UST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN, the I'HILADBLITiA POshs orrtav up to 19 o'Matt P. K. on ilatorlay t Aug. Wit 1961. IParaiona applying for advection( Latter" will plow, mention the dot? of the Lint.) Open on Sunday from TN to &dock A li4 and to 3 P • LADIIB' tan Arl,ley aline Halliday lianurel M ice Mrs An Dena ' Mrs OOnsady Mn A M.s Hedrick lib 14 O'Shea Mary Ash.en Miss W . filers Ott Slits A r.. Alsdam• llsodetron Y O'Neal Jos Ali;dakt llarriet Ambit Pattie , Ogle Jana Bell Mary Ilaista Millie J 'o'oonor A riil•y Mr. Anna Heft Mrs Piano Mrs if Dakar Mrs Anu !forbad Thos 'Parkinson Mrs D Sonnet Margaret Mrs 2 Beaton Amelia Huns Augusta Pinkerton Jamas! Iraqis Mary Halton Miss WM Pennlnirton Mtu Bell Sarah lhll Panay Ann Parry Pansy ; Butoek Mn Haines Mrs Joe Pothemna Mrs . Sillier' Sarah Hamilton Oath's Pout' Mrs Z 1111 Hankins Mary L Pisrpont Mello Alopolon &co • Park 'Anises •-, Bickford Al A Hopewell' Ilts'th Palmer Mrs al Barns Mary A Howell Joao Poullidch Mn P Wu' k Mrs Honda Oasis 2 Phenix Mira Bouchar Mrs 111 Prescott Clara Br.;on !vs Hurst fanny Reilly Mrs Da tlrr Atari& W Hunt Maud V Riggs Ann Ells Butte lb P 2 Hurley Catherho Redly Mary J Butler Mrs Wm Hotfoot Mrs Ann lteece Mrs Bort Nancy Howard Anna S Roberta Mary Bolan Bridget Hook OHO& Rowand Hannah Porker It 31 Hier Mrs astsit .Rusk-00011S Diann Bliss Inskeep W 0 Rosa Sarah Ana Mut Laura Ingraham X X Mask Mims Brown Bliss' Jester Mrs I Robe* Sidnar . Doha Illsobeth Johnson Mary.? Rutter Annie • lbtrk Margaret Johnson Sarah Robeson HMV. : llrinton Lisle Johneon Mn 'A Sobers SW" Slyer &phis, H D Robinson Scully I .i'ckar Al X Jackson Sarah A Shield Zheh Rune Mary /analogs Anna - illeonlan Anna X Bryan Wattle Kirk Mn Mary Sehneider Mary Carpenter Mrs 0 Recounts Ann ; Stroh Mot Oboe fsmptell Ilynda limmar Loemlio Battle Rose • Calhoun Push 8 Reel, Mari Knott Mariann Carlin Agnes Knox Ma It H Shapless Sarah Carter Laity A Keogh Mrs Bwltti Margaret Calhoun Mrs Oh. Keel, Mary Smith Anna U 41h:chimer L . Kandy Adallne Smith Mary ' :31 1 . 54; m ar l s 0 Kelly Mrs Ann Smith Mu M risul Miss Silas Kingston Miss Simmons slierm Miro Belle Mille Margaret Smith Oath's N Mares Mrs Runes ROVE Sciirh giertrnss Oussisanam 0 2 Benton Marl A Blueish. Ours Yorcalley Sarah Lynch M B Snyder Baboons .Cook Mira Allen Louterek'Mas - Smith H Agnes 2 ; C altar Betty Lewis Mn X J.. Siphon Thetrolta 'Oran. Anew it loses Margaret Stave Mrs Colpoe Liarg't Lewis Alois Rear! Ana 11 :Coast, Jane Lyle Jane It Steen Sarah Coyle Susanna Lambert Mrs Joe Strickland It 7 iCottman Oath'ers Lee Mary Stamina Utah,. iCrorksr Sarah taboos( Allem Spnaglinly 'Cary bliss Allin Lehman A D Stysr Gertrude CsnnicgbamM Larddam X A Strawbridge Ann , o>s Miss Mary Lydon Mina M Stewart Mrs enbterlay Annie Lab Mao A Starer.' 8 1 ' Craig Mrs Mien Long Mra Sarah Shaw Staab W Duramt Mrs Ella McCormlak 14 J Steels Mrs P W Dickyou Mary A McDonald NI Thompaos Mrs I Sloth bliss BAI Mellroy Blt Tracy Mrs A.l Divine Susan Maltiroy M Tyrell Mrs Dlokineon 8 X McDonough Mrs Tangy Oath Mager MrsJ I Id Taylor L Delmar Oath'ne MeCannall X Tate M D 2 Daley Mice Jane Meath* 13 Troll Mrs Dickinson Kato X McLoughlin X .Tamben Mrs A Delius Anibal Z MoCepaell Mrs' 'Powell Mn I . parls WI X L Thatcher M li I)Vir Mil Mcßaba /Ilia Whiter Mrs P A Trrarn Madam McCrasson Mrs Whitecar K X Ihhhin Margaret M Xetherill It P boa caldron 8 MeNliht Mrs X X Warren Alice ]Lase MW Ann McQuillan!! J Warrington Mrs Ellis M•e lane McCann Anna A Yeses Mary Ann Mers Mn A 3 Whitehead M Roale Arcacda itta , ke Rebecca : Whittaker 8 A lemons Sagest Kali MarA Werricztna Mn 11,10orideoa ➢ 11 Maticale MnM A J 1 Attel Mter Markle Maeda Webster 0 Verily Ma, et KINGS Oath Wetherille 0 at Risley Caroline Meeker Mn Wean!. Mll Yesme Elle'h Maelteszte Minstar It 7.taalmona Kate Martin Mn M Wentzlni ruler Caroni.' 2 Melvin Mn It Warren Maria /Imams Mary A alanhly Mrs AII Wart Mrs M 114kubInt olf Misty Mrs A U Warren All.. •APts listriek Jao Martin M A Wind•rot. Uri fryineyer Annie Middleton U It Glynn Bridget ' Nina A M Whits Mrs W dhow Cat.'* Middleton Mrs It Whits M U Lisals Mills 8 A Willinmwo M A al an Id Bash Miteksl Katy Willson (bier Mrs Msry Marry Kits Williams M oohing Rebates MoorsMaryO T riocAsln Miry K Myers Clara Moor M A Cath's Mayes Mn 0 Way Annie Ample KU.. Moors Mrs 8 0 'Mils.. Mrs 8 Gabon Mrs A X Morrell Nate Wiw. Sarah airship. UM Marshy A S ' Wilson Mn. F. Gibson Mary Monroe Mrs 8 Woods Mrs D a C Martin Mrs U Walhill Mn J firm Sarah Mullen Mn ND Woodbury Mn N 'other. mom Murphy 0 Wood Mrs et BM Mn A Voss Rouen% 'Carat Mrs 0 3lrs M D *ors Mrs 80 Vinoas Mrs N nets, Mn Utl 4 Myrort Mn T Yonne Mrs II litayeratiolt Mrs Noland Mrs L qui.. Mrs al 2 Belle/no Jan* Huai* Mrs M Tint Mrs JI Hammond II N Nary Mr, M 724'by Mn. J Hays lianas Newhirt Mrs at It islber Matilda Min.). 111.. X Newhisgis Jane Zelber A M It-ath ritbet M Newton Plicebs Zimmerman jihrrii min Newman Yawns OSMIUM IN'S LIST. Addlmmo Prof Doter Tboa Flogt W I Allan I 4 De Silver Itobt P Hodge. T 0 SI Doretur NJw A llodirklivion J 8 Alioll , l Joon Dlrkereou L II Ham Wm 8 Albea It Matey ta►ieb Napkins I 8 Albinos Yarnu Dlobara n W J Uopliloaoe Abel kCoJ II Doti Loofa Hooper 0 0 AIDo T K Dotty IL Brown flatter Wm Adam* Jos A Loudly Pots'. florae, Rove • Adam Mr Done Jim Hogan Patrick *lama 0 0 Doherty ChM flopkire Alt,uts A Hall Douthne Jai Hopkias I A Atli:porn Theo Doom Ohm R Howard MD, H 0 Arlie* Sieeasisy Dole Orro Rookie John 2 Alto Oltror Dolelmin D Hoover David Alain Ilirq Doman Vire TioDingeworthJ Arnold M D B Denton Otpt I 8 lloffoagle John Atwell Jas d Dalai M D, R R lionghtan Lo Atmore 11 Dobbs V/ m R Hubbell Horatio Anderron Copt J Deacon It A A 0 lirtosiceer John Antrlat Mr Do rkay Ado•ph Hnmaa 000 0 hton famt T Dunlop Lima T O Hubbard Thos Atmittoog Oat DDo Meld goof Idl.r Jacob 11 Dunlap 8 holm, John Arcel.l Coo It rualap Wm JlOl6ll dr Grottier Seddon Rev J 0 MUG Copt Zll loony Pranks Tlalvor Jos ffehroyd Win James Ohm Hortron John Eaton Capt A 0 Jaeteon A Ba•ry John 8 Blestlt A B Jots Jaillt Barb,r 31 D Gto lIWIog We Johoston ♦ X Barbs John II LBW Dallyloro•John4too Die.' h. Co log Tinos JogooM :niter U Ilamilot Zen John 11 Jones Thomli Jus It Eutlani Wm Johan' A lunar& Eins'4 I.lwool Bally & Johns James pszkor A 1.1) Co Jones Levi. Dorton TbillpUWE, Jos 0 Jona. Col D Iff Jimley Moses Elias Jacob Jones Instill *how. vol 11w Emmen J W Joys* Thomas Boattroseb .12 E Henry Johnson (101 Wm Porkah Chao) Xogliah Wen 11 Jones Err W E Monad° Row W U Ethridge Ahn B JOll.ll . Kw EA 0 Eton Theo L Ev E Johnsoa J ytsimohausen 0 Ea ans ton's Win E Johnson John Ilenjamin Win A Enna John Jones Dr gamma h•mmitt Uinta Emerson John it Jones/ Wesley Daman 0 Erlakson 1 Johns A LOO llwatle Roo Wll Ent. Mehl Johnson Elijah Boats Oen 0 Eyre ACo .111 Julian Alex fkaviin J. U L'ogilab 0 W Kauffman Wm liottliekowski•B Estate of the late Kaolin John It beide Chao W Com Darl.l Coo. Kemmerer 11 Beatty Daniel nee, Aden're of eanie Mr - Ha etty Wm Forum:dor Joe Kees srloseph Illekley 0 e Pennies' MisIVI Kelly Jobs 101 l John Fantgonejer A Kennedy Thos Aiirl Richard A Talbott Jul Kerr Wm G .. . /Dollop Rey W 11 lagoon Jacob Keller George rurntroia Peter Yahooslock B L Kemper Rev L A Jimghtoa Chu Fellermary G Kesel Mary It.mbyaboll Wm Yuen Jon Kelsey Richard Bo :d anedena Final lee Warts Dr 7.11 riollail A 1.1 7.110 n Bsm'i M Xing Alfred T llorolloff notary /ohm Jlf Kunkle Geo tndo, de Ant , o Vairbram Theo Klapbury Dr A 0 Itrw.lea A Brae Fisher T Kohibrenner T Down 100 B Fleck /rands 0 Kitchen Dr 7 8 Dention Bey aEr Flanagan John Kingsbury Ilanal Bowman 0 liehor B 2 Koenerman 0 Brows A urn I 11 Maher Jan Karts Dr J II Wawa Cleo l/ Field Ju Kinney Patrick Itrurrn II Ilse* - Taken John W Klarsttad J B hrown Win I Inert Bunt Kilo:melt T trown 1 31 filler D Brinker Rey I. / 1 / 1 1 1 tWat. II Finny Victor Kreltmayer / prate Henry lied John Kremer A 10 , 43101 A 0 2 Plan Ed U Kohn & Grieves promote 8 D Frank Abraham Anne W 1 X urea Jas Follansber 6 0 Kirk lea Billiton 1 U trailer Those N Keerker It L Brim Nathan 0 Troika Jam Kirspatrick John Brady J D 7mocio 1 II 2 Lawton J 0 lersomit John or Port Shoe Lomphear W It W B Arnold 2 Fowler Woo Lobar Ph T to r t,n. droermr, !molar Thorn X Layne E 4 J Bomberger 3 0 Prenek J F Lange or nom- Bomb (leo Folder W M, tor, J T Barkaakster Oopt, Fry Jacob Ls •ber Edema! Thee /mann Wm Ulan & Co L B Ilern Patrick /yens Choi Laurman B J Remelt Wm Elltemeger H W Laughlin I It * Buell Edward Yullowider K B Lase sr Et Back A J Frame John 8 Lowly II A Duddy Chas II Gary Capt oid Loiter OEI Itatlar 8 W Gardnior John Lawson Penn It Barton It Gabler John 0 Lome Thome Buil Win M Gable Allred A Larder Adam Carpenter U B Gaunt ft Lehr Charlet. Comm 0 2 ' Gardner Dr W2l Ledmau Nosh Carroll Rao Jll (Lerman Satiety Letrly Ur Carpenter W Lang Lewis I) cow W 0 , 0.411 Ohm W Lenteihee Ado Cariorrlo D Oibb. Copt Lll Lanett & Col 8 2 Campbell J A Glidden Capt D Leslie L 11, Carter Dr R Given Copt JAI Linda! P Carman W T GibbeJ IV • ' LlodiraylMurr Cams Henry Olbeos 11 OWm Lippincott A Chaim MO, H S Gloom DNI Tam Carla D Gordon rim J Lynch Jos R I Count. Perry A Oleaterlit Lett 8 Lynch Ito W , Draw Dorton Hoary Lyman Ito Caldwell F. Clone!! Robt . Lord Jamea niers Uolilo Golfo John Lynch Barnard Connote J H llottly Edward - Lollaaa. Co'haway ACo Golber Mathew Star of Amines Confirm Professor Gray John IN 1 0 0 7 Noll Catto W P Green Jon II Pet Uorolog Star 0 dints I Crean Dr 0 Lnlge No 4 I 0 Cotton Mr Graham 31 D leo of 0 1 go Ai mb oet W 0 flr.hern Jahn Peon Long , Ni 111 Chamberlais M Orow Henry milk, L o d ge N o (Mururoa* W (twin Win Ob Onanvoas WIl Graff Jamb Beer of Peon nhamtwrs 1 K ammo Lt 3 0 Lodge Chapman Chas tirade Jlt Minerva Lodge No Christ . .. Church (traria Orn 0 221 Watteau of Growler )14. U.:Donal] Ales Clemoberlant I prose Mr IllcAleere Net Chatfield t (troy JOl 11.ban'el, Craig Childs Robert (treble Cleo & Co Choreet 0 Green W IfeCan'ey Palk Clark 0 Orton Edo A McOnlloonh I Cloth A P el...hem lobo HaCselin Noble cl irk II 0 Orville? Losers McCoy Joh* CllOntont WII Media A D MeArnillain Coos./ Capt 82 Hammon .1 T McAfee Joke, Connelty JJ 0 Haines Dept Fred IfforDenley Jan Visigoth 31'chael llellor w oe A mopenough W Courtamr Darla Hall Jahn. Mahar Mr Corlay II 11 !lammed leo W McAnoy A Bro. Ochla. Ileory Ilatramr John sher couley ifilltill Ila'attonl Goo m.L,,oghTfo W Canto Thom Hartley Flotelimr Hard ' , C Voter II 0 Haag Angel Itetutooh tr Cone .1 It Horgan Wm Hearne).: Al! Crony 111 'lambda ficury McLanohlin 1 Cotner W I nand Capt .9 McLain , . 0 Dr . Ccchrria A Rlllot II orison II II Mr 31.11141 N Cr ;log 811 /lama &Co McKay A brands CrowtherJ II 0 W McGinley I thowmll 111 Harkins Thom It Mrtiartroe &Co Crsl4 Wm Harr coo / W Hellrala John Crowther 111 Ilay J J Mclntyre I C Copt D Harriman W 8 IllcOramh WII Dr Cron. McCrea, A Hanle Joho II 31cGrogreger Co Hart Mr M..Queid E Cid., crow Wheat n Minting Capt 81- Herten, Smith k Crawford John mean V Co Crowther Mr Ilarria J And Melee W . . itosois l R llore tat Lied MsMof N I Dan Wlt neuters Jehn 2 Hagdt D Key Mohr Ohso Ilrairisks Is • Mailing It A Bo Dlogroy Chinds llolotaon John Mabstfr A Capt DooroonJohn Heller Goo 2 Mahan Pahl John neltitr Own Mellon ft I. Oasts lierJ }teaser Jaeob nom W a pdi Joseph Ilendessc a De A Meet Charley Delhill 010 W McKean Thee Daniel* If 4 Hickman NOIG Haeorgee J.,... Dane That Helm of the late Mn mire J / timilshotrem D l/ reale Nee cis of !Man.% W in titteV. It the I! B may Moon Winlf V t tails k J 0441 Hertlale Goo lite/bey" II W Pete til D Jte Gwen W I WM* It II • VeDolnitWll Herr Ike I,erl Butte I B D'eseS P A. illtaheoek Lee J Hernia' T Oiot. Dellerhshlt Ifeletelt Y It Baseman A I De Per Su lAA 11101 A Copt Car linemen /it Do Wolf In I 11,11 Healy Hartle rdwint Mtn it A Illeehmen it, k kitello I' Dean Ju ' co ileybere7 Win Dewey A !team. Thrush B aaaaa .1 Meyer Asses 101 Hiner W H Bayer Melilla* Pets Oen lit lionst I V Blolloa floe B UtZelark . t Lliutjl e s Dr Dweeney Nathl • Mears Thoe Otpt Blchardilon P Tarr It Merriman DP 0 Reichard Adolph Taverner J W Meals Bevj R Itightmyee All 2 Prof Mitchell Robt 8 Ring J O 1.1 Tarn Thu . Muller Q W Risley Quid Titylor L Miller 8 A ' Pilfer: Ands , 2 Taylor W 8 Miller W 0 Rivers Joe W.•r k Milton Joe X ' T Thom ny as J B Mitchell W U Ritterband k Thotnas PA Dr • Mitchell MJ 2 Riley In • • Thomas w H 11 " Mottle 0 0 Richardson 0 0 0 Thomu Balloy ' Houle Henry Ridgeway J O Thomu J M Morgan T B• Riley Wro'H - • Thomu Jas Mooney Wm Ricoardson 8 B Thompson ) Moshen Wrn ROI Jacob Co. Morrison Alva Bitter Oo Thomas Joe Id D Morris II L Roberts tilt • Thorn Tams. Monroe Jae Rowlett John ' Thompson Ed Morgan Jame, Rolph Martin Vasco J W Moo " 8 tiß ow l OtePhen Tiebnor A 0 • • liaron iholl 7 Root U R Tivolter Joseph mount II ' hoanh .3 M B Rev Tonler POW Murray,' J Rev Beekareler W . P Tway Edmond Murphy W L Rogers Wm 8 Tomlinson Q B Mulford II T Rorer Junius 1 Trump 0 - N • Merry H X Robinson Wm Tuthill Capt_ T Myers W T RoneyM r • Turner B Merthyr Joe B Railer Mete'? • Tyler UPP LL Murphy Dad Robertson° H G &Nixie Dominick Rowland 050 II Towers W H Mnrey hub - B o dine John Taßord B Muldoon Wm Rnoti Alou'r H • Trainer 011 R Nevus J R Roberti John Tacker Wm Neilson H B 21 „obtflooll Win Walker A Neuman . 0 " Ed Wagner Fred Roden Ones II Runekel Geo Wallin Rohl' Nidigui Ohm linger 0' Western Sewing n e arer n j 1 Ruth Wm Shaine Oo ar o gent Mr • Bugling m I Welch Mike Neolat 0 ; Russell Henry Weddle W I Norton John R Safford Palma Wagner John Nicholeon 0 W Samphalr Walton J Ordway J P Sabin John Watson lidw Oven Geo r Sanford Wee Wallace A D Oleioe Usury &veil Mr West 0 R Overbeek F R saucer M W Werner Louis O'Briar James Bchuman Wee B W Adam O'Briar V Rev Webb J O'Neal John II Sarin T Weed Oißue James Sarin Thai Welkin Stephen Olden Bickner Schnienberg B H White, J J Packer Thos Samaria WDr White T P Pavia P 0 II Schell Thos J Wilson W Perper Hiram Mr reels John Whitson Cyrun Pale, Thom Capt Schoyder W H Whitney 0 W Patterson Ed Sanodem Mr Jno Whale Henry Paroler Wm D Schmitt John White Philip or Parker Thoa Sellers It L Dr Philip A Pancoast Prof Short I 0 Judge Whitney I A M lee Co Shane Wm White a 0 Seo'y Shaw A . White John Pee. Wro. 0 Shaw Le White T A Co Peters John s novo Albert Whitaker Roht Pirittip John Shalbelmer M Wiest Wm .- Perry Xdw II Shoal Philip Williams X D Phelps Dr I Sharp Sam' Wilson Mr Pets John . Sharp Wm Wilson E W Philipillm • ' Shortie J acob Wan*. W W Pendleton Cpt L S litheeteer Mr A Co Peaterson•Joln 'Shaffer Mehl Willeeton Tlt Pearson, 8 A Shamokin Rolling Williams J W Penn'a Slate Co Mill Within!' W P Perkins Thom Shaw T heat'. Wilson Bich& Nemo Bird M Sionnoni John CI Winter!' Fred Peabody A W Sluiperm AII T W Illlamm IT Perkloe John R Capt • - WeiiIIII S L Peters Joseph Shormen W Rey Willie II Al Pile Sir • • Singer Wm WfllLme Clodlip Piggott Ohm J Biota 0 Wiggen N T Cap Piersen W D Simpson Mr Wild V Potter 0 Slocum John Wilson I Powell Wm - Smith I B Wilson J Pojero P Copt 2 Smith Wm Winter Fredk -- Potter RP Smith llobt W Winslow N Copt Poole Wm II Smith Wm Dr Woodrow It 11 Power John Copt Smith Ne'son Wolcott D Rl' Polloek Anthony Smith W M Wolf 11 R Potter 0 W Smith Albert P 2 Wood lior 0 Powell Thomu 2 Smith J P Rey D Woodward J Y. Pottle Jos D Worrell Ralph Pratt Randitil Btni lo Y John 2 Woods Peter Purdy 11 J Fut?ley rota, Phi Wright II Q Reiner 8 N Snyder Jobn Wright Wm Ray Joel Sonthercirth W Wyelth F Ruing Thoe . Scrothniek J L Wntters W W Ramsey David F Sommer Rev Quinn L Rams David 7 2 Stockton Philip Van Ller John Brad Thou B Mucklyn 7 U Vealle A Oapt Reed Geo W Bpicer Jan VincentV A tiepin Thou Spiny J uhlee y Reed Alex'r 81111 L L Qua' n Itsaredon Pat'k Stoy IV 110 apt Union Bank Rexstrew 0 it Stanton B Wallance J Riot Jacob W Btoud Ohm id Union Academy Renee Louie Stone G • Quinn John " Reed J U Retract John Umber K W Rearlonn Stewart (1W Zippstrin 0.0 Reiff Daniel Btrawhorer T 8 Yoke W 8 Reed Andy Strickland 1 0 W 'Young BDr Rerregine John /Bombe Wm W Young WB MD Rimer N Sliminell John I tells J U • ititche Geo B au9-1t OWEON 0 WXBTCOTT, P. M. Dissolutions anD (Eopartnerefiips. 'FM - SUBSOREBERS 'HAVE THIS DAYentered into a limited partnership agrees bly to the ptovisione of the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved March 21, 1930, entitled "An Act relative to Limited Partner ships," and the supplement thereto; and we do hereby certify 1. Thatthe name of the firm, under which such part nership is to be conducted, Is J. P. & H. 11. OHNE. 2. The general nature of the business intended to be trunacted is the purchase and rale of Carpeting in the ity or Phi lade !phis 3. The name of the general partners are JOHN P. ORNR• melding at the northwest corner of Arch and Twenti-first street, in the city of Philadelphia; and BIM. RD B. ortia, residing on the north eye of Arch street, Wive Twenty-first street, In the said city. 4. The name of the special partner Is BENJAMIN OHNI . residing at 266 North Ninth street, in the city of Philadelphia, who, u ench special partner, has con tribgte4l to the wanton stock of the said firm the enm of twenty-fire thousand dollars in cash. 2. Ihe said partnerelalp commences July 14, A.D. 1142, and will terminate on the 14th day of - July, A. D. 1661. BSNJADIJN JOHN P 011N14, EDWARD D. SNNE. PHILADILITIA, Ally 14,1635. .016,6 w 4aihuctre. SHOVELS AND SPADES.- 2,000 DOZEN ASSORTED, IRON, EITIEICI., and CAST-S'rlolStr For Jude by the Manufacturer, W. W. RIOTIARDS, No. 22A RACE Street, W6•lma above Second. 'AAR D WARE.—The gubscrlbere, COM- L.& NISAION MERCHANTS for the saioof FOREIGN AND 110M1031110 HARDWARE, would reepeetfullg 31111 the attention of the trade to their stook, whielt they are °Seen at lowed rates. Oar assortment eon ilsla to part of— Chains, of all Mode—TIER, Log, Halter, Breiultat, Cow, lifth, Bank, Wagon, Rage, Tonga., Look, MP, Mine, and Coil The celebrated .1, u Horse Nails t Btone and Sledge Hanunere. MiiiMEE=;Za;l BIMZMIZ=UM . Martieiel:parlor Pile' and Miro ; B.d Sonars. luelslor Bent, Yuan ; Slanting Tube.. Corn, Grano, and Stier Saythes nay, Corn, and Straw sad L'.17:. )1 .1717,4 7 1 ; Shovel" anTApa i d n i, l ora;i Mods. Tack', Brads, Shoe ' Clout, sad ?lalgatog Nand. ' Cut mod W ro ught Butt llloges, fiorowe, Looks of all 'dada; Cutlery, Itazoiaad Pampa, Axes, Hatchets, llama bare, Planea t awl other Toots, do., de. W. G. LINIB tr, 80N, No. ill 001LWIROB atraet._ oilette 2aticlea. MORE TO BE ADMIRED THAN THE RICHEST DIADEM MI WORN DY KINGS OR EMPERORS WHAT f WILT, A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OP HAIR. Because It is the ornament God A fwelf prorided for fii our race. Reader, although the rose may bloom ever so brightly in the glowing cheek, the eye be ever sparkling, the test', be those of pearls, if the heed be bereft et its covering, or the hair be snarled and shrivelled, Aarsh and - dry, er worse still, If sprinkled with Fray, nature will lose More than half her charms. Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative, if need two or three times a week, will restore and permanently near* to all inch an ornament. Read the following and judge. The writer of the Brit is 841 reletvarrd pianist, Thal hog: New Yost, April 19, IBIS. be. WOOD: DID/ Sir—permit me to *uprose to you the obligations I am under for the entire restoration of , ruy holy to Ito original color ; %bout the time of my or , rival in the United State. It was rapidly temoming greyi bat upon the application of your Bair Restorstive' , It moo recovered its original hue. I consideryour Ile : storative aa a very wonderful invention, quite et/miens an well as agreeable. I am, dear sir, Tour truly, B. Welton now Orman, 18 Nunn at., April 14,1858. Poor. 0. J. Wenn: Dear Sir—Rome month or six weeks ago I retelved a bottle of your Hair Restorative and pre It Toy wife, who .concluded to try it on her hair. little thinking at the time that it would rector. the gray War to Its original Color but to ker. lie well u my surprise, after a few week. trial it has performed that wonderful offset, by turning ail the gray halm to a dare brown at the game time beautifying and thicken Mg the hair. I etreuly recommend the &bore Bute. retire to all persons in want of each a ensue of their hair. CHARLES 0 ARDISW.' New Yale. July 25. 1857. Poor. O. .Woon :—With confidence do 1 recommend your Halt Restoratlte as being the most efficacious ar. tide I ever saw. Since ming your Hair Restorative toy hair and whiskers, which were almost white, hare wally grown dark and I now feel confident that a ore applications will restore them to their Wu ral color. It also relieved me of all dandruff and on. pleasant Itching, eo Common among persone who per• spire freely. J. G. KILBY. Woon :—About twoyear. ago my hair com menced /Mug off and turning grsy ; I wan .feat be coming bald, sod had tried many remedies to no effect I eommenced wingyour Restorative in January hot. A few applicotione fastened my hair firmly. It began to ell rip, grow ant and turned back to Ito former color (block). At this time it is fully mimed to rte original color, health, and appearance, and I cheerfully recent. mend we to all. J. D. 110liti. Chicago, 111.. mai 1,1651. The Itesterattin IA put up in bottles of three sins, lir indium, and small. The small hold. hall a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more In proper ion than the small, retail. for two dollar, per bottle; the large holds a quart, forty per cent. more In proportion, and retail, for three doliare. 0 J. WOOD & 00., Proprietors, 312 BROADWAY, Y. T. fin the great N. Y. Wire Ballingiletablishment,) and 114 MARKFT Strut, Bt. Lenin, !do., And sold by all good Druggleti an d F ancy Goods Dealer.. inyl2-wfm-8n & cow in wltygm ex a ttaa %amanita rincr., ADAMS EXPRESS 00. OPPIOE, A. 120 oativnart SPRIIET, for woris PAROBLII, PAONAOII3 . , MBECIIANDIVI, BANK NOTES oiol /PlOl/, !Ober by Its own LIKES, or to 000neottoo with other IMPRESS COMPANIES, to all Clop:tools] TOMEI! god MINI of Mot Dotted Eltatos. I. 0. BAMFORD, almond Illeewinteni.l; WARMING AND VENTILATING • • WARBRIS The enbeeribee would invite OW the special attention of Arehiteet Builders sod the pantie to We NEW CCLYXR PAVIINT SILIf•OLSANSI VG AND VXNTILATINQ WARM Ala 111;11NACN, Which has been so eneeesHatte Introduced during the hut winter sad gars such general eatisiaction. It le so arranged ae to eonsume the w e* from the Coal, making it one of the moat eeononsicali safe, &Liable Heater. now In nee. A lea, all sites ant pattern' of Cooking Range', Bath Dollen!, Gm Ovens, Low Down and E l evated Grate", every variety of Register. and Ventilator', fireplace Stores, Collloa , Patent Chlmnej Cepe, far the eat of smoky chimneys, with a full ameriment of all goat In my line of bnefneen. Prompt attention pald to Hangs and Heater repair tan, oat rteft rglatvt.i.o los‘t.N`m> Mum,. CUARLES WILL(/4(8, Late Sates & AIM= 11112 (Old 406) ( MARKET Street, Philads, LA T 9 WI NES, .U m MA rt N 7 B: : liKAiltoill.RG;TDoiden In QQ lon 4 11= b a :4 “F a lce l b Ij d slevent xtr.01.4 i:llLtf U . OWN STOUT.-40 casks go FIDZI & .11.111 Wllllsme.m Imported direct from London, in mots sad for solo b/ WM. B. YMATON, linith VAUNT Polio Stilts by _7tuction., MNI • THOMAS •i SONS, . . . . Nee.lBo and 14110IIT11.1011R1t STRAIT) aformerl Noe. et awl 89.1 TRADM BALK — y TO 1100118ELLER8. The firtpfirst regular, ,Philadelphia Trade Bale will eornmerice on the 41st of Eleptember. Catalogues in Prim. , • REAL .118TATC. ATOONB;. a ce:: roue Pales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening, during the business season. ID - In July and August only occasional sales pa heretofore. • Handbills of each property' Issuedelepurately, In addition to which wipnblish on' the 8a •y previous to each sale, one thousand catalogues . In pamphlet form, glving fall deserlptlons ef, all the pro p erty to be sold on the folloiringTuesdat.' ' " FURNITURE BALES AT THE AUCTION ETORE every Thursday morning. • REAL E3T&TE AT . PRIVATE BALI. D. We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri. rate Bale, Indicting every desailptlon of City and cemitry property. Printed Lista may be had at the auction store._ _, PRIVATE BALI REGIEITIR Ifl Beal ! Estate .entered on our Private 'Bali EA ester, and , adtertised oda/tonally In our Public, Sale /bet:roots,- whloh 1,000 Intel are printed weekly,/ free of charge. Peremptory Pale. lITOOKB, ko. On Tuesday Evening, Aug. 17th, at 8 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change, will by 'old, for account of whom It may con- 1,, ohms of the capital stook at the 'Mlle psugh Goal Company, the Caine to be sold for arrears or as. eeemeota, ruranant to resolutions of said company. $1 to ho paid on each shire at the time of Kale. 14 aharca Delaware Railroad Company. Also, 60 aharea Renaington Dank. Also. for account mr whom It may concern— :oo (new) shares Pan Franclaco Land keroalation. REAL MATS'S/LLB-AUGUST lith Thin sale will Include— Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of James M. Powers, De ceasod. BRION DWELLING POPLAR STREET! — AII that three-story brick dwelling and lot, south side of Poplar street, 39 feet west of Sixteenth street, lot 21 by 90 feet—two fronts Veremptor Bale—Estate late of Joseph Young, Deal. DWELLING AND GROODRY BTORH.—Three-story' brink dwelling and greenly, No. 576 Apple street, be tween Fourth street and York avenue. Same Estate DWELLING AND LAO ER•BEER 13ALOON.—Three• story brick dwelling and lager-beer saloon, No. 878 Ap• ple street. Bale abooluto. . Executor's Peremptory Belo--Estate of Thomas Ber gin. Deceased. VALUABWE BUILDING L 0 TB, FIFTEENTH WAND —All thoee fire lots of ground, east slide of Nineteenth street, north of Anne street, each 17 feet front, and ranging In depth from 130 to 51 feet. Aleo, all those lire lots north side of Anne street, adjoining the abore, each 17 feet front, ranging In depth from 80 to 44 feat. [Er They will he sold separately. Lithographic plans maybe had at the auction store.: Peremptory Bale. NEAT DWELLING —The neat two•and•a•half•story brisk dwelling, with bank buildings, No 46 Dillwyn street, below Noble street. VALUABLE LOT OF GROUND; west side of Paul street, letween Church and Unity streets, Frankford, 41% feet front. THREE LOTS fIOUTIIWARK.—Lot south side of Watkins street,ls3 feet east of Fifth street. Lot west Bide of Moyameoeing Rokd, south of Morris street. Lot south rile of Moore street; east of Fourth street. REAL ESTATE SALE—SEPTESIBER 7th. rry- Descriptions prepering. This sale will Aesigneeal Peremptory Sale VALUABLE STONE FACTORY. srlem ENGINE, MACHINERY, TEN STONE DWELLINGS, kg., to gether with lots of ground, Manayunk. The whole to be sold without reserve. Irr Pull patio alias now ready in handbills. STORM AND DWELLING.—Poor-story brick store end dwelling, Ridge avenue, above Coates street. Im mediate pooessloo. Sate at Noe. 189 and 141 South fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO-FORTE, FIN IA YRENOII PLATE MIRRORS, BRIORIELS OAR PETS. Au. On Tharsdny Morning,. At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, eh extensive meortment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant piano-fortes, fine mirrore, earpete, eta. from private families declining honeekeeping , removed to the store for convenience of eale. Bale en the Premises—Bristol Turnpike end EIVTOW, MEM COTTAGE, BARN, AAD FIVE LOTB, On Wednesday Afternoon. Angust llth, at 4 e'oionk, will be sold, on the pre mises on the Bristol turnpike and Eleven-mile lane, lg milts from Torreedale, and 4 miles from Tunny, modern cottage and barn, with 6 acre, and 88 perches, on the Bristol turnpike and Blereu-mile lane. Two lots adjoining, on the Bristol turnpike, each 6 acres. Lot on the Brietol turnpike, 6% scree. Two lots. 7 acres each, on the Eleven-mile lane. Q,T, Yalt particulate In handbills and lithographic 'lane. Adeninfittstrix's Pnle—rstate of Gen. Pere!for Dee'd. . . . HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,. RIFLES. GUNS, FIR TOLE, SWORDS, UNIFORM OLOTHIND, On /dm* Horning, 211 lost., at lino clock, liycatalriirie, at the auction rooms, by order of the admialitratrlS of the late Gee. Patnifor Y Smith, the household Turnfture, including ao antique military chair, mare of wood from the Gu ile of Bau Juan d'Ulloa. Akio, a pair of gold epaulette, 64 diamonds made in the city et Mexico, Btiarp's and Colt's rifles, guns and pistols, sword., 2 Tory superior saddles, Bee telescope and field gimlet, =form end other cothlng, An., Ac. n - Full particulars in catalogues. Bale at No, 672 Marshall Street. GENTEEL 11013SEROLD FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO, BRUSSELS CARPETS, As. On Vy!dneadAy 31orning, 25th Inst., at 10 o'elock, at7tt o. 622 "ilareball street above Green, the genteel household furniture, rose. wood piano -forte, Braisels carnets, &e. • uy.. lday be examined on the morning of sale, at B AT PRIVATE SAI,I. A welbseenred first mortgage-41,800. A beautifully situated lot, Perktomen turnpike, Chestnut Hill. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. SPLENDID BROWN-STONE MANSION, Chestnut street, with stable and coach house. One of the finest residences In the city._ NEAT MODERN REeIDENCE, No. 11128 Chestnut street. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, Walnut street. west of Broad. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1621 Walnut street West of Sixteenth. NEAT RESIDENOE, Southeast earner Walnut and and Seventeenth streets ELEGANT AND VALUABLE RESIDENCE, South west corner of Eleventh and Walnut streets. TWO ELEGANT RESIDt NOES, Rittenhouse Square. T WO HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Washington Square. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, North Broad street. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, Northwest corner of Green and Fifteenth street.. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 1636 Green street. NEAT RESIDENCE, Spruce street, between Broad and fifteenth. HANDSOME MODERN LOUR-STORY RESIDENCE, No. 1503 Spruce street. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 822 Pine 'tress, west of Eighth. HANDSOME DRO W N.STONI RESIDENCE, No. 1616 Pine greet. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 1806 Pine street. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, No. 632 Pine street. TWO HANDSOME BROWNSTONE RESIDENCES, Third street, below Spruce NEAT RESIDENCE, No. 241 South Eighth street, below Walnut. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 818 North Eighth street. HAN/43011E MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 631 North Seventh street. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, No. 621 North Sixth street. THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH PRO PERTY, New Market street • SUPERIOR AND ELEGANT BROWN-WfONE OF FICE BUILDING, NO.. 407 and 409 Walnut street. LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, Locust, Mary, and Church streets, Wed Philadelphia, 200 by 176 fe6t. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, Northwest corner Locust and Mary streets, opposite the above, VERY HANDSOME COUNTRY RESIDENCE, near Tioga station, on the Germantown Railroad. • VALUABLE FARM AND COUNTRY SEAT, 160 acres, between Torriedale and Bristol. COUNTRY SEAT, with about Seven acres, Chestnut Hill. AN ELEGANT FARM, 300 acres, with superior im provements on the River Delaware, one mile from New Castle. LARGE, ELEGANT, AND VALUABLE YAM ! be tween the city of Wilmington and Brandywine springs. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, 10 acres, with the Improvements. School House Lane, Germantown, oppo site the late Dr. J. K. Mitaboll's. if AND MAIN MODERN DWELLING, N 0.1134 Caliow hill street. BRICK STORE, DWELLING, AND BAKERY, No. 135 Arch street.. FOUR-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, No. 1300 Chestnut street. BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, No. 702 South Fifteenth street VALUABLE LOT, Market street, east of Sixth street, 21 feet front, 140 feet in depth to a temfeet alley. RESIDENCE NORTH SIDE OF WALNUT Street, east of Eleventh street, at private sole. Ablo. a large amount of tether property, Ground ßoute, Mortgagee, fte. Printed line may be had at the auction store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. tEr Real Estate entered on our Private Bale Register and advertised occasionally In our Public Sale Abs acts (of which 1,000 copies are plated weekly, during the business nesson.)tree of charge. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUOTIONEEN, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. 117 Persons favoring os with consignments cut net assured that their property will not be samiliced. Commissions mom moderate than thou charged by any other Auction House In the city. Mir Consignments reepeotfully colicited. Irr pea Immediately after the roods are cold FALL SALES 0' REAL ESTATE. Pivot Fall Pale of Real Estate—August 21. Second Tell Salo of Real Estate—September 1. Third Wall Sale of Reel Fatale—September B. FIRST FALL BALE—AUGUST 21th. This sale, at the Exchange, on Wednesday evenlog, August 25th, 1868. et s o'clock, will include— MOUNT 310RIAII ORME ilk RY STOORS. 30 shares stock in the Mount Morfah Cemetery Com , Pelt_ (17 Sale positive on eeeount utwhoto it may eon cern. MERCANTILE LIBRARY BITARE. lento Mercantile Library. Orphans' Court Balr—Estate of litulth's minors. NEAT FRAME DWELLING AND LOT, KITTEN! HOUSE, BTREET, NEAR GREEN, GERMANTOWN. A frame dwelling house sod lot of ground, southeast aide of Rittenhouse street. Pear Green street, German town. 11 feet trout, 1131 fret deep. $l2 ground-root. The yard Is Mocked with fruit, grape-vines, cherries, pears, Ac. Absolute S :le. DWELLING, PERRY STREET, BELOW SPRUCE. A neat two story brick dwelling and lot, went side of Perry etreet, 37 feet south of Spruce etreet, 15 feet 1i( inehes front and 70 feet deep, two fronts. Ora intro duced. Rents for $1.40 per annum. Li. Sale positive. Absolute Sale. TAVERN STAND AND DWELLING, WILLIAM nr 'min. NINETEENTH WARD —A. lot of ground, with a three-story brick tavern stood. fronting on Wil. Dam street, Dl fret northwest of Bath street, Nine teenth ward; 20 feet front, 105 feet deep to a cix-feet alley; on the rear are two small brick dwellings. The whole will rent for 8355 per annum, il7" Sole absolute. Terms—nosh. Absolute Sale. THRER.STORT BRICK STORM AND DWELLING, WILLIAM STREET. ADJOINING. A three-dory brick store and dwellings adiinning the above, of the same front and depth, like improvements. !Er Sale absolute. Terms—cub. S5O to be paid on each of the above when the same Is struck of. BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Handsome mansion, southwest corner of 13eventeenth and Walnut streeta. Residence, WashingtOn Square and Walnut street. Dwelling house No. 827 Vine street. 20 acres of lond, Indian Queen lane. Valuable property, Frankford road. 1 . ONG'S SPRING GARDENACADEMY, Handsome dwelling, Be. 1612 Wallace street. Business stood and dwelling, Seventeenth and Wash. 1.4 N.E. earner EIGHT!! and BUTTONWOOD Ste. In ton streets. COSIIdEROIAL DEP ARTAIENT.—Book k I • Gap og In Elegant property, 80 acres, Ad, , above Torresdale. all Ito various forms; preparing Students thoroughly for 14 sores of land, Ghettos avenue, Germantown, situations in any branch of busisean; Plain and Urns. mental Writing. Commercial Oalculatlns; Law and Oars Handsome residence and lot, West Philadelphia. 7 h B Yastwrou. • I S‘) kut‘kVA‘zits terse 131,, ‘"it 15 W"li gm* Nmeabls Siena , Osnountown BaDmaill And. . . Colombia avenue. more thorough and practical course. to Ints %apart ment no teaching is done in closure, and is open DAY 7 landoonte dwelling, Spring Garden street, above ' Twelfth, and EVENING. Time unlimited. MATHEMATIOAL AND OLASSICAL DEPART. MENT.—(Separate from the above,) Young Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an English and Class steal Education, via: Spelling, Reading, Writing, Grams mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, do., Ancient ' and Modern Languages with all the higher Collegiate Studiee. Senior& of 5 month. commence September lot, and Pet:miry Ist. Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dates and eherged accordingly. Cata logues furnished ratio. Ridaistf V, 7/0:4101/AVT LONG, 1:41,144141, CABINET OP NINARALB At private eitle=a valuable Cabinet of Mineral., cam- prising over 1,03 specimens, the collection of several Jean.. The property of a gentleman who ham DO room for them. They are van , ntelrable lot a public lumtita• Um Apply at the ono-ne n store. SUPERIOR QUALITI'' - fAMILY BREAD baked daily 0,20 N, N WWI SUM, 11112 Wolock. T PRE §'7 " ARWPA! -40NPYI AUG TST. 9, ,AB4B. Sales - bn TanttiOn. OMMEROIAL SALES ROOM, •10 sTriewinnir • between MAR KET and WIESTNUT and SECOND and THIRD shoats. • . • • • Y.' G.lWOLBERT,dAtroiloisn; SALE OP STAPLE AND' FANCY GOOD& On Wednesday Morning, Commencing a4lO o'clock precisely will. be' told, without engem, h goitetal -*assortment of funk and staple' goals salted to the approaching miles. spOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (aaccos i,liortoiVOLßlßT k 13110TT,) 481 01128TNIIT St, IXonts the Onstom House, between Potirth and FlttJi CLOTIINS PINS AND PAILS AT PRIVATE BALL Jest landed from schooner Janet -100 boxes clothes plan. 100 dozen pane. REMOVAL:-FURNESS, BRINLEY; Jug , 00. have removed to the Lotte,No. 41) MARKET Street, foltnerly oetupled. by Mauro. Caleb Cope .ffe Co. jyl FURNESS, BRINLRY, & 00. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO., .No. 429 MARKET Street. • MATTINR AT PRIVATE BALE.. 200 platen 4-4 and 6-4 white and red check nodding,. MO BE g ATHAN is, AIIOTIONEER LUL.AND COMMISSION, DMIRCHAITS, 8. coiner SIXTH and DACE Streets. ORNAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. MONEY . I MONEY I! , MONEY !! ! Money liberally advanced in large - or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches, Jewelry, fowling-pieces, • musical instruinentirlErniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries, cigars, hardware, cutlery, books, home., vehicles, bar nese, and all artiolee of valne,.for any length of time agreed on, at Nal/mess Principal Essab/ishmewl, southeast corner of Sixth and Rate streets. • ID- Promissory notes, with Collateral, &mounted at the lowed market rates. NATHANB , . PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT, S. B. CORNER fir SIXTH AND RACE STREETS. . Where money will be liberally advanced on gold and diver plate, diamonds, watohes,Jewelry, fowling pieces, dry goods, clothing, groceries, liquors, cigars, hard ware, cutlery, fancy articles, mirrors, paintings, en gravinge, remittal Instruments, furniture, bedding, horses, vehicles, luirnese, Blocks, and all other artiolee of Talus OUT-DOOR BALES, Personal attention given to all out-door sides, either et private dwellings, store', or elsewhere, and charges annwaally TO PERSONS HRLINQUISHING HOUSRICHRPING. Persons relinquishing housekeeping or having cup pee of furniture to dispose of, will dud it to their ad vintage by sending the same to the unction store. south. east corner of Sixth and Race street, where it 'will be properly arranged In the furniture salesroom, and sold to the beet advantage, two-thirds of the goods advanced If required, and the balance handed over the afternoon of the day else's. AT PRIVATE RAM_ • . line gold and silver hunting ease, double cue, and double bottomed foyer, lepines, English, Swiss, and french watches • gold speck', gold chains, gold brace lets, a variety of fine gold studs, breaistplos, and finger rings; fine flutes superior old violin and guitar, very fine melodeon. and numerous other art-toles. AT PRIVATE BALE AT VERY LOW PRICES.. Gold English patent lever watches, fail jewelled and plain, some of them dna 18-karat oases of the best makers. Silver English patent lever watehte, full Jewelled and plain, of the most approved makers. Gold escapement lever and leplhe watches, In hunt. rues and open face, of the very best make. • Ladies , gold enamelled watches, set with pearl and diamonds. ••. • . Biller Sagiisb, Swiss, and French restates, diamond breast pins and finger rings, gold bracelets, ear rings; anger rings, breast pins, studs, doe gold Test. fob. and neck chains, gold spectates, and Tarim other - arti, ales of jewe lry, &0., ka SA. DYSART & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND • 001111188101 111111011ANTil, r No. 27 South EIGRTLI BTRBIT, Gorier of LODGE 8 REET. AT PRIVATE SAI.E. A large and valuable tract of valuable coal and tim ber land at private sale, well worthy the attention of capitalists and others, an. the owner is compelled to cell. iv - ler further parUealars inquire at the notion store. • • ID" OUT-DOOR BALER foliated 11.11 i promptly it tended to. ••• • . Err ADVANCES made on oonaignmente when de. sired, without extra charge. BALII3-ROOMS open until 10 P. M. Now 'pre= wed to receive involiea of. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WATCHES and JEWELRY, NEW' and SECOND HAND FURNITURE, PAINTINGS, DOOM and STA TIONERY. Ito. 137* Sale/ of NAifOlt Goons *leery evening. SAMITEL NATHANE,'. AUCTIONEER, ind MONEY. LOAN OHMS, No. 224 South THIRD fittest, below W*lout, oppoilte Pear it., only eight doors below the Exoltange.. Maui of traelniuse from I °Wool, A. M., until 10 o'clock In the evening. • Oat-door salsas, and India at the Auction goose, at leaded upon the most sailefaetoty terms. CAPITAL 1200,000. lisisblisha for Me last TAfrly Advances made from one dollar to Moorlands on Dia monde, Silver plate, Wataboi, Jewelry, ll:warfare, Mer *health, Clothing, lortaire, Bedding, Olgare, Musical Initracente, GLIM, 110riei, Ceiriairtil, and Goode of every desoription. All goods csua remain any length of time agreed ISP OII . AD advanasi, Dna - mie hnudred dollars and upWarle will be 'barged 2 per cont. peiznontb 0600 and over, the lowest market rate. This Mors House haying a depth of 120 feet, has large lire and thief-proof vanits to store all valuables, and pri; vats watchmen for the premiers ;.also, a belly tuna. ranee effected for the benefit of all persona haying goods adv N. anced upo u n acoonnt of haying an unlimited capital, this ogee is prepared to make advances on more aatis factory and accommodating terms than any other in this city. Money advanoad to the poor, in antsalatootuate, ant any charge. AT PRITATII BALI. (fold reknit Later and other Watches, Jewelry, and Qlttbing will he sold at manned miens anl•ly A FRENCH YOUNG LADY, of good Education, I. wIIItDQ to offer ter services u Teacher In • respectable private fatally, In exchsoge for her board. Address LYONS. office or this paper* • lA/ILL RE-OPEN ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER, for the Scholastic year, onsfetlog of ten monthe, J. J. REED , I3 INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, The system of tuition Is based on that adopted In the best Setninarlee In Europe, and comprises thorough in • striation in the English, ' , ranch. and Latin languages; special attenton is also paid to the formation of snide. gent etrle of composition, and to the cultivation of • taste (or polite literature.. The course of study will embrace every branch of education. A limited number of purdle admitted iota the family. Their religions and moral training is tinder the epeeist care of Mra. Reed. who has had many years experience, and deference will be pad to the feelings and wlehee of their parenta In three matters. The health and comfort of the young ladle' is also carefully attended to by her. Weekly boarding pupils, from Monday till Yriday, re. salved at proportionate rates. A week's notion at art etmaa and at limiter TERMS. (Payable half In advance, and half at the expiration of five moothe.) Pm. tuition In the regular •course of study $lOO 00 N. B—A Junior clam will be formed. German, Spanish, Italian, and other languages, Ma mie, (vocal and Instrumental,) Drawing and Painting, (in oil and water colon,) at Professors' charges. Use of Plum, per annum 41 harp " 0 ultar, For Boarding Waahing at 50 cents per dozen . Each boarding pupil in required to brlOg her own tow. sin iillzer fork and opoon. Few rent at coat. TEBTIMBNIALB. It affords me pleasure to state that Mr./. J. Reed la recommended by official testimonials of distinguished gentlemen In London. From personal acquaintance with him, I can moot cheerfully recommend him as an ac complished scholar and gentleman to the confidence of the public. A. CON VER/I}l. - - . The subscriber takes great pleasure In • uniting with Dr. Concerns in the abuse recommendation. Front per sonal acquaintance with Mr. Reed, an well an from his distinguished teetimuntale, I am confident of his emi nent abilities as a gentleman and scholar. • CLIARLB WADSWORTII. We are happy to hear that Mr. J. .1. Reed, a gen tleman of considerable literary attainments, and who has contributed to ((sham's many excellent sketches of eminent penults, has re-opened bin Institute for Young Ladles, at 1523 Walnut street, one of the most admire bhp localities In the city. Mrs. Reed is a lady who has bed many years' experience In tuition, and beam a high reputation for/lamas in training her pupils, both mo rally end mentally. Mr. Reed. from bin knowledge of Europeanteuguagen, and from having graduated in the that colleges in England, imparts the advantages of the bent European systems of education; and particular at tention is paid to the study of English Composition and Polite Literature. We would lay some stress in this latter fact, since general literary information nod cul ture, though by far the moat distinguishing signs of in telligence nod refined education, are, on the whole, far mere neglected in most schools and colleges than any other branches.—Editor of Graham's kragoxiist for July, 1b63, p. REFERENCES. Henry Vethake, LL. D., Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. John J. Fraser, J.L. D., Professor of the Physical Sciences in ditto. George Allen, LL. D , Professor of Anoint Lan guages iu ditto. lion. William M. Meredith. Col. John W. Forney, editor of The PrerS. Charles G. Leland, Esq., editor of Graham's Maga zine. Rev. William D. Bimini, D: D., Rector of Rt. An drew's. Rev. Amass Converse, D. D., editor of the Christian Observer. Rev. Charles Wadsworth, D. D., Arch•street Prenby• tenon Church. Joseph L. Keen, Eng., West Philadelphia. • Thomas 8. Taylor, Esq., West Philadelphia. PIANO-FORTE—Eleroontary and finishing 11 It.onA lop an accomplished foreign artist. N 0.15113 WALNUT St. au&-Ira A STON RIDGE SEMINARY for YOUNG ALADIES. Rev. D. S. lIUNTISOTON, A. M Principal. The nest session commences Sept. 0. Areems from Eighteenth and Market htreets to Rockdale, (next elAtlon beypni Med(n,) and 1 , v I miles east from thence by earriaqa. Tornio—VW the year for everything estrus whatever. Address • VILLAGE GREEN P. 0. Delaware County, Pa. JJ i n s o s A li R s int, c l , ( ,nE Nl y n A ty Ng n AllS . 1 0 1 EB E' YOUNGS LADIES. No 1703 WALNUT Street, west of SEVEN TEENTH, Pbliadelphis, will be re•opeaed oo WED NESDAY, the Bth of September. au2-97nit CRITTEINDBN'g 1' II 1 LADE. ki IA 00MilkIIMAL COLUMN, aortkeast earner of 011XEITMIT and SZVEDITLI Btraata. An Institntion designod to fit young men for AO. TPIB BIIBINBBB. The whole building hi occupied, and fitted up In style surpassing anything of the kind In this country. Thorough preparation for the counting-house BOARD OP TRUBTREB. ' B. B. Oomegye, 7TIlPcio GOshins, George H. Stuart, David Milne, John Bparhawk, David 8. Drown, luso Hacker, A. V. Pareone, D. B. Hinman, Frederick Brown, Joshua L ppineott. apRZI-tt JOHN H. BELL, TIMMER OP NAYIDATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, At BRYANT k STRATTON'S COMMERCIAL COLLEO3. 0. E. corner SEVENTH and Oft ESTNUT Streets. ebarational. No. 162. WALNUT &reit, PHILADILPHIA. 460 00 £U bidrial. %ALY D Sg y OF LYON'S OATAWBA A , A. A. HAYES, M. D ASSAM Vb . U BIE of Misimmirts . . - ... 11 CiLLIAOIIII. A light-yellowleh brown.. rot,r ll3llllllll ed spirit; having a fragrant odor; when evaporated from elms Jingo. it :left no oil or offensive matter. Analysed :for; volatile • and fixed drugs, of which ILO traces qt,any kind (obis /band. Its color le proved to be dab to a colored -redhl an extract derived from wood. Dr Id. every. respect it le a pure spiritous liquor.. .The fragrance or bouquet whieb. It possess*. can be leo. fated, and it then appears unlike that from Congo Brandy or Wine, being a fruity essence resulting from a pamallar fermentation of Catawba and Isabella Grapes. OHYMIOAL CH11.10111.-1, parts la volume of this spirit ooptalna at 80 deg P. 481 2-10 parts of pure al cohol, besides the fragrant oil. 1,000 pilau of the spirit afford 28 to of a strong solution of the oil which tharacterfsee this Brandy ; the epirlt left, alter removing the oil, is pars and 0110 Ii DJ, and in all its qualities a perfect spirit not eubjem. to change. One 11. B. gallon of this Brandy at CO deg. 1. contains, be sides the spirit and oil, only 990 gra. of matter com posed of extract of fruit, gum, and colored ream from wood. BOSTON, January 25,1858. Dr. COILB, State Inspector of Ohio, and Dr. JAB. R. WILTON, Chemist, of New York, both pronounce MIA to be pure Brandy, and free from all adulteration. For Medicinal purposes Lyon's Catawba Brandy has no tire!, and bee long been needed to supersedb the poisonous compounds 'mid under the name of Brandy. As a beverage, the pure article is altogether superior, and a sovereign, sure remedy for Dyspepsia, Platnleney, Low Spirits, Languor, General Debility, Ice., &o. Also, RIMIELBY'S STILL AND SPARKLING CHAMPAGNII.—These Wines are made in the neigh borhood of Cincinnati, and are guarantied to be the pure Juice of the Gripe, and are eminently calculated for invalids and persons who require a gentle etimn. Dint, and for Sacramitital purposes. • Retail price $1.25 per bottle. A liberal discount made to the trade. Dealers will please send their orders to the I .Bole Agents" for the State of Penn iykrania, A. 1. HAZARD & CO., Wholesale Dr gists, No. 608 MARKET Street. Also for sale by the following apothecaries : AMBROSE SMITH, Seventh and Chesnut sts. JNO. W. BIBIRS A 80N8,18th and 224 and Market streets . D. L. BTAORHOUSS, Eighth and Green eta. R, NRSINGER, Second and Mary eta., Southwark. G. W. NESINGER, Smarm*. Road and Washington reel. GEO. B. HOBBNBAOK, Third and Green Ate A. R. lIORTER. Broad and Ooates ate. TIOBENSAOS'S IRON BITTERS. This Medicine, as its name implies, is one of the greatest strengthening preparations extant. It is ee peelally adapted to those who have a loss of appetite or are affiletexi with Dyspepsia, Liver Oomplainte, Piles, Nervous Debility General Weakness, and all diaeuee arising from a disordered condition of the digestive organs. FOR IPBMALB COMPLAINTS GINBRALLY there le perhape no medicine in the world equal to it, as it enters, parities, and replenishes the blood which is en important to brisk about a healthy action THOUSANDS OE LIVING a miser isle exieteeee, of a pale 'lady color, weak and emaciated, wile could be restored to health by the nee of one bottle of this invaluable medicine. It ha no humbug, but a genuine remedy, being free from any thing that is of an Injurious nature. FOB ALL DISEASES OF TIB BLOOD there is no better antidote than llobermack , s Iron Bit ters. When the blood is impure the whole body is full of discus. Blood letting may answer for a time, but eleaneing a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we must begin, and to cleanse the blood there IS no better remedy than these invaluable Bitters. Their chief constituent is Iron, and we all know its efficacy in removing the impure matter from the whole visceral !velem. They are prepared by a prae tieal chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent physician.; and others, am the «ne pins lithe" of la tonics. HOW OItATIITING to the proprietor that he has succeeded in compound log a remedy (or many of the ills that hia fellow. mortals are subjeet top and that the public appro. elate it is not a question of doubt, but a fixed fact, as the demand for It has far surpassed hie sanguine expectations. READ THE TESTIMONY OD A WORTHY CITIZEN. Thle is to certify my wife was In delicate health some three years, with v. disease peculiar to her sex. She tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit. Hearing of. Robensaek , s Iron Bitters, and knowing iron to be a powerful tonic, induced me to obtain a bottle, which proved to be the medicine she solely re quired, by restoring her to health. She hesitates not to recommend It to those who are similarly greeted, so she believes It to be a sovereign remedy. JOHN MAN. No. 811 Capitol Street. This invaluable Medicine Is prepared only by GEORGE 8. HOBENSAOH, Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. owner of THIRD and GREEN Streets, Philadelphia, To whom all orders must be addressed. Price $l. Dbmonnt to &mien. Sold by Draggizt4 generally. mh2o-y" (THY SUFFER WITH DYSPEPSIA ? ZIEGLER &- PURE, MEDIOINAL COGNAC BRANDY has eared Dyspepala, Low Bpiiitq, Omura! DebilitYr k=iss 01.20 PO hot• 016_, erlio.lo por dosen. Warranted pare. 'Prr it. I hereby certify that I lad been afflicted with dye. pouts for the last ten years, during whioh time I have tried all the popular medicines, but of no avail. Raring bed Zeigler & fflialth , e Pure, Medicinal Dggie Brandy tasoMmuded Many pmenif, inddebd ' me to try it. erne boftie has almost eared me ofdyspepsia and costive habits, of ten years' standing. I can say, wine thank ful heart, that I have never found ita equal daring my painful and 'Mistiming complaint. I eincerely reoom mend It to dyspeptic, nervous ,and debilitated eufferers. Jou 0. Rtaxaorn, Jan. lath, 1858. 1291 Olive street. Also, ZIKOLER & SMITH'S Pare Medicinal WINES, warranted pure, and no counterfeit mixtures, which are daily palmed upon the public as genuine wines. Theo ,Wines a” .2 8 Peti0Up adopted to iixhi us all cues of generafdairsty, loss of appall the he. OM Madeira Wine, prise per bottle 11 00 Old Port Wine, do. do. ...... I 00 Old Bherry Wine do. do. 100 Address your orders to Bole Agenta, ZRIOLDR & SMITH, Wholesale Dinah% B. W. oornsr 81100 ND end ansHN Sta., Phila. Also, for sale by JOHN DIM, Dinsgist, fel.y lreckford road, opposite Recover. Cbina, Otago' anb etnettuaware CHINA AND GLASS, DINNER WARE, TF.A AND TOILET BETS, worry, GOLD-BAWD, AND D2CORATIID FRENCH AND BOHEMIAN GLASSWARE, FANCY ARTICLES, ho., WILL DI BOLD, AT UT LOWRIIT nlieve, AT MARXSEN h WITTIVB, MASONIC HALL, 713 CUNSTNUT STREET, N. 11.—Uoodu loaned to parties at reasonable term•ly FRENCH PLATE GLASS.—HAVING been appointed by the Compagnis de Floreffe ,l the BOLE ACIINTB for the sale of their GLASS In this city, we are prepared to oiler to the trade or consu mers, from our stork on hand, POLISIIEJ PLATE 111.A83 for Stores or Dwelling Pronely Rough Plate, for bloom and S kylights; and Silvered Plate of large size, for Mirrors . The Glass will be sold at the lowest prices, and warranted superior, in every respire, to any other imported. BORT. BITORMARRR & 00., Plate and Window Glass Warehottee, R. B. ear. of YOUTH and RACE Streets mh2B-tt Philadelphia WINDOW GLASS! WINDOW GLASS! !—We Invite the attention or the pith lie to our extensive stook of French and American Window Glass. The large and well selected Meek of Glue constantly en hand enables no to 81l all orders with despatch, and an low ae an other house la the city. ZIEGLER situu, Wholesale prugglits, talk B. W. corner of Second and Green ate. WIRE LEHIGH AND BROAD-TOP COAL.—JAMES M. MONTGOMERY informs LIR friends and the public that ho has effected an arrange moot with the Buck Mountain Coal Company for the sale of theirjuntly-celebrated LER IG El COAL. helms also arranged with the proprietor of the Broad-Top MIMI for the sale of his valuable SEMI-BITUMINOUS COAL, and Is now prepared to receive orders and make prompt deliveries, at his Office, No. 402 WALNUT Street, second story, front room. Jeff-Sm FCERING, FOX, & 00., wholesale and retsil dealers in LRIIIOU arid 13011DYLKILL 00AL. Lehighyard—THlßD street arid GERMAN TOWN ROAD. Bennylkill yard —RAOB and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Coal from the moat approved mines, under *over, and pre pared expressly for family use. tea-, QALE OF THE FRANKLIN, CIIAM DERSHURG, GREENCASTLE, AND HAGERS TOWN RAILROAD. The undersigned, appoloted by virtue of an act of As sembly, approved on the 12th day of Alay, 1851, will offer at Public Bale, at the Court-house, in the borough of Chambereburg, on Friday, the El day of September next, at one o'clock P.M., the Franklin, Cliamberslirg, Greencastle and Ilagerstowu Railroad, from it. Inter t‘ection with the Cumberland Valley Railroad, at Chum benburg, to the Maryland btate line, with all the right., liberties, privileges and franchises to said Company In any manner belonging. The conveyance to the pur chaser is to To made 'wording to the provfsions of the not of Assembly referred to. Term. made known on the day of sale by DANIEL 0. GICIIR, JOHN ARMSTRONG, lAI4IIIB NI LL, jyffleltau2o Commissioners. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AGENCY CHICAGO. ILL. The enbeerlber, having bad much practical experi ence in selecting and locating lands In the various Land District+ in the Western flutes, has mammal facilities for making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OR CASG. Haring Curetyors constanay in the field to make personal examinations, he can always make the moat judicious locations. Lands unaurpimeed for fertility of moll and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now be bad in lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references given when required. !J Money Invented in Auras and Nebraska, and any of the Western States: . . . B. BALIBBURY, 40 CLARKE Street, Chicago. t NEW ARTIE 1.E.-CHESTNUT iii GROVE WIIISKRY.—Tho purest Spirit offered the American public, possessing many medicinal pro perties; and none of the poisonous qualities inherent in the Whiskey in common ore, la now offered for pale by the Druggists generally, and by tLIARLES WHARTON, Jr., General Agent, At D. B. Taylor'e, Who Jennie Grocer, So . 23 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. All perilous desirous of using thie Whiskey may rest assured of Its purity. Dna Six: We hese carefully examined The mmple of Cheatout-Oreve Whiskey left with us a few days since, and and It to contain little or none of the poison ous substance known as bull Oil. BOOTH, GARRETT, & OAMAO, Analitleal Ohemlets. To CIILRLES WHARTON, Jr., No. 23 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. jy2l-3to A WNINGS! AWNINGS! .cm JOSEPH 11. FOSTER, Awolog Maker, No. 443 North THIRD Street above Willow. Italian and French Window Awnings for Dwelling' and Offlco Windows; Awnings for Stores, Awnings for Steamboats and Ships. All kinds of Awnings, Tent.. Flap, or say thing in canvas, made to order by JOSEPH 11. POSTER, Awning Maker, 443 North THIRD Street, Residence, 840 South FRONT Street. .708.EV11 11. 708TRR. A LLSOPP'S PALE ALE, in hhds., a constant supply on hand, In Custom House stores, fur into by WILLIAM IL YRATON, I►l6 dla Routh IRONT fittest EIIRINGS-800 bble. O. 1 PICKLED I/1 Merlins) TOO Vas extm lissitnoAllo3s ',lllto 120 bble. POiA)M110 dry tatted ditto, now In store and for sale by JNO. M. KNNNNDY & 00., swl6 ' Nos. 180 snd 102 N. WIIARVIIO. nRYANT Sr. STRATTON'S CHAIN OF -11-1 NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. For Information, call or send for elreular, JalS•tf PURE BONE DUST, GROUND FINE.— A very Iluporlor snide. For sale In large or swill lots, by OHJOAADALI, DUBAI, & 00., Igo 194 Patio PIM» mast, llnsurance frompanici. • "F,"- RISKS ONLY .:TAKEN' GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INBUR ASCE COMPANY, Phlialelphli, •061 co No 416 WALNUT Street, (Schuylkill Navigation °Outpours Building.) CAPITAL, $200,000. DIREICITOBB. Wm. M. Stie.t9, Wm. O. Rudman, [of Public Ledger. C D. Shoemaker, John Aoepach, Jr., Jer. Walker, H. N. Burroughs, Thos. Craven, J. B. Hughes, Francis Patera, Win. R. Boyd, H. R. Ooggshall, Geo. W. Woodward, Jno. McClure, Jpo. W. Olaglsorn, Joseph Klapp, M. D. Hon. JOEL JONES, Preetdont.. , A. 8. GILLETT, Vico President, JAS. B. ALYORD, Secretary. iY26-/Y "TOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN; AI:MANOR COMPANY—OMee No. 412 WALNUT Ptreet, Philadelphia. John H. Diehl, Da1102.018. J. Edgar Thomson, P. M. Potts, H. H. Shilllnford. • 0. E. Spangler, 0.0. Sower, Abraham Ren t John W. Sexton, Z. 8. Warne, John Guam% George Howell, Nathan R. Patti, Wm. P. Leech," R. T. Bonen, H. H. Houston, Joe. B. Withers, Abraham P. Eyre, Z. Booth, Oharles P. Norton, John H. Lewin JOHN H. DIEHL, President E. B. WARNS, Vine President. Onis. A. Bow, Secretary. - mylo ('TORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM vv No. 831 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTERED CAPITAL $500,000 FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND. .ABSETB JULY let, 1558. Ronde and Mortgagee, Stocks, kei $349,625 00 Bills ReCeivable, (for policies Isaned,) 2,1/7 76 Unsettled Book Accounts, (for pollciea,).... 1 513 93 Cub In Bank and in Office 10,483 45 Cub in bands of Agents and Correepoodents, TAM 81 148 Bo No looses unadjusted, unpaid, or reported. 806, DIR.ROTORS : William M. Godwin, S. It -.Crawford, James W. Queen, in°. L. Redner, George W. Hall, William D. Themae, D. iranklln Jaekson, B. N. Winslow, 1. 0. Hopper, Henry D. Mears. WM. M. GODWIN, President. J. 0. HOPPER, Secretary. melo-dir CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 South FOURTH Street. • CIIARTER PERPETUAL. Capital $200,000. Organised 11351. Privileged to Insure Rouses, annually or perpetually Personal Property, annually, or for a less period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Rieke; receive De posits; bold Truck and grant annuities ALFRED WEEKS, President. 11. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. Malty's:it, Secretary. DIRMOTOAS. . Alfred Weeks, Ron. W. D. Holley, E. 0. Tylor, J. W. Forney, J. W. Seeder, P. B. &Ingle, C. It. Picking, James Watson, ' J. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthewe i J. W. Stokes, William Curtis, jell3-ly G. P. rumor. 'UHT INSURANOE . AND TRUST 00M ILA PANT .—Tho PENN MUTUAL LIFE INBURANOS COMPANY. Northeast Corner of TRIED end WOK Streets.- Capital, $512,725.08. • INSURES LIVES for, short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases. life Interests In Beal Estate, and makes all dontraete depending on the oontingenolei of Life. They sot as lioneutors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. • , . TIOBI7IIII. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel]. Stoked, Benjamin Coate', William Martin, Rlohard 8. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William IL Rem, lames Radon, Samuel 0. Huey, Theophilue Paulding, Charles Hallowell Edmund A. Bonder, . Henry 0. Townsend , Daniel L. Hutohinion, Rodolphue Rent, John W.:Horner, William H. Oar, 5111, 8. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Simnel J. Ohriatian, William Rebertaon, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Ruin Joke Q. brenher, r.B. Mlobler, Easton. DANIEL L. MLLkillti President. • SAMUEL E. BTOREB, Vice Presii. Jou W. Houma, Secretary. nl3-ly COMMONWELYM IN/MILANO] oP yrs STAID OP DINNBYLVANIA, 0,140 P, • NORTHWPBT CORNER POODTE AND WALNOT WPDPIDTH, • • DUILADIVIAIA. Bubsezibud Oa nil 000 P I ,000. Pad up 05p1D.1,3200.000, htuorois. Dr. D. Jayne, Thom. O. Stoval l L. 01lyt H. ta. Z. Li. Antler, I. qt. ;malt; 1. 4. Wetter,. Edw: 0. tiiivot, M. 8. Wendell, M. Lewis; Jr., 8. H. Houle. DAVID JAYNI, M. D. President. • THOMAS 8. BTHWABT, Vice Preet. SAKtit. 8. Meow, Beeretary. ' jiggly TIELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY }MANCE COMPANY. INCORPEHATED BY THE LEGIBLATITHE of PENH- . . BYLVANIA, 1836. 6111108, B. M. Corner TUIRD and 'if:4lMT Streets, 1111141131.va1a. MARINE INSURANCE, ON VIIBBIOLB, IMROUHT,O, To all parts of the World. PRBI • INLA D INSURANCES, On (hods, by River Canals, Lake. and Lend Caning tci all parts of the union. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandisegenerally. On Stores, Dwelling Douses, /Cc AlitißTB OP THE CO MPANY, • November 4,1867. Bond. Mortages, and Real Rotate. $191,8M 91 Philadelphia_ City and other Loans 187,01 l 93 Stook in Banta, Railroads, and Immo. Companies 12,508 00 Bills Receivable 120,201 95 Club on band 88,899 00 Balance in hands 'of Agents, Premiums on Marine Policies recently issued, on nther debts due the OompQyj., s woo cer Buburription Notes 100,000 00 William Martin, tames 0. Eland, Joseph H. Seal, Theo*las Paulding, !Arnaud A. Bonier, James Traquatr, John 0. Dellll, William Eyre, Jr., John H. Penrose, J.P.Penieton, George 0 .Lelper, Jahn& P. Eyre, "Award Darlington, Samuel Z. Stokes, Dr. B. M. Huston, Henry Slows, Wm. 0, Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Hugh Craig, Thomas Q. Ilund, Spencer illcllvain, Hobart 1 14rem2 1 , 3 r., . Charles Helix, . /no. B. Semple, Pittabgl., H. Jones Drooke,i Dr. T Morgan, . 1 Itsob P. Jones, J. T. Logan, IC WILLUM IdANTIN, President. THOMAS O. HAND, Floe President. HENRY LYLIIIIIIN, Secretary. Jag-y FIRE AND INLAND RISKS.-FAME INSI7RA NCB COMPANY. Capital $lOO,OOO. (Organised under the Act of Aseembly relative to In mance Companions, passed April 2d, 1U0.) GEORGE W. DAY, President. THOMAS 8. MARTIN, Vioe•Prealdent. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. OMee 411 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. George W. DAy, Jacob H. Vaughan, William W. wattore, Henry Lewis Jr., Charles Richardson, D. B. Bits .1", Barclay Lippincott, John W. Amman, Joe. R. Brognard, A. H. Rosenholm, Chas Stakes. 0444 M Stern. EU:nts anb tianara. A LEXANDRE SBIGNETT.S BRANDY. 11 The anbacri6rs have been appointed solo agents In the State'of Vonusylvarda for the above well-known ROCIIELLN BRANDY, which they are prepared to offer to the trade at the lowest market price, from trot tod Stales hooded warehouse entitled to debenture, A oonstont supply on hood, in half, quarter, and one eighth pipee, dark and pale. ARNOLD dc WORL, Jell-tf 120 WALNUT Street. JIILES ROB & CO. COGNAC.—The subscribers, sole agents In the State of Penneylva nia for the above celebrated brand of COGNAC BRAN DY, beg to call the attention of the trade to its superior quality, and feel confident it will compare favorably with the molt favorite brands in the market. ARNOLD & WORL, 120 WALNUT Street. A constant supply of the above in the United States Londed warehouse, entitled to debenture, of various vintages, in half, quarter, and eighth pipes. je184.1 LAM BRE YAlt-LEIF rAGNE. ARNOLD L WORL, Sole Agentft, 120 WALNUT Street %aAlatiO , Ss AO, W 3.-20 tierces No. 1 N 7 Salmon; 18 bblo. do.; GO bblo. prime Ron Shod; 200 bblo. Beale-fish; 180 bbl White-888, now In store and for sole by JOHN if. KNNNEDY & 00., so Say Woo 100 and 182 Nnrtl. Taherva BRANDIES.—cc Pinot Castillon," Marott, and other Copulae of various vintages, In halt pipes and quartercaski; Pellevoleln Rochelle Brandies, pals and dark, in half pipe., half casks, and one•eighth casks. Imported and for sale by lIENRY BOHLEN it oel2 221 and 228 South Fourth 'treat &Drug° anb Whemitale. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., WIIOUSALR DRUGGISTS, Yannfactsurere and Dealer PAINTS, VABNISHZO, and WINDOW GLASS, Northeast corner FOURTH and Skin Streets, Philadelphia. Bole Agents for the male of the celebrated lioreffe Plate Glaer. mhß 'ZIEGLER &. SMITH, WHOLESALE cd DRUGGISTS, eouthwest corner of SECOND and GREEN Streets, have in More, and offer to the trade to ots to unit purchaser.: Zng. Ven. Bed. Whiting. Gum Arable, picked and sorts. Kenna Alex. Oil Aniseed. Paris Green, rol Brand. WWI WHITE LEAD, ZINO PAINTS, &a.— V IF We offer to the public White Lead, Zino Paints, Oolors in Oil, Varniehes, &o. at such reduced prices that we invite the attention cif dealers and consumers to our stock. ZIEGLER & SMITH, mhlB 8. W. cur. Second and Green std. DRILADELPII IA WARMING AND VINTILATIN6 wAnuousa. ARNOLD & WILSON, 11000ASSOBB TO B. A. HARBISON -.• • • . We have removed from oar old /tend In Walnut street to the LARUE STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, • few doors below the St. Lowrance Hotel, where our old Mende and the public are respectfully invited to examine oar extensive stock of Worm Air Panacea, Cooking Bongos, Bath Boilers, Registers, liqulptlnd Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Grates, &a., /km' now monnfacturing CHILSOWS CELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAB CONSUMING YURNAOB, the most powerful and economical Heater ever tavented, end inlitUi to all Masses of Mildistp, Alen, new end beautiful pattems of Low Down Orates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all aloes and patterns. We hove alio oommenoed the manufacture of ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn- syteania Stone. These Mahtels were awarded • SPECIAL MATIUM astir late Pair nod BM. bitten o toe llanktin institute of chis city. They represent all the rare and beautiful AIITIQIIII Mums., vice sottc..yact4 O Emoks, Cool Hos, Oct or Atids, end are " Ed Wholesale en d 8010% at muds less pries Liao Markle. Oalltiad ice them.. ARNOLD & WILSON. MIN/. M. PELTWELL, Ouperluteudeat, Philadelphia, April, IMA—apl4 ly 11Ana, - , - - - -Plve puncheons Bay Rum, s very superior article, la store and for sale by A. MERINO, 140 South FRONT Sweet. H.— 6 half' bble. of the cele brated Detroit Meer White Yish, Just received and for Side b 7 0.0. VADLIR & 00., IS V tiOrtit WATT li 1110,1, 53hi►ilngj FOR NEW ORLpANS-4,61715X,ANA LlNE—First vessel to sail in a feW days with what freight offers. Freight taken at as .low rates as any vessels now lading...r - • The flraLclass, remarkably fast-sailing packet oldp " PLEIADES," captain Winslow, is now loading at Raastraot wharf; and, having a large portion of her cargo engaged and coming alongaido, will have quick despatch as above. - . Shippers will please hurry their goods alongaide, And bills of lading to the counting-house for signature.- For balance of freight, (which will be tsken at same rates as any other vessel lading.) or passage, haring handsomo cabin accommodations, apply on board or to BISTIOP, SIMONS, & CO., aull-dtt 120 North Wharves. The P. insures at the lowest rates and will take steam down the Delaware and'up the Mississippi.' • eitFOR SAN FRANCISCO.—OL I PER OF SATURDAY,-lath August inst—Lownsi MM, AND NO DRTNNTION. The splendid first•class (Ripper Ship TALISMAN, Thomas commander, is zecolv . in g her cargo at pier JO, Rest River, New Tack , -This munificent &tip is one of the finest and fleeted Clippers in the trade % and trail-known for the good order in which she deltvers her cargo. Being of mode, rate capacity, and having the bulk of her cargo en gsged, she will have extraordinary despatch. /or balance of freight apply to 1118110 P, &IMON& h Co anBAltf . 120 NORTH WHARVES. ANTED—A first,class VESSE , of 80001,000 tons capacity, to' load for a• port in the Pacific'. Cargo now readyt and fair freight will be paid. • Apply to 13181101 , , SIMONS, k 00., jyl6-dtf 120 NORTH WHAAVES. WANTED—A good VESSEL, to load in tho Louialans Line, for New °clouts. Quick deeindch and good rates given. • Apply . to jylS-tf . BISHOP, 120 NORTH WHARVES. STEAM TO LIVERPOOL AND GLAS-. 00V7, DUBLIN, BELPAET, mad LONDONDERRY, T. LIVERPOOL. THE LIVERPOOL ARD PHILADELPHIA STEAM SHIP CO.'S Clyde-built Iron Steamships are Intended to sail as follows : Faux rum toile. OITY OF BALTIMORE Thursday, July Ist CITY OF WABIIINGTON . • 11 c. 16th KANGAROO c, ~ 29u, And each alternate Thureday, from Pler 44 N. B. _ PROM LIVERPOOL. CITY OP WASHINGTON • Wednesday, June 26d. KANGAROO July 7th. CITY OP BALTIMORE.. .. !.. - 'Chat • And each alternate .......... • Cabin Passage from Now York and Philiodelphis...• .$75 Third Clam It any of The above-mentioned places, and found in best cooked Provisions 30 Return Tickets good for 6 months - • 60 Certificates of Passage from Liverpool to New York or Philadelphia 40 Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Bremen, Ham burg, he., without delay at through rates. The Company's Steamship BOSPHORUS will Nall regularly between Antwerp and Liverpool, in connection with the departures fo ly glew York, taking goods from Antwerp to New York, ara through rateof, freight. Certificates of Passage from Antwerp to New York $46. Drafts on Liverpool from .2,1 upwards. . For freight or passage, applyat the Company's Ofticeil, 16 BROADWAY, New York, and 109 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. • ..101IN G. DALE, Agent.. Or WILLIAJWINMAN, j 022 62 and 66 Tower Building, Liverpool. ers FOR CHARLESTON AND SA- NANNLII. —HEWN% LINE. GOO 8 REOZINTD AGO 81LT 4 9 2P LADING SIGNED • &VERY Toil?. - The 'splendid liret.olsas side•wheel Steamships asyBTONE STATE and STATE Of GEORGIA, Now Icon a weekly line for the South and Bouthweet, one of . th eso ship sailing every SATURDAY at 10 ele , lA A. M., alternately for Oharleston and 13a: • YOB CHARLESTON, The IIIEYETOIIE STATE. Captain Charles P. Marsh- . man, will commence loading on Thursday, August 19th, and soil for Charleston, 8.0., oh Ilattudny, August 21st, at 10 o'clock A M. FOR SAVANNAH, The STATE 01 GEOROIA, gayt. John J. Garvin. will commence loadiug ou 'Thursday, August 12th, and sail for Savannah, Oa, on Saturday, Aug. 14th, at 10 &stook A U. At both Charleston and fiaranneh, theee eldpe connect with steamers for Florida and Hataus t and Itith ralA roads, &a., for all planes In the South aad Southwest. FREIGHTS ERRIIORD. Hew Freight tA art morass of 16 per eerie. below New York steamship rave. INSURANCE. FREIGHT and INSURANCE on a large proportion of geode' shipped Smith will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels. Cabin passage . 820 00 • Steerage doB GI • blue Tinhete, Zeta for the present year. 80 00 Nohale 02 lading signed after the ship hae sailed. tar freight or pasener, apply to A. 831110N;Zi., N 0.828 (late 81)•North Whereof. Agouti at OhariestonT. h. 4 T. Q. SURD. Agents in Savannah, b . A. GRE/.NER CO. For Verge, from Charleston, steamer OABOLINA, every Tuesday. tot Florida, from Saeebnah, steamers OT. MAINS and T. JOINS, every Tneeday and Setorday. Nor Elevana, from Charleston, steamer 18ABIL, on the 4th and 19th of every month. • jell OOMPANT, STEAM TO GLASGOW, Unit = •• POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON. DE BY, without delay, for 80 dollars: Morn Dakota, good for six month,, to either of mo above Omen by any steamer of the Ibm, ClaarS rev • the round trip, out and back, girds lair( Yvan. Now York, IdAdllladalatuiday, Julylo. stl2 &cloak, M. 84 1 0411111 1 4, Uummlog, II .Irdy 24 • ‘‘ laagoir i 000 wit, " August 7, ilOllOl.llOQlr. • Glasgow, Goodwin.. ..,,...asturda, MO 10. New York, McMlllgn Wedninlaj, August U. 44 1 . 141 10 , cummtag Saturday, Aug. /4. Wan/3 OF PdBE4Adil. 11031 whisaow., Pint Maas 15 guinea& Steerage, found with eepted provielons 8 it FirstOlsas PS 00 Steerage, found with cooked pr0vi5i0n5...... ... 00 Ohildren ender 14 year* of age, half fare; Infante in Steerage, free. . Return'tickets available vigil; alit months, by any steamer of thie line, ;hilt Maas P4O 00 steerage SOO 00 wcpaterkOod Elurgeoll attacked to wok Shuns, _ Yor freight or plumage apply to WORKMAN & CO., 128 WALNUT Street, Yhiladel• pkla. ROBERT ORLIO, 17 Rroadway, New York. .' HALL & LORRY, Bnohanan'sliikarf, Baltimore. myll I.• B.RiTISH and NI R .11 • . 1 4 - iti AN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. noil ARW TORE TO LIVERPOOL. Okla( Cabin Panne 1180 Second Cabin Pasoan l ... % 16 1101 10E801 TO Llnneo9l.. Chief Cabin Passage RIO Second Cabin Passage 00 The ships from Boston cell at HaUfax. I P.IRSLA, Capt. Janine. CANADA, Capt. Lang. • ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Oapt.Wlokman ASIA, Capt. 16. G. Lost. NIAGARA, Oapt.Ryrie. APNICA, Ont. Shannon. EUROPA. Ont. J.J.Altah. These 'male carry a Wear white light at masthead; green on starboard Dow ; red en port bow. CANADA, Lang, haves Boston, Wednesday, :illy , 28 AMERICA, Wickman, " N. York Wednesday, Aug 4. EUROPA, Leitch, " 130ston,-Wedneadny, Aug. 1/. PERSIA, JudElne, " N.York,l9edneaday, Ang.lB. NIAGARA, Moodie, " Booton WednesOltr, , Aug SG. ARABIA, Stone, . " N.Yorli,Wednesday, Sept. 1. CANADA, Lang, " Boston, Wedorsday, Sept. 8. A VRIOA, Shannon, '' " N.York, Wodamday, Sept 16. EUROPA, Leitch, " Boston, Win:invader, Sept. 22. PERSIA, JadltlDS, ‘ 4 ,ll.Yorii,.Weiinesday, , Sept. 29. Berths not moored FLOP pM4 for. . • An orposionood Surgeon on hoard: ' , • The owners of them naps will net De 1119001Mbible for Gold, Silver, Bullloo,l3peo ,le Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, finless bale of lanlog are alined therefor and the value thefeof therein:expressed. ' Nor freight or pauage apply to • , my 10-y B. CUNARD, 4, Bowling Green, N. York. 102,786 ST eentletnin'a .fur . ttisbittif ecrobp. ViTINCHESTER & CO., GENTLEMEN'S ir V FURNISIIINQ STORE PATENT SHOULDER BEA6I SHIRT MANUA°- . • TORY, At the Old $ Ural, No. 706 CHESTNUT AranT, oppo site the Washington House . A. WINCHESTER Arill give, as heretofore :his per. sonal supervision to the (netting and hianuraotnring departments. Orders for Ida celebrated style of eblrta And Collars filled at the shortest notice. Wholesale trade auppltud on liberal terms. jr24-ly j W. SCOTT, (late of the firm of WIN 0., CIIISTAR Snorr,) GENTLEMEN'S 1/11RNI811- ING STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 CHESTNUT Street, (tmarly.opposito the 0 Imrd Howie,) Philadelphia. .1. W. 8. would respectfully eon the atteutfou of hie former patrons and friends to hl. now Store, and Is pre pared to fill orders for SIIIItTS at short notice. A. perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FINE BEIM'S and COLLARD. LTI94 GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. W. W. KNIGHT, 600 ARCH Street. store 811th, PhiladelphLa. Dealer in all kinds of Furnishing Goods, and manufacturer of Pine Shirts, warranted equal in orrery respect to any others manufactured in this city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or made to order. snhl-tf GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS OR DRESSING GOR'Ntl.—The largest and Lest as sortment In the elty, wholesale and retail, with a full line of Under Clothing, lulled to the 'won, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, 000 ARCH Street, above Sixth, Philadel phia. rahl-tt Mobutu nub grigari CIGARS, OF FAVORITE BRANDS 11.../ and amorted shoo, carofully selected by own house at Havana, in store, and received by every q lived from that port. 8. Ftlfitikil ?r, SONS, el2-3m 316 South FRONT Street. Elitiello, CABANAS AND 1"1 - 0 - 11. AGAR BEGARB.—A chigoe invoice of these celebrated Mande on board brig "New Bra "> doily expected from Havana, and for sale low, by OHARLRO Der], (New) 188 Walnut street, below Beeontl, eel Second Story. BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. MOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, Ite mized at a ll times to furnish, either from IV) qh ties or Snake to order, Books of every deseriptlnu, sal ble for Banks, Public Onions, Merchant.), and others, of the beet quality of Itriglish or American Paper, and bound In varloue etylee, In the moot substantial 021131110 r. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description Ingraving and Lithographing executed with sleeting and despatch. A general assortment of Inglis/I, /rends ruid Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Tlogsnis equtrlinstion to the Franklin Institute, the Connelttes exy— , . This display of blank booze for banking end mercantile nee Is the bast In the 11 4 1 11bItion. The selection of the material Is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their Sahib and am. pursue* neat and appropriate." natiN.V 108 QR. °ASKS pour WINE. 111 Wt. PIDOI Alleekrito do. 221 r. a 0 do do.rry r. do She do. pee &iperlot rtlirete Wine. to Qr. Pipes do do do. 40 X do do do do. 111 Bales Assorted Corks, SO Rage Almonds. 26 do Fllberta. Landing from Brig Li Arrogante 1me110, ,, and for We A. FRONT Street. 140 SOUTII FRONT Street. HOUSE OF REFUGE BRUSH MANU FACTORY. The eublicrlTier would renpectlully call the atlontion of the trade to hie EXTRNEGVE BTOOTC. OE DRUMM, Manufactured by Lim AT THE KOUSE OP REFUGE, AND FOR BALE AT PRTOEB DEFYING 00eXPETITION A large stock of Blacksmiths' Bellows on hand. HENRY C. ECKSTEIN, jy2l-tt 69 North THIRD Street, below A'-'. H ERRING. —BOO 1) •... and f o Z r u X l l, 7 lll / 4°U " ouo do. Italica n ow in otoro AIN EltitiViii'dn CO. 18 81 ROL 188 NON NW* 141148. Otatumern !Wilma vats. /EneftvAZaTeH OWNSYL. MATILLINIEM, EABTON,',.ALLENTOWN, MANOR • CHUNK, DELAWARE WATER OAP., A. :. • ' On and atter . MONDAY, July 20, 1858, the ,tralast on this Bead will leave FRONT and WILLOW ' streete daily, (Flanders excepted,) am folloWe ' For Bethlehem, Easton, Delaware Water Clap, ar.e., (Ey-preee.) at 0.16 A. M. For Bethlehem, Alleatown,-and Manoh Ohunk,lE3- prese,) at 2.30 P For Dcadestown, (Aceommodation,) at 8.30 A. it, and For Fort . Warhington, (Actomotodatlon,) at 9.20 A M. and 6.80 P . _ THAINS'POH PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem Iltitpreen,) at.o A. M. and 6.80 P. M., with parfflengere from Lehigh Valley Ball. road, and arrlie in Philadelphia at 12 M. and 8.16 Lease Doylestown (Accommodation) at 6 A.M. and 4 P.M., sod arrive in Philadelphia at 816 A. M. and 0.10 ' leave Fort Weabington (Acoommodailon) at 0.15 A. M. and 2.50 P. il l and arrive in Philadelphia at TM A. M. and 4 P,. M. ON SUNDAYS Lime Philadelphia for Dor!Mown at 8.80 A. It, and Leave Doyleetown for Philadelphia at 6A. M. and 5.16 P. 11. ' . All Pasmuger trams conneetat Chatham street with City Passenger Railway. The 016 A. M: train from Philadelphia. and The 5.30 P. M. train from Bethlehem,' make oloee connection with the Easton and Item Jersey Central Railroad. • Faro to Bethlehem ' 6119 " Mooch Chunk ti CO " Doylestown 80 NEW ROUTE TO 601.1.00LE178 MOUNTAIN—By 6.16 A. M. train to Easton, thence by N. J. 0 RR. and D. L. 6 W. RB. to Washington, thence by stage, arri- ving at the Mountains at IP. M. Fare fy26 tf ELM CLARK, Agent. LAD2.L.P.IIIA, GERM.A.NTOW.ff A. AND NOR 818 TOWN RAILRO&D.-BIIMME6 ARRANGEMENT.—On and after MONDAY, May 10th, 18b8. TOR GERMANTOWN, Leave Philadelphia at Ok', 7 8, 046 Mid:, 10,11 X, A. in., 1., 2,8, 4,6, 6,7, E, 9, 10;aed 11.1( P. M. Leave Germantown at 8,7, 7,41, 8; 0, 9)(,-.1.0%, 111‘, A. M. 140 min., 2,3 X, 4X, 6X, 4 3X, 8, MO min., and 111:. M. - The 7X o'clock A. M. Train m Germantown w' at !W op only at Wayne and 'rings MSOOI3 atatlons. ON SUNDAYS, Zama Philadelphia at 9.9/1 min. A. M., 9,6 g, and P. M. Leave Germaatosm 8N A. DI., 1,-1 ax, sad OUE9TNOT BILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at Olt, 8, 9.06 min ,11X A. M., 2,8, 4,0, 8, 10 P. M. - Leave Obeninnt Rill at 0 90 and 7.85, 1 9.10, sad 10.10 min. A. M., 12.50, 3.10, 4.10 6.10 1 1.40 and 0.20 min P.M. ON BVNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.20 A. M., 2,6 M, awl 8 P. M, Leave Chestnut URI at 812 min A. M., 12.50 6.10 /OR 0 0N811011001(1110 AND NORRIFI TOWN. • .Leare Philadelphia at Eig, 0, .11 A. M. 11.06 mu., 8.10 0X;113( P. M. . Leave Noniatown at 0, T , 9,11 A. 11.,i,8X, sad 6) _ 0515101i0AY13, LINTS Philadelphia at 9 A. M., and 3 P. M. Leave Norrlatown at 7A: N . and 6 51, 9011. BLINATUNE. Leave Philadelphia at 6V, 7X, 0,11 A.M. 1.06 ann., 6.06 min., 8.10 min., 4X, 5,4, OM,. 8, 11,4-P. 11. Leave Dlanayuuk at ,dx 7x, .Dx, 11X A t BE ; I,X I I 4, OX lA,T, aDdR.r.. l l l . - 'Sundays MB so Norristown. 0 TRH VALLS!' HATLROALI POP; tiopramievt. , Leave Phlladr 61( A. Ind 3.10 taint P. la. • Leave Dawnin elm at 7,4,4. 11:, and IP. M. _ B . MITH, 94neral Superintendent. Depot, Ninth Ond gresa ittOeta. 188 PiaINS.YLVANIA.-mg,44, CENTRAL RAILROAD _ • 'YEW! PHILADELPHIA TO PITTS111IRWI; And thence by - Ranged to 'WHEELING, . 15T. , LMIS, STEUBENVILLE,' CLEVELAND; OINOINggATI CHICAGO, • • LOUISVILLE BURLINGTON.. INDIANAP*3,. • .• 113 T. PAULB, And all errnediate points in 01110, INDIANA ILLINOIS KENTUCKY Mentz. GAN, wimorteiN, mundEsom misobtrat • KANSAS AND NERRASKA. . - Passengers to pointa,wed of Pittebargh,_Notmg xig , Cleveland and Otoeiluse, have choice of routes, and she requested to make a selection before_ applying, for tick. THREE THROUOH' TRAINS LEAVE PHIIiDEL PAID DAILY, Iformlnielositi connections , at Pittebirgi to all polnte • On and after MONDAY, May 10th, ISO, Three' through, and Two acoronmodation traires, win leave the. depot, S. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET' etreste, as follows: • TAAINEI TOR PISIODIIHOB AND YHA WRAY LOATH. Hail train aL...7.00 A. M. Pest line 1 00 noon. Express mai1..11.00 night. WAY TOIINB Harrisburg ac. • • t oommodation 8.00 P. H. Lancaster '‘ • 5.00 P. M. The until train stops uta delphia and Pittsburgh. The Degrees mantas= daily, the other trainiStusday ThePtad• • • ears leave the Pennelylvinia Railroad Paswg Station, southeast censer of ELEVENTH aid Idi streets, entrance ots Eleventh street, whom ,threalet tiekete to all Watt West can he obtained: }lmage will be received at the Depot at any ttme du ring the - day. No charge for handling baggige; Eon further information app*at, the Depot of 'le Peruseylvasele Ralleriad CATip southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streete, be een the borne of TA. M. and 11 P.M. _ d THOMAS HOORIN - Agent Penn 'a Railroad o yams FROM PITWINGSI AIM YES WEBS inns: Mail train at.. 11.00 night.;. Put Hue 4.60 A. M;. ?sprees mall,. 1.1.0 WAY TR/LIU 11141Y2... Ranisbutg sal • oomandation.7 .16 P. W. Lanaaster n .910 the tations b.Stweela tioteh3 anb Reatairanta. B . LANCARD. OUSE ,—BROAD W A Y' It and .TWELFTH Street,: New Torh, re-opehed, , eiegmntly furnished with eveiyr *dorm improvement.. The location is fashionable end healthy. '• The rooms are larger and wel ventilated. Ideal& served at all hour", and ecity attention paid to Who comfort of some. Transient board 12 per day. Pee manent DOGird at lower fareX; - The whole under the managementof 4 3.1.11L0LEE- Lail, (late of the United States Hotel, Phlladelphla)e who respectfully sollcite the patronage of hie friend* and the travelling pabllo. del BONES HOUSE,: • - IiARRIBBInt(t, I.Bieeted tzt PPM. IILEGANTLY FURNIBIIIiD. HOW OPEN TO VISITORS. my29l WELLS OVERLY Proprietor. WORRELL HOUSE,, N. W. car. THIIID and 1id.P . 2 4 , ONT appf etp Toe undersigned , takes pleaelv e infamqg . friends and ,hepublle at taro, that be Lee opened tit above ESTANUMMENT, eel pledgee hinnelf to merit the patronage of Ms patine!, every artiolo of. supe rior enali4 2 belie . ; leer, seleoted without regard to price. ' t ,:stAltLEfl woittau, Proprietor. rarri-ar4 • IVIOROLLS ( HOUSE, " .1.11 . EUROPEAN PLAN) ' °YEN DAY AND NIGHT. NO. 116 BOOTIi EIGHTH BT., BELOW OIIESTNUT, • PHILADELPHIA. • This HOME Is for Permanent and Tian:tient Lola , Ins. , Every effort will be mado'by the . Proprietor, B. NIOMOLLI3, to give goitisfaation to his Patrons. This establishment is attested In tbe heart of the• oity, Sentra *of bosinese, ind conienlaut' to all places of ausement : ~ The Mercantile and Travailing community will fige:i It a desirable plagie for comfort cleanliness, ind scow.. Alias throbbed at all hours. • . Single Rooms' 60 cents per night. By the week 1:11.6. and upwards. • inhBo-tf thatto Xortes. E S SRS OHIOSERING & SONS. /TA having removed •to their new wareroones No. 1807CIIESTNUT Street, (near the United States ) are prepared to offer to their friends and the pub to an extensive aasortMent . of Orand, square and Upright PIANO-FORTIS, manufactured expreasly for this city, anished In various stylus of MCA, and prices which Cannot fall to please. - Piano-Fortes made to order, to snit any style of furniture, and all Metro manta warranted to give entire satisfaction to the per. chaser. grand and Squ►» Mho to teat, upon the most fey yon.hle terms.. Mensra. 0. • k SONS have received Thirty-tour MEDALS. The And Premiums over All competitors lu the United States. AG orders for TUNING 4ad REPAIRING will be. promptly attywied to. JyT-8m DIAN° FORTES. _a_ Just rsoelved, an elegant. Ito& of ItAVEN, CR ON, & CO., MINNS & MANN, lIALLET,DAVIA & 00., and GALE & CO. gIANOs. HBO iligOalg beat quality, at J. E. GOULD'S, S. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT ate. Zumbtr. LUMBER YARD. HOUTZ & 00., (Suceessore to Montgomery & Noah,) d. W. sterner of TWELFTH and PDIMII Streets, Phlia.„ Old itoyamensing Dletriet, are now receiving a large and well.selected assastotest of all deeeriptiona of LUM itSR, such as White Pine, Yellow Pin, Norway, Ilemloek, Lath, Pales, Pickets, Fence Boards, Flooring, Shelving, and every variety of well4eaeohed Lumber. Also, a large stock of Dill Stuff, of every variety and description, constantly ore hand and sawed to order at the shortest lattice, Our connection with Messrs. Mohntley, Monts, it 0 - , • „_ and Duffy, Moots, & 00., at Marietta, sa., gives tr., sdrpessed facilities, and enables unto supply ord,ss a to t all descriptions or Lumber with promptnets sank despatoh. PINY-OREEK LUMBER, soft and men., suitat ,i, for PATTERN-MAKERS, deo , conate... dy ou hand. Prompt paying pureora are r.epectfully invited to examine our Monk beWe goin'd thiewhere. ap2l-tf LUMBER AT WVOLESALR AND RE "LA tall, at Marlette, Lanosater county, Pa. ri)UTZ, & Oo , take this method of informing tteir ouatomera and prone desirous of put. Oboe:l3g LUMBER, that they hare now on hand a large and well-maligned cloak of all descriptions of Lumber which they are prepared to sell at satisfactory prioes i i IVir timber is all from their owl) MILLS on pit( 014111 E, Thar are also connected with Meagre DIIPPI,, & 00., and are prepared to furnish all kinds of Planed Boards, Bill Stuff, Lath Pales, Pickets, and Building Timber for Bridges, ho., of all descriptions, on the shortest notice. They would also take great bieuure Wealth:lg the attention of Builder, and th ree n want 0 Lumber lu the oity of Philadoltia, to the taNkar Yard of UOUTZ 00., corner of TWSBLYTR , cad PRUDE etreats, with whom they are also eon. mooted. ap2l.-tf BLINDS AND SHADE 3, OLLEAP ►OU OAHU B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, L I VI tar" a Id the mo m at ND ex o te l o r air ß e And Dealer In WINDOW /31.1ADIS, Of every variety. Ile has a fine Stook to be sold at NrAimbitn.m.,,x. BUYS, and all other Oolcmt of IdtoMa Shades, Trim mings, Mixtures, &e., dco. STORE STIATIea Painted ty), pM R RILPAIRINO PROBreTLY ATTIINDED TO WE STUDY TO pLEAsii. OILS, CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, &o. 1,200 gallons Winter Sperm Oil, 000080 No.. 1 Winter Lard oil. 6, Ilovaigesohed Winter Whale 011.., 11 ,000 gallon" Light Racked Whale OLI. 260 boned Ohmlcal 01Ira Soap, 100 de 01elne Soap. 400 do Brown Se.• 100 do N.. 00dIOrd Spfral Candle*. In store and date by E. W. POMEROY ALLEN, Lard A. & Allen, Ito. 14 tenth DELAWARE Arnim! !OM FOR NOVA SCOT IA aUt 700 bble bulk can be had fora port . liootla. Apply to _ _ JOHN M. HS INEDY it. 00., 167 Emu ivq,kay
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers