INM'MNNTMI ,P/T. - - ' . 4 ,-,--,1:-%: - .. 7 , i' z ..- ,- , ..-4 ,1 -.-- '.. , • 7-o. (.irsT.-.011,,,t ''''' •• ; ' ' 1 2 ' 'C rn l i lilie l iiiig : iglOotAilliCt10)1. " "'' ••• ' '' . 440 . ~....,, , f-,„,:, ~ - • * 1 --, . -"ttlitrn. 4 f°ol4lrslls-17.1.,-.11 tali i wig: ' `ll'‘'LlgAliki.44*%/18,4eQ PP° f! Ob./ 6( k ‘'‘." ' '"" d larst-4.4olul'irratholic) Church . 40, 7 -,Tiiiite - e r lt, strelit a ttabove , ,Olitestnuty `oar last -.4l,4 a beidabfrifilg; b yl3liboti Olinita; Oft:1p: ; I .,,;Tette - 44CeutnekY47,,The tett,l4/Scriptaie xri,-I,tioqtkini.l3"4 . l.qoupeas ,p:mipq. dyke Tni ''''''o.4 iallio'forirtli'ehtiPter'of SL Paul's Se! ..,, , 1114FPIStici,To the Oerinthiantt, lytli eta liith -.tverses l io 'tilt Ir. -I ,-, , ~,' , 0,--„: - - x i 1, ..• • t4 - -s,;:ollarsiiiittitnilatien, ivbrehis but foi r s'inorken ~ ti -2i:Atethotttfar„ _far more a:weeding and 'eternal :IF' WpieltA &WV *-. 'j 4 - ..`i.",! , r) , ci .-,. .; ~,, t .4„ ,, XA t . Attie Me, iookaiot at the, things which are ~001111; but:at,the'thingstwidett are :!norseen :' for .., :/- lha Wags whioh,are seetaretempratl . hut the , Aldngs whiohlye'not seitu r, tltieare eternal.". ,' : , , , - .,,": 1 T .* l i6* 6 . 7 l,*loll:fifild,VisS'a iOli r cleiT mid iffectlie •review of how God; dispenace tt --- temporal"nilliction, - -for the - goed .of hlsohil .- ", , ,,ilren andopan the Nirbole,looriptituted , a;ixtost, = ., - befittirjettPpeld for the `eccisien;lt being, the '-, AabbittiCeet :apart loillie•Dorcas Society e01..,n: .. , n: lectien. itThe humantrobject of thialeature of IlheServicen, with the reputed abffitYor Billh,oli - -r:'Otirrell,.attracted lan 'lmatenak"tcfngtogtition; , ' cry seat , or that eapsoionw edfflcenfaying • - °T -. „ I l ifil e van . 'd - I,htleaserthred htindied .',',ixtejZiuEelailit'4l4"..Obligeid ta t 5 remain standing I in' -' the aisles mid galleries ler want et seats., i ",,„111 opetite%;tiie,l3hdCoii,iiidd;that; tlfei = hbly `! ''', , Apoetlernts' ,wellaivar, e, how, important aldat ,' ~ ter it - was • tci , view,tho tribulations , Pt• this life I ,:ititlfeliglitor,gteettelifttati4vtiffitliwelb ,-..-. ,- hovesthat frequently everti the well disposed. • Wereproub'td!gliofway to , iletiPair,nrider We' ""‘., 'i)fylptlibasitillennibt; and'hisnee it'W i ta that, in, the languegeref : theleidi SC-Paul had tfonght, ' V't liiCheer the affiieted With,ftaiitfeePeet;Pf the '..t, '5 1 90,,i4t 1 feiattllv,„litaravOlfgrVe .l 4 l 'llktgeln 'a -41 ,better WlirldilZigArhia, - eante motive,of callable , '" ,-, -,tioarsaid the speaker to histearera, wlnfuitt 4 : 2 .4 is ,yiiii"ifo7.ll3VlT‘i There _ - were hurdeheit /0--• beerts'whichtiwas not.• iothepower Of hunart r '"' hopettAlS cheer' , and to'buchl, all their kixpectN.:- , ',:,:,tiortititf_Velfeliiinet',4oMB NM G0d . ..y.2106e - -, ;.trieland - tribulatems sbeuld .be „expected by.. '" tllo,Prisfiagifer they,:were'riseeSsarilY spot <, J. 4.0nt,36' , it;lite'l'orAlifgtiMiliel , tyet, it NIB a - - I . g .z blense a trutli,lfiat pthese,. sufferings - wore snot 7,', :iittliAt tiffilr . balm, and 'that wits the,religion ' ' ', iig. 3:0,8118 °Mai ;This centained iicikthe only fate comfort toirtuninity. -underc trials. -*phi ' -,iesephy end Boland° , might relieve''sufferings ', Of aphysical or mere temporal 'character, ibut ,• ,rhese weremttorly powerless' in Oothingi the ,` , `,skr.eitiesof it yeahndedluitti:'',' t. • ~ I 1 ~4 'litble *Vdrd;Ged Wilt reprieented fig g COM- I ' ,SPAlttPltberl7q goedlittepherd,watching ' .4 ,. ',. OVer,„,, - l i4 e gf itl :.o 6.l ''/:; a1°.°81 951 to ,-, ' ittfard",tbeteAoM luiria;,and Mew pf, his, the-lineation Might be4askedynWhatmeaa these • '' ~ b ,oletetifidWilifi.w.hataiidoirtsOn. the - light of eing meted out zto,• onrcheavenly Ira. there/ 't Stirely we - could' , not daubt,•wi all 'theeiffilettefake*:ciiinteti,:tilat the er tl . - - • &sal in Prlder"Alat,theiiFoloblerVirtuits m igh t ' - be tdavelalkaLwitbinuttovbiehoen only Bert - riali - ffi the soatibefilias-lettrifedfleboar; the - , triats.of: this•world witivan humble and sub , ..‘`thissive spirit "„ ',. ' ',' ",- ' '' .7 . - " '',,•''' - .- , `" • In'vletv Of `this;" he Proposed first to' con i alder terfferiug i as,sent,to us, by etOrdglit,y God ''•' as ctinthicineto,oeY,salvalhm. ,; „ , ' . ~,. I _ r We , all =knew , Said' We imeaker, tbat, in :ono ' ' sense; the'safferings,of this•life ;were•but the • leinporal ptudalmient: et fthe shrief'our first Parents: God, however,'• in, His : wisdom ;had I mercifully, turned these yeti Sufferings into an instrument arthuch good. It was natural for,awalLtue. beart:ot matt ,and 'MAO hiniforgetfur.ot,thosei seemingly less fortunate ardund. him, - until, growing , in, his , „ , „Imaginary, independence, -ho • forgets his i re eptinsibilthei Ao Gedluid , Co * hid ' felloivrcrea `,..r turd • -adveriity; on the other hand', awakened a _ey*paillYfortivithrle !likel - circumstances, andthttedet i llOpedVithieCWhiph. prosperity ' ' fin'tia.:ta:ob texittevv,lti,ivaiin the school of. ' advereity.thatwelearnedto,dospiso the yorlit ' ;WitiCtill ?its 'iranitelelliffi4lffieriltibisi- The. , ._,sibietien - Whir wonl4'bo thesiiiinit`ifJniktiere --- -prespereita and manfortable ?-wattauggestiip bt -is sitd , and terrible',attifer. 4 'Even Withtalb our llability.XindbilisgS, the intervals in Whfch we • -, ,- -, are , comparatively exempt from tbentwere teo , ' 'Often the eetettion °tom: withdraw, ing our ail' ec T . ' ' ' ' i np ',;l.lilMs'fieniGod 3 , slid. on eery handli ;Ivab ~, 1 apparent Vutt , htlltiak:Pufrutblgn, NM an •!mils , -', - lielumbio, aS° l .e.f-f”anal_na l / 4 4 1 ° •4e‘ 8 1 )1 1 t i n .:7=l",i '.,- - -;: ,-, = ,f , ; i'' 7 (.: , .4 • 2 World iraltervivas 0 ; lonictiim; where' 'an] the+ o .olwistian thutsubjeetsitirthe relief .of which' he Fag, t 6 ' ll ,4olo,V, i ltiti l ehttrity and benevo lence/ r-Mhore wohld . be those' noble inatitu - - tipoe.of mercy, if,therevere ,no objects that , • required their assistance? .Alll no, the suffer legs of,this.wOrld'Were God's most , effective, , - ,nmane to 011iaphildiert forldeven. , l Through., i, -,‘ , idiliction , it was that the Church hat-been 'en , ablet to ,:tiisiett , and" dernonstratOlth bruin& ' 7 Ifiliiilik . j , *WIC,. ' "3 WC; Milarellii4 would, sae ", ihMildomo, the results of these Christian Min. A. , ' •istrations oftenetleence.' - IT yid wentabxped; ;'' ,eithetef,theyory-lintrunif;dfAlie;,Alp,s; we 0 ' ' ' 1 16 0 1 14. 11 44 the self ; aaarificing Gbristittn, who, , having deserted home, friendsiend,corafurta, ' , -Iliniftufildebbilyeugageilliit'i r opthbfg'the 'so ', ironing: :"Ttitire" ral, Jp.deed ifh.PlimehilWielf . r . ~;iiiiiiitylniffinet: exerted its holy int:titmice to +i'; Conti:oft-the afflieleV- rt*stidiegainguhout ' - doing 'geed' - Morebver* that COnstitated the *;:very, esaencezof the religion , ..of g leans C riot. , Who;lieweirld ask, diktat ndirtire/tife!noble ', &ads of - a St. Vinteril; Who had solicited 'mil- - `",alone 'Of . Jitney from.the 7 richrto help aSd ro , •',:lievathe wantirotthe:poort WhO could' but Admire his:zeal la teaching In ,• uidiedi Mid thoui • ,sitadk;lierkftp:lttatietiff eafferitig r- est er i WAS 4 onr. admiration "ollallenged iless.hy his fabbly ' I'-', achieVed iden to, iffaiguratettithie societies of '-' --- •'fahatleti to eititYtitt thliiinishien.ef, love. 1 ,44 l 0 Time it*as that in God'amerciful economy ~ , , , , f of•/rata, tbeitin' of, ourlirsCparents, while it ,- ' ,, qiiotight sorrow - end ardrering inth the world, •• ,- sit forded arthe Same time the most effective • 7 ,•'means of uefolthe enjoyments` of heft --,• ' -7." "gen.- 4 NOtqhdletnit 'among the manYadvan-• -Uses of ang yew ering , that , it led the, sinner to 'God: ' Ilinv frequently had we seen it that '' '• -temporarafflictlon , was, made the,flret • efficient ''-;:instrument In leading'. to the " sinner's con 4 - Some, ioierse of,fortine .was , necessary to h • -brieg us to a - due - sense'of our dependence.' 1..2,'"'-'l3nectes in; crlind:Nrie a temptation for itfi ,4 ce,tithertancit. , Row few there ,were who ever wept over their own• success: in iniquity I , If •• - we glance over tint annals'of, the world; We • =—.Bhould , find that wherever the sinner Is pros : , poring fin . pleasure, ho is ltanieneffi and lin , ',. r. penitent 1-but follow him'into difficulties and reverses, and poehow. aeon he faildtd find re lief in earthikthinge, and , turria , to Almighty , God:,AIOW often did Tootle the protid man , „ opprbardeg We peor;peraCcutirig We innor.ent, ',.' ~ ~and itieseirig his way,regardiesdof hie dales ~toGrid'ind his fellew-men I l'et; , when at . Ilictiontvertekt3s hinsithatproudinan becomes an bumble penitent, , , 1 ',..- A , etrilting, illustration of what., was-here oblythe , speaker -urged was afforded In the ' ,-•'-• iiaseeflfamtasek who had mecceeded his fa „,,.„ ~theratezeirialt, Opt - we've years of age.l This ,Prinott bad been guilty of tbe greatest aposta ',- o.ri ',fib_ erlA."fdelti - to,,tiffe - the Pk:a, or the ,•••`' 4 -trtte Sied, andietnisedllio,Oity of J e rusalem to '"swim le,:ihe , ” bleed 'Of her/ Children , arid pro • - pletS:'... Thereupon God,mt. the Assyrian 'gloats into his demintonkand bound the wicked . 1 7110r.ganeeielt in'fotthifi, and_cmied.,blin a ,tt eaptiketo Blibyloti.•< , Then,it was, in the dun geort,of,=,bitt prisonrthat he began to 'see!, the I ' ll ' - iAlteiglitylittri, , Whicle in`eiii • cution Of:justice ;fuse lair ( .AdrtuPiffiesi :to. smite ythe !offendi3r, Yet thatarmwas stoldiainnasseh in his afflic tion, gt beimught his God" and Itratibled • him :self,greatly,',' sapplicatiag . for mercy, and that he might ,be again, restored to Jerusalem, -' and- be . brought into his , kingdoni. , 'Tide - ' ' prayer was heard and isnswered. - The tears of • - the penitent. blittnot been shod in• vain, and • thus it was-that GreL7ipareti man fn' justice, -" and afflicted biefein Ittercy.:: • , - Q -• t - ' , ';' , -Irt we - examine& 'the Sacred ;.Volume we should_fleci-thatNednichubtesiar, wliel, In con sequence of hislinhcay4esire to be worship ped as a giidOvatc, doomed a the"forest as a' brutp, had. ne, sooner ;been , placed ' under "thd, -,' ' , Inninitrot his transgression than hiff under-' - . -•• amending retarnedlo him, when bernade - pen „.=,:: 'font” gap:ail - On 'exclainiing,` in inhetance, ' --' si Th`oO,V God, art greet, and all must how `f , beforelbee i! , -' , ' • - , -•-. ' , _. ,1 . ~, _ , "rhellodigal Soit presented fo'_us 'another ~-..q eAkile le,nolet.„ ,No sooner had that disobedi _• ,ant eon been deprived' of , his riches; and; the' ' - ; . '„falfftfrionleWhickthitypprolunted; 'than he • • :,,,w4madelehelble 'of 'his ingratitude and sin,, , „ , „„,ilmd in'that, humbled condition loCked back to ' ` 1 - 1 1,b 0 , 110, 1ffiY home of hli • lather ; and resolved at 1 1 0 - O to - ,return ADA, eepferis to, pi, offended' ' -.ptn'ent til-liatOihnectitgainst .Ifeaven:and be-, fore:thea);,;, And - rain hundreds of . instances wolfed soon where find reerci pp ly saved sons „frate`fiaidition;it,t,ittreOfting ; out uptin them the 'AtVnit'Oninelland-,of affliction: --Ignatius ~- , ,• Loyedithad centintied itt's career oflatabition "ahleseidietillattil Gott hnoibled hlit pride anti .. ~. Jaid bite 'apaige - fick: ` ,liia4;Aid. then, only had • ,- rignetins entered into himself find beheld his - -- - triorenitipa Ir,a - lg4 whie.ti:hi:d,liciver be- , ..' fore llitlittibitdd 'fitil • MintLCtedin_,,that Kitir be ,` 61 ' 47 Yilell iili •Pliiicadlifeilltielitle'llio7f4i.the ;worldi ,` ' - '-'2-, but In the carlstantservice of his God. - To give ( Agloonitaiflfilcdiieh e i y O,dtoo Alflios r , d at ervnd a o n he uda i -whese!*dikr,efaufdieit the gloryroPGedsim `thelndiktifirt:of OWA", dna the footsteps at' - 2 m 1 1:101Veg to•dat to ;,h tread lif every - ~t o mr 3Ol Atl r kifillif StAtner - ,0 flips. Cremated been lar 0 • ~, . ..7444 A ,,,, -3 :fli , ~ , , 1. 5: ili - ihdkjilte,iaith*St lbewhole p,eople,of A , -. 4 . o o„di i tti,traiiiiiiitt, , Thiletiiiings die "- ' , '. .; -74 ' s eilliglimiii 1 V 4 Icti ' filtn , 4loV:hiatOry!ot the .''':- ' ?- 7*. V44 6 :1*$ rt 4 1 4'& 111(1 = at;thiventtable peopid , • ;.•-", .' :',,-; Th i n ,11ti,9 'Vomit 04.0 e, ef ~'diii;and t hid hot, ai dt, ,- .„ - x-6 7 0„ , 0.,9, ..07 'tt .fer.fir quitdir•Apicheginning ~, „,, T ei t o.4_,eff• ' _ „lti la znaditats:been.Adentified, ITAt i 3 - ,-)4$1, 1 1004 - 14 'Pit Or l W,tindirefron bird' dp-AtykkaivagoioNosibe VP 4 1 14.4kbeen the sig.: ,11 . '4"iV. 4, '4:-A,I4F--ottficirl9 -7 431 ;t4bo l ttilittiodA, -, 'Pt. - - , --- 7 , tt-: * e*liid-nethltt depifiliffrall Ws; thaf, th l i - a''., ';=,',',- . - Ji lit t PPlA 4 l l , l o,tatatifik Ws tq .- 14 4 , >;...E,c--q...! ,r ,,, ~-, p',' ~,,t. ae, t„,s-, ortlus , ny; intide -,conid , :'-.(54-",4 - - . 4. ...':. -1 41 1111,3011 bildly, t4ithAptre in i a b ; . 4,4.13,41 li , It - t",P4Mtiteddletirpordttilkturted . --, '3 , f' i g:W•."" - -k- , -,.," ',, ' , ~ ` , ,,CMill'itlittiwilann ) ,'„ t',l-.3 - ' • i ~ gl ;l4° " i' ''' 0 L - ***- 009 ,1C.0i" 41 9 1. CiecO' _,,, ,- -0 , 4 ,, • 1. 6 - 54l - t ...,.'..,, '' . ..,-0--..-.. ,. .,„ '1 .. , • '•!.. 5if.1441..:7- , . - A , ...!*-.1-,,T.,.,_, :..... -,.....,,, ,, itv- 0 0,--.r.:A.-4:!•,;:...tgis , . .., _ ston to itejatit' of in inereatiet.Of Merit in the 4 1 40.Gtod;f, ; T" ;3. l t,was _ true there could- - -uAe merit: in pros porityAttitegette,rally, the Ifigritifief trials in , liklvi,ftefnerepreolorts' in: the" ta"ght . .4alhe - feet4hitt.stieltiveke already.tried like goldAin the fttinace. It was comparatively , - 444 1 Y,30. - / 3/Rtfajthffil.whenfrierYtbitigttias sioi "eronndiats ;. but int the dire•extreinity 'of adversity:we bore patiently ,our atlitettons, Itafferded:.lntrineh fairer prospect Of, advance- gietit Siitue., 'The virtues of„a palrifultift were., solid; becanso, they bore uppn them the I.catgib einabrit`xla4p,Obia:nOsA,t!k shaken. 'in,thOlifdecif;;Tob we,readithittAte .Mijoyed great posseasionsfi Bpelpg this,,the arch enc. rortif hadaddiefined.theAlnalghty",.giiing fer u .l,olA:lategriti his uninter ruyited- Prosperity,adding • that if his • earthly Areasiires be taken TrOin -Mini without -attuning, hint' to' Witvi3r hits allegiance, then Woidd he"ablilleWledge,loWMrtne.' TO all' GOd liticratisefited;- Yet;liiitead'of causing him' to -forsake-,"his. Creator, he uttered not a 'Atiniplidatiliiit; abated oft 'his ',dung bill, he 'rased hia,nicered hands to heaven iii devout 'anbmission;confessing, 'cc 0 God; Thou - , alone 'art' good,and .received all ' t hine fbeinl•Thee; Mid; Thoil haat taken' them teifway ; „blessed „be' Thy holy naive," (or as it is rendered , ,in the versiontefore us, ," The .Lord gave , andAhe .Lord bath taken waY ; ;blessed be the name of the Lord.") ' ' the sp - ealser, was ,created.erect, to ' look ',upward 'tif r.thetbetter. land;,but' as ho turned his eye earthward, tempted by the trea- In* ant,inittities of the world, he became '.iistranged - frinialiii - Ftithee above. further ofitliiisubjectitha dove of Islciah's aikWaa introdneed with striking :force and ,;inneitpeetin hettntY.„' : When; said he; the was &Mt sefit,tarth, , ,it descended from the 'mountainf but being repelled by the lreitry cidebObefere itthe rolliogsvaters and floating eareases-Tit-retitrned-10, . the heights , from Wlienetil it reittrie:."' When;lloivaver,tt neared' plains' below Smiling and; veidant: branches,; it. returned : no loorOi tti • the'i-ark;bnt stayed , to' enjoy the V o)iipting:fican e low., ;ISO with utan:;;;When he: gette :the',world; and is' baffled With reverses, has his heart rent by the 'nitre ,titude of and-Is-made the 'subject of the world's persecution, he finds nothing in the earth' and its tribniationicto love or cling. tii.`and tieterdingly he turns hie eye heaven ward, feeling that his ark of safety' is On high: Oa the contrary, when the world presented to our view thejemptations of joy and happiness, as in uninterraptad prosperity, like, ,the. dove' We' teatime pleased with the Proipeet; and thus gradually grew forgetful of Him to whom, we are -indebted for, all we have, and are, or can ei,ei for. '"::Ligaiiri 81.41'6.114i 'were the rewards which God gave to his: faithful children. •. It,was in view of this that the saints et old rehearsed their sitflailtigit tiOinanytrinrimba.' 'lf, naid the speaker, yortdo; not, believe me, receive the ...testimony of Paul,' who had declared, be''it frorri'ma to glory save 'in ?the . Press of,Jeaue, in the , lives.oV i the saints, where was there ono among them all who had not bei3n tried in the furnace of trials and afflictions 7„ Either' let mo die or me suffer for the Saviour's sake," had: been their bltignagOV and -, paradoxical -as - this might. seem to the world, it nevertheless the true ,holy religion. --Whose !life were we to accept as a:pairon, if not the life •Of :Venni thq , “ intia of sorrows and aeottaiuted .'• - • • • c, Our privilege of oniniathig the ,Niidotir's °Sample -in• this--respect,, he had thus:en deavored to show to be ' , One' Of our, richest legacies.and one that had, been, largely,en joyed by Obrist's immediate followers, during the first three hundred years of the Christian OM,' the whole of: which period had been lite rally deluged - with.7the blood of Christians. Sorely-then we eight not to be sad if wo!are among the- poor: - and suffering ones of this world. On the contrary, those whom he was liddreiling'shcadd count' it all joy that they ! aialigion at which the! finger of -scorn was so often pointed. cc Blessed areyo, fallen Men 'shall 'revile you, 'peiseento you, 'and Oen say all 'Manner of evil against yeti falfielY- 2 .fer.:,MY;:eake," 'Should be.• a most sheering solace to every Catholic. cc 0," said • ttaty iiPeaker;:fe it . Catholic should blush over to that' lie 'sae object of persepution and ridiculo; when he knows at the same time ,that ti follower of One who was hittiself id-sodded; reified, and, at last hung ppon a tree.,",;cAll, no I it was not for them to Leta fintirttt these things, but rather to endeavor to and.taitinal 'Catholics, and thus' give testimony of their holy religion. 0, what a shame was it" fer'-'l; , Catholle to be seen slag; 'goring' drunken through' the, streets, and thus disgracing the Holy Church,lit the bete& Of. which Jr,lnidlietin hie privilege t 6 be'born. concluding; remarks were addressed to congregatiod more k.espriciallyiwith rents tithe cellectionTer "the poor which was . .then abed to be taken..., Every one,- said be, .. Alial. ,should glory pg able, to give something, no matter _ how-littleyfer- in-doing-so God, would most, assure.dly:..giVe:.them the :sweetest consolationti 41n,this; life,. and hereafter, the hapPineski,if,gib4ttiigdom-Cik heaven. _ • ' l ', - ,l4l7llfettlottern. , WEI-j , Tr-it A. 410 fiIidPERIDE I ODNPECITIONNRY. 'PINE MIXED EDGAR. PLUMS, " ' ?IRE MIXED BONBONS,: • ' ' PINE MIXED CANDIES," lifiuitifi6turedi mid for esle*Wholesele and Retail, by 41TE191BN ••F. WHITMAN, , • • No. 1210; MARKET STREET, r - W•istor,S.WELPlll.Etreet. tunibrr. To LUMBER ;DEALERS. ' 720,000 feet gemmed White Pine PlaDk and 84,000 feet 'seasoned Poplar Settee and Ohaii Plank, 29;000 • • it- 5-8 add 4.4 Boards. ' - 15 000 " " X =5'44 Scantling.' ' ash and Oak Plank and Bondi.' DcPoi; D.'DKVIS K 'OO'S Wholeinle and Oomoolealon Lumber Yard, .111tOnD , !Octet; , between RACE and VlNltltniets' ' . etitistrg. ; Dr. W. B.IfoILDDNNEY,Dentist, would inform Ws - friends that he hu resumed preettoe et •No. 1848 OILEBTINUT - Street, second door *bore the 11. 8. Mint. sepl-Sin ILF- , '- 7OL,p,DOMINION7 THE "OLD DOMINION" TEA POT, • Are' tuannfactured, under the patent for the United Instal, by , ARTRGR, 817141GA11, Sc GILROY, • c. Nos:“117 and 119 -Routh ' TENTH. STREET, • • itaLAUEi,PEIIA., • •4' Marchante visiting Philadelphia, should, by all tneansi lay In a enpply of these OOPYRIIItuuITEA POTS, - which are rapidly coming -into' use, and destined in a _short time tosupergede - all others. ' - -_ - Ir7l - A - .41.&.-G..are also manufacturers , under the patent, of. ; `, ,'ARTIittit'S•ii.ELUBBATUD int:TWAT 'RELF=SEATAINP. CANS AND JARS, Which', it le conceded on all hands, are the beet in the :tiarket.. ; aul74ntirtatneiti Alga:Trade Agents for " - _` l ,-TORItEYIB ,AD,JIISTABLE' DOOR SPRING. 416 - AlioHI" T' tiO 8 AND EIIILDER - - - ACADIA FREESTONE. , Now 11'11,11.4, Mid shortly to errive, 1,000 tone of al, !Jetattful Bytn; both. of the • GRAY; ANI! 1317.5 S TINTS, tb former of which, for softnces and delicacy of color, le unrivalled • " ' Tor tho ; cbilitletsvot this, atone 'please examine the following building 's :• ' Joe. llatxpon's Eighteenth street and Rittenhouse Swiare; • , • 4,cruet street, between Seven. !Ninth and Eighteenth: ' • • Sanniel Weat ; streefind Ritteandulesquare. , - 15114.-Zitoreori'd Ne 1.1210 Walnut street.. A. If. W,Onnuth'e; 413 Arch stfee't. Panwid Twelfth and chestnut IltreetS. " T. .I.Vaseitt, Seventeenth and .Locust street; and 'others: •• ' - ARNOI.IY - &_ WILSON, Agents, PIIILADELPIIIA. WARMING AND VDNTILATING• •. .. 'N 7.19A1LE1101188, „ ;•..1 -0 10!OREST,'ITT STREET ; ' A topl , 44lm. ) ; B. X. WALT WINILL. 7 , tio,OKThr4• • :6LASStEI. " • -'- kfenufeoturers 'of LOOSING aLeiltizi for MAN..% tELSI;',PIEBIh.Ie BIDE W.k.GLO, of every eize j etylo, ind 44 ol Bk an/ Pier Ta bles , orn cut, ran ere, Oonso;e ) of new elegant designs ; end '" fIOTUILE , ERAMEtir irlth Trams' for Porttalti,', Miniatures, and , Photographs in enary variety of style', Itaporteis of - 11NGBAVIN08,' every, nod rahlleatinit Wang 'tedetved the .morhent 'of 100 u% kind 'OIL' PAINTINGn,froin - the' Stddiaa Aber boot and molt eilbliiated'Axifetileui and Ettiopian GAUL - BUY OF PAINTINGS, Aped altilniesirnl44:-.Vableitile - and Retail Deal. eta yid Mahogany and Walnut friadedlnoklngAilipeep i , to*bielitheyinvitithaattention of tbutitipcnstmners, B .11 818 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOBI2II ITN anustrzolin— TEN' Pita:CENT? LOAN'S.- - ,ThiMinderaitata offara thoalmilelibeetiOlneeet piatiltindOubted Aral halals teourlty, peedifilt Trust, bonds Arld,"niAr,tgagen) on - prOperly, near 'Able the anionritbf 'the law, lathe o4y 0 Bt. bouts, jeering ten pernent: Internet, the leistlate., 'lnterest &Principal " payable In Plilladelpolal - ''anirni from I,oooopwarda' ; oIIARLES 825' 1V• 1,1411 W . , • „ „. .--nortntha-at' AtifrOOLGILED GLASS. 'llaretiVe hatO 'oemprelietiati) and vs.' vied 'Mock of this truly beautiful and architectural ap *Tebibige:o4-0111mobta, Vestitinlinl; Ofinsery,atorles, and other file lileemed boieisary to embel. or tiigtmiti- allure and elegant' Appearance. Any "oolor may be ; had; either" plain or ornamsntati - elato. -manly or lirroltipr's $c man, , I- '19)31)108%1i Mite Paint, Siollaall)siders, 1,-;(lo2RAtff.,,,fl4.f4outt*nst !am' RborMll lour flrliAn sto 1N. 41 -80 '(D ithh - Company's) ',in bond, and for sale by WM. 11. YEATON, 210 S. wI NzT at: - , • , COO /r!U1325.5 SUGAft.i:l6O Boxes ObYrobail ifibi by A. 101131N0,, 449 lionttt ritONT'Otriptl • -- 2 '-- 7 0iiitit - -: bn- Iniiio9l. furVll - 0 , AS . & _SONS, al • iies:.l49 .arl 141 E.olThi FOURTH sruawr, (Formerly Noel, BY sad 6B 81O018,GROIIND 11,10IT8,,AND , REAL ESTATE.— TUESDAY NEXT. Pamphlet catalogues : now ready, containing full descriptiorue,orallAhirpropyrty to be sold on Tues day next, 10611 x Instant, with a list or sales lath, Cad, mad Seth nivoinber, r oomprielng a large amount of valu able property; RHAlli EBYATE, BTOONB &o. , Pnbiiti at the _Philadelphia Exchange !very Caesday Evening:, • • 0 as • Err Handbills or eh'pliopprty issuetiseparately, addition to which. so publish on the Sattirdarpravicue to each sale;'ofie thousand catalogues in poniplilet form, ving full descriptions of, all the property to . be sol , Von the folloiingTededity. •• • •s • •“) PALL EIAIDB=-BTOONB AND RNAL Seventeenth Fall Sale, 16th November, at the Ex- Chalige.• ' - E Eighteenth Fall Sale, LiSil November, at the li r - ebstco,• Pest, of the handbilli ot,the above- sales now reedy. •. ' • - - • PRIVATE WALE 11.1 CF in. ' idler B ag advertised ta e oeercleatoonnal7in2 rhate Bale Erg &bete:Lute, (of T hio h 1,000 oopleC are:printe4 weekly,) tree orobargre. • • - ' REAL .EBTATELAT I , lll l Wri Setaii.-' 1 • ' • IV - . We helve 'a large amount of 'Deal 'Estate at Pri vate' - Balo,lncluding every' deeerlptlon of City and eotintry property. R.rinted Meta may be had at the auction store. • ETOOIiB, /to. - On Tuesday livening, NoYeaibar lath, at I &cloak, at the Philadelphia change, for account 'cif whom It may concern -1 (old) Aare Bao Francisca Land Ainmoiation. 24 shares Monet blerlah Cemetery Company !Pock. -2 shares' preferred stock American Academy of Mule 5 dares common Meek. r do do do, with ticket. ~ . • 1 abare Mercantile Library Company. , $7OO City Loani 18513, redeemable 1887. SEVENTEENTH. BALL SALE—NOVEMBER .10th. Will inalnde--- • - - "OrphablitlOottrtliale--Estate of Unmphrey Atherton, •-• , Deceased,. .q - • • - ISE VALUABLE DOTi ERIOE...STIT, GERslAN TOWN.—Lerge.and,valuable lot of% ground;•northgest eldent Prigs; street. northeastrof Evani Street, 00 feat . _ front by 176_ feet deep. _ , trSameiZstate"—VALUAßLE tOT,'ItITTENUOUSI STREET, GERMAWTOWN.—'d amble southeast side of Illitephouse street, southwest of ?am nion street, 12OfeetGent "1 , 5 feet deep. LEE AN Estate:—TWO VALUABLE. LOTS; LEEMAN STREET,. GERatkETOWN —Two lac& and Valuable lota. northwest side of Ltdtinin street, southwest of 51arionetrect, VA feet front by 05 fdet deOP, Utile.Estate.,-41101140-RENT OF $132 A YEAR, scented On a lot of ground ofi 'the northwest slde of Walnut 'ann.-northeast of Green , street, Germantown. ExecutoPe Peremptory Sale—Estate of lobn,Willets, , Deceased. NEAr DWELLINGI—Neat three-story brick dwel. Link.'Nit: 131 North Eleventh street, above Arch street • thilehlicelhte. "Samellitate.=—THßEE TWO AND A HALF STORY BRION DWELLINGS; Noe. 1010 7 1021 7 and 1023 North street; battier' Tenth' and Eleventh, 'And Baca 'and "Tine etieeta:„ U 7 Sale 'absolute. TW,O "'ALVA BLE . STORES.—Two modern five story gittlitaletores,lies."lo7 and 109 Walnut street, above Pont street, , :WALNUT STREET —Nest Modern realdeno eolith east corner of Walnut and Seventeenth streets . - . VALUABLE LOT, Venaogo street, eoutheast of Ilatetreet,Richmond. VALUABLE .LOT,.Kingston street, adjoining !the „ Estate of Dr.lo. Townsend, Deceased. LoVueer -13TREET:—.11tuideome modern residence, No. 1808 Locust street, aboye Biateenth street, oppo• site Bb. 3fafkleDbuTchi • ! BUILDING LOTd, FLORENOII Itlye,bolhling lots, Walnut, Seventh, and Sixth atreet tio, &loci heights. between Burlington and Bordentown New -Jersey. - -- ", - 4THENE.;BTORY DRUM DWELLINQ, 1218 Cherry etreet.vireat of Twelfth street.. CHESTNUT STREET.—Three-story brick residence, No. 1609 Chestnut street, lot 22 feet front, 188 ;feet deep, two fropte. - Peremptory ,Fale , —Estate of Mary S. Parker, Dec'd. IRREDEEMABLE GROUND-RENT.—An Irredeem able ground rent of $ll. 20,'secured by a three story brick dwelling, Eleventh etreet, below Locust street. . ffamelititte. , —TWO PRAELT ,OROUND-RENTS of. $3O, secured by Wb three brietedwellingoi, Plover l at. above Seventh etreet. , DWELLING AND PITS 'ACD 1313 OP LAND, eltuete on the Hay lane, 200 yards southeast of the Darby Pas terger Itattroad i within. four miles' of Market-street bridge. STONE AND PRAISIII ICE-DOUSE on the liver Schuylkill, fourth lima° above the dam, ou the West aide, late Went Philadelphia; bolds 2,000 tons of lee. EItIIITUNTII i/ALX,'SAT:O7-NOVEMBER will include— HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE. east side of Broad street, above Parrish street, with stable and coach-10m. lot 40 by HO feet. . . . . . . VALUABLE HOUIVBTORY BRION BUILDING N0. , 21.t Pear street, between Book and Third 'trees south or Walnut. VALUABLE STEAM SAW MILL, VUI,IIIDE YARD, WHARF, AND LARGE Lin, Delano°, Darlington county, N. J. - Traetee , H efee VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCATION, southeast eor: ner of Seventh and Osrpenter etreetd, between bleitot end Oheehiut titivate.' VALUABLE BUSINESS LOOATION.—Three story brick dwelling; No; 116 South Tenth street, between Oheetnnt end Walnut street's.; Szoontor , a gale—Vatate late of James Verree, Deed. VALUABLE' MALL' FratM, over S 5 acres, between ilnetleton - andtheltox Chase, with a front on Penne peek break, , SOLITIT ELHVBNTIf_ STREET. Two threeltory brick dwelling,l , 764lr 'fierenth street, between Lombard and liouthetreets. • IRREDESMa SLR : OROVED-RENTB.=-Three :irre deemable ground•rente of $6O per annum ; one of $56 00.100 Per armnit ; one of 140 per annum; one of $24 per annum; one of $lB 76-100 per annum, and a re deemable ground-rent of $lOO per annum—each seenred by brick dwellings. • • ' • J MODERN 11118IIMINOB, NO. 1814 Locust street,west Of Broad street . , Opposite the Amorlean Aeademyof Mu aleflot 22 by 160 feet, - • Peremptory Bale. STREET.—Two three-story brick dwel lings, Nos. 1232' and nat Federal •street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets., SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET.— Two neat moderni dwellings' Nos: 410 and.. 412 South Eleventh street, below Pipe street.• BUSINESS LOCATION, SOUTH SECOND.STREBT. Frame store and toot four-story brick derellings.'Nos. 516 and 517 South Second street; below Pine street, opposite the market house.', •If ANDSOHE BBOWN43TONE • RESIDENOE. No. 1520 Pine street (Union Place), between Pifteent itand Sixteenth streets. _lt is bandeomely finished with the modern Improvements and eonrentencee. Immediate possession. ,• . ,SALE Qp BLEDIOAL , This Evening, Noveniber - 18th, ,atthe ¬ion atom, Ile's. 189 and 141 South fourth etreot an assortment of valuable medical works' 11:7•Por partleniare me - oatalognea, and the books,. which will be arrangodou - Batarday morning. NOTIOE. 7 43&LE OF ELEGANT FURNITURE.— Catalogues of Mama. Mender, Degenther, & Oo.'e stook of elegant furniture. to be sold on Thuds,' morn- Ing, are now reads, and the fartittuze 'arranged for, examination. Bale No. 1014 Chestnut street STOOK OP .BLEOANT CABINET FURNITURE'. On Tuesday Morning, Noy. 10th, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1014 Cheatnut street, the entire stock othfessre,. Blander, Degluther, to Co , declining businees, comprising a general assortment of rosewood and walnut drawing room furniture,_ ye- HOUR style corning , . superior dining room and chew'. brr furintru e t all inapuractured in the best manner, es pressly for their trareroom pales, and warranted. ID - Oatalognes will be ready and the furniture may be ezumined 8 days previous to 'ale. • • Peremptory Sale. THE STEAM-1170 " R.: W. CARTER." - • -• On Friday, • - November 19th, at 12 o'clock noon, will be soldwithout reserve, at the Phi ladelphia; Bishange— The side-wheel steam-tug" R. W. Carter." built In 1854, of white oak—hes• been in constant use ever since (towing on' the River , Delawfuw); is 78 feet in length and 16 feet in width, and meant-es 6241-95 tons; has a low.preienre condeneing engine. with a stroke of 531 feet, with an 18-10011. cylinder. She now lies at Washington.street wharf. in.* Sale absolute.Terma—ouh. 8100 to be paid at the time of sale. - Nod: 189 and 141 South Pourth street. EfIII9BIIIOII RIIBNITURN O PIANO-BOBTH, PINE /1118NCH PLATH 81111110118, —111111138.8113 CAB PSTB, dco. , On Friday Morning, At 9 ohriosk, at the auction store, an extensive aihortment of 'excellent socond.kand furniture, elegant plano•fortes, fine mirrors, , carpets , etc.,: from private families dealining housekeeping, removed to the Ooze for convenience of gale. TO CAPITALISTS, DITILIARB, ha:—LA.ROD AND VALUABLII LOT AT rinviers 8AL8; LOOUBT 8t . South nide, between, Dread and Fifteentb greets, 110 feet front on Loonnt greet, by 176 feet In depth to a 10 feet alley. _ . PHILIP" FORD, AUCTIONEER, No. 630 BUM ti F ; STABET, between FLITII an 131XTLI south side OATAL,LOGITE SALE OPIIEApY44 ADE ,O-LOTHING. On Tneaday Dlarning• Nevembei ltitti, at 10 piolock precisely, by catalogue, trill be Old 200Iots of roalyrmade clothing, comprising a' desirable assortment for Men's and boys' wear, adapted to the,present and coming acasona. ' 117 - The goods, may be examined ylth catalogues early on the morning of sale. , MALE OM BOOTS, I4lloltB, GAITERS, BROGANS, On Wednesday Morning, 17th instant; at 10 O'clock pro4lealy, we will-sell, by catalogue, 600 cases men's, women s, Minna', boys', aud'childron , p boots, shoes, gaiters, ties, beffslo ovr shoos, sum sanials, gem overshoes, ho., embracing a desirable assortment for present and coining season. , The particular attention of purchasers is re quested. 117 -, NOTION.—Io consequence of Thursday. (our regular sale day) belng,Thanitsgivlog day, our sale will • bo hsld, as above. . 111/Yl'• ,WILLIAM, STEM?, GENERAL AIICITION AND 0060118SION BTOJU, No. 46 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. J. A. BLIBON, 'Auctioneer. - • -Pule at the .iluotion Store. . . SUPERIOR WELL-M4DR TIOLISINTOLD FUItNI tiIIRE~.PAINTINOB; ENGRAVIN,4B, fdiRRORS, CARPETS, PIANO. PORT E, '&c. Thin Morning, ' Comniencing it 10 &chick, by catalogue, will be sold a large iteeortment of enporior ronatrood, mahogany, and walnut 'parlor, chamber, , and dining-room furniture, mirrors, carpals, engravings, plino•torta, &a. - , . NOTlo3.—Mereafter'we will bold our regular sales of ", household furniture, tco.,: on Wedneaday and Bas tarday mornings,'ooromenoing at 10 Weloalr. Evening gales of watchen;lawelry, fa,MY awl - miscellaneous geode will ha held mularly, every Monday, Wednes day,,Thursday, end filkthrdar eveningdicotaixonoing at 15 , - Consignment/ of , new and second-hand house ho d furniture, planafortes, carpets, , watabes, jewelry, respectfully solicited; on which liberal cash ad vances Viii b ihade If required. 1 - ' If:71 Oatodoor sales attended to' promptly. Charges as moderate'iniany other hone in this city. 73,10 E &NATHAN Is, AZOTIONEER, 1.1 , -11. AND 0014WIESION'AINRCHANT, B. N. cornet 'firm amazon Steads. GMAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. *MIRY !. MONEY 1 1 1 Money liberally advanced' in large of sfruill, amounts, from ono dollar to thotteands, on gold and sliver plate; jeweliy, musical lustrumenttillaniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries, cigars, hardware; minor'', 'hooka,horses vehicles, her nese, andnilurtioles of value, ,for, any, length of time agreed , on, at - /Vathabe - Prificipa/ Sfetablishment, southeast corner of BiAth and Race streets, rremisainl notes,"wlth collateral, discounted lathe lowed marketrates. 1- •,- , NATHANB> RDLNOIPAL SEITABLINIIIINNT; 8. 8, CIONNEIN OP SIXTH AND RAOII,BTREETB.. Where money will be liberally adranood on , gold and silver plate, &monde, watches, jewelry, fowling pieces, dry gooda, , clothing, groceries, liquors, olgara, hard: ware cutlery, fanny articles , mirrors, paintings en - grayings, ranalcal. inetramente, furniture, boding, horses, vehloloa, harness, istoCks; and all `OtheS articles of value, ' " " ' • - - • 011P-1/0011 BATAS. Personal attention given to all orit•door sales, either at private dwelling', stores, or elsewhere, Ina ?bargee =aerially low, , „ CIOSHEN BUTTER.-29 Tuba Primo '.l-11 CI oehea'Butter. For Bale by 9,0, RlAnT,r,lt, A.:'00.. /la ' ' - - /91 ARO atxaal, ' littg .Ifoos:4ooAionplia,pisitiromAy;lNOVPM:BEg.::f.l3'; 1858. . _ . ,F .- lIR — N - ESBi BRINJAY - J.;-&'00.3';.1' - ;' tio. 429 MARKET STREET ~ a- c - '.- BALE ON'IMPOATED:DBY GOODS.' ~ On Maeda? Morning, Nov. 16th, at 10 - o'clocic;by catalogue, c n 6 months , credit— - 400 packages and tote of:lmported dry goods. • . [Er Samples and catalogues early on the morning or sale '.. : . :',::.• ..11.1,:, C0M.12-ElipIAL SALESROOM, .522 MARKET STREET,- "- • BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETS. ' -••- - -- • • G: WOLBERT.VA.ym.toNsas SCOTT, 4341 lur• .ollEsTrtur staNzt, 'oppiidttetliei O natom lionise; 'between VOCrAnt and : FIPTB Etreete. BALE 'dß .110BV5, ko. ' • • On EfdadaY Bfocntoß. t" •,November , lsth, commenoing ai 10li &clock, will; be .eold llkrg3 atonic of valuablo furs, cqnsisting oteetie ospoe,..,nniffe and cuffs to match, viotorinee, mufti, ,Szo, of sable, lifoh, martin, Ace. +ID' Catalogues early on the morning of sale, when pnrohapera are invited to attend,. RIRE4ROOI O . On Wednesday Morning, A large tiro-proof safe—nearly new. SALE OF TRIMMING RIBBONS, EmßnoiDEßllo 7 , OLOVEI3;,nOsiERY, .On Wedneedipi Morning,. • ' November 17th. commencing at'lo ololock,lby oats bune, will be Fold a large. and desirable assortment of ribbons, embroideries, gloves, hosiery, in eliding in part, vie : EMBROIDERIES, • ," New styles jaconeta and cambric collars,•Bwiss and book collate, Jaconet end book sets; infante , Jxocnet: ivaiete, embroidered jaconet bends, in. VEILS. , a linliol French lace veils. • ' - • . - TRIMMING RIBBONS. Ladles? new styles dress - trimming ribbons, ',link fringes, bonnet iibborii, .co.. - • • • • GLOVES AND 11013IllIM. Also, ladies" and gents , black and colored kid gloves. ladles , and Children's hole thread and BMA°, gents' 'Doi lin and buck gloves, birak: lined Berlin do. elth • tor tope. ' " /108I8ItY. ' ' • ' Also, ladies , and gents , cotton and" merino boss and half hose.•• Also, men's heavy cotton and Morino Undershirts and drawers, ladies } merino weals, ko. GARTER WEBBING. I Also . , ROO dozen otter webbing, assorted' colors 'and widths. ' • , , „ • OPECIAR SALE OP OBRALANTOWN• GOODS; On_Priday Morning, 10th hut , &working the largeat assorttnentnt wool knit gouda, hosiery; ehirts. and drawers, & 0., 'offSred this season. IF M. GIIMMEY & SONS, IP • REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS ' No. 620 WALNUT BMW OARD —J M. Gummy & Bone, auctioneers, Will hold regular ,rdee of Roal_Estate, Stooks, &a. Also, household furniture at dwellings. ' asap ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. • DOIP',On our Private Bale Register will always found' a very large amount' of real estate, including every description of city and country property: J. M. GUalilEY & SONB, I Real Estate Brokers' • - - • 620 WALNUT Street, belowSlath. QAMITEL •NATHANS, AUOTIONER, - and . MONEY LOAN OPPIOB, No. 224 South PRIM) street; below Walnut, oppoeito Pear et., bnly eight doom Wow the Bxehenge. Noun of bueir.ece from 1 o'oloch, A. Id., anti 10 o'clock in the everEi. 'Out door, nine, and aalee, at the Auction Home, et• feuded upon toe moat satisfactory testing. • t OAPITAL p2M,002. , listsb/istsdfovits last Thirty Years. Advencee made from one dollar to thonnanda on DI: , monde, BilYeiPlate Watohee, Jewelry, Ilerdwace, tier abandisa,,OlothingEleurniture, Bedding, Olgess, Maio) Instruments, Guns, Homo, Ourllava and ffrooda of every duoription. All . sonde ; nen mconsn any length of time spend pen. All adranose, from one hundred dollars and upwerdsX wilkhovberged,2 ?in t ent per month; $lOO and afar; the loweet market rate.. ' Thie Store Noire kW/MO depth Of 120 foot, hex ittfia fire and thief proof vaults to vtoro ell :valuables, And pig veto watchmen for the premises ; Lbw, a ' heavy, fneeg Genoa affected for the beaolit of all pereons haring goods advanond neon,'; H. B.—On account of having an unlimited ospltta, thin p,Moo iv prepared to mate advances on more sett.! fiatory.f.nUnourromodallug terms than, any ,othar Old Ott : ,Idottay advansta to the email eanowitioi 014 oat 444 ohuigo. • - . A 7 PAKVAT.II ?JAME , Gold Patent Lover and other Wotolud, Jere g,' and Glotblo'g' win he Bold at vedased prim. an -11, fl E ITY AND COUNTY OF PEULADL- Iv MIA, Be —ME COMMON WEALTH 01.P11,NN SYLVANIA.' • • , , To JOIHPHIN.II OLURHONTEL, surviving Execti• HI: of JOSEPU'FbErdbIiNG, decensed, greeting We command yon , that laying aside a.l buetnece and excuses whatsoever, you bs and nppear,.ia your proper person. before the Honorable, the Judges of owl Or phans, Court, at II Court to be held oa FRIDAY, the Nth day of December, A D HU, at 10 o'clock of; the forenoon, to show cense why your letters testamentary should not be vacsted on account of your removal arum the State of Peuneylvan e, and why new lotte:e should not bo grantcd, and further to abide the or of the Court in thy premises ; and hereof all not, under a penalty of one hundred pounds , Witness OSWALD THOMPSON, ne [Bait or 'quire, at EliPladelphia, the fifth day of von Comm] November, in the year of our Lord ote thousekulelghthundred and fifty-eight. no9wlol2t JOHN SHERRY, Clerk O. O. A LEX. MoKINNEr, • gATTORNEY AT LAW, GIIKENALMILG, PA. Will practise in Westmoreland, Armstrong and In Clans counties. sell.te T. T. ARILIIB. WHAMS , & MAYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW LOOK 11A.VBN, Pe_, Will attend promptly to all professional buelnese en, trusted to them. Special attention given to the collet. Mon of datum Gov.Wm.ld .Paolter,llarrlaburg, Pa. • L. A. Mackay, President Lock ITSYOII Bank; General b . H. Jackman, Look Haven; Hon, A. White, Lock Haven. Simon Scott, Lock Haven; "Bullitt & 'Fairtherne, Philadel phla; hteltatland, Dracut, & Co. Philadelphia; Evan' & Watson, Phlladelphia; Phillip M. Price, Philadel phia; A. V. Parsons Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, Ir. Co., Philadelp h ia; Tenor k Davis, Phila delphia;, lion. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; W. Quiggle, Esq., Philadelphia. < ir 2(W • pHARLts TETE, o.o3iMlSSlairkiß qu ON.ANT and Importer of HAVANA MAW, (New) 188 Wrarint street. second dory. sul-ly & RABORG— _lmporters' and Wholeaeie Dealers' In WINES, BRANDI, MUMMY, GINS, and - NANCY; LI QUORS, No. 1017 NIABIINT Street, between Tenth and Illeventh etreete. " TirIOKORY GOAL.—Tho purest and clean eat article in the malljet, for Wei at the lowe , t oaah prices, at DEACON & NEWHALL'S Family Coal Yard, No. Sab North Broad Street, below Callowhilt. Also, East Sugar Loaf Lehigh, the hardest Coal bter mined - 0027-12t* CRESSWELL , A WILLIAMS, No; 200_ WALNUT Street, are prepared to supply eldp: pera and CODSIIIIIBM with 'superior Broad, Uoal trout Lancaster Mines. " ' oaltt s3.2sL'fizrOTAl,'N„„rfort2Lbeer..72l.T.Er duet. CHICKS' COAL is the best and cheapest in Li the city, re-screened in yard and dry under cover. "TICKS sells none but tho very best Lehigh and (Schuylkill Coal, and warrants fnll weight. LITOKS superintends tho delivery of all Coal personally, and therefore guarantees It to be u represented., HICKS' Yard and Wilco is at the southeast 0014ter of MARSHALL and WILLOW; where he Invites aillo gall and examine for themielyes the above 'au3s-dm lal(BRING, FOX, & UO., !bplesale 'and J.. retail dealers is /MIMI and 'I3OIIHYLKILL 00AL. Lehigh, yard—THIRD street and GBRMAN TOWN ROAD.' &hay Drill yard—RAO! and BROAD 'streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Ooal from the most approved, mines, antler cover, and 'pre pared expressly for family . dee.. „ felf-y` DETERSIVE Time, labor,, find money saved. In using It, clothes do not require any boiling or rubbing on washboard , Ono pound twill go as far throe pounds common Reale goap . . War ranted to give perfoct malefaction or money refunded. 0 , la decidedly the cheapvat and beat washing Soap ever offered to the public. Manufactured only by VAN HAAGEN do iktolf.HONN. Por sale by all re spectable Groom In the city and:vrholemle 'oat v by TWAIN_ _ 22 SouthWharvea. H• P RENOLOGIOAL EXAMINA- W-.; , TIONEI; with writtou desorOttOos of oharabter, ihti balm/lug advice in referenco to business, health, selfdutprovemeol., &0., ato mode day end eve ning at FOWLER, WELLS, & 'COM, , Silmilleo visited when refitiested,and a liberal dis count made to clubs. 22 Chostout at.. Philadelphia fielgt . TWO .TRIPS A WEEICIO BRIDGETON!—On and after WEDNES DAY, 20th Inst., the Steamer EXPRESS will leayo Atoll Street every Wedneaday and Saturday morning, at EIGHT O'OLOOK (instead of BX, IR heretofore), for Bridgeton. Will leave Bridgeton ovary Monday; and Thureday morning at 8 o , elock ;" Mopping at Delaware Oily and New Castle , . Stages for Dllllvlßa, Port Ell. sabeth, nation, Cedarville, Newport, Dividing Creeks, and lieuricetown. connect with this boat. 00144m* VITALIMING AND VENTILATING `WAREItOOIII3 The esibeeriber would Invite tho /peeled attention of ' Architect Builders and the public to hie DIRW QUhYJIR PAT.ItINT 6RLP-01111AfigliG ANA VENTILATING WARM AIR PURNAOE, Which has been no euccelatully Introduced during the lard winter and gave such general ,eatlefaction. It to no arranged as to consume' the' gases from - the Mai, making it one of the most economical; Aare, durable Restore now In nee. , . . Also, all gigot and pa Arne or ooking Raogee Dail% Dollen!, Gee .orona,ltow Down and Elevated - Craton, every variety of Deegan and Ventilatore, Oireplaoo Stoves, Conine' Patent Chimney Cape , far the cure of emoky chimneys, with a kullneeortmont of all geode In my line of butinees. Prompt attention paid to Range and neater repair ing, and prices ;educed to suit the Limon. ' CLIARLEB (Gate Dakar 4, NVlllleaul,) an2-8m . 1182 (old 4tOB)ZIARKICT Street, Philada. • LIANDSCRUDS AND CLAMPS. fit 1 IpArarpnuifs. , No. 1. 02X 0. per doe. 5. $1 12 per dot •2. 753. '" 8. 125 I 8. 870. " 7. 160 4 . 4,1000. ' " • . • 8. 170 CLAMPS. 6 Row, $1.25 per dozen. 7 Row; 0,75 Pei dozen. 8 Row, $2.25 per dozen; f - - - MINIM O."ECREITRIN, ee•l6 62 North THIRD, Street, Philadelphia I_IrEIDSIOK 00.'S CRAMPAGNE.'—A NAL constant supply of the orlirinel - gonnlne brand, lu bond and In store, for sale by WILLIAM II:YE AIM, solo, agent for Pennsylvania, No. 210 South FRONT Street. nob pROVISIONB.-2,400 pieces City Smoked Shoulders, 1,800 pieces Oity Smoked Items. For sale by 0. 0. SADLER, & 00,, not 103 ARCM street. ve,ALE non AND TWINE Manufactured A) aid for gale A WEARArTfPrI,EIt,Ir. CO., No. 23 North WATkilt it, ad 94 North WHAIDISS, , oda 3Sniee b %intim SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Xoticel3,. Onsittess Qiarps. El= EOM meal"Q zte:, - . 4#l' REAL 'ESTATE:—POSIT.T.VE SALE, AK* oider,of the " assignees of the Mercantile Mu tual Insurance Company: ,Faltiablo, property, NO. $22 IVALNUT Street, oppo , site the Plerehan.r Xxchaoge. , Ori W EDNEPDAY 'EVENING, Deo. let, 1859, ' At 7.3i,0'c10.k, will rold Without reserve, at Pub lic Sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange: 'AU that 'Valuable four-story brick measuage 'and het of gourd, situate at,the south Woof Walnut Iltieet, 222,nnpositb the Merohante ' Exehange, 17,t6 feet .front (holudingAhe easternmost 2 feet of an a11e.,.8 feet wide, and 30 feet deep, ) and 85 feet deep to ground now or late of Thomas Parker ; together with the free use and privilege of the said,alley nig a passage nay and NM- Aar course, and for,laymg water, pipes in common with the property adjoloing on the west, with the right of building over and under .the whole of the paid alley, leering at least 8 feet head Way In the clear. tinder and subject to two certain 'mortgages, viz t One to Frederick Bei rthorne, Esq dated December 12th, 1857, for $5,550.12 ,-recorded book No. 78, page .820, n 0., and: the other to Philadelphia Saving Fund Society, dated September, 7th01364, for $10,050, re corded in mortgage book No. —, page —. N 13 —This Is a valuable prOperty with marble front, guitable for an Insurance Co , Broker's office, or any beldam required to be iu the vicinity of the Exchange. Sale absolute, by order of As 'gimes. 100 to bs paid when Clemente is struok off. r .7A2I,ES A FREEMAN, Auctionter. • Store No. 422 WALNUT St, above Fourth. ' Philada , October, 1858. ' OFFIOE FURS InltE.—lmmediately after the sale of the property, w.ll be sold in one lot, the entire bf. -ace furniture. . . . . . 137. May be examined at any time. Keys at the store. ,• , n012.3t I n VALUABLE-FARM AND PLAN TATION AT PitIVAtE SALE—Containing abcut 8,000 Acres of imporior Land, woll adapted tellarmingard 'Oraring; 1 MO acme of which is Woodland, heavily tim bered with Spruce and Yellow Mai, Oak, Hickory, 160 Acres of very superior Ash, all within a mile of the 'River ' 400 Acres of Bank Meadow, very Ital. Marsh, the ba lance cleared and mostly under Cultivation at the pre. sent time, altuate 1 in BRINON WILLIAM COUNTY, tINAT.E . OIf On the West aide of the Potomac River, about ten mime below Mount Vertion;aad has a front of about ail miles on tea Potomac River end Occoquan Bay with three of the moat valuable • SHAD FISMORIES In the United States ; -a Peach Orchard of 900 Trees, ready 'for bearing the corning season ; 400 Acres are now In Glover and Timothy, either for Blowing or Grazing; and 200 Ames In Wheat. Tho present owner has im proved it with a view of ree ding on it; and hoe put, within - the list (Oar years, 10,000 bushels of• Lime and 40 toes of titian° upon it, with tho moot wonderful vaults. TIN IMPROVEMENTS Consist of a good Rouse, six rooms and a kitchen, I, out-uousos for, servants ant workmen, 2 large barns, stable, corrohou e, &c., and a well of excellent water at the door i also ,in the course of constructioe, and nearly neighed at the southern portion Of the tract, a two story house, wan six rooms and a good .barn • The atecit, Farmirig Utensil's, Furniture, Bosh), Nets, and Ropes of the Fiaherles, large Boat for carrying wood, and all of the present crops on band, will be db.- poscd of to the purchaser up;hl the moat reasonable terms, if deeired. , , r To Capitalists, the above Property . offers many in- Alacerneistii; aril disposed of upon the moot liberal terms, as the payment will be mode easy. SYo inv.te especial attention to this Property, end solicit a personal inspection of the promisee. which Cannot fail to produce the most favorable impression as to the groat number of advantages it poesence over any other property in the certain prospect of yielding a large income from the investment at once. ID' All Communications requesting a fuller or more complete description of the Property wilt recetie, the prompt attention of tho undersigned Nor terms, apply to JAMES COOPER. • JOHN W. STOKES,, not-tu th ea 4w , 423 WALNUT Pt , Philo 'a. ' FOR SALE—A valuable FARM of 50 ACRES In CIIRSTRR 00., near Springville and Royerbt Ford Station, on the. Readieg Railroad, from which there ate several trains daily to end from the o ty. land la A No.l, beautifully situated. 8 scree of very fertile bottom land lying between the Canal and Schuylkill river, the .balanoe • at an elevation of about 100 feet overlooking the thriving village of Springville. ,Iraprovements good, nearly now, and all that is neces sary. For•farther information apply to 0. COLLINS SURE 4k, 00., No. 217 South FOURTH Street nft.GtSt (Earpetingo. IIAILY,•&• BROTHER'S CAEPIIt WARYIIOIIBI3, No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET. WE SHALL OPEN TO-EAY ANOTHER. INVOICE OB EVILISTI TAPESTRY " OROSSLEY'S" OBLEBRATED MAKE, ONE DOLLAR A YARD carpet buyers will find our stook full and of fresh Milan, and PoICEB VERY LOW.' non& I,llachinez. %%/EEELBa & WILSON'O SEWING MAOHINES, AHMED PRICES. NEW BTYLII $BO. All the forzher pattern $215 lees on eaoh Machine. ANEW'TENEION. " •NO WINDING OF UPPER THREAD. • A HEMMER WHICH TURNS ANY WIDTH OF REM OIL BELL. OVVIOBB 628 011SEITNUT Street, Philadelphia. No. 7 WEST STATE Street, Trento N.J. No. 7 EAST GAY Street, Won ' t Chester, Pa I:m74DM LIARS'S* EQUDOIS SEWING NA -11...W. °HINE is offered to the public as the most rolls ble IoW-priced Sewing Machine in use. It will sew from Sir. to sixty etitehee to an (nob, on all kinds of goods, from coarsest bagging' to the finest sambrios. It is, without exception, the simplest in its mechanical eon siTnetiori aver made, and can be run and kept in order by a child of twelve years of age. The DURABILITY of thletmohine, and the QUALITY or ire WoaX, are war ranted to be unsurpassed by may other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per MID RIO. The thread used is taken directly from the epools, WITIROUF THE FROMM OF nawninnin. In fact, It is a machine that is wanted by every family in the land, and the Low Pricer of . . ITORTY DOLLARS, et which they acid, briny them within the roach of almost every one O. D. ISARDR, Agent, Dilo-dOm why eowBm 20 South EIGHTH Street. Hiring nub Eljemicate. R OBERT SHOEMAXfI & CO., WHOLIOALN DALVGIfITS, Manntsoittrers and Dealer PAINTS, VARNISHED, Ind WINDOW SHAM, Northeast oornor POURER and UDE Streets, Philadelphia. Bole Agents for the sale of the eelobrated Morello Piste Glue takt4ll-tt ITISNOPADYEI JEROME'S lIAIR COLOR RESTORER will re stdre Gray , Hair to Ito original color In from ten to twelve days, and restore the fair where It hu fallen off and Weenie thin. IT I 8 NOT A DYE! It maybe used as freely as water. and is the roost beau tiful Dressing for the Heir now in use. Thousands in different parts of the Union have testi fied to Its wonderful virtues, and all who have used it join in their prtiee of it. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, t W Dr. BWAYNE & SON, No. 8 North SEVENTH Street, above hIARKIIT, Sole Agents for PhiladsipAia Trade supplied. 910 NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS.- -11.. NATIONAL TELEGRAM° NEWS AGENCY, —OARR & JOHNSON announce to the Press through. cut the Milted States that they are completing ar rangements on a most liberal scale, for a system of TELEORAPHIO NEWS REPORTS, which has never before been equalled in this country They pledge themselves to furnish the earliest and most reliable re ports of all the stirring and Important events of the day. at a price which cannot fall to be advantageous to the Press generally. All letters and communications to be addressed to CARR & JOHNSON, National Telegraph Wove Reporters, South THIRD Street, opposite .Exchange, Philada. E. W. CARR, G. W: L. JOHNSON. Geo. W. L. Johnson, 23 Wall at., New York City.. John T. Smith Merchants , Exchange, Heaton. John Wills, coiner South and Baltimore streets, Bal timore. For experlenee and reliability in the business, we would refer to: Morton McMichael, North American apd 11, S Gazette ; Swain & Abell, Publio Ledger; Jasper Marling & Son, Pennsylvania Inquirer; John -W. Forney, The Press; Cummings & Peacock, Evening ßulletin ; F. W. Grayson & 00., 'Evening Journal ; Jo seph Severna, Evening Argue ; Joseph B. Flanigan, Daily News ; Rice. Pennsylvanian ; Lawlor, Everett, dc Chicken, Sunday Dispatch ; Magill & Jones, Sunday Mercury; Joe. B. Jackson, Sunday Transcript. ocp-tf DIIILADELPHIA WARNING AND 'ANTI ATINEI WAREHOUSIL . . ABITOLD 84 WILSON, 0000111 BOIS TO D. A. HARRISON - We have removed front our old stand in Walnut tarot to the LARCH STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doord - below the St. Lawrence Motel, where our old friends and the public are respectfully invited to examine onr manna:re stock of Warm Air Furnaces, Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Reuniters, Enameled Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Grates, /co. We are now manufaeturiug °NILSON'S CELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the moat powerful and economical Heater ever invented, and suited to all (damn of buildings. Also, new and beautiful ,patterns of Low Do Crates, and Parlor Coal Orates of all sizes and pattern' , We have also commenced the manufacture o. NNAIIIELED STONE I,fANTELS from Pons :Weenie Slone. These Mantels wore awarded a SPECIAL PARAITIIIif at Ike tests Fair and Exhi bition of Iks Franklin Institute of Ibis city. They represent all the rare and beautiful Armes Maanues, are not injured by Smoke, Coal Gas, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Retail, at muck toss prier than Marble., Call and add them. ARNOLD & WILBON W.ELT WELL; Superintendent. ftilladelnhia. ADrll. 1869—.404 ly PLASMA OR ARTIFIOIAL 13PEOIAL NOTION TO PHYSIOUNS.—The above otters a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to dis eased surfaces,'whlch combines the following advanta ges: A good and unvarying eoni.latence, easily washed off with water, dhosolvee all substances that are solu ble l iyatim, hence facilitating instead of 'obstructing their absorption, emd dons not got rancid., The but property alone renders it an invaltiabbs aNntaition to the practitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesale and' retail, at BIM til l s Laboratory and Pharmacy, mlin•• • • Twelfth and Obastmit errant 0. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ‘l.l " LAND LOCATING AGENCY, CHICAGO, ILL. The subscriber, having had loud' praotical experi ence In selecting and locating lands in the varlocus Land 'Districts In the estern States, has unusual facilitiee for waking valuable selections for , LAND WARIIANTS , OR CASH. . . Having Surveyors constantly in the f ield to make personal examinations, he can always make the meet Judicious locations, . - L 11149 unsurpassed -for fertility of soil and salubrlt7 or climate, near the line of railroade, may now .be lOWA AND WIEWONOIN. Satisfactory references given when required. .(17 - Money invested in Kansas and Nebraska, had any of the Western States. „ .. • • B. BALIBBIIRY, 40 CILATUCE Street: Mileage MANILVROPE--:Assorted Sizes, Menu (Wilma and ircr ante at 10W989 Now N ork prloes, by WAVER, FITEJER, & 00, No. 2 8 North WATER Street nob 'and 22 North WHARVES. ' grow ITE r kS,, and BOW and STERN -11- LINER, manufactured and for gale by - WEAVER, FITLER, h 00., cola Noo, 23 X, Wider fit, 4 22 N. Whin% • R .INVIdORATO , THE LIV,ER , . , , PREPARED BY DR. EILIIVOILD, - COMPOUNDED 'ENTIRELY FRO M OOMS, Ts orient' the' best Purgative and Liver Medicines now before the public, that acts as a' Cathartic, easier, raider, and more effectual than any other medicine known It is notonly a Cathartic, bat a Liver reme dy, acting,firsA en the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then otithentOmeth and bowels to carry off that mat`, ter; thus accomplishing-two purpoies effectually, with out any of the painful feelings experienced in the ope rations of most .Cathartics. It strengthens the aye tem et the same time that it purged It, and, when taken daily In mederite'doses, will strengthen and build it up with unusual rapidity. The Mini mono Mho humanhody ; ond when it well, the powers ot the oped. The st °Mach is st en the healthy action of performance of its lunc ib at fault the bowels are eyatem suffers in anise- Liver—having ceased to envies of that organ, one made it his study, in a years, to find some Tema ant the many derange ble. To prove that this re person troubled with Li its forms, has but to try a certain. These Gums remove all the system, supplying in' of bile, invigorating the digest well, purifying the health to the whole ma cantle- of the disease—et. BILIOUB A71.01E11 are ter, prevented by the on. Itivieotiaroa. One dose, after eating, stomach and prevent the In my one dose, token .Ntawruiss. Only'one dose, taken at gently, and cures Oos- One dOOO, taken after - One 'dime of tut. collets !dips 11F1DAcon. One bottle taken for fa. tha cause of the disease, Only ono dose inigkedl, while one'dose,hltAn re 011OLVRA. 1108111311. and a Irr Only one bottle is system the effects of roo fless. sag One bottle taken nese or unnatural One dose taken a short vigor to the appetite, and . One dose, often repeat name in its wont forme, ,complaints, ylela elated One or two done einie in ,children; there is no -rerliedy In the world, Se r ft [Er/kiwis bottles cure absorbents. We take plvasure Jure eine as a preventive for Issas, and all FISTEMB of ran with certainty, and testify to Ito wonderful An who use st are giving their unanimous testimony fn its favor. and swall tEr Miz Water in the mouth frith the invigorator, wtogether. INVIGORATOR Is A SOIHISTIPIO Manion, DISOOTHELY, and is daily work ing curds, almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of, I,lVER:Oomylaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dys pepsia to a common Headache, all of which are the' re sult of a DISEASED LIVER• - , , PRICE , ONE DOTAAB PEE BOTTLE. Dr. SkiPORD, Proprietor, 346 Broadway, New York. Agents for Philadelphia, T. W:DYOTT & SONS,'2IB North Second Street. Retailed by all: Druggists. Sold' also by SAMUEL SINES, Twelfth snd Chestnut streets, and P. BROWN, Bifth and'Ohestant streets Philada. alga to th sdy pERUYIAN SYRUP, oz PRO'igODEDI3oLIITIOIi PROIOGCID3 01 /lOW Having etteceisfolPaised the ordeal to which new ale savories in the M aria Medics are imbjeoted, must how be received uan established medicine. Its efflesoy it gluing , DYSPEPSIA, infections of the Liver, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dronchttli and Consumptive tendencies, Dleorderert State of. thi Blood, Boils, Scurvy, the Prostrating Effects of Lead or Mercury, General Debility, and all Diseases Which re frau a Tonto and Alterative Medicine, is beyond qua Gen. ... ;- .1; . : .-' The proof. of its e ff icacy are' so nu '.t, , o' ' 4, merous, so well authenticated,' and of ! ,-- 1 '.• ouch peculiar character, that sufferers ~.„ t( 0 . cannot reasonably- hesitate -to receive rmso;, the proffered aid. • ; . _ ; ;C• CS / - The Peruvian Syrup does not protege ~, ~/ to be L.c es ure n;e ga i l A r y t , ji lt: ra n ge eii ) appatezten rently unlike, are intimately related, and proceeding from OW muse, may be cured by one remedy. The class of diseases for which the Syrup provides, cure is precisely that which hail so often baffled the highest order of medical akin. The facts are tangible the witnesses accessible,' and the safety and ellicaoy of the Syrup incontrovertible. ; __ ; Those persons who may wish for an opinion from,die interested persona respecting the character of the Syrup, cannot fail to betationied with - the following, among cu• morons testimonlabi, in the hands of the Ato3nia. The signatures are those of gentlemen well known' In the community; and of the highest reapeatabillty. • 'BRUSSELS, The underiigned haiing experienced the beneficial a* feats of , the ttlteruvian Syrup,” do not hesitate to re. commend it to the attention of the public ta,Vrom our own experience, as well mi from the testi many of _others, whose intelligence and integrity are al together unquestionable. we have no doubt of its- Oleo. ay in MKS of Incipient Diseases of the Lunge and Bros. tidal Passages, Dyspepsia, ..;Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Neuralgia, &a., Indeed. ice effects would be incredible. but from the high character of those who have ,wit nestled them, and have volunteered their testimony, so we do ours, to its restorative power. - • Ray. JOHN PIERPONT,• • THOMAS A. DEXTER, • KENDALL, Al. D., SAMUEL MAY, -THOMAS C. AMORY, - PETAH. HARVEY, JAMES 0. DITNN, I au . THOS. WIIITT4IMORE; It Is well known that the medicinal effects of Pretax. ide of Iron is loot by even a very brief eaposetre to air, and that to maintain a - solution - of Protoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, has been deemed impossible, In the Peruvian Syrup, 'BO desirable point is at tamed by combination in'a way before unknown, ant this solution may replace all the proto`carbonates, el.' testes, and tartrate!' of the Maoris Modica. A. A. MAYES, M. M.D. • Assayer to the State of Massachusetts. 16 Boylston street, Boston. N. L. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, No. 5 WATER Street, Boston. - B. BROWN, PUT)" and CHESTNUT Streets, HARMED & 00., TWELPTII end CHESTNUT Streets J01.54n th let-em went Agents for Philadelphia: Handlf will; in all cases; follow the nee of Radware B. B. Remedies. There are none so elok or diseased, it Weak, feeble, or crippled with pain or infirmitiee,' that Radwafe Ready Relief, Renovating, Resolvent, 01 Regulators, as the nature of the dleesuieor sickness may require, will quickly and rapidly cure These remedies consist pf Wely% Ready Relief' -Radway , s Renovating Resolvent; Radwaybiltegulators Each of these remedies possesses special curative power over' Mitain diseases. Yet there are other diseasee wherein their combined medicinal properties are re quired ; andwhen thus used, if there is sutlicient life and strength within the diseased or dying body to mut tats their action, the patient will live and be restores to health. Pain R. R. • • Acute Diseases R. R, Injlanrnatory Diseases.. Relief and Regulators: Ma/arsons Diseases Pelle! and Regulators. Congestive Diseases-- Relief and Regulators. Scrofulous Dsseases..... Renovating Resolvent. Chronic Diseases Renovating Resolostut. Syphilitic Diseases Reno-rating Resolvent. - Constitutional Diseases—Resolvent and Regulates*. Skin Diseases Renovating Resolvent. Nervous Diseases Resolvent, Relief, Regitlet• Ws. Infectious Diseases Ready Relief iS Regulators' CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASES. Many diseases that enlist humanity are inherited as heir-looms from the diseased bodies of 'sickly sires Scrofula, Consumption, Syphilis, and Fits, are amonc the most common of constitutional diseases. Now, we care not how many generations the seeds of these die eases may have been established in the system, oor• rupting the blood—Radesay , s "Renovating Resolve's) will eradicate from the bodies of the afflicted every par. tide of diseeeed deposits,' and fill the veins with new. pure, and healthy blood. OIEIILDRIDPS DISEASES. Raftmays Renovating Resolvent should be bailed, as a blessing by every mother throughout the land whose infants are afflicted with Bores, Humors, etc' These breathings out (thus early) are evidences of dis• ease transmitted from the parent stock. A few doses of the Rencivating Resolvent will eradicate every vestige of the disease and insure the child a mod and healthy body. R. R. B.—Railway's Ready Relief for Headaches, aka. ther am& or mammal; Rheounatietn, Alma, Dysentery, Cholera blorbue, Cramps, InUnease, Bloody Plox, Paralysis, Lumbago, S Gout, Neuralgia - Toothache, mall Pox, Perm , Swollen Joints, Kidney Coinplainta Scarlet Inver, Paine around the Liver,"Plan. ' flay, Measles, Heartburn, and Pains of all • • kinds.- Radway'a Ready Relief will, in a fee minutes, change the miseries 'you suffer to _jpys of pleasure. B. R. R.—Rodwars Renovating Resolvent, for the curt "of• ohronie diseasea=Such as Scrofulous and Syphilitic) complaints, Consumptive and other affections of the Lunge and Throat, Induration and • Enlargements of parts. Ergptive and other diseases of the Skin Nodes, Tumors, inners, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases arising from an Impure state of the blood. R.R.R.—Radware Regulators will cure, effeetlvell and speedily, Costiveness, Indigestion Painter's Cholla, Lead Diseases, Intbutune • tion of the Bowels, Dyspepsia, Liver Cam. plaint, Diseases of the Heart and Kidneys /female Complaints, Small Pox, Pavers Alamitos etc., etc . Whenever the system out of Order, or the blood impure, a dose of Rafters Regulators will restore it to rep larity, and purify and cleanse the blood. No female should be without them. R. R. It. Remedies are sold by Druggiets and Merchants every where. RADWAa CO., New York City. W. B. Zama, T. W. DYOTT Son T. R. OALLIINDRI Agents, Philadelphia Dr. H. SWATNII 4,lB..ttotestanteowlu MITE GREAT STANDARD REMEDY OF TAE NINETEENTII CENTURY. THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE FOR PURIFY INC- TUE ' BLOOD AND -STRENGTLIENINO TUE WHOLE SYSTEM. _ The Imperial Depurative, prepared by Dr. Lomul lorry k Co. is nun acknowledg_ed the princ ipal Evaly Medicine for the cure of Clalinspotte affections and Sonorm.ous diseasesgenerally. The success which attends its use in these Inveterate diseases has no equal. It is now used iu these diseases with complete suocess, where all other means have failed. Two or three bot tles will satisfy any one of its great curative properties. 'MP D1136A814 and WRITIIBWSLLING,TILOBRATIONB of the Doses, MOTH, Tviaokv, lko. Its beneficial and 'healing characteristics are soon observed in these corn= plaints. No matter of howlongstanding they may have been, they will yield to the proper use of the IMPE RIAL DEPURATIVE in a short time. TETTZII and. SCALD MID will RV certainly yield to this medicine its it la used. Diseases of the Skin and all eruptlim 'Complaints generally cannot long remain alter Using a few bottles of the Imperial Depurative. Its Tonto properties,as well as Alterative, render it Valuable to week and elicate females. The great purity, strength, and value of this Fendly Medicine is unequalled in the cure of all diseases origi nating in an impure condition of the blood,, It expels all the virus or diseased matter from the blood Mid re invigorates the system. Those using the Imperial Depnrativo and wishing ad vice In their case, will receive every attention by otter or otherwise. Prepared and sold by Dr. LOUNSBERRY & 00. E No. 60 North FIRTH Street, below Arch, Philadelphia. Per sale also by J. P. Long & Co., Lancaster, Pa. S. if. Baser and S. S. Stevens, Reading, Pa. Holman & Co., Fllarrisburg, Pa. 0. W. Rpting, Pottsville, Pa. T. & C. W. McClintock, Easton, Pa. JlllllB3 Given, Westchester, Pa. Schmidt k Co., Allentown, Pa. Simon Rau, Bethlehem, Pa: Dr. H. W . Leslie Bristol Pi., 04 Druntati geuualy, iwZiaw4segin3 lE?sltln L prinelpalregulatorsofthe performs Ito fu n ations system, are fully ,devel- Most entirely - dependent the Liver for Abe 'prober thole ; when the stomach at fault, and the whble quence of one organ—the do its duty. ',or the die of the proprietors h‘a practice of more than 2.0 dy wherewith to counter manta to which it Is lia- mody le at last found, any TER COMPLAINT, in any of bottloi and conviction la morbid orbad matter from their place a healthy flow stomach, causing food to blood, giving tone and Ghia e ry, removing the footing a radical cure. cured, and, tahat is bet casiona We of the Lrvaa id addlolent to relieve the food from rising and sour- before retiring, presents night, loosens the hostels each meal, aT cure Die teaspoonfuls will always Male oteriruotlon removals and makes %perfect cure. ataly, relieves On oz.,' 0 3 peated,ie a sure cure ;for preventive of Camel., needed tothrowont of the &elm, after a- long nick= for Tit:INDIO* remotes all color from the akin. time before eating eves Makes feed digest well. ed, MPS CHRONICI MAR. While Semmes and BOIVa to the tint dose: attacks caused byWortms surer, safer, ,or speedier stiverfails. • ' Deem, by eilitting the CorCirteniting Mile; reed!. Berge tind „Awl, QUILL a TYPO. It °pa thonsands are willing to virtues. OERTIYIOATE OP DB.•HAYEB SOLD BY ~rtsttxaiife ' Qtasiigaities::. • THE QUM&4 11 —OITY INSITRANOE COMPANY , OPYION 40S' ' , WALNUT , .OTREET,' PRILADELPRIA,CAPITAL and SURP.LITS san,: 665.86.:—1n50r es a 'anfriet LOSS or. EAMAGEr SY FIRE , and the PERILS OP ',TUB SEA; INLAND ROMA TION and TRANSPORTATION. irr-TEN per cent; in cash returnekonthp.earned prernipms of Open Inland Policies.— " . . Priodde CE ntLGEORGE H. HART. Vice President—E, P. ROSS: . Secretary and Treasurer -71H. COGGSHALIa -Assistant Secretary—S. H. BIITLER. „. DIRECTORS. Geo. H. Hart , - - E. W. Halley: _, EP. Ross, - Andrew IL . Chambers, A. G. Cattell, .T..D. Pomeroy, Joseph Edwards, (kudos G,liplay, .• 1 John G. Dale, H. It. Coggehall, Poster S . Perkins, Semi. donee, B. }}.,..; i • - - ' Hon. H. Si. Buller. sell , , Attest, 11., E. COGGSHALL, Seely. [...TOWARD FIRE ANDS MARINE INSIT RANCE COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelplils. • D/REOTDREI. ---- , " John Diehl , Wm. P. Leech, 7. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, M. W. Baldwin, _ .. :.Thos. L. Lnders, John O. James, Wm: H. Hamlin, ' A, 7. Bucknor, H. H. Bhillingford, John W; Beaton, 0. E. Epangler, , William Helga', H. H.. Houston, Edwin Booth, . Wm. H. Lore, dobn Garrison, , Markel?. Norteilt• E. B. Warne, , Isaac Myer,.':-_ ._ - President—JOHN H. DIEHL, -- Vice President—E. , B, WARNE. Beeretary—OßAßLEB A. DUE,- . •,.., ' eel 6-0" A:MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE .00.; E3a- INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER-PER PE DIAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia Daring a large, paid-up Capital Stook_ and Surlus ; Invested in hound and available Seourities, continual, insure on Dwellings, Stores Furniture, 'hierehandise,: Vessels in Port and their OkrgOeti, and other Personal Property.. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted, ___ ifteerie - A.bbottT. Lewisir D1R11040.118.. " . . - •,: it ;I . . dohn Welsh ' Join Samuel 0; flieriiM, -' C u iamee Par W. . Osmpbefl, lbrril . B Patrick Brady, 0 - barletW. P Edmitind e'Thitilh. onitney. rrrt Aß ,7 lP29daeni. hiOiiE I lixg.eety, 1,43-y„ fIITY INSIVAN GE 'OOIIPANY, PTo. 110 Booth POUR= Street. . , . CHARTER PERPSTGAB." • Capital , • 'd200,000. Prwaidzed 1861.. Privileged to insure Houses, annually or perpetually; Personal Property, - mita:Wit or for a leg period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks; receive De posita; hold Trusts and grantaininitiee *-ALPRED WARS.% Preeldent. B. 0. TYLER, Vioe President. J. W.. Maimint, ileoretary., . • -• nmsosons. : - Alfred Weeks,' • lion.W. D. Kelley, B. 0: Tyler, ;,T. W. Forney, J. W. Bonder, :, , P.:l3e Mingle, - C. Ir. Bioking, ' James; Watson,- ." d; L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthews,' J. W. Blokes, -; •• Curtis, jelilay; -.• 'G. I. Inner. - LIFE INSIJRANCE AND TR1147,' 00M PAN4.—TSe PENN MUTIYAI Mil INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Corner .of "TEILSD' end - DOOR Streets. ' Capital, 5812,726.013. •• • - ' INSURES LIVES for short :terms, or for the whole term of life—grants 'annuities aniVendowinentil—par chasm life" interests in Real Estate,' and Makes all °entreats depending on the oontingensies of Lire." They ,act ea Pm:tutors, Adminiatretore, AsslguSell, Trustees, and eruiribms. •-' !mama. • T ' Vented . Samuel W. Benjamin Oeatea, - Martin, ' Richard S. Newbold, )..—.Yanaes 13.1doliatland, William P „I:tacker, Joseph B. Trotter, , Kern, James Ifiiitort„_,- - Samuel 0. liney, TbeophiluaßaliddixiSs Oharlea trelloneli r „- 'ldinund A. Bonder, - - Renrj 0, Townsend,, Daniel L. tlutolainrain, itddOlphiielent, - ,John W.lloinoi, . • • 31 11 0L - Arelierr.. , • BdWaril Molt, Baninerj:Ohrialiaa, W i arrnErM Iteberteon,T - M..Th o illas, • •-;" 'Van Nisaton; .:DADZIAL MUM) Prexidopl. SAMUEL wromia, Vice Pree't. :On Hannon. Secretary: nl3-17 COIIXONWEALTR-- •: ' — l - 117,1 iii ‘ auneN oa DTATEI OP PIDINSPLVANIA. !Nontumwr odtuins - • POURTLE ;AND WALNUT , STRILITP, ' eatottlbal Capital, $500,000.- • - Psid ap Capital, 1t200,90 nreentoze. Dr. D. Jayne, • Thee. 0: Stewart' , , 11. V. Bowser, , J. htzlintler, J. IL ' , , J. Whitall,, )odw. 0. Hnight,. , U. Walker ,: „. ..- M. IL 'Wendell, • -11. Lewlo, Jr. h . ; . ~&.-B ..Hossie.- , , , - A. 3rAYNB, M. D:, President.: . , _ , THOMAS B. FRAM_ .17,1r . t jctat. Vice Pre e'll. 7 sure - An. 0. Moot'. secretary.. . - LIIIE AND INLAND. S.- FAME 11i0LIRLNOICOOrkIPANY...-- . , Capital s7,oo,lll4r elati ve • (Organised under the Act of Assembly to In surmise Oompanbis, passed April - 21, 1858.) i irao ,d,,itAii,f,lirr W . DAY; ?reildeni. , ce:Prestdont. - • • WIL/f alifB L BLAHOLIAILD,Sectetary. , Once 411 ORESINTIT fit., Philadelphia .. DIRIOTOB,I3._. .-. ,- . • i l ' George W. Day, ~ Jacob R. Va u ghan, W. Water • Hemp Lewis, Sr., Charles Richardson, , -. ,D. B. Binw,- •,. ' Barclay Lippincott, ' ' • Zahn NV: Averman, : ' Toe. R. Brognant,. A. 11::RoseAltehri, , - Oho. Stakes. felrti ,„, BC BUM'' - , - eirutational, LONG!S SPRING G4RDAN AOADEBit, N. N. corm EIGHTII and BUTTONWOOD Sta.: , COMMERCIAL :DAPARTElENT:—lmok•keeping in all its r aticue 'feline* ; preparing Students thoroughly for eituations io any,brenois of bnalneis Plain'and Or namental Writing ; Commercial Calculations: Law and Corraspondence. No institution In the United States 'erne a more thorough and practical course. 'ln this department no teaching is none in classes, and is oven DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited ' MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL - DEPART hIENT(Separate from the above.)—Yong Min and Boys are prepared for any grade of an English and Clas sical Education, viz : Spelling, Beading, Writing, firm mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, &e., Ancient and Modern Languagea, with all the higher Collegiate Studies.- Sessions of flee months - commence September let, and February lat. Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. F p.a-tc .F.DONLEAyY LONG, Principal ENN ilsiSTlTUTESontheast corner of ' THIRTEENTH and PlLligltT . Eitteete, opened on MONDAY, the oth of September. - Private instrootion,Ahough• favorable rapid pro gress, yet sends the scholar into the waxed with:a keen gensitiveneat, which totally disqualifies Mita for s active life; whilst attention to many oftentimes forces the instructor to meet general difficulties rather than those personal to' each , individual,And the learner either loses all interest, or becomes epperfielel in his abrinire ments. Yor these and, other reasons the number is limited. For further information apply peraonally, !rpm nine o'clock A. hl. to one o'clock Y. M., or by note, to ' aelft-tf • ' *IL SUMMIT, Principal. _ fiRITTENDEN'a PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLIGIC, aortheset comer of OHIBTNIIT end smarm Eltresta. - - An Institution designed to fit *mug men for AC. TIP! BllBllditBB. BOARD OP %MEMPHIS. B. H. Comegys, ' Primes Hoskin*, Georgo H. *Merl, David Mine, John Bparhawk, - ' David S. Brown, Immo Hooker, . A. V. Fuson's, D. B. Hinman, Frederick Brown, 'Johns L ppinoott, " EVENING SESSIONS after September 16th. Each Student haa .niatylatral. INSTRUCTION !at Gila Institution, and a Diploma from here: to the bout re commeodatton a young man oast have, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOUITEB may be had on applleatlon. at the College. eeB•tf T EIDY BROTHERS , NIGHT-SCHOOL; A-4 Noe. 148 and .160 maw Street,- near Rice, IS NOW OPEN TO 0 , 711 INSTRUCTION IS EQOE-WEEPING, WRITING, AND. MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. INSTRUCTION IN THE DAYTIME, AS Uni3kL. 884-17 DRYANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OF NATIONAL IHEROANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast cornier SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Por Information, call or send for etrcalar. ...EVENING SESSIONS HANZ COMMENCED. DUFF - & CO.'S IFIERVAN 74qt: ,„ TILE- OOLLUGH, BOntheest Corner EIGUTII, luta , UHF:SI%IIT Street, ' (established in 1840, and incorporated by eke Legisla lwra of Vetotsidvania.) In tido well-known Inmaltation C0UNTP 1 4. 11 0p5:661.3034- •- a "` 9 t 1 " 11 - Bing/e aglatrait a c t j'' ' including all the Avxmlmrt Booze, 00=11101AI. Olt. 013141701113, and, ' • • - • , - ' BUSINESS WBUZINO, la taught in tha moat sueoesdul and eatlathotory atyle, Af. BOORE, P. EDWARDS, Prim!pall!. Ma. B B. EIIITDN, Penman. Otoneg. SUTTON'S IMPROVED STEAM STOVE! GREAT IrOONOMV IN PURL I The attention orthe Public is called to the above recently-patented STEAM STOVE The male attained by the principle are: Ist, Ecrnomy—there being required two-thirds less fuel than by the ordinary article ; simplicity of arrangement ; , a ra , ided and uni form heat, esfety," and convenence. A Stove con structed upon thin principle will ha on exhibition for one week at 218 WALNUT Street, Room No 8, Per sona desirous of purchasing the right of States can confer with N. DOWNING, Solo Agent of, Patentee. gINQUIRE FOR. THE ROYAL, OR SEA SIIELL PATENT OAS-BURNING COOK ING STOVES—Titivate economical, consuming the gas and amok e that are usually wasted ; dura ble by having double intteal of single plates; and con venient, having large °Tani and being ready bakers. Our new patented DOUBLE-OVEN STOVE is the best contracted up.draft stove ever invented. It will heat a large boiler of water, boil two dinner pots, broil a beef steak, bake bread awl plea awl roast meat, all at the same lino ena with a single fire. •lnvalide, and all persona who appreciate the influence of ventilated apartments upon health, will be pleased with our PORTABLE ORATES and MODEL FRANK LIN STOVE 4 , which are of beautiful and ornamental patterns, and give a eheerful, open fire, and thorough ventilation. Strict economista will be satisfied with our SILVER'S ,GAS-OONSIIMING PARLOR STOVES. Many of the eo-oalied gas-burning stoves introduce 'cold air to the top of the fire, the effect Of which is to cool the stove and waste the fuel, precisely as if a Move door *SS opened above the fire Ina true gas-burning stove, the air should be, heated, in shot-air chamber, to &tempera ture enOlcient tOignite the gases, en the same principle as Is adopted in' one gas-battling docking !doves. In addition to the above, a large assortment of Parlor Cookingo Stoves, Parlor Stoves, for coal or wood, Rail Stoves, Portable Reuters, Cooking Stoves, of every de scription; Gas Ovens, Stove Fis tures, and Repairs may be found, in every variety, at our Wareroome, N 0.209 North SECOND Street. above Race 0019-tf NORTH, CRASH, o NORTH. SOMETHING NEV.—GAS BUR NING COOK IiTOVELI would respectfully call 74 the attention - of - the public to one of the greatest improvements over introduced in Cooking Stoves and Ittnges—the burning of the - gas arising from the coal, by which means le saved 60 per cent. in fuel and also more intense hest thrown to the bottom of the oven. We effect the burning of the gases by means of a hollow centre-piece, perforated on the under side, which admits the air in a heated state to mingle with the gases, thus aiding its combustion, and causing a flame to pass around the oven equal to a wood tire. This ita provemeot star. preserves the centre piece fromrinking down on the fire, thereby saving the earentio of repairs One of the Stoves CAN ZS SHEN IN OPERATION_ at 1115 MARKEL' Street. Manufactruod by JAMES oPEAR;ltirentSr and Patentee, M ate liorth,Olme ,t„ North d . ) /IN §troot, NotiZfato iitaiirodt - :fines. IagNITSYIY II / I k:RIOLIWAD. - -i476 ' 6141 4:0)1NRIUdiz801:11% - eb,iinetirntiU. 'bate Oiti erlitk - Terteriw2foittAfastini: andfloath western oath:lame liaiiirayAlrelit.' This 'rtlioadoxashio., to dD imu ta at t t is h b o or w y x,ifter h'w,l 4 th .t . ditil y 4 line of 'end at Oh:Tobin& and , Bandnaky-With 'Steame4 be all ports on the Noitlf:yrnsioni Udell making. then:mit D' OT, ONHAPHST and INILIADIMPODI PE by aid& Freigh earl be forwarded to andfnis the 02 - fliT WEPT. BEriyAitN raIIuiDILIPMA. AND 011,103o6ka:Pky Goods, (to,tokesT peiee and trunks), Drugs, (In beams' • iad bslesj : Fßathpra ; Fan to - Tlitt;par .Ito Dafamit , Oaa," neetiog,. • `_balea);Drutrais Oasts°, Hardware; ' Loather, lldotior, Paper .., ' „Hool, nndd . , Pheep „Pelts, _ eistivara;&o. /co - tad. pi[ 24 'into* _ OLAW•-' Arisila,_HantY;_lisoon slid Park, - Pelted, (loos* or in "Seas), Paints," (dry . end in Oita; (ostant"lard He. poi NO , ifotik - * Ouss--Ooffee ,41.94 - Pawn, Peer, and Pork, thiki..orboxsa - santward),LardandLaidDil,ll4l4- Sodahoh,Norsapny;Zir,Pil'oh„.. . Mannfaotttivd TO!. , • tom*, , loin Queensio it - ‘! -• • • ' Pint , _and , b(inig,) „ • - &0., &of ' FLOon-150. per bbt,,unial further note°, ' Gaa.l2l-45ii, . per 1021b5., until further =rim • _, ClOrrol6-42 per We, not arapisiing, 600 Ihsl- waled, until further notice,• in Shipping Goods from any point phis, he particaler to luau p ackagee r. 4 Poussytroati in Raiiread. , ,, , „ All °oils eonsignatto tho Agents of this Road, at Philadelphia or yittabsirgh - , rill be forwarded without dottention: - • - • Falzon? AGallllll3.—Ohiske it 40., Oltiaakci Packer ar. S IremPhis,” Tenn. Peas :& 09.; ht. Louis, go, 4 , P. ff. o'22v & Co:, Evahaville, Indiana* 'Wm Bingliton,' Lot:day-We; Kentubity.,• 8.. 0. .Ideldrum, Hadiroit, Indiana; ,H.W.,Drownlifo Co., and'Atheit. & 'Hibbaid,' Oldeinuati( lif:£l." - Plense lc Zanesville, Ohio Leech, & Co., No. Klli.lbjetrifit;Ecato; 'Levels ,V0o:, No. 2 Astor Honee,'NewYere, No. /William et., ,New York ,• N. 3"..fineadei, Philadolphla"; Idsgrisr k Koon s ,D. A, Zbiwork, Pittsburgh. , H. H. HOUSTON, ~ •m General Freight Agent. . • H. 2'. LOKBADRy, den. ' Geniis] Ziwsrintendont. Altoons,ya - THE: BRITISH AND; HOETH AMBBI C A N:; ROYAL MAIL RBA% 8.6128.- PION NOW TOIL To LITEIPOPL, Gala OabLIC Passage ilasocd Cabin Passage *** SzOil ZOBTON fa LI9 =Toot: ' - Chief Win Passage - - Second Cabin Passage .•..The ships front Boston gall at Halifax.- NIBBLE, Gaol. Indkins. I CANADA., Osot. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. T. none. AILLIIIOA, Oopt.lTicknour ASIA' Oapt: G, Lott. NIAGARA, OW. BjTio. LPRICIA, Capt. Shannon. I IiIIROPA, Capt. J. beaten. These vassals carry a dear white Light at mastleadi Slain on starboard bow; red en port bow. - s NIIROPA,Leitoh; lease: Braton,Wedneaday,-Nor. 8. PRBhilA Indkine, „ a N.York, Wednesday, Nov. 10. AMERIOA, Wickman, Boston, Wednesday, Nos 17. ASIA., Lott, N.-York, Wedneadayi Sept. 24. NIAGARA.. Millar, _ felios'os, Wednesday. Bea. 1. AFRICA; Shannon, •" N. Yo, Wednesday, Dec. 8. BUBO PA, Leitch, " Boston, Wednesday, :Dec. 15. P.RIIBIAi - Indkins, "..N....Yerki Wednesday, Dec 22. ARABIA, Stone,-, "Buston,l. Wednesday; Deo. 29. . Berths not secured nntlilialdiOri/f.;Z An On . pinienaed Surgeon -•-•• •• The ownerext theme OlupaTTlllTtatioraccortnUbla lot . Gold, Sliver, OtattooiSpea_ °wary, Precious Stones • or Metals, unless hills abiding - ars Agnod:thersfor and the Table ihereottherroinAmorsseed.', roe freight or porno* apply 10 JIOTBINIDi a Bowling Green. - -1859 MEMPHIS ANDNE W_ORLDANBIINITED STATES Man DASEET LINS,—The ,eplendid Spate •of this old and poplin LINE• will leave -Memphis and New Orleans, as heretofore, on r MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, & - •FILIDAYS... STONDAY-PAORSTE. • NNORANKA :7777 -"" R. IRVIN. RIK FRANKLIN • Oapt. J:-D. CLAIM , • • WEDNEBDAYPAORETS. , . , WORN SIMONDS . .4 . 4.oapt. JAS. 7.151111 TEL IFteom&R - S. BUILDETZ , PARIS. iitausr • - - -- • - T. N.IWIML. l;;.; - - jr,r• These Boils connect at Memphis with the Rail roads from that point, alatr , wilh - reSoletalwkelli for St. .Lorde. loninellle, Cincinnati, and Nashville, on their reapeettte dart Leevellemphis immediately on the arrival of - the... Memphis and- Ohstleeton. hatiront Oare—Paseengere • can- arrange their arrival ao as to avoid delay at Memphis longer :than business or, plea sure may require.- - ' For information, inquire of J.J. RAWLINGS At Webb h• Rawlings', ale Main St , Memphis . S. R. Baena', Adv. Agent,. ocl2-2m COMPANY, FOR, - SAVANNAH, -Ga.—HERON' S aIULINEONLY REGULAR DINE,I3OODS B. OE IVED AND -Bras - lap - Al .BIGNED DAT.=.lrohilit and hgrogratieiiiit leea ..tßan SIMMS. yea. eel, rated, by the ideinkiditp.: STATE Or GEORGIA, Gaptain 'J. arrlid•lo mil on Faturday,liorOughat 13, at 10 &clear, A. 11., hoz:l'second *hold abilie _Vine at. Tor- further logitleolare lama see adreitieement of Steanfehtp . STATE OP GEORGIA: Ii Ging paper. Per freight or pansagoopply,to A. HERON 75., ood . - if2B North "arrea „ :FOE 1311ABLETON beilirku.-LniatowsS -MD SA OOODSApI.II,II - CD AND BILLS OrIADMI BIONIC • . /MAIM DAY , , The splendid Itretolasselde- wheel tbstasslaltai -3 lallij3TONg RATA. Juni WrATB' 02 .01011.1:11.1., 'Non to= ,n,ireekly_ltue fen' the - South anAßoithweat, one of” theme — Alps Sailliceiery.flATUßDAZat o'oloek A. M., altersately for Charleston Sa• _ , _10)3 03ThRIASTON., The' steaniship "KNYBTONI BTATI, Ositain 0. P. /00/ 4 4 -‘q l3,4 WiniSnca • ieedlog,on Noiember 16, and aaQ on - OATIIIIDLT, IffOr._2o, at 19 o'olook A. - - - • SOH SAVANNAH. :.Tho SUCH OLGEONGIA., Oapt , Fohnl,llarrin. will commence loading on Ibunsday,', Nov. nth; sun Nair on &Aurally, tNorecober 13, at 10 o!oloNiA. At bothOhatleeton and BaTanneh,these enipeettnneti with steamers for: 4100 M and •BSTSSII, and with. MI. roads, ko., for all places in the 3onth and Fonthwoot. ~PBILIGEITBIIIIDIIOND. Hcary 'Freight at an .average of lb par.,nonitz below Now Yolk steamship rates. INBIIItdITOTa., ~ . _ _ . , - end 12ifiIIR 4 NO1 on a large - proportion of goods shipped Routh will be found to be lower by theso,shipsiban by salting vessels. • - Cabin passage - • SSO 00 Steerage' do - - - 8 CO Sicurelon Tickets, good for the present year. 80 00 No bills of lading signed after the skip he.. sailed. For freight or passage, apply to No. 838 (late 81) North Whary s. Agents at Charleston, T. 0. & T. Q. BUDD. Agents In Savannah, 0. A. QUINCE & 00. .. For Florida, from Charlotte*, simmer 0 -A I3 eLINAs every Tuesday. For Florida, front Savannah , steamers ST. lIARYS and ST. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. -For Havana Stout Charleston , steamer Tee PVT,, the 4th and 19 th of every month. ;. - - Jell STEAM TO GLASGOW,' LIVER FOOL, BBLVAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON- Y, without delay, for SO dollar'. ,- net= tielete, good for six months to either of the above planes by any steamer of the line, 00 ra Inc the round t 4, out-and bask. utak :taw rola. Idirdmrgh, Onsumintt• Saturday, Oct. 20,120te100k, Y. Glasgow. Goodwin. Wednesday, Nov. 24th Edinburgh, Cumming, Wednesday, Deo. Sat " /ROY 4L.11004. Idintrargh. Cumming • Wadnoaday, Oat Bth. Oltiagow l Goodwin. Eatttravi October 28d. Edinburgh, Cumming, Wednesday, Nov. 24th. BATAS Ol BASSAGB. First 07an gabaeal FEW OL4Bo* . w. , •• 16 Steerage, found with nooked provide:ma viol 714 4011.- atrrt glued " 878 GO Steerage, found with cooled provision, - SO 00 fThihiren under 14 years of age, half tarei Infante In Steerage, free. , Morn tickets availed:duwithin sin months, by any i iT n a=this line. $l4O 00 Steerage $BO 00 An experienced Surgeon attached to was Steeple!. For freight or passage apply to. WORKMAN & 00.,128 WALNUT Street, Tadiedep. - - ~ROBEIVI CRAIG, 18 l3riodway, New York. HALL le, 7 , 017 - 111 t, Bnehannul Wharf, Baltimore. myr! temps tUinee anZt CQUOTS VFIESTNUT GROVE WHISKEIr.-A de dlJJ Ore to lessen the consumption of impuraepitits, knowing their injurious 'effects upon the constitution, has ,indoced the offering .to the publimof as artiole which the anallzation of Professor OhiltOu; Analytical Chemist, of New York, and Messrs.. Booth, Garrett, & Cameo, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond allquestion, to be the mostpnre and consequentlyleast injurious spirits diem offered the'Anterlean public._ _ _ CERTIFICATE OP DR - TAB:R CHILTON. I have analysed &sample of Cheidnut;Grove Whiskey, received from Mr., CHARLES WHARTON, J. of Philadelphia, and, having carefully tested It, I am pleased to state that It is entirely free from poleenous or deleterious substances. It is an nominally pure and Rae Savored quality of Whiskey. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. E., New York, Sept. 8, 1868. Analytical Chemist. _ - Tlimenswerrs, Sept . 9,1888. DIAZ Bin :' h ave carefully tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey which you sent us, and dud that it contains none of thit poisonous substance known fu Fade Oil, which is the characteristle 'and Injurious ingredient of the Whiskeys in general use. Very respectfully, BOOTH, OAIIRETT, & CIAMAG, Analytical Chemists. To OnAzuni . Waesmor,Jr. ,' No. 23 South _FRONT street, Philadelphia. 0c22.-dtja3l 'Fe n t- RANDIES.—“ Pinot Clastillon '!lfirett, -E. 'and, other Cognacs of various rindgee, in half pipes and quarter ea.,ksi Pelleroisin Rochelle Brivadieh pale and dark, in halttpipesi half auks, and one-eighils Imported end for sale by MORT & 0022 Od and V.B Routh Fourth erode. totele an?) Restaurants A , ROADE HOTEL, -CA: CHESTNUT. STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, CONDUCTED ON TUN SOUOPINAN PLAN. A new lease for a term of years having been obtained for this POPULAR RSTABLIRITMENT, it will con time to be conducted as heretofore, on the European plan, and the prices remain unchanged L vis : Roost Pea DAT 600. DINNER No. MIRAMAR? AND Tea, BAER, 373 O. ' The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every thing done to make guests comfortable. The chambers are heated in winter by means of Steam Pipes, for which no extra charge is made.. • There Is no bar kept in the house to be akoWrce at anoyanoe to - guests. The acCommodatio6a are designed whelly for business Len—hence no ladles are received. • 11.7•-This house is never closed day or night. 7. D. BROWN, 49. DE YOUNG, JONES HOUSE, • , HARRISBURG, PA., (Erected In ELEGANTLY PURNIMAD, NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. - - - , myßog ' WELLS COVEALL'PrOprfetar• DE LANEY'S ,ALOON , AND RESTAIT RANT.N. E corner THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets , Philadelphia. nol-Snio •A ',DN, Pioprotor. PROSSER'S :RESTAURANT ) . No. 808 MARKET Skeet, four demi% above EIN.IITU, South aide,' Philadelphia.- Oyeteri Stewed; Roasted, Fried, Pickled, &c 2 for Nome Consumption and Transportation. N. B.—Dinner from twelve to. three o'clock. ; - - - odlt-tf fIANPBELL'a DINING SALOON, Oorner-of-TEURD St:and HARMONY CIOTIRT, Has been aimed for several days past, order to be regenerated and disenthralled. It will be opened en MONDAY , next, 20th Mat.. with improvements and al terations which will astonish the town. The beat has thrown hie soni into the task Whoa 'zeal, and we .think that his efforts will meet With artivereal'aiTrobattoll. WheilleoT9ll•4 ti be isabliiitibitikeetV _ ftll-20; gb3i.43kl;ng''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers