k14 16 :# 11 0-Vrcilt:WIT , Oq 4 iTf. trr civalld' The Detroit Frmi g.(05.441,93,4nntaine the partiChfarifOrabobii.ortitiLhatithary, near Hee, tiet4, 64 4ry,goditY,VgantrtWe: *eats "age., The: ra who - Witithilled by e'blorcon the hind from a olub, nhti slitilai,r,think with' a dirk; knife, is , Hro t aarie Ititraing !Of Napoleon. She waEllqinfofifs'. PtthAter -husband; a resident of Barry.eounty, - andHvod near John,Dlllin. About two years ago, three gain staoks belouginglo the, latter, whiffis -stood ltearldie:Harding's house were burned;;:- Thierosiourrixi in the day !Mini and was attributed , boillintaltEre. Harding, for, whit reason we are unitble say. At all orients:, ha considered the proof c4betaigialt:arot havin g col lected , togetber„a ;party :of-tiVe,,oonshiting of a relative named Ames Dillin afriend named. Isaac Devon, -and Ihten - brother s, named Theophilts; James, and Henry Hyde , they , proceeded to the house of '^MsAlarding ' task 'hit rout by force, (erred and feat Aered her, and „thert,:burnett tier house to the ground: ,Por this sot they--Ivere rested, and haying forfeited their ball, once, and delayed theproseentiour,whieh was -for bqrglary and arson—for some' time, the matter , was finally settled by thepayment 4180(1 ou the part of the defendants). ; - There the matter ,restedibr the time being. and the Hardings moved - away and settled in Napoleon, faiiksoif county.", Sometime since Harding.went back , to Barry county to - vi sit her relatives residing thero:„Abont two weeks since she ; determined upon going home. Provi us to doing so she had ecoasido to visit a post office a mile tir tfre - dletant, and started in' the nforsiing 'for that purpose; 8 0tridag at the house ef a-neighbor, She said she desired to see John Dlllin,in regard to a fence which 'enclosed a tfalfaore lot. in which,ber child' was beiried,froutwhiph -he had taken and carried' atelY come rails. - • , At this tianiDitlin: pissed toe house, 'and- she , hbel,the • two walking in tvdense pleat, of woods,- on , their . ivay r to the 'post office. Having arrived sk;the centre' of the vioods, he knocked her dote With 'aelutrAragged hihnto . the'woods' and stabbed liar no' hike ittalvaiitesh:times. Ho then'throw--h - erliody intert - eavity:„-to the ground, • caused tos;the upturning of roots , Of a «tree and - threw a - log upon it, together with sontelark; and other Materials calculated - to conceal it. Sus picions were oacitedAtthelthmii, feeretbefact that ho was known to litrge eateiad'thelweedti - With her, and to "hove' arrived it.fliy'piar:offitiei ionches, Cited, and with mfiddylind torn Vieth* alone: It being known that bad blood existed between them, some investigations - werd-ntade, which resulted in no discoveries, and. it wee :imposed she had found an;opportunity, to ride, to. the -nearest railroad station and gonalbotamir , - , A .day .z or. WO' 'thee; j however, Intel ligencelriktfreceitted'fromfber -hes band that ahe yes. not ! at shin* itthabi tatitaut once 'turned; ont3e-.? scoured the woodi = elfeetnally,,ind onithe second day found the body ,In the .-some..position , it bad boon let by tho„teurderert leg,. and - arm were uncovered in 'the rubbish, but the body Was , untouched. The, persons ~ e ngaged in then_ irob were attracted to 'the , Spot -by - the stetiott ; sl4sing front the decaying •',;," : Dillin, who' bad 'remained in we neighborhood during,Ati:tie 'Weeksjafer,vening ',between:the murder end the 'crier?' of the'hodyoeffraireoon , as ho rooeived the intelligence of tild-seareitithieli was being, Intnitute&-lewas'aveeitainedthat he loft diroot-for the • itemeSt , statiefibrahe Detroit and Milwaukoaßailloa4litid - 011icers Stebbins an& • Carpenter, wore immediately,despatched:a Heir bleb' Mi. Sweeney at the egad ti me, started for Detroit by life Milihigarf Central Itallroad,_With a view-to intercept him hero in easaJberolhaeirs missed him. Upon. the arrival of the - trainlast - even ing; h e learned-through the oendeoter , thit Dlllin was 'ar rested 'at - Lowell -en the Detrolt-and Milwaukee -- Railroad, and taken bank. - Thiteoroner's_jury rendered a, verdict of wilful. murder againit Dalin. The deed was &brutal and ' cold-blooded rise, , and equals anything which has ever happoned.in our State in the horrors of its details. - - - - An they lirWilt ctatrage on the Coast of Africa. [From the^Nen , Beilford .. l4ercury,Fttne 21. J. C - aplain:Charles IY.'Ketnp on; of ,whaling brig Amelia; errived at liattapoisett oti.Satpiday night,. informs us. thatmhen oK.;f3Obenda,:weit coast. of Africa, onlhe night of October 5,--he was fired into by the British steamer Lexoi-without any - previous warning. The ball passed over % the quarter-deok of the brig, and had apparently been diseFerged from a Minnie rifle. -- Subsequently a boat from the steamer," with _au armed .oftiper and ten men, boaided the brig and rudely forced thetneelvet Upon dadC„l44 . 4Bing a rope whielt vas tendered-1e their assist/me., After coming on board, the offi cer first proceeded forward and ooranioneed, inter" rogating thif crew,- and then-proceeded' aft; where. Capt. Korepton invited him-into the cabin: Here his Nuestione aondernieg the brig were fully re sponded to by Capt. Kempton, and were followed by a dmiand far the brig's -papers,.*Pioh were, shown, and the officer with the menthen,retrirned. to. thole boat, arid _left the. Vessel. Amongthe boat's crew of thearitishAsteamer were recognised severalseamen who had formerly comprised a por tion of the crew of, the brig, and by whom her character must of Coarse have been fully known and should have precluded the discourtesy shown by their officer. The New_ Bedford Standard, of the' evening of the 21st; no - erects some erroneous statements in the above account. The _facts ,as stated in th at paper are so folloWs : • • • Between theist :and- 10th of (hitcher last s -near Idayombe, treat ooastnf Africa, at 10 o'clock at night; verrdsrk, the British steamer Lexo showed a signal light, which Captain-Kempton immedi ately .answered. and - then theateamer tired a-gun, the ball Item Which passed-to the leeward, ,Soon after a boat with. about -ten mon came from the steamer and boarded the brig, climbing over the sides a little faster than decorum would warrant; but the-dikter,. a young lieutenant • about twenty years of age, as soon as he -recognised the mesteri went aft and interrogated Captain Kenipton, not ing his replies, and _then demanded to sec pa pers, which were shown, when the officer and•his mon took leave. Capt. Kempton wishes no to say that the. statement -that C brill passed' over his quarter deck la untrue, that the •Brillah offiber wont forward and interrogated his orew is also untrue, and that pone of the orew of the boat ever. belonged to - the Amelia. A coloring is given to the *whole affair - which the foots will - not war-- rant, and were not thus represented by Captain Kempton. • TUE MINNESOTA SIOUX Ilinritis:—lttr. COM- Iniseinner - Mix,. who bias for anumbor of years been the offieient chief clerk of the Indlin Bureau, and, whose appointment as oomtiiissionerlasglien such general satisfaction throughout the whole country, has concluded-a - treaty with: the Minnesota Sioux Indiana by which the lands they have held in com mon will be distributed among the different mem,- hers of the tribe. The delegation (twenty.aeven in numbei) are well pleased with the terms of the treaty, as it will enable them to become agricul turists, which has for years past been the load. log object of these Indians ' Their aim has been, and still is, to conform to all the habits and ous ted-is ci vilized life; and in Its furtherance, Mr. Commissioner Mix wilt make every exertion in his power: The Indians, in" - oompany with their- in terpreter, left Washington city on Monday for their homes in the fee West, strengthened in their purpose by, who,t,thoy havoloan during thotr so lourn. CITY' ITEMS. KNALUAILE MEDIOIBII.—In another - part of out paper will be found the advertisement of hfesens. N. L. Clark & Co., Boston; of a 'medicine entitled ' , Pe- - revisit Sirup, or Protected Solution of Protoxide of Iron There are certain farts 'totally attested by com petent chemistetrlth regard to th6snalysis of thin rune dial agent, that, little - as we are disposed to countenance quackery tinny ihepe, we feel a particular letterset in' having the merits of this - remedy tested by actual ex pertment on the Part of oar citizens. As regards the compealtion of ..the . articles the facts claimed for it are these: That . ft Contains no mineral or vegetable poison, and diet Itibalde Is well known, and extensively used, by the best medical practitioners in this country; also, that the discovery consists rather In the better preparation of a well-known medical agent orotaxide of Iron) than in the production of a new. We are aware that throughout the New England States the Peruviiii Syrup liar been very Citensively need, and in not a few butane's attended with the most satisfac tory reaultei As regents the /pacific •alltnents 'whieh the . 4 Syrup"_is intended to reach', the reader will find them enunierted - mainly; in the advertisement, u also upon the circular accompanying the medicine. • - We - feel the more anxious 'that the effort; now'boing, made by 'the .proprietere to " introduce it in this eity, should eaceial—whlch we doubt not It the feet that it comes to tts endorsed aid reeranitiendt4,,front, personal experience;hy'somenf the - Snit ind most may known Men in 'this' country , whom we may mention ' of Boetonlane, the 'her. Thomas Whittemore,. Thomas A. Dexter, Eu Dr: 8: II Kendall, 'Deter ller vey, Esq., Rev. John Plerpont - ,' pud - othdea, , tlii - lest named gentleman test - 1111os to a meet, remarkable cure upon file own person of a cutaneous Meuse known as salt rheum. The completestereo( Irani , other Moisture by this medicine lei egdalll shit mia we ex pect; ere, long, ,tp ,hear, of Ate, taeneftelsl.applicatton among our own eitrsens. - -is.eola here by Brown, Fifth and; Chestent,ltod , rfesintiti 4. 'do , Twelfth and Chestnut - streets. •• • Pool ,t2+) Mut - 31A - n'g MILL.-We called to see Clark's new Patent Merchant Plesifing, in constant operation In Pemberton courti close by the Exchange. It le truly a valuable Invention, and'sre advise "and see LC- It - coati lista riiittenr drat dollars all complete. • -The patenteo:can be con sulted at all times at the Tim' 116 i -Wi ATM:R.—EggI7 ,rising log In cold water (puilf%ifirdt scented frith a (ew deal* of the genuine." %dm ,of Thousand Flowers !')• is re soru,nendell by the first. physicians In the State as the beet means of presbrvinglealthata ',diens% during the excessive heats of euinnele.' Per salo'nf:Petertione', 306 Chostniit street. • - • - r 141:num Winn. —l4O a'gqn invite atte'n . _ lion to the ; adverystment of.Atr. JUhp P. gloaneirt another column. In this line or clothing gloan's octal). liebtrisnt iruntivslied in this country. RE - mc, , -A - copy of• thw anolentcwoll.4nowii, Hereford Nt? , stilm uui dpi. 1508, has just besn brought td light ipJlriatbl , Eugland, where It has been lying for, many. years, among a pile of old hooka and other refuse, •on the 'liter of the bonne of a Roman Catholic clergyman. The work was want up to London, and hos been,parchased, by thq truale'es : of• the liritiah Museum far 81,500. Bpi dosigUN tolltend. it to tide city, nliere it wilt laf 'on' exhibition at Gm - palatial clothing Emporium of Granville 13tokea, N0i,601 Cheat nuestreet. , StALiS Hors AND BLASTED norms .----A wealtby farmer In Otsego county; New York{ bag noir on hand over $66,000 worth of.baps. He first refused 30 tehig pound, demanding' 33g, and when offered that, he S1)- 11100464 40 whop ,offered. that, he, atill,,rove uperiliie"lnice, until Fortune' in, one' other freaks, re• dared the price to fliereenfil The farmer should have taken a good price for hts,,Hops when be gild, get it, and then hupped•on to PAllddelpbla' and procureda now suit at the Brown_ Elton Clothing Jinn of, tockhlll & Noe. 1103 And 605 Ohestnitt ; iitieet, above math._„ ifpE'S 4 LAsT,RANT.',', 7 -11oe'ligiew - rpterit ten• cylindei prigs la n'Am. tip of '11;72o sibefa, ant-20,400 yards of tapOSAltblanketa are used. The pressea weigh twontrtons threer tinarteriatut fourteen poundi, andeost !! 3 0, 000 .':,g_ 6 :ver0 Kui*:.•,*4l - 01%;:in7utie elti,; printing oft thousands of pipers -daily,- brallall re viers thereaarclutbrotedtthattliii. largest, bent, and' clir , iii , a't`scoitthest er_e_a4flnOO _Qtotblog_aud , pieta reo Is; ; Ori 014.-Srmiklift Asir giattook ra t roriummorf.B.lll.lridge, - 1i0.521-011eit431t;Orset. , vr-~...:..;1nDt1Qt101t6.~. . . Benertwitoe The Press.] .. Toni 20 Pinens—Barque Charles 1 Lex-1930 bags 4offee; 274,0 0 lbs 10gw004,142 Thoi Watts - On - lb Bono New LoNnonZ—Bohr Benj , English; Mll6eu-018 galls tirade whale oil, Bhober, Bunting & Co. , Marine Intellvents. POST 1 1p7:PHILADELPilu, June 24, 1968. FIN 818118 --- 4 394 !UN fIBTEi 7 2 HIGH WATIIIi 11 49 ARRID. Borgne Chariot B Lex, Alm VE eida, from Port au Prince, With coffee; ho, 'to Thos Mattson & Boos. (Arrived at Quarantine 14th.] . Bug B Doane, Loring, 6 days from Charleston, with lumber do John Craig &Dr Gazelle, Somers. 6 days from . Marblehead, in ballaarto Baum, Ogle &Co. Sea Sarah Loulia,'CrUse, 4 dais from Norwich, in ballast to Van Dusen j Norton & Co. . Behr Gem', Grano, 12 days from Williamston, N 0, With shingles to lidreroait & filfeeta. Bohr Elizabeth, Parsons, 7 . day. Vow Washington, N lurnbeetti,Bolton, Vanderrer & 00. Schr Jas WOloakey. Stebbins, 7 days from liaddam, Ct with-stones to. captain. . Bohr Got Win A Newell, Turner, 8 days from New yolk, la ballast to captain. Behr IT &Weston, Malay, 6 days from Boston, in bal last to N. Sturterant & Co. Bohr - Saves Magnet, Perry, a days tram Boston, in ballast to N &interact &'oo. arbr Swan, Orantner, 3n.iofroni.Eglk Harbor, in bal lkat toWch U ' Sobr Q 3 Brown, 'Dukes, 3 days from Now York, in ballast to N 4turtevant & Co. - SekiAtnelin,ltcidentlf;3cie;ye from New York, In bal. net to N ntlittsvent &Ob. Bcht-IrW , Benadlet, Goldemith, 4 days from New Eaten to 7 a White. tlahr Pangassatt, Woolen, C days from Boston, In bal. laat to Brown &MLitt , : Bohr E Phsro, Rutter, 2 days from Newark, in ballast to Noble, Hammett k Oaldwell. • ' Behr Christopher. ,Lteser t . Brow, 4 days from Boston, with rodeo to growell& Bohr L B Myers, Somers, 3 days from Portsmouth, in ballast to captain.. Behr Fair solider, Adams, 8 days from Ballsbury,Ad, with limper to J. W Bacon & Co. _ Bohr WO Wood s Vangban, 2 daps from Milton, with bark to J W Bacon do Co. Behr Delsware;itozo, 8 dap from Snow Hill, Md, with oat& to J 'Bacon & Co ' Behr t A Stetson, Cobb, 0 dap from Provinootorn, with mdze to G A Wood. „ • •• • • • • • • • • • . „ Bohr itarah 31 Kent, Thompson, 3 days from Baltimore, with miss to T Webster, Jr. Bohr Beej Bilven, 6 days from New London, with oil to Shober, Booting & Co. Bche N H_Jitimid, Atwood s vedays Stemßoltdis, trfth BA IA • .• bar 3,11, bionisr,- 6 digs tram noston; In bal. tastto N OtOrtevant & On. . • - Behr-81y, Cheviot - an, 4 days from -Nantucket, in bal last-to C Miller &, Oo . • -•• . • 810 0 P 1 ay.. from Lewes, Del, with mace to Theo W Parker. ' Stamper KenneSea , Hand, 1 del from New Yorlr,with codasme passengers JUeseliderdiee. Pasead enbr Henry Nutt, floM,,Wilmtugtint,,N 0, above 'Thimble)! Rook, ead alfghLtolg-and several edam above Oherter, boon .np . _ OLSABZD BargunDoblln,•lfuntloi, Boston, L Andenreld & on . . Brig Eastern State, damage, Portland , D Barnes. - Behr Bliss,& *beep, Rrlce, Ohsslestoni D B Btetion & Co. Sc.. ail, Or -linnet, kern', BOat o d, N Btu/levant Co Bobr.B E Weston,.lllsloy, do do ' Bohr BB Corson; Wheeler , 'do_ do ' ' Bohr J Ltrown, Dukes,Providence,. do Bohr Amelle, SookhW, . - do - do ' fobs Bush Ann Eoe, Baker, Boston, L Andenreld.k Co, Behr Triumpk v Ariie - , do • • do ' Bahr Con Armstrong , - do - do • Bohr J G Btilte, Corson, Danvers, Blass, do Bohr Ii W _Benedict, 'Gold/mak, Providence, J B Mae., Behr Biagi's/ell, Walden, Balton;Brown & Bohr Swan, Cramer, . •do - W Johns - Behr Gaolled:towers; Marblehead, Baum, Ogle .Ik. 00. Eehr Barak 'mules, : Oruae, Pawtucket, Van Donee, Moeion dr. Po. , . , Behr B rharO, , Butter, Newport, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. • Aar Worcester, Ithodes, Providence, J Kennedy & Oa. - Bohr M Pletcher, Droner,' Bestport, B A Bonder & Co. - Behr B . N Wheeler,,Oorson, Boston, N Sturtevant & Co, , • Bohr Jones, 9rowell, Portland; D Oooper. Steamer John 8 Maher, Dennis, Denim Ore; A Groves, J. (Oorrespondenee of the Prem.) - , • , HAVRE DE GRACE, June 23.1868. The Kingston loft here this morning with 9 boats in Mw. laden and conaigned as followa: Virtue, 'Ma; Dr D 0 Keller, Quaker Olty, Emblem, A of Duehong, Mary'Qatharine, Darnillack, and Boono tity, coal to Delaware Olty. • • (Corrompondenoo of thoThlladelphia Eithango.) , . <• Oats iBLIND. JUDO 23-6 P. M. Potir herm. brigs and several sabre. west in to•doy Wind B—weather very wtrat , Emirs, !he, ' • . THOS. B. HUGHES. [l7i TNLIGHLITI TO TES PRIM.) NEW Yosc ante 23.—Arrived ship Outlllon from Liverpool; stilp Arct c fromllverpom; ship Java from. Glasgow; brig Elsinore from 'ErisWad de Onba;' brig Eithmsnd ditto; brig E ff Sampson from San Juan. - Also, Steamship City of 11.1timore from Liverpefil 'Jan 9. Ship Uncle Joe, 50 days from Cardiff, with railway Iron. • BALTIMORE, June 23—The brig Cygnet of Calais, Die, bound to Baltinaore from Bt Thomas, was ashore on Dud 'Lland on-thel7th, Imbedded in the sand. The hail wee tight. This information is derived from a let ' ter from the captain at Blisabgth City. ' - BESMOBANDA. Steamship Oily or Baltimore, Leitch, for Liverpool, Lithinst, arrived at New York, 22d inst. Steamehiplteetou, Bellew, hence arrived at New York yesterday . Steamship Virginia, Kelly, for Philadelphia, sailed from Richmond 224 instant. Ship • Cerro Gordo, hence was below Richmond 22d that. - . Ship Mary, Whetbridge , from Havana for Baltimore, was off New Point yesteday. Scrip Vulture 0111, from Callao, via Hampton Roads, arrived at Baltimore yesterday. Ship Great Republie, Limebnruer, from London, was below New York yestet day. Ship Time, Homer, cleared at New Yorkyesterday for Melbourne. - • Ship Wm V Kent, Armen, for New-York, entered for loading at Liverpool, 9th lost. Ships Ocean Belle, Holleran; Shamrook , Doane; Chita. boas*, Morse; liaranak, Rowland; Phoenix, lloxle, and North Caroline, Foster, were loading al Liverpool 12th inst. , Ship George Green, Fairbanks. from Mobile. for St. Peterabarg, was off Fair Isle about 26th ult. Ship John Patten, Patten, from Savannah for Cron. stadt, was off Fair Isle, 24 inst. Ship Philadelphia, Pool, from Liverpool, 30th ult., for New York, was spoken 2.1 lost, let 31 N, ion 7 W. Ship Hortaman, Thompson, from' Richmond, for Von-' lee, wont to sea from Hampton Ronda, 2011, lost. Ship Sunbeam, -Bisbee, for Valparaiso, cleared at Li verpool, 10th inst. Ship %Boort, Hussy, from Calcutta for London,. palmed Deal 11th lost Ship A H Stereos; Talbot, from Callao, for Liverpool, cleared at the Mother bank 10th hat. Ships Jcuriata,.Wilson, for Ban Francisco; T B Wales, Burr, for Bremen, from Baltimore , went to sea from Cape Henry , 16th ' lost; ship David Stewart, Prentiss, for Liverpool ; Traveller, (Br) Roadie, for Rio 'de Janeiro; Seneca, Feinhagen, for Montevideo; Creole, Book, for Rio de donetro,• Roman, Lowery, for Havana; Anna, (Br) McKinney. for Demerara, do 18th; barque John 0 Brune, Gayle, for Montevideo, do 19th; barque Wyandotte, Rams, for Mataosas, and brig Lithe Milts, Pu.nam, for West Indies, do 20th, Barque Lycorgue, Coatis, hence at Londonderry 6th lost Barque Arctic, Lano, for Rio de Janeiro, cleared. at Beaton 224 Met. • Barque molly. Taylor, Taber, from Leghorn for New York, remained at Gibraltar, 4th loot, repairing. Barque Belle, Ryder, cleared at Beaton, 224 Met, for Cols port. • - Barque Coehltuate, Irving, from Callao, arrived at Baltimore yesterdey. Barque Lame, Nickerson, for Mimics Ayres, cleared at Boston, 22d feet. • • Barque Chevalier, Anderson, for Bahia, 26th ult., ar rived atNew York 2241 list; leftbarque Annie 11 Grant, Nelson, froth Pernambuco, discharglug. r • Hiroo Palermo, Ingham, froth Gi b raltar at Malaga, 'l9th ult. and sailed 29th for Genoa. Brig ,Chattanooga, Norris, from Rlo de Janeiro, via Hampton Rhoads, at Baltimore, 22d hut, Brig J Went, Wooster, sailed from Sullivan, 17th lust, 'for this port. Brig Bainuel .01ittrchroint, "Ankara,, for Montevideo, cleared at New York yesterday. Bohr Anthem, _Barrow, cleared at New. Orleans. 15th for this port, with 183 bales 'cotton, 25 do 01011.. 6 do Wool, lb casks 60 bxs mdse, 443 pairs hubs, 600 bdis hides, 9000 staree, 650 empty reeks. Fehr Olive Elizabeth, Hamilton, hence at Portland, 21t hat. Behr Burroughs 0 Clark, hence at Balem,.2let inst. Behr John R Mat her, Nickerson, °leered at Boston 224 lost, for Wilmington, Del. Bohm John Parnum, Baker; Thome Page, Robinson, and A B 110011; Williams, hence at Providence, Slat inat. Behr IX Brainard, Boardman, hence at Newport, 20th inst. Eche R L Tay, Il ake,salled from Charleston, 20th inst. for this port. ' - Behr Joint.Porsyth; ,Holmes, hence at New Bedford, -19th inst. , . Bohr Norman, Collins, cleared at Bt John, NB, 17th Mat, for this:port. - tele J - Moreau, Hodson, for Philadelphie,.via Port Walthia, Sailed fromjiichmond 224 inst. Bchiff P Obrbitt, Weekb; hence arrived at Boston 22d inst. Behr Minnesota, Biker, from Baltimore, arrived at Boston 224 rest. • BehrY Sharp, Sharp, from Jacksonville, at Boston 22d . lost*" • Bohr Prairie Flower Onwen hence at Halifax 16th hat. Behr Peru, Thomas, hence at fit John, N B, 10th Bohr AtfoN e nzie, Drink°, hence arrived at Frank fort, 20th lint. Sehrll. 4 Porter, Hudson, hence at Danvers, 10th lost. ' fichr Challenge, Packer for Phlliolelphla r isiltd from New Bedford, 22d inst. April 60, lets, lon 29, Sapid, Howe, from Liverpool for San Franc!Boo, - - latl 52 N,lon - 27 61, ship Skylark,Follansbee, from .14 York April 14, (or San Francisco. May 22,1430 35, lon 4112, chip Star of Hope, Pear• eon; from N•York May 8, for /kelpie°. May-9,10180 88. ion 40 45, was signalled an American ship, Allowing a bine Sag with a vrhite letter. IfARINII MISOELLANT Pali:malt, June 10.—A veneePa toprallant meet and bowsprit, newly painted and apparently belonging to a ship of about 600 to 800 tone, was passed June acl, in lat 46 N, long 12 W; and on -the following day a fowl coop, fresh painted, In lat 47 N, long 10 W; also, on the Ith, a large circular life buoy, painted white in lat 45 N, long 6,W,'by the Providence, Howe, arrived here. fihieide, June 9—The ship Medallion, Theobald, of Richmond, (Me,) capsized this afternoon at her moor lege, and,remalne in ttila poeition. Portland. June 9—The anchor and chain slipped from the ablp Red Gauntlet, in the West Day, have been recovered and shipped for London. , Madras, May B—The ship Wales, (American,) Tho mas. from Sunderland Nov 27, Falmouth Dec 20, for Madras, ban been stranded on the Madman beach. NOTIOE TO MARINERS Notice is hereby given, that a 2.1 class Oen buoy has been placed on Old 131Iley Ledge, to mark the entrance to PtHOBROOT PAT and Manisa Our harbor, The buoy Is moored in 8 fathoms water, 200 feet mat of the ledge, (which has 8 feet of water on it at low water,) and bears from Marshall's Point Light-house NW 3 miles. Prom the eastern end of Dinsoulto Islan d NN by E l miles distant. lly order of the Light Rodeo Board. TRECI. P. GREEN, - Lightheitse Inspector, First District. ''Portland, Me, June 11, 1858. DOMESTIC PORTB ' NIW YORK, June 224—Arrived ships Aehlturton, Bradlah. from Liverpool; North Wiod, gore, Ink Lort on; Bermine, Strichera from Bremen; barque'Venua, Palermo - Aff 28 d, Bard.beriple Washington, Ooppola Genoa. oPdf steamship •Romteke," Skinner, Norfolk ; shine Alice, hiurphyOlasgow ; Kate Sutherland, Spalding, Bristol, Itog ; Matilda „ Porter, Oity Point ; barques Lamplighter, Payne, Tylesto ; Amaranth, (Bremen) Probst ; J B Johneon„ Blake, Humor; brigs West In• Man, Cook, New Orleans Lauretta,Dunbar, Pars & mkt; Itentletta, Hodsden, St ' , farther; I Alpha, flurry, st Johns, Itlf; Plying Nagle, Ilutehineon. Ounces; achis Moses Taylor,_ Nickerson, Halifax; Exchange, nallee,h,Alegandria ; ,l/ ,Nickerson, Preford, George town ; Itaelteel Jane,. Remora, Alexendria ; eteamere Marion, PosteriOharleston ; OftledonlA, Gager, Balti more. Below lest evening, a. eldp-ehoiving Dunham & Di mon , e signal ships Suedes', Ohllda, !red i,iverpool Wm Tepeoott, Bell, dp. BOSPON.,--.AriAnne22,,banini Elias Pike, RAMON Providenoe; brig Lodi, Alley, Cardenas ; lohr Mary L Wade, Baitimore; steamer Joseph Whitney, Howes, do. The report of Barque Godfrey from Galveston, being below, wee probably a ;ntatake. Old, ship Cornelia, Blanchard, St Jidin NB, to load for Liverpool; barque Trinity, Leask, Galveston. Std. ehtp Cornelia; barques Gay Head, Marion, JO- Seph Bak; begot Boston, Catharine Rogers; and from below, ship Wilbur Fisk. ;IT TELEGRAPH.] SAVANNAH.—Apr 22d root, steamships Huntsville and Augusta from N-w York. 011ARLEST4 N —Arr 22d Met, steamship Memphis from New YOrk. - •• • . . Cleared 21st lust echr Argue, Tuckerman, New erman, New York. Went to Bea—Spanieh barques Christina, Roig, Barce lona; Coleraine, Estee& Barcelona; Span brig Com morel°, Geri, a Port in South America; sobr B L Tay, Lake, Philadelphia; 20th, brig Seguin, Nelson, Balti- more; otir Rate Stewart, Blather, New York; Elth, barque Lac.;nla, Beanie, Baltimore; brig George E Prescott, Gllkey, - Jacksoniille; schr Wave, Jollue,Ja9k sonville. FOREIGN PORTS. (Per steamship Persia.) Liverpool—Ar Bth lost, Alamo, Mudgett, Galveston; Texas, Merrill, Sombrero. 10th, Elgin, Sullivan. Sa vannah. 11th Henry Clay, Oatt'Moe, and Baltic, Zerega, New York. Old9th, Manhattan, Dixon, New York. 10th, Cords- Ha, Bishop, do,• Enoch Talbot. Merryman, Boston. Sailed 9th, Wm Eggertet, Faber, Rio Janeiro; Mary Ogden, Loveland, New York, Globe, Robinson, Provi dence.' 10t13, Sir Robert Peel, Larrabee, New York; Express, Pattenroa, Quebec. 11th, Joseph Gllehriet, Williams, New York; Lona, Lord, Cardin' sod Havana Entd tor idg Bth, St Louis, Hoyt, New York; E A Bonnard, Kenney, at John, NB; 9th, Sebeetier Cabot, Whitfield, Calcutta, Middlesex, Pa melee, Melbourne and Geelong; II DI Myers, Hayes, New Orleans; 10th, Bridgewater. Barstow, .rtgeria; Adams, New York. aorolon-zEotered inwards.Bth lost, Charles Meddle, Brown, Sierra Leone; 10th, Amazon, lloVey, New York. Old Bth, Moro 'Castle, Reed, Cardiff and Portland, (and eld from Deal llth); 10,h, Versailles, Carter, Shanghae; Robert Leonard, Cook, Newcastle and St John, N B. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS VP TO ONE O'OLOON THIEI mown/ca. GIRARD Holll3E—Oheatnut street, below Ninth. A V Davis & la" Natchez Miss E Shields, Natchez Mies K Shields , Natchez Mrs Dunbar & da, Natchez Miss Dunbar, Natchez This Robins, Jr, N Y 8 II Kennedy, New Orleans N H Eyers, Easton 8 A Wolf Jr, la, Cia, Ohio Mien Dyer,Mica W Case, Oleveland, Ohio Geo B Ely Cleveland, 0 G W Gesased, Reisdlifg,Maas N T Hayes & la, Pa Mr Phillips & eon, Boston 0 P Wells, Jr, Ps 0 H Dennison, R I II McCune, N Y J Arnot & wf, - ..Elmtra N Y Mrs N is Ross, Oln, Ohio Mica Tracey, Oln, Ohio _3 CI Minton, Nashville F Burch, Chicago , -43 II Sanford &la, Brook'n Thos 8 Waugh, Va UK Smith, Jersey City J A Davidson, N Y 13 Harridan & dui ' Banton 0 Ames, N Renton, Mass .5 D Nuttman & la, Decatur BS Price, Salem, Masa Jai Nicola, Bait W H Sumner, Halt W P McFarland, Mass X P Finney, Mass Mrs J G Archer tc 3 chdn, Miss R H Archer, Mass Mass Miss II Ifuntaleker, La Miss P Twin, Mass Archer Tinian, Mu! Dr R Hill, Columbus, 0 Mrs Murray, Dela Ware, 0 Jofin Leech, England W Leech, England W H Bernard, Brooklyn E L Thomas, Oin, Ohio 9 Al (iladwin, N Y Al N Fall,Balt Jno Donovan, Balton, Md J W Gibson, Centreville, II Wollend & la, N Y Md J Northrop & la, Halifax, J J Northrop& la s llalifax,N S N S - 0 II Sprigs, Balt 'L V Hubbard, Clia, N 0 0 Paulson, N Y .7 F Butterworth , Y -' Mr McGinues, Pa D J Baker, Brooklyn Joo Wyckoff, Brooklyn Mrs Baker, Brooklyn J W Magolllo, N Y 8 Wilcox, Meridan, Conn W 0 Anderson Florida I, It Benedict, West Troy R L Taylor, N Y olf Johnson, N Y ' H Sperry, Nlf J 0 Liehtboty, N Y Frank Nevin, Detroit W L Bradley , N Y 8 0 Babcock N Haven Jae DBrary,Merldan,Conn C Cowper, R I W J Peck, N Y El II Dangle, Balt B B Davis, Balt " 0 M Meyer & la, N Y ins R Seltzer & la, N Y Calvin flow, Boston Geo II Hoyt,, Boston . Vll Orvia, N Y 811 Archer, .1 . II Heinsheimer, Chi, 0 Geo Tull, Baltimore Dr Brainard, Chicago 3 BI B own, St Louis Hampden Moore, NJ Ohas Smith, Conn N T Starr, N Y Ales E T Blare, N Y , Miss A Starr, N Y MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth sheet. below Mob. Wm Irwin, Pe , J 0 Clarkson, Chambereb.g A Bartor, Texas Jaob Weeldes, Texas A C bier, Shlppenebtarg, WNW's, Phippensburg, Pa Pa - ' bliss Sallie Otis, N Y R D Oummings, Bellefonte, Wm B Wilkins , Pitteburgh Pa John Could, Boston R M Girvin; Strasburg, Pa Thee Beaver, Danville, Pa E K Alberti & lady, Florida Wm Osterhout, Pbiln LI Remold, Pbila John 0 McLanagan, Lan '? A White, Mass ' caster, Pi W F Boyd, Mass J O Freeland, Meadville, G J 'Taggart, Northuniber. - Pa 'land, ' " T W Wellington, Mass A Wellington, Mass . Goo R Swope, Unlont'n, Pa P Roan, Doylestown, Pa - Reed, N Y' L 8 Parson, Ct T F Orlton, N Y ' A Guernsey, Welleboro Kear, Minerstille, Pa" - Pa Iron Wiliam Bigler & lady, li Egan, Bt Louis Washington II Griswold, Hartford Edward it Preston;Rartford ONION HOTSL—Arch Jared,. below, Fourth. P M Hrlain, N Y' 0 Al Goodrich, Conn W H Gw no, N Y Allen Wray, Boston J Stevens, Conn H D Dreper,..Milford, Mali W If Holmes, Chicago Beni Haywood; Pottsville, Win II McCannd, Penning- Peons. tonville, Pa A J Stone, Bradford co, Henry Heed, Maine Penns Jno J Lyell, Reokuk,lowie II Kreps, Pittsburgh John Leaman Easton 8 Pahnestodt, Gettyaburg Joe B Dilworib,NeW Hope, D T Horton, Hancock.N Y Penns Nathan Waggoner, nos -3I Ditworth, New Hope, Pa . Mullis Mre Dilworth, New Hope, Chas Crossley, Conn Penns • ' John Zeigler, Ohio Mrs Anne. Livesey & Son, It Craven, Ohio New Hope, Pa Master A II Reed, Me P Bright, Tamaqua J 11 Hay, Window, N J J 1.1 Boyer, Lambertville, J Dawson & lady, Chicago N J J Baker &...lady, lObloago ASIBBIOAN DOUSE—Ohostnut street. shore Fifth. H L Strong, Brietol, Pk Idles S Smith, Wilmington, John H Humphreys N Y Del H Dargln, St Louie 3 It Williams, Washington, S T Jones lk, lady, Beaton Pa Mist Jones, Boston H if Houston, Boston Jai S Allen & lady, Jersey ES Bally, Jersey Shore, Pa Shore, P,a B Herndon & lady, Boston, D D Peters & family, N Y Sirs N Morley & daughter, T finishes, Baltimore. Pa J Hughes, N Y Oeo Boyden & lady, N Y W Bradford, N Y J H 13balet, N Y bi Dared, Newark, NJ II N ()anger, Newark, N Silas Merchant. Newark,N J Samuel Arnold, Ot M Paterson, N Y NATIONAL HOTEL—Bate street, above Third. Wl , Voute. S Haven J P Ferro we, Hartford, Bata Dougherty, N Y Conn /no Drummond, N Y 0 B Cotter, Harrisburg 0 M Alexander, Washrtn Dr ft P Sides, Centerville Gee Musser, Lam AO Wedekind, Lebanon 11 J Headier, Pottsville HGreasang, Pottsville G W Atkins Bethlehem Mies lVennehalter, Del Mrs Swab Martin, Middle- 811 Byre, Boston town Thee P Simpson S. la, M R Bacon, N Y Chunk Joe Loebe, Phcenixville Henry Royer, Yale College G W Ulrich. Ashland B Rioter Liverpool P Y Unload., Palleville Geo P Rinehart, Lebanon It Baton, N Y BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, ab. 0 F Jacobs, Mauch Chunk Henry Meyer, Duels 00, Pa John Hunsicker, Montgom- Jacob Henninger, lamb ery co, Pa 1 gomery 00,.Pa John Id Fehr, Nazareth, Pa A Trate, Reading Peter Seibert, Reston, Pa I. Ritter, Allentown, Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third, below Callowhlll. M Weber, Gettysburg, Pa Chas Brotherline, Lobe Beoj Schroyer, Pogbtown, non, l'a Pa Jonathan W Willer, Pa Geary D Johhson, Pa David Bechtel, Pa 0 P Goff, Pa Mrs B A Goff, Pa Jacob Waller, Berke CO, Pa Praulellersh, Allentown Geo Kline, Barlaville, Pa C P Goff, Pa BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second street, below Vine Wm Davison, Cheltenham, E Hall. Oheltenham,.Pa Pa J T Heston, Nowtown PA A W Bookman, Newton, Pa Joe B Dilworth, New ' Hope Wm Kirk, Porresteille, Pa Pa - John Yemen, Doylestown Wm Hoppock, N J J Paterson Phila. H W Ridgway. Phila Dent Roberts, Phila ' W 0 Knight, Stockport, NY MADISON HOME, Second street, above Market. If D Dori, Phil& Thos E Ricord, Lewes,Del All Sullivan, Savannah Theo Squires, Ohio , W D Thomas, N J ' Sam'llDupree, Pittsburgh II Phillips, Pittsburgh N ii DOlllie, Pa BLACK BBAR INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. I Traynor, Chest en, G Md II Lewis, Del co, Pa J Itittenhouse,Pottstown,P Mrs S !Orlin, Pa Alex Bower, Chaster B Hartrauft, Pottstown, Pa Springs, Pa Win P Beatty, Del co, Pa N Rittenhouse , Pa A Conrad, Del Dr W W Townsend & wi,Pa A W Bally & wl, Alrd Bunting, Del co, Pa K W Levis, West Chester , Chas Dunn & la, N.l J D Stiarpiey, Chest co, Pa Wm M Phillips, Pa Sam! W Clark, Boston Jos B Blair, Boston WESTERN HOTEL—Market street, &boas Eighth W Armstrong, Duffel° A Hunt, Dubuque J N Munson, N Y Semi Wood N T Martin Otho, Balt S Weed, N V It Martin, Washington P Vestry, Hartford W 7 Wise, Kentucky M 0 Dickson, Bristol Thus Connolly, Pa S Frick, Maryland J Weller, Pa Spezia! Noticeo. ettlee IIeaMIMI. DR. 1111,1,13 OPINION Considering our habits of life, Coffee, as a beverage for breakfast, is nutritious and healthful, and may ho taken, in moderation, for a lifetime without falling of its advantageous effects. A angle cup, moderately strong, never increased in strength, frequency, or quan tity, is a positive good, and Is far better than as much cold water at any meal, especially to Invalids or per sons of feeble digestion. Nuw and then a person will be found with whom It does net agree; then such a person should omit it, at least for a time. To obtain Coffee with its delicious aroma, it should be boiled In a vessel which shall keep in all tho steam, 'Erkalt PAR- Ticix or IT; and, then, the longer it in boiled the better it is—even for two hours. THE OLD DOMIN ION COFFEE POT, manufactured by ARTHUR, DUnti nsst, & atutoir, of Philedelphitt, accomplishes this most certainly, as we personally know, and is claimed to be a saving of 55 per cent.—that Is, three pounds will go as far as four. But to make it of any use what ever, one thing is essential : the purchaser must first learn how the Coffee ia• and then remain in the kitchen while the cook is directed how to make it, and see that the directions are literally attended to. After this is done for two or three mornings. neither mistress nor maid Is ill have any desire to return to the old plan, of boiling all the best part away, stud aliening its finest aroma to go up the chimney. One-quart size to $ 1,50 , and fifty cents for each additional quart. Ten-quart size lA.—Milts Journa( of 11,111111 for June. THE OLD DOMINION COFFEE POT is manufactured under the Patent for the United States ARTHUR, BURNHAM, k GILROY, 117 and 119 South TENT!! Street, Philtulelphin J 7 Also, mautifacturera for I.ho linfted Staten of ARTHUR'S CELEBRATED PATENT AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING CANS AND JARS. Professor Setuuders's Institute, Well Phlla DELPIIIA.—The Pupils of Professor SAUNDERS will be examined TO-DAY, between 9 and )2 o'clock A. M., and between It and 5 ohdoel. P. M. Biveral addresses will be delivered. All persons who desire to witness the exercises are inn (led to at.. tend. j024-1t Excelsior Refrigerators.— 84000 Challenge that my Refrigerators will keep provision longer, with lean ice, than any other In the city. I warrant them to give satisfaction, at the low price of $5.60. Also, a large assortment of Water Cool ers. Price $2 J. CLARK, j023-6t No. 1008 MARKET Street, above Tenth traters do Goldman, No. 306 Market street above Third, Wholesale dealers In, CLOTHING, are, now selling off their entire stock at Retail, at wholesale je3-/m Irtfg Tilun . spAy.„3llN:fa, 24, ,ickg: CHOICE NOVELTIES rx BUMMER STYLES. OF lIATS, AT WARBURTON'S, Je23.6t. . No. 430 CLIESTNUT Street Ice Pitchers.— GREAT IMPROVEMENTS. PATENT APPLIED FOR. Our new Improved Ico Pitcher combines all the quail Grafton'', both of utility and economy. Sold only at the exclusive Silver Plated Ware Montt factory of JOIIN 0. MEAD & SONS., N. E. corner NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets. je23-3t Palpitation of the Illrart.—When not arising from organic disease, palpitations arc duo either to nervous excitement or to a general impoverishment of the blood. The PERUVIAN SYRUP, by restoring the vital fluid to its proper condition, calms nervous excite ment, arrests palpitations, and invigorates the whole syste m. J021.0t Singer's Sewing Machines.—After a fair trial of the sovesal machines that have yet been offered to the public, the unanimous verdict of operators has been given in favor of Singer's. This is, in fact, the only machine capable of performing erery kind of sea lug. SINGER'S NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE iR 3 beyond all question, the moot complete article for family use yet invented, being at once ornamental, easily operated, and superior, in every respect, to any other machine. On this statement we challenge the world. I. M. SINGER k CO., Seamen's Savlnn Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, one door wort of Second street. Receives de posits in eums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and. allows interest at the rate of five per Cent. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 5 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, Franklin Fell; Presenter and Secretary, Charles M. Morris. Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MEROHANT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Draft'', Bills Lading, Bill Heade, Cir culars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to snit the times. 0017..1y 0 ' k Bakers 061.1113RATiD FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 730 CHESTNUT STREET. These Machines are now justly admitted to be the best in use for fancily sewing, making a new, strong, and °last'', stitch, which will NOT rip, e'en if every fourth stitch be cut. Circulars sent on application by letter. ape-y Dower's Infant Cordial.--This inn:unable Cordial is preparedfrom a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the moat perfect and reliable carminative extant for infante and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy cure Is effected in all eases of C leoiie, windy pains and spasms: Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during dent'. Lion or teething, and by ite soothing .properties trim quilises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, dre. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been need in thousands of cases with the moat abundant success. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Maur A. Down', At hie Drug and Chemical Store, N. H. cornevof Sixth snd Green ste., Philadelphia. To whom all online =at be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. an 18-ly Saving Fund.—Five Per Cent, Interest.— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received in any sum, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The investments are made in Real Estate, Mortgages, (}round Rents, and such first-class securi ties as th charter requires. Office hours, from 9 Wale& In the morning until 6 o'clock In the afternoon, nd on Monday and Thursday evenings ontifil o'clock. fel, To Prevent the Hair falling off. To pro. mote a now growth. To prevent the hair turning gray. To change gray hair and whiskers to their original life color. To make the hair soft and glossy, inclining it to curl, JULES NADEL% EAU ATUENIENNE, Olt NAIR RESTORER. Sold by all druggists, and by JULES RAUEL & CO., N 0.704 ONESTNUT Street. jai-at-wit On the morning of the Mt instant, by the Rev. J. H. Jones, Mr BDR..P. TGOMPBON (formerly of Ebens burg, Pa ,) to Miss HAUL, daughter of Price J. Pat ton, of this city. at On the Mgt instant, by John G Wilson, V D. M , Mr. WILLIAM P. IRE to Mtn ELIZABETH ROOTER, both of this city. , rt On the 2let indent, at St. Marro Church, by 1113,8 Father Martin, Mr LODIR CROZRT to Mitt EL LEN FOGARTY both this city. * On tho 7th instant, by lbw Rev., F. 0. Pearson, Mr. WILLIAn HOLLINGWORTII of Dianityunt, to Mrs. ANN DYSON, of Trenton, N.J. ak On nth ultimo, by John 0, Wilco . % Y. D. M., Mr. ELLIS S LEWIS to MARY ANN E. RANG, both of Frankford, in this city, On the 234 instant, JOHN HOWARD ECKEL, in the 17th year of his ago, eon of the' lato.John Eckel. The friends of tbo family are invited to attend hie funeral, from his mother's residence No. 215 North Sixth at, on Friday afternoon, the2sth:at 3 o'clock. * Suddenly, on Wednesday morning. at East White land, Chester county, PsWILLIAbf RILEY, eon of George A. and Mary Baseline Miller, aged 3 years and II months. Funeral to take place at Lancaster, this (Thureday) afternoon, at o'clock. Friend'. and relatives are invited to attendOritbout further notice. * ' On the 21st !natant, of consumption, Mrs. MART THOMPSON, daughter of Philip Rice. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her father,, No 1611 Vine street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. On the lint instant, MARGARET BAYLOR, in the 89th year of her ago. Her relatives and friends ere respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from ihe'realdenee of her daughter, Mary A Cook, High street, Alanayunk, this (Thursday) ' afternoon at 1 o'clock, On the 22d Instant, Mr. PETER SPARKS, aged 67 yeses. The Male relatives and friends are respectfully In vited to attend Ma funeral, from his late residence, 1012 West North street, on Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock On the 21st instant, Mrs. %MANNA 1181011, in the 28th year of her age The relatives and friends of the fatuity 4re respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from 1038 torah street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 8 o'clock. sk On the 224 instant, WILLIE, eon of James and E/1- zabeth J. PARIIOII, in the sth 'year of his age. The friends of the family are invited to attend the' funeral, from the residence of hie parents, No. 929 Washington street, on Minds.) , afternoon neat, at 3 o'clock. On the 22d Instant, after a lingering illnenaddre • AMANDA J. COBDEN. ller relatives and friends are reepectfully invited to attend the Amaral, from her Into residence, No. 14 North Eighth street, above Market. - this (Thursday) af. ternoon, at 4 o'clock, without further notice. * On the 224 instant, Mr. DAVID lIAZZARD, in the 77th year of his age. The friends and those of tta family arererpectfully fnvittd to attend the funeral, froM his late resident*, Parham street, Front, above Catharine; thin (Thursday) morning, at ll'o'clock, without further nottce. To pro ceed to F.vergrden Cemetery Camden N.J. Alumni Astociatiom Central High IJ SCHOOL.—A Meeting of the Board of Managers will be bold at the Office of SAMUEL L. TAYLOR, Esq., No. 457 WALNUT Street, on FRIDAY, 25th instant, at 5 o'clock P. 51. FREDERICK REYER, President. WILLIAM AI.:WM, Secretary. Jai WPhiladelphia, Juno 21th, 165 S.—An Election for Directors of tho 44 IiIUTUAI, DE IT INSURANCR ASSOCIATION OF PHILA DELPHIA," to boom tho onouhor your, will be hold IA the Office of the Hecrotory and Trennurer, S. B. corner of THIRD nod WALNUT Strut , lt, on MONDAY, July nth, IhsB, betceen the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. awl 3 o'clock P. AI. IYAI. MARTIN, Jo., je24-10t Secretary nod. Ta ensurer. arDrparthlellt of Public Highways—June 22d, 1858. In consequence of repairs rendered. necessary to the °MAUD AVENUE ItitIDUE, no cattle or vehicles dill be permitted to pass over It until further notice from thluDepartment. JOHN 31cOARTIIY, jet --2 t Chief Commissioner of Ilighways. ogo. At" to meeting of the People of the TWELFTH WARD, convened on Tuesday evening. June 224, 18'8, to select Delegates to the Convention which In to elect representatives to the People's Convention to be held at Harrisburg, to . no. initiate a State ticket, the following Resolutions ere offered by Wm. M. Wileon, and unanimously adopted: Resolved, That, in the sense or this meeting the candidate for the Supremo Judge belongs exclusively to Philadelphia, and we earnestly desire our brethren throughout the State to accord this to us, as a right that, under exhalbg circumstance, should not be taken from us Resolved, That we present for this office the lion. JOHN M. BEAD, as ono of our best and purest citi- Sens,s lawyer of extended experience, and of groat learning in his profession, which, united with mature judgment, render him eminently qualified for the Su preme Bench. Resolved, That we feel an honest pride in the fact that we can point out to our brethren such a man at this emergency, and wo earnestly recommend him to the Conrent'on which is to snake the selection. n exotved, That, these Resolutions, signed by the till corn of the meeting, be published. BROOK WATSON, President. J. 7'. RICKARD. Secretary je22-21 Aottee• nee°. dunce %voila the advice of a body of Alumni of the College of New Jersey, notice is hereby given the Graduate Members of the American Whig. and Cli.ophic Societies, that, an changes in the affairs of the Italic are meditated by the College uuthoritloo t which cannot but vitally affect their 'rigor as Literary Inntltutionn, we deem their con ference relative to the matter, and advice an to the best course of procedure, of essential impel tnnee. They are, therefore, urgently requested to attend the Annual AteetingH of the Graduate Alembers on TUES DAY, the 29th of Juno, the day before the approaching Commencement. .. . i FRED'K STUMP, Ma., Committee on be lt. L. COLE, N.C., half of the Clio- C. C. CLARKE, N. Y., tumble. Society. Committee on be- T. O. LYON, Miss., half of the Ameri• W. A. fiIoATEE, Md., can Whig Society,) GEO. OKAY, Del. NASSAU IlAbt,, Princeton, N. d. JeT2-luths3l. ErrPhiindelphin nod Reading Railroad CO.—Oflice 227 South FOURTH Street. IIIILADELP/11A, Juno 21st, 1868. To avoid detention, thu holders of Coupons of this Company, due on let pioximo i are requebted to leave them at this Office on or before the lat h instant, when receipts gill be given, nod Chocks will bu ready for de livery on the lot proximo, in exchange for saki receipts. je2'.-tiyl 8, BRADFORD, Treasurer. ifs- • Big Mountain Improvement Company. PUILADHLPIIIA, Juno 11th, 1858.—NOT10E.— A Special Meeting of the Stockholders of the " Big Mountain Improvement Company , ' will ho held at the office of the Company, southeast corner of FRONT and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, on FRIDAY, the 26th instant, at 12 o'clock 8., to receive a report upon the unexpected condition of its affairs, nod to express their views as to the future courso they wish the Di rectors to pursue in the matter. By order of the Board of Directors. • Jel2-02t WiNI. I'. JENKS, President. WGermantown Pnesenger Rahway.—The Commiasionere of the " Germantown Passenger ay Company" will attend on MONDAY, the 28th Juno,lBBB, end on each business day thereafter, from 10 o'clock A. AL to 2 o'olock I'. M., at No. 80 South SIXTH Street, to receive subscriptions to the stuck of said Company, until the same is fully subscribed. Charles MagargoWilliam EL Perot, Vincent L. Brad ford, J. U. IVhee ' ler, J. B. Struthers , William Mill ward William W. Whiter, Mordecai C. Damson, Thos. A. Biddle, George WW. Ilemmerely, Jnbez Oates, John J. Griffith, and Mina P. Kino, Gommisehmws, ,jol24tJyl Office, No. 803 CHESTNUT Street Stlarnaive lacathe Nitit;gli. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY OF PEIL&DELPH/A... - ' In the matter at the Estate:of SARAII JONES, de- ceased. The auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the second account of SAMillite HALE Executor of the sold Sarah Jones, and to report distribution of the balance In his hands, will meet the parties interested thetcdn at the IVIITHERILL HOUSE, George Street, above Sixth in the city of Philadelphia, on MON DAY, the day of July, 1868, at 11 o'clock A. DI. je2l-thstuStit JAMES H. HORN, Auditor. Bummer tiegorio - - Q.EA-B A-THING- OCEAN HOUSE,CAPE AA ISLAND, N. J.—This well-known and popular House le again open to receive visitors. It 1200 been put In complete order, and every attention will'be given to guests to make their visit pleasant. The table will be abundantly supplied with the luxuries of the season. Charges moderate, to suit the times. je24-6wit ISRAEL LEAMING, Proprietor. Real estate. I% ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE, PRINCETON, NEW JER FOR SALE Olt RENT. A largo and handsome brown-stone Residence, situate in prlnceton, New Jersey, with between 8 and 10 acres of land, In a high state of cultivation ; a grapery . ; kitchen garden in full cultivation; a young and thriving orchard, with every variety of fruit, suited to the climate; a handsome lawn, laid out with teats and skill, and comprising almost every description of orna mental shade trees. This house, built within a few years, is a first-class residence, of beet construction, with all the modern improvements, two furnaces, gas, water introduced, itc.,• a superior STABLE AND COACH ROUSE, Ice Rouse, and other outbuildings. fl TILE FURNITURE, much of which is entirely now, and of the most elegant description, made by Lo jambre, will ho disposed of on reasonable terms, to a person renting or purchasing the property, the owner going abroad For further particulars, apply to • M. THOMAS & SONS, Je24•thm4t 139 and 141 South SOUB.TII Street Datl)ing-rubes, Sea. JOHN •P. SLOAN'B BATHING-ROBE AND CLOTHING STORE, DECATUR STREET, NEAR VirASUINGTON, CAPE ISLAND, N. .T., Where will be founds large assortment of all kinds of BATHING DRESSES, for Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Milkers, Children, and Infants, such' an Blouses, Le enders, and Flannel Shirts, of all qualities, altos, and colon; together with every, style of Bathing Robes, Oil Caps, Leather and Gum Belts, Slippers, Gtim Shoes, Towelling, Soups, Colognes, Re , as well as Morn ing Gowns, for old and young, large and email. Also, Genthmen's Drone-Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Gloves, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Half-Hose, Re. A large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, suitable for the season, always on hand, and for sale at as low rates as any other establishment on the Island or elsewhere. J. P. SLOAN also keeps on hand a full supply of Bathing Robes at EAGLE UAW, CLOTHING STORE, No. 806 (formerly 274) MARKET Street, live doors above Eighth street, PRILADELPLUA, which will be sold at the most reasonable prices. Bathing suits will be HIRED to transient visitors at the /Bere t on the Island. Having made the getting-up of bathing apparel his duty for several years pest, the subscriber thinks that his experience qualifies him to suit the taste of the most fastidious. "WM STUDY TO PLICASC." I. P. SLOAN likewise occupies the Store N. E. cor ner of WASIIINGTON and DECATUR Streets ; CAPE latest), opposite the United States Rote/ and the Ame rican House, where MRS. SLOAN will have the super vision of a very large cud well selected assortment of BATIIING APPAREL for Ladies, Misses, Children, and Infants, comprising Basques, Polkas, Yokes, Sacks , and every other approved article desirable or suitable for sea-bathing. Persons who intend visiting Cape Island can be ac commodated with bathing apparel at either of the above Stores, and thus avoid the trouble and expense of car rying thein from a distance. This (being his eighth season in the Bathing-Robe business, J. P. SLOAN feels satisfied of his ability to please persons to all kiudi of garments suitable for sea-bathing. Returning sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, ho respectfully solicits a continn once of the same. JOHN P. SLOAN, No. SOB (formerly 274) MARK hi . St., Philadelphia, Has one of the largest tosortmeuta of Bathing Robes In the United States, suitable for sea-bathing at Cape Island, N. J., Newport, R. 1., Long Branch, 'Atlantic City, and elsewhere. fe2l43t if .5 =ling illacliittee. HARRIS'S BOUDOIR SEWING MA LL CHINE is offered to the public as the moat relia ble low-priced Sowing 3lachine In use. It will sew from six to sixty stitches to an inch, on all kinds of goods, (Corn coarsest bagging to the Scoot cambric,. It in, withob t exeeptlou, the ehßpleet in its mechanical coo. ,truction of er made, and coo be run and kept in order by a child of twelve years of age The DURAIDLITY of this machine, and the mutarr or ITS won't, are war ranted to be tutsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges front. three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread need is taken directly from the spools, armour TDB TROUBLE OF REWINDING In feet, It is a machine that Is wanted by every family In tho laud, and the low price of FORTY DOLLARS, at which they aro cold, brings them within the reach of utmost every one. ' 8. D. BAKER, Agent, JelB4lBn2 why euwain 20 South 1::1011TH Street. ARTHUR" SELF-SEALING CANS AND JARS Since the introduction of theme now celebrated Cans and Jars. over HALF A MILLION HAVE BEEN SOLD, and notwithstanding ail sorts of contrivances for the accomplishment of the same, object, most of which were little less than frauds upon housekeepers, hese been offered to the public, the atuructrir of ARTHUR'S, the sass wit% truicit Titalt Air ,MANAUEO, nud the CERTAINTY or 10181:LT, hare made them the favorite Cam and Jars everywhere, and now in TUE FOURTH YEAR Limo their intrtaluction, their' reputation ;114111.18, by general acknowledgment, far above any other Can ur Jur in the market, In proof of this we quote, from al inost.innumemble testimonials, this one from the EDITOR OF THE LADY'S 1100 K, in the number for July, likg3. lie says "These celebrated Cana -and Care, the (trot intro duced, and, by all odds, the best, ate steadily coming Into general use. Thousande of housekeepers, who. in. past seaman, were tempted to try other Cans and Jars, and who loot more or less of their fruit in consequence, will be glad to learn that Aithur's neve!. falls. Fur two Bensons toe hare said, use no other, and we repeal the advice." Arthur's Cans and Jars are ALL PREPARED FOR SEALING. They have a channel around the mouth, ou the outside, FILLED WITH CE)InT WHEN SOLD, nod all ready for beating. You have, after filling your vesool with hot fruit, only to heat your lid, and press it into the cement, when the work in d'One. If directfous. are followed carefully, success is alwaye certain. PATENT STAMP Tako notice, tkitt ARTIWIO3 Cane and Jere all bear the Patent Stamp. .60 the Tin Cane you will trod it Impreseed in the metal; on the .Ear:thenwaro Jars, in en oval ou the bottom; and iu raised. lettere on the aidCif of the Glass Jars. SIZES AND MATERIAL. TIN CANS—PIat, quart, half-gal/., - and gallon, Tho Cane and Jam Fine-raoor STorswAnk: (cane-col.) (oscont glass) J.situ—Plut,quart, and half-gaVn. NEST, QUi:UNSWARK—PIut, quart, and to secure economy halkallon. In freight. GLASS---Plntrolusrtouni - • ARTUUIt'S SEIN-SVALING CANS AND TARS are manufactured under the Patent for the puttee Staten by ARTHUR, BURNHAM; GILROY, 117 Awl 119 South TENTII Street, Philittl,a Also, manufacturers under the patent for the Unite, Flutes of the "OLD DOMINION " COFFEE POT. 3e21-thsttt if V.TEEL PENS—Superior to any Pon mann (natured, and' fully equal to the best of (told Pros. PIPE'S CELEBRATED PATENT CURVED POINT STEEL I'ltN, four different sizes, to suit every variety of Penmanship. A superior lot just received and for sale at very cheap ;Aces, by the dozen pens, or gross, at T. B. PETERSON & anornEns , , No. 300 CIIESrn UT Street. Call in nod examine them. je24-31, ALE. -25 Casks Muir's, Younger's, and Allsopp'n Sparkling Ale, in pints binding and for sale by WILLIAM U. VSATON, Je24 . 210 Routh 1111(11 , 1T Straat DORT WINE.-80 Quarter Pipes, in bbnd 1 and for sato by WILLIAM If. YEATON, 216 South FRONT Street. SEA BASS! SEA BASS!—Just arrived, the schooner PEYTONA, e, ith a tine lot of SEA BASS, fresh from the Bunko, and for sale on board, at SPRUCE-STIMET WHARF. Open on Sunday Morn ng till 8 o'clock j024-2L* BRIDGETON, MILLEVILLE, ,r, 0 PORT ELIZABETH, dcc., Am—The steamer EXPRESS leaves first pier below ARCH Street TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, at 83i o'clock A. M. Returning, leaves Bridgeton MONDAYB, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, at 8 o'clock A. M. ; touching at New Castle, Delaware City, Greenwich, Mulford and Tyndale's, going and returning. Through tickets, by stages connecting with the ‘' Ex press," for the following places, to wit; Millevlile.. $1 001 Port Elizabeth $1 25 Parton or Cedarville. 75 Newport 88 Dividing Creek— 1 00 Mauricetown 1 25 All landings on the Cohansey 75 Delaware City or New Castle 50 The stages meet the boat punctually. No disappoint ment,: or delays need be anticipated. Freight, of every description, taken at low rates. }e3-Im* ILASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD.- SPECIAL NOTIOM TO PIIYBIOIANS.--The above offere in vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to dis eased surfaces, which combinee the following advanta ges: A good and unvarying consistence, easily washed off with water, dissolves all substances that are solu ble in water, hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and does not get rancid. The last property alone renders it an invaluable acquisition to the practitioner. Prepared and for eale wholesale and retail, at BMWS Laboratory and Pharmacy, mh6 Twelfth and Ohestinit streets. CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.--GAS COKE, of excellent quality, is sold at the PIIILADEL pate. GAB WORM for t he reduced price of five cents a bushel, and may be obtained in large or small quan. tity by applying at the Gas Office, No. 20 Booth OEFENTII Street. To purchasers tw wholesale it is sold at the Works, in First Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to Anthracite at $2.60 per ton. (Signed) J. 0. ORASON, Engineer. Philadelphia Gan Worke, Aug. 20, In. au2l-tf $1.1.5 r i t o l r N t E u k i i" E GAßS sL I I T F E rB .. 75 cis. fur VELVET tibIITERB. 75 eta. fur KID SLIPPERS. BLACK LINEN GAITERS. At PARKER'S, jelo.l.m* 01 North SIXTH. Street HERRING. —BOO bble. No. 1 HERRING, Eaatport isoopsotion ; 600 do. Halifax, now in store and for sato by JOHN M. KENNEDY & 00., ap 3-• Tina. IRO and MI Tinrth'whimroks. L.AUMAN & RABORG— _LA Importers and Wholesale Dealers In WINES BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY 1,11 GUM, No. 1017 MARKET Street, between Tenth an Elteientb streeta. J 0194 ifetail NEW TRIMMINGS STORE ANDFAC iI-TORY. FRlNGES'uttiqiialled in quility. . NEW:TUIUMIN GS 'STORE, AND', FA:. TORY. CUSTOMERS SAVE. TWO PROFITS: NEW TRIMMINGS STORE AND'FAC: TORY. DIEW•GOOD4 OPENID DAILY. MEW TRIMMINGSSTORE AND FAC TORY. Orders executed by our own operatives. NEW TRIMMINGS STORE AND FAO TORY. J. Q. 111AxwELL dr. SONS, 8.. E. coiner EbEVENTII. and CIIESTNUT Stn. Branch-318 S SECOND, below.Sprute. ie2l-St AWNS REDUCED. ' We are selling French Lawns, of the best cloths and printing; rich styles and medium designs of Or gandies and Organdy Robes; Summer Dress Goods, and Travelling Dress Goods at much reduced prices. 13.11AltFLETIS BROTHERS, jo21.1( - OREBTNIIT and EIGHTH. THE CHEAPEST EMBROIDERED _a. CRAPE SHAWLS ever offered in this City are now being sold by TEGENLEY ds 0 IBM N. D. cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. We purchased, a few days ago, at most tremendous sacrifice for OABII, a lot of very rich Embroidered Crape Shawls, same quality and style ox tro have Rohl for TWENTY DOLLARS! .• • . which wo are now melting at the extremely low price of TWELVE DOLLARS!! Ladles, you may never have ouch another opportunity of buying a HANDSOME SHAWL BO CHEAP! Also, Plain Crape Shawls, from $4 to $l6. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. Special bargains in Lace, Silk, Moir Antique Man illas, &."0. Travelling , Dress Materials in great variety. Thin Summer-Dress Goods. Organdies, Bareges, Grenadines, kc., Le BLAME BILKB, FANOY BILKS, ko. Oar name is justly celebrated for Cheap MILS. Materials for Men and Boys' Wear. Linen Goods, of our own Importation. Summer (lance and other Flannels, &0., km. Mitts,Veils, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, &a., at ttORNLHY & O.IIISM'S ONE-PRICE CASH STORE," N. E. Cor. EIGHTH tr. SPRING GARDEN Streak je1.941 REDUCED.— Another lot 12i and 16 cent Lawns, seduced to 9 cts. Rich Satin-stripe black and white Luxors, 31 ctn. Finest black and brown mixed Lavellas, '25 eta. 680 yds. black Tamarttne, finest quail*, reduced to 33 as. BARITE DRESSES. Rich Satin plaid, gay styles, forego Dresses, $5 One lot finest wode Dareges, reduced to 18,i cts DAYADERE. Alms, Dumb, Poil do Moven, Lavellns. DUCAL RODES. /duo, Ruben alquille: Lawn Rolex. reduced kMinatl2o2 Some very handsome, for $lO, from auction, and worth $lO, with a variety of other styles. Also, SILK DUSTERS. SILK. MANTILLAS, and combinations of Silk and Lace, of our own SUPERIOR MANUFACTURE, fresh from the work-room every hour during the day. Jel9 COOPER & CONARD, B. E. corner NINTH. and MARKET MATERIALS FOR DUSTERS AND TRAVELLING DRESSES.— Chone Tanjore Clothe. Bayadere Idtsors. Ottoman Poplins and Madonnek. Bayadere Mohnirs. Silk Warp Lavellas. Cotton Warp do, at 10 and 12X cents. Bayadere do, at 12M cents. Lupin's super all-wool Debege. Oriental Luatres, &c., &o. JUST FROM AUCTION. A freah lot of Orazlellas and Ducats, at 25 cents. A lino stock of French Organdies and Jacouets, reduced in price. Mossy Black Silks In great variety. CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Plain and Plaid Nainsooks. White French Brilliants. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. White Linen Drilling and Duck. Plaids, Brown Drills, &o. Shirt Bottoms in variety. Linen, Cambric, and Silk Pocket IMO. Black Silk Cravats, &c. The whole stock very cheap, for cult. CHARLES ADAMS, jail EIGHTH and ARCH Btreota MI ANTILLAS I ! MANTILLAS! I— Mc- LTA ELROY respectfully invites Use Ladles to call and examine his stock of Mantillas_, embracing many styles not to be found elsewhere. Our stock is the largest, our patterns the latest styles, and our prices so low that we dory competition. 6,000 yawls Black and Fancy Silks, 3134, 44, 60, 50; rich, 6234, 09, 76; very rich, 81, 8754, 95, $l. 10,000 yards Delaines, Bareges, Ducats, at 10, 12X, 16g,19,4, 20, 22, 25,28, 31, 35, decidedly the cheapest in the city. 10,000 yards fine French Lawns, 10, 1234, 18X, 20, 25, worth, many of them 3714 to 6254, very line. One lot of Crape Shawls, at $l5, worth $3O. 600 yards side-baud Cassitneres ' 37K, worth $l, with a great variety of desirable goods for men's and boys' wear, less than usual prices. 1,000 yards Marseilles Yestings, at 25, worth 75. 1,000 yards new style Ribbons, the cheapest In the city. 1,000 fine French Needloworked Collars, at $l, worth $3. . . 10,000 yards of Plain Burl Plaid Jaconets, and Cambric White Goods, the greatest bargains in the city. Ribbons and Fringes and Trimmings, in endless va riety, at less than half the usual prince. McIII,IIOY, jel-tu th ibtf No. 11 South NINTH Street. STEEL SKIRTS THE BEST PARIS EXTENSION SKIRTS IN TILE MARKET W. J. lIORSTMANN Si CO., 723 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH REDUCTION IN PRICES. SPRING tIANTILLAS, •LL SUMMER MANTILLAS, SILK AND LACE, SILK AND NET, all reduced In price ou Jul after MONDAY, JUNE Ira. ?RANCH L kOZ POINTS AND MANTILLAS. JOIST °PONE 0, A LARGE ASSORTMENT Or DESIRABLE GOODS, wbich wo will offer at LOW PRICES.. J. W. PROCTOR & 00,, IcT No. 708411IESTNUT 'street. RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, CONBUHERB of RICHARDSON/3 LINENS, and those de/areal of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the articles they purchase are sealed with the full name Of the arm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, As a guarantee of the soundness awl durability of the Goods. This caution is rendered essentially necessm7 as large quantities of inferior and defective Linens are prepared, 'season after season, and sealed with the name of RIOGARDBON by Irish houses, who, regardless of the injury thus in fl icted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business so profitable, while pur chasers can be imposed on with Goods of a worthless character. _ _ • •• J. BIILLOCKE &J. B. LOCKE, my2B-6m Agents, 36 OrtIIROII Street, New York EYRE & LANDELL, 110DRTII AND ARCH STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS OPENING OP FASHIONABLE SPRING SILKS AND ROBES DAYADEBE LIGHT SILKS DAYADERE MOH SILKS. OIIENE BAYADERE SILKS. OHM: MODE BLUE AND BROWNS NEWEST STYLE ROBES. $2, $2.60, and $3 for the STEEL SPRING MISTS. EYRE & LANDELL, myl4-tlyl - FOURTH- AND AROII STREETS A CARD. - JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dealer In DOMESTIO AND FORRIGN DRY GOODS, No. 440 N. OROOND Street, above WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA Lome Story White Building TERMS—ONE PRIOR 7011. CASH. iv- Prices 'narked in plain figures on midi article ap7SJ-Sin BLINDS AND SHADES, . °REAP FOR OAKI. B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 10 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Is the most extenelve Manufacturer o WINDOW BLINDS, And Dealer in WINDOW SHADES, Of every variety. He hes a flue stock to bo cold at Reduced Prices. BUFF, and all other Colors of Moon Shades, Trim range, Fixtures, Ac., itc. STORE fiNADFS Painted to order. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO WE STUD Y TO PLEASE. L ARGE NO. MACKEREL-NOW IN store and landing, 300 bble No. 3 MACKEREL tarp 268 halves ditto, for sale by .NO. M. KENNEDY & CO. myl6 Noe. 180 and 182 N. WHARVES 108 QR. CASKS TORT WINE. 111 Mt Pipes Alicante do. 22 Qr. do do do. 20 Qr. do Sherry do. - 11 Pipes Superior Padarete Wine. 20 Qr. Pipes do do do. 40. i do do do do. 111 Bales Assorted Corks. BO Bage Almonds. 25 do Filberts. Landing from Brig "Arrogante Smelio,” and for sale by A. Al FRINO, my27-tf 140 SOUTH FRONT Steet. Afk, FOWLER, WELLS, & CO., 922 ot ae , CHESTNUT Street, keep standard works on Phrenology, Physiology, Water Cure, and Pho nography, wholesale and retail. Phrenologi cal Examination, with charts, and full writ ten descriptions of character, given day and even ing. Cabinet free to visitors. Orders Sy mail to be addressed to Yowler, Wells, & Co., 022 Oheatnut street. jeo-3moit SHOULDERS. -50 Ws. Shoulders, dry in salt, for sale by 0. 0. BADLER & CO, jest 9 North WATER Street. STEWART, & -JcaRRON, INSURANO.E. , AND NOTE No. 108 South NOITRTU Street Jo 2-tu th ea4Ln it CRONISE & CO., SPECIE AND EXCHANGE 11110FIERS No. 40 South THIRD Street, , • PHILADELPHIA. , Refer to the BANES and BROKERS of Philadelphia Je7-I,y CHAS. MANLEY. LP. H. BROWN. R. MANLEY, JR. MANLEY, BROWN, & CO., BANS-NOTE, MICR,- AND , EXOIIANDE BROKERS. N. W. corner of TIIIDD and OHESTNITt Streets, PHILADELPHIA. . . Collections made, and Drafts drawn on all parts of the Stateg and the Can on tho most favorable terms. Collections made, and Drafts drawn on England and Ireland. • tineurrent Bank Notes bought. Land Warrants bought and sold. Dealers in Specie and Bullion. Loans and limo Paper negotiated. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commission at the Board of Brokers in Philadelphia and New• York. jo3•am EDWARD R. PARRY, RICHARD R. PARRY, Notary Public for Commissioner for Minnesota. Pennsylvania. and New 'Jersey. • PARRY & BROTHER,' -R. BROKERS & GENERAL LAND AGENTS and CONVEYANCERS FRONT STREET, above HICKORY, MANKATO, MINNESOTA, • Pay particular attention to loaning and investing Money for non-residents and others, and collecting Drafts, Notes !cc 'Any lettere of INQUIRY or bushiest will receive prompt attention. Refer to Wood Bacon, A Co., Philadelphia. . • • - Dale, Ross, & Withers. Philadelphia, - Sharp, Haines, dr, Co., Philadelphia. Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. Charles Ellis A Co., Philadelphia. Parry h Randolph, Philadelphia. iny2l-om* WANTED—A. SITUATION, by a young It from the country, as SALESMAN in'a Re tail Dry-Roods Store, or a Ulerkshig, by August 'or the that of September. The best of reference given. Ad , dress E. W., FRAZER'S Y. 0., Chester co: je24-It* `V. _NTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, 'board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from 612 to lin per month.' No men baying a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at No 817 MARKET Street, above Eighth, north aide: WILLIAM B. BOYALL, lot Lieut. 2d'Regt. of Cavalry, . - Recruiting Oflicer. Sor Oak anb Ma zet. &COUNTRY RESIDENCE TO LET— Hunted on the Baltimore turnpike, six mimeo from Market Street Bridge, five minutes' walk from Clifton's Station, on now West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, two-story atone 11011 SE, eighteen room), stabling and other conveniences, eleven acres of land, thriving or chard of choice fruit. Poe further particulars apply to CHARLES KELLY, near the premisea, or to No. 120 MARKER Street, Philadelphia. jelo-et OFFICE TO-LET.—AN ELIGIBLE OF BIOS for an Insurance Company, or similar cor poration, having three communicating rooms on the same' floor, No. 222 WALNUT Street, above DOCK. Immediate poseesslon given. Apply to JOHN C. REFFER, or THOMAS T. BUTCHER, No. 112 South FOURTH Street, mh3o-tuttut-tf , second story, front room. OFFICE ROOMS TO LET.—Tbreo beautiful COUNTING ROOMS, (in Grigg'e Fire- Proof Building,) on the second floor, front, No. 226 WALNUT Street; _suitable for insurance, or any other Companies needing communicating rooms. . jell)-16tit JOHN GRIGG, 220 WALNUT Street. at HOUSE FOR RENT AND FURNI IV' TURF: NOR SALE.- 7 A person about relinquishing housekeeping, offers for rent a good house located on VINE Street, near Logan Square Ile will also sell the Furniture, which has been in use but a short time, and is as good as new. Address 0. P. Q, at this office.; TO LET.—COTTAGE AT LONG ida BRANCO, newly furnished and newly built, with in 300 feet of the ocean. Ten sleeping rooms, dining room, large parlor, kitchen with convenient cooking ar rangements, coach house, stables, garden, and about 2 acres of ground. Further particulars apply to No. 20 South FIFTH Street, or to HENRY HOWLAND, Long Branch, N. J. To LET.-THE UPPER ROOMS. OF stores No. C 7 and No. 333 MARKET Street, below Fourth. Apply on the premises, to L HALLOWELL & CO , or GIIILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. CLERK OF ORPIIANS' COURT JOSEPH A. MONIIEIMER, Eleventh Ward Subject to the rules of the Democratic party. jel7Altek V.HE R IF F ALT Y.—Encouraged by my friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of SIIERINF of the City and County of Philadelphia, subject to the door.too or the People's party, whose no mination I respectfully solicit. - WILLIAM 11. KERN.,__ . Pifkiilith Ward. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS JOHN CMISIN, Fifth Ward Subject to Democratic Rules FOR REGISTER OF WILLS ' CHARLES D. KNIGUT, TWENTIETH WARD Subject to the People's Nomination. jel•tt my27-th ea mo FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. JOIIN OAMEBELL, OF SEVENTH WAND. Subject to Democratic rules. myll.4to glentlzmat's .ffurnioliinil enoits. CIENTLEMEN'S FURN.T.SAING STORE. W KNIGHT,! 306 AROH Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Dealer in all kinds of Furnishing Goode , and manufacturer of Fine Shirts, warranted equal in every respect to any others manufactured in this city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or made to order. mhl•tf CIENT L E MEN'S WRAPPERS OR VII DRESSING GOWNS.—The largest and beet ea eoctment in the city, wlitoleaale sad retail, with a full line of lfnder Clothing, suited to the semion, at W. W. RNIGIIT'S, 606 ARCII Street, above Sixth, Phil/Wel. phis. mhl-tf 17VINOHESTER Br. SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER BEAM SHIRT MANUFAOTORY,• No. 796 OHEBTNUT Street, above Seventh street , Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole. ale and retail. and made to order. an6-lyir HARTSHORNE'S CIIRE-ALL - THE Li GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR! awl Reined) for DYSPEPSIA, WEAR STOMACH AND WEAR DOWELS This article is the greatest diecovery in Chemical or Medical Science for the rapid Cure of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, TOOTIL4OIIE, BORE TILBOAT, STIFT NECK, or Pain In the LIMBS, BIDE, BACK, or any part of the body. It acts upon the Blood, limes, 24119- dee, Sinews, and Bones, conquering all pain. It is also an excellent preparation for Dyspepsia and Indigestion, which arises from a weak stomach or bowels. Thousande of persons who have used HARTS HORNE'S CURE-ALL have been astonished at ita wonderful power in removing any pain from the system. Bottlesl2, 26, 50 cents, and $l, to be sold by R. K. JENKINS, ap22-iftf Corner SECOND and WALNUT Streets. HARTSHORNE'S HEALTH--RESTO RER, OR SARSAPARILLA CORDIAL. The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood. Prepared by a Chemist. Tho best Restorer of Health, and the beet Blood-Purifying Compound in the World! It does not contain a particle of Mercury. The above preparation is suited to the impaired and weakened condition of the human race; It Invigorates the whole constitution; removes all pimples and erup tions from the skin; gives bloom and freshness to the complexion, and is particularly adapted to the weaken ing complaints of both sexes. It is a perfect cordial in testa, and acts like a charm upon the feelings, spirits, and energies of the weak and debilitated from any cam. Quart bottles 5.1; small bottles 50 cents; sold by R. 11. JENKINS, Corner of SSOOND and WALNUT Streets, sp224ftf PETER 'S PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE SELF-GENERATING GAS LAMP Is the only Patent Burner that has a NON-CONDUCTOR ATTACHED. For Safety, Cheat emu, and Brilliancy, it 'MIMI all others. STATE AND 0 'METZ Rl.OlllB FOR SALE. Address D. P. PETERS, S. W. corner YIeCOND and CHESTNUT Ste., Phila delphla ; and 422 BROADWAY, New York. mh4-Iy-rp LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK JLA to your interest., end patronise 1:18811EIV8 LAMP FACTORY, 100 Santa MUTH street, below Chestnut. Previous to hie opening a responsible factory, you were charged $lB for work which be is now doing in a war ranted manner from $8 to $lO. Support him, or yon will have the same chartos to pay. 111.1 d-y CONGRESS SPRINGS, SARATOGA, April 12,1868 . - During the lest meaeon an attempt wan made to de ceive the public by persons offering what they called " CONGRESS WATER," from Bountaine ,• and at the price of nix cents per Alan. The WHOLESALE price of the GENUINE CONGRESS WATER, at New York, being about 7.1( cents per glees. the imposition of thus pretending to sell at retail, for less than cost, and with out allowance for Freight, Cartage, and Breakage, la apparent ; but their probable course has been to empty ONE bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Foun tain, and thereby christening Its total contents. We have NEVER sold Congress Water in Fountains nor in vessels of ANY OTHER DESCRIPTIONS THAN ordinary-elzed GLASS BOTTLES. The cork of every bottle of the genuine is blended a CONGRESS MATER O & W.,' end if without these words and inttenLit to COUNTRFEIT. CLARK & WHITE, ap2B-tr E t 001-if Proprietors of Congrese Spring. FRESH CONGRESS SPRING WATER, Received directly from the Spring at Saratoga, always on hand, in Pint and quart Bottles, and fir sale by P. BROWN, Chemist and Druggist, N. E. corner CHESTNUT and FIFTH Streets my26-wth-toe 1 UST POLICY OF INSURANCE.— NOTICE —Application his been made to the Phi ladelphia Contrlbutionship for the Insurance of Douses from Loss by Fire, for the renewal of Policy No. 8046, issued Slay 18,1852, in the name of JOHN HEIDER, owner, and held by DANIEL BLANTYRE, as Mortgagee, In the sum of 1,000 Dollars on a House on the north side of WALNUT Street, out of, and next to the House at the Northeast corner of Second street, which Policy has been lost or mislaid. E A. BRIGHAM . , For the Administrators of Daniel Mclntyre. deceased, my2o-thu6w No 325 Walnut Strut. - _ PURE CLARET! PURE . CLARET !- From $1 per gallon upwards, and by the dozen it om $3 up to $l5, imported direct by TERRIER & LE SIEUR, Wholesale and Retail denlerB in Wines, Milneis, Sc , Nu. 119 South SEVENTH street, S. E. corner of Sansom. je2l-lin fi WINE.-DE COURSEY, LA FOURCADE, & CO , 335 MARKET Sheet, hoso An importation or Larourcarle's Pure Bordeaux Claret Wine, highly beneficial for invalids. jes-Ina ' • lirdkere.-- 331t0 tUants. political. itlebuittal. tattll3o. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC tittureme 5. yv REA TLES.:;,§I4R Cif ST. THEA.TB.E. Engagement of the trotd-renowned trAILLER TROIIPE,Iind-, HELLER'S TOEING '/Htt-ENTOL - B&I , ; LET COUPS, snfeptee9 of AIXTIV TALENTED TISTB. TO NIGHT, aOSEPH. IN EDTOT. - The Yong dreeetetßallet Wipe in ~TILE ENCHANTED. DOWER. •• TEMPLE tHf LIBEETY. ; Gealdeas orAberty ISlahame , ADitissioN. - • Holes; 26 ceitte VESA:wed Beata' In Dien Circle 37k s Oectieetra Stalls. 60 cents ;„„tleaa In Private Boles, Tal , cfallery, 13 cents. Doors open at 7Ato , elocki.peill , irteaticesemataeneetx • .1. M. B. WH1TT0N.,,,4- • Treasurer. GRAND PROMENADE OONGERT FOR" THE": MILLION) - AT J,AYNE'b RALLi - • THURSDAY 'EVENING: - JDNE -24TH, And continue tivery Evening during the YOUOII, BECK'S BAND sill piarf6ma•popular seleations. EPRESHMENTWOY * ALL -KINDS Served up by EL popular. c‘terer. • Mulls tickets, S cents. Tackeges or I one dollar- Concert to commence at 8 o'clock preciaely. je23- if D. B. HOPKINS, Manager. linsAranice Wompantep. peET I JA , LO I :N OF THE LIVERPOOL AND NDON FIRE -AND - LIFE INBURAVOIS Y—PUBLISUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH V& OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Capital Stock 210,000,000 Number of shares of subscribed Stork, 94,211 Amount of assessments on Stock paid in cash .£156,442 at $5 Value of Real Estate Amount of cash In bands of Phoenix Bank and Caustuan & Co Amount of cash In hands of agents in course of transmis sion Amount of loans secured by bond and mortgages on which there in lees than one year's interest dne Amount of loans on which in terest has not been paid with in one year, (both principal and Interest since paid)... Amount of stocks owned by the company, $3,000 in Vir ginia stock, - the remaining consists of stocks of incorpo rated cities in various States of the Union Amount of stock held by the company as collateral for loans Amount on which Interest is due and unpaid Amount of losses paid during . >, 0,. i' , fg 4Q the year, In this country Amount of unsettled losses Amount of dividend Amount of cash premiums Amount of earned premiulos Amount of intereit'reeeleed from the insestmenta in United States Amount paid and owing for re insurance p.E. Amount of return premiums... Amount of expenses of Company ur Amount oftaxes paid by the " E Ly o company - g .Le pen Amount of all other exses f2g) • and expenditures of the cum to pent' 41,414 05 POSITION OF TRW COSIP/INT'a FONDS. The Capital Z. B. 4. 188,422 0 0 , The Reserved Fund. 214,810 11 0 The Life Fund 531,269 13 10 The Fire Re-Insu rance Fund 153,710 8 11 - • 1,088,018 13 0043 $ 3,440 ,_ 0 32 C 41 493 3750,000 INVE3TED - IN UNITED STATES. CONSTITIMON 'AND O.I.PITIL Liability of the entire body of shareholders Unlimited, All Directors most be proprietors:4n the Company. State, City and County of New York: , Alfred Poll, of the city of New York,- being duly sworn,says, that he is the Resident Secretary, and the only fter of the Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insurance Company, in tho city of New York ; that he has read the foregoingatatement, and that the sexatil true and correct tothe best of his knowledge and belief. ' ALFRED PELL. State, City and County of Now York : I, CHARLES NETTLETON, a Commissioner in out for the said State, residing in the city of New York, ap dpointed by the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, o hereby certify that from personal examination, I fun satisfied that the LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRB AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY are possessitd of bonds and mortgages and other securities to the amount of 000,080 and upwards, as specified in the fore going statement, and that mid bonds and mortgagee are welt and amply secured on real estate, and are of the value represented In said statement. In 'testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and faxed my official seal; this 21th day of March, A. D. 1818. - CHARLES NETTLETON, LbEA Li Commissioner for Pennsylvania in city of Now York. - RICHARD 8. SMITH, Agent, Exchange, Philadelphia. jeltl-stuthlruo 11U1E LNSITRANCE. BY THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF 'PHILADELPHIA. On Buildings, Limited or Perpetual, Merchandise s Furniture, itc., in Town or Country. OFFICE, No. 808 WALNUT STREET. OAPITAL. 4177,925. ASSZTEI, $262,466.69. Invented as follows, yin First Mortgages on Improved City Property, worth double the amount /70,200.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co'e. 6 per cent. mortgage Loan, $30,000, cost 26,600.00 Allegheny County 6 per cent..Penns.S. R. Loan 10,000.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co's. Stock - 4,000.00 Stock of the Reliance -Mutual Insurance ' Company - - 19,150.60 Stock of County Fire Insurance Co .... 1,060.00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies • 476.00 Bills receivable, business paper 62,711.60 Book Accounts, accrued interest, ,ko ' 3,386.10 Cash on hand and in Bank. 16,063.29 1162.466.99/ GLIM TINGLEY, President. DIREGTOII3. Samuel Blepham, Robert Steen, WSYtam Muster, Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, Z. Lothrop, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John IngeelL Pittsburgh. MINCILMAN, Secretary. - - them Tingley, William IL Thompson, David B. Brown, _ Cornelius Stevenson, John R. Worrell, R. L. Carson, Robert Toland, Moses Johnson, Charles B. Wood, James S. Woodward, I feai-s th-rp-tt It. M. A ILEBIOAN FIRE INSURANCE 00. * INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTS/I P. 1311- PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Raving a large paid-op Capital Steals and Surplus Invested in sound and available Seettrities,_eentinne to insure on Dwellings, Stares, ,Fetraltnre, hierebeindlne, Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and 'other Peracmsl Property. All Lomas liberally and promptly adlneled. DlElloroaB. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, Gaspar W. Morris, Samuel o.aforton, - Jamee Onotybell, Patrick Brady, Edmund G. Dutilh. Charles W. Poultney. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS B. MARIS, Secretary, Js -y Savings Junto. J. SPRING GARDEN SAVING/ FUND. (011.1.ETSISID DT THE LEGIBLATORR Or Pinotenvinul PENPRTUAL °HARTER. FIVE PER DENT. Interest allowed to De store, and all Moneys Paid back on Demand. OFFICE, 331 NORTH -THIRD STREET, (001M0LIDATIOS BANK Bum my:o This Institution is now open for the transaction_ 91 business. and Is the only Chartered Baring Fond locate% In the northern part of the city. The Office will be open (dally) from 9 to-1X and also on MONDAYS and TSDAYS, from 6 until 9 o'clock In the Evening. MANAGERS. Frederick Klett, James 8. Pringle, Stephen Smith, Jacob Doak John P Levy, Joseph Cowel, Hon. Haney K. Strong, George Woelepper, Daniel Ilnderkofter, J. Wesley Bray Hon. Wm Millward, Robert B. Davidso, Frederick Staeke, P. 0. Ellmaker, Francis Hart, John P Ferree, Jonepti P. LeClere, I George Knecht, John Kessler, Jr.. 1 John Horn. President, JAMES B. PRINGLE. Secretary, GEORGE T. THORN: ap2l.lftl CAVING FITND.--lINITED STATES I TRUST COMPANY, corner of TII/RD and OICOSTas NET Street/. Large and.' small come received, and paid back on da wand, without notioe, with BITE PER CENT INTER, MST fr om the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. °Mee beam from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and c MOVDAY EVENINCIEffrom 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAYTII for sale on England, Ireland, and Mcotlande from £1 upwards. President—STEPHEN R. ORAW/ORD, Treasurer—PLlNY PIM. Teller—JAMES R. HUNTER WING's FARINA CRACKERS, made from material prepared from that portion of the Wheat R hieh is most NUTRITIOUS and HEALTH FUL. It is estimated that ONE POUND CONTAINS ASI MUCH NUTRIMENT AS TWO POUNDS Or DREAD, as it is usually baked. WING'S FARINA CRACKERS - - are of small size, over ninety to the pound : and baked tire. They are delightful to the taste, and one of the beet Crackers ever produced fur FAMILY USE. FOR LUNCH, and with Oysters. they are unequalled. We ask every Mother to procure WING'S FARINA.. CRACKERS for her children, They are far impel - lo g to many of the preparations usually given to - them. being decidedly more healthful and nourishing, and, as they dissolve readily in the mouth, are always eaten; with a fine nest. Ladies and Gentlemen will find them lumurpassabld for their FINE FLAVOR AND PLEASANT TASTE. Delicate Ladies, and all persona whose habits ate more or lens sedentary. will fmd WING'S CRACKERS must excellent. F or Professional Gentlemen, Bankers, Mereimm. nod Clerks, they may be Wed for LUNCH. with grmt ads outage In maintaining a healthful regularity of the syatem. Teachers and &helms. In schools generally, will find them very agreeable. WING'S FARINA CRACKERS are a most valet. ble article for Travellers In the cars; or ou shipboard s at sea, they are one of the very best things that eon be eaten. The use of theist is becoming widely extended, and, im order to guard against deception, wane CRACKER IS SWIM, Willi TOO NAYS "A. WINO." There are no other Crackers manufactured in HMI United States like these, ur kneun IS true Faring C rockers. 15'ING'S FARINA CRACKERS may be procured of the hot Emily Gru‘ers generally, by whom th e y ore eaten-hely sold , in di ff erent per lons of the trotted Stales, end nt a hohnolo only of A. N. Thompson & Co.. 221 and 223 Fallon aired, New Tork. DIN EE & BROTHER, Wholesale Agents, le 21-dtt No. 145 South FRONT Street, Mlled's. FIRE -WORKS ! FIRE-WORKS U A full assortmen FIRE-WOI3ICS, AT REDUCED c1.4.3.0,43 . ._.. STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, 1210 MARKET STAMM, jelO West of Twelfth kaLATE SLATE I I SLATE I 1 1—E0011124 Slate, of all ohm and at eau low rates, kept eons, atadtly on hand, and tar eale by WIRING, FOX, & CO., GERMANTOWN ROAD and TRIAD street. N D. Slate Roof' put on In the beet manner, and 1t patriot attended to. 44t work warranted. las, 141,11.0 00 000,000 00 42,050 00 65,031 00 473,860 00 153,000 00 ZA,OOO OD 102,177 01 10,000 09 619,107 08 4T4,037 Zi 33,655 30 6,216 96 23,001 4i 46,016 06
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers