/ 1 ".'v. ~ o» „i Hons. *1 »*&'>-> -> Quto ll,lBas. v- : -- . ABBIVJSB/' Bte*mßb\jr"Pennsylvania,Teal,.rrom Wchmond,Mk Norfolk, SO hours, with - mdse, and bsssemrars to Thoa Webite'r, . .. .. Steamship Delaware, Copsa, 19 hours from New York, with merchandize' and passengers to Jas Allderdice. Baw a schr aground inside tbe point of Cape May, and pasted some twelve others in the bay and rlver upward hound. • v Bri^ ; Geo Amos, Nichols,*6 days from Piovidence, in ballast to Shmioksoi) 4 Glover.' Bchr Wm A Newell, DeGxoot.lftdayfl from Savannah, with mdse to Pettit. MarUo 4 Co,. Hch'r Isaao Blob, Smith, 0 days from Boston, with flsh to Stroup 4 - . . Sc \t tj A Hammond, Paine, 7 days from Boston, with xndne to David Cooper. - , Bchr MaUter, Crowell, 6 days from Boston, wi h mdee to Crowell 4 Collins, Star Klw.u Reed, Obipmanj 6 days from Boston,with mme to Crowell 4. Collins , _ Bihr. N r B T .Thompson,'Btrnes, 6 days from Boston, In btftiat to y*u Dacca, Nrnoa 4 C 0... bent Bi«m, Badicott, 6_d*y» Gam Haverhill, in bal l*ittoL Audenxiei 4 00. :, „ „ • * Scbr Sophia Ann, Smith, 4 days from ProVidence, in ballrst toßidkis oo 4 OoX . , , ' -■ fichrfi LT*y, Lake,'*6 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. • - Schr J>s Yates. 4days from Providence, in ballast to u&noroit, 1 ewis 4 Co, - ■>. , I’x.So r Hickman, Bickiusoa, 6 days from Port IValUial, in ballast to L Audenrled 4 Co, . 6chr U '4 T Oranuier, Huutley, 4 days from Fall bntiAji to ftepp idr 4 Co ' * tfeS h.‘ J Ireland, Miller, 6 ii'l from Boston, in ballast toT/iw, Stone 4 Co . boar Leader Hurt, 4 days from Bridgeport, In ballast to N Sturtevant 4. Co; ' • Bohr .Compromise, Crlbbsge, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian 4 Oorran. Bchr Bxpsriment. ’Buabknan, 2 days from Obesspeake CHy, witu grain to 4 Curr*n B:hr A It Johoeoi Pat Uon, *4 days from Port Depo sit with bark to J D Dudley 4 00. Sohr Mechanic, Henderson 1 day Grom Odossa, Bel, with grain to J L flewley 4 Co.'" Schr Ladies' Choice. Straaghan, X day tiora New Castle, Bel, with oats to Jaa Barratt & 00. bohr'Pdgar, Scritieu, 2 days from Baltimore, with wheat to O.ttall * Co. - Schr Wm D Pitts', Bremer, a days from Ohincoteegue, in ballast to captain. OIiB&tUJD. ' . Fteamsbip Keystone State, M&rahmtn, Char lea ton, A Heron, Jr. Steamship Phineas Sprague, Matthews, Boston. Hen ry WUMor Steamship Keunebeo, Hand, N York, J Alldordise. Ship Resolute, Frlucv, Savannah, Bishop, Simona & Co. Br br/g Oceanlsle, Do a, Barbadoos, Jlf Penlston. - Brig George'Xmos, Nicholson, Boston, Binnlchson & Glover. Bchr ft W Billon, Marts, Wilmington, NO, D 8 Stet son tc Co. Sebr Blog Bore, Johnson, Alexandria, T Web*ter, Jr. Sohr Sojhi* Ann. Smith, Boston, ttfoklstoa & Vox. ■ fiflir Leader,Hurt, Bostm, N diurtevaot 4 Go Sohr Joseph Porter, Yates, ProTldence, Banoroft, i««i. ic oo.- Jchr J Iceland, Miller, Washington, Tyler, Stone &Co, - . ~ , Bohr U 4 T Qranmer, Huutley, Pawtuoket, Bepptler & Bro. Sohr N B T Thompson, Barnes, Salem, Tan Dosen, Korion 4 Co. . Scbr M A Green, Atraore, Salem, do Sfihr Jae B igUafc, Neal/New Hawn, do Bchr J Barrett, Davis, Boston, L Audenried & 00. Bohr Pearl, Brown, Boston, do SehrHfckmsti, Pfckerson, Washington, do - Jltoop Economy, 'Bldrldce, Salem, . ‘ do { Bit RWilling, Claypooi, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. „.. _ (Correspondence of The Press.) :• ~ .HAVRE J>3 G8AtJ8,0*19,1668. ' The Wyoming left here this morning with 10 boats, laden'and consigned as follows: 'Nameless; bituminous coal to High Bridge; John Piatt and J K Lipplncott, lumber to H Croskey; BB o*beeu,raUtabriton Beeves, Abbott 4 Oo; Rising Btm and Native, lumber to Malone A Taylor; - Dr Wm Underwood, do to Ncjcrw & Sheets; Columbus, Prank Fidler, and Udine, coal to Delaware City*. ' (Correspondence of The Press.) ; - BEADING, Oct. 8,1858. The folloirlhg boats, from the Union Oanai, passed Into tbe Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadel phia, laden and consigned as'ollows: Osier and May Queen, anthracite coal to Z L Howell: O B porael, lumber to JisseLane, Wilmington Del; ii H Auerling, do to John Craig; M M Bicker, pig iron to Cabevn A Co; Biisabeth Weaver, do to WoWerton 4 Co; Dr R P Long, do to Bolton, Vandemer-fe Co; Col Mur ray, flour,' 4c- to Humphries, HoffaSn A Wright: 0 D GHae, bituminous coal to captain. > P. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.] LEWES. Del.. Oot 8.6 PM. / The wind having .changed to NW. this morning, the briga'Bub&ra, Canima. Abby Ellen, echrs Emily, 0 H Tolley, Blise KT Smith, tug .'America, and the ves sels previonsiy reported, have all departed. Yours, &o. . .■. WM. M. HICKMAN. . \ law nutuura.i (Oorrespondende of the Philadelphia Exchange.) . OAJI 13X.18D. Oot b. 4# p M. .The ship Rochester, tor New Orleans, barque# Yioii du. for Cardens*, and Belle, for Boston, went to*wea this afternoon. With NW—weather fine. Oct 30, P M—The achr B Lockwood, laden with lime, mitaUyod about it o’clock this'morning, and went ashore near the steamboat laudiog, and is new full of water. A number of schooners passed in during yester day and to-day. ■ Nothing seen going out. Wind NW— weather floe/ Yours, Ac, THOB. B. HUGHES. ' . - (AT *sl*q*i*ji to ts* rasas.] Nuw Youi.OctlO. Arrived, ship Andrew Jaokson, from San Francisco. . . • ' Bcstos, Oot. 10. Arrived, barquo Tom Corwin, from Oienfoe&os. A telegraphic,dd*pa«b'received in London, Septem ber 24,,fr0m Cadis, states that the ship Oashangar, of Boston, Captaih:*Garoner. from Sunderland, England, with coal/ was burnt to the water's edge on the night of the 231 of September. -The crew were saved.- The Ca&haugir was a fine vessel, and was built in Bast Bva tou last fall by Messrs 0 S &H D Gardiner. MEMORANDA. 7 r fET? B** Holmes’ Hole. titeamsblp Virginia, Kelly, hence, arrived at BUh tnoodStb inst.' ~ ; Steamship State.or GoorgU. Qarvin, hence, arrive lat Savannah o*b Inst. - ' 1 : Steamship Philadelphia', Harrison, fdr Havana abd N York,‘cleared At Now Orleans fitb Inst.' ' . Steamship Oily ot New Turk, Howes, cleared at Boa-*' too Dlh Inst for Philadelphia. Ship Winfield Scott, Crocker, for San Francisco, ■ Uv-ared at Boston Oth lust. Ship T B Wales, Barr,- for Calcutta. sailed from Shields 22d uit . Ship Gray Oak; Jeffreys, from Hauluein for Loudon. pasted Deal iHlhulV .' Ship Osrio Gordo, Withaiu, fdr Baltimore, oleared a. Liverpool 2<M Hit. Ship Flying. Send, Baxter, tom Bombay for London, pissed Deal 2lth nit. - , ' Ship Oasllda, Safford, tom Baltimore for Rotterdam, arrived at Hoi root 2latult. : \ , Ship Arcole, Crafts, uncertain, remained at OronsUdt 28th nit, : fibip Ma&coiigaSjCatter, hence at Baltimore Bth but, <olp.lforH.rre , ' . , ’ Criterion,' Harding, from Havre, and lowa. Jones, from Havana, at Mobile 2d but. Ship Monterey, Horton, for Liverpool, cleared at Ba vanaph 6th lu*t. Ship Bridgewater, Baretow, cleared at Hew York 6th Inst for Mobile. Barqae Evelyn, Harrington, hence, arrived at Bangor Ith lost. Barque Bloating Cloud, (Br) Smith, from Bio do Ja neiro, via Hampton Bosds, arrived t,t N York 9th Inst. Barques. FaUdin, Wilson, for Montevideo. Ao: tiopnia, Jones, for Bio de Janeiro; brig Milo. (8r) Campbell, for Halifax, and schr 0,-ea Sea, Babbluge, for Boston, *ll from Baltimore went to sea from oape Henry 7th intuit.' - - • ' 7 ■ Barqae I Morales, Bnrmaiater, from Havana,'at Bristol, *>2Bdult; - ’ ' HaiV-#’ W A Banka. Bartlett, for Malaga, cleared at Vigollto tot. x * Barques Taietta,Locke, and Bea Bird, Taylor, cleared »t Boston 9th Inst, foe Cape of Good Hope. ~ . Brig Tfaos W Rowland, Rowland, eleatod at Charles ton fob fast -for Bio de Janeiro. Brigs Mfuetta, Bibber, and Ocean Traveller, Bar gent, hence, arrived at Portland bth lust. Brig Trenton, Atherton, hence, arrived at Portland Bth fast, haring made the round trip from Portland to this port and back again In I2)f days. Brig Myra. Fuller, cleared at‘Boston bth but. for Philadelphia. '■ ■ Drift Daniel Maloney, Steelman, from Bahia Aug 29, arrived at Wilmington, Ho. Btb lost. Sailed in com pany with brig Chanticleer, for New York bobr B H Shannon. Marta, for Gardiner, to load for Philadelphia, cleared at eoaton 9th lost. Bohr Jane 0 Patterson,Uasd, heuoe, arrived at Bos ton 9th’ fast; _ ficbr Minetvft, Wheeler, for Philadelphia, sailed from Bristol Bth inefc • 1 * Bofars Antares, Oordery; Boston, Brower; PC Smith. Smith; Lillie Sander*, Corson; Arietta. Robinson, sad Allan Bice, sailed irom Providence Bih Inst, for Philadelphia. • -Bohr M B Cerllgle, Wiaimore, Tor Philadelphia or Alexandria, sailed from Bast Greenwich 7th mat. fiohr Bicnsrd Borden, Arnold, hence, arrived at Fall -River 6th Jd«, 4 Bobr Juliette, Ohste, for Philadelphia, eloared at Bos ton 9th inst. * > Bchr Anna M Edwards,Edwards,hence tot Pawtucket, at Providence Bth Inst. * -Bobr Grecian, Matthews, henoc; arrived at Porte, mouth 7th Inst. * 9 Bchr a W Benton, Taylor, oleared at Newborn. NO, oth lust for Philadelphia. ' Bchr Mtoheb&ba, Ybung, foranortbeu port, wept to sda fro is Charleston 7th Ust. ' D B Wales,' Hoffman, for Philadelphia, went to sea from Wilmington, NO, Bth Inst. fichr-J J Spencdr, Cole, hence, arrived at Wilming ton, «o,Bth Inst. ... * Behr Damsel] Bertc&.'for Baltimore, cleared at WU ' mlogton. NO, fltfi List. Bobr Ell Rowley, Godfroy, oleared at New York 9th v Inst, for Wilmicgton, NO.' • Schr VeaU, Tomlin, cleared at New York 9th Inst, /or Bridgeton. NJ,\., » 1 ‘ OW0 > ? hence, arrived at Bel fast 6thlnst, • ‘•-V : • 'Bohw ! Ann IloVntt. T.MsrtOT, ,oa 9m, O.ttlo, hence at Alexandria foh lost, . - . 1 Behr Charm, sailed from Alexandria Bth Inst for Phi -Jadelpbia ; - ‘- fiebrs logomar, Casr; Copia; gears: Jaa B Johnson, Johnson; J B Hewitt, Boss; Mary Patterson. Somers; ’Sarah L« Bmlth, and H Curtis, Johnson, hence at bob •HnSthmt.' ‘ -fJßchr 8 M Bhaddlck, WiUiatns, cleared at Hartford 7th ingt .fpr Phil delpbla. ' ' v - ' Schr David Faust, Mralflnder. cleared at Wilmington, >»o,mib*t,HtNewYotk- Bobr John Lancaster,' Stites, for Philadelphia, was at NewportTlh inst,- EehmAlaitba, Baxter, from Boaton for Philadelphia, and Hoi'netj Heiley, Lorn Portland for do, at Newport 7thinst.- . i --. v Scbr J Fram&es,Fratnb*v, hence, arrived at Prorl deocefthlnst, .' :k Sebrs Cicero,' Burroughs, and BmpJre, Adams, ?for /Philadelphia, Knight, Bears, for do or Alexandria, and" EUrabcth E, Bacon,-for- do or New’York, walled from Providence 7th Inst. '*/ **.u, h ’ r Bteonm* Mtdgle, Gmmley, and Fannie Hmtd, Vi * cleared at Hartford 7th inst. for Philadelphia; iiiirt^^rPhi^dM^ira Q*** 9 ?** - °* e ? at Albany Bth - , v.-; V- .. FOREIGN POBTB, (Per Canada, at Boston.) Thehrlg E 8 Penny, Borum, from New York for Mau ritius, was tun foul of in Capa Town, CGH, harbor, , durfaga gale, August Istj.bywFrench barque. Both , vessels received considerable damage-.' • <• The* barque Sislcan, from Padang for New York.'put ' Into 1 Algo Bay July. 23d,t0 ‘ repair, having lost part of - .herbulwarks .. J , ... -■ .Meßfllni, fieptlS—Ar, Greyhound, Golriniden, Malta. ' *• rLlverpool/bept 2fi-r-Cld,'E. PfStrloger* Wood. Bom ; bayi’.KatbDyer, Dyer,New'Orlaans; Columbia, Hutch ' “*ln«on.NYorki B«aoJttte,'Freeman;dq,' „ , . Bid fieptemher Ssd> Logan, Marsh, N .Orleans; Const!. VWdni’Hiigipr. doc- , 1 - ' - .'7 gl—Ar,' Orphan, Rockwell; N Orleans. iGlftfaltar^gept7—Air,Zone;Priest, NYork. - Havre- Bliffin*, N York. • Off Gibraltar Bept 1?, Wild GaaeUJ,-Humphrey, Me*. . , '’‘a&dcl^Tl»AWp^AHß^toßV V'V V -^^ttODMßftl'HOLiifcV.Gut'e.^P William -- ' <JtAwfordj Colbani f :GardlDeV for Philadelphia; icbrs . Wauksag; SimpjwnvßulUvaa. for.BolUmore; Mohawk; . s Hendewa^dA/orsfiimHjrtod,;Del»;- s Beiled.‘,brigS..Resolut«pflartietf'jOcean' Traveller, .-.MarthaKendall;schr*Mary,\Mbntexnme,Sarah L.Oeo Maugham, .Alvarado, .Ofcamij.ft;jßtcgors/ end ■ James 8 Hewitts :: •’ '-j', >?!•<>'v-i < ■ ::*&3lbrtAi' Wg Baltimore tor Bangor; Jackaonyiue for Port 'f, Bnt>w, giai'e;?Weaver, B* ston torPhlladvlablsr F -BtrxUQuvH»ley v : York j Orta i a»U«rf, nehn (Jeo WMWngton, S K H«t, B»y State, ObwleijeedOtlßOowl:- - Sat—-Ar, sehrs Oh&s A Greiner, Weaver, Philadelphia for pldella, Bh*w, Boston for Philadelphia.. In‘poet. 8A M, wind NW, the above arrivals of to day, and brigs George Washington, ; Wm Crawford, Den mark. Louisa: sohrs Dazzle, (ordered to Portland) Wau keag. Mobawk, Electric, Ganges. Loohiel, ProwOtJoa, Caroline Grant, Pancing’Wave, Snow Flake, F Stratton, Wave, and Bed Rover. ARBIVALS AT TBE PRINCIPAL HOTELB, ITP to 088 O’CLOCK, this HOB2IUVC. GIRABD HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. O Ellsworth, Boston ' B F Hall & l&dy, 111 Mrs Junes,A daughter, 111 Sami Daoforth- Del Dr j Mann, Baltimore. B Gallagher, N J MOwehjTena . LHOolfon, Ml waukee E W Wheelan Awi, 8t Louia Mrs Andrews, 8t Louie Hr<OpU,Vs Mr Baldwin, Pa Jos W Harpoon NY BP Hunt, Texas Miss Hunt, Texas Mr Sibley A la, Buffalo Miss Welles Buffalo Z Qosmer, Boston Wm B Waker. La J no J Page, Nashville J L Grigler, Miss T 0 White, Mlbs BP Young. Mias Wm Portwood. Miss BBUillj Va J B Burdett, V * Thos h Jackson, Va Jas Patton A lady, Pa J Quincy, & lady, N S Sfl Quincy A lady, N ff H b Blackwell * lady, NO J B Oronteo, NY T H Quarles, Ya Jns Callender, N Y N 0 Keith, Virginia L N Webb. Virginia P K Dickinson A la, N C Miss L Watters. N 0 Mrs Walker A aon, NO Mr A lady, N O MU* Bourne, NO Mr MouUon A 1&, N 0 G W G bson *J»,NY Miss R btele, Kentucky Miss L Stele, Kentucky R P Beynolds.'S 0 J H Prentice, Brooklyn Mrs N'ninger, 9\ Paul P Hamilton A son, Mobile 0 R Brewster A. la, S 0 Miss Brewster, Charleston Thos Obalmer. Jr, N Y H White, Springfield J L Moore, Memphis Mrs Jamlwa, NY J Sturgis Pearce, NY Wm WitiUms,Pa HRllatmaker, Milwaukee 0 D Yancey A w, N Orleans Miss Malasoher, N Orleans N Gladding, N Y Ohas K Tuekerraan, N Y W Sharp, Jr, London, Bug Daniel Reread, SO Mrs James Bavenol, 8 0 Miss Caroline Ravenel.B 0 Mrs Wm Rat-pel A son, 8 0 Miss Mary 0 Bavenel, 8 0 80 Ravenel,B 0 ' A A Wellington*,*,Boston Geo Brooks. Boston E ItSecccxnb, Boston T W Foley, I,a Rev Alex Stewart. N Scotia Joo W Anderson, Savannah Miss Anderson, Bavannah] Miss Herndon, Sav&uoah Mi«a Lucy Herndon, G* M Miller A lady, N Y G H Hunt A lady, N Y Geo L Abbott A lady, Mass Wm 8 Doughty, N Y H Bonner, NY. ® H Talrosn, N Y Wm Kohlon, Va R M Pomeroy, Cincinnati Kdw Graham, Va PH Sobench, Va Wm T Button. NO P Callahan, Florida J HH Borne, Florida Leonard Passano, Balt J L Tomlin, London J 0 Word; MUs Hr Ohace. Washington J L SchoolfieJd, Va Thos B Blkln, Mira 8 A Harper, Mies B T Wilson..i£iM J4l Keyes Bliss MliuMetoiufo'Natchea Mr. Kinnen, Halifax Miss Archibald, Halifax Sites Klnoen, Halifax 0 D Archibald, Halifax J Weddell, Va' U B Bnffman, Vfc AUx Bruce Va D Ji Benson, Va Z J Walker, Va J A Hall, Va* NO Peyton, Va Wm catsedy, Albany, NY 8 T Fairchild, N Y Oliver Z Reid, Va 8 Trufent, La B S Wood, Natche* Henry Meyer, Pa J W Pearson, Fla, < GWfacper, SO B A Chambers, NO A W Norfleet, Va A A TTtqubart ’ Va U B Urqaimrt, Va JBretlow,Va Mr Knight A lady, Auburn Geo U Seely, NY W W Worcroßß, Trenton,NJ John Slothower, Wis Mrs Power*, St Louiß J Browne, Jr. New Bedford Miss E Browne, N Bedford i fllu A G Browne, N Bedford G IkDeOoßta h R Tiius, Trenton, N J JL Peacock, Ga J P Wheeler, Boston J O Johnston, Jr, Ky j John D Winslow, NY B G Dyart, Missouri j T P Perklnson. Missouri W R KodeS, Missouri G H Edmonds, Ohio A N Thomas, Pa 8 Milton, Pa Jos Denegre, N 0 T A Zones. Pla 0 M Keller, N Y J A Retan, N Y D J Foley A la, Balt Jno 8 Gelena N Y L Stagg A la, Gin, 0 Jaaao Henig, Bait Geo A Lute, N Y Sami Shaw,NY HVlbert.NY 1 J N Curtin, N Y J Ward, Palmer, N Y E P Murfee, N 0 Wm P Lightner, B»!t | B A Davie, Va E Loughry A l*. Mobile J A BaV«*r, NO U Leonard, N 0 J W Mcllhßoy, Vt Dr JK Troup. Ga Misa Troup A sis, Ga M ! a* Rhett. 8 0 j Geo 0 Dent A la, Ga T G McConnell, Va Jag R Bed, 80 BW Petit,BO J 0 Wilson. Pitts J II McKay, Miss J W Monweith Va Thos B Monweilh, Va I W B Erwin,B 0 . Qeo W Falrey,B 0 | MERCHANTS* HOTEL-Fourth, below Arch str««t. B B Wigton, Pa AG Scott, Gambler, O Beej Barnwell, Ohio D MoKlnaey, Pittsburgh Job 8 Reed, Klttannlng V C Darragh, Kitt&nnlng W G Gibson, p R R Hiram Teach, P* 8 Keefer, Indiana Pa APollook, Pa WRO Webator, NY Mrs Gillls, Pa Mrs Reed, Pa - Mia* Case, Pa ii Boanlman, Coon J S Hibbon Ini W P Galbraith, NY J M Frazer, Kv Win it Taylor, K* TW Miller- Mis* P H Carpenter. Miss J N Kline. Meaivllle A S Walls, Pa Tbeo 8 Christ* Pa AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Sixth, tf’m Foster «fc lady, Bt Louis James Gilmore, Jf y J II Brown, NY HR Smith. Umr Thou 0 Williams. Maes W H Thomaa, Waehn Jan H Harris. Washington A Strauss, N Y W Curtis* NY Js* WHlcoXob, G* Judson Butter, Oft ' A Warren. AU H Lnine*. NO W H Mitchell, N c H fthorod.N 0 DR Richardson, <3 a 8 D Barham, [Ga J*s B Field, Maes M M Rhodes, Ms** • > Jared Pratt. Mess Jno <3 Stearns, Brooklyn. Wm 0 o«stle. Pa Wn E Qooley fc la, Boston Miss Cooley, Boston R t Gilkey, NO- J fl GUkey N 0 G A Miller. Columbus, G& E J Kelly, Kelly**;)]* J Scott, Boston 1> I* Van Deriaaa, N J A S Kelly, Haverhill R Pesslee, Haverhill OT Judah, Louisville, Ky E Yerfces & lady, Phlla HU Mcßride, NY EG Harper. NY C HQu&hman.U SN J Q Ronald, Trov, N Y John Jack. Va Wm 0 HiM, Ta Joo SI Nones, Bel Robt L Wilson Sami B Lewis, Va UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth D Mcßride, Wheeling John M Carpenter,Chicago BM Moore, NJ - JG Reeding, NJ W P Andrews, Md W Harlan A la Pa A L Chirk, Ohio L Sinsheinor, NY Alfred Beaver. Ohio H Sutton. NJ 0 Bow, Kenton, Ohio £ P Lelnbacb, NO B Connard, Beading NATIONAL HOTEL—Race above Third. V Milhonse, Ind W P 0 Whitaker, Philo Jas D Murray, Pa Geo Mclntosh A, la, Pa Jos P Gonodor, Ohio 0 Beecher, NJ Geo Hamilton, Pa WO Harris York, Pa J A Blattenberger, Pa Ohas Hartman, Pa J 8 Sharpley. Pittsburgh R N Harmstead, NY Cyrus Darrell. NY Thos R RMotmlth* NY G F Weist, Pa Wm Anderson, Pa MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. Kug«oe Francis, N Y Adams. 8 O II Garlock, Saratoga Springs j L Carpenter, Newark Mrs Garlock, Baratoge Ppr’a Q- Rhodes. Oawero, N Y J Brown. Rochester, NT R Miles & la, Baltimore lI L Loiher, NY C K Cannon, Baltimore BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third, above CallowhlU. A Bookmen, Pa . F Groff, Farmomille A J'Ackley, New Orleans Geo Edison, New Orleans N H Broeman, Del City llenry Thomas, Pa BALD *AGL» HOTEL—ThIH * treat, ah CallowhlU, Sami Wlllower, Yaaton, Pa R WlUower, Kss’on, Pa MG Friel, Lebanon, Pa J H Walter, Lebanon, Pa BLACK BEAR INN— Firth aid Merchant streets, A L Taylor. Chester, £a 0 Patterson, Phils P P Hartley, Phtla D B Nyce, Del co 0 Ohurchmao, Del F A Ohurchmas. Del B F Shantz, Doylestown Trnman Coates, Pa John Trayner, Chester co BABLEY SHEAF HOTBD—Second street, below Tine. Thos H Mcllhscey, Pa John Mahan, Pa O Hoppock, Newt -va ' D Fell, Newtown J Davis, Oheltenhlli Mlsd A Force, Newtown M James. Oheltouhill N A Buxton, Augusta, Ga A T Dafllsld. DavisvlUe J P Buckley, Pa ,W K Harland, Stroudsburg Henry Diel, Pliila MOUNT VEBNON HOTEL -Seoond street, above Arch, , J 0 Brown & wife, N J John B Patterson, N Y B P Allen, NY A Arnold, Wilmington B Nowes'A la, Wilmington Valentine Itrobst. Pa W F Kohler. PhDa Mr Olark, Beading WmOROta.NT Hlatorfcftl Society, October 11th, 1808.— A Stated Meeting of the Society wilt he held this Evening atB o'clock. TBANK M. KTTING, ocll-lt Rec. Secretary. |Y“Sp» American Hemocrnts, to the Rescue l Ik? —Vote for F. B. ALTRMUB, for Assembly, fa the EIGHTH LEGISLATIVE BUT RIOT, cell-it* (YTs 5 * First Congressional District.—A Mass Iki? Meeting of the Fiifnds of Dr. GEO. W. NK- BfNGEIt will be held at FIFTH and SHIPPKN Street*, THIS (Monday) EVENING, at o'clock. Able speakers will be present to address the meeting. AU mten>Ung to participate are requested to meet at Washington and pass?unk Boau, &t ex o’clock, to proceed in a body to tbo place of meeting, ocll-lt* (vr-p* The Editorial Union of Pennsylvania Uss will meet, agreeably to adjournment, at the MUSIOaL FUND HALL', in the City of Philadelphia, on,WEDNESDAY, October 20th- at 1 o’clock, P. M. By order. CHARLES J. PETEuBfiN, ocll-lt \ Go 1 responding ttecretary. fy-g=» Manayuok ond Roxboroagh—Rrmem- I kjt berthe treatment of your Delegates in tbo Legivls tive Convention. If von oro prepared to } ield the en tire control of the District to a few group 'ng political specula ora over in the Twenty-Second Ward, then vote for HAMUKBBLY, whoso nomination was forcod upon you. But if you want to loach these gents that they do not constitute the whole Party, then defoat him. Do th s, and you will acquire the title of men who will not bo trampled upon with impunity, and who knowing their rights, dare maiut in them, ocll-lt* ANTI-DIOTATIONBR. .Vy* Fhlladefpbitt College ol Medicine, 211 LAS South FIFTH Street, beiow Walnut. Order or Introductory Lectures: Manday, October 11th, 8 P.M., Prof. TAQQART. Tuesday, l< 12th, 10 A. M,, “ RAND. “ *« 12th,H A. M , «« HARLOW. Thursday, «* 14th, 10 A M, MKIGfI ** “ 14th,11 A. M, “ HALSEY. Friday, “ 35th. 10 A.M., '< nARTSHORNB “ “ 15th, 11 A. M , « GORIJBECHT. OUnlcs on Wednesday and Saturday, at noon. B. HOWARD BAND, M. D., ocll-6t* Bean of the Kamity. ry-~a» At a meeting of the Stockbeldera of the LK3 R' B- E< And M Co , held at the American Ho tel, in Philadelphia, the Bth day of October. 1858, J, B. JBBY. E»q of Harrisburg, was called to the chair, and Dr. IS. F. DRAYTON appointed secretary. The Chairman stated that the object of the meeting wa* to hear a report of the progress of improvements at Mound City fromj B. Peytun, Esq , who had re oantly r turned from that place, and to respond to reso lutions passed by the stockholders at the last public sale atHdaodOtty. Mr. Peyton then gave a full and luotd detail of the improvements made and in progress, and of the general &o*pect« of # the »cr*j ra 0 f the Company, which was ghly Ifatifflug to the Eastern stockholders. Joseph H. fhomnson, offered the follotr lh*ioni, which were unanimously adopted; WAefsrtv, We, as Btockholders in the Emporium Beal Estate and Manufacturing Company, having in vested a large amount of capital l n the enterprise, feel great Interest in its suocesg, and having received a very .flattering report of the progress of the Improvements at Mound City: Resolved, That we are highly gratified at the very favorable report we have received from Jesse B. Peyton Esq . of the progress or our enterprise; and we fe»i confident, through a proper and judicious management, that our investment will prove remunerative to all) equal to our Most sanguine expectations. Resolved, That the- implicit confidence reposed by us In our Board of Directors leaves no place la the history of our enterprise for the word fail ' That our success having been owing main ly to the confidence, industry, and enterprise of the pioneer settlers of Mound City, we heartily wish them success, and prophesy & glorious future for their adopted city.' - Resolved, That the future greatness of Mound City being .guarantied by its past unprecedented progress, we eon conscientiously, and do most earnestly, recom mend to the honest and Industrious mechanics of our overgrown cities in. the Bast, sad elsewhere, to pitch their tents and cast their fortunes with us, where labor will meet just compensation, and energy find a suitable reward. . Resolved, ‘That in response to the resolutions passed by the Stockholders at Mound City at the last publio **attend the next putllo said on the 24th and 2oth days of November next: and that we coueur in the general invitation extended to all the Stock ho dvrs to be in attendance. M. MUNDY, Esq , $ then moved that the proceedings meeting, with a copy of the resolutions, be pan* llshed in the North American and The Press, of Phila delphia,' ana the Mound city Emporium, which was ananimouslvadopiel. • ’ After a lew desultory remarks from some or the Stockholders present, and a general agreement to at teridL the next sale, on motion of B Hor straw, E'q .the meetlrg adjourned;; . - ; - R. f. DRAYTON, , . >■ > 1 Secretary, ‘ fV&w - Address of the People’* Committee o/ SUPERINTEND NOB TO THE YOtBBd OF PHILADELPHIA —The time has arrived when the . oltisemr of Philadelphia are to express their senti meats with rerard to the policy of the Governmeo and the wen who are to ml some of tb« most import^® prosperity of onT countty and to the continue of oar free institution*. e>r So gross and alarming have been the »Bfnmpt onß or the head of the Federal Government} so astounding th. MtrapttOT. by which Us ha. despotic end oojust measures up<m & resisting people, flo rapid tire absorption of all the power, of Go.ern m.K the hand, at the President, thet meo doubt If it he In th 6 power of the people to resist ihe well organised body of official., f.vorltest and parasites, which meosges the meohieery of political contests. mi 4 which his shown Itself ready to reßort to the most flagrant fronds and violence, whoa other m.aos tell, to carrr g q election. We would call the attention of the intelligent voter* of out city especially to the following matters which most particularly intpreit them in the contest of Tues- l. The powrr exercised by the President, during the last session of Congress, in procuring the passage or 'he “English’? Kansas bill to which the vast body of the people of our country wera known to bo opposed. The fact la established, beyond dispute, that the most corrupt means were made use of to Induce the Repre sentatives tn Congress to voto in opposition to the wishes of the people they xepie&euUdi *ud the pa sage of that hill shows that the President of the United Ste'es holds Inbishandsapower imminently dangerous to the llberfea of the people ,• for if he, through the influence of his patronage, and the corrupt use of the treasures of the nation, o*n control Congress, the es sehtial feature of Democratic Government, that of the • expression of the will of the people through their Re presentatives, is lost, and the Republic stands but the shadow of anamerf , ~ 2. The reckless disregard or the Interest* and welfare of the pooplo, exhibited by tho fact th&ttbe whole of the long season of the present Congress has been P» B f*« without the initiation of any measure intended to miti gate the distress and embarrvsment which have perva ded the l*cd for more than a > ear past. The reports oi the Secretary of the Treasury, ana tho message* of the President, show both of these tunctionariei to be igno , rant of those great principles of political economy 1 which are at the foundation of all commerce sod in dnstrial prosperity, and this fact shoold urge the people to be more oareful as to the character of too mon with Whom they may surround tho Administration. 3 The enormously increasing expenses of the Gene ral Onremmimt, which here grown from loss th.n *12.600 000 to »t least *91,000,000, «nd probably much moro, Within tho last thirty yssrs. la »tune of pro found peace, the expenses of Mr. Buchanan S AdminH tritSon, Jn Its seoond year, will amount to over $lOO,- 000,000 At tho present time the expenses or the Go vernment aw mote than double its whole revenue 5 and these expenses are increasing in an accelerating ratio. v , The dullest comprehension must be able to perceive that the enormous patronage of the President, and the vast sum* which his friends nan and dwhso to Influence careless and depraved voters, and to procure frauds at elections, ate in hu alarming degree dangerous to the Uhertlea of the people. Tho unscrupulous uge of this pjwerand patronage are too notorious to need com ment The evidence before the eyes of the people of Philadelphia In Ms Navy Yard colony, and In many other movements of the party which sustains Rim. Other questions and other abuses, of comparatively Jess important, mfcbtbd presented if It were deemed necessary* bntso shameless has been thecondnotof the dominant petty, and so well informed are the people of our city in regard to Its corruptions, its frauds, and the general culpability of those who hold position through its influence, that we need not consume time In presenting them in detail at this juncture. 4. In the management ot the local affairs or Fhlladoß pbia county, under the control of the same party, the moot flagrant abuses and corruptions hate been foster ed, utu.ll they Rave brought shame ahd disgrace upon the administration of justice, and the transacting olj the business of the people. The shameful evidences of disregard of decency and honesty are apparent in every department of Govern ment where Democracy rales, sbd calls loudly for re form ; and a* every citizen is directly interested In the prevention ot Crime dud Outrage, atid lb the faithful management or the b&«ine*s of the county offices, no one should neglect the great dnty of guarding the pub lio interests and securing the election of men of integ rity and reputation to 611 offices of snob importance. It most be plain to every one that the great duty in eumbent upon citizens who hold the elect ve franchise io their haod* Je to take cave that they be p»c>pr/Jy re presented In all legislative and administrative offices. Wh*n parties have placed candidates la the Hold, it be comes not only the privilege, bat the duty, of the citi zen to choose intelligently between them; for If men be not reliable, it is a matter of little importance what may ha the principles they profess. The party of the People have formed, and present herewith a ticket composed of men who are not only gent-rally well known to the community, but whose standing and obaraoter are unassailable. The candi dates for Congress are all gentlemen of standing and position. They are all advocates of that great princl- Ele of protection to American .industry which is proved y the recent history of the country to be so essential to the wett being tod happiness of the people of the great Keystone State, and on all other question* which are likely to come before Congress they occupy that conse valive position, and hold such v.Cws as have been elaborated by those great statesmen who were the guardians of the Republic In former timds— Olay and Webster. There is no period Jn the history of our country, per haps, when It has been on essentially necessary that the people should select their Representatives lor ihe National Legislature with care and caution, as is tho present; ana it is therefore that we ask every voter in Phll&lelphia to mark well the principles which are to b.- elaborated and determined by the eclecthas which may be made on Tuesday next. We have, on the one hand, candidate* who are the avowed and opba friends of the great principle of popular sovereignty and per fection to the Industrial interest* of the country, whilst, oa the other hind, there are presented toyou those who have ignored the former by their official acts, and who proclaim thsmselves on all occasions, except on tho eve of an election, the opponents of the latter. Oa the County Ticket we present you the names of gentlemen for whom we challenge the most severe cri ticism. No man can say aught against either of them; and a comparison between them «ud those offered to your support by ’he miscalled Democratic party would indeed be odious. Mr. Hern, who heads the ticket, is a gentleman of most sterling character, whether a* a business man or in social life; whilst Messrs. MoMthao and Woolery, by a life-time spent in oar midst, havo secured to themselves tho regard and confldence of all who know them. The candidates for Representatives and Senator, In the State Legislature, arc too numerous to permit of a detailed reference. The; have boen selected, however, la conaequeoce of their ability and their moral worth ; and It Is believed that they will be faithful and iaielli gent representatives or the true sentiment of Philadel phia, and the interests, not only of our be&ut.rul me tropolis, hht of the entire State. The time left in which to complete th\csnvass is short. The issues which are to be decide} are of the most important character; and, as freemen who de serve the name, there are duties resting on yon which cannot be fairly neglected. We, therefore, appeal to y>u most earnestly that you will .not omit to exercise the great right of suffrage on Tuesday next, and that in doing so yon will give your cordial aod hearty sup port to the ticket of the People, which folloirs; STATE GmOKRS. 3UDQE OF THE SUPREME COURT, JOHN »I. BEAD. commissioner, william b. fkazbb. ■ CONGRESS, First Dimiot, JoIIN w. RYAN. Sboond •< JSDW. JOY MORUIS. TMIBIf “ JOM'I F. VEHREB. turn™ “ william millwakd. Ymn « JOHN WOO», STATE SENATOR, THIRD DISTRICT, JOHN B. PARKER. FOR REPRESENTATIVES. Fi«»T b/stJsiot, JOSEPH H. SINES. th«*d “ wm. h. Matthews. FoobtH “ J. MORRIS DABBING. FtfTH “ GEOKGR T THORN. Sixth “ JOSEPH M. OHUBCU. SaTHMTH « Bioara <( Niste, ISAAC J NEALL. ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. TSXTH “ EnuvßHTn “ Twblvth FRANCIS SDWABD3. f-IMON GRATZ. Ttr/nTSKwra 11 FoUHTSE.VrII “ “ GBORGJ3 W.HAMBPSLKY. ** GKOftGK WILEY. Fiptrsnth SIXTBBKHI B*fiHiTB*WTH I* COUNTY OFFICERS. SnSRIPF, WILLIAM H. KKRN. REGISTER OF WILLS. . GEORGS W. MoMAHAN. CLERK OF ORPHANS’ COURT, NIMROD WOOLERY. By order of the People’s Oomcaittee of gaperiaton* donee, JAS. UA&tKB, President. S. DAKUb, Secretary. tv»» fifteenth Legislative District.—Let the (Jot Twelve Apostles bo rebuked, and the Totl Houro cleaned out Teach those who would tf rule or ruin,” that It Ib not a profitable game to play. HAMMKRS LY'B Nomination leas /creed upon tuo Party; he is the Pet Apostle. Defeat him, and then the working men of the Party will be consulted, as well after' as before the Election. ocll-lt* ONB OF HOOD’B MEN. Homeopathic Medical College of Penn* (JJj BYLYANIA —The Introductory Leoturro will commence on MONDAY, the 11th last., and be deli vered in the following order: Dr. W. Williamson, on Mond»y, at 7# P. M, Dr J.lleakloy, Tuesday, »* 44 Dr. W. A Reed, Wednesday,** ** Dr. J. R. Coxe, jr., Thursday, ** ** Dr O.J.Hempel, Friday, *‘ 14 Dr.Thos. Moore, Saturday, <* •* Dr. A.U Flanders, Saturday, atBJf F. M. The Profession and the Public are iuvited to at tend. The Lectures of the Regular Course will commence on Monday, the 18 h, at 9 o’clock A M, oc9-7t* W. WILUIAMhON, M. D.,Dean. The Philadelphia Bank—October 7, UvJ 1868 —The UNION BANK of Tenurese* has de clared an Extra Dividend or FIVE PER CENT., paya ble to the Eastern Stockholders at tbis Bank, on dt maud. OcB-3t* B. B. QQMIGYB, Oasbior, Jefferson Medical Collese-<*lutroductory [l3 LECTURES prof. OUNGLIBON, MONDAY, Ootobor IX, at 7 P.M. Prof. DICKSON, TUESDAY, “ 32, at 7 l». hi. Prof. OROSB, 4 * 44 12,at8P.M. Medical and Surgical Clinic, WEDNESDAY, October 18.12 to 2 P M. Prof. BACHS, THUBPDAY, October 14, at 7 P. M. Prof. PANGOAST, « “ 14, atBP.M. proL MITCHELL, FRIDAY, “ 15, at 7 P M. Prof. MEIG3,' “ ‘* 16, at 8 P.M. Medical and Surgical Olinio, SATURDAY, October 16, 32 to 2 P.M. 008 7fc ROBLKY DUNGLIBON, M. D , Dean. rv-ga* Uttlversliy of Pennsylvania.— Medical IJJY DEPARTMENT. The Introductory Lectures to the Course of 1&5&~’60 will be delivered in the fallowing order ;i MONDAY, Ootobor 11th, at 12 M., Dr Jackson. 1 ‘ “ “ at IP. M., Dr. Leldy. TUESDAY, “ 12th, at 12 M., Dr. Carson. “ tl “ at IP. M., Dr. Smith. WEDNESDAY, “ 18tb, ftfedical Clinic, 12 if. “ “ “ Surgical Clioio s l P. M. THURSDAY “ 14tb, at 12 U ,Dr Wood. {t *• ** at IP. M., Dr Rogers. FRIDAY. *• 15th, at P. M , Dr. Hodge. 7 he public la luvtted to attend B. 3S. ROGERS, Af. D. t ocT-Bt-lf Dean Medical Faculty. College—Medical Depart* IX3 MENT, NINTH Street, below Locust. The Introductory Lectures in this Institution will be delivered as follows: H2S)»r.KKILL, kl 6 P.M. 6P. Ml2 m' WMM > “ * P ‘ bSSST' Br - smTa ' •* * r - “• TBUBSDAY. October 14th, Dr. GILBERT,'at 4P. hi- Be BTIDLBatd P.M. ; There will be ft filedlqal and Burgical Oiinle on WED NESDAY and SATURDAY mornings, at 12 and 1 oVloek. FRANCIS G. BMITIt, M. D., 007 6t Registrar. nsr=M Notice.—Green and Coatp*.Street Phi lLs LADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY.—A second instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share oa the capital stock at the Green and Coates street Philadelphia Passenger Railway Oompany will be due and payable at the Office of the Company. No. 423 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the Bth day of No vember next, between the hours of 10 A. M and 8 P.M. oc7-td HARRY CONNELLY, Treasurer. E- Business Men’s Union Prayer Meeting' Daily from 32 to 1 o’clook, is the Bausom-streel i. Hard I been there ? If not, why ? co7-tf life PRESS—PHILADELPHIA. MOifeV, bfcfrrttaft ii. ife§. Mayor’s Office* City of Philadelphia* “ OCTOBER 4, 1868, OIXY OP PHILADELPHIA. BY ORDINANCE, APPROVED OOTOBER Ist, 1853, Letters Marked Proposals for <7Gy Loan, PROPOSALS, to bo endorsod <( Proposals for City Loan,” will bo received at tho Majors Office, in the OHv of Philadelphia, until tho l&th day of October, A. D. 1858. at 12 U , for Loftning to tho City or Philadel phia FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY TUOUSAND DOLLARS, for which Certificates of Loan of One Hun dred Dollars hu<l upwards Will bo Issued, boaring into* rest at tho r*to of six per coutuiu por annum, free from taxation, and redeemable in thirty yeava from dalo. PROPOSALS will bo rtcolved for any sum, but not is fractions of one hundred dollars. The Proposals will be opened on the 16th day of Oc tober, 1858, by tbo Mayor of tho City, In tho presence of tho I ity Treasurer and the Oommlttoe on Finance. Tbo highest offors will be aceptod, the City reserving the right ta accept or doclluo the nholo, or any amount tluroof. Puyimmt will &<* required ou the 20th day of October. Interest to commence from that date. Alexander iienry, oot-tOIS Mayor of Philadelphia. Cf~=a» Geology.-—Two Courses of Lectures on GEOI.OGY will bo'dehvorod to Ladles and Gentlemen, in the Scientific and Olassloal Institute. OUKSTM3T siroet, northwest corner of Twelfth, by J. ENNIS, Principal of tho Institute, 'oomtuouolog Oct. Ioth,nnd continuing tho nftornoon couxso at 4o’clock on TUESDAYS ftnd THURSDAYS aud tho evening course at 8 o’olock on TUESDAYS aud SATURDAYS. Both couture will be the same, e&oh comprising 22 lec tures, a number sumoient to bring forward »U tho groat andl wondeiful TRUTHS of GEOLOGY, and likowlse tho FACTS by which these truths ore demonstrated. Taairs —The two introductory Lectures FREE. Each course $6 Entrance on Twelfth street, i ocl*lBt Young Men’s Cliriitiau A*<ocfation«— LLS An adjournod Monthly Meeting will bo held on MONDAY EVENING next, tho llth ir«t, at ?if o’clock, Jn the tfanaom-Street Church, HANSOM, below’ Ninth. As tho Report of Committee,on Branca Asso ciations, Nomination of Officers, and other important buttnofft will be brought beforo the Association, tho attendance of each member Is earnestly solicited. The Ladies are coraially invited to meet with u*. rv-n==» The Philadelphia Hank, Philadelphia, October 2d, 1868.—Tho Annual Meeting of tho Stockholder* of this Manic wilt be held at tho BANKING HOUSE on MONDAY, tho Btb day of November noxt. at 10 o’clock M And the At nunl Election for Direc tors will bo held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MON DAY, tho 16th day of November nest, between the hour.* of 12 o’clock A, H. and 2 o’clock P. M. od4 m w ir tno!s H. U, COMKGYb, Oftflhler. ryrg=» Union Preaching for the People, udder UsJ? the auspice* of tho Ministerial Union, Jn con nection with the Young Men's Ohrißtian Association, by tho various ministers of ohr cityou orery TUESDAY and THURSDAY,at4 P. M. in tho SANSO&LSTRKET CHURCH, until farthor notice. Service* coofiued to ONE HOuR precisely. Rev. FRANKLIN MOORE, on TUESDAY, 12th inst. tflT tf Office of the American Fire Insurance tJJj COMPANY.—Phii.adbu'UU, Oct. 4th, 1868. The Dirodtors have this day deolarod a dividend of Four per cont. For tho last six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal representatives on and after tho 14th lust TUOB. R. MARIS, 005 7 0 1113&16* Secretary. Department of Surveys—. Office of Chief tk3 ENGINEER AND BURV.EVoR—Philadbl phja, Bsvt. 29tn, XBf>B. NOTICE.—DUPLICATE PLANS or the SECOND SECTION of the Re-Survey aud Regulation of Gorrnan- bounded nnrf hoantwardiy by Germantown avenue, southwardly by WLsnihlckon street,aoutbeastwardlyby Queuu street, northwestwardly by west Washington arena*, in the Twenty»iecond ward. SEVENTH SEOUON of the Survey of the late Tewn ship of Bloekley, bounded on tho north by Oxford si , on the south by Wyalusing street, on the east by Porty nlnth street, and on the west by Elfty Six f h (50th) street or Usher avenue, in the Twenty-fourth ward SECOND, THIRD, and tfOUKTH BKOTIONB or the late Borough of Praukiord comprising all east of Prankford street, to Stlloa street, and from Frankfort! Creok to Little Tacony Creek 5 also, all northwest of Frankford street, from Orthodox street northeastward to Little Tacony Creek. Also, the whole of the late borough of Whitehall, in tho Twenty-third ward. FOURTH SECTION of toe Surrey and Regulation of the Twenty-first ward, bounded on the northwest by Centre street, on the southeast by Bhur’a lane, on the northeast by Ridge road, and on the sonthwefit by the River Schuylkill—are now prepared and deposited for inspection, at tho Offices of the Surveyors and Regula tors of tn 6 EIGHTH. NINTH, TENTH, and KLE VENTtI SURVEY DIBTIUOTB, and at the office of this Department, City Building, FIFTH Street, bolodr Wal nut; and the Board of Burvo/i rs hwe appointed MON DAY, the 38th day of October, 1858, at 10 o’clock A. M., to consider nny objections that maybe urged there to by any citizen interested therein. STIUOKLAND KNEABB, Chief Engineer and Surveyor. nnd Mechanics’ BauK, i*tiila« U>3 dki.piua, Oct. 2, 1858.—The Annual Election for Directors tiiilbe held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, tho 3Ath day of Novembor uoxt, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. Jf. and 3 o'clock P. Si , and on TUESDAY, the 2<l day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held tffthe Banking House at 4 o’clock P. AC., agreeably to the charter. oc4 dtNIS W. JtUSHTON, Jr , Cashier. IN THE COUBT OF COMMON FLEAS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA* OF AUGUST TERM. 1858, No. 152. John Maybeiryaud George Nyce 1 Michael Gerhart and Cathcrine.bis | c^on 011 C * Bo, wife J To all persons interested in the fcsiate of JOHN NICE, late of Upper Salford township, in said county, deceased, whether re heirs next o( kin dovlsoua, lega tees executor*, or otherwise,greeting’; Wberoaa. ufcon a precipe issued by the Register of 1 Wills of said cOuuty to said cotirt, relative to an, Instru ment of writing now on file in said court, alleged by the said John Mayberry and George Nyce to do the last will and testament of said deceased, but deniodso to be bribe add Michael Gerhart and Catherine, his wife. It was, on tbb 9th day of Ootober, A. D. 1858, ordered by said court tbat an action upon the case be entered Into In said court, ka of August tend, N0..168, by the Mid Johd Mayberry and Ueofge Nyco as plaintiffs, and that the slid Michael Gerhart and Catherine', bia wife, fhonid appear as defendants therein, and that the case should be put at issue, and duly proceeded in, to that a trial by ! a jurron tUo malts should be had, to determine whe ther the said instrument is the last will and testament of said deceased or nfot, and that the case should be put at the head of the trial list for the second Week of No* ▼ember term, 1858, which term tHU commence on the Bth day of NoVember, A.,D. 1858; and it was farther orderra. that notice shnhld be given to all persons in* terested, whether as heirs next of kin, devisees, legs* tees, executors, or otherwise, of said action, and to come Into said court and become part ei to the same if they see fit; such notice to be served personal yon such or them as reside in the county of Montgomery, At lew. fifteen days p:ior to the Monday of the second Week of next of said court, and to all others by edrortlsemont once a week during three woefcs in ono daily newspaper published in the city of Philadelphia; Therefore, you are hereby notified of said action, and that yon msyoome into said court and become parties to the same if yon shall see fit, Ac. f. SULLIVAN, Prothonotary. Pkotookotaut’s Omos, Norristown Pa., October P, im. ceil'd 3t* SAMUEL SWENEY IN THE ORPIIANS > COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the Estate of J. DOMINICK BB NELL, deceased, sur proceedingsin partition. It appearing to the Ooott, from the return mmle by the Sheriff and Jury of Inquest, that the premises in these proceedings described cbuld not be parted or di vided without prejudice to, or spoiling the whole; and that they had valued and appraised the &amo, as therein set forth, on motion of DANIEL DOUGHER TY, Esq.. Attorney, AO., the Court ordered and de creed that the said Inquisition be coDSnood, and granted a rule upon the Heirs and Parties interested, to be and appear at an Orphans’ Court, to he held on Friday, thte 17ib day of December, 1853, then and ihefe to accept or teiuse to take the Real Estate of the said decedent at the apprised valuation put on lib* the said Inquest, and in default thereof, to show cause why an order anu decree for the sale of said Beal Estate should not ho made. [ooll-m-St] JOHN SHERRY, OlerkO. C. DAVID H. MTYBH. C. A WALBORN. GEORGE W. WOOD, JOHN A. FISHER^ 0. F, ABBOTT. NOTICE.— WHEREAS, Letters of Admi Deration & f the Estatate of JACOB B. CLE MENT, M. D., deceased, have bacn granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to Bald estate wilt plost-G make payment; and those having claims or de mands will males known the same, without delay, to SARAH CLEMENT, administratrix, ocll-mGt* 1606 Walnut Street, T OBN MURRAY va. MART ANN MI7R- Ow RAY—Common Pleas, June Term, 1858, No. 8. Madam: You wl 1 please notice a ru:e in the above esse, to show why a divorce, n vinculo matrimonii, should nob be decreed, returnable Saturday, the 23d day of October, A D. 1668, ftt 10 o’clock A 31. THO 3. J DIEHL, AU’y for Libellant. To Mrs. MARY ANN MURRAY, the Respondent. 0011-mw4t NOTICE—OAMDEN and atlantio rail road. WIATER ARRANGEMENT. On and after TUESDAY, Oct 12tb, 1853, the MAIL TRAIN will leave Vine-street Slip for Atlantic Qity, returning same day, at 7 30 A. M, Accommodation Train will leave Vine Street Slip, at > 346 P.M. FOR ADSEOOM ONLY. The above Trains stop at all stations. Freight must he delivered at Cooper’s Point by 2 P.M. U. FRAZER, ocll'2t* Secretary. fjST—A very small Male Black and Tan English TERRIER. A liberal Reward will be ,'iven to anyone restoring It to the Owner, No. 251 8. .fourth Sireet. ocll-lt IT IS OF TUfi HIGIIEST IMPORTANCE for ovo r y ouo to know whero they will got the most for their money, especially such times as those. ZIEGLEII ft, B.MITII. wholesale Druggists, corner of SECOND and GREEN Kreota. are disposing of tholr AVhito Load, Ground Palati, oi all Colors, and Window Glass, all of tlio boat quality, at prices irhloh will be pleasing to buyers. 001 l Balsam oopavia—a small lot oi Maracaibo Balsam, of superior quality, now landing from barque “ Inna,” and for Bale ty 0011-5 t CHARLES TETE, Bt. DRY SALTED HIDES,—A small invoice of Dry Baited Maracaibo Hides, now land’ng from Barque “ Inna,” and for sale by OUAB. TETE, ocll-flt ' ‘ 138 Walnut ntreot. MARAOAIBO COFFEE A few bags Of primo Maracaibo Coffee, per “ Inna,” for sale by CHARLES TKTE, ocll-5t . 138 Walnut Street. \MfHISKEY.— 30 bbls.,2o* do. (Miller & v v Rickeraton’s) Old Monongaliela Whiskey, in store and for sale, by A. MEItINO, ocll-tf 140 South FRONT Street. CIGARS. -1,500,000 Havana Cigars, fa vorite brands, received by late arrivs’s, lo store and boud, for sale by N. MERINO, ocll-tf 140 South FRONT Street. OK OMNIBUSES AT AUCTION On tit/ WEDNESDAY morning next, at 11 o’clock, at the Stables of the TENTH and ELEVENTH street Railway Qonip&ny > cor. Tenth and Montgomery streets, will bo sold without reserve. Thirty-fire Omnibuses, including two of extra size. Also, a lot of runulng goar, feed wagons, fto. Most ot the Omnibuses are nearly now, of tho most approved construction, oado In the very best manner, all of them in good running order. Rj* May bo examined any time previous to tho sale. Terms at sale. ALFRED M. HERKNESS, ootMtif Auctioneer. BOILER and FLUE IRON of all kinds, qualities, and sizes, out to patterns at short no tice Promiscuous Sheets, Boiler Heads, and Rivets, on hand and for Bale at lowest rates by EDW. 8 BUCKLEY, oc4-lm# Gray’s Ferry Boiler Iron Works. 25* ce ® 1. Building, 280 Walnut gt. f^HEESE. —105 boxes Herkimer county V 7 Cheese now landing* and for sale by - ' C. O. SADLER & 00., AROIf flt’-ent. j ld door above Front. , A BBAM SLACK’S ENGRAVING, Sinking, andEnoboßsod Printing, Envelope, and Bgfi Pr«« Manufactory, No. I Bourn’SIXTH Street, mUMbi I o Air 490,000 DOLLARS. OHO. VJ. GMOB, RegltftorlPg Socrotary, £enal ISolifsa. New fJttblicrttiono. STiLEASOIf’s r T „ new weekly Tl.. -battle ship. at, °T. ot of this paper ie to present, every week, a. O m<LAX( 3k of the notable events and liter- Ume. its ample columns will always HLal-u a goodly store of popular Original Tales. Geij 1a by tho^^ vyn 1 ur6 011 ® ea 1111(1 Land, and Poetic A..„ AMERICAN AUTHORS. cr ? a m of domeutio and foreign news, so Iteii 1 t ei i a* *0 present the largest possible amount witu° iuty * gonco °F the day; the whole well spiced AND mumor. i, u u Pou ail sectarian questions, lfc will ho «tr»ctly neutral. K ac h edition wiU be wiM. „„ DUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED «.M I v.\? Cc i , f nt ? Engravings, by eminent Aitists or | : 0 °h>cts l current events in all parts of the I, ao “ the national customs and social poculiari 11. U A d /r..f ,flo P io wiU contain views of every of edifices of note In the Eastern end -„,i "cmlsphores. of all the principal ships *,?, atoamors nf the Navy nnl Merchant Beivices J. ’ aocumte portraits of ovory great public cniiraotor, male and female. Sketches of picturesque wo *"ery. ropreHootaUouH «.f ‘ Life on the Wave,” and exact I UustratiouH of admirable or curious specimens feature of aUiraftl iliD 8 lIoin » will also be given. One great . GLEASON’S LINE-OF-iIATtLE SOIP w»n consist of a •« broadside” of humorous engravings, executed by the best Artists in tbat iino, and aimed good u’ltuiedl,, and In a spirit of genial fun, at the reigniDg foil! nge, and suoh now public pro pcis, iftehions, and occurrences, as shall seem.tobe fit subjects r o r cotnlo lUiistrntiou AN UNRIVALLED CORFU OF CONTRIBUTORS , bavo been engaged, and every department will he con ducted under the most efficient and perfect system that oxperlonce cun suggest. This popular journal will he P r “‘tod upon flat/ satin-surface paper, from new ana ouautllul copper-faced type, inauufsoturoi ox pressiy for us, and will prenont la its mechnalcal execu? tlon tho most acceptable ovldonco of the progress 01 A * l ® r mt Q Tbo size or this olegont specimen of art will be about 1,500 square inches—eight superroyal quarto pages, ' n TERMS, f 2 PER ANNUM. The first number of this new Illustratod Paper will be for sale on tho Ist Day ov Nov*mdbb h*xt, at all tho jitmclpsl Periodical and News agencies and ren- ScotHbie Literary Depots in the Unitod States and tho GLEAEON’S i|t LINK-OF-BATTLE SHU’ trill bo published regularly evory Saturday, at GLEASON’S PUBLIUIING UaLL, Corner ofTremont and Bloomfield Streets, Boston, Massachusetts, By F. GLEASON. A WINCH, 820 Ohestont Street, General Agent. tiOP 0 L AIT~B 00 ONS", X Published by LINDSAY & BLAKIBTON, Publishers and Booksellers, 25 South SIXTH St., above Chestnut. WATSON’S OAMP FIRES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, with Fifty Illustrations. 2. PROCTOR’S ILLUSTRATED lIISTORV OF THE CRUSADMS, over IQO IhuaU'aUoa*. 3. TUB If.LUdTRATKD LfFK OF AtARTIN LU THER, edited by Rev. Dr Stork 15 Illustrations WATSON'S NEW DICTIONARY OP POETICAL QUOTATIONS. Various sizes and bindings. 6. MISS MAY’S AMERICAN FEMALE POETS. Dll, BKTUUNE’S BRITISH FEMALE POETS. WELD’S SACRED QUOTATIONS. A large assortment of THEOLOGICAL, RELI GIOUS, and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS always on hand, ocll-tt rraE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL JL UNION ruDLiguns one thousand CHOICE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS roR CHILDREN aND YOUTH, • Being the La gesfc Collection in fhe Country. THBV aRB SOW FUBLItUItfQ A NEW BOOK EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. Elegantly illustrated Catalogues may be had without charge, by addressing THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. 1122 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. A large asßortrafent of Sibleß, together with the de* rational hooka used la tOe various Evangelical Ohufcbes, always kept on hand. ocll-tf Ileal oc3tate. EXECUTORS’ SALE OF VALUABLE Hi REAL ESTATE. —Pursuant to the last will and testament of Joel Davis, late of the township of Upper Darby, Delaware county, deceased, will be Bold at pub* bo salo, on THURSDAY, tbo 14th of Ootober. 1868, at the Late residence of said deceased, all that email Farm, containing TEN AORE3 of highly iropioved laid, aituate in Huverford townßbip, on the road load* lug from Merlon to Chester, and within three-quarters at a mUe of the West Chester Plank Road, by which it Is seven miles from Philadelphia. The Improvements consist of & substantial two-storied SfONE HOUSE, with a piatsa in froht, and a pump near the door; a BARN, stone stable high, nearly new; with other out* buildings. Besides a number of FRUIT AND SHAUN TREES, one acre of the above premises a covered with a grove of thriving young Timber; the balance is ara bloland, In a high state ot cultivation, and is divided into convenient lota, with good fence. The property is situated In a good neighborhood, and is convenient to mills, schools, and places of public worship. Bale to commence at two o’clock in tne afternoon, whoa the conditions will bo made known by WILLIAM P JONES, 2Z7 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. GEORGE SMITH, Executors. ftg FARMS FOR SALE.-A oplehdjd uF FARM of 100, ami one of 109 acres; a Mill Property of II acres 5 a Saw Mill and Lumber Yard; a House and 2 acres for Sate, all near Kor ristxwnj a Farm of 60 and one of 55 acres, near Phoanikvlll* j one Farm of 55 and two of 75 acres, 6 miles from Norristow»j4>ue Country-seat and 40 acres, lit Plymouth; Tavern sM Store Stands In Norristown ami Country. Catalogue of Farms and Full description given by addressing It R CORSON, od 2w Beal Estate Broker, NOJtiUSrOWN, Pa. A*' PRIVATE BESItJENOBS FOB Hlla flALM—gfime of th'e most beautifully situated Proiwrtiea in and Oxodnd NOR UZ9TOWN Is now offered for ti&le or Exch&ogv: also a large Brick nuiiding, adapt ed and used for a BOARDING SCHOOL for several years,and for which thoro is a good opening. For par ticulars ttddrass R R CORSON, 084-Sw NORRISTOWN, Pa. WINU’S FAKINA CRAcKekS com bine most excellent qualities, and a truly do* iightfai taste. , They are undoubtedly the most nonrUhing andheil thy Crackers ever produced, and pecullaly pleasant for bhilureii. , W ith hot and at lunch, they &t* particu larly nice, m well as*with coffee and other drinks. Ask your Grocer far WING’S CRACKERS, and take none but those uliich are s amped with the name of A. WtNG. Theke,may be procured of the best Family Grocers generally, and at wholesale only of , , A. Jf. THOMPSON k CO., N 08.221 and 223 PULTON Street, New York, or DINGEE & BROTHER, Wholesale Agents, No 145 South FRONT Street, Philad’a. For the convonlenceof Purchasers, we give the names of some of our best Gtocers who sell them: pmn»Btnnv. Anderson Sc Dnnlap No. 1846 Lombard at It. Sc T. Atmore No 1000 Buttonwood at James Ashbrook Oor Second and Queen ala. Arrison & Smith, *,«*».Ridge Road and Wallace st, R. Black.. n t ...* No. 1730 Chestnut at. R, 81ack,,,, 1700 Market rt. Thompson Black No. 20 .South Broad st. Jaa K. Bowman No. 652 North Seventeenth et. a.Afl. 3644 Race street. At L. Bart No. 200 North Fifth st. Hugh 8rady,..,,;.,.«rr00r. Eleventh and Pine ate. AX. o. Brown Oor. Ninth and locust sts. Thomas F. 8rad1ey.....8. W. cor, Sixth ftndSpenCe sts, W. Campbell ...No. 644 Pine at. \Vm. Campbell Sc 00....C0r. 11th and Market flts. James W. Campbell]....No. 200 Walnut st. Simon Colton No. 1400 Walnnt et. Win. Clark Twelfth and Race fits. John Davlne ....No. 1502MarketBt. James Bobbins ...No. 1037 Market st. J.H HHia&Soa Cor Oth and Spring Garden. A. Eppelshelmer.. ,,t. .Tenth ft SprlDgGardeo. Edward Frlel Cor. Oth and Spring Garden. Henry F10yd..., Cor.B.l2thaud Lombard. Fraser A Johnson Second, below Chestnut. Gordon & Ferguson Cor. 19th and Market sts, David B Graham....... Green, corner Sixth st. Thomas Grobam .......Cor. Bnth andOherry Graham & Alartln No. 1035 Market st. Samuel W, Gray No. 352 South Fifteenth st. Fred’k Grubb Cor. Eleventh and Coatea st. Bamuel Hayes..; Oor. Eleventh and Walnut. John Howe ~.,..Cor. Second and Lombard sts. Wm. J. Holt North Second street. T. Halteman..*, 8. AY. cor. 6th and Oallowhlll Williamo. Johnston....Cor. 13th and Girard ar. Wm. Kelley.... ....... and Girard avenue. Bamuel Kerr.* Sixteenth and Market sta. D. Kohte Tenth and Market sts. J 11, & 8. A. Love Beveuth and Brown sts. J. H Lockwood ..8. W. cor. 7th and Federalsta, M. McCarthy Tenth, cor George st. J. fe H. M001e»8..,.,,.N0.719 North Secondrt. 0. H. Mattson Cor. Tonth and Arch sts. Wm. L. Slsddeck A 00..H0. Third et. W. R. McKinley Go mantown Rd and Jefferson. Samuel Moon Paul and Seventh sts. John Moore Pino, above Ninth at. Francis Morris Cor. Tenth and Sblppen sts. R. Neff......Eighth and Yine sta. John O’iirien Christian and Flowerets. Jobnll. Parker .Eleventh and Market atß, William Parrin, Jr.. Twelfth, cor. Ohostnutst. Phillip R. Pardy..„..,No. 10 Walnut st. Thomwt R. Patton .Locust, corner Thirteenth st. Samuelßogers Sixteenth and Pine sts. Samuel If. 8055... Cor. Second and Brown sts. Albert 0 Roberta .Eleventh cor. Yine st. Robert Ralston. .Thirteenth and Girard nr. Samuel R 055........... »Bocond and Noble sts. Andrew 5pr0u10........00r. Marshall and Coates si. Morris F. fipi»in.......C'*r. iikhth amt Arch sts Jeremiah Btarr. Cor. Fifth and Merchant sts. Wm. 0 Stevenson No. 712 South Second st. John Sayler Sixteenth and Obmy sts. David Sullivan Third and German sts Joshua Wright Oor. 8p Garden and Franklin. J. U.. Wheeler.,,. ......Cor. Third and Lombard sts. John n. Weaver A Co..Cor Second and Pine sts. Robert Woodalde Market, ab Seventeenth st. Calub Wood .No. a 24 South Second street. Charles Webb .Cor, Seventh and Market sts. OSUMANTOWN. ......Jftboz Gates A- Bro, NonaiatowN, pa. Moore Sc Rainey. n&uuiSBUCQ) pi. Wm. Dock, Jr Huimnol Sc KHlinger, RBADISU, I'A. E. D. Smith LANCASTER, PA, JoliuD, Skllea..,. POTTBVILLR, l-A, R. J.Bchmner UORMNOTON, N. J. j. H. Burling Page to Thomas. W.T. Hopkins BQRDBNTOTVN, *. J. Uriah Bennett, TRENTON, N. J, Miller Sc Moore, RRinauxou,«. J. Samuel L. Fithlan...... WILMINGTON. DRL- Allman A Orpwood Edward L. Rico. T. Aiken CINCINNATI, O. Joshua W. Gaakill 00 Qll lO lB 41 fglO CASH BUYERS. JAMES S. EARLE & SON., 810 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THS OIRikD HOOfl*, Invite the attention of Western and Southern Custom ers to their Immense and elegant assortment of. looking-glasses, OIL PAINTINGS, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE-FRAMES, Suitable for the FALL TRADE. MEN'S FINE CALFSKIN BOOTS, Shoes and Gaiters, Boys* aod Youths’Fine anil Coarse Boots, with a general assortment for Men aod Women and Ohlldren’s wear. Best City Manufacture, at DUTTON'S, “ Flgn of the Red Boot ” l Ho. 11l N. SECOND Bt., above Arch, I ctiMtt* ' East side, Retail CDrn ®uair«. 1858. SILKS > sHAMTis. logs.- L. J. LEVY & GO. WiU Open on MONDAY A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW PALL SILKS, INDIA AND FRENCH SHAWLS, SCOTCH PLAID SHAWLS, PARIS VELVET & OLOTH OLOAKB, PARIS EMBROIDERIES, NEW EVENING DRESSES, RICH PLAID AND PLAIN POPLISB, ENGLISH HOSIERY, &0., BUPBRtOR LINEN QOOD3. Noh. 809 & 811 CHESTNUT STREET. ocll-3t Blue fhenoh merinos.— Heavy Fine Goods, and the right shade. Just opened, a large lot at 95 cente. • COOPER A CONARD, ocll 8. E- corner NINTH and MARKET Sts. Bayadere valencias, Of M and 6 4 widths, for Fall and Winter dr eases, at 27# and 44 aenta. COOPER A CONARD, , ocll S. E Corner NINTH A MARKET Bta Black dress goods. Black All-Wool Mousaelinea, 25 to 87# cents. Black French Merinos. Black Bombazines. Black Bilks and Alpacas. Black Lace Yells, round corners. COOPER A CONARD, ocll B. B. corner NINTH A MARKET. MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR. Cloths. Oaaaimeres, and Satinets. Bilk Velvet and other Vestiogs. English and German Hosiery. Uodernh'rts and Drawers. Linen, Cambric, and Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs. COOPER A CONARD, ocll 0. E. corner NINTH A UABKBT Sts. KID GLOVES- L. J. LBVV & CO. Have received, by the ABAQO, 5 ’ „ FOUR HUNDRED DOZENS OF LADIES’ A GENTLEMEN’S KID GLOVES, OF JOUVIN’S MANUFACTURE. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT ST. oc9-4fc DRESS TRIMMINGS, BERLIN ZEPHYR, BUUTLAND WOOL, EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, FRINGES, Ao., GLOBING OUT, TO RELINQUISH BUSINEBS. The Subscriber will commence closing ont his magni ficent stock on MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1868, At prices that will induce Purchasers to supply them selves with a fall assortment of SEASONABLE TRIMMINGS. The whole stock, comprising MANY NOYELTUSB, together with a full line of STAPLE GOODS, Will be sold at exceedingly low prioes, until closed out. JAMES IINKARD, No. 729 CHESTNUT Street,*£BB ocQ-lm S doors hel. EIGHTH, north side. r'ILOAKS AND MANTILLAS. V/gg SHARPLESS BROTHERS have opened Oiolh Mixed Raglans. Tricot Cloth Cloaks,of new styles; Paris mide Castor Cloaks; Heavy Beaver Bleeved Cloaks; Black Velvet Oloaks ; Also, Kevers'ble Cloth English Shawls; Heavy Blanket and other seasonable Shawls. oc» EIGHTH & CHESTNUT STREETS. JgJYRE h LANDELL, FOURTH AND AROH STREETS, SECOND OPENING OP PALO GOODS TO-DAY. round-cobneb shawls, NEWEST STYLE SILKS, j, BIOH DOUBLE SKIRT BOBEB, MAGNIFICENT DE LAISE3, BIOH PRINTED MEBINQBS, LUPIN’S OHOIOB OOLORS MBRINOES, 6-4 NEW STYLE VALENCIAB, NEW PALL TESTINGS, *O., Ao. EYRE & LANDELL, s.pM-tocM POURTH AND ARCH BTBEETB. Bargains from auction)—dry GOODS CHEAP FOR THE MILLION! Wo Will open on MONDAY, Silk Robes, at $16.60, cost to import $25. 1.000 yards Black Silk, beautiful, at 44,66,62, 75,87, $1 to $1.76 1,666 yards French Merinoes at $l, cost to import $1.26 2,000 yards figured and plain Merinoes at 60, SO, 65, and 76c.. worth double 800 yards beautiful black all-wool Delaines, only 28 A splendid a/Wortmentof Blankets. 2,000 yards Cloths fresh from auction, for Ladies’ and Ge-rtß* and Boys’ wear, ffora 76c • $1 $125. $1.60, $1.75, $2, $2 25, $2 50,- decidedly the greatest bargains In the city. 1 Brrche, Stella, Blanket, Cashmere Shawls, the great est bargains ever offered 10,000 yards Poll de Chevres, Delaines, Dcbegea. All-woul Plaids, only 31 cents, usually sold at 60 cts. All-wool Del lihefl bnly 26 cents Delaines in great variety aud every style. Oloaks aod DuBierß in every style. MoBLROY respectfully invites the Ladies to call and examine his stock, embracing many styles not to be found elsowhoro. Our prices so low, wo defy competi tion. MoKLROY, oc4-rawMf No. 11 South NINTH Street. <~IREAT BARGAINS IN DRT GOODS.— AJT 8. V. a. HOSIER , ' Haa REMOVED from No. 30 to No. 40 Sooth SECOND Street, where be is now prepared to furnish the Ladies with a fresh and vi ell-selected stock of DRESS GOODS, To which ho inti it 8 their attention, being determined to sell at exceedingly DOW PRICES. N. B—A large assortment of Broche, Stella, end French Blanket Shawls. Also, a variety of Silk and Cloth Circulars Constantly on hand, at tho “ CLOAK EMPORIUM, 11 ocs-lm No. 40 South BEOONP Street. MEN’S FANG? FLANNEL SHIRTING, Stripes, Bayaderes and Mixtures, in fino French colors. Flannol for Travelling Shirts. Also, Plain high colored French FlAnnel. oc2 EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. PLAIN colored Brocade Silks, Modes, Browns and Olive*, and Blacks, neat etvles. Solid colored silks, imported especially for Friends’wear, oca EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. Granp opening OP f INTER CLOAKS AT TUB PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. The SUBSCRIBERS have now open their IMPORTATIONS AND MANUFACTURES, FALL AND WINTER SEASONS, Comprising the most extemivo and superb display of OVER GARMENTS Ever exhibited in this Oity. . „ J. W . PROCTOR b*oo* f 708 CHESTNUT STREET. 27 Q.KEAT ATTRACTION 1 OVER $4,600 WORTH OF BHAWL9 FROM WHICH TO MAKE A SELECTION. THORNLBY * OUISM, 4 N. E. cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Have the best SHAWL Stock in Philadelphia. They would respectfully call attention to e following very cheap lota, vis; _ 46 LONG BROOHE SHAWLS at $ 8 each. 20 Do. do. do. at 10 Ci 20 Do. do do. at 31 “ 24 Do. do. do. at 12 u 10 Do. do. do. at 18 ** 20 Do. do. do. at 14 “ 20 Do. do. do. at 16 ** $ Do. do. do. at 38 “ 8 Do. do. do. at 20 “ a Do. do. do. at 25 u In the above Lota of Long Broche ShawJe will be found Qverv desirable color of centre. BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLS From $2 to $l2, in every color. French Blanket Shawls in new design. Plain Thibet Shawls, Square and Long. Real Canton Crape Shawls. Plain and Embroidered. Children’s shawls, Mlasos* Shawls, and Gentlemen’s Shawls, at \ THORNLEY a CHISM’S, “ ONE PRICE OA6U STORE ’ Northeast Comer EIGHTH it SPRING GARDEN N. B.—City and Country Storekeepers buying for cash may find bargain* at T. 4c- C.’a. I*. S.—A Magnificent stock of Silks now on hand. selß-tf __ ZOLLICOFFER’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC CORDIAL is the only preparation ever placed be fore the public that has performed se many MIRACULOUS OURES or INFLAMMATORY AND OHRONIO RHEUMATISM. The moßt prominent aud influential citizens bear wit ness of its eflicacy. The abandant evidence from all pacta of the country Is enough to warrant ns in pro nouncing that it Is the greatest wonder of the age. It la an Internal remedy that a rikesatthe root of the disease, aod thus eradicates it entirely from the system. Prepared by THEODORE DILKS, Chemist, Northeast corner of Pine and Sixth streets, oc7-8m Philadelphia. RIFLES, AND SPORTING IM VT PLEMENTB. The Subscribers have in store THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT or FOWLING-PIEOES, RIFLES, &0., Ever offered in this city. Desirous of reducing their assortment as raueh as possible before the Ist Deo , they will Bell AT VERY LOW PRICES THEIR ENTIRE STOCK, GUNS VROM THE OJ?LEBRATED MANU FACTURERS OP ENGLAND, BELGIUM, AND FRANCE. PHILIP 6. JUSTICE *CO., No. 21 North FIFTH Street, eeO-am »W» Market. engraving A MERIOAN HEMP—A largo stock of XX American Hemp,.hackled and rough, for sale by WEAVER, FITLERv& CO., No. 23 North WATER at., and No. 22 North WHARVES. 004 ■MANILA CIGARS*—I Case First Quality XtA Manila Cigar*. Jnat arrived is Store and for aale WILLIAM U. "SEATON, aid South FRONT Street. AND CLOAKS, STAPLE AND PANOY SILK GOODS. Issv Sale MTO liET—Tbi NINTH fc treat. Aj ocll-at* ' ' " For sale, a b Sharing nod Goa No. 246 North THIRD gi door above. BAB FOB SALE.- with Dishes complete _*_««» .uox, ov». , will be sold for $26 , Apply at BAMUBL NATHANfc’ Auction Homo, No. 221 Booth TfilßD Street, below Walnut. oc9-8t To ~"LE TT-THE BASEMENT AND UPPER ROOUS of the Four-stor/ Building on north side of LODGE Street, between Seventh and Eighth, opposite Masonic Hall. Rooms 140 feet deep, and supplied with water end water cloiets, end w*ll 'lghtea. Suitable for l’ght mechanical or monufao wing purpose* or wartroovaa. -Applj to J. D. RHINBOTH, 436 WALNUT Street. fSS TO KENT, a STORE on DELAWARE EH Avenue, below VINB Street, running through to Water Street, 148 reet Oeep. Alee the Donble STORE, corner of THIRD and QUARRY Streete, 40 feet front, one of the beet lecatione for large Bneieess in Phila* Also, STABLE and COACH-HOUSE la CHERRY Street, above SEVENTH, In rear of Anh land House Apply at 275 South FOURTH Street. fSg TO LET—The HOUSE NO. 1626 MB. CHESTNUT Street. In good order. Bent $6OO Hu a large Yard and Modem Improvements. u2S.dtf Rooms ok commerce" streetTl- The Three Upper Booms of 418 Commerce Street to Let. B*YMm Ifai FOR SALE—A handsome residence, filiS. with all the modern improvements, large aide yard) grapery, Ac., SIXTH, near SPRING GARDEN Street Terms easy. P. E. LYND, sjf South SIXTH Street, (second story.) selt-lm fj& FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE—A fills, handsome new mansion, 39 rooms, and 40 acres, near Gwynedd Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. Site splendid, fruit abundant, health unsurpassed. Any person really desiring a handsome Country Seat in ex change for city property. wiU find this an unusual op portunity of accomplishing his object. Apply to P. E. LYND V B. SIXTH fat, (fid story.) golMm fa FOB SALE | A pretty Cottage, nine lA rooms, and one or more acres, on ‘Wyoming avenue, two miles Ontthe Second-street Turnpike. Alto, several handsome cottage lots The neighborhood Is healthy, beautiful, and rapidly Improving. P. K. L7tf£>, 5% 8. SIXTH St., [2d story.) sal7-lm TO SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS. —Thirty aarea or less of beattUiul Land on Wyoming Avenue, near New Second street, only two miles north of the pavements, for sale a bargain, and terms easy. ApplytoP.E LYND, South SIXTH Street, (second story.) sel7-lm pOK SALE— One of the moat Valuable and Desirable DOUBLE BKOWN STONE RESIDENCES IN THE CITY, ~ No. 1810 CHESTNUT STREET, EXTENDING THROUGH TO GEORGE STREET. Having been built by the owner for bib own Beeldeuee, no expenee hue been spued in Its construction. Apply to . CHARLES BOGGS, 62ft Muket Street, Or to M. THOMAS & BONB, ee24-2mlf 28ft end 242 South fourth Bt, IjJoliticgl. - TTIOB ASSEMBLY, A E2GHTH LEGISLATIVE DIBTBIOT, V. 8 ALTEMDB, K 7" The only Eligible Anti-Lecompton Oandl. date. 0011-2t* ASSEMBLY nsoonn jurvmoi, oc4-Bt* EDWARD 8. KED3TREAKE, pEOPLE’S TICKET. STATE OFFICERS. JUDGE OI THE SUPREME COURT, JOHN It. READ. CANAL COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM E. FRAZER. CONGRESS. Finer Dieraior JOHN W. RYAN. BaootfD “ EDW. JOY MORRIS. Tiiibd •> JOHN Y. VBRRBE. Fovrtu “ Wil. MILLWABD. FgTH JOHN WOOD. STATE SENATOR. THIRD MSTBICT, JOHN H. PARKER. FOE KBPKESBNTATIVEB. FinaT District ..JOSEPH H. BINBX. ,WM. H. MATTHEWS. Pocsth “ ........J. MORRIS HARDING. Fifth “ GEORGB T. THORN. Sixth 11 ........JOSEPH M. CHURCH. Shtbhth « DAVID H.ST7EB EIQHTH “ 0. A. WALBORN. JTihth “ ... ..GEORGS W. WOOD Tisth « ....IBAAQ J. NEALL JSiiriHTt '* .........ISAAC A. SHEPPARD Twblftb « JOHN A. VISHBB Thirtbbmth “ FRANCIS EDWARDS. PoDBT*K«Tff tl ......SIMON GRATE. fiFTBBSTfI “ ....GBORGEW.HAMEftSLEY, SISTBBKtn “ GEORGE WILEY, «0. St. ABBOTT. COUNT? OFFICERS. BH3SBIPP, WILLIAM H. KERN. REGISTER OP WILLS, GEORGS TV*. MoM AHAN CLERK OT ORPHANS* COURT, NIMROD W 0 OLER Y. ELECTION, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12. «e22-tOol2, CDuttljcs, Jevoflra, &i Bailey & 00., roasufßLT DAILEY * KITCHEN, Hava removed to their new Fire-proof, White Herbie Store, 810 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH BIDS, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE. Now opening their fall Block of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES* AND PANOV GOODS, \ To which the/ Invite the attention of thepnblie. SILVER-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WHOLISALE AHD BXTAII.. QAHRIAGES. WM. D. ROGERS, COAOH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER, 100® AND 10U CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied. selS-Smlf fiemaiMts. Removal.— o. c. sadler & 00. have removed from No. 0 North Water Street to No. 108 ARCH street, second door above Front. eel < Sliina, (Blaesaate, &t. rjMJRNBULL & co., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DSALEILB CHINA AND QUEENS WARS, Not. 23 and 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Between Market and Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. 10" GLASSWARE, open or by the package, a Uhl-2 m ' rjIO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS. A large Block of CHINA, GLASSWARE, AND fancy articles, iv raw Lomet ximr prwbb, At MARXSEN * WITTE, Importer*, MASONIC HALL, 718 CHESTNUT STREET. jan6-ly S PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TIONS) with written descriptions of character, Including ad rl ce in reference to business, health, selMcoprovenieot, &e., are made day and eve ning at JOWLBR, WILLS, & OO.’S, families visited when requested, and a liberal die count made to clube. sell-8m 922 Chestnut *t., Philadelphia. RUSSIA HEMP and F ASNS For SALE, by WEAVEB, WTLBB t 00., No. «8 North Water Btreot.wa Bft .„ No 33 North WIIA TIV KH ALE euPE —a large stock of Bale hop., roaouf.^^^^^ No S 3 North Water atrMt, and kU Ho,» Worth Whanw. WXTANTED—In a wholesale Dry Goods W Hones, » YOUNG MAN *« Aeeletant Book- Keeper. Unexceptionable references _ required Ad dress P. 4c G 0..” Office of this paper. ocll-21* \M7AN TE D—A PARTNER, who can fur- VV niih-81,600, totekeafnll IntereH in aMn u factoring Business that is both profitable and safe. For particulars, address ♦*!/. T.,” this office. ocl2-4t* - WANTED— A GARDENER’S SITUA TION, by a Man practically acquain 4 ed with the treatment of tbe Bot House and treen House Plants, Graperies, Font Culture, &o. The beet of testimonials will be gives. Address »* Gardener,” this Office. oc9 3t* ANTED.—The Advertiser has $l,OOO la v ▼ Cash, and is desirous of joining a person in a safe and profitable business. ■ Address •* Edward,” Of fice of this Paper. ocB-2t* A N EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER and ACCOUNTANT, whose afternoons are un occupied. desires to obtain the charge of a Set of Boohs. Address “A. T. 8.,” Blood's Despatch. « ocs-2t* ANTED.—An Energetic BUSINESS If MAN, that has been engaged in Mercantile pursuits the last tejryeani, desires a Situation as Clerk, to write or to attend to the business of a Pino, Com psny, or Corporation, at home or abroad. Needful re ferences given. Address “CABLTONJ’at tbe Office of The Press. ©e9-Bt# \\f ANTED—An Active Partner, with from v T $1,500 to $2,000, to engage in the ‘Wholesale Wine and Liquor business The advertiser o&n farnlrh an equal amount Can influence trade to the amount of $lO,OOO annually, and understands the business tho roughly. References required and given. Address, confidentially, INDUSTRY, this office, for one week. ocB-St* 1 A YOUNG LADY of musical education wishes a gitoation as Organist. Good reference given. Address ORGANIST, office of this nsner. Oc7-4t* TO DRUGGISTS.—WANTED—A Situa tion in a Wholesale or Retail Drag Store, by a young M&q who has served four yesrs under instruction m a retail establishment, and is a graduate of the Phi ladelphia College of Pharmacy, Can refer to his last employer as to his character and qualifications. Ad dress CHARLES, at this office. ocT-Stffc T/If ANTED—To Kent, for the winter sea vf son, with immediate possession, a Varnished house of moderate size, with modern improvements, west of Tenth street. Address A. M., office of this paper. oo< TOTANTED, FOB THE UNITED STATES v T OAVAXBY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom irill be give* good pey. Doerd, clothing, and medical attendance, far from Q 2 to ISS per month, ffo man having a wife or ofcild will be accepted. Apply for MOUHTHD BBBVTOB at Ho 81T MAB&HT gtmef. above Bighth, north aide. W. TH. HAQBUDHB, let Aleut. irt Dragoon*, BecroSting Otteee. A LADY wishes a SITUATION" in the Country as GOVE&NESS, or to Superintend « House. Address “ Salem,” Press office. ©cll-lt* 51NTLEKAN and LADY 7 aUollin gle Gentlemen, may obtain Board at 712 Cheat* nut Btrtet, opposite Masonic Hall. ocll«13t» BOARDING. —A Private Family, In a first-class Bouse, would let, with Board, their second story, elegantly furnished, to a Gentleman and Wife Address ‘‘Home,” Office of The Press, ocb-dW* A MERICAN ACADEMY OF KOSIO, -nL BROAD AMD LOCUST Btreete. THE GREAT RAVELS! MONDAY EVENING, Oct-11,18W, The Comic Pantomime, entitled JOCKO ; OR THE BRAZILIAN APS. Also, a new Grand Dhertisement, entitled PESUVAL DANBANT. And second time of the £ creaming Pantomime, entitled . THE CONSCRIPT! With Grand Eolations on the TIGHT BOPS. Admission—Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Baloony, BO ecu's: Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 26 sent*. Beats can be secured from 10 A- M. to * P. M. with out extra charge. Children under 10 years half price. HRS. D. P. BOWERS’S WALNUT-ST. 11l- TBEATRB. corner of NINTH ud WAUrCT Street MONDAY ETBNtNH, October 11, 1848, NOTHING VBNTUBB, NOTHING WIN. Duke de Vendome, Mr. M’Domragh; The Countess Beaariilers, Mrs. P. B. Oonwar. THE SON OF THE NIGHT. Son Lett, Mr. F. B. Ooami Duke Derate, Mr. H. A. Perry: Brsvadura, Mr. McDonough j Jolla, Mrs. D. P. lowers: Ghebel, Mrs. F. B. Conway; Myrtha, Wat 0. filchings. gncasui admbrsfoa—Second Tier and Family Circle, and Third Tier, 25 cents; B7>f cents; Dree* Circle, CO cents: Private Boxes, according to their locale, $8 and $6; Single Seats is Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. Doors open at quarter before 7 o’clock; Curtain rises at 7# o’clock. IM7HEATLEY & CLARKE’ 8 AROH-ST. If THEATRE.—Williams. Fredericks, Aottng an* Stage Manager. MONDAY EVENING. October U, IBM, ‘ AMERICANS IN PARIS. Arthur Morris, a Philadelphian in Paris,Mr. Dolman; Doctor Bmhexer, a French physician,Ur. John Gilbert; Amelia Morris, wife to Arthur. Mrs. John Drew; Annie, w.fe to Botherer, Miss Emtna Taylor. To conclude with the admirable oornedy of THE HONEY MOON. Admission. fiSeta. Seemed Beats In Drees Circle, 87 1C ots: Orchestra Stalls, 80 ote; Beats in Private Boxes, IB eta; Gallery, 18 ctd; Galftry for Colored Persons, 28cts; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 88 eta; Whole Private Box, 13. _ ' poorsoprn at quarter before 7o'clock; ooxnmence at 7£, precisely. .SAMUEL SWENBY. Concert hall, chestnut street* ABOVE TWELFTH, - nr SIXTH WEEK OF SANDEhcON’3 00LO3SAL IIXucSTRATIONS Of THI RtTSSJAtf WAB. Oo MONDAY, October 11, and BVBBY RYRNING during the week, Aleo, oo SATURDAY AFTERNOON. The whole accompanied by a CELEBRATED BRASS BAND. Admission 25 cents: Children 12 cents. Doom open at 7 o'clock. Performance at a quarter of 8 o'clock. See programme. cell-fit A SSEMBLT BUILDINGS, TENTH AND £\- OHE3TNUT Streets. Here again! Return of the old favorite, SIGNOR BLITZ. New and Comical Scenes in VENTRILOQUISM. Extraordinary Magical Demonstration*; and the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Open every Evening daring the week, at half-past 7 o'clock and on Wedoesdav end Saturday Afternoon* at 8. Admission, 25 cent*; Children, 13 oent*. **2Mm* JVATIONAL HALL—MARKET STREET. 1V . OPEN JOB THE FIFTH WEEK, j. Ztffioo Williams’s celebrated PANORAMA. OF TUB BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTING commences with Chaos, and continues down in historical order to the Babylo nish. Captivity* containing mors than fifty of tb# most sublime and interesting scenes In the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING'. Boors open at Tj to commence at 8 o’clock precisely. Tickets 25 cents—to be had at Hall door. Ohlldrs under 10 years 16 cents. __ _ Also. Exhibitions on WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY AYTEBNOONB for families and schools. Doors open at 2; to commence at 3 precisely. Explained by Professor TIBBITTS. MARKET FIRE INSURANCE CO. IVJL 09 THE CITY 09 NEW YOKE. CASH CAPITAL 8200,000 TOTAL ASSETS.. DIRECTORS. BENJAMIN H. HOWELL, President. PhUetus H. Holt, of 236 Front street. Joseph P Wickham, late Wickham’* A Hutchinsen. Silas Davis of A-B. AB. Davis. Oliver H. Shepard, of Shepard, Howe A Co. Henry Rowland, of Howland A Banka. Alfred L. Rowe, of T. Q. A A. L. Rowe. Wn, p. Miller, of Wm. P. Miller A Co, Stephen W. Gaines,of 8 "W. AB. A. Gaines, filisha L. Walton, of Walton, Little, A Co. Nelson Sherwood, of Nelson Sherwood A Co. HenryG. Beeve, of H. G- Reeve A Co. Daniel T. Willets, of Willete A Co. Albert L. De Gamp, of Baker A De Camp. John SI. Brace, Jr., of Brace, Odell, A Farnnm. 6tephen Liofagton, of 216 Front street. Enoch Ketcham, of E. Kotch&m A Co. Wm A Cummings, of Beards A OnmjDingß, Henry Lyles, Jr., of Lyles, Polhazous, A Co. Brewster Valentine, of Valentine A Bergen. Qeo.B. Whitfield, of C. A J Whitfield A Co, - Albert Havemyer, (late Havemyer A Moller.) Tennis W- Quick, of Quick A l’Hommedleu. David M. Tornnre, of Edey A Tnrnure. Jose T. Navarro, of Mora Brothers, Navarro A Co. Edward Bill, of 112 Broad street. Nathaniel W. Chater, of Peter V. Sing A Co. Wm. H. Goodwin, of E. Goodwin A Brothor. John Frlsbie, (Freeland, Squireß, A Co.) ABHBR TAYLOR, Vice President. Insures on Buildings and Personal Property of every description against Loss or Damage by Plre, on the most favorable terms. HENRY P. FREEMAN, Secretary. INBUB4NOE IN THE ABOVE COMPANY CAN BE EFFECTED THKOBGH STEWART & JOHNSON. oCl*lrmAw33Wf jJ- AMDSCEPBS ahd clamps. No. 1. 62*0. pwdo*. 2. 760. " 8. 87o* “ 4. 1000. « 6 Row, $1.26 per dozen. 7 Row, $1.76 per dozen, 8 Row, $2.25 per dozen. HENRY C. ECKSTEIN, se-16 82 North THIRD Street, phUedelohfa JglOR COLDS AND SOKE THROATS. lOELAND MOSS PASTE, FLAXSEED DROPS. BTEPHEN E. 'WHITMAN, MCALLISTER & SBOTBSH, ocT-«t 728 CHESTNUT STBBET. |WRENOH _ WHITE _ ElNOroFtso~Tien3B r Montagna, ground pure. It produuei a clew, white, Bus gloaa, and attain, a flnnness and orpnnßaa ot surface. Guarantiedgenttiße. lor ule by f ZIEGLER & SMITH, ftu33-4tf gottUTrw\ w*. Boarbing. aimusemente. ,$278,200 No. 108 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. HANDSQRUBB. No. 6. $1 12 per do*, 6. 1 25 *' 7. 1 60 »• 8. 1 1$ « CLAMPS. MARSHMALLOW DROPS, Manufacturing Confectioner, No. 1210 MARKET BTRBET % West of TWELFTH Street. FOR THE STEREOSCOPE.
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