- -...2. - 404iiispeinteni*thevSt4otile-petitgerati‘, -4 : 2l ' , Wri t prkrefig i , ; ',; "3 .o 4 l.', ° K 4 ) l4 ,l l ,lltoXj-ili•" 1 1 it - irit:rdOilf - 0"1:".7 1- • - t - ..- 4 ,`1:".":*; -- :-"- ."-; ; ;i - -.....'C1ete1det314,1 Of'a,tliil - "Obliiii6ter blifiheintr. ' rel - Brieki-Cittriat*ig erit,inthioli frill •long Curie ... A . ' 443_,. ." PO 0 0 6 %:,bA, ,t 0 ~ 0/ 1 4 /4•itYtiq 43 aUlt . of Hof- - ,3 , ce r , r ,, • i 3 ., •., - ~,- F ~- , ,ilr4oll,thitiight;iif tlici2Btl"itiitlefroili Eithe - iiiiime k4eriiottillit,Vwassarcilufb-d-fieniiny,eleophliccit-mid - night:. , The pight.,.: ttaii,tie of ealtiness i n it. beau- I ' '' l44: ititrel4T o ,o lo l4f*tilkid, autlit-MY i'leit - dair ',, remit ward re Amy awbs• r i.,14 111 4 00 d.0 21 01 ,1 1P. 0 0449 - 00ittellithtUirateTtoft as theylity idle led out In q, tot 701301100- 0 t ',.; 10014.4140r1fiNt., khltixiaglit silettecriir - itiniitir• X wai aroused from nix tbonghtfaLreyerie by Nil. I. tionti neliftyliV9l - Jhlibi'irltilaftP??49l.Ro, 4 1 1 04: .- 'rail ii Welts ,- ! ---•-:, ti , 4 '44 ',.. 4, p3A- - • . !..:Z . ,,`, ';' .. : . , c: aheArY :WA', taken , 1p.. r 4,014.u..raihi. " - "litr a ' a ng l T . Pl!atfiailitaro cl4 tileiiatept .I'lw:weird ' - -- o litirbildheariely left the Ips of the lastWiritinet and Went, eohobartili•the Mhz ravine open which -'he wauposten wheallfeinit ilter-btlikbraftertng of 1 . horse,ia,Booft cobilinhhip th'' slant - hill 'TM the river- i tlictinent,toope, and tlitt:gldoit dr° ieln lii, ,front%f - 6.)14 Blinirfilcilik - A661.-hii - oit led up, - anif the "rodelo flergoititt4dijougOlies.3 Green's, .- - whom hIP alsoisittlidop [ iat rciw-heardgelulor - ' order bird: (Sergeant-Major Green) tp mate - out a. detail of six metufriinTilkliti ' mounted:company .tii. go under the ebtanisnd lit' LblittelliitittilgittY ani Banningliaii,'Atiii.,l4oitOiC:66lkilideibilied'ollioiri.; LI out. Magrotliiihiglipen,Wrirdersitat a eettler's - . . - - -'calitiv oVerrtherivert - tdid titts ltr6kdebtaliitientNyas-' ,seneto.arreilVtilifinuttloirer...; , , .. . t .,-. , i...: ~ ..„1— - ' "A' fewlightillehlee i Usdniren• . rtiyitionryid"at 4, liquor shantyriestilyfiumbleh Ibtsir4i leanest - ere _;;: , • - wens.jiorriblyerititi_ialinolic litarallf nut ;to pieces:, Prone of thentliowever, araAtilte,,zdead,, 1 i .ailthotighiii:tortiloal boddiiiiiii, - TWlLltke;lllgbt,' I artijefermbd f l , i l b)dlei r- :;blifiitiging ., to 'the. Afth coltniiii,lihichlt r alWeilltimied over , the lifer, -v iiiiiiihot - deitd. , 'lhe night afte - r,..a. titip;maider - 3, , ---- ,;:tiflan:tii - vtinitti got °pit cg • kfakiztiltro -it,hretgh: , 1-itithit.Noid. - ',"..imet,'lntgliicitwe ;teamsters of:Lairiiii viiiimrrePttliiitre.**4o-4-44,Piltnimaebilmd. X" oi-drlrers.;-_-,...`,.,!r , ~.:3- , •.- - ,,..;; ; ,,,---4,- -4 .4 , ,,, - - , -; • • "But I vrtilitintrto negleet someWftlielliitioo - in. titletleilAcilhe inardei,4l44ofiteridim Ile had,litietiii 4 tOivisikto_the Xlierss,of ;Vie fi fth< coliiiiiitiiiiititela returnftoir litt s p.W. 0 1611 4 - the 4 i . boccie mlrtk 0,4,14„,, - Ittrkt Mangled in an til„,„- ~,torpattpg, - ,-gifiltpiculatta mitecedef:Prerei'.w.hir" fi t e4 uß °l4. ' tria. - :-.4 ,3 2/Inti-Itailloatted'ulthtia bail , . and a tiom'beraik nekshet'vatt of whtoh entered zo-frilkfitop and•headeklllinulilto losttnltly. ,- 1, tin t . dersm,t‘thatthtieletV. aittliorttleit ,- ,Orillaryivolle ' ~ tvirrketliltded- M illtiliPlillid.l 7P itire,cll* - f ilria,X,o l o,7 , :t -449,r,,K1V8i1t164, , _, t 9 - 'Y 0 10704 ItoA u. 7oa ,Z estc. 4 . 4 cytttch t kg - 4it , • Itteliket46 tillirilk: ' • BUtlboY'll . ave iitnro , a truitiessiiiiiob:" 3. - r, 4 ' - 'i , " OW tlestdilißluirretcYrifeliittrlbtifedly the, , _3:4 latininetilitliquor-qoblair-yetist6;i6bOblitAuT . - 4.2endlnn - ditganotirthlfdiMil; ' lirtierei`thrtis l o.,fillt, . share in the destruction - 4 - ef, „„lingiarilif6 4 Y , "i • ---,- 1-;- • '"Palli"i'*tnrare - 0 5 * 1 0fitilli , '1iniltiie 60 ' feil t i l l!' l . l . o. l4 K.l'l!fiii•ie Isr 0 44.1 hi's- irfteornoti,P. _!. I - _ii 6tpinot nuke mei% NOW. witil,lt passiss. 4 . „, - - .4,lltaectmitjheit,theen baring charge orthe expo- I " ditioti,have morn , loar of the motility train's being oat . offndeittrelitidcoll bar mid . by ..‘ the' freilitif Dr, dta - lestiiiin'they•harh of llitbliii4ionillurinclar , '.-- ipan sine littiiii'l.AlYo,44lir,t4it - .:6oo 3 nvoit;ol ai t nr , 'dohbitii: .- . : ,_,- '. -.-, ..,:-.-"-;,-,--1 1r , :_-.c: 1.3: ,, , i'-- - . ( . O , 3_, on the thote. t were.,e'bont stxtylieMont ''' °it the itek - -report:', Nearly. every -case3was the, • ,_,O/604tetfi - andriciarly•everyyirtient - w,aitiv fiat re. ,7',.. ornit,freilifrimtfilitew life:- • Of , etieriii iy,tiiiiil lint ..:.-,..expeoteethiltz it' oltingiOt, diet, - ;:. W.:Change - oroß. mato, - a -Chime; tif •phyidoelexe*lte,, - ,agd,,ti JafiV 4, ! . ..iselfe'df' life4iTioltiltiter,'*lll.;hiiici - seek iiii -.060.t • llRogliiiif;''-' lll- C`inilY3Welidiiris tlistAlierti:is nal • '' a:40:434,01inii1ter.;1049-wli;:with theg.'44420`!.1:1424t, plaint': ..,.., .-,‘,.,,,,,-, ..-3:3.--li ---,-.......!' 1,, ....•-•,•-- ~ -?-.. i 2. 0 Thiclootoihes no serious 0400011iidOrthb elm. , The: 10111 6 / 4 11 , 4011,1thr: i)f • ill 0 troops Is lixtrellept. • -, 86610 , ;-fecr,"whet, , ,Bice , inyeelfrheviittific‘Rtiiiriciver , - ?dello° and Taxesouid..Ciontruettid „the °biotite diarrliiiitiVtarrinnah ititilinntilabdreaded clisVl ....,,,e.me,..but-hope,tbat, by totatierunoe-and -bard, we, • i_ ..iuill eoon,bp mud, ag 411, 4 " • "3; f..`l":' -- ' 1 i-g 4 1 - :`'...24ver.eitteis*lsolc,lAtaitertwoitarrakavol'al te . 'i,'..sigty•day abetic,ciiiery•foirth Aar , 3, Wheit,fc•was not ralninetlitiVrreatlierrlituebeen - - , etottelvely. . -warm arakippreselviii , v It - worti;nct - lokihe, 800% , priiihr tiliel - rwit trild'iotaiitliftes,peittltel,y, ecif - reciter:" , I '''''''' "-.; ~J.'„ --; , ',,,- .... 1. ' , - - ..'.. i .There him. yillege - Lof teimii.,Bob or. i,ooo' Oltii '. - -Indiaiiir.within.*v.en, - , Mlles of_onr , oneanipment h ' • -- .liitiliil haixi,stien none of -themiZam,notArepitr ,ed, to - write 'father of thirti,l , .; -41 3-3 - ,-,..i, _ . . . Tun •Chnoea, Wis loam from our exahanalie that iln„the soUthorti portion of the State apples and pears prinniaeliii abinidanTyiel,d,,bqin,other, parte the fruit Drop biOniall=-thit latir,freste and the - oold storks at -thilinie when finik,tries werif ircbloOin haviisveri4il:y,dannignit the Pros pect for fruit. Oberriiii- wets -atilititatistetoftdfail- - ' l urni4uniStell;;niaiipt:lii;nmefavored, , linudhilmi trIS , be VerrnearkiirappleiPtiid fur the fornier,- 1-AdaltrinnOele ",tbion an. • . The' • lOU:afar, hie': been larite f lbe,yrhatit- erop,very "goodoind the: prospeot.for,a4otid:oak,hertest is now excellent.' "f/iteatirf. Advertiser.' ExPlitlioritt9ob . D6O - Atak44;the Woriestin: po• tke court, lesteidav; B. Gates Itas fidatt-leit dolleirampitAo6Stalliiitatilitiae ra 127.08,1 for shoot:l4'lw* - . W4. 4 :4 00 014 8 .,,i, ttko town.' dot flpetseer . ' ta'; i 7statlitS:iiß.4(o,4_,XraiosUer, -;• • . - . , fl • ": f . . .. • . . . I'.l .., ... 4 ' 'V .,. ..".,”'. ','',..' ..,-,';',.”.1, , •{ ''±-... e -1..g. •-- . C IiTIV Imp kii m - R z.---,,,z; -..-:,. f; ~, ;ay ,--,-*-- T I T ..--1.1,-,?-a-..-:- •:-..7.:.-..---tr.4",'-: ,"*l.,'_-1,; ;" ' .Itti Ehtisoxeski Spoji,4lol„ -"Xt. is Viostioiialilo . ~,,-, .1,,h W : Alb, relyne turinstal dtopeoihictu have fiertur.within thelut few days like,..bet±dolt.qat*tio motsueltii:iiiis" et:liki:RaOitiL: osg,3l,e,itd.tejsuxity,_ siofemito ,brpat43iiiViif iii,sty; Om qiiitisiii, - h/Ctiesa substitatta - k& mausyltplililiog jiliof mot tettilliir - wortifit:B4AulliiAbliewhetber's aubstAtutton of the tatter Wuslifluirtli fionler4ii4 Es Atli a bleesileOsina la. ..-ItirbnadiatheinglillirealifeYifilli iiiiiii • thii - elcilii,g bold of yesteithicindATut*daylo addition to the great unitary benefits to , the oltyiisectltingftourthopii:l , d6ltaloutrihosisiii:tin'aiiiititiViselniniieifeittiii4": .assiatedirrttlis genial iilesithifyliailtbsll.: s - 4 Thi,liern;i Willi iteirilt4lltiiiir.iiiiiii,itli bapiiratres(iiii, 'beep*. *,,giAiiiirg:4,...4i! ii.9 . 0,0l Z4lr9a;Sr9. , ?2.linbibing this vital _ ..diaistit-isreesssperthaiwaoßiali fil*lilaisti hnow, , bettar.hovite,#ka';adriiitaka orAtiailibiliaathe'lidian, ' - earKiittViia p l iiii . 4a - iik A oi.hiotzro io. - tiii f liipe of '. , i'ff.',lirooT*llo 4 / 1 11 ,co , fOlillefilm i hi :Oonvey; A -biira' amount of water' to the 'talk, where it le '• de • 4. paldtedrithin 'the , 'ileid`,? Mk' grialuilli:ianductei • to .ther„root • for c inivany , days 'ANT -ttio,„4:sia ' 'boa ..,-, issaect. to Tall, -,,--raper.wliat: , ,ws- - , have- .'eased' : friom conversation. and mirele . _ - ettrespbridincii; • lye r , • * arealliniet“lfist4einl. lihOwere; wherever they loin __ Visited, have cone exactly at the proper time. 44-- - - mere bare probably nerequal,elfaviri4fitliategieri: , tor Aarvfattai aa osital_,t_a'afi. Oli,luresso has ii 6 : :, ie „Thraitgstailisitet.lhil-, ion;dinatni:ej444 ifiala,- ;liiijillifllia ialaiii44 4 eideat r ta. 4 toP!itrifs4l#s477., 1, 1 0 044, 6 4abtft .;, I ,,,b!;t.,iiiitt's, ci! burr' weallthir couldittlitibien ihaircifpniptlifite riPen`vriseat., The:. ..94,449,011411IpmIcOurattatirsaMtthatvres: -- "liegliniiii to anger waithadiuMfures, and for these' thy; showers have acted liiiil,in' fririgenting sham. 11pciii: - - threholiiillietkinifirlai,e; hiletlfSeen** l 4,rescifed: . In a short trip op ,the Belawafiyi few' Cays'egrievie, were morn to eel,: the ,tatrlS ihentn.fiel La i particularly; -;•On m tlut '' . ..fersey„sida;',etonlderrnbly'embrowned by. the; 1 drought, bitinolieseno doobtitheir aspect has been ' i , . sivesAy: naterially Changed-by - the illsinin':!reariiiiew ' . sonstdsiliii. 7 ,'likow .144iiiootil ilia - ill :1 1 04r49i- 44 ' : with *gaittifgs,iia: isivoi,tie withiheir'Vhdteut ahorila. '.. ~tends, we wilLieudesvor - to bennoa latindilettkitlic iiiteliorable : derreight.that "ian'igitiutilr:liiithati6i, of which inlariif,thillmborotbrioce :djOgnitbel, y . noir/00,0st' 4 .44 s*Sidslied raPire4Stiro: the 0: G. _ ~A.Blalii., c litould . our ideas .ihrifullyinef oh Vat lots' • Pot ofireay ina'at sane 'fain* tine fiviii the:forty _i th9efamt .residers,uPthe,A l (lityilteguP:ivilth. an hi mortal:, Miff ;Ms Alta.. If aelhefi "II :lf -D i a i iVate - fri' tll : 6 .r . s hig e ai f i-,.,-, - a,;-_,...i. ,:c. , .-,..: ,•!,..---Fil.c te , , :,-, .A., 7, t.. j Nis Ifitt'enp - s;.Trisrveto'sf.-,-, Aotioot tho..severit 'ilialciabliturimitottriatillpi!te iteci; referred _hi in our summary;lnit late numhirr:_of. - .Thelfrifri. in Omitted '''t,, ' i'inhillltif• - itife.'WhiCilt,,fis;polafior , inteilit; t t i, ttio . itliNiixtirelleini And . puke, applicability as si-prsa - tacit-,tosekieer, toor, altelOathined=itT•strrialds . l ost.: . tiowt We' - ' , alliiditOiol.llllirlitiVlark**rinderlatiaelr iiiiiiii eai r ,Vhciaa !,,inir!f4:Aihy:ipeynttoti iitlfor 285 • '-'4*O 'taste itbereilsar.aisaia from lierunal - Obionia.', ' i. lien. Bielutsteefunnifeelel''hialic - iiit'oT,oicoilil) 0.. to %woo ipipiiirottooktii*4#„•l4tiP?tibe94M3,leil - *Mode! , inticofaiAlattila'Ais pity, , ,. Qua of ithihrtoit , . ingeolince 4 indoompieteleotoymiotthfs - atebritbedmill is; , -. thairnigament Outoiliiiileatiakar;b/Wosno or an fioßbaullittaChiittiolinr , tiiijArtratiNitii pßeiT t a -1 1 0-KALCI---nßval ta 9MApsaa s t -, pe rfat 4 ,e q uaitirtum bettreeiiti , l) two. Theinfeat of tliti Arnie mint-Which to he fatty elinreafeliffeiciade to be examined-le, to produce flour of * thorughly',uultdrin sod ,:ever:.tek tore; tad in additianlikthla adiarlAnCiiiikettli; i'lla. leg from the flexible idlastment if the burn; there lc another adiantageAlefit4raistieel millers will esteem of the highest importation, via i That la essi ant bold, oxylstotet alibst4inityo29l2lo enregalir gait between the Mini iiiiikiii'matiol3oiiey wilt .aceommodati themselVer to tii#: isittw r ii k - m ni i # tbs. Minify fe rel.. moved, 'withal( tliislightediniztry to the mill; moth% log short, of a metallic =blown, however, is sufficient to move the barn from their proper position. Thie one featfin,,garniainittlCbe '' isilihgt to "Plato, =win Olark'i Mill far in cutunneat _all othent now, or that ever have. hettif In itiliir.-1. '' , " ,,, 1'.t • a 't , Quit ..14.poti—Noni is the time to go to 3109fee,!' No,A3fiil , Idaticer''otteet;',unt iroeure.a - bagitag miltl having procured ttgrjoi t.. - ,,, ;4 wur4 o intoty jti and tecifil-tillefilifit lifitSii4 what you need ' lir see you pretor not bang 'numbered with,. any such extra baggage, you Moi.-'sitlitirlhily ni.-hire of Mr. Bloom, at either Cap 10014aditift:fitliallitialiqr; on''your arrival t CONCERT .13:0;t:410a - falulius troupe of Morvii Brothers, Pell, andli:4'ibildi[O,,llinetgele - gave theft fourth untiirlbi*En 'OA, at Bonnit Bell, to a crowdefi honer. The entert4titinnt : was, cupertor,to,acieltitig tbit hie beets ;644 Vern fpr,At!'ii I, . 41keiAtiltmothok Uinta - Minot: faiiiigttAiiltfi an Mitln „Cinage,*(piri gramme. Those who unto fond oCtlie filibest - aild beat order of minnutiyifiniiiiil iilteAthein a neon*, • ; Tate TY,.) l ,,,4l l Mlllftaij, 484100 1 P lOilhlitlitlinted to aerie 7 anip ; voci,tudrisk: ChvWcultaticgrins, It la raid , tint thel.Orts hatrfew • naval officers of soul c& , abillye and:_that ho,hainiattia. , * - iniy-lorigert 'The TtniqbtsillvtirflOs, d:liiife , Ott Aili.linjouirti'lli,thiar country, and went , ittiliiiillii , * : - fitifititiii/elf del - cited with the heilitlrtif kfiqiiti:l:7o‘o444llTlOfii Blokes{ the greiit.6lo444-1Y4,1-.0444it4 "klf4 w. ii.; '; :i OCT o r Tairg:--Miisti?iit - *'hitilWps s men, l I whose leisure will iiiiritiiCitlOing. 4 •14er ' out of town, qi; malOnstrnmg#itirotiti,tio: leave. :Mine wh4 ' 1 contemPlii6"a Visit io the setkihoreeMot A Clifi'ili alit ocean,"Oaiirtitifilt bathing robes, of any con; retrahlo!,, Italiirit,,,, ,r,.l)liptly",- lowest pricer, 1% Ell dit*aplitri4%kilitita tolethtnotmpertuatpe : a2k - '-.-, Onent,t t nttet, orinit z tOtt iltt tlf ,tPrne'' :-4 : .t ..' 4 ;:lc s tim c ! . i l „. e vk_ o iii ao.o. i - y i o, il a n o ''lnOvillflo: o 4ol4s,Cr: 6 4 , 44 , i.niwspaplr , pan t iniPlnthireihjeetif-/pCappedhook ) ‘:',lkit pletrit nt vislinm Of , elenderneched liottleAwltlliiilvirfell ilbain tint ilatikitfilttfd ititi!Olllit*;,'nitnd! r a,Vo;*l l 4.4le'lne• 7 iiiireitt i refind iiiistiNtiiini C l iiinWttlig,nl4 tiocii*lnto ,, Hi bpitarEo:7l34lo4tiottc,l‘ itoclutlnen,tiy ttiykreiiinne of serarricwhichlbidiCo4 44 liettnhit the eXtentilytenl -Mune itheith 4 o4'4".pfirifoi," f itr9*illniar ,tininlifilne; lorhicit'lititiiiiiindlietiifeiih_th* - iiiiii rm;4l.3,hit brawl '''fdr - ft4c.inill.'" , i* liCfficinlailing , ,llai * Yrnotiors of tine hOiqt. 21**$ 1 0 *SitlinAt oat to ante friend, - he (dined ,I, o ,onoilethlog in-Unbt.tivientatid'olikloirre 4 idlifat . .tficellei,d * e,tiPl 'lO6l fithluitiiearag)iiinko (iii}td . „ Brol y w it que inotireirttaftlit I.oiiitii - enlyittoin, ?Ant —_ '9 PI txtottlio.rivtoOlittxtb; • ' 1 grlmmvl • - !RiPMOVo 3 .;rßarg u t 11.41 P'7 142 1 . I tetria & Mini= • ~ • ' • - 7- - • ST. hieTTAIVACIVrina, W• 4 _ _• • al ! . " I rtn*laMP 2 iirig.illiaill,446 /MAWS s4t T thiftscht & Son!. • PASSENGER'S`: ARaltiVzii; In biztvie K Rosie bottom: ,r x ::;•,:4 , PtiIatONIAPHIA , ..BOABD•OIt TRADM. 30iimPti 0. (}Eons. Ax4o.:A4st,i, Voloirrsztv.V:ing ttioNnt . . MALI* itAIINALL. IfETTigt BA&b . , - Aterhii.likerWritel*cha,6l, -PAilade/Phia• Ship Wyptrqpit;Boriort. , ;.t.."... • ' ." Liverpool, soon Barque JpeepsWirjell, Davis • teirusyre, &p, mood' Menne Iloirdlon) , lnokidn St Jago de Cuba, soon * Barque' omerloe, Witham Cardenas `Roan , Borgne Ninon *`G ipson ' ' Key Weve,Pooo litatftti rifirLADF,Lnue, July 10, ' 1A68. wass - A 44 I 611N i /4UL. ..... ..:7 16 ARIUTAD ' Bteaniship Bolden, Bellew, 20 Boors from New York, via, Cape May, with Wee and passengers to tames All derdlee, •Reports si light bargee and several Kim as hiorldirpassed in yesterday storaingi. and,saw on un known barque drop arailtbr of -the Lasaretto. Barque Union, Power, 25 days from Perninimeo,wltb 1,1 4 411 frf i,Lelfil • ic Domed.' Balled in co with barque Reindeer,llleuxionii,Ver, ltiO di Janeiro, Bohr George •Darby idulliner Sidled 10th Jnne, i t ballast, for New T otit, Via West Indies %The 11l B Sleeker-war Falmouth, 405 /100. r, la Platte; touched at P 18th June on rt,fray to Bahia., The barque Liaduibal, • Kline, from ew Vacuole, bid disabused, and stilled 15th June or lidile Jineire .Left sabre Itriiiiklift, Bell; Tuthill, for Philadelphia, via Torkalsland, ba • 2 Jliys, and Men zilftits. Thilleherf from itichblood, fOr fele, freight, or, charter 1 - li ' ..Ari,l,ll.lruttri,,H.:!stbd2.7,lwve , otrtivine:: deli. July 6th, tat 20 25, long 08 10, ' spoke n o Tem pest, froutfilltibittrif for Pat iut Bpaln, - ,'Brig Banes4faker,.l2 ,daye fromTurlis Island, iith adit° ;Thu Xattson • .lc Sou Lill at Bait Osy. bar ue •Jolla Alveoli, or, New - York in 3 days. Behr River Queen sailed Ist inst. tar Providence June 28th, in Tacks Intend PeUele, spoke brig Breese, InlnOtt dor Tri aided d Cnba,s f '. 4- ' " 80 *il ilAT V ltagall94 Y 4oli # fr 4 4/ libri t 'llgi Th 04 ThonMebeterok. .• c, -- t ~ , , , , , begtAltar, 12 Wit freer Berwick' City, La, t ` live oik felonry . ..7oS. , a Bohr i B Mont'ee,'ltulson; t date frorolort Walthall, Itit with coat to 8 Morris Wein & CO ,t 410 /1 iliabiOt InSyntlta, B days front Pilrt Walthall, Vs; w th coal to ilditurrle Wale & Co , •i Bohr, Mary, Elisabeth, blontemy, 3 days from New Terii,lwballast te Tyler, Stone lw , Oo. - illoop J- D Sigh, Dell, 1 day from Lewes, Del, with Fulsertet Theo W Rerker. ,= • , Bioog Clivia, Fox, 1 day from Otleass, Del, with wheat fe Oltralhn t On _ M* i3LISAIdStr. Btaimallipltennebec, nand, Ne*.York, J . Aliderdine ' }Dirket' uhlitob.Pennelloftlatvi, 0 .A Reokoher 2.0 e t `..., I-I • -.-- • Br brit Oicelliicltavanangh,`Bi Jolio,lB it, MO Clark ' BAT lieolldertlei, Janieron, Eastport, 2 Xnglieh Bahr John Walker, •Perron, Demerara. J P Senieten Sobr J B Monroe, Hudson, Smithfield, Vo, Blaktsten ikaar liarituch -N, Ntheahlgoi Nearborn, NO, Cochran ' Sour Mary , Xlisabetk, Itiondatuy, PewCaoket, Tylor, BtotfriA -4 0oLtf , ; --- ' ' • - ; bleeoker, , lidwcrde,,kiettapolistr, Corson Behr Johnbane - eater: Rites, Providence, -do Mr li'Porker,Bodgere, - Boetonib r Andenitnd to Co . BloomerJ, Geyri . /lior, Ba.l9lnore, A; avor'ee, 2;r. • • • •' • - (Clorreopondenoe of the Press.) - ORACE; July 15,1868. KlugitouloCt Imo. this roorrang rfitti' 6 bouts, lutidrand ooftelgued . - f norford. flour tot' Pitzpatriek,'l,64 bark to Bewley lc,Orq,Jk.Eloruel, Rairfatiokir, W Q Harrold, and 1r 'X-211,1400)90W.Du1iaroxvOltyy (Cerrespondenee of the Philadelphia Excliiitige.)' el , L39HRB,- Del., July 144-8 2 M.- :Tho _brig R H Moulton, triad tit Jebn, NB; for Bald mere; lint , inlkerellatcrebing for a batboy, and still 14i Etilvtles iq company with the nest previously reported: - The,,barcine; Lucy etlngi for -.Falmouth, Jansorent to eeir yesterday; and , steamer Albert' Horn departed for Hoyt - end fleactr,for a load of spare. ThC tag America lain theroadatesdAwaltingii tow. Copious rains fall last nlghtorhlch have cooled the , and:yrlU greatly, benefit our corn atapsattirage, ' Wind BX,, "Tours,"&o.'. WM. M 4/10XMAN : 1.- lintyrendtatarn.l, • (00frespondenoe of the Philadoliddi Exeltait.) - , . °aria TaL/Itif, July 16:-4 20 M. Two two berm brigs, and pareral light ochre jailed Iteto;day. --The Intaglio Uweaa, for Law/afro, and a fleet of confers went to eon We afternoon. Wind 1311;-Ireather'irees Pleddlnti , roarac.her • • ',ITS. B. nuonEa •,• •[111rXIL11111.01114140.1111•11180.] • . . ." •• • r, NonroL K. Va., .Inly 16 Ar in - Hampton Roads brig Herald, from the Carib bean Bea, with Anson 21942121#1, Juryl4. Axrlved, ship Sparkling Wave. from Matanzas, bound to Falmouth, England,. short or hands. Both the mates and a rigor h ad died of yellow fever. Mralee gole. Steamship-,Belainkte,-061ies, Intamfat New - York yea. - tato.; '•• - thearesinpaityatene suite, Marshmen, hened, arrived at Charleston 12th ' - - c- :Ship tilietWoodl=Bale, hence Was'at Calcutta May 17. ',716-19-17)114bitmberlalur Skein:lan, wad toadlog cottai7,ttadhWtorYtew York.- - - Ship FrI2XWB 7 W I i , Cepe; foe Sinßranelsoo, remained. ifentfiont May 6: - - • „ 'Allatillrinell; hence; sal - lea from thuga porejlttey S for Bong Hong, - - "Ship i‘Vekt-rdikltalitenti..Wid_tt,llineape,,,, May 16; 0,01, blivllt beta veil to Chinese for Skip Otesonthe, Maxwell, at. gay West eth Met. from' Boston. Will take 1n 'the -amp of the ahip Sultan, Arteeltedmome Mae lines, and sail for Liverpool, 1:131919 Iterbert;ltatelii'for !Mune, cleared At Bos ton leth hist Ship Christopher Ifsll , Preensan, for Boston, was leadu3gittoalderallik9B. ••••?% • • • • • 18hiltAsoshOreen, forltathalossi iiited from Cal lao stay 80 ,1411tir Finhtud, - P e et, for 'Liverpool; cleared at Apiite ehleolis Bth loot. Ship Medford, Gray, 112 dajs , frora Calcutta for Boa ton Rite ep.oken Oat (net, tat 26 82, long 04 20. • • Ship amprees,,Lecraw, fOr New Rork, sailed • from • , Ship Sfitfeh Trident, (Br) for New York, remained at Calcutta May. If loading. Shipldorniug Light, Johnson, from Iquique,' attired arrived nt Callao 4th alt , and remained 1212, unit. •• 821i0Ceiti Segls, Olteeyer, from•bltudila, arrived up Dioaton 14th iugt, NINO Indus, Thompson, for New Orleans, clearixt i 4 810 de 7aneiro Sth tilt, with 4300 bags coffee. Barque IC King, liitwitt, hence at Cleninegosad Inst. • llamas • Ocean Bride, Lehr, henna at Cienfuegos 4th -Z,.Barque *nets; lientilton;fr6m Rio de Janeiro for 77 - Orleans, Was ipoiren 24th Ott let 612 R, long 42 13. Baigne - Reatern .9 ate, Yoorhees, • from London for Ariattalia, pdfloto Rio de Janelto Bth ult. leaky. - BirqUis Uhiloo, (Br) for Baltimore, jailed from Oil derakfui z:Bargne Roebuck, Chase, from 11.10 de Jemeito June 9, dt Neyr . .York lattfluat. • . iflarque Minnesota. Yescook, for Philadelphia, sailed from Rio - de ! Isidro 9th ult. with 2600 bags coffee and 97 logiabeevood. , • /Janina Plimitom, gnig, remained at Rio ;do' Zanoiro 9th nit, for New York next day, er.th 2000 bags Mace. , hllantFo Bar l 3' Bird; Ovok, mailed from Bingeporo 4th May for' ffong Kong. - Banns - . Louisa, Masson, at Cardenas .94 Met. from ? ri g gmOir ialtuldeilr hence, attired at Key est,3oth - Brig T W Railand, Rowland, hopes for Key West, put luto,,Raupton ROpda 12th loot. DA aireount of sick noes °Captain., - Brig - .oldorpee,Rowee, cleared at Boston 14th inst. for Philadelphia. Brig Trincieleni Ilavener, cleared at New York pa terdiy for Philade lphia. Brig Mount Vernon sailed from Itto,de Tenetro Bth 'ult for Baltimore - • • " Brig Bola°, Bartlett, ale .red at Nod` York yesterday for Porto Cabello •,• - Artga.Tattliaa, Atkins , and Ely . ra, Puller, bears at Boatokfittlr mat. ' • •- tlobt-IJorraltati May, Vobb, for. Philadelphia", with Artialrer, oloaradat - Wliollogton, NO, 141 lett Bohr4ogatbart Come, Nefiafey, betoe for Dartford, Maier, Nora. yeaterday. —" ' ließs.W.Woottbury, Biggins, house ot Boston lith Inst. • Pear. 6 -a arowu, Branton, hear. at Now nottforn 14tninstr• • - f_fielir BeimAce, ( 1 / 8 )11all, hence, arrived at Key 20th ul. - . ,W. Conklin, for, Philadelphia ,_ sailed- from - 4 011inibegoett&l t.obfrft W. flardtiest Bontmeieleartid' +4 Charleston 13tl e ttilbeltaltitnote. , • , t Anniddi 3 Odointie, Oiled !rein Matanzas 6th met fo• • schr Bally Crime, for lihiladelprda, milled from 13fen/Abgtis sS mat:- • • ;;;Ptsebia - 4:lU,Saraieid,Parries,iuel Dr Jnim,Btradle 7 , White, Raise rity - ICaR - for Bente andlit Maker: - • Rate tilaaablosrer, , Paltia; oiled, from Newhnryport iattf ieitr rar , rliittaelplius.' • Behr Hudson. Warren. from Pall Itlwiir phi(' pat Rita Newiport rich Inst. , to tit a new mast, having carried away the head of her 'mainmast' about I wee, weeks afro In a heavy blow off Uhatbant: Behm Dawidltiplue' tfouglaij J IL Stroup, Corson; A •Ttrralliqlluirisi , Aid; ;Dollish; J Prainbes, fritralpes, and Win II Dennis, Dewitt, hence sit' li6atan leth inst. ; Robe Alloirdlldaletair; 71, Plypa, at Arlstra 1641 lust, .front-Aelaware Oitr ,, • f • " • • . ....--Robilaisaltildatilda,Andrewi,salleOrnsa . Rlver 12th Unit for Philadelphia. ' "' hanegriflleaton, a tNewport •Behrb Moo ilia, Tlea;eind Dr W 11 Powers,. banes at linerflaven lioht Margaret Powell, Powell, for -Philadelphia, aalled,from lavori_lalD 'nat., • ' Yeinam, Biker . si Brown, Brown, T tietkoiiii 4 Barniiii;haneerartiged at growl. 'fiiitiotetr die fork lath tner-fo, - M; 8 - - 'A itrals 'Jilata.bei to at law York yeetardai. -- • . SIIIIMAPLBOILIANT. •• • Leoebop-,Yrogi, Akyab:Yriet; aehore arma mud Ilat,jtplieen` Behebo abu-.Tyioo`,Abont.¢Rmftes,f.on thlieee the vile Ilitaineeby manna of torches, tweed off with the lots her rudder, and arrived at , Macao May 1. The Americto 2 berOte Belibiotila lots ituumed her mi.. tipardity at NyaoefiteO t and anise. ebe tow B• 1111 Itezioatybig,'ao4 Walled tbs. Sinoloe. She - recently elestc4 trout Beek firrineleyolor Ikteia tea Ship Sophissiceirhote at Brian% has a cargo of 600 too of Gael. , 'T.he • otew,l4 in number, were all rate, She had a pilefferipeahl at the time idle struck, At last .114 ,1.081111!•114 dbodt three feet of iraterld her hold. EltAtion Bona° NOT, about threegner tore of a wile nOrth - of Bquea Telet,; %bp to owned by Kibby & Co, of Hatt more. , . ' ~, The echr . „l)4ne Ocean Akriheriffrair -got,oCat - 10406'44 Medoweirry *riming. Bbe fa leaking bA4,!7:,,, - , ' • April h, j iT)i - hi; ,Thajel(l6lA-M,shii Martha nous, Maaork, from grighphie /or linuellosig. • 'lt EtTalTI - 0 Pi • MRM"-TORIC, ban , au Cornea, Rriebe, o llontepord; • ears i; Forsyth, IloinissOtalti. _mots 11-31 - Tyler„Oditisitontisotteut lurk f or halo iibre; - Mimes Tirane Swan', 110.ntssi t , BaltitOors and 'old; Wor, bisbe, , Liverpool; Gonna, • dOtfij tow „Octopi's; .I..rdombill Mitchinson, Mier. lOrd.4.}d v liisasrtilalmonttdaiddattnii, Fisk, Lad ftigignes Stevens DemeraisiplidaraysL NW na Arad Indian •Bearer, Ring, Rotterdam; brigs Loch :Ldmotidofrenoli, Portland; L rie.frrood, Powers, Ban lfi.4",lpigei cagno;L'aps aryttaify T N hisybisr, nrssy, lailanda, a • Ohauttoleer, Murray, •Ittitta 4 - 3., Rmis ett; Tacker, WWlangina; tie Q uee n , Johnson, hisissaii; RP; -Potomac, Arnett ' , N • • bold nootreee Put dap', tc?'P' l9 ' 4 ' B '"49`tolOruemplistty in the alive trade abseil tried eTi &District Court, eondemlid, and ordeYed-to be sold 'within tendays. • aPolititfl.r. 2 U: /At; ,on . Kay Wist, chip Dambrough, cirleaos for Havre, 9 days out; brig Wisthro, from Honduras for .obeenshiam, 9 days out. _ U.S brig Dalpldn, Lieut. Onmtig - 3 N -Memo; Irons Idavana. - tutti—er, D S steamship Colorado , oaf, 7 Mclntosh, July I—A r, br, brig . TarerniorilYhltty, New York. Ed—Ar, oloop•of-wir Matodolibla t Captain Levy, iiolo4ll/1 4 .: ', ":%; • • " • ' p.ktortyqlk l 'MP Walneblq9l4l4Ml9tte Colorado, Com Mclntirelit .elopp-okrar . Miteedonian, Captlorry; brig Dolphin, Ideut Donadg Ship Sultan, Berry, Iles Anchored In the stream. Barque Cl'.Boseels put Into:this port on,theilth, from piltton the south side of Ouhi, with orew Moir. The captain died thia morning. HIS- name le Sawyer. The reseal lleeln quarantine. , !She has on board a cargo of molasses, Tile second mate and one man died on the passage. BOBSON, July 14.—Arrived Barques La Olgtena, of Portland) Sargesitti Matson. Laconia, Bears., Baltimore: ,Brig plvilian, Smith, Marseilles. Telegraphed—Brig Water Witch, Skinner, from tout .of Africa via Cape de -Verde. ' - Clewed—Barques Truaman, Alexander Mayo, poet an Prince; Idward Everett, Harding, Baltimore. Brig Irene, Jerome Look, Savanna. HOLUM' HOLE, Julfl2. P BL—Ar brig Olara Rockport for 'City Point; solos J Clark, Benll, Philadelphia for Boston; P Armstrong,' Dill, do for Salem; Bitch Elklatou, Naylor, do for Newbury port ; Gilbert Green,.Weaver, do for - Thinvoreport; L 11 Ferguson, Barrett do for PiptiOnthy Smith Tattle, Bieh. do far Truro; Liao Blohi StnitE, dQ for Ports, M o nth John B Myers, Cobb, Boston for IttehMond ; Gen Arahstrong, Kelsey ; fl Hewitt, Bois, and L A Da nenhower, Hiller, do for Philadelphia; El A Elliott, Kelsey, do for New Low/m:4,llroom ,I, Day, Heaney, Roxbury for Philadelphia, ,Loelfa, Huta, Salem foido; Ida:L Howard, Stahl, Bath for do. flailed—fiche Charles A Greiner, Sarah A Hammond, :Neptune, Annie J Unseen, Harriet Sc. abeih, Wla 0 At water, B It Atwood, Utah Clark, Thomaa Jefferson, Golden Age, Isaac Rich, and.P Armstrong. 'l3th—Ar brig Lydia Prances, Daggett, blinatitlan for Hamburg. The L put in,with first and second mates and one seaman Wok with fever. .... . Aldo ar, help Miry Farrow, Coombs, Philadelphia for Boston; Larch, Gilchrist, do for Booklet:id ; Sam Small; Lana, do for Salem; ochre Elizabeth Segur, Paull, Mobile, for Boston ; S k B smell, Motto; Gen Hersey, Sprague, and Eleanor Townsend, Balt imore for,— ; Mary A. Shropshire: Shropshire; Beulah B 'Sharp, ; Ohm B Peaelee, Foster; Henry May, Watson; W G Andenried, Hewitt; Jabez L White Barrett ; P Pharo, (b oo mer ; Baltic, Hinckley; Isabelle, Thompson, Corson; E J Scott, Birdsall ; W Pharr,. Cavalier; Henry Maybee, Tut hill; Albion, Clark ;Juliet, Barter ; Moro, Ilaskelliß N ash, , arm Sophia Ann,' Smith, Philadelphia for Boston ; Daniel S Merabbn, Allen, J J Spencer. —, and Ifonteven, Falkenbnrg, Philadelphia for Salem; California, Hil:er, do, for Ipswich; Lebanon, Mitchell, da ., for Pembroke ; D. P. Talpey, do for Portsmouth; B Fink, Doughty., do for Bralutree,• TalunirooiJobisort, Baltimore for Newbnrypo.e ; Charles H Rogers, Lang ley: Ito• dont for' do. Bid Wire Lewie, Clark, B B Wbeeler, .11 E Weston; Crisis, Wed I, Daeten, B G Stifle, B Davidson, P Learnt d. B+raA Bright. Rhoda & Beulah, Y Smith, It Basoom, Jamul' H btroup, Smith Tuttle. 14th—Ar brig Barak Ping, numball, Segue, let lint, for Portland. 8 SSW, with fog. Nothing sidled. "ainuauatcvoßii: - - 4211d* af.)ll7disy` NSW., Aprirle; ship inlon Shilling, 'At do April 17; ohipd AlonsodoNßolway, for palcuttl ...„ Aprlll7 ehl d diner. for New Bedfordlti..f.o; 4 a l ettoti l io: " D i kw r 'Cad others: "g" New York • • - At Kong 'tone May 0, Adria Atmosphere, Lunt, for Ban Francisco 16th; Flying Pleb, NlOllOll5, for do mat day( Derbyillutchlueon; Cohota, Bay; Fearless Man sion; George Lee, Baretow; Orphan , Chase; Eriel, Foe tar; Banta Claus, Foster. and pea Nymph, Btege, non, Norway. Major, for Sydney and Melbourne, to Call May 10; baaquee , Myrtle. •Boteford. front Bangkok, arrived April 20, une; echr Mellts, French, from Amoy, arrived April 28, do. • • B'ld April 28. sokt Wanderer, King. But Gout; May 2, barque Benefactor, Gaming, Foochow. Ar April 24, ship Earths, Late, 731n•tapore via Mamie (and sailed 20th for Amoy ) At nbsogbao, April 20, ships Adith Roo, Nickerson, for New'York, lag ; Hormuz, Cartwright, for do 86 ; Cossabk. Ballard, uno; Arcades, Sherman, do ; Sancho Piece, Bird,. do ; brig MIMI*, do ; 0 E Tilton, Briard, do. Also, in port ship Tartar, Mix. from New York, At Wharopos, May 5, "hips Storm Xing, Callaghan, for New York, lag ; Argonaut; Norton, nno; Bald Xs. gle, Treadmill, from Hong Kong, trio ; Boners, Briad, from do do. • - • At Macao, May 5, ships Antelope, Clark, for Hong Komi.? ›Orystal Palace, Simmons, from Hong 'tong I Fran • Johnson, Lotbrop, from Hong Kong arrived (Apr( 24) for Calcutta soon; John Tucker, Williams, Horton V Ro elT ise 2itlfftltt O3:omisi arrived May let; Va e C?, : `good; ono. • • At Bwajow, April 22, ship Ma-net. Henry, for Sbanghae ;barque Beverley, Carter, tor - atonable; brig Carbon. Woodward, from Hong Kong, arrived April 12 tor Havana. ' ldApi{lB, barque Algonquin) Gibbs, Shanghai,; 22d, brig Progrovtive Age Holmes, do. Ar at Amoy Aprillo, ship Hannibal, Reimer; Ohio. 'chew, (and sailed 224 For Slianghae;) 20th. ship Ben shoe, Thomas, Hong. Kong (and sailed 254 for Bws- . at hlanita„Aprll 28, Mips Dolphin, Hoyt, from Sin gapore; arrived 28th, tine ; btar Light, Matt hews from San -Franoleco, arrived 2Ath, do; Lotus, Leckie, for San Praneisco. loading ; Magnet (Br) for Boston do to nail early in Msy. ' Sid April 20th, 'hip Maria, Saveloy, Shinghae. Arrived at Singapore, May 2, ship, Jon Planter, Pe lotas., and old 4th for Macao; barque J E Mora; ,Riley, Calcutta. (and mailed llth for Ban Promisee. ;) 9th, ship Bell Rock, Harrioon, Calcutta, rand old 12th for Hong- Kong;) Ith, barque Jannet, Plummer, Slam; Bth ships Judith, Brown, Penang for Hong Kong; Hamlet Le ers*, Calcutta, (and old 12th for Hong Hong;) 1 10th, barque Helen Mar, Dow, Rangoon Soiled May 3d, ship Live Yankee, Themdyke, Hong Kong; Sib, barque Nymph, Price, Rangoon; 10th, barque Edward Roppleoh, Eagleston, Batavia. At do. May 14th, dap,' Northern Light, Deane, for Brag Kong; Norwester, Gregory, for Penang and Col dung; Andes, Chapman, for Boston; Judith, Brown, for Hong Kong,sanie day; barque.' Lucky Star, hweeney, for Bong Kong and Shanghae; Allan Bartlett, dleg; He len Mar, Low, Meg; Jeneett, Plummer, for sale. Aloe, ship Windward, Smith, front Adelaide, 'peak- Passed Anyler April 22, barque Homer; Lindner, Singapore, for Trieste. At Calcutta May 17, ships Mary Ann Beumonds, for Boston, ldg; Arab, Crosby; Elisabeth Kimball, Condon; Maria Somers, (Br;) (Moeda, (Br,) Inkerinrin (Dr) for do;eo Sherman; Zinged, Swift; Oily of Glugow, (Dr) "for New York. do; Robert Harding, tooter for Boston, do; Queen of the Ocean: Williams, for Mauritius, do; Belodear, Patterson. for Malta, do; Midnight, Batch, for Boston in .dock; Hortense. Barnes, for,London In dock; Anion Lawrence,Nickerson ; Addison, Gilbert, Paine; Shirley, Allen; Hornet, Beacon; Nor th Allan tin. Moore ; %Beverley, Chime ; Guiding, Star, Hale ; Walpole, Woodbury, and Edward - Fros t , unci South Sid from Bangor, Hey 0, ship J N Cuehlog, Plummet, 'London; ship Alice Bull, Hickey; do 14th, ship Gra nite State; Weeks, Banton. lday 27, ships Samuel Lawrence, Patten, Prance; Shakspeare, !forerun, Cork; 28, ship Screamer, Snow, do; brig Lucretia, (Oh%) Scott, San French= ; 29th, ships Planter , Carlisle, Cork ; Corinne; McKay, Prince; 80th, ships Osborn. Howes, Kelly, Calcutta; June 8, chip North American, Coiner, Cork ; 12th, ship Conquest. Sears, East Indies. Ac do June 12, who Mary Goodell, Hartman, Msg.; Narrator", Blankenship ; James - Brawn, Crabtree; Woo Cumming, Johns; Marcia O'Day, Chase; Advante,•Bar. reit; Sebastian Cabot, Watts ; Wild over, OrOoroll ; Mortsoou, Baker ;, General Nowell, Nowell; Star King, 'turner Chancellor, llor)end ; Emily, Yaniam, Mmes; Webb ' Putt, Hedge; Cathie &Legate, Taylor, Horning I,ight;Johnson, nor; Champion, Wilson, from °blurbs Islands; barques D Brookman, Johnson ; Wagram, Sears,. and Rosette. Pearce, one. There were coma forty-two thousand toils. of shipping in port 'seeking ,fight. Ar at Valparaiso, May 19. barque White Sea, Evans, Afe/benrue; 224 barque Ermine, Dean , New York, (Feb roomy 10); ship Wild Pigeon ldaybeir, do (Marsh 0);. 23d, ship 8 L Fitsgersid , Green, Talcehttana, (and ol d Stith for Iquique) At, the Chiecha Islands, June 10, ships Clarissa Bird, -HIM; Queen of the Nast, Healey; 0 A Norwell, Croaker; George Hurlbutt, Mason; and LOUIS/ Hatch, MaLoon. a. At Rio Janeiro, Juno Oth; barques Indue. Thompson, for New Orleans; Corals, Pottengall for New York on the 10th; Wm Hyde; Gambia, Keene; Onward,'Emery,• Lamartine, Anderson; Tidal Wave, White, and ship Starlight, Name, all diechs• glue. Rio datietre—Dlsgd June 9, ships Timor, from New port; Napoleon from Boston; barques Naramissie, from Pensanola; Starlight do; Gamble from Charleston, Pa nama frpao Richmond, T Ware from Darien. Cleared June 8, barques Johannes ( Bram) 8,600 bags coffee, for s Savannah; Elide (Hamb) 6,4 7 do, N York; Indus 2 200 , do. for U 8; Kedron 8,000 do, New York; Cecilia. ,000 do do. Bid Joust 8, schr Josephine, N York. ARRIVALB AT THE PRINCIPAL tRYIIIB, up TO ONE O'OLOOZ VIGI MORNING. GIRARD HOUSSl—Uhestnut street, below Ninth. 8 Grant, St,Louls Dr U A Pollen & lady, St bliss Botwa Mien, St Lords Louts W iloodwillor & lady, Gin, 0 Ifni McCartney, St. Lode V Y ' W W Belknap. Keokuk V Odivant Boston D 8 Hunter, Reading oil Tyson„Pot,eville John P Parkins Sr.. wife, H Taylor, I a blemphls W Marrow, Ye O A. Bantu, lie 0 Oakford, Baltimore J Dukehart, Baltimore W H &ran, Baltiwore G W Herring, Baltimore' w Uelesenhainer, Jr, N Y W H Armstrong. Bt. Louis W 8 Featherstone & lady,Miu W Jes , tte, Montrose, Pr John Flow, St Louis - Alex Peterson, ht Lome • Hertz, N Y A, Levy, N Y • 0 II iywod. fit Louis A L Dickson, N Y it T Bainb, idge, New Orleans F W Babon.eld, New Orl , ns John 31 Green, Charleston, A Young, Texas 8 0 ?dine Jeanette H Sanders, W A Shepherd, N Y - Baltimore. R Pre .t.es, Cleveland, 0 A. K Colton, lowa ?dies Willie, N Y A If Parts, N Y A n Reeder, VII 0 Je es, Pa J Fltaberbert N Y • J U Thompson, Spring- Judge 8 urea, Georgia field Me Marshall, Alabama Miss Marshall, Alabama Di Gabriel,N Y dilute 0 Hilloter, St Louie Henry •31 , H 0 Howell, N Y T Newterger V Mrs Goldsmith N Y _John W Spear, Baltiniore P MbluDonald,Baltimore O J Crowell, N R • Bhi Johnson, Washington Jos T Ames Mau Thomas, Va ,J W 'norm. Ye lidw Corning, N Y I LO Warren) Georgia 0 F Swift, Tenn 14 ahem:Paler. Baltimore' A It Boynton Elmira G Co loran , Ken unify . John Ritchie '& la • Md Theo B Conine, Berlinaild /a/ It Pelee, Berlin, MA 4:IW Purnell, Berlin, Nd P, Perkins , ft la, Fr arilt- W 8 Mhoor & la, - Ala • lin, Tenn F Hogan, Nashville A - W_Lawrence, N Y 0 II Sands. N Y J Olotor, 8 Innen, Nashville Thu D Me, Nashville 13 J Daudet, Usitimoro Rev D Caldwell, Leesburg. John W , Murrell, Virginia " • Virginia - Mrs Slaughter, Va , A Hill, Richmond Va , ld Jones, 8 N 0 D Gibbons, Baltimore John 8 Mvpkins, Baltimore aulaxoArraornm—abeittaii street,'sboi . e 'Hat-h• John II Houston, Ohlogo - A R Betbrook. Ohlotiro 0 8 Sanford, N Y 0 Amebaldi, Ringatou, 34- 0010, Trenton, N J melee S P New.% Y W B Lewis, N Y John It Price, Mlnerallle, J Ai Freak, Mineravllle,Pa Pa R S Sullivan, N J Miss 0 Sullivan, N J James Johnson, Pa Jas Butler & lady, N Y David Levi, Plymouth L Nakao, Wilkeeberro Theodore Quitter, Philo P 0 Darrell, Lee, Mass J 0 Oorbitt C la, mass • ld,sa E L Stoddard, Mace Thom L Goodwia; Balt John T Brown, Balt L G Harare, N Y -W EL Gootee, Balt 8 Smith, New Haven - MERCHANTS , HOTEL—Yourtt, street, below Arob. N 0 Gilds, St Clainirlllo, II E Leman, Lancaster, Pa J Inil 'A Bosch, Huntingdon, .11 Kenyon, Sandy 11111, . N Y ..9 Iticha•ds, Sandy Hill, E T Poster, Mauch Chunk, N Y Penns Nil J Cumlninge, Union 30 it Smith, Monongahela co. ,Pa . .: City II A Hants, York, Pa Enos Prey, York, Pa Ilan W It grazer, Cooke - , It A George, Pittsburgh town „ A George, Pittsburgh , , i 0 Johnson & lady; Mem- 0 W Kealhoffer, Memphis phis John A timull,gariisburg B Rear, Millersville , Wm V Ward. N Y H Egan; St Lends - . D V Moore, Clearfield 'How: $ Yost, Ps ' ~B McCurdy, Gettysburg, Id L Graham, ' SOeibury, Parid Thowne, Ontassupia Conn r- 0 L Adams& wife, N Y ' 3 T Barker, Pitteflehl, Maisel B Jewl, Timm Joe N Waggoner, (hien% J P Rarkbeerd, HaleeStOU HR Linderman, Pa ' 1 P Prick, Orawfordsvale, 8 Sartwell. arbHbport, Pa Ind , , ONION 110TAL—Areb street, below Fourth ' W Ehattuck, Beaton John 11 Jakee, Oamden, John A. Allmon, Smyrna, Del Del James Jenkins, Richmond, P Coldwell, 'Portsmouth, pa Ohio B Moore, 'Williamsport, Pa J Runts Clearfield, Pa L Allen, Tanlona, Pa J B McAllister, Murata. II Applhimer. ading, Pa Tulle .1t Bartle &.. la, Daven- B &la; Revert. port, lowa Port, Thai , J A Gray & la, N Peter Adler, Port Wayne, (/eo R Kindle, Pittaburgh Ind ' Oeorge L Oadlz, Ohio 0 Johnion, Fitchb . urg 0 8 Tolman, Fitchburg 11 L Baugher, Oettysburg, L Bitter & wife, Reading Mien Ritter, Resoling Brooks, Philada uousß, Seaond street, above Market. Abner - Atuafi, -Milton'', Martin Olaslin, Mass bitten Mien Nmeline Lelend, Mkt- P,. Parkhurst, Ilatnmond• thrd, Mm ' • ton, N J "ilatulereore, Ohio ' Ir'l3 Wetherbee Is, Doz. ktecoomb, Shatimore ier Me Jai Aftlitliald, I/Coming 8 p Bennett, Del al.„. '94) =l•ilE • ~/.REgS.,:r-,PHILADFICPHIA, FRIO/it 16. iss§,_ NATIONAL NOTlL—ltaie Mieet, above Tbiril. R B.obossney, P 4 R 0 Dyer, Buffalo, N Y Jur; 313h00k, Plymoutb,Pa 0 8 Foster, Mineral%) Henry. 'tosser, Soh Haven P W llhelm Balti ore R Kelly, Reeding Joel Ptak, Port Providence W P Valle, Pottsville, TIOTEL—ThIrd• Street, ab. Oallowhal. lt Kaufman, Blois ooun. Wm Wolt, Bnokii county, ty, Pa • Pa• • - Thos s Yokel, Greenville, Philip Deese, NJ Da Albert Phillips,. Doyl.s. E Wanibold, Doylestown, town Enw Poster, Bethlehem Geo B Keeler, Philadelphia Daniel Pittinger, Easton lambs Pittioger, Eastoll' .BLAOS• BEAR HOTEL—Third, above Callowhill. Geo Wagenseller,Do - John Q Quyer, lib Airy, Edward Have, Mt Airy, Pa Pa ' Christian , Zetty, Slower- J 8 Dodder, Doylestown town - Goo Hatboro, Noribiktop- . „ Jae .7 Bwoyer, Pa ton . .. BARLEY SMIAR HOT.Ett-LRehOhd Arent. below Vine. Joshua Woolaton and wife, , L Patterson, Towle 'Newtown ' JW Hoppook, LareitOrt, Simon Rneedler, Pa - vllle, N J Tae A Lee, Pa Mr Williams and lady, Pa •T Bartley , New Rope • Mr Saunders, N J I 7 lAuts, Strondeburgh, Pa 8 0 Bradshaw. Pa 'D Donovan, Trenton, NJ W Johnston, Trenton, it J - J N Drake, Trenton, N J ~M Croft, Trenton, N J SLAGS - BIAS INN—Fifth and atesehent streets. J . Munlaugh,,Oxforl, Ps Jas 8 'Kirk, hid. James Brown, hid, . W W Gibson, Lencester,Pa W 0 Pugh, Montgomery J Devoe. Wait °hooter co, Pa , 8 Ann, 'West Motes , J Smith, Pa - 018 Taylor, Del 00, Ph A Conrad, Wilmington, Del Thoe 8 Young, Pa - J Methyl*, Cheater, Pa Opertal Noting. Bower's Infant Oordiai.••Thls Invaluable Cordial in prepared from a variety of the most choice and ;naiad aromatics known in mediolne, and is the moOt perfect and reliable carminative extant for infantsand young children. By Oa powerful influenee a speedy core is °noted In all cases of 0 holie t windy paths and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children's eufferlng daring denti. Lion or teething, and by its,soothing properties trail. valises pains of the bowels, looseness, totalling, Ile. The Infant Coated bee became a standard remedy,' and hes been need in thousands of oites with the mOst' abundant Sumac No fondly ehouldbe without it. ' • Prepared only by "- Way A. BOWIIi, At his Drug end Oheroloal More, _ N. corner of Sixth and Green eta.; Phitedolpids. To ,whom all orders mast bot Addriisid. : And for ear by Druggists gerorally. en 18.17 Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of Second street. Receives do. posits In sums of One Dollar and upwards, hi= all alsasei of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of Are per cent. per annum. Who open daily, tom 9 until 6 &cloak, and on Mon day and Saturday until 0 in the arming. President, Franklin Nell; Treaaurer and Seorstary, Merles M. Martin. & Bakers SASSI : LE SEWING MACHINES, 730 CHESTNUT STREET. These Machines are now justly admitted to be the beat in use for family sewing, making a new, strong, and elastic, stitch, which will oar rip, MD if erety fourth stitch be out. Circulate sent on application by letter. 0 0 '7 Jackson, JOB PRINTIIt, BIB= Argo on.sirrNirr. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Needs, Cir culars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at Vries& to salt the Boma. Solt Flowing Ringlets of a rich, lustrous gloss, aro one of the many unfailing reauka of . s few triale of JULES RAVEL'S Eau ATOZNIENS, or Her Restorer. Where baldness masts It will speedily produce a new growth of Hair,. Gray Mare it changes to their original life color. Sold by all- Druggists, and by JULES liAttEL & CO,, No. 70.1 all,- Street. Jy124113t wit Nenraigia.—This terrible disease, so various in ite forms, so racking in Ito palm, and so difficult of cure, irili, in the groat majority of cases, yield to the judicious use of the PERUVIAN SYRUP. So re markable has been the relief obtained from this Syrup that many physicians rely upon It as a certain and radi cal cure. For sale at RASSARD & 00.'8, Twelfth and Chestnut, and BROWN'S, Fifth and Chestnut. jyB•tjyl7 wit • Singer , . Sewing Machines.—After a tali; trial of the ascent machines that have yet been offered to the public, the unanimous verdict of operators has been given in favorer Binger'''. This is, in fact, the only machine capable of performing every kind of sewing. SINGER'S NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE is, beyond all question, the most complete article for family non yet invented, being at elm ornamental, easily operated, and imperior, in every respect, to any other machine. On thin statement we challenge the world. - I. M. SINGER & CO., Cale., No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. Saving Wand.—Wive Per Cents Interest.— NATIONAL SAYSTY TRUST COMPANY, - WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received in any sum, large or email, and intermit paid from the day of depoelt to the day of withdrawal. Money le received and payments made daily, without notice. The Investments are made in Real &state, Mortgages, Oround Rents, and such drat-class securi ties uth oharter requires. Office hours, from ti &dock in tha 40•1•41* 41..-..t00m..“ Iltron hinnd.." and Thurabir s fee -- glarriasieg. On the 6th lad., by the Rev. Dr. A. Donation, at Glade Ran, Pa., Mr. JAMES TORRANOE, of Punxsu tawney, to litre. N. J. ARELIIOSE, Principal of Glade bun Seminary. On the same day, by the same, Rev. D. W. TOWN SEND, of Westmoreland, to Min LIZZIE M. BIER, Aaeletant In the same Inatitutlon. • 'On the lath Inst., by Rev. T. B. Denham, " ABRAM F. WHITE of Delaware, to Miss JANE Y. PETERSON, of thin city. 1113eattio. On Wednesday evening, July 14th, ALICE CONE, infant daugbter of Hobert B. and Battle 0. Morrell, aged 6 months. On the 14th inst JENNBTTE P.. wife of Henry 7. Anners, and daughter of the late George W. Painter. The relatives and friends of the family are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral, this afternoon, the 18th lost., at 0 o'clock, from the residence of her hus band, No 002 Lombard street, without further notice. To proceed to Laurel Hall. On the 13th inst., Dr. JOHN 31 HANDEL, aged 27 yearn. Dia male friends are respectfully Invited to attend the fonerst,ttom the residence, of his nnele.Dr. Wil- Eamon. northeast corder of Eleventh and Filbert streets, thla(Frlday) afternoon,lBth hut., at 4 o'clock, without further notices. * On the 13th i net, MARY, wife of Patrick Deri ve. In the 43d year of her age. On the lath loot., after a long and painful !linen, lire. ANN WILLIAMS, in the 67th year of her age. Her friends and acquaintances, and also the friends of her sons, John W and Theodore W. I. Wilma, are reepeetfolly Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her eon, John W. Williams, Lemon street, 2d door above Vienna Eighteenth ward, title (Vriday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. it On the 14th lust , Mrs LYDIA ANN YEAGER, wife of Y. P. Yeager, in the 66th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her son Win. E. Yeager, No. 404 South Second street, this (Friday) morning. at nine without farther notice. Proceed to Odd Yellows' Cemetery. to On the 13th inst., MAY LAND ERDMAN, In the 34th year of his age. On the 14th hot , JANII BRIGGS, in the 61st year year of her age. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her sister, Mrs Amelia/Owen, No 749 South Tenth street. below Fitzwater, thin (friday) afternoon at 3 o'clock, without farther notice. to Oa the 14th Instant, 9179/111 DOHERTY, aged 9 menthe, The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her father, 7. ho Doherty. Market street, between Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth streets, this (Friday) afternoon. at I o'clock, without further notice. Proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. On Ski, 13th WA Oldie. EltiftlaktlET PILEON, widow of the 'ate Wm Pelson. eyed 78 years. lirr relatives and friends are ressectfnlly Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her eon-fn. law, O.:media Trials, 1203 Poplar /treat this (Frier afternoon, at 4 o'clock. On the 14th lost , Mrs MARGARET WELLDON, in the 67th year of her age Her relatives and friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral this (Fri day) afternoon, 144 o'clock, without further notice, from the realdence et her son-in -low, Thomas Law rence, Twentieth and Lombard streete On the 12th instant, GEORGE P. SITES, aged 46 Year* Ills male Mende, and the members of the Grand Loa's of Pennsylvania. of Lodge No 3, A. :Y. , and the order in general .- the Cor4anions of Chapter No. 8: the' Six Knights of encampment, No 4, are respect. folly Invited to attend his funeral, from his late resi dence, No. 234 Ogee street, below Third, this (Friday) afternoon, at 6 Suddenly, en Wednesday morning, of congestion of the brain, EDMUND HENRY, Infant eon of Mary A. and Commander Henry B. Stellwagen, United /States Navy. „ - The relatives and friends are requested to attend . 1 1te funeral, on Monday morning. at 9 o'clock, (the 19th) -without further notice. To proceed to Ronaldson's Cemetery. *** On the 14th hat., JULIA P., only daughter of Ent,- both Y. and the late Edmund Drown. Her relatives and Mends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her mother, Fifteen street, below Coates, on Saturday, 17th lost , at 1 o'clock. ** On the 14th toot., BENJAMIN K. WILhiER, son of Thomas Wilmer. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from his late reed deuce. EV 6 Coates street. no Saturday, 17th Inetant, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. ir - • At a Mooting of 'the PENNSYLVANIA AS SOCIATION OP SURGEON DENTISTS, convened Tuesday evening, July 13, 1868, upon the occasion of the death of Dr. T. W. WALKER , the following pre amble and resolutions were adopted Whereas, by Divine dispensation we are called upon to mourn the loss of one who, although young, had already won for htmeelf a high professional reputation, and mach esteem for him social and moral worth; therefore be it Rewired, Thaw() tender to the bereaved family our deepest sympathy for the irreparable loss which they hero Runts Ned. . . . . Resolved, That wo, as en Association, attend the funeral of our departed friend Resolved, That a copy or these proceedings be sent to the family, and that the same be published. FOSTIM FLAW, I. 11. MCCIOILLEM, j Committee. War. CaLvenr, P.L.III3O4I.INUIIAM, Chairman. Lie. E. (I.IRBETHON, Secretary. Jylo-It* - orPost Offlet, Pittlitil.lphla, July 14th, 1858.—A Foreign Mail will be made up at this Office on FRIDAY, 16th instant, closing at 8 o'clock P M., to be despatched for Liverpool on SATURDAY, 17th instant, by steamship CITY OF WASIIINOTON. jylffilt OIIIoON O. WkISTCOTT, Postmaster. Notice —West Philadelphia Passenger RAILWAY COMPANY, July 15, lea. the cars of this Company now run every five min utes from EIGHTH en 7 MARKET Streets to their Depot, on LOGAN and 11AVRONORD Streets. jylo.lnt W. S. MANN, Superintendent. lirOffice of the Howard Fire and Marine INSURANCE COMPANY. PulLADat.lAt A, July 18,1868. At u meeting of the Domd of Directors, held this day, 301iti H. DIEM., Esq., was elected President of the Cowpony, in place of C 14, Spangler, Esq., resigned. fyl6-6t CHAS. A. DUI', Secretary. irxNotice —The Public Schools of the First School District of Pennsylvania will OLOSH for the _Summer VaCation on FRIDAY, July 16th, at 4 o'clock P. 51 , and be re-opened on Monday, August 30th, 1818, at 9 o'clock A M. By order Of tho Board t 4 Controllers of Public Schools. 4/9,4t , NA4ItT J. 3141041i 1 1 1 dgcrotar,r. Crre New Orleans Gag Light Company. YADMEtte , AND muon" Amo s, DANK PIIILADSLPHIA, July 2,158. Notice le hereby given to the Stockholders of the New Orleans Nas Light Company, that the Agency for the Transfer of the Stock and the payment of the IDiri donde of that Company will be closed from and after the Brat day of October next; and they are requested to surrender the Certificates issued by this' Hank and re ceive Warrants of Transfer to the Company In Now Or leans. W. RUSHTON, Ja., il3-41wdr.mthtool Caahler. EITPHILADELPHIA oennkf PA SSE NG ER a CITY RAIL. W Y COMPANY, Corner of GEBMANTOWN ROAD and CHATHAM Street. -PHILIDBLIMIA, July Ist 1868. The Board of Directors have declared a Dividend of FIVE PER GENT. on the Capital Stock of the Com , P ll 7, payable to the Stockholders or their legal repro , senuitives after the 10th instant, at this Ofnee. The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from and after this day until the 115th Inst. Stockholders are requested to leave their Certificates at this Office to be exchanged for others with the new 'title of the Company. irlfrowl6t • E. HART, Treasurer. Notloa.—The Second Instalment of Dollars per Share on the Stock of the SE. ro AND THISD.STRSET PASSENGER RAIL. WAY COMPANY of Philadelphia will be due and payable at the Omen of the Company, No, 210 WAL NUT Street, on or before September 15t,11368. By order of the Board. DENDY 811ARWOOD, Secretary. jy94tutauLlornwfteepl Notice.—Grten and Coatos-street Phi. LADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM- Y.—The Stockholdera Intl& Company are notified that a Meeting of the Stockholders will be hold on THURSDAY ItIORNING, July 22d, at 10 o'clock, at the Oommissionors , Hall, North TIIIRD Street, below Croon, for tho , purpose of holding an Election for Pre sident and Twelvo Directors of said Company, to serve till the second Monday In January, A. D. 1859. The polls will open at 10 o'clock A. M., and close at 2 o'clock P. AI. By order of the Commissioners. JyB-2w WILLIAM READ, Secretary. Wants WANTED —A young unmarried man, hay ing $3OO in cash, la desirous of purchasing nn in. toed In some well-established and We badness, which, with Ids personal attention, will yield a competency. Address SAMUEL , at this omen. jylG-tt* A GOOD PLAIN DOOK,can find a per ..c34. mamnt situation at 422 South FRONT. Bisset, dboie Louibard. Muni coma well recommended. jylitlt* ARESTEOTABLE GIRL wants a situa non, to do general house-work In a mill fatally. Apply, from 10 to 12, at her present place, No. 634 BPaucu Street. - 3,5,16-2t* WANTED TO RENT—Ono of Siuger's T BEWING ZIAOIIINEB, by the week. A liberel price wilt be given. Address A. C., CemdenPost-office, New Jersey. jyl47.at* 'WANTED, A PARTNER.—An active • • young roan, having a caoh capital of $5OO, will find an excellentopportanity of engaging in a pleasant and profitable busmess by addressing PZEKIEL HAL. LOWELL, Pottstown Postuffico, Montgomery county, jyta-ate fit WANTED TO PUROHASE—A cor ner-stors Property, suitable for a Grocery and Pr.viefon business, with stabling attached. South of Arch street preferred. Address- GROCER, Press oleo. JYIS oil WANTED TO PURCHASE—A mo- Wa. derate.sised ROUSE, with modern conveniences, centrally located. Frio not to exceed $6,000. Ad dress PROPERTY, through Blood's Despatch. 1y15.3t* WANTED—A PARTNER, in a well antabnatied Dry-Goods Jobbing Rouse, doing a good Cash near trade. Idust have a Capital of $lO,OOO. For particulars, address' " Dry Goods," at the Office of plc Press. jylo-ot* WANTED—A Gentleman of thorough Mercantile ability, to join the advertiser in a , Morcantile Speculation, requirmg a cash Capital of $20,000, that will yield a handsome return within a short period. For further particulars, address Box 921, Post Office. jyl6-4t* fiVANTED TO EXCHANGE for City • V Property, a Tract of LAND in New Jersey, 20 miles from Camden. Address Clymer, Office of this paper. jyls-3t* A • RESPECTABLE GIRL wants a situa. tion for general Ifoutework. Ilea no objection to thd country., Apply at 484 FUTII Street, Above Noble. jyls-2t* WANTED—A FEMALE PRINCIPAL, fpr the Reading Public Female nigh School—do nee to commence on the 10th August next. Eatery, $460 for 10 months . Applicants will be required to have a thorough knowledge of the English branches, Algebra, and Geometry. In making a selection for thin Bitola. time reference will be had to the ego of the applicant, and !her experience as a teacher. Communications should contain full particulars, and may be addreseed, for two weeks, to A. G. GREEN, Reading, Pa: IVVANTED--AN EXPERIENCED BOOK NE F.PBR, with good business qualigcations, to take charge of Books of an extensive IRON FOUNDRY. Unexceptionable References required. Address FOUR UR; at this office. jyl4 at* WANTED—BY AN ORPHAN BOY, AN opportunity of learning a MECHANICAL TRADE .le willing to be Indentured and r eside with hie Employer. Addreee. "ORPELAN,".through Dispatch. 1144-3t* WANTED, FOE THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, ;Itimarried man, to .whom will be given good pay, board, olothing, and medical attendants. Pay from 512 to 122 per month. No men having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOCNTBD EIRRVIOR at No 817 MAURY Street, above aliththi _ lit Lieut. 2d Regt. of Cavalry, itp - 1741 Recruiting Officer. Boarbitqf BOARDING.—Married or single Gentle ;ten ran be suited with large or Bogle Rooms. GenthMen accommodated with meals, at No. 828 ARCH Street. jyl6-]tie A 'FEW BOARDERS can be accommoda- LX 'led in a private family, with use of bath. No. 1813 LOMBARD Street. JAB-at* WANTED—A good airy 01:UMBER, •• 1r furnished or unfurnished. Also, breakfast and tea. Location ,between Walnut and Arch, west of Eights street. Address PATTERSON, through Despatch, jyll3-101, BOARDING WANTED, by a professional gentleman, in a quiet private family, where the comfolts of a horno will bo insured. Address A. L , at this office. BVARDING.—A gentleman from the South desires to secure good accommodationshfs family lo a private house, centrally located. tress GEORGIA, aloe of The Pfeli. jy t* personal. GEORGE.—Dr. P. will call on you to-mor tow, RACE Street, at 7 p. x. Itit 111314L1P MALONEY.—Your alstor has or rived from New York, and would like you to can and tea her, at hor boarding-house, No. 727 South FRONT Street. jylo.2tie WANTED—lnformation of JOHN P. DENNISON, who landed lu the ship Wyoming, from Liverpool. Inquire of DENNY MOORE, 664 WATER Street. •-- INFORMATION la wanted of ALEXIS JOIIIISON, who landed in April last, at New York, from Port of Spain, Trinidad. Any information of hie whereabouts can bo forwarded to his brother, LEMUEL JOUNBON, Mauayunk, Pa. ivlt.at* ffillE HEIRS of those who were on board - 11 - the frigate Philadelphia," burned In the harbor of Tripoli, will hear of something to the! r advantage by addressing EDWARD AbIITON, Washington, D. jyls-3t* SODA WATER FOR THE MILLION ! PRICE REDUCED , r}rEtEE, CIL.NTS A. ar,Ass! The public are reepectfully informed that thole who may require a 000 L, SPARKLING BEVERAGE, wlll Ilnd It to their adyantage to call at OSGOOD'S VARIETY STORE, No. SAS CHESTNUT Street, cor. HUDSON'S ALLEY And obtain a glasi of his delieleida SODA WATEit,• - Flavored with Choice Syrups, at the law prieo of • THREE CENTS . A GLASS ! JAM w•ct EALRLE's FREE GALLERY PAINTINGS, LOOKING-GLASSES, PORTRAIT, and PICTURE FRAMES In every variety JAMES S. EARLE tt EON, 810 011E8TNUT Street, Opposite the Girard House SHOVELS AND SPADES.- 2,000 DOZEN ASSORTED, 'now, STRICL, and OAST-STEEL For sale by the Manufacturer, W. W. RICHARDS, No. 226 RACE Street, ,tvl6.lrua above Second. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AGENCY, CHIC.AuO, The cabscrlber, having had much practical experi ence in selecting and locating lands iu the various Land District, In the Western States, has unusual facilities for making valuable selections for LAND WAItRANTB OR OABI.I. Having Fairu.yors constant', in the field to make personal examinations, ho can always make the most Judicious locations. Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil aml salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now he bad in lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references given when required. Mane,' invested in 'Cantu and Nebraska, and any of the Western States, S. BAUBBURY, 40 CLARKE Street, Chicago. SOFT °RUDE TURPENTINE.—Just ro colved a aniall lot of Soft Orude Turpentine, of good quality, and for cola by WEAV ER, HITLER k CO., • ,lylb No. MN. WATER St., and 22 N. WRARYEs MONONGAUELA WHISKEY.-15 hble. I.YI old Mottongethis A Whiskey, in store and for sale by WILLIAM YBIAT O - Retail W. aptro B°"' WEAR .— SUMMER STOCK CLo KNO OUT °REAP! • . - - . Stained Linen Drills, 10 cents. Striped Coatings, 10 cents. - White Union canvas, 10 cents. - With a largo stock of other desirable goods, OIIRWEN STODDART Sr. BROTHER, 450, 462, and 454 North SECOND Street, fyls above Willow FIGURED SWISS MULLS, of desirable styles. OURWRN STODDART & in - on:LER, 460, 452 ) and 464 North BROOM) Street, i9/ 6 above Willow. INDIA TWILLS, 124 cents, desirable for Skirts and children's wear. • ' OURWEN STODDART & BROTILER, 460, 462, and 464 North SECOND Street, ' brl6 above Willow. QHEETING AND SHIRTING MIIdLINS, 10 1 of ell widths of the moat approved brands, at the lowest market price. COWEN STODDANT & pßonivi, 450, 452, and 464 North SECOND Street, 39 15 above Willow. TABLE LINENS AND OLOTIIS.-7-4 11 Elnow-drop Union Diaper, 30 cents, together with a large etook of superior makee, whfolt we are sell— ing thesp. °LUMEN STODDART & DROTEER, 460, 452, and 464 North SECOND Street,' Jyls above Willow. CHANTILLY. AND BLACK LACE V Mantillas, Shawls, and Pointe. OURWES STODDART & BROTHER, 460, 452, and 954 North SECOND Street, Iyls above Willow. WORKED TRIMMINGS, FLOUN- Ivy CING, and /SANAS, at reduced prices, from auction. CURWEN BTODDART & BROTHER, 460, 462 ) mid 454 North SECOND - Street, 3y15 above Willow MARSEILLES, for Basques, Bosoms, and Collars, • CURWEN STODDART & MOT lira, 450, 452, and 484 North SECOND Street, jyl6 . above Willow. A LLENDALE QUILTS, MARSEILLES Counterpanes and Blankets. Hotel-keepers sup plied at low prices. COSNER STODDART & DROTRER, 460, 45; 2 and 454 North SECOND Street, jyls-4 ' above Willow. SHAWLS.—White . SHETLAND and co lored real Shetland, of medium and extra sine. Also, a small lot of cheap zephyr colored Shawls. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, jyl44 OILESTRIIT and EIGHTH. MEN'S TRAVELLING SHAWLS.—Just received, dark gray, with borders, of menht me dium quality blauda SHARPLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH riiHIN UNDER SHIRTINGS.—Very thin Gauze Flannels, Angola Flannels, silk warp Flannels, domestic Flannels, white , Canton Pongees, white Comas. Also, Gauze Merino, and Gauze Cot :on Under Shirts. SHARPLEBS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. - VIIPIN'HWIDE WHITE AND BLAHS DAREGE, for Shawls, Tolman, &0., wholesale and retail. Storekeepers supplied for nett cash. CHARLES ADAMS, 3y14 Emma and AllOll Streets, • • /TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS: Travelling Duaters to match. Silk Dusters and Mantillas, French Lace Mantles, from auction. White Mirage Dusters. Shawl Baines, black and white. Thin Black Goods, reduced. ' WRITE GOODS. Cambric, Jaconet, and Mull, 12x ate. np. Figured Swim, plain Swiss and Victoria. Prom auction, cheap lota aid Cambria. • EMBROIDERIES. Just opened from auction, several lots Linen Sots, fancy Breakfast Sets, neat Collars, and fancy Linen Col lars at about lIALP PRICI6. Mohair Mitts—errand good and cheap lots. LINEN GOODS. Fronting and Shirting Line W ns, by the piece or yard. BOYS , EAR. Seersuckers, Blay Linens, Linen Coatings, Pantaloon Stuffs, &e. Also, light Cassimeres. MARSE.:ILLES VEBTING2. COOPER & (JONAH% R. E. corner NINTH and MARKET GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF ELEGANT MANTILLAS. CLOSING BALES OF THE BEASON. REAL GUIPURE MANTILLAS. FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS. PUSHER LACE MANTILLAS. FRENCII LACE CIRCULARS. BLACK BAREGE CIRCULARS. WRITE BAREGE CIRCULARS TRAVELLING DUSTERS, In profuse variety. J. W. PROCTOR ik CO., je2.9 No. 708 CHESTNUT street. 11HE CHEAPEST EMBROIDERED CRAPE SUAWLS ever offered in tble City axe now being Bold by THORNLEY & OHISM N. E. cor. EIORTI! and SPRING GARDEN. We purchased, a few days ago, at a most tremendous sacrifice for . . CASE, a lot of very rieb Embroidered Crapo Shawls, same quality sod style as we have sold for TWENTY DOLLARS! which we are now 'wiling at the extremely low price of TWELVE DOLLARS!! Ladles, you may never have each another opportunity of buying a . MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS ' . Special bargains in Lace, Silk; Moir Antique Man tillas, Ac. Travelling Dress Materials in great variety. Thin Bummer-Dress Goode. Organdies, Bareges, Grenadines, Ac., &o BLACK aiLKe , FANCY SILKS, &o. Our name is justly celebrated for Cheap Silks. Materials for Men and Boys! Wear. Linen Goode, of our own importation. Summer Haute and other Flannels, Ac., &a. Mitts, Veils, Embroideries, Hosiery, Moves, Ac,, at THORNLEY A °HIRAI'S ' , ONE-PRICE CASH STORE? N. E. Ow, EIGHTH & SPRIND DARDEN Streets. jol9-tf RIORARDSON'S IRISit -14ITE/Ti3j - D.A.IVIA.KtS, DIAPERS, bco. CONSUMERS of RICHARDSON'S LINENS, and those desirous of obtaluing the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the articles they purchase ere sealed with the toll name of the arm, RIOHARDSON, SONS, St. OWDEN, de a guarantee of the sounduese and durability of the floods. This,cantlon Is rendered essentially necessary as large quantities of inferior and defective Linens are prepared, season sitar season, and sealed with the name of RIOIIABDBON by Irish houses, who, regardless of the injury thus Inflicted alike on the American consenter and the manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon • business go profitable, while pur chasers can be imposed on with Goods of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, my2B-6m Agents, 38 011tiltan Street, New York. A OAR,D. - JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dealer In DOISIBSTIO AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, No. 446 N. SBOOND Street, soove WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA Large Story White Building. TERMIt—ONE PRIOR POE °ABU. UT Prides marked in plain Opine on euth &tlele ap2P4im enuing Illactincs Ii_TARRIS'a BOUDOIR SEWING MA KI- OVINE is offered to the public se the most retie ble low-priced Sewing Machine in use. It will Bow from els to sixty stitches to an inch, on all kinds of goods, from coarsest bagging to the finest cambrics. It is, without exception, the simplest in its mechanical con struction ever made, and can be run and kept in order by a child of twelve years of age. The DURABILITY of this machine, and the QUALITY Of ITS WORK, are War ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred 'ditches per min ute The thread used is taken directly from the spools, WITHOUT TER TROUBLE Of REWINDING. In fact, it le machine that is wanted by every family In the land, and the low price of . , FORTY DOLLARS, at which they sold, brings them within the reach o Earnest every one B. D. DARER, Agent, jel6olom wky eowOrn 20 South EIRRTRBtreet. 'for Sale ater go ;het. v„, A RARE CHANCE.-TO GROCERS AND D'FIIERS.—FGB. SALE, a bargain the Stock, Good-will, and Fixtures of an old-establithed Grocery and Prost'Von store. For particulars. apply to TUOMAB TGOBIPSON, No. 227 801/211 Street, above Second, corner of Barron. jy16.3t4 61 FOR SALE—TiIe Good-will and Fix- Lep,_ tures of a small Grocery store; good locatlou Rent low. Call at 1102 LOCUBT Street, west of Elo venal, Jyll3.lt* FOR SALE—Good-will and Fixtures of a Confectionery and Variety store. Apply 1642 RACE Street. iyl6-31* rOR SALE—A valuable LOT, in the vici pity of the Baltimore Depot, in an improvin neighborhood. For particulars , address J. It., Dux 92 Pont-offiee. i 919 e • FOR SALE—The Good-will and Fix 4sl tures of a Provision store, southeast corner o SIXTH and W....SEIM/TON Streets. Jyl6-2t* MkFOR SALE.--$250 for thd' Good-will, Stock, and Fixtures of ono of the best located Ci gar Soros inntladelphia. Address CIGAR, Dlood , a Despatch. jyl6-3t* TO DRUGGISTS.—A well-establishedNV Drug Store, In a goal situation, will be sold cheap for cash. The present proprietor Is going West. Address DItUQ STORE, Blood's Despatch. jyl6-St* tga WANTED TO RENT—A email faiboiousE, located within one mile or the State Home, Rent not to exceed g. 350. Addreso Franklin, at WI Oillee. jyl6-3t* TO LET ON' GROUND RENT.—Severn eligible LOTS, ou Thirteenth street, above Co lumina avenue, IS by 116 toot; two fronts. ALso, a Ilse LOT nu Columbia avenue. Apply to U. C. TEIDISIPSON ec G. M. CONARROR, islroOt No. MICR Street. Fon acres of excellent FARM LAND, situated In Gloucester county, Now Jersey, 19 miles from Camden. The lend In well the bored with oak sapling. For particulars, apply at this office. jyls-Ct T°LET.-THE UPPER ROOMS OF storee No. 827 and No. 333 MARKET Street, below Fourth. Apply on the premiere, to M. L. HALLOWELL & CO, or jel4-tf GUILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. TAIV & BEERS' LUBRICATING CREAM, the best and cheapest compound lon g.soaslog the axles of OMNIBUSES, CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and WAOONS, and lIIIAVY hIACIIINERY. For sale In tlu cans, kegs, and barrels, by all tho pitcraalt3TB In the cit,T and the MANUFACTURERS, 4/ 2 r614 No. 74/Nint Btroot, 3n,s!ircir,lce gram'innjeo? TINTSURANOE COMP,ANY'OF.TrIt ji. STATE QV PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA. RIND INBURANCE=No:4 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS: Chartered in 170.3—. Capital s2oo,ooo—Assets, ,Jana nr.f 1,1868, $5M,446•60-100, All invested In sound and available securitleis--oontl one to Innis on veasels and Cargoes, Bulldlngs, Stooks of Merchandise, Ike" on liberal terms. „ . 7 S: Henry D. Etherrerd,DlßECTO Geortte H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, - Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalester,, TolgaeMagner, ~W illiam o.'Smlth, ': '' • Thbruas B. Mattson, ' John B. Budd, .- , • 'Henry G. Freeman, William R White. Charles S. Lewis, . ' - ' George 0: Oman: • -"HENRY D. SHERRERD,Tresident. . Wallas HAIM, Seerebuj. .. ~ je9TerfrmAt MERIOAN 'FIRE' INSI7RANOE iNcolooliArßD 1810—OHARTER PBR RITUAL. . . No. 810 WALNUT Street, above - Third, Philadelphia Baring a large paid-up Capital -Steak and Supine Invented in nomad and available Beonnyea, continue: lumen on Dwellinge,'Stores, Furniture, Merchandise. Peeaele in Port and their Cargoes . , and other Perm:oral - Property. All Lames liberally and promptly Winded. DIAZOIrOIIB. - i GeorgaAbbott, John T. Lewis, John Welch, Caspar W. Morell i Samuel O. Morton, Jamey B. Oampbell, • Patrick Brady, Edmund EL' Dntilh.. ' 13harlee W. Poultney. GEOBGB ABBOTT, Preeldent. THOMAS B. MABIB, Secretary. jakEty it 53aeinso innbo. ►ii HE SPRING GARDEN SAVING (OEURTERID $Y SHE LIIOIBLATOaIi OF PENXEITLY.I.III.I.) PERPETUAL OHARTER. FIVE PEE CENT. Interest allowed to Depositors, and all numpaid back on Demand. 0.9510 N, 881 NORTII THIRD EITIERT, tODNBOVIDI7/ON DANK Bruz.vms.) Thie Ineritntion is now open, for the transaction of business ; and le the only Chartered Saying POO located in the northern part of the atty. -_ - The Ohm will be open (daily) from 9 to 2,4 0044, and also on MONDAYS and THURBDAYSi from 9 until 9 o'clock in the Evening, - "MANAHNRS. _ _ 'habil* Klett, ----- iiiines 8. Pringle, Stephen Smith, Jacob Dock, John P Levy, Joseph IS Cowell, Hon. Henry G. Strong, George Woelepper, Daai tinserkoiler, J. Weeley Bray, Eon. Wm. Mfpward, '._ - Robert B. Darldeon, Frederick litielie,' ' F. 0. Illmater, PrinsOSl at o ' John - P. Veneto, : oieph P. lora,. George Knecht, , John Kessler, Jr., John Horn. President, JAMES 8. PRINOLR. georetary, GEORGE T. THORN. spZt.ittf FUND:-UNITED STATES TRIM COMPANY, Garner of MAD and Cain- NUT Streets. Large and mall soma received and CENT o de mend without notice, with FIVE PER 1N4,111 , UT Prom the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. °Moe bona, m from 9 until 6 cOolookerery day, andon MONDAYY EVININGS fro 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on " Drerland, Ireland, and &Wand, from £1 Upwards, president—STEPP= B. 01410111ORD, Treasurer—PLlNY Taller—JAMES R. HUNTER IAVING FUND-FIVE . PER CENT. TEHEST-NATIONAL Man' TRUST 0031- PANY.-WALNUT EMMET, EIOUTH-WEBTOOMBR OP THIRD, PHILADELPH IA. 111001MOIATZD BY ffiD EITATS OP Piraorivatsta. Money la resolved in any awn large or small, and in tared paid from the day of &plait to the day of with dfawal. The *Nee is open every day from 9 o'alook in tar morning till 6 Wax& fgtpa evening, - and on Monde; end Panistey evenings NU 8 o'clock. HON. HRNICY L. BENNNR,' President, • NOBIRT EllialaDCM ) Via Prosidn4 Wu. 7. Bun, Secretary. DIIISTIOI3 . . Hon. Henry L. Benner, N. Carroll Brewster, Edward 1. carter, Joseph B. Ban Robert Selfridge, Brands L.., - Rand. R. Ashton, Joseph Terkel, 0. Landreth Mums, Henry Diffenderffer, Honey is received and payments male daily. The investments are made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE HORT - GAGREI, GROUND RENTS, and arch drat class secnri• ties as will always insure perfect security to the deposi tors, and which cannot fall to give permanency and its bifitr to this Institution. anlay NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET. - FIVE PIR OPNT. EVEATZ SAVINGS PIIND. N°.88 (241) DOCK STREET. - FIVE PIS WANT. }WIWI SAVINGS FUND. VBB (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE AR OINT. EITATZ RAVINGS PIIND. pUO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE PAR OYNT. BIM'S SWINGS FUND. rDissolutwits attb Copartnerships THE. SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY entered into a limited partnership, agreea bly to the provisions of the Act of ASsembly of the Oomntenwealth of Pennsylvania, approved March 21, 1836, entitled " An Act relative to Limited Partner ships" and the supplement thereto; and we do hereby certify: 1. That the name of the arm, under which such part nership is tq be conducted, is J. F. & E. B. ORNE. 2. The general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the purchase and sale of Oarpetlag In the city of Philadelphia. 2. The Same 'of the general partners are JORN P. ORNE, residing at the northwest corner of Arch and Twenty first street, in the city of Philadelphia., and EDWARD B. ORNB, residing on the north side of Arch street, *bore Twenty-first street, in the said city. 4: The name of the special partner is BENJAMIN ORNE. residing 5t266 North Ninth street, in the city of Philadelphia, who, as such special partner, has con tributed to the_cquimenstqck of-the said firm the sum - mr - miormanl in nub. b. 7he said partnership commences July 14, A. D. 11358; and will terminate on the 24th day of July, A. D. 1861. - BEN4 - AITLIN - UltrtZ, JOHN P ORNE, EDWARD B. ORNE. PRILADIELPHIA, icily 14, 1868. - jylAnwal tamp. PETER,?. , O PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE BILf-GSMMBATING GAS LAMP Is the only Patent Burner that has a NON-CONDUCTOR ATTAOUBD. Tor Safety, Cheer nese, end Brllllerwy, it entrant all others. STATE: AND UM= RIGHTS FOR BALL 'grab. D. P. FETUS, delphla • and 42'6 aad OHESTNIIT Bta. Mills LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK to your interests, and patronise USSIIER'S LAMP PAOTORY,IO9 South SIGILTH street, below Chestnut Previous to hla opening arespomdble factory, you were charged $lB for work which he le now doing in a war ranted manner from $8 to $lO. Support him, or you will have the same chary %it to pay. Jald.y New ipublirations MEW MAGAZINE. I.i BRYANT & STRATTON'S w AMERICAN mm 011 ANT" Is now ready, and may be bad at all NEWS DEPOTS. Thoir Agent, Capt. ]. H. Bell, la canvassing this city for yearly subaarlbera. Pries $2 per annum. Address BRYANT & STRATTON; Mercantile College, S. B. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Phi ladelphia. MIB-1y ACCOUNT BOOKS, MADE OF THE but aka, for city sales. Call and look over the stock at ' PERRY'S Blank Book Manufactory, FOURTH and RACE. PERRY's BLANK BOOK MANITFAC TORY.—Remomber FOURTH glad RACE In buying Account Looks. I make all my stook of good material, and Bell at fair prices. - je4-2m L7OO 000 ENVELOPES, EVERY • o. PERRYT l Pat e ArA=lat t rnent ja4.2ta FOURTH and RA dE. BLANK BOOKS, MADE IN ANY DE SIRED style of ruling and binding. A good na sortment of Papers for customers tousled from, at PERRY'S Blank Book Manufactory FOURTH and RAO.E. lIAMILY PORTRAIT BIBLES, HAND 111' BOATELY bound. Old Blblee rebound, to look and weer good ea pew. 0411 and look at the styles, at PERRY'S Bookbindery, BOUB.TH and SACS. FOWLER, WELL p CO.,S, & 922 01.1ETNIIT Street, kee stndard woks on Phren S logy, Physiology, Wate a r Oure, and Pho nography, wholesale and retail. Phreuologi - cal Examination, with charts, and full writ ten descriptions of character,given day and even ing. Cabinet free to visitors. Orders by mail to be addressed, to Yowler, Wells, de Co., 0 , 4 Chestnut street. Jeo-3moif-wky t sep 30 CHESTNUT AND WALNUT•STREET RAILWAY EVIRY REASON IS IN FAVOR OF IT TIIR MABBRa ARE IN FAVOR OF IT A MAJORITY OF PROPERTY-OWNERS ON THE ROUTE ARE IN FAVOR OP IT NO QUESTION 808 TIM COUNCILS REMAINS A PAIIIPLILST of 100 pages, containing all tho FAOTS, may bo bad gratis at W. B. ZVEBBit.,B, TUIRD Street, below Oheatrat jA.OKSON, JOB PRINTER, RSA Removed to FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS IiVINCFB FARINA CRACKERS.—The remarkable excellence and great popularity of these Crackers have attracted the attention of those manufarbirlog other description of Cracktve, and many of these persons buy WING'S CRACKERS, in order to s upply their cuatoruera with Farina Crackers. One or two individual', however, have been offering the ordinary kind, which they make under the name of Farina Crackers, and have succeeded in selling them to a small extent. The selling of such Crackers for Farina has a ten dency to injure the reputation of TRIJE FARINA CRACKERS, made by Mr. WING. Errors of this character, however, are usually cor rected on being properly exposed. No other person has ever succeeded in working the material for farina Crackers, or producing any article which contains such highly nutritious and healthful properties as WING'S. WING'S CRACKERS have a delightful taste, act kindly upon the stomach, and aro digested w ith remark able MO. For dyspeptics or the aged, as well as seden tary and delicate persons generally, they are most ac ceptable, and peculiarly pleasant for children. Ask for WING'S CRACKERS, and take none but those damped with the name of "A. WING." These may be procured of the best family Grocer* generally, and at wholesale only of A .N. Thompson & Co., Noe. 221 and 223 Fulton street, New York, or DIRGE+ & BROTHER, Wholesale Agents, No. 145 South FRONT Street, Philad'a. jr2-fr m wed-if tf imagal THE CAPE MAY EXPRESS telly. the Philadelphia Local Express Office, 28 South FIFTH Street, daily, at o'clock d. Dt , foe the dolivery of Pomola, Trunk , , &c., six hours in advance of the U. S. Hail. LeltS eA the Island at 7 O'cleek P. Ist, and delivers the same day. MARK 04.NRING h CO., jy13430C froßrietors, 7 VONOERt MALL, OOMACENCiNO MON DAY -12h.—Meni° Bmtb9rs Poll and Trowbridge Minstrels; from the School Street Opera House, Boatow—conalstiog of thMeen Star per former's. For further particulars 1180 posters and pro grammes or the day. •- - , .. , Iylo-tit • ; ..LON Ihialneas Manager. HEATLE Y'S. ARCH-ST. THEATRE. ICICTRAORDINABY COMBINATION, BBOOND MIER, - • Commonolwz MB (Monday) ZVSNINO L JuIy 12th, 1866, Triumphant sucrose andgreat hit of - - • OBDITAYB BOSTON ...COLLINS, ' - Consisting of TEN Star Perforinera, whose “Mtutical Poirees, ,, for the,past four,nights have been visited by over 4 000 bf the elite of Phik.lllP4ia, ID' This, flattering and muoiticentpatronsge bee in duced the management to /Moore the services of those New York titer comedians, the brothers JERRY BRYANT and DAN BRYANT, From Bryaut's Minstrel gall : 4 7 2 .BrosdwAy, N. Y., who will gives. nightly, in conjunction with those In- Imitable twin mans of Mown., ' HORN and - PRANK BROWBB, The Whole forming the greatest combination of Ethi opian talent ever concentrated in Philadelphia. Tickets 26 'mate.. - - - For full particulars'ef, the great &dens, queer say ings, new acts, ,dances,,ito., sae programmes. Doom open at 7X. TO commence a t !LW. , . - , gttutme; extursAhm. 53f , sei r eit FOE CAPE MAY.—EXPRESS 41N&=-The swift and fa4orite Steamer "BALLOON," Capt..W'. Weritnnf, hueres Arch;street C Wharf for ape May every Tuesday, Thunalay, and Saturday Morning .at 9% o'clock. - Returning, laves t he Cape on the I ntermediate days at 8 o'clock A. M. Fare $l, carriage hire included; Servants x 1.60 Beason Tickets 88, carriage hire extra. • jyft.2m* , - FOR THE -IPMELLEGHE -,. Nn{B.—NIOSI O WIER ttiO TO TALE Via MOTINTLIE OT 3. TTHEPERBO3IB PENNSYT, VANIA RAILROAD COMPANY will haus racouir, SION TICKETS during the Summer to'ALTOOrial and the MOUNTAIN HOUSE,- (Cresson's Station,) good for six dam Fare to Altoona and return - • IT 16 Wars to Mountain Mout." and return' ••' - 7 8 JuIYS, DEL ,. THOS. BIOORE, jya-12t Agent Peiansylrards Railroad Company. - PHILADELPH AND ELMIRA RAILROAD EirE.—GREAT REDUCTION. FAKE TO NrAGesii - lALLs ONLY $B.OO. Trani leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD' arid VlNR;:atreets delta , exceoted,Yss, follows : - ' :30 A. Id., day express. 3:30 P. 11., night express. Tickets can be procured at the Depot, and also at the General Office the line, Northweatcorner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Btreet/1. CHARLES 8. TAPPER, 1e29-I,n General Agent. I ,* , . NORTH, PENNSYL -. VANIA RAILROAD FOR DELAWARE W AfER-G AP, MAUOH CHUNK. HAZLETON, A.ND THE LEHIGH COAL REGION.-- Visitors to the above popular places of Smarm Rascal will dud the Route offered- by the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, in connection with the Lehigh Val ley and New Jersey Central Railroads, to be novel and agreeable, passing through some of the richest and moat highly cultivated counties in the State, and sec ceased of comfortable accommodations, both on the road at the various towns through which it passes. POE THE WATER GAP.—Take 2.25 P. M. Express Train from Front and Willow streets, pees the night at Bethlehem, and take cars next morning at 9 &deck. through E aston to New Hampton, where a close con nection is made with the Dolaware. Lackawanna, and. Western Railroad, and arrive at the Gap about noon. FOR MAUCH CHUNK AND THE GOAL REGION. —Take 9 A. M. and 2.26 P. M. Express Trans from same Depot to Bethlehem, where a close connection la made with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, through from Philadelphia to Manch Chunk in 5 hours. A NEW AND PLEASANT ROUTE TO NEW YORK ClTY.—Take 9 A. M. Express Train to Bethle hem thence at 2.29 P. M. via L. T.K. R. and N. J. O. R. it. through Easton to Elisabethport, thence by Steamer, and arrive in New York at quarter past 7 P.M. Parties travelling North_ that have a few hours to spare, will find thin a new and agreeable route. For further particulars, inquire of ELLIS CLARK, Agent N. P. R. R., Front and Willow Amens. POILIDALPHLA., June la; 1868. Jel9-21n iwi lSk . FOR CAPE MAY AND NEW YORK. DAILY, at fiX o'clock A M. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. STEAM NA • VIGATION COMPANY. The splendid ocean steamers DELAWARE, Captain Copes; BOSTON, Captain Sallow; and KENNEBEC, Captain Rand, form a daily line between Ibis city, Cape May, and New York, leaving from first pier below Spruce street (Sundays excepted) at 9X o'clock A. M. Return ing, leave New York from pier 14 North River (Sunday/ excepted) at b P. M. Returning, leave Cape May (Mondays excepted) at A. M. Fare to Cape May (carriage hire included) If " for servants ir . 4 Season tickets (carriage hire ex ' • tra) 800 " Now York, cabin - 2 00 itII Nteerage 1 60 Freight takenat low rates. For panne, state rooms, tee., apply on board, or at the (Mee, 314 and 816 SOUTH DELAWARE AVE NUE, JAMES ALLDERDICE, Jelf.-Sm • Agent. M - FOR THE SEA SHORE. ar CAMDEN AND ATLANTIO RAILROAD. ONLY TWO AND HALF, HOURS'C O THE SEA SHORE. On and nftor 3.lnniay, June 7th, and until „further no tice, (Sundays exceptedo three train" daily to Atlantis City and return. - First Passenger Trrdn leaves Vine st-wharl 7.30 L. M. &Maud " " " 4.00 P. M. Freight T rain with Passenger Car attached, 4.35 A.M. Actommodatioik.,rain to Weymouth 5 35 P. M. LE 9 'ATLANTIC CITY. First Pamengeti rainleaves , - 0.00 A. 51", Becced • " it 4( 4.40 P. M. Freight Train with Passenger car attached,ll.3o Aceothmoditlon Train leaves flemoilth, 5.2 d A. M. lI_ADDONTLELD TRAIN Leaves Cooper's Point, • 11 A. M. and 2P. M. Haddonfield, - IP. M. and 3P. M. - Pare to Attant.le, when tickets are purchased before entering the cars, ;LSO— Potions wistung to go down to the Sea Macre and return the same day; can spend SIX nouns ON. TIIB SRAM. - 1 1 4:Arte for the round trlp, '2.60 - Tickets to go down in the eJtemoon - and return next morning, or down on Saturday afternoon and return on Monday morning, V. 50. - EXTRA NOTICE. - The Accommodation Train to Weymouth will run hrough to Atlantic on Saturday:Afternoon and, col:L -ino° to nip every Saturday until further flatlet). - Leave Vine etreet.• 636 P. 61. Atlantic City. 6 00 A.M. Stopping at all Stations. Monthly tickets will be sold at the following rates: For the month of June $lO For the month of Sept. slgt$ lgt . 2:11For three monthsi • ffi. Churches, Schools,r.musee, - un , ..1 - • - Associations, wishing spatial trains, should make earl spoliation. Freight must be delivered st Cooper's Point by P.M. The Company will not be responsible for any goods until received and receipted for by their Freight Agent at the. Point. It.. FRAT,Eit, &eatery. !el-tr • troentirmen's „furnishing ifootis GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. w. W. KNIGHTON ARCH Street, above Sixth. Philadelphia. Dealer in all klnde of Furnishing Goads, and maw:declarer of' Fine Shirts, warranted equal in every respect to any others manufactured in this city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or made to order. GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS OR DRESSING. GOWNS.—The largest and best as sortment in the ettg, wholesale and retail, with a fall Line of tinder Cllothiog, Baited to the season, at W. W. HNIfiIITI, 006 ABA) Street, above 'Math Philadel phia. mhl-tf VVVCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE' EN'S YURNIETIENG STOWE, .ar.d. PATENT SHOULDEREEAII SHIRT HANUFILOTORY. No. tidt CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, PhilejelplAa. The attention of Southern and Wevtern Merchant!, 4a:l i3trangere, to particularly invrted to thin improved nut at Aida, the moot perfeot fitting ortiola made At Thole. and retail, and made to order. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS, JOHN SWIFT. Subject to the will of the People'e Couveetiou jys-tf REOISTER OF WILLS'- ANDREW 3. WESTER. Subject to Democratic Rulea JAI-LNG CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT- Ll A. MONREIMKA, Eleveuth Weld Subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Jart.itett _ FOR REGISTER OF WILLS JOHN ()AMIN, Piftb, Ward BiNect to Domotratle Ran. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS— ORARLES D. B.NIGIIT - TWENI , LETII WARD. :Meet to the People's Nomination. jei.tf FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. JOHN CAMPBELL, OF SEVENTH WARD. Subject to Democratio ram my11...4m LIARTSHORNE'S OURS-ALL - THE ILL GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR! and Remedy for DYSPEPSIA WEAK STOMAOR AND WEAR BOWELS This artlale is the greatest discovery In' Chemical or Medical Schnee for the rapid Cure of KIikUSIATISEd i NEURALGIA, TOOTH-AMIN, SORE TIIROAT,STIYI NEGIC, or Pain in the LIMB% SIDE, BACK, or any put of the body. It acts upon the Blood, Nerve., Mae. Oleg, Sinews, and 801208 ' conquering all pain. It is also an excellent preparation for Dyepepala and Indigestion, which arises frem a weak stomach or bowels. Thousands of persona who havo used DARTS HORNE'S OURS-ALL have been astonished at its wonderful power in removing any pain from the system. Bottles 12, 26, 60 cents, and a, to be sold by JENKINS, ap22-iftf Corner SECOND and WALNUT Streets. jy(l4tliv, tr ITARTSHORNE'S HEALTH—RESTO RER, OR SARSAPARILLA CORDIAL. The Life of the Flesh le in the Blood. Prepared by Chemist. The beat Restorer of Health, and the beet Blood-Purifying Compound in the World! It due not contain a particle of Mercury. The above preparation 113 'suited to the impaired and weakened condition of the human racei it invigorates the whole constitution; removes all pimples and erup tions fromtlie skin; gives bloom and freshness to the complexion, and is particularly adapted to the weaken ing complainte of both sexes. It fa a perfect cordial in taste, and acts like a charm upon the feelings, spirits, and energlea or the ... N J, and debilitated from any canoe. Quart bottles $1; small bottles bd conic; mid by R. U. J.FINELNB, Corner of SBOOND and WALNUT Streets, ap22-Iftf A. KINGSBURY, M. D., DENTIST, Would inform his Mende that be has REMOVED tai 1118 WALNUT Street, above Eleventh. fe23m, SUN-STROKE.—Uundroas are killed daily by Sun.etrolce, and thenaande are injured by it, and yet even soinelo people neglect to procure one of the PATENT PARAGON UMBRELLAS nold by WM. H. RICH 4 RDSON, No. 418 MARKET Street. fylo:l2t if II ERRING. --800 bbls. No. I HERRING, Eaßtport Inopaction ; 600 do IloWan, now In store Ind for sale by JOHN N. KNNEDY & DO., 6-• Rn. 110 .nd IR9 E VA.% WilItTV.4 $1.15 ':',?. 1 ;!,.NtSTj'II.I I ; I ITR B B'. 75 cts. for VELVET SUPPERS. 75 eta. for KID SI 11'1ILIIS BLACK LINEN GAIT Ell 9. Itt. BR'S, 92 Monti SLAVA ouv,,t, At 40.1)-Ini11 13olitical Stlebuittal. igentistrp.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers