• ,-----_,-, -- , ••••••-"•- uu , "100,ii s e, •Bieitt Inn lig . 1 11p,iii•*!7 I SW3A I -. : -A-Datte . ** 7l7 o i tur...,t. ~ .•:."1 . I _ , t . ..!";:iriiiNfOlgt/iet.Q : :_l49 . l . X , 4- Alblit - tan tilarif::,Grifsafteld - Pitillips, ~ . 0 i „ . , ~,ilititeitikEni4 k :.- -P rJe9, _ , -4, . • eitifietiliDlW.farikgoElPotkikro icp-8-d -..„':,.. • • Oefplif, - 4,4 41 t 0 kv , " .14 , 1tret.PA13714, 411 f. -:,...!, - 11i : . 44 0NA''''RftV'rA - ttl-Vild6fiii;'&4.ll" ' -;;;- ' • Itf .° -*: ' l 4 s n 4 ' ,r-kAixTrA 2l 4 . _. k# 0 ,24 ,1 4-,.,4;47 . - rirettri,‘ 4 . l / 4 4,ite*Pr i lere:VVIAV_L _"" -- BrtW . :, - -47440 e -ell; Deyen , een -,-, mdi l'raieti,% , ,----•-, •ry p , ny,0111.-,,,ReetrdeattAk-Irholealnuna..;- 4 ' Inereie - ..06411108-itse...-._oo s 4kl39,Atv , ErA - :,-::•;41 _ tpl , l - 144yrtieDMeit tratol, 44ytr ~-s-.;•,,k, M 4. 14. 1, 47ateratecareAvis; -4 Ift,ro• l - ~,JA.-1 , ..4•,-,ire- tialla: - -- i,liawkins sftra 0; I eslite,, ~,,c : • :.-'."; 40' VIIIX,-; , .. - ,-'zilinasielsn-B ij....-- -Itonbard Able • , ..., -.." """:"B liiiifilitetAteitikyv _atlitA4o.-Rditllr* - - - - I.Bol6lolatth liatiOralUeAll2o-!s , ; 3 E OI I OI .. - CV 1, 0*.i - iii(3oiki+ol,4eltstitpi - .4641%."Mwffi1aJ. 1 t t o:U ,, l Draiiilihinnfe:,Harnaßelmo 0 - -Aro.. *1.,-A , .41:.1 I,..i.:lsibiqnigirtkpyglyt-Ratol-05netW , 7,..4,-.ll4gbrl-Tirzilli ...,_- , X 05elni Hit eV5`,... 4 Illibee nAn la , Rl - ‘ ,ll 6o4tteWlittif tN' ,".:• - 4vrtraroarese, , -.4,0 - ariebytOrPti.r.f4 ,l /Xett Hann -rt., - . B.foviobt ...,,1,410 . 1.4kmety , f.t. , .. 8 4 0 41 1 5.1t,ih... - , -. . .1440.2,0,1033 • - .lloPli e.:l.o=l l° '- ' 91,1 " 9,90 . -"Pr"- -..* ' - filligrtiirt, Zrollut','"Ptebratiit447 -,,. ' * *004( 1 , , , - 0 " *Mel ."A-Searstrt,ts '• relift"o, - -s , llti fic itailijoii* JOT D ..„. I %ft, la • ".. - " tgitAsisleiMAllOffroAn,Al,o4.o,-,iind 9; 1 ,4;0.1 ,A 4 -4,• -, - neretifeia ,, :477 , friothniertry4`44s4oo ...I - 4 11 0 ~,,,,: .. Ditto& SD* - : ,-ItudloALottle - fA"FMIRS - 409 , 7,1 3 , - 4 130sti - Ittr -- -,----Herriebit.lllist/ii.:„Shropshire a , __. yrionititi-iiiit'er,-twartg_. 2.1„ A 1 1u 1b:9, , titine ) lll4o' ,ThertreterAiliVer,4 l,l•7 " 4 ,l--..."'"• - •3 - '''', , ggeolDue • ''' , •; ::•_flistleillgiii.l-4.4 4+l4oWidetalisiyipiiiiielr"4 ' '... • '.-rataith'uaulli*--,,'",),4„‘"..-rcive' - li - tt' . 1 %. 5 "1", _it;ln ti ,_ 3 4 Ivy' . e . ,'" • - 1 1 1 7 0 .111:48.9 4/ Mk' -.ls Ai -la . • ---- '--- • - IlnartiMlyr 4f.92 4) 1 1 !t. rp- - -kr4 4 , 11 4Wk BRIO': ~; s;Vrilr-:. . geSIS . md er„, , ,04nAth.Ann ~ -- 40 . fa- ..-J - 0004027-44 ,- 8, ,,, r-irinittrAnnte ,X , ,,,;-. -_,•:--,- daunt - isritrt - y SeblillieHargt - '4lmlthArery ri . l., giamhe Jireey,.,;;;.;,-- - ,7oneelriateA. , ElimineneJaire , . -.- ---., ,14104,Y.,,, t intrciantleale, 0144? - 3 , 11i, - 011ea dk", .:: ,•* ' 7 ''‘. i' . 1. , ',,..'-* 401 , 1gAtiii •' t "Elinith‘Lidta. 4'*ll - '• ....' `f uil f t::"? l :ll6Chebrit Lintisik 4 , 436loearary '44 •. - '..-, 4 :„ , 0„, IliVoirriartale,Mary,6Beirth XII .: ,:,.. ~- •- =-• • - , • trolitatrA Hitiketd leabeint:Plesith Qtara, ,,, .. , ; - .1 , JElle.goA-,i;:Knaliwelli r.!:., . - r;. -,,,:- ikor - - Beirt;Atinfe X ~'" Snow-Mina 4 ., , ,,, , _ Mittlditl•XOnnedy' , lsabella Bmithemi S7 l •••• • I ,:iol,,Ariay- e,,, Keller 4arinie ,-, -, seams mi r y , „, or ak kxtu Nit,: - .. .xtlight, 4_17 4:, : •Stirentlson R A ,3 i ' : ',-11;ilitri4V,It .SIR 1 ., ggatr 9 .: -;,'S St w eViti a s k il4 - ' rT,Vri ithtifialabiotel Mis.A-Ar. ameivitts Plata ,F -..,' . I 7" . eittell Leiiiiitidliarritte4PdAti titattAN -, : - , -.- i a t i „':' ti•_ - _ - , .. -Logan Rate - . Eltes'eneral Miss 0 T , ~,,_..,_zi,.._„. llterensim Em W . .., ~ ...0- r••-! Luta Clad •,", • s I . opete Miss K. Iri - , ( ', - t..4,24 . r 'rr , l4.4;; . tit rry. , g4--.. , .. B,reer er• erre - q. , , , 1 t : Linty. !...-• Slow-Sarah 'r- , , ::: 1 ~ .., 101 Id *......Edtarenco Unto fitairt-tituan A.,..,- • :r • --_,oppatti , •' 6 4 4. 1 0.t1e !Charlotte" tlEit , kes.klartha -F. .1 - ' - 1•1/ OS fara 44.0tilotherryiti DZl"!fltokei P. ;" .0 'el , "il...l4,osl4llool7:l).Bowitibrlties X, I b ~ L 4t..elnithlt lire /A .., Sweeny Mary ; - ~.... , v - . c ' : ,.t;...?stSg Itiry.W: .',. , Sperry "LIAM& I • - --• la .‘. , t eti,_ Letreid Myths,. "Stewart Mary„, I. .• „--: jt/ ... 27;t!littierlb# 1 9rr/Irt , 'F.- - t .. :• i : • Capon tattle' A", LAW* Atte, ..r•per -- - 'Taylor inrs B ..1 '-' (Markin haF fl a,Lower-li)ulii4 , - -"Terry. tars A - • - - ":4WrilTT•rivoq' rarlil" ,- T- h4pgrozr,Ea»ie f _ ~ "-wibo 06,,i , ,' - 1.61ttv111.11-s3.Afonilioanfi.ilf# I ..." VOW glpilmi*Elwrenctiliti‘ el.:Titan - I Um ht tt I Oprr.,.gre Win...ktt- 4, Lttkirktl7l.ll4a-1 , f t Mraib Oath. , :ti t.l ' Od es taill'ohnlit A Locke/Ird Meta Turner -r Art y .i •• altireatlittrt:trttikr&Juttusf4V-iiy.lorldts 1...... 4 - . _ Drawter7 Martha Witte:Ka 7 - ~.- . A.ll6ktir piny --• 1 • Coats It.ry A:."." 11,30ihrettir'yS 'To t Mrs 8 . i -CooperElleth A .31aPhilling AI J. ToStinton Pare-,, i -.. :: .. -' • -,- .. .EntymiXate .Thoem Tim ea, , ;.Dimr Begetp t FwOonnell'AaY,- %Aop bps.H2 , .Diclnr.AkitaltilVPirZiteV.' i taut.len _ racam y ra : llanrsit ' -Dillon Catharine , /Sages Aire Tyrohlr S' ',,• - I . . '.4llllor,todlii-Atul,,..lfecsinly Mrs A . : Troth AH. ;.-.., • -, ~,,,,j),:n."A"; A.„ . .t.. Mar,oe Alm , r „.., - ",7Weilleltre Jana' I '' - I-Etelri o9 e :Et 1.""`•::;k 3 -49447 :• - •,.'''-_-_,lf 411106:747t, !TA • - - •l,,Destazi likly_A::',Majleiti. 4- 0.:,,-;•;, ,i 7.: • tv - 2V-:-• - , . i - fileicideli, - --..,.'• , `llethi-Ht•Y..:tt- - ,p);.' wltit/erlOr's% 2 i ,-Drydeo Itrall AL- MAW* Sue:: ' 'tfirnsirinre U. - ~DWanlfin A 2-"lteTtean Mrs 4,3- - -.wfa4. i•Sitton ^llf .'• - ;Maul= i,E1100.91. Aleetiy6f,Xl,,.. ,- ' -Welters iti,DB:'` ~-H . -"<4nellszolrs 0 1 A _lo• ll eAupa 00' • .'Visng4 -Rebels - Ili , : OrriXll3 Rgr4, l ;.,MoireageAra le"- - -Wakeman -MI :4 , 7 - ...'onrei - -Mrs. ....4.11 - Alateee Iktrit'D•'•.: . M .'''- q.' ' , ^ MIT, Mrs Mien "Mifilestni Mrs A, 17 , :Wallace Eros ,:powthneyzinap, i -,AtegirS 0 .5,. • c"-,Whitygdoe Knit 1 j0fillg14:31,1111*0;04L111;04 'Ain't; A Weilley„Bliis I , , :. • . EiPlierty"Mary Heitli.Vg BT , '-„Weat Mary."" ' , l ~,324 mA., ,r,t4A : „. „ ,„Atatthiee Anne . : Wweiott etre 0 8 " _ ' MIN, Rebecca •, -. M . aynard hiri If Ar'rrillsea" Mrs at - .....` - 101.ner - .1 mine 0i Z listnitre GAttl,•, ~::•, Webster Marl. 1 1 '',"....Httiolikl#o,-7,:. ;Majorsow' -- Warren BD. p Er , -..-. . 4.: a; -_ - ..T....".,-- .I `., 1dana..1421",.1 ..-„,-..; '.:Wateon Sallie EC ..! :".., t ver ildi - 0,1 • ..";,..Attdkeititti , xin It Wilson treheoca 1 Zoltlen,S.,' arilt!•3liitin'` ItartaVY-i",Wallter . Emtli , .. ' • - Eltiottltry oilifigeit.Eithiol":7".'' , Filitta , Ann -I - . , Freed aittOs - ..,,. • Stetting/tinny "ritit Watimpldezr. 1 . 4 . ; /fuller Xitr,j Jane tiltoriellltra B 7,,Willeune Mewl' } •-, : ai~jAtirae-:,; . „-m,filddllitioi:14174..“ Whitmire A1....4,1-• i ~,,,,,,b , r . g iAb, 5 , ,,..,... i y-A4 att r .,,eq....:,444-t!.Willer Mrs Si A .?" "• • - 0 , itjg4fA-I.l ,. .R"AtiArpb,r Or t , .: 1 / 4 •-i - Pf•Wilthunis-- AGED p . ' "-.• triettfMtiatratialniey,Lisil4o.4l,4l.,,Wtas K r a A ,, l_, . - 3i . unk,ltsrthaA,, - -,..„.HOrrile Strili." - " - Vahan Car , ::-...;,•^ . , . "..- ' , womb mrCI - L-4" , te,, ~ „u_AllthiollBlisteo ff.: _.-.-Wilson Kra it: . I , billatillrer.ll6.4•ltorrat Ittillt:Y.4l4WillienitlAt 0,- i ' -- - ktliarlbtie,'lllititHrell"!.%!:;ZWilltilltri,..o.er ' wiil - 1711ikief-A 7) WirilSCito W, , , ,, Willisain Odra DE --: . "'".._,Ple4" 1 Itier- WI e . 11, 9iMiziaoli %trills , ~',: v.4.- ; •:•11 : :-i w ...,;.„ • - :, , -fito• ... DifittirPw;•litotrtiVkarltitte 1 ": W.ficon-Mrs, Er: 1.• •*' .." Oa an - - - ,Bil -A: .. Morrie 'Amellal - -Willis Lizzie't..'. 1 . . . - , Altae a, ~ -_, .- Mt 'tktrlibotoiyolo* -4, .... - E• Mrs M..r i • _. .-3 . .., , , ti . . ' Aie ,f !;.nornit'Btems.: • - •••l'AW•elilliirlY4t_44 i, t"-, - ,I,lVAPirorn.SArala Ta:?. , WeenticarA,AEr, w i , • - ... Gallica*. Grace -, New'bold Att L - -••• .'- 11 P - • ~..,„:,,.. 1r - : : :0621,VliiiteitllEtEre gliot.' 2 lWwitlitll;.' • 'l , , - (ififiltillato3o - 9:".XH9F4 1 0)00 1 ". Vf.k-LVW,DHYAST 8:' „ -- ",:;iltidlerHailliatSSE:lielleors,AL.O.'tii' ~ ; :igmr,9E're...scpm.....• -.. . .1 - 417feelataririelt , aragle,01Witiai - kii ;..Yarasltill si:i. 4 .- ! ,44,11hAttsbraktis; 41111esrotalt..L. A 4 . , ,!,..Fa1e. Airs icits ' S - '..- - . 4 00r . rlifts.Tiotass , Alarysis Mr s i- ,Y4• 41 •9641ALtt ';• t' ' • • • - - ,O•slAy; Swan - 1-4 krOnsallsry,, , ',.- 'Alper, =ilia', - r ' - :9-*itasiansiiliii,t, 4 Olsellty;prtdlo4:4l4onz lastl3'slis - '-,•q”' "I" /in 4r4 01 / 1 1 1 ° ,4111 //7 - .: - anmennan , :ts 1 i. - ;;Pirellieffosep 'ai, Ebtuips3lo.llt,-;-Ysins,* Mrs -- :A tt, Miltditnitlxliti _Fatte4-41455i1 , . , , i't:T.V.,. 9 41 , 6 4 1,...Arrif ,Br', -, , • ~, etiaioieery,„„ •• P a i ne LOW& -.', valeisune Sins it .... ' .• "- ',:..tflaildt*Wltrit , 4l*oo4WAlrsAV-.D;T:QierviEte"X,:nt Ili " - - ' ' -,-„ereinlErs Marta ,z.Perldris EDI F. B, "'Quigley 801 _ , -... -- - --- aHOSir4OO%44.I*.P.SFkr, 8 W 1 -- (2?-.0 1 ... ° P.Fr i ;4 1 , A * r t 1 - , 7 '.. 6 t l ,:ii t e451..2‘. .4 k.V. i"...."_ , . -- ---' iiV.".... , :4 3it . V , . 4. , PFre9, 3 4 1 ....Wst r yc"?i'lf : s '''' 1 ' 'Appel' Sirgetr.'"=;" . .^l7os l o - . 4 A- ~,.. --,.",ii Gisilligkei• Dan; el ; pr , Atlsulaltobt . c kr,„ Mean 4,,1 C. -,. -.„,...,,tiisstat 415.r.;,-, - 1•••••-:M414341e i• - •,4,...„ ,, ittii „ ,.7.2r.„RkitlitiVr/Pis ' ''-' :/aboloa4*_. - -,0 nessuolf qek,A rt pamalster ytiii 111. , AllielleStitAaff ,- ,l4 l l44& , tak•ifi#,.:o l Btir ...F. 1 !,/PP . Q , - • 4Ladanie,Utae-,..rt 4 4- 1 ,- ,urt.".r 9 r , -"" '',",-,' -, ,e'11, ° J4e," ,, qk" ' ' ' 'e Abb,al` Andy JA , w.: , ..XlMlgs*g,W=Vl,:i- ,-,== '• , t , -.:4 --• •• 14 4 : - o,llbriolo , 7ktilnittriaiiNVsk-;••.'' 2••• :, 1 1. 43 4 - 0,04/ r.'- , _ i- -' -' r .oloo4losl4net G;i,, , Ciamr.nr F...t : al:Lvelser Dexhfu:; _ -. Alien le Co Pr- - Olainent"J.,„o ,- ;,- , „;z,. , Uporo6: 4 Dantg-' , .. i :'..riisblysltAEX ; „1,,,;„,;„4 , ' Clerk IsrirtltiV,;.,k,--.4l,ltnipui David - _• Ackley John B" , .:.01arelS B ._ T. - ' 011bertal MB i -_'• - ...A.r0b1AWM.,...-• - _,OlendepOluit .1.A..-,GlbtniLo apt,,l II 2 .. --, Acton-Ai Woo 4 :: tlolligan.r, ~....ri ' igpmge!..4l4,," - nut '. ~,", OAlll2lA,Etr',;.;,! _ Vihnln IS 9 '! itikValt,Stx;74t3trilitaiy,3? B' 'I - ... 1 . '1 7 ir- gi,•,, , , , f: ~ ..yT O 1 , 1 xi rico , John tr, eitt wivo, k. criAic.i,:i•-.o74iatti.-!,. ..'%i'firlt 6 iclreli':-..'stliiiiaativia -., -.' - o.w. '. - w01a ,,, ' , ':: Gold'111:2- • . ---4 - ' !Lys-N -907 -1 c leyiaii••••A ,i,, a ewes -• V. i‘: ,••' . „ , moo ..Tri --- lo '','"intritritilrard' J.."' .Plteotir;JOAW '1 " ~ A.stiJoseph Dr ~ ,.-i,'„OSlgglo* Tit t -..- ...Coati* Ccl,Stratrs : •„ -, , AugcenbarD 4 .- 044 B'- , 40 It" ~.... L., li. -'' f,Aust.tn - A. - 1.--"- - --4.:$06004"T.?7;;4„;"1 lloldlnir -Wm ' i -. 4 14 4baiit'atr '4 l ‘;'3o - 611•2iiii•V - f.:•M Grail firth 1 I Li •-, Ayte..•*-- 0014 ', - --016314rd,I,WV..7.tratiffinlu, ci b u ~., - -i r - . aimed w i red' '' I' jraiiiipwthe tltthabb ma ,_•., , ' -. .1 1 . ••••;sidi -AA mho "'an:co:riga - .r. 71 , 7- L' - attili4eily ," • WA' lOW , t - : - .'-i .q u et, st -, . • • . t - i- '-t er ijk r. II A I a' 7 - ' '.- cl. fcr,oo - .....: Corny It: -,-,-.... Grimloy B 1 ..- 1 • 1 9 4 AIntrots , 7,4_ .. , , , •00,,,,witt,, , A:a Vemi to rrYV.l. ! -:- 0"0. 1 41011-0OWIEhlbitatinriffitekey Dr JIG lir.o o'. :. - - , Alieltut Itlcj i . • ' °rocker, ospillD,VOin Drt za. ', ,', Bilititif" 460 flu'gfolabiiii.-110- 01.'41'144 ' ; ''' tlsfitlloia-fit-40g.sirs'idIgorP,,,;(sedu 0,,,„ a _ ; . A 11 4 , 11160A'N r 1 ,4" - t CandthgbAttl'ifidiefeene IMF i -3. ' "-qhlitecWitttee-I:woAll.,,tlol l, 44iFJ , J , soAinea wand a v..filrost ?de tWt ''Creamer hot '2.a• - 11tutstiA Jaw ! • ‘_ ... , 72fif .. _, - Etio 460 r.z :II Curtio.o"Zugeptt7 f , ..Gritilii'D , P-J. , , • : : - .:V.-Bartl.loll4o4l'olll9itillialikt„T 8. , --1. Guilford Jeroeln - - .:.:..' Balla/ gang o- - • • ' Onnntimhane WW GrOlf-low , , • . •" ...: - .Battfillini•lE D 1- 1 ",q.18' ".!....-,..", .%'.:4".is v e skrm or d i i 1 .-' 4 ollool4tititic 4, : - .%Cutobetiitmlißler•Giltiln ,, D Gett i. , - ""„"Baylen Impli - prAvdter",,Ospt H GriAlths . Zahn G . Minn JW , I -4ATIff , A -1 - 411,4 - 4 14treenroatte H 4 • 0 . 1400440174.4 t .pernuirirtie 7 .- . .0 4 .:Itisi9Ww acr-k , • 1 nos it it + 4 %e 4 ertilieesiftesithais ; ,441A i litZt . iii4 1 / 1 1#7167 .- -Stitittiiit Zit* ; ', - - Ye - 04 , ' , '..t, 4,1 :''',....,. -, ""MbOdrtifirTheatt 'l,,,t , llleolin"L'DZ - ' ' ." - 7. , :" , "EBSwittittist ??.4"CilirriititFAo2.Efill'S WWI:, , . " .. " - DrlePubst Aloo' s 'o;oE4 111, - - --= Ilall'lG- 1 Iro-.1. .' . .-4A.43MW :Zt.' 'VcCul:Dealstr - Dxiit' ;V- - o , llaltrican Tiros P - . ."9"9 . °ltirtglf.li"lP. l ?!=;Ditirlebtsq".l. 1-, -atitrizer Air ,- , ' ',llactim:to War,..- - Davis Wm - '-- ....:` , 041.1112161n 4 y* ' - ...."11* 0 -Vft 4 'V ,4 l 7 Dilill vv. ervr-Viktea Thiwß i' " 4:4: Itallor ( Allii r ;'7- Mitts W Ari- , N , Sill Daniel 1 . 3 441014Ti1:." 5: ' . . V-- 'Aleurn6arrraikla Hammel,. HOU; - ,".•-Bsroghb.T.tiw • Deny Hugh , HardiLorenio , • . 0 - 6 = !WM toj•slsl,lkp os yherteln'lebifP4-- HilYAlex. , 4 i ',"oicliiithlißentr,":" : loeadMiEt 0 f!' r• - •" 5". lianelii•Etaptirit .. -,:.11,,Kr,c14447, De Amoto,l o liffylLlWilsonSM-4- , i • , r , .."BWr Af; o.' 4 ' tn. f Haritiaoo 1 . .11 i '-.49teroak"Hd-f - :1,,,, ,-. IB A I lA' AAUSitli . 1 . - - , lUitolilliam 0 ,00 - 24005411 6 4 , Di5tE0. tiptVPl +- 5..-,Nart :az C c.,,,, ",‘ Will ' ~ „,-,„,- zle Cakt.ll .. Do Merit - 0 -11" . 1 t..qkirAtia y-thitß t 11 . "-."'" ' DeniabiEr" ' -- 14Anorni-y-- ' I .. - ralfa r liiinil,?, 4 imam& evil a 4H*4,64, 01'; _- - ... Terry-AA -,.., - ".--... ,-,Descon•aolui V, ' Iterdesstif Peter ' • , J•iku , k,45,., - - : ';';DensPeitt,Jite'. l -'-ntaierphlttalark ' , - • illrille gag tD -,.` ' , Wilier/so •:... e CM-t.....Uyes J Henry 2 • .0 - ir0ut741,,•,,,b+- - .! , 11)1661-416b*ir , 1-... e vgartisoialtuut II - 2 - Wil siitillt.',.• o- -t , 1 , 1r Ohae T. :ni . /..-ItaiiiThoiliz. I • - - ~ .- . ..-Itgae- l otyyltiorl-t, Disk ,fAmi , e , yrti -:• - atttrtipi,s14 - . -, : ,. 2 - ;• . ,-i o si o d la t n tr e i r sOnlit4e E ssit I wesic•Edtx.l . ~:;4•-'.x-Afirlsu,te,etrrAA,ttto.? ; a:;, ~ 4„ 1' 4131) , !'%7•A , - ,3 lialt • fgllfhary7o44 . , , o n!I 1 stst a sed u Vf i kh d ß a eltV 4 `4 r,a liwitins•Ma t- a ,, 'd l ~ :i• - ••.E..prthowl pqii.it,'.7.lo92lfs Albertlti:, , ,Wiart,'.r.-4 - ''•'" .6 4, 6 l'' '-'' ' 4 7,0 "" 11 . 0 i1h' ''''. Huard .Sami + + t , " , "';` , :iterl ge Jean Di , better Abraham B Hallooed T.: -.1 ".. ~,; piringer JolntY,f`rDinlield Blej ..: , •:-Etettiy John • ! - , • , Ititt4 try, - ~, 4 -4 ' , l )Dinnill•-•,4. , 'a•": ' , .iterrgettobae I '.=',VtdditYltaltdriV^ - :. - Ditinfr - * .• OW-, -- - Renry-Petari , • - ~-lriek- e l-C, I ....V.4l.,ipiiilsg ai. Moto' 'ara jw.xf- t : • :'.. Black Hubt ,'"-,tie.-4,DXhlAllillapir a - Henry Jiff .3 , i . .13Italielfell WM ,r , -‘Dingtesoe4Japlto 4Hert47141 Win A " 7 , llDreed.,l4rJr, - -,4 - 4.. , :Dureenet7ohnts,,•iolelekert.Datiel , "s•, • !tlittek Joseph --, Dylt Wm a •_. ~.- . ,- A elpotoktuu ....., -, ..Dert,t7ent,,,W. 8 L - ,-.Dubteatell rap :-.."Xetniteh_Dittl Ilennerllyig4,34s•lliooKlobn : i.r ',.“ aeries frorew ' • • Ik V a Rtcl{?:4-1'414m,AW.041 Xd 4 . ' .01.3tgthorprIptin ,•Botym• ,t) - ~, ~..„,.$4_154,01416,4, .nuctio t 4 Aka 49.1.0 , ri a 1cil- ixr d wr , c2A‘FEl : -, i- - (i'llitlis Jail a '. ~; -- ' • 2 . me - Ge9;,. r,,,,f, ' dodwii tatlflo,.._filltrphellWrn 1 , Bayle us ~(4:, o,...iiitirooll4 , 7l.l,Xlrrgeigt s tets k , ...4744bt0 qP,ii.f, - _,,,etirste,t,o" . ..c-,4 Illeew,lE 4 • ~,,. 11efr0gy_r19,4,71,, - .4"Mlrpr - Ao4.7,,,owlerylleenua`K , .•-• - •i --. ,Hrown smog r y m-,..10tr0e5.4 .«..,, - ."..,:,,"1nt Gen •-- i - --:' •'-'41 ,1 J kOl e -*'t PO - 4(41M itir--.--0-4/AOPI/r4l 7 1 w . ! ~, - . , - -- ,ltithin , l4 , -, ,, th4e_P'9olgitt" =, c .-.....i l ltintelle ' ,• ' r ~ • ,40E s'B MY* In S g e ti r O .44CO WNAR I I OI,9 III 4 h I Y 2 1 " :2 ,, 1 V rirroillef a _ :j , ,,f -Iyr Ads --. . , tio y. An ph 1 1 -. :. t '4' b . isittelial . -4 '61,-.01,V,. 4 '..34114.1 1 4Ta 'z r ,;. - 1 0 ~; ‘, ..i , _, 140..... V.,. y0;:•.1, 11 ,(4t,5A1,",-1 --' :.:.''.,; ..- - t, - ,.. ,-- <, para&7'7, R10ntp,g4,947,17-71 ard um i • ..", • Ine•nellissKatile ,, ,:vl.-••• 5- t,.., ,,, ,E • -flowsnri James - ' , Browntais - jle-- '''Xillot leer . "` ' 'nliTalit ',S. Telia t s. , ..,..., , . i. ,,. , 0. .. .ll T . ' . ,•, Ho voyJohn 0 , ~ • .41 - rakt o.et re,, . ~ -.,.,,,'; ,rtae j Otre4C . n 1 Ai tr i t i trff, .1. , •';- . • ',,,. .Bre,,fillctekt.LAP,6„....'-ititi . ,!l:469 Et 2 HOffman-1.14 ! ' • i1citi61!1',‘.1.04140170-4-4.-3,lo,otitid 7 G- -4 4.!lJ7eittiel-AtliAtelh u tßlT '"-!, • aartan Prince; •• ... - :Bradrord7) 46;41fr01ii,440 ,,,,- . Horne At D Jere , Britons sil ..,... , 6 „ . - ~...1.4k. • Born Joseph i, - - ',-.,<;ii - usibisy - vd ' c '.;• /fiber .la.e;th ••_!:-..1,1,0fit Thee: Brn 90 J - , - . ingatila. n.7r . . ' IrinitlifeliZrcr ~ - Arrilpttrrtart el R, - Fitting tti 4 V •• • ,it mtib r i.. rph,... ,-..... , Bargees pantJ ','..." Florence Antakat FitraVegii , ,,r - AO - Os4 *Ale Ati• Fit a ..,''- t ~ ..._,Bd r gess.'w .1 ..,,,;- , Flitter J058P.44, Ilugfiell th ttl - gagoictlc' , liiiitte - V i :,,,..„, •,. ,- - tin_ghes Wm i :' .",•;•?.. - -o.iyiotkolio, 1074 - 4.14;17 , &73 limeys . 'Mon h004177i -...- ..:Dieriiene-M.-rt-Dlaber Stephen---11 bbe-Allen -.1 ." - . -. i. ° i • • : .- kr 4 . 000.4,4a4A1„,,,i,,.,u r itte Tire,pli J ' 4 INN '" ,, ,givg.241 , , ,, 4 =T T ' Mr l e 1 . - -: _•1 jAf . iF". ~.:,,,,,t4A. .t,•gislii•ii64l,- Cos if if ibisdiatti It -' -1 - .•;-i • , ,fi, - irs . ••% -. , - ,r;,. antra, Df?lciA , ,rt k Jefreles - XS ... ,r , , -... - -',=;•`."-,'"4 - . 03 1 9_,A._ .Mittl e oulp, ~.,,li,k ,, Jae, ke 9/4 1,p, ~.• . " :-. ::00 - i 0 - , 14,-.W9.111-ii:4.O*PWO 3dhl A ' , ~..,:- ''''',--•-,' - f - -004 - bil f -MAt ''' , .1,14 .•=,,:: I,' -70;riy, - (4 hikes orfoll ift - P--‘'Jillit . Te ' ' .";!;::- " - V - :, -. , jskri*OfiStielklia-t. il- its , , si f t 41 V s I • • c-,. ,, k- , - . ; ; ---• ,- ~,,,„ , . 1 ,,, !„,vo.„-_,...sfsi/ , a /114,`04116otrlitEi•-; - ' ~X4?. . „",:,:r„.,.:: -2,11 1- -:,,-,-"„, '!'" 'i l tiv. - -.2 - „! . .icLooter 40/in .;:',- , got:amok attol.W-.- 0 - 4. - Z•f;, , '''' -- =l - 47t -13 , ' i-4 6 A. Vii i qttit idet;•799.o4k4dgi mlitt,.ll%t - ,-E , ' , 4i 1 0e.404 , 4424.4 , 5 — r,47:‘ , ' . 410 °e °1 " 1 "1- 2 ' O r e...i:-V .4‘7 :: ,,i- ' " '. -1- :' . '''. . - -: - *- - W 4444 5 6 .4 1 Y - 0 1- -A=47 W ' - PRI •- • ? -:"/164iies -'3':: ..-;..; lit i l le,ttikr*",„, Siteer-oicAlli •• ) b•-.,' 4:72-; - ' 4 .,.:„._ .00 , .'-` •-. •-!'_•.-- ...7.- ''..r ,l 4..isiloittr.o .• • e= WiILARI- A':'. -- I.:4.....,knArel f e itr x,,- -,-.;_:_ .., .•:.:.?..,...,,Ari„, f .,0 r ,,,, .., _.;%,„ 0 , :._ - . -,00-11.hwn - ar a . ~, ..,,,, rti-0... ..'•' , "1'..0 ~ , a4,1 , ,,_.K...P‘ki, 4 „"'ti"." a 5ia,„.4 1 ;, , , , ... ,' , '"viTf., u .ill:k",=*"."' .A. IVS'" , :q" , , , ,ter,,ritigni. - :: ~ ECOariliUs - It - T - h :' '-`"Wt,- ," .. : ' , 40:4 200 a oloo4olo"Vji,Kausegarii, Clit';',, ,-, ~ , „',-.1. .. „4,,VA.5--e-„,.. , ?I'll 1 0'2„,:•,:flArrett:,Wenli :---, mlly - Tt ie ,„ ,-;..-",-..• ~,01 " `"., 4 1,-,1n_4.1..., - ,-0.. tat salobt7,- , _ - ,-_ - dslistiel Thia - . -- „,".Hennedy",T '- ''' :' ' „VA,, , ....3.Nr,,,t4,044., 1, 1: 1 4.17.3 - 1 - _ - 7.-• ; -, 11414 - 11•1.!-ThOt,' • ,- 34Cerle h '-''' '' ' ,-',* - .14.0.,,,, ,. .91 - i.',,,s . , , ,e,f,traarltkeda - k -- ,,, - -. ,- ; . -.,Atifott Gam i-.4.:.Epuijo. y rlapph!r” -. -43 4 4iwg**1-I*.Ari'r, fis,,tt.iigi '. "104 A - 1 . ., ' - - 1 Vii'; `; . e'.. ital. :to, 40 t _Eloalth M m arti* illtiturhBwlth If 92 tb „gf,4 ; IhultlcAVat'zi - - . 1 4.44K4.1 4 • w Dr_ „Emilia A 14014 i Istryst t 1 31041.14 1 . 1 Vr 4l4,l 4 t Vrt P I V 414 n 8 p - „ motley Jaa A Et WB MinlN l 9 _919020V1X 2-, /4.Dien - o _Myer , erd' ' ' Bpsdher N " -• LaPe OM*itte pare Albert °l Led *MDT . ;17; 4- , 'Rotate.. Stile Mingle° itßik ''NAutiP Biettres Chat eylinetoA - ,Noose ' l' 7 l l iabl'Oefirj^ ll ‘2 fLexiabaeli .Thepolk hissleldoirte,J.; , ,_hteel - Jamee ienne&T t:t NaerMali MtiN , Steel John- , Rawls Henry. t. , ,,,lytoidemßenj4 , - - 81 George ,Bocieti. 3,NolirJoseph ,, p%. -Beet - . iLetfordiiVotr‘ 4-- -ffewrath , J , M. Streper John B‘, liisitt u J7llvirtnertien,Vir ‘ irBVdder John Lemon set Ta- Nyatron J W Moore Thoe- ;- I , Nokiterd Zdgell7 - ,Stinson John - 4 , 0 ,- * Btoistentorough mayluwili : 4 1-...llliitu Otero Wolf .„ . JLeyPoldt t 'Nankerviile Win ,-.Btobre& Holman ifiessie Tag Amato,- r ~I ,Merin"- C has Nice Chas ' Steihenall 111 !I , loy,,tltobt ',; , .-Niebobt Dr W. 0 „Imola Jan Lipl i aticott L: • NiOrkms 8R 2 , 13iinderlaud8 " ,n LYSI h hoelt Niiirialdi Joe:' ;1 : IN:if:fat Prof Lefe LoOrnii N'' ,N ichole •' ,, Terry..k 2 . tongetrinh'P . 7 "ol6le6'Dally Snit Taylor W P • liook,Wohd•TASP , 'Ormsteed Ohtui G Taylor John Etneste Leon' Owen W Taggsrt,l • ' Wain /amok 0 4 0ozioot Thoe 4 -..*Telem& Bro LongE 8" - ti • ? 4 ," 'Orpheus , Moo -. , -2ssbutiou W Leve - , - Wm; I .olphin Win II- Tilden HIS Leriiey , D."-e • -; l4, Diddele & Rick- Thayer 17 W., IgnehjOiipt.„ yRp net. 2 - Thompaon Jonah - Teeb3 Middleton' , Almond No - 012 ?Harr •Thompsoird, 11 Ninrot .GueidianDshiser JuiriusM, Tin:o(ol,lmm , ."Dattereon Rey ,Jas Merchants Lodge, Parr Chas s nows* George,. N 0 De Kalb-•• ;Parr.L P Thomas H D Teutonia,'..etill'.-Parell-P Thompson Semi Friendship; •Nia,23Palater & Bond ',Thompson V -Doeater; No 82 -, mParkor Thos Titus/1V Proopict, - ,187, Parr:Thee W - -Tilden J P - Draturnal,"llo"lBl-Valmer 11 - 4 • Traittene J 0 - OrYstalrount, 110 ParkeiN Toomey, Jae StanconlaiW6lB9Phulllenry,N , -; , ..Troroals Pacific, No 200 -.Peek-Wm L -" Tntrill 111 Enterprise, 201 Phllipe Wm Trapie' .7.11 • . Star of 'l3l-thle- Peitz Phil G Tucker Geo, ham,,, No 100 pelmore W Totulier Henry Fainnolln - t,l9'" Pearioilid B'A" .'- Tolle H ll' Proepeet,,N,o 187 Petherick Thos Torkington John Olivejlitancl4llsPliFeirllathi , gii ToutlOn J T. Filelity No 188 Plersou 0D MD Tyson Dr .7 L Metropolitan, 158 Piers° John,. .Tucker Wm Paradise, - No 127 Ilekeiing 'John Richd Walhalla, No 1.71 Plmontal Gil Nes- Trench Jae ' VigiledtVNolssf; -'de Tinifiell Geo Oincinnatus, 206 - Rocha 2 Twiggs HD Ospitol, - Pierce ,r Walso,n,Petry.2, SiMeris, N 022 - - Planer ' Walcott Robt " Vermont , " , „Wooke Joseph, ' Welittgue, N 0228 Potter Chita - Wire 'Vita Philaltat. No 223 Poricet Nees , ...Wallis Dr Radiant 8tet,,23.2 lopper,Mosaa Jr Witrion'Ohius onroe;lit 'rhos ward .. gebilielyNa9sl =P.yrie Rey Win Warner Edwin,* Apolig„No 298,Oryise A Wallace Edvr Mereliatits, 248J' "' Walch John 80s4say. No 291, ;.Prostort Rd!, Wallace , • .Liberty,272- —Przper_Gen Seml -Ware &lab - ,Atlitutlitio 21 , 2 , Dpsothe Oapt ',Ward 3. A - COniniedial, 2 6. Pringlellenry ", Weatherly W 0 Ajal62l, NOVl2T"Proglerhoe,'-' , .' - Weettiord Wm •' Atlas; tr 292 Prisoy &Ben Wells'T W Palestine - -No_ 271 - Randolph - 11P .We s t OTi - Ashland. No. 205, Rana Trade. ' Wetherbee John Amine; No 266' Belle Chas Wele Bras W Teitplar,'No 258 ' Barley Edwd Wendel Ilrert MoAnnally E•dir Rankin A Webb & Bro AT. MmUllater J 31 - Reed Beni F Westerhood D H • - b1 -- Reed ANNA 'Walloon &Oo - 111d0arthyReinhart 51 Weimer John.. - .MoCartney Mr.A,,Rennoldi , ;,',Viheeler 0 :;Itaaal Smug Whitako'r II McOornap'Pa Reifittyder'i II" "Whittier Steph - MiOaffrey-PaVir Reed W T Whit ridge Gll ;11160atehilik,VE,- olteitd. , Jos Wheckerson Hy .51c, DoeOugh JiZz,ll,eedaamos , „ Mostinuie Jam " Ttfekarda White - Richard MclEarDaniel k ftiffert Andrew, ;Whitt./ Mary , McGregor Geo Ilia White Rdw Montivrie , Risley David - Wheeler O , L i ' MeManne Jae_ , • ,Nscharde Whin4oh l2 2,l9NOllect Nr ' ,McGoards'l r dit Time „ White kAGlbros ~, Duckbill . Wilson Saint kroltobirer ~. Rae Molntier Peas& „ .Ilonian T, 0' ' '{Plater Gee blenalght Wmßobertson 0 If' 'Williams 1 N - -Monitory lon -- --Robinson David Meltatlan t.; 1 7. &isms FED • Wildon DarldB„ IdeGraw,& Roona.Robirmon. Wm Williams I 0 McGraw James ,Roherte Jae Wielcoleham.W - - -Mons/leo Hugh„....Roddini „ Wilson Win 'McQuaid Z Raley. ROA ,D „Wilson TII - MoDermott,Ned.; Audrhiok dudw Wigitbas E 0, ; MisoyhousenlY or Acumen Ludole"WlettWm . Wilson I 11, Micken:Giol Dubooem Cole „ 4 ." ;Williams Mackey Joseph-: ',Byars & Dobson 2'W taper J A - Madill Wm ,- .W.Dson G W Maul Hebrew & Russel John It , Chas , 00.: -, - Ryson,Johu .WIllleme& N • Elsodeeort T 1,3 .;•• 'Willi a ms 2'. , MayoB •1" ••• `• • - ,- .Beherzer A W ileoo"Cept - Means Geo W . - - Scott W M - Williams W-I Mouldiew leatteigood D 2 - , - ' llaalbsum ‘,. F., Sent Be, , Wilhemson GN Martin P -• •koheftleld Ge o „ W Wilson, McElroy, Mathew* Thee ElirroroJos & Op, Mathews James Baylor Henry I IYillisommi ti *Ma !ammo: - Seblit"Jor "?' ;; ;; ilitiludely Thee,. 4,ll3ohworle „Working - Mehl, Maseey.,Wm,&,Oollebaldß , • Prater, Colon ,IlerklieTidaysite!Beddinger,ll . Woll /as . • Mow, *Mealy W.,,-, Berry John - . Wonted 0 ' 'Mehl* T 1 ) , ,t,;,„ifeilniglit Bud% Wood Meta Marren W-B --13eldemridge --Wood John- P . 'Worth SO; 5100,401 an & Bro Short Ohm.' c, Wright r .1041,Theci A.",. 1 -,...abeisperd Edwin , Vussall B B _ 'Metssee-Wra”, A '•" fib et thAd -WoolVinson G H Mitchell ~04 Mainfietoryt 'Veinenden 11 WmR.„ - ,Bb,VlAter Goo . yen Tuyl D 0 ' .Miller'Aeguatie Shaw Thee D„ ; ,sii!ek John &" Co • 12eigle jam, - 51 illeProf John , linger Ottielel - 1.11119c0:11' Shaw& 'Gordon Quetta Z A , Miller &English 2 Sheerer Capt P Valiant J - - 1111.1ithl H2' "5.2 Shockett & Nor-, Vanderlurgh liOner,Zsekil,.— my, - 121 D. , - Millar 8 D'' `Sheppard Geo: T : Vgager T 8 „, Mlles Robt • , „ Poops G Mitchell Frye 4,1,.811h An 2 W ,Moryoll Chas David ToniagJohn Moeise7,ohilo„. 7 .' fllter "John 'l 4 • , "Yellog,OaDt 8 I :ktijoihisiDeier r,Yobace Mr , •Orison Jamea-Blmmons Mtn -2erider '.. Mpme,/iben i Sidiumr.J Bana,c , Zunbrook A, MT. 100 1 11_ GIDZON G WEBTGOTT -hf ; , c'. 4 rt. riirleo. VAN , GREAV•PorcepER -Or•Taz NINETEENTII CENTURY, W - 3 8 j.,4ays the it:Uni. ids.) Demeorato B el ow, w .: 11 I Plab lish.a.letter to Di.:Wood of this- city, from a gentleman raillainect 10101y:speaks:glowingly at; the,: superior Inixtte,i/filda.hair.tonlefitinch ; evidence - Must have ita ki 4l :l l 44.lu: o4, § l flgleatd areliable sonree. - If 'earth& oda* are guarantees ortfuth, the 'Dr. needs enoo , . Jahn% nerpolestputtery from the press - • - `DATII;Maine;Jan, 20; MO. ProfessorO. J :IV oop,ac Co.-gentlemen: Having my attention talliad'i few Months since terthe highly bone floal effects of your Hair Bcstorativej I was induced to lake ipplialtioniddt open my heir • willehhad be loom quite :gray, matzo : VV. one-third wh ite; my,'Whli- - keraweraotatune character. tiontethree months since IL ProclartCa'ibeltle ef.7.014,14.4 restorative, arid mied it.,•.,rsoortfound it was proving what, I had wished. •. I upwl, it,abent,twice .week,-4.-- have-440e procured another bottle, - of which I have used some. I can now certi-y to the world that thogray or white hair has to tally disappeared, both on 'wor head; And :face lad my hair has resumed its natural color end I bellire more soft and glossy thans - ttOnia%been,b4fore for twenty-five years. lam now risky years old; my good wife at the age of fifty-two, has rased it with same effect. The above notice I deem due to you for your valuable disedvely.n Dun madred that whoever will rightly nee, as per directions, will not have occasion to contra dict my atatementa. Lam a citizen of this city, and a resident here for the last fifteen years, and am known to nearly everyone here and.. adjoining towns. Any use I:4yarriengt,?rairwairtolltkeZlWltLe- attached , beaue o i ; a nstareln ?there as well as myself. lam truly, yours, A. 0. RAYMOND. flatmates*, Jan. 43,1818. WOOD , BIII.A.MIIIinTORATIVE - ' Professor Woo:a—Dear Sax Having had the misfor tunate lose,the bestportion of mytudr, from the effects of the yellrhi‘finnee,'lnNeWOlitiana, in 1861, I was in duced to make a trial of your preparation, and found it to answer as the verylbing needed. My hair is now thick and glossy, and ne„words can express my obliga tions to you in 1014' to thbaillieted such a treasure. FINLEY JOHNSON. Thahlidelaighedrlter.4llg 'Bragg, 4s. a minister in regular standing, and Pastor of the Orthodox Church at Brookfield, Mass..Ho Is Alm:4l9nm of greet influence and'Univeraillrbeloytd. — - WM DYED. Jan. 18b8. ' 3 3 iio6edi.ll44iid—Dear Sir: Raving ßaocurriatn, Eiiki l2, a trial of Year Rairßestorative, it gives me pleasure to say, that 14 effect has been excellent in retuoding dandruff and a constant tendency to Itching with which I h'aVe been troubled'ironi far' ChildlioOdj- and has also, restored my hair, which:lm becoming gray to ite orig. c it r ai h tiz:re , fplo t i b il.t , ri a,l, s ,w itt a la nythi ng. 3~-1e... Youritrulyi e r !J. It:I3I3.AGG. - The Itesloraure pot up In betties of three sizes, vizi large, medium; Mid small. The email holds - half a pint, and retaliator one dollar per bottl e ;- the paediruzi holds at least twenty per cent more' In 'proportion thin the swill, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quat; forty'per cent 'Mere in proportion, and retails for three dollars a bottle. N. V 2 ,,,.W i llE i l e DA,,,9o,6Propriptorp, 812 BROADWAY; and ISARffi If'rlt. 110 3 :112 Xstabliehmept,) And eold gote Dnigglete iin ° A Fancy Goode B.fnm!lcw-abi k nowluirkyam " 1 ' 11,0ittli Sorted. •'OIITOKERING , & SONS, him 141611gIng reMovell their,newfrrarerooms, NO. 180,7 OLIESTNIEFT Street, (near the United States faint,) Itreprepared tOOffer to ) thelr-Irlende end the public as sextenslye assortment of, Grand,,Parler-Grand, flatcars and Unrfght "PLANO4OIITES, manatee tared express' firethls city, Sobbed In rations styles of-easesomd yrlees,hieh eanuot-fail- to , please.-- Planct-Fortee made "Warder' to atilt any styla of furniture,rand aU InOrtt ,ments,wrantekto give entire aattafeetlon to the put , chaeQ• , r EGran Viandnwa Pianos to rent, upon the 'most fe, rarotele reeelved.l,-Thlrty-row '67.21DA1.8.' The lint Premlansrorer all compatriots in the United Statos.,,, All_ordereLfor_TO/N, iad. REPAIRING will 'promptly attended to. t - • - • • )y7-dm Di lAN4;I >FORTES. • ~ , - , 1. , itittaissett4o,_bn•teiiiyantat RAVEN - ON, & 00.1NIINNE & OLIA_ A RK HALLBT, Da st 00 and GALTAW.OO.}OIIIIiOI3. MELO °UMW -beenruty, at J. N. GOTADISJ . jib,, fell.• fKirn ..,OfAIRVNITEI, and O#IOTNEM 4a. ' y......: s. 4., ~, Z ".:1T 1:?, i'lgtatttill. , - IliciEttEVN-PA.111•11 1 NON-EXPLOSIVE , 1 14-4BNiSBATING - .oltit , LAMP td the !only `ttf i f. -.. . 4l 4attaßat has ,A,Non•Vonduetoy attached. T trotibltoltrtoeittudned ageing..ol other Burnett., as they will heat, t . explode:. - State and plitimb; pots,rosui.„-Apor,oy.addreee sap P.'11128118- 422 noiDWAY, N,..Y. '11:14'0 - VENTILATING t :41,Witaisitribiv *min* tit's availia - attention of Arebiteat Builders and the publiu to bin MRWQIIIM.I, - PktiItiP'.IOIII4ILBABBIN4 4 , 411 JL ANG,ls(4lthit Ant,Ruatteoß, vrfitottourtaiskiquooloar,upypittoactot duziag the Jest wisSegiihdits kitislabtion. It Is perapiatigeitits to colunppe qm,gases from the cog, SiflYtdg o de ' 4sr the Med teebnontidel, mk t diduble 10iiitare dteltlknAiL '1 7 'a an sizes and pettarnd id Canna's' Bungee, Beth- Bolhas s ilasfl3seneiLowz'Doirrr-ent IMersted:Gratee," Nlireifiliatielp 'Of 4teglettirequat VentilatouVOireplace 13teladAlefilitIVI'atant Chimney %whir the mire of Aniniirehlindllyifilfithiaull Assortment of ill geode my line of bUsinese. Prompt attention paid to Range and Heater ,repair hig, and prices :educed to nit the times. • CHARLES WILLIAMS, (Late Baker k 11112-SM WS (old 400) AIABBAT pines, 4 .‘ • r;VS..... } :' " 1": ' ,OR IITI:f11119 A. ( l3?c?A(t (rt ,4 FZIM=7 T110NA13 ,14 41033"8$ - I.l.l3,e,,thmtiatearte 001 ITITIOMMI . APPITs (Formerly Nos. fly 9 1"1 e T qthri ,Airl? REAL ESTATE+ 1:1E DA_ __E XT" detsleguba mien iiontetnrne %Wit& scriptioas or all the property to be sold mai Tuomiar rtext. 91st instant, with a liet, of 'sales - 20th ,PePtee , ber tad bth .oetehermiciaa AmpßaA , 91%prepelt,y 4 at private ,• , YALU troCES`ANE :REAM ESTATE - 'Seventh Pall Bale, alit ileftteinber, , At the,Exchange: Eighth Pall Bate, Aith. September, on theikrerniveL,i Ninth Valt, , Ealp, 28th September,: at the Exchange. Tenth Pall Bate, etilliatot,ar, at W40110 1 )0 , " - Eleventh Pall Sale,pth - betotter, , at the Exchange. 117' Part of thelliteMbillif of the-aboie'leateirnoir 'elutsr.l r'k" , 'Nu , • 'early.- BALL—TO 1100E8EIALEES. The fitty.first regulav!PlilladelphiA Trade Sale will jeommence on refoOdaYl2;th that. • • " Irr Cataloguee now rim*, ' < HEAL ESTATE` BTOCilleoka• Publia Sales at Alm.sphlladelplitia,E?iha9r every ;Ptiesday Everting: . ~- • - , ID": handbills °Lest% tedisirtyLiestiedamidrately, in ad d *lira* 4101 eh totk 'the Saturday previons :to each sale, one thousand catalogneein pamphlet form, ;Wing fall deseriptione•of all the proper,..„.fa_be bold On thifollowfiaTißiadayAt.r .rl- ., '1 • • .' fuitNrrima Bette AT Tina - AllOTIOlg sTORB every The4lhly morning, - : hEAL,ESTA,T,E.47,II II TATE,SALI. mrr have a large , ateitteet of, oki Nits,te 'at vat - sale, .le.elnelug, - ,eyery" Aeadrlpticia ' of - City and amin e try property. Priptild .1,45t4,41,1tik be;bad, at:the auction "• • ' " iRIVATE EAPE,ilEolwr - Bn. • (p' Beg zeitie enteredo our Privet! Bale Re deter, and,odyhrtieed hocaaionally , - oar .Rtiblie Bale Lbetraete,lo,,hlah'4,oo, o,oopiee arti'printed weekly,) tree ',debar:re x-600 BUAItE6 soffulnitakti.rAYls4TloN Co: is,.,qn.TEmdAY , - Septinplier 2I ~,At 7g oNiodk, at th e Philadelphia Exchange, rampant or thou it may concern= • 401 ehgroa l Schnyllrilt Navigation Company preferred dock. ' Alio, for other aebounts- • - • , $.OO Delaware Mutual Safety Inturannii company salvo 125 shores Denneylearns patent Chimney and Venti lator Company, par .8211—full paid.' L, • • . Also, fraharesialAnerican,Acaderoy of Moab, with Elut ion Gclsot:^. • , 50 shares Phlladolphie, Germantown . , and Norrhstown Nallroad Company. - Alm.forl(Cdount:nf l whent It may concern—, - $1,(00 per cent , bond Gamete% ltallroad CoinPany. Ales, 15-ehares ,A.Merionn Mutual Ineurance Comps. BY—,inkr-5 12 , • • - < Also, wltluint reserve, for account of whom it may coraern— 100 ;hares Little BetneylkUl Navigation and Railroad *vmp rit n lll a rT e ll . BALL i3ALN:—BN2TZtiIdEIt 2lat. - WiNib:Made— " ' ' TWENTY Ii lOK DWELLINGS, ho., Fiat Zieoutorai. Perimptery Sale--Betate or Jeremiah Wel ton. Deceased., • THE.IIII-BTORY BRION DWELLNe, 'and - twO;e7; trams dwelling, Nos. 526 and 628 North Fifth at et with frame ahon he the' rear. , Also, 'two two-Stbri, brick diellinge, Noe. 529 and 581 Chatham street. wit h, twe two-story dwelling!! in the rear. The whole! to .Le eel& together. - - THREE-STORY BRIOIEDWELLING,No. 452 E ranh- 1 lin street, above Noble street. ' - z THRE4-STORY BEWE. DWELLING, N 0.407 aisent etreet:' TIIREZETOEY'IIItION IiTiDREI 'AND DWELLING,' No, 717 Oallowhill street TWO=STONY'IIINON 4 DWEI,LINCti -No. an Omen' THREE-STORY BHTOIt DWELLMIGiNo. 026 Wash imitate strect,,east of Tenth street, Thirteenth ward. lailEl3-STORY' BRIM , DWELLING,INo. 663 Par rish litteet,iast of Sixth street.. THREE THREE-STORY BRION. DWELLINGS, east aide of Peach street, between Green and Goatee, and Beoond sod New Market streets FIVE THREESTORY'BRIOR.DWILLINGS, form.; log s court: Paschall alloy, between Fourth. and Fifth streets, Twelfth ward. TIIREESTORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, No. 'l5O South . Fourth street, between German and Catherine streets.' tars l:l7' adYi Sale o h f the whole estate peremptory.. Patten. ren andbille. , • VALUABLE MILLS, COAL YARD, FAOTORYi fee —The valuable property. known •as the ".Girard Flour Mills,s" coal yard, fee., Ninth street, on the Germantdwn and Norristown. Railroad, above Poplar street, lot 80 by 103 feet, two tread—with extensive brick mill, with superior machinery , large „ brick tory, stabilise. Will yard. railroad tracks, Strai l fa a. Executor'. Peremptory liale,Satate of Geo. ' VALUABLE, RESIDENCE.. COA -HOUSE, STAB BLE, AND LARGE LOT., Delaware Seienth street', north of Arch. - Lot over 64 feet front, 148 X feet deep, IE7 Sale absolute. THREE DWELLINGS.—Three story brick dwelling, l'forth • Front street, below , Phcenix, with two frame dwellidgs in theyoar. on Dope street. Executors! Sale—Estate or Mary Meany, deceased. VALUABLE ,TBREE-STORT BRICK RESIDENCE, .No. 214 Soath' Ninth etreot , berm Walnut street, Lot It feet front. - • VALUABLE RESIDENCE, North' Sixth street Handsome four-story brlcliresidenao, with brick build togs and all modem linproVements, No. 624 Northlixth street,'near Spring Garden street. HANDSOME. MODERN RESIDENCE, N. W corner Of Fifteenth Mod Lombard „attests. Trustee's Sale PENN SQUAEM..-Neat mo4ero, ,residenee, N0 . .1405 Piltiett , etreot, Above Broad, tiOlioAttePann Equate. EIGHTH PALI. 11A1E- - -ON'TIIII ; , Esecators , ,Eisle—EstateOf A,brablim Miller, ' HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENOE,, WITH BIDE YARD, NO. 1831 SPRUOE STREET. • , t ti On'Tuesa.sphtentlng,, - - • • - Sept, 28th, st.-. 10, Wolock, on the, promisee, No.lBBl Spruce street, corner of Sycamore' street, esst of Bioad street,. Lot 29 feet on. Spruce street, 116 feet on Syci mere street., . NINTH BALI; SALE-28th SEPTEMBER, Willinoinde.• , , Orphan" Court Bale.:-Estste of Hilmar mitten'. • A 811:88UAGE AND LOT OP GROUND, Logan street, between Buttourtoo6 cud Green streets , and wee! of Seventh street. ExecUtor's - Sale—Estate of.Deti. H. Warder, Dec'd. tiODLE STREET —Three story brick dwelling, street, treat of Fourth street. , _ _...3IANDSOME MODERN NESIDYNOE, WEST, SIDE OP EIXTEENTII STREET, No. 204, north of iSPrate street, superior stable end coaelt-honee, end large gar den extending to Ranee street. : The whole premises in• perfect order. Riau may be had 'at the auction rooms., 1 . 17' A fa. ge &Olen of the purcha s e money rnayxemain.on mortgage.- , ' NEAT MODERN 11,11.1DENOE, with marble front s ' Bixteeeth street; molt aide, north of Slave . etreet, 20 feet front. .117" Immediate lioaseikion. ELEGANT RSBIDENOE.—The elegant brown-atone reoldence,‘Nd. 1727 Natnut_atreet(oear lAittenhouse Square, with extra modern Improvements, and in tint rate order. - , _ VALUABLE MARKET-STREET PROP E R T Y.:— Three.story,briek store and dwelling, No. 1714 Market street, with five - brick 'dialing( in the rear, lot 23) by 175 feet-,two fronts. - • .Peremptory Bale. THREE-STORY BRIDE STORM AND DWELLING-, northwest, corner ,FentAta, and Wharton streets, late Southwark. " • ' , VALUABLE, CORNER LOT, 55 feet on Twentieth atria," 120 - feet , on Brown ,street 113 feet "on NOW street. within one squire of the - Coates-street passen ger railway, •, 01106011 PllODElttlf.-:-.Three•etory brick church, end largelot of ((found, bfary.etroet,.between Sixth and fiermith; inet Lombard and South streetel- - ' 1 i i • EOll,ll. BRICK DWELLINGS. —Three-story brick dielling,.No. 1116 'Wedd "street, above Duke street, with three brick dwellings in the roar. ' STORE AND DWELLING.—Three-atory brick store and dwelling northeast corner of Twetty-second and Binuswood streets. . • NEAT,iIIESIDENON, No. 38 ,Bath. street, Bristol, Burks county , Ps., It is within forip.,zgusres from the steamboat landing. ' - • ..E.Vetutter4 8.10-41etsto of. William ~D,l,oots,Doci'd. NINE BUILDING . LOTS, First ward, yin: LOT, Wharton street, west of Atistin street: LOT, ionthweit corner of Eleventh and Lents streets. DOTI, 'Eleventh street) loath of Lents street. SOUR. LOTS, Lents street, west of Eleventh area. LOT. TweEttintreet, north of Lentz etreet, and _ LOT, -southeast corner of Twelfth and. Lents areas. MP' Pull particulars In ; LABOR AND VALUABLE LOT, northwest,:cerner Broad and Spruce streets, 320 feet on Broad street, 95 feet on Spruce street and 95 feet on Westmoreland at., one of the most valuable vacant Zeta In the city—three fronts. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ,LARGE MIRRORS, PINE . CARPETS, Ice. Immediately after the sale of tho horse will be sold the entire household furniture. "Salo North Nineteenth Street. HANDSOME . , 21171INITTIRE, ROSEWOOD PIANO, MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS, ELEGANT VEL. VET CARPETS, GAS CHANDELIERS, &c. ; On Wednesday Morning, 22d Inst., at 30 o'clock, In Nineteenth street, second door above Arch street, east side, by catalogue, the handsome furniture; _Yosewohd' 'plane-forte,' 7- octaves, made by Riebonbrak,' French plate, mantel and pier mirrote , elegant tapestry velvet carpet*, handseme gee chandeliers, &c., of a family declining houeekeep log. The kinittire was made to orderiand bee been but little tiled; • • Also, a superior abating machine made by Wheel. & Wilson. , in portent order, and c05e131213. 11:7- Etay„ln easzninul at §,0 , 0100k on the morning of sale. Bale at Nos. 1139 and 141 Booth Fourth street. SUPERIOR PURNITI7IIII. • PIANO-FORTE, EINE !BRUSSELS OfiIIPETIL MIRRORS, &o. On-Thursday Morning, - At B 0 7 0106 k, at the Vial= gene, art eaten/Iva assortment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant piano.fortes, fine mirrors, carpets, eta., from. private tamtßea declinßog housekeeping, removed to the, store for eonveriiinee ATI:LA.I4 AIIOTIONEEB 11E1.:AND 003.51181310 N. BLEROFIANT, 8. A. earner XT/Lsnd RAO/i Stoota HATHANB S LARGE SALE OP FORFEITED dOODS Two THOUSAND PITA'HUNDEED LOTS. Nathan', great gale of forfeited collaterale will take place, at 'loses Nathaies , attotion store, southeast cor ner of Sixth and Race streets,, ' On Tuenirid bfornlng; September Mgt, at 9 o'clock, in the ealesromn, second dory, entrance from Race.street,tind. will consist of the barged assortment of One gold hunting basei' don 'bin' due, and 'double bottomed Englieh 'patent-lever waddles; the'reloid of them in fine 18-karat gold case'', 'of the most approved and Verybest makers; fine gold 'double nese and open face escapement lever and lepine waddles, full Jewelled and plain, In 18-karat gold cases; gold English and Sails watches; impeder diver bunt. ing Caseidouble case, and double bottomed English pa tentlever a - etches, full Jewelled and plain ; silver es capement lever and lepino watches; one hundred silver double case and other English, watchos,,ellver tuartier watches. fine diamond . breistPlus and - finger tinge, One gold vest, neck, and fob chains, fine gold spectacles, fine gold bracelets, breastpine, and finger liege, fine scarf pine, Beal rings, studs. elides, lockets, medallions,. °barrels; seals, iko,4 in.; very fine Old, vlollae, gultare, 'Winch borne, revolvers of various approved makers, double and single barrel gone, silver- ware, port.nion wiles, glaziers' diamonds, and numerous other articles. Iri ,The goods will be numbered end open for exam ination on Monday afternoon. N LA.IIGIO SALE OF FORFEITED GOODS. On Tuesday Id nlng, _ September 28th, at 9 o'clo.dr, at Moses Methane' sue .tlon store, second story, entrance from Race aired, ; consisting of clothing, furniture; books, Laney ertioles, bedding. ko,. 40. . . fl r altiolgare hereafter..,:, V.A.4iVEL..MATHANS, AUCTIONEER', and 'IdONAIf :MAN ` 022108 No. 224 South 2'llll4l3,Street/belinerelnirt, opposi t e, Sear et., only eighttsfong belesethe Inhangs. • IlounrCi heel/mei frond 'o'clock,' A. 114:, until 10 -o'clock In the evening., , 'Clubdoot Ogee; gnu' laieeat AUStion House at.' telpded upon thOmost arttlefactory tonne, _'ooo. -"ltitablithaforilticlaispoo, Thirty Tsars. Atrancee made from 'one dollar tOlhonsaide on Dim Mande, ,13.ilrer PlateMatehee',Jewelrj,lliirdware, Bier ahahafral Ole thhig, intuitive, Redding,°lgen; Mos teal Inetrnmente, Guns, Itorkee, Ourlagee, and Goode of o[Bo deeeription. ' All solidi 'can remain 'any length of time agreed 14014• All adownebe, from one hundred dollars - and upwards' be charge d 2 per oent. per month; 0600 and over, the lowest market rate. TAiestore Rouse having a depth of 120 feet,'hie largo are and thief-proof vaults to store all vabrablee, and pi/ ate • watchmen for the premises; ,algid, teary roes, canoe effected for the benefit of all persons halms' goods advanced urn. -, , N. A. , • , -On.seeount, of liaiing an unlimited capital, this ,01108 Is prepared to make adianoes on more path; faotori and , iteamue.odsting -terms than_ any other In, Money advanosd the'poOy, email aMounte, wilbC mit any ohm*, ;41,T,,: - A'AINATA 841: eold rodent. Levi/ wad other Watohei;Jewelo, aa 11)logthet will be eol4 at twineed prides. iND _GRAY'S IKERRY 'Am , -PASSE ti &En- RAILWAY 0051PAliv— "Notice Is hetabrgieen that the third ineNtiroont to .the capital etoek dde add payable at the office of the Idom'penyi 05 - WALNUT Street, on SATURDAY,. the 58th lnat- a between the hours of 10 and 2 &cloak. . se6-12t *NO. U. ARMSTZONO, Seoiy, SALAD OIL.-25 cases finest Tuscan Lynch 011, In store and for male by WILLIAM 11. YEATON, 210 Poll% Ptre , movirimr upTEAMER , 20, _ _ _ ; Skiicoolt. VIJR,NE - SS, Atalowhkx,,,* N.. 429 suat Evr RTDEET. BALD ..OY.I.MSORTILD DRY GOODS. it'On Tutodnr+MOridan , i September 21. st; at .10 o'Cloilk, by catalogue, on six months' credit -900 paokogee and lets of - alloy and staple imported dry goods. Catalogues atetealnpleg All) morning of Cale. . PARIS COLORED BONNET SATINS, On Tuceday >Morning, 2 cases superior Paris colored borinet Wins. ,c I q , 4'4O I r4VELNcET 'RIBBONS, i An J1;111110' nf ^NOS IV - atiA' 20'eatra goal* black silk-velvet ribbons. PLAIN AND PRINTED BORDERS LINEN-OAIdBBIO RANI KERCHIEFS: - MA large seeortmeot of pleat border 5-8 linenfoarnbrid, ,hoodkerchiefs, 3.4 men's tine to sup•rtine do, 6.8 and ,3.4 new ntrie printed border do., ' MERINO MUFFLERS AND WOOL SCARFS, Rich Loudon printed merino mufflers. Plaid wool ca PLAID .- • • , 1 6 4 PLAID WOOL' SHAWLS. 2 000 5-4 wool plaid shawls. VELVEII'EUGS AND MATS 800 large size London velvet rugs. 300 -do-, -do- ; • doon mate , • LONDON "COLOR .16 °LOTUS:FOE ' CLOAKS. FO pieces London colored twilled cloths. LARGE SALE OF BONNET RIBBONS—' JUST LAND. ED—OF THE IMPORTATION OF MESSRS. 011A0 4"4.2;.EN.,&. AND„OTTIERS. . - Tuesday /Vetoing," ' ' - September 21st r at 10 oiolook— • 200 lots euperior quality, no* style, plaid, ornbte, satin etrlpe r eod -plaids pcult de lade bonnet ribbons, coniprieing a fall asiortment of deslrablo styles, well worthy the attention of the trade FOIL DE 011EVREB•ANDTIAID LAMAS. • 2 CRAPS 8.4 high colored poll de chevron 2 cases 8 4 plaid lamas. -, - • SPEOIAL AND ATTRACTIVE BALE OF VIENNA. BROOKE AND OUENEILLE SHAWLS. OF TUE CELEBRATED MANUFACTURE, ANB.:IMPORTA TION OF LADEWIG k HAYDTRR. On Wednesday Morning, September 224 at It oelock, comprising-- 1,000 Vienna broobe revere shawls, all new varieties of styles and colorings. Alec, 600 Vienna broile lorii-sha*le, is magnifloent new patterns and demigod Also, atoll assortment of °tints dolored '`l/ItENETULD SHAWLS AND SOARES."' • Consisting of the new,it and latest stylee. Alan The attention off Abe trade ii-particalarly, soli cited to this sale. as it compriees a splendid as ortment of all fresh goodef.of this season's Importation, and never before offered at' anotion. • .The assortment of oolors will be-found suitable to title market. BALE,QF FRENCH GOODS. On 'Friday Morning, ' Sept 24th, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on 6 months' credit— -400 packages and lots of fancy and - staple French dry goods. 111 Saroplea and catalogues early on the morning of sale. 113HILIP F.QRD,, ~,A.UOTIONEER, No.: 530 MARIEBT STREET, between PIP= and, SIXTH. south side ROOT SHOE SALE BY CAYALOOME. - • On Thursday Morning, • 23d inst., a t 10 O'clock" precisely, will be sold 800 eases men's, women's, mime. yoitth's, and childrqn's boots, shoes, gaiters, brogmns, ko., comprising a demi -cable assortment for city and country sales 117' Samples, will bo arranged with catalogues early on the morning of sale, when the attention of purcha sers is requested,•- •- INORAIN, YENITINN, LIST, AND RAO CARPETS. On TliniedijMornlng, 23d inst„ Included in catalogue, 100 p'etes extra heaff 'and superfine, all-worsted and wool, rich high colors Ingrain carpeting.. 50- plena 4.4 extra quality, new designs, plain and damask Venitisia of 8 4, 5.5,, 7-8, end 4-4 widths.. , 20 pieces 4.4 wide extW heavy 'Wand rag carpeting.. BItUI3BEpLOARPETINGS •ANti 'TUFTED RUGS- , ' On Thtriday Morning," - 20 pieces rich new etyles Bnaneele carpets. - . 50 pima new patterns extra quality tufted rugs: A. DYSART As CO. L ADOTIONEEES Axil) 15..7• COXIIIOSION hiIIIIOIIANTO, No. 27 South EIOHTU STREET. canter of LODGE'STREP.T. ' ' EXEOUTOftB , BALE OF 001383 MOLD FURNITURE', On Tuesday Morning, We will sell at No. 818 Cherry Street, by order of the executors of (*.Metz, dea , d, the entire household for. niture. consisting of fine nlterble•top tables, sofas, wal , out bedsteads, some very fine Old paintings, lacunae's earpetd, &0., tube sold without reserve. TAMES A. FREEMAN; AUCTIONEER, tP - NO. 422 WALNUT STREET. above FOURTH, - Er Persons favoring us with consignmente can rest assured that their property will not be saoritlced. Voromissions more moderate than those charged by any , other Auction House lu The city. ' • Bicr Corusignmer.is respectfully solicited. ' Salect...bi immediately after the mots are gold REAL ESTATE S This sale will incinde— _ . _ . . Executor' , Hale—letste of Ron. '7..R. Tyson, Deed, VALUABLE LARGE DWELLING-AND LOT, B. W: CORNER FOURTH AND PRIME BTREETEI.—That .valuable thtee•story brlelt-Aratling-houile and lot of 'ground thereto belonging, situate at theft. W. ooresir of Fourth , and Priest. atrtle!s, - 3.4 Diet", front, 104 feet deep. This properly is desirable as a dwelling, for law offices, or could be altered, at small expense, tato a More. _ . • - [Er Part of the purchatm.money may remain. Same Estate, TWO-STORY RlllOll DWELLING', PRUNE ST., Also, the, small two-story brick building, belonging to the setae estate adjoining On the wed, 18 feet front, 38 feet deep. Subject to 818 ground rent. (Subject oleo to an agreement that ripon the alteration or Improve ment of this property the alley at the side is to be widened to 3 feettots India, and to be 12 feet high in the clear.) , 1:17 Part of the purehese.monej may remain. Positive Sale., , . , BUILDING LOTS, LATH SOUTHWARK.—No. 1.4 A ibuilditig lot, south side of Watkins street, 224 feet enet of Fifth street, Southwark, 16 foot lIX by 111) feet deep, to Pielte street. ' • - - No 2.—Alee, a lot, Aloyemeneing road 28 feet belt". Morrisatreet, 10 feet front, 126 feet 2N. Inches deep, to Cubs street. -" Positive Sale. ROUSE AND LOT, TACONF, OXFORD TOWN 811IP.—A house and lot of ground, No. 170, * plan of Tawny, corner of Washington 'trent, Oxford and florlog 'street, 80 feet by 180 feet. Three front* Oleos of to curnbrenee. , , • • • . NEAT THRISE.BPORY.. BRION DirTELLTICO, Ho* , ARD BTRIET;•NEAR-AIARHEIT.—A!neet three-story brick dwelling-house and -lot of ground, west side of Howard street, 110 feet eolith of Market street, 16 feet front, 60 feet deep, to 113 feet alley, Will rent for $226. 660 ground rent.. . • • •• , • Irr Bate positiee. Terme ' !SLOT ,01f• GROUND, RANDOLPH STREET.—A lot of ground - 6nr Randolph Street, 60 - feet east of Waterloo st , eet, 100 feet front, 00 feet deep, $65 ground-rent. eam~sso to be paldon:each of the above when the is struck off. . . Executors' Sale, S. W. earner of Fourth and Prune Ste. PASIIIONABLII ROSEWOOD FURNITURE. 'VELVET OARPETd, ELEGANT CURTAINS, BEDDING, Re. . . On Wednesday Morning. At 10 o'clock, will be sold at the southwest corner of Fourth and 'Prune; streets,by „ order,,of the executore, the superior rosewood household furniture, velvet car Pate, French China, &e., belonging to the estate of the ate Ron. J. , RzTiOod; deed. " ~" - Including superior velve tca . rpet for two perlini;✓ele gant brocatelle and lace curtains, cornices complete,' coats6oo, In net but , w abort time; roeewood sofa and parlor chairs with hair seats, regewOod otenere—coat $9O, roam° , d sofa-table, Sienna marble top; Venitien blinds, rosewood divan, xecewood_table, Egyptian mar ble top; corner luspended what-note, rosewood carved, fa, cy,, and arm cheire, rosewood hat and umbrella stand, 4 oarre&rosewood ball chars, handsome rose wood dressing bureau, cost $00; rosewood Jenny Lind bedstead, cps; $76; straw palliaaters and superior hair tnettieleerOosOwood wardrobes bedsteeds, , washstands, set of handsome chamber ware, cane.imat walnut chairs, &o.; elegant rosewood extension dining table, with case for leaves, cost $00; double 'set of. elegant white, and salmon olnuer china, nearly new, perfeotly'riound, , cost $160; set painted dessert service, plated ware, roes wood secretary and bookonse,'oost $9O; mahogany do. Also, kitchen furniture, stovee, refrigerator, &o , &o. lir The' furniture was nuide'by'White, and la or the beat character. It may be examined early on the day of sale, with catalogues. Exectitere , Bale=-Estate of Hon% ;2R. Tyson, VALUABLE LAW AND MISOELLANEOUBLIBRARY. On Friday Alteration. Sept. 24th, at 3 o'clock, will be sold, at the auction store, by order of the.:Executors, the entire valuable law and miscellaneous library of the fate Non. , Tyson, deceased; including' the Pennsylvania Re ports, United States Digests Wharton'', State Trials, ' Livingston's Criminal Code ' PuffendorfiLeyden ed., 2 vole ; ThomturOoke; 3 vole; Story on Promissory Notes; Chitty op Bills; English Common Law Reports, 44 vole; Bacon's' Abridgment of Bootle's Notes, l lo 'tots; Smith's Law Debates In Convention, German and Eng lish; Hazzard'e Begister;l6 v.,ls ;Law Library, 40 vole; 'Oranch's Report*, 9 'vole; a complete - copy of Cicero , * works,' and many *there: 611SOELLANEOUS.—Also, a - number of very valua ble works, among which are the Expedition to Japan," by Com. Perry ; S. Naval Aatrcnomical Expedition under Lieut. GRIN Commercial Relations; a, number of copies of different vole of the Paola°. Railroad Sur vey; The Congressional Globe; Patent Office Reports; 'tailing Directions, by Lieut. Maim; Richardson's Dic tionary, 2 vole; a handsome set of the British Poets, 60 vole; Madison Papers, 8 vo s; Grange's-Eogland, 4 vole; lieber's Narrative, 2 vole; Thoron'e ,0 vole; Papptend,celf- Panay Rombleht Joutoel; Robert son's America; Paolid's Penneylvaela; ValiarPi;Livee' of Paintere,6 vole; Niebuhr pectoral on Roman Histo ry, 3 vole; Moliere, 0 Vole; Worm, 4 vole. Imperial Gazetteer 2 volsilluchanan's Memoirs of Painters; The Rocky Mountains, by W. Irving; Plander's Lives of Chief Justices; Frost's United goatee ; Allibone's Dic tionary of Authors; Lempriere Notionary; Spanish do; a Nit of *alnablo Golds Books;' Plans, Drafts. &c., for. an American and European tourlet; Bolleau'e Complete, 8 vole; Dixon's Life of Penn; Janney's do; Gibbons Rome, 4 vole; kfacaulay's England, 2 vole; also a num ber of novels, pamphlets, &A. trr Catalogues will be ready and the books arranged for examination before the mile. T uiI ! TBITI f L & CO., impoirEns AND WHOLESALE DEALERS CHINA AND CATEENSWARE, Noe. 23 and 25 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA IL.?" (FLABSWAIIE, open or by the package. an3l-2m FALL STOCK $3 CO 7 s - 3=o - Bc >3T IR. 0 17 , N0.,82 NORTH FOURTH ST., FOUR DOORS BELOW TILE MEM:DUSTS , HOTEL, Have new in store the lergeetanecOment of CHINA AND' QUE4N2WADD In the city, of their own liniortlitiou, to which Agenta, for Allunitaotnied Pittatnirgh Glut ati.26-1m , „ • T . O 8017TH ERN AND WESTERN AT TUT Loirxer 'MARAS . / FRIOIIIB, AT MARXBBN WITT.% Importers, MABONIO lILLL,IIB CHESTNUT EMMET janliay '" SANK' BOOKS '''ANO - STATIONERY. ,11AVII) M. =GAN, blank book Mannfootnrer, Etstloner and Printer; No.loo WALNUT Street, is pre- Wed at All times to farnish, either from threhelveli m or., make to order, BoOlco of every description, imitable for Banks, Rablio Mess, Merchonn, and others, of the' belt ortidlly of 'English or Anorlain Taper, and bound 14,yarhjum styles, irk the'renst ovatitalitin manner. ' Orders for JOB - PRINTINa of every description; Engraving and I,lt4oirtaphimr treouted' with - notation and despatCh. A genere 'eSsortmlut Stigllob,lrOSOh Ammi saki tett° erY. • Concerning Mr. llogau , ireentribittionto the Branklin Institute, the Clommittee say— ,, This display of blank booze for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and then finish awls). puma. soot and appropriate.; 0020-trA REAI ESTATE - BALE-4pIPTESIBER 221, PooMee Bile QtlOita, elasounire, ,tic. Between Market and Chestnut' CUINA .AND QUEENSWARIi they invite the attention of , FIRST CLASS BUYERS MERCHANTS. A largo Block of ,OHINA, ' DLABBWkRA, AND DANDY AATIOLEB, Otattonern. .Al l ,--z 4 1,,..1P1 - 11114-,:',;'i'."3,51 - 't Kialem (Auction. COMMERO/.4„P T Sitoo42 I AUX BANE end I d STRAWBERRY, 'between MA REHT and 01118TNIIT - anlagGOND arid - THlRDstretti. G. WOLIGIGT,• Auoulittcsa • IIIitEMPTORY BALE WPAYLE 'AND)VANCIE7 . . . . „,,L , (FOCUS:, w On adi:l4,6day Morning, , Commencing at I.o' io , efook• - preelself, will 3 1 0 ' 1 0 1 d without reserve, a large, aml , general assortment• of foray and staple - fall goods, coucisting of, viz : - " MOSIEBY GOODS: ' • I (lento' lambs-wool and merino shirts and drawers, wool and cotton bon and ligt home, zephyr yarn hoods, wool scarfs: • t " l• ' • NOWri , ;..Akt-.., TAILORTNG,DOODS, _ • • Also, black' an naiad csastioefes, Denby' panted and plain sattiriets, olilivestings,tolouded,pluilhm Blasi I tin suspenders, silk cravats, silk•gloves,,Fac. EMBROIDERIES. : Also, a- gerferal variety` Branch t end Scotch em broiderlea caopeisting pC collars ileuncings, bands, A. 6,, • Also linen-cambric handkerchief's, infanta , frock' waists; - • EIDII2NS AND MILLINERY GOODS. - Also,' 100 baitoca black alik-Veltet ribbons, fall colors, poult -de sole honnet ribbons, silk trimmings, gimps, &r. ; ; • Also, MEN largo . cotton han dkerchiefs, white and colored spool cotton, silk ties, ellk Woke. Also, a general variety of notions, • JEWELRY. - •. • -• Also, a valuable consignment of jewelry'," er:misting of plod, anger rings, 'ear rings, vest chains, ••• tig- The whole will be arranged for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale /. when the trade and purchasers generally are to attend. 101@ SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (Emcees -11/11• sor to WOLBEILT &SCOTTO 4131CLIEBTNI3T cipiointe the Cnetoin - lionee, between 'fourth lend Yittli Btr.et. BTOOk. OE NOTIONS OF A JOBBING 11017$E. On Wednesday Morning, 22d hilt , at 10 o'clock, the Moot of a wholesale AO tons house deolining business, comprising, viz : HOSIERY. Ladies , white and brown cotton hose white and colored silk and merino hose, gents' and children's cot• ton end merino white, brown, and fancy hose and half hose. „ •; GLOVI AND GAUNTLETS. Alto , ladles', gouts', and oblldreu's kid, stlk woo and We gloves and gauntlets. GERMANTOWN GOODS. - - • - - - - Knit wool scarfs, tamp.* hoods, legging, ?co ~,BUTTONB. Dress buttons, fanny gilt do, mohair and silk coat and rest do; also, peed, bone, and agate buttons In groat variety. 00M139 AND BRUMES . . . . . _ Also, born and Shell' Reading and tine combs, nest quality Var., tooth and cloth brushes. . • , • PANOY GOODS. Also, jet brace - te , and broaches. poste-mom:ldes, purees, pine, needles, tewing•silk, cotton, gro •. The whole comprieing a lull assortment selected for beet city retsfl sales and wBl be found well worthy that attention of dealers. Er Samples and'cataloguel early on the morning of sale SALE OP 600, LOTS IMBROIDERLES, RIBBONS FLOWERS, ko ' ' Ott Wednesday Morning, 221 instant at 10 o'clock, by cattlogne, on a credit; 600 lots embroideries, consisting in part of new s.yle cambric, jaconet, and book collars, sets, sleeves, bands, noonday, &o.• Also, new stela bonnet and trimming ribbons, Trench artificial flowers, &c. , • CLOTHS AND ,OASSIMERES; • Alw, black and fancy French clothe and casahneres - SHIRTS AND DRAWLERS. 'Vero, merino shirts and drawers, white and colorod PAINTINGS AND FANCY TABLE. At the commencement of nabs, four fine oil paint luga;in rich hilt Unmet. Also, a fancy in.ald table. • Leo' •Nolizeo: LN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE orrY AND. COUNTY OF KIILADELPILIA. ELLIS P. IRWIN vs. lILNRY lIO VEY . _ ' piranditionf Saporito', June Term, 1858—No. 110 J • All that certain lotor piece of Ground situate on the northwest corder of Delaware Eighth and Christian streets: In tbo now city of Philadelphia, beginning at the, said northwest corner of Eighth and Christian streets, thence northward along the west side of Eighth etreet forty feet to a point, thence westward on a line rdnnieg parallel with Christian aired forty-six foot three Inches to a point, thence southward on a line thirty-two feet, more or less, to a point on the north side of 'Christian street fifty-two feet west Peet _the west side of Eighth street, thence eastward alung.the 'north tilde of Christian street fifty-two feet to the place of beginning, bounded northward by ground now or late of Richard Harris, westward by other ground of the Said Ellis P. Irwin, southward by the said Christian street, and eastward by the said Eighth street. Which Lot of Ground, Ellis P. Irwin and wife, by Ground Rent Deed, dated the twenty-fifth day of February, A. D. 1851, recorded at Philadelphia in deed-be ok R. D. W., Ne. 151, page 30, &0., granted and conveyed - unto the - said Henry Gorey in fee. reserving thereont yearly Ground Rent of one hundred and eighty dollare, payable half-yearly on the first days of the months of March and September, for ever. N. is.-0a the above Lot of Ground there is erected a two-story Brick Building, The Auditor appointed ' to distribute the fund In Court arising from the Sheriff's sale of the above do scribed Real Estate will attend to the duties of his ap pointment on Thursday, the 231 day of September, 1858, at 4 'o'clock P. M., at his' °face, No. 142, South Eighth treat, in the city of,Phileielphle, when and whore all parties Itt interest are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon the said fund. eelo-10t JPIIN D. COLAIIAN, Auditor.; earpetitt,go. AT WOOD, RALSTON, & CO., 533 MARKET STREET, ASSISTS FOR PHILADELPHIA AND EASTMAN OARUT' AIANUFAOTURBRB, • liole Agents In this city for the AUDIIIIN OARPETINGB, Manufactured by Joetah Barber CARPETS FOR, FALL SALES. DAILY & BROMIER, No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, Are new prepared to exhibit to the trade a very ex tenelve "atoc'n of PINE OARPETINGS, Imported direct from the beet manufacturers, or pur chased at the large antes in NOW York, conslating of • VIII NEWEST PATTERNS (many never before offered for sale) Of VELVET OARPF TA, In single and double widths TAP.KSTRY BRUSSELS, extra quality; , OHOIUE HEAVY BRUSSELS, neat designs. • Also, SUPER THREE-PLY INGRAIN and VENETIANS or every variety of style and quality. Confining ourselves exclusively to the 70811. SYSTE 11, we shallhe enabled at all limes to give our customers the best Gordo, at the ~ LOWESI' PRICES. filarbwaris TRUITT, BROTHER, & CO., IMPOWIII B AND DMUS HARDWARE, CUTLERY, b 2 hIARKBT MUST, , Below Sixth, North side, PIIILADELPIIIA, LAI AULD WAR E.—Tho aubscri bora, Li MISSION ;ERROR &NTS for the eeleof FOREIGN. AND DOMNSTIO HARDWARE, would respectfully call the attention of the trade to their stook, whiels they are offering at lowest rates. Our assortment eon • - slats In pa rt of.= t Chains, of all kinils.Trace, Log, Halter,'Breast, Ox, Clow, Fifth, Back, Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Look, Ship,- Hine, and Ooil The celebrated "L"Horse Nails • Stone and Sledge 'Hemmers. NiZ=EZIEMMI NhMM;IMEIRMI "Martin's" superior Files and Rasps; Bed Sorows. L.Facolaior 1, Safety Num, ; Bleating Tubes. Corn, Gram, and Brier Scythes ; nob Corn, and Maw Ray, Manure, Tanners', and Spadlni(Forke. flakes and Hoes; Shovels and Spades, of all kinds. • Tacks, Brads, Shoe, Olout and Finishing Nails. Coat and Wrought Butt binges, Screws, Locks or all Linde; Cutlery, llamisand Pumps, Axes, Ratchets, Hard- Mars, Places, and other' Tools, Ae. - .1, w G WGWTS SON, ram., • , No. 411 COMMFIL'r °treat. ' - 14rtigi attb elpemiralo. ROBERT SHOEMAIcr.It & 00., WHOLEBALB DitUGGISTB, ilanufseboxere and Dealer PAINTS, VARNISIIISS, ;Ad WINDOW GLASS, Northeast corner 7073DT11 and SAO/1 Streets, Phi ht'delphie. Sole Agouti for the sale of the celebrated Plorefte Plate Olen. ' mh..W-11 VVI.IIS LEAD, ZINO PAINTS, &o.— l l Vii . offor to the nubile White Load, Zino Paints, Colors In Oil, Varnishes, &0., at Ouch redqced Mines that we incite the attention of dealers and consumers to ear stook. ZIEGLER .st, SMITH, • mhlS B. W. cor. geoond and Green ate. SALAMANDER SAFES. • A large assortment of EVANS do WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFAOTURED SALAMANDER SAVES, - VAULT DOORS, • For Banks and Stores. BANK LOOKS, lqual to any now in nee. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS. ko.,- " On as good terms as any other establishment In the United Sta'es, by • DVANS A WATSON,,. • No. 26 Beath FRONT Street Philadelphia. PLEASE GIVE US A HALL. aulS4I 13noinals Qtarbe. A LEX. MaKINNEY, XX. ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREENBUTIRO, PA. ' Will practice in Westmoreland, Armstrong and In Man& counting. JOHN M. HALL, (Successor to Washing ton Fates) GENRRAL FURNISHING UNDERTAKER= • solS-12t* No 1313 VINE Stre.s. T. T. ABRAMS. • • O. A. *ABEL. A BRAMS & MAYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - - . LOCK HAVEN, Pa., Will attend promptly to all professional business en trusted to them. Special attention given to thtfOollec Ron of claims. • • I=3 Gov. Wm. P. Packer, Harrisburg, Pa. ;• L, A. Mackey ) President Lock Haven Bank • General D. K. Jackman, Lock Haven' Hon. A. Wh i te, Lock Haven ; Simon Scott, Lock Haven ; & Fairthorno, Philadel phi_ a • McFarland, Evans, & Co adelphiarEvinm & Watson, Philadelphia; Phil li ' . Price , Philadel phia; Hon; A. V. Parsons, Phil 1a; Taylor, & Co., Philadelphia ; Toner & Davis, - PhiW dolphin.; Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J. W. Quiggle, Esq., Philadelphia. 'fy lao. TDOM - PSON AND O. M. 0-04iAli . ROB OONYEYANOERS. - GROAK, obNAARON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, •p5 -y No. 038 ARON street, below Teak. fiIHAELES T1 TE, COMMLSSIO 2.littEß.• °RANT sod.or:tot of IlitiNA BiGAREI, (Nod) 184 ntalgt a story. , 2.171 r UAUMAN RABORG -2 Intportore and Wholesale Dealers In WINES, BRANDIES, WH__ ,ISREY GINS, and FANCY LI WOES, No. 1017 MARKET 'Bred ) between Tenth end alma% Moto. J• 194 , • • b ,• • An C 4b4;blo4 0CM1467.,::1•" t_4o" *A"R1:1 - iILa.44O.IIDYIPANY, ti2C4l2 WALNUT Strbet, ytii,o l l • IS:•?.. • •- ;• • • IDIREOTORB2. I . • • c lobn HABehl, .:Wm. F. Leech, ' • J. Eder TlBline-Orit.--'7"111% Tr: Truitt, M W. Baldwin;Tbya L. Laders, lam 8 ") • 7 ,?1.-JW.m.IC. w 0 H, )4 ^c " 4 teleWitt; ' ; , • Edain Booth, Lave; john Garrison,' ", Oharlealj, Noitoni: ' H. S. Warne, ' 'Tsaixdfrtyer„, - President—JOHN :Vico Ereside . nt-.E: S. NARNIFI. fieoretat'y.24lHAßLES DIIY. " ••0615•If, ' ;IfN§lttriClN E 00-Ml' N, Or TEL" BTAT.B EENNBTI , YANIA,:LEIBE 'AND M. 'ltlN* t irtatal.ro. 4,EXOITANGE 4tnimiNoB., Ohs: rad.rn Capital' s2,oo,ooo+Asseta,',.7...anu= cry 1408, 5 8 41.; - , , AIL/wooed in. soundrind available sesurithial-Ontt ' ,nue.to liuktie on YorlfieLs and Cargoes, Buildings, 'or : Marohandisa, dr.0..• on liberal terms., • •„ DTHEOTOBB: , -Henry D,Eiharrerd, , • George :IL Stuart, .4.4nOnnToh,y, , , Samuel jr., °hakes Macabister 3 Tobias Wagner, ' WM/2MB. Thomas B, _Wattson, John B. Budd. - Henry G. Freeman, White,! • : ' -0 14rujes • " George 0.• ,HENRY. D. HEI.BREEBD, President. Ittarni, Sioratary., ", • je94frni.iX' • MERICA.N- FIRE INSURANCE .00., 'INCORPORATED mo.-atratrs.R. ERIC P'ATUAL. , • „. • , He. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third,i'hiladdlphin Having a large pald.np Capital !Stook and Surplus Invested in sound and available Seeuritleareontinuet, insure on Dwellings, literal!, Furniture, Merchandise; Vessels in Port and' their Cargoes - , and. other Perscund Property.. All Lollies liberally and, promptly adjusted. • • . - DIZ7OSORI3. . _ illorgeAbbott, - •, John T. Lewis, John Welsh; • ' • , = Caspar W. Morris, Eavart . el o.lilorton, • -41aineti•It. Campbell, ' Petrick Brady , • ' ' tlildrnund Irutilh - . • ' • • • Charles W. Itonliney. - • • ~,,1 , 4 5911,41:-ABBOTT,'President.'•• 1 , 11 (Ali El It:MARIS. R6dretavv. ' isati-v :Vasks ONLY . VAIC.EN , ?- -m.• GIRARD FIRE ANDMARINE INSURANCE COMPANY r Philadelphia. 01110 e No 410 WALNUT Street, (Schuyikill Navigation Compaurs CAPITAL, 8200,000: - • DIRIOTOBS. , . ... .“ , Wm. Wm. M. ....... 0. .Badman, , --. [of Public Ledger. :C D. Shoemaker, John Anepach, Jr. ; Jer. Walker, H. N. Burroughs, Thos. Craven, J. 8., Hughes, • Francis Peters, Wm. 8. Boyd, H. R. Ooggsball, Coo. W. 'Woodward, ' Tao. McClure, Jue..W. Claghorn ; ' Joseph Hlapp,lt D. • •, • • •'' " Hon.J3lel, JONEA r Preeldent. " • ' A. 8. OILLBTP, Vice President IA B. B. ALYORD,l4earetary. •. • - • . 2jygfi-1y VORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COW A-1 PANT, No. 391 WALNUT Street, -Philadelithie. CHARTERED CAPITAL - - $500,00 . 0 SIRE, MARINE AND INIiAND. - ASSETS JULY let, Bonds and Mortgages, Btvilds, &a" ' 5349,625 00 RBIS Hineliable, (tor policies Issued, ) ' - 2,137 70 Tlnsettlsd Book Accounts, (for poliotes,).,.. 1 513 83 5/ash Is Bank and In Office 10,483 45' Oak In hands of Agentaand Cormipandentir 1,399 . 81 ' 366,1.48 34 No losses 1/61142484 11111,11111, or reported. - • ' ' •• • DIRECTORS : ' - William M. Godwin, ~ 8: R. Crawford, ,Tamee W. Queen, '. • Jim. L. Radnor, George W. Rail, - ' Vrilliantal..Themas, D. Franklin Jackson, B. N. Winelow, , , , ' J. C. Itipper, - . Henry D. blears. - . - I Vild.ll. GODWIN, President. J. 0. Horne, Secretary. r rarlo-dtf , rITY INSIIMANCE COMP - ANY, No. 110 1 1-> South 011RTH Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital '- ' ' ' $2OOOOO. '•"' • • • iOrganized 1861; Privileged to frame Henson ; enntially:or poipettially'; Personal Property, -annually, or (or a less period ; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks; receive ppOta ; hold Trusts and grantennuities • • • • ' ALFRED WEEKS, President ' 0. TYLER, Ylee President Jr W. MAntran, Secretary. ' DIPBOIOIS. - Alfred Weeks, Hon. W. D. Halley, B. 0. Tyler, • "' ' J.W: Forney, .1' , ..W. Bauder, P. B: Mingle, C. It: flicking, • • James 'Watson, J. L. Hutchinson, , Ludlam Matthews, J. W. Stokes, , . William Curtis, iela-ly • G. It. urner. • • urri: INSURANCE AND TRUST 00M ' LI PANY.I.--The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INBURANOR COMPANY: Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOOR Streets. Capital, , $612,725.08. • INBURBOLIYRB for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chase's life interests in Meal Estate 'and - makes all contracts depending on the eantingeneieh of Life. They Act as , Executors, 'Administrators, Assignees, , Trniteas and Ovardisne: - - - • . • 'Denie'l L. Miller, - -Samuel-M. Stokee f 4 Benjamin Coates, Ittehard 8. Newbold, Tames B. McFarland, WillianiT: Hanker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Ruston, - Tninnal Huey, TheopkUns Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edinund A. Bonder, Henry. C. Townsend, Daniel Z. Flutehineon, itodolplrus Kent, John W. Rana, William H. Carr,Mlle 8 . Archer, Rdward T. Mott Samuel J. Ohrietlen, William Ilebertami; , - Joseph M. Thomas, Warner MAtaalu, ; 7 i John a. Brenner, P. B. Michler, Easton. . DANIEL LALILLNR, President. - SAMUEL B. STORM; Vise Pres% • Jong W. Homan. Secretary. rdEteli COMMONWEALTII • • zNairaeNom COMPANY, Or UM - !MATH OF PENNSYLVANIA. ••048I01_, NORTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT , OTBRETS, - PAILADIMPIKIA., Rubtortkod Om,ltwl, 8600,000. - . ••,• -• • - YAM up Ospital,B2o9,ooo. ___. _ anucroze. - -- - Dr. D. Jayne, • Thos. 8. Otewart. H. L. _Renner, 7. 81.13fitler, • J. hi. Whitall; - ' I. K. Walker, ' Z d w. 0. Knight, M. B. Wendell, 'H. Lewis, Jr.;- • • . ' • ^ 87B:: Ilossde. . ' ' . - • DAVID lAIIOI, K. D. President. , . .THOMAS 8. IITHWAKT, The Preset: • Bi.weas. 8: Moos, Secretary. • ' , - is29-3r .11ELAWASE ' MUTUAL -"SAFETY IN- A, BU4ANCE COMPANY.. , INCORPORATED BY'TELIetdISLATIIIIII of PUN. - ' ISTLVAIIIA; '1855. • MICR, S. N. Corner THIRD and WALNUT Streets, ennunitt:viria. " • 1c1.4121N.E INSURANCE, , „ 'WC TR813.15118, CARGO ' To all ,putt of the World: ' • . _ raingior, INLA .1i INSVRANCES, - On GeodS, by Raver, Canals, - Lutes' and Land Cattiage ' " - - '• td 'oll4sta 'of the Union, ' FIRE INSITRANCIES, ' ' . ' iiniteiotuutilisetenerally, ' • ~ ' , On Mores Dwelling Houses &A. ' • " .eadras op Viol odhausr,- ' ~ . floremben2, NM , ! , nondO, liortingeit, and Reel Estate . . 5101,859 95 PhilidelphiaLlity'and other Lome • ' 181,011 '25 Stock in Bents, Itsilroads, and , luau/wine '- ~ ' Companies- • ' ' t'' 12,505 CO Bibs Receivable • „ • 220,291 90 Cash on hand • 88,892 88 Blanco in hands of Agents, Premiums on . . • Marine - Pqlioles reeently Issued, on other , • debts due the _Company 02,780 57 Fribccription Notes ' ' 100,000 00 PISTOLS, !co , ' William Martin, - - James O. Bend,: — loakOß - 11:11e - sa, • •-: TfiedjAdlna - Pauldinsi• • lalinund A. Solider, Jimea Tragnair, - L Jobn 0. Davie, William Byre, Jr.,' :John It: Penrose, ' J. P. Piniston, , ' Georgell, Leiner, , ,' lostitui P. Byre, • 'lt loard. Darlington, , Samuel Z. Stokes, - Dr. IL M . Huston,• .', ' Henry Moan, Wm. 0: Ludwig, • James B. McFrland, Hugh Craig nouns Q. Hand . Sponeef Mo i llvain, Dobert Barton, Tr. Charted Key, , Yno. B. Semple, Plttlbgtt., H. Jones Brooke i et , ' Dr. T. Morgan, Yates P. Joned, ,y, T. Logan, t WILLIAM MARTIN, President. , - • THOMAS 0. BANQ, ' ylee President: • .. EtZNIW,,WITABQB4I:IIOreury. ~_ • '" jasi.7 • • plux INLAND, p,ISK4.—FAME INSIMANOR oomPANY. Capital. $100,01)0. (Organised under t he Act of Assembly relative to In Surma° Companies, passed April 2d. 1826.) • (*NORGE W. DAY, President. • THOMAS H. MARTIN,' Vice-President. • WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Office 411 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. • • George W. Day ,• '1 Jacob K. Vaughan, . 'William W. Walters, Henry Lewis Jr., Charles Richardson, D. B. Birr iy,, Barclay Lippincott, John W. A'verman, Joe. R. Brognard, A. H. Rolenhohn, Chas. Stokes, • fe244 -M. Stern. • expres?l . QCompaituo. riIHE ADAMS EXPRESS..OO.,,OFFIOE, .111: 820 OHISTNCIVSTBERT, forwards PATIOILS, PAOHMIIIB, MICROIIANDIZE,JBANK - MOTES and SPEOI.II,-either by Its own LI MES, sr In connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES od the United Staten. 1 , • •, 0. RANDYOED, ficesral lineerinteedet: Cobatto anti Cigars. (MGARS, OF FAVORITE BRANDS Na and assorted ekes, carefully seleated,by OWI3 house at Ifavana, in store, and received by every arrival from that port. - • O. FUMINT •& SONS, el'l•Sm • • • 216 South FRONT Street. IGARD . , CABANAS AND PANTAGAS AUG/LBS.—A. -choice Invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig "New Xra, daily enyected fron, amvana, and for sale low, by OHARLI4B TAU, (New) 188 Walnut street, below Second, snl - Second Story,. D R. BARNES' CAMPHORATED EXTRACT OP GINGER This Medicine has, by its own merit, 'gained a great reputatioh. It la composed entirely of vegetables, and Is made from the formula of a distinguished physician, used by him itt the cholera of 1882. It does not contain Opium In any form and never constipates the bowels. It is equally efficacious In mild and aggravating attacks of cholera morbua, Ithas cured cholera after the " rice water , t dbieharge.had taken' place. The cramps and pains of cholera morbus and dysentery are in a few minutes dispelled the stomach, and the bowels restored to a healthy action. If this remedy were need' in the premonitory symptom, dysentery , that dreaded disease, would Sod fewer victims. Read the recommendations of the railroad conductors who pave used It kir several years, in the Circulars. For the cure of NAUSEA, NERVOUS DEBILITY' °RAMP; OBOLIO, PLATULBNOY, and. RICK HEAD ACHE, It has no equal, i - DYSPEPSIA of ever tirentliesrsi efunding has been cored by it. The weakeit stomach, by twenty drape taken after each • meal mity be restored to a healthy ac tion. Nervous tremor , the iewalt of excessive drinking, is at ono° eared. It has prevented attacks of dellrluoi tremens,- =,:* Two . or three dens is enough to cure seueickness, •It the'thost williable of its kind in existenoe, end Is Sri pretionfieed byphysiclaos who are tieing it in their wadies— Al a PREVENTIVN of PS,VSKS, this/their' pietalenoe in Autumn, taken In-doses of thi drops, when the stomach and bowels are consti patedor In an opposite state. it will so prepare the lyge o m w l e to ovinw r o y m pi tLl7 liability to an attack ma of Persons w e l r io or mre suffered In health from Agile and Peter have boon restored to health by thls wonderful remedy, No one should be without It.- • - • Prepared only at • .• 333 CIIFISTNUT Street. • Sold atateres throughout t . lcie United ?totes.. A very liberal dbmount made to re ors. au2B-1m AGICEREI, —260 bbls Non. 1,2, and 8 ILL Mackerel, now landing, and for male by 0. 0. SADLER & CO., peg Aral Pt./ a99 9 / 4 4 d9K OP) 4:0/3.1 =MET . -'CatECO*O MAIL )31tt414 ) i - §E "- 'HUI MALL, TERM lotjhla InetltutiorT, • tion is one of rare beauty and iittraetide), P op-the 10th of September.,-.4 , mily Boarding School for Girls, and Mitionfiniti,s4l o o4 wet all Streppoinigionts,the,ntimber-Of papilii Is limited to those who can; be des44,,AVl- 4 t 4 iTe bloat theTrincfpil. , • • 137` CIRCULARS, .1 , 111.14 ' pent stioving„tinitiV24,. Regulations. fDstaiiiiiiienesee to., N. Y., .54PtiOgii! ,— ../. 858 :4 0/3 9pIIITION IN THE. PH eiCTICE: AND JL, . PRINOIPTAB OF PIANO-FIDME MUSIC; ST Mira lIELEN'SARTAII•f, TWI SANgOli.!- St. -asl342tes QT; EPISOOi' - AL4C,IAPEDIr; LOCIIST.STREET, West of Sixteenth; iis* now PIMu for the ieCeptiOn Of 'pupils The'• arringement -of i the !Classes affords pectilitst advantages , to those !their' education there •, ar.d• a large portion- of- UM , in :daily given, eepecially.to smeller boys, to study dorl. , tg. :school houra, eo that psients nifty :tot ap ed the' nem,- !any of teaching their eons at home.- ^ ' Clobiectid with 'the Acidenly 'ls •aPreparaiory De partment, under the charge of a highly competent lady] which is deilgtelid tbir boys between the age, of six and 'ten Years.. From this Department bop! are advincid to the PrfiMipalbs an soOn as their piorobag warrenta it. .T. 4NDILF)YB HARRIS, • • !TIM ISS 0. A. BIIRGIN.wiII open a Beljool .171 for a limited number of YOUND LADIES, st-913: WALNUT Street, on MONDAY. SeptilS, For pedlar larpbappg at the School-roopaibetween 10 and-12 M. ciIIITTENDPNPA P 11. I :14 /1.1)E L PAL i:A. gLi oommEnoin OOLLEGM, aorthennt. corner -of OREEITHUT aid. BIVENTEIDtreete. ",. • ';. ..,. An Inettntion deal s'... od "to ft young men f or AO . T 1. 1 711 DIIBIRESEL' :A . . •-• .., - .-..•-. = , - , '' • .S • .e.:,.gy BOARD .97 inuerm._ ~..W i , B. Gcnni, ~ , " Yranold }l ° lll -- '- George H. Bimini, . , ' Dayid dilint i ~ , Bohn gigi a rk, ~ . .., David B. Brown. Ism - „ A: V. Parsons, ' D. EL a_ i I 2 4 , , rOlimielc Brown, "• , ... J'ilikusVppliAo,#. EVENING SESSIONS aTtereepit'Auber. 15th. • Each Student has INDIVIDUAL INNINt O :O9,II. a t tatti; lIINUAILAIOIL and a Diploma from 'here b eat re , commendation young man .fmn have, for ,M;1 41,31 1E . good situation. CAT among may be -had on application at thd , '. _ - , IVI R. LOUIS. S. IL BEES *lll ici-open' his .1-YM Morning SchoolYozinete.dies;l2SS Spruce street, on WEDNESDAY, Sept. Itth. anSU.lni* 1110 t .KENDALL'g CLASSICAL AND e BCIIOOI,I, 12301,00115 T 'Dtkeat, will re-open MONDAY, Septem ber a An25410# IjIRS -BARTON's, BOARDING and DAY , SCHOOL 'YOH YOUNG LADIES No. 1929 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphic—The Winter TOrm . will open on the second 'MONDAY In September. Tor circulars and particulars apply alums. „ ' mi244m inLASSIOAVI_NSTITIIVE; DEAN Street,' below Loaliet.—Daties iesuoied MONDAY; August., 80th...• , „ ,J. W. B,4IRES, A. M., " Pr ial T HE GERMANTOWN , ' ACADEMY will reopen September 6th, 1858 The Prinelpil will 'receive a tow good boys into his fetallj. - • sti2l-.lm'T B. WITIIINGTON;_r 4=41E1. PROFESSOR SAUNDEW INSTITUTE FOS BOYS, at the WEST PMhADERHIA.,IH 2 THE FARE IE PAID FOR THE PUPILS On the Railways end Omnibuses, fromaq'payteW! the city. - - - Lia 7 See advancement Sn another column. aed-IM HERAN ALLEN, A. IC, Teacher of the Violin and Piano. Mr. Allen may be applied to at the residence of Me father, ProLampe Allen, No 215 South SBNENTEENT/EL Street: THE - SUMMER STREET INSTITUTE FOE YOUNG LADIES, plies D. B. 1111D.T;Princi pal will reopen on MOND alr, September 0: For Circulars, &o please apply at the Institute, No. 021 SIJAIZVIER'Street. . - anSO-lm* • nAILILAD-SINGING., GUITAR, and the French Language: , Vocal Clams, Ladles only $0 per Mutter:" .R. BISHOP, ed3l'-2tt*• • - • • " 1202 FILBERT Street. rk'DONNELL'S .BOOK-SEEPING IN STITUTS, Soutbasat comer EIGHTH and /ROSE Streets, devoted exclusively to Instruction in the bust ness'Xif the Oonnting.house. Open day and evening. See Circulars. - se9-1m - . EIDY BROTHERS', NIGHT-SCHOOL, J.AI Nan. 148 and -150 SIXTH :Btreet, near anon, is NOW.OPEN TOO VZ INSTRIIOTION IN 11001C-KEEPINH, WRITING, AND AIERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. INSTRUCTION IN THE DAYTIME, AB DATIAL.; k".; ASHTON's INSTITUTE FOR A—F. YOUNG .LeDLES, No. 929 AllOll Street, four doors below-Tenth, north side.—The Fall Term wilt commence on P4OND&Y, the 6th of September, ' The object of this Institution is to impart to young ladies a sorted practical_ education, in the branches fancily taught in the tirst-cjasaSecolutuies. With this in view, the Institution is in the 11011/10SSIOn of all the' modern and improved :edueational appliances ; among them is au extensive Philosophical Cabinet. - • - The school=room,which la one of the best adapted for its purpose in the country, is now open for, the visits of those who feel interested in female educe; Gott. - • sar2s-If , THE ERENOH LAITGA7AGE and LITt - RATURE, by Prof. GERARD, A. M , No: 3008 CHESTNUT Street. Students will find new attractions in their studies' by the nee of the Cabinet des Feel" he has just published.' 'N. , 13.-:-Partieulsr atlentilin 'to pupils intending to visit Europe as to conversation in* - French.• • ; [l:7' For particulate, see.CIROULANS. • • sela mwtsfrlatt" . Ifi'IDUOATION TOR YOUNG LADIES. The duties of the SPRING GAREPEN INSTITUTE YOR YOUNG LADLES will be resumed on MONDAY, September,m. GILBERT COMBS, A, M., Principal,* • • Noe. 601 end 011 MARSHALL - Street.' Philadelphia., •CASEY AND -MRS..-BEEBE'S MI 'BOARDING AND DAY 8011001, -7/011.YOUNEI LADIES, N0...1708 WALNUT. Street; went of SEVEN TEENTII, Philadelphia, will ebe , reoopened on WED., NESDAY, the fith - or September. , an2-2tn*, I..IRY.A.NTFc STRAIVON!S 0114.1.1U:OF ..1-1 NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Pbl. hulelphia College, &abase., corner ,SEVENTH and -CHESTNUT Streets. ' Par information, cal/or send for circular.• EVENING SESSIONS HAVE cOgantiOgD., ioa VV :G. E:.AGNEW'S INSTITTIINSTITUTE..' YOUNG LAMES, 1111 NINE , - Street, on MONDAY, September 6t h, re-open its twenty-ninth session, Fors oirculars containing term Ice., please apply to • W. G. E. AGNEW, Pr/Emilia!: au23.lm* - ,1711 V/NE Street. , 911 HE -SCIENTIFIC "AND CLASSICAL ./NSTITIITiI, ODEnTNIIT Street, northweit cur; ner of TvewLyTU, reorna on MONDAY, September 8. Tile la a luperior : institution of, Learning for boys and ybringfiren., The faculty conallta °leis Professore In addition to the English and Olaasical branelfee;there is aupccadded ' an extensive_Saientific depaltment with large collections' cif Philosophical and Chemical appa ratus' And' specimens of objects In Natural History,. Terms, 12.6 per quarter. For boyannder:twelve . yearn of age, - 120 per quarter. Entrance on,TWELFTIr Street. --" ENN/13,1: , au27-lm ' ," Principal. QPRING GARDEN AOADEMY FOR k. 7 YOUNG IeIYN ' AND BOYSLlNOrtheset corner :a Mal% and BUTTON WOOD• Street'. -.Pall Session opens Sept. 6th 1858. The principles of Morel enasion ,, have been Incoeslifully adoptea at this Lustiz tntion since its establishment, and- parents entrusting their eons into the hands of the Principal can rest as pired of their good treatment and sapid advancement. Pupils received at any time andAgh:latalognes far= Dished gratnitocusly. Parents ore ted.to visit the school. P. DON VY LONG, an26.6w 103,186 81 VENTRAL INSTITIIT.E. 2 L.ENGLISH AND OLASEGOAL BClloo4.—Will be re-opened MON DAY, September 6th. TItNTII end SPRING GAMIN Streets. = • IL G. MoGIIIIIN. A.M.. es23-6ar* - - • Principal. DUFF: & CO.'S ItEIiOAN -41:Tijm“-7,4. TILE COLLEGE; Southeast corner EIGUT,FI and CHESTAIIT Streets, (act/dished in 1840, and incorporated dy the LeKistd tare of Penneylvania.) In this welt-known Institution the - COUNTING HOUSE COUBBB of Practical, Single,' and Dot:ibis - Entry ', . • " BOOIMEEPING, ' : - ..., Including all the AUXILIARY Booms, COMIAEROLAL CAL; OULATIOSB; and - ' - . . _ BUSINESLOWRITING, is taught In the most enc.cessful and satisfactory style. : K. ItOOllE, • Prinelpals. P. EDWARDS, au2l-ly . Ma. 88. EIIITON, Penman. RITTENEIOUSE ACADEMY -= The Eighth Session of this Institution for Boy' will corn- LityEENESDAY, Pepterober I, 18b8. Booms t corner of CBES mum and EIGUTEENTII 8 et. Entrance on Eighteenth street, LUOIUS BARROWS,' an2l-1m JOHN WESTCOET, principals. EDGEHILL SCHOOL, • PRINCETON, NEW JERBEY.—This School is adapted to those who desire their sons to have a careful preparation for College or for a business life. Thorough inehmation is given in English, Mathematics, Aske,ent and Modern Languages, do. The instructors aim, mot only'to have their pupils thoroughly muter fundamental principles, but to form those habits of thought which will' render future and higher attainments rapid: and -easy. Decle mation,.Composition, sod Debate are practised in the Edgehill Literary Society, which embraces all the pu pils of this School. For particulars, terms, ho., ad dress REV. JAMES I. HELM, or au11....2m REV. JAMES P. HUGHES, Principals. I _ONG'S SPRING GARDEN -ACADEMY, AA N. N. corner WIRTH and BUTTONWOOD Ste. COMMEROLEL DEPARTMENT:--13ook-keeping in all Its various forms; preparing Students •horonghly for situations in any branch of buslirseu,• Plain and Ores mental Writing; Commercial Calculating; Law and Cor respondence. No`institution in the United States gives a more thorouga and practical course. In this depart 'meld no teaching is done in - idsems," and is 'open DAY and EVENING films unlimited. - • METEIBMATIOAL. , AND - OLASEIOAL DEPART, MENT--(Separate Fula the 00.10 Young Men and Boys are prepared for any ride of an English WA Oho. sisal Education, vie : f3pelliog, Bending, Wriling,JGram. mar; g e ography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, &a.; ancient and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. ' &WO= Or 6 months Ooramenee.:September Ist; and February let: Pape received at any -tine be fore or after these dates and charged selaOrdingly. Cata logues furnished gratis.- - - • rahls-tf • v. -nmauprjr. 11140tririaL _ T"- GREAT STANDARD REMEDY OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY: THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE FOR PURIFY ING THE BLOOD AND STRENGTHENING THE WHOLE SYSTEM. The Imperial Depurative, prepared by Dr: Lonna berry Jo Co. is now acknowledged as the principal Family Medicine for the cure of CANCEROUS affections and BOROPULOUS diseases generally. The success which attends Its use in these inveterate diseases has no squall It is now used in these diseases with complete success, where all other means have failed. Two or three bot tles will satisfy any one of its great curative propert es. HIP DISEASE and Waive SWELLING, ULOSHATIONS of the 1302100, MOUTH', THROAT, &O. Its beneficial and healing characteristics are soon observed in these com plaints. No matter of how long standing they may ham been, they will yield to the proper use of, the IMPE RIAL DEPURATIVE in a short time. TETTEK and SCALD HEAD will as Certainlyyleld to this" medicine as it is used. Diseases of the Skin and all eruptive complaints generally cannot long remain after using a few bottles of the Imperial Depurative.- Its Tonle properties, as well as Alterative, render It valiable to weak and delicate femalei. The great purity, strength, and value of this Family Medicine Is unequalled in the Once of all diseased origi noting in an impure condition of the blood. It expels all the virus or diseased matter from the blood Andre. invigorates the system. . Those using the Imperial Depurative and wishing ad vice intheir case, will receive every attention by otter or otherwise. - Prepared and sold by Dr. LOUNSBERRYdc co., No 60 North FIFTH Street, below Arch, Philadelphia. : For sale also by J. F. Long dr Co., ;ammeter, Pa. J. H. Ramer and' S. S. Stevens, Reading, Pa. Mho* & Co.dllarrisburg, Pa. 0. W. Epting, Pottsville Pa. T. & C. W. McClintock, Easton, Pa. James Given, Westchester, Pa. Schmidt & Co., Allentown, Pa. Simon Rau, Bethlehem, Pa. Dr, 11, W. Leslie, Bristol, Pea *4 Ansots rapt% 9341-141001099 A • INMEMI Erni 11 - - _ Aieg ittef , TraiiL betweeirßeading Lehyes Reading daily (BoAdaysexcoitod) at 6 .1 , L. , 601 et Ildigelph , 3o,ot 1404.,*;... 194 May/[!:7 laeotenger* tiy lave - Dyer 1 hoard in &Oh% tolttrro rettimin# or letylog :de4¢•lmvrsn W. 31.MoILUENNSY, 4oretarir. . I TWRIAAND READING.RAnd; - It - WM= PAST PREIGEIT -LINE .—Yreight thaw leave the Depot t .E.ROADlitreet,lolowlllo, , daily ) tel Buftisloop-331 4 48p,. Clansee, Detroit, Ohmage, milwaokio, Dekoinei . St. loonie;:evl it teime= . Title bithe eltorliet itrateta• Meade and :tbe lake Po/141We goods forwarded with greater dwpatak tQ tthe itixere mat* thaw by my other route. - :user or Num nut 100 as. ' MMMIMMWM IaIMM y'izoit:'...:”. '•:ta 20- • - 93' • • ' 73 ' a 2 . V4o' - , , . r so - Pr 1 ,miti in iWollek brzsil.ill the wayjnot 14 mattes: 'l f 33 . 1 - 1, " - - _ ,' " - •-•± , N .,.. wiL .if. Eliot between' i'bllPaelphla 'aid Elnitra. Mack . 0 . , via Thiladilphia &Di Headline ltialrodar and ~,i2,r t o t.: 4 DePoi% &ma etreA, below Tine; awn. before . 6P, 21. , , • • '- .' - - . to {hie. ..' • - - ii .,,,, ft . thu ire , 'Nation in. revel to tents) dont a t, th e ,,ta rroug h f„i„f 02100 of tbq IlillidlAisNts-• garaonnd Great. Weistb'w 'Mae, D. WI aorner 81Xi 10WHESTNTIT. - - - ' . - : ~, dal3o-y 11” Egt-ti SYLVANIA • Kttna OAD."-THE: paiT,OISTEAt HOV. r .b;• &imitating the At thtleeyrith Western 'Nertii-vslotorsOd South weatersi , Statesitlis- cmantous Bah maY , direst.. TVs, Bead also .4:onset:le./A Pittsburgh wil- 11 ttalktlins - or steamers to el k ' pos4 on the ~ Western and at 0 lorelank And Sandusky' With 33teamets all 'Porto on thellOith‘iresWentLakefl.inshingthe micet-DMOT2 CEERAPEOR.av 4 ,I 3 :IOV .BADTX by wh2ch "refer, -asa imiforgrarded,to and from the OBWAT ?Wm . - .11AT38 BETtlysza nuza.111.71120 , AND Prrr, nr - Gisaitilootii, Ghat, *Mari:and • • . . Gspni Books, Dry•Gondor, {An , bezel - - Wen and tronks), prosy,(labonen ifid bales) Vesthers, Fars. lin * lt*. irli.. l lo. "Nimbi" I:llissa =Dementia Renting. -: • ' "-" • 9 Shbling antE.Tiriting, (in - _ • . • bees), Pigs On csks), Hoolothl - Ftenthor, Liotto,r,, (be caska,) Wail • eer, wooll , and 'atop - I'BIU L Ard " elm par-ilha Nast, -Tilsn sa—Anrilse Hew, Bacon -• b ," Belted, (loose , or in (dry and' in oll,) sacks), ,Panita, is.,,rro d f r ) goo. ear low ens, lencept , , Ten Chinatlinfao; 'Beef; and•Yor.l4 (in nano , (.. -ssattfard),LeattaudLanlol. 'teb • • gods Aish, German Olsj, Tar;ks • Bonin, Steei,, Manufactured `4." •-baisio, Beata Oil, Qnsensware i • Einpr bbls., and boxesia -.„„„ • - 9hc., ;itc. - 400. •‘••• yhous.--160, per Dbl., until farther notice. - (}see 60. par 100 lbs.: until further notice. Otriroll-42 poi bale, not exceeding '6OO. The. weiglifr until farther notice.- ' In chipping Goods' front any Pint" Bait CdPhitidOl. We, be particular to MARI paekake ' s.g PSll3.3YhaMi. ,- RailfOad."' , All Goode consigned to the Ago to or thin RoadLatThiledelphia or Pittstrargh, w il l I:tamarind without detention..; • - Nxiitenr Aoarcre.Glarlie &Go., Oh Packer & & Cd. - Sfemnnie; Tenn.L D. P. Baur& Co: 6t. 'Aro:; , O'Biler&:- Co., Deatterille;lndianat Dinigham, - Douirenite,. 'Kentucky. •, -B. 0. Meldrum, Ataig.94; X I 44X/4 4 ; X. W. Brown & and Mlles . thbbard, Cincinnati; H. S. Pierce & co. Zanesville. -0/ 110 l.heteh & 00., No; 54 %Use& A. Co., No. 2 A stor flouceiliew Yerk, No, I Wiliam at. , New York;' N. J.' Seceder,' Shiladolphie: ; .21figraw & Koons,Baltimore • D. A Stewart,Tttte. - H. H. HOUSTON; General Suitt ' &O. General Senerintenrient. Altoona. is FOR HAVANA, via ORARLER - TON arid• Key West. —The splendid steam shipSADNL Capt. William It ollins. Iwo NEW YORK for H AVANA, on FRIDAY. Oct Ist, toothlog at Charleston and Roy West for mails and psasengers... For passage apply to 131403/ORD, TILEBTON, &00 , •, No. 29 Droarlaray, • Or WORN WAGNER lip. 71Yahin6 street. taFOR CHARLESTON, S. RON'S LINE-ONLY - ItOOI7LAR LINE 000D8 RECEIVED AttiD BILLS LADLIEfAIIIONED: Freight and - Insurance st Ins than-by-steamship if-KEYSTONE . BTATE, II : Carairt ' 0 P. bfarslorinn.. which. la expected to 'sail on Wednesday, Sept. 221, ar, 10 Ociden; from semind wharf above Vine st. leor'lurth,n particulars please see advertisement or Steamship 1, E3Y3TONE STATE,. In this paper. Vox. freight or I...ailiulge aPPY to ' 828 Niel:kWh:two. Trrii..^lSH AND NORTH THE EE AMBIIIOAN„)..Q - UI, ELUL SULU. ... ~ /SOY lIIIW YOU SO LIM- 1M... . _ .. .. 20 Older Cabin Passage 51 Second Cabin Passage.. - ' ' 75 . . ...„.• • - : 14.01( 80111011 TOTLITITAPOOL. - - - -,. Chief gatdn Passage. - - • - -- . , - .. - .0110 Second Cabin Passage' ,-•,_;_ _. c _-- The Ships front ,Boston call at Ralltaa.:" ' - PISSIA, Capt. .7ndkin' s. CANADA, fispt: L . . ,- -- ARABIA, Capt.-I, Pion ,. ARNII.IOAjOapt:WI T...eit ASIA, Capt. M. G.,Lott.L . _. NIAGARA, °Apt:Ante. I A.PRIOA., Oapt.nannon. EUROPA, Capt. Z. Lettob. These Teesels_aarry a Blear White light at tuastrheadi rreen on starboard tails i_. red en port bow. - „.., ..• ASIA, Lott,. - leaves Boston, Wednesday, Sept. TZ. PERSIA Junking, - 4 . N.Totk, Wednesday, Sept. 10. NIAGARA Millar, it Boston,Wecinud4r; Oct. 0. ARABIA, Stone, . if E.Tork,Wodnentay,„ Oot. 18. CANADA, Lang, 4. Boston, Wednesday, Oot. 20. AYRIOA, Shannon, ' ".N.Yark, Wednesday, -Oct. 21. ,ARIA; Lott, :-- ~ -; :naton; Wednesday, ,Nov. 3. PERSIA, Junking , ' ii 21:York, Wednesday, Nor. 10. EUROPA, Leitch,--_ ~ Boston, Wednesday; Nov. IT. Berths no until paid for:— - ,: An experienced Surgeon on board. . " " • The owners of these Slope will net be aCeounfablefor Gold,l3ileer,Oullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Steams or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. , -,, . , • Por freight or passage apply to " • , Sail' ...,02: OLINAB.D, 41togdinit insert. ,N. .701 k. , , . _FOR RICHMOND, :via .Norfolk and. CITY POINT—FALV ARRANGE MENT,-TWICE A. WEEK—UNION - STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S LINE or STEAMSHIPS TO' SAIL EVERY ,WEDNESDAY ANNEATURDAY, at 8 A. M., UNTIL FURTHER, NOTICE. Captain J. R. Kelley. . , P.BNNSYLVANIA, Captain Teal. -. CITY,OP ItICIDIONB, Captain Mitchell. These One steamships will,sait la above. _Tits,' are handsomely fitted up for passetigers; having Saloons on deck' are.provided with Francis's pietallieJAfe Boata, Life Preservers, &C.. and no pains or esionae spared for nig comfort and safety of passengers, and the protection of goods. - _ ,-This Line-offers - the quickest, cheapest, Ind moat comfortable route for panengem, and is in advance of any other for despatch and economy for freight TO THE INTERIOR OV VIRGINIA, NORTH . OAROLINA, AND TENNESSEE.. , . , NO TRANSHIPMENT RE-THIS . LINE. passage to Richmont or Peterabarg, $8; meals In cluded. 'Talmage to Norfolk, sai -meals Included. THOMAS WBBSTHS Jr., General Agent, - „- N 0.14 NORTH WHAHVAS. FOII,OII4ELESTOB ANI) VANNAH -EDSON'S LINE. DODDS i3SOIRT.YED.AND BILLS OR WING 810 D NUM DAY. The splendid, fire ass ;ids-wheel Steemehlps RUST (MN, awn end ta'ATX oy„cmonart, Now form.% weekly_line for, the; South and goutiffest, ;One !of these ships sailing every SATURDAY- a! &dock . A.ll.,,alterwiteir for Charleston and at- • . . YOB CIEWILISTON, ",• : The EBYIiTOMit EITATB, Captain Oh:arias li:ltarch man, le expected to sail for Charleston, 8. C., on Wed nesday, Bept,a2d. at 10 A. M., and will receive freight untillaeadly NOB ISATARNILIC. --- The •STATII GBORGLi, - Ospi. „Token J. Garvin. via - cam:macs loading on Thursday, Sept 43d, and nil Tor. tsivannah, , a.,pn Ilaturday, Sept . 26 th, 10 ceolock A hi. r a- • • •- -r - • : At both Obadiah:4mA Swhinnah t theib shipsoinuteat with steamers for Florida and Hamm,* and with rail 'roads,-141.; lot efOh . toes In the South sad Southwark. 14:1:40:4,3:11 1 1.(04 MEEr',l YRKINHT and INBIIRANOS On-a large proportion of goods shipped South will _be found to be lower by these ships than by eallint rituals. (labia passage , • - ' 420 00 Steerage do - 808 Excursion Tickets, good for the present year. 80 00 No Me of lading signed after the ship has nailed. Par freight or peeve, apply to _ . . A. ZENON tr No. lkte Oats 81 — ) . 1i — orthVliarres 4genta Oharlest9n, ec P.O. BUDD. Aimts in Savannah ,-0. A. OREINICR & 00. • Poi Florida, frond Charleston, steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. ••- . • - For Florlda, , from Savannah - , steamers ST. MARTS and. ST. JOHIC3, every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havana, from Charleston, steamer MEHL, on •thedth 1.9W0f revery month. jell STEAD TO GLASGOW, LIVER POOL, BILPABT DUBLIN, and LONDON IAMBI; 'without delaY, for 30 dollars, Return tickets; good for six months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trip, out and back. • PIM 7/1W TOIL Now York, ktoktillan,flatarday, Julylo, at 140010ot, M. Ndinburgh_,_Onovning, - Oct. 30, 1311agow, Gtoodwin, Angast 7, g. Waggon., Goodwin' Saturday, July 10. New York, kfaMillan. Wednesday, August U Sdinbargh, Gumming - Saturday, Aug. 14. Ward Or POJSSA4Ia. not( SiLaooow. Pintalsm 15 Fauna ilisnirsp, found witli tooted provisions B Phu . . Phut oism 176 00 Steerage ; found with bookad - prarlaiOnn . * - .. 80 00 Oklldran under 14 years of age half 1.;:e. Infants In Return tiaketo mailable within six socuathts, by any oteamar of Ulla Hie; ChM' 0.40 00. Steerage 160 00 An experienced Surgeon at taohad each Etatunar. 4 Alfor fretnitor pone apply to .WO k. 00.,145 WALNUT Btreet, 11,1114.1- ROBERT 011.61 H, 17 Broadway New York. , - HALL A. LONEY, Ituahananls Wkarf, Baltimore. fun Summer "%zoom H" 'B HOTEL, WILLIAMSPORT - LYCOMINI COUNTY, Pd. The undersigned has purchased the large and elegant building, corner of THIRD and PINE Street, formerly occupied by the West Branch Bank, and has enlarged and refitted it Ina superiorstyle. Williamsport is one of the most delightful inland towns In Peruisylvania, and his house, he hopes, will be found pleasant, as well to the traveller as to those OM ens of the metropolte who - desire to Fees an agreeable tine during the heated term of the summer. His omnibus runs from his Hotel to the Packet and Railroad Depots free of jr/ charc r . • , S-Sm . H. HAY, Proprietor. BEDP 0-R D SPRINGS.—THIS ill well•known and delightful Bummer Resort will be opened for. the ?colophon of Visitors on the 16th of June, and kept open until the Lt of October. - - • The'new and Bunions Buildings erected jut year are now fully completed, and the whole establishment has been furnished in superior style, and the accOntmoda. hone will be of a character not gamine& in any part of the UMW Btates.•- . ... . . „ The Hotel will be under the management of Mr. A. (B..ALLELN,.whose experienreopourteons manners, and attention to his guests, give the amplest assunmee of Comfort and kind treatment. , ' • _ - ' -IT: In addition to the other Means of woes, it le deemed rpet td state thaVpaseengen can rtmehiledford by a yllght ride from Obambersbarg. ••—: ; • , '. Tie.Oompany have madorertensfya arrangements to supply dealers and mdividnalt with .c Bedford Water" _by: the barrel, Carboy, and in bottle', at the following prioes, at the Springs, via : .. _. for a barrel pulbery) - •t 4 00 Do. oak) 800 ~ . , X Do. i mulberry) ' -8 00 -li Do. (oak) • -9 00 • Carboy * 10 gallons 525 Bottles, 14 pint, per d0zen...........:.. 1 60 The barrels are carefully pre so so that ..pur &seen may depend upon recoir the Water fresh and sweet All communications should be addreseed to • Tali DADZOBTI MI MAL 9PHINOO WIR4{ 09 0 44 9_711 1 a Cll/2 INNEZERI MEESE till4)Pl - 4 INBIJUNOI ==ll=/
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers