..kr:i lV l2 .X.4:-? " tY-fr , vrtm ; - lattlitellOttaSeittviOiliTtl•tioitgotr.-At the Ch t urok ; Fointilme(dopieliiiiii } iPieWill'iVpr•aollisit , 4;, lindferat.ten•Welookly Roy Rt. I.4lftnit New nt O .IIIUP. IC by- the: Rev. !Elvin 11. S m ith, Of NeW Jerse.r. Olcleckcto ? ittOirotionorping , there 'P'eletfa:4,fhti'Vnlon Tabernacle Tent. Toutth • -,al4.knelatteetif, bythe Rev4e.,tOttibergeui and at live P. K. by the Rev.,Dr. Mork. Pputchlopti eight' pe.u. •• The #43 3 ,.T f g, knekton,•,lii; Ali will preanh in the Plkli'°4l6o,6 of ' MOtning et' half past nine eicloak . Protif dissin six P td..thire proof thliektni itroo„,, Pit;rn,n,,Munrincs.—ln Dor antics , tieing columns 5411160 ')iinn A catefu ig e .prepared ,ritriory, akiiirgagatte inert * * oniglne "honied•intim' city where priyor mestingeate In progress, on what evenings / they ere* held; aturtlii ef tominaitrug. To.• - morrOwlitere ',rift be meetings held* the lulls of__, the Western Engine, Delawire 'Pennsylvania. Untie, and - United Ettites Engine Companies. The meetings at the latter place are held betieou the ,hours of 6 and 0, and are said tq be attended with a gitc:d digi•Sti or In terest. FLOURING Ea* : 1 1 . (not I v ory day that one sees tinlthiltg' en Into. resting as to reniiiisnottday worthy of t' being marked, with a white steno:'"" But , sue/..e' thing oa!e have seen' to-day in the apininitup.edipve'inentioned, and tin" would advise all who detiglit tripe trinm,plis of • science, or in, its appliaatioh tel prinked utilities, to visit Pemberton Court, and inspect it. • Ceitalialt,' therii is a wide;in tenral betweewthe ntone Which the Arab woman painfolix braless...Le much grain asasitiyl4 , cosksi, nettes..344si'calra for the family - sniper, and this' •mostlngeniona; - yee,bealttlfully simple ;mechanise,' Which, with tiny 'species of , motive power, will turn out. from two to three batiste per hour r of the Atilt* hinds of flouriwodocible from wheat.' , „ ' oeir best flourinimills, even intheie edvsneed thou,- hovel/eye =bet clumsy and costly Wain; Sertainly por strains no beautytte attract Ittp %,yo. , But lure, Is. = BO a ISt 11.4;4'11'10A ' napy'.lsetttati,v, basutilltrie itasompaantil, in the rare trigenuity elud ~ perfect! An Or Its apparatus, and oven in ite•forut: It is ..•--butthirty feet loot, few featwide; and eight feet high; rtinsfbe tilertimitiolu. place to place fa s couple I D! kinA3Sk i k,P t PPLXXVMV-Frlgit 4gr maellnery goleg,tonsVeltelts the open air, , wl 2. rOot dt lenk 6rifl WO* hy • 07.Aorifs Alec, multnit of, this, ; , 2 11; tirmrtlicukdgnicei n- borne power is enfant ent Unita • - t How invaluable -such a nutchineWoid.l. jUirliorm of ottr ditzu4ll,roupt;l4 - obslooll to Ons knell ialght serve. Ur:supply i ii, , rast enliven of letritotl, ..iwasilV tnuilifstaltbleiail It is, from one Writ to another ,Sf four adch as the healthiest ,choisee in our citles'hare•heretofore beta unable. to procane, • - ;" • • ` • .-Onestriking poet:UM/of thin that •t oho „ operation it produces seven distinct qUalitine of flour "liud fowl. A Cecelia is, that it extrticts from the wheat ,-a larger amount of extra and superfine float than Pk other procella in fact, roil be'esid So ea(+aps`i the er. --"'" pa of all Clio materials capable Of yielding these vial- Mee. Await, it imp . ..woes the 'excellence of the : flour by virtually grinding and-bolting-"separately tho two • -comtUtuentiof the 'erheat•-•,the starch and the gluten. The old iolliii:Ound thent lovetAcr, ° and as the gluten herder:than Um; starch, the liveliness of the latter was impair:id by the amount of preinrl applied. - -,, cohatdoriintireofriVitilit thfilnlll cods but from tsar to seven hupdred,dollars---• bide toniptwed with the cost of the'obi Milts': With - IM' zo meroui and so - great - angeripitflieTo"thO mill this must erelong coneo into universal two., . ,por t object,inthisitoticits not so much to dentine beantlfulitiventlon All, ad to itrdea) Oa:Teter to visit and examine ,ft for kttiiiele ° and it In Pet ' abaii CI " t*'iti4/49.11(.17itile!AiXevt.-noctliof .the old "Tenlisyliiiiiiook, wltero-the,gentleaianly. James eenrfeenti:Olid)iiter, IS liver ready talelpPlY , • • EDWItu erne e * FOOltnindlidtoi..---After re. petted ditiOnitiations," mi4e company with friends, „Who a bilwja &keit tutorostin knowing its true merge; we niespenstritinkt Cooly Unit, taking it mi a whole, It Is without exceptloa , the roar! wonderful L pitaiit „ " - chaitisitioriniaderntbieir nelnasttatlhat2in4si parties cosy say,, to the anitstrari. We have tried 14 rain to drop, into• niters, itleloosted` f -No. 216 Raps „Street..assixtid itiot 1c salt iihiltgoft, which we take for grateed is PO ellithi*A4l2o6. of itancohdently , praat, tied charaofsf. .Inoleed, - whini we consider that It has not been loug pious it mill Of the mane eapielkeerould bay* cost then/sedge dollars to to: attract, and which,. when areastruetegOrMad hail otwtipied some ' ten times the t ap l i c s,f s ,w4lo . th e present - mill Is contained, th e fast bcpxnekperfectirlrrealatibie that the destlejof this invention of ittr fr Edwin Clark is to mipplaat, at ' no distant day, *Neff itioariptlon',,ef llohring now lit'nee:' It' is a matter Which should biteresttite,l Million, and we feel that-we aredoleg "Jae poplin service in referrlng,to We; are glad to'learn.from thegiatediSeiliit his plaee,"at N 0.236 Ste” street la being daily thronged with apple. oanta foiStaie end' conity,eightsfami there din be- - no doubt by,thosts -who embrace-the opporkinitylh time, irientenie - fortursarill be, seudised. WORM ExxxstaxaVO.-Of the, Turioug rumps fathatitig places In this city Wore erg Mine • more inel this than- the great ethifeetionery esttbliehtneni of Afes•re. X & Company, on Second street I below' Chestont. Their means for supplying the trade are unsarpasaed, and as place for our citizens to par , alums this &diet ,us clime of article for the palate, for home contempt on, their place has iso importer in this country. In insatzfacturhig they Use none but the best materials WRAPPERS! WRAPPERS !—We do not mean the Spanish article with "common ,of which we halm hews tell ort,” hut thate elegant, emnfrittio Me, and truly geuVel articles 'nadir by Metiers. IL a. Walboin a Clompsoy, for gentlemen to rear back'iti: These exquisite gal mute are 'deheriedly popular, pa Wslbsin's is the place to obteiti - thinn:. - Filise Nos 6 and 7 north Sixth bt teat: ; • 7 ' Poste !—Satunitty-zuhmoing--the sun leigorehleg hot, the malaisey begging torice to keep from raining over—what's tribe dbal I to out for the semboretvid take a dip. , nret, however, to g• No. 806 Market iireet,'stidproodre a bathing Soil, or if you prefer, you cal purehaiel.or hire of him at Cape Wand or Atlantic City,'oiretritingireitiffi.iit that popular resorts - . idly_stropng out Dn. day, Was told that Rate had that Way; - And, though Somewhere fop in teete„' , ills clothes 'Wawa likeietr orylri.baste, - ' - llu • hAtr / diiherilled, Meek-witted( - With panting breath be reached her aide ; Surprised, she gased . on Fredm ides plight, , _`jUattraugertlfat the sight, Made him go do es other folks, . • • ~mia Lai his clothes' of ftranyltleStokes, No.-001 Chestnut street. '-" , , '(itxe let 'deOri.-LTMs veteran, es' are ,told, passed:through our 'city a day or two sine, en rants for Cape May. 'The flenetar stop• ed in tOwn,_ouly.long enough,to,pay tlYingylait to the it Old Franklin Rail Clothing imporlare et E. H. F.t4rldge, No. 821 Chest nut stroet/where heinioddid blosself with's: beautiful bathing ‘ robe ) : of pdifigo , s - wiw style. We era se. gnioted to state that there are a few more of the same moirleft, width are being sold at the - mina ersnderfully AlOss-EYEII COLT —Thu Irdiniond - Afe,ssemot mentions s freak - of- nature which;is without i parallel Is the actin:skid ogdem. Il.lad , colt with one.eye. waiifordest ins it firth in, Idedison_eauntY.- , The 6yeAff 000 . 814;:t417 larger :than the usual sloe, anti Ihr ,-- middle of the forehead. This plietiomeiteM . ls, sug gattlie of thejoilersmade remark that persons with bat half 'auseyi posses' the impeder excellence of - the gar ment, made at the:Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rock lier.,6o3 and tOB efielitaut silent, above Sloth. ?Jew: uric Alarkste yeateirdays: daces.—Dainatid fair and market better; sales 140 bb's at $0 for Pete and $6.1234 for Paola. Currux —Market steady with' I moderate business doing at 12J4a12.1f for middling Uplands; salts 660 bales. Paoviefthfic-theinarket for Porkeontfunee bailout, with a fair bus mess doing prices, however, do not show soy importatt Mane from paten:ley, dales. 663 Obis at Isl6o.esilo Yr tor Mese •, 115.75010 fur thin Mesa ; $11.75 for clea-; $lO for Prime Mess, and $l3 00013 06 for Prime.' ittef steady with 4 good horse, ogruntreptlye de ma: d; salem,2oohblern slo7sail 10for country mesa; $12613 50 for repacked Western mess and $14 0 14 50 I lor extra do... i .,P . pinn.,znesOtraf le Inlet and nominal at $1.362. - - Baer,/1 1 94 Mf. , Ateant. with smell mite the r49106f-$14437..„Dac0n Ann•with fair.demaegly sales 2 Serixarsrat teejitioit Otihni . and Ojcior loosedig";;.: -, t" Wgragailv.s4ll4# Mode! Heim) , with sales of 264 - Ole at 240 t, •Biees the , auktion. ode nateict yesterdly. Rio has reamb,ed nut:abut firm. , In .other descriptions we nolem stearir•Markit with' sedei linos our lest of 635 begs at.ll,4*l2e'forldaracaitio,tand 126 for irte. PL004.- 1 a et. Mob •toldriaaa dding, bit the market is Arm for choice superfine .n 4100014 le quite scarce, and wanted at tali priers. The ressiphk,are modm ate . The demand is eht ni. «Indeed - o the wants of the home trade. with however sore& lithe 4oing for export; site 12,000 bids at $30046.90 foe . ..merlins State; with the ba1kw4.01.4 44 5t.,43.0601.06 far extka. State;' $3.00473.00 for impeding WeetettO $3.0604,44 for common to niediuni.extraphCo.. Indiana. Wisconsin and Michigtuf,"end $1.00®4 70 for the .14. ping bras ds of extra round hoop Ohio - . In 0411141 q 7h717{ IteoOtteraWinderate Inteinese dri• pm-, and tiM uia 144 raise Meadymadnueltangsd. Sales 665 bble 41$1 2.4?5 , 20 kir ()it'll, los ioutnern /lour there 'IS-Wanlerate inquiry, chiefly for. the medium qualities, mei-pricey hsve •Inao,tgonan.o bog of anti-, te•ntras ..r Bales VW this at $414.5 64.76 for mlitid to good braid's,' and $4 8,66 for rant.t.favoritearhlkixtra•do ' There it nothing doing in 'Bye , Pratte ter. Corn Meat; the tor is savoy and noudnaflis6.o shah A) t for Jones, and £39564 for Erandywiee4 ' - (.Iftat.g.--Vas wheat matletele nall.'-'lVothlng'qz ma ma doles for export. r nd the home 'tends arWouly purchasing eugielent for ..ttal-drumediste gulp', of their praw . n:T.l4We . . • o 0,- • Bales di 60.0beshat,004t90a for larenkee Club; $1.02 for common /A0:00lItheall: and $1,25 for new red Ten , wessee.... The- noarinat,qemsuone forrOhirsge Sprirt 09a1* for badly to oldinortdiun. , 'el 00082 rot lair. non Die 05 f . we, P51149-111/ok4kVettitalpifti v itointnal atifqlBs tdr liali4tititt:lnAgieteljio_V* on,-. 14e !a dull at 606. a51yi27,060 - b ea at Waosebr aaalrdituagedVestern route 00616Sfor otinaniorkto -pihne 60.1,800810 for white Barittl(itti tantlgge foeScutbera yellow Otte ere g ru ,;wiau afair'butineirs dobag, at 266410 for Virginia; elemeptc.t. nay. Drlewate, and Peuneyiranla tand4s eget tottitate eat !esteem., - • • 7,„ eneases - ....sahe tendeno o f , the, gamer ',casket is up ware, and travels inaburcee an advnuce bur al r eady been - paid; bet Ma to . yoffairly,,cstahllibed,thbugh the Inariet,ie very intoralit, with a good demand-. - . Salesilintieur last 1,3301 M -drat for-Rtath Rico; 867 j( for Cubs; and 660,1d,f0r English leleee., • In Ilawasi there hare:been saleinkloo Degas CM terms not made public- - .11ot-ifere,—Thero le only ` a moderate..l4o4lWr.hut holdint or Very- MEdelnotattnee,4lloloe, 14 &wag Cancifilaalar are Matto, nominal. '-"t" - • .. , 4, l* .o saau rsoi tai n Tia::::::: ui stless , . below Mak. ,L worteliter nmeir.r7 ie4.7,,:k. ~,..7, i,..,., ~,,,:..., ..,..a 3',2:01'nwi,00,t0,141,".),..,z-,Wii,,iiii..btliil.:,:ilitiolo4b,,.e.telpolEr..rtoeTi.abhl.lart, 8 0 Pniztl B att , TB Thompson, r A Mill S s 3lliiotupson'AVl - Map MI, Tastes, Lfiolaellle lima TObir. N It - '"- Drt Roblion & wife, Oham %meat $ bbilottoeftlitilhoibiow - bri - , W..iwittaimalettookii Pa •-- berebnrri B gbilin Sburnektb Pp' '. It - p 13baeltr. EittObdibbrif I f!' 116 !" la irYei belt - - • Mlet Mett,y3ope, Salt , I sLicrif aviin - luit—ylisiii'aii atiiitaiiiisstiiiing: - 40 (3 001100 $L.Tlittleirj.Ta $.39.1"ii.0tt ChlNro.i. ~,_ 4ree weditidY,wewalki Vet, * L Jewel. Wee 014e0VM .Tboe DeweetLrlitMirtoio , ; .;llrl.ooi a Hansel!, Monroe li Went . 15 eado . t*** . j ef i er ti Viellbettl:sotitotNitlloebsai I ABM' MEW HOT >3I . 31Lpsei;dit street , below Vie., A Gorden, Trenton ' '' • I"ll,loMD,Atiiiiistipsirtin*,:lauy.,4ll.lo4toi 1144 u. AusKiiii,rig:l2.ol ',,,8. 6o bail Alb it ' 2tikkittdorteitb Antoto;_atdb 14 Oonovan, Trenton :1147.6 1 DMus ,lb. '23.14l •,- 14013 IMolt;" 49 bate mite "flat dod , rsoo, Newtown .'-T H Weltering', Newtown • A r,U4ifell; ;IS bUtribini)erber-Proste &-Weritlir'llbs-e• -,D. i•-neebors, Newtown ,' 3 Ztattotro, pa - feattiiist/itkown; 60;belaiitilesAitejoiffellbstallfalolk , Abou A Uinta', Pa - Tlmothypleksrlng Borten - Co; i begiletraldfilteb*OVaLtiaollakiohaitereuttb Alf kr Norton, khrniptiog, : . towo I roO ll 2,lltorttif • ~,M .4, - P etT i pti sajolvoi.W I: ~ , -. 1- , -.. - kw , ,-..- II Watson), Marls eo "Pkr -aub 4 - ' ' 1-1.- a .4. ' ILO bbh , Walt' i'' Nretelral# }NOW 4- , It Yardley, Husks co N-ttellThrerP. .. .4 -••'4 ' "p, wahine & Co;. it C wile Tly_oollog; Fa If Bender, Salsbury • de Sit btoo one& '',^ ,b7AlleV-Sa !skin Sone fo,ikosv.v., 3 b U.:a lb, N Pa ,_ _.. I,o,notjilYr"t, pa., , 3 NIA, DorlestOrn :04 14 :- I W TT . * * ',- `: - -': . - -•- -- WS; Aolifoulage 4 4in; il . .. . . ._ . ~l'n':~~~~17"~';-~7r"r•Je9 i... f..j is t. 5 , sAas dt thelgirekawe avvpop, puma:paid. Demo no:00w Wltheza Oantenee,,loon Barg*. Sosipph &e, soon , Bogle noWW2f; Wilma " ' peguayrs, July IS Brig Me! Ci4'aeu,l4l6 - 430iPLPili4 OAR], OP TRAM Joskpe 0. Gauss, - WILLIAM V. KIM; 0010UPPAI o TOP, IRO TO Eu4B • • flb Inteutgence. SORT- OF ,PHLULDELPItLie .11117 10, 106 ls SUN RPM * 40 115141111T0 7 2 0 COW WAT/04..1 1 02 Steamship Fruited*, Kelly, ftbm Richmond, via Nor folk, 28- hours, with mdse and pauengers to Thomu Webster. Jr 11bratnablp Delserare, Copes 24 hours from New York, via Cape May, vrlth m dse and passengers to James &ll derdiee. Posed brig !Etna. from 8t John. NB, a light brie, and several, cobra above Cheater, bound up. Be beig /Rtes. Babson: 18 days from filliaboro, with 190 tons gypsum to B A Bonder it Oe. Brig George Bewail, Jamleavn, 8 days from Calais, wrb lumber to GRAM & Galvin. I3Ohr Charlotte, Whiter, 8 days from Bangor, Me, with lumber to tiukill lc Galvin. ' Bebe 8 L Crochet. Presbrey; f rom Taunton, via New port, 4 days, with mdse to Twelis A Co. Bohr W 0 Bliason, Duckalew, 8 daya from Boston, with Ice to captain. „- `. '-'fielii•Fumar Barely, B dogs from Milford, Del; with barktoi 111de0olley. Bohr Obas ti,llarbtaire, Boaters, 7 days from Portland, 'WitNelsider to HA Sender kOO. Behr Cornelia; Bens'on; 4'oyr from New Bedford, with oil, &o: to abober, Bunting* Be. Behr. Tiro" Brothers, Rickards, 2 days' from Indian River, with torn, &e to .1 L Bewley & 00, Bohr 'Bspedltion, Connor. 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with grriin to". 1 b Bewley & Co. Bohr '11#115 . , Rickaida day from thundan, Del, with wheat to j L Bewley &' C0.,". %80W John Fr Hall, Morrie, 1 day from Lillis Creek, Del. with oats to J L Bewley k, Co. Poke Henry Wolfe, Marna, 2 daya from Miltoi, Del, .filth bark toil, Bewley A Co; bone Lurie Cheater. comers from Boston. Bohr Yarin4 , Neal, from Borba. Robt , Yo amith, Smith, from Boehm Behr-Doran Ireland, Daher, item Marblehead. • s Bohr T.l Beekalew, Carrion, from New Raven. , Bohr Polly Pr.ce, Price, from Brighton. . 3 Bohr Liu la Taylor. Taylor. from yon: BohFB A Taylor, Toncg from Fall Barer. Behr Chas D Hallett, trodgkinson, from New Yiirk.' Sti'ainar 1A WiluteiiVilstra:l2 , dayp,,troutWilont l e last, Tith - gribeiol Birwly, tko. , titeamshlpßriston, Bellew, her york. Jag Anderdlies. Marateri, anntdn; W Grant k. Co. Behr Pheyst„Baska, Barrington. NB, captain. Iftitiirtf Ireland; Bakei;,Ealtim,p A Hecksber &, On. Bobs' T.l Boahaled, Corson, - Baef Greenwiett, hoble, Hammett & Caldwell. Bahr L Obeatsr, comers, Boston, Baum, Ogle & Co. , BeltrFanny, Neal, Bolton; HJohns. " -Bohr 11 ,Hallett, liodgithison, Boston, Brown A Bohr--P 0 Smith; Smith, New Bedtprd, N Btartovult & CO. - ' • . ~.,Sehr Mule Taylor, Taylor, Baltuate, - do " Behr /3 A Taylor, Young. Newport,'ll It °Orson & , litearper, John •81 Denuis, Baltimore.' A Groves, Jr; • (Oorrtepondenesot - the Press.) iIaVRE. DE CRAWL, July 0.1868. The WyOtolig lett here this morniag• with 9 boats, ltden and oonellined ea follows: . tioreihor rotiook, iniabor to John T J Wolfe, Marren Between , H B, °Omen, 0 Helhel, Clementine, Bwateo, D P Shute, and Trade Wind, cosi td Delaware City. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Rachange.) ,I,RWafi, Del.. July 11-8 N M. The 'township Oily of Richmond, for Ittabmond,went oat last high,. The some it mentioned yesterdey still mirosinirt ttieroadatead. The hay Is full of email craft sohatiu and Oat under a line breme from .the south. ,went. "Weather due. Yours, /co. WM. AL lUOKMAN. . „ isT.vmatrArsi.i (I:lntreppondenea of the Philadelphia txehange ) , . • • . OAPS 'nada. i Jul 8 -7 30 r A henxibrilatid several light so hrewerit In toghty. "..kntimlber of eolllere me going ont. , Wind StS.wertther Sae.' Thermometer 80 deg. . Yost, 60, . THOS. B. =ants fat =jaunt To TIM rases.) - New Yong. 307 C. Arrlre4. biome Itommoo, of Bremen. from Cardiff; liiisfeiei rosin from Manion, Italy; ache A Bredehan, from Cienfuegos. - ; 111121d0HANDA. • Stearoahlp Nanneboo, Nand, berm at Now York yea. terday. .13toncoshlo Ltdlow, olaared at New York yes • torday for Southampton and Barre obtp Daylight, Holbrook, cleared at New York yes terday for oydnoy, N 8 V. ' - Skip Antelope , Hole, tool kkyab, wired at Bordeaux' 42d Islet. _ _ _ . , atthip Mar of • the West, Moklmond, cleared at Liver pool 2.61 ult. for New.Yorki South America, Ber', elected at Baltimore Bth lest for Ihntleami.- - • - jhble ylstilds, Lee, for Sydney, NSW, sleeted at New sort on T2110X10117: Wtp Eliza Mallory, for Bfatanste for Falmouth, N, ith arrived at Quarantine. Newport; R. I,Bth loot, as previously stated hod lost three men by yellow fever, and three Were pick at the time of arrival llamas Phnom', Lunt, cleared at Boston Bth Mat for "Cape noun. 0 l* H. .1/argue-Virginia & Esteillue, Wilkins, sailed from Cad4,7tb ult. for filo de Janeiro. MUiMM;;;=EGI ,BritWm Taylor Hill, Sievens, Baltimore yester liix Own /4gusyrA. _ 1311 my Made, (treat, hence, arrived at Newbury. poll 7th Suit Arlar h Oilloopee. Duck, from Baninooh, ars vet! at Boa- Brig 'Boiellne, Itsetnlian, hence, !wised at Bangor --4chr 0 0 Saddler, Sipple, cleared at New York Mb knit for Rhiiidnlphia.• Helve James Barrett, Davie; Mary Raley. Miley; Ed. win Reed, Chipman. darn, Mayhew, and Hulse, hence, arrived at i/Olten meet. 80 4 Mina Jane, AMOS, at Brietol 7th lnet.' from Do. lamer. City Boar George Hoffman, Nickerson, hence, arrived at Ysu itiverfith inst. • - -.861087.4114, Cerbury; and Bea' Ranger, Baldwin, kenos, arrived at , New London 7th lest. Ocht ltd Dean, Cook, from Taunton for Philadelphia, st Newport 7th inst. Behr (leo J Jones, Crowell, hence, arrived at Port land 7th Inst. liars a 'Heaton; Ryan, and Bile; Baker, Lake, hence at Providence 711 i last. . eche 111. 'Pewit! Belied from Beth 'Rh lust. for Phila.. "• • ' Bare Albeit Plasm, Cityslier; V & T Cramer. Mint= ley: (brats' Poises. Lekghton fur tbie port. end Ino. Crammer, for do - or filitimere, sailed from Providence Tth inst. - &big Kendrick'Fish, Wall, and Florida, Holly, kenos D. Siaem 7th lust tabu Vary U. Baits,' Rand; Louie* Gray, Visaverl .Laanaatlne, Johanoin ti B Atm la, Marva B Jaya°, lemma, Biaek Bird, Weaver, Bud bpsed, dormers, hence at Boatoll Bth feet. - Behr Id Burrell; I•ond o sailed Row Gardiner, Me, lust, tor Philadelphia, Bahr Jas 31 Baylis, Thompson, henoe at Plymouth. Oth foot - Behr II - 'rink, Doughty, sidled from Plymouth 4th Inn for Pralsdolpbta. Behr 11 Bee f . tikito. Cutter, cleared at Mobile 31 In stoat for Phil.dolrhia. with 22d bales cot'oo, 103 empty casks, 176 do barrels, I/ tots old iron. Propellor Coneold, Norulau,cleered atkiece York yet lords/ lOr Philadelphia. . . /4111 21. lat 31 e, lon g —.lon.eltip Beacon," from Oaloura for Boston. . . Aug 18,1x6 017 N, long 30 . 22 W, ship Ilsrsey Biroh, Nelson, from New Turk upril 17 for Ban Frairlsoo ' tls7 20, 14 660 N, lung. 28 10 W, ship Mary hlaNear, MeNsar, Conn 2 (initial:lnd April 16 for ()alders Juts tae 2813. bog 48 W, ship Gaageol, crow llos.on 21. j 17 for Neltiouroo. - DOMESTIC PORTS NEW YORK, July 9—kr, firemen ship Elms Melilla, tlordenhold 'Damian. ' schr Steer lisulunt. Quebec. 401 d, Bremen *hip ilermloe, Steer; Bremen; brigs Carnal; Kanders, Aiplimall; Kate Anderson , mhalt, at Mary'S; ha; Avon, Lewis. Belf.et; Dellona, Know'- . con, ELdifar; Ware 2 0 Howard , Nickerson, Luracoe; 13J Waring, Smith, Savannah PCALLAND, June 7—Arrived, brigs Melvin, Yarb , rldgo Matensas; Liueoln Webb, Lloyd, Oirdenae; 'brig Norfolk; Entely. t York; • sohra It B Metcalf, Burton, Ruble Monde, via Havens Cameo, True, Berra 2110,0/211, vie Karma and Mobutu BM, bangs Peri, Earounde, /1.947241 P.ROV.BaNI/11. duty 7—hr, Norw barque 'Regina, Johrmen, Newcastle, Bog; iota b It Battey,Whirloor, ,14ndout. , bAlsgil. July I—sr, Rehm Wm It Smith, Allen, Wil mington, NU; Memos * of Poniards Sargent, 05Ittwore. VW A, went adwre on Ohatham tint July 84, sa before regibrtad, but got oil after throwing , arer about 50 Zoom coilj ehe /elks but little Ear Globe, Small, Baltimore. AItKIVALIS 41 1 2118 PRINCIPAL IWITIS, ,tut To ors Ototopii TUIB xonsure• i • GIRARD 1101D3D-411testainetreet. below Ninth. P J Itochit3ltilt • , J 0 Welch, Pfd LiProudfoot, Jr, Chicago, D M Rennorry, Chicago, 111 11l Monts Tannig, 8t Lnulo W 8 Wilson, Miss irA Boloweli, St Lome New Mr Schenck A AP Heyde A sister, Conn t Ohliago lkos.buctley; 80 Pant John . Liegkart Oinelnnetl, 11'13 Jordan & wife, Wadi: Ohio , 'neon! : - 'Miss B flavettoon, Wash- MicsJ•nnef - 'beim W Caldwell; tiliaileatim,-'lithoi Oen/Well, Otieriestrn; BO - BAi • MialiCharnan,Olierlkitint,labia A Byrne, at Lows s 0.- • - • - Otisa 01/nrucll, N Olin.P'Brlckford: N C" - Michael To nig, N Y • John ruler. N Y .VI Taylor Bait, Bait Lanteh Lonis, Mr Lee & lady, Oineintislit I.l,l7:Wervonifis touts' • ' ' Ohio 114 /IN Flowers& Loty, Git • T dridides Mode, N Y Mn Warren, GA. • •• • 110 Huntori Oa - Z toi l'esiama, VA ' N Harleston, Jr, B 0 U f , Arliegust, Prow, li Y .A W Neff Cincinnati, 0 Wall X mem Oinelnaell, 0 Miss Neff, Olocinnati, 0 N Balaton), Jacksonville , Mr Jadge McClure, BOX- Al les Mix.:llare. PAtsbargh.. •;- burgh' ,11 /4511111, Cincinnati. 0 -liTurtibull, LOWAtAIII ' bits W m_ R Tundinlii , hire It tiohrison,leratstana Logion.. a „ U Obotaller,•N • N Y T D Eliot Moak J 8 Hoagland, N J 0 IS Cashing; Balt A Doll, Bolt r It . Moody, NY , 7IX L weeder Bimoe elevens, Lenoteter J A Moore. Burlington Edgy, N g' II; Boriftril,Ocrin • ' . • II 11 Halberd midis 0 41, 0 Anderson, BC Loula I Bossiest & son, 14 Vr W Lorolkio A is, Lie ;- • G Arne/ N Y • ',' Jas Illatthford, N Y John Unborn, NY • • J R bintin, Belt N T . Zedler, N John Kennedy, N Y L Vigulers, & family, II Carpenter, Brooklyn , Phlloge • Jobn B Kennelly, N Y . - OnOenter, Brooklyn ' Pihnk OPira,.N It • „ I, Culver, - Donlon Win id Conot, Mass. - Lieu Pomeroy, N - ob . ris O Judson, N Y Ben) aipt, Lonleriil9, Ry drool , ' Hanes A AMA, Mhos -Templeton, Pa 14 ashington • it Middleton, Oharlee -Mrs Ii Middleton, Oharles-• ton, 80 ' ton, d 0 - .- • - Miss A Middleton, °holes , Miss II illiddleton t Charles- ; too. 8 U Mrs Ohs. es & 4 children, Jai ITIC 8 e U. nt, it ' ioinn - ond,Va Charleoton, — 8 Win it George; Mobile , Ala D T Pattie, Charleston, 80 &kJ:o3, l ll3nel ) , NY• P. Brewster, Ze Y AMMAN HOlNlR—Oheetunt street. atiore - Plith. M M Rhodes, Tinuton, John H Woodcock, N , Mass Win Males it lajit Louis Mies Johnson, St Louie Win D Larrreues, main. Mr Burr, Lake Superior Henry Eitryens, Cincinnati, JO Jones Del 01310 UM C Sones, Del A R Van Ling, Lewisburg Jae Smith, Reading .1' 0 Olapp, N Josiah II Taylor, Dalt UNION NOTEL—Arch street,' below Youth. Mies 'Haggle Vitt Seaton 014 Andrews & le, N 0 Y Myers, Ohio no U N Y England, Jaime Lane, Wllminglon port, Pa J Perry; Newark, N !Nay DM, Newark; N , 7 J D Hay, N NATIONAL HOTEL—Base street, above Third. , P trhlety I:Oslerman° r J W Weight, Wheeling. Ya 0 B Bast, Kutztown - B M Thirds and lady, Har i. Et o'er., Schuylkill Raven rieviPe N Money, Pa - - Jos Whitaker, Mt Clare H J Handler, Pottsville I•R James, McArthur Amos Shards, Ohio .F 0 Moldurrell Prencht'n Thee Whitman, Pittston Wm Wulf., Heading Thee b buyderi Philiperille Joe Green, Germantown BALD BAGLB HOTEL—Third street, ab. Osliowhill. Sam] Jacobs, 11 Y W Sharp, Montgomery co t Philip Renee, N J Pa A Calvin, Northampton , Jacob 13 WWI, Bath, Ps J Smith, Backs co, Pa W Beans, Boots co, Pa Jno D Morrie, Beading, Ps BLACK BEAR ROTEL—Third. above Oallollllll. J R fielfrich N Y Abraham Buckman, Ps Wm B•umbaeb, Reading Casper Ronde, Ryberry J Bretz. Sahyt co, P 4 W Backman, Jeneintoem O•o W Fiants, Reading GClemena,Oheater Valley, R Goodhart, Reading Pa MAMMON 11017811, almond street, above Harks!. II R Merman, Det D F Van Denberg, Victor, J Me Man. Roabeeter,N IC N Y John B Mitchel, Balt Wm P Collins, Ps John W Smith, Pa Wm H Marla, Ohio Sam! 8 Steven., Ohio 13peria1 iVotkceo. Messes. John 0. Mend itc sons, exclusive Silver Plate manufacturers, hove now on band a new Improved patent lON PITCHER, whichthey believe to be superior to any artiole of thob Ind now in the market. Also, a large assortment of tine Cutlery, Tea Bets, tiros, &c. All goods warranted. Northeast corner NINTH and OIIESTNIIT Streets. jylo4t terribie disease, so various in its fornio,:eo rackl4 in its paine, and so difficult of citio7tvill,ln tile great majority of cases, yield to the judicious use of The PERUVIAN SYRUP. So ie• mailable has boen the relief obtained from this Sirup that many physichine rely upon it as a certain and rad!. eel cora. For rale at NASSAIID Twolith and Choetnnt, and BROWN'S, Fifth and Chosinut. • - jyl3-tjyl7 oat . Jules Heuel'a•Eaa Athenlenue, or Hale Re. STORER, - poesesees four wonderful properties: let. It is a beautifier sad preserver of the hair. 2d. It precepts i} booming loose and falling off. 3d. It pro. ducee a new growth of hair whore baldoess exists. 4th. It changes gray hair and whiskers to their original life- color. It ie the greatest chemical wonder of the age! It is not a dye; is easily applied, and will not soil the skin or linen. Sold by all Druggists, and by JULES FIAUEL.k CO., No. 704 CUESTNUT Street. JyS.ddt wit Singer's Sewing Machtnem—After n fair trial of the several machines that have yet been offered to the public, the tinauhnbus verdict of operators has been given in favor of Singer's. This is, in fact, the only machine capable of performing every kind of cowing. SINGER'S NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE is. beyond all,nuestion, the most complete article for family Coe yet invented, being •t once ornamental, easily operated, and superior, in every respect, to any other machine. On this statement we cbaliange the world. I. M. BINGER & 00., Office, No. 602 CHESTNUT Street Seamen's Salvias Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of Second street. Receives de. posits In slam of One Dollar and upwards, from all °leases of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum. Mae open duly, from 9 until 5 o'oloek, and on lion• dap and Beterday until 0 in the evening. President, f ranklin Pell; Treonsrer and Ilearetarp, Oharies It. Morris. Rowena infant Cordial... This invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. ' - By its powerful influence a speedy ours is *fleeted to all oases of Molt% windy pair, and spume. Bellevue and mitigates much of children's suffering during tenth lion or teething, and by its soothing properties trait. gnilises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &o. The Infant Cordial has beooms a standard remedy, and hu been used In thousands of eases with the most abundant moms. No family ehouldbe without it. Prepared only by Ilmor A. Bowls, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. N. corner of Sixth and Green sta., Philadelphia. To whom sU ordeal most be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. • ma 18.17 saving Fund.—Elve Per Cent, Interest.— NATIONAL fIAPSTY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT .Street, 8. W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received in any sum, large or eine'', and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day — of withdrawal. Money is received and psymenta made daily, without notice. The investments are made in Real - Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such Brat-class (evert. tie* sa th charter moires. Office hours, from 9 o'clock in the morning until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, nd on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 o'clock. r feB GLIM! & BMW,. CELIBIATIED 7AMII.Y SEWING MAOHIN.IB, 130 CHESTNUT STREET. These Machines are now justly admitted to be the but ha nee for family sewipg, making a new, strong, and elastic stitch, which will NOr rip, even if every fourth ditch be cut. Girculare sent on application by letter. Jackson, JOB PRINTER, FIVTEI AND'OEIBSTNIIT. Olteslts, Notes, Drafts, DID. Lading, BM Heads, Olt. odors, (Yards, And nil other kinds of Job Printing, at memo In mit tha Ulnas. na17.1. .fflarrianto On 'Wednesday evening. the 7th fast, by Rev Father Oarter.Mr. 7110 MAS A. SMYTII to Mies AMANDA H. POUNDER, both of this ally. it On the 9'h inst.. by Her. N. B. Baldwin, JOHN H DAVIS to AMANDA E . daughter of the late MflU et WEST, both of Philadelphia. On the Bth lost , Mrs. BLIZABETII I.IDTZ, relict of the late David Lents, In the 83d year of her age. The relatives and Mewls of the faintly are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dence, 1318 Piasynut road, below Wharton. on &today soternoon 13th lust., at b o'clock, without further no tice. Oo Wednesday morning, the 7th Met . in thane Church, be the Rev. William I. uddarda, &WAR D :1l l %Ada ALL to Mite MARY R. BRAIN, daughter of David nolo, Brg , all of city. to Throaday mortiloo, the Bth ivatant, after a Ho gerlog illness, Mr. PAUL DE drirsgelaY aged 49 pare The relatives and friends of the family, and Keystone Lodge Nu 271 A Y.lll , are re.pec , fully invited to at tend his Pone-el, from hie late reeldence, No. 1231 Mar. vino street, above Olrard avenue. on Sunday afternoon n-It. at 4 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Mautttarat Cemetery tk On the Bth init., DIARY CATIMINV, daughter of Dr William and Amanda E. MAYBUrtRY, in the 4th year or her are. TIN relatives sod frlends of the family aro respectful ly invitiel to attend the funeral, from the residence of he • parents, Peveolh and Vine streets, on Monday slim - noon, toe 12th Instant at I o'clock, without further notice To proceed to Laurel fill. 4* tholderity, nu the evening of the 7 lust , from au nf fection of the heart, Mrs. EIDIA. NEAPIIe, wife of Jacob 0 feriae, of the firm of Bean% Nontle, do Co., agedle yearn and 1 month The relatives and fr elide, and the workman and their wives intheelffirent depsrenteuta of the Penn Works, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the 'residence of ber husbaod, corner of Beach and Palmer streets, Kensington, on this (eattudav) afternoon, 1(lih inst., at 4 o'clock.. To proceed to Woodland'e Orme. terv. et tbe Morning of the Bth inst.,. RACHEL KEND RICK, wife of Devil Kendrick, In the 78th year of her age. The relatives and friend, of the family are respect folly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hie son.in-lsw Robert Jamison. Jones 'beet, above Eighteenth, on this afternoon at 4 o'elnolc, On the 7th inst , DENNIS MANNINO, in the 624 year of hie age. The relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to a'- tend the funeral, from hie late residence. No. 29 Coates alley, on Bauday afternoon, 11th loot., at 1 o'clock: * • On 'the '7ll toet., Miss MARGARET. daughter of John and Margaret It ASTICRUAY. aged 22 years The relatives and friend.; n( the family axe respect• fully invited to attend the funeral, from the reeluerice of her parents, Point Road, below the 'Wheat Bheaf Lane, on Monday afternoon. at 1 o'clock. To, proceed to Philanthropic) Cemetery. ** Suddenly. on the 7th loot., film. BARAN ANN, wife of John LYONS, In the 24th year other age The'relatlves and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of her father, Sumpter M Carty, 1031 North street, be tween Race and Vine and Tenth and Eleventh, on Sun day afternoon next, at 4 o'clock. tl On the 6th lost , 30 4 SPEK LEWRY, aged 62 years. The mole friends and moos of the family, also the teen.igere of the Monument Cemetery, are reipectfully Melted to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No 617 Sewed etreet, above Noble, nn Monday mor ning, at 9 &cloth. To proceed to Monument Cam& tory. *0 Suddenly. on the ith !net , Mr. FTEPILENJ. Ills relatives aid !aim& , also the Staff and Prat Ite- SSlMent, ere respect Oily Invited to attend his funeral. from his late residence, northwest corner of Coates and Marshall , streets. on - Sunday morning, at 8 o'clock' without further notice. Funeral to proceed to Mutsu , ment Cemetery. *0 . The Eitel'? 'union Prayer Sleeting is told daily (except Sundays) ►t the Clltinoll on Okisarmr Street, west orSiebteentb, between 6 and 6oh look. Alt are invited to come Jylo.ltie irso Church of the Coveunnt.--Servlc. s la CONCERT HALL, Chestnut, above Twelfth, TO...IIORROW, (Eundayj at ME A H , by Rev. Dr. NEWTON, end at 8 P. M. by Roy. ELVIN K. BHETII, of New Jersey, jylo.lt* TJnloni Tap*. (Fourth and 0-ergo Streata,) to-day,—Children's meeting Bji P. M. German Preaching, at 8 P. M. by Superintendent. qv-MORROW—Preaching by Rev. Dr. BOMBER . 0) Ratkg A. M., (atter the daily sun-rise prayer meeting,) and at P. Al. by Rev. Dr. STORK. At 8 P. M. In German. jylo-It* 19:Church et lha New Testament—T. 11. BTOCKTON, Pastor.—NATIONAL HALL, Mar ore Twelfth street —Preaching TO-MORROW, in the MAIN 8 *LOON, at 10,44 A. M. 13 %lON PRAY Bit MEETIN., lu the LINJTURE ROOM, from fp to 6 M. Them Meetings are designed de be 011818 MN. not DRHOMINATiONIL. All Christians. and persona desiring to become Obrlntians, are respectfully invited to attend. • ' jylo.lt* Z' Spirting] Ism.— A elontereoco wilt be held it PANSOM.STRNET BALL. on 817e.DAY. ING, at and in the N VDNING at'B o'clock. Mr, 00AN. a well known Tent, Medium, will iti.e LerPe.. accompanied by. matureatatione. Admlmlon Dee ,neat{. , , _ jylo.lo Kr. Ratline thn Al —The Bneiness Mail UNION PRAYXR MEETING, held for 'owe Mine pair; in ORDOOM ['trait Church, was resumed - itgain inJAYNE 8 HALL, en MONDAY, the ttb last., to orttnue therefor several weeks, through the kind-. new, of Dr. Jayne. Tide 'announcement need but to be made to 'ereare as large Cu attendance as ever, where so many pleasant 'h.ors hive been spent. The hall is one at the coolest pleellt In the city, So none need be Afraid of the heat. uome, all who oan, and upend an hoar In prayer and prattle, dilly, !corn I/ to; 0 7 01E1g, )7/Olt, THE PRESS.7=I-PELT"iiii. SATURDAY, JULY 10. 1858. • ICrthra r u e ;l:eVor r arTOt e N e ntN h Mat r • TIAN ASSOCIATION: Diligent Engine 00., Daily from 5 to 0 P. bf.i and Sunday at 8 P. M.. • Columbia Dose Co., Tumidity Evenings 8 o'clock. Robert Morris H ose Co., Tuesday Evenings, 8 o'ciock. America Englne'Co., Tuesday Evenings, 8 o'clock. Diligent nose Co., Wednesday Evenings 8 o'clock . . Philadelphia Engine Co Wednesday Evenings, 8 o'clock. Southwark Engine Co., Wednesday Evenings, 8 o'clock. Fairmount Engine Co., Thursday Evenings. 8 Nor. Lthertyllose Co., Thursday Evenings, 8 o'clock. Independence Rose On., Thursday Evenings, 8 United States hose Co., Thursday Evenings, 8 o'rPk., Good Will Hose Co., Thursday Evenings, 8 o'clock. SallnYlkill Hose Co., Thursday EveninBs,,B &clerk. Western Rose Co Friday Evenings. 8 o'cloek. , Spring Garden Hose Co , Midday Evenings. 8 o'oloak. United States Engine Co Sundays, bto 8 P Pennsylvania Hose Co , Su, days 4 to 6 P. M. Delaware Engine Co., Sunday Even nip, 8 o'clock. • Western Engine Co Sunday Eveuirigs, 8 o'clock A Union Prayer Meeting is alio held In the " amnion' Institute," corner Pink and Washington Strimts, daily, front 8 to 7 P. 51., to which all are in vited. by order of the Executive Committee. , ltit Home Production wad Home Labor.— In accordance with a resolution adopted by the meeting for the encouragement of Rome Production and Rome Labor, held at , National Gall on Tuesday evening, June 15, 1868, the Chairman has appointed the following-named gentlemen the COMMITTEE OF Ph:VENT r.SIX. thereby called for: Morton McMichael, I Joseph R. Fri", Matthew W. Baldwin, Joseph Ilarriam, Jr., Charles Ulbbona, George W. Richard's, Isaac Liaziehurat, Lindley Smyth, John W. O'Neill, John 11.-Bringliurat, Francis N. Buck, Benjamin Franklin, Thrown; McCain, (hogs T. Thorn, William D. Lewis, ' P. C. }Thanker, Leonard It. Matcher, A. Mart, J. - I , mph Floating. . Edward Gratz, John E. Ad lake, - William Elder. Edward C. K sight, Garrick Mallory, John At Butter, John ii. Kenney, John Grigg, ' Stephen Colwell, Charles A. Poulson J.aepli J. Dennison, :William G. French; William B. Thomas, Philip Worn, 'William 8. Prim, Jeamr Reran, James E. Hervey, Charlee Gilpin, Samuel S. Kelly, John it. Diehl . Craig Biddle, Algernon S. Roberta, Mores Thomas, James Millikin, Henry Snyder, A J. Lee la J. J. Acton, Benjamin kAting, William D. Kelley, Frederick Lew, g, Chance E. Smith, Iticha..d unladen, Jabez Gazer, Thonme Balch, Junes fhompilon, Janne W Drown, _ Wm Roach Whiter,' John Fagan, ' - Benjamin 11 Bailey, D.tvid 8. DroWni Joseph 111 Thomas, N.B. Thompson, • James J. - Duncan, How. er Parmelee, , Liana Sheppard. - Joseph B. Myete, David 0. Skerrett, 11. D. Thomas B. (lavender, William Divine, Philip R Wein, Thomas Porter. James 8 Pringle J. Sergeant Price, George N. Betert, f Henry 0 Baird DJ' The Committee will meet at the Board of Trade &mum on MONDAY /EVENING neat, at 8 &Weak, a hen each member Is particularly' regueated to attend. ,j7lO-1t Notice,—OrePn arid . Cont.s.Sipe.t Phi. LADV,PIIIA. PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY.—The Stockholders inthis Company are notilled that a Meeting of the Stockholders will be held on THURSDAY MORNING, 3uly 22d, at lo o'clock, at the Commissioners ' Ilan, North TUIRD Street, below Green, for the purpose of bold ng an Election for Pre .ident and Twelve Director. of said Company, to nerve till the mood Monday In January,. A. D. 1869. The polls will open at 10 o'clock A. M., and close at 2 o'clock P. M. By order of the Commissioners. 1171,.L1AN1 READ, Secretary. Kr. :to els , Orleans One Light Company. FARIINES , AND MECHANICS , DANK, PRILADELPIIII, July 2, 1858. Notice is hereby given to the Stoc k holders of the New Orleans Gas Light Company, that the Agent) , for the Trawler of the Stock and the payment of the Divi dends of that Company will be closed from and after the first day of October next; and they are requested to surrender the Certldcates Issued by this Bank and m edia Warrants pf Transfer to the Company in New Or leans. ' Rpswrpni, j73,llw&mtlitool Casfiler. Copartitersbip Notices NOTICE.—The Partnership heretofore ex -1.1 feting under the firm of LENDOM IC ITALDB MAN in thte deydleeolved,by mutual moment. Either of the underaloed Is authorised to settle the bud noes of the firm, No. 17 North THIRD Street. pgsson 8. EAr.ist, IIP,NnY /TAU T., BMAN. jra-alit JOLT 8, 1853 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—THE undersigned have thia day entered into Copartner ship, under the firm of HOWELL, Ball & CO., an successors to Caleb Cope & Co , for ths transaction of the Wholesale White Goods, Linen foolery, and Glove Mignon; &e., &e., and have taken the Store No 603 MAR K ET Street. • - lIENRY C 110 WELL, SAMUEL IL SMITE, EVERETT D. 11ALL, WILLIAM. (1. STEEL. PuicADELyuta, July 3d, 1858. jy7-It T "TINDERSIGI•TED EtA.VE 'ORMED Copertuerehlp for the tranenetton of a general Dry Goode Commission buelnese, under the firm of WOLFE, WILSON, & CO , and have taken the Store No. 132 CUESTNIIT Street, below Second Street. E. D. WOLFE, C. 11. WILSON, D. 11. WOLFS. .iy7.6t PHILADELPHIA, July 6, 1858 IINDERSIGNED have Z.lO day 1. formal a copartnerattlp under the firm of Mo. CaULEY, IMOTIIBII & BISEWSPIR, for the trans action of the Importing and Jobbing business In foolery, Gloves, and leaner Goods; No. 23 North FOUNTif Street. 1115011 B. BICCAULF.Y, GANIF.I. W. MoGAULEY, CUASTO:S G. StIEWSTNft. Syl-thstu jgly let, /BAB i I IgSOLUTION.—The firm of 3011 N lii! FREDERICK & 00.1 s this day dissolved by mu tual cousesit. Rither of the portoere to authorized to mottle the business of the nein, at their late place of busioene, 330 MARKET Street. J. 0. MULLIKIN. COPARTNERSHIP. The undersigned have thls day formed a oppertnerehlp for the treassatlon of the Wholesale Clothlhg business, under the Arm of JOHN FREDERICK & CO., at the old Iltaud y 330 MARKET Street. 401 IR FREDERICK, PETER FREDERICK. jy6-6t JULY 1,1858 rgarloc.—The partnership heretofore ex LI !sting under the firm of HACKER, LEA, Ic CO. has this day ceased, by its own limitation. The bushiest, of the late firm will he settled be either of the Under signed. TUOS. T. &EA, .E 45. LEA A E. STR I PIIENS, Y. W. REMSLEY, TILOS. R. TUNIS. PHIL/DELITI), a :no. 30th, 1858. TIIOB. R. TUNIS, of the late firm of HACKER, LEA, & CO., has REMOVED AD Agencies of Cassimeres, Deflate, and Woollen Goods to No. 233 CLIESTNUT Btreet, below Third, north aide. jy3.6t UNDERSIGNED HAVE F3RMED 1 a copartnership under the style of FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, for the transaction of a GENERAL DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, and have taken the store No. 34 South FRONT Street, and 35 LETITIA Street. THEODORE FROTHINGIIAM, xnuf. li. WELLS PUILADIMPUIA, Jane let, 18158. M UBE WILKESBARRE LEHIGH COAL --Unparalleled Success of the introduction of this Superior Coal into the Fltiladelplunt Market! We are dolly receiving testimoniala from all quarters where this Coal has been tested of lb! great superiority over any Lehigh Coal ever burned. The Coal yields an exceedingly WHITE Ash, and is perfectly free from cinder of any kind, while the Coal itself la perfectly clean and entirely free from elate or any impurity. For steam purposes it has no equal, the testimony of some of the most eminent Engineers in the country being in Ito favor. We have the EXCLUSIVE control for its male AUDENRIED lc ROMMEL, Shippers and Mali Dealer% In IV ilkenbarre Coal. °Mae, WATER etreet, oboes Callowhill, and first Wharf above Cuilowhill F t reet , Delaware. jy1043y28 haUN-STRUKE.—Hundreds are killed daily kJ by Sunstroke, and thousands ate Injured by It, and yet even sensible people neglect to procure one of the PATENT PARAGON lIAIDRELLAS cold by WM. 11. RICHARDSON, 418 MARKET Street. Jylo-32t If I.IARRIB 'O liOUlAntt SE %VIM; dIA -011INE is offered to the public as the most rails hie low-priced Sowing Machine Iu use, It will sew from six to sixty stitches to an inch, on all kinds of goods, from coarsest bogging to the finest cambrlcs. It le, without exception, the simplest in its mechanical con• ‘struction ever made, and can bo run and kept in order by s child of twelve years of age. The Duitanibtrr s of this machine, and the QUALITY Or ITS woac, are wars ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread used to taken directly from the spools, _wirnonr vas TROUSLS or RWRINDISO In fact, It to a machine that Is wanted by every family In the lewd, and the low price of FORTY DOLLARS, et which they re eold, brine them within the reach of elmoxt every 0ne. , 0 8. D. BAKER, Agent, jelli-dem wkieowent 20 SouthEIGINIt Street. ' FOWLER, WELLS, & CO 922 011ESTNUT Street, keep_ standard. wor ' lta on Phrenology, PhyslolOgy, Water Cure, and Pho• nography, wholesale and retail. Phrenologl. cal Examination, with charts, and fall writ ten descriptions of character, given day and even. log. Cabinet free to Ignitors. Ordere by mall to be addressed to Yowler, Wells, & Co.. 923 Cheatnut jeo-3molf-wky t sep 30 HI PA. lIAPPA.-SUI ItIER COOLER, Soft-fininbed, Extra-fine' Panainaa, Imprenned Crown, Slight Curve of Brim, and you have—flippa Capin.. Price $2.63. Same an cold at $3 and $3.50, and no mistake, CHAS. LAING & CO , 'bittern, SIXTH. and CHESTNUT Streetn. SlaC, FOR LINEN GAITERS. ty 75 cta. for LINEN SLIPPERS. 75 etc. for VELVET SLIPPERS. 76 etc for RID SLIPPERS. BLACK LINEN GAITERS. At jelMrn* BLANCARD HOUSE,—BROADWAY and TWELFTR Street, New York, reopened, 'Segni:al,' furnished with every modern Improvement. The location to fashloosble end healthy. The rooms are large and wel ventilated. Meals paned at all hours, and every attention paid to the °ender' or gueete. Transient board $2 per day. Per manent board at lower rate,. The whole under the managemeot of 0 J. IifiCILEL LAN, Otte or the United States lintel. Philadelphia.) who respectfully solittite,the patronage of his Mende and the travelling Pub' a j .50-2ta 111- HENRY H. SMITH 11AS HEM( iVE 1.1 to No, 1112 WALNUT Street, corner of QUINCE Jo2o-to th nitLfit I(* nORK.-200 barrels Heavy Mess Pork. 88 barmier Primo Pork. , 78 barrels Leaf Lard. For silo by 0. 0. BADL7III & 00., v 8,018 Nn B Narth Wodokr itroat AB.GE NO. 8 318.0KEREL—NOW IN J-4 store and landing, 800 bble No. 8 MACKEREL; large 20 hoilyes ditto, for sale by NO. N. KENNEDY & CO., Ingl ' Nom 180 and 100 N WITARVINI. SLATE I SLATE I I SLATE I I I—Roofing Slate, of all allies, and at Mr loir rates, kept eon 'tautly on hand, and for sale by ra,,Rnea, yox, a CO., GRIIMANTOWN ROAD and THUM street. N. D. Slate Hoof* pnt an In the best manner, and re imbriny •flonelo4 4114.4.4 voarrt4l4/1 411 • COMPOSITE IRON RAILIN G .-I'. L. LITTLEFIELD, No. 23 N. BIXTU fitroet, Sole Agept for Hutchinson tc Wlekwertant , e, celebrated VOMPOSIVI RAILINGS, would cell attention to hie new patterns or Iron Railing, Verandahs, Balconies Carriage and Farm Gatim Summer Rouges, &0., and he Is confident th ey will be found the beet articles of t)l laud 10 th• 101/ 'WAWA CLQSING SITAIMER-S,TOOK. Diesi Goode at reduced prices. French Lamle, One quality, at 18,4 eta. Orgaady Robes $2 Fancy Bilks, Bangers sad Ohalltea. , TrayelGug Dress “oOde, Barmier°. 21.11ARPLES4 BILOTI3gItB, 331-s1 CGESTNIIT and WORTH BADEN HUCKABACK. Very heavy Brown Bath Towelling. Anglia Lisper and Bird-Eye Towels, " ' Crash and Scotch " Red-edged wide Grass Towelling - , Linen Floor Cloths, bordered. Rich colored-ends Chembiw Towels. .13141 ' BLI FF3 ARPLWIS BROTRERS, ORTIIIIT and RhiRTR TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS. Towelling Duotera to match. Silk 10/tigers and Mantillas. Frenclance Mantles, from auction. 'White Barege Motets: Shawl Baregen, black and white. hi u Black Clovis, reduced. WRITE GOODS. Cambric, J'aconet, and Diu 22xets, up. Figured SWISS, plain Swiss, and Victoria. From auction, cheap lots plaid Cambric. EhIBROIDERIEB. Just opened from auction, several iota Linen Sets, fancy Breakfast Sets, neat Collars, and fancy Linen Col lars at about HALF PAWL Mohair Mitts—several good and cheap lots. LINEN GOODS. Fronting and Shirting Linens, - by the piece or yard. BOYS' WEAR. Seersuckers, Dlay Linens, Linen Coatings, Pantaloon Stuffs, ,ke. Also, light Oaselineres. MARSEILLES YESTINGS. COOPER k OONARD, jy3 IL E. corner NINTII and MARKET. G REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES 07 ELEGANT MANTILLAS. CLOSING SALES OP THE SEASON. REAL GUIPURE MANTILLAS. FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS. PUNIER LACE MANTILLAS. FRENCH LACE CIRCULARS. BLACK BAREGE CIRCULARS. WIIITE BAREGE CIRCULARS TRAVELLING DUSTERS, In profuse variety. J. W. PROCTOR tr. GO., jett9 No. 708 UNNATN UT street, ipRE CHEAPEST EMBROIDERED 1. CRAPE BEiltWtB ever offered In this City are riqw being sold by 1311I8lit N. R. aok. EIGIPPIt sad SPRING GARP•EN, Wo purchised, a tow days ago, at a most tromendono mate for CASE, a lot of very rich Embroidered Crape Shawls, flame ggal4tyaadatylTWENTY DOLLARS! which we are now selling at the extremely low price of TWELVE DOLLARS!! Ladles, you may never hove such another opportunity of buying a itmosoge citAwb SO onsarq Mao, Plain Crape Shawls, front SAi to ES. MANTILL Luce NDDUSTES SpeciaI bargains in BIDE, Muir Antigua Man tillas, ilco. Travelling Dress Materials in great variety. Thin Summer-Dress Goods. Organdies, Bumps, Grenadines, &e.,&0 BLAOS , oILKr, WANOY SILHP, An. Our name is Justly celebrated for Cheep Mike. Materials for Men and Boys' Wear. Linen Goods, of our own importation. Summer 0411S0 end other Flannels, Ac., &o. Mitts, Veils Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac., at THOANLEY A OHISM'S "ONE•PRICE CASH STORE," N. E. Oor. EIGHTH to dPRING GARDEN Streets. ANTILLAS I! 111A.NTILLAS I Mc- LTA - Emmy respectfully invites the Ladies to colt and examine his stock of Mantillas, embracing many otyles not to be fount elsewhere. Our stock Is the largest, our patterns the latent styles, and our price* so lqw that we dtify competition. 5.000 yards Black and Fancy Silks, 37X, 44, 50, 56; rich, 62X, 09, 75; very rich, 81, 87X, 96, $l. 10,009 yenta Detainee, Baregce, Ducats, at 10, 12X, 16x, 18X, 20, 22, 25, 28, 31, 35, decidedly the cheapest in the city. 10,000 yin* tine French Lawns, 10,12 X, 16g, 20, 25, worth, many of them, 37X to 82X, very One. One lot of Crape Shawls, at $l6, worth $3O. 500 yards si de band Coulmeres, 37,X, worth $l, with great variety of fieeirable goods for men's and bore wear, lees tUan ;local prireo. 1,060 /Oda MarselllesVestings, at 26, worth 75. 1,00 yards new style Ribbons, the cheapest in the city. 1,000 tine French Nsodleworked Collars, at $l, worth X lO,OOO yards of Plain and Plaid Jaconets, Swiss and Cambric White Goods, the greatest bargains in the city. Ribbons and Fringes and Trimmings, in endless va riety, at loos than half the usual prices. MoELROIt, No. 11 South NINTH Street. jel-tn th tl•tf RICHAIIDSON'S IRISH LINENS, OONSI:GISS of WOHARDSONT LINENS, and those deelroae of ottaining the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the articles they purchase are sealed with the full aurae of the arm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & °WHEN, As agoarantee of the eonudness and durability of the Owe' . 10 rhts caution is rendered eseentialir necessary as large unatattlea of inferior and defectlye Linens are prepared. season after 'mason, and sealed with the name of ItiCIIARDeON, by Irish houses, who, regardless of the Injury thus Indicted alike on the American consumer and the tosoolkoturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a 'business so profitable, while pia. chewers eon be imposed on with Goods eta worthless character. J. BULLOCKS & J. B. LOCKE, my2B•on, Agents, 86 tillUltoll Street, hew York. A ()ARR. Large Story White Building. T 1311318-010 Plalo.ll 808 0611 H. Err Price, marked in plain Ileum on eards arable We •Sm SIGkEES' NOTlCE.—Notice Is bore by given, that MANTUA A. DODGE, Machinist, of the city of Philadelphia, h•e thin day made a gene, eel Assignment of all her property, 'pal, personal and mixed, to WILLI CM 11. (MAUDE, in tract, fur the benefit of her creditors. All pent* haring claims aro requested to present them, and those indebted to make payment to the undersigned. DUANE WIL4IABIB, 6333] WALNUT 'Area, Attorney for Aseigneen. JULT 2, 1868. jylOonthOw A lIDITOR's NOTICE.—In the matter of z-m. the Estate or JOSIaLI BICKEL, late or the borough of Pottstown, In the county of tdoutgotuery, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of sold county to settle, adJuftt, and restate the account. tiled by OKORGE W. W INLET and NATI. DA MOWRY, late BICKEL, Administrators, with the will annexed, of said Jog .h Bickel, deecoec.!, and to report distribu tion of the balance in their hands among the poreous eutitiod to the same, according to law, will meet the porticos Interested on THURSDAY, the 25th of July, 1858, at 10 o'clock A. 211 , In the Argument Court Room, in the Court Muse. in the borough of NORhISTOWN, In the county of Montgomery aforesaid, jy10..3t B. Y. HANCOCK, Auditor. aTO RENT—The desirable threo-story 13tick DWELLING GORSE, No South TUIRD Street, below Lombard Itt,eet, having two Parlore, Dlniug Room, and Kitchen on first Moor; large Yard an d seven Chanibere ;to Bret-rate order. Will be rented low to a suitable tenant. Apply to THOMAS MARTIN, Real Estate Agent ayd Collector, N. W. ear. THIRD and LONIDARD Streets. jylo-2tit ofm TO RENT—A pleasant COTTAGE lIIOUSE, situated No.. 843 South ELEVENTH Street, above Parrish, contaloing Parlor, Dining Room, Kitchen on the first floor; two lied Rooms Bath and g Dressin Room OP second 000 r; two Bleeping ROOMS on Dant lloor• ' Range, bot and cold Water; Oce all through; splendid Yard to trout; also, good Yard hack to alley; first-rate neighborhood. Tenon moderato to a No. 1 tenant. Apply to 'IIIO3IAS MARTIN, Reat h:state Agent and Collector, N. W. cur. THIRD and LOMBARD. N. 11 —Alpo, a 'amber of Howe to Rent or For &deo n different parte of the eiiy. jylo.2t* CIOR SALE—'Vary desirable Delaware and /IL Maryland VARMS, close to Railroad and Nav(gt• Um Polees low; terms very easy to actual settlers. WALNUT Street, D 10.323. Cali between 9A. M. and 51'. Di. Office back VIRGINIA LANDS' FOR SALE.-Th© su'iscriber has live Farms for sale la the county of marle, varying In sin) from 140 to 1,300 act. s, and ranging from 33 to 00 per acre. One tract of very rich Land, but unimproved, containing over 1,100 acres, he ail' sell for So per acro—no money to be paid for four years, and no Interest required. For further information inquire of JOHN L.O'NN AL, 500 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, or of the sub serlber, at CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va jylo-siu4w PAUL GOODLOR. fla TO RENT—The new four storied Iron =front STORE, No. 240 North TIIIRD Street, above Rare street, with Fixtures, do., suitable for the wholesale end retail Clothing or any other business. Terms easy. Apply at No. 427 VON Street, from 8 to 9 A. M. and 2 to 3 P. M. jy3-otif* OFFICE TO-LET.-AN ELIGIBLE OF. nog for an limurenee Oompany, or 'trailer cor poration, having three communicating roma on the same floor, No. 224 WALNUT Street, above DOCK. thouedlatopouresalon given. Apply to JOHN 0. KEFFSR, or THOMAS T. BUTOIISH, No. 114 South FOURTH Street, mb.lo4uttue-tf second story, front room. el FOR SALE—no desirable STORE itnd DWELLING, on the Northwest corner of ELI:TENTH and CHRISTIAN 8 troote. Lot IS Ly 06. Apply to 11. 0. THOSIPSON & M CONARROE, fy3.ot 933 ARCH Shoot. PARKER'S, 91 North SIXTH Street TO LET.—THE UPPER ROOMS OF storee No. 327 and No. MS MARKET Street, below Fourth. Apply on the promisee, to ht. L RALLOWELL & CO , or Jel4.4f OUILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. TURNIP SEEDS, now crop, and warranted genuine. BP&NGLER & GRAHAM, jylo No. 077 MARKNT Street. below Seventh. gig BUCKWHEAT, MILLET, with all Zr other seas .noble Beetle. SPANGLES & GRAHAM, J 3 ,10 No 647 MARKET Street. below Seventh. sti FELTEN'S IMPROVED ALBANY SEEDGING STRAWBERRY, the beet variety ever intecalneud. Poe tale only by SPANGLER & GRAHAM, Jylo No 627 MARKET Street, below Seveath. C ANTED- t - o A PARTNER, it sUort: 07 1 1 1 1 ,1 1 0 a • Ca r Wholea& Grocery 'OOO and Liquor Ludlum! dd i r n eea B. W., at this Office. 3ylo4ltie VITANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES Y T. CAVALIIY—AbIe-bodied,' unmarried MFII2, to whom will be given good pay, board, clotbing, and medical attendance. Pay from eta to 122 per Month. 110 thin having a wife or oldld will be accepted. Apply for 11101:11i TIM WORM)! at No 817 MAMMY Street, above lightls, north Ride. WILLIAM B. MOYALL, let Lieut. 2d Itegt. of Cavalry, apIT MAMMA Ogg's% Retail Mrp r•A.mA.sirs, DIA.rICRS, 4r,0 JO'SErli A. lIAGY, • Ratell:Dealer In DOSIESTIO AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, No, 446 N. SECOND Street, above WILLOW, P HIL . AD ELP Hid tegat Notices Sin Gale anti ato ICet. 21g ricnltnral illanto. insurance erittnnanito EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF TUE LYCOMINO COUNTY MUTUAL INKY RANOE COMPANY. OAPITAL $2,548;049 74. OfIARTER PERPETUAL. Office lathe borough of MUN CY. Lycotning county, ka. Amount of property insured to June 10, 107 123,251,253 72 Amount of property Insured the past year, Amount of policies expired the past year 33,134,288 00 Do surrendered do 629,269 33 83,663,027 33 Total amount of property insured June 10, /358 623 ; 918,823 29 Amount of premium notes In force June 10, 1857 2,482,728 97 Da do received the post year 478,738 85 Amount of premium notes expired the peat peer $3 4 / 1 61 8 99 Do autroudered do 71,793 89 Total amount of premium notes in force June 10, 1858 $2,648,049 74 Number of policies in force June 10, 1857 18,141 Do Issued the putt year - 3,854 Number -of polielee expired the paat•year Do expired and consolidated.. Total number of policies in force June 10, 1846 Losses by fire the past year Total amount of losses previous to June 10, 1857 749,451 98 Total amount of losses to Tune 10,1848, ' embracing 1607 claims 6815,031 80 18 TA T Af EN2' OF THE OPERATIONS OE THE COMPANY JIRRINO THE PAST Ys AR : LO6BEB, EXPENDITURES. AND RECEIPTS. Amount received on premium notes the past year $16,244 46 Amount of Assess. No. 14, charged to Treasurer, Dec. 5, 1857 73,688 41 -09,023 87 Amount of loss and damage the past year $65,582 81 Amount compensations to Directors and Ex. Com 296 70 Do Treasurer's ordinary services.. 293 12 Do President's salary 200 00 Do Interest and exchange 1,162 51 Do Treasurer's commission 024 00 Po refunded premiums 2.24 48 Do incidental - expenses ' 1,021 22 /40 adjusting claims 1,391 00 110 suspended debt, - .- 170 63 Rio commissions, ennui rations; and expenses of collecting assess ments Nos. 3,4, 5,8, 7,8, 0,10, 11,12,23, and 14 • 11,025 25 Amount of llabilitles over assets Julie 10, 1857 Amount of mete over liabilities June 10,-- 1855 . , V% 29 ACTUAL 81 . ATE OF VIE /IMPS. Amount dile from age..ta .. .' .. ....$ 8,904'18 Amount Treasurer's account 31,599 88 --..• $37,004 05 Amount of claims on which orders ate issuod .... Amount due to Agents.. Amount of eseessonents oveftabilltles June 10, 1858 ESTIMATED STATEMENT mount of assets ovor liabilities Juno 20, 1858 mount of assessment No. 15, di. reeled May 12, 18.58, will net a.out 85,000 00 $85,494 29 Amount of unsettled claims lu ;moonlit of adjustment $14,784 83' Amount of commissions and ex. Onerations wbtch It may be no eesaary to make on outstanding assessments 10,000 00 Amount of I.loo24rcea temporary 111 4 8 apoci 00 27,784 83 Amount of avid:lover liabilities, as estima ted $37,109 66 Tied LycomMg County Mutual Insurance Company continuo to Insure against lon or damage by Fire Pro perty located in town and country. It was incorporated by the Legislature of Pennaylvar la in the year 1840, and immediately thereafter commenced its operations. The Capital of thin Company Is bated oe the 4"ramium Notea of its members, vrhich, at the rime of the pre sent report, June 80, 1058, amounted to $ 2 ,5 48 ,049.14. Theme 'notes are subject to assessment at any time, whenever the losses and expenses of the Company ren der the same necessary. The resources of the Company ate, therefore, abun dantly adequate to meet every legitimate demand which can arise under almost any possible contingency. Title Company Is conducted on purely mutual princi ples, and has been in successful operation over eighteen years, during which period It has paid claims for lossea and damages amounting to 2,15,034.80. Every person louring In said Company becomes a member, has a right to vote at elections for Directors, either by proxy or otherwise. irr The Books of the Company are subject to the inepectlon of the members at all reasonable hours. The Capital of thin Company remains in the bands of its members; therefore every member la the Treasu rer of his own money until the same Is required for the purpose of paying claims for lames. No debt Is ever permitted to accumulate against staid Company. It le economical in all contingent expenses, and prompt in the adjustment of all honest claims. But fifteen asiesaments have been charged to the Pre mium Notes niece the organization of the Company. The lutes of risk In this Company are so arranged that each'clawi of property Insured will support Its own less. Therefore, the Fernier, Mechanic, Merchant, the Guardian, Executor, and Administrator, the Mana gers of Bridges, Trustees of Churches, School Ileumes, and Academies, the Commiasionere of Counties, &c., may (neon withthe ututea% confidence cm the principlesof MUtuality. lir Application for Insurance may be made to any of e Local or Travelling Agents, and any information on the subject can be obtalued by communicating with the Officers or Directors of the Company. Thin Company issues Five-year Policies and no others. As it may be Interesting to members and others to know the number and time of each assessment Aim the organisation of the Company, a period of 28 years, vio subjoin the following statisties on the subject, to wlt: The first, on all notes In force April 18th, 1841, of 6 per cont.-say one year. The second, on all notes In force Nov.lBth, 1845, of 1 per cent.-4 years,6 mouths , and 2i days. The third, on a ll notes in force Sept. 18th, 1848, of 2 per years, 9 months, and 27 dive. The fourth, on all :mien In force April 6th, 1849, of 2 per cent.-0 mouths and 23 days. The Ilftb, on all notes In force April 10th, 1860, of 2 per cent -1 year and 4 days. The sixth, ou all note, in force Oct. 10th, 1850, of 2g per cent.-01nouths. The seventh, on ell notes Interco April 25th, 1851, of a per cent.-8 montha and 16 days. The eightlyon all notes in force April 26th, 1852, of 3 per cent.-1 year and 1 day. The ninth, ou all lu force April 28th, 1853, of 2,X per cent.-1 year and 3 days. The tenth, on all notes In force May Ist, BM, of 2X per cont.-1 year and 3 days. The eleventh, on all notes in force March 180855, of 3 per cent.-8 months. The twelfth, on all uotee In force October 18th,1855, of 3 per cent.-1 months and 11 days. The thirteenth, on all notes in force October 12th, 1856, of 4 per cent.-1 year and 17 days. The fourteenth, on all notes In force May 12th, 1857, of 3 per cent.-1 months, The fifteenth, on all notes in force May 12th, 1858, of 0 per cent.-1 year. Total amount of ansessmente, 41X per cent. Te which add 12,4 per cent., being 5 per cent, for an original insurance, and 2,4( per cent, for throe renewals each, making in the aggregate the sum of 54 per cent. charged to the notes of such membera• who have been insured during mad period of 18 years. Or it may be said 19 years, as the tifteeuth assessment, but recently made, It Is co:Meetly anticipated, will be nufficleut to furnish feuds to the end of the pre/to/4year. Prom the above facts the comparative cost of In suring In this Company, with that of respouoible stork Companies for a period of 19 years, may be illustrated as follm,s, to wit: On a Promo House, In Stock Company, $l,OOO Ina., at 2.5 per annum, for 19 years Y 95 On a Frame House, In Lycololog Mutual, $l,OOO las.. at sth rate, Note $5O, or 54 per cent, for 19 )(nu, $27- $62 In favor of the Lycouting On Mdse., In Stock Company, $l,OOO ins., at $7.60 per annum, for 19 years 2142,60 On Mdse., In Lycoming Mutual, 81,000 WI At 12th • rate, Note $l2O, or 54 per cent. for 19 years, 04,80- $17.70 in favor of the Lycomlng Mutual. On Steam Saw Mills, lu Stock Company, $l,OOO Ism. at $3O per annum, for 19 years 670 On Steam Saw 51ills, in Lycoming Slutual, $l,OOO Ins., at 40th rate,Note $4OO. or 64 per cent, for 19 >ears, $216,654 i favor of bycoming Mutual. In making the above statement the lowest Stock rates known to this Company ate assumed. But those con versant with the subject can make their own figuring and calculations as to the comparative coot of Insuring in the Lycoming Mutual with that of any other Com ' pony in the State. The rates of risk for forming the Premium Notes for Insuring in this Company vary according to the class of hazard, and run from 8 to 40. DIRECTORS OF Trig COMPANY. James Rankin, bleu) , Borough, Lyco:uing county. acob Putt, a Robert Montgomery, Clinton tp., 51'Kelvy, Bloomsburg, Columbia Andrew F Russell, Danville, Montour Wm. A Tho:nas. Bellefonte, Centre Jacob Haines, Wolf Run, Lyconsiug 11 Abraham Straub Milton, Northumberland 11 Frank Putt, Pottaville, Schuylkill Wert, P. I Painter, Maury Bore', Lyenming 41 Charles Lloyd, Montoursvllle, limektoh 11. Parker, Williamsport, tt 11 tt If. W. Snyder, Selinsgrove, Snyder OFFICERS. JAMES RANKIN, President. ABRAHAM STRAUB, Vice President. JOSHUA 110WJISN, Secretary. C. S. W ALLIS. Treasurer. JACOB lIAINEB , General Agent. W SI. WIIITA W., Agent for Philadelphia, LEIFER'S Court, East of Eleventh, below Arch. jyln•atat VIRE INSURANCE. a: BY TILE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OP PRILABELPIIIA. On Buildings. Limited or Perpetual, Aferchandisa, Furniture, it e., in Town or Country. OFFICE, No, SOS WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL. 5111,920. Miens, $252,465.69. Invested en follows, via : First Mortgagee on Improved City Property, worth double the amount 120,200.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co's. 6 per cent. mortgage Loan, 590,000, cost. Allegheny County 6 per cent. Penna. R. B. Loan 10,000.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Oohs. Stock 4,000.00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Company Stock of County Fire Insurance 00.... Scrip of Sundry Insurance Coromudem Bills receivable, business paper Book Accounts, accrued interest, drc Cash on hand and in Bank $252,4e5.89 CLEM TINGLEY, President. DIRECTORS. Clem Tingley, Samuel Bispimm, William It Thompson, Robert Steen, David S. Brown, William Mauer, Cornelius Stevenson, Begj. W. Tingley, John R. Worrell, Marethall 11111, 11. L. Carson, Z. Lothrop, Robert Tolaud, Oharlea Leland, Mow Johnson, Joob T. Bunting, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, John Bissell, Pittsburgh (.20.s to th.rp-tt B. M. HINOUrdA.N. Secretary. A NERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PER PETVAL. No. 810 WALNDT Street, above Third, Philadelphia Raving a large paid.tip Capital Stock and Berplas Invested in sound and available Becoritles, continue: insure on Dwellings, Stores, garniture, Merchandise Vessels in Port and their Oargoen, and other Personal Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted DZISOTOIS. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, • Caspar W. Morrie, &mud 0. Morton, tame It. Campbell, Petrick Brady, Edmund O. Dutilh. Charles W. Poultney. GEORGN ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARTS, Secretary. 1a48.7 II ;tamps pETERV 9 PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE 9Elf-OPISHATINtI Ohl LAMP Is the only Patent Burner that has a NON-OONVIJOTOR ATTAOLIOD. Vor Safety, Ohesi sees, and Brilltstioy, It surpass all others. STATE AND OqUNTY RIGHTS 107 VALI. Address D. P. PETERS, 8. W. corner ItUOND and OUBSTNDT ate., PhU& &WS 423 BIWANWAY I Now YorN. aah4-Iprp RET I LO COMPAN THE LA{' First 4,388,796 90 $2T,010,150 02 $2,961,49a 62 413,413 88 Third I'S I DS 1. ^ : 13 4 .., ;IA ii Fourth 18,880 886,686 82 o • am Fifth O.f.' kg qQi t,,z4 Amount paid and owing for rd. Insurance Amount of return premiums.., Amount of ineties' of Company Amount of Oro paid by the company, Amount of all other expenses • and expenditures of the coca . pony , 41,514 06 rosiptox OP THE O oUPAAT'S EttleB. The Ceptial - 188,422 0 0 . ' The Reserved Fund. 214,016 11 0 The Life Fund 531,339 13 10 The Fire R rano Fund 189,710. 8 11 7,223 20 80,428 88 1,088,018 13 9xs6 55,440,0112 08-100 $730,000 INVESTED IN UNITED STATES. nostatITUTIOX AND-CAPITAL. Liability of.tho entire body of sharehoMent unlimited. All Directors must be Proprietors in the Company. State, City and County of New York: _ Alfred Pell, of the, city of New York, being duly sworn, Kaye, that he is the Resident Secretary, and the only officer of the Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insurance Company, in the city of New York; that he has rend the foregoing statement, and that the semi true and correct to the beat or his knowledge and belief. State, City and County of New YorkALFRED PELL. I, CHARLES NETTLSTON, a Commissioner in and for the mid State, residing in the city of New York, ap pointed by the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that from personal examination I am entistled that the LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY are' posseased of bonds end mortgagee and other securities to the amount of 8500,000 and upwards, as specified In the fore going atatoment, and that mid bonds and mortgagee are well awl amply secured on real estate, and are of the value represented in mid statement. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official mai, this 26th day of March, A. D. 1858. CHARLES NETTLETON, [siraL3 Commissioner for Pennsylvania in city of New York. - RICHARD S. SMITH . , Agent; Exchange, Phibulelphia. 37,251 69 152 05 31,40977 6494 29 jel9-stuthinao -IL R E SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND. rOHABTAIIIM Jr lIIGMLATVI . UI OF Passen.vArta.) PERPETUAL CHARTRI. FIVE PER CENT, Interest allowed to Depositors, and all Moneys Paid beet on Demand. OPTION, 831 NORTH THIRD STREET, (Cosiniasoaccon Basil lionanna3 This Institution ie now open for the transaction of Intelneas. and la the only Chartered Baring Fund located in the northern part of the oity. The Office will he open (daily) from 9 to 2,4( Welock, and also on MONDAYB and THURSDAYS from 5 ma 9 &elm* in the Ecening. ' ALLNAORRS. Prederiok Klatt, Stephen Smith, Joke P Levy, Hon. Henry S. Strong, Daniel Underkoner, Hon. Wm 'Kinnard, Frederick Steaks, French! Hart, Joseph P. LeOlere, john Hessler, Jr., President Secretary, OZORGS T. QAVING FIINIL-UNITED - STATEB TittlST COMPANY, earner of TILLED 'and CHEST. NUT Streets. Large and emelt come received, and paid bask on de mind, without notice, with FIVE PEN PENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office bonrs, from 9 mill 5 &dock every CAT, and cc MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'olook. DEA.IITH for sale on England, Ireland, and Eastland : from fa upward". Preaident—STEPlLEN OZAWEORD, Treamusrr—FLlNT Seller—JAMßS R. HUNTER, SAVING FUND—FIVE PEE OENT. IN. TRUEST—NATIONAL ISAIIRTY TRUST COM. PART.—WALNUT STEER ,T SOUTH-RIM OORNIZR ON 'THIRD, YIIII.A.DELYSITA. Imionsoiamao Ht 1.811. STASI OT PRIMITLTAMIA. Honey Is remised In any smo, !arra or final, and In. tereet paid from the day of deposit to the day of with. dzawal. The aloe Is open every day from cOolook in the morning till 6 o'clock In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday (1111Elitip tin 8 o'olook. HON. BMW L. BMlNDB,Preeddent," ROHM' BILDRIDEM, Vice President WK. I. UND, Beoretary.- Ron. Ninny L. Benner, P. Carroll limiter, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Bali Robert Selfridge, Prangs Lea, flaml. R. Ashton, Joseph Yorker., 0. Landreth Munn, navy Dlffenderffer. Money is received and psymente made daily. The investments are made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORT GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such Snit class escort. ties as will always Maitre perfect security to the deposl% tore, and which cannot fall to give permanency and eta. hillty to this loititution. anl-ly N°.BB (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PILE GENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. MO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET : - FIVE m GENT. STATE SAVINGS YUD NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE YER ONNT. STATE SAVINGS TEND. ant-1y NOTICE TO AROEUTEOTS. , —In puma am° of a reaolution adopted by the Monument Commleahmers, at a meeting., at Thwriaborg, on the 13th instant, Plans, Spetinedtlollll, and Estimates are invited for the erection of a MONUMENT to the memory of citizens of Pennsylvania who lost their tires to tho late War with Irexico. The cost of which is not to exceed the corn of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Communications on the subject of plans, &c., to be addressed to the Governor, at Ilarrisburg, prior to the Ist of July. Proposele received from July 1 until Au gust 4,1858. • Persons furnishing Plans will please send their Esti motes under seal, sus they will be for the use of the Coin missieuern only. For the Plan which may be adopted a prooilum of Two Ilunfred Dollars will be allowed. By order of the Couunissioners. ' . . JOUN W. GEARY, Secretary. Iltantaatata, Hay 14, 1868. jyl-tf NOTICE.—AN ELECTION FOR SEVEN DIRECTORS of the MONTOUR IRON COMPANY. to carve during the ensuing year, will be held on SA TURDAY, the thirty-A cc day of July nest, between the bourn of twelve o'clock IL, and one - o'clock P It .at the Ls Pierre Hotel,"' tu the city of Philadel phia, Pennsylvania. 18304,01 T. M. BRYAN, Ja., Secretary. • CARPETS. Wo will commence TO-DAY CLOSING OUT Our entire Spring Stook of VELVET AND BRUSSELS CARPSTINGS, LT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. DAILY tr BROTHER, No. W2O CHESTNUT Street. Purchasers will pleaae all and examine par large assortment. ap29.4f /TAPESTRY CARPETS.-JUST OPEN ED, a large lot of superior Tapestry Carpets, to es wild at a low price. DAILY de BROTHER, OASH CARPET EITOBE L 020 CHESTNUT St. SIIPERB THREE-PLY CARPET S.— A. fresh assortment of new patterns, at reduced prises, at DAILY BROTHER'S, CA CARPET STORE, mh3l-tf 920 CHESTNUT St. lIED ROOM OARPRTS.-10,000 YDS. al-if of superior Zain and Three-ply Carpets, of the beat makes and sty les , at alt prices, from 60 cents to 0.26 per yard. BAILT ft. BROTHER, mhal-ff No. 920 CHESTNUT Street. BEST HEAVY BRUSSELS.-A LARGE lot of new patterns, In I eat, chaste styles, at low prices. • BALLY & BROTHER, CHEAP CARPET STORE. ND CHESTNUT At 8,338.19 18,043 20 Oentlemtn's Surnisliing gfoobs. ('! G ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. W. W. RNIOHT,; 606 AROH Stree), above Edith, Philadelphia. Dealer In all kinds of llurniehing Go l Ae, and manufacturer of Fine Shirts, warranted %mai in every respect to any othere manufactured in this city or elsewhere, wholeeale and retail, or made to order. mbl-tf CIENTLE ME N'S WRAPPERS OR ILA DRESSING GOWNS.—The largest ant beet se• eartment In the olty, wholesale and retail, with a fall line of Under Clothlng,, salted to the season, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, 606 ARCH Street, above Sixth, Philadel• phis. mb.l.-tI WICHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE I N dEN'S FURNISHING /WORN, and PATEN! SHOI7I.DEN SEAM SHIRT fdANOPACITOKT, No. fee ORNSTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, ar,,, Strangers, It particularly invited to this improved out of Shirts, the moat perf ec t fitting article made. At whole. ode and retail. and made to order. an 6.1.71, A. KINGSBURY. M. D.', DENTIST, Would Inform hie friends that he has REMOVED to 1119 WALNUT Street. above Eleventh. Je2v3m J)RY GO01)8.—I wish to buy $2O or 525,000 worth FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, if one-half or three-fourths the amount can be paid in an improved Form near Chicago • balano• Addf PNRIO Ottioo. JIS-Stea •' •. Insurance Comp:into. RN OP THE LIVERPOOL AND ~ ,I DON ntI.I7FIRND LIFE INSUR IV ANCE BLISH E ED A IN CO6IPLIANCEITH WS OF Tits STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Capital Stock $10,000,000 Number of shir es of subscribed Stock, 94,211 Amount of assessments on Stock paid In cash A 188,442 at $5 942,110 00 Value of Real Estate .* ... . 6 00,000 00 Amount of cash in hands of Phrenlx Bank and Common & Co 42,060 93 Amount of cash in hands.of ants In course of transmis. eon 66,031 00 Amount of loans secured by bond and.mortgages on which there le less than one year's Interest due 473,859 00 Amount of loans on which in terest has not been paid with in one year, (both principal and interest since paid)... 14,600 90 Amount of stocks owned by the company, $3,000 in Vir ginia sfock, the remaining consists of stocks of incorpo rated cities in various States of the Union • 163,000 00 Amount of stock held by the company as collateral for loans 60,000 00 Amount on which intend is due and unpaid 24,600 00 Amount of losses paid during • tho year, In thin country Amount of unsettled losses.... 10000 00 Amount of dividend • 80 per et. Amount of camh premium... 010,18 T ea Amount of egnedpromitunt • Amount of Interest received from the investments in United Melee •• • . 33,525 30 Bump Imam. James 8. Pringle, Jacob Dock, Jetlepjild Cowell, George Woelepper, • J.Wesley Prey, Robert B. DaVidllol2, P. O. ralmsker, John .P. Vona!, aeorge Kneeht, John Horn. t. JAMES 8. PRINGLE. UGRIC sal-111, Nonuts. Carpetings. illenltatrg. ipzreonal. 2lutamtants: C • ONOERT RALL;COMMENCING MON DAY BVENINO, July 121.11 —Morris Brothels Tel/ and Trowbridge htimetrels, from the &hoof Street Opera noose, Boston_conei e v oir e e thi r teen Star per. brows. Por further partiehlars eee posters and pro greinmes of the day. - 1910-6 t Lon' mossra, Bertha' fdanaesr. A - 11Eit.T.OAN AIMUEMX Or KUNIO.— W: corner or BROAD aril LOr'INVP Streets. . GRAND PROIIRNADR moms, Positively the Jut night of the GEAMANTA aßclissrßA, CARL RePiZ, Laavaa, Doors open at 7tt o'clock; to commence at S o'clock. Slagle tickets 2d cents. Packages of El tickets St. Stockholders and Tleket bolder§ t admitted fen. J.6.41t . WHEA.TLEY'S ARCH-ST. THEATRE, SECOND ORAND ENTERTAINMENT Or ORDWAY'S BOSTON ,BOLIANO, comprising ZPRAIORN and PRANK .BROWER, (the world-renowned Comedians ,) Z KELLY. Z BO W ERS, TIM NORTON, W NORTON, B. B PAIRBAN_ ,ICR PAINE, O. RATNER, E.• TROMpBoN, and WON P. ONDWAI, whe wilt preald- at the Piano They will appear with PRATER/4B an Ethio pian Minstrelsy. " They _will Intrainesi i number of new Bongo and dances, among which are the following: " Life on the idludasippl,. • "Laughing Darkiee,” "Nappy Uncle Torn Dance." Burlerque Fancy Dance.. " Pathetic Ballad," which must be heard tcr be appreciated, and " Locomotive Darkie.. Tato:W*o with ohs Liaghable Hurler:o4ot HOP OP PASEIION ! ADMISSION. Bones, 26 cents; Bienrof ifente in Drava Circle 87 in; Orebentra °tails. 60 ants; Beata In Private Boman, T 6 ; Gallery, I 8 cent... Doors open at ;to commence at AN ASTSBNOON PARFORMANOK ON °ATM DAY. 1v6.6t 02,771 01 Suminet excutsiatts. 474 On • 24 SUNDAY EXCURSION TO RSD SANS.-The, starrier 'LOGAN leaves nAega.,,ee's wharf, Kenstagton, every SUNDAY, at 10X. 134.3 and 5 o'clock for Red Rank, napping** Aiwa and ORRISTIAN Street wharves. Rotundas at 12, 234, 43i, and T% o'clock. Extrusion 16 oents. Syldlt* 23,6 6,27 01 433 93 43 ,6/8 08 a.mpiwgFOlL T11.E., ALIAIikIE- Nres.—amcg To Payson wins- IMO TO TAXI TUB /Mountain Ai a.—THE PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD COMPANY will issue 111.0011.- SION TIORETS dodo": the Summer to ALTOOn Aland the At01:11 4 12411V, KOF ifg, (Creamed liltstiond good for Mx days: - Fare to Altoona and return ST 16 Fare to Mountain Rouse mid return - I 80 , Philada, July 2,1868. - TllOB. 'MOORE, - ./y8.12t Agent Permaylvania Railroad Company. a I A PHILADELPHLA. AND ELMIRA 'RAILROAD LINE : GREAT REDUCTION, - FA'E TO NIAGARA FALLS ONLY $B.OO. Trains leave the Philadelphia and Reading Itallroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Btreets, daily (Bun days excepted,) as follow - Ai ' 7:30 A. SE:, day express..-- , 3:30 P. M., night express.. - Tickets can be procured rat tke Depot, and also at the General Office of the line, Northirestcorner SIXTH and 011SEITNGT Streets. • CSIARLES B. TAPPHN, • ' je29-lm General Agent. NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD NOB DELA ABIWER-OAP, MAUCH MUNE, HAZLETON, AND TILE LEHIGH COAL REGION.- ' H to the aboie prowler placed of Sexton Renton? will Lind the Route olfer(d by the North - Pennsylvania Railroad Company, In connection with the Lehigh 'Val ley and New Jersey Central Railroads, to be novel and agreeable, passing through Some of. the richest and most highly cultivated counties to the State, end pee wasd of comfortable accommodations, both on the goad and at the various towns through which it passed. FOR THE WATER OAP.=-Take 2.25 P. 61: Express Train from Front and streets, pasirthO night'at Bethlehem, and take ears next *morning 'at 9 o'clock, through Easton to New, .11amidon, where a close con nection is made 'with the Delaware, Lackiewanne, and Western Railroad, and arrive at the Gap about 110012. FOR MAUCH CRUNN. AND TRE COAL REGION. —Take 9 A. M. and 2.25,P. M. Express Tran s-tram same Depot to Bethlehem, where a does connection is made with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, through front Philadelphia to blanch Chunk in 6 hours- • A NEW AND PLEASANT. ROUTE TO NEW YORK ClTY.—Tate 9 A. M. Express Train to Bethle hem, thence at 2.20 P. M. via L. .R. R. and N. J. O. R. R. through Beaton to Elizabethport, thence by Steamer, and. arrive in New Yorket quarter past i P.M. Parties travelling North that have a few hours to 'are, will find thin a new and agreeable route. For further particulars, inquire of ELLIS C'LARK, Agent N. P. R. R., Front and Willow Streo4. PRILATMLPIM, :MID 18, 1858. , Je/9-2m i % FOR win MAY AND NEW DAiLY, at 9); o'clook A M. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA BTEAM NA : YMATION COMPANY. The splendid often abeanaers DELAWARE, Captain Cr;pan BOSTON, Captain Sellevr,• and KENNEBEC, Captain Hand, forma daily hue letween this city, Cape May, and New York, leaving from first pier below Epmeo street (Sundays excepted) at fkli o'clock A. M. Return ing, leave New York frcita plerld North River (ilundala excepted) at SP.M: • " Returning, leave Cape May (Mondays excepted) 0— A. M. Fare to, Cape May (canine hire Included). <a for Servants CI II Reason tickets (carriage Lire ex -8 GO 1, Nevi York, cabin 800 It II steerage 160 Freight taken at low rates. For pan*, state rooms, &i., - apply on board, or at the Oteoe, 814 and 816 8013TH DELAWARM AVE NUE. JAMES laLLDEMDIOE,_ . Agent. POE CAPE MAY.— DAILY EXPRESS LIRR, by Steamer "8A3., LOON," Capt. W. WHILLDur. The swift and favorite steamer "BALLOON" leaves Arch-street Wharf for Cape May every Mornlnt, (Sunday excepted,) at 7 o'clock. Returning, leave. Cape May at, ]X o'clock P. li. Fare $2, carriage hire in cluded; Sorvanta $1.60; Beeson TicketssB carriage tare ware. jy6-2msr acittgagetiFttillg LED A, - ga r gi RAILROAD. ONLY TWO AND HALF HOURS TO THE BEA SHORE. On and after Monday, Jane 7th, and until further no tice, (Sundays exceptedd three trains daily to Atlantic City and return. First Passenger Tiain leaves Vine at. wharf 7.34 A. M. 13,,,,,,„d 14 14 11 If It gm P. M. M. Freight Train with Passenger Car attached, 4.35 A: M. Accommodation Tulin to Weymouth 6.36 P. M. LEAVES ATLANTIC CITY. Yield PasaengerTrain leaves 6.00 A. ht. Second 44 41 4.40 P. M. Freight Train with Passenger car attached, 11.30 P. M. Accommodation Train leaves Weymouth, 6.25 A. M: HADDONFIELD TRAIN Leaves Cooper's Point, 11 A. U. and 2 P. M. Haddonfield / P.M.and 3P.M. Tare to Atlantic, when tickets are purchased before entering the cars, 41.80. POLO/UR 10 go down to , the Bea Shore and return the same day, can spend SIX HOURS ON THE BRACH. Tickets for the round trip, $2.60 Tickets to go down in the afternoon and return neat morning, or down on Saturday afternoon and return on Monday morning, $2.60. EXTRA NOTICE. The Accommodation Train to Weymouth will run through to Atlantic on Saturday Afternoon and con tinue to run every Saturday until further notice. Leave Vine street. 6 36 P. M. Atlantic City_ 400 A. M. Stopping at all Btationn. Monthly tickets will be sold at the following rates: Par the month of Jone,Slo I For the month of Sept. $l6 July, 20 For three months, 46 " Angina, 20 For four months,. 66, Churches, Schools, LOdgeli f Companies arid Library AsSociatfona, wishing special trains, shoat make early application. Freight mast be deliveredat Cooper's Point by P.M. The Company will not be responsible for any goods until received and receipted for by 'their Freight Agent at the Point. R. FRAZER, Secretary. ja7-tr FOR REGISTER OF WILLS, JOIIN %Nod to the wilt of the People's Convention 145-if REGISTER OF WILLS- • ANDREW J. WESTER Subject to Democratic Rake. LERK OF ORPHANS' COURT \/JOSEPH A. MONIIEINISR, Eleventh Ward Subject to the rules of the Democratic party. jerf-dto* oilHEßlFFALTY.—Encouraged by my AJ friends, I offer myself as a candidate :or the office of BfIERIFF of the City and County of Philadelphia, subject to the aoCiliioll of the People's party, wawa no mination I respectfully solicit. WILLIAM K. KERN, Fifteenth Want. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS— JORN CUMIN, Fifth Ward. lelt:41 Subject to 'Democratic Ituleo FOR REGISTER OF WILLS— CIIIARLEB D. KNIGHT TWENTIETH WARD Subject to the People'* Nomination. jai -ti FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. - JOHN OANI.NELL, OF EINVNNTH WARD. Subject to Democratic rale!. m7ll4in . THE WEST PHILADELPHIA. PASSENGER RAILWAY CO. ARE NOW RUNNINQ THEIR CARE Prow Eighth street, along IHarketastreet, So Logan, and along Logan to Haverford street, OS talTritYLLa OP Amoy FIVE' MINTIT ES. WM. S. MANN, /3 CPESINZSMDI/Sr. SUN UMBRELLAS, LADIES AND cur.wrtards.tscx, Manntactated and for mile, 'wholesale and retail, ley W.M. A. DROWN b CO., jAcilitsorr, JOB PRINTER. Au Removal to From AND CHESTNUT STREETS. j32-1m REMOVAL. --JOHN P. DOHERTY AND CHARLES ROTH, TAILORS, HAVE REMOVED TO TllB _ N. E. CORNER OIT BIRTH AND WALNI3IBT MET*, lM" • • • political. 218 MARKED Street
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers