MMETidlitbitES.-ROOM,, ; -lONTITERBY, IcitwiNuiMAR NNT: ind,DINONOT todtl OND told THIRD ctresta. OLDNIIT Atiorromizit. DMA OTINTD/ar 00(1DB, ABTIIIIOI,ALd, x. nit .14Coillig,. - a <auly. gd,',-imiotiatering, at 10% o'clock, will, be tpolif,,Fittiont rfferyi);(or cagy," lino and getieral 'as earttesent of tiOah'strair'goode„and -brioded will be "Nand, tit : • • Colored and white, °tali quanta., for la c ji Oen*" wontep , t, misses , blls' and idtante , - *Car, adapted to city and country trade. - 150 on 11'4 Also, xis Preach 71 4:17t,Esieuffilesi find cataloplOg earl;T:on the Morning of Panaignmanta respectfully w oh tho, lia . 7l...atfactiGwill be lamed' to obtain aatiataotbry Pr" 10 . [fir Purchasers, all/ 1V11, 11 7 finlk at - the " Comm"' atai eforymarlety oratapie and .fanoj , _ lots to snit.- Thous who want goods 'kw net eh grdaLsold!ln tetoed by . fay comßatition o 44 it, their la Mt to n SCOTT; AtTOTIO.NEER, (games nor to WOL.B. BIM* scow, ) OILESTNEM et., ,opinoite the tlttetozo goes,. lettween'ilP , Kth aqir 0RE01.14. _14:01 . 1 oit von OlTZigid),! gaitp, • 'on Saturday Ildorntago - July Sd, atm it - 140 eales-room, No 4 . 31 Clheetunt„etteet;3o4%dosew eheerjet ottptowte comp.:slog aa 1.101.0,0041te1k good', plata sod colored Idettellles and linen bosoms, with and withewt conwre, s e: ' • - - Also, - Byron and stand la-ocilana.” T Mr' Napa ananlnedi.with ont4OgnoOrnaz l 7 on the rm. f. _ Mr' Bach lot wilicontain six ales, all or the 11116 sloe, alch will be masted on the natniednea and 'Star chasers can anion dlidnu,ity fa being - OLOPIIT/034: O.LOTI3INO ! ! men's hoyit!Xothing la full tuwortment `of pol,wijable amp 'and vents, alf Hata and trimmed in iheleakminupe.of 'variety of.tnaterlal anticitto:ths sesent-salas:• - . ' 8 (*PiP!! 1 4 01 : 0 Pt$0 1 / 1311 earlrlin;tl/0 inOtoing'of site R REbYP SAS.E"tIHd,VAItiSTR.OP-STAP!!I2 -•-Atop , 'PANOY, 000D8i - -EmunanDOßits, - BOOTS MATTINO4 &e: 4 ocieWeilisiado &Outbid. - Tilt,,at /0 o'oicelt,` - ilky,, caklogne, a largo lot of ; skorts - d - goodsi doesiatinglia rttc f ' It/ditll,ol.D y BUB. • - Embrolderad'l4lierar Seta; slievae,, hand', Wogs, , *%tandlisettfots,'lkialatteal tcentiftetill / - 4' CB- OASIS -111-DIBPOi oraTT, i 'mtpl.ollputils , Saint ore/2/kcal - gal ters',,Oxrdi - d &a ,of calf along feather , cloth, ad latingi for t.- - dtio , ,jkositot• otgldreos , phoiyus p4ln aM Thayer. m•tthx,:z-: —2l ' ' asee me!es beyAsynxßata. I Irr0• 1 04060 1 Wetly on.the aunning of ale? AILES A-.p_-zusEnt.sut,.i,44ovo .; !„; - M0„9122 STRAIRT, iftve . gPOSTll.: Art.,yexiKnlidiilrpiticig.ts,With,ooPAgin*ltgell"Slpir that'4,llBl4%poperty Mittel saarifteed. .001mAsSIOlitnireitte - thin goorraisrgd hyarif other Jlnotlitri Ho l nfeln tbe ..9 it7 , mfr. Ookadirnmenterespeetfailljeollelted: 1 ,1 -' - laales naLlimmediataiv atter the mode ore sold, TWO ty-SNOriNA . SPAIN} a Arai-JIILT 16th. This:v.le include-:: e --"o'tybenir CoarrAtitelnto Sale-Ilefate , , f2iintga-Brkiiii.:,,..liittrit;.:EttitiBll;:. THIRTEENTH 'l3.Tattp.l,• ALUMS WOOD'A.threa•atcrmr,brick house and lot, west aide ofThirteletti - street. stove Wood, 1116 Lot,front. feetiletip 'Cleaver intembrances niat-srortr BRICK riousii N0.,#64. SOUTH Pi PITH Sraikt,r,!,..three- story brick kintio,two.,no: 17 MeV Nice buildiegs; 790 South' tilittliettech,;l6 rest rirosti.p,ttetAseit: .11,6 0 0 ' eat-6618 gO`ma ir siei& y- • • - nitttWeTctlY,..Bß IA H0:13(0,7.' pp:lkm STREET i:ek iffirefr-olierf. brick lionee, and lot, frame titahad; 'nottliioda n of Dickinson.atmetA3 test lad from Ponith r :Stract46 feet front, 61,feeP,deep.--Vaa aPe6.llllVlBbo,,hatk:room, 5800 1 1 , - ,rog -may - rrtaws-eroar.. - orcrox swim:vows:tau Avisi ;NOR AND RllSTFlLSTRRHTsfThree.itoiTbriek honed ;And lot- of ground; WM:tibia aitinae,ltelow,Nitith St I 6 feet POntia67 feetdeeiteethre&feet any, ,Two., 'dory brick beak building, range, -with'bathe. ASO $2,6001if - - 'BUILDING "tor, Mfg.: /MEET, GESMANTOWI9,IOI by 306 - tasT, THRII.WHItONTI3."--i A-lot of: ge insdii north side orQueen street, ad,loining : land, of P.--lEibinefillit,:9o9 - feet Winches tront.'99s feet IM - Pideeki ivenne; and 908 feet 8h Inches on Penn street. Pulaski avenne.le 80 feet wide, and will:probe= big be Vie line hr thorium railroad view, Whir contract • to Tina street. Queen stree,t istratedintithel; paled, Afifilighted with gas tn within it', square, of IRIS lot; -.l , 4l , lld:gradediniet. :leiiielle.2lot 2% -feet above: The lot le level, with aldope beak to Pena street. Two.s Maas may reuisio. non..t gale-Rotate of Thomas DaganiDeeM.- 4.1111,218.15T0RTF-11RTOZ;110171431, - - WISTAR 'ST{'a-f A,oeac three.story brick dwelliog. with ,baek,buildihgs, mutt north.aldoorWlitin street; 1.: 1 4 hid stett -o . Tooth ,street,ls feeLfeent. •60 feet deep" Olean:of in.; "entcnbrsneas, „It rente for 8226; • $l.OOO may reandma. ,orplioneWourt,Sale--Setne Estate.. ,; ITAiIDI3OSIPi lIAN,BIOK, • ONTARIO ST.,- o DERTON."-A handsmito double mansion hottse,swith! a.equara. , of. amend, • northeast-oornee of Ontario and' Ilentieth etreete.4lol foOtlOgrtsidbes !afore Ontario ottre', 7 t, 21Sfeekenthe ...Germantown Railroad, and 190 ox•pweniierthjitreet. ; The mansion is 09 feet front. , "mbar on on aide hall in thiieutre; dining-room" and kifelen,on,tbie,,Oiberi hoe vo-story brick-backbulid. tar; gas large Soiree and vegetable garden., 'lt:s Walsh' one equate of the etntion at Tinge. street.- s2,6oo,,may,semsin. , Oxpbans'.ootiri Sale-Same Estate. 7611711:STORT - RRIOR MANSION 1100811, OHRST prx„rizszn.--A,bar.deolpe four f atory brick residence, with thraiimbiei tack ballotage' end-lot of - ground:west of Tteptietle: street; I& feet 1 inOlnts, front; sad - 101 feet deep tii,lobionon street, 8) feet wide. The home his Judean bartent,breaktint tome and kitchen On the seine dinitt•room: *bate; heifer, water iloseti, anieloied Verandabiand all - the modern improvements, Rants $O5O. l'oistraslon• immediately if ;141;40.1 *Erplrrney remain. - • - ,Orphana , OonrtihOe-idatrie Retitle: THUS' -STORY' DWELLING, WASHING. TON ernEer. mar -..itrirti WARD —A handeome tbreemoir, brisk residence ,and lot three-story back bctildli3mi.'Re • imith side - of Waihington,-street, west of Tentli,' , do fe e t front, 80 fret deep. Saloon par, lot. heaters, rangeibathe, Heats for RlOO. ..83,000 may remain • • ' '• . , Awrisowit LOT 'OF 'GROUND, WASHINGTON . STREET, GERM ANTOWPI,-,Ayaluable lot of ground, ed,infoing _the (argent. property of Rot. H. Goddard: on the north elde of Hanbeito,street4o3 - feet stinthweit trtiartro getreet, beteetin the plank road end Groan street,- Gertuaritiorn, 199 - feet 930nchea:ftinitand,888 Met OWiocties deep on the noitnetuit nide, and 839 feet on the sontliviest side trr, IO bee a handsome roe of trees planted in • front - , gra, and Water along M a echm stedat - . -The location is krk,t-rete. 'Veit:l4-43,000 cash balance May remain. - • ' • $6O to'be -paid on `each of the above when Mae game is etntct off AT PRIVATE/ 'BALE tiOAP PLOTORY—DEMBIX D016g11.9, nooK, &O. A Soap Fattory. 'dill:double _boilers, stool, cm chineryt /co , complete .for earrYing.on the busbies*, altrtato In the broil of tbo has a good rue o f and c• At the p scent emner hven g 3,000. grey be examined at al Uwe rby; anglieation to the cue. tionoar. Will be sold at a mceac...- yI,EA 'ESTATE AT - PRIV/a& SALE. ITandionte remileoa, eoutbiet at corner,orgerenteenth owl Wai utitreete. Pe•44.ore Waahl mrton Sonata and Walnut BONA. house, No 827 Vine street: - • It so -1 ludtan Queen lane. - • Valuable prooartv, Jr- ankford road dwelllng:No 4-10 Wallace street.- tinniness steed and dwelling, Seventeenth and Wash /AP-T.ll - • '-• glegsot property. 80 &eras, ate.i above Torrendalt. , +Ore oiland. °bony,' avenue. Gegniant 'fn. "- .11,-1:11% WOO tealdenne and lot, West PIM dolphin.. -V-tluela lot in ground, • Germantown flamed and Columbia avenue: • •'t - • Handiume dwelllng, Spi Qinlen streit,- above' ' :•* O S E B,N AT. El 4h,"lt‘b, AtTOT/O.NEEE AND 001011881.0N.M.111tOga.biT, 6, B. eornel OIXTM end RAON.Streets. ORICAI - PUBLIO AOOOMMODATION. MONEY!. MONEY ! L. MONEY ! I Money liberally advanced In large or Kuala amounts, from one dollar. to thousands, on gold,and Filter ylstii diarnonds,.wateheil; jewelry, fowling-pieces, musical instruments, furniture, dry goods, clothing, pop:gide. Mori, hardware, cutlery,' heal, horses, Vehicles, bar nese, and all artieles ofvalue,for any. length of time agreed 'on, at , Nafecnesl!Priliapal-"Evtaatishrnenti southeast admit. of-Eigth and Ears *dilate. Protnislory notes ..with•teellateN; dledetaited at the /tweet ' gisi.TMANd. TEINOIPAL - n. 10. AND RAC g 131113dETB. Where money will be liberally advanced on gold and eilver,plate,diamoruie - ,vratches,jiwelry, fowling pieces, dry goods, clothing, groceries; liquors, cigars, - hard, ware, cutlery, fancy articles; mirrors,,ngs en gravings,--nauslcal Inetruments, furniture, bedding, hems, vettlobes, berneSsi stooks, and all other articles of value. OUT-DOCiito-BALER. - • . Pensenal attentiongiven to all out - door sales, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere, - and °Urges unusually low. • " TO PI isoris REkINQUI/MINCi-HOLVEICEEPING. ?smelts rellnquidUng.-,housekeeping or haring sup piles of furniture te.dlspose of, will tad it tO their -ad vantage by sending the Same to the auction store, eolith• east corner of Bluth and , Race street, where •tt • will be properly arrexiged In the furniture esteemed', aud-aold to the best advantage, two-thirds of the goods &dreamed If required, sad The balmier. handed over the afternoon of the day ofsale. • -. . • •' •' ' " • • :PairAU BALL. lliai gold- Ind- ailed hunting essie, double sae*, end double bottomed derre4-16pinee, Itaglieb,- ,and Preach watches; g o ld spoolte, gold Omni, gold brace: letads vartelstof Armload ends, breastpins, and finger rings; 'fine Untee, enperiovold and guitar, very 800 enatodemsoked. Munerodii other articles.- ' • Ia'r:PitIVATE ;91401' LOW rioo.lCB;..`' 0014' )16,511.6 paleat liVar.rratohea, feoelled dad pl i tld'aome - eflhear'lline-18%liarat 'flies of therbeat . makers. Silver Fag Ugh patent lever watched; fallJewelle e d and plsit, of the moat approved makers. - eteapetnew layer and leplha watolieh'in 0.1)0 . 1 and open face; of„the.very best make. Ladles , gold enarnelled_oratehea, set pearl and die cords,- • • - " - , gngllah, Swiss; dud' Pienals iratehad,illanaond breast Ilngerringe;4ol4 - biaceleta.querloge, Adger ridge, Our, Buda, Orof gold rest. fah, and meek chaioe , gold epectaelWarid'varlona other arts. 431 4 1 ....2 ( .1.3fa11ir .&0•1 - 44111Alls,;: - IubtriorrkEtt; Aid ~MONSY,,,LOAA cunnoz, tip:424 - TIfillGillbOot; bolo* Went, opposite Pear eight doors below the Inteliange: - • - - Hot= "Orlitaiiinefroni I coolock; *AL, °week Jo the °YON& • - O ' 2 V" 2OO T . gatOg atld 40‘1 3 0/; ttio: attrition 47,onsecei. 211242 2 P4t4 ;tiesieltisfetp r ternis.- , • • • - CfAIITA,G, ,000: NstialishgliqrAe at, T 144 Anyanoeo IMO item ormillo/ emanation )la , monde, 2111 ** 2 i5tet.1 2 .04.18; Jewelry; Hardwfire, lSer abapgise, ()Josiah/4T * rearoiteat, Bedding h eigars,Xaliast inlitrainoote, Guest and Alpo& of every HettiArtion.„. • .• - • I Am gaud can ismsyt length - of time aimed 411 - attiaoaes; from - line bandied dollen ind• , 'Oe.elierned 2 Plirpetl4 2 . PrAllOotti; $ 6 9):=411:, theloweat wait rate. ; -- ThlaStore fib, hating o'4qt/a or, Mn ieliirtnalarge tire sill litiet.pvitor vaults to store AU *enables, and pri. wat•Oristolitin for " the - grecoliod"' a. heavy An Ist= *tenon fat the benep taT.*.vaopplielog gam! ceitlvaa!,noen.._24to, , , haein'g !hie ciso lb' propane, telointe advanees On morii_iatti stiraitty!A d " IF l6oo Y*litilis -iertos.thii - pay," ether is igfosiitOritti oat any chug* ' • beta eiliteit Lovering 'etliet Vantiltee; 7vinll4,'sna, innthinitlrin be "1.4 t,Fel.P..ol,llloPfdf; Wiliii - .:A - BA 'II , St-H7B' IS', •„,„,„. DUESTIMO, r=s 1 ~~'fLPDT~pf~ f¢lteblU for 0 3:12. 0 ;a : ^V , And ftriiile by - 8 r 03004? m, JlLabl'itt/217 -L i. j.': 1 00,*4 . 0- 411 0D„5 2 . „ ,„ :44•=01}i, ~ipuEiGfrc.- s pevi; 8.671 - LA. -a? eboisi 10i1;b11;b4, , ceri be had foe t I Akaft9 Pr a N 0..: 14 , ; ~„ ItzttNEDY. 4 iio ; - Tikl94l4iyil,if; - =;< -Oaks - 4 21.1utiatt; Ng-THOMAS & SONS,' - • Lute Nee. 189 and 141 801:1TEJN17ETIP STREIT, iforoserlv Nos. BT and COI • • REAL ESTATE . STOOKS, &o. ' Public 'Silos at the 'Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening, during the business season. MT In July and Animist only occasional salmi as heretofore. , ,„ „ 03 . Handbills 6f eaoh,priciperty issued se p arately In addition to.whloh.w, publish ow -the Saturday erevlou to earth' sale; one thousand catalogues SOpamphlet form, liPrieg i gultdeporiptions of lathe property. to be sold on the 70 loafing Tuesday. IMF PURNITORB BALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. -, REAL ESTATE AT -PRIVATE 8.81,11. " E7'...We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pr,- vi preluding every description of City and coolltirProncrtr. Printed Lists 'mny be had. at the 'notion store. _ , PRIVATE ,115.7,11, REGISTER. sodlf7 li 41:rititie, aper e e ivi d io o n n ai r%Pr o l u vi r Private . Vistr Re iacts, tot ~;(14f A LP 1,000 copies l a ' re printed weehly3 tree of cherry., ' • . e Op .Tqwetey Evening, .Thly-6th; at' IP o'olook.-, at the Philadelphia EV change, nabs sold, for &moo* or whom it may con. cern— , A ,„"- 409 fhareig . •Coltinibls Coal and Iron Company, Co. .Itunblifeounty, Pa—per 'B5O. : - 'Ateo. for lame account— , . • 0 dimes Laurel Run Apthraoite Company, Lucerne county', PK—par $lO. • :•!Ale bilor otbefaitootints."—. - :' • 1 share In the Mercantile Libra 4. Alla. for &mounter may omicerri 600 shareephathain Cobs.t alining Company—par 85; Assigneele Sale - 1-1.6t No. 61, nekton 61; Mount *a ria Ocnuitart. CoMpiny. "Alag,fOr naelinnt Of whom It may. COMM— Juagementigaind J. W. Taggart for 5268 90, obtatried RePtember 7th, 1857 • - '7udginbrit against S. W. Taggart for /816.80, obtained Sept •mber 28041857..- • Also, for other accounia»-. , 1 s h a re PtilladelphA Library Compeoy. , ' - On',Tieistay Evening, julklB lb; it 8'c:0010k:et the r biladel phl a Exchange, without reserre, for account of whom It may COD. • Sd bonds' ol',sl,iNXi each 030,000) Issued by the county of lainatroog, State of Pennsylvania. to the Allegheny Valley Piilroad emiapany;bearing six per cent: Inter est. payable the drat Monday !If May abd November— pauper's a teeb..dr dtle`fdaf let,:ll3B7:and unnald Prin cipal &Latin DAS. Pitinlosi and interest unarsatted by old railroad ccitlitianY, - and thi k a nde 'maligned by thorn ' to bearer ,'" ' MEAL _ESTATE IFA - LB=JULY At the hirchange; T AMSTED'S poirrPONSD . PALS'—GOAL LANDS— • LIIZERNIII 001jp,r7r, PA —By order of, the trustee forthe holdere of, the BONDS of the 41011,TH OAR DONDALIFOOaI, COMPANY, containing 658 acres and -80 onielideNtuntilo, , rnli 4,neeroo tenet'', PA i John Laporte.ll4 - ;trustoe' - rrt P:ult_partlettlirenow ready in handbills._ ' - 20rphatui , Vinare 1311ezigitiite of John Kalb. Dec'd.'," :;:.X1111101,4T011.`PAM.011. , ,D1P111,14.110, east - aide of iikirtetreetrahbveCoatiaatreet." "4";#BIOIC:JgriLtINKTERR'N'AULT; STIED% tr.o., 11 Pitiviiieet *Muer of Ettrienth and Columbia avenue. , - -• • flame 'Debits: BRICK AND HRAMB STABLE, Atarvine street, above Colombia avenue: particulars one ready in handbills. TanzzorowNßlCH - DWBLLING. N 0.1382 North IttOntstreet sotitir of Heater street, the lot estendinz to Etojos street. ••, - .4 • •••••• •• • • - grANgeonigi.mo4zuff .HOtII443TOAT BRION RN. IIPENON;110 , 1805; Pine greet, west ot Nigbteenth lank. irlth double back:buildinge and 'id replete with dern•cenvenlenees._. - , , VALLI - NOLA - TWSNTY-POICIRTEI WARD, at .tbe southwestnonter elloctutt and Mary street'. lido Vest Philadelphia, 209 fiet on Locust street, 175-feet Mary street. aid' 200 feeebn' (Wirth strret, L hartog three trouts $5.400 may.reetam on martens_ LAUGErANO ITALUABLIII %%NEN PROP4ERTY.4 Imita‘iiti'd'ailpertorifOaern fetirato7 brlok residence, stintkeresattorte of Mail% indrahltilen street; let 24 by 109 feet, three fronts. , VALUABLE L0T....0 . it 'adjoining, „being 40 feet front en , Tenth , street.4o9'feet' deep, wits handsome garden, &n. Also, ts hack atable and nose h-house in the rear. , • 1,0T ; ,:..1.14; • lot **luluson Tenth street, 20 b y 109 feet. Terms of'the whole orio.f..urth cash., oeteatipto/1 Bale: 111REE-13TORY nruox D ELLING, No. 227 North Tenth street,-between Bane and ylne street•. .8•10 sh.olote. • - , - HaNDBObfil COUNTRY REBEIVIONOIIi large double gene house, built and finished In 'a tiodern etylei, with between two and three acres of lend, ,on Nineteenth street, at the Vega , stetkin on thip Germantown - 111W road. Immediate poseeselow .There San neon° stable and coach-house. yegetablir garden4o. • • Automat' Eenmetory Sale: vALMII3I4. ROTBL 'pliOpkllTY known as the I , White gean, ,, street,' blitireen Third and Fourth atreetaaatteetirontil4S feet in'depth: gale • • • . Salo by order - of the-Mira - or•Atithony . Querrvehe, • Deeeased. • • ' HANDBOME , TURRE-STORY /1R - lOK RIPIIDENOI4 with donble.backluildings, south'elde 'of Pine street, No. 63/, between VIOL and 811th streak. This' bones has been recently, modernised, and it in complete order, 'with all modern conveniences. , Immediate possession. veLtrkuun PROPERTY ADJOINING TIXE-WOOD-' LAMB; TWENTY-POI:MTh WARD.— Alf that valuable lot, 8 _aores,ll9 perches, adjoining ,the, Woodlapds• hamster'', and bairing front on tbo Darby Plant Road. There is a atone dwelling and atone barn on the lot, - ; VALUASL/Oz LOT, AA( ACHES, ADJOIN - INa. Th,ifila • a , small frame house, lime , kilns, and atone quarries on this lot. It , frontion the Schuylkill, lull creek, and Darby Plank-lUi.d. A elm may be seen at the auction rooms. Terms—oue•half cub. REAL, .1381 , A.TE hALII—JULY /Bth Thla aale will include— ' • . . • SOUTH SIXTH ISLIUSKT.—Tbree-story brick ditel ling, No. 194 South Sixth , etrest, below Wbarton ntreet. ' BEARS BTIIIIBM.-.,Two two-dory brick dwellings, Age, 832 and (34 Notre tared, soak of Wharton street, bild.WBBll . 812t11 snit Seventh streets. !`hay will be sold lieparateV. • . . VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, AND 01/01QD PRIVATE LIDRAILY. . - . This Morning. July 2,11, at• 10 o'clock, IV No. 1524' Arch street, will be Bold, by catalogue, a private collection of veil:table oil palotings and oogravlngs. all richly framed; at the same time, • a number of choice books, rare and line editions. and superbly bound. The collection or ',out ings subdues the•productione of the following eminent artlato Thomas Bully. George R. Bonfield, Bann:mart nor Carl Scha to, Fchotel Delatbe, Ranneyi Birch, Martin, a‘eyerbeer, Merchant, and othere • • Irr May be examined with catalogues two days pre vlOna to the ule, from 9A. M. till 1 P M. dale at Noe 189 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, . ELEGANT PIANO FORTES, FINE MIRRORS. PINE BRUSSELS OAR . - PETd, &O. • - • On Thursday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the auction More, an extensive assortment of exceliont second-band furniture, elegant piano-Cotten, flee mirrors, carped, eto., from private Camillo! declining housekeeping, removed to the *tore for convenience of sale AT PRIVATE BALI. A wall•ceeure4 first inortgegs-41,1300. A beautifully ieltusted lot, realm:den turnpike, Obeeinut Sill: - -- - - A. DYSART & CO., A.VOTIONZERIS AND • 00111111381011 MIROHANTS, No. 27 SOotJo EIGHTH STREET. toner of LODGE STREET. Executor's Sale STOOK AND TOOLS "PF ' A COOPER SILOP. This Morn'ng, At 10 o'cloik we w 11 gall by order of executor, at the career of Trill alley and Water street, near Ohest nut street, the malt° stech, good-wlll, and 11Xtarexof a large cooper shop: 117' Particulare hereafter AT PRIVATE SALE. A large and valuable tract of valuable coal and tim ber land at private sale. well worthy the attention of capitalists and others, as the owner le compelled to self iv- For further particulars Inquire at the emotion tore. 1.17" O UT-DOOR SALES Sanded mid promptly at tended . ADVANCES made on oonalgoments when de sired, without extra charge. sAtzia.ooms open until 10 P. m. Now pre. Fared to receive invoices of DRY GOODS, _NOTIONS, WATCHES and JEWELRY, NEW and SECOND HAN D FURNITURE, PAINTINGS, BOOKS and STA TIONERY to.. /to. iv- Sales of PAINT GQODB every evening. 14'1URNESS, BRINLEY, & 00. Nos. 272 itod 224 MARKET Otrsot AUGUST BELMONT, ' DANEFE, 70 BEAVER STREET, -NEW YORK, Tosuee Lettere of Credit, ovollable to Travellers , on al parte of the world. je3o-8m pIiONISE & CO" V SPECIE AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 40 South THIRD Street, • - -1.1111./dELPIIIA. Refer to the Domeand Ditonnas of Philadelphia. jet-be . FULL 111,01L1T. W.H. 1111 OWN. R. MARIM, ill. 11/IANLNY, BROWN, & CO., .I.Y.A. DANK -NOTE!, STOOK, AND ItXOIIAN GB N.V. corner of TiIIND epd 011ESTNUT Streets, . . . . ' 001'cottons nunle, and Drafts drawn on all parte of the United States and the Oarutdae, on the moat favorable tarrde. - , OOllgc lone niade, and Drafts drawn on England and tineurrent Dank Notes bought. Land Warrants bought and sold. Dealers In Spode and Bullion. Loans and ThnoTaper negotiated. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commission at the Boakt Braker/In Philadelphia and New York. jea-em , EDWARD R. PARRY, RICKARD R. PARRY, Notary Publio for Commiesioner for Minnesota. Pennsylvania and •_-_ New Jersey. Fib .A.R.RY• & IVROTHER., : BROKERS lc GENERAL'-LAND AGENTS tuid OONVBYANOERS; • FROND STRR Er, above ATIOSORY, .• , - MANKATO, 111NVICEIOTA, isattloular .attention to loaning and investing Honer for non-regdents- and °there, and oollectivg prat*, Notes &o. Any - letters of ICHQOIII or baldness will receive prompt attention. RAI' 00 Wood---Baoon, 00,, Philadelphia.* • Bale, Bose, do I/Albers. Ph ladelphia. Sharp, Rands; k 00,. PhlladPlphts. • Richard Rudolph; Philadelph elp ia. Charles EWA in Co. Philad Parry &-lisuaolphi , Philadelphia. ; my2l.6m* ,• , • sig R'ETCHUBPS • NEW; REAPER AND ircrwEß. ‘...VVENYWHERE •TRTIIMPRANT.— The severe trials of tho past few weeks have proven their-decided superiority over all others. Warranted to work welli or no sale. • OPANGIiEIt & GRAHAM, - Ida - • - ' No "621 MARKET Street. str, PRATT'S ITORSE RAKIL—Tiio moat complete Rake over Invented. Flaying end liarventing Toole, very impeder. SPANGLES & GRAlltalf, 1630' • ?to 837 RAltl7Bl' Street. _. PURPLE TOP AND ROTA. BAGA' Tlllttrlt BEIM, new. crop; Buckwheat, &c. RIPANOLBIS 011A41Abl, Je3o No. 027 ktARKBT Street. 8 L AD 5 :1 1 .1311. 3) Y :ND NARNESS WABEHOUBE, • ' it.tablished 8. W. cover Ytlrta and PRUNE Streets. Single and double Harness or the moat fashionable desemptlfi t end vintranted of the beet material and workmanship. Ladieeeed Oentleroool Muddles of elegant !styles. Norse Olothieg, - Brushes. Carry Oombe, Chamois, .Elponges, Knee (11Cipa,, Interfering and Poultice Boota, and every Stable requisite of the most super or quality. N. B earefullyfitted. • inylo-triwf-2m xwesOamte. , ff",,PA_NDLES, SOAP, TAI2OII, &o 7,2oopllotie Winter Sperm Oil. ' 058rgallons No. 1 Whiter Lard Oil. 5,000 gallotoilltleaohiel Winter Whaln on. ,8,1)00 01 1 0,iia - Light !tanked Whale Oil. ' ' 250 boket Oliamidakillire Bong. ;200 do Oleine,Boap., `OOO do lirowE Bony. 100 do New Begfdrd Sperm qualee, In store and foinalo by P05115116Y • - • ' Lite J. BA. & 8 4We:4, /4119101tR14141940 Avenue.: • „ . PoremptoFy Bale. $30,000 BONO Bale at No. 1&24 Arab street i3rokers IZEII=I %griculturat WILL RE-OPEN - ON THE• FIRS T Y 'MONDAY IN SEPT.DBIDED, for the Soh - elastic year, consisting of ten mon he, REED'S INSTITUTE FOR -YOUNG LADIES, No. .1623 WALNUT Street, PHIL A Untrtitn. .The system of tuition is based on that adopted in the bast Seminarist' to Eitrope, and compr,ses thorough in sbriction in the pngli-h, French, and Latin laognagea special attest Ott IS also paid to the format! n of an ele gant style of composition, and to the cultliation of a tube fur polite literature. The course of study will embrace every hrineli of edieation. A.' limited number Or pupils admitted int, the family. Th. lr religious unit moral training 18 tinder the epeeist care of Moe Reed, who him bad tunny years experience, and deferencewill be pa d to the feelings and wiehee of their parents in these matters. The health and comfort of the young - ladles is ease carefully attended to be her. eilW,liearcil eg pupils, from Monday till Friday, re celealstprYnortionate-ratee • A week recatlen at Dhristmas and at Easter. TERMS. (Payable belt 11:1 advance, and half at the expiration of • five months.) For tuition in the regular course of Study 16100 00 N . D.—A Junior elm will be formed, German, Spanish, Italian, and other languages, Mu sic, (vocal and instrumental.) Drawing and Painting, : On oil and water cetera,) at Professors' charges. Use of Plano, per annum $ 20 00 Harp - Ouitnr. For Boarding Washing at 60 cents per dozen. Each boardingpupt I le required to bring her own tow. ele, silrer fork and spoon. Pew rent at cost • TEST iMONIALS. It affords me pleasure to state that Mr. J. J. Reed In recommended by official testimonials of distinguished gentlemen in London. From personal acquaintance with him, I can most cheerfully rocommerui him es an Co.- cemplished saltoler, and gentleman, to the confidence of the s publie. .". . - A, CONVERSE. aubiieribir takes great pleasure In uniting with De..:Converso la theabove recommendation. Prom per sonal sequaintance with Mr. Reed, as well as from his distinguished testimonials, I am conddent of his emi nent abilities as a gentleman and scholar. CHARLES WADSIVORTII. We are intopy to hear that Mr. J. J. Reed, a gen tlemen or considerable literary a tainments, and who hascontributed to Graham's many excellent sketches of eminent per-ons, has re-op . nod h Institute for Young Wks. at 1523 W inut street, o e of the mo•t blelotall lee in the city. Mrs. Reed is a lady who has had many years• experience in tuition, and bears a high reputation for success in-training her pupils, both run rally and mentally. Mr. Reed, from his knowledge of Europesnlanguages, and from having graduated lu the first colleges in angland, imparts the advantages of the dent European systems or ,education ; and particular at tention is paid to the study of English Composithn sod Polito LI erature. We would lay coma stress n this latter fact, since general literary information and cul ture, though by far the moot distinguishing signs of In tellig nee and refined edgcation, aro, on the whole, far More neglected in most schools and colleges than any other Inanclieit.-nisditor pEa Atagnzins for July, leks, . • - , .•REFERENCES. Henry Vothake, LL. D., Provost of the University of Penasylvtuda John J. Frazer, LL. D., Professor of the Physical Sciences in ditto. floorgo Alien, LI,. D Professor of Ancient Lan guages in ditto. 11. n. William hi. Meredith. Col. John W. Roney, editor of The Press. Charles O. Leland, Esq., editor of Ord/malts Mrte aloe. • /UM William IL &imam, D. D., Rector of St. An drew's. Rev. Lanese Converse, D. D., editor of the Christian Obrorver. Rat. Cha lee Wadsworth, D. D., Arch-street Presby terian Church. Joseph L. Keen, Esq., West Philadelphia. Themes 8. Taylor, Esq., Went Philadelphia. • Jyr-lin " RRYANT & STRATTON'S OHAIN OF -11-1 , NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and CUESTNUT Strobl. Nor Information, call or send for olroular. jeIS-tf CAITTENDENni PHILADELPHIA 00111101ROLAL °BLUM, aorthessit corner of DICEITNUF and orTakyrn Btnwte. An Initituthin designed to fit young men for AO; TIVO HIIBI4ZEB. The whole building Is connoted, and fitted op in * style surpassing anything of the kind In this country . : Thorough preparation for the eonsatem-house BOADD,OF TRUSTERS. .I.l.ll.Cbmigge, 'Francis Hoskin, George 11. Matt, David Milne • John flpsehmrk , , Da vid B. Brown, i Mast, Hacker , , A. r..PHISCILIS, D. B. Hinman, ' Frederick Brown, Joshua L liplocott. • 23-1 f I.I"G'S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, N. E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Ste. 00MfdEBOLAL" DEPARTMENT.—book-keeping fu all its varlopstprms; preparing Students thoroughly for altuations itenny branch of buslerea; Plain and Om , mental Writing; Oommercial Csiculatine; Law and Oor respondence. No institution in the United States gires a more thorovsgA and practice/ course. In this depart ment no teaching is done In classes, and is open DAY and EVENING •Tillle unlimited. , IdATFLEMATIOAL AND OLASSICAL DEPART MENT.—(fieparate from the above,) 'YoUng Men and Boys are prepared for any , grade of 'an English and Oles sisal Education, els : Spelling. Beading, - Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, ho , Ancient and Modern Languages with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of 5 ' menthe Commence September let, and Yebniary let. Pupils reeelved at any time be-. fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues [crashed gratis. toh2s-t[ 7, DONLEAVIf LONG, Principal. a jOHN IL BELL, TRAINOR OP NAVIGATION AND NA it UTICAL ASTRONOMY At BRYANT BTRATTON'iI COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. B. E. corner SZVENTII and 01ISSTNUT Streets gewittg Machines. HARRIS" , BOUDOIR SEWING MA CIIINE is offered to the public as the most rolls ble low-priced Sewing Machine in use. It will sew from six to sixty stitches to an inch, on all kinds of goods, from comma bagging to the' Onset cambrice. It is, without exception, the simplest in its mechanical con struction over made, and can be run and kept in order by a child of - twelva yews of age The nonanttars of this machine, and the QOAILITY OP 173 won't, aro war ranted to be unsurpaesed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred ;ditches per min ute The thread used is taken directly from the spools, WITSIOCT TEIS 7E0011.1 01 IiSWINDINO In fact, it is a machine that is wanted by every family In the land, and the low price of FORTY DOLLARS, • at which they aro sold, brings them within the reach of almost evory one. B. D BAKER, Agent, Jelfi-dOm wky eowOm 20 South EIGHTH Street. fouls anti Restantante. v IONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA., (Erected la DM ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. my29-y WELLS COVERLY, Proprietor, WORRELL HOUSE, N. W. oor. THIRD aud ILS.RMONY 0013 NT Toe tinderslgeeit takes Sileltattre to inforintun his friends and be public at large, that he has opera d the store ESTABLISHMENT, said pledges himself to merit the patronage of his patrons, ever, arta, ele of 840. nor goal/ y, haring been selected without regard to price. BRANUM WORIUSLL, Proprietor. w727-3m N/OHOLLS HOUSE, • • (suItoPNAN PLANJ OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. N 0.115 SOUTH MOUTH ST., BELOW CHESTNUT, POILADELPBIA. This HOUSE is for Permanent and Transient Lodg. log Every effort will be made by the Proprietor, E. NICTIOLL4, to give satisfaction to his Patrons. This establishment I. situated in the heart of the trty, centre of business, and convenient to all places of amusement. The Mercantile and Travelling community will find it a desirable place for comfort, eleenlineo, and *mono. my. Meals furnished at all hours. Single Rooms, 00 omits per night. By the week $2.50 and upwards. mbile-tf MEROBANTS' HOTEL, ,NORTH POUSTB 8T8...514 Ancoi dimucir, statt-tt bIoXIBDIN k 801 , 18. PlOrlf 6T0112. Cobacco anb Cigars. VIGARS, •OF FAVORITE BRANDS ALA attassorted shoe, carefully selected by own house at firmazta, la store, and received by every arrival from that port. S. VUOUBT & SONS, el2-8m 216 South FRONT Street. LiAVANA OIGAU meat, molt as Figaro, Parteges, Cabana., Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter, Ooloso, Oonveraiontes, Torrey Lopes, Union Americana,' Orejon, Mori Cabana, &0., &e., &a., in x, X , 1-6 and 1.10 oleo, of all ate and quell. ties, in store and constantly reoelvlng and for sale low, by CHARLES TETN, Lew) 188 WALNUT Street, below Second, sedond story VIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS - Irrrolce of thane celebrated brands on board brig "New Era, ,, daily expected from Mean*, and for sale low, by 011Allibla TUTS, (New) 188 Walnut %treat, below Second, Reflood Story. BLINDS AND SHADES, (lIIIMP NOB OABH B. J. WILLIAMS, Na. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Is the 10011 t OItGIIBI,TO M6IIOI'OOtUNZ o WINDOW BLINDS, llod Dealer /RI WINDOW SHADS, Of emery variety. He has a fine stock to be eold at Rednoed Priem MIFF, and all other Oolong of Linos Shadea, Trim mine, Fixtures, &0., &o. BTORE SHAMS Painted to order MAWR° PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO WE STUDY TO PLEASE. HERRINGS -800 bble. NO. 1 PICKLED ilerrtng ; 300 bbla extra Newfoundland ditto 120 bbla Potomac dry salted ditto, now in gore and for sale by JNO. lit KENNEDY k 00. toyls Nem 130 and 102 N. WIIaRVP.R BONES.-100,000 Shin Bones, suitable for X-. Umbrella tutd Button Malcom, In otoro and for mile OROABDALE, MIME, & 00., 104 NOBTIf WllAßl73ta jATHITE FISH.-60' BBLS.' IrnITE for italo by 0.0. BADLIM & 09., nible - a ta,Ath W A TIP 01,001 CALMON, SHAD, &0.-20 tierces No. 1 Salmon •, 18 bble. do.; 60 bble. prime Bea Shad; 200 bble. Bos ; 180 bbls White4len, now in store and for sale by JOUN M. ILTANNIIDY Zr. 00., ap .84v Nne. 1130 and 182100rth wherve PURE BONE DUST, GROUND FINE.— A very superior article. For sale in large or small lob, by OROARD.A.U. PIEIIIOII, d 00., wive 104 Nertb Delaware avenue. L 00 TONS MITCHELL & CROAS DALE'S bo*.e Amoniated Super Yhoaphate of Lime for We by ODOAPDALE, PEIROE & (10 111100 i 104 North n•J••••r• a ,A.,•• lIERRING. -800 bbls. No. 1 HERRING, Itastport inspection . ; 600 do. Halifax, now in store and for sale ` Joiri /11,11.1:24N8D4 & 00., en Noe 1311 ena V 9 wharvam. WWHITE FISH.--75 half bbls. of the eele- V IF Laded Detroit River "White Fists / Just received and far We by • 0. 0. SADLER I, 00., 4 44 - - - - 9 Nora' WATER chest, :,4 THE IPRESS.::-TBILADELPI-11A, FRI AY. 3T LY 2,- 1858. TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE IN CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIII.ADSLPRIA JORN BROWN, - WILLIAM BROWN, and JAMES BROWN, trading Ca John Brown k On., v. WIL LIAM J. McCANDLESS and JOUN cmuuoK, trading as Win. J. McCarialeas Jc Co. Venation!. Exponas.! Dee. T.,1857 -No 802. All that 'certain lot or pito of ground, with the two story brick stable thereon erected, situate on the south side of 'Filbert street, at the distance of sixty-three feet, six incheseastward from the Cant side of Schuylkill Second street, the Lily of Philadelphia, tontalning in front or breadth on the -,said Filbert street eighteen feet, and extending, in length or depth southward of, that width one hundred feet to Jones's alloy. Bounded On the west by ground now or late of the estate of floury Pratt, deceased, on the south by the said J onea's alley, on the east by other ground of the said William Brown ' granted or intended to have been granted to James Kelly on ground rent, and on the north by Fil bert street aforesaid. [Being the same lot of ground which William Brown and wife, by deed - dated the twenty-fifth day of September, A. D. 1862, recorded at Philadelphia In deed book T 11, No. 39, page 430, ke., granted and convoyed, unto John Carrick, in fee, under and-subject to the payment of the yearly 'ground rent or num of 887.50 in equal half-yearly payments.] And, also, All that certain two-story brick inessusge or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Filbert street, at the distance of two hun dred and thirty-three feet eastward from the east side of Schuylkill Third street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing In front or breadth on the 118111. Filbert street fifteen feet six - inches, and in length or depth northw'ard'sixty-seven feet. Bounded on the west by ground now or late of Richard and Andrew Allison, on the must and north by ground nor or late of David and Isaac Mortorei and On the eolith by Filbert street afore said. (Being the awe premises which James Peoples and wife, by deed dated the seventeenth day of February, A. D. 1852, recorded at Philadelphia in deed book T 11, No. 11, page 1, grunted and conveyed to the said John Carrick, in fee, under and subject to the payment of the yearly ground rent of $42.6:X, in equal half yearly payments, on the first day of the months of Janu ary end July In every year, to John A. Brown, his heirs and assigns.] The Auditor appointed to distribute the fund in Court raised by Sheriff's sale of Real Estate, as above described, of John Carrick, one of the defendants, will nt to the duties of his appointment on MONDAY, the 12th day of July, 1858 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at his Imo, 243 S outh SIXTH Street, In the city of Philadelphia, when and where all parties in interest are required to present their claim, or be debarred from rood ng in upon the Bald fund. je29-10t J. T. TISOMAS, Auditor. .. 260 00 111 N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND °MINTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the natter of the Estate of J. DOMINI° DER RELL, deceased. Bur proceedings In partition. To John Berrell and Olab-topher Burrell, sons of WM PATRIOIC DERRELL, deceased, over the age of twou ty-one yearn—the nihld WILLIAIif PATRICK DER RELL, deceased; having been the brother of J. DOMI NI.R DERDELL, deceased. Catherine Remit, daughter of said WILLIAM PA TRIOT. DEUMELL, deformed, also over the age of tsfentv-one - years. '• • Matthew Derrell, Willlamllerrell. and Thnnme Der rell. minor children of the mild WU, ra Am PATRICK URRREI 1,, deceased. whore . Coardtan to ROSANN All riEtfltD/Ar, the widow of WILLIAM PATRICK DKR RRIA, deceased Thom J. P unkatt, Rosetta Plunkett. 0. Dillon Plun kett, Mary Ann Plunkett, Matilda Plunkett, Leah Plun kett. and Lrtitla Plunkett cons and daughters of MAR CELLA. PLUNKETT and THOMAS JAMES PLUN KETT, &ceased—the said MARCELLA PLUNKETT having been the slater of tho said J. DOMINICK DER RELI,, deceased and bating Intermarried with thee aid THOMAS JAMES PLUNKET f. And to all other pe , e^ne in interest. NOTICE IS'IIEREDY GIVEN, That, in pursuance of a Writ of Partition lamed out of the Orphans , Court, as aforesaid, in above Rotate, an Inquent will be held by the SERUM, on Premiene on sad Writ dee orlbed for the purpose of nudging a Partition or Value:. Lion of the mho, on FRIDAY the BOth day of July, A. D. 185 S, at 10 o'clock, when and where you mei at. tend, if you think proper. OEO ..‘GR METER ' myle.fram Sheriff. yr; THE ORPHANS' ,COURT looli THE OITY AND‘OOI74TY OP PIfILAD I PIIIA. Estate of PUMP. REILLEY, deceased. The auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ANN PART,hY and JAMES KEN NEDY, Administrator of the Estate of Philip Eellley, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance, will meet the parties Interested on WEDNESDAY, the 7th day of July,lB4B, at. 4 o'clock P. M. at his Mee, on the Southweet corner of SIXTH and CHEST. NUT Streets, second floor, in the city of Philadelphia, je2A-wfm tt* QED. U. EARLE, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -R. COUNTY OF PHILADtj a PIFIA Estate of WU. A. DIIIIEDYN, decente4. The auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court afore said to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JOSEPH C. TURNPENNY, Administrator cam tesiamenlo annezo of William A Dobbyn, deceased, and to re , port distribution of the balance in his hands, will meet the parties interested at his Office, No. 825 ARCEI Eireet, on WEDNESDAY, the 7th day of July, 1868, at 4 o'clock P. 3i. Je26-frow 6t EDWARD HOPPER, Auditor. MORE TO BE ADMIRED THAN THE WORN BY SINGS OR EMPERORS WHAT ? WHY, A BRATITIPUL lIBAD OP HAIR. Because It is the ornament God himself provided for all oar race. Reader, although the rose may bloom aver to brightly to the glowing sheet, the eye be over soiiparkling, the teeth be those of pearls, If the heed be bereft of its covering, or the hair be snarled and' shrivelled, harsh and dry, er tram still, If sprinkled with gray, nature will lose more than half her charms. Prof, Wood's Hair Restorative, If need two or three time a week, will restore and permanently secure to all each an ornament. Read the following and judge. The writer of the tint la the celebrated pianist, Thal. Berg: . . NU, Yong, Aprll 19, 1868. De WOOD: Dear Sir—Permit me to express to you the obligations I am under for the entire restoration of my hair to Its original color; about the time of my ar. rival in the rialto/ States it was rapidly becoming gray, but upon the application of your" hair Restorative" it soon recovered Ito original hue. I consider your Re etorsilve as very wonderful invention, quite efficacious as well as agreeable. I am, dear air, yours truly. 8. TIIALI3BRO. Duch air tol.7liedydct." Wean a RwoPAPYe OYTIOIC, 13 Resoling.. April 12,1068 f Pnor. 0. 7. WOOD : Dear Sir—Some month or all weeks ago I received a bottle of your Hair Restorative and gave it my wife, who concluded to try It on her hair, tittle thinking at the time that It would reelore the grey hair to Its original color ; but to her, an well an my surprise, after a few weeks trial it has performed that wonderful effect, by turning ail the gray helm to a dark brown at the same time beautifying and thicken lug the hair I straggly recommend the above Resto rative to all persona in want of each a change of their hair. OHARLRS Oa RDEIN Paor. 0. J. WOOD :—With confidence do 1 recommesd your Mir Restorative as being the molt efficacious ar. Mole I ever saw. Since using your flair Restorative my heir and whiskers, which were almost white, hare gradually grown dark ; and I now feel confident that e few more apVications will restore them to their natu sal color. to also rettilved me of all dandruff and nu pleaaant itching, so common among persona who per spire froely. J. G. RILBY. WooD i—About two years ago my heir com menced falliug off and turning gray ; I was fast be coming bald, and had tried many remedies to no effect I commenced using your Restorative In January loot. A few application!' fastened my hair firmly. It began to Stt up, grow out, and turned back to Its former color (black) At thin time it is fully restored to its original color, health, and appearance : and I cheerfully recom mend its nee to all. J. 1). 1101118. Chicago, 11l • May 1, 1867. The Restorative Je put up in bottles of three aloes, vie: large, medium, and small. The small holds hall a pint, and retails for one dollar per battle; the medium holds at leant twenty per cent more in proper ion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a gu , rt, forty per cent. more to proportion, and retails for three dollars. U J. WOOD & 00., Proprietors, 812 BROADWAY, N.Y., (In the great N, Y. Wins Railing Establialunent,) and 114 MARICST Street, St Mo., And sold by all good Dramas and Yam Goods Dealers. inyl2-afro•Bm k sow in wkyain L UMBER YARD. ilotiTZ It 00 . • (Successors to Montgomery 42 Noel),) d. W. corner of TWELFTH and PRISIN Streets, Phila., Old Moyamonsing District, are now receiving a largo and well-selected assortment of all descriptions of LOH ialt, such as White Pine, Yellow Pine, Norway, Hemlock, Lath, Palos, Pickets, Fence Itoards, Flooring, hhelvieg, and every variety cd well-seasoned Lumber. Also, a large Mock of Bill Stuff, of every variety and description, constantly on hand and sawed to order at the shortest notice. Our connection with Meows. Mehaffey, Rout:, tr. 00., and Duffy, Houtz, & 00., at Marietta, Pa., gives us on. surpassed facilities, and enables us to supply orders for all descriptions of Lumber with promptness and despatch. PINE-OREM Lrnitrisn, soft and mellow, suitable for PATTERN-MAREM, &a , constantly on hand. Prompt psylng purchasers are respectfully Invited to examine our stock before going elsewhere. apll-tf LUMBER AT WHOLESALE AND RE tail at Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa. MEHAPPEY, HOUTZ, & 00 , take thie method of informing their customers and persons deeirOus of pur chasing LUMBER, that they bare now on band a large and won-gowned stock of all descriptions of Lumber, which they are prepared to sell et satisfaotory prime. Their timber is all from their ewn MILLS on PINII OREM They are nice connected with Meagre DUFFY, HOUTZ, & CO., and are prepared to tarnish all kinds of Planed Boards, Bill Stuff, Lath Pales, Pickets, and Building. Timber for Bridges, &c., of all descriptions, on the shortest notice. They would also take great pleasure in calling the attention of Bulldoze, and those n want of Lumber in the city of Philadelphia, to the Lumber Yard of HOUTZ & Co., corner of T WHLFTH and PRIME Streets, with whom they are also eon. floated. A handsome ssort . SOUTHWARK FOUNDE Y, FIFTH AND WADDINGTON STDEDTP, TIMILLIMLYSIIA. I EHRIOK & BONS, BIIGINIORRS AND MAOHINISTB, manufaature Iligh and Low Pressure Steam Roginea, for Land, River sod Marine nervier.. BoilersGasometers,Tanks, Iron Boats, Zoo., Out ings of sal kinds , eith er Iron or Brass. Iron frame more for GIU! Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &a. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved oonstruotlon. Every description of Plantation maohinety, such as Bugar.l3arr, and Grist Mills, Yamitim Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Villain,Pumping Engines, &a. Bole Agents for N. Rillisnals Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Ross' Patent Vitro Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. flunarintandent-11. R. BARTOL. anßq I'HIL ADE LPIIIA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREIMUSE. - . . We have removed from our old stand in Walnut attest to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doom below the St. Lawrence Hotel, where our old friends and the public are respectfully invited to examine oar extensive stock of Warm Air P,tiacce, Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Registers, Enameled Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Orates, &0., &a. Wo are now manufacturing ()NILSON'S OELERRATED PAT ENT NEW 00AL OAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economical Beater ever invented, and suited to all Manes of buildings. Also, new and beautiful pattern's of Low Down Grata, and Puler Coal Crates of all sizes and patterns. We have eleo commenced .be manufacture of ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn tolvania Stone. These Mantels were awarded a lIPECIAL PREMIUM at the late Fair and Exhi bition of the Franklin Institute of this city. They represent all the rare and beautiful ANTIQUE MAROLES, are not lajured by Smoke, Coal figs, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale :113,1 Retail, at mach less price than Marble. Call and see them. ARNOLD & WILSON. BENJ. M. PELTIVELL, Superintendent. Philadelphia, April. 1858.—a04 It lISSIA MATS.-4500 DOZ. NO. 1, AND %0 600 dos. No. 2 RUSSIA MATS, suitable for pack ing Furniture and Gardener& use, will be sold low, If applied for soon. by WI AN RR, PIT LER, & CO.. an 10 1.1% N WATI4II At , dlr 22 N, WITANVNP. MACKEREL.-1,800 barrels Nos. I, 2, and 13JII a MAOHEILBL, In assorted rackagss, now to store andrur We by • JOHN M. fIaNNDDY dr. CO., op or Non. /29 and UV Naibla WWI.. - CEgal .Waticcß grailette %dirks RIOHEST DIADEM Ntw Voltz. July 26 1857 Eumber. Itlar4inerp anb iron. 1. VAUGHAN 1111111011 M==M! ARNOLD & WILSON,, etrOOXIMORS TO S. A HARRISON nottrqiut 4:Etivittnes. Cr s r o uiati t igie t c re laniPANl, No. 110 - - ()CARTER PERPETUAL. Capital 5200,000. Organized 1851. Insure Roues, annually or porpotually Personal Property, Annually, or for a lose period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Maks ; receive De. podia ; bold Trusts and grant annul Cos ALFRED WEEKS, President D. 0. TYL'EII, Vice President J. W. lif.inrinx, Secretary Alfred Weeks, DIABOTOI I9. Hon. W. A. Kelley, B. 0. Tyler, J. W. Forney, J. W. Seeder, P. B. Mingle, C K. Bicking, James Watson, J. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthews, J. W. Stokes, William Curtis, JelB.lm G. P. urnor. HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN• SURANOE COMPANY-012os No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 8754,095 84. DIRECTORS. . . . .. P. M. Potts, J. Edgar Thomson, 0. 11 Spangler, 0. G. sower, Abraham Rex, John W Sexton, E. S. Warne, John Gerrison, George Howell, . Nathan R. Potts, Wm. F. Leech, B. T. Konen, 11, H. Houston, toe. R Withers, Abraham P. Eyre, E. Booth, (bark% F. Norton. John H. Lees, ILE Shillingtord. G. E. SPANGLER, President E. S. WARNE, Vice President. 011A8. A. DOT, Secretary. mylo CORN EXCIIANGE INSURANCE COM PANY, No. 331 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. 011A.KTERED OAPITAL $5OO 000—PAID UP OAPI- T AL $386.900. This Company having boon recently REORGANIZED, and its actual Capital largely increased, respectfully soils' ta a ehsre of the patronage of Insurers. Fire and Marine Policies will be Issued at equitable rates or pre mium, and losses liberally adjusted end promptly paid. DIRECTORS : William M Godwin, S. R Crawford, Jaws: W Queen, Jno. L. Rodnet, George W. Hall, William B. Themes, B. Jackson, R. N. Winslow, J. O. Hopper, Henry D. Mears. WM. M. GOD WIN, President. J. 1:3 Hortsit, Secretary. mrle.dtf VEVE INSURAN E AND TRUST 00M PAN Y.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE 00hiPANY. Northeaat Corner of THIRD and DOOR Streets. Capital, 5 012,725 ; 03. INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—par theses life interests in Real Rotate and .makea all °contracts depending on the contingencies of 1. 4 1fe. They sot as Exam:tore, Administrators, Assignees, Trtuiteas, and Guardians. =1:13 • • . 'Daniel L. Miller, Ban E. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard Li. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Hero, - James Ruston, Samuel C. Huey, Thoophlltuf Paulding, Charles Hallowell, .Idingnd 4 Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodolphns Kent, John W. Hornor, William H. Carr, Hills 8. Archer, Edward T Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joeoph M. Thomas, Warner M. Resin , John G. Bremer, P. O. Mahler, Easton. ' DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STOREff, Vice Pren , t, Jowl W. Homes.. Reeretery. nia-ly inn QUAKES CITY INS RANG D • 008IPANP.—018ce 408 WALNUT Street, PHILA DELPHIA. CAPITAL SURPLUS 8277,055.136. Insures agamst loss or damage by FIRE end the PRRITB of tho SEA t INLAND NAVIGATION and TRANSPORTATION. • Ten per cant. in cash returned on the earned pre nducas of Open Inland Policies.. - • • - OYBIOEIO3. GEORGIC IL ItAlLT—Pronideat. H. P. ROBB—Vice President. 11. R. OOGGSRALL-11eczeuu7 and Treasurer B. 11. BUTUR—dasistant Benretary. - D/ISOTORS. George B. Bart, , Joeeph Edwards, B. P. Rom, Poster 8. Perkins, A 0. Cattail, °harms G. Imlay, Andrew B. Chambers, Samuel Jones. M. D., B. W. Bailey, lion. U M. litalero ;caul G. Dale, IL H. Ooggahall, John L. Pomeroy. 11. B. 00GOSUALL. Secretary, A BIOTIC FIRE INSURANCE (JUPIPA C - 3 IL NY, NEW YOBlE.—Oftee No 20 Wall street, ad joining the Blasi:mules' Bank-._ &oh Capital, $250,000, with a Burping. Tlds Company inauxe Thaildlnagi, bier ehandise, Burnitare, Vessels in port and their Canoga, and outer property, against Lose or Damage by Piro and the I t of Inland Navigation. DLIiIIOTORS. Henry Grinnell, Joanna I. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rufus B. Graves, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Owls, Edmund Penfoid 0. H. Lilienthal, Hanson K. Corning, Theo. Polhemus, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Melia N. Morgan, Thomas; Manages', Abm. IL Van Neat, John U. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas B . Nelson, Charles Easton, James W. Phillips, Louie Loral, Charles A. May, Samuel G. Glidden, Edward Hineken, Steph. Oambreleng, Wm. E. Shepard; Thomas Scott, Charles!, Prost, John Ward, Lothrop L. Sturges, Henry K. Bogert, William rt. Boediolr, Peter Edes, Emery Thayer, Benjamin H. Rield, Goo. Westfeldt, A. R. Prothinghami Zalmon Taylor, Thea. JP. Youngs Henry E. Blosemn. ' Samuel L. Mitohell, ALB'S= WARD, President. RICISIARD A. OAHLlY.Beerstary. an 10r17 COMMONWEALTH PM MURANO" OD THII 13TATli OP PENNSYLVANIA. OYFION NOWIII WEST CANER NOULITU AND WALNUT SPRINT8 t . rn ILA D2L MILL. ildtgaribed 04041, 5600,030. Paid up Capital, f 200,000 Dinno7olo. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. 8. titewart, 11. L. Benner, 7. DI. Butler, J. K. Walker, J. M. Wl:titan, M. R. Wendell, Edn. 0 Knight, /I. Lewis, Jr., 8. /Joule. DAVID JAYNS, H. D. President, TITOMAS 8. STIOWADT, Vice Preset. posv.y 1111000. 8. Moon. Secretes,. iNSURANIE COMPANY OF NORTH A. AMERICA. MARINE, FIRE AND INLAND TRANSPOR TATION INSURANCE. OFFICE No 232 WALNUT STREET, Eouth Bide, emit of Third errant. •• The properties of this Company are yell Invested, and furnish an available fund for the ample Indemnity of all porsons who desire to be protectbd by Insurance. MARINE RISES taken ou Vessels, krelghts, and Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Merehazidlee per Rallioads, Canals,and Stoamboats. FIRE RIMS on Iforchandise, garniture, and Build logs, in City and County. INCORPORATED IN 1701. CAPITAL 5600,000, ALL PAID IN AND SECURELY INVESTED. TOFAI. EROPERTIF.S $1.007,825 20. PIIRPRIOAL 011.111TDR. DIREUTORS. AIM= (.1 OOPTIN, WILLIAM, SAMUEL W. JOOB6, INILLIAIt E. Emmy, Joint A. 118oWN, J. 0489 N. DIOI3OBI, SklloBl, E. Raila, B. ItIonRIR WALK, 011ATILZ6 TAYLOR, Joan MAsoR, AMIDIOBIi WOICI, 020106 L. RAIIIOOR, 1088 R. NR/r, /Rewire R. Corn, RsoRARD D. WOOD, Faya.Lan Et. Taorreik, ARTHUR G. CO/FIN, /resident. ILENRY D. EIIERRERD, Secretary. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN BURANON 00Af rANY. INOWIPORATICD BY TILE LEOIRLATUPE of PENN- - - BYLVANIA, 1836. oilman, 8, IL Ocrner and WALNUT Wool PHILLDELPIIIA. MARINE INSURANCE, ON VESSELS, CARCO, To all parts of the World. FREIGHT,) INLAND INSURANCES, On Goode, by River, (lanais, Lakes, and Laud Carnage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Rouses eon. ASSET OF THE COMPANY, November 2, 1E67. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Estate. 9101,850 94 Philadelphia City and other Loans.. 187,011 25 Stock In Sanas, Railroads, and Inettranco . Companiee Bills Receivable Cash on band Balance in hand," of Agents, Premiums on Marine Policies recently issued, on other debts due the Company Subscription Notes DI 11010111 William Martin, James 0. Hand, Joseph H. Beal, Theophilus Paulding, Edmund A. Bonder, James Traqueir, John 0. Davie, William Eyre, jr., John R. Penroee, J. P. PonWon, George G. Leiper, Joshua P. Eyre, Edward Darlington, Samuel E. Stokes, Dr. R M. Huston, Henry Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, James B McFarland, Hugh Craig, Jr. Thomas 0. Hand Spencer Mollvain, Robert Burton, , Charles Rally, 'no. B. Semple, Pittsbgh., 11. Joao' Brooke Dr. T Morgan, ll Jacob P. Jones, J. T. Logan, C( WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS C. HAND, Vim President. HENRY LYLBIIIIN, Secretary. jaNy VIRE AND INLAND RISKS.—FAME 31..' INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital $lOO,OOO. (Organised under the pa or Assembly relative to In mance Companies, passed April 2,1, ) EORGE W. DAY, President. THOMAS B. MARTIN, Vice. President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Otelee 411 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. George W. Day, ascot) II Vaughan, William W. Walters, Henry Lewis, Jr., Charles Richardson, D. B. Bin. G, Barclay Lippincott, John W. Averman, Joe. IL Brosnan!, A. U. Rosenholm, Ohm Steam,. fe24-y M Stern. PURE LEHIGH. AND BROAD-TOP COAL.—JAMES li. AIONTGOMERY informs his friends and the public that ho has effected an arrange ment with the Buck Illourxtain Coal Company for the sale of their justly-celebrated COAL. lie has also arranged with the proprietor of the Broad-Top Mines for the sale of hie valuable SEMI-BITUMINOUS COAL, and is TIOW prepared to receive orders and make prompt deliveries, at his Office, No. 402 WALNUT Street, second story, front room. fea4tn FRING, FOX, & CO., wholesale and retail dealers in LERIGU and SOIIUYLKILL 00AL, Lehigh yard—THl RD street and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill yard—RAOß cad BROAD 'drools, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Ooal from the moat approved miLea, under cover, and pre pared expressly for familv ale, fed-T IOHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH CIOAL.— I stn daily receiving, at my yard, the beet quality o. SCHUYLKILL AND LNHfOri COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their ordain, may reapgetting Coal that will be satisfactory to than'. No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to are. at LOW PIUOKIL ALEXANDER CONVERT, N E. morns? or Broad and Cherry SU 11)11IIILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY- N. 11.. W. Cor. TRIED and CHESNUT Ste. L. PELOUZE & BON, thankful for the liberal pa. tronsge Ite.stofora accorded to their Eatablishment ; and deairoua to merit its continuance, would announce to Printere and Pubßehan that their new SPECIMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their Increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing nacsesary In s complete Printing Establishment, at the ahortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the busineaa, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, ,juatifies them in assorting that they can furnish a more durable and bettor fin ished artiole than their cotemporarles. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. 01,1 type tam/ at 4 watt Par pound, ha Whinge for 04w 44 siltollawa pow!, pin g . g a ik OABtN PASSAGE ONLY.—FOR LIVERPOOL; WEDNESDAY, June 30th; 1858. The packet ship STALWART, 1,456 tons, Augustin H. Lucas, Commander, will sail positively as above. Saloon Tannage $76 For freight or passage, apply to ' X 022 101 RICILARDSON & CO., 101 WALNUT Street. TEAM TO LIVERPOOL AND GLIS (RV, DUBLIN, BELFAST, and LONDONDERRY, via LIVERPOOL. THE LIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA STEAM SHIP CO.ll Clydo-built Iron' teamships are Intended to nail NO follows : FROM NEW YORK. CITY OF BALTIMORE . . .... ....Thursday, July Ist. CITY OF WASHINGTON , 6 15th KANGAROO loth And each alternate Thursday, from Pier 44 N. R. PROM LIVERPOOL. CITY OF WASHINGTON Wednesday, Juno 23d. KANGAROO July 7th. CITY OP BALTIMORE 21st And each alternate Wednesday. Cabin Passage from New York and Philadelphia...47s Third Clam to any of the above-mentioned places, and found in best cooked Provisions 30 Return Tickets good for 6 months 60 Certificates of Passage from Liverpool to Now York or Philadelphia 40 Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Bremen, Ham burg, Ac., without delay at through rates. The Company's Steamship BOSPHORUS will sail regularly between.Autwipand Liverpool, in connection with the departures fo ew York, taking goods from Antwerp to New York, R a through rate of freight. Certilicatea of Passage from Antwerp to New York $ 45 . Drafts on Liverpool from LI upwards. For freight or passage, apply at the Company's Offices, 35 BROADWAY, New York, and 100 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. JOHN G. DALE, Agent. Or WILLIAM INMAN, je22 02 and 63 Tower Building, Liverpool. LIVERPOOL AND PIMA DELIDA A ee CO Steam communPicatio nSTEA betwnISHIP M Now York and Ant weep, via Liverpool. The splendid fast screw-steamship BOSPHORUS, Captain McGuigan , (lately employed in the Royal Mail service,) NN ill sail regularly between Antwerp and Liver pool every alternate THURSDAY, in ronnection with the company's steamships from Liverpool to New York. Goods for Now York will he received and shipped by the Agents in Antwerp, and hills of lading signed there at a threngh rate of freight. The drat sailing frotn Antwerp will be on the 1711. of Juno, in conjunction ulth to OITY OF WASHING TON from Liverpool, on June 23. For further particulars and terms of freight and pas sage, apply to J, P. Kremer k Co., Antwerp; William Inman,Lower Buildings, Liverpool, and at the Com pany's pany'a Offices, 15 Broadway , New York, and 100 Walnut street, Phila delphia. Je2l-1m REGULAR LINE FOR PRON . ' DENO.—Sehooaer WORCEST - Elt, RHODES Mender, now loading at Callowhlll-atroot Wharf. Po; freight, apply to Captain, on boon', or to JNO. DI. KENNEDY & CO. I 3021 130 and 132 MS NORTH WHAMS. F: {, CONSMNEES 1 NOTICE.--Con master, olgnees per S from Providechn ce ooner WOCs atte ESTER nd , Rnorms will pleaseto reoelp of goods, at Callowhill-sereet Wharf. jel9 JNO. bf. KENNEDY & CO. 44 FOR SAN FRANOISCO.—LOWEST per rate and no Clip of Da t , 20th s June. Popdetularention. ship. 1101 daysSATES- to Ban 'Francisco. Tha magnificent first class clipper ship NAGLE WING Worth, master, is receiving her cargo at pier 10 East River, New York, This favorite clipper is double-diagonally braced, noted for good delivery of cargo, and of small capacity. Shippers desirous of reaching the California markets at the earliest possible day, will and the "Eagle Wing" a reliable conveyance. BISHOP SIMONS, & 120 NORTH WHARVES. FOR CHARLESTON AND BA VANNAII -HERON'S LINE. GOODS RECEIVED AND BILLS OP LADING SIGNED The splendid first-flassiide:wlie/1 Steamships KEYSTONE STATE and STATE OW GEORGIA, Now form a weekly Sue for the Smith and Southwest, one of these ships sailing every SKTORDAY at 10 o'clock A. M., alternately for Oharleston and Sa vanna,: 808 OHARLUTON, The KIYBTONE BTATZ, Captain Charles P. Mareh man, will commence loaning on Thursday, 3nly Atb Bed east for Charleston, 8. 0., on Saturday, July 10th at 10 o'clock A. M. • . • - The STATE Ow GEORGIA, Gaut. Tobn Z. Garvin. will commence loading on Thursday, July let, and sail for Savannah, Ga., ,on Baturday, Julyga4, at 10 &cloak A M. At both Charleston and Savannah, these shipsoonneet with steamers for Florida and Havana, and with rail roads, to., for all places in the South and Southwest. • Mary Freight •at an average of 16 per neat. below New York steamship ?atm.. -- • . FREIGHT and INoUR (NOE on a largo proportion of goods Chipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels. Cabin peerage 520 00 Steerage 46 8 00 Enured= Tickets, good for the present year. 80 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed. For freight or passage, apply to A. HERON, Jr., No. 328 (late 81) North Wharves. Agents at Oharleston, T. S. A T. G. BUDD. Agenta in Savannah, O. A. GREINER 00. For Florida, from Charleston, steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah, steamers BT. MARYS and ST. JOUNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havana, from Charleston , steamer ISABEL, on the 4th and 19th of every month. jell okFOR LONDON-THURSDAY, 24th Juno.—The barquo ACHILLES, Captain SPBD• DIM, Will +ail as above. Cabin pallor $75 For freight or pamtage, apply to THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO, jolo 101 WALNUT Stmt. COMPANY, STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER. POOL, BELFAST. DUBLIN, and LONDON. without delay. for 30 dollars. - - nature Mbyte, good to , sin months, to either of the above places, by any eteninor of tho line , 00 dollars for the round trip, out and bank. t aux 'raw Yong. New York, Meldillan, Saturday, July 10 at 12o'olcck, N Edinburgh, Cumming, July 34, Glasgow, Goodwin, August 7, " PaOY 01,160010 Edinburgh. Cumming Saturday, June 20. Glasgow, Goodwin Saturday. July 10. Now York, McMillan. I , 7dnesday, August 11 1/ATES OP PASoAirli. GLABOoIf Pleat Oleos _ 16 guineas atoorage, found with cooked pr051810U5...... B " FROM NMI YORK. Pirst Olaas 775 00 Steerage, found erith cooked provisions . . .... . SO 00 Ohlldren under 14 years of ago, halt fare; infants in Steerage, free. Rettirn tickets &Tellable within aLt months, by Any steamer of this line. First (flue $l4O 00 Steerage $OO 00 An experieneed Surgeon al !ached to each Steamer. Per freight or passage apply to WOUNDLAN & 00., 120 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. ROBERT ORA 10, 17 Broadway, New York. HALL A LONEY, Buohanan.s Wharf, Baltimore. 911 HE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN A_ ROYAL RAIL STBARBIIIPI3. TOM NW TORIC TO LITIMPOOL Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage . .. , . . ...., Chief Cabin Passage 8110 Second Cabin Passage 00 The ehips from Boston call at Halifax. I PERSIA, Oapt..Tudkins. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Cept.Wlekman ABIA, Capt. E. O. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Ryrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitoh. These TOB4OIII carry a clear white light at meat-head; green on starboard bow; red en port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, leaves NYork,Wednesday, June 9th AMERICA, Moodie, 4, Boston, Wedneeday, June 16. ASIA, Lott, " N York , . 234 Wednesday June CANADA, Lang, ti Boston, Wednesday, June 30 PERSIA, Judkins, 1, N York, Wednesday July I NIAGARA, Wickman ," Boston, Wednesday, July 14. AFRICA, Shannon, t‘ N York, Wednesday, July 21 Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgease on board. The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unleseoilis of lading are signed therefor and the valuethereoi: 5 i. elle expressed. For freightor, ii. i i: a apply to my 10. y I CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. .... 12,608 00 .... 220,291 06 ... 88,004 00 A LEXANDRE SEIGNETTE BRANDY. 431 The subscribers have been appointed sole agents in the State of Pennhylvaula for the above well-known ROCHELLE BRANDY, which they are prepared to offer to the trade at the lowest market price, from 'Uni ted States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture. A constant supply on hand, In half, quarter, and one eighth pipes, dark and pale. ARNOLD & WORL, jelB-tf 120 WALNUT Street. 92,780 67 100,000 00 702,786 87 TULES ROBIN & CO. COGNAC.—Tho anbacribera, sole agents In the State of Pennsylva nia for the above celebrated brand of COGNAC BRAN DT, beg to call the attention of the trade to its superior quality, and feel confident It will compare favorably with the most favorite brands In the market ARNOLD & WORL, 120 WALNUT Street. A constant supply of the above in thu United States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture, of various vintages, in half, quarter, and eighth pipes jelB4l f AMBRE Y GRAPE-LEAF 011 - A-1 PAONE. "2111.-30 pipes Dutch Company Gin, in bond and for nolo by HEIDSICK & CO. CMANIPAGNE.—A oonstfult supply of the genuine brand In bond and In store, for sale by Yvbl. L TSAI ON, lea ne South FRONT Street. CLARET-1."5 CASES AIARGAUX, 150 VV Oases BT. JULInt, in quarts and pints. In store and for sale by A. 15111114N0, son 140 finnth 4110 NT Rtro4t, ][../RANDIES.--cc Pinot Cast'llon," Idarott i and other Cognacs of various vintages in hall pipes sad quartarcaßks; rellevolsin Rochelle lirandies, pale and dark, In half plpea, bolt casks, and one-eighth teats. Imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN ik CO., 0522 221 and 123 Routh Fourth attest. I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER %J. IN BINS WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, he., 2S South YIFTII Street, Phtledel phis. anl-ly WHERRY WINE.-15 QUARTER PIPES various gradea harmony Bherry, in b nd, and for mile by WILLIAM fl. YEATON, %DM lift Routh FRONT Pt. nORDIALS,--ANISETTE, CURACOA, 41,J and IttAItASOLIINO in store and for sale by an 22 a , MART/An 100 0 v Amur syt ALLSOP's PALE ALE IN HHDS.—A constant Rupp!) , on hand in Custom Hauge etoren ; for sale by WILLIAM 11. YEATON, Bole Agent for Pennaylvants, No 216 South FRONT Street. BRANDY. --7 octavos Renault & Co. Cog nac, very old vintage, in bond and for sato by jog WILLIAM leA YTON, 21113Rrintb VRONI 13$. SALAMANDER SAFES. A large assortment of EVANB h WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA HADIVFACTU SAIrIibIA.NDER HAYES, VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores. BANK 100118, Ronal to any now In use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, Ike., On as good terms as any. other establishment In the United Staten, by EVANS do WATSON, No. 28 Barak FOURTH street YhUed 41111441 MIAMI Ellliti WI A CIALL. JOIIN G. DALE. Azont. EVERY LAY FOR SAVANNAH FREIGHTB azimozi INAIIRANOR pom imatom To LITIRPOOL ttl.nes anb ICiotora. ARNOLD & WORL, Solo Agents, 120 15 ALNUT Strout. WILLIAM 11. YEATON, No 219 Routh FRONT Atroot Sire proof Bata. Hailambs. HILADELPHIA, WILMINGTNN, AND 'ULT.& • MORE RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS On and atter Itenday, May 1.0, 1868,ELPHIA 11 P. M. For Baltimore, at 8 A. M., 1 LEAVR PIILLAD P. M., (Espreea,) ant! For Wilmington, at 8 A., M., 1, 4.30, and U P, For New Castle, at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. For Middletown, at 8 A. Ei. and 4.30 P. IC For Dover, at 8 A. EI., and 4.80 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA, Leave Baltimore at 7.30, En A Enrage, 10.16 A. 6L, and 5.40 P. DI. Leave Wilmington at 6 46 and 10.80 A. M., and 1.46 and 8.66 P. M. Lento awbaatio at 0 and 9.60 A. M., and at 8.16 I'. M. Leave Middletown at 8.69 A. M., and 6.45, . Leave Dover nt 8 A. 21., and 4.66 P.M. Leave Seaford nt 0.26 A. M., and 2 P. IC RS FOR BALTIMORE. Leave WilTmingtoAlNn at 9.10 A. M. 2P. M., and 2.15 A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. 51. from Philadelphia to Bal. ore Do do 6.90 Pphim. M., from Baltimore to Phila. ti s. Freight Train, with Passenger Oar attached, will run an follows : Loave Philadelphia for Perryville ,and Intermediate places at 6 P. M. Loavo Wilmington for do do do 746 P. If. Leave Barre do Grace for Br.ltimoro do 630 A. M. Leave Baltimore for harm dcAlrace do 610 P. Id Leavo Wilmington for Philadelphia - do 540 I'. M. S. AI, FELTON, President. affr r qt r. VANIA NORRAILROADTB FENbisyi,_ 102 BETHLEHEM, ALLENTOWN, NACOS CHUNK, EASTON. DOYLESTOWN. Ac. SUMMER AItRANOEMENT TARES EFPECT MONDAY. MAY 17th 1868. For Bethleheni Allentown, Mauch Chunk , , and Eas ton, (Expreaad In connection with L. Valley Rail road. from WILLOW Street at 5 A. 11. and 225 P. M. Passengers for Easton by 2.26 P. 51. Train. take Stage at Iron Hill Station. For Doylestown. (Accommodation,) from Willow at at 8.30 A. M and 6.30 P, 61 For Port Washington (Accommodation) from Second and Chatham Streets at 7.25 and /0 25 A. 51., and 4 10 and 6,45 P. 51. TRAINS YOB PHILADBLPIII6. Leave Bethlehem (Baptewrj at 9 A. M. and 2.20 P. M., with yaesengers from Lehigh - Valley Hall road, and arrive at -Willow Street' at 12 M. •and 625 P. M ' Leave'Doplestown at 0 A. M. end 2 60 P. M., and ar rive at WBlO Street at 816 A. M. and SP. M. Leave Hort Washington at 6 gait 9 A if., and 2.46 and 6 30 P. M.'. and arrive at Second and Chatham Streets at 6.60 and 9 60 A. 6I • and 3.85 and. 6.29 P. M. ON tIONDAYS Leave Willow street for Doylestown fit 8.801. M. and 2 P. M. Leave, Doylestown for Philadelphia- at B A M. end Sao p M. All Passenger Trains MOVING NORTH and:SOUTH will stop at Chatham Street and connect with pity Ps*. Ammer Railroad Hare to Bethlehem n 60 11 Bfaueh Chunk 2CO $ 1 Doylestown. 80 ALIO 01.A.RIC, Agent. NEW YORK LINES.—THE CAMDEN I. AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PRILADELPILIA . AND TRIINTON RAILROAD 00,,IPANY)8 LINKS. PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK; AND WAY LAOXII. - P Learn II 0 ORM, •—: Fenn At III( P. N., from Kensington Depot, via Jersey City, Mall /2 25 At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy, AocosomOda Den 226 At 6 A, M., via Camden and Jersey Oity, N. J. Ao. . comma:lotion •2 25 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Moil 800 At 10 A. M., by Steamboat- Trenton, _via Tawny and Jersey Citv 11,.rning Itxpress 8 00 At 2 P.M., via Ogiraden and Amboy, 0. and A. Mx press 00 At 6 P. M. via Camden and Jersey Oily, Evening Mall- 0 At 8 P. U. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, let Clam 2 00 At P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda. tion, 2nd Oless. 1 50 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, Ist Class 200 At 5 M., via Camden and Amboy, Aeoommoda. Don, Ind Olaas 1 TO The 6 P. M. line runs daily, all others Sundays as eepted Upraise Lines stop at the principal stations only. /or Belvidere, Reston, Flemington s a., at 6A. M and 4 P. M. from Walnut street wh arf. For Water Gap Stroudsburg Beranton, Wilkesbane, Montrose. Great Bend, An. at BA. M., via BeLIM2B, Lackawanna at Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 1 A. M. and 2-P. M. 7or Blount Holly at 6 A. M., and 8 and I P. M. WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton, ie., at 2I( and 4 P, M., WAY 14 1B Por Palmyra, itaaociaaa, Beverly, Burlington, Borden. town &a.; at BP. M. Steamboat Richard Stockton for Bordantown - sad in termadlate placed, at 2g P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Tacony, at 10 and U% A. M. and for Burlinkton and Bristol at 4 P. M. All lines exceptljg P. Bi , leave Walnut attest wharf. ltrVitty pounds of baggage only allowed each pas. Sanger. Passengers are - prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All bag , gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Com' piny limit their responsibility for baggage tome dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount be you d POO, except by special contract. WM. 11. GATZMIIIt Anent an 1-ly 0. Is CO. ' into HILADELPHIA -1) ELMIRA RAIL 1 ROAD LINE.—QUICLIIEBT ROUTE to Elmira Wilke burro, Buffalo, Chicago, Rock bland, Niagara /alb, Nrilwankie, Burlington Montreal, Bt. Pauli Detroit, Dunlieth, and Bt . Louis. Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, daily, 'Bnndaya excepted,) as ibllowe TM A. M. DAY EXPREBA, For Elmira, Niagara Fella, Buffalo, Detroit, Ohlove, blilwankee, Rook Island, Galena, St. Paula, Burlington, and Bt. Louis. 3.80 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS, Yoe Elmira, Niagara Palle, Buffalo Detroit, Chicago Milwaukee, hock Inland, Galena, at:Paulo, Burlington and Bt. Louie. Tickets good till used. The 7.80 A. hi train oonneets at Reading with the train for Harrieburg and all stations on the LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD; AND At Rupert, for Wilkeebarre, Pittston, Boranton, and all atatione on the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. Bridgeßaggage olreoked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Rave=lon . =MITI WiDresbarre 5 50 Pittston 60 Scranton 76 Wilkesbarre 60 Williamsport 90 Elmira 00 Canandaigua 00 0811043, via Gorham 00 Roohester 50 Niagara Fails Buffalo 00 1 00 Erie. 1 60 Cleveland, vin N. Y. and Erie 1 CO 4, via Niagara Falls 1 00 Toledo, via New York and Erie 1 26 Columbus 1 60 Cincinnati. New York and Erie. 1 00 4, Niagara Balls 1 00 Indianapolis, via Now York and Erie 2 00 Detroit, via Niagara Falls 1 00 Chicr ‘ go, via Groat Western Railway 22 00 Lake Shore Railroad 22 CO Rook Island, via Niacara Falls 27 00 ii Lake Shore Railroad 27 00 Burlington % 00 lowa City 29 26 St. Louis, via Chicago 29 00 lc Indianapolis 29 00 Dimlieth 27 80 St. Paula 86 10 pa" Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line'e Ticket Oftlee, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and et the Na. !tenger Depot, BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Lemet the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, (Sundays excepted,) for all points West and North, at 0 I'. AL Freights mud be delivered before 3 P.M. to hymn their going the same day. Ey- Freights are forwarded with greater despatch and Lower Rates than by any line from this city to the Went and Northwest. For further information apply to ALLEN & BUD L, Through Freight Depot. Broad, below Vine, Or to CRAB. 8, TAPPER, General Agent, N. W. eor. Rath and Oheetnut eta., Fhilada. G. A. NIGOLLD, Genl. Bapt. Fhilada. and Reading Railroad. U. A. FONDA, Gent. Bupt. ()atomises, W. & E. Railroad. Z. A. REDFIELD, de3l-ly Geul. Supt. W•maport and Elmira Railroad. joHILADEL ' • A AND READINGRAIL ROAD—FAST PRDi 3HT Lurs.—Freigl4 train leave the Depot, BROAD Street, b, low VINE, daily, for Buffalo, Suspension Bridge Canada, Detroit, Ohicago, Blilwankle, Galena, Dniuniue, Bt. Louts, and interme diate points. This le the shortest route to Canada and the Lake Porte, and goods will be forwarded with greater despatch to the above points than by any other route. 11.111/1 , OW PillOOA PEP 100 LEI Via Jlailroad let clam 24 ear , . 56 plate. 4th alum Onapenalon Bridge 90 70 60 40 Buffalo 90 70 60 40 Dunkirk -95 75 65 45 Detroit $1 20 93 75 69 Chicago . 160 176 100 80 Freight going through by rail 111 the way moat be marked , 'VIA RAIL.. No transhipment between Philadelphia and Elmira Mark goods via Philadelphia sod Reading Railroad, and send to the Depot, Bread steer*, below Vine, daily, before 6 P. M. Nor further information in regard to thia route, call at the through freight office of tt,t Philadelphia Nia gara, and Oreat 'Western Line, N. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT. deSO-y DENNSYLVANL& RAILROAD.-THE A. OE AT ONNTBAL 110131 E, connecting the At !antic Mlles with Weetern, North-western, and South western States, by a continuous Railway direst. Thii Road also connect. at Pittsburgh with daily line of 'steamers to all ports on the Western Rivera, and at Oleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all ;mitts or the North-western Lakes; making the most DIRIOT, 011EAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTE by which Prelghl can be forwarded to and from the GRILkT WEST. RATES DETWENN PHILADELPHLt. AND PITTS BURGH. Fixer Crass—Boots, Shoes, Hate, and Caps, Books, Dry Goods, (In boxes bales and trunks), Drage, (in boxes and bales) Feathers, Fure,tto no. per 100 lbs IhrOmin Obese -- Domestic Sheeting Shirting and Ticking, (In °vistas] bales), Drums (In casks), Hardware. Leather ' Liquor, (in osekeassts,) Wall Paper, Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Bastmwd, &a. &o 00e. per 100 Ma Thula CLASS—Anvils, Hemp, Bacon and Pork. Salted, (loom; or In seeks), Paints, (dry and in oil,) Oils, (except Isrd and rosin) 500. per 100 Ito tonal% Otase—(loffee, Fah, Ream, Beef, and Pork, (in nuke or bons east - Ward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails Soda Ash, Gorman Clay, Tar, Pi tub; Rosin, Steel , Manufactured T - Dacca, Rosin Oil, Queensware, Sager, (tihds DblB., and bogs,)&o, 400. per 100 lb hoes-160. per bbl., until further notice. 014i1N-350. per 100 lbs., until farther notice. Oovrox—s2 per bale, not esoceding 600 lbs. weight, until further notice. In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel. phis, be particular to wane. package,' via Peilasy/vania Railroad." All Goode consigned to the Agente of this Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. Fitztanr Aomirs.—Olarke k Co., Chicago; Ranker & k Co., Memphis, Tenn.; R. Y. Sass k Co.. St. Louis Mo. •P. G. 0 , 11.114 A Go., Eveumville, Indiana ; Wm. Biniham, Kentucky .; R. G. siefd r ., bfa bean, Indiana; 7# W. Brown & Co., end Ather A 11 , bbard, oincinnatt ; H. S. Pierce & Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leech A Co., No. 64 Kilby street, Boston ; Leeob ,t Go., No. 2 Astor House, Now.Yerk, No. 1 William et. New 'York ;B. J. Sneeder; Philadelphia Magraw & Boone, Baltimore; D. A Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. IL 11OUBTON, (tonere Freight Agent. H. T. LOMBAERT, dog. General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. 200 quintals Ood!lab. 100 do. Pollock, 800 bbls, Mackerel. 60 do. White gbh, for oats by 0. 0. RADLER t 00., Imo IVOSB, btfNte PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN AND NonnieTo WN RAILROAD.--811kimra ARRANGRINNT.—On and Otir MONDAY, May 10th, YOB GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia al 6.4, 7, 8. 9.05 min., 10,11 X, A. M.. 1,2, 3,4, 5,6, 7,8, 0,10, and 11 ,14. p. M. Leave Germantown at 0,7, 7X4 , s, 0.9 k. 10S, 11X, A. O. 1-10 min., 2, 2,4, 43 4 , ex, 3, 9-10 a=l 10n , . M. The 73i o'clock A. M. Train. from Germentlwn will stop ettly at Wayne and Tinge atreeta Stations. ON ht,'NDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9.20 min. A. 13. , 2,9), er. I P.M Leave Germantown eg A. M., 1-10 Inca., 4g....„4, P.M: • ORE2TNTIT HILL RAILRO. Lame Jain t 6,y,6,y, 8, 9.03 mi n, ,ti A. 14.. 2,3, 4,6, 8. 10 P. H. Loom Chestnut Hill at 640 and 7 85, 9.10, It d 111 10 min. d. 11 ; 18.40, 8.10 ; 4.10, 5.10, 7.40 ; and OM) '4n. ON SUNDAYS. Leave ghilaitaltalia, 20 A. DI., 2. 834, at‘.3. F. L 131140 011013tIllit Hill at 8.10 win A. M., 12.60 y L 0.40 P. it • YOFt OONSNOLIOWCEN AND Willie 7.39. - 5. Leave Philadelphia nt ex, tt, u A. M . j 8.10 pia.. 4% 8%. 111( P. M. _Leave — Norriateva at 8,7, 9, /IA. aoB P M. ' ON UDAYS, Legge Philadelphia at S A. M. and BP. M. Leave Norristown at 7 A. M. M. 0 P. M. 808 MANAYUNIC. Leave Philadelphia at 7X, 9,11 A. M.l Oi 2,05 min., 8.10 min , 4X. b X , OX, 8,111 j P. M. LOAVO Manayurik at 6x. 75j, BX, 9X, 11X A. M., 130, 4 OX, 7, and 02. M. • Sundays same as Norristown. (31114STES. YALLBY RAILROAD ion DOWNING TOWN. LeaTe Philadelphia at Ox A. M., and 8.10 od. P. M. Leave Downingtown at 7x A. M , and 1 P. M. U. K. SMITII, General Snperintendent. Dorn, Ninth sad Green streets, Philadelphia. 1851 , • BPENNSYLV.A.NIAIBSB CENTRAL RAILROAD • PROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURGH, And, thane* by Railroad to WHEELING, STEUBENVILLE, ST. LOUIS, CLEVELAD, 'CINCINNATI, ,CHICAGO,O • LOIHSVILLN, BURLINGTON, • ' -, INDrANAPOLIS, , BT. PAITLS, Artd all Intermediate potnta io OHIO, INDIANA, /LLINOTS, KENTINIKV, -MOM GA.N, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA. MI&SOURI, KAS ANEBRKA. Passengers toA NS polnts:vesD Nt of Pltt AS aburgh, Wheeling, Cleveland and Omahas, bare choke of routes, and are requested .to make a selootion before applying for tick eta. - THREE THROUGH TRAINS LHAVE PHILADEL HIA DAILY, Worming *lose oonnoc P tlyas at Pittebutgh to an points Weil. • On - and after MON HAN, May. lilth, Three through, and Two acothanmlitien trains, will kas tas -.depot, S. E.. corner a ELEVEN= and MIEN EP streete, se follower '• TSADD3 FOR 112 . 7$BurROII FAUX!, Tama PITTIDTMOR AND PRO wear_ LILATH. AND TRW WEST ARRIVE. Mail irainsit....7 30.6. M. Mall train at.. 11.45 night. Past line 100 noon, Past line 510 A M. Rapes, marl..ll 00 night. Express well.. 1.19 noon. WAY TRAINS LILVE. WAY ?RAIRB anima. Harriabarg no- narriabn , g U. CODunoliatiOß 300 P: M, P. M. Lancaster •.430P. M. Lancaster • .9 60 A. Si. , The mall train stops at theatations between Phila delphia and PlAtaburgh. The Express mail runs daily, the other trains Sunday excepted. The cars leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station, southeast corner 01 ELEVENTH and MART streets, entrance on Eleventh street, whore through tickets to all. points West can be obtained. Baggage will be received at the Depot at any time du ring the day. No charge for handling baggage. Par further information, apply at the Depot of ho Penhaylvanis - Railroad Otmpany, nontheast corner of Eleventh and Market streets, betweenthe hours of 7 A. M. and 11P. M, - THOMAS MOORS my 10 • - Agent Penn ' s Railroad Co. litlctirinal, ANALYSIS OF - LYON'S CATAWBA BRANDY by A A. BATEO, - 11. D., Asszvaa r 0 THE ETATS OP IdeaBAoBlllllll7B. tartniineL CHARACITiea.„—A light-yellowish brown colored spirit, having", fragrant odor; wkren evaporated from clean linen - it left no oil or offensive matter. Analyzed for volatile and Axed drugs, of which x o traces of any kind were found. Ito color improved to be due to &colored. resin an extract derived from wood. trrln every respect it le a pure' apiritous liquor. Tho fragrance or bouquet which it possesses can be bp. Wed, and it ,then , appears unlike that from Cognac Brandy or Wine, being a fruity essence resulting from a Crapes!, peculiar fermentation of Catawba and Labelle • CruntrOaL Onizierwa.-1, parts in volume Of tide 'phit contains at 60 - deg P. 461240 parte of pure al „salmi, besides the fragrant 011... 1,000 parts of :the spirit afford 28 parta of a strong-solution of the oil which characterizes this Brandy rthe spirit left, altar removing the oil, is pure and odorless, and In all its qualities a perfect spirit not rtibjec. to change. One 11.8. gallon of this Brandy at 60 deg. 1. contain', be sides the spirit and, oil, only 220 grs. of matter com posed of extract of fruit, gam, and colored resin from wood. Dowross, January 25, 1858.• • Dr. COXR, State Inspector of Ohio, and Dr. JAB. R. CHILTON, Chemist, of New York, both pronounce thin to be pure Brandy, and free from all adulteration. Por Medicinal purposea Lyon'a Catawba Brandy boa not lval, and has long been needed to. enpersede the poisonous compounds sold ender the name of Brands. Asa beverage, the pure article in altogether superior, and a sovereign, mre malady for D'ispePelat Flatulency, Low Spirits, Languor, General Debility, &e., &a. Also, ISHRLIII"13 STILL AND SPARKLING OB.A.IIPAN.E.—Theat Wince sae made in the neigh borhood of Cineinaati, and are guarantied to be the Pure Juice of the Grape, and are eminently calculated for invalids and pereona who require a gentle Millnk• lent, and for Sacramental purposes. Retail price $1.25 per bottle. A liberal diacosut made to the trade. Dealers sill plum send the"' orders to the "Sole Agnate ) for the etv., of Penn. sylvan's, A. P. DAY.AII st 00 Wholeaste Urn gic o, No. Enttree% Also for gale by the following srathemries AMBROSE SMITH, Seventh and Cht stint ate. MO. W. SLAWS & SoNB,lBth and ::241 and ?dalicei; streets. D. L. EITAORROUSE, Etat% and Gnwn eta. R. NRBINGER, Second and Mary eta , G. w. NEDINGER, Pawl:talc Road and We4iLosston street. CEO. B. ITODENSACIE, Thlad and Green ata A. R. lIORTBR. Broad and Goatee ata. HOBENSACK'S IRON BITTER ;1- Thie Medicine, as its name Implies, Is ono of th« greatest strengthening preparations extant. It to eff pe4itilly adapted to those who have a ion of appetite OT are afflicted with Dyapepala, Liver Complaints Piles, Nervous Debility, General Weakness, and all dingoes arising from a disordered condition of the digestive organs. Fos FEMALE COMPLAINTS GENZDALLY there is perhaps no medicine in the world 'goal to It, as It enters. purities, and replenishea the Wood; which is so important to briny about a hesltby action THOUSANDS ARE LIVING . . raleeralde existerce, of a pale sickly color, weak and emaciated, who could be restored to health by the use of one bottle of this inva'utible medicine. It is no bumbng, but a genuine remedy, being free from any thing that is of an Injurione nature. FOR ALL DISEASES OF TDB BLOOD there is no better antidote than Ifobeomok's Iron Bit ters When the blood is impure the whole body Is full or nitmane Blood letting may answer for a time, bot cleansing a part will not, purify the whole. At the fountain we mulft begin. and to cleanse the blood there to no better remedy than these invaluable Bitters. Their chief constituent Is iron, and we all know its efficacy in removing the impure matter from the whole visceral system They are prepared by a peso Deal chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent physicians and others, as the " no plus ulna" of all tonics. SOW GRATITYING to the proprietor that he ha: succeeded in compound ine a remedy for many or the ills that his fellow mores:a are subJeot to; 5.?.7,1 that the public appro. Motu it is not a question of doubt, but a axed fact, as the demand for it Min bm 'surpassed hie essgulue expectations. ReAD THN TBSTIMONI OF 1. WORTHY CITIZEN. This is to certify my wiff, w. 4.1 io dentate heaiti o,lr , three yearn, with's. disease peculiar to her sex. 'Cho tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit. Hearing of Hobensack , s Iron Bitters, and knowing iron to be a powerful tonic, induced me to obtain a bottle, which proved to be the medicine she solely re quired, by restoring her to health. She hesitates not to recommend it to those who are similarly affeeted, as elle believes it to be a sovereign remedy. JOHN COLN. No 881 Capitol Street. Thin invaluable Medicine is tkepared only by GEORGE 8. HOBENSACH, Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. corner of TILTED and GREEN Btreete To whom all orders intuit be addressed. Price $l. Disoonzit to dealer'. Sold by Druggists generally. mh2O-y WHY SUFFER WITS DYSEEESL!. ? ZIEGLER & SMITH'S PURE, SIENTOINAL COGNAC BRANDY has cured Dyspepsia, Low Spirits, General Debility, &c., &o , &a. Price St 25 per bat.' tle or 510.50 per dozen. Warranted pure. Try It. thereby certify that I bad been afillcted with dys pepsia for the last ten years, during which time I have tried all the popular medicines i but of no avail. Having had Zeigler & Smith's Pure, Medicinal Cognac Brandy recommended by many persons, induced me to tryit. One bottle has almost eared me of dyspepsia and costive habits, of ten years' standing. I can say, with a thank ful begirt, that I have never found its equal during my painful and distressing complaint. I sincerely recom mend it to dyspeptics, nervous ,and debilitated enffezers. Jona' 0. KLAISROSII, • Jan. 15th, 1858. 1231 Olive street. Also, ZIEGLER & SMITH'S Pure Medicinal WINES, warranted pare, and no counterfeit mixtures, which are daily palmed upon the public as genuine wines. These Wines are especially adapted to dyspeptics and consump tives, and in all cases of general debility, loss of apyej Site, &s. Old Madeira Wine, price per bottle. ...........$1 00 Old Port Wine, do. do. 1 00 Old Sherry Wine, do. do. 1 00 Address your orders to Sole Agents, ZEIGLER & SIIITII, Wholesale Druggists S. W. corner SECOND and GREEN Sts , Phila. Also, for sale by JOHN BLEY, Druggist, fel-y Prankford road, opposite Hanover. - DLASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD.- I. SPECIAL NOTICE TO PRYSICIANS.—The above offers a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to 41a eased surfaces, which combines the following advante, gene A good and unvarying conListetme, easily washed of with water, dissolves alt substances that are solu ble in water, hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and dory not get rancid. The last property alone rendore it an Invaluable acquislt'on to the practitioner. Prepared and for male wholesale and. retail at BIIIIES , B Laboratory and Pharmacy, whet Twelfth and Chestnut streets. CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.-GAS COKE, of excellent quality, is ,11 at the PHILADEL PHIA GAS WORKS for the price of live coral a bushel, and way be obtained 10 large or mail gn i ,. tity by applying at the Gee Office, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. To purchasers by wholesale it is sold sitie irc in Flst Ward, by the ton, at a price cioil-slept to Anthracite at $2.60 per ton. (Eigned.) J, C. Clit:Soy, - Philatelphin Oaa Wnrlca, :6. 1.7 5 tationzrp. BLANK BOOKS AND STATrONLia . DAVID HOGAN, Blank Book :lane' Btationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT .reei , pared at all times to furnish, either fintu the 't or make 'to order, Books of every descriptem, for Banks, Public Offices Merchants, and other, best quality of English in American Paper. and N 11: in cartons styles, In the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description Engraving and Lithographing executed with Ilea4IVE3 and despatch. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Hogan's contribution to the Frankitrs Institute, the Committee say--" This display of blank bowls for banking and mercantile use is the best In the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship moot excellent, and their finish and ap pearance nest and appropriate." no2O-Ur express ,ElCotnpaince riIHE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 2.20• CHESTNUT STREET, (onward' PAR( A,vg,teES, haItUIIANDIZE, DANK NOTE: , SPEOLE„etthee by ita own Llti US, or In connection with other EXPRNSB CO3IPANLEd s to all the penoipai TOWNS AZICO/TINO of the United States. It. e. SANDFORP, 882`11 uvaral
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