Relohiiet Bailie'- 5 A* Jr*' • ; 'GsUirigbfi'dtlß r B 1 Rihl'MaryMra;; ./- Season &-il/Krv,«H^mro]tortha 4 B6iiVA J Alisa.- ~'l BerrotlMdUne -%Uhouet» > ' Reynolds*/ ‘"v i TilHa J v 'Reed >•) B&trite I '*nsi-/ , B6nareyßußanB/RoBe:Bmma K- ' > fc&irtei &rhW&HAto£4ta M«'‘ • R<taU?BMrB . ’ ! - - Bishop laalw)K‘i'*mil OttlPe H Rodgars Aon -w-» BiUingt^As&'H 1 ; 'H&nc4oX'M-a^-: f ' =Bi>bfn»n‘M«y' ' MHSMs-Rla'o 5 ' H»dac-dk HannahßMaetlAnn ■,' ButlarMrs- ' ' llacria Mary B RosaSa-ahA BolefaßStaKß W'fiattla Rose Bfinley’Kntef J : /Chaffer Mvy --• Bryirat'lTW Mra*' HlokeytAddie ••- Seymour Lizzie- • Boarman Kit© Howe? Ja* Mrs Shillings L Mrs Eoylo EilenllM' 'noy.T."?7raT\rrß;>'BaQjpl©BAraii H / Hollifieid'BjiaHh SeVmorf Ida' / ;«• Lufri •MW Mlsi,* nodgh L_Uiiel/\ * 5 Boyte,Eiis Mr9'V'RpggfßbsahriV\ l - Robott' Bryan G‘ IlollcijMaft.W^^feilar*B’ • ' lira ■ - Boston Haqtfah.r nBM&l 11 ? . Bhaeta Maay ’ BostfohH'A. W ' Vlltftt&rSatlte ' Bhone Mrs \ Br#sltad toargt..;PowdJ,Mary H Scott Margaret-- BrPT'wiPgi&S r V ( . Sanders ajisB' - - CartpWdft MUqJbWs.Lydia’A .BheXlllßllt’th: „ Shmtdttißa f \ Shipman'o.o cmttit&mXM&rioll 0;a ,2 Smith Hester - B -Bm>th AlAtlJda ‘ , OhtweJT. Mahal a D . Simmons Jennie 1 - Smith Bobb M.m " Ohapman SalTA..AKepbart Annie . Bmith Kittle' ” Virginia ; BimpsonWaryA * ;*ss&Kw<w > KjngleyAL.O ‘ ’ flmUh'H'GMfa ?'- Clark Alls -j*'B ~ Sparta ‘-Eijuna CleaYeliuiT. SnUn Lee Jane Miss ' Htuded Ann E Qlintnftjparrfe H .LmcoloXillteff Sprawl-Bites, - - BpeakmanL ' Lettie W- Stark Maty Jane. Clark.* It<SY«t»iKie'Ct ' Storene LS / IVantfM^ty.larg Josephine SteveliaonLocy Crosby'Mrs*'- Lore Mary Abh ’ Btroog Lizzie G- - Obii*by*Alice , „ m.'tembajrtljoalsa, Stevenson Alto's ' Oonlatbh 'Lock&rt Ar.h .. .Stribg.-Kaie Mrs ' _Co*ehif£arah~- L&delle T;Y Z':\ Bisty B P Mrs " . Ballender Susaa J OolajopCranie- ,McU,iibtockMips Thompsons '• CipwfyraMaWr .McDfirtnld. Marat TorryMß ' Cpok Qajolitie. . vMcCjudy Mra' ..Terrell M L Mrs CuUey f* xsiiß R r McPailatid 51 J‘ Tnrner'MSß ~ Crowell Aug’s- Mrs - Taylor Mary '* ' AlcGlonohlln 8 . Tall 0 Mrs Cunningham A,, .Mclnter Mrs ~ .Torrance Kate CottbnltaTiiia ' J.McAullffe E Mra .Thompson'MS Cartis JoUa 'McNamardd R' ' Targott O ' ; . QonueK Miss -.McKinney Ansa Taylor Mary Eatis.E J Mrt .»\tMcOrMh Rdßan- Turner P Mrs - Daria Magowen OMrs ’ThomsonMrs . ..' DarwolHiiß-Mrs.iM-iyEliisb’h Thompflon B M Barry. 2£«S--.V; V; Meilok A.K Mad DeeoarMy'fanny.-Mftndovine L T Todd Marie - Dubois Jennie 2. Magoider'.J;Wells Lonisa* DnnhamSarohE .lira ’ WardellM H Mra Do/ier Marthajj-r Morse E Mad -. Ward G T Mrs - Doff MAreA / Mali'n JnliaMrs .Ward Elba \ J MJiyP.DMis 4 ; ’•WaldellgW , A Maas H*r 0 'Walton M P Mrs DUbcb.n -;:Melcopi Oadd Walton Emma Dottalaat Annai-,.-Mitchell B Aba /.Waters Maitha . Mlggalgen 0, MrsWarson Ellen/. Engelman s J-. Mitchell Harriet Wangh-Beb. V " EldrelApnlo.'-.,'’Montgomery Mrs Wharton ,P Mrs ElWs/aniMrt.-/ 8 ; . \ t WationS Airs / Bwiarx Jletty.. -MooreMiry J ,Wets<>n.''Elitabeth RUton/AnnD /Mors Elisabeth /Wonlliben J J . Ya~rrny.Mary \; MorHsßailie 0, ells.MrsMwy . Pofcter'Wm Mrs rMorrowM Mrs- -West ST PUoigan M. ty . PagaitJos’e A*.v^>--.Mft /./.Wealfall L Airs . FrederWLEUu uMorris.Mary A H ; Walt M Mrs,, . ** v • Aloont- : Marla ' H Wionemore BJ' Poster Mrs - ' / ‘'WlUiamsDP Airs .Predock Mrs ~ ■ 'Montgomery. K ,; -WiltmerSLAlis ' Felt we lAlary*F -‘Mncdiy'K-f*^ 7 • Wilson C.oib FnltonSH Mrs -'Muiberen Margt WiilUma E>Mrs Mrs Wllly-Lydla Foster Obar , r‘' J ‘ Norris EmlHe / WlUettG Mrs Fredericks MaritNiweohßebocoa' * WUeon M M.s Fagan r JlTMrs’ -NegleyM A Mrs Withers Car ■ Plot R Mrs __ r r Nonrso v J Y 5 - Wise Eunice & Pithiah iiary,' ' 1 Nolan Rose Airs Wood J J Mrs Jfeefißebtibcn" v Net on Airs' - Wood A Airs Piv Ech*N<ihCy 8 /Noles MrS’ ■ Wright OG Mrs Goti»WMa I r , ' ,i NenrviUe H Mrs . Wright a G Mrs abbateliow-A^';.OUrerß FMm: ■ Wunderly BO - J/. 7 o , Kaoe.Mrs v - 'r' Wright Atn Gotiior Rolttr T B Mra 3 Glk»r M A'. - ’ Griffith'Matty s >-Proctor Mib .' -- Veron anna r - Gould- Eiia’tn 7-^ Prince 8 Mrs - T - Vanlear Alary 0/ - k f : LIST. i : ' Allen John H, Darnels Htnry. A HfcllerMMD' Aiutu* Woi ‘ A% "Dan A*gti9tn* * DeJftfo# tela W L Arth«irA < ib6ri ! ’; *"Uayig JWV Henley Benj P tn$ r n‘ Barld _G ' r ; J Daly Edw Capt', _ Heindrick Chris leiahder*JoTm'Da>lsJrioO -' 1 Hendricks F,S ' Allen i .- Sami It Hillon-IVbfct c ' - 1 AU6o‘Gdb'Jr - • DaVidson W F HermanceGhas - Altoh WxA\'- i '" Dado John ' Hey Da rid Art&ns'j*4':\ ; ’./Dougherty JHA Hetzel W H Alleh'BrtJ'—' ' Co ' Hill i' Appley/Lutber, . DennewoU Henry Hillman Jno Wllspn Hilliard Edw AntboayJae W. Dever John H Ball tamnel - Armstrong.'frankßenpison HlilierJasA , < , 'GLt2V'v. <_/D*anDaTid- , " Horton SB Capt^ - AuiCew Jabe*'‘Detfslow-W'B” 1 '-HodsonWm ’• ‘Andrew, Josh . De/V»UerTtß HouthHenry r ' Annstrong'JaS'. :;Dipkieon f M : W ; Dr Howard'Wm H Atderaqn Q eoB: DiTinTrtflda' i r . Hops Patriot Aspwalf Ifliito 11 ’- r : Digb’y Ohas; ‘ - - Horton David AndeMp»if , ?- < '-Doane'AP;‘‘ Howea'OE' , Ahdre’J6litt' i '' DoimJdo • Horton David 8,8 AsbmeadJ£Q„W DonovanJosT' ; -HoopmanJCapt AntinlerJos’ 'Doi/eon JudAh’/', Hotkin Wm 1 AiwoQdjp ojj'Dowfy; ffnlH -~ 1 -fiolHhock Wm Ay re'# Go. ; v Ratk'er Geo'T;.//DdwHii Jasd?" ■' Hodgdon K‘T Gap Biutle B6bt F; D-dawn James r ’HonnenH Dougherty W M f ‘ i '' 2}alr Isaac . Draper baa 8 - Hollenbeck Wra s BvbW *dhn * *' Drew SUas 3 - * * Hull Obu W ‘ Barker Jos Damwood JA 002 Hagen M J* BarWF-Mdns V Dancan Chas 1/ BafkeVJ6a‘ ! <• : Dudley Henry 0 HugerTß Oapt h Barnet H Dewalt Kenben . Haghes/Thos-.A /..-/Dwyer James Caldwell Baker J NVwton v; Diinoan GeO - . -Hmghesilsa&a W BmerJao R DancanK AfAO IvensEicnundM Bspkmelater 0_ Ddfcmt Oliu J ~ 'V Irish OH ' Bsohert'Mlebdel Xidrtog* J&s IngrihainTTra A Bas o» Jao H EUiott'llenj '• • Isby Wm ■ Barnstead Rnbt- y , Jennloga Hobt Baldwin A 6 Lt Edridge Darld “’.Jacobs Brinton: Baker Jno DG ‘ Jenkins Jobn Berine EHI’’ 1 ’’ Jenningsßichd ’Jsr«nsDavid - :• TJeokson? •& Beattjr Patrick Emlt-y Gilbert •!;. Wooden v • . r Eabelman, A Johnston B BeyMey x fcj ;*’| V EmiVn; r,f < Jones Geo,W , . Benkmnnn JOB Brans Thos ", -. .Jones GO' B nnet Geo vlk<y J3rahs Ifrehlich , - Jdnes J H Dr , - . BennettPati-Ifek Engelbert HA - . Jocelyn Wm K ; jPlUeraan Geo '' Johnson Wm Blrens Thos '- . Baurenkeepor 0 > Justice ,W W 2 Wi‘»**gswuiß 9f}"4f)o[ , V Jj" Biokiug.QeoHj ' Fabhrr BaCfaeli , J /Jobnson W 0 Hon . DItA;G?®W ' , Isr'aol . Jooes Thos , Bishop Trank ~Pahwr W PDeJanes Dr BisMtig Samuel Paris Jas “ Johnstoh'A Od Blake DM Bet ,2-Farrell Michael Jonas-Biglim’d 3 BlackmanWj,; Tearihd 7)\? " Kann Ales .Bia'eGed'W' -' 'PeUxChaS - - Nays WP ■ BUttersdorf A ,„.Peraß4 - t '• Katsenberger N fcGO’ 1 * Fern BcAwell 3' 'Kendall D Blits td' 1 . ' TehrJnd ' ’ Kenny Peter' 1 . Bo»U FFB ; , ( lay Wm A‘- 1 ' 5 Kelly Henry ," ! Bond I'atnlB V ** *' FeltozfThi>y'>'•' Keegtn'John ! ‘ BoTdJW ;•: < ;»ltip»trlck'Ji)o, !:K«rr & Boil Bclle.Hrsneis L Fleming IVm W Kfl*n John Bonghmao T J . PjeriiA Keho»Tho«W' , Bouchpr Wm v -TlneginHl' * Kociei SißHiel | Boll.*, L«wi« Pielieir Sidney 0 " Kirkpatrick II ! ty; littp&lrlek JOha 'Kopzm&b Wm J ! . •SinriuMjMß- 0 1 ; Ilourgourk, A i'leming \ W KuoxL Kt;. Bprroti Joa J • Fitchetf Jobii B- Kolloeh Henry M !BSHtaS6nTr"' e ; ‘'FlnitfBtolB v “' : KnBMB Oh«« -- ; Itolm CoraeJjn ~ flold JJT ~ .-,KHpp«rtPotoir I)ow«o & lUtMt IlerolDg Jamc« ' ; b night W W ’BalbllKbt * Ctf;/Irpnob Jao " KUlian Jno ‘ J • '' Trnme Jotn 9 ; ■ Kouplar Jaa ■ f Bowers JaiHc; rmnk Oeo-,:;; :Kr»ow Joms B i BrownOoo . PrencbJjp RavSKlogOlms U ! ■ Bmwii JLS , IpoessAnlw , ..Ijprreocs Edsrß ! BrowuJ’WOspt-VollorOhsi tSwl*ii««J 1 i Brown Obis .... Brlobe Anthony., ling.Xf'W Col i Brown Joslah. Trios S 8 Dawson Den Dis ! sr99k*5 r 99k* JJ . Try Geo LarrissonJno 0 - ! Bright WB , FbrdwaldM ’• LaUhara W 0 \ Bradford Jno 8 To* Ambrose T Latrjsoo G R i Bra?kett Jas H ForWa Balph 2.> Lereu Edw 0 1 Brwyer.T.H .•- Freeman AH , -Lewis EJ M D ! Brlnton WmX V TorterObas ' “ LeAßmb’dM \ BryauP.M, , - FpwlerH''‘ • .-Learning'sM2 \ , r Driiatey i jno'n t - :sj Pr'eeman'B -XrOhr Baml - ' > Brinsley Jas FpgelWffl * - Leroy Bobt ■ Brewers BoH2-’ / ‘Fogel Gio H ! ’ • Lea Wia ’ Brieoae Hartro '•--'J96 Ip Frtd'k '' • Ledford Geo" *»roua ACo ‘ ' \F#agerWm' ' LewlsB B*Co > BreabanP 0 • ' Toy Tbos ' '■ • Keider A Bitten* Brinckle J’G* • J ”Forqaer Day id A 'bouse' | Brice Jno \ >J Treemab'W.B - ' Dewy Lowis ' J Bryan AG- r FuriiideJno B- >LswlaßJch»dA Bradford 0 O,*"’ Toater Israel - LefisSami' / > Brows Solomon Fricker Anth’y "Lloyd Godwin ~ ; Borbage Jho ' ’,‘FrlesGeo' * - Lippincott T '• ; Bozzeil Jho Dr ■ Treeniarir- ' v Llnuekiif Aldeh I Bashony Obas-A ' Girrpt Jqsbaa r < ‘Lyberl John ' | Bower Henry *A* ''Gaaavfgne Ohaa • Lipplndott R K Aj I Bailer Biinl W- • footer Geo F ‘ • ifo ‘- - }l Buttorwcrlh'J F - Garland Tbos tiitids Oh as - •! Bu^nesHugli '■ GOdflhalt'Abtn I.yoolaOh&s BunsHdury L' -Ghfrom/BeU AO6 Lower' Sami P ’ 1 BucknerGeo^-GeorgeE J ’’ 'J LUback'F '' 1 ] BurrWjB f B-->vt-wGeWer : Wm-’ -' LoltWin ■- • Bunting Jas v' Lord Joba G^- ! ! . 'Lodbert Alb Dr f: Barns Jno A ./GibbaJarfEAS Lodge' Ooqoan- 1 BurkeWfu O Olaaibg-Jobn - ' nccK/No 4C3 Baker Boocb T t Gibson .Wm Prof McDowell JA' Co! Barton Gao?’ Dr Mcßride Jno i Bart-Wash H, / ,'GQodsrlp Levl;B* MoOreaßobtF Camp E Capt .Go d Israel .McOabeFras » v s ir J?rJ° Dr ~ Godfrey GhasES tloCalla Wm HAi t OatkU.Wm ti * cGoodaH'Q L* ; ,0o n - Oarliae Harry Golden 8 G Ber McOaualand :A i Oartqell Qbss . Gprman Jas .. Capt' ' f CarrObss ,J Gorman Obas ' McEyan John i ;'Canon Henry .: ..GriffltlCGeo; V McOltesJ i Caliis Prosper Griffith Jno J\ .McpiainE . i Galkina M Grew II (Elder) 2’AfoHeory Geo 2' j CarmWm Grant McCarter A Co- ; - « Oarpent* GW 2 Green Jas -* * McCall Jin * * \ CaßaedayEW.- f'. GrcggrTheo’ ** McDovitt Patiiokt Ctl.kidß.DM-. Grubb Edwd MoCurk Patrick 1 C&< r siday'Heory Guentman 0 ‘ McDowell A' HoL ‘ M Oroys Mioh’l laway ’ j Cbeiinut StThea- Grattan E W McKabe Thos *: \ -f, . ’ Grifflth John W MbGaynesW / SM? Green Jas, -•- McKinleyJG OharlfohGWT Jos R ' McLaagbiin W Orbbb D B < MOKajr JJnniol ° 9 1 • .OiaftonJnoO ■ .Mcfiitlo Daniel O«b Jobiw... .Gregory W , HcElmlh T P < ,Ofigg» JO* Co McMurtile Fr#> ' Oaa»t Joho Lt" JlcQurk Miehool OJarkoHm GreeKESwa Moto'yro Daniel Clark AM - _ Hall Harrison , „ McMenaman J GlomentWEC HaIITJMDr; ' McNulty PM Clement BN 1 " t HallD4vid2'-- MoVeigb Rlch’d OlomentSO . Hall John? p MoNeUy GeoW Cloy -• -Hall Jas G-- Mahoney Dennis ’ CHub . Hampton Jno T. Magraw Goo f .. J&ox’t'Lif? ' •'tlHsgy.JM Msyhew A‘ v ’' ! CblUn»"AnSer BammqhdJas t ,. i , £ 'CoOb v ltiVfif'oa t ' Hager Mat ' MsuT Hebrew. Gbmly Joseph HamcFH' Co •* * « Cook JnhtLi Habergain.r-.,'. r i iWacEwen'Malo. ' WH ' Hannwood Jno 8 Manroe Tbeo ’ ■ Cowan J W-Dr'w •HamßdVrGfe®' ' ' Manley Tavld ’ CqHohi, J % '„„ v Harrington Wm Maxwell V L \ Conear 0 P" J Hamper Thos Sfahoney Richard . CookwT.O,• *Hard:Dg Albert N May Jas. Her D3J Cobi J OHBtf* " ‘-"lli.VrisdH-c.IUA M MiSofl &Go f Coorston R RobtN MastertonPat’k > OollioonAK 1 ItiirwodcJjß M Marshall Isaao floie ilt.\x & a'i Haik jSsL.eander .Maspp filybert & . Colton O.A . - Hawae Abram Go ' CollhsieFGbb'-- Mayhew Mr ■ - Cobb-A-P BoV. - : -Hart H O 00l • ».MaxweU J 0 - • Oburandt Ohss . Harris Wm - . H' , t OoffieT P-;. HealrtH .j, MedlartJ v 7- ' .-Oobe’? Henry . •. Meguire Martin . Cbrblt \fm.\ , : HirtH 0 2 Merehants Tranj Ooh«oTha ; -i{ fi Go o J . - Oolmiu’fllmon. Hipw lla?W MdgrA Ero t s ‘-- ‘Ooilns Bto AGo Harphatu Henry Meyer A Bor4 : ' W ' 1 . .OtosbyW.H - Hardy —. -MlckelsJ2 i "; ; . .Crabb {Mipfy Aad2 j rHsasrd A Hutch*' Mirum M Pulley : < :'-'^-cCare?fkirttE:-Oinion J Ai---MiMll!orDiiris..f ; Jas .Mjland-PD Big . V 3oGs'nj?'RsMvi.v><!hJBwider#onEß.:>.Mitf4f‘Wm'P-d*. ! - Br6"-H*uryr Walter \ • 'paytt^itttttt'i-a&gaw'dofsoaHof ’ Morris VfmH f ilirr f B J - (?aa~et Jno P.pj WH Allen ; 'bomas J,.; -■ rhomßon Bauey , PborapsonJß rb'6n>a6Bl<i ’ ChomMQn J 0 2 fhostWDP ‘. ?ibgea tc .AJlnut 'heipL 0 ."L . *hruthy fcHM- **■ : Tracy A f F "r \- TnwalerXA - 'raTfsaHeary prtpple Jaflßl :raDP^ aba9t l aa • ?t rig Rev 8 U jreeciaa W&'W MurpKy®’• l - BoisThOß- . H- '" ilargfttroyd-I G 2 Robinson 1 Thos ‘ Troves Henry MoTrirAnflß RotlthJohh'R -WarloGW Unrpby J 1) Rogers GB ,Waro John . - MurphyJ 5 W‘-''‘ .Ro*aaeJae3 WaUDMCaptl iiuUiW Hlllery* Rodgers I>o Warren 0E 2 > Mn.rdpct-DaTls RodgersT . ' Warring tonJas 'Hun- M SabdersonT J >- -Warren P H 1 stoker' - u'SoMfemmß L’WardJohn UaVy'Saml - iSallarJ-- - Wagan T E Nol*n Henry SohWftke.ValV ? Wall & Boob Newlln James ■ Sallade Ohfts M ‘ Wallace Leri Nfckersdn Var’o Sargent Gyrtia F ' TVtfllaco F B Nonss Moses ' . Salada Obas > WaUon P R Nicholas WR--- BaodfordWm - Ward Myrbn National Theatre Sandford Bfcml t Walton P H Noyes Miram T ' Sanderson TJ 2 • Ward John NewtenGeo Baltfeb Gnst&ve "Warder E D NootS 0 Rev >*’' Scott J W ;•< -r. Walsh Mldbael . Nem&n'O !M- Panders ED Her ! Walyer JO • Newell>M’- l i, . SargeantA.T - WardeaßA,. Naneran GeoW Schmitt Nio 'WeiebornFran , Neill JaaTßer* 1 Otto WldGeoH_ NimesHO BerrillTho.T WeietingJH Keitel ton Lowry Selety,—: Weber Ompor l40o,: : BibsonJ White J 0 Her Wangle Chan Bheppard IA Whitney Chas Nichols - ShawWm B ' Wbitney Jno Wight June. Bhimer Jacob . White Geo n N icholdon Geo -ShippenA Ruyan Whoeler B L 8 OlKane M ‘ BhoyMmd Baml a O’Hara Jnoi Bharpe Ohaa M White LA Co Oldfield Wm ' Bhott Mountain, White (J 0 Been Jpo' ‘" " Cotl Co , While Geo D’DonneU Jno ' Sbriner Wm H Wilkinson E O O'Brien Jae BharrJaa WilaonlJ o'ttioger A Ar- ' Skinner Oscar Winnow J M ■Chef Simile 0 \ Williams J 0 Owen John B . Sickell J W WileonßO Oohlschlager. J , Belly A. Mdc Bon- Wlleon J B ■Palmer WJ . , BloanOapt WinatanmannJ ’PageWmH2, SloanySaml WlemanuJH Panihc BIS 800 Smith Arthbr J, Winthcop JB -‘Paraon H I* Smith Wm M Winkler Fidele ■Pifker'B W ’ Bm'tirß B Wiatarjoaiah 'Patera Hanv Smth M P Williamaon J H ‘Perry Jno , Smith Jacob ! Willett WMSr. ■Perkins It Smith Wlleon J M ■Peres' J Pror Smith Wm A WilliamaJß IPeabody FW 1 Smith BP Wlleon Eotbmol Pearce Jaa 1 Smith Perry G , Woodlbomaa Petttglole P OaptSmith Ed Wool.evor P ’PeelAßr. .. Smith! Worwich J P Perkina A B Smith Lewis Woernle Lonia Patera Praa Smault Henry P Woodman Jas - Perkine A J Smyth Wm A Oo Woolman John BhlUlppsPrlenr- BolmeßS Wood W m P Woolf Joeeph iPerrrlNS i Stanley Geo W ... W<H’* J W - SPerclval Benj Sterena Mark W. Woodhall B 'Peacock Wm * fctillwell Bllaa Wright Bph Phuro H W standiey Geo W 2 Qolon Michol Peale Anguatln Stoker W , Yon ha»en U B Iphenix-Shlptr. t Statrord Anatin .JauduzeTß jPerleli Watele Stewart Bam’l TanorsdalonJ Priea B-P . ... Stewryrt Thoa- . Ulrich Laurence Piet eznloh" Aug " Staunton J P Uinstead F G 2 Paguln J M°na Stlnaon J AOo 2 Valentine Sergt Ponllnin Alfred' StrongOHAOo Uaaher 1! W ■ Polnaett AUSN StewartJoa, .yanderbeck Ohaz Potter A Oo Stouno Max Vayoboila Benj Powell W G “ - Stoard PA Oo Vaodevolrd N B Pomeroy. BentonStoplefoidWm UphamSO <fc Oo Steiner Jos’h Ulsm JII Porter Ohaa ' ' •'Slnne'fordTlbbt Valletta K TDr Porter N : . T.yior Jerry VanderallMGW PnraeUH Dr. Tait JB .. . - . Vinton AH D D Pntnam J T Taylor Jaa Young H J Hot Pullnger W A OoTarrPH ' Yonug Jaa Karmay.JaaM. . Taylor Edwd .ftnlgley. Patk Bawllne H M Taylor Jaa •- Young D Rahm Simon OB2TiryD.H ' Vonng Jae Bellly Jab BDr ' Taggart A Parr Young Edwd It , , ~ ! GIDEON G-.WESOOTT, P. M. ■~ COiuss oni&. Siqßot# r'tHESTNaT GROVE WHISKEY—A de alrn to lessen the consumption of- spirits, knowing their injurious effects upon the constitution, ‘has Induced the .offering to the public of an article iwhich the analyxationof; Professor Chilton, Analytical ; Chemist, of Now York, and Moss’tb. Booth, Grwrett, & ■ Camac, of Philadelphia, proves beyond all question, to be the mostpure and consequently least injurious spirits ever offered the Amerlcan poblic. CERTIFICATE OP DR JAB B CHILTON. I have analysed aaample of Chestnut-Grovo Whiskey, received from Mr. • GHARLEB-WHARTON, J* of Philadelphia, and' haring carefully tested it, I am pleased to state that it, is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances .It Is an unusually pure and fine flavored quality of Whiskey. JAMES'S. CHILTON, H. D., New York, gept. 8,1863, >• Analytical Chemist. PBILID*LFHIA, Sept. 0, 1868. Dbibßib: We have carefully tested the- sample or Chestnut-drove Whiskey whiihjon sent us, and find that it contains none of the poisonous substanoe known aa Fusio Oil, which lathe characteristic and injurious ingredient or the Whiskeys ingeneral use. Very respectfully, i . BOOTH, GARRETT, * OAMAO, Analytical Ohemists. To ChablbbWhastoh, Jr., No.-38 South FRONT 8 treat,- Philadelphia se24-dtos2l T- M E NBA U & FILS’ ROCHELLE • BRAN DIES,—The. undersigned, having beSu appointed Bole Agents in the State of Pennsylvania 0r too s*le of the above celebrated Brandy, are prepared to offer it to the trade at the lowest market rates, from U. 6 BondedWarehoußOSi ARNOLD &■ WORL, au2<Mf 120 Walnut street. CSHERRY AND PORT WINE. —BO qrt 8 . © 10SSghths.HarmoDy Sherry; 20 qrs. Wallis Port Wlae, inbond and for sale by WILLIAM H.YEATON, - 216 South FRONT Street BRANDIES.—“ Pinet Oastillon,” Marett, and other Cognacs of various ln half plpeaahd quarter'easke: PeUevoisin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark. In half pipefi, half casks, and one-eighth casks. Imported and for sue by ? T ]•, .7 K.H ' • B'HENRY. BOHLBN & 00., 0e22 , Ml tod 228 South Fourth street Brown, casks « Final & Williams, ’ imported direct from London, in store and for sale ay ' WM. H. YBATON, '£* ... ..216.SOUTH FRONT street., potto yiome. seCgBfea>>.OHICKERING & SONS, Manu rTTfT»'fabturers’of'GßAND, PARLOR-GRAND, SQUABS, and UPRIGHT PIANO-FOBTEg •.This is-the largest and oldest manufactory in tho United States having We'd 'i> rV; ESTABLISHED IN 1828, Since .which time we hare MADE AND BOLD TWENTY THOUSAND TWO * i.' ':* r - HUNDRED PIANOS. And have received as testimonials of their SUPERI ORITY over all'others, 11 Gold, 18 Si/trr, and 4 Bronze Medals ITT** Pianos to Rent, Tuned, and Repaired. BRANOH HOUSE in PHILADELPHIA Is at 130 T CHESTNUT Street. / oc6-8m OIANO FORTES. i Just received, an elegant stock of HAVEN. BA CON, 00., NUNNS A CLARK, HALLRT, DAVIS fc CO., and OALX A 00. B PIANOS. MELODEONB of best quality, at J. E. GOURD’S, 8. X. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT its. mbl9-y Safes. cjalajkander safes. A large assortment of ’ EVANS & WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED . .. - SALAMANDER SAFES, _ - J * ‘ . VAULT D00&8, For Banks and Btoros. BANS LOOKS,, - . Equal to any now jn übo. IRON DOORS, BBUTTBRB, *e., On as good terms as any other establishment in the \ United States, by EVANS & WATSON,' r • No. 26 South FOURTJI Btreet.lßHl Philadelphia, PLHABE GIVE TJB A OALL. nulB-tf Cumber T UMBER YARD. . , .n f outz tc o©., ■ - {SnoeeMora to Montgomery & Netll.) | 8. W. corner of TWELFTH and PEIMK Streets, PbUft. ( Old Moy&tQeQßing Diairiot, | ftra DOTr recolTJpg ft Urso and well-selected &sjortmenl .-n .*Tg6 4Uu of all deitcrijptionß of LUMBER, such as White Pino, Yellow Pine, Norway, Heraiook, Lath* Palos, Pickets’ Pence Boards. Flooring, Shelving, and every variety oi well-seaeoped Lumber, , Also,. * .large stock of BiJ) Stuff, of every variety' and description, constantly os hand and aajred to order at the shortest notice. Our'conrieotion with Meßars. Mehaffey, Houts, & Oo M and Daffy, Houts, & 00., at,Marietta, Pa., gives ns nn> surpassed facilities, and enables us to supply orders fox ail descriptions of Lumber with promptness and despatch.* "• 1 ’ , LUMBER, sort and mellow, roitabU ror-JAMBRN-MAKHRS, fco , oonstMtly on iand. -- Prompt paying purchasers are respectfully invitod to examine our stock before going elsewhoro. ap2l-tf | UMBER AT WHOLESALE AND BE M-i tail. atMarjetta.Lan caster county, Pa, MEHAFFBF, HOUTZ, A Gd.,-tako. this method of informing their customers and persons desirous of pur* ohasing LUMBER, 1 that they hare now on hand a large and wen-seasoned stock of all descriptions of Lumber, which they are prepared to sell at satisfactory prices.'* - Their, timber la all from their own MILLS on TIKI CREEK. They are also conneoted with Messrs DUFFY HOUTZ/A. CO.,'and are prepared to famish all kind* of Planed Boards, BUI Staff, Lath Pates, Piokets, and Building Timber-for-Dridges, Ac., of alldesorlpfes on the shortest notice. They would also take great pleasure in calling the attention of Builders, and those in want of Lumber lu the city of Philadelphia, to the iLumberYardof HOUTZ A Co., corner or TWELFTH: .and PRIME Streets, with whom they are also eon n*cted. ... „ ap«-tf medicinal. mHE GREAT STANDARD REMEDY OF A THE NINETEENTH OENTUItY. . DKf crftAriVß FOB PtJBrFY the WHOLE SYSTEM, The lmperlal Deputattve/prbpnrtri b/ Dr. toum berry * Co., 1« acknowledged ,es the principal Pimlly Medicine for the eure of Oanobrocs affection, and SORoroLooo diepoeee generally. The euccesewhich use In these inveterate diseases has no equal* Itf is now used In these diseases with completosuccosi, where another means hare failed.. Two or three bot tles will satisfy any one' of Its great curative propert es* Hip Disbjsb ana Whitb Bwblukg, Ulobbatiobb of Mouth,-Throat, &c. Its beneficial and 'healiijg,characteristics are soon observed in theso com plaints. No matter of how long standing they may have been, they will yield to the proper use of the IMPE RIAL DEPURATIVE In a short time. TBTTBKand Scald Hbad will as certainly yield to this medicine,as It fa used. Diseases of the Skin and atl ornptlve complaints generally cannot long remain after using a few.bottles of the Imperial Depurative. Its Tonic properties, as well as Alterative, render it valuable to weak and delicate females. The gre&t purify, atrepith, and value of this Family Medicinfi IS in thd'cure of all diseases origU condition of the blood . It expels all the virus or diseased mattdr from the blood ana larigo/ates the system., - , Those using the Imperial Depurative anil wishing ad rice In their case, will receive every attention by etter or otherwise. • * c Prepared and nold by Dp; LOUNSBERRY &on No' tONonh FIFTH Str«t, bolow A«h, PhllLolpbii’. J,F ’’ ,<m B 4l; Do., Dancaaier, Pa. J. BMtasorand.S. S. Bterena, Beading, Pa. Holman & Co., I Harrisburg,, Pa. v 0 w. Bpting, Fottaylllo. Pa T. C< W-r McOUntook/Eaetom Pa. ,Jamea alnti, Westchester, Pa. Bobmldt & 0«., A!lentown,, p a Simon Baa, Bethlehem/ Pa. • Dr. H. W. Leslie, Bristol, .Pa., and. Druggists generally— - aull-mvAsatdm •' *' /gtenttattg. •brag* Dr. W. S. MoILHENNEY,Dentist, QiZj lif would Inform his/friends that he has resumed iroctiCeja^Nd.tlsaO-OHESTNUT Sfrepfc, second door ’•* 'w* *HE Pi Sales 4>2 gittftion. FOURTH fITRJMIT, • “ v iFormerlv Nos 61 and 69.) CARD—BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA PROPERTY. iri- Basoription. of tho abOT., lnolndlng the uplen didßaokini Home, Obeatnnt ..treat, and a number ol dwelling., building lota, Ac . to be eold 20th October, by order ef.the AMlgpeee, are, now ready in handbill., j FALL SAlUß—BlilUllt. AMD REAL ESTATE. • Twelfth Fall Sale, 11th October, on the promisee Thirteenth Fall Bole, 19th Ootobeir, at the Exchange. Founenth Fall Sale. 20lh Ootober, on the premiere. . Fifteenth Fall Sale, 20th Ootober, at the Exohange. [jj- part of the handbill, of the above Bale, now ready. BEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, Ao. . Public Bale. At the PhlladolpWa Exohange .very r each property■la.n.d eeparately to admtlon to which wepubll.h on the BatnrJay nreriour the fdlldVtog register ' rrw* mil Bstate edterfld on our PriTate Sale Re- JET moMtaCally to ottt ?nbllo Sale Abetraet., (of.whlob I,ooo.copTo. are printed weekly,) 0f BBTAiIB AT PRIVATE BAM. ‘ n- Wehavea large amount of BealEeUte at Ptl- inoludln? every desorlptioa of City and prop«S:“#rm^d 7 Lists msy be had at the auotidn store. TWELFTH FALL SALE, OOTOBER lOtk. Bale at 8. B. cornet et Seventeenth nod Bttmmer Bte. RESIDENCE AND PURNITdttB. Qn Jlonday Morning, ■ 11th instant,-at 10 n'etork, at the foutheaat corner of Beventoonth and Snmihor .treats, the Boat household and kitchen ftlrnltllre. ■ Alej, a Quantity .of BOhoolfur “’cp'Tho handsome reeldßnce will ,be eold at 10 o’clock, previona to the .aloof t etory brlok, 80 feet front, and about 05 foot deep, tin iebod with modorn Improrementß and eonvenlencea. THIRTEENTH FALL BALE—OOTOBKR Uth, Will inolude— ’ • . Q . ' Trustee’s Peremptory Hale. VALUABLE LOT, Callowhlll atraot, west or Nine teenth street. ' a imo EHtat , LA7IOB AND VALUABLE LOT, Thirteenth street, below Federal etrcot, 101 feet front, 260 foot deep. Executor’s Sale—Estate of Cornelius Tiers, Deoeased. VALUABLE RESIDENCE, No. 1011 Chestnut street, west of Sixteenth street, lot 28 feet front, 188 feet deep to Parker street Court Bale—Jßatato of Blohard MeQranD, TBK THBBB-STORY BBIOK DWELMHOB, Nol. 2402, 2404, 2406, 2408,2410, 2412, 2414, 2410, 2418, end 2420 Pine street. . „ ... ~ Administrator's Bale—Estate of Wm Ashton, Deo’d. TUBEE-STOBY lilt'OK DWELLING, No 828 Crown itroott Trustee’s Postponed Bala. VALUABLE COAL LANDS, 658 acres, 80 perohes, situate in Pell township, Lusorne oounty, Poona. By order or the Trustee for the bondholders oi the North Carbondale Goal Company. valuable property, valley forge, Mont gomery county.—Superior modern mansion, barn, ice house, and other outbuildings, and over6o acres. ' AROH STREET.—valuable residence, No 1816 Arch street, between Thirteenth and Broad streets ' SOUTH RITTKNHOU3E SQUARE.— Elegant mod ern brick and Btoae residence, Yopiote witb erery mod ern convenience, Bouth side of Bittenbouse gauare, superior stable and c i&ch-house, 60 feet on Rltteuhouse Square. CET Immediate possession. $lB,OOO may .remain. Peremptory Bale. OHELTEN HILLS —Valuable and beautiful site for a country residence, 20 anres, Obolten Hills, 7 miles from Philadelphia 6 minutes walk from a station on !the North Pennsylvania Railroad, i VALUABLE LOT; TWENTY-FIRST WARD, 72 feet on Dauphin street, 72 feet on Herman street, 225 feet deep. Also, a neat frame dwelling. D3* $lOO to ho paid at the time of sale BROAD STREET.—Valuable lot Broad street, sooth of Oxford street, 47 hy 239 feet—two fronts 1 SIX THREB-BTORY BR T OK DWELLINGS, 8. W. corner of Broad and Oadwalloder streets. They will be void separately. THREE-STORY BRICK BTORB AND DWELLING, Ridge avenue, below Oxford street. TWO-STORY BBIOK GOTTAQB, No. 1631 North Twelfth stroet. above Oxford street. TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1630 Mervlne street. _ FIVE MODERN THRBE-BTORY BRTOK DWEL LINGS, Nos. 1222, 1224. 1228, 1228, and 1230 Chris tian stroet, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets FOUR-BTORY BRIOK RESIDENCE, No. 1832 Pine stroet, west of Eighteenth street. THRBK-BTORY BRIOK DWELLING, No. 2604 Pine street, west of Willow street YaLUABLB BUILDING LOT, North Broad atroet, south of Master street, 24 feet front, 160 feet deep. BUSINESS LOCATION.—Thr«O‘Btory hrlck store and dwelling, No. 1013 Locust street, above Tenth street, txecutor’s Peremptory Sale—Estate of Jeremiah Wal too. Deceased. THREE-STORY BRIOK STORE AND DWELLING, No 717 OatlowhUl street, betwoen Seventh and Eighth streets CINE BTRBRT.—Modern tbreo.storj brick dwelling, No. '•916 Pice Btreet. Alio, ft one and ft half-ttory stone factory adjioniog, 42 foot front. The whole to be sold together. Positive Bale. PRANKPOBD ROAD.—Throe-story brick dwelling, frame office, and frame Btablo, Frankford Rood, above Vienna street. BOURTEBNTH BALL SALE, UN TtlK PREMISES. Orphans’ Court Sate on the Premises—Estate of John Wesley Bray. Dec’d MODERN RRBIDENOE AND FURNITURE. On Tuesday Morning, October 30th, at 10 o’clock, will be sold on the pre mises, the neat modern residence, southwest corner of Seventeenth and Cherry street* HOUSE WOLD FURNITURE. Ixnraedlaelv after the sale of the house, will be sold the household furniture fljT Full particulars In handbills and catalogues. VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY.- On Wodneeday Evouiog. October 18th. at the auction store, sold a val uable private library, which Includes a number of rare, Interesting, and curious works, on a variety of subjects. Also, standard hlstorio and poetic authors, the best edi tions. Ac., Ao. “ 10“ For particulars see catalogues. Bate at Nos. 189 and I<U Booth Fourth street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO-FORTE, FINE FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, BRUSSELS OAR PETS. Ao. On Thursday Morning,, At 9 o’clock, at the auotton store, an extensive assortment of exoellent second-hand furniture, elegant (ilano-fortes, fine mirrors, carpets, etc., from private amities declining housekeeping, removed to the store *or convenience of sale. ELEGANT AND VALUABLE BOOKS JUST RE CEIVED DIRECT 1 FROM LONDON. On Friday Evening,. October 15th. at the anotlon store, will be sold a con signment of elegant and valuable books, on various subjects. Also, elegant illnst.ated and pictorial works', jnet received direct from Locdon {]y Catalogues will be ready three days previous , Sale a 1 No. 505 South Eleventh Street* NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. On Friday Morning, 15th Inst,, atlO o’clock will be sold at No. 605 Bonth Eleventh -treet, below Lombard street, the neat house hold furniture. iXy* May be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of sale. TO CAPITALISTS. BUILDERS. Ac LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT AT PRIVATE BALE, LOCUST Bt. South side, between Broad and Fifteenth streets, 118 feet front on Locnat street, by 173 feet in depth to a 10 feet alley. AT PRIVATE SALE-HANDSOME BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1620 PINE Street, known as (r Union Row.” By william h. stebb, general AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE, No. 45 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. J. A, ELISON, Auctioneer. Sale at the Auction Store. LARGE 8 ALB OF SUPERIOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, CABINET, PIANO-FORTE, Ac , Ac. On Wednesday Morning, At 10 o’clock, will be sold by' catalogue, a large as sortment of superior household furniture, piano-forte, Ao. CHINA AND GLABBWARB, Ac. Also, an Invoice of white granite, china, and glass* ware, Ao. NOTlCE.—Hereafter we will hold our regular sales of household furniture, Ac., on Wednesday and Sa turday mornings, commencing at 10 o’clock. Evening sales of watohes, jewelry, faccy and miscellaneous goods, will be held regularly every Monday, Wednes day, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, commencing at 7)f o’clock. 117* Consignments of new and second-hand house hold furniture, piano-fortes, carpets, watches, Jewelry, Ao., respectfully solicited, on which liberal cash ad vances will be made if required. If/ 1 * Ont-door sales attended to promptly. Charges* as moderate as any other house in this city. MOSESNATHAUb, auctioneer IVJL AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. 8. B. comer SIXTH and BAOE Streets GREAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. MONEY! HGNBY! J MONEY! ! ! Money liberal!? advanced In large or small amounts, bom one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches, jewolry, fowling-piooes, musical Instruments,Turmture, dry goods, clothing, groceries, slgars, hardware, cutlery, books, horses, vehicles, har ness, and all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on, at Nathans* Principal Establishment, southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets. f!7~ Promissory not«», with ooll«t«r»I, dlsoounted at the lowest tnarketrntes. PBINOIPAL ESTABWBHMBNT, 8. K. CORNER OP SIXTH AND RACE STREETS. Where money wHI be liberally adT&nced on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling pieces, drygoods, olothing, groceries, liquors, cigars, hard ware. cutlery, fancy articles, mirrors, paintings, en* gravfngV musical Instruments, furniture, bedding, horses, vehicled, harnoss, stocks, and all other articles of value* OUT-BOOR BALSB. Personal attention given to *ll ont-door sales, either at private dwellings} stores, or olsewhere, and charges on usually low. CJAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, jjnd MONJfIY LOAN OHIC!, No. Ml Bout. Tinap Street, bsloir Walnut, opposite Pear at., only eight doora below the Exchange. ’ ' Houra of tnulsoH from 7 o’olook, A. M., until 10 O’oloek in tha oronloz. ’ Out-door aalee, and ealea at tha Anotlou Hoisw. at tended upon tha moat satisfactory terms. * CAPITAL $200,000. ' EtttblUhidfct Ms last Thirty Y*mt. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Li*' monels, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Her ehandixe, Clothing, furniture. Bedding, Cigars. Musical Instrument*, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Good* of •very description. All goods can remain any longth of time agreed All adyanoei. from one hundred dollars and upwards will be eharged 2 per cent, per month; $5OO and over, the lowest market rate. . * This Storo House haring a depth of 120 feet, has large ftre and thief-proof raulte to store all rateable*, and prJS rate watchmen for the premises 5 also, a henry insel ranee effected for the benefit of all persons haring goods advanced upon. N. B.—On account of haring an unlimited capital, thisjoflee is prepared to moke advances on more satis' factory and accommodating terms than any other is this city. Money advanced to the poor. In small amount?, witW out any charge. ’ * , AT PBIYAT* BALB. Gold Patent Lever and other Watche*, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aol-1? BOOKBINDING. —Tho undersigned res - pectfully invite the attention of lovers of books to their unequalled fscillt e$ for binding books in a su« perior manner. Their work has been submitted for a series of ye*ra to the examination of some of the most celebrated connoisseurs in tho conntr*. It has received the most flattering encomiums and won for the uoder signe a reputation which they aro determined to maintain. , Binding exocuted, from the plain half-bound” volume for the scholars table to the most artistlo garniture of rarities for the collection of the Blbliomani&o. flpevjmens.of style and workmanship wIU be cheer fully shown to those who will oall npou ♦■’ PAWSON AHIOHOLSON, Bookbinders, „„ „ 619 ill NOR Btreot. ee29-2m* Between Market and Chestnut Streets. DETERSIVE SOAP.—Time, labor, and money saved: In using it, clothes do not require any boiling orrubbing on wsshbbatd One pound 1 will go as for as three 'pounds; common Rosin Boap. War ranted toglte perfect satisfaction or money refunded It f« decidedly, the cheapest and best waehing Boan *° tbe public. Manufactured only by VAtJHAA(JEIf&-hfoKBi:NB. For sale by all r* spectable Grocers in the city,-and wholesale only by , , THAIN & MoKEONB, o*2-3« 22 South 'fthorres. TMTAOKEBEL —BOB bbls Nos. 1,2, and 8 JLTJ. Mackerel. Jn whole, halves, qaartert, and eighths, f6r «de ' 0, O. SADLER h CO., 1 . -v, v i ;AjWH BtjseconddooishoreJrop& ;ESS.—PHILADELPHIA. MtCiPAt. OCTOBER Ijt. M«8. Sales bg faction. CIOBNESS, BBINLEY, * 00., *- No. 489 MARKET BTREET. SAIfB , OP IMPORTED DRY OOODB ‘ On TneMay Morning, orSlit 130t ’ 0t 10 P’ clook > catalogue, on 8 moaths i 400 jiMkegea-and lof« or Erenoh and British drv goods. ' 6QAWLS , J 2 4 line brnobo bordered Stolta shawls, 12-4 floe broobe round cornered do. 12-4 rich new pattern Ooahmero do. 12 4 London square wool plaid do. 14*4 do Ion? do do. RUGS AND DOOR MATS. POO London new style ruga. 800 do do do door m&il. BONNET. JVELYET, AND TRIMMING RIBBONS 100 lois bonnet, velvet and trimming ribbons COLORED KTB GLOVGB—JUsT LANDED. 160 dozen Paris kid gloves. GINGHAMS ' 10 cose* superior plafd Swiss gieghatos. FRENCH BAYADERE SATIN LAtNES. 1 case French Bayadere satin laities. BLA'K GROB GRAIN. Pieces black gros grata. BLACK BAYADERE POULT DE 8018. , pieces bla k Bayadere poUltde solo CASHMERE AND CLOTH GLOVES. 150 lota of ladies* and gents' India Oaahmere and cloth gloves. SPECIAL SALE OF SHAWLS OF THE IMPORTA TION OF H HKNNKQUIN A CO. On Wednesday Morning, Ootober 18th, at IP o’clock, by catalogue, on Six months' credit^. - This sale will comprUd a choice assortment of ' BROOHE DORTERS PABI9 STELLA SHAWLB, In new patterns, and floe centres. Rich broche borders, round corners, p ar ] 8 Stella shawls a’raantelot, comprising many new and elegant designs, now landing from steamer Arago. Paris printed, cowed borders, Stella shawls. Paris printed plush shawls, chenellte fringes. Rich velvet and plush bordered Paris BteiJa shawls. Yery fine and rich ribbon bordered black and colored mantle shawls n’corn. Very ohoioo qualities only, long and square black me nno shawls, wool fringes. ' Extra floe qualities, double twiilod, silk fringe Thibet shawls, in bl«ck and colors 1 Now style, very rich broobe colliers eoo«6alß,,and a Very oholce line of square and long all-wool brocho. shawls, in oolored centres only, especially assorted for Philadelphia buyers. ' A very large proportion of the broche Stella shawls will be in bl&aks and other deslrdble colors, received by last arrival and now landing, and as no moro are expected, the entire balance or the Reason's imputa tion will be offered, comprising more and desirable choice assortments than bavo been offered at any sale this season. The attention of buyers Is respectfully solictod. BSOUTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (buccos • sor to WOLBBRT & SCOTT,) 481 CHESTNUT Ht., opposite the Custom House, botween Fourth and Fifth Street* PEREMPTORY SALE OP EASTERN WOODEN WARE. This Morning, Oot.llth. at 11 o’clock, at the salesroom, No. 481 Chestnut streot— -190 dozen throe-hooped pails. 100 boxes clothes pins. 50 dozen knife trays. 60 dozen towel rollers. OHAIRS. Also, wood-seat rocking'hairs, children's ohairi. CURRY COMBS. 600 patent india-rubber combs. LARGE SALE OF EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, HOSIERY, Ao.. Ac. On Wednesday Morning, Ootober 16th, oommenoing at 10 o’clook, a large as sortment of embroideries, Ac., comprising book, jaco net. and cambric sets, book and cambrio collars, gaunt* let elecTea, bands, edgings, AC. Also, real English thread laces, wash Illusions, Ao. Also, black lace French veils. RIBBONS. New fall style bonnet ribbons, trimming ribbons, silk fringes Ao, MERINO nOSIERY, SHIRTS, AND DRAWERS. Men’s gray and vfhl’e merino hose and half hose, ladies' meriuo and cotton hose Also, a line of goal's fancy silk tlbs. Also, Berlin, taffeta, buck, and kid gloves. Philip ford; auctioneer, No. 630 MARKET STREET, batweon FIFTH and SIXTH, south side. CATALOGUE SALE OP BOOTS, SHOES, Ac Od Thursday, Morning, 14th'instant, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, samples of 600 catos boots, shoes, brdgans, gaiters, &©.. embracing a desirable assortment, adapted to present sales. GINGBAtI UMBRELLAS, WOOL HATS, &o. Also, in sale on Thured*y— -25 canes superior gingham umbrellas, whalebone anil steel frames. 10 cases men’s and youth’s black and pea-1 wotl bats. SA. DYSART A GU., Auotiomkuk, ahd • OOXHISSIOH UMROBART9, No. 27 Bctith EIGHTH BTKBHT, eoraer of LODGE STREET. JX. GUMMEY & SONS, • REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, No. 520 WALNUT STREET BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY SEAT IN DELAWARE COUNTY, KNOWN A* ASTON RIDGE, do Wednesday. Oot 13th,atlVclock. will be sola at public Bale on tho premises, that beautiful country seat, known as Astnn Ridge, situate in Delaware couoty, Pennsylvania, about 15 miles frem tho city, Smiles from Chester, 4 miles from Marcus Hook, ana Ijf miles from Rockdale, (the stitloo next beyond Media on the West Chester direct railroad,) containing 28 acres, 7 of whioh are wood* land. Tho imoroveraenta consist of a splendid mansion. 65 feet front by 00 deep, in tho Italian style, with arcade,terrace, and verandah; is finely shaded, and commands a view twenty miles in extent, including the Delaware river, 6miles distant, and a large portion of New Jersey, beyond it. There is also a good stone barn, with et'bliog—the barn-yard la well screened and shaded with Locust trees. The lawn fronting tho h(UB0 contains three acres, and Is beautifutly laid out with gravel walks, arbors, shrub bery, evergreens. do. This location is celebrated for its healthiness, and convenient to schools and churches of almost evory Jonomlnafcton. Access several times a day by steamboat or railroad to Chester and Marcus Uook, or by railroad to Rockdale. Terms will be made accommodating, and possession given Immediately, or tn the spring. The premises may be viewed at any time Conveyances may be had at Rockdale station every day, on arrival of the 10 o’clock ..train from Eighteenth and Market streets, returning at 2 P.M. Lithographs way be seen, and further Information ob tained at the office. FIRST FALL BALK OF B.HAL ESTATE, MORT* GAGES. fITOOKS, Ao.,will bo held at the Phlladel phla Exchange, On Thursday Evening, October 14tli 1858, at 7 o'clock and will iuolade~ PorempUry 8-le—Estate 0* John Tamer Dec’d. QUEEN STREET —Two dwellings (one brick and the other frame), with large lot of ground tber*-Uoto belorging, situate Nos. 11l and lib on the north side of Queen street, between Front and Seoond streets, lot 63 feet front by 100 deep TWO-BTORY FRAME DWELLING and lot of ground, 20 feet by 46, situate No. 100 Queen street, and adjoin* ing tho above YEARLY GROUND RENT of $65.60, payable on the 10th day of September, on property sttoato on the west side of Bwanson etreet, near Catharine. Lot 20 feot front by 90 deep. HANDSOME FOUR-BTORY RESIDENCE, (brown stone first story,) with three-story back buildings No. 1008 Locust street, opposite St nark's Church. This property is exceedingly well buUt.and in perfect order. T< e lot is 130 feet deep to Latimer street, (a 30-feot wide street.) $7,6'0 may remain on the property. Pos session given Immediately. HANDSOME CHESTNUT-STREET RESIDENCE, No 1809, north side, we*t of Eighteenth Four st*<ry with threo-atory b&ok buildings, and all the extra mo dern conveniences; built in a superior manner, and in complete order. Lot 20 feet frpnt by 103 deep, to a good outlet Possession glvon immediately. $3,000 may remain on ground rent NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, Fifteenth street, above Girard avenue, west sido. Three story, with three-stery doable back buildings, No 1220. Lot 16 feet front by 103 deep, to a back outlet, NEAT THREE-STORY REBIDENOB, Fifteenth street, above Girard avenue, east side. Lot 16 feet front by 76 feet deep to a back outlet. Possession given immedle'elr. OHEBTNUT-BTREET STORE.—Handsome four-sto ry brick store and dwelling, with three-story double back building, No. 1309 Chestnut street, aeoVe Thir teenth, north side, lot 20 feet front, by 100 feet deep to Kelly street. NEAT TnUEE-BTORY RESIDENCE, with two-sto ry back buildings, north Bide of Anue street, west of Ridge avenue, lot 16 feet by 66. NEAT THRKE-BTORY DWELLING, with two-story back buildings, south side of Cumberland street, west of Sepvlra street. lot 15 feet front by 90 deep. VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS—Poplar street-seven adjoining building lots on Poplar 6O feet westward from Fifteenth street The eastermost five are each 20 feet front by 167 feet &% inches deep to Cambridge street. The Westernmost two are 18 feet 11 inches front by 167 feet 6)4 inches deep to Cambridge street. All having two good fronts. MODERN THREK-STORY RESIDENCES, Thir teenth street, north of Wallace, west side. Has three story double back buildings, and fumlshod with all the modern conveniences, gas and gas fixtures. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, two and a half story, with two-story double back-bulldingo, No. 716 Coates street, above Seventh, south side, is well built and in complete order. THRKE-STORY BRIOK DWELLING, with tho lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on south side of Miles Alley, above Tenth (botween Walnut and Lo cust streets ) THREE.GROUND RENTS, of $62 each, on Burton street, west of Flftennth street. HANDSOME FOUR-STORY RESIDENCE, with large side yard, Lombard street, 20 feet west of Twenty third street, lot 36 feet front by 70 deep. VALUABLE LOT, northeast corner of Spruce and Twenty-second streets, 1/ feet on Sprnce by 62 deep on Twenty-second street. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. IC7*On our Private Sale Register will always be found a very large amount of real estate, including every description of city and country property. J. M. GUMMKY & 80NB, Conveyancers and Real Estate Brokers, 620 WALNUT Btrcet. f'IRESSWELL & WILLIAMS, No. 206 * 1 WALNUT Street, are prepared to supply ship pers and consumers with superior Broad Top uoal from Lancaster Minos. oo4tf <B>Q OK PER TON for tho host WHITE ABU COAL, warranted freo from slate or HICKS’ COAL Is the best and cheapest in the city, re-screened In yard and dry under coveV. HICKS soils none but the very best Lehigh and BchuylkUl Coal, and warrants full weight. HICKS superintends tho delivery of all Coal personally, and therefore guarantees it to be as represented. HICKS’ Yard and Office Is at tho southeast oornerof MARSHALL and WILLOW, whore he Invites all to call and examine for themselves the above *»• au2s-3m GOAL DEALERS.—Parties recoivine ’ _ ? oal dlrcot from tt. Mine., wishing!toisge and the Delivery of their Coal, will please address 8. BEL LERB & SON, CALLOWRILL Street, tot Yard below Broad N D.—Best qualities of LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL COAL always on hand at lowest cash prices. sol3-lm* OCERING, FOX, . & CO., wholesale and Ik . MtaH dealers in LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL SRA£; yard—THIRD street and GRBMAN TOWN ROAD. BchuylkUl yard-RAOB aod BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Koep constantly on band Goal from the most approved mines, under cover, and pre pared expressly tor familv ua. fehl. tfuto, &t. gUFFALO ROBES, BY XHB BALB OR ROBI, GBO. F. WOMRATH S UB AND 417 ARCH STREET. rpo CONFECTIONERS AND BAKERS.- J- {OO lbs. Oil Peppermint, warranted pare ; ' 1000 “ Oarb Ammonia: * 200 » Carraway Seed. Tor sale low, as wanted, bv WILSON A MERRITT, ~ Wholesale Druggists, ■el7-tf 508 Market street CJALAD 01L.—25 cases finest Tuscan Lynch S 3 Oil, ip store M)d for Sale by . WILLIAM H. YBATON, ?d Hlfl South IBONTBW Sales bj) Auction COMMERCIAL SALESROOM, 7 BANK and 10 STRAWBERRY, between MAB KKTwnd OHKBTNUT andSKOOND and THIRD etroete *• G. WOLBRRT, AoOTIOTOam BALES FOR THE WEEK. SPECIAL PEREMPTORY SALE OP A VALUABLE STOCK OP REAPY.BIADE CLOTHING. LAMBS WOOL AND MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, MEN’S AND WOMBN'M HOSIERY. This Morning, CoramoneHig at 10 o’clock, wo will sell without re serve, for cash, a valuable stock of foil and winter olothlntf, consisting of, viz : Overcoats, Raglans, Prock Coats, Of superior tuatorials, and made Dress Coats, In firrt-rate etjle, for men’s and Pants, boys’ wear. and Vests, HOSIERY GOODS, BLAh KETS, &c • Also, 260 doz. men’s heavy ribbed and plain lambs* wool and merino shirts and drewors, wool jackets, a geaerAl variety of men’s and wotnen’B hose and half hoio, blue and white blankets, kid and wool gloves, &e . Ac. Of?" May bo examined with catalogues eariy on the morning of sale, when city and country purchasers will fled it their intorestto attend. J 0" Sale positive. ELECTION DAY • PEREMPTORY SALE 09 STAPLE AND PANOY GOODS On Tuesday Morning, Commencing at 10 o'M ok precisely, will be sold with out reserve a largo and general assortment of desirable Staple and fancy fall and winter goods, comprising— EMBROIDERIES Fach an infanta’ robos, jaconet collars, book and Swiss ool’ars, Jaconet and cambric sets, jaconet atd cambric Hleevos. ja'ooet and book bands, can-brlc and book flouu.'ings, ineorti an and edgings, black and white laces. Brussels veilß, joined blond, linen hand kerchief i, Ac. BLACK AND COLORED SfLK-VBLVKT AND POULT DB SOrE BONNET RIBBONS. Ao. 200 cartoon b st quality fall colors poult de solo bon* not ribbons, 12, 16, 20, and 24 5 bl ck and colored silk velvet ribbons, c lored and white Ratio r*bb ins. sirk fringes, black and co’ored moire ant que trimmings all widths; button fringe, slik lace trimmings, silk gimps. LADIES’ AND GENTS’ MERINO VESTS AND DRAWKR* 100 dossr ladiei’, gents’, misseß’, and infant*’ white merino vents, shbts, aud drawers, men b hmvy ribbed and plain lambs-wool shirts a d drawers, wool half hose, wool scarfs and hoods, wool shawls and •cravats, w ol gloves and mitts, gents’ beaTor driving gauntlets, gloves LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS—JUST LANDED PER BTEAMBB OITY OP WASHINGTON. Coralsting nf SOI harness Stella sbalwa, wool tartan Etald shawls, honey comb wool shawls, silk shawls, arne s fllle-- long shawls, Ac. Also,bl»ok sllkcrafats, gu-nsuapoDdo a, sewing silk, with a large and general variety of notions, worthy the particular attention of thetraie, and pu chasers gene raltr The whole will be ready for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of »ale. SALE OP MILLINERY GOOD 3 EXCLUSIVELY. On Thursday next, ID- ENTIRE STOCK OP A FASHIONABLE OITY ESTABLISHMENT, embracing every variety of choice staple and fancy.ooda, selected with great care for habt city trsdo Included will be foned silk trimmings of every variety, Pieneh artificials, fall style bonnst', Ao., Ac. ICy* Pull par.lculars prior to sale. • ill/*" The whole may be examined with catalogacß earl? on Thursday morning. *C3* City and country purchasers who want goods at auction prlQ»s, obtained by fair competition and with* out'dulay, are resp»ctfully invited to at'end. finowese QlarOs. Alex, mokinney, AT LAW, GREENBBURG, PA.J Will practice In Westmoreland, Armstrong and In diana counties. sell-tf T. T. ABRAMS. Abrams & mayer, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOCK IIAVEN, Pa., Will attend promptly to aU professional business en trusted to them. Spodal attention glrea to the oolleo tioaof clalmß. fcBPHRiKOKfi Got. Wm.P, Packer, narrisburg, Pa.;L. A. Mackey, President Lock Haven Bank; General D. K. Jackman, Lock Haven: Hon. A. White, Lock Haven: Simon Bcott, Lock Haven: Bullitt A Folrthoroe, Pblladel- Shlaj McFarland, Evons, A Go., Philadelphia: Evans ; Watson, Philadelphia; Phillip M. Price, Philadel phia; Hon. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia ; Wittlamsoß, Taylor, A Co., Philadelphia; Tenor A Davis, Phila delphia; Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J.W Qnlggle, Esq., Philadelphia. _ jy 2G-tf CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT and Importer of HAVANA BBGAR9, (New) 188 Walnut street, nncond story. anl-ly LAUMAN & RABORG— Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINEB, BRANDIES, WUISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI QUORB, No. IQI7 MARKET Street, between Tenth and Eleventh etreete ieift-tf £eaal Notices, IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA Estate of IT. CLIFFORD HEMPHILL ear second and dual account of Saundors L«*vl*, Trustee. The Auditor appointed to Audit, settle, Ami Adjust raid account. and report distribution of the balance, -will mo-ttho parties nterested at his Office, in the rear of No 703 SANSOM Ptreot, on SATURDAY, Oc tober 10th, at 1 o'clock P. M Beo ndraeetlng. WEDNESDAY October2o,at 11 PM. ocll-mwf*6t# I. COOKE LONGSTRETH, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA In tho matter of the Katito of MARTA 0. HJ3NNER, Deceased Tho Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the accodut of JOtKPli DKLAVAN, Admlni-trotor of tho Estate 0 r MARIA C HENNtilt. Deceased, and to report distribution of the balanre in his hands, will mtret all parties interested on FRIDAY, the 16th day of October, A. D 1858 at 4 o’clock P M , ath<s office, No. 208 South FOURTH Street. In tbo City of Phila delphia. EDWARD A. LESLEY, ocl-frmwSt* Auditor IVOTIOB. —ALL PERSONS INDEBTED <o the estate of PAVID 9 TOWN9END, late of the Third ward, citr of Philadelphia, deceased, are reqneetfd to uvke immediate payment, and those baring claims will present the yam-*, properly authoutl ckted, for sottleraent, .to P. U. rfCHRAUKK, No. 402 SOUTH Street, above Fourth, attorney for ELIZABETH JOWNBEND, Administratrix. eo27*lawGw# Staves. ju QUEEN'S PORTABLE FORGE.— Doqbtlofla many of oar city readers, in pawing •Pwji tha gang" of workmen employed in laving down of the passenger railroad tracks in our streets, had their attention attracted to a portable forge, with bellows and everything complete, and in edoient service. These forges, built upon the plan secured by 0. V Queen’s patent are for sale at the commodious, long-establhhed, and deservedly popular Stovo, Range, and Furnace establishment^of WARNICK, CHAD WICK, & HROTHBK, corner of SECOND and RACE Streets who have tho solo right for tho sale of Queen’a Portable Forge in Pennsylvania There are, we believe, llvo sites of this forge, rang ing «n price ftorn twenty.two to forty-four dollars—a sum so small, wWn contrasted with its merits, as to ee care its geuoral introduction ; for any ooe who will for a moment consider tho advantages of this forge, widch may be removed from place to place, so as always to be on tho spot where workers in iron or other metals aro to perform settles, whether In original construction or repairs, wilt at once concede its great efficiency, aud ar range for its possession and use. The adaptability of this foige to repairs to railroads and mining machinery especially commends it to railroad companies aud opera tors in the mining districts. We, therefore, take ptea suro in calling to it the att-ntlon of road masters, su perintendents of mines, and others.—[From the United States Railroad and Mining Register ocT-ltn A. STOVEB! STOVES! fSaffl BILVER’d ORKH'JAIj GAS-BURNING ABR. STOVK, With Ml the Latest Improvements. Also, the largest assortment of COOKING, PAHLOR, & OFFICE STOVES In the City, at MANIGLB’S, No. 000 MARKET STREET. Call before purchasing. SOMETHING NEW.—GAS BUB- J2=3 NIKQ COOK ftTOVB.—I would rospectfu ly call the attention of the public to one of the groatest Improvements ever introduced in Cooking Btovos ani Ranges—tho burning of the gas arising from the coal, by which moans is eared 60 per cont. In fuul and also more intense boat thrown to the bottom of tho oven. We effect the burning of the gases by means of a hollow centre-piece, perforated on the under side, which admits tho air In a h J ated state to miogle with the gases, thua aldiog its combustion, and causing a tiame to pass around the oven equal to a wood Ore. This im provement also preserves the centre piece from ‘inking down on the Ore, thereby saving the expense of repairs One of the Stoves CAN BB SEEN IN OPEKATION 1116 MARKET Street. Manufactured by JAMES SPEAK, Inventor and Pateutee, (lato North, Chase & North,) 1116 MAIIiET Street. 50pt29.3m0 tjatlnuare, Hardware. MOORK, HENdZEY, «fc CO., 427 MARKET, and 410 COMMERCE St., Are now openinv a splendid assortment of goods suita ble for tho near trade, and invite purohasei s to call and examine their stack of Hardware, Cutlory, Guns, Ao., beforo purchasing. sc3o-12t fJUUJITT, BROTHER, & GO., IHrOBMIS ASD DBALBBB HARDWARE, CUTLERY, 529 MARKET STREET, Below Sixth, North Bide, PHILADELPHIA, JLS ARTTWARK.—The subscribers, OOM IX MIBBION MERCHANTS for the sate of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, would respectfully till the attention of the trade to their stock, whloh they are offering at lowest rates. Our assortment con sists in part of— „,, , . _ Chains, of All kiuds—Trace, Log, Halter, Breast, Ox, Oow, Fifth, Rack, Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Lock, Ship, Mine, and 001 l Ohalna. The colobratod “L” Horae Nails; Stone and Sledge Hammers. „ ... “Wright* ” and other Anvils; Solid Box and other Vice*. . , Short and long hf ndie Pry Pans j round and oral (take Pans. „ . _ cWartm’*” superior Piles and Rasps; Bad Bcrewe. «Excelsior ” Safety Fuse: Bleating Tubes. Corn, Grass, and Brior Boytnes; Hay, Corn, and Straw «DiY*o. Hay, Manure, Tanners’, aud Spading Porks. R&kca and Hods; Shovels and Spades, of all kinds. Taoks, Brads, Shoe, Clout, and Finishing Nails. Oast sad Wrought Butt Uluges, Screws, Lockn of all kinds: Cutlery, Ramsand Pumps, Axes, Hatchets, Ham «.4other*oob, & SON> No. 411 COMMERCE Street. FJIO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. ACADIA FREESTONE Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tons of this beautiful Stone, both of tho blub! GRAY, AND BUFF TINTS, the former of which, for softness and delicacy of color, i8 por or this stone please examine the fo j2r i B 2 Mrißon’? S Eighteenth street and Rlttenhonse Building, Locust stroet, between Seven teenth and Eighteenth. . Samuel Smith’s West street and Bittenhouse square. Mrs. Peterson’s No 1219 Walnut street. A.K.Womrath’s, 415 Arch street. Famuol Sirn«s\ Twelfth and Chestnut streets. T. K. J. Faaiitt, Seventeenth and Locust streets,and others ARNOLD * WILSON, Aconts, PHILADELPHIA WAJIMINO AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. mlMbj ' y ' B. M. FELTWEIJ/, fiuf’t. •Rmcdtiuttaf. |«IGHT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS-will Open on MONDAY EVEMINQ, Oct.ll otjohn (Jii ncy Ad'inn School ll'-use, GAItDEN, belo*. Buttonwood. By older of'Board, D. H. BTV’B, o4S.3t* Pr.nldent.- VOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE OF JL HATBORO, (Montgomery co,, Pa ) An Educa tional Home for * Hmitod number. QBOUCrK HAND, A. M-., Principal. Winter Session of 3l weeks htgiDS Nov, Ist. ocB-6t* rjIHE FRENCH LANGUAGE nnd LITE- I RAT’D RE, by Prof. DEBARD, A. M , No, 1008 CHESTNUT StTeet. Students will find new attractions iu their studies by the use 0/ the kt Cabinet des -Fbss’ he has just published. N. B.—Particular attention to pupils Intending to visit Europeas to concerjafton in French • [o* For particulars, see CIRCULARS. sold mw&frlm* . _ .< , , • • TCICLECTId-. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF SU L’HNNSYI,VANIA --The Winter Seeeion of turen iii this'TnHitutlon will commence on the 13th of October, and continue 16 Weeks Located Northeast correr or SIXTH and OALLOWHILL Streets, Phila delphia. Matriculating Fee {5. Course of Lectures (Slk Professors) $l6, OMvdn&tiog Fee, $25. * ' OLINIOBi ■Tho morning of every Wednesday and Saturday will bd sot apart for COLLEGE CLINICS, at which ill be Illustrated the Erteotic Treatment- -in Practice and durpery, and we invtte all who with to avail themselves of tho NKW 80SOOL'Praotlce, to call and receive TREATMENT, Free of Charge The Clinic will be open at the College every Wednesday and Saturday, from ten to twelve A. M , after ,the Oth of October, 1358 WILLIAM PAINE MU. Dean pro tem , at*o Editor and Publisher of the Eclectic .»ed>cal Journal, Monthly, 48 pp , $2 per year, SIXTH audOALLOWHILL Sts., Phila. ocllw P&JSIT INSTITUTE—Southeast corner of THIRTEENTH and FIiBRRI Streets, opened on MO • DAY, the oth of September. Private iuntructinn, though .favorable to rapid pro gress, yet sends,the scholar into the world with a keon tonsitivenaas, which totally disqualifies him for active lifo; whilst attention to many oftentimes forces the instructor to meet general difficulties rather than those icrsonal tp each individual, and the learner either oset. ell interest jor becomes superficial io his acquire ments. For theie and other reasons the number is limited For further information apply personally, frotA nine o’clock A. M. to one o’clock F. M., or by noth, to selS-tf R STEWART Principal, ENGLISH SINGING—BaIIad and Opera- JCi tio.—Mr. FRAZER gives Instruction In the abovo styles, on the most approved system. sclB-lm 409 Bbuth EIGHTEENTH Street. CLASSICAL EDUCATION.—ROBERT 11. LABBERTON, Ph. D. of the University of Groningen, will hereafter have aharge of the Classical department In the 80IENTIPI0 and CLASSICAL IN -BI‘ITUTE, OHEBTNUT Street, northwest corner of Twelfth. No paius have been spared to render this School eminently worthy of patronage lor boys of all •gea, and in all departments—Eng] sh, Classical, and Scientific. Entrance on TWELFTH Bt, sel7-lm J. ENNIS, Principal. f j. \Vr ED’S INSTITUTE FOR YOtfNG *P • LADIES, No 1523 WALNUT Street. For terms, apply at tho Institute. Hbfkubkcks —Dr. Converse, (edltorof the Christian Observer ,) Rev. Ur. C. Wadsworth, Rev. Ur W. B. Btevenß, Col. J. W. Forney, 0. G. Leland Esq., Pro ctors Yotbake, Allen, Frazer, of the University, and ther gentlemen selfi-im JJ. KEED haa resumed his course of in • struction in Muslo and on tho Piano-forte. No. 1523 WALNUT Street. sels-lm [MTUS< BRYAN’ 8 SEMINARY, IvJL BATAYIA, N Y. TUB FALL TERM of this Institution (whose loca tion Is mte of rare beauty and attraction), commences on the 16th of September. It continues strictly a Fa mily Boarding School for Girls,and U thorough, select, and homolike in all its appointments. The number of pupils Is limited to those who can be seaced at the ta ble of the Principal. J 0" OIKOULARS will be sent showing Terms and Regulations. Batavia, Genesee co., N. Y., September, 1658. selS 0. A. XATBft, /^KrmWWCN 5 * fHIiiADELPHIA \J COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, aortheut ooraoi of CHESTNUT and SEVENTH Stmt*. An Institution designed to fit 70002 men for AC TIVE BUSINESS. BOARD Of TRUSTEES. B. B. Coraegys, Francis Hoskins, George H. Btnart, David Milne, John Pparhawk, D&ridS. Brown, Isaac Hacker, A. V. Parsons, D, B. Bauman, [Frederick Brown, Joshua Llppineott. EVENING SESSIONS after September 16th. Each Student had isditidojll Isstrooiios "at this Institution, and a Diploma from here is the host re commendation a young man can have, for obtaining & good situation. CATALOGUES may be had on application at the College. seS-tf Classical institute, dean street, below Locußt.—Dutieß resnmed MONDAY. August 30th. J. W. EAIRES, A. M., au23-2in . Principal, LEIDY EROTHEftS’ NIGHT-SCHOOL, Nob 149 and 150 8I&TEI Street, near Race, is NO« OPES TO O VB tSSTBDCTIOS in BOOK-KEEPING, WHITING, AND MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. INSTRUCTION IN TilK DAYTIME, AB USUAL. se4-ly Bryant & stratton’S chain .of NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast corner BEVENTII and CHESTNUT gtrecta. l‘or information, call or send for circular Jeld*tf EtVNING “EHMONS GAVE COMMENCED. DUFF & CO.’S AIERCAN COLLEGE, Southeast corner **2..?u^fa4tea. EmnTU muj CHESTNUT Streeta, (established in 1810, and incorporated by the Le*isla~ ture of Pennsylvania.) Id thia well-known Inititution the COUNTING HOUSE COURSE of Practical, Single, and Double Entry BOOKKEEPING, including all the Adxilu&Y BooK3, CoXMBCIAL OAL< OOLATION3, and BUSINESS WRITING, ia taught in the moat successful and satisfactory style. M. ROUHB, ) P. EDWARDS, i Principals. Ux.B B. KUSTON, Penman. SjVDGE£IILL SCHOOL, PRINCETON, fi-i NEW JERSEY.—This School Is adapted to those who dewire their boos to hare a carefal preparation for College or for a business life. Thorough instruction Is given iu English, Mathematics, Ano'ent and Modern Languages, &o. The instructors aim, not only to have their pupils thoroughly master fundamental principles, but to form those habits of thought which will render future and higher attainments rapid and easy. Decla mation, Composition, and Debate are practised in the Edgehill Literary Society, which embraces all the pu pils of this School. For particulars, terms, &0., ad dress REV. JAMES I. HELM, or &ull-2m REV. JAMES P. DUGIIE3, ©iucipals 4} otelo aub Sssianrants, Akoade hotel, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. Conducted on the kuroi'Ban Plan. A new “lease for a totm of years having been obtained for this Pul’UbAß ESTABLISHMENT, it will con t’nuo to bo conducted as heretofore, on the European pliiu and the pi ices remain nnchnnged, viz: Room Per Day 600 Dinner Hjo Breakfast and Tea, each, 37)f0. Tho house has been thoroughly renovated, and every thing done to make guests comfortable. The chambers are heated in winter by means of Steam Pipes, for which no extra charge is made. There is no bar kept iti the houso to be a source of annoyauce to guests. The accommodations are designed wholly for business men—hence no ladies are received. 10* This houso is nover closed day or night. J. D. BROWN. E. DK YOUNG, JOKES HOUSE, UP HARRISBURG, PA., (Ereoted in 1367, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. raySO-y WELLS OOVKRLY, Proprietor- & FUGUET & SONS, ICL Importers of HAVANA OIGARS, se!B , 216 South FRONT Ftreot. OAWA CIGARS.—IO6,OOO U Flor ■-.8-de la Havana Ist. 2d, «nd Sda, just arrived per brig a May Queen.” from Havana, in store and for gale by WILLIAM U. YEATON. se24-tf ’ No 216 South FRONT Street gOTGARO, OABAKAS AND PARTAGAS BEGABS.—A choice invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig “New Era,” daily expected from Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETJS, (New) 183 Walnut street, below Second, eul fleoond Story PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. ARNOLD & WILSON, eoooauoosa to a. a. babiubov, We have removed from oorold stand in Walnut street to tho LARGE STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, afowdoora below tho Bt. Lawrence notel, where our old frlonds and the public are respectfully Invited to examine our extensive stook of warm Air Furnaces. Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Registers, Enameled Btone Mantels, Parlor Coal Grates, Ac., Ac. We are now manufacturing OHILSON’S CELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economies! Heater ever Invented, and suited to all classes of buildings. Also, new and beautiful patterns ot Low Do u Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all sizes and pattern We have Also commenced tho manufacture o ENAMEL ED STONE MANTELS from Penn sylvania Stone. These Mantels woro awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at the tale Fair and Exhu bition of the Franklin Institute of this city. They represent all the rare and beautiful Atftiqoß Marbles, etc not Injured by Smoke. Coal Gas, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale ana Retail, at muck less pries ftaft Marble. Call and tee them. ARNOLD A WILSON. BENJ.M. FELTWELL, Superintendent. PhlladslDhia. April. Ig&R—lr PISTOLS, &o. JTNITED STATES GOVERNMENT tJ LAND LOCATING AGENCY, CHICAGO , ILL. The subscriber. havlDg bad much practical experi ence in selecting and locating lands in the various Land Districts in the Western Stat*>3, has uuuau&l facilities for making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OR OABH. Having Surveyors cosstaiuly in the field to make personal examinations’; he can always make the most judicious locations. Lauds unsurpassed for fortuity of soil and salubrity of ollmate, near the lino of railroads, may now be in lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references given when required. fljT" Money invested In Kansas and Nebraska, and •any of the Western States. ARMING AND VENTILATING V V WAREROOMS The subscriber would invite the special attention or Architect Builders and the public to his NEW CULVER PATENT SELF-CLEANSING AND VENTILATING WARM AIR FURNACE, Which has been so successfully introduced during the last winter and gave such general satisfaction. It is so arranged as to consume the gases from the Coal, making ft one of the most economical, safe, durable Heaters now in use. Also, all sizes and patterns of Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Gas Ovens, Low Down and Elevated Grates, every variety of Registers and Ventilators, Fireplace Stoves, Collins l Patent Chimney Caps, far the cure of smoky chimneys, with a full assortment of all goods in my line of business. Prompt attoation paid to Range and Heater repair ing, and prices reduced to suit the times. CHARLES WILLIAMS, (Late Baker & Williams,) au2-Btn 1182 (old 406) MARKET Btreet. PMlad* ORNAMENTAL and COLORED GLASS. We have just received a comprehensive and va ried stock of this ttuly beautiful and architectural ap pendage to Churches Voßtibultß. Conservatories, and other buildingß. where it iB deemed necessary to embpl lish, or to give a chaste and elegant appearance. Any color may be had, either plain or ornamental, elabo rately or in relief ZIEGLER As SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Pftiut. and Gift's Dealers, se2B*dtf Southwest cor Second and Green at# TO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MER CHANTS —A large stock of Manila Rope, manu factured and for sale by WEAVER. FITLER, * CO., Jfo. M «. WEE at., uni «p,# H. WEAEVEP. . M 9 TNStTKANOE COMPANY OF THE A' STATE 01 PENNSYLVANIA— TIM AND MA RIN E INSURANCE—'No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Chartered in 1794—Capital s2oo,ooo—Assets, 3anu«* ary 1,1858,5347,440.60-IW, : ' ' All invested In eotrad and available e«Hriti«s-contl nae to Insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, otoom of Merchandise, &0.. on liberal terms. 1 QLobacto, 8. SALISBURY, 49 CLARKE Street. Chicago. ~ Jitstmmrfi QDjmfmntes. " DIRECTORS:' Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalester, Tobias Wagner, William 8. Smith, Thomas B. Wftttaoa, John B. Rudd, Henry G. Freeman, WiHiam RWhite, Charles 8. Lewis, • George O. Carson. HENRY D. SHERRERD, President. William Haspcs, Secretary. TIHE QUAKER ’ CITY INSURANCE ,i COMPANY, OFFICE 408 WALNCT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. —CAPITAL and SURPLUS $277.- 665 86.—Insures agaln«t LOSS or DAMAGE BY FIRE and the PERILS OF TIIE SEA. INLAND NAYIGA TION and TRANSPORTATION.’ • |£7* TEN per cent. In cash rotarS&d on the earned nremiums of Open Inland Policies. * , * OOPTPVH9 Pr.iiMent-GEOHG.4H. HART. ’ I Vice President —E. P. BOSS. I Secretary and Treasurer—H R.COGGBHALL. 1 Assistant Secretary—S. H. BUTLER. | DIRECTORS. Goo. H. Hart, B. W. Bailey. E P Bosff, Andrew R. Chambers, A. G. Cattoll, J. L. Pomeroy, Joseph Edwards, . Cli-rles G. Imlay, John G. Dale. H. R. Coggshall, Foster 8. Perkins, • Sami. Jones, M. D., Hon. H. M. Fuller. se2l-y - Attest, H.R COGGSHALL. Sec’y. Howard fire and marine insu rance COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. * DIRECTORS. Join H. Diehl, Wm. E. loMh, J. Edgar Thomnon, RoM W. D. Truitt, M 17. Bolduln, Jhoo. L. Ludero, John 0. JauftfS,- Wm. x±t Hamlin, A J. liuckuor, H, H. ShiV>T? tol4 > John W Sexton, 0. E. Spangler, William Kaigoel, H.U. Hotfthm, Edwin Booth, Wm H. L^vd, John Garrison, ' Charles V. Norton, I E. 3. Warne, Isaac Myer. Preßident—JOH.t H. DIEHL, Vice President—E. S. WARNH. Beoretary—CHAßLES A. DUY. eelfi-tf XmerioANTFiIiT"INSURANCE 00., ■t*. INCORPORATED 1810 —CHARTER PER PETVAL. No. 810 WALNUT Sfreit, above Third. Philadelphia Having a large paid-up Capital Btook and Surplus Invested in sound and available Securities, continues) insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise. Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, afid other Personal Property. All Losses liberally and pronifOy adjusted. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, Caspar W. Morris. Samuel o. Morton, James R. Campbell, Patrick Brady, Edrann<l G. DutUfc. Charles W. Poultney. , GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIS. HeoreUrv 1a23-y If MtllßE RISKS ONLY TAKEN”— A GIRARD PIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia. Office No 416 WALNUT Street, (Schuylkill Navigation Building.) CAPITAL, $200,000* piaaoTOßß. Wm. M. Swain, Wm. 0. Rodman, [of Public Ledger. C D. Shoemaker, John Anßpach, Jr., Jer. Walker, H. N. Burroughs, Thos. Craven, J.B. Hughes, Francis Peters, Wm.B. Boyd, H. R. Ooggahall, Geo. W, Woodward, Jno. McClure, Jno. W. CJaghozu, Joseph Klapp, M. D. Hon. JOEL JONES, President. A. 8. GILLETT, Vice President, Jaß.B.Altobd, Secretary. jy23-Iy CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM PANY, No. 831 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTERED CAPITAL 3500,000 FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND. ASSETS JIjLY Ist, 1858. Bonds and Mortgages, Stocks, &e ..$349,625 00 Bills Receivable, (for policies Issued,) 2,127 76 Unsettled Book Accounts, (for policies,).... 1 613 83 Gash in Bank and in Office 10,483 45 Cash in bands of Agents and Correspondents, 1,893 81 No losses unadjusted, t2hj»td«.<rr rtpflrted. DIREOTORoi , William M. Godwin, B. R. Orawro'ffl, James W. Quoon, Jno. L. Redner, George W. Hall. William B. Themai, B. Franklin Jackson, 8. N. Winslow, J. C. Hopper, Henry D. Blears. WM. M. GODWIN, President. J. 0. HopPaa, Becretafy. mvlO-dtf C ITT INSURANCE COMPANY, Ho. 110 South FOURTH Street. CHARTER PEBPETUAt. Capita 1......... $200,000. Organised 1851. Privileged to insure Houses, annually or perpetuallyj Personal Property, annually, or for a less period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks; receive De posits: hold Trusts and grant annul ties ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vice Fresidont. J. W. MiatiSeT, Secretary. DHt&OiOftS. Alfred Weeka, Hon. W. P. Kfftldy, B. 0. Tyler, J. W. Forney, J.W.Souder, P.B. Mingle, C. Ricking, * James Wataon, J. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthew*, J. W. Stokes, William Curtis, jelB-ly G< F. Turner. Life insurance and trust com pany .-The PSNN MUTUAL LITE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Cwm of THIRD , and DOOS Streets. Capital, $612,726.03. INSURES LIVES for short terms, or fcf tie rfhole term of life—grants annuities and endowmenti—ptir ohasea life interests In Beal Estate, and makes all oontrsotß depending on the contingencies of Life. They act m Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, eld Guardians. nsimi. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel B. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard S. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William B. Hacker, Joseph R. Trotter, William H. Korn, James Boston, Samuel C. Huey, Theophilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A. Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Bodolphus Sent, John W. Honor, William H. Carry Ellis B. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Jdi9fh M. Thomas, Warner M. Basin. John G. Brenadr, P. B. Mlohler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STOELBS, Vice Preset. Joan W. Hoaxoa. Secretary. nl3-ly TJELAWABE MUTUAL SAFETY IN mJ suranob company. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE of PENN- SYLVANIA, 1836. OFFICE, S. B. Corner THIRD and WALNUT Street#, philahslphu. MARIiYE INSURANCE , ON VEBBBLS, ) CARGO, } To all pirtt of the World; FREIGHT. ) INLAND INSURANCES, On Geods, by River. Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage to all parte of the uultfA. FIRE INSURANCES , On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, Ac. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 3,1667. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Estate $101,566 94 PhU&aeJphiaGtty and other Loans 137,011 26 Stock in Banos, Railroads, and Insurance Companies. 12,506 00 Bills Receivable , 220,291 86 Cash on hand...., 88,802 66 Balance in hands of Agents, Premiums on Marino Policies recently issued, on other debtaduethe C0mpany.................. 92,730 67 Subscription Notes. 100,0C0 00 siuomii William Martin, fames 0. Hand. Joseph H. Seal, Theophilus Paulding, Edmund A. Bouderj James Traquair, John C. Davis, - William Eyre, Jr.j John R. Penrose, J. F. Peniston, George G. Leiper, Joshua P. Syro, Edward Darlington, Samuel S. Stokes, Dr. R. M. Huston, Henry Sloan, Wm. O. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Hugh Craig, Thomas 0. Hand, Speneor Mollvaln, Robert Burton, Jr., Charles Kelly, Jno. B. Semple, Piusbgh. H. Jones Dr. T. Morgan, “ Jacob P. Jones, J. T. Logan, <* WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS C. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretory. ja9-y COMMONWEALTH R-J grxRE INSURANCE of in STATS OF PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE, NORTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS, PBILADBLraiA. Subscribed Capitol, $609,000. Fold up Capital, $200,000. DXOICTOU. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. 8. Btewart, H. L. Benner, J. M. Butler, J.M.Whitall. J. K. Walker, Edw. O. Knight, M. R. Wendell, H. Lewis, Jr., B. K. Hoxsie, DAVID JAYNE, U. D.,Presldent THOMAS 8. STEWART, Vice Pres’t Bampul 8. Moos, Secretary. ja29-y jfTURE AND INLAND RISKS.—FAME JL' INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital $lOO,OOO. (Organized under the Act of Assembly relative to In aurauce Companies, passed April 24, 1856.) GEORGE W. DAY, President. THOMAS 8. MARTIN, Vice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Office 411 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. George W. Day, Jaoob K. Vaughan, William W. Walters, Henry Le*ris, Jr., Qharles Kiohardson, D. B. Birr jy, Barclay Llppincott, John W. Avennaa, Jos. R. Brognard, A. H. Rosenheim, Ohaa Stokes, fe24-y U Stern. Stress GTompaniea. THE ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFICE. 820 CHESTNUT STRBBT, forwards PARCELS* PACKAGES. MERCHANDIZE. BANK NOTES anj SPECIE, either by its own LINES, cr in oonnectioc with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United States. S. 8. BANDPOED, U»h.hl Sarny*. PETERS’ 8 PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE SEt.P.GENERATING GAS LAMP is the only Patent Burner that has a Non-Conductor attached. The public are cautioned against all other Burners, as they will heat, and liable to explode. State and County Rights for sale. Apply or address •e!8 D. P P8T888,432 BROADWAY. N. Y. ITIAW & BEERS’ A LUBRICATING GREASE, the best and cheapest compound for greasing the axles of OMNIBUSES. CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and IfAGONS, and HEAVY MAOHINERY. For aale in tin cans, kegs, and barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS la the city and the MANUFACTURERS. '»:2.Am No 18 SOUTH WATER Btr»*t French plate glass.—having been appointed by the “ Compagnie de Florejfe'* the SOLE AGENTS for the sale of their GLASS in this city, we are prepared to offer to the trade or consu mers, from our stock on hand, POLISHED PLATE GLASS for Stores or Dwelling Fronts; Bough Plate for Floors and Skylights; and Silvered Plate, of large size, for Mirrors. The Glass will be sold at the lowest prices, and warranted superior, in every respect, to any other imported. 1 v ROBT. BHOEMAKER & 00., Plate and Window Glass Warehouse, N. 1. cor. of FOURTH and RACE Streets, Phn%a«it>hl* SLATE! SLATE! I SLATE I!!—Roofing Slate, of all aUes, and at very low rates,' kept con stantly on hand, and for sole by FOBBING, FOX, A CO., GERMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD street. N. B. Slate Hoofs put on In the best manner, and rt* Mtlag.ttMjMto. AUtrwkwMnaM. WJ HaiiroaJrCineu. OENNSYI'TABfIA. RAILBOAD.—THE JT GBBAT CKN* , 3A&t*OFT£> eonueatinj the At Unto Cities with Week**! «n*|&ratht western acontiQU.°W EsSway direet. Thlft, Boid alaooonnixrts at Pittsburg - *** ll ° steamers to all porta on .the Western tt&n, end •*. Cleraland end- Bandusky with Steamers ?%&££»’ the North-western Lakes: making the most OHSAPRBT and BOUTIi by whtchJPiwß® can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEpT. RAMS BfiXWUN PHILADFDPHIA AND BURGH. Pibbt Class—Boot*, Shoes, Hats, and Caps, Books, Dry Hoods, (In boxes bales and trunks),Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Feathers, Furs, &s ,?(o. per ICO fiSOOXO ChABfl-—domestic chesting, Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales)., Brags (in casks), Hardware, Leather, Liquor, (in casks,) Wall paper, Wool, ana Sheep PelU. Eastward, &0.&0.... ...... ixd Class—Anvils, Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted, (loose or to sacks). Pwnts, (dry and in eu,7 Oils, (exceptlard and rosin).«.«•«« W*. IK Fceara Pish. Bacon', Beef, and Perk, (in casks or hoses eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, NaiU. Soda Ash, German Olay, Ter, Pitch', Rosin, Steel, Manufactured To bacco, Rosin Oil,- Qnessswara, Sugar, (hhds., bbls., and boxes,) _ *c., ~,i , 4ofl.j«lw»‘ Flo P*r bftl., until further notice, Gaaii,’” -8 ® 0, pofiOOlbs., until further notice. Oomok-^ 3 per bale, cot exceeding 60i) lbs, weighty until further uo^cs * In shippinfi fr «>m any point Bast of Philadel phia. be particular *° if*** Packages “ ««* PtnnsyivaM . Haihoud” All Goo. * consumed to the Agents of this , Road, at Philadelphia or will be forwarded without detention. - . . 1 Fnzxsxr Agists.—Clarke & J * Go., Mcraphlt, Term.; R.y. L^jf’ Mo. 5 P.G. O’Riley 4 f£>.» Kvansylflt Bingham, Loaterme. Kentucky.; b! P'* Madison, Indiana ; H.W. Brows k 00,, a. 7anAnVni« Hibbard, Cincinnati: H. B. Pierce 4 Co., . Ilf* Ohio; Leech & 00., Ko. 64 Kilby street, Bo«te k n L"®?i a & Co., Ho. 2 Astor House, New York, No. 1 WiU New York: B. J. gneeder, Philadelphia; Magk vw * Boons, Baltimore; 2>. A Stewart, Pittsburgh. 18. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMBAEBT, . ' d«G- Genera! Superintendent. AJtooca. Pa- UJrtttljca, leroelts, &t if! CALDWELL & 01)., • 482 CHBb?fITO Street. Bare received, per eteamei! , « ®*^*^®* Jewelry, Chatelaine, Vest Splendid Pans, Hair Pine. Froit Standa, Sugar Basket*. Jet Goods and Flower Vases. Coral, Lata and Mosaic Seta.' , rtm Sole Agents In Philadelphia for the sale </ J frodsham’s LONDON TIME-KEEPERS del ° CULVER WARE.— *3 WILLIAM WILSON A SON, MANUFACTURER •> OF SILVER WARE. (ESTABLISH BD 1812,) a. w. ooassa fifth aud oaaaar arßasra. A large assortment of bILYEB WARE, of every de seriptiots, constantly on hand, or made to order to match aay pattern desired. Importers of Sheffield and Birmingham imported rare. seBo-d&wly £ S. JARDEN & BRO. . i> • IUSOFAOTOBHRB AHD ISCPOBVSIO Of SILVER-PLATED WARE, No. 804 Chestnut Street, abo*e Third, (up stairs,) Philadelphia. Constantly on h&od and for sale to the Trade, TEA BETS, COMMUNION SERVICE SETS, URNS, PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, WAITERS. BAS. SETS, CASTORS, KNIVES, ?PPONS, JOBSS, LADLES, Ac., Ac. Gliding and plating on all klnas of metal. BcQrlf FOR SAVANNAH, Ga.—HERON’S LINE-ONLY Rt-GULAK LINE—GOODS RE CEIVED AND BILLS LADINu- SIGNED EVERY DaY.—Freight and insurance *t less than Bailing ves* vessel rates, by tbe steamship,STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain J J. Garvin, to sail on Saturday. Oct. Id, at 10 o’clock, A M., from second wharf above Tine at. for farther particulars please seo advertisement ©4 Stoamship KEYoIONe. STATE, in this paper. For freight or passage apply to A.HSRON^*., oc4 828 North, Wharves 866,148 86 .*££s* FOR CHARLESTON AND SA Stfmfffi. VANN AH —HERON’S LINS. ft OOPS RECEIVED AND BILLS OF LADING SIGNED The splendid side-wheel Steamship* KEYSTONE STATE and STATS OF GEORGIA, Now form a weekly line {&t the South and Southwest/ one of these ships sailing «fTP*y SATURDAY at lo o'clock A. M.j alternately for Charleston and Sa vannah, FOR OHARLSBTON. The Steamship KEYSTONE BTATE, Captain O.P. MarShtUSn, Will commence loading on THURSDAY, Octobtr 2l.ahd sad on BATURDAY, October 23, atXft o’clock, A. M. JOB BATAHNAH. Tbe BTATE 07 GSOROf J, Capt. John J. ©arrla. will coramence loading oo IhtiTMBy f Oct litlj, ud sail on Saturday, October 16, at lu o’clock ▲. H. At both Charleston anl&avanaah, »bes£ snips connect irith ateamsra for Florida and Havanij anAvitb rait tofos, &0., for sU places in th»3onth and SoafSnveet. IBBIGHTB BBDUOBB. HerfctT Jttlght at a aTeraje of IS per oent. belov New T vti ffUWmsinp rate*. DTSUHANOB. FREIGHT and INSURANCE on a large proportion of goods shipped Sooth tHU be found to be lower bp these ships than bj sailing tease la. Cabin passage •««•.#.««*«•••*.s2o 00 Steerage do 809 Excursion Tickets, good for the present year. 80 Of No hills of lading signed after the ship sas sailed. tea freight or passage, apply to A. HERON, ft.* Wo. 83S (late 81) North wiamtf, Agents at B. & T.j&.^BPPD. Agents in ffiranhah, 0. A. GRSINBB & 00. For Florida, from Charleston, steamer CABOZiOfA, •rery Tuesday. Tot Florida, from ffuracaai, steamers ST. 2UJLY3 and ST. JOHNS, e?ery Tuesday asd Saturday. For Havana, from Charleston, steamer I&AB1L. on tiie 4th and Iftth of every month- jell THE BEITISH AND NORTH S&J&M&r AMBIIOAS EOTAB MAIL BTBAM- t*OM nv tou to LiraarcoL. OKlef Ortla FMB&ge< fleooad Cabin Fun{o 7SOK 800901 «0 UTUPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage. Second Cabin Passage , The ships from Boston call »tHa!' r *.’ PERSIA, Cap*. Judkins, CANADA, Cap l. . ARABIA, Oapt. J. Stone.' AMEBIC A, Oapt.Wiokuu>o ASIA, Oapt. B. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Oapt.Ryxie. atrip a 3 Capt. Shannon. EUBOPA, Oapt. 3. Leitoh. Thees vessels carry a Clair white light at mast-head; green on starboard oow; red on port bow. ABIA, Lott, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Sept. 23. PERSIA. Judkins, {k N.Tork, Wednesday, Sept 23. NIAGARA, Millar, “ Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 6. ABABIA, Std&e, « N.Tork,Wednesday, Oct. .33. CANADA, Lang, •» Boston, Wednesday, Oot. 20. APBIOA. Shannon, ct N.Tork, Wednesday, Oct. 27. ASIA, Lett, *' Boston, Wednesday, Nor. 3 PERSIA, Judkins, « N.Tork, Wednesday, Nor. 10. EUBOPA, Leitoh. “ Boston. Wednesday, Nor. 17. Barth* sot secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of th&se Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Bpeote. Jewelry, Preeiona Btones 6i Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the falae thereof therein expressed. Per ft&gki or passage apply to Be29*y £. OUNABD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVEK SMg&POOL, BKLT4BT, DUBLIN, mi LONDON- DisKßlf, without d 01.7, for » doUjn. Batura ticket*. good for oil jConUu, to either of the above plaoen, by any steamer of tt? i' ae , W dollars for the round trip, oat and back. FKOU IST TOBKe . - _ New York, McMillan, Saturday, July 10, at 12 Velock, M ? Edinburgh, Camming, “ Oct. SO, *•* Glasgow, Goodwin, “ August?, (( 702,766 87 Glasgow. Goodwin..,. •••Saturday, July 10. New York, McMillan Wednesday, August 11 Edinburgh, Gumming...*.. Saturday, Aug, 14. BATES 07 PASSAGE. First Class •*•■•••16 guinea* Steerage, found with eooked provisions...... 8 << First Oliuu J 76 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions SO 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fare; Infanta in Steerage, free. Batorn tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this line. first Glass $l4O 00 Steerage ;... $6O 08 An experienced Surgeon at taohed to each Steamer. Per freight or passage apply to WORKMAN it 00., 123 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. BOBSBT CRAIG. 17 Broadway, New York. BALL it LONBx, Buobanan’a Wharf, Balttmcre. my 11 COMPANY, {Drugs anti Ctjemuals. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., WHOLES ALB DRUGGISTS, Manufacturers and Dealer PAINTS, "VARNISHES, *nd WINDOW GLASS, Northeast oorner FOURTH and &AO2 Streets, Philadelphia. Bole Agents for the sale of the oelebrated Floreffb Plate Glsse. mh23-tf Blank books and stationery. DAVID M. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Public Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, ana bound in various styles, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Hogan’s contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say— u This display of blank boosa for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material la good, the workmanship moat excellent, and their finish ana ap pearance seat and appropriate. 1 * noOO-tt Summer Resorts, HAY’S HOTEL, WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY, Pa. The undersigned has purchased the largo and elegant building, corner of THIBD and PINE Street, formerly occupied by the West Branch Bank, and has enlarged and refitted it in a superior style. Williamsport is one of the most delightful island towns in Pennsylvania, end his house, he hopes, will be found pleasant, as woll to the traveller as to those citl aens of the metropolis who desire to pass an agreeable time during the heated term of the summer His omnibus runs from his Hotel to the Packet and ft 3B - 3 ” w. H. HAT, Proprietor. MB EDF O E D SPRINGS THIS voll-knotra &nd delightful Summer Beaort will be opened for the recaption of Visiters on the 16th of June, and kept open until the Ist of October. The new and spacious Buildings erected last year are now folly completed, .and the whole establishment has been furnished in superior style, and the accommoda tions will be of a character not excelled in any part of the United States. The Hotel will be under the management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manners, and attention to his guests, give the amplest assurance of oomfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means of aooess, It is deemed proper to state that passengers can reaoh Bedford by a daylight ride from Chambersburg. The Company bare made extensive arrangements to supply dealers and individuals with “ Bedford Water*, by the barrel, carboy, and in bottles, at the rollon In m prices, at the Springs, vis: For a barrel (mulbery) * |4 00 Do. (0ak)..,. 800 X Do. ’(mulberry)... BCO X Do- (oak) 200 Carboy, 10 gallons.. 8 2$ Bottles, lx pint, perdosen 1 10 The barrels are carefully prepared, so that pur chasers may depend upon receiving the Water ireah and sweet. All communications should be addressed to TH| BlDyosp yiNBRAL SPRINGS 00., mmornttiU) •COe.jMr 10 BVBRT BAT. XBOX GLASGOW* raoK nv toxx. Sicuionrra
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers