few days only. HER. RING , I3 GREAT PAINTING ! at E. H. Bunt' , north west corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streeta. It 3 Capital Pieces at the Walnut to. Us 3 NIGHT. • • Ite risw Jayue , s Hall Prayer Meeting.—All wilt be sled to learn that until further notice the BUSINESS MEN'S UNION PRAYER MEETINII will be held again in lyne's h ail , daily, from 12 to 1 o'clock. This is the molt central and convenient lo cation, and THOUSANDS can be accommodated. All are cordially Inv ted to attend, and the meeting is open fOrr all to take part who are inembsra of any /Evangelical Church. 11244 f ncv. Have Yon Seen the Village Blacksmith: On Free Erch!bitten PI a few days only. HER RING'S GREAT PAINTING ! et E. H. Hunt's north- west corner FIRTH sad OFIESTKIT Streets. It 07. Liberty, Manually, and Fraternity. at THE WALNUT THIS EVENING. lt* irre Emerson Bennett, Esq., (author,) Lec- TURES on "Wild Border Lire," Introducing thrilling scenes,startling loc!dents, end laughable anecdotes, &c., In CONCERT BALL, on ERIDAY EVENING, Nov. 28,1868. Tickets 2.6 e. 1326..2t* ff. Have You seen the Village Blacksmith ? On WO. Exhibition fors few days only. HER RIMINI GREAT PAINTING ! at hi 11. Runt% north west corner YI WWI and Off FCBTNIIT ntreets. It rfThe Inlintiable John Drew no O'Connor the EH, at the WALNIII` THIS Itirnkt - lt* V:Office Philadelphia Gas Works, Nov. 25th,1168: posals will be toadied at this office until noon of the 30th December neat; for the sale of Stock of the Germantown Gas Company, and, &leo. of the Richmond Gas Company, to the Trusteee of the Philadelphia Gas Worts, ea an Investment to the Slaking Ruud of said works. n264i80. W. FENNELL, Cashier. Have Yen Seen the Village Blackman hr: On Free Exhibition for a few nays only HER RI O'S' GRIMY PAINTING 1 at E. H. Mint's north west corner FIFTH and,CHESTNUT Streets. EtOffice )Razieten Coal Company, Phila. DIELPIIIa, November 13, MS.—The Directors of tleton Coal Company have this day declared a Dividend of FIFTY CENTB PER SNARE on the OW tel Moak of the Company, additional to the August di vidend, parable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, at the office of the Company, in Phila delphia, on and after December 6th, next. The Transfer Books will be closed until December 61h. SAMUEL MOORE, Preeident. VlHave Yon Seen the Village Blacksmith ? On tree Exhibitlon for ahw dsys . only. HER.. 113 GREAT PAIITING at E. H. Health, north.' West corner VIETH and CHESTNUT Streets; •It , Office Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co.—' PHILADELPHIA, November 28d, 1848. he Board of itlexagere have this day deolared a DI VIDSND of TIMER Prt CENT., equal to One Dol lar and Fifty Cents per Share on the Capital Stook of this Company. payable on and after the third day of De 4 camber next. My order, OTIS AMMIDON, n 24 fit Treasurer. Blase You Gems the Village Blacksmith ? On Free Exhibition fora few days only. HEN ROWS (MAT PAINTING ! at E H. Hunt% north west corner FIFTH end CHESTNUT Streets. It frr - , Bunk of Commerce.—Phlladolphln, No: vembae 2, 1858.—The Board of Directors have rii, ri day declared a dividend or live per cent parable on demand, clued State Tax. J. 0. DONN HU, ~ na-wfrnl2t,. . flashier. rThe East Mahoney Railroad Company. The undersigned Commissionera (being two of hose named in the Act of Incorporation of said Corn. panyndo hereby appoint the Eighth day of December, A. D. 808, between the home or 11 A. M. and 2P. DI. of paid day, at No: 407 LIBRARY Street. above, Fourth Street, in said city, for the Subscribers to the Stock of said Company to meatto organise the Company, and to elect, as provided by law, a President and Twelve Di rectors to serve according to law. ROWLAND lONIC . P; N. BUCK. PHILADIILPHIA, Noy. 22,1858. 0023.12 w • , tio• HareltorrSern the Vlllagelllnoltsmlth Oa Free kahlbltion fora few oeye only. HER. RINIVE GREAT PAINTING l'at E. H Hunt% north west corner FIFTH and OFIESTNGT Streets. ~ It ' rv.---. 'lonic for Invalids with Affections 'of THE OFIEST. it W. oOtner PARKE and CHESTNUT Steeds. n224.m West Philadelphls . , Married We at the Walnut-street Then- EGTILE THU- EV.BRING, In which Mrs. D. P. RO3 Id the entire Chenperb will weer, itr THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 26. 1858. grßat troad,Cempanica and liftman 13 le. The legal - Matra all Railroad lompanlea to adopt at once, promptly and generally, premantionery improve ments of tried and undoilbted value, calculated to save life and mitigate danger, needs no argument to convince a thinking man. But, unfortunately for the people and the stockholders, there are quiteto.s many of those in authority who do not nufficiently realize their responsibility in this Matter. Their thoughts are occupied about too many other things ; their duties en Superintendents are clearly not their sole thought and study. Large fortune, are accumulated in a few years from small salaries, and the verdant masses of the com munity look up to our railwaYofficlals as if they were the Great Mogul. lint let us ask how many of them perform their duties with a single eye to the interests; of the Stockholdere, and the safety of their employees and the preelons lives that are daily committedto their. keeping Suppose, for instance, tut was suggested a few years since that a coat be provided in front of,eaeh locomotive, and • one of the directors required to ride, in front of each passenger train, bow long would it be before the aforesaid officers would make the inquiry of their mechanics: Are our trains arranged to stop as soon as they possibly can be? We also have a profound conviction that they would have an earnest desire, also, to hold the reins themselves' when in that posl- Von. This may be a strong ease, but it to directly to' the point. • It so ABSOLuell POLLY and the vaunter are,' motel to run a railroad train a moment without giving the foremost manupon it, of hie ownvolttlen, the Power to arrest it instantly, if required.. The time, we trait. is not 'or off when men high in authority, in receipt of princely salaries, can condescend to give these-minor (to them—primary to the traveller and stockholder—) eobjeete a little of their attention. It le an ,unfortu naie fact for the interests of railroad corporations, that, comparatively rew smart, able men work. for salutes. ,The men of thought. and men of action, are their own employers; they have the forethought and judgment to adopt and get the benefit of improvements before they 'are driven into , them by public sentiment or legisla tion. We wish it were fully understood by railroad of that the success of all great enterprises is de pendent upon attention to little things. An officer may neglect improvements calculated to produce economy or improve work, or anything of that character; but to neg`oct any precaution for the safety of human life, or the control of the fearful momentum inherent in every moving train, is a fearful respond-1 ty for any man to assume, and we undertake to say that no man possessing the qualifications for a liallroad Su perintendent wilt neglect to give attenti 3n to sue" de vices for one moment. It Is, or rather ought to be the ,ru-st important thought of a Superintendent's businese, to anticipate and provide the antidote for every danger , .to which Die train is liable. A man of sufficient abili ty and conscience for the position would hardly rest until satisfied that he had performed hie whole duty in this matter. It is perfectly idle for a President or Superintendent to any, or endeavor to quiet his con science by saying, that nothing will happen to no, we are all right and safe ; to be sure, node eats have oc curred, but pewter shall' have another train out Of time—we never shall have another axle break, or wheel either; our rails are all right. ' The cattle along our road aro better educated now; nobody will over place obstructions on our track, or pry open the rails. All' the vllialot and rogue,' are to State Prison, (What a blessed thing it would be if this latter clause were, feci. ! We wonder whore some railway managers would be then.) Ace! lents will occur, that escape tho moat rigid scru tiny. wheels break when least expeetvd, sales ditto, rally ditto, chairs also. Murderous villains will place obetru tins on the track, and numerous cause con spire to make a Trompt stoppage of the train a ire quent necessity. It will not do, Bloom Railway oft. cure, for you to say In reply to this, you are bored to death by new improvements of all soda, and do not know what or how to decide; you ought to know; and if you do not , you should confide in the better - judg, moat of those who do. It la a poor way to shirk your responsibility by saying these are the opinions of some over-eansuine inventor, and entitled to DO considera tion. 'I hey are etubborn facts. which we are prepared at all times to substantiate. We make no statements we are nit prepared to prove; and we think we have given a sufficient .emonot of thought and study to the aubjeot of railroad accidents to know whak will pro duce the largest amount of s•fety in railway transit., Our femilliarity with railroad mechanism dates book se far an 1832, and we are of otistio enough to think that we cannot bo charged with being a novice. Perhaps the (neatest amount of dilferenco in our oass, es against that of most inventors, is this We never came be fore the public until we had a TRIED.PROVID,ANDPEA PEOTED INVENTION; we consequently have EOM had to unsay anythi cg. We wish railroad officers to understand ea early as possible that we are not to be classed with those who present them Improv3inente of untried and doubtful value, nor do we sell patent rights and ask corepanire to incur the expenses and trouble of experiments. We know just exactly what we prelim to do, and we In tend to do It, and we also intend that every railroad company in the Union shall adopt thls Improvement or some olher equally as and for the purpose. It le to be hoped that the time Is nearly. at hand when railroad trains shall be better controlled than hereto fore. There has been altogether too much trusting to lurk in these matters, and it will not do We urge all companies to adopt our Improvement at once, while we are selling cheap; you will come to it, gentlemen, and you will evince your wisdom and forethought by acting promptly and buying It while you can (cheep); and as an evidence of our good faith and honesty of purpose, we will say that we will furnish the machines for the entire mummer eqnipment of any road, and will allow four months trial before settlement, and each company shall be its own judge as to whether the Im provement is desirable. This precaution, we under take to sad', will promote the seourity of life and pro party in r ilway trains to an extent hitherto unknown, or, to use the laconic language of the late Nicholas Dean, its universal adoption would mark a new era In the safety of life and property conveyed by railroads. We refer, in conclusion, to any of the came, mtt nears, or master-methanics of the following r ads: Hudson River Cleveland and Toledo, Terre Haute and Richmond. Michigan Central, Old Colony and Pall River, Panama, , &n., &o. U. S. RAILROAD OAR-13RARS CO., No, 81 PINE St., N. Y. W. 0. C11111a114.11, Seely. Zrimmings, s‘7.c I VVINTER'DRESS.4OODS REDUCED. POIL DE WIRERS SROM • • 25 To 20 CENTS. SATIN TRAVERS, PROM 26 To 22 CBOT& BAYADERE VELOURS, FROM 60 70 37 CENTS. ARADINS, • FRO,?/ al. TO 26 Ore DOUBLE WIDTH SATIN DE'CIUENE, PROM 37 TO 31 CENTS. UNION PLAIDS, • saws 25 SO IS 0884.4 ALL WOOL BAYADERE PLAIDS, FROM 44 TO 87 ORNITS. FEIN rED VELVETS, • - FROM 31 To PRINTRE.R I rnion -- anzatigS, PROM 80 TO 65 CENTS. • PLAIN STYLE POPLINS, FROM 60 TO 87 (=TB ' JUST PROM AUCTION. OIIRWRN STODDART & RAMMER, Noe. 450, 452, and 451 North SECOND St., doge ii=nl Legal Nonce°. DTSTRIOT COURT.—JtTNE TERM, 1868. No. 682. Nov. VA, BUNT & MoOTIRDY,vs. WILLIAM MIRGEIT . . . AlMat certain thraimitory brick mantissa or tene ment with two-story brick back buildings, and lot or enrtilage thereto belonging, situate on the southeast corner of Twenty-third and Locust streets, Philadel phia; the said lot being in front fourteen feet, and ex tending in depth one hundred feet to a street, the main building being fourteen feet In front, and lu depth twenty-nix feet, and back buildings being about twenty seven feet In depth. N 11 —The lot of ground above deperibed, ROBERT bIOOIIRDY, by Indenture of lath August, 1857, recorded in deed-book ROW, No. 148, page - 118, granted to WILLIAM MIGGETT in fee, r. serving thoreout a yearly ground rent of gOO, payable first of March and September, to which it le still subject. Seised and taken in execution as the property of William Miggett. The Auditor appointed to diatribute the proceeds of Sheriff's sale of the above property, paid Into Court, will hold a meeting for that purpose at the office of EDWARD WALLA , Eeq , No. 102 WALNUT Street, south side,-second house west of Washington Square, at o'clock S. M. of FRIDAY. December 10, 18b8, when and where all persona are required to make their Maims before the Auditor, or be debarred from coming in on said fund 02610 t IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY O' PHILADELPHIA. .bate of CHARLES .WRIQHT, deceased. The underalved Auditor, appoioted to audit, settle, and adjost the account of WILLIAM P. 811 E KHAN, Adtoinietrator, e. t a., to the Estate of 011 • IMES WRIUSIT, deceased. flied by JAMES J. SHERMAN, Adunnietrator of WILLIAM P. SHERMAN. aforeeald, who le also lately declaimed, and report distribution of the balance, will meet the patties interested at hie °Mee , On the southwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, 2d floor, in the city of Philadelphia, on the 9th day of DECEMBER, A. D. ]96S. at d o'clock P. If. tiEO.,(IE 11. EARLE, noal.eodfit* Auditor. brokero Lll A. TREGO, REAL ESTATE AGENT iv a AND CONVEYANCER, RIDGES AVENUE, first door below Thirteenth Mr. et, attends to the purchase and sale of Real Setate, Negotiating Securities, Renting Houses, and Collection of Ronan and Oround Rents, and Interest Monies. Satisfactory references given. odgan* Lumber. 9[lo LUMBER DEALERS. L. D. DAVIS & 00'8 00113111i0111011 Lumber Yard, BROAD ',treat, between Race and Vine 60 000 feet 5-4, 6 4, and 8.4 Whit% Pinc.issascusdl__ 30,800 .44—SF 4.4 - Poplarllssrele 27,003" Delaware Oak Plank. 3,4, 6, and 0 1n. thick. Also, Just resolved, 21,000 feet Poplar Obalr and Bet toe Plank—s superior lot. 100 Hickory sticks suitable for sales. 1.128-11 ATOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED, .1 se you are sure of a likeness In The LIFE-SIZE PHOTOORAPHS, In OIL made at REIMER'S GAL LERY, SHOOND Street, ab. Green. it* 'DALE ROPE AND TWINE, manufac- Air tuned and for sale by WEAVER, HITLER & 00., No. 23 h. Water at., and 22 N. Wharrei OAKIIM..-A largo stock of Navy and Ainerician Navy Oakum on hand and for Bala by WEAVER, VITLER k n 026 No. 23 N. Water et . and 22 N. Mame .g;2PEREMPTORY. SALE OF HORSES, OARBIAGES, Hotel Coaches, Sleighs, Harness, BulTalo Robes, Sleigh Belle, Blankets. Halters. eco , on Pill DAY MORNING, November 26,1868, at 10 o'clock, at the Ma le or GEO. HUNT, CHERRY Street, above Eighth, consisting of -12 euperior Matched and Single Homes. 4 moodier Carriages 1 Troy built Hotel Coach. 1 extra Concord built Hotel Coach. 4 large Troy and Pentland built Sleighs. 4 delta extra-made Carriage Harness. ' 2 Betts do Coach Harness Buffalo Robes, Sleigh DOM, Blankets , Covers, Hal tore, tko. All the above Stock was lately in the employ of Jones , Hotel, Chestnut etreet, and will positively be sold to the highest bidder. No postponement on account of the weather. n2G•2t W. H. BTERR, Auctioneer • BY' THOMAS BIRCH, AUCTIONEER. VITI BROTHERS' BALL Viti Brothers' (formerly Vito Vitt & Bone) Sale of Ele gant Marble and Alabaster Vases, Groups, Om. manta, Fancy Goode, &c , will take place On Friday Evening 26th instant , at 7) o'clock, at their wareroome, No. 639 Arch street, below Seventh street The collection will cousin of euperbly carved, vases, tense, orna ments, bronzes, Parlan ware, choice Parisian fancy goods, together with a large assortment of wares suita ble for the present season. n29-2t nu. M. CALM'S HAS RETURNED to the alty, and may be consulted at his office and r.sldence No. 247 North NINTH street. Routs from 7to 10 1. 1H , and 4to T P., DI. n24.12t* FIRST PREMIUM, FRANKLIN INSTI TUTE, 1858, to " CRARY $8 - PATENT BRICK MACHINE and BRICK KILN. They are now offered, with full guarantee to perform in a very i tiperior way as regards coot, quality, and quantity. Address J. W. CRARY, care of I. P. MORRIS & 00., Port Richmond Iron Works, Philadelphia. N. 8.—1 will take an Interest with any one who wishes to engage in the maeufacture of Brick In Philadelphia, and guars ntee that Brick can be made - at one belt the cost of the Common process.. n021.1.8w* J; W. 0. SALMON.— 48 .Tierces and 84 Boxes Ball tax Almon. lot axle b 7 OA).BADIlla & 00., 014 ' • PaAIiNSPVI.I. ,t0i),11:1,410;lito. r. H. AR LE S LAMSI POSTHUMOUS TALE. COMBEENCERENT OF! T/08th VOLUME. A virt.7,ERWiNMRTINA6ERTE,II:I):PLT°I:I4(BA''It'GS.".INE OONTIIIOI Il'nitrated by Twenty Hawl47 "i/1 Paper.) LITTLE JERRY, THE MILME. 4 'BALLAD. AN OLVFILIBIjeTER.', r , Illuetrated by Ten Engrartir. THE MUM:QUITO FAIIII. ' 'lllestratedby Twenty nslivings• AN AFFAIR.' OF `HONOR. THE LOAN OF A.LIRE.. : ENJOYAIMENESS. LOVE AT ,A LATTICE. j THE WIFE OF MIR NEE MEISTER. DINING, .00ESIDERED .Al A FINE ART. DRESS AN) DRINK, THE TOE. -, -: , OUPII.PEL,RIVENGE. r.in Unpublished Tote by I CHATiLlill Lame. • THrPRIZE FIGHT. Byrn:: .111165 O'OIIIIN. 0 A.RLYVE , B FRIIIDERI7I TIIE ORUAT THE .Y/B.G/NIANS. By. V. Ni Tnaonte AT. iLLIIInIitTIONS —While Toles la that?—A Pri mmer—lone Ilead.Pleeet , OneetenALlX. • Erin& In need. . tOULPTIM . Contains a great deal of the Finest hlorellty. '. - , i , - , Marren I. Cotlenwe unities. ni 0111PrAtt . RI. , Intolltlital ore teuebaot. MONTHLY R CORD OF OLSRENT-EVENTS. t LITERARY NOT/0/113.' • EDITOR'S TABLE. . EDITOR'S EA CHAIR . EDITOR'S DRAWER. 1 ARROWSIEITIta PANOBASIA OF WESTERN -TRAVEL. , ILLuarnmana he AlDahany lionntakui—Plita burgh—Wotan' Steambint...Engineer on Duty—A Hot Boat—Vie, of Oloclonitt—Runnlng on a Bank— , Going ovtr Sala of. Ohlo—Oroulag Bar—Striking a Sawyer—Ranniag Agrontd,—Baggage—Scene at Din nor-Tablo—Portraita of manitaileg—Tho Steamer's Bar—Scenery oi the Missitlippl. FASHIONS FOR SHOHAM/M.. ❑stern knows.—Dlnnef,Oostuma and Chtldron'a Dresses—Drew Osp—Homaoap. TERUEL% . 0110 Copy for Oee Year ;V 00 Two Copies for One Year.... . .. ........ ...... 6 00 Three or more Copies for One Year oseh).... 2 00 And an Extra Copy, gratis, for every Club' of ten rub sortbere. , , . The Posticdopre 4, lll.RPlOt'S MAZERE ' , must be paid at the antis where ft Is receive d ) The Postage, la Thirty-Mt Camels year. . .n 20 T , HE' A HIOOR AT' , .•• ' . , . , . B .1? le 11 14J1 ST T'A B L , OLIVEIi 'WENDELL HOLMES. • ; ILLIIBT4tATED BY HOPPIN. He cometikaito you with a tale which holdeth children from p o y, and old men from" the chimney corner. , ' I knew him, Idratio! A fellow of infinite hest; of most excellent hwy." , TEN TitOUBAND COPIES were aold In the litirthree days after Its publication. 41 THE OLD GEITLEMAN OPPOSITE," " THE SOHOOL-MISTRESi," "Tail YOUNG FELLOW . THEY GALL JOHN," " THE LANDLADY'S DAUGH TER," aie already familiar acquaintances with thou sands; and the storyof. the Autocrat's Bret acquaint ance, growing tnteleot, declaration of love, and mar riage to the Schoollistress, is so exquisitely and hap pity told, that It co:mot fail to secure a permanent place in the elude kerature of the country. 1 Vol. 121?0. 380 pp. Price $l.OO. FOR SALE JY'ALL BOORSELLERS. Copies will teredii by mail, postage prepaid, to any part of the countrymen receipt of price. BAMPEON & 00., Publieherm,Boston n:6&30.2t THE PHYSMUIPS POCKET DAY BOOK YOB 18i9.—NOW BEADY, TILE PIIYSIOIAI'S POCKET DAY-BOOK for 1859, with extensive alterations and additions, prepared un der the euperintendluce of an eminent member of the profeesion. The DAY-BOOK Contains an Almanac,Tables of eomparative Mediclial Doses, Poisons antheir Anti dotes, British and lreneh Medicinal, Measures, Arti cles of Diet. Compsiative Thermometric Scales, Baths, Simple and Med Mind, Tables of Doses of all the prin cipal preparations if the Pharmacopia, Visiting List and Index, Blanks Yor Monetary Engagements, Bank Account, Nurses' Aldresses, Bins and Accounts asked for, Vaccination and Obstretria Engagement', English, French, and American Medical Periodical,, &c., &a. A MEDICAL RtBORD OY OASES le also prepared for this edition. under the superintendence of the State Medical Society, endear' be had separately or bound up with the Day-Bolt;as deelred. Pocket Day-Book, pal List for2B patients—cloth— 60 . do do 28 do morocco with pocket—sloo do do 58 patients—cloth—M.oo do do 68 do morocco--$1.26 With the Medical Record, the price will be 26 cants additional. Sent (rib by mail on receipt of the price. I O.J. PRICE & 00. no2B St 33 8.131.XT11 St., above OIIESTNIIT. mistE PHILADELPHIA TRADE OIROII .JIL LAR IB BENI TO 'PRIVY THOUSAND!! Active Cott4try Mirchants, monthly, in the Middle, estern, and Southern States. A blamm ROSTA. 4 fi.E *WM Paper PRE -PAID. the Tarns tad SI et 6 ze airroaimo intereati of ' . .0 - phi*. - Th,, p eet ed Number will be issued Qpi ..,,..' IBT OP DECEMBER. It preien tFo best and surest medium of addressing ever offuetf to the Philadelphia public. country buy avims'or ADVERTISING. ~,,,,r . ..Q,,u t s' per line for ekes matters, Displayed welds vs.e welters per blob of column depth. lio ad vertisement wept auoh u are of a trainees character will be admitted. ... . . .. .... . KERSHAW & JEFFRIES, Proprietors, No 12 North THIRD Street litmovale. R E M () V A L OLAGRORN it PRYER HAYA•H6HOVED TO NO. 106 ORESTNUT STRUT, ABOVE FRONT, LowEn SIDE 1328-12 t R E MI PAL. SAMTjEI. IL MATTSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS REMOVED N iTO No. 1126 01168TNIIT STREET, DRUID DOOR !MOW TWIMPTR. • South Bide, Where hale Oepared to execute all orders in hie line, having on hnot a• full supply of GOODS for Gentle men's wear. MORE H. MATTSON, ffr26-3m-if No 1126 CHESTNUT Street. liaitroab fines. al WINTER "Na Nml PHILLDELPI4 WILMINGTOr,igArring AND BALTI. MORE RAILROAD. On and r Monday. November 29,1868, PASSENGER INS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA Per Baltimore at 8 A. 11., IP. M., (Express,) and 11 P.M. Por Wilmingtoe, at BA. id., 1, 3.30, and 11 P M. For New Oaetlet at 8 A. M., and 1 P. M Per Aliddlatow4 at 8 A. U., and 1 P. M, ' , For Dover, at BA. M., and 1 P. U. For Beaford at A. M. and 1 P. M. . TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA, Leave Bettina» at 8.80 A. M., (Express,) 12 noon, RAI 6.40 P. M. t • Leave Wilmington at 7.20 and 11.40 A. M., 2.26 and 8.56 P. M. Leave New Cantle at 11.12 A. M., and 8.06 P. M Leave Middletown at 10,20 A. U., and 15.80 P. 51. Leave Dover at 9.20 A. M. and 4.36 P.M. Leave Seaford at 7.45 A. M., and 1.45 P.M. TRAINS FOB BALTIMORD. LerftrlTU.eleatoAl4l. 0.10 A. M.,1.55 P. M., and 12.16 A. Id. SUNDAYS only all p M , from Philadelphia to Bat. • m. De do 0.40 P. eat* Pd. from Baltimore to Pills. delphia. • Freight Train, with Paasenger Oar attached, will ran as follows : L. . . eave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at',. B 00 P. M. Leave Wilmington for do do do 6 155 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de Grace._ do 6 00 P. M., not B. M. IBLTON. President. Notices. SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers in Goodyear's Patentfor Vulcanised Rubber Smpendere, Braids, Web,, and all other Fabrics and articles made by combin ing fibrous aubstemess with threads ate sheets of yokels iced rubber arenatitled that unless thisatne are properly stamped or labelled with my name. aid by my authori ty, they minor); be legally disposed )f in the United States Merchants and dealers are belted to examine opeeimens now 14 store, and to give tletr orders for the Spring Trade to the underelgned, RIOLDSIVE OWN ER OP THE TITLES AND EXORitiIVII RIGHTS IN THE PATIENT for these goods, latch embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured ir imported, and many others. I. ALSO, WOMBS TO MANIIPAOXIRE AND SELL —and the Terfte—may be obtained a application to me at No. 23 OCITIETLANDT Street, 1. Y n24-ly ' HOMOD 11. DAY. NOTIOE.—PHILADELPHL. and READ INO BAILBOAD.—The "DON FREIGHT Depot of the• Philadelphia and Reyna Railroad Com pauy, has been removed from No. 22tto Nos. 242 and 242 BROAD, above Race streets. All the THROUGH /MORT , Nusinese of the Company, bath OUTWARD and !WARD will be transacted At this Depot. JNO T. BEATY, nod lm . leneral Agent. Springy HORSES TAKEN TO WINTER.— iltabling and bay good, witkplenty of litter. SPringY Meadows If desired, on pleaset days. Terms low. Ingetre of Mr. N. JANNEY, N. 82.5 MARKET Street, or Dr. SOLIOLFIELD, 822 Omit FIRTH Street, and The tress office. n24.18t* % SNYDER LEIDY—JAS. PL LEIDY, • Principals of LEIDY BROTHEtB' ACADEMY, N0e.143 and 150 SIXTH BTREE! na p Race, where a knowledge of ' WHITING, BOOK-KEEPING, and 11RITHILETIO is made certain to every pupil that ma3emer. ACADEMY open day and evening. i n 022 , SM.IIEL ITEPBURN has trtaferred his Lair Moe - front Carlisle, Penna., b 2p. 712 SAII. SOK Street, (between Chestnut and Relent.) Phila delphia Ile will' attend to any hneintee )ntrusted to bin care. in the Courts of Phtladelpha t In the In terior of the State. Philadelphia, November 24; MS— '• 1 n24.8m • WIDSIOK & °WS • CHAMP NE.—A JAL constant supply of the original gm brand, In bond 'and In stors, for sale - by WILLIAM MATON, ;tole lapal to, KquArlunis, No . 210 port pßoNT pod. • NO 'Retail MIT Gooks. . WILL OPEN, THIS DAY, FIFTEEN BALES HEAVY, ALL WOOL, SCARLET FLANNELS, AT 17 OEM PER YARD, TWENTY ADDITIONAL OAOE3 MANCHESTER DE LAINES, THE NEWEST AND BEST STYLES, AT 16 CENTS PER YARD ALSO. FIVE OASES PARIS VALENTIAS, AT 16} CENTS PER YARD FOR BALE BY THE PIECE OR PACKAGE JOSHUA L. DAILY NEW STORE, No. 213 MARKET STREET, REAL IRISH VOPLINS• L. J*EVY. & CO. Rave received, by the steamer CANADA, ONE ME OF REAL IRISH POPLINS. PLAIN AND TARTAN PLAIDS. BMWS, BLUE, arm, DRAB, PUCE, GREEN, • CLARET,. LOME, Arto SUPERIOR DOUBLE QUALITY, —IN— PLAIN BROWN AND BLACK. . 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Street. n26.2.t JUST REOEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, BELLIND OUP OBEAP, RAPSON' S TRIMMING AND: ZEPHYR STORE, N. W. Corner MOUTH and CHERRY Street/ STAPLE AND FANCY DRESS TRIMMINGS. CROCHET AND OTHER CLOAK FRINGES. A VARIETY OF CLOAK TASSELS. VELVET AND OTHER CLOAK BINDINGS. NEW PATTERNS FANCY TRIMMINGS AND FRINGES• SMALL SLEEVE TASSELS, ALL COLORS. SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND SPLIT ZEPHYRS, OP THE CELEBRATED MAKERS, HERTZ & WEGENER, BERLIN. TAP ESTRY, WORSTED, AND WOOLLEN YARN. All goods of the beet quality sold at the Lowest Priem RAPSON'S, 020-21 v N. W Oor. EIGHTH and CHERRY Ste. 3101:IRKING OLOARS.—Just opened, plain styles of Black Beaver Cloth Cloaks. Black Gros de Boyal Silks, only $t 12%. Black Bay State Long and Square Shawle. Mourning do. do. do. do. Black Crepe Ball Trimming. Lupin's Black Biomeline, 28 Ms. Lupiu'a Black lierinoes, 62% eta. Lupin's Black blonseellne, double widths, 75 Me. Lupin's Black Bombazines, 76 cis. Lupin , a Black Cashmeres, 75 ate. Lupin's Black Timis.), 87% ohs. Black Sattn.de Chews, st. Black Paramatta Clothe, 26 eta. Black De Laizee, 12% Black Alpacas, 18% eta. Mourning mixed Mohair de Bege, Ms. , Do. do. Madonna Cloths, 26 eta. Black Crape Veils, round corners: Bine Linen Lawn Handkerchiefs with hemmed, corded and hemmed, tucked, and black borders. BERSON .k. SON. Mourning Store. it No. 808 CHESTNUT Street. 111LAOR FRENCH OASSINERES.—Best iur mannraotureo of ,Boesidns and Casaimeres, In cluding extra qualities of Bischoff'''. Also, Black trench Dress Cloths and Oz mines. , SHARPLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT & EIGIVIAI FANOY DRESS GOODS. We hare now in store a urge assortment of Autumn and Winter Eilks, the prices of which have been much reduced, including New Lyons Styles of Me.' dium, Vain, and Rich designs, of this season's impor tation. - Also, Double ;up', Double-flounce, and llobereol. e s - IfiArkiL S AMALK I -qtrg MIMS CHESTNUT do EIGHTH.. E i rrwasn HOSIERY, • FOR LADIES, OENTLHMEN, CHILDREN'S WEAL L. J. LEVY ee 00. Have received, per eteemer KANGAROO, a complete aseortmeot of the beet melee of ENGLISH HOSIERY, Made eapeetelly for their RETAIL DEPARTMENT. GENTLEMEN'S BILE, LAMB'S WOOL, MERINO, AND COTTON SHIRTS and DII:A.WERO 'BILK, MERINO, LAMPE; WOOL, COTTON DOUBLB-PENT HALT HOU LADIES' and MISSTEP OADIINIERE AND ALDRINO WAITS AND DRAWERS THE CELEBRATED • IRISH BALBRIGGAN HOSE, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED. LADIES' and OHILDRENII BLZBOY COTTON 1108 E. CHILDREN'S CLOTH AND VELVET LEGGING 809 & 811 CHESTNUT STREET. n22•St BLAOK AND COLORED CLOTHS . For Ladies' Oloake.Reglana, and Sirenlam Cheap lots from the late Auction Bales CIIRWEN BTODDART & BROTHER, 460, 452, and 454 North SSOOND Street, above Willow, SILK VELVETS BCH CLOAKS, &0., Prom the late Auetiou Sales. Lyons and German Velvets of superior qualities at REDUCED PRICE'S. MAIDEN STODDARD & BROTHER, Doc 460, 462, and 464, North SECOND St, n2.6-3t above Willow FINE STOCK DRY GOODS AT F FIRST•OLASS F SEASONABLE IR PRIORS; adapted to &LES, RRTALL. Irish ropily", Flannels, Panoy Bilks. libinkets, Lupin's Bierlnoes, Counterpanes, Brodie Shawls, Table Linens, New style Cloaks Napkins, Woollen Shawls, Table Oovere, 4. Oloak Clothe,Shestinge, I Wool Plaids, hidings, Valencia Travers, I On:4(g°is , Figured Merino's , Towelling', Moue De Laines, Waling, &o. EYRE & LANDELL, YOURTH AND ARON STREETS CASTOR BEAVER CLOTHS, FOR LA DIEB' CLOAKS. RIBBED THAW CLOTHS. HUMID SHAVER CLOTHS. PLAIN BLACK CLOTHS. CLOTH CLOAKS, RAQLANS, Au , AO EYRE & LANDELL, BOURTII AND ARON MOM NEW. LO OAKS OPENING EVERY DAY AT THE PARIS MANTILLA AND CLOAK EMPORIUM. PINE BEAVER CLOAKS, RIOU VELVET CLOAKS MOURNING CLOAKS. MINN' CLOAKS, OPERA. CLOAKS. MUM DEAVER CLOAKS The Largest Aseortmeat in the City. AT THE PARIS MANTILLA & CLOAK EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, J.'W. PROOTOR & 00. n 23 LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS. . Black Beaver Olathe. Black Habit °loam Pilots and ReWogs. COOPER & CONARD n 22 8. H. corner NINTH & HARM Eta BLAOK MORALR For trimming Cloaks. Brown and Gray do. Blatt 'Union Clothe, $1.26, Black Habit Cloths, $1.87 to $2.80. 11100PHR & CONAHD, n 22 B. B. corner NINTH & M&RHHT OVERCOAT CLOTHS. Hine Bleak Doeskins. Bide Bend Oessimeres. Fancy Hassimeres. Hoye HassWarm 13attlnets from 40 to 6234 cents. Velvet, Silk, end other Vesting& 000 PER & (KINARD, n 22 8. E. corner NINTH & HAREM Ste. MANILA AND JUTE ROPE, Cialt3DS, TWINFB, =TO-, Alanufaotored and for mile at the lowed New York prices, by WEAVER, FITLER & CO., No. OS N. WATIB and 22 N. WHANYNA. n21T•212 NVANTED-A situation as Salesman or Olerk. Beat of reference can be given. Ad dress . Willing,. Press office. n26.3t* WANTED—One hundred Padlora to work In the New Mill of the Montour "lion 03mpini, st Danville, Pa, nEe-3Lit MOE, BEAVER, Prest. MO HARDWARE MEN.—Wanted, - by a young man, a situation in the Wholesale or Re tail Hardware business. Hashed flee years experience, and can influence some trade. Address '• Rardware, ,, Press Mace. - WANTED—By a young married man, a sitnation in a Banking Bonne, having had six years experience in the business. Best of city refer ences given. Address "8200)18," this office. - • - no Mat* AGENTLEMAN with $B,OOO to $lO,OOO, and a fair amount of Trade, wishes to connect himself :with some Hones already eatibilzhed, in a manufacturing or mercantile business. Address tat," at this office, with real name, which will be con fidential. ii?.bfitek AYOUNG MAN wants a situation in a °muting ROM,. Hu a knowledge of double entry. Salary no object Good city reference. Address Root," Box 93, P. O. 1325-the&m.3t* WANTED—By the Ist of January, or thereabouts, a Partner, either active or silent,' with from $lO,OOO to $l6 000 Capital, to take the place' of a Principal about retiring from the business: The house is an old established one, of 12 years standing, with an extensive and reliable connection. The oppor tunity here offered is one well worthy the attention of any ono desirous to step Into a lucrative business, and which will yield a handsome return for the investment. References of an undoubted character given, and re , guired. Address " Quentor, ,, at the office of this paper. n24-Ot* 10 000• —A GENTLEMAN with this ,* amount desires a partnership -in a Boot and Shoe Home. Address, with name and potion lam,. Leather,. office of The Fress. n24-dTtle 1=2E03 IVVANTED—A steady, sober man, who un derstands the manufaotare of Cotton Jeans, to go genih, Address ~ Foster," Blood's Despatch. n24.3tia - tJANTED—A situation as clerk or travai l/ 'V Hog agent, by a young man wbo can tarnish first class recommendations. Address Fulton,. office of this paper. n43.4t* WANTED—A Partner with $20,000 or $26 ,000 to engage in the Cloth. Caseimere, and Vesting jobbing trade The advertiser Itt without capital, hurtles bean eight years engaged In the beat ness, has a thorough knowledge of both the buying and milling departments, and having travelled through the Western States twice a year for five years, is well ac quainted with the merchants who buy in this market. Address . 1 H. H. W.,. at the office' of The Press, until the 27th instant. - • - n22-13t* 'WANTED—To rent a neat residence in the southern pert of the city. ' Rant not to ex ceed $lBO per annum. Address " I'," alas of The Press. n2243t5, WANTED—To Rent, for -the winter sea eon, with immediate ppedession, • Furnished house of moderate else, with modern impruemants, west of Tenth street. Address A. M., office of this paper. oct WARTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES VI OAVALlll—Able4odied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. P ay from U 9 to $22 per month. No man haring a wife or And will be awe Md. Apply for 11013NTID 131111VION • at No. 811 Street above Nighth, north aide. , I. N. MOORE,' let Lieut.' let Dragoons, Itecrafting Officer. igte MARKET-STREET STORE TO RENT. Zia —The desirable businene stand, No. 487 BISBILET street, near Plftb, north side. Inquire en the pre mises - n 213 3t* fia FOR SALE—A valuable CHESTNUT • Street Property, STORE and DWELLING, at a great eaatifice, If sold soon. No. 1309 CHESTNUT St., above Thirteenth: n25-24* ditsTO RENT—Chestnut street Store arid DWELLING, deep Etore, back outlet, No. 180 OUEBTNUT. 525-3t* pi - FOR RENT—The DWELLING No. .1113,816 LOCUST Street, (or Washington Square,) from the Ist of January, 1859. The home la three stories high, with basement, back building, , now occupied by J. W. Forney. Apply at the office of The Press, or at the house. no2S.tf S. PEREMPTORY SALE OF TOWN LOTS IN 800TH MINER.- Will be sold at Public Bale, on the premises, on MONDAY, November 29th, inst. At 10 o'clock A. 91 , ICO valuable TORN LOTS, in BONNE 0 AMDEN, situate and fronting on Kaighn's avenue, on Market street. Mechanic, Liberty, and Orange streets, Broadway, Sixth, Seventh, West Jer sey Railway, and Eighth streets. They are all 20 feet front by 100 feet deep, and are some of the most desirable building lots in South Cam den. • Plans and full description will be shown on the day of sale. Terms, which will be very easy, as little of the pur chase money will be required to be paid down, made known at mile. - By J. G. BRYOB. Pomona wishing to purchsee at private rale can ob tain all Information by culling on .1. BRYON. at B. B. Corson's coal office, No. 108 South POURTIi St., below Chestnut, Philadelphia. n022-et R. M. MADDOCK, Auctioneer. .STO LET—The large, well lighted, and eligible STORE, No. 83 •oath SECOND Street. which will be vacated by the undersigned on the first of January. Rent very moderate. Apply to nol6-tt A. R. ROBBNIISIbi & BROOKS, u above. O RENT.—On the let January next, the , • • .6 , :'Dore, each 24 feet by 148) of the NEW STORE 688 MARKET Street. The building is one or Adterund Improvements an the upper aide, between PIPTII and SIXTH Streets, having two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good cartage way 20 feet into SIXTH' Street. ' Apply on the prembiee. nol-tf . AN TO RENTot STORE on DELAWARE ,Il9a Avenue, below VINE Street, running through to WaterStreet,l49 feet deep. Atso, the Double STORE, corner of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of the beet locatiotui for large Rosiness in Phila delphia. Also, STABLE and - 006011410IFFIE in CHERRY Street, above SEVENTH, in rear of Ash landllonse. Apply at 279 South POOR= Street.. se29-Stess ANA N ELEGANT SUITE OF ROOMS will be vacant in stew days at No till BROAD, below Bprnoe street, with private parlor If desired. rae-3tce BOARDINVo gentlemen will be fur. Welted wit - aceornmodatione In • genteel private family. tion Weet Walnut !beet. Ad. dress office of The Press. n23-41t* MARKET FIRE INSURANCE 00. OF TUE MT Or NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL $200,000 SURPLUS 78,200 TOTAL AEBETB DIRECTORS. BENJAMIN H. HOWELL, Preeldent. Phl!etas H. Holt of 236 Front street. Joseph P Wickham, late Wickham , ' & Hntehhison Bliss Davis. of A. B. & S. Davis. Oliver H. Shepard, of Shepard, Howe & Cle. Henry Rowland, of Rowland & Banks. - Alfred L. Rowe, of T. G. & A. L. Rowe. Wm. P. Miller of Wm. P. Miller & Co. Stephen W. Gaines, of S. W. & R. A. Gaines. Eliaha L. Walton, of Walton, Little, & Co. Neleon Sherwood, of Neiman Sherwood & DO. Henry G Reeve, of H. G. Reeve & Co. Daniel T. Willeta, of Meta & Co. Albert L. Do Camp, of Baker .k De Camp. John M. Bruce, Jr., of Bruce. Odell, & Fannies. Stephen Linington, of 216 Front street. Enoch Ketcham, of E. Ketcham & Co. Wm -A. Cummings, of Beards & Cummings. Henry Lyles, Jr., of Lyles, Polhamns, & Co. Brewster Valentine, of Valentine ct 'Bergen. Geo. B. Whitfield, of G. & J Whitfield & Co, Albert Uavemyer, (late Havemyer & Moller.) Tennis W. Quick, of Quick & DEfommedlen. David M. Tumor., of Edey & Tarnure. Jose T. Navarro, of Mora Brothers, Navarro & Co. Edward Bill, of 119 Broad street. Nathaniel W. Cheater, of Peter V. King & Co. Wm. H. Goodwin, of E. Goodwin & Brother. John Priebie, (Freeland. Squires, & Co.) ' ASHER TAYLOR, Vice President. Insures on Buildings and Personal Property of every description against Lose or Damage by 711 re, on the moat favorable terms. HENRY P. FREEMAN, Secretary. INSURANCE IN THE ABOYB COMPANY OAN BE RIFIPECTED THROUGH STEWART & JOHNSON, 001-frm&wBBt-if illligooluttatta antt erovartnerabips. TIISSOLUTION.—The partnership hereto .ll.s ?fore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of R. J. ROB 3 & 00., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Philadelphia, November 23, 1858. ROBERT J. ROSS, PRILIP F. KELLY. P. F. KELLY alone continues the Basking and Ex change besinose, under The name and style of PHILIP F. KELLY & 00 , at the office formerly ocoepik d by R. J. Rout & 00., No. 16 South Third 'street. n24.10t BAILEY & 00., FORMERLY Hive removed to their new Plre•proot, White garb!. 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH BIDE, BELOW THE (HEARD =IBM Now opening their fall stook of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARJUS, AND To which they Ittetto the attention of the pablle. SCLVSZWARII, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND AT WZOLIB/Lll MID JITAIL aal7•lftf LOOSING GLASSES. JAMES B. EARLE & BON., Manufacturers of LOOKING GLASSES for MAN TELS, PIERS, & SIDE WALLS, of every size, style, and shape. Pier Tables, Cornices, Brackets, Gongola, of new and elegantdeligns; and PICTURE PRAMES, with Frames for Portralies Miniatures, and Photograph's In every variety otatM and price. Importers of ENGRAVINGS, eveopow, Publication being received the moment Qi., 1 4. SSW; OIL PAINTINGS from the Studios of thelh moat celebrated American and European Artiktr A LARGE GALLERY OP PAINTING i Open at all times, rum. Wholesale and Rote -Deal ers in Mahogany and Walnut framed Looking °lams, to which they invite the attention of country easterners. JAMES B. EARLE & SON, 918 01111STNUT STREET, 0140BITII TIM GIRARD 11017811 WHITE-FISH.—A very Superior Article of "Mackinaw?' in RAU Bble , fnat recelvild in Po L ie WI fee ale b? 0. 0. /91 oulLEß.er. 00., Ana *M. Wants. Sam Sale oar to tzt. Boarbing. Jusuratue grompanico. .. ...... 6278,200 No. 108 South POIIIITII Street, Philadelphia itlatapo, Jetudrp, at. BAILEY A EITOHEN, VANOY 400 DB, PURLS, 2lllltiBeMelMr. A CADERY OF MUSIC!. -- BENEFIT OF- ILADRION MONDAY EVENING, Nor. 20111. • Joint Appearance of "" MADAME GAZZANIGA, and MADAME COLSON._ Positively Last Appearance of - ItIADABIE OOLSON IN PHILADELPHIA. ' Last appearance but one' of MADAME GAZZANIGA, prior to her departure for Havana and Europe, Mr. Btrakosc,h respectfully announces that Mozart's immortal master-work, and t.e greatest of all operas, - IL DON GIOVANNI, - . • _ will be performed on Monday Evening, Nov. 29th, for the first andenly time this season, on whit& occasion DONNA MARIA will be performed by - MADAME NAZZANIDA, In which part she created such an extraordinary furore by her earned and dramatic conception of this great role by her recent performances fn Nev York. The role of ZERL INA - will ,be performed for the first and only time in this bv - MADAME COLSON, This will be the last role in which - Madame COLSON will appear in Philadelphia. .- Mr Strakotch recommends the performance of Mad_ COLSON at ZERLINA, in Don Giovanni," as one of the most ceptivatingever seen .on the lyric stage. -, Madame ooLsoq doge and acts the *role most 'ad . pairably. • Madame 13TRAI108DM will appear in the part of i Tickets for the Balcony, and It and L tectione of the Parquet, can be had at the Offices in Chestnut street; the Parquet Circle and centre - of Parquet 'at :the Academy. Family Circle, 50 cents. Amphitheatre, 26 cent!, , ; Doors open at 7 ,opera commences at 8. . N. B L.i3ubscribers wishing to retain their present seats for the night of Monday.; will please - give hi:me diate notice to that effect at the various offices, ID" Last Subscription Night on Tuesday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. GRAND FESTIVAL MATINRB. SATURDAY, AT ONE O'CLOCK; TICKETS FIFTY °BETS. - • In oonaequence of a great many families and patrons _ of Matinee &strew] to witness the representation ' of the La Fiefs. del Regiment, (the Daughter of the . .Regiment.) Mr. Strokes's& has the honor to announce that MADAME COLSON well appear for the last time in DonizettPs ' LA BIOTA& DEL REGGIMENTO, ;In her inimitable role of MARIE. Madame COLON will Introduce in the Lesion Scene the celebrated French Laughing Chansanette, - which .produced such a great enthuelasm to her last Concert .at the Muskat Fund Hall. • Besides the whole Opera of the Daughter of, : the Re-- , • _ MADAME CORA DE WILROEST Will appear In her great role of Amine. Laat actbf BellinVe • SONNAMBULA. -,• Tickete at be cents for the Matinee, Can be obtained at the Music and Piano Stores of Beck & Lawton, Lee . h -Walker, Andre, Smith, htarsober, 01:deleting. A NOVEL AND EXTRAORDINARY, ARRANGE MENT: All those persons securing seats for Friday,e'repre notation of It Furiteni will receive 's gratnitots ad.- mission ticket for the Saturday Matinee. -- - There will be no Opera on Saturday night. 'tad 3t- A CADEMY OF MUSIC. .- _ - FRIDAY EVENING, November 28. FIFTEENTH SUBSORIPTION - NIGHT? LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF THE SEASON. East appearance of , • MADAME GORA DE WILHOEST. Pint and Only Night of Bellim's Faro:mite - Opera - • IL PIIIIITANI .... • - , - First appearance of Aflame BE WII,HORST nher great role of BLVIB A, Bung by her in Paris and New York with 'mileage .careers.. - First and only appearance this season of Sig. BRIG. NOLI, in bin great role of Arthur Talbot. First appearance of rig. AMODIO In the role of Sir Giorgio. First appearance of Sig ETTORE RAWLY In the role of air Riccardi. Mr. STRAHOEIGH begs leave to announce that it has been his ardent desire, to produce sooner IL PURL. TANI, in which Opera • • MADAME OORA. DB WILHORET has achieved such a brilliant and triumphant snares in Parie and New York, but has been prevented by the Elarkall and contained eiekneas of Mr. JIINGA. - Big. AMODIO most kindly has cemented to appear in the role of Sig. GIORGIO, to enable the Manager to keep his promise to produce thin Opera. ' - Mr STRAKOSOH taken the liberty," of the attention of the public to the fact that Madame DE. WILHOEST is now the meet eminent American Prima Donna, and that in the role of ELVIRA:shis her now no superior, either in Europe or Amerlint, and. that, having recently been in Europe, he has witnessed in London and Paris Orformances of 'IL I.II7EITANI, which cannot be eompated with the one which wilt -take place on FRIDAYEVENING, at the Academy, on which occasion MADAME DE -WILHORBT, BRIGNOLI, SIG. AMODIO, and SIG. BARILI, Will appear in the principal parts., n 024... A CADEMY OF MUSIC:— - "IL PURITANI.. , - FOR THE FIRST AND ONLY TIME, ON FRIDAY, November 2e. NOVEL AND EXTRAORDINARY ARRANGEMENT: - fig - IMPORTANT NOTloE._af Mr. STRASOSOIL begs leavelo annonoce that 41 those who secure seats for FRIDAY EVENING'S PII; RITANI will receive to each secured seat a gratuitous admission ticket for SATURDAY'S GRAND FESTIVAL MATINEE_ There will be no Opera on Saturday night.' n0215.2t IiViIATLEY & OLARKE 3B AROLt-ST. l' E llMATAß.—Willism 8. Ntedeeleks,Aeting act Stage Meager. 'THIS t Peas?) EVENING. Noieitber MOMS: OUR AMERICAN maw. • - Ass 'Drumhead, our American Cousin, Mr. 3. B Clark; Lord Dundreary, Er. Wheatley. , • To conclude with the Comedy of - ABE NO gusariorni. Mathiu, Mr. John Gilbert ; Gimlet, Mr: S. D. John-- eon ; Dironess de Berigny, Mrs. J. Gilbert. Admission, 26 eta. Secured Beata in Deeds Cireds.,BN eta; Orchestra Palls, 60 eta; Beata in Private Boxee - „78 eta; Gallery,l3 eta; Gallery for Colored Persona.2s ate; Private' Boa in Gallery for Colored - Persons, 28 eta; Whole Private Box, 28. ' - Doors open at half part 6 °Woe& ; eommenee at T. • • • ' VATIONAL CIROUS, WALNUT above EIGHTH—LEWIS B. LENT, Mantgei. Magnificent Equestrian Sped/Wet - THIS (Friday) EVENING, November 28, 1858, '• In addition to it variety of , performances In the Ring, the evening's - entertainment will include the Eques trian Spectacle entitled THE GAMES OF THE,ORIIBADERS; Or, Recitals of the Trials of the Knights of Malta. Which requires the combined efforts of ,One Hundred Men and Horses. TO-MORROW, Afternoon Performance. - • SCALP. OF PRICES. " Dram Circle and Parquette - - 40 ciente, Children ender ten years of age 6l Family Circle 20 rr Doors open at quarter to 7 o'clock. Performance& will- commence at 7, ani terminate at 10K, precisely. on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons. MRS. D. P. BOWERS'B WALNUT-ST. TB:NAVIN, corner of NINTH and WALNUT Streets THIS (Friday) HVICNING, November 26,1868 WM be presented the drama of the /KNIGHT *OF ARVi, Conner, the Huh Jahn Drew To conclude with the comedy entitled MARRIED LIRE. Mrs. Samuel Coddle, Mrs. P. B. Conway; Mrs. Frederick Poneghusband, Mre. D. P. Bowels. Prieee of admiaaion--theoond Tier awl Family Circle, and Third Tier, 26 cents; Parquet ' , 87X _ Dente; Dress Circle, 60 cents; Private Boxes, according to their locale,B3 and $6; Single Beats in Orehestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. Doors open at half past 8 o'clock ; Curtain rises at 1 o'clock. ►lO THE PUBLIC OF PHILADEL PHIA —JOHN MORRISSEY has groat pleasure in Informing the Dublin that Mat. Rusk has very kindly volunteered to appear and set-to, on THIS (Friday) EVENING, Nov. 26, 1858, nt FRANK LIN HALL, SIXTH Street, near Arch. He will be sedated by DOMINION BRADLEY, S. RANSIN, CHARLES OTTINGTON, DAN KERRIGAN, JOHN COS.GROVE, and numerous other Professors of this env. 117 Tickets' $l, to be bad at the door. Sparring to commence at 8 o'clock. n 026 at* ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND ORESTNTIT Streets. Immense attraction: New Novelties. Change of Programme each Exhibition. The LEARNED CA NARY BIRDS and SPIRIT RAPPING. Go and See SIGNOR BLITZ. The great Ventriloquiatand wonderful Magician. Performance every Evening during the week, at half-peat 1 o'clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons at IL Admienlost, 26 eenta ; Children. 11 cants. n025-Imo MUSICAL FUND HALL.-THE GER lii OROHESTHA will commence their Publio REHEARSALS on SATURDAY next, Nov. 20th. Single Tickets 26 cents; a package of eight tickets for g. I, which may be obtained at Andre's, liO4 Chestnut street; Beck dc Lawton's, corner of Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. The per• formance commences at 3% o'clock P. H. nol7-If SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, adjoining the Penneyivanla Railroad Depot. (MEAT BILL Nor the patrons of SANFORD'S OPERA HODS), THIS EVENING, Will be presented Sanford's true 'green of 'UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. The largest Company of - ' . . . . - MINSTRELS IN THR WORLD. RVERY EVENING New Songs, Glees, ebonies, Refrains, fro., wtth Deming by the SANFORD CHILDREN. Admission 25 cents; Waldron 12% eente. tri- On Thanksgtving Day THERE Performances, viz: 10%, 2%, and 7X e , clock in the evening nol-lm, Gnus, Pis lola, Str. N t W GUN STORE ____ PHILIP WILSON SCOO., 432 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW FIFTH, WILL OPEN MONDAY, NOYEDIDER 22, An assortment of FINE GUNS OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, THOU OF THN MOOT OBLEBRA.TED HANSHN IN EUROPE The attention of SPORTSMEN is requested to their Moak, whtoh they eau promise MALL NOT BB SURPASSYD By any In the United States. PIBTOLB, FLASKS, EillOT, ho ((UN FURNITURE IN ALL VARIETY. nolB.tr Carriapeo. II SAM; P. BRANIN, it, LIGHT COACH & CARRIAGB BUILDRR . . PRAIMPORD, PA. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Orders res pectfully solicited. nolo4m* CARR/AGES. WM. DS ROGERS, COACH. AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Ordere for OAREIACES from all parte of the world notated with promptness, and eatisfaotlon guarantied. aelll.Bmif PHRENOLOGICAL EXANINA kTIONB, with written descriptions otoharacter, inoludithiadvieeinreferencetobtudnessibealthi self4eciprovemeit, - &e., are-nude a day sa j d sto ning at DOWLIdt, WELLS, .k.._1:C.08, /amities visited when requested, and a liberal dts. Count made to gint*.' /taiga 9189110610 rt., Vi11i41411410 POWDER,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers