2 - • „ - ;•7' ~ , ' ‘ , : . , - - - x; -, :e.: -4 ; - ; - •- "'4'-';'.s-7-.•—•":'-' t t k , „.-4tAx, ..*-it s • , ,P ~.` " oi:the corner . 6 1111*$ t! . att4u7- py, moivirotrie . - ..ttFo was 4 tot' Isi . ,.'W , - 7.404.( 014sOrik.foEssii', I bi ' " ift ^ - ' - 'l/6.isf,iliii, - t 'l , o oislltY , Ti '''leliiiili , lioffaitlV ~.. idits#l4l44x4eatlethesariiitolesiiiit • diAWas4.-we .I'o4llo:loiiimoertioi iritglti * , -, thibillico#4fosbgel gisi P 5.! al ' a, O t tOmq - n4/AQugfi ' lt is; in,,t,S ll T; & i -" .# .. . ssiS`antfikiitospzwill bi g umi t4i 14$notalt *1414444 kaa - oltrieiveir4o4iptaf . bide it 'llset for ‘: t..kes4Pi,,Atsilii.sll,o,:*iiiii.WAW-.1114:-110111 i'kw-hiiiettimoito - *ono , i;.. , Esiw...: l ll4fiang: ,-I.c.‘ 06 7 Tc.4lof9;4 l 'di't 0 ,1 0 . 0 41 0 6 4 co, egoaN lux*, - -f;1 21 - 4,40 e, rtnilikeikiektitet; -.,. , ,iheiniiii:ii,it# *fine; ',hia seiinto'Ne the Aks`rif"pseisaitsg‘ o oqoC -. ..: trii'ilov-to Pirignishntonotl theinitinthil lol olfiikerrY ‘ -'lol ' - ifi c Cl4. - lililikillieltkhOthpiatikl;4lifigivtthe Sten • -og MfillIFIL - C:f r u ,lo%fil,lo,46iffeliCiaAPPfaiiee of ~ , enimeroarithe 'Mine 4%b!hal:eletiini - oe the city.: We *ay kWh. oodiortrootooirodiiitiois or tow little this • • .bra:' of trids suffsAa in 0,01‘1,1 °.# th° Ulf° money - trOIIVOI, • thapto roirQdroto .4400nisori- lea 401 tal k , llPPlevementeran an inustitidipitretkt Ot tisite.,ll6l . o ' the tk,siysate Milt, being alinoihfeweliudielY:a plum, itifoontourisolkik'siitttrthei;proor 9:4 - 10./ ft l ittl ,l 4S i if t , 4 ;%,„„ lin Pun..., :,, , S. 'l „ ( 4• 44,1 1 e . .f?Priti'isomE AParattllillyytielleettes,OcC AlikfAuts , :toAlpstut bolhkis siosoY•tsoaroost46 4 : ll44 )PbsriP644 ol Plat oliii.ialhe militia ed, their entlre opotations in lay ) e at01 441 04/1: - Alri l 4 l To ll ' ' diPailuel/ t4. - h a lo ei• per lenceit*Hirina torydepondirig-Aerheeni.i , No` iiii) - ststeytoo, fist with tbo‘inireesed roonflortheithiisi:: - 4,4le , ineWiniti r thele ItiiieinfmOringt inollitien have IllalbAle - Olt in litoilid::iilphi'Jrialo4 l l6le improve. : inenkiney IMiegarde'd O' me ' nni•nunng the Matjpleseing 4il?#lk4istlkesented onOne. principal blidomo WO = , e'' irolihftrilbif Pkiladelphlefe attire neatest motet -Ins he,giouqiy,oinhlid Si)lttili:;.s:, 1r " .',, :;'''' g`llo4;(l 4 Notrifsrapti eriaftii: , •iiimi.—W6 isarn ii] in /11 lanterhyaiLti..7 id, r ieuiii-Cioiliontlon 'a ale kind • Intl& o(ti . shiiitiys,lidii tisiifiliw4ilieS "coerce" will be chasms for the iiild tied'afilld and grics!:. In tho management orhareedesh ; but hays it from. pad au thority that tweitinkT,thfetytidies have •ideetedy en. Prollamt,kii,etillfaigi'estAinterthe liati: -, wern gen . , tleniei fierinitlid to part icipete,W r e.wonldsattgest that their riding hate s -Cho those ' Sor the every d. , isy cern_ mon-placeaffsipir, of • lici;ti,tpliraiatiee at 11:74. El= dridge's o Old eitinklin>lall Clothing imPorillMP No. -. an Cheetnut et:::'.,- , : ' ..,-, - . ' A QUEER. Mirkx aic.7 l -Atyw nights,idisisi'aboui ono hundred and ,t,Wenty•ACe ;iue'mberebf the =Sons of Malls turned ;34 00 . lihreeback,nttli ii d inwliite gowns, with - black' masks -find hrerii!,, with ` their cools thrown Im'eleoulleirehMildere en d landed too sireolo of Pittstrugh,:aiie ..bonies, ilso, - hOing . orwoo' with white sheetelbenringl,ege,Mlti*if oinstes on fail hip.; In this city-the,sons or Melts always- appeac'tn the ' • e4eets in elegant snits from the Browitfltont Clothing itillftit Foothill It. •Wilson •Nos• 803 and 000 Chestnut . at., above Eisitir' .. . • - • , - ' fr - VYNtrosiumr..r•Wo do not.psoollsot a more 1090-, . ly,Nuionahle, and balmy Babbalh , than wad yesterday. ,One,elty never Presented a atro.;.toeiotiloi sppestioce ; ;the Watches genenilly'Wnit_Well Aced with attentive liatenerit , and,; after:, the interviste thereof, the atreets, _prams, Ecn,,worn filled . with happy leoltni,-MnEling, tell "dii)stits,pfolaiitt4ret . etiiitii seise ::, We llollo,l „arrastAingpeciillarityin thcrinejoilty nt male pmnini .•natters, that they, ineuriehly wore s h e • handsome,and :i' hihniblef 11 al 1 -of Craertilo Rau -the tallainia- - „,l4Blo6odor,'zio . .l4l,osstklit,street. ' ..,. , V , : ,.- 4.I(II , AXPSLP4IXA 8W44). Os t.RADa• - :,- WlLLtut - 07itur - boiilarrint morn - ." DAPs' • 14'4:4644: ............. (Sept 25 ' , ...EirtitikirOliadds4.lf. '- Cardenas, coon raitimeDavlsllll4l47‘lll . lscath , i. klatinsss. nen •,./qh11114112•121)16 . :1117J/Iallpa - - •8t Jago . dii * Oubs. ebon ir ntethAente*, -" wet Dowsuaits._,'; . . I ..TiMmisrvpmpOil 'eta ateLikly,Amem.: , " " ••• 48 . "" :R.ltpaoad%-ali q'aibrfolkittorhonrs,. with , mdse. and - Osaiongeret9;Thaa .Websteri Jr. `-roaced two deeply-la on ships at anchor' off • Cop' t Idaypiana • barque:at' anchor. air 4randywina ..r-nighti . tibial and twilaml?crilodott aohnti off Yourtecit-' fait Baikk. - ..! . _ • , 08toaniahm De Corso 9Atrai how New York, .9olr4illape May - witlemd9o artd-pomongen,fo ,-; •- Bbnonifilp Ifemioliee,l9m4.29 fumb from No*.york,, cispelfatnitilltriMioo aitkpamOnters"to 'haOso Picketahlp " ~, • , „ 2turtrOrs,'Duolevy, 29 dayo from faver--.. I:4lth,:rodio aroklMmonitero t0..29p0 • Behr W A VV;ltriktoordi"Bowdit,o,S,,9 lays from ft:Yorlf qe; Trutt md4pAo..o7 , 444ll*Otillitic _ Bch:r; Buth•linfr,iltoe;•BOATOkeyfift Trou t Pottl,d, witti maii to CrOwelfa:ClolllMYO ecbt.cetealsiiiiidittioltri•yrrpuistwto . n_.-- L Behr Jklasituc , Ataxoni tdopfrom Irorlongs, iummtm - Mite toJoa Barran fhp.- GU th.Coihr - tkatuieet. , - - f v ` t "Bhr - Alti i rs n fibm Boitonr' '7036 tt - Lithe - ,`StuilL-frOed honi-Boston. , Boittow - ^ sr• Behr W. 0' Hewitt: treint' , Boitoni -t aihrYciAtliteer, ritfireq , frorir Salem. = - flask:from - :1, • Bch r ifetuirer WOW - to; from Eistir WlClPersgs:7l4lo4thi from Saxhfirt. , .?. - " 4 - ' = "titoaufahlii.Dltibtliewlotk, Howes,,DostOn, Henry' -' - "Steardatiiii Doitim,'Pelleer,'New Pork; J4llderdlea. , = .Ilugue BotieoPeWiLidni teiglayra, , Dallett .; Beiges 44 Diebat, Bertittidurbadoes;dauretehe & `-;,Dittatatra`:- • - Baigtte';'Mary: - - - 'lVilandall,' , Bbitaithlid?XlaiboaiD Bisque P 0 AJessader Oolruid, Pirtlaudi 0 A'Reoh-' - =eher ta,Cha , - - „ L . Ls- , - Datqueilvelfglialetagioi;Diagai,Tilerighane fr. Co' PlillikeitittOrdith,Oariaties, D,WPieemytt, , 5 e Oliacneetti,Dolicia,Beetiei, it,White:- .; Deg Pedaan itailht,'„B iatiepirtoti,_ Brown VWlitte. • ld= - .l:;B • lealea;llolftan,„erthadnittoizi;f4oi D - B `l.:/tetifoxi ' -t , • - iSdheDalmi Did - e,'Aioluiii;eelbrilaittiin;lo,dalcus Baker. • ' Nair D 8 Btefeciii k 18,14 Oahe 8 0 King,i2indf eart44,le,taipdrii, Webitei, • - &dm Ceres; hteredittr, Lying; Peireekritlfot • Jr; 'it rtakto, Sault; BoitoniNotrierltitiiimettfirCidd4 `l-,011.•;:r•- L;I:- Behr liabiroft; Dorton it Co. - • • saw 4.C;Attliethilid;tiailetit Sam rl.br dit,AteilytThitab*, , - BrairrAlmita Ban, Dilea, Boston; BlendAefet &T oll iver/ aipt OlOTersgalelut _- do' ' Chirlaiiiihtddkli *OhidgepOit;' ; SibrlulottOreivery_Brarlitras, &Owe& • 0 - I:Heakahet &Co.. ! , ,,ftehelt-Trotaiee, Zdgartowa. go":" :t .- .,„." - eht.Solkeir,'llo2.33ol‘ draw Bltkirton & 00,F - • Ocilivt•Dgi'Ll24.; Etpttk,Sairitle; _.`do Par Orookor6Netwieli, ra Bludeei;:.Datuide`,ll,,,alitinoteila. , Grovaa,-Zr. !peedioaisit.btioati , titreet-iiehirt - iii i , Batutttay morning,at toltiloolikia:toWbf, I. Pire4. - 'The 'Sol,' , eompriiet heriaargoia-10:1172 piegotelloodat' treenalle,lBlo Dig' oiroake4Pahald roam, WO Mertes.: boef;eo l 3 fibleoO44lPhhat_dsolo - 1' pox std.!' „ = . ji44-4..V.-1 - Odt - of the Onion Q , ea: telltbakto f -boaztd :to ph.l4lidea.:o4 - oopudgned • 44101thakt t:et iotliti flour ied,,Dsiattokumidielioi 3 Oeflotad & 'Might; Genesee° 61111 a end Blount -Araratipig iron ,; - cd.tio Cabe& .t.DorYetdittokilltatber4o B Zidokder:..a - 4.4.0 :11 , 01CoettapandiReeit the PhUadelphia Diehande4 , • . ' - P ' r«zn )falud laiddahalaurllittedup.Ao noon to..dayi lain the wind thaeiedlOtiltWO‘ad.alLtlidleet; ex. - eipt eight aitioollettiAsuldliAill and left fdr their-re" ' a-.2seeottee-dostoitieforettlaa etroeg a:W,A.-preat, ptlot s danded.thie inotolog;and eepiitte .• that the bargee Drilsoit; forsaraiteati. brig Elisabeth, Jam; and isehr W Ft-,Heseard, (Cr MI. ohdegtott, NO, do otuoperly with aOOO or, lre# lllll , :-'-`tOleaetircdat., , :5-The wind atilliontlattektrclut and equally. Ia eoasecilleaet, of thastolizokroip.ther, thktiloop kb Fhb. magi u6Ablirto /lied 01.• reviles her, argo, sad still re : -lottalaat aka ,- . .-I . OI..K.IILOKNLAN. r7 - ,!. - .4LL 4 L i LEWES,: Del; Rept • Two Alpe are new..at, anehor,oatitide of the Capes: etheonert- iindsadosqird atilt. remain at ' . hi:bor.:owlet Dabs attoet.trisideend high sea petal ; Yours, , =,;-• ' '!; • - phijtol i t _1441 9 034•.) , 18--4g2Ati. ic*iSoileft-frOPUSlatilith, 4l o . grapk Ray- , • •tdok 40 '4: LatO r f,.. 9 6 and - 4 0 -,kiany, - ; 0 01/isj art =ow going . in - Wind yours - kok tc ae• actomis B. . ,e , ;.-rf OAP IBLA,Np, Sept 19,8 pM. Ali 14 xipir..gekjng Inf'and a Image;, : paet - ,ot.opieya us in the bay 8=1186016k floc - , % ,'4; • 1" 1./W.114.11/AM 'co Val nos.). Hipt • 19 - - • : rl2l , AritT";"!l4.2•lot9W,O.atom London;_ Switzerland, frotir , Ltverpopi; Avitstli-l! usseltinp, fro*: Bristol, „ 3,oo.4.l4:3llsiserixiarrioDarijanst, brjo Chmrite4Albert from Ilavans;ignaisize, th.lypttei=ftom AN oda 30 How from PloOrtiegil," -; A : 4 „ • PaiOri . • fr 7, ..0..; I •5. ,- ., ,, :..•: , ,i -, ..4 - Altayr.,-,OIIMI/38: Sept .' 13. • Arrived / bprqui 3 . 1121111 V Maar, ft(*)1414911,19..-;.P : • • , • 2- a _ • , o. q ' 'Afitelizatatik Nirlitut i s - , . zoot.lifql - SitiY - 1;;" siiii;l7ifiiilirio tiliehtiiik - Aowi •Itimilftp - invire , „pow fit q w.corsoothoi,L,.. -..,,n , . ,i 7 k..- 6 W. , ,,44 •• liteatnabl p „PlOhntolph Is, Itarrisou, cleared 4444, 7 „y m i. ~ 18tti ling tot;Wit,afitObitot,t4loabei .7_ , !,•. ,-, ..,: ,,, 5,”:: --, ..- otonou:11)4 MitnesotapisgoormsAkowiti r tes -e. at Boston 18th toot; for. glaindelfhin.. ..- .. ~ ..,;...,....1361*.end0W/ltutioti4toutatiabia,llay.ll-20r..,101. • f- : -ti'aiii.4l4l;'.Wlp. WOO 411:3;111E29:8,,J0ng 1 - 9 :39: -, r , • Ship , Winn.; Male; .40i? - 88flodOlphts, wan la the ---rrivit.at Liverpool 86 insti outward bound... ; ••;•• - ' - IllatiNtol4 - . ltlioDdoold, OtardalPrfdta Isattitnoie, at - Litottlboi akt40,, , Ag.b.5"...V; 0- • , - "-- ' mast. i. : 4. - ...,:u!lbitr,„4,ll2ltbifltultonlolonted at Iforp York 1 8th . ,''t.1. 4,- ' , ;;eCir V l ' k 'ltl i ‘ 3 l ,.„.,thbblipi,liopltor_lllidtutltrol•ltt, . ../!.. Ar, PF 4 i,:Ait itO tliPa,rescfnwr•rs, , Attt.7.: ,, - , ;: , ,-, ....-1.: . ,;,‘ -• Vildb Iting filliiii kuillis for ,1 1 07./* 4ll osl l pm >,,,,,,,,,csizoLinik,.k•m•-iir,--t , ;i *- Alai . t Mk' - ,: - 1, -, .-4 VA • tin' OnOtta,„lthea, tuus J'illi.44-,.. .:.- '..f.; , .. ' --,-- ..- - - - f - , '-- • -- - -,... , Aglsfilbs;:g4a - ,bliuZiiraii. 112:rdeiti. for bliteteidonts : ,2,41111 dOluno tfrOldt4 - btonthut.-8363,ltreaton, both from Dol. i...:4 • - - - .itoolOst*POttl , o. aoililtit to". and bail ti,QBNot, Alal;. , `.sodev, for gavie,nfla,k9'o44.,,,. I*; : `, - „,. : ~., ..----- , - % . , ‘ , ,U1113 . 1.4 ,BoYiniTote,;43 o 9pat, from tAvetiiool bib tat. for -.L.,....phis elpOisi--3ipokeo.lBth inst. bit, 41 20, UM 84 42. '_•';'-', - .W4Bbliblitdistilniwi bt ikiatoottBB 'tont) . ilf_uoott, for e.,.. 9.' Nesitklesag,+slai , iitt abllontonilth lost ---,., • ,-,.,,, - . ~ i0.,,0bi _ ,tk,„,7, 1 ); 2 2-",,i l l4l;'lnn ll6 , l a!* MAY 4 1.4 o et Nett titaloartt.w.!..t.3••••dwtt.r„.3 - .. ,, „3", 3-....-_,34r.:, • - • 't4:`gielibliffilyTiyt ?if.,11 1 • ; :!.4 ... tr0ti1ae11,,44 Song lons - . -- 4;'.6-/ahi i,84,2416,n 4 - ..,44- 3,,,,144n4 , -, , ,,.•3_ , <,i:l =.5...` •• ~, . •1 .. 2- .Vx„ , AllkapZitedt.o4o/ clairsil it Bt lolytiNß i .Bth itud. u-,l"trdnAroW66lBool2-431 ..034-5 - t•osl•-•,..• . ; r•, , ,.k ..„...„, t. ,, 4 . ''''•••••'•!s.3,-Elltlit - 3111siboth3 - 0 11 . 1 4ple„ frowlittidondoctyal, - .84' . ~6g- 3 18101180/allAlltb:litt,disild- . 226 -k3 - `la t0.34.a - k.•t..' • ;I-. - - tokalhdllnoquol..,,xdoanillinO-lo3drthstattlValationtaid 11th . - -1 . - , '- ii4l-'o,4%ficivV:l,-CE*-0«,,1. ~ , . .e:‘,l ', - ,-;,:-..4 , ..,',44.4&„, ,•-:,•-- -.'-- 84kiin,roilnlitc•Xstallhini-Xilkhdh - ffuur,o4l4 - , nt , - - 0 1 • , Mt 31 / 15 44 11 4 1010 bdt0 121 .1 0 - 41 P ia* , vito vi_ue...A, ,, 3tk ~. ,i, . ---, g 4 j . Serrit., 446 oo.4 l 9lpgripi 1ad1 4 44 6 01.0 3 . l :V. o z9Adtl - , -, -,----.-,* ;,,Or"„to_Ontanotoutdoo42t-io-, - 6 -,,,, -,s-`4, , ..t.5t 3 , ,-3-,:-.le, ;4•V ont~igs amoliiihibizaatWajOatoiond4B -,, Etanunt iron. J.F•54 - t Iliedliteltieldoh , -ItrullßOl3,a,tow.3otlo••&:lelct'-- .3 3' 4 -3 ~ '.-W,,i.,o„iiglscaltlitiptot t imqrsiill44lroar23oo; c rallni hurt , ,•' - for Phi adolptild ."..-- - 3,-:,111:4.jtn1 , - 633 -, •• ,'-13?:.•'-, .• "-fa - -;i110,21at'..12.61i1t0n Giniafrial r atedid Bqatat! '411kt0ak,t0t.;e4,1044 1 014 ,- 04 . ) ;',...N.''' - -' - ,:• .-:.:-, '-„thytt,tia bl,malobyillt,iottbi*illogs.ltbbli, , sailed from '•-='"-!-'''' "711i31044---,4•.3:•-• - 00W13 - 7't4,_‘3, , . ,: ;31' cb '- Otan i OonbaeitiiiiSeita'sTabilso 'fib Alt f or a ;'t *Pt, e .11 , r0 ; ',...-*,-'o, ) '`2, ...Sti, `14, - 4.r . A:irad - T.;..t. 4 , 4 , -- 4 1 4 .ye:,::,,4i,, :„ yr.,_t ~,,,,--71, , .i. .:/ , .. , ,-„,-i1,,•: Acti4ll33A - 44 , S,AINN-_ , ,e4.- .- . 5 1,t5. '4 , _7 - : - 2 -,- , ,, Nr.i:, , . ' ! -•,':'.. '..' ' " - bbi,r ciaarad, at New York 18th Salakdroftlialaatetittb,, .. 04,1:ittprate , Yorklath- Bohr Hem DST Tc . .., , ....,'.. '....- ' tmt. for Oharleatee,_,tv-;._:,,t, • ..4r, ..... ija r4awYork 18th Behr 1010 - Rowe" 1 , ..., ?"'-''. '- 'Ater . for Thilidelpbte.:-- rr 4.--_-.:, , - ,. i t- 6 ., a .... 3 . • Sans Obrato:viriattlxrfnmalli t ot il to o K r A i l a p . o, ; Multi°. DE, /:q. 117 ',1.'" i :tri if, t 4 111 1 " 1 0' , _iiii itiiiOip4j Or Plitaplelo,clevi,d , "attis**l4 6llll4% ' .` ''-' i lit;p0;41;It ''s o, t I A /Sh ill4 ...C l3 Sr4 ., l t gml i r e „ Tr..., . ..n......E.dr , ,a,0.„v..—.....,4,641,.. ! ,,de r i,,..,,..,1.d 1.„, ,„,,. 11,76:krirrp„Itryth.m..E . ',':ii„: ;;,..,,;.)iii.,;, 31,00..., .Iriairatiii4iiiiiirrawrks;forPhllaielphis; Batt ed ~ from ProyMenokl7th !pat. :, . f " Bahr 11,0 r ;dray', Yinitemkm, for Bostonimailed 44xsildriAiltth Wit, •-' g'- - ' '' - mi .- i 1 Mr 1184 - &V' QM% 'hear, Haut ri for Y. •ap ,re from, Alan 17th Matt t , • .- '" ' Ir' • " - = 'aehriVater Witahatun,-,skil Istra, telrig, for P l - lidelphiii, lined from *ftlohmond 17th teat _ ' Behr 10 ktelshan‘, Colifq from NeW, York,- arrived et Obarlestotabtk bet; ‘ ; --, - P`Oehi S t ShaddickMilltams, from Connec t icut ' Pve fir. Philadelphia. arrived 10 New York 18tit but. "Behr LoulaWalah, Paine, from Maracaibo Aug 14, at . New York-11301- Mat.,; 1 •.,-- • • " • , 1 . Seliz.filarklish, Shourda, forilltilts e d i te d fro m Pert namboco let nit ~ ~,4, ~ i ~,, e t N Behr Daniel Morris, Hoover, froM Rtltudiw ° s York 17th just -,.. L ,i,- • , .-, ' 1 ; 1 4 • Yi-is• , Port ! Behr .11loktnani !Seaman; for ,Philadelp , Walthel, milled from Rlobmond 17th feet. ._ . . . 'Bohr Jilleri, Hallett, cleared at 1 7thBooton mat. ror , Philidelphia,..., . r,'-- - Bob;,Gleoroy, krakeaeld, sailed from Sardine! 10th 101 h Mat. for PhiNdelphia.- - " Bettellstl4lolo, GArtiloai ar riv e dhence] et Hyannis .t Sara Aline, 'roily, and Ann P ickerel , Leverdm ~ henco at Georgetown, DC. yesterday, , ,-; • Propeller Novelty, Bell, cleared at . New York 18th Mat Sor_Phtladelphla _. _ - , Proi *let Planet. Loper , for Piladelphia, cleared iit New• York 18th. lust. - ' - Propeller Clommoroe, Long, hence at Albany 17th haat - Wilmington; ,NO, - flept ,18=-T4o - Bohr David Faust, f.foelitoder:ltenee for, New , York, went to yea ]oth lost. At night, 20 ininutra past cOoloolr, 'about miles SW 'of Frying Pan Shoals ' enconntered a heti, gale, during which lost mainsail, foresail, and Jib, and pert of "deck load; *all towed up to tone yesterday by i.dedfariner. oapt Idoelander• repute tiering speken on the evening ofxthe -10th. - Sche -Nickerson, - from' GeorgotOwn, 80, for, Ifetl'orle, both masts gone• she was under Jury ,masts, inabmg , fors this , port. The tag disriner went dowtt the rlver , lut night to render her asetetenee. 21, lit 44.26, long 21 10, ship Monticello, from Ballonah for Liverpool. • , - • •Arig 26 , - let '4l 26,, long 88 11, shi • p Polka); 'Biala, Moine, from New Orleans for LiverNbi.' POBBIGN PORTS - - Old ,frons..,..Alelandria ,11th Inst. Btai.Kfogi Hpfght, Boston; LOW, Wild Guano,' Humphrey,,do. " • -Ar,st Bombay . Aug 4. Jamestown, Bandage. London. ' Ar at Calcutta Julyl.2th4 Waverly, Lace, Melbourne. 818 Jiily lOrh, Fleetwood, Dale,:floston. -.Bld from Bangor Julyld, Burlington, Howee,Manri; .tfas. .Tlgresi, Pletcher; Liverpool; 18th, Krause. "fine ' „Balrl4im; Liverpool. 81d from Rangoon tone 23d..N.imph, Pries, Ohins. at",Bogappre..July 2. tiriel, - Poater, Hong Room Alenal, Barrett, Oalcutta k and ;sailed 4th for. Hoag Bid July 4tll, Pidgulty Wheeler, China; 7th, Marius, .Pearodi Whams.. _ pox.. July ,WltaMiarMe,Wiley, for Barton; Day. spring. Knowles, d 0 . ; .. Ar Cl Bangkok Juns' 81;:Antelope, Olark,,Slngapore; let,h,,Bmwdmmud, 3lpDonongh , Ballow, and aid 21st for Hong Koog: --- - • at Padang. 211430th, Aurora, Uolmgren, Batavia, and: 0400 d ;Itoelo,for Beaten; June - 10114.Vancouvar, jenthie;Biimbay , .. - Ar .41,Bstavia, duly 1, 8 II Talbot. Burgess, Mel- s hourML 818 June 27, Raven Brooker Padang.' Al k rIN . AT, THE tR CIPAL MOTELS, larkzvo , onz'ci'otopli THIS woantia.. . , , '1_, • 04/88,D lloPBll—Otiastpas „ attest; below Ninth. 14 0 DighaM, • Marion, Hy •8 o..lionlinilitheir Pa W W Smithr New-York -0 )1-Coleman, Jr, Dalt , J Nolen, Balt • lit Grimes; Ark - - , - „ Rev A Hartpence 3lt Holcomb, Lynch burg , Tenn Wde Vpas, Richmond Tll Atkinson, N 0 • , Miss at le Atkinson, N 0 W H Prichartt, - Lonle ' W kliThase, Athens, Ga • ' 74 P Alexandria, N 0. 8D Pardee, Newilarem D Patterson, N 0 ; - A G•Haley;Jacirson, Min WEI McOorkle, BO • - • W P Grimsly,N 0 Rim& A Pisher,ll 0 D Biank.& la, N J 0 Reed, plew York W J Persool,,Bilt - - • Hill & Iftio Miee Magouti',ll: - J N 0 = N 0 .•- 'Miss Donee, N 0 'X Ward, bodiantpolls- - E Bissell, Jr, Toledo, 0 & la, Mien J B ChapiniProvidoPe, •,3 1r Winslow, N Y--, A Erbea & la, Lancaster R Charleston, $ 0 N W Petit, Chitleaton.-8 . I(ottagee i lloston -- • Andrew Dawson, Liverpool .)11 Ravi', Dayton, - Ohio. H T Cleveland, Nr” Jig Hidder,litarichester,No Wai R. Tapley, Dover, N H X P,liawthora, - N Y• = - it Terrell, Savannah Wm H Ball & sin, Balt A - G Tyler & in, La Northard:lB,Y ' ' W Vinc,ent, N Orleans J Ryland*. ' - J•Bilrown, Vs T 8 ••- - : W PRapp ey. Ark ST Peters, N Y,:- - ' Jas 83 Doly, 80 G W Folniestotk Balt- 3 - P Pauline, N Oapt - D Tyler, Conn' "• '- WIC Dix & la, Nl3 1 - 8 Peace'als, Pittabligh -X II Hall, Boston • 'M , A , Mayhewßoaton , - -Peter Smith: Cincinnati, -W-0 Blotiget, Warren, PaA B Doby, T • Orleamr"-11 A Hunter, Beading H - 111. Mclikath`lB; Y. 0 M Moralist", Ry Onyler, 8 0 - B Stewart, PhUa 'AV- Winston, Oamphell,Ta W L Allen lc le, N Orleans 'NH - Goodrich; el Orleans •RW Corwin, Va.- 4 18 Bennie, Va - A Picot. Richmmd. Va ' 'Z How, Richmond, Va - R M /Ratchford, N Y t 1 Hellen &la...WasVA Nir.A Alston, El 0 = - J W Muon do- R Wilson, El 0 N idriffontegue &.-is, Balt ---.._ BEMs:Poi:Embus, Ga .W.Malntyre,Payetteviht 0 3.1; D Gammon, Norfolk Beni IT Cason, Norfolk W J A Puller. N Y , 3,ol.Bch,add; Wilmington) -J Sherwood, Wtwonidn' AL Potter, St Joseph r 'W William'', Berlin Win Whiteford; Neahville W B,Hieks, Nast,ville Geo T Knight. Englald, 0 0 *neer, Dbilada Illoody: N Y - B 8 Iteywood, Boston - JiiiirrAdame,l3bitoa ,;; Cumndos, Boston -P Laughry, Mobile John N Cooke, yi• Aitr.Motily,N•Y „ Barton Dickson, Alabama R L Higbee, N • - John It Byr , e, 1 '1 o.onni, Oa ; ty, ; -; • Kibbe, N Y 8 Bealiymanm It le, ; -P P Brooks, tionclnnati, 0 NZ Walsh, California B LiMarch, N RAI/tries, N Y • • :W. B Vs - W Wall , ' 1 ., • 0 81abliogiOeorgetoin W a P Megiir,-Boston - r.•.; •roterfoi,• Detroit . John - Resift; lobu Conover, N Y 41W Thiamin Georgia N 11 Tracy, N Y W Lincoln, Boston Ootatney,li 0 L,Vir alter & la - ;,Georgta Ramon 'iv 'Mama, Havana 'VP Orleans: J Patterson al 11, Htii'Aeo. 26, Isse. - • " MHO* HOTlL—Areltlitreee. below Fourth D 47 MajeillOn, o`'G 13 tieff,"if famesburg, 0 ft.ltohinson„, „Pit" ; John West, Ohio • „Ukase Weitop,lnd - " John 0 Punk; Ind Jf Stafford. N • _; "Jas Wallace, N Y, ',' AtisClure/Ind • If ' A4-11odderAlbto " ' W 7 Pfeiht;=N • "'A'W - !iwerPiPr - '",, , - . ',f ,- Wes43l,lottkOldo Ohio -" J B J Dunk Pa syldinitpleiiirted; Pa Mr Swlft: Boston. Maal 11Br.Ayree, Boston, Blass • ,Tellinion, lowa - Gen Steven/4 po k - Crays., Ohlo ' . . Adw Iledge, - /7.0 1 . 3.En.0r5P 11,---, :' - • Gilendensoni Pa Jas It Prem. Pa , ' "a'hi a. 0 Packard, Ind =,- Imlee,Latm.Pa D Brindle, = : Hoover; Alliance, Ohio john Conway, Botlilister.." Chas 11:11ental, Pa 131-Mcflartney, Ps, liria.dorff,"Ohlo ' litiokday. Ohio .; R,RiChardson; 11l A piltiollardae"nr, • • Mne Wl:Green, 11l ' A Brifsogle,Pittelmigli, Ps" G H Mese, Oanel Dover, 0 .Mlas D L Crane; NY J L Eilllerman, Port's:l4,o 7Ohli Parr :Washington, D 0 W Baker, Circleville, 0 1111.110HANTEP-HOTAL—Pourtli,s s treei, beteg Market. 391.ti.313redhead, - "OWEdwards, , SpringB, Ind 'Geo Reed; PitCorttles,-- Springfl, Ind 'SE Aimetrolig,PoplarPlains A A Varier, Salem,-N 0 - 7icksori, Knout - 111e, Tenn 3 P.Bhaffner. Salem, N 0 ' • Oietrord; Ohio - Hicks, the • 'A-Obeittic-Clitedillle, 0 • , -•I X Retakes'. Bremeni 0 - - D - A 1311-ott, Ps - .; `TA Idsg It le Irifecrl stab 113.77okt:teen, Baletn. lowa Slifulketionllol3 , Wm J Alexander, -Monett- Lycoming co, Pa gehela Clity 0, • . • '74.laaklna, - „Carliele; pes.,-; Glitterson,'Mo • • ;71dc0regor, Pittah - Wnileity,ford, Harrisburg , 0 Goldthalt, Marion, Ind P'Oangerj Milton ' Drß tdcainneylifarion,lnd A 0 Swaysee, Marlon, Ind J A liner, McKeesport • Tgehann, N I" J H Lyday.4pringil, 0• 1 - I.m Ist'lltowen;,Oro -Thai Speticeu , , Syractua : Boydi-Tenit, Ackerageir:Syracuse , J D Palmer, N 0 • 'DO Pettitfhlienn- . A • - A .111 Xeldlo, Tenn • S B StakelyOfflinn , 317 Barr, Onmb co, Pa B hf. Pollock, Harrisburg P Arnold, Carlisle Pa Time Springfl,'lll • = L Levi,, Oarliele, Pa „ O Murphy, Pittsburgh- • A B Robertson, lowa , -Wm McOaulley..Oircler, .0.- I. Rhea, Tenn -Jairti Toole, Tenn „ W A Pollock, Baltimore A Weyl, Lock Haven w Wm hicKeldln, Baltimore I.42IIIItICIAN HODSE—Ohestont, street. below 811th. P,Marot, W4'bila D H lt.:noeilY, Pa It Judah: Louisville • H A Taylor, N 0 .11 j4ltephensoni Va' - lif Calvert, hl 0 • Fox, Md. _ G Kraft, Chicago PlielPs.lEsenr."o:- M bititiert, 13 0 Halo, Der • Robert Taylor, Del • '• -B,VH'sit; Ohld " 7'3l.'l:Ulmer, Jr, , A O,M:A lister, N 0 , . .G Wbltney, B Aiicheo, 80 - " -- G Mailer, Ps D 8 Mosier; Pa , Richards; Va • W Ansigneas ' -,; ' II 'Barrie, ea, T A Galmtt, NO • -; -" • T Curry, *4. • P 180010, hld •:7 V 7 Shiler, N Y , - G 0 Airing, Mass • ' W D Pitts, kla' D A Kennedy, Vs .- •' • JIC Woods, Va ' • DireAddieon, N Orleans Master Orosat, N Orleans 0 W Smith'& le, Tenn 0 P. Hartle. Tenn W A Strong' Ill• ' 7 Larloke, N York , ' . A Prost-, P a " Simnel Daniels, N Y lehriDaniels, N Y ' W Martin, Ky lA. Campbell; Ky'- - A N Thompmn, N Y John O'Connor, - N .11, Lewis, N W - Wm X Men's, Pa . W McCrory, Pa fairD ‘ Oiironion; Norfolk, Va B P Carson; Norfolk, Vs 40 - thireley, Norfolk, Va 'ld U Lowoy, Athena, Tann 114 0 Witt; Athens;-Teen 7ld Jennings, -Y - Geo.P Andrews, Boston H Simons, 'OS Allen, Va- II Wells, Vs • 2 D TolleriNew,o - rleans • , H ItHerry. Georget'n, D 0 L Gensberger.Yas- W Blttaog. It ID . • .V B Idleson;-Greentleld, 0 H Rhoads, Ohio • - Id Clark, /*meta, its B P Bleating, Washington 'b W Jones, t(3' - • . , =•.,.4101 1 )11Alt ITOTBLL:Raei iitreei.sboTe - rtlns , 080 W =say; Pottsvil le,i 11.1 Vomillison, Kansas Oly °hulloes, Somas OUT Henry D Sheller' Pa • . Ithilloffit; Pittston, Pe •2 , 0 Rom Pa - • , 'gra D - A Birdwell, Pa • 1111110 T Marsh., , Leaner, Pa Mies Brunner, Pts ItHerveyand la; Pa „ Vass Donis, Nsatos • ".,D 0 Lookeabach: BetblehtroW-0 Peifer, - Datbiebeet 1101/Noote,Pehl llayett• H H lieseth, Trenton, N Oboe 8 Leader, 8031 listen Oliva Qnouker. Pottsvlsi A if Philfant. Phcoolxville-Dobt Daellogton, Pa -aft, 1, .s' 140triflint'SON HOFEL ...Seeond striet,'ibmra ' Azah kls:Tioe-r 6 J•S'Hilter, N - Copt Wm 8whig..0)111)..1, - ; P D van Sickle, N .Y p *gars, New liaiket; Ys • It I Embrto, Pa Idalliorton, NT-- - a U PMntsr N °apt d • - I x Smith, Lancaster Bat B fisnliburg Geo W. Sa xton, jistt *Long, Jersey OM, ab: Chi Uowbill A J flirting Ac la, Pa James 'Mini, - Btinghton, Craig to 4, Ps T W King, ghflik . , John Wright, Ohio . • 8.1111 BY - Pinta HOTEL-8•00IId street, below Vine. /if Bliker,NewtOWn.• • W tiadwallsder, MD, Pi j Croiatott, Allentown • Joe Wirier, Del Jai r• BOW, Pa - • BD De Pat, Stroudsburg P,Bobb. Ducks co B Wllleou,Barriebarg Mee Waller & 10, Pa— .B 1 H. Dreher, Strowlebtos 114 Billholomewi Es - Preston Bold, Pd • ; • " and Xerobint streets. T.Warrlagton;-W deiter 10 Piirlitztb, Delaware co n idlis Kite °hautbois, Del P Dann, New Castle, Pa (terse*, _-,J•H Peters, Lancaster .AngttlEtrlin,Pes . Geo L Walker Phila .74ardister, X J fr 3 Witham, P 1,./ Aug Leopold, Dnilg , W,P Thatcher, St Clatr,Pst .TrunuutOoatee Lanoaster co,Jaill Mayhew, .Aohn Tralner, - Okeeter, co ' - a' i. , INADJBOIII4OOIOII-4iccd ;treat. above Motet. , btNott, - Phita _ gl Pi litistAbmir.et.; N Stitifltpole, , Not folk XN , 'WeittbiAl, - 'lt 0 Clonnaway; Pa • WM N111tc9.7, N Y. Obas GWI.o - ox,'Phtle Bat" I Mi Paiklitunt Providence a liLinii..,•oo(arteips , M W Ntldn icey,'Vt Ourry,Phllik ' -•'• • - =" 4,6 4 1' A 10 tarrias4; ti N ''Otriil l ofittlfit , Otabe eihniitteMiltAbiAMl6La MoWieIey,I4ICALIR AND 0R MoDONAID to Ilia ELI ZABETH stryllapxßtAl; * On the 1001 tnetsfit, 111 — iteeW.togit WI. D. D,, To; aClTlN"Bitaxj,9olt(oxim atize.A; - mi p sEn, ootti Of/41eiiinDj.7 : , 41 ~ .101y,2701158,.A4 1410. Honovorgtreet, Remington; bby .Tolin G. Wilson, V. D. M., Mr. W 1: RtiaToll4D oopian. to Min ELLEN' LA.VINIA. RAGRO.DBY, both of this city. 1 - * = ea 0. t-,.Ontheilitriiiis3l4l,33l:likiki W. wife of Alex. Martin, tater a short illticiee, of :disease of the, heed. , The tenet - M.llll take place few:albs residence of her husband, pie :/128Yine street, this (Pagoda+) moining —to move &VI( before otelock A. M. precisely, and proceed teitlYalnuf-itreet wharf. (Delaware;) therms to MountatollY`,ll.4., via Bisrlington The friends of the tawny are invitedlo ;Mend without further ..no tice. • * ' On the 14th inet.,.lANE,,wife of Samuel *espy : irk 'the 22d.yeer of her erre.. ' . • ,The relatives "and friends of the family are respect fully InVited to attend': the funeral, from the residence of herlather, Samuel Wordsn,, No. 595 Vegan itieet, 'above, Pine west of Fifteenth street. thle after nootir. the 20thi . net. at 'sv 2 O'cloek,i bout Ssither no. tine. To premed to Odd Fellows' emissary. ' ' On Thunwhy, 10th ins ~ IfiIs,ALT2ABETH M., wife of faraeLbliottentr. ; Funeral' front ;the residenee of her husband. No. 895 North =Broad' street, above Parrish, this-(Monday) of ternoon,,et 2U'elbok. ' 8 Weekly . Report of Interments. • Roatra Otrms, Spotensber 18,1858. , Interment', in City of Philadelphia from the 11th to the 18th of September, 1868. Apoplexy Aephyxfs Borne ' Casualties Bever, 80ar1et..... ' ' 4 Typhus 4, Typhoid.... Gangrene Hemorrhage Indamnion, Brain. Brenehi... 4, Lungs .... 44 8 and Bow's inanition Mania-a•Potn Harasmua ..... Croup , Oongeatin or Limp Congestion of Brain °balers 'uranium. Morbus ConsuoVn of Lungs Convulsions Oyanoals Matthias - • rOld , /ge ! Paley. Presll•PoZ Btlllatorn. 18ufelde Taboo Mesenteries. Tan:tore Unknown Dropsy, Brain... Chest... Disease of Drain <, Heart Drowned Dysentery Debilityi Erysipelas......... Never, Bilious. .. " Pnerpemi.. " Remittent.. at inn Whooping Cough .01 , 8 SBBBL W 31112- 62' Brain 40 to 50.... .24 " 50 to . 8 60 to 70.... .. 3 " 70 to 80.... ~ 6 " 80 to 00.... 4 SO to 100... :23 Under 1yeer....... From 1 to 2 46 2to -6 44 sto 10 a 10 tol6 la to 20.: .. •.. . " 20 to 80 a 80 to 40 From the dlmehous People of C010r.... Melee ....... Females - • • .1 Prom the Country .10 I 108 Boys 76 I Carle .f the Board of Health. UR HUGHES, Health 0 An American Organ. --The Subscriber , Impelled by th e wants of the AbIERIOAIt PA TY of this ate, end at the solicitation of the nu merous friends of Civil and Religions Liberty, will r& commence the publication of the DAILY SUN, to be devoted exclusively to the interest, of thet party and the support of its principles, on TUESDAY text, Sep; tember 21st. It Is unnecessary to say one word as to the necessity of such a journal The fact that there are 24.000 vo• tars in• this nay without an organ to represent their sentiments or defend their cause. Is deemed sufficient. The piper will be issued daily, from the Ol➢ce, No. ell CHESTNUT Street, on and attar the 21 it Inst. se2o.lt* • • • JOSHUA 8. FLETCHER. 07.T0 the President nod Members of the PEOE'LE , E CONVENTION: trairrunlSlt : • Having read your resolution of yeater day, requiring a written pledge from the candidates pro. posed for your selection, "to abide by your decision, and :use alt honorable means for the memo of the ticket,", I respectfully:respond thereto thtt I win eel, for the reason that there are now several candi dates before you that I would not vote for If nominated for any office. flaying .been, without any solicitation on toy part, announced by the partiality of friends as a candidate, I am sure it was not their intention that I should vote for any one who might obtain the nomination. I pledge mysrlf :o vote for, and ace all my energy in behalf of, any good man that 'you may select; but I pledge myself no further even under the penalty of being stricken from your list of candidates. I hold my word sacredly Inviolate, written or not; but such means have beat used by and for some men on your list, that I can do nothing to promote the election of such, though their artifices should succeed in gaining a nomi nation: - Respect for you, gentlemen, and for myself, requires me to he thee explicit, and I should condemn myself se inconsistent at least, after having uniformly and firmly opposed the tyranny , and frauds of the gigantic Lecomp. ton swindle, should I now barter an atom of personal independence and self respect for any office ichaesver. Respectfully, yours HARhLati BAUGH. Philadelphia, Aug. 26, 1858. sei.o.lt -Citizens , Reform Ticket. PRIDE AND INDEPENDENT VOTERS TO - • - - THE RESCUE: • A MEETING OP CITIZENS, WITHOUT DieTINOTIOS PARTY, Convened , porment to-notice, resolved to place in the FOWLING-PIEOES, RIFLES, &c., Ever offered in this city. Desirous of reducing their assortment as much as possible before the let Deo . they will sell AT VERY LOW PRICES TREIR,ENTIRE nTOOII., compri.l4 GUNS PROM TILE MOST Ch.LEBRATED MANU FACTURERS OF ENGLAND, BkLOIUM, AND FRANOE. PHILIP B. JUSIICE & CO., No. 21 North FIFTH Street, above Market. Clerk of the Orphars' Court, I WILLIAM GEISSE & SONS, EDWIN WATT:ON, (Democrat,) Fifteenth ward. A CITIZENS , EEVOIthI TICKET, To be voted at the coming October,ltlecUop, and made the following nominations hhe , if, THOMAS 7 JEFFRIES, (American,) Terentpliret ward. Regiatir of Wills HARMAN BAUGH, (Whig ' ) - Sixth wool. Yelloar-Oilifens: Yon are urgently but respectfully 'equated to o pulse Ward Assccistions for the pur pose of routing a common foe, by the election of men pledged to a thorough reform in our city government, Philadelphia, Ceps 18, len. ne2O Altrutieu One end AU: COME! elm!! DOME!!! REGULAR PEOPLE'S ORI...iNIZATION! A gene el meeting of the PEOPLE of the MET 00IfttRESS1ONAL:D115THICV, Are:able to the. re election or- - - - • . TOOMAB B.`FLORENCE, • 1466ARDLE6EI OP CORM6/1,412'ft .461001ATIONO, will be held at - ' • 1 TEMPE R ANC E. HALL, • BECO‘D, below Queen street, OPPOSITE "OLD SOUTIIWARK HALL," ON WaIONESDAY hVENINO, , September 224, at 13 o'clock. 1 The Rich and the Peer. come! The Mechanic and the L.borer, come ! The Weikbagman end !awing Woman, come I People of all ages and conditions, come! Friends of American Industry, come! All whosrould rebuke the impudent aspirations of selfish demagogues, come! • 117'' 'I hoes who scomt ully repudiate sectional cliques and political tradere, come:- , 117 - COME, EVERY ONE, and testify by your voice and presence to theJisess.risis DEVOTION to the PEO PLE'S intereste; of ' that Totem, race, and' PATIIIVILIL PRIZED, . THOMAS B. /WRENCH, their Representative la the AmericanHougreas. 117" The Hen. Joel B. Sutherland, Col. A.. De Ealb Tarr; Col. John S. Painter, Col. David Myerle, Joseph B Brewster, Esq., WiiHam B ,Belpa, Esq., Joseph J. Tentiery, Esq., and other distinguished speaketa, will be present and address the smelling. se2o-10 . _ TrTents-sreerni Ward... The Citizens of , the Ward in favor of the election of the nomi nees of the ' 4 People's Party" aro repeated to meeVat the - TOWN NALL, G•rmantown, on MONDAY Will.; NINO, 20th inetant, at 8 o'cicok, for the purpose of organization. By order of" the seiB-2til , • i EXBOUTIVEI COMMITTED. ‘Notlee...,—Senled Proposals, endorsed U. 3. a Proposals for Furnishing Sapplie; to the Board of Controllers of Peiblie.tichools, ,, will ho received st the 'MSc° of the Controllers of Public - Sohools;Southeast corner of SIXTH and ADELPIII Streets, addressed to the unde•slgned, until September 28th, 1868, at 12 o'clock M., for the supply of all the BOOKS sad STATIONERY to be used in the Publie Schools of the City of Philadelphia, until the let day of, January; 1869. The Proposals must state the price and quality of the Books and articled of Ste. lonery pro 'posed to be furnished, and be accompanied by a sample of each item. A. list of the Books and Stalonery au thorized by the Board oat be procured at the Secreta ry's Office, Southeast corner of SIXTH and ADELPIII streets. By order of the Committee on 'Supplies. ROUT J. IIIthIPIEILL, Sec'y, Board of Controller of Public Schools. ravintat. - Louis Ten Per Cent. Mortgagee._ g . The undersignedi President of the Real Estate e Institution of Bt. Louis, and an old resident of that city, can=be seen between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock, fora fen days, at the Office of Charles B. Keen, No. 325 Walnut street, by parties desiring to invent in Deeds of Trost, or Mortgages bearing ten per cent. in terest, (the legal rate,) In the beat city property Any Iniormation desired will be promptly given. - - GEO. K. BUDD. Refer to John IL - Budd, Egg , Wm. W. Keen, Esq. sel7-Bt cr. Thirteenth Ward to the itssone....in Ad journed meeting of theyeople'e Asiocistion will be held at the Boatloaet corner of NINTH and SPBTNI GARDBN, segond story, on MONDAY EVE NINQ, Sept. 20th, at 7% o'clock, for the purpose of electing an Xxecutive Oommittee for the coming cam paign, and translating important business. ' - CHAO. FIIISOMDTII, President. ROM. M. EVANS, gee's , . selB-2tet effDepartment of Iflnbways.—Offlce of n ca V 0051111EISIONER, SOUTHWEST COIL . of OILESTNUT AND BIRTH STS—Sere. 15, 11358. - --REALED Premeds, entitled "Proposals for Oleeneing the City," will .be received by the under signed Until MONDAY, Sept. 27,1858, until 12 o'clock. Each Propound must be utoompanted by the name of two responsible mama as sureties. 13peclftostione may be, had at thls office. '-- P. ANDRESS, - Sent 20&.26 " Oblef Commissioner. New Orleans Gas Light CoMpany. 11.3 PAII.3IERSI AND MECHANICS , BANK, - PHILADELPHIA, July 2,1855. Notice. to hereby given to_ .the Stockholders of the New Orleans Gila Light Company, that the Agency for the Transfer of the Stock and the payment of the Divi dends of that Commit:lY will be closed from and after thelirst day of October next; and they ate rogues - Led to erarrender the Certificates Waned by this Dank and re ceive 'Warrants of Transfer to the Company in New Or leans..-' W. RUSHTON Ja. jyo4lwermtlitoel . ambler.' [crPhiladelphia and Darby Railroad Corn. party,—The subscribers to the Capital Stook of the Philadelphia (Ind Darby Raliroud Conway are no tified that FOUR DOLLARS Per chafe (bolowthe ba lance of the first instalment) will be due, and Is hereby rrouesfed to be paid, on the 25th September instant, °moo or the Treasurer, No. 121. WALNUT Street, be• twemithe hours of 10 A. Id, and 1 P. bl , DAIM ,• and at the Blue Bell' Tavern, Twenty-fourth Ward, on SATURDAY AFTERNOONS; between your and Five o'clock. • 11y order of the Board' of IhrectOrs. sel4-171 _ THOMAS SPARKS, Treasurer. for ..Invailds with Affections of aI7TIIII OHM .•W. corner PARSE and OREBTNTIT Streets, seo.l.at West Pbtledelphts. WiND,OW BH kDES—GiIt and Painted, only cents each. Trimmings for'sale. • NS': H. O#RRYL & BROTHER, 0020 719 Chestnut street. BEAUTIFUL FRENCH LASTINGS New and elegant designs, for Curtains end turn 'titre covertly!. - , - W: It CARRY'. & BROTHER, se2o 719 Chestnut et , in Masonic, Hall. EPICS FRENCH SATINS, Daniasks, and Broaatedem, Wrench Satin Border Curts ns, plain wide Satins, all colors, for Curtains and Furniture oar tains, at 715 CHESTNUT Street. se2o W. H. CARRYL to BROTHER. LACE SIIRTAINS of every. desoription Some extra wldthantlerl A tßry a rich.yißßO., ee29 719 Oho:davit et. i fitE PRESS.-PIMADELPHLt. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 185 S. ‘RIOMPYK A:4s9llit Ilifraftv,A,R,r, -stetill A L . , . . ONO OP , VIII „ ii,I4OHTEDI3O I S IIO ,, NP,VV,.VDEfitD, AND ELEGANT, , xrceNT,Aßizpr4Lf - Exam :suifoßg, Ie nowlnchlbit..(l'l6i,dtir:sale • DE FOREST, ARISISTRO G, h CO., 60 ' ANn .62 OIIAINIDERB 6TIEBir, St* YORK,. „ TO WHOM WH . OOtOOIT ATT!SiTIOH. Having made extensive additions to our atorem, we hart, with great care, selected a . • • SPLENDID irdItIETY OP DRESS AND FANOY GOODS, . . Ouch an will enable our customers to give a New and Attractive Appearance to their Stocks, and aid them In retaining their trade in the 6ce of all competition. We have purchased for, cash AN EXTENSIVE STOOK OF DOATESTIOS, Which we give to buyers at Prices below which none Fin 011 TO to Son, This portion of our Stook embraces the leading styles : MERRIMAC. COOLIRCO, PAOI VIC. AND SPRAGUE PRINTS, MANCHESTER, PACIFIC, AND HAMILTON DELAINES. LAWRENCE, CABOT, ABIOME* YORK MILLS, LONSDALE, AND WAMBUTTA MEETINGS AND SIIIRTINGS. • WHITE GOODS. In this department will be found Linens and handker chiefs of our importation, expressly adapted to the wants of the Trado,.with a eholge line LADIES' SKIRTS ov rue MOST APPROVEDUMIN, WOOLLEN GOODS, CLOTHS, OASSIMEMS, AND VIIBTINIIN;DIIIITNII YANKEE NOTIONS, • Comprising the latest and mint useful Inventions. S irAWL BROGUE, STELLA, and WOOLIEg, In great variety:. T0ta1.... , The principle upon which wo do business is grounded upon MUTUAL INTEREST, knowing that, unless our Castomors mako money out of us, wo cannot make It out of Oslo. DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, dr, 00., Nos. BO and 82 (NUMBERS Street, selB.Bt NBW,YOBK 1N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. - Estate or JAS. W. T..fiI , ALLISr k R, deceased. The widow of said decedent has filed her petition to the said Court, with an A ppralseinent, claiming to be allowed property to the value of $3OO out of the estate of Bald decedent. 'Euless exceptions thereto aro flied on or before FRIDAY, October let, 1858, the same will be approved by the Court. „, GEO. A. COPYRY, sego 22 27&29.4t Attorney for the widow. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT ' , am- PAIN—By Dr. J. B FRANOIB, the Inventor of the Galvanic Process, Offica, No. 925 MOB Street. Alec, medicates, tills, and inserts Teeth. All 'work warranted to give entire satisfaction. soVf-Strt v Dr. W: N. 1110ILHE NNE It ,Dontist, .amiiita would inform hie friends that he bee resumed practice at No. MO 81.188TNUT Street, secopd goor above the 11. 8. 811nt. sepl-303 $4,00n AND $l,OOO T) LOAN ON tr, Mortgaga. Apply at the aka of JAMB IT. 0/181'1,E, 115 South Rani street. ENGLIS II VERMILLION and ULTRA- Ies MARINE BLUE, especially imported for Painters and Printers. Put up In 1 lb packsges, and for sale by LAY & BROTHER, 241 DOOR Street, up stairs. sel7-ltn CONTBOTIONERS AND BAKE kis.— , 500 lbs. Oil Peppermint, warranted pure 1000 Carb. Ammonia ; 200 « Carraway Seed. For sale low, as wantee, be WILSON & MERRITT, Wholoeale Druggists, 208 Market street. tiIHOWAS °BARNUM, FURNISHING UNDERTAEER; having purchased the right to GOOD'S PATENT 008P8E YRE3ERVER, is now prepared to furnish it In connection with his business, at No 407 South tIXTI4 Street, above Lombard fitted, sel74l3t* CI ENS, RIFLES, AND SPORTING - 131- 1F PLEMEN TS. The Subscribers brae to store • THE" LARGEST ASSORTMENT No. 716 South FRONT Street, below Chestnut, AND BEADS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, For the INDIAN TRADE, .ko , &a au2B-1m TO OASH BUYERS. JAMES S. EARLE. 80N., 816 ORESTNIIT STREET, Invite the attention of Western and Southern Cluston ere to their Immense and elegant ktsortment of LOOKING-GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE-PRAMED, THE "OLD DOMINION" COPSES POT, and THE "OLD DOMINION" - TEA POT, Are manufactured, under the patent for the United States, by ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, Nos. 117 and 119 South TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 113' Merchants visiting Philadelphia, should, by all means, lay in a supply of these COFFEE and TEA POTS, which aro rapidly coming Into use, and destined in a short time to supersede all others. Err A. B. & Q. are also manufacturers, under the patent, of ARTHUR'S CELEBRATED AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING CANS AND JARS, Which, it is conceded on all hands, are the best in the market. aulT•tuth&stnolii Also Trade Agents for TORREY'S ADJUSTABLE DOOR SPRING. FARINA CRACKERS.—These V V , Orackers are acknowledged to be one of the moat healthful articles of food ever roduced, and theyare now used by numerous families with great advsnlare. One pound of 'WING'S ORACKERId is estimate! to contain as much nourishment as two pounds of bread. Those who use WING'S CRACKERS regularly. find them UNEQUALLED FOR THEIR INVIGORATING POWER; not only in aiding the action of the stomach, but In restoring those foroes of the system which have become reduced by disease or mental and physical labor. Eminent physicians recommend their use at a min able food in sickness es well as in health, and especially for children. Be sure and get those stamped " A. WING." These may be bad of the beet Family Grocers gene rally, and at wholesale only or A. N. THOMPSON & CO., Nos. 221 sad 923 kIILTO 3 Street, New York, or BINGES & BROTHER, Wholesale Agents, No. 145 South FRONT Street, phllad 3 a. For the convenience of Purchasers, we glre the newel of some of our beat Grocers who sell thorn; Bon 20 ,PHRENOLOGIOAL EXAMLNA ;Iva% TIONB, with written deaeriptiond of character, including advice in reference to buainees, health, Belt improvement &a., are made day and ere. ning at NOWLER; WELLS, & 922 Chestnut et., Philadelphia. BONES. -100,000 Shin Bones, Imitable for U brelL said Button Itakein, In atom and for Al, by OROABDALB, PNinon,_& 00., 104 NORTH 1171BIARV1111 UERRY AND PORT WINE.-39 qtrs. S lo Eighths Harmony Sherry j 20 qrs. Wallis Port Wine ; In bond and for sale by WILLIAM 1 EATON, sea 216 South RJtONT Street CHEESE.-260 boxes Cheese for sale, by 0.0.1 l SADLER & 00., sell ARCH Street. 24 door Shove Front. `(' ®.YANG LEAF-100 Bales Havana Loaf Aa Tobacoolaadlog ox Mary H. Kendall. For sale by A. MERINO, 140 Booth 'Front Almost 011ANDLER Y.—A full assortment Constantly on band and for sale by WEAVICIt, FITLER & CO., No. 28 North Water street, and e m•4B - No. 22 North WHARVES WOWN STOUT.-40 casks " Find & Williams,' importoid direst from London, in stare and for imia try WM. H. YEATON, men 21(I SOUTH' FRONT street. DBOVISIONS.-100,Bblo Dim Pork. AL 1,000 pre City Smoked name. 1,000 " ‘, Shoulders. 100 bble Lard. For gale by C. 0. BADUCR h CO., eel • Arch et., second door above Front STORAGE Storage can be obtained at a fair prigs in the Warehouse, No. 9 North Water street, or ',vibe second and thud Aeries of No. 108 Arch street. by applying to _ _ MAOKEREL.-888 Ma "Nos. 1, 2 and 8, aiaataral, in utortaa packages, for sale by 0. 0. SAXER & 00 ., 5e Ball - AllOO Streat.2rl don:. above front. _ TO PRINTERS--TUFT POWER. PRESS, in complete eider, e‘ for $4OO, by JACIMM Printer, peli•Ot WIEBTNUT pad Bing §troot. OP VARIOUS FABRICS, EMBROIDERIES, OLO IIS, ITO Kegal Nolicto. fazittuarg. Importers of LOOKING•GLASS PLATES, MONTI TEM GIRAID 100111 OIL PAINTING,B, ENORA.VIN6B, Bultable for the BALL TRADE 0. 0. B&DIAR & 00., ARCH Street, 2d door above Rront BAII4 - #vBI49ZIVA.* No. 920 OHEVTNIIT 'STREET, WILL opioluip DAY Their fniricirtation CAItPETINGS, PRICES 'CREAMY REEUORD CARP.ETINGS. ELLINGTON BatissELs, SUPER ALL-WOOL INORAINB, EXTRA. SINN INGRAINS, DOUBLE COTTON CHAINS INGRAINS', VBNITIANS, AND LOWED GRADZS, Of choice etylee and approved manotactarei conetantly receiving and for sale by ♦-r1 i \ 1 NEW FALL STOCK. hleCetttley, Brother, & Brewster, 28 NORTH FOURTH ST. HAYS just opened an entire new stook of HOMERY, &ova, AND FANCY GOODS, to which they 'irate the attention of liretniase bnyeri Our stook lo particularly adapted to TIIII BOU'I'IaRN TRADE CLENDENNING's DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, TABLE COVERS, TABLE NAPKINS and TOWELLINGS TII/bDitlt GOODS MRROIIANTS Gssirmossi : As I have bestowed more than usual expense and labor in getting up this article of Damask Table Damask in this country, and have since rded is furnishing an article equal, and in some respects supe rior, to the imported one, at a much less expense, I trust that those who have a dispoiltion to encourage Allitatass EMMA/118H and American labor will not forgot my address. . . _ JOHN OLHNDENNING to CO., ARAMINOD MILL, FRANEFORD, PHILADELPHIA P. B.—Pedlars and those wbo travel and supply Conti try Trade will find it to their advantage to call at the Pactory before purchasing elsewhere. Parties wishing to buy, and cannot melte it convenient to call at the Pactory, will please send theiraddrese, and they will be waited on with samples of the above. sea.lmlf CARPETINGS MST RECEIVED PROM TUE MANITRACTURERS, On Ctonalgnxnent, $ large lot of ENGRAIN AND VENETIAN CARPETS, To be sold at ATIOTION PRICES for Cash or City Ac ceptances. WOLFE, WILSON, & CO., jy2O•frzo& wit . No. 182 CHESTNUT Street Carriages CARRIAGES. WM. D. ROGERS. OOAOII AND LIGHT•OASRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied. eelS•Smlf iliatcbte, Jcwelrp, s;r. BAILEY & CO., BAILEY A KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Piro-proof, White Marble store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH BIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD 11013831 Now opening their fall dock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To whf oh they Invite the ittentlon of the publle. SILVER-WADE, WATOHES, DIAMONDS, AND PXABLB, Umbrellas ant( parasols. SLEEPER & FENNER, IdANII/ACTUBERS OP UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, No. 338 MARKET STREET, INVITE THE ATTENTION Of NITERS, To Their LARGE AND VARIED'STOOK WIT.T.TAM A. DROWN & 00., UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANUVAOTURERB, No. 246 MARX ET STREET, A large assortment constantly on hand, to which the attanfinn nr A osiers II invited. an2B4m SUMACS" , VARNISHES, JAPANS, The attention of Doalore and consumers of Yarnlabels is solicited to our SUPERIOR COACH AND FURNITURE VARNiBH, DRYING JAPANS, IRON JAPANS, MASTIC AND SPIRIT VARNISHES. We claim to be the Oldest Varnish blauniaotaring Establishment IN MO COUNTRY, Our Varnishes baying now been in constant use OVER FORTY YEARS, and are admitted by competent judges to be BVPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS MADE IN THE lINITED STATES AU wo aek Is a fair trial, and we are Flattened the merits of our Varnishes' will be JOLLY ISTASLISHAD. O. BCHRACK & CO., OLD STLND..Noe.IS2 and 1.54 North POURTH Street eee.lm HANDSCRUBS AND CLAMPS lIANDSORUBS No. 1. 82Xo. por dor. No. 5. $1 12 per dos 2. 75e. " 0. 1 25 " 8. 870. " 4 7. 150 ,• . 1000. " 8. / 75 1‘ CLAMPS. 0 Row, $1.25 perlosen. 7 Row, $1.75 per dozen. 8 Row, $2.25 per dozen MERRY C. ECKSTEIN, ae-10 S 2 North TRIAD Street, Philadelphia TO AROHITEOTS AND BUILDERS. ACADIA FREESTONE. Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tons of this beautiful Stone, both of the BLUE, GRAY, AND BUFF TINTS, the former of which, for sonnets and delicacy of color, is unrivalled For the character of this atone 'please examine the following buildings : Joe. Eighteenth street and Rittenhouse Square. Hudson's Building, Leonia street, between Seven teenth and Eighteenth. Samuel Smith's West street and Rittenhouse square. Airs. Pet..raort's No 1219 Walnut street. A. H. Womrath's, 41b Arch street. Patnuol Sims', Twelfth and Chestnut 4treets. T. K. J. Fassitt, Seventeenth and Locust streets, and others. ARNOLD k WILSON, Agents, PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, 1010 OLIESTNITT STREET. eelo.Bm B. M. FELTWELL, Snp't AWNINGS!AWNINGS! CM- JOSEPH H. POSTER, Awning Maker, No. 448 North THIRD Street, above Willow. Italian and French Window Awnings for Dwellings and Office Win dows ; Awnings for Moran, Awnings for Steamboats and Ships. All kinds of . .. Awnings. Tents, Flags. or any thing in canvas, made to order byJOSEPH II FOSTER, Awning Maker, No. 448 North THIRD Street. Resi dence, NO 840 Smith Front Street JOSEPH H. FOSTER. CAMPBELL , s DINING SALOON, Corner of THIRD lit and HARMONY 0013.11 T, Has been closed for several days put, in order to be regenerated and dt.enth.alled. It will be opened en MONDAY next. 2Ath inat . with improvements and al. Aerations which will astonish the town. The host has thrown Ws cool Into the twit of iron zeal and we think that hie efforts will meet with untrue/Li approbation. Wken reopened it will be a model establishment. THE DELICATE, and those who are pro flounced courelesoent after a long duration of ill heir, are recommended to use slight stimulants. We can, to all confidence, commend the PURE PORT WINE of oar own importation to those who are allowed the luxury. It is a fruity, luscious Wine. ZIEGLER & SMITH, Druggists, sula-tatr Southwood nor Reenmi and Green eta. A bRAII SLAGIVIS ENGRAVING, DIE ti Oinking, and gmbomed Printing, Envelope, and Seal Preen Mannfaotory, No. 1 gontia SIXTH guest, Rbiladalnbia, Pa. attl2.4lro starlit BRIDGETON.—T he Steamer EXPRESS leaves ARCH Street Tues.. days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 8% o'olook A, M. Returning, leaves BRIDGETON Mondays, W eduesdays, and Pridays, at 8 oialock A, M Stopping at New Outle, Delaware City, Port Delaware and the usual Landings on the Cohansey. Through tickets for Milleville, Port Elisabeth, Mauricatown, Dividing Creek, Newport, CedArfillea and Fairt i ou. eel-13a* L. eT.. LEVY , , 66 CO. Arenow opening a large aesOrtinent of NEW F L'"G 0 o . bs j. "; TO which additions will be madi - brall the iiteamets arriving durlog the next six weeks. lI Their itsertment le now full and complete owing artieles: INDIA CASHMERE SHAWLS; RICH AND MEDIUM PRICED SILKS; FLOUNCED AND DOUBLE SKIRT SILKS; RICH PRINTED OASHMERES; . RICH BRINTED MOUnELINES; PRENCH MERINOS AND CASHMERES; • RICH FRENCH CHINTZES; NEW STYLE POPLIN DRESSES; DOUBLE SKIRT WALKING DRESSES; FRENCH EMBROIDERIES; SAXONY AND FRENCH PLAIDS; NEW BLANKET bIIAWLS; PARIS CLOAKS 'AND MANTILLAS; HOSIERY, GLOVES, FLANNELS; - SUPERIOR-LINEN GOODS. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT ST. se2o-at BARGAINS FROM • AUCTION THIS VHS K. Three lots (120) Children's Shawls Two lots (81 yards) ellk and Plash Testings; One lot (72) black filkoiltavati; One lot (117 yds) dark plain ribeed - Cafteicteres; One lot (153 yards) steel mired Satinets; • Three lots (60) Robes One lot (240 yards) all wool Plaid; One lot (313 yards) Poll de Ohevres. N. B.—The above are cheap and desirable. COOPER & OONABI), sae O. N. corner NINTH and IrLARZET. JOSEPH LEA, fir ANTILLAS, DUSTERS, and SHAWLS, 11l Bilk Circulars and Busters, new Pall atyles. Cloth Raglans and Circled, for Fall. Ordera token, and ready in one day's notice. he ARLET, GREEN, BLTIM, BLACK CRIMSbN, Stella, Broohe Bordere 'CHINTZ FOULARD ROBES—Brown and V Black grounds, with rich Chints Also, small designs in Chin's and plain colors. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, se2.o EIGHTH. and CHESTNUT Streets. NEW AUTUMN SILKS.—Snot opened, a Line of rich awl seasonable goods of low, medi um, and superior qualities. AIIARPLEBB BROTKEIiB, se2o CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. II" lIPINS MERINO AT $1.00.--A lot of -11-4 full width eitra quality. Lupine Medium of excellent value. Also, wide Shawls, Merinos, and Cashmeres. SHARPLBSS BROTHERS, ee2o , 0111i8 MUT and BIGHTH. GREAT ATTRACTION I OVER 14,600 WORTH OP SHAWLS PROM WHICH TO MAKE A SELECTION. THORNLEY & OkiISM, N.B. oor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Have the beet SHAWL Stock in Philadelphia. They would respectftilly call attention to the following very cheap lots, viz: 48 LONG BROOHE SHAWLS at $ 8 each. 20 Do. do. do. at 10 " 20 Do. do do. at 11 " 24 Do. do. do. at 12 " 10 Do. do. do. at 73 " 20 Do. do. do. at 14 4. 20 Do, do. do. at 18 4 . 8 Do. do. do. at 18 " 8 Do. do. do. at 20 . 4 8 Do. do. do. at 26 " In the above Lots of Long Broche Shawla will be found every desirable color of centre. REAUTIVUL STELLA SHAWLS ' From $2 to $l2, in every color. French Blanket shawls in new dm igta. Plain Thibet Shawls, square and Long. Real Canton Crape Shawls, Plain and Embroidered. Children's shawls, Misses' Shawls, and Gentlemen's Shawls, at TIitikLNLEY do OHISIVB, "ONE PRICE CASH STORE.,' Northeast Coiner & SPRING GARDEN N. 11.—City and Country Storekeepers buying for cash may find bargains at T & C's P. B.—A Magnificent stock of Mika now on hand. selB-tf BLACK SILK ROBES.—Just received, a large assortment of Black Bilk Flounced Robes, which we will sell at less than cost of importation. BLACK BAYADERE BILES. A now assortment of Black Bayaderea, Eros do Ep som'', and Figured Bilks. DEEP MOURNING SILKS. Black Penh de Soles or Mourning Silks Bleak Ar mares, Royals, Venetiennes, and Ottoman S ilks. ' • BRILLIANT BLACK BILKS. Glogey Black Gres de Rhlnes, Gros litilllante, Gros de Moues, &c. BEOOND•MODRNING BILKS. A beautiful assortment of all prices and latest *Vies, will be opened this morning. BESsOII tr. BON, Mourning Store, No. 608 CBES MUT Street. I — _IIP IN'S 6-4 FRENOII MERINOES .1.4 AND 0 ASIDIERE DE 00885, PROM THE GREAT MERINO SALE. CHARLES ADAMS has now arranged several lots and qualities of these well-known Goods, in choice and desirable colors. ,Also, plain Mons. Delaines, in mode, plain, and high colors, All-wool Plaids, choice styles. Mons. Delaines, Valencias, Mohall a, Poll de Chevron! and Drees Goode in variety. GLOSSY BLACK SILKS, OF ALL WIDTHS. Heavy corded black Ponit de Sole. New EngLah and Merrimac PI lets. Fine atrok of ilnebrlnkable Flannels, Shirting, Sheet log, and Pillow Hustles. SCULL& SHAWLS I In many desirable styles. New Goode being daily received and sold at the low est market pr.ces, for CASH. seemwf-tf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. NEW CLOTH STORE. HENRY D. NELL, 811COBBBOR TO GEO. M. COATES & CO., . No. ZS SOUTH SECOND STREET, Just received, the Newest styles of - FANCY CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Also, a choice assortment of - FRENCH BLACK AND COLORED CLOTHS, And other Goode adapted to DWI wear. sell3-12t FALL CLOAKS. The Subscribers will exhibit ON MONDAY AND DURING THE WEER, ELEGANT CLOAKS, (In mimic, of their usual opening,) to which they Invite the inspection of LADIES AND STRANGERS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., NO. 706 ORESTNIIT STREET, selB . PHILADELPHIA. EYRE & LANDELL, OPENING OP PBBNOH GOODS BIM SILK ROBES A LEZ; SILK ROBES, DOUBLE SKIRT% SPLENDID ROBES, TWO FLOUNCES; SPLENDID ROBES, THREE FLOUNCES; NEWEST STYLES FALL SILKS; ROUND-CORNERED SHAWLS; EXTRA RIOII PRINTED DE LAMES; PLAIN AND BAYADERE BLACK SILKS. EIRE & LANDELL, sepl-38t FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS WITHERS & PETERSON, BROKERS, No. 89 South THIRD Street, (East Side.) Pro - winery Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Zco., ma turing in this or other States, promptly collected, and parties advised immediately on receipt of funds. Drafts at sight or a few days to run; cashed at mode rate rates. Southern, Eastern, Western, and Pennsylvania State Money bought at low figures. Drafts drawn on all the principal cities in the Union. au2l-2m CHARLES E. BUOli, REAL ESTATE BROKER AND AGENT, No. 814 K WALNUT STREET. Real Estate purchased and sold. Houses rented. Rents and Ground Rents collected. Money procured on mortgagee, ground rents, oko. IBBIRNNO/10. Frederick Fraley, Esq., Wm. D. Lewls, Esq. Morrie L. Hallowell, Esq. Thos. P Bparhawk, Esq., James Dunlap, Esq., Caleb donee, Esq. au3o lm AUGUST BELMONT, BANKER 78 STREET, FEW TORE banes Letters of Credit, available to Travellers, on all • le of the world. ie3o-Om (111.0NISE & CO., STROIE AND EXOHANGD DROKBRS, No. 40 South THIRD Street, : PHILADELPHIA. Refer to the Bain and DEOHNISE of Phlledelphla je7-17 OHAB. LEY WILEY. BR .w ci. k, 'Apr . 03 a. YUMA; al MA B N AN K-NOTE, EROKER STOOK, AND EXCHANGE S, W.N. corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets, . . Collection made, and Drafta drawn on all pints of the United States and the (madam, on the moat favorable terms. Collection' made, and Drafts drawn on England and Ireland. ljncurrent Bank Notes bought. Land Warrants bought and sold. Dealers in Specie and Bullion. Loans and Time Paper negotiated. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Oomatission at the Board of Brokers in Philadelphia and New York, jea-em EDWARD R. PARRY, RICHARD R. PARRY, Notary PubHo for Commissioner for Minnesota. Perumylrani& and New Jersey. PARRY & BROTHER, BROKERS & GENERAL LAND AGENTS sod OONYBYANOERS, (FRONT STRERT, above HICEORY, MANKATO, MINNESOTA, Pay particular attention to loaning and tweeting Money No te s . eelts and others, and colleeting Drafts, & o. Any letters of INQPINT or bneineu will receive prompt attention. Refer to Wood Bacon, dr, Co., Philadelphia. Dale, Ross, A Withers, Phtledelphis. Sharp, Haines, & Co.. Philadelphia. Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. Charles Ellis & 00., Philadelphia. Parry & Randolph. Philadelphia. my2l-15WD.: MANILLA. ROPE.—To Western and Boutbern Merchants—A large stock of ?d i mly Item manufactured and for sale by WAVER, PITLEB, & 00., No. go North Water street, and No. 22 North WRARVEB, CENTRES Shanit, auction lota, COOPER & CONRAD, NTH and MARKET Ste 8. E. corner N FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, EiTAPLE AND FANOY SILK GOODS. TODAY Oroktro. :or Salt an; to Let. VON„ SALE—Lot of Ground, North side - Thiyteeizthlitreete.loo by 80 Apt, with Three fronts,. Atipij to, 4.0. VIO 51P21#1 4 4. 31C.00NARMO!, AltOfflltreet., FOR' SALE —„A. bandecime residence, Rith,pll'-ilia_ niodart imirovaMentn„ll4o_l4Se yard„v.:l*y; Ec,6 - ; BlXTH,•ndir SPRIN G eitRuEN Street , Terzuseday. P. IC:LYND, by e South SIXTH Street, (eecoa tory.) aelMnr- FUR SALE 0 . 11 EXCHANGE-4 Ida handsome nea , manalon,,l9 r9ome, and '4O sorely. nrar Ou'imodd' Station, North' Pennsylvania Railroad. Sitio%mild, t abundant, health unsurpassed.' Atiy person really desiring a handsome Country, Seat in ex ohang4 for city property will-find this an nnnsoalr4- portoniti of accomplishing Ilia object. Apply to P. K. 8, /SIXTH bt (gd story) selT-Im ,fIFOR. SALE—A - pretty, Cottage; nine iooms, and one or more awes, On Wyoming avenge. two miles oat the Second-•treat Turnpike Alio, several handsome cottage lots,. The neighborhood is healthy, beautiful; and rapidly improving. P. K. LYN D, sx SIXTH. St , (2d story.) - eeTT-lm o SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS. -IL —Thirty acmes or less of beautiful Land on Wyoming Avenue, near New Second street, only two miles north or the pavemests, for sale a bargain, and terms easy. Apply to P. K LYN D,65i South SIXTH Street, (second story) ,e017.1m we TO RENT—The new iron-front Store, mi. No. 244 North THIRD street, above Bemoan' the use of Shelving, Counter, aco. ' Suitable for the. wholeasle Clothing, Notions. or any other busineia. Terms low. Apply at No. 252 North , THIRD fl•reet, three doors above. sell•nt* if maFOR SALE OR TO RENT.—A. Desira- Me property in Main Sun villane. Lot side, feet front on 11 - ermantown road, by six hundred feet deep to a main street. the improvements ore a brick dwelling, with store, containiog fourteen rooms In all: Also a greem.honse; two hot-houses, cottage on back street, stables, coach-house, &c including a choice variety of fruit trees, all of , which will be sold on as terms, or a prortion rented to a mind ten ant. Apply to CalifidWELL & WILLIAMS, sell3-bt ,206 WALNUT Street. OFFICE TO-LET.—AN ELIGIBLE or -11012 for an Insurance Company, or similar oar porationi having three communicating rooms on -the samo floor, No. 984 WALNUT Street, above DOCK. Immediate possession given. Apply to • JOHN 0. REPPES., or - THOMAS T. BUTOHBR, - No. 112 South II'OURTH Street, , rah.Bo-taths-tf second story, front room. - 4,10 A To LET—A. full-furnished House, in LEL CHESTNUT Street.; emit of Broad Yoee•eefon immediately, Addrebe SOX 1858 2 Poet Office. aelS-St FOR SALE- One of the moat Yahnit,le and Deetreble DOUBLE BROWN STONE RESEDENGES , IN THE OITY, No. 1810 OHESTNUT STREET, EXTENDING THROUGH TO GEORGE STREET Raving been built by the owner for hie own Residence, no expense has been spared in its constriction. CHARLES BOGGS, 929 Market Street, Or to 31, TROMAS .k SONS, 139 and 141 Sonth Fourth St. eel44mlf CHOICE COTTAGE SITES, WITHIN, three minutes walk. of two Stations on Philadel phia and Germantown Railroad Tor sale cheap. Apply at corner of Tioga Street and P lank Road, or at No. 23 North Sixth Street, to _- see-lm* T. L. LITTLRFrELD. ebutational. n'DONNELL'S BOOKKEEPING 'IN STITITTE, EIGHTH end ARM Streets, is now in sucessful operation. Open day and evening. See Cir culars. se2o4t* 1-11- A TERM OF THE LAW DEPARTMENT of the UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA cote. mences on the 4th of October. Prof. tiIIARSWOOD, International and Constitution al Law, &c. " Prof. MoCALL, Pleading and Practice. Prof. MILLER. Real Estate and'Conveyanclng. An INTRODUCTORY LECTURE will be delivered by Prof. SHAP.SWOOD; on the dth of October, at eight o'clock P. M , at the Lecture Room of the Department; by Prof DIoCALL on the 6th, and by Prof. MILLER on the tth of October, at the same hour and place. se2o4oco PENN INSTITUTE—Southeast corner of & THIRTEENTH. and FILBERT attests', opened on MOaDAY, the oth of September. Private instruction, though favorable to rapid pro. green, yet sends the ;scholar into the world with a keen sensitiveness. which tatally disqualifies him for active life; whilst attention to many oftentimes force, the instructor to meet general difficulties rather than those personal to each individual, and the learner either Mesa all interest, or becomes superficial in his acquire. manta. For these and other reasons the number Is limited. For further information apply personally, from nine o'clock A. M. to one o'ciock r. AI., or by note, to aelB-tf R BTRWART. Principal. EINGLISH SINGING—BaIIad and Opera- FEAZER• gives Instruction In the above styles, on the moat approved system. ' • ' sel&lm 409 South EIGHTEENTH Wreet. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, PE-NN Square —Applicants for admission into - the TEOHNIoAL SOOOOLS' are requested to preienV themselves for Examination on MONDAY, September 20, at 9 &clock A. M. A. L RENNEDY, , M. sell3-3t Prosident'a Yftenlty. 'CLASSICAL EDUCATION.--ROBERT 41.-/ H. LaIMERTON. Ph. D. of the University of Groningen, will hereafter have charge of the Classical department in the SCIENTIFIC and OUSSICAL 81 ITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, northwest corner if Twelfth. No pains have been' spared- to render this School eminently worthy of patronage for boys of all egos, and m all departments—Engl eh ; Classical, and Scientific. Entrance on T WSLPT it St. eel?-Ito J. - SIMI?, Principal, J J. R 1 ED'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG • LADIES, No 1523 WALNUT Street. For terms, apply at the Institute. . Rays ass ass —Dr. (louvers°, (editor of the Christian Obscrroar,) Rey Dr. C. Wadsworth; Rev. Dr W. B. Stevens, Col. J. W .Forney , 0. !r. Leland Esq., Pro. •pEoril Vethake, Allen, Brass; of the University, and fther gentlemen sele-lm J. REED has resumed his course of-in ida• atruotlon In Melo and on the Plano-forte. No. 1623 WALNUT Street. - • sel6-lm M R. T HOR BE CKE .hits the honor to JAIL announce that be will resume his !Instructions on the PIANO immediately after hie return from Iturope, (in the latter part of September, Pbase address communications to ,4 Box No. 1898, ,, Poet Ofilco. sel4-121ek GEORGE R. B&LICER'S ENGLISH and CLASSIaAL SCHOOL, GERMANTOWN, wiII reopen on bIONDeIi, September 0, MS; an3o4Btek MRS. NaGUIRE'S BOARDING AND DAY ScIROOI, FOR YOUNG LAMB, HMO SPRING GARDES Street, be re-opened MONDAY,' Sep. tember 6th. anNtlw* Boots nub Shaw. NI EN'S FINE CALFSKIN BOOTS, .131 SHOES, and GAITERS; Boys' and 'Youths' sewed Monroes, best city manufacture. Low prices. With a general assortment for Men, Women, and Ohil dren,s wear, at ' DUTTON'S, No. ElNorth SECOND Bt., 10. Arch , East slde, selB-2t "Sign of the Red Boot.n WHELAN & CO., WBOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOBS STRAW ROODS, No. bl 3 MARKET STREET, ' A RUM, RABIN, & CO., BOOT AND BHOE WAREHOUBB, MANIMACTORY, NO. 526 MARKET STREET, NORTH BIDE, .DELOW i3IXTII, an25..1m PHILADELPHIA.. HENDRY & HARRIS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES, N. W. Corner THIRD and ARCH Streets, au2s-201 PHILADELPHIA. FALL STOWS 07 BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH H. WrHOMPSON a CO., No. 814 MARKET STREET, Inn Nos. 8 and 6 PEANELIN PLACES NAM NOW IN MOll A LABOR AND WILL ABOONSID BTOOS 01 BOOTS AND SHOES, Or CITY AND EASTERN MANUFACTURE Which they offer for sale on the best terms for cash, or on the utnml credit. Buyers are Invited to call and examine their stook. - jyBl•tf BOOTS AND SHOES .—The anbaciriber has on hand a large and varied dock of BOOTS and 811010, which he will sell at the lowest prides. GEO. W.' TAYLOR, ao7l-ly IL I. eomer PIIPTH and HARM' Ste printing. JA.OICSON, JOB PRINTER. Kas Removed to • FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREBIL an2B:lm B J AOK.S ID O R N Es , T J ti O u: A P :DTIFII TE T R, EITREET. JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, CHESTNUT AND FIltH STREET. JACKSON, JOB PRINTER ; CHESTNUT ANDPIPTH STREET,. JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, CHESTNUT AND FIFTH STREET. CHECKS PRINTED BY JACKSON. NOTES PRINTED BY JACKSON. BILL•HEADS PRINTED BY JACKSON CARDS PRINTED BY JACKSON. per th 0 0 u A s i d ) , b3 l ) r .T i n A t o el () It $ 1 ,1 1 .40 rt tltltlOOO EStNIIT. • • eel 4 12t grIERMAN OIGARS-800,000 In store and A.-A tor Rao by WILLIAM H. YNATON, seB No. 910 Oath NRONT Btroet _ - AA/ANTED - ,An active - and Cape' Owned - 444 . 4 .kia1e5t00n,in,i...,W, reference .lequired.3 -Ad9reu-: TINTANTED-By ai•middle aSed - ,¢. meiics [ VT 'Lady,..l situation: as Goeerneur .a . pete to ' Good refeeenoes !kill be I , vezi.- :, :kidreitallfli. MARY4:B2OI4/171V, Milk - 4 Delaware county Penn. prints. ek.i ' ';YDII.I4P LAD rthiklying lontieare:ox ' on • =l.7dr tri'4 ll G d rYg="l - d d dr i ry aa aZtl i X t ult t !God's -Detp t ia.. , -: ~-, . . „ ' 102040 ~ II LIT4.Id,TED-A tidy Girl to attend to house- Ly v :work.. Mast to - a good ironer, Apply at US ' - -•-, - -.! -_ <- n ,.,, & rata* : I'INE Strep t '.: VI[TANTED- , .oinvasselis new-Pupil ; . - ia press and 'atthrtly to be issued. Addregd fi.C,B;I! office of This Rms. „ ;ANTED -=A Young Lady to attend in a v V Retail . ?Andy iltore. , , Addiens.“ *AL” • Mee • r ': -• • • • , selB.2t* • , AATANTED=A Salesman in _a—W.l3°l4lli_ V Oloth Store: None need apply incept these as with the boeleess. ' Address aB. 8. ,, :0fd0e at 'The Press ; - - • WANTED—To. Adopt 2 a Male Child not , V V i o,2 ger lban ja rs Goodare sad mers Arninitig will De - gaa ra atfad. - Address .CHARITY, a this office. aetS Bt* ;AATANTED4The Loan of $1,200 for three v r mouths, for which 10 per cent. tutored and gno4, real 'tat' seenrity will be given. Address FACTOR. at this office. . - - sslitates VirANTED—A purchaser for a Patent right_ of an article needed , "for every day use. $360 only regttired. A sure and "creatable business Ittll be insured: For particulars address EDMUNDS, Blood% Despatch: r set &WS A. ,WIDOW LADY desires a situation to inperintend the attars at's bones for a GaatL mae, mould be fuliyqualified to Vat as Gomm'. The beat of retbeeneee Or and required - Add EXPERIENCE, Blood'iDr i spatch.. ' eel= ea WANTED TO 1111tEr—A4(iod - Nonse, LL with modern improvements, within six swirl* of Blzth and Noble streets. Addreu L Box 12.11 r 03. sel.7-3t VIT.AITTED—By an .exilerienced BOOR •T • KEEPER, a Situation in a Yaotery or Whalen". HOMO. Would have no objection to go South. Addle.. PARKES, office of The rms. sel64t. liVANTEDAS'iieraon having $BOO, to join V - the advertiser in - purehsaing L patent tight of great vs ue A large profit sill be guaranteed Address v. B. NORTON, Blood'a Despatch:• .„ -• ada-ape AN, Experienced :116 . ok.keep'ei desires Situation Ina Wholesale or ManutaaturiugAsta blishmont. The best of ,reierenw emus /Oars= J. T., at this Office. • , seWatel, IX/ANTED, FOE TELE UNITED 'WAWA • • • EAVALRY—AbIe-bodied r ,unmarried min, to whom will be Aires good pay; board, - ekithing, and medical attends:me.- Pay frem $l2 to - en per roantb. No man - haring a wife or child will ,be moo UK. App . , for MOUNT= 8222101 at No. 817 !Erwin, abort Eighth, north aide, - ' . . PERSONAL.—This is to not if y the publio that EDSON JACOBS is no longer in my employ. AU debts most be pdd to the tundersigued. • • aelB-MAR • ' - S. T..TUDSON. OARDIN,G. A ryonng Lady-,= wishful B "Boardiiig A short distance from the city: - Te-me must be moderate. 'Address,with particulars, AMNIA, at this office. , ' Ant24l.2t. BOARDING.-A Widower, with Three Children: aged respectively five, nine, and, thir teen years, wishes to secure BOARDING with a retired Private Family. in a Central part of the City. Address M., at this Orfiee, stating terms. , _.alB-gtie 25 NORTH SEVENTH STREET.— Gen. tiemen can be accommodated -fib Dinner or full Board. Also, large and small room to let, With board, mutable for familiea and eingle gentlemen. selT-6t4t BOARDING.-A' handsome suite of apart manta on the second floor, W A1,1117T fit., between Anted atd Sixteenth. Address with , referenee, L. M. B. , Press (Alias. , , Nemec ACADEMY OF MUSIC. OPENING OF THE REASON. MONDAY EVENING, dept. 20th, 1868. - - First night of the wonderful. - RAVELB! The entertainments will commence With striking ind Novel Evolutions on the TIGEIT ROPE! The Intrepid Chinaman ' by M. Oblarini; Eittegarlan Polka, by Gabriel Bevel; Oupid, - by.lfonng America, 4 years old. ' To befollowed by the graceful and dashing tight.rope Dauseuee,, MARIETTA Z ANIRETTA. To conclude with the Pantomime-DBBORALIIMEAU Admission—Parquet, Parquet Circle, and_ Balcony, 60 caws ; Family Circle sod Amphitheat re, 25 cents. Do3ra open at 7 ; Performance to commence at quar ter of 8 o'clock. . , • MRS. D. P. BOWERS* WALNUT-ST. LUIL: THEATRE, corner of NINTH mat WALNUT MONDAY EVICNING., September 20, 1859, THE TOIITH OP FREDISICH THH.GEEILT . . Frederick WWI= ‘hisFiret of Prussia, Mr. Wahine:ft Charles Frederick, his e,dest. son, Miss A. Cruise; Queen Sophie of Prussa, Mrs. H. A. Perry ; Bata, bath of Brunswick , Princess of Austria, Situ O. RM. loge. .To with MT. AUNT. Priam of oiltandou—Sooond T•or end loudly Cho% and Third - Tier, 25 cents; Parquet; 57% cants; Drees Carole, 60 cents; Private BOZO", according- to Ihoir locale, 55 and $6; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 75 cents. - , Doors open at 7 o'clock; Curtain nisei off% o'clock: WHATLEY & CLARICE'B' ARCH-BT. T E HEATAB.—WiIIimai 8. Fredericks, end Stage Manager. - MONDAY EVENING. September 20, MIES, THE WIZARD OF THE WALTZ. Charles Faulkner, O•ptain of H. M. El Wizard of the Wave, on Ramat service, Mr. Dolman; Don Jose Del Bandebar, Governor of St /ago, Mr M2thallonek.• To commence with the comedy of FORTY AND MIR. Admission. 26 eta. Secured Seats in Dress Chute; WM etc; Orchestra Stalls, 60 eta; Beata itt Private Boxes, lb eta; Gallery,l2 ete ; Gallery for Colored Persons,'l6 ate ; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persona , 30 ate; Whole Private Box, $3. Doer' opera at quarter before 7 o'clock; ecnrouruiee at 7}j, precisely. CONCERT HALL. • THIRD WEEK OF SANDERSON'S COLOSSAL REPRESENTATIONE OP TEEN BOSSIAN WAR. Exhibits this week, en Monday, Friday; and 13atarday meltdown only, and on Saturday Afternoon • Admission 25 canto; ohildren 18 cents. sep2o-11. Doors open at T. Performance to commenoo at ,y of S. MUSICAL FUND. BALL. ONE MORE CONCERT PARODI; JOHANNSEN, HEMP, MILLARD, Mire OA, MOLLENHAUER, BATTER. CARD OP THS MA:•AGEBIENT —The Manager of the ST RAHOSCH CONCERTS respectfally announeee, that in consequence of the inability of many fami li es of the city and vicinity - to gain admission to BULLS PARODI'S last • Farewell Concert. it his been de termined, on the return of the artists from Washington to New Tort. to give ONE MORE CONCERT IN PHILADELPHIA, ON TUESDAY-EVENING, BKPT. Slat. This will be positively the last appearance of MiLLII PARODI in Philadelphia. The programme will be most carefully elected, forming the moat attractive ever offered in a Concert Room. In addition to other selections, !MLR PARODI will sing the- eoul.atirring American National Song, "THE STAR SPANGLES, BANNER," And, by request, repeat the celebrated Trench Hymn of Liberty, Both, or whicli bays produced, on each occasion, the most Intense enthueleam. . . M'LLB PAHODI will King—Asia, Tanatodi;" Duet, "Don Pasquale," with Mr. Millard. Laat Rows of Bummer," the Maraelllalae," and "The Mar Spangled` Banner " 30tfANNBEN—Arley . 4 Itennial.” "Der Frauluta," end Tomato Lotatiarity , with /inn. Millard and Janos. - MIBB HUMP—The Lute Bong and a Scotch Ballad. btlLLAßD—Finale Lucia—Duet with Mlle Pa red', and Tetsatto with bt'de 7ohamaen and M. Junes. PHILADELPHIA M. Jl:lllok—Aria, "Jerusalem," " LIMN° du Nord." and 'roulette Lombardi," with M'de Johann• Len and Mr Millard. - • . M. MOLLENHAIIIIR will play ' , Elegie, ,, by Brut. M. BATTER will play ' 4 illiam "Lucia," and Duet . 4 Tarriultula," for two pianos, with MR. WOLFBOI3 N. se2o-dtf NATIONAL HALL—NARILET STREET. NOW OPEN J. INEOO WILLIAIIIB'I3 celebrated - „,j'ANOBANA OF THE BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTING commences with Chaos, and continues down in historical order to the Habil°. nish Captivity, containing more than fifty of the most sublime and interesting scenes in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Doors open at 71 to commence at 8 o'clock precisely. Tickets 25 cents—to be had at Dell door. Obildre tinder 10 years l 6 cones. Also. Exhibitions on WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY AFTERNOONS for families and schools. Doors open at 2; to commence at 8 precisely, Explained by Professor TIBBITTS BARRETT's GYMNASIUM. BILLIARD ROOM, PISTOL AND RIFLIt GALLRRY. Will open on MONDAY, September Mb, at No. SO! MARKET Street. aeB-I.mle S A BLE NF v o ßisi ß T D a 'S str OLE oi tt e H o 0 0 3, U 8 S T E zurr , Open for the Season, with the largest TROUPE OF ARTISTS IN THE WORLD. The Entertainments nightly offered by SANFORD'd TKO LPN comprise all the latest Sono, Glees, Duette, chorus Refrain, Dances Ballets, &0., Interspersed with - WIT AND ELOQIISNog. In fact, all the Vocalism of the day to produoed by KUSIO, kONG, AND POETRY . . The whole under the management of Mr. S. B. 13.1 a. FORD. Admission IA Mtg. Doors open at TX peg.. formates to commence at 8 o'clock. EDWIN W. PAYNE, • IRON RtILDINH, ARCH mum, One door above soar* noroavas MAD SISAL= nr LABTINGEI. GALLOONS ) BRIETINGS, PR NOD. RID, PATENT LEATHBR, OONOREBB WEBB, TOILET SLIPPERS UPPERS, SLIPPRIS TRIMMINGS, LAOEd, 80. aulS-Sm NOTICE TO SHOE MAN U FACTURERS. The undersigned (enocessors to the late JOBEP T. JOHNS) ere now prepared to meet the treats at the trade at the Northeast oorner of ARCH and POURTII Streets. Their facilities for IfdPORTING and PURNISRING every article in the SHOE STUMPS and-TRINIitLNIHI line, at moderate prices and on favorable terms, era nninirpassed. The attention of BUYERS Is respectfully rollettel, WM. J OHNB & BON, earl , Corner Arch end, Fourth U. I TALIAN HEMP.—A large mock of. Itslbur, Romp ozi band and for sale by W EaVII4 VATLER, & 00., seta - No. 23 N. Water . 4 .d 22 Whine& dr011Botte;;;150 e n for ute by c c o ont:ty Ei49etl 4Por abon ?rout, ;Mints, W. TH. MAGlitirD3R., Lt Lieut. let Dag °UM!. Beanltlng 11.111 m. Versanal. i3varbitig. gtmasemnts. TIMMS VIPTY OENTB “THE MARBEILLAISB,n . Oboe /balsas. OLD STAND,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers