.Off, iibjatlnniialr.tra4UTa,UPortin«Qt'WCiirtby 4h6'n\t#t»iiob of UirptiaJt&otbact'd«.rirokia<(if!(fet«bftalatf, f IL?* Catalogues dow ready, and tho articles arranged far exatafnattow.' —— . t , ,0*1l»--RXkltI'M PENRStUVAW K iKBOPSRti. ■ ID*. Dwcrinttotu Indt)dl>t)r. tbs iblirf. <ll4 UinkiDi Hsu>«, Qbaatuat straal, add imuinbur. or bulldln; lota, As , Is to gold SBH, October 1 .. by otd«e »t ti» AMlgodw, will be leaded la handbills id tnUy ar two •...; , rAUj-gAtiKMTOOKR AND RBAt 15STATH : I T«r*t»ru i,, j | At/t BM.K, uid cotober. on in* 1 ttib-'Jti ii.T.'l •<* : v.. -PTI K MTRfft' ; I >■ b'.' ’>'■ *" ‘ Thirtd»nth B»U BftTe/ lQlh October* kt tbs Exchange. Pstt!°t thb hwdbUU*°r tie ibcre sales' noy ft.tr,, A *3USAIt BBT ATB, BToQRB|!fc«*,. a o I Tibia Bifs, If.m*' * *l2rnSmSf ot tteh 'ihpnii '.«* addition tdahlcbftepablWon tha6»tarfli»iirtjl(inb to 4»ei eriei oa, tbdiaadd dataUigauld padi filet rdrta, .«»^2SS?sr^ rtifir, add. tdrerlliad'ocddloruny Id .out PubUo Bala AWtTbdtaJ'roP.irtiad l.VN&tty M* pmfflnMrd • rtaa dfebtriil' - .v '■•"'l'" . i. •'.•:wtuaJßWT*jit huValh Rim.'. • ■ i , » Uras amp»ot t,l RealEatato at Pit tatb SB», .IdMiUld* d»6V} ascription' of Citjitot Printed LUta may to bad at tbt ".' fttacusu- #AU.BAM_<K>Tbi>Btt uti, ’: i Bameisute <!.TdA.&GK AND VAJ ( UABLfc} 10T, strjbt ■ b«low fmprat*tiwt,. % feet (font, 250 feet deep.* : Nxeoawre Bale— l lfr'afe nr Cornelia* Tien, Deceased VALUABLE HKPIDENOE. No. 1011 OWmit street, amt of.sixleeotli street, lVont, lSQloetdeeft to Parker street . - 1 ‘ Orphaoi* Court Sale—Rafale ot Iticbara JtfcGrann, • - Deceased. I /»': TBfT XBM&BVQW,: BJBU?K DWNU3NGS,* No a > MW, 2494, 2106, U\2. £U4,2410, 2ns,&nd 2VWP»B?*treBt r iv.„ >( , . i; , AdntfplMtriio-'ii' SaieWEstato of Wra.. A«hton 4 I>ecM l . MRIOK DWBUIKq; No 8& Crown •treat. S-v'tt tS . VALUABLE SOiL ,L4ND3;>6* ACfM,BOL pttches» r. altael* in Pall! tnwnihip, Lutflroa conoty, Pesna. B<’ order of 'the Trasteq/or-the oijmlbofdera n( the Norti OavboouaUOoal Corbpaoj... . ! VAtUABI,BiPBPVBRTY,-VAf.LBY PORG£,Jfojnt cornelr oouatt r tnqdarn barn, ice* houir,and other outbuilding*, end over W acre* -■:. >• AROlt-SXRRfeT —Valuable r*-‘«iJBQCe„No.,l3l6 street. b*t««WTbi(t*eaUuuid Draad streets . * .SOOTH JtlTraNflOUdH; wod; . erabriqVnod Atom residence, ,Tepl&te,wUh every rood* . ert ■ of.-. Rlttenjiouse equate; sapedevsttble and e -ach-honany <s•{#/! .on’RittenbPU»» ITT* JmmedUte-poMeMionr $lB,OOO maj Uoi*i *|£ .7 ; \ !4»utUttl rtte foi AWintrj ?tsld«wy,!;*i wrpisOhojU.o IliU*, Ttniloi ► fro© Philadelphia. 6 viqlnutee,walk frpo.a.station ©t tbwN«lbloea»*jlTaola Railroad,;:,. .< u ? .•< YAMUBLH LOT. TWKNfYtBjiBST WAnD, « f«et! on Dp.Qjity9fl7f4V79 fceViOU Herman street. 226 teef Atwi ,a 1 nffifc > freipe dwelling, fp- $lOO to be paid nt tbe tipte of sale. . BROjUißlßEJiS^YelßAbleJoißroad street, sooth of Oxford street; ST by 230 feet—two front* " i SIX THRKK tJfO£TitfiR r CK, P.WBLMNGS, 8. Wl rorqer of Brn*d and. GaAwaUsdei’streets. The/ will ANDDtf’Bf.uNOj TWn.STQni* H>nCK ,WmaiVNo,,l»3l Nona Twcirth .ftief. .W. ’ I I TWOi.BTfIRYI?p<9|^WpUS(L, r No'.lK4S!er.lo^ ? ?lVr. l 5((mliHN ; 'fUB*B.BTi)BY'' BilfOK DWKIJ LINOS, Non. 1323, 1334, 1331, 1228. *IH1 : 1230 OKrl.l tlan street, between Twelfth k&d Thirteenth street* { : KUmt-ATOHY BEICK RgSUIKNOIii-No, 1832 Pind street,'Weetof'^aliteenth»trw«i;^U"4.} ! - BUILDING I/OTj Notth Brosd street, •oollteftMttterfstrtet: 1 m •-; BAIOK DWELLING. No. 2uC4 Plncj *tmt'%fAttrf.Wmowstr«t- ■(> j. 14.: .•; JfOOMRKNTH PALL THI PRKMI9B3 % nm «u cif/J oh a f •i V > i UODKRN RR9IDBNCB AND FURNITURE* , j ,**M » v '.»On S , oM4Ap.aidtttftg^:jl ; 'a)ll : . 1 October 20thl»t 20 itPfllMH, *Ulibft sold on the pre> nlseft thH debt BMxletotetUttaoej uatfcwetttutomer oi SeTenteenthand Ohem'itifete.' r i -K/' ; { HOU«BHOLJ> PURNITUUB. ItnraMiulr after the sale ofithehMiM ( trill be soidj thehoatobold ; fO" P«llovftlotUr4ln handblUs»od esUloauei/ - | -WE3rLOG ANf haodaotDenew.flnt; Alast and bilch rMidence, west >tde Login Pqmre, ronth of Tine street. ;Itinljnit finished Jij .th* Ult strip; and ia replete wlUKerer/ modern loh proremfut i ) Immediate imHession. } i.>AHIKA>Ii)#«OUKTIiTVPEAtr r > iWKNTYiffiIRD TfARUJe-Valnible ’farm, and country.c*at; >76 hbtesj with Urge stoop tasasion, fine bsm nod ell oatbnUdtDrt,'betw«eoBeijdnd etreetlndOlford plinh road, IX mueifrom PrinlcfotiliM It teaser j desitabU andiheaßiifalnMphbotbood.’.’i aV ; , IOUII STSBV .IIBIOK .BTOBII AND. BWELLLNO, 1 Nfl Hiyj»itre«t < <eaatofBeeee4»treeir » . j TO ANDSTAOB OM, NIBO6£3rBBNNINQ GJBARifIARNBBB, Ac.: ‘ i-.-jf i*Uiis.lltHrmne, j; ■ c-Cetaner At U-o’eloeV* *t the BUVas of the Pair* nAonlßalirDedyOempio/rWood attqeti-between Tweol ty-woond wA without ttxrrTe. \ Id Omnibu»ea, nearlr now, and alt in gnod rnn. ■ alr*oCl#/i •Twarf*tiale.->;' i-.t-wi i, f >.• < ttr 21 sy be examloed at any time thA . : J!flaWAtJJi*ilfidatut 4'*l &cbiliP(AiHhitre*» ; % fICPAWOn ,TURNITURB/} PIANO-FORTU,** I N 8 ifiltfCH >)PLAIWf BRUBaBLB PNTd.iAO/ tf H/lr'.fGA «/lf v<> ! >.n i r,it ; i iThii.Morologr ::. Y, ?. : . t ~ ( , i i A % ■%joh&o&t at tth» > anstioDi store, an> extensive *SMrta»a*.«f .excellent seeowt'JiiiidftrDitarei elegant piano-roptei i .Sie.ailmtfe, impeUf. eto.f lrora private taflUei de&Uuing hooeekeeping.srAinoved to ihe stora loreoar«nieQ«fl of tale: ....... .. ... ... j 1 1 t*uiteiwMitil »ft&p\«T jnlmriA gift frames. | AUo, 2«Ugint rosewoodpianof. hy.Baeo&A Ravetf. Aliio, 2 snpetiotsfdoiuDbaal pianos.• ■n,-.r- A< \ Also, handa>no Wilnotoabioeti |Um doors. Also, a chest., ; , Al»q, Aaolt of/el«»Mit walnutidrawiog'reom famr. tore, cnrercftirttb Orlmson 5 < f. ‘; ••! ,’• ' f .Bale No. 1624 A/oh stroet. <- . ■ ' SUPRBIORTURNIfRRBi MIRRORS; fIAKONY.CAR PJ?TB^ILVRU.CUANPXLIf;Bi»RICaODTQLiB3. BOOK CARES, An;. . j T ;i3 OrfPAdsyiMornlnriA ’’! )}Tf. ■',•'• Octobtf ltii*m4Jd ntsdook,' at No.lWf Areh strait, by the enilw furuitare, eompelilng.superior parlor o(niD|‘rpoaj.j»Qd chwabrr fqmitnre, floe carl . jwisi iace eorUinsr rich etUtfiM, hwdsnme (ae.eban'A .dehpim-aad ftxtpr*?, Mirer plate,pair of largo aud ele* Igaatbook o*M*,Ao. -.r,... ?.>- i -< (1 .. • i |[7* n»»eiblcetfqraitara w*i iuede to order. • • L ; ; ’ ICy May be examined with:catalogues..this daw, from 11 to io’cloQk. and op the morning otaale at 8 o ? olook:. BAU>o*rlftTj<!U»riK(f JBNeLIBK;AND AJIEHI. CAN BO'lK-Lv *■:■. 4 •,•; : l -\n f vs Onlriday Evening,,'* ! ■ . October 8 th, ai the Motion atorq.*eql!eotton 9s.val* cable London and.'American., publications, pugwariouk subject*, a portionnf tbombeauUl'uHy JJta«Uated. ‘ ) .. l£7% Sat paitiaulac».Aefi..cat*U>guM amt the bocks, which will be arranged 'for examination oneday tloie. .‘JjwW iStfiito ! TWELFTH TALL SALE, OCTOBER lOtif. ! Rale at 8 X. corner of Seventeenth .and Summer St*, ' «*• thbStbMtto ANtr9URNIYUiIft. * I On Monday Morning, 1 Hh Instant, at 10 o’etosk, at the southeast corner of Seventeenth and Summer atteet*. the neat household furpiturf:, A^io ? ofichopl fur* Ip* T|i* bai)Jtom« reaMenco wilt ho sold at 10 •o'eiudf, irfeXhus to the- adlti «f rdmUnro; it IjraTbUr wtorjr brlclc, JiO feet front, and about 61 f»et deep, flu* > lnhedwitfctnortfrwiftproreotfbM'aodrcOovfblodOe*' - ; VALUABLE PRIVATE UIWARV. ' ; •in 1 -, "‘in 'j sOn .Wednesday. Evening, r „, ; October IStnVat the kncUonitbre.wilibe sold a val* uabjp pr(r*te llhr«y, whi,ch includes a number of rare. ' 1 n Urvettug.und cariotiv wnrW, oh a variety of subjects. Ali i, st indard historic and poetic authors, the best edi tions Ac., Ac. *:.•«•■ (0* Per tinrHculars see catalogues. ; .EJUtfiaBITjAND .VALUABLE BOOKB JUST KB ORIVKI) DIRIMT VROM LONDON. 7'lK'i 7 .’9® »F/htay Evening. . . October J.'th at the victmn ilnra,wilt be sold & con* •ignran>i of Miyaotjupl ..Taxable hook*, on tsploua subject*. Also, elejfithi'Moat Wtedhnd pictorial work*, just direct from Lopiloq • i r-i: U*7? , C*l»togai».wjUbA.rradjrthreedaya.pretlouii • TO CAPITALISTS. BUILDERS. Ac-LABOR AND South side, between Broaif sod Fifteenth street*, 118 f*«l fruot oa Locust street, b/ 173 feet In depth to *lO feaUlu/ w ‘ 1 v?i j AT PRIVATE HALR—IIANDSOMB BBOWN-9TOXB HSjIDINOK, Jfo;lfig» FINS Stmt; VnowA'-ut'-TTnlofa How'» •' jub^fealrT^ O Rtf AT PUBLIC ACCOBfMO RATION. I WOUBTH TriIIOWBYM I \ Mnn«y liberally advanced in targe or small amount*, Jre» dollarto thro&wU, on gotdsoiallre? plate, diamond*, w-rtenes, Jewelry, fowllug-pifrccn, musical • o*«, and all article* of value, for any length of timb’ ***** lm %l 4tvit*ttons* r VrUeii-*l *onth«a*t corner of Btxth and Race street*. i . U7* P<r»uiW*r7..oot*«ii>TiA «ol|«tvf^r4ieootLated at tb« lowest market rates. NATHANS’ PRINCIPAL K3TABUtIUMKST, 8. B. OOllNßft «P SIXTH AN I) TtACE' BTRBKTB. i Wljere money wilt h? liberally advanced on gold and *ll«jSV-pme f ßi*mbhds,wilcbM,frfwelry, fowling piece*.' dry goods, clothing, groceries, liquor*, cigars, hard ware, eatery, articles* mJrrpr*, painting*, enL *rrtvTd<*, reasl&l Instruments,' furniture, bedalng, I and all other arljcteji OI’T-DOOtt SA.MSB. ‘ I ' revMnll'attentkjtt glreti tA all nut-door aale#, either atprlratfldwclliogs, stores,or elsewhere, and charge* nnuiubliy low. 1 Vir.;. < .v [ CJAMDEi NATHANS* ADOTIONEKB., KJ sod MONHT 1 ‘IMS OWICB. Ko. !24 Boult THOU) Blnut, t.lo* W»lDut, oppwiio P«ir St:, oil, • : »Vth*"iael)o'ii,HooM, »t -tt* iewnSAsUiir iwb*.; ~;;. ■ i ..MLwfr MEWUrf *gs*.si », ptLWaasetwwSjijM,«? «*« wmi bur fiewA dM JLMWdnimatii** tanrs thii fa v taitualiamqanU^ ! wltJj ’ : Mb- .'i;!] ' atteiitfoti of of t>doks forhlrMlftrbWlr* Id'AeS- A, j i .detirnilnM. to MiioctKu jf »M .liblVailiUUs Wiillo foiljr«ho*nM*«t willd.ll'Mpdu 6l» MIKOB sirmi. < , .:u*eeSp*i.,_lW>frt» Ct*lWutßtr4ett. 1 , ttifewff; . ■ 4 f/d?L. -•- -W- a. YEATON? ,i - \0.:» .wTj TZ-,> no** 9 \ot. .**-4 a 'jV, W'ii l, 1 lie's; bnTtnrtionr i briniiE yy &*-ooi£- - 42Q*MMIKKT. BTRta. ’) -N> s )F VRBKCII GOODS-.BALAKGE OF CATION OR-. MKB3RB. iBJSNKAKD & !W YORK. . ; * -On Friday Morning-,- ' ' o’clock, by catalogue, on ail: tßopJhs’ colored Saxony merino plaids- of ex , for city tra^B t beat, importodj ip ox plaid 1 Victorias-- 7 ■'• <; - •' : \ ' .j-acd Bajaderofirst quality, pou de . 100‘pieces ;FariSTftlfloolfts.‘ «• ; •' • ' \ l ilW,pieces 04-masarioo- blue merino ©lothf' superfine , Quality. ■<. . ■ i 1 160 pieces bonnet velvets, black and colored, of gape rior qualities,-find celebrated make, - - •••• t '■,’.76' pieces Lyons matttHlaand cotton- velveW, superb qualities, >;•: '*'• in?- •.r-,-•, -• > JOO pieces French shirting flannels of superior quali ties. i-;T •• ' ;■ - 76 pieces magnificent qualities block taffetas, of Pou son’a and Bonnet's maho,:.;-.. • , “ :f •' -'• ■- : : • Also, 603 auperfioe ! 'quality black and high colored Thibet shawls e*tra.rlch Wfigesi of Paturie. Lupin, k Co’s manufacture,'' 1 »*.--j••■v ; • • ; ' ’ . . ‘•' 800 long fqtiaVe black woolleti fringe shawls. ■ 1 ,*OO superior qhhlitf tinted"Thibet shawls. ‘ ‘ ;*w»- »xtf* tichj.Mfoirted'eblobi Stella 46'. ' • * j\l ' ' ‘ ‘ roundcorners Stella shawls, black and ana-brown to come by steamer Arago. rich cheneiHQ hotder Stella eooextrarich troche collars .andihawls. • -••TOO splendid qualifies loogAbd r'qu&re T brochS shawls, > - - ; 200 extra rich aUkpelubbe and douple. face'-long and • eqparo Caahtndre'shatols. ■' " " ‘ . i I/;’ *,* v \ ....... JPLACK LUBTRINES. I. 24 and flu super quality Lyons black-lustrines , '.JJUPB&QtyILirY BLACK, SILK VELVET RIBBONS. " \! J ! •.-ioh . ?.... * orN6..l*obsapor quality, all silk,.Velvet •jubwmr = *• • ■,, B 4 adOTTi Jr., AUCTI,ONEEK,' (snccea . . Bor to WOLIIKRT A SOOTT,) 431 QUKSi'NDTIJti, bnpojiite!j&4‘ OnaUmi between Pourth and Filtjfc Street*.. . : i OniLlPt i. t’ORD,: AUCTIONEER, No. X SSOiMMUUT STREET, between mm ard SIXTH* flonth.'ti'le;* -‘Kpr-The*** iOAßp.—Theattentionef the trade, and: purchaser!! .•generally^!®-partlcn!arly-ref(oerted -to-.oyr Bale, coiif -inentiitigtlii&'-ftibhifog at'.ift otolock prefilseiy, compris ing - «>'aeai«%hle aasorttnedt - of; Hoots, Shoe*. Brrgaos, Gaiters Blippe- J t;Guth Over-shoe*. Ingrainahil LifttCai*- j»6to; Wo^lfate.'Ab,'? ■■■■>- -' v • ■ , J OaUlftwee bowvoady.i- ’ BALK OP BOOTS, SHOES, WOOL HATS, UMURKL •'V',:’- ’ LAB.*TRUNKS, Ac; : \ '• i Vi---. ( v vTnfa Mpraing,- • • ; ■ j 7th Inst.; at 10 o’clock precisely, we will sell' by.cata logue, 800 ]ots*bootii, Bhoes, brogan*; gaiters, Ac , com pristag a desirable assortment, adapted to tho Reason. ! - . 'Also, 1 wool 'hat*, - glogbam and cotton umbrellas, ' will bo arranged for examination with catalogue* early on the morning of sale,twheii the at* tcntion.of purchasers la invited. ; i .TJY;.'WICttAM ! ri. STERR;” GENERAt, O AL’OTtOS AND* COMMISSION BIOIUS, ,No .46 N'ritlaElGfi'ni Street, l»low.Arch, . <. ■ ■ . v.y * ‘ ' " J.A BLIHON/'Auctindoor. 5 ' NOTlCK.—Hereafter- we will hold - our regular aaiefl of household furniture, Ac., on Wednesday, nnd Ba* turday mornings, commencing at 10 o’clock. Eve'olng sales of watcbeM, jewelry, farcy uud ifilm’ellanebup irond*,'w!ll be : held regularly every IMohflAy,'Wednes day, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, commencing at 7.V;o'clock;- : (D* Consignments of new and second-hand bonnes hold furciture, piaqo-fortue, carpets, watcßes, Jewelry', ,Ve. v reipectfally Solicited/oh which liberal cash od* vaoces will be made if required.. ; .!*• Oat-ddbr BaleiftttanJeAJ to> promptly- as moderate as any o'hor bbu«e in this city. j SUPERIOR PUKNITUHK,iOAUPKTSt J MIRRORS, v PLAtBI)\TARK;-Ai: ' On Satardav Morning, fi At 10 o’clock, 1 at"'tbb'iifctton’ store,' vriU bV' Bold by ei’aloptes, a largejawl,: superior assortment of house* hold furniture, Ac. t iv , \ t I T Mv GKJMMEY & SONS, 5 •* .;j;.RKAL,BdTATJf AUCTIONEERS, No. 620 WALNUT STUKET , BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY ; SKAT IN DELAWARB ' J 'COUNTY, KNOWN AS'ASTOJTinDQBi-r J On Wednesday, j October 13th, 1863. will be sold at Public 8al? on the premises, that beautiful country seat, knjvwn ,as ln Delaware conoty;'Peutfayivanla.'abont .16; miles frem .the cJt.r| 5 mlleafrom L'hester,4 miles fruro Marcus Iloob, ami 1 miles from Uackdalft.'(ths aUtlon next beyond Modi* on tho Wont Chester direct railroad.) {containing iS atres.T of which (arc iWcwH land. - The Improvements consist of a splendid mansion; .f-6, fee t : front ,by fiO-.dcepj’to. the. Italian style, with sytcadPutoTracej and verandah; Is finely shaded, anu .commands a view, fcrenty miles iu extent, Including the D-laware river, ft miles distant, and a large portion of New Jersey, beyond ;it; 'Them is also a good stone barn, with Btobliug—the barn-ynrd is well-screened and »h\4ed with Locust trees. i. > ;'!. '4-j • The lawn fronting the hr.use contains three acres, and U beautifully laid ont with walks, arbors, ebrubj bery, BTergrßeD«; A 6. ; This location ‘tecelebrated for iis healtbiueas{tud.<»nveoiflnt fo.sehonls and ehurches of alcqojt eyery denomination.; /Access several times a ihy by steamboat df tatlrbad to; Oh'cstir 'and ’ Marcus Uouk, nr by rsilroVitoKoCkdale. Terms will he in ail and poawßjiion- gireir iirtnediatoly, o< jn the spring^..Tho premises, may bo. viowod at any time ’ Cdnvey'ancea may be had at Ttdckdalo rtotioh «>ve'y day, on arrival of the 10 o’clock train from Rlgbteenth and Market stress,- returnlog at' 2P; M| Litiiographs may lw. seen, and further information ob tained at thn office. ; ' - •• • j - VIRBT' HALL SALK OP URAL ESTATE, JtORTi O AOES, BTOOKB, Ac., will be held at.thoiPhUadel* phis Exchange, 2 ;* ;■ • OnThursdAf .Evening, i Ocioberl4thlBsB,amlwiUluclude-r> Peremptory &'le-~Kstate of John Tnrner Uec’d. | , JJJIEEI« --Two dwellings /pno brick and the other frame) i'VitK* large’ Int 'of ground thcr*-dntb belonging, situate Not. 11l and 115 on the north sido of Queen street, betweon Front and Becsnd streets, lot 63 feet front by 10Q dm > ./■*\ TWO.STORY FRAME DWELLING ind lot or ground! SfffMtby 45 j situate No; 109, Queens treat,.sad adjoin ing the above ... I ' YEARLY GROUND RENT of sosiOO,'payable'on thi }oth day of September, on property sltaato on tho went aide of-Swanson streetj urar- OathariDO'.' Lbfc '2O feet front byOOdeep. ' J HANDSOME POUR-STORY REBIDENOE, (brown! sto-ie first story.) with three-story back bnildings. No» 100$ Ldeust *Weet.'bpp6liU Bt‘ Mark’s 5 . Church. ' Thl> property Isyxcoedingly woll.built, and in perf«cl orderl 1* V'Joi Is’lCtf fe’At dCop-io Latimer flh-feet wide street.) 17,6'0 mar remain on the propeity. Pos s«M’on given * < . HANDSOME OnEBTNUT-fITRKET RESIOENOBj No 1800 north side, witt of Eighteenth Four. Bt*ry, with thrfle»atory and all tho extra roof dbrh conveniences; built superior ' manner, a«d in complete l -foet front br 103 deep', to & go/ftl 'outlet''. * Possession' glfen\frnmedlatoly.' 18,000 . intyrremainnb ground rentj? • > ( i / , "‘NEAirMpptfRN .RESIDENCE, mecnth. street, .fcbrWe Glregrd..tfVftiroe, j»e«t side.. • Three,'eV-r>, .with . t}irfTd-sfoiyßouble bick bulldl'nj's.'No 1220, Lot 10 feet f rprit by”lo3 deep.- to a.bbekoutlet/' ■'■ -i NEAP THRER.3TORY' RESIDENCE,'• Fifteenth .Btreot,. etwye Gi»rl east ride.. Lot 15 feet ff<y)f‘by,ts toaback outlets : Possession given '^^a : n*.dtaw. , ’ * ■ iontSTNUT-BTHim* BTO*B;i-1I«oaitomef(i'nMlo. rv brick store and dwelling, 'with'; double luck building, No. 1309 Obeatunt-'street, hoove Thir teenth, north aide, lpt 20 feet front, by 100 feet deep to !KWly«tre,l; -1 .!•••.. I:'-:-.! a*. ■■ ; %> ,NEAT'THHEE;BrORV< BEBIDKNOE„wIth two-sto iry hacK'-hnUdloge.irwrth «We,of Anne street, west of ftTCiinp.lot 10 feet by - ■■}■■ >- ’•■ i•',N:BAT;TURBB-.BTOB I X>DWEtUNQ,with Jwdirtbry building*, south *i<Je':of’Cumberland street, west of BOdcou. VVAIiUjtSJiR street—seven adjoining building lota ooYopi?.rs.treot,eotmuonciug 60 fest westward from Ylfte» nth street Toe oaatermost Carob'ldge street. The Westernmost two aro iS feat 11 inches,frpjattbjil67 ; feet deep ; to. Cambridge' street' Airnailiig two goal froptt.' 1 ' 1 MODEBN''THREI?.BTpRY i ( >ESIDENOi;B. Thir teeniU street, nortb of west,side. . Has three* story dpUo'6 b.iclk tmD'Hogs.'and furnlßhed with ail the gii'Oxidres. •' ■ NEATMODBitNRRfiIDENOB.tWq’and * half story, wl>h two^tory,dpuble back-buitdihja/'No. THJ Co'iWfl street. kbq'fa'Bafeuth, spoth aide, Ja wOII buUt ;and :ln coinpletq order, TimEE-fITORY BRIOK.DWEtLtNQ, with thb lot of around thereunto situate on south, side or < slltes'AHey') : AbovhTehth (between Walnut and L> ca*t streets) ‘ • 7HANDi.OMB ..YOUB.fITOBY RBSIDBNOR; With Urge tide y*rd, Lepibe'd street, 20 featvrestof Tpeoty* tbrra «r»«t J , lor39 ftct‘fr(Jot bj7od4ep.' x ' • t A’AUJABLB I/Tiy ridVlheiat corner of Bpriice end streets, l/.feoVon Bprace bj '52 doepob Tweotr.weotid street; : ( B2,AL ESTATEAT PRIVATE fIALB. . ID*Oft out fiinU Pale lU’gUtttViH always bo fouai » Tcry lAtgO’oraouot of real estate, including ovSi*/duicriptioQ of city ami coun'ry propeirty. " ' ■ ' ■ ' J. M- UUMSIKY 4 ?ONS, - Couieyaocera and ileal Katsta Brokers, ' 620 WALNUT Street. ,(T*IIESSWEIX.&. Wir.MAMS, No./iOG i> 4 .WA.IINUT Street, aro prepared to supply ship per* and consumer* with superior Droad Top coal ftoiii Lanc.nterMiu4j!.r.r' >1 .';.>oc4tf; tfbO OK PBB‘TON for ‘the best WHITE free iron* elate or £jflo£s»* COAL is tho test and cboapeatjh AJI the city; re.scrtjoned in yprd and dry under cuter, yj jOKS, soils none but the very best Lehigh AJt aiid BchujllciH Coal,, and warWnM full*elght. \ , HIOKS -superintends the delivery • of, all Coal personally, and therefore guarantees It to be M represented..' , nriOKS’Tarirahd Omco is at the southeast 8 I corner of. SI ARBI! M»L 'and WTLT-OW, ’where he Jovjtca all to call and examine /or themselves the above facts: I '' 4 -., . . au2s-Bmj f|lo 00AL.PEALSRS.r—Parties receiving 1. Coal direct from the Mines, wlahlnjTffuirage and the Delivery of their Coal, will pleasa address.fl. BKL LKIIH A BON, CALLOWIIILtt Street; first Yam below Broad * i N K.-i-'Best LKHIOtI and SCHUYLKILL COAL always or? hand at lowest cash prices. »el3.lw* jjHKHING# FOX, A CO., wholosalo and 1. retail'dealer* 'iii * LEHIGH and 80HUYLKILL .rart-THIBD street and GKRMAN TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill yard—RAO* and BROAD itfeeta* Philadelphia. Reap constantly on hand Coal from the most approved mlt.es, nnder cover, and pro* pared eiprejuily for famllr use - • .folly. ~ JUciinoirjj. CS • Pj< %. E.fjoILHEtyNET, Dentist, <nTTXi wocld Inform his friends that ho has resumed practice at No. 1348 OHBBTNUT Street, second door above the U S. Mint. sepl-3m AJf.-rTi'mo, labor,, and JLr ItfaiiVy naYed; 'ln'using it, 1 clothe* du net require nuy boiling orrubl'iog on washboard One pound \si(l go as far as threo 'ponn is common Rosin Soap. War ranted to giro perfect'patls/rtci lon or money refunded It in decidedly tbo ehospeat and beat washing fioati erer offered to toe public. Manufaettmd only by VAN HAAOKN & McKK .NK. for sal* by all rs - Grocer* In the city, ami wholesale only by < TuAIN & McKKoNK, | « | r j Wharry. | iUlid . i,, A WTNIN(SS I AWNINGS 1 | IL KJBTJSn, Awning Maker, No. 443 , North ..Tlllltp . Street,' .aboee. Willow. Italian. and, Trench Window Awilng, r„ r Dwelling. and Office Wld y!\ r »‘", Awninirnfor Steamboats and ihSi“ d " ? r ' A ' n,l,, k ! i , Teotsc «l»(i»,'or aiit Awrtinjf Mil Ker, No, 4-M North THIRD fltrnat ■' lta>ii. dfocA, No 840 Bob if Vtobi Htrcet Btroet lleT ", .■■** T,1 ”‘ I ;, ' •'■•' JIHUPII H. VORTBIt. : tjSkA'i'B! SLATE 11 StAfEMootok . ?, Ute ' l' “l 1 low rate., kept oon. fUatl/op-hand, and Ibrsalaby . / * lIBKIKd, POX, * CO •: m,,OBBMANTOW.H;ItpAD mil Til RDstrrSt ! B. ijbfijtofajntm In the beat manner; and rj •trill*- •#<»*<♦ A* tr» '-IH W| ' : »»« , j Ri/SSlAinfeiirP ami VAItNS For SALIf, by WEAVJSB. 1 FITTER A* GO.j ; - 1 .*; No.; S 3. North Water ntrimt, and i No. S 3 North WIIAIIVKS i / s fHEESE.-rlO5. boxes Borkiraer- couhtj* . \J. Ohw«»aow:Uudini, uid for sale br • ~»>i> 0. O.SADLEft Jc.CO., i mO ARCH Street, 2d door above front, I .I). »vwu it *• ;; :if v. ■ ; iiWfWW. Commercial salesroom; i 7 BANK and 108TltA i WBBRUV i ' v KKT.ntI OIIKSTNUTaudSEOOND .ffi nanr> w a »i Atjotionv-up j invito i thp.p?rtipuJer ; :attention of city aud country to the poJUive R 'alo of a largo ,and, fancy and winter b r T*i 8 4 th,i motn l n Bi' Commcncii gat 10 VrtSib’.na * d s « wUI bft f{>un<l Ru»iMv b 55?,”^} * D £ Scotch Embroideries. F.ajl Bonnots, Uce?, B^°? d T. Liljen wSfelp, I) ylles, rihirt Prontn, with a general variety of No tionß, Jewelry, Pom?de ü ßi»lts, Ac, I '• fIALE f P)ftOM THEMiLYES. 1 ! • This Morning, i ; .-.Qommenciiig aUOp’clonk.,,we .t?lIl Hell-withont-re ftwve. a largo aud general afiaoriioont of desirablo sta ple and fancy fall and winter pooda. comprising— ! HOBtRRY GOODS. • j Such as gents’ iainbs-wool and msrino shirts anji drawers, womep’jr.vests, mUies’,, boys’, and Infants’ shirts aud draworHi wool‘hoods; ecarfs,' and comforts, hose and half hose. • -EMBROIDERIES ADo, a general BS3ortmout of Brunch apd Scotch eci broidtrlos. ' i TAILORING GOODB. " *■ Also, agenoral variety of tiiloring'goodsj consistiny of coatings, Tilings, pantalnon sttiflg, Ac Also, linen handkerchiefs,-i cravats; Rowing pllk, whito spool cotton, patent thread, pant nut whirl but tons, suspendeia;i glove*, and mitts, cotton hoao and half hose. Also, a gjreat.yarJety of notions, jewelry, canes, &a SALE OF OLOTHING On Friday,. Morniug, ■ • r 1 Commencing at 10 o’clock, will bo noM without re fiorre, a valuable, stock of .clty.mudo fall and winteV clothing, conslfitmg'of—i -• •* v. , TWota' aud boya’ wear, of tbo boat mato- y e(1 t 8! ( rials, mid in the latost fashion j I'ents, - •: PAlltißim .GOODS/; /: f Also, a general assortment of tailoring good*. \ r inr May beexAiDicod/vitli catalogues early on hte morning of sale’. • • ' j SA; DYbAKT h CO., Auctioneers ard • Commission MBaonAircaj Nos .27, South EIGHTH STBEBI’i corner of.LODQB/STRBET, r . t :: .,C£jlijl : Notices., ; | IN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE OIT? AND COUNTY OF;PHILADELPHIA. i , Estate of. ALEXANDER tiAMPBELI,, decensed. j , i-TboiAadlttr.appointedi by the Obutt to audi*, settle mid adjust theaccount of Margaret Oampbell, admi' tratrlx of A'exXtfdef Cambell; deemed, and toronko dJirtrJbution.of in tbe tnodn of t v c account* ant. will raeel the* parties interested, foe thu purposes of hi* rippoidCtbeei, oh TUESDAY afternoon, tbo : 32tb day of OatoW, 1858, at 4 o’clock, at hio ofUco) life South FIFTH street, In the city of Philadelphia. \ ”:L ' '■ .JAMBB 11. CASTDE, 1 ; >o2R'td th&a St# ' ’ AmlHpr. i I~* STtHB O’RPHAJ^HOOUKT"FOII~fHE CITY AND COUNTY OP VinLADEI.VUIA. ' Estate f'f AMK Lt A.. M A.RI A. C 6 N V), deceased. > The Auditor appbinVeiP by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the:,account ;o£ Tynac Elliott, and UenrJ 0. Dlairj' Executors of Amelia Marla Co’io. deceased, and to make distribution of'the .balance in the bauds of the accountant, will moot the parties interested, for ttio purpoflfia icf hii appointment. on:MONDAY after noun the 11th day. of. October, 1858,, at 4 o’clock, ut hip offico.-llfi South FIFTH. atreot," In thecit'of Phila delphia. JA.UJ33 ll. r .UASIhB, * 'so2Btu'tb&B st* ; '■ ' Auditor. Cnsinesa QLaxiiG. A LUX. MoKffrffEr, • ... ' attorney at. i,aw, s . QRKE.SSanRG, I>A. ! , Will practice Id Westmoreland, Armstrong and lu* . .7 ;;t : ]J % 'y . t ‘; ~ poll 4r i * t. t. iBBAMai • ■ ■ _:T ■ a.-’ a7mw«7; i BRAHS & MAYER, a L ATTORNEYS AT LAW, _ fl • , LOCK iIAYEN, Pa., } . Wulatteqdpromptlyto all prnfp.ijsloual business en trusted to.them.Special attention to the collect Uon p‘f,p|almfl. H ;,'.77, 7'. • ,-V . KKrEBF.NOKB, .. . (l,oy. (TVra. F’. ; Pac^cfj 1 eburg, Pa. j-L. A.'Mackey* ; Pcesldeut LockrUaven §ankrQeucral,D. K,. Jackmatij Lock llayen j ‘ Uon.VA., AVhfto,. Lock; Haven; 7 Simon -Lock' phlaijMcParlaud./KTariA.'A ,06.\ Philadelphia j. Kvan i & .WaUon r JiI . JPrico, PbiladeL phiM'j' Hon. A. y, Philadelphia j' WilliarasoV, , Taylor, Jk..Co,, T e l' ® s; A- Davie,Phtlaf “delphia; Hqn. James llurnsiduV. Bellpfonte. Fa. ; J. W» “ " 1 jy26 : t* j f‘iHARLBS TEI’teridOMMISSION MER • OEANT and* importer of HAVANA: BKGARB, (Newl 188 Walnot street, aacond etory, . anl-ly ff : viv M-J - -Importers And Wholesale Dealers in WINES, BRANDIRB,' WHIBKKY, .GINS. and FANCY LI QUOItS, No. 1017 MARKET Street, between Tenth am. , lleventh utreeU i ... : ' / ..• .7. .I*l CM/ r!': BARDWAUE. .i ... ~ • MOORK, lIKNSZBV. aV, CO., i* / i f ■*' 427 MARKET, aitd dld COAfMKRCK Btr, •Are bow/oponinv a splendid' assortment oF. : goods suila bin for thi« near trade,’arid Invito purchase!# to call rim. (iXkminethoir stocks of EardwßTe, Cnt\ery, Gobs, Ac.j before i to.. .. , - ; .sj'3o.l2t i. rjpR 0ITT;; BROTHER, & CO.> IKPOBTBIB ADD DSIT.RRS , 17 A R D-W- A RE CUTLERY, GUNS, : v , PISTOLS, &o. 529A1AKKKT,STREET, Below Sixth,.Nortlj aide, . . ' 5 .-*■ ‘ PflitAbELPHiAl i_B ARD W ARK .—Tim mibhcribora, COM. li. MIBBION ;S£BRCH A3STSI of FOURIGt AND DOMESTIC lIAP.DWARE. would respectful!) call the attention of lh« *trade to their stock, wbicl they are lowp-st,.rates, tlu r awmtmeat can lists Inpartof— • ‘ * - ;'■'••• Chains, of alt kfnds —Trace, Log, Ualtor. Uraaat, Ox Dow, Pifthj llacVJ Wagon, 4tage, Tongue; Lock, Ship llino, und Ooil Oliains. The celebrated EorseNalls; Stone and 8!e-ig< Hammers, a ]y:- i .i “Wright’ ” and other Anvils: Solid Box and other Vices. ... ~ , , , ... EhbrV ftrid lone handle Fry Pans; Yonhd-and ora (take Pans. “Martin’s” anporlor Files and Rmips; Bed Bcrevrsi “Excelsior ” Safety Fuse?'Blasting Tubes. Oom, Grass, and Brier Scythes; Hay, Corn, and Strait .nives. :- Hav, Hl>A4i D ?Forks*, •,••••> ; 5 , Hakes and.Hyes; Shovels and Spades, of all kinds. ; ’ Tablts, Brads; Slide/Clout, rad FinUhiug Nalls. ; Cwt and<yVp)pght B,ntt Hinges,Screwsj Locks,ot all kinds; Cutlery, Raws aud Purupe, Axes, Hatchets, Haoii : aj«rs, Plahie, and other Toole,-&o.v&c. ; f r-. -iV't.- ....ly.-G,.lewis & son,■••■! mhl-y No. 411 COMMKRCK Street. Philadelphia warming ani» ventilating warehouse. ABGfOT,p &,JVILBON, BCOOSBSOfcB Ttr B: i* 2Aaßicox. V/e h6T6 removed from oar old stand hi Walnut street to a fuw doors below tbe St. Lawrence Hotel, where our old friends and tbo public-are respectfully invited 19 examine our eatenßiye. stock ; o,t .W.ano Air FurnncesL •Ouoklng Ranged, J ' liatlr lioilt-ni/Iteglhterß, Enameled 3tone Mantels, Parlor Goal Grates, fee., &o. Wear* ..oo», manufacturing CHILdON ! 3 CELEBRATED PAT* • BNTNKW'COAL GAB UONSOMfNG FURKAOfc- the •oitist powerful aad.ecoatuuicai Qoater ever invented, andauited to aU classes of buildings. ( ; “ Also,’new and' beautiful‘patterns ot Low'Db j Grates,' and Parlor. o oal. OvAlea.of All airea and;pattern*j „ : Wo. have .also., commenced tbe manufacture 0! ENAMELED- STONE "MANTELS frovi‘ ‘Find ’ ii/ltaHid. Btfnt, hThBRQ. .Mantels were awarded, a SPECIAL PJtEMIUM ax the late Fair and Exhu bixioii o/'lhV 3 J > , rtKWin , 'i'fts{iXi/Xe of this city. They < represent all the rare and bA»»nti?nl Antiquk blaußx.ss; ,»re uot lnjprcd, by Smoke. Coni Gas, Oil or Acids, ■ and'are 4old' Wholesale and ‘Retail, at muck less price • than Mat;bhi /.Gpl/.qjjff fttjhcm. • , ARNOLD & WILSON. 1 ' BRNJJd. FKDTWIIbIi; Superintendent. - April,.lJtW--sps4 lr fTNiTEri STATES GOVERKM EKT AJ ;; < LANJ).LGCAIING AGENCY,- - *=? , , ‘i ' ,r-j ,} V/ -• >■ CHICAGO, ILL. i ' The -Subscriber,' hAVlbg' hiid much practical expeiii ehCd In Belecdng'hnd locating.lauds in tbe various Land Districts in the Western Staten, has unusual facilities for making vatuhblc 60l<sctlblM for 0 ‘ ‘‘' LAND WARRANTS OH OABII, Having Surveyors, constantly in the field to make personal exaralnatioiwj hb can' always make the moat judicious locations. j Lands unsurpassed for fertility of noil and salubrity of climate, near tbo line 6f railroads, may now be In lOWA AND WISCONSIN. ... Satisfactory references given when required. (0- Money invested in Kansas and Nebraska, and any of tbo Western gtatea. 5 > 8. SALISBURY, « CLARKT3 Str*nt, Chicago ; AND VKNTILAfTWn . .. WARKRQOMB i The subscriber would iuYite tho special attention of Arohiteot ItaUderi and the public to his ' ; NEW CULVEtt PATENT SELF-OLEANSINtj- AND vVJJNTILATINft WAItMiAIH F.UHNACE, Which his been BdsuccefifcfaUy introduced during the last winter and gar® such goueral satisfaction. It i* so arranged as to consume'the gasoa from the Goal, waking It,oua ,o( the economical, ejifo, durable •Heaters - ‘ > »• r. < < j Also, all alien aad pattern* of Cooking-Ranges, JBatli Boilers, Gas Ovens, Low Dowo and Elevated Gratoff, every v ArletyofTtoglUem and YootllatonPHlreplace Stoves, Collin*’rateqtObintuey Caps, far the cure of eniokjr chimneys, with afnll asßortmant of all good* in my lineorbnulnes*. « 1 Prompt attention’paid to Radge >nd: Heater repair ing, and prices reduced to suit the times. CHARLES WILLIAMB,:- (Late Baker tc William*,) ' , an2>3ro, . UB9 fold 406) MARKET.Street. .phittfa i /'VRKAMENTAL^mi^xiotOEE" I D%LASsI M . .Wo hare just received tt'cbufprcbfmßlvo and v.i rielstock of thffl tfuly heautiful aud architectural an .pondatr’o tb Ghurfches. VostibuL'a. Conserv.'uojd'e?,' iuid other building*, where it fj beeinod;necessary to embel lish, or to give a chaßte'and'clegflUt appearance; Any color miiy l>b had, cither pinlri ororuahiciiul, elabo* rately or Jn relief. zrEGLKft & SMITH,* Wholesale Drug, l*a'ut,.aat!l OJa'B Dealers,. ge2Mtf.. . ' Southwest cor. Second,and Green *t* ! rrOCONHcTIONERSASi) JL 600 lbff.. Oil Peppermint, warranted pure: ,1000 ‘F .Carh. Aniraonia; r 200 u . Oarraway. Heed.' . , For sale low.as wautod.br ’ ' WILSON &. MERRITT, Wholesale Druggists, 208 Marketstreet, : fjy 0 ARCHITECTS'AND BUILDERS, "A C A DIA •FR ii KSTONB. v" . Now landing, »nd shortly to arrive, 1,000 tons of this beautiful Stmie, both/ofittui !: ' •*' t < i ;. BLUJ),.URAY,AND RUFP TINTS,; ... : tlio former o< which, for «oftne»s and delicacy of;color, Ifl unrivaled . i >•. j. • ; '/• <•' \ For the .character of thU fitonor please examine the follojvjug buildings:. • Joa Har'rjftoii’fl, Eighteenth street' and' RULmbous* Square. i ! 1 ; Harrison’s. Bnildingj Locust: streef, between Boven teonth and Eighteenth, , j Samuel Smith’s Vi est street ntid iiittonhouse square. •' MnUPetnrsou’rt No VJU) Waiddt>lreet. ; ' ’ ' ’ ; ' A. K. Wouiratb’s,4ls Arch street. 1 .., famuel Simes’; I'welftlLaud Cheßtnqt streets. • > T. K. J. PiuwUt, Saventeehth amV jiOoufltKtrßefci.and othetfi. . • ' ;• £. . . ARNOLD A WILSON, ! rinriABKU’IJJA WAKMINO AND VBNTh.AWK(I : WARKHOOSE, .■ . i o Id. 011.B8T N U.T snip. ET ; : j *elG : sii) : 11,. »!) JPKLTWJSIJ,, Sup’t. j F'HEaSMX OK : ARluHciAl7i'AßJ)7- 81’SOIAL KOTlOi: TO HIYMCIANa —Tl|9»bi>, 4 offer** vehicle. for t!** exhibition of remedies to dis eased surface,.which, comhiues the following advanu ges: A good and unvarying oon istenoo, easily washed, off with water, dliaolyei aUjSQbatarjces 4bat are soiu-- ble lu water, hence. facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, mid dots'. np\ gti rnntid. i Tho Hast property aloiie renders it.aq inval«fthl«-WqMmlt’onl to ‘ the practitioner. Prepared and for sale, wholesale and • i at , TIMER'S. Laboratory andPharmaoy, ’ ' wh "-- - . • .Twfaiffh ftiiVt Aliostnul ONGLISU VEK MILLION"«ihTULIIt A; a especially Imported for Palutef* ana Printers. Pat’up in i ib pierages, and for sale by hkY &. BROTHER; *- !' t MlHm* . ( , ,|HI BOOK Street, up atkire, j SbUtiUionJ! • UZEKNE PEESBtTEBIASr INSTI -> TllTfi, WYi’ill#, ITOINSYiiYiNIi -iEi A. LAWIIKN<iJS, A. JI Principal.—Easy of acc°B6 hjrlloil roaiJ,mud most; eligibly very Bpecial a-fVaiitagcs'for flcqtilrfi'g 'a' Ihotough, judicious. Chriß tlan educatloM. ThebcstEoglißh.ClaHiical.und Mini cal insirudGbn'.r OB.iafiia Cfrdular of the Principal, at' Wyoming, or call and sco him atGaut ,V Volkmir's llookfttore, on the Bth or Oth October, between the hours of 9 and 11 or 3 on • 6 o’clock, where, abo, Cl culara nmy be obtained after lbo flthr. v! if! i « References— Rev C Van Ransalaer, D D.: Rev }| B. Mitchell, j E. O. ICnipht, ’ ocslutbs-Bv*! . itEbibivh of S-A PENNSYLVANIA.—The Winter Session of Lec tures in this lilfttltutibD will commeuce oil the 13th of- October, and contlpuo Id weeks. Located Northeast, corner of SIXTH* and CALLO WEILL PLHK*- deliihia. Fee $5, Cou’-ho of Lectures (Six Professors) $18, : Gradhatlrt Fee, $25. ! CLINICS. . 1 The morning of every Wednesday And Situnlay wilt be sot apart for COLLI'RIB OLfNI.CS,, at which wdl ho illustrated'tlio Eclectic TVeatinont 1 In Practice an}l' Surgery, and w« Inv*te,aU who wish to avail themselves’ of tho NKW SCHOOL l’ractlco, to call and receive- TREATMENT, Pre? of Ohargo .Tho Cliriie.will he open at the College every' Wednesday ut*d Saturday, fromteu (o twelva A;Maffor tbo 9th of October, 3858 WILLIAM PAINE ,M D , ! Dean pro tern.; also Editor and PuSlifiher of tlio Ec’eeUo Medical Journal.' Muntlily; 48 pu ,$2 plir year, SIXTH aud Phlla. ' oc4 1W I T>ivNN/ corner ol M. THIRTEENTH.;aud FILBERT Streets, opened; on MONDAY,'the Gth.of September; : , Private instructioii,-though-favorable to rapid pro gceBß,yet;HendB the schblat into the world with a keen Benaitivooefay,wh/.eh -.totally disqualifies him for active life; whilst attention to'many oftentimes forces thh instructor to mee.t genera) UjtHculliea rather than those lersonal.tQ each, individual, and the learner eithor osui all ifitetCßlj or WcotfthS sUperflcial iu his acquire ments, For these and' other reasons the number ia limited;. 7 .1. . | For further information apply personally, frora nine o’clock A. M. w., or.by note, to ! se!B-tf ; . .Nr.': /R .STBWART iPrincipal. j CINGMSH SlNGiNfeßaUad anaMperai- A-i tic.—Mr, FRAZER;;gIvoa Instruction in the above styles, on the most approve! aystom., i selß-lm , / --,409 south KIGETERNTE Street, j CLASSICAL EDUCATION—ROB* lIT 11. IiABWGWTON, ,Ph. D; of the University o'f Groningen, will herokßeir have oh&rge of the Olasrleni dopartmeht fn the 60IBNTIPI0 liVf SITfUTK, -OBKBTNUIJ- Btreot,. northwest corner of Twelfth'.; tfo pßins lißro been e/mred ty render (biji Bchool worthy of pntro»»*n (gr imy*.of nil opd, in all departmwnlr—Kngl eli, ClaMical, aufl Scientific, -Entrance oil. TtY’H.hPTtt St, : , 8017-lm > J..RSJNI&,-Principal. ; TT^TF^" WK ¥OH~VOUN4 ** • LAPIKS, N0.,1523 WALNUT Street. For terms, apply at tho Institute. j RernußNOßa.—Dr. Converse, (editor ofthe. Christian Obsert’cr,) Itev. Dr,’ o.,.Wadsworth.. Uov. Dr. W. I). Stevouß, (Jol. J. W. Foru, by, ,0. Ar. Lelaml. Emj,, Pro ej-sorn Vethnbe, Allen, Frazer,.of the University, and thor gentlemen ’ . selfi-lm ! T aMIH WEST .CHESTER ACADEMY; A located at WKST CIIUSTKIL Pa ,an Institution designed and arranged to prepbrd Boys and Young Men for any eln«B in our befit Colleges', or for business' in its varied requirements.' The corps oflhstructors consists of seven Teachers of ability and experience. The ave rage number 6f Students :1s seventy five per session 1 . The French and German’litinguagea arb taught by n»f tiro. resident teachers, Thb Wiuter Term cmnmeucep on the Ist of November next. For Catrlozues.d: c., apply to.- WM. JP.tWYJfiIIS, A. AT., Brlccipul, ] so9-th s tu.2m . . . . . .at West Chester, Pa. { J J. URiSD hna resumed Ills, course of In* • fitmetion’in Muslo'dinl oh, the' Pla&o*f«.tte Ko ! . 1523 WALNUT Street/:.'.',’’ bols-liu | MRS. BRYAN* SEMINARY, ~ i •' ' UATAVIAyft Y, TUB PATJi TKRM of thW Inatitution : '(«hoßO loca t!on !s nneof mo beauty rind'attr&cUon), commences on the 10th of September; contiuuoH strictly a Fa* mily Hoarding School for Girls, and' is thorough, select; and homelikei jn aUftfl appointments,; .The oumber of pupil* in limited to those who caa ho seaced. at the ta* bio of the Principal:' •• ’ \ Uj* OIRCDLAIIB will"ba' seht showing Terics and Regulations •- ••• • j Batavia, Qenesee co.j N'. Y;, September, 1858. eel? .Hl-ajADßli.jp HI A iEGK, idirtbeMt cotter ofc ETStroetfl, ; ;i ■•••-: ->i •! An Institution desianed. TIV.H BtfSINEStf. : -i !BOARD OPTRUBTEES. : B.B,Ootne.i?yi!,':»'. ~;i Francis linskin*, .Qaotj;o-J[vBtuM:tj. > ‘David Milne, .Jobariparbfmk, David H.Hrown, Isaac Hacker, A.V. Parsons,.. D, B. Hinman,. {Frederick Brown, . Joshua Llppincott. to fit young men for A 0« - KVENINtJ BKSSIONS »ft«r St'jitorabar 15th. I ' i’achataiient has iNDivtlurii; is'STßfacTios nt tilts •Instltutlom und a< Btphmm from hero U the best re; oonimeudatiou ajouiig man ! canhave, for obtaining A good Kitrtntioir. . • i 'CATALOGUES limy be had oh -'application at the -College. _ - IwB.tr j vpljASSlOAli INSTiTUTEi Djffii Street; .".V bolatr I,ocuAt.—butfea reaumedMONDAY. AiIRUHt BQtK'■•■.'■, d. W.FAtUES. i 'anKt-Sia • : ; Principal; ! O’DO.NNEI,E'S BOOK-KEEHNG IN STITUTK, Simt!iM»tf(irMr' Rt‘QnTA WlHOli .Stroetfl, dfivotfld (.xrlii.'mdj' to inutructloit.ln tlio biial iiUflH of the pouatlng-li’ooflo. Open, day and urehlng. Sde'OircdlftM. . " " t RatJ-tiu t‘ eidy‘brothers’’ night-sohooi,, .bjJ Nos. 14P and IAO SIXTH Street, oonr Race, is NOW'OPKK Tt) 0 TB IWSTRnoftOli I*rBOOK-ffRKPrNO, waiting, and mercantile. akxthmktic. • INSTRUCTION IN.TUB DAYTIME, AS USUAL.' v,'..-* .. seJ.ly Bryant .& smAXToNfs chain of NATIONAL MERCANTILE,OOLLEGBB.rhI* ItulelnhJa College,. BoathoSAt corner.SBVRNTII•: ana CHESTNUT Streets. Jfor information, call qj.send for OlrCOlMi,-':)' ’ .->j : «V*'v '? .S’.-c.', i <■ i ’ EVENING. SESSIONS lIAVB COMMENCED. f SPRINGG4HHKN .AOaDKHY FOR K? yau:«) MEN. Abb' l)OYl!~Norih»a.« jdnjor.o' KtOnYtl and HUTTON WOOD; tjtree'a. Pall Bt.slor opnus ..ISfiS..; . THe principle*. of-0 Mora! SuaBlen) ,, ;batfibfoV- ,at thU Inatl • tulloti flinpp.its efltftVHflhmQjita and parentatmlrrniUnf tliejr Into .the handt* of the Principal can rest as? Bured of theirgQod treatmentand rapid adranceiaeut'. Pupil; ecoived at any time and age.' Catalogue fur. .eIbW,, gratuitously, .parent* are invited to visit the ’Bchoo/ ''**• ' r *' 4 Fi DONRHAVV LONG,’ 7 au&y-fr#- * ,»f principal. I DUFF CO.’S iMERCAN ‘ COLLEGE, Southeast :corner Kl(iuTU and’ CURST NUT Streets, («/aHisAed t’* 1840, and.incorpordietl by thc Mir. 6 of lu thlB walMuiOwu Instltutlon the. ~v ! •• =• ; . I COUNTING HOUSE COURBK .of PractitsatVSiuglo* and Double Entry ... ! BOOKKEEPING, including all the Auxiliary Books; Comoro jal Cal culation, and - ; BUSINESS WRITING, - : ia taught In tho'taoHt siioceflafaV and satisfactory style., V. JSDW.ARD3, \ *' rtnc »P tlß * ; ~ Ma., B, Jt.. EUtiTON, Penman. EDGBHILL SCHOOL, PRINCETON, School is to those who desire tfieir sous to hiiTb a Careful prepAratiou for College or for a buahtc33 Ilf I }. Thorough instruction S« Languages. &o. Tim instructors aim, pot.onlyito.haye their pupils thqrouglUy master fundamuutal principles, ,but to form those, of .thought which will , render future and higher.attaiuniqnta riipld' , l D( i,.easy., I Beclv matiou. Coupqsitlop,'fthd> Dobatq afp pnotised in the Edgelnll Literary Boclety, ! which embraceanll the pu pils of this School. For particulars, terms, &c.', ad dress • <> ■■■/ '.:;:iKKV: JAMEB 1.-RELM, or ! aull-2m nKY. JAMES F. UUGHKB. Principals | ; QJUiss £icjttpr^ J-IHESTNUT GKOA f E AymSKEy.—A du *o sir* to lessen the consumption of 'impure spirits, knowing their injurious. effects upon the constitution, Ims induced the offering to’tbo publio of an article which tho analyaatiou of ;Pr6lossor Ohiltbh, Analytical Chemist, of Now York, and Meisrs. Übotbj Garrett, A ’ Cmnuc, of Phlladelphlftj proves beyohd all question, to bo the inostpuroandcouscquentlylcastibjurlousßpiritfl eyorolTeriMl the American publio.-. • \ OKKTIFICATJ9 OF DR JAS. It CHILTON, I have analyzed asnmpio of Chestnut-Qrore Whiskey, received from fMjv;C!HAIUiEB IVIIARTON, Jr of I'-blladelphla, mud.having'.carefully tested it,. I am pleased to state that it is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances It is an unusually pure and Hno llavored quality of Whiskey.' ' .. JAMES 11. CIULTON,M.D., New York, ; Bupt. 3,-1858.' ' Analytical Chemist. 'pBILAUBUnifA, Sept, 0, 3858. i Dkar Sir 1 : Wo have carefully tested the sample of Chestnut*Grovo IVhi'Bkey Avliith yon sent us, and find tbut it contains none of the poisonous nubstauce known las Fufiio Oil, which la the cbarHcterihtic nnd injurions iugrfidiciit of the Whisky’s lu general uso. Very respectfully, . BOOTH, GARRETT, A OAMAC, : Analytical Chemists. > To UHABLEB Whartom, Jr., No. 23 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia ' Re24*dtoc2l ( rn MENEA U be FILS* ROCHELLE X •' iindorsigned, having been appointed Bo'e Agouts in. the State of Peunsylvanla for the Hilo of the abovo celebrated Brandy, are prepared to offer it to the trade at tho lowest market rates, from U.S BondedWarehbusefl. ARNOLD A WORL, au2tMf,-- -• i i,*120 Walnut strest. ; S' IIERRY AND- FORT WTNfii— 3o (jrtfT. 10Eighths,Hiirinouw Sherry; 20 qrp. Wallis Fort Wine, m bond and for sam by . ’ J -WILLIAM n. YKATON, 21 fi Hnutb FRONT Street : likAKpiES.—« Finot Oaatilloii,” Jlaret^ XX and other Cognacs of varions vLutiges, in hall pipes and quartdroaskß;a'ellevoißln<Rocbe]ie Brandies, pale aud dark, in halfpipes, half casks, and ono-Mgbtb casks.. a ad for sale by . .. i ' J i " “ ' HKKRY IIOHLSN A 00., : . oo*2 . t! . 221 and 223 Bontlt Fourth street, j And IMPORTANT DiJSCpYLU Y FRENTISS’B WASHING AND SCOURING SOIAJTION. PATENTED JUNE 22, 1858 Thla important discovery L;w just been patented by thellnitwl States, And ills nownonfldoutly rcconimenrie«l t(» Alinmfuetui-t-rH, Housekeepers, find others. It Is a ljvbor.-tiKving jtreparfvtiqn, nml costs lokn'tli.-iu bfilf of any ntbuß article known for .cleansing purpose. .While it cleanses, whitens, and purifies . Cotton,' Lhien, and Woollen goods of every desci iptlon, it will not injure tho most delicate fabrliL Cnrttrtcates of value h ivo been giveu by some of .the leading ’inanufaclurerH of the country, ns well as by many reliablo hounekeepcrH Aud cltizChs. : r . • - : Fatchiee, fuid for Alii by SAMUETj GKANT. Jk., & OU., : : 139 SOOTH IVATKIt STRKET, jy22-tlitn Jy Caution. " w ) FRENTISS’S'WAaiIINa AND PCbuHING SOLU- TlON—The ; pnd®rh l gue<l would . csiutiou the’ publio against the. purchase'of Liquid pur pyrthig to bu or . equally ciUdimt with, ilia. The un'iorsiguod is protected by a pateit’iu the manu factu o of,the only Article.. Which can. Ije'pa’fety'and efli ciuot'y UHeL Spurious imitallohs liare lien'u !pot up, .whloh will, prove mefUclent In cleauairg, nud de'Ctori oiir to the fabric.’ OrocVra and rbtaUcrfl should be carafnl not fo and Scouring So. lutlon except of us. as they will' otherwiao render them* Bolves liable ns in r ringors. Purchasers should be OAro ‘ful to purchase' ONLY PRENiIB3’S- SOLUTION,' as •they, wlUthuiravoid all risk, of destroying thb fabrics washed. Conclusive proofs chu. be fornlahed thst th'a article will not injnra the fabrio. ; sopt29-Biuo-tbAttt A BKAM SLACK’S ~ ./■X Bii,kiug, andKpibowqd l?rlntlut,,Envelope, and Beal/ WesS' Mknufaotory. No, I KoUtk SIXTH Street, PlßMelpWaiJPl. , eolM: MTOSDAY., QCTpBm 7,,4358. ■AM&.ftVßiii^, .Qlpyin ii ji ic s. Insurax c & :c(Vmi’ Any oF’fnE • " taitShro5 _ £ 0, . 4 . , ? xo,UNttß umiAINOB. 1 woo,ooa-A 5 ,. 1 , 1 ; ...liable eeeurltiefl—contl 1 I^arfJiaWt 0 “ Y el *?®**>D<l Oargooe, UulMingir r ßtMtl of UerqhbndlßO.fco.i'oD liberal latM; ' 6l " l I Li. V'MBSOTOM*" • , gW&ftoWfV..' George Hi Stuart, i nwiLuTr!'^’i t Samuel Grant, Jr., ' wnS l J Tobias Wagner, ’ Xhi n u,',ar tll ‘ Thomas 11. Watteon, ! Unary O. freeman, j Williamn>Vhlt«, . ; Oharhus. Louie,■ i. ! ■;: , Georguo. Canon. • i W„„ lu „, niJNKy D SIUiBnEKD, President i ■ Wlu,ltl< Pbana, Secretary. ie9.nrrm.Ui r I ( i IrAKER ' CITY INSURANCE j P«n < ?niW»r/-a O? JS < S!i? S ' WA, ' m,T 'STitEBT, «;ssas iM ! »«4! r “ C,i President—GKOßQH LI 1 li ART 1 ’' Vic* p. floss * ■■ .VuuW T , r f Mur «-II R. COOOSHAIL. Assistant Secretary—g. n. BUTLER "n tr „ WREOTOIiS, • S'n ; ■■ K. W. llailoy, * «•« !?’.» ” Andrew It, Cnamber#, , A. O. CMMI J. Ji. I'omnroy, ' ; JoMph hi wwdK, Cli.rlefi G. Jmlny, JohuG.Bato. H. R, Cogcshal), foster a. l-ertinii, Svr l. Joom. >l. D.. , ...-Hoa.H.M. fuller: » e2l ~y ■ 11. K COGOSIIAU., Sec’y. Howard fire and marine insu rnuiMlalpbl.ll 00Mt ’ ANV > N °- 4W WALNUT Street, " ' DIRECTORS. ' i°l n . U ' 'Win. P. leech, -Ji»ta»rThaiii»Oß, Uobt.W. I). Truitt. M 'W. Baldwin,- • Thoa. L. Luilora, ' John 0. James, Wm. K. llamlln, I A J. Jlucknor, i 11. 11, Bhilliusrord, . Juhn W Sextohiv 0. R. Spangler, i ■ • Willlnin lluigoal;: , H. 11. lluuiton I xnlain Uootli, .. . Wm. 11. Lnve. . John Garrison, OharleaP. Norton. * . E;S.iWaroe, . Jsaftciljor. > President—JOlL' 11. DIEHL, • > VicePiMident—l2. 8. WAKNB . Secretary— oHAßLKB A. BUY. 8«I6-tf ■ PETILU O*I>OIUTSD 0 * l>0lUTSD mQ ~ CHAIirE JPXK No. 310 WALNUT Street, store Third. Philadelphia Haring a large puld*up Capital Btoc* and fiurplne Inyeetedlu soued and available Securities, oontinaeti instiro on Dwellings, Store*, Furniture, Merchandise Vessels in Port and their Oargow, and other PeraonaJ Property. • Alt Looses libe-rally and promptly adjusted UeorgA Abbott, ■ . JobuT.UwU, ' ' John WolbJi, Cflfipir W. Murri>, j B*muol 0. Morton, . , Jiroas It. Oimpbtll, Patrick Itriwl/, IMrunrjct U. Dutiih. r; , f/tirrlftr W. Poultnb/. , OEOHOS ABBOTT, Prnt&mt. ' • fTOMAR Tt. MAHIR. BnnrAtArr iftit-r If ' “CURE-RISKS ONIjY TAKEN”-f J. «lit A HI) FIRK AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia. Offlco No . 415 WALNUT Btreut, (Schuylkill Navigation Qotnpany’g Building.) i OAWi'ai,, saoo.ooo. • DIBBOTO&8.: ' Wm.M.flwaln, Win. 0. Rudman. f [of Public Ledger, C-1). Shoemaker, ; John Amtpacli, Jr., Jer. Walkor, H. N. Burroughs, Tbo*. Craven, ‘J. B. Hughes, Francis Peter*, Win. S. lioyd, H. It. Ooggshail, - Geo. W .■ Wbodward, Jno. McClure. | Jno. W. Claghorn, Joseph Klapp, M.D. . , Hon. JOKL JONES, President. ; A. 8. GILLKXT, Vico President J JAB. B. Alvobd, Secretary. jy2o-lj i EXCHANGE INSURANCE COSE- J PANY, No. 031 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ‘ CHARTERED CAPITAL..,.. *500,000 FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND. ; assets jdly i*t, 1858. I Bonds and Mortgages. Stocks, Ao;..' 5343,525 00 Bills Receivable, (fnrpoliciva ismd,) 2,1« T 70 UasettlM Book Accounts; (for policies,).... ] 513 SO Cash in Rank and ih‘Office.. 46 in hafids of Agents and Coi reapoudeata, 1,398 31 V. ; ,'i . ... 305.148 35 No losses unadjusted, unpaid, or reported. ' | ‘ DIRECTORS: William M. Godwin,. 8. U. Crawford, , . 1 Janie# W, llnocu, ' Jno.’L. Rrdner,* ‘ George W..IUU. . WlJUflm B. Them**, ‘ B. franklin Jackson, 8. N. Winslow, J ? 0. Hopper. .. Henry D. Meara. ; : / . WM. M..GOD.WIN, President, r J. C. Lopprs, Secretary. nivlO-dtf i jpITTINSURANCE CO3fPANY, No. HO 8o«th FOURTH Street. CIIAUT.KII.PKHPKTUAL. [ ......$‘200,001). > Organized 1852. Privileged to insure Houses, annually or perpetually-; Personal Property, auuually, or for a’lew period; lu‘4i Marine, Inland;and Idle Insurance Risks; receive lh£ foslta; hold Trust* audgriuitanmiitk** ,i -i AL¥RKI> VT-KRKB, President. . .. B. 0. TYLI3H, Vice I’renideut. J.>V. BecretAry. . DIItEUTOiIS. Alfred Weeks, Hon. W, D. Kelley, It. 0. Tyler, J.W.Poruey, J. W. Bonder, i\ 11, Mingle, 0. lt. Blcklog, James Watson, : J. I/, liutcbinfion, Ludlani Matthews, J.W. Stokes. William Curtis, j«18'ly (1, F. Turner. I LIRE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM 1 - -PANY.—The PBNNMUTUAL LIFKINSURANQB COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Btrwtti-• Oavdtkl, tttUmft.Gft > ..I * INBURNaIIVNBior short terras, or for tha whole tarro of annuities and' endowraanta—par ohaujoa life interests iu Reel Estate, and make# all oontraotn depending on the contingouoieii'of Life. { They sot. u SZAOutora, Administrator*, Assign**#, Trustees, and croardlanx, ; ■ -mtsMas. • . i Daniel lr. Miller; 1 >■ Bsinoell, Btok#s, Benjamin Coates, • - William Martin, • 5 Richard 8. Nowbold, • ■ Jainwi JJ. McFarland, ] William P. Hacker,. Joseph 11. Troltor, WlUiatuH, Rotft,' Janies.Ruston, j Samuel 0. Hue/. Theophllua Paulding, 1 Charles Hnflowell, Edmund A. boudtrj j Honry G. Townsend, Oaulel L. Hutchinson, .• ! RodolphnsKcat, • . / ; John W. Iloknor, ! William n. Carr, '• Ellis 8. Archer, » Edward T; Mott,- • Samuel J. ObrisUaa, | WUllam Rsbortron, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. lUsin, Jobu G. Brouner, ' '1 ' ■ ‘ P.B. Mlcbler, Easton; 'DANIEL L. UTLLfcK. President. i BAMUXL I. STOKXS, Vice Prea’l. \ Jox* W. Iloaxoa, Beoretary. nl3-ly i T>ELA.WAKE MUTUAL SAFETY IN- smtAxcE oomi'Any. ■ INCORPOBATHP BY IDS LEGISLATURE orPKNN SYLVAKIA, 1855. OYYIOS, a.S. Cwntr THIRD on! WALNUT PKILiDHLPIIiA. MARINE INSURANCE. ON V2a3i!l,3i > ; - OAK'JO. >To all part* of thu Y7orld« , , n \ : INLAND INSURANCES, 9a G»ods. by Hirer. 1 Catania,Lake*, *nd Land Carrltg* to all parla of tba Union. : FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise (fenoraUjr. OnStoii*!., ttirolliiig liouFflj, fta, A3:UJVtf OP THK COMPANY, ..... . .Noryrabtr left'/,.. . JJondi. MortgagiM/anrl : Estate!;; i.... .f 101,1’M 91 FhilauelpfciaCity and Loam.... 137,011*8 Stock In Bantr., Railroad*, .aad.lriaarauce ' ' Companies 12,803 00 Biliii Roceivablo. 220,201 98 Caih on hand, 38,5K1 60 Baianc? in baud" of Ageuta, Premiuma on ’ l Madna Policies. rocpctly is#ued, on other (ir.btadufetiie Company...V.i Babioription NoV?»... William MaiUb, Jamee 0. Hand, " i Joseph 11. Seal, TUouphilua Pauldingj ' • JBdmmid A. Souderj - ) Arr.es Traquair, John 0. Davis, William Eyre, Jr., | John RMMijroa*,'• J, P.ronißtpu,; George G.Lciper, Joshua!'. Eyre, Edward Darlington, Samuel E. Stokes, Df-. R. AI: Huston, .Henry Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Hugh Craig, Thomas C. Hand, Speucer Mcilvaln. Robdrt llurtou, J<\, • Charles Kelly. Jao.B. Sample, Pmßbgb.) 11/ JoheS • Dr.' T. Morgan, “ .laoob P. J6m*a, J. T.Logau* «* < • 'WILLIAM MARTIN, Pmldeut. : THOMAS O.aiAHD, Vice Praiddent. • HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary.; : , j a o-y l COMMONWEALTH |?iua; • ;,INBUIIAKO3 of *** STATU OF PENNSYLVANIA; office, NORTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND,WALNUT BTRBETR, rniLAb^LraU. Babtcribed Capital. fMO.pOQ. Paid tip Capital, S2M,QW. ' ' DIXBOfOSO. Dr. D. Jayue, Thoa.B. Stewart, H. L. Bimnbr, J.M. Butler, J. M.Whitall, J.K. Walker, Xdw. 0. Knighl, .M.R. Wondell, 11. Lewis, Jr.; . S.K.'Hoxale. DAYIP JAYNE, M, D., Present . . TBOMAB 8; BYEWARiyVIoe PrM’t i Bamusl 8. Mdoa, Secretary. ‘ ' j a 29-y cuke and Inland . “ risks.-fame JL 'IN9URANOJ3 COMPANY. . • ... Oapltal.. v».*$100,000. .. . ! (Orgaoitei under the Act of Assembly relative to In; Companies, passed April 2d, 1860.) . . , , GEORGE W., DAY, President. ; THOMAS S.' MAHTIN, Vice-President.-' ► ' ' WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. > - i Office 411 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia, i DIRECTORS i George W. Day. ‘ | Jacob K. Vaughan, WilltHUi w.-Walters, | Henry Lowto, Jr., Charles P.lchardßon, l D. JJ.Dirrjy, ' Barclay Lftjpincolt, j John W. Overman, i Ji>n.,R. Rrognaid, . IA, fl. Rosenheim, j Ohas. Bioko*. fo24*y j- M Stern. ; OHIOKERINGr & SON’S, Mnim? neTT* factwrm of GRAND. PARLOR-GRAND, SQUARE, and UPRIGHT PIANO-PQItTKS , -This Is the largest and oldest manufactory lu the United Statcß haring been ESTABLISHED IN 1823, - Since which time we Ijavo MADM AND SOLD TWENTY THOUSAND TWO JIUNIMKI) PIANOS, ! Aiid have received ns tcstimoiiiuN of their BUPKHI- OltlTV. over all ot ors, 11 iial'h IS tiitver, and 4 J}ro»zeMe<!aif.'‘ ' ■ ID" Fidiios to Kept .Tuned, and llopnlred IiHANOH 'noUSU tu PHILADELPHIA is at 1307 CHKSTNJJT strtot. , - . « C ft.Bm : piaS.q. i'oKTEs.. ,“ ~ * t Jußtruooired, au elegant atook or RAVEN, BA* CPNi, & CO., NUNNS h, OLARKi UAU.RT, DAVIB A 06., and GALM fc CO. S PIANOB. ; MEIa)DEONB of boat quality, at , .• , ; J, E. GOCLD>B, 8.15. corner HP.VKNTH aud CHESTNUT it*. ■ mhlP-r " ’ ! rdiuDKM'iilA. gALAMANbER; SAFES. A largo assortment of,, iV. : ' tBVAfIS *■ WATSON’S • • < • •, l> It I LiA DJI Li* H H MANUV A 0 T U 11K D SALAMANDKR BAKKS, . :V '1 - VAIJI.T DOORS. ■ . i • For Banka nod Stores, . ‘ BANK-LOOKS, Koiinl to any now In who ! !.’ •’> IKON DOOKH, snvtvmst &c>, c; i Oil ns gupd term? as nny estabUjjbniont in tUo ;• eVans &• watson. " No; 26 South FKONT Street, Philadelphia. auIS-tf • PTiKASB GIVE US A HALL, TS>ALb liol l'i—A largo Block of Balo ’ Rbpbj waniibuduml and for eak by • n > ; WEAVteRiPtTLKR,' 9i CO., : ' . !,v No; 23 North Water alreet/aud ' . I*M. ■ No. ta Motto Wli«m». i OPPIQKRS nisiotoHj. W. 730 £7 100,000 00 T03,78£ 87 COMPANY, {Jume JTonea. UlciJicinal, rilllK hi YEtt INYuTfJRATOR ' Ja. “• rarriarner PB.'fusroKi* * [COMPOUNDED .'ENTIRELY FROM HOMS i leone of the beet Purgative and Lifer M«itciu*a C( [* ■ s befora. the public, that act" as a Caihirtie. «*Ai. r milder, and more effectual than aqy other m*-dl Mu* j known.. It Is nqtnuly &'CafAa/fic. but a Lic/r terns, dy, actios first on the Littf to ejectits morbid mattrr then on tne stomaeh and bowels to carry off that met ter, thus accomplishing two purpo»tw effectually, with out any 0/ the painful feelings experience.! in the ope rations of most (.ntharties. It strengthen* the *y% tem at the same tine that It purges It, and. when UX«m dally la moderate doses, will strengthen and build It up with unusual raviditT The Liver isoneorthei human body; atpl when it 1 Moll, the powers of the oped. Th-* ftomfirh leal-! on the healthy action of j Eerfortmnce of its func-1 > at fault the bowels are] system suffers lu conne- Lifer—'having ceased to eases of that organ, oue made it 'hit atady, in a years, to find some reaie net the many derange bio. principal r* jalntora of Ujs performs its faoQtions rystem are fully dorol most entirely dependent the Livtr for the proper tioni; when thu stomach at fault, and the whole 3uenco of one organ—the 0 its duty. For the dii of the proprietors has practice of more than 20 dy wherewith to counter* menu to which it is lia- To prove that this re-' prison troubled with Lr- i its forma, has but to try a, curtain,. medy la at last (6uud, any j v *a CoMfi.AtST.iQanyof bottle, »nd conviction is ; These Guiuh remore all) th» R/rtteiu, supplying in < of bile, fftrijeorating the) digest well, purifying the ■ health to the whole tm*j cause of thu disease of- IJIUOfS ATT.tCKR arc' t'T, prevented by the oc- ; IsfiooHAToß. ; morbid orbed matter from their place's htaltbyflow I stomach, causing food to I blood, giving tone sad I eh j u ery, removing the fecting a radical cure. [ cured, and, trAnt it l.t -i cosion*} use of the Livxa . Oue dose, after eating, Ktotnicb end pro Tent the lug. ■' . ia sufficient to relieve the food from firing and sour- Only one dose, taken Niohimirk. before retiring, prevents - Only one dose, taken at gently, and cure* COB - One iloao, taken after FBPSU. ID“ One df*»e of two fPliOve fiICK lIjBADiOHK. night, looseua the bowels TIVRXBfiS. each iueaijwill cure Drq- teaspocnfuls will alwsya One bottlo taken for fV the cause of the disease, Only no* rinse# immedi while one dose, often re- C’moi.bka Morbus, and a male obstruction removas and inak*>s ap<>rfectcure atoly rcllHves C n o l 1 0, peateJ, is a sore euro for preventive ofCnox.su*. xrH-d to throwoot of thn dicine after 4 long side. fD~Only oim bottle Is sy.itom thu effects ot me n«M. lE7* Oo« bottle taken mtilownes* or unnatural for Jsnxoicw removes all color freui the skin, tin:** before eating glvM lnakc>4 fca<| w#II Oue doS-» takttu a short rigor to .the appetite, and One dose, often repeat- ] nnau in Its worst forms, ] : complaints yield almost One or two dose* curd iu children; there (■ no remedy Iri tbo world,as it ID* A few bottles care absorbents. cd, euro* CxiU'Sio biu whilefii yycu ur:d lluwst to the first dow. attacks causa j by Wot** snrorjSafer, or speedier ntvtrfaUt. j DnorsY, ty exoitiog th* Wo take pleasure !n re cipe as a pruTeuliTw for Frvkb, ana all Psraajof rates with certainty, and testify'to Its wonderful eommeudiog, this raedl* Firskand AcOB.CHILt aßiucciTtrs. Itopo. ] thousands are willing tn [virtues. Ait whovst it arsgtrtjtg *A»ir waandnewi r4jftmen* tn t/i furor. 9 |pr Mi* Wat.r in Mt monk with th. Inoitotattr, and iwajfoir AOIA (oathtr. * TUB MVKft IN'VIQOKATOR Is a BoiuTtvioMnmeat. DtßCOTcnT.aud Udaily work* care*, almost too groat to bfliure. It eurei'an if b» magic, <ff« Du Am do>* girijeg k*mrA\ s and saMom wore than one bottle is to cure any kict <J LIViIU Complaint, from the worst Jnundtcr ot /iyi< prc.no to acommon Hffuintht, all of which are th* r*. •ult of a DI3KABKD LIVKR- PRIOR ONB DOLLAR PKR BOTTLR. Dr. BANVORD, Proprietor, DU Broadway, New York Ageuts for Phlliulelphia, T. W. DYOTT k fiO.Vd, 'j|| North Pecond Street BetallH br all Bold alio hr fiAUmt BIMKB, Twelfth and Chestnut streets, and t- DROWN, Vifth.and Chestnut streets Phita'ia. aplStuthi-ly Analysis vr won** catawua BRANDY by A. A. KATAS, M. D., AeatTia to thi firara cr Maisaoxvimc. K3*sb*ii- CBiaaoTan. A light-yelloelah browt colored ipirit, having a fragrant odor; wh«n •v*y<>r*i*J from oleaa llnso It left no oil or offrcslve mattli*. Analysed for volaUU-aiul fixed drugs, «f trkitk as tracrj of any kind uttifeuzd. IU color ia proved to l*« duo to a colored resin an sxtraetd*riv*dfroiawo«>l. ICTIn «t«*T respect It la a pare spirltoai liquor. The fragrance oc bouquet which It posses*** cut bel»o l&ted, and it then appears unlike that from Coscm Brandy or Wine, being * fruity ereenec reeuUlng irora a peculiar fermentation or Catawba and Isabella Grapes, CnsMioiL Obaiiotib.—l, parts In toluna of this spirit contains at *5O deg F.*fil IMO tarts rf pore al cohol, bolides the fragrant oil. 1,000 parts of ths spirit afford 23, parts of a strong solution of the oil which characterises this Br&ady; the epJritleft, after removing the oil, is purs and oJorUu, and iq all lt| qualities a perfect spirit not *cbj«c» to change. Oae U. 8. gallon of this Brandy at 00 deg. /. oontoina. be. sides the spirit and oil, only 220 grs. of rnatt-r com posed of extract of fruit, gum, and colored resin from wood. BobtoX, January 20,18 W, Dr. COXK, fitate Inspector of Ohio, and Dr, JAH. U. CHILTON, Ohemist. of New York, both pronounce this to be Pure Brandy, end free from all adulteration, For Medicinal purposes Lyou’s Catawba Drandy hoi no rival, and has loug been needed to supersede the poisonous compound* sold under the uam* of Brandr. As a beverage, the pure arUde is altogether superior, and a fioterelga, sore remedy for Dyarepaia/Flatnlrncy, Lowttpirlts, Ladgnor, General Debility, Ao., Aa. Also, EfiHBLUY'B HTILL ANI) SPARKLING UIIAMPAONB.—These Winn* are made lu the neigh borhood of Cincinnati, and are guarantied to be th« Pure Jqice of the Grape, mud ere eminently ralculateJ for invalids, end persons who require a ganUssUinw la.it, and forfiacrameotolpurposca. / Rf'tait price per bottle. & liberal discount made .to the trade. Dealers will please urnl their ordareto the “dole AgcuU” for the fi.late ot Penn, aylvania, A. P. HAZARD A CG., Wholesale Dmrgists, No. fiOU MARKET nGeet, , Also tor sale by the following apotbee*/lc*: AMBROBE BMITII, fiaventh end Ohemat els. JNO. W. BIMKB A fiONd,l9th end 22J sod Mark*! Struct*. ' ~ , " D. 1.. BTAC,RUOGBk,Stghthf.ndG»**nata. U, NKBINGEU. Second and Mary «U., fcocthwsrk. G. W. NBBINGBR, Passynnk Roid ao-I Wh-hiDPton street. * : GKO. 8. HOBBNBAOK, Third and Gr*m sts. A. R. HORTEIv. Broad aoJ Ooatessts. Ml gifOBENSAOK’S Ift ON BITTEB S* S- A This Medicine, as ita uamx implies, ii ou« of th« greatest Rtrengthrniog preparations extant. It is pocmlly adapted to those who hare saloaa of appetite of are afflicted with Dyspepsia. Liter Complaints. Pile#, Nerroaa Debility. General Weahneaa, and all diseases arising from a disordered condition or the digestif* organs. FOR FKMALK COMPLAINTS GENERALLY thore ia perhaps no medicine in the world equal to it. as it enters. pnrifiet, and replenish** the dloo<l which ia io important to briug about a healthy action THOUSANDS ARE LIYING a raisorable existence, of a pale sickly color, weak and emaciated, who could be restored to health by the use ot one bottle of this invaluable medicine. It is no humbug, but a genuine remedy, being free from any thing that la of as injurious nature. FOR ALL DIBEABKB OF THK BLOOD there is no better antidote than IlobcnaaeVs Iron Bit ters. When the blood ia impart the.whole body ia fait of disease. Blood lotting may answer fora time, bet cleansing a part will not purify the whole. At the fouattip we must begin, and to cleanse the blood tharu ]• nq betfcerr.remedy than these invaluable Bitters. Their chief constituent is iron, and we all know its efficacy.in removing the impure, nutter from the whole visceral sysWro, They are prepared by aprac; tloal ehernUt, and have beau pronounced, by emluent physicians and others, an the “ae plus nltia 11 of all tonles. HOW GRATIFYING to the proprietor that he has succeeded ln r oompouod ing a remedy for many of the ills .that his fellow, mortals are subject to; and that the public qpprei elate it is not a question of doubt, .hut a lixed feotj ns the demaqd for It has.far surpassed his sanguine expectations. KKAD TIIK TESTIMONY OV A WORTHY CITIZEN. This is to certify my wife, was in delicate health some three years, with a disease peculiar to her sex. She triad numorous remedies without deriviog any benefit. Hearing of IloheHsack’s Iron .Bitters, and knowing Irou to be a poworful tonic, Induced, me to obtain a bottle, which proved to be the raediciue she solely re*; qnirud, by restoring her to health. She hesitates not to recommend It to those who are similarly affected, as she believes it to be a sovereign remedy., JOHN COLE. : . , 1 Np. 831 Capitol Street This Invaluable Medicine la prepared only by . ‘ GSOUGS 8. HOBENBAQK,. . Pharmaceutical Chemist,. N. W. comer of.TUIRP ApAGRBBN. Bt?39t«, . . Philadelphia, To whom all orders most be addireeaM.' Price fl. Discount to dealers. Bold by Druggists generally. mhao-y £mnlisr Lumber yard. 1 HOTJTZ & 0 0 (Successors to Montgomery A Ne*lM 8. W. corner of TWELFTH aqd PRIME Streots, Phlla. Old Moyamenmgg District, . are now receiving a laree and well-eelectcd assortment Qf all deuoriptioae of LUMBER, such as White l’ine, Yellow Pine, Norway, Hemlock,. Lath, Pales, Pickets, Fence Boards, Flooring, Shelving, and every variety ol well-seasoned Lumber. Also, a Urge stock of Bill Stuff,of every varioty .end description, coußtautly on h&ud and sawed to order at tho shortest notice.., Our connection with Messrs. Webftfiey, Houts, & 00., and Duffy, Hoyts, & Co., at Marietta, Pa., gives us un surpassed facilities, and enables unto.supply orders lot all descriptions ofLumbor with promptness and despatch. PINK-OREEK LUMBER, soft and mellow, suitabli for PATTJSBN-MAKERS, Ao ‘, constantly oil hand, ' Prompt paying purchasers are mpoclfallyinvlted to : examine our stock before going'elsewhere. - apZl-tf (OSSbr I .' 'AT^wimiiaS’-' r iStF be JLJ talk at Marietta; Lancaster county, Pa. r MBHAFPKY, HOUTZ/S. 1 Oo.f take this method of informing their customers and person's desirous of pur chasing LUMBER, that they have now on hand a Urge and well-seasoned stock of All descriptions of Lumber, which they aro prepared to nail at satisfactory prices. : Thoir timber ia all from their own MILLS on PINI GREEK. They are alßoeonnected with Messrs' DUFFY, HOUTZ, <fc CO., ab'd are prepared to furnish All kinds of Planed Boards, Bill Stuff, Lath Pales, PlfcVois, and Building-Timber for Bridges, of all descriptions.’ on theahortesfc notlso. Tdey would also 1 take great pkfispr? iq calling the attention of Builders, and tboas in vkat of Lumberiii the city of Philadelphia; to'the Lpraber Yard of HOUTZ & Go., sornor of and PRIME Streets, with whom they nected.: ' ■ *y2!-fr i£ob.uro. SPUOUET & SONS, • Importers of HAVANA CIG ARS, , . se23 21C South FRONT Street. * fcff AYANA CrQAttS.—A hantisaftit) assort- J.. 1 ment of Olgars of fluy now crop Tobacco, of the followiug hrauds; . Pruebeso, SU»r,na * Uqinn Americana,. . Oi-ejou, Tropical;' ' ‘ Cti-Uiuon, ' *•. Florßi'kii, , .. . V‘‘Wte,Ac.,Ao , Ac., In .Vi l*sth, ainl T-lOth boxes, of Loivlres ami Onora sizes, just received in Store, aud fur j,u]c low by • .... .CHaULKS TETE, : wai,nv!t stuit. ; S! AVAN A (JKJAHS.—IOii.COU I,:i J'lor , • .n." 1 ai»,ja»t arrlinl ~.f *•}*•• Us/ Suoou," from llayaaa, In «t»ro and fof ’ *> " *• WllilUiW'll(>VKaVONj all O- tF No. 21(1 Smith t’UONT strfl.t 0 I’AKTAOAS • inyoice of, these celebrated DTauda bn obara btlg »*'NbW'Kta,'* daiW 'o’xpocted from Havana, and for «ale low, by CHARLES TRTF, , ,(N.Bw) Walnut street, ImlowSecoud, ‘ a#l-- : 1 * •• • fUAon.l prorvi >■ ,iLulll jl? BETERS j « PATENT NON-EXPLOSTOiJ iJ GAS LAMP is .the' only Pated.V ,'Borpbr that baa ft Nou-Condu,ctbr attached. Ttie public ftfo cautioned. ugMiist nil other Burners, as they will heat, a«nl liable to explode,. State and County Rights for sale. Apply or address . Mia • d: P. I*KTEKS, 422 imOAD.WAY, N. Ya : ■jl/TAOKEREL 803 bbTs NoB. 1, id, and 3 If A Mackerel,iu whole; halves, quartern, and eighths, foraaloby 0. 0. SADLER A*OO., f : : ftROIJ Bt.. seftftnil ilmir *I|ATB Vren*- i ffU) SOVJTIIEKN.ANI) WESTEUNIiEB- A CHANTS.—A Urge stock of Manila Rope manu factured and :for sate by WNAVKU, FITLER, A GO., No, d 3 N. (WATER et„ aud No. 22 N. WHARVES. 008 Hailroafc Jtin<9. AND k7jHIR A~KA IL-1 I lor f.VA ti* amtoin '; Jlru “' ilxlujJl ]?!*»-» j 'Mtn'&l'JrhWk *?T» ••**** jj» it Mllwaafc**, Bnrti-jtoa, Mdotrml. « /**•# i *£ "<***» ><**l **igh*a* o*trolt, Dtta|l«th}fti»l UaU ’ r '» ft * **4atW» ftSCftr# r»iw^ , i- , '* i ; , « WIII <i * W<i*»<isn> «•* • >u«r. *!=* *<• i» a». . . r . l 4 hfo * 4 eom«» B3OAD iaJ rtSC C.»«*..*.,.» ._», **» *wtoi •««**. au4 M 8 J»i!j. nifladAp ,) tafcßowi ; I K?« Bary •’’LESLZ? « . , *•*> a. 31. DAY ■‘•****V maRT, Miiw^‘i»*£eTis« * ! ft* .■•*& **»«*> cw«** «** “ 4 “ r “* N, “ > SWWM * *»■! tft. Uali ■*’ “****». >-«** JJ*J I fJr h |.^V'iill'l”t»!i‘ ! “.'„ C I “ l ! I " r ” r '''. l ' to H»SKll»tr*>l. «»w fain-falSVi..-, ** *• "■ sssk'^'sSS At knpAfljfofWnkwbirrt’riiuiM, ■«««*.» , „ t*%2u#, L^ s . »*J w*™**"* «*WSMSiS! «* ,0 a-,,., BulW0( » M nT^, k.lt.Tuu^Tia^riSrt 1 mm o! SIXTH c“»WOT W. *" * acngur Depot, eomlrdf DEOAD »a 4 YisV* ** * ** THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT rkitv , W*a*t***< Cti, *4^ (S.oi.j, .I«A,f«au pouuw-1 Ui So A», .> 6 &»*; ,j! tkh <" Tv'‘ k * <»'"« *f•M. tQ to,;. X*?*? 3 **' •**"■•"* sw *‘ ur<»™«..£o »pp:, ,t SSTJ-»I J 5 JUal * ttG * L OtunUnsl mLitJtiXJSSIr* *"**■«»« ■» «. *«4H w ' e " r ! ' , “ “• JV£i£££r*> *■• ■» ,u, u ZtSEST* ” »•» 0.. (WHK T»> tft r mSxfZ‘ ~*T" * y>. r. o o awftU. * r^it 8 H4*.TK UM&v 1 t cSfWw* £ sj, <‘ *• ■- 9: ****** AC* r 4*aM* *» 22, ; *5" •»*, N t fta>t tom, w. > I>ju, ,«.lUut, s t <*r»%Mk T-iwi** _ » « • S«uru NlAi ||m( , _ . _ * i tCTUOft * > « , *r* s Ktvmut. h 15h»»g«wp>»» * '• adTupß f A K **l»i*o MtMKUp. ‘''“f rvuMpHi. * K-trtHtt* Railroad tn-npaafata Bffvimvct ta ? f 1" “ at»l w all patau « Ota tetanoo Valla, ttweb af Uti, r *s, • rtiihlditltirwl (I th« n-npiov't 4«&e4 iMSiMit co'.j.a, ohoad Itt/.u'^aV.^l UIMM mt /“"'V* 1 <n , ‘ 1 " ”IW «•» **« *u - «• «••** - lm Broad and ctiaroraaroata ajuia.hi;i:\iext -E- , '***w~ ft riiILAbCU-illA. WII.MI.MIT~-*. iio »U.Vl* MOM: KAII.K.>Ab da-,.. "® »oi| »t|rr Moadir. M|| 19 IUJ , •*■»«. «mi.(«.,m..1w. .B. CALWtI.I. », CU. e r„, S iSi' A'iS! 1 ■L 4 M " r ' „ *** r w®TnsT wml i p rJnilw *•\ Ki A s} . ia.l 430?. *. fy^J~ I"! aw’ 30 ? *• **«*** *?*, r*» . , *»im*AD«Lpnu. v«hm I Jo p^m it T JO, wnX.u,, ««) ; u*-* *.-t *.**(■* *T3' P l^ T * !•'«* cut!, iltul «M A. M,Ud *1 *Ji 1 J*^ lL VS« #Ai*3l L»«*MM4l<««ini*«Mt A.K..U4* a, . . i .... l.»»«181. SI, «r.i 1 r.M A ' “»■•»..*•» .... ,»,w n >m U«.WUml.|to».t Ila A. M,39. U , Ml J.U ! yfnw.MMtir*»«. *M. ;...u.. ~.l.! , p’ ** • i •** j JwTSWr I Bt.Ht.AVB oatjr .Ml P. >1 PMIAMfW. » rf *»-.*-,•* Ml MmAuM ÜBVif*. , ” —» . . I W T SI ffoeai Si4*Utu*«« u >lu* " «.»-.■■- « rli'i! TrM "' c « «, u*» for Ml ummm L... far A» J„ ’ll » 2 L#ir» 4?iwiHtr-ow* jy, * m . w' £***» B*l«lm*r*fcf Him j« ♦*r«* « j-» » * L*%ti Wlfoilaftes lit 1 40 t 5 _ J<> 3 « PCLTOX. r**•*-'- - MVV»SS3®SS»*.»DI!<O uiuuud * S,W A«omo»Bi>Uflaf»#Mß<*f f ISfMf , „ Mrtl JPMUUIftM*. U*f»« E»fcUnjf 4*Ujr(?,ia,u ftMt#filrt) *1 • » A .*<"til *' u PUi * l * l » M * *>»-»* ai . -rt nwi: kf U>U Ini, kift o*-r* ? fcattn r» fAsW' d<>iph.ft Mtoniaf *r Vs, f t,^ *** 4 °» w.M. >ioii.iiiu«*»r.s«B,t«rT [\|KW VOKK LIJStia.—TIU; CA.xi)KJH J AKO AVBOT fUIUtOAD AX* *U t LU»U.r6U. AND Ti.fi.lTOK COXPAJiY'I VROM FilltADfUMlU To NIW TCtU MiViT ?lUCM. lure uftllova, ?U: t**% M «vi*C&xiKlMM.tAnbor > AMottMfe. 1 * A *M*ij N -» Ti ‘ C * *»i J'r»»r cTtr, j<*rat*t - At lJ A SI by I!t#»ia^c*iiof, o Stigma** I* *** A» # Jp°tt ***"•» J m * XA ”• vUCu:IfB ui Araaoy* C.aa4A. JU* ’ u * ** CAiu4«o Axil An£t,y Aw.jtuaata. -Ofi, lit CUm «a» A \v P •aA Ambcy, . C.U, 4 J.l CUwia. . | m “‘ l A»Wf, Amcsti^U. «dU,lll CIAU„,„., M „, tMt , 4M> | At ft P. 31 , tl* Cvaiia iaJ Auiwr, lion, 2ad (JUw, . wjii sP ' M e ‘“ r ' * u A i,‘ * £„ u y f™? *•«!•»«» »*»«*. Tt. Sf uvum" - "S l ' ?* “* PWJ** O.UUI 1’ ■*• ,»“ *.« 1 * n J AS."* Iron Wtlaat air**» *hwr. i w:'7'i 4t /l ts 7\, dl r c i* Sar^ <,cn “** cfl » wu%«fcAr» Moutru*-. Grt*t Ac., %{ « a. *., »** U*i*. M * | La-U*.na« at X*ta>*i * for frMhoU, «t ft A. M aol % p x for Mowt Holly *t ft A It., aalWaad ft ? u • WAT UKM For Mitel, Trootoo, Ac., *t 3* *»1 i f . H . *“ ! ”*“*-w tJSSSSKtaSSM?. I ??.** ’£?«arcb*at Jeka Hoilaoo, (or Too*/, at 14 w 4 11A A Yili’. 41 * 1 * for Kor,, **toa »ad Briitoi at 4P. X, * *' pooada Of ba*re* aely at l<r**4 tacb >•« tbt»f ao baarta** bat tß*tr »#trfor ipptrtl. ov«r ftuy aoond* (o ba paidf foroxtn. TAoCoa P*ny hr<tbrlr rwpoaalbUitT for be*nn to«• Aottw J* r «J *>ll tot be fUbUfoTEy »«*?£* yoa\glCO t mooytby tpe«iyea*.raat. • t WM. H. GATXUIIL Amt 0 A A. X. *OO -jQPENNSYL VANIA luru AS<J CENTRAL RAILROAD 1000 JRQM Philadelphia topittebusobT^ .. Ao*l IhtaM by lUilrotd to WHEELING. at. LOCXB HTEDBENhIiI, CLEVELAND OI .^£F* WATI » CHICAGO, LOCIfIYILLI. BCRUNOTOh INDUNAPiUJ, StTfauu * AqI •lUateraodUU t>otat« i* ' OHIO, INDIANA. ILLINOIS, &SNTHCSY UIGHi ua'h, wiscoAw, minVesota, MIMOCIU, KANS« AND NBBRABKA. PuieoNf, to p0int,,,.,! at PitukoJib, WiMiiir. Olotniind m! Crt.iliL., Bit. choie, of route,, i&diri raßoeeted to mifco , Mtaotion belor* ApAfia, for titk THREE THROUGH TRAINS LEAYR PUILADILr PHU DAILY, w«t' e B «<>« ocwukHom it pittetwrjk to m polate On ud ifte, MONDAY, M ,j IW, l«j Tir ,, tliroush, And Two iceommoditloa train., will |,i,« Uu depot, 8. H, comer of ELEVENTH ini MAtEM etreeti,i. f01i0,,: •; Tima rm Tinamnin | mm, no* nrama ASDTHK west LBAYg. Mailtrainat....l t»A. U. r&3t line.l CO nooo. K*?ce»s null.'. 11.00 night. WAT TRUSS L*ATB. Harrisburg ac* • : *wt« vur mm Mail train at..1t.00 slakt Vast line 4 50 A M BxpNumall.. 1.19 noon. wat Yftiisa iaiivs, Barriakarg ae. commodatioo B.CQ P. M» Lancaster “ 3.00 P. M. The wail train stops at a! dolphl* and Pittsburgh. The Express nail runs di excepted. • * _ oommodation.rafi P. M Lancaster “ E.SOA.M the stations between Phil a ily, the other trains Sunday The car a leare the Pennsylvania Kailfond Patunxet Station, southeast corner of KLHVJWT3a*4hIAS2jBT atreete, entrance oo Kla?*nth street, where through tUAeta Wallxolflti \V»at osn.hf.chUteo4.: . mn V* received at the Depot at aaj tima d» nag thenar. No chares forhandHoghaMaSw. . * ct further lufortaattoo, apply arthelWaot oC -ha aiJrsSii m? M^tl 1 ecxoer of filOTiotb MS Market etreata,between the heart of 7 A M.andUP.M. ‘ • z -* THOMAB BJOOBJ, _ m 7 Agent Peon't Railroad Co. ‘ . t , FALL ARIUKQEUKNT. F« EMIILIiHKM, DOYLKBTOWN, ~j t , .close railroad connections for * * Eaiiton, ■ OjtMfl.M Maw York citr, C,. L°ru’ , Wiltilw.potf, W.torOip, IJauch Chunk, Bliutn, Vtilkeih»r>», U»«leton. Ni«g»rm kill,, Scrlntoß. C»u Aui a.tar IYLDN LsDAY, Auirait iith. I'.iS Pas »«?*' Tr»iua will lea.e VKONT and WILLOW streata, Philadelphia, m fallow* : ’ • l '° r Bethlehem, Easton, Wilkesbarre, Water Gan. Scranton, fcc., (Express,) at 6.15 A. 11. For Bethlehem, Allentown. Mancb Chunk, Williams yort, Blfalra.and the Went, (Express,) at 2.15 P M. 4 p j| D ° iie,tfiM| (Accommodation,) at 8.45 A. U. and Brandi? hin B ton i (Aocopunodatioa,) at 0.45 A. TRAINS FOB PHrOADHKPHIA Dathiehem (Kxprcss,) at 9 A . M. and 5 P.M. 9 8?p T jj Do]rlrtUlWll (AMomniodatioa) at 7 A. M. and it. 7.10 A. '' iDojlMton' Twins inn dsily. Other Trains daily. Sundays excepted. . . . . ... /'•*'“ a e“g» r . trains (except Sunday Twins) connect at Chatham street with Fifth and Sixth Street Passen get Railroad. fare to 8eth1ehem,,., 4 ,60 “ ‘ Mstich Chnnk,, q m “ Easton 1&> “ Dovleitown <m FOKSOUOOhKV’SMOUNTAJH-Bj 0.16 A M. train to haston,.thence by K. J. q. RR. ano D. L. A IV. RR. to A asliinaton, thence 'by-atag, arrising at the Moun tains at 11*. y. Pare. 1 ■ . * ;hssa t? ; , r . Sl.Lin OjA/Ln.Agent ; DltPHfAi GEKMANTOWH • MtttSS' l N R.ULUOAD -STiMHST: rB6B «aV -ircOxa and attar MONDAY, Map 10th j . ‘ 30* GSRMANTOWN. '' ! -LAsys Philadelphia at6.Y,T, 8, ‘ A. Mi. 1, S, 3,4, 6, #, 7,8, 9, io, and 11W P’m ““ ■ Leaie Qermantown at 0,7, 7R, 8, 9. nix iso li ir wyp.'m 10 mi “-’ *• «• to* The 1 a o’eloch’ if. Train from? German tow* wiiistop only at Wayha Ahd'Twi* Btreata stations. , ■ ■Oh SONDAYS, p *£«« Philadelphia at 9.20 min. A. M.,S,{X, and CterasntOTO'Ojj; A. H., 1-1 min., 4«, and ■ ; ' OnSSTNOT HIM, RAILROAD. 2,8*d M 6™ 'in **’ *’ 904 . to4TeOh€4tnatUnUt6 40 *nJ T.£5,9.10. and 10.10 M:, 12.60,8.10, 4.10, 6.10, 7.4o,’ted 9.30 min Lft&tfl Philadelphia, O.SO A. M., 3. 6k, udSP. M. Leave Chestnut Hitt *t 3.10 win A. M., 12.50 4.10 6.40 r. SI YOU OONSIIOHOOXIN AND NORRIFTOWN. ; hearts Philadelphia at ov, 9, n A. M.,1.05 mitt i 8.10 P, M. Norristown at 6, 7,9,11 A. H., 1,8)4,and6^ ' 1 _ ' ; ‘ ON SUNDAYS, Lflave Philadelphia nt 9 A. M.j and 8 P. M. Leave Norristown at 7 A. M., and 6 P. M. FOR, MANAYONK. . PhUMelbbia at 7#. 9,11 A, M. 1.05 min ' a.Oonim.; 3.10 mfn:,4'tf, s£, B*, B,IIV P. M, A - M 'i lU". .Saadavpsatus as Norristown... OHBBTBR VALldar RmROAD DOWNING* Lease Philadelphia at 0 YiAiM.) and S.lO rain p M Lease Dnwuiiiciown at7x A. M. ,andl P.-M ■ _ U.K.fhllTn, Qeqerai Superintendent, - NinTli ard flruan ■trmit.ii PLAI’E' GLAS3.—HAVING t been appointed by the Cotriraimfe rf e Morn/s” the SOLD AGENTS for the Bale or their GL4M in thir city, we *ro prepared .to offer to the trade or consul mers, from qnr stock on band, POLISHED PLATE GLASS for Stores or Rough Plate, for Floorn and Skylights { 'and SUverod Plate, of iar« for Mirrorfl. -.The Glass will be sold at tW lowest prices, and warranted superior, «* mry ttsrttU to any other imported. . ROBT. SHOSMAKfeB A 06.,’ ' r plate and Window Glafck Wardhois®, : r N. 1. oor, of fOUKTU ud BAOB Btraels, i OMB-W ■, , . «,,. i.ie/SMAtoljgA. i lU’.lisai Xuu*. LlZOtal ffiauiut. | s. * nn ' : • ***’*» *<** i—WWW! J» *». SM IW«1 (W*. Na aft cm**** «Mn4l* »• *> kata r *♦«*»* t** *m, 1. UT-lMjjtJWll**.*#***#,, Mia t4KJ«L •«.*«.. SviaagMj sOiaiia*»«iS»a»*,p VIM mrntr I'M CIUIIJBIOJI, Mt uiuxil » », M ~ , u.IMMt hu> ti»***» «*■»«* tt|*l P*t -tmm*to* mmmm * *■» >u -_* n*»» 1* «« «fc«*»»*A* g »»tWIW Vt tT** l* J' >» VlNlaiM, h# *-"~T th|~ • •««»,* «am« «Im# t >l* f lPSfttt* aIiMMW «M» •* -IT,. -, r U MKKwa at*V« v * »*•**„•• mmrnmmt^rn .*Wta, *oa ctuauMtox >a -3r«»vri m,, tuwunTOmmHviaMuttii) " nor Mr •' «*■«» —a-* -*»!■ *-»!«■*»„* „ „ ■»•'-? * * - ** CW«M M «» » *«T«r»3* mn.CMMk f • N*'to». «1 wutttWM MMiif m m«hi >Mt»V» T. «4«l« MtttMl. Mil « « Jii Kt MUtUI, tv. »t*r» o* tm»a o«t *»* j wt.l Nauw. Mm m Am J t s At Wtt CWMfca Mat ii».aMMt v tit -it mmmmm.. [ •«* n»«a»r* *» ftwtfe mi W»»w». «»t «f|% ; ;asß»'B33Sr* ,air : »i“7 A r S£^” s r“^*' u HMTMJW*. tUmilt ut IWAW,, , »n-nirm...... , f rmm *’'->»** *•»'■* *«** mmtmtTtX!™ , ! M ,* ty» -4« a ty tfcll M HiwU. c**« juta* rm m I ***»*• *• _ "tZ. ! rc^SP* s*- 5 *- : to>ya A c. ,4 ftttaii * qql r< — rt — 4f> *‘ ItTiMwr rllfttirt I : ttwry T’tmtel. ~P1 * Vw l»rH«, *s* flffttatafc «ariBMM» *T. KA&u :«*i v? JQflfti — T <—... **™ Bw%m, %mm »*»** -1 _ i wwiwrti, aHMtiiinoia ktuaui nua- "»«»«* teinrnruet. cv-lOUi. hMa.,.,. «... Mikikrwu^—„..: . raw* COia ri«» . ~,,,, . T i* “'P *“ IMuaEtti^ ifff'A.S'PJ *K vt!lau Ajli.£l,t 1.0. IM isaisiu iva | MM «IW..a« , u». lirMtl fcSf ***** Mmbarrjuliir tllVlUKlUHtlarf rim «lUitMni Vt» ; r«l« >an *3*. £V*. P**- '*•»»• *o«m. hH El *’ » T ’ rt . *«•*«*». Hi! » Ss? »£pfc«2»£.S S*., »CBO?A,V«i<iii “ kna (>mtli) ,v>*. :: B«y» H*t IWHI D tlJ (tj, *• «>«rf*««i w taut. ' *A*OTwn«lt)M*tkn*«tg xthiOMKiklito 8o»l, 4ll*. r, Baltina, f paaia, iaaalia. BiatWaa V.. i * K*W*.«l«*|c4sl^» 1 7ii>wiwn'rt^ t»' b*ohtorSHUAU)l|t) tat-r » OUNAID.4 »a»lta«Crant.a.Tar*- <?*£&. STEAK TO QUUJOOW. UTKH, R*tarti tick«u # 4M>ilor cis asa&tW. to tlUvr of ti* ** *** «**=■•* 6f Ui|t Ml ui) back. wmcm irvTUt. *"* *a»»»*r.J *U l«, n* UoVbak, K. «labarfb.Owada», “ Oat. 3), lilwjaa, Qoodrts •< AafutT, •< a VMfliw . JH* (LLWoa. n«iou».. „„.... *. —. auttajja, fcaad wrtk Mekai LWovLii&*a*.,.~ | . „, . m» *>» tau. it™-.oira,. jtj m *»<*»* :» M l4 jna ef if,, UU fata; lafaatt >a ttoUK*, &M. RAtaro tioket* available within lii eeath*. by m steamer of this line. 7 7 First Ciai* .$ll4 60 Steers**....... $44 M Aa experienced Surjeca at lacked to eajh Su«»«r. For freight or puttj4 af ply to A CO., IK WALNUT BSwet, Phil*!**. * BOBKBT ClUiq.lT Broadway. New York. UAT.L A LONIY, Bachaaaa’a Wlurt, B*i£n< to. HjU Stags anb Cl) emit ala. ROBERT SHOEMAKER A CO., WBOLI3ALJ DBDMISTS, tolV.lmn and D.il.r PAINT*' VAIN ISH*». Md WINDOW GLASd, Xortirat fOPSTS »=1 BAGS street!, Ptuladelptua. Sola Apnta lotUaula at u,, M iit, r aUJ »: a ,-.?. Plata Plait. mN2s.tr QLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. JO ®AVtD SI. BOOAN, Blank Book Sfanafaetorar, Statioaer aad Printer, No. 100 WALNCT Site*!, i, partu at ail times to farnlah, either from tfc* thflraa or roeke to-order, Bocks of ertrj dticnptiOß. taiUbla fMiiankj t Pnb!iftOSoos:-Merchants, and othen, of th» boat quality of Kajliph ot American Paper, and hcmj-5 Bk tariona ttytea.in thsznoat sabatantia! manner. OrdeM for JOB PIUNTINQ of every descri ? «am A itoneral aaaortraert of Bayliah, Frecah ud ItanU can Stationery. ■»- Coaceroiny Ur. Hocan J a eoatrihotioa to the Franklhi (nst\tnte, the Committee *ay—*> Thi* ditplar of Wank boots for bankiiur and sureantile n*e is the best in the Bxliibitioa. The aflection or the material ii rood, the workmanship most excellent, and their e»Uh and an. pesraooe neat and appropriata.” vJO-ti Stammer Hesorta. rTAY’S HOTEL, 11 WILLIAMSPORT, LTCOMINQ COTJNTT, Tl The ondereljned ha* purchased the larre and ele-rsni •building, corner of THIRD and PINK fiSet, TornSrlT occupied by the eat Branch Bank, and has enlarged and restted it in aanperioratyle Wilhmasport U one of the meat delightful Waal -town* id Pennsylvania, and bis hone*, he here, -,m found pleasant, as wetl to the traveller as to thr<e ci;i sens of the metropolis who desire to pass an tirno timing the heated term of the sammer. Ilia omnibus runs from bis Hotel to the Packet and Railroad Depots free of charge. • W. n. HAY, Proprietor. ® BEDFORD SPRINGS.—THIS well-known and delijrhtfal Summer Resort will be opened for the reception of Visiter* on the ldth of June, and kept, op«a until the Ist of October. The new kiid spaelona BuiUings erected \m\ year are now fully completed, and the whole establishment Las been furnished in superior style, and the accoGmod*- tions will be of a character not excelled in any nart of the United States. The Hotel will be under the management of Hr. A. G. ALLAN, whose experience, courteous manner*and attention to hsa gueate, giTe. the amplMtauuranse of comfort and kind treatment. . ' In additieu to the 6thet Means of access, it is deemed proper to state that passengers can reach Bedford by a daylight ride from Ohambersburg. The Company ham. made extensive arrangement* to supply dealers and individuals with “ Bedford Water’ by the banel, earboy, and in bottle*, at the followui price*, at the onrihge, vis: For a barrel (tnnlWry) $4 00 Do. (oak) 3Go X Do. (nmlb*n7) ;i w X Do. (oak):. «... %CO wboy, 10 gallons J *5 Bottle*, pint, perd0ven.............. \6O The barrels are earefolly prepared, so that nor* chasers, may depend reoetvlng the Water (neh and sweet. All eoinnmnleatfbns should be'addremed to tbc bidiord mmuuL mmosoo.r 9Q*.auaUM4M» Stauotura.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers