==tM=t • itals • Noslttait Rad 141 - 11013THYTOURTH spuurr, -44vortaerlt•Nost84 inutfithP , ' .VAIL SALIM-STOOKS ~„71,4ht117a11,130.1e, 28th Bssrtitpaber. tubt4e Promisee, .cfris - th Slile;2B(inerlimber - , an the Stehrutgli. 'WNW' Hall Stl4lsihOotabeiluit IhoEgoblaige. 4 Rtelretith Fall &fief nib.•OstobsKtat .the.lzchange. ErrEirt or the handhUlti• or the above sales , now ° '' .- 411:85187BAYSI-TIEBOOi OtttLlirit'regtdiSt i liftektelplite Trade gale 'Coin tkinhod one-Sfaday, 231 i itetald *IR be boutitited Wieitgbo - faithl‘readr2'. k- • ler"t*gn"' T . .rsTATI,T9OIB Fhlle f lOpytir lixdr,f,l , o G ayly • sandbilie of ascii prtipery tossed ileparatelj, rot lawhieli We publish on. theltiatuilay previous Ciao tlidasand catalogneitin pamphlet form', titimm e gt=3 , 4 itllAtrArorrty to kothald ? ".1710 , 74URB''SALTIS ' , AT ;SUCTION Aevery•aluda morain. Th BELL ESTATIO y AT PR e IVATEI tityft pay* . sy t tg*Xskrtaartt otileaklllststobitt ,Yrk Rattn2o4l:4 47 OA illffol§Lllltyi .I'o2 _ :7 '7 1 "Le?! I.l ' r Irerl - 1 ailagaisa - - adn iufPAIV 8 416 dt 4 ads 4 ocohenagy Di 'out Pablie' - iale LPw I,oo9ioples orb 'printed weekly,), traria Oluogo._ it. 1..ry. , 1,.7. I ;401,1 r.(ptob6 r O i t VTo4e/47,EsVteillhig dntage, tr adnt'of l whout it may caicern-L , --Five Sl,ooo_lo percent ' Wads' Cittatriele,Villiains- S7rthnd Brio RedlrOad ,Compsny-igonpoolcpayable lot ikaladiNovomber, (with upon t•• teriesteleirebl4:- 4 ' .-FireSt,ooo _ 7 percent. bonds.Allegbeny Valley mail: Vox' OClonanyl'oopohe payable let January sud,,lnly, 281GRWR 11 14, $4.1,11,,-ON.THI PRSHISES, 'xio u torsr,S e-getatepf.Ahraham plittlet dee'd. hoppiatt IdiatillSl27,ll/SIDINOE, "FITH trIDB TA.111),..ti0.1831 SPRIIOR STRZET. 4 1. ~,,tra Morrsog,- - - _ .4 01 ,4 1. 284 1 ,. 19,„ ofolock, tak ths premises, No. 1381 Brunoiastreat dernet. Of 'By:minor() street, east of Broad eiroarLOt 29 feet on Sprat() street, 110 feet on N 914.1 Simi nOp H, ,aterults, ,LABGB MIRRORS, - PINII'OARSSTS; die. - - after the sale a the hope will be sold tike l ottr r hotosehol4 furniture. , • d Tit PALL SALE -L2Bth`SEPTEDIBBR folfsiblUourt Selol-Esiate of Hammer minors. APlMaini.q.u. O,Np LOT OF GROUND, Logan street, ktweeu Bliqonwood and green streets, and west of ie49teetl • - • ," X.Sicutorhrlalo-tlsiste 'of Boni. 31. Warder, Deed. _NORTMSTRSIT_--Three-stery . brick dwelling Noble street, tresB of ,Fourtb street. -• .J.E/aNDST T IOD-BIibi.RISIDENOB, WIST BIDE j1)74/X.TI , STRBIT, No: 284;north oc Sieve() *Mt, ftittkble iwt coach-belie.); and large gar dew* fug o Ititner street. The whele . ptemisea Im..setfoo tuder.__Plsort may be had at the auction tostervirot - ls-se,portion of the purchase money may rem Lon mortgage. , NEAT goDEli_N IDENOB, with marble front, Sixteerittitnlet„,qaet side, north of Spruce street, It feat Cron Immediate possession. 013411A18T. 7tRBl DINOII.-The. elegant brown-stone residence NO, 1727 Walnut sheet, near Rittenhouse Bquared4bAstrsmodsra improrentents, and in Hut rate cam,.•„ P HOP RH T v.- UlkeeaHO;St e ic.lf. storeWAN,elllng, No, _1714 Market street, v-imek dwellingeirt . the - rear, lot 23% by 176 feet-two fronts:, . ,• kertrelitiiry Bale. -irmntnirornrancx, STOR if AND. DWELLING, northwrat ,cocner Pour& and )Vitirton streets, lite Bouthwtirlo ••..a • ' - - • - • VALUABLE CORNER - LOT, 66' feet on Twentieth street, 120 feet on Drown street 68 feet on Capitol street. within (peepers of the Coates-ittreet• omen ger railooy, . ' ' • CHERCEI PROPERTY.....Thresostory beak -church. and Dirge lot of ground, Mary street, between Sixth and Seventh, and Lombard and Routh streets. , - 4 70U1t :MINK' DWELLINGS.—Three-story brick dwelling, No 1816 Wood street, above Doke street, Aritirthree brick dwellings - in the rear:' , 13TORD-AND DWELLING.—Three-etory brick store and dwelling , northeast corner- of Twenty-Second and Sherewrtod• streets? -- • " • •• • - NEAT RESIDENCE, No. SB Bath street, Bristol, Duckstronntys Pa:—ltis within-four ,tnuares from the stiesaboatlanding. " • • • ' 11XacUtorte 13,1e—rat/tate of D.. Lents, Dee'd. NINE BUILDING LOTS, • First word, TIE LOTOYherton streetoreat of Austin street. • LOT, tiouthrrest cornenof Eleventh and Lentz streets. LOT. Eleventh Street, south of Lentz street, , YOUIr.LOTd, Lents street,-west of Eleventh street. ~ . ..Lor4Twelfth street, north of Lents street, -and- ,• A LOT, southeast corner of Twelfth and Lentz utrsete. ;,1 , PalLpartienlars in handbills. LAltall-ANB - VALITABIaI LOP, northwest corner Broad and Spruce wreehi.-120 feet on Broad street, Pb fiat nit Bprooit atieetoand 05-feet on _Westmoreland et., one of the moat valuable vacant lots in the city—three fronts:,z' 1,• • • Peremptory: • Bale; "VS 'MOMS 41eD , BNytfil.aNcl,—atwoand a halt story brlO'k store and dwelling, No: 123p_Morth.Pient street, *Marro frainidwellings in tile; rear en 'Rope etreet. , . • AT Ng11„.141,1f,5AL.E 1 ,0,014? WHY , • .- Emcot..or , 4„l ,o erensitory 0. Dsdaker, 'Edt(R,Tret,ER-i3TVRY RUCH D*RLEINS/S, OTTER Streek,:enatoLLeopar4 etriet,.Reselngton, TWO' TRRISE L ATORE BRICK Dramatic:is; OTTER Street,,,sorqh,of street, Kensington, CriPao,i! court ;Sale—.Estate of Randolph W. Evans, e deceased. - -ERTOR,D,SITRELiNG,,,,PRA,AIR .DWEVEING, AND St'LBLIV, 'end large LOT,,,abont - ,t( of an acre, Frank 144.taraPike artd.,*„.Stedloo Minot, (late Matelot of Eletani,d). ' ' • „ Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John S dead. `l4lrCilliftEßStColtY RIVOR.DARELLINGE, CROWN Street, south of W,es? etreot. late Reasiniton. Orphanq Pourt.PeramPtoriSsle,--letate of Benjamin 1, - shburnfirysticeased: VAT f UABLRPROSEWI'YOVEST PIIILADELPRIA. E:Stonelinifdehee 'and three large'lots, - northerest cor ner rip, and Loinet Streets,' - - - • ' Sikeptorit' Peremptory Sale—Estate. of sane Clark, - .741.L1TA111.4'.131781NE00 L00AT10N , ..... - Two three story briok , direllingeNos. 88'and 40 Ninth Fifth street between Market and Arbh streets. - 1 Same Estate - - - Lot north:!:hido'North. etreotpweeit- of Fifth sheet selSofoltiethe above:. " • .* 1 •• ' •• ' - , Vl:7" , Baliatoottite. : -• - 44,1.Oleelitheicraphio plan of- the .three properties 37iith and North , etreeti . • ' 71tetutorstiTereniptorY; 8i1& - Estate" late of James Belf;deoeseed. - - VAIDABLE , LOTS; east - aide BROAD - Street, above south street. • • Szdefuteref Selirettlite Of George W deeeeeed. nontEuvwErArr . at STREET.-11andeome modern re eidenco, with taiga tide yard. No. 227 North- Twelfth etleetlitbove Race: rritit26 'feet fronts _ vvmotto-p-sturar , = T,he elegant brown-stpne resi dence, No lidtiVaineVatreetinedertiltanhonse square. IVALNUT7BTRENT.:—HanSsome •raodern residence. No. 1117Mohint streetkbetweenEldrenth and Twelfth streitii;nrrth side; - • :t BROWN-STONE RESIDENCIES. Two= handsome brown stone residences', No 317 and• 810 South Third atestoiesr'Spruce < i• • f. - 011ESTNTIT.8TENET.—Two handsome modern resi dences, N 05.1604 in 41606 Oliestinit street, Colonnade SPRUCE EirREET. ,- . , .Elegant new brown-atone resi dence, No:1717 Serape street; between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets, pear Itittetheuee sonar°. .t9INE•I3TBENC--Nekt tooderty. residence, • No. 1904; Pin 6 Street. west of illnitetnith•street. - - • - .Y - A - LUABLErVOIINIIEt L0V. , ,-306%j :feet on Ninth street, 133' feet. on IdOntgomery.strest.+' Also; a large front on the. Germantown tand Norristown railroad ; Threavilunbletfronts • ' SAlt#:-709}acrisi. with improveniente, New Castle eonntyznsar Smyrna, Delaware. - , • .1 • -NSer--MODERN-4IB3IDEINCE-No.• 2EI N. 2ren tfeth effeet;ticiittior Vineitreet. BALE , OP SUPNRIOIINITNNITURN, PINE MANTEL .....21IAR.U.B8,...YELYET AND BEIIESELLOARPETSacc.' " V .l r eti3ilrtk Ve r retcujirgt; nab6nd 2 bne% fel/At - or:s iinencenferand otheonirrors; *visite Brit esilOttetifts,. Wad Veeltian'earpete;' etrf 'wetland glee's' trareleSifitnilhaddielr; ke..tan attractive suportmentwroFth,v the, athMion 'and others' ptraltdeing:` "t •t• " C n intee now ready, And the arychn, siren d, il .r. ior'eXimi . Sale'at Nos: lne and 141 South Fourth almost.' •• pungtrort ItraNiTtrAus, - .PIANCY4OBTR, P INN , WOMEN, oitErmwrs: MIRRORS, ; Thtegormogr::: "' 9 , l;QO4Y;it the auction 'store;in iiinnion assortment of eziellenti*n,dihniilltuultnii,biegant ithiliatbrteir;lfachtifirors,- - oarpetiPetk.;"fidiii pilvat4i farniljes Seelining honsp!ripplitg, r emoved to the store dnfilsel tries' Of sale- ' -"` • '-,' - • nTo.conetui AN u!aTiGtrimaigtimaimi. AIIIIIIII2',ONINIEVISEIVIttfIcINIbiG...GEAI; HAR •NW Stl, ka. - •.• • - , On Wednesday Mointng, Iteutemlarr 29{th, at 11 u'eloeit.,, at the stables 'of, the dailndi4, lialtreed Comjany, ,Wood street,. between 'l'wenTi-teeon - d and Tiienty-thlrd streets. Without .re .aets,oop, on:Wl:lass. Tart nearly new, tout alt In good et4er. Terms at sale, Aifey.be examined any olirßO.krel,i9ufto eple.• : • it a, - 4.I7QTU.)NEE.Ii - ANDsciniXimolCgdzixoue,NT, , B. R. ,contet 1111.XTR and Rdtlit.fitreets....., . 7• • • ..14.110/141 , 5A1.R or YOB,PtITED 000R5....4.11fTR1L1 The largest este of forfeited goods ever offered in this city will take place - - - • - - On Tuesday blernisti froptemberlfith,-at o'clock, at Moees_Nathans , ace. Mot store, southsart corner of Sixth and Race streets, Atntranee to salesroom from Race street; it will consist tot part of superior frock: and.:dreas etiate,- Over coats, raglans,- sack,-. and badness emits, -pants, vests, shirts, boots. - shoes;.. umbrellas, superior allk,dressestskirta, sad silk, dress pattern r monads de lame, debego. me, rinoi cashmere, chintz ' , and-other dresses, and' dress puternipbroche,. B tells.tionton .crape, plaid 11001100, figured merinormikt and other long and square shawls; tineflace veils.. pommels, elegant -silk-velvet cloaks, _circulars,. lossques,An ; silk, satin, merino, and cloth - eldskii7 — eirculdrc - bitakittes,:and matittilairrtheatrical wardrobe, dry goods, cloth end daitelinere - cost'and pant potterna. sattinets, 16 dozen very superior buckekM purees:4o •trory thio;alkoideons, 'fine table Cutlery, number of fine pocket apt pan knives, fanny boxes, time pieces double an:talk% biirril foliihmr-pleces, revolt, ore; law medical, theological, historical, and =Wel+ laneoux ' books;:farniture,. feather beds, bolsters, and carpets,uallts, comfortables. blankets, sheets, -and beillimegenevallyc very; Bee .old goiters, brass instruments, .clocks,uarpenter, and other tools travelling franks. rilleds: carpet . bige,'lce.,'Jcit , ' also .- some very fine Jewelry, and in plonk fifteen, hindrod lots of various kinds of goods -- bealers"dnd' purchasers are inv,ited , to /Mend this sale to procure bargains IJ7 ,The goods will be numbered, and open for elf t krniniltwoder the afternoon previous to sale. V•7 o 4o,pArtigularslu , r„ VI•114111JEL AUCTIONEER, and KOWA ° Lbilt " °Mots, No. 224 500ty 1712.1) Streot,MdoN Walnot i ppplaite Pear et,pnly 40 , 341.tdoitraingriv.111.fiehvage..- - unarm or,hdelgeqintyrptotooA, DI, 14itil 10 tehloOk trthoVitoolic... - - Oat-door afett.o44l6o at the, d.uallon Hon" it. tandod upon thriqd6steatteraato&ternie. ~,O hnT4T.ouoo,6oo. • 1 Barehitehicifet rlicluerniVrtY•Taars.,‘:,?' • Adnitet*Matataailstodonacto thoadiumbi nit ,Asloodej Silver PlatirWattiheii, JerfelY4ii Bardware,llid shiandiai, °Lathing, Farniture, Bedding, Ohtani Mutest tlastratteatit,fltapsoltoses; Osrrtirr, - and..400 l every ts ar deseription. •. ,4 , 51logindhronsiii retook.. onjr ; tength Br ri• • agree d nyon. 1id114.02, from tine Itandie&dollarrawd. upvirdil will be *barged 2 per eent. per mouth r &Milner, .tgte.lOwitatinarket rate. l, .f wit f. .. lido Store aonechaning a depth et 120 feet, bantams - humid thief-proof:vaults tostore all7sitslo64loo prjj ;veto Istatmen.for • the Iprodses r eisoolniaary, 1 - 4‘14,4,00+1404 las Ohs bonen otsU persons haring's saysvoe4 - • 8.1744- 1 , 68 M 1 4-Pfikollug,Tir.itsillsaited capital, tirups Joropsrtlto rooks- sorosossols ;nom satin their t4a Itot, ala 4• th s et.DipAttegjainna than ' asy other in .04 s 0 , t ~ t io the Icor . , in smatioraottott,,witi oakao .e : • d111.1(01.1)':,':, .°M Pa gad other Woke', Jrwelly,luid OUUngwll L a itibret r i!agened nriees. ani-ly 'ldea anb Eesiauraf t s c ONES3IOI7SE ----71 "7:;1:174. HARRIMaiI 'P A., PiNgiiiiiiifiliiilidar ted lit /8574) '-'I O IOW OPPICTO'PIPPraIta. ' mr'44ttasva WELURlOVidtrilt, Propristm; 4 ,U*. gr, tio t blyp 411,14iWaLer 13!reeSI-W, eeorore JIM. 094 VIJRNERS, BRINLEY, & . No. 429 MAUKET BTBEET• i TE L I AsnAwLS ..; 13$00IIE BORrvEldVmoming, 80P 184" m b' Q ko n ch r e botdered Stella b l j awlb CLOAKS 60 lots new style sllir and cloth cloaks and dusters. EMBROIDERED LYNEN-CAMBRIC LIDSFS. ellso dczen emOroldered linen-cambric handkerchters ,PARIS . NAPS, SILK VALENOILS—FOR CITY . - TRADE. On Friday Morning, 100 pieces xich,Paris silk plaid valenolas.l 8-4 FINE ERBIUM ELAM MERINOE9. Also, 180 pitmen 6.4 flue to epee line Paris black me 7 rinoea. ALL BOILED BLACK GROS DE REINES. 24421in0h-Lyons heavy black gros de rhiroMi. - tdaSoinch extra heavy gros do rhinea. BAYADERWAND OblußE POULT DE BOIE. R 2 cam 27 inch colore&Dayadere and Ombro poult de sole. 1918 ft 27 Inch rich plaid poult de pole. • SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. On Friday Morning, '.Sept'atth, at.lo tgeloolc,‘ by catalogue, oix S months' credit -400 packages and lots of fancy and staple French dry good's. - ID" Samples and catalogues early on the morning of sale. LARGE AND SPECIAL Snit OF SHAWLS, OF THE aLoGIRAOTORE AND IMPORTATION or Mmes. 14: HENNEQUIN On Saturday Morning, September 25tlt, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on eix months' credit: conalating of printed Thibat and Yerkerol ahem's, galerie and Stella 'borders.— Rich new demgne Perla printed, round cornered, man tilla shawls, with aewea-on bordora. Elegant printed Angora Much° shawls, with rich cheueilie fringes—a new article. "'Rich Paris broohe•bordered Stella ehawe in great va riety brine* and choice patterns. Entirely new and rich designs brocho bordere r ronnd coitierib . Stella shawls a mantillet. Splendid yelvey.plush, and oheneille Stella shawls in great variety of patterns. a large proportion of them in round cornets.— fancy flush and Vienna ohenoille shawls. Equare and long all-wool and choice lathe Paris and Vienna'manufacture brach° 'thaws, Including a variety of - new patterns 'and colorings never before offered at auction. • ' • • . Also, a' very choice misortment of high colors and blank rich silk -fringed Thibet and merino shawls, in extra fine qualti es only. Also. a line of long and square plain and blank Thibet and merino, wool Wages. 13' The alive ehawle are all goods of this season's importationi put up en choice assortments of desirable colors ekpressly for the Philadelphia trade. . _ pECILII" AUCTIONEER, No. -630 , 111/kRIKST STREET, between FIITII and BUM south aide. OARD.—The early attention of the trade, and pur chasers generally, is requested to our sale, by cata logue,. commencing this morning, at 10 o'clock. In sale will be found. samples of 500 cases prime quality city made and Eastern manufacture men's, women's, youths', and mimes' boots, shoes, he. • BOOT AND SNOB SALE BY CATALOGUE. This Morning, 'Mind., at 10 o'clock precisely, will be. sold 600 cam men's, women's trusses", youth's, and children's boas, shoes , gaiters, ' brograns, &a., comprising a desi rable assortment for city and country sales. mr samples will be arranged with catalogues early oti the morning of hale, when the attention of purcha sers is requested' 's INGRAINOTENITIAN, LIST, MID RAO CARPETS. '• This Morning, Ltd Just:, Included In catalogue -100 'rem extra litiat7 and superfine, all-worsted and wool, rich high ,colors ingrain 'Carpeting& 'so' pieces • 4-4 extra 'quality, new designs, plain and dainask Venitiatiof 8 4, 6-8, 7-B,'aud 4.4 widths. - 20 pieces 4-4" wide exta heavy list and mg carpetings. 'BRUSSELS CARPETINGS AND TUFTED RUGS' ' - This Morning, 20 Wass rich new styles Brussels carpets. 60 pleoestietryiatterulextra quality tufted rugs. BY 'WILLIAM H. STERR, GENERAL AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE, No. 46 North EIGEITH Street, below Arch. J. A. ELISON, Auctlooeer. LARGE..PRILEMPTORY SALE SUPERIOR HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE, OFFICE FURNITURE, CAR PETS, MIRRORS, BILTER.PLATED WARE, /to On Friday Atorning, Atlo'o'cloctit nt the auction store, will be sold by catalogue, a large and superior assortment of parlor, chat - Abet, and dining-room furniture, office _furnitare, carpets, mirrors, &c. Also, to which we would call the attention of dealers and others— 12 dozen looking glasses, assorted sizes 100 olookS, various patterns, S day and 30 hour. 200 gross common tab's cutlery. BEOONDA&FD, • FURNITURE ' CARPETS, M I 11- ROM, FEATHER BEIM eze Also, from a gentleman declinimr, housekeeping. a large assortment of superior furniture, comprising nashog my dressing bureaus, washstands, high-post bedsteads, parlor chairs, pier tubing centre table, marble-top ta bles, sofas, carpets, mirrors, feather beds, mattresses, ho. CELLAVRTN. Also,l cenarete, nearly new, cost vs SA. DYSART Zs. AIICITIONEERS AND 001161188 M Monti* No. 21 Booth EIGHTH EVERBET, canter of LODGE ETREET," TAMES A. FREEMAN, ALTOTIO.NEER, cr NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, *bore FOURTH. Persone favoring no with consignments can reel assured that-their property will not be sacrificed. by any o th er olssione Auction HOLM I more moderate than y. those charged filir Consignments respectfully solicited. Bsles turd immediately after the goods are Sold ; BEVENTIE ,FALL BALE-00TODElt Bth. , This sale will include— BUSINESS STAND)AND ,DVirELUNGS, BROWN STREET, ABOVE YOURIS STREET. A busi ness -eland, wlth7 , four small dwellings on the rear, and the lot of ground south side of Brown street, feet west front Fourth street, 18 feet front, 77% feet deep.% evaded to $2l ground rent. ,The property is in sured for $1,600, and rents for over $llO to punctual tenants. - Orphasta , ,Ootut Absolute . Sale—lfatato of David Oar lisle, Deceased THREE-STORY BRIOK•DWELLING, SIXTH ST., BELOW COATES STBEET.—A genteel three-story brick dwelling, Sixth etreet, below Coates street, SO feet front, 68 feet deep. $lO ground-rent. , Orphan' Court Absolute Sale — Berne Estate. 'lrifo DWELLINGS, OLRLIFILE 00IIRT.—Also, the 'tire mill dwellings in the rear of the above, fronting on Carlisle Court, 20 feet 10 inches to front, 66 feet 8 Inches deep.. • .." Orphans' Court Absolute Sale—Same Estate. - ELUDING LOT; COATES STAKET.—A lot of ground, with the crania hence thereon. southeast cor ner of Oarlinte cote, and Coates street, 18 feet front, 56 feet deep. $B6 ground-rent. Orphans , (laid Sabi—Same Estate. ' THREE HOMO. OARLIBLII 00IIAT Three small hodees and lot of ground on Carlisle court, ad joining the,abcve on the roar, 57 feet 841 inches front and 18 feet deep, Clear of lucumbrance. 1D $5O to be paid on each of the above when the wane ,fe struck off. -' Patentors! Sale—Estate of Hon. J. 11.. Tyson, dee'd. VALUABLE LAW AND 51I8OELLANEOUB LIBRARY. On Priday Afternoon. Sept. 24th, at 8 o'clock, will be sold, at the auction 'eters. by the Execulars; the entire valuable law andJ miseellanions library of the late Hon. J. R. Tyson, deeeased; Including the Pennsylvania Re ports, United States Digests, Wharton's State Tzlele, LiVingstonte Criminal Code, Puffendmf, Leyden ed.. 2 vole; Thomas Cote, 3 vole; 'Story on Promisaory Notes; Chitty on Bills; , Englieh Common, Law Reports, 44 vole; Bacon's Abridgment of Bouvie's Notes, 10 vole; , Smith's Law Debates in Convention, German and Eng- Mob; Hazzard's Register, 10 vole ;Law Library, 40 vole; ,Oranch's Reports, 9 vole; a complete copy of Cicero's .worke, and many- others. MISOBLLANEOUB.—AIso, a number of very valua ble work& among which are the Expedition to Japan, by Coim - Perry • U. B. Naval Aatrtnomical Expedition under Limit. Gillis; Commercial Relations; a number 'of copies of - different vole of the Pacille Railroad Sur vey; The Congressional• Globe; Patent Office Reports; Bailing Diriettons, by - Lieut. dewy; Richardsou'e Dia tionaryj2 vele; a leandsome eat of the British Poets, 50 vole; Madison Papers, 8 TO e ; Grange's England, 4 vole; Heber's Narrative, 2 vole; Thoron's Novels, 6 'MS; •paper and calf Penny Hemble's Journal; Robert son's America; Paoed's Pennsylvania; Vasari's Lives of Painters,s vole; Niebuhr Lectures on Roman Mato -ry, vole; itioliere 6 vole; Horace, 4 vole . Imperial Gazetteer 2 volspirchanan's Memoirs of Painters; The Rocky blemitaine, by W. Irving; Plander'e Liven of Chief Juatices; Brost's United States ; Allibone's Dic tionary et/Lathers; Lempriere Dictionary; Spanish, do; a lot of valuable Guide Books; Plane, Drafts. ko., for an American and European tourist; Boileau's Complete, 3' vole; Dixon's Life of Penn; Janney's do,• Gibbons Itdme. 4 volakldaeaulay'e England, 2 vole; also a num ber of novels, pamphlets, &o. - v' Catalogues will be ready and the books arranged for examinatiorrbefore the side. , - - BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. %Hamli:ma mansion, Donthwest corner ofteventeenth nn Welont shade. Residence, Washington Square and Walnut street. Dwelling bonne, No. 821 Vine street. •20 acres or land, Indian Queen lane. Valuable property, Yrankford road. • • Haridtleme dwelling, No. 1812 Wallace etreet. 81111111068 stand and dwelling Seventeenth and Waeh inggttoon streets. - . illegant property, 80 acres, /:0., above Torresdale. 14 acres or land, Ohelton avenue, Germantown. . Ilandotine residence and lot, West Philadelphia. :Valuable,' lot of ground, Germantown Railroad and Columbia avenue. Mandeome - dwelling, Boring Garden street, above Twelfth. CABINET ON MINERALS. At private mole, a valuable Cabinet of Minerals, (mat prising% over 1,000 specimens, the collection of several years. The property of a gentleman who has no room for them.' They are very desirable for a public hurtitu.. thni. Apply at the anotioo store. Otattimern. 11LANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. HOGAN Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer sad Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, ia pre pared at all times to fandati . , either from the Admires or make ps linliii,_Books - of every deocription, Imitable 'forlatoks, Publio Maces, Merchants, and others, of the beet . tpultif Of English or - American Paper, and bound In menus styles, in the moat substantial manner. Orders - for' JOB TBSSTIN ci of every description. 'Slumming and Lithographing malted with neatness and despatch'. •• • • •t•Jkganeral assortment of -loath, French and /marl: eau Stationery. Odnoeining llogan's contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say— ,, This displa of blank .boons for, banking and mercantile use Is the beet in the 'll2hibition." The Selection of the material In good, the ' r wOrlciruinship most excellent, and their SM.* and ap; lu Tam:oast and ipproipriate.l , moae-tf tamps. TIopETERS'R PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE JL EIEWP-GENERATING GAB LAMP Is the only Patent Burner that ban a Non.Oonductor attached. The public are cautioned aphid all other Burners, as they will heat; and liable to explode. Elate and Oounty Rights for sale. Apply or address fielSt • P:rreartg, 422 BROADWAY, N. Y. 1441#1ter anb Iron 4 . 4110.11116_,Y4,1117Up19X.„ J. TAVOIIX KI111;1011 WILLIAM E. Imams. SOUTHWARK FOUNDR lIITH AND WAMINGTON.STWIIIITO, • : -natal:mum. - •• mgaitiort MONS, INGINEHRIS 'AHD MAOHINIBTO, moinufsoture High andl,ow Pressure/Hearn ginglins, for Land, Binh; end Marine eonice, Boilers,.lLosometers,,Tanks, Iron - Boats , iko., Out. hrall kinds , either Won tir Bran. on frame roofs for au Work. Workshop', Railroad Btations, to. Retorts and. Gas Machlnery of ; Mis latest and most roud constrenlon. - , HY9M,deenription..of Plantation machinery, nob u nugir: Paw, and Grist Mille,.Vactinm Pau, Open Steam Trains, Detonators, illtemEnmping Engines, ko. Bole A "g"t a —tOr N. Billiewee Patent Sugar Boiling "A`piiiittis; Nasmytkis Patent Steam -Hammer; I. P. Bon' Patent Valve Motion for Plait Machinery and Steam Pumps. Buperintendecia.a.ll. BARTOL .108 i 4 ;I4cZASKS PORT WINE. 11.1 'Ulf, Pipes Alicante do. „ 22 gr. ' do do do. 20 Qr; ' do' Sherry do. I.l"Pities Superior Febtrote Wine. 20 Qr. Plea do do do. 111 Balls Acsorte/Horkil. , '826 Begs Ahnonds; • 26 'do Filberts. - - Land( ng from Brig 4 ,1 Arrogant. Bmello,” and for sale - A. AtzniNo, -tt . /40 SOUTH PRONT Street. ' DORT W E-100 qr. caaks,•varioutt viitandli, in liond and for solo bY •• ARNOLD h WORL, • int2o-11a 120 Walnut street. Oalea bn luction C"P'ffRCIA.L SALESROOM, 7 BANK and 10 STRAWBERRY, between MAR KET and OHNSTNUT F. G nnd SECOND and T AU HI OTION RD s tre e ts. . WOLBERT. STOOK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING. On Friday Morning, Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold, without reserve, a stock or city made fall and winter consiating of— _ . Overcoats, Dress goods, y Made in a fashionable man- Raglans, nor, of superior materials, in Pack Coate , ... ...e:ery variety of men's and boy's Frock Coats, wear. Pants and Vests 2,., _ TinciarNat GOODS, Also, a general variety of tailoring goods. The whole may be examined, with catalogues, early on the morning or sale, when the trade and purchasers generally will find it to theirinterest to attend. SCOTT, Jr., , (emcee • Dor to WOLEBILT &monoAUCTIONEER 481 CHE STNUT Kt., opposite the Custom lleueo, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. STOOK OF NOTIONS OF A JOBBINCt HOUSE. On Friday Morning, 24th inst., at 10 o'clock, the stock of a wholesale no tions house declining buetness, comprising, Tic : • HOSIERY. Ladles , white and brown cotton hose, white and eolored silk and merino hose, gents' and shildren , e cot ton and merino white, brown, and fancy hose and half hose. GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS Also, ladles', gents', and children's kid, Silk, wool, and lisle gloves and gauntlets. GERMANTOWN GOODS. Knit wool scarfs, Lamm, hoods, legging, &o. BUTTONS. Drees buttons; fancy gilt do, mohair and silk coat and vest do; also, pearl, bone, and agate buttons in great variety, COMBS AND BRUSHES A leo, horn and shell Reading and tine combs, first quality hair, tooth, and cloth brushes. SANDY GOODS. Also, jet bracelets and brooches, porte•monnaies, prunes, pins, needles. sewing. silk, cotton, &o The whole comprising a full assortment selected for best city retail gales and will be found well worthy the attention of dealers. Da' Samples and catalogues early on the morning o sale. Carpelingo. Al TWOOD, RALSTON, & CO., 533 MARKET STREET, AONNTS FOR PHILADRLFRIA AND RASTRRN CARPET MANTJFACTUREhB, Sole Agents In this city for the AUBURN OARPETINGEI, Manufactured by Josiah Barber CARPETS FOR FALL SALES GAILY S BROTHER, No. 920 OHEST-NUT STREET, Are now prepared to exhibit to +he trade a very ez toneifo Mock of PINE OARPETINGS, - - - - - Imported direct from the best manufacturers, or pur chased at the large sales in Now York, consisting of Tat: NEWEST PATTERNS . - . - (maw never before offered for sole) Of VELVNIT OARPRTn, in single and double widths TAPREiTRY BRUSSELS, extra quality ; 011010. E 11EAVY BRUSS.ELB, neat designs. Also . . . . . . SUPER THREE-PLY INGRAIN and VENETIANS _ or every variety of style and quality. Confining ourselves exclusively to the 'ASE SYSTEM', we shall be enabled at all times to give our customers the best Goods, at the LOWEST PRICES. sel•tf Business Earbs. lIIHOMEAS CHARNOCK, FURNISHING I. UNDERTAKER, having purrhaned the right to GOODsd PATENT 0061.814 PRE:SERVER, is now prepared to furnish it m connection with his Imainene, at No 427 South PIXTR Street, above Lombard street. ael7-6tla A LEX. MoKINNEY, 13 ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREENSBURG, PA. Will praetico in Westmoreland, Armstrong and In. diana counties. sell-tf TORN H. HALL, (Successor to Washing toe Yates,) GENERAL PURN 'SUING lINDE RTA HER ,liffa sel3-12t* No. 1318 VINE Street. M==l ~• • • • ABRAMS & MAYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW LOOK 11A.VEN, PA., Will attend promptly to all professional business on trusted to thorn. Special attention given to the collec Uon of claims. Goo. Wm.F.Packer,llarrisburg, Pa.; L. A. Mackey, President Lock Haven Bank; General D. K. Jackman, Lock Haven L Hon. A. White, Lock liaven ; Simon Scott, Lock Haven ,• Bullitt & Fairthorne, Philadel phia; McFarland, EVIDS, & Co. Philadelphia; Evans & Watson, Philadelphia; Phillip M. Price, Philadel phia; Hon. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, & Co., Philadelphia; Tenor k Davis, Phila delphia; Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J. W. Qulggle, Esq., Philadelphia. jy 20-tf LI 0. THOMPSON AND G. M. GONAR -IL-L• ROE, OONVEYANOERS. GEOM. OONARROE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 196-3. No. 933 ARON 'area, below Teeth. CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT and Importer of HAVANA 13BGAMEI, afewll33 Wslnnt street, second story. and-17 .ADMAN & RABORG -84 Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI WOKS, No. 1017 ill RR ET Street, between Tenth and Wltoventb otronts rRESSWELL & WILLIAMS, No. 206 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, Agents and Declare lu BROAD-TOP COAL an! COAL LANDS, respectfully call the attention of Dealera and Consumers to their celebrated Coal, known as the Lancaster Company's This Coal is unrivalled in this Market for all manu facturing purpose'', being semi -bituminous, and leaving a clear white ash. All orders, to the above address, for shipment, or local delivery, will receive prompt atten tion. selet-tf S3OM PER TON for tho boot WHITE •Fsitl ASH COAL, warranted tree from elate or HICKS' COAL is tho best and cheapest in 11. the city, re-screened in yard and dry under corer. HICKS sells none but the very best Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and warrants full weight. IIICKS superintends the delivery of all ALAL Coal personally, and therefore guarantees it to be u represented. 113ICKS' Yard and Office is at the southeast 1.. A. comer of aId.RSEI ALL and WILLOW, whore be invites all to call and examine for themselves the above lasts. au2b-3m MO COAL DEALERS.—Partioe receiving Coal direct from the Mines, wishing Storage and the Delivery of their Coal, will please address S. SEL LERS & SON, CAILOWILILL Street, first Yard below Broad. N B.—Beat qualities of LEMON. and SONtrYLKILL COAL always on hand at loweat cash prim. sol3-Im* EKING, FOX, & wholesale and retail dealers In LEHIGH and 20111:1YLKILL 00AL. Lehigh yard—THIRD street and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill yard—RHOS and BROAD Arcata, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Ooal from the most approved minas, under Dover, and pre pared expressly for taudlv use feb-y Otntlemcn's intnie4ing Qfpobts. TIIST RECEIVED—An involco of Welch, Margetson, & Co.'s Superior London-msde STOOKS and TIES, for sale by HANCOnK & CO, Manufacturers or the celebrated Habit Shirts, ael6-12t 712 Ohestnut et , opp. Masonic Temple. 'WINCHESTER & CO., GENTLEMEN'S 4CLUNIBIIIN4 BTORB PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFAC TORY, At the Old Ftand, No. 706 ORESTNUT STREET, oppo site the Washington Rouse. A. WINCLITTER will Ore, as heretofore, his per sonal supervision to the Cutting and Manufacturing departments. Orders for his celebrated style of Bhirts and Collars filled at the shortest notice. Wholesale trade supplied on liberal. terms. 33,24-1 Y y W. SCOTT, (late of the firm of WIN ," • OFINSTRA & Seem) , GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 CHESTNUT Street, (nearly ,opposite the Girard House,) Philadelphia, J. W . S. would respectfully call the attention of his former patron and friends to bin new Store, and is pro pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at abort notice. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FINE SHIRTS and COLLARS. jylo-tf GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. W. W. KNIGHT, 806 Alton Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Dealer in all kinds of Famishing Goods, and manufacturer of tine Shirts, warranted equal In every respect to any others manufactured in this city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or made to order. tohl-tf CIEN TLE ME N'S WRAPPERS OR v,-01 DRESSING GOWNS.—The largent and best u eortment in the city, wholesale and retaG, with a fall line of Under Clothing, Baited to the season, at W. W. lENNEUrP , S ) poo, ARCH Street, above Birth, Philadel phia. Puma Xorteo. PIANO FORTES. Juat received an elegant etoak of IZAT7eN, DA. 00N, & 00., NUNN° & ()LAM, HAMLET, DAVIS & 00., and GALE & CO. B PIANOS. MELODEONS of beet quality, at J. E. GOUID , B, B. N. corner SEVENTH and OELESTNIIT its. mblfi.y °BICKERING Ss SONS, hay ing removed to their now waterooms, No. 1807 011.ESTN UT Street, (( near the United State!, Mint,) are prepared to offer to their friend' and the public. an extensive aasortment of Grand, Parlor-Grand, Square and Upright PIANO-FORTES, manufactured °apnea for this city, finished in various styles of cases, and prices which cannot fall to plottse. Piano-Fortes made to order, to suit any style of furniture, and all instrn menta warranted to give entire eatiefaction to the pur chaser. Grand end Square Mime to rent, upon the most fe• Torahle terms. Metiers. O. & BONS have received Thirty-Tow MEDALS. The Brat Premiums over all competitors in the United States. AR orders for i'IININC+ and REPAIRING will b 1 promptly attended to. jyTsm UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AGENCY CHICAGO, ILL. The subscriber, having had much practical experi ence in selecting and locating lands In the various Land Districts in the Western &atm has unusual facilities for making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OR CASH. Having Surveyors constantly in the field to make personal examinaticinche can always make the most jodioions locations. Lando unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now be In • , dOW.A. AND WISCONSIN.. Satisfactory references given when required. fl 7 Money invested in Han and Nebraska, and any of the Windom Statee. B. SALISBURY, 49 CLARKE Street, Menge TAW & BEERS' LUBRIOATING GREASE, the best and cheapest compound for greasing the axles of OMNIBUSES, CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and "WAGONS, and IIEAVY MAOILINERY. For sae in tin cans, kegs, and barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS in the city and the AIANUFACTURSIO3, fv/2.6at No. 18 BOTITIi WATMt Street, PitEs§eLisinu o mvu)niA, 74'H1J'IISDA'Y, SEFIEffnEn 2§, IgsB. TEE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE 000IPANV, ()mon 403 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPRIA.-OAPITAL and SURPLUS $277.- 665 85.—Insures against LOB 3 or DAMAGE BY FIRE and the PERILS OF THE SEA, INLAND NAVIGA TION and TRANSPORTATION. irr' TEN per cent, in cash returned on the earned premiums of Upon Inland Polielea. OPPICRRS PrPeldent—HEOßGß D. HART. Vice Provident—R. P. ROSS. Secretary and Treasurer—H R. COOGSIIALL. Aesietant Secretary—S U. BUTLER. DIRECTORS. Goo. H. Hart, , B. W. Bailey, II P. Boss, Andrew R. Chambers, A, (1, Cattail, J. L. Pomeroy, Joseph Edwards, Ch +ries G. Imlay, Joha G. Dale, H. R. Coggshall, Foster S. Perkins, SIAM 1. Jones, 0. D. Gen. H. H. Fuller. se2l-y Attest, H. It COGGSIIALL, Sec'y Li °WARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT &root, Philadelphia. . . . DIRECTORS. John 11. Diehl, Wm. F. Leech, J. Edgar Thotnson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, M W. Baldwin, Thoe. L. Ludere, John 0. James, Wm. K. 'Hamlin, A J. Buchnor, H. R. Shillingford, John W Sexton, 0. R. Spanlor, William Enigma!, H. H. Houston, Vain Booth, Wm. 11. Lava, John Garrison, Charles B. Norton, E. S. Warne, Isaac Myer. President—JOHN H. DIEHL, Tice President—E. S. WARNE. Secretary—OHAßLES A. DRY. sel6-tf . la-E-R.lO-A.N-YEK E INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 1810-CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Berrien Invested in sound and available Securities, continue t. Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Veseels in Port and their Cargoes, and - other Personal Property. All Loesen liberally and promptly adjusted. DIBIOSOItS. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, Caspar W. Morris, Samuel 0. blorton, James It. Campbell, Patriok Brady, Edmund G. Datilh. Charles W. Poultney. GEOIIO2 ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIE. Secretary. ia23-y 11 4 ‘ jfil IR E RISKS ONLY TAKEN"- GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia. Office No 41b WALNUT Street, (Schuylkill Navigation Company's Building.) Wm. U. Swain, Wm. 0. Rudman, [of Public Ledger. C D. Shoemaker, John Anspach, Jr., Jer. Walker, H. N. Burroughs, Thos. Craven, J. B. Hughes, Francis Peters, Win. 8. Boyd, H. R. Coggshall, Geo. W. Woodward, Jno. McClure, Jon. W. Clagliorn, Joseph Klapp, M. D. Hon. J)EL JONES_, President. A. S. GILLETT, Vice President, /as. B. ALTOILD, Socrotexv. jY2e4Y (l ORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE CON PANT, No. 831 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. OLIARTERED CAPITAL $500,000 SIRE, MARINE AND INLAND. ASSETS JULY let, 1858. Benda and Mortgages, Stocks, &o. $349,026 00 Bills Receivable, (for policies leaned,) 2,127 76 Unsettlad Book Accounts, (for policies,).... 1 613 83 Cash In Bank and in Office 10,493 45 Oash in hands of Agents and Oorreepondents, 1,398 81 366,148 86 No losses unadjusted, unpaid, or reported. DIDISOTORB : William M. Godwin, 8. R. Crawford, James W. Queen, Jno. L. Radnor, George W. Hall, William B. Thomas, B. Franklin Jackson, B. N. Winslow, J. O. Hopper, Henry D. Mears. WM. M. GODWIN, President. J. 0. Plopped, Secretary. mvlo-dtf ' rITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 ' South FOURTH Street. CUARTER PERPETUAL. Organized 1851. $200,000. Privileged to insure Houses, annually or perpetually ; Personal Property, annually, or for a lima period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Inaurance Risks; receive De posita ; hold Trusts and grant annuities ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. O. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. Bilarunr, Secretary. DIRNOTOIta. Alfred Weeks, '. Ron. W. D. Kelley, B. 0. Tyler, J. W. Forney, J. W. Bonder, P. B. Mingle, C. R. licking, James Watson, J. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthews, J. W. !Rakes, William Curtin, jalB-ly G. P. timer. 1 _IER INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LINE INSURANOI COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOOR Streets. Capital 5 63 3,726.03. INSURES LIVItS for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuitlee and endowments—pnr. chases life interests in Real Estate, and makes all oontracte depending on the contingenelon of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trusteed, and Guardians. T 12084111111. Daniel L. Miller, Hamel J. Stoker, Benjamin Coatee, William Martin, Rieherd B. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph 11. Trotter, William 11. Kern, James Bunton, Samuel 0. Duey, Theophilne Paulding, Oharlee Hallowell, Edmund A. Bonder, Henry O. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, licsiolphne Rent, John W. Horner, William B. Carr, Ellie S. Amber, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Reborteon, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Bahia, John G. Bremer, P. B. Mohler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. BTORAB, Vim Pres% Joint W. llormol, Secretary. 01,3.1 y COMMONWEALTH ~PIII2I INKTRANCIZ Subscribed Capital, $600,000. Paid up Capital, $200,000. DMICROIRS. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. B. Brewart, H. L. Bruner, J. M. Butler, J. M. White'', J. M. Walker, Irdrr. O. Knight, M. A. Wendell, H. Lewis, Jr., S. K. Homan. DAVID ,TAYN.III, M. D., President. THOMAS B. STJAWABT, Vioe Pres%l. EllittriL B. Moos, Secretary. ja29.y nEIAWARE MDTUAL SAFETY IN BUYIA.NOR COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY VIII LEGIBLATUBB of PBNN- SYLVANIA, 1835. 00.11012, 0 . 7. Corner THIRD and WALNUT Edreete, PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE ON YEBBBLB, OARGO, To ali parts of the World: PRRIGHT, INLAND INSURANCES, On Goods, by River, Union. FIRE Laken and Land Carriage to all parte of the FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. On atoms, Dwelling Hennes, Ace. ABBRTB OP THE COMPANY, November 4, 1887. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Estate. 2101,880 94 Philadelphia Otty and other Loans 187,011 23 Stock in Banks, Railroads, and Insurance Companies Bills Recallable Clash on hand .. Balance in hands of Agents, Premiums on Marine Pqlleles recently leaned, on other debta due the Company 92,780 VT Babscriptlon Noted 100,000 00 Druerene: William Martin, James 0. Hand, Joseph H. Beal, Theophilus Pautdiug, Bdmund A. Bonder, James Traquair, John 0. Davis, William Byre, jr., John R. Penrose, J. Y. Poniston, George G. Le'per, Joshua P. Byre, Edward Darlington, Samuel B. Blokes, Dr. R. M. Huston, Henry Moan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, Zanies B. McFarland, Hugh Craig, Thomas 0. Hand, Bpencer Mc/Ivan, Robert Barton, Jr., Charles Kelly, Jno. B. Semple, Pittabgb., H. Jones Brook s, l l Dr. T. Morgan, ,4 Jacob P. Jones, J. T. Logan, cr WrLLIAM MARTIN, President. THODIAII 0. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LTLBDRN, /Secretary. Jul., VIRE AND INLAND RISES.-FAME INSURANOIS COMPANY. Capital 1100,000. (Organised under the Act of Assembly relatiTo to In inireme Oompanies, paired April 2d, 1816.) GEORGE W. DAY, President. THOMAS B. MARTIN, Vice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Office 411 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. DIREOTORB. George W. Day, Jacob K. Vaughan, William W. Walters, Musty Levis, Jr., Charles Richardson, D. B. Birrriy, Barclay Lippincott, John W. fireman, Jos. R. Brognard, lA. If. Itosenhelm, Ohm. Stakea, fe24-y M. Stern. TRUITT, BROTHER, & CO., OUTLIIRY, MIL WARE.-The eubscrtbern, OM SAL MISSION MERCHANTS for the sale of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO HARDWARE, would respeotfully eall the attention of the trade to their stock, which they are offering at lowest ratea. Our assortment con sists in part of— Obelus, of all kinds—Trace, Log, Halter, Breast, Os, Oow, Birth, Back, Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Lock, Ethip, end 0011 Maine. The celebrated L . Horse With; Stone and Sledge Hammers. "Wright' ') and other hurtle; I3olld Box and other ff3SMMSUiN=I Martinis enperior Piles and Hasps; fled &mews. Excelsior » Safety ruse Blasting Tubes. Corn ; Grass, and Brier Scythes; Hay, Cora, &ad straw _anivee. • Hay, Manure, Tanners', and Spading Forks. Hakes and Hoes; Shove l s and Spades, of all kinds. Tacks, Brads, Shoe, Clout and Finishing Nana. Oast and Wrought Butt Hinges, Serene, Looks of all klndeLOutlery, Rams and Pumps, Alen, Hatohetn, Ham morn, Planer', and other Tools Ike. ko. W. ia. lams e, SON, No. 411 CIOAMEROII Street. EiablCry anb farness qAuttninpo GOFF & PETERSON, OADLERT, VIGARO, OABANAS AND PARTAGAS EICGANB.—A. choice invoice of Niece celebrated brands on board brig g , New Bra,'! daily expected from LIAT I oIo, and for dale low, by ONAILLEB "PETS, • ' • (New) 188 Walcott otroot, below Becloud, and Beoond Story; -Insurance Companies OAPITAL, $200,000. DIREOTORB. OF M STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE, NORTHWEST CORNER lOURTII AND WALNUT STREETS, PIIILADELPIIIA. garbtoars. IMPOSTERS AND DBALIIRB HARDWARE, 629 MARKET STREET, Below Sixth, North aide, PLIILAIMPIIIA /MPORTEDS AND MANDPAOTUREDD CARRIAGE. anti HARNESS TRIAIDIINGEI, No. 318 AUDIKET STREET, PHILADIMLPHIA MRS. BR YAMS SEMINARY, • BATAVIA, N Y. WIN FALL TRB9I of this Institution (whose 00 il• Non is one of rare beauty and attraction), commences on the 113th of Septernbor. It continues etrictly n Pa mily School for Girls, and is thorough, seleet, and homelike in all its appointments. Tho number of pupils Is limited to thoso who can be fenced at tho ta ble of the Principal. 11' OIItOULAIIB will be sent showing Terms and Regulatione Batavia, Genesee co., N. Y., September, 1856. ael3 frIIITION IN THE PRACTICE AND YY PRINOIPLRS OF PIANO-FORTE hIIIBIC. By Misa ÜBLEN SARTAIN, 728 SANSOM St. 501.3-12t* § - ,IT. MARK'S EPISCOPAL ACADRMY, LOCUST STREET, West of Sixteenth, is now open for the reception of pupils The arrangement of the Classes affords peculiar advantages to those pur,ulug their education there ; and a largo portion of time is daily given, especially to smaller boys, to study during school hours, so that parents may be spared the neces sity of teaching their NM at home. Connected with the Academy is a Preparatory De partment. under the charge of a highly competent lady, which is designed for boys between the ages of six and ten years. Prom this Department boys aro advanced to the Principal's AS soon as their progreaB warrants it. J. ANDREWS mourn, Pfinelpal. BB 11.-dl2t CRITTENDEN'S PIII.CADELPRIA COMMEROIAL COLLEGE, eortheut corner of CHESTNUT and SEVENTH Streets. An Institution dosignod to it young mon for AO TIVH BOARD OF TRUSTEES. B. B. Oomens, - Francis lloskimi, George H. Stuart, David Milne, John Sparhawk, David S. Brown, Imo Banlces, A. V. Parsons, D. B. Lltttfißui, Frederick Brown, Yoshida Lippincott.. __,. EVENING BVSSIONS aWiSeptember 16th. Each Student has INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION at this Institution and a Diploma from here Is the best ro commendation ayoung man can have, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOGUES may be had on application at the College. seS-tf WEI R . LOUIS S. D. REES will re-open his IVA Morning School for Young Ladles, 1212 Spruce street, on WEDNESDA.V , Sept. 16th. auoo-Imit BKENDALL'S CLASSICAL AND . ENGLISH SCHOOL, 2230 LOCUST Street, will re-open MON DAY, September 0 nu26-Im* MRS- BARTON'S BOARDING and DAY SCUOOL .VOll. YOUNG LADIES No. 1929 CELESTNUT Street, Philadelphia .— The Winter Term will .pen on the second MONDAY In September. For &milers and particulars apply as' above. ntt24,lm inLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN Street, below Locust —Duttee resumed MONDAY, Anklet 80th. J. W. PAIItES, A. di , au23-2m Principal. THE GERMANTOWN ACADEMY will re-open September Bth, 1858 The Principal will receive a few good bop into hie family. au27-Irn J 11. WITLIINGTON, Principal. PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE FOP. BOYS, at the WEST PIIILADELPIIIA IN STITU rE. TIM FARE IS PAID FOR TILE PUPILS On the Railways and Omnibuses, from all parts of tho city._M See advertisement in another column. seB.lm EMAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the AA. Violin and Plano. Mr. Allen may he applied to at the residence of his father, Professor Allen, No 215 South SEVENTEP.NTII Street. sepl-toel THE SUMMER STREET INSTITUTE -1 FOR YOUNG LADIES, Mies D. D. BURT, Princi pal. will reopen on MONDAY, September O. For Circulars, kc , please apply at the Institute N o. 1021 BUMMER Btreet. an3o-I;n4 gotALLAD-SINGING, GUITAR, and tho ELF French Language. Vocal Classes, Ladies only $6 per quarter. T. lIISITOP, au3l-21t* 1202 FILBERT Street. n'DONNELL'S BOOK-KEEPING IN-. STITUTR, Snuthonst corner 'EIGHTH and Anew Streets, devoted exclusively to instruction io the busi ness of the oounting•houeo. Open day and evening. Sea Circulars. EIDY BROTHERS' NIGHT-SCHOOL, .11-J Non. 14S and 150 SIXTH Street, near Race. 16 NOW 011 IN TO 0 YR INETRUOTION IN BOOK-KEEPING, WRITING, AND MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC ,INSTRUCTION IN THE DAYTIME, AS USUAL. ae4-ly VDUCATION FOR YOUNG LADIES.— The duties of the SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE BON YOUNG LADIES will be resumed on MONDAY, September 6th. GILBERT COMBS, A. M., Principal, Nos. 608 and 611 bIARSIIALL Street. Philadelphia. fiNISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEEBE'S LV.B BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOIL 'YOUNG LADIES, No. 1703 WALNUT Street, west of SEVEN TEENTR, Philadelphia, will bo re-opened MI WED NESDAY, the Sth of September. aud-"m* J3RYANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OF NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast corner SP.VF,'NTH and CHESTNUT Streota. For information, call or send for circular. ie113.4 'EVENING EIISMONS HAVE COMMENCED riiHE SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INST [TUT 6, CHErTNUT Street, northwest cor ner of TWELFTH, roopsns on MONDAY, September 6. This in a superior institution of Learning for boys and young men. The faculty consists of six Professors. In addition to the English and Classical branches, there Is aupezadded an extensive Scientific department with largo collections of Philosophical and Chemical appa ratus and specimens of objects in Natural history. Terms, 526 per quarter. For boys under twelve years of age, $22 per quarter. Entrance on TWELFTH. Street. J. ENNIS, A M., au2l-lm Principal. QPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR )GONG MEN AND. BOYE—Northeant corner of ItLOIITtI and BUTTONWOOD litreole Palt Ballston opens Sept. oth DM. The principles of a Moral Mansion" have been euecessfully adopted at this Insti tution since its establishment, and parents entrusting their sons into the hands of the Principal can rest as sured of their good treatment and rapid advancement. Pupils received at any time and age. Catalogues fur nished gratuitously. Parents are *sifted to visit the school. P. DONALIAVY LONG, au2Bllw Principal. COMPANY, VENTRAL INSTITUTE—ENGLISH. AND OLAESIO AL E.CIIOOI, —Will bo ro•oponed MON DAY, 03.1itessibor 6th. TENTH. awl SPRING GARDEN Streota. 11. G. MoGIGRE, A. M., an23.6w* Principal. DUFF & CO.'S MERCAN TILE COLLEGE, Southeast corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Streets, (established in 1840, and incorporated by the Legisla ture ofPonnsyirania.) In this well-known Institution the COUNTING DOUSE COUUSII of Practical, Single, and Double Entry BOOKKEEPING, Including all the Aoximear Booze, CONIMIROIAL 0,11. 017LATIONS, And BUSINESS WRITING, In taught In the meet successful and satisfactory style. M. ROCHE, P. EDWARDS, Principals. au2l-ly Ma B B. EUSTON, Penman. VDGEHILL SCHOOL, PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY.—Thia School la adapted to this° who desire their nom to have a careful preparation for Oollego or for a buainesa life. Thorough instruction in given in English, Alathematica, Anoent and Modern Languages, ato. The Inetruotorn aim, not only to have their pupils thoroughly maater fundamental principlcii, but to form those habits of thought which wall ronder future and higher attainments rapid and easy. Owls mation, Composition, and Debate aro practised fa the. Edgehall Literary Society, which embraces all the pal pile of this School. For particulars, tenon, Au., ad. drem REV. JAMES I. HELM ,or aull-2m ItEV . JAMES P. 'MORES, Pri;lcipala, .... 12,608 00 .... 220,291 96 .... 88,892 GO LUMBER YARD. nouTz & 09., 702,785 51' (Bneceenore to Montgomery kNeall,) S. W. corner of TWELFTH and PRIME Streets, Phila. Old Moyamensing District, are now receiving a large and Well-selected wog tmenl of all descriptiona of LUMBER, ouch as White Pine, Yellow Pine, Norway, Hemlock, Lath, Pales, Pickets, Fence Boards, Flooring, Shelving, and every variety at welbaeasoned Lumber. Also, a large stook of Dill Stuff, of every variety and description, constantly on hand and sawed to order at the shortest notice. Our connection with .Idesers. Mehaffey, Routs, & 00, and Duffy, Houtz, & Co., at Marietta, Ya., gives no no. surpassed facilities, and enables na to supply orders for all descriptions of Lumber with promptness and despatch. PINE-CREEK LUMBER, soft and mellow, suitable for PATTERN-MAKERS, &a , constantly on hand. Prompt paying purchasers are respectfully invited to examine our stook before going elsewhere. ap2l-if la : UMBER AT WHOLESALE AND RE ..1-4 tail, at Marietta, Lancaeter county, P. MEFIAIf/PY, POUTS, h Oo , take this method of Informing their cuatomera and persons demirons of pur. chasing LUMBER, that they have now on hand a large and well-seaaoned dealt of all descriptions of Lumber, Which they are prepared to sell at satisfactory prices.? Their timber is all from their awn MILLS on PINS OREPK, They are also connected with Masai% PUPPY. lIOUTZ, & 00., and are prepared to furnish all kinds of Planed Boards, Bill Stuff, Lath Pales, Piaketa, and Building Timber for Bridges, &c., of all deseripfions on the ahortest notice. They would also take great pleasure in calling the attention of Duildera, and those In want of Lumber in the city of Philadelphia, to the Lumber Yard of HOUTZ & Co., corner of TWELFTH and PM= Streets, with whom they are also corn neoted. 1021-tf SALAMANDER SAFES A. large assortment of EVANS A WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAVES, VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores. PISTOLS, &o BANK LOOKS, Equal to any now in use. IRON DOORS, SOOTIER& &e., On as good terms as any other establishment in the United Sta , es, by EVANS A WATSON, No. 26 South FRONT Street Philadelphia. PLEASE GIVE US A GALL. aulB-tf gage aitb R OBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., WHOLESALE DRLIOGIBTIi, ganufacterers and Dealor PAINTS, VARNISIISS, and WINDOW GLASS, Northcutt corner ROMITII and DACE Streets, Philadelphia. Bole Agents for the rude of the celebrated Ploreffe Plate Ulm. mhll3-tf lATIIITE LEAD, ZINO PAINTS, Sco.— We offer to the public White Lend, Zino Paints, Colors in Oil, Varnishes, &0., at each reduced prices that we invite the attention of dealers and consumers to cur stook. ZIEGLER & B?JITH, mhlB IL W. our. Second and Oreeh Os. WARMING AND VENTILATING WARM-WOMB The subscriber would invite the special attention of Arobitent Builders and the public to his NEW CULVER. PATENT SELF-CLEANSING AND VENTILATING WARM AIR FURNACE, Which has been BO aucoessfully Introduced during the last winter and gave such general satisfaction. It is so arranged as to consume the gases from the Coal, making It one of the most economioal, oaf°, durable Heaters now In nee. Also, all sires awl patterns of Cooking Ranges, Bath Rollers, Gas Ovens, Low Down and Elevated Grates, every variety of Registers and Ventilators!, Fireplace Stoves, Collins' Patent Chimney Caps, far the cure of smoky chimneys, with a full assortment of all goods in my line of business. Prompt attention paid to Range and Heater .repair ing, and plass reduced to colt the times. QUARLES WILLIAMS, (Late Baker & Williams,) an2.3m 1162 (bid 4061 MARKET Street. Philacia. „ - CIERMAN CIGARS-300,900 in fitorti and A_X tai oak by WILLIAM IL YEATON, No. 710 Booth FRONT Moot. Wburational tuinbcr 0 1014 1,11a/ * AlqAt;il -1 4t:10 LYON'S OATAWBA BRANDY bY `te. A. HAUB, M. D., ABUTS' TO VIM STATIC or MenStONVEITTO. IGurninAL OttaZAClTen.. A light-yellowleh brown colored spirit, having a fragrant odor; When evaporated from clean linen it left no. oil or offensive matter. Analyzed for volatile and - fixed drugs, of which no traces of any'kind teens found.- Ito color is proved to be due to a colored resin an .extract derived from wood. iFr In every, respect it is a pure epiritoue The fragrance or bouquet whiah it possesses can be leo lated, and it then appears unlike that from Downie Brandy or Wine, being a fruity essence resulting from a peculiar fermentation of Catawba and Isabella Grapes. OincTIOAL OHAIAO7III.-1, parte in volume of thin epirit contelne at 60 deg P. 4612-10 parts of pure al cohol, besides the fragrant oil. 1,000 parts. Of the spirit afford 23 parte of a strong solution of the oil which characterizes this Brandy; the epirit left, alter removing the oil, is pars and odorless, and in all its qualities a perfect spirit not subjeos to change, One 11. S. gallon of this Brandy at 60 deg. 1. contains, be fides the epirit and oil, only 220 gre. of matter com posed of extract of fruit, gam, and colored resin from weed. /learns, January 26, 1868. - • Dr. 00X11, State Inspector of Ohio, and Dr. JAL It. °HILTON, Chemist, of New York, both pronounce this to be pure Brandy, and free frOM all adulteration. For Medicinal purposes Lyon's Catawba Brandy has no rival, and has long been needed to eupersede the pirisenone compounds sold under the name of Brandy. Aa a beverage, the pure article le altogether superior, and a Sovereign, once remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Low Spirits, Languor, General Debility, As., Ac. Also ESEIELBYII STILL AND SPARKLING OH A MPAGNE.—Thene Wines are made In the neigh borhood of Oincinnatl, and are guarantied to be the Pure Juice of the Grape, and are eminently calculated for invalids and peraons who require a gentle stimu. lent, nod for Sacramental purposes. Retail price *1.26 per bottle. A liberal Moonlit made to the trade. Dealers will plasma send their orders to. the n Bole Agents" for the State of Pent sylyanie, A. P. HAZARD A 00., Wholesale Druggiete, No. 603 MARKET Street. - Also fortsale by the following apothecaries : AMBROSE SMITH, Seventh and Chesnut eta. JNO. W. LIMES A SONES,IBth and 22d and Market streets. D. L. iiTACKHOTISE, Eighth and Green eta. R. NNI3INGER, Second and Mary eta., Southwark. G. W. N.I3,I3INGER, Prausynnk Road and Washington street. GEO. B. HOBENBACK, Third and Green ate. A. It. HORTER. Broad and °oaten Ste. - fell HOBENSAGK'S IR ON BITTERS. This Medicine, as its name implies, is one of the greatest strengthening preparations extant. It is es pecially adapted to those who have a lose of appetite or are afflicted with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Piles, Nervous Debility Gimeral Weakness, and all dieeases arising from a disordered condition of the digestive organs. NOR PEMALE COMPLAINTS GENERALLY there is perhaps no medicine in the world equal to it, as it enters, purifies, and replenishes the blood which is so important to brim* about a healthy adieu TUOCSANDS ARE LIVING a miserable existence, of a pale Richly aoloi, weak and emaciated, who could be restored to 'health by the use of ono bottle of this invaluable medicine. It is no humbug, but a genuine remedy, being free from any -_ thing that is of an injurious nature. NOTE ALL DISEASES OR THE BLOOD _ _ .... theie is no bettor antidote than Elobensackls Iron Bit tore. Wnen the blood is Impure the whole body is full of disease. Blood letting may &newer for a time, but cleansing a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we must begin, and to cleanse the blood there le no better remedy than these invaluable Bittern. Their chief sonstituent is iron, and we all know its efficacy in removing the impure matter from the whole visceral system. They are prepared by a prao tioal Chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent physlcians and others, ae the ‘s ne Ties tillna" of all tonics. HOW CiRATIFYING to the proprietor that he has succeeded in communal ing a remedy for many of the Ills that his fellow mortals are eubjeot to; and that the publie appro. elate it is not a question of doubt, but a flied feet, as the demand for it has far surpassed hie sanguine expectations. .11DAD THE TESTIMONY OP A WORTHY CITIZEN. This is to certify my wife was in delicate health some three years, with a disease peculiar to her sex. She tried numerous remediee without deriving any benefit. Hearing of Robensaek , s Iron Bitters, and knowing iron to be a powerful tonic, induced me to obtain a bottle, which proved to be the medicine ehe eolely re quired, by restoring her to health. She hesitates not to recommend it to those who are similarly affected, as she believes it to be a sovereign remedy. JOHN DOLE. No. 11.31 Capitol Street. ;hie invaluable Medicine is prepared only by GEORGE S. RODENBAOK, Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. corner of THIRD and GREEN Streets, Philadelphia, To whom all orders must be addressed. Price 51. Discount to dealers. fold by Druggists generally. rati2o-y TUE LIVER INVIGORATOR, PREPASIND DT DR. SAFFORD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, Is one of the best Purgative and Liver Medicines now before the pdblie, that ants as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It Is notonly a Cathartic, but a Liver reme dy, acting first ou the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off that mat; ter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, with out any of the painful feelings experiences in the ope rations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the aye. tom at the same time that it purges it, and, when taken dslly in moderate doses, will strengthen and build it up with unusual rapidity. The Liven Mope of the human body; and when it well, the powers of the oped. The stomach Mel on the healthy action of performance of its foun ts at fault the bowels are system suffers in cense- Liver—having ceased to cases of that organ, one made, it his study, in a years to find some rams act 'the many derange, To prove that this ro person troubled with Li lts forms, has but to try a tiortram, These Gums remove all the system, supplying In of bile, invigorating the digest well, purifying the health to the whole in cense of the disease-4a- Dimon ATTAOMS are ter, prevented by the oo• Invioonsroa. One dose, after eating. stomach and preTent the ing, Only one done ; taken NILIIITYARIS. Only one dose, taken at gently, and cures Ooe- One dose, taken after PEPSI A.. r El 7- One dose of two relieve Slog lIIIADAO/111. One bottle taken for fe the cause of the dinease, Only one dose itnmedf while one dose, often re- Cnm.sa♦ Intone, and a 'Only one bottle is system the effects of me nogg. ir -- One bottle taken 8161 lowness or unnatural One dose taken a abort vigor to the appetite, and One dose, often repeat muse in its worst forma, complaints yield almost One or two doses cure in cbildren i there Is no remedy in the world, as it Ey- A few bottles cure absorbents. We take pleasure In re eine as a preventive for Fares, and all FETKEB of rates with certainty, and testify to Its wonderful All solo use st are giving Moir unanimous testimony in its faror. 'Er Mix IVater in the mouth with the invigorator, and swallow both together. TEE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A 801E8T1/10 MED7CA7. DISOOYEST, and Is daily work ing cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, even the first dote giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the worst Jaundice oz , Dye pepsin to a common Headache, all of which are the re sult of a DISEABED LIVER• PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE Dr. BANYORD, Proprietor, 845 Broadway, New York. Agents for Philadelphia, T. W. DYOTT o SONS, 218 North Second Street. Entailed by nil Druggists. Bold also by BAMIIEL RIMER, Twelfth and Chestnut attests, and F. BROWN, Filth and Chestnut streets Philads. anl3 to tb s-ly D R. BARNES' CAMPHORATED EXTRACT OP GINGER This Medicine has, by its own merit, gained a great reputation. It Is composed entirely of vegetables, and is made tram the formula of a dletingulahed physician, need by hlm in the cholera of 1832. It does not contain Opium in any form, and never constipates the bowels. It to equally efficacious in mild and aggravating attacks of cholera morbus. It has cured cholera after the 6 . rice water" discharge had taken place. The cramps and pains of cholera morbne and dysentery are in a few minutes dispelled the stomach, and the bowels restored to a healthy action. If this remedy were used in the premonitory symptoms, dysentery, thatdreaded disease, would dud fewer victims Read the recommendations of the railroad conductors who have need it for several years, in the Olreulars. For the cure of NAUSEA, NERVOUS DEBILITY, CRAMP. OIIOLIO, FLATIILENUY, and BIDE. HEAD ACHE, it has no equal. DYdPR MA of aver twenty years , standing hat been cured by it. The weakest etomaeh , by twenty drops taken after each meal, may be restored to a healthy ao tion. Nervous tremor, the result of excessive drinkiug, is at once cured. It has prevented attacks of delirium tremens. Two or three doses Is enough to cure sea-sickness. It In the most valuable of its kind in existence and is no pronounced by physicians who are using it in their practice. As a PREVENTIVE of PEVEItB, du ring their prevalence in Autumn, taken in doses of thirty drops, when the stomach and bowels are consti pated or in an oppoette state, it will so prepare the 'system as to overcome anyliability to au attack even of Yellow Fever or Typhoid. Persons who have suffered in health from Agne and Fever have been restored to health by this wonderful remedy. No one should be without it. Prepared only at 333 011E3TNIIT /Street. Sold at stores throughout the United ttatee. A eery liberal discount made to retwilors. 113atclies, letaielrp, Src 11 E. CIALDWELL & 00., •.• 432 CHESTNUT Street. Have received, per steamers, new styles Jewelry, Chafelaths, Vest Chains. Splendid Fans, Hair Pine. Fruit Stands, Sugar Baskets. Jot Goode and Plower Vases. Coral, Lava and Mosaic Sets. Sole Agents in Philadelphia for the sale of Charles Prodsham's LONDON TIME-REEPERS dole SILVER. WARE.— WILLIAM WILSON & SON, IkrANUFACTURERS OF. SILVER WARR. (ESTABLISHED 1812,) 8. W. DONNER Firm AND OUNItTLY STEK3BB. A bogs assortment of SILVER WARE, of every de attention constantly on hand, or made to order to matoh any pattern deeired. Importers of Sheffield and Birmingham imported Ware. seBo.d&wly Y S. JARDEN & BRO. V • NANDFACTDANNB AND IMPORTERS OP SILVER-PLATED WARE No. 301 Oheetnut Street, above Thid, (tip stairs, Philadelphia. Constantly on hand and for sale to the Trade, TEA SETS, COMMUNION SERVICE SETS, URNS PITCHERS, GOBLETS CUPS, WAITERS. BAS KETS, OAS ram, KNIVES, SPOONS, FORKS, LADLES, he. deo , . Gilding and plating on all kinds of metal. eddy express Qompanuts. rillME ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, MO CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, IdERIHIANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by its own LINES, or in cohneotion with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to ell the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United Staten. E. S. RAND/FORD, Rtmlorirst^.4.lt7 E S S SLIAD.-60 Barrels prime• Mess SHAD, now Minting from Boston atearnm, end for 'sale sul7 JNO IVL. Elitilt&DY 1b 00. ENNmy- NOTICE-SLOWER. Am ARRANGEMENT. 111LADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTI MORE RAILROAD. On and after Monday, May 10, 1858, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore, at 8 A. M., IP. M., (Eminent) and n P. M. For Wilmington, at 8 A. Pd., 1, 4.80, and 11 P. ri For New Castle, at 8 A. 61., and 4.80 P. M Pot Middletown, at 8 A. M. and 4.80 P. M. For Dover, at 8 A. M., and 4.80 P. AL For Seaford at 8 A. Al, and 4.80 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 7.80, Entreat, 10.16 A. M., and 6.40 P. AL Leave Wilmington at 0 45 and 10.80 A. M., and 1.45 and 8.65 P. M. Deitte Raw Oadle at 8 and 9.50 A. M., and at 8.15 P. M. Leave Middletown at 8.68 A.M. and 6,45, Leave Dover at 8 A. M., and 4.55 P.M. Leave Seaford at 8.25 A. M., and 2 P.M. - TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. Leave Wilmington at 0.10 A. M., 2P. M., and 2.16 A. M. BLINBALB only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Bal .. ' timer°, Do do 5.40 P. M. from Baltimore to Philo phis. Freight Train, with Passenger air attached, will ran as folloits Leave Philadelphia for Perittille Aid intermediate places at t P. M. Leave Wilmington for do do do 745 P. ht. Leave Havre de Grace for Baltimore ' do 0 80 A. EL. Leave Baltimore for Havre de Grace do 010 P. X Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia do 540 P. 51. 3eo 8.11. FELTON, President. NEW YORE LINES.-THE CAMDEN AND MIDDY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES. --- - • PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NXW YORE, AND WAY PLACZB. Leave at 101101 M, Tit : MAIM At 6A. M via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion 996 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, N. I. Ac commodation 2 25 At 8 A. 2d., via Camden and Taney City Morning , Mail ' 800 At 10 A. M., by Steamboat Trenton, via Tacony and Jersey City, Morning Express 8 00 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. =- press 8 00 At 6P. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Evenin gMallB 0 At S P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, let Clam 2 00 At BP. M. via Camden and Amboy, AccomMOds, lion, 2.lolase. 1 60 At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, let Chas 2 00 At 6 P.M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, 2nd Caw I 75 The 6P. DI. line rote daily, all others Sundays cm minted A 111 X. P. M. from Reneington 'Depot, via Jenwey city, Mai, Saturdays excepted $2 26 xpress Linea atop at the principal stations only. For Belvidere, Easton, Flemington, ko., at 4A. M and 4 P. M. from Walnut' street wharf. For Water Gap Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, , Montrose. Great New; at 6 A. bi., via Delaware, Lackawanna at Wet tern Railroad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and I P. M: For Mount Holly at 6 A. M.. and 2% and 6 P. IL WAY LINER For Bristol, Trenton, &A., at 2% and 4 P. H., For Pabnyra, Hanause, Beverly, Darlington, Borden town Ico., at 8 P. H. Steamboat Rickard Stockton for Bordentoern, and in termediate places, at gj( P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Tacony, at 10 an 411% A. N. and for Darlington and Bristol at. 4 P. M. All lines exceptll)( P. M , leave Walnut street wharf. it Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each pus tenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All bag gage over My pounds to be paid for extra. The Com pony limit their reaponaibtlity for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount be yond 5100, except by epeeist contract. WM. H. GATEKIIH, Agent 0. .k. A. B. B. CO. 1858 P E o N zNI S . I. I . C R L A x V i., A f , T D I A 1 858 PROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURGH, And thenco by Railroad to WIIRELIN4, T. LOUIS STRUDENVILLI, caavziirrn, CINCINNATI CHICAGO, Louievniem BURLINGTON, ' INDIANAP6LIS, ST. PALLS, And all intermediate mots in OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, KENTUOICY AfICHL GAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, MISSOURI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Pamengern to. points,weet of Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Cleveland and °realms, have choice of routes, and are requested to make a selection before applying for tick. etc. THREE THROI3O3I TRAINS LEAVE PILLLADHL. • PRIA DAILY, Forming close oenneetions - at Pittsbtirgh to all points West. On and after MONDAY, May 10th, 1858, Three through, and Two accommodation trains, will leave the depot, S. S. earner of ELEVENTH and MARKET etreets, ae follows : TZAIRB NOR PITTBDOZGH TRAINS THOM PITTEIZIIIOI AND THZ WIST LIAVZ. AND THZ WZBT Mail train at.... 7.80 A. M. Mail train at.. 11.00 night, last line 100 noon. Fast line 4.60 A. M. Express mai1..11.00 night. Express mall.. 1.10 noon. WAY TRIMS ULM. WAY TRAINS AZZIYII. Hartiaburg so. Harrisburg so. commodstloms.oo P. M. commodation.7.l6 P.M. Lancaster a 5.00 P. M. Lancaster .9.60 A. 61. The mail train stops at aL the stations between Phila. dolphin and Pittsburgh. The Express mall runs daily, the other trains Sunday excepted. The care leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station, southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, entrance on Eleventh street, where through tickets to all points West can be obtained. Baggage will be received at the Depot at any time dn. ring the day. No charge for handling baggage. For further information, apply at the Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets, between the hours of 7 A. M. and 11 P. M. THOMAS MOORS my 10 Agent Penn'a Railroad 00. principal regulators of the performs Its lane Hone system are fully devel moat entirely dependent the Liver for the proper tions ; when the stomach at fault, and the whole quence of one organ—the do its duty. For the dia. of the proprietors h as practice of more than 20 dy wherewith to counter manta to which it is Ha- medy Is at last found, any TER 0011PLLINT, in any of bottle, and conviction is TIIILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAIL! ROAD LINB.—QUIOREBT ROUT. to Abair& Wilkeeharre, Buffalo, Chicago, Rook Wand, Niagara Mllngrain, Burlington Montreal, Bt. Penh Detroit. Dunlieth, and At. Louis morbid orbid matterfrom their place a healthy flow stomach, causing food to blood, giving tone and chin ery; removing the fecting a radical cure. RRIMOTION IN FARE OP IS TO ALL PRINOIPAL POINTS WEST. Peeeenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and WINS Streets, daily, (Sundays eicepted,) as follows: 7.80 A. M. DAY BXPRESS, Por 311mira, Niagara Palls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Island, (talons, St. Paula, Burlington, and St. Louis. " cured, and, what is bet casional Ilse of the Lxvita Is sof:Relent to relieve the food from tieing end soar- 8.80 P. M. NIGHT RXPREBB, /or Rimirs, Niagara PAM, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago Milwaukee, Rook Wand, Calms, Bt. Paula, Burlington and St. Loofa. before retiring, prevents night, loosens the bowels TITISNZBS. Thej 80 A. M. train run through to HARRISBURG etoppinge at all Station on the Lebanon Va/ky rant of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. each meal, will care Mrs teaspoonfuls will always an At Rupert, for Wilkeebarre, Rlttaton, Scranton and all rtatione on the LAOKAWANNA AND BLOODSBURQ RAILROAD. male obstructlon removes and make &perfect cure. stets , relieves Qa o Li a, pouted, is a sure cure for preventive of Onotsaa. needed to throwout of the dicine after a long nick Baggage checked to Mlndra, Bud:go, and Suspension Bridge. GASPS 01 Plan. Wilkesbarre 54 60 Pittston 4 60 . Ocianton 4 76 . 'Wllkesbarre 4 60 Williamsport • .% 60 - Blngra 00 Canandaigua 00 Oeneva, via ilorham 00 Rochester 60 Niagara Palls 00 Buffalo so Erie I 60 Oleveland, via N.Y.and Erie 1 00 . —.— .. for 360P1D1011 1 . 01110•111111 color from the skin. time before eating gives makes feed digest well. ed, cares CHRONIC DIAR. while finings and Bowsi, to the Brat doss. attacks caused by WORMS surer, safer, or speedier Itelnlrfaits. DROPSY, by exciting the ♦Lo Niagara Halls 13 00 Toledo, el& New York and Erie' 18 00 Columbus 13 50 Cincinnati New York and Erie 18 00 commending this mad!. gsvna and Amin, Culla. a thiamin TYPII. ope tloniauds are willing to virtues. ..... cc Niagara Palle Indieurapolie, vta New York and Erie Detroit, via Niagara Yalta Chicago, via Great Western Railway u Lake Shore Railroad Rock Island, via Niazara Falls cc Lake Shore Railroad...., _ .16 00 /8 00 16 00 19 00 19 00 24 00 24 00 Burlington 26 00 lowa City 26 26 Bt. Muhl, 1111 Chicago 26 00 In4lanapolla 20 00 Dunileth 24 80 St, Panic 31 00 • 1 Ticketa oat be procured at The Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Linea Ticket Glace, Northwest corner of SIXTH and OIIESTNUT !Weal; and at the Pas senger Depot, BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPREBB FREIGHT TRAIN Levu the Depot, Droad erect, below Vine, daily (Stutdays excepted,) for all points West and North, at k. Per further information apply at Preiglit Depot, Broad, below Tine, or to GRAIL 8, TAPPER, General Agent, W. W. oor. Bluth and Chestnut eta. Philada. G. A. NI bOLLB, Gen]. Pupt. Philada. and Reading Railroad. 11. A. FONDA, Gard. Bapt. oMay - ism W. h E. Railroad. , . A. REDFIELD, Gen!. Bnpt. W'meport and Elmira Railroad. •NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. FALL ARRANGEMENT. Far BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, &c., and by close railroad connections for Easton, Oatawissa, New York city, Allentown, Williamsport, Water Gap, Stauch Chunk, Elmira, Wilkeabarre, Hazleton, Niagara Falls, Scranton. On and after WEDNESDAY, August 24th, 1858, Pas senger Trains will leave FRONT and. WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, as follows : For Bethlehem, Easton, Wilkesbarre, Water Gap, Scranton, kr., (Express.) at 6.16 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Ohm*, Williams port, Elmira, and the West, (Express,) at 2.15 P M. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 8.45 A. M. and 4 P. M. For Fort Washington, (Accommodationd at 9.45 A, hi. and 6 P M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem (Express,) at 9 A. M. and 6 P.M. Leave Doylestown (Accommodation) at 7 A.M. and 3.30 P M. Leave Fort Washington (Accommodation) at 7.10 A. M. nod 2.30 P. M. Doylestown Trains run daily. Other Trains daily, Sundays excepted. All Passenger trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Chatham street with Fifth and Sixth Street Padden. ger Railroad. Fare to Bethlehem $l. 60 " Mauch Chunk 2 91) " Easton 160 Doylestown 80 FOR SOHOOLEVS MOUNTAIN—By 6.15 A. M. train to Easton, thence by N. J. 0. RR. and D. L. k W. BR. to Washington, thence by stage, arriving at the Mom. tains at IP. M. Fare. $3.10. au26 tf ALLIS CLARK, Agent PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN AND NO R RI S TO WN RAILROAD.-81:131M&D ARRANORMENT.—On rind after MONDAY, Mr; /OW 1008. /OR GZEMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6,V, 7,8, p.m min., 18,11 X A. M.,1 28 4 078, 9 10 'and 11X P. Leave Genminiolin ' sea, 7,'7,4e, 8, 9, ex, 10%, 11% A. al. 1-10 min. 2,8%,4%,'6)( 6%, 8, 9-40 min., ahe up .m. .l The 7% o ' elookA . M. Train from Germantown w 'atop only at Wayne and Tioga Streets Stations. ON SUNDATB, lowa Philadelphia at 9,20 min. A. IL, 2, , sad P. M. Leave Germantown A. M., 1-1 min., 4%, and P.M Leave Philadelphia at 6), 8, 9.06 min ,M.X A. M., 9,8, 4,8, 8, 10 P. M. Leave Chestnut 8111 at 8 40 and 7.86, 9,10, and 10.18 min. A. 11.,12.60, 8.10, 4.10, 6.10, 7.40, and 9.20 min P. M. Leave 9.20 A. M., 9,63 i, and P. M. Leave Ohestiant Hill at 8.10 min A. M., 12.00 4.10 6.40 P. 11 /OR CONSHORODION AND NORRIS TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6if, fl, 11 A. M., 1.06 rain 8.10 min.. 4X, 6X, 11 X P. M. Leave Norristown at 6,1, 9,11 A. M., I,BX, and Ox P Id. ON BIINDAYB, Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M., and 8 P. M. Leave Norristown OR M.,__ond P. M. R MARATUNK. Leave Philadelphia at BN, TN, 9,11 A. M. 1.05 min. 2.05 min., 3.10 mm., 4N, sg, BX, 8, 11,N P. M. Leave hlausynnk at 'kg 7X, B}l, 9%, 1134 A. 51. 134, 8,4, BN, 7, and 9 ,P. M. M-• Sundays eame s Norristown. OillifitEß VALLEY RAILROAD YOB DOWNINN LIMITS Naboblppi at 63( A. Ed.,'and 8.10 n!n. P.ll Leari'Doirningtoirn iirdet. PI., and 1 P. M. H. B. SMITH, General Superintendent, Depot, Math an d Orson am% Philadelplda. tiailroab tines. ORESTNTIT HILL RAILROAD ON SUNDAYS liailwatr tints ap ni PHILADELPHIA. AND SSZREADING RAILROAD. New Accommodatfou Passevir Train between Reading and Philadelphia. Leave., Beading daily (Sundays excepted) at 616 A. M arriving at Philadelphia at 9AO A. M., and return ing at 4.45 P. M. Passengers by this train have over 7 hours in Phila. dolphin befere returning or leaving for New York. se4-1m W. 11 MoILIIENNEY, Elecretavy. 113HILADELPH1A AND READINGELAIL - 1 ROAD—FABT FREIGHT LIN - B.—Freight trains leave the Depot,.BROAD Street, below VENE, daily, for Buffalo, Buepermon Bridge, Canada, Detroit, Chicago, Galena, Dribirone, Bt. Lome, and interme diate points. This ie the shotteat route to Canada and the Lake Porte, and goode will be forwarded with greater &spat* to the above Volirts than by any older mote. !AIM or mom MIA 100 awe. _Via Railroad let elara . ad alarr. ad elan. 4th dol. =in Bridge 90 -TO 00 49 i s,. 90 70 eo 40 Dttokirk 95 76 65 45 Detroit $1 20 98 78 ea Ohieago. 140 116 100 80 Freight going through by ran .111 Zs Way noun be marked "VIA BAIL." - ' No transhipment between Philadelphia sad Binrinfi. Mark goods via Philadelphia and Beaolint Baftroad, and send to the Depot, Broad atrtort", below Vine, daili, before 6 P. Id.' Yor further Information in re glad to this route, call at the through freight elace of tba Philadelphia, Nia. Ora and Great. Weatern Like, N. W. corner SIXTH and ONNBTaiIIT. deNl,9 IPIPENbigYLVANIA RAMILOAD.— , —ISS CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At tante Cities with Western, ittrettintestern, and South western States, by a contintiOUS FiellWay direct. Thin Road also connote at Pittsburgh With daily line of steamers to all ports on the Western Hirers and at Oleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all Hirers, oR the North-western Lakes ; making the most DIRECT, OHEAPEPT and DELI/MID ROUTE by which Freight can he forwarded to and from the 0 HEAT WEST. HATES BiTWUN PEDIADDGPIIIA. ADD PITT BURGH. Inuit Ordara-Doete, Dow, Hatt, 'lnd 121 a, Books, Dry Geode, (in bower Wee end trunk s)) , Drugs, (in bombe and bales) leathers, lure, Tk. per IGO 8100113 OtAre.—flomeatie Meeting, Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales), Drugs (in WNW, Hardware Loather, liquor, (in ecachad Paper, Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, &IL ike 60e. per 10 TEND Ouse—Anvils, Hemp, Batton and Pork, Salted, (loose or in imolai), Paints (dry and in ell,) 011 a, (except'lard and rosin) lee. per 101 Posits Or.aos—Ooffee, Ash, Elation, Beef, and Pork, (In casks or bone *seaward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Barash, German play, Tar,Piten, Rosin, Steel, Manufactured To: bacon, Rosin 011, •C Queronswire, Sem, t hirds., bbla and bone%) &e., ere 40e. per 100 11 IrLova-76c. per bbl., until further notice. Gaire—Sbe. per 1001bs., until further mattes. Oorrox—S2 per bale, not exceeding 600 lba. until further notice. In shipping Goode from any point Mast of Phil/del; phis, be particular to mssipackages Penssylosaid Bea/road) , All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Boed, st Philadelphia or Pittsbargh, will am forwarded without detention. PaniOur Aolure.—Olarke & 00., Chicago; Pseker & & Op.. Memphis, Tenn.; It P. Ease & Co.. St. Louis, Mo. r P: G. 0 , .1111ey k Co., Evansville, Indiana; Wm. Bingham, LatlioVile Bentnoky. ; B. 0. Meldrum, Madison, Indians; H. W. Brown & 00., and Athos & Ihbbard, OincinnstYL N. 12. - Pleism & 00., Zanesville. Ohio; Leech & Co, No. 64 Elltlotroat, Boston; Leech & Co., No. 2 Astor House, New York No.l Witham et. York ; R. J. Ilneeder, Wham It Koons, DclUrnoro; D. A &swat, P Hobo_ 621. H. H. HOWITOH, General height Agent. H. J. LOMBASET, deg- General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. W)l4linn FOR R&VANA, via CHARLES aI g„ TON and Key West. —The splendid steam ship ISABEL, Capt. William Ho'lme..will leave NRVY YORK for HAVANA, on FRIDAY. Oet let, touching at Charleston and Key West for mails and passengers. For passage apply to kiIuFFORD, TILESTON. & 00., No. 29 Broadway, Or JOHN WAGNER, serf-loci No. 7 Walnut street. aiI(FOR CHARLESTON, S. 0.-HE. ROWS LINE—ONLY RH GULAR LINE— GOODS'EHOEIVED AND BILLS LADINO. SIGNED EVERY DAY. Freight and Insurance at less than by ateamshlp "KEYSTONE STATE," Oap•a;n 0 P. Marsha:Lan, which will Rail on Saturday, Sept. 245th, at 10 o'clock, A. hi., from second wharf above Vine at. For further particulars please Bee advertisement of Steamship "KEYSTONE STATE," in this paper. Jar freight or passage apply to THE BRITISH AND NORTH • AMERICAN ROYAL DUEL ESTRIX. PROX INV TORT TO LITAAPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Panne /ROM 100101 TO LIMPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage SllO Second Cabin Pawns 00 Tke 'hips front Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Oapt. Jadkine. CANADA, Gent. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERIC A, Ospt.Wiekinals ASIA, Capt. B. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Ospt.llyrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Oapt. J. Leitch. These ?web' carry a clear white light at masthead; green on starboard bow ; red en port bow. ASIA, Lott, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Sept. 22. PERSIA, Judkins, '• N.York, Wednesday. Pent. 20. NIAGARA, Millar, cc Boston, Wednesday, Oat. 0. ARABIA, Stone cc N.Yor Wednesday, Oct. 78. CANADA, Lang , cc Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 20. AFRICA, Skannen, " N.York. Wednesday, Oct. 27. ASIA, Lott, cc Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 8. PERSIA, Judkins, c. N.York,Wednesday, Nov. 10. EUROPA, Leitch, cc Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 17. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Shops wilt net be accountable Sur Gold, Silver, Bullion Specie Jewelry, Precious Stones ' or Metals unless bill ' s of lad i ng are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. Nor freight or passage apply to SeM.y E. OUNABD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. FOR RICHMOND, via Norfolk and CITY POINT—PALL ARRANGE MENT—TWIOE A WEEK—UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S LINE OP STEAMSHIPS TO SAIL EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, at 8 A. M., UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. VIRGINIA, Captain 3. R. Kelley. . PRNNSYLVA4IA, Captain Teal. CITY OP RICHMOND, Captain Mitchell. These fine steamships will sail as above. They are handsomely fitted up for Ismsengers, having saloons on deck; are provided with Yrancis's Metallic Life Boats, Life Preservers, &0.. and no palm; or expense spared for the comfort and safety of pmsengers ; and the protection of goods. This Line offers the quickest, cheapest, and most comfortable route for passengers, and is In advance of anyother for despatch and economy for freight TO TRH INTERIOR OW VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA, AND TENNESSEE:. NO TRANSHIPMENT BY THIS LINE. Passage to Moho:Ion, or Petersburg, $8; meals In. eluded. Passage to Norfolk, E 8 ; meals included. THOMAS WEBSTER, Jr.. General Agent, an27-Im No. 14 NORTH WHARVES. FOIL OHARLESTON-AND SA VANNAH -HERON'S LING. GOODS REONIVED AND BILLS Or LADING 13/ON/ID EVYRY DAY The splendid first-elm side-wheel Steamships KEYSTONE STATE and STATE or GEORGIA, Now form a weekly line for the South and Southwest, 'one of these ships Bailing every SATURDAY at 10 o'alook A. 11., alternately for Charleston and Sa vannah. FOB OHABLESTON The KEYSTONE STATE. Captain Oharles P. Marsh man, will continue to receive freight until this evening and sail Saturday, Sept. 26th, at 10 o'clock, A. M. YOH BAVANNAII The STATE 0? OSARGIA, Capt. John J. Garvin, will commence loading on Thursday, Sept 211.1, and sail for Savannah, Ga., on Saturday, Sept. 25th, at ID o'clock A 3i. , , At both Ohirlentin and Basannah, titans nhiptesonneot with steamers for lflorlda and Havana, and with ran. roads, tte., for all places in the South and Sonthwent, PRXIGHTB REDUCED Heavy Freight at an average of 16 per vent. below NOW York steamship rates. INSUBANO.II. FREIGHT and INSHiI ANOZ on a large proportion of goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels. Cabin passage 120 00 Steerage do 8 00 Excursion Tickets, good for the present year. 80 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship hu Nailed. For freight or passage, apply to A. HERON Jr No. 828 (late 81) North wiLar4s. Agents at Charleston, T. 8. & T. G. BUDD. Agents In gayannah, O. A. GREINRII & CO. Pox Florida, from Charleston, Steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. Tor ilorlda, from ry Saramaah, steamers ST. KAM and ST. JOHNS, eve Tuesda and Saturday. For Havana h trom Charleston y , steamer IBABEIL, on tke 4th and 19th of every month. jell STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER -11-111 POOL, BBLBAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON DB .IdY, without delay, for 80 dollars. Return tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places by any steamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trip, out and back. PLOY NW TOl2, New York, McMillen, &tardily, Jnlylo stl2ohlloek M. Edinburgh, Gumming, ~ Oct. 30; ~ ' Glasgow, Goodwin, ~ August 7, gc ZION GLASGOW- Glasgow, Goodwin Uturday, Jul y 10. New York, McMillan Wednesday, August 11 Xdinbargh, (Jamming Saturday, Aug. la. BATES OP PAJ3Bd.G.II. ram GLABOOW. Sint alsai 16 gatnefs Steerage, found with cooked Forlsions 8 i, =MEM! First Olaes $75 00 Steerage, found with cooked pr0vi5i0n5. .... .. .. Ohildren under 14 years of age, half BO tare; atinta In Steerage, free. Return tieketa available within six months, by any steamer of this line. First Clam $l4O 00 Steerage $OO 00 An experienced Surgeon at taohed to each Steamer. Nor freight or passage apply to WORKMAN & 00., us WALNUT Street, Philadel• pkla. BOBBER OBAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. HALL & LONJIY, Buchanan Wharf, Baltimore. lOU Summer Eraortz. .1-I" 'S HOTEL, WILLLAMSPORT, LYCO3IING 0017NTY, PA. The undersigned has purchased the large and elegant banding, corner of TRIED and PINE Street, formerly occupied by the West Branch Bank, and has enlarged and refitted it in a superior style. Williamsport le one of the most delightful inland towns in Pennsylvania and his house, he hopes, will be found pleasant, as well the traveller as to those citi zens of the metropolis who desire to rase an agreeable time daring the heated term of the summer. His omnibus runs from his Hotel to the Packet and Railroad Depute free of charge. jy2.54m W. 11. HAY, Proprietor. fsi BEDFORD SPRINGS.—THI AN- well-known and delightful Summer Resort will be' opened for the reception of Visitant on the 18th of June, and kept open until the let of October. The new and spacious Buildings erected last year are now tally completed, and the whole establishment has been furnished. In superior style, and the accommoda tions will be of a character not excelled in any part of the United States. The Rotel will be under the management of Mr. A. G. MINN, whose experience courteous manners, and attention to hie pleats, give the amplest mammas of mated and kind treatment. In additien r to theothernieans or access, It is deemed proper to state that passengers can reach Bedford by a daylight ride from ohaenherehnes, The company have made extensive arrangements to empply dealers and individuals with ~ Bedford Water , * by the barrel, carboy, and In bottles, at the following prices, at the i Springs, malbery) viz bora, barrel ' 34 00 Do.. Oak) 803 x Do.' mulberry) 8 00 _ oak) - 2 130 Barbey, 10 Wows 2 25 Bottles; IX pint, per dozen 1 40 The barrels are earefelly prepared, so that pur chasers, mq depend upon receiving the Water heat and sweet. • . all communications should be addressed to - Tins B7IDEOBD IdIXBRAL SPRINGS 00" 20/241' Bedford Qom% re. A. HERON, 'S., 828 North Whortree $1.30
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers