-LT - 4^ , c, ,, k;' , • ~. :,..1 ,- 014 : ,.-4.„ qw,. , jettMylvantai.Tl9_,:ku '*t - 41740' ' Iff,w-bin',lBeirda43'4V-tiiBl9°l ,i:,g!..,fe ',,- '3 l' 4VA I T C I - 5 0 - a o . si•;,ivi:diiiit' t : 6;l 4 dii v.,-, - --E , ~ :, k -.;- c *"*. isb„,,i-k4o46olKii ' - ' - ' - dii r ir - lii; ti T 9191 - A -s '.'Doti y -- 11* - ,, ,,, ." . pillid,973tOts*Boebni; 'll sad . 14kttg ...-.5;-.. -- ;-...z4 ~- is l ' ipf A gliiirei ki*AiikPit dlttkiiit:o Coin ~ ,f , ' "Wnii • - 14"Nr4-14"e;421419`11'Bitilira: ••:•-• ':. --4 : • ' - k..r •-i l i:e dAr*ldt - 41114,4 4- 44if:06. 7 4 t itt , ciTeiscuiTlni , ~,„..1-* 4tHoltoillito , ',..tnliigiiPigelf A C Valdwpll; .9 6 .- ; ,1 0.2' 1 19*.1t9Al OCLirt s !li g mAtztiiirii &•• 4. . i si i mi l ig,ta l liitr i oalti4 - ...tkik i npnist - k.o.9lpbelt• = , e - :'41 6 1- • 49;11 - Irriii`i'lliy.VX"09.,49:diiiti;141049;•:19 empty .•'--,-i u slai ltriiiibi;iPOUthot.k. -00 F4 9 -P, b l faf, s - 1 ' 11 " . 1 , e ! 7°lll. - ;-, - r' , ma 2¢ batens-doiktiwth.wwwf aq".g....,.-=.- e '-*s l, l#4,o ll tePte.' PatIVOX:PHILADNITMLNI"Novi I34 MS. , 8 ON-AIMILL3 Ailty.6! SITO: 4:IST axes .................. ..... - Norfolk, 10 hotuti;.witlimOseittat pessingers to Thomas Castle . - pic el2a - 7 junotir-ladeir • brig; in&diutaboir'irpsoied two schiMiera froin. south - - ern prig. ShlP'Ziajrn. Point; Lit'NOw °tieing, woe off - • Wilmington Critek;Siolug doirn-.17 , 11rig pithy. from Walt ..•"_!,7,,Mondlort,ltioittrii gradditOspe 'Henry:At 10 fikt Taos --; _day, 7- -asid , sill next morning chip _toolbar. hence totll - 61inorolI - ISS going•ttits the Oipee the (Meet . • , 4 7.ipaikiiht 11)e,C11 - ou Wediiasd Y. - ' ... ' . • Bellew. 20 bouriifrod Ne w York, Oape•May,liitOmdse and passengers - Jituos Ail , brig at 'Seedy:lsland, bound' ship Oftwrii"POint; fot-New , Orleans, at • anchor at lies; 'thasile-ind'abOut eight •schOcuir's in the bay and . • 'Woe - Charlet fitkiiiiyinit* York, -- '7'- tllbAtiast" - tri - Winkittint& C 0, 7- 7" - Hit Zlits; Mason; &dip fituittliatiestorij With into-, bee to John ' 8011r,Edirlio7Reed;,iletpaisii; deP from Boacui IOU! !'stidie to•Dowid ,; "' Saw 'itioninlliscoli,.. - 11fillioins; 4 1 dals - .,froni tOeco,,Ot;-*ttltitOniitoThiiiidatittleld:•: - ,, , 7'.7. •". , 2 7 .41 is froni: Santos Riseri: Vii, 7 ;wit& to - Bolton; 7Viadoiretii & Om • - •-_ &Mr 11MygsVones,-Thoicuts ) ,2 days from Serino, MO,' ierith'itrelut'teAin siiratt & • 77; ,'Sehrs,thitorsio, Tatts; 2 days from Port Depo6H, with "grain to - • =7 , Bohr llotbdae ;' Paokkadi ; 44Siird'UtilliMetrIbb;with: ••• 7 • mdse to NBe • 7 • , - - ;Behr Heroine; Lassoltnill;dsys from New Yurlyritli WA - 'Oskar:. nit _••.; = • NOttlistiaajlifirom"..-Olehmorid;W i lh feed to Ohrlittah'eCitivini 7 -;" `P. 7 ".Bohr OPione - , Dail; 6 dap front New Bedford, • - fabal : to 0 Idiller;& Oo ,•••••• - - • -• 3, • Soar Sioretary,,Adains, 4 WI from POCisizioksißlier; • with lumberW Estion.& Co: , -110 hr I/ 1• - Rogers; Rogers; (rad Boston. • , Rohr Snout Dray, Naylor, - from Pennsgrote. , 7 .7 Bohr //ninety, Appleton, from Riaimondi 7'• • :- Bohr L'White,lo,4tekansi from Noir Yoar. "Hrig• Heitiel,4 ll 'l,ltr)i..Orositll;liingston, -- Zinn, - • 'atm, „ i•Setir Orbits, Renlit, Newham, NO . , - Michas,' & Par . ~ - Schr Z tawls, L 4fork;Porland, 'tniptiliz! •' 7 ' • /.," -- -citoht , -Itiordneri,,, - P•elrhani, Itinute,b,; Noble , Hammett & Caldwell • =7'7 --• - 7 7.- - • Atcht Odin' aordOiltule'iPuirollti.cePtain , ' [total:VA' SogerU, ESP:s, Boston; L Altilenried & Co.' - - Seim BrisaWßray; Nay*, New Bedford, Blsliintoo •- Von. -.147• • - Bohr Cyclone biarost:o' ismor co,. • - !debt' lidneityi AppletinWNewport;'Lltotherrhol- , Soar JL"iShits-;;liitchena. - Digriton Tyler, stone k Oo -- • 'Sobs Boston,lßroier, Piovidenae,l Andenried Bs - Co. - 3 • • 'Oat 4,ll ,7 l3rown;',,Pudiriott; Providence, do' ear - Lillie &indent, Corson, do ; ?•7 •-- SclurSmith Trittle, , blayis; Meat Oaiotwidge;' ;do Sir J 8 Shrives.; Dennts, - Baltinilita,"& Groves, Jr. • •'(oo2tarijOhdeatili`of The Press.)' ' = 2,7 ; •-• BAVEN DA - 011,403;1101:12,1868. 7 , Thil Kuogiiton"Jett chic morning willt7o, , ,boate, laden : ommigued 7 7 ' „!-- • , • • - H ileMsight; rie, aorti, , to - aumpliries, Hoff - "miiii.••-eWegliti;J-11 Wingatsi and Win 0 BroAlOyi pig - Iron to-Norristown; .11arrett Tinsman; iambic' to At ' Trump- & Son; "Ds P Long; do to ; New; !our 11Myw, enkl 7 to Otiesspahe "7 • - , (thltielpoutteme of The Prese t ) tbElontni: battik; from th6"11111Mi 0/taM, wsed Into -the SelnsyDdll Canal to-dey, tentna to, Phlludel: pltis; - Istelfund _ • - • , Twos'others(ptgDontoCabetu'&'Ca;Begat& Wit. ' eons staves to" 1 Nesbit; seven 'Slaters; grain to 0 Out. - ley; Ira". T bark sad siding to D B Taylor & 00; Dr Wm Moore, plank to captain; J'A. Sheets, lumber • • .to - Malone &. Taylor ; A G ' Dustin, do toll °mighty; ifsty,Jane, ph; iron to H & • /Dylan. , ; - " , [o . Oiresrud •• erioe thi,Ebllidelphli Ischange •,1,209.103. Del., Nov 11. Ifluire hare been no arrivals ilea my Int.': Theunly harbor:ow the U &butter Barnard, - ,'„,ehaste;and inueother. "•: - A number of oesplosded Tassels --;•:••• '-' , 4sased•tuseisyesterley; warm. Moque', one brig,,and . • - Memil "eh* passed In.. - Wind asst--eloudy. , •‘: &t:111.101111A11. •; - '437 ,1 1.111.711011101.1 -.. , :.l„(ooBineetWthe ?hllB4llldu 'Beim:le) • cnr;l2 - '4,142,8 The' ilttp, ItMlinifór:lsSudon; - bssquClhilddeur, rer - two'barques:unknown;;btlTi`\lDllam , ,magi, (Stria:St ;obit WertliMgnin item at - Hitt"; and Trade - Wlndf for ''=Olentitigba, with several ' -• - ixttlters, , went to 'MC to-day: - .4 1.109.ue and tiff bO2l hilhls Morning.':Whed north. , •L ' •'=-` • • •••;" , :THOI3. 'l3.ltufwas. Ear T1111iGlii$ 4 1"0 141 Pigllll3ll.i - ' - " Cummssros, Noy. 11. • Atitii)jhaigitohlisletti; from Boston. - =, • - • .11sismists, (1, Nov 11. 'Tse'itkljeianni'Toadlek Ctotallossi hu=tios • ,112111,1a1lIted. - - : Humps s; Ifni 12. The iblp ,Patial, from - Quebeit _for;•ardrosamt,- woe fattanln W ttl. Waterldirged'Oet -tilth':•, ; Tka.oaptain and •.,,',..- ten 'snorer wereyiestmad With 'filitdealty, 4 lfter being iii ~ '' Oyu cco,ilieWreek: - 'linty were io Tipton by - ' ‘-' - lbe himiur/fatof Norton:'- - ''' ,4- : ' : =4 „ - - - . - - . - . _ • - . _ -, , z MEMORANDA . liteattashlp:ltit ' i• otilti_Wesli - Hishfram Aspinwall,' '.? :••afrivell at Now York yssterday., , ,-- --,'‘, - . - „. liteaniehifittelswarai tßaptet, lotatatif arrived at li,Yorlf Steamehlp Tilton' *Men, *lamed nt 'Nei York yes. lordly for Haire. , .. , -.•'.4 , 4: ' .•.-- c , -- ' = - - --'-z=•-iltatanedlip-OahairbA7lintlookifor - Haeana aid lie, ' : .' . Orleans.., cleared at New York. yesterday:, ••,- :, ~ -- . • • "'":, • Ship'llerildZilltilell,f!om Clarliffiarrlied. at Now.. 1- , .-4,York yeaterdiy.;-- =_, 4-„•_-_*' --.,.., : '------,•,_ , -: - - -1 ,-- - - _,_ , Ship ; Swarth mars; ( Pt) .Lldbettai_fori,'Phliadelphla .• 11 „ - .11edfroaa liangor,Sept S. •t - -,.' ------ --, , , - , • ...';'-, - ~. I , . gain Daiidt vino:drat,' Spencer, for New York, wile,. ,'4 free, Sat YAM:MO 17.1 t uis. - - ' ~,-, ' •-'t; = ~•,- 't - : ' Ship - War 'Hawk: Simmons, for Hong Hong, Sallel . - , from Sari Sonatina 17th nit. , -I'4- --, sidp f ,- Renown; Smith, cleared at Sati • Prinattaso • 19th e•: --. nit: for Roue Hoag.. - " :- ~ _.., - ''. ;,..., 1 '.l ,:, Ship' Mary 1..' Sutton, 'Spicer,- for. Hong - - Nang;sailed -- from San TrasolsoolOth nit . ,- , 4 - -, ' , F.- -, ; .- .r. •.. , - , ;- . •.- . Ship ,Dtrigo, Atwood, from New YOrkiarrivel ai San - -• -• 'Snuggle:to:Dili nit: •-- , -.....-,=::::• ,- ,- - „,c. -.,.. -,-;,-,- ~ . 1, -„; .- . . ship= Caroline ' Tatter . Congdon,' from Shiiirorki ow " ' rived at San Stalinism; llth ittt.;-4• - ,='-• t • • '.."," ". . .-1 , Shiit'ltaitiorter; Hones; frbm New York,.; arrived 'at fiatt , Traneisco.l.4thtlt. , t, -- , , _ . ,-- - , • - '' , 'f ., ' 3., , -, - " Ship t,Grami; Darilog, - ,lleMee,'lnnalleaten,' - iiiirtid it', Sail 71:110-1111:01121init. 4-- - -'..Qt',; , : , ,' , 4• , :; , 1, - .?." - ;,: , ..,' , t-'3._ : -1.1,'-gbig,t Bari - oda "Brothers,-Poole, fram;;Slinillit, at Ban •' Trancondo 16th nit; , - 4"..••• :, -, - .--_ ....- "' -,. , f.4 : .., , - ,"...k..&-Alibip;founirmaanethiifitia Allistin, - al.:lkea' at :San Ihsesiotolillitilt;'',, ,, _ --, --",::, .:, •• -, - r-, -- ', "-- , f^'- e,: = 441111p Utornati::Edwardit, from 'New' Tort, arrived at r; , laii Tranalseoifitiedf. •: , , ----, •,:, P-• : - - • - • ' • t•- ".":'':'Chi,y esuntlet,Sorliod - for Wohtmen's • island, sailed dram dais iiillidiel2th 4.1t.'7,, _ „.,- -, - ,_„-:. ,-r. , • --i.Ci..> - -::: Ship' Birops , -Itotairlabn, fer Shanginte; Milled trout' San ,•"" Mita Idantiaa;ltittain, far Salton, Called triMi Sanger - " - Ship - ,Illandarin, Perritt/ front Ne w, York; at Hong Hong Aug 25. -. 't :-.' - 4 " - " • • ' - -- - 't --: .:-, rehip - Xepunie9foiriPerbil, , yele Simi Matiolioa, at , ' '1 1 7 05 at Hong Kong Sepal°, - • -, - l' • -...-;.• 1111120Ckiateatf Jen:IMO; from-Liverpool; at calenita, .....,. '-, Al%to:-.- . Nei'l'itrki Adrudi, for ,:lifairaValitired at , "+•i Ohirceatenlik 1net. , 41- , -r , s, -- '. • --;',--; ' Illiktieinatanfit.(ol) Kell y , thai for lttanNiedPisined :` froMOaloutia'Sept•l6:' ,, e , " -- ;' 4 '-:."..- , " - • ,'-' ' - _, -- - -4- - Vila Samuel Applettin;Helly, for Boston s ealled from _ ' •;,- Ship- gratokriStar;Hanryi tient Liverpool, arrived at ' -": Hong Hong Aug 28::: , ,t , - - - • - SW 'Virtu.. Matcher, fromLialenttaiat St galena - --- . - 04 - 191 and salledlor London; '," r- -, - -.. ,- ,"'-= • ...: •= - ..., ---..1 hue' gonna,' Chipm a n - , at 'l3hinghatt - ang Slat, from Ship :Orphans, Chula; fbiNew York, we. at Haupt; .-- - - blikt Yearlent, *lanai cleared st7Joot7in - 11th lust' • ' Yor k Ship Ilookland, Sargent, ini•Meibhaine, cleared at N: •':' ' ', Mord* IA ,- •- - - ~-:- '• -- • - - ` Damn Early Ivrd, Weak, for Hong Song, tailed from San • . __-..-,. marque, lasini: 11, - Sterlitilland;fOr' Rio -de •Janelro,. ' •:' palled from Boston 11th inst. - , - •' '• --••-,- z ' '-',-taittotitit4nnian;iiroOks'ifor. 'HO - Grande; shined at -`• Baron /Ito tut. '‘',--'-_,: ' ,-• -,'„, '...':•.t.--' , ' - - . ' 1at99. : 035`• SOn1'510; klamitoan, 'bleared at N Yoe* -; .„,• Liester47.lo l 'hlindalP sl 9;-- ‘'' ' •: ' ' " '-'-'" " Brig: Trenton, Atherton , hence ; arrived at: Portland _ -,- ' 10th irat. , •„, , : , ••-••-•• • - -.:-... - - • ...- ;- • '- 4 ' ' %MI , lita.V (lotion ; Ideitan; Wired 'it 'Poitli4 10110 teat-• ' Silt" Ormati,liakek, bane.' arrived'itt'liairstedfird '' , l3ehr - ',Hantint„, pnettotiplattiaiirthiel. it blew' Bad l•:-.15,:•.- ger 3f7. - oiniii Sailth, c titr,•,Briiiid2 wino, gaited from New llarao Ilthlttati , J. - -",;,•,-•,,:::: -,;%.,,,. :. ~ - -, - , . • , •,/:Sithi Mary, llttklnit , ll,l 1 1 leictai Eltalth;henat4"iiiitted at Bangor ~, •- - 'echza that'll „ienh:ll lyne, - `ohesapaiire; ihillipi, and -7llifgareit -Waxier; Ballengai, aritied: at ;Wilmington ' 7 , ,.. 4 . - ..lichi9llmitia,siiideil • asitiaqi;iii:,*444gii - Doi, •, ' 1,00, ruscror.o4:piiig River. '' -.- ;' ; , 10th Dupont Cissoni'for, Vermi ll ion fitty, , La; 1 - "Wlth'•:tes iron'. light homiejwllll,lr Moil Wilmington, ..DOl, - to:dep;,;:r •,,.....;.:,,-,-. -- . ..-,-,- . • - . . _, "r -Sebi -, Mary..Mitiii•Bliii*dipr .11oston f will Sail from -. '•Wiltnifigtortaiel4ii•der. '-,•'- •i'f',•-• -- - - .... t' , geh9, - adiga'&'lleitait . sit' SSW iron! : "4lMiliittc s NO - at 214 1i , Yeittatitti ltYstl_t.', -2: !-I• - --. --. - I t ?-••- " Sibv_ - CokirldoilfallinThanee;Sdidiad at .Pa wtucket - " 26th mat: k.v -- . ,, i ,, :tv.- , „-i •••-.5,, ,_., -.„. - -, :". -"..; 1: , ,-'• ' • Bohr :frlMviiii,Kilil#,W;liitiMi arrived at Boston '-;11ti1hat...„,„, , - - -• , ?, .., ,,,- ,‘• 1 • - ' , '-,-,•-•-• ~--,....?-,. - • '"' - efitht laritr WOodbridge", - Illegtas- bine. arrived at • 1 "'.;Salem stir fnil."' . • 1 ••••:• ',`.:74;.'!;•". r l - '•;7' 1 -.. •,,• - • „.„.„,,,_ ~ , , ~ ~:•-•, " , t .., folifllornet,',ll,ol47,',:h:o4l';' . siiifiod ..i''l.Oittand, '. , - - f.tioth iligif.l 4 -,_ ----, „,"7- , 73- , -,,:. - -- , .1"-..--7 - --,` , .. s , . :_ , • i: - :,:;-,al'reuer.V ota4i9t;4rancl•ff4lailikirlitaidi,`. -it • 11 - -: 4 OPIUM; Shaflori and W.4l , Atwitteri-Potter; heatia it , - to - ItiothioneelOth - ihet-E , 4 , - - - , " --, 4-- ' ''''''' - ,."-""1• -- , , •;' - ?"- - --'''. - Sake'll'11-'410510tett7 : 1tentio, was -betow -, Proeldeiseti, . .• ,-, Soltre;eolwifiittiii . Tim aerial; N' H. Holmes. Wil. --: M ime ',- • --..'sintll4,lol - 454-Youog;sailed from Viorldanes ' , ;' , .••;-'lollt -last. ,, feaShllsdalphlwit ., - -,, ; , ::= -I, _.'•‘- --. . "------ - - • •^- ~. ',l ; -failriiiintaltiSoilittAii, - - • ' ~, _- ;--4i-ilittkilletiiidi 3 lo6t „g4l=-Ithe,quo.ot,tl4',-brigtuittnei -7:.:, ;.,-• , - -iliter - Bellifelecently_atianded at'Grant•Tdrkittoratlat. thit 07,09tIreitork400rn."oattilitipludley, wanadver., • '-' Used htiS. sold 25117',06t0ber. Mte -:, :eparr, salls, rigging,' s ':/inoiftdild,,beibiiitl ort the_ Sethi'. ",,,, .--,- C;,:+ r;- - , I ;.-- ; ,-1,--:,,iThithilll'off.fhe:liehr, , Tiatisitisiiandeditt the dame -''''-o"•:,'-'-Pleee,tiratildtbe-sold_onctIllr-28,4; alio *theo:hull;salls, - 10_,A,, , ,,algsiog,Attiliftha'hilit Kongo park on the 26th, , - 4 , ' • „ ;,,9t, Thoth** 'A- deopateteltont Halitenestatea that the ii , ,,, , - , .. l o 7 4l 4 Knethirisuppoislllroni _Londow• and bat Orlin ... ,-. do, trotal•Li tioloref bad pat wit - St Thomas on the 25, _ .• ~,, ,llbllfilicdblltros.:;„,,„;11 , ;;, , ?,:2; ~;,7.,, ~, ~,, i , -, -' _:.••.-;', -, 1 , J , A.17,, - ,:i4j-A.- '' 0:I: , ; '.. :I • ' f-:' tli: a , ‘" . . t ,4--it.1. , 3 - „- - - AtOlsalcu s 3 icatrei- ,-, :.,;., ,: -• , i ---''' ' • • , Odsgets , Betit',lsth, '4lls6,aniris • pimeiii . - . , " - illidoalle' 7, ;•? bk - :F‘t. - ,'.4 1-, - , , , ,, ,, :;)--!- , , -- p , ..,,-:,-, ...,, .!,, - , „ .:7,,-, , - A- at do Sept I, chip COntlnlmtkll4b ,-,,Kaoteitina, :,1,5?,44-Alißittvrailao*sy,Sepc-16jotiti.Sent,WIthovifLotlir6)pi ;•_, . : •..,......NOnnitol f Kitt kehipii,jarsly_iiAßlM,fer - ,o,,i n d on , st - 5 z.,...-., ,-Barnanli , maim:X/Wiltina;illllli alb Edmiel;Hamblln' .';'•''' , ',. , '. 4 ,. , Pela? -1 = 2 9 1 ,14 *UT, elaitiida, 'Droyer'i'llitatoef gut: , '''': : • -1-, , elat _ '''lNixstirl.s 6 / 401: 22di chip Sthilight Calbeiti :,, , ,, ,-- -;• - alt -- , ,, aV.Peneng 8 4 41 ;i010firtiel4OhlialtiliElitig Ili'. " - i. ,, . - :! ' -*Ore, ...ttlikkolidc4#9 l ,„*Onr, Dobson , doi and tildlittte ‘ - ;C:* , :2lTratildittits.: - ,--- - ;:-:4 , .. , : , ,t , =", :;:- --"•-• •,, _,, ~_ __, .- -,,,,,,,,,.., 1 - 404,At'llIff 111ttrAC1V 1 1)1 3415 3 5 " 510 099 7 . 51 "- - ' • i•''`l-' ~ . •.... -2 - .41 : -at inontitonggiegael-altigi Kalamai, of the • Sea:. •-t" :,:c:12.011701...,1:01,11,-tlfitttiakip Torrenti2 %yrs; pi l iet , ~,,., " "ii - .1 4.,, 4 4 • ,t' - 'keNiketokia n Nate/ Iliptmen'lSTaV ' ', 4 4 - '•;t 4 *-' '.l,nogalahatif;f Parker" , assento; . Bald, i f t t a' ' 1 - , - A - 1 * i itilitMlig Ithi shiMeePlOilliiKliters '.41•w . ; - ' ,4 . ablitgi.Kertiranole4 ir-,-o ' re 4 ls fl - i e N . MP rl ,Ijueii,iraois 3Ull4;bilr. t, 'Ads - 'ire - `,T,f . ,00,-;:r s•••:' ,1 efiviegerildentinq me' -- niarborril do, oCoopointorirdi L`5 9 W , 1b6. 7- I,litintir, -, I,4l4tdnifficAotle , Atti,,A 2 , , , -- - ,•.: riga:ldtigniPiiiii; ";Syr til t htit t XtroaliilP w•Aeg1, , , , 43i0,. 0 *1 , ! ,folrwititi* -q,lO 4164/161V -f; MUVALS ATARE -PRINCIPAL NOTELN. -14 10_0101-041LOOK:WEI Nossise. ?.9lllllARD'llol:lWOkinidaiiitratinet,.below Ninth. 4 Abe' A VBilsifAtban; Ala B 0 Eidyidge, " •JP Wright , Carlisle • IP Watts, Carlisle ' .• •A A Mater, Oin 0 T E Tutt , St ',oafs • W Yeats, Bt Louis Oal ' H J Dookins & Is, Mich J J Kamm, N Y' ; V B. Minter, Beading Min Hunter & sister, Pa - II Freeman, ,Peoria, 11l ' Mr Yorke, NJ , D D Vaorhera, N Y• J MoOleashan & le, Md Miss MN-MoOlenaban, Md EI R Wilmer, Elkton r`J W Gwinn; BAU- M Meeks A " Mrs J H Coles & chlld, Pa Mr Smith, N Y • - • 11 White,,Ohleago • J J Ryan; - Davenport D Afeleiven, N Doencer, Chicago J R Morton, Oin 0 ' Virtu Woodward, Balt ' White, Mass Waterman,ll P N Y W.Mason, Taunton AII Ryan, Peoria, Hl i W Ind biro Mayor, N Y If It Torbert, Elkton • oti Abrams, Nd bi Everett,• New Ilaven B flociand, Ind A BroanatineiOlti 0 Si Harrleon, N Y , A AN Ad Taylor, N 0 - ' GN9 Williams, N Mr Tagart, Md ' Mrs Dr Tyson,' O .11 Case & la, Pall River Saint Brooke & la, Nd P Clesson, N y - p I Hilton, Mobile Oil Thompson, Pa ' , A Vlt leholdon, Tenn W A'Olark, Conn " Edward Clark, N Y It Wiltberger,Ohasleston B H Bergman, N John Lord., Liverpool- Dr rill Diffsnderffer, Balt MISS lilt Eels., Balt Col W P McMichael AliqiJ W A Share &.la, N T BR Gay, Boston Gordmin,N " • AII Bush, La Grange, No AI A Para Caracas JIL Walker & la, Ga 8 lAtioWmia, N Y Than B Daitnj N Thos 8 Builertoin Balt J . It McDaniel, Lynehbiug I 8 M Shoemaker,' Balt II L Bitehoook, N Y , B 0 Perkins & is, - Boston It Bose, Cal Thee A Emmet, NY `. VDr Grigg. & Is, Donn B Catlin, Troy , W H Redwood. Bait Ohns Moore, Balt ' B Darman, Bait • Locke, kJ Y G Scott, Ohio N Eaton & Is, Cuba Id Falcon, Cuba IL Cranes & la, Va 31` W Cowell% NY E liestras; Havana V Mr Delger A wl, 041 W .1 Moorhead, N y- G Galagher, Vs R Lawson, N ' • Alfred Penn, N Celesta David BridigeS, N Orleans Dr Makeorle, Balt Endes' & la, Richmond W WOliams, Pa J M Wayt & la, Richmond P A Woods & la, Itichm'd L Hata, N.Y Kappa*, N 0 .1 liesslde & la, Ark • .J Valeerritle, N A lopes, PI M N Y Ischeretira N Y Halsey brown, Wy Valley - 1113RORANT i HOTBL.Potirth. fit.,below Arch. .0 011-ehr, Chamberabum B Kennedy, Chembersbyrßlirataer & la, - Olemßeld If Lee - , Ohio - H B Bailth, Boston - - U Mount, at ,O B Yoing.l4 J D W. ftloorei 3 Oleiraold, Pa' B J'llead, Tenn 0 If Robinson. Fairfield, Pa W S - BaewOrthi Boston N Copeland, Maas ' — 0 Langlotz & la N J 111 P Perry Pittsburgb. , ' , 0 Arks; Pittsburgh B Beaton ' . - B Stevens, N Y A ti Dietfenbach, Pa 3 Chapman, 11l B E Cowie', Ohio ' - - 'lt Ashmead, Pa W PRnriay Hairleinuff FRANKLIN HOUSE-okestnut" street,' above Third LY'D Airowamith,q4 Y D D Oarey, Philada X Shelf, Wilkeebarre P Hartung, N Y ' J B Penningtonalsrrisburg H Page, N Y BBJoaes,NY;., • QDeWitt,jr,N 7 B Roberts, N Y, W Kelley,' Hoboken, N R Buxton, Brooklyn P M Cnlot N Y 0 Watkins, Del , • ,Dr J A Baden, Md Jas T Parsons, Md - - - •- • --- • 110170E- 7 0heknut stieet, above rim. MoOliuliey; Philo • - - Illtogers, PhDs s 0 0 Lawson: NY —. - /W Gant-011 -•-- Wm Wolf, Pottsville - - - T D Ross; Cheater co, Pa T 8 Diekey.Oheater oe,Pa- Zl' &lapin; Ala Wm ,Wolff, : J B carol:tem/env Shore Mee T P Oarothers, Jersey ihml S Ilarthr, Del Shore • • H H Landreta, - Chicago 8 J Watson, Pa ' • Wm Bates k, la, Boston 0 T Murphy, 8 0 Alfred A Taudiveer, Del Rider, Md , • P Jordan, Hanley WON HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. G - Pelnier, M Chunk J B MoAlleater, Pa Geo Hawk, Hancock iN Y D 112 Fay & 11, 0 Miss M Fey, Sandusky, 0 Jae Powers, Berlin M Wheeler. Del ou, N Y Yechtlg, Md 11 Hahn, Beading Wm Benjamin, N H W -Pray, yrovidiace H MoOrens, Pa J H !Nasser, N T Der H P Hartman; Pa NATIONA! HOTSIL—Baoe stir*, above Third. B Newtoni Boston - „ W P Tonle, Pottsville WP 0 Whitaker, Phila P Miler & lady, Ps H JUSidesi Chestiest Hill - Peter Smith, Pa 0 Beeekeri 0& A B • joins S King, New Olatie MW Good,Drtunhelier, Pottsville jno M Shane; Pottevillez HJ Handler, Pottsville B A Adams, Phila _ • P Simpson, Pottsville Jlameson. Allentown, Ps Bsvid Boyer, Pa Jos.Whitakee; Mt Olatr O W Hammy, Lebanon WI, Hawkins, Let k Haven B Amersllng, Pa I H Fowler Nowlerten, Ps - BARLZY MAP HOTEL—Bocond street, below Vine M Latimer, Pa • -31 Mill , NY lutbnrn, Attleboro' - Gee Pickering, Pa J B Heaton, Newtown Baml Baker, Taviorsville -Jas Boileau, Danville B Mather, Attleboro' J L Blockhouse, Pa - G Rawik, Pa W D Large, Taylors?llle N Gillingham, Pa W 11,13saos; Pa - Ms James, Pa W W Morris, Pa ; Jos Deether, Pa J A kirk Jno lloppook, Newtown Mrs Hughes; N , Rhos Watson, Eagan P Prete, Doylestown i Pricer, Doylestown MisaWalteri, Pa - ' G W Hawlk, Pa A Hornell:Bucks oo ' B Nelson, Books co Alas - Getman; Newtown -, Deets, Kayoed, N J Tallier, Keyport, N 3 ' _Z Reeder, Pa - Hibbe, Pineville „ - Wlt Hibbs, Pineville Z Atkinson; Pineville • A lacrimal, Pineville - II 8 Reading; Pi- Preis, Hatboro, Pa John PoNc;- Hartsville "Wm Davison, Pa ),1011NT *ANON HOTELfiecona it., abase Atli Jno Wilson, Wilmington Enoch Holton, N Y Olives; T Alien/alai X J It Williamson, Ni Miss H-Williainsoni J H Bixby, N Y hOs bit Moore:Del - ' James Anderson, Pa B'Jpeters,NY,.' Wm Boyers N Y MADISON NOllllN—liteiond et.. - bele* Ara. Janie. Ponder Del. 'A Dreamer, PhDs Wm Gregg; P I.H & • - Jai Cook, Del H Sextbo.ougb, Bucks • 'A M Eby, Bucks co - -- 718 M .7ohmen, Md N W Tidneme,-Md • : Thee Steelman, N Y Tokn u Oey,M D - • _ _ _ - , . , ,8LA01t BEAU HOTBp=Tbird it., Mi. CaHoratill. Price, Briachtaira 7 Mails; BybeFri 'l3 Oadwatader; Pa - ' H Walters, .Now Britain LOtatzumens;'Dorlistoira • ' Mrs .- Nice, Bram:Marra • Biliaide v aouthamptaa ArtalMen, Stlun'tu D H , Dam Pa H T4towland, N J A Mpuirer, Heading H Utbspn, New Beton " 'BEACH Ekes .;BM-4liflk and MarObent streeta. A Whitaker; Pa . Oliver Lewin, Centre Co J ',Vanderslice, PhanLarne, J P Smirk& wife, Lana co P Lindekagle, Berke oo Jaa Porten", Cheater co OntbMA, Pratatown Lewis, Delaware . P McCombs, kld, • „ Obis fairlamb. Delw Co - B D Byers; Cheater oo Obas• Bioko?, Chester co :Opextil Notugs. Mething 1i o1 ` - mere 'lmportance to the Vern teif6tjiß6o4lolliiceeeooolCßTOTß ": • GAIAOII.OBWB MORNING STAB: hes been In siitilia6l,operaton some Ara wail and theie, hes never helm introducatto the pub Ue a yeah, 5T0,21 that haa'sivei eattaraation - so generally. It VIII DRAM, BARB; HOARE, - BOIL, BROIL, ice., In ihtimoit'perfectnzanber. ' . I will nyurn the price paid [for it if It Gila to do as above'. ' GALLAGHER, 405 N': Second BLiaboYe: Tins cal.. ince 213 - . . Siierisel42,olmnimer.—A Mat TOP,.OOOK. STOVE, - LARGR - UVRN, VERY HEAVY PLAT.RB,.AND MADE IN ANTERIOR MANNER. •;. , I WARRANZ it - - DRAW,' BAHE, - .! • , ROAN Ao to. , I have been engaged In the manntsetnre of etovee for manyyeare; and I can safely recommend the SUNRIBB to my friends. It It falls to perform as above stated, I will , RETERN - YOU THE MONEY PAID NOR IT CAN YOU APE MORE ooll;Mws A. S. GALIAOHNR .TiewTrinunlngs and Zephyr, Store and Tao. TORY.—J: E MAXWELL'kSON, Soathetat 11l e. *nth and Chestnut. • ' °alba One•Priee Clothinii el the 'Latest Styles, and made In the best manner, expressly for BROIL SALES. We math our thwart selUng prime in ?LUX /10111116 ones& artlath:. all goods made to'order are warranted satisfactory, and our owe-ramie exams is strictly ad hered to: -We bellere this to be the only fair way of dealing, as thimsby all'ara treated alike. 70NZ8 & CO. ; 604 WARM Stria. Ifurnetni Coeonix!e:—": EURNZTVB - .OOOOAINE . , A !stogie ipplleatton renders the hair—Do matter how ilk Wid"ktysiott - ' and_ gloomy for Isere*, dais.. It ie BUT AEZI CILIAP.IIIII/ HAIR Daseena- TUN WORLD; lIABBABD, do 0 0 4 .TiTelith and (111estout fits. Bollagente. For male bplealeragenerekriab 60 eta per bottle": • , - no10•tt A Ementlltal Head of_Hair --The Wonder OW. THE ACtE.-.IULEB 11117/4:1011 EAU ATHE- . NIENNE HAIR RENOVATOR possesses the wonder fid 'property of changing gray Hair to its original life like color. Its Wads on the Hair are magical. roma ring impurities and °Detractions trim the cattalo, pre. _venting thallalr from falling, and imparting Bowery fragrance. "Poi sole by allEruggiets and at toe Laboratory of RILBB HAVEL & CO. Pe4nmers and Importers, No. 704 - Ohistrint - street, Philide. W.-Henry Patten, Manufacturer of Window 11HADII8,-• and ImioOtter of CURTAIN and . lIPEOL • SEERY MATERIALS, LACE and AGISLINAIIII TAIGS: 'BROOATEELES, SATIN , DS WEE and WORSTED .D.SMASII, RAPS, MOREENS, PLUSRES, • - GIMPS and, ASSELS, GILT- CORNICES and CUR TAIN ORNAMENTS, 'Gilt Window Shades, with all th trimntingi, ss low as 76 ciente each. ••• Just received troy, Atortion a: urge Invo'ice of Curtains, which are IW/sect at the following unprecedented low gems: Muslin"- Crirtaltis, : 61.00, worth ES 00 a pair. Incierq g $4l 00 it .4 *.4.11.01124.1%041 $3 00, $6 6.. Quitahelmy gc _ , - $5OO, • 1, • $lO 00 .44100 riehili&olderl4,6llo 00, $7O 00 " " DannelsOcutiins fcem $lO 00 to 616 .0 0 per window, 'coinpletc.r: Curtains nude ,and put up at the shortest isiddes, by eo u copetent workmen:" ' : - .2 lij,7lEfißY PATTEN, 080 CIIESPNIIT St., - • • _Opposite Jayne's New Nall itlyesdi Gas Consuming Stores I—UsGess these Stoxes, are . made pi& proper - manner they are no better thin the Common old;fesklonet heating Reyes. iirrplojione - bat Gni best riorinneni and me the cheiCest linpeited , _ I Warrant efery Gas' &Meunier I Nell to be sru l tor irquar4to there I bare rin 'exhibition in the lirsnklin %Instititte, and Which lira' attracting the attention and. 'adialiation of iiaiteragenerilly“,.-The Om:emitter, bare .4ricexicitt that Nett, ktiftranos make et SILVBRI,B GAB • ociNguartal sTolizs ate the beet In the Bxhibition. 1411 iitteritloco the following letieri t- ( .llll , Ver Goa Comma= I ma. ruilbotured by 141 r; A=.7: il4l•ltAGEßlljand pronounce ,thetatalli avail* any I have ever seen ;The Bunts 7ioa Id tpi Vent:tsar; the wOrkinansilik tinSurpane6. . L ;TfiaJrhile Move fully embraces my invention.' I re. - commend,•trith,pfeasuri to my frivai Mid the public . isi: tiallagairla make of Bioves. -J. IL fin:yea.” 4L'j.GALtiaciliza; :110.• INA N: 811 GONG above Vine. : : - .Pf;:-.Y.intli t iC.::Ziiistctr.i.4ote",,rtletreaslng, and .niaffecitien la left generally either to 'take its natural' conisei er to treated on general prinel •.piek with' ;40, eeees: /*a nervous olyreptome ,iittt and piticeed frotalanettbnal , ek,:otgtin le derangenient lit-the nervous centres. No oredleinolia tbeen :found** tri the PSRUVX4N . 1 4.049taiittirrons' tam , tll,64(kigriiiiii.)*Y4iii?e,Diviiii. :sale lu Ahltolty,lbs !Isomer llith end *On: , Iz''''# l ,4,:, ;l o l *4,#, corner Twelfth find To &11 who, Want - Money. -- Jones & 00., Broken, Northind corner of TIIIIID and GABEELL, BflellETB, below LOMBARD, advance Oaah liberally, in large and email =Omits, s nion deposits of Wataltiej Diamonds, Jewelry, , Gone, Clothing, &d, on moderate tonne. Offloo hot= from A. M. to 7P. M. • oo2D•lm sso,' $5O, $6O, $5O, $5O, $5O, $5O, 1550.—; sl,ssBB'B SWING ,IdaOHINIIB.—PRIOEB RE new and elegant Bamily Sewing Ma chine for $5O, and the general Seale of priaea greatly reduced. AU who want a substantial, simple, and re liable flawing blashlue,,whleh has an established repu tation for doing the very beet work on eve 6, kind of material, are Invited, to call at our office and examine the new machined, at the , reduced prices. They can not fall tube satisfied. I. IC SINGER & n 024.122 No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. Thema'. W. Bally, No. OW Market Street. 'lmporter and Dealer In Pine Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware: First-class goods constantly on hand. The subscriber, paying cash for every article, is enabled to sell at a small advance. Those •about purchasing would do well to call. All goods warranted as repro. eased. se4.BM Grayer 1c Baker's Celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES. A NEW STYLE—MOE sso. 780 OITZEITTOT EITIITOT, ramAoscrau. Thesefaehines sew from two Opoole, and form a limn of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will NOT rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut ,They are unqueetionably the beet in the market for family nee. 0.316-er Irj.l5llND 102 A OLROULAR. Alarriageo. By the Rev. David Magill, at 338 South Fifteenth street. on the' 9th 'natant, Mr. ALEXANDRE FAITH to Mice JANE' DEANS, both of Philadelphia. * "Oa the 9th instant, by Rev David' Magill. Mr. Tilos. MULLIGAN to Mina SUSAN DUNNING, both of Philadelphia' bobber 21st,181$8, at Frankford,by,Rev. S. T edele, Mr. JOB&PH ALINBON to Mrs. AMOR HUD3ON, both of England. ID e atb a . 'On the 10th instant.. hfra. , MARY KELLEY, wife of John Nolley, in the 41st year of her ego. The relatives and friends of the family are reiSpeot fully invited to attend. the funeral, from the residence of her eider, Mm. Rachel Allingham, No 031 Clinton 'street; above Poplar, between Eighth and Ninth, to morrow '(3anday) atone o'olook, without farther no floe.' , • On the 11th instant, MARGARET MoOARTY, In the 85th year of her age. , - The relatives and friends of the family are particu lar solnvited to attend the funeral, from her late reel dendti, in Cadweader street, below Month, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at 8 o'clock. * On the 11th instant, JOHN O&BLIN, eon of Tames and Mary Carlin, aged 12 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect. folly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his paren's, N 0.149 Ruth street, above Seventh, to. morrow (Sunday) morning. at 9 o'clock, without farther notice. To proceed to Oethedral Cemetery. - On the 10th 'natant, WM. R. DERRIORSON, in the 26th year of his age. lits friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his brother, John W. Curb:Aeon, No. 1908 South Second street, below, Reed, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at one o'clock without further notice. ar GAREFOn the 10th dANg instant. aged twentp M daa years, AR- M00L13113. * On the 10th indent, after a short bat severe illness, Alr. .7AIIIEB H. AIANING, In the 87th year of hie age His male friends and relatives of the family, also St. John'e Lodge No. 115, A. Y AL, and the Order in general; the ktillery corps of Philadelphia Grays, and Humane Engine Company, No. 13, are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No 847 North Third street, below Callowhill. on Sun day morning next, at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. On the oth instant, EDWARD 0. EMIG. Hie male friends and thei relatives or the family are particularly invited to attend the funeral, this (Satur day) morning. at 10 O'clock, from his late residence, No. 1231 Arch street. tk On Tuesday tinning, at Mount Airey, Mtge DEBO RAH, daughter of the late _Charles and Elisabeth Behtffer, The relatlies and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, without further no tice, from No. /213'Arch street, this (Bliturdandnorn ing;lBth instant, at 11 o'clock A. M. To profited to Laurel Hill tk • On .the 11th of November; at the residence of her entinilaw, Mr. O. N. Morison ELIZABETH HAR VEY, widow of the late i3ainuel'D. Harvey, in the 72d year of her age Duo notice will be given of the funeral. ** Emory al. E. Chttreb, Callowhlt, west of EIGHTEENTH Et JON 'A M Rev. WM. BIaHOP. Eleven P. M., Rey. T. E MEREDITH. Its WTwo Services.--T. N. Sleekton will Preach (D. N.) tit NATIONAL HALL, MAR above Twelfth, 10)6 A. Dl,and at HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL. EIGHTH ad ERRING GAR DEN, BP. M. All friends of tomeetarlan Nanny are Invited to attend. Cullen lone to meet ex imager. 117. - Universalist Church, Lombard, above Fourth. SUNDAY - EVENING LEO2I7ItES, by request, at 7 Woloelt.'Nov 14, Doom of the Sodomites, k,o. Nov. 21, Judgment and Change after Death. ltie Trßev. Thomas ILMunham, General Agent of the Meadows Trot Bordety, 'will preach in the AMERICAN aIICITANICS HALL, corner FOURTH and George Streets, TO-MORROW (Sabbath) AFTER NOON, at 83i o'olook. lt* Fourth Commandment—Rev. Jno. Chum BERM on thin eutdeet TO-MORROW /Sunday) at ag 1. M. Oity Councilmen la ;Iwo r of breaking God's law are invited. Ohne oh, BROAD and 460RG8 winds. It* Kr• Church of the COTOODUt....4§erejefte In CONCERT RAbli, Chestnut street, above Twelfth, TO-MORROW (Sunday) at 10% A. M., and Th' P. M. , Bannon ln the evening by Rev. W. O. PRIM TUE. its: [rt. Splrltnallstn.—lrnomaa Gales Forster, of the Boston Banner, of Light, will lecture at tiANSOM-BTH BET HALL, on SUNDAY at log A. M., on the text And these shall go away into everisadnx puniebinent, but the righteous Into life eternal;" and at 1)i P.M. on " Man tut %Religious Being." udirdo d . on, 6 cents. lt* prFair Play for Women. —G W. Curtis, Eeti will deliver the fourth Lecture before the apple'sLiterarya Insti , nte, in CONCERT BALL, FRI DAY "MIMING, November 19th. Bethleek:—. , bur Play for Women - No reduction in the price of Season Tickets Tickets for Wont the Bookstores. • nol3-4t* us University of Pennsytvanl4.—sProfessor COPPER will deliver Six Lecture. at the Hall of e University, on The Literary Types of English History;" beginning on THUMDAY, thelBth instant. Pubject of the first lecture—J. English Prose Fiction in the Eighteenth Century." Tickets at the printhal Book , nitres. end from the Janitor, at the door. For the Course, $1; single tickets, 25c. n013,15&17.3t La. The Seventh Annual Meeting of the STOCRHOLDSREI or the Liberty Baring Fund and DuMing Association will be held at the northwest corner TENTH and SPRING GARDEN streets, third shay. on MONDAY, Nov. 16th, at I o'clock P M An election for Officers will be held between the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock P .M 0. VAIQUORN, Secretary $1,500 to loon no 12.2t* ErlR bleu 8 rmona to the Young.• Second of the Course, under the anspicea of the Young lOWA Chadian Aaseclation of the North Pres byterian Church, will be preached in that Church, North SIXTH Street, above GREEN, next SABBATH EVENING, the 14th 'natant, by the Rev. JAMIId H. 01311111BRP, Pastor of the First Baptist Chnrah',,Arch at. Services commencing at 734 o'clock. n012.2t* Primers' and Mechanics' Banh, Phila. DELPIIIA, Oct. 2,' 1858.—The Annual Kleotion Vca4)7rectors will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, the day of November next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 8 o'clock P. M., and on TUESDAY, the 24 day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking UOOll3 at 4 o'clock P.M., agreeably to the charter. 004 dtNl6 W • BUSH TON. Jr., Cashier. 07'Office of the Dauphin and Susquehanna OOAL COMPANY—New loss, October 20, 1858. he Anna.l Meeting of the Stockholders of thin Com pany will be held at the "Girard lime," In Ma, delphin, on the third WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of November next, at noon when and where an election will be held for eleven Directors to serve for the enenlog year. The transfer books will be cloned from the oth to the 17th of November next, both inclusive. By order of tho Board of Directors, FUNK 0; BOND, 00214tnovi7 Secretary. Treasures Department Pennsylvania 074. r' RAILROAD 0011PANY—PutLana1.rnix, Oot. 18,18155. N9TIOB.—The Board of Direotors have this day de clared a semLannnal dividend of three per cent on the Capital Stook of the Ormpany t (clear of State tax,) payable on and after November 16th. proximo. Blank Powers of Attorney for colleotiog Dividends can be had on application at this office. ocliSam' Taos, T. FIRTH, Treasurer. ED• Menirs Union Prayer Meeting Derry from Twelve to One o'clock, in the Samomotreet Church. Rove I been there? If not, why?, Opole Prayer for . Sabbath Schools on Saturday. Prayer for our Firemen on Thursday. These aervlces are deeply interesting.- - ne7-tf Lecture.--John Ashton, Jr.. will give the Third of the Course before the Philadelphis Lyceum, at their Dell, Southeast corner of NINTH mid SPRING GARDEN Streets. on SATURDAY EVE NING. the 18th inst., at 7X o'clock. Subject: "The Jocund." The public of both sexes invited Admis sion Free. noll-3.* ageo Young Alen of America.--Their Advan- T AGES AND DETIt 8 —A LECTURE on the above subject nil be delivered by the Rev. Dr. MUR RAY. (Kirwan.) in the Musical Fund Rail, TUESDAY, Nov 10th, at 8 °Wort. Tickets 26 cents. To be had at the principal Book-stotei. The proceeds of this Lecture are to be devoted to the support of the Mission schools in the most desti tute locality of onr etty. nolo-51* ErFiremen'■ and other Union Prayer MEETING'S, under the auspices of the YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. ON SABBATH AFTERNOONS. United States _Engine, Wood, below Crown et., from 4 to 6 o'clock. Pennsylvania Hose, Eighth at., below Green, from 4 to 6 o'clock, United Hose, Broin et:, below Twelfth, from 4% to 5% o'clock. Perseverance Hose, Quarry street, below Third, from 4% to 6X P. M. ON SABBATH, at 7% P. H. *Diligent Engine, corner or Tenth and Filbert eta. Delaware Engles, South et. , above Nineteenth at. Western Engine, Oallowhill, below Sixteenth ets ON TUESDAY, at 73i P. M. - America Engine, Buttonwood, below Third at. Philadelphia Engine, Seventeenth, below Chestnut Robert Morris Hose, Lombard et., above Eighth at. Columbia Hose, Cherry, above Seventh at. The Atherneam, at Eolmesburg. • ON WEDNESDAY, at P. M. Kingsessing School ouse Darby road. Independence Engine, Spring Garden, near 24th at. Southwark Engine, 8. Third, above Washington at. Diligent Holm, Madison, above Race at. Harry (Day o,ub Room, Chestnut - street, West of Seventh. . , ON THURSDAY, at 73 P. M. - N. Liberty Hose, New Market, above Goatee at, ' United States nose, Buttonwood, below Fifth et: Selinylkill Hose, Locust st., - below Thirteenth at. Naval - Asylum, (Freres Ferry road. - Fairmount Engine, Ridge avenue above Wood at. Good Will Iloilo, Wood at., below Twenty-third. Club Room, corner of Fifteenth and Filbert eta. Fairmount Hose. Pleasant etrtet,i , thoLe Eleventh ON FILID&Y at 7)(k. M Weatem Uwe, Twentieth at., above Lombard et. Vigilant Hose, Eighth et. ' above Wharton at. Warren Dose, flirter, abo ve Eighteenth et. Spring Garden Hose, P a LY. ish, near Eleventh et. D * Diligent Dogine,corner Tenth and Bilbert sta., from 4to6P.M. - Mandell. and Hayden Mall, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Medical Student meeting, every morning, from 8 to quarter before 9 o'clock, at. room of the Association, 1009 and 1011 Ohm mut. Ladies and Christian friends are affectionately invited to attend. By order of the Bxeoutiee Committee of Young Ilien , e Christian Assoalation. - tf rv•-•,' Home lop invalids with Affections of 113 THAI CHEST. Otonter wax ile4 worrNwratredd. - Woo rianotiolic TIIE:PRESSi.I-4EMMADEX.4„MIA. SATURDAY-. .NOVEMBER - _ 13 1868. Bank 'of Vommeroe, Philadelphia, Oct. 2, 1808 '— Notice le hereby given that en Bloc on THUMBED DlREarolta to nerve. the en• ening year, will ibe _held at the Denting . Bowie, on MONDAY, tho , 16th dey of Mr GialbOr !Nit, between the houre of 10 A.'ll. and 2 P. M. • s'oo2-e to tin4nol6 Nothee,The Third inetnintent'il,Flye .Dollars per share on the Stook of the Eleeond and Third-Street Passenger Railway Company of Phila delphia will be due and payable at the Moe of the Company,' No, '226 WALNUT St, on or before No yember 20th, 1855. By order of the Board. MINDY BLIARWOOD. • 0010-tniha-tN2O Secretary. aTe Philadelphia 'Exchauge Company, Nev. let, 1868,... The Managers have thie day de. elated a dividena of TWO•AND OtOl-BALD PER CENT. oil the Capital Moak of the Company, payable to the Stockholders or their legal Representatives, by the Superintendent, &tithe Exchange, on and after TOES. DAY, 16th inst. The Transfer Books will be closed until that date. " WM. L. GRANT, Secre t a ry. no2•tntbsa t 18 • Notice.—The Board at Managers et TEO LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD 005• PANT have TiJIB DAY declared a Dividend of Three per Cent on the Stock of the Company, payable in Cash, clear of B,ate Tax, for the Six Months ending Slat Weber, 1858. Interest at the rate of Six per Cent. per Annum will be paid on the Stock of the Company, in Stock, for the Six Mouths ending 80th day of 18 8 Payable to the Stockholders, or their legal repreSen talives, on and after the' 14 'December, yrox, at the Office of th e Company, No. 808 WALNUT Street. J. N. MITCHINSON. Treasurer. . Philadelphia, Nov. 9th, 1858. moll-lttlisatded. TrUnion Bank.—An Election for Direc tors of the Union Bank, to servo for the emu. log year. will be held at the BANKING HOUGH, at the N. H. corner of ARON and TIMID streets,' on MONDAY. the 16th instant between the hours or 10 and 12 A. M. JAMES LESLEY, Cashier. Phila., Nov. 2, 1858. nS•lOt Southwark Bank, Philadelphia, October 11, 1848 —The Annual Meeting of the Stook o Bore this Bank will be held at the BANKING 1101 MID, on Tuesday, the 2d day of November next, at 12 o'clock 111 • And the Annual Wootton for Directors will be held at tho BANKING HOBO, on Monday, the 16. k day of November next, between the haute of 10 o'olook A. 11. and 2 o'clock P. M. P. P. EiTBBL. ocl2-dtnol6 Cashier. DrCorn Exchange Bank.. Phil edelphia 00ToPkit 16, 18158.—An election for thirteen Di rectors, to serve the ensuing3ear. will be held at the Nanking-home on MONDAY, November 16th, between ten A. M. and three P. M. • ocl6-dtatie. J W TORREY. Cashier. MU ® OF THE DELAWARE MU NLJF TUAL SAFETY IIirIIRANON COMPANY. PriLaDIMPRIA, November 10. 1958. The following Statement of the affairs of the Com pany Is published In :onformity with a provision of its Charter : PRMUMS received from November 1,1857, to Cote. ber 31,1858 : On.Marlue and Inland 1tieka....5351 803 62 On lire Rieke 118,414 17 --$170,217 70 Nintivite on Polloiee not marked off Novem ber 1, 1857 PIIEIIIO3E3 SIAIOSND OVF AR EittN2D, from let of Novem• bar, 1857, to Octnbor 31 1858: On Marine and Inland L Me— —5300,541 75 On Piro Risks 123,011 68 ---$513,553 43 Interest. &c . received dtiring IMMO period LOSABO, EXPSISSIS, &C., during the year as above.— Marino and Inland Navigation Lore's Flee Losses Return Premiums Ito•insurances, Commissions to Agents, Taxes, ,ko 48,423 88 Expellees, Salaries, Rents, Sta tionery, Ira Ourplus November 1,1868. Par. Market Value. 103,050.. Philadelphia City six per cent. Loan $105,144 00 89,000—Pennsylvania State live per cent. Loan 03,215 00 21,000—Pennsylvania Slate six per cent. Loan 50,000—United States Treasury 4,1 i per cent Votes 50,000.. Pennsylvania Railroad 2d Mort gage six per cent Bonds 45,375 00 20,00D..North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort gage six per cent. Bon is 15,000..500 shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal guaranteed by the City of Phila delphia 14,925 00 5 000..100 shares Pennsylvania B &Broad Company 4,837 50 5,C00..100 shares North Pennsylvania Baiirrad Company 1 20..80 shares Philadelphia Ice Boat and Steam Tug Company 1,C00..2 shares Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Company - 250..6 abates Philadelphia and Havre de Grace Steam Tow-boat Com pany 200..2 shares Philadelphia Xxchange Company. 940,700 poet $318,287. Market value, $3 0,109 , 0 Bonds and Mortgages 10 000 00 Beal Estate, once building 61,363 35 Bills rec. ivable for insurances made 101,606 36 Balances due at agencies—premiums on Ma rine Policies recently leaned—and other debts due the Company Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance Vow pantos 3,970 00 Clash on deposit in Banks 42,067 85 - . The Beard of Directors have this day declared a Di vidend of StX PRA CENT in Cash, on the original Capital Stock, and eIX. PER ChNT. on - the Scrip of the Company, payable on and after the let proximo They have also declined a Scrip Dividend of TWEN. TY-FtiTE PER CENT. on the original Stock and on the Earned Premien:le for the year ending Ootober 81, 1858, certificates for which will be issued to the pestles entitled to the same, on aril after the Oat of December next. 117. Preamble mut Resolution adopted by the Board. IVhereas. The increased means of the Company aris ing from Profits. and which will be derived from the Increased Capital Stock under the late amendments to the Act of Incorporation, render the further continu ance of the Guarantee Capital unnecessary, therefore be it . Resolved, That the Guarantee Capital be dieeon• tinned, and the notes representing the same be delis= crud up to the makers thereof, as soon as the Blake taken during ,he period embraced in said notes Isbell have ditormined. 'TORS. William Martin, James D. Hand, Edmund A. Sender, Edwaid Darlington, Te mph i lull Paulding, H. Jones 0/00)0, JOllllll, Penrose, Spencer 3Pllealne, John O. Davis, Thomas 0. Hand, James Tragular, Samuel E. Stokes, William Byre, Jr., J E. Peniston, Henry Sloan, /lobed Bu•lon, Joseph 11. Peal, Jacob P Jones, Dr. R. M . Huston, James B. Wirarland, George 4 Lelper, Joshua P. /tyre, Wm 0 Ludwig, I John It Sample, Pittab'h Hugh Orafg, - D. T. Morgan, ,4 Charles Kelley, J. V. Logan, It WILLIAM MARTIN, President, THOri. 0. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary: nol3-4w EASTERN, T.NSURANGE COMPANY.- 01710 E No. 0 EXCHANGE. AUTHORTZTO 13100 E CAPITAL, $/00,000. Passe rm. Fire Blake on Mereharmilse and Halldinge. Marine Rieke on Vessels Cargoes and Mei:lights. Inland Traneporta•ion Risks an Goode Der Manmade, Canals, and Steamboats. taken on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Andrew Cochran, George A. Wright, William I Drown, Thomas Sbaw, Richard G. Stotesbnry, George Cookman, Peter D. Myers,- Charles Stoy, Robert It Walker, Jacob Reed, Jacob Lukens, W 0 btoteebnry. ANDREW COCHRAN, President. WILLIAM I. llama, Vice-Pre,ident. na-tf IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE I. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. . • . Estate of 011AbLES 0. ASHBY, Minor The auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the acc..uot of GEORGE W. 11.SE°, guardian of OHABLES 0. ASHBY, will meet the patties In interest at his office, No. 411 01ISSTN UT Street. on THURSDAY, November 25th, 1858, at 4 o'clock Y . M. note-10t WM D. KELLEY, Auditor. tt; MILLS AND FARM AT PRIVATE lELSALTI. The subscriber offers at private tale the stone MER CHANT and SAW-MILL, both in complete order, and doing a good business. Also, a large BRICK MANSION and TaNANT HOUSE, Spring-house, flog hone, and alt the bulldlige necessary for such a place. Also, 42 acres of r ood land, a good apple orchard and within one mile of Duocarion Iron Works, at Petersburg, in Perry county, Pa ,on the Central Railroad. Part City Pro pb‘ty wilt be token In ....hangs, and part of the money may remain secured on the property. JONES .EAVENSON, Agt. No. 715 MARKET Street, Philo TO YOUNG MEN.- BRYANT & STRAT TON'S MERCANTILE COLLAGE has taken the Premium for PENMANSHIP in the Franklin hag tote Exhibition, and their thorough method of teaching ACCOUNTS le no loss deserving of o Premium over ai l conuctitors Their COUNTING-110CM COURSE comprises 30 PRACTICAL MANUSOHIPT leis, illus trating ACTUAL bodiless ho text books are used In this department. Call for catalogue. It* iIefiEXCELLENT, WARRANTED NEW YORK PIANOS; celebrated for tone, touch, durability, and tasty appearance. I Octaves, PLAIN and LOUIS XIV, Pearl inlaid, and Pearl keys, for sale, from $lOO upwards Also. PIANOS to root. JADISS BELLAK, :479 South PIM Street, above Spruce, stole agent for Cummings Ss Canfield, and J & C. Flasher. nolB4m* VXOIIANGE HOTEL, No. 77 DOCK St., .1121 PHILADELPHIA. (Late Col It 13 Ives ) Will be served at the Eating liar, THIS DAY, (Batu , day,) lath lost Akita floe Yardarm Steaks ,• also, Pheasants, Quails, Woodcock, and WIM Ducka ,• Ureter Bea Turtle Soup arid Weskit ; vory fine )gg Harbor salt Oystei a, Chesapeake Plants and Duck Creek fresh °Mere always on hand. Citizens, and the public, ate invited to cell. J. OTTNNKINK, Of Madison Howse, N 0.87 and to North Becoud atreet, kroprle tor. rhiltdelphla, November 13th, 1868. 11* OLD TOM GIN.—AII orders for this cele brstml Cordial must be directed henceforth to Mr. LONGOIIAMP, 217 South FRONT Street. CAUTION —The celebrated OLD TOM GIN is Im ported alto the State of Pennsylvania exclusively by B. A. LONOCILthiP. NOIIO other is genuine. JetillSB FIELD, SON, & CO.. 28 Mincing Lane, London, arils export Agents for Mears. CRAB. BOOTH & CO. , its BUY YOUR BLINDS AT KR ONE- A-. BERGER'S, No. 18 North TWELFTO Street. Every eatloteotion to given, or no solo. Old Blind dono up equal to now noi3 Ot THE STEAMER , c EXP RE 8" WILL discontinue her tripe to and from Bridgeton, for this Benson, on MONDAY, the 15th lent n013.2t* ®ALUM. -1,000 bales Navy and American IL" Oakum, in store and for sale by WEAVER, FITLER, & 00 , nol3 No, 23 N. WATER St and 22 N Wharvea. ri ErDLEMEN WOULD DO WELL BY % T calling on SILKS & KENSIL, 159 North NINTH Street, above Cherry, and have their old Garments made to look equal to new, by cleansing, or dyeing and repairing. n010.26ta G ENTLEMEN'S CHASTE AND ELEGANT STYLE OF HAIN CUTTING, Imparting a grateful appearance to the Hew. Boom, 414QAP/g; VP; IMAM. • , 7titurance Companies. $245,170 16 41,269 21 41,758 1 4 18,007 82 $895,210 00 AMU OF TUB COMPANY Forambor 10. 1888 Ergot Notices. heal estate, New Publications. PETERSON'S SEMI-MONTHLY COUN- TaRNELT DETECITOR Coe SIOVEINIBBS, is now rcut'y. DREXEL'S BANE NOTE DIRT, for November 16th, Is ready. FORTY NEW COUNTERFEITS have apposred Mace November let, and are fully described In ' PETERSON'S bEldI-MONTELY DETECTOR AND BANN. NOTE LIST Tor November 15th :TERAIII OF SUBSORIPTION TO PRTERBON'E YHIADELPUIA COUNTERFEIT DETBOTOII Monthly, per 611011113 $1 ;00 gismiadonthly, per annum— 2'oo Subscriptions may commence at any time. Terms always cash in advance. ALL atters must be addressed te , T. II PMTIMIZUN & BROTIERRB n01.04t WO Chestnut street, Philadelphia. LATE ENGLISH PUBLICATIONS. TII-A IMPORTED AND FOR SALE BY O.J. PRICE tic CO. No, 88 South SIXTH Street, above Ohostout. s TRH 'AQUARIAN NATORALIST A Manual for the Seaside. By J. Rymer iboes. With eight colored plates Small Bvo , cloth. THE MICROSCOPE. By D. L. Clark. Being a popular desoription of the most Instructive and beauti ful objects for exhibition. limo , cloth. D'IORAELVS CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE. Now and revised edition. Edited by the Ron. B. DlIe• reel'. 81. P. 8 vols., limo , cloth. THE MINISTRY OF LIFE. By, Maria Louisa Charlesworth, Illustrated. limo., cloth. AllbTON'd VALIAGRO. Illustrated by the Etch ing Club limo , cloth. THE CIULDREWB PICTURE BOOR OF ENO LISH Illustrated. 12m0., cloth. FAVORITE POEMS of the last two Cooturles. Beautifully illucrated with wood engravings by the most eat sent English artists. Square. Bvo., aoth gilt. SUTTON'S DIOTI. NARY PIIO TOGRAPHY. Illustrated with wood cuts. 12m0.. cloth. HISTORY OF FREDERICK THE GREAT. By Thomas Carlyle. With maps and fine portion on steel. 2 vole . revel Bro.. cloth. YALIGIIAN'I3IAOI26D POEMS. With memoir by the Ilev.P, II Lyto New edition, enlarged. 12mo , cloth. PEPY'S DIARY AND OORRESPONDENOE. With Life and Notes by Lord Draybrooko. Sixth edition. Complete In 3 vole , 12mo , cloth LADIam .OW BEVER HOLLOW. By the author of Mary Powell. 2 vole , 12 no., cloth. Forego Buoke Imported to order by every steamer. Monthly catalogues or New and Old English Books, rani died g &tie on application, nol3 A BOOE. FOR THE TIMES! 1-« THE lINIPY OF TUE ORIIROII,It by REV. R. JEF FERY ; just published. Per sale at the Baptist Publt• cation Rooms, 080 ARCH Street ; S6II t H & EN QUEII, No. 40 Borth SIXTH Street. Price 10 cents. Nit MIHE GREATEST WORE OF THIS AGE, N( OR OF ANY AGM, BINOE KING JAAIEB , , 1610 SAWYER'S NEW TRANSLATION -' THE HOLY BIBLE A labor of Twenty yenta, by one of the beet Hebrew and Greek Scholars in oar country ; an Indefatigable worker and a true man. 825,104 02 $705,401 81 TEE NEW TESTAMENT IS NOW READY. Price in Cloth $l, In Morrocco El 26. First Edition 10,000 Ooplea. 29,660 22 $543;203 05 JOHN P. JEWETT, & 00., Pub!blare 110 WASHINGTON EMMET, BOSTON, FOR SLIM DT MRS. E. S. HABABEN, AT GAUT & VOLIEMAR'B, Snoceesore to H. COWPEETHWAIT & 00., 009 CHESTNUT Street, Om Sixth, no24u th & ea Swif Philadelphia $147,954 e 5 'gricultural gag CORN-SHELLERS, HAY, STRAW, and Fodder-Cutters, Grain Fans, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, Ploughs, Harrows, Farmers' Dotterel, Field Rollers, Corn Ooii and Cain Mills, ho. For sale by D. LANDRETH & SON, Implement and Seed Warehouse, Nos 21 and 23 South SIXTH Street, 11* Between Market and Chestnut streets. 21,210 00 30,112 50 12,000 00 as SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUF ...-; FM of the most approved patterns. Tor sale by D. LANDRETH & BUN, Implement and Seed Warehouse, Nos 21 end 23 South SIXTH Street, It* Between Chestnut and Market streets. tag VEGETABLE BOOT CUTTERS— Warranted to cut one bushel of Route per minute, for sale by D. LANDRETH & SON, Implement and Seed Waseheuse, Noe. 21 era 2a South SIXTH Street, •11* Between Ohestnut and Market Ste. MOSS, BROTHER, & 00., No. 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREIT, BLANK ACCOUNT-BOOK MANUPACTUBERB, BOOKSELLERS, & STATIONERS 61288 14 ACCOUNT BOOKS, Of every description, on hand, or Ruled and Bound to Pattern ennoble for MERCHANTS,' AIANUPACTURERS, BANKERS, BROKERS, INSURANCE $003,80 70 Warranted In quality , and at lowest prices FOREIGN AND DOMES NO STATIONERY, OOMMBROIAL BLANKB, &a., &a JOB PRINTIN4, LITTIOORAPHY, PUNCTUALITY & SATISFACTION GUARANTIED MOSS, BROTHER, & CO., noll-2m New No. 16 SOUTH FOINITII STREET Uaitroab - riagaVADSAYANIA LOCAL yREIGHT NOTICE THE WINTER T/LRIENT ON FREIGHTS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTEIDURDH will take effect on MONDAY, November 15th, 1858 RATBSBETWEEN PUILADA. AND PITTSBURGH FIRST OL/138 90 ceute per 100 The. SECOND MASH 75 " 11 TUIRD CLAES ...... •••...05 44 c. YOURTII CL ASS PI L ADE L FRIA, GERMANTOWN AND NO RRI STOW N RAILROAD.-WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. • ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVRMNBR 7.3, 1838. FOR GERMANTOWN, Leave Phradelphia 8,7%, 8 90 mat., 93, 10%§, A. M , 2,3, 4,6, 0,7, 8, 9,10, 11% P. M. Leave Germantown 0, 7.7%, 8, 9 10 min . 10%,11% A. M., 1.10 min., 2. 3,4, 6, 0,7, 8,9,10% P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.20 mm. A. M., 2, 13% Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. M., 1.10 min., 6% P. M. CIIESTI , UT RILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,7%, 8 40 mkt., 11% A. M., 2, 4,6, 9 P.M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7 10 min., 7.96 min., 6 60 min., 11.10 A, 51., 12.50, 8 40, 5 40, 7 40 mia. P. M. ON SUNDAYS . , Leave Philadelphia 9.20 mio. A. M., 2,6% P. M. Leave Chestnut Rill 8 A. M.,12.60 5.20 mln P. M. FOR CONBIIOIIOt.KBN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6%, 9, 11 A. M., 106 min,, 8,10 min , 4X, 6.50 ram , 11X P. id, Leave flovelatown 6,7, 0, 11 A. M.,1, 8%, 5.40 min. P.M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A NI. and 'S P. M Leave Norristown 7 A M. and 5 P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia OX, 7 35 rain., 0, 11 A. M., 1.05 min .2 05, 8.10 min . 4X, 5.60, 7 96 min , 11X P. id. Leave Manayunk BX, 7g, 8), 0), 1I) A. AI., IX, 3,4, o.lu min , 8 95 7? AI SUNDAYS 81,1IC AS NORRISTOWI7. OURSTFR VALLEY INL ROAD FOR DOWIIING- TOWN. Leave Philadelpbitt6X A. M. and 3.10 min. P. M Leave Downingtown 7,5( A. hI end 1 P. M 3MlTti, General Superintendent nol3 DEPOT, NINTII and faitleEN Ste PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY NOTION TO PRILADELPIIIA BIEROIIANTO WBSTHIIN SHIPPBBS THE WINTER RITES ON FREIGHTS WEST WARD by tho different Railroad lines will take effeot in ROSTON AND NEW YORK on the 15th indent, and In PHILADELPHIA upon freights destined beyond Pitts• burgh on the 16th inst. The rates are lower than former Winter prices by Railroad. Say: PROM PHILADELPHIA TO let Mute. 2d Mass. 8d Olasi. 4th Class. Cob:imbue, 0.....5120 $l.OO $ 82 62 Oinoinniti, 0.... 1.80 1.10 00 07 Louisville, 8y.... 1.50 1.27 1.05 80 Indianapolis, Ind. 1.85 1.15 95 70 13t. Louis, Mo 1.80 1 50 1 80 98 Chicago, 111 1.60 1.25 110 80 ' To other points In the Weld at comparative low rates by Rail, and at the usual difference below Bail rates when chipped by river from Pittsburgh. 11. H. HOUSTON, Nov. C a en d,lB eral s Freight Agent P. B. R. Co. n09.12t inillitterg Orrobo. tai MRS. BURK'S, SOn OIIESTNIIT Street, Will open WINTER RATS. on nolo-4t* TILUBSDAY, November 11th. APPLES. --A. small consignment of Con colloid Mallets. /tor sale by SALMON. -48 Tierces and 84 Boxes Hall fax Num. tOr Ws by O. 0. BAHL= & 00 , AtiNThilnitet Pole Agent for Philadelphia, etationern AND RAILROAD 001IPANIEB In ell their Yet.!elite! r:r,ml:l E. J. ONEEDER, Freight 4gent Pon na. R. R. Co 0.0. BASILBIt& 00., 108 AROH Street retail 4:Orli fli. traba. LUPIN'S BLACK MERINOES eag, 76, aM 87% Cents, &a. LUPIN'S BLACK OAt3IIMERBS. 76, 87 %, $l, &o. BESSON & SON'S • MOURNING- STORE, It No. SOS CHESTNUT Street, G REiP SALE OF BROOHE SHAWLS AND CLOAKS ! ! ! • Unprecedented Ba gains! . We've had a perfect rush! We're selling an immensity of Gorda! Our trade's increasing! Our Slode of doing busmen Boerne to meet with gene ral approval !! Namely— II To Rave But One Price." 1 • T Cheep for Cash." "Never to misrepresent Goods In order TO EP e.ECT SALES." "To deal fairly and justly, and wait upon all custo mers with attention and politeneee." " Thus to gain their confidence, and keep it by con tinuing to do right " gHuRNLEY to °HIM. We have now on hand Excellent Long [troche Ehawle for $3. Still better quality for $lO,lll, $l2, $l3, $l4, $lB, $lB, $2O, $22 a. d 826. Square Broehe Shawn from $5 up to s'l.- Long and Square Blanket Ehawis in every variety. - Children% Meese, and Gentle ac's Shaw% Ac. Gool Black Cloth Cl eke for $S Every other quality and Style for $2 up to $lB. A 3011 LOT OF OLOAR4 kßubl LanT REASON AT HALF PRIOE! Beet Black Silks for 60e. to ELM, figured Rich Raney Mike really beautiful. Every variety of DRESS GOODS. CLOTHS! CASSIMERVB!! SATTINETTB, Ac.!!! Heavy Black Beaver Clothe, fine French do., dm, dry. Manicotti, Flannels, Linens, and Muslim. le fact no better stock of general Dry Goodscanhe found than at THORNLEY OHISM, I B, Northeast Coiner EIGHTH & SPRING GARDEN. nolB-tt QILK, THREAD, AND COTTON, FOR SEWING- MACHINES, of the best quality, all colors and numbers. Also. MAO SINE NEEDLES, to be bad at No. 80, Nortb THIRD Street it* LAING, MAGINNIS, & BROWN. NVINTER OASSIMERES as CLOTHS. New London Styles Casqlmeres. Ladles' daperloy Cloak Clothe. Beavers, Caton, and Chinchillas. Black Cloths and Fine Doeskins. Velvets, Satins, and Cashmere Vesting. Boys' Ostsimmes Juliet Cloths. BRA &PLEAS BROVIIENS, nol2 EIGHTH & CHESTNUT atreete e LILA.NRET LONG SHAWLS. L.l Just opened several hundreds of Long Blanket Shawls, of now designs and full else, at $4 60 and $5. SIT AIMLESS !MOTHERS, nol2 EIGHTH & CHESTNUT Streets. 'I4IItENCH. DIERINOs. 11.' A full asnortment of French Merinos, in all the qualities, from 65 cents to $1 26, looluding come lota unusually cheap. BH aIIPL EBB BROTHERS, unIS EI4HTH & CHESTNUT Streets. LINE STOCK OF SEASONABLE 1: GOODS AT LOW PRIORS. • SILEB, MERINOS:II.. SHAM. LS, I DE LAMES, CLOAKS, - FLANNELS, RAULANS, I BLANKETS, &o. . EYRE 8c LANDELL, 1!0IIIVEH AND ABOU SHAWLS, FROM. THE LAST AUCTION, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Drocbe Long Shawls Broahe Scinare Shawls. Wool), a hound Mantles. Extra Flue Plaid Shawls. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. SILKS FROM AUCTION THIS MORN ING. 1 lot Plaid 8111ot, 76 mate. 1 Rich Bayadero $l. 2 Splendid Style. 81 25. French Blue Billie, $l. Brown " $l. EYRE Sc LAND ELL, n013.2m BOUM AND ARON MEETS. BLACK BEAVER CLOAKS - A One assortment fltst-class goods. Prices from $5 to $2O. COOPER 2r. OONARD, nob B E. corner NINTH .!e MARKET BM. - MOURNING WOOL PLAIDS.— J.VJL An Auction lot beet quality, at 50 cents. COOPER & CONARD, nob B. E. corner NINTH & MAERET Ste IINEST QUALITY BLANKFM— Estrs large shoo. Also, medium and low priced do. COOPER & OoN ARO. nos 8. E 'corner NINTH & MARKET Re CLOTHS AND CASSIBIERES of every . dosoriptlon, for LW Genta% and Boys , wear. COOPER & CONAR 0, nob S. N. corner NIN ru Zo X MIOIT Bte. WIDE VALENOIAB.--6.4 Bayadero goals from Auction, 44 cents. 000 PER. & CONARD, 005 13. B. corner NLNTH & HARKST Ste, DHILADELPRIA CENTRAL SRAWL AND MERINO EMPORIUM. DROCHE, STELLA. "LANKET, AND MEN'S SHAWLS, A general aasortment, unequalled in this market. PRENOII REVaRSIBLE MANTLES, with round corners. New and desirable FRENCH MERINOSS AND CASHMERES, from SS cents to Si per yard WHITE AND BLACK CASHMERES. OIIPRR LYONd BLACK SILK VELVET. BLACK FRENCH LADY CLOTH. LADIES' best quality ORDERED KID GLOVES. GENT-0 DOUnLE STITCHED KID GLOVES. 100 BstsFRENOII CAMBRIC COLLARS &CHIEFS, at $1 per Set. DAYADERE SATIN TRAVERS. LUPIN'S ALL.WOOL DE LAINES, &o. DRESS MATERIALS, In variety. WELSH & DALLARDVAL FLANNELS, OHIO & BED BLANKETS, and FURNISHING GOODS generally, At the LOWEST PRIOEi, for CASH. CHARLES ADAMS, oeSO Eighth and Arch streets. GREAT BARGAINS TN DRY GOODS.— B. V. U. BUNTER Has REMOVED from No 80 to No. ao South SECOND Street, where be is now prepared to furnish the LadieS with a [rest and well-selected stock of DRESS GOODS, To which he invi -e their attention, being determined to cell at exceedingly LOW PRICES. N. B —A. large assortment of Broche, Stella, and French Blanket Shawls. Also, a variety of Silk and Cloth Circulars Constantly on hand. at the CLOAK EMPORIUM," 00743 m No. 40 South SECOND Street. FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. OPENING DAILY. PINE CLOTH RAGLANS. ELEGANT BEAVER RAGLANS, RION VELVET CLOAKS Elegantly adorned with REAL LAOES, CROOITET, ka., 10. OPERA ()LOANS. The largest and most varied stock of these fashionable OVER 4ARBItiNTII, At the widest range of prime. and suited for IROURNIN4, PROMENADE, AND PULL DRESS COSTUME, CT TUB PARIS MANTILLA & CLOAK EMPORIUM, J. W. P R OCT 0 R & CO., 708 ORESTNUT STREET. Nolicro QPECIALNOTIOE.—BSECHER ScRIDG WAY respectfully iota= their Cuatomera that they have too owed to No. 387 ARCH STREET. one door below Fourth where they will contlnu., with lu cre Red failities, the WHOLESALE NET CASH DRY HOODS Ruaineee. Constantly receiving new Goodafrom the large suction Wee WILLIAM BEECHER, nol3.Bt* T. E RIDGWAY. CARD.—TO THE PUBLIC.—The Judges of Sowing Alschinee and Committee on Exhibition at the Pranklin Institute having been unable to assicn the premium of superiority to any of the machines, of— fered for their inspection, the to dersigned would take this method to enab e the public to judge for them selves of the comparative rovrits of their machine and any other that may be willing to come in competition with them. We will award one thousand dollars to the depositor of any Sewing Machine now in the 'Franklin Institute which will, within a week, execute the same range of work with equal quickness and and nicety of finish as that exhibited by us to the Committee. We will submit the decision to either the Ladles' or the Gentlemen's Committee already appointed by the Institute to examine the subject, or to the Committee on Exhibition themselves, at the option of the party accepting our challenge. LADD, WEBSTER, & CO , nol2-fit* 820 CHESTNUT 13t. VOTlOE.—Applicatione will be received 1. II wadi NOVEMBER 16th 1858, at 12 o'clock 111., for the Situation of PRINCIPAL of the CENTRAL lIIGH SCHOOL of the City of Philadelphia. Address the undersigned, at the Office of the Controllers of Public Schools, 8. B. corner SIXTH and ADELPHI Streets, Atherneum WABII'N J. JACKSON, Chairman, n0043t Committee on High School. NOTIOE.—AII persons having claims 1 against the BANK OP PENNSYLVANIA, upon Notes or Deposits, are requested to have the name proved ant registered for the Auditor, to whom the account of the An.iguees has been referred for adjust ment, at the office of the Assignee., No 220 WALNUT STREET, tad Story GRIGG'S BUILDING in the city of Philadelphia, every day during the en'tinge of the Auditor, between the boars of 10 A. M and I P. M. The Auditor will hold his meetings at the same plane every Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, when all the cre ditors can present their Claims. oc2o-tuthsalet* NOTICE —PHILADELPHIA and READ .I RAILROAD —Tbe "DOWN FRRIOUT Depot of 'he Philadelphl. and Reading Railroad Com pany, has been removed from No. 225 to Nos. 242 and 248 BROAD, above Race etreetn All the Tb ROUGE' FREIGHT"" tininess of the Company, both OUTWARD and INWARD wilt be trauaacted at this Depot. JNO. T. B KATY, no 4 Im Genera Agent. tjalibag Goobo. CHOICE GOODS for the HOLIDAYS. MARTIN & QUAYLE'S STATIONERY, TOY, & PANOY GOODS EMPORIITAI, No. 1015 WALNUT STREET. A oho's° end elegant assortment of Goods suited to the coming HOLIDAYS, comprising Arnow; of utility, teats, and ornament, selected from the latest importa tions expressly for the Oity Retail Trade. M. & Q Stook embraces every variety of Dolls, W.X. Crying, and Sleeping, Ac , together with a large variety of PAPER DOLLS, WRITING DESKS, PORT FOLIOS, HERBARIUMS, SORB,P BOOKS, PORT-MONNAIEP, An., With ts large assortment of Garnet, Panty Bova, Juvenile Books ' Doll Furniture, Theatres Stables, Warehouses, with a general assortment of ' Toy and Fancy Articles. FANS! FANS! PANS! Latest style Pane, Silk, Orape, and Linen. All 9, crislbt Date, DO, owl Rlo9ta. pa 010444 Arfor Sale mitt 3 to fat. im FOR. RENT, FROM JANUARY let, /53..1858. the.firat-class Granite front Store. No. 124 Nora' THIRD Street, above Arch, stilt .ble for. the Hardware "D y Goods, or any ether heavy business, be ing well lighted and commodious. Terme satisfactory to a responsible tenant. Apply at NO. /24,V, second story. 0018-71 fiat FOR SALE—S3O,OOO.—A firat-class amply seen. ed MORTGAGE for $30,000, on valuable Pro party in Oamden opposite Philadelphia, having four teen years to run. Interest semi-annually ; veld promptly; title undoubted - For further particulars, address DOIC 570, P. 0 Philadelphia. nol34t* dry TO. LET—A BRICK MANSION AND MIL FRAME TENANT HOUSE, with other ant-build. Inge, pumps, and excellent twinge of water, with cix acres of land ; Intuited on liarrowgate Lsne west of Passenger Railroad to Prankford. Apply to' ' B. W. EVANS, HEDGE Street, above Unity, Prankford. N. B.—lnnnedlate Fannin given: ' mol3 et* of FOR SALE.—The degrable THREE -13121.8 I CRY BRICK DWELLING, with double three awry bact budding. an 4 modern conventeocee. on the south side of GREEN Street, No. 1684 The lot is 196 feet 5 Inches deep to Center street, allowing room for a +table. if wanted. Immedla e possessiongiveis. Ap• ply at the Lumber Yard, SEVENTEEN= Street, be low Green street. nolB-It* 7 , 7. FOR S ALE—The Good Will and Fla tam of the Globe Hotel, sixth bteet, below Ch.tnet. opposite Independence Spare. Inquire' on the Premises. ton 2t* AFRONT PARLOR or Office to Rent, with Boarding, No. 1218 WALNUr street, Phila delphia. noll-4010 FOR SALE.—Erie City Coupon Bonds will be taken in payment for a valuable Lot of ground on Sixteenth stmt. Apply to °HARLIN BROWN, n05.12t* N. W. corner BROAD and LOCUST Sta. TU RENT.—On the let January next, the you superior and extensive ROOMS, (24 2,1,'4th and Sthiloors, each 24feet by 146) of the NEW STORE, eita MARKET Street. The building is one of the tine improvements on the upper side, between BIETH and SIXTH Streets, having two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good cartage way 20. feet into SIXTH Street. Apply on the premises. TO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE of ,, Avenue, below VINE Street, running throngh to Water Street, MS feet deep Also, the Double STORE, corner of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, - 40 feet front, one of the beat Unethical for large Dulness in Phila delphia Also, STABLE and 00AOH-HOI7SE OHERRY Street, above SEVENTH, in rear of Ash land Rome Apply at 278 &Rabin:ll3MM Street. Wattbes, Jetneqp, rZ-r B AILEY & CO, 7011111ILY BAILEY A KITCHEN, HAYS removed to their new Mire-proof, Witte Me V* Bore, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH BIDE, BELOW THE BIRAILD MOUSE. Now opening their fall stook of IMPORTED JBWELRY, PLATED WARN, AND FANCY GOODS, To which they Inytto the'ettention of the public 131LVIEWARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, MID PRAILLO, AT DIXOLNSALN AND IMAM auli-iftt • carriages. JSAA.O P. BRANIN, • • -w- LIGHT COACH & CARRIAGE BJILDER BRANICEORD. PA. All work warranted to give eatisfactiOn. Orders res pectfully solicited. . nolo-2nt* CARRIAGES. WM. D. ROGERS. 00AOH AND LIGHT-OARRIAGE BUILDER • 1000 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILADELPRIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptuese, and satisfaction guarantied eolII-Setif Masalutions anb QtcuarinersgipL NOTICE.—The Partnerelatp heretofore ex. 11 'sting between Peter Oliphant, John Woodside, and Now Mc elpin, under the firm of OLIPHANT, WOODUDE, & has THIS DAY been dabolved, by mutual consent. The ottani, of the late arm will be settled by PETER OLIPHA N 1 and OEOItOI'ISIoALPIN, at No. 4117 AEOH Street, Philadelphia. . . GEOROD 117c.S.LPIE, P HLIPH•NT,' JOUN WOODSIDE. _ Philadelphia, No► 10,1868. The buiness will be continued by P OLiPHANT and GEOREFE bIoALPIN, at the old place, No. 407 AROII ttreet nol2 et* tizmovits. REMOVAL. PRY & CARSON have removed their WHOLES t.LE CLOTII STORE t, 803 MARKET Street, lower side. Being Umlaut to their Oeetemers for pant favors, they hope a continuance of the same at their new Store. nol2-Bt* Sixturts CORNELIUS BAKER, . • Manufacturers of LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, CUB P.LIETUREB. STORE, 710 OHEBI`NUT STREET. 111ARODACITORIEEI 821 011131iltY Street, and FIRM and •GOLlTldard 0n25-Imif Avenue. Atebitinal HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL-THE GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY POR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMAOR AND WEAR BOWELS. Prepared by a Ohembit, Bottles 12X, 24 and 60 ante. THE ORNATE/3T DIBOOVERY IN MEDICAL SCIENCE! HARTSHORNE'S OURE-ALL should be kept In ell families, in case of accidents or sudden sickness. HARTSHORNE'S OURS-ALL cures Rheumatism. HARTSHORNE'S OURE-ALL cures Cramps, Oholio, Pains in the Stomach or Bowels. HARTSHORNE'S OURE-ALL cures Pains in the Limbo, 811. Back and Breast. HA uTBHORNE'S OIME-ALL mares Sprains, Bruises. Scalds and *turns. - - HARTBEIORNIVB 01JR13-ALL auras Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness in the Jointe. RARTBIIORNEI3 OURE-ALL cures Oholers,Dier rhcas and all Pain. • HARTBIIOIINWS CURE-ALL cures Ear Ache and Deafness from a cold. HARTMLOHNE , B CIIREI-ALL ewes Dyspepsia arid Indigestion p also, Oanher and Bore Mouth and, Bore Throat. lIARTBEIORNEII OURS-ALL auras all Spinal Afrao One and Weakness In Limbs. HARTMORNR'S OURS-ALL is a great tonlo to Weak Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digestion. As the frequent changes of the weather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs and .Itodr, also, Stiff Neck—every person should get a bottle. It acts upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews, Blood sad Bones; and, by Its warming electro- me gnetio power, ex. pets all pain from the system. Gee a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at its happy effects. N. B. If you have a Cough, use HARTSHORNE'S Pectoral Syrup of Wild Cherry, it is the best Cough Syrup in the World. Bottles, 25 and 60 tents, and EL H rf you are Billions, use ARTSHORNE'S ANTI BILLIOUS PILLS. They act upon the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, carrying off all Bile and Foul Secretions. Boxes, 25 cents. Sold by R. H. JENKINS, No. 25 SOUTH EIGHTH Street, Between Market and Chestnut Streets. Simon' Stores, Chestnut and Market streets. Garrigues'. Tenth and Coates streets. Wagner's. Tenth sod Lombard eta. atil2.th atudtf if riOLLICOFFER'S ANTI-RREUMATIO CORDIAL le the only preparation ever placed be fore the ?Olio that hen performed en many MIRACULOUS MILES INFLAMMATORY AND OHRONIO IMEIISIATISH. The most prominent and influential citizens bear wit ness of its efficacy. The abundant evidence from all parts of the country is enough to warrant us in pro nouncing that it is the greatest wonder of the age. It is an internal remedy that a ekes at the root of the disease, and thus eradicates it en'ireiy from the system. Prepared by THEODORD DILKS, Chemist, Northeast corner of Pine and Sixth streets, Philadelphia FRANKL IN INSTITUTE EXHIBITION, SIXTEENTH and FILBERT Streets. PHILADOLPIIIL, bloodily, Nov. Bth, 1888. THE COMMIT TEE ON EXHIBITION announce to the Public that, owing to the inclement weather of the past week, and at the earnest and almost unanimous request of the Depositors, they have determined to continue the Exhibition for the present week. The SXO (DI LION will close on SATURDAY EVE NINO, the 18th iota., and Depoaitota ate requested to call for their articles on deposit on MONDAY next, the lath loot . at 10 o'clock A 61 DEPOSITORS H tYING THEIR GOODS INSURED under the open policies of the Committee are infirmed that the Insurance bolds good until MONDAY neat, the 16th inst , at 12 o'clock M. TICKETS OF ADMISSION TO THE EXHIBITION will be sold as heretofore, including the Fare, in the Tenth and Eleventh street, market street, and Race and Vine street Paasenge: Railroad ears; also by the Germantown and Norristown Railroad Company. PROPOSALS FOR THE P UROIIASE OP ALL THE LUMBER used in the large shed as it now stands, as well In the tables and platforms, will be received during the current weed, to be removed from the premises be fore the let of December next. By order of the Committee on Exhibition, noB-6t if 3011t4 B. ADDICBB, Obnlrman A LLEN GROVE BOARDING AND .ciL DAY 8011001. frt. YOUNG LADIES, FR &NE EDED, Pennsylvania, six tulles from Market Street, Philadelphia.—The Course of Instruction is compre hensive and thorough Young Ladies received e• any time during the f ensign, Parente r Guardians who in tend to piece their Daughters and wards at this ',att. tution will go well to make immediate application to Airs B. L. THOMPSON, Principal and Superinten dent. nolo-we St* TAW tr. BEERS' LUBRICATING GREASE, the beet end cheeped compound for greasingthe axles of OMNIBUSES CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and WAGONS, and HEAVY MACHINERY. Nor Bale In tin earl, kegs, and barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS In the city , and the MANUFACTURERS, ..•12-fho Nn its RORTII WATER Etyma A BRAN SLACK'S ENGRAVING, DIE Sinking, and Embossed Printing, Envelope, and Seal Press Manufaotory, No. 1 South SIXTH Street, Pkilsclalphia Pa artl2-Stat WHITE-FISH.—A very Superior Article of " Maoklnave ,) In Half Ebb , jast receivedin More, end for sale by 0. 0. SADLER, & CO., no-e 108 awn street. lATHISKEY.-30 20i do. (Miller V Rickerston'e) Old Monongahela Whiskey, store and for sale, by A. MERINO, Doll-tfl4o Booth V VONT trait A LLSOPP'S PALE ALE—In Elide —A 13 constant nupply on hand In Cuntorn-howe Blom, for sale by WILLIAM 11. YEATON, 218 Eolith FRONT Street. nob lilt ONONGATIBLA WHISKBY.- 60 Bbls. LIU , prim Bye Whiskey, in store and for sale by WM, 11. YEATO, 216 South FRONT St no& N HORSES TAKEN TO WINTER Good Hay, Water, and Stabling. °barge low. 'tele once, Dr. h 801101,FIELD. 322 Sonlh FIFTH Street, and S. T. CHILD, SECOND Street. above BROWN nolo-st2e MONS. A. F. ROSAT, TEACHER OP FENCING, BARRETT'S GYMNASIUM, 94 , 20.dgm* NiatiNt 114091iabcfn/illllik. ~tUani5._.....~....~...~ WANTED. —A Book-keep6f who can 'peek and write German. To a competent per. 'an a fair salary will be given., ,Address -.ADOLPH of fice of this parr • ' — 018-2t* WANTED.—A situation as Entry Clerk, by a young man who haft lipid two yeate* experi ence. Address ENTRY t aLYM KA IIII °Cnee n°lB4t* ANTE D.—A good Cake Baker. Apply at BIG"' rEENrn and oaRISNAN Eita. lt* WANTED.—A young Kan to attend in a Retail Drug Store. - Abut have experieece n end bring good reference. Addreks LESTER, at tine office. nol3 2t* SERVANTS.:-•- - -Qnperior Servants in 'all ca mimes may be obt.fved iorrediately at O'CON NOR'S Employment Office, N 0.19 A.ROADE, Chestnut, abov • Bath . THE ADVERTISER IS DESIROUS• entering into an arrangement with some mantVac tura* of rnihbflOALS. He le in permeation of a s.cret in regard to the menticenture of a Ohemica' which, w th hie process. can be cold at an exwbitant proat Rut a Email amount of money ia needed to construct the ap paratus., 4.odress •• OBEHIST," office of The Press. nolaott -- - WANT.EP—A3y, a Young Lad, 17 years "of lure, who Is intaingent and writes a fair baud a Situation in a Wboteiale Store, or any other establrebment where his services may be useful. paw pivot the beet of references., Address •• Henry." at his Mae. . - nollatlF WANTED—By Ist January next. a-Situa tion an Salesman in a D , 3 , a wide Jobbing on=e. 09.4 bad eleven year.+ experience , as salesman In trNew York Jobbir g Hoone. and eon influence a fair priefon of trade. Addrees Box 2731 New York P 0. -nol2-3tlt WANTED—Board for: a Gentleman' and two furnished Csmumulastiox It'oe Parlor aod Wife, Chamber. to a private family, frOm'orm ms, to th ee miles from Fourth Ptrest•..lieferenoe satersotory. Address 0 . 0. H.," this - Ofilee - - POl2 2i* iv ANTE D—A. Situation as -. .itanistant • • Bcokkeeper lu Vbolesale Store. Salary irt so totieb,an Interest as employment klires lip," office of, The Press." • nol24t* A STEADY _YOUNG - MAN, S pe aking German fluently; irlahes to eager, as right Par. ter Ina Wholesale itatabliahmena Otau formai the best of reference from present Employes'. Please ado dress t. 0 B at this Office. • - • anl.2-2t* IvITA.NTED--A. Partner, to take .tbe place of a retirinst member of one of the Meet end most successful firms in this City. - $2O 000 inOssh wilt be requited. All communications mnit be cit . fldential, Adareaa 0 . T. D.," at this Office. ee294m w ANTED -L83 ,- . a Young Lad, a 4itua- I' tion in a Retail Grocery, where he would ba employed until he arrives at M. years or age. Address "Richard?' Ofiloe of this Paper nol.4t* WANTED—A Situation as Bookkeeper' sod Corresponding Clerk, by the Adverdww, who has hod - several years , .exp-mence in Herdy tile business - Best of references gayest. -Address B Oface of TAe Press. _ nollttlk WANTED—Ina Provision Store, a Stout, Able Man as Porter -Must'understandpop erlog. Address " Water Street," at this °Meer • noll•Bt* WANTED—In a Commission. House, a thorough end experienced Oorreepondent, In German ; P,eroh, and Splint Ph. who would be wi.il"g to make himself otherwise useful. _ noll-31,* de WANTED—To dispose of an Lute lireL rest in the Stock and Good Will of an old estab hailed Wholesale Jobbing House in the Boot and Shoe Trade. Any one haring a moderate Capital will Bud this a go - d opportunity to engage in the brolinegs. Ad dreSB " Commercial," at this Office withiteme and a 4. dress, which will be strictly conddefttial. nod gt* WANTED—To Itent,Tor the wincer sea son,.with 'immediata posesdon a Furnished i house of moderate else, with modern mprovements, west of Tenth street. Address'.&: N., Mlles of this Renal. • Doi WANTED, FOR THE I I D STATES OLVALItY—AbIe-bodled; submanied men, to whoic will be - giren good pay, lboard, clothing, NA medical attendance.• Pay from 512 to gal per month. No man haring a wife or child will be accepted Apply for MOUNTED DPDVIOII at No 817 MAIIRDP etreet, above lilighth, north aide. • I. N. IdOONE, Ist Lieut. let Dragoons, namcitimv cocoa.. c allttlet=lig A MERICAN 'ACADEMY OF MUSIC...- ITALIAN OPERA. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, November 13, EIGHTH 51153013.1,P110N NIGHT. THE ONLY NIGHT OP - NORMA Second appearance of the great Dramatic' Vocalist, MLLE TERESA PABODI, In her great character of NORMA Madame STEAROSuII as Adalgtea Strum *IDOLS., the eminent Tenor, will make hie first 'appearance in Phila. delphia an Pollione Orovee •,k3 gnor NIOOLAII A'Rl LT AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ITALIAN OPERAj MOND OPJJR• MATINEE. ON TIMMY APTESNOON, NovembetlOth, at 236 lock TIMM TO ALL PARTS OW THE ROUSE PUTT . CENTS. AN EXTRAORDINARY' PERI/MANOR will be gl en • ' . . A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. • ITALIAN OP 1311 A, • ON MONDAY_EVENING, NOVEMBER 261 b, - GRAND GALA NIGHT NINTH BIIRSORIPTION-DIGIiT. MADTdA FIRST TIME IN AMERICA. will be proclaced Pto. reere chef d.Fauere, MARTHA; OR, THE RICHMOND PAIR. MADAME COL:4.DR AB LADY HENRIETTA. _ °ABB.—Mr, STNAKOSCH respectfully announces thattor two months toe most extensive arrangements, regardless rf expense, have been made to prodn e the Opera of MARTHA in' fallen, in staple of the greatest completeness and effort, for which purpose - all the no.. quiatte accessories of costume, wid ,he„intreouc e d to gee to each of the scenes the advantage of „the richest decorations. so that the raise en sans mafpreaStet an animated picture of the peasantry and Court of Queen Anne's reign. MADAME COLSON as LADY HENRIETTA. MADAME STRAKOSCH as NANCY. SIGNOR BRIONOIA as L(ONEL. SIGNOR 'ET rom BASIL' as PLUNKETT. DIG. NICOLAIi BARILI as SIR TRISTAN. BIDNOR BLEBS as JUDOS OF RICHSIOND. Lords Ladies. Bunters, People, Servants. Ac M'LLR CELESTINE FRANCK and Iti , LLF. DIICIB BARRE, the celebrated Mummies. have been engaged, for this occasion. to give due effect to the representa tion of the statute Par, which will be sustainer by an entirely new Ballet corps. - Sale of pests for kIARTFIA. commences this morning. ADMISSION, One Dollar. Reserved Seats. Fifty Cents extra, which can be secured during the day All meats which have not been secured during the day will be sold on the evening of the petformance at ONR DOLLAR, with the exception of a limited number oft:MOMS which will be retained for the accommodation of Man- . gem, at $1 60. Tickets for the Balcony, and R and L sections of the Parquet, can be had atthe Offices in Chestnut street; the PH, gnat Circle and centre of Parquet at the Academy. Family Circle. 50 cents. Amphitheatre, 25 cents WI&PIXY & CILARKE's ALROiI -ST. T E RHATltB.—Willism 8. Fredericka, Aatthg and Rage Manager BATUILDAY EVENING.; Ncirsinber 18, 1868, P tIIVBRITTP. - - Bernard, Mr john Gilbert; Gotta Maurice de Grata - yet, Mr. Wheatley; P•uvrette, Mrs John Drew; The Duchess of Beaulieu, Mrs Stoned'. To conclude with the Comediettn of P., OR TEE MAN AND THE TIGER. Admission. 2f, rte. &eared Seats In /Arm 01n118, 87M. els ; Orchestra Stalls, 50 eta; Seats in Private Baas!, fa eta; Gallery, 13 eta ; Gallery for Colored Persorui, 26 ct.a ; Private Bea in Gallery for Colored Persons, 88 eta; Whole Private Boa, O. Doors open at grouter before.? o'clock; corm:canoe at 7)(, precisely M RS. D. P. BOWERS" , WALNUT-ST. .1.11 THEATRE, must of NINTH and WALNUT Streets. A Great Novelty! SATURDAY EVENING, November 19, 2838, A New Dramatis Romance, entitlel FIVE NIGHTS ON THE DELAWARE. Oscar Roland, Mr. Richhiga ; Richard Bargrave, Mr. P. B Conway; Absalom, Mr. Bic:Donau& ; Constance, Mrs F. B. Conway. To conclude With the Comediette, entitled VICTIMIZING - Prices of admission—Second Tier and 'gamily Circle, and Third Tier, 25 cents; Parquet, 573 g cent.; Dress Circle, 50 saute; Prirate Bolen, according to their locale, PS and 55; Single Scats in Orchestra and Private Boxee, 75 cents. Doom open at half-past 5 o'clock ; Curtain rises at 7 o'clock VATIONAL CIRCUS, WALNUT ST„ 11 above EIGHTH—LEWIS B LENT, Manager. Refreshing Variety at Manifold Activities. SATURDAY, Noremtwr 13 1518 AFTERNOON AND EVENING, TOUR CLOWNS will sppear—THARER, the mist Noble; GARDINER, the Tallest; lONS the meet Active. and YOUNG DAN, the Smallest, Smartest, end Vonogoot Comedian in the World; he to the Miniature Grimaldi, only two years old Sixteen Acta by twenty seven Players. iricladim MISS SALLIE STICIINEY, The Venue of the Circle. SCALE OF PRIORS . Dross Circle and Parguette Children under ten years of am.... Family Circle Doan open at 7 o'clock. Farformaacea will coma mance at 7X, ant terminal(' at 10X , precisely. VATHER KEMP'S ORIGINAL OLD POLES , CONIDIRT TROUPE, on their-way to the West, • and Br SPACIAL REQDRA; WMII give positively ONLY SEVEN CONCERTS, 00NORRT HALL, OiIUZNOING MONDAY, NOVEMBER Bth, 180. Thin Clam maids THIRTY•BEVEN PERFORM . - ERB, all clad fa Aliment Conform, some of which ant over two hundred years old. OB&ND FATHER FOSI and BON DAVID will perform with YE ANcissr FID DLES. -- • . This Cleat has never failed to fill the largest flails in the Country, and hundreds usually are unable to gain admittance. Doors open at quarter before seven &clock. Com mooning t quarter before eight Tickets 26 cents; Reserved Seals. with Checks, 60. N. D.—Secure your Beats early in the day. m,6-Tt PiIHOMEIIF's VARIETIES (Café Theatre,). A Northwest corner of 811111. and 011134'NUT Streets. MUSICAL and TERPSICHOREAN MELANGE. con cluding EVERY EVENING pith a FAROE or Mit- LiirQUE, under the management of AIR. T. ATECE.- ET The following artists are regularly engaged: Mee VALLEE, premiere aanseuse; Miss EMMA. MARCY, bliss JENNY WREN, bliss 'VIRGINIA. MYERS,ldessra 2013EDKET Senior. J T. WAMBOLD, GEO W. WREN, J R. REYNOLDS W. MOYER E. Roll ON , and T. MERCK ET, Junior, Pianist Om:inert commences at 73.1 o'clock Admission 10 ciente. neB.l,s* SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, adjoining the Dennay/ranla Railroad Depot. GREAT BILL Nor the patrons of SANFOR'S OPERA EtOtralL THIS EVENING, Will be presented B+n ford 'ls true version at UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. The largest Company of • MINSTRELS IN THE WORLD. EVERY EVENING New Songs, <Deed, Choruses, Refrains, &0., with Dancing by the . SANFORD CHILDREN Admission 2.6 cents; Children 123 j cents. ITT On Thanksgiving D'. THREE Peeformances, viz: loij, 23j, and 7% o'clock In evening not-lm. 11ERRING'S GREAT PICTURE has ar, rived of the TILLAGE BLACKSMITH, and will be on Rshibition for a few flap only, at the Store of A. 4. ROI3IICiON'S Picture Gallery, 0c.30-tf 910 011EnTNLIT St., ab Nlorlll.. A SSBAIBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND XX. CHESTNUT Streets. Immense attraction. New Novelties. - .Change at Programme earl' The LEARNED CA NARY BIRDA and SPIRIT RAPPING Go and eee SIGNOR BLITZ. The great Ventnlogulet sod wonderful Magieihn. Performance every Evening during the week, at half•past 7 o'clock and on. Wedneaday and Saturday %moons ••lakilliedella 16 9ffsis i 0114 Tons 11 ova% ra-DAl$ 40 cents 20 t 6 20 I t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers