i jrAAteiPik: *ra»k,' in^drttioei- .m»rMlß«jW»«ct* pMia':will'l»"otat't«. , WMan ” ‘ a ■raoi « I(j{r<Jopt«,’i! "« “■ W.*?' I '/ v.V.’..,. « «ni *wontylObpl<>«;'« '«> rtboruoMron).:... hi l)» :?!(»»•*Qoplf*, at oTttrp !(to 'Minfea of •«* ?.=ate®scsr,«" ,-1-n 15.10? PditjfllulUw‘llro ,: ;fo MV M il' 70 ,pr«^ffMU’l !(*««("«> V#'- « vniii twt 'sUAIIfORIWi PREMi - »:i-> ~I*ino4;B^ml-MbllOily’fit ililiofot'tie Oil ~,j .jfffißg'feriiojaß lO;!>talW7i;Vi;f['i ■tV.tr.' Irfoj.7v XSlirotrS. 7 ' i« !3'«ff-riHMiIIINEKYQOODSdf s ever; act) ptiori uad n«weit atylwT “ Hlg¥&rtleol< i arati j.OttßlvHiUffyi at »«ty .ldir^prictoa. •..•i to T V-M Hf BEENHEIM & CO., ' 7. :rl J.fJWnV.I ’ii ,roi. s }i r. )!7 ; Iftt.uiIrBOUrHSBOONDBTRHBT,> ' ■"- H&tiipOTron li!ini» compl«toSto^kof ,;,i ;o-., eti-a ' MUiAND WINTIR : V l -” op v*, V> 4ia*‘ -"3 ; # - s ,iJ?biuilafci^of*’ u ' .1 y Oil ?V\X 5-1- 1 •, At{r '* S'JLIBBOMB) t-lix- 5 " ■""**•* ’ 'f 1 y apfci v ii> Aat'ottii < %r * “-.Untir.tr kUWomtetwi <j!Jf^S&ri• ,-#»=*♦»>,** -. ~' ''i fe IBBOS*' ' 1: Oor Hof if ef yLOWERS ui fBATHESB 1 ,pri<>«»«f*Ujol« h»«.j»«r%6uU »•» WWr *t »<tr; .•*•• .tea * t«. ju.-v j«i •>»• ~, .brin'd HtninWk inVltedto iWt 'it at#r»w f,iU is -j“ix .i'ri - ■■'tSS.IiiMnUtMOQMO 8t b , * i S"R»CBIVEDj -.100 '* CASES, t f tFTt'ii *4-f'j>s;'4 *!*•' '»*» it. \>iJ 'isrixiffri yt.- O'. O^jhED^STRATV S BtwfrtßTS r- 1 TV. 1 . ‘ . o^v.i 1 . TJgjtoia 'pndii str OTB.iiifw'Aiufg: 1 r ?{AA .* JK'; r 4_ .. oH jk'JS ,U<J . •’ Wrv'-S UM,.i<B.Q*fcW»* *»"* MB ••> Vfj f .-. i*. -t vJ-UAlOh 33:' 1 ' -j? 3 -fciß NOH., f. IrOtWBB 8 , PSi.iJ Wl.ji Ho iillittfftßS, KIBBOSs, J&3.3 ' U£-itf.£ -l - '■ BttJAJTO VELVET BQIJHfiTS,. t<s. M'lrjolfpjL^ • a, *° ~«^bDTH'aBQO.Np ; SIEBET,: .; ' s^6l'ift-5 , ; £|i^»oag^bo^jHtoab •»i BOtftfliißKOOND-iSTBBKTI #W,Bfc - '••"> <«* ■ 'r*'! .««»••«& , IM-AT ... ..iH'3?* J * —- - -MIMiIHMY GOOM, WttltMQopi«pftrM'’W : » moit «cnj>l©! SBiKCft iod AMBMOAN IIOffBHB, ’ .A*' 1 * c/f ,v > f ? * r«s ‘ 't vk '•!? ' v i■:• ~ tMi.-t? f A;V.« - . •' , •- u/.i f , if .. . y ; ;(f _ * tttfl : nilfdrm in lit'ft ]j-.s? ...... f-fr V‘i <BMUw'«hkfc w*tll*w. v. jy-n; ••i'- L*',j t' id&lAiHttifrom* dJiUtcn, who m»y hot S» iwm ( 1 cr tli* oxlftonco. of jraoV an E*Utllßiiij:»nt, On 'Q? ro fcowtt ttefoMlv* >jr»' * " A. H. ROSENHEIM*-BBOOKS, -V'- y nr.,- v-.tto. aSßotttllgKOOHDltnitfitafeOhUrfo ,t;< * »a2B-3tcorl /* ; ',~ •■■■••'■ t '. ( ; aaspiip! "ifoir 4‘ »blow *ll® V "■'> «*■>—**■*■*■—*M——■—' ii**'ili 11- •,•1 -., ;K:::?j^c'gffmm^«:vv;,^,r‘a'" raHOSfHATia: GpAJtfO. ,. t . »»•* S<> * E 018 L A »»; : : Jfe.lttKorth MSAWABIAtwt «r 5 ** * ? AS-t'i:'''»- 1 . «'' rf ".J *•' '* i’.’-■'* *A*ji yuLJ^g^a^a^MjMMiaH ff* * Ji’z* vm id .‘;--J is Mitt WO*.!!! s'-H'B. .b:i:s rj - AtaMfcrtTOttOia fii i> ! "-‘ '.'>cri.>Tr.r iiM ." —. tv** •' r 1. tf riMi «na>j*<i*W4)f'th««««wl« ■ f i >,3iwtfoKMtrf<re wt* fct' «)rbSM;kt ftalMytelte .- 1 > ;ijiAi(«nU)«»4M«lch»nU jmtohMln*d»erd»h/i-< J-: •;' hi ->» «'■■« <-uife.: aitttay'i^QTj'Alretj 1 - '• 1° ]<tr ; «aaMwT ?* ,tt?U<uW i-* | ■ =il^32MS®£S *)•loir-piK«rtKwEgHMfirii»TnB»ir ItwiliHWe «U is*, oran kOda of gv trad &rfert tMegtiis to thrUsMt eamSrioa. It wittontMO»pttoaj;tfce»taple«tloH» mwbulnl < Qd'iaSiMttoßWrdr.iaaaa/pnii qssvttf ztttfaSff'kiptr&oi wvtp:iMUlitorin’tlWi3 , atnU ; «g«i ! ' ! Cli* s<7sisiti(i inidoss') iMi • tab* ■stUpaaMby uytahw; *lUipiwtru r-' I *«fcthM*fea»tiw*toßnMalrtuaH<l<tittMa yarn • iiißts.'i'nittknidaMdiftaktiiilftoapfiroa th»*jx» r « WMnwsw*** nivMM'Grßtwtniitas In fMtj it ■ s 3 HMhlMlfcatiaWilit bjurMf fmily istb*tin*, odi no ? l '/L :'.;kO®kT/DOLLAilii, 1 ; ■t wkioh tt«7 nM, Map thnn within thsnM limt mqr on* 0. D.EA.KJII, tint, JdMim wkrwoweo , : ., j» ooath KSOHf Ratm . 1 ,1 ..i - - ! MM ,M>t \ Ul ~i y . '. r\ TS -»i? 'V'-/ y -t ; j'nm* MAIM OR MBS, * T X ♦ .}»•» f 4-* ' 7 »f '-i' r.' •j o ' '' nt /z u ' At I'.' 4 ’ «5 ‘ 1 'fl ■! ■■ '>..(( . Sabkrs, 0$; f * *• - ■--■■ »jv «,i ;«u tat •••«•* '- • ”' 1 otetinraiß nark^timsiuui' ■ Vi.w'UwJ till) •'> K' ■•'A - s J M i-.ttr.-ir-'l *• ‘ ' *,a ;i ,-w-f *•*? ivt’,!'* 01/ 721-1-*:“’ v ? o ,lA3LJBY,-i'Wt*_ *»• 5-*•/ -/ ■= '■--'‘ e o , ASS4^ijaA' i i.so •• - ~t 4* r«.. iij ’:s'') , uv •tuff *‘>u* -? ? i j{"* ;rc u/ 1 ry. , 31 Ma; Ai RP* !-00441PC.,' *■“•_ -ait'll r...Vi; -* -s.-j : ;l „. ~ ? !{O, i ;Ji3 ; MA^KBT.:SJCMIfr, „ >! le I» KO»*'Al|i '. 1S», : Wi'V'f'd'Oil '■- s-.t Celt S" }■»■*% <,t»f» Jr; l? xrui > 'ni> <-1 si ■( /v ! :,H.‘AiT.S-'-A-N-3D O APS, TO WHICH THET INVITE TBi’AMENTION ItDNIOK* »nl9.2m* r.rt'V :>!> '-»■'• jiiWioT'ji.i'l |n; s H. .G4BOEN, a *■ * * * n «>„W tjriar»toWMlir*irba»griM*T*ißgj' n SfertfcripM^ißhiWto^hl B9Hl®,|S@? i«i pi* y»«fc‘*» •• <W« *•*»«« -»» fruWtiitiffaiibi ' JoSluks. «s 0.00 S.OO 13,90. 30 00' f SO : .1858 f^ — r^~r l ‘ ,s Tbi Subacrlbere beg leave to inform their Meade, anattfantrymerohantegenereUy, that their V tf, . - BHIRTB, _ , , | Min:*! -ji fan >;= MunraSH,'"’ , •.,• _\W ... . '' “ ' ihv-'t BMAIL wU’R.’Sgj 1». now: com pie ta, oomprutng uanal aupt<:ment md 'whioh they will «eU»tthaloire»(i§iirlt«t ,i r lt»T They woultl oapoclilly (Will attention to T ■ - 'BOQK£KIN,GJ,6 VRB AND*il».rr "„ . • ■- .■ - ComprlMng Ue HANOVBR, GERMANTOWN, Jr <! . ' OfHltß DKBIHABT.' :onttBT c OWN, AND Wfclctl they hate ptufthaaftd StAKIB, | YaWtirarirtor cult, and ; •.‘WmfyWMn'Uia Mami «But»dr»U>. ’ ' ’ ** twtr f»pn«d to,««U at ~ • SHAFFNF' •'<■ • - | ‘ T- „£t, HtEGLEJJ, fc CO., 1 ' AND JOBBERS, 1 ’ atreet, Philadelphia, „ ’ • .•7'-' t Neat the Merchant® *it o tel. - '.dp tftftgl, )hest> 3t* ;> OAMPBELL t JiL., Je 00., V -rTu IHPOBMRB AND JOBBKRfI HOBIBRT, ;.QLOVEO, tad--- 1 •-' j , j ,j’V'i'«'i •' (H)ob4 ■> - ,i'; ‘ KorUiftkttOorper of yOU^TH. H.A. Bxioxsuroaot Qtnxyix Oman SALL STOCK OP OLOTniNG. ; f? Pi 7/ *•’ 4 5 , I CBA&LX? HARKFEBS A/SON,. , MABKBT BIEWW,' * j ' ‘ BOUTHEABILOOBNEB Of ?OUR:TH, noWln itore e largt ina 'iplendld eieortmeht oflAßt iriii WINTEK OtqTHikO) B*ii«&otai»S ex prewlyfortheßoathera -end WeetornTredOj lirhlcß they offer for ulo onthe but'iormator Owli,' or j>a the “WtSifft**;*, >«■!■••• .7 7'i'iiiV i /!, > 7 BCXIM*™ InritMto oill 1 ud WAMih or thorn- 33Axis* Rose, Ac WITHHHS, . street, }"'• n Il' j «! JD’pM I MJB,R,'O.js “J; ” *‘ ' ’[ ] PHILADJSIiPIIIA, ; Hirenow Instor*’tioir complete !_ j iriOb»TAWON 01 SILK ‘ANDIIANoV GOOOfI, ’ • ■To-whloi the Attention of tbo TRADE leimited. » * r i ■ l' - H ) j # gkiTp. MURPHrijt co.; . ' l , j ; ’ iirb aw obuboq . m k ‘ 1 ‘ .rJi: fc: r Vlnl' !'l ' i STAPLE ANDFANQY DRT GOODS, j > ' "To whlehth'6/invito t&e attention‘of j , '■ OAfiH ‘ANII PROMPT BHOBT Tllfß BtTXEBa. J i nu24.km 11111 gHAPLEWH, RUE, & CO., r . WBIXB «OODB, ■i rxiNENS; 1 , . „ t v .',7 pMBBOIDBBIHB, . j t, '.: u - ra - '.-J'! *■" "UtortGOODS, &», street,!' 1 1 * MM*' ** r| ’•> '■■■" 0 >•'* JPHDjADEIiPHIA. jpIALL'STOCK ■ ■ ..--..0i . f, | .".- ; ;‘jBIlK i .AHD. irAHOT GOODS. inHEBRING & OTTI K.'Tr.'OoreiVof jonaTH *hi hahket stub; na. }# n-o -rtor?»ijlondldMwrtmintor 'i SILKB, KIBBONS, AWD FANCY GOODS <;>.<■ " o»3*HSiß',OTri< : ikipqiTiti:6»,'. TowWohthejr lnTit« tha attention of ' f ~ v -i HV BU7EBO. .I. , &.IJ ?» ,; 5:!5 ■ ..‘ ■' ■ ' , P (Iff r*»tt »—-‘AI tr.-i r<i no Of I>f k J v' ‘ - ‘ c PRY GOODS 1 , 1 ’ ; h. Aim <' rV Art now fully prepared for the’ «-. ,* ,*m-**!M**-•■■■ ■ ! v Th* 4>f ; tk«lr stoek, both tot ’ ' .V- ANDPBIOEB, " ;"! : WIII- b«' fotind'te offer kdVanUsM to Wy«ii; fry la thli 6otmfry. , niiH-flm -„ ,JjlAUj STGOKi '■ j ]■ * -.,<? N 0.214 MARKET BIBEJT, ' Ho. 30* CHOROH AI.I.KT, H»to n«iri*etoro» . . • i ~ • v COUPLET* BTOOK’ .1» * kx* . .:.v.!'.r,-‘ of'*' I ''” ‘*'v ’ ■: dby: jtfoops, , 7?o jihich, tb*7 torit*. ih» attwttontf Boj*r* fiwn aUpUf of.tkd ; Union, ; . . r ,-. ■- v *ql6-2m I 'gpglStt'j; GtiSS, XSffOßttKH' ~“Ajn>‘_';. '.j’. !;>•» 1.-',.: n': „ ,jrjSQ l ti£j)4&V ;paAL»ES IN HQflIH*?, - ;* j ,c , „T , lANOT OOOD0,4« -;«'^3^"-W;«AB^T..'STSjiBX r . • j »1 ~!W aBOT* K>OBTH, ■■ ■> ii c! »- ■ pgn.Amrr.PßTA 'ibiMm' ’ ‘ AiBXANDEE k KNOWLES, . . ANI) SEAIiEBS 1 HOSIERY, GLOVES AND FANCY GOODS, (HATISIKOTID TO). < Mj 11*? I «•’ ■ i«r I of ■ Sol, -480 'MARKET AND '436 MERCHANT BTjj., Jttit ; opened aNEW AND .OQM?LJE?B §sSftpk.£T,<H>opB,exprea*ly adapted to i . JALE TR’ADH, r ' ' TovUab the attention of their" cnitomere and FIEBT* • j •, i --- —■ t & ROBERTS, ’.,P»- «»'MABKBT BTRBBT, j , \-. 1 UtrOKTIXBAXD JOBIIBB OF HOMSRXi OMViB, ' ( . , ;‘ "V. ; ■ SMALL WARES, i ' ■ 1 ' ‘ ‘ COMBB, BRUBHRB, TAI&OB8' TBIiIiUMQB, ■ \ lOOKINO-OIiABBM, OBBMAN AND IBSNOHJANOT 00008. i Jtrniieijing Soodo. ; .XinNOHESTER&OO.', GENTLEMEN'S J jT.T/[fOfIJSIBH«fafITOR». !. ■ . ~.. j tfATMfr' BHOpiAliR REAM BHIBT HANOTAC " TORYj.. . i-‘ .•lt&t&tf.waanlngton Homo. ' ' I ' ' ‘a/wIKCHBSTER will girt, u heretofors, h!< pßt- 'the onttin* and MannlWtarlb* dasattawt*. r Orders for hli celebrated atjlo of Hhirta ncd CplUrifllled'ft the aborteat.notlce. Who lea ale .tftdffiuppUeqohjjjwraj tarem,,, , ~ ~ . W*H?f T (lAte bf the firm Of Wne «f«-o*«B«<i A'gocH>r,) tOENTLBMBN’B JUBHISK INO STORE and gtIIRT MAMJSAOTOBY, 814 .OHEBTKOX Btrwt, (nearly opposite the Girard Honat,) J/W e wonld niipeiitfaii. call tho' attention of till fonrirnsjatfonj and friends to hie new Btorofand Ii pre pared to'fill Orders: for Bill RTB at Bhort notice. A wlth ~>fMß,BfllßT3.,and OQLLARB. , , Jyffitf ■ CLERPER, & FENNER,. [ - '/ ; MANUf AOTUEKB3 OF ! ' _ ! : 1 umbrellas and parasols, i • N6/3S* MARKET BTBEET, 1 »,; • <| I'-jt'/W' nmTB THE ATTENTIOH OP I BHTBBB, ’(■!’< i-ii 7 * ■" V -,TATH»I I ! - ■ ■ V "-:hA »’ labgeand.tamed stock. ■ ■CnW-lih'.-.--; ; ••L' ~ WWftliT.l'," DINING SJXOON. Corner ot THIBD St. «4 BARSIONJ WIRT, SftMofc'otoeM for«ere;™id«rrMV'n°Tder to Wenemted an (l disenthral led. ,It will be opened on MONDA? nett; »tS in»t „ Wth fatf Momenta and ‘l - ode'which wlllwUmieh' th A town !' The tot. hu 'thrown his eodl into the task of Iron aeal, end wo that hffl.efforteirlll ideeVwlth tuMromi When reopened It will fee a r modol,eatelmeameht. . oeii-tf,, : •• SAIiAD dl£.—-25 cases finest Tuaoin Lynili Oil. in rton intfor «»I« by ’L’ !f -1 WILLIAM H. YBATON, , US Bsntb TKODZ Btn ' ‘'IMPORtERB , jjpt iStTkaa and jobmm nraoDQH to 7 • . 3*’ •> • *„>* • ./ > *’ •• • ftjijolqßqle JUraVtSobida, T° ■DEALERS IN' OIL CLOTHS. tifoL Bllt “ CTlbM fullltlea for Mu>q itOOB, TABLB, STAIR, nn<l J CARRIAGE OIIOLOTHB, ; s *•» Ptepar.4 to groat inducmenta to Bumm twin all parta of tVotmntry: ■ n ofaoico Stock Constantly oh ll&tnl. - will be taken for Dealers who , ot L-<>,y?mall. ' ,• , •'i - . WAfU3HOUBfc, N0.'229 ARCH Btrdet, Phi la. * THO.SUa POITEB, Manufacturer. JjLABON & SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OP OIL CLOTHS. WAREHOUSE, 14S NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orm to We trade a full atook of Floor Oil Cloths. > and extra quality enamelled Muslin Drills and * > Table Oil Cloths, new stjlea; green glased Oil Cloth for window shades. A complete assortment of Window Shades, trimmings, £e; We invite the attention of dealers to our stock. , MIMO ,jJIE&WAY, HEUSSNER, & 00., IMPORTERS OV CLOTHS, DOE6KINB, and CASSIUERES. BO LB 10IXVB roa TBS FOLLOWIHO OEI.BBEATEDMANUF AOTURERB * fB*D; iBOkENB, (Llttlß Ticket,) W. A. JOHANNY, Abhoe, GBYTES * BOHMIDT, (S and M Olothi,) ZAMBONA’BROT&BBBj (Fancy Ousimereg,) BBOICH A LAHBERTa, (V »nd B Olotlu,) *. TOBHKIBB A CO., 'i.' 6. HKBBMANA BON, (Muon Cloth) , HASELOPP * CO. No. 808 CHKBTNBI SIREkT, i PHILADELPHIA. Bt, W. SIBQWiT, ; CHA3. HEDSBNER. KISH LINENS, , , XtamAsks, diapers, Abo. ■ 00N8THIBBS of BICHARDSON 'B LINENS, .nd thoae dailrota'.fl' obtaining. the GBNtIINB GOODS, ehonld •ea that tha artiolea they poioheie are aaalad with tha fall name of the firm, ‘ ‘< 1 ' HIOHAHDSON, SONS, 4 OWDEN, A* a gw Ante* of tfco soundness and durability of the _ . - J( •, '. i » Tills caution Is rendered essentially necessary as large quantities of inferior anddefectire Lioonsare prepared, season after season, and sealed with- tha name or RICHARDSON. by Irish,houses, who, regardless of the Injury thui.inflieted alike on' the'Amerfcanconstimer nod the manufacturer* of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business so profitable,, while pur ohasers oan be Imposed'on with Goods or a worthless oharaeter. ••’-i ’■ ~ - -J. BC7LLOOKE &J. B. LOOKS, mygMm,»Agents < Bfl QHUROH Street. New York. ■■. Baoinfla -tfimifs. rj<HE &TA.TE, SAVINGS FUND, : No. 341 DOCK STRIBT, next doob to the post, oppiob. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT Money reoalTad DitLT, and arery MONDAY EVENING, on oifoaii, IN BUMB.LABGB AND SMALL, PAID BACK DAILY, PBOM 9 O’OLOOK A.M. TO 3 O'CLOCK P. M, BBPOBlfO&fl OAK DRAW THCIR MOHRT IT OBBOKB, AS Ih BISK, JJ DESIRED. ’ ; GEO, H. HART, President. OHAS. G.ItfLAY, Treasurer, J. HENRY HAYS, Teller. The spring gabden saving rOND.'f: (Oiumu nnnliiaiiuttfH or PnraartY-im.) PERPETUAL CHARTER. VIVA PER GENT. Interest allowed to Depositors, ind 4ii Moneys Paid hack on Demand. • > OP7IOB, 881 NORTH THIRD' STREET, • (OoirsouDiTioir Bin Boildino.) This Institution If now open' for the transaction of business, and is the only Chartered Saving Pond located in the orths city. ' ' ’The Ofies wiU be open (daily)’fata 9 to 2K o’clock, •aftd Aljo'ota MONDAYS tod THpBfiDAYB, from fulfil "Stephen Smith',' " Jacob Bock. - ■v Jokn'P Levy, • *■* ■* • Joseph V. Cowell, Hon; Henry &. Strong, - George Woelepper, 1 Daniel TJaderkofler, 1 J. Wesley Bray. Hon; Wm. Hillwara, * ’ ->' ■ Robert B. Davidson, 1 Frederick Staakby 1 P'. 0. Ellmaker, Pranela Hart,- ’ John P. Vcrree, Joseph P. LeOlero, George Kneoht, J6hn Kessler; Jr., ' - John Horn. y 1 ■ President, JAMBS 8. PRINGLE. . ' Secretary, GEORGE T. THOEN.’ , ppSI-lftf LAYING FUND.—UNITED STATES TBUBT OOMPABT, corner of THIRD and OHBBT- StIT Street!., Lore* and imeU enme rewired, and paid book on de ranndj with (rat notice, with PIVB PER O£NT INTJIB BBT from the day ot aepoeit to the day of withdrawal. " Offloe hourt, from 0 until 6 o’clock CTery day. and oa , MONDAY HVIKIUQS from T until 9 o’clock. DRAFT Star aide, os SaglaiuL Ireland, aod SootlAßd, from £1 opwards. . PrtCIdWitr—STWIIIN B. 0B1WV0&P. Treasurer—PliXHT VI6S. B. HUNTM CSAYIKO JrUNDrrFIVE PEB GENT. IN. TBIUSfIT-NATIONAL SAMTY i tfBUBT OOM PANY.*-WALNUT BTRSST, BQUTH-WEfIT OOBNJB Qg THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. - , .. IxooMouno pTi tom'Stats or Pvtostltixia. r Moaeyls received is anyaom, Jarre or small,'and in. Mrest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with* ~TheoM©eis; o peo every deyfrom ©o'clock U the morning till I o’cwc* is the evening, and on Monde/ tad Thursday evenings till 8 o’clock. /HON. HENRY L.jBiNNIB, President. , : ROBERT OHLYBUH2I, Yioe President. WM. J. Bus, Secretary. niasovoaat Hoi. Hoary L. Benner, f. Carroll Brewster, BdwardL. Garter, •<'Joseph B, Bats , Robert Belfridge, >.»s » Franc la Le., - • Sami. K. Ashton, Joseph xerkas, r C.'LanfirsthMuima*' - v -Henry BiSsnderfier. Money la received end payments made daily. ', The Investments are made,, in oonfarmity with the provisions?! ‘ the Charter, ‘ln BBAL BBTATB MOST &AHKB. GBODN& BXNTB, and enoh first class eeourl* ties'** will always Insure perfect security to the deposi tors. and which,cannot fail id Tire permanency ana sta bility to this Institution. anl*ly Franklin institute. TERMS AND YBIVILEQBB 07 MEMBERS. ’ Annual Contributions, $3; Life Membership, $25; with an additional chare* of One Dollar the first year for a Certificate of Membership, The fiscal year com mencesou the first day of Octi&er, Members not in srrean are entitled to the uso of the Library and Reading Booms, open dally from 0 o’clock A. 10010 o’clock P. M.j with tho privilege of taking oat the hooks. * They will also' receive Season Tickets for the‘Lectures and the Exhibition, and a Season Ticket for a Lady, to attend the Lectures, and six sin gle Admission Ticket* to, the Inhibition for ladles or minors.' Thor will also be entitled to' receive One Copy of the Monthly Journal of the Institute at one half'the subscription‘price The Lectures of the Institute commence In Novem ber, and are oontiaued on Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day evenings for Twenty Week’*. . - SRIVItEOKa OS MINORS. The minor children, wards, Sndapprentlces of Life Members, aridof whoso annual contribution* ard paid. Including the'currentyear, are, on the payment of,Two Dollar# per annum, entitled to use'the Library, attend the tectnrei'itfd'the Meetings of the Inslltutoy and visit the Exhibitions: or, on the payment of One Dollar, they will receive Tickets for the Lectures only, DRAWING 60H00L, For Instruction,' Mechanical, and Architectural Driving and Designing, commences September 20tb, and is continued on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evening*) for Twenty-foar Weeks. Pupils under twonty-ons years of age are entitled to attend the,Leotures in the Institute, and visit the Fx : jlbltion. Terms, $6 per Quarter. . , 'journal of the institute, • Devoted,to Mechanical and Physical Sciences, is pub lished in monthly numbers. Illustrated Plates and Wood Oats. Subscription Price $6 par annum. . , . . Tilifi STATED MEETINGS Are held on the third Thursday evening of each month; at which ’ snbjsots connected with science and the arts are received sad discussed. The members tickets, for the coming exhibition and lectures are now ready for delivery. Gentlemen wishing to becomemembert can do so on application, at the Haiti in Betenth street) below Mar ket, to «• i. *i WILLIAM.HAMILTON, se29-6t • \ -• 'Actuary. Philadelphia warming and VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. ' • 1 ; ARNOLD A WILSON, OTobwsww *e S..A. hammo*, - We have removed from our oid stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No; 1010 CHESTNUT street, • few doom below;the fit.’Lawrence Hotel, where our old friends and the public' Are respectfully invited to examine our extensive stock of warm Air Furnaocs. Oooklhg Badges,) Bath ‘Boiler*, Registers. Enameled Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Grates,. fco., Ac. . We are now-manufacturing OHiIBOM’S OBLIuBATBD PAT ENT NSW GOAL GAB 00N8UMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economical .Heater ever invented, and suited to aU olasses of buildings., ■ Also,, new and- beanti/Ul patterns of .Low Do „ Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates or all vises and pattern i- We have also commenced • the manufacture o. ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Ttm iflvaiia, Stmt. Thasa Mantels r>er..rw«id»<l a SPECIAL PREMIUM at till tail Stir aai ExhU ;W«»* of Hi Pranhlin Imtifuli o/thil ,?»»». Th«/ represent .11tha tin and beautiful Ahtiqoi. ManßL.e, W np‘ Bmoki.Opal Op.. Oil or, 4«'d«i ■ pad an «»«■WRommi. and Retail, at VnueA tm pnu UNPa JdpWH. Coil and ... them'. ■ ’> -ir.' ' ' = '' - ARNOLD* WILSON. mAW fc BEERS* J. . . -1, • LDBRIOATINO QRBABE, the best and cheapest compound for greasing the axles |f: OMNIBUSES, CARRIAGES, OARTS j DRA7B and Wagons, »nd Abate machinery, .. ■ For aale In tin cans j kegs, and barrels, by all the' •JIBUGGIBTO la the city andthe MANUFACTURERS, < ■ No. 18 80UTH ,WATER Street . PHRENOLOGICAL - EXAMINA ftvpY TIONB, with written descriptions of character, yj\J Inolndingadrioe inreferencetobusiness, health, vZ\ ; seU-improtement. are made day and eve 08** nlng at FOWLER, WELLS, k, oo.’B, geU-Bia 9MohMtout at., Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA* MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1858. New |)ablirationa. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. ' 5 \ Published by LINDSAY &, BLAKIBTONj 35 South SIXTH St.) above Chestnut. ‘MORPIT’S . CHEMICAL’ MANIPULATIONS, 600 Illustrations. 1 Volume, octavo. . * ’ ’ 2. NbAD & MORFIT’S CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Il lustrated. - > - ■ ' . loN, THE ART OF PERFUMERY, &0., Ac. With Illustrations. " f 4. . - ! PIGGOTT ON COPPER AND COPPER MINING. Illustrated.- i ?' OVERMAN'S PRACTICAL MINERALOGY, AS SAYING AND MINING. ■ i KURTEN ON THE MANUFACTURE OF. SOAPS AND CANDLES,. . ; BRANSTON’S HANDBOOK OF PRACTICAL RE CEIPTS FOR DAY USE. 8.. i BEASLEY’S DRUGGISTS’ RECEIPT BOOK. Third Edition, i , WRIGHT’S AMERICAN PRACTICAL RECEIPT BOOK. „ < i WYTHE’S MIOROSCOPISTB’ MANUAL. ted. , ** > . ' 11. } •** RYAN’S PHILOSOPHY OP MARRIAGE. ' ; , , is. • , rocs-tf WALKBR ONINTERHARRTAQK, Illmfiated. TO THE. LEGAL PROFESSION. ! ELLIOTT’S DEBATES. New Edition Jost published. \ THK DEBATES IN, TUB 6B7CBAL ) ' > STATE CONVENTIONS _ - .On the Adoption of i »'■ - THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION, As recommended bj the General Convention atTPhili delphia. inl7fc7. Together with the ' .. . .JOURNAL of ike FED *IUL' J CONVBTrtf&If i LUTHKRMABTIN’S LETTER, . YATB’3 MINUTES, congressional opinions;- Virginia and KsHtCoJurßisoumoss of and other Illustration! ol the Constitution; ' ' •Including ’ ‘ A ■ ' THE MADIBON PAPERS, Containing the- Debates on the Adoptionol . THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION, 1 *V Tn the Convention held at Philadelphia in 1787;' 4 With a DIaRV of the Debates of THE CONGRESS OF THE CONFEDERATION}’ • - - 1 As Reported f • Br JAMES MADISON. , f Pnblished under the sanction of ContrreKU *- • Btf JONATHAN ELLIOIT. V Complete in 6 vole ,Bro'. Price 115. " •* i J. B. LIPFINGOTT & CO", f Pnblishbfs,’- ' 22 and 24. North FOUftyj St; WEBSTER and;aA,YNE>3oele bratbdspbeohea , ' Jn.t Published Id od« large ocl.YPTolunio br - - T.'B. PETERa'd# 4. BBOIHBHB, . Kd.atHl OUBbTNni.Sbeat." Coi. HA?NE>B GBBAT.SPKEOItIn.the SENATHor 1830 on. Mr. Font's,Resolution.,'. , , . ■ DA.KIKL WEBSTER’S CtRRAS SPEECH in reply to Col. Havne/ofßoutU Carolina! ~, .. j Jv . WEBSTER'S very interesting and ■ loarnrd SPEECH In tho Senate oflfßO, on tho Slavery Compromise. i; [Extract'from Webster's Speech of J830.} , ~ ' “When ray eyes alull .be turned to behold, fertile' last time, the sun In heaven,' may I not see him shlnibg on the broken and dishonored fragments cf,a on6e-glo rious Union; on States dissevered, discordant, baltige, rent; on a land rent with civil feuds or/drenchfed'lt may oe, In fraternal,blood!” “ Liberty and Union,ddw audforever, one and inseparable.” [From Col. Hayue’s Speech j 4 ' “We ash nothing or our Northern brethren buttofet ns alone. Leave us to tho undisturbed management of our domestic ooncerns, and the direction of our own'fci dnstry. and we will ask no more.” Sir. there have, existed, in every age and every country, two distinct oiders of men—the lovers of freedom, and the do.rtfttT advocates of power.” ... , ; . ’ Copies of the above Speeches will' be sent to an£ OU9, anywhere in the United States, postage paid, on recast’ of Twenty-five cents. • Sand Id your order* Immediately to the Publisher*. : T.-B. PRTitBBBN k BBOTHBRS. I ' Mo. 800 OUgBTNUT Street;. _ Philadelphia aud its shoppM* PALACES I .< At the suggestion of numerous Retell Storekeepers In the City, there will be Issued prior to Ist Jaoharr,: 1819, (as quickly as possible,) a neatly gotten ttb ana handsomely bound work. '(comprJildg one hundrfedor more piges,) as 'a useful and orhamehtal companion to the Drawing .Room or Parlor Centre Table,\to-fee, entitled, ' • -*t j - l THE LACIES’ >■- * > ' PHILADELPHIA SHOPPINCt'GUID & U aso •' ■■ • ■ HOUSEKEEPERS’COMPANION, Fob 1869.' ' PRICE FIFTY CENTS. Numerous Directories. Tit : the City, Boiloesi, Phi ladelphia. and Its Manufactures, &c.,huve their appro pr ate' sphere of usefulness. Up to this period, now* eTtr, the Retail Storekeeper has been overlooked there in, by being mixed up promiscuously with the more nu merous class of Importers, Wholesale Merchants,; Ms* uufaoturero, &0.,'&0. Again, the Housekeeper has heretofore not bad a work as ready at hacd/a glacis at which would indicate whore desired wants may be pur chased. The “ Ladies’ Philadelphia Shopping Guide” Js 'designed to fill this vacuum, and wlilnotonly.f,be valuable to onr own Citizens, bat doubly sotostrib&irai and care shall be taken that its sale Will throughout the South andWe*t,-aa' objects oMnifrsflt in Philadelphia will be intenpensd : pages. . - , Tha Shopping-Gnidß”. will . TO ADVERTISERS. JfacA jßuitnejs.w*7l he classified, oh 3 Names Al ■ phabetically Arranged. Name and Location 25ctS. aeSS-tJa&l Name in Cap Letters, (with a Copy of Guide)... 60 eta. DISPLAYED ADVERTISEMENTS. One Page Half Page...... Quarter Pege... ' Office) 810 CHESTNUT Street, (third floor.) - «l-3t JAS. OHALLEN & SON, N0.'25 touth, SIXTH Street, Publish this day: CHALLKN’B NEW JUVENILE LIBRARY, 2d Se rlee, 10 vols., illustrated. Adapted to the Sunday School and Family. Net sectarian. Also, new editions of OHALLEN’B NEW JUVENILE LIBBARV. Series No. I. Illustrated. These books have been endorsed by Sunday Schools of every denomination. 10 vole. 82 60. “ THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING.* * “The most aoourate and reliable aooount of modern Jerusalem yet given in the Englieh language Bib. Sacra HADJI IN biBIA. Cloth, 76 cents j blue and gold * l IN AND AROUND STAMBOUL, $1.26. OAVE OF UAOHPELAH, and other Poems, 76 cts.; blue and gold, fljAo., &o. ’ aeBo*lm OABPETIKGS. ELLINGTON BRUSSELS, SUPER ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, EXTRA FINE INGRAINS, DOUBLE COTTON CHAINS INGRAINS, VENITIANS, AND LOWER GRADES, Of choice styles and approved manufacture, constantly recelrlng and for sale by •elO toc2l Nos. 136 and 130 CHESTNUT fit Arch-street carpet wa.ee- HOUSB.-f-We have received onrFall supply of Carpetings, and have a 'me of tbe IIANDBOMKBT GOODS IN THE OITY. AUtbe new styles of Velvet, Tapestry, Brussels, Three ply, Ingrains. andVonitlana, ot the best make, bought at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH, to be sold accordingly. With a full assortment of OIL GLOTIIS, DRUGGETS, &o. - We have all the goods utu&lly kept in & FIRST-CLASS ESTABLISHMENT, and are prepared to sell them at extremely LOW PRICES FOR OABH. OLDDKN fc RIOKNER, fi«2B-2w 832 ARCH Street, 2 doors beiow Ninth. ®l)ina, ©lassmare, &t. fJMJRNBGLIi & 00., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS CHINA AND QUEENSWARE, Nos. 23 and 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Between Market and Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA, |Jj~ GLASSWARE, open or by the package. au3l-2m fJXO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN on IN A, GLASSWARE, AND YANCY ARTICLES, ay THK LOWEST MABKBT PBIOBB, It MARXSEN & WITTE, Importers, MASONIC HALL, 718 OHSBTNUT STREET. JanS-lp gALAMANDEK SAFES. A lartra assortment of EVANS & WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT DOORS, For Banka and Stores.' BANK LOOKS, Equal to any now In use. IRON DOORS, BHUTTRRB. Ac., On ftfl good terms an any other establishment In the - United States, by' ' EVANS A, WATSON, No. 26 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. PLEASE GIVE UB A CALL. au!B-tf TENNENT-SCHOOL. HAETSYXLLE, PENNSYLVANIA. BOYS FITTEB FOR COLLEGE —OB,— BUSINESS. KBIT TBBU OOUMJIROBS MOYBMBSR 3. M. LONG, Principal. References— Bey. Amise* lUrnrs, Lewis R. Ash 90RBT, E»(i., Hoo. Giua. Fagi.knrb, Virginia, Bon* Hbmbt OttAPUiR. • . neB-eodow* ry—=sa. Female Medical College.—The Ninth Annuel Ooutbd of LBGTUBEB will begin the lfith of Uetobef, and oontlotte fire months. For terras;&o., apply at the Oollege. 9?7 AROH Street, or by letter to the Dean. * BDWJN FUoSBLL. M. »* eeBO m (Earpetittge. JObEPH LEA, MERCHANTS. A large Stock of C&nrational, MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, IB6§. , . - Annuls of a literary Society. ~ Among’oilr readers are manj', nodoubt, who, arofamiliar'withthbstandardUtetatureQfan earlier, as well as with that hif the presept pe riod. These -will - recolleot that iniinUalilp, satire, at once. so pleasant and so ” cutting, which Dean- Swift, ■■with less aid- from, his friends than is generally, supposed, composed in ridicule of the magniloquent histories and autobiographies which were rather prevalent in the reign of QueenANHE. The retiowned “ Memoirs of P,]?., Clerk of our Parish,!’ are like Gulliver’s Travels,'by the same author— once read’ never to be forgotten. - The dig nified manner in, pbich the,, p'seudp-putobl ographerirecorded'theismallest indident i' , tKo f ’ importaneo whlch Ke Attached to the meanest, thing; the stilted manner of his whole relation) of the merest commonplace events, formed a combination too striking 7 and, also, too amu sing not to boremeinbered. f - Something in'the Same style is a little oc tavo, of 36 pages, just- published, entitled “A Skotchpf thotjnloil Library'Company, which has been• prepared at request- of the •Company, by ’William S. Moaniss.’’ There is something extremely refreshing in the man per in whioh' this author,, records the > hfstory of a little MteraW association' whioh, 'after a brief period of prosperity, has,, so far declined that at present i only >an anniversary belebratloh isheld < ;?/ u i 1 ' ■'■' h*o»WV<lilfHmttlives.” '' . Mr. Mosaics, is, porvadingly, impressed with a sense of the great vaitte'of the literary jasso piatlon whose “.short apd simple.* annals.”. hsu ■records... P.” himself could scarcely have exceeded him on- this point. ■ ,But the ;«Sk'dtch’’'i's inpfe'thSn* merely' abasing, mentions some instances, which we shalj pre sently ;'clte, ofaSpetual pursuit, of knowledge under difficulties as ever we had brought under our, notice,—irifitftpee? which,sh'ow,'iaO)(q then labored arguments could, how irrept'eSaifcle, is, ihe desire, how etropg- the endeavor ‘,;of the young rnen 'df " this cityto improve; their mindaby such association and combinatipn’as' will extedd their literaryuttainments; ■ j . ’ Passing by, a labored commencement, in Stitch' Mr. Moaniss of . torian and theannaliatj modestly appropriating; the 'iltmie,qf,the,latter we' f oa T n that dn April,' 1886, was 'established. ,‘jThe-. .Tbuthis Library'and'Litethtff v 'Aswcmti|On..!r, The house, of Mrs.. PopTßai'in ijlldy 1 , • ,at preaept owned and occupied by, Mr, CrEpROK 'M.'B'AtOH’j’dpe ot the'earilest fpetab'eraj Was the site of this new Temple 1 of, Minerva.! To ofdinarycurio sity ’ the idcdlfmigfithe.pf small, moment, bnt the Annalist,' flllodiwith the 1 vast importance, of his'shbjoct, says‘‘This jspot. may yet become the shrine whither' our mem- ■ bers shall ropilr,WhenthO''(!ompapy aba’ll be invested with historic intereatj'fthrohgb the" labors of the Annalist f] and, therefore, itmay be well to say something moro' about’ it., It is ■ situated on the north side of ■ the street,'three Or 'forir doors', abovo front ’stfeet.” ~ Appre hending that even this might betoo Vague, tho Annalist adds;, " At! the time of. the Compa ny’s organization it was numbered four, I think, but the recent change in such matters has altered it, and it is now nxmber 113.!? i We shall make an early pilgrimage to the spot.' In the second-story back room,, supplied , free of charge by the mothor of Mr. At.fred L.' Pobtee, founder of the Company, 'the meetings were hold. The members wero all very yonng, and vory determined, to improve their minds. The initiation foe was twolve ,and-a-hulf cqnts, (vulgarly called, “ a levy,”) .and flfica jf; tin six in the Library i and , by the end of the first , year there were 260 volumes on the shelves. By this time, too,'the Association had assumed the namo of « The Union Li brary Company.” From the first, there wero anniversary meetings, with an *< order of exercises,” (how 1 heartily we hate that meaningless phrase!) . consisting of an address by one member, re- . marks, by another, reading the Declaration of Independence by a third, and reading of WASHraaiOH’s Farewell Address-by a fourth. Soon after the close of the first year, the Society moved to Fifth, below Arch street. The Annalist Bays, “ We sprang forth with new.energy, in the noble race we had com menced. A capacious, though humble, boek-case was procured, the composition box [whatever that may have been] was pnt into operation, and the debates were characterized by a greater freedom of utterance and breadth of thought.” J The debates had the advantage, no doubt, of making the members read np to the. subjects. Lectures soon followed, and wero continued while the Society lasted. In short, increased success created a necessity for enlarged accommodation, and the company moved to the northwest corner of Second street, to La Grange Place. The Annalist says, “ Not having the means to hire help, we wero constrained to make the fire, cleanse the hall, trim the lamps, and do-all the other ne cessary work incidont to the complete accom plishment of our purposes. One of our chief difficulties was the want of furniture. At first we sat upon ordinary school-benches, but soon getting tired of these, we succeeded in pur chasing six new settees. It was considered necessary to enlarge our book accommoda tions, but to buy a book-case in addition to our other purchases was beyond our means, and so the members purchased the materials, brought tools to the hall, took off their coats and went to work. The book-case whioh they thus made lasted until our next removal.” Who does not sympathise with those un doubted and energetic knowledge seekers 7 Soon after, unmindful of the proverb that a rolling stone gathers no moss, the Company made another removal—to Sixth, below Cherry Btreet—and removed to its new quar ters for four years, at the annual rate of $6O. The Annalist says: « The effects of the Com pany were removed to the new place without the aid of strangers; and the wagon used to do part of that service with was drawn without the aid of horses.” Hero, again, those really noble-minded young men acted on the fine principle, “Help yourselves and God will help you.” The meetings of the Society were now held, for one purpose or another, nearly every evening in the week, a member acting as jani tor, to save expenßO. An attempt was made to establish a cabinet of minerals and, curiosi ties the collection was small, and the “ cu riosities” consisted of “ a shark’s jaw, ahuman skull, and a toad-fish.” Lectures delivered by some of the members attracted attention out of doors. Soveral times the company had out-of-town oelobra- Hons on Independence Day. Washington’s birth-day they always celebrated in their own hall. They grow ambitious, as their succoss warranted, and took steps to erect a building of their own, but it fell through. “ Tho mem bers,” says Mr. Moaniss, “wore young men of moderate means, and every inch of ground they gained was by hard work.” They felt the want of a good library, and, by immonse exertion, got up a Concert in the Upper Saloon of tho Mu seum, in 1841. The expenses were $BB2. Even “the posting of bills and placards was done by the members, who in the night covered every available fence and post from South wark to Kensington.” Here, as on-all occa sions, the hearty oarnestness of the members was displayed. The sum of $42 was actually cleared by the Concert. The experiment was twice repeated, in 1843 and 1844,’ and $BOO gained, which went to pay debts and buy books. In 1848, a fourth and final Concert cleared only $3O. In 1844; the Company made their- last re -1 moval. It was to a room on Walnut, above Sixth street. The sphere of action and of nti i lity was greatly enlarged. Tho public became 1 greatly interested In tho debates. Various ’ efforts were made by other societies to join the Union Library Company, but withppt sue cess, . We roust, pass.whatthe, Annalist ca)W « The Episode,’’ (aqd.very amusingly roiatoSj) and <f ThaPiokwiek Club,’.’and .can , -oijly, glafiqp at tkc fact that the Company is en ' titled .to,the,credit ofhaving assisted, in 1849, iq .the. [ gpqqt t.inOTementj atopce humime and ■ successf.qh fqr .abolishing. the i barbaroua, and brutal torture, obflqgging in, the, nayy. ] .In 1855 j when the Qpmpyny. .would seem to hayobeen firmly„eß,tablipho.d* after, jnsatdy • twenty years 'Struggles, mast;icroditabie fo - thosep.wbo participated, in them, it quietly sunk into abeyance, ‘..Mr.JIoBRiBft says:[ . i-, - .“The effeotsuf time were, now becoming visible in tbe company., Some of our mombpra bad died," 'some of ‘tbem’had married, whilobthers had go no, abroad insoarckof (jamo or fortune! and the roll was gradually decreasing. In fact, the.multiplied demands of huslness,-and the familyrelatiOhS',” upon the .time and,ettoutHmot'. euoli ae remained oonhooted witbus, prevented tfiat.thorpugh devo-’ tion whioh' distinguished ris st an earlier period! -It soon beoame apparent thattheancienj spirit' iwas gone, Yet.not withstanding all 'this! tbo'coin pany resisted 04 -long as .it could the final jstroke of .dissolution. After, repeated', attempts, to-disr Solve the' society it was at' length dotorrnihed ■to - Alter the "plan-of organisation/ Tho' associations -ofi nearlyia fifth of 1 a eentury could'not be broken up pt a, blow, and without a struggle/- The com pany, therefore, concluded .tqeloso its active ca reer, andrneet annually on the night of the anni versary,* in order to join in'celebrating the * Olden* tlme'.’ Tho'laet meeting for the purpose of debate was held on the Bth of Norember, 1855.” - I '-' ■ -Lookiug-through tha long, list of questions -for discussion, on whicb tho memberß dabatod ftom 1889 to'lB6sj w6’ate hs’ much surprised as gratified'to notfce , the pfacticalnattre of the subjects. They,were largely historical, jWith a spriirkling of! political and theoretical;' To hear part In-such,debates, even agauclitoiy must hftve involved,more ..orless study ot the subjects discussed) Hero-isithe basis of‘great general information,! andhehcearise Inßuce mhntsi to road. , '--Readlhoss’ lh- debate 1 would 'heilcebeprdfetTed’flit'the’.deliyeryof cbß-ahd dty bftiti onkj'4,tilted ,ln ' poswsßing ’jn'o’re sound 'than'’souse, which are so tniich fayored tjy membership wifh many .literary, societies (Van ity Fairs on w-smaU.Btaley.in thlsi-arid jther cities, -t • ot'c d'H | 1 1- The Lecturds,; of whioh Mf. MobbisS fives ! »• lißt, display ,: thb‘'aame ' gbdd' sense 1 ; It "the choice of subjects. ‘ They Ar 6 eminently trac-- tioalj for the most part, ami must have done good., . Looking oyer, what,-the Company .re, ally, executed, one„ might ask, dn -.thewojrda. ,of thqoldirish ATeen,- “Oh, darling! whjrdid youdie?’-’ -/ 1.,-' j It is 1 Said 'that' the' 'very worst jokes ever - lahghed atare fhosentterdd In Courts'’* iLaw, —particularly"’when' ilr the ' Bench^'cqnde scerida''tp -be ’facetious, 1 . Mortar sa,iwho, (or.f* Anpals j J j with a ~P. a ,ge) of anecdotes, shows! - us, that. In j the jjpiop Library Company even Worse - than the usual run-coteforensic’jokes were sometimes, heard.- .Foribxaißple:’i -- '■ “At adotiSertime 4 lively tiltwas run'belWaan. Mr. Q; Mi Baugh and-Mr. 1 W, Vi MdKeiri. I The latter made £omo observations which thafoiriiir’ , <Jouldnpt,.on thaapur of thempment/reqly. to[ and so, after the debate, U said,to Mr, MoKeaa, fh •■havettKoio'/tf'lhadmlpthOagHfprft I could bavo tmaihrd you !■ ’1 ■■ l ,I '‘ : j —li v “,!'%«**>lys ie (roe,--in-:a’ measure, Mr Bresl- JenU «a>d,a gentleman, in tho ooane of debate, a hnmbbi'df times, whoa'an opponent obtained the 'door, ondwithoomlo gravity inquired whether it was a pint of&dahtfmeamrf that the meihber alluded tot-,. ' , - •>., viift i-ei-nT i< A number.gf members Wentto .the iDelalare ‘ one evening to bathe,.and .William ,B?gdly, |who was prepared for a dive,, atopd npon one of the; posts to- whloh cables are fastoqod, in the attitude of Napoleon at St. Helena. -Presently hoi ei l ' olaimea, ‘Boys, soeßonsparto!' ‘ Bony-pur l! 1 »»>d Alfredlj. Porter,! 1 yon had: better say fleshy ‘ If the members couicl see any thing in those facetuz to iapgh at, their, risible faculties must have been easily excited. , We-have soiquch respect for the members that we shall not add, alluding to them, that ll gentle dulneSjj 4ver loves a joke.” ri '* | ; ; It would have better, pe.rbaps, Annajist of this Society, kept more upon earth and loss in the clouds—if ho had generalized," —c u.muwijpwitiuuiww*, U; shall not quarrel with his style. He has devo ted his talents and Ms time to this; little “sketch,’.’ and we 1 should-not -be surprised, after ail, If his labours would awaken an inte rest for tho Union Library Company sufficient' to (secure its permanonce aud effective re-esta blishment upon an enlarged basis. The following lines bj Samuel Cameron, I|sq.> exhibit gladness of soul, elasticity of heart, truth of thought, clearness of expression, and that dex terity of mental distillation whioh draws from chaos and oonfaslon the essenoe of truth, and beauty, and order. The author strikes every mo ment upon eomo string, to which, the heart‘re sponds, and all the beauties of earth and sky l are lavishly squandered to form fitting frame-work fep his pictures ; • - T » ; ' [From the Knickerbocker Magazlue.J ’ THOSE VESPER BELLS. ' ■ • j ?Tls flummer’s pensive twilight reign.’ u * | The world seems one embodied thought'; ' . SiUnce and shadows fill the plain, And Nature to the Hovers has brought Befreshing balm of crystal dews; < And Zephyr leaves its place of spells, And with a voice of music wool . 1 .The modest dowers that love the dells. \ - ‘ The spirit of the hour awakes To luxury of thought and tmth; Pure ,those lakes r ! - Where spirits drink immortal youth; > ' ’ As# through,the silent air -. { 1 ‘ A heavenly tnuslo ipars god swells,. Makinga glorious Eden Here—, ; ' The muiicofthe reaper bells. <./ 1 board those bells at morning hour, Summoning worshippers to pray; ‘ Aod felt their holiness el power, As though from heavenly harp a lay Of promised mercy had awoke, ' , ' \ * Such aa, ou that redeeming morn, i Gladly upon Jndea broke, j ' Proolaimlog the Bedkbmer born. And then, as grew the golden light; Of day to fulness and to gladness, I shared the hUseqf soqnd and sight, And felt not e’en one pulse of sadness: But change of time brought change of soul *, 1 And now 1 1 love these lonely dells Where, with a saddening cadenoe, roll The eohbes of those vesper hells. For Evening says, life’s brightest day . Must also have its oloslug hour; 1 That manhood’s pride will pass away 1 From Earth, and perish like the dower; And I must to the grave descend— , The grave where silent darkness dwells, To meet no more my cherished friend, And hear no mere those vesper bells. ; i i 0 God 1 how full of bitter tears < Of agony the very thought ! That they, the friends of fondest years, Whose sympathies the heart has sought \ As its best refuge, solace, home— ! Where love enshrined’mid virtues dwella— I - Must part; and I. within the tomb, Nor hear with them those vesper bells. When earth is past, and I am gone On that far journey, which the mini Of man may oft refleot upon, ! But which has never been deSned;; I When on that journey I depart, ; Friendship e’en now my spirit tells, ! A thought of me will reach thy heart Whene’er thou hear’st those vesper bells. Hear me, oh! thou, beloved, revered, Among a thousand here to mo; Oh! let a memory shriae be reared Where my rapt soul may list to thee; And let thy pious thoughts arise For him, within the grave who dwells; ’Twill meet and mingle in the skies, Withmusio of the vesper balls. Dews will not be the only tears, Upon the grass above my head, For some will mingle with thy prayers, To toll of sorrow for the dead ; And as some angel wafts above Thy prayer to Him who highest dwells, - Thou’lt hear thy God’s rewarding lore, > In sweetness of those vesper bells. Then, when the rosy Sabbath morn, 1 In glory treadeth o’er the hills,' Or evening gems the fragrant thorn, And with her dews the bloslom fills, Whisper thy friend, who low and lone, Sleepeth amid the silent dells, And he will know thy music tone, , , ■ Oft heard boslde those vesper bells. a When in their beautiful array, ■ ■ «' Through Time’s bright vista shine the hours In which our steps rejoioed to stray Through avenues of odorous flowers; 1 Oh 1 wilt thou not in fancy deem , The whitper of my spirit dwells, ' Like echo of some tuneful dream, And mingles with those vesper bells? The new armobt or tho Philadelphia Grays, Lieutenant Otter, in Market etreet, below Eighth, is now being rapidly jraahed forward to completion It will be one of the beßt armories la .the city when finish* ed The Grays are a well.disciplined corps, and are greatly increasing their.membership. «<*'>•.TWO-GENTS.'^ I I re, S..oa - 4i*up»Mi!nrB Tjßjs.BVEHjafa. > •* “ Thi Whsel ct:FbMae’i—'MlioBpMla_!ririt’" Mbs. d. p. Bombs’ Wblott-bissß! Jhbatbb.- Tho Spii or tyui KigUJ.”, , Hii,L._a » !ii c rß(,nlj.pinit‘Bm»'Q( ihe Bub '•■ HiftokAp cff'&o Blbls* , ’ Bold'LAaoENyi-^-OnSatm^ayi/evening * colored man ; w©nfc la to-th* jewelry sfcoroof •Fre'dertck .Fromhsgen, -Np,. Drouth,; Eighth,, street., ;and; AfWF xoaluDg a pretence flagor* ringi.from toe femalevattandsnt, he graced seven valued at twenty-five dollars and saying “Good 'bye!tr tooktphls heels. ’ H«* su pursued with cries of ‘♦stop thief M’ add s big crowd 'joined In the okas*. lAVNlntbaddOheitnntlfltreeta the thief'todk to the cellor of the new: hotel, and disappeared, among the :vauiu; The building ,waf immediately surrounded orowd, apd a party of policemen,, provided . Vito , lanterns, aesfched' the a long hunj/the "black fox was dneatthbd,' minus hfa bat; and ;to ithe- Central Station, Whete bfrhad - i hearing 1 before Alder* -manFredman. 1 :»s- • i< • • i' l * r >e ’•'< I ‘ ' -The young lady who waited upon the'thief tcsti-J fled ,to f all,the;ciroaroatiinces of the jobbery* and then slightly.lAetopUbed the ei»d l thq t .igokers-on by dec|aripp.tbat the not the.th<4f! ' Ah’ Ofijcer placed his awn ,hat uppa the heed Ofrihemap) ’when' sheft'rfKwiib that be wds the thief. Wilniti 'Johnson - ,' ha ihe ao cusedcalledhimself/’Wea doth tnrt ted’ lndefaalt of $l,BOO bail to-answer. "The l 'stolen f rings were not re covered %- ( 7, u oi > it , Ah - Ambitious have -Uofleed at the Florence meetings *- rather - IliniiloOhinglTOiith. call lug himself Davies; who, on'dvery pdnible'6ccas!ofl, pushes himself forward to the ■ front of tfebeptakecta stand; and; Inflicts his erode Ideas opon.the gathering Of the of.tbe,‘.‘ tjro ploopa.Vj ; The.othkr eve nlag he commenced an address that yu abjfoU of nod sense throughOdt that, the - Andtanc’l 'gbod.ngtdred.g* •thty'weW pHTtiot staphim!'bat iogalred, altar ne had takeo hls seat. IC Wbd ead tta'pdor fool bet* l '' wekee’ ,tbst thlss&rae iddiTidaalj'Vho cannot bh fatore than eighteen years haikaddreMed’what be;totals “ a challenge y. to. Qeorgd Neblngerirßsq/.. Id this, oompoayd **■ it.i* of-,bqngllngly*coostfnAt i P'i”* nl> ! eoo **j be nUtes blawJl'iDgpesa.to prove, although hi* writing. belies hi JCTentlpn, tßaV.the -Hon. Thosw.B.’yibreoee, “ is a heartless demafrogtie. and an worthy bf Bopbort/” 0 This si the genial,lt is Said,' has bidalh only, a'fewr.weeks; and bur 'alncepe’ the' flmnie, ryoatholsj that he-iarryHn "JerichotilTKls beird be grown. (bum n * -‘T* u o Import art Arkest'.—On Saturday mbrnlrifc, ex-Offlcar'Jbßeph'3s: Bb'aw arrtaVedklaianehhrged with' >p ekinV the- pocket bf W!U!a«r»'MyirJ; of Middletown, Pa i of a large lomof-mbney lb gold and bank-blild. The acQQßtd wesheld in $1)000,by Aldtrmaa l. Birffrofem&ir.' M-iiill «, < Aft?r„the, arrest bis trunfcwa^aiarch; ,ed, 'among other artlqta* lt',fcoht*ined,‘'waa a Urge" bnnd'e of‘Small directions to certain diSrendtaale e*s: tabltltim&itrto'ihl't 'cltfi 1 ' .there "was’ al|p aibrtiUrlr. drawn contrabtjWghld'Dy n the^i6&?'ftM :> t&fe , oiherß, fhft, tarpMopopf >f hlshithe dWoto# waif to' be 1 got oat, andhow.it was to be used.as a meanaotilerv*! bbMJknmSU bpon jierfeaha wh&aV Wdfaekflgare^jja girenYo the tUrtcwry wei e to be classified, indbttffetfi •orabn‘>ed.taood'd.fag^sVlih l to the tVfe.conspiratow, regard .tptljgis»4iUof their establishments. The esepott is rich, and tne'di-' rsotofy and the dUrieftitilkliJtheir: RtirriAN Saturday afterkoon ' HfghlCoriirtSbiei ItahVeH'and walking tow- cUy,.op-tbtf Gwrpiaatow? tiCed a parity or roar respeetable ypnug ladies, ard two young tnSbfTfho ! abdut‘fh" 1 A I 'fleld.A psnty of TOWdlag werp a ffcorf .dlrtanee * awayv -.-After a time, twb bf the w>odld not.see thflf offly.. cere, 1 feent over and mid*) a'traalonf 'kbtf ; bVutal ajttaph. upon the ypoug th* girls to.ran away in terror The omcerslnterfered/wneiTthe two!row*/ ptbey tor■ w long QstatrPej and one of them, named Thomaa .Banks. wa« captardd in lkno. 1 " The bally was broaght tb tbf cltyj and )Uken before. Aldermko Ogtaj' who huAiilm infOOOj bail "•''Sailzd.—Tbe’teckmsbYp’StatS' oatvlu. •illeuair Wo C’clcttk m -SiMnft?’ the following pdssengers, VTa: A Obampion. B Hftg&r. OrEinnt, 3< B P^«Uldr^(JASbbO«7irJJ" A-VUlabarger., VUIabarger., B lansbee. Mils Andrirton, Mrs yOMay. MtifTos Boperte and inrmT.'JMni t) rtfames^Misr:M 1? Abgnt three o’clock on Baturday l a!terhoon tbfe r boat Bftncoeas,,while on-her way the.riTer) her flael.'opposite Taconf. TKeooet* w«'s eompletelw en veloped In’siftini ''SltbfVl the aid ,The offs, ' an'd r thV'erlppfed' boat Was ran 'aibote.’ ’We 00 old; not' lea^n-tbatonyperson,was iwn j* > „\Tgssßii3 iN Port.—There<werejn.portyes terday' three eteamsblpi, seventeen 'ships, eighteen i b'r'gB,'and thfrtj-bbe schcontfrs.! r-k THE COURTS. : «A!t/rday’s pbo osjiViiiVsi r •[ReportedforThePress.l .' ‘ ' ‘ i J'.Qtiiß'Jgß Sbssi<Sk3—Jtttfgfl Ludlow!—The the’ cAje of Bflwiq K ,Biles; charged wlth.forgery in haring fraudulently altered the books of Hoskins, Hieskejl, & . Co.;:b«rore reported, 1 returned 1 * verdict of gntlty. A motion iraq for time toifile reteoas.for anew jrial; add in’arrest of judgment, and meanwh'le to a 1 low the ■ defendant td go'Ontail •' Aft'er^ometdelib&ation,' the' to ths bail being entered Lo.the sum of :CflnL]fiJ} iflfrt yb6tn< ? -*Mi'.' l -Lo6ghUid',<l)islrleti Attorney, called the attention of-Abe,court ,to,a rale, returnable oh Saturday, on Hr. J.'O. Tobias, to show cause why he;should notha punished for'contempt of' court. . , rt l ’ MriT*. Oarroll Brewster;-with ■whom wad Mr. HJ M. Phillips, appeared for J. 0. Tobias, clerk, and read‘the following answor of the clerk to the court ... j ‘\Jn tht'Court-of Oyir and Utrmirivt and Quarter 1 Sessions- > - ■ •, 1 ..’*•) I -> i Io the manner of the rule entered by said court, tember 27tb, 1868'dh'J; 0. Tobias, to show Cttue why' he should not answer for acontempVof oourt > ln ; baTiDg discharged; w-th ut the, authority .of the court,da Sa-. tnrday, September 26th. 1 1868,-4 certain "Littleton Itfor ’ ris, who had been bronght to.court from Moyampnsing i prison to teßtifrin a case then on trial. * J The answer of*.#. Tobias to the said rule > '•<' 1 Respectfully sbrtfeth, . , - ~ -! , Thatin the matter referred to in the said rule he has not intend** to be guilty of any violation of law or of a contempt of said court. , [ ' To the oontxary thereof, this respondent ehoWeth— ' That the facts connected sfitfc the bringidgof. sqld Lit tleton Morris into court, and his departure therefrbm, are as follows: " . i r r - -'■ i " • *' l « j On Saturday, the 26th. day of September, 1868, the case of the Commonwealth vs Joseph,Bex, charged with,-Involuntary' manslaughter, being under trial, the oounsel for said defeDdint.-Wm. M; Bull. Esq., stated, to the court that LHtleton UOrris. then in thecouhty prison, was <*• witness' 'fortths-BaJd: ahd he accordingly requested oi the court .that- said orris should be brought up. " J 1 * ' ' " ; The court haring acceded to,this request,rthe said Morris was sent for and came Into court. Th*;conqsel for said Bexsabaequontly' concluded ‘ not to examine Morris, and he was accordingly* not called, or sworri in said case. ... After the verdict was rendered of not grill ty, and the defendant discharged; the cotijt adjourned, : fi{ti»eqdent to the adjournment the Morfis,was standing osar' to the respondent’s dtah,‘with Alderman MeMullen arid Vfm. M. Bull, £«q.. when Alderman; BlcMriUen 'stated, to respondent that Morris had been committed by him to await a requisition, some ten days before 1 ; thatadis-' charge had be?n granted,.by paid alderman for Mortis arid that, aa'tbe Tequisitlonaad not arrived, after that interval of ? time,Morris might be discharged • Wm. M. 8011, Esq.. the counsel who bad xequea.ed the attend ant* of said Morris <s ’ a witness,'also stated that, the case being at an. end, h* had no claim upon the said Morris, and no longer desired hi* attendance. Respondent'‘thereupon' said'to Morris, '“he might., ge.” predicating this upon what had already been Stated , by Aldenban McMullen and Wm. M. Bull, Esq»; and I Respondent wholly denies that he granted tblsald Lit tleton Morris any written or formal discharge,: or that at the time tbe said Morris was permitted to depart he wssa’witness before .-said 1 court, *or fcprisorier'bf-aiid court, or in any manner b?ld or.deteiped .by proses* of said court, or That said Morris was at said time subject to the control, order or direction .of- this oOart lri any matinee whatever., And respondent,further answering. uith thstltlsoot irne,'’M by said rule Is supposed, <that ( at thq time said Morris waa suffered to depart, be was awitnetf'j to the contrary thereof, at thaiime re fertedtotbe case wav atan end—the 'verdict received and jacorded, the defendant on trial discharged, and the 'court adjourned j Nor is it true ashy said rule is supposed, that In suffering the said Morris to go after hi* duties as wit ness were at an end tbl* respondeotcommltted any con timpt of this court. The conrt was not at that.time In session Bespoedeat was not acting as ’ its officer—re spondent signed and fssned no paper—Tade no declara tion. and gave no oommaod as an officer of the court; nor was tbe said Morris taen under Its jurisdiction, or in any manner subject to its process. Respondent is ad vise*, and so respectfully suggests to the conrt, that, when said Morris cessed to attend as a witness, he be came again subject to the original commitment of Al denrnnMcMullen; that a»ld commitment-had never been of any binding force, having been issued (u to-, spondent is advised and believes,, and here 'offers,to, prove.) without any oath to support it, having been utterly void, “ ab 101110,” and having been wholly su perseded by the discharge granted by said magistrate* * And respondent further answering,»aith that imirie-' diately upon learning that this rule had been entered against respondent, the said Littleton Moms .came to respondent and offered to 'come into court trie next, morning, whiob he did. and on proceeding to New Jer sey waa discharged on ba|l in the sum of .one hundred dollars, conditioned for his appearance and for the pay meat of what the District Attorney Informed respondent would be a One of one dollar and costs, amounting in all to fifteen or twenty dollars. - And respondent wholly denies that in this other matter he has been guilty of any intentional dis respect to the court or any disobedience of. its 1 orders; and he is advised, and so most respectfully suggests to, the court, that his bohduot in the premiseshsa npt been in lawyaa it certainly waa not in fact, a oontempt of this honorable oqurt or its authority. , > ... And he humbly prays that said rnl?b6 dismissed, Bco. ' P.Oarhoi/lßbewstbb, Behrt M. : Patburs, : - Attorney* for Respondent. - J. O. Tobias.! J. 0. Tobias, on oath, says that the facts'contained in his foregoing answer are true and correct. Sworn and subscribed before me, October 2d, 1868. ■ ' Joseph Khzu, Becorder. J. 0. Tobias. The Affidavits of Alderman McMullen and Biah Con stable Barton were also read In support 9f Mr. Tobias’* answer, and disclosed substantially a similar state or When the answer and affidavit were read, Judge Thompson inquired if that was all the defence intended, to Mr.°Browster replied that he would like to hear from the District Attorney before he said Mr. Longhead said he would present to the Court all thEtastimonv that he had to offer, and examined on oath Officers Built Barton, and Messrs. ,Yogdea and Bull, m judffe rB Thomp?<to : intimated ■ that the answer of Mr- Tobias did toot touch the point at iisaehefwesn him and: F. 0. Brewster and PhiufpLmi&e able argn mKn'«upportofthere.p<>ridefat»£'intwer‘ r > Jndge Thompson delivered the-opinion of . ,the. court,' and said that the answer of Me. Tonlaiwas jn.effect no answer at all and that although not guilty of dittterapt of coart, yet he'had.'been gtolUy of. official* misconduct, and he would sentence hi m to pay * r fine of ’ $5O. and he snspoaded as clerk of the court. , . ' Judge Thompson* also'expressed his great regret at being obliged to, take.this action; as Mr. Tobias had proved bimselCa mopt efficient officer, ip whom he had hlthetto'repoaed the mQst entire confidence. The court room was crowded daring these proceedings, ,and the greatest sympathy was expressed for Mr. To bias.* -whose affability and gentlemanly .manners baa made him a universal favorite. It Is very gratifying, •however, tobisfrlends, to know thatnbcharge'orimpa- Ution of corruption stains hi* reputation, aaa that *n Set of Indissretton, done in ft moment of thoughtless good n&taro, h«s teoo the nolo eonse cf»o«ejere» puoishm.nt, Mr.ToWMT.ill be retainedln»k« o ®« o( Mr Crockett, who repoiee the most enUre confidence. i Mr‘‘pW.fp lt LTr''wm !>r ocoop 7 the ptf«« cr eourt clerk for the present. — — l 8 . mind tile /oUo*fngt-uIe«: v pXnry (vfmmpnTfttton mast W »o» of tfie wtlfttTj Id oraer W UurazWoenMtn«^* c the typogr*phy s 6ttt one Aide of the sheet should to ; / •'= rsw ,1, J 'siVV REMISE We shall he gteatlj-ohllged to gentlemen In Penneyl- TanjAand.-pther St&taa.ibr contribution* glfing the cor reirfiWsbfth* bkyitittyaw petti fcutar IcxklltlM, tfce msooroes of tiie of ‘ population,- or any tnfor^a%«kx a tiiat will be interesting toihrfgOTeiil reader/ MIS , news. Stur' Kilibd-with’ Du buque.)Express says: •“ We have Co record another atrocious. murder or npurders, pear usuin the cor ner of Jones conpty, Da}raqae county, and about twenty-five miles from our oifcy. As near as we oan learn,the facts are these: Mr. Daniel Kiimeally, the' man who was killed in- Ktantly J ras:a/famer., .He'had employed a la borer, named Fendsrgast, to mow and work on his occurred be tweezfDtem, and vfords passed, .bat in .time a sup 'p&rfad reeon6Uratldii' tbok ‘ place. 1 But 'at sapper, when st'KinUeilly’s orta- house,- Pendbfg&st used abnsiye languagetd him.atid he took.hold of him by.-the seised a scythe amfYun at mm, striking him with one sweep, nearly severing both legs at the thigh, and openinV bls abddmen. He died instantly. In niakink’rfi, r dftdr ; hfc had :: Bttu&K Einneally, the point of i thevsojrtha glanced and .pierced the breast of a Mr. Byan, who .-.was.; esdeaypring to defend Einneally.,.Ho-jis stated mortally wounded, and 4 is probably ‘dead era‘this. The murderer whs "festSntfynlcfhed 'by^trenraged •people; who refuse to deliver him ‘ txr any 'officer, 'and probably ere this he has cuted.V ,m P , - ~ j• -r,? Distressing Acoidentl—Oh the. week be fore.last ajlitUeson.qf Andrew Mprris, at Hardys i descended a well to recoVe? a bbeket which had becohfe'detaohed from the rope. -The well was about 40-feet deep—the lower portion, to the extent of eomolJ feet, having been Masted:through solid .rook,, and all above that being sloped up. A ladder. Ip feet was let down 1 to enable .the boy to, pass down and np the smooth- or rbbk-bored 'port Of the well,- and a rope wat t affixed tp his-body to draw him oat in case of d» D ger. .-He descended safely, secured the buokef, and was ooming np, when ,iuat as he bad reached the orifioe of.the perforated rock, a stone against top of the ladder rested fell out iand W*S followed by others. • The noise'of the fall ing stones gave intimattoa of.danger to the little bqy’fl ftjothWuWhpjtfltql at the windlass, „and who maao a vain attempt to draw him oat. Sat the well orumbled down, when onoe etarted, with fearful rapidity/ and in a'ehort timls the boy in the well >w&B' tar led ; op/land hie lifo-cnuhctf out of ftiff-tioU n ;'f feuls'cl i j : I;. ■ - y , EjnesiPSi oi Air, Airra—Teemiio Ep- WW.'Trl'fig.ChtoPPl.lZ’MMiguleanu that, in Lodi, county,. go, election wae bard on Friday Teat, on the question of ioeorpo rcflHg thefrtown; .thatch'd opposition to the oor poratfonmartlod itbe'lday.idnd wer*“ in' elated ihejeat-thet IhoypSraearftd an .old- anvil, charged t!e> P}** 1 Roqpcwder apd fi/ed it with great glee, thru celebrating their victory. . while a crowd of people was closigbont "the anvil. ithoral. with a ! -remendtis report, one piece etrlhlng'Dr. William iKypnedy,.lhi ocly.mrgeon-in .the.place, and—w ,bre a l(jng ,h|«,lag. j .,4. fragment of ,i»n;,weighing a P9,ht «o fShfd.bt;“°kA wjilto-oek noet ebonl ' six tnbhsrin diameter,'andcnt'it'ehort off u eflfce 'lively ait If'hit by-'a' twelVe-pdttnd oannS-ball. iAnother piedc,.weighing Alt'or eight pounds, hit !SSf’X^B’JiW'i'bsl'inDg,man, the,oldestaon of L. Brooks, of Lodi, and initiated'a wound which ie evidently mortal~-the flip bone being.'amaahed to -plCCem/T ■'- ,r "‘ -•“ ‘ - CnSiHirr6;otiT 'i 1 Sidtsl— £.‘‘ gentleman ra -6idlnglfi-p3terrbiir^,(Ta//'eeeayed to'rid hie' etova of ioot by plaalng wainalV daantitylof:gunpowder .op, the atbva atcwahayinga.nnder the, in formed by »me_wag, who oeaervee hanging, that enoh wae a ready ipa efleCtivd'toMir'otaooom. •pliiSihgfbst object.-" tjpim' thc l 'iiplbelM of tha po,wdpg,iho bolle whieh'hfcld the itoaw,plates to foitterea .about .the apartment* the shook also onaridgahotft((Si‘'hdlf bf'th'i‘cel!lngln r 4ho room to tumble on' the 'fiSor.'TSe gentleman; together with & seHwnt/■wh6 tl i ( enfetoea In the room, for injnryijhufe.w!etepas maybe •S? 8 ®/jj^htened, o^iheirjWlU,,^ ■ .'Fatal Railroad Accident in St. LotTig - r&&m ' iSSs, on rThurlflay]a^fc,akdnymmnsiined!BiUba ! rd Thomas attempted ; ieam across the tmek of the lion Mountain Eailrpad, in front of 'Sfl eUgihe ’that hhd jdst befeh fdosed frbin the train i«pcl jrsdapassingifswiftly irdown; a - descending between .the .horse ahd ana thrown upder.' while flie driver ’wssf ttsddilstahtly killed. ,A, ; of*JhC;lq4omP tire-struck hir- tiog It >pen at tbpn passed,,orex bis left teg; huttiDg’it nhktly off iDdve nls ankle. The en i’.gineer, MiofiaelLy nohfwksimhlediately arrested, Land lcjcLked v up,ri£. Uiercajaboose- .7 ■ v AipA. youpg/lri . giil, Uatj. McCar ron, from Helhiogtbo Landing, Colombia county, -managed'’-to saVe sloo in four and 4 half years* sarviee-jt wqnt- to Hew .York to see a friend mar ried ;■ displayed $lOO i 9, gold and silver In a frreen Point 4 stake,' ,whed .payine her fare, hut after she 'goi-ouß fontid *herfifilr-'mihtis' the‘ whole sum, of been*relieved* m-the stage. - She laid tr b air hr nor Bpen,t' a'cent nnneoessa ‘rily,,aaditbat dieaci?ually *repeat- pt pioper olothingj.that sbe,might:eventaaUy be placed beyond.the,re.aqh ef apy unforeseen and stiaflftn ’frtthridty; and ‘ fci'abie to' render a&dst .apcel to herpobnp relatives in Ireland.’ married - the most ruffianly manoer, oh last • Friday, while paaaftfg through ‘Forty-ninth street* noar Npoond syfeone»'lThh! ruffians •pitched -her an embankment some.ten feet id Height/'rettderio&'hefinwririble, and .then robbed; her »r agold waldhi a pcrte monnale,., Three of'.the ibighway jobbers were gubseqnenUy, arrested and held to answer.. They wireiouid secreted among .some shanties— thetginf wereall Irish—in the neighborhood, but none,of propertyjoould be.fonnd. ■, ; A. lsGiijEHr.-r-'WTnle the poor mathh man was jpawing, down Gnion. street; aaya the Few Bedford Mercury, creeping on his knees* accompanied by his- daughter, five 7 or six years old, Undent occurred, which is worthy of no tice. * Among the group who bad oolleoted around thhm wal a generous-hearted sailor, who'bought a store of .‘matches, large enough for a four years* bruise. _JacV handed,him,a two-dollar bill, and bn being offered the ohange, replied: “In God’s name' take it nIF; yon need It more than! do; I .from, a• suffering; object like you.” .Blessings .on r the warm-hearted sailor!. I AppBAT:.-—An aff‘ray toot place, last 'week, bear Edinburgh, lawTinQo’codntyi ‘Pa. j be tweCU.twb men .nai»ed , Muse - ElT6d~aiid Charles }Jarber.r ( .Elrod had bean engaged to remove, the effects ot Barber; bat both of them,'b aT * D JZ in dulged too freely in liquor,’ a quarrel and fight en sued ' BarberflrsV! struck Elrod ; tbe latter re . turned tho blow his fist, and tbenseiied the seat' of the wagon with whieh he dealt him a heavy blow on f the bead', otusbing his skull, 1 and oaurfng Madeath immediately and is now dodged in NewCai pAnsoirßßOwifioWMs not enjoyed himself at the North. On his way home,-he stopped at Cincinnati, of whiolrtown he speaks disrespect fully : . * «j : * “It is a oity of great wealth, trade, and com merce; but it is a fast oity, and as oorrupt as the devil could wish it. It is full of rasoals, swindlers, and bogusistook-dealtn. 1 Even the beggars are thieves apd : .iipppstors-,i:The,streets are full, of tbeml 1 Iq’sqlioUlog oh&ritles, in oreating houses of worship,'bnitdlngorphan asylums, or whatever ;thia-mixed’ population ‘go at, the thief and im ,postorstiok out.” \ . t [Rode W*a.Rail»—An Irishman named 'Murphy, Who pad rudely iosulted a ladv, got hia deserts at Waderfboro\ N.‘ 0.. on Monday night eek, as follows: The ruffian was arrested, tied to a tree, about, two hundred lashes inflicted on hfs pbrson, and then ridden on a' rail, after whioh the application of a little tar and a few fea-hers satisfied the demands of justice for the time, and he was dismissed—the people accompanying him for some distance on his way with music—the drum playing the “Rogue’s'March ” Cat Nub sura Pias,—A correspondent in New Kent county, Va.-, gives an aeoonnt ef the suckling of two pigs by a oat, in that county. The little porkers were taken from their “ maternal parent,” who had A-large family to attend to, and plaoed in an out-house, where a cat with one kit ten—the rest having been drowned—sought shelter and lodgings. The pigs beoame intimate with their ftline ndghbdri ana the sequel was the curious fact stated by edf correspondent Attempted Mubder in a Coubt Room.— A few days since a desperate fellow.named John George was on trial in the Police Court, Jersey City, and while a Mr. Rogers, the prtnolpal wit ness against him, was leaning over the table to sign his testimony, George seised a heavy inkstand and dealt him a fearful blow just behind the ear, inflicting, a severe wound. ,It was probably his Intention to kill him. , Thu Trip between New Orleans and San Francuoo is about .to be shortened some seven or eight days, by the opening of the Jeng talkediof route via Tehuantepec Steamers from ■Minatittan, on this side, go up the Coatsaeoalooa river, and thenoe the journey is by stages, over laud io Ventosa, whence steamships are to sail for San Franoisoo. It is thought that the entire passage can be made in fifteen days. A Tinsmith named Mudford came near losing his life in Syracuse in a very singular manner. He was standing on a small ladder in a oiatem, making repairs, when the gas from the small fur nace he was using produced stupefaction, and he fell from the ladder to the bottom of the cistern, outting his head and face badly and injuring bis back and shoulders. Large Snake.—A few days since, near Montgomery, - Alabama, a negro boy met in the road, and killed, a rattiesn&ko whtoh measured ex actly, six feet in. length, twelve inohesin oironm fqtenoe, and bad as an appendage twelve rattles nnd, a button, indicating that the sarpient was fourteen years old. j A whaling bbio, just arrived at New Lon don from the Arotio Ocean, was frozen up in that interesting region from the 27th of October to the 224 of-June. When he did get free, the eaptam addressed himself to business, and filled up with -oil in twenty-two days. 11 Fast.— The j a dies of lowa are decidedly “fast” On thelBfch ultimo, a race of ladies, on f66fc, dime off at low* city, for a prise of a stiver cake basket. The prise was , won by a Miss Handy. . . . gambling saloon, containing a deal table, on whioh was a lighted candle, an old pair of scissors, &o‘2 was recently discovered in a sewer at Columbus, Ga. * Peaches.—lt Is a' great peach year down in South Carolina, and Georgia, and the finest speci mens of that fruit are vended in Augusta at fifty oenU to a dollar a bushel. .A Heavy Frost occurred in most parts, of New Jersey, last Wednesday night, which, it is feared,, will do much injury to ibe buckwheat orop. - • v •> Horse thieve* are committing numerous depredations on tbeline.between Baltimore county Min &q 4 Lancaster, Fa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers