ME PULPIT. . . SERMON BY TBB ail". T. 0. STOCKTON, eftgetilhailliMe 1,:'i'.....1..:,............% . "- - - Alist,coo4our readers; there '7- _are - no w- - pseaehturMripeti,Vl9 l 4 - cr9e.V..: 04 i''''eviirl;Itillifigairfliiittf Ttiiii4aPie neat,- 1,,..,... 3 4 -- `44.,ttl",,the preient on:the open lot an the ; I "(iar,,.„AtiAtr,tli,q3k #4 0 ( 481, , litieeu" , - ,1 7q- tt ' M ir -there Las sermon preathed intheklernialt ---'-' ' Kilbh4t4tf6_.ilikikitielltef4heiGerenan popu ---Tatkkof,lifictelließit4',4P4ltileliie.,itt tkifkg, rlltigiifitAX4i.ilft.sriehtelittiritleVcime him; nefudiliM443ol4444kiiies, after which there- s it i herianit_olllftelted in the English , 4 4.6 iltiggilitiei 1i110.4404 ititii.4 tiidecu Writ of tide inigi ithiiiit itiitintptitti!,,ctito is by ‘ WI; toWhititifi of arrangements to have all the -iiflttfbAt:lt ienoininidleifflinftitlidlir7if;Mv Ent , - ' topicgiNtlaknilargm,tlio idai.em. ...-witetermooii W iireduesday evening of pis 1 - .,Yretilfght Netilehy : folkintlnglsOrietVitynon. `9,..4-44A416i CidgevPi::Sige*ti.ert;ll3o tla ;:ififoilz-00.4114-,* it_lettaftwo":thentiand.persons on this owaslotil ,in,. 'addition' Atrotliielt,',.there esiereltiinViido - V - thAtiliflifdred,Whe were , -,_. 7 , liti„,lifleA,,l,etAeundo4o l lol4 o 3:during the service& q.; feeCthe-wattoratiatifWithinv 7 7... -, ,- VegfenitifllHr. tOti(ton'iilt ,tits'?; im , - ' '-. ; iiiiiaOOlkot•er' ikliSiiMbtbefotrfilintit tote tiOnomplisti -rather, byttprayer than ibY„' • preieblitg and her;Watt!;ghtit ;Mtlietit'lltat they bad adopted tiii'adiniralthi'c'ustom of following --,,,,- these prettchingooftwitirtto shert"Mief, - , timeeting. „,-.: -. 7, •.t :-.... -,.... r. , - . _ .: -7„7, , :,t - This was g4inently,,propm l .tp gee ifetit.'and; ...-, immediate objeCtlef,preachlhg,twas tolndlicn, .. . -Amen to pray. He felt himself happy, le-610 - -.lz of thelmetitatitifoliflittiZtirlighbld-iiftEU. tis semblYlletlargfliAlladY4llolloltinin, ,---- soreti-' rent;soorderizyglietoottentis -- ihy : casieftltertlYinnderthedibble lalleenceA e '- tracrofo64landAitigtheinffifirere:ss- Z:Lapntleciight.St trip lieenclosed:X . om: mag.., ~ 0 „ .,-.Cenificeniparadise'mf ' , GPM in:"lreayen - ,,*itc, is fond hope' and "eartietitiniticie • ''7 4 `,.,.1'„- • ...... 'r a subject.of-pereonali-religionf,htfelt el -wtlitititanitierfeninifftee e, .• elolMMlKNO, f l k ikt , 7,5 - ''''t-,VtetirankiPti,ifO'' ViilLiki.ctili dif"dred Wijot- F,.ttoililitilit con - nee:Hon withovitat.lie 'weititbobt , 1 - -,,to , say; it,ivonld t boo -St.J'aul's- edit ebitititt to "' - the-eidefstif the 'Ohara 'Pt Eithicitet; at. Hifp -ria; 7 ~ f ieptbsei - netiiing thaVirtis7preitahlefiinto • oil trit hifellowed,-yett;:tind.linve - ttinght yip ;I itli i n e c yl ly4 ti lui rtd d elv , frer o i itki - loah g e te telitiff ipe is, n - tesi tan t:Tyl avi n w g ar t d o • " . t..,, " 1 ,0 r.,440 1 , 1 " 0 4 . °". 1, 9 14 ,., 4.0 0 , . 1 _ Ofirilit- zk i i rdi, t k - f t hese * word/ Willhet found in the-terentieth, _, Lich ktitiffiirlA:fli;nthltibilliht, veries,] . I t i ''"..,:qttioteliae. , 4p4Pntllitit 'ilf.',.,rattl,.and his aisistalifilit the apostolic% take: bad made it their business everywhere, and et all Creep, to, maco the ,dectiltprorrepentencoleward , ' i .,..,' , 0 1 90,„ itedlaltliln Abe; 4.ord Jeatiti -01wist i. and he would stay that if there was emit:O'er woman, 'befcfriedillnietill eintiirChrist, and that wished - . lelieklitiliktion, the' °noway, and. the - Only ..Way;',ftif fbeilfiltil tineeeed was- to -heed .this tt doubleadeionitiool- 7 Reel e knd - eifterte ill Me d?lo4.COOt.: i i i Thetilk , ,dtsthhitilti,diities • 01.e:Pr.eigiAlt* Me lin . wished =to - -=limpreastiptm the'inindsOftitilearifriqi;,,''' - . -; -0 Heluid letird'OrVil,ftslonirtitistitila i iiithe • ritlesiV,illez*KElheOn; thia gad: caiied- hie -',-Isparn.:Co-yejolcm , -.lle had heard of• the • co* ,i , Fserelorref:lnfldels . andilitrdertiritidtketty; pi 'tbo oomiiiiiik2lritititbAbbB'A4oftii - V, to- gay ; that 414.1eileitsfeciaintereist in _these - poor *lulls, • ". :--. •= -these prtilefidets , - - -thchilintet remettieite ite'rdS'.l(gAllit.,- 7 tOle.yetfit;'.Bititist'Q ' , Are " Allied", ationt peoririen-:4fiose poor :creatures that "ocippy.ther.wards iti %bur , itlinslionttee-- ; _vieptit"' . - ttifpoilvdegcaded ;ilctirio.'of, Poverty ;:-4111,0)11O-Pu,t, . ,:it.,mlserable e xi sten c e in , lonely, arrets, or -damp and •ffitby cellars, end anent VI thinnertrirftsteal Slifforing etddAvretclied, :‘, ''neektit.:Wlaiejilgtia por t ire_ anbjectect i ,yet; .tiftir fill: 'bre:poorest:As( .theAror—inflaitely poorer 7 - -thinlhn-pbtiestlio had 'tamed-'4iiter 1 L itli t lO;tt,n6lek , whti,w4; , .:Witfietit 4:3 2 eil and; without hciPelnAlfe,World." , 7 , -, ,-. -r--.: „ , ', 1 ,Ohltwilat totyMe or, manortif, angels could I polite)* tritiii . ,j ctietiti, of that po,verty..which , leXiet its victim'' iiiihMit God and ,withone, liciPiiin the ikoftld'i o r i Lit Die; said' thi p sPeak.- -, " . er, he ' Witheurit'bome, o f my .eWtirifte; . ipentyt:whefewitli, ali ditcineprAp,abilft to' refit ode t: let,inetair.ifestitutel of money even to;bify_Apod'ind Oledltitigtfor,,mytifonnd-VAI • ditifilff.4,l6lll6 dE_Preesgraitglettliet e,.'11 ro *Titbit' li caged -,Pove.rty, among' men;- and -I wiliepuntitiall as but'a light,and Insigtfltleant — afflietitut:=4iclii - Witify litselfi.:domparect Willi the,terrible, i falitlef,rsnanitm beteayinient of - being left wrthou ft God and without hope in the-World. `'„. l, poellifOorhimil at' his best istate t lhitt is he V...auppotaihim even to he Loomiiiiietiett With the .French empire at his 'batik, or the-Czar Alexander W i thlthe'Russian empire at his back--.0f2 Whit& ;wail _will these things beito thotnanewbe-is =lf,..iiithout: God and:without hope in the ivorldr ~ What It'll) . - morriitso6 , iiiit 2 stfould'Hitis upon the spites;' of St& - ;:retertsburgh,..tuad,.peering.. though the chamter windpw ef , the i Gsarts pala c ce i -l h ould fittiwoU. the , face, '.iorl'its - •imperitQaCelliiiii, pain, sae*, motionless; cold 'in , the ' arms'- - of death tland thee,"anikpos.Olhat in the:taindile. abode, 7er 'home ' hasten- riehaant;.thaesame morning-atmshofild fell upon the cold fhaturei of-its - poiertyfstilekeeinthitic but "who:died, rejelping-,in hope; through' faith in the Lord , - tlettint.fibrijitzwlet4-underthese circumstances; hecOmes efithe hope: repostUtteilliaperithiblo - - t hinge oPtimellmettredit rniither of itititheW: how immediately,heferetts iniglifhtilthe.'open tomb tO4hlilo,recelid,us. , The - speaker said his mind had been more - _. par tfdilarly;diriitted iolidatiain'of 'thong* freentlie events ot the afternoon of that:day, frorn;witiesiing which he , haereturned but , a few hours tiftfortil: ,- Ifel. then'teltited in a Nary . - . feelin,glOanner the eleetireitinic-iiith' Which, in ;put, th,o„pribile.,is nlready.familiar..tof 'a - young , Southerner, -Who died'eudclonly at- tlfe Girard ,I;lotthe' ''Otf.'''P,rldtin:Of" - last,- week. lle epolco, of .bil robust appearance, even in 'death; and the fact of hie having - left his-fami ly and-friends idistaiit'State to cinne North' for the' puriiii rite sectr: liptinding.Atia. ..suinmer months in the pursuit; it-may- be; -Innocent ' .pleasurev_buth4brOnsteid ,7 of - rializfnir this ,ideatrif biejoifineycettine' liht to dieSelitiry, and alone, with hone but strangers to attend to bis.remainsivith' no Icividr ones to 'unfound hie bier and drotPthis'.iitar,of, sorrow' over his untimely- death:, There he)ay, not in the house of a. friend, or even at the hotel -in-Which ho bad - dittd,l.nit'lit 4 - th'e'. i retim 0f,,. the - tindeitigefn-W ieed in itri' kint ,MAlin; with a glisa over Me faeer,throngb which the Ineuisi. - - Sao, and careless-passer.;by ; could - coldly- gaze - uptin - :tlio"darkfneefe,atiireit Of, the departed , stranger': Whit made this scene more peen - - liarly , eolemnto the speaker's mini was the fict that at the 111114113 titro; there.wo*'Othei cOrPae ieffiesatatiJ4fildhlt, -- er a' man who had', longlieen co nnected with the establishmeetbf: the.ondertakerfaint3tholutdlidenitiVailidlit the DeLiware on thepre'yienniflay. It would be impossible to reproduce on piperthe spirit et . this , pathettegartiittfelita f ttwasigiven,,h9Alte Minister, 'twee - JP - We, had - space to attempt it: ' While it.tvattl„it pregiess,4lprgo.portion of the audience Were moved to tears. The JipplicaH _ • tiorr of this expression-of .4 3 3 . 6,Pitthy, ,on rAlus - -part of the cougOgittlen„vvaelfeadtirully'ditide ' , • ,11 Clip speaker. tclf,"; said be, oswethns pity -; one another,,beimptich ptere .doec God ; pity ns f` Oh; how floyel.,6;thinkOethaibenntlint •,_ , declsratien,:thitt'ttlfe tender' mercy of God Is _ over Allis-works 1 1 ,7 1 , ,, , - .::- ,- .7- -:., ~! , ..„ ~,- ~,,....: • ,He had - dwelt nom these solemn dilpentia: bops' of [Previdefice, .withfthe, view, More pat'-' ticularly, of Showing, the-uncertainty: of-life.' It was in flirt the easiest thingth the world Co stop this fleeting breath lot our - exliteiMO4to close these pyatf in,deatli.- ,'lf :seemed to him as tiongto44assitig _breath of air was "suffi . Mint to send us Into„eteriv-,,•Land'ip,the face' , of this solemtritict *tarp nkfoillio; lifdld'notc see why every, tine_ feh i‘prosince should not start,to his feet, and exclaim with- altthe - ref , ver-of -his natereollier4lo.4-4,lMightY; l a -- - ,that my eyerarnfoienerk c(if,that.4l6# alai sea the p.ellink'prittillo Itriflilek I stand, - loolaolnitpon ins in;rnereyi-mripent.hitt bon. , - viction into the conversion' 01-my sonl, and, for Christ's Sake; toVviiiil4iihlitielo: 4 - ; -',' '1 - • Be would - 01111On ftheyoulk,nOrtit before, him ;hello!? heed thoexiiiitiatlen,:teex:eraisci repintance, to, faith in.thelAird,l,esdi: eerie . Is ableitliirlitit:uhinr. theditirMOst, 3 ?ptiaii* most Significant expression with refefeten tit' their partieulq-cmsoe konithie otecutelen.t,lhe . term uttenitest Will simply another word for outermost. -. , , Now, in looklnglitintediately fn frotit of him he saw a man with - a linen coat, occupying the centre, of the tentt,,lmniediatelr.arognd; him, watt r iftliele'Otilite,lind b'e'yond them i circle of twenty, - "and then another of fifty, and another of `n•littalreil;',abd` smother 'Of two hundred, and' so on even to the outermost, which ho saw occupied mainly by young Men. Now, what God meant by the text of- Scrip ture which he had:just quoted, wasthit he was not only able to save ,the man with the linen coat, in the i eepttrni tint; all the rest, even to the yoting men occupying the seats on the ouletniest.drcloofeindience; and in view - of " thirr-why-should-• not God's angelof mere ) t rest upon every one, fn , ibli Presencefarid, s'ad them to himself through the baptism of Christ's redeeming love 1-<. And,; then, directing his imploriog eye and his attenuated outstretched hands heaventysttWirt z eddressed Prie,Pfithet most tb k iiiiingly`olotpfetit apostrophic petitions to the Saviour of.Soulti,that,„wo hem twig-11s, tonid tirrilid aiielibleffso sensibly moved upon the - feelings Of those ighp .liettickit that many - -. of the clergy oiPtheillitfciim:_ropiesenting ~ seven' "different denominations, broke forth . In audibleexpresithies Of praise to God dtaribi Its delivery:.:'" Ent you - cannel by sesidirilims out you repent,'", was the speakciri parting ad -monition. He here stated tp the audience, as -= '-they ofteadt" ketctvoo444llils fedhlt) foie°, _, - , after the -labor the day, was giving out, -I ,and: that, if he shonitLiittitimptltitgo on with : ' ..- '- oat being mile, : he' should do - harm rather - than, good Pit mitittithertiforci;hollallidd, ', , • . - ,Imiaing that' , they would noir- begin to pray,: -- an d o,o4l6l,.he;„,might -nieet.themilme;and' _ Aar, ,ha italikatindebtive,iiiterellteriWif - , f no iCpbiti-7014361; in whfekr.tisa he should be' 'happy to ,dddr , as them _ tigaiiiiatid bin them -'- in the 'gloridisitiMig of Limiskr 1 1 - 11.idlereph I 'lcalleltijatil, liallekiah I-. " . theqcord, God Um. - MMMISEM 8010 bg cAucturit. MTHOMAS & SONS, e pies. DIP and 141 SOUTH POUBipfcliTlitiWP, ..,..-x.msmi , rtieggermWrlffleein , addle.) • -• • • . 1 •—•••• ALEIWPAVE, STOOKS, An. Public Balmi It: the PhilidelPhia 'Exchange 'ivory Pnoadoitgioninii; daring the buainess season. - - IF,JATARd 4tigtiet - 919y,ogouiciiiiktOitles as • herefifore": ••• : , . 4lOrr Ilanabllta of saoh_properti; z luned: apif aratil7_, Widen toerldels WO publish - on tilaslmW Pronoun igs"eitoli sale, one fhotiassidnaialeg. lieiin pamphlet form, giving fail descriptione of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. r"' SURNITUBB SALIM AT, TIP AUCTION, B TORB every riuradarlaoratair. • MeV IusTATI AT PR;VATE BALE. I, : s Er We have a law Lineup, or Real Estate at M ir Bale, inoludhsg 'every deseripEon oaf City L and *wintry property. , •Ps'inteA Idiths; srev be bad •at , the elation stare .P .'"" ..RITATE BALE AsereTzit. Real`Estate entered "on crux 'Private- Bale Re gister, and adVertlishl mitaideiddly in our Public Ws Atsibracte, tot% which 1,00 0 . ooplea, are priarad waaklior f r ee o f ishafge: • , , • •r PeOlOtitOrk Baie. ; , • • --saMoo 801 01. , • . ... •On TuesCtay Evening, July 18th( at 8 hiclodk;ht theiThiladelphia Rachel:loi" without reeetverior:biscorint 'Of wbora it may COM—. • • borax of $l,OOO each (1180,000) issued by the county of Armstrong, State of Pennsylvania, to the Allegheny Valley Railroad COmpany; bearing six per cent. Inter eat, payable the first blonde) , of May and tiovembersz coupons attached' due May Ist, PIOT, and unpaid Prln= Gips! dueiin 1883. Principal and latereat guarantiediby imld - railroad. company, swathe blinds assigned by thorn • • . Also, 1,500 shares -Big Brountain Improvement Orbil panz, (Shamokin Coal Field,liorthumbarland county, Pennsylvania.' r_y HOAG ESTATE SALE-111LT 20th. ' This sale will inclado— SOUTH S IXTH 131`11BET.—Three.shiry brick dwel ling, No . 1322 South Sixth street, belOw Wharton street.. .... . ' ' - • , SEARS ititEET.—Two twoldory dwellinge, N05.,832 and fi34Pears street; south of Wharton street. between Sixth and Seventh streets. They, Will be sold separately. . GROUND RENT, 1.+58 a year, well seenred by a lot, of ground and substantial brick dwelling, Ring street. • .Aselgime .Pormptorj. Sal's, by postponement. • 4 7141:0 ABLE ROTEL PROPERTY known 'an the National Hotel," formerly , a The w h ite Swan." Race 'street, between .Third and Fourth etreets ; 74 feet front, 140 footle depth, Sale absolute. - LIMON 1naKF.2,..-A, well bolt, thres•story brick dwelling, Lemon. street,- between 'Wood and Norris 'Oetri'llichmOnd) streets Lot No. 00 by tio feet. FEDERS.L, OPREPlP.Thrsesitory brick dwelling, „Fellsral street, west of Seventh street... rnamm, A TORI:IIRION,IMILLING, with heels &a,,),N0. BYr, Bnttdnwood wesf street, t'o Dhatham street, • • r d ale at Roc 180 and 141 South Porirth street. ' RURNITUR.E. ItbECIANT" ROSEWOOD PIANO-ROWE, PIER BRUSSELS OARPRRS, AU* .BOBS, &g, On Timidity Kerning, At 0"ofoioek, at the auction store as sixtenitie semortment of excellent second-hand fur:Stoke; elegant pilmo.fortes, One ndrrdre targets, eta., itriSm; private families declining house keeping, removed to the store for ooaveaienee of sale. tINIVATI BALL • A well-secured arst mortgagd—sl,Boo. 5. A itegatlfully'raltuAted lot, Perkimen tamptk Oltestantallu- - REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. SPLENDID :BROWN=STONE. MANSION, Chestnut street, with stable and. coach bonne. One or the finest residences in toe Cart . ' NEAT MODERN•'BESIDENCE, No. 1026 Chestnut • ELEGANT ',DROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, Walnut street: west of Broad. • r, . ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, N0..1621 - ,Wahtut street .weit of Sixteenth." NEAT RICSIDENOE, Southeast corner Walnut end and Seventeenth streets • ELEGANT -AND VALUABLE RESIDENCE, Reath west corner of Eleventhend Walnut streets. Tct'o ELEGANT 'REBID'S NoBB,lllttenhouse Square. TWORANDSOME RESIDENCE% Washington, Square. r. ELEGANT- BROWN-STONE 'RESIDENCE; North Broad street.? •/..1 , - r• HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, Northwest comer of Green and Fifteenth Streets. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 1t.30 Greek' RESIDENCE; Spruce 'Street - Between Broad baid Fifteenth. •- - HANDSOME MODERN y ' opr!esToar RESIDENCE, No.l6o2Bprone street.— t • %ELEGANT BROWN-STONE 111113110ENCE, No. 822 Pine ?treat, west of Eighth; • • • HANDSOME BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1516 Pius street... • . HANDSOME , MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 1806 Pine street. HANDSOME -RESIDENCE; N0.•532 Pine street. t, TWO HANDSOME BROWN-STONE RESIDENCES, _Third street, below-Borneo • , ••• , • NEAT RESIDENCE, No. 241 South Eighth street; below Walnut. ,• =HANDSOME MODERN 'IIESIDENOI6, No. 818 North Eighth street." - HANDSOME M ODERN RESIDENCE, No. 591 North Seventh street' - .1_ •;_ • HANDSpm! , y . ! -. .p 1 p E. ... E, .410, 621 North Sixth street. ' , • THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH PRO-' 'PERTS, Neve Market street SUPERIOR AND ELIO ANT BROWN-STONE OF- N 05,407 sad 408 Walnut street. LAMM 'AND' VALUABLE LOT, Loottstr-Mary, and Church streets, West Philadelphia, 200 by 115 feet. • 11AND§OSIB RESIOHNOA, Northwest corner Locust and Mary streets', opposite the above. - • • 'MILT HANDSOME - COUNTRY RESIDENCE, near Tioga otatton, op the Germentoirn Riiimed. - VALLIABLE FARM AND obutanY SEAT, 160 wee. betirieus TOrrhidebi and Brlstol. • 00WIT RV^ BELT ' with about ' seven amok Chestnut hi AN EL CANT DAUM, 809 aerei, with' superior Im provtle.m eents oh the River Delaware, oos mile from New Cas . . . . . . LARGB;ELEGANT, ,AND VALUABLE FARM be. tweet' thbeity of Wilmington and Brandywine Springs. .BLEGAbfr 0011tftlIT BEAT, 10 agree/with line lenprormente.aehool House Lane, Germantown, oppo. eita . thiliate"Bi* - J: K. Metall'''. BANDA/ME MODERN DWELLING, N 0.1184 Callow hillaftsanf• - RANE ET O AE, ' DWELLING~ ANA DA.KEItY, No. 135 Ochs street:" FOITE:STORY BRICK STORE AND • DWELLING, No. 1399 Chestnut etreet., -SOON 'STORE "AND - DWELLING, No. 702 SOntb Fifteenth strt„. - • • NEAT MODERN 'DWELLING, No. 340 Federal street. , , . • IVO Also. a large amountcif !other property, Ground Rents, , Mortgages; to: - Printed lists may be had at the ; PRITATEI 111114 4E618 TER. andlesit sotateenterecrou our . Private Bale Regleter snot advertised - ocrouronally In our Publle Bale Abetriete (of which 14100 copies. aro printed weekly, during the bnetheacaliasozi,) free of charge. . TABILOS' „ A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, 04110. 422 WALNUT EMIT, shove 101111TU.... Mr,Peraone favoring c, with ecmaigamenta can real :soared that their property will not be sacrificed. [Ern, Ocromilaidoas more moderate than those charged aay,othilf: Attbtion Uonbe fa the oity.' i Mr' Consignments respectfully iolleited. 11--g• gates raid Immediately after the Roods are Fold. . _ TWENTT.I42OOND SKIING HALM-415%Y 14th. This sale.wlll Orphans , Coart - Abaolutiflale—llstate of ;Chia Grey , THREE - STORY -BRICK HOUSE, THIRTEENTH STRANT; ABOSH WOOD —A: three-story brick house end lot, west side of Thirteenth street, above Wood, 14M fret front, 32 feet deep' Ofoar of incrunbrances paggg.wrGitY MOH HOUSE , No . 760 SOUTH NINTH STREHT.—A.thre&story brick honie, two-sto. back..balidloge," nod ha - or ground, No. 760 South Ninth street, 18 feet front,' 69 feet deep. $1 600 Csah:—balacce may remain! - • THRICE-STORYIBI4I HOUSE, DIOR DIJON STREET —A _three:stet, brick house and lot, frame kitchen,' north' side 'of Dickinson street, 78 toot west Dom - Fourth. streak 16 feet front, 64 feet deep, Gas Pipes throughont,gas oven, bath-room, fee. $BOO cult— Bstonne.Mity remain, - • e VIIRRE-,TORY 1111.10 K 110111 H, COLUMBIA AVE NUE AND NINTH STREET.—Three-story brick house and lit of ground, Columbia- avenue, below Ninth St , 10 feet front, 67 feet deep to a three-feet alley. Two glory brick,back,-bulkling, , ,rattgoi with baths. - Coat $2,6011 - tiauild. $.OO sash—balarce may rem.ln. ;IDEBIRABLE BUILDING LOT, QUEEN 8 tHICET, GHllldtke TOWN, 209 by 305 me, THREE FRONTS.— A lot of gr and, north side of Queen street, adjoining laud of W. Klemm, Erq 208 feet 8M Inches front. 833 feet on Pulaski avenue, and 208 fee t.BM inches on Perin street. Pulaski evaluate 60 feet wide, and will proba bly be the line of the new railroad now ander contract TiogaStriet;.Queenetreet is graded, curbed, paved, .artd.l . lghtedwith gas. to within a emotes of this lot, when graded past will leave the lot 2$ feet above. The lot Is level, with *slope book tortoni street. Two thirds 'may remain. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Thomas Dugan, Deo'd 'THREE-STORY DRUB HOUSE, wurert• BT.—f A neat .three-etory brick dwelling , with back buildings and' lot, 'north side of Whiter street, 107 teat west o Tenth street, 18 feet front, 60 feet deep. Clear of In eitmbrances. It rents for $225.. $l,OOO may remain. __, . - Orel:lanai COMA ilale—Same Notate. 'HANDSOME ,MANSION, ONTARIO BT., il KEN DNIITON,,I—A liandeome double mansion hawse, with a'sguare of ground, northeast corner. of Ontario and -Twentieth street., 210 feet 10X - Indian along Ontario street, 213 feet on the Germantown Railroad, and 100 feet on Twentieth street. The mansion is 88 feet front. .Parlor on one aids. hill In the centre, dining-room and 'kitchen on the - other; hue t vo.etory 'brick back build big, gas introduced, large dower end vegetable garden. It m within one square of the station at Tinge street. $1,500 may remain. - . - - - • i , Orphans , Omit Sale—Same Estate, a , • POUIVEITORT. BRICK MANSION HOUSE, CHEST NUT STRE ET —A handsome four-story brick residence, with threeletory tusk balLiings, and lot of ground,'welt of Twentieth, street, 18 feet 7 inches front, and 104 feet deep to Johnson street, 3) feet wide. The house hie saloon pariore, breakfast room and kitchen on the name floor, dining-room above, beater, water Closets, Toted verandah, and ell the modern . Improvements. , ote for $l6O, possession Immediately If desired. l ,000 may remain,' '' ''., • • ' - (Indians , Court Balifiame Rotate. THREE-STORY DUCH DWELLING: WASHING TON STREET. YOURT , ASNTII WARD —A handsome Threastery brick residence and lot, three-story back huildings, &0. - ,[40 - tith side- of Washington - street, is{et of Tenth, MI feet fiontillo feet deep: 'Saloon par ts , heaters range, baths, Ito. - Rents for $lOO, 2;009. .- ANDSOMR ' LOT OP GROUND, MANIIEIM i ,13 BART, GEIIIIANTOWN:—A valuable lot of ground, oining A,)ke elegant property of Ron It, Goddard. on the north Side of Slanhelut street, 203 feet south west frion•lfisew Street; between the plank. road dind.tireen street, Germantown, IEI3 feet 9,iitnches front and 838 feet 9% inches deep on the no - rtoeast side, and 839 feet , on! the .senttlivreet,ls4o, i'll7" It has a handsome row of trees planted In front, gas and waterslops Menbeim street - The, locittliiiiip Il.ret...rate. Terme-91,000 reek— balance tun ; remain , . - f - ' ' TIIRDINSTORY rams) HOUSE, PALMER STAN= " . ,lIENS/NOTON k threcataty frame dtvelling, With back building and lot of ground north•east aide of Palmer street. 160 feet sonth.east front • Itranklin - avenue, 18 feet 5 inches freintt 90 feet deep-127,02 ground rent, ' I 'lame l 11:7- b 180 to be ff.paid on each of the above when the etrtioli. - 80AP PAOTOR . ' • - AT PRIVATA BALE. T-7pOriliLft '2OII,ERS, STOOK, &a. A 8011.0 PaaterT , with double boilers, 'toe*, ma. eldnerj, &c Complete for carrying on the business. ',Wilde Julie heart of the city. It has a good eon of tmeineini, and emit the resent owner ever . sB,ooo. May be,eaamined any-time: by application to the auc tioneer. Will be sold eta sem-ince • 'IIEAL , BBTATR AT PRIVATE BALE, Handsome mansion:, southirest carnet of Serenieenth and Walnut street* Residence „Wadbington &tocare and Walnut street. • }Walling haute, No 827 Vine street. go sores of lend, Indian Queen lane. Valuable property, Ihdakfoid road • 'tandems dwelling, No, 1612 Wallace street. Wetness stied and dwelling, geyenteeath and Wash ing:lon street*. •' PivPertY, 80'seies; '&O., ibOre Torresdale. 14 acres or land, Oheltoh avenue, Germantown. Flend•ome residence and lot, West Philadelphia. Valuable lot-of ground Germantown Italkoad and 'CO kinrible avenue:.' • Handsome dwelling , Spring Garden street, abort Twblfth., t: _ • - CABINET .Or MIERRALEI., At ideate tale, a vaineble Otbloet'orgilnerale, tom. .priding over I,foo epecimens,the r collection a. ReTeral •ynate_ The property of a d gentleman Who has no room -.Cdr them , :Thor , pre r ep nimble for a pohllo inetitu tPLlAPPl,,74t,this &nation store, PARIN(M- 1 -860 bbls. NO, '1 PIOBLED llerrlini; 800 Ulm nitro NewfonodLand ditto 120 8 bblVotinnao, dry lotted ditto, 80w In store and for axle by -,, , INO. M. JEBNNBOY & CO., • *l6 ' " - Non )80 endltio4l, IffidaVYB.• • _I .• ONONGAITELA. WELSKNY.--16 bble. .1. old Monengidta a illtlaitoy, In store end for sale by ~•• „.,. PaLt•ttAld , it, YMATON,_ •• , a _ " .-. • , rin %%nth PRoNT gt. I t LARGE STOOK OF aPOTAr ,4114 fAr OJ , . I )=d 9 1 0 1 0 eJ4116..b7. 'MAR, $11 ; or* WATSB street, NO,Vi 11114n0 Rialto uy cAuction. ARQ C I OMBIEROIA.L SALES' ROOM, ~. Aug; k i; ea - Cl SECOND end Trltegtfeets. pet , . 11.1113TION'EER, (encCes -A-3e sor to WOLBERT'B4 SCOTTO 481 011E8TNIIT Bt., onnimite the Oweteni House; between YOurth and rittb Otreeu. BALE OT CLOTHING, • ' " (Made by Messrs.- W. T. Jeuniege & 004 of Broadway, ' New 'York ) This Morning, At 10 &cloak, a large lot of so armor clothing, menu taobared by Messrs W, T. Jennings & 001, for their private sales. .The whole comprieing the dnest ' , lot of clotbiog everoffered at auction in this city. Included .will be found a full sesortment of coats, pants, and Tests, of every variety of material, suited to the present 11431111011, and all made and trimmed fu the beet possible manner. , , 100 dozen first quality linen "81111128- 4 and Maraelllea 040TIIE8 PINS AND PAILBAT PRIVATE SALE. Just landed from schooner. Juliet -100 boxes clothes pins. • :101 dozen pails., tD3B MANTILLAS. j, Alorokr fprirato sale, an invoice of Swiss mantillas. tist landed: MESSES. W. T. alitriliGB h 00.'8 OLOTIIING AT • . PRIVATE BALE. Thg balance of. clothing from the celebrated menu !glory of ildessrs. W. T. Jenninge & Co ,of Broadway, .lienalforkinot sold on Friday, will be held at private safe. iit .. .ther salesroom, No. 43 1 Chestnut street, for a few days , ilawntlemell Wiehlor to purchase will have an opportunity of premixing clothing manufactured for beet retail sales at suction prices. /1112) E 1110,VAL.—F17RNESE, • BRINLEY,. & 111 , CO. hero removed to the bate, Zi0.,429 MARKET Street, formerly occupied by Blount. Caleb Cope & Co. jyl 111.111Dalliti, BILINLEY, & 00. .BAINLEY, &'OO., No: 429 MARKET Street :bi;V: 0 S NAT II Ali is, AIIOTIONSEIR ,: AND COMMISSION hINNOILINT, S.' N. scups tICKTII and RACE Streets. " • • LARGE *ALB. OF BORFBIT'BD - PLEDGES. By ordor of Abraham Nathano. Broker, formerly of the Southeast Corner of. Fourth and Rams etreeta. On Tuesday Morning. ' • July 20th, at cg' o'clock, con sistl og of gold and silver patent lever, lepne, and other watches, gold chains, ear-range,. dupe...rings, pencils. bracelets, breaetpine, Silver , Double barrelled guns, revolving and tangle barrelled pistols, viellos, - chairs ,to. CLOTHING.—Coats, pants.and vests, ;silks, dresses, shawls. shots, bed clothe*, tk.c. ; NOTION —All persons having goods . on deposit with me over the legal length •of ; time, will call and redeem or pay °barges thereon, otherwise they Will be sold at Public sale on the above day. • jytt-lOt ..ABBAMASI NATIKANS, Broker. GREAT PUBLIC AGOOMMODATION„ MONEY!; MONEY ! ! MONEY ! ! ! Money liberally advanced in large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on-gold and silver plate, diamonds, zilches, jewelry, fowling-piens, musical Instrumentiture, dry.goods,, clothing, groceries, cigars, hardware, cutlery, books, heroes, vehicles, her news, end all artieles of value, tor cur length of time agreed onj: at Nethanr?. Principal ,ltstalitishmeat, southeast corner of Sixth and Bars streets. Prombsory notes, with collateral, discounted at the lowest market rate,. NATRANS' PRINCIPAL ASTARLISEMENT., 8. E. Ociariga OP BIXTII AND RACE STREETS Where money will be Morally advanced on gold and upper plate, diamond', macho", jewelry, fowling pieces, dry goods, clothing, groceries, liquors, cigars, head ware cutlery, fancy article', mirrors, pamtlog L e en gravings, musical Instruments, furniture, bedding, &mese, vehicle', harness,"stocke, and all other articles of Thltte. OUT - DOOR SALES. , Personal attention given to all out-door Wee, either at private diellinge, stores, or elsewhere, and charges unusually low. TO PERSONS RELINQUIBIrING HOUSEKEEPING. Persons relinquishing housekeeping or having sup plies of furniture to dispose of, will find it to their ad vantage by sending the same to the auction store, south ' east corner of Sixth and Race street, where it will be properly arranged in the furniture salesroom, and mold to the best advantage, two-thirds of the goods advanced If required, and the balance handed over the afternoon of the day of sale. • AT PRIVATE BALE. Pine gold' and sliver hooting case, double ease, and doable bottomed rever, lepines, English, .Swiss, and Ituoth watches ; gold specks, gold chain*, gold brace lets, si "Variety of fine gold studs, breastpins, had aniper rings; line Hates, superior old violin and guitar, very Hue melodeon. and numeroniother articles AT PRIVATE SALE AT TRBY LOW paroze. Opldltoglish patent layer watches, full jewelled and plain, some of, }.item fine }B-karat cues of the bed waken. . Silver English patent lever watches, fall jewelled and plain, of the moot approved makers. Gold eseapernent lerorand lepihe watches, In hunt. 'cases and open face, of the very but maks. Ladles' gold enamelled watches, est with pearl and diamonds. . . Silver linglieh, Swiss, and French watches, diamond breast pin' and finger rings, gold bracelets, ear ring., finger rings, bream plus , studs, floe gold vent, rob, and neck chains, gold apectacles, and 'salient other arti cles of jewelry, /co., &0.. IAMITF4Ii , NATEVS, AIIOTIONEER, and MONNY LOAN orizop, 224 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of ballasts from I o'clock, A. 11., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Ont-door sales; and sales at the Anotion Mouse, at tended upon the most settatactory terms. CAPITAL SMOG°. Established for the test Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia maids, Silver Plate, Watches , Jewelry, hardware, her cheats°, Olothing,Eurniture, Bedding, Digere, Musical Instruments, Guns, Home, Carriages, and eloods of every deetnipthnt. All goods min moan any length of than agreed spori. Al *dean ,cee from one hundred dollars and upwards: will be *barged a pax dent. per month WO and our, the lowest market. rite. " This Store Holum keying I depth of DO feet, bu largo Are and thief proof vaults to store all valuables, and pi: late watchmen for the premises,. also, a heavy tun! canoe effected for the benefit of all ieradull haying 1100 1 1 d advanced upon • N. 11.—On account of haying an unlimited capital, this once is prepared to make advances on more India Factory and atoontroodating terms than say other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in mall amounts, with; out any charge. • AT PRIVATI BALI. Gold Patent Lewes and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be Fold at reduced prices, aul•ly A. DYSART .5: CO., AUCTIONEERS AND 1 , 3* CONsiSslos DISSOSSaIs, No. 27 South XIGHTI.I STRENT.- caner of.LODOR STREET. . . - . . . . LARGE SALE OF FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Me sill (tell at No d 7 South Eighth street, a large and splendid assortment of honsehold and kitchen farni• Lure, of qperson declining houeeiteepinst. • Also, a lot of drawere, doors, and lumber. • AT PRIVATE SALE: A largess:id valuable tract of valuable coal and tim ber laud at private sale, well worthy the attention of capitalists and others, cc the owner is compelled to sell. • 1:1g- For (either partionlara Inquire at the anotion store, , SAIM satiated and promptly at tended to.• . Irr ADVANCES made on eousiguments when de sired, without extra charge. ' SALEd-ROOMS open until 10 P. M. Now pre pared to receive invoices of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WATCHES and JEWELRY, NNW and SECOND HAND FURNITURE, PAINTINGS, BOOKS arad STA TIONE EtY &o. L &c. 117" Balee of NASOT GOODS every evening. Legal Notices. PTHE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE OTTY AND COUNTY OF PRILADELPHIA JORN DROWN, WILLIAM DROWN, and JAMES DROWN, trading an John Drown & Co., Y. WIL LIAM. J. McCANDLESS and JOHN CARRICK, trading as Wm. J. McCandless 1 Co. Vend]tient }Japans& Dee. T., 1857 No 802. All that certainlot or piece of ground, with the two story brick stable thereon erected, situate on the Routh side of Filbert street, at the distance of sixty-three feet Rix !echo, eastward from the eust nide of Schuylkill Second street, In the oily of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the Raid Filbert street eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth southward of that width one hundred feet to Jones's alley. Bounded on the west by ground now or late of the estate of henry Pratt, deceased, on the south by the said Jones's alley, on the east by other ground of the said William Brown, granted or intended to have been granted to James Kelly un ground rent, and on the north by Fil bert street aforesaid. [Being the same lot of ground which William Brown and wife, by deed dated the twenty-B[th day of September, A. D. 1852, recorded at Philadelphia in deed book T 11, No, 39 page 430, ice., granted and c mvoyed unto John Carrick, in fee, under and subject to the .payment of the yearly ground rent or sum of $67.60 in equal half-yearly paymenbsa And, also, All that certain two-story brick messuage oe tenement end lot or piece of ground, situate on the nortlisldo of Filbert street, at the distanced two hun dred and thirty-three feet eastward from the east aide of Schuylkill Third street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing., in front or breadth on the said Filbert street fifteen feet six inches, and In length or depth northward sixty-seven feet, Bounded on the west by ground now or late of Ilichard and Andrew Allison. on the east and north by ground nor or late of David and Is ac Morton, and on the south by Filbert street afore- Raid. [Being the seine premises which James Peoples and wife, by deed dated the seventeenth day of February, A. D. 1852, recorded at Philadelphia In deed book' If, No. 11, page 1, granted and conveyed to the said John-Carrick, In fee, under and subject to the payment of the yearly ground rent of $42.045, In equal half , yearly payments, on the first day of the months of Janu ary And July in every year, to John A. Brown, his heirs and assigns.] The Auditor stipointed to distribute the fund In Court raised by Sheriff's sale of Real Eatate, so above dencribed,.of John Carrick , ono of the defendants, will attend to the duties of Ida appointment on MONDAY, the 12th slay of July, 1858, 11 o'clock in the forenoon, athls Otlice, No. 243 Sonth SIXTiI Street, In the city of Philadelphia, when atid where all parties In, Interest en, required to . present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon the said fund. je294ot , J. T. THOMAS; Auditor. ETTERS TESTAMENTARY TO THE -LA Estate of JOSEPH REAKNRT, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, having been grouted to tho undersigned, all persona Andolit,d to thu said Mato will please make minor* sod those having claim, are requenleil to present them without delay to EDWIN L. REAKERT, N 0.413 , orth YOUllTllStreet, OSWOLD THOMPSON, No. 710 PINE Street, FRANKLIN C. JONES, No. 3:2 S. WHARVES, jy346w Executors. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE cant AND COUNTY OF PIiILADELPIIIA. In the matter of the Eatate of JESSE WURMSLEY, deceased. The Auditor appointed to nettle and adjust the first and final account of JOSEPH A. CLAY, Administrator of the Notate of Jesse Wormsley, deceased, end to ru.. port distribution of the balance in the hnnds of the ac countant, will, for the purpose of his appointment, meet the parties interested on MONDAY, tho 10th day of July, A. D_ 1858, nt 4 o'clock P M., at hie Oftice, 605 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia jyB-thstust (IEO. 11. ARMSTRONG, Auditor. 'RN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE - 1 1- 'CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILADRLPIIIA. In the wetter of the Estate of 7 . DOMINIC DER RELL, deceased. Bur proceedings to partition. To John Derrell awl Ohrbtopher 13errel I, nons of WM PATRICK 'DERRELL, deceased, over the age or twen ty-One years.-the said WILLIAM PATRICK DER RELL, deo,ased, haring been the brother of J. DOMI NICK BEati,v,LL, deceased. - Ositherlpe Derrell, daughter of etid WILLIAM 'PA TRICK DERRELL, -deeeaaed, also over the age of tlrentf-ohe years. Matthew Berrell, William Derrell, and Thome Der rell, minor Ohlldren of the said , WILLIAM PATRICK DERRELL; deceased, whose Guardian Is ROSANNAII BERRELL, the widow of WILLIAM PATRICK DER BELL, deceased - Taos. .1. P•unkett, Rosetta Plunks% 0. Dillon Plun kett, Mary Ann Plunkett, Matilda Plunkett, boob Plea kett. and Letitia Plunkett, eons sod daughters of MAR CELLA PLUNKETT aud- THOMAS JAMES PLUM. KETT, d«ceseed—the cold IdARCELLA. PLUNKETT having been the eieter of the said J. DumINToK Dint• RELL, deceased, and having intermarried with then aid THOMAS JAMES PLUNKETT. t And to all other peqous In Interest, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That, In pursuance of,a Writ of 'Pairtitino 'issued out of the Orpheus , Court, as aforesaid. to above Estate, an Inquest will be held by the sumniFF, on Premises on raid Writ des cribed, for the purpose of making a Partition or Valua tion of the name, on-FRIDAY the 30th day of July, A. D. MB, at 10 &clunk, when and where you may at tend, if you. thin% proper, OEO AN MEGEE ra,o4-fracg PtlVriffi THE PRESS.---PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY, .IPLY 10, 1858. ' Paffriffi . 7 ; -iii6TE6TEn iCaITIO4 'OP PROTOXIDE OF Having Succariefully paSsed the ordeal to which neN4 dig• covering In the Mated.. Medina are oubjected, must now bo received as an established medicine; Its epicsoy; In curing DYSPEPSIA', Affections of the Liver, Dropsy; Neva Dronchltiii and Consumptive tendencies, DisortihrSd State of the Blood, Boils, Scurvy, the Prostrating Effects or Load or Mercury, General Debility, and all Diseases which 71). quire a 'rent° *tad Alterative Medicine, is beyond quoit. • al) The proofs of Its efficacy are :so, nu merous, so well' authenticated, and Of such peculiar character that sufferers cannot reasonably hesitate to redife Ithe plroffered aid. • The Peruvian Sirup does not profess to be a cure-all, but its range Is eaten ' dye, because many diseases, apparently unliki7iire intimately related, and proceeding froin one cause, may be cured by one remedy, The class of diseases for which" the Syrup provides a cure is precisely that which has so often balled' the highest order of medical skill. The facts are tangible, the witnesses accessible, and the safety and efficacy of the Syrup incontrovertible. Those persons who may wish for an opinion from die interested persona respecting the character of the Syrup, cannot fail to bo satisfied with the following, among nu merous testimonials, In the hands of the Agents. The signatures are those of gentlemen well known in the community, and of the highest respectability. The undersigned' Laving experienced the beneficial ef fects of the " Poruvien Syrup," do not hesitate to re commend it to the attention of the public, . . Promoter own experienee, as well an from the testh mony of others, whose intelligence and integrity are al. together unquestionable, we, have no doubt of its MSc& cy in canes of Incipient Diseases of the Lunge and Bran ailed Passages, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Droopy., Neuralgia, ice. Indeed, its effects would be incredible, but from the high character of those who have wit nessed them; and have volunteered their testimony, as we do ours, to lie restorative power. Rev. JOHN PIERPONT, - - THOMAS A DEXTER,. g if KENDALL, M. D. SAMUEL MAY, , THOMAS C AMORY, PETER. HARVEY, JAMES 0 DUNN, ' Rev. THOS. WHITTENIORE. CERTIVIOA.TE OF DR. IIAYES. It is well known that the medicinal effects of Protox• ide of Iron is lost by, even a very brief exposure to sir, and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron, without farther oxiditiorb,hae been deemed impossible. In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point is at tained by-combination - in away-before un kn own, and this solution may replace all the mato carbonates, of trete'', apd tartrates of the Atetorle Medico, A. A 11.11'ES, 711 D, r to the State of Massachusetts: 16 linAston - %O a ast, Boston:' N. L. CLARK. Sc, CO., Proprietors, i rio..g. WATER Street, Boston. .F. BROWN, FIFTH. and CHESTNUT Streets, lIASSARD & CO., TWELFTH and CHESTNUT Streets jolt.tu th sat-em weak Agents for Philadelphia.- , 11 - 11 - E _LIVER INVIGORATOR TRIP 'SSD ELT 1:12L. alaYllaD COMPOUNDED ENTIRRLY FROM OtrME, Is one of the best Purgative and Liver Medicines now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It Is not only a Cathartic, bat a Liver reme dy, acting first on the Liver til'elent Ito moiled matter, 'then on the stomaoh 'and boirele to carry off that mat ter, thus aecompliehing two puma acs effectually, with out any of the painful feelings eaperieueet in the (*O rations of most Cathartics. 4 strengthens the eye. tem at the same time that it purges it, as when taken dotty moderate dopes, will strengthen arid build it up with unusual rapidity. The Mass mane of the human body ; and when it well, the powers of the °pad. The stomaa lesi on the healthy actiOn of performanoe of Its retic le st fault the bowels are system suffers In conga- Liver—taming ceased to eases of that organ, one made it Isle study, in a ye otti t to 4114 come rem.- sat the many derange To prove that this re parron troubled with Lt• ite rorms, bu but to try a dertain. These Gums remora ell the eystem, supplying In of bile, invigorating the digest well, ptinfylng the health to the whole me nus of the disease—et- BILIOUS ATTACKS are ter, }mattered by the W. TICSIOORATOR. One dose, after eating, Omni' and prevent the lug. Only one dose, taken NIGHTMAitN. Oply one dose, taken at gently, and onires Cog- One dose, taken after PIM!. !IV One dose of two relieve 8101 L ftiADAOHP. One bottle taken for fe the canoe of the disease, Oulp one dose homed , while one dose, often re. 0110Lene ?donnas. and a irrOnly ono bottle is 'velem the effects of me. nese. strOne bottle taken, irneee or unnatural ne dope bitten a ehert , vigor to the appetite, and One dpse, ol ten teoest. offm• In Ito worst forme., complaints yield One or two dosed cure In children; there le no remedy In the world, as it 11:r A few bottles curs absorbents. We take pleasure lure. clue se a preventive for Ifsven, and all Pavane of rates with certainty, and teatify to Its wonderful. All who use it are voing in its favor. Er Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow both together. ..... i 0 • & MgTffic. DISOOVRAY, and Is daily work ing mires, almost too groat co bailey.. It cures ari if by magicseldomeven the first de giving bene fi t, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dys pepsia to a COMMOn Headache, all of which are the re sult of s DISEASED LIVER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Dr. 11414 FORD, Proprietor, 246 Broadway, New York 4gaiti for Philulelphis, T. W. PYOTT & BOSS, 2 ' North Second Street Retailed by alt Druggists, Sold also by 81. BEERS, Twelfth and Chestnut streets, and P 11 Fifth and ObestOut streets Philada. ogle to tb e•ly Ilan= will, in all cases, folloir the nee of Midway's R. It Remedies. That. are none eo sick or dimmed, et weak, feeble, or crippled with pain or Infirmities, but that Itadway'e Ready Relief, Renovating, Resolvent, 01 Regulators, as the nature of the disease or Meknes, may require, will quickly and tepidly cure. These remedies consist of Radway's Ready Relief, /leeway's Renovating Reeolvent ; Radway , s Regulators Each of these remedies pomessee special curative powest over certain diseases. Yet there are other disease, wherein their combined medicinal properties era re quired; and when tbus used, If there le suillelent llh and strength within the dimmed or dying body to sue tale their action, the patient will live and be restore( to health. Pain Acute Diseases. Inflammatory Diseases, Malarious Diseases..... Congestive Diseases.... Scrofulous Diseases.... Chronic Diseas,P Syphilitic Diseases Constitutional Diseases , Skin Diseases Nervous Diseases , .11. A. Relief. .R. R. Relief. .11clief and Regulators. Relief and Regulators. Relief and Regulators. Renovating Resolvent. . Renovating Resolvent. ,Renovating Resolvent. Resolvent and Regulators. Renovating Resolvent, Itesolvont, Relief s Regul• tors. Infectious Diseases Ready Relief ¢ Regulators CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASES. Many diseases that *fillet humanity are inherited al heir-looms from the diseased bodies of sickly sires &solute, Consumption, Syphilis, and Fits, are amens the most common of conetitutional diseases. Now, we care not how many generations the Beads of these dts. eases may have been established in the system, cor• rtipting the blood—Railway's Renorontixg R4.1012 , t1.: will eradicate from the bodies of the afflicted every par• tide of diseased deposits, and 011 the veins with new, pure, and healthy blood. CHILDREN% DISEASES. Radway's Renovate's' Resolvent should be hailed as a blessing by every mother throughout the land whose infanta are afflicted with Flores, Ilurnore, etc These breaklngs out (thus early) are evldenoes of die. cane trenemttted from the parent stock. A few doses of the Renovating Resolvent will eradicate every redly of the disease and Insure the child a mind and healthy body. B.R. R.—ltadway's Ready Relief for Headaches, whs. ther sick or nervons•, Rheumatism, Dim. rlicea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps. Influenza, Bloody Plug. Paralysis, Lumbago Qout, Neuralgia Toothaohe, Small Pox. • revere, Swollen Joints, Kidney Complaints Scarlet Fever, Paine around the Liver, Plea. rimy, Measles, Heartburn, and :Pains of all kinds. Radware Ready Relief will, in a Ire mlnutee, change the miseries you suffer It Joys of pleasure. R. It. R.—Radway'e Renovating Resolvent, for the Our. of chronic diseases—Such as Scrofulous and Syphilitic complaints, Ooneumptlyo and other affections of the Lungs and Throat - Induration' sad Enlargements of pasta Eruptive and other diseases of the Skin Nodes, Tamers, Ulcers, DysPeplia, and all • other diseases arising from an impure state of the blood. % R.ll.—Redway's Regulators will cure, elfectivel) and sredlly, Ociatlveness, Indigestion Painter's °hullo, Lead Diseases, Intlainma lion of the Bowels Dyspeonia, Liver Oem plaint, Mimeses of 'the Heart and Kidneys Female Complaints, Small Pox, Fever, Measles, etc., eta. Whenever the 'system ii out of order, or the blood impure a dose co Radway's Regulabvs will rooter° it to regu larity, and purify and cleanse the blood. lit female should be without them. R. Remedies are sold by Druggists mitt Merchants ever where. AMWAY & 00., New York City. W. B. Zeman, T. W. DTOTT k SON, Agents, Philadelphia. T. It CALLINDNII splft•tuaresdly&eowliT WHY SUFFER WITH DYSPEPSIA? ZIEGLER & SMITH'S PURE, MEDICINAL COGNAC BRANDY has cured Dyspepsia Low Spirits, General Debility, & c., &0., &e. Price 11.25 per bot. tle, 0r510.60 per dozen. Warranted pure. Try it. I hereby certify that I had been afflicted with dys pepsia for the last ten years, during which time I have tried allthe popular medicines, but, of no avail. Having bad Zeigler & Brith , e Pure. Medians' Cognac Brandy recommended by many porsene, geed me to try it. One bottle has almost cured o porta and costive habits, of ton years , standing. I say, with a thank ful heart, that I have haver found Wil equal during my painful and distressing complaint. kftaerely recom mend it to dyspeptic, nervous .and debilitated sufferers. oni O. 112,Aliftots, lath 1855. 1291 Olive street. Also, ZIEGLER & SMITH'S Pure Medleinal WINES, warranted pare, and no counterfeit mixtures, which are daily palmed upon the public as genuine wines. These Wines are especially adapted to dyspeptics; and oonsump. tires, and in all oases ofgenerall debility, lose of owe: lit., &a.. Old Madeira Wine, price per bottle $1 00 Old Port Wine, do. do. ...... 1 00 Old Sherry Wine, do. do. 100 Address your orders to Bole Agents, ZEIGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Druggists B. W. corner SECOND and GREEN Ste , Phila. Also, for sale by JOHN MAY; Druggist, fel.y Prankford road, opposite Hanover. QALMON, SFIAD, &C.-20 tierces No. 1 Salmon • 18 bble. do ; 80 bbis. prime Bee Shed; 200 Me. kale-1M; 180 bbl, White-flett, now in store and for sale by , .10101 81. KENN&DY & CO., AO &.1v Mr. IR4I awl IR2 Nnrth where. HERRING. ' 7 BOO bbls. No.l HERRING, Baatpori I n epaotioal 600 do. Halifax. now In dare and for sale by MIN 31. RENNODY & 00., • sylli 380 0114 389 tif#9! wham?. tiieaic►ttel. MOM principal regulators of the performs Its fun o tions system are fully devel moot entrely dependent the Liorr for the proper dons ; when the stomach at fault, and the whole quence of one organ—the do its duty. For the die of the proprietors ha e practice of more than 2D dy wherewith to counter mutts to which it is lie toady la at last found, any Irma OoittLaittejlt sof or bottle, mad conviOlon Ira morbid °thin; matter from their piece a healthy OW atomaoh, mining food to blood, giving tone and ob i a e ry, removing the footing a radical cure. cured, and, what is bet casionsl else of the Ltynt le andletent to relleTo the; food from rising and sour; before retiring, prevents night, loonne the bowels THRlggfiti. each meal, will care Bre: teupoon.fils will odwayo male obetraction rem:loves and mak.s a perfect cure. ately relieves Cu ot.l posted, Is s sure cure for preventive or CROLIMA needed to throwont of the Mains after a 10. ololc• for 3AVADICII reraoienil color from the skin. time before eating gives mes4eo food digest west. ed, duroi Ciaheso trbließuio and Bowes. to the tint, Close. attacks caused by Weave surer safer, or speedier neee;fails. Deorsr, by exalting the commending this medi levart and lova, Outm. a Bttautre Trig. It ope thousands Ice willing to virtues. eir Smonintosts testimony THE LIVER INVIIMATOR insurance glantpaings. g • Crri - INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 110 Bouth.,01:11MIT Btrfet;-- - - L. • ","" s2oo,oup: "- Organized 1851— Privileged to insure nollNeei annually Or perpetually; Personal Property, 'annually, or, for a leas period; take Marine, Inland , awl the Irieurance It, lake; receive De partite hold Truata anti grantannuities ' , ALPIVED WBERS, PrOlildent. • ' 11 : 0 :TYLER, Vice President. W. MARTIN, Beeretark. 111111:0 ORS .. . , Alfred Weeks, . Mon. w. p. icolley, 11. 0. Tyler, • a. w. Forney, J. W. Bonder, P. L. Mingle, C R. nicking, ' James Wateon, I. L. Hutcbinnon, Ludlam Matthews, J. W . &Ulm , ' ' William' Curtis, Jolli.lm - G. F., tuner. . , LIOWARD FIRE AND 'MARINE IN ILI:81:111ANQB COMPANY—Office No. 412 WALNUT IRrost, PhllaAclphla. , . ' CAPITAL AND SUNPLCS, 2764.095.84. • otesol;One. . . . . - . , ' P. M. P,otts, - - , J , ~ rdgar Thomewi; O. B. Spangler , ' 0. G. dower, Abraham-Box, • , John W Buxton, ' B. 8. Warne, John Garrison, George Howell, " Henault. Potts, , Wm. P. Leech; . . IL T. Kenai!, H. H. Houston, Joe. R. Withers, Abraham P. Byre, '' 'B. Booth, • Monies P. Norton, John 11. Lowers, . • H.R. Bhillingford. - 0. E. SPANGLE% Prmident B. 8. WARNS, Vice President. ORAL A. Dor, Seeretary. mylo CORN — EXCRANGE INSURANCE CON PANY, No. 831 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. OHAILTBRED CAPITAL $6OO 000.—PAID UP OAPI.• T AL $3013.900 Thin Company having been recently REORGANIZED, 'and its Waal Capital largely increased, respectfully solicits a share of the patronage of insurers. Fire and Marine Policies will be Issued at equitable rates of pre mium, and lomes liberally adjusted and promptly paid. DLREOTORB : William M Godwin, S. R Crawford, . ywes W. Queen, Jno. L. Redner, George W. Mall, William B. Themes, Franklin Jackson, 13. N. Winslow, 3. C. Hopper, Geary D. Ware. WM. M. GODWIN, President. J. 0. Moms, Secretary. mvlo-dtf .11 0 E LNSIJRANCE AND, TLWST DOM PANY.—TheI'ENN MUTUAL Lin INSURANOI COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, 5 612,726.08. INSURES Lrvus for short terms, or for the whole term of. life—rialto; &nannies sn4:eu4niviainit6-11<r abases life Intonate in Real listate, and mikes wIl °entracte depending on the contingenales of Life. 1 . They act u linentore, Admlnletrators, Aseignotar,` Treatise, and asthsdlaull. Tao xxxxx n. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel B. Stokes, Benjamin Mute ,0 ' William Martin,. Richard 8. NeWNW, - . 'James II Margrland, ', Willi= P. Hacker, Joseph H. gautdar, n William H. Hero, ' James Boston, Samuel 0. Haan_ Theophilul Paulding, Charles Hallowell, n Bdround A. 'louder, Henry O. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutehnumn, Rodolphua Rent, ' John W. Horror, , William H. Carr, Ellis S. Archer, Bayard T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Ruin, Jolu, G. Brenner, . _ . P.B. !Mohler, Huston. DANIEL L. BLlLkbils President. . ' SAMUEL R. STORES ' , Vies Presit. ' Jong W. Holizion. Elearetarr. n 184,7 91.1 HE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COHPAHE.-office 408 wAittIIT Street, PHILA DELPHIA. ' CAPITAL SJIPLTIS $277,055.85. ' Insures against. loss or damage by Pin and the PRAM ef the MA, INLAND NAVIGATION and TRANSPORTATION. Ten per eent. ipAesh retnrned on the earned pre inittins of Open Inland Policies. °SPIDERS. GEORGE IL EMlT—Presldeat. E. P. 1100 B—Vine President H. E. 00005111ALL—Ileareteary and Treasure. B. 11. BlTPLER—Auletent fiseretery. DIAMO7OIIB. George H. Hart, Joseph Edwards, E. P. Boss, Foster B. Perham!, A 0. Oattell, Chinese G. Imlay, Andrew R. Chambers, Samuel Jones, M. D., D. W. bailey, . Hon. H M. Puller,l John 4. Dale, H. H. CoggShen, John L. Pomeroy. H. H. 0000811. ALL. Beeretary, A ROTIO ' DIE INS I !MICE OOMPA- Ilk NY, NEW YORK.-0111en, No 29 Wall stroat, ad joining the Ideekiinlai iliPtsi, 2460,000, with a•eurplvis. 41ii iio.ompany leave Agana's, Her. ohandise, Immiture, 'Vessels In part ii i nd dr Oargime, and other property, ,pipet lams or Bannip by Etre and the lasts of Inland Pfeeration, DBEEOTOBS. Huai Grimislt, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rolm 11. Orwree, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davis Edmund Penfold 4 0. H. Lilienthal, Amason E. Corning, Theo. Polhemui, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Elisha E. Horgan, Thomas Wings% Abm. B. Van Nest, John H. Earle, William A. Oary, Albert Ward, Thomas S. Nelson, Charles Easton, James W. Phillips, Louie Lornt, Oharles A. Mary, Samuel G. Glidden, Edward ILlnaken, SAADI'. Cambreleng, Wm. B. Shepard, Thomas Boort, Oberlin; L.grgit, John Ward, Lctilirop L. ftiurgus, Henry E. Bogert, Wdliam It. Foadlek, Peter Edo., Emery Thaer, Benjamin H. Yield , . No. Weetf eldt, A. H. Prothingham, Salmon Taylor, Thal. P. Youngs, Henry E. Blossom. Samuel L. liditehell, ALBS= WARD, President. Ennui° A. OAZLlllT.l3earetary. an 10.Iy COMMONWEALTH INBLIRANITH Tem COWART OP 5T.4211 OPoFFIC PRecunl4ipmiLA. •I NORTHWEST odnNzu FOURTH AND WALNUT STRIRTS, PIIILADSLPHIA. Salsiddlrod Capital, $600,000. Paid up Capltal, DULEITOI.S. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. 8. Stewart, H. L. Benner, J. M. Bailor, J. M. Whiten, J. E. Walker, Edw. a Knight, U.K. Wendell, U. Lewis , Jr., B. K. HOZEiII. AVID ,lA.YNIi, AL D. President. TIIOMAS 8. STEWART, Vice Preen. IlArtro, 8, Moos, Secretor!. A 294 IINSURAN tkl COMPANY OF NORTH Ai:MA.IOA. MARINE, EIRE AND INLAND TRANSPOR TATION INSURANCE. OVPION No. 232 WALNUT BTILUT t South side, east of Third street. The properties of thin Company are well inveeted t and furnish an available fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who define to be protected by Ineurauce. MARINE' RISKS taken on Vessels, Freights, and s llsL a it.N s. D TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Merchandise 'per Railroads, Canals, and Steamboats. FIRE RIPEB on blerobandice i Furniture. and Build hap, in City end County. INCORPORATED IN 1794. CAPITAL $400,000, ALL PAID IN AND SECURELY INVESTED. TOTAL PROPERTIES $1007,826 24. FIRPMTU/L °uneven. DIRECTORS. ALTHI/1 N. Omni, Wittuut Wits; Saxon. W..7oNze, Witttate E. Bora', JOHN A. Daum!, JANIS N. DIOMION, BALM F. Una, El biome WARN, Uneaten TAILOI, JOHN MASON, AIIHROBit WHIRR, GIORGI L. HARMON, JOHN R. lisrr, Teems K. Cori, BIOHAHD D. Woon, EDWARD H. THOM/a. AMINE G. 00FVIN, President. KENNY D. PMERRERD, Secretary. J►l9-tt nELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN BIIRANOE OOMYANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE of PENN. SYLVANIA, ISM. MICE, S. E. Oornor THIRD and WALNUT Moods, ' PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE, ON TIBARLii, 0 ARA3O, To all parts of the World. /BRIGHT, lAYLAND INSURANCES, Qa Goods, by River Canals, Lakes, and land Owlet* to aliierta of the Union. FIR INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Roues, ho. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY, November 2, 1857. Bonds Mortgages, and Real Rotate 5101,850 94 PhlladelphiaOlty and other Leann 137,011 25 Stock in Bonita, Rallroada, and Insurance Companion Bah Receivable .. Cash on hand Balance in hands of Agents, Premiums on Maxine Policies recently homed, on other debts due the Company P 2,730 PP BubsoriptiOn Notes 100,000 00 t DlllllOlOllll William Martin, James 0. Hand Joseph H . Beal, Theophilns Paulding, Edmund A. Bonder, James Impair, John 0. Darin, William Eyre, Jr., John R. Penrose, J. P. Peniston, George G. Leiper, Joehua P. Eyre, Edward Darlington, Samuel L. Stokee, Dr. R M. Hinton, Henry Sloan, Win. 0. Ludwig, • James B. McPailand, Hugh Craig, Thomas 0. Hand, Spencer Mollrain, _ Robert Burton, Jr., Enemies Kelly, Juo. B. Semple, Pittebgh H. Jones Brooksp Dr. T Morgan, ~ Jacob P. Jones. J. T. Logan, 1 1 WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS 0. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. ja9.y fiIIRE AND INLAND RISKS.—FAME INSURANON COMPANY, capital - $lOO,OOO. (Organized under the Act of' Acanrobly relative to /n earanee Companies, palmed April 2d. 1860 ) GEORCIN W. DAY, President. T 11011.613 B. MARTIN, Vice - Provident. WILLIAMS I. IMANOII AIM, Secretary. 06800 411 011/21TNIIT St., Philadelphia. DB:MOTORS. George W. Day, Jacob K Vaughan, William W. Walters, Henry Lewin, Jr., Oharlee Richardson, D. D. Birr Ilarolay Lippincott, John W. dvarman, - Joe. It. Drognard, A, H. Rosenholm,. Oboe Siete., fe24-y M Stern,. tationern. 11.1 LARK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. L. DAVID NI. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Hooke of every description, suitable for Banks. Public Offices, Merchants, and others, of the best quality of english or American, Paper, and bound In various styles, in the most substantial mater. for JOB PRINTING of every description• lograving and Lithographing executed with neatness and deepateh. t rAneral assortment of ldnglish, trench and Amer]. can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Ilogan's contribution to the Franklin Inininte, the Committee say—A , This display of blank boots (or banking and mercantile nee in the beet in the lithibition. The selection or the material is good, the workmanship moat excellent, and their flash and ap pearance neat and appropriate." n 0204.1 'express Olompanteo THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, PAERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either hy its own LINES, er in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the prinelpal TOWNS end CITIES of the United States. .11. S. SANDFORD, general Seperintsedet; PLASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD.- BPROIAL NOTI.OIII TO PDYBICIANI3.—The above °Bern a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to dis eased surfaees, which combines the following advanta ges t A good and•unvarying con-Istenea, easily washed off with water, dissolves all substances that are solu ble in water, hence facilitating Instead of obstructing their absorption, and does cot get ?amid The last property alone renders it an invaluable acquisition to the praCtitioner. Prepared and for Bale wholesale and retail, at OMB'S Laboratory and Pharmacy, mbi Twelfth and Chestnut streets. CLARET WINE.—DE COURSE Y, LA FOUROADE, & 00,, 83 MARKET Street, have RD butortation of Larogreade's Pure Bordeaux Claret W14• 1 1110171*011804 / . 14 jeb-tal i34ippittg. AiFOR SAN,FRANDISCO,OLIPP,ER, OF TIIIIRSDAY, 15th "July Inot,,LLOWEar EATEN, AND NO • DETENTIONG .‘ •- • The soperlor A 1 Clipper Ship WANDERTNG Jri9, 131A0NPOL, Commander, is now receiving her eargo-kt Pier 10, PI. 11..,—(New York,) and will positively sad above. - • , • The Wondering Jew was built for the California Trade, la throughly ventilated, and of small calamity), has just merle, the voyage in 84 days from. Amoy to Havana, being the ahortest passage ever made between those ports. The euperlor selling qualttlos of; this ship, her small capacity, low rates of freight, and early 'day of 'sailing, present unequalled Inducements. Nor balance of freight apply to _ . ,Jyakitf BlnflOP, SIMONS, & 00. • 120 NORTH SVIIARVIIB. STEAM TO LIVERPOOL AND GLAS GIONV, DUBLIN, BELFAST, and LONDONDERRY, VIA LIVERPOOL. THE LIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA. STEAM SHIP CO.'S Clyde-built Iron Steamships aro intended to Nall as follows : FROM NEW YORE. CITY OF BALT lAIOR . . .... ....Thursday, July Ist CITY OP WASHINGTON 151 h KANGAROO 29th. And each alternate Thursday, from Pier 44 N. R. . . PROM LIVORPOOI.. CITY OP WASHINGTON Wednesday, June 23d. KANGAROO " July 7th. CITY OF BALTIMORE.. ..... . " " 21st And each alternate .......... Cabin Passage from New York and Phi 1ade1ph1a....175 Third Class to any of the above-mentioned places, end found In beat cooked Provisions 30 Return Tickets good for 0 months 60 Certificates of Passage from Liverpool to New York or Philadelphia 4ti Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Bremen, Ham burg, tee., without delay at through rates. The Company's Steamship BOSPHORUS will sail regularly between Antwei and Liverpool, in connection with the departures fo 'ew York, taking goods from Antwerp fo Now York, a through rate of freight. Certificates of Plumage from Antwerp to New York $4O, Drafts on Liverpool from £1 upwards. For freight or passage, apply at the Company's Offices, 15 BROADWAY, New York, nod 109 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia.r JOHN Q. DALE, Agent. - O -- WILLIAM INMAN, je22 62 and 63 Tower Building, Liverpool. 11#7 LIVERPOOL AND PIMA -47, DELPIITA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Steam communication between New York and Ant. worp, via Liverpool. The splendid teat ;screw-Steamship BOSPHORUS, Captain McGuigan, (lately employed in the Royal Stall servics,) will call regularly between Antwerp and Liver pool every alternate THURSDAY, In connection with the company's steamship from Liverpool to New York. Goode for New York will he-received •and shipped by the Agents In Antwerp, and MIL; of lading Maned there at a through rate of freight. A I , . ' The that Hailing from Antwerp be on the 17th of June in conjunction with the C ITY OP WASHING TON from Liverpool, on June 23. For further partltulare and terms of freight and pas. one, apply to V. Ictinrqm ,Co„ Antwerp; William, loom, Lower Buildings, Liverpool, and at the Com , piture UOBO5 Broadway, New York, and 309 Wainal street, Phlbulelphia. je2l-1n; REGULAR LINE FOR PROVI DENOE.--Sehooner WORCESTER, RHODES taster, now loading at Callowbill-street Wharf.. For freight, apply to Captain on board or to JNO M. kENNEtY 180 and 231 NORTR W NARY ES., FOR CHARLESTON AND SA VANNAH -HERON'S LINE. GO RN OEIVED AND BILLS ON LADING SIGNED • . The splendid Bret-olase elde-wheel Steamships KEYSTONE , STATE and STATE OW GEORGIA, Now term a weekly line for the South and Southwest cue of throe ships sailing every SATURDAY at I. reopen. , &clock A. H. ejtoneetely for Charleston ata TOR CHARLESTON. • The REY/WOMB BTATH, Captain Charles P. Marsh man, will commence loading on Thursday, July Bth and sail for Charleston, S. 0., on Saturday, July lath at 10 o'olook A 14 von SAVANNAH. The STATE OP GEORGIA, Oapt. Sohn J. Garvin. will commence loading on Thursday, July let, and nail for Savannah, Ga., on Saturday, Julypd, at 10 o'clock A M. At both Charleston and Savannah, these shipseonneet with steamers for Florida and Havana, and with rail roads, &0., for all altitl the South and Southwest. YRNIGLITB REDUCED. . . Heavy Freight at an avenge of 18 per cent. below New York steamship rates. INSURANCE. • FREIGHT and INBIIR EiOltbp 4largeprgportiop of goods shipped &nth will be found to be lower by these ships Heap by calling vessels. Cabin passage $2O 00 Steerage do 8 00 Eaeuraion Tickets, good for the present year. 80 00 No Mils of lading signed after the ship has Tor freight or Damage, apply to A. HERON, Zr., No. 828 (late 81) North Wharves. Agents at Charleston, T. &T. G. BUDD. Agents in Savannah, O. A. GREINER & 00. For Florida, from Charleston. steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday, For Florida, from Savannah, steamers ST. MARYS and ST. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday, For Havana, from Charleston , enamor ISABEL, olv the 4th and ltith of every month: jell WO STEAM TO 01.A.selow, LIVER= POOH., BlicFetve, J?unini, and LONDON- I/ It , witholit delay. far Dl dollars. Return tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places by any steamer of the line, 40 dollars for the round trip, out and back. pm( new YOWL. New York, McMillan, Saturday, July 10 at 12 o'clock, M. Edinburgh Cumming, .. .Tuly 24, ti Glasgow,Goodwin, ~ August T, r. /ROM OLAJOOM Edinburgh. Cumming Saturday, June 26. Glasgow, Goodwin Saturday. July 10. New York, McMillan Wmineaday, Angust 11. BATES OF lainiAtill. ssoy 614840 Y. 1nr004141,,, ~ 16 !pilaw Steerage, found aitli . cooked provisions 8 eg not NIA YOWL. Vint Ulm $l6 00 Steerage, found with 000kod provisions . . .... . SO 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fare; infants in Steerage, free. Return tickets available within sit months, by any steamer of this line. First Ohms 8140 00 Steerage $6O 00 An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For freight or plumage apply to WORKMAN & CO., 122 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. HALL & LONEY, BnotuutaA's Wharf, Baltimore. myll %IRE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL BTEAMBLIIPB. /ROM NIIIT TO= TO LITIZTOOL, Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Camp, /10M - 00EITO0 TO tavairooL, Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Plumage The maps from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt.Wickman ASIA, Capt, B. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Ryrle. APRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch. Those meets carry a clear white light at moat-head; green on starboard bow; red en port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, leaves NYork,Wedneaday, June Sth AMERICA, Moodie, ,4 Boston, Wednesday, Mane le. ARIA, Lon, 44 N York, Wednesday Juno Rid CANADA, Lang, gg Boeton, Wednesday, Jane 30 PERSIA, Judkins, " N York, Wednesday July 1' NIAGARA, Wickman," Boston, Wednesday, July 14, AFRlOA,Shannon, c N York, Wednesday, July 21 Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surge& on board. .... .... .. .... _ The owners of these Mpg will net be amountable•for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Speedo Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless Alls of lading are eigned therefor and the valnetherem: i• t ohs expreseed. For frelghtor • apply to my 10-y X CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. U) Iwo anti Ewan .CA..A LEXANDRE SEIGNETTE BRANDY. The subscribers have boon appointed sole agents in the State of Pennsylvania for the above well-known ItOCUELLE BRANDY, which they are prepared to offer to the trade at the lowest market price, from Uni ted States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture. A constant supply on hand, in half, quarter, and one eighth pipes, dark and pale 3elS-tf yULES ROBIN hr. CO. OOGNAC.—Tho V aubscrihors, sole agents in the State of Pennsylva nia for the above celebrated brand of COGNAC BRAN DY, beg to call the attention of the trade to its superior quality, and feel coofideut It will compare favorably with the moat favorite brands in the market ARNOLD & .1:40 WALNUT Street. 12,608 00 220,291 96 88,1392 00 A eoastant supply of the above in the United States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture, of various vintages, in half, quarter, sad eighth pipes jelB-tf IA M BRE Y GRAPE-LEAF 011 AM PAGNE. ARNOLD & WORL Bole Agente, 120 WALNUT Street 103,786 8T pipes Hutch Company Gin, in lJf bond and for sole by . . . HEIDSICK & CO. CtiameAtia z.—A constant supply of the genuine brand in bond and In gore, for sale by l M. YEAR ON, Je3 Rill South FRONT Street. CLARET -126 CASES MAIMAUX, 160 easea km. JULIEN, in quart' and pinta, In store and for sale by A. MSRINO, cr22 lip Routh FRONT iitroat. .B Minot Oastillon," Marett, and other Cognacs of various vintage'', in halt pipes and quarter casks; Pellevolsin Rochelle Brandies, ale and dark, In half pipes, half auks, and otte•eighth casks, Imported and for sale by MIRY BOHLEN tc CO:, 0022 221 and 223 Routh Fourth street, I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN PINE WINKS, LIQTJORS, OiGARS, ice. St South VIRTU Street, Philadelphia. wil-fy QIIERRY WINE.-15 QUARTER PIPES A. 7 various grade' Harmony Sherry, in b ud, and for sale by W CLLI Ul H. YEATON. %DSO Ulflitnnth FRONT FM. CORDIALS. -ANISETTE, OURACOA, and MAE AROEIINO In'store and for ante by awn orentrui. no A YRONT At. A LLSOI"B PALE ALE IN HRDS.-A constant supply 012 baud In Oustom Houle stores, for sale by WILLIAM 11. YEATON Sole Agent for Pennsylvania, No SIB South FRONT Street. BRANDY. --7 octaves* Renault 8c Co. Cog nu, very old vintagr, In bond and for Salo by WILLIAM LI YEATON, ie 3 VS Rant]. FRONT Rt. DIME LFHIGH AND BROAD-TOP COAL.—JAMES 11. MONTGOMERY Informs his friends and the public that he has effected an arrahge meat with the Buck Mountain Coal Company for the sale of tbeirjuntly-celebrated LEHIGH COAL. lie has ales arrangod with the proprietor of the Broad-Top Mines for the Bale of his valuable SEMI-BITUMINOUS COAL and is now prepared to receive orders and leaks prompt deliveries, at his Office, No. 402CIVALNUT Btroet, world story, front room. je3-lini ITOZBEING, FOX, & CO., wholesale and a.' retail dealers In LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL GOAL. Lehigh yard—THIRD street and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill yard—RACE and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Keel constantly on hand Coal from the moat approved mites, under cover, and pre pared expressly for tamlly use. re 6-7 .QOHITYLICILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— I ant daily receiving, at my yard, the beet quality° SCHUYLKILL AND LIIHIGH GOAL. My customers, and all others Who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. elpr-,No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to over at LOW PIIIOIII. ALNXANDNE N B. earoor of Broad and Cherry Ste 'DORT WINE.-80 Quarter Pipes. in bond siol for sale by WILLIAM N. YF.ATON, i 024 210 Roeth FRONT fltraat. WRITE FISH.--75 bait bble. of the oele ,V V brats.] Detroit River White Rich, just received end for ado b 7 0. 0. RADLER it Cc,' 0 Muth WATI4 JOHN G. DALE. Agent EVERY -1.41" 111130 75 ARNOLD & WORL D 120 WALNUT Street WILLIAM H. YEATON, No 21t1Rontb FRONT Rtroot flailwabo. EtactioNOTlOE=Bl7lllollo 9 kAM . ,AERANGEDIENT. 1 /ILADELpIizA WILAIINGTaN, AND • - • Aiong.pArtßoAb. ! • Orr and arter s f o rlda4/ 41 a9 10 1_ 1 °°qt __,' PASSENGER • TRAINS ' LEAVE: PhigLAus/4PuIA • Per - Baltimore, at 8 A. U.," / P; /6.1 (ExPreaa.l and For,WilmingtoniatiVA. , • For New ()sane, at 8 A. Id, and 4.80 P.35i For Middletoird, at 8 A. HI., and 4.30 P. For Dover, at 8 A. HI., arid 4.30 P. IC For Seaford at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. 51. TRAINS FOB PAILALIBIRBIA, 'Leave Baltimore at - 7:30 , Exprene, 10.15 A:51 4 and 5.40 P. 51, Leave Wilmington at 6 46 and.' 10:30 A. AL, and 1.45 and 8.55 P. - - - Leave New Castle at 6 and 9.60 A. M., and at 8.15 P. 51. Leave Middletraiii at 8.68 A. M., and 0.46, . ' Leave Dover at 8 A. M. and 4.56 P: M. Leave Seaford at 13,25:A; M., and 2 P. AL TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. Leave Wilmington at 9.10 A. M., 2 P. M., and - 2.15 A. M. • - SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Bal timore, Do do - '5.40 phla. L3l, from Baltimore to Phila. Freight Train, with'Paasenger Car attached, will run as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville :ma intermediate places at Leave Wilmington for do 6 P. 31. do do 745 P. H. Leave Havre de Orate for Balthnore do 630 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre do Grace do 610 P. M Leave 'Wilmington for Philadelphia do 640 P. M. Jag 8. M. FELTON, President. NORTH PERNSYL ±,i'. • VANIA RAILROAD. • 101 BETHLEHEM, ALLENTOWN, MALI O El MINK, EASTON: DOYLESTOWN SM ARRARIAT TAKES EF UFECMTER MONDAY. NO MAY N 17th, 1858.. For Bethlehem; Allentown, Mauch Chunk and Eas ton, &0., (Eapresa,) in Connection with L. Va l ley Rail road. from WILLOW Street at 9 A. M. and 2.26,P.,M. Passengere for Easton by 2.26 P. M. Train take Stage at Iron Rill Station. For Doylestown. (Accommodation,) from Willow at., at 8.90 A. M and 6,90 P. M - For Fort Washington (Acconunodation) from Second and Chatham Streets at 7.25 and 10.25 A. 211,, and 4'lo and 8.45 P.M. TRAINS YOU PILABLPIIIk •, • - Leave Bethlehem (Papres,i,) et 9 A. M. NA 2,20 P. M., with paesengere from Lehigh Valley. 1411- road,' ind arrive at Willow Street at 12,M. and 6126 P. Leave Dsyleatown Atli A. M. and 260 P..M. f and rive et WIIlo , atreet'at 5.15 A t M, pod 6 P:M. , -9 I - Leave Pert -2 '34+inldrikton at and A. U.; and 2.45 and 5 30 P. M.. and arrive at Beerind end (Witham Streets at 6.60 and 960 A. 61 and 3.35 end 0.29.8. M.• ON SUNDAYS Leave Willow street for Doylestown at 8.80 A. M. and 2P. 11. Leave Doylestriwn for nuladelphis:o 13 A. AL and 5.15 P M. All l i etwengetTraltui MOVING NORTII and SOUTH will atop at Chatham Street onekoonoect with /ally PO tenger Railroad • ' . Pare to Bethlehem nSO " Mush °hunk 250 intylettown - myl7,tf CLARK, Agent. - NEW YORK LINES.—THE GAILDE!: - L 1 AND AbIBOY RAILROAD PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO,rPANIPS LINES. PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WAY PLACES, Leave u follows, via : Pus At 11 X P. M., from Kensington Depot, via Jersey City, Mail 82 26 . At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion - • 26 At 6 A: M., Ms Camden and Jersey City, N, J. A 0 .2 commodation . 2 25 At 8 A. N., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning M a ila 00 At 10. A. M., by Steamboat Trenton, via Tacony sad Jamey City, Waling Express 8 00 At 2 P. itt., via Camden sad Amboy, 0. and A. EX press 800 At 6 P. N. via Camden and Jersey City •Evening Mail 8 0 At 8 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aocomnioder tion, let Clue 2 00 At 8 P.M., via Camden and Amboy, Acconunoia- M 1 60 on, 2nd omaa. At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, AccomModa-, tion, let Olass ' • 200 At 6P. M.via Camden and Amboy, Acconnaods- • Hon, 2u4 Qiess r 1 75 aollpbe 62. M. lima rnria dilly, &Webers Bandar ex Empress Linea stop at the principal nations only. Per Belvidere, radon, Plemington, 80., at SA. MI and 4P. M. from. Walnut street wharf. Nor Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkeabanei Montrone. Great Bend, /cc., at A. M., via Delaware ! Lackawanna at Western Railroad. Nor Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. . - Nor Mount Holly at 6 A. M., and 8 and 6 P. M. - WAY' LINES Nor Bristol, Trenton, &a., at 2.4 and 4 P.M. WAY LINE Nor Palmyra, llincomaa, Beverly, Boxlington, Nordin% town Ac., at 8 P. M. Steamboat Richard Stockton for Rordentown and in termediate placed, at 2,5( P. M.. Steamboat Trenton for 'Tammy, at 10 and 11% - A. M. and for Burlintion and Bristol at 4 P. M. All lino coeptuyi P. 11 ;leave Walnut street wharf. Ij7llitty pomade of baggage wily titcreql.' utak ma i tenger. Passengers are prohibited from , • taking any tiling an baggage but their wearing apparel.' All bag gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra." The Com puny limit their responsibility for baggage Lime dollar per pound, and will not be liable for anyamoint be yond 8100, except by special contract. • WM. H. GAT7ALER, Aitent an 1-ly 0. & A. 11. R. 00. 110BRILADEL illA AND EVORA: MAIL ROAD LINE.--4IMORKBT BOUTR to &Italia Wilkeabwre, Buffalo, Chicago, Rock Island, lilsgera Wivilukle, Darlington ; Montreal, Bt. Paulo Detroit, Dunlioth, and lit. Louie. Passenger trains VW leave the Philadelphia' and Reading Iteliroed Depot, corner BROAD and YINB Busete, daily. (fitutdaya excepted,) as follows 7.30 A. M. DAY EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Island, Galens,St. Paula, Burlington, and St. Louie. 8.80 P. M. NIGHT . EXpll3BB, Hoz. Meru, Niagara Palls, Buffalo, Detroit, Ohicago Milwaukee, Rock Island, Galena, St. Paule, Burlington and St. Louis. LEP Tickets good till need. The 7.80 A. hi. train connects at Reeding with the train for Harrisburg and all stations on the LEI:UM:HI VALLEY RAILROAD; At Rupert, for Wilkeabarre, Pitteton, Scranton, and all stations on the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. Baggage choked to Shaba, Beale, and Susperudon, Bridge. I=IZM Wilkesbarrs... Pittston Scranton Wilkaabarre ' Willlanumort Elmira Canandaigua Geneva, via Gorham Rochester _ Niagara Palls Buffalo - .1; ail Brie. 10 50 Cleveland, via N. Y. and Erie 18 00 " Tll Niagara Palle 13 00 Toledo, via New York and Erie 16 25 Columbus. 18 50 Cincinnati. New York and Eris. 19 00 " . Niagara Palls 19 00 Indianapolis, via New York end Erie 21 00 Detroit, via Niagara Patlo 10 00 Chicago, via Great Waataro Pall ‘ray 22 00 ,11 Lake Shore Railroad 22 00 Bock Island, rya Niagara Palle 21 00 4g Lake Bkora !Unreal 27 00 Burlington 28 00 lowa City ' 29 25 Bt. Louis, via Chicago 20 00 It Indianapolis 29 00 Bunnell:11 - 27 80 St. Paula 36 10 1D Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line's Ticket Office. Northwest corner of SIXTH and 0111CSTNIIT Streets, and at the Pas senger Depot, BROAD and •VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leal el the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, poodays excepted,) for all points West and North, at 0 44 60 - 4 60 4 15 4 50 680 7 98) 800 8 CO .... 8 50 Freights most be delivered before 31..11 to insure their going the same Jay. (17" Freights are forwarded with greater despatch and Lower Rates then by any line from this city to the West and Northwest. Per further information apply to ALLEN At arGalL, Through Freight Depot. Broad, below Vine, Or to CHAS. 8,, TAPPED, General Agent, N. W. eor.Sixth and Chestnut ate., Paßede. G. A. NIOOLLS, Supt. Philads. and Reading -Railroad. H. A. FONDA., Gaul. Supt. °atavism W. R. E. Railroad: J. A. REDFIELD, deBl-1y Gaul. Bupt. Wmiport and Elmira Roamed. PRILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD—PAST PRBIGIIT LlND.—Hreight trains leave the Depot, BROAD Street, la low VINE, daily, for Ennio, Suspension Bridge, Canada, Detroit, Chicago, & it imw's, Oalanai Dubuque, St. Louis, and Warne dilate points. This is the shortest route to Canada and the Lake Porta, and goods will be forwarded with greater derpatob to the above points than by any arbor route. TARIFF OP PRIORI PT/. 100 Ago 'TIT Aaflroad let ohm. 24 claim. 8d ohm. 4th gugg Buspetudou Bridge 90; TO -60 ,40 Masao ' 00 - 70 60 40 Dunkirk 95 75 , 85 - 45 Detroit $l2O 93 70 82 ()Mugu. 1 60 116 100 BO Prof - ea going through by rail All the way must be marked "VIA RAIL." No transhipment iiOtween Phil•delphls and Rh** Mark goods vis Philadelphia awl Reading Railroad, and send to the Depot, Broad abort, below Vine, daily, before 5 P. N. Per furthor information in regstd to this route, call at the through freight office of tb• Philadelphia, Nia gara. and Great Western Line, N. W. earner SIXTH and CHESTNUT. de4o-y TDDENNSYLVANLA RAILROAD.—THE .R. GREAT VENT/Lit/ ROUTE, connecting the At 'antic Cities with Western, North-western, and South western States, by continent's Railway direst. Thi Road also conneota at Plttaburgh - : with daily line of steamers to all Porte on the Western Rivers,and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all een or the North-western Lakes making the most D IRECT CHEAPEST and RELIAJILE ROUTE, by which Preighf can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATER BRTWIRN PILIDADYLPIILI. AND PITTS. BURGH. fuser Grass—Boots, ShoeS, Gals, and Oaps, Books, Dry Goods, (In lboxes bake and trunks), On boles and bales) Beakers, Ifors,.ka tOe. par 100 lb. RIOOND CLASS—Domestic DitteatLug, Ohirting and Ticking, (In otiginal bales), Drugs (in casks), liardware, - Leather, Liquor, (in casks,) Wall Paper, Wool, and Oheop Pelts, Kastward, &a. &a 600. per 100th. Titian Ouse-.A.nvils, Ramp, Bacon and Pork. Salted, (loose or In • sacks), Paints, (dry and in oil,) Oils. (except lard and main) 610. pet 100 lb. POOR= Otaes—Ooffee, Wish, RICO% Beef, and Pork, (in auk. or boxes eastward), Lard and Lard 011, Nails, Bodo Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Steel, Manufactured To. becro, Rosin 011, Queenswase, Bum (hkds., bbls., and boxes,) &a., &a 40e. perloo lb noux-760. per bbl. until farther notice. Gams-36a. per 100 ibe., Until further notice. Roreolt--$.2 per bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, nntli further notice. In shipping Goods from any point Zest of Philadel phia, be particular to ma as packages via Pennswicentia Railroad." All Goode consigned to the Agente of till, Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. lazionv Ao3lllll.—Clarke & Co., Olen° i Packer a £ Co. Memphis, Tenn.; .I‘, tare & Co.. Bt. lonic. Mo.;G. O'BileY & ClO.,Branlvllle, / a / 1 0 11;14ra. Bingham, Louisville, Kentucky. ; Mokirron, Madison, Indiana; K. W. Brown or 00., and /Aker & bkard, Cincinnati' 11. H. Pierce & 00., Zanesville, Ohio; Leech & Co., No, ed Kilkyatreet,licaton; Lena & Co., No. 2 Astor Howse, New Tark,.No:/-Willieun it. New Irork• B. J. tlneedet j :Philadelou maim & gOon4l, Dalsmore; D. A Stewart, pitt A b t r xi th. IL U. 110trOWN, Freight dolt: U. J. LOMBARD'!" 09- General gripe tintendent. Altoona. Pe. • • , , 200 quintals Codfish. 100 do. Pollock. 8 0 Ibis. Mackerel. 100 do, Wilts Bleb, for sale ty O. O. a 00., NMI 9 11. NAVA NW. itailroab Zings. :EMIL ADE LP IIIA; . MIZIIMITOWN -a- AND NO 16111.13 T 0 W RAILROAD.--1111MIM AItRANGI6II3NT...,OI6 and atter MONDAY, May l o 6 h, 1868. ave TOE GERMANTOWN. t ' I : Le Philadelphia 51 7, ,8 "a,, p.op 10, lig,., 1,2, 11,'4, 5,8, T, 8,0, 1 0int'llx ' Lam Germentomniat 6, , 9. og; A. el P. if.. 1-10 min., 2, 8,14, 434, 534;8%, 8, 0-40 min., and UR ILA The 7,56' o'olookA. lit rTrainfront Germantown will stop only at Wayne and Tioga Streets Stations. • ; ON ffIINDAY9, Philadelphia at 9.20 min. :A. M., 2,6%, and 8 Leave Genitantown 83( A. M., I-15 min., 434, wadi P. M. ORESTNIIT HILL RAILROAD. ' Leave Philadelphia st 014, 8, 9.06 min 2,8, 4,6, 8, 10 P. M. Leave Ohetant : Rlll at 6 Viand, 7.84, 9.10, and 10 10 min. A. M 12.50, 8.10,4.10; 5.10, 7.40, and 9.20 min. P. M. ON M`f iIAT O. Leave Philsdelphin, 9 5 .20 A. K, 2, ISX, and 8 P. la. Leave Chestnut Hill at 8.20 min A. K, 12244.10 0.40 P. In NOR OONEWOHOOKRN ANB NORRIS TOWN. Leafs rdelphis at ex, 9, nA. 1.00 c; a., 8.10 min .. 4K. OX, 111 r P. M. Lea►e Norriztowa at 8,7, 9,11 A. /1,, 1, AX, grid f3X P M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. N., and a P. M. Leave Norristowri at 7A. N. and 8 P. D. PON MANAYUNE. Leave Philadelphia at 6X . , TX, 9;11 A. PI 1.05 m' m, 2.05 ruid.:B.lo 43‘. SX, BX, 8, 11,X P. ltd. Leave liiimayunk at 'l3x , i Bx, 915, 1115 A. ?t 4. 6X, rand 9 P. N. • •' IU - ' Sundays same as Norristown. OHNBTXR PON DOWNIt:e• TOWN, Leave Philadelphia at X'A: M.; and. 8.10 mi o. Si Leave Downingtown at . , and IP. 11. • H. IL. SMITH, General Superintendent. • .DePet, Ninth and Green streets, Philadelphia. 1858 -PROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTBRUBGH, CENTRAL Ir T j UD I A 1 ( 2 85' WHEELING And thence by Railroad to „ - STEUBENVILLE ST. LOUIS , CLEVELAND, CINCINN.STI CHICAGO, Lotrrsvn.tha, BURLINGTON, • . INDIANA,POLIP, BT. PALMS, - ; And all Intermediate points ln - OHIO,' INDIANA, ILLINOIS, HENT,UOICY, 6110 HI• - GAN, 151E100E131N; lIINNESOTA;III.93OURI, , HANSAB AND NEERASHA. • • Puceugei to.-poilitx,wattotTPlataburgb,Mbeeling, Zieveitad and Oreaginesitale abstinent routes,. auld are requested to in - akenseleetiort hsforp,,applyieg for tick- TEtRIN THROUGH 'TRAINS' LEAVE •PHIELADYI,- . •, . • - - PHIa DAILY, • Wear.min dose ocumerdlona at Pittsburgh to all points On' end' attar ' MON. 106.1ti'ALLY 10th, 1868, Three through, and Two acoemmodition trains leave the depot, S. E. corner of ELEVENTHa n d , melts= streeta, is follows: '?MAINS /OR VlTiiiBllloll ' AND UM WU? LILY). Mall ininat....7 30 A. H. Peat line 1 00 noon. Zweite 23:m31..11.00 night. PAT TRAINS LUTA. ILtirishurg 44: commodation 8.00 P. M. Lantoder , s 6.00 P. M. ,The mall train stops eta delplda and Pittsburgh. The Expreu mall runs daily, the other trains Sinday excepted. . . • The ears leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Pneeenger Btation k southeast corner of ELI:Pr-NTH and MARKET streets. entrance on Eleventh 'street, where through tickets to all points Veal can be obtained. Baggage will be received at the Depot at any time du ring the day. No charge for.handling baggage. For further Information, apply at. the Depot of he Pennsylvania Railroad mpany, southeast earner of Eleventh and Market streets, between the heart of VA, M:aridllP_ M. THOALAS MOORS' my 10 Agent Penn?* Railroad Co. Tunip 71011 P 12788173101 AID TIM WEB? azalix. Mall Vila at.. 11.00 nliht. FAA line • 440 H. Alptosa mall.. 1.14 noon. !Ur T1A1913 itirtillbarg'l.. M. Lancaster .969 A. M. the stations between Phil!. 15otzle anb ittataitranta. JONES HOUSE, HAERISESEG, • (EnKted 19;7.) ELEGANTLY FORNIBEED. NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. m 7291 WELLS OOPERLE, Proprietor. WORRELL' HOUSE, N. W: °Or:THIRD 'sod HARMONY COURT. Tne undersigned takes pleasure in Informing his friends end •he publie at large, that he has opened the above ESTABLISHMENT, and ',lodges himself to merit the patronage of his patrons,' ever, artia'a is oranne nor, qua's. having baen Waded 'without regaid'to price. , CHARLIE. WOSIRELL,ProprIetorl mytt-tim'. , MICIHOLLA 'HOUSE; ' ' , .1 , (EUROPEAN PLAN ) OP N xr,f Y- AND - Nicurr: NO. 115 801121/.IIIGRTII BT., BELOW .05128TN172', FITILADWELA. Thle ROUSE fa for Permanent and Tranaleat Lodd iNOßtaretrtwilicititetctuiht thi t a h ila P t r a r t i l to; This Y establishment S is aitinted in the heart ot - the city, centre of, bindeae, and convenient to ail plums of amtmement. • " The Nercantile and Travollhti 'community will - did It a dealrable place for comfort, (astral:ma, acid soon. my. Moab' furulahed at all hours. _ Single Roams, 60 tante per night. By the week 82.60 and upward'. mhae•tf NESOHANTS'_ HOTEL, • • . NOMITII .10131/ND BTBnIII - - - - • All4lll MAW', PHILADXLPHIA. &1144 t - 41arD38327 & SONS. Pamm;.- ' TAW. puma Arms. ME SSR S. ORIOKERING Se SONS, having removed to their new warerooms, No. 1307 CIIESTNIIT Street, (near the United States Mint,) are prepare&to offer to their friends mild the public an extensive assortment of Orarid, Parlor-Grand, Square and 'Upright PIANO-FORTES, manufactured expressly for this cite, finished in various styles of eases and at prices which cannot fall to please. Plano-Forted made to order, to snit any style of farniture,.and, ill instru ments warranted to giro entire satisfaction to the pur chaser. Grand and Square Planes to rent, upon the meet Ir 4 vorablo terms. Messre. C. A; SONS have reeeival Thirty-fair MEDALS. The first Proudutne over al! competitor', the United States- All orders for TUNING and NEPALI:ENG will be promptly attended to. PIANO FORTES. Just talitelved;in elegant atnek of TaNIN, DA ON, & 00., NIINNB & MARX, RALLEt, nAvIB & 00., sad GALE &-00. IS ZIA_NOS. 511:1,01A0N13 best quality, at J.S. 6001.1)11, sakiß. N. coiner SZVINTH and CEF.E2 CNUT eta. 9-y Eumbgr. .lIMBER YARD: HOUTZ & 00., -ALAI (Successors to Montgemery & Neall,) d. W. corner pf TWELFTH. and PRIME Streets, Phi t C. Old filoyamensing District, are now receiving a large and well-selected assortrneol of all descriptions of LUMBER, such as White Pint , Yellow Pine, Norway, Hemlock, Lath, Pales. Pickets, Pence Boards, Flooring, dbelving, and scary variety of well-seasoned Lumber. Also, a large stock of Bill !Ruff, of every variety and description, constantly on hand and sawed to order at the shortest notice, Our connection with Messrs. ktehaffer, Routs, &. 00., and Dotty, Routs, k Oct., at Marietta, Ps., gives as un surpassed facilities, and enables us to supply orders for all descriptions of Lumber with promptness and despatch. . . . PINE-Olt/ME LUMBER, soft and mellow, imltabls for PATTIIRN4III.B.I3II2, ho , eonstantly on hand. Prompt paying pnrchasers are respectfully Invited to exam:dna our stock boron going elsewhere. ap2.141 .I:TAMER AT WHOLESALE AND RE tall, at Marietta, Lancaster comity, Pa. hiEIIAYFEY, HOUTZ. & Co , take thle method of informing their cuatomers and persons desirous of pur chaaing LUMBER, that they have now unhand a large and well-sea:toned stock of all descriptions of Limber, which they are prepared to sell at eatiefsetory prices. Their timber is al/ from their own Alf LLB on FINN CREEL They are also connected with Mesons DUSTY, HOUTZ, &. CO., and are prepared to furnish all kinds of Planed Boards, Bill Stuff, Lath Pales. Plckete, and Building Timber for Brideee, &0., of all description., on the shortest notice. They would also take great pleasure in calling,the atte n tion of Builders, and those In want of Lumber in the city of Philadelphia, to the Lumber Yard of HOUTZ Co., corner of TW.BLYTH and HUM Streets, with whom they are also con neoled . arZbtf ,tirttoorits. FIRE-WORKS! FIRE-WORKS !I - A fall assortment of FIRE-WORKS, AT REDUCED PRICES, STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, um HAMM' STRUT, jels West of Twelfth B LINDS AND SHADES, OffRAP l'Olt aria. B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH. STREET, Is the most extends . . Manufacturer o WINDOW BLINDS, And Dealer in WINDOW BHADDI3 j Or every variety. He Les a fine dock to be sold at Reduced Prices. DIM", and all other Colors of Linen Shades, Trim mings, Fixtures, &e., do. BTOILE SITADVB Painted to order REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO WS STUDY TO PLEASE. nILS, CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, &c. 'IL, 1,200 gallons Winter Sperm Oil. 050 gallons No. 1 Winter Lard Oil. 0,090 gallons Bleached Winter Whale OM 8,000 gabona Light Racked Whale Oil. 260 bozo; Chemical Olive Soap. 200 do Oleine Soap. 400 do Brown Soap. 100 do New Bedford Sperm endive. In store and for sale by It, W. POMEROY ALLEN, Late J. It A. & 8 Allen, No. td Math 1:181.A WARE AlOOlll4 eIIJEAP SUMMER FUEL.-GAS COKE, kJ of excelleut quality, to sold at the PHILADEL PHIA GAS 'WORKS for The reduced price of are cents a bushel and may be obtained In large or email guar,- City by applying ot the Gas Mee, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. - . To Dilrahnstinq by wholesale it to sold at the Works, In First Ward, by the ton, at s pnce equivalent to anthranite at 52.150 per ton. (Signed) J. C. °BERME, Engineer. Philadelphia Goa Works, lug. 28. enui-tr ALE. -25 Casks Muir's, Younger's, 1., , ,d ailsopp , s Sparkling Ale iu pints laulin,^ g.. 1 f,r sale by WILLIAM II V EA . :UN, 1e24 gill South FRONT !,troat LIYESY STABLE KEEPEIVi, LOON, toyour interest., end pat (mite it' 3 L.1.31P PAUTOItY, 109 PoutIETGUTII etrt,e t, tral•gfnns. Previous to his opening • responsible fattnry, Jean a re charged $lB for work which he is now' , tolue in a ranted manner from 99 Mslo. - Enppert have the same cbersw to pee. _ DIME BONE: DUST; GROUND' I'IN "r,.- 'fry anperlor orticio. For gale in largo or 4, 1 ,11 lots, by t . OBOAFDALMs . P2IIIOO 4 _ w ys , , - 104 North DAIKWY 500 TONS MITCHELL Sc C ICO DAMPS ha. a Awohlntigi Supor t buss* , to , . r talismi by CIROAPDALg, pEißeb & ';J - StaMt Ixlmmo fivearM,
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