FINANCIAL , AND COMMERCIAL: ./ The money Mattet. Aupit 7,1858. Fanny stinks .wets very weak to-days at the stook. board. Tka leading nits, Reading Railroad hook, entelented a hill feather dehltte of I from the olssing rate of yeerteday. !forth Pennsylvania railroad bonds advanced, and ata tertaluly beaming mutt and mots appre ciated. The prosptots of tne road fir tho rattail regular payment of Interact are stosdily Improv ing, and the management has been mob as to ee aura the fullest eonfidessee of the bondholders In la* good faith pad seal of the company to this re ',wet If the stook has any raise at all, the bonds can hastily fail to Altana, steadily and onside. rainy. State and sit; loam hasp op to rite, with little disposition on thi part of the holder to make sale*. The reports of merobants,who bare been to the market for goods show that the stocks are light T sad prices high—presentl ' a my remarkable o , in this import w;h last spring. The Western trade Is commies ng a little sooner per• hips than was expected, as walla' the jibbing bonsai bars oat yet oomplmed their preparations for It. In sonnsation with the above notice of the scareity of atoek, we Copy the following compere. tiro table from the Altrchnoits' Magusine, which may be tilled on as correct. The total Is, as compared with last year. much reduced under the OlNUMitillells of the tariff, and also of the salinity of unneilast year, as emu pared with its abundance and the small Imposts of this year : • The total 'Mao la bowl ICS!. 14611. Jose lot via ;7733,1s /13.400,061 Motored warehouse from t.roigo porta la J 0.•.. ll 340,134 2,414,111 Rae•ltorl In boot from domealla P 4,1133,760 Withdrawn from toota'at'n h0n5111,099 $2,329,1139 ft“hipiwd to for• tiro pans 4113,011 transpiatod t o otter dostatio potti 601,3011 430,91? —31,1046,433 3 044,043 *lock lo wmohouso lily 1 1131..236.9M,488 116 e.. 12,ii2 631 16.616,121 This shows that the slosh on the lit oflnly was neatly thirteen million dollars, being a reduatiou of 624,00,000. The following is a otationiont of the boatmen of the C141441:444 House tot this wish : Exchanges Balancos pald. Aug , it 2 32 381.251 79 031,235 24 • 3 2.136,511 54 140,964 62 4 2545,579 69 213 014 74 11 5 2.910,191 12 254,766 66 II 2,321,364 97 137,287 65 16 7 2 239 870 40 123,933 24 Total—, $15,134,191 of ii,101,311 — Xneoeding to the Pittsburgh Post, the failure of the banking home of Arthars, Rogers, A Co. is sold to be a worse one than was at tilt roppoeed. It is roar stated that the hones held deposits to the amount of upwards of twenty thousand dollars. No single depotttor had upwards of four thousand dollars. One of the (em was the treasuretof the iloard of Quanliens of the Peer of the city, but the expenditures of lest wiotor by the board bating been heavy, and the new doplkates not having been yet oellieeled, the board exhausted their cash on band In paying July tills, and wIU Infer no lose. The numlmr of ming, banks In Prance Is 373, having 936.000 devotion and 275,000,000 francs depwitt. The flambee of depositors to fume, oompared with the population, Is 11 1 cue to thirty eight; in the city of Perin, one to wren. In Pauli the proportion Is one to thirty.six; in Oros Britain, one le fifteen; in Belgium, one to eight; In Slimly, one to four; to the principal towns of Eiwitserlend, one to three. The director, of the Central Bank, at WOW town, 26. J., have determined to hare new bills struck In place of the preeent luxe. The Nat. 61ses says that ti the affetre of this Institution are being placed on a profitable footing; moot of the lomat baring been Advil:told by the stookholders, to be,nitanded when rsoortred from those charged with sniespproptirtierts, legal Cep for that purr)** hare been taken." PiiILADELP/RIA ITO4M EXIMANGI PALES, A. 7, 191*. 11101111110 11/ P 001.07, llatiri, At 00 , Damson, 01.0011 t, AND 11011.1011101104, 1110111111/110 001111 011 1 / 1 Ass entiantird 1 11 1 1 4 1 13. F1R212 BOARD. 10000 P6lO/1 id 110,1 i 100 Root R..... don.= V 6000 do WI 100 do .... ..... 23,14 11100 do 1 60 do , .... —.sag 2300 City do 410.. wiri 100 do ........saoh.tyti 400 City to 9i.1( 100 do .... 66 0t0.134/' 601 do 17y p2O do 234 i 600 do 1674 .10 Paw* 43 60) City Bb 11.41 160 do ..... osab.4l. 1000 Mon). Cli 04 31 60 do 46 000 do ....33 1 3 .0 .... ...... 4 1 1000 Mos R Ii 13114 . 40 10 ' 3 LOOM R 27 2000 Col 1 1. 42 7000 Debi Kos lisp de de% 6010 do de .111 1011 do 11.114 g Loble l 6 Nu . 10 4 . 1 It tad lioliwatl6.ll3S 60 a ....1600.866( 60 do 60 do ....b1v0.1311 SO do 01e.23.6( 00 1 1414a4 11....14.113( i Mor/la es 44 31 Punt .14 Mesh 814.61.4 11 Phlla Ilk 110 II 410 HO IT Igiehanleal 8k...20,1( 14 Mt Ile 1114..b3e4.1 do I. 10 tlO 23)i 11 31 A 46441314 130 k Artall WARD. 10 tobbfik Perip $ 1 21 Catawissa A 81 'tank & 800 16 11..111 9 Blomln it 111( 0 Girard Bk 111 MO ?Hm, 6. 119% 400 City el NY) itoul 16 is *I) .11 2i.0) AIL., V R 76 —5O 9406 L &Rla Ot 10..44 6 L deAI R rt 01:11-8TIADY CLOSING PRI Bit Is/rod 66 Nay Imp.* ..61* 66 do do 0t00L... 16 0* 11 og of * *met 6 lbo n .11 g ll*, do ?',Ld tat TI dame.....61* 60' L. iv 14061 ....11 log zar.l Let II Vng L 46 Coal k P0r..60 60 Pons& L 011 0* do 114 10 low Creek g _ . Bid. /AO. MU 6's 1/1 SIS do 5 ......'1 rrii do 11or.101 Possoylv Go If at Ilosetsa 1.7% do bd 'TO bar 71 ds dt1104 , 11..31 do sites 16. ad If 16/ Proms R. 4IN 12,v do tat% CatsolYSl, 994 de Wei das of 61)( U Worr• Cwo Coo, .43 =EMM do pot day OM 100 =magi IMMC2:I PRILAItLPIIik MlAttll, basalt 7—P. M.— Tkere Is 11111. or no export demand for Plow', and ob. market Is very dull to-do. The only tile made pnblia Is 700 Was. Westeni salts, not fresh ground, at 63 per bbl. he demand from the trade la mo derato, within the range of 111.13 ast for - old stork impugns, St 15 aSt for huh ground 'do., $5 a $.l 50 for extra. and 53.73 a $6 23 per bbl. for Caney lots, as to brand and freshness. Rye Plow and Gala Meal anasesreo and In remit et SS* for the forint, and $3 75 yet MIL for t h e [attar, Pennsylvania meal. Wheat—Thera Is nth., mire tit ng and prises aro telly enstained ; alit inelndlriataat 1,500 bus:, at 113 a 123 omits for fair to prime red, atd 11 . 3 a 113 emits for whits, the latter for dollar Reniacky. Rye it wanted at lb into Or old 63 anti for Saw. Corn h ssaree, mid Thep welsh' of some 1,700 .hveksita yallew brought $5 In store Oats are In steady demand, and remsl3oo babel. have beet cold at 4210 for old Pennry 400 tot old and mew allied, awl 3loSoo for new Southern. Sark— M ilfeltroll is scarp, and wanted at the *drama, and • Isle of 1$ Mid. la reported at *33 for lit No. 1. No ebangs In Tanner's Dark. and bat little Airing of selling. Cotton—The marks! Is quiet but study, with a moderate boldness doing In the word labs. amain and Prevision are Arm, but lb. want, of stook of lb. former &Melo 'beak' hosinem, and there Is My MOO doing. Whiskey Is very wares ; bbls Sr. quoted at 27e, Mid, 24, awl Dredge 250 per gallon, hut then are few, If any, seams at these Agora to-day. IMIANOT—August I NNW TOIL lITOCE /1 IOT uool / 1 1 Y Coo San 1194 100‘ 1041 mm 10 91 s 09 Iran ga l 9o 914 1900 Near alma 611 96X 14013 Mllwert64 1.311 4000 Cab/mato Is 900 1001 01.gio a6l 02,1 40A Otte 9f'l9 ,1000 Vie Id mod 99 INGO Nal a 1.0 //I 909 nit LT 16 2dm M) 1000 * shop Smash 66 6 , 00 1110 610 I woo I.olltalt ea k Mil 21 00) do 2 1 1( 11000 uao P., It Joao 060 hoed 00 111 & ,r 49 L 211 h 12001 do 23 29 Park Ilk 1.11 10 Waao , a 0k 96 10 NY tiro 3. Troll 114 20 Um, Imp Co 9 IS 2•1 k 11 ad 991( 260 St II Car opg Tto 10 do !6019 26411 do opg 791( 0 1 do opg to do on 761( 100 de ode TS do do eOOl4 260 do on 111 g 100 do els 70,4 200 4o pko Ski 30 de en TIN 210 do apg 190 $0 do on 11A 100 do 630 19 3 , 0 Rots Nodded 17 60 do 161, 100 61 d Nls 100 do ;doe) Oh 60 Jo 44 100 do 130 1111;i 240 IteseHog It 45y 1010 do . .10 44 3)0 do e 6 44 206048 100 2; .30 44% 100 do 00 46% 100 du 480 4/06 100 do e6O 46% 200 do e 4416 600 do p 3 48,4 041 do 460 44 , 00 do a 4416 100 Wel* Oen it bet/ 40 60 de ' 411 176 do 6414 60 ?IMAM& it 60 11311 66 do 113 0 Ma Col& CI% A 91 100 osl & Chid 14 114N 4X 90 do 100' do 0114 i 0 do 410 11414 80 ,t! a3O 114 N ao do d LIN 100 Oa 100 do 00 Z 3 001 do 13 mg 104 Cloy & Teta stg 100 do 86 60 do $414 PO do 010 sl4a MlOO do aSO 33 100 do SX 10 Chi k 1 Istd e 1 6 X 16 1 do $3O 76 lto do a ISN 60 do 410 X 161 do 7614 100 do tao 1014 10 0 El A 00 , 10 q, R 200 14 Cr A 1111 414 60 48 Jena, lt 126)4 New York Markets of Nuturday. Store —the avid h Wady, with a fair darn sad , I sale.l3 00 bate at $8.80.14 for unwind soprano State, 44.260475f0r wand Coto, $4 1414 10 for animate ex to Pia , . $4 Oto4 IS for toned diva, 14 2184 4o (or asp./tins Wetter' $ 1 6016 116 for truism to medium ra ditto, sod $3 13n3.,0 for dappled lwands of ~,td-h-op extra ditto.: Caoadl.s float matte and ; sales . 614 %Vs at 44 601110 tot troemaina t.O alleles Oita. In 11)e Mar a totelarale kariaerw doily at $3 1003 14. Oita Veal w.d► at $4.24 p.r Jonteyi $lll for Brandywine, sod $23 for pneeheo , * Uwe.. The Wheat market to better, with a fair do • ha , a i l ed o ld ko,ne eotamnsptios. the melte tg .gete 02 ‘Xi tom at tr,le4/11.02 fir Yilwartkeo Calk wormed $. flir trawl ; • 1,1.12 for good pilaw f i a t y a w arc di 1001 16 for Weetern, Its Maids piles for amossatili. 11•1 111 twirl bits (isnot saidt.2ll for pion old • 1 1te dielot sod t f sew nil foatimtn. .elr terroopp lonihmo of arratexen sad Inferior atudity la south sally Iowa:, gad ro tor. ysbee•reesodln t a4 it lo.llll4 ir be Meet atts, selee 2 0.000 es , .In strife OR 'Arai 14115.. Coto 1.0.• on , l sad I 0 market droopily. Oda 22.600 a u . st Ps; toe for badly ta.sra inf zed Winters; Tes aa r , lit bajoil to s net do; 140 for pine stilts Booth. via ma detail leilew.• ova a r t I. la.t miter sad nth*r stra:2 at am. for • Kea Itottmo. P5J,111,114 -.Tao del.ligki for Pork Is moletaiii,...," 4 1a... t 0t .reedy, tat wittiest Asap of mom ra t to fetas; Woad:o kale it ;II 400) t 1101.4 mar 810 to or Salt door, mid sawdust at LI tor Prime Petri • Is lalet and amensal a $l6 80 Beet la In gad era mead, and the market r a Aida .000114. NY Or 11 ;31 TIES fir Ccuir, 619.76.1146 for re•peeked Weetsra. awl 616016.110 for Writ do. Primo meta Best rules quiet but arm at $2O 021. NO Hams roman doll and nominal at 11801 9 . Hume le neart• and a demand at tail prises. Cut Nest' ma to limited request ant drm for Fboal dart; entre lat hide at 66101 for Shoulders and Si 0 SX tor Hams. Lard ls fitni, with a mod res demand; eil 400 Obis at ttg for common, - and 11 X eslIX far Ohio, Butter Is in moderate request at 12.16 for and 14020 for State, Clete, a dal and heavy at get l{ ao toonallty. Ctr trail —Varlet quiet, with a Itcultod basluess In mkt lllos Uplands at 12X e. EittlAß —Minot ann. bat little delne. mouesss Mirka Is dun; sales 200 bbl. Porto Ik. at 410, New (Means nominal At 60661 C. Cop rmi —No quotable clause; market dull. Wulszar.—Marlcat dull; tales 400 able at 2 716 •290. CITY ITEMS. STILL IN CIRCULATION.—The elroulation whirl his ben kept op by our Milton, going to, and return• lin( from, the watering plates within the last month, Is Will !opt up, and the conatqaenee le. that the establish gnat of M. John P. Sloan, No. 606 Market street, is thronged from morning tilt night by ladles and gentle men buying their bathing. robes. We learn that the erstabl ailments of this gentlemen ass among the most points at either Cep, Isliod or Atlantic City. Nov have undoubted proof that the person who has lately been buying out half the storekeepers on CheetUtat street, is not lneaae Ills sanity , and sound Judgment are clearly proved by the fact that, while on his travels through the city, he purchased and paid eanh for, an elegant suit at the Brown Stone Clothing Ratio( Rockhill it Wilson , Not. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sloth. PRICSIDINT BUCHANAN TO QUINN VICTORIA greeting, (by Atlantic table:) congratulate you, sister, with all my heart, on the success of the laying of roan • Telegraphic Cable, and trust it may draw tighter the bonds of frieadehip and love so happily 'elating between the two countries, by enabling the people of the two empires to fraternise and usimilato more and more, until eventually but one feeling shall *lid in regard to the propriety of their buying their clothe; at E. R. Eldridge s 'Old Tranklin Hall cloth ing Emporium, No. agi Chestnut street—Fire can gate. JAHI3 BCCUANAN." $16,841,6114 liora, my that is • hum industrious thing, • Without which no bundle your porter an bring; Yy oreond lo nothing to speak of, yst stands For thousands and millions, In money or lands; My third ix a question we meet everyday, Relating to things we do, think, or say, My whole la the answer—ones It was you, If nit, Una your bretker, or (voila, or—whew ! It wan somebody whom your grandmother knew—who bought their clothing at the palatial atom of Granville Stokes, No. 601 Chestnut street. $12,1GT,109 SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. 13011 IRS UNITED STATES. "TIMOR ULM roa DAT gutope Neeton..l.lvorpool Aug 11 o of Balthuore..Neur York..Ltysepoot Aug 12 Ism:lurkllt New York..Bouthompton, aco...Aug 14 Ilstomoula......New York—Hamburg Aug 16 Forel' Now York..l.lvorpool Aug 18 Arno New Yoh..llarre Lug 21 Asa'n Implm..New York..oslsay Aug 81 Niagara Boston... Liverpool Aug 23 0 01 Weaking , a.New York—Llrorpool Aug k 8 !ROM 1111107.11. ' tßom TOR . DAY Radom. Brautur..Now York July 17 Novo Soot lAn.„, .Llverpool—ctuubt4 . July 25 Arno Bouthiuopton. -New York July VS ()rut Brltslo...Llvorpool..Now York Julp 28 Arabia Llvorpool.. Tinton July 81 Stiordu .... Bouthasploa..New York Aug 8 North Otat..lknathampton..Now York Aug 11 rnumints TO AND FROM MAUNA AND NBW lemma Ornr—Prom New York 2d, arriving at Ha. MIA 7th, and New Orleans 10th. From New Orleans ; Havana 234, arriving at New York 913th. 0/11AWIA—Irtoas New York 12th, arriving at Hanna If th. and New Orleans 19th. From New Orleans 270, Marina 30th, arriving at New York Fd. ntitstttrais—From New York 17th, arrivieg at Ha vana 221, and New Orleans 25th. From New Orleans Ith, Havana Bth, arriving at Now York 13th. BIJICE Wlllllo4—/1016 Now York 27th, wiring at Havana Ist and New Orleans 34. From New Orleans 12th, Hamm 15th, dot at New York 19th. lesess.—from Oh arleston 4th and 19th, due at Ha vana Bth 0423 1. troto Boma 10* sad VAL; duo at new Tett 18th and net , The California Malt Steamers tall from New fork on the 111;A and Roth of sick month. When the SOOT. dates fall on ilanday, the steamers will sahl on Monday , except from New Orleans. irt,perctaliatu). (Reported for The Proos..) Ilsrotrd, Aodersor —NT ehaldroos o , al It Taylor & t o o; 84 casks soda B & W Ws:sh; 00 eta VonMtn red order. illatine JutzUtgcncs MUT OF PHILADELPHIA, Aig. 9. 1818. 117 N RIUB. 6 6 SON MOTS 6 66 UGH WATIII .32 64 ARBOR'S. Steamship Boston, Pelts., 20 hours from New York, Asap* hispiwrlth rode* sod paueneers to James All. det,tiee At 6 A II ms Sunday. off Cape Hsulopeo, psees ship Wyemtog for Liverpool jest east off from the tog Americo, which Ins relorolow to the Break water. Reports a harps, two brigs, sad se ;oral oars lo the boy, bound up. atm:noble Roonebee, band, 71 boom from New York, via Cope llay, with liaise andpaosenoers to Jae All doodle* Passed a barque, two brigs, and several soar. la the bay, bound up, sad ship ikyorusrg. for Liverpool. og the Poo Pint. II tow of tug irobrioa. Barque David Nichols, Rills, from Bogua, via Huron. Coe. with sursr to J 14113 Mason & Co brig Harwood, Anderson , from Blilebia, tog, Jane 11, alit, sods* to Robt Taylor & Co " Brig Lldy of the Lake. Robbins, 8 day. from, Calais, with lum.Hir to 11 trump & bon Brig Ripon' m, Colby, b dla from Perovideneo, with nudge to T•elle & Co MMS!MEMEMI "Alm J Clark, Baal, 0 dsya front Boston, In ballast to 8i1,104. ,ls &Cs dam AJetalda, Uttar, , T days from Poston, In %Hut to L Lodoorlotl O. Co. Bohr Lainot Dupont. Corson, 6 days from Belem, with mdes to croU, Limit I 00. Stir II I Patter. Bofors, t days from Boston, In bd but tot. Aadtont d & Co. Debt Altboa, limy, 4 dove from Nowt Elston, lo Dal NIA kw NO4IO, Hominott wk. Cold www4l Rehr Mary Ann Onsit, Sunlit, 4 day a from Richmond, ballast to Noble, Sunman k Caldwell. .$; . CL BAILED. Steamship Keystone State, Monhmaa, Charleston, A Heron, Jr. Steamship Oily of New York, Howes, Boston, Henry Masa. Oteamehip Delaware, Copes, New York, J A ilderdloe. limos J W Budget, Palmer, Wilmington. NO, Johns Baker. Batas* 5 B Hale, Crothore, Pedigo.), N Bilirdeddat it. Co Brig Abby Ellen, Gilchrist, Portland, 0 Stockham. Ada Jobe 0 Brooks, Orsgent, Portland, N btorterant ik Oct. Behr Robert Cleary, Bowyer, Notion, NP,I B & EL Perot Mohr fieerge Yalu. Nickerson, Proridetee, Crowell & Collins Feb , Atha , . Chem, Medford, L Aulonriod k Co. Fehr AdolaLle, thaw, Newbaryport, do Behr B ni Porker, Bogen, le Moe do Bohr Lamm Dupont, Conn; Bo ston, Banaroft, Leiria & Co. • Bahr Baez, Poet, Middletown, Noble, Havarett & Crikwell. lebt Althea, Henry, Norfolk, do Behr let A Mont. B.rratt, Itiehtnood, do Bahr Nalrlilsy, Widmer .1% York, Lewlo &thermal. - Bohr Palomino, Oraddoek, Bkh Aopd, N.M"" k Shed. Behr 1) Carter, BOorer, Elisabeth, NO, eo Ramer Lorer, Phillip.. do do It', B Willing, Claypool, Baltimore, A Wong., Jr Tb. packet skip Wyoming. for Liverpool. left her berth at tie. foot of Weloot sanest at 9 A Kos Paturig. 9s•tas , oo bated 160 hivisrd eosin and *Wong. passim gore, and cargo somprlsl 430 tilde Tallow, 13 cute mil, 10 do lamp Week, 201 hbde qusrolt.oo hark, • lot of essiltar dress, It Wise rags, to bow toestees, 55 de cheese. 719 Obis rosin, 11137 do 30110419 04 , 0 0 ' 6 willitts 30 bilge garment= Ws, 100 to beef, 7 pkgs rodeo. MILIGIBATI TO TIT .1 Now Yosc Asp T. krtiveo,ltorpoit P 0 klezusititr, from Clesattegosi brig 11,1401gn, from Suellteii tErPoi Bole. Steamship Pentustracia, Teel, hence at Itlehmond etk taut. Iltesmittlp State of Otiorgia, Cl4lllO, beau at Baran. nab Ikt hot. Bblp Time leffereon, 11111, &LW at It Join, NB, 24 loot for Llretivol Ship Invent of His Site, neon, from Bllde LO, mired op at Baltimore lib Met Bblp Marceline. Hallett, cleared at Boston Ilk Inst. for Melbourne. Skip Oreelmbo, (new, 400 boos) Poleorn, for New Or- Issue, cleared at 11..ettat Oth lost. liblp Bea:kill , ' Ware, of P4l Alter, from /feriae, els Tjb.e. for Valmoutk, E, wrlved below New YOTt 7ti tut Ha lad captain and four of the orew. Wu boteded by plot boat New York, No S. Sloe., leanlug New York, DSC 23, lost two Captsial, Dee Mtes, one aMeardese, and fire seamen, and now hoe els sick on board. Illaansablp Ptilreao [crape Matthews, cleated at Soeton Ittt test tee Plateaelpale. Ship James bittielleld, Sutter, for Australia, cleared . &retool lto last. Basque Bella, Ryder, for Phlledeiphla, cleared at Boa. on 710 lost . Basque freak Leonia, Eamisr, from paw Orleans, ar. trial at noston Tin loot. Barque Loci Jobnooo, Jobotoo, for Weld Coast of At. Ilea, sailed elms N.. Londoo eta lost. Bargee Cordell', lion?, from Rotterdam, arrived at Poston Ca last tla , qa•Lasonta, Bursa. fohl, Boston for Phlladelphla, mail d from Rohm' Hole 6.4 toot Harm Timmy, of nts.le. 01... a, Hardy, from Bente dins July 26, with sugar. atlas York 6th lout. Brig Baths, Daley, Mould at Charleston 6th lost for Phi(Adolph's brig Boa Foam, Darll, cleaved at Noir York 7 h lost, :',7f Philadelphia. Brig ?dna tem, Wells, dared at Portland sth lost. for Phtladrsiphle. Brig 0 B AiNO, WAAS, hones at Boaton Ilk Ina Brig Waterloo, Ciento., brace at Catine bd lost. Bahr Almon itait,n, William', from Portions, Cono, for Phial Mello, at New York 7th los'. Pohl Jolla aloha. Cranial, trot Boston for Philadel phia. salad from ilyaouis 2d loot. Athol A H Brown, Bud!colt, and Beatty, Johnson, A r Philodate: sailed from Provident)* 6th twit. Behr aisaticat, loyal, lanes, armed at Boston Ith last. Belie lash Ribretoth, Kelly, for P hiladelphia, cleared at Il ston 716 Rat. Fete Chrittopher Loaner, &WIN bow, arvirod at Ba loin 6th Inst. Nebr. J 0 Minden, Smith; Burrows 0, Clark; Florida, IRelloy and blonteview Foksabarg, for Philadelphia, oilital fr mi Baum 6th lost. Nair Affort, D 00111.71, for Walt ladles, cleared at 1 1 Charlatan 6th last Bohr Italipar, Cook, from Chszlestou, &Mead ot ' Osorgatow a, 00. 20th ult. and eland lilt for N York. Behr A H Aldridge, Batmen, before retorted labile at Sat Chnp, war got off ath Ina without damage, and i was at Holum' Hole MA lost, for Philodelphla, via new Bedford. Behr B B Burk, Coombs, for Phlladalphia, cleared at Bt John, NB. II Inst. Behr Heroine, Champlin, hence, arrived at New Bel ford tat lost . I Behr Combs, lesuell, for Philo/14101a, sailed from New Bedford Ilk lost Nair Adelloo, Howes, for Philadelphia, sailed f om Provinatorin Ad loot. 1 Mar IV Crawford. Colburn, for Philadelphia, milled ' from Gardiner $d Init. Behr Laritita Jane, Ketcham, altered at New York 7th last 'or Philadelphia. Behr Baum Vista,, Lynch, hone., antra at Richmond 6th last. ear Soho Cartier, Johnson, dived at Now York 7:h BLACK BIAS INN—Fifth and Merchant streets Mil. for Sillabethport. Jon Burk & la. Salton. Pa 1 B Philip., Pottavillt,Pa Bohn B A Hammond, Palos, and Broadield, Fisk, for dens o Dickey , West Choi- D 9 Fn,laub, NJ I Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 6th lout. 1 to Pa Win P Beatty, Dal a ,ffil Behr himaegota, Baker, ham at Darter' Ad lost. 1 Geo Callogban 7. wile, Pa MUM CallOghl• fr. aster, seer 11l P Lashing, Godfrey, for Philadelphia, salted j lid Purists, Phila from Newburyport sth intt i .1 D Bream, N Ala Pa Dr Hammond, Del Baas Germ. Minted, Baker; Meaty Nutt, Garwood; : 0 Stevens, Y James Kendyck, NY Vaehti gharp,llhapl 5 8 Whaler, Omens; J II Lit.., ' Charles Parnell, Wink's- Andrew Opeucer,Wilming ' •• , •bcoffa, aid Jae Hewitt, Roes, sailed bona Ulm 6th ton Del, too, Del m i l rot thiladielphia. Joba Panwoll, Wilting. JII Beltel & la, Preenithi. „dm Nag's a,... barons, for Philadelphia, glared. ton, Del bars, Pa at Baltimore Ilk Inst. l m pimple'', preemskahurp, livid Dickey, Pa I seer Be , in* Chambers, from :7: ll 4fat. t" PAIII• Po . /WA Schwarta, Wall 1 doletl i tt at Mori Otk last. pbtstes, ti ORLIANS Sob, James McCloskey. Stebbins, for Philadelphia, sled from Providence 6th Inst. Steamer. Sophia, gig, sod Beverly, Pieta., hence at Now York,Tth tam. Premier gorameree, Lang, hence at Albany Bth lust. fiteiuner 0 0 Alger, nape, heads, arrived at Hartford 'lth (net MARINI 9 1113011IALANY. Behr Kamilla, (of New York) Parker, from Kingston, Ja May 6. In ballast, for Rio Hach., which pat into Dermal* June 9 / 3 for prortslone and water, sitar belay out 48 dare, and sailed again the day atter for destine. put , in to St Thorou 11th alt. abort of provisions, rot being able to mike her port owing to contrary wiods She sailed from fit Thorn./ 19th nit, on another attempt to reach Rio Duke, haring then been out 79 days from Kingston. PORRIGN PORTS. At Bbughlie May 13, ship Arcadia, Sherman, for Mims At Nang Kong May 22, ship Bald Eagle, Tresdwell, for London. At Whampoa May 22, ship Argonaut, Norton, for New York. At Macao about May 16, barque Myrtle, Botteford, for Dargkok. At Bartutdoea 15th ult. barque Gaselle, Duell, for New Raven, ldg; brig All totic, Alertlll, for do do. Bargee Daccator Willard. 14 days tram New Haven, ar ant eld 15th for Triolibid St /oho, Nl3—Old 4th lost, ship Sardinia, Crocker, Liverpool; barque H Poster, Poster, Cork. DOMSSTIO PORTS HOLMES' unt,N. Aug 4, e M—Ar, ashy J litsaiman, Philadelphia for Banton. Sailed. ochre Emma Mayo, Dr Bens. 6th—Ar, brigs Miry Means. Hopkins, Jacksonville for Boston: Allston, Colson, Million a for do. oAlled, barque/Scipio.; brigs A B Cook, Howard, CAM. ma, 0 B Allen, Mango Park; ochre Richard hompson. Lewis Cheater, Win Pickering, V k Heath, Ileojausin Messes, Mary Price. It II Daly, It L Tay. Aid, Alert, Mary A Shropshire, P A Senuders, H A Rogers, N B T Thompson, Jane, P Armstrong, D P, Dorcis Ireland, 0 8 Mershon, Connecticut, J C Patterson. Beaton, 8 TI Hart. Scum, J B Itoneback, Timm), Jacob dr, William, Is B Ferguson. Ocean Herald, kverglado, J Ireland flth —kr and sailed, ochre Aimira Ann, Giles, Phila delphia for Boston. Mail=l lo port ,tt 8 A M, wind W sehr Wm A Hammond. NEW YORK, Aug I—Ar, brio' Empire, Miller, Gal veston; Bast. Grano", do; eehre A J Ward, Mears, Wir- Bbla; Aunt/Newton. Georgetown. DO; Undine, Risley, altimore; Fairfax, Martin. Georgetown, DO. 01d, steamships Florida, Crowell. Savannah; Themes Swann, Runny, Baltimore; Atlanta, L+ field . Charles ton; Jamestown, Parrish, Norfolk; Columbia, Bevry, Charleston; 'hip' Wellington. Prindin, New Orissa.; Cynosure, Barris, do; Barrett Queen. Young, Livirrool; barques P Pendleton, atiroson. City Point; Wm Jane, Cobb, N Orleans; brigs Alma. (Pr) Garrard. Fit Pions; Jar Park , stark, Ellsabethport; W R Kibbey, Roberts, Matanzas; ochre Marine, Ifferrlbew; Wilmington; He.: twee*, Woolen, City Point; 1a Plata, Hutchings, Rio Gash.; I W Inches, ',toward, Newborn; Spereer D, Hope,. port Jefferson; Franklin. Irvin, Cape Coast; D Chester. Richmond; & Kidder, Haylisen, Bar vanosh; Direct, Boveridge, Alexandria Salted, etas mehipe Northern Light, Southampton and Bremen; Glasgow. Hir) Glasgow; Florida. and Honig.- men. Savannah; Colombia and Atlanta. Charleston; Jamestown. Norfolk. An; ships Sierra Nevada. Mel bourne; Montmonnel, Liverpool; Behr Mary Clinton, Port Lavaca BOSTON. Aug B—Ar, brigs Chastelain, Dandy, Pia too; Mary D. Kelley, Georgetown, DO. CM ?Argun Fruiter. Lavender, Malaga; Daniel Wab efl7, Ryder, Baltimore: sehrJ W Lindsey, Crowell. do. Sailed, byques huller. Courant, Edw Gill, Utah, (not y etetday;) brig* Aurora, Na,'..,. Bolton, Bmily; sehr D Mears. Ship 8 B Smith and barque Abquo Wed e•aberdsy. 1109 TON. Aug 7—Arr *teens frigate Colorado, Com Mointuls. Key West 21.1 ult barqaes Cisn Warren, Minn:lone, Cad , s ; Boottis, Ouptill, Sepia • brigs John W Lavin, Murpby, Troon ; D Coot, D'ouber, Balti more. At Quarantine, barque FORM, Aluswerth. Wiriest' Old steamer Joseph Whitney, Howes, Baltimore; ships Alszepta, 11.1,1 Leonia' Nn, to toed. for Bris tol. Log; Alla. Monroe, Cumm•ugs, St John, N B ; banjoes Helen Maria. Niekersma. Baltimore, L T Ly;;Ae ; brig Water Witch, Skinner, Sierra Leone and a mkt ; eche J W Bale, Friend. Jatksouville. OASTINS, Aug 2—Ar, barque Juba Wesley, Ey:res ter. Cella. NEW HAVEN. Alin 15—kr, ship Medallion, Theobslid, Shields. Eng. Jur. IS. Balled Bth. debt Miranda. Phippri, Porto Men BA LT IMOMi, Aug 7 - Ar, nchr Portia, Creighton, St Thernsit Cleared. steamers William Jenkins, Hallett. Dodos.; Cal-dnnia. New. New Tort; ochre Millard Fillmore. Tuthill N•w fork; Mi.Jl►nd, Cathcart, do; Evelio'. Treat, Philtrcok. Fodor. rehr Ninon's, Onto.. Arecibo, PR. . - . N ILW ORLEANS— 4u. lit init. steamships Matagor da. Nelson. Key West; Tesu, Wilson. lodUnola ?I$ Galveston; ship Oroordates, Pike, Antwerp. Art 2d. oteatublp Orizaba (new). Bettereon, from N York 24th ult. to (I II Payne—Point; ship 1111 Boody, Wiser. Ttieste ' • barque Ardennes, Marsh, Havana; sae Anna Bell, E'llll. do. Cl I. steamship Calhoun, Gardner, Sabine Pass and Gtlreston; 'hip Junius. Erskine, Boston. Towed to sea, Stith ult. ship Orphan, barque Leobeq. 29th, ships Creole, Ennoble. Indus, and echr Cor dell►. PHOI7. oomlou up —shlpa Joe M Wood, Mack, fm LI ♦erpool 23th May; Crimea, Lori, do. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS OP TO ONII O'CLOCK TRIM MORNING GIRARD TlOllsE—Cheatnnt 'treat. Delon Ninth P P Dickloon, Hanish D T Lumley. Harriet, A Stavin, Baltimore X F Smith, lowa J, Louisiana Wm M Yestman, Cla B F &dolma InMena Mrs Bradley, Laporte, Tug Mita litmtlog.L.poste, Ind A II nudge, Weststnuton Miss tiodvi. Washington Oho. Dodge, Washlogton Nll Sweeper, Co unsbus D Dykoone,Alsbams M L Barrloger, Ohio J B Heath. Cherlotsllle J Worrold, Ky Mr A Mrs 311clo•lo. B R Cooke, Ve • W MoOnntroy. N Y Henry & Is, Loofas II It thing Louisville Wm F Paltersi.n, Potts, 0 ( Orlimos It L Keen. N Orleene 'T .1 0 trrptt, Pods, ICy -• Henderson Paris Try P. Arpea, Georgetown. Ey Crann, St Louie. Mo Mrs Willlemeon, 111 Louie, M B Waddell, Mimic:ma, Mn J R Young, N 0 John Dooloy, Riche:load Jon P Roberts. Petersburg Itsv Wall &. la, child's W 1.14111.tet, N 0 & ours*, N Mrs P P Dloklueori,llllllll. 11 Pablo, Kentucky burg Jaege P W Plst.on, TODEI MIS Wills. N Y B. 9 Andrews ball It Mather, Hartford bliss Mathor, Hartford Dlt Mtilinono. & ion, PL W I Cantwell, 13t Louis R. Imlay. St Lonl. Johns Harvey, Dalt • Mr A Mrs Williams, Conn lira Parnaworth. Conn 3110. Levier. Coon S Tr.ble, Vs T R Witital. N Y A M Rus.ell, Pt tools T os 0 Searle, 80 00 if sttltion, NY It U Nwb,,l.on. Lty.t l x.i. A Just, Memphis Mrs Petrie and 3 children, 0 W Pottle Illselealypt and ...react, IdPul.sippl I , II Pstrle:ldia.i.olypi II Novena A la, Miesissippi John P Moats, Alabama J T JPIIIIIII. Alabama Hoot McCall, Alabama Wm Lloyd, W II lynches, Alabama W A Plea, Alabama J It Noe, Georgia M R !Rangel), Georgia It I. Simmons. Georgia L Z Loiter. Chicago . V Bkok, Arkai.saa J Bin k N Orleans 0 II MeCortule,S.lota, Ala A M Noble, Newborn, N 0 II 8 Orrroe. Newborn, N C John Johnson, N 0 X Piaree. Wiltulngion, N 0 11111 Itt Rubbing, NO Or W L Niebol and lady, John tlottirgar, ill , keno.ts Nasbville Mies .".:ockrill, Nuhrille, diva Nichol, Nashville, Tern Tenn Theodore Danslgur,N Orl W Laronsinl, N Orleans C Su lent, N Orleans Y K S inborn Sandy Hill v H Stagily & Is. Nashville P re II Oultaw, Nashville Mra II li Lane. Nashettle Miss It Lane. Nashville Col T Clacton A la, An. M.. A I: Clanton, Angus. amts, GA ta, (ha 311 FR el Clanton & bro, Au. J L Lsrukin & la. Oa goes, (la Mile Lamein A 111.1, Oa V 0 Dibrell, Miss W M Buchanan. flies Ur Mason . 311.8 A I. Klett. Richmond Albert 3 Nmlth, V 8 A 3 W Reave s, Cis J W Niehol , on, ll* Tto. S Tett, Lit Louts 8 Kelleher, 111, L Oilderslttere, Payette. RV Curtis, !tinsmiths*, yille, 1 eon Wisconsin Ambrose Young, Lazing- H Nassamer, Winchester, too, Hy Toon Noah 1., Wilson, Chlllico- A Spencer 4, 14, Charleston, tbe, Ohio Vs Al Frowsndeli, Pittsburgh MZROHANTS , HOTlOL—fourth street. below Arab. 11 Perry, Pittsburgh J H Portsmouth, Kuhn A Writer, Minersvale, PA nMg Pa Deeid H►mmond, Lebanon, F L Oriswell k la, Ind' Pa Ullll NillS bi Jonvlson, Daa►ilia, Mon Ono Scott & son, Ca Pa Luis's, pa R R !Topper, Hy Simi 31 Pointer, Tans lif Edwrada k is, Ohio Mr. ilelluldta. Mies R LI Jnorp, Mo Richa , d Rea, ilmeriellla E 0 McClure, Po J R, Teial L 0 Rountree, Texas II N Jones. Mo W II Rryarly, Tenn Min L Duarte. Tenn J N Ward, Tern W it Revco, Tenn II 8 31m!, Masa John Patton, Pa Thor F WI eon, Pittsburgh N 0 Williams. Chicago 1: p n Porter, Indians, Ps lien Y Williams, Kg Din Henry, Balt P Orseff, Pittsburgh 11 Coos, Ho A li (hitch Me 0 LI Arnold, Pittsburgh IBMIRIOAN 110IIPIL—Mhestnnt street. above Pllth R Bardivell, Colombia,Pa Wm 8 illusphy,Safellubor A Conrad, Spring 11111, Pa .I.IJ Cunningham, Pa J Moran, PA W T Curry, Ky A 8 Rebertson, Ky D Black, Ky 11 M Thompson k dung, Mo T B W &lama, Mo Jae 1' Compri', Ohio Wm D Tuner, chi° /no' Turner. Ohio Joe L Robertson, Cal It ti Bryan, Greenwood, Fla Mire K at Bryan, OrMITI ft II Bryan. Oreennood, ?,a wood. Pie K V Barnes 'sawn mil. Jae T Clark, 1.1kto•, Ky Bryan, Olarin w, Ky Jon Dickson,'hits Jon Maloney. Chicago, 11l O W bla-in. 'Prise IV 1 Philips Tenn NO Purse, Savannah, Gs, T Durum, Lebanon, Tenn K B Hare, Lebanon, Tenn R H 81.0110.1. Ky Imo Marks, N I J Justice, Et Paul Jan Boone, Phlia Chris Keill, Boonville, bJo lIIION BOTIL—Areb street, below Pourth. J A !Alamo & la, B E Stolen, Cinelorustl, town, Del A 0 Parret, Clocinnati, 0 L 111 r athsue, Cincinnati, 0 A N Vaughan, Pa J II Boyer, Lerobertville,NJ John I) Laverty, Ponnln It Watson, Doylestown, Ea tontine. Pa Win II Flood, ea B W Carpenter, Wilkes John 0 Wood, Wllketiberre, Lorre, Pa Pa El A& Hartle, Providence, W II llohnee, Chicago, 111 It I le Wool. Ohio NATIONAL I.loTBL—Rave street. above Third, A II Driunnuore, Balt 11 Loug, Pittsburgh NJ Johnson, Beverley, 0 0 b Bowen, Waterford, 0 Small Perim., California Nif Ilelimen, Lehigh eciya 8 Teinplin, Reading J P Ferguson 14 la. N J A 8 Yesther. Phyla ON) W Jimmy, Pottsville 30. It 8 Brobst k deli, LlB Buikenelsger, Sehuyl Renville, Pa kill Flaxen 1111116mb, Norrietown, Pa W J Munger, Allentown, 0 Y Smith, Minnesota Pa U A Pninsuu, liollidays- Wvi If Touts Pottsville turf 11 A Jones, New York G llopple, Beth, Me Win Major, Lesspurt 0 N hills, Phlia J Grucher, Augusts. On A P Valluaedge, Richfield, Weeley Bralaud, Niagara, NY U IA Master ilea, Lsoeuter X Clerk. Lineaiter Obis Watson Phil MADISON llODBl—Steond street, &bore Market. W Olsarobera, Bet 11 0 89111,0,1 b. Is, N York J Allen k Id N York Job,, L Pror, It I Bassett, Siteco, N J II P Coc,er, Vs Ogos Matteson. Tenn John Young. Pa 8 8 Watt/mato, Ohio Rufus Rogli.b, P• P le- Tree 0 0 Bethune, Ohio BALD EMI HOTlL—Third street, ab. Callowhill Peberls Pith:lo4Pd, 11l Joni Hier, Long Praaeh,P Es.k Naftsjager. Totem 0 lower, Monts 'y co, Pa Jae Mn r, N Y Levi Maplnor, tluab'i Pa Mlohati Uhler awt.. I, ha r Y ,Dloguab' i" Prenebtora BLACK DEAR HOTEL—ThIrd. above Cellowhlll. Elisio' Rice. Danboro. Pc Joel Bream, Colbevlllt 'lb.. Phippe, Chest Valley •Chse Heiler, Easton Bps' Bruner, N.tiglu Jos R Hickman, Chiseler Joe II lisoltold, Lebnott Valley Aaron Loraah, Coupnesl'ir Jul A Kramer, Allentown BARLRT BREAD HOTSL-411ond street. below Vine. II Tardier. Pa Abel Kelsey, Whiter Haven Chitin, Athletes, Backs co !amen W Johneen, Pa Pa 0 I/ Robb & la, Pis P Barg, Burlington, NJ II lb Slakes. Backe co, Pa O William. Pa Jos Canby, Pa N W french, Pa Win P Hoary, Rocklull J E Proneb, Pa THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. AUGUST 9. 1858. livetial Notices Down her white neck ; long, floating, auburn curls, The leas t of which would set ten poets raving." Byron , s Don Juan. Jules Natters Ran Athenlonne, or Hair Restorer, renders the halt luxuriously soft, glossy, and inclined to curl; prevents it falling off; promote; Its growth; and changes gray heirs to their original lift-like black, brown, or auburn, and yet is not a dye. Bold by all droggfata,*and brittle' Reuel dr. Co., No. 704 Chestnut Street. aua:detwit Bower's Infant Oerdlal.••Thle invaluable Cordial la prepared from a variety of the most choice and efeelent aromatics known In medicine s and ia the mat perfect and reliable carminative extant for Infanta and young children. By Its powerful influence • speedy cure Is ed/mind in all eases of OA°lie, windy pains and spume. Believes and mitigates midi of children's sniffling daring dent!• Lion or teething, and by Its soothing properties tram. quills., pains of the mowat, lameness, vomiting, ecO. The Infant Cordial bee become • etandard remedy, and lea been need in thousands of cases with the most obi:trident sumess. No family ahould be without it. Prepared only by WIT A. Bowls, At hle Drug and Chemical Store, N. N. corner of Bluth and Green eta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders moat be addressed. And for We by Druggists generally. as MIT Toole.—Every one, at lintel feels the nee (Witty of some restorative of the vital powers, de premed by mental or bodily exhattitlon. In ouch con dition let every one, instead of flying to the alcoholic or medicinal stimulants, which must be followed by depression equal to their excitement, reinvigorate hie deranged system by the natural tonic elements of the Piaortan SI kyr Bold by P. DROWN. Fifth and Chest. nut, ta d ftIe9SRL. Ir. Co., Twelfth and Chestnut. mad& wit ic Bakers 7AMILY SEWING HAOHINIII, 730 CHESTNUT STREET. These Machines are now justly admitted to be the beat in nee for family sewing, making a, new, strong, tol4 stutle stitch, which will not rip, wren if stel7 f.surth stitch be oat. Circulars sent on application by aDO-Y Jackson., JOB PHINTIR, PITH AND 01112TNIIT. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Hada, 01r velars, Cards, and all other Mods of Job Printing, at prises to salt the Minas. oel7-ly 'Seamen's Daring Pund—Offfc• 203 Within* street, one door welt of 84.30121 Wen. line.lves de posits in "Fos of One Dollar and upwards, from all clause of the community, and allows interest at the rate of fire per cent, per annum. ' Chloe open daily, from 9 anti' 6 o'eloek, ud on Mon- Stu and Saturday. mall 9 In the evening. President, I =kiln Yell; Treasurer and fleoretary, Charles M. Noma• On the sth lost.. by Rev. A. Atwood, Mr. LEONARD F. SOM SINKB, of Peoria, Illinois, to Mn. ANNA LOUI SA WIDDIS. of this city. Oo the sth Inst., at the residence cf the bride's fa. thor, b 7 Bor. Alfred Coobmon. Dr. U. W.MABBOTIRG. of Johnstown. to WILIIELSHNA It. WRIGHT, of Phi ladelphia. (Gemicstown Telegraph pleas* copy ) * On the morning of the 6th Met., by Rer. J. H. Peters, et his residence, 323 Pine street. Mr. JOSEPH 11. WIRTH to Hiss BERTHA L. GAUL, both of this city. On the lot inst., by Rev. Thome!. 0. Yarnell, Rec'er of St. Meryl, Church. Went WILLIAM BET TERTON to CATHARINE HAMILTON. On the 4th Mat., at Went Point, N Y.. at the Oburch of the Holy Inuoeente, by the lather of the bride, Lieut. JOHN T. GRIME. 24 8. Artillery, to SARAH BRADLEY, daughter of the Ref John W. French. Chaplain and Florence of Ethic., U. 8. Military Aca demy. On the sth Init., et the Pereonaje, 1320 Catharine street, by Rev. John W. Arthur, Mr. BAII , I, GIVEN to Mies JANE ORAII&M, ell of thle city. 00 the 4th Ind., by the Rey. J. 11. Allay, Mr. BEN JAM IN MARBLIALL to Miss BARAII N. WILLI ems , both of this city. On the Mb init., after a abort but seem illness, MARGARET, daugbter of OLIALEB and JULIA O'BRIEN. aged II months. - * On the 4th Init., MIL ELMER, &tighter of RUTH and RODENT JOHNSTON • On the 6th Inst.. Idr JAMMER hILIRUEA.D, aged 11 years. [Lanoastei and West Chester, Pa., papers please copy he.) T relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, from his late realdecce, No. 230 Wharton street below Jefferson avenue, this (Honda)) afternoon, at IS &cloth Oa the sth lost. , Altu REBECCA JANE OALLIOLTN, aged 23 years. Oa the sth hut., JACOB, Iwo of JACOB AO AMAN DA ECUADEL. aged 2 gem sod 9 month'. On the morning of the fib inst., Mae ANN 8113.30 N, in the 324 you of her Inc On the 6th inst.. after a revere end linger , ng Meru, ?LRAM RMELINIt. wife of WM. R. MURPHY, In the 34th leer of her age. The relatives and Mende of the fecolly are renteeft fatly invited to attend the formal. from the reddens of her husband, No. 1233 Can street, above Girard sie nna, between Twelfth and Thirteenth, this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Ronaldeon's Ge• metery On the 6th Ind , SARAH R., kraut daughter of THEODORE and SARAH ANDERSON. OVllndogtnn, N. 0., and Delaware papers pious rm..' On the 6th tees., biro. JAMEd 7112 ER, In the 30th year of hei. age. On the Bth kit; JAMB A., Infant son of JOSEPH and UM. HA RINE AR; LZl,lB t 'agad 14 month and 17 days. Weekly Repo 'lnforming: in City of P. J.ty to Mt 7th Apoplexy Cancer Croup. Congestion of Brain Cholera lam:onm. •• Morbao Comm's, of Lunn CouvalAtoaa wont", Dropsy, Brain •• °best '• Heart ..... Mims of Brain... Spins..... Drowned Dysentery Debility.... ...... p.frualon on Drain . Krysipeleo ..... rever t Billow! •• Puerperal.. " Typboid.... or VII 10,1 1111111 1,111111—• .166 From 40 to 50 17 ..19 .• 60 to rO. 12 ..33 tt 60 to 70 14 ~.. 0 t , 70 to 60 e ~.. 51 tt 80 to 00 6 ..... 7 ~ 90 to 100 0 ...:8 .... 18 I Total 833 Melee 17280ys 119 I Females. 161 Girls 110 From the Altuaboure....l7 I From) th e Oototq 1 People of Color . 6 I • By order of the Board of Ilealtb. ARTUUR IR:MUSS, health °Meer. Under 1 year. From 1 to 2 " 2to 6 " 6to 10. " 10 to 16 " 16 to 20. " 20 to 80. " 80 to 40 Notice.—An election for Directors d .... 0f the MONTOUR IRON COMPANY, to Jerre uring the timing year, will be held on SATURDAY, toe fourth day of September nest, between the haunt of twelve o'clock M. and ono o'clock P. M. at toe late Oftlee of the Cotopaxi*, In the Rending Railroad Coro pany'n Buildings, in the city of Phillidelphia, rel2llll. By order of the Boani, T. M. BRYAN, Jr.. au44txppli Secretary. Irk agar awe Company el fur State sit Pe hu. l}3 Sl LV AN I A—Pin L DiLrutA Augaset 2, ISIS.— The Directore horn this day declared a dit.dend of six per rent., or twelve dollars per exam nut of the profit. of the Company. payable to the Stockholders ' or their legal representaltree on end and after the 7th instant. sub lot WILLIONI HARPER, Secretary. rsi Invalids wth AlSections of ry V e igi . 8, W. cor. PARKE And 0116STNUT Struts, sta-ladt Nyrnt Phllade:phle. oges Fairmount aid Ave h•atreet city kqu e . SENGNH RAILWAY CO —At a Meeting of the Commissioners named in the Act to incorporate the Fairmount and Areh.street City Paesenger Hall way Company, held inpursuance of public notice, properly given, at the Oldie° of William 1,. Hirst, NN., Sinth street, below 'Walnut, on Friday nfterhoon, at 1 o'clock, the following Commissioner., William 'hl. Randall, Lewin Hiing, Robert J. Hemphill, George 11. Themes, Jimes i . Smith. together with the Chair. man, were appointed a Committee .o make the neces. eary arrapgements and open NOOKS OF SMIRCH dp. TIDN, acoording to the general Raltroad Act. NOTION le hereby given, that the abovememed Commissioners will meet at the Wetherill House, SANSOM Street, above Sixth, on TUESDAY, W ED sESDAY, and THURSDAY, the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of August, 1528, at 10 o'clock A. M., to receive Subscriptions to the Capital Stuck of the aboveAsamed Paseenger Railway Company. ISAAC LEECH, Ja., Chairman. RODT. J. Heuvaibb, Secretary. jy22-taul3 rirNalicsis 7 at Philadelphia passenger RAILWAY COMPSNY, July 16, 1868. he ears of this Company now run every the min ute.. from TIME , and MARKST Streets to their Depot, on LORAN and HAVERFORD Streets. W. R. MANN. Superintendent. G - - - Nn7 — rhc;tccuh lnit i t r . h e Ylrel;.perSseoDte Stork SE COND AND THIBD-STRrETPASBENOER RAIL. WAY COMPANY of Philadolphis will be due ar4 payable at the Onlce of the Company. No. 2.6 WAL NUT Street, nu or before September let, Ha order of the Board. • DUNDY KIARWOOD, Secretary. jyto•ttotauldraraftaepl New Orl• nos Hes Light Company. FARMERS' AND ALECHANICS' DANK Puibinnenia, July 2,1 8 66. Notice le hereby evert to the Stockholdnre of the New Orleana Caw Light Company, that the Agency for the Transfer of the Sleek 11m1 the payment of the Divi dends of that Company will be closed from and after the Brat day of October next; and they are requested to surrender the Certificates issued by this Dank and re ceive Warrants of Transfer to the Company In New Or leant. W. RUSHTON, JR., jIZ-4 mt4tool Cashier, - - 0 - Ificei of the Frankfer and tiontitwork il s 3 PHILADELPHIA C rner ofY PASSENGERIL WAY COMPANY, CoI T HERAIANTGWN S RI AD and CHATHASI Street. PUILADILIMIA. July Ist, MS. The Board of Directors have declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Com- pany, payable to the Stockholders or their legal repro- Bentatlves after the 10th instant, at this Oflice. The Transfer Books of the Company will be alined from and after this day until the 16th Inst. Btockholders are requested to leave their Certificates at this Office to be exchanged for others with the new title of the Company. Jy2-forirlst Z. HART, Treasurer. MOORE, lIENNZZY, & Co., Noe. 427 MARKET AND 16 COMMERCE STK., HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, &c,, Her/ now In store, nod will be retelling throughout t the season, a large and well selected assortment or Goods In their lino, to which they Write the attention for WESTSIIN AND EOLITHERN BUYERS. Oiltgtit ftlarriatits Meathe of Interments. Ornos, August 7, 1656 itodelph i a from the 313 o.f A11e..11, 1861. I Fever, Ye110w. .... I lutlaaillon, Brain. .• Bronchi... 4 . 80w41e.... Liver Lonie Palo:mum insanity ...... .... I au ltlOn anla•a. Potu Barnum. Meuiee ....... Mortideitleu 0:4 Age Paley 54.3.4i14 Pox r T .u eethiag retinue U' known Whooping Cough.. IMPORTERS OP Manta. WANTED—In a Wholesale Grpcery and Provision Store, an active and competent Sales. man. Must be acquainted with city buyers. Address SALESMAN, et this Odice. au9.4t* WANTED—By a Wheelwright, who also understands, employment lo or out of the city. Address JONATIIAN.WILITMAN, through Dlood's Despatch. aug.bta WANTED—A Lad of afsfeen years of • • • age, to learn the Wholesale Dry Goods Business, where lee will have ao opportunity of advancing him self as his merit warrants. Address,lo handwriting of applicant, DRY 000D3, at this Mee. au94t* gooWANTED ON PROPERTY worth six times the amount, for which atgM per cent will be given. Amply to 11.0. THOMPBON lc G. M GONNARROD, 933 ARCM street. WANTE D—By a middle-aged Man, a Situation where trust is required and respecta bility will be appreciated. Nos a thorough knowledge of business, and can glee the best of testimonials. Ad deo.. LONDON, °face of The Press. suB-Bt* W AN T E Z —An A Assistant Book-keeper in RWlole Dr 000 e inn g nureu with reference, MARKET St., at tide Office. and-3t* WANTED—By a Young Lady, a situation teacher of Music, 'French, and Latin In a Seminary or private family. Gold reference given and 'required. Addreee SUSAN, at th °Mee. au6.3t* WANTE D—Typo and Materials for a Job Oflice In exchange for prime lead in the state of Kentucky. Title warranted. Apply to JNO. WHITING, No. 132 X 9. THIRD 9t., second story front room. aus-stit WANTED—A Situation, by a young man, in a first-class Domestic Commission Dry-Roods House, to learn the Minim's. The most acceptable references given. Address A. 11., at this °Mee. au3Atit 14 - MAZER RIVER MINES.—WANTED 1' T wenty-five men to complete an organizing company. Applicants will be given every information on this sub ject by addresilug (until August 10) bOX FM, Phila. delphia Poet Offlre. WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to 132 per month. No men buying a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVION at No 817 MARKET Street, 'bars Ilghth, north aide. WILLIAM B. ROTALL, Lt Lieut. 241 Regt. of Cavalry, apl7-tt Recruiting Officer. personal. WO MERCHANTS.—The Advertiser, who can fumish Ant-else reference, le about to embark for Peru, South America, to be absent eta menthe, will take charge of any business that may be entreated to his are. Address LIMA, at this oMcj. au9.lot* PERSONAL--Tho noto from ALFRED, with money enclosed, hex safely reached its desti nation. You him the thanks of a rightful owner, and. a quiet conscience for your reward. saa.ftrk INFORMATION W JOHNANTED—OF IVAN& When but hoard of wail at Wilmington, N. 0. By addrerriog 8. W. EVANS, 35 Dograw street, Brooklyn, N. Y., he will boar of something to his ad. ♦antrep. N. B.—North Carolina paper' plain copy. aua..3t* PERSONAL.—JOHN H. GROLHOTZ is no longer authorized to make collections or receive moneys due the undersigned, as he Is no longer my agent. au4-6t* E. B. MELTON. Ent nub fottnb black Watch Ribbon, with Seal and Key attached. The owner can have the same by proving property. Apply at 42 S. FOURTH St. • au9•ltts .OST—On Friday afternoon, from a car- Li rine, a morocco-covered Collecting Book, " In dexed," containing bill. and memorandum., and a Kennington Bank book. A liberal reward will be given on the return of the name to thin Office, or at the office of 8. T. VANSANT, No. 4'2 Walnut et., below Fifth. auti-4to i3oarding BOARDING .-A FEW PERMANENT and Tranelent Boarders can be accommodated at Men. HARRISON'S, No. 415 PRUNE Street au9-Iw* AA GENTLEMAN AND LADY or SINGLE GENTLEMAN may obtain board at 712 Cheatnut strcet, opposite Masonic Hall. anin•ittia LI OA II DIN G—Tho advertiser, recently AAP arrived from France, desirea to engago Boarding In a pleasant, central locality, with a para.° family where the French language la spoken. Address FRAN COIS, Blood's Despatch. au9.Bt* 531)ipping FOR SAN FRANCISCO AND eiIaPRAZER RIVER DIRECT. THE CALIFORNIA, NEW YOKE, AND EUROPEAN STEAMSHIP CO. lIAVE PURCIIASED VIE STEAMSHIPS lIERMANN AND NvA.sairraTow, FORM6/ILT Or TOR EOUTLEAMP TON AND BREMEN LINE These Ships were constructed under Oovernment In spection, of the best material, " Mee Oak Frames," and are In all respects well known as the most safe and com fortsble Steamships out of the port of New York. The Company's Steamship HERMANN, • OILITAIN IL/WARD C.LVENDY, Will positively tal oa the 21st of August, instant. from Plrmho. 36 NORICI:2II7X R , foot of North MOORS street, New Tort, FM' lAN FRANCISCO and FRAZRR RIVER, touching at Rio Jausiro and Valparaleo. Only • limited number of r areleogere and amount of freight be taken, for which. early applicntion moot bo made. The accommodations of this Steamer are un suryamird. For freight or paemage apply at the Office of the Coto pony, No. 373 GREEN W lOU Street, how York. HENRY RANDALL, Agent att9 towt Gt ea 110! FOR FRAZER RIVER GOLD TORIOINOS—FOX LINE PROM NEW YORK —Aret resod fur PORT TOWNeKNO , lo the immedi ate vicinity ..f the Ciotti Miuon, direct. . . T A 'lpper barque PICK ERYarill i aa . l pio la u b a ou ia t thel;tb in e st: Fur frulA b ht or passage, baring accommodations. apply to STliai'EY tk. PARSONS, Agents, 3t North h vvvvv , Philadelphia. Will bo rareceeded by au Al obip. matt.* Nottreo QIINBURY AND ERIE RAILROAD CO. PICT: TO CONTRAOTOR9.—SeaIed proposals will be received •t the Oftice of the Soot n.y and Nile Railroad Company, at FaRRAND•VILLE. Clinton County, until o'clock P. M. of WEDNESDAY, the 25th day of AUGCST instant, f .r the Graduation. Ma sonry. and Bridging of the unfinished portion or said mot between Parrandsville and the mouth of the Simla Creek, embracing a distance of thirty. two miles,nn which distance there remain to be yet graded about twenty miles of read, and several bridges to be built across the different stream. to be passed over The work will be divided intosectlons of about one mile In length, and proposals aro lurked for inaction separately. Maps, plane, and profiles will be ready at the Company's Oitice, from and after the 2&t day of Att guat, Instant. WM. O. MCB/RIIE ID, President. ROBERT FARMS, Chief Englaver. au9,1t24 NOTICE. -A number of fine Bath Rooms bare been put up. with 1101' AND COLD er ER 811015119, back of the MADISON HOUSE, Nos. 37 and 39 North eNVOND Street. The friends and eequaln lances of the Proprietor, friends of the House, and citizens are Invited to call and patronise them. 1. OT Tb.NKI PA, Proprietor. Philadelphia, August 9, Md. au9.ltt ivotlcE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT /.. THE DIRECTORS OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND OKAY'S FERRY PAiSENHER RAILWAY COMPANY require the seeood instalment to the Capi tal Stock of $5 on each ehare to be paid, and n,ll re ceive the same on MONDAY, the 16th day of August neat, between the holm of 10 and 12 o'clock, at the office of the Company, WS WALNUT Street. 1757.2+ OttO IL AltNl.9l'RONG,Smretary. 411illinery Oooaa. AUGUST, 1858. ____ We would invite the attention of Southern end Western Buyer. to our Fall Styles of BILK, VELVET, and FANCY BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWIIIIrI, and MILLINERY GOODiL Now reedy fur the Trade at the lovreit Market prleea. STERN A. FREEMAN, 720 CHESTNUT Street. Segal Notices A SSIGNEES' NOTlCE.—Notice is hero by given, that MARTHA A. DODGE, Machinist, of tho city of Philadelphia, h .s thin day made a gene ral Aaaignment of all her property. real, personal, and mixed, to WILLI 4 M 11. CR ABBE, in trust, for the benefit of her creditors.. All persons having claim, are re genteel to present them, and those indebted to make payment to the undersigned. DUANE WILLIAMS, 43334 WALNUT Street, Attorney for Arnigneet. JOLT 2,1865. Jylo-mth6x IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP Estate of STEPREN unNimitsos, deceased. The auditor appointed to andit, settle, nod adJuet the third account of WILLIAM 11178 4 1111, 9 xecutor of the lag xi II nod testament of PTEPIIEN HENDEIIi•ON, deceased, and to report din' ribution of the balance in the hands of the secountaut, x It meet the portico in luterest on TOI4SPAY, the 24th day of August, 1559, at four o'clock P. M. ' at his offlee, No. 25 South Third street, In the city of Philadelphia. au6lmwst 0. W. DAVIS. Auditor. RASPBERILY VINEGAR.—T hie in. pre pared from perfectly ripe Fruit, selected with the greatest care and of thu beat quality. A small quantity of this Vinegar Syrup, mixed in a tumbler of cold wa. ter, makes a most d Helens drink. As a beverage for the Rick, it is unequalled, being at once soothing and medicinal. Prepared and mold by DHARLES SHIVERS, Druggist and Chemist, N. E. Corner Spruce and Seventh ate., Phila. Price SO cents per bottle, or VS a dom. Jy2s-2 w I f VAIT MAY AND ATLANTIC Gay.- %_/ There will be no necessity for travellers taking a supply of CIUARS with thew, as a eo pieta asaort. meat of GENUINE lIAV ANA, of Samuel Sitnea's itn portatlon, will bo found on sale at CONURNSS GALL, Cape Island, and at the UNITED STATICS, Atlantic CUT. 1,20 FIIRST AND SECOND QUALITY FLUE AND BUNKS IRON. Aho, o.temeeter, Coal Shute, Sugar Mould, Tank, and Plate Iron eat to pat tern, up 33 inches wide. For sale by tt1..1 minutiae timers, J. WOOD & BROTIIKRS, soAlm No 223 North SICCUND at., 114AG6ING TWINE-5,000 lbs of Superior Bagging Twine, luitoble for the Southern market, manufactured and for mile by . WEAVER, FITLER, & CO., 23 North Water Street BALE ROPE-1, 000 coils of superior Bale Rope, manufactu,ed a:prettily for the Southern market, and for male by WEAVER, YITLER, & CO., sub 23 North Water 'Amt. TAR PITCH ,D AND OAKUM—Constantly on hand, and for sale In lota to molt purehalere, by jy23 WEAVER, FITLER CO, No. UN. WATER 111. faxl 34 N. WILAIITEIL Wholesale 133rD Zooobs. NEW FALL STOOK. McCAULEY, BROTHER, kBREWBTRR, 13 NORTH FOURTH ST. iliVil just opened on entire now stock of HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY GOODS, to which they invite the attention of arat•oleee buyers Our stock is particularly adapted to THE SOUTHERN TRADE 200 PACKAGES Brown and Bleabed SIINKTINGS, SHIRTING 4, and DRILLINGS, tilted (tom LACONIA, GREAT FALLS, lIADLEY, PERKINS, MASSACHUSETTS, DWIGHT, BARTLICT, and CABOT MILLS, In which will be found a large and detirable assortment, to which we beg to call the attention of the tr,de. ROBESON INDIGO BLUR PRINTS, lIAMPDRN TWEEDS, STRIPES, TIMINGS, AND COTTONADES, In great variety. SATINETS, FLANNELS, !co., For sale by WELLS, Agents, au6-2nsif 35 tEriTiA st. and 34 B. FRONT St .F I SIBROIDERIBS AND LACES GEORGE PEARCE A. CO., • 241 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, a 2 AND 54 PARK PLACE, NEM' YORK, Rue now open, and are toasty:My making addition, to, a large and varied stock of EMBROIDERIES, LACES, NETS, JOINED BLOND, QUILLINOS, Re., Re., To which they Invite the attention of THE JOBBING TRADE WOLFE, WILSON, & CO., 132 CUEBTNUT BTREBT, Uarejust received on consignment HO Bees CRAY, WHITE, AND BLUE MACKINAWS, AND NEURO BLAIIKETIS Also, 30 PINCH TAPESTAY,INGRAINand TENNTIAN C ARPETINGB. 150 DALES DLAON. AND WIIITN WADDING. aul-ln NO. 416 MARKET STREET PIIILADELPIIIA, AUGUST, WA FALL TRADE WM. 11. BROWN & CO Are now reeelelog their YALL BTOOK OF FOREIGN AMIRIOAN DRY GOODS, To which the attention of lii reapectfully Invited GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. JOHN B. ENGLISH & CO., No. 113 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, AND 257 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Aro now receiving their PALL IMPORTATION of FRENCH AND ENGLISH, KID, BEAVER, BUCK, SILK, CLOTH, FUR, FUR TOP, AND PLUSH-LINED GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. jy23.lm CARPETINGS.— AUBURN THREE.PLYB, SIiPERFINKS AND TENITIANS. Manufactured by JoBlAll BARBER. Bole Agents inthin City, ATWOOD, RAIATON ec CO., irdi•ti • No. 533 MARKET Street. 16 TELLING, COFF IN, CO ., CLIESTNUT TREET, Have on hand, and are constantly receivlog, the fol lowing description of foods: A. & W. SPRAGLES' PRINTS. In great variety, Including Chocolate', Turkey Reds, Greene, Blues, Bhlrtings, and hum: Styles' : . . . BLEACHED SHE Et INGS, SHIRTING'', AND DRILLINGS. Lonsci ale, Masonslllo, Stateraville, Hope, Washington, UWOO3IIIII, Blackstone, Cohsunet, "ohnotou, White Rock, Phenix, Acton, dc e. BROWN SLIEETINGS SHIRTINGS, AND OSNA 'MHOS. • Mitoses, 'Virginia Family, Oroton, Ettrick, Eaern Virginia, Eagle, Manchester, Mec's A Farm's, Still Water, l'ilechturice`, Warren A, Carts' River, , , Rirendde. CLOTIIii. Potion"l97'o s Pomeroy'', and Glenham Ori.'s Black and Farley all-wool and cotton warp Clothe in groat variety. DOESKINS AND CASSIS/ERE& Groondold Co., Saxton* Rlvor, Drlnto', Torrfo, Steam's, and others SATINETS. Meanie, Ayres& Aldrich, Taft k Capron, Minot, Charter Oak, Mineral Springi, swift Rime, Carpenters', Florence Mills, ilockauum, Duhrlng'l, Conrenville,&C. filLESlAS.—Lonitiale's. Smith's, and other makes, plain and twilled, of all colon, Fancy Negro Strips, and Plaids. Jewett City and (repo Stripes, Denims and Ticking-a. Rhode Island and Philadelphia Linsey. and Apron Checks. Shepard's and Slater's Canton Flannels. &c. 1y22.2nt RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DA.AIASKB. DIAPERS, &co CONSUMERS of RICHARDSON'S LINENS, and thole deeirone of obtaining the GENUINE HOODS, shwa bee that the articles they purchase are sealed with the fall netne of the firm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & °WHEN, As • guarantee of the tonadneas and dnrabtllty of the Goods. This caution is rendered essentially mines/airy no large quantities of Inferior and defective Linens are prepared, season after season, and sealed with the name of B.IOIIARDSON by Irish houses, who, regardless of the injury thus inflicted alike on the American consumer Anil the manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business ao profitable, while pur e:mores eau be imposed on with Goods of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKS & J. B. LOCKE, my2S•Sm Agents, SS LLIURCH Street, Now York Doots anb Bljoets FALL STOOK OP BOOTS AND SHOICB JOSEPH 11. THOSIPSON .t CO., No. 314 MARK ET STREET, Nis. 3 end 5 YRANKLIN PLA.CII, DAVS now 1$ BTO ♦ LARGE AND WILL ASSOATIOD STOOK OF BOOTS AND 8110E9, OP CITY AND EASTIIHN MANIZIFACTUDP, IFhleti they offer for stle on the beet terms for cub, or on the . usual credit. Buyers are Inrlted to all and examine their stock. Jy3l-tt ROOTS AND MMES.—The aubscribor IL/ his on hands urge and varied stook of 110018 and 8110E8, which he will sell it tho lowest pukes. ORO. W. TAYLOR, noThly 8. R. corner IIFTII end MARKET Atm. for Oak anti (to Let. T 0 RENT -TAE FIRST, THIRD, FOURTH and FIFTH Storlee, snot Two Collate, of No. 105 knell Street. above FRONT. Apply to CISCO?, SIMONS, k CO , au7-10t 101 North Whams. ~ TO HEN T—Tho new, four storied, Non-front More, No. 216 North Third street, above flare, a lth ehelvlng, counter, kc., imitable for a whole- sale Lod retntl clothlu; store, or any other bantams. Terms natisfactory. Apply at No. 252 North THIRD street, three doors above. 7tlV faT., RENT—Ccunting•llouso No. 130 North Delaware Avenue, with floor extending through to Water etroet. Apply to JOHN M. KENNEDY St. CO., anG 132 N. Delaware Avenue. FOR SALE—A Route on a Sunday Paper, which will be disposed of olio reasonably. Address W. 11. 8., this Oftloe. au6.3l* ir WANTED TO RENT—Two or throo La Roams for Offices, clothe first or second story, not les, than IS fret In width. between Chestnut and Race, and Ninth and Eleventh streets. Apply to A. F. OLD, No, 108 North Seventh street, an6-6t* corner of Arch. up attars. NA STORE TO LET.—A deßirktble Store, LEL No. 24 N THIRD fit. For the first fire month, at • were nominal rent. etis•fit* MaTO HEIN T— Thu second and th ird 'torten of No. 103 ARCH Street, parotid door above Front, north elrle. Apply to C. C. SADLER Jr. CO., - 410 I nn —FOR SALE, a Mortgago for than Pei Ur. $2.000, well secured on property worth more than double the amount. Apply to JOAN D. STOCKDALX, ,13 , 22 029 south 81X.TII Area. WANTED TO PURCHASE—A cur Property, suitable for a Grocery and Pn Villioll business, with stabling attached. South of Arch street preferred. Address 01100Elt, }WSJ office. i 4 lO ni ß ty . I. i, L l,, N T. t i t im va o l i. t:ab ya l e o pot L9 l. T, a i n n i t . ho m vll. elghborhood. Yur particulars, a4flress J. K., L. 92! Puit•office. 108 tamp 13ETEILE'" PATENT hiON-EXPLOS/VX BEL( -OHNIIIIATINO GAS LAMP Is the only Patent Darner that kits s NON•DON MOTOR ATTADITED. For Safety, Oheareess, and Brilliancy, tt trolciale ill others. STATE AND OBI:MTV RIGHTS TOR SAUL Address D. P. BITERS, .W. corner ► lnlOND Loa 011ESTN 0 T Ste., PhDs delph p ia ; and 422 BROADWAY, New York. LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LO K to your Intermit., and pationlie EMS LIAR'S LAMP FACTORY, 109 Pout► EIGHTH atreet, below Ohertnut p rev i a ., to his opening a responsible rectory, eon were o u rge d $lB for work which he is now doing In a Irnr ranted mariner front $8 to $lO. Ruppert him, oryou win Mr. the 41111119119 Retail itir2 &tabs. NEW FALL GOODS. -- L. J. LEVY & CO. WILL OPEN, MONDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1858; TIMM FIRST IMPORTATION OP PALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, Comprising a chola. seleotion of all the neweet designs of PRINTED MOUSSELINE DE LAINES, OP CASH MERE, RICH SILKS, &e., &e. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. ■o&dt DEAL MADRAS CRAVATS. MAL Bright colors, genuine Madras Handkerchiefs, yard Kruse. Choppk Pongee, and Grass Cluth SHAH - PLEBS BROTHERS, aue-if CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. IRENCH SHIRT BOSOMS. An Invoice of Woven .cunt }NIMBI:400M, in various styles and extra Lahti, Jut imported by bUARPLEBB BROTHSILB. CHESTNUT and NIGHTIE. FRINGED LINEN TOWELS. Damask liockabeck Towels, with various colored headings. Also, Bath Towelinge and Diapers. SHARMAN BROTHERS, euB-1( CHESTNUT AND MONTH. WILLIAMSVILLE, Wamentta, Water Twist, Eolithic, Utica, and other superior makos Shirting and Sheeting Muslin by too piece or yard. LINENS Of Richardeou'e, Nicholson's, and Robinson'n make, warranted pure and strong. An excellent heary cone Linen, at Vs cents. Diapers ' Crash Torteßinge, 8 to 12% cents; heavy Dagginge,Tow Linens, Ac. LINEN DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, at 50, 75, 8895141.25 to 54. Napkins, Doylies, Hunks back in towels and by the yard; lilannels, Ticking', Ac. LAVELLA CLOTS. Black and Brown Mixed Lovelies at 10 cents; oleo, finer grades. I/astern from 87c to $4. Excellent Lorena Dutterg, $1.26 and sl.ib. MANTILLAS. Closing out balance stock cheap. COOPER lc ocixeßD, ,1780 8..8. corner NINTII and MARKET BLOODED CLOAKS, POR TRE SEASIDE, AT SIX DOLLARS. TRAVELLING OR DUST CLOAKS, Indispensable for a Country Ramble, or en route to the Opting', at $2.60, $3 60, $4.50, and $6. ELEGANT MANTILLAS. MEECH AND ENOLISII LACE. BLACK SILK, SILK, AND LACE. CRAPE MAREIZ CIRCULARS. WRITE DAREGE CIRCULARS. AT 0111.11 ALF FORMOR MOTO, TO MORN 11l SOWN, AT THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT street, J 717 J. W. PROCTOR k 00. THE OHEAPEST EMBROIDERED CRAPE SHAWLS ever offered in this City are now being sold by THORNLRY & OHISM N. E. oor. EIORTII and SPRING GARDEN. We purchased ; a few days ago, at a most tremendou latrines for CASH, • lot of very rich Embroidered Cnpe Shawls, um, quality and style as we bare sold for TWENTY DOLLARS! which we are now selling at the extremely low pries of TWELVE DOLLARS!! Ladies, you may never have such another opportunity of buying a VINDBOIII BRAWL 80 MAP! Also, Plain Crape Shawls, from S 4 to $l6. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. Special bargains in Lace, Bilk, Moir Antique Man. tillas, &c. Travelling Dress Materials to great variety. Thin Bummer-Dress Goode. Organdies, Baines, Grenadine., &e., BLACK BILK., FANCY BILKS, Zoo. Our name is justly celebrated for Cheap Bilks. Materials for Men anti Boys' Wear. Linen Goods, of our own importation. Summer Gauze and other Flannels, &a., to. Mitts, Yells, Embroideries, Hosiery, Glove,, dre., at THOHNLEE & . . _ . ONE•PHICE CASH STORE," S. B. Cor. SIGHTH & BPHIN4 GAUDIN Btreota Jel9-tf LIIPIN'S WIDE WHITE AND BLACK BAREGS, for Shawls; Talmo, wholesale And retail. Storekeepers eopplled for nett cash. • . CHARLES ADAMS. EIGHTH and Al/011 Streets flohlical. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. ---- - ALEXANDER 11. FREEMAN. ItobJeet to the decision of the People's Convention. Ile respectfully requests the Inflames of Me friends to secure that nomination. au9.2trk (.FOR CLERK OF THE ORPHANS' 001111 T ItOBICItT 6.MkßOfl, OT THY THIRTZEINTII WORD. Subject to the wlll of the People's Convention. Jy2O•ltn* FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. ELI DILLIN, Or TUX royarszm WARD, Subjed to the Rules of the People's Party. And, If elected, I pledge myself to sondes the Oates to the legs! fees established by law. 3724.t.* WILLIAM H. KERN, SHERIFF, PIPTRENTII WARD Subject to the Rule. of People , ' Party. CARD.—The undersigned hereby informs bile Merits that he will be a eatid Wats for the Office of 811ERIFF of the City and County of Philadelphia, at the ensuing election, If nominated by The People." JOS. M. COWELL. JyWt( PEILADOLTOII, June 6, 1858 F OR CONGRESS—W(IRD DISTRICT. 11 11. JO:ASNI BITES, ..r CLS SIXITCYTH WAND. tajtet to beu.ocratle rules. Jy24-Iru* CLERK OF TBE ORPHANS' COURT, TIIO - 2. E. EARKINS, • DITRYTIENTH WARD. Subject to Democratic, Rules. J7214a F OR REGASTER OF WILLS, JOliti SWIFT. Subject to the will of the People's Convention R EGISTER OF WILLS ANDREW 3. WESTER. fubj,.ct to Democratic Rules. jeBo4.N* CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT 708EPII A. MONEEIMER, Eleventh Ward Sobpot to the rules of the Democretle party. jel7.4to* FOR REGISTER OF WII,LS— JOIIN CASSIS Yiitk Ward Subject to Demooratte Rules F OR REGISTER OF WILLS °HAULM D. KNIGHT, TWENTIETH WARD Subject to the People's Nomination. jel-tf pox REGISTER OF WILLS. JOHN CAMPBELL, OP SEVENTH WARD. Babied to Democratic rotes. New publuationo TO ADVERTISERS, TO ADVERTISERS: TO ADVERTISERS: TO ADVERTISERS: TO ADVERTISERS: THE CHRONICLE & SENTINEL, THE CHRONICLE A SENTINEL, THE CHRONICLE & SENTINEL, THE CHRONICLE & SENTINEL, THE CHRONICLE A SENTINEL, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, AT AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, AT AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, AT AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, AT AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, AT AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION, HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION, BAB THE LARGEST CIRCULATION, HAS THE: LARGEST CIRCULATION, HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION, IN TIIS SOUTH IN THE SOUTH IN VIII SOUTH IN THE SOUTH IN THE SOUTH W. S. JONES, AUGUSTA, GA J OURNEYMEN STONE CUTTERS, CAIIPENTERB CORDWAINERS, BIIIP CARPENTERS, HATTERS, And those of ALL OTHER TRADES. will end some thing to interest them in the coiumis of the EA TIONAL INIKCIIANIO,” a Weekly paper that will be published next week. Call at the office, No. 10814 south THIRD Street, (second floor,) and subscribe. CARRIERS awl AUENTB WANTED. 404 ALC A.8.,E WORK ON COLONIAL V LAW—CHIALIURS , OPINIONIL—Opinions of eminent Lawyers on various points or English Juris prudence, chiefly concerning the Colonies, Fivhcrion, and Comnieroe of Great Britain: Collected and Digrated from the Originals in the Board of Trade and other De po%ttort+R. By (limos CHALMERS, Esq., Y.R.S•, S.A. 1 vol. Bro, 815 pages. Just received and for agile by KAT & BROTHER, Law Book sellere, Publishers. and Importers, )y29 19 South Sixth street. rkiE W MAGAZINE. .t. 1 BRYANT & STRATTON'S "AMERICAN BIER CHANT" to now way, and may he had at all NEWS DEP° I'S Their Agent, Capt. J. H. Bell, is canvassing this city for ye.rly Aabaeribers. Price $2 per annum. Address URYAST & STRATTON, Mercantile College, P. Z. comer BEVINTII and CHESTNUT Streets, P hi. ladeloh is. ~. FOWLER, WELLS, & CO., 922 CHESTNUT Street, keep etandard worksa n Phrenology, Physiology, Water Ogre, and Phn. nograpby, wholesale and retail. Phrenologi cal Examination, with charts, and full writ ten descriptions of character, given day and even. h2g. Cabinet free to visitors, Orders by mall to be addressed to Yowler, Wells, & Co., 922 Chestnut street. je9-Bmolf-wky I sep 90 Menttotrp V N. SLOCUM, DENTIST, OFFICE 909 btreet, itdjoinlog Glerntantowttlrood Dnl ot. au72t, CQ. XINGSBURY, M. D., i Would Inform his Mende that he has REMOVED to W4.017T etreet 4 ebote Xlereotta. je2-3m 2lutumtumsi. ------- WELOH'a NATIONAL THEATRE.— IF 1' NEW SEASON. JOSEPH O. FOSTER Bole Lessee and Manage.r. 0. FOSTER • Stage Edinger. MONDAY EVENING, Auguet 9, 1858. Will be produced the thrilling story of land and aee, entitled OAPT. KYD; OR, TIIR WITOU FIEND 01? NEW YORK. The Pirate-00M o Kid Mr. 0. Poster. ()Wain Van Roma Mr. Dn *en., ate Witch Mrs. .1. O. Foster. To conclude with the laughable farce of WHO 15PR.611.8 MST ? Captain Oha , lee. Mr. IT. Beacom Mre. Militant tills. M, Cooke, The Orchestra under Ikea/cotton of Mr. O.Relnhart. Doors open at 7E. To commence at 8 o'clock, Ticket. of admission, 26 cents; secured Beats, 88 cents' Orchestra claire, 60 COWIII ;• Beata In Private Box, 16 , Whole Box, 16 and ; Yomily 16 contr. QANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street. above 0 1 1E3VNLIT. MONDAY EVENING. August O, 1868. GRAND OPENING NIWIT. FaufietaXEß—PAST inter. S Overture, (new,) anford , / Troupe Operatic Chorus Sanford's Troup ', e Metrlmoof at Experience' , ........ .. . ...ItiZey Shelly of Ocean" it. Ratter PART elituOliD. . . Charaoteriatic DatICO Muter Sanford. Sailed To conclude with the Duriesque'Opera. entitled ONE HOOD AT THE AOADEMY. Admission twenty•five cents. Children heavies. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; performance to commence at B o'clock. Jtisnranre Qrompaitico. riptiE QUAKER OLT Y INSURANCE A- COMPANY, OP PHILADELPHIA, 488 WA) NUT Street. Statement of the business and condition of The Quaker City Insurance Company of Philadelphia, for the At months ending June ao, : Capital and flurphut, January 1,1868 11217,879 Interest received sod accrued from Jan. 1 to July], 1848. 11,908 85 Premiums received from January let to July Ist, 1868 113,0f4 salvage and Reinsurance received.......... 4,877 24 40:12;021 L0111113,1XPIASIN&O. Lome paid 804,4 H e 4 Dividend, reinsurance, return pre =lams, and expenses.... 98,146 08 Maws remaining wlat the OompanyJulyl, 1104,281 86 Bonds, mortgagee, stocke, coupon bond. loans on oollateVal, sad call loans, /cc. 8106:164 60 Dille Receivable 00,011 Te (lash on band and in Bank, and due from agente 29,910 00 304,231 33 Capital !Hoek. 3200,00 Oct OFFIC. GEORGE H. HART—Pre E eId RS ea. P. 11088—The President. H. D. COGGSGALL—aevreuui and Trounces. S. H. GllTLX)).—Assistant &arelimy. DIRIOTOIB. George H. Hart, • Joseph Edwards, X. P. Rou, Foster S. Perkins, A. O. Cattail, . Otieries G. Imlay, Andrew 11. Ohazoners, Samuel Jones. M. D., D. W. Batley, Hon. H H. Fuller s John (*.Del% H. IL Cogirelual, John L. Pomeroy. _ Attest: jy2o-Imoff 11. B. 00001311 ALL, SeemLary INSURANCE UOMPANY OF THE STATE OA PENNSYLVANIA—MIRE AND HINE INBURANON—No. 4 EXOHANGI BULLDINOB. Chartered In 1704-oapltal s2oo,ooo—Asseta, Jinn. ary 1,1868, 6317,448 60-100, All Invested In sound end amdlable sieuritles—eonti nue to Insure on Volumls sod Cargoes, Dun:llns, Stooks of Merchandise, &0., on liberal terms. DIBLOTOBS: . Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles histaleater, Toblu Wagner, William B. Smith, Thomas H. Watiaen, John B. Budd, Henry G. PooErillik, William B. White. Charles S. Lewis, George 0. Carson. •1111NRT D. SIIBILREED, President. Will Mien; Secretary. NENICAN FIRg INSURANOS 00. • INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PER, PBTUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Baring a large pald•np Capital Moak and Surplus Invested in "cloud and available Seourttlet, °cottons:, , insure on Dwellinge, Stores, Furniture, hlerahandiee, Tannin in Port and their Cargoes , and - other Peremoot Property. All Losses liberally and promptly boated. D 1110 1 ,016. (loom Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Weith, Caspar W. him% Samuel O. Morton, Jamei B. Campbell, Patrick Brady, Bdmend IRAQ. Charles W. Patina'''. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS B. MANS. Secretary. j*2B-y It Eiavinga Jnnbe. HE SPRING GARDEN SAVING VUND. (OSMIUM DT 1.111 LIOIBLITTIII Or P1111311114TA1111.) PERPETUAL COASTER . . . • - • FIVE PER CENT. Interest allowed to Depositors, and all Money. Paid bask on NITRO. OPPIOR, 831 NORTH THIRD STRUT, (00100LIDATION Beet BUILDING.I This Institution le now open for the transaetion of bush:tem and la the only Chartered Baring Pnnd located In the northern part of the city. The Office will be open (daily) from 9 to 2,4 o'clock, and also on lIONIMIS ant TIIIMINCITI, from b until 9 o'clock in the Reentrir miiisaints. Frederick Klett, James 8. Pringle, !Stephen Smith, Jacob Dock John P Levy, Joseph 91 Gowen, Ron. Henry K. Strong, George Woelepper i Daniel Underkotler, J. Wesley Bra Hon. Wm. Mlllward, Robert S. Darldson, Frederick Steak*, I'. O. Ellmaker i Francis Hart,. John P. Film, Joseph P. Leglere, George Knecht, - John Kinder, Jr.. John Ilona. President, JAMES B. PRINGLE, Eleeretary. GIORGIO T. THORN. ‘O2l-11tf QAVING FUND.--lINITED 8T TA k 8 KY TAM COMPANY, comer of TRIAD mad CIIIMT. MIT Struts. Large and small sum retolood, and paid book on do amid, without notice. with SIVE Pith CENT INTEE IST from the day of deposit to tho day of withdrawal. Odtoe hours, from 9 unto 6 o'clock every day, sod aa MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 &alma. Ditn/TS for sale on lb:Tend, Ireland, and Sootland. from 41 upwards. Preoldent—STlPllEN B. OILMNORD Treasurer—PLlNY PIM. Taller—JAMS B. lIIINTIN SAVING FUND—FIVE PEE GENT. W. DIREST—NATIONAL SAFETY TWIT OOM. PANY.—WALNUT STREET, BOOTH.WIST 001ENER OP TIMID, PLIILADELPIIIA. 111001110111ASID IT Till BLITZ Or rEINOTLftIILI. Mousy LI reeelved In any lam, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of depodt to the day or with. &wit]. The Mite la open every day trom 9 &alp* In the morning till 6 &dock to the ereping , sad on Honl►y and Thotiday evenings MI 8 0 , 010t.t. HON. HENRY L. FANNER, President, BONXIIT 1111LPHIDON, Via* Preaklent. Mi. 3. Rim, Nooratary. DIBIO7OIIII Hon. Henry L. Benner, I P. Carroll Bramitol, adward L. Carter, Joseph B. Rea , Robert Selfridge, !rands Lea, Basal. Ashton, Joseph lirerkee, - 0. Landreth Ileums, ileury DitlenderlYer. Money Is received and payment made daily. The investments are made In oonformity with tha provisions of the Charter In REAL NSTAVII MORI. GAGEa, GROUND illtN TO, and euch drst 'soul. lee as will always Insure perfect security to the depot!. tors, end which cannot tell to give permanency end etre. billy to this Inadtutlon. IVO. 88 (241) DOOR STREET.—FIVE PER OENT. STATIC SAVINGS FUND. N°.BB (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE FIR °INT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. N °. 88 (241) DOCK S ZREET.—TTVE PER GENT. STATE SAVINUS FUND. NO. 88 (241) DOOR. STREET.— FIVE PER GENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. altl-ly Zlle~lttmal. THE GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK LITO. MAUI AND WEAK DOWICIA. TIAIITSIIORNIt'S CUBA. ALL—Prepared by a Che mist. Bottles 12N, 25 and 00 dents. lIARTB !LORNE% CURB-ALL should be kept In all families. In case of accidents or sudden sickness. HARTSHORNE'S OORE-ALL ouzel Hliti;niatlam lIARTHIOHNIVB CURE-ALL cure. ()ramps, Cholla, Value in the 9totneeh or Bowels, 11A1'a811ORNE'S CURItrALL dared Pains In Unl LlEnba, Idtie. Back and Breast tiTHIORNIOB CUIMALL cures Sprain", Drn Scald" and liurtis. lIARTSBORNE'S CURE-ALL cure 3 Neuralgia ' Toothache and Stifinect In the Joints. 11Altr8llORNIV9 OURE-ALL cures Cholera, Dl&r. rbm► and all Pain HAUTBRORNIVB CURB-JILL cures Ear Ash. and Realtor,' from • cold. DaltTBllOlINE'B CURE-ALL cures Dyspepsia it Indigeatlou ; &leo, Canker and Sore Mouth and Sur. Throat. 11AltTBIIORNIV8 OORE•ALL cures all Faisal Abe. Vona and Weakness In Limbs. HARTSHORNE'S CURB-ALL is a great tonic to Week Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digestion. irr As the frequent changes of the weather produce • had Cold, Rheumatism, Yalu to the Limbs and Holy; silo, Stiff Neck—every person ehuuld got a bottle. It acts upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinew,, Blood and Bones; and, by Its warming eleotro-magnetic power, en. pole all pain from the system. Os. a bottle sod try it, and you will be astonished at He happy effects, N. R. If you have a Cough, nee HARTSHORNE'S Nelms) Syrup of Wild Cherry, it L the best Cough Syrup to the World. If you are Billions, use HARTSHORNE'S ANTT BILLIOIIB PILLS. They act upon the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, carrying off all Bile and Pout Secretloos Sold by It ii. JENKINS, SECOND and WALNUT Streets, Filmes' Storer, Chestnut and Market streets liarrigiseei. Tenth and Coates F trent.' Wagner's, Tooth acil Lombard ste I'lolol 3 Mo. R - EMOYAL-JOHN P. DOHERTY, TAILOR, HAS REMOVED N. E. CORNED OF FIFTIT AND WALNUT 618. PutuLneLenta, July 16, 1858. REMOVAL,. JAS. E. CALDWELL tit. CO., 497 CHESTNUT STREET, ►einoae TO Itirovsa 00 rillin saw groxß, oc►ll !HMO 157001 OF PLATED GOODS AT A MEATY REDUCTION FROM USUAL pnwrs Jy23.lm It bloc .1911biligo I,: N OTICE TO SIM AI4UFACTUREIR, The underelgeetl (seceensore to the late JOSIMI T. JOHNS) are now prow.' to moot the war& et the Stiehl et OLD STAND, Northeast corner of A ROTE and POURTII Streets. Their facilities for NI iti.llll4 y article In the Shoe- Finding Lino, at nueioreie prim and on favorable terms,, are tineurpesee4, The attention of Merchants is respectfully solicited, Jl2li•analf W 11, JO/laiB h Nth au 2 tnivitf If
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers