'I 11 r., -t ' . sr- 14,- ~..' ' -- I,p n;. ~‘„wing4,lalinentl"pana,,that thaelarleti *wk . -, - ' "%UN 4 1 4 bt o 4,3. l k4qinK 4l ; l 44tatit . 14., 41 1 4 ; ': . 2 tifitih; likßlialiqr:"o3 l flV!th Walt . ti ,, cd ~, ,6, tr iii Aiil3o4.l.Ortlik4Pl#l4,44(ll3o3o.lkstt evening, alp :01a Rev. A., le yWilllta dellirestedattapo- F';' lio)aPleinittke p,H44e , tlCati:Vatt,lit,il44no. 3,;-14 44 , 0*.t . g, Vl . itt '.th ' eeltY,', ''..- ' : ',:, , ~ .. 1 t::,.. Iftte fe,,ey,,kiir.linehltrortrekpadiireterncla lecturing ~ - ,-to full -haloes ‘-11a4licalty. of .11ew i'f colas Ikaarende A ' , le,lsinCeiiiikitVend - -eftherit,of thile‘i*( hate - alai? con. e ' 4 11113 4•A e C,0 4 . , A: Ittl ) 'aim!' , 4*Pea; • Wu ~;'; :jiatfiki ;,- . ..th.,i.t.'iiitiiilffettim , r'O%OmDfltict . , itte Oar " widow" in the Beriptierea, with perhapeia,marystlithlS -,-..- 'lletfhttioltifetbelnibjeatitt - faite:s ithan, rieVeri t he-, ~',,leilly ' tiof gisiicliiiiiicl that *o4 ' l6l'4 l i inalliiiliii ivy/ - " ttieir `auclfeacei tiiVirorth'et theliimeii'anikliia) in "I"afehtitiorsleini aims Bianca at statelentiespaelti to '- " milts' it who a:Va .- 4640ne, to initleitheAnvestutent. ItOterAbAniditig Ihei - fia:Olediatfelet,thii.'alithey, a ~Jergei sae intelligent &Woo avalentsklitat _Concur t ,,, ,,e4,lolllo,4eienhesptalleir tia: StevetureroA a Thetatored __, Waters ,of 4he ~Ifoly Jancl." . Thelalistaiii4: at :thin 7,4 ' 14 trOreefinee*ile"oe6lclf tlie ninklaiterehing -1 1 .raa ttie;tfieod,tlit subslantletiy,i field esiceti . Ve of - t what the litieteradwatid experideneeitin-lits eatensitir , trievele'iiittiln the lou'ttyearirt . the ceuuttylallisortbec `,' . thiliakiblienitee,tie liai - of Weaving fabaillite:WPture ~, elluaieno, intii,,OieVie et hli discourses test credit to Itina r ancl- eildat'ainesingly to theliportarlty with the relig,ious 'portleit :of lite' roniaillO4 of W)itilft:/ild Cu. - .. 4tA.oo....miixfinl.r.c.pig4o., ,-, •-, , . ...1 • ~:. - . • • . ..i.fter. g ruortaiy,pteasslisttcrua.Jimitalaumus It . : 10, be - •.- ,- Wetted la arimiutt..MioPplug a moment at 'WA :pool :,':aticlAiAlifr4friklate,, - iiojatjitteOetiag t ,tricliti6aary,, .. ; „tialo,..ni th a 4,tlikarrlY,aa„anloirat4ate vigil' Of the Desd.tilas.: , Aid, In nuevapirdea couittltuted de ': , elditillytitiVinfieiettertalklogqiisqbf tlie fooleire. , We :, ill#Y 4s " 04119 flt/O,oolhoaiihtlilitiirliatibitatO Ole , ..-. 8 0,011illaailltgitOf.that:enewa-Of litidlit:iliti.chris - _, .s, ~,timaclieirti awoke wa3t tathat dartaseigliatairicahreads patellae eurfaee over whet' onto stood the citheirof tha : ‘ - 0,2#44 1 11,..,, -° 0... , h i. ,:i ‘. ,l *,,,l'OtStOi 'l 4 l 4. Ilatf4lo4 tt ern l i t ~!.,, mort l l9:9ftrtl-fig , soha, tit Ola,Polallt - -In.,:h;iiceservob a , t4e'renivt ~- tt -zi,.s., - ~,, it, „.,,v.i.,s. , '1 ~z , -..1 t -,t il t hev-Dead;i3ea- saklathe - spasker3 . abet fiftete.miles - I ; Wida'anif 'sixty' utiles ling; 'irk', ir.,, e - it Wzg Aracbe d ...•-• .r CM'Y i . .. t .k, e tri,..tP.S.`V ° llV4 , 94" , ~4 P ,Pe' 4 O .4 ,'f,,! ,. Pi1au4 , -/ill'‘'at9fillster,liti et a ripple wa* seen lalionljts, qtrefece; ' although a strong breeze was almost constatitly .fan t, "= 2 eitiigit, 3 . UM it' dsti - trlikjcatid Within Iti'inenittp 144' was seta ilyisi(olo,WritalLtid:tilitetd,` , .iiit fouita it 4 C JIO . !%AVIAOA 4- - 1 4 0 4" it Stftlade it,sfereAtinght but ...i _aceseirofetartlintedesolatlon. Athetzap might Judie Of •'' Iltitspitituab iallitiaiiitaktell* iiiiiiiicibiikoi,. mil .r t.O . V.ifiliW..4j.o.ilo4, , tht.o o Wife, feilli:pbTekall4 -.,,, Inktlakirattkiratarog,t)kelWAea'tbagettel:74l4rewas .4.-. , txtor*misleraent ~--,,, ~,..: , l'a-/-• -,,, ~,,- ~: — ;1.: ''' ' IVif,al*t r atilkipplitiettiniitiliFo7:thliii tiiintinon '' -! it,i 4 l , lfAef AO hrelleithla 6(106'0010d giiivi4',,,heisir. . - wIl igq-3401:000,1kid:.henete ft , Arito Perfedir eat& ~ld t Alost.trednjtiserfaheialict liefeet, to - sink - In la-wee M. "-most as Impossible as to sink in a lake of 'eoffia ley, Ayther reroarkable peenliarity of this body of water -'; 1 : - whitiii (Ostia 'lli belitiliairhienedrialianiertnia hob ' "leer dt ticlitgli-11309,ti0t WO the aurfactrOf the'fifedl , ' ' ; The ieoterWaeit minuiely cle&cribeiAlin present aw-- • -,,...„ pearance of, the plitai of salt whiele4esehliwt had, in, , r the - flit Atoolefif his Antla*ltiesVrehresented as the, _,, - ,;",lifliktik,htilac,:lAhlibleiCthe:Soilli,iitipt.had beta , ---juieed, fOaiOobiaB..hiOiC:iitaearjte the 'Wine row , , Iliireinfirke iiedeilha bell ;rater" 'of the 'Jordan, In " -- velticlaoui; ble,wp4ittd,was,;tiagtiteallof 104; *are lii ,, tensely toteiestinic „and, ieletch.“Ogethis r,seith'many , othorsiointeotlatertatenadabythetivereal letterer, we Should tes 04 tdahtfee - rudialkell,r(titit fktia, rill,-; iiiiiftaivai tattd.--- - .- - --4 ---;- - - - ), Titti.E.,i-Lat !anew univetsally-acimlttoel ‘ that the " atOuti,co, l fa,. thiladolPhia- for 1236,4 n -tit from the, , Sonth"and Weil, during the opringtrade, are net to be siatiiaatocl - , awl banes the lapel's Mistime Overflowing '" '-: with strangers, and Aikb Irani of the;Peensylvaida' , i t ilifrhati'irealreidi - clillaiiiit:ifeig4 - Bat in no one ... ' briontot caeusuflusture is phihidelphis more eelebrate4 than for genttenson'a clothing i ' her. tatters bilitiecon . . tesifeclir goal =to' tithse Of liondiiiier Paris 1 tad fore ' usaft sietang thorn atieOds 'Oranallle •Ntokes, No. 501 - oaesinut-itr'cit, ab o ve giaih;_ Whose .faritic.eitends throughtia , the - 4:rellon. '..-its • 4 (l3tokia Raglab,," a - "Stokes , wit of clothes ," or a. Stelrergaianiatet ! ii ii , , atria; arm jcliiues that Iniplr'eieellSiee i and are no, , . ‘: yamillistln untrthicuouths • .T,- , ', • •,_ 'As household words," _-: -.- -4 kleis' saidancolli Danerrat Sobtaiiga. - -;:-Ttiel. fob: loves autaponiyhayo been recommended to pie atten o than of debating societies: Comm the pressure- of the , times be tieed•aaairoiltlilitt power ? When 'a min can - not tont* ttlmielf t lattit,too large or tee mill? Do , ~. itiisiiiar Ida itteitti'ey 'MIA bean! scudding nucler bare poles ? „Aretate eteploYedinwhat are called the •.. bubmarke ? Of what style of architectural* the, lore-. - ~ castle? ' Does ilitglitninielaiiiihdf: On tro*F. Iva emainacl onate4ilt 'areschte of Artist!' Oft eau** t : bias:welt' coast In style and texture to thole of the ealetcratecl clothiers, 'Clifton; Albeight, po.i'hynets Hall, -t ' o. < 021 Chestnut street t ''''' .„ inoi;Elinisi. PniLoiorn r.—Prove rim • ' are die! tilled . ficte;•sfolunicl down" Wan essendk They're like ' - partial* /lai r ,* deal ,of matter 'ln:a:swat ootaiass, , i-,,,, , Poilintance ' laiii pithy and truthful lii the folloWlNl ; Nuobtaief the twit elegant girtneate la thatitt; got* t , lt the itrowajnone Clothing Mall of Ite;ekkillt &Wilson s ttes:ig33 iihd iths Chestnut strekt;above,;l44* : '..., ~ , BY LETTSR~ ~OH " INEHV~YOIL~C Norrespordento of The Frei - o.f 7 ' • , e „..-N,SlV , YOngaan. 20,:-.5„20 X.% 4-:". The improvement noticed In my letterOfrestorday 10'1 atlll , aline manifestlkiAti!=‘' Notirithetanding ',very „ 8 10 0; 4 05 00gt0F.04,-,10 11 !Meet peed, there wee good deal of activity commercial and irtdparltivi activity; ►nd the future,prquecta are far brighteFilguithei tito'difteOlddh truihths,liny one Month ago, woild", • hata.beak , carpal/I refused, If nizt,,,tbeelnteirpOoated,- . are "nor granted readily, and -coarktenr,4 . . 7 witheet which .ner . thirty-one millions of. geld are gpslesart, fast ,relorning, net aniever with giant *rider, bit with otogoic;wou-ti o ootv, ;daps, which wlll,aot treadle; retrearueeewafri;; .4 is manual from the eireamatteles .110,10 ca ire hare heett, Plaied,,,aiidthe *Cellar violence ewept„.over. the Baarleiel; ositrei of 'thif Verld; - _new.:bitslifiess,:obligitioria do . not. florets. " ,11 0461 , 94 01 ri.ta 14r 0 !, , o .' o .ofmktrwil tlefirg , of pot , • gees business - 1406 r, . - „ thy brightens the hrar,nentioni and thstaleald ,V 5• - arttl talls: 00040 a 104 (*mil On! lolvenCinenvrlll get ,0 1 5 0 ,6 1 13 044 10,2, - 4 e 4 bleh U*ey are; entailed; and WM; heiceiii - briak.',.We ahr.,laiar tapuira Tet,,O t ri *him° hopes *l4.lreatheriug' the, lillert and telni-- IP:tesleit; 4.halr.ratarped 91190 r he* f - huksifaTaii,the eommtunty,la can. Wkly. eay tiliat„the‘crisis,is - rosily past r i • :and 4.lret•zerery,day that _ - passes wil),naprove our wt. fieft.* - ',,Therele no elleag - in rates, „elther at theiharike I ,ornt ttio.Alsoonnt'lnittarof but they are syldently lied/ .....4ertleirlari tad ea„ssfidy...te leud_as -they. can be with: yi,, , ,;prodepow„‘ 4 .; 4 - 1 - 'Moro has hoen terrgo - tal dona kto,day in erehiege'fffith4Anserfon'frOni . fieston bli-tuor ` • , iew:" Prim:l'46ra decidedly 'higher thrig Air the - last steettleg.'"cfbcdid 108X* •••• ' , - bitiltere'bllls at .109KG-110; Cidialgtfdige) arid eight drafts 'eolti'dit'lioXer/1.1. Treace were arm et - 6.16%15.12% 'ertn:dots' algithirescand 6.211( M 6,16% for commercial ' minion almnate Delmont him not drawn, largely for, tide !.miner. ' The gold:,alitpment from hem, by titer/mark , M 8660,000. • The eathangea at the clearing, house today were 812,361,014.99, and the Datelines - were $140,256.42. , The currency certittsites the,Metronotitan Bank, inre , deemed by the countrytinks; doeleotaineed 82442,000. The cash trausactiopent the Rub•Treaeitry to.deg w ere **follows*. Rete1jite,11103,677":404 payeidats,s44,2o.o3l balance, 23,08 ) ,WT.40" "elliareselPts illetade'44o,odo from customs. •+ • • Burry one is satlailid bank etatementof.yes terday, and every oqo Is glad to see the 'Snit - praotimal proof - , On a large sealer o dispoelUoa of the. beak, to help the commercial intimate 'The statement may prove that whine:et and trade era very-doll and destit Sate of lifeblood; but.well to 'know' that the means of resuscitation - lariat htfid, and that they are being skilifulfyiPplied'eve4day. ~ There yea a very 1 , rge bniitleer doie dap In the stock market. ' There Ilia some irregularity in prieee, and et'-the wooed board-,thare was a fedlliig "in inter of the principatralfrrvidliteelts. In bank stocke , the , •"'biielnesilwae very large, at advanced &leer. 'Railroad toads were active - but litelpiler.. Balsa were, made to the amount of $140,000., , State istoekair ere Mob active and higher. ,NSW YPRIi 4.4141:12U 26. ' 1114 800 R 1). - '4ooo Ohio , '6O ' 1003( 6 Metropolitan fib 104 MOO Indiana State be 8234 to do • • - 104% 1000 Utah State 6a 04 A 9 'ark Dank - 96 • 1000 Tenn 116990 . .. 60 Meehardes',, 1024 1000 do SOX ;50 Warmers' f'n&T :50 6000 do v - 90 - 80 Del & Itudc,nt 112, - 10000 no WO 69% 100 aim Nal". • wad -16,g' 12000 Mitammi , thr 11514 , 600 do . 61000 do 85% 100 do' 11.60 1584; .-10000 do bl 5 8534 , too' do • - ns tag 5000 do boo 864 100 - do 76- # do ,LlO 85%. 460 - , do vs 14% fifivo do ' - 8.5 X 860/r . fiden!it ••. •- • 'Ati.oo Cit St 70 , 10 .-"-;74:`; • 600'7 do - ' ; 034 WOO touislisei'de— -- 44 , 0autolt 2034, • .400 , Virgiele 9a ' looPenn Coal '7B • 9900's •do- .100 NT Ceutr4, a • 1000 NY State - 31060102' 400 - - do , blo • -6000 Br'klya Ctit) , die 03% 266 _ ' 4o*, *lOOO Nr Ode Oa ' • . 000' - do' . a 5; 4 0 00 do , ~, 87% . 649 do' 80% • 2000 dlrleistidt Rda,oo,4' 1 0 0 "da - ' l l O 00 % - ; 40wiltfirriddat dog to • do • b3ol' St .- 1630 Michill,"6,l4y 'Mc. 600 40,81 - g ..890011100 , ;:"15 , - 949 grielt- - 21%, • 000 0 Ma' 50 cle " eO, 21% • 5000 " do, 060 95 305 , do, , I.Y vs. •80090"" 44 , ^`' - ' sl' 040 ' '4 l l 21 X 11'4 90 " 3NII 114 , ' X 11itty.0E3.14;"30" - . 102 fitading .06' 67 ' ; • 10 0 dO No. or ,1100013041068pkitet - - • • 'lOO '"do " stm stt B , kg•rdpon 05 60'` :'`'do' 57,14' • 1000 - '.18'03%* 310 , ;_“ 69 67 34 - 0000 L'Orkliiit I:TO 60 • '2,6•1110h Cen'll- 57 6000 . ;414%' 1001diobS&Nlpfdb30 34 1000-''`do' ' '119% ' ' •• - 2 4 200 - def ."' • , ' , if'4ll3g .do " .3st aceo do ' 430 4934 160 M teentrittll 95 2000 do ea oft, 46 TM; 04% sottilatdrentiottio l oV' to Orr Stf'roth stx 44:V00111,t'Ohl2d 4t 60 ~ 100 do - 1 41% 7000 Iltad MU ' 'DO 0 01 000 it Wee 704 2000 Marleni let"lft 763( 7201620 t ' 46000 Itaid`g R1560' TO - 80 - , 05)4 2/ Bk ofirf hcp ;101 " 100 130 s-t 11 - 131i - or - Abierioe 10. 5 00,, do , ''4lo33ite.hhcilne/r. ' /00 4: pt,(lrosed'ifr,3lll 12 ' 220, -1.04‘ o`, *, r, 'll7f 2011silonal:.Ifk • 100 1 ' dot. qo x 18 Amer Dx - .•; " , jig '124 ` do . 102 ; ; • deem—Jibe deMand Is-fair• for 'soth kinds-swiss of Pots and Deeds at 1660. Stiaratus is leiverlaelle ,- • Corsza.:.-The sale by auction Of , Itto -and chiefly the tat er, advertised for te.ntorrow, hfuriltal. ; Corros,,,Tiortnariot it quiet and hesiy: , ;We 'spot° 'TlegrDry , trot are in large , outpl,j- shd ltfilinit of r sale? unless wirdeellhleg-intes: Mackerel and herring; • • alen,..nontinnadralt.and.prfeeiti if anything, favOr the ,„ ; , '1,,• , L f • 4h•Ore, ,t.c .-I'l.e inquiry tor 'Western :Rend Pour - -" , rettneitte the`onpleseent vreetharrand the absedee of ,orvonookorotto &wand 'fir etrpert;..glrei.lllaiers_is alight adventsge, although the warted heltetootably lower. A. few•lobtrof vdry V Whaley. B,late:hav4 been elma - - ntrioddirtarAiritititoptAXlity tat, Vint tr. te• arded as ttueirmillatr ' • ' • -•'' ere ligho.4adell of , 4,looible $424e; 2a.60 fa 0041400 to good iltateft 44.46.9114.00ift,r extra 1.-_-tdottittltsll4.3s afar superfine , ludietta atididiehigen - 1144.0001210 r extra do; $4,8048 fat flOdathiii to', good AglittabandiampOltio;,4l , 6osB4fer goad ttothotootot ' Imagist tolornaton sienna el 4 8t Ladle trrands, -'eattlatislel9l l s 4 4, l 4 without alteratioh; theinettrolo are 51 - 0-kntrlortoto ouldstidentipd limited , pleribtBoo Mils at' 0 - 1030(014;40;f01, - ,ang.grAne, oniutt, goptAls_pg extra rottlioptod prides. povdnokoogodi , sou, or, • Acorrottitottlitottitoor attlltc_fosirnittoityis to 1-024tioolokotiottintortorodtrattoo.Atarto and Bar li;•ftt'i bit> AllifthededidthAdgel r.Ohtefiis‘esbi , ftlorn _ - r. and la fair demand tor the trade; sillaalit , A2,oloo et, $l4/100/2gralitalefi4r)laWif , 2ll4;ooo 4 e for: Over v,t;'t , `47V1.114141 j; *3_7l 2, t .#42. roar or 1,340Y/4411IA• San. UT, OM 5 ' 15 " 5575. • 46b - • 1 ,•• - fAMMETXD. , ' " •t ship JA4BVidib t Vor,ici,,tropptelihorn, to Tino as • eol2, with Imola, raga, &o. to V A B..ri. th I a Bohr N Smith; days from.DhaTleoto 11: ? with masa tO PitNtrgii 11444 41° 4Mary mtlier,t f ovidalice, to z ' Behr teflatt to Tyler, t~piie owa, , day! pm:az di •R k Del, eiraconaN !odic asys..fropt, tte, litOtotriqou & Overman. Bohr Itameey,' Dareit, days fro m 0.7 : "" I, ltrisonA re "' Obt,i/ tilt C. 4 ta to a z" d„, rom &be lisbella„;ll.eayea, DldfittloaL 3 „ BalN thblif *ftk wheat 4 J .)lc ' b e v t it 144. " rpm OtiO4speite tfiulual - Crofts; Arranta, 1 day liettitii4tVarrul . Ot t Y;1 010 . 611i11° ••g a • • from Milford, Del, Bahr ail Brady, Dtirroax, , • id% day from- Dover Bel, "Mr ritaoo,i with *bait 06 J - 01-thirrat l t' d . P°. 80, __l: with 'Belli ,- Mary, Ilahltio:4 3 'EL Yr? Pe , eG loh l i ° E .j a i ri d ro ar° , na tt ol, Fda"iero . M . O dessa, ‘ , watt corn t0.0 . #4 1 . 4 01- tt , • ". • - ' 24;41 " 4 0 ., c4,t, '.) .f `Pektkieta; 4 , l4,otlehmond, trebstei; Jr. - - ; • , Steaulddli Boston, Bellow, New York, Anderdice. - ElaV Diary Miller, Uwe; York, Tyler, Elblag & Co. Sir EtkitaKller, *NV% ~(Porresp. m itympe„ p 7 the Plilladelp e )Itobauge ) Del., Jan, 2.5,8 dal. The barque kredqc Lennig, for NOW OriflanO, le now P 1 48111 14 ,out' 4003PhOY NittAbe itatit whlalaas been detained 'at 'OM 'Breakwatac ninth Saturday. Among tbese were. the :sari Marietta, 'Yilton, Brandywine, NePtithe'°etiaeiJetitilleilcV Plitt. B Waterman, (Ig nite, Ileauty,,Oorluthianalook lllllrallarletta Smith, Ingounit; til Meade, nutter - Forw,ard, and two others, napes ualtutiern, i V l N !' • / Vein, *0 •• • WA( it,IIIOICAIAII. Env vsLialkra.lt,- ~il2prrlepopleututp CAPE IsL ed ANt the ?hlle D Jan Iphie Xxobia 26 5 Pge) kag bersarrti la I,Y*4s—*Oitutfoilo : 1641 sct gri or anW.apy. x. ArT#4o 6 9t l • • EINEEII6. - N iiat4l4li/ 1 ,SAArAmmin,lla., Jaa:2o. 14. r. ataa " voryo ra , , ;lirfivPl , )aere to,clay, In 60 , „ mmizsca stearoahliv.N4th ,Btari - Lerovre, from Now York for Bremen, at dorrea Bth la id , lnid salted %gala. - Wallahfp Empire City, Griffin, cleared at N Orleani 18th that. for filiTallik and New York. • .. . . . . . Eth 'Progress, OitaSe, for fiasco, cleared at Mobile 2flttelust: fur IfolnliVelh'lso.s halal tmttOtti weighing 2,3t6,94itpounda, taliert 0'5226 252 4(1:' kfthtelforth Amer(Mstt,lltarh, dibtrOd at piano 20th And: thettverfstial wit h 4000 Wes' eaten, *sighing 2,049,122 pounds valued at $196,709 49. 11 1 114 Hitters', 51Orth> froyi . Neuang, arrived at Nlork yesterday. gee roty, arrived at LI-, wrsrpootleti • ' • 86.1#1 ado' 7i2ai Itattnw; and Arledneillnt i thti were •vit. Ifotobif Dob AIM,' - Ship Fanny Forsyth,' Thompson, stifled from Table Slat, C G 11. Not 21 for Bombay. Stipp Tioondorop, Bolls, far Macao, sailed from Hong lna •Nova•Ar+• q• • •• • •• Shp' Joshua Bates, slcaoltntn, for 8hm0240, sailed from Irak Kontlfor Ship Sarah Newman, cabb &ma Liverpool (octal- Waite, rraa'SPdhah Sept 13; tat ri Njimg ri• Ship °hums, Ilarstrand, for Bom9sy, 'cleared at BOP ton 26th lust: •-• Ship Mary flange, 60 days from Havre, irith lES pat. angers, -was below Now York 20th Wet. • Stifp , floiden -.Eagle. Harding, deem! at New York yesterday for San Prancien, Ship Main, Plye,lYeaxer, oleareil at Now York yen. terdayloißar'Pranelseo. Ship IndependenebAtio,kail, tram Ninon, wee below Nee/ Yorkions:4y.- ,'„ Chevaller;And'enson bliuttpd at New York yesterday& rot Rio do Janego Borgne Reindeer, Tq*l,send, for Bydney,,,Clearod at -New York yoeterday. , • Boit,* Twifisier, Heti; efesieit et New York 2Stit for Valparaiso. - RantotiAsof; Simmons , satin from Messina 14th ult, reported for Philadelphia, Barque B H Kane, tiewit galled frinn Gibraltar Mb nit. ter Philadelphia, with cargo of barque E Cohen, condemned. Barque Pasco, Waugh , from firtni4ad de Cuba Jam 8, at Nov York 25th inst. Brig 5t & J 0 Gilmore; Eldridge, at Boston 26th bast. frourEavaurrati. , Brigldiltoh, for New - :York neat 'day, was at Port an Prince about 3,oth last Flehr W Leilyrium frir rhpqophigh,went to 800 from Wittaiiitob, NO, 2,lst fwd. • , - 1340 Mary, II Mfigln, from Darer, at 2.4. hr 0 9 Osistairs, (not John ‘ Oaataer) from Savannah for 'Provhlence, Ifaa 25 rano' south of candy Hook 24th 'not " ceche Alice Lea, Corson, hence at &Ronne)/ 33d inst. Subs Samuel y Crocker, kraal l 7, from Tapnton far PhiledCghts; sailed from Fen River ad inst. , MAINZ MISCELLANY. 'COLUMN AI SEl—Ship Atarillauga, at New York from Mitre, reports the following partion/ara of what appeara to-have been a fatal catastrophe, resulting in the probable lees' of a thargoe, and the perishing of every aoul on board;—December 9, off Sicily, at 816 A 81, came in collision with a vessel, supposed * barque; carried away her misenroast (If a barque) and part of Inaba yard-arm, which came on board of ns, together with apiece of sail, with mut hoops attached, and a piece of .st spar, probably a spanker gait;, carried away our libboom and fore topgallant mut. As soon as we ,binild clear away,'woro snip and went back to where we judged, the vessel might be found, cleared away the boats ready for use; and jay there until about 8 Aal ' god seeing no venal ditothied, kept on 'our course. At day light found ottetaiw sad cutrator conaiderably bruised. At 9 30 A bt eaw drill beards and barrola. " OrlBl4lll, Jan go:—We' leain 'by a despatch re. celvid yesterday trent the 8 W Pass, that the barque &trephine, °apt hillier, hence for New York 14th snot, had returned to the bar in distress, and is now on her way up the river. ship l'olaltoritas, 'fowler; at ittiodea, groinded In the harbor DOOR, bet wee boiled off on the 10th and Wien Into' the Inner harbor, where ell her cargo was being landed on the 111 h, to Order' that the damage might be tutiaitainel:•- ' • ' - - • 'Bohr P.Payton,' Nickerson, (ren Boston for Alexan dria, wee In eontact224l last off Chatham, with steamer Palmetto, It Roston from Philadelphia. The sehthed 'ineharail 'carried away, and srettalned other damage. She pat into Hyannis' for repairs. - Robe Leona at Itoclamd; borers reported ashore at -Ourrittrek;llo'; Was on gni from her cargo of lime, Capt Jameson writes that the "material' and vessel (if she 4oakirotbtirn)' wilt be meld on- the 19th,"` The Leona was owned _byjlapt Jannoon, and Joseph Hewett, of Rockland - ' - ' ' liarrene P Demint6Prinfield, at 'Now York yesterday ficm. Rio email Hee 7th; reports; No date, lat 2180, ROOT ,80' fell irOwith brig 'Northern Light, of Becks pert; totally dlstiarctled, waterlogged, and abandoned; deZ he even with thi water,• botont Olean , and free from •tatrilsoloa; itp;pireotiinot long 112 that situation. 'The wreck of `a scheener sank to about 12 .fathoms wistetwail Seen Zjel inst, Abseeom Light bolting W by N &et nine infleS distant, by the Thome" Swan, at New York: - • '""" . , Ship dray 1149 tonsitiallt st Preakfort hi 1866, Wei sold by auotiou st - New York yesterday for $22,760, tea per teat cask, balance - Pohl. -- Ode-half of The ship Phantom, built etieWhedforst in 1852,1288 tops register, Wee sold - by auction at New York yesterday for $16,160. The terms were—one• third onoithird four months, and one-third lig months. tbof biro* Italia, 4Th tone iegtetei, built et Somerset m 186 5, sold for SlO,OOO. ",The terms Were— Orke•helf cask, and barna,' fa four moutbe. . , , 132013. EN. cBOO la 00i. long 40' 80, iblp k Iluekley, Blearing Also, 1 7 , UV 2x40 30 80, plidp Genera, from 'Boston' for Ilileritts. . Jan 12, lat 200, long 82 88, barque 13 Crocker, Irons pats, Cm tor Irslansl. • • . _ , • r . POEEIGN PORTS, Antwerp, Jan 1-01‘, ablp Leehlnver Cole, NOrleans. Aramaean, Deo 91 -- . fir, IY Ii Jenkins, Lovett, Omen- Dud, Jan B—Ar, ship Sumatra, Abbott, London for Port Philip, and anchored. • Poway, Jan 5,111 A, Royal Adelaide, Roble, Savannah. Gravesend, Jan 2-131 d, ship Jeannie W Pains, Col , bar a, Bort phi/Ipt • Hengllongi • lrovls—ln port, ship John Wide, Ring, from'Ariaoy; nor; and others es b tore. Sid sth, brig 4.refrel''ve„Aget nohow!, Shanglum. • L verpoid, jen 0-4 Arr, ship Commodore Illim; New York, , Lamlash, Inn 5.411.1, ship Martha's Vineyard, Pobin lipif"WoWnili,, I ug Q , * edr, New lm , bargae Ottawa,,Voitner, ila rans,viaßeimouth,, - Asunsgate, Jen 4—Passod by, ship G D Lamar, Brad loy,"froan Sunderland for New York, • - • nwensea, Dec _Bl -Ayr, barque Sherwood, Hayman, Antwerp. • , St Thomas , Jan 2—ln port, ship' Richmond, Gookin; Edwird. Everett, 'Booby, and Herald, Crowell, uric; bet' e Augusta Mayhew, Thorp, from Guadeloupe, err IA; brigs Addle Swift, Swift, Darla, from New York, arr Deo ,30,, din; Sarah Lancaster, from Guadeloupe, do; Sarah ,Wrostor, Higgins, from Martinique, do; Met Stewart, Dennison, - ,from Demons*, arr Slat; Moot newßr sPerkearour Bertanda, do; J Hathorn l Oiltpaal from St chola - , do; Joapy Lind, grant, from Bermuda, arr Ist, Fidells, jaws, from Georgetown, DO, do; LW. liata,'llbrdnor, from Port Spain, err 2d; , ochre Reindeer, Stephenson; from Barcelona, arr 20; Dazzle, Dodge, trout Marti/Ann, err 50tb; W A Dresser, Hatch, do do; , (not from BelageE): • • Tableilay. 01iH, Noe 25—Arr, ship Beano, Ore sell, Maurits andald for London- - 4 Trinidad/ CubacJan. B—lrt- port, barques Pentusket, 'Unseen, for N York *boat 25tb; Queen, Gray, wig; bngs St Andrew. Barclay; for ChartestOn In , a week; Demerara, wtg; Sea *ooze, Wiley, for idg nod Coast of Africa Deo 10, barine Neapolitan Hills, nod was•expeoted at Cape Coast 20th, to finish idg for 114 fromAleselna sth nit brig 'Palestine, Rogers,' 191111-barque Henry Shelton, Burr, gell.yo!ki okti s .lehr Stephen.Tabar, Tuthill, do. At MillagiiDoe 20, barque Lamplighter, Harding, fm 'Cattlayttrig Utah, McDougal, Ins New York, ldg. , r , At , ,flibralter Dec di, brig Pico, Goodenough, tine. 810.81 st, brig Nereus. Atkins, Hantaaills. ,Arrat Queensto w n lan 0, snip Tri.Mountain, Dudley, Liverpool Janl fortombay. , At Newporti-Eng, Den 20, barque Witehilluitman, for St Thomas, ready., • ' 'DOMESTIC POTATO. ' 'PORTLAND, 4an lobr 'Osman Byron, gold, Maranses gdinst, via itolines , ' Old, barquecerniak * Clushing,'DikOn, Port au Prince; Piattbillonutty, iiiittanzas; St Jago, Means, Oardenaa. Bailed; brig Zone, 24th—Arr, brigs Montgomery, Wylie, Boston; Jllllll9 grOIOY, MUM, de; Abby Theater, harrabee, do; schrs heekoni, V,orpr, ' portune, Bey, Pilf;..hinry, Smith, Nor folk, Va." PROVIDENCE, Jan 29 : —Arr, sehr Edward Blade, payles, Nerfolk. • • • • schre (10 - hamlet, tobey,and Joe Lawrence, Ohtircti; Baltimore. NEW 11AYI1N, Jen,l3a24—Arr, barque Henry Trow bridge, Augur, Antigua via N York; brig Mary Pierce, BarUetcliew Work, (b lood (or West Indies, NEWhintYPQAT- , ..-Arr 24th, ache Indelleu9otei Mc- Quillen Ealtitntfre, • NAI.I,IIIYEB, Jan 22—Arr, aohr Daniel - BrOyn, Keald,Aodaolticolit.r . . • OLOVOESTKII, 'Jan 21—Art brig Benj Cushing, Berens, SurletuM, Names , Hole. SA , Mt BAH, Jan 2.2—exr, barque Baron Von Caul Rau., Alorttanw,Bereelons; beg W B Bowyer, Sawyer, Charleston; aehr: Plandonte; Drown, New York. • Old ip Shand :n Gregg, Cisegow . brig )then Iday nen, K ing uaroemm, PENSACOLA,.Jan 11,Arr; brig Benguela, Staplea, Key Pleat; film II Johnson, Debora°, New York. .11th—drr, Mary Elia, WOCKI, vattOU. Old Btli, barque Oen Jones, Talpey, Earfuls; 9th, brig jEatandin,,Amebary.Boston. In port 15th, brigs Mecoeta, Baines, for Trinidad next day Chimborazo, Brown, for llosteanext day. NEW TORE; dan, 25.,..Ar, ships Christiana, Owens, from Londgn.and Veal -f lee : let; Mary y Menge, Somers, trent Kiwis. Deo 15th, Mateo Depoder, a seaman, from Italy , feafrom the loratopeall yard and who drowned: Jau 3, lat J 230; lob to 31,naw ships lin/ May, elegring h 4 pkropt De3ls tirJau 7 o,. bad, sucoessien,or luwery similarly and Westerly gales.' Jan Ith, 114.3.1, top 40, jaitd. rery violent gale from S. to NW;Barometer 28 SO. Arnold Benninger; lia1 1 1•8 0 ) JroWlßoirtentun., Bee ex - P * .iire*" „at/ Wfulthies Split rail. , teet Empire State, nrllig°, l itlPWW) Wart Ventre, Arnold, St Bemire, (grancep Deetl,d,•lat 8053 , lair 33 50, was struck by lightning; which sptintorrsi the forstoprnest. The It 0 has experienced heavy -galielpfspllt nails, •and.carrle,l away the rudder brace. narks It 11 Gamble,'lloward, St Marks; Montauk, LiGICO4I, GAIY41140)1•'.1k1001113t011, Dowliurat,i Ohal)estonr Costa' Bice, May, nepiuwall. •SithriArilagtom March, .Bt , Marks; •Eliza Biteddon, Vigaingwn, ll o. , . Critlawidi shim Switzerland, Dearborn, Liverpool; B ' Blinichard,j, wrens, Nen , Vrlanns; sabre Kate Stewart, Mather, Charleston; S Oilman, Baker, Becton; Louis Walsh, Paine * Arrays; Alma O) Curry, Cornwallis; Charlotte lOnerys, (Br j . Morley, thiamin; brigs A SPregue,Bridth, flwrille,• Mearliotta; Hodson, Bermuda; barqUis Olariaaa Pettigrew'; Neuvltas . 4 ; Kate Stewart, Msft CherleatenvAlary Elizabeth, 'lnkhorn, Matan ,4; 41,axiniVbitir, Pluevites; Arabella, Bey, As n'Whistling Wind, Norton, Cadiz; sloop. North Faint, Swain, EichWend) ittionor. liermasit,! AMU:sere, wuyALB ea lieddek Lan Pfsithe. GIRARD' 1101111—Oheitwit Janet, below Ninth. 0 0 /instal, Boston Mr.ilolt;Louler,Rlsr . - Chits Heath, N Y 08 Whining, Waahington H iiklaker, Richmond , W 8 Triplett, Richmond, P Dull, Nation, , 3lrDavis and Indy, Itarrad Brown, Pa aultni Wart, N Y "Geo W Nelson, N, Y Jag W Yeasey, Md H W Gillett, Conn • , Israel Painter, Pa P Ford, New Branswick WII Breeden, N Y Arnold Irleimant N Y Wm D Bishop, Cincinnati 11114171 e, N Y A Pickens, Maas /Kr ID/wiling and lady, Phila 8 $ Greene, Rhode Island N Y W Bingham, Boston , JD W Grady ie. la, N Y , A 'Maynard, Boston B Frodsham, NA' , Dr. F.Toonter A N Mrs N , 0 K Emmett, N .7 II Davis N Y - Thou Trowell So la, Tenn Lewis, Tenn - ' 0 F Boland; Lana co U Shirk; Late to T Yir Bayand, N Y W A Harper, va „ Geo W Mardian', N 0 • A U Bullock, Masi lIP Robeionj_a It 0 Fellows; N Y A Lanier, N - Y , Jno Patti Brown, N Y Tiita ,, y;N Y H Heald, Balt ' T Anderson, Nashville 'l' D Fite Nashville ' F Furman' Nashville , Chas A Dune, St Lonis L Mark, - W Myer, St Louis Tcy awiti, Mobile Jas Eddy, 11 ' Blatchford, Freak King, It I 01 Gray, N Y Jno K Hackett,' N Y Henry Stepper, N Y C , Cheancy, )VablAngton W D Ingersoll, N Amaawry ROTEL—Ohestnut 'treat, Om Num . JIJ Wlnfaker,Varyland A W Shattuck, Bethlehem John Suiylle jr, Easton Itobt Long, Oln, Ohio John I/Lawrence, N Y James Davenport, Tokas L Ma chant, Lebanon Jas M Dilger, Philo A F Wateon,New York Wm Purges, Williamsport Miss El Purges, Williamspt Yuthey, Donna 0 Spark, New York M Ii Bebnt, 'Lancaster Jae W llodson,New, , London Henry Ilodson,New London L Butler, Mamba:re T J Jones, Delaware L Bakes, WiliteebeliO Mrs Irving, Washington F Pottsville F Schotto, New, York 8 Bonetatit, Now York J SY, Robinson, Boston AIHROLIANTS , HOT1)1.-loarth atria). below Arch. ;ease a Shipman Sae,on , > Thos Rae, Chicago WmSniff, California Wax W Thorzaprou, Bid W 0 Wagoner, MEI Creek Ellis Reeves, Yhtenixeille )Vm,De Ileventldluenwille - 0 Mortimer & la, Boston, 2C,Edwords„ Toyotas, T Warne, Easton gL wood, ' . ' (I,Bardwgll, , TThree , k rOtottqn, Y ; , UNION GOTEk T •Areb. street, below Fourth. Raeph, Jr, N Y 11 Millard, Omaha, N T Jaa 17, Philltps, Phil*, ' Cyrus Winter*, Lancaster James Reynolds, Pa Peter B,Stevens, Pa J B Earl, Pa „ II A Ropsicker, Pa J K Oeigfreid, Port Olintoni S W Jones, D k BA R Co D Ermentrout, Reading Bawl E Stern, Pa 0 Wheeler, Reading - H Beetling, Reading J Shaeffer, Reading I•P James, Reeding ,Prank.WeldenDe, . Frederick Fritz, Pa J 1111o:reit, bile - P - - Miss Mears, Indianapolis E Mears IndtansOlis • -J K Duirea, Ps A Bfielpe,'Ohio „ Jlt Shoots, Ohio 'A' A 8 Real, Pa P U Stotts, ' • Pater Garnett, N 0 James lifiLeito, Pa " J Wintetstein, Pa Id Abbott, Bethlehem Geo Dean, Pa Wm Veber, Reading' • " •G W Shell, Ohio John L Meiling, Pa Henry Thomas, Pa r Clopl,Rptteville 0 Brunow, N Y L Meyrs, N NATIONAL HOTEL,-Itaie street, &bora Third. Uri (Arbon, Trappe,:pa T Garber, Trappe, Pa • j lohnston, Phila ' -H Myers,phita U Smith & la, Baltimore Win )(beet, Ithila - J . Id Watklre Frenchtown Watford, Frenchtown Al Guth er le: Allentown D He( nbaelt, Snyder co, Pa T Bechtel, Allentown J Lackey, Clataanaque, Pa P Brock, Allentown Lewis Royer, Sch co, Pa G W ?Organ, pottavllle A 'Winn, Bch Haven A 0 Boger, Allentown 11 Schobeling;l3 Joel Hastings, Pa J Whitaker, Alt Otero A S Ely, Lebanon STATES UNlON—Market strait, abo , re Sixth. J W Toney, Burlington Wm 31 McCarty, Bac II L Goodall,Thila J Whitaker, Std II Finley, Lancaster J 0 Washburn, N Y L R Y T Jones, Bait Leidy, Da Mra Sarah Wilson, Pa I T Baker, Harrisburg L Crouse, Chester 00 R J Glendy, Pa Mr. Dickson,, Cal L Cassey, York co, Pa BALD EAGLE—Third street, above CaMINIM. Stephen Midler Pa T P Monroe co 0 J Vestige% It J Sena Wilson, Mt Bethel Peter Mensch A Mt Bethel J Wrlsou, Mt Bethel Jno McFstr, Nazareth, Pa Win &waltzer, Berke co P Kleinhans, N J 0 W Meherry, Ind J Myers, Bloomsburg, N J J Oarr, Bloomsburg, N J A Kilo, Bloomsburg, N J Wm Merritt, N J B Vannatta, Warren. N J J Foulke, Quakertown 1 O Bich, Doylestown BARLEY SHEAF ROTEL-41econd street, below 'Vine. W If Two' neon, Pa II Evans, Deposit M A Philllpi, N J J N Gray, Fa J Farrel', Pa V 8 Snyder, Pa 0 W Dyer, Doylestown El H Thee, Pa Miss Bice, Pa J Longsbore, Pa B Harper, Fox Chase 0 Moon, Pa 1 Yardley, Pa J resedora, pa B Unime, Bristol 0 Flowers. Attleboro' J i /Backbone°, Pa ' E N Tines, Denville Wll Murray, New Hope A D Snyder, Pa 8 0 Lopgabore, Pa T Ent, LandtertrOlr F Cadwallader, Pa A Bill, Pa 4 M Parsons, Pa Phu Davison, Cheltenham J L Williams, Germantown J iloppek,P a • J Cue A. sop, Pa BLACK DEAR INN—P.M stud Merchant streets. D R Jones, Norristown Blrs Pyle, West Cheater If Davie, Chester co A E Pertig, Pottsville Wm J Darla, West Cheater A Schafer, Cheater co John Entricken, Cheater co Wm P illunden, Arkansas Wm I ()barmy, Po Robt Lylso, Chester co M liencary, Cheater co 8 Spare, Pottsville MOM REAR HOTEL—ThIrd street, above Callowhill, Dant Gilbert, Pottstown Dl, Winchester, P Carbon Saint Pruett, Pa 11. 'Verger, Green Lane Jno W Whiter, Perksomenv Li Thomas, Franconia Den t Weida, Lonhill, Pa Levi &ober, Allentown Jan Stnber, Allentown N Eddinger, EDoenllle Nathan Landis, District Jacob B Hill, Earl ville Jeans Keller, Pa ' Aaron Lorash, Zionsville Wm 'Thompson, Velment° Solomon Drisler, Pa floe Hartzell, Pa 1) Moore, Upper Milford Jno !Insider, Uldilibrd • Mn Monier, U Milford D Rosenberger, Gwyaoed MADISON lIOUSII—Seoond street, above Market. Wm Welsh. N I J . W Dollen, Dover, Del I II Allen, N Y D 0 llorreekar, Dover, Del Jae Mooney, PhDs Philip tom, N .1 ID Creasman, N y , Opetial Notices. Gold and Silver-4avlng Trand.—American LIFE 'INSURANCE AND TRUST CO., S. E. corner FOURTII and WALNUT, pays all atiino on demand, in specie. Jaal-Ina Retying SI lictititna--Prige sQ s ,—refit/De wish. Ing to purchase a REALLY GOOD Machina should at 922 OREBTNIIT Street, end get one or PRATT'S Patent. These Machines are warranted to give satis faction. Stitching done tor Two Cents per yard it the Sam jag -straw* Bower's Initial Cordial... This Invaluable Cordial is prepared from stalely of the moat choiee sad efficient aromatics known in medicine, and to the moat ported and reliable carminative extant for Infants sad young ohildren. By its powerful Influence a speedy ewe is effected in all MieS of Cheitc, windy pato and'spasms. Relieves and mitigates ranch of children's suffering daring denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties trim quillaes pains or tAks•bote its loannina, limiting, dm The Infant Cordial has become 11 standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of eases with the most abundant success. No family should be without it. Prepared only by salGa7 A. 1 OW4I, At his Drug and ()hernial Store, N. X. corner of Btartli and preen sts., Philadelphia. To whom all ordeal moat be addremed. And for axle by Druggists genstally. • . • an 18.1 y Gold and Silver—American Trust CO., S. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT, pays all sum In specie, on demand. Interest 5 per cent. Ja26.lm Saving Fund.—National Safety Trust Co., UMce, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of THIRD. ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS DURING 'FRE SUSPENSION OR SPECIE PAYMENTS BY PRE BANNS. 1. Deposits received and payments made daily. 2. Current Bank Notes, Checks, and Speole, will be received on 8. Depoeits made In Bank Neat or (Macau' will be paid beck in Current Bank Notes. 4. Deposit* made in Gold or Oliver will be paid Wok in Cele. Interest Firs tax Chmm. per annum, n 026 Gold and SllVer—plve Per Ct. mitring gaud,— AMBIIIOAN E. norner • WALNUT and FOURTH Otranto; pays all sums on demand, In sprain: jAVS.Int Jimhien, - ' - JOll PAINTER, 2d/MOIIIiNT STREET. Oka*, Notes, Drafts, Mlle Lading, 11111 Heade, Cir culars, Cards,and all other kindi of Job Printing, at prim to cult the times. 0017-13 r Good Coffee. , Lovers of Coffee cannot realise the full value of their favorite beverage without having it mode In the Old Dominion Coffee Pot. ARTHUR, PURNITAISI, fc OILDOY, 11:1 and 119 South TENTII, oor. of George, da.Out Pole 3fanufaeturers. 81 eCtkqesl t a, Saving Fund - Office UO3 Walnut :divot, one door wear or Second strew.. Resolves de polka In mama of One Dollar and upwards, from all Weasel of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of floe per cent, per annum. Waco open daily, from 0 until I o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday nutil 9ln the seining President Franklin Fell; Treasurer and Secretary, Oharles Morris. • hpeete Payments Plea Per Cent. Saving gawk of AMMOAN Lug INBUEANOt•; TRVBT COMPANY, S. N. to,rnor WAiL NUT and FOURTH Streets. - This old baTing AWATB pßid in till oq lemsind, pntiniles to revolve on ileposil t in Ouirant Ponds, And psi all iinins as called lor In GOLD and ja2o-1m Gold laud tillver.—Saving Fund, (Amerleau TR178T.)13. E. corner of FOURTH. and WALNUT, pays all mums on demand, In specie. ja2.6-I,n For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, use of 1.000 Flowers.. For dressing Ladles , hair, use "Woodland Cream, a new Potneole. , It curls Oentleinente hair beautifully. W. P. FETRIDGE & Co., Proprietors, N. V. For tale by T. D. Peterson, WO Chestnut; Samuel Shriek ! Twellt and Chestnut; A. D. Durand ; 718 Chest. nut; T. H. Peters & go ,'{l6 Chestnut; O. G. Evans, (fife Book-store, MO Chestnnt ; Q. 8, Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Itieharda, Ac Co., Tenth and Mar ket; A.H. Taylor, Moth and Walnut; Dr. llforriaon, Seventeenth and Chestnut; W. Simon & Sons, Eighteenth and TweptpSecond and Market; Edward Obristroann ; 71:13 Chestnut; Thome Lancaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut, 1i01241 :.The Greatest Dargatits in the World.—The subscriber, befog about to close his business, offers his entire steel( of importer Ready-made Clothing for sale. All in wont of a aupotior article ere invited to give him call, More toilet find fixtures for sale. It. TRACY, 292 MARKETStreet.: . del6-21.0 , VVllllem V, Molten, 007 Chestnut Street. Is selling 'all ends of:thns Stationery at one-half the re gular price. Call on him et once and you wilt be sails alsth • ' ' itAirn 'latLittzi.o#4B9AlLD ¢P TRADX. Bala, Miaaamm., A. I. Dammam's, Omourfo of Tip ; WM! Rosati WooD —, • • • titg PRESS.-PHELADELPHIA. WEMESIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1858. Oa Tuesday, .7suuffy 26, 16651, in Dr. Wedeworth's oharchily „nor- B, MaPeitriistt,: WILLIAM S. DAMP. DELL of Saint 'styrenes hotel, Phtledo i libts, to Mrs. ADA•S. 21.14146,• of Peguler °minty, Yir 916,1 ; * Oh the 26th instiat, by ass. Oche W. 'cholas, Mr. MAWARD 00fahlittOK, of Ostuden,, ,J., to Mies JAMB WALKER , of raihidelphii. Oh, the 11th hoot/Lot, at the residence of the bride's ththor, by Rev. .loho °belabors, (MARLYS W. WAR NIOK and lIRLEN.4., only daug hter of floury 0. Huhn, both of this etty. On the 20th Instant, by Bey. P. Coombe, Roy. NOBLE FRAIIII, of Doylestown, to LYDIA B. 7AMICIL of this oity, On the 26th Instant, We. ELIZABETII 11..0AW, wife of William A. Gaw, in the 27th year Of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend her funeral (without further notice) from the residence of Mr. P. W. Wood, No. 1011 Market street, on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ** On the 29d instant, In the 78th year of her aid, Mm. MINES GOOMIART, wife of the late Johntioodbart. The relatires and friende of the family are Invited to attend her funeral (without further notice) on Thurs day afternoon, at 2 P. M., from her late resid'enie,loo3 Lombard street. ' On the 24th instant, JAMES TAYLOR, in ihe 44th year of his age. Oa tho 26th [indent, MERCY IIyER, In the 88th Year of her age, On the 29d indent, BARAII SANOSTON, In 83d year of her age. On the 24th instant, GEORGE !UM, in the 224 year of his age. On the 25th (aslant, FURNdId 81739(E1t1a, aged 40 years. irr-Tenth Ward Relief Association.—To the CITISEAS or yfla Wane : This Amomationwae organised on the 20th day of November, 1857, since which time 473 families have been visited, 894 have been found worthy, and relieved by 1,201 orders on the /suitor for groceries, coal, clothing, and oboes. The mate of the treasury is such PS to make it Uaaaa nary to call upon the citizens for further aid, as we have alarge number of sick, suffering and destitute OA , Our books requiring relief. To meet this ornergenoy, the Association, at a stated meeting held on the etening of the 23d instant, pacped the following resolutioo : Resolved, That A special committee be appointed to canvass the ward, and, in connection with the present standing committee, solicit further contributions. Chariest S. Ogden, 117 North Eleventh etrest; G. 11 , Woodward, 1710 Vine street; X Aforrie 110 North deventeenth street; Samuel l'oz, 228 ' North 81. T. tenth street ; Eilte 8, Archer, 1701 Arch street; A., 8. lionneffon, 244 North Tenth street, Ali confidential communicetione for relief addressed to either members of the Committee, will be promptly attended to. Citizens who feel disposed aro respectfully aolleited to call at tho Depot, No. 1303 DACE otreot, eXanaino the books, and witness the operations of tho Association.. JOS. It. CHANDLER, President. CEO. BOLDIN, Secretary. DILLWYN PARRIS'', Treasurer. Mr' Cal. John W. Forney will lecture on "AMERICAN STATESMEN," on THURSDAY EVEN ING, 28th instant, at 7 X o'clock, at Spring Garden In. stitute, BROAD and SPRING GARDEN etreete. The lecturer has kindly consented to tender his eervlees is old of the exerttons made by the Relief Committee of the Fifteenth Ward in relieving the distresses of the worthy poor of the ward. The proceeds of the above lecture rlll he devoted to that purpese. Admianion—Gentlemen's tickets 25 cents; Ladles' tickets la Dente. To be loud at all the apothecary and provision stores of the ward; 'Martin portions of the Tenth and Fourteenth wards; Col. Maurice, Fourth, below Chestnut; hedger once, and at the door on the evening of the lecture. Ja27.2t* U - • Normal Sphool, January 25tit., 1.1358, 'Mock A. hr—At a meelteg of tits Opeudittee of the Board" of Cootrollere qr voile dehools on Normal Schools held this morning, the following Protimhlo And Resolutions were adopted: Whereas, we have beard with deep regret of the de. cm,. of the late Principal of this Institution, Dr. A. T. W. WROITIT, and Whereas, we deem It due that come suitable math of respect should be paid to his memory, not merely be- CSUBO of hie connection with the school, but on account of hia eminent abilities and public services as a teacher In our schools: therefore, Resolved, That the Normal School be closed on Wednesday next, and that this committee attend the funeral of Dr. Wright. Resolved, That the Secretary be directed to Invite member/ of the Board of Controllers to unite with this committee In paying proper respect to the mammy of the deceased. D. M DUSENBERRY, Ohe 0. M. LUKENS, Secretary. The toneral will take place Vila DM', (Wednesday.) the 27th, at 2 o'clock P. from his late residence, 97S North EISTIIStreet, above Poplar. jit27.l Me , To the Republicans Of Ponnaylvanlq. The time has arrived whop, 1n oprludgment, the vital i n fereetg of the Republican Party, and Ks solemn duty to the cane of Prebdom, Labor, and Frumenity, alike imperatively demand that Republicans should assemble from every part of the State, for the purpose of firmly organizing the party on the solid and dlatinct basis of Its own prinolplea We therefore Invite our fellow Republican" to meet in 'prompt' CONVENTION, at lIARRISIIVRG, on the 02,1 of FEBRUARY, 185 S, at 9 o'clock P. to adopt such measures as may be deemed best calculated to ink. Igen upon the legislation of the nation the principles enunciated by the Philadelphia Republican Convention of June, 11360. Gideon ',Rail, Erb, Co. T D Gera, D A trimly, ( 4 A Unidekoper, Crawford. tleraam, Allegheny. Marge 8 8 King, °marls. reaac Benson, Potter. It W Winslow, CH atoll. 3 8 Myer'', Franklin. Samuel Alieman, Snyder. Wm E bfcffiurlrie, Huntingdon. David Wills, Adams. John A Fisher, Dauphin Wm Wright, Adams. Theo 8 Christ, Union . Jos .1' Lewis, Chester II T Darlington, Docks. Isaac T Coffman, Cheater, Wayne MoVestril) " ASH Cobb, Tloga., A Ifumphrey, 0 J Morton, Delaware. N. T. Foster, Carbon, Al II Diehards, Montgomery. A Xing, Dedfont. A. N Daman, York. Country papers please copy. I Lecture on the Philosophy of the Hlt by the Rev, Dr. SOLOMON JAOOIIB, TO•NIGIIT, 13dMOM HALL. Tickets, to admit s Lady ands (3 , tleraan, 25 cents. To be bed at the Doll, Js27-lti 7 he Republican Citizens of Philadelphia wl I meet at the time and places mentioned below, for the purpose of taking such measures as may be deemed necessary to secure the success of tho Itepubiltan party at the emoting Spring Bloctiou 13th and 14th Wards, at Apr.ng Usrden Hall, Tuesday, Jarlitary 20, at 7,14 o'clock. 9th and 10th Wards, at Hall, Broad and Arch streets, Friday, Jan. 29, at 7,i o'clock. 9th and oth Wards, at County Court House, Tuesday, Feb. 2, at 7% o'clock. 17th and lath Wants, Front and Maxtor streets, day, Feb. 6, at 7x, o'clock. 7th and Bth Wards, at Hall, Lombard street, below Broad, Tuesday, Fob. 9, at '0; o'clock. 11th, 12th, and nth Ward., at Mechanics' Hall, Third street, below Orson, Tuesday, Feb. 32, at 7g o'clock. lath Ward, at Twenty-second and Callowhill streets, Friday, Feb 16, at Liy o'clock. 24th Ward, Odd Fellows' Hall, Tuesday, Feb. 19, at 7,4 o'clock. 2341 Ward, at Wright's Institute, Frankford, Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 7% o'clock. 21st Ward, at altinayunk, Tuesday, Feb, 19, at 734 o'clock. Mb Ward, at -, Friday, Pb.e 23, at 73,1 o'clock. 224 Ward, nt krlday, Feb. N. at 7,t; o'clock. let, 2,d, 3d, and 4th ' Wards, at Hancock Flail, March at 73i o'clock. By order of the Itepublloan Executive Committee, Ja2s-1w JAAIES VEItREE, Ohairotau. ORATION ON WASHINGTON, BY EDWARD EVERETT, BUYOltli ?BL• HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA, At the ACADEMY OW MIISIC, BROAD mut LOCUST On THURSDAY EVENING Feb. 4th at TX o'clock TICKETS 0 CENTS BACA - . Bests for the Parquette, Parquette Circle, and Balco ny, and tickets for the other parts of the house, strictly limited in number to Ito capacity, will be sold at the bookstores of Parry tc Fourth Uhl Obeatnut; William 8. Manion, No, 608 Chestnut; Willis P. flea ard, 424 Chestnut; and Hermann Rooker, 800 Chestnut street. The sale of tickets to commence on FRIDAY HORN. IN(i, 29th of January. Members of the itistorleal Society, and Subscribers to Re Publication Fund, Con obtalu tickets at the Hall t it tt.e Ailtemouro, on, and, it any remain, after FRIDAY, the 29th of January, (instant.) between the bourn of twelve and two o'clock. Alonzo l'otter, Richard Ruch, Joseph R. Ingersoll, Deorse D. Woos!, Henry A. Boardman, Charles J. Riddle, Wm. Parker Foulke, John Welsh, J. P. Mitchinson, Joseph Carson, John Oadwalader ' Charles Ingereoll, Joseph Harrison, Jr., Thomas C. James, George W. Biddle, S. Morrie Waln, Charles H. Fisher, J. J. Clark Hare, H. Langdon Elwyn, Winthrop Sargent, James L. Laminar, Charlet! Alacaleater, II Pratt alcileau, hroncure Itubineon, Henry Pepper, - Richard Yaux. Ja2l-2t TOWNSEND WARD, Librarian. AGENTS WANTED.—Fivo to Ten Dot- Uri; per day can be easily made. Call on A. BLACK, at Jacob Loman's Sorrel none Hotel, West King ewe; Lancaster, l's. delb.tt WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES Y Y CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to wbom will be glean good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from 512 to SU per month. No Mal having a wife or child will be aceepted. Apply for MOUNTED BERME, at No. 811 MARKET street above Eighth, worth elde. WILLIAM IS. ROYALL, let Lieut. 24 Rae. of Cavalry, act d•sIM , Reuniting °Moor. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL THE GREAT RAIN ANNIHILATOR! This article Is the greatest discovery in Chemical or Modica' Science for the rapid Ouro of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, TOOTH-ACHE, EAR-ACHE, 8055 THROAT, STIPP NECK, or Polo in the LIMBS, SIDE, BACK, or any part of the body. At Is alao an eXoelleot preparation for DyspepslA and Indigestion, which arises from a weak stomach or bowel. Thousands of persons who have used HART& HORNE'S CURE-ALL have teen astonished at Its wonderful power to removing any pain from the system. Bottles q 4, fo) cents, and $l, to be bad of It IL & C. R. JENKINS, Cotner SECOND and WALNUT !gruel", "nd No. North NINTH Street. N. 11. ff you have "Cough, use Hartahorne's recto. rat Syrup. fall. if SAYING FUND.-UNITED . STATES 'ENLIST COMPANY, comer of THIRD and MUT. NUT Streets, Large and email grime received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PEil fiEN2' EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. 001ce houra, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 0 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on Engler:o o Ireland, and Scotland, from .£1 upwards. Prosideut—lFFEPllEN It. CRAWFORD, Tretseurer—PYlNY FISH. Taller—JAM:A R. lIUNTBR KPIOSENE OIL, DISTILLED PllOlll COAL KEROSENE LUBRICATING 0118. This Oil is not only °REAPER, but SUPERIOR TO ME BEST SPERM. It will NOT GUM OR CONGEAL AT A LOW TEMPERATURE, and it will RUN LONGER AND KEEP THE JOURNALS COOLER THAN ANY °TIM LUBRICATING MATERIAL, Er Macllininte and others are requested to call and examine these oils at the sole agency, GEORGE M. FREEMAN, Agt., del.o4m-if No. 116 Walnut area, above Front. THE BEST COUGH SYRUP IN THE WORLD !-PIM 1101 PARED BY A 018 T. HARTSHORNE'S PECTORAL SYRUP OP WILD aIitRAY la athaltted by the thousands who hare used It to be the beet preparation In use for COMM, from a cold or a CONSUMPTIVE 0015011, ASTHMA, =ON 0111T1B, ()STARER, or any Lung Affection. It is also u-grenTientedy tar Unarming, and Allays all In flammation of the Lunge , or Throat. Bottles 25, PO cents, and 01. Bold by R. H. tc 0. 11. JENKINS, dorner WALNUT and SEOONDStroetn. and No. 0 North NINTH Stmt. *lawman. Eleattio. Wm Il Thomas. Win .7 Wainwright Wm Duane. James Yerree. Wm Gregir, AID. Item K Strong. Wm D Kelley. John lit Dialer. Ttioe S Cateuder. Denj Ruch/. Wm S Pierce. Itenry Simpson. Harman Baugh. Thos Belch Geo A Carey. X D McDowell 0.7-30 re 3 810 IS-w3t Wants. 144icts. OFFICE OF THE CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY, '(via SIBTII and SIXTH- streets,) Waehington Building, THIRD street, above Spruce. OAOTION TO PARENTS AND OtrailtlANti.—As this Company hove, with the aid of the pollee, done all in their power to prevent accidents 'along the route, they would ask 'that parents and others would caution their children from getting upon and running to front of the cars, MARTIN TLIOMAS, $1.93..1mif ' President. OFFICE OF THE RECEIVER OF TAXES, Janina? 26; 16511. NOME TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYERB.—In eoneequence of the general embarrassment In monetary affairs, there are much greater number of delinquents and e larger amount of taxes remaining unpaid for the year 1857 than in former years, and am it will require a greater length of time to make out and register the blils than fortnerty, tax-payers are hereby notified that all persons owing tromp for the year 1.857 can pay the same, without any additional charge, except for adver tisement, ,(37 cents,) If paid on or before the 15th of February next, at the °glee, corner of SIXTH Mod CIIES f NUT Streets. - - • • After that date, the penalty of tire per cent., together with Interest and the costa of the alter for collection, will be strictly enforced. . PETER ARUBRUSTER, Receiver of Taxes A ROll STREET TIIEATRE.—THE AN ti Merline of the Btockholdere of this Theatre will be held in the saloon ou MONDAY afternoon, February let, at 4 o'clock. Business: An election for Five Agents to serve the ensuing year, a revision of the by-laws to be considered, dro., otc. Poll open null' 8 o'clock. A dividend to be paid. PHILIDSLIIIIA, An. 21,1858. ja2l.dstet THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between the subscribers, under the flrm RANDALL & AIRREDITII., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. BAUM% J. RANDALL is duly authorised to settle the business et 121 South /SORT street. W. SR WARD RANDALL, B. A. biREIRDITN, S. J. RANDALL. PHI L/DHLPIIII, Jan. 28,1828, R. A. MEREDITH will continue the Coal bueinegs ou hla own account, at 161 South SBONT , above Walnut street. ja2.l-dlui Is THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR TUC CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILADEL ' MARY W. MILLER. by her next Wand, EDWARD A. JOHNSON, as. DAVID W. MILLER, January 23d,1858 —On motion of George W. Arundel, Esq., attorney of Libellant, rule granted on Respondent to show race wbya divorce, vineulo should not be granted. Returnable at 10 o'clock on SATURDAY, tebruary Bth, 1858. ja2l , 2aw2wa TEE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSU RANCE COMPANY OE PRILADELPIIIA, office No. 808 WALNUT street.' JANUARY 28, 1858. The following statement of the affairs of this Coin• many, on the 311et' of December, 1857, la publlebed In pursuance of the charter, via : To Capital Stock 9170,900 00 Oeetlflentee of profit, convert ible into stock. $111,926 00 To Contingent Account for Premium!. • ' On Firk. Mike outatinding Doe. 81, 1808.. •., 6/ f 278 22 To Fire Mika recolyed, net, in 185 T : 1,, , , 62,048 15 108,113 07 To Interest Account, uet, re calved 101867 14,170 11 To Policies, Trete:Ore, and other profits 1,013 00 By profit and loss, December 31, 1866 „ . .... 3,621 Ti By moat for loan „ s in 1351, bM receivable 2,618 32 By Losses by Ilro paid In 1831,. 37,075 13 By Expenses, includingagencleo and faxes „„ 11,1108 80 Remaining with the Company - - Which is invested as follows, via: In First Mortgages 012 City Property $120,200 00 In Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. Mortgage Loan, 30,000, cost 25,600 00 In Allegheny County 0 per cent. Penny]. yenta Railroad Loan. 10,000 00 In Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s Stock 4,000 00 In Stock Account for 363 glares of the Ito. Hance Mutual Insurnn6o Co In County Firelnsurance Co.'s stpelt..; In Scrip in sun dry Insurance Companies In 111118 Receivable, builness paper In Rook Accounts, accrued interest, &a. In Cash oil hand OPPICMIIM or TON COMPANY. Ottht TINGLEY, President. DIUMOTORS. Clem Tiu , George M. Stroud, tey, • W. It. T qinpson, John R. Worrell, Samuel Bighorn, Bea W. Tingley, George W. Carpenter, g Lathrop, Robert Steen, LC L. Carson, Charles B Wood, • Robert Talmud, Marshall mu, Cornelius Stevenson, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles Leland, Willinodusrer, Wrn.ll.Bentple,Pittab'g jalB-mwflOtif B. U. GINCIIIIAN, Secretary. MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., 4 - 31- INCORPORATED 1810-CHARTER P.EI3- PETUA4. N 0.11.0 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Raring large pald•up Capital Stock and Surplus, invested in sound and available Securities, continue to Insure on Dwellhu c Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Yowls in Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adJusted. DIRIMTOI4. George Ahhott, John I'. Lewis, John Well,ll John "Varmint, a Sanw 0- „Morton, Carpar W Morrie. Patrick Brady, 'antra R. Campbell, Edmund G. !Minh. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIS, Beeretary. jstni If OFFICE OF THE UNION CANAL CO., putt.AanrutA, Jan it, tgas. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 228 WALNUT Street,* (➢arquhar ) on TUESDAY, February 2d next, at IX o'clock 11.. at wht.h Ulna an Election for Meta and Managers will take place. O. TUOIIPSON, Secretary. Ff"SVANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the PENN RAVINGS AND BUILD ING ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia will be held at their Office, Na. S. FOURTH Street, on FIFTH DAY, the 58th instant, at 7 o'clock P. 88., Wean an Election will be held for (Hikers to serve for tha ensuing year._ LAlNG,Prealtlent _ Swam, JR., Secretary. ja26l* FAME MUTUAL INSURANCE CbM PANY.—OfBce Na 4110UESTNUT Street. PriILADALPOI•, January 7,1@58. VIE BOARD OP DIRECTORS have this day declared &Dividend of POUR PER CENT. on the paid up Capital, payable on and after the drat proximo JaZO•eodttal. TOOL S. MARTIN, Secretary. Al` A MEETING- OF THE HOLDERS of FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS of the PHILA DELPHIA AND SUNBURY RAILROAD COMPANY, held on the 13th Inst., pursuant to public advertise. went, Mr. G. D. ROSENGARTEN was called to the Malt, awl Mr. J. L. MOBS was appointed Secretary. The Committee of holders of the Second Mortgage Ronda ' who have now become the proprietors of the Road, having laid before the niceties, its present town.. lion and prospects, it was resolved that, in order to aid the proprietors In equipping the Road, the holders of the First Mortgage Benda should agree to accept for their coupons due August Ist, 185 T, and February let, 1858, obligations of the Company, payable on or before the aspiration of fiveyeare, (at the option of the Coca peny,) bearing intermit from let February, 1858, and convertible Into Stook, at the option of the holden; Interest payable thereon semi-annually on let August and let February. The holders of First Mortgage Bonds are requested to call at the Office of Meson. E. B. WISELEN or CO , and alga the agreement to carry out inch an arrangge• moot. Jal4-mwf tfebl OFFICE ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 311 WALNUT Street, January 4, 1863. Notice la hereby given, that In pursuance of a resolu tion of tho board of Directors, a secou4 los%alinent of WIVE DOLLAItS per share on the Stock, notes and rubscrlption to the capital stock of the Company, le re inked to be paid at the Oleo of the Company on or be oro MONDAY, the rot day of Bebroary, Di5S. j . - 01-ecOlgeht W. la 8111.TIL Secretary. AtOTIOE.—The Annual Meeting of the 1, Stockholdere of the SUNBURY AND ERIE RAIL ROAD COMPANY will be held at their Ofilco, No. 324 WALNUT street, on MONDAY, the Bth day of Febru ary next, at 10 o'clock A. M. At thin meeting an aloe tlou will be held for ten Managers of the Company, 10 serve for one year. The palls to close at $ o'clock P. M. PHILIP M. pßion t Secretary, PIIIIADILPHI.t, AIL IMA, • lalB-adcw tfsB Dutil4io Lkitks.—THE PBBLIC 1S respeotfullyinformed that Offices leave been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at width ettiteas are requested to give Information respect. lag accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure In lighting or extingulehing them et the proper time; or if not properly cleaned and In good lighting condition. The Books will he kept by Joseph Bally, No. 808 Wharton et., First Ward; °holey, Carty, Supt. of 24 distrle A t No. 8 Ilainer at. above Slith• Mean O. O. Kirk, No. 820 North Sixth et., above Brown, Twelfth Ward; Ileahong, No. 2231 Coates erect, Fifteenth Ward,• Thee.V.Bowlby,ClasOlßee,Tnenty•FourthWard, (West Fbliadelpille;) IL 11, 11 1 1whien, ties °Mee, Twenty-Second Ward, (Ger3nantown;) Wm. N. Market, Gas Mee, Twenty-Third. Ward (Ifrankford,) and at the Can Ofilee in Seventh street, below Afarket. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia QM Work'. A. 3. AITB, col-8m Superintendent of Distribution. I~TOTICE TO CONSIGNEES.—The ablp I STALWART, Oapt. Lam, from Liverpool, is now ready to discharge at fiIIIPPRN street wharf. Con ewr argaintotivtehdeaoyilis will cera ot gn im e a ei rd w . ili A l i l l e g Ss ocd d e e n li o y t e p r er t ro h lt ir ted P tie sent to paldio store. THOS. RIOI2I.A.RDSON A 00., je7 101 WALNUT street. BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.. The X/ Annual bleeting of the Stockholders of the Presi dent, Directors, and Company of the Dank of Pennsyl vania wilt be held at the Honking House, Z 26 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the flint day of February next et DI o'clock M ; immediately after which en Election will be held for twelve Directors to serve for the en- salng year. J.21-tfel llolitital. A.NY FRIENDS OF JOSEPH H. .11.11. THOMPSON desire Mm to be a emendate for SHEHIPP of Plinadelphts. Subject to Democratic rake, ja2B.tf CITY COMMISSIONER JAMES 11/7h WM). Subject to Democratic rules. Je10..70 I. RECEIVER OF TAXES, WM. GOODWIN, TWEI.VVIt WARD Subject to Democratic Rules. CITY CONTROLLER, WILLIAM 0111ITI8, TEDWARBriTR WARD SubJect to Democratic rulem. CITY COMMISSIONER, 011ARLES M. D. SMITH, Plll3l. IVISO Bottled to Denmeratic rules. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS WM. lIANCOOISS, TVIRLP7R WARD, d2-Bm* Subject to Democratic Rules. .FOR SHERIFF ALDERMAN GEORGE MOM, YOURTII WARD Subject to Democratic lielea. F OR SHERIFF JAbIEB O. GIBBON, Twesm-smeon. WARD. Subject to democratic Ituleg. ao6.9mt► WILLIAM HENRY MOORE, FURNISH V v In} UNDERTAKER, No 1416 ARON Street wart or Broad, late of 605 AROII i 464 Ooffiw alWala ou han4. Joi-em APUBLIO BY means of the Oily Passenger Railroad, per sons residing in the extrema north and south of the city con now, espeditiotudy, Conveniently, and cheaply reach OHRWEN BTODDART h DRCITHER''S FAMILY DRY GOODS STORRS, 450, 452, and 454 N. BYOOND street above Willow, Where, at all aeasonn, a large and vaned stock of EANOY AND %TAIL% DRY 000 DB are to be found, lilt of which are purehased on advanta geous terms, and sold at A small advance 0. 11008? 001,011E151011, axn tOOTION PEIOIII. Closing out at REDUCED PRIOEs, BLANIEETB, of all makes and slue. MOTHS, DABBIXERES, and goods for boys' weae generally. BROOM& LONG EHAWIE, of Vleanese.and Pule fabrics.. , • Buperior goods at $B, $9, $lO, $11,102. BLANKET BHAWLf3 of all grades. In dally receipt of job lots of goods,. which an Ella Off rarildly at low prices. Brown and bleached SWEEPINGS and BHIRTINGS, by the place or yard, at about package coat. • Goods delivered to any part of the city. °BAWER BTODDABT tc BROTHER, Hop. 460, 462, and 454 • NORTH SECOND OTREET. ABOVE WILLOW ja27.4t - Philadelphia. HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS. BEARDLESS BROTHERS have opened Irish Platting Linens, of the best makes ; Linen Sheetings, /risk Scotch, and Barnsley ; English awl extra quality' Amerleen Blankets; White and Colored Counterpanes, of newest patterns; Curtain Damasks, plain and rich etyles ; Table and Piano Coven', cloth and wonted ; Napkins; Toweling'; D'Oylles ; Wine Cloths; Blue, and Green liollands, of all widths; Tassels, Cords, Bands, and Curtain Fixtures; Lace and Tam bourd Muslin, and Curtains; Wide Drugget Diner Clothe and Stair Crash. /47 . CHESTNUT AND EIGHTH Streets. pßoat 15 TO 20 CENTS PER YARD can be saved in the porches° of a BLACK SILK DRESS: We would lore assert positeuely and fearlessly, that we eon and mill do what we represent shove, having JUST PURCHASED FOR CASH OVER 2,300 YARDS OF BLACK SILKS, A TRE 11RIVII0 OS BARGAIN! 1,302 yards to be 244 at $1 per yd. 1,032. " at $1.12 per yd. LONG BROOKE SHAWLS REDUCED TO $7.60! Chenille Shawls, Blanked Shawls, &a., Res. Beet quality end newest styles DELAINES for 28% cents; sold elsewhere for 25 cent.. AN 11,11KENSE STOOK OF DOMESTIC MVSLINEti Williamsville, Wamsotta, Pontius, New York Mills, &o. 10.4 Sheeting for Is 3 cents; very cheap, indeed, Best Family Linens of our own importation. Cessimeres, Clothe, tiattluetts, _Flannels, Blanket, &o. At THOBNLBY & 01111151 , 14, ja23 N. E. oor.EIGLIITII and SPRING GAUDIN, " We Buy and Sell for Cash, and hare but One Price." BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.NOTICE, —The holders of the Notes of the above Bank ere respectfully informed that we have made arrangements to use a large amount, and will continue to receive them AT PAR FOR DRY GOODS. Our stock is now very LARGE AND co4pI,ETE, comprising a generai variety of SEASONABLE GOODS. NEW GOODS OPENING EVERY DAY. SAML. 8. NESS, No. 033 MARKET Street, 14Sat North side, between Ninth and Tenth STAPLE GOODS—MUSLINS BY THE PIEOB.—We have now in Basement Story a full Auk 7-8, 4-4, 5-4,5-4, 8-4. 10-4, and 12-4 Bhirtinge and Sheetinge, in Brown and Bleached Goode, to which we Invite bqyets' attention, u they will be sold at a small fraction advance on the package price. Also, Superior makes Shirting and Bosom Linen. Shirt Bosom., machine and woven. Table Ltnens, warranted pare, 50 cents up. Table Clothe, 50, 75, 85 cents, SI, 51.150, to Sir. Brown Table Linen, various grades. Napkins, Towels, D'Oyiiee, blapers, Flannels, Tictlngs, Table Diaper, Brawn STOOK TAILING, We will sell several " odd Iota" or old goods very cheap. They comprise : Plaid Valencias 12K eta., regu lar price 25; two other lota at 10 and 20 canto, been selling at 1254 and 81 cents; 12K-cent Prints at 10 cents; lot of 81 Osailmeres 76 cents, &a. Remnants cheap.. COOPER k OONARD, 8. B. oar. "NINTH. and 111ARTEXT. 43)3, 6 42 14 3243,112 32 it'reELROY IS QPFERING GREATER BARGAINS than ever wore heard of before. $l2 40 Long troche Shawls selling at $ 8 50 760 Square do. do. do. 360 6DO Long Blanket do. do. 350 400 Spate blanket, splendid quality, 260 7 60 Chenille Shawls, splendid, 3 30 Closing out Clothe less than hall the regular prices— s2. 2 60, 8, 3.20. 4, 4.60, and 6. gptenditi Undereltirts and Drawers, the cheapest in the city-60, 62„4, 76, 87,1 i cents, and $.l. Beautiful Black. and Pansy Velvets. All Bilks. tram auction, surprisingly cheap. blank and Fancy Drool Silks, in *adieu variety—the cheapest in the city. Beautiful Plaids, 24 cents; All-wool, 28 cents, worth 112,4 cents. Matinees, Paramettss, De Wee*. Men's Travelling Shawls, one lot from ¬ion, $3.60, worth $5, all wool, The best and heaviest Bleached Matins in the city at 10 oents. Splendid Prints, 10 cents, tumidly sold at 12.4 cents. tiinghams. Plannele, Table Linens, Toweling., Pronting Linens. The cheapest Cloths end Catslineres in the city. Trimming* lose than half the none) prices. teat quality Kid Cloves at tng cents, at Afobf.Rol , B, JeS.fww y No. U South NINTH Street. DOMES' 10,150 00 1,060 00 426 00 64,410 07 2,5L4 94 10,801 2,1 $248,112 u TIC DRY GOODS.— MAO STARR, .Th., No. 123 CHESTNUT Street, Iltui It, store the following desirable goods, which be offers to the trade on the most (storable terms: 1300 bales /Igbt and medlara Bbeetlags and 8104148 1000 caseatoadied I( 800 bladder and Steam Palate. . . . . 300 packagea Nagle Medal and Conestoga Ticklugs. 100 was plaid sad striped ponsburgs, Denilae , Osn ton Plannell, ko. Also, Doeskin Cans'mares, Cambric!, and goods gene rally adapted to the clothing trade. ja.%.3m re A YADER E WOOLLEN SKIRTS.— SHARPLESS BROTHEM have received English Skirtinge,bright enigma in Bayadere, an article much used in England. ja2o CHESTNUT aad EIGHTH Streets, SPRING. GOODS-1868 PRINTS W . BPRAGIIWILI, in large assortment, of sosiettor styles and quality ; also, Robert Rennie is,Rocklughism Co.'e, and other makes. BLEACHED AND DROWN COTTONS Lonsdale, Hope, Blackstone, York Premium, Cohen net, Cares 'River, Central, Willimantic, Johnston Oro too, 'Virginia Family, Mechanics' and Femora', Warren A. &e. Also, Ellatere and Shepard's Canton "impels; Brown and Bleached Drills; Jewett City Denims lrene Tick- Inge Alabama , Alabama, Carolina, and Keystone S t ripes; Lone dale 'Nankeens and Sllellas ; Corset Jeans; Oambrlee; Checks; Pantaloon Stuffs, &c. &o. eireentleld and Terry's Black Doeskin Cush:Loren ; Clapham and Porneroy , n Cotton Warp Moths; Btearne , Union Oafisimeree, printed and plain, In great variety; Minot, Mineral Spring and other deldrable styles of Se tinatts. Also a good aaeorunent of Black and Mixed Caaah neret,Kentucky Jeans, and Plaid Unsays, Pon 8/1.11 DT TRH PACCAOB. A LIBBRALDISCOUXT KAD6 500 /MORI PAPER. CLOAKS._ CHEAP AND ELEGANT °LOANS. The tergest end handsome et stock at VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAEIS . In the City, AT taltolso2o PRIM, A? CEO. FRYER'S, No. OM 011EBTNIIT STREET. eit,- 11Q)EMOVAL.-TEE tIIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY have removed their Wilco to No. 416 WALNUT Street, in the Schuyl kill Navigation Company's Ruiidiog. Je2o-1m REMOVAL.- SMITH; WILLIAM'S, 4. CO., DRY GOODS JOBBERS, R/VR RICUOVICD TO IRS SPLENDID IRON•PRONT STORE, No. 613 DIARRET STREET, ABOVE FIFTH, PEILADILPIRA, Where, with their facilities for accommodating the Trade vastly thereased, they feel themselves prepared to offer inducements to Merck:mho anearpaseed by ANY 001113 VI2ABLIIIIINYNI 17 7313 00117132. Jal6-4mos•if REMOVAL.--CRITTENDEN's PHILA iL DF.LPIIIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Ii RE MOVED to the northeast corner of SEVERED and CHESTNUT Streets, The whole building in occupied, and fitted up In s style eurpaaaing anything of the kind in this country. Thorough preparation for the counting-house, Individual instruotion from competent and attentire Teacher., tender the Immediate eye of the Principal. Open day and evening One of the Beet Penmen In the Country hen charts of the Writing Department. Phnom ealland sea Bpacimens and pit a Oatalogne at Terms, &e, jala-y WAIOVAL.- O. PAWCHTT , HAIR CUTTER AND IVICIF MAXIM, Ilas removed to 1020 OBLESTNUT street, (our doors be low EILEYNNTIL je2-41 d raIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR 1..11 ANON OOMPANY, PIIILADELPILIA-OMs., No. £lO2 WALNUT street, welt of THIRD. "11N.11 ItISKS ONLY TARIM." DlSlOuratt. Toe! Jones, Geo. W. Woodward, Wm. Al.Bwa4O, H. N. Burroughs, Jain Aneparh, Jr. Thos , Craren, Joseph Klapp M.D., A. S. Oalett, John McClure, Jos. Walker, J. B. Aughes, O. D. Shoemaker, W. S. Boyd, N. It. Ooggshall, Wm O. Badman, John W. Olaghora, - frauds Peters. lion. JOEL JONES, President. A. B. GILLETT, Vice President, Jct. B. MoStutamr, Secretary and Treasurer Jane B. Al.toan.Aealstant Secretary. Jar-gut-It J. 1.. YENIMORE, Annie taut Cashier q.entlemeteo Surniehing et cobs. INE SHIRTS, made to order, and war meted, of elegant =Maria end superior work matteltip. Alia s Gress Stocks and Gentlemen'e Wrap pers, at the Premium Store of W. W. KNIGHT, 012 AllOll Street, above Birth. ro2l-y WRAPPERS! WRAPPERS WRAP mis!—A very large and elegant assortment at reduced prices. Also, heavy underclothing of ail de. eerlptior s, for gentlemen's wear, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, 612,,AR0U Street, above Stith. WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE -111111113 PURNIEMING STORE, and PATENT aIIOtILDNIt BEAM 881STAIANURACTORY, No. TOO 011ESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphio. The attention or Southern and Wooten Merchants, and Strangers, to particularly Invited to this improvod cut of Shirts, Moment petted fitting artlelamade. • At whole. Mae and tate', and mode to order. auSailf de3l dtu S. WIIELEN & CO., No. 809 WAL • NUT street, above Third. Government, Btate, Railroad, and Bank Stock's soil Lonna bought and sold on commission in this city New York, or Boston. Particular attention given to the safe Investment of money, and the negotiation of secu rities. jalt-rp wfmlus LANCASTER'S' KID-GLOVE CLEAN- Eli —Prepared solely by THOS LANCIAbTED, Manufacturing Chemist, N. E. corner of ELEVENTH and WALNUT Streets. The attention of Opera•goore Is especially invited to tile invaluable preparation The sbabblest and most worthless Gloves mey be restored, by the application of Lancaster s e preparation, to their onginel color, soft ness, and brilliancy. In an economical point oeviesr, ladies and gentlemen can do no better than purchase a quantity of this excellent preparation. One bottle will restore 100 pain of Gloves. For sale by Druggists and Tory Stores throughout the city, ja2B-lu3 Wv enabo. - VrOOLLEII GOODS WELLING, COFFIN & CO., 116 CHESTNUT Street Ilemovals. Jitourance QT.ottipanne Oaks bg %satin. - BY SHAW •& BAILEY, AUCTIONEERS, No. 1023 MIX.H.Nr street, oboe* l'ent.tr stmt. BALI! Ot FOBIEITND CIGARS AND LIIIGARS, At the United States Appraisers' Eitoril, N R. corner of Front ems Lombard streets. On Thursday Morning, Bab 4th, at 11 o'clock will be old, at i c o blie sale, the following merchandise imported in Mary S. Milliken, from ()oedema, and forfeited for v lotion of revenue laws, consisting of : Forty-eight tenth boxes (4,800) cigars. One me (4,000) cigar,. Time barrels angst. rr:r Wiu be opus for examination early oo the morn ing of awls. ' ja2l 804.1-3-4 11)11SOOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (511CC6a. • soz to WOLIIIRT a BOOTT,)131 ournsurat ( 8 ) trIt• As °ultimo Room, between Youth yam OARI3.—We invite the attention of yardmen to the PeuaPt ol 7 sale of a large and valuable stock of furs, s sets. , Alm, sleigh and carriage robes. Also, an sesortnlent of staple and fancy geode. AIIO, one melodeon. To be held at the victims stare, this morning, com mencing at tOx o'clock CLOTHING. - --also, this monsieur, wilt be aorta oto, se sortoneot of pots' ready-wads clothing, calf-boots, &o. SALE OF IVits IN BETS, flLßltilf AND CAR RIAGE! ROBES. This Horning, Commencing at 10,t4 o'clock, will be Noll without re serve, a general assortment nt fnm, to setsfor WWI' and rams , wear weal...ding of sawn talusas,.sicto rho I r milradalderioo° , oat' , ko., of giver martin. er mine:etch, stone martin, &a. Also, gent's far eollare, fir gloves tar mum, ate, Also, 2 large-shed sleigh and canine roles . WOOL HOSIERY 000DS —Also, lamb's wool shirts and drawers, wool scarfs and grants, wool hoods, wool 'howls, hose and half hoots. • • • Also, as suortment of st:3le and fancy goods licrdby the atter:Ma of purchasers. sale. Samples and catalogue early oa the morning or fiSORGE W. SMITH, AIIOTIO.NEER ‘.l l l N. IL conies of BARSON oad BOVIS Strooto oboTo etoooot. VINING SA BA ESSAY SATURDA UL Y MINING, MIJ o'clock, st the Auction Mors, of BIZ4IIIIIII, Cot leer, Ronsekeoping Articled, Clothing, Wetchee, Jewel; 17, Macy Article*, ite. By ALFRED K. RERKNESS, PHILADBLPIIIA. . HORSE AND CABAL/GB BAZAAR, southeast corner of Ninth and Georgefits., between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Ety• Bales of hones, carriages and er' regularly every BATLIBDAY ..„0-111111otit the year, commencing at 10 o'clock. irr The largest collection of novel carriages, harneu, saddles, Ito., in "The 'city, may be seen at this eatablishment for private Nu.. gCarriages received on starer. Out-deor Sabi attended to on reasonable terms. 11011.888, YKIIIOLES, AND HARNESS. On Saturday Horning, At 10 o'clock, at the Bazaar, will be sold, horses, vehicles, and harness. . IP NESS, E •& CO., No. 222 and 224 letaiLlT Strut Jal-y 2llnuattntnts. A MEEICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— R. A. MARSHALL Sole Lessee. FOURTH REGULAR NIGHT. WEDNESDAY IeVENIND, January 27th, ISSS. Find appearance of the greatest living Ramo, CARL FORMES. In the popular German Opera In four tag, of ma. r Expressly composed by Fiotow for Carl Formes. On the same occlusion MADAME DE LA GRANGE Will make lo Philadelphia DER FIRST AND ONLY APPEARANCE In German Opera, aa Martha, one of her most brlliant parte, In which she has crested an extraordinary wenn tion in sit the mat Opera Mouses of Germany. The other roles by MADAME YON HEMEL PIANESER The Opera will be conducted by • CARL ANBOIIIITZ, To-morrow, TillatfiDAY, first Day Performance, at 3x o'clock. Admission 00 emits to all pate. First appearance In Philadelphia of Madame OARADOBI as NORMA. Madame SIEDENBIJAG as Adalgisa, Big. BIGNARDI, the new Tenor, as Polllone, Ant GAMIER, as Ororeeo. The day performance commences at 3X and concludes at foX o'clock. OA YRITIAN, fifth night, that appearance of MINOR TIIIERINI IN I PVIUTANI. EttIOAN ACADEMY Olt MUSIC Corner of Broad and Locust Streets. X A. Marshall, Sole Lessee. Tomorrow, THURSDAY afternoon, at 8X o'clock, FIRST DAY PERFORMANCE. ((OPERA 11A.TINEE.) FIFTY CENTS TO ALL PARTS, Including the Pat qciet, Parquet Circle, Baleen:, and Oirole. (The Amphitheatre will be °lewd.) There will be only one general entrance on Broad Street. The house will be darkened, and the Opera will be given in full natures, and in exactly tam lams way, and with the same completeneem, as am evening perform ance. Only performance of Bel'inn' Opera of NORMA, With a great cant, First appearance in Philadolphls of . MAD. SABAD9Itt: A 8 NOM!, Mad, SIIIDENBURG se Adalglea, Blif ,BIpNAITI, the new Tenor, le Polllone ; and GASSIER ma Oroieso. PA0TW0L.1.4112Q03132 to the Ladies to bay their tick ets previous to the opening or the doors, to prevent crowding at the Ticket Maces. They may be had TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW, At the Box Once of the Academy, and at Lee & Walker's. Mr There will be no Reserved Beata. Viriteri can select their own seats on entering the Academy. - MANNERCHOR MUSICAL SOCIETY'S ELEVENTH ANNUAL GRAND FANGY DRESS BALL —The Society respectfully Worm Their Meats and the public that their AtlnUll 111.0 et Drees Ball wit be given on TUESDAY EVENING. February 35, ISM, in the Upper and Lower iltlootte of the new National Building, Discs street, below Sixth. Io oPusequence of the complete arrangements of this splendid building, they will be able to make this Rater tainment a superior one in all respect•, and can promise the part cipants en evening of unalloyed enjoyment. The Bali will be preceded by the performance of favorite scenes from Aaber's Opera of efassaniello, by the mem bers tithe iloclety-Zeader, Prof. Pa. Rona. Two fml and efficient o.chestras, ureter direction of the Messrs. Hesston, are engaged. Tirketa g 2, by subscription, can be obtained of the ISANAelltfl . . . Prof P M Wollsleffer, S Schloss, 0 Liebrieoh, Prot II Thorbeet, 3 Steiner, Peter Itichlrige, A Getty, 0 Sell:mil*, Cot M a Mackie Schlremmer, A U Itosenheim, 0 Motlach, L Herbert, Jos Grimm, 8 Von Duels, 0 A Thudlum, Schullerman, 0 Wolf!, Geo Dufour, II 0 Camp, LI Vigo, J P Steiner, Dr 0 Hering, P 0 Schmidt. J . Eat orsperger, 0 Sethi, Chas Dummfg, P Batt[. O Vetterioln, G Vollmer, Dr 2 N Jones G Grossman, 11 Weeendonli, C Beckett, Dr G Soldenstieker, M Bening, Prof Roue ' . A Aelnsiine, L Banked, Joe Neff, Col Fitzgerald, ti eo Grebe}, J Pfaff, Paul Weber, W saelbiszt, Ulrich Lindentieyer, A Dater", Fr itteeb, 11 Vollmer, Chas)loore, Y Thrm. 'dark Hauler, " 0 Lindner Jos Drexel, Prondartin, St the Members of the 003114ITTEZ T P Perech, A Idergenthalee, Ph Kam DoOfin p e er, Albert Rosenthal, , T Erording. 31 Reiser, Otto linirsch. Ph 0 Rented, Performance to commence et 8 o'clock. One. half of the net proceeds silt (in consequence of the sufferingc among our fellow.citisens) be donated to the various poor funds. Carriage' will let down heade 'Veit, and take op heads Rest. jaa2l-feb3 IWIUSIOAL FUND HALL.--SATURDAY, .11.2. January 30. lir. FRAZER will give A GRAND CONCERT, Assist.d by the following distinguished artistes Miful CAROLINE RICIIINGS, (by permission of Mn.s D. P. powered Mrs. G. SHEPPARD, Mr. ROHR, Mr. A. R. TAYLOR, Mr CHARLES JARVIS, Mr. J. R. FAIRLAID3 Tickets FIFTY CENTS, at the principal mule stores and of Mr. Flacks, 409 South Eighteenth it. ja27—lt WILEATLEY's ARCH n. THEATRE --VOLZ tassr.z. W. WITSATLZY WEDNESDAY EVENING, January 27th, 11358, Will be performed the near Drama, in • Prologue and flee attar, entitled FRAUD AND ITS VIUTISIS. or, THE POOR OF Pill- ianaidsia, James Seaborne, Mr X L Davenport; Ilarry Holdhat, Mr Wheatley Count de Valmont, Mr Dolman; Agnes Seaborne, Mn I L Davenport; Jntia Hogrestone, Wee Hums Taylor. The erening'e entertainments will commence with the aloe-splittlng eccentric Comedy, entitled THE HYPOCRITE. Bosco or Patcss.—Bozes, 26 cents; Secured Seats, DI cents ; Orchestra fitalls, 50 cents; Seats In Private Boxes, 75 cents (lottery, 18 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cen t s; Priests Doi in Goner) for Colored Persons, 38 cents Box Office open from 10 A. 51. until BP. 11. Doors will open at ON o'clock; performance to eetomeece 7, precisely. JATIONAL CIRCUS AND THEATRE. 1 WALNUT Street, above Eighth. GRAND 0031DINATION OP TIIR DIRECTS AND DRA MA TIO COMPANIES. WEDNESDAY EVENING, January 27th THE SWAMP FOX A PERFECT TRIOMYII - . . . Third night or THE SWAMP FOX; or ; MARION AND UlB MEN, the great national equestrian drama. Gen Marlon,h rßJohnson; Bdl, Wealey Demote ; Jasper, W It Derr; lire Mott, Mre Le Brun •, Mre Hum phries, Mre Wilson ; Della Hompluies, Mre Prue ; Kate Walters. Mrs Butler. With • BRILLIANT EQUESTRIAN TROUPE. MR. R. JOHNSTON, Mr. SAMUEL SIIARPLEY. SPORTS OF TILE HIPPODROME, GYMNASTICS and DARING HORSEMANSHIP. Pawns or It➢YIBUION-2S Cents to lint Tier; 15 Cents to Second Tier. A SERIES OF THREE GRAND CON— CERTS will be given at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, To aid In the founding of a new Hospital. The following eminent talent has been engaged : ilflas FANNIE HERON, Idles AGNES HERON Mr F. RUDOLPUSEN, A complete tud. powerful Orchestra, under direction of DR. L. MEIGNEN. Pianiat Prof. 31. H. CROSS. The FIRST CONCERT will be given ou THURSDAY EVENING. January 26th, to commence at 7,4 o'clock. Deere open at T. Single Dakota, fifty cents ,• family tickets, odmittiug three, one dollar—to be had at the musk Morea of Lee dr. Walker and Deck da Lawton. and at tho door. jao2stf SANFORD's OPERA ROUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. ETHIOPIAN PERFORMANCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by &Ilford's Troupe of SERENADERS. To conclude with SEVEN AGES OF WOMAN Burlesqued In character by DAN GARDNER, who wlt personate Ten Distinct Characters. Doors open at T o'clock—to commence at half.pm SOWS, Admittance 25 cents. Sot Oak anb Ma Ed. 'UOR SALE, AT A BARGAIN, AS TIIE As proprietor wishes to go West, the GOOD-WILL, FIGUR, and FIXTURES or a PAPER-HANGING and WINDOW SIIADO STORE, situated In b nourishing country town within twenty-five miles or Philadelphia, and rising a good business. Address J. U., Blood's Dis patch. ja2O-2tia DESIRDESIRABLE OFFICES at 620 WALNUT ABLE St., opposite the State House; one of the best business locations ~n Philadelphia, with heat, light, and all modern convenience's. Apply on the premises, BOOM No. 8, to Q. W. J. BALL, Agent, aoZd Odes tra THOMAS & BONS, LTA.. Noe. ISO ana lO 80Pirri POVITH nun, • (tormerly Noe. IT mi QC) Fula* Ref at the %Vimlelpide it=impr rmf Traldl iendtrW ss . of =eh moped, Ward' =Rot to which we Wadi cm the lletent to each male ens thouund rataletmee in knee, Riving full descriptions all the y he sold en the folloaNeserl of ay. RAL.I66 AT TIM to AMITION Rat every Shunts:7 RILL =ran 7. MOTS BALE. We have a We amount of Baal Estate at lacludlng entry description of Oity and =ell= *pantry property. Pnnted Lute may be bad as the Mum. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. Real Estate entered on our ?drain Sale St and adrertised occeeionally la our Public Sale leered*, of which 1,000 copies ere printed weekly,/ tree of dunce. PEREMPTORY SALE.--SUPERIOR TARN.—Aar sale 16th February AIR iuclede a Imp and superior farm, about In acres:With Sol improvemente, Rucks county, Pa. Pall minim:dam ready in handbills. 117' Sale absolute, without reserve or limitation. REAL ESTATE BALE-1281111ABY ad. Orphans' Court Sell.-. Retail of Philip Cain, Diced TWO LOTS .— One on th e Chestnut Rill Railroad and Wilson Oren., Twenty-second ward, end the other en Fillmore street, Twenty-third ward gate Ifrankhed) PEREMPTORY sALB.—V.ALIIABLE LOT, MT TENHOURE 13QUARE.—The =Lashio let, emitheent Corner Eighteenth and Rittenhouse streets, below Lo cust street, nearly opposite Rittenhouse =re, 63 fest on Eighteenth duos, 113 feet on Ai Menet, tale eholate. AN IRREDEEMABLE OROUND.I.ENT OP 1110 A YEAR—WeII secured by two bride dwellinem. deep:wee Peremptory Bale: COUNTRY SEAT.—. 62 &OM and TI perches, eau' diens field, Delaware county, Pa. migassa , Peremptory Sale. Germantown. VALUABLE LOT —Weehlegton and Chew streote, HEAL ESTATE TALE-17BBITAB.T lid. This Isle will include— Sxmarter's Sale.—Estate of Dr. Wm. Pettit, Deed. VALCABLI PROPIRTY, BE Vlt HLY, _ll. J.— 103 urn, with extensive front on the river Dell l / 1 11., Camden "a Amboy Railroad, Mt. Holly terrpika, sa d winos streets. It is a way valuable property, being near to the steamboat terry and railroad deport. Er You particulars in sad plans. Tema only one-fourth caah it BALE OF SIIPP.RIOD YOILNITtfitS, ILSIDANT P/A.NO.POSTE, &a. CARD.—The attention of isdies e and others desirous of purchasing, - la requested to onr We at the auction atom, to-morrow neening comprising, besides 000 lots of second-hand inrniture, a n elegentrosewoodidenc-Certe, One Brussels, ingrain, Imperial and vomitus carpets, large end splendid neo t--ter carpet, fine admire and engravings framed, superior book-mass and odic* diets, Canton-china dinner set, plated and glasevare, beds end bedding, Ac., forming a very attractive sale. 13". Catalogues now ready, and the articles arranged for examination. Sale Na. 131 and 141 South Fourth Monet. SUPERIOR PHRNITURS_ KIREOMS, rum lolo.lB, BRUS SELS On.SP2III, A.. On Thursday Meowing, At 10 o'clock, at th e auction Metre, an Gateman assortment of second-hand tarzitere, =knit; carpets, Ac. from families declining housekeeping. ROSEWOOD PIANO-PORTE.—AIso, an elegant rose wood plano.krte, made by Conrad Meyer, tine carpets, Canton dinner set, superior edam deists, lemheases,i&c. Sale at No. 186 South Sixth street. HOLIISHOLD lIIHNITUES. On lhiday Morning, Mb instant, at 10 o'clock, at No. US Son* Sixth street, above Walnut street, the household fonnitenr, carpets, china and gleam/are, beds, inatistmes,'bedding, An., also, the kitchen furniture and la:emits. o'cl 1.17* May be examined on the morning of age at ti ock. SALE OP THEOLOGICAL ROOKS. On Pride) , Evening, Jan. Ea, at the auction dote, will be sad a eullection of valuable theological verb. 1D Par particulars see catalogues. Peremptory Sale on the prendies—treh street. ELEGANT RESIDENCE AND PURNITT/RE. On 'Wednesday Morning, February 54, at 12 o'clock, will be sold, without re serve, the ELEGANT RESIDENCE, No. 1025 Arch street. between Tenth and Eleventh streets—lot itf. feet front, 175 feet deep to Academy street. It is Inhaled throughout in the most el* t modem style. ELEGANT PURNI , PIANO.POATE, LARGE MIRRORS, CURTAINS. SPLENDID CARPETS, de.— Immediately after the sale of the house, will a* gold the elegant household furniture, Comprising Axe piano forte, elegant rosewood and otin damask furniture, mad* by Moore and Campine, handsome certain', a/s -sant carpets, large mantel and pier mirrors, vases, ke ho. Sale of the whole absolute. 115 c. Yell particulars in handbills aed catalogue.. PARLEY' , AT PRIVATE SALE. The elegant country seat and term, known as Far ley," teethe residence of Richard Pimseriolisteased, formerly of Dr. Shippen, M offered at private sale. lull descripOoes rosy be had at the auction MOM. OXIIRLEIN TAMS A. FRBE.NAN, AINCIIONSFA, ey NO. 4 wall.= STEM? .boys Myra. oAND-BALM Or nOulicaoLD imulrlTklß-Ttra3. in- We beg leave to lan; the public not wit Loll our molar weekly sales of Surnitoro every Tuaday, at our SPACIOUS SALES ROOll, NO. US WALNUT STREET, where areryposeible attention is given to ob. tain the highest prioes for the gnats of thud who may favor us with eOnsignmenta. pamiliesharingportions et their furniture to dispose at, or Woe declining hews keeping and not whiting salsa at their own d inn lure their furniture CANEXULLY ItiblifOra s n OUR SALES BOON, WICEEN TEM MU. MALIAN BETTER PRICES TOR THEIR IPUJIMITURN THAN TIM CIAN OBTAIN ISOM AST OP Itiala WEN/. TITRE DEALEES OR ANT OTHISAUONION EVES IN THE CITY. Err Persons firoxim na with eonatirsasenta ea& net Nimrod thatthetr property will not le mortfuted. 10^ Commissions more moderate then those dragon by say other Auction Mom in the My. in Conelgaments t.e k aettolly macho& Ir Wes WA ticonettstele Mtn Um goods in ent4. Tb 3 Evvoia:, Jan. RI, at 7 o'clock, st the Philedelphisleseheace, prorlosa to the male of reel estate, will be sold-- 2 stones stock Host blurb& Cemetery Co. 1 do do - Philadelphia Athenaeums _ REAL 1:87.4.T1e RTZ.NTAff This sal* at the Tunings. on Wednesday stoning, 27th Jeanary,lB.s4l, T o'aftelc, will Inelnits— Ongtaws , Court Bals—lstate of Marry lintholl, Ono eldew, doe'd. TW0.510113 DlllOB HOME AND LOT, 'MOH A two-story brick bonze and lot. east aids of TIMM street Southwark, 13 feet front, 63 feat deep. l Allos (sterling) ground rent. Orpheus , Mort Eds—Estate of Lyda Thompson dada, PROPERTY, ITARMOAY STREIT LATY skArta. A lot of ground, with the tro•etory brfek house thereon erected, north side of Harman? shuet, IS feet from /earth street, Southwark,ls feet front, 5 feet deep. an ground rent. Mr. 1.50 to be paid onaach of the above whoa the urea Is struck off. REAL ESTATE BALE--FEBEttAIVI 34, 111611 Tide tale will be held at the Exchange on Wean/0W evening, February 3d,1868, at 7 o'clock, and will in clude-- Orpluitie Court Bale—Mate of Wm. B. Dulles, deed. MUCK HOURS AND LOT, CHESTNUT 811.111 T, TWENTY-YDURTH WARD. A two-story brick house . and lot ofground, south side of Chestnut Oran, TN feet westward of TM street, to the Twenty-fourth ward of the city, 26 feet front and 220 feet deep to George street. Clear of Wantkende. E6O to be paid when etraek or. REAL ESTATE HALE-7/fRECAST 10th. This sale at the Exchange, on Wednesday .•aeia`, February 10th, at 7' o'clock, will inclode— Orphans' Court Bale—Kande of Thomas Rookies, TWO-STORY BRICK 1101188, 11. W. OORNIR A TRRIITON AND MARRIOTT 3TRYSTI3.—A Tsro story brick boa" and lot of growled, !southwest =rum of Atherton and kfarriott streets, 20 feet oaj Atitertau street, and 15 feet on tlarriett`e lan*. A, drit-obras Printing alias, with - si - good ran at ban anas, tour printing presses, two Eugene and on* Minna Type cod ereryWag asemeary for the tereineta. APPI7 at the Auction Btore. _ . MMFIMWITIII - V*ll'l-I,toiMrMtM Two qrst-elaes grand-rents, $6O per crown sad Co. of $7& per aranim, well secured lord pcosetially paid, will be sold at 20 per cent. discount. MOSES NATHAN 3, AITOTIONEET AND COMMISSION 311.1109 ANT, 8. 3, edema SIXTH and RAON Streets. AT PRIVATE BALE—GoId and silver -patent lever, Lepine, English, Swiss, and French watches, jewehy, of every description, musical instruments, AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second door, household furniture, of every description, beds, nut Vessel!, carpeting, looking glossae, fancy *Aided!, de., ke., ite. out-door sales attended to personally by the .knotlon ter. Charges very low. Consignments of tarnitari clothing, jewelry, Ace. , , solicited. MONLY ADVANCED. Liberal cub advances made on diamonds, watches, jewelry, allver.plate, dry goods, clothing, growl's, ereeare, cutlery, Koss. musical iratilltne/Ma, fowl log pieces, furniture. bedding, horse'', vehicles, bar nem, and on all articles of value. NOTIOE.—AIt goods forfeited at Nathan' establish meat, 8. D. corner of iiixth and Bane almost*, will be sold on Tuesday morning 24 rehmary, at 10 o'clock, pulses depositors call prior thereto and pay charga4 on the same. NATHAN'S' GILZAT SALE Of 70.81/EITID GOODS will take plane On Tneeday Morning . Yeb. 2.1, at 10 o'clock, at Moen Nathan* , auction house, southeast corner of Birth and Bass streets. It will embrace the largest assortment of forfeited coils tents aver offered at pub' o suction, eonsiming in part of every variety of dry goods tine Irish linen, fancy shirting', muslin*, ladies , fine Erni& wetted toners, undersleeves, bonnie, veil., baude, handsome new ahirte, gloves, neck Um, silk, linen, and cambric. Uhl% neckerchiefs, spool cotton, ribbons, broclie, silk, wool len, plaid, merino, white crape and stalls shawls, 'la tent silk-velvet cloeks, silk-velvet skirts, elegant silk drestes and dress patterns. silk skirts, rich silk end Bann mantillas hamuss, and circulars, cloth circulars, lace mantillas arid shawls, *turfs, cashmere, merino, de. lane, debege, alpaca, Preach chants and other dresses and dress patterns, ladies under clothing, and children's gaiters, boots, and shoes, victories, and muffteee, travelling trunks, superior overcoats, dress and frock coats+, business coats, raglans cloth and caul- Mere pantaloons, velvet, satin, silk, 'ralencia Moth, and other teen, summer clothing, drawers, und;rehirta, linen and muslin shirts, bouts, shoes, dee unsbrellaso prosola, several One Ingrain carpets, fine featherbeds, bolsters and pillows, guilts!, comfort/IMP, spreads, cur tains, blanket,, Wye, knives and forte , linen table clothe, cloth table covers, Betimes, acoordeons, thrift, and numerous other articles of clothing. &c, &o. WATCRF.S, JEWELRY, RIVER-WARE, it. A large assortment of watches, diamonds, jewelry, silver-ware, &c , F.C. Yorther partitnlare hereafter. AT PRIVATE BALE, AT HALT TER USITAL BELLING PRIORS —Doable-bottomed and hunting ease gold patent layer watches, of the moat ap proved makes; hunting MO and open face gold maw znent lever and 'spine watches, fall jewehed • due gold enameled lever and !opine ,watches for lallies , ; gold jewelry of every description; silver lever and lepton watches, in bunting eases and open face; silver English, Swim, and Trench watches; a general asortment of tar. Mare, beds, mettresses, mirror. &a. OUT-POOR SALES SOLICITED, =damps to oat the times, Consignments of every description of goods sollotted for public or private sale. AIONSY ADVA2IO3I) on all and every kind of goods, for public or private ale, or to be bold for a limited time. Charge. low. AMUEL NATEANS, AUOTI O .NgSI3, a. 3 mod HONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 eolith THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st., only eight doors below the ltzettange. Hours of business from I o'oloelt, A. 11., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door sale., mu d salsa at the Auction House, at tended upon the moat estisfectoq• tonna CAPITAL 5700 000. sitsamihedfer As hurt Thirty rims. /Ulnae*a made from one dollar to &omen& on Die moods, &Pro plats, Watches, 7aweh7, Hardware, Mir &mediae, Clothing,Enrnitore, Redding, Cigars, Muskat Instruments, Gnu, Horses, 051221.101, and Hoods of em. daseripliro. All goods eau main any length of tine sorsa upon. All 'drones', from one Modred dollars and upwards fill be charged 2 per cent. per month ; $OOO over, the lowed market rate. Thum Bon House haviag a depth of UV feet, has large fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pa ►ate watchmen for the premises ; also, a heavy hue Tante effected for the benefit of all poreux Laving goods advanced. upon N. B.—On account of luring an nonrated capital. this °loa is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating terms than nor other in Moneyadvanced to the poor, in mall eauxutta, 'with! out any charge. AT PHITATB BALI. Gold Patent Lever and other Watch-eh Jevehy, eat Clothing will be sold at Mooed Woes. 0.m14y COLLECTIONS Made on all necoulble points in tkitlhr:lEl4l4K it entiettetory rate. ,1n25-lm maul & 00,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers