7 4 11 E Z0'10,23.121., amiss Serelees at the Tabernacle tent leder le Its litomevat—ltemaeles'il Revs. John C. L 7•10, Ittadetez, *ea Alr.. fellagilese . • tatte•S, I Consort Irmo the'realuCer IsdldelllA ' liteporteet ter The enact The religious service continued for some weeks past in the Great Tent, pitched on the open lot owned by Samuel H. Davis. Esq., corner of fourth and George streets, ,were Closed it that locality on Thursday eveultierof this week, The tent has since been removed, tinder the direction of its superintendent, Mr. Long, to an open lot on the corner of Girard avenue and Broad street,where Its season of missionary 0*(111111mm will be inaugurated to-morrow by a sermon at half-past five O'clock A. L. from the Rev. J. F. Berg, preaching in the German language by the Rev. Kr. Lyons at 10 A. M., and a discourse by the Be,. A. A. Wil li ts at 6 o'clock P. M. The usual daily prayer-Meetings, heretofore COD daeted in the Tent, will 'be continued at its new location. As wag designed by the humane projectors of this great missionary enterprise, Its perlodin emovals have been made with speedaljeler cure to the comparative destitutiorrof the localities in which it his been pit ier& In the vicinity from which it has just been removed, the greatest missionary wort ha been per formed through its instrumentality that his ever there been witnessed. lhdependent of the meals (about forty la reamber)'that have there for the first time been awakened, the professing Christians of. that locality, net et• cepting the ministry, have been quickened into new seal through the agency of this broad Union effort. Oqe of the West cheering indi cations of the growing utility of th is tent en terprise Is found In the fact that, In every new place it has entered, the uniform interest and attendance upon the means °fine° "disiiensed in it have steadily increased, from the com mencement to the close. The preaching services on Thursday even ing were commenced In a very filmset and vi gorous discourse by the Rot. Dr. Lyons, of the Methodist Church, founded upon the text of Scripture contained in Luke zit, 10 e 4. For the Sole of Man Is omit to seek and sari that which was lost." In a lucid exposition of the inured word bearing upon man', lost estate, the speaker demonstrated the depth of sin into which man bad fallen through disobedience, and his need of salvation. The first proposition of the text was, that man, in his uatnrel state, carried within him the seeds of peasant misery, and which, If the true remedy was sot accepted, would ultimately terminate in eternal woe awl secondly, that the Impenitent and unbe lieving are condemned already. If, said he, men could realize the perils with which they were enrreunded--dreading, as the impenitent did, the very idea of God's pre sence, and the warnings of religion respect leg a Mere state—they could not but see at a glance the Importance of embracing that which could make their hearts the dwelling place of peace and joy, whether surrounded with the trials and sufferings of the world, or standing at the threshold of eternity. To know whether it was beet to accept the terms of an °mein° Serious', or reject them at the cost of incurring eternal misery, shut out from God, needed, he thought, not one mo ment's time for reflection. ' "He that believeth not is condemned al ready" was the Saviour's own declaration. This WO seem to be a hard saying, but the authority on which it was given was sufficient to make it the ditty of the Gtithfhl minister to proclaim ft. Seeing, then, that the only hope to death was by preparation -In Idle, and that the duration of life was, of all things, the most tincertain, he trusted that every heart In his presence might yield, then and there, to the entreaties of the spirit, and accept the Lord Jean* as their Saviour. Dr. Lyoas spoke for nearly an hour, during which he urged the duly of immediate re pentance with a degree of earnestness and fueling that seemed sensibly to affect every one of the immense audience in attendance. At the close of his remarks, a hymn was sung, which was followed by a abort address from the Rev. Mr. Maddox. Mr. Maddox said, if his hearers would allow the figure, he would my that for many weeks past a book had been in course of preparation, one of the volumes of which was now about to be closed for ever. In the absence of any other name, be would call it the book of Providence. The contents of the volume about to be closed were a faithful record of all that hdd trans; pired—w bether secret or revealed—within that Tent dutlag its station from which It was now to be removed. The watchful secretary, by whom this record had been kept, was none other than the Holy-Spirit, and his heart's desire was that its flasimops might be the most glorious of them all. The recording angel was standing ready and waiting to enter new names upon the Lomb's Book of Life. This felicitous figure was eloquently elabo rated for some mornings by the speaker, when he gave way fora brief address from Mr. Min gles, ao intelligent gentleman of English birth, who was converted to the religion of the Gospel some weeks before, upon the very platform from which be was now to speak. Mr. Waging set forth in good style his experience as a man of the world—a giddy pleasure-socket—a companion of the in'ell glotis—the woocisto of infidels—a struggling convert to the truth—a happy believer in Christ—and a determined soldier of the Cross. Although the hour of ten had nearly ar rived, and he spoke at considerable length, his simple but touching narrative was listened to with breathless attention throughout. His description of the scenes through which he had passed, In the society of revelling compa nions, and the sad fate to which some of them bad been brought, was exceedingly graphic. For Wean years he bad habitually absented himself from church, during several of which he had been an attendant open the meetings of the (andel association, in this city, known as the Sunday Institute. His mind had that been awakened to the Importance of seeking seleetion, at a meeting in the Tent, in which they were then worshipping. Weeks, how ever, bad elapsed before his stubborn, har dened heart could be brought to yield to his convictions, and It was to the following fume. la, related by a preacher at one of these Tent services, that be ascribed his decision, at last, to give himself to God. The anecdote was briefly as follows In the experience et &Western missionary an In dian had been brought under deep conviction of sin. Feeling himself to be a vile rebel, he retired to himself, and resolved to seek the favor of God by a personal sacrifice. First, be threw away his blanket, saying, "Here, Cod, take the poor Indian's blanket, and for give my sins ;' but he found no peace from this oblation. He next presented his feithini dog, accompanied with the same petition to the Deity; and next his tomahawk, then his scalping knife, and finally his WM; still he found no peace. At lest, almost ready to give up to despair, he fell upon his knees, smote his Drool, and exclaimed in agony o f soul, " 0! God, here's the poor Indian with notblog loft, take Aim 1" and immediately he found peace and acceptance, and , went on bia.way rejoicing. So, said Mr. Mingles, he had long 'trove to and acceptance by throwing over board one sin after another, but all to no pur pose, but the narration of that Indian incident bad determined him, On that very platform, to give himself to God, " Without one plea, Save that the Lord bath died for me," and now he thanked God he felt to be a new man. 'The transitory pleasures of the world had changed and dwindled into comparative insignificance. At the close of these remarks, the final prayer' in the Tent, at Fourth and Marge is, was offered by the Rev. George Duf- field, whose indefatigable services have formed so prominent a part in the devotionil exercises with which it has been marked throughout Its sojourn there. • That this newly Inaugurated religionist enter. price--projected and placed In suce,elattil operation by the Young. Men's Christian Am socks:lon, reader their emclent chief °Meer, George IL Stuart, Esq.—may go on tri umphantly In its mission of love, Is the hope and wish of thousands In this city and tbrdugbont the land. Th. fire le DUtel*-Gn 560,000 The flaff do Coorisr of July 2.14 says: A fire broke oat yesterday afternoon about three o'elook, in am aorta of what wu formerly known am Fhb's FAcritor, to Ohio strilet, tear Chicago, belonging to the New York Nobel Relieved Company, and adjoining their freight bons,. The Ere—w hich supposed to here taken from sparks from the pro pel et T. W Bruldory, wide' had Jut some into port, sod had healed up to the dock adjoining the Elevator to discharge a deck load of hop—spread with feaffkl rapidity. The dames soon communicated to the old DeTr3W warehoute std wining the Elevator, which imam destroyed , destroyed. T his building wail also owned by the Railroad company, and the rosin part of ft wee oe cis pled ti a store-house for up and down freight. In one cornet of this building on Ohio Mum! Mr, Hovey kept* peony, and the Othet tad lelle Oen. plod by a MIL Roynolde as a grocery and fruit stand. - Roth of them puttee eumestied In Tema clog nearly alt of deli Wier sod goods. They had no ineuranee. tThe heat from tbEi old wooden building wan in. ense,n and the amsll stems. grroulos and dwolltog toms,, Ave in all, dirootly opposite and en the eorus of Oh lo and Chomp streets, wire loon in a blast, and d espite the *Unions of the firemen, thesibeitdlngs, eseepting one, were elf destroyed. They were eiretipled mostly b families who owned the struoturee, on land owned by A. O. Moore, and loosed to them for fora term of yews. The risk Elevator Was an old building, and had been oodlemned as unsafe There was no grain lst lt. It was the Intention of the otapany, we be. Item a has thin It down end extend theft freight honer to tk• alter The freight boom was several times on Its, and Mare were en terteined for It, u the wind wee le that direetion and blotting pretty fresh. Obophord's Iron 'mks were Weal° danger, and thearred fa their yard wee frevently on 1n; bet Una gang o( men, with bookew kept the arc four dohs eny damage to e wadies. The lose to the Outset Railroad, o n*high Owe If co itilteranee, will- probably be $60,000 to $7O 000; 113,000 dUI 'OYU the 15.... of the other rtilo l , . Salts .bp %union. CPifiIIkROIAL BALES BOON, 7T PANIC and IQ ITRAWSIRRY, between MAR IM and 00MM and 8100 ND ind TIMID strode. N. 0. ROLIIIIRT. Auottossas B WOW, 7r., AIIQTIONEER, (mom 'LP. sae toWOLBUT &BOOTT,)11$1011:118TNUT Bt., =to ake Clutata House, Miami, Youth sad Ettk CLOTHES IPLND AND PAILS AT PRITATD SALE. Jut landed trim nehooner Juliet— boxer Moth, lip dotal palls. • 811 , DI8 MANTILLA& ALIO, at pirate We, an inetlee of Milo. miatlllat Jut landed. MIST MITTS. Also, •llne of troook allot onto. REMOVAL.-FIIIINESS, BRINLEY, & AAP 00. hoe removed to the Lorts,No. 429 MARKET Ilteee4, fo rmerly eoenplad by Mears. Caleb Cope & Co. ipi9l2ltliE&9. BEWLEY, le 00. uuIINEI3B, BRINLEY, & 00., I- Na 429 MARKIT Skeet. • MATTING AT PRITATS BALI. 100 pieces 4-4 - 14 *Ws 444 nod check amnia, lillOSBB NA TH *l4 to, AIIOTIONEER LTA AND 00111(111111011 ILLIOUNT. 8. 111. soma • 11:17 , 011111 T AOOObIiODLTION. MONEY! MONIT I ! • MONIS! ! I Mme liberally advaneed la hippo or mull amogats, bola cod dollar to thousands, on gold and Alm ata Cacaos*yggoliot, Jewelry; tawMapploote, consical lantinunentr Irraltate, My goods, elothhog, yoesries, olgare, bard:ore, ontlery,loOoks,bmwoe, re toles, bar peso, and all Whiles of value, tot Ply length of time synod on, at Nanissai Priacipid Ditoblishoseac, sontbeant coner of Sixth and Rue street.. s lar - t Prowi t hwori st woti t t with collateral, dim:located NATAANIII , PRINCIPAL .11STABLISHMINT, S. 1, OORNIII OP SIXTH AND RAGS STREETS. Inere roomy will le Ilb.r UT Wasted on gold add silver plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling please, dry goods, slotbiag, groceries, Upon, elgars, bard wareyinentlegukatssi y ths ar t tl n :les lits e l f:irideles, barium, stook.,isod all bedding oneother attlard dyable. OUT-DOOR RAINS. . . . Pereonsl etiolates glees to all outdoor Wee, either it private dwellings, stores, of elsewhere, and chola esuiresily low. TO, TOWNS SSLIIQIIIBHIFO HOUBIEZIPINO. Penang relbevalehini beelmikeepher, or heeler lap piles or rartilture to &epees or, will tat it to their id make by sad* the time to thesotetton store. tooth out tome of Disth sod Saes street, whets . tt will be t o re best ay:4 l4 ""d ure, th e ra trir o . e l tiit aft" 't i tre!! If Meshed, and the Wanes liandipa aver the ett:niees of ilte dor steals. !las gold 144 010 at intashms gam, double essa L and doable bottornad lavertr is titas, Linn, iltriat, and Mar& trilobite gold , rad tts, gold brow lets,. Treaty of g oldstuds, breastpins, and dorm Ansa I doe dotes, superior old violin and guitar, very One melodeon. sod munarourotlisr articles. AT PRIVATII BALE AT VUT LOW PRIOR Gobi Baal& pato.% lever WStalall, full Jewelled and Phan woo pt them Om 111.katat uses of tha best , gitTer Meek patent lever vitalise, fall jewelled sad plat*, of the Welt approved Malin. Gold empeukent lever and leplhe watches, In hunt. COM and open fate, of the TIII7 beet nutlet Ladles , gold *smelled watches, at with pearl and diamond,. ' Mier Itegllelt, gabs, and growl watches, diamond breast - plod and Sow ring*, gold brsoolete, ear days, deter rigs ; %out plus, Brads, duo gold fiat. rob, and musk amino gold spoctsslar, aad various other 'arta slot of }gallery, ke., S A. DYSART & 00., ADOTIONINIIII AND • Oomoission Mlll7lllllll, No. itionth EIGHTH STRUT. Moot of LODGE STREET. AT PRIMA?' 5A I. • lallv and valuable tract of valuable eoal and tim ber labt at print* Bale. well worthy the attention of sell. espltal/ate not otheiv, ea the °weer le compelled to fb. /or further phrtlealets !maim at the auetlea sten., ONT-DOOR, DALIN sallatot and proloptli at- Loaded to. trjr ADTANOIS made om oossitaaoaal shed without slam dun, 0:3 4 akuis.ftooms °pea DOM 10 P. L Now pro. pard to nowdro laTolow of DRY DOODS, NOTIONO, WATOIIOI sad JEWILRY, NEW sal RIOOND. RAND YDRNITIIRI, PAINTINGS, DOORS and DTA TIONIZY, Jca., to. EX lidos of FASO? GOODS ovdtt snobs. Diegolawns anb CEopartneralnps 'FRE UNDERMINED HAVE FARMED A. a copartnership ander the style of IF ROTHINOII AM 4. MILLS, for the transaction of a GENSBAL DRY GOODS COMMISSION RUSIN US, =I have taken the eters No. H South /MONT Street, and 36 LETITIA Streit. TEIEODORE . FROTIIINOILLII, =LM I& , TRH SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS -1 DAT entered Into a limited partnership, agree*. bly to the provisions of the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved March 21, 1636, entitle] " An Aet relative to Limited Partner shi pop and the supplement thereto; and we do hereby certify •. • 1. That the name of the firm, ender which inch part nershiple to be condacted, la J. P. R. B. OR NR. 2. The general nature of the barium intended to be transacted is the purchase and sale of Carpeting in the city of Philadelphia. 3. The name of the general partners are JOBB P. ORBS, residing at the northwest corner of Arch and Tweet rat street in the city of Philadelphia • and EDWA.I2D B. 01611, residing on the north side of Arch street, chore Twenty-first street, in the eal.l city. 4. The rum* of the special partner if BBIIAIIII4 01161 i. residing at 263 North Ninth West, in the city of Philadelphia, who, as much special partner, has con tributed to the common `tack of the Raid Arm the cam of twenty-five thousand dollars in cash. 6. Ihe said partnership commences July 14, A. D. 1534, and will terminate on the 14th day of July, A. D. 1661. BINJAMIN ORNX, . JOUR II ORNIt. EDWARD B. DANE. Pvtclnneau t Julyl4, MD rug UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a ooportnenhip valor the firm of M CAULEY, DROTUER & 1111RWSTDR, for th% USW , adios of the Importing and Jobbing bottom's In ItederiOloveo, and limey Geode, No. Zll North TOUBTU Streit. TWOR B. MCAULEY, DANIEL W. MCAULEY, CHARLES 0. BREWSTER. Jg l•thitu July lit, 1W PIIRE WILICESBAHRE LtI7IOIICOAV —Vaporslleled Success of the Introduction of thli Superior Coal tato the Philadelphia Market: e are daily receiving testimonial, from all quarters whore this Coal has been teeted of Ito pail to priority over any Lehigh Coal ever burned. The Coal yields an eareedlngly WHITS Aeh, and le perfectly fns from cinder of any Mal, while the Cad itself 14 perfectly clean and entirely free from elate or any Impurity. for 'team purposes It has no equal, the testimony of some of the most eminent Engineers In the country being In Its favor. We hare the IXCLVIIIVII control for Ito We AUDENRIRD & ROMMEL, Shipper' and Retail Dealers In Wllkesbarro Coal. Ore., WATSR Street, above Callowhlll, and first Whet( above Callowhlll street, Delaware. Ji104131.8 DIME LEHIGH AND BROAD-TOP / COAL.—TAMES 11. MONTOOMBRY Informs his Mends and the public that be hal effected an arrange meat with the Back Mountain Coal Oompuiy for the male of so ar t r h a e n i g r e J d u s w l i y th a l t e h b e ratedZ eor / o l f CtOeA L B . roa li d e - T h o a p /JIM rot Mt sale of big valmbleffitlil.BlTUMlNOUß COAL, 'and is now pmpared to moire orden and make prompt deliveries, at hie Orloe, No. - 402 WALNUT West, second 'tory, front nom. 1e34t0 FFOX, & 00., wholesale and L retail &Were to LZRIGII and BOLIIITLZILL GOAL. WOO' rant—TIIIRD street and ORMAN. TOWN; ROAD. leknyttlll tent—RAol sod BROAD strode; Phlladalptda. Keit eosatantly en hand OW how the 0n.,. approved wine', muter sorer, and pre• yetrd erpteady for hurdle nu. f+, i i IOFSHYLIIILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— PJ 11 ma daily 14161111111: at my yard, the beet quality o. 60110YLNILL AND LNIUGH 00A L. Wy enstomm, ael MI others who may favor me with their orders, may getting Coal that will be utisfeetory to thim. WUr • NoLOW Wafe l r M Ooel kilt at this establishment to est PR. ALIXANDMI OONVIIRT A 1-tf N. I. earns of Brood and (*wry Ito. Notate. rWOTICE.--SEALED PROPOSALS, on domed Proposals for fundshing the Pubtie &hoots with Coal," will be received. at the Controller', &Bee, B. E. corner of SIXTH and ADELPRI Streets, antll SATURDAY nest, the Sith instant, at 12Volock U. The Proposals to state dietlnetly the WIWI . , quail. Sr, and the priori per ton for each—the km to be of 410 pounds. Proposals will also be reeelved for Char. coal and Moiling-Wood, to tie seat at the same Urns. By onto; of the Committee on Bnppllee. TllOlO.ll W. DIARDRMENT, bilajr2,4 Chairman. NOTICE TO AROHITEOTS.—In puma andi of • reeolutlon adoptod by the Monument Doman , loners, at • meeting, at Martliburg, on the 13th irld•llt, Pleas, Specifications, and Estimates are Netted ter the efeetloo of IiONUSINNT to the montory of Whams of li Pesossole who lost thsts Ifrethe Um tate War with Mor ley.' The cost of *bleb 1111 not to *need the sum of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Continuofallen" on the "object of plans, &e., to be eddrenewt to the Governor, at Harrisburg, prier to the let of July. Proposals received from July 1 Mall Au just 1,186 1 1. Perm= fornlablag Moe will please HMI their Esti mate" owlet seal, as they will be for thous* of the Com missioners ooly. for the Plan which may be adopted s premium of Two 11andred Dollars will be &floured. Hy order of the Gonimiselonere. JOUN W. °BART, Secretvry. lirouttill old, hey 14,1445. J7l-tf NOTIOE.-AN ELEOTION FOR SEVEN DIRT.GTOND of Ms lIONTOtIit IRON COMPANY. to Barre dosing the enenlng year will be held on BA TURDA I", the thlety•fl.st day of July neat, between the hem of twelve &oleo* IC, and one o 'clock P. Id.. at the La Mare 1.1041, 1, to the elty of Phlladel. plata Pennsylvaala. J 68041,31 T. IL IIitTAN, .7a., Secretary. • 'ingos Companies. 111111 E ADAMS EXPRESS 00 OFFICE, 11 1120 murmur 611111111`, forward, PARCELS, PACKAGES, MISCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES and mica, either by its own LINES, or In oonnactiosi with d udE COMPANIES, to AN the principal TOWNS C T IES al tile United Mateo. . LINDPOID, Ige.ol4,olnertatiod.sll3 • UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AOZNCY, CCAGO, IL. The euteseriber, having. had much Hl practical expe L rt• etee la ealeoUng and locating lands in the various Laud Metal* la the Wiretero Mates, hila ¢nmuai facllltlei for making valuable select* for LAND WARD on CASH. Masque Surveyors cows Nap in rhs field to make persoust etaminations, be tan always make the most Judicious locatious. Gods unsurpouwed for fertility of soil and ealubrlty of climate, near the line of raltroods, may now be had Is Ost!O lOWA. AND wvicoNeis. utcry refereneeiiven when required. Er Stoney lureeted I n Emcees end Nehruhe, end Any of the Western Ststee. • P. ElAl.l9Blnl.lr, 49 °LARK E Btroet, Chlogo 108 QR. ()ASKS PORT WINE. 311 0 0 Aliases do. 12 Qr. do •do do. 90 gr. do Starry do. It PIP* F o PirlorlaillAte Wine. * Qr. Mom do - do - do. 40 X do do do do. 111 Ulu A•soited MOO. I* Bess Almond,. 2$ do Filbert+ tardier from Brig ,1 Arrossots Vtaelto, ,, sad for sale 4. X NEIN% oramt 1w Mll4 /WM? 'tryst Oates ,4 Rtntwns. THODIAEI & 80N8, LEK* Km 1/19'ititt 141 SOUTH' FOURTH BMX; (Formerly Nos. Mind 119.1 TRADE SALB-TO BOORPELLERS. The fifty-find regular Philadelphia Trade Sale will commence on the list of September. Cetaloguee in Prem. RILL ESTATE, STOOKS, &o. PaDlle Bales at the Phlledilehia Exchange 'every Tuesday Evening, during the business season. lir he Infore July and August only occasional sales as reto. iD Haudbills of each property trued separately,' In addition to which we publish on the Saturday previolui to each sale, one thousand eatalognesja pamphlet fort, giving full descriptions of all the property tote sold on the followlogTuesday. 1117RNITURE BALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. ID' We have a large amount of Real Estate at hi. rate Bale, Including every description of City and entintr7 PrPrty. Printed Lists may be had at the notion store. PRIVATE BALI REGISTER. 1D Real Estate entered on our Private Bale Re. ester, and advertised occasionally In our Public Sale Abetment, (of width 1,000 went& are printed weekly,) free debugs. BTOCIES, &e. Peremptory Bale. On Tuesday Evening, July 27th, at 8 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change, will be sold, for accoant of whbm it may eon. 011,6- 1.468 X shares of Mt* capital stock of the Tinkle peugh Coal Company, the same to be sold for arrears of •as cements, pursuant to reeelutions of said company'. Share Philadelphia Library Company. " Phan in the Ltercantile Library. Sher, Philadelphia Athenaeum. Streator's Peremptory Pale. REAL ESTATE, S W COREBROF BROAD STREET AND RIDGE AVENUE. Also. July 27th, at the Exahange, without warm- All that three-story brick building and lot of ground, eouthweet corner of Broad street and Bldg. avenue. In front on Brood street 42 feet 9 lathes. thence 59 feet 11g Inches, thence 71 feet 4 inches to said avenue, and thence In front, along said avenue, 19 feet 1 Inch. Dmood-reot WI a year. IR - Sale absolute-by order of Executor. REAL tar Are BALL-AUGUST 17th. This sale will Include-. Orphans' Court Sale-Estate of James 11 Powers, De ceased. BRICK DWELLING, POPLAR STREET.-All that story brick dwelling and lot, south side of Poplar street, Ss fret west of .Sixteenth street, lot 27 by 90 feet-two fronts - Peremptory Sale-Estate late of Joseph /curie, Deo'd. DWELLING AND GBOONRY STOIII.-Three-story brink dwelling and grocery, No 878 Apple street, be tween Fourth street and York aunts. Bame ieteto. DWELLING AND LAGER-BEER SALOON.-Three story brick dwelling and lager-beerEaloon, 510. 018 itp-, pie street. Sale absolute Executor's Peremptory Sale-11state of Thomas Da ve. Deceased. FALTIABFIS BUILDING LOT El, FIFTEENTH WARD -All those Ore tote of ground, ion side of Vineteesth street, north et Anne street, each 17 feet front, and ranging In depth from 80 to 51 feet. Also, all them Ere lots north side of Anne street, adjoining the above, each 17 faetfront, ranee, in depth from $0 to 44 feet. err They will be sold “peeeteke. Lltbevapido plane may be had st the ensile. store. NEAT DWELLING -The neat twnand-a-half-story • brink dwelling, with back buildings, No 156 Dillwyn street, below Noble street. dote at ROC ISO and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR tURNITURE, PIANO-PORTE FINE FRENCH PLATE .11111 ROILS, BRUSSE LS OAR PETS, &o. On Thursday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, an extensive assortment of 'salient wood-hand furniture, elegant piannfortes, fine mirrors, carpets, de., from private families declining housekeeping, remand to the store for oonvenienoe of We. AT PRIVATE BALI. A well-''cured first mortgage-41,800. A beantiftilly situated lot, Perklemon turnpike, Chestnut Hill. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALI. SPLENDID BROWN-STONE MANSION, Oheitont 'treat, with Mehl* sod coach house. One of the finest reeldenoes in the city. NEAT MODERN IaIESIDENOI6, No. 1626 Chestnut street. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE REILDENCE, Walnut stmt. west of Broad. 'ELEGANT BROWN-STOMA RESIDENCE, No. 1621 Walnut atreet, west of Sixteenth. NEAT RESIDENCE, Southeast corner Walnut and sod Seventeenth attests ELEGANT AND VALUABLE REIMDENOII, South west corner of Eleventh and Walnut streets. TWO ELEGANT REBID eNO ZS, Rittenhouse Square. TWO HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Washington Square. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, North Broad street. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, Northwest earner of Green and Fifteenth streets. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, N 0.1636 Green street. NEAT RESIDENCE, Spruce street, between Broad and Fifteenth. HANDSOME MODERN MIR-STORY RESIDENCE, N 0.11109 Spruce street. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 822 Pin* street, west of Eighth. HANDSOME BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1616 Pine street. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 1806 Pine street. HANDSOME RESIDENCE. No. 632 Pine street. TWO HANDSOME BROWN.STONE RESIDENCES, Third street, below Borneo NEAT RESIDENCE, No. 241 Booth Eighth street, below Walnut. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 818 North Eighth street. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 621 North Seventh street. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, No. 621 North Sixth street. THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL ontrßoa PRO PERTY, New Market, street SUPERIOR AND ELEGANT BROWN-STONE OP FIDE BUILDING, Nos. 407 and 409 Walnut street. LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, Locust. Mary, and Chore% streets, West Philadelphia, 939 by 116 fest. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, Northwest eorner Locust and Mary streets, opposite the above. VERY HANDSOME COUNTRY RESIDENCE, near Tina etation. on the Germantown Mimed. VALUABLE FARR AND COUNTRY BEAT, 160 scree. between Torrinlale and Bristol. COUNTRY SEAT, with about seven sores, Chestnut AN ELEGANT PARK, 309 wee, with superior Bo prevenient' on the litter Delaware, one mile from New OWN. LARGE, ELEGANT, AND VALUABLE FARM, be tween the city of Wilmington and Brandywine Springs. ELEGANT COUNTRY BEAT, 10 sores, with One Improvements. School Bonen Lane, Germantown, oppo. site theist, Dr. J. K Mitchell's. lIANDiOME MODERN DWELLING, No. 11114 hilt stmt. BRICK STORE, DWELLING, AND BAKERY, No. 1116 Arch street. FOUR•3TORY BRICE STORE AND DWELLING, NO. 13r9 Chestnut street. BRICK SPORE AND DWELLING, No. TO2 South Fifteenth street NEAT MODERN DWELLING, No. 1140 'Federal street, ll' Also. a large amount of , otber property, Grotod Rants, Mortgages, Re. Printed lists may be hut et the notion store PRIVATiI BALI RIGIBTER. QT Real Wats entered on our Privets Bals Register 11,04 advertised oeusionally In oar Public Bale Atutreete (of which 1 000 eoples ate printed weekly, during the business ■euou,) free of charge. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NG. us WALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. Etr Persons favoring es with lionsignmenta aux rest assured that their property will not be surfaced. Hommissions more moderate than those eharpd by i e§ Other Auction House In the eity. Consignments reepectfully solicited. Raleenala immediately after the tools are sold HEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Handsome mansion, southwest corner of Seventeenth and Walnut street/ Residence. Washington Square and Walnut attest. Dwelling house, No 527 Vine street. 20 acre. of lend, Indian Queen lane. Valuable property, Yrantiord road. Handsome Oreille', No 1812 Wallet* strut. Haeluese stand and dwelling, Seventeenth and Wash. 12 C i gitn et tproperty; ja llo sets, Re., above Torrential'. le actes of land, Chilton avenge, Germantown. Hand , ono residence and lot, West Philadelphia. Valuable lot or ground, Germantown Railroad and Columbia avenue. Handsome dwelling, Spring Garden street, above Twelfth. CABINET or MINERALS At private sale, a valuable Cabinet of If Inerati, eom prising over 1,400 specimens, the collection of several years The property of a gentleman who has to room for them. They are very desirable for a public Inetttu- Non. Apply at the auction store. SAMUEL NATHANH, art, and HONEY LOAN OSPION, No. 224 South SHIBA Street, below Walnut, emelt' Pear et., only eight doors below the litehangs. Hoare of beathese from I o'eketk, A. AI., until 10 o'sloek In the 4111111121. Out-door Wee and sales at the Intros lime, IF Meted upon the Loot satlafactory terms. CAPITAL $2OO 000, Establishatfor tM lass Thirty Lens. Advances male from one dollar to thoursoda on Dia monde, Sliver Plate, Watched, Jewelry, Hardware, Her shandise, Olothlng, Muni hare, Bedding, Cigar', Musical Instrumento, GUI, UMW, Carriage( ' end NOWA Of every All 4ATI IPU Z . remain may length of time agreed u pon. All edranoes, fran one hundred dollars and upwazdst will he eberp4 2 per cent. per month ; $6OO and over ; the lowest market rate. 11la atom House having a depth of 120 hot, Whig* Ore and thletputoof faults to store an velnebles, and pr{, tate watchmen for the prembeej also, a hesyy Wm- TIMM .Seated tot to. Docent of au persona limns rote " N vanmt . 8.-Os among t of laving an anllmlted capital, this *Mee la prepared to make advances on more oath rectory fad ademmmoisting term than any other Ia Ulm eft,. oat say Money lammed to the poor, In small amounts, , with dugs. AT PEITATI CALI. OM Patent Lever and other Weighs", Jewelry, ute Clothing will be sold at rlaliseact pleas. eal•ly 2tgricaffi --. mal. Is NEW CROP TURNIP SHEDS, of every variety. Alio, Buckwheat and Millet. SPANGLES k. (JULIAN, Nl4 No. 627 MARKET Street. below Seventh. mg (}RAIN LEAD ES, SCYTHES, Rakes, Works, Manure Map, Bramble Beythei, BPANOLXII, & No. 827 MARICBT Street, below Seventh. in HORSE POWERS, THRESHERS Separators, Grain Faux, &e., of all the mos approved kinds. SPANGLER & GRAHAM, J;24 No. NT MARKET Street, below Seventh. Ottoing illacbinto IIARRIS I e BOUDOIR SEWING MA CHINE Is offered to the public se the most relic bye low-priced Sewing Machine In nee. It will sew from six to sixty *Oldie., to an inch, on all kinds of goods, from coarsest bagging to the finest cambrica. It Is, without exception, the elmpleet in Its mechanical con struction ever made, and can be run and kept In order by a child of twelve years of age. The nottasatry of this machine, and the QUALM OF Ifs Moos, ire war. ranted to be uniurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread need Is taken directly from the spool*, 111141001 tat ?aeons or lIIWINDIFO. 111 fact, it le a machine that is wanted by every family to the land, cad the low price of FORTY DOLLARS, at which they sold, brings them within the'reath of almost every one B. D. BAEHR, Agent, Jelikddm why eowene 20 South EICILITH Street. SHOVELS AND SPADES.— 2,000 DOZEN /MOE TED, IRON, STEEL, and OAST-STEEL. For We by the Manuiseturer, W. W. RIOIIARDS, No. 226 RACE Rant, Itl64m* above Second. PURE BO E 11 ST, QRUUND r E.— A eery superior article. For male in large or mend) lobe, by 0110A0DALI, airA 104 Nnrth !Wawa. noon.. E liINQ. 00 bbla. No. I HE' RIAU, Lure port lin/nation i 600 dn. Halifax, now In store SW for pal, by JOHN Id. MINI COY & 00., 441 JN.IIO lad 11$ Xedll %%AMC THE PRESS.-7-PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY. JULY 24% 1858. pERUVIAN SYRUP, oz • PROTEOTND SOLUTION OP PROTOXIDE OP Having successfully passed tha ordeal to which new die. coveries in the Materis Medics are subjected, must - now be received as an ettablished medicine. Its efficacy in curing DYSPEPSIA, Affection/lot the 3lver, Dropsy, Nela, Drenchltle and Coneumptive tendenclee. Dieordirril State of the Blood, Dolls, Scurvy, the Prostrating Effects of Lead or Mercury, General Debility, and all Diseases which ro• rare a Tonle and Alterative Medicine, is beyond ques• F . 4 The proofs of Its of are Co nu• ‘. •• 'merous to well authenticated, and of I . 4 such peculiar character, that sufferers cannot reasonably hesitate. to receive the proffered aid. i 0 The Peruvian Syrup does not profess •. to bee cure-all, but its range is eaten . sire, because many diseases, apparently unlike, are Intimately related, and proceeding from one cause, may be cored by one remedy. The clue of diseases for which the Syrup provides a cure Is precisely that which has so often baffled the highest order of medical skill. The facts are tangible, the witnesses accesaible, and the safety and efficacy of the Syrup incontrovertible. Those persons who may wish for en opinion from die. Interested persons respecting the character of the Syrup, cannot fall to be Satisfied with the following, among nu. morons testimonials, ifi the hands of the Apots. The signatures are those of gentlemen well known in the community, and of the highest respectability.. . . CARD • The underligned haying experienced the beneficial isf• recta of the " Peruvian Syrup," do not hesitate to re. commend it to the attention of the publio. From our own experience, as well on from this testi. mony of others, whose intelligence and integrity are al together unqueetiotable, we have no doubt of It, effica cy in cases of Incipient DIMON! of the Lungs and Bros. &lel Pampa, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Drops", Neuralgia, Am Indeed. Its effeets would be ineredihk but from the high character of those who have wit nessed them, and bare volunteered their testimony, as we do our', to Ho restorative porter. RAY. JOHN PIERPONT, TUOMAB A: DEXTER, 8. H KENDALL, M. D., SAMUEL MAY, THOMAS C AMORY, PETER HARVEY, JAMES 0 DUNN, Rev THOS. WRITTEMORE. CERTIFICATE OF DR. HAYES It le well known that the medicinal effects of Protox. Ide of Iron Is loot by wren • very brief exposure to air, and that to maintain . a solution of Protoxide of Iron, withoutforther oxidation, lots been deemed impossible. In the Peruvian Syrup, Ude desirable point le at. tatted by combination in • way before nnknown, and this volution may replace all the proto carbonates, at testes, and tartrates of the Maoris Mediee. A. A HAYES, M D Auuyer to the Ptah' of If assachneette. 16 Boylston street, Dorton. N. L. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, No. 6 WATER Strad, Boston. P. BROWN, FIFTH and CHESTNUT ebbe% 11/03SARD & CO , TWELPTH and CHESTNUT Streets th at-6m warn Agenta for Philadelphia. Hest?' will, In all cues, follow the use of Badwirs R. B Remedies. There are none so sick or dimmed, Is weak, feeble, or crippled with pain or infirmities, Inn that Radway's Ready Relief, Renovating, Resolvent, m Regulators, u the nature of the Meese or a:WM may require, will quickly and rapidly cure. These remedies could of Radway's Ready Belief; &dwarfs Renovating Resolvent; Radway , a Regulators Nacho( these remedies penmen epeeist ourativepowers Over certain diseases. Yet there arellother diseuer wherein their combined medicinal properties are re mitred; and when thus need, If there le sullielentilfe and strength within the diseased or dying body to au tale their action, the patient will live and be redone to health. Pain R. R. Re lief. Acute Discases R. R. Relief. Inflammatory Diseases—Relief aged Regulators. Nalarieus Diseases Relief and Regulators. Congestive Diseases Relief and Regulators. Scrofulous Diseases Renovating Resolving. Okronie .. Re 110CaliNg ReSOll,Oll. Syphilitic Diseases Renovating Resolvent. Coustitutional Distases—Rssoletut and Regulator!. Skin Diseases Renovating Resolreat. Nervous Diseases Rue/rent, Relief, Revd& Infectious Diseases Ready Relief f Regulators CONBTMITIONAL DIREASISEI . . . . Many diseases that afflict humanity are Inherited al Delv.looms from the diseued bodies of steely sires Scrotal*, Consumption, Syphilis, and Fits, are arum the most common of constitutional disease.. Now, was este not how many generations the geode of these die• eases may have been established la the spasm, ear. rooting the blood—Radways Renovating Resolvesi will eradicate from the bodies of the elided every pas , title of diseased deposita, and fill the veins with new, pare, and healthy blood. CIIILDREN , II Digitalin. . . &atones Beworatiwg Resolvent should De bellss as a bleeing; br every mother throughout the land. whose Intent* are 'Minted with Scree, Humors, ste These breakinge out Ohne early) are avidenees oldie. sass transmitted from the parent dock. A few doses or the Renovating Resolvent will eradicate every yeetige Of the Weems and Insure the child a Bound and heathy body. B. B. R.—RaAwars Ready Relief for Headaches, who the, luck or Ilervouii Rheumatism, Dianarea, Dysentery, Cholera Horton, Cramps Influenza, Bloody Flax Paralysis, Lumbago Omit, Neuralgia, Toothachs, Small Pox Fevers, Swollen Joints, Kidney Complaints Scarlet Fever, Palos around the Liver, Plea. rimy, Ilesslee, Heartburn, sod Pains of all Radwars Ready Relief will, Ina few minutes, change the miseries you Iran tr Joys of pleasuro. R. R. R.—Radwayte Reoovetiog Resolvent, for the can of chroula diseases—such u Scrofulous and Syphilitic complaints, Consumptive any other affections of the Longs and Throat, Indaration and Enlargements of parte. Eruptive and other diseases of the Skin Node., Tumors, Ulcers, Dyspepsia, and Ali other dummies arising from an Impure Oat. of the blood. R.R.R.—Radway's Regulators will cure, suotttvoil and speedily. Costiveness. 'lndigo= Painters Cholla, Lead M's otu, ln tioo of the Bowels, Dyspepsia, Liver Clem plaint, Disease( of the Heart and Kidneys Paulo Complaints, Small Pox, Preen Iltmslee, etc., etc. Whenever the system II out of order ' or the blood Impure, a dorm a' Itedwayte Regulab.,rs will restore It to rags rarity, and purify and cleanse the blood. Re female should be without them. R. R. R. Remedios are sold by Druggists sod Merchants everywhere, RaDWAT & CO., New York Oily. W. B. Masa; T. W. Drury A Sox, agents, Philadelphia. T. R. CALLEND3W ' opl Stultaadly&eowlyr THE LIVER INVIGORATOR, TRIPIRID IT DR. SWORD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS. Is one of the but Pargative and Liver Medicines now before the public, that acts u • Cathartic, easier. milder, and more effeetual than any other medicine known. It le not only • Cathartic, but a Lieu reme dy, acting drat on the Liner to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels to carry of that mat ter, thus accomplishing two putperes effectually, with out any of the painful feelings eiporiencen In the ope. rations of moat Cathartics. It etrengtheos the eye tem at the same time that it purges it, and, when tan dolly In moderate doses, will strengthen and build It up with unusual rapidity. The Mesa IlOne of the human body ; and when it well, the powers of the oiled The stomach Is M on the healthy aetion of performance of its fund. Nat fault the bowels are • system suffers In cons's. 1 14 Liver—having ceased to mu of that organ ' one in med. it his etudy,in a years, to find some rem.. net the many dtrugs• his. To prove that this re- " person troubled with Lt. /NJ, Its forms, has but to try a ' l 'l certain. These Guru remove all the system, supplying In ! r i,‘ of bile, invigorating the V digest wall, pun fying the iH health to the whole ma. f canoe of the disease—ef.> 811.101715 ATTACKS MI tor, prerewted by the co. 1Z limooasioa. One doe*, niter eating, !1-4 stomach and prseent the hi tnly one dose, taken • g NICIRTII Only one dose, taken it gently, and aurae CO.. W One done, taken after PIIPSIA. Dr — One dome of two M relieve Eliot HIRD4OIIII. I One bottle taken for fe- M the canto of the diem., Only one dose immedi- _ while one does, often re- J/ Ono Lena Moises. and a . [1:7"Only one bottle le ^ system the effects of nig- ~ M nue. I One bottle takeli A asiliwneas or unnatural One dose taken a 'hart 0 vigor to the appetite, and One dose, often recut- 4 4 ARIA In Its wont forms. complaints yield almost " One or two doses cure! In children ; there Is no " remedy In the world, as It U 7 A few bottles ewe absorbents. We take pleasure lore-, commending thin meal. eine as a preventive for ! levee and Aoon, Ontt.t. ,auot all 1/STAAS Of I a BILIOUS Till. !Lope rates with certainty, and I thoueands are willing to hostile to Ito wonderful virtuee. All renown it ars giving artr wouustmovs Itst(mony die its favor. HT Miz Water In the mouth with Ms Invigorator, and swallow both together. TUB LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A BOISITIPIO MSDIOAL DISOOVIRY, and IS dAllf work tog sures, almost too great to believe. It cures uif by magic, errs Lts first dm giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle Is required to cure any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dye. meta to a common Headaths, all of which are the re sult of a DIEBUIED LIVER. PRICE ONE DOLT AR PER BOTTLE!. Dr. SANFORD, Ar Proprietor, 1145 Droadwey New York. Agent/ for Philadelphia, T. W. DYOTTBONd, 218 North Elwood Street Retailed by all Droggliti. Bold also by SAMUEL SINES, Twelfth and Chestnut streets, and N. BROWN, 111th and Chestnut street. Philada. inn to th e•ly • WIIY SUPPER WITH DYSPEPSIA ZIEGLER & PURE, MEDICINAL OOGNAO BRANDY has cured Dyspepsia, Low Spirits, General Debility, &0., &c . , dr.o. Price fl 26 per bot tle, or $10.60 per dosen. Warranted pure. Try it. I hereby certify that I bad been afflicted with dye. Impala for the last ten years, during which time I hero tried &litho popular medicines, bat of no avail. Haying bad Zeigler & Smith's Pore, Medicinal Cognac Brandy moommended by Map pimps, Induced 13:111 to try it. One bottle hea almost cured me of dyspepsia and pottier habits, of ten years , iterating. I can say. laths, thank. fel heart, that I bare never toned Its equal during my painful and distressing complaint. I sincerely reoom. Pandit to dyitpoptie, nervous And debilitated tunnel. Joni 0. Rimmorn, Jan. 16th 1665. 1131 011 re street. Also, ZIEGLER & SMITH'S Pure Medicinal WINES, warranted pore, and no counterfeit mixtures, which are daily palmed upon the public NI genuine lanes. These Wines are especially adapted to dyspepties and consump tion. and In all eases of general debility, loss of app lit., &o. OM Madeira Wine, price per bottle.. ...... ....II 00 Old Port Wine, do. do. .. 100 Old Sherry Wine, do. do. 100 Aaron year orders to Bole Agents, ZEIGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, O. W. corner SECOND and GREEN Sta., Phila. Also, for We by JOHN BLET. Druggist, fel-y Prankford road, opposite Hanover. CHEESE. —195 boxes Prime Herkimer wines Jest tabling and AN gale by 0. 0. SADLKR k CO., ellt No 0 Nnyth Watagstraat JUTE HEMP. -A LARGE STOOK OF snperiot nality on band and for sale by SAVER., NUM, & CO., I*, 88 ort otroath WALTER_ , ekl N NM IN Mot* witurrl .frttbicinel SOLD BY principal regulators of the pet forms Ito tune Lions system are folly dorsi =et entirely dependent the Liver for the proper Voile; when the stomach at fault, and the whole Queues of one organ—the do Its duty. For the die. of the proprietors h a s practice of more than 20 dy wherewith to counter manta to which it Is Its. tnedy le at tut found, any au Cosi eta I xv. In any of bottle, and conviction la morbid or bad matter from their place a healthy Bow stomach, causing food to blood, giving tone and chine ry, removing the fetting a radical care. cored, and, whot is bet. melons' use of the Livia le rafeeient to relieve the food from rising and sour- before retiring, prevents night.loomui the bowel. Tllll7llOll. each meal, will owe DTI teupooutula will ►lwap male obetrootton remove' and maa•e •perfect cure, stet, relieves Oa ot.: 0, posted, le a sure can for preventive of CHOLERA. needed to thrownot of the dicing after a long ilea- for Jaosracra 10030701 All color from the skin. time before eating glees makes food digest well. ed, mires CO2OIIIO Dun• while Smuts% and Bowel, to the trek dose, attacks amid by WORMS sorer leer, or sprodlor suosrfnits. DROIII, by exciting the Zelda! Notices. AIIDITOR's NOTIOE.—In the matter of the Estate of ICSIAIII BICKEL, late of the borough of Pottstown, In the county . of Montgomery, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bald county to settle, adjust. and restate the' accounts flied GEORGE WIMLEY and MATILDA MOW RY, late BIOICIBIS, Administrators with the will annexed, of said a :flsh Blekel,deceneed, and to report distribu tion of the balance Inthelr hands among the persons entitled to the same, According to law, wilt meet the parties interested on THURSDAY, the 29th of July, 1868, at 10 o'clock A.Bl, In ihe Argument Court Room in the Court House, in the borough of NORRISTOWN; In the county of Montgomery aforesaid. Jylo43t D. P. HANCOCK, Atidltor. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY TO THE Estate of JOSEPH REAKERT, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, haring been granted to the undersigned, all persons lndebt..d to the said Estate will please [hake payment, and those having claims are requested to present them without delay to EDWIN L. WEAKERT, N 0.413 North FOURTH Street, OSWOLD THOMPSON, No. 716 PINE Street, FRANKLIN 0. JONES No. 32 8. Executors. ebncational. Ii r ILL RE-OPEN ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER, for the Schots/No year, ooneliting of ten months, J. J. REED'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1529 WALK' r Street, PHILADALPHU. The system of tuition Is based on that adopted in the beet Seminaries In Europe, and comprises Moro ugh In. @traction In the Roglbdt, French, and Latin languages ; special attention is also paid t 8 the formation of an ale• gent style of composition, and to the cultivation of a taste for polite literature. The coned of study will embrace every branch of education. A limited number of pupils admitted Into the family. Their religiod eat moral training is under the special care of Moe Reed, who has bad 011101 years experienite, and deference will is pal to the fee li ngs and wishes of their parents in these matters. The health Cod comfort of the young ladles Is also carefully attended to by her. Weekly boarding pupil., from Monday till Friday, re,. dived at proportionate rites A week s' vacation at Christmas and at Baster. TERMS. Payable bag to advance, and hilt at the expiration of tire montho.)! Per tuition 112 the regular enures or study 5100 00 N. B.—A. Junior class 'MUNI fanned. Grrmaa, ILlpaulsh, Itsltan, sad other languaos, Aldo. sic, (total tad lestruntstatal,) Drawing awl Pa ( iatiajoitty all and watsr coletl,) at Protestors , charge.. Übe of Plano, per scam, 20 00 Warp Guitar, Per Boarding Washing at 60 cents per dozen. Each boarding pupil is required to_bring her own tow. ale, silver fork and spoon. Pew rent at east _ TISTIhIONIALEI It &Gorda me pleesure to state that Mr. J. J. Reed is recommended by official testimonials of distinguished gentlemen itt London. From personal acquaintance with him ; I GU most cheerfully recommend him 'as an ac-f complished scholar and gentleman to the confidence o the public. A. CONVERSE. The subscriber tetra great pleasure in uniting with Dr. Convene In the above recommendation. from per sonal l apualntance with Mr. Reed, u well as from lA. distin she d testimonials, lam confident of his emi nent a Mies as a gentleman and scholar. • , • ousnLks WADSWORTH. We are happy to bear that J. Reed, a gen tleman of considerable literary attainments, and who has contributed to Graham's many excellent sketches of eminent pereone,_hu re-opened his Inatitute for Young 'Ladle., at 1523 Walnut street, one or the most admira ble localities in the city. Mn . Rood is a lady who has had many years' experience is tuition, and bean a high reputation formats' in training her pupil., both mo rally and mentally. Mn Reed, from his knowledge of European languages, and from having graduated in the brit colleges in knead, Impute the advantages of the best European systems of education; and particular at tention is paid to the study of English Composition and Polite Literature. We would lay some stress on this latter fact, since general literary information and sui tor*, th o ugh by tar the moat distingniehlng signs of in telligence and refined education, are, on the whole, far more neglected in most schools and college. then any other branches—Editor of Graham's illagatiu for July, 1861, p. 81. REFERENCES Henry Vetliake, LL. D., Provost of the University of Penneylvenla. John 1. Preset., LL. D., Professor of the Physical Sciences In ditto. Ueorte Alien, LL. D , Professor of Ancient Lan guages In ditto. non. Wildiein M. Meredith. Col. John NY. Manley, editor of TA. Press. Cherie' G. Leland, Esq., editor of Graham's Maga zine. Rev. William B. Mimeos, D. D., Rector of Bt. An draw's. Rey. AMU/ Converse, D. D., editor of the Christian Ohs/seer. Bev. Chyle' Wadsworth, D.D., Arch-street Preeby , Grimm Church. Joseph L. Keen, Eeq., West Philadelphia. Thomas 8. Taylor, Esq., West Philadelphia. Jyl-1m BRYANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OF NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGEB. Phi ladelphia College, BonMotet alma SEVENTH and OLIESTNIIT Streets. Poe Information, call or send for circular. 10141.tf fiktITTENDEN" , rHI 4.,ADE Li' 11 IA NJ oommtHANAL OOLLEOII, sorthout comer of OHLSTRIT and BEVIIDITII fltnota. An Institution designed to At goring men for AO VIVI The whole build/14 . W odenpled, sad fitted up In a Ilo ia ro=e l ;l l 47o t n hi f:f the h co e nstl d ng in h lm• BOARD OP TRUEITEri. B. D. Coneys, Felines Deakins, George 11. &tout, David Milne, John Bparbawk, David 8. Brown, haze Backer, A. V Parsons, D. B. Milkman, Frederick Brown, Joshua L ppineott. 6148A1 LONG'S SPRING GARDEN AOADER N. N. eontor MOUTH &rid BUTTONWOOD Rs COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT.—Book-keeping In all lia Minus forms; preparing Rtudentsthoronghip for situations in £by branch of bulimia; Plain and Orna mental Writing; Commercial Calonhilne; Law and Oar. reepondenos. No institution In the United States ghee • more Among.% and maks/ course. In WI depar t . mint no teach ing Is dons in chases, and is opens DAY and EVENING Time unlimited. IdATILIIMATIOLL CLASSICAL DEPART fdlifil.r.(B.parata from the obeys) Young Min and Boys are prevail& for any grade of an lenglimit mod OW. deal Education, rls : Spelllog. Readleig, Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy; An, Anoint and Modern Langmuir., with all the Idgh.r Collegiate Bhlies, Session Of 6 months swimmer' Sept...mbar lit, sod ribmary lit. Pupil. robeired at any time be fore or after these data. and charged accordingly. Oats logues fmnilihed gratis. mh2b4f P. DONLILLITY LONG. Principal. JOHN H. BELL, TIMM Or MITIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, M=33CM=l COMMERCIAL COLLIN!. S. E. oorner NY/NTH and CHESTNUT Streets Carpttings CARPETINGS. AUBURN TITRES-PLY, SUPERFINE AND VENETIAN CARPETING, MANOUCTUAID AT JOSIATI BARBER, with other important makes, of all grades, now In store and for solo by Bois A °SSTS in this cite, ATWOOD, RALSTON it CO., 593 MARKET SCSI CARPETS. • We will commeace TO•DLY CLOSING our Out entire Spring Stock of vursT AND BRUBBNLA OARPNTINGO, £1 GREATLY REDUCED PRIORS. DAILY & BROTHER, No. 920 CHESTNUT Street. Pnretuuers will plum earl and alamine ma large essortment. tp29-tf TAPESTRY QARPETS.—JUST OPEN ED, • lugs lot or superior Tapestry Osqets, to to sold id a low pried. DAILY it BROTHER GASH CARPET STORE, 920 OHEBTNIIT Bt. SUPERB THREE-PLY OARPE T A fresh wortment of Dow p*Herns, at Muted plass, a% DAILY & BROTHER'S, OALLI HARM STORE, 920 WIESTNLIT RED ROOM DARPRTS.-10,000 YDS. ILI , of superior Tuvalu and Three-ply Oarpeta, of the boat matte any styles, at all prices, from 60 mute to 11.26 per Yazd. GAILY & BROTHER, mhBI•KK No. 020 CHESTNUT Street. BIT HEAVYBRUSSELS. —A LARGE lot of now patter= In twat, elute otylea, at low OHM. BLILY & BROTHER, CHEAP CARPET STOE, 9O CHESTNUT St Otioinces Qraroo 0. THOMPSON AND G. M. CONAN,- • ROE, OONVEYANOERM. ONO.M. °MARRON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I P 6 -T No. 938 ARON street. below Tenth. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY A LAW, Bonehead Ckonier at RIGHTS and LO CUST Unite, Philadelphia. aul-ly /VARIES TRU, COMMISSION MEN- N..../ CHANT and Importer of lIAVANA lINGADA, (New) llla Walnut street. wood story. 101.17 REMOVAL.- 0. 1•W011TT HAIR CUTTER AND WM MAKER, Hai remoTed to 1026 CHESTNUT street, four doom be. low zuvpwru. M TER BTRO USE, ATTORNEY AT kUL LAW. OINTIIIII stmt. Pottnille. Ps. an44l etatunterm BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer sad Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, Is pre pared it all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every ription, imitable for Banks, Publlo Offices, Marche others, of the but quality of English or Amer( er, and bound In Tatham styles, In the most subetara manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatneu and despatch. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Ilogan's oontribirilon to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say -j , This display of blank boots for !making and mercantile use is the best In the Exhibition. The selection of the material to good, the workmanship most excellent, and their lintels .end ap pearanea cent and amtroprkto k20.11 JAURETOHE & CARSTAIHS, No. 202 sod 201 Muth P BON T Street, offer for sale tle lot lowlng (foods, of their own importation: COGNAC BRANDIES, of the brands of "Gloria," 44 Pinot Castlllon,” Martell, Central Vineyard, &c., &c. ROCIIELLE BR ANDY, of the brands of A. Beignotto and J. Raataan. BORDEAUX BRANDY, J. Z. Dupuy brand. CLARET, in casks and case', of the brands of Bt. Ja Hen, Margo's, Haut, Brion, &o. CHAMPAGNE, of the brands of 4 . Cremede Booty,' Lalleinand, Queen Victoria, Violet, Ducal Grape, Cor don, R oyai, Ay Impel-41, arc. &e. ASSYNTIIii, of very superior quality. Also, fol. which they are sole agents In Philadelphia Gunk= tiardluea, Latour Olive OIL Chenilsal Sperm Candle., lit, Martin Bay Rum, and Port Wino of various favorite brand.. jyl7-11t* 111,11AOKEREL.-1,800 barrels Nos. 1,2, and Ivl 8 MACKYRKL, is auorted paekagu, now 'sabre sod for Bale by JOHN 4. HINNNDY & CO., so Mr Nnr. 140 and IR2 Nnrtb LOFT CRUD' TURPENTINE.—Just re. 1., calved a small lot of Soft Crude Turpentine, of good quality, and for sale by WEAVER, EULER h CO., 17116 No. 23 N. WATER St., and 22 N. WEAR TRB 7 EIOULDERS.-60 hbds. Shoulders, dry in L salt, for sale by 0. 0. SADLER & CO., 0 Neltil WAT7II Most. insurance Compcfnies; CITY INSURANCE. COMPANY, No. 110 South FOURTH Street. • • - CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital 8200,000. Organized 1861. Privileged to Insure Houses, annually or perpetually; Personal Property, anunally, or for a lose period; take Marine, Inland, and Lire insurance Rieke i receive Do. posits; hold Trusts and grant annuities - ALPRED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. MARVIN, Secretary. DIAZOTORS. Alfred Weeks, Hon. W. D. Kelley ; B. 0. T_y ler , J. W. Forney, J. W. Sender, P. B. Mingle, C. K. Picking, Janes Wateon, J. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthews, J. W. Stokes, W illiam Curtis, JelB-ly G. F. wren. VORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COH- N/ PANT, No. 831 WALNUT Ptreet, Philadelphia. MUSTERED CAPITAL 1500.0011—PAID UP CAPI• TAL 1360,000. - Thus Company haring been recently REORGANIZED, and its actual Capital largely increased, respectfully solleita a share of the patronage , of Insurers. Fire and Marine Policies will be Issue. , at equitable rates of pre. mlum, and lossea liberally adjuatod and prdtoptly paid. DIREOTORS : William 31 Godwin, S. R. Crawford, James W. Queen, Jno. L. Redrier, George W. Ball, - William D. Thomas, D. Franklin Jackson, 8. N. Winslow, J. G. Hopper, Henry D. Mears. WM. M. GODWIN, President. J. 0. Norris, Beireteei. milO•dtf LIFE LNSURANOE AND TRUST COM PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIPS INBURANO3 COMPANY. Northeut Corner of THIRD and DollON. ntreeta. Capital, $612,725.08. INSURES LIVES for short terms,or for the whole term of life— ts gran Inanities and endoemente—pur• chases life interests in Real Estate and make. all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Exeentors, Administrator', Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. Vll7llllll. Daniel L. Miller, Eisunnel B. Blokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard B. Newbold, Junta B. McFarland, William P. hacker, Joeoph 11. Trotter, William 11. Kern, „ James Ruston, Samuel 0. Duey, °Tbeophilna Panldbg, Oharlee 'lanolin'', Zdmund A Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. lintel Wo n/ Rodo phoe Rent, . John W. llornor, Willi am 11. Oarr, Mlle 8. Archer, Zdward T. Mott;. Samuel J. °bristles', William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner K. Rubs, John G. Brenner, P. B. Wain, Rasta°. DANIJIL L. MILLIS, Prodded. SAMUEL Z. STOKES, Via Presit. Join W. Iloilo*. Burster,. nl5-17 TRE QUAKER OITY INSURANCE OOMPANY.—Ocoee 401 WALNUT Eitteet, PUMA. DYLPIIIA. CAPITAL SURPLUS $277,033.85. Inectse avocet lose or damage by FIRE end the PERU'S of the 811 A, INLAND NAVIGATION And TRANSPORTATION. Tee per cent. in rash returned on the earned Fe name of Open Inland Policies. 01,108E8. GEORGE H. HART—President. X. P. RoBB—Vice President. H. B. 00008HALL-Beormary and Treasures. 8. H. UTlLES—Asilstant Smeary. Drasoroas. George 11. Hart, Joseph Edwards, E. P. Bou t loiter 8. Perkins, A G. Cation; Charles G. Imlay, Andrew B. Chambers, Samuel Jones, M. D., E. W. Bailey, Hon. II U. Ycalm,i John G. Dale, 11. R. Gemlike'', John L. Pomeroy. H. B. 0000 SHALL. Secretary. AROTIO FIRE IRSURANOE 001trik- NY, NOW YORK.—Odlce, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanise Bank—Ouh Capital, 5250,000, with • surplus'. Thls Company Imams Buildings, Mer chandise, Ynnilteur, Vessels In port and their Cargoes, and otter property, against Loos or Damage by lire and the Blau of Wand IhrOgation. DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Urns H. Craves, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Darts, lidmand Penfold O. H. Lilienthal, Hanson K. Corning, Mao. Polhemus, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Mishit N. Morgan Thomas Monson, Abm. K. Yen Nest, .101 in H. lark, William A. Oarg, Albert Ward, , Thomas O. Nelson, Charles Raton, James W. Phillip, Lords Lornt, Charles A. Macy, Samuel G.Glldden, Ildward Hinoken, Bteph. 01=111.144, Wm. I. Shepard; Thomas Batt, Charles L. Prot, John Ward, Lothrop L. Sturges, Henry K. Bogert, William R. /meek, Peter Ode,, Ornery Thayer Benja m in H. Field, Geo. breatteldt. A. R. Prothinghaml Talmo° Taylor, Thos. I. Yuan% Henry Z. Blossom. Samuel L. letchell, ALBrar WARD, President. RmitAnn A. 01ILIT,Bearetary. an 10.17 COMMONWEALTH PISA INSUELUIOII COMPANY 01/ m STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. OPPICE, NORTIIWEST CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT ETRENTS" PRILADALtBII. Sabsaribed Oapital, $600,000. Paid op Capital, $200.000 /11110101 a. Dr. D. Japisi Thos. 8. Mann, 11. L. Benner, J. M. Butler, J. M. Millet], J. H. Welker, Raw. 0. Knight M. R. Wendell, IL 11.1"18' Jr. B. Houle. AVID ILTIMI, M. D. Pre,Merit, THOMAS 8. BIIILLIIT, VW. Prosn. BAXVIIL B. Hoe, Brerretery. . Ja29-7 r k ELA " ARE MUTUAL bArlaY IN SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY TUE LEGISLATURE of PENN- SYLVANIA, 1836. 011110.1, S. I. Horner THIRD and WALNUT Stmt.. PHILADIII.3IIIA. MARINE INSURANCE, ON 9111811L8, 0 ARGO, iTo all parts of the World. 111.111011 T, INLA D INSURANCES, On Nob, by 'Um, Canals, Lake . and Load Cortina to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merohandiso generally. On Stores, Dwelling Homo, &o. LIDIRTIS 01 TIM OOMPANT, Novembor RR,, 1861. Bond,, Mortgages, and Real /Mato. 1101,860 94 Philadelphia Olty.usid other Loam. 187,011 26 Stock In Sago, Railroads, and Insurance Companies 12,609 00 Bills Rooeloablo 220,291 96 Ouh on band 88,899 ea Balance in hands of Agents, Premiums on Marine Policies recently Dotted, on other debts doe the Company 92,780 67 Subscription Notes 100,000 00 William Martin, JAM' 0. Hand, , Joseph H. Beal, Theophilos Parding, Edmond A. Bonder, James Trunsir, John 0. Davis, William Eyre, Jr., John R. Pinnate, J. P. Peniston, George G. helper, Joshua P. Eyre, Edward Darlington, Samuel E. Btokee, Dr. R. M. Huston, Henry Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, James B MOlParland, Hugh Craig, Thomu 0. Hand Spencer Mollvain; Robert Burton, Jr., Oharlee Holly, Jon. B. Semple, Pittabgh., H. Jona Ilrooks,‘ Dr. T. Morgan, Jacob Jaeob I'. Jones, I. T. Logan ' I' WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS 0. HAND, Vine President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. Jao-Y , c , a , STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON ER Y, without delay. for ED dollars. Return tickets, good for mix months, to either of the above places by any steamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trip, out and back. 71110 X NSW TOlt. New York, McMillan, Saturday, July 10, at 12 o'clock, 15, Edinburgh, Oumming, .71111 ,‘ • Glasgow, Goodwin, " Anon; of ?SOX GLASGOW. Xatinburgh. Gumming Saturday, June N. Glasgow, Goodwin Saturday, July 10. New York, McMillan Wednesday, August 11, RATES OP PABBAUB. ram arreusow. First Olass 115 value Steerage, found wit/ cooked provisions 6 II 11.01 111 Toll. Kilt WWI Steerage, found with cooked 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fare; Infante In Steerage, free. Return tickets &reliable within six months, by any steamer of this line. Pint Ohms 8140 00 Steerage 160 00 An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For freight or wane apply to WORKMAN is CO., 126 WALNUT Street, Phlladel phis. ROBERT ORAN}, 11 Broadway, New York. MALL & LONNY, Boohanan'AWkarr,lialtimore, myll ARNOLD & WORL, FIRE 120 WALNUT Street. • FIRE AND INLAND RISKS .- FAILS INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital 1100,000. (Organised under the Act of Assembly relattr• to In annum Companion, passed April SI, 1100 ) GROBOR W. DAY, Pesoldent. THOMAS B. MARTIN, Vioe-President. WILLIA MS I. BLANOU &RD, Secretary. Office 411 011EPITNOT Bt., Philadelphia, DIREOTORg. George W. Day, Jacob K. Vaughan, Wlllhm W. Walteni, Henry Lewin Jr., Charles Richardson, D. B. fire Barclay Lippincott, John W. Amman, Joe. It. Brognard, A. U. Rosenholm, Chas. Stets'. Ml-] tl Item. Winn atat Liana ALEXANDRE SEIGNETTE BRANDY', The subscribers bare been appointed sole agents in the State of Pennsylvania for the above well-known ROCHELLE BRANDY, which they are prepared to offer to the trade at the lowest market price, from Uni ted Stales bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture. A constant supply on hand, in half, quarter, and one eighth pipes, dark and pale, JelB4 IDLES ROBIN it CO. COGNAO.—The 'subscribers, sole agents In the State of Penneylva nia for the above celebrated brand of COGNAC BRAN DY, beg to all the attention of the trade to Its superior quality, and feel confident it will compare favorably with the molt favorite brands In the market, ARNOLD A. WORL, 120 WALNUT Street. A constant supply of the above In the United Raise bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture, of ♦arteae vintages, In half, quarter, and eighth pipes jelgdf LAMBREY GRAPE-LEAF ORAM PAGNE. 3•11141 ARNOLD It WORL Sole Agent], 120 WALNUT Bireet SALMON, SHAD, ago.-20 tierces No. 1 Salmon • 18 bbli. do.; 60 bblo. prime Sea Shad; 2:10 bbli. Scale-6A; 180 bble Whltonlee, now In stole and for We by JOHN H. 11&N? EDY & 00., 180 %WI 182 North whine CLARET -126 OASES MARGAUX, 150 Cues BT. RAISIN, In quarts and pints, In store and for sale by - A. MERINO, eon 110 Routh FRONT Rona BRANDIES. - 16 Pinot Outillon," Montt, .ILI and other Cognacs of mime vintages, In halt pipes and quarter nuke• Pellevolsln Rochelle Bnuales, We and dark, In half pipes, half cuts, and otte-elghth auks. Imported and for sale by 112NRY BOHLEN & 00., odd 221 and .223 South /north street C. l I . N LE y WIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER wr p lC h ßa d T h O i lla, OIGABB, ke., 80 Bonth PIITII N Itru and-1y CORDIALS. -ANISETTE, OURAOOA, and MARABOIIINO, in store and for We by noit9 140 It PRONT 81. pH 1 L ADE LPHIA WARMING AND . 1 1. VVITILATING IVAREIIOI7BE. LIINOLD Sr, WILSON, 1111300E580115 TO I. ♦ HARBISON . . We have removed from our old stand In Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few door. below the St. Lawrenee lintel, where our old friend. and the public are respectfully invited to examine oar extensive stook of Warm Air Furnaces, Cooking Reno', Bath Boilers, Registers, Enamele d S t one Mantels, Parlor Coal Orate., he. &o. We are now manufaeturing OLIILSOWS CELNI(RATED PAT ENT NEW 00AL OAS 00N8U511NO FURNACE, the most powerful and economical Metter aver Invented, and suited to all Muses of buildings. Also, new and beautiful patterns of Low Down Orates, and Parlor Coal Orate' of all sires and patterns. We have also commenced the manufseture of ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn sylvania Sim. These Mantel were awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at the Mu Mr and Exhi- Mime of see P/anklin Institute of this city. They represent all the rare ant beautiful MIMI MAMILIIB, are not Injured by Smoke, Coal Oas, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Retail, at math hss prise than Marble. Call and see them. ARN PELTWELL, Superint OL enDden WILSON,t. Philadelphia, April, Diall—er,24 ly ffEIDSIEOII CHAMPAGNE.-PIPER'S lIKIDSIEOIC. genuine brand, constantly on band, misled from sole Importers, and for sale bj A it HMO, Bole Agent In this Ott7, .40 linnfit fltred HERRINGS -800 bble. NO. I PICKLED During; 800 bble extra Newfoundland ditto 120 bble Potornao dry ulted ditto, now In atom and for Web,y JNO. M. KENNEDY & 00 14141 1 0 azul 114 N. WWY iI. Obtll4M4l. • STEAM TO 'ALL 'PARTS - OF • GREAT BRITAIN —The. shortest sea pas , age between a !aerial% and Europe.—NEW YORE to GALWAY,' Ireland. • • • Only 16 hours' travel, Including four home eec pas sage, from Galway to Londoh, via liolyhead. The line wnl consist of etc powerful paddle-wheel Itteatnahlpe. The fir t two are now running its follows: INDIAN EMPIRE will leave New York /friday, July 23. ADIERIOAN IthIPIHE will leave Galway Tuesday, July 27. AMERICAN EMPIRE will leave New York on or about August 17. The aplendid alasmable INDIAN EMPIRE A E. COURTS/Ir, Commander, will posit( rely leave New York, for Galway, FRIDAY, July 231.1. This ship has cplendld accommodations for first, second, and third class passengers, who will be taken through to any part of Great Britain nt the following greatly reduced rates, including a liberal cabin table, and provlelone for third clans parsengera to G : First class $lO Second class ao Thltd class 30 Passengers for Germany, &e , will have free tickets to London or Hull, from whence atesmare are constantly leaving for Homburg, Amsterdam, and other porta. Freight delivered in Galway and Dublin. Specie and valuable packages delivered also in Liverpool, Man. Chester, and London, at reasonable rate.. For psokage, freight, and further particulars, apply to . WILLIAM A. BALE & CO., jy194.422 No. 46 SOUTII Street, New York. WAtNTED—Throo good VESSELS, of 250 and 800 tons to load ill the Gulf, Also, one of about ' B5O tons capacity, of light draft of water. Immediate despatch and good rata of freight givon. Apply to BIBIIOP, SIMONS, & CO., 120 NORTII- WHARVES gatWANTED --A. first-clam . VESSEL, of 80001,000 toils capacity, to load for a port In the Punk+. Cargo now ready, and fair freight will be paid. Apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO. 120 NORTH WHARVES WANTED—A. good VESSEL, to load In the Louisiana Line, for New Orleans. Lae despatch and good rates given. AppApply to BISHOP, BIHONS, & 00, 120 NORTH WHARVES. NOTIOE:—The OITY OF ,?<l;* IVASIIINGTON advertised to Ball on 11 t RSDAY, July .11th, having boon detained to can 7 the United States malls, will sail on SATURDAY, July 17th, at noon precisely. • . • 103 JOUN 0. DALE Agent, 100 WALNUT Street. d iki r FOR SAN FR • r Ippsß,, OP THURSDAY, 16th July Inst.—towns? rsree, AND Np D The superior A 1 Clipper Ship WANDBR!NG JEW, BrAcitror. Oommander, Is now receiving her cargo, at Pier 20, /I. R., (New Tork,) and will poritlvely nil' as above. The Wandortng Jew wea built for the California Trade, 111 tbroughly ventilated, and of small capacity; bee just made the voyage In 84 days from 'Amoy to Havana, being the shorted pangs ever mode between those ports. The superior sailing qualitlea of this ship, her small capacity, low rates 61' freight, and early day of nailing , present unequalled inducementa. for balance of freight apply td BISHOP, SIMONS, it 120 NORTH WHARVES STEAM TO LIVERPOOL AND GLAS OM, DUBLIN, BELFAST, end LONDONDERRY, "A LIVERPOOL. ' - • THE LIVERPOOL ASO PHILADELPHIA STEAM- EtTIIP C 0.41 Clydwbullt Iron Steamatilps an Intended to mall na follow, : TROY Ralf ToRI. CITY OF BALTIMORE Thursday, July Ist, CITY OF Vi'ABRINGTON/I nth. KANGAROO II II 29th, And each alternate Thursday, from Pier 44 N. R. 1/6011 LITERPoOL. CITY OP WARRINGTON KANGAROO Wednesday, Ju lylth.ne 23d. CITY OP BALTIMORE I Ju f Is 21.1 And each alternate Wednesday. Osbln Passage from New York and Philadelphia... 476 Thiel Class to any of the above-mentioned places and found In beet cooked Provisio. 30 Return Tickets good for 6 months 60 Oerti9cates of Puma from Liverpool to New York or Philadelphia 40 ' , mangers forwarded to Ilavre, Patio, Bremen, Ham. burg, Be., without delay at through rates. The Company's Eteamahip BOEIP11010:113 will Nall regularly between Antwqand Liverpool, In connection with the departuree fo rew York, taking good. from Antwerp to New. York, a through rats of freight. Cartificatee of Passage from Antwerp to New York Drafts on Liverpool from .4,1 upwards. For freight or passage, apply at the Company's Oflees, 16 BROADWAY, New York, and 109 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. r JOHN O. DALE, Agent. O je22 62 and 63 WILLIAM INMAN Tower Building, Liver ,poOl. LIVERPOOL AND PHILA DELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Steam communication between New York and Ant. warp, via Liverpool. The splendid fast screweteamehip BOSPHORUS, Captain ftitGuigan, (lately employed In the Royal Mall serviea) will sail regularly between Antwerp and Liver. pool every alternate THURSDAY,' in connection with the company's steamships from Liverpool to New York. Goods for New York will be received and shipped by the Agents In .Antwerp, and bills of lading signed there at a through rate of freight. The first sailing from Antwerp will be ou the 11th of June, In conjunction with the CITY OF WASHING. TON from Liverpool, on June 23. For further particulars and terms of freight and ma nge, apply to J. P. Kreuter dr Co., Antwerp; William Inman, Lower Building., Liverpool, and at the Com. pony's (Mem, IS Droadway, New York, and 109 Walnut street, Philadelphia. je9l.lm A g it , REGULAR LINE FOR PROVI „Sk+IMADENOE.--Schooner WORCESTER, RlieDIS blaster, now loading at Callowhill-street Wharf. For freight, apply to Oaptatn, on board, or to • ;NO. M. KENNEDY a CO., je2l 130 and 132 NORTH WEARVEB. FOR CHALESTON L VANN kII -lINR R ON.B LINE.ABC SA -010-.8 RBODIVDDAIID BILLS OP LADING SIGNED r== Theßglendid fhit-olses Bide-wheel Steamships HEY TONI) STATE Bad STATE OP GEORGIA, Now form s weekly line for the South and Southwest, one of these ships selling every SATURDAY at 10 o'clock A. It., altornatily for Okarloaton and Ba nanal. FOR 011111138 TON, The I[II4BTONE STATE, Captain Marisa P. Marsh man, will coromenoe loadbg on Thursday, July 224, and aall for Oharlsiton, 8. U. on - ilaturint, July 24th, at 10 &cloak A M. lON SAVANNAH The OTATE 07 GEORGIA, Cept. John J. Garvin. will amniona loading on Thursday, July 27ib, and sail for Savannah, Gs., on Saturday, July alit, at 10' o'clock A M. At both Chez'eaten and Savannah, these ships e onnest with steamers for florid* and Homo*, and with rail roads, &e., for all ni!naeLst the South and Southwest. PRBIGHTB REDUCED Heavy freight at an average one per cent. below New York steamship rates. IHRORANON. FREIGHT and FM:MANUS on a large proportion of goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing mule. Cabin passage 520 00 Steerage do 8 00 Szourelon Volute, good for the present year. 80 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship bas Poe freight or pump, apply to A. ENRON, Jr., • No. 828 (late 81) North Wharves!. Agents at Charleeton, T. B. & T. G. BUDD. Agents in Savannah, O. A. GREINER & 00. /for Florida, from CharlostOn, steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. For Florida, from Savannah , steamers ST. MARTS and ST. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Baturday. For Havana from Charleston, steamer ISABEL, on the 4th and 18 th of every month. T 02,786 81 ;E BRITISH NO' TR AMERIOAN ROYAL MAIL BTILUISHIYB. _ .. I,IOIIIIIIW TO= TO LITTIPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage Beeon4 Cable Peerage 7201 BOSTON TO LIURPOOL . .. . . .. ~ Ohlef Cabin renege $llO Second Cabin Passage 00 Tki skip from Bolton roll at Italifax. PIRSIA, Capt. Judklne. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Oapt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Oapt.Wickman ASIA, Capt. R. G. Lott. NIAGARA Oept. Artie. IttGl AFRICA, Oapt. Shannon. OPA, bapt. J. Leitch. These vouels carry a clear white light at mut-head I green on starboard bow; red en port bow. ATRIOA, Shannon, leaved Nlfork,Wednesday, June 9th iddERIIIA Moodie, ll Banton Wednesday, Jane 16. ASIA, Lott ll N York ,' Wednesday June glid CANADA, Lang, sl Boston, Wednesday, JULIO 30 PERSIA, Junin', I , N York, Wednesday July e NIAGARA, Wickman, , l Boston, Wednesday, July 14. AFRICA, Shannon, , l N York, Wednesday, July , SI Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surge Go on lvarkl. The owners of these Ships will net be mountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie Jewelry, PIIIOIOUI Stone, or Metals, unlesselits of lading are signed th erefor and the ealuetherem: t ii en a: premed. /or frsightors ts sit sappyy to my 10-y B. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. iflatbintrg anti iron. µMOIL T. 111111110 i M=Ul=ll QOITFHWARIC FOUNDRY, /ISM AND WA/MINE/TON SPURTS, PEIL/DILPHIA. NERRIOIC & SONS, INGINBIIiII AND ILIONINIIITS, manufseture nigh and Low Primus Steam Jingoism, foe Land, G Elver, and Marine service. Boilers, uometere, Tank', Iron Boats, &e., Dalt- Inge of all klub, either Iron or Erase. Iron frame roan for Gu Work', Workshops, Railroad Stations, ke. Retorts and Cu Machinery of the Intuit and most Improved construction. Every deaeriptlon of Plantation ronehinery, snob as Sugar. Saw, and arid Mille, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Detonators, Filters Pl:pimping Engines, ito. Sole Agents for N. Itillieuste Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Nurnythts Patent Steam Hemmer; J. P. Bose' Patent Valve Motion for Bleat Machinery and Steam Pumps. Saperintendent—B. H. BABTOL , Proof Safes SA T.AMA WDER SAFES. A loge assortment of SVANS & WATSON'S IRILADELPRIA MANUFACTVRSD OLLANANDSR SAFES, VAULT IfOoDA, for Banks and Storm BANE LOCKS, Squid to my now lo use. IRON DOORS, SHOT 1 . 11118, On u good tarns IPA any other establishment in US United States, by *VANS st. WATSON, NO. 25 South FOURTH street Philadelphia. *O RA/ PLIAS' 61P71 TM A MIL fIoMPOSITF, IROI4 RAILING.—T. L. LIiFLEFINLD, No. 29 N. Snail Street, Sole H agent for utchineon Wicketibam'a celebrated OOMPOSITN RAILINGS, would call attention to his new patterns of Iron Railing, Verandah., Balconies Oarriage and Farm Gatee L tiummer Nonni, ko., ke., and he is oonident they Will 11. foom.l the beet artielel K tin k La tq wxlo, si4/149.0 NOTICE:.IioRTH For; PENN - SYLY ANIA RAIL; OAD . 0 AN E 15 - F . HOODS. On' and after MONDAY, July 20th 1868, the .Trains on thin Road will leave Front and Willovr streets daily. (foilorieseepted,) to follows FOrßethlehem, Eseten, foe., at. .. . . ......8.15 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown and Mauch ()hunk, at 280 P. M. Per Doylestown, at 880 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. For Port Washingten, at. t .9.2e A. NI. and 0.80 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem, at.. 9 00 A. M. and 3.241 P. ki. Leave Doylestown, at 800 A. M. and 4.00 P. M. Leave Fort Washington. at..6.1b A. ht. and LBO P. IC No change in Sunday Trains. All Passenger Trains connect at Chatham street with City Passermiknailway. jar' The A.M. Train from Philadelphia, and the 6.30 P. o M% rain from "Bethlehem ' will make olose connections with Easton, and with fhoNevrlersev Cen tral Railroad. • XL,LIS CLARK, Iy2l-4t Agent. PHILADELPHIA; OERMANTOW AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD.--SUMMRR ARRANOBISONT.—On and after MO ND AY , M&7 1868. ' • won GISIGLOTOWN, . TOW@ 'Philadelphia at og, 7 ,8, 946 min., 10,11 g, A. M.,1, 2,8, 4, 6,8,1, 6, 10, and 111( P.ll. Leave Germantown at 8, 7;7.)(1,1, 0,9 g , 10g, 11g, A H. 1.10 min., 2, BX, BX, 8, 9 : 40 min., and Th• 7g o'clock A. Et, Train trtim Germantown wwwlllLLL stop only at Wayne and Voga Streets Stations. ON Leave 21 Philadelphia a SUNDAYS, P. t 9.90 min. A. ~ 2,6 g, mid 8 IL Leave Germantown 8g A. id 9 140 min'l 4g and/. • P. M. oingsTmyr nub 11.ArL110AD. Leave Philadelphia at 6X, 8, 9.05 min ,UX A. M., 2,3, 4,6, 8, 10 P. Si. Li3are Chestnut Hill at 6 40 'and 7.85, 9.10, and 10.10 min. A. M., 12.50, 8.10, 4.10, 6.10, 7.40, and 9.20 min P. M. • ON SUNDAYS. LIM Philadelphia, 9.20 A. id., 9,6,1 i, and 8 P. M. • Leave .ohestnut Hill at 9.10 min A. M., 12:60 4.10 0.40 P. PA NOR 00118HOHOOKIN AND NORRISTOWN. Loire Ph 116844810 at 816 9 1 11 A. M., 1.06 8.10 mkt.. 4%, 0%. 11X P. M. WY. Norristoyrn at 0,7, 7, 11 A. 111., and ON lAava Philadelphia at 9 A. Id., and 8 P. M. Leave Norristown at TA. M. and SP. M. FOR mANAirtna. Leave Philadelphia at 6 IN .9,11 A. h 1.1.06 mut., 2.051111 A., aiu min., ex,BX,6X, UM P. Leave Mangier* atax,./xiex, ex, 11)i A. M., 1E 4 4, OX, Toad P'P:M. • Sundays same aa Norristown. 0 TER VALLIT RAILROAD nit DOWNTEG. OWN. Leave Philadelphia at T GM A. M., and 8.10 min. P.M. Liars Downingtown at 7.11 A. M and IP. M. , 11. R. SMITH, General Superintendent,. Depot, Ninth and Omen streets. Philadelphia. 185153 A j 8 5 8 FROM PnILADELPIINA TO .prr mount, And thenoe by Railroad. to WHEELING, BT. LOUIS, STEUBENVILLE, CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI OHIOAOO, urineviLea" BURLINGTON, INDIANAPoLUI, • ST. PAULA,: And all intermediate points in OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, MUNITION'', 1110111- CAN, WISCONSIN, MINNEBOTA,MISSOURI, KANSAS AND NBDIUSKA. Passengers to polnts,weet of Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Cleveland and Orentluse, have choice of routes, and ere requested to make • selection before applying for tick ets. • THREE THROUGH TRAINS LEAVE PHILADEL PIM DAILY, FOtmlng close connections at Pittsburgh to all points West. On and after MONDAY, May 10th, 1808, Three thrOngh, and Two accommodation trains, will leave the depot, S. N. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, as follows : TllllB TON PITT/BOSON AND 005 wear LIATI. Mall Irateat....l 80 A. M. Put line 100 noon. Expreaa eight. RAT TRAINS LIND. Harrisburg as &mimesis:tun 3.00 P. M. Lancaster " 6.00 P. M. The mall train stops ate delphla and Ptttabnrgb. The Express mail rum dilly, the other trains Sunday excepted. The cars leer" the Pennsylviala Railroad Perim:neer Station, southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET street', entrance on Eleventh street, where through tickets to all points West can be obtained. • . Baggage will be received at the Depot at any time dn. ring the day. No charge for handling baggage. For farther Information, apply at the Depot of :he Pennsylvania Railroad, Company, southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets, latweenthe hours of 7 A. 11. and 11P. M. • THOMAS MOORE, my 10 Agent Penn'a Railroad 00. BLANCIARD HOUSE ,—BROADWAY and TWELVTR Street, New York, ro•opened, elegantly famished with every modern improvement. The location is reclaimable and healthy. g nu rooms are large and wel ventilated. Meals served at all hours; and *Nil attention pald to the comfort Of groats. - Transient boned *2 per day. Per manent board at lower rate,. The whole under the management ot 0 J, MLOLOLe• LAN, (late of the United States lista, Philadslphia,) who respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and.the travelling vita.° 3ello-Stm MORN O. DALE, Agent JONES ROUSE, ) . HARRISBURG, Pc., (rected In mg. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. WELLS 00VERLY, Proprietor. WORRELL ROUSE, N. W. eor. THIRD and HARMONY 00011 T. Toe underalped takes plaunre In Informing his friends and Ahe pnbila at Imp, that be bee opened the above ESTABLISHMENT, and pledges himself to merit the patronage of Ids patrons, every artio!e In of lupe nor wally, huh! been saluted without regard to pricy2 l.Bm e. 0 WORRELL, Proprietor. m ATIOHOLLS HOUSE,. L . AztraoPuN OPEN DAY AND NIoNT. 10.118 BOOTH EIGHTH BT., MOW 01188TNIII, vint.A.Dacrau. . . . Thte HOME is for Permanent and Transient Lodg ing. Every effort will be Made by the Proprietor, B. isitolioLLs, to give oatlifietloo to his Petrone. Thle establishment Is situated In the heart of the oity, oentre of business, and omorentent to all places of airossem en), The atereatittle and Travellhag Community will find it a dutiable plane for comfort dowdiness and *ono %eels halt ished at all hours.. Bing * Booms, 60 oenta pi night. By hI week $2.60 and upwards. mbl*tf M• .:+.:p HOSTS YOURTD &Novi Muni, PHILADELPITLA. aal4-11 MOEIHBIN & BONS. Plolll+llll4, M E kVn I g t removed .C 1 8 K t their G 0 50N 2, 7, 1307 0111:8Tri St re et , near e ll:e Iln w itod St r at n en u 3lln4% are prepared to offer to their friends nod the publio an extensive assortment of Grand, l'arlor.Ontrid, Square and Upright PIANO-FORTES, manufactured expressly for this city, finished In various styles of roue, sada; prices which cannot fall to please. Plano-fortes made to order, to cult any style of frirolture, and all lustre meats warranted to give enUre satisfaction to the put , . ehuer. °rand and Square Pianos to rent, upon the most fa vorable terms. Mears. O. & SONS hive reeetied Thlety-tooe MEDALS. The !vet PteMi=ll over au competitor" In the Dotted States. All orders for TUNING and REPAIRING will be promptly attended to. plAno FORTES. Jait received, au elegant stock of lid.l7liN, W. ON, 00., NU NB & CLARK , HALLEIT, DAVIS & 00. and GALS & 00.8 rIANOS. 8114.0 ORONO bodituankr, at J. N. GOULD'S, 8.1. norm ONVINTII And ONILVNUT mhl9l. ET6 00 .lIRBER YARD. ROUTE k 00., (Buotessors to Montgomery & d. W. orator of TWELPTB and PRIME Straits, Pblla., Old Moyamensing District, are now receiving a large sad well-seleeted assoetment of all deecriptlons at LUMBER, ouch as White Pine, Yellow Rae, Norway, hemlock, Lath, Pale', Plokete, Pence Boards, Ilooring, Chairing, and every variety a well.seasoned Lumber. Also, a largo stock.of Bill Stuff, of every variety and description, constantly , on hand and rowed to order et the shortest notice. . . Oar connection with Messrs. hlshstre'r, Bouts, & 00., and Duffy, Hoot., & 00., at Marlette, Pa., gives us un surpasied faeillties, and enables na to supply orders for all descriptions or Lumber with promptness and despatch. PIND-ORREIC LUMBER, soft and mellow, callable for PATTERN-MAKERS, &o , constantly on hand. Prompt puling purobiaers are respectfully . hatted to examine on stock heroes going elsewhere. ap2l-tf REM 'UMBER AT WHOLESALE AND HE . JLI. tall. at Marietta, Lancaster 000nty, Pa. MELIAPPEY; ROUTE, & 00 , take this method of Informing their customers and persons desirous of pur- Miming LUMBER, that they have now on hand a large acid welLsessoned stook of all desoriptiou of Lumber, which they are prepared to sell at satisfactory prices.' Their timber le all from their own MILLS on PINE CREEK. Theyare alsocounectednlth Maim DUSTY, HOUTZ, & 00., and are prepared to Walsh all kinds of Planed Boards, Bill Stuff, Lath Pelee, Picket', and Building Timber for Bridges, &e., of all description, on the shortest notice. They would oleo like great pleuure totalling the attention of Builders, and thole In want of Lumber lo the city of Philadelphia, to the Lumber Yard of HOUTZ & Co., corner of THBLPTH and PRIME Streets, with whom they aro also con. nected. BLINDS AND SHADES, OILNAP NOR OASII. B. .1. WILLIAMS, No. 18 NORTH SIXTII STARE; 111 the most extensive blannfaefarer o WINDOW BLINDS, And Dealer In WINDOW BIIAD7II, Of every variety. Ile hu a fine stook to be sold at Reduced Prins. BUFF, and all other Colors of Linen Shades, Trim mlngs, Yistaree, ete., Ske it. VAOIIIII.III zotaziow OILS, CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, &o. 1,200 gallons Winter Sperm 011. 810 gallon. No. 1 Winter Lord Qll. 5,000 gallon. Bleached Winter Whale Oil, 8,000 Relieve Light Racked Whale Oil. IMO boxes Chemical Olive Soap. OXI do Mine Soap. 400 do Brenta Bosp. 100 do New Bedford Sperm Candles. In store and for mile by R. W. POMEROY ALLEN, Late J. B. A. & B Allen, e 8 NO. 14 Reath DRLAWARSI A 'onto. CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.-GAS COKE, or atrellent quality, sold at the MUM PRIA GAS 'WORKS for the reduced price of are cents a huh.' and may b. obtained lu large or mall quell. thy by applying at the Gas Woo, No. 20 South IllitVEN TR Street. To pardoners by wholesale It Is sold at the Wort'', In Plat Ward. by the too, at a pries equivalent to ALothreolteid 82.60 per ton. .. (Pigned,) J. 0. OREESON, Ph!lad.tphls Ou Worko, Aug. 28, 17. an2T.tt BON". -100,000 Shin Bones, suitable for timbrelli and Button Makers, In store nod for sale by • • OROABPALR, & 104 NORTII IVIIATIVEB NREIGIIT FOR NOVA 800 T lA._ About 700 bblo bulk can be bad for u port In No. to Nootts. Apply to ;OUR M. RENN&DY & 00. 14118911T/IWRARVAII, =MIN ON IROWAYS, TLUU PIIOX PfITUUROU 4WD tail WAIT AMYL. Mall train at.. 11.00 night. Past Has 4.60 A. id Stxpreu null.. 1.10 11013111. ITAT TRAINS AMTS. Itirsieburg so oommodstlon.7,l6 P. M. Lane/atm is .9.60 4, M. the statiocui between Phil*. tiatelo anb Reatattrante piano Sottea. Zumber. STORE imeDra Painted to order REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO WE ETII.DY TO PLEASE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers