t..11 1 )# 1 0 0 ? 0 ,., , 4A r t4iINOZ: Dirque Crun,2l7o bavontr.43iit , Deiisi t etirk.'Boa2 , fit t p , KBl.Bl.4BB-:49 . lc.Bol?ortiieqrge=2.Boo bushels flit 8 & • " --)- PriTiAI*LPEILL - BOAXIV - 01 TEAMS, - DPTAIPPORW- SintulD,A,PollDca, gosaurrall .91 1:10 MOfItL - , - -- • - ; ALETT All 111;„ . „ • - "Ar - ShlP'Tdirssrandirattlitur" - - Liverpool, Sept 25 Baftldo Plorldsi Monday': ' . Oardense, soon Borgne David Lopata)+, .Biabop:. .. ... ...Motansos, soon PrOltoltednilkin4salrson, 8t Jager de Cubs, soon Bdiquellidneeotat..... .. Pernsinbtioo, soon Brig May queen; Lyle - • • • • - 'Port On Priooe, soon Brig EppO Hendriok; Saint • • ' • tiondon, soon = 'lttarint4nteNents. rosii OF riqt.i.oiLriajt,,sept. 23, 1865 - - BUR 1129118.. ..... :8 '0 18E98 MATS 0 8 14 .lj 9 St ateamthiliState of i fleorgia, Gitlin, 78 hOurs from Savannah, with mdse and passengers to Alexander Heron, Jr,, Experienced NE, gales the entire trip. At OE o'clock AM. Sunday. Signalled steamship Star.of the Bouth,, and at v 2,P M Monday, eteamibip Montgomery. both bound south. The Prying Pan Light, Ship not on her station. - • Elteamehm Delaware. Copes 20 hours from New York, via Cape May, with odes and `psesengers to James All' derdice., Reports a br,g coming into the Breakwater., a /tongue -at .Bombay Hook, &brig off Reedy Inland, and barque Et Jomee above Chester. „Barque it James, Ocoee, from Rio de :atmim August 2170 begs coffee to James Deverenx &Bon Left /thine Ocean Bulger, alioWies:sind Northern Crown, Hallett, waiting; alto bourne Charlotte,E Tay, Hughes, for New •Pork. loadin; Blue Wing, Burnham. looting; 'Wheatlend'Deepe'aux_ t ellacharglog;ylrenta and Betel tiny Wilkins waiting; brig Laura Roes, Russ, sod others as before reported, - Reports :Soiree very high at Rio de Janeiro: in, bodge/donee of the emallueui of stook on hand. Many vessels were taking in ballast for the United Stateav and Europe.' Bar en American - Barque going to having aroma stern, but two far off to discern Behr Robert George (Br) Bowser, 12 daya from Turks Island, with salt, to J B , k E L Perot. ' Behr John Welkhfilee;lB days froMßoriaire,"yrith 8000 bushels salt to4aptam . Behr George Korth* Witatheibee:frout New Orleans, via quatentine, WithAnbiteoo and hides to Pettit, Mar. tin dr, 00. , - bear J..Grierson Harding, 5 depfrom Boston, with mdae - to Jordan : Se , Brothers. • " Bahr - Annie. Sploar;l day from Port Penn, With:Wheat to Christian & Outran. Bohr Smith Tattle, Mayo, 5 day, from Pivivincetoirn, With mdse to Geo A, Wood. - - Bohr Harriet Ragere; Bogert; 5 days from Providence, in ballast to captain - - 4fleihr Chesapeake, Phillips, 4 days from Deal's Island, Md. eft Slumber to J If Idelolley. Behr John kvtiasisrd, Lowe, 2 days from Milford, Del. with gratn , aod bark tit - Richardson & Overman, Behr Rancoals, Midi, 2 days front Beak Bridge, Del, with oats to Rlobaalson k Overman. - Packard, from New v.fichki:t PloYd, Racktitt, from - Providence. .'„ - flehr Jae Biles, Flitch. from Provideroe. Bear - 11111 Besserole. Steelman from Staten Island. - Behr,Lartio.voherbuck. frelirrWireham -; BeheLamertine Johnson. front Boston. ;',„lBehi,DwridStattli, Douglass, from Maurice Rites. . - - • . OLRARI9II Steen: Alp Boston, Fellow, New York. J Allderdlee. Bohr audit, Tuttle. Mayo. Dorchester. D Feareon &Oa Pcbt'Martha Wrlklitlngtou, Wrightington, FaHailer ; oabeen &Oo : - Eche D ftrlth, D'ooglise, Obotios,lllnnfekeon & Glover , Bahr Larkin. Oburenek, N Bedford, Revolter & Bro. Behr V ,G Bloyd, Sackett; Folly Landing, L Auden. tied &;04). ' . ' mit la Ilemierole, Bteelnanu, Notfolk, Bogota & Luther ' Pcbr re '4 Rogers, Roper, Baleih:N Sturtevant & 00. Behr J Gliersou, abiding, Now Bedford, do B.hr.James Blies, latch, New Bedford, „do ..c. - Bohr.Mils,Packoni, Roston, do "Pour .1; B . Attain, Bityy Boston, Noble, Hammett & , IViddVid• - ' 'Bobt - 11' Calre ) ,llndiaitt, Boston, You Damn, Norton Leo,-. • , • ' BehrAll Dortirlass, Briekland. Hartford, do Behr G.lt Boyle, Now Haven, - do - Fehr'? IA GlaYtorc, Harley; Baltimore, do Fehr Gue'et, Barrett, Richmond, do Behr Octavio Elliott, Washhittorf, do Bohr tdrintoriu; Falkeulmrg, do do Ram Beulah. Benson, Georgetown, - do, • Bohr L4martine. JOhnsoir, Alexandria. do .Behr Fhonendosh, Smith Folly Landing L Auden ' eel& ed. ~.;Behr R H Wiloota, Franderson, Boston, do AleaMor 11,1 Gaw. Iler. Baltimore. A Groves. Jr. At! concord, NOrrain, New York; W H Baird & Co. • (Correarmiderme of The Press.) UMW DE GEACIE. Sep , 22. 1958. ThiNiroMini left here , this morning with 10 boats, laden and esmdsued a follows: d01in]..&1194,4r.„ linnb.r to Norcross & Stieets, and pritier..to_Wm du Bard; J M Bissell, limber to Malone & Tsy t or;.,Tome, MeDardy &,00, do to B,P looney; J II Pulmor, do td Biker Bbooinalmr; .. Mary Emma, do to M sTromti:k-Sonk;'Burititobamia - : to Morgue's to Bboote; J B Dawson. do to D B Taylor; J L Peitz. thracite coal to Mr Warner; Junes Barratt, Jr, bark to , (Correspondence of The Press.) . . - - BEADING', Sept 2%.1868. ; , Tie following boats passed out of the Union Canal fader, bound to Phitadelphia, , laden end consigned as follows: .- --- - - . ^ • Joe • Liverinore, lumber to if R Boss; John Promo!, dour; to 'Humphries; Harman & Wright; -G L Lloyd, lumber to Wm Peseoch; Trudeaman, limestone to Nebert & On; - Thomas Craig, lumber to B B Bailer & Bou; James P Perot, bituminous coil to Jim Boland Sons - Pm:Woad.• ' ' ' N. „ • ==:= (47drotopondtoloa of tlie Philidelptils Exchange.) • Otre IB7JID. Beot 22=6 P M. barque Alintin,lroOt Glasgow; and' a Datch brig , iod strilith nehodoer went in thin morning. Aahip y• 4 1314 in thin *lineman Ship Patinae. foe-flew Or- Inane, went to nen this afternoon . Wirid ' Yours, Zoo," -TllOll. B. ZUOIEII3. viLkeittirg 70 vim twee.) Now Yong. Sept 22. - ,Arrived, baroneai Maly Coe, - from Liverpool; Paw. tticket. from Trinidad de Oubsr brigs A • ?eters and Plias Charlotte, fmm do; /*chin, Inagua, and Boreno. from CleDfoegoa; 'Naiad, from St Jago de Cuba. • • • Below, shlplloeoloe, -'- - • ' CHABUBTOIf, Sept 22. allip Gen Parkhill, from Liverpool. —, bszcine Warren Hallett, from Boston. '• •= - biltidoll4.l4DA. • Steemshlp Austria. from Hamburg for Noir York, at Southampton etteinnt. ' Pelitaumblp Kearombeo. Hand, hence it New York tprday. and cleared to return. _ Ship Westmoreland, Teal, hence, wired below New Orleans, yesterday, - ' 'Ship tiesperioa, Blanohard, from MOulmeln, at Lon 'don 6th lest. - Ship Wiehlagtoti. Norton', from Bombay, at London 6th mat. , , Ship Bunker 111 1 1. Elliott, from Calcutta, entered in ' tart yt London 6th inst. , - 'Ship Ann 11 Hooper, Hooper, from Liverpool, at Hal , Bolero 21st inst. • ' chip Samoset, Prost, cleared at. Charleston 18th inst. for Ural:mot;- 3 - Ship Wares , et Ellie: Strout. from Buenos Ayres July 98 arrived at - New York 21st Inst. Left-et Buenos Amir bsroles,lC ate, Oliver, - from Baltimore. Just are; 1 1 •17.Nentlij, dischgr, Healer, Plainer, for New York, 4. ' - Ship Nis' State, rrowein (late who died Slat nit) from New Orleans, arrived at Liverpool 24 hist =.= ',Bistro Parniv Pern, Draper, fiend Callao. at Valencia 27th nit; Parthenia. Bunten from do, on the 28th, and Itedwood, Boss. from do, on the 20th. -" • • , ip Noemilchtnion, exiled from'BiverpOol 7th last. .• Ship Polyneila, Horse, which- sailed from Boston 9th lust .forSaia Preneiroo; returned to port 21st init, hav ing sprung a leak during the gale of 16th inst. • Sh:n Ina Ratirell,Williame, from Liverpool, at !do - Dile 17th -- -,;./larque Xcdns. Theerpson; for Rio de Janeiro, cleared at NA) 'leans 17th lost f: "11-' . • .• Barque Washington Tintoben Collins, for Philadel „,pliia.'clearrea, New Orleans 18th lest; with 107-bales ', s oothe° 209 - Dales rope eattings.94 hbde tobacco. 838 bbls ~,anolagees 1234. bdls hides, NM dry do, SOO empty bbls draints Mdee. Barque Catharine, Berry, hem West Coast of Africa, at Selma 2let lost Barque, Wolfe, Crerer,Banoe, arrived!. at Piston 11th lust, „. - „ „, - • Barque. Imam R Davis, Chase, for -Boston, cleared at New Orionse 18th inst. - , Barque Meets,' Passel., banes, arrived at London Otk In t • - Ilarguitliound 'Philadelphia in 8 days, was at Port an Prince 22th ult. , Barone Belle, Ryder, cleared at Boston 21st lust, for Barque Rambler. Packard, from Palermo for Boston, at Gibraltar 2.4 th pit - ,-, -„ - , Barque Rainbow, Am lin, from Rio ds,,Zineiro, 11th nit, with ctfb•ri ' at New York 21st feet. - ~Barque: Etehnen t on, Abbott,, for Philadelphia in 16 days, WWI .11% Port an PriumadAtia ult. • ' Barque Lepwing, Ifeliy, slimmed at Baltimore 21.8 lent, for ftin de ,lageiro and it market. - Titania - Obailotte 19 Tay, Hughes, remained at, 810 de Jaosiro llth nit, ono., • , - • Barque - Marian, pow/ling, vatted from Buenos Ayres . 28th July. far, New York. - -, - Brig Wiry Wilkins. Nickerson: from Buenos Ayres . july 81, arrived at New York yesterday. Barque Marla, for New, Ynrk, old Idly; 28. Left barque Mary Bentley, " for. New York,-discbg -Pissed "barque 7. D July B'st, - hound to Buenos byres - Barque grim. Lannon, from Baltimore,. at liftmterldeo Inly 25. Left at Resort. bailor' Teens: dacha;,Tweeters, de, , brie Kentucky. At Peres-nay Catharin Johnson: Dept 15,Jat 82 80, long 87 20, eisnalteed an Am barque 'steering 8, showing signal., white groand, with a red letter D centre - Brig; ohs 0 .I(elfsr, llooze,Ut Charleston 19th tint, Brig Wm Clerk - Wall hence arrived it Boston 21st , Brig - Brand/Wine, Onsmack, nuceilain; remained, at 'Rind, Janeiro Ilth •'- .., • Brig Pientoiaidtheiton, hence; arrited at Portland 20th mat • - • • " Brig Ocean • Traveller.' Brrgeot, from Portland for Phlladelpbia; staled - froniffolmes' Bole 18th Inst. - Brig - Hudson 'Cele - hence , arrived at Boston 21st , instant. - Brit Brolly. Banners, from Claiale for Phlladelphha, 19th list, and sailed agalp' • Brig A Lawrence, Baker; henii, a:dyed - st Beaton Illst 'net BNB , lissoi Helene, : (Diitch) De attal -, *core 21st limit for, Amsterdatn,-. "• Bric Kavanaah hence , arrived at - St B; 18th "rosy - '- • Brig ,Puetleu. Gilmore, fog' Philo - 041dd, cleared at - Piston 10th last -- " Brig trewford. Small, hears at Boston 21st lost Pclors..W,Tlo6ll, litiggins; Woodruff Sims: 'Mason; Luny I, Sharp; Sharp; It Cloixod. Corson; and H Byes. ton, Malay., henceat Boston 2lat lest, . • ' Mile A If:Biotin = Oirtiattgaita,' Baker, hence.. and' afenterny.l3 sigma% fro* Delaware City, at New Bedford 20t h fiat , Behr D - P: Telpey. hence at POrtinnonth.,2oth.inete PahrMegnolia, NICkerPOD,IIOO6 for Port 80bluilri nided„ wou,sookeit 75th fast , l e t 85 4 1 , long 70 40' Sithr lhidialp - Odwiri;Betuiton, bonne t arrisedat„ldli ,vbili •„•-• • •• • • -„• • Lffeity Intittbant3tite;* tirtived'at ' 'Hertford Blot ".•' fioltrArgUe Bje - 1311041, for; Be ten ; vial towotl-r'i" = 011060 12 , 11,hist:• " '.- fleihinolf Iffiriderson,litiMitichniorid, and W - Beirkelnitl•-" - Baeon, cram prediiiicksbnig;irrised at - MAO 211Kiest? •• "!' Batt 1410itiatigiaijanig - recta Btahinond ' Charles tor 20tblati.. , v' ; • • acttr RepaingtOPt idatinuo 'Wound at Obatleitod tOtti That -•- !Batt 80.1110,Z0battre, Ohi ;" stve, 6114114 at laballtetoa 3.Btti last. far • : Batit' 0-W trolme",_lo3ttitee;ilanas, at','Net;- traripo - rt 200. m lat. • • , *bra Wm wheit;siu'L cfm4.4; truism; i ',7rambesi;Bdmars, and Itesthasa, /Minn, hence at ealem ' eakeloieph Stanola; Nay, Biin'ae, orltrisd at Albany 214. talc . Ofke 'nfinreCid:Aibuir 'ihrtlifitrArYloll4•lpbit ` 'Settittllloillta; thaobat: '0 M fattkoiatki; intatitoa „Tett, ' mater, 4,4 Innotliin - May, Hay , ktata at Boa - toalOttilait ' - • 8611113 'Wteirifil5441 - 14 jailirilinjOhiaanj,laatiat. newittOL W v 't4ll2.Taridaend• , .0 -Ittrayon. Vaal ry'; TniKti iltitafilaiinal;4 l aatnar; Garwood; sox. bi ,11116; TgeOultic Pratiiresymino, 00roott,nnd VT "fah:lord. babig at ndsfod Farlig.% Rohr, Strout,"9, o AeA triareat TootnnTisi mit rooloi tObrs lit' "1" earnoti, !LC& T Oratnei, pnlitlafOleetaa Pall'llWar'llto3,l9at.,ii - 06tderf.Altol.'fiditiAtoatan Thitadelphia. Igio4frbnetrowpove Laud Buthdets,,CoraparAzin Maita, Brown; .7,ql)itittkiti% Mt 4 egraniport. TRO,; 1 19- end MA B D9lawaii it:1;1;71(1in*. pitt 4.4 4' AP jr,ttg!4ll4 4fr.41..1.3.a 211 T Ai% .V 4,17 1 14 tri.'4ll,4a -- Polars Robt 0 Crooke, 'Van Cleave, berme, and Obam plon, Bolles, from Bristol; PA, at Bristol; RI, Zlth last ; MARIN/ IaBOBLLAHY. ..oowei,•Elept .5-3 hip Abby Landon, from Alryab for Antwerp,.whtoh went ashore' In Compton Bay W) Ann has broken op. , ; Dublin. Bept4—The Harriet Francis, from Liverpool for Baltimore, which struck on Arklow• Bank Sept 2, .has becomes total loss. NoTIOE TO MARINEUS ' Wetter, is, given that the South Shoals Light Yeesel parted her moorings during the pie of the 10th just, arid made a harbor at Sdortown. She will be replaced le icon as p agibleiwf which due notice will be given. Boston ; Sept 20.1058. PORMIGN POBTB Melbourne—Ar June 29th, Young America, Babcock, Liverpool April 18; Beatrioe, Rogers, Hong Kong, via Sidney; Aurora, Clough, do; Glimpse. Dayton, Ban 'Franoisoo;ly 6, Printout P Page, Ingersoll. N York April 10; 'July Bth, Columbia, Clark, Liverpool March "23; 13th, Caspian, Hughes for Williams) from do do. Bld June lath, Itlaveriek Ellie, Guam; Telegraph, :Giles, do; 18th, State of Halite Humphrey, do; 19th, 'Alfred Lamont,„Anderson, do: 'July Bth, Americana, /Potts. Callao; , Silt, Senator, Cain, Bombay; lath, Ris ing Bun, Smith, Calico; 16th. Mateova, Stevens, Guam. Sydney, NSW—Ar Jim Mu, Escort. Pepper, New ;York March 8; 14th, Isabella 0 Jones, Woodburn, Lou don Jan 9; 22d, Uncle Oakford, Hotly, do March 8; 283, 'Kleber, Crowell. Boston March 23; Herald or the Morn ing, nodolph, _Liverpool; 25th. Washington Allston, Wood. Boston. March 4; 80th . Gee Kendall, Fairley, Hong Kong, and sailed for Melbourne; Jnly let Oliver Jordan Frost, London March 11; 24, Daniel Webster, Thompson, liatiauge; Bth, C 0 Foote, Worth, Tahiti. BM June 15, Afterloa, Snow, India; 11th, Saml Ap pleton, Kelly, Guam; 20th, Marianna, Bahoemdeker, Ban Francisco; 28th. Reindeer, Thompson, biennia; 28th, Carrie Leland, Smith, do; July 4th, B. F Koine, Welch, Callao; Tih, El "Dorado, Ilattlel3, do; 9th, Car rington, Sumner, do ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, yr TO OITA O'OLOOK THIS MORNING GIRARD 11013831—Ohestnnt street, below Ninth, L Easton, Belt Jae Young, Middletown Hugh Laskin, Ohio W It Davidson, La J M Davidson, 0 0 Mr blcllvain & la, Balt D L Hopkins, Va Mr Thompson,N Y O W Telftdr, N 0 Wm Crimes, N 0 G Kneetnah, Washington M Wachner, Md It Bennett, Nd T T Martine, Havana 88. Oliambers & la, 8 0 B 8 Smith &"dan, Mobile 0 Koap, N J ' II W Joon & la, Vet Miss Jolson: Va W K Mehuffey, ItPaul J W Primrose, N J 0 T Haigh, Miss Haigh, litre Heigh, 0 T lia , gh,"jr, J W Kemkel, Md Leo Coyle, Washington Minn Edmond, Washington M /I Haas, N Y F A P Barnard & la, Miss Mies Belcher, Oxford, Miss D A Wilson, Jr, N 0 It Gray, New Orleans W Rainey, New Orleans 811 Hershey, Lancaster McCormick Neal, Gs Jos 'Album & wf,Pittsburgh Henry Sampson, Boston II II Scranton, Savannah Thou Inward & wf, La Judge Montgomery&la,Miss Mina K Nailer, Mine E Bosch, Miss' - - John VelintieeLN 0 0 Et Wellford, Va 0 B Wildman, Va Gen Gibbons & la, 8 0 (1H Wiley, Jackson, La T It Whitney, NJ I Livermore, Boston Mr Melina & la, Md J I) Wllt A la, Va J B'earke & la, Boston DI Teensy, N Y Miss At 0 Burnham, Maas D P Burnham. Mass Mr Damn. New Eleven . W D Abbott, N Y Mr i ightbourn, NowHavon W Hab.rthain, Ga 9 B Habershano. Ga Mr Williams A. la, Pa J [minden strains Mr Abrea W F Burden, Troy B Tripp, It I W Vaughan, N 0 If .1 Jenkins. N 0 A Chadwick, 8t Louis Mrs Watson St Louis Mies Wood, North Bend F, Jameson, N Y T 0 Topper, Mini J I' Willer() A la s Chicago A H Brerard; Chicago A H Patth s By Gee T Bowie, Boston 8 Woodward, Vt Jas Weddell, Petersburg V I-Weddell, Petersburg El Al Bonney, Olti 0 .- I. Fronk W H Howard, Atignata, Ga W McCann, Baltimore Fred It West, N Y A H Griswold, N It HJ 8 B ackett, N Y 8 D Dilleye, N Y Geo Bryan, Paß. 1., Wood, Va A Gcodloe'. Ala - 0 L Fuwle. Boston M While N Y 11. Seymour, N Y It Jaccard, St Louie II F Perrin., Dayton 0 r llookid; Charleston, 80 II 0 Clagett. Va W H Talcott. Jarmo, Oily Capt Rs riders, Jamey City Q D Smith. Tangy Oily Judge Dnok'in and lady 3' it Green, Danville, Vs I A Nipsr, Vs it J Simon. N 0 N A Brotons— Peterabg, Vs J H Oiirdell. Missouri H Oordell, Missouri J Caldwell, Charleston, 80 0 Louge. Augusta, Os G W McCook, Ohio D A Kayser & lady, Vs B E Dudley & lady,-Va W El Christian, Vs D 13 Stafford, TO. 3 11 Weir, N T J Duff,. Pa J ti Thompson, Mo L Oos, Tenn _ INorka. Brattleboro Juba It Murphy & ta, 6 0 G (3 - Mathews, Newark, NS MBROBANTS , HOTRL—Poortb• street, below Arch. 8 E Radom, Ohio , D Biel, Pa Ptieelian, Ohio J 8 Africa, Huntingdon 8 Holey, Monongahela eity J o Kinportilollidaysburg M G Peiper Phila 0 White. N 0 BlreJeutd.on, Hanrille Pa J France. Washington W Jennison, Danville, !Pa Rev J V Jennison, Pa B. C Thompson & dan, IS T Mas Walker, Ala Mies Worthington, Ala 0 .1 Waller. Ala Mr Terrell, All Mr Alen, Ala Mr Be.ll.Ais J Menne.. Boston W Herren. Ohio 8 Price, Ohio J afralaster,Pittsburoh H 9 Wilson A la, Ohio 3 71, Dutton, Brownsville J J Pettit. Ohio W A Walker, Ala Jan Mean, Ohio -W Bakewell. Pittsburgh Mice El 0 Campbell, Pittieg W P &aright. Pa P Ballard, Miss I 8 Platt, Berlin. Pa AI aryea. El 0 0 Dorman, Charleston, 8 0 P Dorman, 8 0 Henry Nathat.-Texas E t Reeder A la, N J Miss 813 Reeder. N J E Campbell & Id, Va Ml's IS R Campbell, Va Miss T Scott, V 4 Mire Ai Midi, Va . ' Miss Anderson, Va A H Baker & Id, Pa A A Bennett N Y A J.Blnan., Pa. - - , J L Sehiek, Oettysburg.Ps, 'Moses Milian & la, Pa Mrs SW:Ban. Harrisburg .7. A Inneti.-Baston Pa Jno Q ;Van Net. Illinois .Horace Flutsford; Ohio T L Allen, Ohio -Wm Mobley, Tenn Ft ITOloper,N Y. BB Molloy, Mo I A Ito.e. bra & die, N 0 T N Kurtz. Balt .7 R Oalderwood, N Y 'P R Elanshey. Balt Dr J 0 Trickv, N Y 3 Id Barrett, Ohio J 11 Elchelberger, Ohio 0 A Watson, Ohio Mrs Andrews & dau, Pa ,Geo A leeks, Pa Wm V Wieht, Pa Wm H Blamer, Pa' Mrs Smith, Ny AMERIOAN 1101113E—Ohastmit street. below Sixth. Sarni Merot, Philo . Jos Anderson Ala, Boston Mine Anderson, Boston Robt O'r, Bovton Robt A Berton: N 0 M Goodson. N 0 El 11 Dsweon Vs lsass T Brady. Ye 43 .7 Wylie, S O JO Roberts NO Jiff Stout, New Hope, Vs GCi Herman & wire, N Y A Baker & la, Providence J B Tomb, Jersey Shore R 0 Raton, Del I W Clayton, Bikton, Md 3 . Hollingsworth, MOM; Minn J merlin, Maas 0 W Weed, Boston S M Burbank, Springfield Mies T Gilmer, N 0 , Miss 0 Rbodee, 14 0 A A Bell. Liberty, Vs W Harrington. N Y David Geri, Plymouth V Minim, Cumberland, Md He , ry El Lee, N J H el Loeb, N 0 CV W Jobnaon, N 0 , l+ M Joboson, N 0 M De Moursney, N Y M T Tuthill, Phila James Whiting. Baltimore Win 3 Wilmer, Baltimore! P J Brown, N 0 W R Brown, N 0 W W.Berry, Baltimore Jnbn R Johoson, N 0 R N Peterson, Win I Nicholas, Va L B Whiton, Boston UNION HOTEL—Ara street. below Ifourtb W Semple, Allegheny, Pa G Irvine, Smithfield, 0 .12. fer, Conneler He, Pa Tae Oslevee, B Liberty, Pa J Riblet, Galion, 0 J W Stiers, Adameville, 0 II 8 Rolf, Ademsville, 0 J 0 Mulford, Bnlern. N J Oen Ramsey. Salem, N J 8 Ermentrout, Reading W 0 &reentrant, Reeding Inho R Smoker, Ps, It 8 Oooover, N I NV It Thompson, NJ James A Perrine, N J John Unger, Berlin, 0 D M Curtis, Dillon, 0 Jamb Hoffman. Dayton, 0 E Dlones. Pittsburgh W M Wright, Cedington, 0 W Carlin, Fulton Cite, 11l 8 Wililoms & Indy Ohio BLituner & lady, Ohio T M Richards - , Read Ong PP Heller. Refuting - 0 Ironer. Warren, Ohio Mrs I K Ileekinan, Pa J W Heckman. Beaton, Pa Mesa Efeekman.Eseton,Pa W H McOweu, 8 imloBherer, 11l nos 0 them. 11l A 8 Hatirmo; Ohio L Howard. Ohio Miss ML Wilson,Allentown Mies M Mulhollen, Pa Wm K Loos; Reading D O ohy dr. lely, Ohio Thou Darts & eon ; Pa NB Wilson & lady, Pa It Coon, Ohio L Oberlin, Ohio Welt+, Ohio B M Omil - Ohio J IlKlog NY Wm 8 Wolfe, Balt Rl3lllman. - ColumbuS, 0 0 Kramer, Columbus, 0 B'W audio 1. /Id it Reindollar, Md 8 Annan. PIM Wm McCleary, Va J Neon Oakland, Yff, J H Caldwell, Pa D Bowen, Pa Archibald Newell, Pa Aldrann,Zariesvllle ; 0, 'HATIONAL'HOT2L—Eaeo street. above Third. N T McVeigh, Pa D J Carey. Denville P P Yeller, Reading T M. Richards, Reading 00l B Reitenyd Oattariess/ R. Pack, Lebanon, Pa W Lindermuth, Mlnersville II W Bowman, Bah Raven Then Rear, Manville M Florham, Wheeling, Va John E Nice, Pottsville .7 L bulling es la. P Grove P,B Donnelly, Lancaster .1 . 0 Bechtel, elate co, Pa P D Pchoener and lady, G W Geiger. Reading Pottsville, ' H. 7 Sas lor. Soh Haven Col J Et Dutchman, Lancaster Lt E Franklin, Lancaster Lt Id II Locher, , do Oat At .7 Weaver, do Sgt It Rook, do Egt W Hefter, do Sgt El 0 Blaymaker, do Corp 4 stunner, do Corp E Eber. . an, • do Oorp Adams, do °Oro J Dysart, , do N Broade:duns do W Whitesidea, CI, M 8 de .7 Altlck, do /51 0 Biggs, do A Baer, do 0 A Childs, do J Deiker, do 33 Buchman, do .7 Druchmiller, do A Elchholte, do olt Paley, do 13 Pahneetook, do 0 A Gets, do .1 0 Hartman, do 0 B Hubble, do DIR Kauffman, do L Knapp, do J Lel-klobler, - do WAI Merply, do A AtcGinnie, - ,do L Matheys, do 3 Mcl/olgan, do /I Myers, do D W Mlles, do .7 Michael, do J B Markley, do 8 W Rowei do 0 Beateriy, do - A W Shanks, do 3-E Springer, do 0 H Like, do E Snyder, do J Soy ier, do 0 P Voight, Eel, do JII Weber, do 00 Wiatman, do 0 Mlinger. do 3EI Oogely, do 0 Liclitenthaler, do la Bright, do 0 Ream, do P Rohn. do 0 Were, do 3 Yackly, - do' 0 Wettick, do ~T Adams, do .7 H Norbnck, do .1 Miley, , do T Wetlick. do 11 Wetlick, do PII Prete & la, Pa G W Ramsey, Pottsville - MADISON ROUBN—Simond street. above Martel. J H Evaner, Maryland R B Davison, Maryland E M Noe, N Y A Muria, Richmond, Ye Blilaldibein, Indians J R Bl.ke, N J 0 8 Jasper & la, N V' J W Clapp, Bristol, Pa R W 8 Gillen, California MOUNT VERNON ROTEL —Second street. above Anti. N Lt Benner, Md , Wm Boggs, Phila X Steinman, Pa Mies J Steinman, Pa Mies 0, Watts, Pa - L Easton, Baltimore D-Thayer, Baltimore Geo W Jackson, Phila 0 II Koons, Phila J Barclay, Phila Wm LI Mapes, Trenton, NJ A I Howard, Trenton, N I John &Muer, Trenton, N J SAID =MI HOTlL—Tiated street, ab. OallowblH J;l3heiffer, Bton.g co, P. W Lycoruing co L }Maley; Quakertown ' Joo Soling, Mnntg co, pa H Betdle , Quakertown, Its 'Jai Donley, 111 Jacob Strewn, 11l BI4OK, B IiIAS7IOTEL—Third, above Oa l lowblll. Oliy, PO; L Snyder, goading A Haqicumn, Pouter , heads. Syberry Wog Roads, Byberry Mom M Roads, Ilyberry P 0 Wanner, Kutztown - S Seal .r. Pa A IlejdenTar., Ka itown henry Mauer, Pa Jacob Rah; (MO, Pa 4, 8.1131i1 HOtirL:—Second attest; below Vine I Paul, Pa - ' T T Rlosey.lloylestown W Sleeper, Buford()Mahon, rucks co W Pa - W Crook, New Hope C H Shoemaker,Ohelienham W Carr, Doylestown P Jamison, iddisville It Crooker, Pe 11l Heston, Newtown I AI Seagrove, Phila Bath Holt, Sr - RII Tyler, Lowell N T Baitlett, Loweli M Paxson and lady, Pa T Rittenhouse, Po, J Bailie, Looktown, B N Farrell, Masa, BLACK BEAR INN—Filth and Merchant streets. IBarton. Chester co, Pa' " Aaron King, Cheater co,Ps John Scott, Chester co, Ps Wm V Leonard, Cheater oo Jae P Boy, Chester 00, Ps 0 We men, Beverly, N J Amon 13pencor,tdd C BOlark, Pottstown •Jobn.D Worth, Chester en Wm 0 Pugh, Alontgiry co Wm Faxon & la, Lane co B flock enbery, Ooneord Itlaso T Bailey , Chester co John Griffith, Cheater co , lingh Jackeon, Cheater on Geo Garrett, Cheater co Jut Tacktell N ra"Pb l lado/Phla and Darby Railroad Com, pstg.—The subseribere to the Capital Stock of the Philadelphia and Darby Railroad tharaPati/ are en titled that POUR DOLLARS per share (being the ba lance of the Snit Instalment) ,will be due, and is hereby rOquested'to be paidion the 29th September instant, .Oftlee of the Treasurer, N0. , 121. WALNUT Street, be tween the home of 10 A. M. and IP. ffi , DAILY ; , and at the Blue Bell' Tavern, Twenty-fourth Ward, on SATURDAY AFTERNOONS , between Pour and /we o'clock: • By order of .the Board of Direotore. te31142G, TROPLAB 'WARES, Tremarer illarriagel. On Monday morning, With hint., by Rev Franklin Moore, Mr AI.IIERT 'MITERS. of Munostine, lowa, to M. ANNIFI E. COLLINS, of Philadelphia. * On the 17th kit., at the Emery M. IL Parsonage. by Re v . 1 3 Meredith. Mr /WWII COOPER to Mina SARAH JANE TATE. all of Philadelphia. * lazatbe. On the morning of the 21st Met.. in the full alum ranee of a blensed immortelity.lt WILLIAM 0., ton of ZNBADIAH and AMY TODD, In the 20th year of his age ' The relativ se and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from bin late resi dence, Cumberland, above Amber greet, west of Frank ford road, thin afternoon, at 3 o'clock, without further notice. " At Germantown, on the morning of the 2lat inat., SLiflaN H , wife of Wm. Dorsey. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, on Fr day 24th tact ,at 8 oba oak p from her buebandls reaidenca, on east nide of Main street, above Washington lane, Germantown, without further notice. - iris . . On the 21st , HANNAH YOUNG. aged 80 years. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectOrily invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of her nephew, Henry Keyser, B. W. corner Tenth and Nectarine streets, this afternoon, at two o'clo,,k. sr On the 21st instant. HUBTENA, wife of Wm. Sprigs, and late widow of Andrew Lake, in the 71st year of her ego. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her son-in-law, Joseph Butler Carlton street, below Twelfth, to-morrow rno ning, at 8 o'clock. To proceed to Barren Hill. ** On the 21st instant, BRIDGET OROSBON, aged 22 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respeotfully invited to attend the femoral, from her parents , resi dence. Jame, street, below Eighth and below Federal, this afternoon, at 1 o'clock, without farther notice To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. On Tuetday evening, dept. list, EMERSON LEA, merchant of this city. His male friends are respeetfally Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No 189 J Pine street, this ( Thursday) morning at 9 o'clock, without further notice. Interment at Laurel AM. On Monday evening. ELIZA W., wife of John E. Barker, and daughter of James Watson. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral. on Friday afternoon, at 8 o'clock. Interment at Laurel Hill. * ita, Grand Rally or THE PEOPLE! BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS TILE CITIZENS OP PHILADELPHIA Who ere OPPOSID to tho FREE TRADE POLICY Of the existing National Admlnktratlon, and who are against the TYRANNICAL DICTATION which bee been atieepted by the President of the United States ; who are in favor of a FAIR PROTECTION TO .AHEEIRI OA N INDUSTRY AND POPUL&R SOVEREIGNTY, WILL ABSIMBLII IN GRAND MASS MEETING, AT BROAD AND CRVTNIIS STREETS, ON MONDAY EVENING, 27TH SEPTEMBER. Come ono! Come all ! Come from your workshops and your home ! Owns In your strength ! Come as the winds come when fo•ests era rended! Come as the waves come when navies are attended ! And let us chow the minions of dixoeutive power that the People are still determined to be free. Addresses ail! be delivered by Morton nobilehael, Esq Hon. Henry D Moore, erorgo A. /Duffey. E-q., 0. 0. Lathrop, E.q , Col. P. S. White, lion Chae 9 ilpin, Hon. Ediv Joy Morris, Oliver P Common, Esq , J. R. Flanigen, Esq., John P Ferree, Esq Lion Win. Mill ward John W. Ryan, Esq ,John Wood, Esq., John Go. forth, Esq, and utlaers. se2.34tt KrPost °Ulu., Philtsdripltta, Sept. 22d, 1858.—A. Foreign Mail will be made up at thin Office on FRIDAY, September 24th, closing at 8 o'clock P. 81., to be despatched for Liverpool by steamship 171(40, on SATURDAY, 25th. 5e23.2t GID ,1.128 G. WESTCOTT, Postmaster. rry.. Th. Democracy of the First Conares• SIONAL DIOTRIOC will assemble in MASS BIREVINCI at SECOND and CHRISTIAN Streets, TO IIT, tThunday. Sept 2ld ) at S o'clock, to repel "the bare slandero belched forth by political backs against the regular Democratic, nominee. GEOlf DR W. NE RINGEB,and his friends; to maintain the rights et the majority, sad to assert our most uncompromising enmity against the attempt of the minority to rule; to vindi cate the etsrnsiliring principle of the ghat Democratic party; to express our unqualdied disapprobation of the proscriptive policy and truculent subserviency of our present Representative. Those who are is favor of American protection for Industry are invited Those who are opposed to Presidential despotism are netted! Those who are In favor of Popular Ooverelgaty are 'wiled I These Irho are opposed to misrepresentation aro in 'IMO ! And all those who are opposed to the damning policy of the preso.nt tysannicti Administration, who would enslave the thoughts of the poor man, and thereby ren der him more degrading then the 801 fof Russia, are requested to gather in your might and hurl dedanee In the face of power. The following distinguished gen tlemen will address the locating: lion. JOHN 0. KNOX, Attorney General of the State. Col. J W. FORNEY, WM E. LEHMAN, DAVID WEBSTER, JOHN HOLLAND, E. G. WEBB, ea., Dr. C. E. KAMERLY, J.J. RINUWALT, J. J. OREENFIELD. 5e2.3-lt DrThe Phlindelphitt, Wilmington, and Bal. TI fd oRE RAILROAD CORPANY....Ransau nmr - 22.—Tne viractdre - liiii - dialared a Dividend of Tanen Pan OBST. on Me Capital Stock, for nix months ending Slat ultimo, payable on and aftor the Int of Oc tober next. ALFRED HORNER, amft.th to-10c1 Treasurer. 1-.0. Philadelphia nod Reading Railroad COMPANY.--nffice =7 South FOURT it St PHILADELPHIA, Sept 21st, 1858. To avoid detention, the holders of ()unsung of this Company, due on the let proximo, are requested to leave them at this Office, on or before the •Otli when receipts will be given and checks will bo ready for delivery on the Ist proximo, in exchange for said receipts A. BRADFORD, 5e2240c1 Treasurer. Thn Fruit and Floral Festival in Aid of the PII , LADELPHIA SABBATH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION will be held In J A Y all% HALL, corn rneuciug on MONDAY Wirt NING, September 20th. Sabbath &Mole, to a body. will be admitted every day before 6 Y hI. Donations of Fruits, Flowers, &c.. (which will be gratefully acknowledged,) received at the hell Beason Tickets 25 cents. Single Tickets 10 mute. Children'e Tickets 6 ceate JAMES R. RODGERS, J. S. CUMMINGS, WILLIAM UET EY, C. A. KINGSBURY, M. D., ISAAC BULGE°, Committee. gjar Girard College.--The Directors of the Girard College give notice that they are pre pared to BIND OUT. In the State of Pennsylvania, TWENTY ONE ORPHANS, in accordance with the Will of rtepheu Girard, to a inittble occupa ions—such as Agriculture, Navigation, A.ts, Mechanical Trades, and Manufactures." The master will be required to teach his apprentice his respective art, and to furbish him with suitable board and lodging in bit own place of residence, (excel t when, for epeeist reasons, the ap prentice may be allowed to board elsewhere.) The it:mixr may be allowed to take etch Orphan on Trial for a term not mewling one month. Perrone &sinus of obtaining an apprentice can apply at the COLLEGE, be tween the hours of three and five P M , or, if not real debts of Philade'phts, can a.dreas the undersigned. in writing, eta tog name, residence. occupation, and refer ences, the latter, whenever povible. to be residents of DENBY W. ARRY. ise22-51 Secretary of Girard College. Close of Century Plant—The Exhi bition of this wonder of the flo.er world, for the to-nellt of the YOUNG IGEN , 3 011 R iSTIAN Adbo - ATION, will close on TGURSDAY EVENING, the 23d Inst. DUDS from the Stem, containing some 300 meads each, and which can he preserver" in spirits tor zoirLY yearn, together with YOUNG tuoorB for planting, will be sold to +/letters on TUESDAY, Witt NESDAY, and THURSDAY. Many have ulre3dy been applied for. Adu.lesion 10 ctn. Children 6 cte. se2l.3t* Jayne 9 s Mill Prayer Meetino..•For the pro ant. the Holiness Mon's Union Prayer Meet. ing will be held in the SANbO4..STRE I9T HHUROII, mar NI sTlf. Street, the Hall being otherwise engaged. The meeting yeoterd.y was one of thrilling intmest Hone all who can and spend the noon day boor in prayer. a 21.6t* co. The Citizens of the various Wards, in favor of the PEOPLE's TICKET, will meet n FRIDAY EVENING, the 24th inst , at 7,4 o'clock. at the ward houses, to take such measures, and appoint committees, as wilt insure the success of the ticket at the coming election. by order of the Committee, Be2l-4t J. HARPER, Chairman. New Orl.ane Has Light Company.li s r .BARMERS , AND MECHANICS' BANK, PHILADELPHIA, July 2,1858. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the New Orleans Gas Light Company, that tho Agency for the Transfer of the Stock and the payment of the Divi dends of that Company will be closed from and after the first day of October next; and they aro requested to surrender the Certificates issued by this Bank and re ceive Warrants of Transfer to the Company in New Or leans. W. RUSHTON, JR., JO-di wk mtbtool Camhier. ger Notlee.---Sealed Proposals, endorsed *, Proposals for Furnishing Supplies to the Board of Controllers of Public Sehools,' , will bo received at the office of the Controllers of Publlo Schools, Southend corner of C IXTLI and ADELVIII Streote, addressed to the unde•signed, until September 28th. 1858, at It o'cmck M., for the supply 01 all the BOOKS and STATIONERY to be used in the Public Schools of the city of Philadelphia, until the Ist day of January, 1859. The PropolaM moor state the price and quality of the Books and artlcloe of sta lottery pro posed to be furnished, sod be accump inlet by a sample of each Item. A list of the Books and Ala lottery au thorized by the Board can be procured at the Secreta— ry's Office, Southeast corner of SIX I II and A DELPIII streets. By order of the Comtutttee en Supplies. RPBT J. lIEM HULL, See'll selB-td- Board of Controller of Public Schools. Home for Invalids with Affections of THE CHEST 8. W. corner PARSE and CHESTNUT qtreets, see-lm West Philadelpbta. SOMBRERO GIIANO.-220 Tons Sum brero Guano cargo of tho barque "J. W PAGE " from Sombrero Intend, now at Hampton Roads, and dailies peered. For sale by J. i 11ANSON & I 8.323 St 105 N Water St , acd 106 N. Delaware Av. MACKEREL. —363 bbls Nos. 1,2, and 8 Int Mackerel, In whole, halves. q adore end efghtho, for Odle by O. 0. SADLER. & CO., 0f23 ARCH St . metmul door above Front pcauc..—no bbls Mess Pork, for sale by 0. 0. SAMAR & CO., ARCH Street. 28 doer Above Front LARD. -144 bbla. prime Western Leaf Lard, kettle rendered, last received and for sale by 0. 0. dADLER & CO., ae23 Anil Street. 2d doer abn•e fernat MEAS.-J. R. WEBB'S TEA WARE JACIOSE. FINE TEAS FOR FAMILY USE. 602240 223 South EIGHTH Street. ~►IISSIA AND AMERICAN Tarred Cord- JUL , age, manufactured and for Hale by WEAVER., PULER. dr. 00., No. 23 North WA rErt. atreat; and aa23 No. 22 North W n A RvER G ANGS OF RIGGING made to order by WEAVER, FITLER, h CO., No. 28 North WATER rt oe2B No. 22 North WHARVES. Fro ST ATIONERS; .—Joseph Rodgers & Sous', Jonathan Orookes , , and Farmer's line pocket Cutlery, Bankers' Phears, Erasing Knives, and Steel Pens, for Bale to the trade by BRABIBUS..O. PRATT A BRO., se2l-60 lmportqu i 28 BANK Moot. PRESS. , PTIRADELVITIA. ,TIVRSDAY. SEPTEMITER ,23, 1858. Dicm Publiratione A BRILLIANT BOOK- ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25111 TICKNOR & FIELtDPS, Will publish next B sTOHDAT, in 1 VOL /6mo—p=lee Si— A JOURNEY DUE NORTH BRING NOTES OV A NESIDENOS IN ItUSSIA BY GEORGE. AUGUSTUS BALA "Foraimuoh as it is nocesearle for elle those who minds to take inhaudo the travails into farre and strange countreyes to eudeavoure themselves, not only to un derstand° the orders, commodlt.es, and frultfullness thereof, but also apply thorn to the eettynge forth of ye seine, whereby It may encourage others to ye like trav ails; theretoro have I thought° geode to make a briefs rehearsalle of the order of this my travels in Russia and kluscovlai because it wee my &ammo to fall In with the northe•easte parts of Europe before I came to Iduscovia, I will falthlullye exorcise my knowledge therein.. 4, 1300 k of the great and mighty Emperor of Russia." [Richard Chance Hour : A. D. 1699.] lE7' Since "I•)uthen" we have had nothing to com pare with this brilliant book of Russian tiavel In point of interest and sparkling etylo. The reactors of Wok en's " ilousehold Words' , will recognise thb hand that is so often employed In Ito pages. se23-th 5.2. t IMLAY Sr BICKNELL'S REPORTER. IMLAY & REPORTER. HALAY h DIUKNINLL , S REPORTER. Ready ! Ready ! ! Ready ! ! ! TEN NEW COUNTERFEITS. We have arrested, since Thurs Jay last, ten new Counterfeits, and aro (hoovered by our Repo:tor only, which Is issued at intervals eo short, that our Subscribers aro no time without atlequa's protection. Send, or call and Subscribe, at No, 112 South 12111 RD Street. $2 per annum Weekly, or Five Ceuta per Copy. so23.2ter 53auings Snubs THE STATE SAVINGS FUND, No. 241 DOCK STREET, NEXT DOOR TO TOR POST 0107101 INTEREST FIVE PER CENT Money rocolvad DAILY, and every MONDAY EVENING, OS DZPOSIT, IN SUES LARGE AND SMALL, PAID DACE DAILY, PROM 0 O'CLOOK A. M. TO 3 OIOLOOR P. M DEPODITORS OAR DRAW THEIR MONEY DY CHILCIER, dfi IN HANK, I? DEWARD. RED. H. HART, President. OIIAEL G. IMLAY, Treasurer. I. HENRY UM, Teller. se234Janl. tzgal Notices 'IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1. FOR THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Agitate of GEORGE A BOWMAN, a Lunatic . _ The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ROBERT A. ALLEN, Committee of the estate of said Lunatic, and to tudit the chime againet skid exists. will meet toe parties interested for the purpoie of his appointment, on MONDAY, the 4tb do' of October, •t 1568, at roar o'clock P M ,at the Office of Lucas Hirst, ico .in :=Eir NTII Street, above Walnut west aloe. in the city of Philmielphie. BY RON W 00DR' A it D, se23-th e to-st* Auditor. Boots alai Sloes. Al EN'S FINN: C ALF SKIN BOOT Fl, ITI SHOES, and GAITERS; Boys , and Youths , Boots and , hoes, boat otty manufacture. Low prices. With a general assortment for Mon, Women, and Chil dren's wear, at BUT WS'S, No. 11l North SECOND St., ab. A rah, East sid, 5e24.3t .• Sign of the Red Boot), 'political p EOPLE'S TICKET STATE OFFICERS JUDOR OP TRH EIIPREME COURT, JOHN H. READ. CANAL COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM E. FRAZER CONGRESS FIRST DISTRICT SICOND " TIIIIO ‘• JOAN P. VERItNE FOURTII " il/171 " STATE SENATOR THIRD DISTRICT, JOHN H. PARKER FOR REPRESENTATIVES st FOUR= J MORRIE! HARDING ti GEORGE T. THORN SEVENTH dt M=Ml3 ELEVENTII " ISAAC) A SHEPPARD TWIMPTII " 15=:1;1 FOURTEENTH " ... FIPTICINTII 't SIITEVITII " aNYBDITBENTII" COUNTY OFFICERS SHERI BP, WILLIAM H. KERN REGISTER OS WILLS, GEORGE W. MoMAIIAN CLERK OB ORPEANB. COURT, NIMROD WOOLERY ELECTION, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12. ae2240e12 olilattietrp. 4 r.-74.- Dr. W. S. MoITMENNEY,Dentist, uasia.. would inform his friends that he has resumed practice at No. 3343 CHESTNUT Street, second door above the U 8 Stint. sepl-3m RAPER, PRINTED CARDS, AND ENVELOPES. 405 COMMERCE STREET, eal-'t N. J. LAW)? FRCP: 14A.VANA LEAF-100 Bales pavane Leaf Tobacco lauding er. Mary H. Rendell. For eels by A. MERINO, meg 140 &nab Frnnt street SLATE 1 SLATE I! SLATE I I I—Rooting Slate, of all sires, and at my low rates, kopt coo. stantly on hand, and for sale by WISHING, BOX, & 00., UI GERMANTOWN ROAD and TRD street. N. R. Slate Roofs put on in the beat manner, and r* Ovine' attnnflntt fn trerrantort I mONONGAHELA. WHISKEY.-60 Bbls, 20 bat( bble Punt Rye Wbiekry, in store end tor sale by WILLIAM 11. YHATON, snit Nn 21fi Anna, FRONT Strant HERRINGS -800 bblg. NO. I PICKLED Herring; 300 bbla extra Newfoundland ditto 120 bbls Potomac dry "alma ditto, now in atom and for aaleb JNO, AI. KENNEDY CO., qn end UV) WIT RV R.A. CONSIGNEES' NOTICE.—The ship NONPAIIRIL, Green, from Liverpool. Is now meow-ging under general order, at biIIPPEN-Street wh rf. Uonsiguees will please attend to the receipt of their goods. THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO. 101 WALNUT it STOUT.-40 casks & EL. Williams , ' imported direct from London, In store and for sale ay WM. M. Y 1 ATON E ska 216 ROOM IsliONT Ptrnet .aTURAGE.—Storage can be obtained at a b. - . 7 fair price , n the Warebouee, No. 0 North Water ' , treat, or in the second Dud third stories or No. 103 Arch Amt, by applying to 0. 0. flADlaill & CO., nee A NONStreet. 24 door above Front. To CUNr ECTIONERS AND BAKEitS.- 500 lbs Oil Peppermint, warranted intro ; 1000 " cart) Ammonia; 200 " Carraway Seed. /Tor sale low, as wanto I, WILSON & MERRITT, Wholesalo Drugglete, sel7-tf 1108 111arket street. A WNINGS I AWNINGS! L - 1 JOSEPH 11. FOSTER, Awning Maker, No. 443 North THIRD Street above Willow. Italian and Frenoh Window Awnings for Dwellings and ON .41 Win dows; Awnloge for Storm, Awnings for Steamboats and Ships. All kinds of Awnloge. Tents, Plage. or any thing in canvas, made loonier byJOSEPH EI FOSTER, Awning Maker, No. 443 North THIRD Street. Resi dence, No. 340 South Front Street se7-lm JOSEPH 11. PORTER. M° rig s • . PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. FlGinttiT Tun dATtRISBURG.—The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company are now prepared to forward ireight to Harrisburg, and to all points on the Lebanon Valley branch of this road. Freight delivered at the company's depot, eonthe•et corner of BROAD and CHERRY Btmots, before 4 o'clock P. hi., will be forwarded on the same day, and will arrive at Harrisburg before 10 o'clock on the following morning. For rates, &o , apply to JNO. F. BEATY, General Agent, 0,21-Ino B•oad and Cherry streets.® 4 BRIDGETON.—The Steamer EXPRESS leaves ARCH Street Tues. day s, and Saturdays, at 8% o'clock A. M. Returning, leaven BRIDGETON Mondays, Wedneadays, and Fridays at 8 o'clock A. M Stopping at Now Castle, Delaware Oily, Port Delaware and the usual Landings on the Ochansey. Through dokete for Milleville, Port Elisabeth, Manricetown, /41141 pg °reek, Newport, Gest:ol49f Pairtoti . 507.1m0 TO TUE DRY 000D3 SIERMANTS GENTLamen : As I have bestowed more than usual expense and labor In getbog up this article of Damask Table Damask In this country. and have Rocca ded In Tomball= an article equal, and in some respects supe rior, to the imported one, at a much less expense, I trust that those who have a dieposi ion to encourage A.461[10.01 ENTSRPhIIIg and American labor will not forget my address. JOHN OLENDENNING A CO., ARAMINUO MILL, FRANRFORD, 701 IN W. RYAN F. B.—Pedlars and those who travel and supply Coun try Trade will dud it to their advantage to ca❑ at 'he Factory before purchasing elsewhere. Parties wishing to buy, and cannot make it convenient to call at the MAC! ory, will please send their address, and they will be waited on with samples of the above. se3.lmlf EDW. JOY MORRIS ..WM. MILL WARD .. ..... JOHN WOOD AUTUMN TRADE, 1858 DRESS GOODS OF NEWEST STYLES, SHAWLS JOSEPH IL BMX SMIIIEL SWENEY. WM. 11. MATTHEWS FLANNELS, PRINTS, BLEACHED AND BROWN GOODS, JOSEPEI M. °BURCH ....DAM IL STYER O. A. WALBORN GEORGE W. WOOD ISALO J NEALL JOHN A. FISHER FRANCIS EDWARDS SIMON GRATZ GEORGE W. LIAMER3LEY GEOIWE WILEY 0.1. ABBOTT Wholesale ectobs VANCY OASSIMERES. Medium G melee in bide Stripes, Tats, dm Doeskin Cassirnei ea. Cadet, Oxford, and Brown Mix. Dell, Double, and Twisted Covizneron, Plaid. Side Striped, and Plain. Cotton Warp Clothe, Macy Medi anx Brown. Satinetts in a variety of otylee, Black, Brown. and Printed Goods. 'killings, Pine Cashinercs, Yalenciati, &o. The attention of the Trade fa solicited to these de 'drab.° goads, which are offered en favorable terms, by SAMUEL R FRY, sc2ll.obifst 211 OtiIISTEUT mired. BRILY & BROTHER, No. 020 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN THIS DAY Their Fall Importation CARPETINGS, PRICES GREATLY REDUCED CARPETINGS ELLINOTON 1311U68EL8, SUPER ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, EXTRA PINE INGRAINS, DOUBLC COTTON CHAINS INURAINI3, VDNITIANS, AND LOWER ORADEB, Of choice atylen and approved manufacture, constantly receiving and for este by JObEPH LIA, aolo toa2l Noe. 120 and 130 CHESTNUT St NEW FALL STOCK. McCauley, Brother, Jr, Brewster, 28 NORTH FOURTH ST. BATS Plat opened an entire new stock of HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY GOODS, to which they invite the attention of arst-olass buyers Our stock is particularly adapted to TIIE EIDIITUERN TRADE an.o-2mtf THOMAS & MARTIN, No. 297 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF AMERICAN COTTON AND WOOLLEN GOODS IRISH LINENS, WOOLLENS, STUFF GOODS, BLANKETS, A full and general assortment of FALL DRY GOODS for solo on favornblo terms by WRAY & GILLILAN, 121 CHESTNUT STREET aufil-tu th nu CLENDENNING's DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, TABLE COVEIPL TABLE NAPKINS and TOWELLINGS STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE OF EVERY VARIETY MERINOS, COBURG% MUSLIN DE LAINES, VELVETS, SILKS, ALPACAS, GINGHAM, CLOTHS, CASHMERES, 13ATINETS, TESTINGS, With a complete Line of EMBROIDERIES, And other etylee of Goode adapted to e FIRBT-OLASS TRADE, All of which are offered for sale Ohoap W. G. CHITTICK & CO., 435 MARKET and 433 MEROKANT ST anl7-tn tit sat 2ntdcw2in New Vork illrp epobs IZDealers IMPORTANT TO DRY GOODS DEALERS. ONE OE TOE DEBT AqEORTED STOCKS, NEW, FRESH, AND ELEGANT, JUST RECEIVED FIR RECENT ARRIVALS FROM EUROPE, Is now exhibited and for sal° at our WAREIIOOMS, DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, .35 CO., =MEI 011 AMBERS STREET, NaW YORK, TO WIIIOII WE SOLICIT ATTENTION Having made extensive additions to our Stores, we hero, with great care, selected a SPLENDID 'VARIETY OF DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, OF VARIOUS FABRICS, Such as w ill enable our customer., to give a New and Attractive Appearance to their Stork+, and aid them in retaining their trade in the face of all competition. We have purchased for cult AN EXTENSIVII STOCK OF DOMBSTIOS, Which we give to buyers at Prices below which none will care to roll. This portion of our stock embraces the leading styles : kIEitkIMAO, COCUECO, PACIFIC, AND SPRAGUE PRINTS, MANCHESTER, PACIFIC, AND HAMILTON DELAINE3. LAWRENCE, 01.130 V, AMOSKEOG, YORK MILLS, LONSDALE, AND V ANISIITTA. MEETINGS AND MIMING& WHITE GOODS. In title deportment will be found Linens and Handker chiefs of our importation, es pre,sly adapted to thu wants of the Trade, with a choice line EMBROIDERIES, LADIES' SKIRTS or Thu MOST APPROVED MASSE, WOOLLEN GOODS, moms, CAMOMILE'S, AND VESTINGS, DUSTER OLOTIII3, ETO. YANKEE NOTIONS, Comprising the latest and most useful Inventions S HAIVLS, BROOMS, STELLA, and WOOLLEN, in great variety. The principle upon which we do busineee is grounded upon MUTUAL INTEREST, knowing that, unless our Customers make money out of us, wo cannot make it out of them. DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, Ir. CO., Nos. 80 and 8d 013AMBEIta Stroot, ealB.6t Nt.W Yußlf. MAGIC COOKING STOVE. FO3. SALE ONLY BY O. GILBERT & CO , 319 North Second street. lIUUIi NIEVES, Northwest corner of becond and Shippen. IV Al. A. CANNON, 817 South Second, and 937 North tecond street B. 17111AIAN 249 South second street. JOIIN LYONS, Northwest corner Tenth and Cal lowhlll STEINMETZ & BUCK. 3329 Germantown row'. FRANCIS MALLS, 533 Race street. ee2l 3t*-If lINS, RIFLES, AND bPORTING Ibi `T PLEMENTi3. The Subscribers have In store TUE LARGEST ASSORTMENT or FOWLING-PIECES, RIFLES, &0., Ever offered iu this city. Desirous of reducing their assoitment no much se possible before the Ist Dec , they will sell AT VERY LOW PRICES T/11i1R ENTIRE b TOOK, Gomez+ leg GUNS A FROM TUE MOST CELEBRATED MANU FCTURERS OF ENGLAND, BELGIUM, AND FRANCE. PIIILIP S JUSCICE A CO., No. 21 North FIFTH Street, se9-2m above Market. CAMPBELL'S DINING SALOON, Corner of 'MEDD St. and 'HARMONY COURT, Has been closed for several days past, in order to be regenerated and di.enth•elle.i. It will be opened en MONDAY next. 20th lost . with improvements and al terations which will astonish the town. The host has thrown his soul Into the tack of iron zeal, and we think that his efforts will Inset with universal approbation. when reopened it will be a model eatobilebment. poll-SI INDIA SHAWLS AND SILKS. L. J. LEVY Bc, CO. Aro now opening a large assortment of NEW FALL GOODS, To which additions w•ll be wade by all the ateameie arriving during the next Mx weeks. Their a•e :rtment is now full and complete In the fol. lowing artic'es : INDIA CASHMERE SHAWLS; RIM AND MEDIUM PRICED SILKS; FLOUNCED AND DOUBLE SKIRT SILKS; RICH PRINTED CASHMERES; R CH PRINTED MOUr.ELINES; FRENCH MERINOS AND CASHMERES; Riad FRENCH CHINTZES; NEW S I YLE POPLIN DRESSES; DOUBLE SKIRT WALKING DRESSES; FRENCH. EiIBROIDERIES; SAXONY AND FRO NCH I RAIDS; NEW BLANKET EdIAWLS; PARIS CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS; HOSIERY, GLOVES, FLANNELS; SUPERIOR LINEN GOODS. 809 AND ell CHESTNUT BT. 5e23.11t - MOURNING GOODS FROM AUCTION. LTA —We will o (Tor to-day tho following Goode, at less than usual prime Block Sigured bilk 75 mtg. Rich t) ack Bayadere Sllku, $l. All-wool Black Mousulines do Lain.), 280. All wool Black Mouselines de LaMe, 313(e. All-wool Black Mouselines do Lain.. 37lic. Lupin'.) Black BombJz. u•, 75 and 871{e. Lop n's Mack liombazino, $1 to $l. 373‘. Lutou's Black Bombazine, extra fine, $1.50. Lupin's Black Morino-s, 6.th' and 75c. Lupin's Black Metinoes 13736 and $l. Lupin's Black lijabhmeren, 56 to $l. BESzON dr. SON, Mourning Store, No. boo CUES NUT Street. GRAND OPENING. THOMAS W. EVANS & 00 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28D, EVER OFFERED IN PHILADELPHIA, EhIBRA- 8.18 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET BLACK SILKS TIIONAS W. EVANS & CO. Would respostfully call attention to their extensive as. INCLUDI.II HEAVY BLACK TAFNETTS VERY RICH; HEAVY GRO DE RHINE. EXTRA QUALITY; BLACK BAYADERE SILKS; BLACK VELOUR 01 TOIIAN ; BLACK ORO DE EPSOM; MOURNING SILKS; 'With a variety of other mace. comprising the largest and handsomest assortment they have en r offered. se2l•At SII AND S 2) CO ESTN UT Greet. BARGAINS FROM AULTION THIS It Er K. Three lots (120) Childreris Fhawls; Two lots (81 yards) Alit and Plush Ves*lngs One lot (72) bl kelt rilk 0 cows; On.. lot ( - 17 yds) dark Wain ribbed Oust noros 0.. e lot (133 yards) steel mixed Patinets; 7 tree (be) Robes One lot (240 yards) all wool Plaid; One lot (36 yards) Poll du Cbevres N. E.—The above are cheap and desirable. COOPER 8. OONARD, ee2o 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. VESTINGS, &a., &a 1,.1 ANTI Id, AS, DUSTERS, arid SIIMVLS 1211 , Silk Circulars and iJuetera new Fall styles. Cloth Realane and Circlets, for Fall. Ordure taken. and ready in one day's notice. SCA itl.El' 3 WHEN, IlLnrs, MACK, Stella, Brooke Bordere ieHINIZ FOIULO.RD ROBES—Brown and 1.../ Black woutvls. with rich Chintz Lai Als,, small designs in Chilez and plain colnra. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, REV) MOUTH and CHESTNUT Streets ESV AUTUMN SILKS.—Just opened, a 1. Lino of rich and s-asonable goods of low, medi um, and superior qualities en &RPLEIS BROTHERS, se2o CHESTNUT and MOUTH. UPINS MEKINO AT $l.OO.—A lot of /A full width extra gustily. Lupins Me inns of excellent value. Also, wide Shawls, Merinos, owl Cashmeres. • ell A ItPLESS BROTHERS, CUES UNIT V and EIGHTH. QP LE ND ID OPENING OF NEW GOODS FROM THE GREAT FRENCH AND OTHER SALES. CHARLES ADAMS Will Pave arranged on second day morning, the IBM wet., a large and choice variety of new and desirable DRY GOODS, adapted to the present nelson, yin: LCPIN , a Mull. PRINTED MuLtsSELAINES, All- Wool, to variety. Ail-wool, in variety, Robes a Lea. Do. FRENCH MERI.•OES and CASHMERES. All-wool k laid and Bayadere Poll de Moires, and all wool Plaids. Bayadere bishairs and Valenclas. Lnpires block Bomb sines. Do. plain colored Mona Dolaines. Union Printed Delaines and Plaid Cashmeres in groat variety LUPIN'S SIELLA tiIAWLS, in many kinds and ylea Brown, Black, White, and Colored CENTRES. Plain mixed CU NNILLE bIIAWLS, bound and with blues, for FRIENDS First quality licit Plaid Bay State long BLANKET 11.11171.8. Drab Centre and mixed Blanket !Mauls. Plain and medium square do , 3c.c &o. eell•eod•tf MORTIS and ARCH Streets. G REAT ATTRACTION I OVER $1,500 WORTH OF SHAWLS FROM. WHIM TO MARE A SELECTION. THOKNLEY a OttISM, N. E. cor. EIGHTH end SPRING GARDEN Streets, Rave the beat SHAWL Stock in Philadelphia. They would respectfully call attention to the following very cheap lo , s, viz: 46 LONG BROCIIE SHAWLS at $ 8 each. 20 Do. do. do. at 10 1, 20 Do. do do. at 11 1, 21 To. do. do. at 12 1, 10 Do. do. do. at 13 " 20 Do. do. do. at 11 1, 20 Do, do. do. at 16 1 1, 8 •Do. do. do. at 18 'V 8 Do. do. do. at 20 11 8 Do. do. dn. at 25 1, In the nbeve Lots of Id ng Broche Shawls will be found every desirable color of centre. BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLS From $0 to $l2, in every color. French Minket shawls in new desigt e. Plain rhils,t Shawls. -quire and Long. Beal Canton Crape Slimy's, Plain and Embroidered. Children's :howls, Misses' Shawls, and Gentlemen's Shawls, at TILORNLEY h CHIBM'S, "ONE PRICE CASH STORB.,' Northeast 00 , ner t -11TH k APRI NO GARDEN N. B.—City end Country Storekeepers buying for cash may find I.afrirsitis et T k C.'s P. S —A Magnificent stock of Silks now on band. seil.tf / al AN TI LLAS ! MANTILLAS 11— 31c- X ELROY respectfully invites the Ladies to call and evatnine his stock of Mantillas, embracing many styles not to be found elsewhere. Our stock is the largest, our patterns the latest styles, and our prices so low that we defy competition. 6.000 yards Black and Fancy Silks, 37X, 41, 50, 513 rich, 02X, 09, 75 ; very rich, Sl, 87X, 95, $l. 10,000 yards Delaines ltareges, Ducats at 10, 12X, 10X , 18,1 i , 20, 22, 25, 28, ' 31, 35, decidedly ' the cheapest in the clty. 10,000 yards flee French Lawns, 10, 12X, 16X, 20, 25, worth, many of them 37X to 6234, very line. One lot of Crape S hawls, at $l5, worth $3O. 500 yards side-baud Cassitneres, 37X, worth $l, with a great variety of desirable goods for men's and boys' wear, less than usual prices. 1,000 yards itlareeilles Yestings, at 25, worth 76. 1,000 yards new style Ribbons, the cheapest in the city. 1,000 One French Needleworked Collars, at $l, worth • $3. 10.000 yards of Plain and Plaid Jaconets, Blebs and Cambric White Goods, the greatest bargains in the city Ribbons and Fringes and Trimmings, in endless va riety, at less than half the usual prices. DfoELROY, No. 11 South NINTH Street. NEW CLOTH STORE HENRY D. NELL, No. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, FANCY CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, WRENCH BLACK AND COLORED CLOTHS, And other Goode adapted to Men's wear. sel6-12t FALL CLOAKS The Subscribers will exhibit ON hIO'DAY AND DURING THE WEEK, ELEGANT CLOAKS, (In advance of their usuil openiog.) to which they invite the inspection of LADIES AND STRANGERS. S. W. PROCTOR be CO., NO. 708 CHESTNUT STREET, set, PHILADELPHIA. E YHE Se LANDELL, OPENING OP PENNON 000 DB RIOLI BILK ROBES A LEZ ; BILK ROBES, DOUBLE SKIRTS; SPLENDID ROBES, TWO FLOUNCES; SPLENDID ROBES, THREE FLOUNCES; NEWEST STYLES FALL SILKS; ROUND-CORNERED SHAWLS; EXTRA RICH PRINTED DE LAINES; PLAIN AND BAYADERE BLACK SILKS. EYRE A. LANDELL, .1.36 E FOURTH AND ARCII STREETS PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA -2 TIONS,, with written demcriptiona of character, Including advice in reference to blllii WNW, health, eelf-improvement, &a., are made day and eve ning at NOWLIiR, WELLS, & CO.'S, pell.-8m K 2 Cheatnut pt., Philadelphia. Retail Eln2 'Q.3oabo CLOAKS VIE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OP CLOAKS LING ALL THE NEWEST PARIS NOVELTIES sortment of LIZEUICOMEE 122102M3 Shawls, auction loft COOPER B CONAnD, INTII and MARKET Ste 8 E. corner N BRAWLS FOR THE FEASON BOCCI/MOE TO OEO. M. COATES & CO., Just received, the Newest styles of A 36 02 a cinder, assortment of FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS. TO-DAY tietail Erg 'Eboobe GRAND OPENING WINTER CLOAKS AT TRH PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TK, The SUBSCBIBER3 will open their IMPORTATIONS AND MANUFACTURES, FOB TUB FALL AND WINTER SEASONS, Comprising tho moat ostensive and superb display of OVER GARMENTS Ever exhibited in this City .T. W. PROCTOR & CO., 708 CHESTNUT STREET. Lot Elate an to iet. t o-R1 WANTED TO RENT—A good Fu lda Dished [louse, for three or six months, between Vine end bixteenth, and Arch and Twentieth streets. Address immediately, '•L. G. H.," at Blood's Des patch, stating location. se2Bat* Its FOR SALE CHEAP—The Stock, .wo. and Fixtures of the ole-estabil , bed Philadslphis Seed Warehouse, 133 MARKET Street. Appis as above. se223t* oft FOR SALE—A. handsome residence, JER. with all the modorn improvements, large ride yard. gr.pery, &a , SIXTii , near SPRINO GA iitri.SN Street Terms easy. D. K. LYND, 5J South SIXTH Street, (second story.) cr, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-A Etia bandsmen new nianfion, 39 rn me, and 90 acres, mar Gwynedd Station, North Penneylemma Railroad. Site splendid, fruit abundant, health uusurpaseod. Any person really desiring a haudeome Country Seat In ex change for city proparty will find this an unusual ot. porta nity of accomplishing his object. Apply to P. B. LYND, syi B. SIXTH ht , (2d story) 6,111 FOR SALE—A pretty Cottage, nine Ea room'', and one or more acres, on Wyoming avenue. two miles out the Socond , treet Turnpike. A lto. several handsome cottage hits The neighborhood is healthy, beautiful. and rapidly Improving. P. K. LYND, ag 8. SIXTH St , (24 story.) sell-lm nkFFICE TO-LET.--AN ELIGIBLE OF FIO S for an Insurance Company, or similar cor poration, having three commonleatlng rooms on the same floor, No. 224 WALNUT Street, above DOME, Immediate possession given, Apply to JOHN 0. HEFTER, or THOMAS T. BUTOLISS, No. 112 South FOURTH Street, mhBo-tnths-tf second story, front room. 910 SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS. 1 —Thirty sores orless of bequtitul Land on Wyoming Avenue, near New Second street, cnty two miles north of the pavements, lot sale a b*rgain, and tern"s easy apply to I'.K LYND,b3i South SLXf U Street. (second story) sell- m 4 , A TO RENT—The new iron-front Store, MIS. No. 24" North THIRD street, above Rave, wltb the us' of Sholviog. Collator, &o. Euitsble for the wholesale Clothing, Notions. or auy other bus net s Terms low. Apply at No. 252 North THIRD Ter; three doors above. ■ell-12 , V if FOR SALE- Qoe of the most Valuable and Desirable DOUBLE BROWN STONE RESIDENCES IN THE CITY, No. 1810 CHESTNUT STREET, EXTENDING THROUGH' TO GEORGE STREET Raving been built by the owner for his own Residence, no expense has been spared in its oonetraction. Apply to CHARLES BOGGS, 529 blarket Street. Or to 91. THO3IA3 & SONS, sal-knit 139 and 145 South Fourth St. fIHOICE COTTAGE SITES, WITHIN `kJ three minutes walk. of two Stations on Philadel phia mot Germantown Railroad, for sale Asti, Apply at corner of Tioga Street and Plank Road, or at No. 23 North Sixth Street, to T. L. LITTLEPIELD. _Cost nnb Intinb. T OST OR DESTROYFD—A CERTIFI CATE or SCRIP, No 4302, fora shares . f the Stock of the Co, solidation Bank. Application has been made to said bank fora duplicate certificate of the BM" se2l-tu th-St NII. ITITTCHINVN. IirOST oR MISLAID —Certificate of two Lat Shares of the Capital Stock in the Liberty Saving Fund and Building Automation. The finder attlt be »- warded for leaving the same at No 859 North NINTH Street. se2.33t* Boar Sing. DESIRABLE ROOMS can be obtained for Families at,d Single Gentlemen, at No 701 'VINE Street, opposite flrentlinSquare. lieferettee re quired. se23.3tW 2; NORTH SEVENTH STREET.— Gen. tlealea can be accommodated with Dinner or full Board. Also. large and small rooms to let, with board. suitable for families and single gentlemen srl74lt* BOARDI N G .--Several very desirable Room to Let, with Boarding at No. 426 PINE Street, below Fifth street. selo.th a to 6t6 BOAR DING.—A handsome suite of apart ments on the second floor, WALNUT St , between Itrold a.d Sixteenth. Address, with reference, L , Pr=s3 office said& Cb n rational ATERN[OP THE LAW DEPARTMENT of the UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA com mences on the 4th of October. Prof. b HARSWOOD, International and Constitution al Law, kc. Prof MoOALL, Pleading and Practice. Prof. MILLER. Real Emote and Conveyancing. Au INTRODUCTo RP LECTURE will be delivered by Prof. dB ARoWOOD, en the 4th of October, at eight o'clock P. Al , at the Lecture Room of the Department; by Prof WO ALL on the 6th, and by Elof. MILLER on the ath of October, at the came hoar and place. ce2o•tOc6 PB.NN INSTITUTE—Sonthenst corner of THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, opened on MO DAY, the 6th of September. Privato instruct:on, though favorable to rapid pro grem, yet sends thA scholar into the world with a keen Bencitiveness. which tJtally disqualifies him for active life; whilst attention to many oftentimes tones the inatructor to meet general &film:titles rather than those personal to each individual, and the learner either lose, all interest, or becomes superficial Is his acquire ments. For these and other reasons the number is For further information apply !Rationally, from nine o'clock A. M. to one o'clock r. M., or by note, to aelB4l' B. STEWART. Principal. THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY, located at WYSS 011 ESTER, Pa , an Institution designed and arranged to preps.° Boys and Young Men for any class in our best Co laces : or for Mr iness in its varied requirements. The corps of Instructors consists of seven Teachers of ability and exper-ence. The ave rno number of studen , s is seventy-five per session. The French and German Languages are taught by na tive resident teachers. The Win er Term commences on the lst of November next. For Cat darnel., &c., apply to W NI. W. WYMtS, A. id., Principal, se9- the to 2m at West Chester, Pa VNGLISH SINivING— Ballad and Opera tia.—Mr. FRAZER gives Instruction in the above styles, on the most approved system. selB•]m 408 South ItIQNTI RNTH Wrest. iILASSIOAL EDUCATION.-ROBERT V U. LABBERTON, Ph. D. of the University of Groningen, will hereafter have charge of the Classicist department In the hal ENTIFIG and CLASSICAL IN SI I /UTE, CLIKSTNUT htreet, northwest corner of Twelfth. No pains have been spared to render this eminently worthy of patrorm.:e for boys of all rites, and in all departments—Fngi eh, Classical, and Elcientitio. Entrance on TWr LFTH at. sel7-lm J. EN hi 11, Principal. T. RE ED'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG Os • LADIES, No 1523 WALNUT Street. For terms, apply at the Institute. RUFERENCtS.-11r. Converse, (editor of the Christian Observer,) Rev Dr. C Wadsworth, Rev. Dr. W. B. Stevens, Col. .1. W. Forney, C. tr. Leland Esq., Pro e,sors Vethake, Allen, grazer, of the University, and Ether gentlemen. tJ. REED has resumed his course of in • struction in Music and on the PlAno•L,rte. No. 1623 WALNUT Street. sel.64m Al 8.. T HORBE 11. E has the honor to ILL announce that he will resume hie instructions on the PIANO immediately after his return from Europe, i L iu the latter part of September. ph..., address communications to "Box No. 1898," Post Oeloe. eel4-12t* AIRS. hicGITIRE'S BOARDING AND DAY IL S. OEIOUL FOR TOYING LADLES, 1030 SPRING GARDE.4 Street, will be re-opened MONDAY, Sep tember 6th. an2S-3w* ilJatc4es, Janelrv, tic. CO., BAILEY Sr. 1011WIRLT BAILEY A. KITCHEN, rialli removed to their new Fire-proof, White Marble SU CEESTNITT STREET, NORTH BIDE, BELOW THE. DIRARD HOME Now opening their fall stook of IMPORTED JBWELB,T, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To which they Invite the attention of the nubile SILVER-WARE, WATOFIES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Qtarriapzs --- CARRIAGES. WM. D, ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT.CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 AND 1011 ornorriu'reTßEET, PHIL AIDELPRIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied. sel3.3inif BILLS ON LONDON for sale at the Of lice of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 0031- PANT. se2l.6t THOS. T. FIRTH', Treasurer. CHEESE. -105 boEsEEllerkimer county Chem now landing, and for sale by C. 0. SADLER to CO., Deb ARCH Skeet, 2d door aboro rrojair, Wants 'FRE ADVERTISER whales a LOAN of Jr, g2OO (or Three Months, or would be willing. to take a Partner having that amnont. The business is *aro and profitable. For peirtieulsra. sddre.s A. T. BODGISS, through Blood's Dezpatoh. se234t* VVANTED—A. Teacher in a PRI3tARY SCHOOL. a fewmiles from the city. In a tdeastat and healthful locality. Aidareu BORSEIP.M, at this office. ae7d•2ts --- IWZT in E t p .. - 8 4 i P a t4r o cla t il y er po fol a th .l e oa wh p z , l i e n : a r handsome incon e, and which can be 'flaresr d by ass energetic literary gentleman. For particulars bdciarea Box 800.1. P. 0., New York. a.23-2t* %WANTED—By a young Man from New V V Jersey, who has bad ewe al Yeats exPerionce in the shoe business, and can influence trade, a ?Una. Lion. Can give the best or city or country no , omse. dation Address INDUSTRY, Pm, office. oe2B.Bte A LADY of refined education wishes a Situation in a private family, u Govem.u. - Un exceptionable reference can be given. Mm T D of. lice of the Press. WANTED—By a Graduate of the High School, a Situation to a Store. adartaii ORADUATA, lilood'a Despatch. se23-21* IVANTED.—A Situation in a .Tobblag Dry Goods house as Entry Olerk. Good refer. ences will be given. Adthess WILLIAM, oMee of this paper. seMetw WANTED—Employment as Gardener in or out cf the city. by sober and Industrious Mna who fully unaersands his business. Address LAOS LUDLOW, Norristown, ca. se23 et* INANTE D—By an industrious, sober Man, emp'oyment as Porter In a„,Ns hotbeds stem Apply at no. OfILLEY Court, EISTE Street, below Ohrietlan ea -Sat* COAL, COAL, COAL.—Wanted to buy about Nifty Dollars' worth of COAL, in exchange for BOOKS. Andrea. BoX 2180 P. 0., Metier price per ton of Lehigh, Schuylkill, and lint ac VAJANTED—By a Bookkeeper, a situation V requiring bat two boars' time per day. Adilri. LAWBBNIJE, ogles of The press, se2b4te, W . A N b " TED—A second - hand F Fire- proof ot in ge for Merchandise. Ad dr Mg " G at this office seil-Bt* VIVANT.N.D—An experienced Penman who I writes is plain Intelligible hand, all Copyist. Ad dress EiIIANUNABIB. at this office. s426Sin AVANTED- An active and experienced Salesman in a Wholesale Drug Et re. Good refefence required. Addreu "a. at, oleo or this paper. WANTED—A purchaser for a Patent. right or an article needed for every day we. $350 r nly required. A sure and profitable badness will be insured. For particulars addreu ZDIKUI\DB, Bluod , a Despatch. selll-14* WANTED, FOE THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be gives good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from 812 to 822 per month. Ito men baring a wife or Wend will be axe ted. Apply for 11110IINTSD BBRVION at No 817 IfARKIT .Lee; above Eighth, north side. W. TEL MAGRUDER, Lt Lieut. tel Dragoon., anternitmg Officor. amusements. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY EVENING, Sept 23,1SiE, 41,Yourth night of the wwwierful RAVELS! This Evening TB& MAGIG TRIIMPKT. Olown, G iet Ravel; easanira, Francois Said To conciliar) with HUY. THE VIVANDIRRE. Katy, Vrcw 51.,thiss; Harm, Mons. Ciathien ; Hobbit. as, Frannie Ravel. TIGHT fit. PM by filatiet , a Zanfretta and others. Mon...inn—Parquet, Pa,quet Dwelt', and Balcony, fA caws i Family Cbecie sod Amphitheatre, 25 cents Do vs open at 7 ; Performance to commence at quiz• ter of 8 o'ctock. MRS. D. P. BOWERS'e WALNUT-ST. I.‘l. TEDSATILE, corner of NINTH and WALNUT Street. THURSDAY EVENING. Feptember 28, 1868, Batquher's Celebret•6 Comedy, entitled THE INCONBT ANT. . _ Old Mirsl2 , l, Mr. Thema.; Yosog sikabal, Mr. U. A Perry; Ikrirre. Mr. D. P. Bowers; Arians, AIM 0. Rishings To conclude with ROB ROY; OR, AULD LANG SYNE. Prices of admhsion—Becond 'Per rod Family Clrchi, and Third Tier, 26 cents; Parquet. 87)S coots; Drat,/ Circle. 60 dente; Private Boxes, according to their 1°0,10,63 sod $6; Single heats in Orchestra and Private Doses, 76 cents Doors soca at 7 o'clock; Curtain rises at 7% o'clock. WHEATLEY & CLARKE" , ARCH-ST. • T HEAT RE .—W Gliam 8. Fredericks, Aetna; and Stage Manager 111IIRSDAY EVENING, Feytemter 23, 1858, 'I R 8 WIZARD OP THE WAVE . . Charles Pm:Woer, Captain of H M. 8 Wlsard of the Wave. on secret service, Mr Dolman Don Joe. Da Bandabar, Governor of et Jape, Mr 1/Positional'. The performance will commence with the comply of UNCLE JOHN. Admission, 25 ate. 15..ctirect beats to Drew Circle. 111 X ate; Orchestra Stella, 50 eta; Beata in Private Boles, 15 are; Gallery, GI eta ; Gallery for Colored Persone,2s eta; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persona, 88 atm Whole Private Bon, SS. Doors open at grtartcr before 7 o'clock ; commence at 7,;(, precieely CONCERT HALL. THIRD REEK Of SANDERSON'S COLOSSAL 11SPABSENTATIONI OP THA RUSSIA?: WAR. Exhibits this week. en Holiday, Friday, and fletardeor evenm.s only. and on Setnreay Afternoon Admission X 6 cents; children 13 oenta. sap2o Doors upon at 7. P ertorinanoa to ooramenee at A( of S. NATIONAL HALL—MARKET STREET. NOW OPEN J. INiOO Vfltuams , s celebrated PANORAMA OP THE BIBLE. This magnific.rnt PAINTING commencer with Ohms, and continues down in historical order to the Babylo. tab Oaptioity, containing more than fifty of the most sublime and interesting manse in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Doors opal& at 1; Ss commence at 8 o'clock precisely. Tickets 25 cents—to be had at Hall door. Ohlldre under 10 years 15 cents. Also. k.xbibitions on WEDWESDAY and BATHE. DAY AFTERNOONS for families and schools. Dome open at 2; to commences at 8 precisely. Explained by Professor TIBBITTS SAN)RD,S OPERA HOUSE, D ELEVENTH Street, above OHERTNUT. Open for the Semen, with the largest TROUPE OF ARIISTS IN THE WORLD. The Entertainments nightly offered by ORNFORD'd O.PE comprise all the latest Songs, (Thee, Duette. churn! Refrains, Dances Ballets..ko , interspersed with WIT AND ELOQUENUS. In fact, all the Vocalism of the day is produced by MUSIC, eoNte, A. 1.1 POETRY. The whole under the management of 111 r. 8. 8. SAD. FORD. Admission 25 cents. Doors open at 7) &Cook ; pas. ro enmmanem at 1:1 gOelock 4.1+941.1n. B Ah T RET's GYMNASIUM. BILLIARD BOOM, PISTOL AND RIFLS, GALLRRY„ Will open on MONDAY, September 6th, at No 804 MARKRr Street. ee&-Ine inebinnaL HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL—THE GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR A.S.D REMEDY FOR DEsPEPSIA. WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Oharalat. Bottles 12%, Sb and SO cents. _ TRH GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL CIENCE! HARTSHORNE'S 011101-ALL should be kept in all =Hee, in case of accidents or sudden sickness. HARTSHORNE'S CORR-ALL mores Rbetunatiani. HART:HOUNE'S CURE-ALLaures Cramps, Obeli*, sins in the stomsch or Bowels. EARTStiORNE , E. CURE-ALL wares Pains in the imba, bite. Back and Brawn. H aTSUORN WS CURE-ALL cures Sprains, Braised, ealds and urns. HARTSHORN/s'B CURE-ALL cures Neuralgia, ootheehe and Stifnes• in the Joint, EIARIIIHORNE'B OURS-ALL cum Oholara,Slar. 1. ma and all Pain IiaII.T.SHOLLNE , B CURS-ALL cam Ear Ache sad mama from a cold. HARTSHORNE'S OIIRR-ALL cures Dyspepsts sad Indigestion i also, Canker and sore Month and Bozo Throat. HARTSHORNE'S OURS-ALL cares all Spinal AS* ions and Weakness in Limbs. lIARTSBORNE , S CURB-ALL is a great tonic; to Weak Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digestion. ID' As the frequent changes of the weather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs and Body; also, Stiff Neck—every person should get a bottle. It acts upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews, - Blood and Bone.; and, by its warmlog eleotro.maknetio power, ex pels all pain from the system. Ge- a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at its happy effects. N. B. It you have a Cough, nee RARTORGENVO Pectoral Syron of Wild Cherry, It 1.1 the beet Cough Syrup in the World Bottle-, 25 and 50 costa , and Si. M If you are Billions. use ART sHORNE'S AN lI BILLIOUS PILLS. They act opou the Liver, S'oniath and Bowels, carrying all Bile and Foul Secretions. Boxes, 25 tests, Sold by B. le JENKINS, No. 25 sOUTH BIGIITEI Street, Between Market and Cheetnut Streets. Stales , Stores, Chestnut and Market streets. Garrignee. Tenth and Coate' etreeta. Wagner's, Tenth acd Lombard eta. aul2-th atudtf if 110 ()ASH BUYERS. JAMES 8. EARLE & SON., 616 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITI TIM GIRARD ICOI7IO, Invite the attention of Western and Southern Custom ers to their Immense ea elegant asaortment of LOOKING-GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, YORKS/UT AND PICTURE.FRAMES, Suitable for the PALL TRADE TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. ___. ACADIA FREESTONE Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tons of tbla beautiful Stone, Irdh of the BLUE. GRAY, AND BUFF TINTS, the former o' which, for earners and delicacy of color, is unrivalled For the character of this stone please oxalates the following buildings : Joe Harrison's, Eighteenth street and Rittenhouse Square. ilartison , a Building, Locust street, between Berea. teenth end highteenlh. Samuel Smith's West street and Itittenhouse square. Mrs. P”.t.rson's No 1219 Want at street. A. R. Womrath , s. 915 arch street. Ismael Simon', Twelfth and Chestnut streets. T. K. J. regain, Seventeenth and Locust streets, sad others. ARNOLD WILSON, Acen te, PHILADELPHIA WARMING - AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, 1 010 CHESTNUT STREET. selt3-13m B. M. FELTWBLL, aeon. IFIANDSC.III7DS AND CLAMPS. HANDESORIIBB No. 1. Mo. per doa 2. 75a. ~ 8. 870. If 4. ltoo. u No. 5. 51 12 par doe 6. 126 l' 7 2 2 T. 1 6 6 0 :: 8. CLAMPS. 0 Row, $1.26 per dozen. 7 Row, $1.76 per dozen. 8 Row, $1.25 per dozen. HENRY C. ECKSTEIN, 02 Worth TIMID Street. Pldladelpbtli mACKEREL.-888 bbls Nos. 1, 2 and 8, Mackerel, in salaried packages, for sale by 0. O. SADLER & 00., 4108 MHO, 2 , 2 door 'bark/raft* ENGRAVING?.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers