~ 4 E- • f.':(•: 5P' A e-,04 jwr 4.• • 7 agar l'h,e Frescj A saVrtal FBBNCII Or BUXOM) ABOUT. "Bli.Cll),:itiEg U. OkitlltTTE. , 1 7 Having taken the second prize is tragedy at the c‘ Conservatory ", he soon made his diant at the Okon. It was, if' I remember aright, in lenui4,. 1848, when ho appeared as ac Oros man", and was hissed by every student from the lett bank of the Seine. None of his Maude were surprised: it is so difficult to domed in tragedy, :when one's name is Gorgon. a Ito ought to have taken a • attain de guerre, :such as Montraull, or Tbabor ; : hut the poor fellow stuck to his mute as his sole inheritance. However, his fall made but ' little noise, for he had few friends, was only twenty, neat wai proligied by none of the Poor Gorgeon! No director would visage him for tragedy, but an old comedian friend got him into the Pianist-Royal, and he took his lot philoso phically. .6 :after all," thought he, " comedy has mote of a future before it titan tragedy, for there will probably ho no more Remus, while it is quite possible to write better vaude villes than lie was soon discovered to have talent in his new rale, possessing a pleasant voice, a I natural fund of wit aud miudery, and great command of countenance; and the public took him into favor; so that the nano of Gorgeon was passed Stem mouth to mouth, as that of as actor with the combined meths of Sainville anti Alcide Tourer. This ntetaraorpitesis of Orostaan into Jo crisse occupied sonic eighteen months, and, I at twenty-two years of age, Gorgeon was i making ten thousand francs a year, without counting benefits. His good fortune at this juncture turned his head a little, it must be owned, but wo don't know what we might have done in his place. The sight of pretty , furniture in his roonisaand•louis-d'ors in his pockets, lifted his Wu to such a height that be fancied himself a yoking man of fashion, and learned to play lausquenet, which Win.- tunately, is not difficult: I limey, indeed, that if every game were as complicated as chess,- there would be Power ruined by play: 1849 therefore, surprised him, surrounded by a - Small regiment - of creditors, to whom, in the Masi; he was astounded to discover that ho treed, twenty thousand francs. «How is Win' :Soliloquized he; 'c when I made noth-' lug, I owed nothing; now, the more I make the more I owe: have lucrative engagements then the virtne'of contracting debts for their . recipient 7" His creditors came every day to nee him, and be was very sorry to cause them ' so much inconvenience, and regretted sincere ly the Happy trays when the baker and milk ' woman refused Ormuntin any credit. One day, when he was sadly philosophizing on thafroublea of wealth, "Happy are they," -cried ho, ‘t who hate just the necessary means - of life f If I only made exactly enough for , •. my actual -wants, I should commit no travagances, contract no debts. It is this cursed superfluity that ruins me. I have no Use for more thou five hundred francs a month. • If 1 bad aged parents to support, sisters to dower, brothers to place at college—very stood t but I am alone in the world—ah! sup . pose I marry t" - Aud, for economy, he married the veriest - coquette , in the theatre—and in Paris. None of my Parisian readers, I am sure, can have forgotten that pretty little Pauline Ri viere, whose wit and beauty were the success of many a vaudeville. Her eyes, though small, were so sparkling, they scorned to flash over her wholtatimea - and her hair; so black and so imag a that the rote of a Swiss girl was created purposely for her to display it. ,Her figure was - charming; and as to her hands, they were ab solute curiosities, and Jouvin invented a glove number for them—Of e At seventeen, with no fortune but her beauty, no ancestor; save the Chief of the claque of the Theatre Pala's , Royal, she just missed being a Marquise. A descendant of the Round Table Knights, indu bitable Marquis, and unmitigated Breton, took • t• into- his head to marry ker. A couple of ' dowager-aunts were the only obstacles; but, - alas? ca The anger of dowagers," smith Solomon(7) ps is terrible, especially of Preto»- dowagers ;' and Pauline remained Pauline. At this crisis came Gorgeon to kneel at her Aline. She received him at first with that impartial grace which the.. accorded to all her suitors alike, for he was gbod-looking, dressed well, and had an agreeable voice and state. He began the siege, then, under favorable auspices, and at the end of a month Pauline liked him. (This was inYttbrnary, 1849.) In • March site liked hint better than all the others ; in April she loved him and let him discover it. - He waited for her to dismiss his rivals, but • Pauline was In no hurry, and the preparations for marriage went on amid a crowd of amorous besiegers whose attentions gave Gorgeon the shivers. Ire was happy neither at his rooms nor at Panline's ' for at his were his creditors,- and at lucre her beaux; and he finally asked her, one day, plainly, if these gentlemen could ' Defiled another divinity to sigh to. - • • a Bah I' said the, it are you going to be jealous ? You know I love you, for I tell you MI; and, to prove ft, I am going to marry you. Besides, jealousy, is somewhat riillen ' . lout always-a but in our profession, It is ab surd !" The marriage cause off the last of April. Two benefits mild Gorgeon'e debts and the Wedding expenses ; the first at the Odeon, the second of the Italian. Indeed, all the theatres in Paris wanted to take part; for Gorgeon add:, 'Pauline were liked everywhere. They We: united at Saint Hoch, gave a grand itijcansr at Pastel's, and left for Pontabableau in the evening. The first quarter of their honeymoon was -shedding its radiance over the old forest when they arrived—Gorgeon as proud as the tom of an Emperor, and Pauline gay as a :Inhuming bird.• The next morning, the Ist of:May r was the fete des Sables, which is kept up till= the ensuing dawn, under .the giant beech trees, end all the youth of the neighborhood WM there : all admired Pauline, and took her for the lady Bountiful of the neighboring - chateau corning to patronise their festivities, in which oho heartily, and danced away tilt three o'clock in the morning in spite of the gravel getting in her little Parbhboots. Gorgeon was not jealous. When they re turned to the Palais-Royal, he made no ill natured remarks about his fellow-actors Woe ieg hh wile, as they had , always done. She WIIS almost their adopted daughter—they had known her an infant behind the scenes, and she remembered being dandled en their knees. But what did worry Gorgeon slightly was, to notice 'Pauline's quondam admirereogling her through their opera-glasses, and tine nearly caused hint to thrget his cue on two occasions, for which he was laughed at by his comrades • who discovered-the cause, and one joker told hint he was going down hill to She "third -roles." {They call the "third rates," the ell- kits, jealous husbands, and splenetic old-men.) Be took tbejokes 'in good part, however, though he couldn't digest the gentlemen of the opera-glasses, and he,read with an emotion ',of pleasure the notice on the green-room door forbidding all outsiders entrance into the mys teries of the coutisses. He also. took care to accompany Pauline home, and to the theatre every time she played 'without hint; but Pau line didn't object to this, for though she was a little of a flirt, the loved her husband. The summer passed pleasantly enough; the members of "young Paris" were at the various watering places, and Monsieur do Gaudry, the Breton Marquis who wanted to marry Pauline, passed the season at his chateau; so that the honeymoon didn't ferment. But in December Paris casno ltomo,aud the dramatic society post ea their bills fora grand artist's ball on the first of February, of which Gorgeon was secretary, and his wife a patroness. All the young men, 5.1 a mode of tkeatrical life, rushed for tickets to the patronesses, and the prettier they were the greater the demand. Gorgeon saw that he could not close his door; his staircase was In a constant commotion, and his hell-rope was - worn-out by innumerable yellow kids. M. de Gaudry came to buy a ticket ; then lost it and retuned for another, which ho gave his brother, and was forced to come again for a • third, and the next 'day for a fourth• for' a - friend of his, and again for one Of his club—up • to at least a dozen. Gorgeon was one of Ber trand's best pupils; ho could tip the button ' nine 6race - out of twelve with the pistol; but what was all that 1 M. do Gaudry hail not in salted hint ; on the contrary, he was the mirror of kindness and courtesy ; if he quarreled with De Gaudry the World would not only make hint in the wrong, but would say he was 'cracked. Pauline loved him as well as ever, but she liked company and compliments, and played with the tire hke a woman who was sure of not burning her fingers. When Gorgeon proposed tartly to shut the door in the face of her ad mirers,she stopped him at once. don't want to make you ridiculous," said she; " don't he alarmed; If tiny one of thete gentlemen ontatep propriety, I shall know how to show him Ids error; but if we make a scene, all Paris will know of it, and ,you will be pointed at in the street." He had the impudence to allude to these an noyances in the presence of some of his artist companions, and the consequence was a , con stant tories_of jokes and puns at his expense (not to his face, hat where he would be auto to hear of theist), which ended by souring his temper, and destroying his domestic peace. He accused, and quarreled with his wife, and site, confident in her innocence, gave him - .baek tit for tat. In the midst of these disturbances, the anal. versary of thole marriaite slipped by witheitt "notice by either. The next day each one re collected it, end Gorgoon said to himself She can't love me much to have let it pass unregarded ;" white Pauline thought her bus - band repented of his match. But M. de Gau. , dry, who was never far out 'of the way, sout her a bracelet. • Gorgeon wanted to take it beak to- him, With au expression of ids senti•- : muds.' Pauline insisted on keeping it. ',Be - '_cause you,ilidn't think it worth while to snake roe a present;" said she, 4" you find fault with my friend's, attentions." . - :Your -friends are asses, whom I intend to --chastise," cried Gorgeon. , ',YoO.'d , better correct yourself. , thought thietnement that there wore tr/o classes GOfI(EON. of men superior to the herd—noblemen and 'artists; but I know-at least what to think of artiste now !". "jolt untY think what yen like," said Gor- Pony - Bei:Ong his hat," but you Shall nut tato -mesas a text of comparison any longer." " Are you going 1" ",Good bye t" a Where are you going " You'll know one of thew days." When will you return " Never !" Pauline waited four months fur tidings of her husband, in vain. They ,searched fur him everywhere—even in the river. The public regretted him, and his wife wept sincerely at his loss, fur she had never ee.ased to love him. , She closed her doer to every one, sent back ' the Marquis's bracelet, and refused all conso lations—tearing her hair, and exclaiming, " have killed my poor, dear Gorgeout" Near the end of September a rumor spread that Gorgeon, instead of being dead, was coin• lug fame and money hi Russia. Light days after, an antionyinous friend (no other than M. tie Gawky) sent her the follow-, lug slip from the St. Potershiwg Journal "The tith (1811) of September, the cele brated Gorgeon, the rival of Nelda Tenser, ! made hie dibet at the Theatre Michel, before the imperial court and a brilliant audience, in I , lm -Soar to Joerisse.' His success was complete,. and he. wan enthusiastically ap plauded. Gorgeon is engaged tbr the season, at four tliondaud silver roubles, (111,101 !'rules.) &e." Pauline wept no more. She entered the Sat of forsaken wives, and all Paris sympa thized with her, anti invented a hundred stdries of Gorgenu's cruelty—such as leaving her without cause, without resources, with out a home—while, in truth, he left her every cent he had, and all his furniture anti jewels, anti she drew live 111111l1M1 fk•IllIG8 a month from the theatre beside. iler misfortune inspired her former admirers of the orchestra-box (If. de Gaudry especially) with renewed devotion, of course, but she per mitted no patent leather boots to bring their condolers to bur domicile. Shutting herself up with a cousin, who served her both as do mestic and companion, she brooded over futile plans and contradictory resolutions. Some times she determined to go to St. Petersburg and throw herself into her husband's arms; at others she felt it would be more just and con jugal to scratch his - eyes out. Then she re solved to remain at Paris, and edify the world by a widowhood which would earn her the name of , "the Penelope of the Palais-Royal— and 80 forth, act hainitat». Gorgeon, short thee utter his debut in Rue , sia, wrote her a letter full of tenderness and contrition. His anger had cooled, his rivals were no longer before his eyes, and ho par doned and asked pardon. More he asked his wife to join bin); ho bad found her an engage ment. But, unfortunately, this letter arrived at the crisis of an indignation paroxysm, and Pauline threw it in the the without opening it. Gorgcon, obtaining no, answer, was again ruffled, and wrote no more. In November, Pauline, her resentment still carefully fanned by her friends, was one morn ing dressing herself before the glass, for a rehearsal. Her cousin had gone to market, leaving tho key in the door, and the comfdi tune was unrolling the last carb.paper, when she perceived in the mirror a small, extremely ugly man, enveloped' in a fur cloak, standing in the doorway, and with a scream of terror she turned round: ac Who are you t—what do you want t—go out, sir Yon can't enter here! Marie !!!" cried she, tho words follow ing each other so rapidly int they seemed to tall in a stream from her lips. "I am nut in love with you—you do not please me," replied the little man with visible embarrassment. "Love I Is it I who love you, then t—go out of my chamber, sir I" "I am not in love with you, madam—you do not " Madman I" almost ebrieked Pauline. " Leave we, or I !shall call for aid---1 will cry robbers will throw zupelf out of the window !" "Forgive me, madame ;" said the Milkman in a supplicating voice, and joining his bands; "I have travelled seven hundred leagues to make you a proposition. I have this moment I arrived from St, Petersburg, and speaking French very poorly, I had prepared what I wished to say to you before•hand ; but you have so intimidated me, that I—." 11e sat down and wiped his brow with a costly em broidered handkerchief, while Pauline seized the moment to throw a shawl over her shout. dors. "Madame," resumed the stranger, "I our not In excuse use, and don't get angry again—l mean, your husband has played sue an infamous trick. I ma the Prince Vasili kW; I have an income of a million, but never having served in the army. an: placed in the fourteenth class of nobility." " That Is nothing to me, sir." " I know; but I hare prepared what I have to say to you, and—l go on. I am, as you see, no beauty, anti I have, besides, a slight nervous disorder, which has been somewhat a ; subject for wit in society. This, however, has not prevented my loving a charming lady, do mending her in marriage, and being accepted by her parents . San account of my fortune ;5 whlelivialfMgarti's on the point of consum map*: ,I"4ur husband had the infernal idea f:l..C4Ficaturing me on the stage, and *4 Hitisjivilio whole city at any expense. Alter Ake:first representation, Vara (her cause is .Vara) dismissed my suit; after the second, she engaged herself to a little Finnish colonel. without 4 a hundred thousand Cranes in the world. Therefore, lam resolved to be revenged on florgeOtf, and if you will assist me, VII make your fortune. lam not in lore with you in spite of your beauty, and the propositions I stn about to make you are perfectly honora ble, although they may appear rather extraor dinary.. Thus, in brief: If you will leave here, instanter, for St. Petersburg in atom cellent travelling carriage, you will find Place St. Michel, a few steps only from the theatre, a leanness hotel, which I present you, com pletely furnished and tilled with servants wits will obey you blindly in everything. You can take two lady's maids with you, and two car riages will be at your orders. I have hired, at the theatre, a stage box on the first tier. My steward will count to you each month the sum you demand, and before leaving Paris I wilt deposit with your banker two hundred thou sand francs to your credit. Do not become alarmed too soon: you are not to give me love, friendship, or even gratitude for this ; I promise never to put foot inside your abode. Yon will receive whom you please, except your husband, and come and go as you like. All I ask is—a seat at your side in your box it the theatre, for eight performances. Gor geon has turned the laugh. against me; I wish to have it on my side now." The young wife knew her husband's pecu liar temperamentwell enough to feel bow cruel such a vengeance would be to him, and what terrible consequences might ensue. "You are mad," said elm to the Prince. "There are many other ways of punishing my husband, Send him to Siberia for a winter." tt Very dillicult enough: , The conversation was prolonged mill Marie's return, when Pauline obtained a weel_ for reflection and decision, which she employed in ton4ultin% her female friends, who were unanimous In advising her to accept; some because they were glad to get rid of a rival —others because they would rejoice at her re putation compromised by such a scandal. They earnestly heightened her husband's ill-treat ment and scorn of her, and the sweetness of revenge, all of which she heard dreamily, and finally (what will you think of the paradoxes of woman's heart when I tell you 1) accepted only because she was dying of the desire to see her- husband again. And proof of her disin terestedness was, that she refused the Prince's two hundred thousand francs. I am not influentia She loft Parts the Ist of December, and arrived in St. Petersburg on the 16th, in a magnificent sleigh, emblazoned with the coat of arms of the Prince. Vasilikoir had arrived two days before, and the whole city, Russians, French, and Gorgeon, know of the expected event of Pattlinc's entry. The Prince gave her fifteen days to recover the fatigacs of the journey, and she had a tbr ther delay of a week, during which Gorgeon did not play. She regarded the playbills each day as the prisoners of the Reign of Terror used to look at the list of the headsman. She enjoyed neither her splendid wardrobe, her pitncely home, nnr any of tho inzurion which surrounded her, and the chief-cook—a miracle of Provenee—oxhausted all his gas tronomic resources in vain: she had no more appetite. The 6th of January (new style) the bill an nounced to her that Gorgon was to play that evening in « Le diner de Marlon.' She wished to write and ask grace of the Prince ; but her twain advised her to write to her hus band, which she did, in a tender, supplicating, and sincerely contrite spirit, enclosing a with ered flower, which they had celled at Fontein- Mean on their wedding trip. Unfortunately, the manwhe carried the letter were the livery of the Prince. Uorgeon Imagined it contained some new insult, and throw it in the fire un opened. In the evening, Pauline, more dead than alive, allowed herself to be dressed, and arrived At the theatre doors with a faint hope or not finding the Prince there; but lie sprang joy ously- from the vestibule, opened her carriage door, and led her half fainting toher box. The theatre was crowded, and every glass was levelled at her, as she threw herself uncoil sciottely into an arm-chair, exactly beneath the gas chandelier. The curtain rose: Pauline was seised with vertigo, and saw nothing—heard nothing, though she sot erect and her eyes were fixed on the stage. Gorgeon had steeled himself to bear all, and covered his paleness with a double coat of rouge, though he forgot to paint his Bps, which were livid. Ile played his part throughout without failure or Interruption, save by the plaudits of his compatriots, and the ironical applause of the Russians, who were disposed to refit= to the side of the Prince. The cur tain fell, and Pauline was, carried to her car riage ', , The next evening &moon played Mucha vein°, In " Le Misanthrope et PAuvorgnat," admirably arasseur never did it better ! The Froucli audience bad brought wreaths and crowns of laurels and roses, and the Rus sians were furnished with crowns 2f vegetable I leaves and other absurdities, all of which rained together on poor Gorgeon, while some poor wit shouted (as he left the stage) !!my compliments to Madame." florgeon wept with rage us he entered his dressing room, and finding on the table a new latter Item Pauline wort with tears, he tore it savagely up and threw the fragments in the fire. After these two horrible evenings, Pauline besought the Prince to dispense with the other six. Gorgeou was more titan sufficiently punished. Vasiiiiteff w:l4 amiable enough to drop half I his vengeance, and decided that after two I more nights Panlitte should be flee. ‘, Ger goon," he said, '' had played him off eight ) times, but he thought his comedy ought to e mu( double, and year pertbrmauce; would heal his wounded hotter.'" They were to play, the two succeeding nights, au amusing vaudeville of Messrs. Xavier and Varin, called Let colere Arhille." The hero of the piece, slehille Pa»goiin, is a modern tt Syanarelle,' , who //MIS ID everything a cause for suspicion and jealousy. If he discovers a cane in his entry he thinks it was loft by a rival, and breaks it to atoms without recognising it as his own. Ile Thrgels lain hat in his wife's chamber, and re turns for it ; finds It; seises it, and crushes it furiously up, looking savagely around at the same time, ha every possible corner, for the owner or the cursed bat. Finally, Ina climax of despair, he resolves on suicide, and loads a pistol to blow out his brains; but 11 scruple arrests him lie wants to destroy himself, to be sure; lint he does not wish to give pain. So, to conciliate Ids horror of exis tence with his tenderness for his fiesta, he places himself before a mirror, and meth: leis image. The piece, ou the lint eight, achieved an enthusiastic success. Two hours before the pet formance, Gorgeon had refused ha receive a visit front his with, and he played the part of the Enraged Aehille, con suture. Unfortu nately, the tbetatre.pistot was a venerable relic, %Odell would »ot go oil until after the third attempt. Bat Gorgeon said to the manager, as he made an excuse after the performance ; "Never mind; I've got au excellent pistol at my rooms, which I'll bring fur to-morrow's performance, and which I'll promise not to fail.", Sure enough, the next evening he brought a double-barrelled pistol of admirable workmanship. a You see," said he to the manager, «if the first barrel fails, I can the the second." Ito acted with a forco and spirit boyoud his happiest antecedents. At the last scone, instead of Ming into the mirror, ho turned the barrel of his weapon rapidly round and shot his wife through the heart; then, before the spectators had recoiMr ed their presence of mind, be blow out his 011» brains with the second barrel The performance was, ofceurse, Interrupted, and the tragedy made a great hubbub in Saint Petersburg. It was Prince Vasilikoir who re lated it to me. "Would you have believed it 7" cried he, as ho finished the tale. g; Gorgeon and Pauline had really married for love 1 That's the way with you people at Paris!" Copartittrol)ip Notice niSSOL TION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. -11— , — The co•partnerallip heretofore exitting beta een the undersigned, under the firm of Lawrence Rune, A. Co i , in Beaton, New York, and Philadelphia, s idle day diasolrod. Signed, fIiA3RfEL LAWRENCE, WM W. STONE, JARVIS GLADE, IIENRY T. MEM, 0. LI. PERRY. Dee. Int o 1537 IYllliam W. Slone 'and Henry T. Jenkins will eon• ti»no tits Commission Duni:lets nt O. 41 Brendan', in the city of New York, under the Ann of Moue & Joe. klne.• de9.Bt•BSt taos) nub China iVart CALL. AND SEE The Greatest OF It °LIDA'S' I. VI I ! F it T N r T Byer exhibited in TOO CITY OF PHILMAILPIIIA, Which 11l be cold et exceedingly. IA tY • P )11 I: MARI:SUN k WITTE'S, MASONIC HAW, 713 COESTNUT ST Jab Prizttiikt TAMES H. BRYSON'S BOOK AND JOB rPRINTING ROORS, 2 North SIXTII Street, brat Above Marliet, Philadelphia. Blanka, Cards, Ileada, Pamphlet.% and general Printing attended to. Dinalnir attended to to connection a- ith printed beta ings of Manila and Rectipta. 4.12-tf V. VA NB,---10,000-IMI N TE Et ), A kt Curds per Dour W Di n7:2;:::::•;;;Lti,"°"" xt•ta A Prar ked D IGICO Dt t" CoJor, 10171 dio of.-611r arew groat i Pe. G REAT REDUCTfON PA THU ?RICO Or LOTH The Cleatreea. Cemetery Co, have determined, to to the tot, to their Cemetery at The presentprices for mak . By this reanction some or the most 0140618 . 1,01'2611? sold et Cole 300 lot+ will be ditposed or at there rates, tad the opportunity in offered until January lit, 1848, Ap ply at the ofiloe, O. 434 1ir.4.1.:15T 8TICE:1;1', below goiele atid lieetanranto M E"E ttiZ N I WITYYZI4 L B ' T BERT Anent M , Atill4l AtoKIBBXN k 602,8, PilOrNit voas JONES" ARCH STREET SALOONS, 727 and I% ARCH ETRE ET HOLIDAYS; HOLIDAYS! The Bolidup are close at band, and Jonea'a Are street Saloon is prepared for the Immense demand tha will he made upon it for CONMCTION3. VIIRISTSIAS AND NEW YEAR'S CANDIES EMMTE=MEEIIMMEI . . . . . Every rarlety.of Bon Bons, Pastime, Bourbon Drupe, new style of Dom Drops, Eau Sucre Drops, PangMorro Bon Bow, and every variety rare awl corny candies manufactured in Paris, War Preheat., all httes rtad riTTEDNN Of 01116RieMAI Boxes, Pyramids, Ribbon Ties HIM with the ehoiceht variety of Confections, and varying in price from One Dollar up to Fifty Dollars. Some of these Boleti are the 115S15rPRRIt SPKVISIENS Or Mier WORK AND iitrzerry ut:stax Hvi:n Orrloll.o IN-THIS COUNTRY. To the Ladies, as welt an to the whole public, Jen Saloons ere the most attractive in the City, and in splendor of adornment and finish ass superior to any in the llnt on PPP:AI:FASTS, DINN.P. BS, AND surrsns, Served up lathe choicest and wont sapedttinun Un' OP ALL If I 11 , 1)S, IRE CREAMS, JELLIES, DA3fE, AND OYSTERS, Constantly mull for 'loiter* in profusion. PhAVN, FANCY, AND ORNAMENTAL, CANES AND DIES OP NYERY DYSCIIIPTION. MEM EM=3 And, fa /set, all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELICACIES of ere/To/hoe and country., BALLS. PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation Sttppers, and Families supplied at the shortest notice and on reasonable term. A continuance of the patronage hitherto no liberally beatowe4 by the public is respectfully zolloitezl. St. S JONES, Proprietor. • FETRY BROTHERS's RESTATYRANT, 23/ Eouth THIRD Street opposite the uew l'euzsy Tanis Railroad Offloe. YRICES RRDIRJED. We continue to keep our place as a first-class Restau rant with eve convenience in regard to private parties. We bare also made arrangements to serve In our com modious Threement a variety of null-prepared Cold and Warm Dishes, at prices to suit and answer the exigen cies of the times. Our Maim and Inquorn ern not ruspansed by any In the city. nolo-tutbkr.lin CA:APULIA RESTAITRANT.--VENI 130N, Wild Burke, Turkeys, Owe, Orme, Fresh Salmon, Chlncotique, Opluachtsis, Princess Bay, Abse coin, and Cove Oysters, with every variety of (UNE, wild or domestic, In season. Green Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers served up tit the shortest notice, at JOAN O.II.SIPBELL'S, No. 627 01.1E6TNTJT street, op. potato the State lionise. N.D.—No expense or pains has been spared by the Proprietor in Ming up thin now establishment in the most sumptuous manner—the ReCOl34 semi being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, Suppers, &c. • 8.7 Entrance for Ladles towards Sixth street. nov7-3m JILLIAIit ratsibiltfG'S OLTY LAGER BEE/1 SALOON, lie. 232 Orator's Alley. Phlla delphts, 110p22-3m oGOTA.N'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH went corner of BROAD end IVALITG2,—Osine tad all other delfceciee in Reason. Feanities gentled with Oyeterson the 'shortest notice. eepT•Tm expreos Tompanito. FpuE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, ,120 CILEST:4I7T BTU T, tomer& PAPOEL/3, PACKAGES, lIRECLIIANDIZII, SANK N02P43 and SPECE, either by its own LINES, or ha connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to alt the priIAITAI TOWNS awl CITIES of the United tates. S. SANDFORD, Gsuettt Etiperintemdent. 15 000 BOXES OF AMERICAN WIN DOW °GASS, of all oh:es and 400113104 ; fur Bale at lowest prices. Our rtesortinent is totoplete, and are daily recciring fre,h lots from the lienalugton Chtini Werke, She'ela ti DAN make, auperior to any , In the market an to brilliancy and regular thicknesa, equal to French We are now reeeleing tKectlOrds of the Olass made at these works. 2 , 000 boxes French 04E9 of all sites'. 4,000 feet Bough 016,1 for akylighta. L.OOO fort Engraved awl Enamelled alms, of all pot; terns. White Lead, Trench and American Zino, Petals, kc. 100 000 lbell'hite Lead. 50,000 lbs French 'Lino, (V 101 l te Montague). 7000 Ds American Zion. Brown Zinc, a full supply, Chrome Oreen, a full supply. Chrome Yellow, a full supply Prussian Blue, a lull sup •Iy, Paris Gillen, a full supply. Address your orders to znximm a. SMITH, SS holeeale I/mutate end Alanufnetureta, Sete Proprietors of the Penns. Steam Color Works Store 0. W, corner St 10051) awl OBIHIN Streets, Philadelphia. dell tf BALE ROPE .—Buyera aro invited to call anti examine otir Manila lisle Itope, which we can eau sell as tow as American, and warrant superior in taceigth and TITLEIt 4, 09., NS N. Wi 0 tt; . taut 22N. ?Manes. TIM Pgr,SK--144ADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER. M 1857. rJIRE BRITISH AND NORTH &URI OAN ROYAL MAIL STRAMIIIPS rau TO6W WYK TO 1.1‘101 , 11104 Obitt COUI Paean° &cowl Cabin Pan PROM /1011TO9 TO ticauttaa.. Chief Cabin Nemo MO Second Cabin Passage6o i ..4 The ships front BOMOO 00 at ittalce.X. PIIIIIIIA, Capt. Judlaina CANADA, Capt. Lang, ARABIA, Capt..). Stone. AIIEItIOA, Oapt.Wiricatan AgIA, Capt. .11, i.e. Lett. NIACAItA. Capt. little. AFILICA, Capt. Shannon. rafnovA, caps. J. These ieseela carry a clear white light at tillld-lievi ; green on starboard bow; red on port how. AFRICA, Shannon, leme N , York, Virednetday, Dos, 9. AldratlVA, JAM, " lieeton, Wednesday, 800. 16, ElllllO.l, Leitch, ~ N.York,lS'ialuesday, Leo. 23, CANADA, Lang, " itoeton t Wednesday, Ow, 90. PERSIA,Judluns, " N.Yuek, Wednesday, Jan 0.'65 N IA 0 Alta. NV I Amen , Auto 0 ,Wedneaday, 1 ar,,13 , 68 AIItICA, Shannon, . Id .York,Wedneaday, Jan. 2.0. Bertha not secured until paid for. • An experienced surgeon en board. The owners of time Ships will nut be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie Jewelry, Preeloue Stenos or Metals, ttoleas blue of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof thereto expreanl. For freight or po,Joge apply to Ilk . Bl 01. CUNARD, 4 Bowling flreon, N. Volk. 141011. SAN FltlNUlSCO.—eLipptit RAI . DISDAY, December IWth."-L.The uliturriwa dipper ship Comi.inn.lt.r. Clipper of l'iltiltSDAY, December filth.—The mag nificent A 1 clipper ship LOOK OUT; I.(switros, Coin. 1111111d0P, Both of those cetetn , ste.l ships are now loading in Now York, and will sail in above • or freight, at Now York rates, apply to IItStIOP SIMONS, k CO. deS MI (Into so I\ o l!l'llwiburvis. ipOlt LINIIRPOOL—TITURSDA'k, zit; OENIDIIIt 17. —The Docket Ship DDILADI3,- 1 , 1t1A., Capt. thmthas V. t'oot.n, will nail as above. Cabin pump...." $.lO • Second cabin lo Steerage IS Second Cabin and Steerage Pac.on g era found with Provisions, according to the American passenger act. for freight or passage, apply to TllO9. RICIIARDSON Sc. CO. Drafts on the tgentx in sums to snit, from 11 op wards. nola SAVANIgAIi STEAXSIII LINE. KEYSTONE STATE. 1H eenxiquenee of the depresaell state et ttmle, the have ships will be withdrawn for the premmt. October.lath, A. HERON, Jr. ''ARE REDUCED TO SOUTHAMPTON AND HAVllll,—The magnificent fteemehtp VAN. 13EHBILT, Edward Higgins, conatnnwier, CIA tom will sail From Now York for South. j 1 From Southampton and autptort and )Intro. Harrel fur New York. Saturday Oct, 21( Saturday Nee. 14 Saturday Doe. 6 1 Saturday Deo. 1.6 Price of Passage—First cabin, WO; xecond cabin, f6O epecio del ir , red In London and Part+. For freight or pump aggty to D. TONNANCE. Agent. No. 6 Bowling Worn, Now York. Lettrys for England and Europa, pre.pail ) i 5 cents each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage stamps If from other cities) will be received at No. o Bowling green, Nero York, up to 11,tj o'clock on the morning of salt. log. oclo- lf FOIL ENGLAND AND FRANCE,IBS7.-- New York tad linTro htearnehip Company.—The United &Met Diell Steamsbton 2,500 tone, David I..tneit, commander, and 1 , 111.T0N, '2,600 tone, dance A. Vrotton, commode; Tilt leave New York, there and Bouthamplon, for the years 186 T and 68, on the follotrlas dare : LISTS NSW 7066. 1867. 186 1 1, Fulton, Etntntdey, Augg. 2t 4 .4ettn, Fab r ic ' , I F io b , L:t r ni t B lLl s o l t... 17 l u rn;s p ,' d e . 6inicb Arngo, dn. Not. 14 Fulton, do. 401 a Dalton, do. Deo. 12 Arago, do May 1 Fulton, do. Nay 29 LIA7O 110011. Arego, 'rugby, Aug. 26 Fulton, do. 950. &rap, do. Oot. 20 /piton, do. Nor. 17 Anego, do. Deo. 16 1969. Fulton, do. 1411.19 Azago, do. lob. 9 Fulton, do. March 9 &rag°, do. April 0 Fulton, do. M 474 Atago, do. hue 1 Patton, do, Juno 29 l/11011 ?rom New York to Southampton Or Macre—lttet Cabln, $1.30 ; Second Cabin, $l6. From Havre or Southampton to New York—llret Cabin, SOO trace; Second Cabin, 600 Trance. lot freight or paeaage, apply to 310117451 ES LIVINGSTON, Agent, Broadway. WILLIAM ISELIN, " Ettere. CHORUS!' /r. CO., " Soutb'ton. AMERICAN SAIROPEAN swing. CO EX. Parte. CUANGB O. and FITHE NEW ' ORK AND LIVERPOOL it. UNITED STATES RAIL BTEASIERS.—The Philp Composing this Line are The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. The it ALTIO, Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADM ATM), Capt. Isaacs West. n jThese ships have been built by roatritt, expressly for eovernmerit service. every care has been taken to their oonstruction, se also In theirengirtes, to ensure strength and speed, and their Accommodations for passengers are em lied for elegance and comfort. Price of peonage trout New York to Liverpool, In fret Cabin, MC; lc second do., $76; from Liverpool to New York, 93 era 20 guineas. No berths secured unless paid tor. The ships of this floe here improved water•tight hulk heeds. PROPOSED DATES OW fIAILINO. • 7lobt Rtlw TORY. FROM Lit lisrOoL. etttatttity, Jane 24, 1867 R'ednesday, June 24, 184 Saturday, July 4, 1857 Wednesday, July 6, 1657 Saturday, July 18, 1867 Wednesday, July 22, 1657 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1867 Waturday, Aug, 15, 1657 Wednesday, Aug. Is, 1657 Saturday, Sept.ls, 1657 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1657 Saturday, Sept, 2 1 1, 1557 Wednesday, Sept. 54, Igs itatorday, Oct. 30, 1857 Wednesday, Out. 14, 1857 Saturday, Oat. 24 1857 Wednesday, Ott. %, 1457 Saturday, Nov. 7, 1857 ti'talnesday, Nov.ll, 1851 Saturday, No►. 21, 1651 Wednesday, N0►.50, 1847 Saturday, Dee. 4, 1551 Wednesday, Dec. 0, 1857 Wednesday, Dee. tt.2, 1811 lot freight or Pirss4l4, ►apt to 'SMARR K. COLLINS, No. 513 Wall street, N.Y. BROWN, 81111'LEY to CO., Liverpool. STEPIIIIN KRNSARD k 00., 27 And% Wrists, London. B. O. WAINWRIGHT ft CO., Pmts. The owners of these shine. *lll not be neooontable for gold, direr, bullion, !peel°, jewelry.pr selotte stones or metals, unless bills of lading t‘ s nod therefor, and the 'value thereof expreesed thereto aul-tf C.4._REAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU ROPE. That Cabin ISO Second Cabin 160 In the fltst ; clase paddle-wheel atcatuehlp ADDLE!, 2,000 tone, C. D. LS/DLOR, Commander, and NORTH . STAB 2,500 tons, T. E. Lars ens, to sail from pier No. North Elver, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STATES MAILS, els: Leave N. York for Southampton, Lie, Bremen for Southampton vre and firemen. Southampton for New lurk. Arlel, Saturday, Oct., 31. Weda'day, Nar.4, N. SaVy, OoL 31. Saturday. Nor. SB. We ded , y, Dec. 80 These ateitnere Couch at liASlttl. Specie delivered In London and Saris. l'or passage and freight, only to D. I . OIIBANOIi, Agent, tio. d Bowling Green, h'ew York. oclo.tt IRISH AND SCOTCH 'WHISKEY, Wheleeale and Retail, Ity it V 0 II 11A 00VP.RNItENT 11008 E, corner of YRONT and ',MARTON Street's, (oryoffite the Navy Yard Philadelphia BRANDIES.—" rinet Castl Mama, and other Cognacs of rations In half ',free and onarter ea.ka rellevoleln Standlea, pale And dart, In half plpea, half snake , olwelghtb °lake. Imported and for »ale by HENRY 110111 N & CO., 002 'AI And t4;l booth Youth Welt. ALEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND uatzon LOTWM, No, 228 2 Bootheast Corner o 0.1:01tti): sta SOUTII Etreetio. CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINES, LIQUORR, (WARP, Arc., 28 South PlETAOtreet, aul•ly 110tRANDIES.—Pluet, Oastlllon & Co., Ma.. .R.J I rett & Cu., and other breods of Cogrum, or rarloue eintageo, In half pipes and quarter mace ; Pellevoinha Rochelle Brandies, pale and dart, In half pipee, quarter snake and one-eighth casks, att fa Custom HOME. stores, 'lmported and for tale by IIENRY RORLEN &. CO., 11,11 5 Nos. maul 223 South Fourth street. DITIIMsU & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (neer N 0.938) North THIRD Btreet, Philidelphte.—£4hipping orders promptly attended to. oul•tt BOOTS AND SHOES.—Tho subscriber has on hand a large and varied stack of DOOM and RUM which ho rill sell at the lowed prices. MM. IV. TAILOR, n 021.17 D. E. corner rEPTIE and MARKET Cite. DIKYSISEIIS FALL STOOK OF BOOTS AND STIOES, S. TIMIIPZON k CO., No. 814 BIM KEIL' /Wed, end Roc 8 and 6 FRANKLIN PLAOR, bare new In More a large end eell•ennortod stock of DOOM and 81.1690, of City end Barden) nienrilAchue, which they otter for tale on the bent term for 0104 or on the neual credit. SI uyerA are inTited to sell tad easmine their stoat and-dtl NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. The ahip Pitlfullt.t.LPllTA, from Llverpool, ie now difichargiog under general orier, BUIPPIRN STREET WHAM Coneigmeeemill.,pfease ateend to receipt of their geode. loon TIIO3. ItICIIARDSON & CO. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES.— Tho ship PIIILADELPITIA, Captsin Pool, trotn Liverpool, Is now randy disehsrgo Bhippenatteat wharf. Con signees will pleano deliver their permits to the Custom house racer on board. All goods not vomited In dee days wilt bo sent to puhlie store. nol6 THOMAS IiTCRARPSON & CO. 00AOH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Partory of IL W 1783111018, N 0.109 Onto 43) Booth MOUTH, below Obeetnut street, hen become n enrlng of 60 per cent. to our 80tInttlIfi AND WfrffiTEßN trifftoll AWN, and also the eourenlence of Wing their old garrfese !amps new silver-topped and bottomed, 'ad soot by exprene to all ' , mtg. 61)12 17 `'COTTON-200 bales good Middling to Mid AJ dllng Per Cotton, to store and for nate by 74.111tT1N k MACALIBIIOt, ant 119 North Water rttreet. 'TORAGE ou SECOND and THIRD 1100119 can be had x6llO north IVster street. Apply to MAIITIN h UACALISTEtt. tiV.l3 (I . IIARLES P. CALDWELL—Wholesale .find Retell WHIP imul. CANS alai Vactarer i No. 4 No OURTII A eri MANILLA ROPE.--.SUPERIOR MA IN NILLA BON I, manufactured and tor arde VITLIat & CO, ana-tf Mn. 98 N. Water at.. •a 8 22 N. WWII, 5000 TONS of MITOUELL & 011.0AS dwitl'14 Improved Allper '1 , 11081 , 11M11 LIME, far solo by CROASDALn, UM: & , noll3-tt No. 104 N M , Delftware svestuo. QPIRITS TURPENTINE-200 Ibis Spirit Torpeutlns, to arrive, fur aslo by ItfitltrUst k SfACAUSTEIt s su 1 — ll9 Korth 11 7 stor stroot. VVELCOM§ RA NUIL—SOLD BY QUAD • v %lax & BRO. ga2 N. ANOOND I t atalg-Rat M YER STRO USE, ATTORNEY AT AIM LAN, CIENTRII steed, Pottoyinsi Shipputg HTRAWIIII% STATE OF OEOSOIA 11011111.1.101011. 1967, Arno, Wedueaday, Avg '2,6 alto% do. bpt lArago, do. Oot. liultou, do. rim 18 !dreg°, do, Pro. 18 1869. lobos, do. deo. 16 &rem do. 'Feb. 10 Fulton, do. Man 10 Arago, do. Arell 7 Yahoo, do, May 6 Are.go, do. Janet Innon, do. Joao 32 Wineo anb Molars. Dooto nub Olgleo Notice to '.ostsifintro. 22A TUN.—,BUYERSi LBS. IS TUN.—,BUYERS / and ooneumera are Invited to examine our Mock of I,ool.lfiT MOUNTAIN and CLAWS. lIIIATII COAL , ' Our Coal le selected expressly for family use; being carefully sereened, we will warrant It free from slate and duet. We sell V,40 1ha,,,, wing i; 240 lbs. more" than soli by retoltdealero, oent4 Isom per t0n. , 1 Also, ea hand a full supply of "BROAD TOP lIITC MINOUP 00A1, ,, for titeam•genersting, ittootamithinK, end Rolllog•mill purposes, Thlo Coal cannot be ex. trolled. 'TAT , Ie, MAD end YINX—DIg Blga, '2 . ?AO LIM IR A TON. [eeB.3mJ MII.OI.ITON A: 00 Co 0A LI COMO COAL!—TAGGAIiVe MrdititaND SPRING mouNTAJA Lununt COAL. J. 4.. B. OAR TE IVA OR NENWOOD. TAMAQUA COAL OMO.VaI W. BNYAI3II PINN VOlLlar ECIICYL KILL COAL. RANDALL k MEREDITH }lave for sale, and Are maim :My ferrety Pg CrOM abora cola brated Colllertra, COAL OF ALI, SIZES. . . There Is co 004 LOAM) Anywhere, equal IC /111411,/ Lbw, AD) will cOI2OIICO an, ono of thelr great superiority. Out Cout Cs very entriully summed et out isr,ls, out we wilt MAI milt It perfectly free from Mee, (Ida seal ell Impurities. Our PIIIEES sreesLOW AO the VERY LOWEST. OM oro tea at our (Mee, No. 141 800111 FRONT street, above IValout, °Moto loft at our Yard, CALLOW n bt, street, Was. IltrOAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, NV ATM Areal, above OA to- LOWllll4—or molt tu elilour plats per Dispatch l'ost, will reel,. prompt Atl eOlien. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and rs• amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. outol•tl OHUYLKILL AND LEHIGIi 11111 daily receiving, at my C O A L he best gustily co. fielltriffoßll.l. AND Lllllfflti . hly coostomoors, and all °there who may favor me with their orders, may relas: Battftl Coal that will be satisfactory to them. No inferior Coal tort it this establishment to one at LOW PRIOEfi. ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. X. corner of Dryad and Cherry Xis }LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL, COAL.— DALY, PORTEN 84 CO. COAL REALERS, No. 821 P111:4111 Street, above DOM, keep countently on Laud , at the very lowest :gee, • full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Cora, su 1-Su .tilercliaitt Wailoro. _ . JOHN P. DOUERTY, YORMERLY WITH ILICIAIt k WROTHY.R, LATE WITtI GUICENti, CO., TAILOIt, it CHESTNUT STRERT, ADOPT .F.f (MTH, il t iA now with him the best Tailors that aro engaged in the bullies', in title country. Cut abed RUM formed) , the leading tailor of this city; M. KAY'SKPI t formerly cutter for 0. Roth It: Co , and late Coat and Vest cutter with fattens, Kelly, .1. Co.; Una ire W torte , the best Pants and 'Pest cutlet In the Tiksite4 States, for yenta totter with Deplerria ; under the Irving Honda, Broadway, anti with Pariartin Pettue, wider the Ht. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The moat unremitting attention paid to the w o all who pationire the establishment. The beat of Clothes made et ntoilirait twit!, foe mita, law ',rites fur cad,. JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT al TAILOR. Non. 16 utvlll3 South NINTH STIILET, ABOVE 011h8TNUT. . . A. large and well eeleete4 stock of OLOTHB and OASPINSOR.EB always en hand. All Clothing made at this ladablishineut will be of the beat quality, and in the moat foiehjonnble aly ta. Particular attention gireu to UNTIORhf CLOTH. Is. KP E S MEN'S AND BOYS' OLOTIIING,, 145 North 'lowan &net, botwaea Leah and Ram aus-17 gammmion illerci)anto =INNM COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 43 North TROPIT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia coNsTAMY Itr.crAvtma •••• • CLOVER, SEED On eonalgnment from The interior 01 Pennkvirenie, where onr new Cleaning Mill is now in garland ow g 7 Ateo, TLMOTEIV AND RED TOP always on hind. eek24l 111 ANDY & BRENNER-COMMISSION PIERCUANTB sad Dealers In Vereto end Ame rican RARDWARII awl CUTLERY, Noe. 23, 25 nevi 27 North BIFTIL Btreet j Nut Ade abov Comtueree street, Philadelphia, &git CIIA.R LES TETE, COMMISSION MER aml Importer or HAVANA iIKOARB (New)l3B Wabutt stmt. seoofld. story. sally arobacto anb (Cigars) HAVANA CIGARS---A handsome /Mort. Such Rs Sigiro, Cabal*, 139100, firm Loren, Union Americitns, Onion, Flora Cubsna, tvo., kn. kn., In X, sir, 1.6 and 1.10 ones, of at( sizes and quail. Uss, In atere and constnady totalling, and for oats low, by CHARLES Twer,, (new) 138 WALNUT ntroet, tolow Second, senon , l story 3 . kllO CABANAS AND PARTAGA.S chotoo Invoice or there celebrated branda on board brig "New %re," daily expected (row Havana, and for mile low, by elf AR LES (New) In Walnut street, DetorrSecond, and Second Story, Intniturc B. Krri: z l / 4 GO. . - FURNITURE, BETAMIO, &a. No. 418 Oates l`19) WALNUT et. rtaltaPlpn , - A new i.nd superior style of Aping Beds. LIM B. East. I men WALToI uuol soap anb i i VA.P AND CANDLES. IMOW AL from 187500 Tll YOUIIIBI to toy Mertufactory, 10 ouS 13 RF.I,IIIF 81111:1".T, bc• to•ern Lotobssst and Beutb, Fad Vivra sad tFeeetel street,. Thankful to my numerous fr nada for their past favors, I tenet' a toatintonaeo of the rovve, bat lug enlarged my Manutactny so an to suable me to Mao COLLO:MUT to hand a faro stock of vell.seasoued &mpg, fr., from Fish WI; Yalta, Variegated White trolley, Castile and all hinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Ohre Soap newt! , Material, soitied rata, and Brown Soap, .EngUsti Sal. Hods. and Pearl. March, Sparta, Adamantine, and Tall., Candies of all 0(100 constantly on hand. nal to,: adopted the caht aystem, I am enable , ' to hall toy goods at the lowest prices, P. CONWAY. Philadelphia. N. 13.—Caeh paid for Tallow and fircaso, no I drim £tnti~nrrn BLANK BOOKS AND STA'rIONERY. "awn) M. UOUdY, Blank Hook Manufsetuier, Stationer Mid Printer, WALNUT Street, la prio pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves tr make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Mae, Public Offices Merehnots, and others, of the tient quality of English or American Paper, and bound in vatieuv Myles, to the most bllbhtnutiett Orders fur JOB PAINTING of every ile,criptien. Engraving and Lithographing eAreuteil with neatness and deepateh. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri. can Stationery. Concerning Mr. liegan's contribution to the Franklin fnatittite, the Committee nay—" This display of blank books for banking and mercantile one It the beat in the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the Iturktnanship meat excellent, and their tinish nod np. pearanee neat and apprupriete.` , ordin. lama co IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT-- NEW OAB CONEUMING YTJUNAOB CHILSONS NEW CONE EURN.WE, after having been put to the wont assets tent, during the two OOLD WISIZAS or 1856 min 1867, hat proved to be the moot potecrfia healer in the teored,lo etng front ji to jf the! tie) over any or the beet furnace); now in use. Taxes YoRNAOrS ere constructed with a cant Iron eel, pit, and a broad, shallow pan.uhaped Bre pot, lined with flre•brlok or iron stvree. The tire pot Is eurxnount. ed with . . . • • • A SERIES OP COMM oe TAPERINO RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to small apet , twee at the top, 004 uniting with the smiler chamber, through which the heat and smoke VOOl to the due. Tire WHOLE producte of combustion in the form of soteke and miens, era suspended directly over the Ore eosetsen or compressed into th e tapering Conan 00:1IINUALLT HlPOtlkto 60 the direct action of the rays of beat and light from the Ore. This bent and light is brought to a /001:01 I IlOb 00114, not unlike the COLLECTION OP TIM BUN'S BATH, tor. tocalpoint through an ordinary lane, cawing the (MOVIE LND GABISS to become intensely boated And tho• roughly 006181:3111P, by title operation the eltore AND al,Sts are MAIDS Stip ALLy aratnatto; irlth the ➢Cab ITSELF for heeting ;ammo!, Whlle, la other furzmoN, it 19 °AIMED Ore Jail) ITMSTKCI 01131 PAT. All peraons desiroun or obtaining the bent and N.1013T LOONOMIDAL 11.1.1ATINO "ArDARATUR, Mould sat fall to examine the Nan , 049 VONAVHING Coca ruarGton before pnrchneing any other. The at tention ot architet,te bniitters to particularly re. guested. ARNOLD h WILSON, teneeessora to 8. A. Barrie:on.) No. 425 WALNUT Ettr;ret, Opposite Independence Nome. 14ato, Capo, SULLENDER It PASCAL, lIATTBRB, No. t BIXTLI atroet. YhtloelolstlS Pariminrc QUAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARB, RIVET IRON, Manufactured at FOUNTAIN 0 lIILEN ROLLING DILL, on the Schuylkill, nhoce Spring 6anL n WhtsT Works, WAREHOUSE, /03 North WATER Street. QEARER CITY NAILII are Trampled mos! to any made. 70ITti ITAVOIMAIP, Agent 1111103fAS E. BAXTER.-lIARDWARE 01:ITI,DAY AND TOOID, No. 910 WARM` T. hove Nioth. tenth aide, Philadelphia as 1-dui 1 111E d D ijri Ci al4i t a 4 .c 13 th R e lt in 144 07 3 t 1 P - Owor P fu t Ta . tr ° on i g (l itt : t f it e er . for weak hinge and general debility of the age ; a aura cure for Dyspepsia, whether acute or chronic, Low Spirit!, 6 , 0. Price 11 per bottle, or $10.60 per dom. Wiltrillited pure. Imported exprresty for 00, Agents" for the United gtatet. Wholesale 1tru741,0, It. W. for ! , ec.ott‘t abt Crean, Wo refer, by sotromillon, to the following memberm of the Medical amity, st to the purity and chemical etantlard of thin llrundy• C. P. KoSchliao, M. It. Fourth, tbore 'roomy. Oboe. IL Taylor, it. f)•, Fourth, chor e uroa•n. Chan• it. Itobertn, SI. L , Third, below Frooklin. Wihon P • Cagey, M. 1)., Fourth, :Above Themp‘on 3, K. Knorr, M. D., Froat tb;tre Poplar , . (lei) At -Ia,UBLICL.c.MP S.—TIIE PUBLICIS respectfully informed that Oldeoshare been opened by the Matriet Superiutandeuts of public Lighting, at which citizens are requested to gilt a Information respect. ing accident& 11'11101 rosy happen to the roblio Lantos or of any failure In lighting or eating uiehlng them at the proper tine; or if not properly rdeanert and la good lighting condition, The 'looks will to kept by Yoheph Bally, No. SOB Wharton ht., 'kited Ward; Ottarles °arty, 2dipt. of 2d dlatrlct, No. t Ilaineh ht. above Sixth; Miran Kirk, N 0.1438 llotakinsoa etract, Twentieth Ward; at. Deklionir, No, 22:4 Coates areot, Fifteenth Ward; Thaw. V. Bowlby, Oita Twenty.VourthlYard, (Went Thiladelphla;) Al. 11. kl , Fadden, (law Othea, Twentyfierond Ward, ((lerolautown;) 'Wm N. Market, Om Qilice, Twenty-Third Ward (krunkfold,) and at the Gig Ofiloe In 90renthstreet, below Market. Ey order of the Trustees of the Thiladelphia gee Welke. A. Z. KITE, ool.Cos Superintendent of Piotribottoo. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST 00R a-4 PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSDRANCH COMPANY, Northeast Cartier of THIRD and DOOR Streets. Capital, $612,725.03. INJURES LIVES for abort terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and andowroenlis—pur chum life interesta la Real Emma, and makes ebb 'contracts depending on the,,cootiogoneles of Life. They act as .Hreetaors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. lay:vars. Daniel. L. Miller, Samuel P.. Stoke., Ilftlißllllll Coates, William SiMil 11. Richard $ Newbold, Jarnes B. McPactenl, Willlain P. Hacker, Joseph It. Trotter, William U Kern, James I:uaton, Samuel 0. Uuoy, . Theovbilue Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Gtheurel A F,..,,i, r , Henry CI, TOlsllMontl, Daniel L. Itutchtte , m, It alelphus Kent, John W. Honor, Witham IL Gale, Ellis S. Archer, Edward T. Mutt, teL J. CIA ristinn, NVlllism ]tuber tam:, ..fueeph M. Thome, Warner M, Realm John G. Brenner, I'. It M khler, Easton. 'DANIEL L. MILL.ER, President SAMUEL E. STOIOII3, Tice t'rea't hew W. ThilkOlt. Neretur. n13 , /,' 110WAlt 0 k'IRE AND MARINE IN ii.i. St ItANCIt COMPANY—CI:Me No. 401 ITAI,NtIT Street; Plittsdelvhia. The fellow:11g statement a the sitalra of the eon:patty II ytthtio-he.i in conformity w ith e provision of Its elm ter : T.:m.lmm Rabb:Awn pitot inuas 1, IRA, V. Auousr fl, UM'. . . Fire proud LIMA, Nbrito. Verpetuhl premium,' Total amount prouilllMA tolitn Yarned fire rein( umm '2C, ( 171 Ettriovl marine preinlutng IF,,pg; ‘ --14),079 bedttet return premluton Net earned N(arin, 105+.4 pAI , I lire Ir/owl; ritl4.•• • $,t):1) 11 Salvage re eel re:l, 7.7631 57 Interest re ceived, —4,XJI 67 e .Insur ance 2,971 52 —8,063 66 03,633 70 ----- Earensca far commissions to agents, abatements in lieu of ecdp, salaries, office rent, furnishing office, booke, Illa tions:7, de 0,), -tit 67 Prat and lons 63 40-111,2 11 3 9 -- Ket proit 1L1,916 8 .16AY,TA. 1.7,01 on hnni.......11'2,610 FP pills ,c,lcslls 110,207 02 llt t lbis and mot Ixages10:),t)00 0 Stocks 202,100 00 Stock notes 11)1,000 00 Pus I,y .itrnte awl others 22,1112 03 —_,— 1714,0915 01 DIRECTORS., P. M. Poitn, WTll.'l , , Louh, C. E. Spangler, It. T Ransil, Abraham Hex, It. H. Mutton, Wm, IL {Purvis, Jon. R. Withers, 0 vorge 11tmeil, Alrraltam P. EJrza, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Halve, 0 U. Moser, Elmira F. Nnltsm, John W. Sexton, John 11. Lessard, Herman Haupt, ,times E. Ettics, Nathan 11. Potts, 11. 11. Shlittparord PhRCIVATt Si. TOTH, President 0. E. SPANOLSR, Vice President. W. H. Wound, Peeretnry. 0022 E. T. KICCOIL. TCV2411107 FIRE IN;IVRAN z OE. SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM. PANT. CAPITAL 1.120,000, PAID IN L I ASN• AND ST.OURSLY RiVEATED, minor, N. W. CORNER. OF 81.XT11 AND WOOD STS. , SPRINQ GARDENA CLIARTNIL PZTUAL, LOSSES. PROMPTLY PAID. L'iRROTONA. lobo R. DohnerL Ileory M. Phil. e, Derid Woolpper, Lowia SlinnArk Benjamin Mario, lobo LaodeD, John Xmas, dr /141, Attley hi. ?ark, William 11. Woo . James Darnell, ;oho D. Sitoreomon, Jacob B. AN/34m0, Corwin Sterdtlard, Henry Homer, Shoe . D. Tillinbaat, o.orge K. Chtlslß. JOHN IL POIINSIIT, Pronident, L. KRUSIBITAAN, Secretary. Rapt 21-17 IJEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.— OFFICE 414 WALNUT fit, Franklin Butllinge. FIRE' AND MARINE INSURANCE OAPITAL 110 0 ,000, Wino PRIVILEGE foINCREAtiIe TO 600,000. Thie company le now. Billy organ rod, and rrepext4 to make ell kinde of Ineureneo agefriat form or damage by Fire and Marine Perils. at entreat viten. OFFICERS. IL 0. LAEGFILIN, Preatdlnt. RICIIARD eutstns, Viet Preeiderl. GEO. SCOTT, Secretary DMEOTORB. oaorge W. C. Ototombtui, R. M. Celine, 0.0. Butler, Oleo. k. , cott. fenlol 11.0. Ltughll.o ; ll.Bharwood, IVEn, Osboroe, Ilichard Phlulds, T . F. Shewell, Perttos, Eaten*, Jupiter, Convert.:ante'', THE QUAKER CITY INSURANC COMPANY, Mee 408 (late 92) WALNUT Bt. Capital and Surplus, $260.000. This Company continues to male Rat:trance evilest too or damage by rue a.r.A the Perth of the Bea, Inland Mitigation and Transportation. at currant rates, OfP.lol.ltB, Urealient...-13.E0. U. /URI' Vice kreeident—E. P. UOOB. Secretary and Treaeurer—li. R. conanutz. Amiatant eaoretary—e. It. DOUR& Z0T08.9. George H. Hart, H. P. Rose, A. C. Hatton, Jok,pll Edwerde, John G. Dela, Hon. Henry M. Puller, Potter B. Perkins, John IP. Charnbere, en 8-ly Tir3 A RCTIC7 A NY, MN YORK.—Otfice, N'n 29 Well etrerst, ert.. Joining the Hechenlce , Henk--..tvh tz0,006, erkik a surplus 'nil Company (neve kulldlnge, Her• theneite,Yarnlture, Vreeela In pert and their Carctoe, and other property, egnipst Lose or Damage 17 Fire end the Rieke of Inland Nervatlon. DillgOTo4B. _ _ Henry Grinnell, Joehun L Tope, Caleb Barstow, Rohm R. Graaf*, henry 0. Brewer, Barmy Pell,. Ethane.] Pencola, 0 H. Lilienthal, Ranson K, Corning, Th , n, Futbscuue, it. Ogden itaggerty, Rlisha E. Morgan, Thomas Nonagon, Abut R. Van Neel, John H. Earle, William A. 0 , 7, Albert Ward, Thomax P. Neteen, Charles Easton, Jatnea W. Bblllire, Louis Lona, Charlet, A. Macy, Ramuel G.(lliddan, /Award Blucher), Rt4b. Carnbre'epg, Wm, S. Pheiard, Thomas Scott, Charles], Brest. aobu Ward, Lothrop L. liturg.ea, Henry K. Bogert, Wlllinm R. Foal/lc/1, Baler Elea, timer Thayer, Depjangn 11. Field, Gen. R'estfel4t. A. It. Frothlughave, Zalram Tailor, 'thee. V. Younga Henry K. Blossom. ' Pginni.ll L. /Make], ALBERT WARD, Frealdent. RIPIL1)7) A. 'NILS'', Secretary, au 10.1 y AFANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE .11-1 L CORPANY.—Chai ter Perpetual. Granted by the state of Penneylvania. Capital, 1100,000. Pk", Aleaine, and Inland Tranepertation, oiasorona. Aaron P. Lippincott, Charles Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Yield, lames P. Pinyth, Wm. B. Thomas, J. Familia Bank, Wm. Newt, John P. Plmons. AARON B. LIPPINCOTT, President, WM A. RHODES, Vice President. mainEn WEEKS,Pecretery. J. W. MA it T/EN, P.urrefor. 1 . 1i19 Co.o,pary ties orgeillzkd with a mash ospital, and the Directors hare determined to adapt the bueinese to Its arailabie resources—to observe prudence in conduct. tog its affairs, with is prompt adjustment of °loco No. ID Merchants , Kgshauge, PhDadetphia, !VIM MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSU -11. RAZ‘ZO: COMPANY OF PHILAIDELPiIIA.—Pfnes No. 2.: - 2 WALNUT Street, oppoalte tbe Nachangc. RINX RISKS on Vemelc. Dargorc, and Yte4tita. IN LAND TRA:iIiFORTATION LUDO, per Railroad'', 014111111 t, Baato. and other carriage's. ALL TILE PROFITS divided annually among the Ai. eared, and ample aeturity in awl of loan. Igdward 'Barris Hiles, Thomas T. Butcher, john M. Odenhaliner, Algernon E. Ashburner, Mahlon Williamson, Allred Paseitt, Samuel J. Sharpies, Thomas 3. Poster, loam, :saws, Gustavus English, Henry Precut, James 11. Stroup, Edward G, James, Alfred Slade, William L, Springs, A. G. Cattail. Franklin 0. Jones, Charles B. Carslairs, Daniel haddock, Jr., Samuel Robinson, William Taylor, John, O. Reiter, James Murphy,. / /Olin P. Steiner, Wm. F. tsmlol, heart'lareubo, A. J. Antelo, r Wm. 1 Caner, Earallei L. reutzborg. ZONVAND HARRIS MILES, riteßect. ALFRED FASIIITT,'VIee Pießident. dine a. Mir Rs, Secretary. tal-ly /71 - IA - 11T - ERVArrllllESifiriafirlik N./ INSURANCE COMPANY or ITARTYOIID, CONN. ono:, Cap tai saoomo Loreea in Philadelphia and vicinity adjusted at the PABadeipAio Office. By fusee we refer to B. B. Drown & Co. Phila. floe. Joel Jones, Phllk. Chn.froos L stont k. ( 1 0.,'" Hon. Ruins Choate, Boston hacker, Lea & Co. ', lion. T.. 3. Williams, tlarVd We have facilities for p suing Roy amount of 'ma nure to the moot relish:, C'ompnalre. I'IIILAGELPIIIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Y, No. itia (at .No. 145) CHESTNUT ST. TUOMITON ic 11001), Agents, DEULADELPIDA TYPE FOUNDRY-- N. W. Oor. TIIIUD awl CHESNUT Sts. L. rzr,ouzE tc. SON, thankful for tlo liberal pa. tronnge heretofore accorded to their Nettblithment, and (tantrum to merit Its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publiehers that their new SPECIMEN BOOK Is now ready, and from their 'messed facilities, are now prepared to furnish emery thing riecersary In complete Printing Eatablishment, at the aborted no. Coo. Their long practical experience In the business, sad the fact of their 'lemma aupertntendence 'or the mannfacturlng department, Justifies them In 81,0:ling that they can furnish a more durable and better tln. Imbed article than thole cotemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Idaterle4e, would do well to apply to them prorlotte to rural:ulna eleswhere, OR type taken at 9 mate per pond, In et charge for new at spa:ln:lea pritea. anl•tt 'WONDERS OF THE AGE-LIGHT, LIMIT FOR ALL—PETERS A. SIIROPE, Patent Non.llsplordon Self-Grterating GAS LAMPS is 300 t the thing to s uit all. Price $1 60 up ; all may have superior Light be ceiling at their Pepot. Tide Letup Is tt,iaptert to all platen and purposes, and only requires a tried to test Ito advantsgee over ell other,. The Letop forms its own gee. Our Patent Burners coo be fitted to el NI , ordinary Fleet Lamp, w.th little expense, without the leant pesr.ble danger. Alt are invited to rill and examine (r themselves. Toe tr, County, and State rights for sale. The proprietors are In want of Agents, git ices a MD ellaUte to make money, PETERS fk SLIROPE, Gas Lamp Repot, n0 34 - 31 n 123 S.ontli 4th rt , Mow Chestnut, Phi }.OVER S 1 F.D.-NOTICT (sfafil SYLVANIA FARMERS AND STOREKEEPERS. The lindeo•igued aza now prepared to purchase for Cash, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Penns:. ivanlo atorekeepers and farmers, by sending samples to our schism ' can, at all times, ascertain the price et %Well we are buying. Portico wicblog torroPies, by which to be governed co to quality, ran bare them sent by mall, by addressing us. J. & GO, seta IMF 43 North Front, and 44 Water etreeta ---- r4IIE-AP-SLIMMER PHEL.-GAS COKE, lJ or exeetienrquallty. is sold at the PRILADELPIitA OAB WORKS for the minced price of die cents, a bushed, and miry be obtained is large or small quantitv by ap. plying at the Gas Office, No. 20 South Si:VI:NTH Street. To Purchaser! , by Wholesale, it 10 sold at the Works, in Elect Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An thracite, a W. 60 per ton. (Sigittel,), .1. O. OrtiffiSON Engineer. POILA DELPRIA iiAll WOll2l, Aug.:ls, 'EI. imam! j)IOSS--17 Lo inontante Qrompanica t: ,". ) pl ZIT "SI 6.: I tl.) 101 MA 58 D. W. Baler, Oharlon 0. imlay, Wm. D, Lewin, Jr., J. L. Pomeroy , AirDalt B. etkombeni, U. B. Coggetiall: Pamurl. Jones, 51. D., A r.Cheesbrousk. 11=7:1 ee Cateßea Moss, tor sate by MARTIN AtAOALISTBA, 119 No rtbl9stei Must. fitrilroab tints. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE BREA? CENTRAL BOUTE„ connecting the At. lantic.Ctiee watt Western, North-western„ and Boa% "astern Staten, by continuous Railway direst. Tbts Road also connects et Pittsburgh with daily hoe of steamers to all ports on the Western Ettore, and at Oloveland and *Sandusky with Steamers to all ports on the North-western Lakes ; making the most DIREOT , cIiEd.PEBB and RELIABLE ROLlnlay which raigbt can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WESt. FLATUS BETWEEN I'IIILABELPRIA AND PITT& BURGH. Plata OLies--Doote, noes, Gals, and Gaps, Books, DU Goode, Op Boxed Dales and trnnke), Drugs, (in ii,axes and bales) Feathers, Furs, _ere per Its P.SCOXII Cues--Domestie Meeting, Flitting and Ticking, ( In original hales), Drugs On ilardware, Leather, Liquor, On casks,) Wall Paper, Wool, and Fheep Pelle, tastword, pet IX" Its Titian Cl.abs—Ansits, Chains, On tasks), Hemp, Baron and Pork, Pelted, (loose or In seeks), Palate, (dry and In oil ) (except lard nod ass pet 171 FUSJ2TfI CLEet—Codes, Fish, heron, Beet, and Port, (In coke or boxes eletwerd),Lard andLarA Oil, Nails, Rode Ask, Garman Clay, Tar, V (telt , F. 410, ISlanufacturi,l To• iseco, ft,in Oil, gotoetlaerea,, dusar (hlidt btis , oLd bvar.s,) &0., tar 0)1 per 100 it I PLl , Cra—n per bbt , until further nc,tlee. liaalS-45c. pee lOU ' nrstst tor her Corro, , —F.l per bats, nut exceeding Its. weight, until further noose. In ablvping Ontotd from any point Iladt of Ptt phi It, be particular to tuna r an yfraa ia lin auur! , AU 604411COUPigteel to Ike Agento of thif Rood, at Philadelphia or 2 ittabiargli, will be forwarded without detention. ,7471f3 1,1 YrumalL A Co , Chl cago ; Packer & Co, Mealy) Tenn ;R. P. Nava A Co„ El. Lana • ;P. G. o . laley A; , Evansville, Indiana; IN tn. Bingham, Kentucky.; It C. Me dram, Idwizeon, Jodi/Ina; U. W. Brown A CO., SDI J r MI. • no., Cincinnati; 11. B. Pierce & Co., Zenescille, 0111 o; Leech & Co , No. &I Kilbyrtreet, Boston; Leech CO. No. 2 Astor Masa, Nese Tack, No. 1 Witham el. New 'Pork; E J. Eneeder, Philadelphia ; lltagraw at KODEII4, Baltimore; B. A Stewart, Pittsburgh. 11. fl. nocarkm, General Preight Agent. It. J. LOUII&EIST, den- Euperialendent. A &conc.. Yll f .4 :aft e'd Savzitgo Snubs CAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREST—NATIO:siAL. 2.kiTAY Vint' CO3t- PANI.--ANALSOT FITtkIET 1303TILWEST CORNER OF Tine,o, PHILADELPHIA iNCOAPJHATSO or ruaßrars or PEVSOTLY47Ik . . Money Is received So any stn, Large or swan. sod is torsst paid from the day of deposit to the (ley of with Irswel. The offtee to °ypee❑ every day [rota Oo'cleek the /nnralng till o'clock In the evening, mad o❑ Monday en I Thurrlay eveninge WI 9 o'clock 110. N. YbaRV b Preeldent. 91:L9111N-1N, Vice r 114.4,711. W. J. MILD, Secretary. DlBlVirrthlta Hon. Henry L. 090130 f, O. Landreth r.l.anns, kaward L. Carter, F. Carrot! Brewster, fl Bert Selfridge, loeeph B. (tarry . , Baud. R. Aehtoo, Henry G. Churchmen, Jame., D. Smith, Vrerele Lee. honey le retaive4 and Iviyinv ate 1213 ie deify. The inventinente are *wade In conformity with the provisions of the Charter. in REAL ESTATE PIORT• fIACIES, GROUND 'RENTS, and 6,lth fret rinse securi• toe ad a 11l always insure perfect fatuity to the deponi• tors, and which cannot tail to Os potuisneocy and eta. Wily to thin Institution. IVO. 83 (211) DOCK STREET.— FITE LI PER CENT. STATE SATINOS PEND. %JO. 8:3 (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE £Y.It CENT. ETATY. SAVINGS FOND. (241) DOCK STREET.— FITE 11 TEFL CIENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. IVO. 83 (211) DOCK STREET.—FIVE LI TETI CENT. STATE SAYINGS FUND. and-ly Itlatbinern anb iron PENN STEAM ENGINE AND /ML- A KR WOREB REANEY, NEAFIE & CO., PRACTICAL AND TIIEOItY.TICAL INGINESDfI, ISACIDINISTS, DOILER.MAKERS, BLACK. 8511111 S AND VOLINDERS. flaring for many years been in ant cessfd operation, and been excluelrelp engaged to banding end repairing Marino aol Biter $o Ines, high and low pressure, lmo IkAt3, Water Smoke, Propellers, &d., reepeefully offer their eerricea to the pithitt, as befog bully prepared to contract for Engine , ' or all Elie*, Marine, /firer, and Elfeilor.anr. flaring Rea of pattern, of different aizoa, are prepared to execute ozdere with quick deepsteb. Every description of Pattern-toaking mode at the ahortest ootioo. nigh and Low Preccure, Pine, Tabu. lir and Cylinder Pollen!, of the best Pennsylvania char t:OM Iron. Yorgloga of all til.3 and kloPel Iron and Drees Castings of all deveriptlona; Roll Turning, Berm Cutting, and all other work rotustated with the above basintece. Drawings and aptchlcatlons for all work done at that: establlahmeat free of charge, end work guaranteed. The eabecribera Lave staple wharf dock room for Ye pair.) of beata ? where they can lay In perfect aafety, and are presided with .)hear.), blocks, Ms, the , hc., for rasing hoary or thibt weights, THOMAS B.f:ANFW, JACOB G. NEArlit, JOLIN P. LOVT, ant•) BEAM and PALMY.P. Stomata, Boaslnto's Betrle6l4 T. MUIPIeI. f. eIeGELIIf FE= QOUTIMARK FOUNDRY, Tina AND WASHINGTON OTHISTS, MERRICK 1 4 4 SONS, AND maantartnts nigh Anatole Pressure Eteetri Engines, for Land. River, and Marine service. Boilers. isesometers, Taste, Iron Boats, ho., Cart ing' of nil kinds, either Iron or Brans. iron frame roofs for Can Work*, Workshops, Mimed Ftations, ko. Beretta sad Gem Machinery of the latest and moot improved °nostrum ton. Irety deocription of Plantation machinery, each as pupa, Paw, awl Grist .11111. Vacuum Pans. Open Pies= 'resins, Defe•tetora, Filters, Pumpirig Engines, kn. Bole Agents for N. Patent Sugar Wog Apparatus; Nes:nyth's Patent Steam Dimmer; J. P. Doss' Potent tube Mullon for Blast Machinery rine, Etssert Pumps. enporintondent—B. DARSOL. 4.4'14-11-1511-Art—Y/ 11X1111 13ORRIS & 80N, LOCIARI- A- 1 6 TIVI4 STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS. si7ISTIHINTA iITEEST, /IAIIILTO7I, tentl - Rw Ayr) EirXtit4 0.4-RONN StRISkrE, PIIILAIM,PRIA. Primed eaelttelvely la the meat/Ude of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES, Menteracture to order Lototnottees of any leranye• mat, weight or espeetty, for the nee of Wood ar Cret. er hi'ertortvecus Coot trt crude Von', or AtitttßACti'S COAL. 5178007 tolnrrimo empire, Ilse oil tile. In design, material and rorktnanship the Locome tivea produced at these Works are Kota to, end not ex aelle4 by any. The materials wed coastradiea are made en the spot, ant beanie the beet quality and meat reliable stock. 'the 'Wage extent of Shope, and Com• eets Fple,pmtat'of.,Machintry and Troia, enable them to ezecate the BEST OF WORE' WITH GREAT DESPATCH, Mr ANT ARRANBZISSNT REQUIRSD• CHILLI:I) CAB WIIEE,LS,AIM:RED Ann, With Partings of any niso or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINOS, And At WORK gonereliy. stcßenn 20111116 IVANTED, FOR TIIE UNITED STATES OAVAl.Rl—Able.bodied, unmarried men, to whom will bo given good rip, board. clothing, and entdlcal attendance. lay from UR to t.:l per month No men having a wile or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No. 817 MARKET erect aborb rigNlh, north W.. a, S•Sm+ WAN TED.—AI7IO3IE STEAD FOR $lO !—Tbird Division.-- 310.000 worth of Farms and Building Lot., in the yogi re:two of Culpeper enmity. Tergtnia, to be divided amongst auti.ii.ribers, on the 7th of December. 1g57, BO seript lone onir ten 4OUJrs down, or biter') Gnats, otie. half down, the refit on delivery et the deed. livery autism her will get is Betiding Lot or x farm, ranging le value from 110 to 1.2.5,0G0. These farina and lots are sold in cheep to induce eettlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase in the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now ailed. bJp wards of 1.5.30 lots and farina are already Bold, and S company of settlers celled the " Rappahannock Plorieer Aesoniation" is now terming and wilt noon commence settlement. Ample arientlty wilt be given for the faith tut performance of contracts and promisee Nearly 45,001 acres of land. in different parts of Virginia. new at command, and will be geld to settler. at from $1 up to 1;if10 per acre. lingirotioeatte titles mitt is ell rains tr vee». Itiovel.cutters, coopers, farmers, SA., ore leon red, and tiv o hundred Agents to obtain stivisfribers, to whom the most liberal inducement. will be given, Ame *gentle Write that they are making 1200 per month, or full particulars, eubscriptions, agencies, 4c , apply ILUIPIIR, aa24-tt Port Royal, Caroline county, NOTICE.—CHESTNUT STREET 01111KIE. 31 AND ESTIMATES fora Bridge over the Blest Bchuylkill, on the line of Chestnut attest, in the City of Vhdadelphle, will be received by the Chief En. gsneer and dursre..er. at the DEPART:O:NT OF °2:R• VEYB, City Building, FIFTH street, ne , ‹,er worm!, until the tycoon day of January, Dia. Bald Bridge to be et the felbrring dhnsnelons. without any Ater. or with not more than one pier In the water-way i the materials cf couctruction throaghout to bo Indestructi ble by too. Distance between abutments 3iß feet Width of Itrldgo, out to out, not less than.. 42 Elevation above low valor 37 For an etch the springing lino should not be less than eleven feet above low water, The Plato and Estimatea will be teceived under the arrangement and ronditiona spent:led In the ordi nance of Councils, approved November Id, ea fel lows, via : Seer tos ''. That all plena and estimates tote reeetred by the Chie f Eagineer and Surveyor of the City of l'hila dciphis, cacti plan and estimate to bear a private mark, and be accompanied by a sealed coraranoicatfen hav,ng a correapondmg mark thereon, so that the name of the designer may not he known ontil the plan meet en proved aball lases been selected. ScOreos J. That all etch plans and eve:males Mail, when received, become the property of the City of Eblla. delphla, end emit be presented within two months after the lcutsage of title ordinance, ahoy it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer awl Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on earreye and Ilernatlons, to Invite a coloruisalen, oonsisting of three civil engl. neers, who, in conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall minim) and decide upon the relative merits and unpile:Lb:My of the plena presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report; to Cannella the number of plena received, the names of the designees, and the diameter and estimated cost of the three plans hr them preferred, 4, l ecrien 4 It shali be the duty of the Chief Commis. slower of Dighonte, upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chef Engineer aril Surveyor, to Issue warrants In payment of the coot of the aforesaid elver tleamenta, and also in favor of those persona who may have presented the three plans preferred by Hata MD tOt.,,ODO,; to the first In point ti merit, the sum of SON; to the aecond. 5/50, and to the third 0100, said warrants to be charged to Item :No. 19 of appropriation main to the Department of 111 . ghwaya, . for the year ISA approved ) larch 10, 1 For farther information. or for Ett , t, ee , tion et river, . . . witiresi KNEAS:7 , , chid Engineer an ,9urveyor City of Philela un.,ltjan3 1111 A ROII A 1" OR PROTO4RAPIIII3 IItINIATCRI 3I . II OIL, N. corner of CIO ItTli tad Lorin. The above pictures t, fcr essrotialfp from nnythlog ever Wore offered to the public. That Portrkeng, awl truth of color and outline. eitrsortinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, insole, of ocee , ilp, the pentest fidelity of ri , 4eul) , lrmee; chile the nererity of the or . d ee ) to w hi c h they are enpro , e , l In manipulation mustily nettles the onesPon of their permanence. These facts enable the nutsicieber to Offer theta, with the pretest satinfection end confidence, to the pubile and to hie Mends, They are meetired by lettere Went to, and can be had ONLY of S. D. ItAlteltANT. tr.i" Purtre.its fit th e citbfact, lira the ou eattrax sa lat.rt,tc,f.ro, to 16,3 m Y IN GAS wt., best (lass Regulators ever offered for Flee Dol lars. Vor veto by the WATERMAN GAB KUMLA.- TOR CO)IPA:i Y, no2o.lta ==l WILLIAM P. ROVALL, let Lieut. 2d. Regt. et estalry, Recruiting Officer 603 OIEBSTNIIT Iltzset. *kilted!". PENNSTIMANIA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, ISST. ion PIPPSRL'HOR. not. Cincinnati, /it. Loves, loat City, Lordarllle, New Orleans, et. Pail, Indianapolis Cleveland, Kansas, Terre Rana, Chicago, * Nebraokr, doming don resnectitms with all Ihs Cheat IVot. ova R4ilveads. LE.P.tial AND DEPARTCRE DP TES TIEBODOR TRAIN°. At aod from the Pannsgivanie Batt mad Passenger StAtion smith-east tether of ELEVENTH stet MAR RET streets {entrance on Eleventh street.) LEAVE PEULADELPIII& FOR P VTTBDCIIOS AND WESTERN CITIES. DWI Train at IVI ill. K. Flat Line at J. 65 P. It. Express Hail st 110+1 Itlgh!, Columtto P. It Liao tetras for Itorristurg.Tit 173 " krubtn at 2 30 P If. ARRIVE PROU PITTSRCRGR AND ITUTERN . CITIES !tail Train 1.1'2 00 WO: Fast Lice at dOO 1.3 d Exp...”a •t 1 00P. M c0.u...5f5 P. It. Line seri ee.l tray Rareithare, tie C tumble. at 7 Z.O F. M. The Fayieed Start rut daily, the other train*, 1101.it* days excepted. Baggage wilt te received at the Pitil3nger popot t!lit the I,la ‘ rg,ble Natter. at any Uwe during the dal charge 1, handling berme. Nivars.—ln rase dt' 112:56, the Compact will L',43 tbemxtdrea reeNdeible roe percent haritaae :all, sat for an amount not eteeediroi Norzer.—Ormibiloes Witt be in yea - lint...a at ths York repot to corirey paprea;tre for the Vit+t the Ceriovlvanla Railroad rtatida. TROXIAS 3100 RE. Arat. Ptaaanget. Line Pendaylvadis Rattroed tv. Philytetptifa,;',"evernlier "1 1607. fp') WESTERN TRAVELLERS. MING AND SUMMER ARRANORMYSTic NORTIIERN CENTRA.L EA/L6"A TWO PAILT TRAINS Flti)%l BALTIMORE TO TT, I / 1 1.3t01f AND WIAT. On sad after June Ist, 15.71, TKO BAILS TRAINS will (cave Calvert Station for Pitti.bunili and ell 'Nett. era acid Soath or North wectcre cltiea NORSIXer )(Air. TRA Lcf Leaves Baltimore daily (Son./cy ezeeTted, at a 15 A 51. connecting with the 51.1 Trainor.. r tye tireae wean- Railroad, and arriving in Pittabnr,g'n at I 7.9 A. )1. 71113 AFTLILVOON L'XPRAtn' TRAIN' Leaves JlaJUmore daily (ywnAs? wtiolito4) at 3 P. 31. for Elarrlsburg. THE ?HORT EXPREiS !Tits (,area Doltltuor , EVERT NIGHT at 10 r. cos neonnw with the Lightteins. Express crop the Peronerl. 'anis RsitrosA for Pittsburgh, erriring at 1.29 P. 311 (Fr All tbeso trait). connect eloaely at fhttohns3 with trains orsr the rittrtargA . Fort IVayu If an! l'hitoso Roitroil , and its Northern, Southern and Ireltern ccarirkttiomg. Puer•ragere tot Vlllsago, Rl,* Mara, hort•mg tora„ lona City, Illituank.o, PaNat, Pt, hatr, 311. - 1 ton, end ciltorlesittng sitira in tho Northwest, will siewb on; h It whoa miles of :to- ei cud tot 4nyrS In Vine, wIS four bar cbaegercf can , by taxis, tan nut., ra.,ongerq for Cierstar.4, tturth.liy, Tolo3o, awl Dstroit, go by this mite, andm t than Ls ruseqnsils4, bell= lb miles rhorter then by any othts font, i . rr Platt ngera for St. Lenin, Irrlianspottil. Torso Haute, Cairo. and all points on the Lower and Eppel' Ml,ri.rin I, watts bete (hanger of rasa, tat arrive is M. ranee of any other spate: and to Ctosirinst i , Colwibo_s, Dorton, Louis:llle, an 4 other pr‘rwlitent citi.s, It qriltit an by any other route. Alt Weetern Baggage CRECKIT TERTCGEI ezt Agivitid with t 0,,. Ftiß THE The I 15 AIL connects doled, with ESVINIA Tr•to over the Dauphin road for it'illimmport. Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and Canada, rtv forming the moat direct railway route to Northateateen Renn.ylvania mid IYeetern Near York. Pa;pangera •t:1 find this the shorhst, cheeped, arid most expetilanat route to Niagara Falls 503Car61t.. Through Ttekete toe fennel to P.Sitsdelptia via Co lunah4s and Lance.stm- by all the trains at 53 etch, este. train having rule cznoectlens. Plie,,ogets by !ler.* Mitt svni3 treseelied bridges, and all the !neon renlentr of ferrying across the S. uagn quoins river Pa tee agars An. Rano rat, Manchester. tlettrebsg, Err trutttharg. Carlisle Chamherebnrw, go by tit tralei 5.16 A. 51, and 3 P. 51. ISEATMINBTER BRANCH The Cars on this mad make one top rar day, teener.: lair with the train at g P. 't For THROUGII TICRI;TS and further Infurnistlare.- apply tt. the Ticket Oct, Calvert Station, N. E. rate! of Calvert and Franklin streets. top2B-tt C. C. A DREOS, Sept. TIVEW YORK LINES.-THE CAMDEN AND AUBOY RAILROAD AND PRILADLinas. AND TRENTON RAILROAD CORPANY'S LINER. PRAIA PUILADELPDIA TO AIN TORE, AND ICA - - Leave as follows, via Fats , At I A 31., from Itenstington DePot. vis City, 01 At 6 A AL., Tit, Camden and Jersey City, New Jer sy Aooommodatien At 6A. IL, via Camden and Amboy, Ac or tree a Ti& Ctunden and Jersey City, Morning Mau a At le A. If., by steamboat Trwaton, vis Tatr,ny and Jersey City, Morning 131. re ...... 0 At 1 P. IL, via Camden sad Amtay, Ct. and A. Pa ress 0 At 6 P. M. via Camden and Jersey City. Restive Stag At 3 P. Si., via Camden and Amboy, A. , :oonamods.. lion, Let Class .. 7 At 3 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Ao.ommods• tion, Zad ales. At S P. St., •sts. Camden an.l Amboy, Ammar...la. lion, lit Wass At S P. IL, via. Camden and Anatroy, Aeconeasaisal 2nd Class Tye 6 P. M. line rani daily, all others Fenders VA eepted. F.:press Lines atop at the pttnalaal stations only. For Belvidere. Easton, Flemington, A. 0., ar 4A. urt I F 31. From Walnut street wharf. For Water Gap, iStraddaborg,Smanton. Wiltaaas.re Itontre,e, Great Deal, tee. at 6 A. If , 114 Deg...aem , Lackawanna at Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 9 A. 31. and 2 P. 24. Per mount Roil, at 3A. M. sad 2X, 8 88 , 8 S r- WAY LLNE.O For Bristol, 'Fronton At. 11:4 Ltd 4 P. 36. LINE' MMiii=ii2lo=l Fteambast RICIIAIW BrOCRION tor Poe!tn.-4.100 , Ilb d Intsrtn , ptseet at :!4 P $.l Steal:owe! TR.E.NIO for Tape at 10 tai 11X M., sa4 4 P. H. AU line% ester% Ile. it., lure *alma Ozve wbuf. 'UV pounds tame, rely slicers& each pas- Nom. rearengere are p.m-65.110d from tale; ray thing es broeregt bet their wearing eypezel. All beg geye met dity pounds to be pall for estre. Sys eVIC, ju,nr limit their terpoosibiltr. for befeerre to one doter per ;mind. and will not bs litalsfor emy )oil $lOO, eloept by special contrezt. WM. IL GATZ.U. YR. Agesk 0,& A. A. IL Cf_i 111111 , A. DE Ll' BSA, GERMANTL O V7:I _a. A.ND:+ORRISTOWc RAILROAD AY.RANUVAIENT.-04 sal allsr MONDAY, oefi , --” , lPta, JEST.. . FOR CrERIIA IC TOWN laato l'lnltrielpbta at 4, 73i,136, QS. 1111 3t ?A 3-10 mits..l, 6,4, 7,9, and 11 LttliTe Germantown at 6.4, z-35 Ho, 4,4, 601 i A 16. 6 1-10, 3-10 tom. S. 6, 0,7,8, and 39 P. 61. 17" The 7 3 o'clock:A Train from Ga.rmtzttown will stop only at likno,Stros6 Station. bS~ST~~P.TFd~ Leave Phile..iphis at 2.22 min. Ni , 2 sa6 e P iEdri kitrmantooin 6'N min A S 1 , .1.2 min r..ml 6 65 min P. M. ItStlirt HILL RAILROAD retztd.g. t his at Th, Rcj s 114, A. , 2.1, P. Leine Chestnut /111/ at 7.1i.1-40an112-10r , 1n A . 6•SV tad Z-413 min. P. M. QS .91.7NPAYP. Lave l'Allvielphig.. D-20 A.ll , 7 end 6ty r m, Lesse Ch.etaut Mil ate A. M.. 1240 en 45,7-0 FOR MANAYDNIC, coNsnonoelaN AND NONR.I3 Lance P111194t1r1319 91 9,i, 9, 11 A. M ,9, IX, 4%, srvi 11 P. M. Lonce Noiristaim at I', 9,11 A. M 994 b iR P SUNDAVii Lest* l'hlle...lelvlvlA at t , A. 31.. U 4 3 P. 31. Lente Nerrie town at 7 A.ll , and S P. IL CHESTER VALLEY ItAILRO..O FOR DOATit.IS.9, Leers PhiThAelphla at d 3.1, M, ILO .IP. M. Les+e Downingtown st , u t 1 P. M SMITII. eaperlatmlent Depot, Ninth sna Green streets, Phlia,leiphis. 7%7 OR TII PE NICSTLYANIA R MLA OAD" • AERAIS4.F.3.IeNT. EATON. ALLENTOWN, 'M AC c C'IIU:VH,ti'iPOYLESTOWII, de On and after Welonadap, Norarober 4th, 1857, a, trains on this road leave PhilsOel;%l(t (lolly (goat lioy esoeptel) as For Bethlehem,tulku, Alleutcolu Mutat. Chank, et 11 tfkc~barre olitrou) at P A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Month Chunk, (El - in tonnection ultb L. T. }t 11. anl. Maga, from Iron 111.11 Station, 'l,ll. P. M. For Do.nleatown . , (Atcommedatima.) at 4 ,111 P. M. For liwynnad, do. et 10 A. M en Tonelny, nod Frilsyn the lO A. 11 tram will von throor(h to lloylerlown, teaciog Pollestcso to (morn at 1 P 31 TRAMS FOR FRILAPSLPIIIA lorare Bethtlem (Exprett,) at P X.)l , end 7.. Vi P. 'A 3.,,ere Dott,ttotto, (Actomottextat:cit,) at 6 ari 4 M. Leßft ti.tintli, ?Q. et 2 I'l P. M. ON SUNDA:VP For From Gwynedd 915 h, Gwynett4 2 `2 , .).F.M, Boylettown 430 P. M. Doylestown 0 OA, lt, tare to Bethlehem 11 FA blanch Chnni 8 tcl wahesbezr. . 4 El DAFBEBBY.It DEPOT, FRONT and WILLOW Ste . Phße ELL/8 CLARE, Agent CTANGE OF 110 RS.—PIIII,ADEL,.. V PIM, WILY.Ltie TON Ala BALT.11.10111: RAP• ROAD. On and Alter Monday, :Nos. al. 18M, ASSING ER TRAMS LRAVE PLULAPRLPRLA For Baltimore at 8 A. BL,I P. H., (Kgprees.) dal ti P. M. For Wilmington st 8 A. At , 1.3.30 awl 11 P. W For Is's,. Cattle at 5 A. sad 3 VI P. M For Middletown at 8 A. M. and I P. DI. For Borer at S A M. sad IP. M. For Seaford at S A. M., and 1 P TRAINS FOR PITILS.D.ELPHIA Le are Baltimore 8.40, Fawn, 11 A. ?I P. Pt Les,. Warninston at 7Z sad 1.1.48 A M., Lai 0.f5 P.:l. Leave Maw Castle at 665 and 1.1.66 A M 1 P.M. Lean 241.1iIttown at 1010 A. M lad I 057 M Leave Doter at 0. 1 6 A M land 6P. 11. Leave Bastard at 7 7"0 A. M. and 2 P. 51 - TRAINB FOR BAL-77:11M1 Leave Witralasteu et 0.15 A. U. 2 P St e.t. ,, 1 II 12 A. 21. 13172;DAYA only at 11 P. H. bozo Vailadep MMEMMEI Freight Trsin, vitt, ruiesger Car ettwl-m, rla as follu , s Pbiladellids for rertyritia ari IrJerme4PAta ... - - pheis et 6 CO P. U. Canto ‘Viltnington for do. do. 664 P. If Leave Baltimore fOr Mitre-Jo-Orono at. 4 P. 2i, no 13..1y e. U. FELTON, Prtedent. Sire proof liafro SALAMANDES SAFES, _.. _ A 'rule a.."1n2111,,D1 of LvANE R WArtONI FHILADE'LPtiII . 1 ./.I.yrTAVZritSD PALANANDER SAFES, vAria ROOF?, io , :tan.l4 end &ores. LAVEA, Equal to err soy la si..ss. IRON DOORS, 2r.RUTT.ERS, On IL* gsc.9 urea as any c(bor eetabliihtsett b tlta Unl tea States, by .EVANS & WATSON, No. 29 South tOURTR ofrest, Philaiskrhia, anlB-13 I'LZAAIt siva is A CALL Eumbcr. LUMBER ! LUMBER 1 !--The who has for several years (+nestled the premises et Slcan , a ?lonia", 31111, Ertstagtou s has removed to COATES STREET MIA Y, adjoining the PhPants Planing 11111, on Delaware arenas, where he Intends 'keeping *large assortment of Carolina and other f bor ing boards, stave, visas, abeirlag, telling, teeming and scaffold hoards, thoroughly atarana6,l sad well vorieJ. VOr Clip at Ile lowest rash prima. purela ear , are It „ sit.,l to tall and ea mine for themselves, Lai ory ef fort wilt he made to sloe astlifsetion. Ordolel reeedlrtd and an plied at The shortest sotto. for stn kinds and elites of Soothe= fellow Ybee, Ttieltet and aeszttlhes. eol•tf B. B. Bgata.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers