VONITERokigi,-Sitt BANK and_ 10 tialkawAsoy; bej - Keen s lifdlb K andcMfNUT areII3MOND 14.!(},NVOLKORT. AV0210)11111111. ?OtiPrldAY , lnly WA, at - 10 o'clock, bet -geoid by order of the - Sheriff,: at 'the sales - room,No. 4: Bank , and No. 10 . 'Strawberry - atreeteTru.gnuel essovtraaptio4 ;gent& piotbirl and furnirhituf _ . Able,-stopl ‘ M,pris s .f• : 864 45v WHITS IKON-BTONSWAhif. - ' On. Pride) , Morning,: ~, Oornmencimp at Iq,K_ 0 , ..1pek: F 6,4601 7 , win be sold, without reserve - - . " • • EU' SIX OELATN9 ' 'W.A.I4II-.4411 Oonsiatiog of Titbits frefirstoni Mire, withian Mort -11.0802 of colored and "common. ware, such as plates, dishes, bakers,. tea_ ,seta, &Maher meta, pitchers, bowls, &Mr • - r." - • ••• • • • • "GLAIISWAiK. Also, loblets; tlitriblers,:jamOrultlowis, preserve trY" May , be' examined early on. ti' kemorning of , We. ..„ Jr.;SCOTA .ALUOTI,ME.I I 4Imcymp: • mato WOM3NR7',* 1 100%) .P. l =WA; tamge ,°, - 01.01 , MBinte:Arto PAILEL&T.P.BIVATH PALE. Just laudial frosis4oolW 100 boxiVs olotliep plOr. . • 160 dozen palls: z --); also, Sktvrivata sale, an-,1a5 . 0150,0!,13w* 0601, - " Ales. a llas at Preach elle% ustattr- 30E MOVAL4,--lITAKES • , BAINLEY; & " 1 Wawa 'rolsayeatcitba L0ft!‘.140.,429 MAttICET Etreet, formerly:cc-mewl by loresere:"Craleb Coo& Co. ,FIWNXBB, jIMLBY; eOOl OTKCSS t BRINLEY . 8c CO., ; ~ ,1 4 . "I::teco.' OWILLIKUT t. 400 PCOOl$ 4 - 4 .*144 tr ~ R, -TI ow C)Ohl2n3KON:ltattilLictrn.,C,,l . :*its* BLlTlfilmiDAOSEtreebeid: • h•it'o;'4.-' • ' - AidfloliatODAT - 14,', Mo4l> ~1 MONsY,ti,j - bIONDT I I lifoday'llboAtliiltddedoed hilaYge am o l-ernotinte,: fromo tbAiiiibbffet ; driloldr dilTsC-1414 4 0 alunw- 4 °,44e 08 ; jewelryi-. 14, Mg ima,; janate4 Inetrnemn ; Ingyvotailles. eigaripbsetrinireiiintleryi.bookedboteedVrelidalee;haru nem, •sed edlifeltiet.imblie, lifriany4 length °Mime agreed on, at Nathass , PrisseipaJ , lll;stablisiment, southeast corner of Sixth and Dane fl 7 Pransiarody notes, with collatera4Abioortnted' et the anted inarlretritela :n iie•to VAT3IAIigfCTRIDOIDADAZATAIIfiffiIifiLINT4 .11.: IL OODNI;1111113.1.rt AND Biwa STD,III",;:f-; Snore nibletevidll be Ithebillsredrancod on gold and silver plebe, dlMMAidebrambiseje*elry, fowling ptedses,l dry 0 4 . 11 A, g;''44o34iariAlquorilif , warG;MOLitti , ran,,Suit ; al o / gracingei";Mitelee felt: _man -, ; lreddin rd g,, borgoo,"Teldedia", , ,441.eitlf 0 efAttlobie ovestui--cr- ~ 4 1. Y 4A-11/tl,l n7IOIUT.IXIOIO anarar..,T • V . Perikeittiiititaril* SOi igeUrdborMilde t mitbir" at prime dwelllege; - eforeicoe:ebieiolitiee; aind . emigre , TO g OBS' tWAlgillfqlllo/TURITABICSIDIN I A. Pemba' roI ' , dr 'having ;km; plies of :fariiitiiritedliffeie of ; will ltdo•tltelr orbi , 'lranian !,,y allipilhe stoio;touth • east ea-aef 0, sixth ibd. - "Rst4 .irerlUtbol PrffhoilY *fano' iii t mad *Ad the berifterliao ef- Itrlfebr• gOodifinfransit If require4MDl auf beaded oda 'the .rerimon of Dre, rifiele-/":-* - ' • Andlailjf db'l4lle.e*, - ,64 doxiiiii,,Nittax - iea,Th e opex,'"xituith, swim, and Yrendretefol2m4,•gold, ;)teld amide, gold breci-; lets ; everletf Of - fine slogs p•line titles;:sopext 914;7441t3,sievatiitrery Au* mlbAdimi end.Mdlnecons alter ortledoi;!. Mtn:in:n/1 IfAtltilla" , VAßX lOW TB 1038 : OtArPidDidi'lmteb% lefir tditlibee ; full jewelled' and xixiii,viviii64;ttititzt,4ii.jB , 9: a Pie' 'best gilder titp -jewelled and playa. of Ih9lidiet eitireired,indlorea. ' • Ooldedelguflerkt Miler arid DAM eritebee; awes anditter facer Arnie ; Very. beet Maio. , gold Orton dlliedi'oratcnea, swatches, with pearl anti Silver Vatohee, diamond lirdaaapine 64'1E20 iliga; gat braitle,l4, sir thtgs !Inger riage,,braluit gold,cadtatbriand* neck chains; Aolskapep*lol ted , srp islePtir Jewelry, lie., • - • . _ iiiioll,ollB3o. - 421D ilotrwreerbiAltwarriwro;lto:llT Ikrapi•XLGgTil isTßßElVacihrifilr'tuDGN ; • tor- '4 . - - AT 'PRIVATE SALM; A largAisid tatiAtttoiltAf - avail:able 0041,10 ttm: bor 1 inolot private sale ,well worthy the' , attonUoh ot. C 7 0411101 tend 7ol 4efer t ki? tWOWErekV: U compelled irr„,:r,or!urthei*Panlata iagatra at, the. stetimi 1.13" " QUT-DOol,.4Alald collated od•Vpromplky tendid:•te,• - -•- • • • 1179011VANOE8- mods on , doodle . ? sodtdarithee de eiredkiwithout•extra •••••-• •••• -• ' ID - 1502541.00144 open untll l lo'P.M. , Noar -Pre pdrod-W*Bl•4 Itivoiedrof , DßX 7 GOODIVNOTIONS,' %TAMMUZ qeWIAI. , and 11.110ONV- - STAND Ylll64lllM;PdnattiGB; 8008 And SW TIONERY;.4", !La. i trrtddleddtiddol4.4podd eiery ' drod ' • l fioi~s, dnbr bpadii v Ijq , rIME rAINDERS,I4NED BAT. -10,)ILMED -11- a oo*l4ersh,ip an,4O,A e r gtzle cif FROTEINVIIAIet & 'WELLS '; for' to 'l;attUati'df` d - GENVILAE DRY (GOODS COMBITSKON BUSINESS, and bare biker' the 6,0,43 10:i at Path FRotaT,'stitat 'and as •Liavvrie Btreet • - ,—Tirsonoarvitormotram, 'MILK B . ' _ Paurnaainia• June 24,1848: • - jeT2on 'PRE - ,517 :§OlO - 413101.5 , SAYE. nis 11 DAY orittirt3 fqto Commenwotth of Ponniylvania; tpinoto . 4l - 3 ~adell 2 I 16.344 AR Act, rolatitO r' ut u`" - xhipi," and. the geolemeut thereto; at*ttrello,herehy ccrtlfr: ~ • 1. tbot 114, 'aidloktal; B,l4, ‘Pait"' ttordhlp is to ho nallated,l4 )1.2. 4• °AMC, 2.,T1t0 ganer,ott Altin;o or 'O4 uhtine4 Intended to 14 tranwetetl is ihe pirthes* - **4**l9o/j/iiptll4,l* . th* city of Phlbutelphis. - - • , 3. The name of the :foment; peutoeykiiro JOVIii P. OR t(E, residing *t thttporihrettfoornir. of, A xt.b. ;taut Twe4frdept street , ;l44 dry or " d EDWARD 11. Olt.ll4,:reshileg.op,,thti el4e of, Arch 5tr00,12./iove,Trrenty-ftriketro,et,to tho said etty. 4. The items of the ireeler psittiet_ la. BUTA.IIIII4 011t7E:ieet4lug . 286 holith • tliuth..4*i,iii the city, or Philastelp.hlaoehic atialitiptent pOttin, bukoon tribotol tfie coeimon,stoelapr4e 11,170.thunite4 of ttreetl , 44e t tatiellstel+l4llar* kr:4*h r ' b•al be *aidDartuershlp„ quip .luiy 14, A. D. 1844, *.Rd '44.111 141iiithiate Onfiltea 'atA)r,;xix, „ BENJA N ORAN, mem ' • . •,„.. EDWARD ORNE: Diii4E/2rit, 11 1.4 1 1 1 .14 4 14 86 1:fa ""t: IYI 6 :PYr '„ , • "1 .. 4 t " daytrittIIIM.EXIALGAVED ' hoi r e' this formed's co itnershi nnder the arm 'of Mai, CAULEXA/laiß re"lCAlLkint' action - of - tbd"ltopnrting•and Ob ng - neineso ln Rosiery,GloisS,)ank. YogyAiloodseficgrffti 'North YOUAT .c tLAtmect., , "MOIL D . noOkt.ILLIZ DANIAVW.:IOM,thss „, _ . Cllyiltfaff it).MAEWATL A.T jiifiliioi6Bl . 9.!.!:1',1 ;:. ..' h V ,0';jy1:1120fn Inf .. ... , v .,, 1?S. i-«, 3 i'~Xx~t~:=~LYliiKß" ~ v ri • 1016USEIVIliOnidliftE —llrAparallsimif4weeso4if BaDail4paiallawthaTAlDule4bla2BrotrliAtri , ,, , , in arettally iool*lwtotambillslg tqrnl whqr4 thie , Cotl tiMlden iontddid.lbeentnnwitorlty overgtehigh Coal aterhittikV"' •"`• -" ail exciiedloalf`trei'lq? r ,quili. 7 Itid le per Otte frolteelado; ant' ,klnd; Ithlle • the Deal' Hee htialifeattyplaFathl#!titpliltie,e,-,lll4l47slktiror pttrpbeeeit laa,a,ncy eimaltr tha toktmony illbsoniOrthe most '0,4e4 thti 'enuditty Winn its,, favor:" 4tettho EXCLVinletl4on%lVita nett - Varn'grAtrta t i' 7 Streot(nbor Callowhill, and Brat What SAMM l PLßA t il4ti lal ! are ' J7IO.tJPI inottRit:AABEFIGRII AND ' BROAXKOP. 00.41.-410111 S ItAdONTGOIOIII,7 Informs Wd . friends ondstftillaffeilisti ime has effected sn'n.rtswe', mons sdth`l434E-Sktofic Mouirtals Oosl'OotopenProrSliti mile or thelijistrY.eelebtsted LERIOU GOAI HAAS' also arranged williAhor piopriotor of the "Bros4-rop Minos for asieo(btstalosbleßEMl•BlTUßlNONOllB- 00.4.L;lostlisnosr prepared - to , mare onlOrs and mats' prompt - dollverissi , st . 1111i.,0810e, No. SllitrWALNlirr 5tr04,41M00d1it,mi5ft°343.993.48, , s...ntra g iitH. VIVI ilr • Pit. ,. ritri - 7'4 1 . . 4..1: • TOWN -BOA _.D -- trylVg, piI,,,—ALA .) +a :is - . etrititii, PJ)IIP :- Wk0 1m T1ea144 1, 4 14 ,... - 1] froonth ittWArtia!ualli ...wer - , , Nrr. Prf "'i-'.:4.kr4!-Fa SCEV./79;1 4 :VN1V LEHIGR:MiId7-: I . -Imo ', 2•4,.. • m_riard,tlkoix. BOEHM j ute. 6 , Y. On CoAL.• .pos,taztos, and all cri *lfi XoritriA•hAOVITIA_W :In i re" VaAlVala=b) . . .. -4 ' •- " .sl • ": 1 h)Hia coximity . 17 . 1 t."'"-li:it,'liiornar fßaM!,:* cls.r7 !„ 0 . , , r. •••••••••••••wenrae.•,•••••...na.,.......•• •• r #lvnz !'' • rWIEUVADAMB =PUSS 119:' ornoz 1. 4, 62xv0 stiottiTi - ltmo; PACOLIDINEM s 4 l2Pir Sous' ling 13PROThrO br kronli , LTNXlon , einglidioo with.tnher ..zat10)11.11.111s$, onAnnnpfir , imis TOMOTinn CllTllMEnfintpiltodniamer: • SAISIman 4 7onierat Herserri UO NIA 'GOY Rlithi - LAND Locuarloy , Aosttar, vie..taikerib;r, imi.r...bprietthh'e6eriZ enßatiaolactingand loft. ling landiiin thomarionaUM • Diatrlett the - Wastern "tininitfarfaellitles for making ;minable aeleatilitidStatrailhaa urs LADDNADDANTB.OI_CABII. • ..eiraki s . o7 ,:viNVlAßtataiitig-Dr the: Jishi .to False. hal " 1 "P, 1 1 ,1 4 0 .ri7i1i".0a4 41,1tEDI . Etake tho most sudioiotni IorADOI4O. n,T,•• I VA , • • Lana mnirgasisodrforlirtlilty,4o of climate, martini Itiiiibt'iallroditif i may Myr, be baq Iow; AND IND3CONNIN., ; • Datiefactory AtodayThareatoCilir Saline - and Nebrarkgi *Da aripcit the WeatorriStatet: f 7" !._L A ßf' o 4 l, lBfittßY;"`" 1011.4ira - - • Strost' Ohl ' 1:04. 9E4 t CASKS - POIXT . -W:lpEky., : : : ..-,,-,,., ~.: w-- , ---113.:14-Fijitai - . 1uriaide 4o: , :, - -,, .. t.!..70 ~,':..:,zr/r.- d o , 4 , 0c , r , , f , do. - '' .1. -ikogi g e r il ~, , ~.,, .14 ,,- . - : , :;; ,. 4.11- iptiMileoliT . Pijard• ifizii. , .. „.',.; ,- •z-: , 20:9z. p do -, ' '"dd 'do. '.. _ _ 1 ,,, 010" -,, do. -e' - -. ...'f -116 iddiAttiOtiod QM* . ~ ,-,E - 4#l4ltMAthedlii. -, -;,..:.-'-• :. 2, 2 ,..,1!„., ~,,,,,, ...,,.,, u t og . iNt froi#lf:4l,..o. anwato Illy) sad mOol6 1. , -2, ikPitannlCO,' - - in7EzAu i:tx.rf , :-. -- -OS:PA I SAMXPIONTAItreet. ... pirknitgut ,41 :_z0A0A010/1t11, 00., 4,105, 4 4.. I.;_v4 l lAi lishetb.b*linntre :iio* '"*. tifidenreadilliOr k 00., • ' 111 P4l l o , ol • Wittft •• • jl l s _ . "I r C 914 - 4 g 9 'rte ntharkitt ,t ,i nib " c oo l.l , btu; • i*hA...141110041-rt „ fterSS4P..' • $ l. - r ri 7 6 Z ".l fe;%lA.A*6 icilll tt* l236, jnt PA VVlltfr "°!t' - , ' iiitr-bble - 10); = 1TIO- War& nittliiintlltid „ ,, ,rolatimiont In d01 . .° and lil i ritCataTia ViLWERIM4b.,OO. c 41,, iiisuaationtaimic.4ll ===M= r-, gales- ,Sitttunt: dv - 8008. ~ • - • „ .Nis. ind14120177E1 71711THIllalif i ,•:13/oroorly . Noe._ 7and Ml' ______ The Ettlyellnit oommeace on the .21et of September. Catalogues in Prase; - • - • " :111AIs ESTATE, STOCKS 4 0 .• Publics- Sales at- the Philadelpass change every tte , darltialtei;dating The business lesson. , • IIDT ati•.. July ,snd Auguste only ocesselotial mass au -horetoforo, , -• •- • Handlitils of *rah ProP ol4 7 tweet aeruh - teib In aaatCon to whicli we publish -on- the Beturuayloulous to oath stderens thosusandkasseato Pamphlet form, eying toll duadoc. or blithe ptoperW to besold on the followins•Taesday.-; .; . • , . Jlo' .717ENIT111111, SAISES AT TELE 'AUCTION BTDIB et" T Al z S id Ag E . a alla 7 ;ATE •• lire Vase ilitweeininsit Beal Estate 'at Fri. ma* lalevinallettus ayery-desezlption of City sold Utility property. Fretted , I.Jetii^may , „ be' hut at the Audi A store. • '' ' •'1: • PRIVATE SALE ItIGISTEB. • Wei Estate entered on our Prtrate Pale Bee gieu , and,.sdyerthed aseasione ll y ,our Rata" Sale ,A *blob 1,000 eoplai are•printed weehlisi• free 41 3 '1' 004e, • /be. • Peremptory-Sale. • ' " *•_-;Tuesday livening, • • • ' JOT 27t h , -at 8. 0h:31°07[ 4 ett the. Philedelp,hta De eMo,4llll4 601(11; for somata otyrhom it may ton corni -1368 x, eliaideot•the capital 'stook of the Tinkle . •paugli Coil Company, the lame to be sold tar 'groan of scum:mita, r anoint_ to. ressilutiOne of said company. IliedettobP:Peliemploty Pale. REAL lIBTA.TE, W CORNER 0 It' BROAD STBEBT ::•2 • Atits,,E . IDGE , AVENUE._ . • • 27thititthoasehengeewitbout reserve— , Alt that three-story brick building end lot of ground, southwest cornet-allured Street and Shigo Avenue. in. trent on Breed Street 42 feet itelies4 thence 99 feet 1 /S ,inettes‘ thence II Oat 4 Luchse to grad avenue. 11 d - thenettin Pront,:slang Said ermine, 19 hot 1 inch. ••litrotind-rout teen/ear. • • , -74frir Bele absolute—by order of ixseutor • , )I.llAlvlnt rA.1`11•• BABE —AISOIFST - This Sale , • ' PrPtisma . Court lialo—Estate of James arPowers, Do- , . . DWULLING, POPLAR STREET.—AII that ,story brick dwelling and. lot.- south:aide of Poplar lAta:64l 22,feet:stoat of Sixteenth street, t 21 by PO :feat-two fronts eale—anattl latfi of Zoieph %Velig, Dee% AnS,IIRGOIGIT fiTOßti,—Three-story iltrellingsuid , growirgi tio..ll9 , Apple street,-00- two n Pomp, street and York avenue. _• ' _ Sa m e Estate. DY7 SWAMI, AND LAMM-SEIM ALOO IC—Three , alollitickdwelling and lame-lien saloon, NO. drd'AP ple !real dentine.. • • , . S 01917P1t11011 FURNITURE, GLSI3BB2I, GILT 0111INGELJRBS,NARASTS:Ao , • - • • G/i/10..,:.00x sale Sills inotning,tat „Vie *nation itorb, wianompriee,besidea -400 iota ntoellent mewed , hand fusaittiret,>silt , and bronze gentatsnSeiless; Pen - VOL • bisalieta, Frussels atulangrxin carpets. a and glaSsveasc,:ibeds.iand ,baddleig. &a. form ,fitt Fn airartroent lworthy,the attention of ladies and inhere desliOBepf-plisoli9alug -PatiniNGielt.innl,Sessib.,awd,artleleik arranged , for initial en. - • i Sate at Nos. 189 and 14 Routh Yointh stmt. BURNES= SUBNITURE, 'BLEGAND ROSEWOOD ,PIANO-FORTS, PI N E IntIIBSRLS OARPRTS, MLR, BGBI3, - This Morning, . At 9 cOoloak, at thS examen 'mare, an extensive aascirtment of excellent second•hand furniture, elegant -pintiorfertes Sue wino I,ogliets, etc.* item Private Mollie' declining konicateeping, remained to the store for Souvenir:mos of sale: , ' - ' A'Atelbsbettnid atilt tedit g age-41',800. ' begetifully situated lot, Perklonten turnpike, OkestrutTßill., 't. , 1 REAL ESTATE . AT PRIVATE BALE. IRLENDID • BROWN•STONS MANSION, Chestnut stroet, with stable and coach house. One of the lined tualdeboes in tbe.eity_._,. • MODERN' RESIDENON, No. 101'6 Oheetnat stieet., EL GEANT 'BEOWN , DTONA nwariamoa, Walnut streht, wed of Broad. ELEGANTAIROWNE.TONS lIIISIDENOE, No. 1521 ~Walnut street, west of Sixteenth. NEAT, ItERIDEDOE, ,Boutheast corner Walunt,and. and'Elerenteenth - etreetif ELEGANT AND VALT/ABLE RESIDENOR; South- West ooraer of Eleventh and Walnut stroate. ,, .." TWO ELEGANT RESIDSHOUS: Rittenhouse Square. IT WO HANDSOME RESIDENOES, Washington Mears. '-ELIIGANT BRAWAHITONE- RSSIDSNOB, ~ ,North 'Dread street. ITANDSOME MODERN •REEIDENON, Northwest 00, rr, oe of Green and Sliteentlr street*. HANDSOME MOPERNIIESIDENOIII, No. DM Green Lied ' NDAT RESIDENMI, Spruce street, heti/eon Broad rid:Fifteenth. ItitliDBolo6 AMON I r9P/O o roAt ABSIDZNEN; f 0.1803 Spruce street. ELEGANI' DROWN-STONN,RESIDNNON, No. ND ?lob street ` west of EiShth. ' ' • HANDSOME BROWN-STONE RESIDENON, No. 1610 PIaA drebt. 'to • . . z : . BANDSMEN 21101/ERN , II.BBIMiNON, No. 1604 Pine nAft,DBPidIi:ENSIDENOE,No. 532. Pine street. TWO HANDSOME BROWN.STONB RESIDENCES, I'hlid street, below Berries • • " NEATTSSEDENON, No. 241 13outh' Eightli - etreet, beloantiralitit. • - 1 - HANDSOME, SIEDNItN RESEPESNON, No. 818 North Eighth street. • HANDSOME MODERN - RESIDENCE, No. 681 North Sevinith street: • • - - ANDSOMN SNSEDENDE, No: 621 North Sixth ghost.. _ " METHODIST EPISCOPAL Onußoll PRO - FERTY, New Maketatrost • _ sUPEVIOR AND ELSGANT BROWN-STONE OP PIOE BUILDING Nee, 407 aid 400 'Walnut street. LARGE 'AND VALUABLR LOT, Locust, Mary, and Ohdralf *HMS Wad Thiltulelphia, 200 by 178 feet. - ' BANDSOIIII 111031bItNON,liorthweat corner Emmet and , Diary streste, opposite the above. Vll HY HANDSOME COUNTRY RESIDENOII, near Vega elation on the Gerautntoitri Railroad. VALUABLE •FAUN AND COUNTRY SEAT, 160 ;acres, between Torrladale and Brietol. OONNTEY• SHATi with about seeps acres, Chestnut _ALNDINANT_ YAMI ISO aereicirith impeder im ,ororementa an- sna vastle. - • - LARGE', ELEGANIVANI; VALUABLE %ARM be tweet' the city of Wilmington and Brandywine Springs. •- ,, IILEGANT-00UNTIty , SEAT,•IO same, with tine imprdemente, &hod Rode tad, Gedooritown,,oppo ' all theists M4.IE: MlfehelPe. AN D SOB* MODERN DWI LUNG, No. 1184 Callow " - 11111011 !TORN, TWILLING, AND BARBEY, No. 186 Arclaintreet. • ' POUR-STORY BRION STORE .Al.lll ' DWELLING, 1609 Obeistout street. ' IBRION• STORE' AND TWILLING 110 702 South FiEtiehth street • • NEAT MODE RN DWELLING, No. 840 Federal ,street: • Attoot large atioant of (other property, Ground eida W, Mortgages, do; Printedliste may be had at the 'nation store; .„ I DREFATE 'MLR DEOESTBIL ' 1 e,P' RealEstife 'entered on oar Private Sale 'Reeder 'Ana advertised deasiondly in onr Publle BnlnAttn Acta 'fbfilltiaeht(Klo,4h4 ire printe d weekly, 'during the , : b • uVness leavolia71:08,0.01ene•; AXES 4..„ISEEMIS.N, AtrOTIO.NEER; , •71 NO 42210LNXTr - 130,0rilkbli0 V0L18T.8.,. Ur. Yeiliebilevoripros With eensignmentif tan test i.tasurat tbakikelr report/44111 not be faerffleed.. fry"Xfoioibulontatorambilenite than those charged byanflithe'r i'Antitidii Masa In atty. _ . -... gif i nslgnm enlir °Unity ganef fed. ' effsaddi tele anted the (roods are sold - t • 1 !" - .: avESTA 4.7P.81VAT11 BALI. andeorealifliftiontlivrestanitto 'of f3aventeentti Weidattlitfbittr' Al ., ; : i• ; -,, !: • • denee:Wasiblngtintquarif and Walnut street. Illtigtiodlei 80:121 , 91def street: ' • acres of land, _lndian queen lane, ~ ! - Valuable property, Iffenkford inad. , • ' , " , 1111,13440016 divaUlayr, N 0.1013 Wall - sea etriet. - - • ' •'• Boahreaffetand and dwelling, Seventeenth mid WWI: !Mint artiportyi CO &OM, &0., above Torreedaie. , faded aloha, Ohelton avenue, Gerimintown. ' Beadieptiareeldedioitandlot, Weet,Pbiladelphia. and Valuable' lot ;Of Vanua, Bermslitown Ballroad a 1 Columbis_ avenue.— ' - :-- • , Banosousi dwelßfig, .Bprisig „girder* :s treet, , Above 1 Twelfth.. . ;-:"--:' • ....15:-: .• - .-',-. '-. , , ' - I -,•-•' 4 BABINIT 4514tINNEAte.' , • '. 4 „; Atifivate rale e valuable cabinet of Minerals, earn. 4 1 / 61 . 1 41• 6 "ke150b 44151Miliii, the aolleetion of, several yap. 'The property of ~s gentle Man who beano room fdt them. , They ay. very desirable for aptiblio inatitn- WM, Applyettbe anetioaetore._ , •••• • , , A.ll:nlL NATELANI3; - AUCTIO.IttEN, and hIONBV „LOAN - omo, No. 224 South !• T D glyiliet:beloalfalmit, oppoaltOPesz at ~_only sight doors Nike' the Sultanas. Hours of business peal 7 oicdoek, A. 111.4 Alain 10 Wolof& in tile oTeliblb -_';-. „ lichtbdocir saes sa d muia at the Anetkm Bow ; ab , arafiad,npon , tbe 6A sialsfortarms. -, ':, • . - .OAVITAIi poo,ooo.- •• . ' - I . -, -;- Batitslfshirdfor Ms fast TAW) , Yana: _, I Adeline., made from ono dollar to thousands off Ma mends Mar Plate,:tfatehem, JsWelryillanlware,Mer ' ;0 16 thing;Tnrnitiiiiilleilding,Olgtos,,Mtudeal '•Xsuitrunients,Clunir, gots" ; Oarrfagee ; arta Boob of ""f i lOwscon;. _ti • IT:41 goods assi.trishiefffg, BiAgttf Of - time agreed', ,' AU fifiikbom t tioto iiiiilutulitill tom goa upwards;.' *lbe amnion Per ennt..Ter month 1 WO anCom; ' MOZWOrse r rt * OTtnif .':-. _ it lit ' it,._l9oteet_ f _ina ere Ltd tidef•preiorvialts t o sto r e au valuables, and pry' „: vita *damn foe the premium; also; a' bealy'llit* , name effected for tliebanallt of al/perigees/ming goods Plli, II ugirmila= t ) make' advaniee im more setts ~ ~ Bag . tiOne nett any other la b t =7',:. ;money favaneXi to t‘tia poor, is meal entownts, nil& or any *bum ' • • - • ATeig rums BAIA. 'egialgit‘lti. go 'cash' 'Waal* Jefielri t foe - Clothing will be field Alt nodpind prima— • • ' ' eia , i, ' i„ ' NEW' . . CrktOP TURNIP , sitEDS, of every variety. 'Also • Thiciewheat Val Millet. • ' • • 81 1 ANGIdlit a aßetwet, 627, MARKET Street, below Seventh; -GRAIN, CRADLES,. SCYTHES, -Sakes, Yorks, Manttrer:Dragl, .Dr6mble Serhee, 4e• BPANGLIN 011.611A1d; !j714 No: e 27 MARKS? Btteet. below Seventh. 460 HOESE+•POWERS } ' TERESHERS S ISepiretersi , drain. Paw% he., of ell - the , theet approved ldeda. •f '' & A O . B2 7MAR/Orr street , beldw seventh. gIIOVILR AN'D . ROADEB.L—' - . -.-- - 2 ' 000 DOZEN 'ABSORTBI), IRON, STEEL, and 0A.81`„.6T/illO/., • ' •„--. ,- - /Or uii3 by thif lifuit;titettinr,, . W.' W. RIO/4UB, I - No. 226 niciE Lured, I irieut - eirf •• , - above t!stand, ‘, DILAIIKA - OR ~ A IITIFIOLit LARD— 'BOIOI4.I, NOTIO)1 TO PUTEIIOIAOB.—.The to oirerna vehicle for' the exhibition, of reseeding to Ms -40144 stiff aced , Wok . odmbitios the following advanta,. Ba A - good and tuivaiginioonsistenoe, easily washed off with water; dissolves all - ensbetrinees that are solu ble in water, haute faellltating Instead of obstruoting their absOrptionj - alaCdoss . soot goe:}egioeici; The last Er9PertYla"nwirenderer Stan invaluable aegaudtion to saelitiones. , Pripared and roseate wholesale and retail, at•, zurgaspo I,ooeatory and PharteseT, -, ?obi , -• • I:weirth av 9 Obestuntstreste: sia LATE I , MATE.) I BLAU I—Rootlng elate; of all silos, ind at" , fini Id, - ratan,- kept eon. dully on hand, nail for pals ky_ _ /0011 PDX % to 00., lIIIMMARTOWN ROAD N a , kt THIRD Iltreet - N. 0. Slate Itoofe ‘ put Jr/ the bast manner, and re. idrlmottoodad Allyn* Arno to 4 rail • iIIitaniADELPEIA TYPE FOIixNDBY— F. W. Dor t Trapp and cautaNON L. PIIILOUZII 150ir, , thankful' for the' liberal pa. , tronage heretofore accorded to their, Adifebt i tment, ' and desirous teitastitits'aiiitindaboe i , rwonPt onnos `to Printers And Publieheet theatbeir new APEOIMEN BOOK is now resdhanid front tbeir intreernd funnier, 'ere now prepare& tti fatenteh` elate tided aaeesearytnr eomPlAte lir4Nirinnert, of the eheriest •Ittt Meet 7Theit lank prian&l eidperitnee to 'Me builds's; and the fact of their personal anperintea dews of the ' ,lo4 nitriatOriNf ddent;_ditatdiee_ them '_ln. inserting thratdtarcen cern= • more dursble spct better.les. TateUle Una their sotempoirrier. hug Ukraine, 'tate ' desire krinting Materfide, 2ifOubt to Well to eipply i to 'ens Oreitions, i s pareduesieg elsewhere. ' tepeiska 14 Cleats pa! Pound, la azokuiro saw *swim: tt ~fd'K~.'~W~lfi~f:~rf'a'v:a'r~+~'st¢;r , ~e:s , ~amio~t AT, PrilyATE BATA firitURIITOI :Qtebii'itiel: TUN LEVEE,: GFORAT • • TIDIPARID DT DR. SANFORD, _ COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY PROM GUMS, Is one of the beet Purgative and Liver Medicines now before Ade publio r that acts as a, Cathartic, easier, milder, and mope, effect* than any other medlolne knoWn. It la notonly a Cathartio, but a Liner reme 7 dy, aotiog first bn the Liver to eleot its morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels to oarry off, that mat • ter, thus ecooreplishing two purpoms effectually, with out any of the painful feelings experiences la the ope rations of most Cathartiis. IQ strengtheus the sys tem at the, same time that It purges it, and, when Lama &Alija moderate doses, Will strengthen and build It up with unusual rapidity. The Liven is one Of the humanbody t andwhenit well.'the powers of the aped. The stomach (sal on the healthy aotion of performance of its fema le at fault the bowel: are system suffers in cones- Liver—having teased to eases of that organ, one made it his .study, in • yea*, to, and some remit aot the .litsby' derange hie principal regulatoni of the performs Its f unatione system.are Jolly derel• most entirely dependent the Liver for the proper How; when the stomach at fault, and the *bolo' queue of one organ—the do ite duty. Yor the &s -of the proprietors has practice of more than 20 dy wherewith to counter manta to which it is lie, wady is at last found, any VAR COUTILAIXT, In any of bottle, and annotation is • •I'o profs that thla ra wly= troubled with la he forma, has but to 'Opt oertain. - morbid orbad Waterfront' their place a healthy flow otomnob, tanning food to blood, giving, tone and o hi de ry 7 removing the footing a radical core. cored, and,vailai i$ tot °asthma ace of the LIVIR ,These Mime remove all the System, supplying in of,bile, Invigorating the dlgost will, purifying the health to the whole ma cause of the disessa—er• BILIOUS ATTAORS .are ter, Prevented by the on. /.10100114101i. One dose, after eating, stemiith and prevent the in sufficient tenthly/ the food from rising sod sour before retiring,* iiteirents 1. .. , TTlC:ly.stine does, taken lizonrmartn. Only one dose, taken at gent, and enroll 008, Ono ly done, taken after, tePSIL. 1 " relieve l 21;dr..orpreotewio. One bottle taken for fe. the canoe of the.dieesse, Only one dose, immodt• while one dose, often -re 011Obitit,S MOltaini. and a -''Only' min -bottle Is system the egrets of me nem: One bottle taken g ior /Amnon removes all ea es or unnatural color from the skin. 0 oe, taken a short 0 time before eating given vigtile to the appetite, and makes food digest well. 'One dose, often repeat- i 44 led, stares 130a0S10 Brie. 1 luau In Its worst tonne, . while Hainan end Bower. eotnidaintti 'yield almost Z to the (fret dose. Ono or two doses tare attacks _caused by Wonua In eltlldriint therei s: n'S .11 surer, Estee; or speedier remedy In the world, aifit ' agoeifails. ahwl ill - A few bstttles'enro CO Dttnrsort - by exalting the We take *awe titre- oommendlge this medl ,l eine' as a preventive for Parse and_ Aeon, Comm.!. 1 Verna, and all Finale or a BILIOUS Type. It ope- rates with certainty, arid " thousands are willing to testify to, - ite'vefidsritil virtues. - Aff ttrito uss,ft on toning IMw unassinloin testimony night. Joanne the bowels inmates. each meal, will era.reDYl3: , teaspoonfuls will always male obetruotton removen and mnioa &perfect care. ately relieves Olio 0, peaW, in sure core for preventive' ef 01101,01 A. needed to tbre‘rout of the dieing lifter, n !once-Lek- too its favor. ' -fl rfis Water &Ma mouth with the berigorator, and'atealiata both togethdr. . THE LIVER' rtiviaoliveort Is 131flassigto MND1011.• DII3OOTBRY, and is deny work. tog rmres; almost tbo groat to bell re. •It cures as if by magic, ore,. lAefires 104 giving benefit, and seldotil more than one bottle is required to cage any Mod. of LITER Oomplainti from the worst Jaundice or Dye pepkia to a common Ileadneke, all of which are the , re sult of a DlSkilifikiD , , . • PRICE ONEI DOLLAR PEE BOTTLE. Dr. HANFORD, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, New York. Agents for Philadelphia, T. W. DYOTT enBONB, 218 North Bound Street. Retailed by all Druggists. Bald also by SAMUEL suszff, Twelfth and Chestnut etreota, and P. BROWN, Filth and Chestnut streets Philada. kola to th 11-11 Wily SUFFER WITH, _DYSPEPSIA 7 ZLEGLER & 1011211 , 8 PURE, MEDIOINAL 000NAO BRANDY has cured Dys_peptia, Low Spirits, General Mobility, &e,', rics_4 &o. Price i1..26:pr.b0t-. 0r110.60 per doyen . Warranted pure. Try it. - I hereby certify that I had been afflicted with dys pepeia for the last ten years, daring which time I have tried all the popular medicines, but of no Mai. Raving had' Zeigler & tnith , s Petie,Medialeisl Copse 'Brandy reetimmended by many persona, Induced ins to try-It. One bottle has almost cored me of dyspepsia and costive habits, of ten years , standing. I can say, with a thank ful heart, that /have never found its equal during my patent and distressing ,complaint. I sincerely ream eased It to dyspeptic, nervous And debilitated sufferers. Joey 0. MILIMIOvg, Jan. 16th, 1868. ' • • =lO/ire 'street.. Also, ZIEGLER & SMITH'S Pure Medicinal WINEE, warranted pure, and no counterfeit mixtures, which are daily palmed upon the public as genuine wines. Thee* Wines ardespechdly adapted to dyspeptics and oonitimp. Alves; and Wall cases of general debility, lose of wet die &e. Old Madeira Wine, pries per bottle 11 00 Old Port Wine, do.,- do. .. 1.00 -; Old Sherry Wine, do. do. • 100 AddreselOur orders to Bole Agenis, ZEIGLER & SMITH, • , - Wholesale. Druggist!, B. W. corner REOOND and GREEN Sts , Also, for sale by,, BUM rages t rel-y ,liranktord road, opposite Hanover. erarpelinge. OARPETINGS. IL/ AUBURN TUREE-PLY, SUPERFINE AND VENETIAN CARPETING, UAKLIAOTORSD DT JOSIAIf BARBER, with other important makes, of all grades, now In store suet for hale by SOLO AOONTO In thin city, ATWOOD, RALSTON & 633 MAKEUP Bt.® CARPETS. We win commenee TO-DAY CLOSING OCT _ VLj , Our entire S •ri Stock of GREATLY RRDIJORD PRIORS, DAILY te BROTLIER, No. 920 ORIISTNIIT Street. Pure%were will please tall Ind elamlneroar large assortment. ap29-tf 91APESTRY GARPETS.—JUST OPEN sLirog,Or I t te ot gaperioi Tapostry,tneta, to De sold qt BMX & BROTHER, OAI3/10A1U.ST maw, OBESTNIITt. TYPEILII- THREE-PLY 0 ARP T . t•-7 A freoli'afoortmeot of new _lpatterns,at 'reduo ' 49l ;Meek it BAILY BROTHER , ,13 OAB.II °mem STORNL mhOI4I '' 929 OILESTNUT Bt. RED BOOM OARPETR.--10,0 0 0 YDS. of superior sogrplp anolhroo4l7 Carpets, of the beet `makos solFstylesi au' prldee, from 50 bents 'to stab perjari. - DAILY Zs DROTHEB. mhBl.ll , No: 920 OIIESTNIIT Street. IZEST .AVX BlitlbSELS.—A LAUGH KO lot ot aiw : pattonti, to seat, chute Myles; at low taloa. •BAILY & BROTHER,: • ' OHlta2 CARPET STOWE. WA CHESTNUT St Eltteingss garbs. L. POWLEU, TP-71 , • ATTORNEY AT LAW, -• HO T 0 N, • TIARRIP COUNTV,TALIC Twenty yeere resident in TOXB4, Prempt attention paid to Land Business, OVHOS OPEOSITS TILE OLD. OAPITOCi. Unpins so—Masers. Darla & Birney„fhlindelphis .-, • • - LI O. THOMFBON AND G. X. CONALB -3.. •to )1, CONVIYANCEiIi___ It - ' M GEO. OONABROB, ATTOBNY'AT LAW, 55., No. NS ARCM street, below Tentk. WL DOUGHERTY', - ATTORNEY ew, Boutheant Ckiraer et EIGHTH and LO OIPT Streets, PkllAdelpbts. CEAIiLES• TETE; COMMISSION , MEE MINT and Importer of HAVANA ORGANS, (New) NH Walnut stmt. second story. inlay REMOVAL:— 0. FAWORTT, HAIR CUITER AND WIG MARSH, - flu removed to 10211 01123THIIT street, four doors be. tor IMEVJENTEL. YER S SRO BE, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! oprwl Orset. Attain*, Pa. • an44i J tAkt 8 A UGUST BELMONT, ; • I BANKBR, • fa BEAVER. lllr Toil - Perim Letters of Credit, available 'to TraVellers, on all zarta of the world. , je3o-em CllONiSE'c CO., SPECIE AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ' . • • No. 40 Sonth THIRD Street, • PMLADIariILt. . . . . Refer to the BLAU and Emmons of Philadelphia le7-13, 044.11. XANLZY. W. If. BROWN. E. YAILItt, Jll. 'MANLEY, BROWN; & 00., . .LYJL DANH•NOTN, 8 E c 044 AND. HICHIANGE N. W. eorzier THIRD and. dEntSTNIIT Streets, rtuttompreu. Polleetions made, arid Drabs drarrn on ail parte of the VOW States end the Caned's, on the moot favorable terms. „ . . „ Collection's wide, and Drone drown on England and Ireloud. Xinaurrent Bank Notes .bought. Land Warrants bdught and sold. Dealers in Specie and Bullion. Loans •quid Time Paper negotiated. Stooks and Loans bought and' sold on Commission at the Board of Brokers in Bidimielphia and Now York. joit-Om EDWARD R: PARRY, Notary Publlo tor miatmot*. RIONARD 11. PARRY, Oormxthationer for Penney!rants and New Jersey. pA.nnt k BROTHER, .I.NYEYANIiftOBRBRB S & GENERAL/ LAND AGENTS and OGOR, FRONT- STRZR T, abatis HICKORY, MANKATO, BILNNZOOTA; , Pay particular .attention to others, and investing Money for non-residents and and collecting Drafts, Natoli, &o. Any letters of .10127 or Imalneu will recetiwprompt attention. Rarer to Wood Bacon; & Go., Philadelphia. , Dale, Rosa & ,Withers, Philadelphia, ' Sharp, Haines, Aic 00., Philadelphia, • ;Richard Randolph Philadelphia. Charles Ellis & Co.,hiladelphia. 'Parry .t Diu:idolph:Philadelohda. nryTi•ilor* Biatuntern. BLANEBOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. MOGAN, Blonk Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre , pared et all times to furnish, either from the - shelves or =the to order,llooke of twiny description, suitable for Thinks, Public Moen ; Merehants; and others, of the best quality of English or AmeHeen ,peper, end bound aeriouri dyke, In the most stibattnttalmennr; Orders for : JOB TAUNTING of every description *Wreaths and Lithographing (=anted with neatness end despatch ; A gener ioal erwortment .1114/lali, ) rermh Amen. A A Stetpery. • concerning Mr. Hosenta oontribolion SO the Franklin thatitute, the Gommittere ear—J , This display of blank ikmilfor backing and mercantile nee Is the beitinihe Exhibition.- The selection pf ,tho material is good, the Xorkinanship most excellent; and'their Wahl altd ap. 'Menthe/4 mut and appropriate. l, - mai-if 110E1 1 VINE.-80 Quarter Pipes, in bond ma for lialo bY WILLIAM 11. VEATON, 1624 216 finath• FRONT Street fl mAOKERELN-1,800 baiTals Noe. 1,2, and lug 8 1411.011.118 EL, in assorted ' nakagen, now in at om and for Mk by ' SOHN NN D A & 00., ID my • Nod. 190 and 182 North whim's* firtONONGAOLA. 'lv iItSKEY,L-15 Oda. Lva 614 mgozoas a Whiskey, lusters and for sale by 41. YNATON, 110 001111/10NT It E PkgggeLLPHILAMMPiIiA, THURShAV, - 'JULY 22, 1858.4. MUNICIPAL CLAIMS.—NOTICE` IS HEREBY GIVSN .to the . Owners of Premises mentioned in the appended Memoranda °Municipal Olsims, that Writs of &Ire Fronts will bag:Sued the. - on In Three Menthifront thin date, unless the can e shall , be paid at the Office of the undersigned, No. 139 Routh pun fitreecatar before that time. WILLIAM if SMITH. annoy e, The City of Philadelphia, to me of Georg fo er WPleiell mid, vs. Robert Dempster. 0. P. March Term, 1858, N0...01, Paving south aide Barclay street, 1.60 feet west of FIG teenth, $28.90., 1. Same vs same. 0 P. March Term 1088, No NEI. Paling smith aide Barclay etreet, 120 loot west of Fif teenth. 821.91. - Same vs. name. O. P. Mirth Term, 1858, No. 280, Paving Smith aide Barclay street, 135 feet west of Fif teenth, $21.01. Same vs. John Davey. owner of reputed owner. 0. P. March Term, 1888. • led 214. Street paving, north side Washington street. 149 feet 8 inches coot of Twenty. third street, $213.91, May 18,18,8 ASSIGNEES' NOTICE.—Notic6 is hero is. by given ' that ARTUA A. DODGE, Machinist, of the city of Philadelphia, his this day made a gene ral Asshonraent of nit her property, real, personal, and mixed, to'WILLIAM U. ORADBE, in trust, for the benefit of her creditors. All persona haring claims are requested to present theln, and those Indebted to make payment to the undersigned. DUANF: WILLIAMS, 43834 WALNUT Streot, Attorney for Aeggneee. jylo-inthave ItTLY . 2, 1 in IVILL RE-OPEN ON THE FIRST. T V MONDAY IN DEPTEMDDR, for the Boholeetto year, oonstating of ten monthn, ' INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1623 WALNUT Btroot, PdILADiLpErfl. - . __The system of tuition is based on that adopted in the tiestriSe rul erten in Europe, and comprises thorough In structio in the Foglidt, Yrench, and Latin languages; special atteeCon in also,paid to t i ro formation of an ele gant etyle of compooltfou, and to the cultivation of a .teeth for polite literature. ' The course of study will embrace every breather education.' •A limitod number of poplin admitted into the family. Their rellilone and moral training i e under the special care of Atte. Reed, wholias bad many years experience; aublfieference will - lei paid to the feelinge and Wishes pf their parents in those matters. The health and comfort of the young leAlee is ales carefully attended to by her. Weekly boarding pupils, front Monday till Friday, re solved at proportionate rates A week's vacation at Christmaaiand at Easter. (Payable half In advance, and half at the expiration of 600 months.) For tuition in - the regular course of Andy 1100 00 .1. B.—A .Tuntor china will be formed. - - German, Bpanish, Italian, and other langtages, Mu sic, (vocal and instrumental . .) DntWingand Painting, (In 01l and water colors,) at Professors , charges. Use of Plano, per annum $ 20 00 • a n . rp " Guitar. . • Per Boarding' Washing at 60 cents per dozen. Each boarding pupil la required to bring her own tow. els, silver fdrk and spoon. Pew rent at coat. TESTIMONIALS. It alTords me plenum. to state that Mr: J, J. Reed is reocimmonded by- offloial. testimonials of distinguished gentleman ip London.. Peon:personal acquaintance with ham, I can knostaheerfuDy roconfritend him as an se,f eomplishod scholar and gentleman to the confidence o the public. • A. CON VRILSH. The subscriber takes great, pleasure' in uniting with Dr. ;Converse in the above recommendation. From per aortal acquaintance with Mr. Reed, se well as from his distingulf.heil testimonials, I ant confident of hie emi nent abilities no a gentleman and scholar. CIIARLICB WADSWORTII. We are happy to bear that Mr. J. J. Reed, a gen tlemen of considerable literary attainmente, and who haa contributed to Graham's many excellent sketches of eminent persons, has re-opened his Institute for Young Ladies, at 1123 Walnut street, one of the most, 'admire bit, localities in the city. Mrs. Read is a lady who has had Many years , experience in tuition, and bears a high reputation for enCteall in training her pupil', both mo rally and mentally. Mr. Reed, from ble knowledge of European languages, and from baring graduated to the tirsi colleges in ltngtatid, imparts the advantages of the beet European eyeteins of education; and particular at tentfun la paid to the study of English Compooltion and Polite Literature, We would lay some stress On thin latter fact, eince general literary information and cul ture, though by far the most distinguishing signs of in telligence and relined education, are, on the-whole, far More neglected in most school. and colleges than any other branches.—Ediror of Graham's Magazine fur July, 1663,p. 81. • REFERENOKEI. ;lousy Yethake, LL. D., Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. John J. Fraser, LL. D., Professor of.the Physical thdences in ditto. George Allen, LL. D Professor of Ancient Len gtutges in ditto. Mon. William M. Meredith. Col. John W. Forney, editor of The Press, Charles G. Leland, E t,q., editor of Grahant's Maga zine. Rev. William B. &Amens, D. D., 'Rector of Si. An Areiv'a. . . 141,, Amass Converse, D. D., editor of the Christian Observer. Rev. Charles Wadsworth, D. D., Arch-street Presby terian Church. - Toseph L. Keen, Esq., West Philadelphia. Thomas B. Taylor, Esq., West Philadelphia. nRYANT & STE — ON'S CHAIN OF AO NATIONAL hIEROANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and OffEdillUT Streets. Nor Information, call or sond for circular, ' JolSodf O . IIITTENDEIV° I" 11 ILi ADE L P 111 A N.-/ 001111E1WIAL COLLIIO.II I , aortbeut toner el OMISTNIIT and SEVENTH Street*. An Institution designed to dt young men for AC TIVE BUSINESS. The whole building . Is oeottpled, and fitted op In it "Tie mewing anyth ing of the kind in this ooantry. _Thorough preparation for tho °minting-house 3506151/ or rarnsiMM; B. B. °omens, • Francis Hoskin, George 11. iiiteiirt, Braid Milne, John Sparhawk, David 8. Brown, Isola blacker, A. V. Parsons, D. D. Miruesn, Frederick - Brown, Joshua L ppineott. ep2B•tf I:4I6NG'S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, N. B. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Ste. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT.—Book-keeping is all Its rations forms; preparing Students 'thoroughly for situations in any branch of bushman; Plain and Oma. mental Writing; Commercial Calculating; Law and Our respondence. No institution In the United/Nate, gives a more thorough and practical course. this depart ment no teaching is done in classes, and is open DAY and EVENING Time Unlimited. • • MATIIEMATIQLL AND CLASSICAL g DEPART MENT.—(parate from the above,) Youn Men and Bops are prepared or any gradsan of English and Clas 'Meal Education . , Ti• : Spelling, Beading, .A Writing, Gram mar Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, &a ,neiant and ' Modern Languages with all the higher Collegiate Studio'. Sessions of 6i months conmence September le, and rebreary let. Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dates and charged meordingly. Cata logue!' frirtilshed gratis. mb2S-tf l. moNLIATi LONG, Principal. JOHN H. BELL, • TELORP.P. OP NairroArioN AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, 'At BRYANT & BVIATTON93 ' COMMERCIAL OOLLIOR. R. X. comer BIVENTII mud OIIXBTNIIT Streets. Iif_TOBENSACK'S IKON, BITTERS. This Medicine, as its name Implies, is one of the greatest strengthening preparations extant. It Is en. peelally adapted to those Who have ato of appetite or are &Mated with Dyspepsia, Liver Oomplalats, Nervous Debility General Weahness, and all dlsemes arising from a disordered !audition of the digestive organ.. -FOIL , PIIMALB COMPLAINTS ONNIRALLY there le perhaps no medicine In the ..world equal to It as It enters, pnrilles, and repleninhes The blood which Is so important to brine about a healthy action' THOUSANDa ADZ LIVING a miserable exlstabee, of a pale sickly dolor, weak and emaciated, who eonld be restored to health by the use of one bottle of this Invaluable reedloleel Zile no humbug, but a genuine remedy, being free from any thing that to of an Injurious nature.. Pelt ALL DIBBASBB OP TU BLOOD . . . there is no better antidote than llobensack's Iron Bit. tem. When the blood Is impale tue wholo body Is full of disease. Blood letting may 'rawer for a time, but cleansing a part will not purity the whole, At the fountain we moat begin, and to cleanse the blood there is no better remedy than these' Invaluable Bitters. Their chief sonstitnent Is iron, and we all know Its efeesay in removing the Impure matter from the whole visceral system. They are prepared by a prao tisal ehemtat, and hare been pronounced, by (unbent phyeicians and others, as the ne plus taloa' , of all Joules/. • ; IIOW GRATIFYING to the proprietor that he has inaceoled in compound leg a remedy for many of the that his fellow-_ mortale are linbjeor to j and that the public appro.' elate It lit not a question of doubt, bat a' fixed Uet, uthe demand for It ban far eurpaesed Ida sanguine expectations,. READ TUE TESTIMONY OP A WORTLIT OITIZEN. Tide le to certify my wife was io delicate health come three years, with a disease peculiar to her eel. She tried ntunerons remedies without deriving any benefit. nearing of Robeasockir Iron Mum; and knowing iron to be a powerful tonle induced me to obtain a bottle, which proved to be the ' medians She solely re quired, by teetering her to health. She hesitates not to recommend it to those who are similarly affected, se she believes it to be a severely" remedy. .TOIIN OOLE. No. NI Oapitol Street. This Invaluable Medicine 1 prepared only by IaBOIKIR S. .11011ENSAOK, 'Pharmaceutical ()hamlet, ' N. W. earner of THIRD and GREEN Streets ' • • Pbliadolphis, To whom all orders meat be addressed. ream. Dluenut to dealers. Bold by Druggists generally. mh2O-y ANALYSIS OF r LYON'S OATAWBA BRANDY by A. A, DAUB, Id. D., lo A as tz 4 L yxa o lo w yni org B . 7ara A c F llg i ttr a pirryla rna h brawn . • colored spirit, haring a fragrant odor; when. evaporated from clean linen it loft no oil or offensive matter. Analysed Idr folatile and flied drugs, of which no traces of any kind toertfosind. Its color IC proved to be due to a colored resin an extract derived from wood. II:71n every respect it is a pure apiritous liquor. The fragrance or bouquet whieb it pommies can beige. lated, and it then appears unlike that from Cognac Brandy or Wine, being a fruity assent* resulting from a, peculiar fermentation of • Oatanbe and Isabella Grape& OURAMIAL Onsasorsa.--1, parts in volume of this spirit contains at 60 deg F. 461 2-10 parte of pure al °oho), besides the fragrant ell. .1,000 parte of the spirit afford 23 parts of a strong solution of the oil which charaoterime this Brandy; the spirit loft, alter removing the oil, Is pure and odorless, and In all its qualities s perfeat spirit not ruble*. to change. One 11. B. gallon of this Brandy at 80 dog. et. contains, be sides the spirit and oil, only 220 gre. of matter eom posed od , of extract of fruit , gum, and colored resin from o. • Beeson, January 96,1868. Dr. COX.% State inspector of Ohio, and Dr. JAB. B. CHILTON, Chemist, of New York, both pronounce this to beure Brandy, and free from all adulteration. For Medicinal &roomed Lyon's Ostiorba Brandy has no rival, and has long been needed to supersede the poisonous compounds sold under the name of Brands. As a beverage, the pure article to altogether superior, and a sovereign, sure remodyfor Amapa'', Flatulency, Low Spirits. Languor, General Debility', &0., &e. Aleo, STILL AND SPAIIMIINO OGAMPAGNIL—These Wines are made in the neigh borhood of Oinoinnati t and- are guarantied to be the Pare Jake of the-Grape, and are eminently calculated for invalids and peleona who require a gentle Alvan. hint, and for iisaramebtal purpose*. Retail prioe $1.25 per bottle. A liberal discount made to the. trade. Dealere will please send their orders to the "Sole Agents)) for the State of Penn sylvania, A. 1. HAZARD &Druggdsts 00., Who, No. 608 loaale MASH= Street. Also for male by the following apothecaries ABIBROBR SMITH, Seventh and Oltentit eta MO. W, 151M213 & SONS,IBth and 224 and Market streets. D. L. EITA.OXIIOUSE, Rlghth and Green nth. It.lt. 113$DINGER, Seeped and Mary eta., Southwark. street. Parrfimit Road and' Virsaldnaton 080.8, HOBBNEILOR, Third and Onion ate. A. It.tiORTBIL, Broad and ()oaten ate. fell QOFT ORITIA 'TURPENTINE.--Just re- CaMid a fitnall lot of Soft Crude Turpentine, of good quality, end forolo by WEAVES, PITLEIR & 00. WA No. 28 N. WATER St, and 23 N. WHARVES. fegal Xotices my23•th3m Qtbruaiiorol 260 00 .ti~ieAitinnl. J rtsurante CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 IL) South FOURTH Street. • , CHARTER PERPETUAL. 8200,000. • • • Organized 1851. ' , Privileged to Insure Rouses, annually or perpetually; Pamla). Property, annually, or for a leas period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance !Lists; receive Pa rana; bold Trusts andgrantannultles , -- ALFRED WEEKS, President. 11.0. TYLER, Vice President. J, W. mAaToix, Secretary. DIABOTORIL • Alfred Weeks, lion. W. D. Kelley, -B. 0. Tyler, J. W. Forney, J. W. Bonder, P. 13. Mingle, '0 It. Sicking, Jamen Watson, 'J. L. Ilutcbl neon, Ludlam Matthews!, J. W. Stotts', William Curtis, , 0, P. urner. (IGEN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM v./ PANY, No. 581 WALNUT Btroot, Philadelphia. 0113.11TERED CAPITAL' sa ao 000..-PAID UP CAPI- , TAL $1180,900. • This Company haring been recently REORGANIZED, and .its actual Capital largely inereased r respectfully gollstts a share of the patronage of insurers. Rini and Marina Policies will be issued at equitable rates of pre mium, and losima liberally adjusted and promptly paid. , • DIRECTORS: William M. Godwin, B. R. Crawford, James W. Queen, .7no. L. Redner, George W. 11111, William D. Themes, IL /uia mk Jackson, S. N. Window, J. 0. Hopper, Henry D. Mears. WM. M. GODWIN, President. • J. G. Noreen, Boaretarr. mrlo-dtt T HS LNSURANOE AND TRUST COM- E/ PANT —The PENN MUTUAL LIPS INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, 5 61 E,126.011. INSCREEILIVES for short terms; or for the whole term of life—grants tuninittes and terms, life Interests in Neal Rotate, and makes all (*animas depending on the eontingensies of Life. They sot as Executors, Administratore, AssigneeS, Trastees, and (*hardline. lallanna. Dart L. Miller, Samuel E. Stoked, Benjamin Ooste ,s VMS= Martin, Richard B. Newbold, ;LIDOS B. McFarland, William' P. Maker, Joseph H. Trotter, William IL Kern, Jamul Ruston, Samuel 0. Huey, Theophilns Paulding, Ohefles Hallowell, Rdmund A. Sander, Henry 0. Towisend, Daniel L. Ifritchinaon, Rodolpbus Heat, John W. Hornor, William U. Our; - Mlle S: Archer, Edward T. Mott, . Samuel T. Ohrietian, William Robertson, lonaph M. Thomas, Wainer M. Aliailli, John 6 Wenner, P. S. bituttler Easton. DANIEL L. MILLAIS, President. SAMUEL' B. BTO=4, Vice Pros% Inn W, Manna. Secretary. ail "..?' . -ly rriFIX, 4.0 ••• NS CITY INSURAITOE JI- 1 .00 - AID .„., •J. We 40& WALNUT Street, PRISE . - . . DI F - '" S DAP". NS . 2 7_ . 7 . 666 . 8 ' 21 Unwired again lone or damage oy.PIDE end the DRAMS of the SEA; INLAND NAVIGATION and RS.ANI3DOWDATION. - _ Ten per cent. in cub returned, on thi earned prt mining of Open Inland Policies. OFFICERS. GEORGE U. HART—President. B. P, 8088—Vise President. H. R. 000(.18IIALL=43earelary and Trealiarel. BUTLER—Assistant Secretary. bran rose. George H. Hart, Joseph Edward.; • 31. P. Rem, Poster B.*PerkAna, A. 0. Cattell, Charles G. Imlay. Andrew R. Chambers, Etamuel Jones, ht. D., B. W. Halley, • Hon. fl H. FallerA John G. mile, H. R. Cloggahall,- John L. Pomeroy. H. K. OOGGSEILLI, Sekeretary. Ak ROTIO FMB LAIBUILANOB COMPAS: LH- HY,IIBW YORlE.—Otdoe, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank—Oash Capital, 1250,000, iridli a surplus. This Company insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Pnrultare, Teasels In port and their Cargoes, and otlker property, against Loss or Damage nro sad the Blake of 'Wand Nemg Alen, DIABOTOBS. Henry Grinnell, Icalma L. Pope, Caleb Barstorr, Ruing R. Graves, ' Henry 0.-Brewer, Henry Tostris, Edmond Penfold 0. H. Lilienthal, Harmon K. Corning, Theo. Polhemns, jr i i iiitlan Haggerty, Xlisha B. Morgan, mad Monammi. Abin. IL Van Hest. •John H. lade, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas S. Nelson, Ohirles Eutnia, games W:Fhinips, Lords Lora, sherles A. Macy, Samuel G, Glidden, *beard Ilineken, Steidn Cambrelem Wm. E. Shepard, Thmnas Scott, Charles!, Prost, lobo Ward, Lothrop L. Rums, Henry H. Bogart, WHilan. IL Pondiek s Peter Bdea, Leery Thayer, Benjamin 11. Yield, Geo. Weatfeldt, A. B. Prothinchaml Tamen Taylor, Thos. Y. Youngs, Henry N. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALUM' WARD, Presldent. BIOXAID A. OaktiT,Seoretary. an 10-ly COMMONWEALTH "U rxstatexos_ or 'zit STATE OH PENNSYLVANIA. OPPIOR_, NORTHWEST OORNER Mani AND WALNUT STRUTS,, PHILADILPIISA. eibsoribed Capital, $BOO,OOO. • Paid up Capitol, $200.000„ 9111101 . 018. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. O. Bairn% H. L. Benner, I. M. Butler, J. M. Whitall, J. K. Walker, F..dw. 0. Ulght, M. B. Wendell, H. Lewis, Jr., 8. N. Houle. DAVID ;AVM M. 0., Preeldeirt. THOMAS S. SUMMIT, Vies Pres% giAlirt/il. 8. Moo.. Searetary. ja9.7 TIELAWAKE MUTUAL berrax IN- A- , St:MANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED DP TUE LEGIBLATIIRE or PENN SYLVANIA, 1835. 071/108, 13. B. Oman. THIRD , sad WALlTUiltrests, PIUSJDNLAMA. MARINE INSURANCE, ON VIIISELS, 0 &ROO, To all parts of the World. YARDHLT, INLA D INSURANCES, On awed", by River Canal., Lakes, and Land Carriage to all parts of the Union. FIR INSURANCES, On Merohnodine generally. On Stores Dwelling Rouses, Se. ASSETS OF THE 0051PA.NY, November 2, 1857. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Rotate $101,550 94 Philadelphia City and other Loan/ /87,011. 26 Stock in Ranks, Railroads, and humane. Companies 12,608 00 Bills Receivable 220,201 86 Cash on hand 88,892 65 Damns in bands of Agents, Premiums on Marine _Petioles recently tamed, on other debts due the Company 03,730 67 Subscription Notea 100,000 00 pruuseasi William Martin, James 0. Mad, Joseph H. Seal, Theophllue Paulding, Belmund A. Sunder, James Tranualr, John 0. Davis, William Byre, Jr., John B. Pawnee, 7. P. Perdition, George G. Lelper, JoebOs D. Byre, Itdmird Ilitrlittgioni Bamunl. B. ft3tes, Dr. B. 2d. Huston, Henry Sloan, ' • Wm. 0. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Hugh Craig, - Thomas 0. Iland, Spencer Mcllealn, Hobert Barton, Jr., °huh! Kelly, Jno. B. Semple, Plttebgb., B. Jonas Broo ke,* Dr. T. Morgan, ,‘ Je.eob P: Jones, J. T. Logan, II WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS C.' MOD, Vice President. =NUT LTLIEURN. Searefurl. ' 119./ InE AND INLAND RISKS.—FAME iIIIRANOR COMPARE. Capital $lOO,OOO. (Organised under the Act of Acionably relative to In coronae Companies, wood April 211, 18150.) WOWS W. DAY, prestdeat, TBO3IAB S. MARTIN, Vice-President. WILLIAMS I:BLANORA RD, Secretary. Office 411 011ESTNIIT Bt., Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. George W. Day, Jacob R. Vaughan, William W. Walters, - 'Remy Lewin, Jr., Charles Richardson, D. D. Bin , Ay, Barclay Lippincott, John W. sirerrnius, JOB. R. Brognard, A. H. Rodenhelm, Chas. Stakes, re24l M Stern. rOttue anb Cons. A LEXANDRE SEIGNETTE BRANDY. IX. The aubaeribere have been oppointed sole agents ht the State of Pennsylvania for the above well-known nQclunadr, BRANDY, which they are prepared to offer to the trade at the lowest market price, from Uni ted States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture. A conolant supply on hand, In half, quarter, and one eighth pipes, dark and pale, 'FULLS ROBIN k CO. COGNAC.—The V subscribers, sole agents in the State of Pennant°, Ws for the above celebrated brand of COGNAC BRAN DY, beg to call the attention of the trade to its superior quality, and fool confident It will compare favorably with tho moat favorite bronds'ln the markot ' A oonstant supply of the above in the United States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture, of . ..Arlen/ vintages, in half, quarteri and eighth pipes. jolt-tf lAMB RE Y GEAPE-LEAF °HAR I—A PAGNE. jelB-tt ARNOLD & WORL, Sole Agents, 120 WALNUT Street SALMON, SUAD, &c.-20 tierces No. 1 Salmon; 18 bble. do.; 80 bble. prime 800 Shad; 200 bble. Noale•fleh ; 180 bble Whlte-fintl, now In store and for sale by JOUN M. KENNEDY It 00., all 8-1 r Nnic 10/1 and 102 North Whim. CLARET -126 OASES MARGAUX, 160 Cameo BT. JULIEN, in quarts and pinta. In store and for sale by A. MBRINO, ' son 140 Smith FRONT Btrimt BRANDIES.—ig Pinot Oastillon," Hardt, and other Cognacs of various vintage_ ,e in hall pipes and quarter woks; Pellevolsin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark; in half plow', half °saki, and one-eighth cants. Imported and for sale by 11111IR2 BOIILEN Et 00., 221 and 223 South Yonrth street CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN PINE WINER, LIQUORS, MARS, &a., 40 Barth MTH Street, Philadelphia. aol-1y CCORDIALS.--ANISETTE, OURAORA, end 11ARABWILN,0 to store and for sale by entl A. 14,111140. 140 A. 1/11.0W if fEtRANDY, —7 octavos Renault tic Co. C0g .11.3 nsa, very old thaw., In bond and for halo by WILLIAM H. YZATON, Jolt ale Bontb PRON!I Ht. I 3HII, ADE LPH IA WARMING AND VENTILATINti WAREIIOVBH. ARNOLD & WILSON, suoutesoas 1 . 0 13. A HAARIBOIII We have removed from our old etond lo Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No. /010 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the St. Lawrence Hotel, whore our old friends end the public are respectfully invited to examine oar extensive stook - of Warm Air Pomace", Cooking Ranges, Bath /tonere, Registers, Enameled Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Grates, be., & a. We are now manufacturing CHILBONI3 CELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAB CONSUMING FURNACE, the usb s t powerful and ecohomical Heater ever invented, and suited to all dimes of buildings. Also, new and beautiful patterns of Low Down Grates, and Parlor Coal Orate of all aloes and patterns. We ' have also commenced iho manufacture of ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Pena sykartia Stone. These Mantels were awarded • SPATIAL. PEEMIGAI 'at the late Bei, and Exhi• bitios of the Ranklin Institute of this city. They represent &lithe rare and 'beautiful Arerturia MARBLee, are not Mitred by Smoke, Goal Gas, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Retail, at much loss laic. o g a ',Arabic Call end lee them. ARNOLD & WILSON. - 13ENJ.hd. FELTWELL, Superintendent. Philadelphia, April. aldi—aP 2 a 17 LIFEIDSLECK ORAMPAGNE.—PIPEIVe lIMIDSIIIOIE. gennlne brsnd, contently pn hand, rooolvod from solo Importers , nud for sale by A. 112111240, Bola Agent In tble Olty, spZi-dfiat 149 Son% etir49l, • STEAM TO ALL PARTS .OF ORF.AT BRITAIN —The shortest eon novae.' Getween Aiuorica and Europa.—NEW-YORE to GALWAY, Ireland. Only 15 hours' travel, including boar hours , sea pas mage,from Gala* to London, via Holyhead. The line will consist of elx powerful paddle-wheel Steamships. .The Or t two are now running as follows: • • INDIAN' EMPIRE will leave hew York Friday, July. 23. AMERICAN EMPIRE will leave Galway Tuesday, AMERICAN EMPIRE will leave New York on or about Auguet 17. The splendid steamship INDIAN EMPIRE, E. Coon TX AY, Commander, will poet tively leave New York, for Galway, FRIDAY, July 2.3 d. ' This ship has splendid accommodations for first, second, and third clagi(ptingengpre, who will be token through to any pert of Great 'Britain at the lollowing greatly reduced rates, including a Moral cabin table, and provisions for third dans passengers to Cialwav . First class ' fittond class ThPd elms 30 Yassengore for Germany, /co , will have free tickets to London or Hull, from whence stesmers are constantly jeaeling for Hamburg, Amsterdam, and other porta. Freight delivered in Galway and Dublin: Specie and valuable pathogen delivered also In Liverpool, Man chester, and London, at reasonable rates. For passage, freight, and further particulars, apply WILLIAM WILLIA A. SALE & 'CO., jy104.1722 No. 40 SOUT II Street, New York. titWA.ts TED—Threo good VESSELS, of 350 and 500 tons ' to load for ports in the Cult. Also, ono of abous 350 tons capacity, of light draft of water. Immediate despatch and good rates of freight given: , Apply to - - . BISITOP, SYMONS, dc CO., Jpls.lot - 120 NORTIt WIIAItVI3B. gktWANTED—A first-class VESSEL, of 80001,000 tone capacity, to load for a port in the Pacific. Cargo how ready, and fair freight Will be paid. • Apply to BISHOP, SIMON ,f 1 dc CO, jyln-dif 120 NORTH' WHARVES. cIuWANTED—A good VESSEL, to load In the LoulFinna Lino, for Now Orleans. Quick despatch and good rotes given. Apply to BISHOP, SIMONS; k 00., jylb-tf 120 NORTH WITARVEB. N ()TICE .—Thu CITY OF ''WARRING TON, advertised to Ball on tituss ,741 y 16th, havlnz been detained to carry the, liuiton states malls. will sail 'on SATIIHDAY, July 17th, at noon precisely. JOHN G DALE, Agent, J 3 ,13 109 WAI.NtIT litroet. AiFOR SAN FRANCISCO.—OLIPPER OF THURSDAY, 15th .7131 y. 19st.—Low4ar lima, AND NO DOIVITION. The superior A 1 Clipper Ship Vi'ANI:IERIN6 JEW, Hisosroc Commander, In now rocelvinirler eArgo, at Pier 10, E. (New York,) and will poaltirely snit as above. The Wandering Jew wee built for 'the California Trap, le throughly ventilated, and of amalEcapaclty hoe Just made the voyage In Ai days from Amoy to Havana, being the shortest passage ever mede between thoxe porta. , Tho. superior nailing qualities of this chip, her small capacity. low rate!' of freight, and early day of sailing, present unequalled inducements. Nor balance of freight Apply to "DIIMOP, SIMONS, & CO, jyB-dtf 120 NORTII WILtti•VSB WEA2I TO LIVERPOOL AND GLAS -10 DOW DUBLIN, BELPAST, ana LONDONDERRY, VIA LIVERPOOL. TEE LIVERPOOL IflD PIIILADF.LPIIIA fi'rEA3l - C0. , 8 Clyde-built Iron Steamships are intended to sail es followd : PROM NEW TORE. CITY OF DALTIaIORE ' Thursday, July let CITY OF WASHINGTON " lath KANGAROO " 20th And each alternate Thursday, from Pier 44 N. R. . . FROM LI PERpooL CITY OP WASHINGTON Wednesday, /one 23d. KANGAROO July 7th. CITY OF BALTIbIORE.. .. . .. 2lst And each alternate Wednesday. Cabin Passage from New York and Philadelphia .... Sin Third Class to any of the above-mentioned places, and found in beet cooked Provisions 30 Return Tickets good for 6 months 00 Certificates of Passage from Liverpool to Now York or Philadelphia 4U Passengers forwarded tollevre, Paris, Bremen, Ham burg, ke., without delay at through rates. The Company's Steamship BOSPHORUS will sail regularly between Antwerp and Liverpool, in connection with the departures foliNew York, taking goods from Antworp to New York, a a through rote of freight. ertilleatoa of Peerage from Antwerp to New York $45. Drafts on Liverpool from upwards. For freight or passage, apply at the Company's Offices, lb BROADWAY, New York, and 109 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. JOHN G. DALE, Agent. Or WILLIAM INMAN, 30.2 • 02 and 63 Tower Building, Liverpool. fivEnistia ANDPRILA DELPRIA STEAISIBIIIP COMPANY. liteam communication between New York and Ant. werperla Liverpool. The splendid feat screw-steamship 1108P110R1713, Captain McGuigan, (lately employed fa the Royal Mail serviced will sail regularly between Antwerp and Liver pool every alternate TIIIIItSDAY, in connection with the courpsny's steamships from Liverpool to New York. Goods for New York will he received and shipped by the Agents in Antwerp and bills of lading signed there at a throughrate of freight. The first sailing from Antwerp will be on the 17th of Julio, in condunction,with .the CITY TON from Liverpool, on June 23. Yoe further particulars and terms of freight and pas sage, apply to J. I'. Kreuter Co., Antwerp/ William Inmari L Lower Buildings, Liverpool; and at the COlll. paiere Q.Mea,ls Broadway, New York, and 100 'Walnut street, Philadelphia. Je2l-1m OOMPANT, AZA, REGULAR LINE . FOR PROVI 2=6 DENOE.--Schooner WORCESTER, RHODBEI blaster, now loading at Calloirbill•street Wharf. tar freight, apply to Captaln, on board, or to Jl4O. It. RENNEDY 6 CO., jelll3o and 132 NORTHWilAltVliti, FOR CHARLESTON AND SA VANNA!' -HERON'S LINE. GOODS REGEIVED AND BILLS OF LADING SIGNED EVERY DAY. The splendid first-elms aide-wheel Steamships KEYSTOPiS STATE and STATE OW GIOACIIA, Now forma weekly line for the South and Southwest One of these , ships sailing every SATURDAY at 1' o'clock h. A. M. alternately for Charleston and So vanna TOR 011ARLTZTON. The RIYBIONE BTATIO, Captain OhnrieeP. March man, will commence loaning on Tharedisy, July =4, end evil for Oharleeton, B. 0., on Heti:Lazy, July 24th, at 10 o'clock A M. The STATE OFIIOIfA, Gent. John J. Garvin. will commence loading on Thursday, July 28th, and sail for Biannual:o3a., on Saturday, July BIM, at 10 o'clock A• M. At both Ohs:leston and Savannah, these shipseonnect with steamers for Florida and Ravens, and with rail roads, ko., for all places in the South and Southwest. . . ..... . , Heavy Freight at an average of IS per cent. below New York steamship nitre. INSITRANOE. FREIGIIT and INeURANOII on a large proportion of goods shipped South will be found to be lower by those ships than by selling vessels. Cabin passage $2O 00 Steerage do 8 00 Ricurnion Volta'', good for the present year. 30 00 No MOB of lading signed after the Alp has mailed. For freight or passage, apply _to A. ILEIIIO_,N No. 828 (late 81) North Wharves. Agents at Oharleaton,T. S. A T. G. BUDD. Agente in Bovannall, O. A. NHNINER d: 00. Por Florida , from Obarleston, steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. For Florida, from Savannah, steamers ST. MARTS and. BT. JOHNS, every Tuesday and fia,torday. For Hans , f rom Oharleaton, steamer ISABEL, on the 4th and 19th of every month. jell 102,786 ST - STAM TO GLASGOW, LIR ' POOL, E BELFAST', DUBLIN, and LOVNDEON ERS, I', without delay. for 60 dollars. Return tiekets, good for six months, to either of the abore places by may steamer of the line, 60 dollars for thq round trip, out and back. Viola OWW Toix. . New York, McMillan, Saturday, July 10, at 120'Mock, M. Edinburgh, Gumming, inlyll4, ft Glasgow, Goodwin, August 7', 0141100111 , Edinburgh. Gumming Saturday, June 28. Glasgow, Goodwin Saturday, .7017 10. New York, McMillan. Wednesday, August 11. HATES OP PASSAGE. Paoli OLAINoW. llrettilass 15 guinea& Steerage, found with cooked provisions 8 .. PROM MUM WAIL Pint Olasa afs 00 Steerage, found with cooked pr0vi5i0n5..........30 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fare; Infanta In Steerage, free. Return tickets available vrlthfn alit menthe, by any steamer of this line. First Olen 1140 00 Steerage $BO 00 An experienoed Surgeon at tutted to each Steamer. For freight or passage apply to WOB.R.MA.N & CO., 12.8 WALNIIT Street, Philadel phia. BOBS= CRAIG, II Broadway, New York. HALL & LONNY, Buohanan , s Wharf, Baltimore. .:~: ARNOLD & .WORL 5 120 WALNUT Street 110 K 11W TOM TO ISTIATOOL. inlet Cabin Passage Ingo &mud Cabin Passage 76 Yawl nosrOn TO LIWBSITOoL. Chief Cabin Passage SllO Booond Cabin Teenage 00 The abipa from Balton call at Halifax. 1 PERSIA, Capt. Jndkine. CANADA, Capt. Lang, ARABIA, C apt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Oapt.Wiekman ASIA, Oapt. E. G. Lett. NIAGARA, Capt.Ryrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch. These camels carry a clear white light at meat-head; peen on starboard bow ; red en port bow. ' - ATRIOA, Shannon, leaves NYork,Wednesday, June 9th AMBRIOA Moodie, ~ Boston, Wednesday, June Id. ASIA, Lot ~ N York, Wednesday June 23d CANADA, .e.ng, 'I Boston, Wednesday, June 20 PERSIA, Jndkine, I , N York, Wednesday July 1 NIAGARA, Wickman, o Boatoe, Wednesday, July 14. APRICIA,Shanhon, ~ N York, Wednesday, July 21 Berths not mewed uno.l paid for. An experienced Surge & on board. The owners of these Slupe will not be accountable for 001 d, Sliver, Brillion, Specie Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unlessalUs of lading are signed therefor and the valnetherem: I 3 t all expreased. for freighter ri si tr e apply to my 10-y B. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. ARNOLD & WORL, 120 WALNUT Street iIIYVAL Y. YIIIOIIOC. J. TACIORAII 1111101101 WILLIAM 311.11111110 X. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, iIfTH AND WAIMINOTON lITHEBTB, MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MaOHINIBTP, mannfacitnre High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tants, Iron Bosh, ite., Ma lmo of all kinds, either Iron or Dram. Iron frame roofs for Gis Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &r. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the Wait and most improved construction. Emy description of Plantation maohlnery, molt as Sugar. Paw, and Grist Mills,Vacuum Pans, Open Blown Trains, Detonators, Filters, - 4mping Engines, Sue. Bole Agents for N. Billie s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Namayth's Patent Steam Hammer; I. P. BM' Patent Valve Motion for Bleat Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. H. HaBTOL. SALAMANDER SAFES. • large assortment of SPANS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURBD SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT DOORS, Tor Banks and Stores. DADE LOONS, Equal to any now In one. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &0., On as good terms as any other establishment in the United States, by • EVANS & WATSON, No. SO South 1101i1RTU attest Ph iled.eMitil IPLIIIIBI GTV 1311 A MALL COMPOSITE IRON RAILING.—T. L. V LITTLEFIELD, No. 28 N. SIXTH Street, Sole Agent for Hutchinson ft. Wiokersham , s oelebrated oolteoun RAILINGS, would oil attention to hie new patterns of Iron Railing, Vereicdshe, Balconies Oarriage and Farm Gates, Summer Houses, &0., 040., and he Is oonAdeut they WEI be toand the Oat erttolt Of the kW In the warol. 0011-Bsu*,o - .r JOHN 4. DALE, Agent DOB SAVANNAH YRSIGHTS 118i)-(10i,11- bitten antr Jive pract Batts itaitr6ads: ' f a n-VII.N9 A T R I R C ALM I N 4 T " —SarIit: .MILADELPRIA, WILISIINGTBN, AND BALTI. MORE RAILROAD. - On and after Monday, May 10, 1868 - PASSENGER TRAINS MUNN PIIILADELPIIIA. For Baltimore, At 8 A. M., I P. Di., (Exprosa.) and n P.M. For Wilmington, at 8 A. M., I, 4.80, and Ii For New Castle, at B A. M., and 4.30 P. It For Middletown, at 8 A. M. and 4.80 P. M. For Dover, at 8 A. 51., and 4.80 P. M. For Seaford at, 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. r TRAINS FOR PIIILADELPIIIA Leave Baltimore at 1.80, Erpreea, 10.15 1. M., and 5.40 P.M. Leave Wilmington ate 45 and 10.80 A. M., and L 45 and 8.66 P. M. Leave Now Castle at 6 sad 9.60 A. M., and at 8.16 P. M. Leave Middletown at 8.88 A. M., and 0.45, . Leave Dover at 8 A. M . and 4.55 P. M. - • Leave Seaford at 0.25 A. AL, and 2P. M. - ThAINISI FOIL 11.11;PI51011.E. • Leave Wilmington at 9.10 A. 31., 2P. 324 sad " 2.15 A. Ai. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Dal- timore, DO do 6.40 P. M. from Baltimore to Phila. phla. freight Train, with Passenger Mar attached, will run as follows : • Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at •6 P. M. Leave Wilmington for do do do 145 P. Leave llavre de Orace for Baltimore do 6 30• A. M. Leave Baltimore for Mercado Grate do 610 P. 81 Lenve Wilmington for Philadelphia do •640 P. M. ; ; - B. M. PEZTONi President. INEIM- NORTH- PENNSYL TANYA. RAiLBOAD. • * - - SETIKEHEM, ALLENTOWN. niptr orrurot, EASTON; DOYLESTOWN. &a. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT TAKES EfFEOT MONDAY.'MAY 17th, 1858. /or Bethlehem. Allentown, Madelt Chunk, and Eas ton, , (Express,lin connection with Valle Rail road, from WILLOW Street at 9 A. M. and 225 7 P. hi: - Passenger. for Easton- by 2.25 P. M. Train - take Stage at Iron KM Station, For Doylestown. fAeoommodation,) from Willow et.; at 8.80 A.. St and 5.80 P. M ' For Port Washington (Accommodation) from Pelona. and Chatham Streets at 7.2 S and 10.:5 A. fa., and 4.19 and 5.4.5 TRAIEB FOB PHILADELPHIA." Leave Bethlehem (Express) at , 0 A. M. and 2.20 P. M., with passengers from Lehigh. Valley Rail. 'road, and arrive at Willow Street at' 12 M. mat - 6.22 P.M Leave 1 1 2yloatown ate A M. and 2 60 P. M. and ar rive at Wino street at 815 A. M. and 6 P.M. ' Leave Fort Washiagtoa at 6 and '9 A M., sad 2.45 and 6 80 P.M., and arrive at Seoond and °hatband Street!' at 6 60 and 960 A. ad, and 3.86 and 6.20 P. M. ON HONDAPB Leers Willow street for Doylestown st 8.130 A. M. and 2 P. DI. Leave Doyleitowri for Phaladelplda at 0 A. .51.- , and 5.15 P 11. , • - All Pentenger Trains MOVING NORTH . and SOUTH will stop at Ohsthem Street and eonneet with Oity Pi* manger ItitilroN4.. , Rare to Bethlehem - ' P 50 " Manch Ohnnk 280 " Doylestown " 80 - myIT•tY . DIMS Malt; Agent: MEW YORK LINES.—THE OAMDitki AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PfULADRIPAIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 0011PANY , B LINER. PROM IMILADILPIMA TO BZ YORE, AND WAY Ploina. Leave as follows, yin:. If nal, At 8 A. M., via Canidep and Amboy, Aecommods. Eon , . 2. At At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, N. J. Ac. commodation - 228 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Moll 800 At N.A. M., by Steamboat Trenton, via Tawny and Jersey City, !Sendai; Ex read 8 02 At 2 P. 114 via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex prallase 800 At 5 P. M. via Camden and 'Jersey Oily, Evening i o bf At 8 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Acoommods• tion, let Oleos 1 00 At 8 P. M.via Camden and Amboy, Acoommodfr. lion 2ed ' Olase. 160 At BP. M., via Camden and Amboy, Amon:mdse. - • Mon, let Ohm • At 6 P. M. via Camden and Amboy, A.eoommO . a.- tion .2nB Olace , ' ~. 1 TO The 6,P. M. line runs dally, all others Sondaye ex eetal - . At p II ( i P. M., from Kensington Depot, via Jersey Viaty, Mai, Saturdays excepted 62 26 Expreas .143011 etop at the prinelpai istattone only. For Belvidere, Boston, Flemington int., at BA. M and 4 P. M. from Walnut street wbell. For Water Gap, fitrondebarg, Hamilton, Wilkeabarre Montrose. Great Bend e;o. at BA. M., via Delaware Lackawanna at Weida= Railroad, • Por Freehold, at a L. M. and 2 P. M. for Mount Holly at 6 A. M arid 2N and SP. M. War L?NXO Por Bristol, Trenton, dte, at 2% and 4 P. Di , Nos Palmyra, Banco:ma, Sarerly,Burlinglonißorden town Se., at Bp,m.. Steamboat Ricraard Stockton for Bordentown, and in termediate places, at 2) P. M. gteambeat Trenton for Tacna', at 10 awl 11X A. H. and for Burlington and Bristol at d All Haag exoept 11X P. M , leave Walnut street what Tr/My pounds of baggage only maraca exalt I,aa longer. Twolorgera are prohibited from taking any thing se baggage but their wearing apparel. All bay gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra., The Com pany limit their reeponelbility for baggage to one dam per pound, and will not be liable for anynnionnt be yodd $lOO, Incept by special contract. W)1. R. GAT Agesit 1-ly • 13. & A. B. irt. 00. 101HILADELPHLA AND ELMIRA RAIL 1 ROAD LINE.—QMOR.EBT ROUTE to Elmira VllWashita*, Buffalo, Chicago, Rook Island, Niagara: Milwaukle, Darlington, - Montreal, Pavia Detroit, Dunlieth, and tit. Louie. Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Hooding Railroad Depot, aoruor AROAD and 'VINE Btreeta, dsllT Mondays excepted) MI follows : 7.50 A. M. DAY EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Dural°, Detroit, Chimp, Milwaukee, Rook Island, Galena, St Paula, Buzlington, sod ht. Louie. . . . S.BO P. M. HIGHT EXPRESS, For Nlmlra, Niagara Falie, Bu ff alo, Detroit, Chicago Milwaukee, Nock L e land, Naleaa, Bt. Paula, Burlington and St, Louts. 117 . Tickets good till used. ' The 7.80 A. hi train sonuecta at Beading with the train for Harrisburg and all stations on the LEBANON VALLEY HAILED_ . 0 • At Rupert, for Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Stran -- d, •d al stations on the LAORAIVADNA AND BLOOII4B RAILROAD. Baggage checked to Blazirn, Banda, and Burponsion Bridge. Wilkesbarre 24 50 ' Pittston 4 60 Scranton 4 76 ' Wilkeobarre 4 60 Williamsport 6 90 Elmira 700 . • Canandaigua 8 00 Geneva, via Gorham 8 00 Rochester 8 60 NiagaraPalle Buffalo Erie. Cleveland, 114 N. Y. and Erie.. 1, Til Niagara Palls... Toledo. via New York and Erie, Columbus Cinainnati. New York and Brie “ Niagara Falls Indianapolis, via New York and Brie Detroit,' ia Niagara PalLa Ohic , a , go, vie Great Western Railway 2200 Lake Shore Railroad • 22 00 Rook Wand, via Niagara Palls' n - 27 00 Lake Bkore Railroad ' 27 00 Burlington "I. ' 28 00 lowa City 29 25 Bt. Louis, via Chicago 29 00 n Imilanapolie 29 00 Dunlieth St. Paula 85 10 irr Tickets ran be proonred at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line'a Ticket Offlee.Northweet conker of SIXTH and CELESTNCT Streets, and at the pal ganger Depot, BROAD and TINE. _ T/11011G11 BXPRBBS PB.EIGHT TRAIN Learni the Depot, Broad atreot, below Vine daily, r t u ldays excepted ,) for all points West and No r th, at 6 /freights must be delivered before 8 P.M. to insure their going the same day. Freights are forwarded with greater despatch and Lower Rates than by any line from Ws fay to the West and Northweet ler fullyr iutormatloo apply to ALL&N & !MGM, Through Freight Depot, Broad, below plot, Ot to MIAS. B. TAPPEN, General Agent, N. W. oor.BLatb and Chastnutan.,philada, 4a. A. NICOLLB, timl. Supt. Maas. and It&S lroad. H. A. 'PONCA, Gaol. Copt. Catmint W. & Railr o ad. J. A. It&DBIBLD, datil.ly Gad. Batt. 'rampart and Nicer& 'Railroad. DifILADELPHIA AND READINGRAIL 1 ROAD—BAST BRBIGIIT LlND.—Breight trains leave the Depot, BROAD Street, below VINE, daily, for Buffalo, Saperudon Bridge, Canada, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaulde, Calms, Dubuque, St. Doubt, and interne diets points. This la the shorted route to Canada and 'the Lake Porte, end goodawill be forwarded with greater dwpatch to the above points then by any other rout!, wave 01 Mae not PIO Las.- - . Tie Railroad La elan. 2d clam lid alma, 41k due Buspeuelon Bridge PO Buffalo 70 70 60 90 60 40 Dunkirk 95 .75 66 45 40 Detroit Oh!cage . 1 60 116 100 80 ffreiglit going thrum& by . ran All the way amt.% ;narked "VIA MIL." No transhipment between Philedelphia end Elmira Mark good(' via Philadelphia eve Reading Railroad, and send to the Depot, Broad atm*, below Tine 3 da il y, before 6 P. Tor further luformatioa In raped to this route, eall at the through freight ofSee of ti's Philadelphia NI,. gars and Great Western Line, H. W. earner SIXTH sodCHESTNUT. de3o.p PPENNSYLVANIARAILROAD.—THE GREAT CENTRAL ROLITE, permeating the At lantio Cities with . Western, North-western and Sonth western Staten, by koontionous Railway direst. This Road also connote Et Pltteborgh with daily line of steamers to all ports on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sandasky with steamers to all ports no the North-western Lakes ,• making the,wmt DIRECT, CHEAPEST and RELIABTA ROOT% which Freigh t can he forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RAUB BETWNIN PRILA.D.PLPHIII, AND PITTB• BURGH. Fuer °Lana—Boots, Shoed, Hate, and • Clapa, Books, Dry GaAs, (In boles bales and Winn), Drugs, (in bolea and bales) Feathers, Punt, &a 714. per 100 IN . BIIOOOD OLAss—Doruestio Sheeting Marling and Ticking (In orighend bales), Drugs (in °anti), Hardware, Leather, Liquor, (In (mend wail Paper, Wool, and Sheep Potts, lant+ard, ke. &o 600. per 1001 U Tlnn (Juana-,AXIYILS, Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Baited, (lone° or In woke), Pointe, (dry and In Gild • Oil,, (except land and rosin ) 60e. per 100 lbc lointra rah, Baoon, Beef, and Pork, (In casks or bone eastward), Lard andLardoll, Natio, Bode Ash, German Olay, Tar, Pitch, Bonin, Steel, Manufactured Tb. new; Rosin Oil Gneensware, Sugar, (hhds., Ibis., and boxes,) &e., 40e. per zoo lb Pions—Tso. per bbl., until further notice. Clitilw--9,50. per 100 lbs.. until further notice. Borrow—s.l per bale, not exceeding NO lbs. weight, until farther notice. In chipping Goods from any point Nast of Philadel phia, be particular to KM packages via PenanYinaniS 'Railroad' All - Gonda consigned to the Agents of thin Bond, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. - PaziOnT AOinTS.—Olarke & Co., Ohioan L Tacker & 00., Afemphle," Tenn.; R, Baas k. Od.at. , Loolo Mo. • P. G. (Miley & Co., Nvanaville, Indiana • Wm. Bingham, Louisville, Kentucky.; B. H. eteid,,,, n , Madison, Indiana; n. Brown &0o and /Aber & Thbbard, 01130thOlifl; H . IL Piero. & do.,Zanesville Ohio; Leech & Co., No. 54 RillaSefeee, o d on . t ee d Zr. Co No. 2 Aster Roue, NawYerk, No. I Maim at. , New Y ork' B. 7. Bneeder"Pti ll adelphia; Wale Koons, Baltimore ) D. A Otowart, Pittsbngh. H. H. HOUSTON, ' general Freight Agent. - ' H. Y. LORBANBT, deg. • • General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. • 200 quintals 00 , 16111, 100 co. Pollack. 800 Ws. Ma.kerel. 0 0 do. Yana Sushiolls Ban id a VAT= nria, _ NOTI OE .—NOUTH: - PENN SYLY ARIARAIL noep. CHAN t R , OF 110tiRS. On end after MONDAY. Joly 26th : 1858, the Trains on this Road will leave Front and Ti Blow streets dally (sandals ektOpted,) as follows: For Bethlehem, F. sten, Mc., at ... ........6.15 A. M. For Bethlehem , Allentown an ',Mauch • Chunk, at 2.30 P. M. For Doylestown at 8 30 A. az. and 4.30 P. M. For Fort Washington.. at,..9.3.1 A. M. and 0.00 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Betbletiettr,• at .9 00 A. M. and 5.30 P. AI: Leave Doylestown, AL. . 00 A. M. and 4.00 P. M. Leave Fort Washington. at.. 6.15 A, Al_ and 2.50 P. M. No' chanze, in Sunday Tr ede. 'All Vassan k ter Trains':eptosect at Chatham street with City ,paniefiger,Railway.'' the 5.30 Tree from Bethi6em irr The 0.15 A. 5T ' . will make close Trait! from Philadelphia, and connections with Reston, and with ti4PN ew """ea- Aralltallroad. .: • ilLb;f 3 CLARK' 113 H ILADE L P HIA, GERMAI•h CIW-N `9;s I AND NORRIS TOWN PATIMOVIL—gI333.... ARRANREMENT.—Oa sad,after DIONDA:ir, IdaylOtaZt 1858. - i /OR GERMANTOWN Lean; Philadelphia at 83(; 7 8. 9.05 ridn., 10, 51. X, A: Id. ,1.2, 8;4, 6,8, 7,8, 9.10, and 11 P; M. Lelia Germantown at 0., 7,73 i, 8, 9. IN. 10%, rig, r. 51. I-10 min : , 9,1964 X,, SN,J3x, 80-40 tato : , arpt 7.5 The 7,15 - ..o'clook . Tralit‘rioin' ciorminiown atop eats , at ty p Az4 Voir ?treats Btatkras. ON Save PhiladelpbLa 9110 min :- A. M., 2, 6 33 onlg P • • tears Germantown kg 10 min., 4yj, Amor P. M. CRIBSTNIIT RILL BAILROA,L. Leave 1%110410U At Bx, 8, 9 00 min ,114 2,8, 8: 0. S. 10 Y. M. - Lea►e Chestnut 11111 at 6 40 and 7.06,11.10, and 10.10 MIDI A. M-,15.50, 8.10, 4.10, 6.10, 1:413, and 0.20 ndn - • , . - ON 813NDAY8.' . - Lome, Ptdledelphia. 9,90 A WO, ISX, And 8 P. M. I.46•o 4 ollestnut 8.10 min , A.. 81., , 12.14 4.10' - TOR OONBIIO/1001329R AND 'NORRIS TOWN. L 51176 PhilideplilA it AR' 9; 11 A-8148.06 Ini- 0, 4 8.10, WA ..4X , 0%.13.1( P. M. Unit ArOrrlatown, at 6,,T, 9, irA. M. l I,Bg, Oa ex P Y. ... _ /AST!, Phllidelpbla at 9 A. M., And BP. M. Leave ttorrlatown at T A.'M. and 6 P.M. ; _ ' ' ~ ' --. FOR MANAiI72III. • 2 . ' LeaTeTbill148101111:14 6Af, TX .9,11 A. M. 1..05 =IL, 2.06 min , 8:10 min , 43‘, 641, 6%, 8 , 11,4 P.M. Lease - bie.usynuk "at dx , 7X,, dX, OX , 1.1,X A. NI, "V . 01 .3 4. 0 a; , and 9 ... P..4,1 ,4604,m. 011U8TE n it ' wag RAILROAD - .19R DOWTIII4I. ' - `TOWN: Leave Philadelphia at 8X A.:kti'and 3.10 min. P. M L*4 DowDiOgUIM 41,7 g M and IP. M.- - • - SMlTHf,Cieneral Baperintaiiddmt: . 'Depot, tilnll+ aid Groin streets. PhiladidPkilk . „ . 1858 . % . ITNifnsA :L RAILROADAI 858 TO. PITTSEUEOII. . And themie Iry Railroad to •MoDLIN_ „ • -O . • • - S T. 'LOCID, STEMIENVTLLE, CLEVELAND, OINOINN ,ATI • • CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE,- nusLuvaTolt, INDIANAPOLIS, • • ST. PAWS,. - And ail intermodlatipoulta in- DELO; ENDIANA, .11M0113; RENTLICKV, c+AN, WISCONSIN; MINNESOTA. BLISSOMIS, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Passengers to polntsoiest of Pltthburgb, Wheeling, Cleveland and Cresthfie, bare choice of routes, enders requested to make o selection Wore applying for tlek. ots. TM= 211:13013G8 -TRAINS -1.714.1711 I.BILADRI, PEils DALIN, lonelag deem oenteetions at Pittsburg& to ell points West. On and, after, MONDAY:, May - 10th, INN,' Throe , through, and Two, accommodation trains, will leave the - depot, S. N. corner of ELEVENTH and MAREYST greets, as follows : THAIN 3 Pon PlTTElStiliali TRAINS VILOY rITTSZORGI AND Tll6 Witirr LHAVE. AMID ma wan? 0,111 , 7111: Mail train at.... 7 30 A. M. Mall train at.. 11.00 night. Fait line ICO noon, Put line 460 A. M. Express mai1..11.00 night.. Noma =a.. 1.10 now), M. WAY TRAISB .I.IITY. . NAT TIMIS AAJUTS. Ilarrieberg ao. ' - liersiebtow ao- - ' . • ' ocumoodation 300 P. Pd. commodation.7.l6 "P. M.' Lancaster , i 6.00 P. M.' Lancaster' ... - .9.60 A. M. The mall train atop at the stations lietweeit Phila. delphirs and. Nittaburgh.• • .- -,- •. - • The layman mall rune daily, the other trainsOunday excepted. , „ - The ore leave the Peritorytura lialiroadl'Ma, • Station, southeast corner of ELEVENTH - and M streets, entrance on Eleventh 'treat, where thmow ticketa to all points West am be obtained.. ". • ringggage will be received at the Depot at any time dß the day. No charge far handlingbaggege. - -. For further information, apply at Aim Depot or;-ha Penneylvanhs Railroad Company, 'southeast, comet of Eleventh and Market streets, between the hours off A. U. and ,11 P. M. , ' - _MOMS 'moonn, my lo . -. , Agent I,4ma , a Railroad OO: : 40trig attb liegiatiranta UL4LHCAHD H 0 U.S E ;•43ROAD WAY TWELPTII threat, Now lark, ie . •opened, elegantly furnished with every modern Improvement. The location is fashionable rad healthy: - . The f 007128 Are , l ge and Fel. Tentilstatt,. Moab' served pt all hotre, and every attention Isla to tb# comfort of guests. Transient board $2 per day. ; Per manent board at lower rates. - ' The *hole meter the meneeenient of 0 J. MAOLIL. LAN, (late of the United States Noel, Philadelphia.) vho respectfully 'colicite the patronage of hb Mende and the travelling petit e - - • „ slo.7en JONES ROUSE, umailissvßia; °doted in 1567.) ELEGANTLY FIIENIBILETI, NOW OPEN-TO VISITORS. my 29.1 WELLS 00VERLY, Proprietor. WORRELL ROUSE, N. W. oor. TUIRD awl lIARMONT COURT the uudehiguati taken pleasure in hennaing Ms friends and hp pubde at loge. that he has opened the above ESTARUOILLIIENT, end plOges himself to merit the patronage of his patrone, ever. areas e is of cope. nor oral, having hien aeleoted without regard to prise. ()Baia:WS WOhReLL, Proprietor. INIOHOT4L S;aoU p Sß li • °RE I N DA TD PL AN Ni ) GHT. V. 116,5012711 EIGHTH 8T MOW OWBOTNIIT, 'errasnlatan4Tr!nile/t Lodg, at, B. This Hoy: rVetY Mr . t will be m 4,13rET61,VM NiulfOLLl, to gi v e satisfaction to his Patrons. • This establishment is situated In the heart of the ce.ty, centre of business, and convenient to all plums of amusement. • The Merino:ale aisd Travelfsg earemunitfr wlß,find It a desirable place for comfort, cleanliness, and mono. . . . . Meals turalabed st all boars. Slagle Rooms, 60 cents per night., By the Its* UM and upwsrds. MEROHANTS' EQTEL, HOWTHIOInin =AM Azov: ktasni, - PIIILLADBLPHLS; itaS64l liana:MN k BONG. PEOP*l4lrOlgre ... 00 10 60 18 03 18 00 /0 25 1660 19 00 19 00 11200 ~.16 00 It" E S SRS. OIJICKERING ac, SONS, having removed to their new wareroome, No -1807 CHESTNUT Street, (near the United States Mint,l are prepared to offer to their friends and the pub%) as extensive assortment of Orand, Parlor-Grand, &wars and Upright PIANO-FORTES, manufaetured expressly for this city, finished in various styles of cases, and at prices which cannot fail to please. Plano-Fortea made to order, to stilt - any style of frirniture, and all imam meats warranted to give entire satisfaction to the pur chaser. • Grand and Bonfire Plume to rent, upOn the mat torablo terms. Menem. 0. & PONS have received Thlrty-tour hiEOALS. The first Treadmill over all competitors in the United States. All orders for TUNING mai REPAIRING will be promptly attended to. jyl-11m E) ANU FORTES. dust :Inland, an elegant stook of ItAIiNN, BA. ON, A 00., NIINNS 4 014 2 .11 N 11.81.1. ET, DAVIS & 00., and GALS A 00.8 rums, 31E1.00.80N8 bestquality, at J. N. GOVLD'B, 8. M. c orner mamma and OHESTNIIT ets. Trihl9-y LIMBER YARD. HOUTZ & 004 (Successors to rdontgeme , & B. W. earner of TWELFTH and PRIME Streets, Ptak., Old Hoyarminsing Distriot, are now reoelsing a large and well-aoleeted assortment of all descriptions of Milian, mob as White Pine. Yellow Plc.', Norway, Hemlock, Lath. Roles, Pickets, Fence Boards, Blowing, Elielving, and every vsnlety of wellAnmsoned Lumber. Also, a large gook of BID Stnff,of every variety and description, constantly on hand and sawed to order at the ehostest notice. Our connection with Messrs. Mahaffey . , Hours, k 00.,' and Duffy, Hoots, & 00., at Marietta, Pa., gives nano surpassed facilities, and enables la to supply orders foe all descriptions, or Lumber with promptnees and despatch. PINK-OAEHE LUMBER, sort and mellow, suitable for PATTEHN-MASERS, &aooostentlY on hen& Prompt paying purchasers ainiespectfully Invited to examine our stools before going elsewhere. aP2I-11 78 82 "LUMBER AT WHOLESALE AND tell. at Marietta, Lancaater county, Ps. bLEMIMIBY, HOUTZ, & 00, take this method of informing their customers and persons desirous of pur chasing LUMBER, that they have now on hand a lane and well-seasoned stock of all descriptions of Lumber which they are prepared to sell at satisfactory prices. Their timber Is all fronr.their awn MILLS on PIN CREEK, They are also connected with !deters HOUTZ, &. CO and are prepared to furnish all kinds) of Planed Board s,. Dill Stuff, Lath Pales, Pickets and Building Timber for Bridges, &a., of all descripeions, 041 the shortest notice. They would also take great Seism* in calling the attention of Madera, and thaw In want of Lumber In the city of Philadelphia, to the Lumber Yard of 11013TZ Co., server of TYPEITTE and PRI ME }Atwate r with whit= they are also con nected: " ap2l-tf BLINDS AND SHADES, CHEAP YOE OMB B. J. WILLIAMS, No: le NORTH BIRTH STREET, Is the meet °Stearin hfuntfaeturer WINDOW BLINDS, And Dealer in WINDOW SHADE'S, Of every variety. He hee a Ins stook to be Bold at Reduced Prices. BRET, and all other Colors of Linea Shades, Trim. Itxtures, la., ke. STOW{ MUM - Painted to order. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO WE STUDY TO PLEASE. CkILS, CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, &o. guy 1,900 gallons Winter Sperm Oil. 050 gallonetio. 1 Winter Lard Oil. 6,000 gallons Bleached Winter Whale Oil, 8,000 galions Light Backed Whale Oil. 260 boxes Chemical Olive Hosp. 900 do Olathe Soap. . WI do Brown Soap. 100 do New Bedford Sperm Candies. In store and for sale by CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.-GAS COKE, of excellent quality, is Bold at the PHILADEL PHIA GAS WORKS for the reduced price of fire *ante a bushel and may be obtained in large or mall quan tity by applying at the Gas 0111ce, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. To purchasers by wholesale it is sold at the Works, in Pint Ward, by the ton, at a price eirtivalent to Anthracite at 12.50 per ton. teig.ed,) J. 0. CRMSON, Engineer, Philadelphia Gas Works. Atur. 28, 1 157.' adoy.ti BONES. -100.000 Shin Bones, onitible for Umbrella and Buttou Makers, In store and for solo OBAMSDALIC, PEIROB, & 00., 104 NORTH 10 1141191,9 viREIGHT FOR NOVA. SCOTIA . About 700 bble birlk can be 44:for a port In No va bootie. Apply to JOHN M. KENNEDY & 00. 181 NORTH WHARIMI, itakkoatt itittso. patio Jones. Lumber. B. W. POMEROY ALLEN, Late J. B A. & 8 Allen, No. 14 South IYCLAWARR Avaansia
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