- , 9he Orsult at ,thepeckion In New Orleans. _ . lyrooktee NewTOilosiliPlistitine of the tith.l , 1/ 2113 46dlitthinitin incident to J .- 4 0iteite.lfgrellprs awairan 'consurg, -;,,,During the even good- feeling prevailed ' the polls,. n p blayer'ButamerS, with preemt don _which • cannot be • too' highly oommonded, • guarded _every poll - with prudent and,oool men, ,- whor'actinginr, conjunction with the committees of .theludependent party, successfully labored to . ,re- • • 'Strain the.eicited and garde the incautious. Not, a bloW wattetruok, not' an intemperate,re-, mark was - made, to disturbthe quiet that reigned during the ,whole day in all parts of the city- The young and impetuous - were restrained from work - lug .for the American taiket, hiving received in struotlons to vote and give place to others.-And as the result, Gerard Stith is chosen Mayor, and nearly every candidate on the American tioket is triumph , aptly elected. ". Our election stands without a precedent - for its peacefulness whin.. the elements of strife Worn So abundant: "The people have done much to redeem the character :of the .oity 'from the reproaches :which hive been so triviality. heaped u p on i t. Lot the administration ushered in under such auspioes keep In elan , the tao's which attended its beginning.. Let the order and the regard for justice "so conspiouonsly displayed yesterday °ha motorise its progress, and the most. happy results will be recorded. This popular- vote, cannot but be regarded a verdict on the new `organisation for the reform of abuses, and is sinoerely Who hoped all good citizens will bow submissively to the popular dq - The majority of Mr: Stith is 290, but that for - the Anierscan candidate for Street Commissioner - - considerably lots. The ~Amerioan candidates for "Itcoorder, of tho Fifst, Third,_ and Fourth Districts, were °tested, and in the Stood Distriet `the vote ,for Recorder la quite'elose i and this ina pression that the Independent Candidate; Mr. ,Emile Wilts, is 'elected: The Independents are nlsolvposod,to hake eleotetllliree-Aasistant Al •deruten. c i .- A,,tter the general result rite known,one of the , guns was drawnsout of Lafayette square, and; salute wits aired by the teiruiphant party: The, Mayor elect then addressed those assembled in a neat, off-hand manner;'alludinewitli Spirit' to the iliffieulties whichAied heen'overcotie'daring, the .brief-but important_cithpaign.-.'„llesoniratulated his friends at their snow under such disadvan tageous circumstances,assuring them that they bad succeeded by proving that'they were the law and order party. lie counselled them - to show becoming, magna himity in their success, and to preserve onstzuned the laurels they had-won. They'liad nething,he assured them; to fear.from the doont-tewri ctunp,' and his advice waribat-they ehould_retiritotheir homes in peace, and - ref which they so much needeitafter - thetr Arduous exertions. Aeon:iv:TALLY . $90f. , --Yesterday,- one,of the Germans at.Fort.„Vigilanee accidentally sot him self. When hringiag down hielgun,llid butt of it struck against a piece orison, which caused it -to go off, the bullet passing ' tip through his head from below his chin.-- He died immediately. Ills name was Jacob Bteinuss. LATER FROM HAVANA. Arrival of the .Phlitielphiaj—Meeting of the American and British Cruisers There—La. test Aspects of the,Senrch question. tFrom the N: Y.33'3(11.1/88 of last erea!aga The Unitod States mail steamehtp Philadelphia, quitavus Harrison, Esq., commanding, left Now 'Orleans sthlune for New York via Ifavana, Sr. 'rived at Havanu'on the Bth and Jailed for this port, evening of this 9th, arriving here about ton this A. M." - , , . . , ;United States mail steamship Granada sailod Iromilavana - for 'Aspinwall on the morning of the 9th. , • • - The Philadelphia brings 10 passengers, and $5,000 in/diver for New York. We aro indebted to the purser, Mr:Butlay, for our letters and pa pers at an ear/y, boor. Juno Oth,Havana bearing W., distant 22 miles, thoPhiladelplda spolteUnited Btates steam er Fulton, cruising. Tune 10th, lat. 25 25, long. 711.5, passed ship G. W. Bourn, of Kennebunk. lievaxta, June 9. Since the sth inst; we have had the war stomp ers 11 eterWitett and Fulton hero and_ in this vi, achy, ready to convoy 'and protect merchant vessels of the Bolted States,lic die pursuit of their legal business; from the boats of liar Britann'e Majesty,. ' Commanders Rodgers and Almy have had Inter views with - Several officers of the British veosels of-war---.with'the Consul-General of England, and Very gentle intimation has been given of the pur pose of their•visit in these waters—" to stop the visiting and searching of vessels under the flag of the United States, by British °tubers." Various -excuses have been made for the past—with promi see of better behavior in future, as usual—so that we' wait to see if the - Old Lien will again show his . claws. The war ate aware DeVastation and Jasper have been bore for a short visit to communicate with the Drltish , Consulato,-and have berried away to give netiadvieo to the litusquito,fleet of England. The Rl:Lizard and Styli have not shown them selves to confer with the Felton and Witch—nor will they do so. A visit to,General Concha, on the part of Com mander Rodgers and the acting Consul General of the United States, on the - sth Instant, was very satitfaetory—showieg that the authorities het. fully sustain the doctrine and the action of the United States. We have reports of se'veral searches in-the last days of the. past month, but they will not presume more after the notice iegiven and understood: Lord Napier's views were received by the Black 'Warrior, and they will he'aoted upon in cultic:po tion of instructions from tbo Drititat Admiral. . . If blood was spilt of( Pensacola, we cannot as certain the name of offending vessel; ifuscor-. tained, I think Almy. will assume the responsi bility of her capture, unless bound down-by pest dye instructions that may Prevent: the "Styx or Buzzard" is any wersoupy, they will try their .metal ; and if , too heavy—" a hey ! ~for boarders"—they will sink themselves or capture the enemy,, If . such they.dare to show themselves ; _Peace will net be disturbed—the premonition is quantum suf.'? ' , - The health of our city is good, with Some skit ' netts among the shipping:' but 'there is nothing malignant.. , , The summer disease, however, bogies. to 'take 'effect among the crows of foreign vessels in port, and the marine hospitals- are Skiing up, with sub joule to be neglected and to die., CITY IT EMS: REr,rotOile-- - The _new Front-street Methodist Episeopst Chttrah; of which Rev. Dl, H. Slaty Is pastor, Fcpsketreat, above idelden t was dedicated to the ser vices id Divlrus wOrsh IP, withippr.priate religions cer emonies, on last Sabbath; The Rev. Dr. Kennedy, of Brooklyn, whose dedicatory sermon. preached on the occasion of the dedication of the new Nieventh-street U,K. Church, was published In Tau Pease. some Weeks ago, oniclated In th'endtpit to the. morning and evading. _The gler:loon services were exceedingly In tereitilleVA seem% war-presehoid - birdie' Rev. Alfred Cookmati;andahert addreseie were delivered by Revs. Aihton,l. W. Arthur, and others. Collections' wore taken at the close of the services, in aid of the ehurch - - At the - Ptrat lieranned Dutch Church, Seventh and Spring Gaiden atteota, the eonninntilon of the Lord's Supper-lte administered, by the pastor, Bev. A A. Willits, on liandaYinottdpg, - at which time there were forty new inoinberil fulfted on i sonfeation of faith didAtiree by letter. In the afternoon, at three o'clock, the anniversary of the Sabbath school', held In the Taborobspel, Seven teenth and Fitzwater greets, was celebrated. Thin beautiful new edition .bas Jurt been erected by the con. gregalloo of the Calvary Church, and the services on Sturlisy marked the'ofeeuelon of the drat opening of the upper mom, which is to be regularly occupied here. after for public'', worship,' From the 'annual report, which wee read by bfr t J.s. Otimminge, we learn .that this' echboi was organized hut a year, ago, with but twenty-three echolarei and now numbers ever three hundred;'" The eitifelsed were honducted by Bev. Sir. There ,w 0 a 'very laigi . atieodance, and clean attention paid by the pupil, add *there through out the Protracted. ezerclais was a sufficient comment upOn their interesting Character. The school 4ran ad. drained by Melon. A. Martin, floofrey, R. A. Paekard, Si W. Baldwin, and others. - LlTErtArti Eprewitiartruurer.-:ahe first public meeting of the Penitiylvania, Literary Union, which has lately been incorporated,mes beldiat Handel and Ilaydn Hall last evening, Themusical part of the ea: tertaintneut, "lab; by the pay, was nomean feature, of it, was under the dlreetlerkof Mr, Hessler. After an Antroductory by, the orchestra, and a well-performed overture—it Ordwu. Iklimonda"—the opening address vraodislivoMeby this preeidint of theiviasoctatitin 31r J. T. A:udeprold. , - Men will Rise w was the subject of an easay, read by Stapleton, erldch vim followed with au oratories! effirt by Turner. Addresses on fidaverlei_and :PAtriothiro,ii were, also delivered by ' Massie. pot and Joe. Vt. Powell ;And a reel- Melon, entitled Osmaridie dream," by Mr. Alfred Ai migraine was read by the editor, Mr.' O. D. Martin ; ailer which, the audience were regaled with a ipiritedtkraie;in debate, the subject of whleh,was;' 4, Are - clvillsedand,ittlighteneenations icAtifiablp invading and occupying the countries of barberoils oiles? 1, Ac , the ]your wax late, we were obliged to leave before 'hearing the decision by the judges; but will safthin, that theiewrie Minh adnurable argument adduced to Illuminati thhteXteahigli and knotty (nautili° of ikernational Jurisprudence. "Aatticuthull VA* ; 1 .4110 . 41r announced tobo _held by ; tho Agricultural Ainmettatloh; at Cheatont. on hlanday, Tueeday, and Wednesday of this week, is deservedly itttractlng publics attention. • "The committee -have beetened great Cal et in procuring the beet spool: mine of farming impteMenle, and the choicest breeds of horses and.-cattle.-,There can bo no -doubt Chet the spirit of emulation afiakoned among farmers through the agency , of public ,exhihltlons and competing for pro; - mitiins has been Inatrumental. In,a high degree, in giving to this section of our State its enviable revile, ^tioti for intelligent agricultural enterpitao- ;The trials ur speed aritthitifeed thn adVerttiomentlfor each day, Rill he anespecially-attractive featiare to the- sporting prtion of the community. We learn that excursion_ tpdatinill be tuu regularlyletereen till/it/14 and ()hold out, 11111 while the fair - • .TI[B, Eis.—Piosident ..guebanan soot a meesago.to congress yesterday morn , fog, meluring the Otombers that the:public intoreati fOr bledejtit hutliesitate adlohiluiout. Be sold that Itof would ICOinne .. ll,4•lo 41- an 41,4 sension if the House ad- . .. .. • .. j'Quitteil Or:t't longer poriell•thonirotila teal° the mom.bevi to go to Phtlidelphiarsoet iittioro thittwilles ne;v pittel.nt , lfie ilriArn gtonti:Olothhigofitt4tio os klin &.' s liVt,lia , x.i . tot. :843 ,aad 095 Chestnut atteet v shore sjsitb.".. , -- -,',. -' - - (Inkorr rcitf.ing - 'nkatob t .beat,avn in barite% at titZticU - ttise on, trio Chestnut Hill Agricultural Sucletyhi gruttuita to -day. A number • or 2:30a and 2;40a will 1, x.utmd icu . r vtitt oepagioki filet Intrac;tbeing 11,00 C a aide, juid oftteciOca , 4wlterirituit of' clothes on H: latlrld j ; iliO: ppigrictur -Of did ' 6, Old Pranicitn Clotbtaii , Hirt:6olW Noc,ol. atifctjtittt strket. 44,;:f444,..1.1).,4,ei,114(19tt‘-gic..oeft, ,Our readers who in: , :10.94.4i4t4g4t, a nd those seko - do'not, are alike invited :brim make banittiful ~ , Orestaintnixst, A tT.Alts Aciii : — Oldlcidstpo9ocl oitVrOti3 f v hipijicrittliogitifo"plit ; * qe#N, lie4r*,! ~ i tkiitttivliOkoPsht.ta I""" j r W" . ^" . 4".-nl3f MR 4 gbilgEn 'At-Ante , Prothpienti Age(WOhivAtrars trgifow:idiratawl MiONOI4: PiAn I.l4tuAlli wilaktti Yin )809tizot ißlaqic 7 66ina, nar w th e E6c N 19r ativae:ll4)lo-14amth4thcbithie,tAttayxr,oUttep vittlil tolas-lotlK.CiteiskitWatiks: ' - ' iiorrlblell7iirdar In Tiliebigurf-11 Sifter Killed • 'by, illar Brothers• gam the Detroit Free Preeei Juno 11.] - ' • A horilble mnrdef was eommitted on Tuesday, in the town of Mill River 'Point, Macomb county, near the lino of this County. It appears that two brothers and A sister were living in that town. They were Prenolt: :The sister was the house keeper of the brothers. ' The two brothers ap. , peered at the haute of a neighbor, living some three or four miles distant, at about twelve o'olook, night before last,. anti - awakened them. - Upon arising, he found the two men in a strange con dition. They were both naked, and had bands, made of straw, Rid around their waists. 'With , this exception,. there wee nothing upon their bodice, They mad they wanted shelter and as sistanee, es people were after them, and were about to take them. Being asked why, they said they had 'killed their sister. The story was not credited, anti they were taken in, and placed in an ripper mem, whioh was well guarded, as their actions excited suspicions of insanity. Yesterday morning the farmers in the neigh borhood-gathered together and went to tho house of the brothers, and there met a most horrible sklit. Theyfound the mangled body of the young girl, stripped naked, and lying in a wagon which , stood in the road neat the house. In the house was found a man who bad nearly lost his life in defence of the girl. His name is Detail', vtliell is ell that wo have respecting his oaso. The h Also presented all the traces of a desperate struggle, en which the .young girl had been murdered and then dragged out of doors.. tier hair was then out off close to her head by these mad fiends, and she. was' throws into a wagon in the barnyard, whioh was then drawn around to where it was found. , //or breast was full of gunshot wounds, and her fate was out up in an undistinguishable mass of gashes. She was then left in her blood, while the murderers sought the neighbors. The murderers eat like insane men, but have not been previously known as snob;, and bow two persons oonld thus become insane.at a moment's notice, and commit so horrible a deed, is a mystery. They.said they were prompted by God to kill her because she persisted, in going to church every Sunday, - and asserted - that thermado th'ree at tempts before they accomplished, it. The opinion of the inhabitants of the vicinity it - that the in 'sanity a religious one. If any insanity estate this is probably the true cause, but it may be only a Cloak abysm qp a diabolioal deed and esoape its consequences. FROM, FAYAL.—Wo have been furnished with the following extract from a letter written by a. former- resident of this town, under date of Faye', Ma 10, ]858: "We have bad a very hard spring',' The gales have swept away all the veger - tables; there will hi no potateds thie summer We had a very heavy gale on the'24th of August last, which swept away all the cora and wheat on the ground at the time. A great famine prevails hero and at Pio, although a good deal of oorn and wheat has boon brought here from other Wanda. Many deaths have ocourred at Pico from famine. The poor people have no money to bay grain with. The vineyards have not produced anything for four years past, and most all the people on these islands live, on, the product of their wino. The people of Payal and Pico aro expooting succor from the good people of America; but we have been looking In vain for a long time for it to arrive. All were in hopes that the United States consul at Fayal would beg the Americans to have (intones. don on ,the poor people hero; but it seems that nothing has boon done by him as yet."—Edgar town (Itrartlua's Vineyard). Gazette. Marine inizlktenct PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Stine 15 , ISMS 317 N RUM 4 35 51724 BBTB 7 25 HIGH WATRII, 4 56 ARRAYED fiteanuthip Boston, Bellew, 24 hours from Now York, via Cape May, with mdse and passengers to James A ll derdice. Reports having passed below the Brandywine light ship, one ship, three barrplen, and three brigs, up ward_ bound. Below the Cross hedge passed the barque Thomas Dallett, for Lagusyre, and brig Fairy, for Rich mond, at anchor; below Duck Creek, posed ship Cerro Conde, for Bermuda Hundred, Va, and a barque and four brig., supposed to be upward bound Barque Lacy Iting,Thnriow, IL days from Cienfuegos, with 'sugar to 13 &W Welsh.- Bailed In co with barques Dublin, Huntley, for- Philadelphia, and Osprey, Nash, for New, York. -Left ship Jane Parker, Beckman, for Ragland in 4 days; barques Washington Butcher. Col lins, for Philadelphia in 3 dsys; Whistling Wind, /lam tin, "tor New York in days; Mudd, Bryant. do 5 days; Alimb, Nevins, for Boston, Idgy brigs H Miller, White, for New York in 6 dale; lien) Dunning. Verney, for Portland in 10 days; Alums° Park, Nichols, and Lanza. rotte, Harriman, dischg; i cier Jit Myers and barque Bay tate. Idg. Barque I It Davis, Hand, 3 days from New York, With rodeo to Crowell & Collins—vessel to Pettit, Martin do On. ,Rep rta the brig New Era, from New York, and Santora Btato, from Havana, off Christiana Creek, and barque 0 E Lex, from Port an Prince, as Quarantine. Barque Elm, Taylor, 2 days from Boston, with mdse to Twells'& 00. Brig J Bickerton, Nickerson, b dojo from Boeton,with midst, to Crowell Oo ScitrJ Williams, n, Jr, Winemore, 4 days from Boston, n ballast to Stanlckson ac Glover. Bohr Farradr, Deputy, 2 days from Milford, Del, with bark and cora to J t McColley. Bohr Ann 0 Gray, Holly. / day from 2myrna. Del, with corn to Rlabordeon fc Overman. Bchr Sarah Warren, Beetle, 1 day from Camden, Del, with grain to J L Bewley & Co. gibe Incttry, Chambers., 1 day from Lewes, Del, with corn to J L Bewley-a. Co. - - , Steamer &latest,lls,o hours from Cohansey Creak, vital rods° and passengers. Passed ship Thos Jeff •rson, from LiverpooLlasating up off Bombay ltook; ba r que I. It Dens, from New York, in tow of tug .1 I, Puny; and an unknown barque in tow or tug America, off Reedy Island; five harm brigs and several cobra off New Castle, beating up. . . - • - OLISABBD. Btesniship Kennebec, Iland, New York, J Allderdiee. Barone Ocean Bride, Leler, Oientnegos, 8 & W Webb. Brig Danl BONI°, Keegan, Bangor, Andenried & Co. Bohr Genoa, Robbins, dalem, do Behr- Jesse* Williamson. Winsmore, goincy Point, Binntokson & Glover. Bchr 0 B Peaelee, Poster, Boston, 0 Miller & Co. BA , r 8, Wlllingitlaypeol, Baltimore. A °roves, Jr. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Dxcbange.) LEWES, Del., J 1.1130 IS-8 All Tho barques BB Kane, for Olonfuegor; tilorldo, far Morino to; Mary li Kendall for Havana; Nary, for Lon londerry; brigs Uannah Hicks, for Cork; Martha Gil christ, for Portland and a Meet of colliera and fishing smacks went to sea thin morning. A large ship, said to be the Thom Jefferson, from Liverpool, a barque, and two belga, are now off the main light home, heading f,r the Breakwater. Wind NW. Yours, &o. WM. M. BIORMAN. lIITIMMEM (oerrespondenee or the Philadelphia swebange.) OAPR liat.awn, Juno 11-3 P. M. Two hennas and several berm brig" went to sea to day, and several brigs and eaters planed in. Yours, &a, TIIOd. B. LI%MUM [ay TELIGORAPII TO TBX PRESS.] NSW YOAX..luue 14. Arrived, barque Henry Trowbridge, from St Thomas.' Nonromr. Va., Juoe 14. Arrived, Nair 11 W Eldridge, 7 days from St Bart,. MEMORANDA Steamship Delaware, Copes, hence at New York 13th hest Reports having pained at Alt, a brig inshore south of the Highlands. Steamship liammonta,Sebwensen, cleared at N York yesterday for Hamburg Steamship Philadelphia, Harrison, from New Orleans, via Macau. 9th inst, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship Delaware, Copes, cleared at New York yesterday . for Ploledelphia. Ship .kruleavor. Doane, cleared at New York y ester • day . for San Francisco. Ship Criterion,Harding, for Havre, cleared at Mobile Sth inst with 460 bales button, valued at 5262,624 70. • Ship Emma Jane, Jordan, from Obincbe Islands, at Callao 11th ult. - • • Ship Mary N Balch, Woodbury, for Singapore, in bal last, sailed from Callao May 0. ShipMosher Magoon, Baxter, for Singapore, In bal last, exiled from Cation 80th April. Ship Thomas Jefferson, Hill,lrom Liverpool, May I, for Philadelphia, was spoken 11th inst. lrai miles out of Sandy Rook. - Ship James Brown, Crabtree, remained at the Chineha Islands 18th ult Barque Reindeer, Rider, (or Franklin) for Philadel phia, sidled from Havana bth inst. Barque Washington Botcher, Collins, for Philadel phia In 2 days, was at Cienfuegos ...n1 Barque Borate Carver, from Rio do Janeiro 3d Olt, at New York yesterday. Barque Chase, Carlton, for Philadelphia in about a week, was at Oloofurgor 230 nit. ' Barque Tammy, Whittaker, hence, remained at Ha vens Bth lost, dmehg. Barque J J Cobb, Ross, for Plialeulelphio, roiled from Homo Sd Met. Barque Elisabeth 7, WlWatts, hence at Havana Otit Inst. , :brig Alfred Exalt, Doodling, .tor Philadelphia, re mained at 116181111 Bth inst. ~ Drig /Joanna, Ober, barite et Dos:on 14th inst. Dog Martha Jane, Ootbitt, heoco at fit John, ND, Bth inst. ' . . Brig Baltimore, Nelson, from Rio , de /Anelro April 80, at Baltimore yesterday. ' ' • Schr IV I, Cogswell, hence at Cienfuegos let inst. Behr 7as Neilson, Manton; from Taunt-n for Phila delphia, with about lOU wee mdse, went ashore night of— inst. during aNB gate, at Lloyd's Neck. Bike ittl probably be got oti without serioue damage. Setae Ware, Leighton, and illpsey, Ingalls, hence at Boston 12th }wit. Behr Mice siowe,'Pendloton, for Philadelphia, sailed from Saatportith Inst. , Fehr Geo Jam's, Manton, for, Havana, cleared et Mobile Bth inst. . . Bohol . ° in II Allen, Wor 0 Bllsson, Ohms Oarstairs, -P,Arnistrong, Thompem, George Bdward, 8 B 80111- day, L Audenrled , 8 T W Stannous, and Dorcas Ireland, lot Philadelphia, sailed from Fatem 11th loot. Bebra A Heston, Ryan, mid Buena Vista, Beebe, from Providence for Philadelphia; Cornelia, Unseen, New Bedford for do;' Flyaway, Davie, rail River, for do; and 8 Id Slisildick, Williams, Bridgewater, Goon, for do, at New York 13th Poet. Bohr Georgians, Balmily, before reported wrecked, wits from Plewboryport from Frankfort, to helmet. Bite was B years old, 112 tons, owned In Frankfort, and partly in sured. yr:metiers Sophia, Ety , and Beverly ; pierce, hence a Now York yesterday. - MARINE DIIINUELLANY Bahr Mountain Avenue; previously reported ashore eight Mlles south of Squan, was got off on Friday Oren lug. through the analatanca or Oaptsin Bowen, under writer*, agent, and arrived at the city on Saturday morning. She mikes but little water. Ospt Sarritt, of brig Samuel French, at Now York on the 7th last, reporta; Friday, April 20, Int 24 N, long vg gs, W, fell in with a large number of bales of not to ; succeeded in picking up 23 of them, when the sea be came so heavy that we could get no snore; the marks upon them could - not be made out, the see having washed them oil. One of the bales haa a star upon it, which le the' only mark distingulehable. The brig America, of Salem, with a cargo of coal, woe ashore yesterday math of the - fllghlands,.l4 Y. - Thfe In the only disaster that we hear of in that vicinity, and the germ may not prove se disastroue on our coast ae was at first supposed. .81.11 (tat, tat 82. long 1 8 02, nhipl6llB. Drionniond, from New Orleans for Oronstodt. • 27th ult, lot 24111, long 8346, ship Southorn front Callao for Cowes. FORRION PORTO Zlida Island April —, slain Alartba, Da!dray, Idg for • •- .t Payta Atar'l3, brig Canada, Pomp, from Callao, Sr 2d, mg cotton for Ban Prancisoo. ' At tha Manch* Islands May 18, ships Telegraph, tl Dorado, Thompioni, Obamp on, Wilson; OA, Perwell, Crocker; Ilorison, need; Planter, Carlisle; Pair Wlad,Btronl; Ocean Pearl, Crowell; Chaaspeare, Nor awes; Screamer, 8now; Corinne, AleXan,Aspasla Creep; Ilutmbotat,llolnesl Basel Lawrence, patteni B Thayer, /4011f0ei North Arnerioani Oplller, and barque Waverly, 'Ourtle ' - Ar . at ,Valparaiso April 6, abipe , Christopher, Hall, Nra , "Mty Melbourne; Y.' W Parley. Nichols, N York Jim 26; 261 h. ship, 6 entoo,lreamon f Liverpool Ziw 17; brig l'ewrisond Jones, Janyrio, N York; .27tb, barque Ze phyr, Small, Hoetou,rakiig, , , ~„ April ship Pertolfor, ion Yrsneisco; Obil ear A ReVoiii.drl,224, Dim ship Himalaya, do; 20th, shanitte 'T.inuese",*/40 ff WPC . Coblja,, Christopher 41111, Bret/man, for 'olldOGlKOhaa.ral, and linesco, to load ores for Poston atria par,ben : . )14. lit °Mimi April liith;sttips Meter°, Dillingham, *Chinchs „Islands, Mat aid May Lth for Prance; hindo, Melsher, from do. May 1, barque Wagssooilleare, Tiger. Island, 0 A; 2d , ably Sar a March. Romp, °bindle Isl and', and Ad 6th for lisrbadoes; Bd. ships Obild of the! Regiment, Glover, blelbourne,und eld lOth for fibinoha Wands; o . hanoaller, Borland, 6o; Q Peabody, Emerton, Acapulco, and old 10th for Ohincha lolanda; dth, ships .Bmily Barnum, Borneo, Melbourne; BI Dorado, Thmnp som, do, and aid 7th for Chinches Islands; 9th, ahips Os born Rowan, Belly, Ben Francisco; Henrietta, Trecartin, Oloinchateiands. Bid April 26, barques Bertha, Blanchard, Spain' Bevan, (Per) 'Petecaan, China; 28th, shipd Ohampl ' on, Waleon, Chinch' Islands; 0 A Farwell, Crocker, do; brig Canada, Pomp, Payta. May 1, ship L B Fitzgerald; Groan, Talcahuano, in ballast. •At Caldera April 20, Br barque Ohiloe, for the United States., ldg. Ar at Quebec 7th inst, ship Drobak, Jamison, Ohriati ana;lth, barque Tagliona, Hogg, Newcastle. Old Bth, Alps Waahington, Davis, and °allot* Rays, Rawa, Greenock; binges Charlotte Stringer, lluseland, Caidill; Bverthorp, Rarri•on, - hull; Samson, Irat, Trams; Densinma, Young, Cork; 'Eliza Ann, Logic, Port Glasgow; Phcents, McDonald, Galway. Also at oth, barque Gspaey Queen, Lockhart , Dublin. Old oth. ships China, Brennan, Cardiff; Ottaws,Oraw ford, and Avon, Cummings, Port Glasgow; Ocean Queen, Dart Appledore; Acadia, Thoman, Biletol; barques Thos Lea, Harrison, Whitehavem Blanche, Barry, Cork; ' Glasgow Rolland, London., Galatea, Pincomb, Taiga month; Oonernicus, Dahl, Glasgow; brigs Two Sisters, Harrison, Newcaitle; Lion, David, Peterhead; Symme try, Jack Ken, Cowes; color New Zealand, Gregor* Bur lington, II S. DOUESTIO PORTS. NEW YORK, June 14—Arr ship NeriNfovid, Knight, Liverpool; brigs Lady Chapman, ( Si) Cooper. Bermuda; 801 l Flower, Dowell, Galveston; Selina, Crocker, Char leston; schrs Sarah D Sparkn,Nitte, Gonslvan Kate Weal* Elite, St Bartap Wm Smith, Risher, Savannah, Harry Marine, Tuttle, Wilmington, NO; Walter Ra leigh, Horton, Savannah; Marine, bierrlhew, Wilming ton, N O. Cleared—Barks John Wesley, McClure Richmond; Johannes Elise, Wiberg, Hamburg; Hermitage. Booth, Point de Loupe; mho nohow*. Woglam, City Point; Inane W llnghee, Haward, Charleston; 3huihaaset, Blake, do. • ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO On O'CLOCK THIS MORNING. GIHAIID HOtiBD—Ohestnut street, below Ninth. Morris Franklin N Y Wm Chauncey, N Y A Woodruff, N 1 1 lien W Donaldson, Potter T Honig, Baltimore , Mr Walcott A da, N Y Mr Lawrence & da, La Thos Wilson, Dublin Wm G Thomas. Baltimore Mr Jones With Pa airs Saunders, Pa H Pritchett, Washington II M Alexander. N-Y J W Alexander, N Y James D McNamee, NY Mr ZifeDoneld, Baltimore A J Itichardeon, NY Geo 0 Brower, N Orleans John Keys, NY • - ' Win ESouthard & la, Port- Ron P Feesenden, Maine land, Me Hon Mr Potter, NY --- Eli Thayer, Worcester James D Chadbourn, Wit- G W Dunbar, New Or micgton, NO leans W 8 Maxwell. Baltimore W W Webb, NY J McConkey, Charleston, Wm Phelps, N Y Be) B le Lytle, Mo L Warren, Balt ,A 8 Sullivan, N Y • Robt. klostrYickshUfk, Min Miallc,bb. - Vicksburg,llibis 811 Chapel!, New London, Mrs B MOKnight, Detroit Conn . A Ten Byet, Detroit .8 G Dorey, Balt • James HMoore, - Hopkine- J A Oartr, - N Y villa, Hy J D Noes, Cheater co, Pa John li Thompson, Boeton Wm D Harrison, Boston J B Whitaker, Durhain,Pa J Lewis, Mo I. 8 Fine 'ad lady, Ohara. 0 W Roback, MD. and la homburg - dr, Cincinnati, Ohio C II Gibson, N V - I Cattle Waldo, N Y Arm IC Agnew, N Y 0 T Walker arid lady, New T 3 Lublock, Texas London 8 N Taylor, Texas, it Felice, Trinidad, Cuba lames T Patten, Bath, Me U 8 Sanford, Connecticut F A Baker, California D Taggart, California Z Bennett, St Louie W W Vanderbilt, Di Y Gen Wililama, Pa N P Butler, Phila Wm al Noyes, Ironton, Kase lli P Stacey, Charleston, Miss Mary Fellows, N Y 8 0 Mies Burchard, N Y , MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Pourth street, below Arab. Blanchard, Hartford J 8 Blanchard, Hartford, Jacob Hoffman and eon, Pa D II Riddle, Jersey City Thomas J White, N Y • Y Brown, Resding, Pa John J Decker, N Y Wm Barkhead, bid Hon Richard Brodhead & It 0 Jackson & Is, Athena, la, Easton, Pa Tenn Wm Shelby, Portsmouth, W D Shepherd, Wash , gion Ohio A Trout & wife, Illinerev , e Chas M Hall, Pa J H Jones, Chester, 11l N v Pinney, Kittaniog Pa Joe Clark, Kittaning, Pa John Grabill, Bhlppensb'g Mrs II Craighead, Camber- W Craighead & eon, Cum load co, Pa bertand co, Pa John K Brenneman, Mount Jae II Montgomery, Her- Joy, Pa risburg Mice H L Moorhead, Jae Clark Jones, Armstrong burgh co, Pa " Miss I? Henry, Burlington, Hon J 8 Yost, Pa lowa IS A Baratta. York, Pa Mrs Lanias & child, York, Al Dining, York, Pa Penns Jae B Boylan, PhDs Bata A Shred, Mt Joy, Pa AMERICAN HOUSE—Oheeteut street. above Fifth Jno M Mason, Wilmington, 8 J Myers, Wilmington, Del Del It Senford,Wilmiugtou,Del Wli Thurston A., la, Pa Mies Cooper, Pa 8 P Lan, Sate, Me /es McCarty, Pa ' W II Phelan, Pa Milton Stone h la, Me Henry Ferneworth, Me Cleo P Parley, Me duo 0 ?Staley, Miss Tae Al Brooke, Beaten A D Moe, Tucked= WIC Vankirk, Elizabeth, D Goodfellow, Pa Pa It li blarcellere tc la,Wash . UNION HOTRL—Aroh street, below Pourl3l, Wm Hetherington, Potts- J 0 Mahlon, N villa John D Brown, 2,lllwatikee Mrs 308 Patterson & child, Wie Portsmouth Ohio W A Benjamin & la, Tren- Hiss Agnes Bonder, Beth- ton NJ Wham Pa Jacob B Souder,Botblehem R G Willard, California Pa B P Berlin, Reading P B Dewald, Pottsville Wm Rallied, Summit Hill P R Palm & la, Schuylkill Mrs Fritz, Sch , kiit Haven , Haven J A Green, Ohio J B Mo Allist er,Ph renilvll le 0 L Oreenfeilder, Ohio H Bartliag, Reading D Spencer, Lancaster John H Oosweiler, Shop- Ii I Kieffer, Carlisle herdstown Pa Summer Stagier, Chian- 'Washington Pray, Cincin nati Ohio nett Übio R R Morgan, White Haven J P Salmon, Hazleton Pa J 0 Ramsey, Salem NJ Wm S Thompson, Salem L Hall, Harmonic NY NJ Theo F Wolf), Greensboro Dlt 'lglus, Hancock NY NO 0 F Fehreiner, Lancaster James Lerch, Davenport Io Tit omas Palm er, Davenport Jam Blank, ()Mango IU lowa Lori Wunder, Heading NATIONAL lIOTED—Race street, above Third. Jog Reniter & lady, Rich- R Darlington, Chester co mond, Ye • D II Stilymen, Realm/LI- D 0 Williams, Allentown Hams Geo Bernet, Pottsville A Ettinger, Allentown H J Headier, Pottsville D I,' Burkert, S Haven W Iteitsnyder, Pottsville Jno Bissau, 13 Haven R Thompson, Doylestown Morgan Swartz, S Haven Joel Fink, Port Providence B 0 Yeager, Allentown E Clark, Lancaster B A Switser and lady, liar- W P Owen, New Castle risburg II .1 Sell, Delaware A Dallier, Lehigh co, Pa P Starly & le, Liverpool, Mins Ptarly, Liverpool, Pa Ponta F Ilelni, Kingston Pa hlce,o Beecher & daughter, Master Beecher. P ' Grove Pine Grove 0 Greenawalt, Lebanon Pa W B Batt and lady, Doug- II J Manning, Douglaavllle tsarina BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL-13econd street, below Vine G 8 Mac.suley, Doylestown Q 0 Williams; Pa L Engle, Montgomery co J W Mader, Lock Haven John burson, Stromisburg J Horton, Bradford co N J Jan Donnelly, Easton MADISON HOUSE, Second street, above Market. 0 Al Moulton, Boston J C Thompson, Phila Miss Appleton, Port Penn, S B Cleaver, Port Penn, Delaware . Delaware 8 Magruder, Baltimore 0 B Merchant, York co I' B Weaver, Reading, Pa 8 Lame, Reading, Pa 3 Met:lrenn, N Y 3 Warrington, Burlington BLACK BISAR HOTEL—Third et., above OallowhlU. 8 Ruppert, Reeding Jesse B Wentsel, Reading 'John F Moser, Beading Jacob Young, Reading DI Tresler, Myeratown Mrs Treater, Myeratown D J &blander A. la, Allen- J-Bents k le, ADenk Ira town J Btinemger, Allentown hire Areitzler, Allentown Oeo Noldig, Montgomery It Yerger, Greenland no, Pa Washington Trout,l3chuyl- Both Lyinistor, °raga/burg MB co, Pa BLACK DRAB INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. JAB Ersig, Cal 8 Willanee, °hooter co, Pa John Trainer, Chester co,Pr, M It Marston, Chester co T Coates, Lancaster co, Pa J e Dem, Raleigh, N J At tiondry N J John Ashconad, Ireland Theo Albright, Lancaster Jan Bcatt, Cheater co, Pa co, Pa J 8 Kirk, Chester co, Pa D Burnes, Chester Co , Pa A Kimble, Chester eo,Pa D Nimble ' Chester co, Pa A Frey, Burlington, N J J Gordin, Pekin, 11l NY It Cheyney, Chester David Poen, Pa co, Pa Joe thusteoll, Pottstown P Crosby, Pottstown B Bond, DJivniugtown, Pa WESTERN HOTEL—Market street, above Elghtk. V Johann, bt Y . 0 Forebee, Boston Frank Wade, N Raven Alex Sweeney, Cal Saml Griffith, Phila A Derwin, Syracuse, N Y W W Fonsby, N Y N Kennedy, Lewistown Chan Benner, N Y II Zdeson,Brietel II Carter, Lancaster E Curtis, Newark, N J BALD BAOLIS HOTEL—Third street, eb. OallowhilL John Faber, N J Elko Lowers, Ohio Mrs Lowers, Ohio A Bertrand, Loading J Bradfield, Philo P 0 Phillips, Phila 0 Balboni), Philo 0 Buckman, Buckle co R Buckman, Bucks co John Rertast, Bloritg co J liertzeL Moutg 00 Reuben ficoehly, Lehigh to special Notices. Pulmonary Consummlon.—The trulifillY of ordinary medicines in this tidal disease is an nndenia• blo fact. Pulmonary Consumption being primarily and essentially duo to improper assimilation and disordered nutrition, can be rationally attacked only by n medicine which renovates the nutritive powers. Such a pied'. rice is the PERUVIAN' SYRUP, whose chief ingredi, out acts directly and immediately on the blood, and ar rests the disease safely and surely, wherever relief is possible. Jeib•dit wit This bounty of glossy silken tresses has MA ways been the theme of poeiy awl of lore.. Persons whose hair in harsh and wiry should use that elegant preparation, JULES IIAIIEL'S EAII ATOMIENNE, Olt llAllt It ?Crimes all impurities from the skin, keeps the pores open, and promotes a healthy growth of luxurious hair where baldness ex ists. A few applications render the hair rich, soft, and glossy, and change gray heirs and whiskers to their ori ginal itTe-color It Is not a dye, and 'soils not ithe skin or linen. Sold by all druggists, and by JULEiI dr. CO., No. Mt CIIESTN UT Street. Jeld-dBt-wlt Floral and Strawberry Festival, for the BENEFIT OF THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION,--The Ladles of the differed Evan• pliant Churches of thin city have generously under taken the Management of this Frailest, to - be held in JAYNE'S HALL, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, June 15th, 10th, and 17th, commencing Tuenday at 2 o'clock P. M. On each evening of the Festival there will ho appro prints addresses and singing; a number of (Honda having kindly consented to contribiite in this scanner to the Interest and plennure of the occasion, Donations of flowers, strawberries, lee cream, cakes, confectionaries, Sac., are respectfully solicited. Contributions of money may be sent to tiliontin STUAItT, Esq., President of the Association, or to either of the undornigned, 8000011 Tickets (price 25 cents) may be brut at the ROOlll9, Nos. 1000. and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, and at the principal Book Stores and Publication Houses. From the great lamest manifested by the entire community in the Young lion's Christian ABSOCIAOOI7, see }milt to realize, in this pleasant way, a very large fund, to supply a 'present need, and enable us to con- Untie the good work in which we are no successfully on mod. WM. GETTY, 152 South Fourth street, JOHN WIEST, Jn., 47 N. Third street, Finance Committee. W5l. G. CROWELL, Treasurer, jell . 510 Walnut street. Saving 3 - Nfld.—Pita Per Oeut4 Interest.- 4.ATIONAL SAPETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Btreet, 8. Id". corner of THIRD, Philadelphia,• Money received in any sum, large or small, and Interest paid front the day of depoilt to the day of withdrawal: Money Is received and payments made daily, without notice.. The in►estmenta' eve made in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such first-class securi ties as th oharteireilfdren. OftleehOure, from 9 o'clock in the Morning until 5 o'clock In the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until o'clock., (CO THE PRESS.---PIIILApfLPHIA, TUESDAY, NNE 15,, 1858. Saving Fund—Anierienil Life In' uriince and TriasiOOMPARY, a. D. corner FOURTH and WAL NUT—OAPITAL 1000,000. Depositors pald en denitind, I in Gold and Sliver. This old Institution naier :t eager; to pay all sauna In full during tho rAiito AND DANE i3OB - 46712 t, 46712 t, I • Strand & GOllllllllll, No. , 306 11Inrk4 street, above Third, 'Wholesale dealers In CLOTIIINO; are now selling off their entire stock at natal', at wholesale prices. je3.lut Boner's Infant Cordial... This Inianinale Cordial is prepared from a variety of the moat choice arra Melent aromatics known in medicine, and lit the met perfect and reliable Carminatire extant for infanta and 'mug children. By its powerful 'Winonae a speedy cure is effected In W 05000 of 0 holie, windy pains and spasms. Itisllev'es and mitigates mull of elaildren>s suffering duds& dent!. Hon or teething, snd by ifs soothing properties trap• outline', pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, ka. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and ha been used in thousands of eases with the most abundant income. No family should be without ft. ; Prepared only by assay A. Bowie, At his Drug and Chemical Store, ' N. N. corner of illizth and Green eta., To whom all orders must be addressed. And for Sale by Druggists generally. an 18.1 y Grover if; Bakers FAMILY SEWING HAOHINEH, 730 CHESTNUT STREET. These blealnea are now justly admitted to be the beet In use for family sewing, making a new t strong, and elastic stitch, which will I , lox rip, even IP every fourth stitch be cat. Monist's sent on application by letter. ap9•y Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT BTREXT. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Bllle Lading, BIM Maids, Cir culars, Cards, 'and all other kinds of Job Printlogi at prices to salt the times. - Singer's Sewing Machines.—After a fair triarof the several machines that have yet been offered to the public, the 'unanimous verdict of operatcfii has been given in favor of Singer's. This Is, In fact, the capable of performing every kind of sowing. SINGER'S NEW FAMILY SNWING Iv, beyond all queatlen, the most complete article for family use yet initiated, being at once _ornamental, easily operated, and snporiOr; in every respect; tp 'any other machine. On this statement ye ehallangy the iced. I. M. BINOSIt & ic7-Om Office, No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. Sealnertia Salina Fund—Offloo 203 Walnut street, one door west of Second street. Receives de posits In lame of One Dollar and upwards ' from all classes of the community, and galore interest at, the rate of Ave per cent. per annum. Waco open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock," and on Mon day and Saturday 'nail 9 in the evening. President; Braeiclin Pell; Treasurer and Secretary, Charles Morrie. .ftlarrinee. On the oth Instant, by the Rev. T. Stork, D.D HENRY B. ANIMEAD to MARY A., eldest daughter of Mr John Anspach,jr. • On the Bth instant, by Rev. Joseph Castle, Mr. JOHN GALLOWAY to Miss AMANDA BMITEI, all of Phila delphia. At Bristol, England, in December, 1881, Mr GEO. L. GAY, formerly of Pliqadelphia, Pa., to Miss ELIZA, BETE BMITII, of Bristol, England. tt On Friday morning, 11th instant, after a lingering illness. JOSEPH ItEAKIIVF, Esq. His relatives and male friends are invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, No. 413 North Fourth street, on this (Tuesday) afternoon, lath irmt at 3 o'clock, without further notice. Interment at Laurel Hill. ik On the 11th instant, SAMUEL WHITTAKER, In the 80th year of his age. * On the 12th instant, Hr. TIIOBfAS BALLENTINE, in the 88th year of hilt age * On the lath Instant, MATTHEW LONG, in the 75th year of his age. ef On the 12th Instant, Mr. ROBERT SOMERSET, in the Mat year of Me age. * On the 13th Indent, BENJAMIN EDWARDS, In the 70th year of hie age. - .* u s Congress having adjourned, THE GREAT MASS MEETING, FOR MS SECURING OF ENCOURAGEMENT.TO HOME PRODUCTIONS AND HOME LABOR, WILL POSITIVELY TARE PLACE THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, At S o'clock, AT NATIONAL HALL, MA RKET STREET, teloto THIRTEENTH. Ilon. Jacob Collstiter, Iton. Solomon Foot, Iton. Wm. Pitt Fessenden: lion. Simon Cameron, Ron. James F. SIIMMIA, of the United States Senate, and lion. Rum. , phrey Marshall, nom 11. Winter pails, Ron. J. Mor rison Morris, lion. John C. Kunkel, lion. groom:m*ll Morse, lion. E. Joy Morris, Ron John A Gilmer, 110 n, Samuel A. Purviance, of the Rouse of Representatives, lion C. M. Conrad, former Secretary of War, Ifon. R . W. Thompson, of Indiana, have accepted invitations to be present and still address the Meeting. jels-1t ca. Spiritual Munifpetnilons in Public.-- Mao. ADA L. COAN, the celebrated Rapping and Writing Text /Indium, will Word the public an op portunity of investigating this subject at SANWA! STREET HALL, V.lB (Tuesday) EVENING, id 8 o'clock, Admission 15 cents. Notice.—The Annnni Meeting of the Steekholdera in the ATLANTIC AND 01110 TELEGRAPH COMPANY, will Lo held nt the Corn. pany's °Mee ' Ithilitilelphin on TIIMISDAY, the 15th day of July, 1858, nt u'efeek AH. CIJAItLES T. MILLER., Secretary, ErPhiladelphia Retreat for the latempe- RATE —A public sneeting for the formation or this Association will be held at MUSICAL FUND HALL, Locust street, above Eighth, on THURSDAY EVENING, June ITth, at 8 o'clock A charter will be presented. Addresses will be made upon the subject by Rev RICHARD NEWTON, 11. D. ' Dr JOSEPH PARRISH, and .. 1 0 1 1 it WILLIAM D' KELLEY. La dies invited. Dn. JOHN HARRIS, HENRY R. BLACKISTOIS, Rev. J N RIPLEY, HENRY DIRKINDINE, WILLIAM NICHOLSON, Committee of Arrangements. je154t2l • r Errßig Mountain Improvement Company PHILADELPHIA, June 11th, 1858.—NOTICE.— A Special Meeting of tho Stockholders of the " , Big Mountain Improvement Company" will be held at the Olen of the Company, southeast corner of FRONT and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, on FRIDAY, the 25111 instant, at 12 o'clock M., to receive a report upon the unexpected condition of Ito affairs, and to express their iews as to the future course they wish the Di rectors to pursue In the matter. By order of the Board of Directors. jel2-cll2t 'WM. P. JRNES, President. frre Germantown Passenger Hallway.—The Commissioners of the "Germs town Passenger Italie ay Company" will attend on MONDAY, the 28th June, 1888, and on each business day thereafter, from 10 o'clock A. M. to 2 o'clock P. 01., at No. 30 South SIXTH. Street, to receive subscriptions to the stock of said Company, until the Baum is fully subscribed. Charles Muffing°, William S. Perot, 'Vincent L. Brad ford, J. If. Wheeler, .1. S. Struthers, William Mill ward, William W. Winter , Mordecai C. Dawson, Thos.A. Riddle, George W. Gatilinersly, Jabez Gates, John J. Griffith, and Robert I'. King, Commissioners. jel2-11tJy1 ea. Girard College Passenger Itallway Com. , PANY.—At a meeting of the Commissioners of the GIRARD COLLEGE PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, hold at the Wetherill House, Friday, May 28, 1868, It wan Resolved, That In conformity with the act of Assent. bly in such cases made and provided, we will meet on MONDAY, the 21st day of June, A. D. 1858, at the Washington Drove Yard Hotel, DIODE AVENUE, above Sixteenth street, nt 6 o'clock A. If., open books for receiving subscriptions to the capitol Mock of said Company, and that the said books shall be kept open for the said purpose at the same }dace between the hours of 9A, 3f. and P. 61., on MONDAY. TUESDAY, nod WEDNESDAY, the 211 t, 22d, and 23d of June, 1858. In pursuance of the above resolution, books will he open for receiv ing aubscriptious to the capital stock of said Company, at the time and place mentioned In the said resolution, by the undersigned,, a committee op pointed fo thor purpose. CHARLES THOMISON JONES, JACOD EMI:E t JAMES P. NICHOLAS, ROBERT. JAMES PAGE, Commissioners. Resolved, Tina In order to afford the citizens at large the fullevt opportunity to participate In the enterprise, that it be recommended to the Commissioners, as far as in their power, to limit the subscription to each indivi dual, the first day, to ton shares. my3l-illJe23 Notice.—At a ?Meeting of the Vorarnia. 1,5 BIONI4IIB named in the ant to incorporate the North Branch Pfulganger Railway Company of the Oily of Philadelphia," passed 10111 of April, A. D. 1868, held on Monday afternoon, May 24th, 1858, at the La Pierre II muse, Broad Street, below Chestnut, in the City of Philadelphia, convened pursuant to notice properly given, %t wan ROSOitldd, That a committee of five of the commie. siouors, to which were added the Chairman and &ere. tory, should open books for receiving anbsoriptiona to the capital stock of the said ton:Tony on TUESDAY the 16th day of JUNI4, A. D. 1868, at t ao LA PIRR.RB 1.101.188, BROAD BTREBT, below WIEBTRUT at 11 I o'clock A. M. Notice in therefore hereby given that the said corn. critter, will meet on TUESDAY, the 16th day of June. A. D. 1858, at 11 o'clock A M., and co on daily at the came hour. (Sunday exoepted) to receive subsoriptions to the capital stook of the said company, et the LA PIERRE - ROM, BROAD STREET, below OUDOT. NUT, ROUT. N. WAITE, Preehtent, .N. It. MOSELEY, Secretary. MORRIS DAVIE, O.W. WaII:SON DANIEL DOUtHIEETT, Committee. ROUT. BUCHANAN, a. W. WUITSON, - my2O.Atjelb (TTGreen and Coatea-streer. Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company —At a meet. lug of the Conamissionere named in the set to incorpo rate the Green and Coateastreet Philadelphia Passen ger Banally Company, held to pursuance of public no. tiCe properly given, at the Madison Rouse,in Second street, on Monday evening, May 24th, 1858, it was Resolved, That the officers of this meeting be au,. thorised to procure the necessary subscription books, and to give, in two or more papers, twenty days notice that books will be opened and eubscriptions received by them to the capital stock of the company, et the Commissioners , Hall, On Third street, below Green, on Wednesday, the elateenth of June, at 10 o'clock A. 51., to which time and place this meeting stands ad joUrned.,, Notice is, therefore, hereby given, that the said Commissioners will meet at the COMMIRSIONEREP HALL, in THIRD street, below Green, on WRRN.III3- DAT, June lath, A A. 1.358, at 10 o'clock A.ll , to re calve subscriptions to the capital stook of the aforesaid Green and Goatee Areas Philadelphia Pa/manger Rail way Company. BARRY 001iNELLY, Chairman. 'Wst. Rase, M. B. josgs Beareto*A. SA ,r ruy2s-tt ayßorne for Invalids with Affections of THE CREST, B. W. cot. pAltSl7 end CRF.STNUT Streets, zny7.l.linlt Weet PAlladoiphip. ID eatbo. Retail ;Bra w, traits. 1 a BL&CK wo.ovor bad for rautillas or Dresses. awns at 8 cte. ; now etylati, fast colors, 12g. Travelling Drees Stuffs; also for Dusters. Thin Robo Dresses, closing out cheap. MEN'S SUMMERWEAR. Linen Drillings for cool Pantaloons. Marseilles Vestings 'warranted coal and not to fade. boys , Wear, In thin, light, cool 'notarial. WHITE GOODS. Nainsook, Jaconot, and Cambric Musline. Swiss Muslim, plain, dotted, and figured. Linen Cambrio lldkfs., figured, bordered, and white. MANTILLAS. Preach Lace Pointe and Mantles. Silk Dusters, the much-admired now shape. Combinations of Silk and Lace. Low'- wiced Mantillas. NEW and FRESII MANTLES from the work-room every hour during the day, COOPER & CONARD, 3012 S. E, corner DINT!" and /MARKET. QIIMMER BLANKETS.-10-4, 11-4, 12-4 F-0 light-bodied all-wool Blankets. Also, median/ anti heavy twilled. ' =ARTLESS BROTHERS. CHESTNUT and EIGHTH 1141.XTR A.-WIDE WHITE NETTING, 8 feet and 'd foot wide, for chandellera and inuaroito cur tainß. bIIARPLtdd DROTtlEtta, .10.2-14 CIIBSTINDT and EIGHTH.. REDUCTION IN PRICES• SPRING MANTILLAS, ALL SILX SUMMER, MANTILLAS, sum AND LACE, BILK AND NET, all reduced in price on and otter MONDAY, JUNE 7ra. PROM/II LACE POINTS AND MANTILLAS. 3U3T OPMNRD, A LARGE ASSORTMENT Or DESIRADLE GOODS ) which we will offer at LOW MON& J. W. — PROOTOR & CO., le7 No. lob OTLEBTNCT greet RIOHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DA.MA.SICS, DLA,PICRS, Zico CONSUMERS of RIOHARDSOWS LINENS, and those desirous of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the articles they purchase are Boated with the full name of the firm, RIOIIARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, ate a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Goods. t This caution Is tendered essentially necessary as large quantities of Inferior and defective Linens are prepared, Jeason alter season, and sealed with the ,name of lUOVIAIIDdON by Irish homes, who, regardless of the Injury thus In fl icted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a busiumta so profitable, while pm , chillers can be imposed on- with Goode of a worthlem character. J. BIILLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, ley2B.om Agents, 30 011IIROU Street, Neil Yee k ANTILLA.S I I MANTILLAS I nu. UR. ELROY respectfully Invites the Ladies thrall and 'examine his stock of Mantillas, embracing many styles not to be found elsewhere. Our stock is the largest, our patterns the latest styles, and our priced so low that we defy competition. 5,000 yards Black and Fancy Silks, 37X, 44, 50, 50; rich, 62X, 60, 75 ; ' very rich, 81, 87x, 05, $l. 10,000 yards Detainee Itsreges Duthie, at 10, 12X, 16X, 18E, 20, 22, 25, 28, 31, 35, decidedly he cheapest in the city. 10,000 yawls One French Lawns, 10, 12X, 1635, 20, 25, worth, man/ of them, 87X to 62X, very One. One lot of Crape Shawls, at $l5, worth $3O. 500 yards side-band Cassimeres, 37X, worth $l, with a great variety of desirable goods for men's and boys' wear, less than usual prices, 1,000 yards Marseilles Yestlngs, at 25, worth 75. 1,000 yards now style Ribbons, the cheapest in the city, 1,000 fine French Neodloworked Collarg, at $l, worth $3. 10,000 yards of Plain and Plaid Jaconets, Swiss and Cambric White Goods, the greatest bargains in the city. Ribbons and Fringes and Trimmings, In endless va riety, at lees than half the usual prices. itioNLIWY, jel-tn th e-tf No. 11 South NINTH Street. E YRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND AROH STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS OPINING OF Ie.A.SH ON.A.MII_,III SPRING SILKS AND ROBES. DAYADERE LIMIT MEL BAYADERE RICH SILKS. MERE DAYADERE SILKS, OHENE MODE BLUE AND BROWNS NEWEST STYLE ROOM 12, $2.60, sad $8 for the STEEL OPIIINO SKIRTS. EYRE Sr. LELNDELL, myl44 jyl FOURTII AND LRCM STREETS A . O.ARD. ........ JOSEPH A. HAGY, Detail Dealer In DOMESTIC' AND HOBIIIGN DRY GOODS, No. 995 N. SECOND Street, snore WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA. Large Story White Building TERMS—ON% ?mom FOR OASII. Ur Price* marked k plain dimes on each article ap2d43ra MANTILLAS 1 SHAWLS 1 SILKS 1 &o TRORNLEY d OUIBM Would invite epecial attention THIB DAY to one of he moat complete stocks of MANTILLA'S IN THIS OITY ! OomPrising the menet and moat deeirable goods made In every materiel need thie demon. PRICES RANGE PROM $3 TO $.115 We have a large stook of . Philo Crape Shawls, from to $l6 ! Embroidered Crape Shawls, from $6.60 to $4O ! Stella Mewl., in .every color, centre, from $2 to 512! Plain Thibet Shawle, Mourning Shawls, &c. Oar stock of MACE BILKS AND FANCY BILKS liworthy of particular attention, as they ere POSITIVELY VERY CHEAP! ! ! We have a beautiful stock of FRENCH ORGANDIE LAWNS, GRENADINES, °DALLIES, Bd,REGES, LAVELLEB, An, ' SUN UMIIRELLAS and PARASOLS. Gloves, Mitts, Veils, Linen Handkerchiefs, unusually cheap, We have just opened a large lot of SUMMER MARSEILLES QUILTS, DIMITY QUILTS, OLOTIO3, OASSIHERES, and DRILLS, For Men , s and Boys'_ Weer, BEST IRLBH LINEN, Of our own importation, Le., at THORNLEY & Oft.IBM'S, N. E. Oor. SIGLIT# & SPRING GIBORN Streets. N. D.—Several lots of Flettacings, Edgings, &a., at see than half price. rayl6 BAI'ADERE AND PLAIN LAMELLAS Al! 2234 cum. Black and Brown Mixed do., at 25, 44, and 50 cents, Black and Brown Drovellas, - 25 cents. BAYADEUE AND PLAIN 310IIAIRB. Lnpin'a Mons Debege and 'Madonnas. Shepherd's Plaide,l2% cents, and upwards. Bayadere medium style (Maellas. Ducats, Dames, Crape Thirsts. Taraartines, OhsMee, Detainee, and other Dram' Ma terials, - French Lawns and Organdies by the yard and in Lobes. • BAREGR 110558 IN VARIETY. Wide White Barege, for Shawls, Telma, .to. Wide Black Barege. Mossy Black Silks u cheap se any in the city. Blue, Oreen;and Lilac Plaid Summer Silks. Super Plain and Plaid Inila Silks Super Parla Printed rich figured Marseilles, for Ilea (Ines, Wrappers, de , a new article. New Printed Brilliants at 26 cents; and upwards. STELLA BIIAIVIAS in great variety. Irish Linens and Linen °nods, a full stook, do. 4-4 Wm:estate Blairtings,l2 cents by the piece. • CHARLES ADAM, my2i B. E. corneTEIGELTII and ARCM Streets. Kegs' Notices. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, pendenee lite, to tho estate of MARIA W. NASII, deceased, having boon granted to DENJAAIIII NASII, alI persons Indebted to said estate are requested to 211010 payment, or having claims to make the same known without delay, to EDWARD WALN, Attorney for Administrator, fel6.tu Ihrt , - No. 701: WALNUT Street. FIRE -WORKS! FIRE-WORKS!! A full aeßortatestt of FIRE - WORKS. AT REDUCED PRICES. • STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, 1210 ILIABSIPP STRUT, jels West of Twelfth, MA R. WILLIS'S PATENT STUMP EX ail. TRACTOR —This most interesting application of mechanical power will be exhibited n last time in the city and county of Philadelphia, by Mr. Willis, at Ea- GLESIFIRLD, close to the west stile of Girard Bridge, on TUHSTIAIt, 15th of Juno, at 8 o'clock. This will give the people a chance to visit this beautiful place of resort, and combine instruction a ith pleasure. Supe rior refreshments Fairmount steamboats will convoy lisiters to the place. jel 5-1 t Dn. G. A. WETZSTEIN. ONDER S NEVER END.-CALL and see those largo Green Sea Turtles, at the EX CHANGE HOTEL, No. 77 DOCK Street, (lateiCol. lt. D. Jones's )J The house is now opened for the reception of guests. The well-earned reputation of being the best Hotel, on the European plan, in tiro country, shall be sostained The. Liquor and Eating Bars will be supplied with the best the market en,, produce. Luxuries of every clime Hitt be served at a moment's notice. Game of all kinds brought to bear ill season. The house has been thoroughly renovated and fur nished entirely new throughout 8o as to compare favo rably with any other house in tho country of the kind Lodgings lie per night, $2 60 per week, and $lO per month. Lodgings, from u A. M. to 12 at night, at 12X cents, and onwards. No expense or care will be spared to render this house a modern ono. Tho friends of the Proprietor of the house, and the public in gcneral l are invited to call. 1015-It* J. OTTENKIRK, Proprietor. QIIOULDERS.-60 Shouldors, in dry f'..7 Belt, fur Ilfao by O. C. SAM= & CO., 104 9 North WAT.fat Street. pipoa Dutch Company Gin, in ‘A bond and for ante by WILLIAM 11. YNATON, jr3 No. 216 &nth FRONT Straot. QLATE SLATE II SLATE I—Rooting P 7 Sista, of aU Bing, And d ve/ylow Fate', kept eon. stoutly on , hand, and for toile by FOUND, VOX, ic CO., ORRAIANTOWN RUAD and I . IIIRD area. N. D. Slate Roof' ppt on In the beet manner, and re DtAvisur attended to. All work warm:AM roe • CIERMAN OIGARS.-16 OASES VA NA 810118 breelds, in store and for sale by WILLIAM H. YRATON, jel 216 South PEONT Street. ,atilt 53traw KEEP COOL. . STRAW HATS. - LINCOLN, WOOD, k NICEIOLS, 45 South SMOOND &mot, Jo 124tiy1 Pour doors abovo Chestnut itlanto. WANTED, in a Wholesale Dry-Goods liouso,'Tf good standing, TWO CIOOD SALES acquainted with trade not romoto front, Phila. , dolphin. Pennsylvania trade preferred. Address Pox 1929 Philadelphia Post °Moo ; gating particulars. jol2-3t* PARTNER WANTD, to join the Hub scriber In the - I.IThIDEP, Business, already wash. Hailed in this city. Pleaso address LUNIBIIIt, with real name, at this office. jelo-ht* WtLESMEN WANTED.---TWO FIRST to CLASS BALEShlSN—Engsgement to commence on the let day of July next. The subscriber,' will en gage nowt but men of known ability, (to whom liberal solstiee will be paid,) who can Influence a large South ern or Western Trade. Apply to CHARLES LUSHNESS & SON, Wholesale Clothiers 888 MARKET Street my9.l-Ira Philadelphia. WANTED, FOR TEE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from 61.2 to 822 per month. No man having a Wile or cleild will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at No 817 MARKET Street, above Eighth, north side. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, let Lieut. 2d Regt. or Cavalry, Recruiting °dicer. fattll3l3. pETERE's PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE BBLO•GB.NIBATING GAB LAMP Is the only Patent Burner that has a NON-CONDTIOTOR ATTAOIIBD. For Safety, °hefty gem, and Brlllianoy, it surpasta all others. STAYS! AND GI WITTY RLGUTB FOR FALB. Address D. P. PRTSRB, B. W. corner FWOOND and OWEBTNITT Bte., Phtls delphia ; and 4'22. BROADWAY, New York. mh4-Iy-rp LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS LOOS to your Interesta;and'patt otitis LPASILISIUS LAMP SAOTOItY, 100 South ZIOLITII street, below Chestnut Previous to hie opening a responsible factory, you were charged $lB for work which he is now doing in a war ranted manner froluld to SlO. Support bim, or you will have the came oharyaa to pay. Ovntlenten's Surnieliing enba. CJ.ENTLEBIEN'S FURN/SRING STORE, W. W. lili1G1.11,•. , 805 &Mill Street, above Sixth; Philadelphia. Dealer in Ml kinds of Parniehing Goods, and manufacturer of Wins Shirts, warranted equal In every reaped to any others manufactured in this city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or made to order. 3161-if (LENT LE MEN'S WRAPPERS OR DREMING COWNS.—The largest and beet 11.4 • aortme t in the city, wholesale and retail, with a full Hoe of Under Clothing, milted to the season, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, 606 A.ROII. Street, above Sixth, Philadel• mbl-tt INCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEWS FORNISIMPO STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, Na. fee CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia, The attention of Southern and Westem Merchants, and Strangem, to particularly Invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole. ele and retail. and mode to order, ans.lyir Jnonranto Companwe ........ VIRE INSURANCE. E.' BY TIIE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. On Buildings, Limited or Perpetual, Merchandise, Furniture, fc., in Town or Country. OFFICE, No. SiM WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL. $177,020. Aaears, $252,465.69. Invested as follows, viz : First Mortgages on Improved City Property, worth double the amount 120,200.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Cope. 6 per cent. mortgage Loan, $30,000, cost 25,600.00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Penna. R. R. Loan Pennsylvania Railroad Co , s. Stook Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Company Stock of County Fire Insurance C 0.... Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies, Bills receivable, business paper Book Accounts, accrued interest, Am, Cash on hand and In Bank, 52,405.89 °LEH TLIMDRY, Pre s2 sident. DIRECTORS. Clem Tingley, Samuel Bispham, ' William It. Thompson, Robert Steep, David S. Brown, . NVllilam Musser, Cornelius Stevenson, Benj. W. Tingley, John R. Worrell, Mars hall ill, H. L. Carson, Z. Lothrop, Robert Toland, Charles Leland, • /doses Johnson,_ - Jacob T. Bunting, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, James H. Woodward, John Bissell, Pittsburgh fe4s to Hi-sp& B. EL 1119101281 AN, Secretary. A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00.. tS_INCORPORATED 1810—CH4RTRR PER: PETUAL.' No. 810 WALNUT Street, abOve Third, Philadelphia Baying a large paid.up Capital Stock and Surplus Invested in sound and available Securities, continue to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise. Vessels In Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted DZSZOIOSO. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, Caspar W. Morris Samuel C. Morton, Tames B. Campbell, Patrick Brady, Ndmund G. Dutilh. Charles W. Poultney. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS B. MARIS. Secretary. - ja23-y ft Bummer 2a !z il , FOR CAPE MAY AND NEW f YORK. DAILY, at O) o'clock A M NEW YORK 141M A glak e DagIR . .. STEAM NA The apiendid ocean steamers DELAWARE,Captain Copes; BOSTON, Captain &Hew and ENNEUEC, Captain lintel, lot to a daily line between thir eity, Cape May, and New York, leaving from first pier below :profs street (Sundays excepted) at iO4 o'clock A. Al Return ing, lease New York front pier 14 Not th Ricer (Sunday: excepted) at 5 P. M. eturtang, teat a Cape May (Mondays excepted) at A. Al. Faro to Cape May (carriage hire included). t. w for Het rant.; " Season tickets (carriage hire ex ten) Now York, cabin • • 4 steerage 1 Freight taken at low rates. For passage Mato roams, AO., apply on board, or at tho °Paco, 514 and 115 SOUTH? DELAWARE AVE NNE. JAATES ALLDERD/CE, jels-3m ' Agent *$ FOR PRE SEA. SHORE. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AtAILROAD: ONLY TWO AND HALF HOURS TO THE SEA MORE. On and after Monday, June 7th, and until further no tice, (Sundays excepted,) three trains daily to Atlantic City and return. Fi rat Passenger Train leaves Vino st. wharf 7.30 A. 51 Second' ,‘ .. CC "a " 4.00 P M, Freight Train with Passenger Car attached, 4.35 A. St Accommodation Train to IVeynionth, 5.35 P. M. • Pr,. r........• - - . First Passenger Tniin leaves 6.00 A. M. Second ,‘ it IA 4.40 P. M. Freight Train with Passenger car attacbed,ll.l3o P. 31. Accommodation Train leaves Weymouth, 6.25 A. 31. HADDONFIELD TRAIN Leaves Cooper's Point, 11 A. NI. and 2 P. NI. Haddonfield, 1 P. M. and 3 P. 51. All trains stop at Ilatidonfield going and returning. Faro to Atlantic, when tickets are purchased before entering the cars, $l.BO. Persons IN WO ng to go down to the Sea Lahore and return the same day, win spend OIX HOURS ON THE BEACH.. Tickets for the round trip, $2.50 Tickets to go down In the afternoon and return nest morning, or down on Satunlay afternoon and return on Monday morning, s'.'.so. - Monthly tickets will be sold at the following rates: Nor the month of June, $lO For the month of Sept. $l5 " July, '2O For three months, 45 " August, 20 For four months, -50 Churches, Schools, balm, Companies and Library Associations, u (shin special trains, should make early application. Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point by 2 P. M. The.Compauy will not be responsible for any goods until received and receipted for by their Freight Agent at the Pot . lt. F1t6.2111t, Secretary. fox Zitle anb Qlo fog. r AKE COPPER, FOR SALE AT 4516 MARKLT Street. je 15-3tif* WTI. R. WOODWARD A: CO. ga VALUABLE PROPERTY ON CHESTNUT STREET TO RENT. The Buildings now occupied by BAILEY h CO., No. 428 CHESTNUT and No. 14 LIBRARY Street Possession givon on Ist July. te g ru y t •l on bTo t w ho premises, to BAILEY & CO. TO-LET.-AN ELIGIBLE OF IIJJ for an Insurance Company, or similar cor poration, having three communicating rooms on the same floor, No. 224 WALNUT Street, above DOOK. Immediate possession given. Apply to JORN O. SER, or TKOMAB T. No. DI South FOURTH Street, roh3O•tuths-tf second story, front room. T 0 LET. -THE UPPER . ROOMS OF Moran No. 327 and No. 333 MARKET Street, Delow Fourth. Apply on the peenligea, to DI. L HALLOWELL & CO , or GIIILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. FOR SALE.—A handsome LOT of ground, ta by 100 feet, on Spring Garden street, oast of • • . Alfur, desirable Building Lots on Thirteenth Farce and Columbia avenue, on Ground Rent. Also, it valuable Property on Market street, nest of Permanent Bridge, 50 by 220 feet. Apply t o 11. C. THOMPSON (0 . M. CONARROE, jel26t* 933 ARCH Street. PO RENT, THE FIRST FLOOR AND M ENT of the huge STORE, No, 228 MAR KET Stmt. Apply to ILILDEIIIIEN DROTNNRI No. 633 MARVA' Street. GUANO. -IN STORE, CARGO OF THE achy Dazzlo. Smallle and analysis nt CHARLBS WILLOW-STREBT RAILROAD, below Second. 111 ONO NGAHE LA. —2O bbls. ""Bata des" _LILL Monongahela Pure Rye Whiskey, jucv end for solo by WILLIAM N. TEATON, jet 216 South FRONT Street. MONONGAHELA. WHISKEY.-16 bbis. aid litottonahebt In blbOY, ill store and for sate by WILLIAM IL YHATON, Jett 9.18 Pouth PROWL' St. HERRING. —BOO bbls. No. 1 _HERRING, Eastport inOpeation ; 600 do. Halifax, now in store and for tale by max 00. KENNEDY to CO., ap 8.7 Nos. 180 and 189 North whams. WHEATLEY'S ARCH ST. THEATRE. THIS (Tuesday) HYMNING, June 16th, Slit. JOHN asorra nem. will appear in has audseloutly-original novelty, entitled COLIGIBIIS; • VIL1111:11M80. First night ofFRARK DREW, who will appear In, GAMILLE. MASTER ALFRED STEWART, who will appear in 11th HAPPY MAN. AD NISSION. B aloe, 25 cents; Seemed Beata In Drees Circle, 37,4 i; Orchestra Stalin. 50 cents ; Seats in Private Bosse, 75 Gallery, 13 cents, Deers open at 71( &alma; performaneee commence 7x J. M. B. WHITTON Treasurer. LAST WEEK.-THE THIRTY-FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE Awn Will doge on SATURDAY, the 19th day , or JUNE. In order to give ail an opportunity of viewing thia large and Interesting collection of WORKS OP ART, The Directors have reduced the price of Admission, until the close, to Ten cents for Adnits, and Five cents for Children Catalogues Five cents. PhDs, June 10, 1891 STEWART & JOHNSON, INSURANOE 4ND NOTE No. 108 south FOURTH Street je 2•tn th sat-lm If CIRONISE & CO., EPECIE . AND EXCHANGE LIMNERS, No. 40 South THIRD Btreet, PITILADELPUid, Rotor to the Ittnice. end Stemmas or Philadelphte je7-13, 011A13. SIANLRY. W. H. BROWN. R. IifiNLICT, lA MANLEY, BROWN, Si CO.,' 111. BANX-NOTE, STOOK, AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, N. W. corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets, PHILADELPHIA. ••- • • . Collections made', and Drafts drawn on all part of the United States and the Otundlas, on the most favorable terms. - Collections numb, awl Drafts drawn on England awl reliant. thwarrent Dank Notes bought. Land Warrants bought and sold: Dealers in Specie and Bullion. Loans and Time Paper negotiated. Stocks and Loons bought and sold on Commission at the Board of Brokers in Philadelphia and New York: Jr•Bm EDWARD R. PARRY, RotaryYnblio for Minnesota. RICHARD .11. , PARRY, ' Commissioner for- Pennsylvania and New Jersey, PARRY & BROTHER, DRONERS & G&N.IHIAL LAND AGENTS and OONYNYANORRS, FRONT STREET, above lIIOZORY, , MANKaTO, - Pay particular attention to loaning and investing Money for non-residents and others, and collecting Drafts, Notes &a. Any letters of ZMAIIKT or business will receive prompt attention. Refer to Wood Bacon, & Co., Philadelphia. Dale, Ross, & Withers, Philadelphia Sharp, Haines, & Co.. Philadelphia. Rithard Randolph, Philadelphia. Charles Bilis & Co., Philadelphia, Parry & Randolph, Philadelphia: PERUVIAN SYRUP, OR PROTECTED SOLUTION OF PROTOXIDE OF IRON, Having succeisfully passed the ordeal to which new dis coveries in the Materin Modica are subjected, DMA now be received as an established medicine. Its efficacy in curing DYSPEPSIA, Affections of the Liver, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Brotiehitis and Consumptive tendencies, Disordered State of the Plocsi, Dulls, Scurvy, the Prostrating Effects of Lead or Mercury, General Debility, and all Diseases which re quire a Tonic and Alterative, Medicine, is beyond ques tion. The proofs of its efficacy are en nu merous, semen authenticated, and of such peculiar character, that sufferers (cannot reasonably hesitate to receive the proffered aid. The Peruvian Syrup does not protege to be a cure-all, but Its range is erten sive, because many diseases, apparently unlike, are intimately related, and proceeding fronr one cause, may be cured by one remedy. The class of diseases for which-the Syrup provides a cure is _precisely that which has ao often baffled the highest order of medical skill. The facts are tAngible, the a itnexaes accessible, and the safety and efficacy of the Syrup incontrovertililo. Those persons who Sony wish for an opinion from.dls interested persona respecting the character of the Syrup, cannot fail to be satisfied with the following, among nu merous testimonials, in-the hand. of the Agents • The, signatures ore those of gentlemen well known in the community, and of the highest respectability. - -, .... 19,150.00. ... 1,050.00 476.00 "... 62,711.60 .... 3,300.19 ... /6,043.20 The undersigned havinsfexperieneed the beneficial ef fects of the " Peruvian Syrup," do not hesitate to re commend it to, the attention of the public, ; - - From our own experience, as well u from the testi mony of others. whlise intelligence and'integrity are al together unquestionable, we have no doubt of its elliu ey in cases of Incipient Diseases of the Lungs and Bron chial Passages, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Neuralgia, do c. Indeed, its effects would be incredible, but from the high character of those who have wit- nessed them, and have volunteered their testimony, as wo do ours, to its restorative power. Rev. JOHN PIERPONT, THOMAS A: DEXTER, S H ICENDALI 4 M. D., SAMUEL MAY, - THOMAS C AMORY, PETER HARVEY, JAMES C DUNN, REY. THOS. IVILITTEAIORE. CERTIFICATE OF DR. RATES - - It is well known that the medicinal ellacta of Protox• hie of Iron is lost by even a.very brief exposure to air, and that to maintain a solution of•Protoxide of Iron, without further otidation, has been deemed impossible. In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point is at. tained by combination 111 a way before unknown, and this solution may replace all the proto carbonates, d trates, and tartrates of the Materia Medias. A A M. To Assayer to the State a Jlaasachusoeta. 16 Boylston street, Boston. SOLD DY , N. L. CLARK Sr. CO., Proprietors, No. 5 WATER Street Boston, F. bitONVN, FIFTD. and CIIESTNUT Streets, lIASSARD & CO ._ . , TWELFTH and CLIESTNIIT Stresis, jOIS-1.0 th sat-611, , Agents for Philadelphia i_WARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL —THE ILK iIEXAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR!' and Nemeth for DYSPEPSIA; WEAK STOMACH AND WEAt DOWELS This article is the greatest discorety in Chemical os liedlcal Selene for.the rapid Care of.B.IIIIIUMATISId, NEURALGIA TOOTR,ACHE, BORBTEIROAT,BTLYI NECK, or Pain in the LIMBS, SIDE, BACK, or an, part of the body. It acts upon the Blood, Nerves, Mois oleo, Sinews, and Bones ' conquerlog all pain. It is also an excellent preparation for Dyspepsia and Indigestion, which arises tram a weak atornash at bowels. Thousands of persons who have need KAM HORNET OUBS-ALL have been astonished at its wonderful power in removing any pain from the system Bottles 12, 25, 50 cents, and $l, to be sold by IL U. JENKINS, 1p22-iftf Corner SEOOND and WALNUT Streets. EXARTSHORNE'S lIEALTH—RESTO ILA ERR, OR SARSAPARILLA CORDIAL. The Life of the Plash' Is in the Blood. Prepared by a Chemist. The beet Restorer of Health, and, the beet Blood-Purifying Compound In the World! It does not contain a particle of Mercury. The above preparation to suited to the Impaired ant weakened condition of the human race; it invigorates the whole constitution; removes all pimples end erup. tiona from the skin; gives bloom end freshness to the complexion, and is particularly adapted to the weaken. lag complaints of both sexes. It is a perfect coldial in taste, and acts like a charm upon the %Edina, spirits, and energies of the weekend debilitated from any cense. Quart bottles $1; small bottles 60 cents; sold by R. H. JENKINS, Corner of SECOND and WALNUT greet', ep22-Iftf rri 11 E SPRING .GARDEN SAVING A. FUND.- (011ARTERED BY TUE LacipmsTinitx OF PINNIITLTANIA• . . . . . . PM PER CENT. Interest allowed to Depositors, and all Moneys Paid book on Demand. OFFICE, nal NORTH THIRD STREET, ' (Coseounartos BLNL Rotuma.) This Institution to now open for the trawmotion of tattiness. and le the only Chartered Saying Fond located in the northern part of the Mil. • • The °Moe will be open (daily) from 9 to 2g &dock, and also on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, from 6 until 9 o'clock in tho Evening. MANAGERS. Frederick 'Klett, James H. Pringle, Stephen Smith, Jacob Dock, John P Levy, Joseph Si Cowll, Hon. Henry K. Strong, George Woelopper, Daniel Undertone? J. Wesley Bray, /lon. Wm 3111Iwara, Robert B. Davideon, Frederick Staske, P. O. Ellnister, Francis Hart, John P. Yorree, JoSepn P. LeOlero, George Knecht; John Kessler, Jr., John Horn. President, JAMES B. PRINGLE. Secretary, GEORGE T. THORN. ap2l.-iftf QAVING FUND.----UNITED STATEk kzy TRUST COMPANY, corner of TIMM) and onlwr. NUT Streets. Largo and small auras received, and paid hack on de mend, without notice, with FITS PER OENT ono from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until o'clock *Very day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. President—STEPHEN R. ORAWIIOIID. Treeanrer—PLlNY PDNE. Teller—lAlKEB R..IEDINTER A CHALLENGE TO MOWING-MA CHINE MANUFACTURERS.—R. L. Ilowano, of Buffalo Sole ,'raprietor of Kate:ton% celebrated PATENT MOWER AND REAPER, offers the fol lowing Challenge: "We will oinks: ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS agaimt any Machine (not using Ketehtun's Patent) in cutting ten acres of clover, ten acres of thnothy, and ten acres otarain, all to be done with the same Haehlue—provldtar the money won shall he do nated to the State Agricultural Collego. "It . L. 'HOWARD?) For rattiettlara, apply to Ketchunt , a 8010 Agents, dPANGLBR & GRAHAM. jell No. 651DIARKIST Street, below 7th. ma ANOTHER OIIALLENGE.—Wo will stake PRATT'S Steel-Spring-Tooth HORSE RARE against any other Horse Rake In the 'world for raking hay or stubble. sole Agents, jell QPECTACILES, IN GOLD, SILVER, AND ELASTIC STEEL FRAMES, of a great variety of Patterns, with superior GLASSES, adapted to all sights. SPY GLASSES. STEREOSCOPES, With a large aasortroent of BIAGNIFIOENT VIEWS PROM NATURE. - OPERA GLASSES, TIIERMOMETERS, sunvicroDs , INSTRUMENTS. FOR Odin DT • BAM I37 IIN NORTH L L. SECON PON, D OSTRPTEEICT, lAN, ABOVE BUTTONWOOD. Si yesta with the Mokimargas. Agent for PIPE'S Patent Oblique Point Pen', and the $25 Double Thread Bowing Machines, mylB-409 Alnuonnenta. ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF TES Brokers 33R0/C-FIRS, sny2l-6m 1 lebjrinal Ottnings ,ffunbs. PERPETUAL' QUARTER 2tgritultural SPANGLER & GRAHAM', No. 627 MARKET Street dimmer' Resorts 31°,puRiLTBA, a rE . The li n ° wrereger i tbigtaTet . any to his Mende and the public generally, that be bass rented the Mountain House for this season, and baa thoroughly renovated and repaired it, and it is LIOW one of the moot desirable Tittering Slimes in the State of Virginia. The House will be conducted as a first-class Hotel, and no pains will be spared to snake * lt a favorite Sum mer Resort. - The Mountain Mouse Is situated in the mountains of Virginia, in a gorge at the base or Bear Ridge. ' The virtues of the Waters of Capon Springs are veil known. Their - eflicasY in all cases of 'Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarrlicea, Gravel, &c., &c., Isoinquestionable. Ana, in addition to the send/ ve properties or the waters, Copes claims pre-eminence for its pure, light, and ex. Idlerating atmosphere. - Capon Springs are easy of access, Person, tearing Baltimore at 0 o'clock A. M., by Baltimore and Ohlo Railroad, reach Itarper's Ferry at 10 A. at., and ar rive at Winchester by Railroad, by I o'clock, !bor e they take stages;which convey them over a goad graded road 23 miles to the Springs for early tea. Leaving Washington by .Alerateirta boat at 0 o'clock A. M., and thence by Railroad, arriving at Slrsusburg by 11 o'clock, where stages will be in Lath* to convey lhera over a first:rate graded road sixteen tulles to the Springs for dinner. The Proprietor hopes, by strict attention to the wants or his guests, to merit a continuance of their patronage so liberally bestowed informer years. E. D. WILLARD, ' Formerly of Washington, D. C., Late of Bedford, SR CAPON SPRINGS, Va., May 25, 185 d. VITASHINGTON HOUSE, GAPE IBLA.ND, 10.1 W JEBBEY. The above trona will be open for the accommodation of vialtere on thnlat day of June. , Theaubscriber would cell attention to the foot that he has fitted up the "Washington" partieulaily• for the early abater/1. A email dining room has been added, Stores are fitted up throughout the front house t a fire. class Restaurant and Bar IS now in operation , and' every thing now fn order for the comfort or the verde for the early eeaaon. S. B. WOOLMAN, e4-lm Proprietor. MANSION HOUSE, MAUCH CHUNK.- This elegant eatablishment, beautifully situated, on the banks of the Lehigh, is now ready for the recap Lion of summer visitors. There la no locality in Penn sylvania, nor, perhaps, In the United States, which Dom blocs so many attractions is the valley of the Lehigh, and the above Hotel will afford amost comfortable home to visitors desirous of viewing the magnificent scenery, inexhaustible mines, or stupendous works of art of this Interesting region. jet-amst o..EolittE HOP,PEB, Pro; THE WHITE SULPHUR AND CHALY BEATE' SPRINGS, at DOUBLING GAP, Ptintea, aro open tisual, and are accessible iri eight hours from Philadelphia, by way of Harrisburg; thence on the Cumberland Valley Railroad to Netrville, theme in stave eight miles to the Syringe, where you win at .5 o'clock the same 'evening. - Per particoltuu, inquire of Messrs. Morton McMichael, Samuel lied, James Steel, B. S. Janney, Jr., & Co., or Proprietors of Merchants' lintel, Philadelphia. BOOTY COYLE, Proprietor, jet-21n1r- ' Netiville Post Office, Pa. SEA. BATHING. - LONG )3116.N011, N. J. ROWLANDIS HOTEL. This Establishment 1,111 be OPEN for the reception of !Idiom on SATURDAY. June/9th,1858 "'amities wishing' to 'make anebsemente for the set atm "can doso, byaddreasing - • - • • - 1i.,-HOSiitAND, Proprietor, Long Branch. N. J. mj , i9-Im* - - 411-1 BEDF OR D • SPRINGS.-THIS welDknown and delightful . Stimmer Resort will be opened for the reeepthin of Tieitera on the 16th of June, and kept open until the Ist - of Petober: The new and apaelone Buildings erected laetyeaf are now folly completed, and the whole eatabliehment has been furnished In enperfbeetYle, and the ateoptmOda lions will be of - a diameter not excelled In any part of the United State& " The' hotel Will be nodar the management of Mr. A. Q. ALLBff, whose experience, courteous manners, and attention to his guests . give the amplest assurance of comfort - and kind treat ment. - - In addition to the other meanie accede. it is deemed proper to state that passeogers can reach. Bedford by a daylight ride from Chambereburg. The Company bare made extensive arrangements to supply dealers and individuals with Bedford Water" by the barrel. carboy, and In bottles, at the following prices. at the Bpringe, yis : Fora barrel (maloery) . * 1.4 00 300 g Po. (mulberry) 800 „th* Do. (oak) 200 Carboy, 10 gaoene 2 26 Bottles,l3j pint, per dozen. - 100 The barrels are carefully prewed, ao that pur chasers may depend' neon recolyMg the Water fresh and street. , dll commardeaßeite should be addressed to TIM BEDFORD MINERAL'BPRINGBGO, I anyl94l Bedford Conott, EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, TAMOTSU COVNTY, PA Will open the eighth day of June for visitors. This healthy summer resort has many advantages which re commends it to the pradle, In search of a home place to enjoy the mountain air daring the hot season.. It is elevated twelve hundred feet above water level. There are graded walks throngh dense - forests, and shaded arbors; by the way side are many springs of the purest soft water at, a temperature of 49 to 02 degrees of Faxen holt. At the summit is an observatory overlooking an area of 40 milee &mare, of farms in the highest state of cultivation, embracing the whole of Li master county, and points in ten Other counties. The scenery fades away in the boundary of mountains at the dis tance of 10 ranee. It is altogether nne of the most grand and extensive panoramic mewsto be met with in any coontry. No kind of epidemic his ever been known here it - any memoir of the year. Malty beautiful drives over good - roads. Tie' hotel wilt` acoommodate com fortably 400 persona. -Sic ry variety of baths. All the modern improvements nori n =filo ftistechues waterlog Crwill be found'hers. All vegetables raised on the The brat help , - employed in every_department- The Proprietor. natters himself 'Maths will be able to give ample 'satisfaction to his guests: Good stable room. Geed stock of livery. gorses and carriages on hand. • Sot further Infennation and circulate call en JOSEPH B. BITERS, THIRD and VINE Streets, • • TAMES' S. EARLE, No. 816 CHESTNUT Street, And on the Proprietor, - JOSEPH HoNT.GmAairra, • -14hrata Root Oflice, Lancaster county, In. turtf-dem POINT -AIRY!-THIS PLEA SANT SIMMER RESORT is now thrown open to the public t under the control of Col. THOS. H. WARAfd and /door HARRY PBPPBII. During the warn mann our readers can enjoy balmy breezes, choice mode, doe bathing; wititaii the etceteras that' ma to creature comforts, at this popular resort. BOATS will leave the wharf, at SOUTH ktreet, every few miontesduring the day._ ap27-dtf Copartnership Notices. THE UNDERSIGNEDHAYS F3RPLED a copartnership under the style of FROTIIINQIIAIL & WELLS, for the transaction of a GENERAL DRY GOODS COMAIISSION BUSINESS, and have taken the store No. 3I South FRONT Street, and 35 LETITIA. Street. THEODORE PROTILINGIIAM, KUM B. WELLS. PHILADELPHIA, June Ist, 1858 Notuto. NOTIQE IS BEHEST GIVEN THAT application has been mode to the Peuus'ylvania I:altruist Company for the renewal of certificate of stock in the above Company for live shares, No 8,030, honed May 39, 18452, in the nan o ) of P. D. YVT.bEiI, in trust ; said certificate having been loot or destroyed. jels-tu thqui* .P. 13. FULLBR, Trustee VVENTRAL BANK, OF PENNSYLVA v NlA.—Noticp is hereby given, that the CENTRAL BANK OF PENNSYLVAIVIA, at Hollidaysburg, will be open for business on WEDNESDAY, the 16th Bust. JOSEPH BROWER, Cashier. Postand Commercial Journal, Pittsburgh, and Ame rican and Sun, Baltimore, copy, and charge Central Bank. . Jed-21, luliUcaL QIIE RIF FAL T Y .—kncouraged by my kJ friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the °Moe of SHERIFF of the City and County of Philadelphia, subject, to the decir.ion of the People's party, whose no mination I respectfully solicit. WILLI,ViI R. KERN, Fifteenth Ward. Fix?. REGISTER OF *ILLS OASSIN. Filth Ward Subject to Democratic Roles F OR REGISTER OF WILLS CIIARLEB D. RNIGRI, TWEWHETR WARD Subject to the Napier; Nomination. jol-tf L'OR REGISTER OF WILLS HENRY 0. SIUTZ, Twelfth wad. Subject to the Peopled Nomination. mll2-lm FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. JOHN CAMPBELL, OF BEVELITH WARD. Subject to Democrege tales. myllAue 110111111 ADE LPHIA. WARMING AND TENTILSTIND WARErtotrat. - ARNOLD & 'WILSON, scsOCESSORS TO 8. A [GARRISON We have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 011ESTNUT street, a few doors below'llie St. Lawrence 'Hotel, where our oldlriends and the public are respectfully invited to examine our extensive stock of Warm Air Phrnaces, Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers,Registers Enameled Mantels, Parlor Coal Cr at es, &c , &o. We are )tow manufacturing ()NILSON'S CELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAB CONSUMING FURNACE, the moat powerful and economical Heater ever invented, and suited to all claims of buildings. Also, new and beautiful patterns of Low Down Grates, and Parlor Oral Grates of all sizes and patterns. We have also commenced the manufacture of ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn sylvania Stone. These Mantels were awarded • SPECIAL PREMIUM at the late Fair and Exhi. bit ion of qte F,anklin Inettiate of this city. They represent alt the rare and beautiful ANTIQUI arannas, are not injured by Smoke, Coal Oat, Oil or Adds, lad are gold Wholesale and Retail, at much less price than Marble. Call and see them. ARNOLD it WILSON. BENJ. M. FELTWELL. Superintendent. • Philadelphia, April, 1058—ap24 IetrcBRIDGETON, MILLEVILLE, t PORT ELIZABETH, kc.. Jec.—The steamer EXPRESS Staves Brat pier below ARCH Street TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, at BA, o'clock A. M. Returning, leaves IlridgetenblODDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, at 8 o'clock A. M.; touching at Now Castle, Delaware City, Greenwich, Mulford and Tyndale's, going and returning. Through tickets, by stages connecting with the " Ex press," for the following places, to wit : Stilleville $1 001 Port Elizabeth g 25 Rai rton or Colarrille. 75 Newport 88 Dividing Creek..... . _ 1 00 Mouricetewn 1 25 All landings on the Uohansey 75 Dzlaware City or Now Castle 50 The stages meet the boat punctually. No disappoint. merits or delays need be anticipated. Freight, of every description, taken at low rates. je3-Imit FOWLER, WELLS, & CO., 922 CHESTNUT Street, keep standard works on 16, Phrenology, physiology, Water Cure, and Pho nography, wholesale and 'retail. Phrenologi cal Examination, with charts, and full writ ten descriptions of character, given day and even ing. Cabinet free to visitant. Order,, by mail to ho addressed to Fowler, Wells, Si Co., 938 Chestnut atreet. jetb3moit LITIDSIOK & CO. CHAMPAGNS.—A am. constant supply of the genuine brand in bond and in store, for sale by WM. 11. YEATON, ie3 22 South FRONT Street. RE CRACKERS.-5,000 boxes No. 1 . 1 bola Chop Ire Clackers, for sale by GEORGE K. °LUMBERS 12 N. WATER street. LIE IDSIECK CHAMPAGNE .-PIPE/V° HEIDSLECK, genuine brand, constantly outland, received from sole Importers, and for ■ale by A MERINO, Bole Agent in this MY, 140 Finntb FRONT Stmet. sp22.dßm CHEESE. —196 boxes Primo Herkimer county jest lauding and for male by - O. O. SADLER /b. 00., 918 No 9 North 'Watt.. stmt. DIME BONE DUST, GROUND FINE.— A- A very superior article. For sale in large or small lota, by 030ASDAL1, P 1026021, & 00, a2y6 104 North Delaware avemie.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers