-teiWXIWiISPffCI-SOAKB OBIItABB. •-,. t«B»<s%As Boons*, j (Jotnßm*, o» sbiHostb. ?S**Yr.ll Ji? V' -- r~ ';?■ A<;i*rJiftri*Miji muMfktß-. A ; • Ship as Shlp'lViuc* daJolnvine;Poster,.. : ., Pernambuco, aooa ShlpAtliogtoavawton..A»pinw»U,'*ooh Barqno Parsultj Saarord ~Monteri(ieo & B Avree,aooa 1 Barque yiorldaj'Mandsy'.,;:;,Cardenas, aooa Baojtta Ainoricaj Wortinger,'......;....Cardenafl. soon. Barque 8t Jsmet, Cro,e.',Bio a»Jeaelfo,'Oot 30 Brig Adeline. ftchulktm,.., ;..Boudou, soon Brig Zenith. Peering, •...........,.....,.. Hayses, soon Brfg Bppo Hendrick, 80htit,.......,...,.1,0nd0ni soon Brig War Kkkle, Bro wu,,;..Y.Pernsrabneo, soon Bchr.vl.M: Robertson,. M0rr0w,.,;,... .8; IhoinM. soon filmneirttelltoente.' PORTO? -'ISIS. , ' B*ll6#', 22 &>Br«from : NewYorfc. < AUd*ydiC«i ■ r > - . ‘ Wilmleg vtob/'Nu,>ltfcVAvM'irtQre« taD 8 BfceUoa * Co. - - - : S c !r^l Nwefffob. -y > * -'•' • wWsWmXSrM^'- - « !• ;v .«,• - . ;fiokr,T4nUtawiiit;Ditla;fromlSeirHarea. 1 Brig'Bm»d7ini»CofmiMskiJftom JUodoJaaelro Aty r 18,i»ith«igW;.t®jnw«,A Nswh&U A Oo^VeflieUlef; '-•V ‘S'-- v T: -Kingston, Jim) X> N Wetelar &Co.; —;>-'£y'y- : gflhr'Wojyt flprlngfjOonwn.-WUiafngton. HOyDfl SehrVapor,Mitchell,Mobile,Biihop,Binienfl A Go. Soht Alfcd Irt*j £q«tfrrtiharlaptoil/Noble, Hammett Sc GAWweIU'.NV_X'- ! i’:CXV; : -~- ■- •• Bebr. Brasil* Hawes; Anrttata, Me. JJ h MoOolley. -•, Bebt M B BraUh, (new) Bmltb'/ Portsmouth, NIT, 0 A • HeekiherA *,f" \v r. ? ‘ *.'. U - - • B«br TAntunoafit, Bosionp Brovb & IkbiU. Scbr EioalWj’ThAtohM, Bbrtbni Robl«> Bkmmdtt A o*ld#eJl . >,•s-;■ B«ht J F Orough,n«WM;?lUßlT«r, ~ ~ do Bcbr L B^JBodleottrjMiedfj.Nowporli'lL ‘Attdtnriod - a Co;. % 4’\ -i-.i •: *;% > --- ; :>n k , 1 1 ' Schr fTH AUdM/Atklß*; Btony Yotat, 0 MUlflr A Go. ' Hehr WorceatWeßkodß*, Protldkiwk* 'do ' - 8»r B Wllliag, OUjpool, Qian^Sti T *h. or;Th» Fp#m.) ./ - iHATBB M .GKAOBs Oo! 0,1868. ' fht.yfjmlM left li«M"fhU < moroliii;Wltii 5 boats/ . Uden Ahi otmsignM iji rolloirB:; l ... , - '.-v.OAtbMlDe, St atm ; abd Ibloo »i to Honrou A BA«ats2; .' t r ;Joba ;Dorell, cloT«r*e*d td AG Cattail .A Oo« lamber sUTM.to Norcrow A Bheets; 8 , ~i n yfodWiCKJi, l lumbar and abtngtesto Itfalon® A I’aylor: , c IsUUaßobAvitiTCg and hoop.pol»» io Wilmington:-gta» pbetf A lMbglaS/ bUaminbtu ooal to £ Back )«ja i . The.'folloirloi wero 'atnong »h« ' Seel 'nuritiSnoil as - v fciintst thsharoof this morning, els. Brlgßrand^rlno,’ Bo;srt, Pollr nPrtee.’faeene/BBBeHowh/iohnV.Oonral, Franklin, i ) - BtndolnKiMhn H?4damfßaWr/UaJ6he«, Wissalilckon 1 : aaAB-niea.-CYlio'brigSnmdTWlaV raoßlrad ord«ra for Philadelphia, and'has aallAdr *• f A, ■•: i L iOetisUii 7 A H—Tf foi AU the aboro'TeubU baro . :i*ft &riMrdMttnattOff/wwpt foar MbOofitrS Tr|V-. ■ M. HIOKUAH. ; ! n wwnaapjf.i''-*-' ‘ v " ; of/the Pblladelpbla SxohaDM.) ■ Oot 0, U3OAUa ; • TopaWaoda. for : ttrerpool, is now soloir'io frontaio Janeiro, - left the BrAM»atary afe& proceeded • T npi ger^^&ca^giiwilalbUwwriiii,- " '^«r*ii»o*t«towniwdßoe)-. - , .v::*t V, Bnir>iToaJt,'Oet’«.' V olinton, from Liverpool: ' - ! l Va;i Oct. 6. Xrrlred; Brt>SJ|iina;dU*aKeiT, from ScoUandrarith' i^^^«f^W<W9Mi*S*« l lK**!'?"k,for'Mans.: iiUtn,ror nni* onaewakt'aferMthcr , 'ii;saS^.:.SiFi»a , s- | ynfs’s!.v.':iiiik=o»ufi«r,OsFs. ’ IrObiv Bpalen; horque J W Brcokwnu, froia Hew York. ■ • i-i & 'T “V J :'lUaMrfttaMfllaLyudUnsl'Broin New Yoßr/arrlead at r sgtln for Ksjr West and '^!«MklpviW^BdM,'Borland,rroni,Qnahae.'ar :riT^htUMrMoiiS^Sßi"/.-::f•- - 'S - it Stir gtaarnitin-AiMddffiMi,' fromHaew. ooilSonthamp- Teal, h«nce, : aiTiTed at Ita™ SW nit. from - SbtpV Ttali&df for New; YWlc, eotaiad for load*. ‘'•"ghlp^iltnrt'SulSfOadikSVhnUiifronißanimore. Ship Alexander, Baio, aaltol (Tom Uroueraharßii 19;h nit. for.ljew York, s ••■ . Ship BappaHahqoclr, OuaHlng.for Hew. Orleans.on .tsrsdforlosdlngstTdecr^iduTUlult, , * ■ Sbip.B Bennison, Williams, cleared ai'Noblie Ist Inst for HaVrA, With'2os3 Vales odttou. Talaed at $lBO,OOO. - ' oloared Hohila Ist Inst WlthSOSh.Ulssppt&i’SslooiUllWs.ejSH : Bliip_’Bunnj’SoullirBWph snsoh, desrsd at NawYork yesterday fift&lode Janrtro, . Yi»W|Mu, for Hong Kong, salltd from fialtiaVre forßwan Point, wbere she, wonld rewire Atr.’ortw/;; _ lisneo, arrlr<4 at 'TorOaprUb »atrs.-^ r ft i v 'i v'- r ■> . ■ Borqua. Sorogotta, Yobta,' at Boston sth lost. from N ■,Orlaans.>’<.;.'-!;.<:> -■«?,« »VeS.,.S,j;V ; ,•' " ati ‘ - Brig Butera BUteVßopes. clnarsd atßostostthUst forO«rsfsnd»toatk«t:y'. >.=vri . .BrlglArrogantsHmlUo, Oorta, hemeo jrt Pernsmbneo Slit Augj and prossodsdsonth. • -• Schr YroJknj Ooolr, hsnco,'irr|ToiUt EWnnond 6th • teitant.-*n,-'- f &**£ M f?VjJSiamai Dajcßaek' ney'Cl««Tdat WGAipaton/ NO/Ifitb' inst> for PhJladi; 1 . B fe?‘ rft 1 2tW$> fl«art4.s* .WllmlA*. ton. NO. Bft laat?-forifpiw Yprk> * v-V'i't? • 1 J Qriera^,Hard!by. forPhilaHjalpida. and Fir-: i ‘ for PhliaiJelphla/saUsd fromgalsm<th Inst.,,. v a : •.„ v .,%V. .j. . .? c ' ,r ?* u r K * l *r. hsnoa, arrlrad at eolem dth IBSt. V-: , ,'„;Cn a.- . ;BohrA)d;OhUds.h«nMi,arrlrad at galmonth M Inst. ’ , <r*m .Oharlnton, arrlrsd at Hew Orloans 29ih ult. .“ ; c,, . . ....: .• . , .r -. Bohr fl« ATI We, A4am«,froin Hs» York,' arrlred atOharlMtopMlnrt.,;;. “a,.-. Behra '/ohn CsneasteT, BtiUs,,,heoee, and lmpire, Chamhertjdo forßfiamn,'al Hewportcth Inst, .sv/.cir, Sehr tratwHwjjfi; Oo»elU rr6m H*WI» Hlwr. H*, for Sandwich, it NewporUth ln>t,'a«U Mi|ed again : ' plre.lda» , 1 haiWAatPrtndwg.ianMt, BehriAigoiuar.Will.snd Sophia' Ann, BmlUl, sailed ■from ■oinm rous. .u : (Per steamship Mon Beotian, at Quebso.) - Ar at LirerVo6llBtb:tilt/ihlpe.Nepiiiae,'Peabody,R 1 Tork: N Qrieani; steamabipOana* I(wd,ai»4 Paie»ttoe,Tiaker,(froin'do) .• berqae v Bert, ■ Bid jortlandMthjitlaatlo.'iiaQiil, (ftoi*oi. terdam)N York: -. • i .... ~- ■ Bid, |M Bristol.,doth, rttpe Pleamoo; Brooks,snd BalHon, BodfdonV.NeirGfloauA.. ™'-- -1 ~ - ! Off theWight.MtbJ Brem ehiy Adler, OasUras. from New.york for Brea>An.;'- v £ fJaH.ojv-e- -• At at Copehhaijeft iSYn, Dutch *bilg Jacob*. Vaader phis,KowToriesV. ’ r - fc4X '- r -'•-, ? at at lftw Or leans; bifgAinVnd* Jane. BotriNewVortr ** 5 ->^ DOKKBfIO jOlttg ,v, .> HEW EMn -Mr. 8-*«an*i Sip ‘St iflkfilM, Oonwip, : H»rr»V.b(lp ?«!m»,.OTO«»|er. tatuafta .Minr OoraCMtiMr, (Bpta). Jobo», .’fiorw,: Klohmoot; PintlS., fknun»h| Mrqoo HotdiliO.HEMitii! 8t JJ«*6 iU OaSai P BarrUt,B»l- T Al*xan. driajsleamera.AdmliAlfMetarrreo,St Jokn/NELwu ,Jtulporti.WM i«ol(W,'H)Ul«ttiTß»l<liatrra,-_ ' ,-' Via Or[ffoo,-l>»ala; tlataiiMi.--; , t CM. «kl»;Bb»iriiS»ti;Hliiloa;iH*lr. Orltaiu;Jbaioaa ,Bap /4d«w > Prait>*i'fl«tmt6m aohi* Hortiian,- Colliu., ■ f gwgttpMrSgjtjr; Sttiatllag.: I JV ,BuriW/,T*rtiir l *Jdt«l»ita<>re;.B»ltloj HlDcMapi Calaia, tp loao:pir.l**iUiiiora.‘. ; ■ ■. NBWS ORC» ABB. j WM- Votirt-Kin*, Hlqa el Lagklun,.Spoilt, 810 d. Jui.lro; Hoinok., '■ Mat#/,/. , :^.'OM,-atMuuUp'l(axlw,‘Uiriw > 'CtU<MtpB«Mloai . aa"li; brig AUto i OliapiMi itureaLHMiui-iS, J } TowM toH»S6th,«ilp ‘Ros»> Btavart aid banna . {fl** 4 ft.Sl“! lr iiiWW isto»,. Ajtjilaa- and CUfton, aol ,BoWy£6HBlb,dq;JcknH»noo«ll,!oi)®af(loi.Br«m»a . »K«! !■*««» gtylti, ami miaa rn Uia fo, aiMiiimiM; , U»deWard«t«^'V»iniU4 •' i»Hir»(itor)r, Mi 4 .6nr osild.pmo> »TBtim lurtriotlj »d -.v j .•■• -■ 'OitlitiMHpMtg !-■-' i ARWTAIB'iT THB JittNCIPAL HOTELS, u*-*o o*» o'c&Mß;*»w.:* 0B * I,ro, GIRARD HOUSE—Oh«»tnnt ctreet. Selow Ninth.. HnghBtoekdoll,Va . Oortiind ' OWPettlt.NV DLRanlett, NOrleMU P H Bcker, Granrille.Ky ’ Saml Balley, Plttrisurgh DrMoormanA lady, y% -,W W Vao'f^rbdlt, St, ■ AHaway Sc. lady, Boston VBG Jone» A I*. Alabama T G Jones, Montgom’y. Ala Miss M K Goode, Va , 0 Ten Broach & la, Albany Mr, Paige, ,*}wpr Miss French, Albaoy ~ W A SSopetd, N V AlfWaliace, Oolnmbla It DIcV, B Oaroltoa JH Roberts Washington W T McClure, Louisville C J Popo Sc lady, Ala Dr Ooeke A lady, Va. MteifK Stockton, Va . JBBrjao,Geonria. Dr Manpln Sc lady, Va Mini G 'Watte. Va T 8 abends, Va. , J W Harrison, Va Mrs.Watte; Carlisle, Pa . , Mias Watte. Carlisle, Pa G’WHnntCr, Va ,p Readies,.Va . OAThomaa.NC AS Harris, NO ■ / DSTenportAln, Riohmohd Miss Darsuport, Rlohm’d JP,Graff, PhlU. . , Drßttlea, Del ; I» Bowen. Keoknk ' B W Hobart Ala. Boston I Geo Awgler. Boston , 8 W Land A J*, Hus 'AYahderpdol, N Y Miss Cayley G* „ BMOayler.Ga. . ... Q Bussey A Balt HlMHttMVvßalt... •' ( B Dtaglw*. N* Genb’Coomhs A.famlly,Ky.Geo AMlll*i Balt 'A Btrongf Adaugh, Balt- '• J ; Vf Don«liae, Oin, O B Chase. N Y--' / Mlbj.Bwldoa, »«1 . GeoH Potts,N Y‘■- -: \ Alfred fliU, Boston GHHIU, Boston _. ; tow DS l isle, N T Col Thompson, Lancaster Barton Evans, lano Mr Johnson, N-Y. . ...SWBaker,Hi •* , . Dr Beckman,' Kinderhook Miss Beckman,Klndorhook N M Crane A la, N J A B Parkhnrst A la, N J j D Orton, Newark, N J-.' Wfl Baited!, NY '• GeoHMarcer.NY ' ?-'• J*aBeQtt.N* ! - jr Kelly A la,N Y" - Win Watkins A la,Maw A J> MellokA wf. N Y Jno G Hewn s, Brooklyn A B Qnastrill, «. Y . W G Morrar, Jereey City BN-Kent. JX.Y2 Jno M Dow. NY . HoTrowbridge, NY Mr Whitcomb, N Y DanlHawklns, Indiana Bamnelßtrontf, N Y <J,W. Chandler, Boitoh . ~ A 0 Denison, h Y .GeoEhrn,NY Harvey,Buffalo - 1 W Starr, Savannah ~ ■ WmO Hunter A lady, Ohio i M,Freeman, NY B H Oumpitou, Va D B Payne. Va DJ.Bnow, Illinois Hr Shaw, Ohio . J Bands,-Mobile 'AOlaflln. NY,., - -J A Bayly A lady, N Y eGßoerdman, Boston r Thosßrlttan. N Y • ThoeStackpole, Wash; •, .. v , JobnWatt, Washington M Mardock.MMS, J A Buck, Balt ■ - G Cleveland, New Orleans -B M. Taylor, Va ' -.J-‘ <BJ Dossing, NY j Mias P sweet, N Yt s , 2 H Jarman A lady, N Y J M Blmmonß,Ga :* i; A W Fleming. Mobile ■■ ! Jaa 01o'»e, Balt_ . )' ij C McGuire A lady, Wash Mlsi McGuire, Washington S W Leon, Balt GWBromly, Miss~ r B P Passmore, Miss HM Pitkin. Conn ' ? - Ura B Sheeman,Cooa Miss Bailie McKeon, N Y , HIROHANf B\ HOTXL-lVoorth, below Arch street. T W Longhrey. Pittsburgh H Kennedy, Pa - J B Brown, Ktttannlng- WGFalton«.Pa J&s B Blogle, Pa \ . 0 Bernard, Vfc DrG,T Heston, Pa' , V 0 Porter. Boston jr Bidgwkyi'fibsryit’n. NJ 8 A SlUott, HeadvlUe. Pa A Norris, N _ ;* , MB Taet. Pa W Doff, -Pa '• ‘ r • T Jefferson, N 0 W W McKentle, N 0 Dtf Eagle, NO MPB*U,NO - ' TMcOleary,Pa J P Pennoek, W liberty, 0 Geo Berier, N O J Heysor. Pa Mrs S M Anderson A ohld, J Hatch, Keokuk - ’ Miss WTJones.Md ' JKabn, NY AGLee.NJ . . WM Swallow, Ohio , 0 Bidgwsy/M D, N J T Broderlok, Pa MissGrowicy, N J . Miss Weeks, NJ W Hows, Doncaster . E K Solidsy. New Hope J H Hurray, New Hope', J Cone, Oonn S HOolffrore, Easton • , DOolgrore, Easton DrEran fctough, 8 Baston Goo S Morton, 8 O Wm Moore, Peoria,' 111 ' J Boienfeld, N Y . KA Smith, Borne, Ga B A Grider, Bethlehem , n MID Stroud, NO J Hiller,' Waahtneioa . J N Jonee.La Grange ;M Wltherill, N X ;• . S N Weloh, Brletal, Oonn AThGtla.Va . A J Gibletta, Harriaburg Jaa Gnlnttn, Trenton, N J _Wm J,Wall, Va syinkel, Hiaton 1 - ' : AMEBIC AN HOUSE—Chestnut street. below Sixth, Geo L Walker, Phlla ' O W OnmmJna. Phil* Win P Landis, Lancaster H Baldy. Danville, P* H Sommers, Ohio ■> : '• v John O'Connor, Danville Edw Q’Oonoor, Danville 'WmWUeon; Phila Sami Silver,. P* ’ - J S Barnard, phila N v , J 0 WlllUmi, N Y JBBBteelo,V*:_' 1 TSOoisman, N 0 t; L Boat.'N o*. " Geo P (Janster, Beading . JWPedinAla. : Va >- ' WmßatbesAli.NY JOLwimore,MJth ’ - \Theo Bowler, Mloh r B Woodward, Jr, N Egypt 8 A Faugh, Washington Pa JBturgeon,No BVWifcmort,Al«x,'Ya - COJairop. KJ JfflPJ«noajiß7< - V J JBTaylor,Conn N Wooldridge, N Y w c Honalamanr, Newark JJfHass, fenn J Nfrwlin, N 0 P 8 Hall. Tenn . J Q Peters, N Y Jno Hunt, Buffalo . -H Klein, Bnffalo M Polk \ * , - . ONPlynn.V* JWI Allemany, Ya JB Bowman. Va J J Jackaoo, Va J Tripping. Va JajDay,NY - - ; W H HBwford, Del * - UNION HOTlb—Arch street. below fourth. J May,'Kingston. 0 ' - 8 M Linn, 8t Thomas J Burgraff, Allegheny eo - Wm Rainey, Cambridge. O O Beringer/Allegheny City Capt B Thomas. Doylest’n W J Patubemns,Lycoming Daniel Brown, 111 JuH Short/Del -> H Btr*ry, Louisville,o •J L llening, PotfavUle - • Bant Shsrtle, pottsviUe. W DTomlinson,NO ' ; B Dawson. Del 0 W Hall,Rochester; 0 A Kiater; York eo. Pa Hr Nixon, Ohimbtafcurg 0 P Schaeffer. Gettysburg John? James,Camden,Bel Wm Selbert.Ohamwrsburr 08Stoddard/Buffalo /-vJKahh;RY S T Lipplncott, NJ. . • • - MUfl PanCeaai N J ' EH Btotsentmrjr, Del JDBrown.Va Wm Wallace, b 0 JJ Stein, Allentown J-W Bossbeny Asn/Pottsv N Stone. Hass A J Parrand,Phmipab»g,NJ J Stevens, Conn ' * Ura Banno A ch, Pottarilie John Danner. Canton, 0 1 Jos Hague, N'T. r'• ' B Y Pechtlg A la, Md : NATIONAL-HOTIL—Biw Btmt. ibore Third. MWe»w7Peaiift’ ■ Pet6tS Twlnk, Ohio . H J WilflonjOarabrJ* HEXlHctt,Cion. Ohio WMej6r*, Wmßport;PA - G W Swart*, Mlm - io# Jimubii. N_V' ' WW" Atkins, Bethlehem J 9 Uenuteln. Xiurton;. , „ B.Mejren.jiuitra __ WCawley*.JfiAßtou. l It iUller.&Jadj, Pa Miss W Millar, Penoa '' MissTP Water*. Penna Hiss A MUler. Peona >r ; . James Miller* Pebna J Dllk*r, Port Carbsa \,' 7 J EBlee, PettsrilJe - J Llttls. Obfo . / - J Pearce,MioerSTllle - * t» A*ltosiii JSastan.si-a::.C 11T Miicjiwbi Bethlehem iWa OWer,AHintoira CtWltfmieyjPotttrtme'V, - - JfADIgON HOpßl-Sefload stmt, abore Market. P< Conover, Md- ’ - V• J Karohlnay, providence George Wt*t, Del. ■_««. OH Adame. Del' T Anderson, Brooklyn.. L Whipple, N Y MisaH A Gilchrist, BY. Miss B 8 Gilchrist, N Y Miu.rM h Whiffle,NY: HTMiller,Chester)Pa J Howard, Mas» 4, J Oleadere, Wilmington W Oladen, Wtl»lDgton r .GHart, Doylestown BAUIT SHEAF HOKXL~-Seobad street, belPwVine. Win T Rlsenhart, Doylert R Easton ft la, Sfcroudsb O S Vliet, Milford,. Fa *" Hon M U Drehr, Strondsb Miss L Bosh, St rondsbnrg B Bea ft da, Beavillsj N J Mrs Edlngar ft daa, Strouds- Obis Trego, Backs eo bnrg, Pa,r_*, V; MB Mount! NY S T.PatuhmVßhllad* P.Burrdugh, N 7 7 0 Parr/,-New. Hopo N a Smith ft la, N 7 BGWarmtn, Belvfdere : - : Ju W Guno &U, KJ 70 Weedeni New Hope J S Heston, Newtown W co 8 L Whitaker. Deposit,NY jr,OWiluama,NY , 1 ' ' TT Kinsey, Doylestown JYBOowr.Lambertv, N 7 John Hough, Ge Beni S Blob, Bucks co ' " Bobt Beans. JohnSyiUe JDil worth, Bucks co ‘ G Williams, Lambeitv,NJ P 0 Hoff, Lambertyille, N J , , . MOUNT VERNON HOTEL -Second street, above Arch. B F Oh arleSjLan caster p » Gruger, Lancaster A B Shaw, 1a.2 children ft • S 0 Johnson, St Louis r servant, 8 0- JR Seed, Pa M A Foree. Jersey dtp- . Master Force, Jersey Oily ■ B R Tithe ft la, N Y DTyler,P* X 8 Lowe, Williamsport John Gigon, Cape Island . Win H Alexander. Pa , Jesre Thomas, Pa JChn' J Ulp.'Phila B W,Morrison. Pa IHUI ft | a, Easton Georgo,Gowers, Pa John Ntef® } J?a.... 7.L Brown, Ohio . BLAOKREAB INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. GSpeakihan/Deleo, Pa . J Vanderallee ft la. Pa J G-Bheward, 1 Berks co - - W H Eckels, Omnb co 7 J-Wrigbt; Lancaster co u W GAwthrop, Chester co 7 Harrison, Chester co - Miss Mutiny, Cheater co MttMulsny,' Chester co ■' A D Campbell; Chester co 8 Taylor. Chester co A B Hutton. Cheater co V AQoarli, Chester co G KClarke: Pottstowa 7 Defoe, west Chester BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, ab. OaUowhlU. H KMffnuul.'Allmtiim.P. MniM Itenr,, P» B Wllloir.r. Bulon '' . Amo, Edw«il«,Qa»kerlwn P B.rr, Phll»iUi *.;■!' Pa’orßh.U.j, Ohio, Mtt Homj OttVoa co. P» . K Holler, Berko eo, Pa D.T.'d WOomU. Berko eo,Pa J B Monilng. fi 1 PWUjKmoo.HJ - *• ■ BLACK BBAB HOTEL—Third, above CallowhlU. Geo Wean ot,-Berks co, Pa John Losh, Atleotown Bobt Hindis, Covington Mrs Hindis, Covington -Miss Hindis, Covington ', David L Helnley, Pa Wm Fltokft con, Pa Baml> Smith,- Sumneytown Casperßo ads. By berry -- - Henry Maurer, Pa Jehu Wagner, Fa W T Shafer, Chester Spgs 0 Soslgbergsr, Heading B Brdmnn, Chester Talley '£^«riaf'Notices.' .. -9ho- flinlni of Min .never yet, even in this age of projtreMt inventod'A'ainiliar jzrtlele which has beenof more benefit to thousand*, than Jdlxs Hauzl’b Bau Luttraliy Or Hair Restorative. ’ Persons'are daily writing or coining to the proprietor in person, to an nounce the beneficial effects or its nse, some of whom have been aUoprtentirely bald, and their hair has been restored; others, -whose hair had become dry and hard, hare had it,completely revived and beautified; and otherSj covered with senrf or dandruff,"hare had It completely eradicated, and tho restored toa delightful, purity and beauty. For sale hy all respectable Druggists, and at the Laborato ry and Wholesale Depot of JULES HAUSL & 00., No. 704 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia; ' ocs-5t Singer l * Sewing Machines.—That Singer*e Sewing &f&chioea . stitch ever invented, has been widely known for years. Other machines may rtake » similar {stiteh upon a few light fabrics, but SibgCi** alona arb competent to do every kind of work upca rvwyvarioty of fatale.; : .Singer l * new. family Sewing Machines have the same relative superiority a* hip machines for manufacturing purposes, fhey are also- more beautiful than any ’other*-'?- .. Hemming and Binding, Gapge* of the most Improved style are applied when desired to any of Singer’s Ma chine*. ; I. M. SINGER CO-, : ' So. 602 OHBBTNDT StrMt. ael^uxt • Saunders’ Classic#! to*tiu»*«i at ’flir yBST, £fIILADjSLPHrA INSWtfBi corner of MABKBT Street and .WILLIAM, will be reopened on the first MONDAYof September. Pupils, to the num ber of. fifty, will be yeceived wivbout sxpbnbb or vabi ok'tbb 'ballwats or the our. Thus, witbont expeiiM, by a pleasant and safe con veyaaee/pnpU* cad he harried Into the fresh atr of the eonntryin less than half an hour from the centre of the o(t|.> Sevual acres of Open ground border on the beau tffut grovei of this Seminary, which is patronised by many of the distinguished gentlemen of the oity, among ’the Bditors of The Press; the Ledger, and The'North American and United States Gasetto. Pa plls are reeelved by the . day, of into the family of the Principal. “Philadilphia, July 1, ; the - undesigned; have had sons' or Wards.ln Professor Saunders’. Institute .and family daring the Session whichhas just closod. In respect to.psrental kindness, Happy, influenees, .attention to health, and progress in thorough bdttcatlon,' our expectatlona have be#n fnlljr reallsed.' To our friends, who nr© looking for aide^o ldnd)y good school for their Sons, we cordially recommend Professor Saunders’ Xnstitate.- ' “MATYaBW »*WKiak,NiS.l3OO Arch street. ; “iso; w; fbttSir, oßMofthePreM. x; IHOMPBON, Ihomp»on ft Bood, No 413 Cbwitimt ; - - .'S; MtiVXSV ldOO.Qlhttd kreimor “W.t/, BPBINQB, 831 Muk«t ttr.et. H,MAUTIN,I626.W.Inat . ;ott« B.trph.ot thU loatltuttoa; . ■. fsHliWB; irtwei; Ji jpntf O. WTpngLt, 203 Boat* Sixth Ktreet. i-aAMOSt MOOBB. MgM S<liMB. '(JV.iWiTSOS.fXbdiD.Bdait»i“ a- ' ) ,MQStdS MpMlOljAili, pßm of North Aaerloto, m-i ■■■■ ‘UT'No'IMniAST sou Baw<n. • " M-tr JftCkMßj JOB PRINTER, FIFTH AND CHESTNUT. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Heads, Cir culars, Cards, and all other kind® of Job Printing, at prices to suit Da® times. eelT-1y Thomas W- Batly, No. 022 Market Street, Importer and Dealer in Fine Watohes, Jewelry, BUver and Plated Ware. First-class goods constantly on hand. The subscriber, paying cash for every artiole, is enabled to sell at a small advanoe. Those about purchasing would do well to call. All goods warranted as repre ssed. s®4-8m Seamen's Saving Fand—Office 903 Walnut street, one door west of Second street. Receives de posits in earns of One Dollar and upwards, from all elasses of the community, and allows interest at the rate of fire per cent, per annum. - Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 0 in the erentng. President; franklin Pell;-Treasurer and Secretary, Charles M. Morris 850, 850* 850, 850, 850, 850, 850, 850. SINGER’S SEWING- MACHINES.—PRICES RE DUCED.—A . now and elegant Family Sewing Ma chine for $5O, and tho general scale of priors greatly reduced; All who want a substantial, staple, and re liable Sewing Machine, which has an established repu tation for doing the very best work on every kind of material, are invited to call at our office and examine thenevr,machines. at the reduced prices. They can not fail to bo satisfied. I. M. SINGER A 00., ocl-lra No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. ryn=» Post Office, Philadelphia, Oct. 6th, 13 1858.—A Foreign Mail will be made up at this Jffico on FRIDAY, Bth instant, dosing at 8 o’clock P. M., to be despatched for Liverpool on SATURDAY, 9th, by steamship -< City of Washington.” oc7-2t _ GIDEON G. WE9TCOTT, Postmaster. rv-==w University of -Pennsylvania.—Medical U 3 DEPARTMENT. The Introductory Lectures to the Course of 3858-’59 Will be delivered In the following order :l MONDAY, October 11th, at 12 M., Dr Jackson. « , « “ at IP. M., Dr. Leidy. TUESDAY, “ 12th, at 12 M., Dr. Carson. “ « “ at IP.M., Dr. Smith. WEDNESDAY, “ iFth, Medical Clinic, 12 M. <* “ “ Surgical ClinhJ, IP. M. THURSDAY “ 14th. at 12 M ,Dr Wood. “ *• . 41 at IP. M., Dr. Rogers. FRIDAY. " 15th, at 8# P. M., Dr. Hodge. The puolio is invited to attend. R.B. ROGERS. M.D.. oc7*Bt-if Dean Medical Faculty. College—Medical Depart- MBNT, NINTH Street, below Locust. The Introductory Lectures in this Institution will be delivered as follows: MONDAY, October 11th, Dr. NEILL, at 6 P. M. TUKsDAY, « 12th, Dr. BIDDLE, at 4P. M. Dr. REESE at 6 P. M. WEDNESDAY, October 18th, Dr. SMITH, at 4 P. M. Dr. MoOLBLLANat 6 P. M. THURSDAY, October 14th, Dr. GILBERT, at4P. M. Dr STILLS at 6 P.H. There will be a Medical and Surgical OUniO on WED NESDAY and SATURDAY mornings, at 12 and 1 o’clock. FRANCIS G. SMITH, M. D., oc7 Ot • Registrar. rysa. Medical Pepartmeut of Pennsylvania IL ? COLLEGE.—Preliminary lectures will be de livered dally in this institution, commencing on MON DAY, Sept. 27th. at l 2 o’clock M.« and continuing until the opening or tho regular , session. There will be a medical ana surgical olinio, in connection with the Pennsylvania Ooilege Infirmary, every Wednesday and Saturday: at 12 M. . FRANCIS G. SMITH, M. D., se2s-stuth2w Registrar. ryr=» Tho Crusades and the Crusaders —The U3‘ Rev. WM. BACON BTEVBNS, D. D., willdeUver a LECTURE on the Crusades aha the Crusaders, on THURBDAY EVENING, October 26, In the MUSICAL FUND HALL, for the benefit of the Mission Sunday School, on Thirteenth street, near Federal. All who wish a great intellectual feast will avail themselves of this opportunity -to hear this eloquent divine treat of the exciting times and the thrilling scenes when the followers of Peter the Hermit, Walter the Penniless, Hildebrand©, and others, under the sanction of Pope Urban the Second, attempted to re cover the Holy Sepulchre and the Holy Land, the scene of our Saviour’s life and sufferings, from the power of the Infidels or Mohammedans. Tickets of admission, 25 oents each, may be had at The Episcopal Depository, Chestnut street, above Twelfth. ' Mr. P. Brown’s, northeast comer of Chestnut and Fifth streets. W. S. A A. Martien’s Book Store, No. 608 Chestnut street/ ‘Smith, English, -A Co.’s Book Store, Sixth street, above Market. Jaa. B. BmlthACo.’s Book Store, 610 Ohestnut’t. The doors will be open at 7 o’clock, one the Lecture commenoe at 8 o’clock. oc7-tbstutd rysga* Business Men’® Union Prayer Meeting Lk«£f Daily from 12 to 1 o’clock, In the Sansom-street Church. Have I been there? If not,why? Special prayer to-day for our Firemen. oc7-tf The Slaters of the Help Cross are now U 3 holding a FAIR for the sale of useful and fancy articles, at JAYNE’S HALL, CHE6TNUT, below SE VENTH Streets. Will close this week. oc6-4t* Union Preaching for tho People, under Lk3 the auspices of the Ministerial Union, in con nection With the’Young Men’s Christian Association, by the various ministers of our cltyon every TUESDAY and THURSDAY, at 4 P. M., In the SANSOM-STREET CHURCH, until further notice. Services cosfiued to : ONE HO OR precisely. Rev. W. J. R. TAYLOR THIS AFTERNOON. 007 tf German Mon Meeting on Tftnrsday EVENING,October 7th, 1868,ato’c\oek, at MR*. OH.ANICS’ HALL, Third below Green street, of *ll the citizens opposed to the National Administration and in favor of a Protective Tariff. Addresses will be deliv ered br Messrs'. Charles Gilpin, John P. Yerree, J. Ohnrch, Nicholas Schmitt, and others, In EngU’h end German. 007-lt* rygae When the People are- in Motion. TYRANTS. TREMBLE! FREE TRADE STARVES US, ’ PROTECTION GIVES UB WORK. GRAND MASS MEETING & '°* THE PEOPLE, - at INDEPENDENCE HALL, ON SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER OTH Turn out in your strength, and show that you are de termined to burl the myrmldoms of corrupted power from their high places; that yon intend to precore proper protection for your labor: and that you design to ploee the great doctrine of Popular Sovereignty, upon which the American Institutions of onr country are based, beside the other cardinal principles of our National Oreed. - The assembled masses will be addressed by the follow ing eloquent gentlemen: Morton Melttehael, Esq., Isaac Hazlehurst, Esq., Hon. E. Joy Morris, Henry D. Moore, Esq , Philip 8. Whtte. Esq., 0.0 Lathrop, Esq., Charles Gilpin, Esq , Oliver P.jOornman, Esq., George A. Coffey, Siq , John Goforth, Esq., Simon Snyder Lridy, Egq.,Hon. William Mill warn, John P. Verree, Esq., John W. Ryan,Esq., and several others. oc7-8t Another Gnn front the First Congres- UJj BIONAL DISTRICT! RALLY, FREEMEN! RALLY! Once more into the Breach for RYAN AND KERN, And all the Candidates on THE PEOPLE’S TICKET! GREAT MASS MEETING! or rim miENOB or AMERICAN INDUSTRY, IND TDB ADVOOATBB 0? A . , TA It IFF, . WUI be held at the CORNER OF BROAD AND SHIPPEN STREETS, ON THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 7rn. At TK O’clock. COME ONE! COMB ALL!! Your Candidate for Congress,' Major JOHN W. BTAN, will be present and address you. The meeting will also be addressed by the Hon. Chas. Gilpin, Morton McMlrhael, Esq., Hon. Henry D, Moore, Hon. Wm. D. Kelley, Hon. E. Joy Morris, Philip 8. White, Esq., Geo. A Coffey, Esq., Henry Bru ner, Esq , and others. ocQ.2t ryup Germantown, the Old Bottle Ground of UJ? PBBBDOM!—GRAND BALLY OP THE PEO PLE J—The citizens of the TWENTY-SECOND WARD and its violnity, opposed to the Lecompton policy of the National AUmiolßiration, and in favor or protecting American Labor, will assemble at the TOWN HALL. Germantown, on Thursday, October 7th, instant, ai halr-paat 7 o’clock P. M; The meeting will be address ed by Ocl. John W. Porney, Morton UeUiohaei. Esq., Hon. E. Joy Morris, Edward G. Webb, Esq., Phtlfp d. White, Esq , Hon James Cooper, Thomas Balsb, Esq., and other distinguished speakers. oc6-2t ry»» Office of the American Fire Insurance LLS COMPANY—PfIILADBLPHU, Oct. 4th. 1868. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of Four per cent, for the last six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal roprerentatives on and after the 14th lost TllOB. R. MARIS, oefi 7 91118&15* Secretary. (vtssb Department of Survey*—Office of Chief U 3 ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR—Philadxl ruu, Sspt. 29ra, 1868. NOTICE.—DUPLICATE PLANS of the SECOND SEOTION of the Re-Sarvey and Regulation of German town, bounded northeastwardly by Germantown avenue, southwardly by Wiuablckoa street, southeastwardly by Queen street, northwestwardly by west Washington avenue, in the Twenty-second ward. . SEVENTH SEOTION of Ore Surveyor the lato Town ship of Blocklcy, bounded on the north by Oxford at , on the south by wyaiusing street, on Iho east by Forty, ninth street, and on the west by Fifty-Sixth (6Gtb) street or r iaher avonue. in tho Twenty-fourth ward. ■ SECOND, THIRD, and FOURTH BEOTIONS of the late Borough of Frankford. comprising all east of Pranhford street, to. Stiles street, and from Frankford Creek to Little Taeony Creek; also, all northwest of Frankford street, from Orthodox street northeastward to Little Tscony Creek. Also, the whole of tho lato borough of Whitehall, in the Twenty-third ward. . FOURTH SECTION of the Survey and Regulation of the Twenty first ward, bounded on the northwest by Centre street, on the southeast by Bhur’s lane, on the northeast by Ridge road, and on the southwest by tho River BohuylkiU—are now prepared and deposited for inspection, at tbe Offices of the Surveyors and Regula tors of tho EIGHTH, NINTH, TBNTn, and ELE VENTH SURVEY DISTRICTS,and at tbeoffice or this Department, City Building, FIFTH Street, below Wal nut: and the Board of Surveyors have appointed MON DAY, the 18th day of October, 1868, at 10 o’clock A. M., to consider any objections that may be urged there to by any citizen interested therein. STRICKLAND KNEASS, ocs-toc!8 . Chief Engineer and Surveyor. ryT£=» Mayor’s Office, City of Philadelphia, OCTOBER 4, 1858. LOAN CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. 450,000 DOLLARS, BY OBDISANOB, APPROVED OCTOBER 16T, 1868. Letters Marked Proposals f or City Loan, PROPOSALS, to be endorsed “Proposals for City Loan.” will be received at the Mayors Office, in the Oity or Philadelphia, until the 15th day of Ootober, A. D. 1858, at 12 M., for Loaning to the City of PhltadeL pblfl POOR HUNDRED AND PIFTY THOUBAND ■DOLLARS, for which Certiorate, or Lo»n of One lion dred Dollars and upwards will bo Issuod, bearing into xest’at tho rate of aix per centum per annum, free from taxation, and redeemable In thirty years from dato. PROPOSALS will be received for any sum/ but not In fractions of one hundred dollars. Tho Proposals will be opened on the 16tb day of. O ctober, 1858, by the. Mayor of the Oity, in the prbaenoe of tbe City Treasurer and the Committee on Finance. Tbe highest offers will be accepted, the Oity reserving tbe right to accept or decline the whole, or any amoqnt thereof. Payment will bs required on the 20th day of October. Interest to commence from that date. > 7 ALEXANDER HENRY, ; y wi'Vnt Mayor of Philadelphia. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1858. |VK» A Special Meeting of the Philadelphia UJ? Association of Principals of Public School* will be held at the Old Normal School House, in CHESTER Street, on BATURDAY next, the 9th inst., to tranaaot important business. M. WATSON, B. &• oc7-2t* rv-nss* Marlon Building and Lean Association. UJs —A special meeting of the Stockholders will, be held at the Hall, northeast corner of RIDGE Avenue and WALLACE Street, on FRIDAY EVENING, Bth in stant, '®t 7jf o’clock, for the purpose of authorizing the sale of Thompson street property, and the execug tlon of the deeds therefor to the purchaser 007-2t* JAMEB 0. SCOTT, Secretary. fY5=» Notice.—Green and Coatvs-Street Phi lip LADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY.—A second instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share on the Capital stock ef the Green and Coates street Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company will be due and payable at the Office of the Company, No. 423 WALNUT Btreet, on MONDAY, the Bth day of No vember next, between tho hours of 10 A. BI and 3P.M. oc7-td HARRY CONNELLY, Treasurer. Bank of Commerce, .Philadelphia, Oct. LkS 9, 1858. Notice is hereby given that on Elec tion for THIRTEEN DIRECTORo to servo the en siling year, will ho held at tho Banking House, on MONDAY, tbo 16th day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2P. M. oc2-atu th-tnolG The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, tho 2d day of November neat, at 2 P. M., at Bame piace. oo2»stuth-tao2 J. 0. DONNELL,,Cashier. ry-smparmera’ and Mechanics* BanK, Phila- U 3 dblpoia, Oct. 2, 1858.—The Annual Eleotlon for Directors will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o’clock A. M. and 8 o’clock P. M., and on TUESDAY, the 2d day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholder* will be held at the Banking House at 4o’clock P. M., agreeably to the charter. oc4dtNl6 »■ W.RUSHTON, Jr.,‘Cashier. Geology.—Two Courses of Lectures •VOS* on GEOLOGY will be delivered to Ladies and Gentlemen, in the Scientific and Classical Institute, CHESTNUT street, northwest corner of Twelfth, byJ. ENNIS, Principal of the Institute, ‘commeuoing Oct. 19th, and continuing the afternoon course at 4o’clock on TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS and the evening course at 8 o’clock on TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Both courses will be the same, e&eh comprising 22 lec tures, a number sufficient to bring forward all Ih&great and wonder ful TRUTHS of GEOLOGY, and likewise tho FACTS by whioh these truths are demonstrated. TbrmB —The two introductory Lectures FREE. Each course $6 Eutsanoe on Twelfth street. 001-18 t ivssi The American Patent Company of Uln- OINNATI. OHIO, organized July, 1868, with a capital of SIOLCOIt, buys and sells Patents on commis sion, solidus Patents, executes Mechanical Drawings and Engravings, and transacts all business pertaining to Patents, of whatever nature. The Company also pub lishes tho SCIENTIFIC ARTISAN; the best mechani cal paper in America, at $2 per annum. The Company can furnish all information in reference to either American or European Patents. Address AMERICAN PATENT COMPANY, Cin cinnati, Ohio oc2-8 tu th-lra y=a Home for, Invalids with Affection® of U 3 THE OHBSJB. 8. W. cornerPARKE and OHESTNUT Streets. ■6Blm WeatPhiladelphia, Nero publications. I\IW BOOKS—THIS DAY PUBLISHED, ll ERNESTINE OR, THE HEART’S LONGINGS. Br Az.bth. 12mo ; cl. $1.25. “ Since Jane Eyre we have not found more power and attract*oo, more of the genius which uoc’otbes tho Bout and sets it out stark naked to tho view, then he (Aleth) possesses (Utica Herald. “It has much brilliancy, and a certain Indefinable tone whioh lifts it beyond the ordinary range of novels.” —[Albion. “In his analysis of the heart, the author evinces a great deal of power.”—[New Bedford Mcroury. 44 One of the first literary productions of the season, and a most welcome one to us It has a nevcr>fl»gging interest, which increases as you read on.”—{ltem. “ Ernesttu Is a novel of English Ufa idealised, written in a remarkably elevated vein—a style of prose x>etry very unusual. The author must be a student of 'loethe, for the t&dlngof the volume is more in the stylo of a German poem than an English romance [S. Courier. “We do not hesitate to pronounce It the work of a scholar and n thlnkor. which will be read with plea sure. and profit, too.”—[Pittsburgh Dispatch. “The book is marked by singular ability; its pic tures are vivid and powerful. On the whole, this strange tale will make an impression, and, if we are not mistaken, a reputation for the author.’*[ —N. York Express * It is a passlonately-wrUten history of the heart, worked up with a minuteness of detail, a wealth of eloquent diction, and a fascination of interest really re markable.”—(Sunday Times. “ This is on extraordinary book—powerfully written, and evidently tho work of a master-band. The diction is elegant, and the story worked up with &u interest lhat increases with each advancing chapter.”—New York Day Book. A HUNDRED YEARS AGO. ATal® op tub Amsrioa* Colonixb. By Osmond Tivvahv, E#q. 12mo. Cloth. $l. “This work possesses peculiar attractions The sketches are instinct w.th a living and vivid power. It Is a book in all respects unexceptionable, and in many reapocts worthy a place among the clauio literature of the laud.”—New York News. “ This is a work of li’gh literary merit, and of unu sual interest to American readers. It illustrates the most interesting period of our history—the Age of Ame rican chivalry—aod It gives ns a true picture ef the opioious and habits, as well as leading personages, of that eventful period.”—Springfield Republican. “It baa .nothing of Cooper’s prolixity, tho style is mote compact, and the rhetoric purer, while the de scriptions are more vivid and striking. The work bo trajstbe great spirit of the scholar, and appeals to readers of pare and cultivated tastes'. It exhibit® fine cowers of description, and an unusual air of naturalness, wealthy feeling, and just sentiments.”—Tribune “ A well-written and blghly-entertalniog work.”— [Richmond Argus. ~ - “ It is a work of sterling vela®, and more than ordi nary interest.”—[New England Farmer. “Among theaoeneaof this well-told tale more the noble figures Of Patrick Henry. Franklin, Gen. Wolfe, and other notabto worthies or the day.”—[Journal of Commerce. “ A very pleasant book, and one that we can cordially oorameud.”—[Leslie’s Paper. “ We prodiot for this work a host of readers.»—[Lynn Nows. STANFORD ft DBLIBSER, Publishers, oc7-lt No. 603 Broadway. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT OP PHI LADELPHIA COUNTY. Estate of SUSANNAH PUGBLEY, deceased, ft The Auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and settle the account of OUARLEB GIBBONS, Ex cutor of SU SANNAH PUGBLEY, deceased, and to report distribu tion of the balance in his hands, will attend to the du ties of h!s appointment at his office, No 033 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, October 26th, at 1 o’clock P. M. oo 7 thstu&t M. K TUAYBR. Auditor. & WILSON’ 8 SEEING MACHINES, REDUCED PRICES. NEW STYLE $6O. All the former patterns $26 less on each Machine. A NEW TENSION, NO WINDING OF UPPER THREAD, A HUMMER WHICH TURNS ANY WIDTH OP HEM OB FELL, opnesa 028 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. No. 7 WEST STATE Street, Trenton N. J. No. 7 EAST GAY Street, West Chester, Pa oc7-tD2O. yIE W S STEREOSCOPE. McALLIBTER ft BROTHER, oc7-8t T2B CHESTNUT STREET. /’'l BEAT NATIONAL EXHIBITION KM OF HOUSES, THIRD DAY, (At Powelton, Twenty-fourth wa*d,) TEUWSDAY,OCTOBER 7,18&8. (Opbh from 9 A. M. till o P. it) Owing to the liberal manner the citUens of Philadel phia have patronized this effort on the part of the Management to foster and encourage theliUBEP or Horses in Pennsylvania, and to convince the patrons of this great undertaking of their desire to further their views, they offer for this day TWO SILVER GOBLETS A 8 PRIZES. The First for Trotting, to take place at 2 o’clock. The Second for Pacing, “ “ at 4 o’clock. OPEN TO ALL. Entrance............ ........... .......25 cents. Seats for 600 persons without extra chargo rjfQLLICOFFER’S ANTI-RHEUMATIO SA CORDIAL is the only preparation ever placed be fore tho public that his performed se many MIRACULOUS CURBS INFLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. The most prominent and influential citizens boar wit ness of its efficaoy. Tbe abundant evidence from all parts of the country Is enough to warrant us in pro nouncing that It is the greatest wonder of the ago. It is an Internal remedy that a rlkesatthe root of the disease, aod thus eradicates itenrirely from the system. Prepared by THEODORE DILKB, Chemist, Northeast corner of Pine and Sixth streets, oc7-3m Philadelphia; AND CLAMPS. ' No, 1* 62# e. per dos, No. 6. $1 12 per doi. 2. 76c. “ 0, 125 3. 870. “ 7. 1 50 <• 4.100 c. “ 8. 1 76 “ JjlOR COLDS AND SORB THROATS. ICELAND MOSS PASTE, MARSHMALLOW DROPS, FLAXSEED DROPS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, Manufacturing Confectioner, No. 1210 MARKET fic29-3m West of TWELFTH Stroet. /I_UNS, RIFLES, AND SPORTING IM \T PLBMENTS. The Subscribers have In store THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT FOWLING-PIECES, RIFLES, &0., Ever offered in thla city. Desirous of reducing tholr assortment as muoh A* possible before the Ist Deo , they will sell AT VERY LOW PRICKS THEIR ENTIRE STUCK, compriting GUNB FROM THB MOBT CELEBRATBD MANU FACTURERS OF ENGLAND, BELGIUM, AND FRANCE. PHILIP S. JUSTICE & CO., No. 21 North FIFTH Street, se9-2ra above Market. DOSTER'S CORN-HUSKING MA CHlNE.—{Patented Nov. 17th, 1857.) This va luable Invention is now offered to the pub io, contain ing all the requisite qualities sought by the Agricultu rist; is almplo and durable in iis inocbanlcal construc tion, can be operatod and kept In ordor by a boy; strip ping every particle of Hnsk from the Etr without inju ring the grains, and does the work of eight or ten er- Eeft huskera. It can bo manufactured at a price that rings them within the reach of almost every, ode. and is In fact the machine that is wauted by every Farmer in the land, BtAto.aß<l,Coqpt/ Rights for sale. Address ~ H. A. DOBTBR. I oc4-6t* Bethlehem, Northampton Co , Pa. SECOND EDITION, I) RANDON j iCeflal ftuticefi. FOR THE HANDSORUBB. CLAMPS. 6 Row, $l/26 per dozen. 7 Row, $1.76 per dozen. 8 Row, 22.25 per dozen. HENRY 0. ECKSTEIN, 62 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia Retail SDrfi Oooira. gESSON & SON, MOUBNING STORE, NO. 808 CHESTNUT STREET. IMMENSE STOCK OF BLACK AND SECOND MOUBNING PALL AND WINTER GOODS, Purchased in the European and American Markets, ex cluslroly for OASH, and to be Bold at REDUCED PBIOBS, Consisting, in part, of MOURNING OLOAKB AND SHAWLS. Black Thibet Shawls, wool fringes. Black Thibet Shawls, silk fringes. Black Thibet Shawls, new Stella, all black. Black Thibet Bhawls, ribbon bound. Black Thibet Bhawls, bombazine bound. Black Thibet Shawls, crape bound. Black Mousseline de Laine Shawls. Black Cashmere Shawls. 811 k Shawls. Black Thibet Long Shawls, ribbon bound. Black Thibet Long Shawls, wool fringes. Black Blanket Long and Square Shawls. Black Centre Stella Shawls, colored borders. Black Centre 8te!l& bhawla, mourning bordered. ' Mourning Blanket and Square Shawls. New styles of Mourning Woollen bhawls. Shepherd Plaid Scotch Long Shawls. ' Black Cloth Cloaks latest styles. Black Beaver Cloth Cloaks, just opened. DEEP MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Lupin’s black Moussellnes, double width. Lupin’s black Mousselinos, single width. ■ Lupin’s black Bombazines. Lupin’s blaok French Merinoes. Lupin’s black French Cashmeres. Lupin’s black T&mlse Cloth. Black Paramatta Cloth. Black xatin de Chines. Black Baroours. Block Alpines, or English Bombazines. Black Bombazine Alpacaa. 'Black Mohair Lustres. Low priced De Lalnes, Alpacas, &0., fto. SECOND,MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Mourning MoußsolfnodeLalnes, all woot. Mourning Mpusieliue de Laluos, low prices. .Mourning PhUda. Lavellas and Poplins. ' Mdurnlng Brocade, Mohairs, and Madonnas Mourning English Chintzes, 120 different styles. ■ Mourning Silks, Valencias, Ac., ftc BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING SILKS. Black Flounced Silk Robes. Black Bayadere Silks. - Black Figured Si ks. Blaok Gros de’Epeom Bilks, Black Gros Grain and Oitoman Silk's. Black Poult de Bole Silks. Black Armure Silks. Black Venitienne and Royal Silks. Black Gros d’Algiers Silks. Black Gros de Rnlne Silks. Black Gros Brilliant Silks. Purple aod Black Bayadere Silks. Gray and Black Uayadere Silks. Lead and Black Baradere Silks. Black and White Bayadere alike. Black and White Stripe, and Plaid Silks. Black Marseilles, Lustrines, fto. BLAOK CRAPES AND MOURNING VEILS. Black English Crape Veils and Falls. Black Orape Ltase Veils and Lisse. Black English Veil and Trimming Crapes. Black Mode, or Love Veils. Black Lace Veils and Silk Nets. Black Laco Fails, with Crape Ends. Black and Brown Grenadine Veils. Black and Brown Veil Bareges. Black and Brown Donna Maria Gauzes. Black Silk Muslin, for Demi Veils. Black Italian Crapes, Hats, and Deor Crapes. MOURNING COLLARS AND SLBBVES. Black Orape Collars and Sleores. Black Lace Capes, Collars, and Sleeves. White Riviere Collars ana Sleeves. White Tarlatan Collars and Sleeves. White Goffered Lace Collars and 81oevos. Plain Mull Collars and Sleeves. White and Black Goffered and Orape Ruffles. Paris Embroidered Collars, Marseilles Sets, fto. MOURNING BALMORAL SKIRTS. Mourning Bordered Hdkfs., small Scarfs, Jet Goods, Kid and Fleecy Silk Gloves and Uauntlets, Black Fleecy Silks, Lambs’ Wool,Cotton and Silk Hose; Uibbona and Beltings, and all other goods requisite for Mourn ing attire, ocT-lt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TMHLL BE OPEN THIS DAY, OOT- 7, vv an assortment of FRENCH FX.OWEBS, FEATII* EKB, LAOEB, VELVETS, and RIBBONS of various styles. E.O HALLIDAY, ec7-3t* 25 South NINTH St., Philadelphia. /•NREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS.— V* 8. V. R. HUNTER Ha® REMOVED from No. 30 to No. 40 South BECOND Street, where be Is now prepared to furnish the Ladies with a fresh and well-selected stock of . . DRRB3 HOODS, To which hft’tavlM s their Attention, being determined to sell At exceedingly LOW PRICKS. N.' B~k Urge ivsiortment of Brocho, Stella, and French Blanket Shawl*. Also, a variuty of Silk and Cloth Circular* Constantly on hand, at the “CLOAK EMPORIUM’’ No. 40 South SECOND Btreot. OBOOHE SHAWLS- W>CHEAPEST LOTS!! And beat.styles now offered, being recent auction pur chases of very \ HANDSOME STYLES Broche Long nod Square Shawls, from $4 to $23. Alio, Stella firoche Bordered Shawl*. French Blanket Shawls. JkHiSl|l«§|‘lAdifta> BUpket Long and Square Shawls. > ? ;Tp FINBBLAOK CLOAKS, Now reedWoomprisrog all the newest styles, - CLOAK ROOM Kepletwwtth FALL and WINTER outer garments. BILK 01 ROLES Especially adapted for this season of year. LIGHT and BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS and RAGLANS, Ready-made, or made to order in one day’s notice. . COOPER ft CONARD, oc4 • S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Sts. MEN’S FANCY FLANNEL SHIRTING, Stripes, Bayaderes and Mixtures, in fine French colors. Flaunel for Travelling Shirts. Also, Plain high colored French Flannel. oc2 EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. PLAIN colored Brecado SUka, Modes, Browns and Olivet, and Blacks, neat styles. Solid colored silks, imported especially for Friendß’ wear. oc2 EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. JgAILY & BROTHER, No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, ' WILL OPEN THIS DAY Their Fall Importation or GAKJPETINGS, selft-tf] AT PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. Auction bargains'of ane frenoii Goods and BROOHR SHAWLS, From the two great sales of UENNEQUIN ft 00., and THE IRON, MAILLAR D, ft 00. CHARLES ADAMS Has now arranged in bis SnAWL AND MERINO ROOM A large assortment of super ' BROCHE LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS that cannot be surpassed for beauty of design and stylo of coloring, and at prices much below the usual rates. Splendid do with wool Chain. Super Silk Plush Shawls. Thibet do Phuh Borders. Round Corner Stellas. $5 to $l2. Square do, all kinas. Black Thibet Long and Square Shawls. High colored Emetines at o*4 French Merinoes, High and Plain colors, at 63, 76, 88, and $l. / Super White do at $l. Black do do at 70c. and 88c. 6 6 Cashmeres 760. to $l. An Immediate examination is requited. oc2-eod-tf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. A LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS. SECOND OPENING. OP PALL GOODS ' TO-DAY. ROUND-CORNER SHAWLS, NEWEST STYLE SILKS, RICH DOUBLE SKIRT ROBBS, MAGNIFICENT DB LAINBS, RICH PRINTED MERTNOKB, LUPIN’S CHOICE COLORS MKBINOES, 6-4 NBW STYLE VALENCIAS, NEW FALL VESTINGS, &0., &0. EYRE & LANDELL, eop29-tocl2 FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. Grand opening o* WINTER CLOAKS AT THB PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. Tho SUBSCRIBERS have now open their IMPORTATIONS AND MANUFACTI/RBS } FALL AND WINTER SEASONS, Comprising the rnoßt extensive and superb display of OVEIt GARMENTS Ever exhibited in this Oity. J . W. PROCTOR & CO., 708 CHESTNUT STREET. 6627 ATTRACTION! OVER ft,500 WORTH OF BHAWLB FROM WHICH TO MAKE A SELECTION, THORNLEY * CHISM, N. B. cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDKN Streets, {lave the best SHAWL Stock In Philadelphia. They would respectfully call attention to e following very cheap lota, viz: 40 LONG BROCUK SHAWLS at $ 8 each. 50 Do. do. do. at 10 u 20 Do. do do. at 11 “ 24 Do. do. do. at 12 ” 10 Do. do. dp, at IS “ 20 Do. do. do. at 14 “ 20 Do. do. do. at 10 “ 8 Do. do. do. at 18 “ 8 Do. do. do. at 20 “ 8 Do. do. do. at 25 “ In the above Lota of Long Broche Shawls will be found every desirablo color of centre. BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLS From $2 to $l2, in every color. French Blanket Shawls in new designs. Plain rhlbut Hhawln, Pquaro and Long. Ileal Canton Crape Shawls, Plain and Embroidered. Children’s Shawls, Misses’ Shawls, and Gentlemen’s Shawls, at THORNLEY A CHISM’S, “ONE PRICE CASH BTORfi.,’ Northeast Coiner RHfHTH A SPRING GARDEN N.B'.—Oltyanil Country Storekeepers buying for cash may find bargains at T A O.’s. P, B.—A Maguiflcent stock of Silks now on hand. selB-tf Kcmouals. Removal.— van haagen & Mc- KEONK bare removed their DKTEbSIVE SOAP WORKS to their New Factory In OALLOWUILL Street, near the Wire Bridge, adjoining David Tbaln & Co.’s Adamantine Candle Works. 002-6 t OEMOVAL.-O. 0. SADLER & Co. have XV removed from No. 9 North Water Street to No. 108 ARCH street, second door above Front. eel tOljalesale JUru Ooolrfl. FALL STOCK. McCauley, Brother, & Brewster, 23 NORTH FOURTH ST. HAti Just opened an entire new stock of HOBIEEY, GLOVES, AND FANCY GOODS, to which they Inrite the attention of first-olase buyers, Oar stock is particularly adapted to THB SOUTHERN TRADE, *u9-2mlt JRISH LINENS, WOOLLENS, STUFF GOODS, BLANKETS, A full nnd general assortment ot FALL DRY GOODS for sale on favorable terms by WRAY & GILLILAN, 121 CHESTNUT STREET. au3l-tuths24t ®l)ina, ®lasama«, &c. FJIUHNBULL & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS m China and queensware, Noa. 23 and 25 SOUTH FOURTH STREET,. Between Market and Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA, IT7“ GLASSWARE, open or by the package, au3l-2m , rpo SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS. A large Stock of CHINA, GLASSWARE, AND FANCY ARTICLES, AT THB LOWEST MABKBT PBIOBB, AT MARXSEN A WITTE, Importers, MASONIC HALL, 713 CHESTNUT STREET, jans>ly Seal (Estate. SALE OF VALUABLE EJJ REAL ESTATE.—Pursuant to the last will and testament of Joel Davis, late of the township of Upper Darby, Delaware county, deceased, will be sold at pub* l.c sale, on THURSDAY, the 14th of October, 1858, at the late residence of said deceased, all that small Farm, containing TEN AORES of highly improved land, situate in Haverford township, on the road lead* ing from Herioa to Ohester; and within three-quarters of a mile of the West Ohester Flank Road, by which it is seven miles from Philadelphia, The improvements consist of a substantial two-storied STONE HOUSE, withapiazsa in front, and a pump near the door; a BARN, stone stable high, nearly new; with other out* buildings. Besides a number of FRUiT AND SHADE TREES, one acre of the above premises is covered with a grove of thriving yomiy Timber; the balance 1b ara ble land, in a high ttato )f cultivation, and is divided Into convenient lots,' good fence. The property is situated In a good neighborhood, and la convenient to mills, schools, and places of public worship. Bale to commence at two o’clook in the afternoon, when the conditions will be made known by WILLIAM D. JONES, 217 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, GEORGE SMITH, oo7*6t* Executors, ag FARMS FOR SALE .—A splendid •S FARM of 100, and one of 109 acres; a Mill Property of 11 acres; a Saw Mill and Lumber Yard; a Honso and 2 acres for Sale, all near Nor* risUwn; a Farm of 50 and one of 66 acres, near Phcenixvllle; one Farm of 65 and two of 75 acres, 6 miles from Norristown; one Country-seat and 40 acres, In Plymouth; Tavern and Btore Stands In Norristown and country. Catalogue of Farms and Full description given by addressing R R. CORSON, oc4-2w Real Estate Broker, NORRISTOWN, Pa. MPRIVATE RESIDENCES FOR BALE.—Some of the most beautifally situated Properties in and around NORRISTOWN is now offered for Hale or Exchange; also a large Brick Building, adapt ed and used for a BOARDING SOQOOL for several rears, and for which there is a good opening. For par* Iculara address R R CORSON, 004-2 w NORRISTOWN, Pa. JjJolUirnJ. ASSEMBLY— SECOND DISTCIOT, oo*-Bt* EDWARD S. REDSTRKAKE pEOPLE’S TICKET. STATE OFFICERS. JUDGE 0? THE SUPREME COURT, JOHN M. READ. OANAL COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM E. FRA2ER. CONGRESS. Pißßt Pibtbiot.... JOHN W. RYAN. Bsoond '< EDW. JOY MORRIS. ThIBD JOHN P. VEHRBE. Fourth “ WM. MILLWARD. Fifth « JOHN WOOD. STATE SENATOR. THIRD DISTRICT, JOHN H . PARKER. FOR REPRESENTATIVES. First Distimot .JOSEPH H. BINEX. Sboond ** SAMUEL BWBNBY. Third “ ..WM. H. MATTHEWS. Fourth “ MORRIS HARDING. Fifth “ .........GEORGE T. THORN. Sixth “ JOSEPH M. CHURCH. Bbybsts “ DAVID H. STYER. Eighth “ 0. A. WALBORN. Nihth «<" GEORGE W. WOOD. Tkhtii “ ISAAC J. NEALL. Elsvbsth “ .ISAAO A. SHEPPARD. Twelfth JOHN A. FISHER. Tbirtrbnth “ FRANCIS EDWARDS. Foortssnth 11 SIMON GRATZ. Fiftsbkth “ ....GEORGE W.HAMEUBLEY. GEORGE WILEY. Skvbnthk.nth“ 0. F. ABBOTT. COUNTY OFFICERS. SHERIFF, WILLIAM H. KERN. REGISTER OF WILLS, GEORGE W. MoMAHAN CLERK OF ORPHANS’ COURT, NIMROD WOOLERT. ELECTION, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12. se22-tOcl2 Stones. QUEEN’S PORTABLE FORGE.— Doubtless many of our city readers, in passing ffSKff tbe gangs of workmen employed in laying down of.tbo passenger railroad tracks in our streets, bad their attention attracted to a portable forge, with bellows And everything complete, and in efficient service. These forges, built upon the plan secured by 0. V. Queen’s patent, are for sale at tho commodious, long-established, and deservedly popular Stove, Range, and Furnace establishment of WARNIOK, CHAD WICK, &. BROTHER, corner of BECOND and RACE Streets, who have the sole right for the sale or Queen’s Portable Forge in Pennsylvania. There are, we believe, five sixes of this forge, rang ing in price from twenty-two to forty-fonr dollars—a sum so small, when contrasted with Its merits, as to se cure its general introduction; for any one who will for a moment consider the advantages of this forge, which may be removed from plaoe to place, so as always to be on the spot where workers In iron or other metals are to perform service, whether in original construction or repairs, will at once concede its great efficiency, and ar range for its possession and use. The adaptability of this fo.ge to repairs to railroads and mining machinery especially commends it to railroad companies and opera tors In the mining districts. We, therefore, take plea sure in calling to it the attention of road masters, su perintendents of mines, and others.—[From tho United States Railroad and Mining Register oc7-lm jk STOVES! STOVES ! SILVER’S ORIGINAL GAS-BURNING M STOVE, With all the Latest Improvements. Also, tho largest assortment of COOKING, PARLOR, A OFFICE STOVES In the City, at MANIGLB’S, No. 909 MARKET STREET. Call before purchasing. se29-Gw Jt. SOMETHING NEW.—GAS BUR NING COOK STOVE.—I would respectfu ly call ■ESw the attention of the public to one of tbe greatest Improvements ever introduced in Cooking Stoves and Rmges—the burning of tho gas arising from the coal, by which means is saved 50 per cent, in fuel and also more intenie heat thrbwn to the bottom of the oven. We effeot the burning of the gases by means or a hollow centre-piece, perforated on the under side, which admits the afr in a h-attd state to mingle with the gases, thus aiding Its combustion, and causing a tiame to pass around the oven equal to a wood Are. This im provement also preserves the centre piece from "inking down on the fire, thereby saving tbe expense of repairs One of the Stoves CAN BE SEEN IN OPERATION »t 1116 MARKET Street. Manufactured by JAMES SPEAR, Inventor and Patentee, (lato North, Chase & North,) 3116 MARKET Street sept2o-3mo g PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TIONS, with written descriptions of character, Including advice lureference to business, health, solf-luiprovement, Ac., are made day and eve ning at FOWLER, WELLS, A 00.’8, Families visited when requested, and a liberal dis count made to clubs. •ell-Sm 922 Chestnut fit., Philadelphia. £3 FOR SAL E—A desirable Basinets JBiliL Stand and Dwelliog, No. 629 Arch street, above Sixth. Will be sold low. Apply at No. 812 MARKET Street. ocfWt* - (J, ROUND RENTS, well secured, for sale. R One of |6O annum. Three of $l3B each. oco-Bt* 8. W. PAUL, 113 South FIFTH St. CJTEAM ENGINE FOR SALE.—Seventy ► 3 two horse power, Cylinder 17 inches In diameter; three cylindrical Boilers, 30 feet long and 50 inches in diameter; 120 feet of Oast-Iron Pumping, of 6 and 10 in ches; a lot of Raising Buckets. Also a lot of wheel and Hand Barrows, Shovels, and tools used iu Mining, for sale a bargain. Apply to J. L. MOSS, ooMt No. 332 WALNUT St., Front room, Up Stair*. TO BE LET WITH BOARD.—A hand ■*: ‘ome suit of Rooms, with dresslng*room, hath, ana every convenience, and several rooms suitable for * or £i?tf ® geatlemen, No 701 VINE St., op* poaita Franklin Square. oc4-6t* fa 7° »Ent7TBTORE on DELAWARE Street, running through to Water Street, 148 feet deep. Also the Datthla ATOMS comer ot TlilßD and QtfARRY kmeta 40 feet front’ dolphf."“aES ‘‘stabt K ,or ‘J** *«>«» 1“ Phll£ land House Apply at 273 South FetilMH Street. ae29-Bm* VESTINGS, Ac., Ac. ®TO LET—The HOUSE NO. 1626 CHESTNUT Street. Iu good order. BentlaSo Haa a large Yard and Modern Improvements. ee2B.dtf Rooms on~commerce - street^ The Three Upper Rooma or ,10 Commerce Street to Lot. - »e2T-lm MFOH SALE—A handsome residence. with all the modern improvements. Urge side yard, grapery, Ac., SIXTH, near SPRING GARDEN itreet. Terms easy. P. K. LYND, 6* South SIXTH Street, (second story.) sel7*lm OFFICE TO-LET.—AN ELIGIBLE OF FIOB for an Insurance Company, or similar cor poration , having three communicating rooms on the same floor, No. 222 WALNUT Street, above DOCK, Immediate possession given. Apply to JOHN o. keffbb; or THOMAS T. BUTCHER, No. 112 South FOURTH Street, 1 mhBQ-truths-tf " second story, front room. mFOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A handsome new mansion, 19 rooms, and 40 acres, near Gwynedd Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad! Site splendid, frnlt abundant, health unsurpassed. Any person really desiring a handsome Country Beat in ex change for city property, will find this an unusual op* >ortnnlty of accomplishing his object. Apply to P. BL LYND, 6)4 8. SIXTH St, (2d story.) ae!7*lm fSJjI FOR SALE | A pretty Cottage, nine ■ill rooms, and one or more acres, on Wyoming avenue, two mlleß out the Second-street Turnpike. Alao.sever&l handsome cottage lots The neighborhood is healthy, beautiful, and rapidly Improving. P. K.LYND, sitf s. SIXTH fit., (2d story.) «ei7.?m TO SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS. —Thirty acres or leu of beeutliul Land oa Wyoming Avenue, near Neir Second afreet, only two miles north of the pavements, for Bale a bargain, and terms easv, Applyto P. K LYND,ax Sonth SIXTH Street, feeeond «tory.) ■ .eIV-Im JjlOR SALE- One of the most Taluable and Desirable DOUBLE BROWN STONE RESIDENCES Do. 1810 CHESTNUT STREET, EXTENDING THBOUGH TO GEORGS STREET. Having been built by the ownef for bis ova Residence, no expense has been spared In its construction. CHARLES BOGGS, 529 Market Street, Or to H. THOMAS A SONS, 139 and 141 South Fourth St. sel4-lmif i COMMUNICATING FRONT BOOMS, ' J with full or partial Board, at 201 West WASHING TON Square. oc7-3t» BOARD in a Private Family, with the com forts of ft home, for Gentlemen and their wires, or single Gentlemen. Apply at No. 220 North TENTH Street. oc6-taths-fit < CARRIAGES. WM. XX ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA* Orders for CARRIAGES from &U parts of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied. sel3-3mlf jgAILEY & CO., Hare removed to their new Pire-proof, White Marble Store, NORTH BIDB, BELOW TBS GIRARD HOUSE. Now opening their fall stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To whloh they Invite the attention of the public. BILVSR-WARB, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND Uliseoltmons anh (ConartttcrsliiiJO. [\TOTICE ROBERT NEWLIN HAS I APSOOIATBD with him OHARLES ZELL and WILSON ABBOTT, as co-partners in his business from this date, under the stylo of ROBERT NEWLIN A Co. Philadelphia, Sept. Ist, 1858. oc6-4t* PEMBERTON S. HUTCHINSON has THIS DAY associated with him BAMUEL R. SHIPLEY and SPENCER H. HAZARD, in the Dry Goods Commission Business. October 1.1868. CO-PARTNERSHIpT—WE, the under signed, have THIS DAY formed a Co-Partner ship, for the transaction of a GENERAL DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the Firm of SHIP LEY. HAZARD, A HUTCHINSON, at No. 112 CHEST NUT Street. SAMUEL B. SHIPLEY. SPENOER H. HAZARD, PEMBERTON 0. HUTOHINBON. Philadelphia, Oct. 1,1868. 001-l2t AND DOMESTIC GOODS. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, A HUTCHINSON, No. 112 Chestnut street, (Offer for sale DRILLS, JEANS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS. MARINER STRIPES OSNABURGHS, FLANNELS, BROWN, BLEACHED, AND COLORED MUSLINS, In all widths from the BALTIC MAN’G 00., BATES MAN’G CO., NORTHVILLE DO. LOWELL DO. FAIRUILL DO. WEST BOYLSTON DO. Alfiv, Templeton Mills Doeskins ana Fancy Casaimeres, Woodward do. do. do. * Saxony Mill do. do. do. Together withalarge assortment of desirable Foreign Goods. ocl-lm CO-PARTNERSHIP.— TBE BUSINESS heretofore condacted by Hunt, Webster, & Co.. wIU from this date be carried on under the style and firm of LADD, WEBSTER, k 00., who will eontinue the manufacture and Bale of Sewing Machines, the former in Boston, the latter at 820 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in the principal cities of the Union. September 1,1858. se27-lm Arcade hotel, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE BIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. OOSDUCTKD OH TUB EUBOFBAN PLAH. A new lease for a term of years having been obtained for this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, it will con tlauo to be conducted as heretofore, on the European plan, and the prices remain onebanged, vis: Room Pbb Day 600. Dinneb 500. Bbbakpast axd Tsa. bach, 37tfo. The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every thing done to make guests comfortable. The chambers are heated lu winter by means of Steam Pipes, for which no extra charge is made. There is no bar kept in the house to be a source of annoyance to guests. Tho accommodations are designed wholly for business men—hence no ladies are received, in- This house is never closed day or night. J D. BROWN, oc6-8m E. DE YOUNG, JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA., (Erected In 1867,) ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. tny2£*7y WELLS OOVBRLY, Proprietor rjio CASH BUYERS, JAMES S. EARLE & SON., 816 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of Western and Bonthern Custom era to their immense and elegant assortment of LOOKING-GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE-FRAMES, r JpHB “OLD DOMINION” THE "OLD DOMINION” Are manufactured, under the patent for the United States, by ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, Nos. 117 and 119 South TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 07* Merchants visiting Philadelphia, should, by all means, lay in asupply or these COFFEE and TEA POTS, which are rapidly coming into uao, and destined in a short time to superaedo all others. ID* A. B. & G. are also manufacturers, uuder tho patent, of ARTHUR’S CELEBRATED AIR-TIGnT SELF-SEALING OAKS AND JARS, Which, it is concodod on all hands, are the best iu the market. aull-tuth.VstnoiS Also, Trade Agents for TOKRKY’S AD.IUSTAIiT.K POOR SPRINO. Lost ok destkoyao—a. cekiim- OATK or BOItIP, No 4.302, for 8 allures cf the Stock ot tbs Ooii.olid.tiou Bulk. Application baa beeu made to .aid bank for a duplicate certificate of the "*«ai-tu th-St WM. HUTCHINSON. Set Bale anir to £et. IN THE CITY, SSoarbing. Carrittjiea. tOotdjes, Jetuelrji, &t. BAILEY & KITCHEN, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, PEARLS, AT WHOLBSALH ASD BtTAIL. fotels an& ftestatmmta. OPPOBITB TUB OIBAKD HOUSB, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVING Suitable for the FALL TRADE. COFFEE roT, TEA POT, CDante •MTANTBIJi-rASSifeatioD by an expo,. Tv reneed' vUndbflbted references given. FleaaeadJreirA.BrC.) at this Offloe. oc7-St» TXT ANTED—By a competent Bookkeeper, rr ft net of Book. to kwp ereniugs. • Address BOOKS, Press office.. ■ ■ W -■> oc7-2t» A MIDDLE-AGED MAN, who is a good Penman, desires employment a* Copyist, penrfa nently or transiently. Address COPYIST, ihisOffiee.. oc7-2t* • ’ - - •- - A YOUNG' LADY, of musical edaoa&oh wishes a Situation as Organist. iGood reference given. Address ORGANIST, office of this paper. oc7-4t» ’ I? MIGRANT AND INTELLIGENCE A-i OFFIOK, 19 A reads, Cbeatnat atreat, a bora Sixth, where erery description of Waiters, Norses, Men and Boys, for all parts of city and country, are to be had. O’CONNOR,'Proprietor; oc7-lt* , . VMfANTED—A Situation by one thorough - Tv lyacqualnted with the Hardware business Best of reference and security given if required. Salary not so much an object as employment. Address, at this office, W,G. ocT-St* UV7ANTED—A Purchaser for a retail v v ’ Dreg Store, centrally located and doing a good business. Satisfactory reasons and full particulars will be given on an interview, being .had. .Address PHARMACY, office of Tht Press- - oc7-3t# TO DRUGGISTS.—WANTED—A Situa tion in a Wholesale or Retail Drag Store, by a young Han who has served four years under instruction a retail establishment, and is a graduate of the Phi ladelphia Collego of Pharmacy. Can refer to his last employer as to his character and qualifications. Ad dress CHABLEB, at this office. oc7-5tT VSTANTED—A Partner in a pleasant husi- T V ness, who can command $BOO In cash. The busi ness is safe, and yields a large profit. Address CAPI TAL, office of The Press. oc&f# VffANTED —To an Interest in a T T respectable business already established, not re quiring more than $l,OOO in cash. Address 4radk. this Office. oc&S* * \M7 ANTEIV-—A Practical Soap and Gaudle- TT maker. Apply at 426 South EOURTH Street. above Lombard- ~ oc6-2t* VffANTED—By a Lad 17 years of age, a v v Si tuition in a Store or Office. Address ALBERT. at this office 005-st«- V/ff ANTED—To Rent, for the winter sea- T T son, with Immediate possession, a PurniahM house of moderate size, with modern improvements, west of Tenth street. Address A. M,, office of this paper- 004 IVfANTED —By a young Man, (a good WW ; penman,} a Situation in a wholesale store, as Entry Clerk or Assistant-Bookkeeper. Can furnish good references, Address T. 0., at this Office. oe4-Bt* VSTANTED—A Salesman in a Boot and "T Shoe House. One that can Influence near trade. Address BOX 1248 Philadelphia Post Office, with par tlcnlare and name. oc2-s tn th-St* ANTED—A' Situation as Entry Cleric, Tv by a young Man who has had three years ex perience. Views as to salary moderate. Address WILLIAM, at this Office. ’ oc2-6t*- WANTED, FOE THE UNITED ST ATT 8 CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given Mod pay. board, clothing, and medical attendance, fay from |IS to $33 per month. Ho man having a wife or child will be a&epied. Apply for MOUNTED SB&YIOl at Ho 81T UAskxi Btnel, above ligfcth. north aide. - • W. TH. HA6BUDXR, lat Lieat. lat Dngoona, - Seemitlnf OflLoer. sa.moaemtms. A HEBICAN ACADEMY OF KUSIO, -t\. BBOAD AND LOCUST Street. THB GREAT RAVELS! THURSDAY EVENING, Oct. 7,1868, . EVOLUTIONS ON THB TIGHT BOP*. THE YOUR LOVERS. Bibi, Gabriel Barel; Oolin, Mona. Haugin; Babet, Miss Frances. ASPHODEL. Babilaa, Gabriel Rarely Torraffj Francois Barel; Asphodel, A. Lehman; Zamlnta, M’Ue Lina Wlndeli.: Admission—Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Balcony, 60 eent»; Family Oixole and Amphitheatre, 26 eente. Beate can be seoured.from 10 A. If* to 4 P. H. wiih ont extra charge. Children under lO yeare hair price. TATHEATLEY & OLABKE ,fI ABOH*BT. v Y THEATRE,—WiIIiam 8. Fredericks, Acting and Stage Manager. THUBSDAY EVENING. October 7, 1868, SPEED THB PLOUGH. Sir Philip Blandford, Mr Dolman; Bob Handy, Ur. Wheatley; Miss Blaodford, Mrs. Drew, v THE TODDLES. Mr. Toodlea, Mr. Clarke; Mrs. Toodlea. Miss K inloch. Admission, abets. Secured Beats in DreesQlrole, 87V eta; Orchestra Stalls, 60 eta; Beats In Private Batts, 76 eta; Gallery, 13 cts; Gallery for Colored Persons, 26 <rta: Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 88 cts; Whole private Box, $B. ' Doorsopen at quarter before 7 o’clock j commence at Tjf,precisely - " ; Mbs. d. p. bowebs* walnut-st. THEATRE, comer of NINTH and WALNUT THUBSDAY EVENING, October 7,1868, THB SON OF THE NIGHT. Ben LeU, Mr. F. B Conway; Duke Dor&to, Ur. H. A. Perry; Brsvadura, Mr. McDonough; Julia, Mrs. D. P. Bowers; Ghebel, Mrs. F. B.Conway; Myrtha, Miss 0. Riehiogs. To be preceded by OUB FRIEND PETER. Prices of admission—Second Tier and Family Circle, and Third Tier, 26 eentsj'Parqueta 87# cents; Dveu Circle, 60 eents;-Private Boxes, according to their locale, |8 and 86; Single Seats In Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. Doors open at quarter before 7 o’clock'; Curtain rises at 7jf o’clock. ... Concert hall, chestnut stbeet, ABOVE TWELFTH.—Jifth week of nnaurpuaed auMaiB.—THE COLOSSAL REVOLVING REPRESENT T4TIONB 07 THE RUSSIAN WAR, the moat mag nificent and ex’enaire exhibition in the world: Con cluding with the DESTRUCTION 07 SEBASTOPOL. Open BTM7 erenlog thla week, and on Baturdajr after* noon. AdmiMion 26 cent*; children IScenU, Doom open at 7. Performance at aifof 8, 4 SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND I\. OHESTNTJT Streets: Here again! Return of the old favorite, BI6NOB BLITZ. New and Comical Beenes In VENTRILOQUISM. Extraordinary Magical Demonstrations, and the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. \ Open every Evening daring the week, at half-past 7 o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons at 8. Admission, 26 cents; Children, is rents, se24-.lm* RATIONAL HALL —MARKET STREET. 11 OPEN FOR THB FIFTH WEEK. J. Inboo Williams’s celebrated PANORAMA OF THB 81888. This magnificent PAINTING commence* vlth Gbaoe, and continues down in historic*! order to the Babyto nish Captivity, containing more then fifty of .the most sublime end interesting scenes in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Doors open *t T\ to commence at 8 o’clock precisely. Tickets 25 cents—to he had at Hall door. ChOftTe under 10 years 16 cents. Also. Exhibitions on WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY AFTERNOONS for families and schools. Poors open at 2; to commence at 8 precisely. Explained by Professor TIBBITTB Siluer tDare. gILVER WA B K . WM. WILSON & SON, Having completed the alterations to their store, invite special attention to their stock of Silverware, which la now unusually largo, affording a variety of pattern and design, unsurpassed by any house in the United States, FINER QUALITY THAN any manufactured FOR TABLE USE IN ANY PART o? TUX WORLD. Our standard of Silver is, The English Sterling is. The American and French is. 1)00*1000 << Thus, it will be seen that we give 85 parte finer than the American and French coin, and 10 parts finer than the English sterling. We melt all our awn silmer.and our foreman being connected with the refining depart- ment of the United States Jlfint for several years, wo guarantee the quality as above (935), which is the finest that can be made to be serviceable , and will re* slat the action of acid* much better than the ordinary silver manufactured, WM. WILSON & SON, 8. W. comer FIFTH and CHERRY. N. B.—Any fineness of silver manufactured, as agreed upon, but posititfe/y none inferior to the American and French standard. JSle&uinal. HARTSHORNE’S cure-all—the GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOB AND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, 'WEAK STOMACH AND 'WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Chemist. Bottles 25 and&Ooents. TIIBI GREATEST DISCOVERY IH MEDICAL SCIENCE! V HARTSHORNE’B CURE'ALL should be kept Id ell families, in ease of aocidenta or sudden Bickuesa. JIABTSHORNE’B CURE-ALL cares Rheumatism. HART&HOENE’S CURE-ALL cares Cramps, Cholio, Pains iu the Stomach or Bowels. HAftTSHORNE’S Paine in the Limbs, Side, Back and Breast. ** HARTSHORNK’S CURE-ALL cares Sprains. Bralsesi Scaldß and Burns. HARTSHORNE’B CURE-ALL cures Neuralgia, Toothache and Btiffness in the Joints. HARTBHORNE’S CURE-ALL cares Cholera, Diar rhoea and all pain. HARTSROBNK’S CURB-ALL cures Ear Ache and v D " leafness from a cold. HARTSHORNK '8 OURB-ALL cares Br>p«pil» »n 4 Indigestion; also, Canker and gore Month ana Sore HABTSHORNE’S CURB*ALL cares all Spinal Affec tions and Weakness in Limbs. ... HARTSHORNB’S CURB-ALL is a great tonic to Weak Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digestion. Its* As the frequent changes of the weather produce a had Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs and Body; also Stiff Neck—erery person should get a bottle. It nets’ upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews, Blood and Uone<i; and, by its warming electro-magnetic power, ex cels alt pain from the system. Get a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at its happy effects. N. B. ir you have a Ceugh, use HABTtfUORNK’S ' Pectoral Syrup of Wild Cherry, it is the heßt Oough Syrup in the World. Bottles. 26 and 69 cento, and $l. If you are Billions, use iIARTSHORNB’S ANTI BILLIOCB PILLS. They aot upon the Liver, Btom«cb and Bowels, carrying off ail Bile and Paul Seeretious. Boxes, 25 cents. Sold by B. H. JENKINS, No. 26 ROUTE EIGHTH Btreet, Between Market and Chestnut Streets. filmes* Stores, Chestnut and Market streets. Garrigues’, Tenth and Coates streets. Wagner’s, Tenth and Lombard eta. *nl2-thatndtf if BOILER and FLUE IRON ol‘. ait kinds, qualities aod si2?s cut to patterns at short no. tloe. Promiscuous frbeet* Boiler Heads, and K (rets, On band and for rale at Invest rates by HDW. 8 BUCKLEY, ' Ool4tn* Oray’s Ferry Bolter Iron Work?, Office No. 5 Farqufaar Building, VBO WklUQt .985-1000 parts pure ...925-1000 “ se2B-tn th a Sm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers