?--e. -■# • -• --'■■>■■■ aia£iiua ftHWuS^fc L« Hb»:188 «°T' -t'iPWPW Wstift »wMiWiwrtt4'ftt rftoio • ffoMfliSfgonWt y’g'^r? dwaiftirtVbulldiDg lota, fta, (o<W _»oM MthOow l . IIkSSHM ISIEIIS -,T« retea - .A.'.'—! Al»a H ' ( : i *fat lb* Pdlnt -BtMim t .«bn :a &lwlib>otherA- count*.* : o»• -?v-v, £ _JJinfiiSW‘Mdaot Moriah Cemetery Companyj / • V«« S*BS £ $ Tt'halddlanUUißt. Philip * ' rtttflil.V -. r- 1 it Theatre stock, Mrith-. «mso i laan»i coupons payable lit JUftiarr and July, ul.O!* atiiJ sx ,Jf Ai >.u t. * Rjeißetete ’ r of >0 i Dedtte , Awsa^lf 1 «nt> 'tWO*C^CB2UftTOWBBIOWWCLIinrQB l OTTE \ X^g^«slfiStbl»fßfcllWlvV«etjK«arinftoiij. n-'i v:\r- . nAU*nkifcJJß«t«Ui nf&aodolph Wi Svani, deoeased. «'-<« PWSLLTNP;:PBAttB~Py,BLLIKQ£-AN) tK ffsfffiß, Jf'Mha - £ L f#d< ? teWpnce i; *nd Waterloo street (late'District if «•>., r* nt /..■ li.-tk «* "Httwi&s* Codtt-Bale--EBUtepfi John 8 JonMedeoUj BR T CK DWELLING B, GROW f '■it'; -„>a <ijit o$ t ••JsA.ekborncr, W (so ts• «n VALUABLE PROPBRM, W*B* PHILADRL*mA r 1 end three Urge lot»,\UQrtfc*e«t coi - fefcr©Hand Loca*t street*.;i.>, / -•*•>*•'' .ffm-i. J . 'ii'dU. F^^nrs??”s-SSSd^t.lv^l^’ u* tVALUARMS-BUSIKBSS^LOOATIOKt-i-'Ewonhred-' f r*o^ft&*lUtf« l &96s; »And4aHdrthfifth sttecl v w’i&A i*iB*iah*Sstatofr * Sjuiraii .vum-A j 5-*l?tflßW-ifld»?Notth'-«tr«t/w«rt 'hf rlinhjtfreei, adfotaiftheshore. eftt* Aiwu .jii#p'-3 I tt#®WW'Mo'!nU!'!’ .W I jnr’Bee’lilhoeTepbtc I bleu or the three propertied, FlHKiod'Nbrth'etreeta. ««« I ■^aMFMft^y^poWfaiotory-^Bolo^egitotoe-toto^of^JomM VALUABLE BROAD Street, eborje oi"l*®SKafieL-ij,Ute bfGboWW *Hbtft«,dMigre<l. «;r NOBSa JgjiliflH--SIRBJtt,-rHvri»Oßie! rooderii WALNUT STraßCSrlßd elegUt hrown-etono reef _ deoce.No.lT2J.Wel oat atreet.oeer BttteohooeeMneN. !? r 1 f. ° WALNUT StiitEt.ilHeWeotM>(*l«ni Meiliooj Twe T BRO r jaSBiPBROHBe Two , NM. dl? tni.mtowm'f •‘ oaESTNUKSTETETiLTtrohepdtotJie'in'odere “^TWUUIB’STWSBT.— Lrown-rt<rtie_rie(- , Aeooe.Sto.A7l7 ‘’pr ice ntreet. betveen.Bereoieentli end ~-ilNß'BTßBßr.i:Ne.t“mbdern reUdenoe; Ko.lWi ‘Pme etreetrweetof NlneteattK street, 1 '- ' ’’ i il..yAEUX6t,B.OO.BNKß“LOT:—So6)i‘feet'oo‘Nlntji T etreet;lBSift. 6# io. po with a luge I ’fpt~£w> Nptrlrtd.rrN,'re^oe^ TABM.-100 «Me», Keir OertTe I K »'VAEUSBCBi PBOPgRtY ‘KNOWt’ AS 'eOUVIIR’B , je, .MAHOGANY AND MARBLB MILMI 'K - 1 : f »j4WDl'i'We»t,TDf''*irtl? oFWleiit.’ ftoiittßflerift or , »pa’S*tbsrta <mtW«R>to ProiWetteo . . (Hr The premliee.majbe eiemiiied toy dtp pr*rlod> '"'■WeXre'betweWßehd Bo’(jlocY : ’adeeLeolate'. cil WALNUT STREAT LOT—Aleo, etthe UihetlnejtHe> TWQ.BTORY BRIOEjDWELLING, No. IIS Uebliattl’ *lr ifitf north / of Oherry'ftmfc .ili-* } . .aK ,6«id'fB' 4 lroo’t4rP>efilais,W»liint-etreeV ' ' J * •. i.cS BL'gGAinf’RBStbENOB AND FURNITUR*,; j Ootober 6th, on the premj-, X«*»fHeil»SJt#eUittMtr»et-i2’t ■<'<■ i 1 ’ • i*mtfUtedlOiht xfi’-dAtn Reeidencewithinerble rront, I ' J Wt»een TlfVeedth etid RlYteenth ftreeti, 22 feet front, : ”120Jertdeep. i UVtrbaiU by th.‘ Meißre.t KU|htJ In the beet meaner, for the nee of end elweye been 'rjecd !spiedibyaKeOteeeV.'t’'• <-«*ed ici.‘*w Sene '..oi'T j TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING, No l2BJJentdn -aHAHMOMEsTURNITuBB, LAIU}E!MIRROR3,CUB . ;>r’sditnedletd'y eftdr tho tele of the Bdhie, will be Bold - ’ibir ceUlorne—Tbe nperloreeblMt furniture, I erne mir .«&q«ehintcSrteHitf,' Ad J’if'S ). ■■;<- /lorsanai | ■rrtlltSS’tpull pirtioaUn ia bebdhUU ead oeteloptM. .iwoegeie let .N0.'1513 Welnttt rtreet.* .e cu: • «UPERIOR> SUBNtTDRE, . PTAO Ol’ LAEGE MAN.’ ■■ : On Wedneidny HoftinfeV- 0 > * x ! . ...Octoberfith/nfrldij oloehy at Ko/1622 Walnut street, by oataiogoe, the'eiitUa Bbofefcbldfurniture, loelading Jnddt' *TrtnefcpUt« t?moatelahd e23bth'nro«»ai)hri6FVXDse9roo&''pi«no, Thetsras.-.tttfs by T shhur.3fiti+?carp«tt, oil . S dining-room add rornUnrd n Jte:{'fte'; i >Atw OT’ XlKUUgdMwm fitfH&dy)fn<frth« ftirnitaif &dy BUMSSOBT«nNnnMnaiMMUMQn| ,i oftdAt 4<2s y Rnasas snparidr brecluflic-ttt^^elfAd,l.'.-,-c, peijemlfal i-.„ ueuPn etTtP&!itortjis|rNtf*TaU'H'ipffoPßtß»Oß4-iltf OM Btlo et Noe. l#!eiatfllflßMith Yonrtli rtreet j ...BHaRIQaJURNIEURE, JIABO-lOMB.-PI N S tin KC'HA iui ! XE-OA Jri4hyFpVSOlPgE'erVfA.- ( ».-w»«e«ki)in. i " —-'UBtoeerUtby at the anotlon store.' a collection of t*l - and ABUSQAiq pabllcatlons on rariontf •—laaUdUeh porHoaxT-them haaatifalljilldatrated. T f~?J'Pyiivi , r*s*j/G—HANDSOMEBSOWN-STONW »ot&sf 4AMto '3ssmtfkm «-.» s •-.* .-„ 3 ,■>!'. ; -’" ' ; > ■*j2Sgawfi«KM«BSi *> B>_'TT* ,-firn fn I m iiwmmm Sa^sw^SStf ‘ffipasaseseßjssfe •“Sfefig^lMiWliWai* Bold Patentl£?er qjothlojpwm*. *"W»t(irMUio»#'*«*F)iir'^g[: i y 4 Blotsee. rffc. STOPTBS!' ~ , T 4gf ’ SICVEH'B Ofifcff-fl 1 Ai sYsfßtMNlfto'''! m ,(WAS7.SW-'oV.®(;"' ; •A ,‘ ao , ! ** 618 * a - 1 * 1 O.ll.befdKßpmßhMfcy. A S i i “ Hi 8>2a . 6 „ '’SOMt!iyfafkG-yte^i^A*g'prTp' ?M &*?»!H brJSSrJ /wtfSJtoi] T 1 ®- J J(E ;Vc3 itl ,;wd so j i as ttSUIT j ' - : : - V t rotfg 9i«fci?#.s* Uf» 1 ■\ H’AyOAßp.'—The »'itentloV'or"de«l6MH tequlelcd r . I^ 0 ' 1 ••''«■» lHmlredi'Wtii-or 1 French' and ; «»ESCiss»!aas« ' «SSSSff * gemeraV’tawrVbiebt 'or seasonable goWi. .WroiOfi.-JXoDeal-rainßtbboAi -v * '*m | > -•«> 10 ,nu,;2 Jrt,.Tßle'.Mdrnlh'i,N : C ■•-: JM>o —3OO lota bonnetnnd-eelTet-ribbona.- tsoKil -fSAmiOPUMPORTED D&Y.OOODB.'-/ g 1 j uteiogne, Oh »&: MjjjWll&fitKi >•' .'.RMnSechegea end.lete or imported and .doveitlo -diyiroode i "K PDAtN 'AKD'MBBTO MERINO LHIRTS AND !‘.<T ;»•« „x M ,-v, .DBAWBBB.. . - ’ 'J '* >i "V. }y. . This MCrning,' . • ixlMVi' :An invoice of—' .. m>. n->.s < - Hen’s heavy white xperino ehlrtsr 'nnoUo ;( r >do bine*mixed'merino shirts*! ’ L >f jTl t- • .Do.r < dD- , 'do i - ,'do <\) -."it H j .; lu >Do> .white merino, drawa-s,.- ;-*«!>, -vine-, • \ : r ;,w; . embroideries,, , t . i k*t i 'Thib'Wbrnljig,/- J d <>l *.?},] ‘Boolotavew styloemtodideHes/cdntisting ; f H Jaconet edgings, J«otfnet inter Hogs: : flonnee«, s jaconet PtccOlotalnl ? oollwon col - Jar i\ slfcevestitblaokridoej'veils/- Berlin skirting, black lan&whtteAeteitte./dca ItJii/.v. ' • !»A p •C'H'IM JACONETCOLLARS;: /:•! ‘J 4ir ' An Invoice 6f nnabUrslse; new shape, jaconet cbUai-i* STEAM ? BOAT VELVET 818 SONS—WARRANTED J *o*4 5 - ***' ;V> ! M'Ahkfcolcebf >No..)tf End2o soWt'diMaitylaliriilk, Jvelvet ribbons; <i ,vrvs!-* >j* • --r v - /: ,i •> u ' ■ WRMW»TOK®fc 9ft OITY R^ff • * 200 < damn-Boperloranelitv t oolcfred Paris ?kid : - 1 "* i aneh?ttSfl^' ohenelllp 1 i '-/-T.YdNg MANTILLA BILK-VELVETS. ' ■ > ■ Miad'JOlooß Ltoo. faedtlll. cllkiYiWotJ. i 8 ALE‘Off 200 LOTS NEW STYLE BONNET RIB r~ „„ , , ", SONS—JTTST LANDER,,,- 3 ) n AhV'A-i Thli'Mornitafc.' J »* 1 '-•'An'lnvoice of 200 ldta No 13 end 18 new, etple plaid croebetef ombre r itTipe*' j>laiDV plaid, '-btocno' ngared, •btiff rtrtoci naw style do. ' " ‘ ' SATIN BrEIPK AND -PIOURED OMBRE VALEN •) ! t “diir-f '.A *1 OIASi' PLAID' LAMASJ ’ f i Sceedeiiatinstrfpb'tnbbre'ralenCltSA' 1 plaidlimaaU i ! -) [' j * f LABGE'Bd?E'OT P -Gootis—balanOelop , to, 1 THE I IMPORTATION 1 OffI'MESSRS. BENEARD A HDTTON.NEW YOBK. ' 1 20vu . -'Da PrldeV Morning, ■ ' ", ■ Oct Sthj et 10;ojddok, J/ ; C*tel6jrce, on el* month?’ 200 pleMi hWcoloreSiUifdiliT merino plelda. ot ei-‘ tre ac|per quelitji| rcr oltyttedC, Unit Imported, to tt rSffiSKcsisnji j®* efce*M.<-c'.M-' V ' llo.'V'l'K"'->Ui -'O *.« . , . »'lOO •pieces s Parlt Va^•DOiaß^‘»' : ; ct-* ICO bleeds 0 4 mdtarice ■ bine merino elothj - toperflne ciHlitfii'f • 'A .’ll -p. run ; piece* bonnet velvets, black ebrf oolotedy btabt>e lualities*; '<•’f. H-—v/iti.! _te_ , lOOploceaFrench ahirtioyiflanneltofsuperiorquail tieSnai'S'sl i .r.in *>:?<•- j ,76 pieces miguWseenV qualities blab! ttffetts, of Pbt •ob’feand Bonnet’s mate. < -'•'' ■ * SHAWLS:—;;'r * Also, 603 superfine quality blackiundUhigsuoahnred Thibet shawls. extra rich fringes, of Paturle, Lopin', A Go’s manufacture * ,7 } r./t \ > ±-0 600 longYqnare black woollen fringe shawls. ! i 5 600 do round corners Stella shawls, blaok and and brown to com&bJT*teiftfibr Arfcgo. i 600 extra rich peluohe and ebenellle border Stella ABt/oa J 700 splendid qualities long and rquare broehe shawls, 'Hfl4tt|obdß : 6if#rt»flefed«huttl6n'.:- t/i>; ' ;>4 200 extra rich silk pelucho and double faoe long and B ’SCbfT.W.' kUOTIUJN KEH, <sdcoos • •orto'WdttlßßT ft SOOTT,) <5l OHRSTNUTBt., oppopt»;itll* gjHtqjfcHoW*, <***«•„ Fourth >nd Firth OF 605 LOTSXBBORTED u hti w',« w?aiSSS^4aiiJp3«>«: i at 10 ? precisely; wlltbesqld at tW ialeWtfflafZ'Jfpl 481 Chest «nfitf ettebt, [ 'ti<fiU , ’<Mbfttieht‘‘t>f goods suited*to city ' ''™i r"Etawtira«rti cajiMFfwtiiAHSMFrhiaitt; floaeongi, AUo?Wen-cambrfo%audt&&fcfefs , French lace veils, Ac , &o. -• ort ,■ i •,“,-/(![(!' SH4WLB.I •• s’ ■bT Broehe long shawls; 'fancy and plain bordered Stella 'thSVllk’AC.- ,-isj/ .<«»*• .. r* -si; ,!■ , ; j;w-T* 1 BIIIBONB. ; . New fall style bonnet ribbons, fancy trimming rib* ftms,<illk fringe, dress trattoria, &o> *M ! iv * A' *s_§ \ MERINO BBIBTB AND DRAWfIRB., t* 1 AtAJeOf 100 downmsrlno under shirts andidrswers* \ *fl ’* THREAD LA OE9;;ILLUSIONS?' s n~ IMBIbDS, s *o;' ' ! 1" ‘ ns ?,/rt Ma. _ PHII/IP.'FOKD; - AUCTIONEER) Nd. • ■ 330 i MARKET BTRBBT.'bitlredn'HFTH tod SIXTH, south lido • <«-'< 'r! I *■«'- . -I ~«t > October 6. atio Vclock/ precisely, by catalogue, Vill i l>e‘BOldi-t ii ‘ l '- i!i,> 't'.lUr- >] i' ! , ! >3 - 1 u • On the Premises,' ’• ,/jj f *t«‘ 7 T. i \ No-2aa OROWN STREET,; Vi , '- • ThepfopertV oflx gehtlbinari- relinquishing hoftse Wash Stafids, Sofa*', Tapestry Carpetings,- Mattresses,' Table Odrers, Lfekjg*Classes.Ac7 ,x ‘ *' Th'e partleular attention.of.purchasers is requested. !£>' Catalogues islll be 1 ready and the goods arranged • thrmomlng of sale; r ‘ SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, WOOL HATS, ITftfBBBL LAS, TBUNKSj Ac. v - / . f ,^; // Jth'Jhat., atlO o’clock p?ec{sely fc weyrlll sell by cata- A6 ,cbm prising Adeelrableanortnftnt, Adapts.to thasesson. Also, wool h|tf K cotton umbrellas, be'arrarige'd for udwogu9s early-oii4ha-'monilngof sale, wh«n the at tention of purchasers is invited. Br TVILIiIAM H..BTERR, GENERAL AOQTION'ANDCOMMISHON STORE, No. 45 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. NOTlCE.—Hereafter we wifflSllPSlei of honsehold fornltdre," 3 &0., on Wednesday and yBa torday mornings, commencing at 10 o’clock. Evening sales of lWoy£<’sfid miscellaneous goods, will be held regularly every Monday, Wednes day* TbutSday* and fcatorday archings} -commencing at 7tf o'clock. In* Oonslgnments of -n&w and second-hand house -4wldf(uoltara»nirao*fartes*learpAt4. .watches, Jewelry, * c ’i ■ which liberal oash ad ■ promotlT.' 'obargea ae moderate u any other bos.e tn.thf* dtp. „ „ .... ■ SUPERIOR HODdEHOLD PBRNITURE, CARPETS, r,A ft W„, ; At 10 o'clock, at.tbe, auction ptore, will be sold br eataloguee, a largo tod auperlor ' uaortment of hooee. holdflTOl}tK»,'A<btL-e<jdr it. -Irol . M t ; yl.' M. . , m •Fe BEAL'ESTATE AUCTIONEERS. M Mo. MO WALNUT STREET FIRBT PALL SAtE OP REAL ESTATE, MOBT OAQE3. STOOKB, *o.,.wiU.be held: At the Philadet. phla Exchange, \>)i ~iyti .nwlfln,thnrKlty^Bp^lm. ~'October 14th-1858, audwriltluelude— B-le— Turner, Deo’d. QURRN STREET —Two dwellings (one brink and Queen street, between front and Second streets/Vot 53 feet front by 100 deep, t-;> U' -tr ~v ;r - « U^°; BTOaY »KAMB DWELLING fcndlot'of ground. 2° feet by «, situate No. 109 Queen etreet, and adjoiii- InUrtbe above- -- - - f ride of Swanson etreet, near Oatbarlne. Lot 20 feet- HAND 80 ME P POUR WORT ’ BEBJMtfGE ; (brown etone first etory,) with tbred-itorv> # ek buildings. No. 1008 Locust street, opposite Remark’* Church. This property is exceedingly* fraUt, and in perfect order. T'» lot is 180 feet deep to Latimer street. (aSO-fett wide street.) $7,6'0 may remain on the property. Fos ’*TII?NdSoHE CHESTNUT-STREET RfcßlbßNOl/ No 1809 north ofrßfghtsentb four story/ with three-story back buildings, and all the extra mo good outlet. PossefcsEori'giren immediately. sB,ooo'’ ihoW'Oirik ■SveilnAj'Weft Mi. 'Thrck'ftcr/.'tHth thr.o-Bt.ij doable SAAB bOUdLWNo 12S0. Lot 16 reet .y Fifteenth' ,P? < *‘j;^>pra. i eir*irf. ».Tf , ipo K ,.eMt l ßW(i, Lot; 16 feitl front by 75 feet deep.pija hajSkrtjuQet* Poss.eealop g(ren, ;S*ilr»tw«t,«.! lf>,f'*!* f > ,f'*!* y*v? f* ! f;. : M*AT;IHaBE.STORY BESIDENOB, wlthctwo-ato rrb>«k buildings. north llda of Anno etreet, welt pf . trßtiSlaiSSnf!? witbitwoatoiy y BUILDING LOTS—Vopl&r street—devini adjoining building lots on Poplar fctjreet*k6t&friehtffik 00' feet weitwardfrom Firte;otMtrflet u The eaetermost fire are raeh SO fftt frOnt by IOT febt 5u inches deep to. ***“<£;. iT.he Westernmost two are 18 feet 11' ifionesfrontby inches deep to Oambridge ■MODERN ii ¥miE- O BTORY™REsiDENCES, Thlr- ,J wlfhVn'tf. modem'soaVenteireef.gieitul g»e fixtures. i NBaT MODEBN BESIDENOB. tWc and A half etcrky wtin'twbi«to^f < n6uble* , biek.buildiDSB, No) ‘?10 Coates ( street, aborr-Seventhvsouth slderls trail''built' and ia Complete order. ik-;Aj 1 iFr' , THRBB-BTORY BBIOK DWELLING, with the ist °s ffftnbdjthlredbt* KeUm*lnff, ; rit*at6 d$ .ftoftth side of Miles Alley, above Tefath (between Walnut and Lc- Cupt streeUty fl'Hi i fliH-J *:r Tlt RDM GROUND BENTS, of $52 each, on Burton 'beautiful 1 IN DELAWARE COUNTY, KNOWNrASjABTOXBUKIB, • , ’October IBth. I86S;-*IH M'hJHfeVnM'lVte on the premUee, that bemtlful country,eeat,,known a. Anton f w E 8 > »ltn*t« in Delaware oennty, Penn.ylraita.abbut 16 mile, frem ‘>»e eity p.mileg.from Oh.eter, 4 mil's from Marcus Hook’/sndijf miles from Rockdale, (the vsl?f*£2«~SM.h®JOßd on the West Chester direct . I™S 38 m«b,7 of which afe wood presde, terrace, and verandah: is finely .haded, and colpihanda a vieWfwentyrnilee ih extent, Including the' Delaware river, Smiles distant, and a large portion of Mew Jersey, he/An'd 3t, r TherA Is also agood ttone bo™, with stabllnx—tbe barn-yard Is Well seieened and' .haded gll Ih f.-.tlJtA If * , ' The lawn frontingthe hiuse contains thrse acre. And It besntifnlly laldOTtffiJUf g«»Mt walks, arbors, sbrnb-' or »|&Mt bVeS-y dbnomiDdtion. 'Aocess seVerll times a tr&T?*t*amboa^-or railroad to'Chester-sud Marcds 10 Bockdale., Terms will be made * '■'ltfi^ , 6roS'S'i£ B a!f 1" V 1« BALE; .. : W4a*<s^S»S AtaS?¥ii , 4W«M , cteit '■ l Awning Maker," Mb ua NoritTaißD ; .B(reet.".boTe s iWll^;“SU”n.^ French Wtetow/Awglngt for,TJWrillhg. and Office W1 "l sSr..’' v r ’®*btdsp Awfiinrt lbriStk£fnboatsaml Ships. All kinds of, Awnings, Tents, Fl.™, or an? jU.inglpmpjM/jmodetoordorbyJDßEp'irn'firfraTgß, Awpjngbtaken Npr44B; Nor'h' THIRD gtrMtl Real! dents. No3to Booth) Front BtrSet. seT-lpni J, < ■ JOSEPH H. FOSTER. A BgAM 'SLAOE’a DIB and JRmbosseA Printing, Envelope, and 1 &gJtewJ&ra% f t<, , y,M 9 SlSTHStrijet, • 4> • 1 ~*>>> * Hk.iijfA* O '> ' ~1 .rpoiU ercjic non j?k ,joniy t-i-a 1 i SOMMER OEAIiXsAXiBSROOM, I .\JL_-J BAN&imd 10 BTBAWBBRRT, botw«n MAR- 1 KBT apd O tBD —We invite the early and particular atwl-j tion of the trade, and all purchis«rs, to the peremptory sale ofalwge and valuable assortment of choice staple; h-w *»■ Opopi ARTIFIOIAIS,. Al« 6, ftßutoUahlrf rail fityie Freioti attlOJ v assortment of French and Scotch sm , s v ~ ~U ! Also, 260 cantons bonnet ribbons, black and colorec > , * Al«o, ah'lnvoice of men’si’bojs’,mills’,'women’s and infanta’ English merino and lambs-weol shirts drawers, and vests. '' : • aur-'aM^T 1 Also, French pomade, Jewelry, loaded-head canes UZF* 1 The! whole may sow be :ex&toinpd ;with cata logues IMPORTANT PEREMBTOBY-ShLE OF DESIRABLE STAPLE ANC FANOY'FALL'AND WINTER t , _ GOODS. . , , j •-> j U'-j*.* * -•- This Morning,'’ i Commencing at 20 o’clock precisely, will be sold without VeSSrvo^. a. d&rgo jind general assortment ef desirable staple and fanoy fall and winter goods, com y * HOSIERY GOODS. ' ‘ ' - Such as .map’s end women’s lambs-wool and merino shirts, vests, and drawers;'ribbed'ahd plain r boys’! misses’, and infants’ flue lamba wool and merino shirts, long and short arms J wool cricket' Jeokete, wool hooda scarfs, and cravats, wool gloves and mitts, Bhakei mlttaywhlte merino hose, wool half hose. >; ■ BLAOK SILK-VELVET RIBBONS, BONNET RIBi . , SONS. Also, 100 cartons black and eolored silk-velvet rib bons, regular edges; poult de sole bonnet ribbons', 'moire antique trimmings, satin ribbons, black and col ored mautua rlbboos, silk fringes and gimps, Ac. ■ > > - - . EMBROIDERIES. ; Also, French and Scotch embroideries, consisting of oambrle, book, and jaionet colla-s, cambric and book sleeves, bands and Bouncings, book and jaconet infants’ robes, ineertings and edgings, silk blonde, laoes', Marseilles'c llars/lineh Biodkereniefs; Ac.' Also, bonnets, French artificials and millinery goods generally ; Also, silk dress buttons, gents’ black allk cravats, linen'crash, boot/laces, damask rlinen doylies, linen shiti bosoms! black Italian sewlbg silk, coat and vest buttons, black silk lace veils, elastic belts, silk galloon trimmlngd. J,, »n ■** * 4 » l - i 7 BEAVER GAUNTLETS AND GLOVES. ./ *_ ;; { { v, Also, an .invoice of g«utn» allk beaver flito mg gauntlets, buok lined gloves, silk gloves, kid gIO, BONNKT BAtINS, BONNET VELVETS, &o. | .. Also, ohoice.fall colors bonnets, silks and satins, silk ' '“Also, 1 ckrtonjT hholce ' colors silk cloak' trimmings, topei buttons, Ao v. ni. . ; > "O r <;!<■« \> Also,tible oldtns, linen ioWelt, gbhf’s printed bor der cambric handkerchiefs,'.'men’s and'boy’S sdstren« ders, elastic garters, Aor*i' * i ’ i daU-i ,'>/i J f :4 • | With a large and general variety of nations. • tfEWBLRY t iFBBNCff POMADE, AC. ' > Also, gent’s breastpins, finger rings, ear rings, brorches, cameo setts, gilt and plated watch chains am l H £ WsLi WJ G’ftA / F ; tr? .600 glass pots French Pomade, for account of the un denrtiteft, lOJlbadbd-hiad baues, i IP* The.whole wlß.be arranged for. examination, with catalbguesV'Aarly on the faornlng of sale, when the trade and'all p'drcSasers will find it their interest tb . ,4 ~t ~ iX , r , ... - ! S__ A. BYSAKT Ac 00., AnoTioztzsAe aicd erCoiotißSiox/MaaoHAaTB, No. 27. South EIGHTH •STREBTTioradr of LODGE STBEiT.’ ‘ " r ] IN THE ORPHANS*'COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTYtoP PHILADELPHIA. ' Estate of THOMAS deceased. ! Notice is MNN ELIZA CHAM BERS,.widow of sald.d.«cedent,has filed in .the Orphans’ Court Her' > petUl6ntslba' the ‘appralsdmfent of persoosl spnrMaaipeathViii-.bApresented .-to - the Orphans’ Court for approval on FRIDAY, the >sthor October. , j ~ > jgSTATE OF ' WESLEY BRAT, Letters of Administration the kWfe Eatkte havln : been granted to the undersigned, all persons Jndbbte to said estate are' requestsfi'to make Immediate pay ment, and those having claims to present the same to j *i■ . , f ELLA H BRAT, Adm x, . ! . _. - . .S. -W. cor. Seventeenth and Cherry sis., , . i V of. JOSEPH M. COWELL; Adm’rt ; au2Ltu6t 606 Market street. ; IN THE ORPHANS’ OOORT FOR THE CITY AtfD'COiJNiY 'OY*S?HiIMt>ELPniA. ! EjUte of ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, doc«»«ed. t Tbe Auditor appointed by the Ooart to audl*, settle and adjtzevthe account or Margaret Campbell, adminis tratrix of Alexander Campbell* deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the lands of tbe account* ant, wilr&eltthe phrtles inteffested. fortho purposes of hie appointment, on TUESDAY afternoon, the 12th day of October, 1868, at 4 o’olook, at his office, lib South FIFTH «reet; In.thirdly ! oT>PhU*delphia. JAMBS H. CASTLE, j 5 7 {Auditor. ] Bt>2B tntb&ifi 6**4 jp'*#"' = *“ JHE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THK OITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of AMELIAiiMABIA CONE, deceased. : The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the aocount' of Isaac Elliott, and Homy •Q.Blairj Executors of Amelia Maria Coca,..deceased, and to' make distribution of the balance in ihe handß bf theaocodntant, will meet the parties Interested, for Jus appointment, on MONDAY after noon the Ilth'day of October,'lB6B,' at 4 o’clock, at his office. 116 Sonth'MTH- street, in the citr of Phila delphia.;-;, „ . . JAMES Q. CASTLE, _ 1 se2B in tb&s 61* Auditor.; Sctits'anir 1 01]oe@ JJENDRY& HARRIS,' MANOPACIDBERB AND. WHOLE BALE DEALEBS AND. SHOES, i K. W. Corner THIRD and ARCH Street*, PHILADELPHIA. j JjTAUi STOCK . ''' BOOTS AND SHOES. ' JOSEPH H. THOMPSON A 00., i' > ' no.'M4 Market street, li tv 1 ii J *SO K '° !f v ifo4. Hint » fbamklin puob; ■ ■ 1 f*K»7/ V/ ... ... - „• : Mat* how a stobi a labor avd wall assoatad ;- w;,K •ymvt or ' ' ; ; !/ /i.jii .1 'riddTß AND BHOEB, ‘j ' W bl*T A>b) BABTERN MAKUBA’CIftBE. ‘ Which they offer Tot eefe on the beet terme for oaeh, . the usual Buyers are Invited to call and ’ '*' ' J^Sl-tf jfrO'OTB ’AMD -SHOES.—The Bfflbsorifcer JL# has on hand a large and varied etoek of BOOTB and BHQJSB, which he .will sell at the lowest prices, '} i n L . > J OBO: w. TAYLOB, noffl-ly B. 1. oorner IHTH and market fits. JgDWIN W. PAYNE, IRON BlfflkDlOT, ARP-irSTREET, Q«e "door aboTOjFpnrt^ IUTOUI9”'** 0 *>*-ic.n IV ** A i, * v LABI, SHEETINGS. KIP, i! ;i .V ; CONGRIBB WEBB, . TOILET SLIPPERS UPPERS, SLIPPER TVOTIOE TO SHOE MANUFACTURERS. undersigned'(saeoessore to the-Iate«JOSBPH T. JOHNS) are no* prepared to meet the wants of the trade at the - - oLD . S T AN D , ! Nortbok.t oernsr of ARCH and FOURTHBti'eets. i “Ikelr fwdlttlis fof MPOftTINO an'd.PURinSHIMO erery article'ln the'SHOE HTtJFFlianii TRIMMINGS line, at moderate prices and on favorable terms, are ansnr'pseded.U ‘-.'it '‘“'l ! }*.,'! J' i‘\'' 'The attention of BUYERS li respectfully solicited. , . . , , , , . . ~WM. JOHNS A SON, 1 ' 'anlT, " u -‘- '-M;E. oorher iroh'andFotirth etl. i.inn rvict oinLcT,’;'-;.', V; ' y J ARDWiASE.i it-c ■.. t k 11 MOOBB, HENSZEY, tc CO.ro ; -- oMtUFtfaf# 41a,00MM5808,81.,; I Are npw ppenlnr.a splendid aasortment of goods shtta -bjtftife to.OAU and' elimlne their stock of Hardware, Outlofy; Gnns,' Aol, JleforA purchasing. _ eeBo-12t, rjTBOITT; bbother; &■ bo/,: ! s.A : '&' ty/TVA ;R ■B! CUTLERY, ; ’h Lir.T'roi vf ..<.,.jopHß,xo-ir ; liiiavinw ■ tt.)i - -.. ',.v. PISTOLS;Ao, 'oV-u'Vl ' ' W AR KET STREET, • ■ J>- ; .l ■ 1 . " " Bolpw Birth, North side, l'attßT-dm ' PHILADELPHIA. IXARDWARE.—The eabscribera, OOH ' ft,-!? ‘he sdeof FORBION AND DOMESTIC HAaDWABE. would reßpeotfully call the attention of the trade to their stock, whlob they are offering at lowest rates. Ottr assortment con sists in part of— -j'-.-j ;y'i, i Chains, of all kinds—Traoe, Log, Halter, Breast, Ox. Oow, Fifth, Back. Wagon, Stage, Tongue. Lock, Ship/ “MeSSte-'lcfs. NkiteV Bton.'and Hammers. (< Wright* ** and other Anvils; Solid Box and other Flore. ~s, r i- Short and long handle Fry Fane: round and oval Sake Fans. “Martin’*” superior Files and Rasps: Bed Screw*. “ Excelsior ” SafetyFosb'j- Blasting-Tubes. Com, Grass, and Brier Soythes; Hay, Corn, and Straw “ - - , .Hay, Manure, Tanner*’, and Spading Forks. 'Baxes'and UoeSr Bfibtels and Bpado*,' of all klnss. . - Taekfli>Brads, Shoe, Olont.&hd Finishing Nalls. "■ . Cast aod;Wrcraght flntt Hinges, Screws, Looks of all Binds: Cutlery. Bamsand Pamps, Axes, Hatoheta, Ham taert.Vlah^Tandother to. ™ m !M I i , <•' -• w/g. Lewis t-soN/' tamhlty? (■!»,. i - 'Not4ll COMMERCE Street. ■ YIRNAMENTAL aDd COLORED GLASS. i Webava iaat reoeived i eomprehensiveand va ried stock of thfetruly.beautiful and peoddge to Churches. Vestibules, Consenratprle*, and other bnilding*. where It is deemed necessary to etabel-' lish/o'r to’glvea dhdste'and appeirabce/ Any fjIdOON'ftCTION'ERSAN DBAKERS X 600 lbs. Oil Peppermint, warranted lpurifr % : r . loop;? ‘‘oCarby Ammonia ) 7: - > - ; • ■ f .200 DarrawaySeed. r „ ;Fors*leiow r as wanted, bri . .•• - i t.MBKRITTe.yc „• „r.i rt ."'i Wholesale Druggists,, <* *al7-tf!. ■j’* *i it 2QB, Market street S 3 LATE l.iiSLA^i! f> 'SfiATiE.lll—Roofing O sl.M.iof Ali enee. »nd At teiy In* lAtei, kept con- AtfcnUy on handj »n 4 fcr’»»leLr ' - j ; " - • si-ffif.!. 1 " ' FfEKINO, TOX. & 00;,: , , •' I &EBMAMTOWN ROAD »nd THIRD etreet. Ml B. BlAte Boett put on lathe beet mknney,en4 t*. '•MeeMtaiM tel. AIIArnrV; ':, y," <-»!. . USSIA HEMP-,and; t ARNS Fof SALE, “-. by - WEAVER, FITLER A 00., ' oilT . .Ho.TaB Mbirlh'Water,attest, and ■: ,1a.?7 -" I -Me.-ga Nptlh WHARVEB , ;,l?OAf)8, Herldmer ', county , Pheeu now landing, 1 ani for sale by *, K ‘ ♦wide* ‘ THE PftfeSS.—PllltADteLPHlA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1858. £esal - Npticee. gijoe jFjnbingg. nMxnj i uij —. i r.-tty. 17' OLE CTIDi C'HEDIOAL i j QOLLE GE OF Jt-A. PENNSYLVANIA.—Tie Winter Session of Lee rflpmr,of .SIXTH Apd CXLLOWhILL street*, Phlla-' jieltohia'. Matriculating Fpe f6.‘Oour«o 'of ‘Lectures (Sit Professors/sil}, GradhsttngFeo, $5. J' '' ‘ \ 1 ■ l\ phimas., , The naorping of every Wednesday And, Saturday -will he set apart forCOLLECJS CLINICS, at which will he’ Jlustrated Surgery,’ and we invite' all'who'.vrUu to avail themselves' of the NKW. acaopli TrMflfce, to call'and Tecoive bf Charge ' The Clinic will he open afr fhp/College, every and Saturday 4 jfrom.ten.t^.xlT.oiTe'A; M /after the 9th of October,' 1858'. Q r ; yy r WILLIAM PAINE. M-D ,* : tern.', al*o J Editor and Publisher or, the Ec'ectio Medical Journal, Monthly, 48 up./ 82 ber year.- ,, pc4i w * The west ohester academy] located at WHST OHESTBB, E» , qn Institution designed and arranged to prepare Boys and Young Men foe any clalu ih our best Goileges, or for buiiness in its varied requirements. v The corps of Instraotors consists of seven Tethers of ability and experience. The av«« rage number Of students Is seventy-five per session.' The French and German Languages are taught by na-j tire, resident teachers, The Winter Term commencoS on the Ist of Wdvembernext. For 1 Catalogues, Ao./aUDIy to WM. Wi WYBBS, 5 A. M., Principal,: seO-th s,tu-2m, * at,West Chester, Pa, ATERk ol' THE LAW DEPARTMENT of the TJNIVEBBITY OF PESHBYLYANU com mences on the 4th of October. '■ j Prof. BHARSWOOD, International and Comtltutlon* &1 Law* &o.‘’ Prof. MoOALL, Pleading and Practioe.. Prof. MILLER, Real Estate and Conveyancing. < An INTRODUCTORY LECTURE will be delivered by Prof. SHARBWOOU) on the 4th of October, at eight o’clock P. Al tat the Lecture Boom of the Department; by Prof MoOALL on the 6th, and by Pyof. MILLEIt on the 6th,of Ootober, at the same’hour and plude.,' | ae2o-toc6 ; • ‘ •' 1 j PENN INSTITUTE—Southeast corner ox THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Btmts.opftned on MONDAYvthe oth of September,' 1 -- > : j -' Private instruction, though favorable to rapid pro*| greaa, yet sends the scholar Into the world with a keen sensitiveness, whloh totally disqualifies him for actlyd life; whilst attention to many oftentimes forces the instructor to meet general difficulties rather than those lersonal to each individual) and the learner either oaes all interest, or becomes superficial in his acquire* ments., For these‘and other reasons the number if limited-'' ' 1 - ; ' -• ’ For further information apply personally, from nine o’clock A. M. to ode o’olock F. ftj., or by note, to 1 selMf 1 R. STEWART. Principal. , ■ENGLISH SINGING-Ballad and Operai M}l • tio.—Mr. • FRASER gives Instruction in ' tht above styles, on the most approved system. selS-lm^' 1 . '' ' 409 South EIGHTEENTH- Street'. c CLASSICAL EDUCATION.—‘ROBERT \J H. LABBERTON,* Ph.D.'of the University ot Groningen, will hereafter have oharge of the Glassiest department in the SCIENTIFIC and OLABBIOALINJ BHTUTB, CHESTNUT Street, northwest corner of Twelfth;. No pains'have been spared to render this Bobool eminently worthy of patronage ior boys’of all sges, and .in all departments—Engl sh, Classical, and Scientific.- Entrance on TWELFTH St.- r ‘ ~ sel7-lm J. ENNIS, Principal. ED’S INSTITUTE FOB YOUNG • LADIES, No. 1623 WALNUT Street. For terms, apply at ttye Institute. . t KBritßHßOßS.—lhriConverse, (editor of tbi CArtsfiaa Obstrvtr*) Rev. Dr. <3. Wadsworth. Rev. Dr. W. B, Stevens, Col. J.’ W. Forney, 0. U. Island. Esq., Pro ofs ora Vethake, Alien, Fraser, of the University, and ther gentlemen.' •' . ,; , selfi-lm Jj. HEED has, resumed his course of in* e struction in Muslo and on the Piano-forte. No'. 1623 WALNUT Street. ~ sols-lm ! MKS. BRYAN*® SEMINARY, BATAVIA, N Y.' THB FALL TBB&l of thlf Institution (whose locat tloo is one of rare beauty and atiraetlon), commence} omthelfith of September. It continues strictly a Pa; mlly Boarding School for’Girla, and is thorough, select; and homelike in all its appointments. The number of pupils is limited to those who can he, seactd at the ta* ble of the Principal. t H7* OIROULABS will be sent showing Terms and Regulations i,. 1 -Batarla. Genesee co M N. Y., September, 1858.'. so!3 HiTtr -^ir itiTtPfiNjOßN'®" . kjOjIMSKOIAIi OOLTii OHEBTHOT and BBVBKTE An Institution designed TIVJS BUBINBBS. m ; BOARD Of TRUSTEES. B.BiQomufri, fn&eia'HosklJUf,* Qftorga Hs Stout,■ Darid Uilno, JohoSpaphiwk, , Brown, IlMoHMker,; A. V. Pkrsona, D. B. HJnman, Frederick Brown, Joshqt Llppinoott. EVENING SESSIONS after September 15th. ' j f . ‘ Each Student hoe individual instruction at this Institutlon/and a Diploma from'here U the beat ri commendation a joang; man can have, for obtaining# good situation. v ; CATALOGUES may be had on application at tie College. aeB-tf CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN Street. below Locust.—Duties resumed MONDAY, August 80th. ’ " « J. W.FJURBB, A.M., ’ au23-3m Principal. PROFESSOR SAUNDERS’ INSTITUTE voa DOTS, at the WSBT-PHILADELPHIA LH BTITUTB. TUB PARE 18 PAID FOR TUB PUPILS On the Railways and Omnibuses, from all parts of the See advertisement in ihother column, aeC-lo O’DONNELL’S BOOK-KEEPING IN STITUTE, Southeast corner EIGHTH and AROtt Streets, devoted exclusively to instruction In the busi ness or the Counting-house. Open day and evening. Bee Circulars. *e94m - XEIDT BROTHERS 9 NJGHT-SCHOOB, i Km>. liA and ISO BtXSR fitnuit, nur lUm, A HOW.pPBS XO O VB IHBTBUOTIOS ,IH BOOK-KEEPING, WBITING, AND'MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. INBTBOOTION IN THE DAYTIME, AS .HAGAI/.. uiir n/TISSES CASEV AND MRS. BEEBE’S Lift boabDlng And day school for young LADIES, Na. 1708 WALNUT Street, west of SEVEN* TfiENTu, Philadelphia, will be re-opened on WED NEBDAY, the Bth of September. • i ' au2-2m* BRTAW& STRATTON’S CHAIN Of NATIONAL MMOANTILB, COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia' College, 1 Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sweater PM information, call or send for drooler. \j S \ • •' -j ' / . JelMf EVENING SESSIONS HAVE COMMENO'KD. > SPRING GALKDEN ACADEMY FOE YOUNG MEN AND BOYS—Northeast corner of jBrGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets. Fall 8a«l©» opens Sept, 6th 1858. • The- principles of “Moral, >sto been eueoessfall/ adoptee at this X®»tJ tution since its establishment, and parents entrusting their.spps into the hands of toe Bricjfipal oau rest as- SUied’of tltatrgood' treatment and’rapidadTinesinent* Pupils received at an/ time and age. Catalogues fur nished gratuitous!/: Parents are tnrited ,t# rlalt the school.,. , . .T; M)NOj _ 'ad2B-flw.::. k " » • ‘Principal. t twsgj. - DUFF & CO.’S'MEROAN OOIASOB, Bonthanat' oorotr EIGHT" And:OUEBTf»UX Btraeta, tcstabUth&d in 184 fl, '**{. ineorpmaui by the £•(></<>- of 1! tnji3yl*^ nta -1 In tlillwcJ i-known Institution ts " ’ . oodnting house, cotmaa 1 0 f p r ..clcAl, * Inclndlngall thaAokinuaT Books,’Oonusouii OAL , 'oulitiObb, and '-■ " ! BUSINESS YKBITING, Is Unght la the most softoessfol sod satisfactory style. M. BOOHE, ) 1 P. EDWAfiDB, 5 PnnMpali. Ma. B B. EUBTON, Penman. au2l«ly, . |7»DGEHILL SCHOOL, PRINCETON, JCi NEW JERSEY.—This Bohool is adapted to those who desire their sons to hare & careful preparation for. Ooilege or for * business life. Thorough instruction is gtren iaSngllsh, Mathematics, Anoient and Modern Languages, Ac. The Instructors aim, not onlyjto hare their pupils thoroughly master fundamental principles, bat to form those habits of thought which will Tender' future and higher attainments rapid and' easy, Rode mail on. Composition, and Rebate ore practised in the JMgehiU Literary Society, which embraces all .the P&- &of this School. For particulars,, terms, Ao«, ad i REV. JAMES I. HELM, or anU-gro- RKV. JAMES P. BUQHKB, Principals ffiobattff. S. FUGUET & SONS, ’ j' \ : • Importers of HAVANA CIGARS, • ,■>; , i ee2B - 216 South FRONT Street, i - OTAVANA'; handsome hasort- JtX ment of Oigare of fine new crop Tobacco, of the followlnz brand* t ■ j: ■ ’-'{/*}’ * r •• ] i Pirego, tPruebeae, ~. J U Bnltaoa. 'i < Cabanas,. Union Americana, Orejon, Tropical, Ca*tanon,.- Florßelen, Pebote, Jco., Ao.> Ac., In#, l-sth, and l-10th boxes, of Opera sites. just tecsiTedln Store, and forValo low b/ . ■ OHABLK3 TETB, 188 WALNUT Street. ao27 : lot* Havana, Cigars.— io0 } 000 La : Fjor de Ja Hayatia lst.2d,*nd Bds,ju*t arrlred por brig “.May Queen,” from H&vapa, in store and for Mlabj WILLIAM U. YEATON, se244f Kn. 216 South TttONT Street Fiuako, cabanas and fartagas SKQAJifI.—A choice invoice of theeo celebrated trends on board brig “New Era.” daily expected from Berma, and for ule low, by OHABLKB TJSTB, (Noir) 188 Welnut street, below Seoond, • fUeoftd Story ti) i tits ahb.jtiqnor#. pHESTNUT GROVE WHISKEY.—A do ilr* to leas'eh the consumption of impareepirlts, Knowing their injurious effects upon the constitution, baa induced the; offering to the public of an article which, the analyaation of Processor Chilton, Analytical Chemist; of Now York, and Mossrs. Booth, Garrett, & Oatnac, of Philadelphia, proven beyond all question, to he tho mostpure and consequently ioast injurious spirits ever-offered ,tne American public, CERTIFICATE OF DR JAS. R CHILTON. /I ilaVe analyzed a sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, from Mr, CHARLES WHARTON, Jr..'of Philadelphia, and having carefully tested It, I ’ am pleaded to state that it is entirely free from poisonous ot deleterious substances It is an unusually puro and fine flavorod quality of Whiskey. ' ■ ■ JAMES R. CHILTON, 81. D., New York, Bept. 8,1858. An&lytiual Chemist. PuiIaDELPHI!, Sept. 0.1858. DsabSir: We have carefully tested the Sample of Oheatnut-Grove Whiskey whUh you sent us, and find that it oontains none of the poisonous substance known las Pasta OIL which is the characteristic-and injurious ingrodioot of tho Whiskeys in general uso. i Very respectfully, , BOOTH, GARRETT, & CAHAO, -•yJJ ■ ' ' . Analytical Chemists. To Ohajimm Whabto*, Jr., No. 23 goutb FRONT Street, Philadelphia., i , se24-dtoc3l TM.B N,E A U & ro TJh& ROCHELLE • BRANDIES,—The undersigned,-having -been anpointed.flole Agents in the State otPpnnsjlvnnia for, the-sale of the eboT* celebrated Brandy, are prepared to offer it to the,trada at the lowest market rates, from U. 6. Bonded Warehouses. ARNOLD & WORL, 'L*. i >r ' MBM?ainut street. SHERRY AND TORT. WF'D.—3O qrtgV 10 Eighths Harmony Shwry r2O hrs, Wallis Port Wine, in bond and for sale by'"- 1 - . , WILLIA^R/YEATON, ' ' aifi-Bouth FRONT Street BRANDIES.—« Pinot OastiUon,” Marett, and other Cognacs of Various vintages, in half pipes and quarter oasis: Pellevolsin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, half casks, and one-eighth casks. Imported and for sale by ’•‘ HENRY BOHLXN & 00., oett 221 and 228 South Fourth street. - JJuanCvforted. OIANO FORTES. r ‘- ' & CO., and GALS * 00. 8 PIANOS. MEtftOEONS of best quality, at J. E,.GOULD'S, 8, S. corner SEVENTH and OHEBTtfUI its. inhlQ-y 1 I&VA<G]£EREL bbla Nob. 1,2, AQd 8 Ivjt Mackerel, I uwh oJ e, halves, qiarters, and eighths, forsale by 0. 0. SADLER A CO., ,m 29 ABOH St., second ddor abdve Fropt. - frjti iiijcwT t. .j n r ~Jjiggraiite,jß:oinaatmg., m ,.,,^, ;IHBUH*NCEIOO. OS THE OITy OP NEW iORK.- CA3H capital. .;f;.. ‘ \ .*.fc2oo)odQ. 4, SCJBPLUS . 78)200 ....^8^78,200 .TOtAH ASSETS T :> H WHKOTORB ... BENIAMIN H. HOWEUi. Preuldent. ! Philetu" H Holt, of 230 Front street. Joseph P TV’icWx&tH) late Wickham’s, & Hutchinson.’ SHas Davis ofA.B &8 Davis ' ' Oliver 11. Shepard, of Shepard, nowe & Co. Henry fcowjand.of Rowland & Banks-. -• Alfred L. Rowe, of T. G. Sc A. L. Bowe, Wo. P. Miller, of Wm. P. Miller Sc Co Gaines, ofB.Wi&R. A. Gaines. » . Elisha L. Walton, of Waltoo, Little, Sc Co. Nelson Sherwood, of Nelson Sherwood Sc Co. Henr/G Rervo, of H. G.ReeVe* 00, Daniel T. WlUeta, of Wlllets Sc Co. Albert L. De Camp, of Baker,* Do Csmp. John M. Bruce, Jr , of Broca, Odell, Sc Farnum. Stephen Lloington, of 216 Frout street. '"Enoch Ketcbttm, of E. Ketcham,* 00. Wm A Ottmn ings. of Beards * Cummingsi * > ; Henry Lyles, Jr.'.'of Ly'eJyPo'hainua, * 00. - /.Brewster ,Valentlue,-of Valentoe.* Bergen Geo. B Whitfield, of G. * J Whitfield * 00, Albert Haveinyer, (late Havemjer * Holler.) Tennis W Qdiok, of Quick Sc l’tfommerfiea. David M. Tnrnore, of Edk-y Sc Turnuro '* • Jose T. Navarro, of Mora Brothers, Navarro Sc 00. Edward.Bilh oMI9 Broad street , Nathaniel W-’Chater, of Peter V. King * Co. Wm. Hu Goodwill, of 35 Goodwin * Brother. John Friable, (Freeland. Squir*B. & Oo.) - ■ 'i . ASHER TaYLOK, Vice,President Insures on Buildings and Personal Property of every desorlptloh against Loss or Damage by Fire, on the most favorable terms. HENRY P. FREEMAN, Secretary. INSURANCE IN TPE ABOVE COMPANY CAN BE EFFECTED THROUGH . _ . BFEWART k JOHNSON, No. 108 South FOURTH Btreet. ttol»frmfcfr3ot • *. ■ Philadelphia, i INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 EXCHANGE BOILDINUS. Chartered in' s3oo,ooo—Assets. Janu ary 1,1858,5347,446.50-100, All invested ia sound ana available securities—eontl nue to Iheurd on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooki of Merchandise, Ac., on liberal terms. DIRECTORS:' Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., . Charles Macalester, .Tobias Wagner, WUllam 8. Smith; Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Budd, Henry G. Freeman, William RWhite, Charles 8. Lewis, ' George 0. Carson. . c *. HENRY D. SHERRERD, President. William Haems, Secretary. JeO-wfrm.tl \ THE QUAKER OITY INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE 408. WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA.—CAPITAL' and BXfRPLUB #77.’ 605 86.—Insuresagainst LOSS or DAMAGE BY FIRE and tho PERILS OF THE SEA, INLAND NaVIGA* TION and TRANSPORTATION. 10 s * TEN per cent, in cash returned on tho earned premiums of Open Inland Policies, • ’ OFFICERS Preeident—GEOßG"! H. HART. Vice PresidenU-X. P. BOSS. r Secretary and Treasurer—H R. COQQSHALL. Assistant,Secretary—S. H. BUTLER. DIRECTORS. Geo. n. Hart, . ,R. W. Bailey, E P. Rom, Andrew It. Chambets, A. G. Cat tell, J.L, Pomeroy, Joseph Edwards, ' Chtries G, Imlay, John G. Dole, H. R. Coggshall, Foster S. Perkins, Ba*r»l, Jones, M. D., Hon. H. M. Fuller. e021.y Attest, H. R COQQSHALL, Betfy, Howard fire and marine insu- RANGE COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. , DIRECTORS. John H. Diehl, Wm.F. Leech, ! J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, 1 M W Baldwin, . .Thos. L. Luders, John O. Jamos, Wm.K. Hamlin, - . A J. Buoknor,, H. H. BhilUngford, John W Soxton. O. E. Spangler, William Raiguel, , ~. H. H. Houston,. , . . Edein Booth, Will. H. L«vo, John Garrison, , . . Charles F- Norton, E. S. W&rno, ' Isaac Myer. 1 President—JOHN H. DIEHL, Vice President—E. S. WARNS Secretary—CHAßLES A. DUY. selfi-tf A heriCan FIRE INSURANCE 00.; ■t%,INCORSORA.TED 1810— CHARTER PER PETVAL. “ No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia large paid-up Capital' Stock and Surplus Invested in sound and available Securities, continuoti insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise. Vessels in Port ana their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Looses liberally and promptly adjusted. •' StftiOkOßS. , George Abbott, 1 John T. Lewis, John Welsh, :• / : ' Caspar W. Morris. Samuel 0. Morton, James B. Campbell, Patriot Brady, Edmund G. Dutllh, * * Charles W. Poultney. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS B. MARIS. Beor«tarr. ja2B-y if HtfljADE 1»T HI A (IK3-3C,' sorthosit corner ol H Streets. ) to it fonag man Cor AO* «]GIIRE RISKS ONLY TAKEN”-- GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, PMlidelphla: OKos Bo 416 WALNUT Street, (Bohuylkill Navigation Company’s Building.) , , . CAPITAL, $200,000* DlttEOtOfiS. Wm. M. Swain, Wm. 0. Rudman, [of Public Ledger, C D. Shoemaker, John Anspach, Jr., Jer. Walker, • H. N. Burroughs, Thos. Craven, J. B. Hughes, Francis Peters, Wm. S. Boyd, , -H. R. Coggshall, * Goo. W. Woodward, Jno, McClure, Jno. W. Claghorn, Joseph Klapp, M. D. , Hon. JOEL JONES, Preeident. A. S. GILLKTT, Vice Preeident, Jlfl. B. Altobd, Secretary. jy26-ly i EXCHANGE INSURANCE Gole va' PANY, No. 831 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia;. OnARTBRBD OkM&tr * : .V.. ... sdoo,ooo fißb, mabinb and inland. . , ASSETS JULY Ist, 1858. Bonds and Mortgages. Stocks, ko ....,$349,625,00 BillsßaeoWable, (for polioiealeaned,) ' 2,117 79 Unsetthd Book Accounts, (for policies,).... 1 513 83 Cash Itt Rank and in Office 10,488 45 Oaahln hands of Agenta and Correspondents, 1,398 81 William M. Godwin, 8. R. Crawford, Jam's W. Queen, Jno. L, Radnor, George W. Hall. , William B. Themaa. s. Franklin Jackson, B. N. Winslow, J. 0. Hopper, ' Henry D. Meors. WM. M. GODWIN, President. J. 0* Hoprsa, Secretary. mvlO-dtf CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 Booth FOURTH Stmt. CHARTER PERPETUAL. • Capital..!.. ....8200,000. . ' Organised 1851. , Privileged to insure Houses, annually or perpetually; Personal Property, annually, or for a lees period; take Marine,'lnland, and Life Insurance Risks: reoelre De posits; hold Trusts audgrantaonulties •- , • . ALFRED WEEKS, President. • B. 0. TYLER, Viee President. ! J. W. MißVJitf, Secretary. ' Diaxotoms. Alfred Week*, - .. Hon. W. D. Kelley. 8.0. Tyler, . « J.W. Forney, , . , J.W. Bonder, .P.B.Mingle, C.B. Etching, ' J.mc. Watjon, J. L. Hutchinson, ' ' Lndlam Matthews,' 1 J. W. Stbkes, • i, = William Curtis: . jelB-lyi G. turner.. . Life insurance and' trust, com pany.—tropenn mutual life INBURANOE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Btriets: Capital, $613,736.08. • I9BUIUIB LIVES for short terms, or for the whole' turn-or life—grants annuities and endowment*—pur chases life interests in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the'contingencies of Life. They act as Executor*,‘ Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. . wunu. - Daniil L. Miller, s Bamuelß. Btokei, Benjamin Coatee, ' [ WHIUm Martin, Richard S.'Newbold, \ James B. McFarland, WUliam P. Hacker, JdscphH. Trotter, . WUliam H-Korn, James Easton, i , [ gamael 0. Huey, Theopnllas Paoldlnf, Charles Uallowcll, Edmond A Souder, Hinrr 0. Townsend, ’ r Oahlel L. Hutchinson, Bodolphoa Kent, John W. Hornor, • ■ William H. Oarr, . - Ellis 8. Archer, Edward T; Mott, Samuel J. Christian, WUliam Roberts on, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Basin,- , John 0. Brenner, .« P. 8. Miobler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLSU, President. SAMUEL B. STORES, Vioe Pren’t. ! - Jon*. W..Ho**oa,p«rct*ry.. , , nIS-ljr TyBLAWABE„ MUTUAL SAFETY 'IN JLf BDBANOK,COMI*ANy. , \ INOOHtCi HATED BY THE LEQISL ATDRS 0t PJUffl- BYLYANU, 1836. • . . ! OniOl, B. 1. Oornor THIRD and WALNUT Btmatt, ;t. PBILACHtPHIA. , , MARINE. INSURANCE. ONTBS3SLS,) , • . pABQO, ... SXoaU narta of the World; imai<aHT. ) ' <)f , ' INLAND [INSVRANgESi . -n » 0a Goods, by Hirer. Canals, Lakes, and Land Oarrtage to all-parta or the union. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Swelling Houses, Ac, ASSETS 07 THE COMPANY, Norember Jt, lB67. Bonds, Mortgages, and Beal Estate ~.,3101,360 94 PhUftielphtaOUj and other Loans.lB7,OU 36 Stocx in Banra. BailroadA, and Insurance . '■ ! Companies.l3,6o9 00 Billsßecnlrable 330,301 06 OMh'on hand.... B&l&noe in hands of Agents, Premiums on , Marine Policies recently issued, on other •' ,J j , ’ deot#duethe Oomp»njr,U*»..Vi..' 03,f&0 OTI Bnbioripticn Notes. 100,000 00 srftsomst WUUftV Martin, Junes 0. Hud. Joseph H. Beal, Theophllua Paulding, Bdmund A. BoudeN James Trwuair, John 0. Bn via, William K/re, Jr,* John 11. Peurose, J. P.Peniston, ; George G.Lelper, Joshua P. Kyre, Bdward Darlington, Bunnol E. BtokM,* 1 Dr. R. U. Huston, Henry Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig,' -•• James B.HoFarland, Hugh Craig, Thome* 0. Hand; ; Speneor Mctlrala, 1 ' Robert Burton, Jr.,: Charles Kelly, Jno. B. Semple, Plvtsbgh., H. Jones Dr. T. Morgan, 1 “ Jaoob P. Jones, J. T. Logan. “ • WILLIAM MARTIN, Prealdent. THOMAS 0. HAND, Tice President. HSRRT LYLBURN, Beoretary. j»9*y COMMONWEALTH V/ JV2BB . INBUBANOI .09 *** BTATJi Ol 1 PENNSYLVANIA, ornoß, NOBTHWBST CORNER , JODBTH AND WALNUT STREETS, . rHiLAo'aursu. o&&«rib*4 ihpiw, swo,ooo, i • . , % faJ4tipOapiUl,|iM,ooo, , i snxofou. vt. D. Jayne, Thoa. 8. Stewart, / H, t. BOnhti, .. J. M. Butler, - * M.-WbiUll. .. J. K.,Walter, . JkHr. 0» Knight, M. fl. Wenrteu, , ,H. £ewlf, Jr., fl.K.Hoxaie. ' r ' DAVID JAYNI. U. D.,f reildeat . .. THOMAS 8. BT£WABT, Vloa JPreß’t. ALKosx> $, Moon, Seeretary. . Je29-y Fxbe and inland bisks.—fame INSURANCE COMPANY. ■ o»piui... 4ft ,..r,;fiWJ > 000. (Organised under theAet of AMembly*relatlTe to la nuance Companies. passed April 2d,1860.) GEORGE W. .PAY, President, THOMAS B. MARTIN, Vice-Preuldont WILLIAMS I.BLANOfIARD, Secretary* Offloe 411 CHESTNUT St.. Philadelphia. ' DIRECTORS. , .. . r . Jacob B. Vaughan, Henry Lewi*. Jr., B. B.'Blrr jy, >- JohniW- Avermaq, f A. H. Rosenheim, M Stern. George Wi. Day, •William W. Walters, -.Chwles Richardson, Barolaj Lippincott, Job. B. Drogasxd, Cfeaa. Stakes, fesM*y, BALE HOPE.—A, largo stook of; Bala Koptf n&QD-fcotarod ami for Rale by < ♦ • • < V * WEAVER, FITU3R, fc 00., Ho. 2S North yftler ami ■" _. , •<*•; * . . ; i t' ■ A *•» l’i * jU-'H?' 'Ll] A *< .*, "is >, . r i 866,148 86 No losses unadjusted, unpaid, or reported. DIRECTORS: ■rrt S'E ,/f MYB , R f «i N JJt BT4 coATf tricplp ' Is 'one of, tfie'Wpt Purgative' a; before the'jpubHe, that mildor; ’And’toof 6 ’effectual t fcnbWJlx_ It is notonly a CafA? dy, acting flat then oh tne'stomao&^u^Q^' SSgl® tern at-the flame'time that It f TheLivaaaeonedf.tjw.„ human body-j and when lt- ■ , well, the powers o£ fra, oped.- TbearcwiaeAlaM'N a:'- on the healthy action of perforntanoftof, Its. fane le ftfc fayljc.th# bowels are * feplemiflhfffirs. lftjfiiyiM- m Eiver—having ceased to eases of that-organ, one ; made it hir study, in » V years, to find softs reme- L. act the many dorange- bio: ! j To prove that this re person troubled with Li- ry its forms, has but to tTy a certain. - • /* These Quins remove all w the System, sdpplying In *•! -of bile, invigorating the > digest well, purifying the t, health: to the whole ma eause of the disease—ef- b Biliocb Attacks ’ are r tit) prevented by the ©c* \ 'iHViaOBATOB. ■ * ' One dose, after eating, I stomach and prevent the log; ' ’ • Only one-dose, taken ■ NIQHTUifiB.I . Only one dose, taken at gently,' and - cures Cos i: One dose, taken, after rxfsiA. ’ ffy" One drge of two relieve Biok I&iDaosb. - One bottle taken for fe the cause of the disease, <• Only one dose ixomedl .while one dose, often re- 1 Qholkba Mobbos. and a [D*dnly one boitle la syawa the e Seats ot me new. !p“ One bottle taken Qj for Jadrdiob remorea a' aauowheßs or Unnatural color from the akin. . One dose taken a short Q time before eating gives ▼lgor to the appetite, and • makes food digest well. One doae/often repeat* LLI ed, oorea Ohrobio Diab* sh<ba in its worst forms, [_ while Bommeb and Bowbl ocmplaihts : yield almost 2 to the first dose. Oaa or two doses cure “ attacks caused byWoaus in children; there is no rarer,'safer, or speedier remedyln the trorld, as it - never fails. fTT- A few bottles Coro Tf) Dsofst, by exciting the abaorbeflte. We take pleasure inre- commending this medi* eine as* prevehtite'for ' Favaaand Anns, Chill and aIIFSTKASof ' a fliLlooS Ttpb. It ope* rates with certainty, and thoasands are willing to its wonderful - virtuosi - All who was U art gluing thtir vnanmout testimony in its favor. . k ... > , ILr Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigorator. and swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR Is a SofKKTirio Mkdical Discovert, and ia daily work* log cares, almost too great lt cores as if by magic, even the first dole giving benefit , and seldom more than one oottle is required to cure any kind of LIVER Oomplalbt,' worst Jaundice o t Dys pepsia to a common Headache , all of which are the re sult of a DISKABED.,LIVJSIfr"'!.' PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE, Dri SANFORD, Proprietor, /Broadway, New York. Agents for Philadelphia, T. W. DYOTT ft SONS, 218 North Second Street. - * Betailed by all- Druggists. , Sold also by BAMUEL BIMEB, Twelfth and Oheatoutstreets, And 7. BROWN; Fifth and Chestnut streets Philada. aplS to th s*ly . D&altb, will,' in all eaaeia, follow the use of Badwajr’i I R. R. Remedies. - There are none so sick or diseased, at weak, feeble, or oripplfed With pain or Infirmities, on) thAtßadWAy’d Beady Relief, Renovating, Resolvent, o> Regulators; as the nature of the disease Or Aleksei* may require; Will qtticklV and rapidly dure. ’ These‘ remedies consist of Rjtf way's Beady Relief i Bad wav ’s Renovating Resolvent; Railway’*Regulators, Each of these remedies possesses special curative powen over certain disoases. Yet there are other-disease* wherein their' combined medicinal properties are re* quired; and'when thus Used, if there is sufficient lif« and strength Within the diseased or dying body to su» t&ln their action, the patient Will live and be restored to health. ' ' ■ Pam...;; i SR. It. Relief. Acute Diseases R. R. Relief. Inflammatory Diseases.. Relief and Regulators* Malarious Diseases,,,*,,Relief and Regulators. Congestive Diseases Relief and Regulators . Scrofulous Diseases..,,.Renovating Resolvent, Chronic Diseases,,,,,,,.,Renovating Resolvent, Syphilitic Diseases Renovating Resolvent. Constitutional Diseases.. Resolvent and,Regulat§fs. Skirt Diseases ....Renovating Resolvent. , ftervous Diseases...,..,.Resolvent, Relief, Reguln tots. Infectious Diseases Ready Relief f Regulaten ■ CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASES.. . Many diseases that afflict’ htunanity.ereinherited if heir-looms from .the diseased bodies,of alokly sires Bcrofnlai Consumption, Syphilis, and Fits, are arnonj the most common of constitutional diseases. Now, wi care not how many generations the seeds of these dis eases may have .been established in 'the system, cor rupting the blood—* Railway's Renovating Resolve w< will eradicate from the bodies of the afflicted every par ticle of diseased deposits, And fill the veins with new, pure, And healthy blood. • CHILDREN’S DIBBABEB. ' ' - Radttay's Renovating Resolvent should 1 be haUe< as a blessing by every mother throughout the land whose infanta are afflicted with Bores, Humors, etc These breakings out (thus early) are evidences of dis ease transmitted from the parent stook. A few doses o? the JieMovaiing Resolvent will eradlcato every vestig* , of the disease arid insure the child a sound and health) body. Ready Belief for Headaches, whe ther-siok or nervous; Rheumatism. Diar rhea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Influents, Bloody Flux. Paralysis, lumbago. Gout, Neuralgia, Toothache, - Small Pox! Fevers, Swollen Joints, Kidney Complaints Bcarlet Fever, Pains around the Liver, Plan risy, Measles, Heartburn, add Pains of all kinds. Radway’s Ready Relief will, In a fee minutes, change the miseries you suffer t* - joys of pleasure. B. R. B.~Radway’s Renovating Resolvent, for the cart of ehfonio diseases—Suoh as Scrofulous ant Syphilitic complaints, Consumptive * an i otuer affections of the Lungs and Throat Induration and Enlargements of- -parts Eruptive and othefr diseases of the. Skin Node*, Tumors, Uloera, 1 Dyspepsia,' aUd at - other diseases arising from an impure stow of the blood.' - - R«B»B.—Badway’a Regulators will cure, effective!) and speedily/ Oostivenesa, Indigestion ‘ 'Painter’s Cholic, Lead Diseases, InflAmma ' tlori of the Bowels, Dyspepsia, Liver One flaint, Diseases Of the Heart and Kidney* emale Cofcnplalnte, Small Pox, Fevers Measles, etc., eto. Whenever the system ii out of- order, or the blood impure, a doee o' ...hv > "Sadway’s Regulators will restore it to regu larity, and pnrify and oleftnse the blood. Nt female should bo without them. ' R.R. R.’Remedies are sold by Drogglstsani ' Merchants everywhere. ‘ RADWAY ft 00., New York Oity. .. ~W. B. Zbibsb, r „ T. W, DtotV ft Box/ 5 Agents, Philadelphia, T.R.Oallkkokb, ) , ailB*tuftsadlyfteowl>r PERUVIAN' STRUT, JL OR PROTECTED SOLUTION OF PROTOiIDB Of IRON Haring aaocesafolly passed the ordeal to which new die ooreries In the Materia Medio* are subjected, most nor he reoeired uan established medicine. Its efficacy is curing DYSPEPSIA, Affections of the Liver, Dropsy* Nennlgla, Bronchltii and Consumptive tendencies, Disordered State of th« Blood, Bolls, Ssurvy, the Prostrating Effects of Lead 01 Mercury. General Debility, and all Diseases which re- Suiro a Tonio and Alterative Medicine, is beyond qnea ipn. The proofs of Its efficacy are so nu merous, so well authenticated, and of such peculiar character, that sufferer* cannot reasonably hesitate to receive the proffered aid. , Tne Peruvian Syrup does not profes* to be a cure-all, but its range is exten- aive,‘because manydiseases, apparently unlike, are intimately rotated, and proceeding from oxh eanso, may be cured by one remedy. ' Tlje class of diseases for,which the, Syrup provides a cure is-precisely that which has' s<f often baffled thi highest order of medical skill! The' facts' are tangible, the witnesses accessible, and the safety and- efficacy of the Syrup incontrovertible. • ' ■ -Those persons who may wish for an oplnloh from dis interested persons respecting the character of the Syrup, cannot fail to be satisfied with the following, among no! merous testimonials, in the hands of the Agents. Th* signatures are those of gentlemen well known In th* oo mm unity, and of the highest respectability. - The undersigned having experienced the beneficial et feoty of the “Peruvian Syrup,” do not hesitate to re commend it to the attention of the pabllo From our own experience, as well as from the testl monyof othfers,-whose intelligence and integrity are al together unquestionable, we have no doubt of its effica cy in eases of Incipient Diseases of the Lungs and Bron chial Passages, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Neuralgia, &o. Indeed, its effects would be incredible, but from the high' character of those who have wit nessed them, and have volunteered their testimony/ a» we do ours, to its restorative! power, ' • 1 Rav*. JOHN PIEttPOKT, THOMAS A. DEXTER, , 8. H. KENDALL, M.D., SAMUEL MAY; THOMAS C AMORY. PETER HARVEY, JAMES 0- DUNN, Bar. THOS. WHITTEMORE. ssJSia w 703,788 87 CERTIFICATE OF DR! HAYES. It ip well known that the medicinal effeots of Protox ide of Iron is lost by even a very brief exposure to air, and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, has been deeraod impossible. In the Peruvian Syrup 1 , this desirable point is at tained by combination in a way 4 before unknown, and this solution may replaoe all the proto carbonates, ci trateii and tartrates of the Materia Medics. A. HAYES, M» D., . Assayer to the Btate of hlasaaohusetta. 10 Boylston street, Boston. N. L. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, No. 6 WATER Street, Boston. F. BROWN, FIFTH and OHEBTNUX Streets, HASSARD & 00., TWELFTH abd CHESTNUT Streets, jelß-tu th aat-fim wfim Agents for Philadelphia. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING- AGENCY, CHICAGO , ILL. The subscriber, having had much practical experi ence in selecting and locating lands in the various Land Dlstriots in the Western States, has unusual facilities for makihg valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OR CASH. 1 Hading Surveyors constantly in th» field to make personal examinations, he eon always make the. moat' judicious locations. *' 1 1 ' ‘ ‘ - Lauds unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of elimate, near the line of railroads, may now be * In . *: lOWA- AND WISCONSIN, Satisfactory references given when required, flj” Money Invented in Kanna end Hetauia. and any of the Western States. jylft-flm ARMIN' ■P YENTILATmO . » WABSROOMS . • the special attention of Builder* and the public to hi* **BW BBLF-OLBANBING AND __ . VENTILATING WARM AIE FURNAOK, - Which haa been so successfully introduced during the last winter and gare such general satisfaction. It Is Boatranged as to ’ Consume the gases from the Coal, making it one of the most economical) pafe, durable Heaters now in use. Also, all sisoa and patterns of Cooking Hanged, Bath Boilers, Gas Ovens, Loir Down and Elevated Grates, every varied of BegUtera and Ventilators, Fireplace Stoves, Collins’ Patent Chimney Caps, far the care of smoky chimneys, with a full assortment of all goods In myluie of fiusfness. f ~ Prompt attention paid to'Rangi and Heater .repair* lug, dud prices reduced to salt the times. ’ - CHARLES WILLIAMS, (Late Baker & Williams,) •oHW fold 4Q?) MARKET Street, FWl*da, i , .'sV j4.i . ,i \ : • ■ \ y-IGOR/AltOR; jfa.'ejan’OßD, ' l! • ;SLY FROM (BUMS, iptl' Lifer Medicines: now 'hM; fr’ddthartiC) than- any other medicine tarfic, but ft Live.r reme- E 6 elect s morbid matter, rels tocaTry off that mat! iurrkMes, effectually, with-; u .experienced la the ope •,Xt'->trcnfeth'e'na, the, eys- SWcfts it,'and. when taken it up system at# fiufof&ejel . moat entirely- the Liver for the proper tion*; .when-the stomach at faulty and tjbe irhole <menpe rfjpge. organ-the do its duty.' For the dis of- the - proprietors h ft a praotiee of more than 20 dy wherewith to counter-; menu to which it is lift- TMIfcADELTHIA.) AKJDT EIiMIBA'BAXL EOAD LINE.—QUICKEST BOUTS to Elmira; Wilkesbarre, Buffalo, Chicago, Bock Island. Niagaia £ ft ßs»;Milwaulea, Burlington, .Montreal, B*. -Panls, Detroit, Uuulieth,andflt; Louis. Passenger'trains will’ieare the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and TOB streets, daily, (Sundays’excepted.) as follows Fm>w . • T.BO A. ft. DA* EXPRESS, ' For Elmira, Niagara Palls, Buffalo; Detroit?; Obldsgo, •SdTst^onJj * lllUld * GaleiUk » Bt * ?* Q V> Burlington, medj Ifl at last found, any TIB OOMPLAIST, in any ot bottle, and conriction is kv . - morbid or bid matter from their place a healthy flow stomach (Causing food to blood/' giving tone and ohinery, remoring the footing a radical core, cured,.and, «>Aa< is bet* oaslonal use of the Liras is sufficient to reliere the food from rising and eour- before retiring, prerents night, looaenathe bowels TITBHBSB. each meal, will cure Dys* teaspoonfola will always male obstruction remores and mak«s a perfect cure, ately relferes Obolio, peated, is a sore cure for prereotire of Cholbba. needed to throwout of the diclne after a long sick- SOLD B 7 8. SALISBURY, 40 OLARKE Street, Chicago. P. M, NIGIIT EXPBESa,., JmJsKi*fc K !W5* ?“>'». Buffalo, Betroli;oWc«go, ™a S °Lous Isll *° a > Galena, Bt.Paula, Burlington! •tOe h M ‘f,* 10 DI1 ” thron rt to HABRISBURG, r/Jf. Di, f 5 I i S u t f tloM on the lelJ *''on Talley Branch of thoßhladelphlaani Beaming BulMiad.. - At Bnport, Wllksslivro Plttoton, Scranton, and all atatijM on the AND BLOOHSBUBQ RAILROAD.. , '* ; Brtdgo £e b^ kod t 0 E!mlrft > Bnpilo, and Suspension ID" Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Xino’S Ticket Office, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the las sehgerDejpot, corndrof BROAD and -VINE. " , THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN ' f ’ Leaves'the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, dkhy, Sundays excepted,) for all points WesVand North, a' 6 Freights must he delirerecl before 8 P. M. to insure their going the same day, , / F «r further information apply dt ‘ V Freight Denot, Broad, below,, Vine, Or to OHAS. S 4 TAPPEN, General Atfeat,.. * ft. yy. cor. Sixth and Chestnut streets, ocl-tf , , ‘ Philadelphia* ; PHILADELPHIA AH D BE ADIS Gt E AILROADi FREIGHT TOR Philadelphia aod Reading BsUro&d Company are'riotf prepared, to forward freight to Harrisbcbg, and to all point* oh the Lebanon Valley branch' of thla xoi&'. ,r ‘ ‘ \ ' Freight delivered'at the roropany’s depot, eoatho’et corner of BROAD knd CfIERRY Streets, before 4 o’clock P.M.'Will be forwarded on the rfame day, and wlll arrive at Harrisburg before 10 o’clock os the following morning. For rates, &0., apply to JNO. F. BEAT Y,‘ General Agent, Broad and Cherry street* Mmm notice ” sommek . i^nzrjs ffiSMgfcSgfc ARRANGEMENT.' ' eSgSffifrtgfi HILA.DELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND bat/tt! MORE BAILBOAR. 0 . DO _„ Op and after Monday, May 10, 1868, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at BA. M., IP. M., (Exprdtt,) and lor Wilmington, at 8 A. M., 1,4.80, and U P, E* or V'lTS 8 ? I '*’ at 8A - M,,and 4.80 P. M ' Por Middletown; at 8 A. M., and 4.80 P. M. Por Dover, at 8 A. M., and 4.80 P. M Por Seaford at BA. M y and 4.30 P. M. : TRAINS POR PHILADELPHIA, „ Leave Baltimore at 7.30, Express, 10. U A, M.. atrf 6.40 P. M, % ■ • 1 Leave Wilmington at 8 46 and 10.30 A. M„ and 1 46 and 8.66 P. M. . ’ Leave New Castle at 0 and 0.60 A. M., and at 8.16 P.M. - • j*9 PHILADELPHIA AJSD iifS#«6I»REAPtNQ RAlttlOAB. - New Accommodation Passenger/Fjain between Read! , . • and Philadelphia. ,■ < . ' Leaves.Readlng dally (Sunday* excepted) at 615. A. tfarriving at Philadelphia at9.£o A. HI., and retuni ng at 4,45P.M. Passengers by this train hare over 7 hours in Phila lelphia before returning or leaving for New York. ae4-Im t W. M, MoILHKNNEY, Beoretary. |\TEW“ YORK LINES. —TUB ’ OAMDJEH 1 \ ANT> AMBOY RAItBOAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TKENTON RAILROAD COMPANY’S LINES. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WAY , PLACES. i , Leave aa follows, rf#: 'Tam, At 0 A. U., via Camden and Amboy, Aocommoda-; tion. , ~.M 3 36 At 6A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, N. i. Ae- ; 00mm0dati0n.,...,.., 2 2$ At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City. Morning Mail.,,. 8 00 At 10 A. M., by Steamboat JobhNeilson,via Tsoo sy and Jersey City, Morning Express 8 00 At 2 P. M., rla Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex press , 8 00 At 6 P. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Evening -Mail., 8 0 At BP. M., via Camden afid Amooy, Aeoommoda tion, Ist Class ~,, 2 00 At 8 P. M., via Camden and Amboy. Acoommuida tion, 2nd Class 180 At 6 P. M., via Camden and' Amboy, Aooommoda tion, Ist Class .. . 2 00 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aeoommoda-, tion, 2nd C1a55..*.,.., 17# The 5 P. M. line tons daily, al) others Sundays ex oepted * A til x P. Mj from Kensington Depot,' via Jersey . fOiky, Mai, Saturdays excepted #2 25 Express Lines stop at the principal stations only, • For Belvidere, Easton, Plemlngtoq, Ac., at 0 A M and 3% P. M. from- Walnut street wharf. ; frgSß Por Water Cap, Strondaburg, Scranton, Wilksebauv, Montrose, Great Bend, Ao., at 0 A. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna at Western, Railroad, for Freehold, at 8 A. M. and % P. It. For Mount Holly atfl A. M., and 2# and# F. M. WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton, Ae., at 2# and 4 P. H. t For Palmyra, Banoocas, Beverly, Burlington, Borden* town Ac., atBP. M. , , Steamboat Richard Stockton for Bordentown, and is* terraediate places, at Stf P. M. Steamboat John Neilion, for Taconr, at 10 and Ujb' A. M , and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. U.. AUlinesexoeptn# P.'M , leave Walnut street wharf IC7“?ifty pounds yf baggage only allowed each pee* Mnger. Passenger* are prohibited bom taking an j thing as barf*age bat their-wearing apparel. *Au bag .gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra/! be Com pany limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and,will not' be-liable .for any amount be yond $lOO, exoept by speoiU' contract. WM. H. GATZMXB, Agent 'O;4A. B. B. 00. IQCOPMIfBrLVANiA IOtU XCJtJO OENTEAL BAILBOAD •■ I OJO • EBOU PHILADELPHIA TO FITTSBHBQB, • And thence by Railroad to WHEELING, gT. LOUIS, STEUBENVILLE, CLEVELAND, ' CINCINNATI, . CHICAGO, . LOUISVILLE, ,• . BURLINGTON, ‘ INDIANAPdLM, . BT. PADLB, ■ ' And all intermediate points in OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY, MICHI GAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, SfSIoURI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Passengers to points,west of Pittsburgh, Wheeling. Cleveland and Crestline, have choice of routes, and art requested, to make a selection before applying for tick ets. , n - THREE THROUGH TRAINS LEAVE PHILADSIr . PHIA DAILY, , laming close oonneotlons At Pittsburgh to all polsti On and after MONDAY, May 10thV ISOS, Three through, and Two accommodation trains, will leave the depot, S. E. . comer of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, as follows: ~ WAINS 10R PITTBBDBOX RAIKB,f*OH PIITBBt7mOB ■ ASD THI W*BT LI ATX. , . AHD THB WABVAXAITn. ‘ Mail tralnaW.. ,7.80 A. M. Mail train at. .11 .OOnight Fast line. 1 100 noon. Fast 1ine.;,... 4.60A.M. Express mai1..11.00 night. ExpressmaU.. IN noon. WAT TBAIVB UIATI. WAT TBAIXS AJUITX. Harrishnrg ao* Harrisburg ao* - - oommodatlon 8.00 P. M.' commodation.7.l6 P. M Lancaster “ 6.00 P.M. Lancaster “ .9.60 A. M The mall train stops at all the stations between Phila delphia and Pittsburgh.' The Express mail nuts daily,"the other trains Bondar excepted. The oars leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station, southeast comer of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, entrance on Eleventh street, where throng! tickets to all points West can be obtained. ' -- > Baggage will be received at the Depot at any time du ring the day. No charge for handling baggage. For further information, apply at the Depot of 'b< Pennsylvania Railroad Company, southeast corner o! Eleventh and Market streets, between the hours of 7 A M. and UP. M. • THOMAS MOORS, my 10 Agent Penn’d Railroad Co. ’ FALL ARRANGEMENT. . Per BETHLEHEM. DOYLESTOWN, Ao., and by close railroad connections for Easton, Oatawissa, New York city-l •' Allentown, Williamsport, Water Gap, Maacb Chunk; Eltntra, WilkeebarrO, r Ilnsteton, Niagara Falls, Scranton. On and after WEDNESDAY, August 25th, 1858, Pas senger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, as follows: For Bethlehem, Easton, WHkeabarre, -Water Gap, Scranton, Ac., (Express,) at 8.16 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, Manoh Chunk, Williams port, Elmira, and the West, (Express,) at 2.16 P. M; For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 8.46 A. M, usd 4 P. M. For Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at 9:45 A. M. and 8 P.M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem (Express,) at 9 A. U. and 5 P.H, Leave Doylestown (Accommodation) at 7 A.M. and 8.80 P M. 11 Leave Fort Washington (Accommodation) at 7.10 A. M. and 2.80 P.M. Doylestown Trains run dally. Other Trains daily, Sundays excepted. All Passenger trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Chatham street with Fifth and Sixth Street Passen ger Railroad. Fare to Bethlehem .... •••$! 60 “ Manoh Chunk 2 60 u Easton... 160 « Doylestown 80 FOR BOUOOLEY’S MOUNTAIN—Bj 6.15 A ,M. train to Easton, thence by N. J. 0. RR. ana D.L. A W. RR. to Washington, thence by stage, arriving at the Houn tains at IP.M. Fare 1310/ an2s tf ELLIS CLARK, Agent PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN A AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD.-SUMMKi ARRANGEMENT.—On and after MONDAY, May 10th 1858. FOR GERMANTOWN, Lmt« Philadelphia at Bv, T, 8, 0-08 min., 10,llv A. M., 1,0, 8,4, 0; 0,7, 8, 9,10, and 11V P. M. ■ Leare Germantown at 0,7, 7V, 8,8, 9V, 18V, UK IOVP M° S ’ 3 *> **> 3 X> “*> ?■ tod 7# o’clook A. 81. Train from Gernuntoirt will stop only at W'- - - ~ r»jne and Tioga Btreeta gtatlomi. ON SUNDAYS, Itßftvo Philadelphia >t 9.80 ala. A. 8, and p, U, - ' ' Le.ro Sormantown A. U., 1-1 ala:, I*. and It. flit ' , „ ® h *?TNUT HILL BAILBOAD. I, B°"V s KI 8 M** eX ’ 8 > 906 nta >"# A,M - Le.ro CliMtnntHm'at 6 40 and T. 86,9.10, til 10. it min. A. M.yU.M, 8.10,8.10, 6.10, 1.40, tail 0.80 uln p. u. „ ' ON BUNDAYS. LMVa Philadelphia, 0.20 A. it., 2. BV, and 8 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill at 8.10 min A. M., 12.(0 41C 8.40 P. U •- • • •-• YOB 00N8H0H00XEN AND NORRIS TOWN s Leave Philadelphia-at B#i B, 11 A.’M.,1.06 min 8.10 mln..4X, 6*, 11* P. M. ‘ Leave Norristown at 8, T, 9,11 A. H., I,BJf, *ad Bfc P Ho ON SUNDAYS, leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., and 8 P. H. Leave Norristown at 7 A. M., and 6 P. U. * FOR MANAYUNH. * Leave Philadelphia at BY, 7X,0,11 A. M. 1.05 min., 3.06 min.,5.10 min.. 4k', (Of; o¥, B, 11V P. M. Leave Manayunk at ok> *Xj e Xi UX A.'M., 1^» 8 ». 4 J 6^>^fcnd9P^: ItT* Sundays same as Norristown. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD 798 DOWNING . TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 8* A; M., and 8.10 min. P. M Leave Downingtown at7jg A; M-, andl P. M. H. K. BMITH. General Superintendent. Dapot. Ninth and Gm«n Strait*. Philadelphia. PLATE GLASS.—HAVING f been appointed bylthe “ ComptignU da Flortfft” the SOLS AGENTS for the sale of their GLASS in this city, we are prepared to offer to the trade or eonsu rnerfl, from our stock on hand, POLISHED PLATE GLASS for Stores or Dwelling Fronts: Bough Plate for Floors and Skylights; and Silvered Plate, of large size, for Mirrors. The Glass will be sold at the lowert prices, and warranted superior,»» avary rtspicf, to any other imported. HOBT. SHOEMAKER A, 00., Plate and Window Glass Warehouse. I. 601, of TOOTHf and aAOßjto.^ .* PMBixTWTO^yrfr^nrj-nn* ~ ,i ... i- IL ~ pENNSTLVAWbduiiAILKOAD.— THE . Q ®S AT OKNTBAIi EODTB. ttOODeatinp the At untie Cities with Western, Itorth-westera .ndnjcuth irutern Statu; by . Mntinnoiu Ballwsy Stout. Th6> BoaO' tlao; connects: .t Sittsbardi with daily Una o ”t?AJ? 1 < ‘ r “ 10 *U porta on the-Weatam Hirer., and a* »‘U> dfeamerat? all porta on* l 5«»; maWniethe mat DISIOT. JJK 4 ???’:BOIJTSby whioh fmight ' “*5 »3 lorwardad to and feom the eSGAZ VHt bdboh B B * TW:,M PmLAD » lbhu j£o> ft** fan Onus—Boot., ghoee, H.ta, ana ' Oapa, Books, Dry G00d.,-(in ioxea -bales uid tmnks), Drugs, (inboxee - and tales) Feathers, Furs. &e jfe m> im Bboosz> Ouasb—Domestio Sheetfnf, V Bhirtingvahd Ticking, {in original bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware. ' Leather‘d Liquor, (in casks,) Wall Paper, -Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Xaetvard, &e.&0..*,.,...t..,. v ...,.600per 10 Tuan Ones—Anvils, Hemp, Baron and Fork* Salted, (loose or In sacks), Faints; la eil,). Oils, (except lard and roaln). <# « ( » We. w* 100 »0»*« Class—Coffee, Fish, Baron. - Beef,:and Pork, (in Casks or boxaa ■ eastward), Lard andLsrdOU. Nails, Seda Ash. German Olay, Tar, Pitch; Boeis,, Steel, Manufactured Tb baoco,t Borin Oil. Queansware, Sugar, (hhds., bfais., and boxes,) ®o., &0.. ....40e, per 1801 b Fwva—7so. per bhl.. until further nottoe. GnatH—3so. per 100 lbs., until farther ffotieo. OOTTOH-»a per hole, not exceeding (00 lbi. weight, until farther notice. n ..InehippingQaode bom any point Cut of Philide)- phld. be pertfoplnr to mam packages«‘ ofa PtniUflvani* Railroad.** *- All Goods Consigned to the Agents of Boad, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, wiUoc forwarded 'without detention. ‘ ' Fanioat Ao*sts.—Clarke Sc Col, Chicago: Packer A & Co., Memphis) Tens.; JL F. Bass Sc Co., fit. Louis. Ho.; P. G. O’Riley & CoV, Evansville, Indiana: Wm. Bingham, Louisville, - Kentucky.; ■ B. 0. Mefdrum, Madison, Indiana; m. W.Brown Sc Co., and Ather> m Hibbard, CinaiDnati; H. S. Pierce Sc Co., Zanesville, •Ohio; Leech & Go., No. M Kilbystreet, Boston; Leech Sc Co., No. 2 Astor House,New York, No. 1 Wiulannrt., New fork; B. J. fiaeeder, Philadelphia: Magraw * Boons, Baltimore j J>. A Btewart, Pittsburgh. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMBAJBT. de9- General Saperintendent. Pa. tOatrljua, Smelts, &t. JB. & 00. f • 432 CHEBTNU* Street. Have received, per steamers, new ftylee Jewelry, Chhletafos, Vest Chains. Splendid Fans, Hair Pins. Fruit Stands, Sugar Baskets. Jet Goods and Flower Vases. ' Coral, Lara and Mosaic Sets. Bole Agents in Philadelphia for the Baled Charles frod sham’s LONDON TIME-KEEPERS d«10 CILYER WARS.-** KJ WILLIAM WILSON A SON, MAN XT FA C TtfßlS R■? OF SILTS & WARE* (EBTABLIBHBD 1812,) 8. W. OOBSBB FIFTH AMP OUUT B7BBSTB. A large assortment of SILVER W ABB, of every de scription,' constantly on hand, or made to order to match any pattern desired. Importers' of Sheffield and Blrafoghani imported ware. se3o-44wly J. S. JARDEN& BRO. • MAUDPACSUBKPB ASP D£VoaT**B OF SILVER-PLATED, WAKE, No. 804 Ohestout Street: above Third, (up stair*,) . . . Philadelphia. , Constantly on hand and for sale to the Trade, TEA BETS. COMMUNION SERVICE SETS, .URNS, PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, WAITERS. BAS , RETS, CASTORS, KNIVES,SPOONS, FOBKBj LADLES, &c>, Ac. Gilding and plating on all kinds of metal. sed-ly Sijjjunna. FOR CHARLESTON, SC—HERON'S ggg*LINE— ONLY R»* GULAR LINE-GOODS BE* CETVED AND BILLS LADING SIGNED EVERY DaY.—Freight and insurance at less than sailing vessel'rates, by the steamship KBYBTONB BTATEI Captain Mirshman, to sail on Batnrday. Oot. 9, at 10 o’clock, A M., from second wharf above Vine at.’ For further particulars please see advertisement of Steamship STATE 0? GEORGIA, in this paper. For freight or passage apply to s A. HERON.?*., oc4 ' - - 828 North Wharves# FOR CHARLESTON AND SA VANN AH i-HZBON’B LINE. •- OOOCa BEOBIVBD ANff BILLS 01 LADING SIGNUT StBBT DAT: The splendid flrst-claas side-wheel Steamships KEYSTONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA, Now form a weekly line for the 'goutfc and Southwest, one of these ships sailing every SATURDAY at 10 o’clock A. Id., alternately for Charleston and Ba raonah. FOB CHARLESTON. The steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Captain O.P. Marshman, will commence loading on THU BSD AY, .October 7, and sail on SATURDAY, October 9, at L lO o’clock, A. M. FOR SAVANNAH. The BTA9E OF GEORGIA, Oapt. John J. Garvin, will commence IdAffing on Thursday, Oot lftth, tad sail on Saturday, Odtener 15, at 10 o’clock A. M. At both Charleston and Savannah, these shipaooaneet with steamers for Florida flSd Havana, and with rail roads, Ao., for all places in the South aim Booth west. • FREIGHTS REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an average of 15 per cent, below New York steamship rates. . . . . . INSURANCE. ‘ - FREIGHT and INSURANCE on a large proportion of goods'shipped Booth will be found to be loVer by these ships than by sailing vessels. Cabin passage **B2o 00 Steerage do 8 00 Excursion Tickets, good for the present year. 80 00 No bills of lading signed after tho chip haa sailed. For freight or passage, apply to „ , A. HERON, Jr., No. BS3 (late 81) North Whams, Agehta*t OharlestoQ.T.o. AT.G.BUDD. Agents te Savannah, 0. A_ GBEINBB St 00. , For, from Charleston, steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. For, Florida, from Savannah, steamers ST. HARTS and ST'. JOHNB, every Tuesday and Saturday. ,' i For .Havana, from Charleston, stedmer ISABEL, oa the 4th and 19th of every month. jell THE BRITISH AND NORTH SSbS&.AMEBIOAN ROYAL MAIL BTEAId- Faces nv Toax to zavaafoox. Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage 75 nOM SO4TOI TO LITUBPOOL. Chief Oibis Passage $llO Second CabinPa55age............................. 89 The ships mom Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Oapt. Judkins. CANADA, Oapt. Lang. ARABIA. Oapt. J.Stone. AMERICA, Ga*! A * a ASIA. Oapt. S.G.'Lott. NIAGARA; Oapt. Kyi to/ AFRICA, Oapt. Shifltton. 1 EUROPA, Oapt. J. Leltoh. These vessels (any a clear white light at mast-head f green on starboard bow; red on port bow. ASIA, Lott, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Bepi. 22. PERSIA, Judkins. “ N.York, Wednesday, Sept.!®. NIAGARA, Millar, “ Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 6. ARABIA, Stone, 44 N.York,Wednesday. Oot.-19. CANADA, Lang.' 44 Boston, Wednesday, 0et..20. AFRICA,' Aflfifion, 44 N.York,Wednesday, Out.-27. ASIA, Lett,' 41 Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 8. PERSIA, Judkins, 11 N.York, Wednesday, Nor. 10. EUROPAj Leitch, tf Boston. Wednesday, Nov. 17. .. Berths not scoured until gtW tor. ' An experienoed Surgeon on BJ'frd. _ _ The owners of these Ships will ii*t be aooouutable tot Gold, SUver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, precious Stone* or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed JhertSor and the value thereof therein expressed. , For freight or passage apply to 8e29-y I. OtJNARD, * Bowling Green, H.-Yotfc. STEAM TO GLASGOW, UVBR XBuRfoOL. BELTABT. DUBLIN, and LONDON DIiKKY, without delay, for 80 dollars. Retorn tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, 80 dollars for the round trip, out and back. mom nwToxK. New York, McMillan, Saturday, July 10,at U o’clock, H« Edinburgh, Gumming’, << Oot, 80, 44 Glasgow, Goodwin, 44 August T, 44 max oLAsoow. Glasgow, G00dwin........ Saturday, July 10. New York, McMillan...«•.......Wednceday. August 11. Edinburgh, Camming., Saturday, Aug .14. RATES OF PASSAGE. VBOX GLASGOW. First Class ,16 guineaa Bteerage, found with cooked provisions..«••• 8 44 - raox xsw toxk. First Oiass... $7B 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions 80 00 Children under 14 years of age, half tore; Infanta la Steerage, free, Be turn.tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this line. Firpt Class $149 00 Steerage $BO 00 An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer, For freight or passage apply to WORKMAN A WALNUT 6treat, Phil*4*l' phia, ROBERT CRAIG. 17 Broadway, New York. HALL A LQNHY, Buchanan’s Wharf, Baltinur*. myll ißrttjja attb (Etjentuals. SHOEMAKER & 00., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, . Manufacturers and Dealer PAINTS, VARNISHES, and WINDOW GLASS, Northeast comer FOURTH and 3A02 Streets, Philadelphia. Sole Agents for the sale of the oelebrated Floreffe Plate GUsc. mh2S-tf Statunurfi. Blank books and stationery. DAVID M. HOGAN, Blank Booh Manufacturer, Btationer aad Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pro* pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Publio Offices, Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bean' 4 In various styles, in the most substantial maimer. ' Ordew for JOB PRINTING of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Hogan’s contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say— 1 54 This display of, blank boots for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material la good, the workmanship moat excellent, and their and ap pearance neat and appropriate.” «020-tr Smmaer Resorts. HAT'S HOTEL, WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY, PA. The undersigned has purchased the large and elegant building, corner of THIRD and PINE Street, formerly occupied by the West Branch Bank, and has.enlarged and refitted it in a superiorstyle. Williamsport Is one of the most delightful Inland towns In Pennsylvania, and his house, he hopes, will be found pleasant, as well to the traveller as to those citi zens of the metropolis who desire to pass an agreeable time during the heated term of the summer. Bis omnibus runs from his Hotel to the Faoket and Railroad Depots free of charge. jj2B-8m W.H. HAT, Proprietor. M BEDFORD SPRINGS.—THIS well-known and delightful Summer Resort will be opened for.the reception of Yiaiters on the 28th of Juno, and kept open nntU the Ist of October. The new and spacious Buildings erected lsst year are now fully completed, and the whole establishment has been furnished in superior style, and the acoommoda ' tions will be of a character not excelled In any part of the United Btates. . The Hotel will be under the management of Ur, A. G. ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manners, and attention to hie guests, give the amplest aemranoe of oomfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means of .access, It is deemed S roper to state that passengers can reach Bedford by a aylight ride from Ohambenburg, The Company have made extensive arrangements to supply dealers and individuals with “.Bedford.Water*, bj the birrel, oerboj, and in bottlei, at the followin'* prioes, at the Springs, vis; - Fora barrel (mulberv) $4~OO Do. (oak) 800 X Bo* • (mulberry).. 8 00 X Do. (Oak) 200 Carboy, 10 gallons. 2 28 l){ pint, per dozen 1 60 The barrels are carefully prepared, so that pur ohasers may depend upon receiving the Wetter freali and sweet. , All communications should be addressed to - THE BEDFORD MINERAL SFRINGB 00.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers