~ . • - - Jai T4ONAS 4 3 4 11gn• p_ • I " AITA•Wr Eh Ad 161'8010 0 : 5 1 MATH ••••.;•(Iforrimilv ii i 011, 0 74414,19.1 • 02V821,i111..T05T00/1 DAW-00i1;14011113.. L. DC , briersifthe tingreel.fOrthe liblideriOf the BONDS th-t,NORTEII3ARBONDAI.34-4/03,1.1)1111PANIN on ' ViieedaY, lely 5t11,1858, et thsPldiadeteliAt444 o sl7 o . , ..?upay,eports, Erg ,true6u). - , - „ce• s Ball nor resdricito4, 3 .1 , 11 M". A 1 • - REAL • .EBTATB 137WIESr. . 4 _,..pablie Sales af,the Pediedelptslo,,RgAange . err/ 'ivasdayllyealug.' , , $l7 - handbills Of_eiwiftiriPerig l67o74 =P7, 4 1 ' addition to_whiclivo 4.e -71r0 en' ~,,baagimottnaampzuet ferm i "-i441i13 11 '4" 111°4" MM-the. ,mving full escriptioss , R ld an ." the tollowiutpungdoso,. . ----,. • •- 00 - r' IFURNITOB.II • • SALMI rattl, ; ,AllitiTlON , 11TOE3,0sveryThnrsday morning: • - ; " 1111ADESTA',101 AT:PIItVATE rimag, _ an, ma have a lode *await Chesil Estate at PH ' age.% *tholuding , every antiphon of Olty And . Sonar)", proper F 7 ,q414 WO; mix: 4A4 it the T. 11 "5 1- rweArealsafix.sonlTEß. - . • . t• Reel Estate eritotod;Zin - our Priva te , Bete he: t_ and 44TiallSedirstsisioniAr our Palle Bale etras% (of watch I.,99 , 9fiutiez,artprtnted weekly ) ) !pure AAA. " SPRING BALKS-,STOOES,AND. BEAD ESTATE. Tuenty:tbUd 16tli, at the, . •• • " .Trrenty-fourth 'Spring' Bale, J roe 'l9th, on : the pre: mhos, Postponed Peremptory sale of 60 Building Lou..o' Haddonfield, New,Jersey.. ' Twenty•lftlf Spring' Pole June -2sl, at the Ex- Part of the descriptioloirin,hAditilitkPg..,,W ) e above sales now ready: 11TOCES Ash „ , ' • • This rialag ; '.". _ • , . 16th June, at B•ofclitok,etthiPattestelhia'Excharige; -, previous - o ' ll4 sale, sttleel betate; wlll„be ' eotd,t by .order of executors- ; - • Tow _ ' Also, 1 Aire PAttliremie,PAk Association. , Also; Pew No.lo7, • liortNeisle;Graee Church:4: share' the Eirmereluid • I.l6thattest„Larek . nd Alisociatlon (Gratz estate). ' rr- t _ SCHOONER 1DA. , 2„ C•iflialitethtetedayi - :•2" ".• -;• 3uliS, sba,‘ If A i1e,,040814, wail,. At . PiaGdelifista fer,acoonAtir whotalt`may boiscern " Three-sixtianthe • tiftichooner • tt,lde,” built at 'intagtori, - Deleneri4•l6llll9s, RAS 52-96 tape register 49 • ,2th /12, feet, tiresfith"albeam Tf_teet, deptisof Itod ll test. S ' EX"Yr-, ,*!na.*,?"/"l°' - • This sale still litotath _ • : °retain' CrairtPale , -EitiiSif YoriailiiiiLtikens,dertd, ...yALUABLE 4 74ARRET STREET - STORE, - AND - -.YRANKLITC: MON PEOPZETY,-three•story 4 brick StstreoteuthieldoSarillirket street; No: 812.1rotwoen 'Delaware Third and -Fourth streets, 19 feet 9,4 inches front, sad"2l9 feet 7 inches_ in depth, widening to, 83 feet anti again „narrowing to 17.15 feet, , Together with . two three-,sfory,brlck looses contiguous thereto, trout-, Ing on Prenttin,plice. 02711,1 s is n, Very valuable „property, in outlet the beet buelnosssquares in Market • - sheet: , 0 (10 ,1 13b4a at:the Arden store. hYALIJABIEVGIN - a ndi, ,PROPRETY)Es, „629, • atireen Delawarisillg 'venth'ziattete,- TIIRENSTOELIGUOK WELLING, hintistreet, "roost side, above Coates street, 17, feet front - and . about 67 feet in depth. - C. VALUABLE* INZIQE,DWELLING. Third street and' Laurel etreet7between Walnut wed 'Spruce, 20 feet, 8 ,Inohea front,lBofeellidepth, with twovehusble fronts. 11: "This property*. krona of yes .most improving • - squares* Beetle Third street,.. MrAltrrison , s splendid offiee building 'lll directly opposite, and., the,pennsyl vents Rellroad.offfort zearty opposite. • 1 • THRINETQEY BRICK DWELLING, N.E. corner of - Wood anal/lowa streets. Gate Northern Liberties.) " .• • I TWO ',DR 3 lON-DWILLINGS; Wo6dtreet, Nee; 811, = 8133siirtii - rldiyhettienZightlysu4 aordenetreels, They will be coldeeparately; ErPuil destriptiolis of the whole of the above estate MST bq *ld Li hentifillslo the auction rooms. ,Ternas ' Orphism' CoUrf Isle-listate of Daniel Copple, dead. s•tt muzgopyo,EvEßNlS DWELLING, N°. SBB Spruce " 'itteet, 4 l7itvietia Beeondand Third streets:, ,- , °robins' Ccrurtgole,-Estite 'Chills. Minors; 1 - '1,81.17A111 VIIIIINSTORY: BRION - DISTILLERY 'ANN .711111111 ..TATuis4Tro RI/ maws - Rw/sx.was, - ..'Plielfti - etriat, l •Lotatierd strttekaisi Ohio street, (three _horde.) • •• ' -• Orphans' colon fletet-Estae of William A-Budd, deo'd. LARGE LOT OF,_o3ollND,,norhislde of - Prime et., ,west of Seventh street • - - 1 DARGNIEPT OR GROUND, southeast side of. Fur :',l•4iiiclicedraortliet PACS Ssereet. -, . SMALL LOT OP GROUND, hest side of Seventh it., north of Prime street. - • . ./'FN LOTS OP GROUND, west nide of Spring street, north of Chiatio'street; (late Penn Township.) . ' LARGE LOPOP GROUND, west aide of Mill street, south of fientse street; Otte of Penn Township. 1 LARGE LOPOF (ROU ND{ Southeast comer Cherlei Ad Centre AVOW' • - y,,.. ; , LARGE GYP or OulND;'soiatltyecorsei,St Mill ' '• andllentriretree'ta. • ' • LARGE LOT or osouNm,vsm side of 'hu,i *treat, south of Centre street , - - ',LA 80E.LOT.OF , GROUND, B. W. - oorner pigmies arsd , • Centrestriets: - _ • - „- LAW/BLOT OFGRODND,eoutheasteornet of henry and Clentrestrimar.- , LARDEDOT OF GROUND, northwest corner of Siring .ind'Oentre streets , sly-Descriphone of thei.aBOve estate now ready in "handbills. _ , • , VALUABLE:STEAM BAW AN. D, TUBEINE MILL, -: - ,handsome stone 'Residence, and two Acres of Land, Fox Chase Vipsoi,aboist Rog, from Philadelphia and 4 miles fromlfrankfrird.7 ' • ..TWOTHERNSTIGIT BRICEDIVELLINGI, Nos. 114 , and - 110 Noble Strees • • •," , _ Txtßaß-troar fox - 'xim - Awm u,' • 210 : - .3.123 • roplitr ethet;#l,ye ~ „ _ , " • - . ,"Trasteea7 , • , . TWO 'LOTS; north 'fide of • PoPlai street, between " Fifteenth and Sixtienthlstreete. - - hale-hstote of Dr. .IC Mlyhell deed. 1 •lILEGANT WALNUESTEEET, REBID NOD, S. W." oorderofEleventhetrobt,With BrabLe sod Cottehhotute, • • 28 feeted Walnut etieift,,lmatediate poesezeion. 4 VALTIABLNARCESTREETNESIDENCE, N 0.1020, between•TAthAn‘,Eleventh with Stable and !zitherist, on,Leiper's court, fat 26 feet. , front,l6o feet • -• • - • " ,TOMER-STORY ".120, -1189- 'Vederol street, between - lerenth. and Twelfth eta, ' PEREMPTORY BALE,-Three well secured Irie• deemshle irolid•rents.,ona, of Stiles yeltlyilne of $6342 I,l4&attfittilitieiliinDENoE: 140 704, above Seventh ;street. It is 24 feet front, eau incomplete circler.' . - BUILDING LOT, north side of Thirteenth-street, south-of Master street. Executors'. Ehile-L•ltetitssof J'abss./eakins,deeetterui. - IlehrosonnirDol7BLEßESlDENoll,'Northwest co*- ~nercf Green and Fifteenth streets.-It is 86 feet front, ;,bandsonsety elevated - on s terrace, end replete through -oaf With all •moderSoollVenlencesi...ikt47 ":$2,000 re '. gaited, . • • „, - .• Eietiutorn , Peremptory - • ' TWO. WELL-SECURED GROUND /LENTS, $36 a ' fear 04511:43,090.7,'Phey are secured •011 lag Hattlifect ,, r/i.idge nteinies 7169ie.,,Irattonwoitd street, - - - _. - • Pereniptory . Bale. , •.„ - 'TWO T,11,11511,-STOY, evonite;;weirt of Thirteenth:Street: •- • TWENTY,PONBTII-11PRINGINE 19th.; Postponed sale Attie mires, Haddonfield, N. J.' 'On Satil7d.27,s/incirl9ol,•et o'clock 11),,,wi1l be sold on the premises; Iladdongeld;N. 't ' • • FIFTY COTTAGE BITES4PERIMPTOEY SALM."- ' 66 desirable - elfgibly Nhisted buildingglots,. on the Ihie of the Cimdetraid Atleatte liellroad,llszthe moot lei ' proving pert Ofhaddonileld; N. J. - . , • (13 - A ',pedal' train Of ears: will leave Vine street wharf A 12 o'eltok11:7 ; • •-• lty-ForfulAystoticulare iteeltita . AMIN and Ai& A the TWENTY:iII/TA W -RING SALE - 224 - JUNE, 1 At the Exchange 7,111 ; 'Mende- • . Orphans , Court Sale-Bstate,of, James „Walker. deeki. LOT OP GROUND; Arthweit sideof tispriva street, southwest of Lehighavenue .ilasteltiabmend.)• ', •• LOT- OF GROUND, 'northeast elderof Lehigh avenue, ' southeast from Gen/street' (latiKetuilagton „" • -TWO PRAMEMESSUAGES, frontingon Queen street and Fraley street, (late NarthernLiberties.). • .41111111iSTORYDRIONDWELEINff,"Tetith - Street, I south of Thompsoustroeti =4lstrilitotPennt) ' • One uadividad holtport of a LOP OP GROUND AND STONE BUlLDlNG;Sewli , itree-between Tenth and f Eleventh 'etrikste:"• • . -,,1• ' - '144- Sa me Estate. - . . One undivided-half mot of.* LOTOP 'ROUND AND TERENOTORY :BRION 11E13SUAGE, Third street ' north of Green street - . -,- • • Psaing"to r rySale. `THREE-STORYBRIONDWELLING,EIouthpfIeienth 'street, not& ot Federal. • • A WELL•SECUNIIID GROUND RENT of 280 ayeA.` Trustees! Sale-Rotateof-Elisabeth Greenfield, deed. TIIIIEN81'ORY.1111101L• DWELLING, Tenth street, fourth hoime above Arch street. • - ".• • HANDSOME COUNTRY BEAT AND FARM, 90 sores, gnnegres Ererton, ,, Byberry, tour miles from Torrea • dale. eatrthrog miles from Common's-Stetson, on the - Philadelphia's's! Trenteri'Rellroad. - •• • ' ; THREE-STORY BRION DWELLING, No. 1305 Olive street, betweettCoates and Brown streets, and west of Thirteenth street. - - -• • ' , • - TWO TWO - STORY •ssAmp ,RWRI,L . INGS, Doke street, cut of Second street. ". • ,_•_ • • LARGE ANDIVAI,IIABLE.RESIDENOR wi t h 'Ode ~ ," y erd, southeast corner of Fi ft eenth and King streets, and. south of Pine street. Lit 16 by 109 feet. •. " . veto/Liam HOTEL PROPERTy,,,,MobIe and large lot, Market strest, - " , west.of4 - Islllll , mistreet,"Twenty). fourth Ward. , .. -.4 -•-•, • ' ; SEVEN BRIONEWELLINGSAND TWOBUILDING LOTS; Coates Street, ,Twentletb'street,- and Spriagett street: - They wlllle'sold sepirately. RESIDENCE EPRING,GAR,DEN SPRENP;-•-ltend eomoonedero fou.r.stoti bell& riddance, No. DEN Spring Garden - Street:third ddor below Broad S treet; and pearly opposite the Fountain. ' • VALUABLE FRONT STREET AND DOCK STREET PROPERTY,•••••AIms, the large and•valuable• property, 116:226 SouthErant,street. and 188 Doak street, 80 feet front, about 168, feet In • depth from stoteCto street, . baying two valuable fronts. RESIDENCE, 000P11/1 STREE'r; CAMDEN, N. 3.4 liaidsame modern three-story brick residence, with - beck buildings," side yard; sad -modern conveniences, • Cooper - Street, north - olltigth street -•- - "RESIDENOE 0/lEsmoraßET.- Nea t model's " bricktooldencel,irtlihaethpldlageen4ell.Modr era Converlieteez;:Gnaedtats possession : NOS ntut "",dOsi'west.' ;tr.- i - PotasrOatiorotMrsizatOs;Sortiiiiiarier ror Eletr4h and Greif ;theste. _ - fhtleeiNts Raab Street • • , -110USEIDNID J URNITURE, CARRETS, &o;• 'At 10 o'clock, A No. 809 Rae.-street, Sieve Eighth, the household end kitthealernihme of afimally dealt* in housekeeping: ; „ I,May r ,be a'cloak on the merUing '1"11/111)thLANROU0,11001(8-4 roma: Piosf•A - - PELVATE - ogizzarrox.. .-- Uwe 'lsth, at the Lactation store, will be sold e, Dation' of bookvitAtrartous enbleate. ll:rigor peopoulata see catalogues. Peremptory isle at Noll7l2,,wainut strut:" • PRIVATE 'COLLECTION - Of 'VALUABLE .ORIGI: NAL - 011 , PAINT/1457S;_liP - BIGNENT ARTISTS= ; FINE linos row- A.e, • THE PROVO/Tr 10jf ~ GENTIJSMAR:ItEMOVING. '--•._ ; 4 0n Wednesday Morning, - ! /nue .10t1f, at 12 o'clock, •at the _reside:Me of the ' 2fic.l7l2lValnitt Argot, above fleventeenth 8t.,. • will hel sold. without reserve, a collection of. Tenable; ' choice sid,beautifil orighipl oil , paintings, vitriol* eultlecte. , Inettidedsrethe - yrorkeaf W: Strayer, Lentz , "lisbleAdager, SIMMY.Dooper, - Inmen Eronunelli Eire 41 - Rothermel, Cello -Ilarattl,l4,. E. gu,,m, Ifuntingron," ' Vstf - Worrell, 7. L. ` Be- mune, 0, , .• B. gin; ; Sold; Ituds4l,Bmithf ' Tkomae, Birch, Toshio new, end. Others. • ' • • - , The abode colleetiotf liiutheen fousies t 'the lestisSentylkam, by the Present o*ner,-and An; tains -ASA beautiful, and interesting pictures by the', • artists' minied, to 'Which' the noticeof connoisseurs le, reouested, _ •• „ ..yrox.slogruS;RLEGANT . BOOED, =GRA PINGO, &o. ;•-•• Alio;_a few fine brerisits, imported,troui Darts for the', same Owner''' . Ada- number, of elegant 11 104 7 40 texik* . • • frrhafaleguell 'SOW rezdy, and DMArtfehie arranged; ' for examination.- • , , . • • • Egtenelie Eishiathos. 180 andl4l South ?mirth street. - ; SUPERIOE'PLIENITURIS ELEGANT P14140.41011TE1 • PIEL - lastroii PLATE MIRRORS, BRUSSELS (JAINISM), &rt. • , • ! !--.4AV - 91 cfielacir; at the 'auction store, wilt be' imid, an„"ertktilite- aseertment of Isiddifewe" furniture, tincontrvorsevelvettairpets,, &0., from families househmmdzur, removed -to, the store for conic , !nicadcrof ". • ..•„-. 4 ••• I• • • - • ~ . gale No.-1018 Chestnut street., 171 - 4-EGrA,NT.,•IfORNIT.OIOI; • ROSEWOOD PIANO •ionsmor.- PLATE MIRRORS, FINE OW -PAINT/1108, TAPRaTRY- CARPETS, "to. TsutesierMerning, „ Issf• - eflta'slock, at Ht3:16,18 Wilda Watt: "4"t ' e , re, , rosewood piano r4br, //q4ASINgts,, mks ' saitatsv," tapestry: gioecnoe, tie., of affentiemon going! I, J ES.Ouplse may beets/mined 001:te .roortling of. sale, Alf ;;?. ' s.• - ;self Order.of the Sheriff. •-•;•, • 4'"441 1 11* - LA•IrriFOrtIPV« „a3r.,T4 44 - tie squi:Re : 3 00 7- 498P t , "" • 1 " ' n ' k A .,:, f l i t A f t ir.l.elli l e itOX I• Pt k lee l6' t u rnpike, " ""77,77.'71;‘ Ittaeol-.4mattawn. .1191t - .11(001 1 .TO ditci AUCTIONEER, bffloaes :44l,l" ow to winasum &SCOTTO 4310101WrNIPPBt., ititsita the Oak= frouse;:betweed Worth wad fifth SALE OP.AMSROIDERTIS, ace. • Dia Wednesday , Morning . a,noit,/dtb,, at.lo o'clock, CILIA told ' s. Dirge assort ment of embroidered. oaten, sleeves, sots, bands, Aco. AMA COLLARS-41MT LAND ED. In - oluded in - our sale—a case of now style small - si"d collars—Jut landed; and suited to the beet city retail • t, • - ...AftiMMOIAL FLOWERS. Alio, 160 cartons of French artidolals—jnet , landed. -• Also, !I line of French mantillas and silk lace veils.' Also, kid, silk. and Lisle thread gloves, hand-made mate, gents 'nook ties, km " • t' • PARASOLS AND PARASOILETs: A line of city-made parasols and parasollete, for best city Belie.: • , SILKS, RIBBONS , - AND MILLINERY GOODS. a Also, a line -of Marceline and Florence silks, bonnet ribbons, blonds, laces, tko. VIIENESS, BRINLEY, & CO., ' Wm. 222 and 224 MARKET Street BADE 'Ol? IbIDORTBD AND DODIESTIO DRY GOODS. • „ On Friday Morning, Sone 18tb, a 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on 8 months' aredl t "COO - lois of fancy and ateplo dry - .goods, comprising :prat assortment. 840 . 4deannkcatalogues early on the morning of TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, N0."422 WALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. 1:1:r Peraonefaviaing us with eonsigimente can rest snared that their property will notbe sacrificed. Er Commissions more moderate than those charged by any other Auction House in the city. ([T' Couetgemen }, e respectfully solieited. ICY Sales laid immediately after the goods are sold Sale on account of whom it may concern. STOOKS, .ko, • ,On. Wednesday-Evening, June 16th at 8 o'clock, at the P hiladelph ia sz change, previous.% the sale of real estate, wi llbo sold on account of whom It may concern -8 shares Grand Island City Company.• 10 shires North American Seamless Tube Company, $lOO per share—par. . 500 shares Chatham Cobalt Mining Company, $6 each—par. 4350 shares San Francisco Laud 'Association, new shares. , • 8 bonds Beaver Manufacturing Company,ssoo each. 2 bonds Kentucky Mining and Manufacturing Comps, riy. $1,01:10 each. . . No. 407- a- patent 880 acres laid, in Travis district Burnett county, Texas. No 564 a patent 640 acres land, in 'Travis district, Burnett county, Texas No. 565 a patent 640 acres land, Travis district, Burnett county, Texas., Also, on another amounts - 20 shares stook Mount Moriah Cemetery Company. „ Lot No. 45 nection 8, Glenwood Cemetery. 1 share stock Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Nevi . cation Company -2 shires Allegheny-avenue Wharf and Land Co. SEVENTEENTH SPRING SALE—JUNE 16th. -. This aMewillinclude the fol'eirldS- - • Orphans' Court Salo—Estate of Caves' minors. • TWO.STORY BRICK- HOUSE AND LOT, RISING SUN.-,A tercAmd-a.half story brick-house and lot,' in Rising Sun village, 56 feet front on the Willow Grove turnpike, and 200 feet - deep to Cherry street. Subject to $2l dower; the principal sum payable at the death of - the widow. - 'Coact of Common Pleas Bale—Estate of Chu. Wight, • lunatic. .NEAT.. I I3ISIALI, mwsurNG, TWENTIETH ST., !Aaptx,PlLll,llllT —A- three-story brick house and lot of ground, - east' side of Twentieth street, 81 feet northat Filbert street, 15 -feet front, 673 feat deep. Clear of all %cumbrances. CHARMING COUNTRY PROPERTY, 28 ACRES, ITALIAN MANSION, DBLAWARS 00 - UNTY —The , elegant - property , known as Aehten Ridge, , , , in Dela- ware county, 5 miles from Marcos Hook, 4 miles from Chester, and LAC Wise from Rochdale on the West Chester Railroad. Tide property could be need as a school, literary institute, summer boarding house, or for a beantlful 'country reaidenee. The situation fs un excelled in beauty, Stocked with fruit, din. lull de acriptione may be bad at the stare. G.ENTEEL DWELLING, SEVENTH STREET, BE LOW SPETIOE STREET.—A genteel three-story brick dwelling, with lot of ground, east aide of Seventh St., below Spruce, 15 feet 11 Inches front, 60 feet deep to a three-feet alley. $56 Arround , Tent;, :Rents to an old tenant for $260 per adnum. BUSINESS STAND AND DWELLINGS, 510 SOUTH FIFTII STREET —A three-story brick house and lot, IfW~pp. 510 South Fifth etreet, - with a small house on the raiz., 15 feet front, 90 feet deep., $OO ground-rent, and rents fors37o per annum. Organs , ' Court Bale—Estate 'of Isaac Guenther, De , - - LOT OP GROUND;TENTH " N STREET, BELOW 'THOIdPSON —A toter ground, west side of Tenth St., ma feet south of Thompson, 18 feet 8 inches front. 100 fiat deep Clear - of ineumbiances „ Orphans' Court Sale—Same Estate. ' • THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE AND LOT, TENTH STREET, BELOW THOMPSON.—A three-story brick house and lot; westside of Tenth, 114 feet 8 Inches south of Thompson attest, 18 feet 8 inches front, 60 feet deep, then widening to 87 feet 4 inches, extending the farther depth of 40 feet to Alder etreet, two fronts. Clear of Encumbrances. .-BUILDING LOT, HANCOCK STREET, ABOVE YORK.—A lot of ground, east side of Hancock street,' 160 feet above York, 86 feet front, 92 feet deep to Win- Jar street, 25 - feet.wide. $27 ground-rent. Terms— cash. ' , BUILDING LOT - ADJOINING.—The lot of ground adjoining the above on the north, of the same descrip tion and dtmeneions. $27 pound-rent. Terms—one halt cesah.- BUILDING LOT, HOWARD STREET, ABOVE .DAUPHIN.—A lot of ground; west side of Howard street, 110 feat north of Dauphin street, 80 feet front, 95% feet - deep to Waterloo etivlet, 25 feet wide. • 8/7 round-rant' • Terms—one-halt cash. • ' BUILDING LOT.•ADJOINING —Also the dot ad joining on the north, of the same description and dl mensforus. Clear of Incumbrancea. Terms of sale— one-fourth cash. Sale by 'order of Court of Common Pleas—Estate o • - George A. Bougham, A lunatic. • NEAT TWO - STORY BRICK Homo, QUEEN EV., ABOVE RIPTIL—A neat two - Story brick house and lot, tionth aide of Queen.-between Delaware Fifth and Bixthatreete,lB feet front and 58 feet 4% inches deep. Clew of ineumbisnces. • ' BUILDING 'LOTS, • RISING SUN —Two building lots, west aide of York Road, in Dieing Sun village, each 40 feet/front and 200 Apt deep to Cherry street. Clear of all inctimbrances, , Terms—halt cash. BUILDING LOT NORRIS STREET A lot of ground, southwest side of Norris street, 142 feet tooth east of Gant Street, 18 feet front and 103 feet 1 inch deep. = Clearpf incumbnurcerr. Terms—half cash. . BUILDING LOTS, - WOOD STREET.—Two lots. N. E. aide of.WOod, 1137leet north of West street, 18 feet front, 123, feet inches- deep. $5O ground-rent. Street improvements are made. ~FIRST- BLABS GROUND-RENTS.—A Brat-rate old ground-rent of 428.00. Lot and four-story brick house, South street, above Fifth, 20 by 120. Subject to taxes, aboutso per annum. Promptly pid in gold. ; Two of-$20.68 sock out of two properties, southeast eerner SUM and Srealletreets, each 20 by 98 feet. Sub jeotto tates, about *e. per annum. Promptly paid In gold. One or *2G. out of a house and lot, 2hippen street 108 feet above l . ixth , 20 by 100 feet. Subject to taxes, about $4 75, per annum. .Promptly paid In gold. POSITIVE BALE—HOUSE AND LOT, LEWIS ST.-- A house andlot, east aide of Lewit etteet, 117% feet below Oxford street. Twentieth ward, 12 feet front 48 feet deep to a lour-feet alley. $2O ground-rent. Sale absolute. NEAT DWELLING, Catherine street.—A neat three- eta:l brick house and lot, northeast corner of Temple and Osthariiie streets', bettreen Eleventh and Twelfth streets, 18 "feet front and 57 feet deep.* Bath house, gas, Ito' lient $2OO, subject to $5B 50 ground rent. DWELLMEI, CATHARINE STREET. —A , nest three brick hOrree'and lot, northeast corner of-Temple end Catharine streets, between Eleventh and Twelfth drools, 18,feet front and 67: feet deep Bath .House, gat ks. - Bents for $2OO. Ohl:dint to $58.60 me is be paid on - each of the above when the sa struck oif. ". EIGHTEENTH SPRING , tiLK-311NE 17th. • Sale onthe'Premlsis.--Germantown: HOETY-SIK - ELMIOLE BUILDING LOTS. • On Thursday Afternoon, -- Pane 17th,1858, at lijC o'clock, we will sell on the premines -48-eligible building lots on Queen, Peon, Coulter and .PrOaski streets, Germantown. -irr. These lots are hi the most improving part of Germantown. • - Lithographs may be had at the store. EIZT 20, per richt cash' on the day of sale, 20 per conaln one year; and the balance may remain. ' Sale Southwest adviser Sixth and Chestnut stree ts, • NINETEENTH SPRING SALE—JUNE 19th. ELEGANT COTTAGE LOT, ROXEOROUGII,Twenty- Bret Ward.—We will sell on the premises, in Roxbo. rough, Twenty-first ward, on Saturday afternoon, 19th ' June, 1868, at 8X o'clock : TWENTY-21X ELEGANT COTTAGE LOTS, Situate on' Ridge avenue and James avenue, (06 feet wide, laid out at right angles with Ridge avenue,) each 100 feet front end from WI to 250 feet deep. These lota are high and level, will require no grading, and enjoying a One vies-or the surrounding country. They are within tan"minnteemaljr, of Wissahickon and Sheep's Lane eta- Oboe on the Norristown Railroad. and of the steamboat lauding, by which they are accessible half hourly. STerms,sBoo cash ;,balance may remain. he Lithographic plans at the store. $26 to be paid encash lot at the side. ' • • ExeciztoVe Bale—No. 616 Cheetnut street. GUNS,, SHOOTING AGOGIITEEMENTE,EIGAREI, On Tuesday Morning, 224 . Inst., at 10 o ' clock twill be mid at No. 616 Chest 'nit street, third story, by order of the executor, and belonging to the estate of 'the late George Hayes, a number of shooting accoutrements, guns, cigars, Tinkled tobacco, and pipet VItY WILLIAM. H. STERR, AuarionEzn; No. 45 NORTII EOM= EITRBIOT. jJ Large' sales of furulture, clocks, mattresses, embroideries, straw goods, dry goods, fancy goods every Tuesday and Friday monologs, at 10 o'clock. ItErlialeabold regularly eierylVedneeday and Ba. birds, brook**, it 8 o'clock, consisting of jewelry, cutlery*, vesicles, Ito. ' tnyl9-1m Q 8 E S. N A tla kttfs, .S.UOT/ONEER xvicaND OOMMY•BOIUN , XOROSANT, 0. B. corner KM out BAOI Strode. • , • „ IfITRNITURN. This Morning, • . • June 16th, at 10 .o'clock, at M. Nathan's auction store, southeast corner of BIM and 13 ace streets, Wee roesi second-story, entrance from Bane street, consist. lag in part of ,a.anperlor walnut dressing bureau with marble top. and mirror, walnut Jenny Lind bedstead, Iron bedstead, 2 spring =Welles, feather beds, cane seat parlor and rocking chairs. fancy, brocade and Walt nut chairs, walnut_ aecrotary, desk and bookcase, ma: hogany chamber bureau', and other articles, all of whlckhare been In lute but a short time. JEWELRY. ifteYwhloh will be sold, gold chains, breast pins, ear liollll, Anger rim,- bracelets, pencil cases; porte-mon nides, and various fancy articles, ka., sco. GREAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. MONEY , _MONEY ! MONBY ! ! I Slime) , li berally advanced in large or small amounts, from one dollar to tlsonsands, on gold and silver plate, diamonds,' watches, Jewelry, _ fowling-pieces, musica l initimmente, furniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries, cigars, hardware cutlery, books , horses, vehicles, her nem, and all article' of value, for any length of time agreed - on, at ~Nclikansl Principal Establishount,, southeast corner of Sixth and Rum streets. ,filir Promissory make, with' pellateral, discounted at the loirest marketrates. NATRANIP PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT, B. E. CORNER 00 , SIXTH AND RACE STREETS. Where money will be liberally advanced on gold and sliver plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling pieces, , dry goods, clothing, groceries, liquors, cigars,- hard *are, tostlerj, fancy, ' mirrors, paintings, en.; gratings, mualcal instruments, furniture, bedding,! horses, veldeles, harness, stooks, and all other articles of , OTIT•DCOR BALES. Pereonatattintion given to all out-door sales, either at private dwellings, Mores, or elsewhere, sad charges unusually low. - TO PEOGONS REUNGINSITING TIMEKEEPING. Persona relinquishing housekeeping or having sup pile'', of furniture to dispose of,. will dud it to tbeir ad-,wintMe by sending the same to the auction store, south- east corner of aintli-and Race street, where it - will be: properly arranged in the furniture salesroom, and sold , to the best advantage, two-thirds of the goodiadvanoed , if required, and the balance handed over the afternoon Of the day of pale.. ' AT PRIVATE BALI. line gold and .Aver" hunting cone, double cane, and y double bottomed ever, lepinee, A 1211221, anise, and French watches • gold specks, gold Ohelllll, gold brace lets, a variety of fine gold etude, breastpins, and finger rings; fine dote., !superior Old viClln and guitar, very. Ens melodeon, and numerontother articles. HERRINGS -800 bbla. Herring; 800 bble Outrs Newfoundland ditto' 1.20 bble Potomabriry gaited ditto, now In store and, foi sale by JNO . M. KEWNEDY k 00., myl.S: Hos. ipo.ndin N.lunievxs, neiRET W"`"" ariLeiRET COURSEY, ..L.r.votritaiinc, et. 00.; 835 MARKET Street, have au Importation of Latourtile's Fate Bordeaux Olivet Wine, bigkly beneficial fotquvalide, jes-lin ' AV111TE.71.51r..-a76 half bble. of the cole y., brated Deirgit nfieiwbiti Nieb , just received 'and for eat° by 0.0, RADLER & Co., 0 North WATZ.II Etreet. '- :::.1 1 ,}1 - E, ~titA. s 4olll)7o,Liiilitl i A, , 7 . ,!: Ptf,''o . §i.JAY; - ', : ItNE • 15, 'l:go,s_t ' - ' ,l- .' , gala bgstriiiyii: COMMERCIAL BALES ROOM, • '-• 7 BANK and 10 STRAWBERRY, between MAR KET and CHESTNUT and SECOND and THIRD /Amts. B. G NVOLDBRT. AI7OTIONSE9. ' SALES POE THE WEEK. -•••- • • . tiOTIOE.--gale by catalogue and from the shelves. This (Tuesdanmorning,-commencing at 10 o'olock, a large and valuable assortment of staple and fancy goods, hosiery, French dllet mitts, linen, handkerchiefs, silk lace mantillas. embroiderles, linen shirt tents, &o. Also, elegant colors posit de sole bonnet ribbons, French artifielids, white and colored tarlatans, .k.or ID- in continuation from the shelves a general as sortment of desirable spring and summer goods, 'lulled to the present sales. . - This-Morning, Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold, without reserve, for cubit,. large and general assortment of staple and fancy spring and Bummer goods, consist ing of 000 dozen ladies' linen-cambric handkerchiefs, black and colored lace vella, 4-4 wool tweeds, linen ducks, figured Marseilles, 10-4 brown damask linen ta ble clothe, men's ribbed and plain shirts, 4.4 black and colored lawns, corded skirts, 9-4 brown damask linen toweling, cotton hose and half hose, silk and thread gloves. Also, 4.4 ,printed Mlle, colored Missies, 9-4 printed pantaloon atuffs, 4-4 yellow nenkeene, 6-4 pillow ease linens, English duck, printed Marseilles, printed satin, China-gram cloth, French linen drill, &c. Also, 75 lbs. beat black and colored sewing silk, imitable for.tailors'nse. Also, jaconet and cambrio Salmi and book flouncings and bands, book and Swiss Inserting and edging, em broidered book collars, silk neck ties, spring colored bonnet ribbons, gent"' silk and. satin neck ties and mutt'. . . Alai?, a great variety of notiona. EIPOOL OOTTON Alto, 400 dozen beet white and colored 200-yard open! cotton. - , Also. 600 grow plated and black hooks and eyes. ' 1,000 'DOZEN ERGI,IBII COTTON 11.031E114. Also 1,000 dozen cotton hosiery, consisting of wo men's'best white and brown cotton hose, regular made three-thread heels and toes; men's beet white, brown, and fancy cotton half hoar , three-thread heels and toes: Also, Trench black mohair mitts, long and short; la dies, and gent& white and colored linen-cambric hand kerchiefs; embroidered and hem-stitched do; linen and Marseilles shirt fronts. BONNET RIBBONS. Also, 50 cartons spring colors posit de sole ribbons. Also, linen towels, linen drills, white Marseilles for barques and ohildrenis dresses; robes 'Voiding lawn dresses, &c. B:r The whole will be found worthy the particular attention of merchant tailors. Retailers and purcha sers generally will bad it to their interest to attend. BALE OF 'MC/THING. On Wednesday Morning, June 16tli, commencing at 10X o'clock, will be sold, without reserve, for cash, a general assortment of city-made clothing, oonalgting of— Raglans, Top coats, Dress. coats, Of every varicty, made in a superior man- Brock coats, ner, for men's and boys' wear. Pants and Vests, . Er Samp ea and catalogues early on the morning of sale. SPECIAL SALE OF LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS. "'JUST LANDED PER STEAMER KANGAROO. On Thursday Morning , June 17th, conan7leniiiigit 1174 o'clock will be sold a shipment or long and square ahawle embracing 500 LONG &FELLA ANDAASUMERE SHAWLS. 1D May be examined on the morning of sale with catalogues, BMA OF STRAW DOODB. ARTIBIOIALB, &o. On Fliday Morning, June 113th, commencing at 10% ' o'clock, will be sold, without reserve, for cash, a large and general as sortment of fresh straw goods and artifielals. Included will be fond, vie; Hats, Bonnet°, Colored and white, of all qualities, for Caps, now . men's, women's, misses', bore and infants' and wear, adapted to city and country trado. Plats, Also, 60 cartons French artitiolate. Abu., 10 cases men's and boys' white and colored palm hate. Also, 250 boys' and infante' Leghorn hats, all mon berth °ARM' BAGS AND SATOBBLS . Also, an invoice of tapestry carpet bags, felt do, ens welled leather do. fIJ Samples and catalogues early on the morning of sale. • . Er.r Consignments respectfully solicited, for which the beet efforts will be used to obtain satisfactory prices. iE r Purchasers will usually find at the Commer olall every variety or staple and fancy goods, sold lo lots td cult. Those who want goods at cash Tale°, ob tained by fair competition, will Hid it their Interest to attend. A. DYSART & 00., AucTionzzas AND • 001E1118810A MERCHANTS No. 21 South EIGHTH STRUM. corner of LOWS STREET. Er OIIT-DOOR BALES collated and promptly a tended to. fl 7 ADVANCES made on oonnignmenta when de Eked, without extra charge. 017° SALES-ROOMS open until 10 P. IL Now pre pared to receive Invoices of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS WATCHES and JEWELRY, NEW and SECOND HAND FURNITURE, PAINTINGS, BOOKS and STA TIONERY,fee. 11:17 - Bales or FANCY GOODS , every evening. AT PRIVATE SALE. A large lot of 'choice wines ankolgare, of a private gentleman QAMITEL NATHAN'S, AUCTIONEER, And BONBY LOAN OPYIOB, No. 224 Booth THIRD attest, below Walnut, oppmdts Pear at., only eight doom below the Sim/Lange. Hours , of bitelness from 7 o'cloek, A. /1., tintil 10 o'clock in Got srfening. Outdoor sales, and salea at the Auction Homo, at , tended upon the most satisfactory , twins. OAPITAL $2OO 000. Bstablishettfor the lass Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dla monde, Silver Plate, Watohei, Jewelry, Hardwire, bier shandise, Olothhig, /wafture, Bedding, Cigars, Bunion) InstrtunentS, Guns, Horses, Gamiages, and Goods of every desiniption. • All goods can remain any length of time eased upon: Alladvances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent. per month ; poo and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House laving a depth of 120 feet, has large Sr. andlhief-proof vault* to store all valuables, and pet vate watchmen for the premises 7 also, a heavy ban ranee effected for the benefit of all persona having goof' advanced upon. N. 11.—On aeootult of haat an unlimited capital, this omoe isprepared.to mak !antes on more nth/ factory and accommodating than any other 'n Moneyadranoed to the poor, in small amonnto x !lth out any oharge. AT PRIVATI SALT. Gold Patent Lector and other Watoha, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. anl,ly ftgal Notireo. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS A. FOR TRH CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILADEL. MIA.- In Divorce, No. 2. December Term, ISIS. , MARY E. TAYLOR, by her next friend, GEORGE /lA:WENGER, vs. WILLIAM TAYLOR, alias ram:- MAIL TAYLOR. To tho sold WILLIAM TAYLOR, alias NEHEMIAH TAYLOR Take notice, that the testimony of witneosen to 'be produced, morn, or affirmed, and examined on the part of MARY E. TAYLOR, the libellant above named, will be taken before GEORGE A. COFFIN, Esq., Examiner appointed by raid Court, at hie office, No. 411 CHEST NUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia, on FRIDAY, 18th day of June, 1858, at 3 o'clock P. 31. of that day. WM. D. KELLEY, Solicitor for Libellant. rrHE TRUSTEES of DEAL, MILLMAN', JL HUEY have REMOVED their Mee from the Southweet corner of Market and Sixth streets to No. 20 South FOURTH Street, between Market and Most nut streets. BAWL 0. HUEY, PicLADELeuLt j June 10th, 1829, TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY OP PIIILADELPIIIA. In the matter of the Estate of WILLIAM GILBERT, The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of HENRY R. GILBERT, Ex ecutor of the Estate of William Gilbert, deceased, and to award distribution of the balance, will meet the parties interested at his Office, S. E. corner EIGHTH end LOCUST Streets, on .MONDAY, June 21st, 1858, at 4 o'clock in the Afternoon. jelo.4bstu fit DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the -Estate of ROBERT REED AL - CORN; deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JAMES ATTERSO, Jo., Administrator of the Estate of Robert Reed Alcorn, deceased, and to awned distribution of the balance, will meet the parties interested at lila Office, S. E. corner EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets; on TUESDAY, June 224, 1858, at 4 o'clock in the Afternoon. Jelo-thsttrat, DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. prITIE - ORPHANS , COURT FOR THE Jll- OITY AND COUNTY OB PIIILADDLPIIIA. Estate of FRANOES RUSSELL, deceased. The auditor appointed to audit, settle and adjust the account of JOSEPH FEARSON, Administrator d. b. 11. t. - U. of sfra. France!' Russell, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance, meet the portion in terested 011 MONDAY, the 28th day of June, 1858, at 11 o'clock A. 51., at Ida (Alec, No. 411 CHESTNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. je16.41t th alt Wlt. L. KELLEY, Auditor. NOTICE .=Letters Testamentary on the A. Y Estate of ISAAC !LACHER, Into of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, baring been duly grunted by the Register of Wills for the county of Philadelphia, to the undersigned, therefore all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of said decedent and re quested to make known the same without delay, nt Nos. US and 130 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, to WAL ALFRED JIACHER, Worcester, Mass. Executors. ADIJAII E. STEPHENS, 1233 Arch Street. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL B. MONROE, deceased. Whereas, Letters of Administration upon the estate of the above named decedent have been granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby given that all parties indebted to said estate will make payment, and all parties having claims against said estate will present them with out delay to ELEANOR MONROE, Admlnistratrix, No. 93J, MARKET Street, or DANIEL DOUGHERTY, (her Attorney,) S. E. corner E/W/ Tit and LOCUST Streets. jel-tu 6w* I . ETTERS TESTAMENTARY TO THE Estate of ELIZABETH HOBSON, late of Phila. delphA deceased, having been granted to the subscri bers,-atl persons Indebted thereto are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them forth 1r Ith to It. J. HAMILTON, Or his Attorney, WM. D. KELLEY, )el-tu dolt 411 011.1113TNUT Street. lire proof Sofa. SALAMANDER SAFES. A large assortment of EVANS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFAOTIIITED SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT DOORS, BANK LOOKS, Nor Rinke and Stores. Equal to any now In arse. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &0., On as good terms Re any other establishment In the United Stetee, by EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 South I/OURTH street, suISAT PLIABI GIVI 1111 A GALL CEIEAP SUMMER FIETELG—GAB 00118; V of excellent quality, le sold at the PHILADEL PHIA GAB WORKS for the reduced price of five cents a bnahel, and maybe obtained in large or small quan tity by applying at the Gan Office, No. 20 South /SEVENTH street. To purchasers by wholesale it is sold at the Works, in First Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to Anthracite at $2.60 per ton. (Signed,) J. 0. CRESSON, Engineer. Philadelphia Gas Works, Aug. 26, 'at au2T-t1 BONES. -100,000 Shin Bones, suitable foi Umbrella and Button Nakere, in stem and for Pale OROASDALE, PEIRCE, kCO,. 104 NORM! WHARVES NEW. 811 AD AND POTOMAC, HERRING. 250 barrels New Shad ~•- ' 200 brlyrehl Potemao Herring, In Aare and for sale by JOHN M. HENNIIDY d. 00,- '.. 0p29.1m 180 awl 132 North Wham% oaFOR' SAN' )rttisfaisao-oma- FORNIA LINK—TO SAIL ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, VIA NEW YORK. Tho magnilleentAl Clipper Ship DASHKW AY, 3.• A. IfILL, Commander, will continuo to receive what freight offers and sail an above. Shippers will please bring theft- engagements along- Bldg withoutseelay;and those whaling to small them , . selves of the drat out-end-out clipper * will do•woll - to examine the Dashaway before engaging elsewhere. , Apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, & 00.,+ Jel2-dtf 120 NORTH WHARYNS. • , FOR CHARLESTON AND SA -931; -2 irANNAII '-IiERON , I3 LINE. GO6DB RECEIVED AND BILLS OW LADING SIGNED EVERY, DAY. , The splendid Brat - plus. side-wheel Steamships IIIeSTONE STATE And STATE OF GEORGIA, Now form a weekly lint for the' South and Southwest, one of these ships sailing every SATURDAY at 10 o'clock A. alternately for Charleston and ga yawn& FOR CHARLESTON, The KEYSTONE STATE , Captain Charles P. Hersh man, will commence loading on Thursday , June 10111, and sail for Charleston, 8.10., on Saturday, June 12111, at 10 o'clock 'A M. • FOR, SAVANNAH. The STATE 011 GEORGIA, Capt. John 3. asziln, will commence loading on Thursday, June 17th, and sail for Savannah, Ga., on Saturday, June 19th, at 10 o'clock A M. At both Charleston and Savannah, these &inseam:met with eteamers for Florida and HAMM, and with rail roads, &0., for all places in the South end Southwest. FREIGHTS REDUORD. Heavy Freight at an average of 16 per sent below New York steamship rates. INSURANCE. FREIGHT and INSGRANOE on a large proportion of goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by, sailing vessels. - • Cabin passage 820 00 Steerage do 8 09 Samuel.= Tithete, good for the present year. ao 00 No bile of lading signed after the ship has For freight or passage, apply to A. HERON, Jr., • No. 828 (late 81) North Wharves. Agents at Charleston, T: Si. & T. G. RUDD. Agents in Savannah, C. A. GREINER 00. Fbr Florida, from Charleston, steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. For Florida, froM Savannah, steamers ST. MARTS and ST. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. I For Havana, from Charleston, steamer ISABEL, on the 4th and 10th of every month: I jell 44 FOR LONDON -WEDNESDAY, 16th June.—The banind ACHILLES, Captain Sraenen, vrilTaall as above.' Cabin passage STS Nor freight or passage, apply to THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO., job 101 WALNUT Street. goCALIFORNIA LINE.-FOR SAN FRANCISCO—Direct from Philadelphia—With Quick Despatch. An A 1 Clipper Ship, of moderato etipacity, will be placed on the berth in a few days, if sufficient freight of f ers. Apply to jeg-tf BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO., 11ffi NORTH. WHARVES. „oza. FOR SAN FRANCISCO.—CLIPPER -Negort SATURDAY, June sth. - • The celebrated A 1 clipper ship ENDEAVOUR, Doane, commander, will be despatched as above from Hew York. For balance of freight, so* - to DISIIOP,SIIIONS, & CO., 120 NORTU WILAILVES. STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER .,.POOL, BELLO'S, DUBLIN, and LONDON DERRY, without delay, for 80 dollars. Return tickets, good for elk months to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trip, out and back. , TIOM NNW TOOT. Edinburgh, Gumming, Saturday, 20th'May, at 12 wan Glasgow, Godwin, " . 12th June, New York, MoMillan, " 10th July, Field OLJJOOW. Glasgow, Godwin, 12th May. New York, McMillan, 12th June. Edinburgh, Gumming, 2dth June. BATES OE PASSAGE, 71ret Oboe 115 gnlceM Steerage, found with cooked prorielorus 8 41; First Class $75 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions 80 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fare. Infanteju Steerage, free. ' • f Return tickets available within six months, by any steamer of thin line. First Class 5140 00 Steerage SOO 00 An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. / For freight or passage apply to WORKMAN & 00., 128 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia, - ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. HALL & LONEY, Buchanau , e Wharf, Baltimore. myll SHIPPERS OF SPECIE WILL PLEASE notice that Inerdwace by the vessels of this Compa ny can now be done In Now York and In England du the same terma as by the Mail Paddle Steamers. THE LIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S CLYDE•BUILT IRON SCREW STEAMSHIPS OITY OP BALE 11d0R.R..9,387 tom, Oapt. R. Lelteh`: CITY OP WABRINGTON.2,BBO Oapt. P.O. Petrie, CITYOP BIANOHESTER.2,IOO " Oapt. J. Kennedy. KANGAROO 1 874. « Capt. Jeffrey. To nndernoted, or other vessels, are intended to sail as follows : Kangaroo June 17th. City of Baltimore July 10. City of Washington July 16th Kangaroo Jelly 20th And each enemata Thursday, at 12 o'clock, noon, from Pier No. 44 N. Y. intom LivmapooL. 11.,94.r00 City of Baltimore City of Washington Kangaroo And each alternate Wednesday, RATES OP CABIN PASSAGE.—From New York and Philadelphia, 875. Prom Liverpool, 21 guineas, 17 guineas, and 15 guineas, according to the accommodi tlon in the State Rooms, all having the same privilege In the Saloon. Including Steward's fees. TUIED-OLABB Peasant:ism—A limited nomber of third-class passengers will be taken and found in te much provisions as required. Prom Philadelphia and New York, through tickets to Glasgow, Belfast, Dub. lin and Londonderry, for PO. These steamers are constructed with improved water tight compartments. Each vessel carries an eaperhi enced surgeon; and every attention paldto the oomfort and accommodation of passengers. Braila on Liverpool from 1,1 upwards. pan For frieght or passage, apply at the office of ALE, Agent Con t, lb Broadway, New York, and 109 Walnut et., Phila delphia; or Wld. INDIAN, feB 1 and 18 Tower Buildings, Liverpool AWL THE BRITISH* NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. • , PROM n►M YORE TO LIVERPOOL. Olitef Cabin Paee►ge $lBO Second Cabin Passage 76 FROM 1100T0Z.1 . 0 I.IIIIPOOL. OMOoabMPassage PH Second Cabin Passage ' en The alp' from Boston call at Halifax. I PERSIA, Capt. Zudkirus. CANADA., ()apt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AIIIERIOA, Oapt.Wickmau ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Ryrie. AFRICA,. Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Oapt.J. Leitch. These vessels carry a clear white light at moat-head; green on starbdard bow ; red enOrl: bow. AFRICA, Shannon,.leares NYork,Wednesday, June foth ASEERIOA, Moodie, " Boston, Wednesday, June le. ASIA., Lott, ii N Yor k , Wednesday Jane 28d CANADA, Lang, " Bolden, Wednesday, Jane 30 PERSIA, Judkina, ii N York., Wedneaday July 7: NIAGARA, Wickman, " Boston, Wednesday, July H. AWIIICA,Shannon, " l York, Wednesday, July 21 Berea not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Rape will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unlessbills of lading are signed therefor and the valuethereol: tit obi expreeeed. For freightor ,ti 1 t r e apply to my 10. y E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. , Attorney in fnCt. jolOAlt CARPETS. We will commence TO•DAY OLOSING OUT Our entire Spring Stook of VELVET AND BRUSSELS OARPETLEGS, • GREATLY REDIIOED PRICES. DAILY & BROTHER, No. 920 CHESTNUT Street. Purchasers will please call and examine our large assortmont. ep29•tl MAPESTRY CARPETS.—JUST OPEN. 1 ID, a large lot of enperior Tapestry Carpets, to be sold at a low price. DAILY & BROTHER, OASH CARPET STORE, 920 CHESTNUT St. , SIIPERB THREE-PLY OAR PETS A fresh &Piedmont of new midterm, at reduced prima, at . BAILY & BROTHER'S, OAI3II OARPET STORE, 920 OHESTNIIT t. VIED ROOM. OARPRTS.-10,000 YDS. of anperlor Ingrain and Three-ply Qum,* of the beet makes and styles, at all prices, from 60 cents to 61.23 per yard. mhal-ff DAILY & BROTHER, `No. 920 CHESTNUT Street. REST HEAVY BRUSSELS.—A LARGE lot of new pattern'', In neat, elute styles, at low trines. DAILY & MOTHER, CHEAP CARPET STORB„ 920 CHESTNUT St BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERYi DAVID 24. 110 GAN Blank Book Idannfeotnrer Stationer and Printer, No. 'lOO WALNUT Street, in pre{ pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelve or make to order, Books of every description, imitable for Banks, Public Offices, Merchants, and others, of thd best quality of Englleh or American Paper, and bound in various stylen, in the Most eubstantial manner. Orders for JOB PIIINTING of every description, Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatners and deepatch. A general aseortment of English, From% and AmerlL an Stationery. Concerning Mr. llogan'e contribultion to the Franklin Institute ; the Committee say—. This display' of blank bone for banking and mercantile use' le the beet In the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and lip. pearanes neat and appropriate." no2o-ti QThina, elan nub o.ttecnottyme CHINA AND GLASS. DINNER WARE. TEA AND TOILET SETS. warn, GOLD 11/16, AND DBOOIIIID /MOH AND BOHEMIAN GLABBvvenz, • NANCY ARTIOLES, &o, WILL BM BOLD, AT TITO GOATS! I'llollo, AT 'SAMISEN & WITTE'S, MASONIC HALL, 7133 CHESTNUT STREET N, S.—Goode loaned to parties at :amenable terms JAO-Y VRENCLI PLATE GLASS. —HAYING .L been appointed by the 11 COmpognis de Nereid? , the SOLE AGENTS for the sale of their GLASS in this city, we are prepared to offer to the trade or oonnu.. mere, from our stock on hand, POLISHED PLATE GLASS for Storer or Dwelling Fronts. Rough Plate, [or Floors and Skylights; and SilvereePlate, of large lice, for Marron'. The Glass will be sold at the lowest prices, and Warranted superior, in every respect, to insp , ther imported. • RODT. SHOEMAKER & CO., ' Plate and Window Glue Warehouse, N. E. oor. of 1101711,TH and RAGE Streets mh2B.tf, Philadelphia %IRE ADAMS EXPRESS CO.; OFFIOS, -a. 820 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PAHOELS, PACKAGES, MEROLIANDIZE, BANK' NOTES and SPEWS, either by Ha own LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and ULTIMO or the United States. AATHITB BBLS. W H I T • v 81811, for ule by. 0.0. SADLBR & 00, I:AM Y North WATU Otted. 117.011 011,13G0W PROM NW YORK ...May 26th .June 9th ...June 288, ...July ith grati3ctinge. .Stationern. expreso Eontpaitteo. 7. B. BANDVORD, Heoenl FluDerinbondent. /neurone/ Companies. cIoRN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM. N.../ nick', No. 831 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTERED CAPITAL SSOO.OOO—PAID lIP CAPI TAL Memo. This Company having been recently REORGANIZED, And its .actusl Capital largely increased, respectfully solicits a share of the patronage of insurers'. Fire and Marine Policies wlllba issued at equitable rates of pre• Wain, and lases liberally adjusted and promptly paid. DIRECTORS; • William M. Godwin, S. R. Crawford, James W. Queen,L:Redner, George W. Dail William D. Thomas, - IL Franklin Jackson, S. N. Winslow, R. C. Hopper, henry D. Mears. , • - WM. M. GODWIN, President. I. 0. HOPPon, Secretary. mrlo-dtt HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IE7 I 1 817RANON COMPANY—mos No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. • - CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 8754,095 84. DIRECTORS. . . .. P. M. Potts, J. Edgar Thomeon, O. N. Spang ler, C. G. Bower, Abraham Rex, John W. Beaton, E. 8. Warne, John Garrison, George Howell, Heiberg R. Potts, Wm. P. Leech, R. T. Henan, 11. H. Houston, Joe. R. Withere, Abraham P. Eyre, E. Booth, Charles F. Norton, John H. Leave, Wm. H. Kelehline, H. H. ShUlingtord. PERCIVAL H. POTTS, President. E. B. WARNE, Vice President. Ones. A. Dun, Secretary. mylo LIFE INSURANOE AND TRUST. O.OX PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE IN/MANOR COMPANY. Northeast Corner of TILIRD and DOOR Streets. Capital, 5612,725.09. - INSURES. LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases life interests in Real Rotate, and makee all contracts depending on the contingenolea of Life. They sot aa Executors, Admihiatratore, doeignees, Trustees, and Guardians. Wll3/3111111. Daniel L. Miller, Bamnel B. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard B. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Hanker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Rern, James Eneton,• Samuel 0. Huey, Theophilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A. Bonder, Henry Q. Townsend, Daniel L. llntehineon, Rodolphus Kent, John W. Hornor, William H. Carr, Rills B. Archer, • Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, ' Jobeph M. Thomas, Warner M. Radix, John G. Brenner, . ,P. B. !Mohler, Reston. DANLIOL L. MILLAR, President. - SAMUEL B. STORES, Vice Pres , t. :own W. Bosator..Benretur. nlB-17 11" QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY—Anee 408 WALNUT Street, PHILA DELPHIA. - CAPITAL SURPLUS SPIT, 51i 5 .85• Insures against loss or damage by and the PERILS of the SEA,INLAND NAVIGATION and TRANSPORTATION. Ten per cent. in cash returned on the esrned pre , minors of Open Inland Polioies. OPPICIERS. GEORGE H. , HART—President. E. P. ROSS—Vico President. H. R.'OOGGSHALL-Bearetary and" Treasurer. 8. H. BUTLER—Assistant Secretary. DIRBOTORB. George 11. Hart, Joseph Edward', E. P. Roes, • Poster 8. Parkas, AWO. Oattell, • Ohartes G. Imlay, Andrew R. Chambers, Samuel Jones, H. D., E. W. Bailey, Hon. H. H. Pi:Mer i t John G. Dale, H. It. Ooggehalli John L. Pomeroy. H. R. OOGGEGIALL. Secretary. A ROTIO FIRE INSURANCE OOMPA IX. NY, NEW YORII.-office, Na 241 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank — bash Capital, $260,000 with a surplus . Mile Company home Buildings, Mar chandize, Furniture, Vessels in port awl their Buil ding s, awl other property, against Loss or Damage by Pire an. the Mika of Inland Navigation. DIRECTORS. Hoary Grinnell, 'Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rufus R. Graved, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry DaTls, Edmund Pantold, 0. H. 'Lilienthal, Hanson K. Corning, Theo. Po'hems, Jr. Ogdon Haggerty, Zlisha E. Morgan, Thomas Monagan, Abm. B. Van Nest, John H. Rorie, William A. Clary, Albert Ward, Thomas 8. Nelson, Charles Brown, James W. PIMA Louis Lornt, Charles A. Macy, Samuel G. Glidden, Edward Blacken, Steph. ijambreleng, Wm. E. Shepard; Thomas ice - ott, Charlet L. Prost, John Ward Lothrop L. Sturges, Henry K. Bogert, William R. Paunch, Peter Eden, Emery_Thayer, Benjamin H. Meld,. Geo. Westfeldt, A. R. Prothingham, Salmon Taylor, Thos. A. Youngs, Henry R. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell ALBERT WARD, President. AICIVAD A. OARLIY, Secretary ; au 10.1 y COMMONWEALTH nRE INSURANCE or row STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE, NORTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS, PIIILADBLPMA. Sub wribed Capita, 1500,000. Paid up Capital, $200,000 D 11301011.0. Dr. D. Jayne, Thee. B. Stewart, H. L. Bonner, J. M. Butler, J. M. Whltall, J. K. Walker, Edw. 0. Knight, M. B. Wendel!, U. Lewis, Jr., B. K. Ilaxsie. DAVID TATNR, M. D. President. TIIONAB S. STEWART, Vice Praiaßoum. B. Moot, Secretary. /6M-.Y INSITRA.NOE COMPANY OF NORTH 1 AMERICA. MARINE, FIRE AND INLAND TRANSPOR TATION INSURANCE. OFFICE No. 282 WALNUT STREET, South side, east of Third street. The proportion of this Company are well invested, and furnish an available thud for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to be protected by Insurance. MARINE,RISKS taken on 'Vessels, Freights, and Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATIONREMES on Merchandise per Railroads, Canals, and Steamboats. F/RF. RIMS on Merchandise, Furniture, and Build ings, in City and County. INCORPORATED IN 1794. CAPITAL 9500,0.90, ALL PAID IN AND SECURELY INVESTED. TOPAL PROPERTIES 11.007,825.26 NIRPRTUAL oHAsmia. DIREOTORS. Awravit G. OorkiN, %Mush' WELsa, Mon. W. JORRIS, WILLIAM E. Bowili, JORN A. Dimwit, JAMBS N. DIORBSN, SAMMIL F. SMITH, B. MORRIB WALD, OnAnizis TATLOI, JOSS MAsow, AMDRORD WRITE, GEORGE L.llllllBOll, 701121 B. Nxin PRANG'S B. OOPS, BIOIIARD D. WOOD, EDWARD H. Moms. ARTHUR 0. DOBBIN, President. HENRY D. SUMMERS, Secretary. Jalo-ti DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANOR COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE of PENN BYLVANIA, 1835. 02PICE, B. Z. Corner THIRD ea WALNUT Btreeti PHILAIMILYHIA. MARINE INSURANCE, ON VESSELS, OAIIOO, To all parts of the World. FREIGHT, INLAND INST./PONCES, n Geode, by River, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merehandfse generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, tke. ASSETS OP THE 910MPANY, November 2,1867. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Estate 9 101,360 94 PhiladelphisOlty and other Loans.. 187,011 26 Stook in Bann, Railroads, and Inenranoe Oompanles Bills Receivable Oaeh on hand Balance In hands of Agents, Premiums on Marine Policies recently issued, on other debts due {he Company 92,730 67 Subscription Notes 100,000 00 =ZEE William Martin, James 0. Hand Joseph g. Seal, Theophilas Paulding, Edmund A. Sender, James Traqualr, Cohn 0. Darla, William Eyre, Jr., John E. Penrose, J. F. Peniston, George Q. Leiper, Coehua P. Eyre, Edward Darlington, Samuel E. Stokes, Dr. R. M. Huston, Henry Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Hugh Craig, Thomas 0. Hand, Spencer Medical% Robert Burton, Jr., Charles Rally, Jno. B. Semple, Pittabgh., IL Jones Brooka,l Dr. T. Morgan, u - Jaeob P. Jones, J. T. Logan, U WILLIAM MARTIN, Presldont. THOMAS 0. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. jathy FIRE AND INLAND RISKS.-FAME INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital 8100,000. (Organized under the Aot of Assembly relative to In eurance Companies, passed April Id, 1860 ) GEORGE W. DAY, President. THOMAS S. MARTIN, 'Vice-President. WILLIAMS!. BLANOHARD, Secretary. Office 411 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. DIREOTOREL Day, Jacob K Vaughan, William W. WalterS, Henry Lewin, Jr., Charles Richardson, D. B. Birr Barclay Lippincott, John W Alterman, Jos. R. Brognard, A. 11. Rosenholm, Chas Mateo. fe24..y M Stern. George W rilentiotrn. CA. A. KINGSBURY, M. D., DENTIST, Would Inform his frlowls that ho has REMOVED to 1119 WALNUT Street, above Eleventh. lilebinitel. WRY SUFFER WITH DYSPEPSIA ZIEGLER k SMITH'S PURE, DIEDIOINAL COGNAC BRANDY has cured Dyspepsia, Low Spirits, General Debility, /to., &a., As. Price $1.25 per bot tle or 010.60 per dozen. Warranted pure. Try it. / hereby certify that I bad been afflicted with dys pepsia for the last ten years, during which time I have tried all the popular medicines, but of no avail. Having had Zeigler & Smith's Pure, Medicinal Cognac Brandy recommended by many persons, Induced me to try it. One bottle has almost cured me ofdyspepsla and costive habits, of ten years , standing. I can say, with a thank ful heart, that I have never found its oral during my. painful and distressing complaint. I sincerely reseal. mond it to dyspeptic, nervous ,and debilitated 'sufferers. JOHli 0. HLAMROVII, Jan. 16th, 18158. 1281 Olive street. Also, ZIEGLER & SMITH'S Pare Medicinal WINES, warranted pure, Mid no counterfeit mixtures, which are daily palmed upon the public as genuine wines. These Wines are especially adapted to dyimisptica and consump ti te ves, &o and in all emu of general debility, loss of apps; Old . Old Madeira Wine, price per b0tt1e........ ....61 00 Old Port Wine, do. do. ...... 1 00 Old Sherry Wine, do. do. 1 00 Address your orders to Bole Agents ZEIGLER )e SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, B. W. corner BEGONE end GREEN Ste , Also, for sale by JOHN ISLET, Druggist, fel-y Frankford road, opposite Hanover. IDLASNA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD.- BPBOIAL NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS.—The above offers a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to dis eased surfaces, which combines the following advanta ges: A good and Unvarying consistence, easily, mashed off with water, dissolves all substances that are solu ble in water, hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, end does not get rancid. The lest property alone it an l t invaluableors wholesale, acquisition to and Twelfth and Chestnut streets. rei h rli at ihnfl e Ves d b Laboratory and PharmelteasT' CANADA MINERAL WATER— mu Obtained from the St. Catherine's Artesian Well, owes Its marvellous efficacy in the treatment of Sere fula, Dyspepsia, Gout, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and diseases of the- Liver and Kidneys, to the presence of oldorine, iodine, and bromine, In their natural combi nations and solutions. The attention of physicians is invited to the qualities of this valuable remedy. Sole agent, EMIRS, TWNLYTII and OLIESTNUT. ,4~leMrinal. D R •K. GROSS & OW° UNRIVALLED VEORTABLII COMPOUND, THE .11YerRITB BITTERS. - - , No. 600 Manufactured at the Ohemical Laboratory, Ninth street, Washington, D. 0. Our lITOISIIR is recommended for its beneficiataation In general weakness of the digestive organs, disorder In the liver secretions, flatulency or loominen of the bowels, defective perspiration, and irregularities of the urinary passages. The purity of the liquid materials, and the healthfulness of the solid ingredients employed in the manufacture of coo EITOIRRIC BITTBRS entitle it, beyond dispute, tb the appellation of the LIQUOR or llesLvu, whose minion will be tb do away with all bad or adulterated liquors. The entire absence of the dreadful potatee-011 ,, (fusel-oil) and all other etherial liquids, deprive our most poiateable hitters of any disagreeable or injurimui action on the blood as well as the nerves. Refraining from all further remarks in its praise, we command the 11.TOISNR to the patronage of the public. M. GROSS & 00., Proprietors and Manufacturers, Washington, D. 0. Bole agents for Philadelphia, A. . HAZARD k CO., 603 MARKET Street. RS. H al T 3 h E l! l h ' ?e A dl r 9 K o ' ,_ B iti lt name ° t e l n, T hs T . E of greatest strengtu c en n ing a preparatione eataut. o n e at in es pecially adapted to those who hate a lose of appetite or are afflicted with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Piles, Nervous Debility General Weakness , and all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the digestive organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS GENERALLY there le perhaps no medicine in the world equal to it, as it enters, parides, and replenishes the Wood ; which is so important to bring about a healthy action. THOUSANDS ARE LIVING- a miserable existence, of a pale sickly color, weak and emaciated, who could be restored to health by the use of one bottle of Lille invaluable medicine. It is no humbug, but a genuine remedy, being Dee from any thing that is of an injurious nature. FOR ALL DISEASES OP TEE BLOOD there is no better antidote than llobeneack , s Iron Bit ters. When tho blood is impure the whole body in full of disease. Blood letting may answer for a time, but cleansing a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we most begin, and to cleanse the blood there is no better remedy than these invaluable Bitters. Their chief constituent "is iron, and wo all know its efficacy in removing the impure matter from the whole visceral system. They are prepared by a prao Mal chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent physiolans and others, as the " ne plus ultra" of all tonics. 110 W GRATIFYING to the proprietor 'that he has succeeded in compound ing a remedy for many of the file that his fellow mortals are subject to; and that the public. appro. elate It is not a queatlon.of doubt, but a died fiat, as the demand for it has far surpassed his sanguine expectations. BEAD THE TESTIMONY OF A WORTHY OITIZEN. . . This le to certify my wife woe in delicate health some three years, with a disease peculiar to her sex. She tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit. Hearing of listiensark , s Iron Bitters, and knowing iron to be a powerful tonic, induced me to obtain a bottle, which proved to be the medicine die solely re quired, by restoring her to health. She hesitates not to recommend it to those who are similarly effected, as eke believes it to be a sovereign remedy, JOHN COLE. No 831 capitol Street. This invaluable Medicine is prepared only by GEORGE S. RODENBACR, Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. corner of THIRD and GREEN Streets, ' Philadelphia, To whom all orders must be addressed. Price $l. Discount to dealers. Sold by Druggists generally. mh2o..y R. R. lIHALTEI will, In all cases, follow the nee or Radway , o R. R. Remedies. There are none se sick or diseased, sr weak; feeble, or crippled with pain or infirmities, bul that Itadway , s Ready Relief, Renovating, Resolvent, or Regulatore, as the nature of the disease or Blanes' may require, will quickly and rapidly cure. There remedies consist of Itadway's Ready Relleti Radwaios Renovating Resolvent; Radway's Regulators Each of these remedies possesses special curative macre over certain diseases. Yet there are other diseseet wherein their combined medicinal properties are re• loired; and when thus used, If there is eufficient lit and strength within the diseased or dying body to sus. fain their action, the patiant will live and be restored to health. Pain Acute Diseases. Inflammatory Diseases. Alalarioes Diseases Congestive Diseases..., Scrofulous Diseases.... Chronic Diseases Syphilitic Diseases Constiiuieonal Diseases Skin Diseases Nervous Diseases Infectious Diseases CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASES Many diseases that afflict humanity are Inherited at heir-looms from the diseased bodies of sickly sires Scrofula, Consumption. Syphilis, and Fits, are among the most common of constitutional diseases. Now, we care not how many generations the seeds of these die easee may have been established in the system, cor rupting the blood—Rmlicay , s Renovating Resolvent will eradicate from the bodies of the afflicted every par ticle of diseased deposits, and nu the veins with new, pure, and healthy blood. COMPANY OUILDEEN , B DISEASES Badway's Renovating Resolvent should be hailed as a blessing by every mother throughout the land. whose infants mg afflicted with Bores, Humors, eta. These breaking out (thus early) are evidences of din• ease transmitted from the parent stock. A few doses of the Renovating Resolvent will eradicate every vestige of the disease and Insure the child a sound and healthy body. R. R. R.—Radwaybi Ready Relief for Headaoheil, who thor lock or nervouN Rheumatism, Dim , rhcea, Dyeentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps Influenza, Bloody Flux. Paralysis, Lumbago, S Gout, Neuralgia Toothache, mall Pox, Severs, Swollen Joints, Kidney Complaints. Scarlet Fever, Paine around the Liver, Plan; risy, Measles, Heartburn, and Pains of all kinds. Radway's Ready Relief will, in a few minutes, change the miseries you suffer to joys of pleasure. R. R. R.—ltadway's Renovating Resolvent, for the mire of chronic diseases—Such as Scrofulous and Syphilitic complaints, Consumptive and other affections of the Lunge and Throat. Induration and Enlargements of parte, Eruptive and other diseases of the Skin. Nodes, Tumors, Ulcers, Dyepepela, and all other diseases arising from an impure state of the blood. R,R.R.—Radwafe Regulators will cure effectively and speedily, Costiveness, Indigestion, Painter's Obeli°, Lead Diseases, Inflamma tion of the Bowele, Dyspepsia, Liver Cam. plaint, Dlaeasee of the Heart and Kidneys Female Complaints, Small Pox, Fevers. Measles, etc., etc. Whenever the system is out of order, or the blood impure, a dose of Radvray's Regulators will restore it to tern. larity, and purify and cleanse the blood. No female should be without them. It. It. R. Remedies aro sold by Druggists and ' Merchants everywhere. RADWAY ,k CO., New York Oity, W. B. ZZIBER T. W. Droll. do Sos, Agents, Philadelphia. T. It. CIALLIIND3II, apl3-tuecsadlykeowlyr T HE LIVER INVIGORATOR. PREP/RID BY DR. SANFORD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, IS ono of the best Purgative and. Liver Medicines now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It to notonly a Cathartic, but a Liver reme dy, acting first on the Liver to elect its morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off that mat ter, thin accomplishing two purpolea effectually, with;: out any of the painful feelings experienced is the ope rations of most Cathartics. It etrengthens the aye. tom at the RAM time that it purges it, and, when taken daily in moderate dome, will strengthen and build It up with unusual rapidity. The LIVSR IS one of the human body ; and when it wall, the powers of the oped. The stomach is al• on the healthy action of performance of its (unc le at fault the bowels are system suffers In cone. Liver—baying ceased to 0118011 of that organ, one made it hie study, In a years, to find some reme act the many derange. hie. 12,0800 . 220,291 96 . 88,892 66 To prove that this re person troubled with Li• Its forms, hoe but to try certain. These Game remove Ml the system, supplying in of bile, Invigorating the digest well, purifying the health to the whole ins eam of the diseasef. 702,786 87 BILIOUS ATTACKS ere ur, prevented by the on. INVIOORATOR. Ono doso, after eating, stomach and prevent the lug. Only ono dose, taken Only one dean, taken at gently, and cares Coe- One does, taken altar PIIPEII A. V - One dose of two relieve BIM iIHADIOIIII. One bottle taken for fe ttle cause of the disease, Only one dose ltnosedi while one dose, often re- CHOLERA Holum. and n [D"Only one bottle Is system the effects of me nem (C3' Ono bottle taken sallowneen or unnatural One doss taken is short vigor to the appetite, and One dose, often repeat- RIIMA in its worst forms, complaints yield almost One or two doses cure in children ; there is no reedy in the world, as it ity , 'A (ow bottles' Core absorbents. We take pleasure in re tine as a preventive for Fsvea, and all Pavans of retell with certainty, and testify to Its wonderful NALYSIS OF LYON'S CATAWBA ti BRANDY by . . A. A. HAYES, M. D., AsesTeß TO TIM &PATH OP BIARBAOHOORTTS lairmtnet. COARAOTISR.—A light-yollowish brown. colored epirit, having a fragrant odor; when evaporated from clean linen it left no oil or offensive matter. Analysed for volatile and fixed druga, which no traces of any kind were found. Its color la proved to be due to a colored main an extract derived from wood. 11,'In every respect it is a pure apiritous liquor. The fragrance or bouquet whioh it possesses can be iso lated, and it then appears unlike that from Cognac Brandy or Wine, being a fruity enema resulting from a peculiar fermentation of Catawba and Isabella Grapes:. 011111110 AL OSAILIOTEZ.-1, parts in volume of title spirit contains at 60 deg B. 401 2,10 parte of pure al cohol, beside!' the fragrant oil. 1,000 parta of the apirit afford 23 parte of a strong solution of the oil - which characterisee this Brandy ; the spirit left, niter removing the oil, is pure and odorless, and in all its qualities a perfect spirit not imbjeot to change. One U. B. gallon of this Brandy at 60 deg. P. contains, be olden the apirit and oil, only 220 gre. of matter COM posed of extract of fruit, gum, and colored rola from wood. BOSTON, January 25, 1858. Dr. COXE, State Impeder of Ohio, and Dr. JAS. R. CHILTON, °hamlet, of Now York, both pronounce tale to be pure Brandy, and free from all adulteration. For Medioluel purposes Lyoit's Catawba Brandy has no rival, and has long been needed to supersede the poisonous compounds eold under the name of Brandy. As a beverage, the pure article is altogether superior, and a sovereign, mire remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Low Spirits, Languor, General Debility, &0., &c. Also, ESHILBYII STILL AND SPARKLING ORAMPAGNE.—These Wines are made In the neigh borhood of Cincinnati, and are guarantied to bo the Pure Juice of the Grape, and are eminently calculated for Invalids and persons who require a gentle stimu lant, and for Sacramental purposes. Retail price 81.25 per bottle. A liberal discount Made to the trade. Dealers will please send their orders to the " Sole Agents for the State of Penn- Sylvania, A. P. HAZARD k 00. Wholesale Druggists, No. 605 MARKET Street. Also for sale by the following apotheoaries : AMBROSE SMITH, Seventh and Chesnut sta. JNO. W. SIMES & SONS,ISth and 22d and Market Streets. D. L. STAORITOUSE, Eighth and (keen ate. R. NEBINGER, Second and Mary eta , Sonthwark. G. W. NEDINIDIER, Paasynnk Road and Waehington !street. (4EO. S. 110BENSAOH, Third and Green eta. A. R. HORTER, Dread and Qoatee etc fell NOE rENNSYL- Kill - VANIA RAILROAD. 702 BETnLIEHEM, ALLENTOWN, ukoon mom, EASTON. DOYLESEPOWN, SUMMER ARRANOEMENT TARES EFFECT MONDAY, MAY 17th, 1858. For Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, and Rals ton, ho., (Express,) in connection with L. Valley Rail road, from WILLOW Street at 9 A. Si. and 2.26 P. Si. Passengera for Easton by 2.25 P. M. Train take Stage at Iron Hill Station. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) from Willow at., at 8.80 A. Si and 6.30 P. M Far Fort Washington (Accommodation) from Second and Chatham Streets at 7.26 and 10.26 A. M., and 4.10 and 6.46 P. M. TRAINS FOR PrITLADEDPHIA Leave Bethlehem (Express,) at 9 A. M. and 2.20 P. M., with passengera from Lehigh Valley Rail road, and arrive at Willow Street at 12 DI. and 6.26 P. Si Leave Doylestown at 0 A. Sr. and 2 60 P. M., and ar rive at Will° Street at 8.15 A. M. and SP. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6 and 9 A. M., and 2.46 and 630 P.M., and arrive at Second and Chatham Streets at OM and 9 60 A. M., and 8.35 and 8.23 P. 61.. ON SUNDAYS Leave Willow street for Doylestown at 8.80 A. 51. and 2 P M. • Mare Doylestown for Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 6.15 P M. All Passenger Trains MOVING- NORTH and SOUTH will atop at Chatham Street and connect with City Pas senger Railroad. Fare to Bethipliefft. " Matioli Chunk " Doylestown myrr-t1 ELLIS CLARE, Agent, NEW YORK LINES.—TIIE OAMDEIi '1 AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON HAIM& AL , 001I.PANDS LINES. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEVI YORE, AND WAY PLACES. Leave - se follows, vis : yews At 11 g P. M., from Kensington Depot, via City Mall ' $2 2dl , At 8 A. M., via Camden and Arnb4, Aocommoda tion 226 At 8 A. DI., via Camden and Jersey City, N. .1. Ac commodation 2 25 At 8 A. M., via Camden end Jersey Morning Mail 8 00 At 10 A. DI., by Steamboat Trenton, via Tadony and Jersey City, Morning Express 8 00 At 2 P. M., via Camden lad Amboy, 0. and A. Ex press 800 At 6 P. M. vie Camden and Amoy City, Svonisg Mail 8 0 At BP. M., Tlll Camden and Atabby, Accommoda tion, Lit Claw • 200 At 3 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aooommoda- Mon, 2nd Clam. 1 60 At SF. M. visa Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, lat'Olass 2 00 At SA. M. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, 2nd Class 1 76 *oThepted 6P. M. line runs daily, all others Sundays ex Express Linea stop at the principal stations only; For Belvidere, Easton, Flemington, &G., at o A. 51 and 41'. 111. from Weinet street wharf, For Water Gap Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarze, Montrose. Great ' Bend, Ac. at OA. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna at Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Mount Holly at oA. M. and. 8 and SY. M. WAY MIMI" For Bristol, Trenton, &e. at 2g and. 4 P. M WAY 'LINE . . For Palmyra, Banooess, BeTerly , Burlington, Borden town ito., at 8 P. rd. Steamboat Riexard Stockton for Bordentown, and In termediate places, at 23i P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Tacony, at 10 and 11% A. M. and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. M. All lines exceptllli P. bl , leaps Walnut street wharf. irrrifty pound's of baggage only allowed dun yalt• Banger. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All bag gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Coin patty limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount be' yond 5100, except by special contract. an 1-ly 11311. I L E LPR IA, GERMANTOWN AND NORRIS TOWN RAILROAD.—BIIMM&B ARRANGEMENT.—On and after MONDAY, May 10th, 1858 FOR GERMANTOWN Leave Philadelphia at 6X, 7 8, 9-06 min., 10,11)(, A. M., 1,2, 9,4, 5,6, 7,8, 9, 10, and 11X P. At. Leave Germantown at 6,7, 7X , 8, 9. 9X, 10X, 11X, A. M. 1-10 min., 2,3 X, 4X, SX, 6X, 8, 9.10 min., and 104 3 P. M. The 7X o'clock A. M. Train from Germantown wil atop only at Wayne and Tinge Streets Stations. R. It. Relief. R. R. Relief. Relief and Regulators. Relief acid Regulators. Relief and Regulators. Renovating Resolvent. .Renovating Resolvent. Renovating Resolvent. Resolvent and Regulators. Renovating Resolvent. Resolvent, Relief, Regales. tors. Ready Relief §• Regulators ON SONDAYB, Leave Philadelphia at 9.20 min. A. AV., 2, SN, and 8 P. M. Leave Germantona 8N A. M., 1-/0 mb2., 43i, and 7 P. M. OMPATRIIT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at 6J(, 8, 9.05 min 3117( A. I, 8,0, 0,8, 10 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill at 6 40 and 7.85,9.10, and 10.10 min. A. M /2.50, 8.10, 4.10, 5.10, 7.40, and 910 min. P. M. Leaie Philadelphia, 9.20 A. M., 2, 53‘, and 8 P. M. Leave Oheetent Hill at 8.10 min A. M., 12.50 4.10 8.40 P. fa YOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRIS TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at OX, 9, 11 A. M., 1.05 nazi., 8.10 min.. 4X, OX,lll[ P. M. - Leave Norrietown at 5,7, 9,11 A. M., I,BX, and 6 M. Leave Philadelphia at 6X, 7%, 9,11 A. M. 1.05 min. 2.05 min., 3.10 min., 4%, SA:4AX, 9,11% P. M. Leave Mannyunk at tiN, 73p1334, 9%, 113( A. DI. 1%, 3,4, eg, 7, and 9 P. M. 111 Sundays name aa Norristown. MUSTER, VALIANT RAILROAD 11OR DOWNING 10PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAIL ft ROAD LINE.--QUICIEKEST ROUTE to Elmira Wilkaskure, Buffalo, Chicago, Rock Island, Niagara Mllwaukie, Burlington, Montreal, St. Paoli! Detroit, Dunlietli, and at. Louis. Passenger trains will lefty° the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows 7.80 A. M. DAY EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara Falle,ButTalo, Detroit, Chicago', Milwaukee, Rook Island, Galena, SC, Paula, Burlington, and St. Louie. 8.20 P. M. NIGHT BXPREBB, , For Shan, Niagara Palls, Buffalo,Detroit, Chicago Milwaukee, Rock Island, ga l ena , DtPaula, Burlington and St. Louie. ILT Tickete good till used. The 7.30 A. 31. train connects at Beading with the train for Ilarrieburg and all stations on the LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD; AND At Rupert, for Wilkosbarre, Pittaton, Scranton and all station!' on the LAOKAWANNA AID BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. Wilkesbarre Pittston Scranton.... Wilkeebarre, Williamsport... Elmira Canandaigua , Geneva, via Gorham. Rochester Niagara Falls Iluiltilo Brie Cleveland, via N. Y. and Erie, " vl Niagara Falls... Toledo, via New 'York and Erie.... Columbus Cincinnati. New York and Erie-- " Niagara Falls Indianapolis. via New York and Brie Detroit, via Niagara Falls Chicago, via Groat Western Railway.. - Lake Shore Railroad Book Island, via Niagara Falls. . . .... ti - Lake Shore Railroad. Burlington lowa City St. Louis, via Chicago It Indianapolis.... Danlioth. St. Paula principal regulators of the performs its fto n o tione system are fully devel moat entirely dependent the Liver for the proper thins ; when the stomach at fault, and the whole nuance of one organ—the do Its duty. For the die. of the proprietors has practice of more than 20 dy wherewith to counter manta to which it is Ile- icy- Tickets can be procured at theThiladelphia and Elmira Railroad Linn's Ticket Office, Northwest corner of SIXTH and OIIESTNUT Streets, and at the ElIg• aenger Depot BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN tnedy Is at last found, any VER Conmettie, in any of bottle, and conviction le Lea, i the Depot, Brosdetreet, below Vine, daily (9uousys eicepted,) for all points West and North, at morbid or bad matter from their place a healthy flow stomach, cooctag food to blood, giving tone and oh In e ry, removing the footing a radical cure. oared, and, what is bet caslond use of the Liven Freights must be delivered before 3?. M. to inane their going the same day. (7 Freights are forwarded with greater despatch and Lower Rates than by any line from this tdty to the West and Northwest. rex farther information apply to ALLEN & HUGEL, Through Freight Depot, Broad, below Vine, Or to MIAS. 8. TAPPEN, General Agent, N. W. cor. Sixth and Chestnut eta. ?Minds. G. A. NI bOLLB, Genl. Supt. Phibula., and Reading yellroad. H. A. FONDA, Genl. Bnpt. Catawba; W. & E. Railroad. J. A. REDFIELD, deBl.-1y Geol. Supt. Trnuiport and Elmira Railroad. le sufficient to relieve the food from rising and sour, before retiring, prevents night, loosens the bowels TIVENESS. eaoh meal, will care DYS teaspoonfuls will aiwa PHILADELPHIA AND READINGRAIL • ROAD—FAST FREIGIIT LlNll.—Freight trains hare the Depot, BROAD Street, blow VINE, daily, for Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, Canada, Detroit, Chicago, Mile ankle, Oedena, Dubuque, St. Louis, and interme diate, points. This is the ehortost route to Canada, and the Lake Forte, and goods will be forwarded with greater despatob to the above points than by any other route. male obstruchon removes and makPa aperfect cure. Maly rolievea Ono LT a, peated, is a sure cure for preventive of 0110LERA. needed to throurout of the (Heine after a long sick for JAUNDICE removes a color from the skin. let ease. 2d clam. lid dam. 4th alma Stteperusion Bridge 00 70 00 40 .Butialo. 90 70 60 40 Dunkirk 95 75 . 05 4.5 Detroit $1 20 93 78 82 Chicago. 1 40 116 1 00 60 Freight going through by rail NB the way mast ba marked "VIA RAIL." time before eating given makes food digest well. ed, CI:IrOB CHRONIC) DIAA• while 80MItlin and Bow at to the first dose. attacks caused by WORMS surer, safer, or speedier never fails. DROPRY, by exciting the No transhipment between Philadelphia and Elmira. Mark goods via Philadelphia av 4 Reading Railroad, and aend to the Depot, Bread strert, below Vine, daily, before 5 P. M. commending this medi gsvaa and AOUR, 011 ILL a gamins Weil. It ope thousands are willing to virtues. For further information in regard to this route, call at the through freight ofßee of tb, Philadelphia, Nia gara, and Great Western Line, N. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT. de3Q-y IQ 58PENNSYLVANIA.1&58 CENTRAL RAILROAD' - I PROM PUILADELPIIIA. TO PITT/3817MM, And thence by Railroad to WHEELING, ST. LOUIS, STEUBENVILLE, OLEVEIAND, CINCINNATI, OUIOIIGO, LOUISVILLE, BURLINGTON, INDIANAPOLIS, ST. PAVIA, And all intermediate potnts in 01110, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY, won!. GAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, MISSOURI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Passengers to points west of Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Cleveland and Oreethue, have choice of routes, and are requested to make a selection before applying for tick. eta. TIIREE THROUGH TRAINS LEAVE PRILADEL FRIA DAILY, Forming close connections at Pittsburgh to all points West. On and after MONDAY, May 10th, 1858, Three through, and Two accommodation trains, wilt leave the depot, 8. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET street/I, an follows TRAINS FOR PITTSBURGH I TRAINS PROD PITTSBURG!! AND THI WEST LEAVE. AND THE WEST ARRIVE. Mail trainat....7 30 A. M. Mail train at.. 11.45 night. Fast line 100 noon. Fast 1in0...... 5.10 A. M. Express ma11..11.00 night. Express mail.. 1.10 noon. WAY TRAINS LEAVE.WAY TRAINS ARRIVE. I Harrisburg at- Harrisburg ac commodation 3.00 P. M. commodation.7.l6 P.M. Lancaster a .3.90„1'. M. Lancaster ,4 .9.50 A. M. p. Tho mail train stops at al the stations between Phila delphia and Pittsburgh. The Express mail rune daily, the other trains Sunday excepted. The care leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station, southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, entrance on Eleventh street, 'where through tickets to all points West can be obtained. Baggage will be received at the Depot at any time du ring the day. No Charge for handling baggage. For further Information, apply at the Depot of he Pennsylvania Railroad Company, southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets, between the bourn of 7 A. M. and 11P. M. THOMAS kfOORE, my 10 Agent Penn's Railroad Oo F/SH liailitrair tints. $1 60 ... '2 CO WM. H. GATZME4, Agent 0. & A. H. A. 00 ON SUNDAYS ON SUNDAYS, 1.6)6,0 Philadelphia it 9 A. M., and A P. M Leave Norristown at 7A. M. and BP. M. FOR MANA tUNK. Leave Philadelphia at (14 A. M., and 8.10 min. P. M Lento Downingtown at 7,1€ A. M , and I P. M. H. R. SMITH, General Buperlatendent. Depot, Ninth and Green streets Philadelphia. 1:1=1:11:= noir, or PRICIER rori 100 Lad Via Railroad 200 quintals Codfish. 100 do. Pollock. 000 bblo. Maskorel. 60 do. II has Fish, for silo by C. 0. SADLER & CO., 0 N. WATER Otrett. WR lW A T lt i laGlgr it ari VLILADLLPIIIA, WILVINGT N, MORE RAILROAD. AND BALTI- . . . ' On and after Monday, May 10, 1858, rAVy,N4II4:R TRAINS LEAVE. • PHILADELPHIA. le o ? lioltimpro, at 8 A. 31., 1 P. M., (Express,) and 11 P. 01. For Wilatingtot. , , at 8 A. 21.,1, 4.30, and 11 P.M. at 8 A. Id., 1 and. 4.30 P. M. For New Olutt27, For Middletown At 8' A. 21, and 4.30 P. M. For Dover, at 8 A. M. . and 4.30 P. 31. For Seaford at 8 A. 31.,., ii , -1 4.30 P. M. TRA I N S so u fR . IADLIIIA, Leen lialtimore et 1.30,. Zs,'"" 10.15 A. M. and r 5010 P. 31, leave Wilming at 7 and 10.80 .4.. 111., and 1.45 and ton 8.55 P. 31. . ; Leave New Oaatle at 6.30 and 1 1.65 A., P. and at 8.05 P. M. Leave Middletown at 8.58 A. M. and 6,18, P. M• Leave Dover at 8 A. 31., and 4.15 P. M, Leave Seafotil at 6.25 A. N. and 1.36 P. M. TRAINS FOR VAISISIOII4I. 12.15 Leave Wilmington at 1110 A. M., 2 P. AI., and A. M. 80NDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Bal. timore, Do do SAO P. M. from Baltimore to Philo ' phia. . Freight Train, with Passenger Car attached, will con no follows: Bravo Philadelphia. for Perryville and intermediate places se 6 P. 3f, Leave "Wilmington for do do do 7to P. It, Leave !Lorre do Grace for Baltimore - do 630 A. M. LORVO Baltimore for Havre de Grace do 610 P. M. Learn Wilmington for Philadelphia do 5 45 P. 31. • left S. M. FELTON, President. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.--THE GREAT CENTRAL rtblun, connecting the At lantic Oltiee with Western, liorth-weetern, and South western Mateo, by a contirmoue Railway direst. This Road also punnets at ,pittsbargh with daily line of steamer), to all porta on the Western Rivers, and at ,Meveland sad illaidoalry with Steamers to all ports on the Noith-weeerl_Lakes • making the most CHEAPEST And EfLitLE ROUTE by which Yrs:Jed ran be forwarded to an from the GREAT WEST. RATES BETWEEN PHIL.A.D& AND PITTS 1113BCill. -- user Oxasa-r•Boots, shoes, Hite, and Claps, Books; Dry Goods, (in loxes bales and trunks), Drugs, (in boxes - and bales) leathers; Pura, /00 . ...Tic per MO Bo 010050 OLAOS—Domestie Sheeting, /hiding and Ticking, (in original bales), Drugs (in casket, rfardware, Leather, Liquor, fin snaked Wall Paper, Nord, and . Sheep, Pelts, , Eastward, &a. &e 600. per 100 lie Ouasa—Anvils, Hemp,Sacon end' Perk,' Salted, Ilosise mks); 'Paints; (dry and In" oild Oils, (except lard and roan) 600. per 100 lbii poulya Fish; Baron, Beef, An: Pork i (in caeks or boxes and andLard.oll,ltoUs, 13odeAah Crern:Yitaar , Tor, Pitch , - Rosin, dteei , Ma: l4Mt r , „ To : baceo, Eosin anger, (hhde., tru., '&0 Pie. per 100 lb /Looz-160. per bbl. until Glitta7 n o t t e „ . „„ Clasin—,l6c. per 100 lie., until itirhi s : Gorton—a pet bale, not exceeding ob.- lbs. weight, until farther notice. • - In shipping Goode from any point Rest of a.7 1111Me , / * phis, be particular to neat; packaged ' , via Pseirsys.;"'!.,• Railroad." All Goods oorungned to the Agents of Road,. at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be trrwarden without detention. , YRIIGIIT & Co., Chicago; Paola & & Go. Memphis, Fenn. • B. P. Bass & Go_ St, Louie, Ho. • P. G. o , Riley & ETIMITiIIe, Indiana; Win. Bidham, Lonisrille, Het , trecity. ; it. 0. Meldrums 31* ison, Indiana; H. W. &Min &Co. mid Ather is iLbbard, Cincinnati; H. B. Verde & 2aneseille, Ohio; Leech 1 Co., No. 64 Kirby street, Boston; Leech & Co., No. 2 Astor House, New 'Faris, i Witham at. New York; S. J. Sneeder,'Philadelphibr lgagraw goons, Baltimore ; D. A Stewart, Mtaburge• HOUSFOrf General Freight Agent. H. T. LOKBAMI:1; des- General Superintendent, Altoona. Pa itlatbinerp mitt iron gLMUIL V. VAVGJELN Xl2llOl WILLTAX K. 1011110 X. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, RUTH AND WASHINGTON STBNETS, PHIL ADYLFHLL. - MERRICK & SONS, INGINENNI AND MAOHIIIII3TB, manufactrare nigh and Low Pressure Avon Engine/Jon Land Hirer, and Marina minima. - Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Gaer.- Inge of all kinds, either Iron or Brags. • Iron frame morefor Ole Works, Workahops, Baßroadi Rations, - Retorts and Gam Maohlnery of the latest and moral Improved construction. nyery description of Plantation machinery, =eh as. Boger. Paw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Altem, f4uping Arsine", do. Bole Agents for N. Mlle 5. Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatua; Nasunyttee Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. nose , Patent Valve Motion for Blest Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. 11. BARTOL gads anti lizatauranto JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA., (Erected in 1851 ) ELEGANTLY FUILNISIIED. NOW OPEV TO VISITORS. r0y29 , 1 WELLS COVERLY, Proprietor. WORRELL HOUSE, N. W. cor. THIRD and HARMONY COURT Toe undersigned takes pleasure in informing his friends and the public at forge, that be has opened the above P.STABLISIDIENT, and pledgee himself to merit the parert ap of his patrons, every article is of Stoo - gush y, having been selected without regard to price. OH A fa Tr s l WOBILELL, Proprietor. my274im NIOHOLLS • (EUROPEAN PLAN) OPEN DAY AND .NIOHT. NO. 116 SOUTH EIGHTH BT., BELOW CHESTNUT, PHILADELPHIA. This /COMB is for Permanent and Transient Lodg ing. Every effort will be made b the Proprietor, E. NICHOLLS, to give satisfaction to his Patrons_ - This establishment is situated In the heart of the city, centre of business, and convenient to all places of amusement. The Mercantile and Travelling community will Bud It s desirable place for comfort, cleanliness, and econo my. Meals furnished at all hours. Single Rooms, 60 cents per night. By the week 52.60 and upwards. mh3o-tt m EROHANTS' HOTEL, NORTH /OIIIITII OTILATI .. Aetna MAIM, PHILADELPHIA. 6024-tt lIGILIBBEN fr. SONS. Paoretn Toss SI 50 4 60 4 75 4 50 5 90 ...... .... 7 00 8 00 8 00 8 60 10 00 10 00 10 60 18 00 18 00 18 26 10 60 19 00 19 00 Wawa attb Kiattara !'CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKEY-THE purest Spirit eras offered the American ymbrc, possessing none of the poisoning qualities inherent in the Whiskey in common use. For sale only by the Agent, CHARLES WHARTON, Js., At DAVID D. TAYLOR'S, Wholesale Wooer, No. 23 South FRONT Street. All persons desirous of using this Whiskey may rest assured of its purity. ' Punkin:Lints .Dsar Sir: We have carefully examined the sample of 6 . - Chestnut Grove Whiskey,'" left with one few days since, and end it to contain little or none of the Dot- BODOMI substance known as foil oil. Yours, respectful ly . BOOTS, OAIIRETT, 06.24A0, Analytical Chemists. To OHAILII3 NVILIOION, tr., No. 2a S. P 11021? Street, Philadelphia. mblO4m 2100 16 00 22 00 .....22 00 27 00 27 00 .......28 00 29 28 29 00 20 00 24 60 88 10 CLARET -125 CASES MARGAUX, 160 Ours BT. JIILLIIII, in quarts and pinta, in store sod for sale by A. MERINO, sp22 140 Ron% FRONT Street. LARGE NO. 3 MACKEREL-NOW IN store and landing, 800 bbls No. 3 MACKEREL; large 268 balm ditto, for gale by • JNO. M. KENNEDY & CO., Noe. 130 and 132 N. WIIARVES. TENANDIES.—cc Pinet Castißoni" Marett, and other Cognacs of various vintages, in half gipes and guarteremks ; Pe gattriffin Roche lle Brandies, and dark, in half opm - bait casks, sad one-eighth casks. Imported and for by " =kin BOHLEN & ceddt 221 and 228 Beath Fourth street. 108 QR. CASKS PORT WINE. 111 Inf. Pipes Alicante do. 22 Qr. do do do, 20 Qr. do Sherry do. 11 Pipes Superior Paiarete Wine. 20 Qr. Pipes do do do. 40 X do do do do. 111 Bales Assorted Corks. 325 Bags Almonds. 25 do Filberts. Landing from Brig " Arrogante Nmello," and for sale A. MERINO, 140 SOUTH FRONT Street. A LLSOP's PALE ALE IN RRDS.—A EA- conatant supply on hand In Onstem HOMO stores, for vale by WILLIAM 11. PEATON, Sole Agent for Pennsylvania, No. 216 South 'FRONT Street. QIIERRY WINE.-15 QUARTER PIPES various grades Harmony Sherry, in b .ud, and for sale WILLIAM IL YEATON. 216 South PRONT St. CI. LE WIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER *. IN PINS RIM, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &a., 20 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. -LUMBER YARD. HOUTZ h 00., (80.aceasora to Montgomery & Nesll,) d. W. corner of TWELFTH and PRIME Streets, Phila., Old Moysunensing Dintrict, are now receiving a large and well-selected arsortment of all descriptions of LUMBER, ouch at White Pine, Yellow Pine, Norway, Hemlock, Lath, Pales, Pickets, Fence Boards, Flooring, Shelving, and every variety of woll-seationed Lumber. Also, a large stock of Bill Stuff, of every variety and description, constantly on hand and awed to order at the shortest notice. Our connection with Messrs. hiehaffer, Houtz, & 00., and Duffy, Houtz, & 00., at Marietta, Pa., gives no surpassed facilities and enables WI to supply orders for all descriptions or Lumbar with promptness and despatch. PINE.ORMEK LUMBER, soft and mellow, suitable for PATTERN.MAKEW, &c constantly on hand. Prompt paying purchasers are respectfully Invited to examine our !dock before going elsewhere. ap2l-lf LIMBER AT WHOLESALE AND RE tall at Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa. MElletiFEY, HOUTZ : & Co , take this method of informing their customers and persons desirone of pur chasing LUMBER, that they have now on hand a large and well-seasoned stsick of all descriptions of Lumber, which they are prepared to sell at satisfactory prices. Their timber is all from their awn MILLS on PINE CREEL They are also connected with Messrs DUFFY, HOUTZ, & 00., and are prepared to furnish all kinds of Planed Boards, Bill Stull, Lath Pales, Pickets, and Building Timber for Bridges, &0., of all descriptions, on the shortest notice. They would also take great pleasure in calling the attention of Builders, and those in want of Lumber in the city of Philadelphia, to the Lumber Yard of lIOUTZ & Co., corner of TWELFTH and PRIME Streets, with whom they are also con nected. apSi-tf PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY— N. W. Oor. THIRD and OHEBNIIT Eta. L. PELOIIZE & SON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPEOIMEN BOOK le now ready, and from their increased are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in 11 complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long Faotical experience in the bnainesit, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in martins that they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished arHole than their cotemporarieS. Thole, therefore, who denim Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them preylou to pturohmting elsewhere. • Old type taken * at 9 rents per pound, In inching, for new at specimen pries.. aul-tr 500 TONS ItITOLIELL zo OR OAS MLR'S . bofte Amonlated Super Pboophate of Lime forfor Bale by OBOARIALE, YElRefi & IDO - 204 North Delaware avenue. Itaitroabo. Jan.2oth 1868 Kumbgr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers