rhee ,• .v.irty;.-trr,t; - m,s - : - Tee Lost f teTs. 7 •Tais • was the sabjegt of a }lecture recently delivered by Wendell Phillips, a report "of which we bad the pleasure of reading in Tat Pales. If thit celebrated downreaat lecturer were to come to thi 4 . of Brotherly Lore , ' just now, we might con. since him that the arts were at least not nil lost, or if eO,-thet :they had: again been found As a principal meansOf cojrecting the erroneous impression under Whickilibiactentillo gentlemen Is evidently laboring, —' we iheuidinviie hini to the rooms of Mr. A. S. Robin - ;Beni No, 010 Chestnut street, where There ere now or. ranged, for public sale, on Thursday of this week, two pihdred and fifty as handsome pastel and water. color drawidg,Mid oil paintings, as the most fastidious ad miter of art might wish to look upon. The public are invited to examine them previous to the dale. • Thus Ottruarr.—" If a ohii word or two will - render a man happy," said a French King, "he must be a welch - , Indeed, who will act give them to him. Such a disposition le like lighting another mares candle - by one's own, which loses none of its brilliancy by, whet the other gains. , So It is with good advice, and In this - spirit 110 commend our friends to procure all their gar ments at the Brown Stone Clothing Nall of Itorkhill k Wilson, Nos. 6::Is and 605 Obestautstreet, aborenzth. PVIIIIC Fannie, scar St. .Fauf's Church, on Third street, furnish a sound bottle of claret or Sauterne, or other light Trench nine for twenty-five cants the half bottle; which is about the price et which you procure the mune_ article in Paris. Their eooklug, too, In pronounced qiilte as good as that of the • best restaurants in ", la belle _retry Freres aro, It le,,needleaa to add, doing a splendid business: _ SooEh6 !—This is thi3 - word which best expresses ' -tee euelitY' and style 'of the-vast stock of gentle . , men's wrappers . which - Messrs. R. C. Walborn & Co., Nos 'taunt? North Sixth street, have got up for the holidays. 'lf ladles. who desire to present gifte Of this kind to their friends of the masculine gender cannot be • culled at Walborn's, they can't begin to be suited any - where In town. - • osal OP THE Leon's !—Truly Evane'e -- Original Olft Hook Store, Chestnut, below Fifth, one of the lions of Philadelphia. It in, moreover, largely frequented, and by people in many cases who simply go to see the'crowds that are buying boots of all Ueda. It should be borne in mind that vans sells, alt the - latest works as low as they can be hot anywhere else hi town; and that with - every pUre'hese of a dollar end upwards a gift ii,"funilihed r wortli tram twenty•Sve —tents np . 'te one hundred dollars • of-P si•AGE:r-The PoetOrmeDepart mentbSi decided, that molter the present laws post. mutes aro not eompelled to receive cents in payment ter 011 bee Mateo or poitage stamps, nor from anyone person at any.one time more than thirty seats in throe • cbtetcotti. The Department has aleo doolded that the employees Amnia buy their clothing et the great Bazaar of; Clifton, Albright, & Co., Jaynela Hall, No. 627 Chestratt'alreet. THE MONEY MARKET. Paiwinnixtu,s, Dooember 14, 1857 The news by the Europa created a decidedly good feeling in the community today, the influemio of which, at the snick board, was rather exhibited in the improvement and stiffening of prices than in any very large transactions. City sixes sold at 831 ; new 901; Morris Canal, preferred, 931 ; Cam den and .Amboy bonds 70 ; 'Reading bonds 80; ,stook 281; Pennsylvania Railroad stock 381, and Pennsylvania Bank 108. - There appears to be much doubt iu the minds of the people as to the result of the resumption of specie payments in Now York upon business pros. poets. The interests of our city require that our banks should speedily follow suit, but we doubt if they will be able to do so very soon, clogged as thoy are with the country circulation, and we should not be surprised if they postponed the measure until the time fixed by the relief law. The Baltimore banks expanded quite freely after the suspension, and clan hardly be in a oondition to resume. An effort to do so on their part would bear with much sorority on the community there, and, they bare during all the crisis shown them solve indisposed to press their customers. The banks in Virginia will be still lees able to resume nt 91:50, but the sound banks everywhere will press Into line as fast as possible, and many weak and. Insolvent banks will be driven to the wall. IVe learn that the Mercantile Mutual Insuranee Company have executed a deed of trust to Messrs. Thomas, Tyson, Butcher, and John C. Keifer, for the benefit of the creditors of the company. This Institution has been in existence for eight years, end by prudent management and fair dealing had secured a large share of the confidenee of the community. ;We are informed that the company has not only lost severely by marine disasters, but has suffered very heavily in the non-payment of notes received for premiums, and the directors and officers, unwilling to'issue petioles the security of whioh hatillecome doubtful, have deoided to wind up Its affairs. The last New Orleans bank statement is as fol lows : • , Nov. 28, : Dec. 6. Specie 29,037,032 1.8,600,1'.:4 Lao $463,062 Ofreahalos.. ...... 4,128,374 4,121,304 Dee. 7,070 Deposits 10,021,443 9,838,073 Dec. 183.370 Short Loans 15,637,089 15,105,730 Dec. 931,953 Exchange 3.029,909 8,243,693 Inc. 213.9e6 Doe distant Banks. 605,019 818,199 Inc. 268,180 Long and Short Loans, November 28 817,961,194 Long nod Short Loans, December 6 17,768,118 Actual docrepoe of Long and abort Loans for tbe' week - • E 91,816 PKILADELIIIIA STOOK EXCHANGE SALES, December 14, MT. , Reported ly R. Manly, Jr., Stock Broker, No 801 Tratnut street. FIRST BOARD 400 Routing R6B 43. ,80 1 1000 O&Am R 6 63...70 100 Oity 65 0& P 1 20&Am It b5w0..98 1400 ,do new_ 0&P..90447-Pone R cash 88) 300 do C & P.... 0334 1 1 do do ag WO do c'h 0 & 25 do do 383 i 1000 do do 63x 500 N Granada x 1:00 I'n Canal be 36 6 Lehigh 5Cr1p,....34 BETWEEN BOARDS Ica Pelt l'av 61182 0'12.02 I 100 Read Rco , 46,V ' ' EBOOND BOARD. 1000 N' Nana R ea.... 53 1 9 Poona R .113 g 4000 do de... „.53 i 5C & Ani R bswn.. 98 1009 2411rn R 8 86X 10 Read R 20x 1000 Clataw R Is 41 100 L Island R 0 2000 do b5wn...41 100 do do .„... 9 1000 do d 0... .41 50 do do ' 0 100 C'T Gaa 66 CI& in. 63 X 50 do do OS 1000 Read R6a 66 65 50 do do 0,6' 2000 Phil & S Itflelmtoo 100 do b 5 ~.. 9M 2000 MI R6eo & P —B3 X•10Bk or Pentia 10x 10 Morris Cane ptd.93.y 10 do do 10,v 2 do do' Pa X 1 2 Par & Meat 8k..52 25• Penna 13 ' 88}(I 8 Qtrard' Ilk 9 OLOSING DB.IOI3E—STEADY. Asked. ge NB6 , 82 prof lt3X 17 Wpm , t 12x do ist mdrt7 , 4 89X 70 do 2dm 49X bOX Long Island ... • 91( 9X Vicksburg 0 7X Girard Bank 8X 9X Lekigb 'Line „si 1 Union Cana1.....2 4 New Creek 3i X 003 , 11116911 P. 71.. 0 0x 13id' 13 8 es 98 109 Pbils s'e Int off .831 i 84 0 11R.831; 84 "N8w.60 91 Pet:nay!' 6'e....64,1‘ 05 IlestAlng It 2614 2014 de Beads 1 7074), 76 do Met 64 , 4F.61 86 Penes RR • VIX 38,1( Morrie Veal Oon 14 47 Reba .1i 62. stock—. 10 • 11 'Marine littelligencv. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 13, VW. D 1011 WATER, 7 26--sus BETS •1 85 12 IP) JLERIVEP Baron Bello, Ityderyts flays from Boston, with mdse to J Twells. Dr brig Martha J'ane, Corbett, lb days from Comsat, lie, NS, with potatoes to 1G A louder ft. Co. Bohr , Ltanilet, Crowell, 6 days from Providence, with mdse to John Kennedy do Co. - _Schr Black Dish, Hotchkiss, S 8 days from Menial, with fruit, itc. to least Immo do Co. Behr Jab L Lreverin, Pearceil day from Dover, Del, with rant to Pie Barrett fe Son. . . Behr Delaware; Denby, 1 day from Bwyrna, Del, with eats to Jae Barrett Sr. Son• Behr Sarah Warren, Bettie, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with wheat- to Jae Barrett & Bon. Schr Triad, Daily, 8 days from Jutport, with =dee to LA Bonder St Co. - Bohr TOollessoB, 'Wooster, Bdays from Eastport, with mites to E A Solider & Co. Fohr Z A Enloe, Eadisr, 8 days from Eastport, with !oleo to E A Bonder & Co. Behr Mum Rickards, I,day from Camden, Del, with . wheat and oata to Bewley, Wilson & Co. -Behr harp Gray, Calll,l day from Smyrna, Del, with Ors la Bevrti3y, Wilson & Co, -Ecbr 'Vandal's, Ocropor 1 day from Smyrna, with grain . to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Behr A 0 Oray, Eelly,l day from Smyrna, with grain to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Allegheny Perpy, 1 day from Bleak Bird, with wheat to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Behr .1 Goodspeed Wilber,A days from Norwich, in bath* to Morris - 8c - 31tirrof • tishr Chief, Champlin, a dills from, Norwich, in hal set hi Morris & Nutty. • Bohr Richard Borden, Arnold, 4 days from Yell River, with olddron toCabeen ht Co , Bar A l Aldridge, Batsman, 3 dart from Now BC& Hord , with all to /limber, Bunting Co. Behr If Dolphlaa, !dates, 21days from Calais, with laths, &e. to 31 Tromp & Bon. Behr SP Cake, Endicott, 3 days from New York, with old iron to N Rowland & Co. Solir 11 Plower, Ilaynor, 4,days from New York, with barley to eliptain. Schr I 11 Pickup, Pickup, 1 days from New York, with salt thltoillnan k Co. - &ht. 1) 3 Stetson, Cobb, 6 days from Provineotown, with mdse to G A Wood. ileht Cerro Gordo, Irons, 3 days front. Suffolk, Va, with ohloglot to captain. Behr 0 id Neal, Henderson, a days from New York, In ballast to cantata. Schr Mountain Avenue, Greenfield, 3 days from New burg, with iron to A Whitney & Son. BM: Bodine, Risley, 3 days from .New York, with rods* to D 3 Stetson & Co. Schr E W Perry, Samson, 10 days from St Marys, Ga, with lumber to captain. Eichr Larnartine, Johnson, 3 days from New York, with mdse to captain. Bohr Isabella, Denny,2 days from Baltimore, with wheat to Itobemn Loa. Stearu.tug America, Virden, 8 hours from Delaware Breakwater, without a tow Reports the brig Fairy, from Pernambuco. at the Breakwater, welting orders. Passed the ship Grey Eagle, for City Point, below De lawaro City, going down, and brig Henry Leeds, from an Eastern port, off 'Wilmington Creels, upward bound. „ Eteamship Delaware, Copes, York, Allderdiee. Brig P Lacoste, French, T aided de Cuba, B Norris Wain & Co. Behr( DI Robertson, Morrow, Bermuda, F Pet:llBton. Behr.° Neal, Ilenderson, New Bedford, Noble, Ritantett Li Caldwell. -Mr.:Goodspeed, Wilber, Norwich, Morrie & gurray. Bahr Chlet, Champlin, do do Behr Emma Amelia, 'larding, Boston, D Cooper. Behr B C Beat:ter, Carlisle, Key West, Rape & God halt. - - - Etr Ann Eliza, Robinson, New York, W 3tßaird & Co. -Dreamer farmer, tler, Balttmore, A Groves, Ji. Bit A lirovee,dr, Poynter, -do do - - • (gerreepondenee of the Philadelphia Eaehavge,) • • - - torts. Del.. Dee. 32.11 AE. W A Weft; pilot, landed this nsornieg, and reports that the bilg New •Bra s lor Olentuegoai and Jahr atillnell 't 1, 41- - -Ashiileadi for :Relies, with sereral -SOlitere, went to , set last evening, The brig- 0 R Rogers end sereral LhOlohooners are now going up. Three brigs and ton tiebeotters swat the Breakwater. Wind NW. 4 -- WU. K. - 11101010. rill filk.goilind ~r11:4419441 of the Thilettelphts Exchange.) ,:- , .2: 4, 'Y''' ' z--- , - CIAPrISLAND, Dia 14, 4 40 - 't .. 4,- - kbutqUe - te xteie4ciing tu , but nothing itzt - elglat 1300 trititt,PWltid W. Weather moderate. • Yellre, /ci?:t . THOS. IL Lltrelin. Car Tguanurn TO TIM PRIEM] DORTON', Deo 14. Arrived,'briga J M Sigonne, from Dime lisktiem cobra Antelope and Monrovia, from Velem Lombard, from Matanzas. The brig Vernon, from Baltimore for Bangor, with' 1000 libbr flour, went aeboro ou Friday at Outtytinuk, and has bilged. Five hundred bble of the flour were saved and taken to llolmee Dole. Her rudder is gone, and the cargo is badly damaged. She will probably be got off If the fair weather continftea bI.IIIdOItANDA. Steamship 11 11 Beath; Ramsay, at New York 13th inst. from Lattimore. Steamship Jason, Britton, from New York, entered inward at London 24th ult. Steamship Arno, Lines, from New York, at Cowes 17th ult. Steamship City of New York, Matthews, hence at Boston yestorday. Ship Lotus, Lockie,,for iiong Kong, salted from San Francisco ttle ult. Ship Empress of the Soe iL Wiltion, from Now Yolk, ar rived at San Francisco 141 ult. Ship Alexander, Holway,, for Sydney, via Puget ' Sound, sailed from Sea FretneleCO 111, ult. Ship Tennant, Thomas, nailed from San Francieco 15th ult. for Callao. Ship Susan Howland, Adams, from New York for San Francisco, was spoken Sept 24, lat 55 428, long 72 25 W; bad lost most of her sails, wizen topsail yard, and car ried away steering gear, in a gale on the 22d; was bend. tag new sails at the time, and wanted no assistance. Ship Oliver Jordan, Alden, 88 days from Callao for Cowes, put into Portsmouth 25111 ult. for orders. • Ship Wyoming, Brooks, hence at Liverpool2sth anti entered same day to load for Philadelphia. Ship James Menton, Bryan, from Callao for Liver pool, at Queenstown 24th ult. Ship Fanny McHenry, Smith, for N Orleans, cleared at London 24th nit. Skip Chaos, Dutton, from Brunswick, oa, arrived at Liverpool 20th Ship Celestial Empire, lirbiting,l2o days from Callao, put into Portsmouth 25th ult. for orders; rudder bad been slightly damaged. Borgne Fred Lennig, from Havana, arrived np at New Orleans 7th inst. . . . Barque Mary 11 Kendall, Brock, front Charleston for Philadelyhitt,Wile spoken 12th Inst.lat 30 1,5,10ng . 73 13. Barque Early Bird, Cook, from Bong Kong, ara iced at Ban Francisco oth ult. Barque Yankee, Smith, for Honolulu, sailed from Ban Francisco Bth ult. Barque Live Yankee, Gore, for Paget Bound, sailed from Ban Francisco 10th ult. Barque David Lapsley, Bishop, sailed from Matanzas 4th inat. for Cardenas. Barques Amy and Wyandotte, harm at Boston yes terday. Brig Alfred Ezell, Beadling, Tor Philadelphia soon, VIII At ihYalli 81.11 ffBMWI=aIREM Brig Cleorgia, Casale, hence for Boston, before re• ported ashore on bang Island Beech, near .New Inlet, was gut off on Saturday evening, after throwing OT€ll , board between forty and fifty tone of coal, and was towed to NeyrYork 13th inst. Oho sustained but trifling da • maga. - Brigs J IV Rhoads, Leviathan, Ilidalge bad Isola, hence at Boston yeetarday: Brig Pilltnore, Beans, from 81 Croix, arrived at Co penhagen 23d Brig AIM Elizabeth, Pl:annoy, for Philadelphia, sailed (rpm Boston 19th lost. . . Behr Geo Edward, May, hence at Boston lath lost. Behr L'L Sharp, Weaver, hence at Pall Riverllth inst. Behr /tory Fletcher . , Crosby ' , from Eastport for Phila delphia Bailed from hewport 12th !net. BebteAlex Henderson and Neptune, for Philadelphia, 'tiled from Providence 12th inst. . _ . , Behr Boxenua Burley, Marta, hence et New York yee. Univ. Bohr Leunot Dupont, Corson, for Indianola, cleared at Mobile 7th Inst. . . . . . Schr Geo Henry, tholth, hence et Memel:l4l2th Inst. Behr A Cordery, Babeeek, hence at Charleston 12th nst. Bohr Sydney Price, Godfrey, hence at Mobile 7th Lost. Bare Lydia Boyden, Fisher, and J W Woolsey, Ma ar, for Philadelphia, nailed from Alexandria 12th inst. Bohr J 13 Austin, day, hence, arrived at Alexandria 2th Inst. Bohr J 11 Planner, Thompson, cleared at Wilmington, NO, 12th lost. for Philadelphia. Bohr Ohrhitopher Loeser, Snow, for Mobile, Bailed from Matanzas Minot. Behr Jonathan May, Cobb, hence at Havana 8(1 inst. Behr B Watson, Maguire, aatted fromlikrana, ethicist for New York. Bohr dune N Baker, Vanneman, at Et Jago de Cuba 28th ult. from Charleston. Bahr J U P anner, Thompson, cleared atlYll63lngton, NO, 12th lust. for Philadelphia. Bahr Paugaaset, Waples, hones at New York 13th inst. Bcbre Gazette, Orowell, hence for Boston, and gate Stewart, Carroll, do for NEM haven, at New York 13th Wt. Behr P A. Benders, Ireland, for Philadelphia, cleared at Wilmington, NO, 12th init. MARINE 2dISOELLANY . . Bar Sarah 0 Shields, from Philadelphia for Boston, with 200 tone of coal, ran ashore within a quarter of a toile west of the life-boat elation No 20, on Southamp ton Beach, LI, on Wednesday morning, about 3 o'clock, during denso fog. A very heavy surf was running at the time, from the outer bar to the beach, and break ing all over the schooner. The wreck was discovered at daylight, when the persons in charge of the station assembled, and took prompt measures to rescue the crew. A line was thrown over the vessel from the mei , tar, by aid of which a strong line aas run from the ship to the boaeh. The life-boat was then 'twinkled, and at the imminent risk of life of the prone who wont to their rescue, the officers and crew safely landed. The vessel and cargo will prove a total-loss. DOSIESTIO PORTS SAN PIIANOIBCO, Nov ti—Ar whaling brig Lererstt, Brooks, 33 days tram Fellinstor Isisod, via Ochotsk Sea. - • Bth—Ar Sw ship Atlantic, Cariston, from Cardiff, ' ales VII Rio Janeiro. nth—Au barque biew.Norld, Megaton, Humboldt Vith—Steanaehlp Golden Age, LaPpldge, Panama, 12 aye; sehr I Ebbetta, Albion river. 18th—Itatque J Godttey Grant, Sydney; Hamburg, t eo Krell, ?oaken, Rio do Janeiro. Old 4th ult, barque .1 It Mora, Ittley k Sydney. 6th—Dan ship Ceeropa, lloyaeu, Iquique; barque .1 A alklnburg, Navel, Portland. NEW YORK, Dec 7.4—Arrived, It DI steamship Eu ropa, Leitch, Liverpool, Nov _Bth ; ateumahip Roanoke, Skinner, Portsmouth, arc ; steamships Thomas Swan, Post, Savannah • Jackson, Baker, Baltimore; Roanoke, Skinner, Norfolk, &c ; barque Magdalena, Munday, Carthagena , brigs Humboldt, Damage, Mansanilla ; Mariner, Atkinson, Turks Island; Due Inuaos, Arno. lin, Aqui, IV C A ; Bell Plower ' Niel!, Galveston; ear 0 Shaw Shaw, Georgetown, 110. Cleared, ship Charlotte, Nesmith, Charleston; barque Wildfire, Campbell, Vera Cruz; brig Eenterprzau, Grindles, Trinidad. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS Up to 12 o'clock Last Wight GIRARD 110178 E—Chestnut street, below Ninth. John Mcediarmid, N Y D Young & la, N Y 0 0 °unwell, Michigan lil Gibbs, N Y Geo T WallaceNorlolk,Va II A Thomas, N Y E Wheeler, N k' C L Harding, Burlington Mr Wheeler, N Y II A Pettebono, N Y Chao Jones, Ala Miss Williams, Ye Mrs Win Brown, Medic Dr 11,1E1,503, Reading, Pa Mrs Banks, Pa ' Miss Banks, Pa Master Banks, Pa Alf Nichols & la, N York Joe J Tompkins, Somerville Wm Blanchard, lloatoo I E Spencer, St Louis, ale J K Harris, New York Wm A Shepard, New York W Derrick & la, N I H D G Carroll, Jr, Balt L 8 Gordan, Baltimore Henry D Middleton, Ye Irrael il Day & wife, B. I I Graham, Ky Jas 0 Campbell, Utah If Alex Campbell, Utah 8 II Blackiston, New York Thos B Lewis, Baltimore It Feodsharu, New York C W Mackubin,St Paul,MiriflrD Murray, Dtd 0 T Russell & da, Boston C Frost & la, Conn Chas H Miller, Phila. W F Lecher, Philo. W B Dobbin, Baltimore I: 0 Dawson, ald L Riggs, St Louis A Arndt, ft Louts Jas Mahan, Glasgow Peter Mac Leod, Otealow II I Gardner, Boston 1' Quincy Brown, Boston C Foster, Jr If 8 Brown, San Francisco Alex Johnston, Nebraska II Schuritering, N Y I Grace, New York 8 E Mester, Lancaster U Danforth, N 1 A Joel. New York C A Darling, N Y C Rapelye & la, L I Hon H D Maxwell, Pa J W Priest, N York ,1 E Wheeler, N Y D Griffith, Ve 7 0 Hatton, Va J G Hodges, Ye G Baughman, Richmond Horace It Day, N Y „T T Hilt:nen, Ea land II E Johnston, Baltimore Mrs E Johnston, Baltimore Miss E Johnston, Baltim e Miss II Johnston, Brltimore D 8 Dexter, R I Simon W Dexter, It I W El V Prentiss, Ohio John C Sterling, New York W 8 Hale, Texas RIBOBANTB , ROTBL—Fourth at., below Mob. Dautel Bertsch, DI Chunk W Le!souring, thitomlt Iltll Wan Lilly, Munch Chunk Jos Baker, Preemansburg W Rodsbn, Freemansburg Chas L Rowan& Pa non JIS Yost, Pottstown R Dayton!. Plymouth John B Smith, Plymouth Wan L Bradley, N N LRey, N Y J Abraham, PS A R 'McClure & la, Pa Chas N Taylor, Pa Wm "leper, Jr, Pa Jacob Raper, Pa • AMERICAN HO TEL—Cheatnut etreet, above Fifth. 0 Dagett, 'Wilmington • SY L Lewis, New York Camminge, Harrisburg W L Humphreys, Harrisb'g L 8 Long, New York Mies El Long New York W L Lonmnan, L Wood I Walla, Miner/Title M Preck Mineraville D M Mahe, New York Sited, Delaware P E Smith, Idaryland JO 31 Conrad, Pbila 1V B Patten, New Haven P Rafferty, New Jersey E Beatty & son, Carliele /I.ll,techtentacht, Pa J Knott, Reading W R Ailing, New York J Thacker, Plata B Shaw, New York David Dodd, New York 31 Bastin, N Y Wm 0 Trego, Baltimore lIN/011 HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth.] 1 Rador,Easton 0 Warner, Beading B P Berlin, Reading J H Boyd, Danville, Pa A Pllonnell, N J A Weiss & la, At Chunk J Knog,'Pittsburgli IF Ooze, P & It R B 0 Wilborss, ilotruesburg 0 F Blake, N I Dr J V Crawrord, Del T T Wireman,ltuntingdon 8 II Bailey, Pa .1 it Hockley, Philada R D Stiles, Wetherly, Pa I H Grant, Rockland, Me 0 Bender, Cincinnati, Ohio 0 Christian, Ginn, Ohio John Donaldson, Tamaqua. 11. R Dickey, Ohio B Austin, Fulton CO Chas Hasa, Harrisburg STATES 11N1011—Market street, above Sixth. Baml Nod. Del E McDonald, Pottsville J Bowers, Lancaster John Shaeffer, Lancaster A 0 Boswell, Balt Chas J Barns, Balt J 11 FOX, Chester co Thos J Hassle, Pa Henry Horst, Dauphin co NATIONAL HOTEL—Mace street. above Third. 3 A Bradley, Boston 1, M Mosley, Pittsburgh tl A ltoberts, Pittsburgh P M Ermentrout, 'Reading B P Whitley, Pa 3 Boyne, Manch Chunk Jacob Bldd, Mauch Chunk W Milhous°, Pa II 3 Handler, Pottsville 3 L Eckel, Ducks co D D P Boyer, Phil% 3 L Polon, Pittston 3 P Bomberger, Pa J Ilsonehen, Beading W A Medlar, Bel. Haven L P Irwin, Berwick V F Boyer, Reading J Il Shifter, ' , Motown I Barroultan, Pa BARLEY 811EAP—Second, below Vine. E G Warman, N J Jacob Williamson, N J James Rensmlngton, AN Geo W Watson, Pa John Palmer, Pa Henry Watson, Pa WAt Kirk, Porreatville Men Kirk & rola, Vorreat'lln MADISON HOUSE—Second street, &bore Harker d B Wiley, Boston Mrs M A {Viler, PhDs M Armstrong, Jr, Md Mlee A Armstrong, Md Miss .1 Armstrong, Md IV C Hearn, Vol Col John White, 111 W B Merchant, Dititalo H d Kinsman, Itoolorood Henry Hirsh, N Y Wary Atklneen, Pa BLADE DEAR INN—Pitth and Merchant streets. domes Scott, Chester co ' Davis Kimble. Chostor co Wm II Cheney, Chaster en J Eachus, Chester co 0 Hoskins, Maryland Wan Woolsey, Maryland D G Stacy, Lancaster co Mrs Crawford, Lana co D W Chandler, W Cheater J P Thornton, Pa .7 Richards, Reading C Marshall, Pa J Patterson & la, Pa Edward I , Scott, ro. Wm Dowdall, Pa Robert Dance, it Ileuj Stratton, Pottstown T Boyd, Philo . Mrs M. Large. N J 0 J Overhart, Cheater co Wm W Wilson, Del Mrs Callaghan & do, Philo D S WI ngard, Pottstown BALD EAGLE ROTEL—ThIrd street, abr. Callowhill. Z it Long, Carbon co Miss Meyer, blatingtonya Tbos B Richards, Bristol Richd Moore, Quakertown John Bbaw, N J - Isaac ir, judge, Bristol Jos Deorle, Frieudsvillo Opaial Notices The Greatest Bargains In tho World.—The sabseriber, being abOut to close his business ; otters his entire stock of superior Ready-made Clothing for sole. MI in went of a superior Article are invited to give him a call. gtoro to let and fixtures for sale. )1. TRACY, 211:1‘14.11KET Street. dels4.rn Furst Furs: Furs Selling oft at reduced prices, wholesale and retail, at WM. F. 'EMU'S Fancy Far Store, No. 152 North Third Street, below Race street. doldsw Holiday kitio.—tlentlomenos 'Wrappers, Mnt• fists, scarfs, cravats, ties, stocky, shawls, ice. These are most useful presents, and•are do bo [Gaud In great .variety OW. W. Holghtto, 612 arch street; store Sixth, tlt.irofy low priooo, dOl2-d.tileo. - skates: skates I skates t—Our readers will find the largest and most complete nenortmcnt of this winter luxury, and at the 10We3t prices, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, No. 619 Market street, opposite Deentur street.. no3o-1m Saving Fund.—Nutlitual Safety Trust, Co., once, WALNUT Street, 8. W. corner of THIRD. ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS DUltUs.at THE SUSPENSION OF SPROIE PAYMENTS DY THE BANES. 1. Deposits received and payments made daily. 2. Current Dank Notes, Checks, and Specie will be received on deposit. Deposita made In Dank Notes or Checks will be paid back in Current Bank Notes. 4. Devotes made in Cold or Silver will be paid back In Coin. lancet FIVE PER CM, per annum, n 025 Furs.—Jos'epli Rosettbaunes Furs are eele. brated for cheapness, at) le, and quality. Fiero 116 Arch stieet, between Fourth and Fifth. N 13 —lure altered into fashionable etylee. We study to Osseo. dol•lua lacksoo, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Heads, Cir culars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to suit the times. For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, use "Balm of 1,000 Flowers." For dressing Ladies' hair, non "Woodland Cream, a new Pomade." it curls Gentlemen's hair beautifully. W. P. PSTRISIO: & 00., Proprietors, N. Y. For sale by T. D. Peterson, 306 Chestnut; Samuel Simes, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. B. Durand, 718 Chest nut; T. 11. Peters & Co., 716 Chestnut; O. Evans, ant Book-store, 439 Chestnut; 0. 8. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, & Co., Tenth and Mar ket; A. B. Taylor, Sloth and Walnut; Dr Morrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut; J. W. Shoes & Sons, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Chrlstmann, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster, corner Eletenth and Walnut. n012.1y Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 524 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, GEO. J. HENKEL'S, 424 WALNUT Street, 0'22-Sm Late of 173 Chestnut Street Bank of Pennsylvania Notice.•• Notes of this Sank taken et par for s Wholesale Stook of Clothing, now being soli at Mall. deB•lm No.l North FIFTH Street Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken at per for Watcbss and Jewelry, at lowest price., man & TUOMPSON, Importers, del 1m 324 Chostuut street, below Fourth.. Good Coffee. Lovers of Coffee cannot realize the full value of their favorite beverage without haring it - made In the Old Dominion Coffee Pot. ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & INLROY, 117 and 118 South TENTH, cor. of George, da.thu Hole Zdanufacturore S. V. Downll, Commission Business an Com. II:imolai paper and negotiations of loans, 66 WALNUT opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia. nolo-2m An Important Fact...—We now gee it an• nounoad that the eatenghte Wholesale Clothing Deal— ers, STRAUSS to GOLDMAN, No. NO MARKET St., &bore Third, hare commenced to Retail their entire stock at Wholesale prima, de£l.lm ewer's Infant Invaluable Oordial le preparedfrom a vexlety of the most choice and efficient aromatice known in medicine, end is the most perfect end reliable carminative extent for Infant, and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy cure le effected In all owe of Cho lie, windy pains and spasm. Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti tion or teething, and by Its soothing properties Iran. ciallleea palely of the bowel:, rooeoneee , vomiting, deo. The infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been need Sn thousands of canes with the most abundant 1111C0064. No tangly should be without It. Prepared only by Mune A. Downs, At his Drug and Ohemical Store, N. B. corner of Mirth and Green eta., Philadelphia. To whom all ordere must be eAdreseed. And for silo by Druggists generally. an 10.1 y granten4 basing Fund—Office 209 Walnut street, one door west of second street. 'Receives de polka. in sums of 0136 Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, end allows Interest at the rate of fore per cent. per annum. Wilco open daily, from 9 until 5 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 0 in the evening. P/ eeldent Franklin Fell; Treasurer and Secretary, Charles M. Morris. Stlarnageo. On the 10th lost., by Rev. N. D. Baldwin, Mr. STEPHEN 6. SIMPKINS, of Now Jersey, to Miu MARY D. BRANSON, of Philadelphia. On the 10th instant, by Rev. E D. Swelnits. Mr. J. FREDERICK PLEIS, Jr., to Mles M. CORNELIA., eldest daughter of Chao. L. Bute, EN , all of this city. On the 12th instant, by Alderman Shane, Mr. JOHN E. SEVILLE to Miss SUSAN BORER, both of this city. illicatlis ruddeuly, on the 14th Instant, at hie residence, Valentra, Schuyllo3l county, Col. YRANIIIB AIIIIIIIAY WYNKOOP. Ills funeral will take plane on Wednesday, P. IC, Do. camber 16th, from the residence of Me brother-111.4m, Thomas I. Atwood, Pottsville, Pa. nit friends and ktettrurs of Ma command la Mexico are reopectfelly to vit - e'd to attend. On the 10th instant, Mr. JOHN 'WILLITS, Sr , in the 77th year of his age. At Burlington, on the nth instant, THOMAS 10Y, aged 66 years. On the 13th inttant,' Mr 01:01101: 'MOREHEAD, after a lingering illness, In the 68th year of his age. On the Bth instant. in Madison, Indiana, Mrs. MART SCOTT, wife of Mr. Robert Scott, late of Thiladelphia, in the 70th year of her age. On the 10th instant, Mrs. ELIZABETH OLABZ, wife of the late Francis (Naha, in the bad year of her age. On the 12th inst., JOSEL'II wonit.ELL, in the 58th year of tote age, Ms funeral will take place on Tuesday, 15th inst., at I o'clock, from his late residence, No. 7 South Tenn Square: Ills male friends, as well as the Washington °rays and the Welch Society, aro respectfully invited to attend without further notice. irr The Rev. W. H. Millburn will preach (D. V ) in the H. A. TRINITY CHURCH, EIGHT!! Street : above Race, THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock. dels-11.* frrDr. Steven's rottrth Lecture will take ,Jplace en TUESDAY, the 3C,th Inst,, at 7),i I'. M. eub• ett—"The Crusaders in the Dotyland." Tickets at the door. (Tr Kensington Soup Society.—Dr. Richard sy. TEIOIdAS hoe been appointed our Agent to solicit donations for the use of this Society. A donation of four barrels of Flour, from an " Un known friend," to hereby acknowledged. del4-2t* J K. VAUGHAN, Secretary 1 . 17' Literary Bur eitu. —An Experienced Editor, a successful author, end a thoroughly educated Literary men, weary with twenty-live yeare of the drudgery of Bally Journalism, has determined to hire out or sell hie brains et retail to those who may require their services in any honorable way. Merchants, Business Men, Inventors, and dealers of every kind, will be supplied, oil-hand, with Advertise ments, (political or othernise,) Notices, Cards, Circu• lore, or any species of article desired. Politicians will be supplied with Speeches, Iteporte, Itesolut:ons, Letters, Twists, Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Communications, and every other Sort of Brain work, which they may find it Inconvenient or trouble some to do for themselves. Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rank In society or oc cupation in life can have Lettere written on any eub• Pict, whether biiiilness or sentimental. The advertiser will also conduct or translate Corres pondence of every kind, either English, French, Span ish, German, or Italian. Poetry, Acrostics for Ladies' Albume, Notes Billet doux, Monodies, and Compositions of the mosedellcate and cousdential character, Incident to every possible circumstance or event In life, will be furnished In in- violable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, end explaining their wlehen, Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau 41-8 m Box 2285 Philadelphia P. 0., 1 1 a. V• - • The. Tiventy•SeconeiriThii --- rerstrr — yOTTs; "LIOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY, OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, ,, will be heidon TUESDAY even tog 15th inst. ' at covets o'clock, In Musical Fund Hall. The Annual Report will be read and Addresses deliv ered by Rev. ALFRED COORMAN, Rev. It JEFFERY, (late of Albany, N. Y.) Rov. FRANKLIN 'MOORE. Hinging under direction of TAMES M. MUD, Esq. Cards of admission may be had gratuitously at the Rooms of the Society, b3l E. North Street; of H. M. Himmey, Arch Street, below Fifth', Thomas T. Mason, 43i Market Street; or any of the Committee. THOMAS T. MASON, GEO. 11. STUART, 3. II ROGERS, MATTHEW NEWRIRK, dee 9 wanit* Committee on Public Jlootinge. fiffice of the Commonwealth insurance COMPANY OF TIIE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA.— Parsuont to the requitemonts of the charter of the Com monwealth Insurance Companyot the State of Peneutyl van's, an Election for Ten Directors, to eery° the ensu ing year, will be held at the office of the Company, N. W. corner of YOCUM and WALNUT, on MONDAY, 31100ary 4th, 1868, between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock 0028-etuth-til SAMUEL S. MOON, liee'y • rvoTioE.- Office of the Beaver Meadow 1 Railroad Company. PUILADELPIIII, December 14,1857. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Bearer Meadow Railroad and Coal Company will be held at their office, No. 322 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the.lBth ofJanuary next, at which time an election will be held for President and tea Directors for the ensuing year. L. CHAMBERLAIN, gm and Treas. delt.dtjal6* ERN ONS BY REV. KINGSTON GOD- P... 7 BARD, Rector of the Chorale of the Atonement. " The poor in the keeping of OW' 26 cents per copy, with angrared Portrait of Rev. K G., 31. Sermon on the death of Caldwell B. Mitchell, 25 etc At the EPISCOPAL BOOK STORE, No. 1224 CHEST NUT Street. de15.14* COAL YARD FOR SALE.-LEASE AND Fixtures complete of a 'Yard on BROAD Street, to close an estate. Apply to It If. MORRELL, delft-It* No. II CIIIIRCII Alley. 11 UTTER,—Fresh Table Butter receive this day-25 cents per poudd. Best Bunch RAISINS 10 cents per pound by the box. CHARLES EMITII, tiroeer, delb-lo d'' N. W. corner of SIXTH nod PINE. A GENTS IVANTED.—Fivo to 'roll Dol .Ll lane per day can be wily made. Call on A BLACK, at Jacob Leman'a floor] ]loran Hotel, Wes King street, Lancaster, Pa. delG•tl DAR LOR THERMOMETERS OF ORNA EIENTAI, designs of Berlin Iron. , A variety o patterns. McALLISTEIL & BROTHER, del6.4t 728 CHESTNUT Street. STEREOSCOPES. --A largo assortment of beautiful TiCIVR of placee in Europe and America— for Chriatmas and Nen Year Uffta. Mt:ALLISTER fe ROTlfl 728 CHESTNUT Street GOLD SPECTACLES, GOLD EYE. ardissEs,&c., &c., & c., &c, AIcALLISTRIVS, ibtabliebed 1700, 728 01IR8TNUT B{m!. 5 GALLS. ALE 0.114, 1 000 1,000 WHALE gall. Elephant OH, 60 bblo. No. 1 Lard 01'1, for male by OROASDALE, PEIRCE, & ROl l /4I No, 104 N. Delaware arena° `I'HE PRESS.-PHILAbELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1857. 31 USICAL FUND HALL. DEBUT OP nnss JuLikriA MAY, ON PRIDAY NEXT, December 16, 2E57, Asaieted by EIGNOIt TIDERNI, The Celebrated Tenor, (llie firet appearance since Ina return from South America,) A POPULAR BARITONE, Mn, ADD uAnn , ' SANDERSON, Tho groat Inantst Who will, op this occasion make his prat professional appearance in hls natirn Particulars will be published Immediately, del4..tf AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— E. A. MARSHALL Sole Lessee. On Thls (TUESDAY) EVENING, December 16, Wili ho repeated by the RONZANI BALLET TROUPE, In the Wend Fantastic Ballet, by Domenico Romani, called FAUST. Doctor Faust Signor Caspian Preitesi Margheritt 111'11e Louise Lamoureux Prey loos to nhich, mill bs performed, the nuinsing onemet Comedy, entitled THE MISERIES OF HUMAN LITE. Alley Croaker Mr Chapman Mr Mlldmay Mr Le Moyne Mrs Courtney Urn St oneall Deuce open at 7 o'clock. r rrrrrrrrrrrrrr Rill commence at half:pant 7. PRICES OF ADMISSION : Balcony. Parquet, and Parquet Circle SO cents. Family Circle and Amphitheatre 26 :: Private Boxes, (for eight persona) LS U The Box Office open from 9A.M . t04 P. M. for the securing of scats and boxes, without extra charge. TREASURER THOS. McKEON. yirITEATLEI"s ARCH ET. THEATRE. r —sou: usual W. Ilenelit of Mr Tidter. Tills (Tuelithiy) llTENniii. Dee. 15th, 1857, Witt he prevented, tINt time this 'Anson, iill3 tiste old Comedy of Sir Abel Candy, Mr They or; ROL handy, Mr Wheat ley; Mica Blaudford, 3liea Emma 'Taylor, Suran Aeh• held, Mrs N h Davenport. To cow - dude n•ith,flret thou ih several yusre, the popular and highly hiteretitlng Drama, in Cour parit, entitled TRY. CARPENTER OP ROUEN, nartean, Mr Davenport; Antoine, Mr Dolman; )ladame Growler, Mrs Thayer, Julie, bliss Ileum 'Taylor. Boat.a OP llama —Boxes, 25 cents; Becured dente, 38, Orchestra Stalls, 80 conta ; Beats lu Private Boxes, 75 cents; Gallery, cants Gallery fox Colored Pinions, 25 cents; Private Box In Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 ciente. Box Moo open from 10 A. DI. until 3P. )1. Doors nlll open at 6,4 i o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precieely, TAYNE'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., 11, BELOW SEVENTH. Fourth Week of the world-renowned DHORLEY'S SERENADERS, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING. Dec. 15,1E57, Will be performed the Durleslue Opera of TROVATORE. Count Luna-tlck, Dfr R B Buckley; Lady Lernmonora, Miss C Preceded by their Intraitable ' ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY. Admission, 25 cents. Doors open at half-past 6 o'clock. Curtain rises at half pant 7 precisely. NATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, 11 WALNUT STREET, NEAR EIGHTH. LESSEE WESLEY DAWMORE. ASSIST ANT MANAGER R JOHNSTON. EQUESTRIAN MANAGER THOS. RING. That night of the tborough•brod horn{ WASP and EAStIAIVAY. T 1.1113 (Tuesday) EVENING, Dee. 15th, 1857, Will be repeated the entire new Drama, to three Acta, entitled DR. KANE ; Or, lAce in the Arctic Regions, Dr Kane, Mr Wm Myers; Will, Mr Humors; Shanghu, Mr Brink; Ratty, Mr Cunningham. To conclude with BRILLIANT HORSEMANSHIP, DANCING, 6: c. loc. Palm or AIWIMMON.—Dress Circle 31,:i cents. Fa mily Circle 25 04311t3 Private Boxes 60 cents. Doors open at ti.ti o'clock. Performance to nom. mance at 7 u o'clock. SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, abore Cheetnut. ETHIOPIAN PERFORMANCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stare—New Dances by the Seafood Children. Doom opennt I o'clock—to commence Quetter before eight. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE AFTERPIECE. Admittance 26 cents. BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ITIE'AIMDICAN SUNDAY 8011001, UNION LARGEST COLLECTION IN TILE COUNTRY Alga, a Tariety of BIDLES AND DEVOTIOSAL Bona ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES HAY be had without charge, by applying at THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, No. 1122 Clinsgwor Sr., PHILA. dels•tde2l. H OLIDAYS. We would call the attention of those desirous of inaktog auttalato HOLIDAY PRESENTS, TO OOP LARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS ADAPTED FOR THAT PURPOSE. FOR RALIR AT VERY LOW PRICES, THOMAS W. EVANS & CO , dels-Ot 818 & 820 CHESTNUT Street CTRISTMAS!—STOCKTON's PERIODI- C CAI, NEW TESTAMENT !—Ffre Materfcal Rooks, complete! Paragraph Test, Coploon Index, Admire• ble tetra'actions, and Elegant Colored Plater! Only 12,50 fur the net. Other Good fleas, also. Me, 535 ARCII Street. drib-it+ CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY GOODS. W. D. GLENN. No. ::43 South FOURTH Street, oilers to dealers and the public a VERY LARGE VARIETY Of YANCIY GOODS Suitable for the Holiday season. Being entirely of his OWN IMPORTATION. The essortinent embraces all the NEWEST STYLES, AND AT VERY REDUCED PRICER. Among it will be found— Paper Macbe Work Boxes, Desire, Portfolios, &e. Ladles , Gabits and Tras °ling lingo. Porte Monnaleo, Purses and Pocket Books, in great variety. Pearl Card Cases, beautiful styles. Bohemian Glass Toilet Bottles, richly decorated, Odor Boxes and Glove Boxes. Fancy Bronze Inkstands, Thermometers, Ac. Backgammon and Chore Boards, Chessmen. Fine English Scissor., in sets. Fancy Cigar Muds and Cigar CAW. Scotch Wood Snail Boxes and Fancy Articles Medallions in plastic ivory. Memorandum and Ball Tablets, In pearl and leery. Together with nuruerous other articles In the line. det•lm•lf FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! FURS I - JOHN FAREIRA SC CO., Importers, lifffaufacturers, and Dealers la FANCY FURS, FOR LADIES AND CIIILDRI:N. flaring manufactured an immense Stock of FURS, with the expectation of doing one usual business, the preseut pressure of the times, and comparative stagna tion of trade, have left us with an unusual amount of stock upou our shelves. It O to meet this difficulty that we have now DETERMINED To close out our ENTIRE, STOOR At Prices actually less than THEIR 000 T TO MINUPAOTIIRE I We have also on hand a leg and complete assort meat of OENTB' FURS, GLOVES, All of wbfch will be euld et very LOW MOE& No. 818 MARKET tn., bet Eighth and Ninth, nolo.Bcr Booth side A MERICAN GOLD, NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND BALTIMORE EXCLIANGES, Bought and Bold by P. BRADY & CO. Blakely, 125 South THIRD Strout, do7sBt* opposito tho Girard Bank. ADIERIGAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EXCHANGE • WANTED AT HIGHEST CURRENT RATES, Y CRONISE CO., SPECIE BROKERS,_ no2l-dtt • 40 SOUTH THIRD ST SCULL, CAMBLOS, & CO., BANKERS, No. 3el South Third Street. The highest premium paid tor AMERICAN GOLD NEW YORK RXORANOE. Uneurrent Funds bought and sold. Blocks bought and Fold on commission only. nolo•2rn* P. W. TINGLEY /4 CO., BANKERS A-N. No. S 7 South PIURD Street, Philadelphia. COLLROTIONA promptly made on all accessible point' In the United States and Canada. . . Stocks, Bonds, Sto., Bought and Bold on Commioulon. Uncurrent Bank Notes, Oheekn, tee., bought at the lowest eaten. Deposits received and Interest allowed, se per Agree meot rov 2-flm FOR SALE.—The four-story GRANITE BUILDING, on the north side of CHESTNUT Street, west of Fourth, Intended for the Pennsylvania Plank, and now nearly finished. If not sold prior to January Ist, the Banking Boom, and other parts of the btallog, will be rented separately, or together. Apply to THOMAS CRAVEN, deb-etutht.Jl No. 4'OM/118h-eel. OR SALE—The stock, business, and futures of one of the oldeat and boot WHOLE- SALE and RETAIL LIQUOR STANDS on Market street.. This stand has the facilities of carrying on the PIICTITY- Iye and DISTILLING 'minim on a large or email aoale. Addrese, with real name, O. it. N., this °Rico. 4124 DESIRABLE OFFICES at. 620 WALNUT St., opposite the State House; one of the beet business locations in Philadelphia, with heat, light, and all modern conreniences. Apply on the premises, BOOM No, 8, to Q. W. J. BALL, Agent, lano2o 9t musentento SPEED THE PLOUGH ijohbav ifta runtializs ONE THOUSAND cams ILLUSTRATED BOONS, TOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH; Being The (3 RAND, YOR TILE HOLIDAY SALES COLLARS, /to 11loncv. for Znlc nub To at. Mrn eoobo. CLOAKS REDUCED IN PRICE FOR NE 'We willotroz during O this WEEK. week our entire etock of, LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS at a considerable reduction. Good s! le large Oray Cloaks 52 50. black Cloth Mohair Trhutniug. Lot of hlgh•cost Make at RALE' PRICY,. Childreu'e Cloaks at 52 sod upwards. THE ESPECIAL ATTENTION ON BUYERS IS Dr. SIRED to the style and workutauship ut the bulk of our stock. Also, in CLOAK AND SITAIVL ROOM, a large etoak of Long and Squat o Woollou Sbawls, In plain, medium, and gay styles. Bllo°llll SIRIVLS reduced In price ONE-FOlatTll. MOVER & CONAItP, de1.1.6t 6. 11. corner NINTH and DIARKFT Sti ipACTS WORTH KNOWING AND RE , lumuntENG!" THAT for 14 you eau buy an excellent Long Brodie. tlbowl, CI wool and at TIIOIINLEY UHISM'S. THAT you can get every quality from that to $29, at 141011SLEY & ClllB5l'S. THAT you can buy the best :51 Blacklk In Phila delphia at TIIORNLEY & they keep a very lark(' stock of Goods !,t TIIOIINLEY & UIII:4M'S. 'MAT they do really Bell vorr Cheep at TIIORNLE & C111831"S. TLIAT they buy and cell IorOAFII, and have but "Uhl; PRicr, ,, at TUOILNL NY A ell tHlf 'B. "MAT they v.lll nut Lui,,ropresent tiood, in order to efteet 'tuba' , at THORN LEY & elllB5l'S. AND, in eonclusdon, no think every one should knoo it to be to their iuktent to go to TIIORNLEY A del2-y N, li.cor.l3ollTll not ppm:so, GARDEN. H ot.Ay GIFTS, OF IN USEFUL AND ACCEPTABLE CHARACTER CUR WEN STOLDIRT S I3ROTHER - _ - - - int ite persons uho are about 'Asking selections of tiotvosv nonsetvrti, to an Inspection of their extensive and varied stock of FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, Which hal been purchased at the Ito auction olio at pettily seduced Prices RICH DRESS :MKS " SILK ROBES k quILLt !A. $l6 VOLANTE at SIS and $1.5. POPLIN " A QUILLE at ;5 PARIS PRINTED X 1.0123 DE LAINES.-31, 35, 31, and 41 ceuta. Rich style, all wool, rLAth CASIIMERE-31, 35, and 31 cents p,r yard. MERETiOn MEMOS-60, 625, and TO coots. PARAMATTAS, FIGURED CASEDIESEd, CALI. CUES, &e. SHAWLS AA extenstce stuck of Peal, aud. Vienness Long mai Square nnocnt SLUNVIS From the late Cash Audion Sales. duperior Long Brodie Shaw9s—s3. $lO, .111, .“2 BLANKET SUMS LS. American and !cal orted 111ant:ot Shawls, LBW and do rirablo styles. SULLA SHAWLS, of cholco CHI; VILLE SHAWLS, from td 50 upwards CASIMIIIIE SCARFS, EMLIROIDERIES, GLOV£3, &a to, son. 450, 452, and 454 NORTH SECOND STREE,T, ABOVE WILLOW d012.2w yoELROYISfikFERING MORE AUG TION BARGAINS. 116 Silk and Wool Long Broths Shawls only $lO 00 $l4 Bilk and Wool Loug Brocho Shawls only 900 $8 Silk and Wool Square Broche only 5.00 115 Chenille, oxtra rich, only 8.60 $l2 Chenille, very rich, only 7.60 17.50 Chenille, plain styles 3 60 $0 Plaid sllswool Long Shawls, beautiful, 0n1y... 350 $l5 Cloaks, beautiful styles and One fabric 10 00 $l2 Cloaks reduced to.. 5 50 $0 Cloaks reduced to 4 50 $5 Cloaks re-morel to 3 60 300 yards very beautiful Cloth for Ladiea' Cloaks, 75c. per yard, worth $1 60; a splendid assortment of Won' Cloths, all shades and colors, suitable for Iloya' wear; Satinets nod Flannels at unprecedented low prises, one lot of Paratnottas at 31 coots, worth 050; all shades all.srool Plaids at 28 coots, worth 02N one lot of ails wool Delalues only 25 cents, worth ; eplondid flan. kets at only $3 per pair, worth $5 ; 500 yards, of Bleak Braver Cloth at 11 50 per yard, worth f 2 50, Trim =foga, In endless variety, at, about half price. deS•tuths MCELROY'S 11 South Ninth St. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ESIBROIDERIE;I L. J. LEVY & CO litiVE 'car 0/6f;11) EIX CASES 011010 E PAM EMBROIDERIES, ttltible for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Which they offer AT VERY LOW PICTS 426 CHESTNUT STREET CITY WARRANTS TAKEN AT PAR.- Ilavingtoade arrangements to use r. large amount of CITY IYARRANTS, we trill recoil° titan AT PAR for a short time in payment for nRY uoons &boo) Teachers, Pollee, and oilier Public Officers, and Creditors of tho city, will avoid tha vexation of going again and again to the Treasurer's Omen, awl the probable delay of several months in the payment of their {TARRANT'S. by having thew PAID AT °NCR IN DRY GOODS, Our stock comprises a general assortment of new and crayoned° goods, and will Do sold fur City Warrants us low as for lisnk Notes or Oold, SAMUEL B. HESS, No. 82.3 MARKET Street, north side, between Ninth and Tenth INDIA SHAWLS.- OEO. FRYER, Pla 011E8TNIIT STREET, Ilas received a few choice INDIA SHAWLS, Folthble for CHRISTMAS' PRESENTS The attention of the Ladies ir particularly Invited d9.2w CLOAKS.- CIIILAP AND ELEGANT CLOAK'S Thu hugest and handsomest stock of VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAKS To the City, AT BCDOOAD CRICES, AT OEO. FRYER'S, No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET. dB 2w FURNISHING DRY GOODS.-- 5-8, 10-4, 12-4 Druggists. 16.4, 11-4, 12.4, 14.4 all wooll English and Awed can Mantels. Green Balza of all widths Marseilles Quilts, all tom and new des,gus Embossed bland and Table Covers. Bich styles printed Cloth do do Table Linens and Damask Cloths. Buff Window Irmo to 54 inches, Ureen and Blue do do. At, MIARPLESS BROTHERS, d 0 Chestnut and Eighth streets. REDUCTION IN DRESS TRIMMINGS. Taney VELVET, 60c., formerly DALL TRISISIINO, Braided Drop 31c, formerly 71 Do do • Floss Drop 3.6 c, do 60. And TANGY TRIMMINGS GENERALLY, AT STILL 1111ANILEI SISDUCTIONS J. 0 MAXWELL & SON, CHESTNUT, below Eloventh, and di-:w SECOND, below Spruce 1.301 - S' CLOTHING. . A . II 0 Y T & It It 0 Hare now on hand a very largo assortment of READY-MADE 000DS, Suitable for the present somou, which they fool disposed to sell (MAC. ASSRUDLY BUILDINGS, B. W. COSSIIR ISISTSI AOU OTICSTAIIT 010 N. 11.—We have a largo assortinont of uncut goods, of auperior quality and make, to order from. d4.lin BANK. OF PENNSYLVANIA.-SPE CIAL NOTIOE.—AII the notes on the Dank of Pennsylvania redeemed at par for DRY (MODS, selling at less than Auction prices. Muslin!, Linens, Clotho, Cassfumes, Blanket', Shaw ls, ealicoco, Detainee. at a great sacrifice, in connection with our entire stook, which will be sold at prices which will astoololi all who may favor tut with a call. Pennsylvania Bank Notoo taken the same as aped°, (we make no dliTorence,) at OLIVER H. JOHNSON'S Peunoylvania Bank Note Dry tiootio More, No. 1009 MARKET fiireot, above Tenth, north hide. N. B —Orders received for the very best Schuylkill Coal Pennsylvania Bank Notes taken itt payment. ouvEn H. JOLINSON. No. 1009 Market street G REAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS.- A FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICER bee been determined en by the eubscelbere, In con sequence or the continued presentee 609 211118613. EMIL BEAVER CLOARB, 2. (000)011y $3 60. .. . . . 600 Ik l / 3 8ES ENGLISH DELVER CLOAKS, 33 tO formorly t 5 to 200 SUPERIOR FRENCH BEAVER CLOAKS, $4 to 18, coEt to import $3 to $lO eact, LONG BLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, $B, formerly $l2. KICK BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All per coot below Coot of production. .I.W. PROCTOR fr 00 , SucceEEors to Geo. Ilulpin A. Co , nIB itato C 708 CHESTNUT street LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. 0. MAXWELL & 8()N. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1010 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 318 8. SECOND St, below Spruce. FACTORIES —Nos. 93 and 97 GEORGE St , Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Colon. Orders made at a few hours' notice. eel! 4mlf erittlemen's Coeibo. FINE SHIRTS, made to order, and war ranted, of elegant material end euperlor work moneblp. Moo, Drexe Stocks and Gentlemen's Wrap. pere, at the Premium Store of W. W. KNIGHT, 012 ARCH Street, shore Sixth. no2l-3, WRAPPERS! WRAPPERS WRAP PERS !--A very large and elegant assortment at reduced prices. Also, heavy tinder-Jostling of all do• scriptione, for gentlemen's wear, at W. W. ItNIGIMS, 612 MICH Street, abort, Stith. n021.y WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE. V MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER BEAM SIHRT MANUFACTORY, No. The CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern end Western Merchants, and Strangers, Is particularly invited to this Improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting &Gioia made. At whole• sale and retail, and made to order. aud.lyif A NNOUNCEMENT. The aubvellbor begs leave to announce to lila friends and the public that ho will open his SALOON for their reception on MONDAY, 14th inat. Ilia stock (A largo and rich variety) will eieniiiiit of PRRaIIVER AND ORINTALGIZED PRUITS, APRI- COTE ,- CHERRIES, PINEAPPLES, PEARS, LIMES, GAGES, QUINCES, &0., &c. 130NDONS—A. large and fresh assortment. FANCY TOYS—Mechanical Toys, paper, toed, and etigar—an endless variety. FANCY BOXES—Newest styles, fancy and plain : and varied assortment, of every possible description SACS CAMAS, CORNETS, BASKETS, VICTORIAS, PASTILLAOES, 840., Ac., all of recent importation, and which for extent and variety will defy competition. For sale by S. ILENRION, Confectioner, debelrn MARKET street. above Seventh. EMOVAL.— .1131, The busineee of tho PENN3.3YLVANIA DANK nill be removed on the let proximo, to tho second 'dory of Grigg's Building, WALNUT eL ea, p ea t of phi,t . Th e owners of property lodged at the 13auk for ego keeping will Own remove it before that day, or It will be stored eltawrhere at their expense and risk. dB. t jai J. L. FENIMORE, .keeintant-Cashier. QAVING FUND.--UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of TIIIRD sod CREST. NOT Streets. Large and entail sums TOCtiVei, and 1311 , 3 hack on de. wand without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from tho day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. 01lice hours, front S until Go'clock every day, and DA MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 'until S o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Sootlaud, from £1 upwards. President—STEP/IEN R. ORAT7II I )ED. Treasurer—PLlNY PIRE. Teller—JAMS E. LEEN TER. 5e17.3341 Oaleo bn 'uction. • AI THOMAS & SONS, All• Nes 139 sod 141 ROUTH FOURTH BTR BET, • (Formerly Nal 67 and 01,) REAL ESTATE, sTocics,e,e, Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening Err liandbille of each property issued asperstely, in addition to which vie publish on the Saturday previous to esoh sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full tleacriptlone of all the property to Le sold on the following Tuesday. 1117 FURNITURE PALES AT VIE AUCTION STORE every Thumlay morning ..„„.. REA ESTAT . k. AT IIiVATE BALK 117' We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri nt, Hale, including every description or City and ountry property. Printed Lists may be had at the . faction etore. I.IIIVAIT BALI: REGISSIIR !t3 .. Real Estate entered on our Private Sale no giater, anti wheelie,' occasionally in our Public Sale Abstracta, (of which 1,000 apple are panted srekly,) Iron al Charge. FLOCKS Thia Evening. Vali instant, et 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia EI• (lunge, foothillx to the FAN of real eiitato : HAVRE DE GRAPE TOW-110AP COMPANY.--Alta, 2 oliarce Philadelphia .to Havre de Grace Straw Tow- Moat Company. 1 share in the Philadelphia Library 1 share to the Milletlelphia Athena:out, I abate in the )lereantilit Library, . • 2 bowlx, 11,00 each, Alleglauy county (Nnugylra. nit% pA)lll,lAliovembor nod Thly (.1119 187 i) Esmos ticket .Ireb Street Tliflat Abo, by order or executor— Pho.oli Mutual Insurance Company l of delphia, No 964—5.1. f. The. American Mutual Insurance Company scrip, of Philadelphia, No. ha— 140. Delaware Mutual Insurance Company scrip, of Phila delphia, No. 7435—5195. Delaware Mutual Insurance Company scrip, of Phila delphia, No 7436— $ O. 'Union Mutual Insurance Company scrip, of Philadel phia, No. *.t..:—537.50. Union Mutual 111.1ronce Company ',map, of Philadel plain, No. 152.—;.,127 00. • • . 2 coupon boto4, '4 4 1,000 ea. 11, Union C 51131 Compouy, ue 1853 GREAT 'WESTERN FIRE AND MARINE IN U. RANCE CO —Also CO shares of the Ureat Western Fire and ISlarine Insurance Comp-my of Pllll.lelphis. D.OotOmoluto. STOCKS. Ou Tuesday 1:‘ Inst., at 7 o'clock at the Philadelphia Exchange, fur a;count of whom it may concern, 110 shares Schuylkill Nmigatlou Railroad and Coal Company By order of Executors —5 shares Guntingdou and Broad Top Coal Company lILAL ESTATE SALE—THIS EVENING. Tnle Belo will include— Orphan' , Court pale—Betate of Ilenjemin Burnell, Decelend. FOUR THREE-STORY BRICE DWELLINGS-- Pratt Ftreot, east of Fairmount street. C'ALL'ABLE FARM., 77 acres and 33 patches, 3 mile; from Plimnixt We, and 3 miles from Paoli, Chester county, Pa NEAT DWELLING, WHARTON STREET —Also, a neat modern three-story brick dwelling with brisk stable, north side of II tattoo Direct, No. 51J, between Fifth aci With streets THREE•riI'OBY BRICK DWELLlNG.—Tlaroo•etery brick de tilling. No. 0:11 North Twelfth street, between Poplar street and Girard avenue. "YELLOW SPRINGS," CHESTER COUNTS', PA The valuable property known as the "Yellow Springs," Chester county. extensive hotel building, dwelilogs, springs baths, stabling, he., and N' wee of land. VALUABLE MARKET STREET PROPERTY Also, the valuable Hotel property, with store, stabling, he , No 1010 Market street. west of Tenth street, known as the "WHITE HORSE HOTEL," 27 feet front. ISO feet deep, to Marble street—a Brst•rato Inca. lion for a Itepot. EXTRA.VALUARtE REAL ESTATE—DEOESIBER22. This sale xlli include LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT—Tenth street, be tween Chestnut and Market streets, corner of Marble etreot—P6 feet front on Tenth street, i 32 feet on Marble street, with frame tenements thereon renting for t 2,400 a year ()tear of MI tnemnbranee VALUABLE cuEsrziur STREET PROPERTY— North aide, west of Tenth street, 28 feet treat, 173 feet dcep. Clear of all Incuinbrance. Bess(' for $1,600 a yeur. Both the abase are valuable business locations. TfIREE-STORT BRICK. DWELLING —AThreo•otory brick dwelling , south side of Branch street, No. 3de, between Third and Fourth, and Race aed New streets. . . THEME-STORY BRICE. DWELLING.—Three-story brick dwelling, No 1322 Lewis street, north of Tbocdp• eon, betwoeu Tooth and Elm - el:all streets. 'VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND STABLE —Three story brick dwelling, without doublo beck buildings, No. 2,52 South Ninth street, bete con Locust end Spruce atreets; also a substantial new three-story brick sta ble mid coaclithuuse in the roar, on Raspberry alley— lot 20 by 188 feet. Sale absolute, REAL ESTATE SALE-DEOEMBER 29th Thia sale will luclude, amoin other property, the fol. lorrtug— Orphana' Court Sale,—•Estate of William Rucker, TIIREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING.—Three-elory trick dwelling, north side Poplar street, west oid of TreMl. street. Boma Est.tto. LOf —Lot of ground north twig Wren' avenue, rest of Twelfth etleet. EEMIZZI BRICK BUILDIIiZIi AND LOP —Lot of ground °oat side of Kessler street, ieuthof tilainoud arced, Nine teenth onril. EMMEN TIIttEE•STORY MUCK DWELLING —Threa•utory brick dwelling west aide of 'Whirs sheet, south of Stiles street, ea tieth ward. REAL EfiTATE SALE—JAM:IIW 6th. Thte sale will include— AN ENTIRE bQUAItI: OF IJILOUND, TWENTY TIMID WARD, OPPOSITE Tun EPIK,OPAL 110.3• PITAL.—Tho valuable square of ground, hating a front of 555 feet on Front street, 5.14 toot on Lehigh avenue, 545 feet on Fillmore atreet. and 516 foot on Soinol set 'greet. Four valuable froutii. 11111EMPTORY sALII OF STATUARY, MARI3LE AND STONE GROUPS, FOCNTAINS, MANTEL PIECES, TABLES, Ac. This Morning, 15th lustaut, at 11 o'clock. in the second story of the auction store, will be sold by catalogue, without reel rye, an invoice of statuary, N.e , recently imported from Lombardy pier barque 'PennsylvadTa, by Signor Pompon Argentt. The collection comprises many very beautiful specimens suitable fur the drawing-room, also, fine garden statuary and fountains It 7 May bo Muratori any tune previous to sale. SALE or VALUABLE 51ISCEL1.ANEOUS BOOKS FROM A LIBRARY. This Evening December ISth, at tho auction stere, a collection of books on various subjtets—from a library. 117FGe particulars see catalogues. VALUABLE BOOKS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. Ou Wednesday Livening, nth Instant, at the auction otoi 0, an assortment of new Books, on various subjects, together with a nuns• of miscellaneous works from a library. Mr Particulars in catalogues. Peremptory Onle. FINE Oil. PAINTINGS AND WATER COLOR DRAWINGS—STOCK OF A. d ROBINSON On Tbitrbdsv Sfurning, 17th lust , et 10 o'clock, e 0 the store of A. 8. Roble son, to. PlO Cheatuut street, will be soll,by catalogue, without ITY'rra, about 2,0 choice and valuable oil paintings and water color drawiugs by erraueut artists, includuizz Moran . (lordlier, Weber, Itothernavl, Brochart, Iticharthwn, Yen Starkenberg, lased , Itireh. flounce, Leis is, Laurence, Leutze, S. huezeolle, llruthet, Boa toile, C.. Lazubdin, J. It. Lainle.lin, Ac , A'. 11:7-• Full particulars in catalogued, three days pre• to the hale MIME= BUPERIOIt ICESITEHE, PINE MIRRORS, ROSE WOOO PIANO.VOUTT,', CAREETS, On Thursday Morning, At 10 o'eltnk, at tho auction btorr, an nat^n•lve amortinaut of so:011.1-hand turtoturo, platio.forto, Car peti, !to., from farntliea declimng houm3keepltl4.. 111,E1.1ANT tIitnsNLV•ACTION 1.1.17:04011.T1.-- Alno, ao elazant roscaood grand platco.forte, 7 octagon, atom by Itembenbach, tort V(e). The Instrument Is nearly nen , in ham/smug rosewood case, and Is equal to sac fur volume and quality of tone. ar Mat he ex. - untried the day pronoun to cola .111.1XI1NT BOOKS —,SUITAIII4I FOIL PREgIiNTi On Thursday and e'riday Evenings, December 18th and 19th, at the auction stole, a largo assortment of valuable amt atecant books, illustrated and pictorial works, family. Bible% animals for 1358, Albums, .Ise„ he. , In rich and costly bindings, aultable for presents. [Er The books will be arranged 'with catalogues on Thursday morning. Yale at No 1112 Chestnut strent SUPERIOR AND ELEGANT CABINET kURNITCRE Stook of 12,11arleb 11. Whilo On IVednegany 3.tornning, 231 Instant, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at the ware rooms, No 012 Chestnut street, the entire stock of su perior cabinet furniture of Mr. Chas 11. White, declin log a general assortment of rosewood and w,ilaut drawing-room furniture, iu rarious style cos things, maim ood, walnut, and mahogany boulolc furni ture, superior dining room and library furniture, de• gout and flub rosewood, walnut, and mahozeny cham ber facilitate, S. e , all manufactured of the boot mate rials and work umuship expressly fur private soles Ur The well-known reputation of Mr. Charles If. Whim as a eubhiet•waler, and the experience of up wards of thirty-Ova years , business to the city, Is dent guarantee to purchasel i that his stock is of the that quality, and we therefore recommend this sole to persons about famishing as being well worthy of atten• non aorta In the Acalimy of Mullin; Point Bram Peak) hitadelphia and Mercantile Libra'. Athenaeum, 40 “BARLEIP , AT PRIVATE BALE Tha elegant country meat and farm, known as Far• ley,. late the realdence of Richard Paxson, dictated, formerly of Dr. 81.1Ippon, le offered at prltate gale Full desorlptiona urty be had at the auction rooint . _ .Thisnrance Compattios CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COll - 331 WALNUT STREET Charter perpotuel Capitol, 8500,000. di:lnscribed, 5200,000. Pall up, 5110,000. Thle Company le now prepared to Issue FIRE and MARINE POLICIES on favf,rable terme. Pnesionse—JOAN SWIFT. 'VICE PREBIDENT—HENRY BIRD Di Rn drone. Jolts SWIFT, li. F. JACKSON, JAMES W. QUEEN, I'LINY FISK. 350 11. P MILER, A. W. THOMPSOS, B. I'. ORIFFITTS. 11. D. :ABATIS. DENBY BIRD I LEANDER IV. V. I, STARR, Sec'y. (BEAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST CONIPANY-001ce, 403 WALNUT, Corner of FOURTH Street. FIRE, MARINE. Awl INLAND INSURANCE nt the toneet rntc4. PntLansunm, November 23, 1851. At A westing of the StAcholderi of Company, held on the 16th lost , the following parsons were elected Directors for the conalng year, els : CHARLES C. LATHROP, 14^3 Walnut street. W.M. DARLING, 1510 Floe stroot ALEN WHILLDEN, merchant, 18 North Front at. ISAAC HAZLEHURST, Attorney and Counsellor. - - - JOHN C. HUNTER, of Wright. Hunter & Co. E. TRACY, of E. Tracy & Co , Goldsmiths , Hall. JOHN It. M'CIIIIDT, of Jonee, White, & M'Curdy. TllO5 L. GILLESPIE, of Gillespie & Zeller. JAS. SMITH, of Jae. B. Bruith & 00. E HARPER JUFFRIES, of Win. 11 Brown & Co. JOHN R. TWEE.% cor Seventh and Santoro atreets CHAS E. THOMPSON, 413 Chestnut street. JNO. J. SLOCUM. 22d South Third street. ALFRED TAYLOR, Oleo Cairo City Property. And at a meeting of tho Directors, held this day, CHARLES C LATHROP was unanimously re•eleetyd President, and WAI. DARLING, Vleo-Pre•ldent. K. K. KICHARDSON, Aeeletant•Secretary GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR ANON COMPANY, PIILLADELPIIIA-08 1 ce, No. 802 WALNUT street, west of THIRD "PM 11181.18 ONLY TAKXN. ,, Dllllol'olB. Jer. Walker, moo. McOlure, Tho. Craven, A. 8. Gillett, Furman Sheppard, Sarni. Jo_pee, M D. Joseph Klapp, M. D. Wm. M. Swain, MID Azmpach, S Burrough% J. B. 'hem, P. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Thacker, J. P. Winer, II A. iihractelford, JONEB, President. Vice President. latdout is, Secretary taut Secretary not-Snit . - lion JOE Ron. O. W. WOODWARD, Jmo. B. JAmcs n ALTORD. ABAIR iIbIeSIONIVEALTTI FIRE INSURANGt V COMPANY, ON TM: HAI% ON PENNSYLVA NIA.-081ce N. W. Cornell FOURTH and WALNUT Strelll.B, Pb!ladelphta Eablerlbod Capital, *500,1)00. FIN • Up Capitid.l2oo.ooo. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., Pregident. THOMAS B. BTZWAIIT, Vice Pree't. BAIMIL 0. Moos, Secretary. aul•ly CAR pa RIERS' ADDRESSES prered by an experienced writer, at 1;o. 1100 S Street, Metre Fod xral Ses 1101 P USSIA AND AMERICAN TARRED AV COItDAO — a priporlor gittiele. 11161111raCtIlre end for eels by YITLY.It k CO. 8-t/ No. 28 N. Witter M., et II N. Oaks bn 'Auction it SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (sr , cces . Jur. ,or to WOLLEIIT et SCOTT.) 431 CIIESI NUT St opposite the Luiitorn Houle, between Fourth an/ Yilch Str. ===lN=l2l CARRIAGE ROBES. This Morning, Cornru,ncinit at DA UMOCk precisely, will lie sold, etthmrt led,,C, all elegant assortment of furs, for ledges' xnd vote , near, consistinz of ears, tslaiss, vie tauors, pelerlo.s, soutb, . 1 / 4 c made In the best manner of sable, stone martin, eltda, strain., ,:11Vti martin, French sable, Russian Also, an awsortmi.ut of superior slet,pla aLt carria;e robes N Li —The whole are now arrange t for eialnillatlo , l, with catalopeS, and ace worthy the yartiLular atten tion of the ladle, and gentlemen of th a city, who are rtnici.tfully Invitel to attend. II: Sate rousAlle..to rivie a Concern SALE Or EMBROIDERIES. &c. On Wedn, slay morning, Commencing at 10 o'clock preciiiely, we will cell, 1.- catalogue, for cash, a large and general ei3aortinent of Frin.li and Scotch erubroid,rico, ribbons, tridininiga, artificial.i, and rullinery good, generally SUPERIOR WOOLLEN ItOMERY GOODS —AIS). a general iti.,ortnient of eaperior wool knit huNiery gtei.ll, ouch es hallbi wool ant inerino chin, awil drawers., noel bOWS, wool coati, hose and hall Lose, wool scarfs and cravats, he CLO 11iii AND MANIILLAO —Also, a line laties , cloth cloake, talnae, duotere, MEN'S READY-MADE CLOTIIING —tiro, DO gar. ttieotit. connoting of men', reads-made coat , ., tohnsk ruglatia, caininere panto, silk and wool route, CADAS, AND UntElt FANCY GOOD 3 —Also, rain,, fancy glass Loire, tut coffee serotees, table du, looking. Blase,, ni,:tnres, boy,' tool cheats, &e. 117" The whole embracing a largo and valuable no. surtment of ?Annie and fancy articles, suited to pi , sont •Ileo, will be arranged for examination, with cats. lugueo, earl) on the morning of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, .4*.!2 WALNUT STREET, &bore FOURTEL CARL—SALE U.VIIOUSEIIOLD FUILNITUILEL—TUE2- DAY. In We beg Dave to Inform the public that we hold Our regular weekly oiler of Furniture every fueld.vv. at Our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO 4.:2 WALNUT STREET, where every po.uble attention is given to ob tain the bighe4 pricer for the gnats of thooe who may favor nu with con .I, , urnentg Famitiee having portions of their furniture to doles.: of, or those declining house keeping and not wishmg sale' at their own daellings, eon hard their furniture CAREFULLY RE MOVIX TO OUR SALES ROOM, IVIIERE THEY WILL RRADILE ItETTER PRICLS FOR THEIR crioartßE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY Off THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN TUE CITY. fl:7 Persona favoring us with consignments CM teat aroured that their property will not be sacrificed. irj - - Commissions more moderate than those charged hy any other Auction Rouse in the city. 117. Consignments re spectfully got:rated. I Sales paid immediately after the goods are sold, REAL ESTATE BALE—DECRIILER 23d. This sale at the Exchange, on 'Wednesday evening, December 224,1507, at 7 o'clock, will include— Orphans' Court Sale —Eatate of Joseph Colhoun, Decid. 1 RANI'S. ROUSE AND LOT, ANN 9TREIII', NINE rEEN fit WARD —A fre'ne hcoss, ani lot of ground, southeast e:de of Ann street, 50 fact toutheast from Sarah atreet, Nineteenth ward, 29 feet front, 150 feet deep. f2O grouni rent. Orphans' Court Sale.—Estate of 11, Y Roemer, Deo'd I'ROPERI QUEEN STREET, KENSINGTON.—A certain house nod lot, north tide et Queen street, feet front. and IPO feet deep, to a 135 feet alley leadini from Shackatnamen street. Clear of lecumbrances. Orphans' Court Sale —Same Estate FRAME ROUSE AND LOT. POPLAR STREET A frame house, and lot cf ground, siorth side of Poplar street, between front and eecond, 20 foot front, and 114 feet drop. 112 ground tent. Poultice Sale. STORE AND DWELLING, COATES ST., ABOVE SEVENTEF,NTIi —A. three-story brick store sod dwel ling. south side of Coates street, &I feet 0 ioclaes east of Eighteenth street, 17 feet 1 inch front, and 83 ft. I'S inches deep, along Florence street. The house has bulk windows, gas, and hydrant 654 ground rent. Rents for $2OO per annum ID. Termi--eLsh. Sal• positive. 117 . 050 to be paid es each of the shove when the esme is struck off ABlignee's Stle—Frankford. DRUOS, DYES, fIATEIIIALS, &c., OF A MANU FACIORY AND PRINT-ORKS, Gn Thor,day Ith Instant, at 11 o'clock :rill be sell, at the Print and Dye works b 31005105 to the estate of Horsey golck sall, Frankferd, the talus stock of drugs, dyes, ail materials of Oa. manufactory AT reiveTs FILLS. A drat-ohms Printing Office, with • good run of bual tam, four printing prams, two Ruggler and one Ads =a Type and arerything neoersary for the busizota. Apply at the Auction stora jAMUEL NATRA_NS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 Emit), 1111110 Street, below Walnut, oppoilte Pear at., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business frame 7 o'clock, A. M., until 10 o'clock In the evening. Out-door Bales, and sales at the Auction House, ai tended upon the most eatisfactory terms. CAPITAL /204,000. E:tablislud for tAtt lost Thirty Years. Advanea made from one dollar to thousands on Dia Monde, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry', Hardware, Mer chendlie, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be 4:barged 2 per cent. per mouth; $lOO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store !louse having a depth of 120 feet, has large fire and thief-proof Wilt) to store all va,loables, and pri veto watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy Lase recce effected for tho beitent of all parsons haring goods advanced upon N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office Is prepared to make &heroes en more Batts factory and accommodating terms than any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with out any charge. This Slorning, December 15, at 10 o'clock. Soles•r000i in the second 6441. LARGE SALE. OF OVER ONE TRU - SAND LOTS OF VORI , EIS F.D COLLATERALS Coudsting of first-elsses.oti and aaver patent lever and other watch., diamonds, gold chains, feelatunabla Jewelry of es erg description, superior duelling pistols, saluable boat;, fancy work homes, superior rosewood piano. tnus;cal instruments..kc WArellE.3.—Ernbraerng over one hundred gret-class, heavy gold hint sg-cases and open face patent lever watches, made by btreldert, Cooper, Tobias, Johnson. Mutansan, Roske. and other celebrated makers, and warranted genum.. Al9O, one very superior eight•day gold hunting levee watch, full jewelled. 1111 Carat, heavy rases, coot VUO Also, IS karst gold and saver anchor lever wetches, foil jewelled Also, 13 karat gold sal silver lemne watches, fine English silver patent lever tvatehes, be the most celebrated makers Also ; gold 3311 tllle er English, French, and So ise watches - DIAMONDS --;:plendid brilliant diamond brooch and oar nags, Malts cross pattern. cost at Bailey rt; CO 's 53223: superior diamond cluster finger rine, also, dia mond and ruby finger rings. and diamond shirt study GOLD C 11.1 aS . AND FASHIONABLE JEWELRY OF EVERY DI.:41111-.TION —Fine gold guard, nook, very, 'watch, and fob chalet, doe gold breastriuo, fine gold oar ring', tine gold linear rln4s, gold braceletn, gold witilJture onto', gold incdallion,, gold lockets and eletr,w, gold.,,pcetett le4 and eye glaves, gold e•rals and key, gold alud4 and button,, aitrer card cases and eombr, ar Ijewelry of over. deFoniktion. iSlilikiNDlD.ll,l,l.lNtililLS AND COLTie \ LNG l'lnTol.6 —One pair nuperior English laminated atlas) duelling pistols, with fall net of implementa in case, complete, in perfect order, cost e:100. At,. of • pair English DATIaICUY twist barrel duelling pistol with full set of link:n:llN iu cuse, pr feet order, cost $l3O Also, three su perlor. heavy elver ulna utts4 Colt's rerol ring pistelt. SUPERIOR. ROSEWOOD NANO. VIOLINS, AND I'LL TINA —One lotperior rosewood piano, 6 3 , oct.tee, t cry fine tne', nage by Schumacher & Co , I hilalel ptile, coat $330 one very superior tone 'tells,. violin. coat p3O Also, ono clam tone old vlolln. cost $5O. Ono tluo t no duties, rust $3O Clue largo French rosewood lathes work box, cost ,V 35 One gentlemen's dressing caw, cculplete, cost $OO Also, a collection of v al u able books WALNUT SOFA, AND CUPPING IMPLEMENTS Oun superior new walnut sots sprlog seat, tufl,l, Colt Al.o, coo full set of copplog, Implements, in CMC, complete, cost $25. It t.1,1)-01..Vr , t.—Our ruperirr firl.l.gines. in prrfect order, co.t au *racer MO, aril many articles not en:l -t0...1100d. f ry- The good.; will be open for examination on nun day afternoon. December 14th. and early on the morn log of hale The piano, musical Inetrulnent3 and pie told, bill be sold poeitirely at 11 o'clock, d r PRIVATX O old Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be mold at reduced prices. an.bly SIXTH and RAOI Btreete. AT PRIVATE SALE—OoId and silver patent lever, Lepine, English. Seis; and french vetches, jewelry, of avers' description, mama! inviteraenta, ke , ke. AT 'PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second Poor, hotoeboli furniture, of every description, beds, mat trescov, earlioting, looking glasses, fancy article; An., kc.ota. Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction ear. Charges very low. Conslgnuionti of furniture clothing, Jewelry, A a, the • solicited. N ATLIAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, B. E. Corner of Sixth and Rica Street; Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plats iVatohes, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing Dry Goods Groceries, Eagers, Lis:Swan, Cutlery, Fq.ruiturs. Bel ding, 'form, Vehicle', Mantes, Stooks, sad on all sr. tides of value for soy length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory ao.d liberal terms thsu at any other este,h. . NATILANS, NOTICE —Ali goals forfeited at the Ofroa, N. E car net of Oixth and Race streets. a lit be sold on Thursday morning, 17th instant, et 10 o'clock. Depositors eau call previous thereto and reams their tickets LARGE SALE OF FORFEITED GOODS, at the O. E. corner of Sixth ami Race streets, Thursday Morning, 17th instant, at 10 o'clock, in the seise-more, 'second story—etatranco from Race str,et Consisting in part of one cam, 176 pairs children's shoes, one very Ana mr veyor`a inetrument, made by Knox & Shalt, %move'', fine microscopes, superior Dagnerreotna camera - - 64 mPlafus superior overcoats, frock and dress coats, Raglans, pantaloons ' 'set., handkerchiefs, under clothing, boots, shoes, umbrellas, silk dresses, merino, snots detail., debugs, caehmere ' alpacas, and chintz dceeses. and dress patterns , cloth abet and silk inv.tiliss, beeves, circulars, cloaks and copes, crape, silk, brccho, merino, etelia, bay State, and plaid woollori shan - le, ladies' under-clothing. parasols, gaiters, shoes, bonnets, featb• or beds, omulortables, quilts, betbapreada, table-clothe, sheets, pillow-cases, violins, lin ions, accotricoue, gui tars, double and elngle-barreled fowling pieces, patent rides, revolving and other pistols, patent umbrellas and canoe, steel skates, and a thousand other artioies. irr Particulars hereafter IMMENSE SALE OF FORFEITED WATCHES, JEW. ELRY, SILVER PLATE, in Ac At the C. E. COMOT of Sixth and Ram streets, Ou Tuesday 61orniog, ad instant, at 10 o'clock Ur . Ya rtleulary hereafter GREAT BARGAINS FOR CGRTSTMAS PRESEN'TS, AT PRIVATE SALE, AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. Meiling tam double care, and doable bottom, full Jeweled and plain English patent lever watches. Bilrer English patent lever ratchet llunting case and open Me gold escapement wad lever watches Hunting Case and open face gold lepine watches. Very 800 erowneled ladles' gold watches. Silver loser and lepine wstelies, English, Swiss, and French watches, gold chains, jewelry, muelcal balm. mente, and numerous fanny articles. WEBB'S rest sale of torfelted Watches, Tew - elry, Gune, Pistols, /dewiest Instruments, de., will take place shortly Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great Bale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, ke., being forfeited collsterals, will take place shortly, Duo notice will be given AT PRIVATE SALE, AT LIAI F TILE usr AL BELLING Nuccs.—Double-bottoruca and hunting case gold patent lever watches, of the moat ap proved makes, hunting case and open face gold escape mutterer and lepine watches, foil jeweled %Bon gold enameled lever and !spine watchea for 141es'; gold jewelry of every description; silver lever and lepine watches, in hunting cases and open face; silver English, Basics and French watches, a general assortment of fur niture, beds, mattresses, mirror,, de. OCT-DOOR SALES 60LICITJED, end charges to suit the Hines, low. c o nsignments of every description of goods solicited for public or private sale, MONEY ADVANCED on all and every lira of /roods, for public or prnate rale, or to be held for a limited time. Charges low. a CEa. - till W. SHUR, AUCTIONEER N. .E. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Street. above Second. EVENING SA LF.P. BALES EVERY EATIIItDAY EVENING, At 7g o'clock, it the Audio. Store. of Rardw.re, Cot lery, Hod sekeept og Art Woe, Olothtt g, Watches, lime% ry, Pena,' Articles, .t.e. 11 Alli R.. I kl.l, & M4NVFACTLRER6 or OASALIERS, BRACKET 3, PENDANTS, FITTINGS. and cll kinds of Chu and Lamp Work, °lran:l.llm &c. Nd 329 cur:sr:cur riTREEE, Pll/LADELPMA. ARCUEIL, WARNER. 1 CO No. Nil BROADWAY, NEW YORK. ektte.t with Baa Pipet, and all kinds t altering end ref airlag or (he Work. del2.3rti Cegal Xuticts TliE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE el CITY AND COL' NTT oy PITILADTLTIIIA. JUIIN HAS ILAND. to nes. 0. JOHN B. KLIECEEt. /forth, 1/57, No. 511. Ten Exp. The Attlitor appointed to distrittite proceeds ce *CO ander the writ of— No 1 Ali that certtin lot or piece of lard etelted on The aS , lth.e.t.tediy of Wissah"cken read, at the d,ctonce of 303 feet ninth eastward ly from a Thirty-three feet aside late. tailed Mifflin - a lane. in the Northern Liberties township. now :a this city of Phsladelgis,' containing in breadth on tali road 100 feet; thence ex• tending a iuthwestward between parallel lines at tight analot with the said road 240 feet. N o. 2. Also, all that certain tract or 'piece of land sit - este on the eouthwestwarity aide of the Wistehitken cr :10 turnpike road, in Penn to•nship, now to the city of Plidadelphia, beginning eta prat en the aide of a two perch wide lane, cornmeal, tolled Hilin's lane, which extends from the said road to a, linding.plece on the etilluylkill riser thence It the said lane south 5.1 degrees 20 minutes. veil Zi•l' ',etches arid aeren-tantha La post corner of )letthial Harrison'. et:So.-arc% t.h41L.78 by the Lillie north 3dde eoesaDoinutes,.est 51 pewee and one bolt to a poet; thence by the Leo/awn:4e de scribed tract north 53 degreea ndnutee, tart to per ches end a half to a poet on the side of the nerj. Wiva bickon road; thence by the sane neuth 31 dames.. tut 51 perch,. end two-tenths of a perch. and south 40 de. gas es, east 10 perches and four-tenths of a perch to the place of beginning: containin • 21 acres of land. No. IS Also, a certain tractor piece of Lend adyining the above tract, eituate on the rionthwestwandly side at the Wisaish.clon or Hidr turnpike road stereasdi, hegiunio; at a corner of the .bore-deseribed tract; thence running along the tone course of rig road north 27 degrees and a half, neat perches' sued eighty-Bee hnnir-edths parts of a perch to a corner of land rants! to Georg , . heck, thence by the said Beck's land south denrets and a half, • est 4$ perches and air-tenths of a perch to e. corner or land held by WILL= Bale and Jonathtm Wllharni, in trust for Catharine Price air 1 her chilir•n: thence by the route a:nth 4 degrees and a quarter, east 2/ perches and twenty-free-bria dredtlas patio of a perch to a corner of the alioes-de• embed tract. six fret routhi est of a *Lite oak sapling on the Dine of the above-described tract; thence a l ong the said lane north Z,O de-{reeb and a halt, edit 43 perches and eighty - fire-hundredthis parts of a perch to the place of beginn.ng, conta..g 6 cease and 10 pars:lli of laird No. 4. Ala, ail that certa:a meerusge or ten-mane and tot or plfce of ground, situate, lying. and being in the Northern Li bernei, now in the C 2 ty of Phllsdelphla, beginning at a state by the side a a strip of groand bat °ten for a road, thence eitendinx by Land formerly claimed by Benjamin )112114 south 03 degree/. Gut 47 parolees and aix-tenths of a perch to a stake; thews by land , old by Fiederick Dorer and wife to Benlancin Keye feY north (4 degrees. east 13 perches to another stake; thence by land formerly of 311ebael Clingnian north 3. deg-reef, weft eT perches and fonMenths of a perch to the cede of the ground left open fora road as afereeald; thence elongate of said road south 60 degrees, went 11 perches to the placed begloates; contsloiog 3 =VI or lend No. 5 Alsa t a certain lot or pieoe of lend &Italia for. in the :Northern Ltbertlee, but now in the edgy of Philadelphia, on the sonthotetwerdly aide Of a cartels late, called Bundlers lane, bounded and deeeribed as folicereth, agreeable to survey lately 'Dale 12-hereof by Robert Brook, earveyor. etc t Beginning at a stone at the side et Standley's late; thente _portly by mother peon of lend. beiria;ang to the said Georg% Daher, and partly by land of Pt lip Hershberzer, eolith 39 degrees 15 animate:, east 64 perch...l and 5.10 to a atone ; therm. by other lend, late of Juper Hoylaa, deceased, 'oath 62. der,' re, west 11 perches and 5 10 of a pareh to a atone; thence by other lend Of the told George Either, north 39 degrees, 15 manatee, west 65 perches and 440 of a perch ; to a atone In the side of the said lane ; therm alongside of aid lane, north 59 degrees, east 11 porches and 640 to the place of beginning. No. 6 Alan, all that tenement and tract or parcel of land, situate, lying, sal being lo the Northam Libertlee, now in the city of Philadelphia, beginning at poet standing on the northeast aide of Wissahickon road, a corner of land late of Peter Turner; thence by thence* land north 53 degrees 39 minutes. east 26 perches 7 feet and 4 Inchea to enother pest; thence ninth 37 decreed 40 minutes, west e 4 perches and 4-10 of a perch, to an other poet ; thence by lend late of Joshua Plaher south 53 degrees 20 minutes, west 29 perches and 4.10 of ea perch, to another post standing on the elle of Masa hiActi rood aforesaid. and thence by the luxe road 40 degrees, out 64 psrehee 7 feet b tochee, to the place of beg.nnlng , containing 11 :scree and 37 perches—will at' nd to the duties of his appointment on ITEDIeL6- DAY, Deeerubarl6th, 1357, at 4 o'clock, P. 11 .at his oce, at the !southeast corner of EIGIITG and LOCUST Streets, when and where all persons late:Teat are rso• qui red to make their claims, or be dehor.red from omlar to upon said land. der:s4lo t DOUGIIERTT, Auditor. Obucatianal lIALL OF ST. JAMES THE LZ.SS, NEAR FALLS ar ECM? Y, SELECT EOSI3DItAI iClit)OL 7011 BOSS Eal=tl The Rector, Rey B. R S3ITSBR, may be seen o , ee7 MEONESIJAY AFTERNOON, from B to 5 o'clock, st HOOKER'S Bookstore, 8. W. corner EIGHTH oast CHESTNUT, where ale:, circulars maybe obtained. Address Roy. B. R. &HESSE, d3-2m Fells of Ettoylktll, Philadelphia. eIRITTENDEIV B PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. grass of SETE:AIa and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories, BOOK-BEEP Int). PM:MAY:SHIP, atm style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CASOULATIONS. LECTURES, As. Each Student has individual tneauction from compe tent and attent:re Teachers, strider the figinassliate supervision of the Principal. Quo of the Beet Penmen in the Country hu china of the Writing Department. Please call and see Speciusers and get a Catalogue of Terms. &o. te.S-y PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PLIILADELPILIA. No Seminary whatever is more Eke a private fistol/y. The course or study i extensive aril thorough. Pro , teaser Saunders will receive a few more pupils water fourteen years of age into his family. Enquire of Messrs .1. S. Silver and Sisthew Newkirk, or Cal. J. W. Forney, ESstcr of this Paper, whose sons or wards are now members of his family. septle-tf attarnals at Eau). E W I S S. WELL S, ATTORNEY AT _KJ LAW No AIRY STREET, NORRISTOWN, Pa., • trlll atter:.l rich yonetaality, and to the test of his ability, to all business entrastot to bia tan. oc.l-3m DANIEL BOUGRERTY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Southeast Comm 9f SiGHTH AAA COAT Streets, I.ltiletlelpbl9. sally ehRPHANS" COURT SALE.—Estate of A-, WILLIAM SUCKER, de'ntsed. TLIGUA.S. SONS, Anct,useers. REAL ESTATE. Pursuant to an'Ortler of the Orphar_s' Court for the Ctty and County of Philadelphia. erlll be said at, Publ!:. Sale, on TUESDAY, Del:sut:, th. 15.127, at 7 o'elcek in Ob. evening, at the Pluladelphis Exthar.ge, the fol lowing degcrtbed property, late of Walls= Sacker, de• teas d, o.l—All that lot of grountwith the three story brick messuage thereon erected, intuit./ on the north side of Poplar street, Id feet 3,g tnches weal. of Twelfth street, late district of :Fran; Guden,contsocung in front on Poplar :tree. 14 feet, ant extsuaing in depth on the east line 55 feet t' turbo., and on the woof line be feet ig inchoi to a certain 3 test wile alley leading east into Twelfth street under and subject to a certaan yearly ground rent of BCO, on the first day of the months of January nut July. unto Charles Henry Fisher No 2 —ell that lot of ground, totuate on the north etle of Girard kveuue,3l t set west of Twelfth street, to the 20th ward, containing in front on Girket daienue la feet, and extending in depth fe-t to a c_rt. - .:11 3 feet wide alley lealing eastward. into Twelfth street ; under and subject nevertheless to the garment of aoerteln yearly ground rent of S td 40, on Vie test day of the months of January _an d July, nut, Amos true and George No. 3 —.lll that lot of grounl, situate ea the *set aide of Brea der street. 403 feet enutb. of D:anaond strut, in the 19th ward, containing in Croat on Kreuter street It feet, sod eatending in depth CO feet to Parry street, under and inkiest to a certain yearly ground rent or raw Of $24, on the drat of January eui July. N. B On the nrernisee narked No. .1 is created • t'e story brick builing. 12 by 28 feet. No 4 —►t! that lot of - groon4. with the 'three story brick tressusge thereon erettrd, situate on the west s.Je of Hibbard street, In the :nth sr/Lt.:LSO feet south side o f Steles street, ,routainlng In front en Ilfrterd. street 12 feet, and exteadlug to depth 4,3 feet sti Inches to a thorn feet suds alley leading northward into ana StiltS street; unler anl eutbeet to a certain yearly ground rent or SIM of S-36, nu the hest day of the to,..nthe of January and July, onto Charles Henry Fisher. By the Court. JOHN EIIERRY,CIerk4) C. ELIZABETH RUCKER, Adm'Z THOMAL) S 60N.6. Auctionotri. Ao.l 111 (formerly) 6 azd moth Fourth St de It 16 29 OCOURT SALE.—Estate of 1.-- , I3ENJAIIIN Still; CLL. deceased.—TliOlta & SONS, Auctioneers REAL ESTATE. Paranoia to as orlor of the Orphstv Coort. for the City and County of Philadelphia. will be rola at public safe, cio TCESDAY, I/tem:ober 15th, 1557, at 7 o'clock in the erenfing, at the PEULADELPIII-1 EXCIIANGE, the fol. lowing desciibed property, late of Penjazin decease 4, air: No I.—A. three-story briek inersnage, and lot of ground, south tale of Pratt street, Eal feet east of Fair mount street-14 feet front. 37 feat 3 inches deep. No. thr.a-story brick lasernage, sad lot, 61.• Joining No I—some dhuens,ons. No 3—A three-story brick ruesenagn, tni lot, scat?: side of Pratt street. ':d./ feet cat of laortnoont strait-- 14 feet front. 41 feet S inches deep No 4 —I three. story brick mess..uge, and tot, smith elle of Pratt a traet, 119 feet 3 Inches east of fatrroonzt. Street the Ccuxt, JOHN SHERRY, Clerk 0.0. ANN BURNEL , .. WIL A.1.1W BURNELL, CHARLES E.ERNBUBta, TELONIAS & SONS, Auct octets 13) k. 141 (foruorly 67 tr. 6Z , ') Both Fourth street d3-37&15 QEVENTII WARD RELIEF ASSOCIA TION —ln accordance with the rasolatio as adopt cal at a meetingg of citiceiss of tha Seventh Ward, th• Officart of the iST.ViNTH WARD 11F.LIEF ASSOCIA• TIUN TiZ Non. ObWAL.I3 TROMYEOS, Prtlident tV. D LEWIS and wax PARKER FOULKE, Esp.. Vice Presidents, and JOIIN SAMUEL, Secretary, met and appointed the feline ing gentleman to be the Olt*. InlEmecntrra Commute of the Association: First Prootutt—W. J Y White, No. 167 south Muth street; James 0. Hand, No E3O Pine street. . - Sesend Precinct--tiamiatl G. itslimead No. 410 south Eleventh street; Henry elneerl, No. d Henry et Tturi Precinct—l homes Ne Ilion. No 32.3 B Twelfth street; George Inman Riche, No. 1846 Pine street. Fourth Precinct—David Watt, No 546 south Fifteenth street; Robert 13 Scott, No. 303 south Sixteenth , trest. Fifth Precinct—Wilily= Ruda. No. 1717 Plus 'treat ; John H. Diehl, No 1721 Pine street, Sixth Proilnet—Charles Ryan- No NOlLeuabar4 et ; Joseph Moil orrls, No. IP4O Lombard street. Seventh Precinct—Henri. C -Fox, Twenty•seconS, above Booth; Charles llllilsrs. Pins west of Twen tieth. Elghth Preotnct—Lerl Linpo, Lombard, vat of Trcenty.third; Thomas Shoe., booth and Beech streets The Committee is tow organised by the election of John IL Diehl, Chairman; Samuel Ash:coed. Tres, suror ; John Samuel, Secretary; and Is preparei to at teLd to ail applEtatiors for relief , cud to receive, through any of its mono , ers, sub-erSptlons and contributions fa money, pror:Stiell9 and goods A otore 11.,u se has been established on the east side of SIX II F.NTH Street, below Lombard, southeast core rev of Sixteenth anl Career streets. ithere all contri butions of stores, t IVVISI,I2OI, ILIA Material tray be (ALL Dy Grier of Executive Committee JOHN 11. DIEHL. Chairman Goa. kx Ca-netttee. Jolla Saittr.t., Bet:limy d el.o-3 „rod INCED MEAT.- The Subscriber has Commenced manufaetztinz his Ne Pius Vitra MINCED MEAT, whieh he offers to his customers in 1-Anas or KULL Cr ANTITIMI. Orders three -01 BLOOD'S DISPATCH gill to ;nue tually attended to. J05H1 7 .4, WRIGHT, nl3 21,id SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN el. rflo AVOID CONSUMPTION, AVOID JL damp feet; to arold damp feat, una BRSI , DOCK'..3 ELM:KA. or IN ater-proA ...eather Ireaernure for Boots, rhoeB.ll2rries...s, limt every d.4 , ;r!ltlen of Leather. Gulrantoed water.prrof. For rely by, . t 11 .1:1:1TON9. No. b:l2 s•reet T J. ADAMS, Etzteenth eul Loes—ard. 11 BUTLER. Psssyssolt Sw3. 6Al.3sr STeeltin;tes. L. 1312ADDOCE, 81 Z. , iortla Te - elltb street. del:-IK* -NOTICE TO PASSENGERS,—Passea. era for Wp PHIL ADEL4I.IIA, Captain Pan., for [Aver' 001. wilt plPmet ocn N•^l, Sblppen st.rret whkrf. on TIStRrDAI - 1101CCItiti. Pc...nate:l7. 1111 o'clock Cable lksen.ge VD; lircor.l Co:ntla S.:temp SIS. 11105 RICHARDSON & CO Second Cabin a,lStnerne rkl.angors fkrnl.kr.l wl h plcvl4calln;tonll.4 to tilt' A uer can ;t;a.r.ier n-t
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