111.-ff.v:TryL, .11 iiiitifiiiiiili viiiiirtifirtor --' ,-~.1 . firoill.Reil ism STAVICe:TRMATIII. 41:71U 041j4, **me: :l i sts.—...Ordiray't Boston /41litul.” • •- - \ - , . ..Another,, rday Morning, a , M.lteigenteelly dressed young German entered the tame:oov etore,un Messrs. l. le A. NeMperi No. - 33 'south Beurth'street> andl &Omar te - purebeete for oath oletrkfgoods.. The.preprietorldlaPlaked.A 4 g.kodA to his. ouutonier; but frinnrtho - eardoesdnan. wrporobale - di b n -to,think , ,thete sr 79 swl46 b'ou ttb e tgro.risvp ,tioszaa tlyjegi 'Thelat es, selabtod a bill of goOlOkblotlift , ing to b Met), eod o tderedit sent Mi broarding house," Nit 22t south Path street:Myth `Maim bed not anal )ken t money with hito-teeett "'the bill:: ',The. gookisrliereAceordingly , ount'hy: e k elerk" in the, B ri lu hrder,tbaii , rbera 'might-be no slippery, trick played.. ia-thelnatter. The clerk took • the butrite,,wout to 21t south Fifth street, and found- Lie roeelm it. , The latter took. the t rtadnygavoilie - clerke'eheor on'the CCM , reialltank!fer. the Imola" etnonnt; - followed the stork to the door; kid 'blandly bade - him 't good day." The ;dark then hurried to the CMomorOMPßank, He presented - the cheek, and Was infermed thatmo each patien had any Morley, id et - was kn'own,at, that bank.' The young min then-rushadhaok, to„ No. 22.1.,14,uthffifth.etreet,-,but thooute Boman *a not tliere,ffho , hopee'le_ a respectable; bearding. house, the proPiletol , ,oristilualf stated that this, attneffdrbed-enitaged .boarding there at 8 o'clock yesteriiay tuornieg, and that he afterriarda went out, andletainedjuit before thtsolork had arrived with the bundle, .„ • „ It has sinee,esen lletnirtained, thid_the' 'sharper, offered for stile the same gooddlit ishire hu Eighth street,`-representing that he Waal from New York,, and that.the goods wore the balance ofk a large lot whieh ho had sold in this, city. He offered to oloso out the.lot,for $27. „line hanger le a youngßor inanonelsessitigeehintilk,cauteness al a stetiltiaif: He is arc fait in "the trimmings limbic* and hue probably beet:Oath* Polite iltiantiess.Ort .TuOsday, night 'the room of a., gu,est at theyratiklin Heine; Cheatnnt street,hbore Third;-was entered and robbed of a valuable gold watch and,ninety_dollani in money. The loser of the , money.hadlakidthe precaution, upon retiring to .root,' to both bolt end look—hie door.. The tolt woe babk by means of a stlekkinelfrtedittirough then_tiansom ove.r•the door The key, Whieh-', iia4 nitiOking W.:the ',look inside the door, *untamed freext tht.ool4ol,bihicantnef nippors,,,and ell-vrithontawakenlng'ltbe :- aliseping inuotteef•ther,apartfttent: , ,The.. thief helieVed to. have been a yeang-marttwho_went tun stairs at the. hoMA'; at:teritgoloolciand Jay- at Ave o'olook, yeeteiday, belie. yid that brie the , same tatm'',lrlitijol4leC ti , * 7 :Aeltiand - 1 2 . Thiele the night previous. =".` Abe t, twelve" e'clikek. pa.- Tuesdes„ night, - the gromittalktreof Henry", Center, eV, Oharlotte.and -Thombsee,atfeete, Stiveittienteverd,..was, entered by prying' open 4n.bitek.'srlinfori;; The, thief ear tied off the money drairer, - Mintainingemrio 8164 n. sliver and come ,eolth Shortly afterwards .en individual was ;discovered in an adjoining alley, engaged firetiptying the contents of the drawer into pocket.." Be ran, was and sr roiltod,..,The battler g ate the unmoor ifeaeb Fox, On hiessayha- - dropnedsi . oonaidarable:ofttatitity of pennies. lie was coeunittediiyAid, Shoemaker. Fox ispaid to be an old offender- - - - - man named Norris; from Washington, D. C., whets stopping at the Atnerlean House, hod his pocket picked yesterday morning by a man with whore be bed • "imbibed "-several times, and who professed - to,know some of his friends m I Weebiegion. Body ereit. , L-The : body of Jotieph L. Celeinan, who woe drowned on Tuesday, near Fair mount,' was ivoimeredyeaterday. The deceased was lee son otThotrise 11L.Colemnn, one of,tbe re.. pntereef the Ledger:: *Coleman's eon bad gone'ont with a oompanion to ash on the Soltnyl kill, -nnd secured a 'favorable 'filftoe. on' the western hank of 'the river, near the foot of the dam. 'Young Colereatr.,:stripped' to take a bath, Intending ambit to aleelt'which rises above .the water, ashort distance from the shore.. Ills Dom pinion netioed his movements , in the water, and supposed that be was swimming, but presently he bearill'a'Cory - of distress, 'and saw" the - youth' ditaPPear And rise ,again .from .tbe water. The camp:We:l,', &tithed, ran for' his 'tithing rod, hi hand : to, the assistance of the drown ing Youth; but ending that be did not rise again, ho ran upltha rivet; bank and lave an alarm to lame persons; who came instantly to the. rakes.. They ,drired - repeatediy into the.. water= where the unferthillifetyouth'was lad seep; but all their "forterfalliit to - And hint: 'Sabroquently, grapnela were prcAtired„ and. the'vrork - or searching for the body,„„wria,gonlismedtuuemittinglY unt.ll.yeeterdOY morningrrrithout success. This is the seoand 11011, that Mr. Coleman has lostwithin the piesentyear. 'V he 'oldest died last January .nt Rio Andre, of - froioiler ,:B.anner held an inquest yeaterlay, anki'verdiet of acaidental 'dreaming araa-rendered: - , •'" - COM4tding . ./lirair in Seventh street. —A rather rielt*liiting _affair occurred in the (inlet looality, of Belenth'Weet; belevr_Arch, on ruesda3i O ven tug. - It stems that ti yonni gentleman; of about. twenty-four .summers, who, resides lin - the southwestern part -of the city; Is in As habit of visiting the looalityjust deaoribed. The ostensible object of •his visits was thri steam engine of the Philadelphia Hoeo Company, but be:amain reality attracted by the charms of ‘ aprettt blonde of about seventeen, who lived tear by. - "IS is alleged that he has sent frequaikkanonynioue letters to the lady, which were as offensive for their manner aster their• tnatter,• as they were got :nn In an illiterate and bungling-sort of style.. On Tuesday evening, the young gentleioan made his appearance - hi front of the domicil of the lady, when the ,tatter - stepped forward, and, drawing a cowhide from behind her person, she proceeded toapply itykoronslyto.the shoulders of thee - Tending youth'.': The young man protested his innonenee of anYfatilkand demanded en eipliiation; but the - maly,-eply waiblona, and he dually beat a retreat, leaving the lady mistress of the Held._ The Adair was.witsessed by a =flay_ Crowd which gathered. as crowds wilfgathpr, upon very abort notice. ' - ..bio*ly-interfered, and the lady had it all her own way. Reed , der few re :Oast of the,Demociatioinindr ' minatice 34---First ward, Wil• Hem Baffin., Fifth , ward, 'Jeremiah Blackburn, John 'COsait; ' "Sofenth' ward; Campbell • Elghtlrwarci - Dr. Tr. II: Sturgeon; Tenth ward, Major II - .13, Yeager;Thomas J. iiempbill ; Twelfth ward;,' fllliam „Cfrnadleek; .11oueockty Charles N: Bucktnghatil r Fourteenth ward, Ed win Bark; Fifteenth ward, , If. .Leiseuring;. Eighteenth waid.-Andrew J. Wester, Richard W.; Byre, , Dinitil W. Roberta; Twentieth ward ; Chat. &hearer: - Titenty-sengnd, ward; John,p. Miles Twenty-third ward, John Fanittiod;, fourth uord,,Jamee Torbert. %In "the (tonne of a few days tiemilinrepare a list of all the candidates for mtutiolpul- °Wow to be filled at -the October - P ;:- ,--- • The New Hook. 'arid;: ompany.-; lirelmv,e been informed thatthe following gen. tleo3dit have been appointed a committee to so. Gott aubwriptionalo aid in mcniing a truck, end ereoffOgaterrhonsp fettbe :Washington lloorand Ladder Company, recently argent:44in the Year: toentliirard George W. Oave r No.l.34o Brandy. wino litratst;;laaoh .Irmore,t southwest corner of Eleventh and • Myrtle streets; Joseph Q Thirteenth, - below Green-street; Geo. W. Patton, Thirteenth and Vine streets; William W. Penny, Packer, No, 1301 , Ridge avenue ; John A. Ma bestial; Rhigo avnue and Mellon elreete, aid L. B. Tarr., -The trttok is now nearly oompleted,and will hal - toady-in August fur active ferries. 4nother Dockey7---Yesterday Otentitiou two men went to the residence of Gatielb Gahleoki in tbo•Tweity-second ward, andfnftmmed his wife that her htuband'had been seriCAlSfy . isjnred at' the Mill ltrwhiali hiiirtte employed., The - atten. tire, Wife, :of oourso, went,to the place ePeelfleti, but returned home shortly afterwards to tipd that she loufbesor'lmpoessi .upon by' two regams who, during her absence, bad attempted to rob some money-able& they knew the husband bad .In , the houSe. They we r e unsuccessful, however, in this new method of raising the wind, as they were frightened-Mr by the cries of a little boy in one of the upper rooms. Fatal .Reculent at ilringhuist's Yesterday .afteimonni i oii'Malergan,. jtn em. pion. - in Istrinsintrat'a, saw-Miii, at Second and Oxford streets, In the Seventeenth . ..ward, was , in the aot af patting on woe belting on a portion of tbo maehinery, when Ihill11:12 ca tin Om belling,. and literally sawed from • bit body,- The nreir-eniased , theneafist'lmolteinent In the o* , ' tabffilniniat."'"Thir 113' red . man 'wtioniiiieYo4 - to his .. rmidenee in Pimatropt,:abore 9ittoid, be "aggfAid,"last ; was..a einghisnan, , abd:in the 24th year Obis age. Coro net...Fenner was notmed'to hold an invest In the Oftge. ' friipioripileo. 7 ,lloo 3 le n ow,' being greeted in the nortilittaneti-nostion of thef.Clirard•cfollege grotinds;.s three story building, forty-nine by liftrobefeetofblob Is to so used pa an: Infirma ry. e'-The Oda; of the'hnildtag fa to be sanded, in ImAlollOo of' Iffoalte:' Th 6 'good' liialth:'‘of nafi troika - 1i fonistetrictillp3ntlattosix, tizeite not being at procant,"a single ow ofaloknoill."::Wo ;kiwi 'MO; the - Monthlyavirage 'this institution 'le 1,500,-belng about , thirty allay. • • 'l:4".W.ater Departmett; --;- The following' additional:apiointmenta have been made by .the ChietEngineer citilte'WatetrEepartment - Segineeta- 'cibe, NentiaitOn .Water..Woris," Benjamin :Norman :and- Ben Amin - IlturyvHogi, near- of the -Twenty-fear& ward - IVater • Works, Jambe Beekley ; % Watchmen-at .F,Airiooutit, - Wm. Portions - or Girard - aVenite, Moraine, Lewitt, Emerald, Iladwalader streets have been paved. and licided.wlthin.the put week. •y. • Violent rlssault:— 'Harrison Henry bas been held to bait to =44 tb'e chargtiof violently as saulling andlnooking down ft female at the cor ner ofliiptit,imekWitinnt etryete, ;- Fatal Resiat.ZGodfreVHeitner, who fell from a (*terry tree a few 'days since, died yoeter day at bin residence on the Frankford road, above York street. 't"erry Tan, Ectrow-liwenvoin' end' the,. "! Somothiege I.to - ;6ttestionsto.li:iiimontiliodlhat the largest, beet, end rriosibeintliVee'sertnieiit Of summer clothing tube rotitelthie city le now being dierieed oft Franklin Hall Eciporlum 'rot g. gldrl4o;gy. 841 Chesintit street. The friends - (and they.ereileglon)ofMr. l'. NV Mil, lace; sltiil lotto 11111E , POSSUill he hi; the major dome oritillailabilitimeatian pat!•ila l 'i le gene rel invitation to tlionilo glen lain Sean, tho humorist poet; Iry pools recently rend, thins to the lite iitholl)teriWie orgtrtall blood .'l44_,Ropahlkeine 6( PaylOt yledgei 'titan s foreign tame, fielkotineeiclineNoM avlliiog lanit oky) T.,fliut, like bad news; enlarging he theyily.; - i3inmtk and hungry; bright Wltbienis of pailio( handetin ittr4linenidecea: 79111'onit NOT& otirsiliei tisponeibla tol,tbs *mune ofoilliititiNbut,,uoule.:-loimootfully-ooggeot .these iildamibit - propriety of paying saga: to palatial clothing estlbilidtme . p,t, - at 119. 0 ,01 t7he(dint. Ti . --t PP4OA*P.ix digo . y.' an it3vii7.-01noiii*Ati ie aQppy:ki l cejo in* :United Stake, and - darinceacssiekrlooly,foitilltonitin4 dollars , worth athelikeiletate ebiAlftligiiiionantables.Philadelphia iiiheirkateeqtogitik4#;tigili444excniihiblieli, utSpt'Cn it lithall6srpiscen,edint4nglialE4plechhilr eitilette, - 44:14',nd '6EOOIOI4mA, ;abase , ,Vef ;1 - 41:4 fp:t patt&Drallis Or,2R&DX. 0. GA17413, - NFMLIA.II ()JUNI', MOMS'S 00 ' Rix Moira • , ' Wdlitte .in4Uigence. PONT-OF PHILADELPHIA, 'July go, nos. autilltriBB 4 98 I MIN SSTS 7 12 .g ea WAT7IB - • l2 10 • 1. ' :ARRIVED. 1 Btoitmahip Kennebeo, Band, 24 hours from New York, -vim ()spa May, with rodeo andpassengers to Jan AB derdlco. E Bairitte.Reindeer, Franklin, Id days from Havana, via quarantine, with sugar, &o, to John Maws & Co. Brig'J d : 11 Ointaley, ttrowlery, trdaya from Remedios, via Quarantine, with sugar, &a. to John Mason & Co. scht,;guena Reene,3 days from New Yotk, with salt to Humphries, Hoff man A Wright. • Bohr Martha Moore, Willett', 8 day/ tram Now York, wlEttmdse to captain. .. Bahr Sarah Mirage, Weaver, 4 days from New York, with clay to N Lennig " Bohr. AL Sewall, Lood,,ld days • from Bath, Me, with Its to captain. Behr 0. A - Matson, Cobb,? , days frbm Provincetown, , with` mdse to Geo A Wood. Behr Challenge, Pendleton, a days from Bridgeport, with rodeo to Coo A Wood. - • Bohr Damsel. Berton, 4 days from Baltimore, with nuke to Thos Webster, Jr. • Bohr 8 G Kiog, - Audrews, 5 days from Alexandria, Va, with mdse to rhos Webster, Jr. Bohr •211c0loskey, °Lobbied!, U, days from Radium, Clank with stone to J litcOloakey. Behr; Luther IMP. Nickerson, 7 days from Boston, shit mdse to Crowell & Codins. Bair Xmas, Vent, 8 dais from Lynn, ballast to Noble,- A Caldwell Bohr Mary B •Atiffiln, Batt, f days from Boston, In Whilst to Rayon lc tumith. - • Bohr Pertgaesel,Viewell; 4 days from New Bedford, In ballast to 0 /dolma - • • • Bahr Transit, Davis, 4 days- from Port Jefferson, in balliat to Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. •Bohr Wm George, Jackson, / day front Smyrna, Del, with corn to JL Be slay & Co. • • Bottr:Wor Bleed. Smith, trom Now York • Baltrldunot Sopont, Orusolt, from New York. - Bahr XV Beaton,-Taylor, from Boston. Bohr Pigoonnock, Burroughs, from Boston. Bohr L. itudenried Bartlett, from Boston. , Bohr Louisa Gray: Weaver, from Boston. Bohr Peugaaset, Waplae, from Boaton Bohr Emeline Chester, Bowen, from Boston. Bohr Therese 0, Gandy, from Boston. . Bohr W 0 Nelson, itnelloott, from Nantucket. , Behr -J AI Baylis, Thompson, from Plymouth. Mohr X Rickey, k los, from Pawtucket. • Bohr L Clark. Booey, (run Wok haul. Bed daml Osstner, Garwood, from Pall Rlver. Sloop, Lancet; Bayard. 4 days from. Christiana, Del,. with oatato Ohrlehen &-Ottrian. • .; Steamer Balloen,,Wltildin, eig hours from Cape May, 'with passengers -W captain .Fused the barque Ei from hostoni.two light, brigs, and fifteen-'dire be:ow Booby Rook, bound up. ; OLEARBD. " Ilietimshlrbelawara r Oopen,EN York, Jae Aliderdice. - Brig Ann Elisabeth, Taylor, Boston, L Audenried& Oo -Brig Bacoookr.TociceriPenesoola, Tylerifitoue & Co • • 3 13 FieBmrotts Chase, Baton, N Sturtevant & Co. - Bohr Itepor,er, Berry, Boston,,Binciaktion & Glover. Bohr W. Oilieleon, lindloott, Roxbury, Van Dustin, lipotott & Co:, . • Bohr J Thompeon, Leiden, L Rothermol. BahrLA4dentieb. Mullett Boetvn,N dturtevant &Co Bohr. Paogructet, Waples Boston, W H Jobe* , Pehr_Theresa 0, Gaudy , Boston , Tyler. Stone & Co. Bohr E W Ben oh, Taylor, Boetot/, B Pearson. Bohr hl 111/Ihn, Haar; Boston, Kaye lc Smith. ' Behr Peotionuook;Burroughs, Boston, 0 A Reakaher Bohr Lewis Clark, Booey, Hingham, • do - Bohr War Steed, Smith, Baker's Polly, Wines & Co. Bohr Louisa Grsy, W , Lynn, L Bothernael. Behr X Rickey, Tine, Newport,• do , Bohr B Chester, Rowers, Washington, Noble, Ilam %nett & Bohr L Dupont, Corson, Belem, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Behr Waterloo, Condon, Cutins, Me, N iiturtevent 00. pohr Levine Jane, Ketcham; New Bedford, do Bohr 0 A Motion, Cobb, Provinostowni - D Andel:ale, - Bohr Vashtt Sharp, Sharp, Salem, B Mines & 00. Bchr-Norman Collins, Bangor, X A bender & Co. • • Bohr Sarah:Hinge, Weaver, New York, Bancroft, Lewin tr. Co.. • Bohr Emma, Vent; New Haven, Noble, Hammett & Osidtvell . • Bohr Trousit; Davis, Charlestown, = do ' Her IL Willing, Olaypole, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Oorreepondenee of the Nem) . HAVKIi DR' GKAON, July 21. 11058. Thetß.lngeton left here this morning with 10 boats, laden and cOnolgned as follows; • Yentungton & aymond, /Umber to (learn & Galvin; A. Suwon. do to Nototoaa & Sheet.; Borah Julep, do to D 9 Taylor; nyder - Ally, pig Iron to Both & Lobdell; Dr ,D 0 Keller, Major J ,Idaidle,J 0 Hoffman, V Walton, end II Drinton, (ma to Delaware City. (Correspondence of the Profs.) • - Illtnfilliii, Jolt 40,1866 The followlini :boats poised ant of the Union Canal Le-del. hal/ad to Ehliadelphla, laden end °unsigned as follows: '. ' - Merchant, grain to Perot & Bro; Obu 0 MO, boards to Bolton, Vanderreer & 00; Mary, lumber to J Bduiitb; Butler, 00Orte do CO, oats to captain; J W Shower, light, to captain;,Oneida bittiminoue anal to 0 Matsu ban; Oapt J.Oniatead, boards to Malone & Taylor; r Co. hamlet, do to J Craig; Merchant, door to litunphtlem, Ilednlan lc Wrlgbt. " P. (flareiporidenee of the Philadelphia Exchange.) - ' LDWER. Del.. July 20-8 PM. The ,sohni It A Tull, Julia Smith, R W Dillon, Josiah 'Aohoro, Deena R Unfelt., 8 W Ponder, Riektuan, esmoset, Matt Peynter, end John Walker left the harbor this mornin g . " The tug AWOriCh and sloop JI) Platt renialitin the roulette& Wind BR—weather fine. Vinta t &Of WM. M. 1110/ilitAN, EBY VILITORAZO TO TOO PATIO.] .TioW TORT, Ally 21. , Attired, ship imam B Keeler, from London; Mores 'W 0 Alden, from Matanzas; Veils, (Br) from lit Jago de °oho; Bleda, from IlonibMg; , brim In., from °oedema; .King Bird, from Ifarsnar Norma, (Br) from Palermo; Breton, from , Port as Brims; Lark, from Bermuda; ochre llardiror, from Rio Bache. lodue, from BE Johns, BIE; Brolly Kerr, from Jamaica; Boa Ranger, from dr royo,Pl7.9 -" - ' • The U storeohip Supply, from Rio de Janeiro, ar rived this afternoon. Jibe left the frigate OE Lawrence In port, - BOB7OA, July 21. Arrived, ships Medford. from Cabot a; Mary Merrill, from Loudon; W D Sewall, from Cadiz; barque' eon Cobb, from Glasgow. Tropic, Bird, from Surinam; brigs John oDveir and.Titinia, tam Turks Island;. aohr Jo! Lar,rfrour Martina: Below, barque 0 B flpats Nonvots. A u i T , pr i M asat'''''rn brig A.ngelailkoin Laguna, for Bor. d A, with cargo of mahogany aid logwood. She la caking badly. , Savaaxan, CEA, tittly 21. Arrived, steamships tfunteville sad Alabama, from N York. - 11EMOBANDA. ,Steannhlp ,Belly, sailed from Richmond 720th hat for Philadelphia, - steamship St Loins, Ruction, cleared at New York yesterday for Aspinwall. Steamship Boston, Bellew, hence, arrived at N York -yesterday., Steamship Kangaroo, Jeffrey, from Liverpoof7th last, arrived at New,York yeeterday.. July ?, in the river, .pruned the Am schr Vol Cook, of Detroit, coming to en. °Mirage. ',Steepened MearnablpAmorles, of Ramalcos, and Br ship Belle of the Ocesn,of Miramichi, inwart boied; Amerman ships „Oaronne, of Charleston, Win dermere, ontward_boundi .Bth, off Waterford, Olertt 'Wheelee.;.bound west. lith, lea 60, long 89, paned Br barque Sunda, bound east. 19th, let 4180, long ibt 44, paned steamship City of Washington, from New York for Liverpool. Ship Philadelphia, Poole, from Liverpool, arrived at New York yesterday. Experienced light winds, calms, Ind thick weather from the Banks ' Ship Manlius. Pitman, from Liverpool for Calcutta, wee spoken April 6, lot /0 20 8, long 33 W. Ship Mandarin. Perrit, from New York for Hong Hong, was spoken June 20, Ist 2N. long 33 W. ' Ship Carrier, ,DOTO, Monte), from Callao, via Ramp. ton Boads,,arcived at New York yesterday, Ship Prosideut Broldt, (Brew) Meyer, from Liverpool, arrived in Hampton Roads 20th itist, and sailed again for Baltimore - : • , Ship Northland, Pittner, from Sunderland, arrived at New York 201 k inst.. Ship Clara, Wells, from Akyab, (before reported for Callao, was oft Queenstown Id inst. Ship- Bootie Miskelly, from Baltimore , arrived at - Ifelvoat hit last. -•. Ship Hartford, Mackay, from Charleston for Cron "stint, prison Cowes 6th list:. Ship Harvest Queen, Manion, from New Orleans for Orvintadt., was atlllsinOroist lost Ship Frank Haynie, Randall, for Philadelphia, en. tired for loading at Liverpool 4th lost Snip Thomas Jefferson, Hill, hence at St 711 e, NB, 16th - ' Skip George 'Green, Fairbanks uncertain, remained at oronandt 26th nit - - - Ship John Patten, Patten, remained at Oroustadt 26th Mt, uncertain. Barque Chu Keen, Chattlo, from Sombrero, at Brie. tou t B, 31 init. , Brig e a t s Hare Hicks, Hicks hence, arrived at Queen' town ilth ufor Ordool. Brig •Onni. (Boa) Blomere, 68 days from Rio de Ja neiroorith coffee, at Baltimore 20th last. tichr Xcilpse, Cook, hear*, anneal At Obsrleston.lBth Bekr Mire •,k Price, cleared at Charleston .17tblust. for - Jasksorinlle, Fla. i_. Bohr War goly, Pampa, heave, arrived at Rani ' :MorelOileinst - • - Sehr,Zeno, Pleldy hence, arrived at Georgetown, DO , Seder fJiiiie N•lfaltor, 'Yerinentan, fin Philadelphia, cleared at Bolton 20th - • - - Parr Mary•Ane ft Caroline, Howen,leneri, arrived at Newburypon 19th loot. ` Sohn P. Berri, Pendleton, aid 1' Armstrong, Dill, for Philadelphia, Laded from Salem 19th loot, Sohn Lady" Lake, White; and Wave; Smith, helm, sr. rived at Providence 19th 5 Bohr H6l Wright, Plaine hence arrived at N Haven , link lea" Bohr 041 Pettit, Olark; for Philadelphia, palled from -Marsha= 12th lest. Bohr Andrew fdanderson, Henderson, for BUMP 'Aired; willed front Baltimore yesterday. Sohr Nal Arin Guest, Barrett; hence at Richmond 29th toot Oar J 1' ;Talon% Parker:wed discharging at Buda eradde Mk lost. • Sohn 7' Clark, Scull; Tramway, Pusher; Telegraph,, Bickerton; Julies Chime', John Cadwallader, (Softer, 'Harriet A Rogers Began; Trojan, Cook, had 'arrive/ at Boston 20th innt, c; Sohn Gfre 0 abbe, Gibbs bens arrived at New Bed. ford 20th Ind Blimp Frank Dillon, from Trenfirs N J at New York yesterday. • • • - • MARINI' 6111301ILLANY. „. . Barque impel & llannah, Of Portland, from Newport, W. for 'lamina, teforgieported wrecked at Bimini '47th tilt, wee owned by Rog it ithirdivant and *there f Portland, and le fully Mimed in the .Fognitabhe, Al/lat:okr and Waghiniton °Medi, Beaton, and Atlantic office, Providence Brig Fillmore, of Baltimore, 194 tone, 6 Years old, which arrived at St Thomas previous to 2611 ult. from Copenhagen,- was gold to parties ite St Thome” for 1510,000: Oatit grans, her commander, came passenger in Br Silver Queer', at Providence from Bali Key. NOTICIB TO PLARINBRIS. IdONTA.TIit LIGHT llOUBB.—Withhe the put few months Amaral ,m esters of ships arriving at Otis port have compfained 'of the undertainty of determining the shove light in the night, it Wog vqt likely to be con founded with that at Gay tired. /formerly Montauk light was `,:Bled,?' but it woe changed butt year to whet IS called a ~t issh light"' The light at Goy Geed being crevolving,” the difficulty with mariners is, therefore, very apparent Several vowels have come near running ashore through mistake, and the ship Atkins Adams, 'Which arrived last night barely escaped by Loving a sharp lookout, and probed; would hare got isle port a day or two ago,IC Copt • Aeon bad not confounded the two lighte. -/dontauk light Is 'Sheeted 4T nautical miles from Guy Head, OW mike from Great West Hay, and 137 X miles from lire Island light. The Sashes are seen once in grey two minute!' and from three to fire mileafurther than the fixed lig ht, which Is seen within tts range as a 'toady fixed light between flaenex—New Oodford Standard, July 19. IPOSSIGI4 PORTS. Lisariool—Ar 2d last, Victory, Johnson, 'Norfolk; Bd, Antorote,Stonffer, New York. Old g 4 ~Windermere, Smith, New - Orleans ; Texas, and Alamo, kludgott, New York. /ffoterod for Waling 6th, Black Hawk, Taylor, Mica. o; Ohleftmn, Waldron, Owe/and, Ohio; Got LADOOI2, tone,. Mobile; Aida, (sit (Hbraltari Clifford, and Old Inglasid, Delano, NewYbrk, • , , , Pleepsoca—AriSth, Carlo Maurso, Andros. N Orleans. ShalMouth--Ar,fith, Sean, Mayo, $ t Thomas. Off 6th;WstroatA,, Or! , oragrafe, from New -York for London. - - Cardlif,-,-Arr Atb, Ilweard, Stanwood, London. Shielder-Arilth Alieglianlim, Bickford, Havre; Uncle Jos, Iloysto , kondon. 814 6tlt, , Norral,•Trelfrey, Now Belford. Howcastle- , Cld prey told, kmmi; Chisholm, Boston. Entered ora /sth, Pilot Pith , Hoyt, Boston 1301argor—Arr 24, Lucy Pranoes, donee , New York. Queenstown—Ars...Rd, P Chase, Cardonas. Off 24, Canton, Petal:igen, from Savannah. Ctotheoberv-:Arr 80th nit, .IdaiSandberg, Mobile. litunborit , t,kry Wind, lituriboldt, Minium, New York. Bld let, Stelnwatder, Prins, at Yraneleeo; 2d, JohniJarrow:in, Dieekrotua, New Yerk. Cadii—Arr 22d tilt, Ashland, Clark, New Orleans. Bad 19th,leredont a, Lord, New York; 20th, Tahiti, Darla, Boston, I/1;10.-4m 20th ult, Marie's JASIP, Dowker, Thsvana. Broyrna—Sld 24th ult, Moneynick, Smith, New Yotk. At Baguet la Grande, July 7 --Ship Meesenger, for New York, Idg ; bitumen Mermion , do; Auguata hie hew, do •a hew, N,otiola, do; Amelia. do ; Arlcl, for Portland, do; J A Binh for Europe, do, MOUS% .fur the North, do; .Bophat, do; do; brig" ilium, for Baltimore, do; A Terry, New York, do; Leviathan, do; Laurette, do;Id P Rich, do • Maria White, for the North, do; Anna Prentiea, do; 'Charles ltdward, do; Timee, disobarging aohra Bea, Breese, do; flotohkirc, for New York, load ing; Genie, do. DOMESTIC PORTS NEW YORK, July 21.-, , Arrived, steamship 'Victoria, Siuytor, St Johns, N F; ebip Win Itsthbone, Dowd, Liverpool; Olden barque Gerhard, Tallies, Bremen; Edna Aeolian, Email, Nassau, N P; My Rover, llnghes, Wilmington, N 0. Cleared, steamship Roanoke, Skinner, Norfolk and Richmond; chip Outouborg, Johanuseu, liamburg; barques 118 Flak, Pick, Maracelles; Ocean, _Lerma°, Soft,' Cay,, T I; brigs Th So an, Robinson, davauilla; Sanatiol Otis, Gilchrist, Wilmington; Mountain Eaglo, Tray, , Portland; ochre liy E Hopkins. Mdlsbury, Bnitr more; Worth, btono. Wilmington; Weetcrnport, Berry, Baltiloore; Electric Light, flume, St Johns, P It. Below, barque Celia from Liverpool. July , DOsTON—arrived 2oth. ship John it LAlbert, Crowell, New Orleans; Norw bark Salutation, Gregor eon, Neweestle, Bog; steamer Josh Whitney, Howes, Baltimore. Old—Bark Cheshire, Wm 'lye, London; brig Mishit Doane, Loring, Baltimore; solo, Lombard, Harding, Richmond, Va ; Joseph Nickerson, Baker, City Point and Richmond. bld—Bark Mary Broughton AHRIVALb AT THE riarguirm, nurhho ' - U? TO OMB O'OLOOK THIS MORNING. GIRARD ROUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. H L Harrington,l3altimore Z Y Nesse, Baltimore Mrs T A Besse, Baltimore Elies,Beeso, Baltimore Coo W Nelson, Baltimore John Nagler, Jr, Fe F 8 Johnson ' Phila Milton Tootle, St Joseph, A Peterson , St Louie Ms .2 W Maury, Bet ~ II W Harrington, Ueda, Pa V 8 Branner & la, Mit Mrs P B Kunkle, hid W VIL Johnson, Petersburg, 3 M M'Oati ey, 'Petersburg, W Y: . Va it W Daniel, Petersburg, Vs J . Carey Weston, Nortilk, Joseph 11. Garrett, Nor:olk, Vs Va W II Barksdale, St Louis J Iligenbothem, Baltimore T F Cherry, Baltimore P 0 Armstrong. U 8 A John Green - 11 8 A M Mammon& ma Thos A autteinic, slid Jas Revolt, bl , l F X idetthiew. Oregon Morass ,IC. Srulth' /envy T il Snalth;Jersey City City - James Moorow, Chutes /au Wilder, Louisville ton, 8 0 - John II Thomas, Louise's .1 L Morris, N Y Adam Badeau, N Y John Marten, N Y John Rohlopp & wire, Lou- Mrs J Cartes, L04187111* ._- irrille Eder McGovern , lsanniAl. J A' Corey, N Orlsituster, Pa U M Zook &lii, Pa ' W Mthior Roberts, Oar )! eurtssitr, Novena Cake at Villass, Havana P Noy k son, Wynn& A. 1Et14101611. lISTMSI6 ' 3 B (Wyss, Bavaria Reuben A Reynolds, Mite Felix Oabollr, Havana - F Hopi. Haven* - 0 Forrients, Elavama hire E Maybin, Ohio - WII Taleott, Jersey City Miss Husblett, Batt Nurses Porter, US A II Bohelesinger, N Y John B Nlrtiy, 'Washington A W Forbes A child, N Y S 8 Valle. N Y 0 Ward4u, N Y T 0 Byran, N V 8 P Herring, Philo 8 Wetherell, N Y W Wr ght, N J WSO it Baron. & lady, AI- I Lambeen, Elevens bai,y [sear 13 Penis, OW, Ohio 0 Van Vorst, N J. - Geo It Potts, N Y - - Addison Ohl.d, Boston II Ogden, Jr, N Y Mies 3 Bonsai[, 010, Ohio B. B Harding, St Louis /I At Blatobtord. N Y 21 Darr, Jr, N Y ..T 0 Fits, Nashville T Anderson, Nashville Vim; A Allison, Nashville W 0 Simmons, Providence Jolla Howell. St Louts A'D Gels & la, N Y 0 W Bradley, Prov It I T 9 Page, Wash Jae Crutebett, Wash L V Looker, Oin, Ohio Copt 111 It nterezuwa, 0 S A Alex Rewires, Ravens El II Welds, Boston 'Everett Etting, N V Jacob II Decker, N Y . 0 W Pelts A In, Ark It El Mater ur,t & la, Co Mine Boat, Os Miss Ilealehurm, Cia L W Haelehurat, Gs Jag M Sayre, N Y , INROU ANTE' NOTRE—peal - ill street, below Arch. F Cannon & son iliesoutl ?alas Cannon, Missouri J Bowman, Pinney, 84 Turner, Lutorne co J Alexander, Xenia, Ohio Wm Carr, Pittsburgh Calvin Dickey, Pa J Holloway & In, Salem, 0 W Augusta, Oa F W Reagan, Augusta, A la NY I+ Parshall, Lebanon, 0 A W Jerome, Long Island lV Henry & lady N Y James Cross, N look R D Stiles & nephew, Pa Dr Lester Reap, Conn Rola Wowside, Jun, PhDs 8 J Orson, Rochester. Pa Wm Wainwright, Phila J 8 Newmyer, Pittsburgh 0 Blakeslee, Coon 0 L Idesd,,Vermont J B Studley, Mobile 8 U Erwine, Cincinnati 0 T Adams, Cincinnati 0 F ?dangle & Son. Lancast B 8 Jameson, Indiana co, H Dichelberger, Balt Pa AHRIMAN HOOSR—Ohestnrit street, above 111th. /I Fleckwtr, 11l B Bri Du Bols, Phil* Chas white, Phila Chmti..,weiton,NY Smug II Thomson, New Prank Pricker, R.ading,Pe Castle, Del J Jones, Clocin, Ohio Ohs. 0 Campbell, - Balt B Nortom•Washington J Johnson, Washington Ai hi Idusselman, Wseht'n L 9 Sanford, Ban Flautist*, S T Slack. Phil& 1 Ling, Cal 0 Ling, Oal B ?Luning, N y R 0 Orden, Pottsville Wm Kendrick, Wilkesbarre H Yondereuilth, N y Col 9 Moweli, N Y Dr 8 Sharp, Pa John Donglan,, CO= A Metcalf, nOllOll N Peterson, N Y D Sharp, N J trNioN 110TML—Aret street. below Poor*. 0 Lehman, N Y 14 Jones. Alabama O p Elder, lowa city, rows Cr Pratt tc /a, Ofn, Ohio L B Saler, Phrenixvllle, Pa D II Beecher, PottsPa, Pa BboMay, Laston, Pa J Sheivloy & Is, Pastaa,Pa P Bonnamen, Banton, Pa S Btr.ckler. Greencastle Pe J olmabets, Aurora, Ind JAMBI A Penrlue, BJ • at P Reading. l Y W A Itabar,Pa D B Seidel, Pottsville NATIONAL NOTED—Race stmt. abort, Third. W L rooter, Phil& Wm P Yeager, Allentown Said. Kraemer ' Pbceoixriile A P Peter g, White Haven II J flendler,Pottneille Joho X Nice, Schuylkill on II Bowman, Schuylkill et, W Ilibbe, Berwick • Cleo Wyokoop, Phtla 8 P Minnick. Summit 11111 G Actor & la, New Brans. J Spower, New York wick David Pooht, Philo BLAOIt BEAR INN—)filth and Merchant streets. It Walker, Chester co, Pa G Wa;tars. Plicetdarllle Win Beatty, Md Jag Bronaback. Pa Ice Pennypaeker, Pa Mr Kennedy. Newark, Del 14 it WI:10 11 M Pa . Jll Welton, W °fleeter B Webster, NJ - - B W Levis, West Chester BARLEY WAY HOTEL-8000a Area, below Vine J JJohnsort N J p McNamara, Ducks co Ed Goff, Bridgton, N J - Jacob Beecham, N Gilbert IC eon, Bucks 6o H B Iroagb, Jenkintown P Whitlock; N J D Merrick, Bucks co A G Hines, Montgomery so Miss Ann Glibart Pa Chas Boiler, Pa Obiue White, Beaks so Nathan Walnut, Pa - B P lobos, N Y .MADISON UOVSB, Second street, abcrre Market. Joseph Wood, 'Trenton Miss Wood, Tronson Then Simpson, Cowden, Bel U B Oonst.ble, Easton, Pa W J Entriager, Ky P Wiley, NJ J McCord, Pittsburgh BALD EAGLE NOTES—Third greet, ob. Callowblll. John Odenwelder,Easton,PaP Purgison, Easton, Pa Stern M Kistler, Lehigh John ti" Buts, Northampton connty, Ps Geo a lhenk,Bordentown,NJ Win Walters, Cheater to, Jtia Tonle, Lebanon, Pa Pa BLACK BEAR GOTEL.Third, &bore C►ltowblll. David Bechtel, pa Ohae lialeberger, Reading W Scholl Onetown Wm R Grim Pa Daniel Why. Bethlehem Oeo Kline, Earlyllle Joe Elestatert, Oloueerille John Yerger, Reading John W (feeler. Schuylkill co Pa la penal Noittee. The American Telegraph Company, be- TWEEN NEW YORE AND PHILADELPHIA, and socusecting with all Mom East sad North of Now York. REDUCTION OF RATES. Each aldi Gone! word. 10 words 26 eente 20 " 40 ti 2 OD Mee, No. 101 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia: No. 8 ALEROHANTiP EXCHANGE, Nog York. .Iy224tit Doiverte Infant Cordlal.•.This trivarauble OonHal Is prepared from a variety of the most choice and eflicient aromatic*, tnown in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative egtAnt for infants and young (Andres', By itepOwerfal influence a speedy cure le effected in all cases of OAolic, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during dentl. lion or teething, and by tte eoethtne properties men. wallies pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, dro. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and him been used in thousands of woe with the most *Vandal:lt suoeess. No family should be without it. Prepared only by WIT A. Bowleg At his Drug end Ohemloal N. /I. corner of Birth and Green stn., Philadelphia, To whom ellwrdem must be caressed. And for tile. by Druggists generally :au 18.17 tileatnen's Shelve* " 1141nd-001c' 903 Walnut street, one door wed of Beoond etreet. Receives de. poeits in'snics of One Dollar and upwards, from all Clams of the oommunity, and allows interest at the rate of flea per cent. per mown. - Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon. day and Ilatarday, until 9 in the evening. President, Prsoklin I li; Treasurer and ascretary, Charles M. Morrie. OTOTS/T is linker. onssainD • 7A - MILY SEWING MAOHINtB, . 780 011E0TNUT BTIIBET. Thera Machines are now jwitly admitted to be the hen In are for family sowing, making a new, strong, And elastic stitch, wllloti will NOT rip, even If every fonith RUM bo eat. Oiranlars sent on applioation by latter.. ap9•y A. Certain Care for Baldness and a Promotion OP TUB GROWTH AND BEAUTY OF THE HAIR. JULES HAUL'S Est, MITAIMInga or, Heir ileitorer, the greateet chemical wonder of the age, In not a dye, but changed gray hair and ablehers to thuir original life color. Bold by all Druggiate, and at the laboratory of JULES lIAUEL & CO., No. 704. CHESTNUT Street. jy2i.d4tecalt Consnraptlen.—How many diseases of de. Witty; incurable by ordinary medicines, aro timed by physicians, as well as the public, under the convenient term Consumption All of them agree in one thing, their fatal tendency; end most of them, in their pri• Mary end oven secondary sages, may be arrested by purifying the epringe of life through the renovating agency of the PERUVIAN SYRUP. Sold by F. BROWN, Fifth and Chestnut, and lIASSARD & CO., Twelfth and Chestnut. , jylchil6t wit Jackson, JOB PSINTIVIL, FIFTH AND CHESTNUT. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Reads, Olr Wars, thirds, and all other kinds of Job Printing, prises to cult the times. 0017-1 g ISlngeen fair trial of the several machines that bare yet boon offered to the public, the unanimous verdict of operators flee been given In favor of finger's. Tbie Is, In fact, the only machine capable of performing every kind of sewing, EMCEE'S NEW FAIIILY SEW/NO 11.40111 NE hi, beyond all question, the most complete article for family use yet Invented, being at once ornamental, easily operated, and superior, la every respect, to any other machine. On title statement we challenge the world. 1. M. SINGER & 00., je7-6m Office, No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. saving rand.—Rive Per Vent, interest,— RATIONAL SAIRTY TRUST COMPANY, WALNTJT Street,' 8. W. corner' of THIRD, Philadelphia. Roney received in any sum, large or Inuit; and Intend paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Roney le received arid payments made dilly, without notice. The investments are made in Real Ratite, Mortgages, Oroond Dents, and InOb i lirat-class nowt. ties as th charter requires. Ofice boatel from go'clock in tie morning until 6 o'clock In the afternoon, nd on )f*,aday and Than* , fivezdaso until 8 o'Oloak. fee THE PRESS. PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY. JITLY ISSS. On the 15th !natant, In this elt,y, by Bev, Andrew /dewlap. Mr. WILLIAM U. 0 MORDIAN, formerly of Dolowers, to Miss JANE U. JONES, formerly of Wealncton city ' ' oo- the lath , Ifebruery, , 513, by Rot J. Sterrett, Mr. AM OS IS WILLIS, of Gloucester, N J., to Miss SO- Se NNA:P SIATLAOE, of Weetvllle, N. J. On the 18th 'Wont, by Rev J. D. Ourtis, WM. U. STEINER to FAI.NIS R. BONN, both of this city, On:the 18th inst., MARY, daughter of DANIEL and MARY KENNEY, in the 191 h year of her age. The relativee and friends of the family are respect folly invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of her parents, Burlington street, (illucester, N. J., this (Thursday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Glou cester Cemetery. - sF On the 19th inst., Mr. JOHN INTMALERS, in the 28th year of his age. The reiatiyes and Mends, and Marion Bose Co., are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residents of his lather, Mr. Win: Hammett, No. 601 lisllowel/ street. shore Hlath street. this (Thursday) af ternoon, at 4 o'clock. without further notice. * Oa the 19th Instant, Mrs. MARY PlaooY, In the 96th year cf her age. The relatives and friends of The family are Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her Imehand, Thomas McCoy. on the Weet Chester Road, above Gray's - Lane, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to the Dloctiey Baptist Month. On the 19th instant. WILLIAM BOON. ased 77 yoere. . . His relatives end friende Me respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hie son, John Beau, Green street, peat of Thirty-fourth Street, West Philadelphia, this (Thursday) morolog. at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Swedes' Church Wogs - ening. On the 19th instant. BONOTIIY, wife of Thomas Welker, in the 09th year of her age. The relatives and felende of the family are roma fully imitedto attend the Inners!, from the residence of her husband, 1220 North Third street, this (Thurs. d'flafternoon, at 4 o'clock. ye the 20th instant. JOHN S.. eon of Thomas L. and Mary D Myers, in the 7th year of his ago. The relatives and, Mends of the faintly are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residenc, of his reroute, No 487 Queen street, Eighteenth a , rd. this (Thursday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, without further notice. Proceed to Monument Gamete:3i. iF Oa the lath instant, JACOB D. WATTSON, in the 39'11 year of hiring°. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to Wood the funeral, from the residence of 0. neon No. 924 Cherry street, this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'c ek Oe the 10th 1 natant. OLIARI.I3B B. NEIMAN, 000 of Henry and Barbara Neuman, in the 38th year of hie age. • ^ The relatives - and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funerer, from the residence of hla father, corner ot zest and Dauphin streets, 19th ward, ou Friday murnher at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Odd 'Fellows' Cemetery. On the 20th instant, Mrs, MAGOALINE ENGARD, in the 77th year ot her age. Funeral flout the mildew's of her son•ln-law, Joe. H. 0 ,1 4 Spring Garden street, above Ninth, ou Fri day morning, at 8 o'clock. • To primed to;t7Lite. marsh *4k ve the 20th inatata, at Modtot4 N. J ,IDA Via GINIA, latent daughter or Beuj. and the late Rachel Pith On the 20th instant, BUTIi, wife of Lawrence Brown, end dough ter of tho late o:pteitt Joh n A. Jenks. In th... 291 h 3 , ..ar of her age. On the 30th Instant, SALVADOR HENRY, son o Louie at.d 'fiery J La Gramm, aged 11 monthe. On the 19th Instant, KATE, Infant daughter or Geo. A and Kate B. Lundell. Fairmount and Arch-letrert City Pas. ikriIENGER RAILWAY CO —At a Meeting of (ho Commissioners named in the Act to incorporate the Fairmount and Arch-street City Passenger Rail way Company,. held, in pursuance of public notice, properly given, at the Office of William L. Hirst, Esq., Sixth street, below Walnut, on Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, the following Commissioners, William M. Randall, Lewis liittivg, Robert J. Hemphill, Cleorg6 li. Thomas, James B. Smith. together with the Chair man, wore appointed a Committee to make the neces sary arrangements and open BOOKS OF 111.1113CR/P -TIOIN , according to the general Railroad Act. NOTICE is hereby given, that the above-named Commissioners will meet at the Welled!' House, SARSOM Street. above Sixth, en TUESDAY, W ED NESDAY, and THURSDAY, the 10th, 11th, sad 12th days of Anglia, 1858, at 10 o'clock A. M., to receive Subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the above-named Passenger Railway Company. ISAAC LEECH, Jo., Chairman. ROOT. J. liseteniu., Secretary. jp22-taul2 ars Office Philadelphia ortdlTrouton ROAD COMPANY, POILADRLPUIA, July 18th 1818. The Directors have this day declared a neml.Annual Dividend of FOUR PER Chie.T. from the malts of the Company for the last six months, payable to the Stockholders, or their logal representative., on and after the 21st Wit., at the Office of the Company. Jy2o.6t J. /SORRELL, Secretary. ' Trßeturn to the null —The Hrtainvis MEN'S UNION PRAYER MI M% held (or soled time past in !Animal etreet Church, was rammed again Su h4NB'3 HALL, on MONDAY, the 6th inst., to continua there for mend wool), through the kind ness of Dr Jsyse. This announcement need but to be made to mare as large an attendance as ever, where no many pleasant hours have been vent. The ball to one of the coolest places Su the city, ao none need be aresid of the heat. Como, all who can, sod spoon an hour in prayer and praise, doily, from 12 to 1 o'clock Jyl7•dtC ITNotice —West Philadelphia Passenger RAILWAY COMP ANY, July /5; 1858. ate core Or MO Company now run every pre mtn ntee from Till :ID aryl MARKET Streets to their Depot, ro Loatai end lIAVERFORD Streets. JylB•lnt W. S. MANN, Superintendent. irrNen' Oricano Ga■ h l Company FARMERS' AND MECIIANIES , EARL Pumannt.rnts, July 2,1858. Notice Jo hereby given to ' the Stockholders of the New Orleans Ong Light Company, that the Agency for the Trensfer of the knock and, the payment of the Divi dends of that Company will be closed from and after the first day of October next; and they are requested to surrender the Oertidcates issued by this Dank and re ceive Warrants of Transfer to the Company in Now Or leans. EIISILTON, .In. jy3-d1 vr& arthtocl N otlre,—Green and Ceaten.Street Phi- LADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM. PANY.—The Stockholders luthls Company are untitled that • Meeting Of the Stockholders will he held on THURSDAY MORNING, July 224, at 10 o'clock, at the Conualseloners , Hall, North THIRD Street, below Green, for the purpose of holding ae Eloctlon 'for Pre. eldpot and Twelve Directors of said Company, to nerve tilt the second Monday in January, A. D. 1059. The polls will open at 10 o'clock A. 51., and clues at 2 o'clock P. M. By order of the Connmfenionern. Jyo-2w WI aLI AM READ, Secretary. ANEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY WASHING AND SCOI:MING PATENTED JUNE 22, 1868 Thu Important Maoj r! bee just been patented by the hutted States, and It !snow confidently reoornmended to Manufacturers, lloueekeepers, and others; It is a labor-saving preparation, and costs lase than half of any other article known for cleansing purposes. While it cleanses, whitens, and purifies Cotton, Linen, and Woollen geode of every description, it will not injure the moat delicatetabr.c. Certificates of its value L,ve been given by some of the leading manufacturers of the country, u well as by many reliable housekeepers and citizens. bisflufarturesi by the Pateritoo, end for ale by SAMUEL GRANT, In., & Co., 130 SOUTIL WATER STREET, ,bl2-thtti ly rIIILAUELPIIIA A NEW ART IO LE.,LCIIESTNIIT. AM. GROVE WIIIBKRY.--The purest Spirit offorea the Atuericau public, possessing many medicinal pro perties. and 1101110 of the pole...none quell' les inherent in the Whiskey lu common use. is now offered for sale by the Druggists generally, and by CLiARLES 191TAR.TON, Jr., General Agent, At D. B. Taylor's, Wholesale Grocer, No. 33 Beal' FRONT Street, Philadelphia. All persons desirous of using this Whiskey may rest assured of Its purity. Dean 81e: We have carefully examined the sample of Chestnut-GroTe Whiskey lett with us a few days since, and Sod It to contain littto or none of the poison ous substance known as I , usil 011. OASRI:TT, k OAMAO, Analytical Ohemieta To Cl7/121,88 IV raarox, Jr., A.: I. 23 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia - jy2l4at . FOWLER, WELLS, & CO., 922 iili r t on s a T l NZT p ltrr o t i lteek: t t r d o a u rd r. w it o n v i ka ph o . n nography, whorenalo c. Td retail. lihrenologi: cat Examination, with chute, and full writ ten descriptions of character, given day and even. ing. Cabinet tree to vinitora. Orders by mall to be addressed to Yowler, Wells, & Co., 022 Chestnut anat. jen•ilmoll-wky t cep 30 riIIIENTON FALLS, ONEIDA COUNTY, NEW YORK,--The Note' at the above celebrated place of resort is open for the Poston, and can be reached In a few hears trout New York, at a email expenco as a Railroad from Utica taken slniters there within an hour. M. IitOORN, jy2l-12tdectwo2twit Proprietor. A.W & BEERS' I. LUBRICATING GREASE, the bent and cheapest compound for grearming the axles of MINIMISES. CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and WAGONS, and HEAVY MACHINERY. For sale In tin cans, loge, and barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS In the elty and, the MANUFACTURERS, Nn. 608 MINOR Street. T HE A LANTIC MONTHLY FON AUGUST NON READY, And for sale by all Periodical Dealers. The Atlantic Monthly is now acknowledged to stand as the leading representative of American lettets. Tho publishers will spare no pains to maintain lie well earned repute lon. Price S 3 per annum ; 26 cants a number. SAMPSON & COMPANY, Jy2l.2t Publishers, Boston. lIVEVir MAGAZINE. 11 BRYANT & STRATTON'S .‘ AMERMAN MER CHANT' , ie now ready, and may be had at all NEWS DEPOTS Their Agent, Capt. J. 11. Bell is canvassing this city for yearly subseribere. Prloo S 2 per annum. Addreas BitYAAT & STRATTON, Mercantile College, 13, E. corner SEVENTH and 011ESTNUT Streets. Phi ladelphia. my2B-17 140 USE it.E.FIJUE BRUSH MANU AAL FACTORY.—The subscriber would respectfully call the attention of the trade to his extensive stock of Brushes, manufactured by him at the Rouse of Refuge, and for rale at prices defying competition. A largo stuck of Illacksmiths' Bellows on band; JIMMY C. EOKSTEIN, jy2l-tf 62 North TRIRD Street, below Arch. BAT RUM.—Five puncheons Bay Rum, a vory superior article, In store and for sale by • A. AMINO, 140 South FRONT Street. CIERMAN OIGARS.-15 cases various brands, In store and for sale by WILLIAM 11. YIIATON, Jyls No. £l6 Routh FRONT Street. A LLSOPPtS PALE ALE, In blab., a LS. constant supply on hand, In Custom Mune stores, jot sale by WILLIAM H. YBATON, Iyl6 RIR Smith FRONT Rtrotat BROWN STOUT.-40 casks Finzi & Willlame,” Imported direct from London, in store sod for sale by WM. U. YEA.TON; 11 15 216 South FRONT Street. -MITE FISH.--76 half bble. of the cola 0.4 A Detroit River White Filth, just received tad for sale by 0.0. BADLER it 00., , .04 0 North WATER Stmt. MONONGAHELA.-18 bbls. Burnside's old Monongehela pure Rye Whiskey, just roared and for este by wizard U. YJIATON, • .11' 16 -, ale Mouth ABUT et. filar tines illiatho. I'ItENTIS3'B BOLUTION tl3llolesalc Elirp epotro. 'IVELLING, ,COFFIN, br CO., - • • 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Have on hand, and are constantly receiving, the fol. lowing description of goods: A. & W. 13PRAGUES' PRINTS, in groat variety, including Chocolates, Turkey Redo, Greens,' Blues, Skirtings; and Fancy Styles. BLEACHED SILSETINGS, SUIRTINGB, AND DRILLINGS. Lonsdale, Slatersville, Hope, • Washington, Union Mills, Blackstone, Cohannet, Johnston, White Rock, Piccolo, Acton, dm. DROWN SHEETINOS, SHIRTINGS, AdD OSNA— BURGS. ' • ' , Transco, • Virgheia Family, Groton, Ettrick, Ilastqc Virginia, - Eagle, • Manchester, Mec's & Fenn% ' Still Water, Mechanics', Warren A, Carrs' River, Riverside. CLOTH:3. IBottomloyla Pomeroy's, and Glenham Co.'s Black end Fancy al t-wool and cotton warp Cloths in great variety. DOISKINS AND CASSIHERES. Greenfield Co., risetnns River, Bristol, Terry's, Stearn's, ' and others. SATINETS. Stearns, Ayres & Aldrmh, Taft & Capron, Minot, Chnrter Oak, - Mineral bprings, • Swift River, carpentere', Florence Mills, Ifoekauttm, Dithriug's, Conversvillo, &c. SlLESlAS.—Lonstinie's, Smith's, and other makes, plain and twilled, of all colors. • Fancy Negro Stripes and Plaids. Jewett City nod Irene Stripes ' Denims and Tickings. Rhode Island and Ehliadelphia Linaeya and Apron Checks: Shepard's and Sister's Canton Flannels, &c. iy22.2m Retail lOrg ehooDe H OODED CLOAKS, FOR THE SEASIDE, AT SIX DOLLARS. TRAVELLING OR DUST CLOAKS, Indtepoznotblo for a Country Ramble, or en route to MO Blytoga, at $2.60, $3 60, $4 50, and $O. ELEGANT MANTILLAS. PRERcu AND ENG LIEU LACE. BLACK SILK, SILK AND L 4CE. CRAPE MAREIZ CIROULARS. WRITE BAREGE CIRCULARS. ATONE-11AL, WORMER ratans, TO CLOSE TUB SEiBOX, AT TUB PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 WIESVNUT moat, i 97.7 .W. PROOTOR (10. Q UALAIER WEAR. Veri , light-bodied Black Branch Doeskins. " " '' " " Habit Olathe. Drop Wale's, Summer Cloths, Cseheabrette. Ppagees. Camblets, Atoll/Ors, end Miklos. All the lightest and coolest kinds of Gentlemen's Bummer Goods. BUAR PLEBS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH BATHING GOODS. Plain and Taney-colorod Battinsts. . plaid Fiann a / a . Worsted Comblets, Irinvsys, Bslntends, • Awl an asg.rtment of plain and fancy Bathing Goods of every deuription. BHABPLEB3 BROTITSBB, 1117-if CHESTNUT and EIGHTII. S.IIM.IIIFR STOCK CLOSING OUT.-L. J. LnVY As CO. hcsro reduced tho price of sll their fiummer Stock. 'rimy arc how selling many articles at 1003 than the cast of manufacture. Jyl7.-St BOYS' WEAR.—SIIIIIM ER STOCK CLO SING OUT OilltAP &sine& Linen Drills 10 cents. Striper! Coatings. 10 cents. bite Union enzyme, 10 cents. With a large stock of other desirable goods. OURWLN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, jyl6 . above Willow. VIGURED SWISS MULLS, of deulrable R: styles. CURWEN STODDART & DROTRER, 450, 452, aria 454 North SECOND &root. INDIA TWILLS, 121 copts, donirablo for Saida and rhildren'. near. OURWEN 81'01/DART & 450, 452, and 454 North 21 1 .'" '"enenat 1716 QHEET [NG AND SHIRTING MITSLINS, of all widths, of tho moat 'approved bre IN, at the lowest market price. 'OURIVEN STODDA.ItT & 11120""It. 450, 452, and 454 North lilEtovirvN.,,,t jyl6 IiABLE LINENS AND Lt.,,,,..,.-r -g Bnow-drop Ur on Diaper, 20 cents, together with rge stock of nuperlor make., which we are sell ing Cheap. 01311WEli STODDKRT Sc BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, J 315 .. above Willow. CTANTILLY AND BLACK LACE Montlllan, Shawls, and rolnte. OtIRWE h MOTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, Iyls above Willow. WORKED TRIMMINGS, FLOUN OING, and BANDS, at reduced prices, from nation. 01.7RWRN STODDART h BROTLINR, 450, 452, end 454 North ST:CIOND Street, fyls ab,3vo Willow MARSEILLES, for Basques, Bosoms, and INA Collars. l'/UNWNN BTODDART & BDOTIIIIII., • 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, J9/45 ubove Willow. LUPIN'S WIDE WIIITE AND BLADE. DAREGE, for Shawls, Tatiana, &0., uholtselo end retail. Storekeepers supplied for nett rush, 011AKLES ADAMS. 10 4 E/DIITII and ASCII Streets. /TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS. Travelling Duatere to match. Silk Dusters and stauttitaar - French Lace Mantles, from auction. White Berege Dusters. Shawl Bareges, black and white. Thin Black floods, reduced. WHIR% GOODS, Cambric, Jaconet, and Mull, 1256 eta. up. Figured Swiss, plain Swiss and Victoria. Wrens auction, cheap lota pl aid Cambria. BAT BROI ERIES. Just opened from auction, several lots Linen Beta, fancy Breakfast Sete, neat Collars, and fancy Linen Col lars at about 11•14 , PHION. Mohair Mitte—several good aril cheap lots. LINEN GOODS. Fronting and Shirting Linens, by the piece or yard. BOYS' WHAR. Soareuckers, Blay Linens, Linen Coatings, Pantaloon Stun, .ko. Also, light Cassimerea. MARSEILLES VESTINOS COOPER /c CONARD, irs B. E. corner !UNTIL and SIAIIRBT. ANTILL AS I ! MANTILLAS I Mo. LTA- .ELROY respectfully invitee the Ladies to call and examine his stock of Mantillas, embracing man styles not to be found elsewhere. Our stock is the largest, our pattorne the latest styles, and our prices so low that we defy competition. 6,000 yards Black and Fancy Silks, 373f 1 41, 50, 60; rich, 62%, 69, 75; very rich, 81, 87g, 05, 81. 10,000 yards Detainee flareges, Cocain, at 10, 12,,g, 16g, 18g, 20, 22, 25, 28, , 31, 86, decidedly - the cheapest In the city. 10000, yards fine French 10, 12g, 10g, 20, 26, worth, many of them, 3T% to 02k, very line. One lot of Crape Shawls, at Elb, worth 830. 600 yanls side-band Caealuieres, 37%, worth $l, with a great variety of desirable goods for men's and boys' wear, less than usual prices. 1,000 yards Marseilles Postings, at 25,.worth 76. 1,000 yards new style Ribbons, the cheapest in the city, 1,000 fine French Needleworked Collars, at $l, worth $3. 10,000 yards of Plain and Plaid Jaconete, Swims and Cambric White Goods, the greatest bargains In the city. Ribbons and Fringes and Trimmings, In endless Ur slaty, at less than half the usual prices. MdEUROY, jel4tiths.tf No. 11 South NINTH Street. - 14 F.Duartobr IN PRICES OF SUMMER GOODS FROM JULY let. LAWNS and ORO ANDIES. • BAREGES and OREN ADINES. MARSt LULUS and BRILLIANTS. DUOALS and DAME DELAINES. inaix and RAYADERE LANELLAS. PLAID, INDIA. and SUMMER SILKS. • GLOSSY BLACK BILKS. WITS FRENCH DIII,LIANTS. EDGINGS and INFINR.T/NOS; FLOUNOINGI3,/co. DIATRRIALS FUR TRAVELLING DRUMS and DllATilltri.. ail kfm6+. Si A.BIDE 2. AIDS, for Bathing D 106500, In medium mid gay PlatSe, feat colors. The whole stock of SDAIMER-DRESS (100DS to be eloved out for CAtlit, to prepare for rAn. CiIMUMS ADAMS, jy3-stn. th tf NICIRTH and ARCH Streets. FUME CHEAPEST EMBROIDERED E. CRAPE BRAWLS ever offered in thli City are now being sold by . IIiORITLEY a OITIBM N. E. cor. EIGHTH . and SPRING GARDEN. We purchased, a few days ago, at a most tremendowr sacrifice for CASH, a lot of very rich Embroidered Crape Shawls, same quality and style as we have mold for TWENTY DOLLARS! which we are now ceiling at the extremely low price of TWELVE DOLLARS!! Ladles, you may never have such another opportunity of buying a AINDBONIS BIIATVI , Bo ouzo! Also, Plain Crape Shawls, from $4 to $l5. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. Special bargain. In Lace, Bilk, Moir Antique Man tillas, he. Travelling Dress Materials In great variety. Thin Summer-Dress Goods. Organdie'', Bareges, Grenadines, ke., he BLetuli FANCY BILKS, ko. Our name is justly celebrated for Cheap Silks. Materials for Men end Boys' Wear. Linen Goods, of our own importation. Bummer Gauze and other Flannels, Ac., ko. Milts , T RO , Yells, B Embroi BLEY derlea, Hos 0 .11 iery, IBM Glove 'S s, Ste., at "ONSI.PRICE C&91.1 STORE," N. N. Cor. EIGHTH k. SPRING GARDEN Streets. Jel9..tf RIOEIARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DAMABITS, XYIAPICRS, &o. OONSIDIEIia of RIOHABDBON , B LINNNO, sod those desirous of obtaining the GENUINE GODDS, should see that the articles they purchase are sealed with the foil name of the firm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, As e gusted:ace of the Bonadnees and durebtlity of the Goode. - • • - This caution is rendered essentially necessary as large nnantitios of inferior and defective Linens are prepared, season after season, and sealed with the name of RICHARDSON by Irish houses, who, regardless of th e injury thus inflicted alike on the American Coll6lllllot and the manufacturers of the genuine Hoods, will not readily abandon a business CO profitable, while per. ()hams can be imposed on with Omle of a wofthloos character. J. BULLOCRE & J. B. LOCKE, my28.6r0 Agents, 80 enußoll. Street, New York. A CARD. JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dealer In DOSIESTIO AND PORDION DRY (100DS, No. 440 N. BZOOND Street, above WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA. Large story White Building. THRKS—ONN PRIOR FOR ID' Nines =exited in Shan figures on each &Male ap2S-ihn LAUMAN & RABORG-- Importers and Wholesale Dealers In WINES BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI (MORS, No. 1011 ALAKKET Street, between Tenth an. Eleventh strode. jel9-tf LARGE NO. 8 MACKEREL—NOW IN store and landini, 800 bbls No. 8 bi.BOB.BIIBL Isrgo 888 belies ditto, r sale by J O. M. KENNEDY & 00. ra7lo Nos. 180 and 187 N. WMAILYNA, Sat Sale anb.iga Let. sei FARMS FOR SALE,, situate ID si.Ww WA sat SGTON VALLEY, ono bf Macros, 6 mllesi one of 120 acres, 0 rolled, one of 160 'wren, 8 miles from Alexandrin,Va. T hese Farms ars nll excellent grain and grass soils, well located for dairy and grazing, and portions adapted to garden vegetables. -All have comfortable Dwellings and good Water. A turnpike to now being made by two of thrum, and within 1g miles of the other. The great difference of price of these lands with those of equal quality and nearnese to good markets with those In Pennsylvania and Now Jersey holds great indmv.ement to Invest in these Farms. lot SYRIA(} inquire of ;10SEPII OILLINUIIANI, 1235 SYRIA° DARDEN Street. jy22.3tht .LOT FOR SALE ' fronting on NINTH Street, below Wharton, 16 feet front by 105 feet deep, to a back street; suitable for o person wishing acconninelatlons fora shod. v to TllOll. 111008 E, 1y22-01 No. 20 Soo lb FLPTII Street. - VIRGINIA LAND, situate in WOOD er COUNTY, near the Little Kanawha river, and 12 miles from Parkersburg, hill be exchanged for int proved property in this city. Address Virginia, 055e0 of The Press. 1y52-ste fo TO LET—A three•story brick DWELL its itia, No. 2029 St:M3IBIt t trect, containlog nine nme, with all the model° Loprorinnents ; in rear of Blind Asylum play grounds. jy.22-21* .. Ai WANTED TO RENT-A mall LISLLIOUSIi t with nu Acre of (I round attached, a short distance (row the city. Apply to JOHN B. STOCK/ULF:, jy22-4t* 929 South SIXTH St., below Olirlatian. BUILDING LOTS, in the vicinity of TIVENTIETEI and CHRIBTIAN Streets, for sato or to lot on ground rent. Apply_ to JOHN B. STOCKDALE, J31.2-4tir No. 929 S. SIXTII Bt., below Christian at. fin FOR SALE, a Mortgage for s2,(kftia (2.000, well 'moored on property worth Inure than double the amount. Apply to JOHN 11. STOCKDALE, jy22 D2l South SIXTH street. , osiq WANTED TO BENT, A MODERATE- Aga, Sired ifiVELLINGHOtItia, within live minutes walk of Taint) and CIIESINUT Streets Rent not to exceed 2350. Address .1. (1- 13 ,at this ales jy2 -3t all TO LET—Tho four story STORE, 28 Mi. South SECO:ND Street, extending through to Strawberry street, opposite Stuart k Mother's large stores. It la lighted with a large sky-light in the centre; is well adapted fur the Dry Goods Importing, Commission, ur any other business which requires ex tensive rooms. Could he made to cult &:Wholesale and Retail Trade. Apply to ROBERT BIAGREGOR, jr.4o.ot* 2 3 South THIRD Street. O _ FFIOE TO—LET.--AN ELIGIBLE OF FLOM for an ItINUNIIICe Company, or eimilar con , poration, having three communicating rnome on the same floor, No, 2.L1 WALNUT Street, above DOOM. Immediate posseeelon given. Apply to JOHN 0. KRFIFER, or THOMAS T. BUTOIIHR, • N0,./12 nouth FOURTH. Street, • -inti3o.taths•tt second story, front room. on WARTED TO PURCHASE—A con , ner-store P , operty, suitable for a Grocery and Pr vision business, with stabling attached. South of Arch street preferred. Address GROCER, Pr,s, office. J 915 _ 1 4 101 i SALE—A valuable LOT, In the via. P. pity of the Baltimore Depot, in an Improving neighborhood For particulars, address .1 K., Boa WI Post-office.l ) l6 UPPER ROOMS OF A. stores No. 827 and No. 333 MARKET Street, below Fourth. Apply on the promises, to L HALLOW ELL &CO or Jel4-tf °DILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. succscrewsenasemsneassasoassac Etaarbitt3 GOOD BOARD, at moderate terms, for an agreeable Gentleman, in a central location. Re fereucea exchanged: Address P., Box 1190 Poet Onini. Jy22- , its - VEVERAL Gentlemen can be amen:into -10 dated with ulcullooslB, Om end Beth, with or with out Board, No. 21 KEW 111ARSZT street, tome Vine. jr22-2t* COUNTRY BOARDING.-L-EIGHT OR Ten persona can obtain pleasant Boarding, on reasonable terms, by applying to JOHN BLUER, Hat field Bquare, near Line Lexington Mallon, North Penn sylvan's Railroad. Address l hie • Lexington P. 0., Bucks Co., or call at TOO North SECOND Street t Philadelphia. 17212t* BOARDING.— Three Single Gentlemen eau bo Eteeonaned tted with genteel board, at No. 34 OASTLE Street, above Third. JY2l.3te, igilliftiEß BOAR; ING.--To Single Gentle- NJ men who have not the time to leave the city daring the Summer months, a favorable opportunity Is now offered to a pleasant home in a private family, a few miles out of town, in a delightful situation. The house Is spacious, has largo airy rooms, nod all the appoint ments to make home pleasant. Address BUM J OHN ST ON , Radnor P. 0., Delaware 0o , Pa. jyl7-601 goat anb founb LOST—A PORTE-MONNAli,containhig about a dollar in small silver. The finder will ho suitablv rewarded by leavlug the natnu at N. E. corner TILTItb and MARRIOTT Alma,. ITlOUND—Yestorday morniag, at tho corner of Fifth and °he:stout Hreetss, n DOOR KEY Tho owner me obtain it by applying of this Office. It* Personal. A YOUNG GENTLEMAN WHO IS ON .411. a sick bed, and without hope of rocovery, wishes the loan of $lO, on a Lilo Insurance Polley, fur $BOO. A good bones yid be greeii. Addrcsa WILT ZA3I, liloioDs Dispatch. jyyltit* - 1 2linsutonsantis, -- WELOH's NATIONAL THEATRE.— GRAND OPENING NIGHT! SATURDAY EVENING, July 24, 1855. JOSEPH O. FOSTER Sole Lessee and Manager. This popular Temple of Amusement, baling been thoroughly cleaned and ventilated during the summer Season, will opm for the production of MELO-DR 1.51 AS AND SPECTACLES, in a style unsurpassed In the 4.724ted st a t rs , with a Company exceeding In nownitude and talent ANY IN tea wontm. The whole under ter imrsomil supervision of Mr. J. C. FOSTER, whose mace , e f.n. the past 15 years iea sufficient guarantee of the style In which 805sta, Descant, AtID STAP.ILISO 14.)TELTUS will be produced during the gasser! Particular* lu future advertisements. fy - WHEATLEY'S ARCH-ST. THEATRE. Tamp WM. CONTINUED BUCOEBEt! LAST 'FIVE NI.Ot , Ti OF ORDWAY'S BOSTON ,BOLIANS, - The Model Troupe of Muslelanc, Vocaliets, Come dians, Dancers, and Ethiopian Deilnettort, the whole under the direction of JOHN P. ORDWAY. 7 he greatest combination Want. Look At the munee: Roh Horn, Frank Brower, Hrea.k Wren, E Bowers, B. Kelley . , E Fairbanks. 0. Palpe, and the Brothers Nor on, who will appear nightly in their chaste and Inimitable Musical end Terpsichortio IlLteitaltonents. All the Stara to new acts nightly. Tickets 2d cents. Doors open mug . To commence at 8 . Ise pas- Reulers melt Bilis, Wednesday. FRANK 1380WRW9 benefit. Friday Beanies. bruit' 01 14.111 N P. ORDWAY', and last night of Oniwsy's /genius, j)10-6t palitital CLERK OF THE ORPHANS' COURT, THOS. E. HARKINS, ORVENTRISCITE WARD. Babied, to Democratic Ruloa. .1.12/-to WILLIAM IL KERN, SHERIFF, FIBTZENTII WARD Bulled to tho Rules of People's Party , ARD —The undersigned hereby infmmd vJ his friends Oaths will bo a candidate for the °Moo of 131.11:11111 , of the City nod County of Philadelphia, at the ensuing election, if nominated by " The People." JOS. 31, COWELL. Piticanscruia t June 5,185 S. • Jylibtf FOR REGISTER OF WILLS, , JOHN SWIFT. - lubject to the will of the People's Con'mutton jyfk•tf IagGISTER OS WILLS ANDREW J. 'WESTER. Subject to Democratic Rube. CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT— JOBEPR A. MONEIBIAIHR, Eleventh Ward Subject to the rules of the Democratic party. joi7-(1t0e. F OR REGISTER OF WILLS— JOHN OABBIN, Fifth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. • jelf.tf F OR REGISTER OF WILLS OLIARLES D. KNIGHT, TWENTIETH WARD Buttiect to the People , e Nomination. jod.-tt FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. JOHN DAMP SIMI, OF SEVENTH WARD. Subject to Democratic Tutus. myll4u2 Notuta NOTICE.—SEALED PROPOSALS, on 1. domed Proposals for furnishing the Public Schools with Coal," wtil be received at the Controller's Office, S. E. corner of SIXTH and ADELPIII Streets, until SATURDAY next, the 24th Instant, at 12'o'clock M. The Proposals to state distinctly the nisei, quali ty and the prices per ton for each—the ton to be of 2,2i0 pounds. Proposals will also Ito received for Char coal and Kindling-Wood, to he sent at the mute Woe. By order of the Committee on Supplies. THOMAS W. MAHAIIIMENT, 11/74.1724 Chairman. NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS.—In purn -1 once of a resolution edopted by the Monument Commissioners, et a meeting, at Ilsrrisbnrg, on the 18th Instant, Plans, Specifications, and listlmates are invited for the erection of MONUMENT to the memory of citizens of Pennsylvania who lost their lives in the late War with Mexico. The cost of which la not to exceed the num of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Communications on the subject of plans, &a., to be addressed to the Uovornor. at Harrisburg, prior to the let of July. Proposals received from July r until Au gubt, 4,1858. Petsons furnishing Plans will please send their Esti mates under seal, 00 they will to for tho use of tho Com missioners only. For the Plan which may be adopted a premium of Two Ilendred Dollars will be allowed. By order of the Oconutieeioners. JOUN W. GRARY, Secretary. HARM lona, May 14,1858. jyt•tf NOTICE.—AN ELECTION FOR SEVEN 1 DIREOTORS of the MONTOUR IRON COMPANY, to Rem during the ensuing pear, will be held on BA. TURDAY, the thirty-Bret dkr of July next, between the hours of twelve o'clock and one o'clock - P. M.. et the La Pierre hotel," In the oity of Phlludel- Phie, Penneyivanin. je9o-t jyfil T. M. BRYAN, ht., Secretary. AWNINGS!AWNINGS! JOSEPH H, FOSTER, Awning maker, No, 443 North THIRD Street abovo Willow. Italian and French Window Awnings for Dwellings and Woe Windows; Awnings for Moral, Awnings for Btoamboats and Ships. AU kinds of Awnings, loots, Flags, or any thing in canvas, made to order by JOSEPH H. POSTER, Awning Maker, 443 North THIRD Street. Residence, 840 South FRONT Street. jyl7,lm JOSEPH H. POSTER. COTTO N SEED OIL.-25 bbla pat re lved from Providence, per schooner Geo. Pales, fur sale by R. W . P. ALLEN, .1y21.43 .14 South DELAWARE Avenue. O3anf. . 7E/ANTED—An Entry and Bill CLERE. ; v one Who is accurate and quick at figures. Ad dress, alth'huidwrittiig of applloont, & Co.. this CMOs. ira-tto ARESFEGTM3LE, well-educated French Luiy doolroo >t eviLeeTION in a genteel fatly, to 'Ake shame of Maltese No, 1 bAIINEL Street, above Spruce, • • j122.2t* A YOUNG GIKG wiahw•s-n SITUATION ..r,_ to do Con e'ork Ina Midi fc:liCs. or to tramcars of children. Apply at No. 7 LOXLEY'S. Court, Arch street, above Third. 1722-2t* •WASTED—By a young Mans a SITUA TION in an Insurance Company as an Assistant Mork. lias been similarly employed, and can give - last employer as reference. Apply to D. SULLIVAN, 'N. W. corner of THIRD and HaRNIAN. jy22.2t* ITLY GOODS.—The advertiser tag a geue lLY ral knowledge of the wholesale business, and a large trade. with sona means p would /No to connect bhwelf with r n ertablished House or make a now Ra;ercuce given and required. Address 11. HARRIS, at this odicc. - jy22-st* A LADY OF REFINED EDUCATION dostres to engage her services as I/OVERM3BB. Is competent to tos,h French end Music, The best of city teferetco AS iII be given. Address " 40VERNEM, elites of The Prue. je2l-4t* A N ACTIVE, HONEST, AND INDUS -C 1 Wow' Boy,lo yeare of age, wishes a place In a store or office •, good references given. Enquire at No. 1320 South FOURTH Street, Ph.la. jy2l-3tia WANTED—A young Man, as SALES MAN, in 'Wholesale 'louse. 0110 that has a largo Jersey and Pennsylvania acquaintance will hear of a deFiraide situation by applying, with referenda, to "L. K.," Press Office. 3y20-3t* 'IX/ANTED—A SITUATION, by a young v v MAN, se Clerk in a Whotorale Store or Mena lecturing i.etablishment. neat of city reference given. Addreee B. D. 11., No. lit North L'l 11T11 Street. be/O.M* ViTANTED, by a young man, a SI I IJ,s TION in ANY-talent° Yorwa , ding or Commis: sion Rouse. m a bad some experience 111 bnpinese, and is willing to give his aliquot at a moderate compensa tion. (lood city reference given. Address Clerk," at this (Ham . Jy2llZit* W I TANTED, by the advertiser, a middle aged man, of sober and ludustrious habit*, a SITUATION, to take charge of Horses or Drive - The best of city refereoce and security, given, if required. APPIY to ' • OfiAS D'URSEY, jy1.041.* No. 431 MARRIOTT' Si., below Stith et. WANTED, POR TILE UNITED STATES r CAVA.L.M.shlo.hodied, nnuntrried - urn, to qhoto will be given 'good 'pay, board, clothing, and 'oodles! attendance. Pay from 1112 'to tiO per month. No wen haring a wife or child will be earn Appl imams for MOUNTED ams at I+lo 817 ir T Street, above Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. BOYALLi lilt Lieut. Id Befit: of Oenlry, Recruiting Officer itemovals. RESLOVAL.- BAILEY Ir, CO., j - owellers, and Zdanufhotarers of etter- /WS Silver Ware, nave removed from their old 'stand to the new afi?re, lb No. 819 CHESTNUT STRUT, (Throe doom East of the Girard tionse,) where they offer for sale a new and choke assortment of ATERLINO SILVER WARE, FINE JEWELRY, GLOM'S and WATCHED, PLATED WARE, and FANOY COODS JACKSON, - • STUB PRINTER, Has Removed to • FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS .1.11-1 m ettntlzmat's .ffurnigYing ectobs. • JW. SCOTT, ( lato, of the firm of WIN. • CHESTER Jc &tom) GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 514 CHESTNUT Street, (nearly opposite the Girard House,) Philadelphia. J. W . d. would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friends to his new Store, and '33 pre pared to All orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect St guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FINE SHIRTS and COLLARS. jylii•tf GGENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. W. W KNIGHT, , , 606 ARCH 6treat, above alzth, Philadelphia. Denier in all kinds of Furnishing Goods, and mannfatturer of Fine Slade, warranted equal in every respect to any others manufactured in this city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or. made to order. GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS OR DRNSSING GOWNS —The limpet and beet ea. sortment In the city, wholesale ent retail, with • full hue of Under Clothing, suited to the season, at W. W. 6416 ARCH Street, abort 811th phis. avitum fr RE SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND. ' (02ASTLAND ET IBS LIMISLATOSSE OP PINSEVII:TANIA".) PERPETUAL OLIARTER,. YIVZ PER OIINT. Interest allowed to Deposit:mai - and all Moneys Paid beet on Demand. - ()PRIOR, 231 NORTH THIRD STREET, (CONNOLIDATION BANK BUILDING.) This Institution Is now open tbr the transaction ol busmen. and lithe only Chartered Basing goad located In the northern part or the city. The Office will he open (oaf) front 9 to RX o'clock, and also on MOND B end TriIDISDAYE, from 6 until 9 o'clock in the AVOLiDg. SLANACI3IIB. Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P Levy, Ron Henry H. Strang, Daniel Underkoiler, lion. Wm Millward, Frederick Steaks, Franca Slat, Josepti P. LeOlese, John Healer, Preside Secretary, GEORGIC T. James S. Pringle, Jacob Dock • Joseph ht Cowell, George Woelepper, J. Wesley Bra Robert 11, Davidson, P. U. Ellmaker, John P Verne, George Knecht, .John Born. at, JA.143114 B. PRINGL.II. THQRN. CAVING FUND.--UNITED STATES LI TRUST 00kIPANY, corner of TIMID and OLOIST. tYUT Street'. Large and "ull etuns received, end paid back on de mend, without notice, with NM PER our INTIM MST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. OBlce hours, from 9 until 6 &clock every day, and os MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for We on Ifnglend, Ireland, and Scotland, from .E 1 upwards. President—ST.ll'lM B. QISAWIOUD, Treasurer—PLlNY PION. Teller—JASlßß R. MINTial. i l l/LYING FUND-FIVE PER GENT. es. 7 TZHIST--NATIONAL Warr Mtn COM PANY.—WALNUT BTH7ERT 80111X-WROT 00111138 OP TIRED, /11100trOaevaD sr Imo BUM or PaardSTlMailll. , ' Morley le received In aoy sem, large or mall, lad in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with. dravral. The °Moe is Op= STOry day from 8 o'clock in the roorninctill 6 °Wool hi the evening, and Cu Monday and Tbunsta_y evenings till 8 Volook. ' HON. 118NRY L. BNISNIII, President, BODIBT BNLYNID99, Tie, Presides% WK. I. UMW, Secretary. DLINOTOXB Hon. Henry L. Benner, P. China BreWe" Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Bar. , Robert Selfridge, Brute/ 144 ' Sand: K. Ashton, Joseph Yates, C. Landreth bituins, Henry DiffenderEer. Money ie received and payment% made The investments are made to confornalty with ?revisions et the Chute; in REAL NSTATB HORT GAGES, (1110IIND BENTS, and molt tint ease Recut. ties sa will alwaye Mean perfect security to the depoin lore, and which cannot fail % give permanency and eta, hility to this Institntion. anl.4y L NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS HAND. NO. 83 (241) 1)00K STREET.— FIVE PEN CENT. STATE SAVINGS POND. N O.88 (241) DOCK .STREET.— Flys PIN OBNT. EITATB SAVINGS BLIND. TVO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIFE PIA OIONT. STATH SAVINGS 'MID. aril-17 JAURETCHE & OA.RSTAIRS, No. 2.02 and 201 South FRONT Street, offer for sale the fol lowing Goode, of their own Importation: COGNAC BRANDIES, of the brands of "Gloria,' " Pinot Coatillon," Martall, Central Vineyard, &e. tr, e. ROCHELLE BRANDY, of the bratele of A. Se!ghetto, and J. Rastean BORDEAUX BRANDY, J. J. Dopy} , brand. 0 I,A It ET, In casks and cases, of the brands of St. Ju- lien, Margaux, Haut, Brian, vanillas, &s. CRAMP/LOAN, of the brands of .• Cremedo Bousy," teliememi, queen Victoria, Violet, Ducal Grape, Car don, R °yid, Ay Imperial, &a., &c. ABSINTHE, of very superior quality. Also, fo, which they are sole agents In Philadelphia: tluillonx Sardines, Latour Olive OH, Chemical Sperm Candles, St. Martin Bay Rum, and Port Wino of various favorite brands. jyl7-htit CONGRESS SPRINGS, kUdUTOGA, April 12,1868 A CARD TO THE PUBLIO . . . . During the last season an attempt was made to de ceive the public, by peraone offering what they milled " CONGRESS WATER," from Fountains • and at the price of all rents per glass. The WHOLESALE price of the GENUINE CONGRESS WATER, at New York, being about 73( cents ,per glass. the impoeltion of thee pretending to nail at retail, forlese than met, and with out allowance for Freight, Cartage, and Breakage, Is apparent ; but their probable course has been to empty ONE bottle of genuln6 Congress Water into a Foun tain, and thereby christening Its total contents. Wo have NEVER soli Oungress Water In Fountain's nor In vessele of ANY OTHER. DESCRIPTIONS THAN ordinary-sized GLANS BOTTLES. The cork of every bottle of the genuine is blended '• CONGRESS WATER 0. do W.." and if without theirs words arid hitters, It is COUNTERFEIT. CLARK Zr. WHITE, epES-w tie t ocl-if Proprietors of Congress Spring. FRESII CONGRESS SPRING WATER, Received directly from the Spring at Saratoga, always on hand, in Pint and Quart Bottles, and •ior sale by F. BROWN, Chemist and Druggist, N. N. Corner 011V8TNUT and nrra Streets, my2o.wth-too 11/lEggtB. JOHN 0. MEAD & SONS. LYI Manufacturer. of the Nev !unproved Patent Ire Pitcher, Communion and Tea Service; fine Pearl, Ivory, and Cameo-handled Cutlery; Cry.; Calerra Meat, Chaffing, and Entree Dishes; It'altent, Cake Baskets, dc. N. E. corner NINTH rnd CILESTNUT. 3r20-tuths at WALL BRUSHES, DOOTHEB, A largo araortotent, suitable for OZTV G-11.00WELS, And for sale by 11:6NBIr 0. ROXVIIILN, BRUSH AND BELLOWS MANUFACTURER, 62 NORTH TTlrisD ST eSIN-STROKE.—Elundreda are killed daily 1.7 by Bun•stroke, and thousands are injured by it, sad yet even sensible people neglect to procure one Or the PATENT PARAGON UMBRELLAS sold by WM. 11. RICHARDSON, Jy10.1.2E U No. 418 MAHIiBT Stara, ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS; THE PENWAYLYANIA RAILROAD COMPANY THE BUMIIER ALTOONA, MOUNTAIN MOUSE, A 447. 110PhWELL,, (Where Paaatagera take Stages wiles to Radford Springs ,) • GOOD FOR SIX DAYS. Fare to Altoona and Return.. Faro to Mountain Roue. root Return rare to Hopewell and Return Pero to Williawaport $5.56; Elmira V ; Niagara Pall Vt. By this route passengers take the Northern Central Railroad at Harrisburg, enjoying for 125 tulles the beautiful scenery of the Susquehanna Valley. frr Further information to be had at the Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 9. E. corner ELEVENTH 41.4 MARKET Street', whero Tiekote, may be procured. - FOR CAPE MAY.—EXPRESS - LINII—The swift and favorit- Steamer „ BALLOON,. Capt. W Wurt.t.ons, leaves Arch-street Wharf for -ape Stay every Toesy, Thursday, and Saturday ftleMing, at 9X o'clock. Returning, leave* the Cape on the Intermediate days at 8 o'clock A. 8!. Fare $2, carriage hire included; Donald' $1.60; Seuon Ticketa $B, carriage hire extra. - jyB.2m* Ii33iLADtLPI - 11: NIS 4 W.. AND ELMIRA RAILROAD RIME REDUOTION. FA Ff TO 19(.44f and kaLLi ONLY 89.00. Trains leave the - Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, comer BROAD and VLIE atreeta, daily, (Burr days excepted,) as follows: - 7:30 A. AI., day express. 8:30 P. .81., night ezpreu. - Tickets can be procured at the Depot, and also at the - General Office of.thellrie, Northireatobrner SIXTH and CU i.STNUT Strode. NORTH N 1.7 S - Y L -17 AMA RAIL ROAD FOR DELAWARFTE.GAP, MAUCH CHUNK, HAZLETON, AND THE LEHIGH COAL REGION.— Miters to the above metier place* of SMClielt Rymer will dad the Recite °Retell .by the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, In *nonfiction with the Lehigh Val ley sud New Jersey Central Railroads, to be novel andsaveable, plowing through. come of- the richest lost most highly cultivated amities in the State, and pes rafted of comfortable sotomouriatlone, both on the road and st the 9151100/1 towns through whlch It palest. . FOR THE WATER oAl l .—Take 5.25 P. bl. Express Train from Front and Willow streets, pass the night at Bethlehem, and take carli next morning at 9 o'clock, 'through Easton to New Hampton, where a close con nection Is made with the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. and arrive at the pap about noon. FOR MAUCH CHUM( AHD SHE mu. REGION. —Take 9 A. M. and 2.23 P. M. Express Trams. from Mule Depot to Bethlehem, where a AIM OOLURAnOti made with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, through from Philadelphia to/1111mb Chunk In 6 hours. A NEW AND. PLEASANT ROUTE TO NEW YORK ClTY,—Take 9 A. IL Exprese Train to Bahia. hem, thence at 2.20 P. W. via L . V. R.R. and N. J. 0. R. 11. through "Easton to Elizabethport, ' thence by Steamer, and arrive in New York at quarter prat 1 P.M. Parties travelling North that have a few hours to spars, will that this a new and agreeable route. - For further pszticolars, inquire of ' ELLIS CLARK, ,&gent Front and Willow *tenets. rifILIDELPiIIA ' Juno 18.1868. - jyla-tu th aat, 1 m a dr mal foR CAPE MAY _ AND NEW DAILY, at 9g o'clock A M. NEW YORE AND PIIIIADELPIIIA STEAM NA., VIGATION COMPANY. The splendid ocean steamers DELAWARE, Captain Copes; BUFFOS, Captain flelle*,• and KENNEBEC, Captain Hand; form a daity . line between this city, Cape May, and Now York, leaving from first pier below Bproco street (Bondaya excepted) atnyCo'clock A. M Return ing, leave New York from pier 14 North 41TOr (13updaya excepted) at b P. 111.' Returning, leave Cape May (Mondays excepted) at A. 151. Fare to Cape May (carriage hire included) - Si 00 .for servants 1 60 " " Beason tickets (carriage hire ex tra) it 00 " New York, cabin, 2 00 er rr steerage 1 60 Freight taken at low rates. For passage, state rooms, &c., apply' on board, or at the Office, 014 and 010 SOUTH DELAWARE AVE NUE. JAMEn ALLDERDIVE, Jelb-ffin • , Igen*. , .IfL4/MFOR THE SEA. HUE'S . CAMDEN - AND ATLAN'DIO P.AILKOLD.' ONLY. TWO - AND HALF Hops TO THE BEA 8110 RE. 's .. .. On and atter Monday, June ith,- and until further no tke, Oundaya exceptedd three tralne doily lo Atlantis_ Oity and return. . - First Passenger Traikleaves Tine et:wharf 7.30 A. 31, Second " " 4, 4.00 I'. g. Freight Train with Passenger ear attaelied,4.3B - 1. N, Accommodation T n to:v.otith, - LOG P: M. iike ii ATTANTIO 0 " First Passenger Train leaves 6.00 &. M. Second cc cc ic . - 4.10 P. M. Freight Train with Passengercarattached, 11.30 P. M. Accommodation Train leaves Weymouth, 6.33 ItITN U,mr" - da - coring si 3E V ' en P 2, 6l2l2l4l -1.7 - 11.r.Montielti, I P. 31.'snd 3 P.M. Far, to Atlantic, when tickets are purchased before entering the cars, $l . BO. Persons wishing to go down to the sea Shore and return the same day, can spend SIX HOURS ON TILE BRAOII. Tickets for the round trip, $2.50 Tioketn to get down to the afternoon 'and return neat morning, or down on Batardar afternoon and ream on Monday morning, $2.50. EX PRA NOTICE. The Accommodation Train to_ Weymouth will run through to Atlat. , is on liaterday Afternoon and con tinue to run every Saturday until further Defies. ' Leave Vine street.... 535 P. 3S . - Atlantic City.. -400 A. M. Stopping at all Station*. - • Monthly tickets will be meld st the following rates: Tor the month of Jruae,Slll For the month of Sept. $l6 'r u July,. 20 For three months, 45 u u August 20 For four months, 00 Ohnrehem, Schools, I.Ares, Companies and Library .Astociatlone, wishing a al trains ehould Ir.r.ke early application. Freight Must be delivered at Cooper's Point by F.M. The Company will not be responsible for anygoods until received and recelpted fok by their Freight Agent at Cap. Point: . B. lilitalliti Secretary. Je7-t' VIRE INSURANCE. Ay BY TUE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSTIRANOS CODIPANY. OP PHILADELPHIA. On Buildings Limited or Perpetual, Merchandise, ...Florniture, te., in Towevor Country. OPPIOS, No 808 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL. 9111,925.A5gard,. $252,455.89. Invested assfollows, Hs : Strut Mortgages= Improved City Property, worth double the amount 120,200.00 - Pennsylvania Railroad 00 7 s. 6 per rent. mortgage Loan, $30,000, oost 26,500.00 Allegheny County 0 per cent. Penna. R. R. Loan 10,000.00 Pennsylrania Railroad Co's. Stock_4,ooo.oo Stock of the Reliance Haul Inearanoo Company 19,160.00 Stock of County Fire lnimrance Co. .... .... 1,050 00 Scrip of Sundry Insuiume Companies 675 00 Sills receivable, buidness leper 65311.50 Rook Accounts accrued interest, dco 3,845.19 Cub on band and in Bank. . 15,04590 Clam Vimlo7, William ll ibouipsoa, David S. Brown, Coreallus Stevenson, Joh* It Worrell, H. 4.. Carson, Robert 'Viand, Moses Johnson. Charles 8. Wood, atoms 8. Woodward Yd3•s to th-rp•tt B I.IOWARD K Alra AND AION 13IIRANOE OOMPAiTy—.ople. 412 *augur Stroh Pigladelphlf.. John H. Diehl, . Thomann, P. Z. Sdgar Thalmann, Potts, ll. U shillingforl. CP. S. Spangler, _ C. Q. Sgerer 4 . Abraham Rex, . ' John W. Sexton, T. 4). Warne, ' Sohn Garrison George Howell, . . . Nathan It: Petra, • Wm. F. Leech, . 'H. T. Kahan, •U. H. Rowan Joe. It Witham, Abraham P. Pyre, It.ltooth, Charles P. Norton, John U. bewa - a, AMR U. DISTIL; Pi-Was:lt B. D. Whileill, Sloe President. - OM. A: Dir, Secretary. toylo pp MEXICAN FIRE INSURANCE Lys INCORPORATED 11110—CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 810 WALNIIT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. }laving o, Lorne pal Oapital Stook and Surplus Invented in sound and available Elecuritiee, tantlnues Insure on Dwellings, Stores Viol:alto, Metehandiso, Vessels In Port and their oirgove, and other Personal Property. All Lane% Ithendly and promptly adjuated. George Abbott., John T. Lewis, John Wehh. Ompar W. Morrie, itamnel o.llforion, James B. Campbell, PAW* Brady, Edmund O. Dntilh. Charlea W. Poultney. GEORGIC ABBOTT, President. THOMAS B. D1A.13.113, Beeretasy. jall-y It PETERE's PATENT NON-EXPLOE/VE SELI-ORNIILA TING OAR LAMP Is the only Potent Butner that has NON-CONDUCTOR &TTAOHRD. for Safety, ()hear tuna, and titilliaaay, It en:avian all others, BTATB AND 01IINTY WORM FOR PAWL Address D. P. kETBRB, S. W. tamer M.:OND and OHEBTNIIT Sta., Phial delpkis awl 422 BROADWAY, New* York. mk4-Iy..rp LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK to your interest•, end pat maze 1593911111tig LAMP I'ACTOWY , 109 Root% 1:1(111 TEI street, below Ohestmtit. Precious to hie opening a reeponeible factory, yon war* charged 918 for work which he Is now doing In a war emoted manner from id $lO. Bayport him, or yociadig bare the saws 011111 , . t0 VAT jald-y if_TARRIS's BOUDOIR- stwiNG 011iNE is offered to the public AS the most relic bin low-priced flawing Machine In us,. It will sew front Rix to sixty stitches to an inch, on all kinds of goods, from coarsest bagging to the driest cambric". It Is, without exception, the simplest in Its mechanical con etruction ever made, and can be run and kept in order by a child of twelve years of age The noaantravr of this machine, and the .praL/Ir or ins worm, are war ranted to bo unsurpamed by any other. Its speed ranged from three hundred to fifteen hundred !ditches per min ute. The thread need is taken directly from the spools„ WITHOUT the TROUBLE OF EIWIID!NG. In fact, it Is machine that is wanted by every family in the land, and the tow prise of FORTY DOLLARS, HANDBOBUBA. at which they sold, brings them within the, reach og almost every one B. D. BAKER, Agent, jelgolem why eowem SO South EIGEVNI Street. CA. KINGSBIJRY, M. D., , -- DENTIST, Wol Inform Mg (dews that he Lee REMOVED to L WALNUT Stmt., ADOTo Sleventli. )02-Bsx uuaauir 4r.tutollm9.• FOR TILE BEDFORD SPRINGS, NIAGARA V.A.XiLS EXCURSION TICKETS THOS. MOORE, Agent CHARLEA 8. TAPPSB, - General Agent 3nsweautt Companies 2262,0.89 TIN6LZY, President 6. 'TORS. Biunuel Bieham, Robert Steen, Musser, Benj, W. Tingley, Harebell Hal, Z. Lathrop, Charles Leland, J.cob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, • John Rimed, Plttabur,h TIINCIIMAN Secretary. Dtlllol . olB Diasavois tamps. sewing Stturbines illentietrp.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers