- • . . * 1 ? 4 #0 14 "5 1111V ri . M.17 , -We C. •}-11..-1.:„ r.... v 3600 .:. 11 1 SO ;•K - .- '" r..,- kisitOkb o looo6loo4:l9Tol4`. ii/at ~ :,:,'. l-14. i . :13:1VPS i t rillilireN t ildl c ifWelliatIli'deii 1111M., j , i ,, , ~.,,,,,,,,...o mmor ak t a r. oro Atocrtz.simp o m t . ,-.. •, ti1t. •,...,4,-,..)lbtorgttow`toriwybuooobliipri, Owoke on .thp 211i - olgeßtemoorr , - -;,,,x--. t -':"_ I %it ! a, ,r,,AR-611,11144PA8TA.T11,43100118,Acr. ~ , : ar A ili t ratAkthitt.Thi,l44olll4l l l lo3 ll,oTe r 7 ASOA' .• Yvoiti444l4/itaiii IlbJft"k" 1 - " WRlS.4llACAAftitiowhi 11 !. es, , •.- 'heirotarore._ ~ - .4', . ?-r* ‘0...3..v..qn-__. tea' in Er illoiatas of eaOspLoportyisesed s V t d . ., n snbllfA t p_ oui 1 .to oiio - toolis)v.lmitatpt.,„ vL e es u g,P t „,„,„,--;;; 1 CFAM6-og. V l l i-fe d ' •‘...:,,,5. Wl' I 2 ,....„ 1 .. A 0414..r"'"1' Z ."‘'') f. : , V i j /.1.4 r Ifill*PAggoAVAkktri", - , AV ON; . 113:1 eme . 4 4, 1"6*1.1 rr-AtrilBiXii;l, ~,4- 4 =2;tllllArelgthAT -'- . , • ", , Le. ',firrsmi-lisio-a tarktamoluit-orateil !Oa at. _ - . ' - via: i!thiel... - .4l44uitnt--overr• itestitiligidv. or- catt„.2 l . - , , •tPokodfrPfta I ,TtO 111 ,, hat pl. ';', . •,,,, ~i iil, - , -.,. - ..1'-Wt"'PllW* l 7 l - 94 / 4 1 1361111 4 1 q- all ' 4 •;" Arr:II94:SIVON* 41 . 1 "Tr. ' - i.i - do: - r ite,wair ,9e4fidAt,, •-/k „.);40. 0_ tiltii i t tl i Pt.,.l"t i kk e - IM MTI - -: ' "r8"11.3 ' '''' • ATs •iY.i . o - - ,- - ,P.110111184101r.C. 9 .L.., # ,..,,,,,, .t.l, ', r -6:i 'Keit-4' 47+lf VI f" a i i ll‘ ' lii, F - ''. , 4 iyirifith" . tir TO ft, p Ng RP, - r" ' ifitAtii.:4 •":• ' - • ,-.,< ;%irkto tOO reoultificeuetiaiitl4s7,. j ai tiviiikaa4 4 2Cr it inr2 3 2 6 :i iii i no sao n., e*,_r... - . s .•. 4 ! -1 . 1 i 4 i - t?_ 2l , t ,-, vij A fl t it-1,- 4 " ) ,...:.lteliiiii, .i . '''' 44. 41 4";:mictiii p. ,/,o74o6ounorlhinotziosc, .- 1- P 4 "1,747' ''''''''• - • - :J:iii, - ;i'aiiil, C iiii.ek:" . ,4 tie •TIAAIe 1 ''''''''' '' 1004. 1"44- '' - tti et' be sold ,for. mem of .1 ' '. i. ' ..t u tit.o.-nti ,A rt ° A. lo94l" 4 3 : 79 " oQtlqu ' i of ' Ol4 atqn *'.. 4 3% ., j ' ----':, .•;4- JAPlMi_BSTA,T.lli3ltiligqoth. ,-- q , - --' -Thia:nalewill , include-;` , — - -,, 3 /4-$0731/0 1 .1141 1 DMIIM .-.:T IgeeVv, : iiiiiol,,...a_- - :„.o.thz...tkvaaprokyitb -81x0v •: 6,4l , Ax &lij k iiii_2o4;UX:iii4eiA.67liittgo; r7' tralotAA-6844.4114000....gauth.0f WllalloAlAreat, -1' iiiiiiiiiiio44.4TqAthAtietei ...TIM' 1111 ba I!. 3l it' - separttely. - • . ...i' c' .--. gnouND BENT' ftss,arli-vg ot ti v i b ir t w oll 1 . •. , ~...L., tftoliTill-,6ol4lltilWilaciko 17044tpownxismt.1- • I id i ttilleei/r4rif# i r ialri f f _, .1" k trip: L a ithe '' ,2 4 . .itiOcili ~11. 4 81.!f r oridt AA waits goon.", nm, I ', 4 :V:,,L:stroec tttintrztk_ l 4 -,:.7 1 ?: - 1 4 , 10.17:41 9re " ''. - tfrolifekvytket sp*, Apiwyta,,,,•,,& . .. 1 ..„„„ n - A,ira l 61146 - Airs ~'- 4 -14:141F - '.‘4,1t, - Ikttie/tir. l 4 . le.ic _. aweilibg, ,tagiontitsetr: it •tiotieetk' WAt' f i e l, Norris `r , trg,..7trebtioad) arotta,t,.4* ° P.' 6° - k ir fk 4: , 1 1 . lip ' 10BrIAJAA.D.-TASI Aile4stou _ I we A, '''' - .reatralstititVaredirof Beventlistraiot. , , . , MAT TOILILV4ITORT:DRICK.I.MELLIN44,-• Icl, th_ bAck.butittiugg, Akca.le f .:o24_,l . litt . ..o?" l . tittoOP, week or , n::l,...ll4lllll:7l:l4,___2lX4ilo646oittili3OiL4Wit'reet. y_i '''' 1511 ;BMW ' iltrEtarrin ' ELF4AIit . BOBAWVOP, •••.4ZAVQ•ADA.T.B,EFATA ousszts o4e! .. rs, bile ; ~1140.sti • - . - - -.--,,, ~,, 1 • • '.• On Thunday-Moratog,. iitenidre _ _.; .1": ';it • P.- .?'Orys i Vrtlie la_l 3 o-I=4 * . kinv '. , :;,:',Vittlabi.ale.**gOar°, 4:018,-40.6, - -aorit 4t1 ,,,, te . . " - TriltreWest ctiOtillg ,Voisektippfpgi,remilryalla.the . ;stote ''. ...,,ly - iloanAleties Ai ,osle: V.,„ , ~ -..., : , ~ - , , ~. ~, ,:, AT EkAIVATBISALIIi- . 3 ' -'• • 'A'xrell.iseeared Arstinortgiv-$1,800:4 - 2 ..- - ' A', biantituity; "Austad . .I.ot, 7 Pattiouten -- turnpike, -Y. • Phootoit mil.. -- 2 :-..-... - - - ~ -!-.- - ---7 -:',.1' , --- - i - , ..... UAL ..iBTA.TEI,II.T.i4IirA7I9,I3iLLB, •-, ~ : IiPiANDID,:.:IIIt9WN43TONt - MANSION _' OYeafuat ~ s tre4t,lKltlilidddrlesud.:eosoli. p lonso,' Ono, otliee'dnest Aroiidoneeniiillio'olty.:' l, ' • • - - , ' , --'NidAT 2 mcwwqr , ..11.11#1.0)31/08,..170. -3.624t , chestout SLED NI -BRoWt7-itTONIC ntront, nOl orliroad. . • - * —iotscutir:BßQWN-STONE ‘13E81D23 , 1011; No p2l.* Walnut street . ; woirt'of elitionth: , r• NEAT BESIDENOB, I SonthOnet , Woking 'and Baventeenth strneno_ - . .*.- Atf.,EihriffA3ll3 z s VALITABLB' RESIDENCE, fibtith , west comer Of Eleveritlvarid - Walint streete,t - -' ELEGANT RESlDANOES;Rittelibonse'Square ..*TWO'HANDSOMERESIDENOI2IIVishington Square'. BROWN4STONE-RESIEENOE;' North • Brasil ' HANDSOME.L. MODEM RESIDENCE,`: Northwest ntGreetemitlitteentlibtfeets.' 4 - • HANDSOME mortal; Panummop, No. 1638 Green street. - EStAX_RESIDENC/I, Spruce street, between Broad and-gitteeirthr-. 2 -, • . - HANDSOME MODERN 24011 E- 2. TORY' RESTENNOE, No 130.1 Spruce street.' azspiittop,-No. 222 -Pine street, viait'af Eighth. , . • . HANDSOME BROWN-STE „RE RESIDENCE, No. 1616 Pinen t:/ liee4 4 • - - . , -; ' HANDSOME IP:MEttit'I9IIiIinitiCIE, No. MIS Plne '4"HANDSOME REBTDENCIE,•No.632"Pine ' 1 - .'2WOMANDSOKE • BROWN-STONE' RNEIDENDES, • Third street; bele.* Spruce • . - - • . - NSAT RESIDENCE,' Nd. 241-South Eighth - street, ~ :hedow,Walinit. - 44 - - • . - • HANDSOME MODERN, RESIDENO2I,-,No; 813 North • -Eighth street:. • - . HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 331 North Bevanth street; -4 - .4 - • HANDSOME -RESIDENON, - No. 621 North Stith , THE )METHODIST , EPISOOPAD, CHOROII PRO • PEATY, New Market street , • sputum AND -2.IdIGANY - BBOWN,STON7., OF ' BICE 13131.1.D1NG; Nos, 407 and 409 Walnut street. - LARGE ; AND_ , VALUABLE - LOT;. , Locust, Mary, and Charela etreetS,Meat Philadelphia; 200 by 116 feet. I HANDSOME RESIDENCIE, Northwest corner L ocust; ' , and - Mary streeta,hppositethe above. -, - -VERY-HANDSOME COUNTRY-RESIDENCE, pipit. • :7,-;Tloss'etVlacki djtiAlts Cleridhatowsilisliroad_ 417 Anil ',BARU, ANVOOCNTRY -, , , ,SEAT, . 160 ;hetWien terriedale and' Dato s l: • 2 , - COIINTBY;SEAT; about' sevennormi,"Oheitnut RLICIANT PAW 800 :sores, withsuperior im • properoni4i . oil the Elver Delaware; one mile from New' • ,LANG`i; NTAiI:NT; - '4II42I'YALITiIIiN FARM, be :"teno the cilyof Wilmington ead_Brandywlne Syringe. ELEGANT. 0011NTRY MtAT;',lO - ecres, with floe ' improvements k Echnol Itchistasapi OirmAntown, oppo ,, idte the late Dr. I: N _,_ - , 11AND.3011E mopErtxDlSTPLltiet,,Po.434tOallow , hill street, . • BRICK ,Sithiiii, l l4#l.4lo . 2l:, 414 BARELY, 150. 135 Areh' streit,;,- ~11QIIR-STORY, BRION "1170 . R.E, AND Ho: 1309 ObeStuntstreet. , - • ." 4 AMOK STORE AND pummet, Tot, South "' Yffteeritk street:- • ' .‘ • • 127' timodntottother.nreyettyipround Xmas. atortgsgss,..ye;'_;BVlrlid. lisinmsy be had at the PRIVATE BALS . - Ij7 Real EstatAsutereil on our Private Sale Register ,sodsultverthied - nocaslonnlly-lo our PublieSsie-Abstwets ((of which I,QOO 'copies area:plated: weekly, during the buslfiedik3PeAni)lrseof olunge:.. -4 . 4, - . • , 'WAXER A. -FREEMAN, .2i.IIOTIONEEkt, air NO. 422 , WALNTIT HTHENT, above FOURTH. 1 Persons favoring Ms With conidgnatenta can YON ' - assured that theft property Not be samiticed. ' 1177 00inMilillottsfreore moderateUen-t1e... --- *" by any Mhos , • •••• • • • •• solicited. •-~' ol • mined aterrafter the geode arisold Sale at Re. 422 Walnut street.- - - 7 ADatrNisThATows SALL'OP HOUSEHOLD aun; - NITO .11111713821e1f CARPBTS;PRENCH PLATS • G 1,188557 IVEDDING,'DINNSIt AND 'TEA WAR'S, • t , BIIOIIBN FURNITURE,•ke _ • On Tuesday Morning, tAt,lO o'clock, will besold' • by order of the **dale. • • tralor; in'the first' and. eecond stories of the auction Ali store,e entire - tureltinwmf a 'gsritlemen' deemed, • comprisleg rosewood farm, covered with brocatelle and 'lady 4414, fnef9foMl tar ler thairs.to match, Brussels „,';carrste; • enitlan. blin s. Ws: tetrult, stage, oak•Aall efindirmitiogany - and waleut chamber f-farBltnre, armihier. walznitextenalon dining Uhl*, h • -.- Catielerleaves.,by'„Xecirp Campion., Abm, dressing hurehtla,:B - ',large - qtlantyy„o_fner and.,tea ware, ” cooking Utensils, tee TO ":ANTIQUARIANS AND OTHERS—VALUABLE '"``.:1011,10,4124••• TAPIOR'S_ :ffl 0 ld: 11185 1 0 ? 4 gum.. PRESIDENT MADIOON - s', - • ?Also at - 11 c'elook precisely' the Ooloralinden of Den . Zs froaoPresitent Madison, as captain in tbe ' •;•••,(rt hilly be seen early on day'of Sale; ' Sale at No. 28 North Water street. , TO- SOAP BOILERS'A N D MACHINISTS. .130 I- L NES TUBS, FAIRBANKS' TLATICHBI • SpAXES; STOCK, &a On"Wedoeinfai ifersiliiir,c;': , , 21st fart., will •hi -sold; `withOul' reserve, at nubile sale, at No-28 North Water street, the entire stock, tit. twin!, ke. ref the'estalli.binent. Inoldding . in par; : - d large irmitouble boilers, holding 1,000 lbs. each, and 3 - Innallor ones, holding 8001ba, each, with pipe; eopp-r avd.t.iron dipper*: iron ,skimmers, In:what*, copper -Pan, 82 gallons; a Pairbaoks , platform scale, new pans, - hold from 100 tolfitilbs iron screw press, iron lever preee, benches, small scale., large faunae, .900 lbe. meek soap Feat, sieves, knivet, soap cutters—cost 020 euhrdryieg 'trainee, tables, sheiv ing; ' for grind ing Slay. brass stimps and dies also °ince furniture. STOOL—AIso, gallons - Alkali,' vaelorni kinds of eosp' In boxes, hogshead , of clay, rosin, !slil' all the articles requisite to conduct the business. ' • . - FINAL ,ZSPATZ, AT PRIUTE SALB. Handsome manslen; southwest corner efSeventeenth 'mid Walnut streets. " • • itesideneaMaishiagtoa Square ani•Tfalnnt street. Dwelling holes ,e Ilo.iirViqe. street. 20 acres of land,'lndfaxiQueen , WaluablepNperty, prankferd road. • Ilendlome ilwelllng,'N;i:lol2 'Waltatie street. - Iltudnent eland end dwelling, SeventsenthandWash lneon streets. , -Kiegant ProPitlido Wee, Ai ) ~ above Tarzeadtie. 14 acrespf,Dm4Sibeiton avenue, Germantown. residence sod,lotAi,'est Philidelphiai ~.., ,. ...Wahlabie.lorof ground,- GeMaantewn-Nalittld and Clehtmbiti afenorez,•, Madame Ihviilling; flpiefioSliargen' eireet, above, 0,4 , I•_l*.ST OP IdINERALS. , • " -At private saleyaldable Cabinet_ of Minerals, aom prising'oree•r,Boo cbtectfonvf , several 7 019 1 0 /V , T 1 4194;ds fienthichasf Who/Moto* ibom ,ferthees. They are denteghliptorkobllo 'Lion. Apply_at theta% ozi:store. , , 4 QAJWITEL . HAVEPL.I4 N - BE /MOTIO% • awl MONNIrtIOAN 0/ )3e 7/103, - No. 224 potsth THIRD titteet,lelott-Wehrkti bpoely geer ... 11404y, ARM door. beION.WiIizeINANC • -Zoo re „et-kW:gook oWodt, me* !.? ioOedm a ifsvell a ft m w ,‘x • fleeAt,. the Audio:l4or" M • taugeol upon, t!uk, terms, 4 _ 4AP1TA1..41P0001,4• ''••• - • itillt:A - 4Vr SoilicietWAttitildroarime donar,,to tboamndpipii. kris ';•::!;ittoititOnvir.P.4*Xitatioi hitelry, IraSwiipAgar -11LiaricOlrolh*TuraltraPOWing Otgarsetualoal it?,„ of 4.1111 / 1 131 : 11r * 411 wino ,00s veoh toutopOsid . O. 4111 be - eh.iihge• al4r oexiV.pegoonth p 001 end' • the loyekt, foto:tot rate:' NhYliteVfgOiefhtefthilepth 0f.3.10 feetduie lugs , filreAid• fastlimit isigfal9,storcill:valuablos, and lA% TA. rwstazei. roc the pramisec buts. ,-.2lnotetret* APACbeall.Virtgrlarc na a Akticgint'of beitti* of Itollotited tapas], iii Noi lit: loihe adVitiete ow mate' B&W tootow'otoodethirtelitie-#str , othst 1* • NM -• : INA Moneyodeittoettitejrt, itOointeittltb, IRV elti!reir; - -4N:43IVA:es -• o". 4 • 1 41411 - Otitii Ltief OtoloNtet Wstettei, ,tttratah w ittiv t .E.at i t tatettep t titre • ly" (30,:riiiidtiOtsgai' Lin Xicfgr4: 'Tom stp: LOPG/46TUIXT. ,IPRIVATTI BALL' ' boster,voluable, coal said this mat.Vill4hortby the, attention of corollate tad., othets„sathe owner is Coiapalled 11:7" ?or fFrth# - spulicohalre at the &cation Arr. OtiT;DO011 SAlSBl6;lotpi)uld promptly , _touted r -te " • s ' • .',112' 1 ADVANOZO,rdoiliktin ootedgnmente telteeded 4 . 3 r esodilyithoot extra cherge6 . SAI/8a400148 opeouttiL 101.1 d,• Now re = ft i it 4 t i ifT 9 Dllll 0 0 igtVitgYf 14.442! VarANDRNMUR, PAIININGS;IOOan andyr*;l cc 4 : es of Itavar)Nions - hr..atXmit-htieet, : .Hole - ..,Wettleri , Etitetkineen leMkeketobJim4; , ealebtat4d gePATPWatl o4B ;*44,94uittention 34:this 4 g7444 l l4 4"6 ltiat i A nil ' t i t l es :i, 8 e a . 1 .1, 1 &r., - ~iro tt - opnitdeat they be alma the e oest articles .6f tb" I grit* t WriwifiTf. " 1.4 7:1 %D 97 nowl4w, Quartet Piimi;lllll6nd f#i sib YEATorr, 21gi 0 1 0 P0.1441#00. E=CEM=S colkOitotiri oi,''4ißolityrain T a l ianudTVltt a rjeit 7, Al: INOLBBET. , 4114voxinut- lSben l eit: - ;:k6010/4*Bil; -(eitCies • Box t• wopIINR,T &MOTTO 481011.10 MT Bt., ettAlle Opt= Howw;:betWeen Irpiwth and Nirth 0 64 LOT tg: We9 PINI ingt landettfronqohnener ' • . 100 bowie okithen plus. w MANTiLt4I3. •y• • at ~ itlivato gale, an 11110100 of Swum santailui. RILLSei . MIRT B. E''':;Al6o 160 If legal Mita InittO 111P,EgO.V.A.L.-I:TRXESS, _BAINLEY; & ' 41M0 Fnmoied to OA Lofts, N 0..429,8iAf1KET Btraet, , ,forrphlyoFtwir i Megra. Caleb Cope',* Co. 1 t '-BRINW, &APO.: It9,4o4,KViittligrr;-* 604- .' 24- iklll444iGrlAATArla t r 'i: 1 ;i1;411605.64 ind 64 white ,and red obenixis Wag if Ci Eitt litA2ll.:All 43" . A. 170 1 110 ER. LtJL Am) aomzassiON 111114141 a, •15. B. corner arceir and BMUS Streets. BLIAB, OF FORFEITED-BUDGES. - • "By Order _of of ; Nathan , • Broker, formerly of the liontheset comer of %Fourth and Bare streets. ^ • fla 'Tuesday Morning, 2,lnti, at 9g, o , Clock, conelsting of gold andsilver ‘ pktoot jever,lepine, and other .watobes, gold chains, • ear.ringe; finger riegs,- pencils. bracelets, bresstpins, silver spoons, , :lso..• Double barrelled gone, revolving and allude barrelled pistols;'vlollus, chairs, &c. OLOTIIING.--Ooste, pants. and vests, silks, dresses, shills; bet clothes:AC.' - on de osit with NOTICE All persOns haying goods p me over the legal length or time cell and redeem or PAY otherwi se they will be sold at Publinagfclnthi *bore day.•.• • . AjtgOt'. • - 4ABRAHANy?..TBAIO3, Broker. (VAT,: il7Diilo,-AOOOMMODATION. „MONEY! .1 MONEY! ! ! Money liberally gavial:od in Large for small amounts,. from on@ dollar to thotulands,,on gold and silver' plate, ! diamonds, ,Righes`, teirelry, - , fowling-pieces, musical 'lnstiumlstn, itime,,dri goods, elothingf groceries, eigert,lierdwire, cutlery, *who; homes vehicles, bar emu and all arbicles,of,Thlite, for Any ' length of time agreed .on,;Let Ncithans , Principal- NstobNehment, , southeast corner of Sixth and Rice streets., fr,,kkondelsirg , 'notes, with collateral, discounted at the liwestlnariatzetea.„ ITATBANE YEINDIPAVBSiADLNDEMENT , SI E. 00ENER OF SIXTH AND RACE STREETS. WhiremoneyWill be, liberally adveociel on gold and silver plate; diamonds, Watches, Jewell, fowling pieces,, dry goods; olpthing, groceries, liquors, cigars, hard ware,' cutl e ry, , - fancy ertioles,' mirrors, paintings, en grartugs; ,nauslotr , Instruments, furniture, bedding, herpes, Vehicles, hitrattes;stcohe, and all other arttoles Personal attention' given to. all out-door sales, either 'it private dwdiliuge, stores, or eliewhere, und,eluirges uniumally TO-TERME 'ffEtINQMISHING - VOIIitEMBERYNG. ' ..Personitrelinquistilng-,l2omekeepinvoehaving sup -plies lir fun Itur4lo Aleposo of. will dud it to their ad vantage by 'sending the sante to the auction story, smith • f.E east earner of and Ral3o street; where, it will be propirly,arranged in'thelurniture salesmen', and sold to the beet advantage,two•thirde of the geode advanced if required; and the balance handed over the afternoon of the day of sale. ~ • ' - - vgveps na,gOld - load" ver hunting critie, _dskol?la culge,and double -bottotOnd 'Layer, •lepinea, Jdogllah, Bilno, and Prenoh watohaa • gold !peeks, gold °Waco, gold biaca • lets, *variety of tine gold atodo, braotpine, and - finger rings; goo Oates, anporior told violin and guitar, yen Onsmolodson, and numaronsother AT PRIVATE 1348„ VEILY LOW Putogs. Gold Zngllsh patent leverwatohee, fall jewelled end plain some of them fine 18-karat eases Of the' be mars. - • • - Silver .gngileh patent, lever watchee, fail jewelled and plain, of 'the most approved makers. Gold escapement lever end leplhe watches, in lint:A rmes and open face, of the very beet nuke. Ladles' gold enamelled watatieS, met with pearl and dlimonde. Mbar lingliati, Swiss, avi4 Prep& watches, diamond breast -pins and anger Tinge, gold Immolate, ear rings, finger Ha m breast pine , etude, due gold west. lob, ta d c h ains, gold opeasclea, Awl varlets other tql/- dee of Jewel ry, de., kw. - Business Curbs. H'O.:THOMPSON AND G. N. GONAD . 'Rog, ,CIONTEYANCOIRS. G.Eoaff. °MARRON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . No. 9.38 ARM street, below Tenth. DANIEL' DOUGRERTY, ATTORNEY LAW, Boothesot Coma of MIGHT% sad LO OM Streets, PAiliottolptilo: CSABLES TETE, 0011.11113SION' KER CHANT • aid- Importof of HAVANA BEGAIIB, (frow)188-Walant stmt.. own/ dor?. - sal-17 11411EMOVAL.= " • O. .P.A.WORTT, • - HAIR CUTTER AND WIG MASER, Has removed to 102+100.11STITUT street, four doors be lOw . is2-tr M . TER'STRO it sz;: AtTourrEr. 'A crAigimis &trio. rairrige, Ps. anf-ly ipgruWWILICESBAARE LEIpIaHGOAL -1. Suce,Cms toe introduction of this i!igkerter , Wallet* the - klilladelPhla Market! • 'We are daily receiving teetimonlabt from all quartMs where this Coal has been , tested or itkgreataeperiority ovetluk* Lebigh Cog emir burped. • The Coal yields an exceedingly Warn' Ash, 'and is perfogly,free train cinder of any; tiled, while, the Coal itself. is pertoetlycleariountentirely free trent gate or any impurity: For stage purpoies it has no'equal, - the tostimoni of some of the most :eminent' Mi . :tenders in the country being in Ma favor. We have the EXCIATerws _ '• "• AIIDENRIED k ItOUMEL, "fildipe v ra and ItetailDealercin,Wilkesbarre COAL ...1.0m...:,-swAvart,earees s - above 'talowhill, and first Wharf above Callowhill street„Delawore. 1,3144,17Z8 1011URE , LEHIGH., ANA • , BROAD-TOP -1-00,41,,-4A.nrca AIONTOOMEBY Inform his friends arid OM Public that- he has effected an meat silth the, Buck Mountain Coal Company a rtVe sale of theirJustly-celeb 'rated LEBIGII COAL. Ile has also arranged ~with the proprietor of the Broad-Top 'Mitten for IliCsale of his 'valuable BENS-BITUMINOUS COAL "and is now, prepared to receive brders and Make prompt deliveries, at his Offices No. 402 WALNUT Street, second story, front room. - Jecl.Bra V(ERIA - G, FOX, & 00., ieboleardo and 1: Mau Zeller, iti LIMON and BOHIITLEILL GOAL: Lehigli , pud—THlßD Street Ar 0 - 4 '''''''''"""` aad BROAD TOWN ROAD. - Bobnylkill litz!estEW ntly op ksnd Coal micas, ander curter, and pre ortrunlliase.k : - - teal," pared expeaMy WHIIYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.- ks7l am daily receiving, at my yard, the beet quality°. BOHIIIMMILL AND LIMITOII iIIOAL. My atietemers, mid all others - who may favor me wi th their ordeis, May relton gett in g OW that will be iatlafactorflo th e inforiorAloal. "rept at this establishment to Weer at LOW 141L028. • ALBEANDER aa . N. il. °Oer of Broad awl Marry Sta. CARP . E T S.„ • . We will commence TO-DAY ,OLOSING. OUT, ' Our entire Poring Stook or . .' YELVBT,AND, BRUSSELS. CARPETING% . . As . • ' -' ' , G R EATLY ' REDUCED PRICEP. , ' '-- —.',. 'DAILY A BROTEIER, —' ' No. 920 OILVSTNUT Street. " Parebesers . irill please call and examine our -large ' assortment. ap29.lf . - 1911APBSTItY' OARPETS:—JUST -RHO' -largo Wet' superior Tapestry Carpets, to ta sold at a low , krias. - DAILY es BIIHTHEB;" CASH CARPET STOICS, 920 CHESTNUT Et. Q,. UPERB TIERE-PLY- OA. R PETS . A :nab, assortment of new pattarne, at rodttoed vetoes, at .. DAILY to BROTHER'S, " - CASH CARPET STORE, , - ' nifiii-tf - , 920 CHESTNUT a. IED,`,DOO3I CARPETS.-10,000 YDS. of superior Ingrain and Three-ply Carpets. of the beet makes and etyles, at all prloss from 60 cents to 81.25 per yard. me.= BROTHER, mhal-ff- No. OW CHESTNUT Stmt. "REST HEA.lr'ir BRUSSELS:A . LARGE lot of new pattirtul, In neat, °baste styles,' at low Wads. -• • D AILY Lc BROTHER, ' 9E242 OARPBT STORE, 9SO OILESTNIIT St EMOVAL.TORN" P. DOHERTY ,911 . AR LE S R:0 Tll, N. E. OORHER OF FIFTH AND WALNUT STREETS PPHILADELPHIA TYFE, FOUtip4Y— Cos.. THIRD *ad ONEENLIT Ate; L. MOMS! & EON, thankful for the liberal pa :lrditsW IteretOffire. isiderded: to; their iltatablliddoent, and &serous to merit its eoutinusnee would announce to Printers and Publishers, that their nestBP.BOINEN BOOK L now ready; and Boni their Increased facilities, are now prepared to fund& every thing neoessary in a eompieto Printing' illitiblidnient, • eV the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and the feet of their personal superintendence of the 'lninufseturing department, Instidee them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better tin tatieLartielerthau their ootemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, .Ifolgiltdo well to apply to them previous to. purahaidng Old type taken at 'tents per pound In &ahead* for saw at speetruen Mem ael,tl pal ADE LP IA WARMING AND VINTIkAIRENd VAARROI:43It. • • ARNOLD t WILSON, ilsoozAooo o 5...•, , 11AHRT50A. We hare removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, NO. 1010 OHESTNUT street, • few doors below Melt. LlVirkinoo Ilotelewhere our old friends and the public, are respectfully invited to examine oar extensive stook of Warm Air Furouces, Mooting Mangee, Batlf Boilers, Registers, Enameled `Stelae Mantels; Parlor Odat Grates fce" &o. -We are now mazinfabtuting OffILSONd GELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL , GAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the moat powerftl'and eoisnomited Hester ever invented, and malted to alltlasess of buildings. ' Also, - new and •beautifal. patterns of Low Won Riles, and Peril:m(lW Orates of all sizes and patterns. '••- We , timos. -also- commenced . the manufacture of ENiddilleßD. - STONE 'MANTELS from Pemi, syleahia Stone. These' Mantels were awarded a ISPEOIALPREMIVM at the fate Fair and Rxhie 'hillott of the 1 - kahlaits Institute of this city. ,They represent the rais and beautiful Armen Manuals, ,arequat injured by Smoke, Seal Gas, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Retail, at much less prise -then MOM. Osilf and see them. •': BM/. M. PibTIVIELL ARNOLD & WILSON , ARNOLD Philadelphia, April, 1851-404 lIITE HEMP. LARGE STOOK OF en superior - unlity on hinid nod for sale by • f r .. Co, No, 23'North Weima street, • %OM kind 42 Now% Whapwa LATE 1 SLATE 11 'SLATE 111—Rooting S Slate; or-all ekes. and at',ves y low retool, kept eon. steely 9n hand,:end for sale by ' ' reganget, - kix; re co., - GRRHARTOWN ROAD and ruLlßDetreet. N. R. Slate Roofs pat on In the best manner, and rs• faxixur attooditt to: Allitork worrantad • D011.11.-/00 barrels ,heavy Mess Fork; • 89 barrels Yrime•Pork. . 78 barrels Leaf Lard. For sale by 0. 0: Bann & 00., 411 Na. a North Water atraot =SE egal. !Earluting°. TALLOW, teiai iN THE -ORPHANS , COUAT FOR THE arrrARIVOUNTroF ,PHILADELPHIA. ' In the matter of the Estate Of ~I. DCSKINIO ERR , RELL, deeessed. • , • Bur proceedings in partition. , To John Derrell and Obristopherßerrell, sone of W. PATRICK BEERDLL, deoetwed, over the ' age of tweet.' ty-one years—the •saId, , WILLIAIS PATRICK 888 BELL, deceased, Niiiliwlleedthe brother of J. DO/dI RICH JJERRELL, deceased. %Catherine Burrell, daughter of said WILLiAM PA .TaIOIC.-!-BERILIWD,', deceased, - oleo ,o,ver the age', of tirenty-one years. Matthew. Derrell, and Thomas rell, - minor:ehildren Of the said WILLIAM PATRICK 'DERRELL; deeeinent'iwhelb Guardian la RQBANNAH BERRELL;the widow of WILLIAM PATRICK DER-- H . lllaq decea4ed. i • - - • • Pluidsatt,HOsettiPlunkett,O.,Ditien.Pintt - MasTAwn Ploolrett; AfittlldaTiunkett, Isab : Plus-: /re t,abd Letitia Plunkett; sone and daughters of MAR CELLA' PLUNKETT' and THOMAS ' JAMES PLlfif- KETT, deceased,-the eaId.MARCELLA PLVNKETT 'having been the sister of the said 3, DOMINICK HER BELL, deceased. and having interrnarried with thee aid THOMAS JAMES PLIYNKETT. ' And to all other t i t ersons in interest'. . 'NOTICE ,IS RE ERVOIVEN; That; in luminance 'of 'a - Writ 'of' Pe Moir 'issuid - out of the...Orphans' aforesaid, in above Estate, an Inquest will be held by gm IIHERIFP, on Premises on said Writ des orlbed, fox the throw of, making riPartition or.Valua , lion of the eame; on PRIDAT the 'Both' day of Jilt', A.'D. 1858; let 10 Web*, when and *here 'yon may; at tend, U. you third; muter. . GEORGE MEGNE, veyl.l4rilm - • Sheriff. iIISTATE OF OATIIARINE STEWART, . treirealtsaVL . "The Auditor appointed by thee Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to audit; settle, seljust the accouht of WII.ITA BRINE/TON, Trusteo uu der Pe Will of CATIIARINE 'STEWART, demised, to report distribution , will meet the parties interested for tho purposes of hie appointment, on lIIONDAY,J4Iy 20, 1855, at 11 o'clock' A.M.; his office, 8.„11. corner of LOCUST end EIGHTH Streets, in the city of DANIEL DOUGUERTY, Auditor. • „Tyra-Om/U.51 . Noticto. NOTICE TO ; ARCEITEOTS.-,ln purau .l. anC4 of resOintion adopted by the Vonument Commissioners; at a Meeting, at Warriaburg, on the lath instant, Plans, Specifications, and Eatimatee are invited for the :erection 'of 'ft MONUMENT to . the memory of , citizens_ ef..Pemisylvania who. boat their livel In the late War with Mexico. The coat of which le•not , to Week thezeliat P.t ,TRPMY T- 1 - I ° llB r/ i Ditmukti.B. , Communications on the'subJect of plans, Ice., te pp addressed to the Governor, at iiarriaburg,prior to the pit of Julyßrproasevecelyik frotst.itsly 1 antil engt . .,18 68 .' Persona fnrnjahing Plane will please aend thelr Entl. mates under seal; as tboy pill' be for the nee of the Cern missioners only. , Poe the Plan which' may be adopted a prampoia AI Two - naildred, Dollars w}II be allowel.. , BY gr'et of the Commissioners. - • ;TIN W. GNAJTE, SeeraterY. liaampaulao, - , NOTIOE.-4 1 sT ELECTION VOR. DIREOTORS of the MONTOUR IRON COMPANY, to eerie during the ensuing year, will bp held on Se, TURDAY, the thirty4l.et (ley of JOl7 neat, between the bourn of twelve o!clock 6.1., and, one o'clock P. DI,, et the .I,it Pierre Rotel," In the elty of Philadel phia, Penneylvanta. ,jeBo-t T. M. BRYAN,In., Secretary. 'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 3 application has been made to •the Trustees of. the iro Associatbin for the renewal of policy of Insurance issued In Ate beele pf ,701 IN MURRAY; on the 6th day pt December, 1847; No..ll,figl, for $l,OO, treibaired.te JOIIN lCioCOY,Dedeuiber and _l7 hrni . triuniferred 'on the same date to OATIIARINE ' policy has beerlest'urpittlaid., infosmationthersof will be received by " ' dpftN MaCpy, 818 w f 811 and p) Sleuth MINT . atrpet. QEDpartnerebip'Nqicra THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED a copartnership tinder the style of FRO THINGHAaI & WELLS, for Girt transaetion of a GENERAL DRY 000 pa pptuissioNf BIIBINEBB, and have taken the store No.' U Beath 'ROST Street - and 86 LETITIA Street: TDRODORE FROTRINGEASI EXEE- B. W4)41. P47IDADIILTII/A, .7116 . 0 10, Igliqf V, 4tiana{ VVILL REOPEN ON THE FIRST lONDAN IN EtErT2lllBElt, for the Soholadle year, conelstletof ten months, • - "• J. 3. REED'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, Na. 1523 WALNUT.Street, • PHILADRLPIIIA. The system of, tuition Is based on that adopted in the best heminaries In Europe, and comprises thorough. In structlori in the English, French; add Latin langneges ; special attention ja also paid tollee,formatiod or in eke gout style of. coMposition, and to, the ' minivan/3n Of A taste for — polite ',tenants. The course of study will embrace every brannli of education. A limited number of poplin admitted Int, the family. Their religione end moral training is under the epeeist care of Mrs. Reed, who boo had many years experionee,. and deference will be paid to the feelings and wishes of their parents in these matters. The health and comfort of the young ladies is also carefully attended to by her. Weeklyboarding penile, from Monday till Friday, re ceived at Proportionate rattle A. week's Taeatten at Christmas and at Easter. ~lair (Payable half !nutlet:Leo, endlialf at tke e4lratiou of die months.) ' For tuition In the regular couree of study $lOO 09 N. B.—A Je4lor class will be formed. (Orman, Spanish, Itallab. 4nd other langitagep, httl• Me, (vocal and Instrumental') Pnving and rf , inting, oil and water Wort ' ) at rroressors charges. Ilse of Piano, per mourn $ 20 00 tt limp Vor Bolading... -TrAlfiiiMmitirrAmo-" , els, silver fork and spoon. , low rent et cost. TESTIMONIALS. atrorde me pleasure to state that Mr. J. 3. Rood la recommended by °gelid' testimonlale of dlstingniahed gentleroen in London-14pm persepal equal Mapco witb him, I can most cheerfully rbcommend him aa an 4- complithed Rattler and gentleman to the confidence ar the public. ' A;CONVEBSN. The subscriber tattle great pleasure in uniting with Dr. Converse In the above recommendation. Brain per, canal enaueintsame with Mr. Reed. as well as from his distinguished teatirnoniale, I am confident of his emi nent abilities as a gentleman and scholar. CHARLES WADBWORTR. We are hippy to hear that Mr- J. T. Reed, a gen tleman of considerable lir4 an h y tt excellent nnt4 ilk and elte; b o ° f blififfet db-u lt a,' l ltas re-opened nts Institute for Young Ladles at 1623 Walnut street, one of the most admira ble leekitles in the city. Mrs. Reed is a lady who has had ninny years , experience in tuition, and bears a high reptltation for success In training her . pupa; both mo rally and mergtally. Mr. Reed, from hls knowledge of European Inagungos, and 'rpm )iaving graduated is the first colleges In England, =parte the advantages of the best European Systems of education ; and particular at tention is paid to the study of English Composition and Polite Literature. We would lay some stress on this latter fact, since general literary information and cul ture, though by far the most diatinguishiug signs of in telligenes and refined education, are, on the whole, far more neglected in most schools and colleges than any other branches.—Editor of Graham's Magazine for July, 155 i, p. 81. ITEPP,RENOES. Henry' Vothake, LL. D., Prayed of the UniversKY of Pennsylvania. John J. Frazer, LL. p., Professor of tho Physical Sciences In ditto. - tieor e Allen, LL. D,, Professor of Ancient Lin gua ln g o 's . l l l2 9 illm l d itto,a S M. Meredith. , Col. John W. Forney, editor of The Press. • Charles fa. Leland, Esq., editor of Graham's Maga sine. - • Der. William D. Btever,S, D. D., Rector of St. An drew's. Roy. Alum Converge, D. D., editor of the Christian Observer. Rev. Charles Wadsworth, D. D" Arch-street Presby• terian Church. • Joseph L. Keen, Esq,, West Philadelphia. Themes 8. Taylor, Esq., West Philadelphia jyl.lm J3RYANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OF NATIONAL 111EROANTILE COLLEGES. NO. ladelphia College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and ORESTNUT Streets. For Information ; cell or send for circular. plea CIITTENDEN 9 PIII LADE LPII IA UOMIIIITIOIAL OOLLE4II4, sortheourt corner of CHESTNUT and SEVENTH &roots. •Au Institution designed to At young men rot AO TIVE BUSINESS. The whole building is occupied, sad fitted up in a style emrpeasing anything or the kind In this country. Thorough preparation for- the counting-house • BOARD:OP TRIJBTERS. _ , . B. B. Comma, Francis Hoekine, George H. Btaut,_ David Mine, John Bparhawk, DAM B. Brown, June Hacker, A. V. Perim!, D. B. MMUS% , Broderick Brown, , _ . Icahn* Lippincott. , ap2.B4f LONG'S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, N. E. oorner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Ma.: COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT.—book-keeping In all nefarious forminpreparing Students thoroughly for itnuetions Id any branch of bushman; Plain and Orna mental Writing; Commercial Calculative; Lew and Cor respondence. No inetitution in the United States gives a more theroegA and practice/ eourse. In this depart ment no teach ing is done in Manes, and- is open DAY and EVENING Time unlimited. MATUIDIATIOAM AND OL'ASSICAL DEPART MENy,—(Separine from the above;) - Toting -Men and Boyd are prepared for any grade of an English cod Choi- Meal Education, : Spelling, Reading, Writing, Gram mar, Geogriphy, Arithmetic , Philosop hy dco_, Ancient and Modern Languages, with-al the higher Collegiate fitudlei. Semitone of 6 ;months ecitimence September let, and ifsbruery let. Pupils racel fed at any time be fore or lifter these dates and charged inoordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. ,rah2ls-tf .P.DONLBAVY LONG, Principal, - - JOHN -H. BELL, . TEMETER OP NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, At I.III.WiT A STRATTON'S OOMMEROIAL COLLEGE. - 13. E. cornet SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. . Matlnnen) ant Iron. •. 301111101. . J. VAIION/A MlllllOl WILL4III 101111TOZ. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, VIPTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, MERRICK. Ee SONS, lINGINERIIB AND MAOUSNIBTO, minnfieture III& and Lob Prtiestare Stearn Engine., for Land t River, and Marine service. ..BOilerS, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron BOW, eta., Out. lags of all kinds, either Don or Bram. Iron frame more for Ger Works, Workshops, Railroad Rations; too. Rotorte and Oas Machinery of the Utast and snort improved construction. Beery description of Plantaticin inaohinery, much as Bogor, Raw, and Grid Mills, Viten= Pane, Open Steam Trains,-Defecators, Alters. Pqm ping Engines, Ate. 8010 Agents for N. itillfenAs Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Naemithl Patent Steam Kammer; J. P. Boss' Patent Volvo Motion for Blast Maohinery and Ilteatti Pumps. Superintendent—.B. 11. BARTOL. WALL 13 - it tZ4 , H E 8 , DIIIITEBB, A large assortraeat, raltable for 0/TY" - CI-12.0010118. And for sale by IiENHY 0. EOIO3IILIN, BRUSH AND BELLOWS MANUFAOTV fIBB, 62 NORTH THIRD BT. re-18tf LARGE NO. 8 MACKEREL-NOW IN store and landing, 800 bble No. 8 audio= large 268 /Wren ditto, for sale by JNO. bt. RIONNADY k 00" NON 780 And 183 N 'WRARVIBO. 50 0 TONS MITONE4L & CROAS BALLS'S bone Amoideted Super Phosphate of Wale for We PROABDALE, PEIROB & 00 , 94 North Worm sroauo. ppl.p!Ly„ JULY 1858. I - 1°8NE3,1,1".01r.43 IPMN ' B TERS. 'This name implies, is one of the gituitost - iliengthening preparations extent.' It is es peStally,ll4apted nYthoge,who Rave a lose of appetite of are *ffileted,with DyspcspsiaLiver .Comflaints, Hamm DebMti, IdenerAl Weakness,,ead - &Wane arising froniCis' disordered' sendlidOn; of- the digestive amine; . rop,Fmaakrak.ooo2 LINTS GENERALLY , there „Is perhaps ' no medicine .in the world equal to it', es it enters. purifies, and replenishes the blood which is go important to tring - about a healthy action r , THOUSANDS All 3 LIVING a 'miserable exhibit:to; 'of a. pale sickly Color, weak and emsclated,'whei Could be restored to.health by the use at one bottle of this invalnible medicine.. Dm no hdmbdg,.bitt a genuine remedy, being free from any. thing that is of =injurious nature. • • • TIOS ALL DISEASES OP TIIZIII,OOD there is no better antidote than ilobanaackle Iron Bit ters. When the , blood is impure the whole body is fall of disease. Blood letting; may answer -for a time, but cleansing part will H and), the whole. At the fountain,weinust begin, to cleatuse:ther blood there ze. no better remedy: then. these invaluable Bitters. Their chief sonstituent is iron, and we all know its efficacy id 'removing the impure matter, from the whole visceral system. They are prepared by aOw Mel chemist, and have been, pronounced, by eminent physicist= and others, as the 11 ,ne plus flitch , ' of • all floe • 110 W GRATIFYING to the proprietor that, he suopeeded in compound lug aqonledy for many of the ills that his fellow mortals are subject to ; and that the public appre ciate it is not at ite.eation of doubt, but a fixed feet, as the demand for 'it far surpassed his sanguine expeatetiens. READ-THE TESTIMONY OP, A WORTHY CITIZEN. This Is to certify my wife was in delicate health some three years, with a disease peculiar to her sex. She tried numerous reinedies without deriving any benefit. Hearing of liobensackis Iron Bitters, and .knowing iron to be a powerful tonic, induced tat to Obtain a bottle, whit& proyedlo be the medicie she solelvre quired, by roitoripg' her te health. 'else heeltatee•not to reComeepti it to them 7flig are similarly affected, is she believes it to be a sovereign remedy. JOHN COLS.' • Nq. ND Capitol Street. This invaluable Idedloine prethired Ooly by, GgolltlP a. Mil/ Waage Sharmacenticet Chemist, , N. W. Corner of !WELD and GREEN Streets, Philadelphie To Whom all ordere mast be addressed. Brice $l. Discount to dealers, Sold, by Druggists enerally. mi 1204 WE `SHY SDVER WITH DYSPEPSIA ZIEGLER &, SMITH'S Pllllll,_ MEDICINAL COGNAC BRANDY bartered Dyspepsia, Low Spirits, General Debility, &q ., in. in. Price x.p25 per het :tie or 110.60 per doter( Warra n ted Ind*: (fry it.' I hereby acritty that I latd been .glided with dys pepsia for ills 4 ton YISIN `URN( tr l or tried anth e r popular nip hpl:Liy_l i on; OF no ay. I. ay igg bad' Zeigler i Smith's urb, Medicinal ((effuse limey recommended by many persons', itidneuidnme to try it. One bottle has almost cured me ofdispepeli and costive habits; of ten years ( standing. '-I Can pay; witha thank. ful heart, ilitt T. harp never fonnd.its equal during my painful apd'dietrellillig,Tlßo(lll4oP, ../ soneiO s. - Tog! 0. Etsimora, tali. 1 5 Pi1t4113613. - mire street. 4113, LPit 0 1 44'11'P rIrP Wo l. ooi warranted ppre, an no countortO M tures, witieo ar daily psloied upon the_priblie on genrilng wirlyi. There Wines are espeOlaily-adrud 118PelitiSs Via CIODOVIMP' tires, and In all OW. o getters debility, lose of spin -Me he. O l d Madeira Wine, prise per bottle... ..... .•••$1 00 Old Port Wine, do. do. ...... 1 00 Old Sherry Wine, do. do. 1 00 Address your orders to dole Agent.,ZEIGLER & SMITH, ; Wholesale Druggists,. 0. W. corner SECOND and GREEN Re , vulg. Also, for sale by 10110 BLET, Druggist, fel-y Prankford road, opposite Hanover. A lowysis - 04TAWB4 Ls. 811414p1e by / 1 4TVe , M. /2.1 dessires Tp BT4.fis or_ teBAOMIIIIIII. useal. Ogaaaotan.-..-1. j.gollowish brown. colored' spirit, having a fragraat odor; when evaporated from elm lingo if leff PP 1111 or qiferistre matter. Amazed for volatile and lined drags, of winch so traces of any kind wore found. Its color is proved to be due to a colored resin an a.rtnict derived from wood. !Erin every respect It is a pure epiritons liquor. The fragrance or bouquet which it possesses CAD be - Mo. lated, and It then appears unlike that from Opgnat Brandy or Wine, being a fruity essence resultialrom a peculiar fermentation of Catawba and Isabella feeell. e CIIIInt [CAM Quaaaaras.-1, parts in volume_of this ;spirit contains at , 60 deg 4dl p-10 LTA of Niro al cohol,"btaddos the reqral..t on: 1, partt .of the entrit ah'brd 13 'pander - of 'a 'strbng No dt the oil Whiali *rattails's:Ohio Brandy; the sidHt left, biter rerPof l 4l4o iiil;l. l hire 4r4 odorless, and In all its qualities a porlect epizit antdeop sidiainii; One gallop of We Brandy at GO • diig. oqulgol, W eide' the spirit and ally gre. ofmatter Qom. posed of extract of treat, jam, and colored resin born wood. . Simon, January 46. 1666. • • Dr. 00XB, State Inapeotor et Ohio; and Br. JAS. R. °HILTON, °hamlet, of New York; both pronounce this to be pure Brandy, and free from all adulteration. For Medicinal purposoi Lyon's Catawba Shandy him rir,d him long been needed to supersede the polsontera tbinpotui d s soLl under the rine of Broady. At It baveregeiVe pixie arthlie . le aitrigellior, superior, and • sovereign, ante ramed'y for Trytitapele; Illattileney, Low Spirits, Langnor, GenbraPpebilitY,lco.,&d: • • AIL), Ratiglakra 8711/P `4liP BPARXIMIG OHAMPAGNE.—XImoe Wines are mane IN Rl@ belga. borhood of Olnoinnati, and era guarantied to be the Pate Juice of the Grape, and are eminently 'adulated for invalids and persona who require a gentle Atm. lant, and for Sacramental purposes. Retail pries $1.26 per bottle. A liberal discount made to the trade. portiere will please send their orders to the "Bole Agents ", for the, State of Penn 071'ftiati P. otarial& Dvi p'AZABD & nrsealste, Go.ESS MAIGIEFI3treet. Also for sale by the following iipoilibliaties: • AMBROSE SMITH, Seventh and °haunt std. W. WMO & /30/113 1 1Stit and 224 and Market De . . STAORHOUSE, Eighth and Green sin. NSIBINGSII, Second and Mary ste., Southwark. G. W. NEBINGER, Pass:tusk Road end Washington street. ... 260 00 0;0. 8. HOBNNBA.OII, Third and Green la. . fail WRE TO BE APKIREP THAN nip - . RICHEST DIADAM WORN BY RANO IMP/MORS WHAT t WHY, A BEAUTIFUL HEAD 0? MM. Because It Is the ornament Go 4 Itinueif provided for all our race. Reader, although the rose May bloom ever so brightly in the glowing cheek, the eye be ever so sparkling, the teeth be those of pearls, If the head be bereft of its covering, or the hair be started and shrivelled, harsh and dry, er worse atilt, if sprinkled with gray, nature will lose more than half her charms. Prof. Wood's Heir Beetoratlvo, If used two or Stole times a week, will restore and permartentlfreenre to all such an ornament. Head the following and judge. The writer of the first is the Celebrated ymnst, That. berg New Yong, Aprillg, 1348. DR. WOOD: Dear Sty—Permit me to snores's to you the obligations I am under for the entire restoration of my hair to its original color; about the time of my ar rival in the United States it was rapidly benoaing gray, but upon the application of your sll eer Renter/Alva , ' it soon recovered its original hue. I consider your Its storativeas a very wonderful invention, quite efficacious' as well es agreeable. I am, dear sir,yours truly.' 3. TILLIMERO. Dryok a'r gwylledydot.” WSLbU NEWSPAPER 0/11011, 18 Num at., April 12,1118. Poor. 0. J. WOOD •.) : Dear Sir—Some mantis or ale weeks ago I received a bottle of your Ibirltestorative and gave it my wife, who poncluded to try it op her Bair, little thinking at the time that it Would restore the gray hair to its original color; but to her, as well as my surprise, after a few weeks trial it has performed that wonderful effect; by turning ail. the gray halts to a dark brown at the same time beautifying and thicken lug the hair. I strongly recommend the above Resto rative to all persona in want of such a amuse of their hair. OHAELICS OARDRW. New Yoe!. July 74 It 7. Poor. 0. J. WooD :—With confidence do 1 recommend your flair Restorative as being the most efficacious ar ticle I ever saw. Since oiling your Hair Restorative my hair and whiskers, which were almost while, have gradually grown dark ; and I now feel confident that a few more applications will restore them to their nate ral color. It also relieved me of all dandruff and on. pleasant itching, so common among persons who per spire freely. J . G. RILBY. Poor. WooD :—About two years ago my hair com menced falling off and turning gray ; I was fast be coming bald, and had tried many remedies tow effect I commenced using your Restorative in January last A few applications fastened my hair firmly. It began to (111 up, grew out, and turned hack to Its former color (black). At this time it Is folly restored to its original color, health, and appearance, and I cheerfully recom mend Its use to all. J. D. 11038. - . Ohicago, 111.. May 1, 1867. The iteeterative is put up In bottles of three slue, large, medium, and email. The smell holde hall a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holde at lead twenty per cent more In proportion than the email, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large hold' a quart, forty per cent. more in proportion, and retails for three dollars. o J. WOOD & 00., Proprietor's, 812 BROADWAY. N. Y. (In the groat N, Y. Wire Ralling;Retabliehment,) and 114 MARKET Street, St Lard*, Mo., ' And sold by all good Dniggista and Panty Goode Dealers. myl2-wfin.gas & sow in wksilm SAL,94III.NDER SAFES. A large assortment of - - &VANS & WATSON'S PRIZADELPHIA MANUFAOTg RRD eAlniaLtielnlit SAFES, • - VAULT DOORS, DANE LOOKS, For Banks and Stores. Zonal to any now In nee. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &a., On u good terms as any other establishment In the United States, by • IVAN'S &, WATSON, No. 2G South YOURTH street Philadelphia. enla.tr }WWI Mita UR A GALL sa NEW CROP TURNIP SEEDS, of every variety. Alen Buckwheat and Millet. SPANGLEn. & CFRAIIAM, 3y14 No. 627 MARKET Street. below Seventh. ses GR AIN CRADLES, SCYTHES Rakes, Forks, Manure Drage, Bramble Scythes &o. SPANGLER & GRAHAM, Jyl4 No. 827 MARKET Street, below Seventh. HORSE POWERS, THRESHERS Separators, drain Fans, kc., of an tho mos approved kinds. jyl4 No. 027 MBAPltltTagett,GbßolAowHAtehrl4th 108 QR. °ASKS PORT WINE. _ 111 11If. Pipes Alicante do, 22 Qr. do do do. 20 Qr. do Sherry do. 11 Pipes Superior Paisrete Wino. 20 Qr. Pipes de do do. 0 do do do 11 4 1 Bales plotted Oorka. do. 816 Sage Almonds. 25 do Filberts. Landing from Brig " Arrogante Emelio," and for sale by • , • 'A. MilltlNO, iny27-11 140 SOUTH aIIONT Street. Kt.USSIA MATS.-600 DOZ. NO. 1, AND 600 dos.-No. 2 RUSSIA MATE, suitable for pack ing Furniture and Gardeners' use, will be sold low, if applied for soon, by WEAVER, HITLER, Ss 00. Ito TO WI WATER W. WAARVII , FI. XIANDBORIIIIS. AOKEREL.-1,800 barrels Nos. 1,2, and ITA 8 MAOKRREL, In snorted packages, now in More and for sale by JOHN It KENNEDY & CO , Nog. 128 and 182 North wh LALTMAN & XLABORG— Importers and Wholesale Dealers In wip.us BRANDIES WIIISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI QUORS, No. 1017 MARKET Street, between Tenth an Eleventh streets. JelMf PURE DONE DUST, GROUND FINE. A very superior article. Hor sale in large or =a lots, by 09.0ABBALII), Man, & 00.. my 6 104 North Delawers avenue CHEESE. 195 boxes Primo Herkimer county bat landing and for sale by 0. 0. SADLER & 00., Pl 9 No. 9 North Ws* stmt. MINI=M i~lebldn d. iiroilette articles. Sire Proof Oates. %grictillural .10nictitti HOWARD . FIRE AND • MARINE IN ENTRANCE COMPANY—Offilio No. 412 'WALNUT Stmt . , Phll44elphio. • CAPITA', AND SURPLUS, r64i96.84. DISIEOTORS John H. Diehl; -- J. Edgar Thomson, P. M. Potts, H.H. Shillingford.g2 O. E. Spangler, . - 0. G. Sower, Abraham Rex, John W. Sextou r . E. 13. - Warne, ' • ' John Garrision, eeorge Howell, Nathan E. Potts, Win. P. Legal, B. T. Kenai!, R. H. Hotuiton, ) - Joe. R. Witham', • Abraham P. Eyre, E. Booth, Oharlee F. Norton, John 11. Lows, JOHN H. DIEHL, President r IC S. WARNE, Tice President. ... Os. A. Doy, Secretary. • .- loylo -- CITY INSURANCE' COMPANY, No. 110 South FOURTH 'Street. QUARTER PERPETUAL. Capital $200,000. Organized 1861. Privileged to insure Rotuma, annually or perpetually ; arsenal Property,* annually, or for a lees period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks ; receive De posits ; hold Wrote and grant annuities ALFRED WEEKS, President. D. O. TYLER, Vice President. I. W. ?Isamu, Secretary. DineorOlta. . . .. . Mon. W. D. Kelley, J. W. Bomb B. B. Mingle, Janice Watson, Ludlam Matthew'', William Curtis, G. F. tamer. Altrvi Weeks, A. 0. Tyler, J. .w. Bowler, C. R. Dinkins, J. L. Hutchinson, J. W. Btokes, jol B.lm ir - VRN EXCHANQB INSURANCE COM- A./ PANT, No.lol WALNUT Street Philadelphia. QUARTERED QAPITAL $6OOOO0 — PAID LIP • TAT. P 88,900. Thin Oen3pany Raving been recently REORGANIZED, and its acto4l Oaptrql largely increased, respectfully solleits a slate of the patronage of insurors. Dire and Marine Foliates will be issued at equitable rates of. pra • ming}, and lopes libarallY 41 1 .*Iltal and promptly paid. William M Godwin, 8. li. Crawford, James W. Queen, . 4ao. L. Bodnar, George W. William B. Thomas, B. insaldla Jammaa, B. N. Winslow, J.O. 'Hopper, • hear iD. blears. WM. M. GODWIN, President. J. 0. NoPeza, Beeretsry. mrlo4ltf _ LIFE INSURANOE AN t RUST 00R-, PANIL—The PENN MUTU AL LIFE /NBUEANOII COMPANY. Northfield Corner: of TR= and DOCK Btreeto. Oapltal 1012,726.08: - INBUBES LIVES for short tone, or for ' , the whole term of lifa—granfa annuities and endowments—m ob:woe life Latereata - In Beal notate, T and nukes .111 oontract. depending on the eentlnoepoio. of Llfa. Trwittes, py riot O Eaooataro t aandiadiffora, Asalgneek w4ling. __ lwerairs. Daniel L. Miller, , ' '''''llainnel B. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, Wiinom Martin, Richard B. Newbold, ' James B. Mc? land, William Ilee'ear, losephlf.Trogek, WilliiiM 11. brii, . t amen geato'n, Namstalltr. et; Thilophlo(lkattlatag, Charles Mg °nail, Viritind 4 _Bowler, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L.144411'1;2*, noilolthll2 %P M, Jelin W: lioiribr, Yilliozzl 14- 44, DD.* B. L adward T. adots, llankael O b sidian, • williem Rebortstat, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Basin John O. Brenner, - 1 1 .8. Mohler, Easton: , DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vine Eres } t. Toni W. Hozion. Secretary. ' nl3-1, THE QUAKER' ' ...INSIj4.4I,TOZ oom - por i r,-raggo 403 W.lllNUTittreet, PIIILA, DSLPUTA.: ..„ CAPITAL 'SURPLUS 6277,653.83 Immree ' ageinet loge or damage by FIRE and the PERIT 8 of the SEA, INLAND NAVIGATION and TRANBPORTATTON: Toniier eieli rottwyl egne4l go mit El of Open' Inland * Polfafea. OFFICERS. 4011911 R. HART—President. *. P. ROBS—Floe Preeld9o. Li. R. OOGGSRALL-41eiretary end Trounces. 8. 11. BllTLER—Aieletaut Secretary. George U. Hirt, Joeoph Edwards, Z. P. Rom, Foster 8. Perkins, A'. 0. flatten, Ohmic; G. Imly. Andrew R. Ohezabere, Glom' ?Sven, 42-11.2 N. NV. • Hon. H. H. Pituer,l John G. Delco, H. R. Cowbell, ' John L. Pomeroy. H. B. ooffosruaz. Surat I:o l iri;n a g 4 . E.: p ' e l3s :73l: l lifhail' l,4 "F §: o l :ll j a w nlf ll : —O i c e s : i ' air . ~, ,0 0 . , f „.„.4 7 ,0 . „ ,,8 ie e1d: 0t : ,00" A. 0 :,.. thandlth BUfuiVota, Vefiefu In pßrVeud Goilr Cargoes, AO Quiet. pmpaatt, agaivat LOS or Diumagii try litre and the PAO of Inland Namgetta, RHO Grinnell, . dfchnii L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, ' Italie B. GRIMM, Henry 0. Brower, • Henry Dacie, lidmund Penfold 0. H. Lilienthal, Hannon H. Corning, Theo. Polhemns, jrj Ogden Haggerty, . 'Rohs N. Homan, Thomas flonagan, Abu'. R. Van Nest s John H. Berle, William A. Cary, SitirlitSVsrion Thomas II Nelson . , hirer W. Phillipi, Lama lorgr,- • .9. 1 5P00 A. ish Jr, ' Samuel G. Glidden, *award itukoti, HMO; Omntraleug, Wm.II. Bhopmd, Thomas Bolt, Charles L. Prost, John Ward, Lothrop L. Sturges, Henry H. Bogert, William R. Fosdick, Peter Ides, Imery Thayer, Benjamin H. Yield, Geo. Weatteldt, A. B. l'irotbirigham4 Talmo° Taylor, Thin. A.Toansa, Henry H. Blossom. &anal L. Mitchell, Blanaltn A. Ommanr, - • • • • 41.143r2 WOD, Priteldenll..4 if 10 COMIONWE :6 1 114@U POLw4trANT, OP ,u STATIi OF PENNSYLVANIA OFFIOZ, NORTHWEST CORNER SOURTIi AND WALNUT STRAITS, Bubiaribint vbws, ;boomer ------ - Paid Itp-Orpltal,l4oo.ooo D 111070631. Dr. D. Jayne, 'Mhos. B. Stewart, H. L. Benner, J: M. Butler, J. M. Whiten, J. H. Walker, Eder. O. Knight, 0. Wendell, H. Louie, Jr., 8.8. Borate. DAVID JAYNB, U. D. Preeldent, TFCIAT4S B. BIIIWAIIT, Vb. Prael. swain. e. bloom, Boaretari. ie49,7 iNSURANOE COMPANY OF NORT Amantios. MARINE, FIRE AND INLAND TRANSPOR TATION INSURANCE. OFFIOE No. 282 WALNUT EITHEINT, South aide, east of Third street. The propert available company are well invested, and frirnieh anfand for the ample Indemnity of all persons who desire to be proteeted b Insurance. MARINE RISKS taken on Fusels, Freights, and ° T§IrAilD TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Iderebandise per Railroads, Canal', and Steamboats. FIRE RISKS on Merchandise, Furniture, and Build logo ro City end County„ IhObRPORATED IN 1194. CAPITAL $500,000, ALL PAID IN AND SECURELY INVESTED. TOPAL PROPERTIES 21,007,828 28 PiIIPITOIL OH 22222 , DiBXOTOBS. AINNUN G. 00//111, WILLINY WILBII, SAMUEL W..7ONZEI, WILLIAM B. BOWNIN, JOHN A. Bzows, 71An0 N. Dioceos, BAxint, Y. Blunt, El.Mosate WAIX, OHARLIHI TAYLOR, ' JOHN Masotr, Mission Warn, Oxolios L. HAMMON, JoBE R. PINN,N Alvin; R. Hors RIOEUED D. WOOD SIMARD H. THOI4II. ARTHUR G. 00FYIN, President. HENRY D. SHEERER% Elsorstary. - jal9..G. 'DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANOB cohree.NY. INCORPORATED BY TEE LEGISLATURE of PENN SYLVANIA, 1835. OPTION, B. B. Corner TRIED fun!. WALNUT Streete PEIILADRT4III4. MARINE INSURANCE, ON VPBBRLS, O4RO 0, To all parte of the World. YBEIGHT, INLA D INSURANCES, On Geode, by River, Cana ls,arte Lakee, and Land Carriage to all p ofe Union. FIRE INSU R ANCES, On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Homes, to. ABBOTS OP ME COMPANY, November 2, 1807. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Estate. $191,868 94 Philadelphia City and other Leann.. 187,0/1 26 Stock in Batty, Radlroada, and Insurance Companies 111113 Receivable Cash on hand Balance in hands of Agents, Premiums on Marine Pellelea recently leaned, on other debts dne the Company 92,780 67 flubsoription Notes 100,000 00 William Martin, Joseph H. Beal, Edmund A. Bonder, John 0. Davie, John R. Penrose James 0. Hand, Theophilus Paulding, James Traquair, William Eyre, jr., J. P. Penlaton, George G. Leipei JOAbus P. Eyre, Edward Darlingto n, Samuel B. Stoker, I Dr. L.M.E Huston, germ? Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Hugh ()milt, Thomas 0. Hand S Sielivain, Robert Burton, tr. Charles Redly, /no. B. Semple, Pt t tabgb., H. Jones Brooks,l Dr. T. Morgan, , g Jacob P. Jones. J. T. Logan, It WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS 0. HAND, Wee President. HENRY LYLIIIIRN, Secretary. • ja9.y FIRE AND INLAND RISKS.—FAME INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital $lOO,OOO. (Organised under the Act of Assembly relative to In SWUM. Companies, passed April 24, 1860.) ONOBON W. DAY, President. THOMAS S. MARTIN, Vloe-President. WILLIAMS I. BLLNOLIARD, Secretary. OiBce 411 OHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. DIRBOTORS. my, Jacob Vaughan, „,_ William W. Walters, Henry Lewin, Jr., Charles Richardson, D.II. Hire Jr, Barclay Lippincott, John W, Averom, Toe. It. Brognard, A2B. Roaenheiln, Chas. 'Baku, Mk, 81 Stern. GeorgeW. Di etatiottern. L)LANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID DI. ROGAN Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer sad Printer, No. /00 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Public Offices, blerchante, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bound In rations styles, in the moat substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description Z4vaving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general peeortment of English, French and Amer!. can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Sultan's contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say—. This display of blank boors for banking and mercantile use is the beet in the Exhibition. The indention of the material la good, the workmanship most exoellent, and their finish and ep• pearanee neat end appropriat,Lii no2o-tt express Companies. 91HE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 1. MO CHESTNUT STREET, forma rde PAROBLB, PACKAGES . , MERCHANDIZII, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by Ita owu LINES, er in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the Deadly%) TOWNS and CITIES of The United Stated. E. S. Io SANDFORD, ctoond thinarintaindentJ PLASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD,_ BPEOIAL NOTIOE TO PHYSICIANS.—The above offers a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to dis eased surfecee, which raimbines the following advanta ges; A good and unvarying eondstencie, easily washed off with water ; dissolves all substances that axe solu ble in water, hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and doss not get ?notch!. The last property alone renders it an invaluable acquisition to the motitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesale and re:Al ti at I3lliffitPB Laboratory and Pharmacy, Twelfth and Chestnut streets QHOULDERS.--50 hhds. Shoulders, dry in 1.:5 salt, for vile by 0. 0. ElAplalß & 00., J 94 #?-1:04 WATI4 Elt74?t. obippin• ;nor STEAM ,TO 'ALL, FARTS OF GREAT BRITAIN.—The shortest • sea pasmge •etween America and Europe.—NEW YORK to GALWAY, Ireland. • The splendid steamship , INDIAN EMPIRE will positively leave New York, for Galway, on FRIDAY, July 211, from Pier 87 North River. Her accommodations are of the first class. 'Passengers will be taken from New York, through to any part of Groat Britain, at the following greatly re duced rates, including steward's foes, and provisions on the passage to Galway - First class Second class Third class • 30 Passengers for Germany, Ice , will have free tickets to London or Hull, from whence atesmers are constantly leaving for Hamburg, Amsterdam, and other porta.' Freight delivered in Galway and Dublin. For passage,' freight, and further particulars, apply to WILLIAM A. SALE & CO., jy154422 No. 40 800TII Street, New York. A. WANTED—Three good: VES SELS, of 360 and 000 tone, to load for ports' In the Gulf. Also, one of about 850 tone capacity, of light draft of water. Immediate despatch end good rates of freight given. Apply to BISHOP, 816fON ,8 & Co. 120 NOR= WIIABV2IB. WANTED—A first-elan VESSEL, Wil-1.-A, of 80del,1)00 tons capacity, to load for a port in the Pacific . Cargo now ready, and fair freight will be paid. Apply to ' BISHOP, SIMONS, & 00. - I.l l *-d l f 120 NORTH WHARVES. *WANTED—A good VESSEL; to load in the Louisiana Line, for New Odeara. dospatch and good rates gi'reit. , - "Apply to BISHOP, OR SIMONS, tc Jylo,..tf 120 NTH WHARVES. . - - N TICE .—The CITY OF • WASHINGTON; sulvertlned to mil‘ on THUIII3 AY, July 16th having been detained to carry the' 'United States mails, will sail on SATURDAY, July 17th, at noon precisely. JOMiN N. DALE Agent, JY/3 109 WALNUT Street. AftFOR SAN FRANCISCO.—CLIPPER OF TRIIRSDAY, 15th July inst..-LOWEST SATIN; AND NO DETENTION. The superior k 1 Clipper Ship WANDERING JEW, BTAOKPOL, OOMMILOdOr, Is now reeeiving,her cargo, at Pier 10, E. R., (Ndw York,) and will positively sail as above. The Wandering Jevr,./ras built for the. Califon4a Trade, le thronghly ventilated, and of stnalloatkmAn 'has Jest made the 'iojMte St'dayi fromAmoyAd Tiavada',l4ling the shorted pasea e evhi Made betwee n' cpolol ports '. The Anperlor Ing qualities of this chip, bar small idpaclty, lbw rates of freight', and early day of ea r ning, present unequalled lnd,ncemenl i s, • Per balance of freight apply to }g9-Of imamis 00., X:10 444.R11 , 8. CITE4II ¶O'I4VERV.OOI.; AND - Cl}l,4d, ko (lbw lltiultßEipme; 444 Weiliol.lllNW, vie ay_ititVo l 4. mils lay Enr 01, Arlo PIIIIALtELPITIA. BTEM/1- EIW? Oirlo•built iron Steemehlpe are intended t ° °MI as roliarre ; . . PROM RMW TORE. OITY OF BALTIMORE Thursday, int) , lat. CITY OF WASHINGTON •• •• 16Eh. KANGAROO " " 29th. And each alternate Thursday,. from Pier 44 N. R. • vhota LIVERPOOL. CITY OF WASHINGTON WestnVaitt,F, •Ittno Sad. KANGAROO . 4.4 ' July lth. CITY 012 filijo r klNLOW/E • • " '" 2lst •• ' r 'r A!nd•eaellialtentate Wednesday. Cabin Panage from New York and Phitadelphis....M Third Class to any of the above.mentiotted elle!, and found in best cooked Prwrielons , ... ..... ••••• • y, Return Tickets nl4 fat , it MontEs ' ' ''' '' 90 , clertffioatea of *age' fOntlyarpOol le . 'New T 94 I: rttradelpv .. a • " 414 l'!'nniaptl fonvardod to Havre,Aaris;Drertion, .14em butg,-,& b.; without delay of thrall rates ; Who cumpeny's ateE5 1,3 414 B PHORLIS will tall tw togqierly beeen - Auto:o and Liverpool, in oohnsetion with the deport o rea fo ow York, talsiog goats from Antwerp to New York, a a through retool' freight. Certificates of Pasaage from Antwerp to New Ylfrks4s. Drafts on Liverpool from .£,l upwards. For freight or plumage, apply at the Company's Offices, 16 BROADWAY, New York, and 109 WALNUT Street; Philadelphia. JOHN (I, DALE, Agent. Or WILLIAM Iti44/91i" je22 82 and 83 Towel Aullding, layetpool. AND LiTERPOOL iL - ND DELPIIIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ' Steam communication between New York and 414! werp, via Liverpool. The 'splendid fast 11#rew-eteamship BOSPHORUS, CriPtain OctfullPirt, ( laiely employed in the Royal Mail eervice,) will smireguihrly between Antwerp oral liiVer , poor etrery alternate THURSDAY, In counootton with Wi'comproy's steamships from Liverpool to New York, Hood( for Now Yerli will be received and shipped by the Agents In Antwerp and Ms of lading signed thorn at a through rate of freight. The first sailing from Antwerp will be on the,1704 of Tune, in conjunction with the OITY OP WASHING. TON from Liverpool, on June 23. For further particulare and terms of freight and pas. sago; apply to T. P. Kremer & Co., Antwerp; William Inman, Lower Buildings, Liverpool, and at the Com. PorlT's °Algae, lb Broadway, New Yorls, and lifFMAlnnt street, Philadelphia. REGULAR LINE FOR PROVI DENCE.—Schooner WORCESTER, Risenas taster, now loading at Callowhilbatroet Wharf. Nor freight, apply to Oaptalu, on board, or to JNO. M. KENNEDY & CO., 180 and 182 NORTH WHARVES. FOR CHARLESTON 4.10 • A vAENdri —REBA:ails vtliE• GO 8 4110* Y.VDAYD vita 01 LADING BRINED EyiNtE DAY. The splendid Bret-elute side-wheel Btosmships B:VOTTONE STATE wad IRATE OP ciaoßol*, Now form ei weeltly Sue for the South and Southwest, age of tlieso ellips Bailing every SATURDAY at 10 11 , c Tannalsloolr. A. AI., Alteruetol7 for WilirlelNOn and Be- YOB OUABLEBTON, The KEYSTONE STATE, Captain Charles P. Manila man, will commence loading on Tharsdey, July 22d, and Nall for Charleston, S. 0., on Saturday, July 24th, at 10 Willook.& M. POI -0.0.V.1.10114.1.134- . The STATE OS GEORGIA, Gaol. Bohn J. Gamin. will commence lu , ..'4un on TM:raw, arnly let, end 2 41 1 for Serahnsh; 0/2 Saturday, Julypd, atllo o'clock AM. At both Charleston and Savannah, these ehipa connect With steamers for Florida and Havana, and with rail roads, .to., for all places in the South and Southwast. SItHIGIITS ItBDUOSD. Heavy Freight at t‘tt average of 14 - per cent. below New Twig stoamhtp ratios. votritoroz. . . SEEIGGT and INtiGlikNOS on ti large proportion of goods shipped Smith will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing 'mule. Oabin peaeage $2O 00 Steerage do 8 00 Exonrelon Tickets, good for the present year. 30 00 No Mlle of lading Maned after the chip hes Balled. Noe height or passage, apply to A. 'HERON, Jr., No. 828 (late 81) North Whams+. Agents at Charleston T. 8. & T. G. BUDD. Agents in Savannah, b . A. GREINER & 00. For Florida, from Charleston, steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. For Florida, from Savannah, steamer! AT. IfAltYB find B. JOHN'S, every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havana, trona Ohm'eaten, steamer ISABEL, on the 4th and 19th of every month. jell STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVES -.41-Y`?-• . POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON DER • Y, without delay. for 80 dollars. Return tickets, good for six month's to either of the above places by any steamer of the line, 60 dollar/ for the mind trip, out and back. 11011 AIM TOIL. New York, McMillen, Saturday, aly 10, at 12 o'clock, M Edinburgh, Oniroasang, July 24, , Glasgow, Goodwin, August 7, . 1/01( 014110420 W. Edinburgh, Gumming ....... ....Saturday, June 26. - Glasgow, Goodwin Saturday, July 10. New York, McMillan. Wednesday, August M. BATES OF PASSAGE. ISOM OL/110011% . . . , lint.Olass 16 guineas Stoerage, found with cooked provisions 8 11 - • Pirst Class 575 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions . . .... 30 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fare] Infanta in Steerage, free. Return tickets available within sin months, by any steamer of this line. First Clam. 5140 00 Steerage 540 00 An experienced Surgeon of tubed to each Steamer. For freight or passage apply to WORKMAN lc 00., 123 WALNUT Street, Skikda pbla. ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. iiA LL & LONEY, Buchanan's Wharf, Baltimore. 30/ lIIHE BRITISH NORTH AMERMAN .1. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. .... 12,608 00 .... 220,291 95 .... 88,892 88 /lOU NNW YORE SO LIVRRPOOL Chief Cabin Passage_ Second Osbin Passage PROM BOSTON TO LITTITOOL Chief Cabin Passage... Second Cabin Passage The ehips from Bruton call at Halifax. I PERSIA, Capt. judkins. CANADA., Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt.Wickmat ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Ryrie. AlltIOA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch. These Tamale carry a clear white light at mast-head; green on starboard bow ; red ou port bow. AWRICA, Shannon, leaves NYork,Wedneaday, Juno 9th AILERIOA, Moodie,. ~ Boston, Wednesday, Zone 19. ASIA, Lott, I , N York, Wednesday June Red CANADA, Lang, , i Boston, WednesdayiJane SO PERSIA, Indkinn, c‘ N York, Wednesday July . 1 NIAGARA, ?nehmen, ~ Boston, Wednenday, July 14. Al/RlCA,Shannon, t , N York, Wednesday,JulY - 21 Bertha not secured until paid for. An experienced Surge& on board. The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie Jewelry, Preolons Stone. or Metal., unleashing of lading are signed thereby/ and the valttetherem: iit Mu expraceed. Nor freighter/41u: e apply to my 10-y El CUNARD. 4 Bowling Green, N. York. 702,786 87 Wince anb Liquors. ALEXANDRE SEIGNETTE BRANDY. The subecribem have been appointed sole agents in the State of Pennsylvania for the above well-known ROCIIELLE BRANDY, which they are prepared to offer to the trade at tho lowest market price, from Uni ted States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture. A constant supply on hand, in half, quarter, and ono. eighth pipes, dark and pale. ARNOLD & WORL, jell-ti 120 WALNUT Street. • ITILES ROBIN & CO. COGNAO.—Tbe subscribers, Bole agents in the State of Pennsylva nia for the above celebrated brand of COGNAC BRAN DY, beg to call the attention of the trade to ita superior quality, and feel confident it will compare favorably with the moot favorite brands In the market. A constant supply of tho above in the Duped States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture, of varletts vintages, In half, quarter, a nd eighth pipes jelB.o AMBREY GRAPE-LEAF CRAM PAGNE. JelB-tf SALMON, SHAD, tko.-20 tierces No. Salmon; 18 bble. do.; 50 bble. prime 80a Shad; 200 bblo. Seale-bah; 180 bble Whlto-05n, now la stare and for sale by JOHN 51. KENNEDY J 00., so 74-1 v NM. 180 and 118 North teharvo CLARET -125 -OASES MARGAUX,'I6O Oases 81 , . MIEN, In quirts and plntri, In More and for sale by A. MERINO, aptl2 US &nth 'MONT Iltrost BRANDIES. --le Pinot Oastllloti," Blared, and other Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks ; Pellevoisin Rochelle Brandies, pile ant dark, in half pipes; half casks, and one-eighth casks. Imported and for eale by HENRY BOHLEN /a 0022 221 and 223 Beath Fourth street CI. LEWLS,INPORTER AND DEALER * IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, So., 2,8 Bowl MTH Street, RhEactelphta. wal-ly • CORDIALS. -ANISETTE, OURAOOA ) and 3fARABOIII2IO In afore and for said by . 1,1022 1 1 11111114(1. 14* R VllnTilf BRANDY. --7 octavou Renault Bz.Co. Cog nu, very old vintage, in bond and for sale by WILLIAM R. YEATON in 3 4 MS &mei VEONT, ITEIDSIECK CHAMPAGNE.,--PIPER 'a RBIDSIZOK, genuine brand, constantly =hand, recoiled from solo Importers, and for sale by A. AIBP,INO, Bole 'Agent ip this Olty, ito pontlt PIiONT Drool. 423-40ai JOAN G. DALE. Agent XlBO 76 . yllO ARNOLD k WORL D 120 WALNUT Street ARNOLD & WOItL 8010 Agents, 120 WALNUT Street lailreabs. AN II IL E R/ N9 AT I° At 4 (II9r 4: W AD L 111 A - - W ILD AND :EALT/- MORE RAILROAD ' : • - On and after Monday, Miiy 10; 1858, - PAi3SENGER TRAINS LEAVE' PHILADELPHIA For - RAHN:I4re, at 8 A. M., IP. M (Express,) and 11 P. M. -For Wilmington; at BA. 514 1,4.80, and - 11. P. For New Castle, at 8 A. M., and 4.80 P. 55 For Middletown, 'at BA, M. and 4.80 P. M. • For Dover, at 8 A. 51.; mid 4.80 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. M. and 4,50 P.M. - TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA, A Leave Baltimore at , 9.30, Eipresei 10.16 A. M., and 6.40 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 8 - 46 and 'IO.BOA. M., end 1.46 and 8.55 P. M. Leave New Castle at 8 and 9.50 - A: M.,' and at 8.16 P. M. Leave Middletown at 8.58,A. M. and 8.45, . Leave Dover at BA. AL and 4.56 P.M. - Leave Seaford at. 6.2.5 A . M., and 2P: M.- • TR. FOlt BALTMORE. - Leave Wilmington at 9.10 A. M I 2 P.: AL, and 2.16 A. M. SUNDAYS 'Only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Bal. Do do 6.40 p P. M. from Baltimore to Phil& • ' Freight Train,.with P assenger Oar attached, will ran as follows : • . . Leave Philadelphia for Perryville ;and -Intermediate places at Leave IV ihningten for do do - - do' 745 P. M. Leave Havre de orace for Baltimore do •830 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de Orace do 810 P. M Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia do 549 P. M. leg • ' S. AI. FELTON, President. L, „, NORTH PENNSYL -9 ; • INITHLEREM, -ALLENTOWN, MALi 0 II OHIYNN, . EASTON,- DOYLESTOWN, too,- - • ' SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ' TAKES .EFFEOT MONDAY. MAY 17th, 1868. For Bethlehem. AllentoWnilditnehf cihnok, and Eas ton, &a., (Morrow ) in oonneotion Valley Bdil road from,WiLLOW. Street at A'. m. - ono 2.26 P. Panelist:ma for -Zairian by 2.26 Pt M. Train take Stage at Iron Hill Station, • • ' For Dojleatoin3, arocie3modatkm,) from' Willow at 8.88 A. M and 5.80 P.ll War Port Washington-(Aecommodatton) lapond ind Chatham innate id 7.26 and 10. 4 4. El., and 4.10 and 8,46 P.M. . - , - ' TRAINS FOR PE:II4.DE'LPLILA Leave Beaded% - (linpreaf,.) ;at 9 IL and 2.20 P. M.,; vita; paaaengera , from 'Udder 'Valle Ball-. road and'nrrlve at Willow Street at 1.2.14. Loare lipylastOW;i.ittfil.:Wmpt2.Bo2. ar;.- the at Wino - Street At 546 4. M. and 6, PM, Leave gnat WeAtngton ' 6 and 9 ld., and 2.66 and 6 119 P. 01., and arrive at Second Wad 0.1,a66,aea atnetil qt, 6.60 and 960 A. 11, and 405 and 04* P. M. ON 61:11TDANG - - Leave WigoW ONO - fox lickylestown It 8.80 A. "Ii and -2 P. tt, - - - 6.16 keyom, tßyleetowa for Philadelphia:at 0 A , . M. and AU passenger Trains 1442.1144) IfOR2II-and SOUTH will atop at Multi= Btreet - and omit:toot ":114, qtty - Pfut• sepger .2oilroad., •.. • ' - ' fF ' ."--, •• Pare to Bethlehem •• - ' ' ' ' - $1 . 121 1 s. , oi Idsuoh °honk •' 2 20 - , .. Doylestown. - - -•'— AO ' my'll - -tf • JIWS Obll4lAlente 'ARDW Yg t LINEE4:;tII6 `CAMDEN AND TUNNTI AMBOY'lilit RAILROAD oomperrra AND PHILADELPHIA ON PROM MDADELPRLA TO i gmlutomx, kmm.m.6.T LesTil (allot% via: . • • FAL" At OA. via Ca mden and Amboy, Amenonoda, Eon ... 1• 235. At 6 A. m., Tie .66PAWMA aaTael'ultYiN. J.. ••• • °F.! 2 25 At a A. M., via Omniten Jorge, Oily, MOixdng co- wito w ..eitt.:l l y" Steamboat Trenton via Taoony . sal Jersey Olty,iiicrning Express - 8 00' At 2P. M.; Camden and Amboy, 0. - s a d A. : press 44. At 6P: M. via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail2'o At 81'. M., via Camden and Amboy, 4,66006144,,- tion, Ist Olase At BP. EL, via Ot ix 4eo Vaboyy Acommozda: Eon, 8;,.2 (4666. 4660, m. via Camden and. 6P. ,Amboy, Amornmodib.• let'Oless 2'oo At 6Y. via Camden and Anlboy, Atoommods- Eon, 1 15 Tii 4 67 44..141 til6S . &AL in others Sundar eE Di r k P.. M., from Remington Depot, via Jereey My, Mal, Saturdays sampled 321.5 Far Luna Rap at the principal nada= ' 4 0r ROlThieril, Balton, Flemington, ko., at 6A. X apd 4 P.ll, from Walnut street ,wharf.' • • • ; - • For Water Gap, , Btrondabarg, Boranton, Mika - obano, Montrose. Great Bend, lc_ L o. at OA. M., via Delawale, Lantana/ins at Western R a ilroad. For Freehold, at 0 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Mount Italy at 6A.M_ , and 2.yi sad SP. M. - WAY LIMBO Per Bristol, Triiiitoii,&" atoli and 4 P. M., For palmyradlancow, Beverly, Burlington, Borden. town &a., at it. 11.45Mtiosi litokard Stookton for Bordento . vm, and termedlate places, at 2% P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Tammy, at 10 and 113( A: M. and for Borlineton and Bristol at 4 P. M. All lines exceptllX P. M , leave Walnut street wharf. Mrififty pounds of baggage only alloyed each pas-. senior. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing -apparel. All bag gage over fifty pounds to be paid far extra. The Cans pony limit their respogalliGGy for baggage to one dollar per pound, and 041 ilot be liable for any amount be good lox adopt by special contract. - WM. G. GATTI= Ateat 0. /c. A. Co. 111DHILARELPRIA AND.ELMIRA RAIL ROAD LINE.—QIIIOIIBEIT ROUTE to Elmira Wilkeabgrre, Buffalo, %/king°, Rook bland• Niagara Tills, =wankle Burlington, Montreal, pauln Detroit, Dunßeth; and Bt. LOUR. , , • - Passenger .traina will loam the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and- IFENB Streets, daily, (Bandaya exoepted,) as follow*: 7.80 A...M. - DAY N.XPBUiI, . Par Niagara Britian, Meat°, Milwauken, Rock Island, Galksir 87 - Pulls, 24, r/Islitons and Bt. Lot. N.BO P. M. NIGHT BIZPBXBB, Nor =rata -- Niagara india,-DIUIBIO (1131C14191 Milwaukee, Rook Island, Galena, itePanla, and Bt. Linda, - iv - - Tickets good till 4 1 04. - he 7.80 4. 44.14.41# 008,0041 at Ressdlog ,wlth the train s faqytrtgi p a!al all stattoee on the LBILtIION vsg Dnport, for 'Manahan°, ?Matins, Scranton, and all stations on the LAONAWANNA AND BLOOMDBUNN - Baggage olieeked to Blmlra, Buffalo, and fluipenslan Bridge. Wilkeebarre 44 60 Pittston ' 4 60 . Scranton 4 76 ' Wilkeabarre 4 60 Williamaport - 5 90 Elmira 7 00 „ Numlaigua 8 00 Geneva, via. Gorham lit t _ 8 00 Rochester 8 60 8 87,1,10 N &VI Pal" h I, , t .1000 I e 10 60 Cleveland, via N. Y. and Erie - 18 00 ~ via Niagara Walls 18 00 Toledo, via New York and Erie - ' 18 26 Columbrui . 10 60 Oldlennati., New York and Erie: 19 00 " 'N iagara Palls - 19 00 Indianapolis. via Nett York and Erie 2100 Detroit, via Niagara Palls 18 00 Ohlo g lgo, via Lake Shor Great Western Railro ad e Railway P 2 DO 00 Rook Island, via Niagara Halle. ' -97 00 " Lake Shore Railroad - 27 00: Burlington ' 28 00 Tamil:lily ' • 29 ta St. Louis, via Ohlcago 29 00 Dunlisth . Indianapolis 29 00 - 27 50 . Rt.. Pauli 85 10 Ulrld" Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line's Ticket Milos, Northwest comer or SIXTH and OILEBTNIIT Streets, and at the Pas senger Depot, BROAD and VINE. . THROUGH EXPRESS PREIGIIT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, ciundays excepted,) for all points West and North, at 6 Yreighte must be delivered before 8 P.M. to ism* their going the same day. ID" Freights are forwarded with greater despite& and Lower Bates than by any line from this city to the West and Northwest. For farther Inforraatioo apply to ALLEN & =GRA Through Freight Depot. Broad, below Vine, Or to MIA& 8. TAITEN, General Agent, N. IV car. Fliztb and Chestnut sta., Philads. 4. A. NIOOLLB, Gent. Supt. Phiteda. and Reading Railroad. • H. A:RONDA, Raid. Supt. OatAnima W. A Z. Railroad. J. A. RBDRIELD, dealay Omit. Supt. Irturport and Elmira Railroad. iIipoIaLADELPHIA AND READINCiRAU: a. ROAD—FAST FREIGHT LlNlL—Freight trains leave the Depot, BROAD Street, blow VINE, daily, fen Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, 011/11011, Detroit, Chicago, billwankle, Galena, Dubuque, St. LOOl3, and interme diate Pointe. This it the shorted route to Canada and the Lake Porte, and goods will be forwarded with greater despatch to the above point/ than by any osher route. TARIFF OF DRIOra pyr HO tea, Via itallroad „ •„ Lt elms. 24 elan. 84 elms. MD clue Ouspenalon Bridge 90 . 70 60 - 40 Buffalo 90 - . .70 -60 - . 40 . Dunkirk '95 - 75 65 46 V . Detrelt - ' $1 . 20 - 98 .- ' 78 62 Chicago 160 1-15 100 . 80 . Freight going through by rail All the way taut be marked 9 - 91.5 . BAIL.” No transhipment between phliklelphis and Elmira Mark goo& els Philadelphia ae4 Beading Railroad, and send Mlle Depot, Dread taxer% below:Vine, daily, before 6 P. M. . Box further information in regard'. to this route, Mal at the through freight *Mee of tba Philadelphia, Nis. pre, and Great Western Lice, B. roomier Pan and OUBSTNIN. de80.7 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE (MEAT CENTRAL ROUTE, tonneeting the At Untie Oltlea . with Woatern;North.western, and South western Staten, by a continuous Railway direst. This Road also conneeta at Pittsburgh with daily line at steamers to all ports on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to 'all ports cis the North-areatern Laken; rasklbg• the most DIBSOT, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE! ROUTEby which Freigh t clan be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTB. Ir ß i l e ß r (l o lr iADoo . te ' , Woad:Hate, and pap, Boast, Dry G oode _ (In bona bales and trunks ), Drum!, (in bona • and bales) Peathora, Pura, &o -76 e. per 100 Th 0200un OLASS—Domestie itheatle,g, Shirting and Ticking (be original bales), Drugs (he caslk Hardware, Leather, Liquor, (In casks,) wan Paper, Weal, and Sheep Pelt*, Eastward, At. /co t3oe. per 100 lb, Thin Otass—Anvila, Hemp, Batou and Pork. Salted; (lame or in sacks), Paint., (dry and in oil,) 011 s, (exiapt lard and ruin) 60e. per 100 lb Portion Caine codes,' Pith, Bacon, Beet, and Pork, (in make or bales eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, German ClaY, Tar, Pitch, Roan, Steel, •Manufaetured Th. beam, Rosin on " Qnsensware, Sugar, (hhda., bbl.., and boxes,) /to., deo per Etoos-75a. per bbl., until further noti4ce.oe. 100 lb Grits--850. per 1001ba., until further notice. Corsos-4.2 perbal•Otot arotiedttig 600 lbs. weight, Until further notice. In shipping Goode from any point East of Philadel. Ws, be particular to Keen packages t , trio Panisty ) vestia Railroad." All Goode consigned to the Agents of Hilt Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be foie - Anted without detention. Pullout , Acsiwroe:—Clarke Co - ., Chicago' ; kneker & Co. Memphis, Tenn.; It t P. Bms & Mo. ; IZ. G. o , lllley & 00., Evanavillei Indiana ; Wm. Bingham, Laderlills, Kentucky g. 0 . bl A hm . h Madison, Indiana; J. W. Brown et. 00. and Ather Hibbard, Cincinnati; /I; B. Pierce A Ohio; Leech fa Co., No, 54 KlTbystreet, Doeton ; Leech &Co., No. 2 Astor Muse, New York, NO. 1 Willie= at. New Pork; E. Sueedeff Philadelphia; Kamm 4 Henn), Bal timore; D. A Strmart, Pittsburgh. H. H. HOUSTON, si , eneral Freight Agent. • H. Z. deb. ' General Superintendent. LOMBT, Altoona AEß , Pa. FISE -200 quintals Codfish. 100 do. Pollock. 800 MAJ. Idaskerel. liud do, White Fish, for sale by 0, O. &MAR & 01949 9 P. WATIS Prat, Raiiraab Zinas" P . .„ H I LADE LPTLIA,. GEillifAirrOWN AND NORRIS TOWN RAILROAD.-: ARRAINVINENT r-OA AAAANAr NITIDAT, istb, 108 olutAwrowx- -- • - Leave Philadelphia nt-64(, 7, 8 ,- 9-p 6 Min.; 10, 11J(, A. fif., 1,2, 8,4, 6,8, 7,8, 9, 10, and 13.3( P. 2,1. Learn Germantown at 6,7, 7,4,49. 91(, 10N, ug, A. W. -1-40 min., 2, 83‘,-43‘, 6.44, 6N,-11, 9-40 min.; and 81, , . r. - The 734* &clock A. M. Train from Germantown wiratop 4inly at Wayne and nog& fitreete Statio ns. • •ON 2,IIIIDAYO, - LeartThiladelphla at 9.20-min: A. td 2 6N „ and 8 IMZ;UM==I - oxts9TNur HILL RAILROAD., Illave ' Ph.Welybis - st . 14, 8, 9.05 rain ,UM A. kt., a, 41, 0,8, 10 P. M. Lenvepheatnnt atli 40 and, and 10.10 lain. A.l; '12.60;8.10, stio, 6.10, 7.40, alfacsqudn. ,_ , _,. , ON 811111,438. ' Leave, Phuattiabia, 9.20 .6.10:, 2 , 814, and BP. M. Learq .0/160tAnt /11A M 8.10 gan. A. M., .12.60 4.10 q.‘o P. al . - , - • YOB; 00N811011001dIN Aim NOERIB TOWN. Lam Thilediaphla at B.P. 9; 11 A. M . 1. 05 ,u0.1 810 min- 4 .‘c• - 2 .V. 11P 2. - 6 i l - leave ItorrietoWn , at 8; ; 9;11 A. 11,1, 9%, a9ll 0% . . - • . ,ON BEINDAPS, - , . .Leave PhOadelplda, at 9 A. M., and BP. M. Leah Noviiito. it 7 A. M. slid. 6P. M. - - • - ' I'OR MANIINII. . - _ . . 'Lame, Philedelphit.st TX ,9 t U A. M. 1.08 silo., 2.obmiti.,- . 8.10 min , 4K, , 81; 8i P. M. Leave liansynnir. at 6X, X, BX, 9X, 113( A. Id., I a, 4,8 X 9:P. ff.- • • Sondays same es Nottidown.' ' O Tau yrALT4gy RAILROAD 119 R Dowzatie- TONX. Le 1 . /elide/Phis at 63‘ „ and ado asz.‘p. at. Liam Downingtown at 7,4( • . and IP. AL H. H, GIRTH, General Superintendent. :Depot, Dintit and Orson otreeta, Phil/0610a. 1858P.EN.I . ISXL7V'A'NI41858 OENTEALAILBOAD_ SHOE IfHIDADELPHDA: TO PITTBHOBOH,. And -thence byliallroad to • -,- IVa n Fleiiifill; ! T OLE I4I:4I ,' VINO.TNEATI- ' 01110A0O, • - . SuawaviN, INDuattrotas„ :kr; wawa, • all IntontediatipOleta:in - OHIO, INDIANA 36L1N0113 - EMMET 3110E1- •gamtiyisciorlaiNeaturskamoin,ssinirm, - xemoszAriumassatilu.: , Paesma k ers.lo pointeoteat 'of Mlgteyargh.,lllteeling, qieTOtai4l,l4,ollo.l/40, hitve.Ohoiee - of routes, sedate ildlotaateiftif.inake affebiotitm I,tmv , applying for Eck- THERE 7432.01:1Gif - - PHU DAILY; - . Yorminglfle• tovipiectifillas Plttelnugh: to id toines Oa And, -after ....MONDAY, latiy -10%-'lB6, Thie f* thloishorns wo,accovonoidation tales, will leave the depot, 8. E. . Amcor ELEVENTH enilf - IHABINT 1 /argotic arlollofie; team- frog'. fropkrayar," •'afro viva wantimail: Hall 1 f gin 7.80 AL; IS: 1 Hapreeg ms11::71 . 00 bights ' • way. 'foams Ulan; lextiabovg ex. • - M. ocanfoodation'S.oo MI Longa/140' The'mail bats itepa atm deiphis end Pittsburgh: The Soren tiall'vnisilaily, the other t - telful lituoday The.aerileave the- Penneylveabellailroid P Station, aoutheaftcorneg of ELEVENTH and t.t a* lrl etieete, entienoe on Eleventh alreet, - whfafe -through ticketii to4.llpointe,Hestian ba ohteintft, - Baggage will be, feoelvivl it thollogplf any time Ault,* flay ' Ito charge fork anfallng Waage.. Por 'further information; a,ppfy fet - thiv Depot of he Penns/Friuli Oompany,-siintheeat Omer of Meyenth and Idealist atreeta, between the bony.* 011 A. f , ;THOMAS- gloom, ray • • 'Ageat.Peiwiloetallgoad Oro. iiia4s,rrneli7io .11111,*E8 UZ 1.11.81Y.X. gall train ii.. 11.00; alike FiyOt .',' ti - S=patsManic:Lie noon. wet Rssint Agate'. -Usdrisburt•6e.Y•• • • • ct,RONlaticn.l.l6.4.. Lancitester. -.9.¢0 A. M. tliiatjaciuslbetwean Pbils• B - LANOARD HONSR,--'-BROADWAY and "TWISLIPPEUIitieet, New York; reLcpcned, elegintlj , furnished with 'every modern Improvement. The lo,cation.ti fashionable end healthy. - The rooms ere large and , ventilated. Mesta 'served at ainmrs, sad eforfj .attention paid to the comfort of gneste.: , Truudint board $2 per Asir. Per board at lower rates. • . . „ • The whole wider the management of 0 J. IiALMEL. LAN, (lite 41-the United States lintel, Philadelphia.) who respectfully , eolliita the' pittrinange of his friends and the travelling pub Lei - ", .1v150.-3m TONES NOUSE, - , ILLRE.IBIII7RG, Pl4-' (SraotW is 196 i.) ELEGe WPM- PITED NOW OPEN TO TENTOBEI. 1 491 0 1 , WELLS WORRELVI(OtiSE,- •._ W. cur. THIRD sad HARMONY COURT. Toe tmderslgreCtakes .plesause in informing his Mende and he puldloat War, that. be has opened the atitivOREITABLUIRDIRRT, and pledges himself to merit the patronage of hispatrons, ever, article Is of supe rior' quali t y, having been selected without regard to my2f.43m - • 04h/aRC •woaxsitL, Proprietor. MIOHOLLS HOUSE, - LI • (NUROPIAN PLAN ) ~ • OPI‘N•DAY- AND MORT. NO. US SOUTH MOUTH ST., =LOH CSINSTIOOT, TAILSOULPHIA.....I This. wax Is for Peottaielit Meg ?Pungent ungt. Nvery effort will be nu* bitho Prppristor, . NICHOLLS, to give soffistsetion to LL Patrons.' This entsbahmtsit ditusted2hi the heart of tato eV, centre of bustrne, and contedent to all plena of /manned. - - - ,- . The Mercantile And TncreHlfig conimnnitywUl awl it a desirable Om for comfort, elosalinsis, and eooom. MT. 'mew firnbaisa at ill hoirs. - Single Rooms, 60 cents par night. 'Di the week $2.150 win tweed, -: -. • - " ' 4•• - 121"80-tf , . . -NrzqUirsttlrhi. — ,..- - , ''-- i ~, %.., .• • '--' - = __ .___ __-' - — karLakzipins: - Atall4t, , , .11WEIBBIN ie., son: PicorargVaur. aatta 'ifomg.` 11RE S S &. SONS, having removed to their now wareroornm, 1301 01.1ESTIMT Street, (near the United States Mint,) are prepared to offer to" their friend, and the public en extensive assortment of Grand, Parlor-Grand, Square and Upright PIANO-FORTES, manufactured expressly for this city, flashed In Talons styles of cam and at prices which cannot fail to please. Piano-For te, nude to order, to suit any style of furniture, and' all harm mate warranted to ere entire malefaction to the put °baser, - Grand and Sorutre Pianos to rent, upon the most fa. vorable terms. Messrs. 0. & ,SONS have received Thirty-four MEDALS. The first Premiums over all competttors in the United States: • All onlora for, TUNIIIII and AU/URI - NG will be promptly. attended to. j774m PIANO FORTES; . ' Just received, an - elegant stook of ItA.VNN BA. ON, & 00., NIINNB & OLARK; ILALLIT, DkVIB & 00., and GALE & CO. PIANOS. IdEt.o °BONO bast qtutlity, at J. E. GOULD'S, 8: B. sonar RUIN= and 011N8IN1:1T sta. tinnber. LUMBER YAB,II HOUTZ & 00., • = (Bnccessors to Montgomery tr. Nees%) L. W. oorner of TWELFTH andPRIMB Streets, Phila., .Old Moyamenslng District, ire now receiving a Urge and weir - selec ted aseprtment or all descriptions of LUMBER, ouch as White Pine, Yellow Pine, 'Norway, Hemlock , Lath, Pales, Pickets, Pence Boards s Plooring,"Shelving, and every variety of well-sessoned Lumber. Also, s large stook - of Bill Bind*, of every variety and description., coreitaagy on hand and sawed to order at the shortest notice. Our connection with ?deism Main:fey, Routs, It, Co., and Duffy, Rotas, & 00., at Marietta, Pa., glees us rin• surpassed facilities, and enables ne to anpply orders for all descriptions of Lumber with promptstees and despatch. EINIS-OREICR IMBIBER, soft and Mellow, imitable for_PATTERN-MARERS, &e , constantly on band. Prompt paying perchaeors are reepeottully Invited to examine our stock before going elsewhere. ap2l-tf .lINSER AT WHOLESALE. AND. RE xi tail, at Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa. MEHAFIkIY, MOUTZ.A , take this method of their euetomers and persona desirous of pus chasing LUMBER, that they have now on hind a large ant welt-seasoned stock of all descriptions of Ltunber, which they are mewed to sell at satisfactory prioes.el Their timber is all from their own MILLS on PINE CREEK. They arelleoconnected vrith Messrs DIIPPT, HOUTZ,* CO., and are prepared to furnish alt kinds of Planed Boarde, Bill Stuff, Lath Pales, Picket', and Building Timber - for . Bridge!, ko., of all descriptions, on the shortest notice. They would also take great pleasure totalling the attention of Builders, and those in want of Lumber to the city of Philadelphia, to the Lumber Yard of HOUTZ & Co., corner of TWHLFTE and PRIME Streets, with whom they are also 0011- a e (AO . ap23.-tf Siteuvika. FIRE-WORKA I FIRE-WORKS I I A au assortment of FIRE-WORKS, NV REDUCED PATORS. STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, • 1210 DIATOM STREW, 3,115 West of Twelfth BLINDS AND SHADES, CHEAP TOR OASH B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 18 NORTH SIXTH STREET, It the most eateneive kfanufanturer o WINDOW BLINDS, And Dealer in WINDOW SHADES, Of every variety. He has a fine stock to be sold at Reduced Prices. BOPP, and all other Colors of Linen Shades, Trim adnge, Ifixturee, dre., STORE BNADPB Painted to order. IMPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. • MR .STUDY TO' PLBASB. OILS' CANDLES, SOAP, STAROR, &o .1,200 gallons Winter Sperm Oil. 960 gallons No. I Winter Lind Oil. 6,000 gallOndßloached Winter Whale Oil. 8,000 gallons Light Racked Muth Oil. 260 hose/ Chemical Olive Soap. 200 do Oleine Soap. • 400 do Brown Soap. 100 do New Bedford Sperm Candles. In store and for Bale by R. W. POMEROY ALLEN, Late J. B A. & 8 Allen, P 8 No. 14 South DELAWARE Avenue. CHEAP SUMMER , FUEL.-GAS COKE, of excellent quality, la sold at the PHILADEL PHIA GAS WORKS for the reduced price of Ore cents a bushel, and may be obtained in large or small quer,. tity by applying at the Gas °Bice, No. 20 South ELEVENTH Street. To purchasers by wholesale it is sold at the Works, in First Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to Anthracite at $3.60 per toe. (Signed) J. 0. 008880 N, Negineer. Philadelphia Gag Works,.Ang. 46. 'b7. ~,,2742, ONES.-100,000 Shin Bones, suitable for Umbrella and Button Makers, in store and for sale OROABDALR, PEIRCE, hOO l 104 NORTH WHARVhB lIREIGHT FOR NOVA SCOTIA.— About 700 bble bulk can be had for a port In No. re Scotia, Apply to JOHN 31. KENNEDY et, 00., ziolvra WHARVEIi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers