Ara " . " ---- T r',t - I ira t e l 7 and Buddhism ,=-We woes, PORBION'AiSentA 4 ,, ea. - ''T e Uri ell e- 1 - ----, ' went last Sunday` eveblegeo hear a lecture upon 1 1.1"--1 -= ',. -)7 '• 13444biE11,, It, WM delivered by a Mr. Eastman at reilf red end the plied Mates. ' th - T t anitiM fleas e • MeV .0, - -_ .? ' " 910 3 ' 5 " ' ' ;• • ' Inthatbill a - Franklin liall, upon Sixth etree!,Above Market. -''- "Thefelel,bre end 'ef ',one differences- with the_ ssembles weekly e.tertaber of persona associated under the name of the Sunday Ineti- States upoe this disigresoible,sabjed: - We have• tote. The lecture was pronounced before some - '3414e1l all they asked, and we were wise in doing twenty-Ave or thirty maroons for the attendance so, bee wure-Atubsiantially -theY had right on their- leas very ship. • ,eide as to the question of law. - With regard td, n • Mr . Eastman read his lecture In a rather plea that of- policy, , as the- blockade ,of the Cuba- sant and agreeable manner, It. contained sense waters wart adopted 'at the auggestlen of the uo- have vernment of the United States ; and as they curfone research, and underneath and througk it all ran a somewhat novel train of contrast and taken a different view of the-snores to be Per . sued; it is no business of outs tO ootupel them to deduction. He sought to , prove 'that the system of Buddha preceded the Christian, ohronologi consistency. . ~ , -. °ally, some six hundred'years. As its developed Wo * look * nenn * this d ' isp . ut; ae at anei - 01 - I,bit the the various historical ' feats relative to its rise and progress and die ruled its theological dogmas and graver deeetlon still romans, Whether the tradi- tone. ~ Li no eohgtt to show that in the formor were tional policy of thitt country, with- regard to the traceable the incidents in the birth, lire, and slave trade, is to be contieuel. We mind eon history of the Divine Founder of Christianity, and deal froze ourselves the fact that there la a large topoint out as existing in the latter the germs, section of the British community which regards— and, indeed, the origin of many of the most im as their fathers did before them—the inhuman traf- portant dootrineshe taught. It was evident, upon fi sin the bodies of our fell , ..vecteateres with un- the whole, that the theme of the lecture had been mitigated abhorreeise and disgust Lord Palmer- chosen for the purpose of attacking, in an indi sten, who thrhugh a song political corm hes ever root, Gibbon-like manner, the claims of Christi boon csnsis int to this one object, still relies upon- Rutty to dv ne authenticity. Eve ryielisre, through force. As we are about to withdraw our squadron, out the dlecueelon, the speaker introduced suoh from the Cuban waters, he trusts that the Britishepitiodloal attacks. We presume it is but fair to tieverament will urge upon that of the States to say that be succeeded as well in his purpose as send American °renters to Cuba. Tlieee are the most persons who make such attempts usually do. opinions of the old. anti.rlavery party, expresso lt is, however, but a repetition in another way of be one of their oldest, ablest, and most ore a - the old favorite anode of attooking this withal to. t advocates. We believe, however, -that this flop. ~, question' of the slave-tiacle is about to enter ' Weib wentposslewhat tenets the uonib hethteeSundaylnstituteertg of it held,oaacertain if , if - upon. an entirely now phase. Oar abhor ranee 'of the traffee remaining just what it any, relative to religious matters. From the whole W al, our manna ,of repression will be dif , tenor of the exposition we heard, we could gather Parent from while they lave been .' We see" nothing clear or definite. The prinoipal object rely more upon the natural play, of_ human seemed to be to pull down, to raze, to blot out a invites% and - less; ripen the vigilance of our mime. Hew if it should. turn , out that, save in system. Whilst this process Ms going on there was no other system offered in its stead. The de- the Abolition of negro slavery under our own flag, ctructive faculty alone seemed to be present, unree wo helve during the lest half' century done more lieved at any time by the presence of the teem ,evil than good—that we have not benefited, but tive. But we most not judge ton harshly of what !Allred the African? Thoughtful men are be- the belief of Ibis association of people is from the ginning to say that we have been mistaken in this temper and bearing of a single exposition of their '-miner. es,we wore mistaken about elate boroughs belief. rted close perk We have hitherto acted in obe , There wan a single glimpse, however, of one of Cense:, to aTV eery indignation, not upon a welt- their favorite ideas, or rather of the sum and sub mitered opinion: We have been Detested rather , stAtee of the philosophy of their belief, afforded by by eentrmetif than by reason. The irresistible the speaker. Re deprecated severely the prone inferenea from'tho result of efforts Continued for nem of men to run into abstract metaphysicist spec forty Steam at least, with unabated energy, is, that nimbus, declaring that they were too little . given coo coon will not suppress the slave trade. Are to de l eni rug upon the evidence of their fi ve we to persevere for ever In a • course thus can- senses alon e Re eadtinleti that all was conjectural danitiod , 3+: , a .- -'. ~" -, ' and uncertain, and therefore unreliable, which -,' ':"."1-1Vt'' Woman ' went beyond phenomenal - development . This is Wataltrethelollowing keel „the London• Morn- the philosophy ,cd-Iltude ils hie book upon Miracles. ing Star: TowardAthaelpse Ofehe-prolieediegs of We preeterte,,eherefore,lhat this is the distinotive the Hertfordebire diction; jest after Sir,,Edward — bask lir opinion' linong the 'Sunday Institute Baiwer Lytton lied conended tariddress with a people, add shade deoleively- the line of demarca fervent trihute' of admiration to the womanly Son between the:Opinion andfeith in the Chrietlan beauty exhibited in the long lined open 'eaniagee, System. chaises,and yens drawn up , in front of- the.heet- . At the closed the lecture there was a faint, show Inge, Seve:get an unwonted :stir in the, crowd, of applause. An old gentleman, who appeared to which parted to admit of the passage of a-hired tithe - prieldent, areas to" annoteine that there Imughans from one of the town inns. The oarriege would bo no mote meetiageof 'the Institute until having 'topped, two - ladies _alighted, one of them the mad of the warm weather. Whilst he wee mak -411 extremely handsome woman, of about forty-five log some iemarks relative to it, another man, who years of age, with fresh complexion, and with eyes aleo wits, an o f ter, rose, and • asked-leave to make of dlikaling beset,. • :TtlalseYr who Watrevidently a, statement. .Ite referred to an eocurrenee re- laboring under - excitement which - ,exerdsed all ported is The Press of Saturday, relative •to the her polders WI control; advanced ae nearly as-she conversion to Christianity of some prone who meld theoUghthe crowd towards the hustings; and had once been connoted with the Sunday fowl atinonneed herself as the wife of , the Right Bon. tote: He read the • statement fa extenso. After Efir B. B. Lytton, stating that she had come Record- 'reading it, be said that if this thing continued, he leg to a promise made by her to confront her bus- did not know that the Institute would ever meat band-, and tceexpose tho Wrongs which she said he again pelletal laughter . 1 Ile did not know but had itelloted, upon her, and which ebe - had de- they might all undergo the same process. (Renew sacitibed in whika, and in d pamphlet published •by ed laughter I , her.' The' appearance of the lady was not tusex- Several persons avowed that they believed it to , peeled, as bee coming had been Announced in boa repetitionof a statement made by the Bev. Mr. bills •and , plat:etas ; but, owing to a deception Neal, of , the Methodist connection, some time erbieb bad- been praotised upon her by some-per- since, and which had then been contradicted. One EMI in the town who tad introduced themselves of the speakers declared that at first the statement to her, she was detained inthe town while the had related alone to tt Mr:Wright, and that he had eh - Millen wile pteeeetlinginthe vieinity. • Then in hunted the city over, and had not been ,able to find the Aperet Anticipated that she would not discover any such man who had ever been connected with Abe Inktake Moil .thrs;proceedinge were -over, and "their body.' Like Falstaff's men in buokmm, that that her design would bq thee fruetret; 1, It was man hed grown into three. fl.augbter.] But this nearly so. Reeogefeed- es rfrm as obe,,rvr,i, her 'untamed earn.) from a man (Mr. Neal) who pro voke was nearly drowned by to vhoote of Sir );1- 'feased to be a clergyman, but who was in reality -Ward's - enpportere, ,bav Sir Edward's eye caught only a•half one. Be sold wale during the week, hers. and his &impaled. Heluoked like a man end- and on Sunday preached to his congregation rein. (kelp attacked by paralysis. Those near him say tive to the USW made of them in the lower world. ho trembled exceedingly. Fot a few moment; he(Laughter.] This speaker avowed his belief that S retained hie altier- In front of the healing% but Colonel Forney would given place in his columns turned l-ie trtlot:/t dr/ tho unwelcome visitor. Teen to a ekunter, statement. lie thought he had too be sudritnly dit,Neetred before the hustiege mach indepondoncie not to,do that. plalforte,While hie wile cried l'foowarde , aid he After some further desultory discussion the having hastily' eiseett "the usual declaration, 00. , members ealotly 'dispersed. We were surprised raped into the residence- of• .the gentiernau oe fi r st, not only at •the existence of an organised whose grounds the election took plane. Lady Lyt: association of materialists in the city, esbe meet ion continued to addteee the audience assembled regularly, but were really astonished at the esprit for more than a quarter of an hour, repeating her do corps they displayed when it was alleged that statements fa her pamphlet, and Resorting her In. one of those who had been said' to have once be tention to conftent her husband on every passible longed to them had left' them. They all roomed to eitemsien until she compelled him to redress her regard it ae an ttnpardonable offence. We came wrongs., _Her ladyship eubseeuently made an ate to this conolusion, rattier trim the general ladig plioation to the mayor for •the nse of -thee town- make of Manner manifested at the bare allege ball, for the purpose - of making a -Walk state- lion, than from anything that was said by any ment; but this being refused heroshe left the town person or persona. Upon the-whole, we regard early in the' afternoon. "Lady - Lytton arrivadqn the organization as a most singular and curious Hertford at three o'clock 'on the morning of the one. eleotioti; having _posted from Taunton, where she resides. It Is needlcve to say that the event de. scribed has caused thee greatest possible excite ment in Hertfordshire.' , • - , The E trl of Herby, at. the anniversary of the Merehnot Wont' School, in replying to the toast of "Her Majesty's , Ministers," said he believed the friendly policy of the Emperor of the French toward this country tins such that, be would even sacrifice' a, part of his - popularity with the army rather than rupture an alliance which was for the mutual benefit of the two greatest nations , in the world. The Premier also, in allusion to the diffi culty with the United States, said-"he trusted that tke apyrehrwions with reference to any'ruptitre of our friendship with that country were at an end." Lord Brougham has introduced into the Bowie of Lords a bill for $' fissuring the real independ ence of Parliament-I' It is directed against the admission of bankrupts to Bents In either House. The Ballot Society takes a. yin encouraging view of the recent division on Mr. Berkeley'e mo tion, exhibiting es it does the largest number ui votes over yet polled for the ballot inthe lititute of Commons. From the analysis of the division lists it appears that only fourteen honorable gentlemen pledged to vote for the ballot were absent. ' The ultrwOratigo , jortrnalii in Ireland are writ ing Wrongly againsV.. the Liberal tendencies ex hibited of late by the Darby Government. The •otal amount of the ford subscribed for the fans-leaf the late Me. John O'Connell amounts to id. 8.24 15s .This includes £l5, the donation of Laid Carlisle. The accounts from India state that the small per prevallr to a great extent amongst the British troops, and the medical ofilcer has recommended that, to stay the scourge, the troops should be vac 'ideated. It .10 somewhat remarkable that the whole of the French army is also at this time be fog vecobanted. Mr. William Russell. the Times' eorreepilmdent, wits sun-struck at the attack of the Bareilly eantonments, and requires much oars and atten- tion before he can recover. 7 43ornhew -Gazette, May lit. Ills first accident-was a luck from a horse, numb compelled him to resort to a dimly. When the bargage wits in danger at Bereilly, his bearers put him down en the road, and bolted. Weak and very VI, be n tvertheless managed to niount'a horse, when a 'sun•streke knocked bins down, end very near proved fatal. Tug Prr..msan or Lectrtrow —We learn that a ladyiesiding at Clifton, the wife of a gallant ma jor at present serving in India, has reoeived let ter front her husband, which gives a glowing ac count of the treasure seised by opr troops at Lock now. As an earnest of his own success, he hassent her borne a necklace of splendid pearls and Some drieralde, ono 9f which It believed to be of.large valne. The gems are in a comparatively rough state, the emeralds having been ignorantly and, we liairalmost said, mercilessly drilled through. The letter speaks of a corporal' in the gallant offi oar's regiment. having got &bracelet which will probably, be worth from £lOO,OOO to £2410.000. Another letter from a younger °Meer received at °linen states that the writer by get three superb embrolderedehawls of rare workmanship and great ?rtes.—Bristol filfreurV. TILE 14M' FRENCH DrIEL...,-M. de Pine has bean removed-to Paris Re has - suffered greatly from the heat, and the vomiting continues. It an imate from the'Dreit pat the decree of von lieu relating to the duel, which was rendered by the judge of instructions, does not necessarily relieve Lieutenant Hyena from all risk of punishment. Toe civil prosecution la dropped, but the decree states that theofficete etincerned in the duel era remitted . to the' competent military jurisdiction., jugo-d'instruotion has, however, no power to order a 'mart-inertial, end it remains to be seen whether lbelifinlstorat War vili do so. Fre* agents are baYing up horses for artillery service in Germany. . A letter from .Forte asys, apt-open or the dirs• claimer of the i-. ri ou ' that the Mediterranean mundron- reatetly been augmented from Bto 14 vessels, that 40,000 oxtrn recruits were 01110 out 1114 3,,,j, that ;in. monso armamenta beyond what the defences dale country require, are going on, and have long been going on, not only at Cherbourg, but In every military Wort the empire.n Thu King of P4rtegol opened the Cortes on the his young Ucteeis taring stationed on his right band. • - Minn letter intlitqwdspendancs says It is nig 'deH - ain - that the preceutionsprescribed by the mediae!. attendants . of, the Princess Broderick William of Prissda are .roused solely by the in terestieg state of her royal highiets. THE -CQURTS. wzgoomiatntagi (Reported forlhe Rrea)_ lINTI . CD'SiwerS OIROIIIT COlJlST—Judgeft Grier and Cadwallader —Winter,- Latimer, & Co vs. LudloW, Beebe, dr. Co. This - wrot• on arguinent on exoeptlons filed in rotation to the ownership doer tain gold dust shipped froua California by the com plainants in the', oar 1.8.55: . The case has been se-, veral times befit. 'the 'Conti in-various shapes, to the great advaulage. of the legal gentlemen can. earned. There is a possibility of its being settled by, the present proceedings. but, judging from the adverse views taken by the respective counsel, not mush probability. Argued by Messrs Charles Ingersoll end Wro. Ernst for the complainants, sad Messrs. D: W. O. Morris and Yost for, the ro spendents. QUar.ran Er:mous—Judge Allison —The only ease of interest tried in, this court yesterday, wet that of the Commonwalth vs. John W. Cann, obarged with a criminal assault on a young girl about thirteen years of age. Tho details of the alleged assault are unfit fur publication, but the testimony seas of themost contradictory oharacter. About'imlf past two o'clock the jury came into court, and the foreman;. Me.,Kolly r of the Third ward, addressing Judge Allison; sold, Judge, we cannot agree upon a verdict; we:never can agree. Judge. Is there any pointupon which.- you de sire to he instructed, gentlemen ? Furman. Oh!, no.'_ There err six of .us for' conviction, and;Xig for.:augeittal, and thews, the reason woolen never agree.. • - . E,Judge, limiting.. ;Well, gentlemen, I think; with all the facts before yliuolome conclusion ought -to be come to; suppose.vou try it again. rearnaseld. -Oh n Judge. there'd' no CLTY - ITEMS. EDWIN CLATtk'S MILL, AGAIN.—The more oiooeiy we examine, and the More ITN hoar of the opinions ex pressed by pricticalidllers, the more we are persuaded that this new patent flouring mill is one of the most Important inventions of modern times. Feeling &seared that if the mill really wee on fleet examination, Itapneared to be, it must smudgy take the place of all s - other mills now in use, we have taken special pains to inspect it thoroughly. Being located where we are daily obliged to pass, we hare called 'in frequently, and at all hours of the day, and It is but due to 3fr. Edrtio Clark, the patentee, to say that we have yet the first time to visit it arid no; find it in full and complete ope ration. We make this statement now, from the fact that we are almost honey called upon for our opinion as to the merits of the mill in ques'ion ; but would again repeat to our readers that the most satisfamory information to be obtained can only be had by calling and seeking a personal examination. As already stated, the rain toe have described, and which we hats reason to believe is unparalleled by any other, is In daily ope• ration At No. 235 Rau street, on the first floor of the building occupied by Mr. Levine's fringe foolery. Conutyooarsar.—Ao entertainment of no maker, character will be afforded to the public to-day, leithout tickets. in the Annual Commencement exercises—for conferring degrees in the arts—of the University of rttICISS Ivan! a, to be held in the Musical Fund Hull The procession will leave the college hall, th s tnorn'ng. at 10 o'clock. From the extenelve or teugements made to renoer thin en occasion of unusual intereatcwo may predict a brililant attendance. The special invitations extended to members of the learned professions, dietingulehed officials, etc , as well as to the public at large, will. In all probability, ba the means of filling that large hall, even at the present state of the mercury. Dtrnma the heat of summer, there Is nothing more cooling and pleasant to the palate of a perspiring Individual than a draught of good soda water. Of the many tempting plans a of this character In our cite, the one kept by A. 13 Oman do Co., No 310 Chestnut at , stands pre.emlneut. They always keep on hand syrups of all kinds, and of the beet quality, so as to cult every testa. Their bottled syrnperfor family nee are defier. redly Popular, foriklally the rrenah raspberry vinegar and syrup. whlch, mixed with ice water, makes &really delightful beverage. Tun as PRE5g."—.. "Turn to the press—lts teeming sheets survey, Dig with the wonders of each penning day; Births, deaths, and weddings, forgeries, fires, and . wrecks, Ilaranguee and sun•strokes, brawls and broken necks," do, indeed, scorn to make up its sum total at the present time. "Ito teeming sheets" would scarce bo north perusing were it not for an ocaolonal lively "pull" of the fruibion.ble Clothing establishment of Granville Stokes, No, 607 Chestnut street, above Sixth. SBNBIOLE ADVICE.—Tom 13101911 says that " to treat a poor wretch to a bottle of Burgundy! and 1311 his snuff-box, is like giving a pair of laced. =glee to a man who has never a shirt on his bock." But wo say it is kind endwise to hint to those who are not poor a retches that, if they would bo comfortable and economical, they should get their gartneht3 at the Brown Atone Clothing Hall of Rockhill Wilebn, Noe. 423 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Arran the fourth of Julys a malortty of our readers will doubtless betblsk them of the dashing surf and eithileratiug. breezes of the' smother& With two such unrivalled bethiug places adjacent to our city as Cape May and' fitlantic, we see no valid reason why all our friendi should not, for a brief period, sport w ith . -" Old Ocean's mane," end recuperate the exhaustion Induced by the intensely warm weather. Those who go can get beautiful bathing robes, at a very low price, at the " Old Franklin Hall Clothing Emporium," No. 321 Chestnut street, and those who stay at home should sup. ply themselves with the cool and beautiful summer suits got up by friend Eldridge, the proprietor of this popular establishment. illaritu intelligetut. PORT OF PIIILADBLFRIA, July A, 1838. 317 N Male 4 37 I BUN BETS 7 23 HIGH WATER ..7 04 M/IMVV , T) Steamship Boston, Fellow, 24 boars from New York, via Cape May, with mdse. and passengers to James 41Is derdies Below reedy Point passed the barque Belle and two berm beige, -upward bound. , BArque Belle, Ryder, 7 days from Boston, with mdse to Yawns & Co, . Bohr Moro, Jll ni 01 B days from Calais , Me, with laths, Id &e. to Ti ma J p & on Bohr J D, May, 4 cloys from Boston, in ballast to N Sturtevant A t.o. Behr Wm A Hammond. caln, 6 days from Boston,wlth 'mdse to captain Behr St 11 Banks, Bank 4.8 clays from Gloucester, Mars, in ballast to N dturtovant & Co Bohr 'nos Page, itoblnson. 4 days from Providence, In ballet to It It Corson & Co. Bohr Edwin Beed, Chipman, 6 days from Dostoniwith Bah. ike to E A bonder & Co. Behr Alice Stowe, Pendleton, 1 day from Wilmington, Del, in ballosit to E A &oder & Co Boar James English, Neal, 3 days from New Haven, in ballast to Van Dusan, Norton & Co. Bchr John Cropper, Bloxona, 3 days from 'Virginia, with oats to J W flown & Co Behr 11 13 Jones, Brown, 2 days from Vienna, Md, with Inmber to J W Bacon A Co Behr Farmer, Deputy, 2 days from Milford, Del, with bark to J 11 McOoliey. Behr II & T Cramer. Huntley, from Providence. Boar John Beatty. Sharp, from Malden. Bohr B , ixon ' hobioanni from New York. - Bloep Mary Haley, Haley, from New York. Sloop Olivia, Fox, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with oats to Christian it Curran, OLEARBD &mocklp Kennebec, Kane, Now York, J Allderdlce Steareahlp Boston, Bellew, Now York. Jac Allerdice Shin Bother. Latta, Richmond; 'I% A Newhall cc Co. Bb!P Thos Jeffereon. Hill, Jobn, NB, Twel &Co o. & Galvin laden and ronsiggal as folios's: Samuel Hepburn, lumber to D A Taylor & Dna Oaths-. rine, corn, &c to Humphries. Hal.fmari & Wright . ; Me nab ohs, bituminous o al to 1) D Inane -11 Winton, Ale siog Star, Holm, 00l W W Murray, A Harris, A' Wal ton. Hoillog Wave, Mary Elizabeth, Agricola, opal to Delaware City. (Oorretpondenee of the P . ttilad,sllpl2ls EfFbange,), Lli*Eß. Del.:June 30-8 A 1N he brigs Forest and D B Doane, sclera Welcome Be.' turn. Ocean Ileraidi and Wm T Andenritd, were inibe roadstead yesterday, bat left during the night. Wind southwest. Tours, &o BHP VEILEGIRJPH • 1 (Correspondenee of the Philadelphia "Exchange ) Oars Laurin, July 1-0 90 P The barque' Charles D Lex, for Port au Prince, and Dublin, for Salem, went to eel this morning; A . brig and several ochre have gone in during the day. Wind north—weather fine. Years, ko, TIIOO. 111, HUGHES. ITIT TRUMAN' TO TOO PRIM] Nun? Yong. July 1. Arrived, ship Orotarlo, from Liverpool; Br chip Ana trails, am New Omni°, ling; brig Jolla Boynton Blya, from Port au Prince; schr Robin, from Gonaives. Below, ships Northern Chief, from Liverpool; Com promise, from do. POSTON, JIII7 1. Arrived, Br brig Conductor, from Palermo. MEMORANDA. irr'sea Holmes' Dole. Steamship Do'aware, Copes, hence at New York-yeti terday Steamship Keystone State, Marshman, hence at Charleston 28th tilt Steamship BOLURBiII Trautman, from Hamburg June 15, via tim thampton 181 h, at 5 P M, at Now Yore 30th ult. Dining the passage had westerly winds for 8 days, and fog nearly all toe passage. June 15, near Helgo land, spoke 13tottonhip Anatria. for timoburgi 28d. at 5 A. M, let 43 02, long 20 20, spoke Ilamb steamer Ham. monis, to. Hamburg; 26th. let 45 40, long 45 14, Br ship Arran, of Glasgow, from Quebec, bound E; 20th. lat 41. 40. long 0548, Br ship Alliance, from Newoastle for N York. Steamship Oily of Baltimore, Lena/468R0 front New York yesterday for Liverpool. Stearnehip Saxonla, for Hamburg, sailed Creel N York yesterday. • Ship Eagle Wing, Worth, for San Francisco, cleared at Now York yesterday Ship Superior, Soule, from Liverpool, at New York yesterday Ship Wm Chamberlain, Sherman, for New York, was at Calcutta May 7. Ship Morning Glory, Hobbs, from Callao, at Stllelenn Roads 10th alt, and nalted 1 tb for London fillip Sac Nymph, Windsor, from Akyab, at Falmouth 17th ult for orders. ship Scotland, Burt, from Callao for London, passed Deal 17th nit. ....Ship Silver Star. Wade, cleared at New York yester day *organ Francisco Ship shamrock, Deane, for Philadelphia, was In the river, Liverpool pith alt, outward bound Ship Star of the West, Mmtimond, for New York, en tered for 1004104 at Lbralmool nth ult. Ship bleu (Breen, new, 918 tone) Poppe, cleared at Bal.ituore yeetord.y for Bremen Fhlp 'Elwood Walter, Maloney, for Aden, cleared at Llierpool 18th ult. Barque Western Sea, Taylor, cleared at Wilmington, 0, 30th alt for Rio de Janeiro, with lumber. Barque Powhatan, Simmons, called from Newport 18th ult. for Trieste: Barque Crinrad Salsbury, from Richmond, remained at Pernambuco 20th May. discharging. Bargee Ann E Gmut, Nelson, from itiohmond, sailed from Pernambuco 19th May for liable, with part of in Ward cargo. Barque Gem, Hammond, cleared at Boston 30th ult. for Philadelphia. Brig Wm W Illeoti, Farrell, heats, woe discharging at Pernambuco 20th May. Brig Mat •13Z311, Matthews, hence, arrived at Newbury port 29th nit lg Sarah Elizabeth, /Mynas, hence, arrived at 1300- ton lath • Brig Cadiz, (lir) Dole, from Obarent, arrived at New York yesterday. Brig David Darrell, Tabbutt, from St John, NB, at N York yesterday. Brig Sur,ka, Daley, galled from Boston 80th tilt. for Philadelphia. Brig Ortolan, Matthews, hence, arrived at Ports mouth 28th ult., Slam Old Zack. Bowen, and W Spear, Jones, hence at Richmond 30th ult. Sclera Mary Miller, Lawn, and Allan Downing, Robin son. hence at Portland 80th tilt Bohr Mary Elizabeth, Modary, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Sable H el Wright, Fisher, Kate Kallaban, bunco, and Minerva r fronr Delaware City, airrred at 11 Haven 30th Mt. ftehr John Jones, for Brandywine, salted from New Haven 30th ult. Behr Commander in -Chief, Martin, hence at New Bedford 3 , th ult. Bohr Amanda, .121gey, cleared at New York yesterday for Philad-lphia. Fehr .Corbulo, Christle, hence, arrived at New Ydrk yesterday. Behr • W B White, Montgomery, for Philadelphia, sailed from Hartford 29th nit. Behr W L linrrougha, Jencks, for Bremen, cleared at Savannah 26th alt. Schr Frank A Hall, Cain, hence, arrived at Charles tou 28th ult, Solna Eliza Elkinton, Naylor. and Isaac Rioh. Smith, called from Newburyport 29th alt for Philadelphia Sabra Cornelia, littasetl, and Larkin, Uhurbuck, benoe at hew Bedford 29th ult. Bohr .5 L /1 Waive, Williams, hence at Savannah 27th Inst. Pchr Ida D Rodgers, Rodgers, was loading at Matan zas /7th nit for Philadelphia. Sallie Sally flay and 19 1. Cogswell, for Philadelphia, were loading at tdentuegoa lint most Pchr Ware, Tough, cleared at Baltimore yesterday for Philadeiphia. Behr/ Hill Carter, Fisk. Reporter, Berry, and Eliza beth Davidson, Long, hence at Boston 'nal ult. Was Harriet A Dogma, hence, and A 11 Brown, En dicott, from Delaware City, at Fall River 29th ult. Sabra Lillie Saunders, Corson, T Benedict. Hold smith, and Ban Lute, Ketchum, hence at Providence 29th ult. Behr, John Fornum,liaker, and Goo F Brown, Dukes, sailed from Prot Nehru 29th tilt, for thitt port Sabra 8 WaslebUrn, Thrasher, and b L ()pecker, Pres, bray, hence at Taunton 28th ult. Propeller Mara, Nichols, cleared at New York yesterr day for Obiladelphis. FOREIGN PORTS At Mataniaa 7noe 17, ships lllin Mallory, Gwynn, for Falmouth, E; Chevalier. Knight, do; Sparkling Wave, Nand' do; barques David Nichol', I,llla, diacbg; La Ciguena, Saigent. wtg; W 0 Alden, --, do; Andes. Merryman, do; 61 B Harriman. Davie, do; brigs Eudora, Adaine, ;labs Oarulou) do; Albatroa, duiall, do; 81 Thompson, Partridge, do; Eureka, Gilkey, for Balti mato in 4 day"; A B Cook. Oreenlaw, do do; Kooks, Treat, for Ness York, lag; rcbra J W Miner, Berry, do do; Heyward, Sheer, 'or Charleston, do; Kato Bolen, Dyer, wtg; Americo", Walter, dischg. Old from do 16th, barque Diligence, Young, Portland; 10th, barque In dian Belle, Janney, Cardenas. to load for New York. DOMESTIC PORTS NEW YORK, July I—Ar, ship Isaac 8011. Johnson, London and Ports.oeutb; barque Gem of the Bum, Mil ler, Alroelra May 7; since posing the Azores bad no thing hut light wes , erlr win , * and calms; has been westward or the Banks 26 days, in calms and thick fogs. Juno 23,1. lat 41 30, long 6312, new a line of battleship standing to the N and W. Dutch echr Jacob; Van der Plan. Amsterdam. Also arrived, ship Christina, Owens, Liverpool; barques Juno. (Olden) Ilene. Bremen ; • King John, Brnokbauk, Neweastioi Pathfinder, h, Smyrna; hcaraval, Or fling, liarbadoor; brigs Loch Lomond. Preen, Cardenas; 'drabs', Colley, Sagua; ochre Jame Gone, tipregu, flab ti more; steamer Laledonis, Gager, Baltimore, via N rfolk CI I. ship City of Brooklyn, Robinson, Ft Stephen; barque Wm Henry Young Bagged Island; brigs B Ames, Bartlett, Marseilles; Norfolk, Emery, Portland; Geo Stockholm, Giles, Trinidad; 'elm Sarah Elizabeth, riwift, New Haven; Howard, Laurence, New Orleans; P Latterly, Cooper, Charleston; Lady Antrim, it.yman Edenton. liMlifilES'S HOLE, Tune 28, PM—Ar ache Tulle E Ibithiray. Matanzan far Poefluid; Inymmble, Aodgdon, Philadelphia fur Usurers. Sailed brigs W 0 Clark, Moulton; seta Centurion, Lizzie Taylor, It P rhase. J 8, rolorado, Rubi. co., poem Squall, Moonlight, Richard Thompson, John EI I,ll.mts, and Tale B. Pass.d by, brig May queen, Morton, from Cardenas for Portland. 20th—Ar and Railed, achconera Revenue, Oortion, and B B Wbeeter, Corson, Philade.phos for Hector; Lerner tine, Grattan), Georgetown, I) 0, for Weymouth; Union, Face, Baltimore for Portia' d; Altoira Ann, (flee, Chick anominy lilver, Va, for Blth. ' Alen silted ach Invincible. 30th 8 A 31—No art iyals; no vessels in poll BOsTON. June 30—Arrived br atestnr Arabia, Stone, Liverpool; ship Hesperus, Lewin, do; Br , borque Ora tor, Manning, Alexandela, Egypt; brig Manzanillo, Donning, MatSMIS. Telegraphed—Barcia, from Mansanilla Shtp Tropic, which arrived yesterday from Havana, has been ordered to quarantine on account of Macon". C . eared—Steamer urops, Ltlitch, Live. pool via Hal ifax; ship Zme.ANella, St John, N B, to load for Eng land; barque 'Nashua, LOWil, Baltimore; brigs Madeira, Olson, Port Spain; Dirlgo, Brookings, Cumberland Harbor; golden Lead, Johnson, N 0; Winyaw, Wyman, Baltimore. Salloa—Cteamer Europa, (at 12 15;) brim Winyaw, Northman, Dirigo, Ma Abel Dutch, Madeira and °them BALTIMORE, Juno 30th—Art. barque lonic. Curtin. Elnntar am; brig Seguin, Nelson, Charleston; ache Slay- Dower, Strong. Pensacola.—Brig Mary Farrow, Coombs, Banton; ochre Samuel, Jones West Indies, via Norfolk; Oen Mersey, Sprague, Baldric. Arr 1 t Inat—Rehrelnstina Handel. ' , Maroon, °WON' ton; Ontario. Lamborn, Newt. N 0; M 0 Duthie. Hall. Fill Hirer. Clearo4-43 hie Martha, Baxter, Boston; Boa Gull, Rowland, Providence. Sailed—Brig Mary Farrow, Coombs. Boston; ochre Samuel, Jones, West Audio' via Norfolk; Gen liersey, Sprague. Boston 011ABLETION, June 25—01 d. Alpe Antoniota, IMie, Parcel , na; Buena. Johnson, Liverpool; Span polacre Manuel' Bamentol, Barcelona Id OillLi, June 25 -Old, ship Tronalden, Curtis, Li• verpool; sehr hllnob.%h Segar, Paoli, Boston NEW ORLEANS, Juno 24—01 d. ships Constitution, Higdon. Liverpool; ilolyrood, Jordan, do; Ham brig Atalanta, Weseuburg. do; Br echo Commerce. Parsons, Jamaica and other markets; Sabra Penny, Wicks, New York; Emellue Ilaight, Batch. do. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, OP TO ONE CVOLOOK TIIIB MORNING. GLEAM) HOOSE—Obeatnnt street. below Ninth. John Neste, Ps Lieut SiPleven, Li it N 0 W Tillinghlet Troy, N Y 3 F Phillips, Providence, JII !Inagua, Hartford. et It Island Wm K Bond, Olocinustl, 0 Mimi Easterbrook, Mass It U Williamson, Va W II Odlorne, Boston A 011nuire & fain, Boston llobt Sherrard. Jr, Ohio Wm T Her•ty, Nor elk, Vs Mice 'l' 0 Hardy, Norfolk, If es JSt Worrell, Norfolk, Virginia Virginia S If Pratt, Boston ' 0 J Banker NY • Mies R A Lawmen; Heading j sJonea Je. lady, Dalt Mra B ugh. N 17 Alexander Velem. N Y 111 Perez N Y Mrs M 1., Shields, Memphis, Wm S Shields, Mempble, Tenn Tenn N B Day, N Y J ril Doe, N Y II lil Doe, N II T II edger. St Louis Mrs F W Bynum, Ala Miss lit W Huston, Ala Dr N J Huston, Ala Ii A Dtuferth, Ye N P Waxer, Ind John A Graham & Non, Mt bliss Tracy, Mt Savage Savage John Brough 1,, N Y _Chas M Welcot, N Y Mrs Ritter. N Y 'Mice A Ritter. N Y Miss A Dame. N Y ' "TlFllorker. Richmond, Va Jobe Lava, N.Y Vedg jteot t, N Y Dr Penton. London J Legcraft, N Y Theo G Meier, St Louis II A Brink & wife. Balt hire J P WI d Balt A Boyd, Lebanon II P White N 0 l'' SI Neil, NJ Wru Montgomery, Coon . . m J Atwood, Pottsville B li Book Ps Bent Ihrie and lady, Nod. "- 31r Swift. Haan ton, Pa II 0 Knight N Y 0 8 Clark, N y F Liviugaton, N Y, II Heald and child, Milt Afra.D;cker.oa, It I K 0 Gardner. Raid:Mlle 0 0' Bryan, Nashville W P Iddlngs. Balt 8 T Bacon, Boston E 7 Pringle. Ban PrallOiNCO 13 A, Turpin, N Y 0 W Beardsloe. It Louis Miss Ifeardideo, St Louis II E Brown, Balt Fi 13 Early and wilh,Tialt Mrs T II Marshall, 8 0 Miss A J Goddard 8 0 .1 P Marshall, 8 C 8 El Levering and wife, Balt Tiro W II Wright., Balt Met Denselev, Balt 0 filehosho ourh N Y ... _._. .THE • PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULY 2 AMERIOAN , HOPRL—Olsestant street, above Fifth. J . It Shreve: N J Jao M W Webster, England A Comley, Deyton, 0 W J Drummond, Petersb'g, WA , Pendell, Washington Va Lieut Plt Pendell, 'Neaten F P Emerson, Va - Is 0 Kennedy, Va ' W D Cooper, N Y anol Oooper,- N Y il N Henson & la, Mass J 0 Moxwell, N Orleans RD Maxwell, N Orleans E Ryan, Del ' Henry Lower, N Y 1 II Bishop; N J - J . 8 Williamson, NJ . t , JEt Levis & la, N I Alex. Weiss, Weissporti Pa L Hakes,ya UNION HOTEL—Arab street. iselow Fourth. Id Parry, Bristol, Pa 0 Halos, Bristol, Pa B McFarland, Lafayette, Benjamin Haywood, Potts- Indiana villa, Pa Col It Radcliffe, Tamaqua, George Johnson, Beaver Penns - Meadow Pa Thornton Smith, Reading, TII Hooch, Centre. Pa Penna. JSilliman, Pottsville .7 8 Carter. Tamaqua, Pa Thee N Patterson, lictruyl- A Griffis, Hancock, r Y kill 00, Pa WM. M. MOKM&N. NATIONAL HOTEL—Ratio street. above Third. Henry Russell, Easton, P 3 O B Cotter, ilarrlstairg,Pa Ira F Geusell, Doyleatown, David .7 Carey, Denville, Ponoa Peoria RI ae Rees, lauwy, Pa T V Rhoade, Allentown, Appleback, Atlantic Penna City W F Voute, Pottsville, Pa Aug LlJonea & wife, Balt MADISON EOM. Second street, above Market. A B Tomlinson, Princeton, F NY Mink, St LOMB N 1 n 0 Kirk, Seararneeto,Dal 8 0 Hopkins, Del Semi Heine & Is, Somerset BA. Hare, tomerset co, Pa or, Pe 3 Variant, Phil% BLACK DEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. W 7 Kirk, Juniata co, Pa P Llndekugle, Tnlonville, 8 8 Ramo & la. Pa Pa - . . II 8 Evans &Eon W Chester Miss 8 Brans, F,' Chester S Augeo, West Chester Jos Brown, Md Amos spencer. Md ll 11. Oheyhey, Chester co, W P Rambo, Chester co, Pa Pa L nten hla,Ohestor °e t re J W Caldwell, MA W L James, West Chester J Devoe, West Cheater BLACK DEAR HOTEL—Third, above CallowhUl. Abraham Buckman, Feu. John Richman, Bonthamp torvillo ton Poser Steinel, Reading Thos Jacobs, Pa H dopier, Pa BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third etreut, ab. Oallowhill John A Deed, Bethlehem W Eeterlin, Pa Jos Hollin, Pa S P Williams. Becks co,Pa Beall rotors, Bucks co, Pa Jos Bauman, Lehighton,Pa BARLEY BIIHAP 110TZL—Seeond street, below Vine. Wm Welob. Nestor!, PA J JJubeston, N W C Warlord, Dopleetovat J L Lovett, Pucka co, Pa. Mize While, Pa Wm Antlered% Bucks co, 31ce w Str & eetdo, .11acke oN . Goia a WI, r, Horse Tamer.-3nmuel Emmons wlll remain in this city one week longer, by request of big friends, and ho will teach a dos or club of his powor and akin over a woll•known and vicious horse, on WEDNESDAY, the 30th, and SATURDAY, the 3,1 of July, for the last Unto, at Madame MINNA'S RIDING SCHOOL, Arch street, above Broad Predrively lila but week in thia City. 110 will tame tho meet TiCiOUS horse that can be produced, free of charge. For further information, In quire at the school. )yl-2t* Singer's Sewing machines.—Mter n fair trial of the several machinee that have yet been offered to the public, the unanimous verdict of operators has been given in favor of Singer's. This is, in fact, the only machine capable of performing every kind of sowing. SINGER'S NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE is, beyond all question, the most complete article for family nee yet Invented, being at once ornamental, easily operated, and importer, in every respect, to any other machine. On thia statement we challenge the world.. I. M. SINGER & CO., je7-6m 011 ice, No. 602 CIIESTNUT Street. Consumption of the Blood, or Am:pmts.—ln this common and dangerous disease, the blood loses its vitality, ceases to nourish the system, and to stimulate the organs to healthy activity. The Protoxide of Iron, in the PERUVIAN SYRUP, supplies the deficient element, sod the blood receives new life, with a con. sequont restoration of the bodily vigor, the return of appetite, and the hue of health. jo2S•6td ltw The Great Trial of Jules lifauel's Enu Athe mama on HAIR lb:mum—A number of ladies and gontlomen having bald heads or gray hairs are invited to test the efficacy of Jules llauet's Eau Athentenne or Hair Restoror, for causing a new growth where baldness exists, and restoring gray hairs to their original 11h color, brilliance and softness. It is not a dye, is easily applied, and Is perfectly harmless. It will be given, free of charge, to all who apply personally at the office and Laboratory of Jules Hanel & Co., No. 704 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, between the hours of two and three o'clock P. M. ju2B.dUt wit 0 de Bakers 0111.8131LITZD FAMILY EIRWINO MACHINES, 780 OTIESTNUT STREET. These Moo/lima arc now Justly admitted to be the beet In axe for family sewing, making a new, Oren, and etruitlo stitch, which will Nor rip, even If every fourth stitch bo out. °lronton lint on application by letter. ap9.y Jackson, JOB PRINTER, FIPTIT AND 01.11:STN17T. Ohecke, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill nOSAP, Cir culars, Verde, and ail other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to colt the times. 0017-ly Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of Second street. Receives de posits In sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all Ousel; of the community, and allowa interest at the rate or five per cent. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon. day sud Saturday until 9 le the evening. President, Precklin Yell; Treasurer and Secretary, Oharlea St Mortis. , Bower's Infant Cordial.--This Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the moat choice and ediciout aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infanta and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy care Is effected in all cues of Chair., windy pains and epsomo. Bellevei and mitigates much of children's suffering daring dent' Lion or teething, and by ita soothing properties tran utilises palms of the bowels, looseneca, vomiting, ke. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been need In thoneands of cases with the moat abundant scones. No family should be without It. Prepared only by mratay A. BOWKR, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. B. corner of Sixth and Green ate., To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by 'Druggists generally. an 18-17 Saving Fond.—Five Per Cent/ Intermit.— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received in any sum, large or small, and Intermit paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The investments are made in Real Notate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such Bret-olass securi ties as th charter requires. Office boom, from 0 o'clock in the morning until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, ad on Malay and Thursday evenings until 8 o'clock. feel Strauss & Pict. 300 Market street above Third, Wholesale dealers in CLOTHING, aro now selling off their entire stook at Retail, at wholesale prices. ja.4-I,n By Ho Rev Genrge Chandler, on the evening of the 29th ult., Dlr. IV3I. RPROUL. to Bliss CATRARINR ENIB. On the 211111 ult., at (Annum, by Rev ]S. A. Daßm. pin. D. D., Dn. A J. DALBYMPLE, of Baltimore, to NAOMI, daughter of Johu L. Pathsroore, Eng , of Phil adelphia Oa the 20th ult., at the M. F Parsousgo, No. 1823 Callowhi I street. by Ito• J. Meredith, Mr. FIIED , K. IIaMBRIO II r, of Psulaborough, N J., to Mice EMS, MAR LOOK, of Olarksoorough, N. J. On the 60th ult., THOMAS JOHNSTON, aged 60 year's IlSs relatives and friends aro respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hie aunt. sr ar earet ()reborn No 300 Catharine street, above Third, 'his (Friday, afternoon, at 4 o'clock. To proceed to Machpelah Cemetery. 0., the 80th u‘t., riADELII7, wife of Patrick Keenan, in the 20th year of her age. The relatives and Mende of the family aro respect• fully invited to attend the funeral, from her husband's residence, No 711 Park street, above Washington Square, below Walnut, ihla (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, without further notice To proceed to Cathe dral Cemetery. Oa the 30,h ult OATIIAIIINS, wife of Mr. Wil liam Mclivalu. and daughter of the late He, rge and Mary Ulmer, aged 24 y-ere. Alen, WILLIAM, Eon of Wm. and Catharine Mcllvalia. aged es weeks. The relatives and friende of the Wail are respect fully loci ed to attend the funeral, from the residence, of her husband, No. 610 Paul atroet, above Washing ton, thin (Friday) afternoon. at 6 o'clock On the 30th ult., JOHN KAINE, in the 38th year of his age The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, corner of St. John and Poplar streets, Ma (Friday) afternoon, at 8 o'clock. Te proceed to Mt. Michael's, On the 20th ultimo, ELLEN MrLOSIcRT, aged 94 ye are. The friends and relatives of the faintly are respect• folly invited to attend the funeral, from her sons' rest dence,Charles and Hugh SicLoakey.Beventeenth street, below Callowhi th R (Friday) afternoon at 4 o'clock To proerol to the Cathedral Cemetery On the 29th ult , atter a short ilium, MICHAEL McDONOUOU, in the oath year of his age. The friends and them* of the family are respectfully It/voted to attend his funeral, from the residence of his sou, .1. E McDonough, No. 1221 North Eleventh street, thin (Friday) no ruing. at 9 o'clock, without further notice. Funeral to proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery. ttr On the 30th ult.. In the 07th year of her age, Mrs. ANNA CIERTBUDE KOEUELINO. . - MIT relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the tetanal, from the residence of her daughter, Mre. Willielining. D. Darras, 1013 Olive street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 4' o'clock, Without further no• tire. On the 130th ult , EDWARD W. GRAY, Hon of the late Captain Richard and Mary Ann Gray The relatives and friends of the fondly are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hie brother-in. low, Joseph II fledges, No. 707 Poplar street, above Seventh, on Filthy morning ; at 11 o'cteek. . . . On the 30th ult., THOMAS 81611.10 N, in the 60th year of hie age. His male relatives and friends are respectfully invi ted to attend hie funeral, from his late residence, No. 020 Hoe street, on Sunday morning, J euy 4 at 8 &arch, without further notice. To proceed to Woodlawn ce metery ** Operial Notiteo. 4larnafteo Erienttle uo Post Office, Philadelphia, July 1, 1858. PORIIIGN MAIL will be made up at 'this Office, TO-MORROW, (Ptiday,) cloning at 8 O'clock P. M.. to be deepatehed for LIVERPOOL, by eteamehip " Vanderbilt," on Saturday, 3d inst. GIDEON WESTCOTT, JO2•It Poatemater ag. Office of the Fruntiferdrund bouthwurk PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENNER RAIL WAY COMPANY, Corner of QERMANTOWN ROAD and CHATHAM Street. PIIILADELPECIA, July lst, ISM The Board of Directors have declared' a Dividend of EIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Com pany, payable to the Stockholders or their legal repre sentatives after the 10th Instant, at this Office. The Transfer Books of the Company will he closed from and after this day until the 16th inst. Stockholders are requested to leave their Certificates at this Office to be exchanged for others with the new title of the Company. jys.f mwlst E. HART, Treasurer. Ifitshinll.73W, theeChrltdan Pat;lot THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIA TION of Philadelphia will assemble at JAYNE'S HAW , at 10 o'clock on MONDAY MORNING, 6th inst., to observe our NATIONAL ANNIVERSARY as an occa9ien for THANRSGIVING, PRAYER, and EXHORTATION. FOR TRANRSCIIYINO, In view of spiritual nn well an civil bicasings, vouchsafed to our common country. FOR PRAYER, that these bleseinga may ho con tinued to uc 41.8 a Nation, and especially that the reli gious aw akening in which wo now rejoice may be con tinued, increasing in power and Influence. The cxerciaes will be quite of a divoisitled and varied clierneter. Christians of every Evangelical denomination, and of every profession, and Young Monis Chriatian All9oCill lions of neighboring cities and towns, aro cordially in vited to unite in this demonstration of the pois or of Christian union. Let their hi, such a gathering on thin occasion as ban never been witnessed within the Hall, endeared no it is to the friends of Christ by so many tender and de lightful associations. Clergymen are requested to occupy the platform. Ladies xpeetally Invited. J. 9, CUMAIINCS, Committee THOMAS TOLMAN, of jy2.2t J. M. DUTTON, Arrangements. Office of the Mayor of the City of Phl. LADELPIIIA Juts lnt 1858 PROCLAMATION-FOURTII OF JUI.Y Public attention is hereby directed to the Laws and Ordinances respecting the firing of Guns, Pistols, Clackers, Squibs, Rockets, Chasers, and the like, vi Mai are by law probibi ed. It la hereby enjoined upon all good citizens to refrain from any breach of the Laws and Ordinances relating to firing off gunpowder in any form whereby the lives and property of citizens and the public peace are en dangered. By order of the Mayor. jv2-at • W. J. P. WRITE, Mayor's Clerk. Chestnut 1111( and Cheltenham Roll- ROAD COMPANY.—An election for a President and twelve Directors of the Chestnut Util and Cholien. ham Railroad Company, to serve until the second Mon day in January ' A. D. 1819, will be he'd at the Compa ny's Depot Building, Germantown, on Tam. DAY, July 16, 1868, nth) o'clock A. 61. CHARLES WEISS, JOSHUA COMLY, Committee ENOCH REX, J. LIGHTFOOT, Sacretarr. 19/.3t* UnituAsTowx, June 19, 1868. Untverstty of Ferineylvunio—Depurt. NIENT OF ARTS.—The Annual Commence ment. for conferring Degruea in the Arts, will be held on FRIDAY, the second ley c of July, in the MUSICAL FUND HALL. The procession will leave the College Rail at 10 o'clock A. M. 'rho Reverend Clergy . , Judges of the United States and State Courts, the Mayor of the City, Select and Common Councils, the Board of Directors and President of Girard College, the Panel pal of the Central high School, the Candidatea for the Degree of Master of Arte, other Graduates of the Uni versity, and the Public generally, are invited to attend. No tickets required, OEORtiE ALLEN, je29.4t Secretary of the Faculty of Arte. TrOftlee of the .Kruukturel wed Aou,hwark PIIILAD t'LPIIIA CITY PASSENGER RAIL ROAD COMPANY, (lAte..Pkiladelphia and Delaware River Railroad Company) NOTICE —The Conpens of the Mortgage Banda' of thle Company, becoming due on the first day of July neat, will be paid at the counter of the Girard Bank. je2l3-5t E If AR C, Treasurer. fix Commercial Mutant Insurance Com. PANY.—A Meeting of the Stockholdere of this Company will be hold at their Office, in rear of No. 218 WALNUT Street, on T.UURSDAY, July 8. 1868, at 11 o'clock t. Al. JOLLA BIoCOLLONI, J024-t)yB Secretary. ur Philadelphia, June 24th, 1558.—An Election for Directors of the ri MUTUAL DE. POSIT INSURANeggp,ASNOCIATION O 1 PHILA DELPHIA," to semi Hie ensuing year, will be held at the Office of the Secretory end Tr.asurer, B. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Streets, on MONDAY, July bth, 1858, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P.M. WM. MARTIN, Jx., Je24-10t Secretary and Treasurer. Notuto riIHE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE AN- A. NUITY AND TRUST COMPANY OF Plink DELPHIA. Tt7NR 30, 1-58. The Managers have this day declared a dividend of FOUR PER CE' T. on the Capital Stock, for tho last sic mouths, payable to the Stockholders, clear of tho State tav, on demand. jyl-st* JOHN F. JAMES, Actuary. NOTICE TO AROIIITE 'TS.—In purau £l once of a resolution adopted by the Monument Commissioners, at a meeting, at Harrisburg, on the 13th instant, flans, Speriticottone, end Estimates are invited for the erection of a MONUMENT to the memory of citizens of Pennsylvania who lost their lives in the into War with Mexico. The cost of which Is not to exceed the sum of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Communications on the subject of plans, &e,, to be addressed to the (taverner, at Harrisburg, prior to the let of July. Proposals received froth July 1 until Au gust 4,185 g. Persons furnishing Pions will plcaan rend their I:Mi litates under sent, av theys ill be for the uso of the Cold mi.sinner. only. For the Platt which may ho adopted a premium of Two Hundred Dollars will be allots ed. By order of the Conundisionerx. JOHN W. GNARY, tleceetary 51ny 14, 1858. jy1.41 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT N aPPlieation hna been mode to the Trustera ni the Aire Argnointion for the renewal of policy of Insurance itooted in the name of JOHN MURRAY, on the Otto day of December, 1847, N 0.11.992. for 01,500, and by him transferred to JOHN 51000 Y, December 6, 1851, noel by Lim transferred on the same date to CATHARINE ItANKEN, which policy boon lost or mibleitl. Any information thereto! will he teceivel by _ 4011 N AfaCOY, jaa-w• f ni. m 311 niad 313 South FRONT Street riCOTICE.-AN ELECTION FOR SEVEN DIRECTORS of the MONTOUR IRON COMPANY, to ABM during the onsulug year, will be held on SA TURDAY, the thirty-Beet day of July next, betweeu the hours of twelve o'clock M., and one o'clock P. M., at the La Pierre Rotel," la the city of Philadel phia, Permaylyania. je3o•t,b3i T. 31. BRYAN, Ja., Secretary. DIVIDEND.—NEW ORLEANS GAS LIGHT COMPANY.—FARMERS' AND ME CHANICS' BANK, PIW./Dl4l.PlIt 4, Inn° 2A, WA. The Directors of the Nov Orteana Gals Light Com pany hat'e declared a smiii•annual dividend of five per cent., 'payable at this Dank, to the Philadelphia Mock holders, Utter the lirat day of Job next. W. RCIBUTO,N, Secretary. WING's FARINA QRAVURS.—The remarkable excellence nn. great popularity of these Crackers haye attracted the attention of those manufacturing other deseriptioll9 Of Crackers, and many of these permit's buy WINO'S CBACKERS, in order to , tupply their customers with Farina Crackers. 0110 or two linlividnak however, hasp been offering the ordinary kind, 'which they make under the name of Farina Crackers, and hese succeeded in selling them to a small extent. The selling of such Crackers for Torino hog a tow. IiCtICY to injure the reputation of TRUE FARINA ORACKhItS, mode by Mr WING. Errors of this charaeter, however, , are usually cor rected on being properly exposed. No other Person has ever succeeded In working the material for varina Crackers, or producing any article which contains such highly nutritious and healthful properties as W I N O`S. WING'S CRACKERS hays a delightful taste, act hindly upon the stomach, and are digested with remark able ease. For dyspeptics or the aged, as well as seden tary and delicate persons generally, they are most ac ceptable, and peculiarlypleasant for children. Ask for WING'S CRACKERS, sod take none but those stamped with the name of " A. WING.' These may he procured of the test family Grocers generally, nod at wholcaale only of A. N. Thompson & Co., Nos. 221 and 223 Fulton street, New York, or DIN GEE & liftoTllsll, Wholesale Agents, No. 145 South FRONT Street, Philad'a. For the convenience of purchasuro, w•o gi e the noises at soul of our Loot ❑rovers who sell them : PILILADVILPIII.I. Andel POTI & Dunlap ..... ...No 1616 Lombard et. R. & T Atm0re...........1000 Buttonwood it. James Aahbrook Cor Second owl Queen stm . . . , It Block N 0 1730 Cite tout et. K. Black No 1700 Market at. Thompson Block No 20; outs lirmd st James K. Bowman No 052 North 17th st No 164.1 (Ince st. ..... No 269 North Ficth st B. & B. Boyd M. b. Burt.. Cor Eleventh and Pine lite tor Ninth nod Loeuet ste. thigh Brady...." M. C. Ilronn .- . . W. Campbell No 041 I'llll3 at. Wm. Campbell & C0......C0r Eleventh & Market ate Jams W . Campbell No 'doo Walnut lit. SllllOll Colton No 1400 Walnut It. Johu Devine No 1602 Market at. Jainee Dobbins‘...No Itia: Market at. J. M. Ellie S. Boit ~,,, . ...Cor Ninth and Op Carden. Edgard Friel Cor Ninth and t•lp Garden: . . Henry Flo)d Coe S Twelfth and Lombard Gordon & r ergusun Cor a ineteenth and Market David al. Graham ....Greeil ' car Sixth at. Thomsa Graham Cur tilxth and Cherry. Graham & Marlin No 1035 Market street. Samuel W Gray ...... ....No 352 S Fit teouth at. Frtateriek Grubb Car Eleventh and Coates at Samuel Hayes Car Eleventh and Walnut. Jahn More .. Cur Second and Lombard. William C. Johnston Cur 13th and Girard ay. It. & B A. Love Seventh and Brown eta. . Mc 'ar liv Tenth, cor Georgo at. a., &R. Met/toes. Nu 119 iN (pall Second A. C. it. Mattson Car Tenth and Arch etc Win. L. Maddock di Co No 11.5 South Third at. W. It. McKinley Clermant'n it and Jefferson Samuel Moan Paul end Seventh sta. Jahn Mooro Pine, above Ninth at. Francis Morris Car Tooth and Shippen sts John O'lltien Christian and Fowler sts. John 11. Parker kloventh and Market sta. Wm. Perlin, Jr ...... ....Twelfth, cor Chestnut st. Phillnlt. Purdy No 10 Walnut at, Thomas It Patton Locust, car Thirleonth at. Samuel Itraterh Sixteenth end Pine eta. Samar) hi. Ross Car So.ond and Moan sts. Albert G. Roberta ...... ....Eleventh, car Vine ht. Robert Italatou Thirteenth and Girard ay. Samuel Ross Second rind Noble sta. Andrew Sproule Cor Marshall and Coates. Morris F. SORB, Car Eighth and Arch sts. Jeremiah t. tarr Cur Fifth and Merchant uta Wm. C. Stevenson No 712 South Second at. Joshua Wright Cur Sp Garden A Franklin J. 11. Whirler Car Third and Lombard air John 11. Went or .. 1 / 4 C 0...... Cor Second and Pine stir. t:crowx jabez (Barg & Bro. ME= Wlll. Dock, Jr 0111I.LINuTON, N. J. F. IL Bur Pnge h 'Morning wed•ll tl SUN UMBRELLAS, /,A-DIRIS AND Ci 311-NTLEINT Minittfoetured and for sale, wholinale and tot/111, by WM. A. BROWN S CO., 1858. eropartitership Ne Lino. T)ISSOLUTION. —The Copartnership hero tact° existing between the subscribers, under the firm of ABBOTT, JOHNES, & Co., Is this day dissolved by limitation. Either of the undersigned will attend to the settlement of the business. REDMAN ABI3OTT, • GEORGE W. JOHNES, WILLIAM. R. FLEMING, WM. H. BERRY, GEO. J. GROSS, Will. T. WILCOX. PUILADELPUIL, ,lunuSO, MS. COPARTNERSIIIP . The undersigned hoes this day formed a Copartner• ship, for the transaction of the Wholesale Silk Goods business, under the firm of ABBOTT, JOHNES, A: 00. REBMANN ABBOTT, GEORGE W. JOHNEB, WM. lE. BERRY, GEO. J. GROSS WM. T. WILCOX, WM. H. BURLEY. PIIILIDELPIIII, July 1, 1858. Jy2.3t fISSOLITTION.—The firm of JOHN FREDERICK & CO. is this day dissolved by mu tual ce..sent. Either of the partners is authorized to settle the business of the firm, at their late place of bu- AIIICSA, MO MARKET street. J. FREDERICK, C. hiILLERKIN. COPARTNIMSIIIP Tho undersigned hates this day formeda Copattnerehlp for the transaction of the WhAennlo Clothing buslneve, under the firm of JOHN FREDERICK Zs CO., at the old stand, 330 MARKET Street. JOHN FREDERICK, PETER FREDhUWK. Jots 1, 18513 ly2-It* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. -WIL LIAM GROSIIOLZ has associated with him PHILIP lIISCIIMANN, of Paris, under the name and firm of WM. O ROSIIOLZ & CO., fur the purpose ut n general Importing and Commission business. The Inedness in PARIS Is conducted by Ph. Ilischmann, rue do In Pompe, and in Philadelphia by William Gronholz, 31 STRAWBERRY Street. jya-ltie viATILLIAN S. LO WER & SON relinquish V V business this day in favor of the undersigned, who will continue the general Hardware trade, under the firm of ABBEY & NEFF, at the old stand, No. 300 North THIRD Street, GEORGE P. ABBEY, .101.1 N A. NEFF. PHILADELPHIA, Juno 30,1808. iyl-3t* DISSOLUTION.—The firm of SMITH & BINGO Is this day dissolved by mutual conneut. Either of the undersigned will attend to the settlement of the business. • li. J. MITE( & BROTRER, A. It. RINGO. CO-PARTNERSHIP - - _ Tho nuderaigneal have this day formod a ,Calartner. Chip, for the trauxaction of a general. PANOY Goons Job. Ling buainena, under the arm of IL J. 8511TII & Ma. TIIIIII. at the old stand, 1i0.28 Rath POURTU Street, Philadelphia. II ABNEY J. 8511ru, Jyl.3t* JONATIIAN H. Rani /IRE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE -5 existing between SAMUEL PARRISH and JOS. T. BRADSHAW, under the Srm of PARRISH BRADSHAW, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will to settled by either of the above-mentioned parties, at the northeast corner of THIRD and AR ell Streets, where the Wall and Window Paper busineae will be carried on by SAMUEL PAR RISH. SAMUEL PARRISH, jy.l.3tik JOSEPH. T. BRADSHAW ripHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED 1 a Co-partnership under the Brut of CARLYLE & EWING, for the importation and sale to the trade of Watch Mari - late, Tools, 0 Immo, &0., &c., at No. 30 South SIXTH Street. THOMAS J. CARLILE, Jyl-3t* CHARLES G. Plituor.LPuts, June 30, 1868. ATOTICE.—EDWARD B. WOLF has been I. admlttod to an Interest In our business from this date. L. do UROSUOLZ. Jtais 1, 1858. jy 1-Qt* MOTH/E.—We bavo this day opened a .11 house in New York, under the firm of OEORGE R. STUART & CO., end have taken the store No. 12 PARK i'LNOE, for the purpose of conducting the Im re/171AI° old Commission business in TOMOS AND DO MESTIC DRY 000D8. Coesigumente of Philadelphia manufactured goods Will receive attention. STUART & BROTHER. PHILADELPIIIS, July 1, 1858 fyl et CO -PARTNERSHIP.-W I L LIAM F. MURPHY, Counting-House Stationer and Blank- Book Manufacturer, No. 320 CHESTNUT Street, has associated kis sons with him in businesv. Being very thankful for the liberal patronage of the,public, we re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. We will still continue to keep a largo and genoral aupyly of Blank Books and Stationery, of the halt quality, and at the lowest prices. WILLIAM 'MURPHY, HARRY F. MURPHY, .Iyl-3tir CHARLES S. MURPHY. THE COPARTNERSHIP existingbetween A- SAIL. R. SEILPLEY and SPENCER IL. HA ZARD is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The business will be hereafter conducted in the name of PE3fiseRTON S. 11U i CIIINSON, who will transact a general Dry-Goods Commission business, at No. 108 CRESTNC C Street. PHILADELPHIA., July 1, 1858. jyl-2t MARPLE, MuCtitlßß, &CO. have this day dianolvoil, by mutual commit. Either of the perfume are authorized to use the name of the firm to Liquidation. The Boehm of the business will ho found with M. Sl. MARPLE, at No. 25 North VOURTIt St. 31. 31. MARPLE, T,. C. AIcOLORE, J. PATTON TIIO3IPSON. PuttaulNautit June 22, 1858. jyl-3t* IVOTICE.—The copartnership heretofore 11 existing between the suin.eribers, under the firm of It W. TINGLEY h CO., 114 this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The business will be settled by either of the partners, at 37 . South THIRD Street. BENJ. W. TINGLEY, CLEMENT TINGLEY, Jo., BENJ. TINGLEY. CLEMENT TINGLEY, , n ill continue the Stook Brokering business at 37 8. THIRD Street. July tat ' 183 o• fIOPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The un- VV have this day formed a copartnership, under the firm of TINGLEY, ENOLISII, k CO., for the transaction of a Domeatic Dry goods Commission huainess, at No. 28 South FRONT and 29 LF.TITIA Street. lIENJ. W. TINGLEY, ALFRED ENGLISH, .11ENJ. TINQLEY. July Ist , 1558. yyl-9t THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY entered into Co-partnership , seder the style or AUDnNRIED & RUMMEL, to carry on the COAL badness. J. T. AUDI:SHIED, JACOB M. HOMMEL. Plll4/DKLPIIZA, Juno 21,1858. UR E WILKESBARRE LEHIGH COAL, FROM THE MAMMOTH BALTIMORE VEIN.— This highly esteemed coal is now being introduced Into thin market by the subscribers, who have secured the exclusive control for its sale. In the Baltimore mar ket, where Oils Coal ban taken the procedeuce for the past twenty yearn, it is universally pronounced as deci dedly the brat FAMILY and STEAM COAL mined. We can therefore guaranty our customers universal satis faction. AUDENRIED & ROMMEL, CALLOWHILL-STREET WHARF, je2B-tf Delaware. riIHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED A. a copartnership under the style of FROTHINGUAM & WELLS, for the transaction of a GENERAL DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, and have taken the store No. 34 South FRONT Street and 36 LETITIA Street. THEODORE YROTIIINOIIAM, KIRK B. WRLLS PUILADHLPIIIA, .111110 int, lass. los time Imo cfla ofp FOR SALE OR TO LET.—A FUR- Walled COUNTRY RESIDENCE at TorriAlale, having a river front. ample stabling, supply of Ice, &c. Apply at 116 CIiESTNLT Street. Jyl-Iw MELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE, PRINCE LON, NEW JER SEY, FOR SALE OR RENT. A large and handsome brown-stone Residence situate In princeten, Now Jersey, with between 8 and 10 acres of land, in a high state of cultivation; a grapery ; kitchen garden in full cultivation; a young and thriving orchard, with every variety of fruit, suited to the climate ; a handsome lawn, laid out with taste and skill, awl comprising almost every description of erns mental shade trees. Till• house, built within a few years, is a first-class residence, of beat construction, with all the modern improvements, two furnaces, gas, water introduced, dt.c.; a superior STABLE AND COACII HOUSE, Ice House, and other outbuildings. iir-• THE FURNITURE, much of which is entirely now, and of the most elegant description, made by Le pinibre, will be disposed of on reasonable toms, to a person renting or purchasing the property, the owner going abroad For further particulars, apply to M. THOMAS k SONS, je24-thmit 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street. OFFICE TO—LET.—AN ELIGIBLE OF FICE for an Insurance Oompany, or similar nor poratlon, having three communicating room on the same floor, No. 22.1 WALNUT Btreot, above DOOR. Immediate possession given. Apply to JOHN 0. RIOTER, or TUiJMAB T. DUTCHER, N 0.112. Booth FOURTH Street, ruh9O-tuths-tf second story, front room. shg .A FURNISHED HOUSE IN THE country, within fivo minutes' walk of a railroad station, TO RENT. Carriage-house, stabling, variety of fruit, &e. Grounds vrll shaded, and latialtly lo cality Apply to 4333 WALNUT Strout, thin' door, from AA, M. to 2 1. M. Jo2B-Iw* i rm TO RENT.—Tho now four-storied iron Eta front STORE, No.lllo North THIRD Street, abore Race street, unit Ode for airy business. Terms easy. Apply at No. 427 VINE Street, from 9 to 10 A. M., and. from 2 to 3 P. M. je2B-64194 cm OFFICE ROOMS TO LET.—Three LElLbeautlful COUNTING ROOMS, (In Grigg's Fire- Proof Building,) on the second floor, front, No. 226 WALNUT Strout; suitable for insurance, or any other Companies needing communicating rooms. jol6-16tA JOHN GRIGG, 226 WALNUT Street. ►LET.-TUE UPPER ROONIS OF I. stores No. 327 and No. 333 MARKET Street, below Fourth. Apply on the prornloos, to M. L ILALLOWELL & CO , or jel4-tf OUILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. HIPPA KAPPA HATS.-50 dozen of them, beautiful Panama). just ree.ivi nice $2 (13, same as ususlly sold at nod and $3 GO, and no tnigiako. CHAS. LAING Sc. CO., jyl.3t d SIXTH and CiIIiSTSIIT Streets. 13rultstrn C A. KINGSBURY, M. D., DENTIST, Would Warm his friends that ho has REMOVED to 1119 WALNUT Street, above Eluveuth. Jet-Sin BLANOARD 11 0U S E r --BROAD WAY and TIVI O ,I,FTR Street, New York, re•opeued, eleg intl.) , furnished with every modern improvement. The location is 11‘..sitionable end healthy. The rooms are large and well ventilated. Ideate served at all hears, and ovary attention paid to the comfort of plats Transient board $2 per day. Per manent board at lower rates. Tho whole uudor the management of 0 J. AIACLEL• r. am lin fpd states Hotel, Philadelphia.) Retail Dry' NOTIOE 7 - WE WILL OFFER 017 R STOCK G-REATLY REDUCED PRIORS. Prortouo to closing tho Store for , ALTERATIONS AND EXTENSION, THOMAS W. EVANS & CO., Je3o-0t 818 and 820 CHESTNUT Street G REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF ELEGANT MANTILLAS. CLOSING SALES OF THE SEASON. REALIICIPURE MANTILLAS. . - FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS. PUSHER LACE MANTILLAS. FRENCH LACE CIRCULARS. BLACK DAREGE CIRCULARS. WHITE BAREGE CIRCULARS TRAVELLING DUSTERS, In profuse variety. J. W. PROCTOR & 00., J 029 No. 708 CHESTNUT street. LIIPIN'S WIDE WHITE BAREGES; for Shawls, Circulars, &c., by piece or yard. Black Silks, every grade, for Dresses and litsatillits. Grenadines and Baines. Organdies and Barege Robes. 6,009 pada mined Larolls atlo cents. 6,000 yards Bayadere do, do, 12% cents. 5,000 yards new style Lawns, at 12X cents. CHARLES ADAMS, je2B EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. I. RAVELLING DRESS MATERIALS NEW STYLES. Ottoman Poplins, Shepherd Plaid.. Bayadere Lumen, Oriental Lustree, &e. White and Printed Marseille., every pattern. Do. do. Brilliants. Summer Iloaiery and Gloves Shirt Bosonm . Eingle and in sets. Ducala, Chalßes, &c., reduced to clone out. Tarloton, for covering glassea. CHARLES ADAMS; je29 MOUTH and-ARCII. BLACK CANTON CRAPE, FOR MEN'S Coats and Yoga. Black Canton Silk Camblata. Striped and White Lutone. Do. and Checked Seereuckor. ztra flno buff and drab Liman. Drab Nankin Pongese. Yellow India and Breach:Nankeens. SECLEPUESS BROTHERS, j 0264 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH LACE• MANTILIAS.—Just riceivbd.from a New York auction sale, several small lots Lace Mantillas. Prices, from 85.60 to al. - , COOPER k OONARD, job 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET.' CHEAP SILK DUSTERS.—Now ,making up, fIOVIITaI pieces 811 k Into good styles Dusters, at 86 and $7. Also, Dusters, $l, $1.25, $1.60, 81.70;52, to sp. COOPERkCONARD, . "Ja26 - 8. E. earner NINTH and MARKET. fBB CENTS DTICALS.-Entire stock of 431 cents goods reduced to 18 cents. Ducal and Barege Robes, reduced; thin Black Goode, reduced. COOPER & CONARD, ' ja26 B. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. " WHITE GOODS.—Beat 12, centa Jaconet Muslin ever sold. Phut plain and figured Mut nue. COOPER & CONARD, e2G S. R. corner NINTH and HARIBT. TFIIE CHEAPEST EMBROIDERED 1. CRAPE SHAWLS ever offered itt this City are now being sold by TIioRNLEY k CHUM • N. B. car. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. We purchased, a few days ago, at a most tremendotut sacrifice for 041311, a lot of pry rich Embroidered Crape Shawls, same quality and style as we have sold for TWENTY DOLLARS! which we are now coiling at the extremely low price of TWELVE DOLLARS!! Ladies, you may never have ouch another opportunity of buying a HANDBOMB SUM. 80 OLCBAP4 • Also, Plain Orapo Shawls, tient 14 to 518. MANTILLAS AND DIITERS. becial bargains in Lace, Silk, Moir Antique Man illas, &c. . . Travelling Dress Materials in groat variety. Thin Summer-Dress Goode. Organdies, Bareges, Grenadines, &e., &c SLAVE oILII%, FANGY SILS.C, &o. Our name is Justly celebrated for Cheap Bake. Materials for Men and Boys' Wear. Linen Goode, of our own importation. Bummer Gauze and other Flannels, &c., &o. Veils, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves , &0., at TRORNLEY & "ONE-PRICE CASH STORE," N. E. Oor. EITHER & dritlNO. (MUNN Streets jet9•tf REDI:MED.—Another lot 12; and 15 cent Lawns, reduced to 9 cta. Rich Satin-stripe black and white Luzon, 31 eta. Firma black and brown mixed Laveliae, 25 eta: • Ca yds black Tamartine, finest quality, reduced to 33 eta. BAREGE DRESSES. Rich Satin plaid, gay styles, Barege Dresses, 15 Ono lot finest mode Baregos, reduced to 18 ote DAYADERE. Aimee, Micah, Poll do Cleves, Lovelies. DUCAL ROBES Also, Robes a'quille: L'.wn Robes, reduced LACE MINTILLAS. Some very handimme, for $lO, from auction, and worth 816, with a variety of other styles. Aloe, BILK 01.1911i119. SILK MANTILLAS; and combinatione of Silk and Lace, of our own SOFXRIOI ILINUFACTORE, fresh from the work-room every hour during the day. . . . . COOPER & CONARD, B. E. corner NINTH and MARKET RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, DIAPERS, &o OONSIDIERS of RIMIARDSOWS LINENS, and those Seeirona of obtaining the (INNUISIE GOODS, should see that the art.:lea they purchase are sealed with the full name of the firm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, A a a guarantee of the soundneas and durability of the Goods. This caution Is rendered essentially necessary as large quantities of inferior and iiefeatiwe Linens are prepared, season after season, and sealed with the name of ItIOHARDdON by Irish houses, who, regardless of the injury thus inflicted alike on the American consumer and the Manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business en profitable while pur chasers eon be Imposed on with Goods ofl a worthless character. . . J. BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, tuy2B.6m Agents, 36 CHURCH Street, Hew Ycok A OARD JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dube In DOMESTIO AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, No. 448 N. SECOND Street, above WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA Large Bier). White Building TERMS—ONE PRIM?, 7/0R OASII. Er Prices muted in plain figures on °soh article ap29,3m ERE & LANDELL, DOUUTH AND AROB STAYLS AND PANOY SILK GOODS OPENING OP FASHIONABLE SPRING SILKS AND ROBES DAYADERE LIGHT BILES DAYA.DEDS RIM BILICS. CHEER BAYADERE ULM!. °NENE MODE BLUE AND DROWNS NEWEAT STYLE ROHM 82, $2.60, and IS for the MEL BPIIIN4 SKIRTS. EYRE & LANDELL, myl4-t fyl FOURTH AND ARCH STRUTS f,amps. LIGHT PATENT KEROSENE, OR COAL OIL LAMPS, Unrivalled in beauty, simplicity, safety, or economy. Beery person wishing to obt an the very beet and cheapest Portable Light within their reach should call and examine these Lampe before purchasing eleowhere, and we pledge ourselves to demonstrate : Ist. That no accident can occur by explosion. 2d. That they omit no elfeneive oder while burning. 3d. That they aro very easily trimmed. 4th That they aro easily regulated to give more or less light. bth That they burn entirely free from smoke. 6th. That the light is at least 66 per cent. cheaper than any other light now in common use. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed In all cues. Wholesale and Retail Agency, 38 South SECOND Street, above chestnut. Southern and Weetern dealers supplied with LAMPS, OILS, WICKS, SHADES, and everything in the line, on favorable terms. 8. E. SOUTHLAND, Agent. myl4-fraw-9m 11GETERE'Ef PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE BELf-GENSMATING GAS LAMP Is the only Patent Burner that has a NON-OONDITOTOR ATTAIN:CND. For Barely, °kali, um's.; and. Brilliancy, It linrpass4 all others. STATE AND 0 OWNTY MONTS FOR FAX3I, Address__ _ _ D. P. PETERS B. W. corner rctIOND and Ciliktiffillie::Phila delphla ; and 422 BROADWAY, New York. IVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK to your interest., and pat. Quite 138SIIER'S LAMP FACTORY, 109 Pont% ItIGITTEI street, below Chestnut. Previous to his opening a responsible factory, you were charged $lB for work which he is now doing in a war ranted manner from $8 to $lO. Support him, or you will have the IMMO sharpy to pay. faid.y (Ex:curo - tons A, FOR CAPE MAY.—DAILY tr"-'4....i7-"'EXPRESS LINE, by Steamer ,• BAL LOON," Capt. W. WaitLals.—FOß PASSDNGERS AND THEIR D WI; ,01: ONLY. The solft and favorite steamer "BALLOON," having been thoroughly uverlinah4 and fitted with eery appliance to insure speed, safety. awl comfort, dill, on and after TUESDAY, the 20th instant, leave Arch-street Wharf fur Cape Ploy every Morning, (Sun ii.iy evcepteil,) at 7 o'clock. Retaining, wilt leave the Crtie at 14. i o'clock I'. M. Fare 12, carriage hire in cluded; Servants 11.50 ; Season Tickets 18, carriage hire oars. je2s-St tf TUTS HEMP. -A LARGE STOCK OF cr superior polity on band and for sale by W %AVER, EULER. & 00., btu, 98 North WATER street, mhR howl Q 9 Nora, Whim.* rbORK.-200 barrels Heavy Mess Pork. 9.nutsetrfellts WALNUT STREET .THEATRE. THE,BROUGHAH TESTIMONIAL. THIS EVENING, July 2. „ A BRILLIANT BILL! BRILLIANT PLAYA! UNAPPROACHABLE OABT The jeirformancee wltl eonamettoe with Oolmow's HRIR AT LAtw, Dr. Pangdoss Dick DUITIMIP.... Zoklel Homespun Lord Henry Moreland.. Steadfast Boorlrk %My Caroline Lady Ballad.. - Recitation.'.:. After sides— Mr. John Brougham Mr. Wm. Wheatley Mr. J. E. Clarke Mr. Thayer - Mr. Dubois Mr Wod ......Mr. Green Mrs D P Bowers ...... ....Mrs Ed Warden Mrs Thayer. MlllB :Lille Daily. .... Mr S Murdoch, - • - A PRHTRCR OF Witte - Mr. BROUGH TY AM PI Mr, C. WALCOTT,BUSINES3 Mies ADA °LIPTON, and Mies DELAVAL. Patriotic Bong To conclude with the celebrated KELLER "1"1101JPE TRAND TA-BLBAU. Stage Manager ' - Mr. F. B. Conway Box-oalca now alma to secure Beata. WHEATLEY'S ARCH ST. THEATRE Benefit of • ' , - MADAME KELLER, • • - THIS (Boldly) EVENING', JULY 2, - THE KELLER-TROUPE YOUNG AMERICA BALLET ORIEL, OR THE DEMON LOVER THE BATTLE OP THE AUAZONO, And • DR. KANE, Introducing the celebrated MOO 'ESQUIMAU X ADMISSION. Boxes, 25 cents; Secured Seats in Drees Circle STX; Orcbeatra Stalls. 50 cents ; Beats In Private Boxes; 76 ; Gallery, 13 cents. Doors open at TX o'clock; performances commence TX . J. M. D. WHITTON Treasurer, A MEIIICAN. AOADESLY OF MUSIC,- 8, W. soitier of BROAD and I.OOIIBT istreea GRAND PitOaßefADE 00NOEZT8 EVERY NIGIIT CELEBRATED OE BMA 0 ACHE STRA, AT 8 oiCioms, 041 M MINTZ, Lsanza, The establishmeot will be beantifuny decorated with shrubbery, plants, statuary, and a playing fountain, by Messrs. Wood d Perot. .' Single, tickets 26 - Cents. , ,Birkholders and, Ticket . holder'', admitted free.. - Packages of 6 ticket's $l. To be had at Beck & Seventh and Chestnut, and Andre's, 1104 Chest. nut streets. • - je26-tf Oat:lingo ifuttilus. LriE :SPRING; GARDEN- SAVIM.* BUNT). (OiAItIBRED‘ 11101134194 tr OF PitriIeTLVASIA.) PERPEIVAIi 01141ITER. FIVE PER - OZNT, Intotpat allowed to Dekoalt?ta, and all Maieys Paid haws on Demand. OW/IDE: 831- NORTH - THIRD STREET, (Congo:Analtor Batte,Batt.Diso.l This Institution itrnow oPen'for the transaction of bushman. and Is the only Chartered Saving. Fuld loeatod in the northern part of the city. • The Office will be open (daily) from 9 to 2.14 o'clock, and also on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, from 5 until 9 o'clock in the livening. MANAGE-BS: , ._ Frederick Slott, _ - Ja ms B. Pringle, - Stephen Smith,. Jacob "Dock,... .• John P • Levy, - Joseph Di Stowell, Hon Henry K. Strong, "George yroeleppee, . Daniel Underiotier,' J. Wesley Bray, Hon. Wm hlillward, - Robert B. Davidson, ' Frederick &ask°,..., P.' O. Ellmsker, Wands Hart, ' John P 'Torres, - , Jetfoil's P. LeOlero, ' - Grarge Knecht, - John Kessler, ohn Horn. - Jr., President. JAMES E. ?SINGLE. Secretary, GEORGE T. THOE,N: ' ' • apli-itte WAVING FUND.- UNITED _ . STATES . TRUST 0914PANY, corner of TM:IW and MIST. NUT Streets. , Large 'and snail some melted, and paid bask on de mend, without notice, with FIVE PEROENT INTER IST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office boom from 0 until 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock: DRA.PTiII for sale on England, Ireland, and ilcotland s from LI upwards. President—STEPS:EßN B. °SARTORI). Treasurer—PLlNY PIER. Telloir-3 AMR?, Want's. Vir ANTED IMMEDIA.TELY.-FIVE active mad energetic CANVASSERS, to sell ‘, Powers's! Diagram and Statistical Record of the Sign ers of the Declaration of Independence" in the city. Apply to J. 0. POWERS, et the Lithographic Ratah. Raiment of P. S. Dora! & Son, South PIPTEI Street, where single copies may always be had. je3o-41tAS WANTED,FOR THE UNITED STATES OLVALRY—Able=bodied, unmarried Men; to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing; and 'medical attendance. Pay from to f 22 per month. No man having a wife or child will bo accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at No 817 MARKET Street, dare Eighth, north side. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, Ist Lieut. 2d Regt. of Cavalry. - Recruiting Office,. eentlenteleo Sztnil34ing CIENTLEMEN'S FITRNISTIING STORE, Vf W. W. IfIIIGHT,S 000 ARM Street, above With, Philadelphia. Dealer in _all kinds of Furnishing Goods, and manufacturer of Fine Shirts, warranted equal in every respect to any others manufactured in this city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or made to order. mhl-tf (ZE NTLE ME N'S WRAPPERS OR ILA DRESSING GOWNB.—The largest ,and Lest as sortment in the city, wholesale and retail, with a fall line of Under (Nothing, suited to the season, at W. W. RNIGLIVS, 806 ARCH Street, abore Sixth Philade). phla. tohl-N CHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE: PURNISSUNG STORE, and PATENT fiIieITLDRE SEAM SHIRT DIANUIACTORY, No. IA CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia, The &ideation of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly instted to this Improved out 01 Shirts, the moot perfect fitting article made. At whole. ale and .tail. &ad made to order. anA-lyit political. EGISTER OF WILLS 14ANDRNW J. WESTER . Subject to Democratic Rules. CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT— JOSEPH A. MONIIDEWER, Eleventh Ward Subject to the =lea of the Democratic party. Jerf-dto* A T THE SOLICITATION of my Woods, rx. I offer myeelf es s Candidate for tho Moo of REGISTER OP WILLS. Subject to the People's nomination. R. OALIIOUN SEE, Of the Eighth Ward. Jo11•fulw ltuif QII E RIF FAL T waged by my 1. triond., I offer myself as a candidate .or the office of SHERIFF of the City and County of Philadelphia, subject to the decision of the People's party, wnose no mination I respectfully solicit. WILLIAM 11. KERN, Fifteenth Ward. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS JOHN °AMIN, Fifth Ward Subject to Deulocrattc Rule!' FOR REGISTER OF WILLS— CHARLES D. KNIGHT, - TWENTIETH WARD Subject to tho People's Nomination. Jel-tt LOR REGISTER OF WILLS. JOHN CAMPBELL, OF SRV.ENTiI WARD. Bubjeat to Democratic rnlee. myl.l—lut Jnouranre (S.ompanies. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE 01 1 ' PERNSYLVANIA—TIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Chartered in 1794—Capital 5700, 0 00—Aaseta, Jsuu• ary 1, 1858, $347,446 50-100, An invested In sound and available seenrities—coati nue to insure on Yowls and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks or Merebmadise &0., on liberal terms. " DIRECTORS: Henry D. Sheered, George 11. Stuart, Simeon Toby, - Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macs!ester, Taiga Wagner, William S. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Dwid, Henry G. Freemen, ..William li, White. Charles ii, Lewis, - - , .." . Gooi:go O. OITMEL. ' HENRY D. SILERRERD. President *maim RAIPSB. Secretary. A MERICA_N FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PER - .PETVAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital -Stock and Surplus Invested in sound and available Securities, continue; insure on Dwallinge, Stores, Furniture, Morebandlle. Vetteele in Port and their Cargoes, and 'other Personal Property. All Loaaes liberally and promptly adjusted. DMEOTOBB. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, Osamu , W. MorriF, Samuel O. hiorton, /amen B. Campbell, Patrick Brady, ltdmtuld G. Dutilh. Oharlea W. Poultney. GEORGE ABBOTT, Pretddent. THOMAS B. MARIS. Secretary. iltatrinal. I_I[ARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL —TM ILA- GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR: and Limed, for DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAR DOWELS This article is the greatest discovery in Chemical or Medical Science for the rapid Cure of RHXUM &TIM, NEURALGIA TOOTH-AGILE, SORE THROAT, STIPP NECK, or Pain in the LIMBS. SIDE, RACK, or any part of the body. It aote upon the Wood, Nerves, Mits. clog, &noire, and Donee, conquering all pain. It is also an excellent preparation for Dyspepata and Indigestion, whicar arises from a weak stomach or bowels. Thousands of persons who bare used HARTS 11ORNE,8 OURS-ALL have been astonished &Cita wonderftd power in removing any pain from the system. Bottles 12, 26, 60 omits, and $l, to be sold by - R. U. JENKINS, ap22:iftf coiner SECOND and WALNUT Streets. ITARTSHORNE'S HEALTH—RF.STO -2 AMR, OR SARSAPARILLA CORDIAL. The Life of the Flesh is in the 11101111. Prepared by a Chemist. The best Restorer of Health, end the beat Blood-Purifying Compound in the World! It does not coctain a particle of Mercury. The obese preparation is suited to the impaire I and weakened condition of the human race; it invigorates the whole constitution; removes all pimples sue erup tions from the skin; gives bloom and freshness to the complexion, and is particularly adapted to the weaken ing complaints of both sexes. It is a perfect cordial in taste, end meta like a charm upon the feelings, spirits. and energies of the weak and debilitated from any cause. Quart bottles $1; small bottles 50 cent; sold by , R. H. JECHTNB, Corner of SECOND and WALNUT Streets, apS2-iftf • E SS, BRINLEY,& a a. nn hnvw romoTed to the Lofts, No. 429 MA RIZ117• Ilr. Adam
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers